import React, { Component } from 'react'; import helpers from '../utils/helpers.js'; import { Redirect, Route } from 'react-router-dom'; class Signin extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { warn: "" } this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); } handleChange(event) { var name =; this.setState({ [name]:, warnColor: "" }); } handleSubmit(event){ const _this = this; event.preventDefault(); // const setAuth = this.props.setAuth helpers.signIn(this.state).then(function(response) { console.log('response after signin: ', response); if(! { _this.props.setAuth(true); } else { _this.props.setAuth(false); _this.setState({ warn:[0], warnColor: "badWarn disappear" }) console.log('Failed to login.'); } }); } render() { if (this.props.isAuth === true) { return <Redirect to="/likes" />; } else { return ( <div className="signin formWrapper"> <form className="form-signin" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> <h2 className="form-signin-heading">Please login</h2> <input type="text" className="form-control inputBar" name="username" onChange={this.handleChange} placeholder="Username..."/> <input type="password" className="form-control inputBar" name="password" onChange={this.handleChange} placeholder="Password..."/> <button className="btn btn-lg likeButton btn-block inputBar">Login</button> <p className={"inputWarn " + this.state.warnColor }>{this.state.warn}</p> </form> </div> ); } } } export default Signin;
import React from 'react'; import pure from 'recompose/pure'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; let CommunicationImportExport = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M9 3L5 6.99h3V14h2V6.99h3L9 3zm7 14.01V10h-2v7.01h-3L15 21l4-3.99h-3z"/> </SvgIcon> ); CommunicationImportExport = pure(CommunicationImportExport); CommunicationImportExport.displayName = 'CommunicationImportExport'; CommunicationImportExport.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; export default CommunicationImportExport;
import React from 'react' import { Field } from 'react-final-form' import { OnChange } from 'react-final-form-listeners' export const WhenFieldChanges = ({ field, becomes, set, to }) => ( <Field name={set} subscription={{}}> {( // No subscription. We only use Field to get to the change function { input: { onChange } } ) => ( <OnChange name={field}> {value => { if (value === becomes) { onChange(to) } }} </OnChange> )} </Field> )
import React from 'react'; var { object } = React.PropTypes; /** * A mixin for components that need to know the path, routes, URL * params and query that are currently active. * * Example: * * import { State } from 'react-router'; * * var AboutLink = React.createClass({ * mixins: [ State ], * render() { * var className = this.props.className; * * if (this.isActive('about')) * className += ' is-active'; * * return React.createElement('a', { className: className }, this.props.children); * } * }); */ var State = { contextTypes: { router: object.isRequired } }; var RouterStateMethods = [ 'isActive' ]; RouterStateMethods.forEach(function (method) { State[method] = function () { var router = this.context.router; return router[method].apply(router, arguments); }; }); export default State;
/** * React (with addons) v0.5.2 * * Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ !function(t){"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):"undefined"!=typeof window?window.React=t():"undefined"!=typeof global?global.React=t():"undefined"!=typeof self&&(self.React=t())}(function(){return function t(e,n,r){function o(a,s){if(!n[a]){if(!e[a]){var u="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!s&&u)return u(a,!0);if(i)return i(a,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+a+"'")}var c=n[a]={exports:{}};e[a][0].call(c.exports,function(t){var n=e[a][1][t];return o(n?n:t)},c,c.exports,t,e,n,r)}return n[a].exports}for(var i="function"==typeof require&&require,a=0;a<r.length;a++)o(r[a]);return o}({1:[function(t,e){function n(t){var e=r(t);if(!e)throw new Error(o('Tried to get element with id of "%s" but it is not present on the page.',t));return e}var r=t("./ge"),o=t("./ex");e.exports=n},{"./ex":93,"./ge":97}],2:[function(t,e){function n(t,e){return t.classList?!!e&&t.classList.contains(e):(" "+t.className+" ").indexOf(" "+e+" ")>-1}var r=t("./invariant"),o={addClass:function(t,e){return r(!/\s/.test(e)),e&&(t.classList?t.classList.add(e):n(t,e)||(t.className=t.className+" "+e)),t},removeClass:function(t,e){return r(!/\s/.test(e)),e&&(t.classList?t.classList.remove(e):n(t,e)&&(t.className=t.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+e+"(?:\\s|$)","g"),"$1").replace(/\s+/g," 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C.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(l),l}}u&&u(t,e,r)}};e.exports=w},{"./EventConstants":15,"./EventPluginHub":17,"./EventPropagators":20,"./ExecutionEnvironment":21,"./SyntheticEvent":74,"./isEventSupported":106,"./isTextInputElement":108,"./keyOf":112}],7:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t){switch(t){case v.topCompositionStart:return C.compositionStart;case v.topCompositionEnd:return C.compositionEnd;case v.topCompositionUpdate:return C.compositionUpdate}}function r(t,e){return t===v.topKeyDown&&e.keyCode===f}function o(t,e){switch(t){case v.topKeyUp:return-1!==h.indexOf(e.keyCode);case v.topKeyDown:return e.keyCode!==f;case v.topKeyPress:case v.topMouseDown:case v.topBlur:return!0;default:return!1}}function i(t){this.root=t,this.startSelection=c.getSelection(t),this.startValue=this.getText()}var 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c,p;if(m?c=n(t):g?o(t,u)&&(c=C.compositionEnd,p=g.getData(),g=null):r(t,u)&&(c=C.start,g=new i(e)),c){var d=l.getPooled(c,a,u);return p&&(,s.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(d),d}}};e.exports=y},{"./EventConstants":15,"./EventPropagators":20,"./ExecutionEnvironment":21,"./ReactInputSelection":48,"./SyntheticCompositionEvent":73,"./getTextContentAccessor":103,"./keyOf":112}],8:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e,n){var r=t.childNodes;r[n]!==e&&(e.parentNode===t&&t.removeChild(e),n>=r.length?t.appendChild(e):t.insertBefore(e,r[n]))}var r=t("./Danger"),o=t("./ReactMultiChildUpdateTypes"),i=t("./getTextContentAccessor"),a=i()||"NA",s={dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup:r.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup,processUpdates:function(t,e){for(var i,s=null,u=null,c=0;i=t[c];c++)if(i.type===o.MOVE_EXISTING||i.type===o.REMOVE_NODE){var l=i.fromIndex,p=i.parentNode.childNodes[l],d=i.parentID;s=s||{},s[d]=s[d]||[],s[d][l]=p,u=u||[],u.push(p)}var h=r.dangerouslyRenderMarkup(e);if(u)for(var f=0;f<u.length;f++)u[f].parentNode.removeChild(u[f]);for(var m=0;i=t[m];m++)switch(i.type){case o.INSERT_MARKUP:n(i.parentNode,h[i.markupIndex],i.toIndex);break;case o.MOVE_EXISTING:n(i.parentNode,s[i.parentID][i.fromIndex],i.toIndex);break;case o.TEXT_CONTENT:i.parentNode[a]=i.textContent;break;case o.REMOVE_NODE:}}};e.exports=s},{"./Danger":11,"./ReactMultiChildUpdateTypes":55,"./getTextContentAccessor":103}],9:[function(t,e){"use strict";var n=t("./invariant"),r={MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE:1,MUST_USE_PROPERTY:2,HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE:4,HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS:8,injectDOMPropertyConfig:function(t){var e=t.Properties||{},o=t.DOMAttributeNames||{},a=t.DOMPropertyNames||{},s=t.DOMMutationMethods||{};t.isCustomAttribute&&i._isCustomAttributeFunctions.push(t.isCustomAttribute);for(var u in e){n(!i.isStandardName[u]),i.isStandardName[u]=!0;var c=u.toLowerCase();i.getPossibleStandardName[c]=u;var l=o[u];l&&(i.getPossibleStandardName[l]=u),i.getAttributeName[u]=l||c,i.getPropertyName[u]=a[u]||u;var p=s[u];p&&(i.getMutationMethod[u]=p);var d=e[u];i.mustUseAttribute[u]=d&r.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE,i.mustUseProperty[u]=d&r.MUST_USE_PROPERTY,i.hasBooleanValue[u]=d&r.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE,i.hasSideEffects[u]=d&r.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS,n(!i.mustUseAttribute[u]||!i.mustUseProperty[u]),n(i.mustUseProperty[u]||!i.hasSideEffects[u])}}},o={},i={isStandardName:{},getPossibleStandardName:{},getAttributeName:{},getPropertyName:{},getMutationMethod:{},mustUseAttribute:{},mustUseProperty:{},hasBooleanValue:{},hasSideEffects:{},_isCustomAttributeFunctions:[],isCustomAttribute:function(t){return i._isCustomAttributeFunctions.some(function(e){return,t)})},getDefaultValueForProperty:function(t,e){var n,r=o[t];return r||(o[t]=r={}),e in r||(n=document.createElement(t),r[e]=n[e]),r[e]},injection:r};e.exports=i},{"./invariant":105}],10:[function(t,e){"use strict";var n=t("./DOMProperty"),r=t("./escapeTextForBrowser"),o=t("./memoizeStringOnly"),i=o(function(t){return 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s(h===d.length),s(d.length===t.length),d},dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup:function(t,e){if(s(r.canUseDOM),s(e),"html"===t.tagName.toLowerCase())return u(t,e),void 0;var n=o(e,i)[0];t.parentNode.replaceChild(n,t)}};e.exports=p},{"./ExecutionEnvironment":21,"./createNodesFromMarkup":87,"./emptyFunction":91,"./getMarkupWrap":100,"./invariant":105,"./mutateHTMLNodeWithMarkup":118}],12:[function(t,e){"use strict";var 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r=9;e.exports=n},{}],103:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(){return!o&&r.canUseDOM&&(o="innerText"in document.createElement("div")?"innerText":"textContent"),o}var r=t("./ExecutionEnvironment"),o=null;e.exports=n},{"./ExecutionEnvironment":21}],104:[function(t,e){function n(t){return t.replace(r,"-$1").toLowerCase()}var r=/([A-Z])/g;e.exports=n},{}],105:[function(t,e){function n(t){if(!t)throw new Error("Invariant Violation")}e.exports=n},{}],106:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e){if(!r||e&&!r.addEventListener)return!1;var n=document.createElement("div"),i="on"+t,a=i in n;return a||(n.setAttribute(i,"return;"),a="function"==typeof n[i],"undefined"!=typeof n[i]&&(n[i]=void 0),n.removeAttribute(i)),!a&&o&&"wheel"===t&&(a=document.implementation.hasFeature("Events.wheel","3.0")),n=null,a}var 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t}e.exports=n},{}],111:[function(t,e){"use strict";var n=t("./invariant"),r=function(t){var e,r={};n(t instanceof Object&&!Array.isArray(t));for(e in t)t.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(r[e]=e);return r};e.exports=r},{"./invariant":105}],112:[function(t,e){var n=function(t){var e;for(e in t)if(t.hasOwnProperty(e))return e;return null};e.exports=n},{}],113:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t){var e={};return function(n){return e.hasOwnProperty(n)?e[n]:e[n],n)}}e.exports=n},{}],114:[function(t,e){"use strict";var n=t("./mergeInto"),r=function(t,e){var r={};return n(r,t),n(r,e),r};e.exports=r},{"./mergeInto":116}],115:[function(t,e){"use strict";var n=t("./invariant"),r=t("./keyMirror"),o=36,i=function(t){return"object"!=typeof t||null===t},a={MAX_MERGE_DEPTH:o,isTerminal:i,normalizeMergeArg:function(t){return void 0===t||null===t?{}:t},checkMergeArrayArgs:function(t,e){n(Array.isArray(t)&&Array.isArray(e))},checkMergeObjectArgs:function(t,e){a.checkMergeObjectArg(t),a.checkMergeObjectArg(e)},checkMergeObjectArg:function(t){n(!i(t)&&!Array.isArray(t))},checkMergeLevel:function(t){n(o>t)},checkArrayStrategy:function(t){n(void 0===t||t in a.ArrayStrategies)},ArrayStrategies:r({Clobber:!0,IndexByIndex:!0})};e.exports=a},{"./invariant":105,"./keyMirror":111}],116:[function(t,e){"use strict"; function n(t,e){if(o(t),null!=e){o(e);for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t[n]=e[n])}}var r=t("./mergeHelpers"),o=r.checkMergeObjectArg;e.exports=n},{"./mergeHelpers":115}],117:[function(t,e){"use strict";var n=function(t,e){var n;for(n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t.prototype[n]=e[n])};e.exports=n},{}],118:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e){i("html"===t.tagName.toLowerCase()),e=e.trim(),i(0===e.toLowerCase().indexOf("<html"));var 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o}e.exports=n},{}],121:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e,n){if(!t)return null;var r=0,o={};for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(o[i],i,t[i],r++));return o}e.exports=n},{}],122:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e){if(t===e)return!0;var n;for(n in t)if(t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(!e.hasOwnProperty(n)||t[n]!==e[n]))return!1;for(n in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&!t.hasOwnProperty(n))return!1;return!0}e.exports=n},{}],123:[function(t,e){"use strict";function n(t,e,n){null!==t&&void 0!==t&&a(t,"",0,e,n)}var r=t("./ReactComponent"),o=t("./ReactTextComponent"),i=t("./invariant"),a=function(t,e,n,s,u){var c=0;if(Array.isArray(t))for(var l=0;l<t.length;l++){var p=t[l],d=e+r.getKey(p,l),h=n+c;c+=a(p,d,h,s,u)}else{var f=typeof t,m=""===e,v=m?r.getKey(t,0):e;if(null===t||void 0===t||"boolean"===f)s(u,null,v,n),c=1;else if(t.mountComponentIntoNode)s(u,t,v,n),c=1;else if("object"===f){i(!t||1!==t.nodeType);for(var g in t)t.hasOwnProperty(g)&&(c+=a(t[g],e+"{"+g+"}",n+c,s,u))}else if("string"===f){var C=new o(t);s(u,C,v,n),c+=1}else if("number"===f){var y=new o(""+t);s(u,y,v,n),c+=1}}return c};e.exports=n},{"./ReactComponent":28,"./ReactTextComponent":63,"./invariant":105}]},{},[69])(69)});
import React from 'react'; import { apiDecorator } from '../../src'; const doAsyncStuff = data => new Promise( resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve( item => ({ ...item, foo: 'bar' }) ) ) ) ); export const users = apiDecorator({ url: '', users: { routes: { default: '/users', getUserAlbums: id => ({ method: 'get', route: `/users/${id}/albums`, usesCache: true }), list: () => ({ onSuccess: doAsyncStuff }) } } }); @users export default class ApiCustomExample extends React.Component { render() { const { getUserAlbums, list } = this.props.users; return ( <div> <h3>Albums for user 1</h3> <div> { getUserAlbums( 1 ) item => <div key={ }>{ item.title }</div> )} </div> <h3>Users with extra attrs added</h3> <div> { list(){ data }) => <div key={ }>{ } foo: { }</div> )} </div> </div> ); } }
import React from 'react'; import './App.css'; import './Main.js'; //connect all this to SUBMIT button/page const Day = props => ( <div id="resultWell"> <ul> <li> <div className="well"> <div className="panel-body" data-value={props.sugar}> <h5 id="dayTotal"> {this.sugar} + {props.sugar} </h5> <button className="btn btn-primary form-control" id="log" onClick={props.handleFormSubmit}> log </button> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> ); export default Day;
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { navigate as gatsbyNavigate } from 'gatsby'; import { Button } from '@freecodecamp/react-bootstrap'; import { hardGoTo as navigate, isSignedInSelector } from '../../../redux'; import { apiLocation } from '../../../../config/env.json'; import { gtagReportConversion } from '../../../analytics/gtag'; import './login.css'; const mapStateToProps = createSelector( isSignedInSelector, isSignedIn => ({ isSignedIn }) ); const mapDispatchToProps = { navigate }; const createOnClick = (navigate, isSignedIn) => e => { e.preventDefault(); gtagReportConversion(); if (isSignedIn) { return gatsbyNavigate('/learn'); } return navigate(`${apiLocation}/signin`); }; function Login(props) { const { children, navigate, isSignedIn, ...restProps } = props; return ( <Button bsStyle='default' className={(restProps.block ? 'btn-cta-big' : '') + ' signup-btn btn-cta'} href='/signin' onClick={createOnClick(navigate, isSignedIn)} {...restProps} > {children || 'Sign In'} </Button> ); } Login.displayName = 'Login'; Login.propTypes = { children: PropTypes.any, isSignedIn: PropTypes.bool, navigate: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(Login);
import * as React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <path d="M12 7V4c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v16c0 .55.45 1 1 1h18c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V8c0-.55-.45-1-1-1h-9zM6 19H4v-2h2v2zm0-4H4v-2h2v2zm0-4H4V9h2v2zm0-4H4V5h2v2zm4 12H8v-2h2v2zm0-4H8v-2h2v2zm0-4H8V9h2v2zm0-4H8V5h2v2zm10 12h-8v-2h2v-2h-2v-2h2v-2h-2V9h8v10zm-2-8h-2v2h2v-2zm0 4h-2v2h2v-2z" /> , 'DomainRounded');
/* eslint-disable react/jsx-filename-extension */ import React from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import { hashHistory } from 'react-router'; import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import { Provider as ReduxProvider } from 'react-redux'; import { syncHistoryWithStore } from 'react-router-redux'; import 'core-js/stable'; import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'; import configureStore from './state/store'; import { start as startErrorHandling } from './utils/boot/configure-error-handling'; import Root from './containers/root'; // Set up root paths require('../common/utils/add-root-require-path'); // Boot up the render process startErrorHandling(); // load application stylesheets require('./styles/app.scss'); const rootEl = document.getElementById('app'); if (process.env.CI) { global.console.warn = () => {}; } const store = configureStore(); const history = syncHistoryWithStore(hashHistory, store); render( <ReduxProvider store={store}> <Root history={history} /> </ReduxProvider>, rootEl ); ipcRenderer.send('write-log', { type: 'info', message: 'renderer process up' }); if ( {'./containers/root', () => { /* eslint-disable global-require */ const NextRoot = require('./containers/root').default; /* eslint-enable global-require */ render( <ReduxProvider store={store}> <NextRoot history={history} /> </ReduxProvider>, rootEl ); }); }
(function( $ ) { module( "autocomplete: options" ); var data = [ "c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby", "python", "c", "scala", "groovy", "haskell", "perl" ]; test( "appendTo", function() { expect( 5 ); var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete(); equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], document.body, "defaults to body" ); element.autocomplete( "destroy" ); element.autocomplete({ appendTo: ".ac-wrap" }); equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], $( "#ac-wrap1" )[0], "first found element" ); equal( $( "#ac-wrap2 .ui-autocomplete" ).length, 0, "only appends to one element" ); element.autocomplete( "destroy" ); element.autocomplete({ appendTo: null }); equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], document.body, "null" ); element.autocomplete( "destroy" ); element.autocomplete().autocomplete( "option", "appendTo", "#ac-wrap1" ); equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).parent()[0], $( "#ac-wrap1" )[0], "modified after init" ); element.autocomplete( "destroy" ); }); function autoFocusTest( afValue, focusedLength ) { var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ autoFocus: afValue, delay: 0, source: data, open: function( event, ui ) { equal( element.autocomplete( "widget" ).children( ".ui-menu-item:first" ).find( ".ui-state-focus" ).length, focusedLength, "first item is " + (afValue ? "" : "not") + " auto focused" ); start(); } }); element.val( "ja" ).keydown(); stop(); } test( "autoFocus: false", function() { expect( 1 ); autoFocusTest( false, 0 ); }); test( "autoFocus: true", function() { expect( 1 ); autoFocusTest( true, 1 ); }); asyncTest( "delay", function() { expect( 2 ); var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ source: data, delay: 50 }), menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" ); element.val( "ja" ).keydown(); ok( ":hidden" ), "menu is closed immediately after search" ); setTimeout(function() { ok( ":visible" ), "menu is open after delay" ); start(); }, 100 ); }); asyncTest( "disabled", function() { expect( 2 ); var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ source: data, delay: 0, disabled: true }), menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" ); element.val( "ja" ).keydown(); ok( ":hidden" ) ); setTimeout(function() { ok( ":hidden" ) ); start(); }, 50 ); }); test( "minLength", function() { expect( 2 ); var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ source: data }), menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" ); element.autocomplete( "search", "" ); ok( ":hidden" ), "blank not enough for minLength: 1" ); element.autocomplete( "option", "minLength", 0 ); element.autocomplete( "search", "" ); ok( ":visible" ), "blank enough for minLength: 0" ); }); asyncTest( "minLength, exceed then drop below", function() { expect( 4 ); var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ minLength: 2, source: function( req, res ) { equal( req.term, "12", "correct search term" ); setTimeout(function() { res([ "item" ]); }, 1 ); } }), menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" ); ok( ":hidden" ), "menu is hidden before first search" ); element.autocomplete( "search", "12" ); ok( ":hidden" ), "menu is hidden before second search" ); element.autocomplete( "search", "1" ); setTimeout(function() { ok( ":hidden" ), "menu is hidden after searches" ); start(); }, 50 ); }); test( "minLength, exceed then drop below then exceed", function() { expect( 3 ); var _res = [], element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ minLength: 2, source: function( req, res ) { _res.push( res ); } }), menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" ); // trigger a valid search ok( ":hidden" ), "menu is hidden before first search" ); element.autocomplete( "search", "12" ); // trigger a search below the minLength, to turn on cancelSearch flag ok( ":hidden" ), "menu is hidden before second search" ); element.autocomplete( "search", "1" ); // trigger a valid search element.autocomplete( "search", "13" ); // react as if the first search was cancelled (default ajax behavior) _res[ 0 ]([]); // react to second search _res[ 1 ]([ "13" ]); ok( ":visible" ), "menu is visible after searches" ); }); test( "source, local string array", function() { expect( 1 ); var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ source: data }), menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" ); element.val( "ja" ).autocomplete( "search" ); equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "javajavascript" ); }); function sourceTest( source, async ) { var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ source: source }), menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" ); function result() { equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "javajavascript" ); element.autocomplete( "destroy" ); if ( async ) { start(); } } if ( async ) { stop(); $( document ).one( "ajaxStop", result ); } element.val( "ja" ).autocomplete( "search" ); if ( !async ) { result(); } } test( "source, local object array, only label property", function() { expect( 1 ); sourceTest([ { label: "java" }, { label: "php" }, { label: "coldfusion" }, { label: "javascript" } ]); }); test( "source, local object array, only value property", function() { expect( 1 ); sourceTest([ { value: "java" }, { value: "php" }, { value: "coldfusion" }, { value: "javascript" } ]); }); test( "source, url string with remote json string array", function() { expect( 1 ); sourceTest( "remote_string_array.txt", true ); }); test( "source, url string with remote json object array, only value properties", function() { expect( 1 ); sourceTest( "remote_object_array_values.txt", true ); }); test( "source, url string with remote json object array, only label properties", function() { expect( 1 ); sourceTest( "remote_object_array_labels.txt", true ); }); test( "source, custom", function() { expect( 2 ); sourceTest(function( request, response ) { equal( request.term, "ja" ); response( ["java", "javascript"] ); }); }); test( "source, update after init", function() { expect( 2 ); var element = $( "#autocomplete" ).autocomplete({ source: [ "java", "javascript", "haskell" ] }), menu = element.autocomplete( "widget" ); element.val( "ja" ).autocomplete( "search" ); equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "javajavascript" ); element.autocomplete( "option", "source", [ "php", "asp" ] ); element.val( "ph" ).autocomplete( "search" ); equal( menu.find( ".ui-menu-item" ).text(), "php" ); }); }( jQuery ) );
/** @jsx React.DOM */ /* jshint node: true, browser: true, newcap: false */ /** * The Flocks library module. * * @module Flocks * @main Flocks * @class Flocks */ // if it's in a <script> it's defined already // otherwise assume commonjs if (typeof React === 'undefined') { var React = require('react'); } // wrap the remainder (function() { 'use strict'; var initialized = false, updateBlocks = 0, dirty = false, tagtype, handler = function(Ignored) { return true; }, finalizer = function() { return true; }, prevFCtx = {}, nextFCtx = {}, flocks2_ctxs = { flocks2context: React.PropTypes.object }; function flocksLog(Level, Message) { if (typeof Level === 'string') { if (array_member(Level, ['warn','debug','error','log','info','exception','assert'])) { console[Level]('Flocks2 [' + Level + '] ' + Message.toString()); } else { console.log('Flocks2 [Unknown level] ' + Message.toString()); } } else if (isUndefined(nextFCtx.flocks_config)) { console.log('Flocks2 pre-config [' + Level.toString() + '] ' + Message.toString()); } else if (nextFCtx.flocks_config.log_level >= Level) { console.log('Flocks2 [' + Level.toString() + '] ' + Message.toString()); } } function enforceString(On, Label) { if (typeof On !== 'string') { throw Label || 'Argument must be a string'; } } function enforceArray(On, Label) { if (!isArray(On)) { throw Label || 'Argument must be an array'; } } function enforceNonArrayObject(On, Label) { if (!isNonArrayObject(On)) { throw Label || 'Argument must be a non-array object'; } } function isArray(maybeArray) { return ( === '[object Array]'); } function isUndefined(maybeUndefined) { return (typeof maybeUndefined === 'undefined'); } function isNonArrayObject(maybeArray) { if (typeof maybeArray !== 'object') { return false; } if ( === '[object Array]') { return false; } return true; } function setByKey(Key, MaybeValue) { enforceString(Key, "Flocks2 set/2 must take a string for its key"); nextFCtx[Key] = MaybeValue; flocksLog(1, " - Flocks2 setByKey \"" + Key + "\""); attemptUpdate(); } // function setByPath(Key, MaybeValue) { flocksLog(0, ' - Flocks2 setByPath stub' ); attemptUpdate(); } // whargarbl todo // function setByObject(Key, MaybeValue) { flocksLog(0, ' - Flocks2 setByObject stub'); attemptUpdate(); } // whargarbl todo function set(Key, MaybeValue) { flocksLog(3, ' - Flocks2 multi-set'); if (typeof Key === 'string') { setByKey(Key, MaybeValue); } // else if (isArray(Key)) { setByPath(Key, MaybeValue); } // whargarbl todo // else if (isNonArrayObject(Key)) { setByObject(Key); } // whargarbl todo else { throw 'Flocks2 set/1,2 key must be a string or an array'; } } function update(SparseObject) { console.log('update - whargarbl stub'); enforceNonArrayObject(SparseObject, 'Flocks2 update/1 must take a plain object'); } function lock() { ++updateBlocks; } function unlock() { if (updateBlocks <= 0) { throw 'unlock()ed with no lock!'; } --updateBlocks; attemptUpdate(); } function clone(obj) { if ((null === obj) || ('object' != typeof obj)) { return obj; } var copy = obj.constructor(); for (var attr in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { copy[attr] = obj[attr]; } } return copy; } // ... lol function array_member(Item, Array) { return (!!(~( Array.indexOf(Item, 0) ))); } function attemptUpdate() { flocksLog(3, ' - Flocks2 attempting update'); dirty = true; if (!(initialized)) { flocksLog(1, ' x Flocks2 skipped update: root is not initialized'); return null; } if (updateBlocks) { flocksLog(1, ' x Flocks2 skipped update: lock count updateBlocks is non-zero'); return null; } /* whargarbl see issue #9 if (deepCompare(nextFCtx, prevFCtx)) { flocksLog(2, ' x Flocks2 skipped update: no update to state'); return true; } */ if (!(handler(nextFCtx))) { flocksLog(0, ' ! Flocks2 rolling back update: handler rejected propset'); nextFCtx = prevFCtx; dirty = false; return null; } prevFCtx = nextFCtx; flocksLog(3, ' - Flocks2 update passed'); React.render( React.createFactory(tagtype)( { flocks2context: nextFCtx } ), document.body ); dirty = false; flocksLog(3, ' - Flocks2 update complete; finalizing'); finalizer(); return true; } function create(iFlocksConfig, iFlocksData) { var FlocksConfig = iFlocksConfig || {}, FlocksData = iFlocksData || {}, target = || document.body, stub = function() { window.alert('whargarbl stub'); attemptUpdate(); }, updater = { get : stub, set : set, override : stub, clear : stub, update : update, lock : lock, unlock : unlock }; FlocksConfig.log_level = FlocksConfig.log_level || -1; tagtype = FlocksConfig.control; FlocksData.flocks_config = FlocksConfig; nextFCtx = FlocksData; flocksLog(1, 'Flocks2 root creation begins'); if (!(tagtype)) { throw 'Flocks2 fatal error: must provide a control in create/2 FlocksConfig'; } if (FlocksConfig.handler) { handler = FlocksConfig.handler; flocksLog(3, ' - Flocks2 handler assigned' ); } if (FlocksConfig.finalizer) { finalizer = FlocksConfig.finalizer; flocksLog(3, ' - Flocks2 finalizer assigned'); } if (FlocksConfig.preventAutoContext) { flocksLog(2, ' - Flocks2 skipping auto-context'); } else { flocksLog(2, ' - Flocks2 engaging auto-context'); this.fctx = clone(nextFCtx); } flocksLog(3, 'Flocks2 creation finished; initializing'); initialized = true; attemptUpdate(); flocksLog(3, 'Flocks2 expose updater'); this.fupd = updater; this.fset = updater.set; this.flock = updater.lock; this.funlock = updater.unlock; this.fupdate = updater.update; flocksLog(3, 'Flocks2 initialization finished'); return updater; } var Mixin = { contextTypes : flocks2_ctxs, childContextTypes : flocks2_ctxs, componentWillMount: function() { flocksLog(1, ' - Flocks2 component will mount: ' + this.constructor.displayName); flocksLog(3, isUndefined(this.props.flocks2context) ? ' - No F2 Context Prop' : ' - F2 Context Prop found'); flocksLog(3, isUndefined(this.context.flocks2context) ? ' - No F2 Context' : ' - F2 Context found'); if (this.props.flocks2context) { this.context.flocks2context = this.props.flocks2context; } this.fupdate = function(Obj) { update(Obj); }; this.fset = function(K,V) { set(K,V); }; this.flock = function() { lock(); }; this.funlock = function() { unlock(); }; this.fctx = this.context.flocks2context; }, getChildContext: function() { return this.context; } }; function atLeastFlocks(OriginalList) { if (isUndefined(OriginalList)) { return [ Mixin ]; } if (isArray(OriginalList)) { if (array_member(Mixin, OriginalList)) { return OriginalList; } else { var NewList = clone(OriginalList); NewList.push(Mixin); return NewList; } } throw 'Original mixin list must be an array or undefined!'; } function createClass(spec) { spec.mixins = atLeastFlocks(spec.mixins); return React.createClass(spec); } var exports = { plumbing : Mixin, createClass : createClass, mount : create, clone : clone, isArray : isArray, isUndefined : isUndefined, isNonArrayObject : isNonArrayObject, enforceString : enforceString, enforceArray : enforceArray, enforceNonArrayObject : enforceNonArrayObject, atLeastFlocks : atLeastFlocks }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = exports; } else { window.flocks = exports; } }());
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){(function(global){"use strict";require("core-js/shim");require("regenerator/runtime");if(global._babelPolyfill){throw new Error("only one instance of babel/polyfill is allowed")}global._babelPolyfill=true}).call(this,typeof global!=="undefined"?global:typeof self!=="undefined"?self:typeof window!=="undefined"?window:{})},{"core-js/shim":78,"regenerator/runtime":79}],2:[function(require,module,exports){"use strict";var $=require("./$");module.exports=function(IS_INCLUDES){return function(el){var O=$.toObject(this),length=$.toLength(O.length),index=$.toIndex(arguments[1],length),value;if(IS_INCLUDES&&el!=el)while(length>index){value=O[index++];if(value!=value)return true}else for(;length>index;index++)if(IS_INCLUDES||index in O){if(O[index]===el)return IS_INCLUDES||index}return!IS_INCLUDES&&-1}}},{"./$":21}],3:[function(require,module,exports){"use strict";var $=require("./$"),ctx=require("./$.ctx");module.exports=function(TYPE){var IS_MAP=TYPE==1,IS_FILTER=TYPE==2,IS_SOME=TYPE==3,IS_EVERY=TYPE==4,IS_FIND_INDEX=TYPE==6,NO_HOLES=TYPE==5||IS_FIND_INDEX;return function(callbackfn){var O=Object($.assertDefined(this)),self=$.ES5Object(O),f=ctx(callbackfn,arguments[1],3),length=$.toLength(self.length),index=0,result=IS_MAP?Array(length):IS_FILTER?[]:undefined,val,res;for(;length>index;index++)if(NO_HOLES||index in self){val=self[index];res=f(val,index,O);if(TYPE){if(IS_MAP)result[index]=res;else if(res)switch(TYPE){case 3:return true;case 5:return val;case 6:return index;case 2:result.push(val)}else if(IS_EVERY)return false}}return IS_FIND_INDEX?-1:IS_SOME||IS_EVERY?IS_EVERY:result}}},{"./$":21,"./$.ctx":11}],4:[function(require,module,exports){var $=require("./$");function assert(condition,msg1,msg2){if(!condition)throw TypeError(msg2?msg1+msg2:msg1)}assert.def=$.assertDefined;assert.fn=function(it){if(!$.isFunction(it))throw TypeError(it+" is not a function!");return it};assert.obj=function(it){if(!$.isObject(it))throw TypeError(it+" is not an object!");return it};assert.inst=function(it,Constructor,name){if(!(it instanceof Constructor))throw TypeError(name+": use the 'new' operator!");return it};module.exports=assert},{"./$":21}],5:[function(require,module,exports){var $=require("./$"),enumKeys=require("./$.enum-keys");module.exports=Object.assign||function assign(target,source){var T=Object($.assertDefined(target)),l=arguments.length,i=1;while(l>i){var S=$.ES5Object(arguments[i++]),keys=enumKeys(S),length=keys.length,j=0,key;while(length>j)T[key=keys[j++]]=S[key]}return T}},{"./$":21,"./$.enum-keys":13}],6:[function(require,module,exports){var $=require("./$"),TAG=require("./$.wks")("toStringTag"),toString={}.toString;function cof(it){return,-1)}cof.classof=function(it){var O,T;return it==undefined?it===undefined?"Undefined":"Null":typeof(T=(O=Object(it))[TAG])=="string"?T:cof(O)};cof.set=function(it,tag,stat){if(it&&!$.has(it=stat?it:it.prototype,TAG))$.hide(it,TAG,tag)};module.exports=cof},{"./$":21,"./$.wks":32}],7:[function(require,module,exports){"use strict";var $=require("./$"),ctx=require("./$.ctx"),safe=require("./$.uid").safe,assert=require("./$.assert"),forOf=require("./$.for-of"),step=require("./$.iter").step,has=$.has,set=$.set,isObject=$.isObject,hide=$.hide,isFrozen=Object.isFrozen||$.core.Object.isFrozen,ID=safe("id"),O1=safe("O1"),LAST=safe("last"),FIRST=safe("first"),ITER=safe("iter"),SIZE=$.DESC?safe("size"):"size",id=0;function fastKey(it,create){if(!isObject(it))return(typeof it=="string"?"S":"P")+it;if(isFrozen(it))return"F";if(!has(it,ID)){if(!create)return"E";hide(it,ID,++id)}return"O"+it[ID]}function getEntry(that,key){var index=fastKey(key),entry;if(index!="F")return that[O1][index];for(entry=that[FIRST];entry;entry=entry.n){if(entry.k==key)return entry}}module.exports={getConstructor:function(NAME,IS_MAP,ADDER){function C(){var that=assert.inst(this,C,NAME),iterable=arguments[0];set(that,O1,$.create(null));set(that,SIZE,0);set(that,LAST,undefined);set(that,FIRST,undefined);if(iterable!=undefined)forOf(iterable,IS_MAP,that[ADDER],that)}$.mix(C.prototype,{clear:function clear(){for(var that=this,data=that[O1],entry=that[FIRST];entry;entry=entry.n){entry.r=true;if(entry.p)entry.p=entry.p.n=undefined;delete data[entry.i]}that[FIRST]=that[LAST]=undefined;that[SIZE]=0},"delete":function(key){var that=this,entry=getEntry(that,key);if(entry){var next=entry.n,prev=entry.p;delete that[O1][entry.i];entry.r=true;if(prev)prev.n=next;if(next)next.p=prev;if(that[FIRST]==entry)that[FIRST]=next;if(that[LAST]==entry)that[LAST]=prev;that[SIZE]--}return!!entry},forEach:function forEach(callbackfn){var f=ctx(callbackfn,arguments[1],3),entry;while(entry=entry?entry.n:this[FIRST]){f(entry.v,entry.k,this);while(entry&&entry.r)entry=entry.p}},has:function has(key){return!!getEntry(this,key)}});if($.DESC)$.setDesc(C.prototype,"size",{get:function(){return assert.def(this[SIZE])}});return C},def:function(that,key,value){var entry=getEntry(that,key),prev,index;if(entry){entry.v=value}else{that[LAST]=entry={i:index=fastKey(key,true),k:key,v:value,p:prev=that[LAST],n:undefined,r:false};if(!that[FIRST])that[FIRST]=entry;if(prev)prev.n=entry;that[SIZE]++;if(index!="F")that[O1][index]=entry}return that},getEntry:getEntry,setIter:function(C,NAME,IS_MAP){require("./$.iter-define")(C,NAME,function(iterated,kind){set(this,ITER,{o:iterated,k:kind})},function(){var iter=this[ITER],kind=iter.k,entry=iter.l;while(entry&&entry.r)entry=entry.p;if(!iter.o||!(iter.l=entry=entry?entry.n:iter.o[FIRST])){iter.o=undefined;return step(1)}if(kind=="keys")return step(0,entry.k);if(kind=="values")return step(0,entry.v);return step(0,[entry.k,entry.v])},IS_MAP?"entries":"values",!IS_MAP,true)}}},{"./$":21,"./$.assert":4,"./$.ctx":11,"./$.for-of":14,"./$.iter":20,"./$.iter-define":18,"./$.uid":30}],8:[function(require,module,exports){var $def=require("./$.def"),forOf=require("./$.for-of");module.exports=function(NAME){$def($def.P,NAME,{toJSON:function toJSON(){var arr=[];forOf(this,false,arr.push,arr);return arr}})}},{"./$.def":12,"./$.for-of":14}],9:[function(require,module,exports){"use strict";var $=require("./$"),safe=require("./$.uid").safe,assert=require("./$.assert"),forOf=require("./$.for-of"),_has=$.has,isObject=$.isObject,hide=$.hide,isFrozen=Object.isFrozen||$.core.Object.isFrozen,id=0,ID=safe("id"),WEAK=safe("weak"),LEAK=safe("leak"),method=require("./$.array-methods"),find=method(5),findIndex=method(6);function findFrozen(store,key){return,function(it){return it[0]===key})}function leakStore(that){return that[LEAK]||hide(that,LEAK,{array:[],get:function(key){var entry=findFrozen(this,key);if(entry)return entry[1]},has:function(key){return!!findFrozen(this,key)},set:function(key,value){var entry=findFrozen(this,key);if(entry)entry[1]=value;else this.array.push([key,value])},"delete":function(key){var,function(it){return it[0]===key});if(~index)this.array.splice(index,1);return!!~index}})[LEAK]}module.exports={getConstructor:function(NAME,IS_MAP,ADDER){function C(){$.set(assert.inst(this,C,NAME),ID,id++);var iterable=arguments[0];if(iterable!=undefined)forOf(iterable,IS_MAP,this[ADDER],this)}$.mix(C.prototype,{"delete":function(key){if(!isObject(key))return false;if(isFrozen(key))return leakStore(this)["delete"](key);return _has(key,WEAK)&&_has(key[WEAK],this[ID])&&delete key[WEAK][this[ID]]},has:function has(key){if(!isObject(key))return false;if(isFrozen(key))return leakStore(this).has(key);return _has(key,WEAK)&&_has(key[WEAK],this[ID])}});return C},def:function(that,key,value){if(isFrozen(assert.obj(key))){leakStore(that).set(key,value)}else{_has(key,WEAK)||hide(key,WEAK,{});key[WEAK][that[ID]]=value}return that},leakStore:leakStore,WEAK:WEAK,ID:ID}},{"./$":21,"./$.array-methods":3,"./$.assert":4,"./$.for-of":14,"./$.uid":30}],10:[function(require,module,exports){"use strict";var $=require("./$"),$def=require("./$.def"),BUGGY=require("./$.iter").BUGGY,forOf=require("./$.for-of"),species=require("./$.species"),assertInstance=require("./$.assert").inst;module.exports=function(NAME,methods,common,IS_MAP,IS_WEAK){var Base=$.g[NAME],C=Base,ADDER=IS_MAP?"set":"add",proto=C&&C.prototype,O={};function fixMethod(KEY,CHAIN){var method=proto[KEY];if($.FW)proto[KEY]=function(a,b){var,a===0?0:a,b);return CHAIN?this:result}}if(!$.isFunction(C)||!(IS_WEAK||!BUGGY&&proto.forEach&&proto.entries)){C=common.getConstructor(NAME,IS_MAP,ADDER);$.mix(C.prototype,methods)}else{var inst=new C,chain=inst[ADDER](IS_WEAK?{}:-0,1),buggyZero;if(!require("./$.iter-detect")(function(iter){new C(iter)})){C=function(){assertInstance(this,C,NAME);var that=new Base,iterable=arguments[0];if(iterable!=undefined)forOf(iterable,IS_MAP,that[ADDER],that);return that};C.prototype=proto;if($.FW)proto.constructor=C}IS_WEAK||inst.forEach(function(val,key){buggyZero=1/key===-Infinity});if(buggyZero){fixMethod("delete");fixMethod("has");IS_MAP&&fixMethod("get")}if(buggyZero||chain!==inst)fixMethod(ADDER,true)}require("./$.cof").set(C,NAME);O[NAME]=C;$def($def.G+$def.W+$def.F*(C!=Base),O);species(C);species($.core[NAME]);if(!IS_WEAK)common.setIter(C,NAME,IS_MAP);return C}},{"./$":21,"./$.assert":4,"./$.cof":6,"./$.def":12,"./$.for-of":14,"./$.iter":20,"./$.iter-detect":19,"./$.species":27}],11:[function(require,module,exports){var assertFunction=require("./$.assert").fn;module.exports=function(fn,that,length){assertFunction(fn);if(~length&&that===undefined)return fn;switch(length){case 1:return 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strict";var hasOwn=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var undefined;var iteratorSymbol=typeof Symbol==="function"&&Symbol.iterator||"@@iterator";var inModule=typeof module==="object";var runtime=global.regeneratorRuntime;if(runtime){if(inModule){module.exports=runtime}return}runtime=global.regeneratorRuntime=inModule?module.exports:{};function wrap(innerFn,outerFn,self,tryLocsList){var generator=Object.create((outerFn||Generator).prototype);generator._invoke=makeInvokeMethod(innerFn,self||null,new Context(tryLocsList||[]));return generator}runtime.wrap=wrap;function tryCatch(fn,obj,arg){try{return{type:"normal",,arg)}}catch(err){return{type:"throw",arg:err}}}var GenStateSuspendedStart="suspendedStart";var GenStateSuspendedYield="suspendedYield";var GenStateExecuting="executing";var GenStateCompleted="completed";var ContinueSentinel={};function Generator(){}function GeneratorFunction(){}function GeneratorFunctionPrototype(){}var Gp=GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype=Generator.prototype;GeneratorFunction.prototype=Gp.constructor=GeneratorFunctionPrototype;GeneratorFunctionPrototype.constructor=GeneratorFunction;GeneratorFunction.displayName="GeneratorFunction";runtime.isGeneratorFunction=function(genFun){var ctor=typeof genFun==="function"&&genFun.constructor;return ctor?ctor===GeneratorFunction||(ctor.displayName||"GeneratorFunction":false};runtime.mark=function(genFun){genFun.__proto__=GeneratorFunctionPrototype;genFun.prototype=Object.create(Gp);return genFun};runtime.async=function(innerFn,outerFn,self,tryLocsList){return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){var generator=wrap(innerFn,outerFn,self,tryLocsList);var callNext=step.bind(generator,"next");var callThrow=step.bind(generator,"throw");function step(method,arg){var record=tryCatch(generator[method],generator,arg);if(record.type==="throw"){reject(record.arg);return}var info=record.arg;if(info.done){resolve(info.value)}else{Promise.resolve(info.value).then(callNext,callThrow)}}callNext()})};function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn,self,context){ var state=GenStateSuspendedStart;return function invoke(method,arg){if(state===GenStateExecuting){throw new Error("Generator is already running")}if(state===GenStateCompleted){return doneResult()}while(true){var delegate=context.delegate;if(delegate){if(method==="return"||method==="throw"&&delegate.iterator[method]===undefined){context.delegate=null;var returnMethod=delegate.iterator["return"];if(returnMethod){var record=tryCatch(returnMethod,delegate.iterator,arg);if(record.type==="throw"){method="throw";arg=record.arg;continue}}if(method==="return"){continue}}var record=tryCatch(delegate.iterator[method],delegate.iterator,arg);if(record.type==="throw"){context.delegate=null;method="throw";arg=record.arg;continue}method="next";arg=undefined;var info=record.arg;if(info.done){context[delegate.resultName]=info.value;}else{state=GenStateSuspendedYield;return info}context.delegate=null}if(method==="next"){if(state===GenStateSuspendedYield){context.sent=arg}else{delete context.sent}}else if(method==="throw"){if(state===GenStateSuspendedStart){state=GenStateCompleted;throw arg}if(context.dispatchException(arg)){method="next";arg=undefined}}else if(method==="return"){context.abrupt("return",arg)}state=GenStateExecuting;var record=tryCatch(innerFn,self,context);if(record.type==="normal"){state=context.done?GenStateCompleted:GenStateSuspendedYield;var info={value:record.arg,done:context.done};if(record.arg===ContinueSentinel){if(context.delegate&&method==="next"){arg=undefined}}else{return info}}else if(record.type==="throw"){state=GenStateCompleted;method="throw";arg=record.arg}}}}function defineGeneratorMethod(method){Gp[method]=function(arg){return this._invoke(method,arg)}}defineGeneratorMethod("next");defineGeneratorMethod("throw");defineGeneratorMethod("return");Gp[iteratorSymbol]=function(){return this};Gp.toString=function(){return"[object Generator]"};function pushTryEntry(locs){var entry={tryLoc:locs[0]};if(1 in locs){entry.catchLoc=locs[1]}if(2 in locs){entry.finallyLoc=locs[2];entry.afterLoc=locs[3]}this.tryEntries.push(entry)}function resetTryEntry(entry){var record=entry.completion||{};record.type="normal";delete record.arg;entry.completion=record}function Context(tryLocsList){this.tryEntries=[{tryLoc:"root"}];tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry,this);this.reset()}runtime.keys=function(object){var keys=[];for(var key in object){keys.push(key)}keys.reverse();return function next(){while(keys.length){var key=keys.pop();if(key in object){next.value=key;next.done=false;return next}}next.done=true;return next}};function values(iterable){if(iterable){var iteratorMethod=iterable[iteratorSymbol];if(iteratorMethod){return}if(typeof"function"){return iterable}if(!isNaN(iterable.length)){var i=-1,next=function next(){while(++i<iterable.length){if(,i)){next.value=iterable[i];next.done=false;return next}}next.value=undefined;next.done=true;return next};return}}return{next:doneResult}}runtime.values=values;function doneResult(){return{value:undefined,done:true}}Context.prototype={constructor:Context,reset:function(){this.prev=0;;this.sent=undefined;this.done=false;this.delegate=null;this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry);for(var tempIndex=0,tempName;,tempName="t"+tempIndex)||tempIndex<20;++tempIndex){this[tempName]=null}},stop:function(){this.done=true;var rootEntry=this.tryEntries[0];var rootRecord=rootEntry.completion;if(rootRecord.type==="throw"){throw rootRecord.arg}return this.rval},dispatchException:function(exception){if(this.done){throw exception}var context=this;function handle(loc,caught){record.type="throw";record.arg=exception;;return!!caught}for(var i=this.tryEntries.length-1;i>=0;--i){var entry=this.tryEntries[i];var record=entry.completion;if(entry.tryLoc==="root"){return handle("end")}if(entry.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc");var,"finallyLoc");if(hasCatch&&hasFinally){if(this.prev<entry.catchLoc){return handle(entry.catchLoc,true)}else if(this.prev<entry.finallyLoc){return handle(entry.finallyLoc)}}else if(hasCatch){if(this.prev<entry.catchLoc){return handle(entry.catchLoc,true)}}else if(hasFinally){if(this.prev<entry.finallyLoc){return handle(entry.finallyLoc)}}else{throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally")}}}},abrupt:function(type,arg){for(var i=this.tryEntries.length-1;i>=0;--i){var entry=this.tryEntries[i];if(entry.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev<entry.finallyLoc){var finallyEntry=entry;break}}if(finallyEntry&&(type==="break"||type==="continue")&&finallyEntry.tryLoc<=arg&&arg<=finallyEntry.finallyLoc){finallyEntry=null}var record=finallyEntry?finallyEntry.completion:{};record.type=type;record.arg=arg;if(finallyEntry){}else{this.complete(record)}return ContinueSentinel},complete:function(record,afterLoc){if(record.type==="throw"){throw record.arg}if(record.type==="break"||record.type==="continue"){}else if(record.type==="return"){this.rval=record.arg;"end"}else if(record.type==="normal"&&afterLoc){}return ContinueSentinel},finish:function(finallyLoc){for(var i=this.tryEntries.length-1;i>=0;--i){var entry=this.tryEntries[i];if(entry.finallyLoc===finallyLoc){return this.complete(entry.completion,entry.afterLoc)}}},"catch":function(tryLoc){for(var i=this.tryEntries.length-1;i>=0;--i){var entry=this.tryEntries[i];if(entry.tryLoc===tryLoc){var record=entry.completion;if(record.type==="throw"){var thrown=record.arg;resetTryEntry(entry)}return thrown}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(iterable,resultName,nextLoc){this.delegate={iterator:values(iterable),resultName:resultName,nextLoc:nextLoc};return ContinueSentinel}}}(typeof global==="object"?global:typeof window==="object"?window:typeof self==="object"?self:this)}).call(this,typeof global!=="undefined"?global:typeof self!=="undefined"?self:typeof window!=="undefined"?window:{})},{}]},{},[1]);
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; var queue = []; var draining = false; function drainQueue() { if (draining) { return; } draining = true; var currentQueue; var len = queue.length; while(len) { currentQueue = queue; queue = []; var i = -1; while (++i < len) { currentQueue[i](); } len = queue.length; } draining = false; } process.nextTick = function (fun) { queue.push(fun); if (!draining) { setTimeout(drainQueue, 0); } }; process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues process.versions = {}; function noop() {} process.on = noop; process.addListener = noop; process.once = noop; = noop; process.removeListener = noop; process.removeAllListeners = noop; process.emit = noop; process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); }; // TODO(shtylman) process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; process.umask = function() { return 0; }; },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; require("core-js/shim"); require("regenerator/runtime"); if (global._babelPolyfill) { throw new Error("only one instance of babel/polyfill is allowed"); } global._babelPolyfill = true; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"core-js/shim":91,"regenerator/runtime":92}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ // false -> Array#indexOf // true -> Array#includes var $ = require('./$'); module.exports = function(IS_INCLUDES){ return function($this, el, fromIndex){ var O = $.toObject($this) , length = $.toLength(O.length) , index = $.toIndex(fromIndex, length) , value; if(IS_INCLUDES && el != el)while(length > index){ value = O[index++]; if(value != value)return true; } else for(;length > index; index++)if(IS_INCLUDES || index in O){ if(O[index] === el)return IS_INCLUDES || index; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; },{"./$":24}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ // 0 -> Array#forEach // 1 -> Array#map // 2 -> Array#filter // 3 -> Array#some // 4 -> Array#every // 5 -> Array#find // 6 -> Array#findIndex var $ = require('./$') , ctx = require('./$.ctx'); module.exports = function(TYPE){ var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1 , IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2 , IS_SOME = TYPE == 3 , IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4 , IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6 , NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX; return function($this, callbackfn, that){ var O = Object($.assertDefined($this)) , self = $.ES5Object(O) , f = ctx(callbackfn, that, 3) , length = $.toLength(self.length) , index = 0 , result = IS_MAP ? Array(length) : IS_FILTER ? [] : undefined , val, res; for(;length > index; index++)if(NO_HOLES || index in self){ val = self[index]; res = f(val, index, O); if(TYPE){ if(IS_MAP)result[index] = res; // map else if(res)switch(TYPE){ case 3: return true; // some case 5: return val; // find case 6: return index; // findIndex case 2: result.push(val); // filter } else if(IS_EVERY)return false; // every } } return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : result; }; }; },{"./$":24,"./$.ctx":12}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$'); function assert(condition, msg1, msg2){ if(!condition)throw TypeError(msg2 ? msg1 + msg2 : msg1); } assert.def = $.assertDefined; assert.fn = function(it){ if(!$.isFunction(it))throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!'); return it; }; assert.obj = function(it){ if(!$.isObject(it))throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!'); return it; }; assert.inst = function(it, Constructor, name){ if(!(it instanceof Constructor))throw TypeError(name + ": use the 'new' operator!"); return it; }; module.exports = assert; },{"./$":24}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , enumKeys = require('./$.enum-keys'); // Object.assign(target, source, ...) /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ module.exports = Object.assign || function assign(target, source){ /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ var T = Object($.assertDefined(target)) , l = arguments.length , i = 1; while(l > i){ var S = $.ES5Object(arguments[i++]) , keys = enumKeys(S) , length = keys.length , j = 0 , key; while(length > j)T[key = keys[j++]] = S[key]; } return T; }; },{"./$":24,"./$.enum-keys":15}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , TAG = require('./$.wks')('toStringTag') , toString = {}.toString; function cof(it){ return, -1); } cof.classof = function(it){ var O, T; return it == undefined ? it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : 'Null' : typeof (T = (O = Object(it))[TAG]) == 'string' ? T : cof(O); }; cof.set = function(it, tag, stat){ if(it && !$.has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG))$.hide(it, TAG, tag); }; module.exports = cof; },{"./$":24,"./$.wks":42}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , ctx = require('./$.ctx') , safe = require('./$.uid').safe , assert = require('./$.assert') , forOf = require('./$.for-of') , step = require('./$.iter').step , $has = $.has , set = $.set , isObject = $.isObject , hide = $.hide , isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || isObject , ID = safe('id') , O1 = safe('O1') , LAST = safe('last') , FIRST = safe('first') , ITER = safe('iter') , SIZE = $.DESC ? safe('size') : 'size' , id = 0; function fastKey(it, create){ // return primitive with prefix if(!isObject(it))return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it; if(!$has(it, ID)){ // can't set id to frozen object if(!isExtensible(it))return 'F'; // not necessary to add id if(!create)return 'E'; // add missing object id hide(it, ID, ++id); // return object id with prefix } return 'O' + it[ID]; } function getEntry(that, key){ // fast case var index = fastKey(key), entry; if(index !== 'F')return that[O1][index]; // frozen object case for(entry = that[FIRST]; entry; entry = entry.n){ if(entry.k == key)return entry; } } module.exports = { getConstructor: function(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER){ var C = wrapper(function(that, iterable){ assert.inst(that, C, NAME); set(that, O1, $.create(null)); set(that, SIZE, 0); set(that, LAST, undefined); set(that, FIRST, undefined); if(iterable != undefined)forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); }); require('./$.mix')(C.prototype, { // Map.prototype.clear() // Set.prototype.clear() clear: function clear(){ for(var that = this, data = that[O1], entry = that[FIRST]; entry; entry = entry.n){ entry.r = true; if(entry.p)entry.p = entry.p.n = undefined; delete data[entry.i]; } that[FIRST] = that[LAST] = undefined; that[SIZE] = 0; }, // Map.prototype.delete(key) // Set.prototype.delete(value) 'delete': function(key){ var that = this , entry = getEntry(that, key); if(entry){ var next = entry.n , prev = entry.p; delete that[O1][entry.i]; entry.r = true; if(prev)prev.n = next; if(next)next.p = prev; if(that[FIRST] == entry)that[FIRST] = next; if(that[LAST] == entry)that[LAST] = prev; that[SIZE]--; } return !!entry; }, // Set.prototype.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined) // Map.prototype.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined) forEach: function forEach(callbackfn /*, that = undefined */){ var f = ctx(callbackfn, arguments[1], 3) , entry; while(entry = entry ? entry.n : this[FIRST]){ f(entry.v, entry.k, this); // revert to the last existing entry while(entry && entry.r)entry = entry.p; } }, // Map.prototype.has(key) // Set.prototype.has(value) has: function has(key){ return !!getEntry(this, key); } }); if($.DESC)$.setDesc(C.prototype, 'size', { get: function(){ return assert.def(this[SIZE]); } }); return C; }, def: function(that, key, value){ var entry = getEntry(that, key) , prev, index; // change existing entry if(entry){ entry.v = value; // create new entry } else { that[LAST] = entry = { i: index = fastKey(key, true), // <- index k: key, // <- key v: value, // <- value p: prev = that[LAST], // <- previous entry n: undefined, // <- next entry r: false // <- removed }; if(!that[FIRST])that[FIRST] = entry; if(prev)prev.n = entry; that[SIZE]++; // add to index if(index !== 'F')that[O1][index] = entry; } return that; }, getEntry: getEntry, // add .keys, .values, .entries, [@@iterator] //,,,,,,, setIter: function(C, NAME, IS_MAP){ require('./$.iter-define')(C, NAME, function(iterated, kind){ set(this, ITER, {o: iterated, k: kind}); }, function(){ var iter = this[ITER] , kind = iter.k , entry = iter.l; // revert to the last existing entry while(entry && entry.r)entry = entry.p; // get next entry if(!iter.o || !(iter.l = entry = entry ? entry.n : iter.o[FIRST])){ // or finish the iteration iter.o = undefined; return step(1); } // return step by kind if(kind == 'keys' )return step(0, entry.k); if(kind == 'values')return step(0, entry.v); return step(0, [entry.k, entry.v]); }, IS_MAP ? 'entries' : 'values' , !IS_MAP, true); } }; },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5,"./$.ctx":12,"./$.for-of":16,"./$.iter":23,"./$.iter-define":21,"./$.mix":26,"./$.uid":40}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $def = require('./$.def') , forOf = require('./$.for-of'); module.exports = function(NAME){ $def($def.P, NAME, { toJSON: function toJSON(){ var arr = []; forOf(this, false, arr.push, arr); return arr; } }); }; },{"./$.def":13,"./$.for-of":16}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , safe = require('./$.uid').safe , assert = require('./$.assert') , forOf = require('./$.for-of') , $has = $.has , isObject = $.isObject , hide = $.hide , isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || isObject , id = 0 , ID = safe('id') , WEAK = safe('weak') , LEAK = safe('leak') , method = require('./$.array-methods') , find = method(5) , findIndex = method(6); function findFrozen(store, key){ return find(store.array, function(it){ return it[0] === key; }); } // fallback for frozen keys function leakStore(that){ return that[LEAK] || hide(that, LEAK, { array: [], get: function(key){ var entry = findFrozen(this, key); if(entry)return entry[1]; }, has: function(key){ return !!findFrozen(this, key); }, set: function(key, value){ var entry = findFrozen(this, key); if(entry)entry[1] = value; else this.array.push([key, value]); }, 'delete': function(key){ var index = findIndex(this.array, function(it){ return it[0] === key; }); if(~index)this.array.splice(index, 1); return !!~index; } })[LEAK]; } module.exports = { getConstructor: function(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER){ var C = wrapper(function(that, iterable){ $.set(assert.inst(that, C, NAME), ID, id++); if(iterable != undefined)forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); }); require('./$.mix')(C.prototype, { // WeakMap.prototype.delete(key) // WeakSet.prototype.delete(value) 'delete': function(key){ if(!isObject(key))return false; if(!isExtensible(key))return leakStore(this)['delete'](key); return $has(key, WEAK) && $has(key[WEAK], this[ID]) && delete key[WEAK][this[ID]]; }, // WeakMap.prototype.has(key) // WeakSet.prototype.has(value) has: function has(key){ if(!isObject(key))return false; if(!isExtensible(key))return leakStore(this).has(key); return $has(key, WEAK) && $has(key[WEAK], this[ID]); } }); return C; }, def: function(that, key, value){ if(!isExtensible(assert.obj(key))){ leakStore(that).set(key, value); } else { $has(key, WEAK) || hide(key, WEAK, {}); key[WEAK][that[ID]] = value; } return that; }, leakStore: leakStore, WEAK: WEAK, ID: ID }; },{"./$":24,"./$.array-methods":4,"./$.assert":5,"./$.for-of":16,"./$.mix":26,"./$.uid":40}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , BUGGY = require('./$.iter').BUGGY , forOf = require('./$.for-of') , species = require('./$.species') , assertInstance = require('./$.assert').inst; module.exports = function(NAME, wrapper, methods, common, IS_MAP, IS_WEAK){ var Base = $.g[NAME] , C = Base , ADDER = IS_MAP ? 'set' : 'add' , proto = C && C.prototype , O = {}; function fixMethod(KEY){ var fn = proto[KEY]; require('./$.redef')(proto, KEY, KEY == 'delete' ? function(a){ return, a === 0 ? 0 : a); } : KEY == 'has' ? function has(a){ return, a === 0 ? 0 : a); } : KEY == 'get' ? function get(a){ return, a === 0 ? 0 : a); } : KEY == 'add' ? function add(a){, a === 0 ? 0 : a); return this; } : function set(a, b){, a === 0 ? 0 : a, b); return this; } ); } if(!$.isFunction(C) || !(IS_WEAK || !BUGGY && proto.forEach && proto.entries)){ // create collection constructor C = common.getConstructor(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER); require('./$.mix')(C.prototype, methods); } else { var inst = new C , chain = inst[ADDER](IS_WEAK ? {} : -0, 1) , buggyZero; // wrap for init collections from iterable if(!require('./$.iter-detect')(function(iter){ new C(iter); })){ // eslint-disable-line no-new C = wrapper(function(target, iterable){ assertInstance(target, C, NAME); var that = new Base; if(iterable != undefined)forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that); return that; }); C.prototype = proto; proto.constructor = C; } IS_WEAK || inst.forEach(function(val, key){ buggyZero = 1 / key === -Infinity; }); // fix converting -0 key to +0 if(buggyZero){ fixMethod('delete'); fixMethod('has'); IS_MAP && fixMethod('get'); } // + fix .add & .set for chaining if(buggyZero || chain !== inst)fixMethod(ADDER); } require('./$.cof').set(C, NAME); O[NAME] = C; $def($def.G + $def.W + $def.F * (C != Base), O); species(C); species($.core[NAME]); // for wrapper if(!IS_WEAK)common.setIter(C, NAME, IS_MAP); return C; }; },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5,"./$.cof":7,"./$.def":13,"./$.for-of":16,"./$.iter":23,"./$.iter-detect":22,"./$.mix":26,"./$.redef":29,"./$.species":34}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ // Optional / simple context binding var assertFunction = require('./$.assert').fn; module.exports = function(fn, that, length){ assertFunction(fn); if(~length && that === undefined)return fn; switch(length){ case 1: return function(a){ return, a); }; case 2: return function(a, b){ return, a, b); }; case 3: return function(a, b, c){ return, a, b, c); }; } return function(/* ...args */){ return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; },{"./$.assert":5}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , global = $.g , core = $.core , isFunction = $.isFunction , $redef = require('./$.redef'); function ctx(fn, that){ return function(){ return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; } global.core = core; // type bitmap $def.F = 1; // forced $def.G = 2; // global $def.S = 4; // static $def.P = 8; // proto $def.B = 16; // bind $def.W = 32; // wrap function $def(type, name, source){ var key, own, out, exp , isGlobal = type & $def.G , isProto = type & $def.P , target = isGlobal ? global : type & $def.S ? global[name] : (global[name] || {}).prototype , exports = isGlobal ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {}); if(isGlobal)source = name; for(key in source){ // contains in native own = !(type & $def.F) && target && key in target; // export native or passed out = (own ? target : source)[key]; // bind timers to global for call from export context if(type & $def.B && own)exp = ctx(out, global); else exp = isProto && isFunction(out) ? ctx(, out) : out; // extend global if(target && !own)$redef(target, key, out); // export if(exports[key] != out)$.hide(exports, key, exp); if(isProto)(exports.prototype || (exports.prototype = {}))[key] = out; } } module.exports = $def; },{"./$":24,"./$.redef":29}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , document = $.g.document , isObject = $.isObject // in old IE typeof document.createElement is 'object' , is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement); module.exports = function(it){ return is ? document.createElement(it) : {}; }; },{"./$":24}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$'); module.exports = function(it){ var keys = $.getKeys(it) , getDesc = $.getDesc , getSymbols = $.getSymbols; if(getSymbols)$, function(key){ if(getDesc(it, key).enumerable)keys.push(key); }); return keys; }; },{"./$":24}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ var ctx = require('./$.ctx') , get = require('./$.iter').get , call = require('./$.iter-call'); module.exports = function(iterable, entries, fn, that){ var iterator = get(iterable) , f = ctx(fn, that, entries ? 2 : 1) , step; while(!(step ={ if(call(iterator, f, step.value, entries) === false){ return call.close(iterator); } } }; },{"./$.ctx":12,"./$.iter":23,"./$.iter-call":20}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function($){ $.FW = true; $.path = $.g; return $; }; },{}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ // fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window var $ = require('./$') , toString = {}.toString , getNames = $.getNames; var windowNames = typeof window == 'object' && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : []; function getWindowNames(it){ try { return getNames(it); } catch(e){ return windowNames.slice(); } } module.exports.get = function getOwnPropertyNames(it){ if(windowNames && == '[object Window]')return getWindowNames(it); return getNames($.toObject(it)); }; },{"./$":24}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ // Fast apply // module.exports = function(fn, args, that){ var un = that === undefined; switch(args.length){ case 0: return un ? fn() :; case 1: return un ? fn(args[0]) :, args[0]); case 2: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1]) :, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2]) :, args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 4: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]) :, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); case 5: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]) :, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); } return fn.apply(that, args); }; },{}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ var assertObject = require('./$.assert').obj; function close(iterator){ var ret = iterator['return']; if(ret !== undefined)assertObject(; } function call(iterator, fn, value, entries){ try { return entries ? fn(assertObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value); } catch(e){ close(iterator); throw e; } } call.close = close; module.exports = call; },{"./$.assert":5}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ var $def = require('./$.def') , $redef = require('./$.redef') , $ = require('./$') , cof = require('./$.cof') , $iter = require('./$.iter') , SYMBOL_ITERATOR = require('./$.wks')('iterator') , FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator' , KEYS = 'keys' , VALUES = 'values' , Iterators = $iter.Iterators; module.exports = function(Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCE){ $iter.create(Constructor, NAME, next); function createMethod(kind){ function $$(that){ return new Constructor(that, kind); } switch(kind){ case KEYS: return function keys(){ return $$(this); }; case VALUES: return function values(){ return $$(this); }; } return function entries(){ return $$(this); }; } var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator' , proto = Base.prototype , _native = proto[SYMBOL_ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT] , _default = _native || createMethod(DEFAULT) , methods, key; // Fix native if(_native){ var IteratorPrototype = $.getProto( Base)); // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators cof.set(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true); // FF fix if($.FW && $.has(proto, FF_ITERATOR))$iter.set(IteratorPrototype, $.that); } // Define iterator if($.FW || FORCE)$iter.set(proto, _default); // Plug for library Iterators[NAME] = _default; Iterators[TAG] = $.that; if(DEFAULT){ methods = { keys: IS_SET ? _default : createMethod(KEYS), values: DEFAULT == VALUES ? _default : createMethod(VALUES), entries: DEFAULT != VALUES ? _default : createMethod('entries') }; if(FORCE)for(key in methods){ if(!(key in proto))$redef(proto, key, methods[key]); } else $def($def.P + $def.F * $iter.BUGGY, NAME, methods); } }; },{"./$":24,"./$.cof":7,"./$.def":13,"./$.iter":23,"./$.redef":29,"./$.wks":42}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ var SYMBOL_ITERATOR = require('./$.wks')('iterator') , SAFE_CLOSING = false; try { var riter = [7][SYMBOL_ITERATOR](); riter['return'] = function(){ SAFE_CLOSING = true; }; Array.from(riter, function(){ throw 2; }); } catch(e){ /* empty */ } module.exports = function(exec){ if(!SAFE_CLOSING)return false; var safe = false; try { var arr = [7] , iter = arr[SYMBOL_ITERATOR](); = function(){ safe = true; }; arr[SYMBOL_ITERATOR] = function(){ return iter; }; exec(arr); } catch(e){ /* empty */ } return safe; }; },{"./$.wks":42}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , cof = require('./$.cof') , classof = cof.classof , assert = require('./$.assert') , assertObject = assert.obj , SYMBOL_ITERATOR = require('./$.wks')('iterator') , FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator' , Iterators = require('./$.shared')('iterators') , IteratorPrototype = {}; // %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]() setIterator(IteratorPrototype, $.that); function setIterator(O, value){ $.hide(O, SYMBOL_ITERATOR, value); // Add iterator for FF iterator protocol if(FF_ITERATOR in [])$.hide(O, FF_ITERATOR, value); } module.exports = { // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next` BUGGY: 'keys' in [] && !('next' in [].keys()), Iterators: Iterators, step: function(done, value){ return {value: value, done: !!done}; }, is: function(it){ var O = Object(it) , Symbol = $.g.Symbol; return (Symbol && Symbol.iterator || FF_ITERATOR) in O || SYMBOL_ITERATOR in O || $.has(Iterators, classof(O)); }, get: function(it){ var Symbol = $.g.Symbol , getIter; if(it != undefined){ getIter = it[Symbol && Symbol.iterator || FF_ITERATOR] || it[SYMBOL_ITERATOR] || Iterators[classof(it)]; } assert($.isFunction(getIter), it, ' is not iterable!'); return assertObject(; }, set: setIterator, create: function(Constructor, NAME, next, proto){ Constructor.prototype = $.create(proto || IteratorPrototype, {next: $.desc(1, next)}); cof.set(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator'); } }; },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5,"./$.cof":7,"./$.shared":33,"./$.wks":42}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var global = typeof self != 'undefined' ? self : Function('return this')() , core = {} , defineProperty = Object.defineProperty , hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty , ceil = Math.ceil , floor = Math.floor , max = Math.max , min = Math.min; // The engine works fine with descriptors? Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty. var DESC = !!function(){ try { return defineProperty({}, 'a', {get: function(){ return 2; }}).a == 2; } catch(e){ /* empty */ } }(); var hide = createDefiner(1); // 7.1.4 ToInteger function toInteger(it){ return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it); } function desc(bitmap, value){ return { enumerable : !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable : !(bitmap & 4), value : value }; } function simpleSet(object, key, value){ object[key] = value; return object; } function createDefiner(bitmap){ return DESC ? function(object, key, value){ return $.setDesc(object, key, desc(bitmap, value)); } : simpleSet; } function isObject(it){ return it !== null && (typeof it == 'object' || typeof it == 'function'); } function isFunction(it){ return typeof it == 'function'; } function assertDefined(it){ if(it == undefined)throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; } var $ = module.exports = require('./$.fw')({ g: global, core: core, html: global.document && document.documentElement, // isObject: isObject, isFunction: isFunction, that: function(){ return this; }, // 7.1.4 ToInteger toInteger: toInteger, // 7.1.15 ToLength toLength: function(it){ return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991 }, toIndex: function(index, length){ index = toInteger(index); return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length); }, has: function(it, key){ return, key); }, create: Object.create, getProto: Object.getPrototypeOf, DESC: DESC, desc: desc, getDesc: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, setDesc: defineProperty, setDescs: Object.defineProperties, getKeys: Object.keys, getNames: Object.getOwnPropertyNames, getSymbols: Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, assertDefined: assertDefined, // Dummy, fix for not array-like ES3 string in es5 module ES5Object: Object, toObject: function(it){ return $.ES5Object(assertDefined(it)); }, hide: hide, def: createDefiner(0), set: global.Symbol ? simpleSet : hide, each: [].forEach }); /* eslint-disable no-undef */ if(typeof __e != 'undefined')__e = core; if(typeof __g != 'undefined')__g = global; },{"./$.fw":17}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$'); module.exports = function(object, el){ var O = $.toObject(object) , keys = $.getKeys(O) , length = keys.length , index = 0 , key; while(length > index)if(O[key = keys[index++]] === el)return key; }; },{"./$":24}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ var $redef = require('./$.redef'); module.exports = function(target, src){ for(var key in src)$redef(target, key, src[key]); return target; }; },{"./$.redef":29}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , assertObject = require('./$.assert').obj; module.exports = function ownKeys(it){ assertObject(it); var keys = $.getNames(it) , getSymbols = $.getSymbols; return getSymbols ? keys.concat(getSymbols(it)) : keys; }; },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , invoke = require('./$.invoke') , assertFunction = require('./$.assert').fn; module.exports = function(/* ...pargs */){ var fn = assertFunction(this) , length = arguments.length , pargs = Array(length) , i = 0 , _ = $.path._ , holder = false; while(length > i)if((pargs[i] = arguments[i++]) === _)holder = true; return function(/* ...args */){ var that = this , _length = arguments.length , j = 0, k = 0, args; if(!holder && !_length)return invoke(fn, pargs, that); args = pargs.slice(); if(holder)for(;length > j; j++)if(args[j] === _)args[j] = arguments[k++]; while(_length > k)args.push(arguments[k++]); return invoke(fn, args, that); }; }; },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5,"./$.invoke":19}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , tpl = String({}.hasOwnProperty) , SRC = require('./$.uid').safe('src') , _toString = Function.toString; function $redef(O, key, val, safe){ if($.isFunction(val)){ var base = O[key]; $.hide(val, SRC, base ? String(base) : tpl.replace(/hasOwnProperty/, String(key))); if(!('name' in val)) = key; } if(O === $.g){ O[key] = val; } else { if(!safe)delete O[key]; $.hide(O, key, val); } } // add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors // with methods similar to LoDash isNative $redef(Function.prototype, 'toString', function toString(){ return $.has(this, SRC) ? this[SRC] :; }); $.core.inspectSource = function(it){ return; }; module.exports = $redef; },{"./$":24,"./$.uid":40}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; module.exports = function(regExp, replace, isStatic){ var replacer = replace === Object(replace) ? function(part){ return replace[part]; } : replace; return function(it){ return String(isStatic ? it : this).replace(regExp, replacer); }; }; },{}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = || function is(x, y){ return x === y ? x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y : x != x && y != y; }; },{}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. /* eslint-disable no-proto */ var $ = require('./$') , assert = require('./$.assert'); function check(O, proto){ assert.obj(O); assert(proto === null || $.isObject(proto), proto, ": can't set as prototype!"); } module.exports = { set: Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} // eslint-disable-line ? function(buggy, set){ try { set = require('./$.ctx')(, $.getDesc(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set, 2); set({}, []); } catch(e){ buggy = true; } return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto){ check(O, proto); if(buggy)O.__proto__ = proto; else set(O, proto); return O; }; }() : undefined), check: check }; },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5,"./$.ctx":12}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , SHARED = '__core-js_shared__' , store = $.g[SHARED] || ($.g[SHARED] = {}); module.exports = function(key){ return store[key] || (store[key] = {}); }; },{"./$":24}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , SPECIES = require('./$.wks')('species'); module.exports = function(C){ if($.DESC && !(SPECIES in C))$.setDesc(C, SPECIES, { configurable: true, get: $.that }); }; },{"./$":24,"./$.wks":42}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ // true -> String#at // false -> String#codePointAt var $ = require('./$'); module.exports = function(TO_STRING){ return function(that, pos){ var s = String($.assertDefined(that)) , i = $.toInteger(pos) , l = s.length , a, b; if(i < 0 || i >= l)return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined; a = s.charCodeAt(i); return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; }; }; },{"./$":24}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $ = require('./$') , repeat = require('./$.string-repeat'); module.exports = function(that, minLength, fillChar, left){ // 1. Let O be CheckObjectCoercible(this value). // 2. Let S be ToString(O). var S = String($.assertDefined(that)); // 4. If intMinLength is undefined, return S. if(minLength === undefined)return S; // 4. Let intMinLength be ToInteger(minLength). var intMinLength = $.toInteger(minLength); // 5. Let fillLen be the number of characters in S minus intMinLength. var fillLen = intMinLength - S.length; // 6. If fillLen < 0, then throw a RangeError exception. // 7. If fillLen is +∞, then throw a RangeError exception. if(fillLen < 0 || fillLen === Infinity){ throw new RangeError('Cannot satisfy string length ' + minLength + ' for string: ' + S); } // 8. Let sFillStr be the string represented by fillStr. // 9. If sFillStr is undefined, let sFillStr be a space character. var sFillStr = fillChar === undefined ? ' ' : String(fillChar); // 10. Let sFillVal be a String made of sFillStr, repeated until fillLen is met. var sFillVal =, Math.ceil(fillLen / sFillStr.length)); // truncate if we overflowed if(sFillVal.length > fillLen)sFillVal = left ? sFillVal.slice(sFillVal.length - fillLen) : sFillVal.slice(0, fillLen); // 11. Return a string made from sFillVal, followed by S. // 11. Return a String made from S, followed by sFillVal. return left ? sFillVal.concat(S) : S.concat(sFillVal); }; },{"./$":24,"./$.string-repeat":37}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$'); module.exports = function repeat(count){ var str = String($.assertDefined(this)) , res = '' , n = $.toInteger(count); if(n < 0 || n == Infinity)throw RangeError("Count can't be negative"); for(;n > 0; (n >>>= 1) && (str += str))if(n & 1)res += str; return res; }; },{"./$":24}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , ctx = require('./$.ctx') , cof = require('./$.cof') , invoke = require('./$.invoke') , cel = require('./$.dom-create') , global = $.g , isFunction = $.isFunction , html = $.html , process = global.process , setTask = global.setImmediate , clearTask = global.clearImmediate , MessageChannel = global.MessageChannel , counter = 0 , queue = {} , ONREADYSTATECHANGE = 'onreadystatechange' , defer, channel, port; function run(){ var id = +this; if($.has(queue, id)){ var fn = queue[id]; delete queue[id]; fn(); } } function listner(event){; } // Node.js 0.9+ & IE10+ has setImmediate, otherwise: if(!isFunction(setTask) || !isFunction(clearTask)){ setTask = function(fn){ var args = [], i = 1; while(arguments.length > i)args.push(arguments[i++]); queue[++counter] = function(){ invoke(isFunction(fn) ? fn : Function(fn), args); }; defer(counter); return counter; }; clearTask = function(id){ delete queue[id]; }; // Node.js 0.8- if(cof(process) == 'process'){ defer = function(id){ process.nextTick(ctx(run, id, 1)); }; // Modern browsers, skip implementation for WebWorkers // IE8 has postMessage, but it's sync & typeof its postMessage is object } else if(global.addEventListener && isFunction(global.postMessage) && !global.importScripts){ defer = function(id){ global.postMessage(id, '*'); }; global.addEventListener('message', listner, false); // WebWorkers } else if(isFunction(MessageChannel)){ channel = new MessageChannel; port = channel.port2; channel.port1.onmessage = listner; defer = ctx(port.postMessage, port, 1); // IE8- } else if(ONREADYSTATECHANGE in cel('script')){ defer = function(id){ html.appendChild(cel('script'))[ONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function(){ html.removeChild(this);; }; }; // Rest old browsers } else { defer = function(id){ setTimeout(ctx(run, id, 1), 0); }; } } module.exports = { set: setTask, clear: clearTask }; },{"./$":24,"./$.cof":7,"./$.ctx":12,"./$.dom-create":14,"./$.invoke":19}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(exec){ try { exec(); return false; } catch(e){ return true; } }; },{}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ var sid = 0; function uid(key){ return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++sid + Math.random()).toString(36)); } = require('./$').g.Symbol || uid; module.exports = uid; },{"./$":24}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ // Array.prototype[@@unscopables] var UNSCOPABLES = require('./$.wks')('unscopables'); if(!(UNSCOPABLES in []))require('./$').hide(Array.prototype, UNSCOPABLES, {}); module.exports = function(key){ [][UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; }; },{"./$":24,"./$.wks":42}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ var global = require('./$').g , store = require('./$.shared')('wks'); module.exports = function(name){ return store[name] || (store[name] = global.Symbol && global.Symbol[name] || require('./$.uid').safe('Symbol.' + name)); }; },{"./$":24,"./$.shared":33,"./$.uid":40}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , cel = require('./$.dom-create') , cof = require('./$.cof') , $def = require('./$.def') , invoke = require('./$.invoke') , arrayMethod = require('./$.array-methods') , IE_PROTO = require('./$.uid').safe('__proto__') , assert = require('./$.assert') , assertObject = assert.obj , ObjectProto = Object.prototype , html = $.html , A = [] , _slice = A.slice , _join = A.join , classof = cof.classof , has = $.has , defineProperty = $.setDesc , getOwnDescriptor = $.getDesc , defineProperties = $.setDescs , isFunction = $.isFunction , isObject = $.isObject , toObject = $.toObject , toLength = $.toLength , toIndex = $.toIndex , IE8_DOM_DEFINE = false , $indexOf = require('./$.array-includes')(false) , $forEach = arrayMethod(0) , $map = arrayMethod(1) , $filter = arrayMethod(2) , $some = arrayMethod(3) , $every = arrayMethod(4); if(!$.DESC){ try { IE8_DOM_DEFINE = defineProperty(cel('div'), 'x', {get: function(){ return 8; }} ).x == 8; } catch(e){ /* empty */ } $.setDesc = function(O, P, Attributes){ if(IE8_DOM_DEFINE)try { return defineProperty(O, P, Attributes); } catch(e){ /* empty */ } if('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes)throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!'); if('value' in Attributes)assertObject(O)[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; $.getDesc = function(O, P){ if(IE8_DOM_DEFINE)try { return getOwnDescriptor(O, P); } catch(e){ /* empty */ } if(has(O, P))return $.desc(!, P), O[P]); }; $.setDescs = defineProperties = function(O, Properties){ assertObject(O); var keys = $.getKeys(Properties) , length = keys.length , i = 0 , P; while(length > i)$.setDesc(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]); return O; }; } $def($def.S + $def.F * !$.DESC, 'Object', { // / Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $.getDesc, // / Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) defineProperty: $.setDesc, // / Object.defineProperties(O, Properties) defineProperties: defineProperties }); // IE 8- don't enum bug keys var keys1 = ('constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,' + 'toLocaleString,toString,valueOf').split(',') // Additional keys for getOwnPropertyNames , keys2 = keys1.concat('length', 'prototype') , keysLen1 = keys1.length; // Create object with `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var createDict = function(){ // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug var iframe = cel('iframe') , i = keysLen1 , gt = '>' , iframeDocument; = 'none'; html.appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object; // html.removeChild(iframe); iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;; iframeDocument.write('<script>document.F=Object</script' + gt); iframeDocument.close(); createDict = iframeDocument.F; while(i--)delete createDict.prototype[keys1[i]]; return createDict(); }; function createGetKeys(names, length){ return function(object){ var O = toObject(object) , i = 0 , result = [] , key; for(key in O)if(key != IE_PROTO)has(O, key) && result.push(key); // Don't enum bug & hidden keys while(length > i)if(has(O, key = names[i++])){ ~$indexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); } return result; }; } function Empty(){} $def($def.S, 'Object', { // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O) getPrototypeOf: $.getProto = $.getProto || function(O){ O = Object(assert.def(O)); if(has(O, IE_PROTO))return O[IE_PROTO]; if(isFunction(O.constructor) && O instanceof O.constructor){ return O.constructor.prototype; } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; }, // / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) getOwnPropertyNames: $.getNames = $.getNames || createGetKeys(keys2, keys2.length, true), // / Object.create(O [, Properties]) create: $.create = $.create || function(O, /*?*/Properties){ var result; if(O !== null){ Empty.prototype = assertObject(O); result = new Empty(); Empty.prototype = null; // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf shim result[IE_PROTO] = O; } else result = createDict(); return Properties === undefined ? result : defineProperties(result, Properties); }, // / Object.keys(O) keys: $.getKeys = $.getKeys || createGetKeys(keys1, keysLen1, false), // / Object.seal(O) seal: function seal(it){ return it; // <- cap }, // / Object.freeze(O) freeze: function freeze(it){ return it; // <- cap }, // / Object.preventExtensions(O) preventExtensions: function preventExtensions(it){ return it; // <- cap }, // / Object.isSealed(O) isSealed: function isSealed(it){ return !isObject(it); // <- cap }, // / Object.isFrozen(O) isFrozen: function isFrozen(it){ return !isObject(it); // <- cap }, // / Object.isExtensible(O) isExtensible: function isExtensible(it){ return isObject(it); // <- cap } }); // / Function.prototype.bind(thisArg, args...) $def($def.P, 'Function', { bind: function(that /*, args... */){ var fn = assert.fn(this) , partArgs =, 1); function bound(/* args... */){ var args = partArgs.concat( , constr = this instanceof bound , ctx = constr ? $.create(fn.prototype) : that , result = invoke(fn, args, ctx); return constr ? ctx : result; } if(fn.prototype)bound.prototype = fn.prototype; return bound; } }); // Fix for not array-like ES3 string and DOM objects if(!(0 in Object('z') && 'z'[0] == 'z')){ $.ES5Object = function(it){ return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it); }; } var buggySlice = true; try { if(html); buggySlice = false; } catch(e){ /* empty */ } $def($def.P + $def.F * buggySlice, 'Array', { slice: function slice(begin, end){ var len = toLength(this.length) , klass = cof(this); end = end === undefined ? len : end; if(klass == 'Array')return, begin, end); var start = toIndex(begin, len) , upTo = toIndex(end, len) , size = toLength(upTo - start) , cloned = Array(size) , i = 0; for(; i < size; i++)cloned[i] = klass == 'String' ? this.charAt(start + i) : this[start + i]; return cloned; } }); $def($def.P + $def.F * ($.ES5Object != Object), 'Array', { join: function join(){ return _join.apply($.ES5Object(this), arguments); } }); // / Array.isArray(arg) $def($def.S, 'Array', { isArray: function(arg){ return cof(arg) == 'Array'; } }); function createArrayReduce(isRight){ return function(callbackfn, memo){ assert.fn(callbackfn); var O = toObject(this) , length = toLength(O.length) , index = isRight ? length - 1 : 0 , i = isRight ? -1 : 1; if(arguments.length < 2)for(;;){ if(index in O){ memo = O[index]; index += i; break; } index += i; assert(isRight ? index >= 0 : length > index, 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value'); } for(;isRight ? index >= 0 : length > index; index += i)if(index in O){ memo = callbackfn(memo, O[index], index, this); } return memo; }; } $def($def.P, 'Array', { // / Array.prototype.forEach(callbackfn [, thisArg]) forEach: $.each = $.each || function forEach(callbackfn/*, that = undefined */){ return $forEach(this, callbackfn, arguments[1]); }, // / [, thisArg]) map: function map(callbackfn/*, that = undefined */){ return $map(this, callbackfn, arguments[1]); }, // / Array.prototype.filter(callbackfn [, thisArg]) filter: function filter(callbackfn/*, that = undefined */){ return $filter(this, callbackfn, arguments[1]); }, // / Array.prototype.some(callbackfn [, thisArg]) some: function some(callbackfn/*, that = undefined */){ return $some(this, callbackfn, arguments[1]); }, // / Array.prototype.every(callbackfn [, thisArg]) every: function every(callbackfn/*, that = undefined */){ return $every(this, callbackfn, arguments[1]); }, // / Array.prototype.reduce(callbackfn [, initialValue]) reduce: createArrayReduce(false), // / Array.prototype.reduceRight(callbackfn [, initialValue]) reduceRight: createArrayReduce(true), // / Array.prototype.indexOf(searchElement [, fromIndex]) indexOf: function indexOf(el /*, fromIndex = 0 */){ return $indexOf(this, el, arguments[1]); }, // / Array.prototype.lastIndexOf(searchElement [, fromIndex]) lastIndexOf: function(el, fromIndex /* = @[*-1] */){ var O = toObject(this) , length = toLength(O.length) , index = length - 1; if(arguments.length > 1)index = Math.min(index, $.toInteger(fromIndex)); if(index < 0)index = toLength(length + index); for(;index >= 0; index--)if(index in O)if(O[index] === el)return index; return -1; } }); // / String.prototype.trim() $def($def.P, 'String', {trim: require('./$.replacer')(/^\s*([\s\S]*\S)?\s*$/, '$1')}); // / $def($def.S, 'Date', {now: function(){ return +new Date; }}); function lz(num){ return num > 9 ? num : '0' + num; } // / Date.prototype.toISOString() // PhantomJS and old webkit had a broken Date implementation. var date = new Date(-5e13 - 1) , brokenDate = !(date.toISOString && date.toISOString() == '0385-07-25T07:06:39.999Z' && require('./$.throws')(function(){ new Date(NaN).toISOString(); })); $def($def.P + $def.F * brokenDate, 'Date', {toISOString: function(){ if(!isFinite(this))throw RangeError('Invalid time value'); var d = this , y = d.getUTCFullYear() , m = d.getUTCMilliseconds() , s = y < 0 ? '-' : y > 9999 ? '+' : ''; return s + ('00000' + Math.abs(y)).slice(s ? -6 : -4) + '-' + lz(d.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + lz(d.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + lz(d.getUTCHours()) + ':' + lz(d.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + lz(d.getUTCSeconds()) + '.' + (m > 99 ? m : '0' + lz(m)) + 'Z'; }}); if(classof(function(){ return arguments; }()) == 'Object')cof.classof = function(it){ var tag = classof(it); return tag == 'Object' && isFunction(it.callee) ? 'Arguments' : tag; }; },{"./$":24,"./$.array-includes":3,"./$.array-methods":4,"./$.assert":5,"./$.cof":7,"./$.def":13,"./$.dom-create":14,"./$.invoke":19,"./$.replacer":30,"./$.throws":39,"./$.uid":40}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , toIndex = $.toIndex; $def($def.P, 'Array', { // Array.prototype.copyWithin(target, start, end = this.length) copyWithin: function copyWithin(target/* = 0 */, start /* = 0, end = @length */){ var O = Object($.assertDefined(this)) , len = $.toLength(O.length) , to = toIndex(target, len) , from = toIndex(start, len) , end = arguments[2] , fin = end === undefined ? len : toIndex(end, len) , count = Math.min(fin - from, len - to) , inc = 1; if(from < to && to < from + count){ inc = -1; from = from + count - 1; to = to + count - 1; } while(count-- > 0){ if(from in O)O[to] = O[from]; else delete O[to]; to += inc; from += inc; } return O; } }); require('./$.unscope')('copyWithin'); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13,"./$.unscope":41}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , toIndex = $.toIndex; $def($def.P, 'Array', { // Array.prototype.fill(value, start = 0, end = this.length) fill: function fill(value /*, start = 0, end = @length */){ var O = Object($.assertDefined(this)) , length = $.toLength(O.length) , index = toIndex(arguments[1], length) , end = arguments[2] , endPos = end === undefined ? length : toIndex(end, length); while(endPos > index)O[index++] = value; return O; } }); require('./$.unscope')('fill'); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13,"./$.unscope":41}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // Array.prototype.findIndex(predicate, thisArg = undefined) var KEY = 'findIndex' , $def = require('./$.def') , forced = true , $find = require('./$.array-methods')(6); // Shouldn't skip holes if(KEY in [])Array(1)[KEY](function(){ forced = false; }); $def($def.P + $def.F * forced, 'Array', { findIndex: function findIndex(callbackfn/*, that = undefined */){ return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments[1]); } }); require('./$.unscope')(KEY); },{"./$.array-methods":4,"./$.def":13,"./$.unscope":41}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // Array.prototype.find(predicate, thisArg = undefined) var KEY = 'find' , $def = require('./$.def') , forced = true , $find = require('./$.array-methods')(5); // Shouldn't skip holes if(KEY in [])Array(1)[KEY](function(){ forced = false; }); $def($def.P + $def.F * forced, 'Array', { find: function find(callbackfn/*, that = undefined */){ return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments[1]); } }); require('./$.unscope')(KEY); },{"./$.array-methods":4,"./$.def":13,"./$.unscope":41}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , ctx = require('./$.ctx') , $def = require('./$.def') , $iter = require('./$.iter') , call = require('./$.iter-call'); $def($def.S + $def.F * !require('./$.iter-detect')(function(iter){ Array.from(iter); }), 'Array', { // Array.from(arrayLike, mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined) from: function from(arrayLike/*, mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined*/){ var O = Object($.assertDefined(arrayLike)) , mapfn = arguments[1] , mapping = mapfn !== undefined , f = mapping ? ctx(mapfn, arguments[2], 2) : undefined , index = 0 , length, result, step, iterator; if(${ iterator = $iter.get(O); // strange IE quirks mode bug -> use typeof instead of isFunction result = new (typeof this == 'function' ? this : Array); for(; !(step =; index++){ result[index] = mapping ? call(iterator, f, [step.value, index], true) : step.value; } } else { // strange IE quirks mode bug -> use typeof instead of isFunction result = new (typeof this == 'function' ? this : Array)(length = $.toLength(O.length)); for(; length > index; index++){ result[index] = mapping ? f(O[index], index) : O[index]; } } result.length = index; return result; } }); },{"./$":24,"./$.ctx":12,"./$.def":13,"./$.iter":23,"./$.iter-call":20,"./$.iter-detect":22}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , setUnscope = require('./$.unscope') , ITER = require('./$.uid').safe('iter') , $iter = require('./$.iter') , step = $iter.step , Iterators = $iter.Iterators; // Array.prototype.entries() // Array.prototype.keys() // Array.prototype.values() // Array.prototype[@@iterator]() require('./$.iter-define')(Array, 'Array', function(iterated, kind){ $.set(this, ITER, {o: $.toObject(iterated), i: 0, k: kind}); // }, function(){ var iter = this[ITER] , O = iter.o , kind = iter.k , index = iter.i++; if(!O || index >= O.length){ iter.o = undefined; return step(1); } if(kind == 'keys' )return step(0, index); if(kind == 'values')return step(0, O[index]); return step(0, [index, O[index]]); }, 'values'); // argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (, Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array; setUnscope('keys'); setUnscope('values'); setUnscope('entries'); },{"./$":24,"./$.iter":23,"./$.iter-define":21,"./$.uid":40,"./$.unscope":41}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ var $def = require('./$.def'); $def($def.S, 'Array', { // Array.of( ...items) of: function of(/* ...args */){ var index = 0 , length = arguments.length // strange IE quirks mode bug -> use typeof instead of isFunction , result = new (typeof this == 'function' ? this : Array)(length); while(length > index)result[index] = arguments[index++]; result.length = length; return result; } }); },{"./$.def":13}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./$.species')(Array); },{"./$.species":34}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , HAS_INSTANCE = require('./$.wks')('hasInstance') , FunctionProto = Function.prototype; // Function.prototype[@@hasInstance](V) if(!(HAS_INSTANCE in FunctionProto))$.setDesc(FunctionProto, HAS_INSTANCE, {value: function(O){ if(!$.isFunction(this) || !$.isObject(O))return false; if(!$.isObject(this.prototype))return O instanceof this; // for environment w/o native `@@hasInstance` logic enough `instanceof`, but add this: while(O = $.getProto(O))if(this.prototype === O)return true; return false; }}); },{"./$":24,"./$.wks":42}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , NAME = 'name' , setDesc = $.setDesc , FunctionProto = Function.prototype; // name NAME in FunctionProto || $.FW && $.DESC && setDesc(FunctionProto, NAME, { configurable: true, get: function(){ var match = String(this).match(/^\s*function ([^ (]*)/) , name = match ? match[1] : ''; $.has(this, NAME) || setDesc(this, NAME, $.desc(5, name)); return name; }, set: function(value){ $.has(this, NAME) || setDesc(this, NAME, $.desc(0, value)); } }); },{"./$":24}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var strong = require('./$.collection-strong'); // 23.1 Map Objects require('./$.collection')('Map', function(get){ return function Map(){ return get(this, arguments[0]); }; }, { // Map.prototype.get(key) get: function get(key){ var entry = strong.getEntry(this, key); return entry && entry.v; }, // Map.prototype.set(key, value) set: function set(key, value){ return strong.def(this, key === 0 ? 0 : key, value); } }, strong, true); },{"./$.collection":11,"./$.collection-strong":8}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ var Infinity = 1 / 0 , $def = require('./$.def') , E = Math.E , pow = Math.pow , abs = Math.abs , exp = Math.exp , log = Math.log , sqrt = Math.sqrt , ceil = Math.ceil , floor = Math.floor , EPSILON = pow(2, -52) , EPSILON32 = pow(2, -23) , MAX32 = pow(2, 127) * (2 - EPSILON32) , MIN32 = pow(2, -126); function roundTiesToEven(n){ return n + 1 / EPSILON - 1 / EPSILON; } // Math.sign(x) function sign(x){ return (x = +x) == 0 || x != x ? x : x < 0 ? -1 : 1; } // Math.asinh(x) function asinh(x){ return !isFinite(x = +x) || x == 0 ? x : x < 0 ? -asinh(-x) : log(x + sqrt(x * x + 1)); } // Math.expm1(x) function expm1(x){ return (x = +x) == 0 ? x : x > -1e-6 && x < 1e-6 ? x + x * x / 2 : exp(x) - 1; } $def($def.S, 'Math', { // Math.acosh(x) acosh: function acosh(x){ return (x = +x) < 1 ? NaN : isFinite(x) ? log(x / E + sqrt(x + 1) * sqrt(x - 1) / E) + 1 : x; }, // Math.asinh(x) asinh: asinh, // Math.atanh(x) atanh: function atanh(x){ return (x = +x) == 0 ? x : log((1 + x) / (1 - x)) / 2; }, // Math.cbrt(x) cbrt: function cbrt(x){ return sign(x = +x) * pow(abs(x), 1 / 3); }, // Math.clz32(x) clz32: function clz32(x){ return (x >>>= 0) ? 31 - floor(log(x + 0.5) * Math.LOG2E) : 32; }, // Math.cosh(x) cosh: function cosh(x){ return (exp(x = +x) + exp(-x)) / 2; }, // Math.expm1(x) expm1: expm1, // Math.fround(x) fround: function fround(x){ var $abs = abs(x) , $sign = sign(x) , a, result; if($abs < MIN32)return $sign * roundTiesToEven($abs / MIN32 / EPSILON32) * MIN32 * EPSILON32; a = (1 + EPSILON32 / EPSILON) * $abs; result = a - (a - $abs); if(result > MAX32 || result != result)return $sign * Infinity; return $sign * result; }, // Math.hypot([value1[, value2[, … ]]]) hypot: function hypot(value1, value2){ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var sum = 0 , i = 0 , len = arguments.length , larg = 0 , arg, div; while(i < len){ arg = abs(arguments[i++]); if(larg < arg){ div = larg / arg; sum = sum * div * div + 1; larg = arg; } else if(arg > 0){ div = arg / larg; sum += div * div; } else sum += arg; } return larg === Infinity ? Infinity : larg * sqrt(sum); }, // Math.imul(x, y) imul: function imul(x, y){ var UInt16 = 0xffff , xn = +x , yn = +y , xl = UInt16 & xn , yl = UInt16 & yn; return 0 | xl * yl + ((UInt16 & xn >>> 16) * yl + xl * (UInt16 & yn >>> 16) << 16 >>> 0); }, // Math.log1p(x) log1p: function log1p(x){ return (x = +x) > -1e-8 && x < 1e-8 ? x - x * x / 2 : log(1 + x); }, // Math.log10(x) log10: function log10(x){ return log(x) / Math.LN10; }, // Math.log2(x) log2: function log2(x){ return log(x) / Math.LN2; }, // Math.sign(x) sign: sign, // Math.sinh(x) sinh: function sinh(x){ return abs(x = +x) < 1 ? (expm1(x) - expm1(-x)) / 2 : (exp(x - 1) - exp(-x - 1)) * (E / 2); }, // Math.tanh(x) tanh: function tanh(x){ var a = expm1(x = +x) , b = expm1(-x); return a == Infinity ? 1 : b == Infinity ? -1 : (a - b) / (exp(x) + exp(-x)); }, // Math.trunc(x) trunc: function trunc(it){ return (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it); } }); },{"./$.def":13}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , isObject = $.isObject , isFunction = $.isFunction , NUMBER = 'Number' , $Number = $.g[NUMBER] , Base = $Number , proto = $Number.prototype; function toPrimitive(it){ var fn, val; if(isFunction(fn = it.valueOf) && !isObject(val = val; if(isFunction(fn = it.toString) && !isObject(val = val; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to number"); } function toNumber(it){ if(isObject(it))it = toPrimitive(it); if(typeof it == 'string' && it.length > 2 && it.charCodeAt(0) == 48){ var binary = false; switch(it.charCodeAt(1)){ case 66 : case 98 : binary = true; case 79 : case 111 : return parseInt(it.slice(2), binary ? 2 : 8); } } return +it; } if($.FW && !($Number('0o1') && $Number('0b1'))){ $Number = function Number(it){ return this instanceof $Number ? new Base(toNumber(it)) : toNumber(it); }; $$.DESC ? $.getNames(Base) : ( // ES3: 'MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,' + // ES6 (in case, if modules with ES6 Number statics required before): 'EPSILON,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,' + 'MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,parseFloat,parseInt,isInteger' ).split(','), function(key){ if($.has(Base, key) && !$.has($Number, key)){ $.setDesc($Number, key, $.getDesc(Base, key)); } } ); $Number.prototype = proto; proto.constructor = $Number; require('./$.redef')($.g, NUMBER, $Number); } },{"./$":24,"./$.redef":29}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , abs = Math.abs , floor = Math.floor , _isFinite = $.g.isFinite , MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1fffffffffffff; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991; function isInteger(it){ return !$.isObject(it) && _isFinite(it) && floor(it) === it; } $def($def.S, 'Number', { // Number.EPSILON EPSILON: Math.pow(2, -52), // Number.isFinite(number) isFinite: function isFinite(it){ return typeof it == 'number' && _isFinite(it); }, // Number.isInteger(number) isInteger: isInteger, // Number.isNaN(number) isNaN: function isNaN(number){ return number != number; }, // Number.isSafeInteger(number) isSafeInteger: function isSafeInteger(number){ return isInteger(number) && abs(number) <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; }, // Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, // Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, // Number.parseFloat(string) parseFloat: parseFloat, // Number.parseInt(string, radix) parseInt: parseInt }); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ // Object.assign(target, source) var $def = require('./$.def'); $def($def.S, 'Object', {assign: require('./$.assign')}); },{"./$.assign":6,"./$.def":13}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ //, value2) var $def = require('./$.def'); $def($def.S, 'Object', { is: require('./$.same') }); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.same":31}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ // Object.setPrototypeOf(O, proto) var $def = require('./$.def'); $def($def.S, 'Object', {setPrototypeOf: require('./$.set-proto').set}); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.set-proto":32}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , isObject = $.isObject , toObject = $.toObject; $'freeze,seal,preventExtensions,isFrozen,isSealed,isExtensible,' + 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor,getPrototypeOf,keys,getOwnPropertyNames').split(',') , function(KEY, ID){ var fn = ($.core.Object || {})[KEY] || Object[KEY] , forced = 0 , method = {}; method[KEY] = ID == 0 ? function freeze(it){ return isObject(it) ? fn(it) : it; } : ID == 1 ? function seal(it){ return isObject(it) ? fn(it) : it; } : ID == 2 ? function preventExtensions(it){ return isObject(it) ? fn(it) : it; } : ID == 3 ? function isFrozen(it){ return isObject(it) ? fn(it) : true; } : ID == 4 ? function isSealed(it){ return isObject(it) ? fn(it) : true; } : ID == 5 ? function isExtensible(it){ return isObject(it) ? fn(it) : false; } : ID == 6 ? function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key){ return fn(toObject(it), key); } : ID == 7 ? function getPrototypeOf(it){ return fn(Object($.assertDefined(it))); } : ID == 8 ? function keys(it){ return fn(toObject(it)); } : require('./$.get-names').get; try { fn('z'); } catch(e){ forced = 1; } $def($def.S + $def.F * forced, 'Object', method); }); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13,"./$.get-names":18}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // Object.prototype.toString() var cof = require('./$.cof') , tmp = {}; tmp[require('./$.wks')('toStringTag')] = 'z'; if(require('./$').FW && cof(tmp) != 'z'){ require('./$.redef')(Object.prototype, 'toString', function toString(){ return '[object ' + cof.classof(this) + ']'; }, true); } },{"./$":24,"./$.cof":7,"./$.redef":29,"./$.wks":42}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , ctx = require('./$.ctx') , cof = require('./$.cof') , $def = require('./$.def') , assert = require('./$.assert') , forOf = require('./$.for-of') , setProto = require('./$.set-proto').set , same = require('./$.same') , species = require('./$.species') , SPECIES = require('./$.wks')('species') , RECORD = require('./$.uid').safe('record') , PROMISE = 'Promise' , global = $.g , process = global.process , isNode = cof(process) == 'process' , asap = process && process.nextTick || require('./$.task').set , P = global[PROMISE] , isFunction = $.isFunction , isObject = $.isObject , assertFunction = assert.fn , assertObject = assert.obj , Wrapper; function testResolve(sub){ var test = new P(function(){}); if(sub)test.constructor = Object; return P.resolve(test) === test; } var useNative = function(){ var works = false; function P2(x){ var self = new P(x); setProto(self, P2.prototype); return self; } try { works = isFunction(P) && isFunction(P.resolve) && testResolve(); setProto(P2, P); P2.prototype = $.create(P.prototype, {constructor: {value: P2}}); // actual Firefox has broken subclass support, test that if(!(P2.resolve(5).then(function(){}) instanceof P2)){ works = false; } // actual V8 bug, if(works && $.DESC){ var thenableThenGotten = false; P.resolve($.setDesc({}, 'then', { get: function(){ thenableThenGotten = true; } })); works = thenableThenGotten; } } catch(e){ works = false; } return works; }(); // helpers function isPromise(it){ return isObject(it) && (useNative ? cof.classof(it) == 'Promise' : RECORD in it); } function sameConstructor(a, b){ // library wrapper special case if(!$.FW && a === P && b === Wrapper)return true; return same(a, b); } function getConstructor(C){ var S = assertObject(C)[SPECIES]; return S != undefined ? S : C; } function isThenable(it){ var then; if(isObject(it))then = it.then; return isFunction(then) ? then : false; } function notify(record){ var chain = record.c; // strange IE + webpack dev server bug - use .call(global) if(chain.length), function(){ var value = record.v , ok = record.s == 1 , i = 0; function run(react){ var cb = ok ? react.ok : , ret, then; try { if(cb){ if(!ok)record.h = true; ret = cb === true ? value : cb(value); if(ret === react.P){ react.rej(TypeError('Promise-chain cycle')); } else if(then = isThenable(ret)){, react.res, react.rej); } else react.res(ret); } else react.rej(value); } catch(err){ react.rej(err); } } while(chain.length > i)run(chain[i++]); // variable length - can't use forEach chain.length = 0; }); } function isUnhandled(promise){ var record = promise[RECORD] , chain = record.a || record.c , i = 0 , react; if(record.h)return false; while(chain.length > i){ react = chain[i++]; if( || !isUnhandled(react.P))return false; } return true; } function $reject(value){ var record = this , promise; if(record.d)return; record.d = true; record = record.r || record; // unwrap record.v = value; record.s = 2; record.a = record.c.slice(); setTimeout(function(){ // strange IE + webpack dev server bug - use .call(global), function(){ if(isUnhandled(promise = record.p)){ if(isNode){ process.emit('unhandledRejection', value, promise); } else if(global.console && console.error){ console.error('Unhandled promise rejection', value); } } record.a = undefined; }); }, 1); notify(record); } function $resolve(value){ var record = this , then; if(record.d)return; record.d = true; record = record.r || record; // unwrap try { if(then = isThenable(value)){ // strange IE + webpack dev server bug - use .call(global), function(){ var wrapper = {r: record, d: false}; // wrap try {, ctx($resolve, wrapper, 1), ctx($reject, wrapper, 1)); } catch(e){ $, e); } }); } else { record.v = value; record.s = 1; notify(record); } } catch(e){ ${r: record, d: false}, e); // wrap } } // constructor polyfill if(!useNative){ // Promise(executor) P = function Promise(executor){ assertFunction(executor); var record = { p: assert.inst(this, P, PROMISE), // <- promise c: [], // <- awaiting reactions a: undefined, // <- checked in isUnhandled reactions s: 0, // <- state d: false, // <- done v: undefined, // <- value h: false // <- handled rejection }; $.hide(this, RECORD, record); try { executor(ctx($resolve, record, 1), ctx($reject, record, 1)); } catch(err){ $, err); } }; require('./$.mix')(P.prototype, { // Promise.prototype.then(onFulfilled, onRejected) then: function then(onFulfilled, onRejected){ var S = assertObject(assertObject(this).constructor)[SPECIES]; var react = { ok: isFunction(onFulfilled) ? onFulfilled : true, fail: isFunction(onRejected) ? onRejected : false }; var promise = react.P = new (S != undefined ? S : P)(function(res, rej){ react.res = assertFunction(res); react.rej = assertFunction(rej); }); var record = this[RECORD]; record.c.push(react); if(record.a)record.a.push(react); if(record.s)notify(record); return promise; }, // Promise.prototype.catch(onRejected) 'catch': function(onRejected){ return this.then(undefined, onRejected); } }); } // export $def($def.G + $def.W + $def.F * !useNative, {Promise: P}); cof.set(P, PROMISE); species(P); species(Wrapper = $.core[PROMISE]); // statics $def($def.S + $def.F * !useNative, PROMISE, { // Promise.reject(r) reject: function reject(r){ return new (getConstructor(this))(function(res, rej){ rej(r); }); } }); $def($def.S + $def.F * (!useNative || testResolve(true)), PROMISE, { // Promise.resolve(x) resolve: function resolve(x){ return isPromise(x) && sameConstructor(x.constructor, this) ? x : new this(function(res){ res(x); }); } }); $def($def.S + $def.F * !(useNative && require('./$.iter-detect')(function(iter){ P.all(iter)['catch'](function(){}); })), PROMISE, { // Promise.all(iterable) all: function all(iterable){ var C = getConstructor(this) , values = []; return new C(function(res, rej){ forOf(iterable, false, values.push, values); var remaining = values.length , results = Array(remaining); if(remaining)$, function(promise, index){ C.resolve(promise).then(function(value){ results[index] = value; --remaining || res(results); }, rej); }); else res(results); }); }, // Promise.race(iterable) race: function race(iterable){ var C = getConstructor(this); return new C(function(res, rej){ forOf(iterable, false, function(promise){ C.resolve(promise).then(res, rej); }); }); } }); },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5,"./$.cof":7,"./$.ctx":12,"./$.def":13,"./$.for-of":16,"./$.iter-detect":22,"./$.mix":26,"./$.same":31,"./$.set-proto":32,"./$.species":34,"./$.task":38,"./$.uid":40,"./$.wks":42}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , setProto = require('./$.set-proto') , $iter = require('./$.iter') , ITERATOR = require('./$.wks')('iterator') , ITER = require('./$.uid').safe('iter') , step = $iter.step , assert = require('./$.assert') , isObject = $.isObject , getProto = $.getProto , $Reflect = $.g.Reflect , _apply = Function.apply , assertObject = assert.obj , _isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || isObject , _preventExtensions = Object.preventExtensions // IE TP has broken Reflect.enumerate , buggyEnumerate = !($Reflect && $Reflect.enumerate && ITERATOR in $Reflect.enumerate({})); function Enumerate(iterated){ $.set(this, ITER, {o: iterated, k: undefined, i: 0}); } $iter.create(Enumerate, 'Object', function(){ var iter = this[ITER] , keys = iter.k , key; if(keys == undefined){ iter.k = keys = []; for(key in iter.o)keys.push(key); } do { if(iter.i >= keys.length)return step(1); } while(!((key = keys[iter.i++]) in iter.o)); return step(0, key); }); var reflect = { // 26.1.1 Reflect.apply(target, thisArgument, argumentsList) apply: function apply(target, thisArgument, argumentsList){ return, thisArgument, argumentsList); }, // 26.1.2 Reflect.construct(target, argumentsList [, newTarget]) construct: function construct(target, argumentsList /*, newTarget*/){ var proto = assert.fn(arguments.length < 3 ? target : arguments[2]).prototype , instance = $.create(isObject(proto) ? proto : Object.prototype) , result =, instance, argumentsList); return isObject(result) ? result : instance; }, // 26.1.3 Reflect.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, attributes) defineProperty: function defineProperty(target, propertyKey, attributes){ assertObject(target); try { $.setDesc(target, propertyKey, attributes); return true; } catch(e){ return false; } }, // 26.1.4 Reflect.deleteProperty(target, propertyKey) deleteProperty: function deleteProperty(target, propertyKey){ var desc = $.getDesc(assertObject(target), propertyKey); return desc && !desc.configurable ? false : delete target[propertyKey]; }, // 26.1.6 Reflect.get(target, propertyKey [, receiver]) get: function get(target, propertyKey/*, receiver*/){ var receiver = arguments.length < 3 ? target : arguments[2] , desc = $.getDesc(assertObject(target), propertyKey), proto; if(desc)return $.has(desc, 'value') ? desc.value : desc.get === undefined ? undefined :; return isObject(proto = getProto(target)) ? get(proto, propertyKey, receiver) : undefined; }, // 26.1.7 Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propertyKey) getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propertyKey){ return $.getDesc(assertObject(target), propertyKey); }, // 26.1.8 Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target) getPrototypeOf: function getPrototypeOf(target){ return getProto(assertObject(target)); }, // 26.1.9 Reflect.has(target, propertyKey) has: function has(target, propertyKey){ return propertyKey in target; }, // 26.1.10 Reflect.isExtensible(target) isExtensible: function isExtensible(target){ return _isExtensible(assertObject(target)); }, // 26.1.11 Reflect.ownKeys(target) ownKeys: require('./$.own-keys'), // 26.1.12 Reflect.preventExtensions(target) preventExtensions: function preventExtensions(target){ assertObject(target); try { if(_preventExtensions)_preventExtensions(target); return true; } catch(e){ return false; } }, // 26.1.13 Reflect.set(target, propertyKey, V [, receiver]) set: function set(target, propertyKey, V/*, receiver*/){ var receiver = arguments.length < 4 ? target : arguments[3] , ownDesc = $.getDesc(assertObject(target), propertyKey) , existingDescriptor, proto; if(!ownDesc){ if(isObject(proto = getProto(target))){ return set(proto, propertyKey, V, receiver); } ownDesc = $.desc(0); } if($.has(ownDesc, 'value')){ if(ownDesc.writable === false || !isObject(receiver))return false; existingDescriptor = $.getDesc(receiver, propertyKey) || $.desc(0); existingDescriptor.value = V; $.setDesc(receiver, propertyKey, existingDescriptor); return true; } return ownDesc.set === undefined ? false : (, V), true); } }; // 26.1.14 Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, proto) if(setProto)reflect.setPrototypeOf = function setPrototypeOf(target, proto){ setProto.check(target, proto); try { setProto.set(target, proto); return true; } catch(e){ return false; } }; $def($def.G, {Reflect: {}}); $def($def.S + $def.F * buggyEnumerate, 'Reflect', { // 26.1.5 Reflect.enumerate(target) enumerate: function enumerate(target){ return new Enumerate(assertObject(target)); } }); $def($def.S, 'Reflect', reflect); },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5,"./$.def":13,"./$.iter":23,"./$.own-keys":27,"./$.set-proto":32,"./$.uid":40,"./$.wks":42}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , cof = require('./$.cof') , $RegExp = $.g.RegExp , Base = $RegExp , proto = $RegExp.prototype , re = /a/g // "new" creates a new object , CORRECT_NEW = new $RegExp(re) !== re // RegExp allows a regex with flags as the pattern , ALLOWS_RE_WITH_FLAGS = function(){ try { return $RegExp(re, 'i') == '/a/i'; } catch(e){ /* empty */ } }(); if($.FW && $.DESC){ if(!CORRECT_NEW || !ALLOWS_RE_WITH_FLAGS){ $RegExp = function RegExp(pattern, flags){ var patternIsRegExp = cof(pattern) == 'RegExp' , flagsIsUndefined = flags === undefined; if(!(this instanceof $RegExp) && patternIsRegExp && flagsIsUndefined)return pattern; return CORRECT_NEW ? new Base(patternIsRegExp && !flagsIsUndefined ? pattern.source : pattern, flags) : new Base(patternIsRegExp ? pattern.source : pattern , patternIsRegExp && flagsIsUndefined ? pattern.flags : flags); }; $$.getNames(Base), function(key){ key in $RegExp || $.setDesc($RegExp, key, { configurable: true, get: function(){ return Base[key]; }, set: function(it){ Base[key] = it; } }); }); proto.constructor = $RegExp; $RegExp.prototype = proto; require('./$.redef')($.g, 'RegExp', $RegExp); } // get RegExp.prototype.flags() if(/./g.flags != 'g')$.setDesc(proto, 'flags', { configurable: true, get: require('./$.replacer')(/^.*\/(\w*)$/, '$1') }); } require('./$.species')($RegExp); },{"./$":24,"./$.cof":7,"./$.redef":29,"./$.replacer":30,"./$.species":34}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var strong = require('./$.collection-strong'); // 23.2 Set Objects require('./$.collection')('Set', function(get){ return function Set(){ return get(this, arguments[0]); }; }, { // Set.prototype.add(value) add: function add(value){ return strong.def(this, value = value === 0 ? 0 : value, value); } }, strong); },{"./$.collection":11,"./$.collection-strong":8}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $def = require('./$.def') , $at = require('./$.string-at')(false); $def($def.P, 'String', { // String.prototype.codePointAt(pos) codePointAt: function codePointAt(pos){ return $at(this, pos); } }); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.string-at":35}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , cof = require('./$.cof') , $def = require('./$.def') , toLength = $.toLength; // should throw error on regex $def($def.P + $def.F * !require('./$.throws')(function(){ 'q'.endsWith(/./); }), 'String', { // String.prototype.endsWith(searchString [, endPosition]) endsWith: function endsWith(searchString /*, endPosition = @length */){ if(cof(searchString) == 'RegExp')throw TypeError(); var that = String($.assertDefined(this)) , endPosition = arguments[1] , len = toLength(that.length) , end = endPosition === undefined ? len : Math.min(toLength(endPosition), len); searchString += ''; return that.slice(end - searchString.length, end) === searchString; } }); },{"./$":24,"./$.cof":7,"./$.def":13,"./$.throws":39}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ var $def = require('./$.def') , toIndex = require('./$').toIndex , fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode , $fromCodePoint = String.fromCodePoint; // length should be 1, old FF problem $def($def.S + $def.F * (!!$fromCodePoint && $fromCodePoint.length != 1), 'String', { // String.fromCodePoint(...codePoints) fromCodePoint: function fromCodePoint(x){ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var res = [] , len = arguments.length , i = 0 , code; while(len > i){ code = +arguments[i++]; if(toIndex(code, 0x10ffff) !== code)throw RangeError(code + ' is not a valid code point'); res.push(code < 0x10000 ? fromCharCode(code) : fromCharCode(((code -= 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xd800, code % 0x400 + 0xdc00) ); } return res.join(''); } }); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13}],70:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , cof = require('./$.cof') , $def = require('./$.def'); $def($def.P, 'String', { // String.prototype.includes(searchString, position = 0) includes: function includes(searchString /*, position = 0 */){ if(cof(searchString) == 'RegExp')throw TypeError(); return !!~String($.assertDefined(this)).indexOf(searchString, arguments[1]); } }); },{"./$":24,"./$.cof":7,"./$.def":13}],71:[function(require,module,exports){ var set = require('./$').set , $at = require('./$.string-at')(true) , ITER = require('./$.uid').safe('iter') , $iter = require('./$.iter') , step = $iter.step; // String.prototype[@@iterator]() require('./$.iter-define')(String, 'String', function(iterated){ set(this, ITER, {o: String(iterated), i: 0}); // }, function(){ var iter = this[ITER] , O = iter.o , index = iter.i , point; if(index >= O.length)return step(1); point = $at(O, index); iter.i += point.length; return step(0, point); }); },{"./$":24,"./$.iter":23,"./$.iter-define":21,"./$.string-at":35,"./$.uid":40}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def'); $def($def.S, 'String', { // String.raw(callSite, ...substitutions) raw: function raw(callSite){ var tpl = $.toObject(callSite.raw) , len = $.toLength(tpl.length) , sln = arguments.length , res = [] , i = 0; while(len > i){ res.push(String(tpl[i++])); if(i < sln)res.push(String(arguments[i])); } return res.join(''); } }); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ var $def = require('./$.def'); $def($def.P, 'String', { // String.prototype.repeat(count) repeat: require('./$.string-repeat') }); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.string-repeat":37}],74:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , cof = require('./$.cof') , $def = require('./$.def'); // should throw error on regex $def($def.P + $def.F * !require('./$.throws')(function(){ 'q'.startsWith(/./); }), 'String', { // String.prototype.startsWith(searchString [, position ]) startsWith: function startsWith(searchString /*, position = 0 */){ if(cof(searchString) == 'RegExp')throw TypeError(); var that = String($.assertDefined(this)) , index = $.toLength(Math.min(arguments[1], that.length)); searchString += ''; return that.slice(index, index + searchString.length) === searchString; } }); },{"./$":24,"./$.cof":7,"./$.def":13,"./$.throws":39}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // ECMAScript 6 symbols shim var $ = require('./$') , setTag = require('./$.cof').set , uid = require('./$.uid') , shared = require('./$.shared') , $def = require('./$.def') , $redef = require('./$.redef') , keyOf = require('./$.keyof') , enumKeys = require('./$.enum-keys') , assertObject = require('./$.assert').obj , ObjectProto = Object.prototype , DESC = $.DESC , has = $.has , $create = $.create , getDesc = $.getDesc , setDesc = $.setDesc , desc = $.desc , $names = require('./$.get-names') , getNames = $names.get , toObject = $.toObject , $Symbol = $.g.Symbol , setter = false , TAG = uid('tag') , HIDDEN = uid('hidden') , _propertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable , SymbolRegistry = shared('symbol-registry') , AllSymbols = shared('symbols') , useNative = $.isFunction($Symbol); var setSymbolDesc = DESC ? function(){ // fallback for old Android try { return $create(setDesc({}, HIDDEN, { get: function(){ return setDesc(this, HIDDEN, {value: false})[HIDDEN]; } }))[HIDDEN] || setDesc; } catch(e){ return function(it, key, D){ var protoDesc = getDesc(ObjectProto, key); if(protoDesc)delete ObjectProto[key]; setDesc(it, key, D); if(protoDesc && it !== ObjectProto)setDesc(ObjectProto, key, protoDesc); }; } }() : setDesc; function wrap(tag){ var sym = AllSymbols[tag] = $.set($create($Symbol.prototype), TAG, tag); DESC && setter && setSymbolDesc(ObjectProto, tag, { configurable: true, set: function(value){ if(has(this, HIDDEN) && has(this[HIDDEN], tag))this[HIDDEN][tag] = false; setSymbolDesc(this, tag, desc(1, value)); } }); return sym; } function defineProperty(it, key, D){ if(D && has(AllSymbols, key)){ if(!D.enumerable){ if(!has(it, HIDDEN))setDesc(it, HIDDEN, desc(1, {})); it[HIDDEN][key] = true; } else { if(has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key])it[HIDDEN][key] = false; D = $create(D, {enumerable: desc(0, false)}); } return setSymbolDesc(it, key, D); } return setDesc(it, key, D); } function defineProperties(it, P){ assertObject(it); var keys = enumKeys(P = toObject(P)) , i = 0 , l = keys.length , key; while(l > i)defineProperty(it, key = keys[i++], P[key]); return it; } function create(it, P){ return P === undefined ? $create(it) : defineProperties($create(it), P); } function propertyIsEnumerable(key){ var E =, key); return E || !has(this, key) || !has(AllSymbols, key) || has(this, HIDDEN) && this[HIDDEN][key] ? E : true; } function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key){ var D = getDesc(it = toObject(it), key); if(D && has(AllSymbols, key) && !(has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key]))D.enumerable = true; return D; } function getOwnPropertyNames(it){ var names = getNames(toObject(it)) , result = [] , i = 0 , key; while(names.length > i)if(!has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && key != HIDDEN)result.push(key); return result; } function getOwnPropertySymbols(it){ var names = getNames(toObject(it)) , result = [] , i = 0 , key; while(names.length > i)if(has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]))result.push(AllSymbols[key]); return result; } // Symbol([description]) if(!useNative){ $Symbol = function Symbol(){ if(this instanceof $Symbol)throw TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor'); return wrap(uid(arguments[0])); }; $redef($Symbol.prototype, 'toString', function(){ return this[TAG]; }); $.create = create; $.setDesc = defineProperty; $.getDesc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor; $.setDescs = defineProperties; $.getNames = $names.get = getOwnPropertyNames; $.getSymbols = getOwnPropertySymbols; if($.DESC && $.FW)$redef(ObjectProto, 'propertyIsEnumerable', propertyIsEnumerable, true); } var symbolStatics = { // Symbol.for(key) 'for': function(key){ return has(SymbolRegistry, key += '') ? SymbolRegistry[key] : SymbolRegistry[key] = $Symbol(key); }, // Symbol.keyFor(sym) keyFor: function keyFor(key){ return keyOf(SymbolRegistry, key); }, useSetter: function(){ setter = true; }, useSimple: function(){ setter = false; } }; // Symbol.hasInstance // Symbol.isConcatSpreadable // Symbol.iterator // Symbol.match // Symbol.replace // // Symbol.species // Symbol.split // Symbol.toPrimitive // Symbol.toStringTag // Symbol.unscopables $ 'hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,' + 'species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables' ).split(','), function(it){ var sym = require('./$.wks')(it); symbolStatics[it] = useNative ? sym : wrap(sym); } ); setter = true; $def($def.G + $def.W, {Symbol: $Symbol}); $def($def.S, 'Symbol', symbolStatics); $def($def.S + $def.F * !useNative, 'Object', { // Object.create(O [, Properties]) create: create, // Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) defineProperty: defineProperty, // Object.defineProperties(O, Properties) defineProperties: defineProperties, // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) getOwnPropertyDescriptor: getOwnPropertyDescriptor, // Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) getOwnPropertyNames: getOwnPropertyNames, // Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(O) getOwnPropertySymbols: getOwnPropertySymbols }); // Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag] setTag($Symbol, 'Symbol'); // Math[@@toStringTag] setTag(Math, 'Math', true); // 24.3.3 JSON[@@toStringTag] setTag($.g.JSON, 'JSON', true); },{"./$":24,"./$.assert":5,"./$.cof":7,"./$.def":13,"./$.enum-keys":15,"./$.get-names":18,"./$.keyof":25,"./$.redef":29,"./$.shared":33,"./$.uid":40,"./$.wks":42}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = require('./$') , weak = require('./$.collection-weak') , leakStore = weak.leakStore , ID = weak.ID , WEAK = weak.WEAK , has = $.has , isObject = $.isObject , isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || isObject , tmp = {}; // 23.3 WeakMap Objects var $WeakMap = require('./$.collection')('WeakMap', function(get){ return function WeakMap(){ return get(this, arguments[0]); }; }, { // WeakMap.prototype.get(key) get: function get(key){ if(isObject(key)){ if(!isExtensible(key))return leakStore(this).get(key); if(has(key, WEAK))return key[WEAK][this[ID]]; } }, // WeakMap.prototype.set(key, value) set: function set(key, value){ return weak.def(this, key, value); } }, weak, true, true); // IE11 WeakMap frozen keys fix if(new $WeakMap().set((Object.freeze || Object)(tmp), 7).get(tmp) != 7){ $['delete', 'has', 'get', 'set'], function(key){ var proto = $WeakMap.prototype , method = proto[key]; require('./$.redef')(proto, key, function(a, b){ // store frozen objects on leaky map if(isObject(a) && !isExtensible(a)){ var result = leakStore(this)[key](a, b); return key == 'set' ? this : result; // store all the rest on native weakmap } return, a, b); }); }); } },{"./$":24,"./$.collection":11,"./$.collection-weak":10,"./$.redef":29}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var weak = require('./$.collection-weak'); // 23.4 WeakSet Objects require('./$.collection')('WeakSet', function(get){ return function WeakSet(){ return get(this, arguments[0]); }; }, { // WeakSet.prototype.add(value) add: function add(value){ return weak.def(this, value, true); } }, weak, false, true); },{"./$.collection":11,"./$.collection-weak":10}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $def = require('./$.def') , $includes = require('./$.array-includes')(true); $def($def.P, 'Array', { // includes: function includes(el /*, fromIndex = 0 */){ return $includes(this, el, arguments[1]); } }); require('./$.unscope')('includes'); },{"./$.array-includes":3,"./$.def":13,"./$.unscope":41}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ // require('./$.collection-to-json')('Map'); },{"./$.collection-to-json":9}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , ownKeys = require('./$.own-keys'); $def($def.S, 'Object', { getOwnPropertyDescriptors: function getOwnPropertyDescriptors(object){ var O = $.toObject(object) , result = {}; $, function(key){ $.setDesc(result, key, $.desc(0, $.getDesc(O, key))); }); return result; } }); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13,"./$.own-keys":27}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def'); function createObjectToArray(isEntries){ return function(object){ var O = $.toObject(object) , keys = $.getKeys(O) , length = keys.length , i = 0 , result = Array(length) , key; if(isEntries)while(length > i)result[i] = [key = keys[i++], O[key]]; else while(length > i)result[i] = O[keys[i++]]; return result; }; } $def($def.S, 'Object', { values: createObjectToArray(false), entries: createObjectToArray(true) }); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ // var $def = require('./$.def'); $def($def.S, 'RegExp', { escape: require('./$.replacer')(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&', true) }); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.replacer":30}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ // require('./$.collection-to-json')('Set'); },{"./$.collection-to-json":9}],84:[function(require,module,exports){ // 'use strict'; var $def = require('./$.def') , $at = require('./$.string-at')(true); $def($def.P, 'String', { at: function at(pos){ return $at(this, pos); } }); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.string-at":35}],85:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $def = require('./$.def') , $pad = require('./$.string-pad'); $def($def.P, 'String', { lpad: function lpad(n){ return $pad(this, n, arguments[1], true); } }); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.string-pad":36}],86:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $def = require('./$.def') , $pad = require('./$.string-pad'); $def($def.P, 'String', { rpad: function rpad(n){ return $pad(this, n, arguments[1], false); } }); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.string-pad":36}],87:[function(require,module,exports){ // JavaScript 1.6 / Strawman array statics shim var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , $Array = $.core.Array || Array , statics = {}; function setStatics(keys, length){ $','), function(key){ if(length == undefined && key in $Array)statics[key] = $Array[key]; else if(key in [])statics[key] = require('./$.ctx')(, [][key], length); }); } setStatics('pop,reverse,shift,keys,values,entries', 1); setStatics('indexOf,every,some,forEach,map,filter,find,findIndex,includes', 3); setStatics('join,slice,concat,push,splice,unshift,sort,lastIndexOf,' + 'reduce,reduceRight,copyWithin,fill,turn'); $def($def.S, 'Array', statics); },{"./$":24,"./$.ctx":12,"./$.def":13}],88:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./es6.array.iterator'); var $ = require('./$') , Iterators = require('./$.iter').Iterators , ITERATOR = require('./$.wks')('iterator') , ArrayValues = Iterators.Array , NL = $.g.NodeList , HTC = $.g.HTMLCollection , NLProto = NL && NL.prototype , HTCProto = HTC && HTC.prototype; if($.FW){ if(NL && !(ITERATOR in NLProto))$.hide(NLProto, ITERATOR, ArrayValues); if(HTC && !(ITERATOR in HTCProto))$.hide(HTCProto, ITERATOR, ArrayValues); } Iterators.NodeList = Iterators.HTMLCollection = ArrayValues; },{"./$":24,"./$.iter":23,"./$.wks":42,"./es6.array.iterator":49}],89:[function(require,module,exports){ var $def = require('./$.def') , $task = require('./$.task'); $def($def.G + $def.B, { setImmediate: $task.set, clearImmediate: $task.clear }); },{"./$.def":13,"./$.task":38}],90:[function(require,module,exports){ // ie9- setTimeout & setInterval additional parameters fix var $ = require('./$') , $def = require('./$.def') , invoke = require('./$.invoke') , partial = require('./$.partial') , navigator = $.g.navigator , MSIE = !!navigator && /MSIE .\./.test(navigator.userAgent); // <- dirty ie9- check function wrap(set){ return MSIE ? function(fn, time /*, ...args */){ return set(invoke( partial, [], 2), $.isFunction(fn) ? fn : Function(fn) ), time); } : set; } $def($def.G + $def.B + $def.F * MSIE, { setTimeout: wrap($.g.setTimeout), setInterval: wrap($.g.setInterval) }); },{"./$":24,"./$.def":13,"./$.invoke":19,"./$.partial":28}],91:[function(require,module,exports){ require('./modules/es5'); require('./modules/es6.symbol'); require('./modules/es6.object.assign'); require('./modules/'); require('./modules/es6.object.set-prototype-of'); require('./modules/'); require('./modules/es6.object.statics-accept-primitives'); require('./modules/'); require('./modules/es6.function.has-instance'); require('./modules/es6.number.constructor'); require('./modules/es6.number.statics'); require('./modules/es6.math'); require('./modules/es6.string.from-code-point'); require('./modules/es6.string.raw'); require('./modules/es6.string.iterator'); require('./modules/es6.string.code-point-at'); require('./modules/es6.string.ends-with'); require('./modules/es6.string.includes'); require('./modules/es6.string.repeat'); require('./modules/es6.string.starts-with'); require('./modules/es6.array.from'); require('./modules/es6.array.of'); require('./modules/es6.array.iterator'); require('./modules/es6.array.species'); require('./modules/es6.array.copy-within'); require('./modules/es6.array.fill'); require('./modules/es6.array.find'); require('./modules/es6.array.find-index'); require('./modules/es6.regexp'); require('./modules/es6.promise'); require('./modules/'); require('./modules/es6.set'); require('./modules/es6.weak-map'); require('./modules/es6.weak-set'); require('./modules/es6.reflect'); require('./modules/es7.array.includes'); require('./modules/'); require('./modules/es7.string.lpad'); require('./modules/es7.string.rpad'); require('./modules/es7.regexp.escape'); require('./modules/es7.object.get-own-property-descriptors'); require('./modules/'); require('./modules/'); require('./modules/'); require('./modules/js.array.statics'); require('./modules/web.timers'); require('./modules/web.immediate'); require('./modules/web.dom.iterable'); module.exports = require('./modules/$').core; },{"./modules/$":24,"./modules/es5":43,"./modules/es6.array.copy-within":44,"./modules/es6.array.fill":45,"./modules/es6.array.find":47,"./modules/es6.array.find-index":46,"./modules/es6.array.from":48,"./modules/es6.array.iterator":49,"./modules/es6.array.of":50,"./modules/es6.array.species":51,"./modules/es6.function.has-instance":52,"./modules/":53,"./modules/":54,"./modules/es6.math":55,"./modules/es6.number.constructor":56,"./modules/es6.number.statics":57,"./modules/es6.object.assign":58,"./modules/":59,"./modules/es6.object.set-prototype-of":60,"./modules/es6.object.statics-accept-primitives":61,"./modules/":62,"./modules/es6.promise":63,"./modules/es6.reflect":64,"./modules/es6.regexp":65,"./modules/es6.set":66,"./modules/es6.string.code-point-at":67,"./modules/es6.string.ends-with":68,"./modules/es6.string.from-code-point":69,"./modules/es6.string.includes":70,"./modules/es6.string.iterator":71,"./modules/es6.string.raw":72,"./modules/es6.string.repeat":73,"./modules/es6.string.starts-with":74,"./modules/es6.symbol":75,"./modules/es6.weak-map":76,"./modules/es6.weak-set":77,"./modules/es7.array.includes":78,"./modules/":79,"./modules/es7.object.get-own-property-descriptors":80,"./modules/":81,"./modules/es7.regexp.escape":82,"./modules/":83,"./modules/":84,"./modules/es7.string.lpad":85,"./modules/es7.string.rpad":86,"./modules/js.array.statics":87,"./modules/web.dom.iterable":88,"./modules/web.immediate":89,"./modules/web.timers":90}],92:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process,global){ /** * Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * file. An * additional grant of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in * the same directory. */ !(function(global) { "use strict"; var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var undefined; // More compressible than void 0. var iteratorSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator"; var inModule = typeof module === "object"; var runtime = global.regeneratorRuntime; if (runtime) { if (inModule) { // If regeneratorRuntime is defined globally and we're in a module, // make the exports object identical to regeneratorRuntime. module.exports = runtime; } // Don't bother evaluating the rest of this file if the runtime was // already defined globally. return; } // Define the runtime globally (as expected by generated code) as either // module.exports (if we're in a module) or a new, empty object. runtime = global.regeneratorRuntime = inModule ? module.exports : {}; function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { // If outerFn provided, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator. var generator = Object.create((outerFn || Generator).prototype); generator._invoke = makeInvokeMethod( innerFn, self || null, new Context(tryLocsList || []) ); return generator; } runtime.wrap = wrap; // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we // already have an existing method we want to call, so there's no need // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true // in every case, so we don't have to touch the arguments object. The // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate. function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: "normal", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: "throw", arg: err }; } } var GenStateSuspendedStart = "suspendedStart"; var GenStateSuspendedYield = "suspendedYield"; var GenStateExecuting = "executing"; var GenStateCompleted = "completed"; // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement. var ContinueSentinel = {}; // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions. function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype; GeneratorFunction.prototype = Gp.constructor = GeneratorFunctionPrototype; GeneratorFunctionPrototype.constructor = GeneratorFunction; GeneratorFunction.displayName = "GeneratorFunction"; // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method. function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(method) { prototype[method] = function(arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }; }); } runtime.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) { var ctor = typeof genFun === "function" && genFun.constructor; return ctor ? ctor === GeneratorFunction || // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can // do is to check its .name property. (ctor.displayName || === "GeneratorFunction" : false; }; runtime.mark = function(genFun) { genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype; genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp); return genFun; }; // Within the body of any async function, `await x` is transformed to // `yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)`, so that the runtime can test // `value instanceof AwaitArgument` to determine if the yielded value is // meant to be awaited. Some may consider the name of this method too // cutesy, but they are curmudgeons. runtime.awrap = function(arg) { return new AwaitArgument(arg); }; function AwaitArgument(arg) { this.arg = arg; } function AsyncIterator(generator) { // This invoke function is written in a style that assumes some // calling function (or Promise) will handle exceptions. function invoke(method, arg) { var result = generator[method](arg); var value = result.value; return value instanceof AwaitArgument ? Promise.resolve(value.arg).then(invokeNext, invokeThrow) : Promise.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) { // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the // current iteration. If the Promise is rejected, however, the // result for this iteration will be rejected with the same // reason. Note that rejections of yielded Promises are not // thrown back into the generator function, as is the case // when an awaited Promise is rejected. This difference in // behavior between yield and await is important, because it // allows the consumer to decide what to do with the yielded // rejection (swallow it and continue, manually .throw it back // into the generator, abandon iteration, whatever). With // await, by contrast, there is no opportunity to examine the // rejection reason outside the generator function, so the // only option is to throw it from the await expression, and // let the generator function handle the exception. result.value = unwrapped; return result; }); } if (typeof process === "object" && process.domain) { invoke = process.domain.bind(invoke); } var invokeNext = invoke.bind(generator, "next"); var invokeThrow = invoke.bind(generator, "throw"); var invokeReturn = invoke.bind(generator, "return"); var previousPromise; function enqueue(method, arg) { var enqueueResult = // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke, // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire, // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially // important to get this right, even though it requires care. previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(function() { return invoke(method, arg); }) : new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(invoke(method, arg)); }); // Avoid propagating enqueueResult failures to Promises returned by // later invocations of the iterator. previousPromise = enqueueResult["catch"](function(ignored){}); return enqueueResult; } // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next, // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods). this._invoke = enqueue; } defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype); // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of // the final result produced by the iterator. runtime.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var iter = new AsyncIterator( wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) ); return runtime.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator. : { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }; function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = GenStateSuspendedStart; return function invoke(method, arg) { if (state === GenStateExecuting) { throw new Error("Generator is already running"); } if (state === GenStateCompleted) { if (method === "throw") { throw arg; } // Be forgiving, per of the spec: // return doneResult(); } while (true) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { if (method === "return" || (method === "throw" && delegate.iterator[method] === undefined)) { // A return or throw (when the delegate iterator has no throw // method) always terminates the yield* loop. context.delegate = null; // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a // chance to clean up. var returnMethod = delegate.iterator["return"]; if (returnMethod) { var record = tryCatch(returnMethod, delegate.iterator, arg); if (record.type === "throw") { // If the return method threw an exception, let that // exception prevail over the original return or throw. method = "throw"; arg = record.arg; continue; } } if (method === "return") { // Continue with the outer return, now that the delegate // iterator has been terminated. continue; } } var record = tryCatch( delegate.iterator[method], delegate.iterator, arg ); if (record.type === "throw") { context.delegate = null; // Like returning generator.throw(uncaught), but without the // overhead of an extra function call. method = "throw"; arg = record.arg; continue; } // Delegate generator ran and handled its own exceptions so // regardless of what the method was, we continue as if it is // "next" with an undefined arg. method = "next"; arg = undefined; var info = record.arg; if (info.done) { context[delegate.resultName] = info.value; = delegate.nextLoc; } else { state = GenStateSuspendedYield; return info; } context.delegate = null; } if (method === "next") { if (state === GenStateSuspendedYield) { context.sent = arg; } else { context.sent = undefined; } } else if (method === "throw") { if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) { state = GenStateCompleted; throw arg; } if (context.dispatchException(arg)) { // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block, // then let that catch block handle the exception normally. method = "next"; arg = undefined; } } else if (method === "return") { context.abrupt("return", arg); } state = GenStateExecuting; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (record.type === "normal") { // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state === // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation. state = context.done ? GenStateCompleted : GenStateSuspendedYield; var info = { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) { if (context.delegate && method === "next") { // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don't // accidentally pass it on to the delegate. arg = undefined; } } else { return info; } } else if (record.type === "throw") { state = GenStateCompleted; // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the // context.dispatchException(arg) call above. method = "throw"; arg = record.arg; } } }; } // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the // unified ._invoke helper method. defineIteratorMethods(Gp); Gp[iteratorSymbol] = function() { return this; }; Gp.toString = function() { return "[object Generator]"; }; function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; if (1 in locs) { entry.catchLoc = locs[1]; } if (2 in locs) { entry.finallyLoc = locs[2]; entry.afterLoc = locs[3]; } this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = "normal"; delete record.arg; entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from // locations where there is no enclosing try statement. this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }]; tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this); this.reset(true); } runtime.keys = function(object) { var keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } keys.reverse(); // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep // things simple and return the next function itself. return function next() { while (keys.length) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) { next.value = key; next.done = false; return next; } } // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function. next.done = true; return next; }; }; function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) { return; } if (typeof === "function") { return iterable; } if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { while (++i < iterable.length) { if (, i)) { next.value = iterable[i]; next.done = false; return next; } } next.value = undefined; next.done = true; return next; }; return = next; } } // Return an iterator with no values. return { next: doneResult }; } runtime.values = values; function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function(skipTempReset) { this.prev = 0; = 0; this.sent = undefined; this.done = false; this.delegate = null; this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry); if (!skipTempReset) { for (var name in this) { // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions: if (name.charAt(0) === "t" &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) { this[name] = undefined; } } } }, stop: function() { this.done = true; var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0]; var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion; if (rootRecord.type === "throw") { throw rootRecord.arg; } return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function(exception) { if (this.done) { throw exception; } var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { record.type = "throw"; record.arg = exception; = loc; return !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; var record = entry.completion; if (entry.tryLoc === "root") { // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to // throw the exception. return handle("end"); } if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, "catchLoc"); var hasFinally =, "finallyLoc"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) { return handle(entry.catchLoc, true); } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) { return handle(entry.catchLoc, true); } } else if (hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } else { throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally"); } } } }, abrupt: function(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } if (finallyEntry && (type === "break" || type === "continue") && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) { // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a // location outside the try/catch block. finallyEntry = null; } var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; record.type = type; record.arg = arg; if (finallyEntry) { = finallyEntry.finallyLoc; } else { this.complete(record); } return ContinueSentinel; }, complete: function(record, afterLoc) { if (record.type === "throw") { throw record.arg; } if (record.type === "break" || record.type === "continue") { = record.arg; } else if (record.type === "return") { this.rval = record.arg; = "end"; } else if (record.type === "normal" && afterLoc) { = afterLoc; } }, finish: function(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) { this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc); resetTryEntry(entry); return ContinueSentinel; } } }, "catch": function(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (record.type === "throw") { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } // The context.catch method must only be called with a location // argument that corresponds to a known catch block. throw new Error("illegal catch attempt"); }, delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }; return ContinueSentinel; } }; })( // Among the various tricks for obtaining a reference to the global // object, this seems to be the most reliable technique that does not // use indirect eval (which violates Content Security Policy). typeof global === "object" ? global : typeof window === "object" ? window : typeof self === "object" ? self : this ); }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"_process":1}]},{},[2]);
/* global webpackIsomorphicTools */ import React from 'react' import Helmet from 'react-helmet' import serialize from 'serialize-javascript' import _ from 'lodash' const Html = ({ store, appString, asyncState }) => { // Should be declared after "renderToStaticMarkup()" of "../server.js" or it won't work const head = Helmet.renderStatic() const attrs = head.htmlAttributes.toComponent() const { lang, } = attrs || {} const assets = webpackIsomorphicTools.assets() return ( <html {} lang={lang || 'en'}> <head> <meta charSet="utf-8" /> <meta httpEquiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="apple-touch-icon.png" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> {head.title.toComponent()} {head.base.toComponent()} {head.meta.toComponent()} {} {/* Styles will be presented in production with webpack extract text plugin */} {_.keys(assets.styles).map(style => <link key={_.uniqueId()} href={assets.styles[style]} media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />, )} </head> <body> {/* Rendering the route, which passed from server-side */} <div id="react-view" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: appString || '' }} /> {/* Store the initial state into window */} <script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: store && `window.__INITIAL_STATE__=${serialize(store.getState())};` }} /> {/* Serialise the async state into the HTML response */} <script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: asyncState && `window.__ASYNC_COMPONENTS_STATE__=${serialize(asyncState)};` }} /> {/* Reverse the order of scripts for accessing vendor.js first */} { _.keys(assets.javascript).reverse().map(script => <script key={_.uniqueId()} src={assets.javascript[script]} />, ) } {head.script.toComponent()} </body> </html> ) } Html.defaultProps = { htmlContent: '' } export default Html
import React from 'react'; import pure from 'recompose/pure'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; let ActionViewAgenda = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M20 13H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v6c0 .55.45 1 1 1h17c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-6c0-.55-.45-1-1-1zm0-10H3c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v6c0 .55.45 1 1 1h17c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V4c0-.55-.45-1-1-1z"/> </SvgIcon> ); ActionViewAgenda = pure(ActionViewAgenda); ActionViewAgenda.displayName = 'ActionViewAgenda'; ActionViewAgenda.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; export default ActionViewAgenda;
/*! * Font Awesome Free 5.11.2 by @fontawesome - * License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) */ (function () { 'use strict'; var _WINDOW = {}; var _DOCUMENT = {}; try { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') _WINDOW = window; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') _DOCUMENT = document; } catch (e) {} var _ref = _WINDOW.navigator || {}, _ref$userAgent = _ref.userAgent, userAgent = _ref$userAgent === void 0 ? '' : _ref$userAgent; var WINDOW = _WINDOW; var DOCUMENT = _DOCUMENT; var IS_BROWSER = !!WINDOW.document; var IS_DOM = !!DOCUMENT.documentElement && !!DOCUMENT.head && typeof DOCUMENT.addEventListener === 'function' && typeof DOCUMENT.createElement === 'function'; var IS_IE = ~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') || ~userAgent.indexOf('Trident/'); var NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER = '___FONT_AWESOME___'; var PRODUCTION = function () { try { return "production" === 'production'; } catch (e) { return false; } }(); function bunker(fn) { try { fn(); } catch (e) { if (!PRODUCTION) { throw e; } } } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; var ownKeys = Object.keys(source); if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') { ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable; })); } ownKeys.forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } return target; } var w = WINDOW || {}; if (!w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER]) w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER] = {}; if (!w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].styles) w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].styles = {}; if (!w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].hooks) w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].hooks = {}; if (!w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].shims) w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].shims = []; var namespace = w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER]; function defineIcons(prefix, icons) { var params = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; var _params$skipHooks = params.skipHooks, skipHooks = _params$skipHooks === void 0 ? false : _params$skipHooks; var normalized = Object.keys(icons).reduce(function (acc, iconName) { var icon = icons[iconName]; var expanded = !!icon.icon; if (expanded) { acc[icon.iconName] = icon.icon; } else { acc[iconName] = icon; } return acc; }, {}); if (typeof namespace.hooks.addPack === 'function' && !skipHooks) { namespace.hooks.addPack(prefix, normalized); } else { namespace.styles[prefix] = _objectSpread({}, namespace.styles[prefix] || {}, normalized); } /** * Font Awesome 4 used the prefix of `fa` for all icons. With the introduction * of new styles we needed to differentiate between them. Prefix `fa` is now an alias * for `fas` so we'll easy the upgrade process for our users by automatically defining * this as well. */ if (prefix === 'fas') { defineIcons('fa', icons); } } var icons = { "500px": [448, 512, [], "f26e", "M103.3 344.3c-6.5-14.2-6.9-18.3 7.4-23.1 25.6-8 8 9.2 43.2 49.2h.3v-93.9c1.2-50.2 44-92.2 97.7-92.2 53.9 0 97.7 43.5 97.7 96.8 0 63.4-60.8 113.2-128.5 93.3-10.5-4.2-2.1-31.7 8.5-28.6 53 0 89.4-10.1 89.4-64.4 0-61-77.1-89.6-116.9-44.6-23.5 26.4-17.6 42.1-17.6 157.6 50.7 31 118.3 22 160.4-20.1 24.8-24.8 38.5-58 38.5-93 0-35.2-13.8-68.2-38.8-93.3-24.8-24.8-57.8-38.5-93.3-38.5s-68.8 13.8-93.5 38.5c-.3.3-16 16.5-21.2 23.9l-.5.6c-3.3 4.7-6.3 9.1-20.1 6.1-6.9-1.7-14.3-5.8-14.3-11.8V20c0-5 3.9-10.5 10.5-10.5h241.3c8.3 0 8.3 11.6 8.3 15.1 0 3.9 0 15.1-8.3 15.1H130.3v132.9h.3c104.2-109.8 282.8-36 282.8 108.9 0 178.1-244.8 220.3-310.1 62.8zm63.3-260.8c-.5 4.2 4.6 24.5 14.6 20.6C306 56.6 384 144.5 390.6 144.5c4.8 0 22.8-15.3 14.3-22.8-93.2-89-234.5-57-238.3-38.2zM393 414.7C283 524.6 94 475.5 61 310.5c0-12.2-30.4-7.4-28.9 3.3 24 173.4 246 256.9 381.6 121.3 6.9-7.8-12.6-28.4-20.7-20.4zM213.6 306.6c0 4 4.3 7.3 5.5 8.5 3 3 6.1 4.4 8.5 4.4 3.8 0 2.6.2 22.3-19.5 19.6 19.3 19.1 19.5 22.3 19.5 5.4 0 18.5-10.4 10.7-18.2L265.6 284l18.2-18.2c6.3-6.8-10.1-21.8-16.2-15.7L249.7 268c-18.6-18.8-18.4-19.5-21.5-19.5-5 0-18 11.7-12.4 17.3L234 284c-18.1 17.9-20.4 19.2-20.4 22.6z"], "accessible-icon": [448, 512, [], "f368", "M423.9 255.8L411 413.1c-3.3 40.7-63.9 35.1-60.6-4.9l10-122.5-41.1 2.3c10.1 20.7 15.8 43.9 15.8 68.5 0 41.2-16.1 78.7-42.3 106.5l-39.3-39.3c57.9-63.7 13.1-167.2-74-167.2-25.9 0-49.5 9.9-67.2 26L73 243.2c22-20.7 50.1-35.1 81.4-40.2l75.3-85.7-42.6-24.8-51.6 46c-30 26.8-70.6-18.5-40.5-45.4l68-60.7c9.8-8.8 24.1-10.2 35.5-3.6 0 0 139.3 80.9 139.5 81.1 16.2 10.1 20.7 36 6.1 52.6L285.7 229l106.1-5.9c18.5-1.1 33.6 14.4 32.1 32.7zm-64.9-154c28.1 0 50.9-22.8 50.9-50.9C409.9 22.8 387.1 0 359 0c-28.1 0-50.9 22.8-50.9 50.9 0 28.1 22.8 50.9 50.9 50.9zM179.6 456.5c-80.6 0-127.4-90.6-82.7-156.1l-39.7-39.7C36.4 287 24 320.3 24 356.4c0 130.7 150.7 201.4 251.4 122.5l-39.7-39.7c-16 10.9-35.3 17.3-56.1 17.3z"], "accusoft": [640, 512, [], "f369", "M322.1 252v-1l-51.2-65.8s-12 1.6-25 15.1c-9 9.3-242.1 239.1-243.4 240.9-7 10 1.6 6.8 15.7 1.7.8 0 114.5-36.6 114.5-36.6.5-.6-.1-.1.6-.6-.4-5.1-.8-26.2-1-27.7-.6-5.2 2.2-6.9 7-8.9l92.6-33.8c.6-.8 88.5-81.7 90.2-83.3zm160.1 120.1c13.3 16.1 20.7 13.3 30.8 9.3 3.2-1.2 115.4-47.6 117.8-48.9 8-4.3-1.7-16.7-7.2-23.4-2.1-2.5-205.1-245.6-207.2-248.3-9.7-12.2-14.3-12.9-38.4-12.8-10.2 0-106.8.5-116.5.6-19.2.1-32.9-.3-19.2 16.9C250 75 476.5 365.2 482.2 372.1zm152.7 1.6c-2.3-.3-24.6-4.7-38-7.2 0 0-115 50.4-117.5 51.6-16 7.3-26.9-3.2-36.7-14.6l-57.1-74c-5.4-.9-60.4-9.6-65.3-9.3-3.1.2-9.6.8-14.4 2.9-4.9 2.1-145.2 52.8-150.2 54.7-5.1 2-11.4 3.6-11.1 7.6.2 2.5 2 2.6 4.6 3.5 2.7.8 300.9 67.6 308 69.1 15.6 3.3 38.5 10.5 53.6 1.7 2.1-1.2 123.8-76.4 125.8-77.8 5.4-4 4.3-6.8-1.7-8.2z"], "acquisitions-incorporated": [384, 512, [], "f6af", "M357.45 468.2c-1.2-7.7-1.3-7.6-9.6-7.6-99.8.2-111.8-2.4-112.7-2.6-12.3-1.7-20.6-10.5-21-23.1-.1-1.6-.2-71.6-1-129.1-.1-4.7 1.6-6.4 5.9-7.5 12.5-3 24.9-6.1 37.3-9.7 4.3-1.3 6.8-.2 8.4 3.5 4.5 10.3 8.8 20.6 13.2 30.9 1.6 3.7.1 4.4-3.4 4.4-10-.2-20-.1-30.4-.1v27h116c-1.4-9.5-2.7-18.1-4-27.5-7 0-13.8.4-20.4-.1-22.6-1.6-18.3-4.4-84-158.6-8.8-20.1-27.9-62.1-36.5-89.2-4.4-14 5.5-25.4 18.9-26.6 18.6-1.7 37.5-1.6 56.2-2 20.6-.4 41.2-.4 61.8-.5 3.1 0 4-1.4 4.3-4.3 1.2-9.8 2.7-19.5 4-29.2.8-5.3 1.6-10.7 2.4-16.1L23.75 0c-3.6 0-5.3 1.1-4.6 5.3 2.2 13.2-.8.8 6.4 45.3 63.4 0 71.8.9 101.8.5 12.3-.2 37 3.5 37.7 22.1.4 11.4-1.1 11.3-32.6 87.4-53.8 129.8-50.7 120.3-67.3 161-1.7 4.1-3.6 5.2-7.6 5.2-8.5-.2-17-.3-25.4.1-1.9.1-5.2 1.8-5.5 3.2-1.5 8.1-2.2 16.3-3.2 24.9h114.3v-27.6c-6.9 0-33.5.4-35.3-2.9 5.3-12.3 10.4-24.4 15.7-36.7 16.3 4 31.9 7.8 47.6 11.7 3.4.9 4.6 3 4.6 6.8-.1 42.9.1 85.9.2 128.8 0 10.2-5.5 19.1-14.9 23.1-6.5 2.7-3.3 3.4-121.4 2.4-5.3 0-7.1 2-7.6 6.8-1.5 12.9-2.9 25.9-5 38.8-.8 5 1.3 5.7 5.3 5.7 183.2.6-30.7 0 337.1 0-2.5-15-4.4-29.4-6.6-43.7zm-174.9-205.7c-13.3-4.2-26.6-8.2-39.9-12.5a44.53 44.53 0 0 1-5.8-2.9c17.2-44.3 34.2-88.1 51.3-132.1 7.5 2.4 7.9-.8 9.4 0 9.3 22.5 18.1 60.1 27 82.8 6.6 16.7 13 33.5 19.7 50.9a35.78 35.78 0 0 1-3.9 2.1c-13.1 3.9-26.4 7.5-39.4 11.7a27.66 27.66 0 0 1-18.4 0z"], "adn": [496, 512, [], "f170", "M248 167.5l64.9 98.8H183.1l64.9-98.8zM496 256c0 136.9-111.1 248-248 248S0 392.9 0 256 111.1 8 248 8s248 111.1 248 248zm-99.8 82.7L248 115.5 99.8 338.7h30.4l33.6-51.7h168.6l33.6 51.7h30.2z"], "adobe": [512, 512, [], "f778", "M315.5 64h170.9v384L315.5 64zm-119 0H25.6v384L196.5 64zM256 206.1L363.5 448h-73l-30.7-76.8h-78.7L256 206.1z"], "adversal": [512, 512, [], "f36a", "M482.1 32H28.7C5.8 32 0 37.9 0 60.9v390.2C0 474.4 5.8 480 28.7 480h453.4c24.4 0 29.9-5.2 29.9-29.7V62.2c0-24.6-5.4-30.2-29.9-30.2zM178.4 220.3c-27.5-20.2-72.1-8.7-84.2 23.4-4.3 11.1-9.3 9.5-17.5 8.3-9.7-1.5-17.2-3.2-22.5-5.5-28.8-11.4 8.6-55.3 24.9-64.3 41.1-21.4 83.4-22.2 125.3-4.8 40.9 16.8 34.5 59.2 34.5 128.5 2.7 25.8-4.3 58.3 9.3 88.8 1.9 4.4.4 7.9-2.7 10.7-8.4 6.7-39.3 2.2-46.6-7.4-1.9-2.2-1.8-3.6-3.9-6.2-3.6-3.9-7.3-2.2-11.9 1-57.4 36.4-140.3 21.4-147-43.3-3.1-29.3 12.4-57.1 39.6-71 38.2-19.5 112.2-11.8 114-30.9 1.1-10.2-1.9-20.1-11.3-27.3zm286.7 222c0 15.1-11.1 9.9-17.8 9.9H52.4c-7.4 0-18.2 4.8-17.8-10.7.4-13.9 10.5-9.1 17.1-9.1 132.3-.4 264.5-.4 396.8 0 6.8 0 16.6-4.4 16.6 9.9zm3.8-340.5v291c0 5.7-.7 13.9-8.1 13.9-12.4-.4-27.5 7.1-36.1-5.6-5.8-8.7-7.8-4-12.4-1.2-53.4 29.7-128.1 7.1-144.4-85.2-6.1-33.4-.7-67.1 15.7-100 11.8-23.9 56.9-76.1 136.1-30.5v-71c0-26.2-.1-26.2 26-26.2 3.1 0 6.6.4 9.7 0 10.1-.8 13.6 4.4 13.6 14.3-.1.2-.1.3-.1.5zm-51.5 232.3c-19.5 47.6-72.9 43.3-90 5.2-15.1-33.3-15.5-68.2.4-101.5 16.3-34.1 59.7-35.7 81.5-4.8 20.6 28.8 14.9 84.6 8.1 101.1zm-294.8 35.3c-7.5-1.3-33-3.3-33.7-27.8-.4-13.9 7.8-23 19.8-25.8 24.4-5.9 49.3-9.9 73.7-14.7 8.9-2 7.4 4.4 7.8 9.5 1.4 33-26.1 59.2-67.6 58.8z"], "affiliatetheme": [512, 512, [], "f36b", "M159.7 237.4C108.4 308.3 43.1 348.2 14 326.6-15.2 304.9 2.8 230 54.2 159.1c51.3-70.9 116.6-110.8 145.7-89.2 29.1 21.6 11.1 96.6-40.2 167.5zm351.2-57.3C437.1 303.5 319 367.8 246.4 323.7c-25-15.2-41.3-41.2-49-73.8-33.6 64.8-92.8 113.8-164.1 133.2 49.8 59.3 124.1 96.9 207 96.9 150 0 271.6-123.1 271.6-274.9.1-8.5-.3-16.8-1-25z"], "airbnb": [448, 512, [], "f834", "M224 373.12c-25.24-31.67-40.08-59.43-45-83.18-22.55-88 112.61-88 90.06 0-5.45 24.25-20.29 52-45 83.18zm138.15 73.23c-42.06 18.31-83.67-10.88-119.3-50.47 103.9-130.07 46.11-200-18.85-200-54.92 0-85.16 46.51-73.28 100.5 6.93 29.19 25.23 62.39 54.43 99.5-32.53 36.05-60.55 52.69-85.15 54.92-50 7.43-89.11-41.06-71.3-91.09 15.1-39.16 111.72-231.18 115.87-241.56 15.75-30.07 25.56-57.4 59.38-57.4 32.34 0 43.4 25.94 60.37 59.87 36 70.62 89.35 177.48 114.84 239.09 13.17 33.07-1.37 71.29-37.01 86.64zm47-136.12C280.27 35.93 273.13 32 224 32c-45.52 0-64.87 31.67-84.66 72.79C33.18 317.1 22.89 347.19 22 349.81-3.22 419.14 48.74 480 111.63 480c21.71 0 60.61-6.06 112.37-62.4 58.68 63.78 101.26 62.4 112.37 62.4 62.89.05 114.85-60.86 89.61-130.19.02-3.89-16.82-38.9-16.82-39.58z"], "algolia": [448, 512, [], "f36c", "M229.3 182.6c-49.3 0-89.2 39.9-89.2 89.2 0 49.3 39.9 89.2 89.2 89.2s89.2-39.9 89.2-89.2c0-49.3-40-89.2-89.2-89.2zm62.7 56.6l-58.9 30.6c-1.8.9-3.8-.4-3.8-2.3V201c0-1.5 1.3-2.7 2.7-2.6 26.2 1 48.9 15.7 61.1 37.1.7 1.3.2 3-1.1 3.7zM389.1 32H58.9C26.4 32 0 58.4 0 90.9V421c0 32.6 26.4 59 58.9 59H389c32.6 0 58.9-26.4 58.9-58.9V90.9C448 58.4 421.6 32 389.1 32zm-202.6 84.7c0-10.8 8.7-19.5 19.5-19.5h45.3c10.8 0 19.5 8.7 19.5 19.5v15.4c0 1.8-1.7 3-3.3 2.5-12.3-3.4-25.1-5.1-38.1-5.1-13.5 0-26.7 1.8-39.4 5.5-1.7.5-3.4-.8-3.4-2.5v-15.8zm-84.4 37l9.2-9.2c7.6-7.6 19.9-7.6 27.5 0l7.7 7.7c1.1 1.1 1 3-.3 4-6.2 4.5-12.1 9.4-17.6 14.9-5.4 5.4-10.4 11.3-14.8 17.4-1 1.3-2.9 1.5-4 .3l-7.7-7.7c-7.6-7.5-7.6-19.8 0-27.4zm127.2 244.8c-70 0-126.6-56.7-126.6-126.6s56.7-126.6 126.6-126.6c70 0 126.6 56.6 126.6 126.6 0 69.8-56.7 126.6-126.6 126.6z"], "alipay": [448, 512, [], "f642", "M377.74 32H70.26C31.41 32 0 63.41 0 102.26v307.48C0 448.59 31.41 480 70.26 480h307.48c38.52 0 69.76-31.08 70.26-69.6-45.96-25.62-110.59-60.34-171.6-88.44-32.07 43.97-84.14 81-148.62 81-70.59 0-93.73-45.3-97.04-76.37-3.97-39.01 14.88-81.5 99.52-81.5 35.38 0 79.35 10.25 127.13 24.96 16.53-30.09 26.45-60.34 26.45-60.34h-178.2v-16.7h92.08v-31.24H88.28v-19.01h109.44V92.34h50.92v50.42h109.44v19.01H248.63v31.24h88.77s-15.21 46.62-38.35 90.92c48.93 16.7 100.01 36.04 148.62 52.74V102.26C447.83 63.57 416.43 32 377.74 32zM47.28 322.95c.99 20.17 10.25 53.73 69.93 53.73 52.07 0 92.58-39.68 117.87-72.9-44.63-18.68-84.48-31.41-109.44-31.41-67.45 0-79.35 33.06-78.36 50.58z"], "amazon": [448, 512, [], "f270", "M257.2 162.7c-48.7 1.8-169.5 15.5-169.5 117.5 0 109.5 138.3 114 183.5 43.2 6.5 10.2 35.4 37.5 45.3 46.8l56.8-56S341 288.9 341 261.4V114.3C341 89 316.5 32 228.7 32 140.7 32 94 87 94 136.3l73.5 6.8c16.3-49.5 54.2-49.5 54.2-49.5 40.7-.1 35.5 29.8 35.5 69.1zm0 86.8c0 80-84.2 68-84.2 17.2 0-47.2 50.5-56.7 84.2-57.8v40.6zm136 163.5c-7.7 10-70 67-174.5 67S34.2 408.5 9.7 379c-6.8-7.7 1-11.3 5.5-8.3C88.5 415.2 203 488.5 387.7 401c7.5-3.7 13.3 2 5.5 12zm39.8 2.2c-6.5 15.8-16 26.8-21.2 31-5.5 4.5-9.5 2.7-6.5-3.8s19.3-46.5 12.7-55c-6.5-8.3-37-4.3-48-3.2-10.8 1-13 2-14-.3-2.3-5.7 21.7-15.5 37.5-17.5 15.7-1.8 41-.8 46 5.7 3.7 5.1 0 27.1-6.5 43.1z"], "amazon-pay": [640, 512, [], "f42c", "M14 325.3c2.3-4.2 5.2-4.9 9.7-2.5 10.4 5.6 20.6 11.4 31.2 16.7a595.88 595.88 0 0 0 127.4 46.3 616.61 616.61 0 0 0 63.2 11.8 603.33 603.33 0 0 0 95 5.2c17.4-.4 34.8-1.8 52.1-3.8a603.66 603.66 0 0 0 163.3-42.8c2.9-1.2 5.9-2 9.1-1.2 6.7 1.8 9 9 4.1 13.9a70 70 0 0 1-9.6 7.4c-30.7 21.1-64.2 36.4-99.6 47.9a473.31 473.31 0 0 1-75.1 17.6 431 431 0 0 1-53.2 4.8 21.3 21.3 0 0 0-2.5.3H308a21.3 21.3 0 0 0-2.5-.3c-3.6-.2-7.2-.3-10.7-.4a426.3 426.3 0 0 1-50.4-5.3A448.4 448.4 0 0 1 164 420a443.33 443.33 0 0 1-145.6-87c-1.8-1.6-3-3.8-4.4-5.7zM172 65.1l-4.3.6a80.92 80.92 0 0 0-38 15.1c-2.4 1.7-4.6 3.5-7.1 5.4a4.29 4.29 0 0 1-.4-1.4c-.4-2.7-.8-5.5-1.3-8.2-.7-4.6-3-6.6-7.6-6.6h-11.5c-6.9 0-8.2 1.3-8.2 8.2v209.3c0 1 0 2 .1 3 .2 3 2 4.9 4.9 5 7 .1 14.1.1 21.1 0 2.9 0 4.7-2 5-5 .1-1 .1-2 .1-3v-72.4c1.1.9 1.7 1.4 2.2 1.9 17.9 14.9 38.5 19.8 61 15.4 20.4-4 34.6-16.5 43.8-34.9 7-13.9 9.9-28.7 10.3-44.1.5-17.1-1.2-33.9-8.1-49.8-8.5-19.6-22.6-32.5-43.9-36.9-3.2-.7-6.5-1-9.8-1.5-2.8-.1-5.5-.1-8.3-.1zM124.6 107a3.48 3.48 0 0 1 1.7-3.3c13.7-9.5 28.8-14.5 45.6-13.2 14.9 1.1 27.1 8.4 33.5 25.9 3.9 10.7 4.9 21.8 4.9 33 0 10.4-.8 20.6-4 30.6-6.8 21.3-22.4 29.4-42.6 28.5-14-.6-26.2-6-37.4-13.9a3.57 3.57 0 0 1-1.7-3.3c.1-14.1 0-28.1 0-42.2s.1-28 0-42.1zm205.7-41.9c-1 .1-2 .3-2.9.4a148 148 0 0 0-28.9 4.1c-6.1 1.6-12 3.8-17.9 5.8-3.6 1.2-5.4 3.8-5.3 7.7.1 3.3-.1 6.6 0 9.9.1 4.8 2.1 6.1 6.8 4.9 7.8-2 15.6-4.2 23.5-5.7 12.3-2.3 24.7-3.3 37.2-1.4 6.5 1 12.6 2.9 16.8 8.4 3.7 4.8 5.1 10.5 5.3 16.4.3 8.3.2 16.6.3 24.9a7.84 7.84 0 0 1-.2 1.4c-.5-.1-.9 0-1.3-.1a180.56 180.56 0 0 0-32-4.9c-11.3-.6-22.5.1-33.3 3.9-12.9 4.5-23.3 12.3-29.4 24.9-4.7 9.8-5.4 20.2-3.9 30.7 2 14 9 24.8 21.4 31.7 11.9 6.6 24.8 7.4 37.9 5.4 15.1-2.3 28.5-8.7 40.3-18.4a7.36 7.36 0 0 1 1.6-1.1c.6 3.8 1.1 7.4 1.8 11 .6 3.1 2.5 5.1 5.4 5.2 5.4.1 10.9.1 16.3 0a4.84 4.84 0 0 0 4.8-4.7 26.2 26.2 0 0 0 .1-2.8v-106a80 80 0 0 0-.9-12.9c-1.9-12.9-7.4-23.5-19-30.4-6.7-4-14.1-6-21.8-7.1-3.6-.5-7.2-.8-10.8-1.3-3.9.1-7.9.1-11.9.1zm35 127.7a3.33 3.33 0 0 1-1.5 3c-11.2 8.1-23.5 13.5-37.4 14.9-5.7.6-11.4.4-16.8-1.8a20.08 20.08 0 0 1-12.4-13.3 32.9 32.9 0 0 1-.1-19.4c2.5-8.3 8.4-13 16.4-15.6a61.33 61.33 0 0 1 24.8-2.2c8.4.7 16.6 2.3 25 3.4 1.6.2 2.1 1 2.1 2.6-.1 4.8 0 9.5 0 14.3s-.2 9.4-.1 14.1zm259.9 129.4c-1-5-4.8-6.9-9.1-8.3a88.42 88.42 0 0 0-21-3.9 147.32 147.32 0 0 0-39.2 1.9c-14.3 2.7-27.9 7.3-40 15.6a13.75 13.75 0 0 0-3.7 3.5 5.11 5.11 0 0 0-.5 4c.4 1.5 2.1 1.9 3.6 1.8a16.2 16.2 0 0 0 2.2-.1c7.8-.8 15.5-1.7 23.3-2.5 11.4-1.1 22.9-1.8 34.3-.9a71.64 71.64 0 0 1 14.4 2.7c5.1 1.4 7.4 5.2 7.6 10.4.4 8-1.4 15.7-3.5 23.3-4.1 15.4-10 30.3-15.8 45.1a17.6 17.6 0 0 0-1 3c-.5 2.9 1.2 4.8 4.1 4.1a10.56 10.56 0 0 0 4.8-2.5 145.91 145.91 0 0 0 12.7-13.4c12.8-16.4 20.3-35.3 24.7-55.6.8-3.6 1.4-7.3 2.1-10.9v-17.3zM493.1 199q-19.35-53.55-38.7-107.2c-2-5.7-4.2-11.3-6.3-16.9-1.1-2.9-3.2-4.8-6.4-4.8-7.6-.1-15.2-.2-22.9-.1-2.5 0-3.7 2-3.2 4.5a43.1 43.1 0 0 0 1.9 6.1q29.4 72.75 59.1 145.5c1.7 4.1 2.1 7.6.2 11.8-3.3 7.3-5.9 15-9.3 22.3-3 6.5-8 11.4-15.2 13.3a42.13 42.13 0 0 1-15.4 1.1c-2.5-.2-5-.8-7.5-1-3.4-.2-5.1 1.3-5.2 4.8q-.15 5 0 9.9c.1 5.5 2 8 7.4 8.9a108.18 108.18 0 0 0 16.9 2c17.1.4 30.7-6.5 39.5-21.4a131.63 131.63 0 0 0 9.2-18.4q35.55-89.7 70.6-179.6a26.62 26.62 0 0 0 1.6-5.5c.4-2.8-.9-4.4-3.7-4.4-6.6-.1-13.3 0-19.9 0a7.54 7.54 0 0 0-7.7 5.2c-.5 1.4-1.1 2.7-1.6 4.1l-34.8 100c-2.5 7.2-5.1 14.5-7.7 22.2-.4-1.1-.6-1.7-.9-2.4z"], "amilia": [448, 512, [], "f36d", "M240.1 32c-61.9 0-131.5 16.9-184.2 55.4-5.1 3.1-9.1 9.2-7.2 19.4 1.1 5.1 5.1 27.4 10.2 39.6 4.1 10.2 14.2 10.2 20.3 6.1 32.5-22.3 96.5-47.7 152.3-47.7 57.9 0 58.9 28.4 58.9 73.1v38.5C203 227.7 78.2 251 46.7 264.2 11.2 280.5 16.3 357.7 16.3 376s15.2 104 124.9 104c47.8 0 113.7-20.7 153.3-42.1v25.4c0 3 2.1 8.2 6.1 9.1 3.1 1 50.7 2 59.9 2s62.5.3 66.5-.7c4.1-1 5.1-6.1 5.1-9.1V168c-.1-80.3-57.9-136-192-136zm50.2 348c-21.4 13.2-48.7 24.4-79.1 24.4-52.8 0-58.9-33.5-59-44.7 0-12.2-3-42.7 18.3-52.9 24.3-13.2 75.1-29.4 119.8-33.5z"], "android": [448, 512, [], "f17b", "M89.6 204.5v115.8c0 15.4-12.1 27.7-27.5 27.7-15.3 0-30.1-12.4-30.1-27.7V204.5c0-15.1 14.8-27.5 30.1-27.5 15.1 0 27.5 12.4 27.5 27.5zm10.8 157c0 16.4 13.2 29.6 29.6 29.6h19.9l.3 61.1c0 36.9 55.2 36.6 55.2 0v-61.1h37.2v61.1c0 36.7 55.5 36.8 55.5 0v-61.1h20.2c16.2 0 29.4-13.2 29.4-29.6V182.1H100.4v179.4zm248-189.1H99.3c0-42.8 25.6-80 63.6-99.4l-19.1-35.3c-2.8-4.9 4.3-8 6.7-3.8l19.4 35.6c34.9-15.5 75-14.7 108.3 0L297.5 34c2.5-4.3 9.5-1.1 6.7 3.8L285.1 73c37.7 19.4 63.3 56.6 63.3 99.4zm-170.7-55.5c0-5.7-4.6-10.5-10.5-10.5-5.7 0-10.2 4.8-10.2 10.5s4.6 10.5 10.2 10.5c5.9 0 10.5-4.8 10.5-10.5zm113.4 0c0-5.7-4.6-10.5-10.2-10.5-5.9 0-10.5 4.8-10.5 10.5s4.6 10.5 10.5 10.5c5.6 0 10.2-4.8 10.2-10.5zm94.8 60.1c-15.1 0-27.5 12.1-27.5 27.5v115.8c0 15.4 12.4 27.7 27.5 27.7 15.4 0 30.1-12.4 30.1-27.7V204.5c0-15.4-14.8-27.5-30.1-27.5z"], "angellist": [448, 512, [], "f209", "M347.1 215.4c11.7-32.6 45.4-126.9 45.4-157.1 0-26.6-15.7-48.9-43.7-48.9-44.6 0-84.6 131.7-97.1 163.1C242 144 196.6 0 156.6 0c-31.1 0-45.7 22.9-45.7 51.7 0 35.3 34.2 126.8 46.6 162-6.3-2.3-13.1-4.3-20-4.3-23.4 0-48.3 29.1-48.3 52.6 0 8.9 4.9 21.4 8 29.7-36.9 10-51.1 34.6-51.1 71.7C46 435.6 114.4 512 210.6 512c118 0 191.4-88.6 191.4-202.9 0-43.1-6.9-82-54.9-93.7zM311.7 108c4-12.3 21.1-64.3 37.1-64.3 8.6 0 10.9 8.9 10.9 16 0 19.1-38.6 124.6-47.1 148l-34-6 33.1-93.7zM142.3 48.3c0-11.9 14.5-45.7 46.3 47.1l34.6 100.3c-15.6-1.3-27.7-3-35.4 1.4-10.9-28.8-45.5-119.7-45.5-148.8zM140 244c29.3 0 67.1 94.6 67.1 107.4 0 5.1-4.9 11.4-10.6 11.4-20.9 0-76.9-76.9-76.9-97.7.1-7.7 12.7-21.1 20.4-21.1zm184.3 186.3c-29.1 32-66.3 48.6-109.7 48.6-59.4 0-106.3-32.6-128.9-88.3-17.1-43.4 3.8-68.3 20.6-68.3 11.4 0 54.3 60.3 54.3 73.1 0 4.9-7.7 8.3-11.7 8.3-16.1 0-22.4-15.5-51.1-51.4-29.7 29.7 20.5 86.9 58.3 86.9 26.1 0 43.1-24.2 38-42 3.7 0 8.3.3 11.7-.6 1.1 27.1 9.1 59.4 41.7 61.7 0-.9 2-7.1 2-7.4 0-17.4-10.6-32.6-10.6-50.3 0-28.3 21.7-55.7 43.7-71.7 8-6 17.7-9.7 27.1-13.1 9.7-3.7 20-8 27.4-15.4-1.1-11.2-5.7-21.1-16.9-21.1-27.7 0-120.6 4-120.6-39.7 0-6.7.1-13.1 17.4-13.1 32.3 0 114.3 8 138.3 29.1 18.1 16.1 24.3 113.2-31 174.7zm-98.6-126c9.7 3.1 19.7 4 29.7 6-7.4 5.4-14 12-20.3 19.1-2.8-8.5-6.2-16.8-9.4-25.1z"], "angrycreative": [640, 512, [], "f36e", "M640 238.2l-3.2 28.2-34.5 2.3-2 18.1 34.5-2.3-3.2 28.2-34.4 2.2-2.3 20.1 34.4-2.2-3 26.1-64.7 4.1 12.7-113.2L527 365.2l-31.9 2-23.8-117.8 30.3-2 13.6 79.4 31.7-82.4 93.1-6.2zM426.8 371.5l28.3-1.8L468 249.6l-28.4 1.9-12.8 120zM162 388.1l-19.4-36-3.5 37.4-28.2 1.7 2.7-29.1c-11 18-32 34.3-56.9 35.8C23.9 399.9-3 377 .3 339.7c2.6-29.3 26.7-62.8 67.5-65.4 37.7-2.4 47.6 23.2 51.3 28.8l2.8-30.8 38.9-2.5c20.1-1.3 38.7 3.7 42.5 23.7l2.6-26.6 64.8-4.2-2.7 27.9-36.4 2.4-1.7 17.9 36.4-2.3-2.7 27.9-36.4 2.3-1.9 19.9 36.3-2.3-2.1 20.8 55-117.2 23.8-1.6L370.4 369l8.9-85.6-22.3 1.4 2.9-27.9 75-4.9-3 28-24.3 1.6-9.7 91.9-58 3.7-4.3-15.6-39.4 2.5-8 16.3-126.2 7.7zm-44.3-70.2l-26.4 1.7C84.6 307.2 76.9 303 65 303.8c-19 1.2-33.3 17.5-34.6 33.3-1.4 16 7.3 32.5 28.7 31.2 12.8-.8 21.3-8.6 28.9-18.9l27-1.7 2.7-29.8zm56.1-7.7c1.2-12.9-7.6-13.6-26.1-12.4l-2.7 28.5c14.2-.9 27.5-2.1 28.8-16.1zm21.1 70.8l5.8-60c-5 13.5-14.7 21.1-27.9 26.6l22.1 33.4zm135.4-45l-7.9-37.8-15.8 39.3 23.7-1.5zm-170.1-74.6l-4.3-17.5-39.6 2.6-8.1 18.2-31.9 2.1 57-121.9 23.9-1.6 30.7 102 9.9-104.7 27-1.8 37.8 63.6 6.5-66.6 28.5-1.9-4 41.2c7.4-13.5 22.9-44.7 63.6-47.5 40.5-2.8 52.4 29.3 53.4 30.3l3.3-32 39.3-2.7c12.7-.9 27.8.3 36.3 9.7l-4.4-11.9 32.2-2.2 12.9 43.2 23-45.7 31-2.2-43.6 78.4-4.8 44.3-28.4 1.9 4.8-44.3-15.8-43c1 22.3-9.2 40.1-32 49.6l25.2 38.8-36.4 2.4-19.2-36.8-4 38.3-28.4 1.9 3.3-31.5c-6.7 9.3-19.7 35.4-59.6 38-26.2 1.7-45.6-10.3-55.4-39.2l-4 40.3-25 1.6-37.6-63.3-6.3 66.2-56.8 3.7zm276.6-82.1c10.2-.7 17.5-2.1 21.6-4.3 4.5-2.4 7-6.4 7.6-12.1.6-5.3-.6-8.8-3.4-10.4-3.6-2.1-10.6-2.8-22.9-2l-2.9 28.8zM327.7 214c5.6 5.9 12.7 8.5 21.3 7.9 4.7-.3 9.1-1.8 13.3-4.1 5.5-3 10.6-8 15.1-14.3l-34.2 2.3 2.4-23.9 63.1-4.3 1.2-12-31.2 2.1c-4.1-3.7-7.8-6.6-11.1-8.1-4-1.7-8.1-2.8-12.2-2.5-8 .5-15.3 3.6-22 9.2-7.7 6.4-12 14.5-12.9 24.4-1.1 9.6 1.4 17.3 7.2 23.3zm-201.3 8.2l23.8-1.6-8.3-37.6-15.5 39.2z"], "angular": [448, 512, [], "f420", "M185.7 268.1h76.2l-38.1-91.6-38.1 91.6zM223.8 32L16 106.4l31.8 275.7 176 97.9 176-97.9 31.8-275.7zM354 373.8h-48.6l-26.2-65.4H168.6l-26.2 65.4H93.7L223.8 81.5z"], "app-store": [512, 512, [], "f36f", "M255.9 120.9l9.1-15.7c5.6-9.8 18.1-13.1 27.9-7.5 9.8 5.6 13.1 18.1 7.5 27.9l-87.5 151.5h63.3c20.5 0 32 24.1 23.1 40.8H113.8c-11.3 0-20.4-9.1-20.4-20.4 0-11.3 9.1-20.4 20.4-20.4h52l66.6-115.4-20.8-36.1c-5.6-9.8-2.3-22.2 7.5-27.9 9.8-5.6 22.2-2.3 27.9 7.5l8.9 15.7zm-78.7 218l-19.6 34c-5.6 9.8-18.1 13.1-27.9 7.5-9.8-5.6-13.1-18.1-7.5-27.9l14.6-25.2c16.4-5.1 29.8-1.2 40.4 11.6zm168.9-61.7h53.1c11.3 0 20.4 9.1 20.4 20.4 0 11.3-9.1 20.4-20.4 20.4h-29.5l19.9 34.5c5.6 9.8 2.3 22.2-7.5 27.9-9.8 5.6-22.2 2.3-27.9-7.5-33.5-58.1-58.7-101.6-75.4-130.6-17.1-29.5-4.9-59.1 7.2-69.1 13.4 23 33.4 57.7 60.1 104zM256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm216 248c0 118.7-96.1 216-216 216-118.7 0-216-96.1-216-216 0-118.7 96.1-216 216-216 118.7 0 216 96.1 216 216z"], "app-store-ios": [448, 512, [], "f370", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM127 384.5c-5.5 9.6-17.8 12.8-27.3 7.3-9.6-5.5-12.8-17.8-7.3-27.3l14.3-24.7c16.1-4.9 29.3-1.1 39.6 11.4L127 384.5zm138.9-53.9H84c-11 0-20-9-20-20s9-20 20-20h51l65.4-113.2-20.5-35.4c-5.5-9.6-2.2-21.8 7.3-27.3 9.6-5.5 21.8-2.2 27.3 7.3l8.9 15.4 8.9-15.4c5.5-9.6 17.8-12.8 27.3-7.3 9.6 5.5 12.8 17.8 7.3 27.3l-85.8 148.6h62.1c20.2 0 31.5 23.7 22.7 40zm98.1 0h-29l19.6 33.9c5.5 9.6 2.2 21.8-7.3 27.3-9.6 5.5-21.8 2.2-27.3-7.3-32.9-56.9-57.5-99.7-74-128.1-16.7-29-4.8-58 7.1-67.8 13.1 22.7 32.7 56.7 58.9 102h52c11 0 20 9 20 20 0 11.1-9 20-20 20z"], "apper": [640, 512, [], "f371", "M42.1 239.1c22.2 0 29 2.8 33.5 14.6h.8v-22.9c0-11.3-4.8-15.4-17.9-15.4-11.3 0-14.4 2.5-15.1 12.8H4.8c.3-13.9 1.5-19.1 5.8-24.4C17.9 195 29.5 192 56.7 192c33 0 47.1 5 53.9 18.9 2 4.3 4 15.6 4 23.7v76.3H76.3l1.3-19.1h-1c-5.3 15.6-13.6 20.4-35.5 20.4-30.3 0-41.1-10.1-41.1-37.3 0-25.2 12.3-35.8 42.1-35.8zm17.1 48.1c13.1 0 16.9-3 16.9-13.4 0-9.1-4.3-11.6-19.6-11.6-13.1 0-17.9 3-17.9 12.1-.1 10.4 3.7 12.9 20.6 12.9zm77.8-94.9h38.3l-1.5 20.6h.8c9.1-17.1 15.9-20.9 37.5-20.9 14.4 0 24.7 3 31.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 12.8 20.4 12.8 48.1 0 30-3 43.1-12.1 52.9-6.8 7.3-16.4 10.1-33.2 10.1-20.4 0-29.2-5.5-33.8-21.2h-.8v70.3H137v-169zm80.9 60.7c0-27.5-3.3-32.5-20.7-32.5-16.9 0-20.7 5-20.7 28.7 0 28 3.5 33.5 21.2 33.5 16.4 0 20.2-5.6 20.2-29.7zm57.9-60.7h38.3l-1.5 20.6h.8c9.1-17.1 15.9-20.9 37.5-20.9 14.4 0 24.7 3 31.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 12.8 20.4 12.8 48.1 0 30-3 43.1-12.1 52.9-6.8 7.3-16.4 10.1-33.3 10.1-20.4 0-29.2-5.5-33.8-21.2h-.8v70.3h-39.5v-169zm80.9 60.7c0-27.5-3.3-32.5-20.7-32.5-16.9 0-20.7 5-20.7 28.7 0 28 3.5 33.5 21.2 33.5 16.4 0 20.2-5.6 20.2-29.7zm53.8-3.8c0-25.4 3.3-37.8 12.3-45.8 8.8-8.1 22.2-11.3 45.1-11.3 42.8 0 55.7 12.8 55.7 55.7v11.1h-75.3c-.3 2-.3 4-.3 4.8 0 16.9 4.5 21.9 20.1 21.9 13.9 0 17.9-3 17.9-13.9h37.5v2.3c0 9.8-2.5 18.9-6.8 24.7-7.3 9.8-19.6 13.6-44.3 13.6-27.5 0-41.6-3.3-50.6-12.3-8.5-8.5-11.3-21.3-11.3-50.8zm76.4-11.6c-.3-1.8-.3-3.3-.3-3.8 0-12.3-3.3-14.6-19.6-14.6-14.4 0-17.1 3-18.1 15.1l-.3 3.3h38.3zm55.6-45.3h38.3l-1.8 19.9h.7c6.8-14.9 14.4-20.2 29.7-20.2 10.8 0 19.1 3.3 23.4 9.3 5.3 7.3 6.8 14.4 6.8 34 0 1.5 0 5 .2 9.3h-35c.3-1.8.3-3.3.3-4 0-15.4-2-19.4-10.3-19.4-6.3 0-10.8 3.3-13.1 9.3-1 3-1 4.3-1 12.3v68h-38.3V192.3z"], "apple": [384, 512, [], "f179", "M318.7 268.7c-.2-36.7 16.4-64.4 50-84.8-18.8-26.9-47.2-41.7-84.7-44.6-35.5-2.8-74.3 20.7-88.5 20.7-15 0-49.4-19.7-76.4-19.7C63.3 141.2 4 184.8 4 273.5q0 39.3 14.4 81.2c12.8 36.7 59 126.7 107.2 125.2 25.2-.6 43-17.9 75.8-17.9 31.8 0 48.3 17.9 76.4 17.9 48.6-.7 90.4-82.5 102.6-119.3-65.2-30.7-61.7-90-61.7-91.9zm-56.6-164.2c27.3-32.4 24.8-61.9 24-72.5-24.1 1.4-52 16.4-67.9 34.9-17.5 19.8-27.8 44.3-25.6 71.9 26.1 2 49.9-11.4 69.5-34.3z"], "apple-pay": [640, 512, [], "f415", "M116.9 158.5c-7.5 8.9-19.5 15.9-31.5 14.9-1.5-12 4.4-24.8 11.3-32.6 7.5-9.1 20.6-15.6 31.3-16.1 1.2 12.4-3.7 24.7-11.1 33.8m10.9 17.2c-17.4-1-32.3 9.9-40.5 9.9-8.4 0-21-9.4-34.8-9.1-17.9.3-34.5 10.4-43.6 26.5-18.8 32.3-4.9 80 13.3 106.3 8.9 13 19.5 27.3 33.5 26.8 13.3-.5 18.5-8.6 34.5-8.6 16.1 0 20.8 8.6 34.8 8.4 14.5-.3 23.6-13 32.5-26 10.1-14.8 14.3-29.1 14.5-29.9-.3-.3-28-10.9-28.3-42.9-.3-26.8 21.9-39.5 22.9-40.3-12.5-18.6-32-20.6-38.8-21.1m100.4-36.2v194.9h30.3v-66.6h41.9c38.3 0 65.1-26.3 65.1-64.3s-26.4-64-64.1-64h-73.2zm30.3 25.5h34.9c26.3 0 41.3 14 41.3 38.6s-15 38.8-41.4 38.8h-34.8V165zm162.2 170.9c19 0 36.6-9.6 44.6-24.9h.6v23.4h28v-97c0-28.1-22.5-46.3-57.1-46.3-32.1 0-55.9 18.4-56.8 43.6h27.3c2.3-12 13.4-19.9 28.6-19.9 18.5 0 28.9 8.6 28.9 24.5v10.8l-37.8 2.3c-35.1 2.1-54.1 16.5-54.1 41.5.1 25.2 19.7 42 47.8 42zm8.2-23.1c-16.1 0-26.4-7.8-26.4-19.6 0-12.3 9.9-19.4 28.8-20.5l33.6-2.1v11c0 18.2-15.5 31.2-36 31.2zm102.5 74.6c29.5 0 43.4-11.3 55.5-45.4L640 193h-30.8l-35.6 115.1h-.6L537.4 193h-31.6L557 334.9l-2.8 8.6c-4.6 14.6-12.1 20.3-25.5 20.3-2.4 0-7-.3-8.9-.5v23.4c1.8.4 9.3.7 11.6.7z"], "artstation": [512, 512, [], "f77a", "M2 377.4l43 74.3A51.35 51.35 0 0 0 90.9 480h285.4l-59.2-102.6zM501.8 350L335.6 59.3A51.38 51.38 0 0 0 290.2 32h-88.4l257.3 447.6 40.7-70.5c1.9-3.2 21-29.7 2-59.1zM275 304.5l-115.5-200L44 304.5z"], "asymmetrik": [576, 512, [], "f372", "M517.5 309.2c38.8-40 58.1-80 58.5-116.1.8-65.5-59.4-118.2-169.4-135C277.9 38.4 118.1 73.6 0 140.5 52 114 110.6 92.3 170.7 82.3c74.5-20.5 153-25.4 221.3-14.8C544.5 91.3 588.8 195 490.8 299.2c-10.2 10.8-22 21.1-35 30.6L304.9 103.4 114.7 388.9c-65.6-29.4-76.5-90.2-19.1-151.2 20.8-22.2 48.3-41.9 79.5-58.1 20-12.2 39.7-22.6 62-30.7-65.1 20.3-122.7 52.9-161.6 92.9-27.7 28.6-41.4 57.1-41.7 82.9-.5 35.1 23.4 65.1 68.4 83l-34.5 51.7h101.6l22-34.4c22.2 1 45.3 0 68.6-2.7l-22.8 37.1h135.5L340 406.3c18.6-5.3 36.9-11.5 54.5-18.7l45.9 71.8H542L468.6 349c18.5-12.1 35-25.5 48.9-39.8zm-187.6 80.5l-25-40.6-32.7 53.3c-23.4 3.5-46.7 5.1-69.2 4.4l101.9-159.3 78.7 123c-17.2 7.4-35.3 13.9-53.7 19.2z"], "atlassian": [512, 512, [], "f77b", "M152.2 236.4c-7.7-8.2-19.7-7.7-24.8 2.8L1.6 490.2c-5 10 2.4 21.7 13.4 21.7h175c5.8.1 11-3.2 13.4-8.4 37.9-77.8 15.1-196.3-51.2-267.1zM244.4 8.1c-122.3 193.4-8.5 348.6 65 495.5 2.5 5.1 7.7 8.4 13.4 8.4H497c11.2 0 18.4-11.8 13.4-21.7 0 0-234.5-470.6-240.4-482.3-5.3-10.6-18.8-10.8-25.6.1z"], "audible": [640, 512, [], "f373", "M640 199.9v54l-320 200L0 254v-54l320 200 320-200.1zm-194.5 72l47.1-29.4c-37.2-55.8-100.7-92.6-172.7-92.6-72 0-135.5 36.7-172.6 92.4h.3c2.5-2.3 5.1-4.5 7.7-6.7 89.7-74.4 219.4-58.1 290.2 36.3zm-220.1 18.8c16.9-11.9 36.5-18.7 57.4-18.7 34.4 0 65.2 18.4 86.4 47.6l45.4-28.4c-20.9-29.9-55.6-49.5-94.8-49.5-38.9 0-73.4 19.4-94.4 49zM103.6 161.1c131.8-104.3 318.2-76.4 417.5 62.1l.7 1 48.8-30.4C517.1 112.1 424.8 58.1 319.9 58.1c-103.5 0-196.6 53.5-250.5 135.6 9.9-10.5 22.7-23.5 34.2-32.6zm467 32.7z"], "autoprefixer": [640, 512, [], "f41c", "M318.4 16l-161 480h77.5l25.4-81.4h119.5L405 496h77.5L318.4 16zm-40.3 341.9l41.2-130.4h1.5l40.9 130.4h-83.6zM640 405l-10-31.4L462.1 358l19.4 56.5L640 405zm-462.1-47L10 373.7 0 405l158.5 9.4 19.4-56.4z"], "avianex": [512, 512, [], "f374", "M453.1 32h-312c-38.9 0-76.2 31.2-83.3 69.7L1.2 410.3C-5.9 448.8 19.9 480 58.9 480h312c38.9 0 76.2-31.2 83.3-69.7l56.7-308.5c7-38.6-18.8-69.8-57.8-69.8zm-58.2 347.3l-32 13.5-115.4-110c-14.7 10-29.2 19.5-41.7 27.1l22.1 64.2-17.9 12.7-40.6-61-52.4-48.1 15.7-15.4 58 31.1c9.3-10.5 20.8-22.6 32.8-34.9L203 228.9l-68.8-99.8 18.8-28.9 8.9-4.8L265 207.8l4.9 4.5c19.4-18.8 33.8-32.4 33.8-32.4 7.7-6.5 21.5-2.9 30.7 7.9 9 10.5 10.6 24.7 2.7 31.3-1.8 1.3-15.5 11.4-35.3 25.6l4.5 7.3 94.9 119.4-6.3 7.9z"], "aviato": [640, 512, [], "f421", "M107.2 283.5l-19-41.8H36.1l-19 41.8H0l62.2-131.4 62.2 131.4h-17.2zm-45-98.1l-19.6 42.5h39.2l-19.6-42.5zm112.7 102.4l-62.2-131.4h17.1l45.1 96 45.1-96h17l-62.1 131.4zm80.6-4.3V156.4H271v127.1h-15.5zm209.1-115.6v115.6h-17.3V167.9h-41.2v-11.5h99.6v11.5h-41.1zM640 218.8c0 9.2-1.7 17.8-5.1 25.8-3.4 8-8.2 15.1-14.2 21.1-6 6-13.1 10.8-21.1 14.2-8 3.4-16.6 5.1-25.8 5.1s-17.8-1.7-25.8-5.1c-8-3.4-15.1-8.2-21.1-14.2-6-6-10.8-13-14.2-21.1-3.4-8-5.1-16.6-5.1-25.8s1.7-17.8 5.1-25.8c3.4-8 8.2-15.1 14.2-21.1 6-6 13-8.4 21.1-11.9 8-3.4 16.6-5.1 25.8-5.1s17.8 1.7 25.8 5.1c8 3.4 15.1 5.8 21.1 11.9 6 6 10.7 13.1 14.2 21.1 3.4 8 5.1 16.6 5.1 25.8zm-15.5 0c0-7.3-1.3-14-3.9-20.3-2.6-6.3-6.2-11.7-10.8-16.3-4.6-4.6-10-8.2-16.2-10.9-6.2-2.7-12.8-4-19.8-4s-13.6 1.3-19.8 4c-6.2 2.7-11.6 6.3-16.2 10.9-4.6 4.6-8.2 10-10.8 16.3-2.6 6.3-3.9 13.1-3.9 20.3 0 7.3 1.3 14 3.9 20.3 2.6 6.3 6.2 11.7 10.8 16.3 4.6 4.6 10 8.2 16.2 10.9 6.2 2.7 12.8 4 19.8 4s13.6-1.3 19.8-4c6.2-2.7 11.6-6.3 16.2-10.9 4.6-4.6 8.2-10 10.8-16.3 2.6-6.3 3.9-13.1 3.9-20.3zm-94.8 96.7v-6.3l88.9-10-242.9 13.4c.6-2.2 1.1-4.6 1.4-7.2.3-2 .5-4.2.6-6.5l64.8-8.1-64.9 1.9c0-.4-.1-.7-.1-1.1-2.8-17.2-25.5-23.7-25.5-23.7l-1.1-26.3h23.8l19 41.8h17.1L348.6 152l-62.2 131.4h17.1l19-41.8h23.6L345 268s-22.7 6.5-25.5 23.7c-.1.3-.1.7-.1 1.1l-64.9-1.9 64.8 8.1c.1 2.3.3 4.4.6 6.5.3 2.6.8 5 1.4 7.2L78.4 299.2l88.9 10v6.3c-5.9.9-10.5 6-10.5 12.2 0 6.8 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4 6.8 0 12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4 0-6.2-4.6-11.3-10.5-12.2v-5.8l80.3 9v5.4c-5.7 1.1-9.9 6.2-9.9 12.1 0 6.8 5.6 10.2 12.4 10.2 6.8 0 12.4-3.4 12.4-10.2 0-6-4.3-11-9.9-12.1v-4.9l28.4 3.2v23.7h-5.9V360h5.9v-6.6h5v6.6h5.9v-13.8h-5.9V323l38.3 4.3c8.1 11.4 19 13.6 19 13.6l-.1 6.7-5.1.2-.1 12.1h4.1l.1-5h5.2l.1 5h4.1l-.1-12.1-5.1-.2-.1-6.7s10.9-2.1 19-13.6l38.3-4.3v23.2h-5.9V360h5.9v-6.6h5v6.6h5.9v-13.8h-5.9v-23.7l28.4-3.2v4.9c-5.7 1.1-9.9 6.2-9.9 12.1 0 6.8 5.6 10.2 12.4 10.2 6.8 0 12.4-3.4 12.4-10.2 0-6-4.3-11-9.9-12.1v-5.4l80.3-9v5.8c-5.9.9-10.5 6-10.5 12.2 0 6.8 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4 6.8 0 12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4-.2-6.3-4.7-11.4-10.7-12.3zm-200.8-87.6l19.6-42.5 19.6 42.5h-17.9l-1.7-40.3-1.7 40.3h-17.9z"], "aws": [640, 512, [], "f375", "M180.41 203.01c-.72 22.65 10.6 32.68 10.88 39.05a8.164 8.164 0 0 1-4.1 6.27l-12.8 8.96a10.66 10.66 0 0 1-5.63 1.92c-.43-.02-8.19 1.83-20.48-25.61a78.608 78.608 0 0 1-62.61 29.45c-16.28.89-60.4-9.24-58.13-56.21-1.59-38.28 34.06-62.06 70.93-60.05 7.1.02 21.6.37 46.99 6.27v-15.62c2.69-26.46-14.7-46.99-44.81-43.91-2.4.01-19.4-.5-45.84 10.11-7.36 3.38-8.3 2.82-10.75 2.82-7.41 0-4.36-21.48-2.94-24.2 5.21-6.4 35.86-18.35 65.94-18.18a76.857 76.857 0 0 1 55.69 17.28 70.285 70.285 0 0 1 17.67 52.36l-.01 69.29zM93.99 235.4c32.43-.47 46.16-19.97 49.29-30.47 2.46-10.05 2.05-16.41 2.05-27.4-9.67-2.32-23.59-4.85-39.56-4.87-15.15-1.14-42.82 5.63-41.74 32.26-1.24 16.79 11.12 31.4 29.96 30.48zm170.92 23.05c-7.86.72-11.52-4.86-12.68-10.37l-49.8-164.65c-.97-2.78-1.61-5.65-1.92-8.58a4.61 4.61 0 0 1 3.86-5.25c.24-.04-2.13 0 22.25 0 8.78-.88 11.64 6.03 12.55 10.37l35.72 140.83 33.16-140.83c.53-3.22 2.94-11.07 12.8-10.24h17.16c2.17-.18 11.11-.5 12.68 10.37l33.42 142.63L420.98 80.1c.48-2.18 2.72-11.37 12.68-10.37h19.72c.85-.13 6.15-.81 5.25 8.58-.43 1.85 3.41-10.66-52.75 169.9-1.15 5.51-4.82 11.09-12.68 10.37h-18.69c-10.94 1.15-12.51-9.66-12.68-10.75L328.67 110.7l-32.78 136.99c-.16 1.09-1.73 11.9-12.68 10.75h-18.3zm273.48 5.63c-5.88.01-33.92-.3-57.36-12.29a12.802 12.802 0 0 1-7.81-11.91v-10.75c0-8.45 6.2-6.9 8.83-5.89 10.04 4.06 16.48 7.14 28.81 9.6 36.65 7.53 52.77-2.3 56.72-4.48 13.15-7.81 14.19-25.68 5.25-34.95-10.48-8.79-15.48-9.12-53.13-21-4.64-1.29-43.7-13.61-43.79-52.36-.61-28.24 25.05-56.18 69.52-55.95 12.67-.01 46.43 4.13 55.57 15.62 1.35 2.09 2.02 4.55 1.92 7.04v10.11c0 4.44-1.62 6.66-4.87 6.66-7.71-.86-21.39-11.17-49.16-10.75-6.89-.36-39.89.91-38.41 24.97-.43 18.96 26.61 26.07 29.7 26.89 36.46 10.97 48.65 12.79 63.12 29.58 17.14 22.25 7.9 48.3 4.35 55.44-19.08 37.49-68.42 34.44-69.26 34.42zm40.2 104.86c-70.03 51.72-171.69 79.25-258.49 79.25A469.127 469.127 0 0 1 2.83 327.46c-6.53-5.89-.77-13.96 7.17-9.47a637.37 637.37 0 0 0 316.88 84.12 630.22 630.22 0 0 0 241.59-49.55c11.78-5 21.77 7.8 10.12 16.38zm29.19-33.29c-8.96-11.52-59.28-5.38-81.81-2.69-6.79.77-7.94-5.12-1.79-9.47 40.07-28.17 105.88-20.1 113.44-10.63 7.55 9.47-2.05 75.41-39.56 106.91-5.76 4.87-11.27 2.3-8.71-4.1 8.44-21.25 27.39-68.49 18.43-80.02z"], "bandcamp": [496, 512, [], "f2d5", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm48.2 326.1h-181L199.9 178h181l-84.7 156.1z"], "battle-net": [512, 512, [], "f835", "M448.61 225.62c26.87.18 35.57-7.43 38.92-12.37 12.47-16.32-7.06-47.6-52.85-71.33 17.76-33.58 30.11-63.68 36.34-85.3 3.38-11.83 1.09-19 .45-20.25-1.72 10.52-15.85 48.46-48.2 100.05-25-11.22-56.52-20.1-93.77-23.8-8.94-16.94-34.88-63.86-60.48-88.93C252.18 7.14 238.7 1.07 228.18.22h-.05c-13.83-1.55-22.67 5.85-27.4 11-17.2 18.53-24.33 48.87-25 84.07-7.24-12.35-17.17-24.63-28.5-25.93h-.18c-20.66-3.48-38.39 29.22-36 81.29-38.36 1.38-71 5.75-93 11.23-9.9 2.45-16.22 7.27-17.76 9.72 1-.38 22.4-9.22 111.56-9.22 5.22 53 29.75 101.82 26 93.19-9.73 15.4-38.24 62.36-47.31 97.7-5.87 22.88-4.37 37.61.15 47.14 5.57 12.75 16.41 16.72 23.2 18.26 25 5.71 55.38-3.63 86.7-21.14-7.53 12.84-13.9 28.51-9.06 39.34 7.31 19.65 44.49 18.66 88.44-9.45 20.18 32.18 40.07 57.94 55.7 74.12a39.79 39.79 0 0 0 8.75 7.09c5.14 3.21 8.58 3.37 8.58 3.37-8.24-6.75-34-38-62.54-91.78 22.22-16 45.65-38.87 67.47-69.27 122.82 4.6 143.29-24.76 148-31.64 14.67-19.88 3.43-57.44-57.32-93.69zm-77.85 106.22c23.81-37.71 30.34-67.77 29.45-92.33 27.86 17.57 47.18 37.58 49.06 58.83 1.14 12.93-8.1 29.12-78.51 33.5zM216.9 387.69c9.76-6.23 19.53-13.12 29.2-20.49 6.68 13.33 13.6 26.1 20.6 38.19-40.6 21.86-68.84 12.76-49.8-17.7zm215-171.35c-10.29-5.34-21.16-10.34-32.38-15.05a722.459 722.459 0 0 0 22.74-36.9c39.06 24.1 45.9 53.18 9.64 51.95zM279.18 398c-5.51-11.35-11-23.5-16.5-36.44 43.25 1.27 62.42-18.73 63.28-20.41 0 .07-25 15.64-62.53 12.25a718.78 718.78 0 0 0 85.06-84q13.06-15.31 24.93-31.11c-.36-.29-1.54-3-16.51-12-51.7 60.27-102.34 98-132.75 115.92-20.59-11.18-40.84-31.78-55.71-61.49-20-39.92-30-82.39-31.57-116.07 12.3.91 25.27 2.17 38.85 3.88-22.29 36.8-14.39 63-13.47 64.23 0-.07-.95-29.17 20.14-59.57a695.23 695.23 0 0 0 44.67 152.84c.93-.38 1.84.88 18.67-8.25-26.33-74.47-33.76-138.17-34-173.43 20-12.42 48.18-19.8 81.63-17.81 44.57 2.67 86.36 15.25 116.32 30.71q-10.69 15.66-23.33 32.47C365.63 152 339.1 145.84 337.5 146c.11 0 25.9 14.07 41.52 47.22a717.63 717.63 0 0 0-115.34-31.71 646.608 646.608 0 0 0-39.39-6.05c-.07.45-1.81 1.85-2.16 20.33C300 190.28 358.78 215.68 389.36 233c.74 23.55-6.95 51.61-25.41 79.57-24.6 37.31-56.39 67.23-84.77 85.43zm27.4-287c-44.56-1.66-73.58 7.43-94.69 20.67 2-52.3 21.31-76.38 38.21-75.28C267 52.15 305 108.55 306.58 111zm-130.65 3.1c.48 12.11 1.59 24.62 3.21 37.28-14.55-.85-28.74-1.25-42.4-1.26-.08 3.24-.12-51 24.67-49.59h.09c5.76 1.09 10.63 6.88 14.43 13.57zm-28.06 162c20.76 39.7 43.3 60.57 65.25 72.31-46.79 24.76-77.53 20-84.92 4.51-.2-.21-11.13-15.3 19.67-76.81zm210.06 74.8"], "behance": [576, 512, [], "f1b4", "M232 237.2c31.8-15.2 48.4-38.2 48.4-74 0-70.6-52.6-87.8-113.3-87.8H0v354.4h171.8c64.4 0 124.9-30.9 124.9-102.9 0-44.5-21.1-77.4-64.7-89.7zM77.9 135.9H151c28.1 0 53.4 7.9 53.4 40.5 0 30.1-19.7 42.2-47.5 42.2h-79v-82.7zm83.3 233.7H77.9V272h84.9c34.3 0 56 14.3 56 50.6 0 35.8-25.9 47-57.6 47zm358.5-240.7H376V94h143.7v34.9zM576 305.2c0-75.9-44.4-139.2-124.9-139.2-78.2 0-131.3 58.8-131.3 135.8 0 79.9 50.3 134.7 131.3 134.7 61.3 0 101-27.6 120.1-86.3H509c-6.7 21.9-34.3 33.5-55.7 33.5-41.3 0-63-24.2-63-65.3h185.1c.3-4.2.6-8.7.6-13.2zM390.4 274c2.3-33.7 24.7-54.8 58.5-54.8 35.4 0 53.2 20.8 56.2 54.8H390.4z"], "behance-square": [448, 512, [], "f1b5", "M186.5 293c0 19.3-14 25.4-31.2 25.4h-45.1v-52.9h46c18.6.1 30.3 7.8 30.3 27.5zm-7.7-82.3c0-17.7-13.7-21.9-28.9-21.9h-39.6v44.8H153c15.1 0 25.8-6.6 25.8-22.9zm132.3 23.2c-18.3 0-30.5 11.4-31.7 29.7h62.2c-1.7-18.5-11.3-29.7-30.5-29.7zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM271.7 185h77.8v-18.9h-77.8V185zm-43 110.3c0-24.1-11.4-44.9-35-51.6 17.2-8.2 26.2-17.7 26.2-37 0-38.2-28.5-47.5-61.4-47.5H68v192h93.1c34.9-.2 67.6-16.9 67.6-55.9zM380 280.5c0-41.1-24.1-75.4-67.6-75.4-42.4 0-71.1 31.8-71.1 73.6 0 43.3 27.3 73 71.1 73 33.2 0 54.7-14.9 65.1-46.8h-33.7c-3.7 11.9-18.6 18.1-30.2 18.1-22.4 0-34.1-13.1-34.1-35.3h100.2c.1-2.3.3-4.8.3-7.2z"], "bimobject": [448, 512, [], "f378", "M416 32H32C14.4 32 0 46.4 0 64v384c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h384c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V64c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32zm-64 257.4c0 49.4-11.4 82.6-103.8 82.6h-16.9c-44.1 0-62.4-14.9-70.4-38.8h-.9V368H96V136h64v74.7h1.1c4.6-30.5 39.7-38.8 69.7-38.8h17.3c92.4 0 103.8 33.1 103.8 82.5v35zm-64-28.9v22.9c0 21.7-3.4 33.8-38.4 33.8h-45.3c-28.9 0-44.1-6.5-44.1-35.7v-19c0-29.3 15.2-35.7 44.1-35.7h45.3c35-.2 38.4 12 38.4 33.7z"], "bitbucket": [512, 512, [], "f171", "M22.2 32A16 16 0 0 0 6 47.8a26.35 26.35 0 0 0 .2 2.8l67.9 412.1a21.77 21.77 0 0 0 21.3 18.2h325.7a16 16 0 0 0 16-13.4L505 50.7a16 16 0 0 0-13.2-18.3 24.58 24.58 0 0 0-2.8-.2L22.2 32zm285.9 297.8h-104l-28.1-147h157.3l-25.2 147z"], "bitcoin": [512, 512, [], "f379", "M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zm-141.651-35.33c4.937-32.999-20.191-50.739-54.55-62.573l11.146-44.702-27.213-6.781-10.851 43.524c-7.154-1.783-14.502-3.464-21.803-5.13l10.929-43.81-27.198-6.781-11.153 44.686c-5.922-1.349-11.735-2.682-17.377-4.084l.031-.14-37.53-9.37-7.239 29.062s20.191 4.627 19.765 4.913c11.022 2.751 13.014 10.044 12.68 15.825l-12.696 50.925c.76.194 1.744.473 2.829.907-.907-.225-1.876-.473-2.876-.713l-17.796 71.338c-1.349 3.348-4.767 8.37-12.471 6.464.271.395-19.78-4.937-19.78-4.937l-13.51 31.147 35.414 8.827c6.588 1.651 13.045 3.379 19.4 5.006l-11.262 45.213 27.182 6.781 11.153-44.733a1038.209 1038.209 0 0 0 21.687 5.627l-11.115 44.523 27.213 6.781 11.262-45.128c46.404 8.781 81.299 5.239 95.986-36.727 11.836-33.79-.589-53.281-25.004-65.991 17.78-4.098 31.174-15.792 34.747-39.949zm-62.177 87.179c-8.41 33.79-65.308 15.523-83.755 10.943l14.944-59.899c18.446 4.603 77.6 13.717 68.811 48.956zm8.417-87.667c-7.673 30.736-55.031 15.12-70.393 11.292l13.548-54.327c15.363 3.828 64.836 10.973 56.845 43.035z"], "bity": [496, 512, [], "f37a", "M78.4 67.2C173.8-22 324.5-24 421.5 71c14.3 14.1-6.4 37.1-22.4 21.5-84.8-82.4-215.8-80.3-298.9-3.2-16.3 15.1-36.5-8.3-21.8-22.1zm98.9 418.6c19.3 5.7 29.3-23.6 7.9-30C73 421.9 9.4 306.1 37.7 194.8c5-19.6-24.9-28.1-30.2-7.1-32.1 127.4 41.1 259.8 169.8 298.1zm148.1-2c121.9-40.2 192.9-166.9 164.4-291-4.5-19.7-34.9-13.8-30 7.9 24.2 107.7-37.1 217.9-143.2 253.4-21.2 7-10.4 36 8.8 29.7zm-62.9-79l.2-71.8c0-8.2-6.6-14.8-14.8-14.8-8.2 0-14.8 6.7-14.8 14.8l-.2 71.8c0 8.2 6.6 14.8 14.8 14.8s14.8-6.6 14.8-14.8zm71-269c2.1 90.9 4.7 131.9-85.5 132.5-92.5-.7-86.9-44.3-85.5-132.5 0-21.8-32.5-19.6-32.5 0v71.6c0 69.3 60.7 90.9 118 90.1 57.3.8 118-20.8 118-90.1v-71.6c0-19.6-32.5-21.8-32.5 0z"], "black-tie": [448, 512, [], "f27e", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm316.5 325.2L224 445.9l-92.5-88.7 64.5-184-64.5-86.6h184.9L252 173.2l64.5 184z"], "blackberry": [512, 512, [], "f37b", "M166 116.9c0 23.4-16.4 49.1-72.5 49.1H23.4l21-88.8h67.8c42.1 0 53.8 23.3 53.8 39.7zm126.2-39.7h-67.8L205.7 166h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-25.7 70.1-49.1.1-16.4-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zM88.8 208.1H21L0 296.9h70.1c56.1 0 72.5-23.4 72.5-49.1 0-16.3-11.7-39.7-53.8-39.7zm180.1 0h-67.8l-18.7 88.8h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1 0-16.3-11.7-39.7-53.7-39.7zm189.3-53.8h-67.8l-18.7 88.8h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1.1-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zm-28 137.9h-67.8L343.7 381h70.1c56.1 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1 0-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zM240.8 346H173l-18.7 88.8h70.1c56.1 0 70.1-25.7 70.1-49.1.1-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7z"], "blogger": [448, 512, [], "f37c", "M162.4 196c4.8-4.9 6.2-5.1 36.4-5.1 27.2 0 28.1.1 32.1 2.1 5.8 2.9 8.3 7 8.3 13.6 0 5.9-2.4 10-7.6 13.4-2.8 1.8-4.5 1.9-31.1 2.1-16.4.1-29.5-.2-31.5-.8-10.3-2.9-14.1-17.7-6.6-25.3zm61.4 94.5c-53.9 0-55.8.2-60.2 4.1-3.5 3.1-5.7 9.4-5.1 13.9.7 4.7 4.8 10.1 9.2 12 2.2 1 14.1 1.7 56.3 1.2l47.9-.6 9.2-1.5c9-5.1 10.5-17.4 3.1-24.4-5.3-4.7-5-4.7-60.4-4.7zm223.4 130.1c-3.5 28.4-23 50.4-51.1 57.5-7.2 1.8-9.7 1.9-172.9 1.8-157.8 0-165.9-.1-172-1.8-8.4-2.2-15.6-5.5-22.3-10-5.6-3.8-13.9-11.8-17-16.4-3.8-5.6-8.2-15.3-10-22C.1 423 0 420.3 0 256.3 0 93.2 0 89.7 1.8 82.6 8.1 57.9 27.7 39 53 33.4c7.3-1.6 332.1-1.9 340-.3 21.2 4.3 37.9 17.1 47.6 36.4 7.7 15.3 7-1.5 7.3 180.6.2 115.8 0 164.5-.7 170.5zm-85.4-185.2c-1.1-5-4.2-9.6-7.7-11.5-1.1-.6-8-1.3-15.5-1.7-12.4-.6-13.8-.8-17.8-3.1-6.2-3.6-7.9-7.6-8-18.3 0-20.4-8.5-39.4-25.3-56.5-12-12.2-25.3-20.5-40.6-25.1-3.6-1.1-11.8-1.5-39.2-1.8-42.9-.5-52.5.4-67.1 6.2-27 10.7-46.3 33.4-53.4 62.4-1.3 5.4-1.6 14.2-1.9 64.3-.4 62.8 0 72.1 4 84.5 9.7 30.7 37.1 53.4 64.6 58.4 9.2 1.7 122.2 2.1 133.7.5 20.1-2.7 35.9-10.8 50.7-25.9 10.7-10.9 17.4-22.8 21.8-38.5 3.2-10.9 2.9-88.4 1.7-93.9z"], "blogger-b": [448, 512, [], "f37d", "M446.6 222.7c-1.8-8-6.8-15.4-12.5-18.5-1.8-1-13-2.2-25-2.7-20.1-.9-22.3-1.3-28.7-5-10.1-5.9-12.8-12.3-12.9-29.5-.1-33-13.8-63.7-40.9-91.3-19.3-19.7-40.9-33-65.5-40.5-5.9-1.8-19.1-2.4-63.3-2.9-69.4-.8-84.8.6-108.4 10C45.9 59.5 14.7 96.1 3.3 142.9 1.2 151.7.7 165.8.2 246.8c-.6 101.5.1 116.4 6.4 136.5 15.6 49.6 59.9 86.3 104.4 94.3 14.8 2.7 197.3 3.3 216 .8 32.5-4.4 58-17.5 81.9-41.9 17.3-17.7 28.1-36.8 35.2-62.1 4.9-17.6 4.5-142.8 2.5-151.7zm-322.1-63.6c7.8-7.9 10-8.2 58.8-8.2 43.9 0 45.4.1 51.8 3.4 9.3 4.7 13.4 11.3 13.4 21.9 0 9.5-3.8 16.2-12.3 21.6-4.6 2.9-7.3 3.1-50.3 3.3-26.5.2-47.7-.4-50.8-1.2-16.6-4.7-22.8-28.5-10.6-40.8zm191.8 199.8l-14.9 2.4-77.5.9c-68.1.8-87.3-.4-90.9-2-7.1-3.1-13.8-11.7-14.9-19.4-1.1-7.3 2.6-17.3 8.2-22.4 7.1-6.4 10.2-6.6 97.3-6.7 89.6-.1 89.1-.1 97.6 7.8 12.1 11.3 9.5 31.2-4.9 39.4z"], "bluetooth": [448, 512, [], "f293", "M292.6 171.1L249.7 214l-.3-86 43.2 43.1m-43.2 219.8l43.1-43.1-42.9-42.9-.2 86zM416 259.4C416 465 344.1 512 230.9 512S32 465 32 259.4 115.4 0 228.6 0 416 53.9 416 259.4zm-158.5 0l79.4-88.6L211.8 36.5v176.9L138 139.6l-27 26.9 92.7 93-92.7 93 26.9 26.9 73.8-73.8 2.3 170 127.4-127.5-83.9-88.7z"], "bluetooth-b": [320, 512, [], "f294", "M196.48 260.023l92.626-103.333L143.125 0v206.33l-86.111-86.111-31.406 31.405 108.061 108.399L25.608 368.422l31.406 31.405 86.111-86.111L145.84 512l148.552-148.644-97.912-103.333zm40.86-102.996l-49.977 49.978-.338-100.295 50.315 50.317zM187.363 313.04l49.977 49.978-50.315 50.316.338-100.294z"], "bootstrap": [448, 512, [], "f836", "M292.3 311.93c0 42.41-39.72 41.43-43.92 41.43h-80.89v-81.69h80.89c42.56 0 43.92 31.9 43.92 40.26zm-50.15-73.13c.67 0 38.44 1 38.44-36.31 0-15.52-3.51-35.87-38.44-35.87h-74.66v72.18h74.66zM448 106.67v298.66A74.89 74.89 0 0 1 373.33 480H74.67A74.89 74.89 0 0 1 0 405.33V106.67A74.89 74.89 0 0 1 74.67 32h298.66A74.89 74.89 0 0 1 448 106.67zM338.05 317.86c0-21.57-6.65-58.29-49.05-67.35v-.73c22.91-9.78 37.34-28.25 37.34-55.64 0-7 2-64.78-77.6-64.78h-127v261.33c128.23 0 139.87 1.68 163.6-5.71 14.21-4.42 52.71-17.98 52.71-67.12z"], "btc": [384, 512, [], "f15a", "M310.204 242.638c27.73-14.18 45.377-39.39 41.28-81.3-5.358-57.351-52.458-76.573-114.85-81.929V0h-48.528v77.203c-12.605 0-25.525.315-38.444.63V0h-48.528v79.409c-17.842.539-38.622.276-97.37 0v51.678c38.314-.678 58.417-3.14 63.023 21.427v217.429c-2.925 19.492-18.524 16.685-53.255 16.071L3.765 443.68c88.481 0 97.37.315 97.37.315V512h48.528v-67.06c13.234.315 26.154.315 38.444.315V512h48.528v-68.005c81.299-4.412 135.647-24.894 142.895-101.467 5.671-61.446-23.32-88.862-69.326-99.89zM150.608 134.553c27.415 0 113.126-8.507 113.126 48.528 0 54.515-85.71 48.212-113.126 48.212v-96.74zm0 251.776V279.821c32.772 0 133.127-9.138 133.127 53.255-.001 60.186-100.355 53.253-133.127 53.253z"], "buffer": [448, 512, [], "f837", "M427.84 380.67l-196.5 97.82a18.6 18.6 0 0 1-14.67 0L20.16 380.67c-4-2-4-5.28 0-7.29L67.22 350a18.65 18.65 0 0 1 14.69 0l134.76 67a18.51 18.51 0 0 0 14.67 0l134.76-67a18.62 18.62 0 0 1 14.68 0l47.06 23.43c4.05 1.96 4.05 5.24 0 7.24zm0-136.53l-47.06-23.43a18.62 18.62 0 0 0-14.68 0l-134.76 67.08a18.68 18.68 0 0 1-14.67 0L81.91 220.71a18.65 18.65 0 0 0-14.69 0l-47.06 23.43c-4 2-4 5.29 0 7.31l196.51 97.8a18.6 18.6 0 0 0 14.67 0l196.5-97.8c4.05-2.02 4.05-5.3 0-7.31zM20.16 130.42l196.5 90.29a20.08 20.08 0 0 0 14.67 0l196.51-90.29c4-1.86 4-4.89 0-6.74L231.33 33.4a19.88 19.88 0 0 0-14.67 0l-196.5 90.28c-4.05 1.85-4.05 4.88 0 6.74z"], "buromobelexperte": [448, 512, [], "f37f", "M0 32v128h128V32H0zm120 120H8V40h112v112zm40-120v128h128V32H160zm120 120H168V40h112v112zm40-120v128h128V32H320zm120 120H328V40h112v112zM0 192v128h128V192H0zm120 120H8V200h112v112zm40-120v128h128V192H160zm120 120H168V200h112v112zm40-120v128h128V192H320zm120 120H328V200h112v112zM0 352v128h128V352H0zm120 120H8V360h112v112zm40-120v128h128V352H160zm120 120H168V360h112v112zm40-120v128h128V352H320z"], "buy-n-large": [576, 512, [], "f8a6", "M288 32C133.27 32 7.79 132.32 7.79 256S133.27 480 288 480s280.21-100.32 280.21-224S442.73 32 288 32zm-85.39 357.19L64.1 390.55l77.25-290.74h133.44c63.15 0 84.93 28.65 78 72.84a60.24 60.24 0 0 1-1.5 6.85 77.39 77.39 0 0 0-17.21-1.93c-42.35 0-76.69 33.88-76.69 75.65 0 37.14 27.14 68 62.93 74.45-18.24 37.16-56.16 60.92-117.71 61.52zM358 207.11h32l-22.16 90.31h-35.41l-11.19-35.63-7.83 35.63h-37.83l26.63-90.31h31.34l15 36.75zm145.86 182.08H306.79L322.63 328a78.8 78.8 0 0 0 11.47.83c42.34 0 76.69-33.87 76.69-75.65 0-32.65-21-60.46-50.38-71.06l21.33-82.35h92.5l-53.05 205.36h103.87zM211.7 269.39H187l-13.8 56.47h24.7c16.14 0 32.11-3.18 37.94-26.65 5.56-22.31-7.99-29.82-24.14-29.82zM233 170h-21.34L200 217.71h21.37c18 0 35.38-14.64 39.21-30.14C265.23 168.71 251.07 170 233 170z"], "buysellads": [448, 512, [], "f20d", "M224 150.7l42.9 160.7h-85.8L224 150.7zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-65.3 325.3l-94.5-298.7H159.8L65.3 405.3H156l111.7-91.6 24.2 91.6h90.8z"], "canadian-maple-leaf": [512, 512, [], "f785", "M383.8 351.7c2.5-2.5 105.2-92.4 105.2-92.4l-17.5-7.5c-10-4.9-7.4-11.5-5-17.4 2.4-7.6 20.1-67.3 20.1-67.3s-47.7 10-57.7 12.5c-7.5 2.4-10-2.5-12.5-7.5s-15-32.4-15-32.4-52.6 59.9-55.1 62.3c-10 7.5-20.1 0-17.6-10 0-10 27.6-129.6 27.6-129.6s-30.1 17.4-40.1 22.4c-7.5 5-12.6 5-17.6-5C293.5 72.3 255.9 0 255.9 0s-37.5 72.3-42.5 79.8c-5 10-10 10-17.6 5-10-5-40.1-22.4-40.1-22.4S183.3 182 183.3 192c2.5 10-7.5 17.5-17.6 10-2.5-2.5-55.1-62.3-55.1-62.3S98.1 167 95.6 172s-5 9.9-12.5 7.5C73 177 25.4 167 25.4 167s17.6 59.7 20.1 67.3c2.4 6 5 12.5-5 17.4L23 259.3s102.6 89.9 105.2 92.4c5.1 5 10 7.5 5.1 22.5-5.1 15-10.1 35.1-10.1 35.1s95.2-20.1 105.3-22.6c8.7-.9 18.3 2.5 18.3 12.5S241 512 241 512h30s-5.8-102.7-5.8-112.8 9.5-13.4 18.4-12.5c10 2.5 105.2 22.6 105.2 22.6s-5-20.1-10-35.1 0-17.5 5-22.5z"], "cc-amazon-pay": [576, 512, [], "f42d", "M124.7 201.8c.1-11.8 0-23.5 0-35.3v-35.3c0-1.3.4-2 1.4-2.7 11.5-8 24.1-12.1 38.2-11.1 12.5.9 22.7 7 28.1 21.7 3.3 8.9 4.1 18.2 4.1 27.7 0 8.7-.7 17.3-3.4 25.6-5.7 17.8-18.7 24.7-35.7 23.9-11.7-.5-21.9-5-31.4-11.7-.9-.8-1.4-1.6-1.3-2.8zm154.9 14.6c4.6 1.8 9.3 2 14.1 1.5 11.6-1.2 21.9-5.7 31.3-12.5.9-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3-2.5-.1-3.9 0-7.9 0-11.8 0-4-.1-8 0-12 0-1.4-.4-2-1.8-2.2-7-.9-13.9-2.2-20.9-2.9-7-.6-14-.3-20.8 1.9-6.7 2.2-11.7 6.2-13.7 13.1-1.6 5.4-1.6 10.8.1 16.2 1.6 5.5 5.2 9.2 10.4 11.2zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-207.5 23.9c.4 1.7.9 3.4 1.6 5.1 16.5 40.6 32.9 81.3 49.5 121.9 1.4 3.5 1.7 6.4.2 9.9-2.8 6.2-4.9 12.6-7.8 18.7-2.6 5.5-6.7 9.5-12.7 11.2-4.2 1.1-8.5 1.3-12.9.9-2.1-.2-4.2-.7-6.3-.8-2.8-.2-4.2 1.1-4.3 4-.1 2.8-.1 5.6 0 8.3.1 4.6 1.6 6.7 6.2 7.5 4.7.8 9.4 1.6 14.2 1.7 14.3.3 25.7-5.4 33.1-17.9 2.9-4.9 5.6-10.1 7.7-15.4 19.8-50.1 39.5-100.3 59.2-150.5.6-1.5 1.1-3 1.3-4.6.4-2.4-.7-3.6-3.1-3.7-5.6-.1-11.1 0-16.7 0-3.1 0-5.3 1.4-6.4 4.3-.4 1.1-.9 2.3-1.3 3.4l-29.1 83.7c-2.1 6.1-4.2 12.1-6.5 18.6-.4-.9-.6-1.4-.8-1.9-10.8-29.9-21.6-59.9-32.4-89.8-1.7-4.7-3.5-9.5-5.3-14.2-.9-2.5-2.7-4-5.4-4-6.4-.1-12.8-.2-19.2-.1-2.2 0-3.3 1.6-2.8 3.7zM242.4 206c1.7 11.7 7.6 20.8 18 26.6 9.9 5.5 20.7 6.2 31.7 4.6 12.7-1.9 23.9-7.3 33.8-15.5.4-.3.8-.6 1.4-1 .5 3.2.9 6.2 1.5 9.2.5 2.6 2.1 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.6.1 9.1.1 13.7 0 2.3-.1 3.8-1.6 4-3.9.1-.8.1-1.6.1-2.3v-88.8c0-3.6-.2-7.2-.7-10.8-1.6-10.8-6.2-19.7-15.9-25.4-5.6-3.3-11.8-5-18.2-5.9-3-.4-6-.7-9.1-1.1h-10c-.8.1-1.6.3-2.5.3-8.2.4-16.3 1.4-24.2 3.5-5.1 1.3-10 3.2-15 4.9-3 1-4.5 3.2-4.4 6.5.1 2.8-.1 5.6 0 8.3.1 4.1 1.8 5.2 5.7 4.1 6.5-1.7 13.1-3.5 19.7-4.8 10.3-1.9 20.7-2.7 31.1-1.2 5.4.8 10.5 2.4 14.1 7 3.1 4 4.2 8.8 4.4 13.7.3 6.9.2 13.9.3 20.8 0 .4-.1.7-.2 1.2-.4 0-.8 0-1.1-.1-8.8-2.1-17.7-3.6-26.8-4.1-9.5-.5-18.9.1-27.9 3.2-10.8 3.8-19.5 10.3-24.6 20.8-4.1 8.3-4.6 17-3.4 25.8zM98.7 106.9v175.3c0 .8 0 1.7.1 2.5.2 2.5 1.7 4.1 4.1 4.2 5.9.1 11.8.1 17.7 0 2.5 0 4-1.7 4.1-4.1.1-.8.1-1.7.1-2.5v-60.7c.9.7 1.4 1.2 1.9 1.6 15 12.5 32.2 16.6 51.1 12.9 17.1-3.4 28.9-13.9 36.7-29.2 5.8-11.6 8.3-24.1 8.7-37 .5-14.3-1-28.4-6.8-41.7-7.1-16.4-18.9-27.3-36.7-30.9-2.7-.6-5.5-.8-8.2-1.2h-7c-1.2.2-2.4.3-3.6.5-11.7 1.4-22.3 5.8-31.8 12.7-2 1.4-3.9 3-5.9 4.5-.1-.5-.3-.8-.4-1.2-.4-2.3-.7-4.6-1.1-6.9-.6-3.9-2.5-5.5-6.4-5.6h-9.7c-5.9-.1-6.9 1-6.9 6.8zM493.6 339c-2.7-.7-5.1 0-7.6 1-43.9 18.4-89.5 30.2-136.8 35.8-14.5 1.7-29.1 2.8-43.7 3.2-26.6.7-53.2-.8-79.6-4.3-17.8-2.4-35.5-5.7-53-9.9-37-8.9-72.7-21.7-106.7-38.8-8.8-4.4-17.4-9.3-26.1-14-3.8-2.1-6.2-1.5-8.2 2.1v1.7c1.2 1.6 2.2 3.4 3.7 4.8 36 32.2 76.6 56.5 122 72.9 21.9 7.9 44.4 13.7 67.3 17.5 14 2.3 28 3.8 42.2 4.5 3 .1 6 .2 9 .4.7 0 1.4.2 2.1.3h17.7c.7-.1 1.4-.3 2.1-.3 14.9-.4 29.8-1.8 44.6-4 21.4-3.2 42.4-8.1 62.9-14.7 29.6-9.6 57.7-22.4 83.4-40.1 2.8-1.9 5.7-3.8 8-6.2 4.3-4.4 2.3-10.4-3.3-11.9zm50.4-27.7c-.8-4.2-4-5.8-7.6-7-5.7-1.9-11.6-2.8-17.6-3.3-11-.9-22-.4-32.8 1.6-12 2.2-23.4 6.1-33.5 13.1-1.2.8-2.4 1.8-3.1 3-.6.9-.7 2.3-.5 3.4.3 1.3 1.7 1.6 3 1.5.6 0 1.2 0 1.8-.1l19.5-2.1c9.6-.9 19.2-1.5 28.8-.8 4.1.3 8.1 1.2 12 2.2 4.3 1.1 6.2 4.4 6.4 8.7.3 6.7-1.2 13.1-2.9 19.5-3.5 12.9-8.3 25.4-13.3 37.8-.3.8-.7 1.7-.8 2.5-.4 2.5 1 4 3.4 3.5 1.4-.3 3-1.1 4-2.1 3.7-3.6 7.5-7.2 10.6-11.2 10.7-13.8 17-29.6 20.7-46.6.7-3 1.2-6.1 1.7-9.1.2-4.7.2-9.6.2-14.5z"], "cc-amex": [576, 512, [], "f1f3", "M325.1 167.8c0-16.4-14.1-18.4-27.4-18.4l-39.1-.3v69.3H275v-25.1h18c18.4 0 14.5 10.3 14.8 25.1h16.6v-13.5c0-9.2-1.5-15.1-11-18.4 7.4-3 11.8-10.7 11.7-18.7zm-29.4 11.3H275v-15.3h21c5.1 0 10.7 1 10.7 7.4 0 6.6-5.3 7.9-11 7.9zM279 268.6h-52.7l-21 22.8-20.5-22.8h-66.5l-.1 69.3h65.4l21.3-23 20.4 23h32.2l.1-23.3c18.9 0 49.3 4.6 49.3-23.3 0-17.3-12.3-22.7-27.9-22.7zm-103.8 54.7h-40.6v-13.8h36.3v-14.1h-36.3v-12.5h41.7l17.9 20.2zm65.8 8.2l-25.3-28.1L241 276zm37.8-31h-21.2v-17.6h21.5c5.6 0 10.2 2.3 10.2 8.4 0 6.4-4.6 9.2-10.5 9.2zm-31.6-136.7v-14.6h-55.5v69.3h55.5v-14.3h-38.9v-13.8h37.8v-14.1h-37.8v-12.5zM576 255.4h-.2zm-194.6 31.9c0-16.4-14.1-18.7-27.1-18.7h-39.4l-.1 69.3h16.6l.1-25.3h17.6c11 0 14.8 2 14.8 13.8l-.1 11.5h16.6l.1-13.8c0-8.9-1.8-15.1-11-18.4 7.7-3.1 11.8-10.8 11.9-18.4zm-29.2 11.2h-20.7v-15.6h21c5.1 0 10.7 1 10.7 7.4 0 6.9-5.4 8.2-11 8.2zm-172.8-80v-69.3h-27.6l-19.7 47-21.7-47H83.3v65.7l-28.1-65.7H30.7L1 218.5h17.9l6.4-15.3h34.5l6.4 15.3H100v-54.2l24 54.2h14.6l24-54.2v54.2zM31.2 188.8l11.2-27.6 11.5 27.6zm477.4 158.9v-4.5c-10.8 5.6-3.9 4.5-156.7 4.5 0-25.2.1-23.9 0-25.2-1.7-.1-3.2-.1-9.4-.1 0 17.9-.1 6.8-.1 25.3h-39.6c0-12.1.1-15.3.1-29.2-10 6-22.8 6.4-34.3 6.2 0 14.7-.1 8.3-.1 23h-48.9c-5.1-5.7-2.7-3.1-15.4-17.4-3.2 3.5-12.8 13.9-16.1 17.4h-82v-92.3h83.1c5 5.6 2.8 3.1 15.5 17.2 3.2-3.5 12.2-13.4 15.7-17.2h58c9.8 0 18 1.9 24.3 5.6v-5.6c54.3 0 64.3-1.4 75.7 5.1v-5.1h78.2v5.2c11.4-6.9 19.6-5.2 64.9-5.2v5c10.3-5.9 16.6-5.2 54.3-5V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-480c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v109.8c9.4-21.9 19.7-46 23.1-53.9h39.7c4.3 10.1 1.6 3.7 9 21.1v-21.1h46c2.9 6.2 11.1 24 13.9 30 5.8-13.6 10.1-23.9 12.6-30h103c0-.1 11.5 0 11.6 0 43.7.2 53.6-.8 64.4 5.3v-5.3H363v9.3c7.6-6.1 17.9-9.3 30.7-9.3h27.6c0 .5 1.9.3 2.3.3H456c4.2 9.8 2.6 6 8.8 20.6v-20.6h43.3c4.9 8-1-1.8 11.2 18.4v-18.4h39.9v92h-41.6c-5.4-9-1.4-2.2-13.2-21.9v21.9h-52.8c-6.4-14.8-.1-.3-6.6-15.3h-19c-4.2 10-2.2 5.2-6.4 15.3h-26.8c-12.3 0-22.3-3-29.7-8.9v8.9h-66.5c-.3-13.9-.1-24.8-.1-24.8-1.8-.3-3.4-.2-9.8-.2v25.1H151.2v-11.4c-2.5 5.6-2.7 5.9-5.1 11.4h-29.5c-4-8.9-2.9-6.4-5.1-11.4v11.4H58.6c-4.2-10.1-2.2-5.3-6.4-15.3H33c-4.2 10-2.2 5.2-6.4 15.3H0V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480.1c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-90.4c-12.7 8.3-32.7 6.1-67.5 6.1zm36.3-64.5H575v-14.6h-32.9c-12.8 0-23.8 6.6-23.8 20.7 0 33 42.7 12.8 42.7 27.4 0 5.1-4.3 6.4-8.4 6.4h-32l-.1 14.8h32c8.4 0 17.6-1.8 22.5-8.9v-25.8c-10.5-13.8-39.3-1.3-39.3-13.5 0-5.8 4.6-6.5 9.2-6.5zm-57 39.8h-32.2l-.1 14.8h32.2c14.8 0 26.2-5.6 26.2-22 0-33.2-42.9-11.2-42.9-26.3 0-5.6 4.9-6.4 9.2-6.4h30.4v-14.6h-33.2c-12.8 0-23.5 6.6-23.5 20.7 0 33 42.7 12.5 42.7 27.4-.1 5.4-4.7 6.4-8.8 6.4zm-42.2-40.1v-14.3h-55.2l-.1 69.3h55.2l.1-14.3-38.6-.3v-13.8H445v-14.1h-37.8v-12.5zm-56.3-108.1c-.3.2-1.4 2.2-1.4 7.6 0 6 .9 7.7 1.1 1.1.5 3.4.5l7.3-16.9c-1.1 0-2.1-.1-3.1-.1-5.6 0-7 .7-7.3 1zm20.4-10.5h-.1zm-16.2-15.2c-23.5 0-34 12-34 35.3 0 22.2 10.2 34 33 34h19.2l6.4-15.3h34.3l6.6 15.3h33.7v-51.9l31.2 51.9h23.6v-69h-16.9v48.1l-29.1-48.1h-25.3v65.4l-27.9-65.4h-24.8l-23.5 54.5h-7.4c-13.3 0-16.1-8.1-16.1-19.9 0-23.8 15.7-20 33.1-19.7v-15.2zm42.1 12.1l11.2 27.6h-22.8zm-101.1-12v69.3h16.9v-69.3z"], "cc-apple-pay": [576, 512, [], "f416", "M302.2 218.4c0 17.2-10.5 27.1-29 27.1h-24.3v-54.2h24.4c18.4 0 28.9 9.8 28.9 27.1zm47.5 62.6c0 8.3 7.2 13.7 18.5 13.7 14.4 0 25.2-9.1 25.2-21.9v-7.7l-23.5 1.5c-13.3.9-20.2 5.8-20.2 14.4zM576 79v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM127.8 197.2c8.4.7 16.8-4.2 22.1-10.4 5.2-6.4 8.6-15 7.7-23.7-7.4.3-16.6 4.9-21.9 11.3-4.8 5.5-8.9 14.4-7.9 22.8zm60.6 74.5c-.2-.2-19.6-7.6-19.8-30-.2-18.7 15.3-27.7 16-28.2-8.8-13-22.4-14.4-27.1-14.7-12.2-.7-22.6 6.9-28.4 6.9-5.9 0-14.7-6.6-24.3-6.4-12.5.2-24.2 7.3-30.5 18.6-13.1 22.6-3.4 56 9.3 74.4 6.2 9.1 13.7 19.1 23.5 18.7 9.3-.4 13-6 24.2-6 11.3 0 14.5 6 24.3 5.9 10.2-.2 16.5-9.1 22.8-18.2 6.9-10.4 9.8-20.4 10-21zm135.4-53.4c0-26.6-18.5-44.8-44.9-44.8h-51.2v136.4h21.2v-46.6h29.3c26.8 0 45.6-18.4 45.6-45zm90 23.7c0-19.7-15.8-32.4-40-32.4-22.5 0-39.1 12.9-39.7 30.5h19.1c1.6-8.4 9.4-13.9 20-13.9 13 0 20.2 6 20.2 17.2v7.5l-26.4 1.6c-24.6 1.5-37.9 11.6-37.9 29.1 0 17.7 13.7 29.4 33.4 29.4 13.3 0 25.6-6.7 31.2-17.4h.4V310h19.6v-68zM516 210.9h-21.5l-24.9 80.6h-.4l-24.9-80.6H422l35.9 99.3-1.9 6c-3.2 10.2-8.5 14.2-17.9 14.2-1.7 0-4.9-.2-6.2-.3v16.4c1.2.4 6.5.5 8.1.5 20.7 0 30.4-7.9 38.9-31.8L516 210.9z"], "cc-diners-club": [576, 512, [], "f24c", "M239.7 79.9c-96.9 0-175.8 78.6-175.8 175.8 0 96.9 78.9 175.8 175.8 175.8 97.2 0 175.8-78.9 175.8-175.8 0-97.2-78.6-175.8-175.8-175.8zm-39.9 279.6c-41.7-15.9-71.4-56.4-71.4-103.8s29.7-87.9 71.4-104.1v207.9zm79.8.3V151.6c41.7 16.2 71.4 56.7 71.4 104.1s-29.7 87.9-71.4 104.1zM528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM329.7 448h-90.3c-106.2 0-193.8-85.5-193.8-190.2C45.6 143.2 133.2 64 239.4 64h90.3c105 0 200.7 79.2 200.7 193.8 0 104.7-95.7 190.2-200.7 190.2z"], "cc-discover": [576, 512, [], "f1f2", "M520.4 196.1c0-7.9-5.5-12.1-15.6-12.1h-4.9v24.9h4.7c10.3 0 15.8-4.4 15.8-12.8zM528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-44.1 138.9c22.6 0 52.9-4.1 52.9 24.4 0 12.6-6.6 20.7-18.7 23.2l25.8 34.4h-19.6l-22.2-32.8h-2.2v32.8h-16zm-55.9.1h45.3v14H444v18.2h28.3V217H444v22.2h29.3V253H428zm-68.7 0l21.9 55.2 22.2-55.2h17.5l-35.5 84.2h-8.6l-35-84.2zm-55.9-3c24.7 0 44.6 20 44.6 44.6 0 24.7-20 44.6-44.6 44.6-24.7 0-44.6-20-44.6-44.6 0-24.7 20-44.6 44.6-44.6zm-49.3 6.1v19c-20.1-20.1-46.8-4.7-46.8 19 0 25 27.5 38.5 46.8 19.2v19c-29.7 14.3-63.3-5.7-63.3-38.2 0-31.2 33.1-53 63.3-38zm-97.2 66.3c11.4 0 22.4-15.3-3.3-24.4-15-5.5-20.2-11.4-20.2-22.7 0-23.2 30.6-31.4 49.7-14.3l-8.4 10.8c-10.4-11.6-24.9-6.2-24.9 2.5 0 4.4 2.7 6.9 12.3 10.3 18.2 6.6 23.6 12.5 23.6 25.6 0 29.5-38.8 37.4-56.6 11.3l10.3-9.9c3.7 7.1 9.9 10.8 17.5 10.8zM55.4 253H32v-82h23.4c26.1 0 44.1 17 44.1 41.1 0 18.5-13.2 40.9-44.1 40.9zm67.5 0h-16v-82h16zM544 433c0 8.2-6.8 15-15 15H128c189.6-35.6 382.7-139.2 416-160zM74.1 191.6c-5.2-4.9-11.6-6.6-21.9-6.6H48v54.2h4.2c10.3 0 17-2 21.9-6.4 5.7-5.2 8.9-12.8 8.9-20.7s-3.2-15.5-8.9-20.5z"], "cc-jcb": [576, 512, [], "f24b", "M431.5 244.3V212c41.2 0 38.5.2 38.5.2 7.3 1.3 13.3 7.3 13.3 16 0 8.8-6 14.5-13.3 15.8-1.2.4-3.3.3-38.5.3zm42.8 20.2c-2.8-.7-3.3-.5-42.8-.5v35c39.6 0 40 .2 42.8-.5 7.5-1.5 13.5-8 13.5-17 0-8.7-6-15.5-13.5-17zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM182 192.3h-57c0 67.1 10.7 109.7-35.8 109.7-19.5 0-38.8-5.7-57.2-14.8v28c30 8.3 68 8.3 68 8.3 97.9 0 82-47.7 82-131.2zm178.5 4.5c-63.4-16-165-14.9-165 59.3 0 77.1 108.2 73.6 165 59.2V287C312.9 311.7 253 309 253 256s59.8-55.6 107.5-31.2v-28zM544 286.5c0-18.5-16.5-30.5-38-32v-.8c19.5-2.7 30.3-15.5 30.3-30.2 0-19-15.7-30-37-31 0 0 6.3-.3-120.3-.3v127.5h122.7c24.3.1 42.3-12.9 42.3-33.2z"], "cc-mastercard": [576, 512, [], "f1f1", "M482.9 410.3c0 6.8-4.6 11.7-11.2 11.7-6.8 0-11.2-5.2-11.2-11.7 0-6.5 4.4-11.7 11.2-11.7 6.6 0 11.2 5.2 11.2 11.7zm-310.8-11.7c-7.1 0-11.2 5.2-11.2 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 11.2 11.7 6.5 0 10.9-4.9 10.9-11.7-.1-6.5-4.4-11.7-10.9-11.7zm117.5-.3c-5.4 0-8.7 3.5-9.5 8.7h19.1c-.9-5.7-4.4-8.7-9.6-8.7zm107.8.3c-6.8 0-10.9 5.2-10.9 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 10.9 11.7 6.8 0 11.2-4.9 11.2-11.7 0-6.5-4.4-11.7-11.2-11.7zm105.9 26.1c0 . 1.1 0 .3-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3.3-.3.5-.5.8-.3.3-.5.5-1.1.5-.3.3-.5.3-1.1.3-.3 0-.5 0-1.1-.3-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.5-.3-.3-.5-.5-.5-.8-.3-.5-.3-.8-.3-1.1 0-.5 0-.8.3-1.1 0-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.3-.3.5-.3.8-.5.5-.3.8-.3 1.1-.3.5 0 .8 0 1.1.5s.2.6.5 1.1zm-2.2 1.4c.5 0 .5-.3.8-.3.3-.3.3-.5.3-.8 0-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.3 0-.5-.3-1.1-.3h-1.6v3.5h.8V426h.3l1.1 1.4h.8l-1.1-1.3zM576 81v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V81c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM64 220.6c0 76.5 62.1 138.5 138.5 138.5 27.2 0 53.9-8.2 76.5-23.1-72.9-59.3-72.4-171.2 0-230.5-22.6-15-49.3-23.1-76.5-23.1-76.4-.1-138.5 62-138.5 138.2zm224 108.8c70.5-55 70.2-162.2 0-217.5-70.2 55.3-70.5 162.6 0 217.5zm-142.3 76.3c0-8.7-5.7-14.4-14.7-14.7-4.6 0-9.5 1.4-12.8 6.5-2.4-4.1-6.5-6.5-12.2-6.5-3.8 0-7.6 1.4-10.6 5.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2c0-18.9-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10.2 8.2 30.2h7.9c0-18.3-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10 8.2 30.2h8.2v-23zm44.9-13.7h-7.9v4.4c-2.7-3.3-6.5-5.4-11.7-5.4-10.3 0-18.2 8.2-18.2 19.3 0 11.2 7.9 19.3 18.2 19.3 5.2 0 9-1.9 11.7-5.4v4.6h7.9V392zm40.5 25.6c0-15-22.9-8.2-22.9-15.2 0-5.7 11.9-4.8 18.5-1.1l3.3-6.5c-9.4-6.1-30.2-6-30.2 8.2 0 14.3 22.9 8.3 22.9 15 0 6.3-13.5 5.8-20.7.8l-3.5 6.3c11.2 7.6 32.6 6 32.6-7.5zm35.4 9.3l-2.2-6.8c-3.8 2.1-12.2 4.4-12.2-4.1v-16.6h13.1V392h-13.1v-11.2h-8.2V392h-7.6v7.3h7.6V416c0 17.6 17.3 14.4 22.6 10.9zm13.3-13.4h27.5c0-16.2-7.4-22.6-17.4-22.6-10.6 0-18.2 7.9-18.2 19.3 0 20.5 22.6 23.9 33.8 14.2l-3.8-6c-7.8 6.4-19.6 5.8-21.9-4.9zm59.1-21.5c-4.6-2-11.6-1.8-15.2 4.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2V408c0-11.6 9.5-10.1 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm10.6 18.3c0-11.4 11.6-15.1 20.7-8.4l3.8-6.5c-11.6-9.1-32.7-4.1-32.7 15 0 19.8 22.4 23.8 32.7 15l-3.8-6.5c-9.2 6.5-20.7 2.6-20.7-8.6zm66.7-18.3H408v4.4c-8.3-11-29.9-4.8-29.9 13.9 0 19.2 22.4 24.7 29.9 13.9v4.6h8.2V392zm33.7 0c-2.4-1.2-11-2.9-15.2 4.4V392h-7.9v36.7h7.9V408c0-11 9-10.3 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm40.3-14.9h-7.9v19.3c-8.2-10.9-29.9-5.1-29.9 13.9 0 19.4 22.5 24.6 29.9 13.9v4.6h7.9v-51.7zm7.6-75.1v4.6h.8V302h1.9v-.8h-4.6v.8h1.9zm6.6 123.8c0-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3-.5-.8-.8-1.1-.3-.3-.8-.5-1.1-.8-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3 0-.8.3-1.4.3-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.8-.5.3-.8.8-.8 1.1-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3 1.6 0 .3 0 .8.3 1.4 0 . 1.1.3 0 1.1 0 1.6-.3.3-.3.8-.5 1.1-.8.3-.3.5-.8.8-1.1.3-.6.3-1.1.3-1.4zm3.2-124.7h-1.4l-1.6 3.5-1.6-3.5h-1.4v5.4h.8v-4.1l1.6 3.5h1.1l1.4-3.5v4.1h1.1v-5.4zm4.4-80.5c0-76.2-62.1-138.3-138.5-138.3-27.2 0-53.9 8.2-76.5 23.1 72.1 59.3 73.2 171.5 0 230.5 22.6 15 49.5 23.1 76.5 23.1 76.4.1 138.5-61.9 138.5-138.4z"], "cc-paypal": [576, 512, [], "f1f4", "M186.3 258.2c0 12.2-9.7 21.5-22 21.5-9.2 0-16-5.2-16-15 0-12.2 9.5-22 21.7-22 9.3 0 16.3 5.7 16.3 15.5zM80.5 209.7h-4.7c-1.5 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.3 26.7 8.2-.3c11 0 19.5-1.5 21.5-14.2 2.3-13.4-6.2-14.9-17.5-14.9zm284 0H360c-1.8 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.2 26.7 8-.3c13 0 22-3 22-18-.1-10.6-9.6-11.1-18.1-11.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM128.3 215.4c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-40c-2.5 0-5 2-5.2 4.7L32 294.2c-.3 2 1.2 4 3.2 4h19c2.7 0 5.2-2.9 5.5-5.7l4.5-26.6c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.6 0 46.1-17 46.1-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.2 8.2-5.8-8.5-14.2-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9 0 20.2-4.9 26.5-11.9-.5 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H200c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm40.5 97.9l63.7-92.6c.5-.5.5-1 .5-1.7 0-1.7-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-19.2c-1.7 0-3.5 1-4.5 2.5l-26.5 39-11-37.5c-.8-2.2-3-4-5.5-4h-18.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.8-3.2 3.5 0 1.2 19.5 56.8 21.2 62.1-2.7 3.8-20.5 28.6-20.5 31.6 0 1.8 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2h19.2c1.8-.1 3.5-1.1 4.5-2.6zm159.3-106.7c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-39.7c-2.7 0-5.2 2-5.5 4.7l-16.2 102c-.2 2 1.3 4 3.2 4h20.5c2 0 3.5-1.5 4-3.2l4.5-29c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.4 0 45.9-17 45.9-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.3 8.2-5.5-8.5-14-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9.3 0 20.5-4.9 26.5-11.9-.3 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H484c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm47.5-33.3c0-2-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-18.5c-1.5 0-3 1.2-3.2 2.7l-16.2 104-.3.5c0 1.8 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5h16.5c2.5 0 5-2.9 5.2-5.7L544 191.2v-.3zm-90 51.8c-12.2 0-21.7 9.7-21.7 22 0 9.7 7 15 16.2 15 12 0 21.7-9.2 21.7-21.5.1-9.8-6.9-15.5-16.2-15.5z"], "cc-stripe": [576, 512, [], "f1f5", "M492.4 220.8c-8.9 0-18.7 6.7-18.7 22.7h36.7c0-16-9.3-22.7-18-22.7zM375 223.4c-8.2 0-13.3 2.9-17 7l.2 52.8c3.5 3.7 8.5 6.7 16.8 6.7 13.1 0 21.9-14.3 21.9-33.4 0-18.6-9-33.2-21.9-33.1zM528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM122.2 281.1c0 25.6-20.3 40.1-49.9 40.3-12.2 0-25.6-2.4-38.8-8.1v-33.9c12 6.4 27.1 11.3 38.9 11.3 7.9 0 13.6-2.1 13.6-8.7 0-17-54-10.6-54-49.9 0-25.2 19.2-40.2 48-40.2 11.8 0 23.5 1.8 35.3 6.5v33.4c-10.8-5.8-24.5-9.1-35.3-9.1-7.5 0-12.1 2.2-12.1 7.7 0 16 54.3 8.4 54.3 50.7zm68.8-56.6h-27V275c0 20.9 22.5 14.4 27 12.6v28.9c-4.7 2.6-13.3 4.7-24.9 4.7-21.1 0-36.9-15.5-36.9-36.5l.2-113.9 34.7-7.4v30.8H191zm74 2.4c-4.5-1.5-18.7-3.6-27.1 7.4v84.4h-35.5V194.2h30.7l2.2 10.5c8.3-15.3 24.9-12.2 29.6-10.5h.1zm44.1 91.8h-35.7V194.2h35.7zm0-142.9l-35.7 7.6v-28.9l35.7-7.6zm74.1 145.5c-12.4 0-20-5.3-25.1-9l-.1 40.2-35.5 7.5V194.2h31.3l1.8 8.8c4.9-4.5 13.9-11.1 27.8-11.1 24.9 0 48.4 22.5 48.4 63.8 0 45.1-23.2 65.5-48.6 65.6zm160.4-51.5h-69.5c1.6 16.6 13.8 21.5 27.6 21.5 14.1 0 25.2-3 34.9-7.9V312c-9.7 5.3-22.4 9.2-39.4 9.2-34.6 0-58.8-21.7-58.8-64.5 0-36.2 20.5-64.9 54.3-64.9 33.7 0 51.3 28.7 51.3 65.1 0 3.5-.3 10.9-.4 12.9z"], "cc-visa": [576, 512, [], "f1f0", "M470.1 231.3s7.6 37.2 9.3 45H446c3.3-8.9 16-43.5 16-43.5-.2.3 3.3-9.1 5.3-14.9l2.8 13.4zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM152.5 331.2L215.7 176h-42.5l-39.3 106-4.3-21.5-14-71.4c-2.3-9.9-9.4-12.7-18.2-13.1H32.7l-.7 3.1c15.8 4 29.9 9.8 42.2 17.1l35.8 135h42.5zm94.4.2L272.1 176h-40.2l-25.1 155.4h40.1zm139.9-50.8c.2-17.7-10.6-31.2-33.7-42.3-14.1-7.1-22.7-11.9-22.7-19.2.2-6.6 7.3-13.4 23.1-13.4 13.1-.3 22.7 2.8 29.9 5.9l3.6 1.7 5.5-33.6c-7.9-3.1-20.5-6.6-36-6.6-39.7 0-67.6 21.2-67.8 51.4-.3 22.3 20 34.7 35.2 42.2 15.5 7.6 20.8 12.6 20.8 19.3-.2 10.4-12.6 15.2-24.1 15.2-16 0-24.6-2.5-37.7-8.3l-5.3-2.5-5.6 34.9c9.4 4.3 26.8 8.1 44.8 8.3 42.2.1 69.7-20.8 70-53zM528 331.4L495.6 176h-31.1c-9.6 0-16.9 2.8-21 12.9l-59.7 142.5H426s6.9-19.2 8.4-23.3H486c1.2 5.5 4.8 23.3 4.8 23.3H528z"], "centercode": [512, 512, [], "f380", "M329.2 268.6c-3.8 35.2-35.4 60.6-70.6 56.8-35.2-3.8-60.6-35.4-56.8-70.6 3.8-35.2 35.4-60.6 70.6-56.8 35.1 3.8 60.6 35.4 56.8 70.6zm-85.8 235.1C96.7 496-8.2 365.5 10.1 224.3c11.2-86.6 65.8-156.9 139.1-192 161-77.1 349.7 37.4 354.7 216.6 4.1 147-118.4 262.2-260.5 254.8zm179.9-180c27.9-118-160.5-205.9-237.2-234.2-57.5 56.3-69.1 188.6-33.8 344.4 68.8 15.8 169.1-26.4 271-110.2z"], "centos": [448, 512, [], "f789", "M289.6 97.5l31.6 31.7-76.3 76.5V97.5zm-162.4 31.7l76.3 76.5V97.5h-44.7zm41.5-41.6h44.7v127.9l10.8 10.8 10.8-10.8V87.6h44.7L224.2 32zm26.2 168.1l-10.8-10.8H55.5v-44.8L0 255.7l55.5 55.6v-44.8h128.6l10.8-10.8zm79.3-20.7h107.9v-44.8l-31.6-31.7zm173.3 20.7L392 200.1v44.8H264.3l-10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8H392v44.8l55.5-55.6zM65.4 176.2l32.5-31.7 90.3 90.5h15.3v-15.3l-90.3-90.5 31.6-31.7H65.4zm316.7-78.7h-78.5l31.6 31.7-90.3 90.5V235h15.3l90.3-90.5 31.6 31.7zM203.5 413.9V305.8l-76.3 76.5 31.6 31.7h44.7zM65.4 235h108.8l-76.3-76.5-32.5 31.7zm316.7 100.2l-31.6 31.7-90.3-90.5h-15.3v15.3l90.3 90.5-31.6 31.7h78.5zm0-58.8H274.2l76.3 76.5 31.6-31.7zm-60.9 105.8l-76.3-76.5v108.1h44.7zM97.9 352.9l76.3-76.5H65.4v44.8zm181.8 70.9H235V295.9l-10.8-10.8-10.8 10.8v127.9h-44.7l55.5 55.6zm-166.5-41.6l90.3-90.5v-15.3h-15.3l-90.3 90.5-32.5-31.7v78.7h79.4z"], "chrome": [496, 512, [], "f268", "M131.5 217.5L55.1 100.1c47.6-59.2 119-91.8 192-92.1 42.3-.3 85.5 10.5 124.8 33.2 43.4 25.2 76.4 61.4 97.4 103L264 133.4c-58.1-3.4-113.4 29.3-132.5 84.1zm32.9 38.5c0 46.2 37.4 83.6 83.6 83.6s83.6-37.4 83.6-83.6-37.4-83.6-83.6-83.6-83.6 37.3-83.6 83.6zm314.9-89.2L339.6 174c37.9 44.3 38.5 108.2 6.6 157.2L234.1 503.6c46.5 2.5 94.4-7.7 137.8-32.9 107.4-62 150.9-192 107.4-303.9zM133.7 303.6L40.4 120.1C14.9 159.1 0 205.9 0 256c0 124 90.8 226.7 209.5 244.9l63.7-124.8c-57.6 10.8-113.2-20.8-139.5-72.5z"], "chromecast": [512, 512, [], "f838", "M447.83 64H64a42.72 42.72 0 0 0-42.72 42.72v63.92H64v-63.92h383.83v298.56H298.64V448H448a42.72 42.72 0 0 0 42.72-42.72V106.72A42.72 42.72 0 0 0 448 64zM21.28 383.58v63.92h63.91a63.91 63.91 0 0 0-63.91-63.92zm0-85.28V341a106.63 106.63 0 0 1 106.64 106.66v.34h42.72a149.19 149.19 0 0 0-149-149.36h-.33zm0-85.27v42.72c106-.1 192 85.75 192.08 191.75v.5h42.72c-.46-129.46-105.34-234.27-234.8-234.64z"], "cloudscale": [448, 512, [], "f383", "M318.1 154l-9.4 7.6c-22.5-19.3-51.5-33.6-83.3-33.6C153.8 128 96 188.8 96 260.3c0 6.6.4 13.1 1.4 19.4-2-56 41.8-97.4 92.6-97.4 24.2 0 46.2 9.4 62.6 24.7l-25.2 20.4c-8.3-.9-16.8 1.8-23.1 8.1-11.1 11-11.1 28.9 0 40 11.1 11 28.9 11 40 0 6.3-6.3 9-14.9 8.1-23.1l75.2-88.8c6.3-6.5-3.3-15.9-9.5-9.6zm-83.8 111.5c-5.6 5.5-14.6 5.5-20.2 0-5.6-5.6-5.6-14.6 0-20.2s14.6-5.6 20.2 0 5.6 14.7 0 20.2zM224 32C100.5 32 0 132.5 0 256s100.5 224 224 224 224-100.5 224-224S347.5 32 224 32zm0 384c-88.2 0-160-71.8-160-160S135.8 96 224 96s160 71.8 160 160-71.8 160-160 160z"], "cloudsmith": [332, 512, [], "f384", "M332.5 419.9c0 46.4-37.6 84.1-84 84.1s-84-37.7-84-84.1 37.6-84 84-84 84 37.6 84 84zm-84-243.9c46.4 0 80-37.6 80-84s-33.6-84-80-84-88 37.6-88 84-29.6 76-76 76-84 41.6-84 88 37.6 80 84 80 84-33.6 84-80 33.6-80 80-80z"], "cloudversify": [616, 512, [], "f385", "M148.6 304c8.2 68.5 67.4 115.5 146 111.3 51.2 43.3 136.8 45.8 186.4-5.6 69.2 1.1 118.5-44.6 131.5-99.5 14.8-62.5-18.2-132.5-92.1-155.1-33-88.1-131.4-101.5-186.5-85-57.3 17.3-84.3 53.2-99.3 109.7-7.8 2.7-26.5 8.9-45 24.1 11.7 0 15.2 8.9 15.2 19.5v20.4c0 10.7-8.7 19.5-19.5 19.5h-20.2c-10.7 0-19.5-6-19.5-16.7V240H98.8C95 240 88 244.3 88 251.9v40.4c0 6.4 5.3 11.8 11.7 11.8h48.9zm227.4 8c-10.7 46.3 21.7 72.4 55.3 86.8C324.1 432.6 259.7 348 296 288c-33.2 21.6-33.7 71.2-29.2 92.9-17.9-12.4-53.8-32.4-57.4-79.8-3-39.9 21.5-75.7 57-93.9C297 191.4 369.9 198.7 400 248c-14.1-48-53.8-70.1-101.8-74.8 30.9-30.7 64.4-50.3 114.2-43.7 69.8 9.3 133.2 82.8 67.7 150.5 35-16.3 48.7-54.4 47.5-76.9l10.5 19.6c11.8 22 15.2 47.6 9.4 72-9.2 39-40.6 68.8-79.7 76.5-32.1 6.3-83.1-5.1-91.8-59.2zM128 208H88.2c-8.9 0-16.2-7.3-16.2-16.2v-39.6c0-8.9 7.3-16.2 16.2-16.2H128c8.9 0 16.2 7.3 16.2 16.2v39.6c0 8.9-7.3 16.2-16.2 16.2zM10.1 168C4.5 168 0 163.5 0 157.9v-27.8c0-5.6 4.5-10.1 10.1-10.1h27.7c5.5 0 10.1 4.5 10.1 10.1v27.8c0 5.6-4.5 10.1-10.1 10.1H10.1zM168 142.7v-21.4c0-5.1 4.2-9.3 9.3-9.3h21.4c5.1 0 9.3 4.2 9.3 9.3v21.4c0 5.1-4.2 9.3-9.3 9.3h-21.4c-5.1 0-9.3-4.2-9.3-9.3zM56 235.5v25c0 6.3-5.1 11.5-11.4 11.5H19.4C13.1 272 8 266.8 8 260.5v-25c0-6.3 5.1-11.5 11.4-11.5h25.1c6.4 0 11.5 5.2 11.5 11.5z"], "codepen": [512, 512, [], "f1cb", "M502.285 159.704l-234-156c-7.987-4.915-16.511-4.96-24.571 0l-234 156C3.714 163.703 0 170.847 0 177.989v155.999c0 7.143 3.714 14.286 9.715 18.286l234 156.022c7.987 4.915 16.511 4.96 24.571 0l234-156.022c6-3.999 9.715-11.143 9.715-18.286V177.989c-.001-7.142-3.715-14.286-9.716-18.285zM278 63.131l172.286 114.858-76.857 51.429L278 165.703V63.131zm-44 0v102.572l-95.429 63.715-76.857-51.429L234 63.131zM44 219.132l55.143 36.857L44 292.846v-73.714zm190 229.715L61.714 333.989l76.857-51.429L234 346.275v102.572zm22-140.858l-77.715-52 77.715-52 77.715 52-77.715 52zm22 140.858V346.275l95.429-63.715 76.857 51.429L278 448.847zm190-156.001l-55.143-36.857L468 219.132v73.714z"], "codiepie": [472, 512, [], "f284", "M422.5 202.9c30.7 0 33.5 53.1-.3 53.1h-10.8v44.3h-26.6v-97.4h37.7zM472 352.6C429.9 444.5 350.4 504 248 504 111 504 0 393 0 256S111 8 248 8c97.4 0 172.8 53.7 218.2 138.4l-186 108.8L472 352.6zm-38.5 12.5l-60.3-30.7c-27.1 44.3-70.4 71.4-122.4 71.4-82.5 0-149.2-66.7-149.2-148.9 0-82.5 66.7-149.2 149.2-149.2 48.4 0 88.9 23.5 116.9 63.4l59.5-34.6c-40.7-62.6-104.7-100-179.2-100-121.2 0-219.5 98.3-219.5 219.5S126.8 475.5 248 475.5c78.6 0 146.5-42.1 185.5-110.4z"], "confluence": [512, 512, [], "f78d", "M2.3 412.2c-4.5 7.6-2.1 17.5 5.5 22.2l105.9 65.2c7.7 4.7 17.7 2.4 22.4-5.3 0-.1.1-.2.1-.2 67.1-112.2 80.5-95.9 280.9-.7 8.1 3.9 17.8.4 21.7-7.7.1-.1.1-.3.2-.4l50.4-114.1c3.6-8.1-.1-17.6-8.1-21.3-22.2-10.4-66.2-31.2-105.9-50.3C127.5 179 44.6 345.3 2.3 412.2zm507.4-312.1c4.5-7.6 2.1-17.5-5.5-22.2L398.4 12.8c-7.5-5-17.6-3.1-22.6 4.4-.2.3-.4.6-.6 1-67.3 112.6-81.1 95.6-280.6.9-8.1-3.9-17.8-.4-21.7 7.7-.1.1-.1.3-.2.4L22.2 141.3c-3.6 8.1.1 17.6 8.1 21.3 22.2 10.4 66.3 31.2 106 50.4 248 120 330.8-45.4 373.4-112.9z"], "connectdevelop": [576, 512, [], "f20e", "M550.5 241l-50.089-86.786c1.071-2.142 1.875-4.553 1.875-7.232 0-8.036-6.696-14.733-14.732-15.001l-55.447-95.893c.536-1.607 1.071-3.214 1.071-4.821 0-8.571-6.964-15.268-15.268-15.268-4.821 0-8.839 2.143-11.786 5.625H299.518C296.839 18.143 292.821 16 288 16s-8.839 2.143-11.518 5.625H170.411C167.464 18.143 163.447 16 158.625 16c-8.303 0-15.268 6.696-15.268 15.268 0 1.607.536 3.482 1.072 4.821l-55.983 97.233c-5.356 2.41-9.107 7.5-9.107 13.661 0 .535.268 1.071.268 1.607l-53.304 92.143c-7.232 1.339-12.59 7.5-12.59 15 0 7.232 5.089 13.393 12.054 15l55.179 95.358c-.536 1.607-.804 2.946-.804 4.821 0 7.232 5.089 13.393 12.054 14.732l51.697 89.732c-.536 1.607-1.071 3.482-1.071 5.357 0 8.571 6.964 15.268 15.268 15.268 4.821 0 8.839-2.143 11.518-5.357h106.875C279.161 493.857 283.447 496 288 496s8.839-2.143 11.518-5.357h107.143c2.678 2.946 6.696 4.821 10.982 4.821 8.571 0 15.268-6.964 15.268-15.268 0-1.607-.267-2.946-.803-4.285l51.697-90.268c6.964-1.339 12.054-7.5 12.054-14.732 0-1.607-.268-3.214-.804-4.821l54.911-95.358c6.964-1.339 12.322-7.5 12.322-15-.002-7.232-5.092-13.393-11.788-14.732zM153.535 450.732l-43.66-75.803h43.66v75.803zm0-83.839h-43.66c-.268-1.071-.804-2.142-1.339-3.214l44.999-47.41v50.624zm0-62.411l-50.357 53.304c-1.339-.536-2.679-1.34-4.018-1.607L43.447 259.75c.535-1.339.535-2.679.535-4.018s0-2.41-.268-3.482l51.965-90c2.679-.268 5.357-1.072 7.768-2.679l50.089 51.965v92.946zm0-102.322l-45.803-47.41c1.339-2.143 2.143-4.821 2.143-7.767 0-.268-.268-.804-.268-1.072l43.928-15.804v72.053zm0-80.625l-43.66 15.804 43.66-75.536v59.732zm326.519 39.108l.804 1.339L445.5 329.125l-63.75-67.232 98.036-101.518.268.268zM291.75 355.107l11.518 11.786H280.5l11.25-11.786zm-.268-11.25l-83.303-85.446 79.553-84.375 83.036 87.589-79.286 82.232zm5.357 5.893l79.286-82.232 67.5 71.25-5.892 28.125H313.714l-16.875-17.143zM410.411 44.393c1.071.536 2.142 1.072 3.482 1.34l57.857 100.714v.536c0 2.946.803 5.624 2.143 7.767L376.393 256l-83.035-87.589L410.411 44.393zm-9.107-2.143L287.732 162.518l-57.054-60.268 166.339-60h4.287zm-123.483 0c2.678 2.678 6.16 4.285 10.179 4.285s7.5-1.607 10.179-4.285h75L224.786 95.821 173.893 42.25h103.928zm-116.249 5.625l1.071-2.142a33.834 33.834 0 0 0 2.679-.804l51.161 53.84-54.911 19.821V47.875zm0 79.286l60.803-21.964 59.732 63.214-79.553 84.107-40.982-42.053v-83.304zm0 92.678L198 257.607l-36.428 38.304v-76.072zm0 87.858l42.053-44.464 82.768 85.982-17.143 17.678H161.572v-59.196zm6.964 162.053c-1.607-1.607-3.482-2.678-5.893-3.482l-1.071-1.607v-89.732h99.91l-91.607 94.821h-1.339zm129.911 0c-2.679-2.41-6.428-4.285-10.447-4.285s-7.767 1.875-10.447 4.285h-96.429l91.607-94.821h38.304l91.607 94.821H298.447zm120-11.786l-4.286 7.5c-1.339.268-2.41.803-3.482 1.339l-89.196-91.875h114.376l-17.412 83.036zm12.856-22.232l12.858-60.803h21.964l-34.822 60.803zm34.822-68.839h-20.357l4.553-21.16 17.143 18.214c-.535.803-1.071 1.874-1.339 2.946zm66.161-107.411l-55.447 96.697c-1.339.535-2.679 1.071-4.018 1.874l-20.625-21.964 34.554-163.928 45.803 79.286c-.267 1.339-.803 2.678-.803 4.285 0 1.339.268 2.411.536 3.75z"], "contao": [512, 512, [], "f26d", "M45.4 305c14.4 67.1 26.4 129 68.2 175H34c-18.7 0-34-15.2-34-34V66c0-18.7 15.2-34 34-34h57.7C77.9 44.6 65.6 59.2 54.8 75.6c-45.4 70-27 146.8-9.4 229.4zM478 32h-90.2c21.4 21.4 39.2 49.5 52.7 84.1l-137.1 29.3c-14.9-29-37.8-53.3-82.6-43.9-24.6 5.3-41 19.3-48.3 34.6-8.8 18.7-13.2 39.8 8.2 140.3 21.1 100.2 33.7 117.7 49.5 131.2 12.9 11.1 33.4 17 58.3 11.7 44.5-9.4 55.7-40.7 57.4-73.2l137.4-29.6c3.2 71.5-18.7 125.2-57.4 163.6H478c18.7 0 34-15.2 34-34V66c0-18.8-15.2-34-34-34z"], "cotton-bureau": [512, 512, [], "f89e", "M474.31 330.41c-23.66 91.85-94.23 144.59-201.9 148.35V429.6c0-48 26.41-74.39 74.39-74.39 62 0 99.2-37.2 99.2-99.21 0-61.37-36.53-98.28-97.38-99.06-33-69.32-146.5-64.65-177.24 0C110.52 157.72 74 194.63 74 256c0 62.13 37.27 99.41 99.4 99.41 48 0 74.55 26.23 74.55 74.39V479c-134.43-5-211.1-85.07-211.1-223 0-141.82 81.35-223.2 223.2-223.2 114.77 0 189.84 53.2 214.69 148.81H500C473.88 71.51 388.22 8 259.82 8 105 8 12 101.19 12 255.82 12 411.14 105.19 504.34 259.82 504c128.27 0 213.87-63.81 239.67-173.59zM357 182.33c41.37 3.45 64.2 29 64.2 73.67 0 48-26.43 74.41-74.4 74.41-28.61 0-49.33-9.59-61.59-27.33 83.06-16.55 75.59-99.67 71.79-120.75zm-81.68 97.36c-2.46-10.34-16.33-87 56.23-97 2.27 10.09 16.52 87.11-56.26 97zM260 132c28.61 0 49 9.67 61.44 27.61-28.36 5.48-49.36 20.59-61.59 43.45-12.23-22.86-33.23-38-61.6-43.45 12.41-17.69 33.27-27.35 61.57-27.35zm-71.52 50.72c73.17 10.57 58.91 86.81 56.49 97-72.41-9.84-59-86.95-56.25-97zM173.2 330.41c-48 0-74.4-26.4-74.4-74.41 0-44.36 22.86-70 64.22-73.67-6.75 37.2-1.38 106.53 71.65 120.75-12.14 17.63-32.84 27.3-61.14 27.3zm53.21 12.39A80.8 80.8 0 0 0 260 309.25c7.77 14.49 19.33 25.54 33.82 33.55a80.28 80.28 0 0 0-33.58 33.83c-8-14.5-19.07-26.23-33.56-33.83z"], "cpanel": [640, 512, [], "f388", "M210.3 220.2c-5.6-24.8-26.9-41.2-51-41.2h-37c-7.1 0-12.5 4.5-14.3 10.9L73.1 320l24.7-.1c6.8 0 12.3-4.5 14.2-10.7l25.8-95.7h19.8c8.4 0 16.2 5.6 18.3 14.8 2.5 10.9-5.9 22.6-18.3 22.6h-10.3c-7 0-12.5 4.6-14.3 10.8l-6.4 23.8h32c37.2 0 58.3-36.2 51.7-65.3zm-156.5 28h18.6c6.9 0 12.4-4.4 14.3-10.9l6.2-23.6h-40C30 213.7 9 227.8 1.7 254.8-7 288.6 18.5 320 52 320h12.4l7.1-26.1c1.2-4.4-2.2-8.3-6.4-8.3H53.8c-24.7 0-24.9-37.4 0-37.4zm247.5-34.8h-77.9l-3.5 13.4c-2.4 9.6 4.5 18.5 14.2 18.5h57.5c4 0 2.4 4.3 2.1 5.3l-8.6 31.8c-.4 1.4-.9 5.3-5.5 5.3h-34.9c-5.3 0-5.3-7.9 0-7.9h21.6c6.8 0 12.3-4.6 14.2-10.8l3.5-13.2h-48.4c-39.2 0-43.6 63.8-.7 63.8l57.5.2c11.2 0 20.6-7.2 23.4-17.8l14-51.8c4.8-19.2-9.7-36.8-28.5-36.8zM633.1 179h-18.9c-4.9 0-9.2 3.2-10.4 7.9L568.2 320c20.7 0 39.8-13.8 44.9-34.5l26.5-98.2c1.2-4.3-2-8.3-6.5-8.3zm-236.3 34.7v.1h-48.3l-26.2 98c-1.2 4.4 2.2 8.3 6.4 8.3h18.9c4.8 0 9.2-3 10.4-7.8l17.2-64H395c12.5 0 21.4 11.8 18.1 23.4l-10.6 40c-1.2 4.3 1.9 8.3 6.4 8.3H428c4.6 0 9.1-2.9 10.3-7.8l8.8-33.1c9-33.1-15.9-65.4-50.3-65.4zm98.3 74.6c-3.6 0-6-3.4-5.1-6.7l8-30c.9-3.9 3.7-6 7.8-6h32.9c2.6 0 4.6 2.4 3.9 5.1l-.7 2.6c-.6 2-1.9 3-3.9 3h-21.6c-7 0-12.6 4.6-14.2 10.8l-3.5 13h53.4c10.5 0 20.3-6.6 23.2-17.6l3.2-12c4.9-19.1-9.3-36.8-28.3-36.8h-47.3c-17.9 0-33.8 12-38.6 29.6l-10.8 40c-5 17.7 8.3 36.7 28.3 36.7h66.7c6.8 0 12.3-4.5 14.2-10.7l5.7-21z"], "creative-commons": [496, 512, [], "f25e", "M245.83 214.87l-33.22 17.28c-9.43-19.58-25.24-19.93-27.46-19.93-22.13 0-33.22 14.61-33.22 43.84 0 23.57 9.21 43.84 33.22 43.84 14.47 0 24.65-7.09 30.57-21.26l30.55 15.5c-6.17 11.51-25.69 38.98-65.1 38.98-22.6 0-73.96-10.32-73.96-77.05 0-58.69 43-77.06 72.63-77.06 30.72-.01 52.7 11.95 65.99 35.86zm143.05 0l-32.78 17.28c-9.5-19.77-25.72-19.93-27.9-19.93-22.14 0-33.22 14.61-33.22 43.84 0 23.55 9.23 43.84 33.22 43.84 14.45 0 24.65-7.09 30.54-21.26l31 15.5c-2.1 3.75-21.39 38.98-65.09 38.98-22.69 0-73.96-9.87-73.96-77.05 0-58.67 42.97-77.06 72.63-77.06 30.71-.01 52.58 11.95 65.56 35.86zM247.56 8.05C104.74 8.05 0 123.11 0 256.05c0 138.49 113.6 248 247.56 248 129.93 0 248.44-100.87 248.44-248 0-137.87-106.62-248-248.44-248zm.87 450.81c-112.54 0-203.7-93.04-203.7-202.81 0-105.42 85.43-203.27 203.72-203.27 112.53 0 202.82 89.46 202.82 203.26-.01 121.69-99.68 202.82-202.84 202.82z"], "creative-commons-by": [496, 512, [], "f4e7", "M314.9 194.4v101.4h-28.3v120.5h-77.1V295.9h-28.3V194.4c0-4.4 1.6-8.2 4.6-11.3 3.1-3.1 6.9-4.7 11.3-4.7H299c4.1 0 7.8 1.6 11.1 4.7 3.1 3.2 4.8 6.9 4.8 11.3zm-101.5-63.7c0-23.3 11.5-35 34.5-35s34.5 11.7 34.5 35c0 23-11.5 34.5-34.5 34.5s-34.5-11.5-34.5-34.5zM247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3z"], "creative-commons-nc": [496, 512, [], "f4e8", "M247.6 8C387.4 8 496 115.9 496 256c0 147.2-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.1 504 0 393.2 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zM55.8 189.1c-7.4 20.4-11.1 42.7-11.1 66.9 0 110.9 92.1 202.4 203.7 202.4 122.4 0 177.2-101.8 178.5-104.1l-93.4-41.6c-7.7 37.1-41.2 53-68.2 55.4v38.1h-28.8V368c-27.5-.3-52.6-10.2-75.3-29.7l34.1-34.5c31.7 29.4 86.4 31.8 86.4-2.2 0-6.2-2.2-11.2-6.6-15.1-14.2-6-1.8-.1-219.3-97.4zM248.4 52.3c-38.4 0-112.4 8.7-170.5 93l94.8 42.5c10-31.3 40.4-42.9 63.8-44.3v-38.1h28.8v38.1c22.7 1.2 43.4 8.9 62 23L295 199.7c-42.7-29.9-83.5-8-70 11.1 53.4 24.1 43.8 19.8 93 41.6l127.1 56.7c4.1-17.4 6.2-35.1 6.2-53.1 0-57-19.8-105-59.3-143.9-39.3-39.9-87.2-59.8-143.6-59.8z"], "creative-commons-nc-eu": [496, 512, [], "f4e9", "M247.7 8C103.6 8 0 124.8 0 256c0 136.3 111.7 248 247.7 248C377.9 504 496 403.1 496 256 496 117 388.4 8 247.7 8zm.6 450.7c-112 0-203.6-92.5-203.6-202.7 0-23.2 3.7-45.2 10.9-66l65.7 29.1h-4.7v29.5h23.3c0 6.2-.4 3.2-.4 19.5h-22.8v29.5h27c11.4 67 67.2 101.3 124.6 101.3 26.6 0 50.6-7.9 64.8-15.8l-10-46.1c-8.7 4.6-28.2 10.8-47.3 10.8-28.2 0-58.1-10.9-67.3-50.2h90.3l128.3 56.8c-1.5 2.1-56.2 104.3-178.8 104.3zm-16.7-190.6l-.5-.4.9.4h-.4zm77.2-19.5h3.7v-29.5h-70.3l-28.6-12.6c2.5-5.5 5.4-10.5 8.8-14.3 12.9-15.8 31.1-22.4 51.1-22.4 18.3 0 35.3 5.4 46.1 10l11.6-47.3c-15-6.6-37-12.4-62.3-12.4-39 0-72.2 15.8-95.9 42.3-5.3 6.1-9.8 12.9-13.9 20.1l-81.6-36.1c64.6-96.8 157.7-93.6 170.7-93.6 113 0 203 90.2 203 203.4 0 18.7-2.1 36.3-6.3 52.9l-136.1-60.5z"], "creative-commons-nc-jp": [496, 512, [], "f4ea", "M247.7 8C103.6 8 0 124.8 0 256c0 136.4 111.8 248 247.7 248C377.9 504 496 403.2 496 256 496 117.2 388.5 8 247.7 8zm.6 450.7c-112 0-203.6-92.5-203.6-202.7 0-21.1 3-41.2 9-60.3l127 56.5h-27.9v38.6h58.1l5.7 11.8v18.7h-63.8V360h63.8v56h61.7v-56h64.2v-35.7l81 36.1c-1.5 2.2-57.1 98.3-175.2 98.3zm87.6-137.3h-57.6v-18.7l2.9-5.6 54.7 24.3zm6.5-51.4v-17.8h-38.6l63-116H301l-43.4 96-23-10.2-39.6-85.7h-65.8l27.3 51-81.9-36.5c27.8-44.1 82.6-98.1 173.7-98.1 112.8 0 203 90 203 203.4 0 21-2.7 40.6-7.9 59l-101-45.1z"], "creative-commons-nd": [496, 512, [], "f4eb", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm94 144.3v42.5H162.1V197h180.3zm0 79.8v42.5H162.1v-42.5h180.3z"], "creative-commons-pd": [496, 512, [], "f4ec", "M248 8C111 8 0 119.1 0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248C496 119.1 385 8 248 8zm0 449.5c-139.2 0-235.8-138-190.2-267.9l78.8 35.1c-2.1 10.5-3.3 21.5-3.3 32.9 0 99 73.9 126.9 120.4 126.9 22.9 0 53.5-6.7 79.4-29.5L297 311.1c-5.5 6.3-17.6 16.7-36.3 16.7-37.8 0-53.7-39.9-53.9-71.9 230.4 102.6 216.5 96.5 217.9 96.8-34.3 62.4-100.6 104.8-176.7 104.8zm194.2-150l-224-100c18.8-34 54.9-30.7 74.7-11l40.4-41.6c-27.1-23.3-58-27.5-78.1-27.5-47.4 0-80.9 20.5-100.7 51.6l-74.9-33.4c36.1-54.9 98.1-91.2 168.5-91.2 111.1 0 201.5 90.4 201.5 201.5 0 18-2.4 35.4-6.8 52-.3-.1-.4-.2-.6-.4z"], "creative-commons-pd-alt": [496, 512, [], "f4ed", "M247.6 8C104.7 8 0 123.1 0 256c0 138.5 113.6 248 247.6 248C377.5 504 496 403.1 496 256 496 118.1 389.4 8 247.6 8zm.8 450.8c-112.5 0-203.7-93-203.7-202.8 0-105.4 85.5-203.3 203.7-203.3 112.6 0 202.9 89.5 202.8 203.3 0 121.7-99.6 202.8-202.8 202.8zM316.7 186h-53.2v137.2h53.2c21.4 0 70-5.1 70-68.6 0-63.4-48.6-68.6-70-68.6zm.8 108.5h-19.9v-79.7l19.4-.1c3.8 0 35-2.1 35 39.9 0 24.6-10.5 39.9-34.5 39.9zM203.7 186h-68.2v137.3h34.6V279h27c54.1 0 57.1-37.5 57.1-46.5 0-31-16.8-46.5-50.5-46.5zm-4.9 67.3h-29.2v-41.6h28.3c30.9 0 28.8 41.6.9 41.6z"], "creative-commons-remix": [496, 512, [], "f4ee", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm161.7 207.7l4.9 2.2v70c-7.2 3.6-63.4 27.5-67.3 28.8-6.5-1.8-113.7-46.8-137.3-56.2l-64.2 26.6-63.3-27.5v-63.8l59.3-24.8c-.7-.7-.4 5-.4-70.4l67.3-29.7L361 178.5v61.6l49.1 20.3zm-70.4 81.5v-43.8h-.4v-1.8l-113.8-46.5V295l113.8 46.9v-.4l.4.4zm7.5-57.6l39.9-16.4-36.8-15.5-39 16.4 35.9 15.5zm52.3 38.1v-43L355.2 298v43.4l44.3-19z"], "creative-commons-sa": [496, 512, [], "f4ef", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zM137.7 221c13-83.9 80.5-95.7 108.9-95.7 99.8 0 127.5 82.5 127.5 134.2 0 63.6-41 132.9-128.9 132.9-38.9 0-99.1-20-109.4-97h62.5c1.5 30.1 19.6 45.2 54.5 45.2 23.3 0 58-18.2 58-82.8 0-82.5-49.1-80.6-56.7-80.6-33.1 0-51.7 14.6-55.8 43.8h18.2l-49.2 49.2-49-49.2h19.4z"], "creative-commons-sampling": [496, 512, [], "f4f0", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm3.6 53.2c2.8-.3 11.5 1 11.5 11.5l6.6 107.2 4.9-59.3c0-6 4.7-10.6 10.6-10.6 5.9 0 10.6 4.7 10.6 10.6 0 2.5-.5-5.7 5.7 81.5l5.8-64.2c.3-2.9 2.9-9.3 10.2-9.3 3.8 0 9.9 2.3 10.6 8.9l11.5 96.5 5.3-12.8c1.8-4.4 5.2-6.6 10.2-6.6h58v21.3h-50.9l-18.2 44.3c-3.9 9.9-19.5 9.1-20.8-3.1l-4-31.9-7.5 92.6c-.3 3-3 9.3-10.2 9.3-3 0-9.8-2.1-10.6-9.3 0-1.9.6 5.8-6.2-77.9l-5.3 72.2c-1.1 4.8-4.8 9.3-10.6 9.3-2.9 0-9.8-2-10.6-9.3 0-1.9.5 6.7-5.8-87.7l-5.8 94.8c0 6.3-3.6 12.4-10.6 12.4-5.2 0-10.6-4.1-10.6-12l-5.8-87.7c-5.8 92.5-5.3 84-5.3 85.9-1.1 4.8-4.8 9.3-10.6 9.3-3 0-9.8-2.1-10.6-9.3 0-.7-.4-1.1-.4-2.6l-6.2-88.6L182 348c-.7 6.5-6.7 9.3-10.6 9.3-5.8 0-9.6-4.1-10.6-8.9L149.7 272c-2 4-3.5 8.4-11.1 8.4H87.2v-21.3H132l13.7-27.9c4.4-9.9 18.2-7.2 19.9 2.7l3.1 20.4 8.4-97.9c0-6 4.8-10.6 10.6-10.6.5 0 10.6-.2 10.6 12.4l4.9 69.1 6.6-92.6c0-10.1 9.5-10.6 10.2-10.6.6 0 10.6.7 10.6 10.6l5.3 80.6 6.2-97.9c.1-1.1-.6-10.3 9.9-11.5z"], "creative-commons-sampling-plus": [496, 512, [], "f4f1", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm107 205.6c-4.7 0-9 2.8-10.7 7.2l-4 9.5-11-92.8c-1.7-13.9-22-13.4-23.1.4l-4.3 51.4-5.2-68.8c-1.1-14.3-22.1-14.2-23.2 0l-3.5 44.9-5.9-94.3c-.9-14.5-22.3-14.4-23.2 0l-5.1 83.7-4.3-66.3c-.9-14.4-22.2-14.4-23.2 0l-5.3 80.2-4.1-57c-1.1-14.3-22-14.3-23.2-.2l-7.7 89.8-1.8-12.2c-1.7-11.4-17.1-13.6-22-3.3l-13.2 27.7H87.5v23.2h51.3c4.4 0 8.4-2.5 10.4-6.4l10.7 73.1c2 13.5 21.9 13 23.1-.7l3.8-43.6 5.7 78.3c1.1 14.4 22.3 14.2 23.2-.1l4.6-70.4 4.8 73.3c.9 14.4 22.3 14.4 23.2-.1l4.9-80.5 4.5 71.8c.9 14.3 22.1 14.5 23.2.2l4.6-58.6 4.9 64.4c1.1 14.3 22 14.2 23.1.1l6.8-83 2.7 22.3c1.4 11.8 17.7 14.1 22.3 3.1l18-43.4h50.5V258l-58.4.3zm-78 5.2h-21.9v21.9c0 4.1-3.3 7.5-7.5 7.5-4.1 0-7.5-3.3-7.5-7.5v-21.9h-21.9c-4.1 0-7.5-3.3-7.5-7.5 0-4.1 3.4-7.5 7.5-7.5h21.9v-21.9c0-4.1 3.4-7.5 7.5-7.5s7.5 3.3 7.5 7.5v21.9h21.9c4.1 0 7.5 3.3 7.5 7.5 0 4.1-3.4 7.5-7.5 7.5z"], "creative-commons-share": [496, 512, [], "f4f2", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm101 132.4c7.8 0 13.7 6.1 13.7 13.7v182.5c0 7.7-6.1 13.7-13.7 13.7H214.3c-7.7 0-13.7-6-13.7-13.7v-54h-54c-7.8 0-13.7-6-13.7-13.7V131.1c0-8.2 6.6-12.7 12.4-13.7h136.4c7.7 0 13.7 6 13.7 13.7v54h54zM159.9 300.3h40.7V198.9c0-7.4 5.8-12.6 12-13.7h55.8v-40.3H159.9v155.4zm176.2-88.1H227.6v155.4h108.5V212.2z"], "creative-commons-zero": [496, 512, [], "f4f3", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm-.4 60.5c-81.9 0-102.5 77.3-102.5 142.8 0 65.5 20.6 142.8 102.5 142.8S350.5 321.5 350.5 256c0-65.5-20.6-142.8-102.5-142.8zm0 53.9c3.3 0 6.4.5 9.2 1.2 5.9 5.1 8.8 12.1 3.1 21.9l-54.5 100.2c-1.7-12.7-1.9-25.1-1.9-34.4 0-28.8 2-88.9 44.1-88.9zm40.8 46.2c2.9 15.4 3.3 31.4 3.3 42.7 0 28.9-2 88.9-44.1 88.9-13.5 0-32.6-7.7-20.1-26.4l60.9-105.2z"], "critical-role": [448, 512, [], "f6c9", "M225.82 0c.26.15 216.57 124.51 217.12 124.72 3 1.18 3.7 3.46 3.7 6.56q-.11 125.17 0 250.36a5.88 5.88 0 0 1-3.38 5.78c-21.37 12-207.86 118.29-218.93 124.58h-3C142 466.34 3.08 386.56 2.93 386.48a3.29 3.29 0 0 1-1.88-3.24c0-.87 0-225.94-.05-253.1a5 5 0 0 1 2.93-4.93C27.19 112.11 213.2 6 224.07 0zM215.4 20.42l-.22-.16Q118.06 75.55 21 130.87c0 . 11.64c-7.71 6-8.32 6-10.65 5.13-.1 0-24.17-9.28-26.8-10v230.43c.88-1.41 64.07-110.91 64.13-111 1.62-2.82 3-1.92 9.12-1.52 1.4.09 1.42-41.19 71.33-36.4 63-67.48 116.94-.81 1.4-.61 1.13 1.25 1.13h186.5c1.44 0 1.69-.23 1.7-1.64v-8.88c0-1.34 2.36-.81-18.37-1-7.46-.07-14.14-3.22-21.38-12.7-7.38-9.66-14.62-19.43-21.85-29.21-2.28-3.08-3.45-2.38-16.76-2.38-1.75 0-1.78 0-1.76 1.82.29 26.21.15 25.27 1 32.66.52 4.37 2.16 4.2 9.69 4.81 3.14.26 3.88 4.08.52 4.92-1.57.39-31.6.51-33.67-.1a2.42 2.42 0 0 1 .3-4.73c3.29-.76 6.16.81 6.66-4.44 1.3-13.66 1.17-9 1.1-79.42 0-10.82-.35-12.58-5.36-13.55-1.22-.24-3.54-.16-4.69-.55-2.88-1-2-4.84 1.77-4.85 33.67 0 46.08-1.07 56.06 4.86 7.74 4.61 12 11.48 12.51 20.4.88 14.59-6.51 22.35-15 32.59a1.46 1.46 0 0 0 0 2.22c2.6 3.25 5 6.63 7.71 9.83 27.56 33.23 24.11 30.54 41.28 1-.42 1-1.15v-11c0-1 .32-1.43 1.41-1.26a72.37 72.37 0 0 0 23.58-.3c1.08-.15 1.5.2 1.48 1.33 0 .11.88 26.69.87 26.8-.05 1.52.67 1.62 1.89 1.62h186.71Q386.51 304.6 346 234.33c2.26-.66-.4 0 6.69-1.39 2-.39 2.05-.41 3.11 1.44 7.31 12.64 77.31 134 77.37 134.06V138c-1.72.5-103.3 38.72-105.76 39.68-1.08.42-1.55.2-1.91-.88-.63-1.9-1.34-3.76-2.09-5.62-.32-.79-.09-1.13.65-1.39.1 0 95.53-35.85 103-38.77-65.42-37.57-130.56-75-196-112.6l86.82 150.39-.28.33c-9.57-.9-10.46-1.6-11.8-3.94-1-1.69-73.5-127.71-82-142.16-9.1 14.67-83.56 146.21-85.37 146.32-2.93.17-5.88.08-9.25.08q43.25-74.74 86.18-149zm51.93 129.92a37.68 37.68 0 0 0 5.54-.85c1.69-.3 2.53.2 2.6 1.92 0 .11.07 19.06-.86 20.45s-1.88 1.22-2.6-.19c-5-9.69 6.22-9.66-39.12-12-.7 0-1 .23-1 .93 0 .13 3.72 122 3.73 122.11 0 .89.52 1.2 1.21 1.51a83.92 83.92 0 0 1 8.7 4.05c7.31 4.33 11.38 10.84 12.41 19.31 1.44 11.8-2.77 35.77-32.21 37.14-2.75.13-28.26 1.08-34.14-23.25-4.66-19.26 8.26-32.7 19.89-36.4a2.45 2.45 0 0 0 2-2.66c.1-5.63 3-107.1 3.71-121.35.05-1.08-.62-1.16-1.35-1.15-32.35.52-36.75-.34-40.22 8.52-2.42 6.18-4.14 1.32-3.95.23q1.59-9 3.31-18c.4-2.11 1.43-2.61 3.43-1.86 5.59 2.11 6.72 1.7 37.25 1.92 1.73 0 1.78-.08 1.82-1.85.68-27.49.58-22.59 1-29.55a2.69 2.69 0 0 0-1.63-2.8c-5.6-2.91-8.75-7.55-8.9-13.87-.35-14.81 17.72-21.67 27.38-11.51 6.84 7.19 5.8 18.91-2.45 24.15a4.35 4.35 0 0 0-2.22 4.34c0 .59-.11-4.31 1 30.05 0 .9.43 1.12 1.24 1.11.1 0 23-.09 34.47-.37zM68.27 141.7c19.84-4.51 32.68-.56 52.49 1.69 2.76.31 3.74 1.22 3.62 4-.21 5-1.16 22.33-1.24 23.15a2.65 2.65 0 0 1-1.63 2.34c-4.06 1.7-3.61-4.45-4-7.29-3.13-22.43-73.87-32.7-74.63 25.4-.31 23.92 17 53.63 54.08 50.88 27.24-2 19-20.19 24.84-20.47a2.72 2.72 0 0 1 3 3.36c-1.83 10.85-3.42 18.95-3.45 19.15-1.54 9.17-86.7 22.09-93.35-42.06-2.71-25.85 10.44-53.37 40.27-60.15zm80 87.67h-19.49a2.57 2.57 0 0 1-2.66-1.79c2.38-3.75 5.89.92 5.86-6.14-.08-25.75.21-38 .23-40.1 0-3.42-.53-4.65-3.32-4.94-7-.72-3.11-3.37-1.11-3.38 11.84-.1 22.62-.18 30.05.72 8.77 1.07 16.71 12.63 7.93 22.62-2 2.25-4 4.42-6.14 6.73.95 1.15 6.9 8.82 17.28 19.68 2.66 2.78 6.15 3.51 9.88 3.13a2.21 2.21 0 0 0 2.23-2.12c.3-3.42.26 4.73.45-40.58 0-5.65-.34-6.58-3.23-6.83-3.95-.35-4-2.26-.69-3.37l19.09-.09c.32 0 4.49.53 1 3.38 0 .05-.16 0-.24 0-3.61.26-3.94 1-4 4.62-.27 43.93.07 40.23.41 2.23 5.1 2.14 2.49 0 3.86 3.37 0 3.4-10.37.08-20.74 0-31.11.07-10.67 0-13.47-6.2-24.21-20.82-1.6-2.18-8.31-2.36-8.2-.37.88 16.47 0 17.78 4 17.67 4.75-.1 4.73 3.57.83 3.55zm275-10.15c-1.21 7.13.17 10.38-5.3 10.34-61.55-.42-47.82-.22-50.72-.31a18.4 18.4 0 0 1-3.63-.73c-2.53-.6 1.48-1.23-.38-5.6-1.43-3.37-2.78-6.78-4.11-10.19a1.94 1.94 0 0 0-2-1.44 138 138 0 0 0-14.58.07 2.23 2.23 0 0 0-1.62 1.06c-1.58 3.62-3.07 7.29-4.51 11-1.27 3.23 7.86 1.32 12.19 2.16 3 .57 4.53 3.72.66 3.73H322.9c-2.92 0-3.09-3.15-.74-3.21a6.3 6.3 0 0 0 5.92-3.47c1.5-3 2.8-6 4.11-9.09 18.18-42.14 17.06-40.17 18.42-41.61a1.83 1.83 0 0 1 3 0c2.93 3.34 18.4 44.71 23.62 51.92 2 2.7 5.74 2 6.36 2 3.61.13 4-1.11 4.13-4.29.09-1.87.08 1.17.07-41.24 0-4.46-2.36-3.74-5.55-4.27-.26 0-2.56-.63-.08-3.06.21-.2-.89-.24 21.7-.15 2.32 0 5.32 2.75-1.21 3.45a2.56 2.56 0 0 0-2.66 2.83c-.07 1.63-.19 38.89.29 41.21a3.06 3.06 0 0 0 3.23 2.43c13.25.43 14.92.44 16-3.41 1.67-5.78 4.13-2.52 3.73-.19zm-104.72 64.37c-4.24 0-4.42-3.39-.61-3.41 35.91-.16 28.11.38 37.19-.65 1.68-.19 2.38.24 2.25 1.89-.26 3.39-.64 6.78-1 10.16-.25 2.16-3.2 2.61-3.4-.15-.38-5.31-2.15-4.45-15.63-5.08-1.58-.07-1.64 0-1.64 1.52V304c0 1.65 0 1.6 1.62 1.47 3.12-.25 10.31.34 15.69-1.52.47-.16 3.3-1.79 3.07 1.76 0 .21-.76 10.35-1.18 11.39-.53 1.29-1.88 1.51-2.58.32-1.17-2 0-5.08-3.71-5.3-15.42-.9-12.91-2.55-12.91 6 0 12.25-.76 16.11 3.89 16.24 16.64.48 14.4 0 16.43-5.71.84-2.37 3.5-1.77 3.18.58-.44 3.21-.85 6.43-1.23 9.64 0 .36-.16 2.4-4.66 2.39-37.16-.08-34.54-.19-35.21-.31-2.72-.51-2.2-3 .22-3.45 1.1-.19 4 .54 4.16-2.56 2.44-56.22-.07-51.34-3.91-51.33zm-.41-109.52c2.46.61 3.13 1.76 2.95 4.65-.33 5.3-.34 9-.55 9.69-.66 2.23-3.15 2.12-3.34-.27-.38-4.81-3.05-7.82-7.57-9.15-26.28-7.73-32.81 15.46-27.17 30.22 5.88 15.41 22 15.92 28.86 13.78 5.92-1.85 5.88-6.5 6.91-7.58 1.23-1.3 2.25-1.84 3.12 1.1 0 .1.57 11.89-6 12.75-1.6.21-19.38 3.69-32.68-3.39-21-11.19-16.74-35.47-6.88-45.33 14-14.06 39.91-7.06 42.32-6.47zM289.8 280.14c3.28 0 3.66 3 .16 3.43-2.61.32-5-.42-5 5.46 0 2-.19 29.05.4 41.45.11 2.29 1.15 3.52 3.44 3.65 22 1.21 14.95-1.65 18.79-6.34 1.83-2.24 2.76.84 2.76 1.08.35 13.62-4 12.39-5.19 12.4l-38.16-.19c-1.93-.23-2.06-3-.42-3.38 2-.48 4.94.4 5.13-2.8 1-15.87.57-44.65.34-47.81-.27-3.77-2.8-3.27-5.68-3.71-2.47-.38-2-3.22.34-3.22 1.45-.02 17.97-.03 23.09-.02zm-31.63-57.79c.07 4.08 2.86 3.46 6 3.58 2.61.1 2.53 3.41-.07 3.43-6.48 0-13.7 0-21.61-.06-3.84 0-3.38-3.35 0-3.37 4.49 0 3.24 1.61 3.41-45.54 0-5.08-3.27-3.54-4.72-4.23-2.58-1.23-1.36-3.09.41-3.15 1.29 0 20.19-.41 21.17.21s1.87 1.65-.42 2.86c-1 .52-3.86-.28-4.15 2.47 0 .21-.82 1.63-.07 43.8zm-36.91 274.27a2.93 2.93 0 0 0 3.26 0c17-9.79 182-103.57 197.42-112.51-.14-.43 11.26-.18-181.52-.27-1.22 0-1.57.37-1.53 1.56 0 .1 1.25 44.51 1.22 50.38a28.33 28.33 0 0 1-1.36 7.71c-.55 1.83.38-.5-13.5 32.23-.73 1.72-1 2.21-2-.08-4.19-10.34-8.28-20.72-12.57-31a23.6 23.6 0 0 1-2-10.79c.16-2.46.8-16.12 1.51-48 0-1.95 0-2-2-2h-183c2.58 1.63 178.32 102.57 196 112.76zm-90.9-188.75c0 2.4.36 2.79 2.76 3 11.54 1.17 21 3.74 25.64-7.32 6-14.46 2.66-34.41-12.48-38.84-2-.59-16-2.76-15.94 1.51.05 8.04.01 11.61.02 41.65zm105.75-15.05c0 2.13 1.07 38.68 1.09 39.13.34 9.94-25.58 5.77-25.23-2.59.08-2 1.37-37.42 1.1-39.43-14.1 7.44-14.42 40.21 6.44 48.8a17.9 17.9 0 0 0 22.39-7.07c4.91-7.76 6.84-29.47-5.43-39a2.53 2.53 0 0 1-.36.12zm-12.28-198c-9.83 0-9.73 14.75-.07 14.87s10.1-14.88.07-14.91zm-80.15 103.83c0 1.8.41 2.4 2.17 2.58 13.62 1.39 12.51-11 12.16-13.36-1.69-11.22-14.38-10.2-14.35-7.81.05 4.5-.03 13.68.02 18.59zm212.32 6.4l-6.1-15.84c-2.16 5.48-4.16 10.57-6.23 15.84z"], "css3": [512, 512, [], "f13c", "M480 32l-64 368-223.3 80L0 400l19.6-94.8h82l-8 40.6L210 390.2l134.1-44.4 18.8-97.1H29.5l16-82h333.7l10.5-52.7H56.3l16.3-82H480z"], "css3-alt": [384, 512, [], "f38b", "M0 32l34.9 395.8L192 480l157.1-52.2L384 32H0zm313.1 80l-4.8 47.3L193 208.6l-.3.1h111.5l-12.8 146.6-98.2 28.7-98.8-29.2-6.4-73.9h48.9l3.2 38.3 52.6 13.3 54.7-15.4 3.7-61.6-166.3-.5v-.1l-.2.1-3.6-46.3L193.1 162l6.5-2.7H76.7L70.9 112h242.2z"], "cuttlefish": [440, 512, [], "f38c", "M344 305.5c-17.5 31.6-57.4 54.5-96 54.5-56.6 0-104-47.4-104-104s47.4-104 104-104c38.6 0 78.5 22.9 96 54.5 13.7-50.9 41.7-93.3 87-117.8C385.7 39.1 320.5 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c72.5 0 137.7-31.1 183-80.7-45.3-24.5-73.3-66.9-87-117.8z"], "d-and-d": [576, 512, [], "f38d", "M82.5 98.9c-.6-17.2 2-33.8 12.7-48.2.3 7.4 1.2 14.5 4.2 21.6 5.9-27.5 19.7-49.3 42.3-65.5-1.9 5.9-3.5 11.8-3 17.7 8.7-7.4 18.8-17.8 44.4-22.7 14.7-2.8 29.7-2 42.1 1 38.5 9.3 61 34.3 69.7 72.3 5.3 23.1.7 45-8.3 66.4-5.2 12.4-12 24.4-20.7 35.1-2-1.9-3.9-3.8-5.8-5.6-42.8-40.8-26.8-25.2-37.4-37.4-1.1-1.2-1-2.2-.1-3.6 8.3-13.5 11.8-28.2 10-44-1.1-9.8-4.3-18.9-11.3-26.2-14.5-15.3-39.2-15-53.5.6-11.4 12.5-14.1 27.4-10.9 43.6.2 1.3.4 2.7 0 3.9-3.4 13.7-4.6 27.6-2.5 1.1.1 1.6 0 .3-.1.5-.2 1.1-21.8-11-36-28.3-43.2-52.2-8.3 17.8-11.1 35.5-6.6 54.1-15.6-15.2-21.3-34.3-22-55.2zm469.6 123.2c-11.6-11.6-25-20.4-40.1-26.6-12.8-5.2-26-7.9-39.9-7.1-10 .6-19.6 3.1-29 6.4-2.5.9-5.1 1.6-7.7 2.2-4.9 1.2-7.3-3.1-4.7-6.8 3.2-4.6 3.4-4.2 15-12 .6-.4 1.2-.8 2.2-1.5h-2.5c-.6 0-1.2.2-1.9.3-19.3 3.3-30.7 15.5-48.9 29.6-10.4 8.1-13.8 3.8-12-.5 1.4-3.5 3.3-6.7 5.1-10 1-1.8 2.3-3.4 3.5-5.1-.2-.2-.5-.3-.7-.5-27 18.3-46.7 42.4-57.7 1 .9.3-.6.5-1.2.9-1.7 10.4-12.1 22.8-21.8 36.6-29.8 18.2-10.6 37.5-18.3 58.7-20.2 4.3-.4 8.7-.1 13.1-.1-1.8.7-3.5.9-5.3 1.1-18.5 2.4-35.5 9-51.5 18.5-30.2 17.9-54.5 42.2-75.1 70.4-.3.4-.4.9-.7 1.3 14.5 5.3 24 17.3 36.1 25.6.2-.1.3-.2.4-.4l1.2-2.7c12.2-26.9 27-52.3 46.7-74.5 16.7-18.8 38-25.3 62.5-20 5.9 1.3 11.4 4.4 17.2 6.8 2.3-1.4 5.1-3.2 8-4.7 8.4-4.3 17.4-7 26.7-9 14.7-3.1 29.5-4.9 44.5-1.3v-.5c-.5-.4-1.2-.8-1.7-1.4zM316.7 397.6c-39.4-33-22.8-19.5-42.7-35.6-.8.9 0-.2-1.9 3-11.2 19.1-25.5 35.3-44 47.6-10.3 6.8-21.5 11.8-34.1 11.8-21.6 0-38.2-9.5-49.4-27.8-12-19.5-13.3-40.7-8.2-62.6 7.8-33.8 30.1-55.2 38.6-64.3-18.7-6.2-33 1.7-46.4 13.9.8-13.9 4.3-26.2 11.8-37.3-24.3 10.6-45.9 25-64.8 43.9-.3-5.8 5.4-43.7 5.6-44.7.3-2.7-.6-5.3-3-7.4-24.2 24.7-44.5 51.8-56.1 84.6 7.4-5.9 14.9-11.4 23.6-16.2-8.3 22.3-19.6 52.8-7.8 101.1 4.6 19 11.9 36.8 24.1 52.3 2.9 3.7 6.3 6.9 9.5 10.3.2-.2.4-.3.6-.5-1.4-7-2.2-14.1-1.5-21.9 2.2 3.2 3.9 6 5.9 8.6 12.6 16 28.7 27.4 47.2 35.6 25 11.3 51.1 13.3 77.9 8.6 54.9-9.7 90.7-48.6 116-98.8 1-1.8.6-2.9-.9-4.2zm172-46.4c-9.5-3.1-22.2-4.2-28.7-2.9 9.9 4 14.1 6.6 18.8 12 12.6 14.4 10.4 34.7-5.4 45.6-11.7 8.1-24.9 10.5-38.9 9.1-1.2-.1-2.3-.4-3-.6 2.8-3.7 6-7 8.1-10.8 9.4-16.8 5.4-42.1-8.7-56.1-2.1-2.1-4.6-3.9-7-5.9-.3 1.3-.1 2.1.1 2.8 4.2 16.6-8.1 32.4-24.8 31.8-7.6-.3-13.9-3.8-19.6-8.5-19.5-16.1-39.1-32.1-58.5-48.3-5.9-4.9-12.5-8.1-20.1-8.7-4.6-.4-9.3-.6-13.9-.9-5.9-.4-8.8-2.8-10.4-8.4-.9-3.4-1.5-6.8-2.2-10.2-1.5-8.1-6.2-13-14.3-14.2-4.4-.7-8.9-1-13.3-1.5-13-1.4-19.8-7.4-22.6-20.3-5 11-1.6 22.4 7.3 29.9 4.5 3.8 9.3 7.3 13.8 11.2 4.6 3.8 7.4 8.7 7.9 14.8.4 4.7.8 9.5 1.8 14.1 2.2 10.6 8.9 18.4 17 25.1 16.5 13.7 33 27.3 49.5 41.1 17.9 15 13.9 32.8 13 56-.9 22.9 12.2 42.9 33.5 51.2 1 .4 2 .6 3.6 1.1-15.7-18.2-10.1-44.1.7-52.3.3 2.2.4 4.3.9 6.4 9.4 44.1 45.4 64.2 85 56.9 16-2.9 30.6-8.9 42.9-19.8 2-1.8 3.7-4.1 5.9-6.5-19.3 4.6-35.8.1-50.9-10.6.7-.3 1.3-.3 1.9-.3 21.3 1.8 40.6-3.4 57-17.4 19.5-16.6 26.6-42.9 17.4-66-8.3-20.1-23.6-32.3-43.8-38.9zM99.4 179.3c-5.3-9.2-13.2-15.6-22.1-21.3 13.7-.5 26.6.2 39.6 3.7-7-12.2-8.5-24.7-5-38.7 5.3 11.9 13.7 20.1 23.6 26.8 19.7 13.2 35.7 19.6 46.7 30.2 3.4 3.3 6.3 7.1 9.6 10.9-.8-2.1-1.4-4.1-2.2-6-5-10.6-13-18.6-22.6-25-1.8-1.2-2.8-2.5-3.4-4.5-3.3-12.5-3-25.1-.7-37.6 1-5.5 2.8-10.9 4.5-16.3.8-2.4 2.3-4.6 4-6.6.6 6.9 0 25.5 19.6 46 10.8 11.3 22.4 21.9 33.9 32.7 9 8.5 18.3 16.7 25.5 26.8 1.1 1.6 2.2 3.3 3.8 4.7-5-13-14.2-24.1-24.2-33.8-9.6-9.3-19.4-18.4-29.2-27.4-3.3-3-4.6-6.7-5.1-10.9-1.2-10.4 0-20.6 4.3-30.2.5-1 1.1-2 1.9-3.3.5 4.2.6 7.9 1.4 11.6 4.8 23.1 20.4 36.3 49.3 63.5 10 9.4 19.3 19.2 25.6 31.6 4.8 9.3 7.3 19 5.7 29.6-.1.6.5 1.7 1.1 2 6.2 2.6 10 6.9 9.7 14.3 7.7-2.6 12.5-8 16.4-14.5 4.2 20.2-9.1 50.3-27.2 58.7.4-4.5 5-23.4-16.5-27.7-6.8-1.3-12.8-1.3-22.9-2.1 4.7-9 10.4-20.6.5-22.4-24.9-4.6-52.8 1.9-57.8 4.6 8.2.4 16.3 1 23.5 3.3-2 6.5-4 12.7-5.8 18.9-1.9 6.5 2.1 14.6 9.3 9.6 1.2-.9 2.3-1.9 3.3-2.7-3.1 17.9-2.9 15.9-2.8 18.3.3 10.2 9.5 7.8 15.7 7.3-2.5 11.8-29.5 27.3-45.4 25.8 7-4.7 12.7-10.3 15.9-17.9-6.5.8-12.9 1.6-19.2 2.4l-.3-.9c4.7-3.4 8-7.8 10.2-13.1 8.7-21.1-3.6-38-25-39.9-9.1-.8-17.8.8-25.9 5.5 6.2-15.6 17.2-26.6 32.6-34.5-15.2-4.3-8.9-2.7-24.6-6.3 14.6-9.3 30.2-13.2 46.5-14.6-5.2-3.2-48.1-3.6-70.2 20.9 7.9 1.4 15.5 2.8 23.2 4.2-23.8 7-44 19.7-62.4 35.6 1.1-4.8 2.7-9.5 3.3-14.3.6-4.5.8-9.2.1-13.6-1.5-9.4-8.9-15.1-19.7-16.3-7.9-.9-15.6.1-23.3 1.3-.9.1-1.7.3-2.9 0 15.8-14.8 36-21.7 53.1-33.5 6-4.5 6.8-8.2 3-14.9zm128.4 26.8c3.3 16 12.6 25.5 23.8 24.3-4.6-11.3-12.1-19.5-23.8-24.3z"], "d-and-d-beyond": [640, 512, [], "f6ca", "M313.8 241.5c13.8 0 21-10.1 24.8-17.9-1-1.1-5-4.2-7.4-6.6-2.4 4.3-8.2 10.7-13.9 10.7-10.2 0-15.4-14.7-3.2-26.6-.5-.2-4.3-1.8-8 2.4 0-3 1-5.1 2.1-6.6-3.5 1.3-9.8 5.6-11.4 7.9.2-5.8 1.6-7.5.6-9l-.2-.2s-8.5 5.6-9.3 14.7c0 0 1.1-1.6 2.1-1.9.6-.3 1.3 0 .6 1.9-.2.6-5.8 15.7 5.1 26-.6-1.6-1.9-7.6 2.4-1.9-.3.1 5.8 7.1 15.7 7.1zm52.4-21.1c0-4-4.9-4.4-5.6-4.5 2 3.9.9 7.5.2 9 2.5-.4 5.4-1.6 5.4-4.5zm10.3 5.2c0-6.4-6.2-11.4-13.5-10.7 8 1.3 5.6 13.8-5 11.4 3.7-2.6 3.2-9.9-1.3-12.5 1.4 4.2-3 8.2-7.4 4.6-2.4-1.9-8-6.6-10.6-8.6-2.4-2.1-5.5-1-6.6-1.8-1.3-1.1-.5-3.8-2.2-5-1.6-.8-3-.3-4.8-1-1.6-.6-2.7-1.9-2.6-3.5-2.5 4.4 3.4 6.3 4.5 8.5 1 1.9-.8 4.8 4 8.5 14.8 11.6 9.1 8 10.4 18.1.6 4.3 4.2 6.7 6.4 7.4-2.1-1.9-2.9-6.4 0-9.3 0 13.9 19.2 13.3 23.1 6.4-2.4 1.1-7-.2-9-1.9 7.7 1 14.2-4.1 14.6-10.6zm-39.4-18.4c2 .8 1.6.7 6.4 4.5 10.2-24.5 21.7-15.7 22-15.5 2.2-1.9 9.8-3.8 13.8-2.7-2.4-2.7-7.5-6.2-13.3-6.2-4.7 0-7.4 2.2-8 1.3-.8-1.4 3.2-3.4 3.2-3.4-5.4.2-9.6 6.7-11.2 5.9-1.1-.5 1.4-3.7 1.4-3.7-5.1 2.9-9.3 9.1-10.2 13 4.6-5.8 13.8-9.8 19.7-9-10.5.5-19.5 9.7-23.8 15.8zm242.5 51.9c-20.7 0-40 1.3-50.3 2.1l7.4 8.2v77.2l-7.4 8.2c10.4.8 30.9 2.1 51.6 2.1 42.1 0 59.1-20.7 59.1-48.9 0-29.3-23.2-48.9-60.4-48.9zm-15.1 75.6v-53.3c30.1-3.3 46.8 3.8 46.8 26.3 0 25.6-21.4 30.2-46.8 27zM301.6 181c-1-3.4-.2-6.9 1.1-9.4 1 3 2.6 6.4 7.5 9-.5-2.4-.2-5.6.5-8-1.4-5.4 2.1-9.9 6.4-9.9 6.9 0 8.5 8.8 4.7 14.4 2.1 3.2 5.5 5.6 7.7 7.8 3.2-3.7 5.5-9.5 5.5-13.8 0-8.2-5.5-15.9-16.7-16.5-20-.9-20.2 16.6-20 18.9.5 5.2 3.4 7.8 3.3 7.5zm-.4 6c-.5 1.8-7 3.7-10.2 6.9 4.8-1 7-.2 7.8 1.8.5 1.4-.2 3.4-.5 5.6 1.6-1.8 7-5.5 11-6.2-1-.3-3.4-.8-4.3-.8 2.9-3.4 9.3-4.5 12.8-3.7-2.2-.2-6.7 1.1-8.5 2.6 1.6.3 3 .6 4.3 1.1-2.1.8-4.8 3.4-5.8 6.1 7-5 13.1 5.2 7 2.7 0 3.5-.5-.3 1.1-1.9 3-3 3.4 2.9 0 7-1.9 8.2-4.6 0 0-1.8.6-2.6-.2s.3-4.3.3-4.3c-2.3 2.9-3.4-1.3-1.3-4.2-1-.3-3.5-.6-4.6-.5 3.2-1.1 10.4-1.8 11.2-.3.6 1.1-1 3.4-1 3.4 4-.5 8.3 1.1 6.7 5.1 2.9-1.4 5.5-5.9 4.8-10.4-.3 1-1.6 2.4-2.9 2.7.2-1.4-1-2.2-1.9-2.6 1.7-9.6-14.6-14.2-14.1-23.9-1 1.3-1.8 5-.8 7.1 2.7 3.2 8.7 6.7 10.1 12.2-2.6-6.4-15.1-11.4-14.6-20.2-1.6 1.6-2.6 7.8-1.3 11 2.4 1.4 4.5 3.8 4.8 6.1-2.2-5.1-11.4-6.1-13.9-12.2-.6 2.2-.3 5 1 6.7 0 0-2.2-.8-7-.6 1.7.6 5.1 3.5 4.8 5.2zm25.9 7.4c-2.7 0-3.5-2.1-4.2-4.3 3.3 1.3 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.3zm38.9 3.7l-1-.6c-1.1-1-2.9-1.4-4.7-1.4-2.9 0-5.8 1.3-7.5 3.4-.8.8-1.4 1.8-2.1 2.6v15.7c3.5 2.6 7.1-2.9 3-7.2 1.5.3 4.6 2.7 5.1 3.2 0 0 2.6-.5 5-.5 2.1 0 3.9.3 5.6 1.1V196c-1.1.5-2.2 1-2.7 1.4zM79.9 305.9c17.2-4.6 16.2-18 16.2-19.9 0-20.6-24.1-25-37-25H3l8.3 8.6v29.5H0l11.4 14.6V346L3 354.6c61.7 0 73.8 1.5 86.4-5.9 6.7-4 9.9-9.8 9.9-17.6 0-5.1 2.6-18.8-19.4-25.2zm-41.3-27.5c20 0 29.6-.8 29.6 9.1v3c0 12.1-19 8.8-29.6 8.8zm0 59.2V315c12.2 0 32.7-2.3 32.7 8.8v4.5h.2c0 11.2-12.5 9.3-32.9 9.3zm101.2-19.3l23.1.2v-.2l14.1-21.2h-37.2v-14.9h52.4l-14.1-21v-.2l-73.5.2 7.4 8.2v77.1l-7.4 8.2h81.2l14.1-21.2-60.1.2zm214.7-60.1c-73.9 0-77.5 99.3-.3 99.3 77.9 0 74.1-99.3.3-99.3zm-.3 77.5c-37.4 0-36.9-55.3.2-55.3 36.8.1 38.8 55.3-.2 55.3zm-91.3-8.3l44.1-66.2h-41.7l6.1 7.2-20.5 37.2h-.3l-21-37.2 6.4-7.2h-44.9l44.1 65.8.2 19.4-7.7 8.2h42.6l-7.2-8.2zm-28.4-151.3c1.6 1.3 2.9 2.4 2.9 6.6v38.8c0 4.2-.8 5.3-2.7 6.4-.1.1-7.5 4.5-7.9 4.6h35.1c10 0 17.4-1.5 26-8.6-.6-5 .2-9.5.8-12 0-.2-1.8 1.4-2.7 3.5 0-5.7 1.6-15.4 9.6-20.5-.1 0-3.7-.8-9 1.1 2-3.1 10-7.9 10.4-7.9-8.2-26-38-22.9-32.2-22.9-30.9 0-32.6.3-39.9-4 .1.8.5 8.2 9.6 14.9zm21.5 5.5c4.6 0 23.1-3.3 23.1 17.3 0 20.7-18.4 17.3-23.1 17.3zm228.9 79.6l7 8.3V312h-.3c-5.4-14.4-42.3-41.5-45.2-50.9h-31.6l7.4 8.5v76.9l-7.2 8.3h39l-7.4-8.2v-47.4h.3c3.7 10.6 44.5 42.9 48.5 55.6h21.3v-85.2l7.4-8.3zm-106.7-96.1c-32.2 0-32.8.2-39.9-4 .1.7.5 8.3 9.6 14.9 3.1 2 2.9 4.3 2.9 9.5 1.8-1.1 3.8-2.2 6.1-3-1.1 1.1-2.7 2.7-3.5 4.5 1-1.1 7.5-5.1 14.6-3.5-1.6.3-4 1.1-6.1 2.9.1 0 2.1-1.1 7.5-.3v-4.3c4.7 0 23.1-3.4 23.1 17.3 0 20.5-18.5 17.3-19.7 17.3 5.7 4.4 5.8 12 2.2 16.3h.3c33.4 0 36.7-27.3 36.7-34 0-3.8-1.1-32-33.8-33.6z"], "dashcube": [448, 512, [], "f210", "M326.6 104H110.4c-51.1 0-91.2 43.3-91.2 93.5V427c0 50.5 40.1 85 91.2 85h227.2c51.1 0 91.2-34.5 91.2-85V0L326.6 104zM153.9 416.5c-17.7 0-32.4-15.1-32.4-32.8V240.8c0-17.7 14.7-32.5 32.4-32.5h140.7c17.7 0 32 14.8 32 32.5v123.5l51.1 52.3H153.9z"], "delicious": [448, 512, [], "f1a5", "M446.5 68c-.4-1.5-.9-3-1.4-4.5-.9-2.5-2-4.8-3.3-7.1-1.4-2.4-3-4.8-4.7-6.9-2.1-2.5-4.4-4.8-6.9-6.8-1.1-.9-2.2-1.7-3.3-2.5-1.3-.9-2.6-1.7-4-2.4-1.8-1-3.6-1.8-5.5-2.5-1.7-.7-3.5-1.3-5.4-1.7-3.8-1-7.9-1.5-12-1.5H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 4.1.5 8.2 1.5 12 2 7.7 5.8 14.6 11 20.3 1 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.3 3.3 5.7 5.2 12.6 9 20.3 11 3.8 1 7.9 1.5 12 1.5h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c-.1-4.1-.6-8.2-1.6-12zM416 432c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H224V256H32V80c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h176v192h192z"], "deploydog": [512, 512, [], "f38e", "M382.2 136h51.7v239.6h-51.7v-20.7c-19.8 24.8-52.8 24.1-73.8 14.7-26.2-11.7-44.3-38.1-44.3-71.8 0-29.8 14.8-57.9 43.3-70.8 20.2-9.1 52.7-10.6 74.8 12.9V136zm-64.7 161.8c0 18.2 13.6 33.5 33.2 33.5 19.8 0 33.2-16.4 33.2-32.9 0-17.1-13.7-33.2-33.2-33.2-19.6 0-33.2 16.4-33.2 32.6zM188.5 136h51.7v239.6h-51.7v-20.7c-19.8 24.8-52.8 24.1-73.8 14.7-26.2-11.7-44.3-38.1-44.3-71.8 0-29.8 14.8-57.9 43.3-70.8 20.2-9.1 52.7-10.6 74.8 12.9V136zm-64.7 161.8c0 18.2 13.6 33.5 33.2 33.5 19.8 0 33.2-16.4 33.2-32.9 0-17.1-13.7-33.2-33.2-33.2-19.7 0-33.2 16.4-33.2 32.6zM448 96c17.5 0 32 14.4 32 32v256c0 17.5-14.4 32-32 32H64c-17.5 0-32-14.4-32-32V128c0-17.5 14.4-32 32-32h384m0-32H64C28.8 64 0 92.8 0 128v256c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h384c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64V128c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64z"], "deskpro": [480, 512, [], "f38f", "M205.9 512l31.1-38.4c12.3-.2 25.6-1.4 36.5-6.6 38.9-18.6 38.4-61.9 38.3-63.8-.1-5-.8-4.4-28.9-37.4H362c-.2 50.1-7.3 68.5-10.2 75.7-9.4 23.7-43.9 62.8-95.2 69.4-8.7 1.1-32.8 1.2-50.7 1.1zm200.4-167.7c38.6 0 58.5-13.6 73.7-30.9l-175.5-.3-17.4 31.3 119.2-.1zm-43.6-223.9v168.3h-73.5l-32.7 55.5H250c-52.3 0-58.1-56.5-58.3-58.9-1.2-13.2-21.3-11.6-20.1 1.8 1.4 15.8 8.8 40 26.4 57.1h-91c-25.5 0-110.8-26.8-107-114V16.9C0 .9 9.7.3 15 .1h82c.2 0 . 4.3-.4 50.1-2.1 50.1 43.7 0 13.3 20.2 13.4 20.2 0 0-18.2-5.5-32.8-15.8-43.7h84.2c108.7-.4 126.5 79.4 126.5 120.2zm-132.5 56l64 29.3c13.3-45.5-42.2-71.7-64-29.3z"], "dev": [448, 512, [], "f6cc", "M120.12 208.29c-3.88-2.9-7.77-4.35-11.65-4.35H91.03v104.47h17.45c3.88 0 7.77-1.45 11.65-4.35 3.88-2.9 5.82-7.25 5.82-13.06v-69.65c-.01-5.8-1.96-10.16-5.83-13.06zM404.1 32H43.9C19.7 32 .06 51.59 0 75.8v360.4C.06 460.41 19.7 480 43.9 480h360.2c24.21 0 43.84-19.59 43.9-43.8V75.8c-.06-24.21-19.7-43.8-43.9-43.8zM154.2 291.19c0 18.81-11.61 47.31-48.36 47.25h-46.4V172.98h47.38c35.44 0 47.36 28.46 47.37 47.28l.01 70.93zm100.68-88.66H201.6v38.42h32.57v29.57H201.6v38.41h53.29v29.57h-62.18c-11.16.29-20.44-8.53-20.72-19.69V193.7c-.27-11.15 8.56-20.41 19.71-20.69h63.19l-.01 29.52zm103.64 115.29c-13.2 30.75-36.85 24.63-47.44 0l-38.53-144.8h32.57l29.71 113.72 29.57-113.72h32.58l-38.46 144.8z"], "deviantart": [320, 512, [], "f1bd", "M320 93.2l-98.2 179.1 7.4 9.5H320v127.7H159.1l-13.5 9.2-43.7 84c-.3 0-8.6 8.6-9.2 9.2H0v-93.2l93.2-179.4-7.4-9.2H0V102.5h156l13.5-9.2 43.7-84c.3 0 8.6-8.6 9.2-9.2H320v93.1z"], "dhl": [640, 512, [], "f790", "M238 301.2h58.7L319 271h-58.7L238 301.2zM0 282.9v6.4h81.8l4.7-6.4H0zM172.9 271c-8.7 0-6-3.6-4.6-5.5 2.8-3.8 7.6-10.4 10.4-14.1 2.8-3.7 2.8-5.9-2.8-5.9h-51l-41.1 55.8h100.1c33.1 0 51.5-22.5 57.2-30.3h-68.2zm317.5-6.9l39.3-53.4h-62.2l-39.3 53.4h62.2zM95.3 271H0v6.4h90.6l4.7-6.4zm111-26.6c-2.8 3.8-7.5 10.4-10.3 14.2-1.4 2-4.1 5.5 4.6 5.5h45.6s7.3-10 13.5-18.4c8.4-11.4.7-35-29.2-35H112.6l-20.4 27.8h111.4c5.6 0 5.5 2.2 2.7 5.9zM0 301.2h73.1l4.7-6.4H0v6.4zm323 0h58.7L404 271h-58.7c-.1 0-22.3 30.2-22.3 30.2zm222 .1h95v-6.4h-90.3l-4.7 6.4zm22.3-30.3l-4.7 6.4H640V271h-72.7zm-13.5 18.3H640v-6.4h-81.5l-4.7 6.4zm-164.2-78.6l-22.5 30.6h-26.2l22.5-30.6h-58.7l-39.3 53.4H409l39.3-53.4h-58.7zm33.5 60.3s-4.3 5.9-6.4 8.7c-7.4 10-.9 21.6 23.2 21.6h94.3l22.3-30.3H423.1z"], "diaspora": [512, 512, [], "f791", "M251.64 354.55c-1.4 0-88 119.9-88.7 119.9S76.34 414 76 413.25s86.6-125.7 86.6-127.4c0-2.2-129.6-44-137.6-47.1-1.3-.5 31.4-101.8 31.7-102.1.6-.7 144.4 47 145.5 47 .4 0 .9-.6 1-1.3.4-2 1-148.6 1.7-149.6.8-1.2 104.5-.7 105.1-.3 1.5 1 3.5 156.1 6.1 156.1 1.4 0 138.7-47 139.3- 31.9 102.2 31.5 102.6-.9.9-140.2 47.1-140.6 48.8-.3 1.4 82.8 122.1 82.5 122.9s-85.5 63.5-86.3 63.5c-1-.2-89-125.5-90.9-125.5z"], "digg": [512, 512, [], "f1a6", "M81.7 172.3H0v174.4h132.7V96h-51v76.3zm0 133.4H50.9v-92.3h30.8v92.3zm297.2-133.4v174.4h81.8v28.5h-81.8V416H512V172.3H378.9zm81.8 133.4h-30.8v-92.3h30.8v92.3zm-235.6 41h82.1v28.5h-82.1V416h133.3V172.3H225.1v174.4zm51.2-133.3h30.8v92.3h-30.8v-92.3zM153.3 96h51.3v51h-51.3V96zm0 76.3h51.3v174.4h-51.3V172.3z"], "digital-ocean": [512, 512, [], "f391", "M87 481.8h73.7v-73.6H87zM25.4 346.6v61.6H87v-61.6zm466.2-169.7c-23-74.2-82.4-133.3-156.6-156.6C164.9-32.8 8 93.7 8 255.9h95.8c0-101.8 101-180.5 208.1-141.7 39.7 14.3 71.5 46.1 85.8 85.7 39.1 107-39.7 207.8-141.4 208v.3h-.3V504c162.6 0 288.8-156.8 235.6-327.1zm-235.3 231v-95.3h-95.6v95.6H256v-.3z"], "discord": [448, 512, [], "f392", "M297.216 243.2c0 15.616-11.52 28.416-26.112 28.416-14.336 0-26.112-12.8-26.112-28.416s11.52-28.416 26.112-28.416c14.592 0 26.112 12.8 26.112 28.416zm-119.552-28.416c-14.592 0-26.112 12.8-26.112 28.416s11.776 28.416 26.112 28.416c14.592 0 26.112-12.8 26.112-28.416.256-15.616-11.52-28.416-26.112-28.416zM448 52.736V512c-64.494-56.994-43.868-38.128-118.784-107.776l13.568 47.36H52.48C23.552 451.584 0 428.032 0 398.848V52.736C0 23.552 23.552 0 52.48 0h343.04C424.448 0 448 23.552 448 52.736zm-72.96 242.688c0-82.432-36.864-149.248-36.864-149.248-36.864-27.648-71.936-26.88-71.936-26.88l-3.584 4.096c43.52 13.312 63.744 32.512 63.744 32.512-60.811-33.329-132.244-33.335-191.232-7.424-9.472 4.352-15.104 7.424-15.104 7.424s21.248-20.224 67.328-33.536l-2.56-3.072s-35.072-.768-71.936 26.88c0 0-36.864 66.816-36.864 149.248 0 0 21.504 37.12 78.08 38.912 0 0 9.472-11.52 17.152-21.248-32.512-9.728-44.8-30.208-44.8-30.208 3.766 2.636 9.976 6.053 10.496 6.4 43.21 24.198 104.588 32.126 159.744 8.96 8.96-3.328 18.944-8.192 29.44-15.104 0 0-12.8 20.992-46.336 30.464 7.68 9.728 16.896 20.736 16.896 20.736 56.576-1.792 78.336-38.912 78.336-38.912z"], "discourse": [448, 512, [], "f393", "M225.9 32C103.3 32 0 130.5 0 252.1 0 256 .1 480 .1 480l225.8-.2c122.7 0 222.1-102.3 222.1-223.9C448 134.3 348.6 32 225.9 32zM224 384c-19.4 0-37.9-4.3-54.4-12.1L88.5 392l22.9-75c-9.8-18.1-15.4-38.9-15.4-61 0-70.7 57.3-128 128-128s128 57.3 128 128-57.3 128-128 128z"], "dochub": [416, 512, [], "f394", "M397.9 160H256V19.6L397.9 160zM304 192v130c0 66.8-36.5 100.1-113.3 100.1H96V84.8h94.7c12 0 23.1.8 33.1 2.5v-84C212.9 1.1 201.4 0 189.2 0H0v512h189.2C329.7 512 400 447.4 400 318.1V192h-96z"], "docker": [640, 512, [], "f395", "M349.9 236.3h-66.1v-59.4h66.1v59.4zm0-204.3h-66.1v60.7h66.1V32zm78.2 144.8H362v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm-156.3-72.1h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1zm78.1 0h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1zm276.8 100c-14.4-9.7-47.6-13.2-73.1-8.4-3.3-24-16.7-44.9-41.1-63.7l-14-9.3-9.3 14c-18.4 27.8-23.4 73.6-3.7 103.8-8.7 4.7-25.8 11.1-48.4 10.7H2.4c-8.7 50.8 5.8 116.8 44 162.1 37.1 43.9 92.7 66.2 165.4 66.2 157.4 0 273.9-72.5 328.4-204.2 21.4.4 67.6.1 91.3-45.2 1.5-2.5 6.6-13.2 8.5-17.1l-13.3-8.9zm-511.1-27.9h-66v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm78.1 0h-66.1v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm78.1 0h-66.1v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm-78.1-72.1h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1z"], "draft2digital": [480, 512, [], "f396", "M480 398.1l-144-82.2v64.7h-91.3c30.8-35 81.8-95.9 111.8-149.3 35.2-62.6 16.1-123.4-12.8-153.3-4.4-4.6-62.2-62.9-166-41.2-59.1 12.4-89.4 43.4-104.3 67.3-13.1 20.9-17 39.8-18.2 47.7-5.5 33 19.4 67.1 56.7 67.1 31.7 0 57.3-25.7 57.3-57.4 0-27.1-19.7-52.1-48-56.8 1.8-7.3 17.7-21.1 26.3-24.7 41.1-17.3 78 5.2 83.3 33.5 8.3 44.3-37.1 90.4-69.7 127.6C84.5 328.1 18.3 396.8 0 415.9l336-.1V480zM369.9 371l47.1 27.2-47.1 27.2zM134.2 161.4c0 12.4-10 22.4-22.4 22.4s-22.4-10-22.4-22.4 10-22.4 22.4-22.4 22.4 10.1 22.4 22.4zM82.5 380.5c25.6-27.4 97.7-104.7 150.8-169.9 35.1-43.1 40.3-82.4 28.4-112.7-7.4-18.8-17.5-30.2-24.3-35.7 45.3 2.1 68 23.4 82.2 38.3 0 0 42.4 48.2 5.8 113.3-37 65.9-110.9 147.5-128.5 166.7z"], "dribbble": [512, 512, [], "f17d", "M256 8C119.252 8 8 119.252 8 256s111.252 248 248 248 248-111.252 248-248S392.748 8 256 8zm163.97 114.366c29.503 36.046 47.369 81.957 47.835 131.955-6.984-1.477-77.018-15.682-147.502-6.818-5.752-14.041-11.181-26.393-18.617-41.614 78.321-31.977 113.818-77.482 118.284-83.523zM396.421 97.87c-3.81 5.427-35.697 48.286-111.021 76.519-34.712-63.776-73.185-116.168-79.04-124.008 67.176-16.193 137.966 1.27 190.061 47.489zm-230.48-33.25c5.585 7.659 43.438 60.116 78.537 122.509-99.087 26.313-186.36 25.934-195.834 25.809C62.38 147.205 106.678 92.573 165.941 64.62zM44.17 256.323c0-2.166.043-4.322.108-6.473 9.268.19 111.92 1.513 217.706-30.146 6.064 11.868 11.857 23.915 17.174 35.949-76.599 21.575-146.194 83.527-180.531 142.306C64.794 360.405 44.17 310.73 44.17 256.323zm81.807 167.113c22.127-45.233 82.178-103.622 167.579-132.756 29.74 77.283 42.039 142.053 45.189 160.638-68.112 29.013-150.015 21.053-212.768-27.882zm248.38 8.489c-2.171-12.886-13.446-74.897-41.152-151.033 66.38-10.626 124.7 6.768 131.947 9.055-9.442 58.941-43.273 109.844-90.795 141.978z"], "dribbble-square": [448, 512, [], "f397", "M90.2 228.2c8.9-42.4 37.4-77.7 75.7-95.7 3.6 4.9 28 38.8 50.7 79-64 17-120.3 16.8-126.4 16.7zM314.6 154c-33.6-29.8-79.3-41.1-122.6-30.6 3.8 5.1 28.6 38.9 51 80 48.6-18.3 69.1-45.9 71.6-49.4zM140.1 364c40.5 31.6 93.3 36.7 137.3 18-2-12-10-53.8-29.2-103.6-55.1 18.8-93.8 56.4-108.1 85.6zm98.8-108.2c-3.4-7.8-7.2-15.5-11.1-23.2C159.6 253 93.4 252.2 87.4 252c0 1.4-.1 2.8-.1 4.2 0 35.1 13.3 67.1 35.1 91.4 22.2-37.9 67.1-77.9 116.5-91.8zm34.9 16.3c17.9 49.1 25.1 89.1 26.5 97.4 30.7-20.7 52.5-53.6 58.6-91.6-4.6-1.5-42.3-12.7-85.1-5.8zm-20.3-48.4c4.8 9.8 8.3 17.8 12 26.8 45.5-5.7 90.7 3.4 95.2 4.4-.3-32.3-11.8-61.9-30.9-85.1-2.9 3.9-25.8 33.2-76.3 53.9zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-64 176c0-88.2-71.8-160-160-160S64 167.8 64 256s71.8 160 160 160 160-71.8 160-160z"], "dropbox": [528, 512, [], "f16b", "M264.4 116.3l-132 84.3 132 84.3-132 84.3L0 284.1l132.3-84.3L0 116.3 132.3 32l132.1 84.3zM131.6 395.7l132-84.3 132 84.3-132 84.3-132-84.3zm132.8-111.6l132-84.3-132-83.6L395.7 32 528 116.3l-132.3 84.3L528 284.8l-132.3 84.3-131.3-85z"], "drupal": [448, 512, [], "f1a9", "M319.5 114.7c-22.2-14-43.5-19.5-64.7-33.5-13-8.8-31.3-30-46.5-48.3-2.7 29.3-11.5 41.2-22 49.5-21.3 17-34.8 22.2-53.5 32.3C117 123 32 181.5 32 290.5 32 399.7 123.8 480 225.8 480 327.5 480 416 406 416 294c0-112.3-83-171-96.5-179.3zm2.5 325.6c-20.1 20.1-90.1 28.7-116.7 4.2-4.8-4.8.3-12 6.5-12 0 0 17 13.3 51.5 13.3 27 0 46-7.7 54.5-14 6.1-4.6 8.4 4.3 4.2 8.5zm-54.5-52.6c8.7-3.6 29-3.8 36.8 1.3 4.1 2.8 16.1 18.8 6.2 23.7-8.4 4.2-1.2-15.7-26.5-15.7-14.7 0-19.5 5.2-26.7 11-7 6-9.8 8-12.2 4.7-6-8.2 15.9-22.3 22.4-25zM360 405c-15.2-1-45.5-48.8-65-49.5-30.9-.9-104.1 80.7-161.3 42-38.8-26.6-14.6-104.8 51.8-105.2 49.5-.5 83.8 49 108.5 48.5 21.3-.3 61.8-41.8 81.8-41.8 48.7 0 23.3 109.3-15.8 106z"], "dyalog": [416, 512, [], "f399", "M0 32v119.2h64V96h107.2C284.6 96 352 176.2 352 255.9 352 332 293.4 416 171.2 416H0v64h171.2C331.9 480 416 367.3 416 255.9c0-58.7-22.1-113.4-62.3-154.3C308.9 56 245.7 32 171.2 32H0z"], "earlybirds": [480, 512, [], "f39a", "M313.2 47.5c1.2-13 21.3-14 36.6- 26.2 9.7 19 15.2-27.9-7.4-56.4 18.2-55.6-6.5zm-201 6.9c30.7-8.1 62 20 61.1-7.1-1.3-14.2-23.4-15.3-40.2-9.6-1 .3-28.7 10.5-20.9 16.7zM319.4 160c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm-159.7 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm318.5 163.2c-9.9 24-40.7 11-63.9-1.2-13.5 69.1-58.1 111.4-126.3 24 1 33.6 1.4 63.8-3.1 97.4-8-19.8-13.8-11.4-37.1-9.8-38.1 1.4-.9 14.7 1.7 21.6 11.5 8.6-12.5 28.4-14.8 30.2-13.6 1.6 1.1 6.6 20.9-6.9 34.6 4.7-.9 8.2-1.6 9.8-2.1 2.6-.8 17.7 11.3 3.1 13.3-14.3 2.3-22.6 5.1-47.1 10.8-45.9 10.7-85.9 11.8-117.7 12.8l1 11.6c3.8 18.1-23.4 24.3-27.6 6.2.8 17.9-27.1 21.8-28.4-1l-.5 5.3c-.7 18.4-28.4 17.9-28.3-.6-7.5 13.5-28.1 6.8-26.4-8.5l1.2-12.4c-36.7.9-59.7 3.1-61.8 3.1-20.9 0-20.9-31.6 0-31.6 2.4 0 27.7 1.3 63.2 2.8-61.1-15.5-103.7-55-114.9-118.2-25 12.8-57.5 26.8-68.2.8-10.5-25.4 21.5-42.6 66.8-73.4.7-6.6 1.6-13.3 2.7-19.8-14.4-19.6-11.6-36.3-16.1-60.4-16.8 2.4-23.2-9.1-23.6-23.1.3-7.3 2.1-14.9 2.4-15.4 1.1-1.8 10.1-2 12.7-2.6 6-31.7 50.6-33.2 90.9-34.5 19.7-21.8 45.2-41.5 80.9-48.3C203.3 29 215.2 8.5 216.2 8c1.7-.8 21.2 4.3 26.3 23.2 5.2-8.8 18.3-11.4 19.6-10.7 1.1.6 6.4 15-4.9 25.9 40.3 3.5 72.2 24.7 96 50.7 36.1 1.5 71.8 5.9 77.1 34 2.7.6 11.6.8 12.7 2.1 8.1 2.4 15.4-.5 13.9-6.8 25.4-23.6 23.1-3.2 17.3-2.7 32.9-8.7 47.7 2.4 11.7 4 23.8 4.8 36.4 37 25.4 70.3 42.5 60.3 66.9zM207.4 159.9c.9-44-37.9-42.2-78.6-40.3-21.7 1-38.9 1.9-45.5 13.9-11.4 20.9 5.9 92.9 23.2 101.2 9.8 4.7 73.4 7.9 86.3-7.1 8.2-9.4 15-49.4 14.6-67.7zm52 58.3c-4.3-12.4-6-30.1-15.3-32.7-2-.5-9-.5-11 0-10 2.8-10.8 22.1-17 37.2 15.4 0 19.3 9.7 23.7 9.7 4.3 0 6.3-11.3 19.6-14.2zm135.7-84.7c-6.6-12.1-24.8-12.9-46.5-13.9-40.2-1.9-78.2-3.8-77.3 40.3-.5 18.3 5 58.3 13.2 67.8 13 14.9 76.6 11.8 86.3 7.1 15.8-7.6 36.5-78.9 24.3-101.3z"], "ebay": [640, 512, [], "f4f4", "M606 189.5l-54.8 109.9-54.9-109.9h-37.5l10.9 20.6c-11.5-19-35.9-26-63.3-26-31.8 0-67.9 8.7-71.5 43.1h33.7c1.4-13.8 15.7-21.8 35-21.8 26 0 41 9.6 41 33v3.4c-12.7 0-28 .1-41.7.4-42.4.9-69.6 10-76.7 34.4 1-5.2 1.5-10.6 1.5-16.2 0-52.1-39.7-76.2-75.4-76.2-21.3 0-43 5.5-58.7 24.2v-80.6h-32.1v169.5c0 10.3-.6 22.9-1.1 33.1h31.5c.7-6.3 1.1-12.9 1.1-19.5 13.6 16.6 35.4 24.9 58.7 24.9 36.9 0 64.9-21.9 73.3-54.2-.5 2.8-.7 5.8-.7 9 0 24.1 21.1 45 60.6 45 26.6 0 45.8-5.7 61.9-25.5 0 6.6.3 13.3 1.1 20.2h29.8c-.7-8.2-1-17.5-1-26.8v-65.6c0-9.3-1.7-17.2-4.8-23.8l61.5 116.1-28.5 54.1h35.9L640 189.5zM243.7 313.8c-29.6 0-50.2-21.5-50.2-53.8 0-32.4 20.6-53.8 50.2-53.8 29.8 0 50.2 21.4 50.2 53.8 0 32.3-20.4 53.8-50.2 53.8zm200.9-47.3c0 30-17.9 48.4-51.6 48.4-25.1 0-35-13.4-35-25.8 0-19.1 18.1-24.4 47.2-25.3 13.1-.5 27.6-.6 39.4-.6zm-411.9 1.6h128.8v-8.5c0-51.7-33.1-75.4-78.4-75.4-56.8 0-83 30.8-83 77.6 0 42.5 25.3 74 82.5 74 31.4 0 68-11.7 74.4-46.1h-33.1c-12 35.8-87.7 36.7-91.2-21.6zm95-21.4H33.3c6.9-56.6 92.1-54.7 94.4 0z"], "edge": [512, 512, [], "f282", "M25.714 228.163c.111-.162.23-.323.342-.485-.021.162-.045.323-.065.485h-.277zm460.572 15.508c0-44.032-7.754-84.465-28.801-122.405C416.498 47.879 343.912 8.001 258.893 8.001 118.962 7.724 40.617 113.214 26.056 227.679c42.429-61.312 117.073-121.376 220.375-124.966 0 0 109.666 0 99.419 104.957H169.997c6.369-37.386 18.554-58.986 34.339-78.926-75.048 34.893-121.85 96.096-120.742 188.315.83 71.448 50.124 144.836 120.743 171.976 83.357 31.847 192.776 7.2 240.132-21.324V363.307c-80.864 56.494-270.871 60.925-272.255-67.572h314.073v-52.064z"], "elementor": [448, 512, [], "f430", "M425.6 32H22.4C10 32 0 42 0 54.4v403.2C0 470 10 480 22.4 480h403.2c12.4 0 22.4-10 22.4-22.4V54.4C448 42 438 32 425.6 32M164.3 355.5h-39.8v-199h39.8v199zm159.3 0H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8zm0-79.6H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8zm0-79.7H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8z"], "ello": [496, 512, [], "f5f1", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm143.84 285.2C375.31 358.51 315.79 404.8 248 404.8s-127.31-46.29-143.84-111.6c-1.65-7.44 2.48-15.71 9.92-17.36 7.44-1.65 15.71 2.48 17.36 9.92 14.05 52.91 62 90.11 116.56 90.11s102.51-37.2 116.56-90.11c1.65-7.44 9.92-12.4 17.36-9.92 7.44 1.65 12.4 9.92 9.92 17.36z"], "ember": [640, 512, [], "f423", "M639.9 254.6c-1.1-10.7-10.7-6.8-10.7-6.8s-15.6 12.1-29.3 10.7c-13.7-1.3-9.4-32-9.4-32s3-28.1-5.1-30.4c-8.1-2.4-18 7.3-18 7.3s-12.4 13.7-18.3 31.2l-1.6.5s1.9-30.6-.3-37.6c-1.6-3.5-16.4-3.2-18.8 3s-14.2 49.2-15 67.2c0 0-23.1 19.6-43.3 22.8s-25-9.4-25-9.4 54.8-15.3 52.9-59.1-44.2-27.6-49-24c-4.6 3.5-29.4 18.4-36.6 59.7-.2 1.4-.7 7.5-.7 7.5s-21.2 14.2-33 18c0 0 33-55.6-7.3-80.9-11.4-6.8-21.3-.5-27.2 5.3 13.6-17.3 46.4-64.2 36.9-105.2-5.8-24.4-18-27.1-29.2-23.1-17 6.7-23.5 16.7-23.5 16.7s-22 32-27.1 79.5-12.6 105.1-12.6 105.1-10.5 10.2-20.2 10.7-5.4-28.7-5.4-28.7 7.5-44.6 7-52.1-1.1-11.6-9.9-14.2c-8.9-2.7-18.5 8.6-18.5 8.6s-25.5 38.7-27.7 44.6l-1.3 2.4-1.3-1.6s18-52.7.8-53.5-28.5 18.8-28.5 18.8-19.6 32.8-20.4 36.5l-1.3-1.6s8.1-38.2 6.4-47.6c-1.6-9.4-10.5-7.5-10.5-7.5s-11.3-1.3-14.2 5.9-13.7 55.3-15 70.7c0 0-28.2 20.2-46.8 20.4-18.5.3-16.7-11.8-16.7-11.8s68-23.3 49.4-69.2c-8.3-11.8-18-15.5-31.7-15.3-13.7.3-30.3 8.6-41.3 33.3-5.3 11.8-6.8 23-7.8 31.5 0 0-12.3 2.4-18.8-2.9s-10 0-10 0-11.2 14-.1 18.3 28.1 6.1 28.1 6.1c1.6 7.5 6.2 19.5 19.6 29.7 20.2 15.3 58.8-1.3 58.8-1.3l15.9-8.8s.5 14.6 12.1 16.7 16.4 1 36.5-47.9c11.8-25 12.6-23.6 12.6-23.6l1.3-.3s-9.1 46.8-5.6 59.7C187.7 319.4 203 318 203 318s8.3 2.4 15-21.2 19.6-49.9 19.6-49.9h1.6s-5.6 48.1 3 63.7 30.9 5.3 30.9 5.3 15.6-7.8 18-10.2c0 0 18.5 15.8 44.6 12.9 58.3-11.5 79.1-25.9 79.1-25.9s10 24.4 41.1 26.7c35.5 2.7 54.8-18.6 54.8-18.6s-.3 13.5 12.1 18.6 20.7-22.8 20.7-22.8l20.7-57.2h1.9s1.1 37.3 21.5 43.2 47-13.7 47-13.7 6.4-3.5 5.3-14.3zm-578 5.3c.8-32 21.8-45.9 29-39 7.3 7 4.6 22-9.1 31.4-13.7 9.5-19.9 7.6-19.9 7.6zm272.8-123.8s19.1-49.7 23.6-25.5-40 96.2-40 96.2c.5-16.2 16.4-70.7 16.4-70.7zm22.8 138.4c-12.6 33-43.3 19.6-43.3 19.6s-3.5-11.8 6.4-44.9 33.3-20.2 33.3-20.2 16.2 12.4 3.6 45.5zm84.6-14.6s-3-10.5 8.1-30.6c11-20.2 19.6-9.1 19.6-9.1s9.4 10.2-1.3 25.5-26.4 14.2-26.4 14.2z"], "empire": [496, 512, [], "f1d1", "M287.6 54.2c-10.8-2.2-22.1-3.3-33.5-3.6V32.4c78.1 2.2 146.1 44 184.6 106.6l-15.8 9.1c-6.1-9.7-12.7-18.8-20.2-27.1l-18 15.5c-26-29.6-61.4-50.7-101.9-58.4l4.8-23.9zM53.4 322.4l23-7.7c-6.4-18.3-10-38.2-10-58.7s3.3-40.4 9.7-58.7l-22.7-7.7c3.6-10.8 8.3-21.3 13.6-31l-15.8-9.1C34 181 24.1 217.5 24.1 256s10 75 27.1 106.6l15.8-9.1c-5.3-10-9.7-20.3-13.6-31.1zM213.1 434c-40.4-8-75.8-29.1-101.9-58.7l-18 15.8c-7.5-8.6-14.4-17.7-20.2-27.4l-16 9.4c38.5 62.3 106.8 104.3 184.9 106.6v-18.3c-11.3-.3-22.7-1.7-33.5-3.6l4.7-23.8zM93.3 120.9l18 15.5c26-29.6 61.4-50.7 101.9-58.4l-4.7-23.8c10.8-2.2 22.1-3.3 33.5-3.6V32.4C163.9 34.6 95.9 76.4 57.4 139l15.8 9.1c6-9.7 12.6-18.9 20.1-27.2zm309.4 270.2l-18-15.8c-26 29.6-61.4 50.7-101.9 58.7l4.7 23.8c-10.8 1.9-22.1 3.3-33.5 3.6v18.3c78.1-2.2 146.4-44.3 184.9-106.6l-16.1-9.4c-5.7 9.7-12.6 18.8-20.1 27.4zM496 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S0 393 0 256 111 8 248 8s248 111 248 248zm-12.2 0c0-130.1-105.7-235.8-235.8-235.8S12.2 125.9 12.2 256 117.9 491.8 248 491.8 483.8 386.1 483.8 256zm-39-106.6l-15.8 9.1c5.3 9.7 10 20.2 13.6 31l-22.7 7.7c6.4 18.3 9.7 38.2 9.7 58.7s-3.6 40.4-10 58.7l23 7.7c-3.9 10.8-8.3 21-13.6 31l15.8 9.1C462 331 471.9 294.5 471.9 256s-9.9-75-27.1-106.6zm-183 177.7c16.3-3.3 30.4-11.6 40.7-23.5l51.2 44.8c11.9-13.6 21.3-29.3 27.1-46.8l-64.2-22.1c2.5-7.5 3.9-15.2 3.9-23.5s-1.4-16.1-3.9-23.5l64.5-22.1c-6.1-17.4-15.5-33.2-27.4-46.8l-51.2 44.8c-10.2-11.9-24.4-20.5-40.7-23.8l13.3-66.4c-8.6-1.9-17.7-2.8-27.1-2.8-9.4 0-18.5.8-27.1 2.8l13.3 66.4c-16.3 3.3-30.4 11.9-40.7 23.8l-51.2-44.8c-11.9 13.6-21.3 29.3-27.4 46.8l64.5 22.1c-2.5 7.5-3.9 15.2-3.9 23.5s1.4 16.1 3.9 23.5l-64.2 22.1c5.8 17.4 15.2 33.2 27.1 46.8l51.2-44.8c10.2 11.9 24.4 20.2 40.7 23.5l-13.3 66.7c8.6 1.7 17.7 2.8 27.1 2.8 9.4 0 18.5-1.1 27.1-2.8l-13.3-66.7z"], "envira": [448, 512, [], "f299", "M0 32c477.6 0 366.6 317.3 367.1 366.3L448 480h-26l-70.4-71.2c-39 4.2-124.4 34.5-214.4-37C47 300.3 52 214.7 0 32zm79.7 46c-49.7-23.5-5.2 9.2-5.2 9.2 45.2 31.2 66 73.7 90.2 119.9 31.5 60.2 79 139.7 144.2 167.7 65 28 34.2 12.5 6-8.5-28.2-21.2-68.2-87-91-130.2-31.7-60-61-118.6-144.2-158.1z"], "erlang": [640, 512, [], "f39d", "M87.2 53.5H0v405h100.4c-49.7-52.6-78.8-125.3-78.7-212.1-.1-76.7 24-142.7 65.5-192.9zm238.2 9.7c-45.9.1-85.1 33.5-89.2 83.2h169.9c-1.1-49.7-34.5-83.1-80.7-83.2zm230.7-9.6h.3l-.1-.1zm.3 0c31.4 42.7 48.7 97.5 46.2 162.7.5 6 .5 11.7 0 24.1H230.2c-.2 109.7 38.9 194.9 138.6 195.3 68.5-.3 118-51 151.9-106.1l96.4 48.2c-17.4 30.9-36.5 57.8-57.9 80.8H640v-405z"], "ethereum": [320, 512, [], "f42e", "M311.9 260.8L160 353.6 8 260.8 160 0l151.9 260.8zM160 383.4L8 290.6 160 512l152-221.4-152 92.8z"], "etsy": [384, 512, [], "f2d7", "M384 348c-1.75 10.75-13.75 110-15.5 132-117.879-4.299-219.895-4.743-368.5 0v-25.5c45.457-8.948 60.627-8.019 61-35.25 1.793-72.322 3.524-244.143 0-322-1.029-28.46-12.13-26.765-61-36v-25.5c73.886 2.358 255.933 8.551 362.999-3.75-3.5 38.25-7.75 126.5-7.75 126.5H332C320.947 115.665 313.241 68 277.25 68h-137c-10.25 0-10.75 3.5-10.75 9.75V241.5c58 .5 88.5-2.5 88.5-2.5 29.77-.951 27.56-8.502 40.75-65.251h25.75c-4.407 101.351-3.91 61.829-1.75 160.25H257c-9.155-40.086-9.065-61.045-39.501-61.5 0 0-21.5-2-88-2v139c0 26 14.25 38.25 44.25 38.25H263c63.636 0 66.564-24.996 98.751-99.75H384z"], "evernote": [384, 512, [], "f839", "M120.82 132.21c1.6 22.31-17.55 21.59-21.61 21.59-68.93 0-73.64-1-83.58 3.34-.56.22-.74 0-.37-.37L123.79 46.45c.38-.37.6-.22.38.37-4.35 9.99-3.35 15.09-3.35 85.39zm79 308c-14.68-37.08 13-76.93 52.52-76.62 17.49 0 22.6 23.21 7.95 31.42-6.19 3.3-24.95 1.74-25.14 19.2-.05 17.09 19.67 25 31.2 24.89A45.64 45.64 0 0 0 312 393.45v-.08c0-11.63-7.79-47.22-47.54-55.34-7.72-1.54-65-6.35-68.35-50.52-3.74 16.93-17.4 63.49-43.11 69.09-8.74 1.94-69.68 7.64-112.92-36.77 0 0-18.57-15.23-28.23-57.95-3.38-15.75-9.28-39.7-11.14-62 0-18 11.14-30.45 25.07-32.2 81 0 90 2.32 101-7.8 9.82-9.24 7.8-15.5 7.8-102.78 1-8.3 7.79-30.81 53.41-24.14 6 .86 31.91 4.18 37.48 30.64l64.26 11.15c20.43 3.71 70.94 7 80.6 57.94 22.66 121.09 8.91 238.46 7.8 238.46C362.15 485.53 267.06 480 267.06 480c-18.95-.23-54.25-9.4-67.27-39.83zm80.94-204.84c-1 1.92-2.2 6 .85 7 14.09 4.93 39.75 6.84 45.88 5.53 3.11-.25 3.05-4.43 2.48-6.65-3.53-21.85-40.83-26.5-49.24-5.92z"], "expeditedssl": [496, 512, [], "f23e", "M248 43.4C130.6 43.4 35.4 138.6 35.4 256S130.6 468.6 248 468.6 460.6 373.4 460.6 256 365.4 43.4 248 43.4zm-97.4 132.9c0-53.7 43.7-97.4 97.4-97.4s97.4 43.7 97.4 97.4v26.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.6c0-82.1-124-82.1-124 0v26.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.6zM389.7 380c0 9.7-8 17.7-17.7 17.7H124c-9.7 0-17.7-8-17.7-17.7V238.3c0-9.7 8-17.7 17.7-17.7h248c9.7 0 17.7 8 17.7 17.7V380zm-248-137.3v132.9c0 2.5-1.9 4.4-4.4 4.4h-8.9c-2.5 0-4.4-1.9-4.4-4.4V242.7c0-2.5 1.9-4.4 4.4-4.4h8.9c2.5 0 4.4 1.9 4.4 4.4zm141.7 48.7c0 13-7.2 24.4-17.7 30.4v31.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-31.6c-10.5-6.1-17.7-17.4-17.7-30.4 0-19.7 15.8-35.4 35.4-35.4s35.5 15.8 35.5 35.4zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 478.3C121 486.3 17.7 383 17.7 256S121 25.7 248 25.7 478.3 129 478.3 256 375 486.3 248 486.3z"], "facebook": [512, 512, [], "f09a", "M504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256c0 123.78 90.69 226.38 209.25 245V327.69h-63V256h63v-54.64c0-62.15 37-96.48 93.67-96.48 27.14 0 55.52 4.84 55.52 4.84v61h-31.28c-30.8 0-40.41 19.12-40.41 38.73V256h68.78l-11 71.69h-57.78V501C413.31 482.38 504 379.78 504 256z"], "facebook-f": [320, 512, [], "f39e", "M279.14 288l14.22-92.66h-88.91v-60.13c0-25.35 12.42-50.06 52.24-50.06h40.42V6.26S260.43 0 225.36 0c-73.22 0-121.08 44.38-121.08 124.72v70.62H22.89V288h81.39v224h100.17V288z"], "facebook-messenger": [512, 512, [], "f39f", "M256.55 8C116.52 8 8 110.34 8 248.57c0 72.3 29.71 134.78 78.07 177.94 8.35 7.51 6.63 11.86 8.05 58.23A19.92 19.92 0 0 0 122 502.31c52.91-23.3 53.59-25.14 62.56-22.7C337.85 521.8 504 423.7 504 248.57 504 110.34 396.59 8 256.55 8zm149.24 185.13l-73 115.57a37.37 37.37 0 0 1-53.91 9.93l-58.08-43.47a15 15 0 0 0-18 0l-78.37 59.44c-10.46 7.93-24.16-4.6-17.11-15.67l73-115.57a37.36 37.36 0 0 1 53.91-9.93l58.06 43.46a15 15 0 0 0 18 0l78.41-59.38c10.44-7.98 24.14 4.54 17.09 15.62z"], "facebook-square": [448, 512, [], "f082", "M400 32H48A48 48 0 0 0 0 80v352a48 48 0 0 0 48 48h137.25V327.69h-63V256h63v-54.64c0-62.15 37-96.48 93.67-96.48 27.14 0 55.52 4.84 55.52 4.84v61h-31.27c-30.81 0-40.42 19.12-40.42 38.73V256h68.78l-11 71.69h-57.78V480H400a48 48 0 0 0 48-48V80a48 48 0 0 0-48-48z"], "fantasy-flight-games": [512, 512, [], "f6dc", "M256 32.86L32.86 256 256 479.14 479.14 256 256 32.86zM88.34 255.83c1.96-2 11.92-12.3 96.49-97.48 41.45-41.75 86.19-43.77 119.77-18.69 24.63 18.4 62.06 58.9 62.15 59 .68.74 1.07 2.86.58 3.38-11.27 11.84-22.68 23.54-33.5 34.69-34.21-32.31-40.52-38.24-48.51-43.95-17.77-12.69-41.4-10.13-56.98 5.1-2.17 2.13-1.79 3.43.12 5.35 2.94 2.95 28.1 28.33 35.09 35.78-11.95 11.6-23.66 22.97-35.69 34.66-12.02-12.54-24.48-25.53-36.54-38.11-21.39 21.09-41.69 41.11-61.85 60.99a42569.01 42569.01 0 0 1-41.13-40.72zm234.82 101.6c-35.49 35.43-78.09 38.14-106.99 20.47-22.08-13.5-39.38-32.08-72.93-66.84 12.05-12.37 23.79-24.42 35.37-36.31 33.02 31.91 37.06 36.01 44.68 42.09 18.48 14.74 42.52 13.67 59.32-1.8 3.68-3.39 3.69-3.64.14-7.24-10.59-10.73-21.19-21.44-31.77-32.18-1.32-1.34-3.03-2.48-.8-4.69 10.79-10.71 21.48-21.52 32.21-32.29.26-.26.65-.38 1.91-1.07 12.37 12.87 24.92 25.92 37.25 38.75 21.01-20.73 41.24-40.68 61.25-60.42 13.68 13.4 27.13 26.58 40.86 40.03-20.17 20.86-81.68 82.71-100.5 101.5zM256 0L0 256l256 256 256-256L256 0zM16 256L256 16l240 240-240 240L16 256z"], "fedex": [640, 512, [], "f797", "M586 284.5l53.3-59.9h-62.4l-21.7 24.8-22.5-24.8H414v-16h56.1v-48.1H318.9V236h-.5c-9.6-11-21.5-14.8-35.4-14.8-28.4 0-49.8 19.4-57.3 44.9-18-59.4-97.4-57.6-121.9-14v-24.2H49v-26.2h60v-41.1H0V345h49v-77.5h48.9c-1.5 5.7-2.3 11.8-2.3 18.2 0 73.1 102.6 91.4 130.2 23.7h-42c-14.7 20.9-45.8 8.9-45.8-14.6h85.5c3.7 30.5 27.4 56.9 60.1 56.9 14.1 0 27-6.9 34.9-18.6h.5V345h212.2l22.1-25 22.3 25H640l-54-60.5zm-446.7-16.6c6.1-26.3 41.7-25.6 46.5 0h-46.5zm153.4 48.9c-34.6 0-34-62.8 0-62.8 32.6 0 34.5 62.8 0 62.8zm167.8 19.1h-94.4V169.4h95v30.2H405v33.9h55.5v28.1h-56.1v44.7h56.1v29.6zm-45.9-39.8v-24.4h56.1v-44l50.7 57-50.7 57v-45.6h-56.1zm138.6 10.3l-26.1 29.5H489l45.6-51.2-45.6-51.2h39.7l26.6 29.3 25.6-29.3h38.5l-45.4 51 46 51.4h-40.5l-26.3-29.5z"], "fedora": [448, 512, [], "f798", "M225 32C101.3 31.7.8 131.7.4 255.4L0 425.7a53.6 53.6 0 0 0 53.6 53.9l170.2.4c123.7.3 224.3-99.7 224.6-223.4S348.7 32.3 225 32zm169.8 157.2L333 126.6c2.3-4.7 3.8-9.2 3.8-14.3v-1.6l55.2 56.1a101 101 0 0 1 2.8 22.4zM331 94.3a106.06 106.06 0 0 1 58.5 63.8l-54.3-54.6a26.48 26.48 0 0 0-4.2-9.2zM118.1 247.2a49.66 49.66 0 0 0-7.7 11.4l-8.5-8.5a85.78 85.78 0 0 1 16.2-2.9zM97 251.4l11.8 11.9-.9 8a34.74 34.74 0 0 0 2.4 12.5l-27-27.2a80.6 80.6 0 0 1 13.7-5.2zm-18.2 7.4l38.2 38.4a53.17 53.17 0 0 0-14.1 4.7L67.6 266a107 107 0 0 1 11.2-7.2zm-15.2 9.8l35.3 35.5a67.25 67.25 0 0 0-10.5 8.5L53.5 278a64.33 64.33 0 0 1 10.1-9.4zm-13.3 12.3l34.9 35a56.84 56.84 0 0 0-7.7 11.4l-35.8-35.9c2.8-3.8 5.7-7.2 8.6-10.5zm-11 14.3l36.4 36.6a48.29 48.29 0 0 0-3.6 15.2l-39.5-39.8a99.81 99.81 0 0 1 6.7-12zm-8.8 16.3l41.3 41.8a63.47 63.47 0 0 0 6.7 26.2L25.8 326c1.4-4.9 2.9-9.6 4.7-14.5zm-7.9 43l61.9 62.2a31.24 31.24 0 0 0-3.6 14.3v1.1l-55.4-55.7a88.27 88.27 0 0 1-2.9-21.9zm5.3 30.7l54.3 54.6a28.44 28.44 0 0 0 4.2 9.2 106.32 106.32 0 0 1-58.5-63.8zm-5.3-37a80.69 80.69 0 0 1 2.1-17l72.2 72.5a37.59 37.59 0 0 0-9.9 8.7zm253.3-51.8l-42.6-.1-.1 56c-.2 69.3-64.4 115.8-125.7 102.9-5.7 0-19.9-8.7-19.9-24.2a24.89 24.89 0 0 1 24.5-24.6c6.3 0 6.3 1.6 15.7 1.6a55.91 55.91 0 0 0 56.1-55.9l.1-47c0-4.5-4.5-9-8.9-9l-33.6-.1c-32.6-.1-32.5-49.4.1-49.3l42.6.1.1-56a105.18 105.18 0 0 1 105.6-105 86.35 86.35 0 0 1 20.2 2.3c11.2 1.8 19.9 11.9 19.9 24 0 15.5-14.9 27.8-30.3 23.9-27.4-5.9-65.9 14.4-66 54.9l-.1 47a8.94 8.94 0 0 0 8.9 9l33.6.1c32.5.2 32.4 49.5-.2 49.4zm23.5-.3a35.58 35.58 0 0 0 7.6-11.4l8.5 8.5a102 102 0 0 1-16.1 2.9zm21-4.2L308.6 280l.9-8.1a34.74 34.74 0 0 0-2.4-12.5l27 27.2a74.89 74.89 0 0 1-13.7 5.3zm18-7.4l-38-38.4c4.9-1.1 9.6-2.4 13.7-4.7l36.2 35.9c-3.8 2.5-7.9 5-11.9 7.2zm15.5-9.8l-35.3-35.5a61.06 61.06 0 0 0 10.5-8.5l34.9 35a124.56 124.56 0 0 1-10.1 9zm13.2-12.3l-34.9-35a63.18 63.18 0 0 0 7.7-11.4l35.8 35.9a130.28 130.28 0 0 1-8.6 10.5zm11-14.3l-36.4-36.6a48.29 48.29 0 0 0 3.6-15.2l39.5 39.8a87.72 87.72 0 0 1-6.7 12zm13.5-30.9a140.63 140.63 0 0 1-4.7 14.3L345.6 190a58.19 58.19 0 0 0-7.1-26.2zm1-5.6l-71.9-72.1a32 32 0 0 0 9.9-9.2l64.3 64.7a90.93 90.93 0 0 1-2.3 16.6z"], "figma": [384, 512, [], "f799", "M277 170.7A85.35 85.35 0 0 0 277 0H106.3a85.3 85.3 0 0 0 0 170.6 85.35 85.35 0 0 0 0 170.7 85.35 85.35 0 1 0 85.3 85.4v-256zm0 0a85.3 85.3 0 1 0 85.3 85.3 85.31 85.31 0 0 0-85.3-85.3z"], "firefox": [480, 512, [], "f269", "M478.1 235.3c-.7-4.5-1.4-7.1-1.4-7.1s-1.8 2-4.7 5.9c-.9-10.7-2.8-21.2-5.8-31.6-3.7-12.9-8.5-25.4-14.5-37.4-3.8-8-8.2-15.6-13.3-22.8-1.8-2.7-3.7-5.4-5.6-7.9-8.8-14.4-19-23.3-30.7-40-7.6-12.8-12.9-26.9-15.4-41.6-3.2 8.9-5.7 18-7.4 27.3-12.1-12.2-22.5-20.8-28.9-26.7C319.4 24.2 323 9.1 323 9.1S264.7 74.2 289.9 142c8.7 23 23.8 43.1 43.4 57.9 24.4 20.2 50.8 36 64.7 76.6-11.2-21.3-28.1-39.2-48.8-51.5 6.2 14.7 9.4 30.6 9.3 46.5 0 61-49.6 110.5-110.6 110.4-8.3 0-16.5-.9-24.5-2.8-9.5-1.8-18.7-4.9-27.4-9.3-12.9-7.8-24-18.1-32.8-30.3l-.2-.3 2 .7c4.6 1.6 9.2 2.8 14 3.7 18.7 4 38.3 1.7 55.6-6.6 17.5-9.7 28-16.9 36.6-14h.2c8.4 2.7 15-5.5 9-14-10.4-13.4-27.4-20-44.2-17-17.5 2.5-33.5 15-56.4 2.9-1.5-.8-2.9-1.6-4.3-2.5-1.6-.9 4.9 1.3 3.4.3-5-2.5-9.8-5.4-14.4-8.6-.3-.3 3.5 1.1 3.1.8-5.9-4-11-9.2-15-15.2-4.1-7.4-4.5-16.4-1-24.1 2.1-3.8 5.4-6.9 9.3-8.7 3 1.5 4.8 2.6 4.8 2.6s-1.3-2.5-2.1-3.8c.3-.1.5 0 .8-.2 2.6 1.1 8.3 4 11.4 5.8 2.1 1.1 3.8 2.7 5.2 4.7 0 0 1-.5.3-2.7-1.1-2.7-2.9-5-5.4-6.6h.2c2.3 1.2 4.5 2.6 6.6 4.1 1.9-4.4 2.8-9.2 2.6-14 .2-2.6-.2-5.3-1.1-7.8-.8-1.6.5-2.2 1.9-.5-.2-1.3-.7-2.5-1.2-3.7v-.1s.8-1.1 1.2-1.5c1-1 2.1-1.9 3.4-2.7 7.2-4.5 14.8-8.4 22.7-11.6 6.4-2.8 11.7-4.9 12.8-5.6 1.6-1 3.1-2.2 4.5-3.5 5.3-4.5 9-10.8 10.2-17.7.1-.9.2-1.8.3-2.8v-1.5c-.9-3.5-6.9-6.1-38.4-9.1-11.1-1.8-20-10.1-22.5-21.1v-.1c6-15.7 16.8-29.1 30.8-38.3.8-.7-3.2.2-2.4-.5 2.7-1.3 5.4-2.5 8.2-3.5 1.4-.6-6-3.4-12.6-2.7-4 .2-8 1.2-11.7 2.8 1.6-1.3 6.2-3.1 5.1-3.1-8.4 1.6-16.5 4.7-23.9 9 0-.8.1-1.5.5-2.2-5.9 2.5-11 6.5-15 11.5.1-.9.2-1.8.2-2.7-2.7 2-5.2 4.3-7.3 6.9l-.1.1c-17.4-6.7-36.3-8.3-54.6-4.7l-.2-.1h.2c-3.8-3.1-7.1-6.7-9.7-10.9l-.2.1-.4-.2c-1.2-1.8-2.4-3.8-3.7-6-.9-1.6-1.8-3.4-2.7-5.2 0-.1-.1-.2-.2-.2-.4 0-.6 1.7-.9 1.3v-.1c-3.2-8.3-4.7-17.2-4.4-26.2l-.2.1c-5.1 3.5-9 8.6-11.1 14.5-.9 2.1-1.6 3.3-2.2 4.5v-.5c.1-1.1.6-3.3.5-3.1s-.2.3-.3.4c-1.5 1.7-2.9 3.7-3.9 5.8-.9 1.9-1.7 3.9-2.3 5.9-.1.3 0-.3 0-1s.1-2 0-1.7l-.3.7c-6.7 14.9-10.9 30.8-12.4 47.1-.4 2.8-.6 5.6-.5 8.3v.2c-4.8 5.2-9 11-12.7 17.1-12.1 20.4-21.1 42.5-26.8 65.6 4-8.8 8.8-17.2 14.3-25.1C5.5 228.5 0 257.4 0 286.6c1.8-8.6 4.2-17 7-25.3-1.7 34.5 4.9 68.9 19.4 100.3 19.4 43.5 51.6 80 92.3 104.7 16.6 11.2 34.7 19.9 53.8 25.8 2.5.9 5.1 1.8 7.7 2.7-.8-.3-1.6-.7-2.4-1 22.6 6.8 46.2 10.3 69.8 10.3 83.7 0 111.3-31.9 113.8-35 4.1-3.7 7.5-8.2 9.9-13.3 1.6-.7 3.2-1.4 4.9-2.1l1-.5 1.9-.9c12.6-5.9 24.5-13.4 35.3-22.1 16.3-11.7 27.9-28.7 32.9-48.1 3-7.1 3.1-15 .4-22.2.9-1.4 1.7-2.8 2.7-4.3 18-28.9 28.2-61.9 29.6-95.9v-2.8c0-7.3-.6-14.5-1.9-21.6zm-299-97.6c-.4 1.1-.9 2.3-1.3 3.5.4-1.2.8-2.3 1.3-3.5z"], "first-order": [448, 512, [], "f2b0", "M12.9 229.2c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4h-.2zM224 96.6c-7.1 0-14.6.6-21.4 1.7l3.7 67.4-22-64c-14.3 3.7-27.7 9.4-40 16.6l29.4 61.4-45.1-50.9c-11.4 8.9-21.7 19.1-30.6 30.9l50.6 45.4-61.1-29.7c-7.1 12.3-12.9 25.7-16.6 40l64.3 22.6-68-4c-.9 7.1-1.4 14.6-1.4 22s.6 14.6 1.4 21.7l67.7-4-64 22.6c3.7 14.3 9.4 27.7 16.6 40.3l61.1-29.7L97.7 352c8.9 11.7 19.1 22.3 30.9 30.9l44.9-50.9-29.5 61.4c12.3 7.4 25.7 13.1 40 16.9l22.3-64.6-4 68c7.1 1.1 14.6 1.7 21.7 1.7 7.4 0 14.6-.6 21.7-1.7l-4-68.6 22.6 65.1c14.3-4 27.7-9.4 40-16.9L274.9 332l44.9 50.9c11.7-8.9 22-19.1 30.6-30.9l-50.6-45.1 61.1 29.4c7.1-12.3 12.9-25.7 16.6-40.3l-64-22.3 67.4 4c1.1-7.1 1.4-14.3 1.4-21.7s-.3-14.9-1.4-22l-67.7 4 64-22.3c-3.7-14.3-9.1-28-16.6-40.3l-60.9 29.7 50.6-45.4c-8.9-11.7-19.1-22-30.6-30.9l-45.1 50.9 29.4-61.1c-12.3-7.4-25.7-13.1-40-16.9L241.7 166l4-67.7c-7.1-1.2-14.3-1.7-21.7-1.7zM443.4 128v256L224 512 4.6 384V128L224 0l219.4 128zm-17.1 10.3L224 20.9 21.7 138.3v235.1L224 491.1l202.3-117.7V138.3zM224 37.1l187.7 109.4v218.9L224 474.9 36.3 365.4V146.6L224 37.1zm0 50.9c-92.3 0-166.9 75.1-166.9 168 0 92.6 74.6 167.7 166.9 167.7 92 0 166.9-75.1 166.9-167.7 0-92.9-74.9-168-166.9-168z"], "first-order-alt": [496, 512, [], "f50a", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 488.21C115.34 496.21 7.79 388.66 7.79 256S115.34 15.79 248 15.79 488.21 123.34 488.21 256 380.66 496.21 248 496.21zm0-459.92C126.66 36.29 28.29 134.66 28.29 256S126.66 475.71 248 475.71 467.71 377.34 467.71 256 369.34 36.29 248 36.29zm0 431.22c-116.81 0-211.51-94.69-211.51-211.51S131.19 44.49 248 44.49 459.51 139.19 459.51 256 364.81 467.51 248 467.51zm186.23-162.98a191.613 191.613 0 0 1-20.13 48.69l-74.13-35.88 61.48 54.82a193.515 193.515 0 0 1-37.2 37.29l-54.8-61.57 35.88 74.27a190.944 190.944 0 0 1-48.63 20.23l-27.29-78.47 4.79 82.93c-8.61 1.18-17.4 1.8-26.33 1.8s-17.72-.62-26.33-1.8l4.76-82.46-27.15 78.03a191.365 191.365 0 0 1-48.65-20.2l35.93-74.34-54.87 61.64a193.85 193.85 0 0 1-37.22-37.28l61.59-54.9-74.26 35.93a191.638 191.638 0 0 1-20.14-48.69l77.84-27.11-82.23 4.76c-1.16-8.57-1.78-17.32-1.78-26.21 0-9 .63-17.84 1.82-26.51l82.38 4.77-77.94-27.16a191.726 191.726 0 0 1 20.23-48.67l74.22 35.92-61.52-54.86a193.85 193.85 0 0 1 37.28-37.22l54.76 61.53-35.83-74.17a191.49 191.49 0 0 1 48.65-20.13l26.87 77.25-4.71-81.61c8.61-1.18 17.39-1.8 26.32-1.8s17.71.62 26.32 1.8l-4.74 82.16 27.05-77.76c17.27 4.5 33.6 11.35 48.63 20.17l-35.82 74.12 54.72-61.47a193.13 193.13 0 0 1 37.24 37.23l-61.45 54.77 74.12-35.86a191.515 191.515 0 0 1 20.2 48.65l-77.81 27.1 82.24-4.75c1.19 8.66 1.82 17.5 1.82 26.49 0 8.88-.61 17.63-1.78 26.19l-82.12-4.75 77.72 27.09z"], "firstdraft": [384, 512, [], "f3a1", "M384 192h-64v128H192v128H0v-25.6h166.4v-128h128v-128H384V192zm-25.6 38.4v128h-128v128H64V512h192V384h128V230.4h-25.6zm25.6 192h-89.6V512H320v-64h64v-25.6zM0 0v384h128V256h128V128h128V0H0z"], "flickr": [448, 512, [], "f16e", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM144.5 319c-35.1 0-63.5-28.4-63.5-63.5s28.4-63.5 63.5-63.5 63.5 28.4 63.5 63.5-28.4 63.5-63.5 63.5zm159 0c-35.1 0-63.5-28.4-63.5-63.5s28.4-63.5 63.5-63.5 63.5 28.4 63.5 63.5-28.4 63.5-63.5 63.5z"], "flipboard": [448, 512, [], "f44d", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm358.4 179.2h-89.6v89.6h-89.6v89.6H89.6V121.6h268.8v89.6z"], "fly": [384, 512, [], "f417", "M197.8 427.8c12.9 11.7 33.7 33.3 33.2 50.7 0 .8-.1 1.6-.1 2.5-1.8 19.8-18.8 31.1-39.1 31-25-.1-39.9-16.8-38.7-35.8 1-16.2 20.5-36.7 32.4-47.6 2.3-2.1 2.7-2.7 5.6-3.6 3.4 0 3.9.3 6.7 2.8zM331.9 67.3c-16.3-25.7-38.6-40.6-63.3-52.1C243.1 4.5 214-.2 192 0c-44.1 0-71.2 13.2-81.1 17.3C57.3 45.2 26.5 87.2 28 158.6c7.1 82.2 97 176 155.8 233.8 1.7 1.6 4.5 4.5 6.2 5.1l3.3.1c2.1-.7 1.8-.5 3.5-2.1 52.3-49.2 140.7-145.8 155.9-215.7 7-39.2 3.1-72.5-20.8-112.5zM186.8 351.9c-28-51.1-65.2-130.7-69.3-189-3.4-47.5 11.4-131.2 69.3-136.7v325.7zM328.7 180c-16.4 56.8-77.3 128-118.9 170.3C237.6 298.4 275 217 277 158.4c1.6-45.9-9.8-105.8-48-131.4 88.8 18.3 115.5 98.1 99.7 153z"], "font-awesome": [448, 512, [], "f2b4", "M397.8 32H50.2C22.7 32 0 54.7 0 82.2v347.6C0 457.3 22.7 480 50.2 480h347.6c27.5 0 50.2-22.7 50.2-50.2V82.2c0-27.5-22.7-50.2-50.2-50.2zm-45.4 284.3c0 4.2-3.6 6-7.8 7.8-16.7 7.2-34.6 13.7-53.8 13.7-26.9 0-39.4-16.7-71.7-16.7-23.3 0-47.8 8.4-67.5 17.3-1.2.6-2.4.6-3.6 1.2V385c0 1.8 0 3.6-.6 4.8v1.2c-2.4 8.4-10.2 14.3-19.1 14.3-11.3 0-20.3-9-20.3-20.3V166.4c-7.8-6-13.1-15.5-13.1-26.3 0-18.5 14.9-33.5 33.5-33.5 18.5 0 33.5 14.9 33.5 33.5 0 10.8-4.8 20.3-13.1 26.3v18.5c1.8-.6 3.6-1.2 5.4-2.4 18.5-7.8 40.6-14.3 61.5-14.3 22.7 0 40.6 6 60.9 13.7 4.2 1.8 8.4 2.4 13.1 2.4 22.7 0 47.8-16.1 53.8-16.1 4.8 0 9 3.6 9 7.8v140.3z"], "font-awesome-alt": [448, 512, [], "f35c", "M339.3 171.2c-6 0-29.9 15.5-52.6 15.5-4.2 0-8.4-.6-12.5-2.4-19.7-7.8-37-13.7-59.1-13.7-20.3 0-41.8 6.6-59.7 13.7-1.8.6-3.6 1.2-4.8 1.8v-17.9c7.8-6 12.5-14.9 12.5-25.7 0-17.9-14.3-32.3-32.3-32.3s-32.3 14.3-32.3 32.3c0 10.2 4.8 19.7 12.5 25.7v212.1c0 10.8 9 19.7 19.7 19.7 9 0 16.1-6 18.5-13.7V385c.6-1.8.6-3 .6-4.8V336c1.2 0 2.4-.6 3-1.2 19.7-8.4 43-16.7 65.7-16.7 31.1 0 43 16.1 69.3 16.1 18.5 0 36.4-6.6 52-13.7 4.2-1.8 7.2-3.6 7.2-7.8V178.3c1.8-4.1-2.3-7.1-7.7-7.1zM397.8 32H50.2C22.7 32 0 54.7 0 82.2v347.6C0 457.3 22.7 480 50.2 480h347.6c27.5 0 50.2-22.7 50.2-50.2V82.2c0-27.5-22.7-50.2-50.2-50.2zm14.3 397.7c0 7.8-6.6 14.3-14.3 14.3H50.2c-7.8 0-14.3-6.6-14.3-14.3V82.2c0-7.8 6.6-14.3 14.3-14.3h347.6v-.1c7.8 0 14.3 6.6 14.3 14.3z"], "font-awesome-flag": [448, 512, [], "f425", "M444.373 359.424c0 7.168-6.144 10.24-13.312 13.312-28.672 12.288-59.392 23.552-92.16 23.552-46.08 0-67.584-28.672-122.88-28.672-39.936 0-81.92 14.336-115.712 29.696-2.048 1.024-4.096 1.024-6.144 2.048v77.824c0 21.405-16.122 34.816-33.792 34.816-19.456 0-34.816-15.36-34.816-34.816V102.4C12.245 92.16 3.029 75.776 3.029 57.344 3.029 25.6 28.629 0 60.373 0s57.344 25.6 57.344 57.344c0 18.432-8.192 34.816-22.528 45.056v31.744c4.124-1.374 58.768-28.672 114.688-28.672 65.27 0 97.676 27.648 126.976 27.648 38.912 0 81.92-27.648 92.16-27.648 8.192 0 15.36 6.144 15.36 13.312v240.64z"], "font-awesome-logo-full": [3992, 512, ["Font Awesome"], "f4e6", "M454.6 0H57.4C25.9 0 0 25.9 0 57.4v397.3C0 486.1 25.9 512 57.4 512h397.3c31.4 0 57.4-25.9 57.4-57.4V57.4C512 25.9 486.1 0 454.6 0zm-58.9 324.9c0 4.8-4.1 6.9-8.9 8.9-19.2 8.1-39.7 15.7-61.5 15.7-40.5 0-68.7-44.8-163.2 2.5v51.8c0 30.3-45.7 30.2-45.7 0v-250c-9-7-15-17.9-15-30.3 0-21 17.1-38.2 38.2-38.2 21 0 38.2 17.1 38.2 38.2 0 12.2-5.8 23.2-14.9 30.2v21c37.1-12 65.5-34.4 146.1-3.4 26.6 11.4 68.7-15.7 76.5-15.7 5.5 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 8.9v160.4zm432.9-174.2h-137v70.1H825c39.8 0 40.4 62.2 0 62.2H691.6v105.6c0 45.5-70.7 46.4-70.7 0V128.3c0-22 18-39.8 39.8-39.8h167.8c39.6 0 40.5 62.2.1 62.2zm191.1 23.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 169.9 0 169.9-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.6 0-82.1-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm372.4 53.4c-17.5 0-31.4-13.9-31.4-31.4v-117c0-62.4-72.6-52.5-99.1-16.4v133.4c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c43.3-51.6 162.4-60.4 162.4 39.3v141.5c.3 30.4-31.5 31.4-31.7 31.4zm179.7 2.9c-44.3 0-68.3-22.9-68.3-65.8V235.2H1488c-35.6 0-36.7-55.3 0-55.3h15.5v-37.3c0-41.3 63.8-42.1 63.8 0v37.5h24.9c35.4 0 35.7 55.3 0 55.3h-24.9v108.5c0 29.6 26.1 26.3 27.4 26.3 31.4 0 52.6 56.3-22.9 56.3zM1992 123c-19.5-50.2-95.5-50-114.5 0-107.3 275.7-99.5 252.7-99.5 262.8 0 42.8 58.3 51.2 72.1 14.4l13.5-35.9H2006l13 35.9c14.2 37.7 72.1 27.2 72.1-14.4 0-10.1 5.3 6.8-99.1-262.8zm-108.9 179.1l51.7-142.9 51.8 142.9h-103.5zm591.3-85.6l-53.7 176.3c-12.4 41.2-72 41-84 0l-42.3-135.9-42.3 135.9c-12.4 40.9-72 41.2-84.5 0l-54.2-176.3c-12.5-39.4 49.8-56.1 60.2-16.9L2213 342l45.3-139.5c10.9-32.7 59.6-34.7 71.2 0l45.3 139.5 39.3-142.4c10.3-38.3 72.6-23.8 60.3 16.9zm275.4 75.1c0-42.4-33.9-117.5-119.5-117.5-73.2 0-124.4 56.3-124.4 126 0 77.2 55.3 126.4 128.5 126.4 31.7 0 93-11.5 93-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-109 8.4-115.9-43.8h148.3c16.3 0 29.3-13.4 29.3-28.9zM2571 277.7c9.5-73.4 113.9-68.6 118.6 0H2571zm316.7 148.8c-31.4 0-81.6-10.5-96.6-31.9-12.4-17 2.5-39.8 21.8-39.8 16.3 0 36.8 22.9 77.7 22.9 27.4 0 40.4-11 40.4-25.8 0-39.8-142.9-7.4-142.9-102 0-40.4 35.3-75.7 98.6-75.7 31.4 0 74.1 9.9 87.6 29.4 10.8 14.8-1.4 36.2-20.9 36.2-15.1 0-26.7-17.3-66.2-17.3-22.9 0-37.8 10.5-37.8 23.8 0 35.9 142.4 6 142.4 103.1-.1 43.7-37.4 77.1-104.1 77.1zm266.8-252.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 170.1 0 169.6-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.8 0-82-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm476.9 22V268.7c0-53.8-61.4-45.8-85.7-10.5v134c0 41.3-63.8 42.1-63.8 0V268.7c0-52.1-59.5-47.4-85.7-10.1v133.6c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c9.9-14.4 41.8-37.3 78.6-37.3 35.3 0 57.7 16.4 66.7 43.8 13.9-21.8 45.8-43.8 82.6-43.8 44.3 0 70.7 23.4 70.7 72.7v145.3c.5 17.3-13.5 31.4-31.9 31.4 3.5.1-31.3 1.1-31.3-31.3zM3992 291.6c0-42.4-32.4-117.5-117.9-117.5-73.2 0-127.5 56.3-127.5 126 0 77.2 58.3 126.4 131.6 126.4 31.7 0 91.5-11.5 91.5-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-110.5 8.4-117.5-43.8h149.8c16.3 0 29.1-13.4 29.3-28.9zm-180.5-13.9c9.7-74.4 115.9-68.3 120.1 0h-120.1z"], "fonticons": [448, 512, [], "f280", "M0 32v448h448V32zm187 140.9c-18.4 0-19 9.9-19 27.4v23.3c0 2.4-3.5 4.4-.6 4.4h67.4l-11.1 37.3H168v112.9c0 5.8-2 6.7 3.2 7.3l43.5 4.1v25.1H84V389l21.3-2c5.2-.6 6.7-2.3 6.7-7.9V267.7c0-2.3-2.9-2.3-5.8-2.3H84V228h28v-21c0-49.6 26.5-70 77.3-70 34.1 0 64.7 8.2 64.7 52.8l-50.7 6.1c.3-18.7-4.4-23-16.3-23zm74.3 241.8v-25.1l20.4-2.6c5.2-.6 7.6-1.7 7.6-7.3V271.8c0-4.1-2.9-6.7-6.7-7.9l-24.2-6.4 6.7-29.5h80.2v151.7c0 5.8-2.6 6.4 2.9 7.3l15.7 2.6v25.1zm80.8-255.5l9 33.2-7.3 7.3-31.2-16.6-31.2 16.6-7.3-7.3 9-33.2-21.8-24.2 3.5-9.6h27.7l15.5-28h9.3l15.5 28h27.7l3.5 9.6z"], "fonticons-fi": [384, 512, [], "f3a2", "M114.4 224h92.4l-15.2 51.2h-76.4V433c0 8-2.8 9.2 4.4 10l59.6 5.6V483H0v-35.2l29.2-2.8c7.2-.8 9.2-3.2 9.2-10.8V278.4c0-3.2-4-3.2-8-3.2H0V224h38.4v-28.8c0-68 36.4-96 106-96 46.8 0 88.8 11.2 88.8 72.4l-69.6 8.4c.4-25.6-6-31.6-22.4-31.6-25.2 0-26 13.6-26 37.6v32c0 3.2-4.8 6-.8 6zM384 483H243.2v-34.4l28-3.6c7.2-.8 10.4-2.4 10.4-10V287c0-5.6-4-9.2-9.2-10.8l-33.2-8.8 9.2-40.4h110v208c0 8-3.6 8.8 4 10l21.6 3.6V483zm-30-347.2l12.4 45.6-10 10-42.8-22.8-42.8 22.8-10-10 12.4-45.6-30-36.4 4.8-10h38L307.2 51H320l21.2 38.4h38l4.8 13.2-30 33.2z"], "fort-awesome": [512, 512, [], "f286", "M489.2 287.9h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6V146.2c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-6-8-4.6-11.7-4.6v-38c8.3-2 17.1-3.4 25.7-3.4 10.9 0 20.9 4.3 31.4 4.3 4.6 0 27.7-1.1 27.7-8v-60c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6-5.1 0-15.1 4.3-24 4.3-9.7 0-20.9-4.3-32.6-4.3-8 0-16 1.1-23.7 2.9v-4.9c5.4-2.6 9.1-8.3 9.1-14.3 0-20.7-31.4-20.8-31.4 0 0 6 3.7 11.7 9.1 14.3v111.7c-3.7 0-11.7-1.4-11.7 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32H128v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6H96c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v178.3H54.8v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6H22.8c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6V512h182.9v-96c0-72.6 109.7-72.6 109.7 0v96h182.9V292.5c.1-2.6-1.9-4.6-4.5-4.6zm-288.1-4.5c0 2.6-2 4.6-4.6 4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6-2-4.6-4.6v-64c0-2.6 2-4.6 4.6-4.6h27.4c2.6 0 4.6 2 4.6 4.6v64zm146.4 0c0 2.6-2 4.6-4.6 4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6-2-4.6-4.6v-64c0-2.6 2-4.6 4.6-4.6h27.4c2.6 0 4.6 2 4.6 4.6v64z"], "fort-awesome-alt": [512, 512, [], "f3a3", "M208 237.4h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v51.7c0 2.1 1.6 3.7 3.7 3.7H208c2.1 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7v-51.7c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7zm118.2 0H304c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v51.7c0 2.1 1.6 3.7 3.7 3.7h22.2c2.1 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7v-51.7c-.1-2.1-1.7-3.7-3.7-3.7zm132-125.1c-2.3-3.2-4.6-6.4-7.1-9.5-9.8-12.5-20.8-24-32.8-34.4-4.5-3.9-9.1-7.6-13.9-11.2-1.6-1.2-3.2-2.3-4.8-3.5C372 34.1 340.3 20 306 13c-16.2-3.3-32.9-5-50-5s-33.9 1.7-50 5c-34.3 7.1-66 21.2-93.3 40.8-1.6 1.1-3.2 2.3-4.8 3.5-4.8 3.6-9.4 7.3-13.9 11.2-3 2.6-5.9 5.3-8.8 8s-5.7 5.5-8.4 8.4c-5.5 5.7-10.7 11.8-15.6 18-2.4 3.1-4.8 6.3-7.1 9.5C25.2 153 8.3 202.5 8.3 256c0 2 .1 4 .1 6 .1.7.1 1.3.1 2 .1 1.3.1 2.7.2 4 0 .8.1 1.5.1 2.3 0 1.3.1 2.5.2 1.6.2 2.4.1 1.1.2 2.3.3 3.5 0 .8.1 1.6.2 2.4.1 1.2.3 2.4.4 1.5.3 2.3.1 1.3.3 2.6.5 1.3.3 1.9l.9 5.7c.1.6.2 1.1.3 1.7.3 1.3.5 2.7.8 4 .2.8.3 1.6.5 2.4.2 1 .5 2.1.7 1.7.6 2.6.2 1 .4 2 .7 3 .2.9.5 1.8.7 2.7.3 1 .5 1.9.8 1.8.8 1.9.8 2.8s.5 1.8.8 2.7c.3 1 .6 1.9.9 2.8.6 1.6 1.1 3.3 1.7 4.9.4 1 .7 1.9 1 2.8.3 1 .7 2 1.1 3 .3.8.6 1.5.9 2.3l1.2 3c.3.7.6 1.5.9 2.2.4 1 .9 2 1.3 3l.9 2.1c.5 1 .9 2 1.4 3 .3.7.6 1.3.9 2 .5 1 1 2.1 1.5 1.1.8 1.7.6 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.7 2.2 4.1 4.4 8.2 6.8 1.2.7 1.1 1.3 2.2 2 1.4.6 1.1 1.3 2.1 2 1.4.7 1.1 1.4 2.1 2.1 1.2.7 1.1 1.5 2.2 2.3 37.5 51.7 94.4 88.5 160 1.7.3 2.6.4 1 .2 2.1.4 3.1.5s1.9.3 2.8.4c1 .2 2 .3 3 .4.9.1 1.9.2 2.9.3s1.9.2 2.9.3 2.1.2 3.1.3c.9.1 1.8.1 2.7.2 1.1.1 2.3.1 0 1.7.1 2.5.1 1.3 0 2.6.1 1.4.1 2.1.1 2 .1 4 .1 6 .1s4-.1 6-.1c.7 0 1.4-.1 2.1-.1 1.3 0 2.6 0 3.9-.1.8 0 1.7-.1 2.5-.1 1.1-.1 2.3-.1 3.4-.2.9 0 1.8-.1 2.7-.2 1-.1 2.1-.2 3.1-.3s1.9-.2 2.9-.3c.9-.1 1.9-.2 2.9-.3s2-.3 3-.4 1.9-.3 2.8-.4c1-.2 2.1-.3 3.1-.5.9-.1 1.7-.3 2.6-.4 65.6-11 122.5-47.7 160.1-102.4.2-.2.3-.5.5-.7.8-1.1 1.5-2.2 2.3-3.3.2-.4.5-.8.8-1.2.7-1.1 1.4-2.1 2.1-3.2.3-.5.6-.9.9-1.4.6-1.1 1.3-2.1 2-3.2.3-.5.6-.9.9-1.4.7-1.1 1.3-2.2 2-3.3.2-.4.5-.8.7-1.2 2.4-4 4.6-8.1 6.8-12.2.1-.2.2-.3.3-.5.6-1.1 1.1-2.2 1.7-3.3.2-.6.5-1.1.8-1.7.5-1 1-2.1 1.5-3.1.3-.7.6-1.3.9-2 .5-1 1-2 1.4-3l.9-2.1c.5-1 .9-2 1.3-3 .3-.7.6-1.5.9-2.2l1.2-3c.3-.8.6-1.5.9-2.3.4-1 .7-2 1.1-3s.7-1.9 1-2.8c.6-1.6 1.2-3.3 1.7-4.9.3-1 .6-1.9.9-2.8s.5-1.8.8-2.7c.2-.9.5-1.9.8-2.8s.6-1.8.8-2.7c.3-1 .5-1.9.8-2.9.2-.9.5-1.8.7-2.7.2-1 .5-2 .7-3 .2-.9.4-1.7.6-2.6.2-1 .5-2.1.7-3.2.2-.8.3-1.6.5-2.4.3-1.3.6-2.7.8-4 .1-.6.2-1.1.3-1.7l.9-5.7c.1-.6.2-1.3.3-1.9.1-1.3.3-2.6.5-3.9.1-.8.2-1.5.3-2.3.1-1.2.3-2.4.4-3.6 0-.8.1-1.6.2-2.4.1-1.1.2-2.3.3-3.5.1-.8.1-1.6.2-2.4.1 0-.8.1-1.5.1-2.3.1-1.3.2-2.7.2-4 .1-.7.1-1.3.1-2 .1-2 .1-4 .1-6 0-53.5-16.9-103-45.8-143.7zM448 371.5c-9.4 15.5-20.6 29.9-33.6 42.9-20.6 20.6-44.5 36.7-71.2 48-13.9 5.8-28.2 10.3-42.9 13.2v-75.8c0-58.6-88.6-58.6-88.6 0v75.8c-14.7-2.9-29-7.3-42.9-13.2-26.7-11.3-50.6-27.4-71.2-48-13-13-24.2-27.4-33.6-42.9v-71.3c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7h22.1c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7V326h29.6V182c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7h22.1c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7v25.9h29.5V182c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7H208c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7v25.9h29.5V182c0-4.8 6.5-3.7 9.5-3.7V88.1c-4.4-2-7.4-6.7-7.4-11.5 0-16.8 25.4-16.8 25.4 0 0 4.8-3 9.4-7.4 11.5V92c6.3-1.4 12.7-2.3 19.2-2.3 9.4 0 18.4 3.5 26.3 3.5 7.2 0 15.2-3.5 19.4-3.5 2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7v48.4c0 5.6-18.7 6.5-22.4 6.5-8.6 0-16.6-3.5-25.4-3.5-7 0-14.1 1.2-20.8 2.8v30.7c3 0 9.5-1.1 9.5 3.7v25.9h29.5V182c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7h22.2c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7v25.9h29.5V182c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7h22.1c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7v144h29.5v-25.8c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7h22.2c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7z"], "forumbee": [448, 512, [], "f211", "M5.8 309.7C2 292.7 0 275.5 0 258.3 0 135 99.8 35 223.1 35c16.6 0 33.3 2 49.3 5.5C149 87.5 51.9 186 5.8 309.7zm392.9-189.2C385 103 369 87.8 350.9 75.2c-149.6 44.3-266.3 162.1-309.7 312 12.5 18.1 28 35.6 45.2 49 43.1-151.3 161.2-271.7 312.3-315.7zm15.8 252.7c15.2-25.1 25.4-53.7 29.5-82.8-79.4 42.9-145 110.6-187.6 190.3 30-4.4 58.9-15.3 84.6-31.3 35 13.1 70.9 24.3 107 33.6-9.3-36.5-20.4-74.5-33.5-109.8zm29.7-145.5c-2.6-19.5-7.9-38.7-15.8-56.8C290.5 216.7 182 327.5 137.1 466c18.1 7.6 37 12.5 56.6 15.2C240 367.1 330.5 274.4 444.2 227.7z"], "foursquare": [368, 512, [], "f180", "M323.1 3H49.9C12.4 3 0 31.3 0 49.1v433.8c0 20.3 12.1 27.7 18.2 30.1 6.2 2.5 22.8 4.6 32.9-7.1C180 356.5 182.2 354 182.2 354c3.1-3.4 3.4-3.1 6.8-3.1h83.4c35.1 0 40.6-25.2 44.3-39.7l48.6-243C373.8 25.8 363.1 3 323.1 3zm-16.3 73.8l-11.4 59.7c-1.2 6.5-9.5 13.2-16.9 13.2H172.1c-12 0-20.6 8.3-20.6 20.3v13c0 12 8.6 20.6 20.6 20.6h90.4c8.3 0 16.6 9.2 14.8 18.2-1.8 8.9-10.5 53.8-11.4 58.8-.9 4.9-6.8 13.5-16.9 13.5h-73.5c-13.5 0-17.2 1.8-26.5 12.6 0 0-8.9 11.4-89.5 108.3-.9.9-1.8.6-1.8-.3V75.9c0-7.7 6.8-16.6 16.6-16.6h219c8.2 0 15.6 7.7 13.5 17.5z"], "free-code-camp": [576, 512, [], "f2c5", "M69.3 144.5c-41 68.5-36.4 163 1 227C92.5 409.7 120 423.9 120 438c0 6.8-6 13-12.8 13C87.7 451 8 375.5 8 253.2c0-111.5 78-186 97.1-186 6 0 14.9 4.8 14.9 11.1 0 12.7-28.3 28.6-50.7 66.2zm195.8 213.8c4.5 1.8 12.3 5.2 12.3-1.2 0-2.7-2.2-2.9-4.3-3.6-8.5-3.4-14-7.7-19.1-15.2-8.2-12.1-10.1-24.2-10.1-38.6 0-32.1 44.2-37.9 44.2-70 0-12.3-7.7-15.9-7.7-19.3 0-2.2.7-2.2 2.9-2.2 8 0 19.1 13.3 22.5 19.8 2.2 4.6 2.4 6 2.4 11.1 0 7-.7 14.2-.7 21.3 0 27 31.9 19.8 31.9 6.8 0-6-3.6-11.6-3.6-17.4 0-.7 0-1.2.7-1.2 3.4 0 9.4 7.7 11.1 10.1 5.8 8.9 8.5 20.8 8.5 31.4 0 32.4-29.5 49-29.5 56 0 1 2.9 7.7 12.1 1.9 29.7-15.1 53.1-47.6 53.1-89.8 0-33.6-8.7-57.7-32.1-82.6-3.9-4.1-16.4-16.9-22.5-16.9-8.2 0 7.2 18.6 7.2 31.2 0 7.2-4.8 12.3-12.3 12.3-11.6 0-14.5-25.4-15.9-33.3-5.8-33.8-12.8-58.2-46.4-74.1-10.4-5-36.5-11.8-36.5-2.2 0 2.4 2.7 4.1 4.6 5.1 9.2 5.6 19.6 21.4 19.6 38.2 0 46.1-57.7 88.2-57.7 136.2-.2 40.3 28.1 72.6 65.3 86.2zM470.4 67c-6 0-14.4 6.5-14.4 12.6 0 8.7 12.1 19.6 17.6 25.4 81.6 85.1 78.6 214.3 17.6 291-7 8.9-35.3 35.3-35.3 43.5 0 5.1 8.2 11.4 13.2 11.4 25.4 0 98.8-80.8 98.8-185.7C568 145.9 491.8 67 470.4 67zm-42.3 323.1H167c-9.4 0-15.5 7.5-15.5 16.4 0 8.5 7 15.5 15.5 15.5h261.1c9.4 0 11.9-7.5 11.9-16.4 0-8.5-3.5-15.5-11.9-15.5z"], "freebsd": [448, 512, [], "f3a4", "M303.7 96.2c11.1-11.1 115.5-77 139.2-53.2 23.7 23.7-42.1 128.1-53.2 139.2-11.1 11.1-39.4.9-63.1-22.9-23.8-23.7-34.1-52-22.9-63.1zM109.9 68.1C73.6 47.5 22 24.6 5.6 41.1c-16.6 16.6 7.1 69.4 27.9 105.7 18.5-32.2 44.8-59.3 76.4-78.7zM406.7 174c3.3 11.3 2.7 20.7-2.7 26.1-20.3 20.3-87.5-27-109.3-70.1-18-32.3-11.1-53.4 14.9-48.7 5.7-3.6 12.3-7.6 19.6-11.6-29.8-15.5-63.6-24.3-99.5-24.3-119.1 0-215.6 96.5-215.6 215.6 0 119 96.5 215.6 215.6 215.6S445.3 380.1 445.3 261c0-38.4-10.1-74.5-27.7-105.8-3.9 7-7.6 13.3-10.9 18.8z"], "fulcrum": [320, 512, [], "f50b", "M95.75 164.14l-35.38 43.55L25 164.14l35.38-43.55zM144.23 0l-20.54 198.18L72.72 256l51 57.82L144.23 512V300.89L103.15 256l41.08-44.89zm79.67 164.14l35.38 43.55 35.38-43.55-35.38-43.55zm-48.48 47L216.5 256l-41.08 44.89V512L196 313.82 247 256l-51-57.82L175.42 0z"], "galactic-republic": [496, 512, [], "f50c", "M248 504C111.25 504 0 392.75 0 256S111.25 8 248 8s248 111.25 248 248-111.25 248-248 248zm0-479.47C120.37 24.53 16.53 128.37 16.53 256S120.37 487.47 248 487.47 479.47 383.63 479.47 256 375.63 24.53 248 24.53zm27.62 21.81v24.62a185.933 185.933 0 0 1 83.57 34.54l17.39-17.36c-28.75-22.06-63.3-36.89-100.96-41.8zm-55.37.07c-37.64 4.94-72.16 19.8-100.88 41.85l17.28 17.36h.08c24.07-17.84 52.55-30.06 83.52-34.67V46.41zm12.25 50.17v82.87c-10.04 2.03-19.42 5.94-27.67 11.42l-58.62-58.59-21.93 21.93 58.67 58.67c-5.47 8.23-9.45 17.59-11.47 27.62h-82.9v31h82.9c2.02 10.02 6.01 19.31 11.47 27.54l-58.67 58.69 21.93 21.93 58.62-58.62a77.873 77.873 0 0 0 27.67 11.47v82.9h31v-82.9c10.05-2.03 19.37-6.06 27.62-11.55l58.67 58.69 21.93-21.93-58.67-58.69c5.46-8.23 9.47-17.52 11.5-27.54h82.87v-31h-82.87c-2.02-10.02-6.03-19.38-11.5-27.62l58.67-58.67-21.93-21.93-58.67 58.67c-8.25-5.49-17.57-9.47-27.62-11.5V96.58h-31zm183.24 30.72l-17.36 17.36a186.337 186.337 0 0 1 34.67 83.67h24.62c-4.95-37.69-19.83-72.29-41.93-101.03zm-335.55.13c-22.06 28.72-36.91 63.26-41.85 100.91h24.65c4.6-30.96 16.76-59.45 34.59-83.52l-17.39-17.39zM38.34 283.67c4.92 37.64 19.75 72.18 41.8 100.9l17.36-17.39c-17.81-24.07-29.92-52.57-34.51-83.52H38.34zm394.7 0c-4.61 30.99-16.8 59.5-34.67 83.6l17.36 17.36c22.08-28.74 36.98-63.29 41.93-100.96h-24.62zM136.66 406.38l-17.36 17.36c28.73 22.09 63.3 36.98 100.96 41.93v-24.64c-30.99-4.63-59.53-16.79-83.6-34.65zm222.53.05c-24.09 17.84-52.58 30.08-83.57 34.67v24.57c37.67-4.92 72.21-19.79 100.96-41.85l-17.31-17.39h-.08z"], "galactic-senate": [512, 512, [], "f50d", "M249.86 33.48v26.07C236.28 80.17 226 168.14 225.39 274.9c11.74-15.62 19.13-33.33 19.13-48.24v-16.88c-.03-5.32.75-10.53 2.19-15.65.65-2.14 1.39-4.08 2.62-5.82 1.23-1.75 3.43-3.79 6.68-3.79 3.24 0 5.45 2.05 6.68 3.79 1.23 1.75 1.97 3.68 2.62 5.82 1.44 5.12 2.22 10.33 2.19 15.65v16.88c0 14.91 7.39 32.62 19.13 48.24-.63-106.76-10.91-194.73-24.49-215.35V33.48h-12.28zm-26.34 147.77c-9.52 2.15-18.7 5.19-27.46 9.08 8.9 16.12 9.76 32.64 1.71 37.29-8 4.62-21.85-4.23-31.36-19.82-11.58 8.79-21.88 19.32-30.56 31.09 14.73 9.62 22.89 22.92 18.32 30.66-4.54 7.7-20.03 7.14-35.47-.96-5.78 13.25-9.75 27.51-11.65 42.42 9.68.18 18.67 2.38 26.18 6.04 17.78-.3 32.77-1.96 40.49-4.22 5.55-26.35 23.02-48.23 46.32-59.51.73-25.55 1.88-49.67 3.48-72.07zm64.96 0c1.59 22.4 2.75 46.52 3.47 72.07 23.29 11.28 40.77 33.16 46.32 59.51 7.72 2.26 22.71 3.92 40.49 4.22 7.51-3.66 16.5-5.85 26.18-6.04-1.9-14.91-5.86-29.17-11.65-42.42-15.44 8.1-30.93 8.66-35.47.96-4.57-7.74 3.6-21.05 18.32-30.66-8.68-11.77-18.98-22.3-30.56-31.09-9.51 15.59-23.36 24.44-31.36 19.82-8.05-4.65-7.19-21.16 1.71-37.29a147.49 147.49 0 0 0-27.45-9.08zm-32.48 8.6c-3.23 0-5.86 8.81-6.09 19.93h-.05v16.88c0 41.42-49.01 95.04-93.49 95.04-52 0-122.75-1.45-156.37 29.17v2.51c9.42 17.12 20.58 33.17 33.18 47.97C45.7 380.26 84.77 360.4 141.2 360c45.68 1.02 79.03 20.33 90.76 0 .05 7.67 2.14 15.85 3.23 24.04 3.21 8.19.02 16.37-1.07 24.04-3.21.01-.01-.01-.04 0-.05 11.74-20.54 45.08-39.85 90.76-40.87 56.43.39 95.49 20.26 108.02 41.35 12.6-14.8 23.76-30.86 33.18-47.97v-2.51c-33.61-30.62-104.37-29.17-156.37-29.17-44.48 0-93.49-53.62-93.49-95.04v-16.88h-.05c-.23-11.12-2.86-19.93-6.09-19.93zm0 96.59c22.42 0 40.6 18.18 40.6 40.6s-18.18 40.65-40.6 40.65-40.6-18.23-40.6-40.65c0-22.42 18.18-40.6 40.6-40.6zm0 7.64c-18.19 0-32.96 14.77-32.96 32.96S237.81 360 256 360s32.96-14.77 32.96-32.96-14.77-32.96-32.96-32.96zm0 6.14c14.81 0 26.82 12.01 26.82 26.82s-12.01 26.82-26.82 26.82-26.82-12.01-26.82-26.82 12.01-26.82 26.82-26.82zm-114.8 66.67c-10.19.07-21.6.36-30.5 1.66.43 4.42 1.51 18.63 7.11 29.76 9.11-2.56 18.36-3.9 27.62-3.9 41.28.94 71.48 34.35 78.26 74.47l.11 4.7c10.4 1.91 21.19 2.94 32.21 2.94 11.03 0 21.81-1.02 32.21-2.94l.11-4.7c6.78-40.12 36.98-73.53 78.26-74.47 9.26 0 18.51 1.34 27.62 3.9 5.6-11.13 6.68-25.34 7.11-29.76-8.9-1.3-20.32-1.58-30.5-1.66-18.76.42-35.19 4.17-48.61 9.67-12.54 16.03-29.16 30.03-49.58 33.07-.09.02-.17.04-.27.05-.05.01-.11.04-.16.05-5.24 1.07-10.63 1.6-16.19 1.6-5.55 0-10.95-.53-16.19-1.6-.05-.01-.11-.04-.16-.05-.1-.02-.17-.04-.27-.05-20.42-3.03-37.03-17.04-49.58-33.07-13.42-5.49-29.86-9.25-48.61-9.67z"], "get-pocket": [448, 512, [], "f265", "M407.6 64h-367C18.5 64 0 82.5 0 104.6v135.2C0 364.5 99.7 464 224.2 464c124 0 223.8-99.5 223.8-224.2V104.6c0-22.4-17.7-40.6-40.4-40.6zm-162 268.5c-12.4 11.8-31.4 11.1-42.4 0C89.5 223.6 88.3 227.4 88.3 209.3c0-16.9 13.8-30.7 30.7-30.7 17 0 16.1 3.8 105.2 89.3 90.6-86.9 88.6-89.3 105.5-89.3 16.9 0 30.7 13.8 30.7 30.7 0 17.8-2.9 15.7-114.8 123.2z"], "gg": [512, 512, [], "f260", "M179.2 230.4l102.4 102.4-102.4 102.4L0 256 179.2 76.8l44.8 44.8-25.6 25.6-19.2-19.2-128 128 128 128 51.5-51.5-77.1-76.5 25.6-25.6zM332.8 76.8L230.4 179.2l102.4 102.4 25.6-25.6-77.1-76.5 51.5-51.5 128 128-128 128-19.2-19.2-25.6 25.6 44.8 44.8L512 256 332.8 76.8z"], "gg-circle": [512, 512, [], "f261", "M257 8C120 8 9 119 9 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S394 8 257 8zm-49.5 374.8L81.8 257.1l125.7-125.7 35.2 35.4-24.2 24.2-11.1-11.1-77.2 77.2 77.2 77.2 26.6-26.6-53.1-52.9 24.4-24.4 77.2 77.2-75 75.2zm99-2.2l-35.2-35.2 24.1-24.4 11.1 11.1 77.2-77.2-77.2-77.2-26.5 26.5 53.1 52.9-24.4 24.4-77.2-77.2 75-75L432.2 255 306.5 380.6z"], "git": [512, 512, [], "f1d3", "M216.29 158.39H137C97 147.9 6.51 150.63 6.51 233.18c0 30.09 15 51.23 35 61-25.1 23-37 33.85-37 49.21 0 11 4.47 21.14 17.89 26.81C8.13 383.61 0 393.35 0 411.65c0 32.11 28.05 50.82 101.63 50.82 70.75 0 111.79-26.42 111.79-73.18 0-58.66-45.16-56.5-151.63-63l13.43-21.55c27.27 7.58 118.7 10 118.7-67.89 0-18.7-7.73-31.71-15-41.07l37.41-2.84zm-63.42 241.9c0 32.06-104.89 32.1-104.89 2.43 0-8.14 5.27-15 10.57-21.54 77.71 5.3 94.32 3.37 94.32 19.11zm-50.81-134.58c-52.8 0-50.46-71.16 1.2-71.16 49.54 0 50.82 71.16-1.2 71.16zm133.3 100.51v-32.1c26.75-3.66 27.24-2 27.24-11V203.61c0-8.5-2.05-7.38-27.24-16.26l4.47-32.92H324v168.71c0 6.51.4 7.32 6.51 8.14l20.73 2.84v32.1zm52.45-244.31c-23.17 0-36.59-13.43-36.59-36.61s13.42-35.77 36.59-35.77c23.58 0 37 12.62 37 35.77s-13.42 36.61-37 36.61zM512 350.46c-17.49 8.53-43.1 16.26-66.28 16.26-48.38 0-66.67-19.5-66.67-65.46V194.75c0-5.42 1.05-4.06-31.71-4.06V154.5c35.78-4.07 50-22 54.47-66.27h38.63c0 65.83-1.34 61.81 3.26 61.81H501v40.65h-60.56v97.15c0 6.92-4.92 51.41 60.57 26.84z"], "git-alt": [448, 512, [], "f841", "M439.55 236.05L244 40.45a28.87 28.87 0 0 0-40.81 0l-40.66 40.63 51.52 51.52c27.06-9.14 52.68 16.77 43.39 43.68l49.66 49.66c34.23-11.8 61.18 31 35.47 56.69-26.49 26.49-70.21-2.87-56-37.34L240.22 199v121.85c25.3 12.54 22.26 41.85 9.08 55a34.34 34.34 0 0 1-48.55 0c-17.57-17.6-11.07-46.91 11.25-56v-123c-20.8-8.51-24.6-30.74-18.64-45L142.57 101 8.45 235.14a28.86 28.86 0 0 0 0 40.81l195.61 195.6a28.86 28.86 0 0 0 40.8 0l194.69-194.69a28.86 28.86 0 0 0 0-40.81z"], "git-square": [448, 512, [], "f1d2", "M100.59 334.24c48.57 3.31 58.95 2.11 58.95 11.94 0 20-65.55 20.06-65.55 1.52.01-5.09 3.29-9.4 6.6-13.46zm27.95-116.64c-32.29 0-33.75 44.47-.75 44.47 32.51 0 31.71-44.47.75-44.47zM448 80v352a48 48 0 0 1-48 48H48a48 48 0 0 1-48-48V80a48 48 0 0 1 48-48h352a48 48 0 0 1 48 48zm-227 69.31c0 14.49 8.38 22.88 22.86 22.88 14.74 0 23.13-8.39 23.13-22.88S258.62 127 243.88 127c-14.48 0-22.88 7.84-22.88 22.31zM199.18 195h-49.55c-25-6.55-81.56-4.85-81.56 46.75 0 18.8 9.4 32 21.85 38.11C74.23 294.23 66.8 301 66.8 310.6c0 6.87 2.79 13.22 11.18 16.76-8.9 8.4-14 14.48-14 25.92C64 373.35 81.53 385 127.52 385c44.22 0 69.87-16.51 69.87-45.73 0-36.67-28.23-35.32-94.77-39.38l8.38-13.43c17 4.74 74.19 6.23 74.19-42.43 0-11.69-4.83-19.82-9.4-25.67l23.38-1.78zm84.34 109.84l-13-1.78c-3.82-.51-4.07-1-4.07-5.09V192.52h-52.6l-2.79 20.57c15.75 5.55 17 4.86 17 10.17V298c0 5.62-.31 4.58-17 6.87v20.06h72.42zM384 315l-6.87-22.37c-40.93 15.37-37.85-12.41-37.85-16.73v-60.72h37.85v-25.41h-35.82c-2.87 0-2 2.52-2-38.63h-24.18c-2.79 27.7-11.68 38.88-34 41.42v22.62c20.47 0 19.82-.85 19.82 2.54v66.57c0 28.72 11.43 40.91 41.67 40.91 14.45 0 30.45-4.83 41.38-10.2z"], "github": [496, 512, [], "f09b", "M165.9 397.4c0 2-2.3 3.6-5.2 3.6-3.3.3-5.6-1.3-5.6-3.6 0-2 2.3-3.6 5.2-3.6 3-.3 5.6 1.3 5.6 3.6zm-31.1-4.5c-.7 2 1.3 4.3 4.3 4.9 2.6 1 5.6 0 6.2-2s-1.3-4.3-4.3-5.2c-2.6-.7-5.5.3-6.2 2.3zm44.2-1.7c-2.9.7-4.9 2.6-4.6 4.9.3 2 2.9 3.3 5.9 2.6 2.9-.7 4.9-2.6 4.6-4.6-.3-1.9-3-3.2-5.9-2.9zM244.8 8C106.1 8 0 113.3 0 252c0 110.9 69.8 205.8 169.5 239.2 12.8 2.3 17.3-5.6 17.3-12.1 0-6.2-.3-40.4-.3-61.4 0 0-70 15-84.7-29.8 0 0-11.4-29.1-27.8-36.6 0 0-22.9-15.7 1.6-15.4 0 0 24.9 2 38.6 25.8 21.9 38.6 58.6 27.5 72.9 20.9 2.3-16 8.8-27.1 16-33.7-55.9-6.2-112.3-14.3-112.3-110.5 0-27.5 7.6-41.3 23.6-58.9-2.6-6.5-11.1-33.3 2.6-67.9 20.9-6.5 69 27 69 27 20-5.6 41.5-8.5 62.8-8.5s42.8 2.9 62.8 8.5c0 0 48.1-33.6 69-27 13.7 34.7 5.2 61.4 2.6 67.9 16 17.7 25.8 31.5 25.8 58.9 0 96.5-58.9 104.2-114.8 110.5 9.2 7.9 17 22.9 17 46.4 0 33.7-.3 75.4-.3 83.6 0 6.5 4.6 14.4 17.3 12.1C428.2 457.8 496 362.9 496 252 496 113.3 383.5 8 244.8 8zM97.2 352.9c-1.3 1-1 3.3.7 5.2 1.6 1.6 3.9 2.3 5.2 1 1.3-1 1-3.3-.7-5.2-1.6-1.6-3.9-2.3-5.2-1zm-10.8-8.1c-.7 1.3.3 2.9 2.3 3.9 1.6 1 3.6.7 4.3-.7.7-1.3-.3-2.9-2.3-3.9-2-.6-3.6-.3-4.3.7zm32.4 35.6c-1.6 1.3-1 4.3 1.3 6.2 2.3 2.3 5.2 2.6 6.5 1 1.3-1.3.7-4.3-1.3-6.2-2.2-2.3-5.2-2.6-6.5-1zm-11.4-14.7c-1.6 1-1.6 3.6 0 5.9 1.6 2.3 4.3 3.3 5.6 2.3 1.6-1.3 1.6-3.9 0-6.2-1.4-2.3-4-3.3-5.6-2z"], "github-alt": [480, 512, [], "f113", "M186.1 328.7c0 20.9-10.9 55.1-36.7 55.1s-36.7-34.2-36.7-55.1 10.9-55.1 36.7-55.1 36.7 34.2 36.7 55.1zM480 278.2c0 31.9-3.2 65.7-17.5 95-37.9 76.6-142.1 74.8-216.7 74.8-75.8 0-186.2 2.7-225.6-74.8-14.6-29-20.2-63.1-20.2-95 0-41.9 13.9-81.5 41.5-113.6-5.2-15.8-7.7-32.4-7.7-48.8 0-21.5 4.9-32.3 14.6-51.8 45.3 0 74.3 9 108.8 36 29-6.9 58.8-10 88.7-10 27 0 54.2 2.9 80.4 9.2 34-26.7 63-35.2 107.8-35.2 9.8 19.5 14.6 30.3 14.6 51.8 0 16.4-2.6 32.7-7.7 48.2 27.5 32.4 39 72.3 39 114.2zm-64.3 50.5c0-43.9-26.7-82.6-73.5-82.6-18.9 0-37 3.4-56 6-14.9 2.3-29.8 3.2-45.1 3.2-15.2 0-30.1-.9-45.1-3.2-18.7-2.6-37-6-56-6-46.8 0-73.5 38.7-73.5 82.6 0 87.8 80.4 101.3 150.4 101.3h48.2c70.3 0 150.6-13.4 150.6-101.3zm-82.6-55.1c-25.8 0-36.7 34.2-36.7 55.1s10.9 55.1 36.7 55.1 36.7-34.2 36.7-55.1-10.9-55.1-36.7-55.1z"], "github-square": [448, 512, [], "f092", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM277.3 415.7c-8.4 1.5-11.5-3.7-11.5-8 0-5.4.2-33 .2-55.3 0-15.6-5.2-25.5-11.3-30.7 37-4.1 76-9.2 76-73.1 0-18.2-6.5-27.3-17.1-39 1.7-4.3 7.4-22-1.7-45-13.9-4.3-45.7 17.9-45.7 17.9-13.2-3.7-27.5-5.6-41.6-5.6-14.1 0-28.4 1.9-41.6 5.6 0 0-31.8-22.2-45.7-17.9-9.1 22.9-3.5 40.6-1.7 45-10.6 11.7-15.6 20.8-15.6 39 0 63.6 37.3 69 74.3 73.1-4.8 4.3-9.1 11.7-10.6 22.3-9.5 4.3-33.8 11.7-48.3-13.9-9.1-15.8-25.5-17.1-25.5-17.1-16.2-.2-1.1 10.2-1.1 10.2 10.8 5 18.4 24.2 18.4 24.2 9.7 29.7 56.1 19.7 56.1 19.7 0 13.9.2 36.5.2 40.6 0 4.3-3 9.5-11.5 8-66-22.1-112.2-84.9-112.2-158.3 0-91.8 70.2-161.5 162-161.5S388 165.6 388 257.4c.1 73.4-44.7 136.3-110.7 158.3zm-98.1-61.1c-1.9.4-3.7-.4-3.9-1.7-.2-1.5 1.1-2.8 3-3.2 1.9-.2 3.7.6 3.9 1.9.3 1.3-1 2.6-3 3zm-9.5-.9c0 1.3-1.5 2.4-3.5 2.4-2.2.2-3.7-.9-3.7-2.4 0-1.3 1.5-2.4 3.5-2.4 1.9-.2 3.7.9 3.7 2.4zm-13.7-1.1c-.4 1.3-2.4 1.9-4.1 1.3-1.9-.4-3.2-1.9-2.8-3.2.4-1.3 2.4-1.9 4.1-1.5 2 .6 3.3 2.1 2.8 3.4zm-12.3-5.4c-.9 1.1-2.8.9-4.3-.6-1.5-1.3-1.9-3.2-.9-4.1.9-1.1 2.8-.9 4.3.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.3.9 4.1zm-9.1-9.1c-.9.6-2.6 0-3.7-1.5s-1.1-3.2 0-3.9c1.1-.9 2.8-.2 3.7 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.1 3.3 0 4.1zm-6.5-9.7c-.9.9-2.4.4-3.5-.6-1.1-1.3-1.3-2.8-.4-3.5.9-.9 2.4-.4 3.5.6 1.1 1.3 1.3 2.8.4 3.5zm-6.7-7.4c-.4.9-1.7 1.1-2.8.4-1.3-.6-1.9-1.7-1.5-2.6.4-.6 1.5-.9 2.8-.4 1.3.7 1.9 1.8 1.5 2.6z"], "gitkraken": [592, 512, [], "f3a6", "M565.7 118.1c-2.3-6.1-9.3-9.2-15.3-6.6-5.7 2.4-8.5 8.9-6.3 14.6 10.9 29 16.9 60.5 16.9 93.3 0 134.6-100.3 245.7-230.2 262.7V358.4c7.9-1.5 15.5-3.6 23-6.2v104c106.7-25.9 185.9-122.1 185.9-236.8 0-91.8-50.8-171.8-125.8-213.3-5.7-3.2-13-.9-15.9 5-2.7 5.5-.6 12.2 4.7 15.1 67.9 37.6 113.9 110 113.9 193.2 0 93.3-57.9 173.1-139.8 205.4v-92.2c14.2-4.5 24.9-17.7 24.9-33.5 0-13.1-6.8-24.4-17.3-30.5 8.3-79.5 44.5-58.6 44.5-83.9V170c0-38-87.9-161.8-129-164.7-2.5-.2-5-.2-7.6 0C251.1 8.3 163.2 132 163.2 170v14.8c0 25.3 36.3 4.3 44.5 83.9-10.6 6.1-17.3 17.4-17.3 30.5 0 15.8 10.6 29 24.8 33.5v92.2c-81.9-32.2-139.8-112-139.8-205.4 0-83.1 46-155.5 113.9-193.2 5.4-3 7.4-9.6 4.7-15.1-2.9-5.9-10.1-8.2-15.9-5-75 41.5-125.8 121.5-125.8 213.3 0 114.7 79.2 210.8 185.9 236.8v-104c7.6 2.5 15.1 4.6 23 6.2v123.7C131.4 465.2 31 354.1 31 219.5c0-32.8 6-64.3 16.9-93.3 2.2-5.8-.6-12.2-6.3-14.6-6-2.6-13 .4-15.3 6.6C14.5 149.7 8 183.8 8 219.5c0 155.1 122.6 281.6 276.3 287.8V361.4c6.8.4 15 .5 23.4 0v145.8C461.4 501.1 584 374.6 584 219.5c0-35.7-6.5-69.8-18.3-101.4zM365.9 275.5c13 0 23.7 10.5 23.7 23.7 0 13.1-10.6 23.7-23.7 23.7-13 0-23.7-10.5-23.7-23.7 0-13.1 10.6-23.7 23.7-23.7zm-139.8 47.3c-13.2 0-23.7-10.7-23.7-23.7s10.5-23.7 23.7-23.7c13.1 0 23.7 10.6 23.7 23.7 0 13-10.5 23.7-23.7 23.7z"], "gitlab": [512, 512, [], "f296", "M105.2 24.9c-3.1-8.9-15.7-8.9-18.9 0L29.8 199.7h132c-.1 0-56.6-174.8-56.6-174.8zM.9 287.7c-2.6 8 .3 16.9 7.1 22l247.9 184-226.2-294zm160.8-88l94.3 294 94.3-294zm349.4 88l-28.8-88-226.3 294 247.9-184c6.9-5.1 9.7-14 7.2-22zM425.7 24.9c-3.1-8.9-15.7-8.9-18.9 0l-56.6 174.8h132z"], "gitter": [384, 512, [], "f426", "M66.4 322.5H16V0h50.4v322.5zM166.9 76.1h-50.4V512h50.4V76.1zm100.6 0h-50.4V512h50.4V76.1zM368 76h-50.4v247H368V76z"], "glide": [448, 512, [], "f2a5", "M252.8 148.6c0 8.8-1.6 17.7-3.4 26.4-5.8 27.8-11.6 55.8-17.3 83.6-1.4 6.3-8.3 4.9-13.7 4.9-23.8 0-30.5-26-30.5-45.5 0-29.3 11.2-68.1 38.5-83.1 4.3-2.5 9.2-4.2 14.1-4.2 11.4 0 12.3 8.3 12.3 17.9zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-64 187c0-5.1-20.8-37.7-25.5-39.5-2.2-.9-7.2-2.3-9.6-2.3-23.1 0-38.7 10.5-58.2 21.5l-.5-.5c4.3-29.4 14.6-57.2 14.6-87.4 0-44.6-23.8-62.7-67.5-62.7-71.7 0-108 70.8-108 123.5 0 54.7 32 85 86.3 85 7.5 0 6.9-.6 6.9 2.3-10.5 80.3-56.5 82.9-56.5 58.9 0-24.4 28-36.5 28.3-38-.2-7.6-29.3-17.2-36.7-17.2-21.1 0-32.7 33-32.7 50.6 0 32.3 20.4 54.7 53.3 54.7 48.2 0 83.4-49.7 94.3-91.7 9.4-37.7 7-39.4 12.3-42.1 20-10.1 35.8-16.8 58.4-16.8 11.1 0 19 2.3 36.7 5.2 1.8.1 4.1-1.7 4.1-3.5z"], "glide-g": [448, 512, [], "f2a6", "M407.1 211.2c-3.5-1.4-11.6-3.8-15.4-3.8-37.1 0-62.2 16.8-93.5 34.5l-.9-.9c7-47.3 23.5-91.9 23.5-140.4C320.8 29.1 282.6 0 212.4 0 97.3 0 39 113.7 39 198.4 39 286.3 90.3 335 177.6 335c12 0 11-1 11 3.8-16.9 128.9-90.8 133.1-90.8 94.6 0-39.2 45-58.6 45.5-61-.3-12.2-47-27.6-58.9-27.6-33.9.1-52.4 51.2-52.4 79.3C32 476 64.8 512 117.5 512c77.4 0 134-77.8 151.4-145.4 15.1-60.5 11.2-63.3 19.7-67.6 32.2-16.2 57.5-27 93.8-27 17.8 0 30.5 3.7 58.9 8.4 2.9 0 6.7-2.9 6.7-5.8 0-8-33.4-60.5-40.9-63.4zm-175.3-84.4c-9.3 44.7-18.6 89.6-27.8 134.3-2.3 10.2-13.3 7.8-22 7.8-38.3 0-49-41.8-49-73.1 0-47 18-109.3 61.8-133.4 7-4.1 14.8-6.7 22.6-6.7 18.6 0 20 13.3 20 28.7-.1 14.3-2.7 28.5-5.6 42.4z"], "gofore": [400, 512, [], "f3a7", "M324 319.8h-13.2v34.7c-24.5 23.1-56.3 35.8-89.9 35.8-73.2 0-132.4-60.2-132.4-134.4 0-74.1 59.2-134.4 132.4-134.4 35.3 0 68.6 14 93.6 39.4l62.3-63.3C335 55.3 279.7 32 220.7 32 98 32 0 132.6 0 256c0 122.5 97 224 220.7 224 63.2 0 124.5-26.2 171-82.5-2-27.6-13.4-77.7-67.7-77.7zm-12.1-112.5H205.6v89H324c33.5 0 60.5 15.1 76 41.8v-30.6c0-65.2-40.4-100.2-88.1-100.2z"], "goodreads": [448, 512, [], "f3a8", "M299.9 191.2c5.1 37.3-4.7 79-35.9 100.7-22.3 15.5-52.8 14.1-70.8 5.7-37.1-17.3-49.5-58.6-46.8-97.2 4.3-60.9 40.9-87.9 75.3-87.5 46.9-.2 71.8 31.8 78.2 78.3zM448 88v336c0 30.9-25.1 56-56 56H56c-30.9 0-56-25.1-56-56V88c0-30.9 25.1-56 56-56h336c30.9 0 56 25.1 56 56zM330 313.2s-.1-34-.1-217.3h-29v40.3c-.8.3-1.2-.5-1.6-1.2-9.6-20.7-35.9-46.3-76-46-51.9.4-87.2 31.2-100.6 77.8-4.3 14.9-5.8 30.1-5.5 45.6 1.7 77.9 45.1 117.8 112.4 115.2 28.9-1.1 54.5-17 69-45.2.5-1 1.1-1.9 1.7- 3.8.2 30.7.1 34.5-.2 14.8-2 29.5-7.2 43.5-7.8 21-22.3 34.7-44.5 39.5-17.8 3.9-35.6 3.8-53.2-1.2-21.5-6.1-36.5-19-41.1-41.8-.3-1.6-1.3-1.3-2.3-1.3h-26.8c.8 10.6 3.2 20.3 8.5 29.2 24.2 40.5 82.7 48.5 128.2 37.4 49.9-12.3 67.3-54.9 67.4-106.3z"], "goodreads-g": [384, 512, [], "f3a9", "M42.6 403.3h2.8c12.7 0 25.5 0 38.2.1 1.6 0 3.1-.4 3.6 2.1 7.1 34.9 30 54.6 62.9 63.9 26.9 7.6 54.1 7.8 81.3 1.8 33.8-7.4 56-28.3 68-60.4 8-21.5 10.7-43.8 11-66.5.1-5.8.3-47-.2-52.8l-.9-.3c-.8 1.5-1.7 2.9-2.5 4.4-22.1 43.1-61.3 67.4-105.4 69.1-103 4-169.4-57-172-176.2-.5-23.7 1.8-46.9 8.3-69.7C58.3 47.7 112.3.6 191.6 0c61.3-.4 101.5 38.7 116.2 70.3.5 1.1 1.3 2.3 2.4 1.9V10.6h44.3c0 280.3.1 332.2.1 332.2-.1 78.5-26.7 143.7-103 162.2-69.5 16.9-159 4.8-196-57.2-8-13.5-11.8-28.3-13-44.5zM188.9 36.5c-52.5-.5-108.5 40.7-115 133.8-4.1 59 14.8 122.2 71.5 148.6 27.6 12.9 74.3 15 108.3-8.7 47.6-33.2 62.7-97 54.8-154-9.7-71.1-47.8-120-119.6-119.7z"], "google": [488, 512, [], "f1a0", "M488 261.8C488 403.3 391.1 504 248 504 110.8 504 0 393.2 0 256S110.8 8 248 8c66.8 0 123 24.5 166.3 64.9l-67.5 64.9C258.5 52.6 94.3 116.6 94.3 256c0 86.5 69.1 156.6 153.7 156.6 98.2 0 135-70.4 140.8-106.9H248v-85.3h236.1c2.3 12.7 3.9 24.9 3.9 41.4z"], "google-drive": [512, 512, [], "f3aa", "M339 314.9L175.4 32h161.2l163.6 282.9H339zm-137.5 23.6L120.9 480h310.5L512 338.5H201.5zM154.1 67.4L0 338.5 80.6 480 237 208.8 154.1 67.4z"], "google-play": [512, 512, [], "f3ab", "M325.3 234.3L104.6 13l280.8 161.2-60.1 60.1zM47 0C34 6.8 25.3 19.2 25.3 35.3v441.3c0 16.1 8.7 28.5 21.7 35.3l256.6-256L47 0zm425.2 225.6l-58.9-34.1-65.7 64.5 65.7 64.5 60.1-34.1c18-14.3 18-46.5-1.2-60.8zM104.6 499l280.8-161.2-60.1-60.1L104.6 499z"], "google-plus": [496, 512, [], "f2b3", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm-70.7 372c-68.8 0-124-55.5-124-124s55.2-124 124-124c31.3 0 60.1 11 83 32.3l-33.6 32.6c-13.2-12.9-31.3-19.1-49.4-19.1-42.9 0-77.2 35.5-77.2 78.1s34.2 78.1 77.2 78.1c32.6 0 64.9-19.1 70.1-53.3h-70.1v-42.6h116.9c1.3 6.8 1.9 13.6 1.9 20.7 0 70.8-47.5 121.2-118.8 121.2zm230.2-106.2v35.5H372v-35.5h-35.5v-35.5H372v-35.5h35.5v35.5h35.2v35.5h-35.2z"], "google-plus-g": [640, 512, [], "f0d5", "M386.061 228.496c1.834 9.692 3.143 19.384 3.143 31.956C389.204 370.205 315.599 448 204.8 448c-106.084 0-192-85.915-192-192s85.916-192 192-192c51.864 0 95.083 18.859 128.611 50.292l-52.126 50.03c-14.145-13.621-39.028-29.599-76.485-29.599-65.484 0-118.92 54.221-118.92 121.277 0 67.056 53.436 121.277 118.92 121.277 75.961 0 104.513-54.745 108.965-82.773H204.8v-66.009h181.261zm185.406 6.437V179.2h-56.001v55.733h-55.733v56.001h55.733v55.733h56.001v-55.733H627.2v-56.001h-55.733z"], "google-plus-square": [448, 512, [], "f0d4", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM164 356c-55.3 0-100-44.7-100-100s44.7-100 100-100c27 0 49.5 9.8 67 26.2l-27.1 26.1c-7.4-7.1-20.3-15.4-39.8-15.4-34.1 0-61.9 28.2-61.9 63.2 0 34.9 27.8 63.2 61.9 63.2 39.6 0 54.4-28.5 56.8-43.1H164v-34.4h94.4c1 5 1.6 10.1 1.6 16.6 0 57.1-38.3 97.6-96 97.6zm220-81.8h-29v29h-29.2v-29h-29V245h29v-29H355v29h29v29.2z"], "google-wallet": [448, 512, [], "f1ee", "M156.8 126.8c37.6 60.6 64.2 113.1 84.3 162.5-8.3 33.8-18.8 66.5-31.3 98.3-13.2-52.3-26.5-101.3-56-148.5 6.5-36.4 2.3-73.6 3-112.3zM109.3 200H16.1c-6.5 0-10.5 7.5-6.5 12.7C51.8 267 81.3 330.5 101.3 400h103.5c-16.2-69.7-38.7-133.7-82.5-193.5-3-4-8-6.5-13-6.5zm47.8-88c68.5 108 130 234.5 138.2 368H409c-12-138-68.4-265-143.2-368H157.1zm251.8-68.5c-1.8-6.8-8.2-11.5-15.2-11.5h-88.3c-5.3 0-9 5-7.8 10.3 13.2 46.5 22.3 95.5 26.5 146 48.2 86.2 79.7 178.3 90.6 270.8 15.8-60.5 25.3-133.5 25.3-203 0-73.6-12.1-145.1-31.1-212.6z"], "gratipay": [496, 512, [], "f184", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm114.6 226.4l-113 152.7-112.7-152.7c-8.7-11.9-19.1-50.4 13.6-72 28.1-18.1 54.6-4.2 68.5 11.9 15.9 17.9 46.6 16.9 61.7 0 13.9-16.1 40.4-30 68.1-11.9 32.9 21.6 22.6 60 13.8 72z"], "grav": [512, 512, [], "f2d6", "M301.1 212c4.4 4.4 4.4 11.9 0 16.3l-9.7 9.7c-4.4 4.7-11.9 4.7-16.6 0l-10.5-10.5c-4.4-4.7-4.4-11.9 0-16.6l9.7-9.7c4.4-4.4 11.9-4.4 16.6 0l10.5 10.8zm-30.2-19.7c3-3 3-7.8 0-10.5-2.8-3-7.5-3-10.5 0-2.8 2.8-2.8 7.5 0 10.5 3.1 2.8 7.8 2.8 10.5 0zm-26 5.3c-3 2.8-3 7.5 0 10.2 2.8 3 7.5 3 10.5 0 2.8-2.8 2.8-7.5 0-10.2-3-3-7.7-3-10.5 0zm72.5-13.3c-19.9-14.4-33.8-43.2-11.9-68.1 21.6-24.9 40.7-17.2 59.8.8 11.9 11.3 29.3 24.9 17.2 48.2-12.5 23.5-45.1 33.2-65.1 19.1zm47.7-44.5c-8.9-10-23.3 6.9-15.5 16.1 7.4 9 32.1 2.4 15.5-16.1zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-66.2 42.6c2.5-16.1-20.2-16.6-25.2-25.7-13.6-24.1-27.7-36.8-54.5-30.4 11.6-8 23.5-6.1 23.5-6.1.3-6.4 0-13-9.4-24.9 3.9-12.5.3-22.4.3-22.4 15.5-8.6 26.8-24.4 29.1-43.2 3.6-31-18.8-59.2-49.8-62.8-22.1-2.5-43.7 7.7-54.3 25.7-23.2 40.1 1.4 70.9 22.4 81.4-14.4-1.4-34.3-11.9-40.1-34.3-6.6-25.7 2.8-49.8 8.9-61.4 0 0-4.4-5.8-8-8.9 0 0-13.8 0-24.6 5.3 11.9-15.2 25.2-14.4 25.2-14.4 0-6.4-.6-14.9-3.6-21.6-5.4-11-23.8-12.9-31.7 2.8.1-.2.3-.4.4-.5-5 11.9-1.1 55.9 16.9 87.2-2.5 1.4-9.1 6.1-13 10-21.6 9.7-56.2 60.3-56.2 60.3-28.2 10.8-77.2 50.9-70.6 79.7.3 3 1.4 5.5 3 7.5-2.8 2.2-5.5 5-8.3 8.3-11.9 13.8-5.3 35.2 17.7 24.4 15.8-7.2 29.6-20.2 36.3-30.4 0 0-5.5-5-16.3-4.4 27.7-6.6 34.3-9.4 46.2-9.1 8 3.9 8-34.3 8-34.3 0-14.7-2.2-31-11.1-41.5 12.5 12.2 29.1 32.7 28 60.6-.8 18.3-15.2 23-15.2 23-9.1 16.6-43.2 65.9-30.4 106 0 0-9.7-14.9-10.2-22.1-17.4 19.4-46.5 52.3-24.6 64.5 26.6 14.7 108.8-88.6 126.2-142.3 34.6-20.8 55.4-47.3 63.9-65 22 43.5 95.3 94.5 101.1 59z"], "gripfire": [384, 512, [], "f3ac", "M112.5 301.4c0-73.8 105.1-122.5 105.1-203 0-47.1-34-88-39.1-90.4.4 3.3.6 6.7.6 10C179.1 110.1 32 171.9 32 286.6c0 49.8 32.2 79.2 66.5 108.3 65.1 46.7 78.1 71.4 78.1 86.6 0 10.1-4.8 17-4.8 22.3 13.1-16.7 17.4-31.9 17.5-46.4 0-29.6-21.7-56.3-44.2-86.5-16-22.3-32.6-42.6-32.6-69.5zm205.3-39c-12.1-66.8-78-124.4-94.7-130.9l4 7.2c2.4 5.1 3.4 10.9 3.4 17.1 0 44.7-54.2 111.2-56.6 116.7-2.2 5.1-3.2 10.5-3.2 15.8 0 20.1 15.2 42.1 17.9 42.1 2.4 0 56.6-55.4 58.1-87.7 6.4 11.7 9.1 22.6 9.1 33.4 0 41.2-41.8 96.9-41.8 96.9 0 11.6 31.9 53.2 35.5 53.2 1 0 2.2-1.4 3.2-2.4 37.9-39.3 67.3-85 67.3-136.8 0-8-.7-16.2-2.2-24.6z"], "grunt": [384, 512, [], "f3ad", "M61.3 189.3c-1.1 10 5.2 19.1 5.2 19.1.7-7.5 2.2-12.8 4-16.6.4 10.3 3.2 23.5 12.8 34.1 6.9 7.6 35.6 23.3 54.9 6.1 1 2.4 2.1 5.3 3 8.5 2.9 10.3-2.7 25.3-2.7 25.3s15.1-17.1 13.9-32.5c10.8-.5 21.4-8.4 21.1-19.5 0 0-18.9 10.4-35.5-8.8-9.7-11.2-40.9-42-83.1-31.8 4.3 1 8.9 2.4 13.5 4.1h-.1c-4.2 2-6.5 7.1-7 12zm28.3-1.8c19.5 11 37.4 25.7 44.9 37-5.7 3.3-21.7 10.4-38-1.7-10.3-7.6-9.8-26.2-6.9-35.3zm142.1 45.8c-1.2 15.5 13.9 32.5 13.9 32.5s-5.6-15-2.7-25.3c.9-3.2 2-6 3-8.5 19.3 17.3 48 1.5 54.8-6.1 9.6-10.6 12.3-23.8 12.8-34.1 1.8 3.8 3.4 9.1 4 16.6 0 0 6.4-9.1 5.2-19.1-.6-5-2.9-10-7-11.8h-.1c4.6-1.8 9.2-3.2 13.5-4.1-42.3-10.2-73.4 20.6-83.1 31.8-16.7 19.2-35.5 8.8-35.5 8.8-.2 10.9 10.4 18.9 21.2 19.3zm62.7-45.8c3 9.1 3.4 27.7-7 35.4-16.3 12.1-32.2 5-37.9 1.6 7.5-11.4 25.4-26 44.9-37zM160 418.5h-29.4c-5.5 0-8.2 1.6-9.5 2.9-1.9 2-2.2 4.7-.9 8.1 3.5 9.1 11.4 16.5 13.7 18.6 3.1 2.7 7.5 4.3 11.8 4.3 4.4 0 8.3-1.7 11-4.6 7.5-8.2 11.9-17.1 13-19.8.6-1.5 1.3-4.5-.9-6.8-1.8-1.8-4.7-2.7-8.8-2.7zm189.2-101.2c-2.4 17.9-13 33.8-24.6 43.7-3.1-22.7-3.7-55.5-3.7-62.4 0-14.7 9.5-24.5 12.2-26.1 2.5-1.5 5.4-3 8.3-4.6 18-9.6 40.4-21.6 40.4-43.7 0-16.2-9.3-23.2-15.4-27.8-.8-.6-1.5-1.1-2.2-1.7-2.1-1.7-3.7-3-4.3-4.4-4.4-9.8-3.6-34.2-1.7-37.6.6-.6 16.7-20.9 11.8-39.2-2-7.4-6.9-13.3-14.1-17-5.3-2.7-11.9-4.2-19.5-4.5-.1-2-.5-3.9-.9-5.9-.6-2.6-1.1-5.3-.9-8.1.4-4.7.8-9 2.2-11.3 8.4-13.3 28.8-17.6 29-17.6l12.3-2.4-8.1-9.5c-.1-.2-17.3-17.5-46.3-17.5-7.9 0-16 1.3-24.1 3.9-24.2 7.8-42.9 30.5-49.4 39.3-3.1-1-6.3-1.9-9.6-2.7-4.2-15.8 9-38.5 9-38.5s-13.6-3-33.7 15.2c-2.6-6.5-8.1-20.5-1.8-37.2C184.6 10.1 177.2 26 175 40.4c-7.6-5.4-6.7-23.1-7.2-27.6-7.5.9-29.2 21.9-28.2 48.3-2 .5-3.9 1.1-5.9 1.7-6.5-8.8-25.1-31.5-49.4-39.3-7.9-2.2-16-3.5-23.9-3.5-29 0-46.1 17.3-46.3 17.5L6 46.9l12.3 2.4c.2 0 20.6 4.3 29 17.6 1.4 2.2 1.8 6.6 2.2 11.3.2 2.8-.4 5.5-.9 8.1-.4 1.9-.8 3.9-.9 5.9-7.7.3-14.2 1.8-19.5 4.5-7.2 3.7-12.1 9.6-14.1 17-5 18.2 11.2 38.5 11.8 39.2 1.9 3.4 2.7 27.8-1.7 37.6-.6 1.4-2.2 2.7-4.3 4.4-.7.5-1.4 1.1-2.2 1.7-6.1 4.6-15.4 11.7-15.4 27.8 0 22.1 22.4 34.1 40.4 43.7 3 1.6 5.8 3.1 8.3 4.6 2.7 1.6 12.2 11.4 12.2 26.1 0 6.9-.6 39.7-3.7 62.4-11.6-9.9-22.2-25.9-24.6-43.8 0 0-29.2 22.6-20.6 70.8 5.2 29.5 23.2 46.1 47 54.7 8.8 19.1 29.4 45.7 67.3 49.6C143 504.3 163 512 192.2 512h.2c29.1 0 49.1-7.7 63.6-19.5 37.9-3.9 58.5-30.5 67.3-49.6 23.8-8.7 41.7-25.2 47-54.7 8.2-48.4-21.1-70.9-21.1-70.9zM305.7 37.7c5.6-1.8 11.6-2.7 17.7-2.7 11 0 19.9 3 24.7 5-3.1 1.4-6.4 3.2-9.7 5.3-2.4-.4-5.6-.8-9.2-.8-10.5 0-20.5 3.1-28.7 8.9-12.3 8.7-18 16.9-20.7 22.4-2.2-1.3-4.5-2.5-7.1-3.7-1.6-.8-3.1-1.5-4.7-2.2 6.1-9.1 19.9-26.5 37.7-32.2zm21 18.2c-.8 1-1.6 2.1-2.3 3.2-3.3 5.2-3.9 11.6-4.4 17.8-.5 6.4-1.1 12.5-4.4 17-4.2.8-8.1 1.7-11.5 2.7-2.3-3.1-5.6-7-10.5-11.2 1.4-4.8 5.5-16.1 13.5-22.5 5.6-4.3 12.2-6.7 19.6-7zM45.6 45.3c-3.3-2.2-6.6-4-9.7-5.3 4.8-2 13.7-5 24.7-5 6.1 0 12 .9 17.7 2.7 17.8 5.8 31.6 23.2 37.7 32.1-1.6.7-3.2 1.4-4.8 2.2-2.5 1.2-4.9 2.5-7.1 3.7-2.6-5.4-8.3-13.7-20.7-22.4-8.3-5.8-18.2-8.9-28.8-8.9-3.4.1-6.6.5-9 .9zm44.7 40.1c-4.9 4.2-8.3 8-10.5 11.2-3.4-.9-7.3-1.9-11.5-2.7C65 89.5 64.5 83.4 64 77c-.5-6.2-1.1-12.6-4.4-17.8-.7-1.1-1.5-2.2-2.3-3.2 7.4.3 14 2.6 19.5 7 8 6.3 12.1 17.6 13.5 22.4zM58.1 259.9c-2.7-1.6-5.6-3.1-8.4-4.6-14.9-8-30.2-16.3-30.2-30.5 0-11.1 4.3-14.6 8.9-18.2l.5-.4c.7-.6 1.4-1.2 2.2-1.8-.9 7.2-1.9 13.3-2.7 14.9 0 0 12.1-15 15.7-44.3 1.4-11.5-1.1-34.3-5.1-43 .2 4.9 0 9.8-.3 14.4-.4-.8-.8-1.6-1.3-2.2-3.2-4-11.8-17.5-9.4-26.6.9-3.5 3.1-6 6.7-7.8 3.8-1.9 8.8-2.9 15.1-2.9 12.3 0 25.9 3.7 32.9 6 25.1 8 55.4 30.9 64.1 3.9-3.5-5.8c-.2-.3-19.1-31.4-53.2-46.5 2-2.9 7.4-8.1 21.6-15.1 21.4-10.5 46.5-15.8 74.3-15.8 27.9 0 52.9 5.3 74.3 15.8 14.2 6.9 19.6 12.2 21.6 15.1-34 15.1-52.9 46.2-53.1 46.5l-3.5 5.8 5.6-3.9s.2-.1.4-.3c8.7-6.8 39-29.8 64.1-37.7 7-2.2 20.6-6 32.9-6 6.3 0 11.3 1 15.1 2.9 3.5 1.8 5.7 4.4 6.7 7.8 2.5 9.1-6.1 22.6-9.4 26.6-.5.6-.9 1.3-1.3 2.2-.3-4.6-.5-9.5-.3-14.4-4 8.8-6.5 31.5-5.1 43 3.6 29.3 15.7 44.3 15.7 44.3-.8-1.6-1.8-7.7-2.7- 1.5 1.2 2.2 1.8l.5.4c4.6 3.7 8.9 7.1 8.9 18.2 0 14.2-15.4 22.5-30.2 30.5-2.9 1.5-5.7 3.1-8.4 4.6-8.7 5-18 16.7-19.1 34.2-.9 14.6.9 49.9 3.4 75.9-12.4 4.8-26.7 6.4-39.7 6.8-2-4.1-3.9-8.5-5.5-13.1-.7-2-19.6-51.1-26.4-62.2 5.5 39 17.5 73.7 23.5 89.6-3.5-.5-7.3-.7-11.7-.7h-117c-4.4 0-8.3.3-11.7.7 6-15.9 18.1-50.6 23.5-89.6-6.8 11.2-25.7 60.3-26.4 62.2-1.6 4.6-3.5 9-5.5 13.1-13-.4-27.2-2-39.7-6.8 2.5-26 4.3-61.2 3.4-75.9-.9-17.4-10.3-29.2-19-34.2zM34.8 404.6c-12.1-20-8.7-54.1-3.7-59.1 10.9 34.4 47.2 44.3 74.4 45.4-2.7 4.2-5.2 7.6-7 10l-1.4 1.4c-7.2 7.8-8.6 18.5-4.1 31.8-22.7-.1-46.3-9.8-58.2-29.5zm45.7 43.5c6 1.1 12.2 1.9 18.6 2.4 3.5 8 7.4 15.9 12.3 23.1-14.4-5.9-24.4-16-30.9-25.5zM192 498.2c-60.6-.1-78.3-45.8-84.9-64.7-3.7-10.5-3.4-18.2.9-23.1 2.9-3.3 9.5-7.2 24.6-7.2h118.8c15.1 0 21.8 3.9 24.6 7.2 4.2 4.8 4.5 12.6.9 23.1-6.6 18.8-24.3 64.6-84.9 64.7zm80.6-24.6c4.9-7.2 8.8-15.1 12.3-23.1 6.4-.5 12.6-1.3 18.6-2.4-6.5 9.5-16.5 19.6-30.9 25.5zm76.6-69c-12 19.7-35.6 29.3-58.1 29.7 4.5-13.3 3.1-24.1-4.1-31.8-.4-.5-.9-1-1.4-1.5-1.8-2.4-4.3-5.8-7-10 27.2-1.2 63.5-11 74.4-45.4 5 5 8.4 39.1-3.8 59zM191.9 187.7h.2c12.7-.1 27.2-17.8 27.2-17.8-9.9 6-18.8 8.1-27.3 8.3-8.5-.2-17.4-2.3-27.3-8.3 0 0 14.5 17.6 27.2 17.8zm61.7 230.7h-29.4c-4.2 0-7.2.9-8.9 2.7-2.2 2.3-1.5 5.2-.9 6.7 1 2.6 5.5 11.3 13 19.3 2.7 2.9 6.6 4.5 11 4.5s8.7-1.6 11.8-4.2c2.3-2 10.2-9.2 13.7-18.1 1.3-3.3 1-6-.9-7.9-1.3-1.3-4-2.9-9.4-3z"], "gulp": [256, 512, [], "f3ae", "M209.8 391.1l-14.1 24.6-4.6 80.2c0 8.9-28.3 16.1-63.1 16.1s-63.1-7.2-63.1-16.1l-5.8-79.4-14.9-25.4c41.2 17.3 126 16.7 165.6 0zm-196-253.3l13.6 125.5c5.9-20 20.8-47 40-55.2 6.3-2.7 12.7-2.7 18.7.9 5.2 3 9.6 9.3 10.1 11.8 1.2 6.5-2 9.1-4.5 9.1-3 0-5.3-4.6-6.8-7.3-4.1-7.3-10.3-7.6-16.9-2.8-6.9 5-12.9 13.4-17.1 20.7-5.1 8.8-9.4 18.5-12 28.2-1.5 5.6-2.9 14.6-.6 19.9 1 2.2 2.5 3.6 4.9 3.6 5 0 12.3-6.6 15.8-10.1 4.5-4.5 10.3-11.5 12.5-16l5.2-15.5c2.6-6.8 9.9-5.6 9.9 0 0 10.2-3.7 13.6-10 34.7-5.8 19.5-7.6 25.8-7.6 25.8-.7 2.8-3.4 7.5-6.3 7.5-1.2 0-2.1-.4-2.6-1.2-1-1.4-.9-5.3-.8-6.3.2-3.2 6.3-22.2 7.3-25.2-2 2.2-4.1 4.4-6.4 6.6-5.4 5.1-14.1 11.8-21.5 11.8-3.4 0-5.6-.9-7.7-2.4l7.6 79.6c2 5 39.2 17.1 88.2 17.1 49.1 0 86.3-12.2 88.2-17.1l10.9-94.6c-5.7 5.2-12.3 11.6-19.6 14.8-5.4 2.3-17.4 3.8-17.4-5.7 0-5.2 9.1-14.8 14.4-21.5 1.4-1.7 4.7-5.9 4.7-8.1 0-2.9-6-2.2-11.7 2.5-3.2 2.7-6.2 6.3-8.7 9.7-4.3 6-6.6 11.2-8.5 15.5-6.2 14.2-4.1 8.6-9.1 22-5 13.3-4.2 11.8-5.2 14-.9 1.9-2.2 3.5-4 4.5-1.9 1-4.5.9-6.1-.3-.9-.6-1.3-1.9-1.3-3.7 0-.9.1-1.8.3-2.7 1.5-6.1 7.8-18.1 15-34.3 1.6-3.7 1-2.6.8-2.3-6.2 6-10.9 8.9-14.4 10.5-5.8 2.6-13 2.6-14.5-4.1-.1-.4-.1-.8-.2-1.2-11.8 9.2-24.3 11.7-20-8.1-4.6 8.2-12.6 14.9-22.4 14.9-4.1 0-7.1-1.4-8.6-5.1-2.3-5.5 1.3-14.9 4.6-23.8 1.7-4.5 4-9.9 7.1-16.2 1.6-3.4 4.2-5.4 7.6- 1.1.4 1.6.7 2.6 1.8 1.6 4.5.3 7.2-3.8 7.5-7.1 13-9.3 20.8-.9 3.3-2 9 1.5 9 2.4 0 4.7-.8 6.9-2.4 4.6-3.4 8.3-8.5 11.1-13.5 2-3.6 4.4-8.3 5.6-12.3.5-1.7 1.1-3.3 1.8-4.8 1.1-2.5 2.6-5.1 5.2-5.1 1.3 0 2.4.5 3.2 1.5 1.7 2.2 1.3 4.5.4 6.9-2 5.6-4.7 10.6-6.9 16.7-1.3 3.5-2.7 8-2.7 11.7 0 3.4 3.7 2.6 6.8 1.2 2.4-1.1 4.8-2.8 6.8-4.5 1.2-4.9.9-3.8 26.4-68.2 1.3-3.3 3.7-4.7 6.1-4.7 1.2 0 2.2.4 3.2 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.7 4.1 1 6.2-.7 1.9-.6 1.3-4.5 10.5-5.2 12.1-8.6 20.8-13.2 31.9-1.9 4.6-7.7 18.9-8.7 22.3-.6 2.2-1.3 5.8 1 5.8 5.4 0 19.3-13.1 23.1-17 .2-.3.5-.4.9-.6.6-1.9 1.2-3.7 1.7-5.5 1.4-3.8 2.7-8.2 5.3-11.3.8-1 1.7-1.6 2.7-1.6 2.8 0 4.2 1.2 4.2 4 0 1.1-.7 5.1-1.1 6.2 1.4-1.5 2.9-3 4.5-4.5 15-13.9 25.7-6.8 25.7.2 0 7.4-8.9 17.7-13.8 23.4-1.6 1.9-4.9 5.4-5 6.4 0 1.3.9 1.8 2.2 1.8 2 0 6.4-3.5 8-4.7 5-3.9 11.8-9.9 16.6-14.1l14.8-136.8c-30.5 17.1-197.6 17.2-228.3.2zm229.7-8.5c0 21-231.2 21-231.2 0 0-8.8 51.8-15.9 115.6-15.9 9 0 17.8.1 26.3.4l12.6-48.7L228.1.6c1.4-1.4 5.8-.2 9.9 3.5s6.6 7.9 5.3 9.3l-.1.1L185.9 74l-10 40.7c39.9 2.6 67.6 8.1 67.6 14.6zm-69.4 4.6c0-.8-.9-1.5-2.5-2.1l-.2.8c0 1.3-5 2.4-11.1 2.4s-11.1-1.1-11.1-2.4c0-.1 0-.2.1-.3l.2-.7c-1.8.6-3 1.4-3 2.3 0 2.1 6.2 3.7 13.7 3.7 7.7.1 13.9-1.6 13.9-3.7z"], "hacker-news": [448, 512, [], "f1d4", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm21.2 197.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4zm218 53.9V384h-31.4V281.3L128 128h37.3c52.5 98.3 49.2 101.2 59.3 125.6 12.3-27 5.8-24.4 60.6-125.6H320l-80.8 155.1z"], "hacker-news-square": [448, 512, [], "f3af", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM21.2 229.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4zm218 53.9V384h-31.4V281.3L128 128h37.3c52.5 98.3 49.2 101.2 59.3 125.6 12.3-27 5.8-24.4 60.6-125.6H320l-80.8 155.1z"], "hackerrank": [512, 512, [], "f5f7", "M477.5 128C463 103.05 285.13 0 256.16 0S49.25 102.79 34.84 128s-14.49 230.8 0 256 192.38 128 221.32 128S463 409.08 477.49 384s14.51-231 .01-256zM316.13 414.22c-4 0-40.91-35.77-38-38.69.87-.87 6.26-1.48 17.55-1.83 0-26.23.59-68.59.94-86.32 0-2-.44-3.43-.44-5.85h-79.93c0 7.1-.46 36.2 1.37 72.88.23 4.54-1.58 6-5.74 5.94-10.13 0-20.27-.11-30.41-.08-4.1 0-5.87-1.53-5.74-6.11.92-33.44 3-84-.15-212.67v-3.17c-9.67-.35-16.38-1-17.26-1.84-2.92-2.92 34.54-38.69 38.49-38.69s41.17 35.78 38.27 38.69c-.87.87-7.9 1.49-16.77 1.84v3.16c-2.42 25.75-2 79.59-2.63 105.39h80.26c0-4.55.39-34.74-1.2-83.64-.1-3.39.95-5.17 4.21-5.2 11.07-.08 22.15-.13 33.23-.06 3.46 0 4.57 1.72 4.5 5.38C333 354.64 336 341.29 336 373.69c8.87.35 16.82 1 17.69 1.84 2.88 2.91-33.62 38.69-37.58 38.69z"], "hips": [640, 512, [], "f452", "M251.6 157.6c0-1.9-.9-2.8-2.8-2.8h-40.9c-1.6 0-2.7 1.4-2.7 2.8v201.8c0 1.4 1.1 2.8 2.7 2.8h40.9c1.9 0 2.8-.9 2.8-2.8zM156.5 168c-16.1-11.8-36.3-17.9-60.3-18-18.1-.1-34.6 3.7-49.8 11.4V80.2c0-1.8-.9-2.7-2.8-2.7H2.7c-1.8 0-2.7.9-2.7 2.7v279.2c0 1.9.9 2.8 2.7 2.8h41c1.9 0 2.8-.9 2.8-2.8V223.3c0-.8-2.8-27 45.8-27 48.5 0 45.8 26.1 45.8 27v122.6c0 9 7.3 16.3 16.4 16.3h27.3c1.8 0 2.7-.9 2.7-2.8V223.3c0-23.4-9.3-41.8-28-55.3zm478.4 110.1c-6.8-15.7-18.4-27-34.9-34.1l-57.6-25.3c-8.6-3.6-9.2-11.2-2.6-16.1 7.4-5.5 44.3-13.9 84 6.8 1.7 1 4-.3 4-2.4v-44.7c0-1.3-.6-2.1-1.9-2.6-17.7-6.6-36.1-9.9-55.1-9.9-26.5 0-45.3 5.8-58.5 15.4-.5.4-28.4 20-22.7 53.7 3.4 19.6 15.8 34.2 37.2 43.6l53.6 23.5c11.6 5.1 15.2 13.3 12.2 21.2-3.7 9.1-13.2 13.6-36.5 13.6-24.3 0-44.7-8.9-58.4-19.1-2.1-1.4-4.4.2-4.4 2.3v34.4c0 10.4 4.9 17.3 14.6 20.7 15.6 5.5 31.6 8.2 48.2 8.2 12.7 0 25.8-1.2 36.3-4.3.7-.3 36-8.9 45.6-45.8 3.5-13.5 2.4-26.5-3.1-39.1zM376.2 149.8c-31.7 0-104.2 20.1-104.2 103.5v183.5c0 .8.6 2.7 2.7 2.7h40.9c1.9 0 2.8-.9 2.8-2.7V348c16.5 12.7 35.8 19.1 57.7 19.1 60.5 0 108.7-48.5 108.7-108.7.1-60.3-48.2-108.6-108.6-108.6zm0 170.9c-17.2 0-31.9-6.1-44-18.2-12.2-12.2-18.2-26.8-18.2-44 0-34.5 27.6-62.2 62.2-62.2 34.5 0 62.2 27.6 62.2 62.2.1 34.3-27.3 62.2-62.2 62.2zM228.3 72.5c-15.9 0-28.8 12.9-28.9 28.9 0 15.6 12.7 28.9 28.9 28.9s28.9-13.1 28.9-28.9c0-16.2-13-28.9-28.9-28.9z"], "hire-a-helper": [512, 512, [], "f3b0", "M443.1 0H71.9C67.9 37.3 37.4 67.8 0 71.7v371.5c37.4 4.9 66 32.4 71.9 68.8h372.2c3-36.4 32.5-65.8 67.9-69.8V71.7c-36.4-5.9-65-35.3-68.9-71.7zm-37 404.9c-36.3 0-18.8-2-55.1-2-35.8 0-21 2-56.1 2-5.9 0-4.9-8.2 0-9.8 22.8-7.6 22.9-10.2 24.6-12.8 10.4-15.6 5.9-83 5.9-113 0-5.3-6.4-12.8-13.8-12.8H200.4c-7.4 0-13.8 7.5-13.8 12.8 0 30-4.5 97.4 5.9 113 1.7 2.5 1.8 5.2 24.6 12.8 4.9 1.6 6 9.8 0 9.8-35.1 0-20.3-2-56.1-2-36.3 0-18.8 2-55.1 2-7.9 0-5.8-10.8 0-10.8 10.2-3.4 13.5-3.5 21.7-13.8 7.7-12.9 7.9-44.4 7.9-127.8V151.3c0-22.2-12.2-28.3-28.6-32.4-8.8-2.2-4-11.8 1-11.8 36.5 0 20.6 2 57.1 2 32.7 0 16.5-2 49.2-2 3.3 0 8.5 8.3 1 10.8-4.9 1.6-27.6 3.7-27.6 39.3 0 45.6-.2 55.8 1 68.8 0 1.3 2.3 12.8 12.8 12.8h109.2c10.5 0 12.8-11.5 12.8-12.8 1.2-13 1-23.2 1-68.8 0-35.6-22.7-37.7-27.6-39.3-7.5-2.5-2.3-10.8 1-10.8 32.7 0 16.5 2 49.2 2 36.5 0 20.6-2 57.1-2 4.9 0 9.9 9.6 1 11.8-16.4 4.1-28.6 10.3-28.6 32.4v101.2c0 83.4.1 114.9 7.9 127.8 8.2 10.2 11.4 10.4 21.7 13.8 5.8 0 7.8 10.8 0 10.8z"], "hooli": [640, 512, [], "f427", "M144.5 352l38.3.8c-13.2-4.6-26-10.2-38.3-16.8zm57.7-5.3v5.3l-19.4.8c36.5 12.5 69.9 14.2 94.7 7.2-19.9.2-45.8-2.6-75.3-13.3zm408.9-115.2c15.9 0 28.9-12.9 28.9-28.9s-12.9-24.5-28.9-24.5c-15.9 0-28.9 8.6-28.9 24.5s12.9 28.9 28.9 28.9zm-29 120.5H640V241.5h-57.9zm-73.7 0h57.9V156.7L508.4 184zm-31-119.4c-18.2-18.2-50.4-17.1-50.4-17.1s-32.3-1.1-50.4 17.1c-18.2 18.2-16.8 33.9-16.8 52.6s-1.4 34.3 16.8 52.5 50.4 17.1 50.4 17.1 32.3 1.1 50.4-17.1c18.2-18.2 16.8-33.8 16.8-52.5-.1-18.8 1.3-34.5-16.8-52.6zm-39.8 71.9c0 3.6-1.8 12.5-10.7 12.5s-10.7-8.9-10.7-12.5v-40.4c0-8.7 7.3-10.9 10.7-10.9s10.7 2.1 10.7 10.9zm-106.2-71.9c-18.2-18.2-50.4-17.1-50.4-17.1s-32.2-1.1-50.4 17.1c-1.9 1.9-3.7 3.9-5.3 6-38.2-29.6-72.5-46.5-102.1-61.1v-20.7l-22.5 10.6c-54.4-22.1-89-18.2-97.3.1 0 0-24.9 32.8 61.8 110.8V352h57.9v-28.6c-6.5-4.2-13-8.7-19.4-13.6-14.8-11.2-27.4-21.6-38.4-31.4v-31c13.1 14.7 30.5 31.4 53.4 50.3l4.5 3.6v-29.8c0-6.9 1.7-18.2 10.8-18.2s10.6 6.9 10.6 15V317c18 12.2 37.3 22.1 57.7 29.6v-93.9c0-18.7-13.4-37.4-40.6-37.4-15.8-.1-30.5 8.2-38.5 21.9v-54.3c41.9 20.9 83.9 46.5 99.9 58.3-10.2 14.6-9.3 28.1-9.3 43.7 0 18.7-1.4 34.3 16.8 52.5s50.4 17.1 50.4 17.1 32.3 1.1 50.4-17.1c18.2-18.2 16.7-33.8 16.7-52.5 0-18.5 1.5-34.2-16.7-52.3zM65.2 184v63.3c-48.7-54.5-38.9-76-35.2-79.1 13.5-11.4 37.5-8 64.4 2.1zm226.5 120.5c0 3.6-1.8 12.5-10.7 12.5s-10.7-8.9-10.7-12.5v-40.4c0-8.7 7.3-10.9 10.7-10.9s10.7 2.1 10.7 10.9z"], "hornbill": [512, 512, [], "f592", "M76.38 370.3a37.8 37.8 0 1 1-32.07-32.42c-78.28-111.35 52-190.53 52-190.53-5.86 43-8.24 91.16-8.24 91.16-67.31 41.49.93 64.06 39.81 72.87a140.38 140.38 0 0 0 131.66 91.94c1.92 0 3.77-.21 5.67-.28l.11 18.86c-99.22 1.39-158.7-29.14-188.94-51.6zm108-327.7A37.57 37.57 0 0 0 181 21.45a37.95 37.95 0 1 0-31.17 54.22c-22.55 29.91-53.83 89.57-52.42 190l21.84-.15c0-.9-.14-1.77-.14-2.68A140.42 140.42 0 0 1 207 132.71c8-37.71 30.7-114.3 73.8-44.29 0 0 48.14 2.38 91.18 8.24 0 0-77.84-128-187.59-54.06zm304.19 134.17a37.94 37.94 0 1 0-53.84-28.7C403 126.13 344.89 99 251.28 100.33l.14 22.5c2.7-.15 5.39-.41 8.14-.41a140.37 140.37 0 0 1 130.49 88.76c39.1 9 105.06 31.58 38.46 72.54 0 0-2.34 48.13-8.21 91.16 0 0 133.45-81.16 49-194.61a37.45 37.45 0 0 0 19.31-3.5zM374.06 436.24c21.43-32.46 46.42-89.69 45.14-179.66l-19.52.14c.08 2.06.3 4.07.3 6.15a140.34 140.34 0 0 1-91.39 131.45c-8.85 38.95-31.44 106.66-72.77 39.49 0 0-48.12-2.34-91.19-8.22 0 0 79.92 131.34 191.9 51a37.5 37.5 0 0 0 3.64 14 37.93 37.93 0 1 0 33.89-54.29z"], "hotjar": [448, 512, [], "f3b1", "M414.9 161.5C340.2 29 121.1 0 121.1 0S222.2 110.4 93 197.7C11.3 252.8-21 324.4 14 402.6c26.8 59.9 83.5 84.3 144.6 93.4-29.2-55.1-6.6-122.4-4.1-129.6 57.1 86.4 165 0 110.8-93.9 71 15.4 81.6 138.6 27.1 215.5 80.5-25.3 134.1-88.9 148.8-145.6 15.5-59.3 3.7-127.9-26.3-180.9z"], "houzz": [448, 512, [], "f27c", "M275.9 330.7H171.3V480H17V32h109.5v104.5l305.1 85.6V480H275.9z"], "html5": [384, 512, [], "f13b", "M0 32l34.9 395.8L191.5 480l157.6-52.2L384 32H0zm308.2 127.9H124.4l4.1 49.4h175.6l-13.6 148.4-97.9 27v.3h-1.1l-98.7-27.3-6-75.8h47.7L138 320l53.5 14.5 53.7-14.5 6-62.2H84.3L71.5 112.2h241.1l-4.4 47.7z"], "hubspot": [512, 512, [], "f3b2", "M267.4 211.6c-25.1 23.7-40.8 57.3-40.8 94.6 0 29.3 9.7 56.3 26 78L203.1 434c-4.4-1.6-9.1-2.5-14-2.5-10.8 0-20.9 4.2-28.5 11.8-7.6 7.6-11.8 17.8-11.8 28.6s4.2 20.9 11.8 28.5c7.6 7.6 17.8 11.6 28.5 11.6 10.8 0 20.9-3.9 28.6-11.6 7.6-7.6 11.8-17.8 11.8-28.5 0-4.2-.6-8.2-1.9-12.1l50-50.2c22 16.9 49.4 26.9 79.3 26.9 71.9 0 130-58.3 130-130.2 0-65.2-47.7-119.2-110.2-128.7V116c17.5-7.4 28.2-23.8 28.2-42.9 0-26.1-20.9-47.9-47-47.9S311.2 47 311.2 73.1c0 19.1 10.7 35.5 28.2 42.9v61.2c-15.2 2.1-29.6 6.7-42.7 13.6-27.6-20.9-117.5-85.7-168.9-124.8 1.2-4.4 2-9 2-13.8C129.8 23.4 106.3 0 77.4 0 48.6 0 25.2 23.4 25.2 52.2c0 28.9 23.4 52.3 52.2 52.3 9.8 0 18.9-2.9 26.8-7.6l163.2 114.7zm89.5 163.6c-38.1 0-69-30.9-69-69s30.9-69 69-69 69 30.9 69 69-30.9 69-69 69z"], "imdb": [448, 512, [], "f2d8", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM21.3 229.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4zM97 319.8H64V192h33zm113.2 0h-28.7v-86.4l-11.6 86.4h-20.6l-12.2-84.5v84.5h-29V192h42.8c3.3 19.8 6 39.9 8.7 59.9l7.6-59.9h43zm11.4 0V192h24.6c17.6 0 44.7-1.6 49 20.9 1.7 7.6 1.4 16.3 1.4 24.4 0 88.5 11.1 82.6-75 82.5zm160.9-29.2c0 15.7-2.4 30.9-22.2 30.9-9 0-15.2-3-20.9-9.8l-1.9 8.1h-29.8V192h31.7v41.7c6-6.5 12-9.2 20.9-9.2 21.4 0 22.2 12.8 22.2 30.1zM265 229.9c0-9.7 1.6-16-10.3-16v83.7c12.2.3 10.3-8.7 10.3-18.4zm85.5 26.1c0-5.4 1.1-12.7-6.2-12.7-6 0-4.9 8.9-4.9 12.7 0 .6-1.1 39.6 1.1 44.7.8 1.6 2.2 2.4 3.8 2.4 7.8 0 6.2-9 6.2-14.4z"], "instagram": [448, 512, [], "f16d", "M224.1 141c-63.6 0-114.9 51.3-114.9 114.9s51.3 114.9 114.9 114.9S339 319.5 339 255.9 287.7 141 224.1 141zm0 189.6c-41.1 0-74.7-33.5-74.7-74.7s33.5-74.7 74.7-74.7 74.7 33.5 74.7 74.7-33.6 74.7-74.7 74.7zm146.4-194.3c0 14.9-12 26.8-26.8 26.8-14.9 0-26.8-12-26.8-26.8s12-26.8 26.8-26.8 26.8 12 26.8 26.8zm76.1 27.2c-1.7-35.9-9.9-67.7-36.2-93.9-26.2-26.2-58-34.4-93.9-36.2-37-2.1-147.9-2.1-184.9 0-35.8 1.7-67.6 9.9-93.9 36.1s-34.4 58-36.2 93.9c-2.1 37-2.1 147.9 0 184.9 1.7 35.9 9.9 67.7 36.2 93.9s58 34.4 93.9 36.2c37 2.1 147.9 2.1 184.9 0 35.9-1.7 67.7-9.9 93.9-36.2 26.2-26.2 34.4-58 36.2-93.9 2.1-37 2.1-147.8 0-184.8zM398.8 388c-7.8 19.6-22.9 34.7-42.6 42.6-29.5 11.7-99.5 9-132.1 9s-102.7 2.6-132.1-9c-19.6-7.8-34.7-22.9-42.6-42.6-11.7-29.5-9-99.5-9-132.1s-2.6-102.7 9-132.1c7.8-19.6 22.9-34.7 42.6-42.6 29.5-11.7 99.5-9 132.1-9s102.7-2.6 132.1 9c19.6 7.8 34.7 22.9 42.6 42.6 11.7 29.5 9 99.5 9 132.1s2.7 102.7-9 132.1z"], "intercom": [448, 512, [], "f7af", "M392 32H56C25.1 32 0 57.1 0 88v336c0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h336c30.9 0 56-25.1 56-56V88c0-30.9-25.1-56-56-56zm-108.3 82.1c0-19.8 29.9-19.8 29.9 0v199.5c0 19.8-29.9 19.8-29.9 0V114.1zm-74.6-7.5c0-19.8 29.9-19.8 29.9 0v216.5c0 19.8-29.9 19.8-29.9 0V106.6zm-74.7 7.5c0-19.8 29.9-19.8 29.9 0v199.5c0 19.8-29.9 19.8-29.9 0V114.1zM59.7 144c0-19.8 29.9-19.8 29.9 0v134.3c0 19.8-29.9 19.8-29.9 0V144zm323.4 227.8c-72.8 63-241.7 65.4-318.1 0-15-12.8 4.4-35.5 19.4-22.7 65.9 55.3 216.1 53.9 279.3 0 14.9-12.9 34.3 9.8 19.4 22.7zm5.2-93.5c0 19.8-29.9 19.8-29.9 0V144c0-19.8 29.9-19.8 29.9 0v134.3z"], "internet-explorer": [512, 512, [], "f26b", "M483.049 159.706c10.855-24.575 21.424-60.438 21.424-87.871 0-72.722-79.641-98.371-209.673-38.577-107.632-7.181-211.221 73.67-237.098 186.457 30.852-34.862 78.271-82.298 121.977-101.158C125.404 166.85 79.128 228.002 43.992 291.725 23.246 329.651 0 390.94 0 436.747c0 98.575 92.854 86.5 180.251 42.006 31.423 15.43 66.559 15.573 101.695 15.573 97.124 0 184.249-54.294 216.814-146.022H377.927c-52.509 88.593-196.819 52.996-196.819-47.436H509.9c6.407-43.581-1.655-95.715-26.851-141.162zM64.559 346.877c17.711 51.15 53.703 95.871 100.266 123.304-88.741 48.94-173.267 29.096-100.266-123.304zm115.977-108.873c2-55.151 50.276-94.871 103.98-94.871 53.418 0 101.981 39.72 103.981 94.871H180.536zm184.536-187.6c21.425-10.287 48.563-22.003 72.558-22.003 31.422 0 54.274 21.717 54.274 53.722 0 20.003-7.427 49.007-14.569 67.867-26.28-42.292-65.986-81.584-112.263-99.586z"], "invision": [448, 512, [], "f7b0", "M407.4 32H40.6C18.2 32 0 50.2 0 72.6v366.8C0 461.8 18.2 480 40.6 480h366.8c22.4 0 40.6-18.2 40.6-40.6V72.6c0-22.4-18.2-40.6-40.6-40.6zM176.1 145.6c.4 23.4-22.4 27.3-26.6 27.4-14.9 0-27.1-12-27.1-27 .1-35.2 53.1-35.5 53.7-.4zM332.8 377c-65.6 0-34.1-74-25-106.6 14.1-46.4-45.2-59-59.9.7l-25.8 103.3H177l8.1-32.5c-31.5 51.8-94.6 44.4-94.6-4.3.1-14.3.9-14 23-104.1H81.7l9.7-35.6h76.4c-33.6 133.7-32.6 126.9-32.9 138.2 0 20.9 40.9 13.5 57.4-23.2l19.8-79.4h-32.3l9.7-35.6h68.8l-8.9 40.5c40.5-75.5 127.9-47.8 101.8 38-14.2 51.1-14.6 50.7-14.9 58.8 0 15.5 17.5 22.6 31.8-16.9L386 325c-10.5 36.7-29.4 52-53.2 52z"], "ioxhost": [640, 512, [], "f208", "M616 160h-67.3C511.2 70.7 422.9 8 320 8 183 8 72 119 72 256c0 16.4 1.6 32.5 4.7 48H24c-13.3 0-24 10.8-24 24 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h67.3c37.5 89.3 125.8 152 228.7 152 137 0 248-111 248-248 0-16.4-1.6-32.5-4.7-48H616c13.3 0 24-10.8 24-24 0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm-96 96c0 110.5-89.5 200-200 200-75.7 0-141.6-42-175.5-104H424c13.3 0 24-10.8 24-24 0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H125.8c-3.8-15.4-5.8-31.4-5.8-48 0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200 75.7 0 141.6 42 175.5 104H216c-13.3 0-24 10.8-24 24 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h298.2c3.8 15.4 5.8 31.4 5.8 48zm-304-24h208c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24 0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24H216c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24 0-13.2 10.7-24 24-24z"], "itch-io": [512, 512, [], "f83a", "M71.92 34.77C50.2 47.67 7.4 96.84 7 109.73v21.34c0 27.06 25.29 50.84 48.25 50.84 27.57 0 50.54-22.85 50.54-50 0 27.12 22.18 50 49.76 50s49-22.85 49-50c0 27.12 23.59 50 51.16 50h.5c27.57 0 51.16-22.85 51.16-50 0 27.12 21.47 50 49 50s49.76-22.85 49.76-50c0 27.12 23 50 50.54 50 23 0 48.25-23.78 48.25-50.84v-21.34c-.4-12.9-43.2-62.07-64.92-75C372.56 32.4 325.76 32 256 32S91.14 33.1 71.92 34.77zm132.32 134.39c-22 38.4-77.9 38.71-99.85.25-13.17 23.14-43.17 32.07-56 27.66-3.87 40.15-13.67 237.13 17.73 269.15 80 18.67 302.08 18.12 379.76 0 31.65-32.27 21.32-232 17.75-269.15-12.92 4.44-42.88-4.6-56-27.66-22 38.52-77.85 38.1-99.85-.24-7.1 12.49-23.05 28.94-51.76 28.94a57.54 57.54 0 0 1-51.75-28.94zm-41.58 53.77c16.47 0 31.09 0 49.22 19.78a436.91 436.91 0 0 1 88.18 0C318.22 223 332.85 223 349.31 223c52.33 0 65.22 77.53 83.87 144.45 17.26 62.15-5.52 63.67-33.95 63.73-42.15-1.57-65.49-32.18-65.49-62.79-39.25 6.43-101.93 8.79-155.55 0 0 30.61-23.34 61.22-65.49 62.79-28.42-.06-51.2-1.58-33.94-63.73 18.67-67 31.56-144.45 83.88-144.45zM256 270.79s-44.38 40.77-52.35 55.21l29-1.17v25.32c0 1.55 21.34.16 23.33.16 11.65.54 23.31 1 23.31-.16v-25.28l29 1.17c-8-14.48-52.35-55.24-52.35-55.24z"], "itunes": [448, 512, [], "f3b4", "M223.6 80.3C129 80.3 52.5 157 52.5 251.5S129 422.8 223.6 422.8s171.2-76.7 171.2-171.2c0-94.6-76.7-171.3-171.2-171.3zm79.4 240c-3.2 13.6-13.5 21.2-27.3 23.8-12.1 2.2-22.2 2.8-31.9-5-11.8-10-12-26.4-1.4-36.8 8.4-8 20.3-9.6 38-12.8 3-.5 5.6-1.2 7.7-3.7 3.2-3.6 2.2-2 2.2-80.8 0-5.6-2.7-7.1-8.4-6.1-4 .7-91.9 17.1-91.9 17.1-5 1.1-6.7 2.6-6.7 8.3 0 116.1.5 110.8-1.2 118.5-2.1 9-7.6 15.8-14.9 19.6-8.3 4.6-23.4 6.6-31.4 5.2-21.4-4-28.9-28.7-14.4-42.9 8.4-8 20.3-9.6 38-12.8 3-.5 5.6-1.2 7.7-3.7 5-5.7.9-127 2.6-133.7.4-2.6 1.5-4.8 3.5-6.4 2.1-1.7 5.8-2.7 6.7-2.7 101-19 113.3-21.4 115.1-21.4 5.7-.4 9 3 9 8.7-.1 170.6.4 161.4-1 167.6zM345.2 32H102.8C45.9 32 0 77.9 0 134.8v242.4C0 434.1 45.9 480 102.8 480h242.4c57 0 102.8-45.9 102.8-102.8V134.8C448 77.9 402.1 32 345.2 32zM223.6 444c-106.3 0-192.5-86.2-192.5-192.5S117.3 59 223.6 59s192.5 86.2 192.5 192.5S329.9 444 223.6 444z"], "itunes-note": [384, 512, [], "f3b5", "M381.9 388.2c-6.4 27.4-27.2 42.8-55.1 48-24.5 4.5-44.9 5.6-64.5-10.2-23.9-20.1-24.2-53.4-2.7-74.4 17-16.2 40.9-19.5 76.8-25.8 6-1.1 11.2-2.5 15.6-7.4 6.4-7.2 4.4-4.1 4.4-163.2 0-11.2-5.5-14.3-17-12.3-8.2 1.4-185.7 34.6-185.7 34.6-10.2 2.2-13.4 5.2-13.4 16.7 0 234.7 1.1 223.9-2.5 239.5-4.2 18.2-15.4 31.9-30.2 39.5-16.8 9.3-47.2 13.4-63.4 10.4-43.2-8.1-58.4-58-29.1-86.6 17-16.2 40.9-19.5 76.8-25.8 6-1.1 11.2-2.5 15.6-7.4 10.1-11.5 1.8-256.6 5.2-270.2.8-5.2 3-9.6 7.1-12.9 4.2-3.5 11.8-5.5 13.4-5.5 204-38.2 228.9-43.1 232.4-43.1 11.5-.8 18.1 6 18.1 17.6.2 344.5 1.1 326-1.8 338.5z"], "java": [384, 512, [], "f4e4", "M277.74 312.9c9.8-6.7 23.4-12.5 23.4-12.5s-38.7 7-77.2 10.2c-47.1 3.9-97.7 4.7-123.1 1.3-60.1-8 33-30.1 33-30.1s-36.1-2.4-80.6 19c-52.5 25.4 130 37 224.5 12.1zm-85.4-32.1c-19-42.7-83.1-80.2 0-145.8C296 53.2 242.84 0 242.84 0c21.5 84.5-75.6 110.1-110.7 162.6-23.9 35.9 11.7 74.4 60.2 118.2zm114.6-176.2c.1 0-175.2 43.8-91.5 140.2 24.7 28.4-6.5 54-6.5 54s62.7-32.4 33.9-72.9c-26.9-37.8-47.5-56.6 64.1-121.3zm-6.1 270.5a12.19 12.19 0 0 1-2 2.6c128.3-33.7 81.1-118.9 19.8-97.3a17.33 17.33 0 0 0-8.2 6.3 70.45 70.45 0 0 1 11-3c31-6.5 75.5 41.5-20.6 91.4zM348 437.4s14.5 11.9-15.9 21.2c-57.9 17.5-240.8 22.8-291.6.7-18.3-7.9 16-19 26.8-21.3 11.2-2.4 17.7-2 17.7-2-20.3-14.3-131.3 28.1-56.4 40.2C232.84 509.4 401 461.3 348 437.4zM124.44 396c-78.7 22 47.9 67.4 148.1 24.5a185.89 185.89 0 0 1-28.2-13.8c-44.7 8.5-65.4 9.1-106 4.5-33.5-3.8-13.9-15.2-13.9-15.2zm179.8 97.2c-78.7 14.8-175.8 13.1-233.3 3.6 0-.1 11.8 9.7 72.4 13.6 92.2 5.9 233.8-3.3 237.1-46.9 0 0-6.4 16.5-76.2 29.7zM260.64 353c-59.2 11.4-93.5 11.1-136.8 6.6-33.5-3.5-11.6-19.7-11.6-19.7-86.8 28.8 48.2 61.4 169.5 25.9a60.37 60.37 0 0 1-21.1-12.8z"], "jedi-order": [448, 512, [], "f50e", "M398.5 373.6c95.9-122.1 17.2-233.1 17.2-233.1 45.4 85.8-41.4 170.5-41.4 170.5 105-171.5-60.5-271.5-60.5-271.5 96.9 72.7-10.1 190.7-10.1 190.7 85.8 158.4-68.6 230.1-68.6 230.1s-.4-16.9-2.2-85.7c4.3 4.5 34.5 36.2 34.5 36.2l-24.2-47.4 62.6-9.1-62.6-9.1 20.2-55.5-31.4 45.9c-2.2-87.7-7.8-305.1-7.9-306.9v-2.4 1-1 2.4c0 1-5.6 219-7.9 306.9l-31.4-45.9 20.2 55.5-62.6 9.1 62.6 9.1-24.2 47.4 34.5-36.2c-1.8 68.8-2.2 85.7-2.2 85.7s-154.4-71.7-68.6-230.1c0 0-107-118.1-10.1-190.7 0 0-165.5 99.9-60.5 271.5 0 0-86.8-84.8-41.4-170.5 0 0-78.7 111 17.2 233.1 0 0-26.2-16.1-49.4-77.7 0 0 16.9 183.3 222 185.7h4.1c205-2.4 222-185.7 222-185.7-23.6 61.5-49.9 77.7-49.9 77.7z"], "jenkins": [512, 512, [], "f3b6", "M487.1 425c-1.4-11.2-19-23.1-28.2-31.9-5.1-5-29-23.1-30.4-29.9-1.4-6.6 9.7-21.5 13.3-28.9 5.1-10.7 8.8-23.7 11.3-32.6 18.8-66.1 20.7-156.9-6.2-211.2-10.2-20.6-38.6-49-56.4-62.5-42-31.7-119.6-35.3-170.1-16.6-14.1 5.2-27.8 9.8-40.1 17.1-33.1 19.4-68.3 32.5-78.1 71.6-24.2 10.8-31.5 41.8-30.3 77.8.2 7 4.1 15.8 2.7 22.4-.7 3.3-5.2 7.6-6.1 9.8-11.6 27.7-2.3 64 11.1 83.7 8.1 11.9 21.5 22.4 39.2 25.2.7 10.6 3.3 19.7 8.2 30.4 3.1 6.8 14.7 19 10.4 27.7-2.2 4.4-21 13.8-27.3 17.6C89 407.2 73.7 415 54.2 429c-12.6 9-32.3 10.2-29.2 31.1 2.1 14.1 10.1 31.6 14.7 45.8.7 2 1.4 4.1 2.1 6h422c4.9-15.3 9.7-30.9 14.6-47.2 3.4-11.4 10.2-27.8 8.7-39.7zM205.9 33.7c1.8-.5 3.4.7 4.9 2.4-.2 5.2-5.4 5.1-8.9 6.8-5.4 6.7-13.4 9.8-20 17.2-6.8 7.5-14.4 27.7-23.4 30-4.5 1.1-9.7-.8-13.6-.5-10.4.7-17.7 6-28.3 7.5 13.6-29.9 56.1-54 89.3-63.4zm-104.8 93.6c13.5-14.9 32.1-24.1 54.8-25.9 11.7 29.7-8.4 65-.9 97.6 2.3 9.9 10.2 25.4-2.4 25.7.3-28.3-34.8-46.3-61.3-29.6-1.8-21.5-4.9-51.7 9.8-67.8zm36.7 200.2c-1-4.1-2.7-12.9-2.3-15.1 1.6-8.7 17.1-12.5 11-24.7-11.3-.1-13.8 10.2-24.1 11.3-26.7 2.6-45.6-35.4-44.4-58.4 1-19.5 17.6-38.2 40.1-35.8 16 1.8 21.4 19.2 24.5 34.7 9.2.5 22.5-.4 26.9-7.6-.6-17.5-8.8-31.6-8.2-47.7 1-30.3 17.5-57.6 4.8-87.4 13.6-30.9 53.5-55.3 83.1-70 36.6-18.3 94.9-3.7 129.3 15.8 19.7 11.1 34.4 32.7 48.3 50.7-19.5-5.8-36.1 4.2-33.1 20.3 16.3-14.9 44.2-.2 52.5 16.4 7.9 15.8 7.8 39.3 9 62.8 2.9 57-10.4 115.9-39.1 157.1-7.7 11-14.1 23-24.9 30.6-26 18.2-65.4 34.7-99.2 23.4-44.7-15-65-44.8-89.5-78.8.7 18.7 13.8 34.1 26.8 48.4 11.3 12.5 25 26.6 39.7 32.4-12.3-2.9-31.1-3.8-36.2 7.2-28.6-1.9-55.1-4.8-68.7-24.2-10.6-15.4-21.4-41.4-26.3-61.4zm222 124.1c4.1-3 11.1-2.9 17.4-3.6-5.4-2.7-13-3.7-19.3-2.2-.1-4.2-2-6.8-3.2-10.2 10.6-3.8 35.5-28.5 49.6-20.3 6.7 3.9 9.5 26.2 10.1 37 .4 9-.8 18-4.5 22.8-18.8-.6-35.8-2.8-50.7-7 .9-6.1-1-12.1.6-16.5zm-17.2-20c-16.8.8-26-1.2-38.3-10.8.2-.8 1.4-.5 1.5-1.4 18 8 40.8-3.3 59-4.9-7.9 5.1-14.6 11.6-22.2 17.1zm-12.1 33.2c-1.6-9.4-3.5-12-2.8-20.2 25-16.6 29.7 28.6 2.8 20.2zM226 438.6c-11.6-.7-48.1-14-38.5-23.7 9.4 6.5 27.5 4.9 41.3 7.3.8 4.4-2.8 10.2-2.8 16.4zM57.7 497.1c-4.3-12.7-9.2-25.1-14.8-36.9 30.8-23.8 65.3-48.9 102.2-63.5 2.8-1.1 23.2 25.4 26.2 27.6 16.5 11.7 37 21 56.2 30.2 1.2 8.8 3.9 20.2 8.7 35.5.7 2.3 1.4 4.7 2.2 7.2H57.7zm240.6 5.7h-.8c.3-.2.5-.4.8-.5v.5zm7.5-5.7c2.1-1.4 4.3-2.8 6.4-4.3 1.1 1.4 2.2 2.8 3.2 4.3h-9.6zm15.1-24.7c-10.8 7.3-20.6 18.3-33.3 25.2-6 3.3-27 11.7-33.4 10.2-3.6-.8-3.9-5.3-5.4-9.5-3.1-9-10.1-23.4-10.8-37-.8-17.2-2.5-46 16-42.4 14.9 2.9 32.3 9.7 43.9 16.1 7.1 3.9 11.1 8.6 21.9 9.5-.1 1.4-.1 2.8-.2 4.3-5.9 3.9-15.3 3.8-21.8 7.1 9.5.4 17 2.7 23.5 5.9-.1 3.4-.3 7-.4 10.6zm53.4 24.7h-14c-.1-3.2-2.8-5.8-6.1-5.8s-5.9 2.6-6.1 5.8h-17.4c-2.8-4.4-5.7-8.6-8.9-12.5 2.1-2.2 4-4.7 6-6.9 9 3.7 14.8-4.9 21.7-4.2 7.9.8 14.2 11.7 25.4 11l-.6 12.6zm8.7 0c.2-4 .4-7.8.6-11.5 15.6-7.3 29 1.3 35.7 11.5H383zm83.4-37c-2.3 11.2-5.8 24-9.9 37.1-.2-.1-.4-.1-.6-.1H428c.6-1.1 1.2-2.2 1.9-3.3-2.6-6.1-9-8.7-10.9-15.5 12.1-22.7 6.5-93.4-24.2-78.5 4.3-6.3 15.6-11.5 20.8-19.3 13 10.4 20.8 20.3 33.2 31.4 6.8 6 20 13.3 21.4 23.1.8 5.5-2.6 18.9-3.8 25.1zM222.2 130.5c5.4-14.9 27.2-34.7 45-32 7.7 1.2 18 8.2 12.2 17.7-30.2-7-45.2 12.6-54.4 33.1-8.1-2-4.9-13.1-2.8-18.8zm184.1 63.1c8.2-3.6 22.4-.7 29.6-5.3-4.2-11.5-10.3-21.4-9.3-37.7.5 0 1 0 1.4.1 6.8 14.2 12.7 29.2 21.4 41.7-5.7 13.5-43.6 25.4-43.1 1.2zm20.4-43zm-117.2 45.7c-6.8-10.9-19-32.5-14.5-45.3 6.5 11.9 8.6 24.4 17.8 33.3 4.1 4 12.2 9 8.2 20.2-.9 2.7-7.8 8.6-11.7 9.7-14.4 4.3-47.9.9-36.6-17.1 11.9.7 27.9 7.8 36.8-.8zm27.3 70c3.8 6.6 1.4 18.7 12.1 20.6 20.2 3.4 43.6-12.3 58.1-17.8 9-15.2-.8-20.7-8.9-30.5-16.6-20-38.8-44.8-38-74.7 6.7-4.9 7.3 7.4 8.2 9.7 8.7 20.3 30.4 46.2 46.3 63.5 3.9 4.3 10.3 8.4 11 11.2 2.1 8.2-5.4 18-4.5 23.5-21.7 13.9-45.8 29.1-81.4 25.6-7.4-6.7-10.3-21.4-2.9-31.1zm-201.3-9.2c-6.8-3.9-8.4-21-16.4-21.4-11.4-.7-9.3 22.2-9.3 35.5-7.8-7.1-9.2-29.1-3.5-40.3-6.6-3.2-9.5 3.6-13.1 5.9 4.7-34.1 49.8-15.8 42.3 20.3zm299.6 28.8c-10.1 19.2-24.4 40.4-54 41-.6-6.2-1.1-15.6 0-19.4 22.7-2.2 36.6-13.7 54-21.6zm-141.9 12.4c18.9 9.9 53.6 11 79.3 10.2 1.4 5.6 1.3 12.6 1.4 19.4-33 1.8-72-6.4-80.7-29.6zm92.2 46.7c-1.7 4.3-5.3 9.3-9.8 11.1-12.1 4.9-45.6 8.7-62.4-.3-10.7-5.7-17.5-18.5-23.4-26-2.8-3.6-16.9-12.9-.2-12.9 13.1 32.7 58 29 95.8 28.1z"], "jira": [496, 512, [], "f7b1", "M490 241.7C417.1 169 320.6 71.8 248.5 0 83 164.9 6 241.7 6 241.7c-7.9 7.9-7.9 20.7 0 28.7C138.8 402.7 67.8 331.9 248.5 512c379.4-378 15.7-16.7 241.5-241.7 8-7.9 8-20.7 0-28.6zm-241.5 90l-76-75.7 76-75.7 76 75.7-76 75.7z"], "joget": [496, 512, [], "f3b7", "M378.1 45C337.6 19.9 292.6 8 248.2 8 165 8 83.8 49.9 36.9 125.9c-71.9 116.6-35.6 269.3 81 341.2s269.3 35.6 341.2-80.9c71.9-116.6 35.6-269.4-81-341.2zm51.8 323.2c-40.4 65.5-110.4 101.5-182 101.5-6.8 0-13.6-.4-20.4-1-9-13.6-19.9-33.3-23.7-42.4-5.7-13.7-27.2-45.6 31.2-67.1 51.7-19.1 176.7-16.5 208.8-17.6-4 9-8.6 17.9-13.9 26.6zm-200.8-86.3c-55.5-1.4-81.7-20.8-58.5-48.2s51.1-40.7 68.9-51.2c17.9-10.5 27.3-33.7-23.6-29.7C87.3 161.5 48.6 252.1 37.6 293c-8.8-49.7-.1-102.7 28.5-149.1C128 43.4 259.6 12.2 360.1 74.1c74.8 46.1 111.2 130.9 99.3 212.7-24.9-.5-179.3-3.6-230.3-4.9zm183.8-54.8c-22.7-6-57 11.3-86.7 27.2-29.7 15.8-31.1 8.2-31.1 8.2s40.2-28.1 50.7-34.5 31.9-14 13.4-24.6c-3.2-1.8-6.7-2.7-10.4-2.7-17.8 0-41.5 18.7-67.5 35.6-31.5 20.5-65.3 31.3-65.3 31.3l169.5-1.6 46.5-23.4s3.6-9.5-19.1-15.5z"], "joomla": [448, 512, [], "f1aa", "M.6 92.1C.6 58.8 27.4 32 60.4 32c30 0 54.5 21.9 59.2 50.2 32.6-7.6 67.1.6 96.5 30l-44.3 44.3c-20.5-20.5-42.6-16.3-55.4-3.5-14.3 14.3-14.3 37.9 0 52.2l99.5 99.5-44 44.3c-87.7-87.2-49.7-49.7-99.8-99.7-26.8-26.5-35-64.8-24.8-98.9C20.4 144.6.6 120.7.6 92.1zm129.5 116.4l44.3 44.3c10-10 89.7-89.7 99.7-99.8 14.3-14.3 37.6-14.3 51.9 0 12.8 12.8 17 35-3.5 55.4l44 44.3c31.2-31.2 38.5-67.6 28.9-101.2 29.2-4.1 51.9-29.2 51.9-59.5 0-33.2-26.8-60.1-59.8-60.1-30.3 0-55.4 22.5-59.5 51.6-33.8-9.9-71.7-1.5-98.3 25.1-18.3 19.1-71.1 71.5-99.6 99.9zm266.3 152.2c8.2-32.7-.9-68.5-26.3-93.9-11.8-12.2 5 4.7-99.5-99.7l-44.3 44.3 99.7 99.7c14.3 14.3 14.3 37.6 0 51.9-12.8 12.8-35 17-55.4-3.5l-44 44.3c27.6 30.2 68 38.8 102.7 28 5.5 27.4 29.7 48.1 58.9 48.1 33 0 59.8-26.8 59.8-60.1 0-30.2-22.5-55-51.6-59.1zm-84.3-53.1l-44-44.3c-87 86.4-50.4 50.4-99.7 99.8-14.3 14.3-37.6 14.3-51.9 0-13.1-13.4-16.9-35.3 3.2-55.4l-44-44.3c-30.2 30.2-38 65.2-29.5 98.3-26.7 6-46.2 29.9-46.2 58.2C0 453.2 26.8 480 59.8 480c28.6 0 52.5-19.8 58.6-46.7 32.7 8.2 68.5-.6 94.2-26 32.1-32 12.2-12.4 99.5-99.7z"], "js": [448, 512, [], "f3b8", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm243.8 349.4c0 43.6-25.6 63.5-62.9 63.5-33.7 0-53.2-17.4-63.2-38.5l34.3-20.7c6.6 11.7 12.6 21.6 27.1 21.6 13.8 0 22.6-5.4 22.6-26.5V237.7h42.1v143.7zm99.6 63.5c-39.1 0-64.4-18.6-76.7-43l34.3-19.8c9 14.7 20.8 25.6 41.5 25.6 17.4 0 28.6-8.7 28.6-20.8 0-14.4-11.4-19.5-30.7-28l-10.5-4.5c-30.4-12.9-50.5-29.2-50.5-63.5 0-31.6 24.1-55.6 61.6-55.6 26.8 0 46 9.3 59.8 33.7L368 290c-7.2-12.9-15-18-27.1-18-12.3 0-20.1 7.8-20.1 18 0 12.6 7.8 17.7 25.9 25.6l10.5 4.5c35.8 15.3 55.9 31 55.9 66.2 0 37.8-29.8 58.6-69.7 58.6z"], "js-square": [448, 512, [], "f3b9", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM243.8 381.4c0 43.6-25.6 63.5-62.9 63.5-33.7 0-53.2-17.4-63.2-38.5l34.3-20.7c6.6 11.7 12.6 21.6 27.1 21.6 13.8 0 22.6-5.4 22.6-26.5V237.7h42.1v143.7zm99.6 63.5c-39.1 0-64.4-18.6-76.7-43l34.3-19.8c9 14.7 20.8 25.6 41.5 25.6 17.4 0 28.6-8.7 28.6-20.8 0-14.4-11.4-19.5-30.7-28l-10.5-4.5c-30.4-12.9-50.5-29.2-50.5-63.5 0-31.6 24.1-55.6 61.6-55.6 26.8 0 46 9.3 59.8 33.7L368 290c-7.2-12.9-15-18-27.1-18-12.3 0-20.1 7.8-20.1 18 0 12.6 7.8 17.7 25.9 25.6l10.5 4.5c35.8 15.3 55.9 31 55.9 66.2 0 37.8-29.8 58.6-69.7 58.6z"], "jsfiddle": [576, 512, [], "f1cc", "M510.634 237.462c-4.727-2.621-5.664-5.748-6.381-10.776-2.352-16.488-3.539-33.619-9.097-49.095-35.895-99.957-153.99-143.386-246.849-91.646-27.37 15.25-48.971 36.369-65.493 63.903-3.184-1.508-5.458-2.71-7.824-3.686-30.102-12.421-59.049-10.121-85.331 9.167-25.531 18.737-36.422 44.548-32.676 76.408.355 3.025-1.967 7.621-4.514 9.545-39.712 29.992-56.031 78.065-41.902 124.615 13.831 45.569 57.514 79.796 105.608 81.433 30.291 1.031 60.637.546 90.959.539 84.041-.021 168.09.531 252.12-.48 52.664-.634 96.108-36.873 108.212-87.293 11.54-48.074-11.144-97.3-56.832-122.634zm21.107 156.88c-18.23 22.432-42.343 35.253-71.28 35.65-56.874.781-113.767.23-170.652.23 0 .7-163.028.159-163.728.154-43.861-.332-76.739-19.766-95.175-59.995-18.902-41.245-4.004-90.848 34.186-116.106 9.182-6.073 12.505-11.566 10.096-23.136-5.49-26.361 4.453-47.956 26.42-62.981 22.987-15.723 47.422-16.146 72.034-3.083 10.269 5.45 14.607 11.564 22.198-2.527 14.222-26.399 34.557-46.727 60.671-61.294 97.46-54.366 228.37 7.568 230.24 132.697.122 8.15 2.412 12.428 9.848 15.894 57.56 26.829 74.456 96.122 35.142 144.497zm-87.789-80.499c-5.848 31.157-34.622 55.096-66.666 55.095-16.953-.001-32.058-6.545-44.079-17.705-27.697-25.713-71.141-74.98-95.937-93.387-20.056-14.888-41.99-12.333-60.272 3.782-49.996 44.071 15.859 121.775 67.063 77.188 4.548-3.96 7.84-9.543 12.744-12.844 8.184-5.509 20.766-.884 13.168 10.622-17.358 26.284-49.33 38.197-78.863 29.301-28.897-8.704-48.84-35.968-48.626-70.179 1.225-22.485 12.364-43.06 35.414-55.965 22.575-12.638 46.369-13.146 66.991 2.474C295.68 280.7 320.467 323.97 352.185 343.47c24.558 15.099 54.254 7.363 68.823-17.506 28.83-49.209-34.592-105.016-78.868-63.46-3.989 3.744-6.917 8.932-11.41 11.72-10.975 6.811-17.333-4.113-12.809-10.353 20.703-28.554 50.464-40.44 83.271-28.214 31.429 11.714 49.108 44.366 42.76 78.186z"], "kaggle": [320, 512, [], "f5fa", "M304.2 501.5L158.4 320.3 298.2 185c2.6-2.7 1.7-10.5-5.3-10.5h-69.2c-3.5 0-7 1.8-10.5 5.3L80.9 313.5V7.5q0-7.5-7.5-7.5H21.5Q14 0 14 7.5v497q0 7.5 7.5 7.5h51.9q7.5 0 7.5-7.5v-109l30.8-29.3 110.5 140.6c3 3.5 6.5 5.3 10.5 5.3h66.9q5.25 0 6-3z"], "keybase": [448, 512, [], "f4f5", "M286.17 419a18 18 0 1 0 18 18 18 18 0 0 0-18-18zm111.92-147.6c-9.5-14.62-39.37-52.45-87.26-73.71q-9.1-4.06-18.38-7.27a78.43 78.43 0 0 0-47.88-104.13c-12.41-4.1-23.33-6-32.41-5.77-.6-2-1.89-11 9.4-35L198.66 32l-5.48 7.56c-8.69 12.06-16.92 23.55-24.34 34.89a51 51 0 0 0-8.29-1.25c-41.53-2.45-39-2.33-41.06-2.33-50.61 0-50.75 52.12-50.75 45.88l-2.36 36.68c-1.61 27 19.75 50.21 47.63 51.85l8.93.54a214 214 0 0 0-46.29 35.54C14 304.66 14 374 14 429.77v33.64l23.32-29.8a148.6 148.6 0 0 0 14.56 37.56c5.78 10.13 14.87 9.45 19.64 7.33 4.21-1.87 10-6.92 3.75-20.11a178.29 178.29 0 0 1-15.76-53.13l46.82-59.83-24.66 74.11c58.23-42.4 157.38-61.76 236.25-38.59 34.2 10.05 67.45.69 84.74-23.84.72-1 1.2-2.16 1.85-3.22a156.09 156.09 0 0 1 2.8 28.43c0 23.3-3.69 52.93-14.88 81.64-2.52 6.46 1.76 14.5 8.6 15.74 7.42 1.57 15.33-3.1 18.37-11.15C429 443 434 414 434 382.32c0-38.58-13-77.46-35.91-110.92zM142.37 128.58l-15.7-.93-1.39 21.79 13.13.78a93 93 0 0 0 .32 19.57l-22.38-1.34a12.28 12.28 0 0 1-11.76-12.79L107 119c1-12.17 13.87-11.27 13.26-11.32l29.11 1.73a144.35 144.35 0 0 0-7 19.17zm148.42 172.18a10.51 10.51 0 0 1-14.35-1.39l-9.68-11.49-34.42 27a8.09 8.09 0 0 1-11.13-1.08l-15.78-18.64a7.38 7.38 0 0 1 1.34-10.34l34.57-27.18-14.14-16.74-17.09 13.45a7.75 7.75 0 0 1-10.59-1s-3.72-4.42-3.8-4.53a7.38 7.38 0 0 1 1.37-10.34L214 225.19s-18.51-22-18.6-22.14a9.56 9.56 0 0 1 1.74-13.42 10.38 10.38 0 0 1 14.3 1.37l81.09 96.32a9.58 9.58 0 0 1-1.74 13.44zM187.44 419a18 18 0 1 0 18 18 18 18 0 0 0-18-18z"], "keycdn": [512, 512, [], "f3ba", "M63.8 409.3l60.5-59c32.1 42.8 71.1 66 126.6 67.4 30.5.7 60.3-7 86.4-22.4 5.1 5.3 18.5 19.5 20.9 22-32.2 20.7-69.6 31.1-108.1 30.2-43.3-1.1-84.6-16.7-117.7-44.4.3-.6-38.2 37.5-38.6 37.9 9.5 29.8-13.1 62.4-46.3 62.4C20.7 503.3 0 481.7 0 454.9c0-34.3 33.1-56.6 63.8-45.6zm354.9-252.4c19.1 31.3 29.6 67.4 28.7 104-1.1 44.8-19 87.5-48.6 121 .3.3 23.8 25.2 24.1 25.5 9.6-1.3 19.2 2 25.9 9.1 11.3 12 10.9 30.9-1.1 42.4-12 11.3-30.9 10.9-42.4-1.1-6.7-7-9.4-16.8-7.6-26.3-24.9-26.6-44.4-47.2-44.4-47.2 42.7-34.1 63.3-79.6 64.4-124.2.7-28.9-7.2-57.2-21.1-82.2l22.1-21zM104 53.1c6.7 7 9.4 16.8 7.6 26.3l45.9 48.1c-4.7 3.8-13.3 10.4-22.8 21.3-25.4 28.5-39.6 64.8-40.7 102.9-.7 28.9 6.1 57.2 20 82.4l-22 21.5C72.7 324 63.1 287.9 64.2 250.9c1-44.6 18.3-87.6 47.5-121.1l-25.3-26.4c-9.6 1.3-19.2-2-25.9-9.1-11.3-12-10.9-30.9 1.1-42.4C73.5 40.7 92.2 41 104 53.1zM464.9 8c26 0 47.1 22.4 47.1 48.3S490.9 104 464.9 104c-6.3.1-14-1.1-15.9-1.8l-62.9 59.7c-32.7-43.6-76.7-65.9-126.9-67.2-30.5-.7-60.3 6.8-86.2 22.4l-21.1-22C184.1 74.3 221.5 64 260 64.9c43.3 1.1 84.6 16.7 117.7 44.6l41.1-38.6c-1.5-4.7-2.2-9.6-2.2-14.5C416.5 29.7 438.9 8 464.9 8zM256.7 113.4c5.5 0 10.9.4 16.4 1.1 78.1 9.8 133.4 81.1 123.8 159.1-9.8 78.1-81.1 133.4-159.1 123.8-78.1-9.8-133.4-81.1-123.8-159.2 9.3-72.4 70.1-124.6 142.7-124.8zm-59 119.4c.6 22.7 12.2 41.8 32.4 52.2l-11 51.7h73.7l-11-51.7c20.1-10.9 32.1-29 32.4-52.2-.4-32.8-25.8-57.5-58.3-58.3-32.1.8-57.3 24.8-58.2 58.3zM256 160"], "kickstarter": [448, 512, [], "f3bb", "M400 480H48c-26.4 0-48-21.6-48-48V80c0-26.4 21.6-48 48-48h352c26.4 0 48 21.6 48 48v352c0 26.4-21.6 48-48 48zM199.6 178.5c0-30.7-17.6-45.1-39.7-45.1-25.8 0-40 19.8-40 44.5v154.8c0 25.8 13.7 45.6 40.5 45.6 21.5 0 39.2-14 39.2-45.6v-41.8l60.6 75.7c12.3 14.9 39 16.8 55.8 0 14.6-15.1 14.8-36.8 4-50.4l-49.1-62.8 40.5-58.7c9.4-13.5 9.5-34.5-5.6-49.1-16.4-15.9-44.6-17.3-61.4 7l-44.8 64.7v-38.8z"], "kickstarter-k": [384, 512, [], "f3bc", "M147.3 114.4c0-56.2-32.5-82.4-73.4-82.4C26.2 32 0 68.2 0 113.4v283c0 47.3 25.3 83.4 74.9 83.4 39.8 0 72.4-25.6 72.4-83.4v-76.5l112.1 138.3c22.7 27.2 72.1 30.7 103.2 0 27-27.6 27.3-67.4 7.4-92.2l-90.8-114.8 74.9-107.4c17.4-24.7 17.5-63.1-10.4-89.8-30.3-29-82.4-31.6-113.6 12.8L147.3 185v-70.6z"], "korvue": [446, 512, [], "f42f", "M386.5 34h-327C26.8 34 0 60.8 0 93.5v327.1C0 453.2 26.8 480 59.5 480h327.1c33 0 59.5-26.8 59.5-59.5v-327C446 60.8 419.2 34 386.5 34zM87.1 120.8h96v116l61.8-116h110.9l-81.2 132H87.1v-132zm161.8 272.1l-65.7-113.6v113.6h-96V262.1h191.5l88.6 130.8H248.9z"], "laravel": [512, 512, [], "f3bd", "M504.4,115.83a5.72,5.72,0,0,0-.28-.68,8.52,8.52,0,0,0-.53-1.25,6,6,0,0,0-.54-.71,9.36,9.36,0,0,0-.72-.94c-.23-.22-.52-.4-.77-.6a8.84,8.84,0,0,0-.9-.68L404.4,55.55a8,8,0,0,0-8,0L300.12,111h0a8.07,8.07,0,0,0-.88.69,7.68,7.68,0,0,0-.78.6,8.23,8.23,0,0,0-.72.93c-.17.24-.39.45-.54.71a9.7,9.7,0,0,0-.52,1.25c-.08.23-.21.44-.28.68a8.08,8.08,0,0,0-.28,2.08V223.18l-80.22,46.19V63.44a7.8,7.8,0,0,0-.28-2.09c-.06-.24-.2-.45-.28-.68a8.35,8.35,0,0,0-.52-1.24c-.14-.26-.37-.47-.54-.72a9.36,9.36,0,0,0-.72-.94,9.46,9.46,0,0,0-.78-.6,9.8,9.8,0,0,0-.88-.68h0L115.61,1.07a8,8,0,0,0-8,0L11.34,56.49h0a6.52,6.52,0,0,0-.88.69,7.81,7.81,0,0,0-.79.6,8.15,8.15,0,0,0-.71.93c-.18.25-.4.46-.55.72a7.88,7.88,0,0,0-.51,1.24,6.46,6.46,0,0,0-.29.67,8.18,8.18,0,0,0-.28,2.1v329.7a8,8,0,0,0,4,6.95l192.5,110.84a8.83,8.83,0,0,0,1.33.54c.,7.92,0,0,0,4.1,0c.2-.05.37-.16.55-.22a8.6,8.6,0,0,0,1.4-.58L404.4,400.09a8,8,0,0,0,4-6.95V287.88l92.24-53.11a8,8,0,0,0,4-7V117.92A8.63,8.63,0,0,0,504.4,115.83ZM111.6,17.28h0l80.19,46.15-80.2,46.18L31.41,63.44Zm88.25,60V278.6l-46.53,26.79-33.69,19.4V123.5l46.53-26.79Zm0,412.78L23.37,388.5V77.32L57.06,96.7l46.52,26.8V338.68a6.94,6.94,0,0,0,.12.9,8,8,0,0,0,.16,1.18h0a5.92,5.92,0,0,0,.38.9,6.38,6.38,0,0,0,.42,1v0a8.54,8.54,0,0,0,.6.78,7.62,7.62,0,0,0,.66.84l0,0c.,8.93,0,0,0,.86.66l0,0,0,0,92.19,52.18Zm8-106.17-80.06-45.32,84.09-48.41,92.26-53.11,80.13,46.13-58.8,33.56Zm184.52,4.57L215.88,490.11V397.8L346.6,323.2l45.77-26.15Zm0-119.13L358.68,250l-46.53-26.79V131.79l33.69,19.4L392.37,178Zm8-105.28-80.2-46.17,80.2-46.16,80.18,46.15Zm8,105.28V178L455,151.19l33.68-19.4v91.39h0Z"], "lastfm": [512, 512, [], "f202", "M225.8 367.1l-18.8-51s-30.5 34-76.2 34c-40.5 0-69.2-35.2-69.2-91.5 0-72.1 36.4-97.9 72.1-97.9 66.5 0 74.8 53.3 100.9 134.9 18.8 56.9 54 102.6 155.4 102.6 72.7 0 122-22.3 122-80.9 0-72.9-62.7-80.6-115-92.1-25.8-5.9-33.4-16.4-33.4-34 0-19.9 15.8-31.7 41.6-31.7 28.2 0 43.4 10.6 45.7 35.8l58.6-7c-4.7-52.8-41.1-74.5-100.9-74.5-52.8 0-104.4 19.9-104.4 83.9 0 39.9 19.4 65.1 68 76.8 44.9 10.6 79.8 13.8 79.8 45.7 0 21.7-21.1 30.5-61 30.5-59.2 0-83.9-31.1-97.9-73.9-32-96.8-43.6-163-161.3-163C45.7 113.8 0 168.3 0 261c0 89.1 45.7 137.2 127.9 137.2 66.2 0 97.9-31.1 97.9-31.1z"], "lastfm-square": [448, 512, [], "f203", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-92.2 312.9c-63.4 0-85.4-28.6-97.1-64.1-16.3-51-21.5-84.3-63-84.3-22.4 0-45.1 16.1-45.1 61.2 0 35.2 18 57.2 43.3 57.2 28.6 0 47.6-21.3 47.6-21.3l11.7 31.9s-19.8 19.4-61.2 19.4c-51.3 0-79.9-30.1-79.9-85.8 0-57.9 28.6-92 82.5-92 73.5 0 80.8 41.4 100.8 101.9 8.8 26.8 24.2 46.2 61.2 46.2 24.9 0 38.1-5.5 38.1-19.1 0-19.9-21.8-22-49.9-28.6-30.4-7.3-42.5-23.1-42.5-48 0-40 32.3-52.4 65.2-52.4 37.4 0 60.1 13.6 63 46.6l-36.7 4.4c-1.5-15.8-11-22.4-28.6-22.4-16.1 0-26 7.3-26 19.8 0 11 4.8 17.6 20.9 21.3 32.7 7.1 71.8 12 71.8 57.5.1 36.7-30.7 50.6-76.1 50.6z"], "leanpub": [576, 512, [], "f212", "M386.539 111.485l15.096 248.955-10.979-.275c-36.232-.824-71.64 8.783-102.657 27.997-31.016-19.214-66.424-27.997-102.657-27.997-45.564 0-82.07 10.705-123.516 27.723L93.117 129.6c28.546-11.803 61.484-18.115 92.226-18.115 41.173 0 73.836 13.175 102.657 42.544 27.723-28.271 59.013-41.721 98.539-42.544zM569.07 448c-25.526 0-47.485-5.215-70.542-15.645-34.31-15.645-69.993-24.978-107.871-24.978-38.977 0-74.934 12.901-102.657 40.623-27.723-27.723-63.68-40.623-102.657-40.623-37.878 0-73.561 9.333-107.871 24.978C55.239 442.236 32.731 448 8.303 448H6.93L49.475 98.859C88.726 76.626 136.486 64 181.775 64 218.83 64 256.984 71.685 288 93.095 319.016 71.685 357.17 64 394.225 64c45.289 0 93.049 12.626 132.3 34.859L569.07 448zm-43.368-44.741l-34.036-280.246c-30.742-13.999-67.248-21.41-101.009-21.41-38.428 0-74.385 12.077-102.657 38.702-28.272-26.625-64.228-38.702-102.657-38.702-33.761 0-70.267 7.411-101.009 21.41L50.298 403.259c47.211-19.487 82.894-33.486 135.045-33.486 37.604 0 70.817 9.606 102.657 29.644 31.84-20.038 65.052-29.644 102.657-29.644 52.151 0 87.834 13.999 135.045 33.486z"], "less": [640, 512, [], "f41d", "M612.7 219c0-20.5 3.2-32.6 3.2-54.6 0-34.2-12.6-45.2-40.5-45.2h-20.5v24.2h6.3c14.2 0 17.3 4.7 17.3 22.1 0 16.3-1.6 32.6-1.6 51.5 0 24.2 7.9 33.6 23.6 37.3v1.6c-15.8 3.7-23.6 13.1-23.6 37.3 0 18.9 1.6 34.2 1.6 51.5 0 17.9-3.7 22.6-17.3 22.6v.5h-6.3V393h20.5c27.8 0 40.5-11 40.5-45.2 0-22.6-3.2-34.2-3.2-54.6 0-11 6.8-22.6 27.3-23.6v-27.3c-20.5-.7-27.3-12.3-27.3-23.3zm-105.6 32c-15.8-6.3-30.5-10-30.5-20.5 0-7.9 6.3-12.6 17.9-12.6s22.1 4.7 33.6 13.1l21-27.8c-13.1-10-31-20.5-55.2-20.5-35.7 0-59.9 20.5-59.9 49.4 0 25.7 22.6 38.9 41.5 46.2 16.3 6.3 32.1 11.6 32.1 22.1 0 7.9-6.3 13.1-20.5 13.1-13.1 0-26.3-5.3-40.5-16.3l-21 30.5c15.8 13.1 39.9 22.1 59.9 22.1 42 0 64.6-22.1 64.6-51s-22.5-41-43-47.8zm-358.9 59.4c-3.7 0-8.4-3.2-8.4-13.1V119.1H65.2c-28.4 0-41 11-41 45.2 0 22.6 3.2 35.2 3.2 54.6 0 11-6.8 22.6-27.3 23.6v27.3c20.5.5 27.3 12.1 27.3 23.1 0 19.4-3.2 31-3.2 53.6 0 34.2 12.6 45.2 40.5 45.2h20.5v-24.2h-6.3c-13.1 0-17.3-5.3-17.3-22.6s1.6-32.1 1.6-51.5c0-24.2-7.9-33.6-23.6-37.3v-1.6c15.8-3.7 23.6-13.1 23.6-37.3 0-18.9-1.6-34.2-1.6-51.5s3.7-22.1 17.3-22.1H93v150.8c0 32.1 11 53.1 43.1 53.1 10 0 17.9-1.6 23.6-3.7l-5.3-34.2c-3.1.8-4.6.8-6.2.8zM379.9 251c-16.3-6.3-31-10-31-20.5 0-7.9 6.3-12.6 17.9-12.6 11.6 0 22.1 4.7 33.6 13.1l21-27.8c-13.1-10-31-20.5-55.2-20.5-35.7 0-59.9 20.5-59.9 49.4 0 25.7 22.6 38.9 41.5 46.2 16.3 6.3 32.1 11.6 32.1 22.1 0 7.9-6.3 13.1-20.5 13.1-13.1 0-26.3-5.3-40.5-16.3l-20.5 30.5c15.8 13.1 39.9 22.1 59.9 22.1 42 0 64.6-22.1 64.6-51 .1-28.9-22.5-41-43-47.8zm-155-68.8c-38.4 0-75.1 32.1-74.1 82.5 0 52 34.2 82.5 79.3 82.5 18.9 0 39.9-6.8 56.2-17.9l-15.8-27.8c-11.6 6.8-22.6 10-34.2 10-21 0-37.3-10-41.5-34.2H290c.5-3.7 1.6-11 1.6-19.4.6-42.6-22.6-75.7-66.7-75.7zm-30 66.2c3.2-21 15.8-31 30.5-31 18.9 0 26.3 13.1 26.3 31h-56.8z"], "line": [448, 512, [], "f3c0", "M272.1 204.2v71.1c0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2h-11.4c-1.1 0-2.1-.6-2.6-1.3l-32.6-44v42.2c0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2-1.4-3.2-3.2v-71.1c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2H219c1 0 2.1.5 2.6 1.4l32.6 44v-42.2c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2h11.4c1.8-.1 3.3 1.4 3.3 3.1zm-82-3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 1.8 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2h11.4c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-71.1c0-1.7-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2zm-27.5 59.6h-31.1v-56.4c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 .9.3 1.6.9 1.3.9 2.2.9h45.7c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c0-1.7-1.4-3.2-3.1-3.2zM332.1 201h-45.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 1.7 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2h45.7c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2H301v-12h31.1c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2V234c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2H301v-12h31.1c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c-.1-1.7-1.5-3.2-3.2-3.2zM448 113.7V399c-.1 44.8-36.8 81.1-81.7 81H81c-44.8-.1-81.1-36.9-81-81.7V113c.1-44.8 36.9-81.1 81.7-81H367c44.8.1 81.1 36.8 81 81.7zm-61.6 122.6c0-73-73.2-132.4-163.1-132.4-89.9 0-163.1 59.4-163.1 132.4 0 65.4 58 120.2 136.4 130.6 19.1 4.1 16.9 11.1 12.6 36.8-.7 4.1-3.3 16.1 14.1 8.8 17.4-7.3 93.9-55.3 128.2-94.7 23.6-26 34.9-52.3 34.9-81.5z"], "linkedin": [448, 512, [], "f08c", "M416 32H31.9C14.3 32 0 46.5 0 64.3v383.4C0 465.5 14.3 480 31.9 480H416c17.6 0 32-14.5 32-32.3V64.3c0-17.8-14.4-32.3-32-32.3zM135.4 416H69V202.2h66.5V416zm-33.2-243c-21.3 0-38.5-17.3-38.5-38.5S80.9 96 102.2 96c21.2 0 38.5 17.3 38.5 38.5 0 21.3-17.2 38.5-38.5 38.5zm282.1 243h-66.4V312c0-24.8-.5-56.7-34.5-56.7-34.6 0-39.9 27-39.9 54.9V416h-66.4V202.2h63.7v29.2h.9c8.9-16.8 30.6-34.5 62.9-34.5 67.2 0 79.7 44.3 79.7 101.9V416z"], "linkedin-in": [448, 512, [], "f0e1", "M100.28 448H7.4V148.9h92.88zM53.79 108.1C24.09 108.1 0 83.5 0 53.8a53.79 53.79 0 0 1 107.58 0c0 29.7-24.1 54.3-53.79 54.3zM447.9 448h-92.68V302.4c0-34.7-.7-79.2-48.29-79.2-48.29 0-55.69 37.7-55.69 76.7V448h-92.78V148.9h89.08v40.8h1.3c12.4-23.5 42.69-48.3 87.88-48.3 94 0 111.28 61.9 111.28 142.3V448z"], "linode": [448, 512, [], "f2b8", "M437.4 226.3c-.3-.9-.9-1.4-1.4-2l-70-38.6c-.9-.6-2-.6-3.1 0l-58.9 36c-.9.6-1.4 1.7-1.4 2.6l-.9 31.4-24-16c-.9-.6-2.3-.6-3.1 0L240 260.9l-1.4-35.1c0-.9-.6-2-1.4-2.3l-36-24.3 33.7-17.4c1.1-.6 1.7-1.7 1.7-2.9l-5.7-132.3c0-.9-.9-2-1.7-2.6L138.6.3c-.9-.3-1.7-.3-2.3-.3L12.6 38.6c-1.4.6-2.3 2-2 3.7L38 175.4c.9 3.4 34 27.4 38.6 30.9l-26.9 12.9c-1.4.9-2 2.3-1.7 3.4l20.6 100.3c.6 2.9 23.7 23.1 27.1 26.3l-17.4 10.6c-.9.6-1.7 2-1.4 3.1 1.4 7.1 15.4 77.7 16.9 79.1l65.1 69.1c.6.6 1.4.6 0 1.1-.3 1.7-.6l83.7-66.9c.9-.6 1.1-1.4 1.1-2.3l-2-46 28 23.7c1.1.9 2.9.9 4 0l66.9-53.4c.9-.6 1.1-1.4 1.1-2.3l2.3-33.4 20.3 14c1.1.9 2.6.9 3.7 0l54.6-43.7c.6-.3 1.1-1.1 1.1-2 .9-6.5 10.3-70.8 9.7-72.8zm-204.8 4.8l4 92.6-90.6 61.2-14-96.6 100.6-57.2zm-7.7-180l5.4 126-106.6 55.4L104 97.7l120.9-46.6zM44 173.1L18 48l79.7 49.4 19.4 132.9L44 173.1zm30.6 147.8L55.7 230l70 58.3 13.7 93.4-64.8-60.8zm24.3 117.7l-13.7-67.1 61.7 60.9 9.7 67.4-57.7-61.2zm64.5 64.5l-10.6-70.9 85.7-61.4 3.1 70-78.2 62.3zm82-115.1c0-3.4.9-22.9-2-25.1l-24.3-20 22.3-14.9c2.3-1.7 1.1-5.7 1.1-8l29.4 22.6.6 68.3-27.1-22.9zm94.3-25.4l-60.9 48.6-.6-68.6 65.7-46.9-4.2 66.9zm27.7-25.7l-19.1-13.4 2-34c.3-.9-.3-2-1.1-2.6L308 259.7l.6-30 64.6 40.6-5.8 66.6zm54.6-39.8l-48.3 38.3 5.7-65.1 51.1-36.6-8.5 63.4z"], "linux": [448, 512, [], "f17c", "M220.8 123.3c1 .5 1.8 1.7 3 1.7 1.1 0 2.8-.4 2.9-1.5.2-1.4-1.9-2.3-3.2-2.9-1.7-.7-3.9-1-5.5-.1-.4.2-.8.7-.6 1.1.3 1.3 2.3 1.1 3.4 1.7zm-21.9 1.7c1.2 0 2-1.2 3-1.7 1.1-.6 3.1-.4 3.5-1.6.2-.4-.2-.9-.6-1.1-1.6-.9-3.8-.6-5.5.1-1.3.6-3.4 1.5-3.2 2.9.1 1 1.8 1.5 2.8 1.4zM420 403.8c-3.6-4-5.3-11.6-7.2-19.7-1.8-8.1-3.9-16.8-10.5-22.4-1.3-1.1-2.6-2.1-4-2.9-1.3-.8-2.7-1.5-4.1-2 9.2-27.3 5.6-54.5-3.7-79.1-11.4-30.1-31.3-56.4-46.5-74.4-17.1-21.5-33.7-41.9-33.4-72C311.1 85.4 315.7.1 234.8 0 132.4-.2 158 103.4 156.9 135.2c-1.7 23.4-6.4 41.8-22.5 64.7-18.9 22.5-45.5 58.8-58.1 96.7-6 17.9-8.8 36.1-6.2 53.3-6.5 5.8-11.4 14.7-16.6 20.2-4.2 4.3-10.3 5.9-17 8.3s-14 6-18.5 14.5c-2.1 3.9-2.8 8.1-2.8 12.4 0 3.9.6 7.9 1.2 11.8 1.2 8.1 2.5 15.7.8 20.8-5.2 14.4-5.9 24.4-2.2 31.7 3.8 7.3 11.4 10.5 20.1 12.3 17.3 3.6 40.8 2.7 59.3 12.5 19.8 10.4 39.9 14.1 55.9 10.4 11.6-2.6 21.1-9.6 25.9-20.2 12.5-.1 26.3-5.4 48.3-6.6 14.9-1.2 33.6 5.3 55.1 4.1.6 2.3 1.4 4.6 2.5 6.7v.1c8.3 16.7 23.8 24.3 40.3 23 16.6-1.3 34.1-11 48.3-27.9 13.6-16.4 36-23.2 50.9-32.2 7.4-4.5 13.4-10.1 13.9-18.3.4-8.2-4.4-17.3-15.5-29.7zM223.7 87.3c9.8-22.2 34.2-21.8 44-.4 6.5 14.2 3.6 30.9-4.3 40.4-1.6-.8-5.9-2.6-12.6-4.9 1.1-1.2 3.1-2.7 3.9-4.6 4.8-11.8-.2-27-9.1-27.3-7.3-.5-13.9 10.8-11.8 23-4.1-2-9.4-3.5-13-4.4-1-6.9-.3-14.6 2.9-21.8zM183 75.8c10.1 0 20.8 14.2 19.1 33.5-3.5 1-7.1 2.5-10.2 4.6 1.2-8.9-3.3-20.1-9.6-19.6-8.4.7-9.8 21.2-1.8 28.1 1 .8 1.9-.2-5.9 5.5-15.6-14.6-10.5-52.1 8.4-52.1zm-13.6 60.7c6.2-4.6 13.6-10 14.1-10.5 4.7-4.4 13.5-14.2 27.9-14.2 7.1 0 15.6 2.3 25.9 8.9 6.3 4.1 11.3 4.4 22.6 9.3 8.4 3.5 13.7 9.7 10.5 18.2-2.6 7.1-11 14.4-22.7 18.1-11.1 3.6-19.8 16-38.2 14.9-3.9-.2-7-1-9.6-2.1-8-3.5-12.2-10.4-20-15-8.6-4.8-13.2-10.4-14.7-15.3-1.4-4.9 0-9 4.2-12.3zm3.3 334c-2.7 35.1-43.9 34.4-75.3 18-29.9-15.8-68.6-6.5-76.5-21.9-2.4-4.7-2.4-12.7 2.6-26.4v-.2c2.4-7.6.6-16-.6-23.9-1.2-7.8-1.8-15 .9-20 3.5-6.7 8.5-9.1 14.8-11.3 10.3-3.7 11.8-3.4 19.6-9.9 5.5-5.7 9.5-12.9 14.3-18 5.1-5.5 10-8.1 17.7-6.9 8.1 1.2 15.1 6.8 21.9 16l19.6 35.6c9.5 19.9 43.1 48.4 41 68.9zm-1.4-25.9c-4.1-6.6-9.6-13.6-14.4-19.6 7.1 0 14.2-2.2 16.7-8.9 2.3-6.2 0-14.9-7.4-24.9-13.5-18.2-38.3-32.5-38.3-32.5-13.5-8.4-21.1-18.7-24.6-29.9s-3-23.3-.3-35.2c5.2-22.9 18.6-45.2 27.2-59.2 2.3-1.7.8 3.2-8.7 20.8-8.5 16.1-24.4 53.3-2.6 82.4.6-20.7 5.5-41.8 13.8-61.5 12-27.4 37.3-74.9 39.3-112.7 1.1.8 4.6 3.2 6.2 4.1 4.6 2.7 8.1 6.7 12.6 10.3 12.4 10 28.5 9.2 42.4 1.2 6.2-3.5 11.2-7.5 15.9-9 9.9-3.1 17.8-8.6 22.3-15 7.7 30.4 25.7 74.3 37.2 95.7 6.1 11.4 18.3 35.5 23.6 64.6 3.3-.1 7 .4 10.9 1.4 13.8-35.7-11.7-74.2-23.3-84.9-4.7-4.6-4.9-6.6-2.6-6.5 12.6 11.2 29.2 33.7 35.2 59 2.8 11.6 3.3 23.7.4 35.7 16.4 6.8 35.9 17.9 30.7 34.8-2.2-.1-3.2 0-4.2 0 3.2-10.1-3.9-17.6-22.8-26.1-19.6-8.6-36-8.6-38.3 12.5-12.1 4.2-18.3 14.7-21.4 27.3-2.8 11.2-3.6 24.7-4.4 39.9-.5 7.7-3.6 18-6.8 29-32.1 22.9-76.7 32.9-114.3 7.2zm257.4-11.5c-.9 16.8-41.2 19.9-63.2 46.5-13.2 15.7-29.4 24.4-43.6 25.5s-26.5-4.8-33.7-19.3c-4.7-11.1-2.4-23.1 1.1-36.3 3.7-14.2 9.2-28.8 9.9-40.6.8-15.2 1.7-28.5 4.2-38.7 2.6-10.3 6.6-17.2 13.7-21.1.3-.2.7-.3 1-.5.8 13.2 7.3 26.6 18.8 29.5 12.6 3.3 30.7-7.5 38.4-16.3 9-.3 15.7-.9 22.6 5.1 9.9 8.5 7.1 30.3 17.1 41.6 10.6 11.6 14 19.5 13.7 24.6zM173.3 148.7c2 1.9 4.7 4.5 8 7.1 6.6 5.2 15.8 10.6 27.3 10.6 11.6 0 22.5-5.9 31.8-10.8 4.9-2.6 10.9-7 14.8-10.4s5.9-6.3 3.1-6.6-2.6 2.6-6 5.1c-4.4 3.2-9.7 7.4-13.9 9.8-7.4 4.2-19.5 10.2-29.9 10.2s-18.7-4.8-24.9-9.7c-3.1-2.5-5.7-5-7.7-6.9-1.5-1.4-1.9-4.6-4.3-4.9-1.4-.1-1.8 3.7 1.7 6.5z"], "lyft": [512, 512, [], "f3c3", "M0 81.1h77.8v208.7c0 33.1 15 52.8 27.2 61-12.7 11.1-51.2 20.9-80.2-2.8C7.8 334 0 310.7 0 289V81.1zm485.9 173.5v-22h23.8v-76.8h-26.1c-10.1-46.3-51.2-80.7-100.3-80.7-56.6 0-102.7 46-102.7 102.7V357c16 2.3 35.4-.3 51.7-14 17.1-14 24.8-37.2 24.8-59v-6.7h38.8v-76.8h-38.8v-23.3c0-34.6 52.2-34.6 52.2 0v77.1c0 56.6 46 102.7 102.7 102.7v-76.5c-14.5 0-26.1-11.7-26.1-25.9zm-294.3-99v113c0 15.4-23.8 15.4-23.8 0v-113H91v132.7c0 23.8 8 54 45 63.9 37 9.8 58.2-10.6 58.2-10.6-2.1 13.4-14.5 23.3-34.9 25.3-15.5 1.6-35.2-3.6-45-7.8v70.3c25.1 7.5 51.5 9.8 77.6 4.7 47.1-9.1 76.8-48.4 76.8-100.8V155.1h-77.1v.5z"], "magento": [448, 512, [], "f3c4", "M445.7 127.9V384l-63.4 36.5V164.7L223.8 73.1 65.2 164.7l.4 255.9L2.3 384V128.1L224.2 0l221.5 127.9zM255.6 420.5L224 438.9l-31.8-18.2v-256l-63.3 36.6.1 255.9 94.9 54.9 95.1-54.9v-256l-63.4-36.6v255.9z"], "mailchimp": [448, 512, [], "f59e", "M330.61 243.52a36.15 36.15 0 0 1 9.3 0c1.66-3.83 1.95-10.43.45-17.61-2.23-10.67-5.25-17.14-11.48-16.13s-6.47 8.74-4.24 19.42c1.26 6 3.49 11.14 6 14.32zM277.05 252c4.47 2 7.2 3.26 8.28 2.13 1.89-1.94-3.48-9.39-12.12-13.09a31.44 31.44 0 0 0-30.61 3.68c-3 2.18-5.81 5.22-5.41 7.06.85 3.74 10-2.71 22.6-3.48 7-.44 12.8 1.75 17.26 3.71zm-9 5.13c-9.07 1.42-15 6.53-13.47 1.17.81 5.21-.81a37 37 0 0 1 18.72-1.95c2.92.34 4.31.52 4.94-.49 1.46-2.22-5.71-8-15.39-6.85zm54.17 17.1c3.38-6.87-10.9-13.93-14.3-7s10.92 13.88 14.32 6.97zm15.66-20.47c-7.66-.13-7.95 15.8-.26 15.93s7.98-15.81.28-15.96zm-218.79 78.9c-1.32.31-6 1.45-8.47-2.35-5.2-8 11.11-20.38 3-35.77-9.1-17.47-27.82-13.54-35.05-5.54-8.71 9.6-8.72 23.54-5 24.08 4.27.57 4.08-6.47 7.38-11.63a12.83 12.83 0 0 1 17.85-3.72c11.59 7.59 1.37 17.76 2.28 28.62 1.39 16.68 18.42 16.37 21.58 9a2.08 2.08 0 0 0-.2-2.33c.03.89.68-1.3-3.35-.39zm299.72-17.07c-3.35-11.73-2.57-9.22-6.78-20.52 2.45-3.67 15.29-24-3.07-43.25-10.4-10.92-33.9-16.54-41.1-18.54-1.5-11.39 4.65-58.7-21.52-83 20.79-21.55 33.76-45.29 33.73-65.65-.06-39.16-48.15-51-107.42-26.47l-12.55 5.33c-.06-.05-22.71-22.27-23.05-22.57C169.5-18-41.77 216.81 25.78 273.85l14.76 12.51a72.49 72.49 0 0 0-4.1 33.5c3.36 33.4 36 60.42 67.53 60.38 57.73 133.06 267.9 133.28 322.29 3 1.74-4.47 9.11-24.61 9.11-42.38s-10.09-25.27-16.53-25.27zm-316 48.16c-22.82-.61-47.46-21.15-49.91-45.51-6.17-61.31 74.26-75.27 84-12.33 4.54 29.64-4.67 58.49-34.12 57.81zM84.3 249.55C69.14 252.5 55.78 261.09 47.6 273c-4.88-4.07-14-12-15.59-15-13.01-24.85 14.24-73 33.3-100.21C112.42 90.56 186.19 39.68 220.36 48.91c5.55 1.57 23.94 22.89 23.94 22.89s-34.15 18.94-65.8 45.35c-42.66 32.85-74.89 80.59-94.2 132.4zM323.18 350.7s-35.74 5.3-69.51-7.07c6.21-20.16 27 6.1 96.4-13.81 15.29-4.38 35.37-13 51-25.35a102.85 102.85 0 0 1 7.12 24.28c3.66-.66 14.25-.52 11.44 18.1-3.29 19.87-11.73 36-25.93 50.84A106.86 106.86 0 0 1 362.55 421a132.45 132.45 0 0 1-20.34 8.58c-53.51 17.48-108.3-1.74-126-43a66.33 66.33 0 0 1-3.55-9.74c-7.53-27.2-1.14-59.83 18.84-80.37 1.23-1.31 2.48-2.85 2.48-4.79a8.45 8.45 0 0 0-1.92-4.54c-7-10.13-31.19-27.4-26.33-60.83 3.5-24 24.49-40.91 44.07-39.91l5 .29c8.48.5 15.89 1.59 22.88 1.88 11.69.5 22.2-1.19 34.64-11.56 4.2-3.5 7.57-6.54 13.26-7.51a17.45 17.45 0 0 1 13.6 2.24c10 6.64 11.4 22.73 11.92 34.49.29 6.72 1.1 23 1.38 27.63.63 10.67 3.43 12.17 9.11 14 3.19 1.05 6.15 1.83 10.51 3.06 13.21 3.71 21 7.48 26 12.31a16.38 16.38 0 0 1 4.74 9.29c1.56 11.37-8.82 25.4-36.31 38.16-46.71 21.68-93.68 14.45-100.48 13.68-20.15-2.71-31.63 23.32-19.55 41.15 22.64 33.41 122.4 20 151.37-21.35.69-1 .12-1.59-.73-1-41.77 28.58-97.06 38.21-128.46 26-4.77-1.85-14.73-6.44-15.94-16.67 43.6 13.49 71 .74 71 .74s2.03-2.79-.56-2.53zm-68.47-5.7zm-83.4-187.5c16.74-19.35 37.36-36.18 55.83-45.63a.73.73 0 0 1 1 1c-1.46 2.66-4.29 8.34-5.19 12.65a.75.75 0 0 0 1.16.79c11.49-7.83 31.48-16.22 49-17.3a.77.77 0 0 1 .52 1.38 41.86 41.86 0 0 0-7.71 0 0 0 .59 1.19c12.31.09 29.66 4.4 41 1.91-.64 1.72-69.55-15.94-123.08 18.53-134.5 26.83a.76.76 0 0 1-1-1.12z"], "mandalorian": [448, 512, [], "f50f", "M232.27 511.89c-1-3.26-1.69-15.83-1.39-24.58.55-15.89 1-24.72 1.4-28.76.64-6.2 2.87-20.72 3.28-21.38.6-1 .4-27.87-.24-33.13-.31-2.58-.63-11.9-.69-20.73-.13-16.47-.53-20.12-2.73-24.76-1.1-2.32-1.23-3.84-1-11.43a92.38 92.38 0 0 0-.34-12.71c-2-13-3.46-27.7-3.25-33.9s.43-7.15 2.06-9.67c3.05-4.71 6.51-14 8.62-23.27 2.26-9.86 3.88-17.18 4.59-20.74a109.54 109.54 0 0 1 4.42-15.05c2.27-6.25 2.49-15.39.37-15.39-.3 0-1.38 1.22-2.41 2.71s-4.76 4.8-8.29 7.36c-8.37 6.08-11.7 9.39-12.66 12.58s-1 7.23-.16 7.76c.34.21 1.29 2.4 2.11 4.88a28.83 28.83 0 0 1 .72 15.36c-.39 1.77-1 5.47-1.46 8.23s-1 6.46-1.25 8.22a9.85 9.85 0 0 1-1.55 4.26c-1 1-1.14.91-2.05-.53a14.87 14.87 0 0 1-1.44-4.75c-.25-1.74-1.63-7.11-3.08-11.93-3.28-10.9-3.52-16.15-1-21a14.24 14.24 0 0 0 1.67-4.61c0-2.39-2.2-5.32-7.41-9.89-7-6.18-8.63-7.92-10.23-11.3-1.71-3.6-3.06-4.06-4.54-1.54-1.78 3-2.6 9.11-3 22l-.34 12.19 2 2.25c3.21 3.7 12.07 16.45 13.78 19.83 3.41 6.74 4.34 11.69 4.41 23.56s.95 22.75 2 24.71c.36.66.51 1.35.34 1.52s.41 2.09 1.29 4.27a38.14 38.14 0 0 1 2.06 9 91 91 0 0 0 1.71 10.37c2.23 9.56 2.77 14.08 2.39 20.14-.2 3.27-.53 11.07-.73 17.32-1.31 41.76-1.85 58-2 61.21-.12 2-.39 11.51-.6 21.07-.36 16.3-1.3 27.37-2.42 28.65-.64.73-8.07-4.91-12.52-9.49-3.75-3.87-4-4.79-2.83-9.95.7-3 2.26-18.29 3.33-32.62.36-4.78.81-10.5 1-12.71.83-9.37 1.66-20.35 2.61-34.78.56-8.46 1.33-16.44 1.72-17.73s.89-9.89 1.13-19.11l.43-16.77-2.26-4.3c-1.72-3.28-4.87-6.94-13.22-15.34-6-6.07-11.84-12.3-12.91-13.85l-1.95-2.81.75-10.9c1.09-15.71 1.1-48.57 0-59.06l-.89-8.7-3.28-4.52c-5.86-8.08-5.8-7.75-6.22-33.27-.1-6.07-.38-11.5-.63-12.06-.83-1.87-3.05-2.66-8.54-3.05-8.86-.62-11-1.9-23.85-14.55-6.15-6-12.34-12-13.75-13.19-2.81-2.42-2.79-2-.56-9.63l1.35-4.65-1.69-3a32.22 32.22 0 0 0-2.59-4.07c-1.33-1.51-5.5-10.89-6-13.49a4.24 4.24 0 0 1 .87-3.9c2.23-2.86 3.4-5.68 4.45-10.73 2.33-11.19 7.74-26.09 10.6-29.22 3.18-3.47 7.7-1 9.41 5 1.34 4.79 1.37 9.79.1 18.55a101.2 101.2 0 0 0-1 11.11c0 4 .19 4.69 2.25 7.39 3.33 4.37 7.73 7.41 15.2 10.52a18.67 18.67 0 0 1 4.72 2.85c11.17 10.72 18.62 16.18 22.95 16.85 5.18.8 8 4.54 10 13.39 1.31 5.65 4 11.14 5.46 11.14a9.38 9.38 0 0 0 3.33-1.39c2-1.22 2.25-1.73 2.25-4.18a132.88 132.88 0 0 0-2-17.84c-.37-1.66-.78-4.06-.93-5.35s-.61-3.85-1-5.69c-2.55-11.16-3.65-15.46-4.1-16-1.55-2-4.08-10.2-4.93-15.92-1.64-11.11-4-14.23-12.91-17.39A43.15 43.15 0 0 1 165.24 78c-1.15-1-4-3.22-6.35-5.06s-4.41-3.53-4.6-3.76a22.7 22.7 0 0 0-2.69-2c-6.24-4.22-8.84-7-11.26-12l-2.44-5-.22-13-.22-13 6.91-6.55c3.95-3.75 8.48-7.35 10.59-8.43 3.31-1.69 4.45-1.89 11.37-2 8.53-.19 10.12 0 11.66 1.56s1.36 6.4-.29 8.5a6.66 6.66 0 0 0-1.34 2.32c0 .58-2.61 4.91-5.42 9a30.39 30.39 0 0 0-2.37 6.82c20.44 13.39 21.55 3.77 14.07 29L194 66.92c3.11-8.66 6.47-17.26 8.61-26.22.29-7.63-12-4.19-15.4-8.68-2.33-5.93 3.13-14.18 6.06-19.2 1.6-2.34 6.62-4.7 8.82- 4.16-.35 7.37-1.28a45.3 45.3 0 0 1 7.55-1.68 29.57 29.57 0 0 0 6-1.29c3.65-1.11 4.5-1.17 6.35-.4a29.54 29.54 0 0 0 5.82 1.36 18.18 18.18 0 0 1 6 1.91 22.67 22.67 0 0 0 5 2.17c2.51.68 3 .57 7.05-1.67l4.35-2.4L268.32 5c10.44-.4 10.81-.47 15.26-2.68L288.16 0l2.46 1.43c1.76 1 3.14 2.73 4.85 6 2.36 4.51 2.38 4.58 1.37 7.37-.88 2.44-.89 3.3-.1 6.39a35.76 35.76 0 0 0 2.1 5.91 13.55 13.55 0 0 1 1.31 4c.31 4.33 0 5.3-2.41 6.92-2.17 1.47-7 7.91-7 9.34a14.77 14.77 0 0 1-1.07 3c-5 11.51-6.76 13.56-14.26 17-9.2 4.2-12.3 5.19-16.21 5.19-3.1 0-4 .25-4.54 1.26a18.33 18.33 0 0 1-4.09 3.71 13.62 13.62 0 0 0-4.38 4.78 5.89 5.89 0 0 1-2.49 2.91 6.88 6.88 0 0 0-2.45 1.71 67.62 67.62 0 0 1-7 5.38c-3.33 2.34-6.87 5-7.87 6A7.27 7.27 0 0 1 224 100a5.76 5.76 0 0 0-2.13 1.65c-1.31 1.39-1.49 2.11-1.14 4.6a36.45 36.45 0 0 0 1.42 5.88c1.32 3.8 1.31 7.86 0 10.57s-.89 6.65 1.35 9.59c2 2.63 2.16 4.56.71 8.84a33.45 33.45 0 0 0-1.06 8.91c0 4.88.22 6.28 1.46 8.38s1.82 2.48 3.24 2.32c2-.23 2.3-1.05 4.71-12.12 2.18-10 3.71-11.92 13.76-17.08 2.94-1.51 7.46-4 10-5.44s6.79-3.69 9.37-4.91a40.09 40.09 0 0 0 15.22-11.67c7.11-8.79 10-16.22 12.85-33.3a18.37 18.37 0 0 1 2.86-7.73 20.39 20.39 0 0 0 2.89-7.31c1-5.3 2.85-9.08 5.58-11.51 4.7-4.18 6-1.09 4.59 10.87-.46 3.86-1.1 10.33-1.44 14.38l-.61 7.36 4.45 4.09 4.45 4.09.11 8.42c.06 4.63.47 9.53.92 10.89l.82 2.47-6.43 6.28c-8.54 8.33-12.88 13.93-16.76 21.61-1.77 3.49-3.74 7.11-4.38 8-2.18 3.11-6.46 13-8.76 20.26l-2.29 7.22-7 6.49c-3.83 3.57-8 7.25-9.17 8.17-3.05 2.32-4.26 5.15-4.26 10a14.62 14.62 0 0 0 1.59 7.26 42 42 0 0 1 2.09 4.83 9.28 9.28 0 0 0 1.57 2.89c1.4 1.59 1.92 16.12.83 23.22-.68 4.48-3.63 12-4.7 12-1.79 0-4.06 9.27-5.07 20.74-.18 2-.62 5.94-1 8.7s-1 10-1.35 16.05c-.77 12.22-.19 18.77 2 23.15 3.41 6.69.52 12.69-11 22.84l-4 3.49.07 5.19a40.81 40.81 0 0 0 1.14 8.87c4.61 16 4.73 16.92 4.38 37.13-.46 26.4-.26 40.27.63 44.15a61.31 61.31 0 0 1 1.08 7c.17 2 .66 5.33 1.08 7.36.47 2.26.78 11 .79 22.74v19.06l-1.81 2.63c-2.71 3.91-15.11 13.54-15.49 12.29zm29.53-45.11c-.18-.3-.33-6.87-.33-14.59 0-14.06-.89-27.54-2.26-34.45-.4-2-.81-9.7-.9-17.06-.15-11.93-1.4-24.37-2.64-26.38-.66-1.07-3-17.66-3-21.3 0-4.23 1-6 5.28-9.13s4.86-3.14 5.48-.72c.28 1.1 1.45 5.62 2.6 10 3.93 15.12 4.14 16.27 4.05 21.74-.1 5.78-.13 6.13-1.74 17.73-1 7.07-1.17 12.39-1 28.43.17 19.4-.64 35.73-2 41.27-.71 2.78-2.8 5.48-3.43 4.43zm-71-37.58a101 101 0 0 1-1.73-10.79 100.5 100.5 0 0 0-1.73-10.79 37.53 37.53 0 0 1-1-6.49c-.31-3.19-.91-7.46-1.33-9.48-1-4.79-3.35-19.35-3.42-21.07 0-.74-.34-4.05-.7-7.36-.67-6.21-.84-27.67-.22-28.29 1-1 6.63 2.76 11.33 7.43l5.28 5.25-.45 6.47c-.25 3.56-.6 10.23-.78 14.83s-.49 9.87-.67 11.71-.61 9.36-.94 16.72c-.79 17.41-1.94 31.29-2.65 32a.62.62 0 0 1-1-.14zm-87.18-266.59c21.07 12.79 17.84 14.15 28.49 17.66 13 4.29 18.87 7.13 23.15 16.87C111.6 233.28 86.25 255 78.55 268c-31 52-6 101.59 62.75 87.21-14.18 29.23-78 28.63-98.68-4.9-24.68-39.95-22.09-118.3 61-187.66zm210.79 179c56.66 6.88 82.32-37.74 46.54-89.23 0 0-26.87-29.34-64.28-68 3-15.45 9.49-32.12 30.57-53.82 89.2 63.51 92 141.61 92.46 149.36 4.3 70.64-78.7 91.18-105.29 61.71z"], "markdown": [640, 512, [], "f60f", "M593.8 59.1H46.2C20.7 59.1 0 79.8 0 105.2v301.5c0 25.5 20.7 46.2 46.2 46.2h547.7c25.5 0 46.2-20.7 46.1-46.1V105.2c0-25.4-20.7-46.1-46.2-46.1zM338.5 360.6H277v-120l-61.5 76.9-61.5-76.9v120H92.3V151.4h61.5l61.5 76.9 61.5-76.9h61.5v209.2zm135.3 3.1L381.5 256H443V151.4h61.5V256H566z"], "mastodon": [448, 512, [], "f4f6", "M433 179.11c0-97.2-63.71-125.7-63.71-125.7-62.52-28.7-228.56-28.4-290.48 0 0 0-63.72 28.5-63.72 125.7 0 115.7-6.6 259.4 105.63 289.1 40.51 10.7 75.32 13 103.33 11.4 50.81-2.8 79.32-18.1 79.32-18.1l-1.7-36.9s-36.31 11.4-77.12 10.1c-40.41-1.4-83-4.4-89.63-54a102.54 102.54 0 0 1-.9-13.9c85.63 20.9 158.65 9.1 178.75 6.7 56.12-6.7 105-41.3 111.23-72.9 9.8-49.8 9-121.5 9-121.5zm-75.12 125.2h-46.63v-114.2c0-49.7-64-51.6-64 6.9v62.5h-46.33V197c0-58.5-64-56.6-64-6.9v114.2H90.19c0-122.1-5.2-147.9 18.41-175 25.9-28.9 79.82-30.8 103.83 6.1l11.6 19.5 11.6-19.5c24.11-37.1 78.12-34.8 103.83-6.1 23.71 27.3 18.4 53 18.4 175z"], "maxcdn": [512, 512, [], "f136", "M461.1 442.7h-97.4L415.6 200c2.3-10.2.9-19.5-4.4-25.7-5-6.1-13.7-9.6-24.2-9.6h-49.3l-59.5 278h-97.4l59.5-278h-83.4l-59.5 278H0l59.5-278-44.6-95.4H387c39.4 0 75.3 16.3 98.3 44.9 23.3 28.6 31.8 67.4 23.6 105.9l-47.8 222.6z"], "mdb": [576, 512, [], "f8ca", "M17.37 160.41L7 352h43.91l5.59-79.83L84.43 352h44.71l25.54-77.43 4.79 77.43H205l-12.79-191.59H146.7L106 277.74 63.67 160.41zm281 0h-47.9V352h47.9s95 .8 94.2-95.79c-.78-94.21-94.18-95.78-94.18-95.78zm-1.2 146.46V204.78s46 4.27 46.8 50.57-46.78 51.54-46.78 51.54zm238.29-74.24a56.16 56.16 0 0 0 8-38.31c-5.34-35.76-55.08-34.32-55.08-34.32h-51.9v191.58H482s87 4.79 87-63.85c0-43.14-33.52-55.08-33.52-55.08zm-51.9-31.94s13.57-1.59 16 9.59c1.43 6.66-4 12-4 12h-12v-21.57zm-.1 109.46l.1-24.92V267h.08s41.58-4.73 41.19 22.43c-.33 25.65-41.35 20.74-41.35 20.74z"], "medapps": [320, 512, [], "f3c6", "M118.3 238.4c3.5-12.5 6.9-33.6 13.2-33.6 8.3 1.8 9.6 23.4 18.6 36.6 4.6-23.5 5.3-85.1 14.1-86.7 9-.7 19.7 66.5 22 77.5 9.9 4.1 48.9 6.6 48.9 6.6 1.9 7.3-24 7.6-40 7.8-4.6 14.8-5.4 27.7-11.4 28-4.7.2-8.2-28.8-17.5-49.6l-9.4 65.5c-4.4 13-15.5-22.5-21.9-39.3-3.3-.1-62.4-1.6-47.6-7.8l31-5zM228 448c21.2 0 21.2-32 0-32H92c-21.2 0-21.2 32 0 32h136zm-24 64c21.2 0 21.2-32 0-32h-88c-21.2 0-21.2 32 0 32h88zm34.2-141.5c3.2-18.9 5.2-36.4 11.9-48.8 7.9-14.7 16.1-28.1 24-41 24.6-40.4 45.9-75.2 45.9-125.5C320 69.6 248.2 0 160 0S0 69.6 0 155.2c0 50.2 21.3 85.1 45.9 125.5 7.9 12.9 16 26.3 24 41 6.7 12.5 8.7 29.8 11.9 48.9 3.5 21 36.1 15.7 32.6-5.1-3.6-21.7-5.6-40.7-15.3-58.6C66.5 246.5 33 211.3 33 155.2 33 87.3 90 32 160 32s127 55.3 127 123.2c0 56.1-33.5 91.3-66.1 151.6-9.7 18-11.7 37.4-15.3 58.6-3.4 20.6 29 26.4 32.6 5.1z"], "medium": [448, 512, [], "f23a", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm372.2 106.1l-24 23c-2.1 1.6-3.1 4.2-2.7 6.7v169.3c-.4 2.6.6 5.2 2.7 6.7l23.5 23v5.1h-118V367l24.3-23.6c2.4-2.4 2.4-3.1 2.4-6.7V199.8l-67.6 171.6h-9.1L125 199.8v115c-.7 4.8 1 9.7 4.4 13.2l31.6 38.3v5.1H71.2v-5.1l31.6-38.3c3.4-3.5 4.9-8.4 4.1-13.2v-133c.4-3.7-1-7.3-3.8-9.8L75 138.1V133h87.3l67.4 148L289 133.1h83.2v5z"], "medium-m": [512, 512, [], "f3c7", "M71.5 142.3c.6-5.9-1.7-11.8-6.1-15.8L20.3 72.1V64h140.2l108.4 237.7L364.2 64h133.7v8.1l-38.6 37c-3.3 2.5-5 6.7-4.3 10.8v272c-.7 4.1 1 8.3 4.3 10.8l37.7 37v8.1H307.3v-8.1l39.1-37.9c3.8-3.8 3.8-5 3.8-10.8V171.2L241.5 447.1h-14.7L100.4 171.2v184.9c-1.1 7.8 1.5 15.6 7 21.2l50.8 61.6v8.1h-144v-8L65 377.3c5.4-5.6 7.9-13.5 6.5-21.2V142.3z"], "medrt": [544, 512, [], "f3c8", "M113.7 256c0 121.8 83.9 222.8 193.5 241.1-18.7 4.5-38.2 6.9-58.2 6.9C111.4 504 0 393 0 256S111.4 8 248.9 8c20.1 0 39.6 2.4 58.2 6.9C197.5 33.2 113.7 134.2 113.7 256m297.4 100.3c-77.7 55.4-179.6 47.5-240.4-14.6 5.5 14.1 12.7 27.7 21.7 40.5 61.6 88.2 182.4 109.3 269.7 47 87.3-62.3 108.1-184.3 46.5-272.6-9-12.9-19.3-24.3-30.5-34.2 37.4 78.8 10.7 178.5-67 233.9m-218.8-244c-1.4 1-2.7 2.1-4 3.1 64.3-17.8 135.9 4 178.9 60.5 35.7 47 42.9 106.6 24.4 158 56.7-56.2 67.6-142.1 22.3-201.8-50-65.5-149.1-74.4-221.6-19.8M296 224c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-40c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v40c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-40c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h40c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v40c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-40c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h40c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-40z"], "meetup": [512, 512, [], "f2e0", "M99 414.3c1.1 5.7-2.3 11.1-8 12.3-5.4 1.1-10.9-2.3-12-8-1.1-5.4 2.3-11.1 7.7-12.3 5.4-1.2 11.1 2.3 12.3 8zm143.1 71.4c-6.3 4.6-8 13.4-3.7 20 4.6 6.6 13.4 8.3 20 3.7 6.3-4.6 8-13.4 3.4-20-4.2-6.5-13.1-8.3-19.7-3.7zm-86-462.3c6.3-1.4 10.3-7.7 8.9-14-1.1-6.6-7.4-10.6-13.7-9.1-6.3 1.4-10.3 7.7-9.1 14 1.4 6.6 7.6 10.6 13.9 9.1zM34.4 226.3c-10-6.9-23.7-4.3-30.6 6-6.9 10-4.3 24 5.7 30.9 10 7.1 23.7 4.6 30.6-5.7 6.9-10.4 4.3-24.1-5.7-31.2zm272-170.9c10.6-6.3 13.7-20 7.7-30.3-6.3-10.6-19.7-14-30-7.7s-13.7 20-7.4 30.6c6 10.3 19.4 13.7 29.7 7.4zm-191.1 58c7.7-5.4 9.4-16 4.3-23.7s-15.7-9.4-23.1-4.3c-7.7 5.4-9.4 16-4.3 23.7 5.1 7.8 15.6 9.5 23.1 4.3zm372.3 156c-7.4 1.7-12.3 9.1-10.6 16.9 1.4 7.4 8.9 12.3 16.3 10.6 7.4-1.4 12.3-8.9 10.6-16.6-1.5-7.4-8.9-12.3-16.3-10.9zm39.7-56.8c-1.1-5.7-6.6-9.1-12-8-5.7 1.1-9.1 6.9-8 12.6 1.1 5.4 6.6 9.1 12.3 8 5.4-1.5 9.1-6.9 7.7-12.6zM447 138.9c-8.6 6-10.6 17.7-4.9 26.3 5.7 8.6 17.4 10.6 26 4.9 8.3-6 10.3-17.7 4.6-26.3-5.7-8.7-17.4-10.9-25.7-4.9zm-6.3 139.4c26.3 43.1 15.1 100-26.3 129.1-17.4 12.3-37.1 17.7-56.9 17.1-12 47.1-69.4 64.6-105.1 32.6-1.1.9-2.6 1.7-3.7 2.9-39.1 27.1-92.3 17.4-119.4-22.3-9.7-14.3-14.6-30.6-15.1-46.9-65.4-10.9-90-94-41.1-139.7-28.3-46.9.6-107.4 53.4-114.9C151.6 70 234.1 38.6 290.1 82c67.4-22.3 136.3 29.4 130.9 101.1 41.1 12.6 52.8 66.9 19.7 95.2zm-70 74.3c-3.1-20.6-40.9-4.6-43.1-27.1-3.1-32 43.7-101.1 40-128-3.4-24-19.4-29.1-33.4-29.4-13.4-.3-16.9 2-21.4 4.6-2.9 1.7-6.6 4.9-11.7-.3-6.3-6-11.1-11.7-19.4-12.9-12.3-2-17.7 2-26.6 9.7-3.4 2.9-12 12.9-20 9.1-3.4-1.7-15.4-7.7-24-11.4-16.3-7.1-40 4.6-48.6 20-12.9 22.9-38 113.1-41.7 125.1-8.6 26.6 10.9 48.6 36.9 47.1 11.1-.6 18.3-4.6 25.4-17.4 4-7.4 41.7-107.7 44.6-112.6 2-3.4 8.9-8 14.6-5.1 5.7 3.1 6.9 9.4 6 15.1-1.1 9.7-28 70.9-28.9 77.7-3.4 22.9 26.9 26.6 38.6 4 3.7-7.1 45.7-92.6 49.4-98.3 4.3-6.3 7.4-8.3 11.7-8 3.1 0 8.3.9 7.1 10.9-1.4 9.4-35.1 72.3-38.9 87.7-4.6 20.6 6.6 41.4 24.9 50.6 11.4 5.7 62.5 15.7 58.5-11.1zm5.7 92.3c-10.3 7.4-12.9 22-5.7 32.6 7.1 10.6 21.4 13.1 32 6 10.6-7.4 13.1-22 6-32.6-7.4-10.6-21.7-13.5-32.3-6z"], "megaport": [496, 512, [], "f5a3", "M214.5 209.6v66.2l33.5 33.5 33.3-33.3v-66.4l-33.4-33.4zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm145.1 414.4L367 441.6l-26-19.2v-65.5l-33.4-33.4-33.4 33.4v65.5L248 441.6l-26.1-19.2v-65.5l-33.4-33.4-33.5 33.4v65.5l-26.1 19.2-26.1-19.2v-87l59.5-59.5V188l59.5-59.5V52.9l26.1-19.2L274 52.9v75.6l59.5 59.5v87.6l59.7 59.7v87.1z"], "mendeley": [640, 512, [], "f7b3", "M624.6 325.2c-12.3-12.4-29.7-19.2-48.4-17.2-43.3-1-49.7-34.9-37.5-98.8 22.8-57.5-14.9-131.5-87.4-130.8-77.4.7-81.7 82-130.9 82-48.1 0-54-81.3-130.9-82-72.9-.8-110.1 73.3-87.4 130.8 12.2 63.9 5.8 97.8-37.5 98.8-21.2-2.3-37 6.5-53 22.5-19.9 19.7-19.3 94.8 42.6 102.6 47.1 5.9 81.6-42.9 61.2-87.8-47.3-103.7 185.9-106.1 146.5-8.2-.1.1-.2.2-.3.4-26.8 42.8 6.8 97.4 58.8 95.2 52.1 2.1 85.4-52.6 58.8-95.2-.1-.2-.2-.3-.3-.4-39.4-97.9 193.8-95.5 146.5 8.2-4.6 10-6.7 21.3-5.7 33 4.9 53.4 68.7 74.1 104.9 35.2 17.8-14.8 23.1-65.6 0-88.3zm-303.9-19.1h-.6c-43.4 0-62.8-37.5-62.8-62.8 0-34.7 28.2-62.8 62.8-62.8h.6c34.7 0 62.8 28.1 62.8 62.8 0 25-19.2 62.8-62.8 62.8z"], "microsoft": [448, 512, [], "f3ca", "M0 32h214.6v214.6H0V32zm233.4 0H448v214.6H233.4V32zM0 265.4h214.6V480H0V265.4zm233.4 0H448V480H233.4V265.4z"], "mix": [448, 512, [], "f3cb", "M0 64v348.9c0 56.2 88 58.1 88 0V174.3c7.9-52.9 88-50.4 88 6.5v175.3c0 57.9 96 58 96 0V240c5.3-54.7 88-52.5 88 4.3v23.8c0 59.9 88 56.6 88 0V64H0z"], "mixcloud": [640, 512, [], "f289", "M424.43 219.729C416.124 134.727 344.135 68 256.919 68c-72.266 0-136.224 46.516-159.205 114.074-54.545 8.029-96.63 54.822-96.63 111.582 0 62.298 50.668 112.966 113.243 112.966h289.614c52.329 0 94.969-42.362 94.969-94.693 0-45.131-32.118-83.063-74.48-92.2zm-20.489 144.53H114.327c-39.04 0-70.881-31.564-70.881-70.604s31.841-70.604 70.881-70.604c18.827 0 36.548 7.475 49.838 20.766 19.963 19.963 50.133-10.227 30.18-30.18-14.675-14.398-32.672-24.365-52.053-29.349 19.935-44.3 64.79-73.926 114.628-73.926 69.496 0 125.979 56.483 125.979 125.702 0 13.568-2.215 26.857-6.369 39.594-8.943 27.517 32.133 38.939 40.147 13.29 2.769-8.306 4.984-16.889 6.369-25.472 19.381 7.476 33.502 26.303 33.502 48.453 0 28.795-23.535 52.33-52.607 52.33zm235.069-52.33c0 44.024-12.737 86.386-37.102 122.657-4.153 6.092-10.798 9.414-17.72 9.414-16.317 0-27.127-18.826-17.443-32.949 19.381-29.349 29.903-63.682 29.903-99.122s-10.521-69.773-29.903-98.845c-15.655-22.831 19.361-47.24 35.163-23.534 24.366 35.993 37.102 78.356 37.102 122.379zm-70.88 0c0 31.565-9.137 62.021-26.857 88.325-4.153 6.091-10.798 9.136-17.72 9.136-17.201 0-27.022-18.979-17.443-32.948 13.013-19.104 19.658-41.255 19.658-64.513 0-22.981-6.645-45.408-19.658-64.512-15.761-22.986 19.008-47.095 35.163-23.535 17.719 26.026 26.857 56.483 26.857 88.047z"], "mizuni": [496, 512, [], "f3cc", "M248 8C111 8 0 119.1 0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248C496 119.1 385 8 248 8zm-80 351.9c-31.4 10.6-58.8 27.3-80 48.2V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v223.9zm120-9.9c-12.9-2-26.2-3.1-39.8-3.1-13.8 0-27.2 1.1-40.2 3.1V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v214zm120 57.7c-21.2-20.8-48.6-37.4-80-48V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v271.7z"], "modx": [448, 512, [], "f285", "M356 241.8l36.7 23.7V480l-133-83.8L356 241.8zM440 75H226.3l-23 37.8 153.5 96.5L440 75zm-89 142.8L55.2 32v214.5l46 29L351 217.8zM97 294.2L8 437h213.7l125-200.5L97 294.2z"], "monero": [496, 512, [], "f3d0", "M352 384h108.4C417 455.9 338.1 504 248 504S79 455.9 35.6 384H144V256.2L248 361l104-105v128zM88 336V128l159.4 159.4L408 128v208h74.8c8.5-25.1 13.2-52 13.2-80C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256c0 28 4.6 54.9 13.2 80H88z"], "napster": [496, 512, [], "f3d2", "M298.3 373.6c-14.2 13.6-31.3 24.1-50.4 30.5-19-6.4-36.2-16.9-50.3-30.5h100.7zm44-199.6c20-16.9 43.6-29.2 69.6-36.2V299c0 219.4-328 217.6-328 .3V137.7c25.9 6.9 49.6 19.6 69.5 36.4 56.8-40 132.5-39.9 188.9-.1zm-208.8-58.5c64.4-60 164.3-60.1 228.9-.2-7.1 3.5-13.9 7.3-20.6 11.5-58.7-30.5-129.2-30.4-187.9.1-6.3-4-13.9-8.2-20.4-11.4zM43.8 93.2v69.3c-58.4 36.5-58.4 121.1.1 158.3 26.4 245.1 381.7 240.3 407.6 1.5l.3-1.7c58.7-36.3 58.9-121.7.2-158.2V93.2c-17.3.5-34 3-50.1 7.4-82-91.5-225.5-91.5-307.5.1-16.3-4.4-33.1-7-50.6-7.5zM259.2 352s36-.3 61.3-1.5c10.2-.5 21.1-4 25.5-6.5 26.3-15.1 25.4-39.2 26.2-47.4-79.5-.6-99.9-3.9-113 55.4zm-135.5-55.3c.8 8.2-.1 32.3 26.2 47.4 4.4 2.5 15.2 6 25.5 6.5 25.3 1.1 61.3 1.5 61.3 1.5-13.2-59.4-33.7-56.1-113-55.4zm169.1 123.4c-3.2-5.3-6.9-7.3-6.9-7.3-24.8 7.3-52.2 6.9-75.9 0 0 0-2.9 1.5-6.4 6.6-2.8 4.1-3.7 9.6-3.7 9.6 29.1 17.6 67.1 17.6 96.2 0-.1-.1-.3-4-3.3-8.9z"], "neos": [512, 512, [], "f612", "M415.44 512h-95.11L212.12 357.46v91.1L125.69 512H28V29.82L68.47 0h108.05l123.74 176.13V63.45L386.69 0h97.69v461.5zM38.77 35.27V496l72-52.88V194l215.5 307.64h84.79l52.35-38.17h-78.27L69 13zm82.54 466.61l80-58.78v-101l-79.76-114.4v220.94L49 501.89h72.34zM80.63 10.77l310.6 442.57h82.37V10.77h-79.75v317.56L170.91 10.77zM311 191.65l72 102.81V15.93l-72 53v122.72z"], "nimblr": [384, 512, [], "f5a8", "M246.6 299.29c15.57 0 27.15 11.46 27.15 27s-11.62 27-27.15 27c-15.7 0-27.15-11.57-27.15-27s11.55-27 27.15-27zM113 326.25c0-15.61 11.68-27 27.15-27s27.15 11.46 27.15 27-11.47 27-27.15 27c-15.44 0-27.15-11.31-27.15-27M191.76 159C157 159 89.45 178.77 59.25 227L14 0v335.48C14 433.13 93.61 512 191.76 512s177.76-78.95 177.76-176.52S290.13 159 191.76 159zm0 308.12c-73.27 0-132.51-58.9-132.51-131.59s59.24-131.59 132.51-131.59 132.51 58.86 132.51 131.54S265 467.07 191.76 467.07z"], "node": [640, 512, [], "f419", "M316.3 452c-2.1 0-4.2-.6-6.1-1.6L291 439c-2.9-1.6-1.5-2.2-.5-2.5 3.8-1.3 4.6-1.6 8.7-4 .4-.2 1-.1 1.4.1l14.8 8.8c.5.3 1.3.3 1.8 0L375 408c.5-.3.9-.9.9-1.6v-66.7c0-.7-.3-1.3-.9-1.6l-57.8-33.3c-.5-.3-1.2-.3-1.8 0l-57.8 33.3c-.6.3-.9 1-.9 1.6v66.7c0 .6.4 1.2.9 1.5l15.8 9.1c8.6 4.3 13.9-.8 13.9-5.8v-65.9c0-.9.7-1.7 1.7-1.7h7.3c.9 0 1.7.7 1.7 1.7v65.9c0 11.5-6.2 18-17.1 18-3.3 0-6 0-13.3-3.6l-15.2-8.7c-3.7-2.2-6.1-6.2-6.1-10.5v-66.7c0-4.3 2.3-8.4 6.1-10.5l57.8-33.4c3.7-2.1 8.5-2.1 12.1 0l57.8 33.4c3.7 2.2 6.1 6.2 6.1 10.5v66.7c0 4.3-2.3 8.4-6.1 10.5l-57.8 33.4c-1.7 1.1-3.8 1.7-6 1.7zm46.7-65.8c0-12.5-8.4-15.8-26.2-18.2-18-2.4-19.8-3.6-19.8-7.8 0-3.5 1.5-8.1 14.8-8.1 11.9 0 16.3 2.6 18.1 1.3 1.6 1.3h7.5c.5 0 .9-.2 1.2-.5.3-.4.5-.8.4-1.3-1.2-13.8-10.3-20.2-28.8-20.2-16.5 0-26.3 7-26.3 18.6 0 12.7 9.8 16.1 25.6 17.7 18.9 1.9 20.4 4.6 20.4 8.3 0 6.5-5.2 9.2-17.4 9.2-15.3 0-18.7-3.8-19.8-11.4-.1-.8-.8-1.4-1.7-1.4h-7.5c-.9 0-1.7.7-1.7 1.7 0 9.7 5.3 21.3 30.6 21.3 18.5 0 29-7.2 29-19.8zm54.5-50.1c0 6.1-5 11.1-11.1 11.1s-11.1-5-11.1-11.1c0-6.3 5.2-11.1 11.1-11.1 6-.1 11.1 4.8 11.1 11.1zm-1.8 0c0-5.2-4.2-9.3-9.4-9.3-5.1 0-9.3 4.1-9.3 9.3 0 5.2 4.2 9.4 9.3 9.4 5.2-.1 9.4-4.3 9.4-9.4zm-4.5 6.2h-2.6c-.1-.6-.5-3.8-.5-3.9-.2-.7-.4-1.1-1.3-1.1h-2.2v5h-2.4v-12.5h4.3c1.5 0 4.4 0 4.4 3.3 0 2.3-1.5 2.8-2.4 3.1 1.7.1 1.8 1.2 2.1 2.8.1 1 .3 2.7.6 3.3zm-2.8-8.8c0-1.7-1.2-1.7-1.8-1.7h-2v3.5h1.9c1.6 0 1.9-1.1 1.9-1.8zM137.3 191c0-2.7-1.4-5.1-3.7-6.4l-61.3-35.3c-1-.6-2.2-.9-3.4-1h-.6c-1.2 0-2.3.4-3.4 1L3.7 184.6C1.4 185.9 0 188.4 0 191l.1 95c0 1.3.7 2.5 1.8 3.2 1.1.7 2.5.7 3.7 0L42 268.3c2.3-1.4 3.7-3.8 3.7-6.4v-44.4c0-2.6 1.4-5.1 3.7-6.4l15.5-8.9c1.2-.7 2.4-1 3.7-1 1.3 0 2.6.3 3.7 1l15.5 8.9c2.3 1.3 3.7 3.8 3.7 6.4v44.4c0 2.6 1.4 5.1 3.7 6.4l36.4 20.9c1.1.7 2.6.7 3.7 0 1.1-.6 1.8-1.9 1.8-3.2l.2-95zM472.5 87.3v176.4c0 2.6-1.4 5.1-3.7 6.4l-61.3 35.4c-2.3 1.3-5.1 1.3-7.4 0l-61.3-35.4c-2.3-1.3-3.7-3.8-3.7-6.4v-70.8c0-2.6 1.4-5.1 3.7-6.4l61.3-35.4c2.3-1.3 5.1-1.3 7.4 0l15.3 8.8c1.7 1 3.9-.3 3.9-2.2v-94c0-2.8 3-4.6 5.5-3.2l36.5 20.4c2.3 1.2 3.8 3.7 3.8 6.4zm-46 128.9c0-.7-.4-1.3-.9-1.6l-21-12.2c-.6-.3-1.3-.3-1.9 0l-21 12.2c-.6.3-.9.9-.9 1.6v24.3c0 .7.4 1.3.9 1.6l21 12.1c.6.3 1.3.3 1.8 0l21-12.1c.6-.3.9-.9.9-1.6v-24.3zm209.8-.7c2.3-1.3 3.7-3.8 3.7-6.4V192c0-2.6-1.4-5.1-3.7-6.4l-60.9-35.4c-2.3-1.3-5.1-1.3-7.4 0l-61.3 35.4c-2.3 1.3-3.7 3.8-3.7 6.4v70.8c0 2.7 1.4 5.1 3.7 6.4l60.9 34.7c2.2 1.3 5 1.3 7.3 0l36.8-20.5c2.5-1.4 2.5-5 0-6.4L550 241.6c-1.2-.7-1.9-1.9-1.9-3.2v-22.2c0-1.3.7-2.5 1.9-3.2l19.2-11.1c1.1-.7 2.6-.7 3.7 0l19.2 11.1c1.1.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.2v17.4c0 2.8 3.1 4.6 5.6 3.2l36.7-21.3zM559 219c-.4.3-.7.7-.7 1.2v13.6c0 .5.3 1 .7 1.2l11.8 6.8c.4.3 1 .3 1.4 0L584 235c.4-.3.7-.7.7-1.2v-13.6c0-.5-.3-1-.7-1.2l-11.8-6.8c-.4-.3-1-.3-1.4 0L559 219zm-254.2 43.5v-70.4c0-2.6-1.6-5.1-3.9-6.4l-61.1-35.2c-2.1-1.2-5-1.4-7.4 0l-61.1 35.2c-2.3 1.3-3.9 3.7-3.9 6.4v70.4c0 2.8 1.9 5.2 4 6.4l61.2 35.2c2.4 1.4 5.2 1.3 7.4 0l61-35.2c1.8-1 3.1-2.7 3.6-4.7.1-.5.2-1.1.2-1.7zm-74.3-124.9l-.8.5h1.1l-.3-.5zm76.2 130.2l-.4-.7v.9l.4-.2z"], "node-js": [448, 512, [], "f3d3", "M224 508c-6.7 0-13.5-1.8-19.4-5.2l-61.7-36.5c-9.2-5.2-4.7-7-1.7-8 12.3-4.3 14.8-5.2 27.9-12.7 1.4-.8 3.2-.5 4.6.4l47.4 28.1c1.7 1 4.1 1 5.7 0l184.7-106.6c1.7-1 2.8-3 2.8-5V149.3c0-2.1-1.1-4-2.9-5.1L226.8 37.7c-1.7-1-4-1-5.7 0L36.6 144.3c-1.8 1-2.9 3-2.9 5.1v213.1c0 2 1.1 4 2.9 4.9l50.6 29.2c27.5 13.7 44.3-2.4 44.3-18.7V167.5c0-3 2.4-5.3 5.4-5.3h23.4c2.9 0 5.4 2.3 5.4 5.3V378c0 36.6-20 57.6-54.7 57.6-10.7 0-19.1 0-42.5-11.6l-48.4-27.9C8.1 389.2.7 376.3.7 362.4V149.3c0-13.8 7.4-26.8 19.4-33.7L204.6 9c11.7-6.6 27.2-6.6 38.8 0l184.7 106.7c12 6.9 19.4 19.8 19.4 33.7v213.1c0 13.8-7.4 26.7-19.4 33.7L243.4 502.8c-5.9 3.4-12.6 5.2-19.4 5.2zm149.1-210.1c0-39.9-27-50.5-83.7-58-57.4-7.6-63.2-11.5-63.2-24.9 0-11.1 4.9-25.9 47.4-25.9 37.9 0 51.9 8.2 57.7 33.8.5 2.4 2.7 4.2 5.2 4.2h24c1.5 0 2.9-.6 3.9-1.7s1.5-2.6 1.4-4.1c-3.7-44.1-33-64.6-92.2-64.6-52.7 0-84.1 22.2-84.1 59.5 0 40.4 31.3 51.6 81.8 56.6 60.5 5.9 65.2 14.8 65.2 26.7 0 20.6-16.6 29.4-55.5 29.4-48.9 0-59.6-12.3-63.2-36.6-.4-2.6-2.6-4.5-5.3-4.5h-23.9c-3 0-5.3 2.4-5.3 5.3 0 31.1 16.9 68.2 97.8 68.2 58.4-.1 92-23.2 92-63.4z"], "npm": [576, 512, [], "f3d4", "M288 288h-32v-64h32v64zm288-128v192H288v32H160v-32H0V160h576zm-416 32H32v128h64v-96h32v96h32V192zm160 0H192v160h64v-32h64V192zm224 0H352v128h64v-96h32v96h32v-96h32v96h32V192z"], "ns8": [640, 512, [], "f3d5", "M187.1 159.9l-34.2 113.7-54.5-113.7H49L0 320h44.9L76 213.5 126.6 320h56.9L232 159.9h-44.9zm452.5-.9c-2.9-18-23.9-28.1-42.1-31.3-44.6-7.8-101.9 16.3-88.5 58.8v.1c-43.8 8.7-74.3 26.8-94.2 48.2-3-9.8-13.6-16.6-34-16.6h-87.6c-9.3 0-12.9-2.3-11.5-7.4 1.6-5.5 1.9-6.8 3.7-12.2 2.1-6.4 7.8-7.1 13.3-7.1h133.5l9.7-31.5c-139.7 0-144.5-.5-160.1 1.2-12.3 1.3-23.5 4.8-30.6 15-6.8 9.9-14.4 35.6-17.6 47.1-5.4 19.4-.6 28.6 32.8 28.6h87.3c7.8 0 8.8 2.7 7.7 6.6-1.1 4.4-2.8 10-4.5 14.6-1.6 4.2-4.7 7.4-13.8 7.4H216.3L204.7 320c139.9 0 145.3-.6 160.9-2.3 6.6-.7 13-2.1 18.5-4.9.2 3.7.5 7.3 1.2 10.8 5.4 30.5 27.4 52.3 56.8 59.5 48.6 11.9 108.7-16.8 135.1-68 18.7-36.2 14.1-76.2-3.4-105.5h.1c29.6-5.9 70.3-22 65.7-50.6zM530.7 263.7c-5.9 29.5-36.6 47.8-61.6 43.9-30.9-4.8-38.5-39.5-14.1-64.8 16.2-16.8 45.2-24 68.5-26.9 6.7 14.1 10.3 32 7.2 47.8zm21.8-83.1c-4.2-6-9.8-18.5-2.5-26.3 6.7-7.2 20.9-10.1 31.8-7.7 15.3 3.4 19.7 15.9 4.9 24.4-10.7 6.1-23.6 8.1-34.2 9.6z"], "nutritionix": [400, 512, [], "f3d6", "M88 8.1S221.4-.1 209 112.5c0 0 19.1-74.9 103-40.6 0 0-17.7 74-88 56 0 0 14.6-54.6 66.1-56.6 0 0-39.9-10.3-82.1 48.8 0 0-19.8-94.5-93.6-99.7 0 0 75.2 19.4 77.6 107.5 0 .1-106.4 7-104-119.8zm312 315.6c0 48.5-9.7 95.3-32 132.3-42.2 30.9-105 48-168 48-62.9 0-125.8-17.1-168-48C9.7 419 0 372.2 0 323.7 0 275.3 17.7 229 40 192c42.2-30.9 97.1-48.6 160-48.6 63 0 117.8 17.6 160 48.6 22.3 37 40 83.3 40 131.7zM120 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM192 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM264 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM336 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm24-39.6c-4.8-22.3-7.4-36.9-16-56-38.8-19.9-90.5-32-144-32S94.8 180.1 56 200c-8.8 19.5-11.2 33.9-16 56 42.2-7.9 98.7-14.8 160-14.8s117.8 6.9 160 14.8z"], "odnoklassniki": [320, 512, [], "f263", "M275.1 334c-27.4 17.4-65.1 24.3-90 26.9l20.9 20.6 76.3 76.3c27.9 28.6-17.5 73.3-45.7 45.7-19.1-19.4-47.1-47.4-76.3-76.6L84 503.4c-28.2 27.5-73.6-17.6-45.4-45.7 19.4-19.4 47.1-47.4 76.3-76.3l20.6-20.6c-24.6-2.6-62.9-9.1-90.6-26.9-32.6-21-46.9-33.3-34.3-59 7.4-14.6 27.7-26.9 54.6-5.7 0 0 36.3 28.9 94.9 28.9s94.9-28.9 94.9-28.9c26.9-21.1 47.1-8.9 54.6 5.7 12.4 25.7-1.9 38-34.5 59.1zM30.3 129.7C30.3 58 88.6 0 160 0s129.7 58 129.7 129.7c0 71.4-58.3 129.4-129.7 129.4s-129.7-58-129.7-129.4zm66 0c0 35.1 28.6 63.7 63.7 63.7s63.7-28.6 63.7-63.7c0-35.4-28.6-64-63.7-64s-63.7 28.6-63.7 64z"], "odnoklassniki-square": [448, 512, [], "f264", "M184.2 177.1c0-22.1 17.9-40 39.8-40s39.8 17.9 39.8 40c0 22-17.9 39.8-39.8 39.8s-39.8-17.9-39.8-39.8zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-305.1 97.1c0 44.6 36.4 80.9 81.1 80.9s81.1-36.2 81.1-80.9c0-44.8-36.4-81.1-81.1-81.1s-81.1 36.2-81.1 81.1zm174.5 90.7c-4.6-9.1-17.3-16.8-34.1-3.6 0 0-22.7 18-59.3 18s-59.3-18-59.3-18c-16.8-13.2-29.5-5.5-34.1 3.6-7.9 16.1 1.1 23.7 21.4 37 17.3 11.1 41.2 15.2 56.6 16.8l-12.9 12.9c-18.2 18-35.5 35.5-47.7 47.7-17.6 17.6 10.7 45.8 28.4 28.6l47.7-47.9c18.2 18.2 35.7 35.7 47.7 47.9 17.6 17.2 46-10.7 28.6-28.6l-47.7-47.7-13-12.9c15.5-1.6 39.1-5.9 56.2-16.8 20.4-13.3 29.3-21 21.5-37z"], "old-republic": [496, 512, [], "f510", "M235.76 10.23c7.5-.31 15-.28 22.5-.09 3.61.14 7.2.4 10.79.73 4.92.27 9.79 1.03 14.67 1.62 2.93.43 5.83.98 8.75 1.46 7.9 1.33 15.67 3.28 23.39 5.4 12.24 3.47 24.19 7.92 35.76 13.21 26.56 12.24 50.94 29.21 71.63 49.88 20.03 20.09 36.72 43.55 48.89 69.19 1.13 2.59 2.44 5.1 3.47 7.74 2.81 6.43 5.39 12.97 7.58 19.63 4.14 12.33 7.34 24.99 9.42 37.83.57 3.14 1.04 6.3 1.4 9.47.55 3.83.94 7.69 1.18 11.56.83 8.34.84 16.73.77 25.1-.07 4.97-.26 9.94-.75 14.89-.24 3.38-.51 6.76-.98 10.12-.39 2.72-.63 5.46-1.11 8.17-.9 5.15-1.7 10.31-2.87 15.41-4.1 18.5-10.3 36.55-18.51 53.63-15.77 32.83-38.83 62.17-67.12 85.12a246.503 246.503 0 0 1-56.91 34.86c-6.21 2.68-12.46 5.25-18.87 7.41-3.51 1.16-7.01 2.38-10.57 3.39-6.62 1.88-13.29 3.64-20.04 5-4.66.91-9.34 1.73-14.03 2.48-5.25.66-10.5 1.44-15.79 1.74-6.69.66-13.41.84-20.12.81-6.82.03-13.65-.12-20.45-.79-3.29-.23-6.57-.5-9.83-.95-2.72-.39-5.46-.63-8.17-1.11-4.12-.72-8.25-1.37-12.35-2.22-4.25-.94-8.49-1.89-12.69-3.02-8.63-2.17-17.08-5.01-25.41-8.13-10.49-4.12-20.79-8.75-30.64-14.25-2.14-1.15-4.28-2.29-6.35-3.57-11.22-6.58-21.86-14.1-31.92-22.34-34.68-28.41-61.41-66.43-76.35-108.7-3.09-8.74-5.71-17.65-7.8-26.68-1.48-6.16-2.52-12.42-3.58-18.66-.4-2.35-.61-4.73-.95-7.09-.6-3.96-.75-7.96-1.17-11.94-.8-9.47-.71-18.99-.51-28.49.14-3.51.34-7.01.7-10.51.31-3.17.46-6.37.92-9.52.41-2.81.65-5.65 1.16-8.44.7-3.94 1.3-7.9 2.12-11.82 3.43-16.52 8.47-32.73 15.26-48.18 1.15-2.92 2.59-5.72 3.86-8.59 8.05-16.71 17.9-32.56 29.49-47.06 20-25.38 45.1-46.68 73.27-62.47 7.5-4.15 15.16-8.05 23.07-11.37 15.82-6.88 32.41-11.95 49.31-15.38 3.51-.67 7.04-1.24 10.56-1.85 2.62-.47 5.28-.7 7.91-1.08 3.53-.53 7.1-.68 10.65-1.04 2.46-.24 4.91-.36 7.36-.51m8.64 24.41c-9.23.1-18.43.99-27.57 2.23-7.3 1.08-14.53 2.6-21.71 4.3-13.91 3.5-27.48 8.34-40.46 14.42-10.46 4.99-20.59 10.7-30.18 17.22-4.18 2.92-8.4 5.8-12.34 9.03-5.08 3.97-9.98 8.17-14.68 12.59-2.51 2.24-4.81 4.7-7.22 7.06-28.22 28.79-48.44 65.39-57.5 104.69-2.04 8.44-3.54 17.02-4.44 25.65-1.1 8.89-1.44 17.85-1.41 26.8.11 7.14.38 14.28 1.22 21.37.62 7.12 1.87 14.16 3.2 21.18 1.07 4.65 2.03 9.32 3.33 13.91 6.29 23.38 16.5 45.7 30.07 65.75 8.64 12.98 18.78 24.93 29.98 35.77 16.28 15.82 35.05 29.04 55.34 39.22 7.28 3.52 14.66 6.87 22.27 9.63 5.04 1.76 10.06 3.57 15.22 4.98 11.26 3.23 22.77 5.6 34.39 7.06 2.91.29 5.81.61 8.72.9 13.82 1.08 27.74 1 41.54-.43 4.45-.6 8.92-.99 13.35-1.78 3.63-.67 7.28-1.25 10.87-2.1 4.13-.98 8.28-1.91 12.36-3.07 26.5-7.34 51.58-19.71 73.58-36.2 15.78-11.82 29.96-25.76 42.12-41.28 3.26-4.02 6.17-8.31 9.13-12.55 3.39-5.06 6.58-10.25 9.6-15.54 2.4-4.44 4.74-8.91 6.95-13.45 5.69-12.05 10.28-24.62 13.75-37.49 2.59-10.01 4.75-20.16 5.9-30.45 1.77-13.47 1.94-27.1 1.29-40.65-.29-3.89-.67-7.77-1-11.66-2.23-19.08-6.79-37.91-13.82-55.8-5.95-15.13-13.53-29.63-22.61-43.13-12.69-18.8-28.24-35.68-45.97-49.83-25.05-20-54.47-34.55-85.65-42.08-7.78-1.93-15.69-3.34-23.63-4.45-3.91-.59-7.85-.82-11.77-1.24-7.39-.57-14.81-.72-22.22-.58zM139.26 83.53c13.3-8.89 28.08-15.38 43.3-20.18-3.17 1.77-6.44 3.38-9.53 5.29-11.21 6.68-21.52 14.9-30.38 24.49-6.8 7.43-12.76 15.73-17.01 24.89-3.29 6.86-5.64 14.19-6.86 21.71-.93 4.85-1.3 9.81-1.17 14.75.13 13.66 4.44 27.08 11.29 38.82 5.92 10.22 13.63 19.33 22.36 27.26 4.85 4.36 10.24 8.09 14.95 12.6 2.26 2.19 4.49 4.42 6.43 6.91 2.62 3.31 4.89 6.99 5.99 11.1.9 3.02.66 6.2.69 9.31.02 4.1-.04 8.2.03 12.3.14 3.54-.02 7.09.11 10.63.08 2.38.02 4.76.05 7.14.16 5.77.06 11.53.15 17.3.11 2.91.02 5.82.13 8.74.03 1.63.13 3.28-.03 4.91-.91.12-1.82.18-2.73.16-10.99 0-21.88-2.63-31.95-6.93-6-2.7-11.81-5.89-17.09-9.83-5.75-4.19-11.09-8.96-15.79-14.31-6.53-7.24-11.98-15.39-16.62-23.95-1.07-2.03-2.24-4.02-3.18-6.12-1.16-2.64-2.62-5.14-3.67-7.82-4.05-9.68-6.57-19.94-8.08-30.31-.49-4.44-1.09-8.88-1.2-13.35-.7-15.73.84-31.55 4.67-46.82 2.12-8.15 4.77-16.18 8.31-23.83 6.32-14.2 15.34-27.18 26.3-38.19 6.28-6.2 13.13-11.84 20.53-16.67zm175.37-20.12c2.74.74 5.41 1.74 8.09 2.68 6.36 2.33 12.68 4.84 18.71 7.96 13.11 6.44 25.31 14.81 35.82 24.97 10.2 9.95 18.74 21.6 25.14 34.34 1.28 2.75 2.64 5.46 3.81 8.26 6.31 15.1 10 31.26 11.23 47.57.41 4.54.44 9.09.45 13.64.07 11.64-1.49 23.25-4.3 34.53-1.97 7.27-4.35 14.49-7.86 21.18-3.18 6.64-6.68 13.16-10.84 19.24-6.94 10.47-15.6 19.87-25.82 27.22-10.48 7.64-22.64 13.02-35.4 15.38-3.51.69-7.08 1.08-10.66 1.21-1.85.06-3.72.16-5.56-.1-.28-2.15 0-4.31-.01-6.46-.03-3.73.14-7.45.1-11.17.19-7.02.02-14.05.21-21.07.03-2.38-.03-4.76.03-7.14.17-5.07-.04-10.14.14-15.21.1-2.99-.24-6.04.51-8.96.66-2.5 1.78-4.86 3.09-7.08 4.46-7.31 11.06-12.96 17.68-18.26 5.38-4.18 10.47-8.77 15.02-13.84 7.68-8.37 14.17-17.88 18.78-28.27 2.5-5.93 4.52-12.1 5.55-18.46.86-4.37 1.06-8.83 1.01-13.27-.02-7.85-1.4-15.65-3.64-23.17-1.75-5.73-4.27-11.18-7.09-16.45-3.87-6.93-8.65-13.31-13.96-19.2-9.94-10.85-21.75-19.94-34.6-27.1-1.85-1.02-3.84-1.82-5.63-2.97zm-100.8 58.45c.98-1.18 1.99-2.33 3.12-3.38-.61.93-1.27 1.81-1.95 2.68-3.1 3.88-5.54 8.31-7.03 13.06-.87 3.27-1.68 6.6-1.73 10-.07 2.52-.08 5.07.32 7.57 1.13 7.63 4.33 14.85 8.77 21.12 2 2.7 4.25 5.27 6.92 7.33 1.62 1.27 3.53 2.09 5.34 3.05 3.11 1.68 6.32 3.23 9.07 5.48 2.67 2.09 4.55 5.33 4.4 8.79-.01 73.67 0 147.34-.01 221.02 0 1.35-.08 2.7.04 4.04.13 1.48.82 2.83 1.47 4.15.86 1.66 1.78 3.34 3.18 1.97 1.4 3.15 1.24 1.5-.2 2.66-1.35 3.45-2.57.96-1.51 1.68-3.16 2.28-4.85.76-2.13.44-4.42.54-6.63.14-4.03-.02-8.06.14-12.09.03-5.89.03-11.77.06-17.66.14-3.62.03-7.24.11-10.86.15-4.03-.02-8.06.14-12.09.03-5.99.03-11.98.07-17.97.14-3.62.02-7.24.11-10.86.14-3.93-.02-7.86.14-11.78.03-5.99.03-11.98.06-17.97.16-3.94-.01-7.88.19-11.82.29 1.44.13 2.92.22 4.38.19 3.61.42 7.23.76 10.84.32 3.44.44 6.89.86 10.32.37 3.1.51 6.22.95 9.31.57 4.09.87 8.21 1.54 12.29 1.46 9.04 2.83 18.11 5.09 26.99 1.13 4.82 2.4 9.61 4 14.3 2.54 7.9 5.72 15.67 10.31 22.62 1.73 2.64 3.87 4.98 6.1 1.31-.07 1.7-.57.71-.88 1.17-1.94 1.7-2.93 4.05-7.8 8.18-15.56 12.34-23.31.7-1.31 1.44-2.62 2.56-3.61 1.75-1.57 3.84-2.69 5.98-3.63 2.88-1.22 5.9-2.19 9.03-2.42 6.58-.62 13.11.75 19.56 1.85 3.69.58 7.4 1.17 11.13 1.41 3.74.1 7.48.05 11.21-.28 8.55-.92 16.99-2.96 24.94-6.25 5.3-2.24 10.46-4.83 15.31-7.93 11.46-7.21 21.46-16.57 30.04-27.01 1.17-1.42 2.25-2.9 3.46-4.28-1.2 3.24-2.67 6.37-4.16 9.48-1.25 2.9-2.84 5.61-4.27 8.42-5.16 9.63-11.02 18.91-17.75 27.52-4.03 5.21-8.53 10.05-13.33 14.57-6.64 6.05-14.07 11.37-22.43 14.76-8.21 3.37-17.31 4.63-26.09 3.29-3.56-.58-7.01-1.69-10.41-2.88-2.79-.97-5.39-2.38-8.03-3.69-3.43-1.71-6.64-3.81-9.71-6.08 2.71 3.06 5.69 5.86 8.7 8.61 4.27 3.76 8.74 7.31 13.63 10.23 3.98 2.45 8.29 4.4 12.84 5.51 1.46.37 2.96.46 4.45.6-1.25 1.1-2.63 2.04-3.99 2.98-9.61 6.54-20.01 11.86-30.69 16.43-20.86 8.7-43.17 13.97-65.74 15.34-4.66.24-9.32.36-13.98.36-4.98-.11-9.97-.13-14.92-.65-11.2-.76-22.29-2.73-33.17-5.43-10.35-2.71-20.55-6.12-30.3-10.55-8.71-3.86-17.12-8.42-24.99-13.79-1.83-1.31-3.74-2.53-5.37-4.08 6.6-1.19 13.03-3.39 18.99-6.48 5.74-2.86 10.99-6.66 15.63-11.07 2.24-2.19 4.29-4.59 6.19-7.09-3.43 2.13-6.93 4.15-10.62 5.78-4.41 2.16-9.07 3.77-13.81 5.02-5.73 1.52-11.74 1.73-17.61 1.14-8.13-.95-15.86-4.27-22.51-8.98-4.32-2.94-8.22-6.43-11.96-10.06-9.93-10.16-18.2-21.81-25.66-33.86-3.94-6.27-7.53-12.75-11.12-19.22-1.05-2.04-2.15-4.05-3.18-6.1 2.85 2.92 5.57 5.97 8.43 8.88 8.99 8.97 18.56 17.44 29.16 24.48 7.55 4.9 15.67 9.23 24.56 11.03 3.11.73 6.32.47 9.47.81 2.77.28 5.56.2 8.34.3 5.05.06 10.11.04 15.16-.16 3.65-.16 7.27-.66 10.89-1.09 2.07-.25 4.11-.71 6.14-1.2 3.88-.95 8.11-.96 11.83.61 4.76 1.85 8.44 5.64 11.38 9.71 2.16 3.02 4.06 6.22 5.66 9.58 1.16 2.43 2.46 4.79 3.55 7.26 1 2.24 2.15 4.42 3.42 6.52.67 1.02 1.4 2.15 2.62 2.55 1.06-.75 1.71-1.91 2.28-3.03 2.1-4.16 3.42-8.65 4.89-13.05 2.02-6.59 3.78-13.27 5.19-20.02 2.21-9.25 3.25-18.72 4.54-28.13.56-3.98.83-7.99 1.31-11.97.87-10.64 1.9-21.27 2.24-31.94.08-1.86.24-3.71.25-5.57.01-4.35.25-8.69.22-13.03-.01-2.38-.01-4.76 0-7.13.05-5.07-.2-10.14-.22-15.21-.2-6.61-.71-13.2-1.29-19.78-.73-5.88-1.55-11.78-3.12-17.51-2.05-7.75-5.59-15.03-9.8-21.82-3.16-5.07-6.79-9.88-11.09-14.03-3.88-3.86-8.58-7.08-13.94-8.45-1.5-.41-3.06-.45-4.59-.64.07-2.99.7-5.93 1.26-8.85 1.59-7.71 3.8-15.3 6.76-22.6 1.52-4.03 3.41-7.9 5.39-11.72 3.45-6.56 7.62-12.79 12.46-18.46zm31.27 1.7c.35-.06.71-.12 1.07-.19.19 1.79.09 3.58.1 5.37v38.13c-.01 1.74.13 3.49-.15 5.22-.36-.03-.71-.05-1.06-.05-.95-3.75-1.72-7.55-2.62-11.31-.38-1.53-.58-3.09-1.07-4.59-1.7-.24-3.43-.17-5.15-.2-5.06-.01-10.13 0-15.19-.01-1.66-.01-3.32.09-4.98-.03-.03-.39-.26-.91.16-1.18 1.28-.65 2.72-.88 4.06-1.35 3.43-1.14 6.88-2.16 10.31-3.31 1.39-.48 2.9-.72 4.16-1.54.04-.56.02-1.13-.05-1.68-1.23-.55-2.53-.87-3.81-1.28-3.13-1.03-6.29-1.96-9.41-3.02-1.79-.62-3.67-1-5.41-1.79-.03-.37-.07-.73-.11-1.09 5.09-.19 10.2.06 15.3-.12 3.36-.13 6.73.08 10.09-.07.12-.39.26-.77.37-1.16 1.08-4.94 2.33-9.83 3.39-14.75zm5.97-.2c. 3.85 1.73 7.76 2.71 11.61.36 1.42.56 2.88 1.03 4.27 2.53.18 5.07-.01 7.61.05 5.16.12 10.33.12 1.52.03 2.28.08-.04.36-.07.72-.1 1.08-1.82.83-3.78 1.25-5.67 1.89-3.73 1.23-7.48 2.39-11.22 3.57-.57.17-1.12.42-1.67.64-.15.55-.18 1.12-.12 1.82.81 2.77 1.09 4.88 1.52 9.73 3.14 14.63 1.18-1.66.13-3.31.03-4.97.04-5.17.01-10.33-.01-15.5.01-1.61.03-3.22-.02-4.82.21-.52 1.67-.72 3.42-1.17 5.11-.94 3.57-1.52 7.24-2.54 10.78-.36.01-.71.02-1.06.06-.29-1.73-.15-3.48-.15-5.22v-38.13c.02-1.78-.08-3.58.11-5.37zM65.05 168.33c1.12-2.15 2.08-4.4 3.37-6.46-1.82 7.56-2.91 15.27-3.62 23-.8 7.71-.85 15.49-.54 23.23 1.05 19.94 5.54 39.83 14.23 57.88 2.99 5.99 6.35 11.83 10.5 17.11 6.12 7.47 12.53 14.76 19.84 21.09 4.8 4.1 9.99 7.78 15.54 10.8 3.27 1.65 6.51 3.39 9.94 4.68 5.01 2.03 10.19 3.61 15.42 4.94 3.83.96 7.78 1.41 11.52 2.71 5 1.57 9.47 4.61 13.03 8.43 4.93 5.23 8.09 11.87 10.2 18.67.99 2.9 1.59 5.91 2.17 1.52.16 2.29-6.5 2.78-13.26 5.06-20.26 6.18-4.11.78-8.29.99-12.46 1.08-10.25.24-20.47-1.76-30.12-5.12-3.74-1.42-7.49-2.85-11.03-4.72-8.06-3.84-15.64-8.7-22.46-14.46-2.92-2.55-5.83-5.13-8.4-8.03-9.16-9.83-16.3-21.41-21.79-33.65-2.39-5.55-4.61-11.18-6.37-16.96-1.17-3.94-2.36-7.89-3.26-11.91-.75-2.94-1.22-5.95-1.87-8.92-.46-2.14-.69-4.32-1.03-6.48-.85-5.43-1.28-10.93-1.33-16.43.11-6.18.25-12.37 1.07-18.5.4-2.86.67-5.74 1.15-8.6.98-5.7 2.14-11.37 3.71-16.93 3.09-11.65 7.48-22.95 12.69-33.84zm363.73-6.44c1.1 1.66 1.91 3.48 2.78 5.26 2.1 4.45 4.24 8.9 6.02 13.49 7.61 18.76 12.3 38.79 13.04 59.05.02 1.76.07 3.52.11 5.29.13 9.57-1.27 19.09-3.18 28.45-.73 3.59-1.54 7.17-2.58 10.69-4.04 14.72-10 29-18.41 41.78-8.21 12.57-19.01 23.55-31.84 31.41-5.73 3.59-11.79 6.64-18.05 9.19-5.78 2.19-11.71 4.03-17.8 5.11-6.4 1.05-12.91 1.52-19.4 1.23-7.92-.48-15.78-2.07-23.21-4.85-1.94-.8-3.94-1.46-5.84-2.33-.21-1.51.25-2.99.53-4.46 1.16-5.74 3.03-11.36 5.7-16.58 2.37-4.51 5.52-8.65 9.46-11.9 2.43-2.05 5.24-3.61 8.16-4.83 3.58-1.5 7.47-1.97 11.24-2.83 7.23-1.71 14.37-3.93 21.15-7 10.35-4.65 19.71-11.38 27.65-19.46 1.59-1.61 3.23-3.18 4.74-4.87 3.37-3.76 6.71-7.57 9.85-11.53 7.48-10.07 12.82-21.59 16.71-33.48 1.58-5.3 3.21-10.6 4.21-16.05.63-2.87 1.04-5.78 1.52-8.68.87-6.09 1.59-12.22 1.68-18.38.12-6.65.14-13.32-.53-19.94-.73-7.99-1.87-15.96-3.71-23.78z"], "opencart": [640, 512, [], "f23d", "M423.3 440.7c0 25.3-20.3 45.6-45.6 45.6s-45.8-20.3-45.8-45.6 20.6-45.8 45.8-45.8c25.4 0 45.6 20.5 45.6 45.8zm-253.9-45.8c-25.3 0-45.6 20.6-45.6 45.8s20.3 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.8-20.3 45.8-45.6-20.5-45.8-45.8-45.8zm291.7-270C158.9 124.9 81.9 112.1 0 25.7c34.4 51.7 53.3 148.9 373.1 144.2 333.3-5 130 86.1 70.8 188.9 186.7-166.7 319.4-233.9 17.2-233.9z"], "openid": [448, 512, [], "f19b", "M271.5 432l-68 32C88.5 453.7 0 392.5 0 318.2c0-71.5 82.5-131 191.7-144.3v43c-71.5 12.5-124 53-124 101.3 0 51 58.5 93.3 135.7 103v-340l68-33.2v384zM448 291l-131.3-28.5 36.8-20.7c-19.5-11.5-43.5-20-70-24.8v-43c46.2 5.5 87.7 19.5 120.3 39.3l35-19.8L448 291z"], "opera": [496, 512, [], "f26a", "M313.9 32.7c-170.2 0-252.6 223.8-147.5 355.1 36.5 45.4 88.6 75.6 147.5 75.6 36.3 0 70.3-11.1 99.4-30.4-43.8 39.2-101.9 63-165.3 63-3.9 0-8 0-11.9-.3C104.6 489.6 0 381.1 0 248 0 111 111 0 248 0h.8c63.1.3 120.7 24.1 164.4 63.1-29-19.4-63.1-30.4-99.3-30.4zm101.8 397.7c-40.9 24.7-90.7 23.6-132-5.8 56.2-20.5 97.7-91.6 97.7-176.6 0-84.7-41.2-155.8-97.4-176.6 41.8-29.2 91.2-30.3 132.9-5 105.9 98.7 105.5 265.7-1.2 364z"], "optin-monster": [576, 512, [], "f23c", "M572.6 421.4c5.6-9.5 4.7-15.2-5.4-11.6-3-4.9-7-9.5-11.1-13.8 2.9-9.7-.7-14.2-10.8-9.2-4.6-3.2-10.3-6.5-15.9-9.2 0-15.1-11.6-11.6-17.6-5.7-10.4-1.5-18.7-.3-26.8 5.7.3-6.5.3-13 .3-19.7 12.6 0 40.2-11 45.9-36.2 1.4-6.8 1.6-13.8-.3-21.9-3-13.5-14.3-21.3-25.1-25.7-.8-5.9-7.6-14.3-14.9-15.9s-12.4 4.9-14.1 10.3c-8.5 0-19.2 2.8-21.1 8.4-5.4-.5-11.1-1.4-16.8-1.9 2.7-1.9 5.4-3.5 8.4-4.6 5.4-9.2 14.6-11.4 25.7-11.6V256c19.5-.5 43-5.9 53.8-18.1 12.7-13.8 14.6-37.3 12.4-55.1-2.4-17.3-9.7-37.6-24.6-48.1-8.4-5.9-21.6-.8-22.7 9.5-2.2 19.6 1.2 30-38.6 25.1-10.3-23.8-24.6-44.6-42.7-60C341 49.6 242.9 55.5 166.4 71.7c19.7 4.6 41.1 8.6 59.7 16.5-26.2 2.4-52.7 11.3-76.2 23.2-32.8 17-44 29.9-56.7 42.4 14.9-2.2 28.9-5.1 43.8-3.8-9.7 5.4-18.4 12.2-26.5 20-25.8.9-23.8-5.3-26.2-25.9-1.1-10.5-14.3-15.4-22.7-9.7-28.1 19.9-33.5 79.9-12.2 103.5 10.8 12.2 35.1 17.3 54.9 17.8-.3 1.1-.3 1.9-.3 2.7 10.8.5 19.5 2.7 24.6 11.6 3 1.1 5.7 2.7 8.1 4.6-5.4.5-11.1 1.4-16.5 1.9-3.3-6.6-13.7-8.1-21.1-8.1-1.6-5.7-6.5-12.2-14.1-10.3-6.8 1.9-14.1 10-14.9 15.9-22.5 9.5-30.1 26.8-25.1 47.6 5.3 24.8 33 36.2 45.9 36.2v19.7c-6.6-5-14.3-7.5-26.8-5.7-5.5-5.5-17.3-10.1-17.3 5.7-5.9 2.7-11.4 5.9-15.9 9.2-9.8-4.9-13.6-1.7-11.1 9.2-4.1 4.3-7.8 8.6-11.1 13.8-10.2-3.7-11 2.2-5.4 11.6-1.1 3.5-1.6 7-1.9 10.8-.5 31.6 44.6 64 73.5 65.1 17.3.5 34.6-8.4 43-23.5 113.2 4.9 226.7 4.1 340.2 0 8.1 15.1 25.4 24.3 42.7 23.5 29.2-1.1 74.3-33.5 73.5-65.1.2-3.7-.7-7.2-1.7-10.7zm-73.8-254c1.1-3 2.4-8.4 2.4-14.6 0-5.9 6.8-8.1 14.1-.8 11.1 11.6 14.9 40.5 13.8 51.1-4.1-13.6-13-29-30.3-35.7zm-4.6 6.7c19.5 6.2 28.6 27.6 29.7 48.9-1.1 2.7-3 5.4-4.9 7.6-5.7 5.9-15.4 10-26.2 12.2 4.3-21.3.3-47.3-12.7-63 4.9-.8 10.9-2.4 14.1-5.7zm-24.1 6.8c13.8 11.9 20 39.2 14.1 63.5-4.1.5-8.1.8-11.6.8-1.9-21.9-6.8-44-14.3-64.6 3.7.3 8.1.3 11.8.3zM47.5 203c-1.1-10.5 2.4-39.5 13.8-51.1 7-7.3 14.1-5.1 14.1.8 0 6.2 1.4 11.6 2.4 14.6-17.3 6.8-26.2 22.2-30.3 35.7zm9.7 27.6c-1.9-2.2-3.5-4.9-4.9-7.6 1.4-21.3 10.3-42.7 29.7-48.9 3.2 3.2 9.2 4.9 14.1 5.7-13 15.7-17 41.6-12.7 63-10.8-2.2-20.5-6-26.2-12.2zm47.9 14.6c-4.1 0-8.1-.3-12.7-.8-4.6-18.6-1.9-38.9 5.4-53v.3l12.2-5.1c4.9-1.9 9.7-3.8 14.9-4.9-10.7 19.7-17.4 41.3-19.8 63.5zm184-162.7c41.9 0 76.2 34 76.2 75.9 0 42.2-34.3 76.2-76.2 76.2s-76.2-34-76.2-76.2c0-41.8 34.3-75.9 76.2-75.9zm115.6 174.3c-.3 17.8-7 48.9-23 57-13.2 6.6-6.5-7.5-16.5-58.1 13.3.3 26.6.3 39.5 1.1zm-54-1.6c.8 4.9 3.8 40.3-1.6 41.9-11.6 3.5-40 4.3-51.1-1.1-4.1-3-4.6-35.9-4.3-41.1v.3c18.9-.3 38.1-.3 57 0zM278.3 309c-13 3.5-41.6 4.1-54.6-1.6-6.5-2.7-3.8-42.4-1.9-51.6 19.2-.5 38.4-.5 57.8-.8v.3c1.1 8.3 3.3 51.2-1.3 53.7zm-106.5-51.1c12.2-.8 24.6-1.4 36.8-1.6-2.4 15.4-3 43.5-4.9 52.2-1.1 6.8-4.3 6.8-9.7 4.3-21.9-9.8-27.6-35.2-22.2-54.9zm-35.4 31.3c7.8-1.1 15.7-1.9 23.5-2.7 1.6 6.2 3.8 11.9 7 17.6 10 17 44 35.7 45.1 7 6.2 14.9 40.8 12.2 54.9 10.8 15.7-1.4 23.8-1.4 26.8-14.3 12.4 4.3 30.8 4.1 44 3 11.3-.8 20.8-.5 24.6-8.9 1.1 5.1 1.9 11.6 4.6 16.8 10.8 21.3 37.3 1.4 46.8-31.6 8.6.8 17.6 1.9 26.5 2.7-.4 1.3-3.8 7.3 7.3 11.6-47.6 47-95.7 87.8-163.2 107-63.2-20.8-112.1-59.5-155.9-106.5 9.6-3.4 10.4-8.8 8-12.5zm-21.6 172.5c-3.8 17.8-21.9 29.7-39.7 28.9-19.2-.8-46.5-17-59.2-36.5-2.7-31.1 43.8-61.3 66.2-54.6 14.9 4.3 27.8 30.8 33.5 54 0 3-.3 5.7-.8 8.2zm-8.7-66c-.5-13.5-.5-27-.3-40.5h.3c2.7-1.6 5.7-3.8 7.8-6.5 6.5-1.6 13-5.1 15.1-9.2 3.3-7.1-7-7.5-5.4-12.4 2.7-1.1 5.7-2.2 7.8-3.5 29.2 29.2 58.6 56.5 97.3 77-36.8 11.3-72.4 27.6-105.9 47-1.2-18.6-7.7-35.9-16.7-51.9zm337.6 64.6c-103 3.5-206.2 4.1-309.4 0 0 .3 0 .3-.3.3v-.3h.3c35.1-21.6 72.2-39.2 112.4-50.8 11.6 5.1 23 9.5 34.9 13.2 2.2.8 2.2.8 4.3 0 14.3-4.1 28.4-9.2 42.2-15.4 41.5 11.7 78.8 31.7 115.6 53zm10.5-12.4c-35.9-19.5-73-35.9-111.9-47.6 38.1-20 71.9-47.3 103.5-76.7 2.2 1.4 4.6 2.4 7.6 3.2 0 .8.3 1.9.5 2.4-4.6 2.7-7.8 6.2-5.9 10.3 2.2 3.8 8.6 7.6 15.1 8.9 2.4 2.7 5.1 5.1 8.1 6.8 0 13.8-.3 27.6-.8 41.3l.3-.3c-9.3 15.9-15.5 37-16.5 51.7zm105.9 6.2c-12.7 19.5-40 35.7-59.2 36.5-19.3.9-40.5-13.2-40.5-37 5.7-23.2 18.9-49.7 33.5-54 22.7-6.9 69.2 23.4 66.2 54.5zM372.9 75.2c-3.8-72.1-100.8-79.7-126-23.5 44.6-24.3 90.3-15.7 126 23.5zM74.8 407.1c-15.7 1.6-49.5 25.4-49.5 43.2 0 11.6 15.7 19.5 32.2 14.9 12.2-3.2 31.1-17.6 35.9-27.3 6-11.6-3.7-32.7-18.6-30.8zm215.9-176.2c28.6 0 51.9-21.6 51.9-48.4 0-36.1-40.5-58.1-72.2-44.3 9.5 3 16.5 11.6 16.5 21.6 0 23.3-33.3 32-46.5 11.3-7.3 34.1 19.4 59.8 50.3 59.8zM68 474.1c.5 6.5 12.2 12.7 21.6 9.5 6.8-2.7 14.6-10.5 17.3-16.2 3-7-1.1-20-9.7-18.4-8.9 1.6-29.7 16.7-29.2 25.1zm433.2-67c-14.9-1.9-24.6 19.2-18.9 30.8 4.9 9.7 24.1 24.1 36.2 27.3 16.5 4.6 32.2-3.2 32.2-14.9 0-17.8-33.8-41.6-49.5-43.2zM478.8 449c-8.4-1.6-12.4 11.3-9.5 18.4 2.4 5.7 10.3 13.5 17.3 16.2 9.2 3.2 21.1-3 21.3-9.5.9-8.4-20.2-23.5-29.1-25.1z"], "orcid": [512, 512, [], "f8d2", "M294.75 188.19h-45.92V342h47.47c67.62 0 83.12-51.34 83.12-76.91 0-41.64-26.54-76.9-84.67-76.9zM256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm-80.79 360.76h-29.84v-207.5h29.84zm-14.92-231.14a19.57 19.57 0 1 1 19.57-19.57 19.64 19.64 0 0 1-19.57 19.57zM300 369h-81V161.26h80.6c76.73 0 110.44 54.83 110.44 103.85C410 318.39 368.38 369 300 369z"], "osi": [512, 512, [], "f41a", "M8 266.44C10.3 130.64 105.4 34 221.8 18.34c138.8-18.6 255.6 75.8 278 201.1 21.3 118.8-44 230-151.6 274-9.3 3.8-14.4 1.7-18-7.7q-26.7-69.45-53.4-139c-3.1-8.1-1-13.2 7-16.8 24.2-11 39.3-29.4 43.3-55.8a71.47 71.47 0 0 0-64.5-82.2c-39-3.4-71.8 23.7-77.5 59.7-5.2 33 11.1 63.7 41.9 77.7 9.6 4.4 11.5 8.6 7.8 18.4q-26.85 69.9-53.7 139.9c-2.6 6.9-8.3 9.3-15.5 6.5-52.6-20.3-101.4-61-130.8-119-24.9-49.2-25.2-87.7-26.8-108.7zm20.9-1.9c.4 6.6.6 14.3 1.3 22.1 6.3 71.9 49.6 143.5 131 183.1 3.2 1.5 4.4.8 5.6-2.3q22.35-58.65 45-117.3c1.3-3.3.6-4.8-2.4-6.7-31.6-19.9-47.3-48.5-45.6-86 1-21.6 9.3-40.5 23.8-56.3 30-32.7 77-39.8 115.5-17.6a91.64 91.64 0 0 1 45.2 90.4c-3.6 30.6-19.3 53.9-45.7 69.8-2.7 1.6-3.5 2.9-2.3 6q22.8 58.8 45.2 117.7c1.2 3.1 2.4 3.8 5.6 2.3 35.5-16.6 65.2-40.3 88.1-72 34.8-48.2 49.1-101.9 42.3-161-13.7-117.5-119.4-214.8-255.5-198-106.1 13-195.3 102.5-197.1 225.8z"], "page4": [496, 512, [], "f3d7", "M248 504C111 504 0 393 0 256S111 8 248 8c20.9 0 41.3 2.6 60.7 7.5L42.3 392H248v112zm0-143.6V146.8L98.6 360.4H248zm96 31.6v92.7c45.7-19.2 84.5-51.7 111.4-92.7H344zm57.4-138.2l-21.2 8.4 21.2 8.3v-16.7zm-20.3 54.5c-6.7 0-8 6.3-8 12.9v7.7h16.2v-10c0-5.9-2.3-10.6-8.2-10.6zM496 256c0 37.3-8.2 72.7-23 104.4H344V27.3C433.3 64.8 496 153.1 496 256zM360.4 143.6h68.2V96h-13.9v32.6h-13.9V99h-13.9v29.6h-12.7V96h-13.9v47.6zm68.1 185.3H402v-11c0-15.4-5.6-25.2-20.9-25.2-15.4 0-20.7 10.6-20.7 25.9v25.3h68.2v-15zm0-103l-68.2 29.7V268l68.2 29.5v-16.6l-14.4-5.7v-26.5l14.4-5.9v-16.9zm-4.8-68.5h-35.6V184H402v-12.2h11c8.6 15.8 1.3 35.3-18.6 35.3-22.5 0-28.3-25.3-15.5-37.7l-11.6-10.6c-16.2 17.5-12.2 63.9 27.1 63.9 34 0 44.7-35.9 29.3-65.3z"], "pagelines": [384, 512, [], "f18c", "M384 312.7c-55.1 136.7-187.1 54-187.1 54-40.5 81.8-107.4 134.4-184.6 134.7-16.1 0-16.6-24.4 0-24.4 64.4-.3 120.5-42.7 157.2-110.1-41.1 15.9-118.6 27.9-161.6-82.2 109-44.9 159.1 11.2 178.3 45.5 9.9-24.4 17-50.9 21.6-79.7 0 0-139.7 21.9-149.5-98.1 119.1-47.9 152.6 76.7 152.6 76.7 1.6-16.7 3.3-52.6 3.3-53.4 0 0-106.3-73.7-38.1-165.2 124.6 43 61.4 162.4 61.4 162.4.5 1.6.5 23.8 0 33.4 0 0 45.2-89 136.4-57.5-4.2 134-141.9 106.4-141.9 106.4-4.4 27.4-11.2 53.4-20 77.5 0 0 83-91.8 172-20z"], "palfed": [576, 512, [], "f3d8", "M384.9 193.9c0-47.4-55.2-44.2-95.4-29.8-1.3 39.4-2.5 80.7-3 119.8.7 2.8 2.6 6.2 15.1 6.2 36.8 0 83.4-42.8 83.3-96.2zm-194.5 72.2c.2 0 6.5-2.7 11.2-2.7 26.6 0 20.7 44.1-14.4 44.1-21.5 0-37.1-18.1-37.1-43 0-42 42.9-95.6 100.7-126.5 1-12.4 3-22 10.5-28.2 11.2-9 26.6-3.5 29.5 11.1 72.2-22.2 135.2 1 135.2 72 0 77.9-79.3 152.6-140.1 138.2-.1 39.4.9 74.4 2.7 100v.2c.2 3.4.6 12.5-5.3 19.1-9.6 10.6-33.4 10-36.4-22.3-4.1-44.4.2-206.1 1.4-242.5-21.5 15-58.5 50.3-58.5 75.9.2 2.5.4 4 .6 4.6zM8 181.1s-.1 37.4 38.4 37.4h30l22.4 217.2s0 44.3 44.7 44.3h288.9s44.7-.4 44.7-44.3l22.4-217.2h30s38.4 1.2 38.4-37.4c0 0 .1-37.4-38.4-37.4h-30.1c-7.3-25.6-30.2-74.3-119.4-74.3h-28V50.3s-2.7-18.4-21.1-18.4h-85.8s-21.1 0-21.1 18.4v19.1h-28.1s-105 4.2-120.5 74.3h-29S8 142.5 8 181.1z"], "patreon": [512, 512, [], "f3d9", "M512 194.8c0 101.3-82.4 183.8-183.8 183.8-101.7 0-184.4-82.4-184.4-183.8 0-101.6 82.7-184.3 184.4-184.3C429.6 10.5 512 93.2 512 194.8zM0 501.5h90v-491H0v491z"], "paypal": [384, 512, [], "f1ed", "M111.4 295.9c-3.5 19.2-17.4 108.7-21.5 134-.3 1.8-1 2.5-3 2.5H12.3c-7.6 0-13.1-6.6-12.1-13.9L58.8 46.6c1.5-9.6 10.1-16.9 20-16.9 152.3 0 165.1-3.7 204 11.4 60.1 23.3 65.6 79.5 44 140.3-21.5 62.6-72.5 89.5-140.1 90.3-43.4.7-69.5-7-75.3 24.2zM357.1 152c-1.8-1.3-2.5-1.8-3 1.3-2 11.4-5.1 22.5-8.8 33.6-39.9 113.8-150.5 103.9-204.5 103.9-6.1 0-10.1 3.3-10.9 9.4-22.6 140.4-27.1 169.7-27.1 169.7-1 7.1 3.5 12.9 10.6 12.9h63.5c8.6 0 15.7-6.3 17.4-14.9.7-5.4-1.1 6.1 14.4-91.3 4.6-22 14.3-19.7 29.3-19.7 71 0 126.4-28.8 142.9-112.3 6.5-34.8 4.6-71.4-23.8-92.6z"], "penny-arcade": [640, 512, [], "f704", "M421.91 164.27c-4.49 19.45-1.4 6.06-15.1 65.29l39.73-10.61c-22.34-49.61-17.29-38.41-24.63-54.68zm-206.09 51.11c-20.19 5.4-11.31 3.03-39.63 10.58l4.46 46.19c28.17-7.59 20.62-5.57 34.82-9.34 42.3-9.79 32.85-56.42.35-47.43zm326.16-26.19l-45.47-99.2c-5.69-12.37-19.46-18.84-32.62-15.33-70.27 18.75-38.72 10.32-135.59 36.23a27.618 27.618 0 0 0-18.89 17.41C144.26 113.27 0 153.75 0 226.67c0 33.5 30.67 67.11 80.9 95.37l1.74 17.88a27.891 27.891 0 0 0-17.77 28.67l4.3 44.48c1.39 14.31 13.43 25.21 27.8 25.2 5.18-.01-3.01 1.78 122.53-31.76 12.57-3.37 21.12-15.02 20.58-28.02 216.59 45.5 401.99-5.98 399.89-84.83.01-28.15-22.19-66.56-97.99-104.47zM255.14 298.3l-21.91 5.88-48.44 12.91 2.46 23.55 20.53-5.51 4.51 44.51-115.31 30.78-4.3-44.52 20.02-5.35-11.11-114.64-20.12 5.39-4.35-44.5c178.15-47.54 170.18-46.42 186.22-46.65 56.66-1.13 64.15 71.84 42.55 104.43a86.7 86.7 0 0 1-50.75 33.72zm199.18 16.62l-3.89-39.49 14.9-3.98-6.61-14.68-57.76 15.42-4.1 17.54 19.2-5.12 4.05 39.54-112.85 30.07-4.46-44.43 20.99-5.59 33.08-126.47-17.15 4.56-4.2-44.48c93.36-24.99 65.01-17.41 135.59-36.24l66.67 145.47 20.79-5.56 4.3 44.48-108.55 28.96z"], "periscope": [448, 512, [], "f3da", "M370 63.6C331.4 22.6 280.5 0 226.6 0 111.9 0 18.5 96.2 18.5 214.4c0 75.1 57.8 159.8 82.7 192.7C137.8 455.5 192.6 512 226.6 512c41.6 0 112.9-94.2 120.9-105 24.6-33.1 82-118.3 82-192.6 0-56.5-21.1-110.1-59.5-150.8zM226.6 493.9c-42.5 0-190-167.3-190-279.4 0-107.4 83.9-196.3 190-196.3 100.8 0 184.7 89 184.7 196.3.1 112.1-147.4 279.4-184.7 279.4zM338 206.8c0 59.1-51.1 109.7-110.8 109.7-100.6 0-150.7-108.2-92.9-181.8v.4c0 24.5 20.1 44.4 44.8 44.4 24.7 0 44.8-19.9 44.8-44.4 0-18.2-11.1-33.8-26.9-40.7 76.6-19.2 141 39.3 141 112.4z"], "phabricator": [496, 512, [], "f3db", "M323 262.1l-.1-13s21.7-19.8 21.1-21.2l-9.5-20c-.6-1.4-29.5-.5-29.5-.5l-9.4-9.3s.2-28.5-1.2-29.1l-20.1-9.2c-1.4-.6-20.7 21-20.7 21l-13.1-.2s-20.5-21.4-21.9-20.8l-20 8.3c- 28.9.2 28.9l-9.1 9.1s-29.2-.9-29.7.4l-8.1 19.8c-.6 1.4 21 21 21 21l.1 12.9s-21.7 19.8-21.1 21.2l9.5 20c.6 1.4 29.5.5 29.5.5l9.4 9.3s-.2 31.8 1.2 32.3l20.1 8.3c1.4.6 20.7-23.5 20.7-23.5l13.1.2s20.5 23.8 21.8 23.3l20-7.5c1.4-.6-.2-32.1-.2-32.1l9.1-9.1s29.2.9 29.7-.5l8.1-19.8c.7-1.1-20.9-20.7-20.9-20.7zm-44.9-8.7c.7 17.1-12.8 31.6-30.1 32.4-17.3.8-32.1-12.5-32.8-29.6-.7-17.1 12.8-31.6 30.1-32.3 17.3-.8 32.1 12.5 32.8 29.5zm201.2-37.9l-97-97-.1.1c-75.1-73.3-195.4-72.8-269.8 1.6-50.9 51-27.8 27.9-95.7 95.3-22.3 22.3-22.3 58.7 0 81 69.9 69.4 46.4 46 97.4 97l.1-.1c75.1 73.3 195.4 72.9 269.8-1.6 51-50.9 27.9-27.9 95.3-95.3 22.3-22.3 22.3-58.7 0-81zM140.4 363.8c-59.6-59.5-59.6-156 0-215.5 59.5-59.6 156-59.5 215.6 0 59.5 59.5 59.6 156 0 215.6-59.6 59.5-156 59.4-215.6-.1z"], "phoenix-framework": [640, 512, [], "f3dc", "M212.9 344.3c3.8-.1 22.8-1.4 25.6-2.2-2.4-2.6-43.6-1-68-49.6-4.3-8.6-7.5-17.6-6.4-27.6 2.9-25.5 32.9-30 52-18.5 36 21.6 63.3 91.3 113.7 97.5 37 4.5 84.6-17 108.2-45.4-.6-.1-.8-.2-1-.1-.4.1-.8.2-1.1.3-33.3 12.1-94.3 9.7-134.7-14.8-37.6-22.8-53.1-58.7-51.8-74.6 1.8-21.3 22.9-23.2 35.9-19.6 14.4 3.9 24.4 17.6 38.9 27.4 15.6 10.4 32.9 13.7 51.3 10.3 14.9-2.7 34.4-12.3 36.5-14.5-1.1-.1-1.8-.1-2.5-.2-6.2-.6-12.4-.8-18.5-1.7C279.8 194.5 262.1 47.4 138.5 37.9 94.2 34.5 39.1 46 2.2 72.9c-.8.6-1.5 1.2-2.2 0 1.6-.1 2.4-.2 6.3-1 12.5-.8 18.7.3 23.8 4.3 47.7 23.1 55.9 76.5 5.3 34.3-.7 50.8 8 86.1 19 77.1 91 107.6 127.7 106.4zM75.3 64.9c-.9-1-.9-1.2-1.3-2 12.1-2.6 24.2-4.1 36.6-4.8-1.1 14.7-22.2 21.3-35.3 6.8zm196.9 350.5c-42.8 1.2-92-26.7-123.5-61.4-4.6-5-16.8-20.2-18.6-23.4l.4-.4c6.6 4.1 25.7 18.6 54.8 27 24.2 7 48.1 6.3 71.6-3.3 22.7-9.3 41-.5 43.1 2.9-18.5 3.8-20.1 4.4-24 7.9-5.1 4.4-4.6 11.7 7 17.2 26.2 12.4 63-2.8 97.2 25.4 2.4 2 8.1 7.8 10.1 10.7-.1.2-.3.3-.4.5-4.8-1.5-16.4-7.5-40.2-9.3-24.7-2-46.3 5.3-77.5 6.2zm174.8-252c16.4-5.2 41.3-13.4 66.5-3.3 16.1 6.5 26.2 18.7 32.1 34.6 3.5 9.4 5.1 19.7 5.1 28.7-.2 0-.4 0-.6.1-.2-.4-.4-.9-.5-1.3-5-22-29.9-43.8-67.6-29.9-50.2 18.6-130.4 9.7-176.9-48-.7-.9-2.4-1.7-1.3-3.2.1-.2 2.1.6 3 1.3 18.1 13.4 38.3 21.9 60.3 26.2 30.5 6.1 54.6 2.9 79.9-5.2zm102.7 117.5c-32.4.2-33.8 50.1-103.6 64.4-18.2 3.7-38.7 4.6-44.9 4.2v-.4c2.8-1.5 14.7-2.6 29.7-16.6 7.9-7.3 15.3-15.1 22.8-22.9 19.5-20.2 41.4-42.2 81.9-39 23.1 1.8 29.3 8.2 36.1 0-.7.1-.9 0-7-2.7-14.3-3.3-21.8-3.3zm-12.3-24.1c-.1.2-.1.4-.2.6-28.9-4.4-48-7.9-68.5 4-17 9.9-31.4 20.5-62 24.4-27.1 3.4-45.1 2.4-66.1-8-.3-.2-.6-.4-1-.6 0-.2.1-.3.1-.5 24.9 3.8 36.4 5.1 55.5-5.8 22.3-12.9 40.1-26.6 71.3-31 29.6-4.1 51.3 2.5 70.9 16.9zM268.6 97.3c-.6-.6-1.1-1.2-2.1-2.3 7.6 0 29.7-1.2 53.4 8.4 19.7 8 32.2 21 50.2 32.9 11.1 7.3 23.4 9.3 36.4 8.1 4.3-.4 8.5-1.2 12.8-1.7.4-.1.9 0 1.5.3-.6.4-1.2.9-1.8 1.2-8.1 4-16.7 6.3-25.6 7.1-26.1 2.6-50.3-3.7-73.4-15.4-19.3-9.9-36.4-22.9-51.4-38.6zM640 335.7c-3.5 3.1-22.7 11.6-42.7 5.3-12.3-3.9-19.5-14.9-31.6-24.1-10-7.6-20.9-7.9-28.1-8.4.6-.8.9-1.2 1.2-1.4 14.8-9.2 30.5-12.2 47.3-6.5 12.5 4.2 19.2 13.5 30.4 24.2 10.8 10.4 21 9.9 23.1 10.5.1-.1.2 0 .4.4zm-212.5 137c2.2 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.5 2-18.5-1.4-33.9-7.6-46.8-22.2-21.8-24.7-41.7-27.9-48.6-29.7.5-.2.8-.4 1.1-.4 13.1.1 26.1.7 38.9 3.9 25.3 6.4 35 25.4 41.6 35.3 3.2 4.8 7.3 8.3 12.3 11.1z"], "phoenix-squadron": [512, 512, [], "f511", "M96 63.38C142.49 27.25 201.55 7.31 260.51 8.81c29.58-.38 59.11 5.37 86.91 15.33-24.13-4.63-49-6.34-73.38-2.45C231.17 27 191 48.84 162.21 80.87c5.67-1 10.78-3.67 16-5.86 18.14-7.87 37.49-13.26 57.23-14.83 19.74-2.13 39.64-.43 59.28 1.92-14.42 2.79-29.12 4.57-43 9.59-34.43 11.07-65.27 33.16-86.3 62.63-13.8 19.71-23.63 42.86-24.67 67.13-.35 16.49 5.22 34.81 19.83 44a53.27 53.27 0 0 0 37.52 6.74c15.45-2.46 30.07-8.64 43.6-16.33 11.52-6.82 22.67-14.55 32-24.25 3.79-3.22 2.53-8.45 2.62-12.79-2.12-.34-4.38-1.11-6.3.3a203 203 0 0 1-35.82 15.37c-20 6.17-42.16 8.46-62.1.78 12.79 1.73 26.06.31 37.74-5.44 20.23-9.72 36.81-25.2 54.44-38.77a526.57 526.57 0 0 1 88.9-55.31c25.71-12 52.94-22.78 81.57-24.12-15.63 13.72-32.15 26.52-46.78 41.38-14.51 14-27.46 29.5-40.11 45.18-3.52 4.6-8.95 6.94-13.58 10.16a150.7 150.7 0 0 0-51.89 60.1c-9.33 19.68-14.5 41.85-11.77 63.65 1.94 13.69 8.71 27.59 20.9 34.91 12.9 8 29.05 8.07 43.48 5.1 32.8-7.45 61.43-28.89 81-55.84 20.44-27.52 30.52-62.2 29.16-96.35-.52-7.5-1.57-15-1.66-22.49 8 19.48 14.82 39.71 16.65 60.83 2 14.28.75 28.76-1.62 42.9-1.91 11-5.67 21.51-7.78 32.43a165 165 0 0 0 39.34-81.07 183.64 183.64 0 0 0-14.21-104.64c20.78 32 32.34 69.58 35.71 107.48.49 12.73.49 25.51 0 38.23A243.21 243.21 0 0 1 482 371.34c-26.12 47.34-68 85.63-117.19 108-78.29 36.23-174.68 31.32-248-14.68A248.34 248.34 0 0 1 25.36 366 238.34 238.34 0 0 1 0 273.08v-31.34C3.93 172 40.87 105.82 96 63.38m222 80.33a79.13 79.13 0 0 0 16-4.48c5-1.77 9.24-5.94 10.32-11.22-8.96 4.99-17.98 9.92-26.32 15.7z"], "php": [640, 512, [], "f457", "M320 104.5c171.4 0 303.2 72.2 303.2 151.5S491.3 407.5 320 407.5c-171.4 0-303.2-72.2-303.2-151.5S148.7 104.5 320 104.5m0-16.8C143.3 87.7 0 163 0 256s143.3 168.3 320 168.3S640 349 640 256 496.7 87.7 320 87.7zM218.2 242.5c-7.9 40.5-35.8 36.3-70.1 36.3l13.7-70.6c38 0 63.8-4.1 56.4 34.3zM97.4 350.3h36.7l8.7-44.8c41.1 0 66.6 3 90.2-19.1 26.1-24 32.9-66.7 14.3-88.1-9.7-11.2-25.3-16.7-46.5-16.7h-70.7L97.4 350.3zm185.7-213.6h36.5l-8.7 44.8c31.5 0 60.7-2.3 74.8 10.7 14.8 13.6 7.7 31-8.3 113.1h-37c15.4-79.4 18.3-86 12.7-92-5.4-5.8-17.7-4.6-47.4-4.6l-18.8 96.6h-36.5l32.7-168.6zM505 242.5c-8 41.1-36.7 36.3-70.1 36.3l13.7-70.6c38.2 0 63.8-4.1 56.4 34.3zM384.2 350.3H421l8.7-44.8c43.2 0 67.1 2.5 90.2-19.1 26.1-24 32.9-66.7 14.3-88.1-9.7-11.2-25.3-16.7-46.5-16.7H417l-32.8 168.7z"], "pied-piper": [448, 512, [], "f2ae", "M32 419L0 479.2l.8-328C.8 85.3 54 32 120 32h327.2c-93 28.9-189.9 94.2-253.9 168.6C122.7 282 82.6 338 32 419M448 32S305.2 98.8 261.6 199.1c-23.2 53.6-28.9 118.1-71 158.6-28.9 27.8-69.8 38.2-105.3 56.3-23.2 12-66.4 40.5-84.9 66h328.4c66 0 119.3-53.3 119.3-119.2-.1 0-.1-328.8-.1-328.8z"], "pied-piper-alt": [576, 512, [], "f1a8", "M244 246c-3.2-2-6.3-2.9-10.1-2.9-6.6 0-12.6 3.2-19.3 3.7l1.7 4.9zm135.9 197.9c-19 0-64.1 9.5-79.9 19.8l6.9 45.1c35.7 6.1 70.1 3.6 106-9.8-4.8-10-23.5-55.1-33-55.1zM340.8 177c6.6 2.8 11.5 9.2 22.7 22.1 2-1.4 7.5-5.2 7.5-8.6 0-4.9-11.8-13.2-13.2-23 11.2-5.7 25.2-6 37.6-8.9 68.1-16.4 116.3-52.9 146.8-116.7C548.3 29.3 554 16.1 554.6 2l-2 2.6c-28.4 50-33 63.2-81.3 100-31.9 24.4-69.2 40.2-106.6 54.6l-6.3-.3v-21.8c-19.6 1.6-19.7-14.6-31.6-23-18.7 20.6-31.6 40.8-58.9 51.1-12.7 4.8-19.6 10-25.9 21.8 34.9-16.4 91.2-13.5 98.8-10zM555.5 0l-.6 1.1-.3.9.6-.6zm-59.2 382.1c-33.9-56.9-75.3-118.4-150-115.5l-.3-6c-1.1-13.5 32.8 3.2 35.1-31l-14.4 7.2c-19.8-45.7-8.6-54.3-65.5-54.3-14.7 0-26.7 1.7-41.4 4.6 2.9 18.6 2.2 36.7-10.9 50.3l19.5 5.5c-1.7 3.2-2.9 6.3-2.9 9.8 0 21 42.8 2.9 42.8 33.6 0 18.4-36.8 60.1-54.9 60.1-8 0-53.7-50-53.4-60.1l.3-4.6 52.3-11.5c13-2.6 12.3-22.7-2.9-22.7-3.7 0-43.1 9.2-49.4 10.6-2-5.2-7.5-14.1-13.8-14.1-3.2 0-6.3 3.2-9.5 4-9.2 2.6-31 2.9-21.5 20.1L15.9 298.5c-5.5 1.1-8.9 6.3-8.9 11.8 0 6 5.5 10.9 11.5 10.9 8 0 131.3-28.4 147.4-32.2 2.6 3.2 4.6 6.3 7.8 8.6 20.1 14.4 59.8 85.9 76.4 85.9 24.1 0 58-22.4 71.3-41.9 3.2-4.3 6.9-7.5 12.4-6.9.6 13.8-31.6 34.2-33 43.7-1.4 10.2-1 35.2-.3 41.1 26.7 8.1 52-3.6 77.9-2.9 4.3-21 10.6-41.9 9.8-63.5l-.3-9.5c-1.4-34.2-10.9-38.5-34.8-58.6-1.1-1.1-2.6-2.6-3.7-4 2.2-1.4 1.1-1 4.6-1.7 88.5 0 56.3 183.6 111.5 229.9 33.1-15 72.5-27.9 103.5-47.2-29-25.6-52.6-45.7-72.7-79.9zm-196.2 46.1v27.2l11.8-3.4-2.9-23.8zm-68.7-150.4l24.1 61.2 21-13.8-31.3-50.9zm84.4 154.9l2 12.4c9-1.5 58.4-6.6 58.4-14.1 0-1.4-.6-3.2-.9-4.6-26.8 0-36.9 3.8-59.5 6.3z"], "pied-piper-hat": [640, 512, [], "f4e5", "M640 24.9c-80.8 53.6-89.4 92.5-96.4 104.4-6.7 12.2-11.7 60.3-23.3 83.6-11.7 23.6-54.2 42.2-66.1 50-11.7 7.8-28.3 38.1-41.9 64.2-108.1-4.4-167.4 38.8-259.2 93.6 29.4-9.7 43.3-16.7 43.3-16.7 94.2-36 139.3-68.3 281.1-49.2 1.1 0 1.9.6 2.8.8 3.9 2.2 5.3 6.9 3.1 10.8l-53.9 95.8c-2.5 4.7-7.8 7.2-13.1 6.1-126.8-23.8-226.9 17.3-318.9 18.6C24.1 488 0 453.4 0 451.8c0-1.1.6-1.7 1.7-1.7 0 0 38.3 0 103.1-15.3C178.4 294.5 244 245.4 315.4 245.4c0 0 71.7 0 90.6 61.9 22.8-39.7 28.3-49.2 28.3-49.2 5.3-9.4 35-77.2 86.4-141.4 51.5-64 90.4-79.9 119.3-91.8z"], "pied-piper-pp": [448, 512, [], "f1a7", "M205.3 174.6c0 21.1-14.2 38.1-31.7 38.1-7.1 0-12.8-1.2-17.2-3.7v-68c4.4-2.7 10.1-4.2 17.2-4.2 17.5 0 31.7 16.9 31.7 37.8zm52.6 67c-7.1 0-12.8 1.5-17.2 4.2v68c4.4 2.5 10.1 3.7 17.2 3.7 17.4 0 31.7-16.9 31.7-37.8 0-21.1-14.3-38.1-31.7-38.1zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM185 255.1c41 0 74.2-35.6 74.2-79.6 0-44-33.2-79.6-74.2-79.6-12 0-24.1 3.2-34.6 8.8h-45.7V311l51.8-10.1v-50.6c8.6 3.1 18.1 4.8 28.5 4.8zm158.4 25.3c0-44-33.2-79.6-73.9-79.6-3.2 0-6.4.2-9.6.7-3.7 12.5-10.1 23.8-19.2 33.4-13.8 15-32.2 23.8-51.8 24.8V416l51.8-10.1v-50.6c8.6 3.2 18.2 4.7 28.7 4.7 40.8 0 74-35.6 74-79.6z"], "pinterest": [496, 512, [], "f0d2", "M496 256c0 137-111 248-248 248-25.6 0-50.2-3.9-73.4-11.1 10.1-16.5 25.2-43.5 30.8-65 3-11.6 15.4-59 15.4-59 8.1 15.4 31.7 28.5 56.8 28.5 74.8 0 128.7-68.8 128.7-154.3 0-81.9-66.9-143.2-152.9-143.2-107 0-163.9 71.8-163.9 150.1 0 36.4 19.4 81.7 50.3 96.1 4.7 2.2 7.2 1.2 8.3-3.3.8-3.4 5-20.3 6.9-28.1.6-2.5.3-4.7-1.7-7.1-10.1-12.5-18.3-35.3-18.3-56.6 0-54.7 41.4-107.6 112-107.6 60.9 0 103.6 41.5 103.6 100.9 0 67.1-33.9 113.6-78 113.6-24.3 0-42.6-20.1-36.7-44.8 7-29.5 20.5-61.3 20.5-82.6 0-19-10.2-34.9-31.4-34.9-24.9 0-44.9 25.7-44.9 60.2 0 22 7.4 36.8 7.4 36.8s-24.5 103.8-29 123.2c-5 21.4-3 51.6-.9 71.2C65.4 450.9 0 361.1 0 256 0 119 111 8 248 8s248 111 248 248z"], "pinterest-p": [384, 512, [], "f231", "M204 6.5C101.4 6.5 0 74.9 0 185.6 0 256 39.6 296 63.6 296c9.9 0 15.6-27.6 15.6-35.4 0-9.3-23.7-29.1-23.7-67.8 0-80.4 61.2-137.4 140.4-137.4 68.1 0 118.5 38.7 118.5 109.8 0 53.1-21.3 152.7-90.3 152.7-24.9 0-46.2-18-46.2-43.8 0-37.8 26.4-74.4 26.4-113.4 0-66.2-93.9-54.2-93.9 25.8 0 16.8 2.1 35.4 9.6 50.7-13.8 59.4-42 147.9-42 209.1 0 18.9 2.7 37.5 4.5 56.4 3.4 3.8 1.7 3.4 6.9 1.5 50.4-69 48.6-82.5 71.4-172.8 12.3 23.4 44.1 36 69.3 36 106.2 0 153.9-103.5 153.9-196.8C384 71.3 298.2 6.5 204 6.5z"], "pinterest-square": [448, 512, [], "f0d3", "M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H154.4c9.8-16.4 22.4-40 27.4-59.3 3-11.5 15.3-58.4 15.3-58.4 8 15.3 31.4 28.2 56.3 28.2 74.1 0 127.4-68.1 127.4-152.7 0-81.1-66.2-141.8-151.4-141.8-106 0-162.2 71.1-162.2 148.6 0 36 19.2 80.8 49.8 95.1 4.7 2.2 7.1 1.2 8.2-3.3.8-3.4 5-20.1 6.8-27.8.6-2.5.3-4.6-1.7-7-10.1-12.3-18.3-34.9-18.3-56 0-54.2 41-106.6 110.9-106.6 60.3 0 102.6 41.1 102.6 99.9 0 66.4-33.5 112.4-77.2 112.4-24.1 0-42.1-19.9-36.4-44.4 6.9-29.2 20.3-60.7 20.3-81.8 0-53-75.5-45.7-75.5 25 0 21.7 7.3 36.5 7.3 36.5-31.4 132.8-36.1 134.5-29.6 192.6l2.2.8H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z"], "playstation": [576, 512, [], "f3df", "M570.9 372.3c-11.3 14.2-38.8 24.3-38.8 24.3L327 470.2v-54.3l150.9-53.8c17.1-6.1 19.8-14.8 5.8-19.4-13.9-4.6-39.1-3.3-56.2 2.9L327 381.1v-56.4c23.2-7.8 47.1-13.6 75.7-16.8 40.9-4.5 90.9.6 130.2 15.5 44.2 14 49.2 34.7 38 48.9zm-224.4-92.5v-139c0-16.3-3-31.3-18.3-35.6-11.7-3.8-19 7.1-19 23.4v347.9l-93.8-29.8V32c39.9 7.4 98 24.9 129.2 35.4C424.1 94.7 451 128.7 451 205.2c0 74.5-46 102.8-104.5 74.6zM43.2 410.2c-45.4-12.8-53-39.5-32.3-54.8 19.1-14.2 51.7-24.9 51.7-24.9l134.5-47.8v54.5l-96.8 34.6c-17.1 6.1-19.7 14.8-5.8 19.4 13.9 4.6 39.1 3.3 56.2-2.9l46.4-16.9v48.8c-51.6 9.3-101.4 7.3-153.9-10z"], "product-hunt": [512, 512, [], "f288", "M326.3 218.8c0 20.5-16.7 37.2-37.2 37.2h-70.3v-74.4h70.3c20.5 0 37.2 16.7 37.2 37.2zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-128.1-37.2c0-47.9-38.9-86.8-86.8-86.8H169.2v248h49.6v-74.4h70.3c47.9 0 86.8-38.9 86.8-86.8z"], "pushed": [432, 512, [], "f3e1", "M407 111.9l-98.5-9 14-33.4c10.4-23.5-10.8-40.4-28.7-37L22.5 76.9c-15.1 2.7-26 18.3-21.4 36.6l105.1 348.3c6.5 21.3 36.7 24.2 47.7 7l35.3-80.8 235.2-231.3c16.4-16.8 4.3-42.9-17.4-44.8zM297.6 53.6c5.1-.7 7.5 2.5 5.2 7.4L286 100.9 108.6 84.6l189-31zM22.7 107.9c-3.1-5.1 1-10 6.1-9.1l248.7 22.7-96.9 230.7L22.7 107.9zM136 456.4c-2.6 4-7.9 3.1-9.4-1.2L43.5 179.7l127.7 197.6c-7 15-35.2 79.1-35.2 79.1zm272.8-314.5L210.1 337.3l89.7-213.7 106.4 9.7c4 1.1 5.7 5.3 2.6 8.6z"], "python": [448, 512, [], "f3e2", "M439.8 200.5c-7.7-30.9-22.3-54.2-53.4-54.2h-40.1v47.4c0 36.8-31.2 67.8-66.8 67.8H172.7c-29.2 0-53.4 25-53.4 54.3v101.8c0 29 25.2 46 53.4 54.3 33.8 9.9 66.3 11.7 106.8 0 26.9-7.8 53.4-23.5 53.4-54.3v-40.7H226.2v-13.6h160.2c31.1 0 42.6-21.7 53.4-54.2 11.2-33.5 10.7-65.7 0-108.6zM286.2 404c11.1 0 20.1 9.1 20.1 20.3 0 11.3-9 20.4-20.1 20.4-11 0-20.1-9.2-20.1-20.4.1-11.3 9.1-20.3 20.1-20.3zM167.8 248.1h106.8c29.7 0 53.4-24.5 53.4-54.3V91.9c0-29-24.4-50.7-53.4-55.6-35.8-5.9-74.7-5.6-106.8.1-45.2 8-53.4 24.7-53.4 55.6v40.7h106.9v13.6h-147c-31.1 0-58.3 18.7-66.8 54.2-9.8 40.7-10.2 66.1 0 108.6 7.6 31.6 25.7 54.2 56.8 54.2H101v-48.8c0-35.3 30.5-66.4 66.8-66.4zm-6.7-142.6c-11.1 0-20.1-9.1-20.1-20.3.1-11.3 9-20.4 20.1-20.4 11 0 20.1 9.2 20.1 20.4s-9 20.3-20.1 20.3z"], "qq": [448, 512, [], "f1d6", "M433.754 420.445c-11.526 1.393-44.86-52.741-44.86-52.741 0 31.345-16.136 72.247-51.051 101.786 16.842 5.192 54.843 19.167 45.803 34.421-7.316 12.343-125.51 7.881-159.632 4.037-34.122 3.844-152.316 8.306-159.632-4.037-9.045-15.25 28.918-29.214 45.783-34.415-34.92-29.539-51.059-70.445-51.059-101.792 0 0-33.334 54.134-44.859 52.741-5.37-.65-12.424-29.644 9.347-99.704 10.261-33.024 21.995-60.478 40.144-105.779C60.683 98.063 108.982.006 224 0c113.737.006 163.156 96.133 160.264 214.963 18.118 45.223 29.912 72.85 40.144 105.778 21.768 70.06 14.716 99.053 9.346 99.704z"], "quinscape": [512, 512, [], "f459", "M313.6 474.6h-1a158.1 158.1 0 0 1 0-316.2c94.9 0 168.2 83.1 157 176.6 4 5.1 8.2 9.6 11.2 15.3 13.4-30.3 20.3-62.4 20.3-97.7C501.1 117.5 391.6 8 256.5 8S12 117.5 12 252.6s109.5 244.6 244.5 244.6a237.36 237.36 0 0 0 70.4-10.1c-5.2-3.5-8.9-8.1-13.3-12.5zm-.1-.1l.4.1zm78.4-168.9a99.2 99.2 0 1 0 99.2 99.2 99.18 99.18 0 0 0-99.2-99.2z"], "quora": [448, 512, [], "f2c4", "M440.5 386.7h-29.3c-1.5 13.5-10.5 30.8-33 30.8-20.5 0-35.3-14.2-49.5-35.8 44.2-34.2 74.7-87.5 74.7-153C403.5 111.2 306.8 32 205 32 105.3 32 7.3 111.7 7.3 228.7c0 134.1 131.3 221.6 249 189C276 451.3 302 480 351.5 480c81.8 0 90.8-75.3 89-93.3zM297 329.2C277.5 300 253.3 277 205.5 277c-30.5 0-54.3 10-69 22.8l12.2 24.3c6.2-3 13-4 19.8-4 35.5 0 53.7 30.8 69.2 61.3-10 3-20.7 4.2-32.7 4.2-75 0-107.5-53-107.5-156.7C97.5 124.5 130 71 205 71c76.2 0 108.7 53.5 108.7 157.7.1 41.8-5.4 75.6-16.7 100.5z"], "r-project": [581, 512, [], "f4f7", "M581 226.6C581 119.1 450.9 32 290.5 32S0 119.1 0 226.6C0 322.4 103.3 402 239.4 418.1V480h99.1v-61.5c24.3-2.7 47.6-7.4 69.4-13.9L448 480h112l-67.4-113.7c54.5-35.4 88.4-84.9 88.4-139.7zm-466.8 14.5c0-73.5 98.9-133 220.8-133s211.9 40.7 211.9 133c0 50.1-26.5 85-70.3 106.4-2.4-1.6-4.7-2.9-6.4-3.7-10.2-5.2-27.8-10.5-27.8-10.5s86.6-6.4 86.6-92.7-90.6-87.9-90.6-87.9h-199V361c-74.1-21.5-125.2-67.1-125.2-119.9zm225.1 38.3v-55.6c57.8 0 87.8-6.8 87.8 27.3 0 36.5-38.2 28.3-87.8 28.3zm-.9 72.5H365c10.8 0 18.9 11.7 24 19.2-16.1 1.9-33 2.8-50.6 2.9v-22.1z"], "raspberry-pi": [407, 512, [], "f7bb", "M372 232.5l-3.7-6.5c.1-46.4-21.4-65.3-46.5-79.7 7.6-2 15.4-3.6 17.6-13.2 13.1-3.3 15.8-9.4 17.1-15.8 3.4-2.3 14.8-8.7 13.6-19.7 6.4-4.4 10-10.1 8.1-18.1 6.9-7.5 8.7-13.7 5.8-19.4 8.3-10.3 4.6-15.6 1.1-20.9 6.2-11.2.7-23.2-16.6-21.2-6.9-10.1-21.9-7.8-24.2-7.8-2.6-3.2-6-6-16.5-4.7-6.8-6.1-14.4-5-22.3-2.1-9.3-7.3-15.5-1.4-22.6.8C271.6.6 269 5.5 263.5 7.6c-12.3-2.6-16.1 3-22 8.9l-6.9-.1c-18.6 10.8-27.8 32.8-31.1 44.1-3.3-11.3-12.5-33.3-31.1-44.1l-6.9.1c-5.9-5.9-9.7-11.5-22-8.9-5.6-2-8.1-7-19.4-3.4-4.6-1.4-8.9-4.4-13.9-4.3-2.6.1-5.5 1-8.7 3.5-7.9-3-15.5-4-22.3 2.1-10.5-1.3-14 1.4-16.5 4.7-2.3 0-17.3-2.3-24.2 7.8C21.2 16 15.8 28 22 39.2c-3.5 5.4-7.2 10.7 1.1 20.9-2.9 5.7-1.1 11.9 5.8 19.4-1.8 8 1.8 13.7 8.1 18.1-1.2 11 10.2 17.4 13.6 19.7 1.3 6.4 4 12.4 17.1 15.8 2.2 9.5 10 11.2 17.6 13.2-25.1 14.4-46.6 33.3-46.5 79.7l-3.7 6.5c-28.8 17.2-54.7 72.7-14.2 117.7 2.6 14.1 7.1 24.2 11 35.4 5.9 45.2 44.5 66.3 54.6 68.8 14.9 11.2 30.8 21.8 52.2 29.2C159 504.2 181 512 203 512h1c22.1 0 44-7.8 64.2-28.4 21.5-7.4 37.3-18 52.2-29.2 10.2-2.5 48.7-23.6 54.6-68.8 3.9-11.2 8.4-21.3 11-35.4 40.6-45.1 14.7-100.5-14-117.7zm-22.2-8c-1.5 18.7-98.9-65.1-82.1-67.9 45.7-7.5 83.6 19.2 82.1 67.9zm-43 93.1c-24.5 15.8-59.8 5.6-78.8-22.8s-14.6-64.2 9.9-80c24.5-15.8 59.8-5.6 78.8 22.8s14.6 64.2-9.9 80zM238.9 29.3c.8 4.2 1.8 6.8 2.9 7.6 5.4-5.8 9.8-11.7 16.8-17.3 0 3.3-1.7 6.8 2.5 9.4 3.7-5 8.8-9.5 15.5-13.3-3.2 5.6-.6 7.3 1.2 9.6 5.1-4.4 10-8.8 19.4-12.3-2.6 3.1-6.2 6.2-2.4 9.8 5.3-3.3 10.6-6.6 23.1-8.9-2.8 3.1-8.7 6.3-5.1 9.4 6.6-2.5 14-4.4 22.1-5.4-3.9 3.2-7.1 6.3-3.9 8.8 7.1-2.2 16.9-5.1 26.4-2.6l-6 6.1c-.7.8 14.1.6 23.9.8-3.6 5-7.2 9.7-9.3 18.2 1 1 5.8.4 10.4 0-4.7 9.9-12.8 12.3-14.7 16.6 2.9 2.2 6.8 1.6 11.2.1-3.4 6.9-10.4 11.7-16 17.3 1.4 1 3.9 1.6 9.7.9-5.2 5.5-11.4 10.5-18.8 15 1.3 1.5 5.8 1.5 10 1.6-6.7 6.5-15.3 9.9-23.4 14.2 4 2.7 6.9 2.1 10 2.1-5.7 4.7-15.4 7.1-24.4 10 1.7 2.7 3.4 3.4 7.1 4.1-9.5 5.3-23.2 2.9-27 5.6.9 2.7 3.6 4.4 6.7 5.8-15.4.9-57.3-.6-65.4-32.3 15.7-17.3 44.4-37.5 93.7-62.6-38.4 12.8-73 30-102 53.5-34.3-15.9-10.8-55.9 5.8-71.8zm-34.4 114.6c24.2-.3 54.1 17.8 54 34.7-.1 15-21 27.1-53.8 26.9-32.1-.4-53.7-15.2-53.6-29.8 0-11.9 26.2-32.5 53.4-31.8zm-123-12.8c3.7-.7 5.4-1.5 7.1-4.1-9-2.8-18.7-5.3-24.4-10 3.1 0 6 .7 10-2.1-8.1-4.3-16.7-7.7-23.4-14.2 4.2-.1 8.7 0 10-1.6-7.4-4.5-13.6-9.5-18.8-15 5.8.7 8.3.1 9.7-.9-5.6-5.6-12.7-10.4-16-17.3 4.3 1.5 8.3 2 11.2-.1-1.9-4.2-10-6.7-14.7-16.6 4.6.4 9.4 1 10.4 0-2.1-8.5-5.8-13.3-9.3-18.2 9.8-.1 24.6 0 23.9-.8l-6-6.1c9.5-2.5 19.3.4 26.4 2.6 3.2-2.5-.1-5.6-3.9-8.8 8.1 1.1 15.4 2.9 22.1 5.4 3.5-3.1-2.3-6.3-5.1-9.4 12.5 2.3 17.8 5.6 23.1 8.9 3.8-3.6.2-6.7-2.4-9.8 9.4 3.4 14.3 7.9 19.4 12.3 1.7-2.3 4.4-4 1.2-9.6 6.7 3.8 11.8 8.3 15.5 13.3 4.1-2.6 2.5-6.2 2.5-9.4 7 5.6 11.4 11.5 16.8 17.3 1.1-.8 2-3.4 2.9-7.6 16.6 15.9 40.1 55.9 6 71.8-29-23.5-63.6-40.7-102-53.5 49.3 25 78 45.3 93.7 62.6-8 31.8-50 33.2-65.4 32.3 3.1-1.4 5.8-3.2 6.7-5.8-4-2.8-17.6-.4-27.2-5.6zm60.1 24.1c16.8 2.8-80.6 86.5-82.1 67.9-1.5-48.7 36.5-75.5 82.1-67.9zM38.2 342c-23.7-18.8-31.3-73.7 12.6-98.3 26.5-7 9 107.8-12.6 98.3zm91 98.2c-13.3 7.9-45.8 4.7-68.8-27.9-15.5-27.4-13.5-55.2-2.6-63.4 16.3-9.8 41.5 3.4 60.9 25.6 16.9 20 24.6 55.3 10.5 65.7zm-26.4-119.7c-24.5-15.8-28.9-51.6-9.9-80s54.3-38.6 78.8-22.8 28.9 51.6 9.9 80c-19.1 28.4-54.4 38.6-78.8 22.8zM205 496c-29.4 1.2-58.2-23.7-57.8-32.3-.4-12.7 35.8-22.6 59.3-22 23.7-1 55.6 7.5 55.7 18.9.5 11-28.8 35.9-57.2 35.4zm58.9-124.9c.2 29.7-26.2 53.8-58.8 54-32.6.2-59.2-23.8-59.4-53.4v-.6c-.2-29.7 26.2-53.8 58.8-54 32.6-.2 59.2 23.8 59.4 53.4v.6zm82.2 42.7c-25.3 34.6-59.6 35.9-72.3 26.3-13.3-12.4-3.2-50.9 15.1-72 20.9-23.3 43.3-38.5 58.9-26.6 10.5 10.3 16.7 49.1-1.7 72.3zm22.9-73.2c-21.5 9.4-39-105.3-12.6-98.3 43.9 24.7 36.3 79.6 12.6 98.3z"], "ravelry": [512, 512, [], "f2d9", "M407.4 61.5C331.6 22.1 257.8 31 182.9 66c-11.3 5.2-15.5 10.6-19.9 19-10.3 19.2-16.2 37.4-19.9 52.7-21.2 25.6-36.4 56.1-43.3 89.9-10.6 18-20.9 41.4-23.1 71.4 0 0-.7 7.6-.5 7.9-35.3-4.6-76.2-27-76.2-27 9.1 14.5 61.3 32.3 76.3 37.9 0 0 1.7 98 64.5 131.2-11.3-17.2-13.3-20.2-13.3-20.2S94.8 369 100.4 324.7c.7 0 1.5.2 2.2.2 23.9 87.4 103.2 151.4 196.9 151.4 6.2 0 12.1-.2 18-.7 14 1.5 27.6.5 40.1-3.9 6.9-2.2 13.8-6.4 20.2-10.8 70.2-39.1 100.9-82 123.1-147.7 5.4-16 8.1-35.5 9.8-52.2 8.7-82.3-30.6-161.6-103.3-199.5zM138.8 163.2s-1.2 12.3-.7 19.7c-3.4 2.5-10.1 8.1-18.2 16.7 5.2-12.8 11.3-25.1 18.9-36.4zm-31.2 121.9c4.4-17.2 13.3-39.1 29.8-55.1 0 0 1.7 48 15.8 90.1l-41.4-6.9c-2.2-9.2-3.5-18.5-4.2-28.1zm7.9 42.8c14.8 3.2 34 7.6 43.1 9.1 27.3 76.8 108.3 124.3 108.3 124.3 1 .5 1.7.7 2.7 1-73.1-11.6-132.7-64.7-154.1-134.4zM386 444.1c-14.5 4.7-36.2 8.4-64.7 3.7 0 0-91.1-23.1-127.5-107.8 38.2.7 52.4-.2 78-3.9 39.4-5.7 79-16.2 115-33 11.8-5.4 11.1-19.4 9.6-29.8-2-12.8-11.1-12.1-21.4-4.7 0 0-82 58.6-189.8 53.7-18.7-32-26.8-110.8-26.8-110.8 41.4-35.2 83.2-59.6 168.4-52.4.2-6.4 3-27.1-20.4-28.1 0 0-93.5-11.1-146 33.5 2.5-16.5 5.9-29.3 11.1-39.4 34.2-30.8 79-49.5 128.3-49.5 106.4 0 193 87.1 193 194.5-.2 76-43.8 142-106.8 174z"], "react": [512, 512, [], "f41b", "M418.2 177.2c-5.4-1.8-10.8-3.5-16.2-5.1.9-3.7 1.7-7.4 2.5-11.1 12.3-59.6 4.2-107.5-23.1-123.3-26.3-15.1-69.2.6-112.6 38.4-4.3 3.7-8.5 7.6-12.5 11.5-2.7-2.6-5.5-5.2-8.3-7.7-45.5-40.4-91.1-57.4-118.4-41.5-26.2 15.2-34 60.3-23 116.7 1.1 5.6 2.3 11.1 3.7 16.7-6.4 1.8-12.7 3.8-18.6 5.9C38.3 196.2 0 225.4 0 255.6c0 31.2 40.8 62.5 96.3 81.5 4.5 1.5 9 3 13.6 4.3-1.5 6-2.8 11.9-4 18-10.5 55.5-2.3 99.5 23.9 114.6 27 15.6 72.4-.4 116.6-39.1 3.5-3.1 7-6.3 10.5-9.7 4.4 4.3 9 8.4 13.6 12.4 42.8 36.8 85.1 51.7 111.2 36.6 27-15.6 35.8-62.9 24.4-120.5-.9-4.4-1.9-8.9-3-13.5 3.2-.9 6.3-1.9 9.4-2.9 57.7-19.1 99.5-50 99.5-81.7 0-30.3-39.4-59.7-93.8-78.4zM282.9 92.3c37.2-32.4 71.9-45.1 87.7-36 16.9 9.7 23.4 48.9 12.8 100.4-.7 3.4-1.4 6.7-2.3 10-22.2-5-44.7-8.6-67.3-10.6-13-18.6-27.2-36.4-42.6-53.1 3.9-3.7 7.7-7.2 11.7-10.7zM167.2 307.5c5.1 8.7 10.3 17.4 15.8 25.9-15.6-1.7-31.1-4.2-46.4-7.5 4.4-14.4 9.9-29.3 16.3-44.5 4.6 8.8 9.3 17.5 14.3 26.1zm-30.3-120.3c14.4-3.2 29.7-5.8 45.6-7.8-5.3 8.3-10.5 16.8-15.4 25.4-4.9 8.5-9.7 17.2-14.2 26-6.3-14.9-11.6-29.5-16-43.6zm27.4 68.9c6.6-13.8 13.8-27.3 21.4-40.6s15.8-26.2 24.4-38.9c15-1.1 30.3-1.7 45.9-1.7s31 .6 45.9 1.7c8.5 12.6 16.6 25.5 24.3 38.7s14.9 26.7 21.7 40.4c-6.7 13.8-13.9 27.4-21.6 40.8-7.6 13.3-15.7 26.2-24.2 39-14.9 1.1-30.4 1.6-46.1 1.6s-30.9-.5-45.6-1.4c-8.7-12.7-16.9-25.7-24.6-39s-14.8-26.8-21.5-40.6zm180.6 51.2c5.1-8.8 9.9-17.7 14.6-26.7 6.4 14.5 12 29.2 16.9 44.3-15.5 3.5-31.2 6.2-47 8 5.4-8.4 10.5-17 15.5-25.6zm14.4-76.5c-4.7-8.8-9.5-17.6-14.5-26.2-4.9-8.5-10-16.9-15.3-25.2 16.1 2 31.5 4.7 45.9 8-4.6 14.8-10 29.2-16.1 43.4zM256.2 118.3c10.5 11.4 20.4 23.4 29.6 35.8-19.8-.9-39.7-.9-59.5 0 9.8-12.9 19.9-24.9 29.9-35.8zM140.2 57c16.8-9.8 54.1 4.2 93.4 39 2.5 2.2 5 4.6 7.6 7-15.5 16.7-29.8 34.5-42.9 53.1-22.6 2-45 5.5-67.2 10.4-1.3-5.1-2.4-10.3-3.5-15.5-9.4-48.4-3.2-84.9 12.6-94zm-24.5 263.6c-4.2-1.2-8.3-2.5-12.4-3.9-21.3-6.7-45.5-17.3-63-31.2-10.1-7-16.9-17.8-18.8-29.9 0-18.3 31.6-41.7 77.2-57.6 5.7-2 11.5-3.8 17.3-5.5 6.8 21.7 15 43 24.5 63.6-9.6 20.9-17.9 42.5-24.8 64.5zm116.6 98c-16.5 15.1-35.6 27.1-56.4 35.3-11.1 5.3-23.9 5.8-35.3 1.3-15.9-9.2-22.5-44.5-13.5-92 1.1-5.6 2.3-11.2 3.7-16.7 22.4 4.8 45 8.1 67.9 9.8 13.2 18.7 27.7 36.6 43.2 53.4-3.2 3.1-6.4 6.1-9.6 8.9zm24.5-24.3c-10.2-11-20.4-23.2-30.3-36.3 9.6.4 19.5.6 29.5.6 10.3 0 20.4-.2 30.4-.7-9.2 12.7-19.1 24.8-29.6 36.4zm130.7 30c-.9 12.2-6.9 23.6-16.5 31.3-15.9 9.2-49.8-2.8-86.4-34.2-4.2-3.6-8.4-7.5-12.7-11.5 15.3-16.9 29.4-34.8 42.2-53.6 22.9-1.9 45.7-5.4 68.2-10.5 1 4.1 1.9 8.2 2.7 12.2 4.9 21.6 5.7 44.1 2.5 66.3zm18.2-107.5c-2.8.9-5.6 1.8-8.5 2.6-7-21.8-15.6-43.1-25.5-63.8 9.6-20.4 17.7-41.4 24.5-62.9 5.2 1.5 10.2 3.1 15 4.7 46.6 16 79.3 39.8 79.3 58 0 19.6-34.9 44.9-84.8 61.4zm-149.7-15c25.3 0 45.8-20.5 45.8-45.8s-20.5-45.8-45.8-45.8c-25.3 0-45.8 20.5-45.8 45.8s20.5 45.8 45.8 45.8z"], "reacteurope": [576, 512, [], "f75d", "M250.6 211.74l5.8-4.1 5.8 4.1-2.1-6.8 5.7-4.3-7.1-.1-2.3-6.8-2.3 6.8-7.2.1 5.7 4.3zm63.7 0l5.8-4.1 5.8 4.1-2.1-6.8 5.7-4.3-7.2-.1-2.3-6.8-2.3 6.8-7.2.1 5.7 4.3zm-91.3 50.5h-3.4c-4.8 0-3.8 4-3.8 12.1 0 4.7-2.3 6.1-5.8 6.1s-5.8-1.4-5.8-6.1v-36.6c0-4.7 2.3-6.1 5.8-6.1s5.8 1.4 5.8 6.1c0 7.2-.7 10.5 3.8 10.5h3.4c4.7-.1 3.8-3.9 3.8-12.3 0-9.9-6.7-14.1-16.8-14.1h-.2c-10.1 0-16.8 4.2-16.8 14.1V276c0 10.4 6.7 14.1 16.8 14.1h.2c10.1 0 16.8-3.8 16.8-14.1 0-9.86 1.1-13.76-3.8-13.76zm-80.7 17.4h-14.7v-19.3H139c2.5 0 3.8-1.3 3.8-3.8v-2.1c0-2.5-1.3-3.8-3.8-3.8h-11.4v-18.3H142c2.5 0 3.8-1.3 3.8-3.8v-2.1c0-2.5-1.3-3.8-3.8-3.8h-21.7c-2.4-.1-3.7 1.3-3.7 3.8v59.1c0 2.5 1.3 3.8 3.8 3.8h21.9c2.5 0 3.8-1.3 3.8-3.8v-2.1c0-2.5-1.3-3.8-3.8-3.8zm-42-18.5c4.6-2 7.3-6 7.3-12.4v-11.9c0-10.1-6.7-14.1-16.8-14.1H77.4c-2.5 0-3.8 1.3-3.8 3.8v59.1c0 2.5 1.3 3.8 3.8 3.8h3.4c2.5 0 3.8-1.3 3.8-3.8v-22.9h5.6l7.4 23.5a4.1 4.1 0 0 0 4.3 3.2h3.3c2.8 0 4-1.8 3.2-4.4zm-3.8-14c0 4.8-2.5 6.1-6.1 6.1h-5.8v-20.9h5.8c3.6 0 6.1 1.3 6.1 6.1zM176 226a3.82 3.82 0 0 0-4.2-3.4h-6.9a3.68 3.68 0 0 0-4 3.4l-11 59.2c-.5 2.7.9 4.1 3.4 4.1h3a3.74 3.74 0 0 0 4.1-3.5l1.8-11.3h12.2l1.8 11.3a3.74 3.74 0 0 0 4.1 3.5h3.5c2.6 0 3.9-1.4 3.4-4.1zm-12.3 39.3l4.7-29.7 4.7 29.7zm89.3 20.2v-53.2h7.5c2.5 0 3.8-1.3 3.8-3.8v-2.1c0-2.5-1.3-3.8-3.8-3.8h-25.8c-2.5 0-3.8 1.3-3.8 3.8v2.1c0 2.5 1.3 3.8 3.8 3.8h7.3v53.2c0 2.5 1.3 3.8 3.8 3.8h3.4c2.5.04 3.8-1.3 3.8-3.76zm248-.8h-19.4V258h16.1a1.89 1.89 0 0 0 2-2v-.8a1.89 1.89 0 0 0-2-2h-16.1v-25.8h19.1a1.89 1.89 0 0 0 2-2v-.8a1.77 1.77 0 0 0-2-1.9h-22.2a1.62 1.62 0 0 0-2 1.8v63a1.81 1.81 0 0 0 2 1.9H501a1.81 1.81 0 0 0 2-1.9v-.8a1.84 1.84 0 0 0-2-1.96zm-93.1-62.9h-.8c-10.1 0-15.3 4.7-15.3 14.1V276c0 9.3 5.2 14.1 15.3 14.1h.8c10.1 0 15.3-4.8 15.3-14.1v-40.1c0-9.36-5.2-14.06-15.3-14.06zm10.2 52.4c-.1 8-3 11.1-10.5 11.1s-10.5-3.1-10.5-11.1v-36.6c0-7.9 3-11.1 10.5-11.1s10.5 3.2 10.5 11.1zm-46.5-14.5c6.1-1.6 9.2-6.1 9.2-13.3v-9.7c0-9.4-5.2-14.1-15.3-14.1h-13.7a1.81 1.81 0 0 0-2 1.9v63a1.81 1.81 0 0 0 2 1.9h1.2a1.74 1.74 0 0 0 1.9-1.9v-26.9h11.6l10.4 27.2a2.32 2.32 0 0 0 2.3 1.5h1.5c1.4 0 2-1 1.5-2.3zm-6.4-3.9H355v-28.5h10.2c7.5 0 10.5 3.1 10.5 11.1v6.4c0 7.84-3 11.04-10.5 11.04zm85.9-33.1h-13.7a1.62 1.62 0 0 0-2 1.8v63a1.81 1.81 0 0 0 2 1.9h1.2a1.74 1.74 0 0 0 1.9-1.9v-26.1h10.6c10.1 0 15.3-4.8 15.3-14.1v-10.5c0-9.4-5.2-14.1-15.3-14.1zm10.2 22.8c0 7.9-3 11.1-10.5 11.1h-10.2v-29.2h10.2c7.5-.1 10.5 3.1 10.5 11zM259.5 308l-2.3-6.8-2.3 6.8-7.1.1 5.7 4.3-2.1 6.8 5.8-4.1 5.8 4.1-2.1-6.8 5.7-4.3zm227.6-136.1a364.42 364.42 0 0 0-35.6-11.3c19.6-78 11.6-134.7-22.3-153.9C394.7-12.66 343.3 11 291 61.94q5.1 4.95 10.2 10.2c82.5-80 119.6-53.5 120.9-52.8 22.4 12.7 36 55.8 15.5 137.8a587.83 587.83 0 0 0-84.6-13C281.1 43.64 212.4 2 170.8 2 140 2 127 23 123.2 29.74c-18.1 32-13.3 84.2.1 133.8-70.5 20.3-120.7 54.1-120.3 95 .5 59.6 103.2 87.8 122.1 92.8-20.5 81.9-10.1 135.6 22.3 153.9 28 15.8 75.1 6 138.2-55.2q-5.1-4.95-10.2-10.2c-82.5 80-119.7 53.5-120.9 52.8-22.3-12.6-36-55.6-15.5-137.9 12.4 2.9 41.8 9.5 84.6 13 71.9 100.4 140.6 142 182.1 142 30.8 0 43.8-21 47.6-27.7 18-31.9 13.3-84.1-.1-133.8 152.3-43.8 156.2-130.2 33.9-176.3zM135.9 36.84c2.9-5.1 11.9-20.3 34.9-20.3 36.8 0 98.8 39.6 163.3 126.2a714 714 0 0 0-93.9.9 547.76 547.76 0 0 1 42.2-52.4Q277.3 86 272.2 81a598.25 598.25 0 0 0-50.7 64.2 569.69 569.69 0 0 0-84.4 14.6c-.2-1.4-24.3-82.2-1.2-123zm304.8 438.3c-2.9 5.1-11.8 20.3-34.9 20.3-36.7 0-98.7-39.4-163.3-126.2a695.38 695.38 0 0 0 93.9-.9 547.76 547.76 0 0 1-42.2 52.4q5.1 5.25 10.2 10.2a588.47 588.47 0 0 0 50.7-64.2c47.3-4.7 80.3-13.5 84.4-14.6 22.7 84.4 4.5 117 1.2 123zm9.1-138.6c-3.6-11.9-7.7-24.1-12.4-36.4a12.67 12.67 0 0 1-10.7-5.7l-.1.1a19.61 19.61 0 0 1-5.4 3.6c5.7 14.3 10.6 28.4 14.7 42.2a535.3 535.3 0 0 1-72 13c3.5-5.3 17.2-26.2 32.2-54.2a24.6 24.6 0 0 1-6-3.2c-1.1 1.2-3.6 4.2-10.9 4.2-6.2 11.2-17.4 30.9-33.9 55.2a711.91 711.91 0 0 1-112.4 1c-7.9-11.2-21.5-31.1-36.8-57.8a21 21 0 0 1-3-1.5c-1.9 1.6-3.9 3.2-12.6 3.2 6.3 11.2 17.5 30.7 33.8 54.6a548.81 548.81 0 0 1-72.2-11.7q5.85-21 14.1-42.9c-3.2 0-5.4.2-8.4-1a17.58 17.58 0 0 1-6.9 1c-4.9 13.4-9.1 26.5-12.7 39.4C-31.7 297-12.1 216 126.7 175.64c3.6 11.9 7.7 24.1 12.4 36.4 10.4 0 12.9 3.4 14.4 5.3a12 12 0 0 1 2.3-2.2c-5.8-14.7-10.9-29.2-15.2-43.3 7-1.8 32.4-8.4 72-13-15.9 24.3-26.7 43.9-32.8 55.3a14.22 14.22 0 0 1 6.4 8 23.42 23.42 0 0 1 10.2-8.4c6.5-11.7 17.9-31.9 34.8-56.9a711.72 711.72 0 0 1 112.4-1c31.5 44.6 28.9 48.1 42.5 64.5a21.42 21.42 0 0 1 10.4-7.4c-6.4-11.4-17.6-31-34.3-55.5 40.4 4.1 65 10 72.2 11.7-4 14.4-8.9 29.2-14.6 44.2a20.74 20.74 0 0 1 6.8 4.3l.1.1a12.72 12.72 0 0 1 8.9-5.6c4.9-13.4 9.2-26.6 12.8-39.5a359.71 359.71 0 0 1 34.5 11c106.1 39.9 74 87.9 72.6 90.4-19.8 35.1-80.1 55.2-105.7 62.5zm-114.4-114h-1.2a1.74 1.74 0 0 0-1.9 1.9v49.8c0 7.9-2.6 11.1-10.1 11.1s-10.1-3.1-10.1-11.1v-49.8a1.69 1.69 0 0 0-1.9-1.9H309a1.81 1.81 0 0 0-2 1.9v51.5c0 9.6 5 14.1 15.1 14.1h.4c10.1 0 15.1-4.6 15.1-14.1v-51.5a2 2 0 0 0-2.2-1.9zM321.7 308l-2.3-6.8-2.3 6.8-7.1.1 5.7 4.3-2.1 6.8 5.8-4.1 5.8 4.1-2.1-6.8 5.7-4.3zm-31.1 7.4l-2.3-6.8-2.3 6.8-7.1.1 5.7 4.3-2.1 6.8 5.8-4.1 5.8 4.1-2.1-6.8 5.7-4.3zm5.1-30.8h-19.4v-26.7h16.1a1.89 1.89 0 0 0 2-2v-.8a1.89 1.89 0 0 0-2-2h-16.1v-25.8h19.1a1.89 1.89 0 0 0 2-2v-.8a1.77 1.77 0 0 0-2-1.9h-22.2a1.81 1.81 0 0 0-2 1.9v63a1.81 1.81 0 0 0 2 1.9h22.5a1.77 1.77 0 0 0 2-1.9v-.8a1.83 1.83 0 0 0-2-2.06zm-7.4-99.4L286 192l-7.1.1 5.7 4.3-2.1 6.8 5.8-4.1 5.8 4.1-2.1-6.8 5.7-4.3-7.1-.1z"], "readme": [576, 512, [], "f4d5", "M528.3 46.5H388.5c-48.1 0-89.9 33.3-100.4 80.3-10.6-47-52.3-80.3-100.4-80.3H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v245.8c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h89.7c102.2 0 132.7 24.4 147.3 75 .7 2.8 5.2 2.8 6 0 14.7-50.6 45.2-75 147.3-75H528c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V94.6c0-26.4-21.3-47.9-47.7-48.1zM242 311.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5V289c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5V251zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm259.3 121.7c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5V228c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.8c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5V190z"], "rebel": [512, 512, [], "f1d0", "M256.5 504C117.2 504 9 387.8 13.2 249.9 16 170.7 56.4 97.7 129.7 49.5c.3 0 1.9-.6 1.1.8-5.8 5.5-111.3 129.8-14.1 226.4 49.8 49.5 90 2.5 90 2.5 38.5-50.1-.6-125.9-.6-125.9-10-24.9-45.7-40.1-45.7-40.1l28.8-31.8c24.4 10.5 43.2 38.7 43.2 38.7.8-29.6-21.9-61.4-21.9-61.4L255.1 8l44.3 50.1c-20.5 28.8-21.9 62.6-21.9 62.6 13.8-23 43.5-39.3 43.5-39.3l28.5 31.8c-27.4 8.9-45.4 39.9-45.4 39.9-15.8 28.5-27.1 89.4.6 127.3 32.4 44.6 87.7-2.8 87.7-2.8 102.7-91.9-10.5-225-10.5-225-6.1-5.5.8-2.8.8-2.8 50.1 36.5 114.6 84.4 116.2 204.8C500.9 400.2 399 504 256.5 504z"], "red-river": [448, 512, [], "f3e3", "M353.2 32H94.8C42.4 32 0 74.4 0 126.8v258.4C0 437.6 42.4 480 94.8 480h258.4c52.4 0 94.8-42.4 94.8-94.8V126.8c0-52.4-42.4-94.8-94.8-94.8zM144.9 200.9v56.3c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9V151.9c0-13.2 10.7-23.9 23.9-23.9h154.2c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9h-56.3c-12.3-.6-24.6 11.6-24 24zm176.3 72h-56.3c-12.3-.6-24.6 11.6-24 24v56.3c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9V247.9c0-13.2 10.7-23.9 23.9-23.9h154.2c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9z"], "reddit": [512, 512, [], "f1a1", "M201.5 305.5c-13.8 0-24.9-11.1-24.9-24.6 0-13.8 11.1-24.9 24.9-24.9 13.6 0 24.6 11.1 24.6 24.9 0 13.6-11.1 24.6-24.6 24.6zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-132.3-41.2c-9.4 0-17.7 3.9-23.8 10-22.4-15.5-52.6-25.5-86.1-26.6l17.4-78.3 55.4 12.5c0 13.6 11.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 13.8 0 24.9-11.3 24.9-24.9s-11.1-24.9-24.9-24.9c-9.7 0-18 5.8-22.1 13.8l-61.2-13.6c-3-.8-6.1 1.4-6.9 4.4l-19.1 86.4c-33.2 1.4-63.1 11.3-85.5 26.8-6.1-6.4-14.7-10.2-24.1-10.2-34.9 0-46.3 46.9-14.4 62.8-1.1 5-1.7 10.2-1.7 15.5 0 52.6 59.2 95.2 132 95.2 73.1 0 132.3-42.6 132.3-95.2 0-5.3-.6-10.8-1.9-15.8 31.3-16 19.8-62.5-14.9-62.5zM302.8 331c-18.2 18.2-76.1 17.9-93.6 0-2.2-2.2-6.1-2.2-8.3 0-2.5 2.5-2.5 6.4 0 8.6 22.8 22.8 87.3 22.8 110.2 0 2.5-2.2 2.5-6.1 0-8.6-2.2-2.2-6.1-2.2-8.3 0zm7.7-75c-13.6 0-24.6 11.1-24.6 24.9 0 13.6 11.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 13.8 0 24.9-11.1 24.9-24.6 0-13.8-11-24.9-24.9-24.9z"], "reddit-alien": [512, 512, [], "f281", "M440.3 203.5c-15 0-28.2 6.2-37.9 15.9-35.7-24.7-83.8-40.6-137.1-42.3L293 52.3l88.2 19.8c0 21.6 17.6 39.2 39.2 39.2 22 0 39.7-18.1 39.7-39.7s-17.6-39.7-39.7-39.7c-15.4 0-28.7 9.3-35.3 22l-97.4-21.6c-4.9-1.3-9.7 2.2-11 7.1L246.3 177c-52.9 2.2-100.5 18.1-136.3 42.8-9.7-10.1-23.4-16.3-38.4-16.3-55.6 0-73.8 74.6-22.9 100.1-1.8 7.9-2.6 16.3-2.6 24.7 0 83.8 94.4 151.7 210.3 151.7 116.4 0 210.8-67.9 210.8-151.7 0-8.4-.9-17.2-3.1-25.1 49.9-25.6 31.5-99.7-23.8-99.7zM129.4 308.9c0-22 17.6-39.7 39.7-39.7 21.6 0 39.2 17.6 39.2 39.7 0 21.6-17.6 39.2-39.2 39.2-22 .1-39.7-17.6-39.7-39.2zm214.3 93.5c-36.4 36.4-139.1 36.4-175.5 0-4-3.5-4-9.7 0-13.7 3.5-3.5 9.7-3.5 13.2 0 27.8 28.5 120 29 149 0 3.5-3.5 9.7-3.5 13.2 0 4.1 4 4.1 10.2.1 13.7zm-.8-54.2c-21.6 0-39.2-17.6-39.2-39.2 0-22 17.6-39.7 39.2-39.7 22 0 39.7 17.6 39.7 39.7-.1 21.5-17.7 39.2-39.7 39.2z"], "reddit-square": [448, 512, [], "f1a2", "M283.2 345.5c2.7 2.7 2.7 6.8 0 9.2-24.5 24.5-93.8 24.6-118.4 0-2.7-2.4-2.7-6.5 0-9.2 2.4-2.4 6.5-2.4 8.9 0 18.7 19.2 81 19.6 100.5 0 2.4-2.3 6.6-2.3 9 0zm-91.3-53.8c0-14.9-11.9-26.8-26.5-26.8-14.9 0-26.8 11.9-26.8 26.8 0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.8 26.5 14.6 0 26.5-11.9 26.5-26.5zm90.7-26.8c-14.6 0-26.5 11.9-26.5 26.8 0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 14.9 0 26.8-11.9 26.8-26.5 0-14.9-11.9-26.8-26.8-26.8zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-99.7 140.6c-10.1 0-19 4.2-25.6 10.7-24.1-16.7-56.5-27.4-92.5-28.6l18.7-84.2 59.5 13.4c0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 14.9 0 26.8-12.2 26.8-26.8 0-14.6-11.9-26.8-26.8-26.8-10.4 0-19.3 6.2-23.8 14.9l-65.7-14.6c-3.3-.9-6.5 1.5-7.4 4.8l-20.5 92.8c-35.7 1.5-67.8 12.2-91.9 28.9-6.5-6.8-15.8-11-25.9-11-37.5 0-49.8 50.4-15.5 67.5-1.2 5.4-1.8 11-1.8 16.7 0 56.5 63.7 102.3 141.9 102.3 78.5 0 142.2-45.8 142.2-102.3 0-5.7-.6-11.6-2.1-17 33.6-17.2 21.2-67.2-16.1-67.2z"], "redhat": [512, 512, [], "f7bc", "M341.52 285.56c33.65 0 82.34-6.94 82.34-47 .22-6.74.86-1.82-20.88-96.24-4.62-19.15-8.68-27.84-42.31-44.65-26.09-13.34-82.92-35.37-99.73-35.37-15.66 0-20.2 20.17-38.87 20.17-18 0-31.31-15.06-48.12-15.06-16.14 0-26.66 11-34.78 33.62-27.5 77.55-26.28 74.27-26.12 78.27 0 24.8 97.64 106.11 228.47 106.11M429 254.84c4.65 22 4.65 24.35 4.65 27.25 0 37.66-42.33 58.56-98 58.56-125.74.08-235.91-73.65-235.91-122.33a49.55 49.55 0 0 1 4.06-19.72C58.56 200.86 0 208.93 0 260.63c0 84.67 200.63 189 359.49 189 121.79 0 152.51-55.08 152.51-98.58 0-34.21-29.59-73.05-82.93-96.24"], "renren": [512, 512, [], "f18b", "M214 169.1c0 110.4-61 205.4-147.6 247.4C30 373.2 8 317.7 8 256.6 8 133.9 97.1 32.2 214 12.5v156.6zM255 504c-42.9 0-83.3-11-118.5-30.4C193.7 437.5 239.9 382.9 255 319c15.5 63.9 61.7 118.5 118.8 154.7C338.7 493 298.3 504 255 504zm190.6-87.5C359 374.5 298 279.6 298 169.1V12.5c116.9 19.7 206 121.4 206 244.1 0 61.1-22 116.6-58.4 159.9z"], "replyd": [448, 512, [], "f3e6", "M320 480H128C57.6 480 0 422.4 0 352V160C0 89.6 57.6 32 128 32h192c70.4 0 128 57.6 128 128v192c0 70.4-57.6 128-128 128zM193.4 273.2c-6.1-2-11.6-3.1-16.4-3.1-7.2 0-13.5 1.9-18.9 5.6-5.4 3.7-9.6 9-12.8 15.8h-1.1l-4.2-18.3h-28v138.9h36.1v-89.7c1.5-5.4 4.4-9.8 8.7-13.2 4.3-3.4 9.8-5.1 16.2-5.1 4.6 0 9.8 1 15.6 3.1l4.8-34zm115.2 103.4c-3.2 2.4-7.7 4.8-13.7 7.1-6 2.3-12.8 3.5-20.4 3.5-12.2 0-21.1-3-26.5-8.9-5.5-5.9-8.5-14.7-9-26.4h83.3c.9-4.8 1.6-9.4 2.1-13.9.5-4.4.7-8.6.7-12.5 0-10.7-1.6-19.7-4.7-26.9-3.2-7.2-7.3-13-12.5-17.2-5.2-4.3-11.1-7.3-17.8-9.2-6.7-1.8-13.5-2.8-20.6-2.8-21.1 0-37.5 6.1-49.2 18.3s-17.5 30.5-17.5 55c0 22.8 5.2 40.7 15.6 53.7 10.4 13.1 26.8 19.6 49.2 19.6 10.7 0 20.9-1.5 30.4-4.6 9.5-3.1 17.1-6.8 22.6-11.2l-12-23.6zm-21.8-70.3c3.8 5.4 5.3 13.1 4.6 23.1h-51.7c.9-9.4 3.7-17 8.2-22.6 4.5-5.6 11.5-8.5 21-8.5 8.2-.1 14.1 2.6 17.9 8zm79.9 2.5c4.1 3.9 9.4 5.8 16.1 5.8 7 0 12.6-1.9 16.7-5.8s6.1-9.1 6.1-15.6-2-11.6-6.1-15.4c-4.1-3.8-9.6-5.7-16.7-5.7-6.7 0-12 1.9-16.1 5.7-4.1 3.8-6.1 8.9-6.1 15.4s2 11.7 6.1 15.6zm0 100.5c4.1 3.9 9.4 5.8 16.1 5.8 7 0 12.6-1.9 16.7-5.8s6.1-9.1 6.1-15.6-2-11.6-6.1-15.4c-4.1-3.8-9.6-5.7-16.7-5.7-6.7 0-12 1.9-16.1 5.7-4.1 3.8-6.1 8.9-6.1 15.4 0 6.6 2 11.7 6.1 15.6z"], "researchgate": [448, 512, [], "f4f8", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm262.2 334.4c-6.6 3-33.2 6-50-14.2-9.2-10.6-25.3-33.3-42.2-63.6-8.9 0-14.7 0-21.4-.6v46.4c0 23.5 6 21.2 25.8 23.9v8.1c-6.9-.3-23.1-.8-35.6-.8-13.1 0-26.1.6-33.6.8v-8.1c15.5-2.9 22-1.3 22-23.9V225c0-22.6-6.4-21-22-23.9V193c25.8 1 53.1-.6 70.9-.6 31.7 0 55.9 14.4 55.9 45.6 0 21.1-16.7 42.2-39.2 47.5 13.6 24.2 30 45.6 42.2 58.9 7.2 7.8 17.2 14.7 27.2 14.7v7.3zm22.9-135c-23.3 0-32.2-15.7-32.2-32.2V167c0-12.2 8.8-30.4 34-30.4s30.4 17.9 30.4 17.9l-10.7 7.2s-5.5-12.5-19.7-12.5c-7.9 0-19.7 7.3-19.7 19.7v26.8c0 13.4 6.6 23.3 17.9 23.3 14.1 0 21.5-10.9 21.5-26.8h-17.9v-10.7h30.4c0 20.5 4.7 49.9-34 49.9zm-116.5 44.7c-9.4 0-13.6-.3-20-.8v-69.7c6.4-.6 15-.6 22.5-.6 23.3 0 37.2 12.2 37.2 34.5 0 21.9-15 36.6-39.7 36.6z"], "resolving": [496, 512, [], "f3e7", "M281.2 278.2c46-13.3 49.6-23.5 44-43.4L314 195.5c-6.1-20.9-18.4-28.1-71.1-12.8L54.7 236.8l28.6 98.6 197.9-57.2zM248.5 8C131.4 8 33.2 88.7 7.2 197.5l221.9-63.9c34.8-10.2 54.2-11.7 79.3-8.2 36.3 6.1 52.7 25 61.4 55.2l10.7 37.8c8.2 28.1 1 50.6-23.5 73.6-19.4 17.4-31.2 24.5-61.4 33.2L203 351.8l220.4 27.1 9.7 34.2-48.1 13.3-286.8-37.3 23 80.2c36.8 22 80.3 34.7 126.3 34.7 137 0 248.5-111.4 248.5-248.3C497 119.4 385.5 8 248.5 8zM38.3 388.6L0 256.8c0 48.5 14.3 93.4 38.3 131.8z"], "rev": [448, 512, [], "f5b2", "M289.67 274.89a65.57 65.57 0 1 1-65.56-65.56 65.64 65.64 0 0 1 65.56 65.56zm139.55-5.05h-.13a204.69 204.69 0 0 0-74.32-153l-45.38 26.2a157.07 157.07 0 0 1 71.81 131.84C381.2 361.5 310.73 432 224.11 432S67 361.5 67 274.88c0-81.88 63-149.27 143-156.43v39.12l108.77-62.79L210 32v38.32c-106.7 7.25-191 96-191 204.57 0 111.59 89.12 202.29 200.06 205v.11h210.16V269.84z"], "rocketchat": [576, 512, [], "f3e8", "M486.41 107.57c-76.93-50.83-179.18-62.4-264.12-47.07C127.26-31.16 20.77 11 0 23.12c0 0 73.08 62.1 61.21 116.49-86.52 88.2-45.39 186.4 0 232.77C73.08 426.77 0 488.87 0 488.87c20.57 12.16 126.77 54.19 222.29-37 84.75 15.23 187 3.76 264.12-47.16 119.26-76.14 119.65-220.61 0-297.15zM294.18 404.22a339.53 339.53 0 0 1-88.11-11.37l-19.77 19.09a179.74 179.74 0 0 1-36.59 27.39A143.14 143.14 0 0 1 98 454.06c1-1.78 1.88-3.56 2.77-5.24q29.67-55 16-98.69c-32.53-25.61-52-58.34-52-94.13 0-82 102.74-148.43 229.41-148.43S523.59 174 523.59 256 420.85 404.22 294.18 404.22zM184.12 291.3a34.32 34.32 0 0 1-34.8-33.72c-.7-45.39 67.83-46.38 68.52-1.09v.51a34 34 0 0 1-33.72 34.32zm73.77-33.72c-.79-45.39 67.74-46.48 68.53-1.19v.61c.39 45.08-67.74 45.57-68.53.58zm143.38 33.72a34.33 34.33 0 0 1-34.81-33.72c-.69-45.39 67.84-46.38 68.53-1.09v.51a33.89 33.89 0 0 1-33.72 34.32z"], "rockrms": [496, 512, [], "f3e9", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm157.4 419.5h-90l-112-131.3c-17.9-20.4-3.9-56.1 26.6-56.1h75.3l-84.6-99.3-84.3 98.9h-90L193.5 67.2c14.4-18.4 41.3-17.3 54.5 0l157.7 185.1c19 22.8 2 57.2-27.6 56.1-.6 0-74.2.2-74.2.2l101.5 118.9z"], "safari": [512, 512, [], "f267", "M236.9 256.8c0-9.1 6.6-17.7 16.3-17.7 8.9 0 17.4 6.4 17.4 16.1 0 9.1-6.4 17.7-16.1 17.7-9 0-17.6-6.7-17.6-16.1zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-26.6 0c0-122.3-99.1-221.4-221.4-221.4S34.6 133.7 34.6 256 133.7 477.4 256 477.4 477.4 378.3 477.4 256zm-72.5 96.6c0 3.6 13 10.2 16.3 12.2-27.4 41.5-69.8 71.4-117.9 83.3l-4.4-18.5c-.3-2.5-1.9-2.8-4.2-2.8-1.9 0-3 2.8-2.8 4.2l4.4 18.8c-13.3 2.8-26.8 4.2-40.4 4.2-36.3 0-72-10.2-103-29.1 1.7-2.8 12.2-18 12.2-20.2 0-1.9-1.7-3.6-3.6-3.6-3.9 0-12.2 16.6-14.7 19.9-41.8-27.7-72-70.6-83.6-119.6l19.1-4.2c2.2-.6 2.8-2.2 2.8-4.2 0-1.9-2.8-3-4.4-2.8L62 294.5c-2.5-12.7-3.9-25.5-3.9-38.5 0-37.1 10.5-73.6 30.2-104.9 2.8 1.7 16.1 10.8 18.3 10.8 1.9 0 3.6-1.4 3.6-3.3 0-3.9-14.7-11.3-18-13.6 28.2-41.2 71.1-70.9 119.8-81.9l4.2 18.5c.6 2.2 2.2 2.8 4.2 2.8s3-2.8 2.8-4.4L219 61.7c12.2-2.2 24.6-3.6 37.1-3.6 37.1 0 73.3 10.5 104.9 30.2-1.9 2.8-10.8 15.8-10.8 18 0 1.9 1.4 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.9 0 11.3-14.4 13.3-17.7 41 27.7 70.3 70 81.7 118.2l-15.5 3.3c-2.5.6-2.8 2.2-2.8 4.4 0 1.9 2.8 3 4.2 2.8l15.8-3.6c2.5 12.7 3.9 25.7 3.9 38.7 0 36.3-10 72-28.8 102.7-2.8-1.4-14.4-9.7-16.6-9.7-2.1 0-3.8 1.7-3.8 3.6zm-33.2-242.2c-13 12.2-134.2 123.7-137.6 129.5l-96.6 160.5c12.7-11.9 134.2-124 137.3-129.3l96.9-160.7z"], "salesforce": [640, 512, [], "f83b", "M248.89 245.64h-26.35c.69-5.16 3.32-14.12 13.64-14.12 6.75 0 11.97 3.82 12.71 14.12zm136.66-13.88c-.47 0-14.11-1.77-14.11 20s13.63 20 14.11 20c13 0 14.11-13.54 14.11-20 0-21.76-13.66-20-14.11-20zm-243.22 23.76a8.63 8.63 0 0 0-3.29 7.29c0 4.78 2.08 6.05 3.29 7.05 4.7 3.7 15.07 2.12 20.93.95v-16.94c-5.32-1.07-16.73-1.96-20.93 1.65zM640 232c0 87.58-80 154.39-165.36 136.43-18.37 33-70.73 70.75-132.2 41.63-41.16 96.05-177.89 92.18-213.81-5.17C8.91 428.78-50.19 266.52 53.36 205.61 18.61 126.18 76 32 167.67 32a124.24 124.24 0 0 1 98.56 48.7c20.7-21.4 49.4-34.81 81.15-34.81 42.34 0 79 23.52 98.8 58.57C539 63.78 640 132.69 640 232zm-519.55 31.8c0-11.76-11.69-15.17-17.87-17.17-5.27-2.11-13.41-3.51-13.41-8.94 0-9.46 17-6.66 25.17-2.12 0 0 1.17.71 1.64-.47.24-.7 2.36-6.58 2.59-7.29a1.13 1.13 0 0 0-.7-1.41c-12.33-7.63-40.7-8.51-40.7 12.7 0 12.46 11.49 15.44 17.88 17.17 4.72 1.58 13.17 3 13.17 8.7 0 4-3.53 7.06-9.17 7.06a31.76 31.76 0 0 1-19-6.35c-.47-.23-1.42-.71-1.65.71l-2.4 7.47c-.47.94.23 1.18.23 1.41 1.75 1.4 10.3 6.59 22.82 6.59 13.17 0 21.4-7.06 21.4-18.11zm32-42.58c-10.13 0-18.66 3.17-21.4 5.18a1 1 0 0 0-.24 1.41l2.59 7.06a1 1 0 0 0 1.18.7c.65 0 6.8-4 16.93-4 4 0 7.06.71 9.18 2.36 3.6 2.8 3.06 8.29 3.06 10.58-4.79-.3-19.11-3.44-29.41 3.76a16.92 16.92 0 0 0-7.34 14.54c0 5.9 1.51 10.4 6.59 14.35 12.24 8.16 36.28 2 38.1 1.41 1.58-.32 3.53-.66 3.53-1.88v-33.88c.04-4.61.32-21.64-22.78-21.64zM199 200.24a1.11 1.11 0 0 0-1.18-1.18H188a1.11 1.11 0 0 0-1.17 1.18v79a1.11 1.11 0 0 0 1.17 1.18h9.88a1.11 1.11 0 0 0 1.18-1.18zm55.75 28.93c-2.1-2.31-6.79-7.53-17.65-7.53-3.51 0-14.16.23-20.7 8.94-6.35 7.63-6.58 18.11-6.58 21.41 0 3.12.15 14.26 7.06 21.17 2.64 2.91 9.06 8.23 22.81 8.23 10.82 0 16.47-2.35 18.58-3.76.47-.24.71-.71.24-1.88l-2.35-6.83a1.26 1.26 0 0 0-1.41-.7c-2.59.94-6.35 2.82-15.29 2.82-17.42 0-16.85-14.74-16.94-16.7h37.17a1.23 1.23 0 0 0 1.17-.94c-.29 0 2.07-14.7-6.09-24.23zm36.69 52.69c13.17 0 21.41-7.06 21.41-18.11 0-11.76-11.7-15.17-17.88-17.17-4.14-1.66-13.41-3.38-13.41-8.94 0-3.76 3.29-6.35 8.47-6.35a38.11 38.11 0 0 1 16.7 4.23s1.18.71 1.65-.47c.23-.7 2.35-6.58 2.58-7.29a1.13 1.13 0 0 0-.7-1.41c-7.91-4.9-16.74-4.94-20.23-4.94-12 0-20.46 7.29-20.46 17.64 0 12.46 11.48 15.44 17.87 17.17 6.11 2 13.17 3.26 13.17 8.7 0 4-3.52 7.06-9.17 7.06a31.8 31.8 0 0 1-19-6.35 1 1 0 0 0-1.65.71l-2.35 7.52c-.47.94.23 1.18.23 1.41 1.72 1.4 10.33 6.59 22.79 6.59zM357.09 224c0-.71-.24-1.18-1.18-1.18h-11.76c0-.14.94-8.94 4.47-12.47 4.16-4.15 11.76-1.64 12-1.64 1.17.47 1.41 0 1.64-.47l2.83-7.77c.7-.94 0-1.17-.24-1.41-5.09-2-17.35-2.87-24.46 4.24-5.48 5.48-7 13.92-8 19.52h-8.47a1.28 1.28 0 0 0-1.17 1.18l-1.42 7.76c0 .7.24 1.17 1.18 1.17h8.23c-8.51 47.9-8.75 50.21-10.35 55.52-1.08 3.62-3.29 6.9-5.88 7.76-.09 0-3.88 1.68-9.64-.24 0 0-.94-.47-1.41.71-.24.71-2.59 6.82-2.83 7.53s0 1.41.47 1.41c5.11 2 13 1.77 17.88 0 6.28-2.28 9.72-7.89 11.53-12.94 2.75-7.71 2.81-9.79 11.76-59.74h12.23a1.29 1.29 0 0 0 1.18-1.18zm53.39 16c-.56-1.68-5.1-18.11-25.17-18.11-15.25 0-23 10-25.16 18.11-1 3-3.18 14 0 4.41 18.12 25.16 18.12 14.95 0 22.9-9.61 25.17-18.12 3.21-9.61 1.01-20.52 0-23.52zm45.4-16.7c-5-1.65-16.62-1.9-22.11 5.41v-4.47a1.11 1.11 0 0 0-1.18-1.17h-9.4a1.11 1.11 0 0 0-1.18 1.17v55.28a1.12 1.12 0 0 0 1.18 1.18h9.64a1.12 1.12 0 0 0 1.18-1.18v-27.77c0-2.91.05-11.37 4.46-15.05 4.9-4.9 12-3.36 13.41-3.06a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 1.41-.94 74 74 0 0 0 3.06-8 1.16 1.16 0 0 0-.47-1.41zm46.81 54.1l-2.12-7.29c-.47-1.18-1.41-.71-1.41-.71-4.23 1.82-10.15 1.89-11.29 1.89-4.64 0-17.17-1.13-17.17-19.76 0-6.23 1.85-19.76 16.47-19.76a34.85 34.85 0 0 1 11.52 1.65s.94.47 1.18-.71c.94-2.59 1.64-4.47 2.59-7.53.23-.94-.47-1.17-.71-1.17-11.59-3.87-22.34-2.53-27.76 0-1.59.74-16.23 6.49-16.23 27.52 0 2.9-.58 30.11 28.94 30.11a44.45 44.45 0 0 0 15.52-2.83 1.3 1.3 0 0 0 .47-1.42zm53.87-39.52c-.8-3-5.37-16.23-22.35-16.23-16 0-23.52 10.11-25.64 18.59a38.58 38.58 0 0 0-1.65 11.76c0 25.87 18.84 29.4 29.88 29.4 10.82 0 16.46-2.35 18.58-3.76.47-.24.71-.71.24-1.88l-2.36-6.83a1.26 1.26 0 0 0-1.41-.7c-2.59.94-6.35 2.82-15.29 2.82-17.42 0-16.85-14.74-16.93-16.7h37.16a1.25 1.25 0 0 0 1.18-.94c-.24-.01.94-7.07-1.41-15.54zm-23.29-6.35c-10.33 0-13 9-13.64 14.12H546c-.88-11.92-7.62-14.13-12.73-14.13z"], "sass": [640, 512, [], "f41e", "M301.84 378.92c-.3.6-.6 1.08 0 0zm249.13-87a131.16 131.16 0 0 0-58 13.5c-5.9-11.9-12-22.3-13-30.1-1.2-9.1-2.5-14.5-1.1-25.3s7.7-26.1 7.6-27.2-1.4-6.6-14.3-6.7-24 2.5-25.29 5.9a122.83 122.83 0 0 0-5.3 19.1c-2.3 11.7-25.79 53.5-39.09 75.3-4.4-8.5-8.1-16-8.9-22-1.2-9.1-2.5-14.5-1.1-25.3s7.7-26.1 7.6-27.2-1.4-6.6-14.29-6.7-24 2.5-25.3 5.9-2.7 11.4-5.3 19.1-33.89 77.3-42.08 95.4c-4.2 9.2-7.8 16.6-10.4 21.6-.4.8-.7 1.3-.9 1.7.3-.5.5-1 .5-.8-2.2 4.3-3.5 6.7-3.5 6.7v.1c-1.7 3.2-3.6 6.1-4.5 6.1-.6 0-1.9-8.4.3-19.9 4.7-24.2 15.8-61.8 15.7-63.1-.1-.7 2.1-7.2-7.3-10.7-9.1-3.3-12.4 2.2-13.2 2.2s-1.4 2-1.4 2 10.1-42.4-19.39-42.4c-18.4 0-44 20.2-56.58 38.5-7.9 4.3-25 13.6-43 23.5-6.9 3.8-14 7.7-20.7 11.4-.5-.5-.9-1-1.4-1.5-35.79-38.2-101.87-65.2-99.07-116.5 1-18.7 7.5-67.8 127.07-127.4 98-48.8 176.35-35.4 189.84-5.6 19.4 42.5-41.89 121.6-143.66 133-38.79 4.3-59.18-10.7-64.28-16.3-5.3-5.9-6.1-6.2-8.1-5.1-3.3 1.8-1.2 7 0 10.1 3 7.9 15.5 21.9 36.79 28.9 18.7 6.1 64.18 9.5 119.17-11.8 61.78-23.8 109.87-90.1 95.77-145.6C386.52 18.32 293-.18 204.57 31.22c-52.69 18.7-109.67 48.1-150.66 86.4-48.69 45.6-56.48 85.3-53.28 101.9 11.39 58.9 92.57 97.3 125.06 125.7-1.6.9-3.1 1.7-4.5 2.5-16.29 8.1-78.18 40.5-93.67 74.7-17.5 38.8 2.9 66.6 16.29 70.4 41.79 11.6 84.58-9.3 107.57-43.6s20.2-79.1 9.6-99.5c-.1-.3-.3-.5-.4-.8 4.2-2.5 8.5-5 12.8-7.5 8.29-4.9 16.39-9.4 23.49-13.3-4 10.8-6.9 23.8-8.4 42.6-1.8 22 7.3 50.5 19.1 61.7 5.2 4.9 11.49 5 15.39 5 13.8 0 20-11.4 26.89-25 8.5-16.6 16-35.9 16-35.9s-9.4 52.2 16.3 52.2c9.39 0 18.79-12.1 23-18.3v.1s.2-.4.7-1.2c1-1.5 1.5-2.4 1.5-2.4v-.3c3.8-6.5 12.1-21.4 24.59-46 16.2-31.8 31.69-71.5 31.69-71.5a201.24 201.24 0 0 0 6.2 25.8c2.8 9.5 8.7 19.9 13.4 30-3.8 5.2-6.1 8.2-6.1 8.2a.31.31 0 0 0 .1.2c-3 4-6.4 8.3-9.9 12.5-12.79 15.2-28 32.6-30 37.6-2.4 5.9-1.8 10.3 2.8 13.7 3.4 2.6 9.4 3 15.69 2.5 11.5-.8 19.6-3.6 23.5-5.4a82.2 82.2 0 0 0 20.19-10.6c12.5-9.2 20.1-22.4 19.4-39.8-.4-9.6-3.5-19.2-7.3-28.2 1.1-1.6 2.3-3.3 3.4-5C434.8 301.72 450.1 270 450.1 270a201.24 201.24 0 0 0 6.2 25.8c2.4 8.1 7.09 17 11.39 25.7-18.59 15.1-30.09 32.6-34.09 44.1-7.4 21.3-1.6 30.9 9.3 33.1 4.9 1 11.9-1.3 17.1-3.5a79.46 79.46 0 0 0 21.59-11.1c12.5-9.2 24.59-22.1 23.79-39.6-.3-7.9-2.5-15.8-5.4-23.4 15.7-6.6 36.09-10.2 62.09-7.2 55.68 6.5 66.58 41.3 64.48 55.8s-13.8 22.6-17.7 25-5.1 3.3-4.8 5.1c.5 2.6 2.3 2.5 5.6 1.9 4.6-.8 29.19-11.8 30.29-38.7 1.6-34-31.09-71.4-89-71.1zm-429.18 144.7c-18.39 20.1-44.19 27.7-55.28 21.3C54.61 451 59.31 421.42 82 400c13.8-13 31.59-25 43.39-32.4 2.7-1.6 6.6-4 11.4-6.9.8-.5 1.2-.7 1.2-.7.9-.6 1.9-1.1 2.9-1.7 8.29 30.4.3 57.2-19.1 78.3zm134.36-91.4c-6.4 15.7-19.89 55.7-28.09 53.6-7-1.8-11.3-32.3-1.4-62.3 5-15.1 15.6-33.1 21.9-40.1 10.09-11.3 21.19-14.9 23.79-10.4 3.5 5.9-12.2 49.4-16.2 59.2zm111 53c-2.7 1.4-5.2 2.3-6.4 1.6-.9-.5 1.1-2.4 1.1-2.4s13.9-14.9 19.4-21.7c3.2-4 6.9-8.7 10.89-13.9 0 .5.1 1 .1 1.6-.13 17.9-17.32 30-25.12 34.8zm85.58-19.5c-2-1.4-1.7-6.1 5-20.7 2.6-5.7 8.59-15.3 19-24.5a36.18 36.18 0 0 1 1.9 10.8c-.1 22.5-16.2 30.9-25.89 34.4z"], "schlix": [448, 512, [], "f3ea", "M350.5 157.7l-54.2-46.1 73.4-39 78.3 44.2-97.5 40.9zM192 122.1l45.7-28.2 34.7 34.6-55.4 29-25-35.4zm-65.1 6.6l31.9-22.1L176 135l-36.7 22.5-12.4-28.8zm-23.3 88.2l-8.8-34.8 29.6-18.3 13.1 35.3-33.9 17.8zm-21.2-83.7l23.9-18.1 8.9 24-26.7 18.3-6.1-24.2zM59 206.5l-3.6-28.4 22.3-15.5 6.1 28.7L59 206.5zm-30.6 16.6l20.8-12.8 3.3 33.4-22.9 12-1.2-32.6zM1.4 268l19.2-10.2.4 38.2-21 8.8L1.4 268zm59.1 59.3l-28.3 8.3-1.6-46.8 25.1-10.7 4.8 49.2zM99 263.2l-31.1 13-5.2-40.8L90.1 221l8.9 42.2zM123.2 377l-41.6 5.9-8.1-63.5 35.2-10.8 14.5 68.4zm28.5-139.9l21.2 57.1-46.2 13.6-13.7-54.1 38.7-16.6zm85.7 230.5l-70.9-3.3-24.3-95.8 55.2-8.6 40 107.7zm-84.9-279.7l42.2-22.4 28 45.9-50.8 21.3-19.4-44.8zm41 94.9l61.3-18.7 52.8 86.6-79.8 11.3-34.3-79.2zm51.4-85.6l67.3-28.8 65.5 65.4-88.6 26.2-44.2-62.8z"], "scribd": [384, 512, [], "f28a", "M42.3 252.7c-16.1-19-24.7-45.9-24.8-79.9 0-100.4 75.2-153.1 167.2-153.1 98.6-1.6 156.8 49 184.3 70.6l-50.5 72.1-37.3-24.6 26.9-38.6c-36.5-24-79.4-36.5-123-35.8-50.7-.8-111.7 27.2-111.7 76.2 0 18.7 11.2 20.7 28.6 15.6 23.3-5.3 41.9.6 55.8 14 26.4 24.3 23.2 67.6-.7 91.9-29.2 29.5-85.2 27.3-114.8-8.4zm317.7 5.9c-15.5-18.8-38.9-29.4-63.2-28.6-38.1-2-71.1 28-70.5 67.2-.7 16.8 6 33 18.4 44.3 14.1 13.9 33 19.7 56.3 14.4 17.4-5.1 28.6-3.1 28.6 15.6 0 4.3-.5 8.5-1.4 12.7-16.7 40.9-59.5 64.4-121.4 64.4-51.9.2-102.4-16.4-144.1-47.3l33.7-39.4-35.6-27.4L0 406.3l15.4 13.8c52.5 46.8 120.4 72.5 190.7 72.2 51.4 0 94.4-10.5 133.6-44.1 57.1-51.4 54.2-149.2 20.3-189.6z"], "searchengin": [460, 512, [], "f3eb", "M220.6 130.3l-67.2 28.2V43.2L98.7 233.5l54.7-24.2v130.3l67.2-209.3zm-83.2-96.7l-1.3 4.7-15.2 52.9C80.6 106.7 52 145.8 52 191.5c0 52.3 34.3 95.9 83.4 105.5v53.6C57.5 340.1 0 272.4 0 191.6c0-80.5 59.8-147.2 137.4-158zm311.4 447.2c-11.2 11.2-23.1 12.3-28.6 10.5-5.4-1.8-27.1-19.9-60.4-44.4-33.3-24.6-33.6-35.7-43-56.7-9.4-20.9-30.4-42.6-57.5-52.4l-9.7-14.7c-24.7 16.9-53 26.9-81.3 28.7l2.1-6.6 15.9-49.5c46.5-11.9 80.9-54 80.9-104.2 0-54.5-38.4-102.1-96-107.1V32.3C254.4 37.4 320 106.8 320 191.6c0 33.6-11.2 64.7-29 90.4l14.6 9.6c9.8 27.1 31.5 48 52.4 57.4s32.2 9.7 56.8 43c24.6 33.2 42.7 54.9 44.5 60.3s.7 17.3-10.5 28.5zm-9.9-17.9c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8s-8 3.6-8 8 3.6 8 8 8 8-3.6 8-8z"], "sellcast": [448, 512, [], "f2da", "M353.4 32H94.7C42.6 32 0 74.6 0 126.6v258.7C0 437.4 42.6 480 94.7 480h258.7c52.1 0 94.7-42.6 94.7-94.6V126.6c0-52-42.6-94.6-94.7-94.6zm-50 316.4c-27.9 48.2-89.9 64.9-138.2 37.2-22.9 39.8-54.9 8.6-42.3-13.2l15.7-27.2c5.9-10.3 19.2-13.9 29.5-7.9 18.6 10.8-.1-.1 18.5 10.7 27.6 15.9 63.4 6.3 79.4-21.3 15.9-27.6 6.3-63.4-21.3-79.4-17.8-10.2-.6-.4-18.6-10.6-24.6-14.2-3.4-51.9 21.6-37.5 18.6 10.8-.1-.1 18.5 10.7 48.4 28 65.1 90.3 37.2 138.5zm21.8-208.8c-17 29.5-16.3 28.8-19 31.5-6.5 6.5-16.3 8.7-26.5 3.6-18.6- 21.3s-6.3 63.4 21.3 79.4c0 0 18.5 10.6 18.6 10.6 24.6 14.2 3.4 51.9-21.6 37.5-18.6- 27.9-48.2 89.9-64.9 138.2-37.2l4.8-8.4c14.3-24.9 52-3.3 37.7 21.5z"], "sellsy": [640, 512, [], "f213", "M539.71 237.308c3.064-12.257 4.29-24.821 4.29-37.384C544 107.382 468.618 32 376.076 32c-77.22 0-144.634 53.012-163.02 127.781-15.322-13.176-34.934-20.53-55.157-20.53-46.271 0-83.962 37.69-83.962 83.961 0 7.354.92 15.015 3.065 22.369-42.9 20.225-70.785 63.738-70.785 111.234C6.216 424.843 61.68 480 129.401 480h381.198c67.72 0 123.184-55.157 123.184-123.184.001-56.384-38.916-106.025-94.073-119.508zM199.88 401.554c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.321 15.321H153.61c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V290.626c0-8.273 7.048-15.321 15.321-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.321 7.048 15.321 15.321v110.928zm89.477 0c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.322 15.321h-30.949c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V270.096c0-8.274 7.048-15.321 15.321-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.322 7.048 15.322 15.321v131.458zm89.477 0c0 8.274-7.047 15.321-15.321 15.321h-30.949c-8.274 0-15.322-7.048-15.322-15.321V238.84c0-8.274 7.048-15.321 15.322-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.321 7.048 15.321 15.321v162.714zm87.027 0c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.322 15.321h-28.497c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V176.941c0-8.579 7.047-15.628 15.321-15.628h28.497c8.274 0 15.322 7.048 15.322 15.628v224.613z"], "servicestack": [496, 512, [], "f3ec", "M88 216c81.7 10.2 273.7 102.3 304 232H0c99.5-8.1 184.5-137 88-232zm32-152c32.3 35.6 47.7 83.9 46.4 133.6C249.3 231.3 373.7 321.3 400 448h96C455.3 231.9 222.8 79.5 120 64z"], "shirtsinbulk": [448, 512, [], "f214", "M100 410.3l30.6 13.4 4.4-9.9-30.6-13.4zm39.4 17.5l30.6 13.4 4.4-9.9-30.6-13.4zm172.1-14l4.4 9.9 30.6-13.4-4.4-9.9zM179.1 445l30.3 13.7 4.4-9.9-30.3-13.4zM60.4 392.8L91 406.2l4.4-9.6-30.6-13.7zm211.4 38.5l4.4 9.9 30.6-13.4-4.4-9.9zm-39.3 17.5l4.4 9.9 30.6-13.7-4.4-9.6zm118.4-52.2l4.4 9.6 30.6-13.4-4.4-9.9zM170 46.6h-33.5v10.5H170zm-47.2 0H89.2v10.5h33.5zm-47.3 0H42.3v10.5h33.3zm141.5 0h-33.2v10.5H217zm94.5 0H278v10.5h33.5zm47.3 0h-33.5v10.5h33.5zm-94.6 0H231v10.5h33.2zm141.5 0h-33.3v10.5h33.3zM52.8 351.1H42v33.5h10.8zm70-215.9H89.2v10.5h33.5zm-70 10.6h22.8v-10.5H42v33.5h10.8zm168.9 228.6c50.5 0 91.3-40.8 91.3-91.3 0-50.2-40.8-91.3-91.3-91.3-50.2 0-91.3 41.1-91.3 91.3 0 50.5 41.1 91.3 91.3 91.3zm-48.2-111.1c0-25.4 29.5-31.8 49.6-31.8 16.9 0 29.2 5.8 44.3 12l-8.8 16.9h-.9c-6.4-9.9-24.8-13.1-35.6-13.1-9 0-29.8 1.8-29.8 14.9 0 21.6 78.5-10.2 78.5 37.9 0 25.4-31.5 31.2-51 31.2-18.1 0-32.4-2.9-47.2-12.2l9-18.4h.9c6.1 12.2 23.6 14.9 35.9 14.9 8.7 0 32.7-1.2 32.7-14.3 0-26.1-77.6 6.3-77.6-38zM52.8 178.4H42V212h10.8zm342.4 206.2H406v-33.5h-10.8zM52.8 307.9H42v33.5h10.8zM0 3.7v406l221.7 98.6L448 409.7V3.7zm418.8 387.1L222 476.5 29.2 390.8V120.7h389.7v270.1zm0-299.3H29.2V32.9h389.7v58.6zm-366 130.1H42v33.5h10.8zm0 43.2H42v33.5h10.8zM170 135.2h-33.5v10.5H170zm225.2 163.1H406v-33.5h-10.8zm0-43.2H406v-33.5h-10.8zM217 135.2h-33.2v10.5H217zM395.2 212H406v-33.5h-10.8zm0 129.5H406V308h-10.8zm-131-206.3H231v10.5h33.2zm47.3 0H278v10.5h33.5zm83.7 33.6H406v-33.5h-33.5v10.5h22.8zm-36.4-33.6h-33.5v10.5h33.5z"], "shopware": [512, 512, [], "f5b5", "M403.5 455.41A246.17 246.17 0 0 1 256 504C118.81 504 8 393 8 256 8 118.81 119 8 256 8a247.39 247.39 0 0 1 165.7 63.5 3.57 3.57 0 0 1-2.86 6.18A418.62 418.62 0 0 0 362.13 74c-129.36 0-222.4 53.47-222.4 155.35 0 109 92.13 145.88 176.83 178.73 33.64 13 65.4 25.36 87 41.59a3.58 3.58 0 0 1 0 5.72zM503 233.09a3.64 3.64 0 0 0-1.27-2.44c-51.76-43-93.62-60.48-144.48-60.48-84.13 0-80.25 52.17-80.25 53.63 0 42.6 52.06 62 112.34 84.49 31.07 11.59 63.19 23.57 92.68 39.93a3.57 3.57 0 0 0 5-1.82A249 249 0 0 0 503 233.09z"], "simplybuilt": [512, 512, [], "f215", "M481.2 64h-106c-14.5 0-26.6 11.8-26.6 26.3v39.6H163.3V90.3c0-14.5-12-26.3-26.6-26.3h-106C16.1 64 4.3 75.8 4.3 90.3v331.4c0 14.5 11.8 26.3 26.6 26.3h450.4c14.8 0 26.6-11.8 26.6-26.3V90.3c-.2-14.5-12-26.3-26.7-26.3zM149.8 355.8c-36.6 0-66.4-29.7-66.4-66.4 0-36.9 29.7-66.6 66.4-66.6 36.9 0 66.6 29.7 66.6 66.6 0 36.7-29.7 66.4-66.6 66.4zm212.4 0c-36.9 0-66.6-29.7-66.6-66.6 0-36.6 29.7-66.4 66.6-66.4 36.6 0 66.4 29.7 66.4 66.4 0 36.9-29.8 66.6-66.4 66.6z"], "sistrix": [448, 512, [], "f3ee", "M448 449L301.2 300.2c20-27.9 31.9-62.2 31.9-99.2 0-93.1-74.7-168.9-166.5-168.9C74.7 32 0 107.8 0 200.9s74.7 168.9 166.5 168.9c39.8 0 76.3-14.2 105-37.9l146 148.1 30.5-31zM166.5 330.8c-70.6 0-128.1-58.3-128.1-129.9S95.9 71 166.5 71s128.1 58.3 128.1 129.9-57.4 129.9-128.1 129.9z"], "sith": [448, 512, [], "f512", "M0 32l69.71 118.75-58.86-11.52 69.84 91.03a146.741 146.741 0 0 0 0 51.45l-69.84 91.03 58.86-11.52L0 480l118.75-69.71-11.52 58.86 91.03-69.84c17.02 3.04 34.47 3.04 51.48 0l91.03 69.84-11.52-58.86L448 480l-69.71-118.78 58.86 11.52-69.84-91.03c3.03-17.01 3.04-34.44 0-51.45l69.84-91.03-58.86 11.52L448 32l-118.75 69.71 11.52-58.9-91.06 69.87c-8.5-1.52-17.1-2.29-25.71-2.29s-17.21.78-25.71 2.29l-91.06-69.87 11.52 58.9L0 32zm224 99.78c31.8 0 63.6 12.12 87.85 36.37 48.5 48.5 48.49 127.21 0 175.7s-127.2 48.46-175.7-.03c-48.5-48.5-48.49-127.21 0-175.7 24.24-24.25 56.05-36.34 87.85-36.34zm0 36.66c-22.42 0-44.83 8.52-61.92 25.61-34.18 34.18-34.19 89.68 0 123.87s89.65 34.18 123.84 0c34.18-34.18 34.19-89.68 0-123.87-17.09-17.09-39.5-25.61-61.92-25.61z"], "sketch": [512, 512, [], "f7c6", "M27.5 162.2L9 187.1h90.5l6.9-130.7-78.9 105.8zM396.3 45.7L267.7 32l135.7 147.2-7.1-133.5zM112.2 218.3l-11.2-22H9.9L234.8 458zm2-31.2h284l-81.5-88.5L256.3 33zm297.3 9.1L277.6 458l224.8-261.7h-90.9zM415.4 69L406 56.4l.9 17.3 6.1 113.4h90.3zM113.5 93.5l-4.6 85.6L244.7 32 116.1 45.7zm287.7 102.7h-290l42.4 82.9L256.3 480l144.9-283.8z"], "skyatlas": [640, 512, [], "f216", "M640 329.3c0 65.9-52.5 114.4-117.5 114.4-165.9 0-196.6-249.7-359.7-249.7-146.9 0-147.1 212.2 5.6 212.2 42.5 0 90.9-17.8 125.3-42.5 5.6-4.1 16.9-16.3 22.8-16.3s10.9 5 10.9 10.9c0 7.8-13.1 19.1-18.7 24.1-40.9 35.6-100.3 61.2-154.7 61.2-83.4.1-154-59-154-144.9s67.5-149.1 152.8-149.1c185.3 0 222.5 245.9 361.9 245.9 99.9 0 94.8-139.7 3.4-139.7-17.5 0-35 11.6-46.9 11.6-8.4 0-15.9-7.2-15.9-15.6 0-11.6 5.3-23.7 5.3-36.3 0-66.6-50.9-114.7-116.9-114.7-53.1 0-80 36.9-88.8 36.9-6.2 0-11.2-5-11.2-11.2 0-5.6 4.1-10.3 7.8-14.4 25.3-28.8 64.7-43.7 102.8-43.7 79.4 0 139.1 58.4 139.1 137.8 0 6.9-.3 13.7-1.2 20.6 11.9-3.1 24.1-4.7 35.9-4.7 60.7 0 111.9 45.3 111.9 107.2z"], "skype": [448, 512, [], "f17e", "M424.7 299.8c2.9-14 4.7-28.9 4.7-43.8 0-113.5-91.9-205.3-205.3-205.3-14.9 0-29.7 1.7-43.8 4.7C161.3 40.7 137.7 32 112 32 50.2 32 0 82.2 0 144c0 25.7 8.7 49.3 23.3 68.2-2.9 14-4.7 28.9-4.7 43.8 0 113.5 91.9 205.3 205.3 205.3 14.9 0 29.7-1.7 43.8-4.7 19 14.6 42.6 23.3 68.2 23.3 61.8 0 112-50.2 112-112 .1-25.6-8.6-49.2-23.2-68.1zm-194.6 91.5c-65.6 0-120.5-29.2-120.5-65 0-16 9-30.6 29.5-30.6 31.2 0 34.1 44.9 88.1 44.9 25.7 0 42.3-11.4 42.3-26.3 0-18.7-16-21.6-42-28-62.5-15.4-117.8-22-117.8-87.2 0-59.2 58.6-81.1 109.1-81.1 55.1 0 110.8 21.9 110.8 55.4 0 16.9-11.4 31.8-30.3 31.8-28.3 0-29.2-33.5-75-33.5-25.7 0-42 7-42 22.5 0 19.8 20.8 21.8 69.1 33 41.4 9.3 90.7 26.8 90.7 77.6 0 59.1-57.1 86.5-112 86.5z"], "slack": [448, 512, [], "f198", "M94.12 315.1c0 25.9-21.16 47.06-47.06 47.06S0 341 0 315.1c0-25.9 21.16-47.06 47.06-47.06h47.06v47.06zm23.72 0c0-25.9 21.16-47.06 47.06-47.06s47.06 21.16 47.06 47.06v117.84c0 25.9-21.16 47.06-47.06 47.06s-47.06-21.16-47.06-47.06V315.1zm47.06-188.98c-25.9 0-47.06-21.16-47.06-47.06S139 32 164.9 32s47.06 21.16 47.06 47.06v47.06H164.9zm0 23.72c25.9 0 47.06 21.16 47.06 47.06s-21.16 47.06-47.06 47.06H47.06C21.16 243.96 0 222.8 0 196.9s21.16-47.06 47.06-47.06H164.9zm188.98 47.06c0-25.9 21.16-47.06 47.06-47.06 25.9 0 47.06 21.16 47.06 47.06s-21.16 47.06-47.06 47.06h-47.06V196.9zm-23.72 0c0 25.9-21.16 47.06-47.06 47.06-25.9 0-47.06-21.16-47.06-47.06V79.06c0-25.9 21.16-47.06 47.06-47.06 25.9 0 47.06 21.16 47.06 47.06V196.9zM283.1 385.88c25.9 0 47.06 21.16 47.06 47.06 0 25.9-21.16 47.06-47.06 47.06-25.9 0-47.06-21.16-47.06-47.06v-47.06h47.06zm0-23.72c-25.9 0-47.06-21.16-47.06-47.06 0-25.9 21.16-47.06 47.06-47.06h117.84c25.9 0 47.06 21.16 47.06 47.06 0 25.9-21.16 47.06-47.06 47.06H283.1z"], "slack-hash": [448, 512, [], "f3ef", "M446.2 270.4c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9l-45.4 15.1-30.3-90 45.4-15.1c19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9l-45.4 15.1-15.7-47c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9l15.7 47-93.4 31.2-15.7-47c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9l15.7 47-45.3 15c-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9 5 14.5 19.1 24 33.6 24.6 6.8 1 12-1.6 57.7-16.8l30.3 90L78 354.8c-19 6.2-29.1 26.9-23 45.9 5 14.5 19.1 24 33.6 24.6 6.8 1 12-1.6 57.7-16.8l15.7 47c5.9 16.9 24.7 29 46 22.9 19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9l-15.7-47 93.6-31.3 15.7 47c5.9 16.9 24.7 29 46 22.9 19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9l-15.7-47 45.4-15.1c19-6 29.1-26.7 22.9-45.7zm-254.1 47.2l-30.3-90.2 93.5-31.3 30.3 90.2-93.5 31.3z"], "slideshare": [512, 512, [], "f1e7", "M187.7 153.7c-34 0-61.7 25.7-61.7 57.7 0 31.7 27.7 57.7 61.7 57.7s61.7-26 61.7-57.7c0-32-27.7-57.7-61.7-57.7zm143.4 0c-34 0-61.7 25.7-61.7 57.7 0 31.7 27.7 57.7 61.7 57.7 34.3 0 61.7-26 61.7-57.7.1-32-27.4-57.7-61.7-57.7zm156.6 90l-6 4.3V49.7c0-27.4-20.6-49.7-46-49.7H76.6c-25.4 0-46 22.3-46 49.7V248c-2-1.4-4.3-2.9-6.3-4.3-15.1-10.6-25.1 4-16 17.7 18.3 22.6 53.1 50.3 106.3 72C58.3 525.1 252 555.7 248.9 457.5c0-.7.3-56.6.3-96.6 5.1 1.1 9.4 2.3 13.7 3.1 0 39.7.3 92.8.3 93.5-3.1 98.3 190.6 67.7 134.3-124 53.1-21.7 88-49.4 106.3-72 9.1-13.8-.9-28.3-16.1-17.8zm-30.5 19.2c-68.9 37.4-128.3 31.1-160.6 29.7-23.7-.9-32.6 9.1-33.7 24.9-10.3-7.7-18.6-15.5-20.3-17.1-5.1-5.4-13.7-8-27.1-7.7-31.7 1.1-89.7 7.4-157.4-28V72.3c0-34.9 8.9-45.7 40.6-45.7h317.7c30.3 0 40.9 12.9 40.9 45.7v190.6z"], "snapchat": [496, 512, [], "f2ab", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm169.5 338.9c-3.5 8.1-18.1 14-44.8 18.2-1.4 1.9-2.5 9.8-4.3 15.9-1.1 3.7-3.7 5.9-8.1 5.9h-.2c-6.2 0-12.8-2.9-25.8-2.9-17.6 0-23.7 4-37.4 13.7-14.5 10.3-28.4 19.1-49.2 18.2-21 1.6-38.6-11.2-48.5-18.2-13.8-9.7-19.8-13.7-37.4-13.7-12.5 0-20.4 3.1-25.8 3.1-5.4 0-7.5-3.3-8.3-6-1.8-6.1-2.9-14.1-4.3-16-13.8-2.1-44.8-7.5-45.5-21.4-.2-3.6 2.3-6.8 5.9-7.4 46.3-7.6 67.1-55.1 68-57.1 0-.1.1-.2.2-.3 2.5-5 3-9.2 1.6-12.5-3.4-7.9-17.9-10.7-24-13.2-15.8-6.2-18-13.4-17-18.3 1.6-8.5 14.4-13.8 21.9-10.3 5.9 2.8 11.2 4.2 15.7 4.2 3.3 0 5.5-.8 6.6-1.4-1.4-23.9-4.7-58 3.8-77.1C183.1 100 230.7 96 244.7 96c.6 0 6.1-.1 6.7-.1 34.7 0 68 17.8 84.3 54.3 8.5 19.1 5.2 53.1 3.8 77.1 1.1.6 2.9 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.3-.2 9.2-1.6 14.7-4.2 4-1.9 9.6-1.6 13.6 0 6.3 2.3 10.3 6.8 10.4 11.9.1 6.5-5.7 12.1-17.2 16.6-1.4.6-3.1 1.1-4.9 1.7-6.5 2.1-16.4 5.2-19 11.5-1.4 3.3-.8 7.5 1.6 2 21.7 49.5 68 57.1 4 1 7.1 5.5 4.9 10.8z"], "snapchat-ghost": [512, 512, [], "f2ac", "M510.846 392.673c-5.211 12.157-27.239 21.089-67.36 27.318-2.064 2.786-3.775 14.686-6.507 23.956-1.625 5.566-5.623 8.869-12.128 8.869l-.297-.005c-9.395 0-19.203-4.323-38.852-4.323-26.521 0-35.662 6.043-56.254 20.588-21.832 15.438-42.771 28.764-74.027 27.399-31.646 2.334-58.025-16.908-72.871-27.404-20.714-14.643-29.828-20.582-56.241-20.582-18.864 0-30.736 4.72-38.852 4.72-8.073 0-11.213-4.922-12.422-9.04-2.703-9.189-4.404-21.263-6.523-24.13-20.679-3.209-67.31-11.344-68.498-32.15a10.627 10.627 0 0 1 8.877-11.069c69.583-11.455 100.924-82.901 102.227-85.934.074-.176.155-.344.237-.515 3.713-7.537 4.544-13.849 2.463-18.753-5.05-11.896-26.872-16.164-36.053-19.796-23.715-9.366-27.015-20.128-25.612-27.504 2.437-12.836 21.725-20.735 33.002-15.453 8.919 4.181 16.843 6.297 23.547 6.297 5.022 0 8.212-1.204 9.96-2.171-2.043-35.936-7.101-87.29 5.687-115.969C158.122 21.304 229.705 15.42 250.826 15.42c.944 0 9.141-.089 10.11-.089 52.148 0 102.254 26.78 126.723 81.643 12.777 28.65 7.749 79.792 5.695 116.009 1.582.872 4.357 1.942 8.599 2.139 6.397-.286 13.815-2.389 22.069-6.257 6.085-2.846 14.406-2.461 20.48.058l.029.01c9.476 3.385 15.439 10.215 15.589 17.87.184 9.747-8.522 18.165-25.878 25.018-2.118.835-4.694 1.655-7.434 2.525-9.797 3.106-24.6 7.805-28.616 17.271-2.079 4.904-1.256 11.211 2.46 18.748. 1.301 3.03 32.615 74.46 102.23 85.934 6.427 1.058 11.163 7.877 7.725 15.859z"], "snapchat-square": [448, 512, [], "f2ad", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6.5 314.9c-3.5 8.1-18.1 14-44.8 18.2-1.4 1.9-2.5 9.8-4.3 15.9-1.1 3.7-3.7 5.9-8.1 5.9h-.2c-6.2 0-12.8-2.9-25.8-2.9-17.6 0-23.7 4-37.4 13.7-14.5 10.3-28.4 19.1-49.2 18.2-21 1.6-38.6-11.2-48.5-18.2-13.8-9.7-19.8-13.7-37.4-13.7-12.5 0-20.4 3.1-25.8 3.1-5.4 0-7.5-3.3-8.3-6-1.8-6.1-2.9-14.1-4.3-16-13.8-2.1-44.8-7.5-45.5-21.4-.2-3.6 2.3-6.8 5.9-7.4 46.3-7.6 67.1-55.1 68-57.1 0-.1.1-.2.2-.3 2.5-5 3-9.2 1.6-12.5-3.4-7.9-17.9-10.7-24-13.2-15.8-6.2-18-13.4-17-18.3 1.6-8.5 14.4-13.8 21.9-10.3 5.9 2.8 11.2 4.2 15.7 4.2 3.3 0 5.5-.8 6.6-1.4-1.4-23.9-4.7-58 3.8-77.1C159.1 100 206.7 96 220.7 96c.6 0 6.1-.1 6.7-.1 34.7 0 68 17.8 84.3 54.3 8.5 19.1 5.2 53.1 3.8 77.1 1.1.6 2.9 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.3-.2 9.2-1.6 14.7-4.2 4-1.9 9.6-1.6 13.6 0 6.3 2.3 10.3 6.8 10.4 11.9.1 6.5-5.7 12.1-17.2 16.6-1.4.6-3.1 1.1-4.9 1.7-6.5 2.1-16.4 5.2-19 11.5-1.4 3.3-.8 7.5 1.6 2 21.7 49.5 68 57.1 4 1 7.1 5.5 4.9 10.8z"], "soundcloud": [640, 512, [], "f1be", "M111.4 256.3l5.8 65-5.8 68.3c-.3 2.5-2.2 4.4-4.4 4.4s-4.2-1.9-4.2-4.4l-5.6-68.3 5.6-65c0-2.2 1.9-4.2 4.2-4.2 2.2 0 4.1 2 4.4 4.2zm21.4-45.6c-2.8 0-4.7 2.2-5 5l-5 105.6 5 68.3c.3 2.8 2.2 5 5 5 2.5 0 4.7-2.2 4.7-5l5.8-68.3-5.8-105.6c0-2.8-2.2-5-4.7-5zm25.5-24.1c-3.1 0-5.3 2.2-5.6 5.3l-4.4 130 4.4 67.8c.3 3.1 2.5 5.3 5.6 5.3 2.8 0 5.3-2.2 5.3-5.3l5.3-67.8-5.3-130c0-3.1-2.5-5.3-5.3-5.3zM7.2 283.2c-1.4 0-2.2 1.1-2.5 2.5L0 321.3l4.7 35c.3 1.4 1.1 2.5 2.5 2.5s2.2-1.1 2.5-2.5l5.6-35-5.6-35.6c-.3-1.4-1.1-2.5-2.5-2.5zm23.6-21.9c-1.4 0-2.5 1.1-2.5 2.5l-6.4 57.5 6.4 56.1c0 1.7 1.1 2.8 2.5 2.8s2.5-1.1 2.8-2.5l7.2-56.4-7.2-57.5c-.3-1.4-1.4-2.5-2.8-2.5zm25.3-11.4c-1.7 0-3.1 1.4-3.3 3.3L47 321.3l5.8 65.8c.3 1.7 1.7 3.1 3.3 3.1 1.7 0 3.1-1.4 3.1-3.1l6.9-65.8-6.9-68.1c0-1.9-1.4-3.3-3.1-3.3zm25.3-2.2c-1.9 0-3.6 1.4-3.6 3.6l-5.8 70 5.8 67.8c0 2.2 1.7 3.6 3.6 3.6s3.6-1.4 3.9-3.6l6.4-67.8-6.4-70c-.3-2.2-2-3.6-3.9-3.6zm241.4-110.9c-1.1-.8-2.8-1.4-4.2-1.4-2.2 0-4.2.8-5.6 1.9-1.9 1.7-3.1 4.2-3.3 6.7v.8l-3.3 176.7 1.7 32.5 1.7 31.7c.3 4.7 4.2 8.6 8.9 8.6s8.6-3.9 8.6-8.6l3.9-64.2-3.9-177.5c-.4-3-2-5.8-4.5-7.2zm-26.7 15.3c-1.4-.8-2.8-1.4-4.4-1.4s-3.1.6-4.4 1.4c-2.2 1.4-3.6 3.9-3.6 6.7l-.3 1.7-2.8 160.8s0 .3 3.1 65.6v.3c0 1.7.6 3.3 1.7 4.7 1.7 1.9 3.9 3.1 6.4 3.1 2.2 0 4.2-1.1 5.6-2.5 1.7-1.4 2.5-3.3 2.5-5.6l.3-6.7 3.1-58.6-3.3-162.8c-.3-2.8-1.7-5.3-3.9-6.7zm-111.4 22.5c-3.1 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 6.1l-4.4 140.6 4.4 67.2c.3 3.3 2.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 3.3 0 5.8-2.5 6.1-5.8l5-67.2-5-140.6c-.2-3.3-2.7-6.1-6.1-6.1zm376.7 62.8c-10.8 0-21.1 2.2-30.6 6.1-6.4-70.8-65.8-126.4-138.3-126.4-17.8 0-35 3.3-50.3 9.4-6.1 2.2-7.8 4.4-7.8 9.2v249.7c0 5 3.9 8.6 8.6 9.2h218.3c43.3 0 78.6-35 78.6-78.3.1-43.6-35.2-78.9-78.5-78.9zm-296.7-60.3c-4.2 0-7.5 3.3-7.8 7.8l-3.3 136.7 3.3 65.6c.3 4.2 3.6 7.5 7.8 7.5 4.2 0 7.5-3.3 7.5-7.5l3.9-65.6-3.9-136.7c-.3-4.5-3.3-7.8-7.5-7.8zm-53.6-7.8c-3.3 0-6.4 3.1-6.4 6.7l-3.9 145.3 3.9 66.9c.3 3.6 3.1 6.4 6.4 6.4 3.6 0 6.4-2.8 6.7-6.4l4.4-66.9-4.4-145.3c-.3-3.6-3.1-6.7-6.7-6.7zm26.7 3.4c-3.9 0-6.9 3.1-6.9 6.9L227 321.3l3.9 66.4c.3 3.9 3.1 6.9 6.9 6.9s6.9-3.1 6.9-6.9l4.2-66.4-4.2-141.7c0-3.9-3-6.9-6.9-6.9z"], "sourcetree": [448, 512, [], "f7d3", "M427.2 203c0-112.1-90.9-203-203-203C112.1-.2 21.2 90.6 21 202.6A202.86 202.86 0 0 0 161.5 396v101.7a14.3 14.3 0 0 0 14.3 14.3h96.4a14.3 14.3 0 0 0 14.3-14.3V396.1A203.18 203.18 0 0 0 427.2 203zm-271.6 0c0-90.8 137.3-90.8 137.3 0-.1 89.9-137.3 91-137.3 0z"], "speakap": [448, 512, [], "f3f3", "M64 391.78C-15.41 303.59-8 167.42 80.64 87.64s224.8-73 304.21 15.24 72 224.36-16.64 304.14c-18.74 16.87 64 43.09 42 52.26-82.06 34.21-253.91 35-346.23-67.5zm213.31-211.6l38.5-40.86c-9.61-8.89-32-26.83-76.17-27.6-52.33-.91-95.86 28.3-96.77 80-.2 11.33.29 36.72 29.42 54.83 34.46 21.42 86.52 21.51 86 52.26-.37 21.28-26.42 25.81-38.59 25.6-3-.05-30.23-.46-47.61-24.62l-40 42.61c28.16 27 59 32.62 83.49 33.05 10.23.18 96.42.33 97.84-81 .28-15.81-2.07-39.72-28.86-56.59-34.36-21.64-85-19.45-84.43-49.75.41-23.25 31-25.37 37.53-25.26.43 0 26.62.26 39.62 17.37z"], "speaker-deck": [512, 512, [], "f83c", "M213.86 296H100a100 100 0 0 1 0-200h132.84a40 40 0 0 1 0 80H98c-26.47 0-26.45 40 0 40h113.82a100 100 0 0 1 0 200H40a40 40 0 0 1 0-80h173.86c26.48 0 26.46-40 0-40zM298 416a120.21 120.21 0 0 0 51.11-80h64.55a19.83 19.83 0 0 0 19.66-20V196a19.83 19.83 0 0 0-19.66-20H296.42a60.77 60.77 0 0 0 0-80h136.93c43.44 0 78.65 35.82 78.65 80v160c0 44.18-35.21 80-78.65 80z"], "spotify": [496, 512, [], "f1bc", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm100.7 364.9c-4.2 0-6.8-1.3-10.7-3.6-62.4-37.6-135-39.2-206.7-24.5-3.9 1-9 2.6-11.9 2.6-9.7 0-15.8-7.7-15.8-15.8 0-10.3 6.1-15.2 13.6-16.8 81.9-18.1 165.6-16.5 237 26.2 6.1 3.9 9.7 7.4 9.7 16.5s-7.1 15.4-15.2 15.4zm26.9-65.6c-5.2 0-8.7-2.3-12.3-4.2-62.5-37-155.7-51.9-238.6-29.4-4.8 1.3-7.4 2.6-11.9 2.6-10.7 0-19.4-8.7-19.4-19.4s5.2-17.8 15.5-20.7c27.8-7.8 56.2-13.6 97.8-13.6 64.9 0 127.6 16.1 177 45.5 8.1 4.8 11.3 11 11.3 19.7-.1 10.8-8.5 19.5-19.4 19.5zm31-76.2c-5.2 0-8.4-1.3-12.9-3.9-71.2-42.5-198.5-52.7-280.9-29.7-3.6 1-8.1 2.6-12.9 2.6-13.2 0-23.3-10.3-23.3-23.6 0-13.6 8.4-21.3 17.4-23.9 35.2-10.3 74.6-15.2 117.5-15.2 73 0 149.5 15.2 205.4 47.8 7.8 4.5 12.9 10.7 12.9 22.6 0 13.6-11 23.3-23.2 23.3z"], "squarespace": [512, 512, [], "f5be", "M186.12 343.34c-9.65 9.65-9.65 25.29 0 34.94 9.65 9.65 25.29 9.65 34.94 0L378.24 221.1c19.29-19.29 50.57-19.29 69.86 0s19.29 50.57 0 69.86L293.95 445.1c19.27 19.29 50.53 19.31 69.82.04l.04-.04 119.25-119.24c38.59-38.59 38.59-101.14 0-139.72-38.59-38.59-101.15-38.59-139.72 0l-157.22 157.2zm244.53-104.8c-9.65-9.65-25.29-9.65-34.93 0l-157.2 157.18c-19.27 19.29-50.53 19.31-69.82.05l-.05-.05c-9.64-9.64-25.27-9.65-34.92-.01l-.01.01c-9.65 9.64-9.66 25.28-.02 34.93l.02.02c38.58 38.57 101.14 38.57 139.72 0l157.2-157.2c9.65-9.65 9.65-25.29.01-34.93zm-261.99 87.33l157.18-157.18c9.64-9.65 9.64-25.29 0-34.94-9.64-9.64-25.27-9.64-34.91 0L133.72 290.93c-19.28 19.29-50.56 19.3-69.85.01l-.01-.01c-19.29-19.28-19.31-50.54-.03-69.84l.03-.03L218.03 66.89c-19.28-19.29-50.55-19.3-69.85-.02l-.02.02L28.93 186.14c-38.58 38.59-38.58 101.14 0 139.72 38.6 38.59 101.13 38.59 139.73.01zm-87.33-52.4c9.64 9.64 25.27 9.64 34.91 0l157.21-157.19c19.28-19.29 50.55-19.3 69.84-.02l.02.02c9.65 9.65 25.29 9.65 34.93 0 9.65-9.65 9.65-25.29 0-34.93-38.59-38.59-101.13-38.59-139.72 0L81.33 238.54c-9.65 9.64-9.65 25.28-.01 34.93h.01z"], "stack-exchange": [448, 512, [], "f18d", "M17.7 332.3h412.7v22c0 37.7-29.3 68-65.3 68h-19L259.3 512v-89.7H83c-36 0-65.3-30.3-65.3-68v-22zm0-23.6h412.7v-85H17.7v85zm0-109.4h412.7v-85H17.7v85zM365 0H83C47 0 17.7 30.3 17.7 67.7V90h412.7V67.7C430.3 30.3 401 0 365 0z"], "stack-overflow": [384, 512, [], "f16c", "M290.7 311L95 269.7 86.8 309l195.7 41zm51-87L188.2 95.7l-25.5 30.8 153.5 128.3zm-31.2 39.7L129.2 179l-16.7 36.5L293.7 300zM262 32l-32 24 119.3 160.3 32-24zm20.5 328h-200v39.7h200zm39.7 80H42.7V320h-40v160h359.5V320h-40z"], "stackpath": [448, 512, [], "f842", "M244.6 232.4c0 8.5-4.26 20.49-21.34 20.49h-19.61v-41.47h19.61c17.13 0 21.34 12.36 21.34 20.98zM448 32v448H0V32zM151.3 287.84c0-21.24-12.12-34.54-46.72-44.85-20.57-7.41-26-10.91-26-18.63s7-14.61 20.41-14.61c14.09 0 20.79 8.45 20.79 18.35h30.7l.19-.57c.5-19.57-15.06-41.65-51.12-41.65-23.37 0-52.55 10.75-52.55 38.29 0 19.4 9.25 31.29 50.74 44.37 17.26 6.15 21.91 10.4 21.91 19.48 0 15.2-19.13 14.23-19.47 14.23-20.4 0-25.65-9.1-25.65-21.9h-30.8l-.18.56c-.68 31.32 28.38 45.22 56.63 45.22 29.98 0 51.12-13.55 51.12-38.29zm125.38-55.63c0-25.3-18.43-45.46-53.42-45.46h-51.78v138.18h32.17v-47.36h19.61c30.25 0 53.42-15.95 53.42-45.36zM297.94 325L347 186.78h-31.09L268 325zm106.52-138.22h-31.09L325.46 325h29.94z"], "staylinked": [440, 512, [], "f3f5", "M382.7 292.5l2.7 2.7-170-167.3c-3.5-3.5-9.7-3.7-13.8-.5L144.3 171c-4.2 3.2-4.6 8.7-1.1 12.2l68.1 64.3c3.6 3.5 9.9 3.7 14 .5l.1-.1c4.1-3.2 10.4-3 14 .5l84 81.3c3.6 3.5 3.2 9-.9 12.2l-93.2 74c-4.2 3.3-10.5 3.1-14.2-.4L63.2 268c-3.5-3.5-9.7-3.7-13.9-.5L3.5 302.4c-4.2 3.2-4.7 8.7-1.2 12.2L211 510.7s7.4 6.8 17.3-.8l198-163.9c4-3.2 4.4-8.7.7-12.2zm54.5-83.4L226.7 2.5c-1.5-1.2-8-5.5-16.3 1.1L3.6 165.7c-4.2 3.2-4.8 8.7-1.2 12.2l42.3 41.7 171.7 165.1c3.7 3.5 10.1 3.7 14.3.4l50.2-38.8-.3-.3 7.7-6c4.2-3.2 4.6-8.7.9-12.2l-57.1-54.4c-3.6-3.5-10-3.7-14.2-.5l-.1.1c-4.2 3.2-10.5 3.1-14.2-.4L109 180.8c-3.6-3.5-3.1-8.9 1.1-12.2l92.2-71.5c4.1-3.2 10.3-3 13.9.5l160.4 159c3.7 3.5 10 3.7 14.1.5l45.8-35.8c4.1-3.2 4.4-8.7.7-12.2z"], "steam": [496, 512, [], "f1b6", "M496 256c0 137-111.2 248-248.4 248-113.8 0-209.6-76.3-239-180.4l95.2 39.3c6.4 32.1 34.9 56.4 68.9 56.4 39.2 0 71.9-32.4 70.2-73.5l84.5-60.2c52.1 1.3 95.8-40.9 95.8-93.5 0-51.6-42-93.5-93.7-93.5s-93.7 42-93.7 93.5v1.2L176.6 279c-15.5-.9-30.7 3.4-43.5 12.1L0 236.1C10.2 108.4 117.1 8 247.6 8 384.8 8 496 119 496 256zM155.7 384.3l-30.5-12.6a52.79 52.79 0 0 0 27.2 25.8c26.9 11.2 57.8-1.6 69-28.4 5.4-13 5.5-27.3.1-40.3-5.4-13-15.5-23.2-28.5-28.6-12.9-5.4-26.7-5.2-38.9-.6l31.5 13c19.8 8.2 29.2 30.9 20.9 50.7-8.3 19.9-31 29.2-50.8 21zm173.8-129.9c-34.4 0-62.4-28-62.4-62.3s28-62.3 62.4-62.3 62.4 28 62.4 62.3-27.9 62.3-62.4 62.3zm.1-15.6c25.9 0 46.9-21 46.9-46.8 0-25.9-21-46.8-46.9-46.8s-46.9 21-46.9 46.8c.1 25.8 21.1 46.8 46.9 46.8z"], "steam-square": [448, 512, [], "f1b7", "M185.2 356.5c7.7-18.5-1-39.7-19.6-47.4l-29.5-12.2c11.4-4.3 24.3-4.5 36.4.5 12.2 5.1 21.6 14.6 26.7 26.7 5 12.2 5 25.6-.1 37.7-10.5 25.1-39.4 37-64.6 26.5-11.6-4.8-20.4-13.6-25.4-24.2l28.5 11.8c18.6 7.8 39.9-.9 47.6-19.4zM400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v160.7l116.6 48.1c12-8.2 26.2-12.1 40.7-11.3l55.4-80.2v-1.1c0-48.2 39.3-87.5 87.6-87.5s87.6 39.3 87.6 87.5c0 49.2-40.9 88.7-89.6 87.5l-79 56.3c1.6 38.5-29.1 68.8-65.7 68.8-31.8 0-58.5-22.7-64.5-52.7L0 319.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-99.7 222.5c-32.2 0-58.4-26.1-58.4-58.3s26.2-58.3 58.4-58.3 58.4 26.2 58.4 58.3-26.2 58.3-58.4 58.3zm.1-14.6c24.2 0 43.9-19.6 43.9-43.8 0-24.2-19.6-43.8-43.9-43.8-24.2 0-43.9 19.6-43.9 43.8 0 24.2 19.7 43.8 43.9 43.8z"], "steam-symbol": [448, 512, [], "f3f6", "M395.5 177.5c0 33.8-27.5 61-61 61-33.8 0-61-27.3-61-61s27.3-61 61-61c33.5 0 61 27.2 61 61zm52.5.2c0 63-51 113.8-113.7 113.8L225 371.3c-4 43-40.5 76.8-84.5 76.8-40.5 0-74.7-28.8-83-67L0 358V250.7L97.2 290c15.1-9.2 32.2-13.3 52-11.5l71-101.7c.5-62.3 51.5-112.8 114-112.8C397 64 448 115 448 177.7zM203 363c0-34.7-27.8-62.5-62.5-62.5-4.5 0-9 .5-13.5 1.5l26 10.5c25.5 10.2 38 39 27.7 64.5-10.2 25.5-39.2 38-64.7 27.5-10.2-4-20.5-8.3-30.7-12.2 10.5 19.7 31.2 33.2 55.2 33.2 34.7 0 62.5-27.8 62.5-62.5zm207.5-185.3c0-42-34.3-76.2-76.2-76.2-42.3 0-76.5 34.2-76.5 76.2 0 42.2 34.3 76.2 76.5 76.2 41.9.1 76.2-33.9 76.2-76.2z"], "sticker-mule": [576, 512, [], "f3f7", "M561.7 199.6c- 0 0 0zm-6.2-77.4c-7.7-22.3-5.1-7.2-13.4-36.9-1.6-6.5-3.6-14.5-6.2-20-4.4-8.7-4.6-7.5-4.6-9.5 0-5.3 30.7-45.3 19-46.9-5.7-.6-12.2 11.6-20.6 17-8.6 4.2-8 5-10.3 5-2.6 0-5.7-3-6.2-5-2-5.7 1.9-25.9-3.6-25.9-3.6 0-12.3 24.8-17 25.8-5.2 1.3-27.9-11.4-75.1 18-25.3 13.2-86.9 65.2-87 65.3-6.7 4.7-20 4.7-35.5 16-44.4 30.1-109.6 9.4-110.7 9-110.6-26.8-128-15.2-159 11.5-20.8 17.9-23.7 36.5-24.2 38.9-4.2 20.4 5.2 48.3 6.7 64.3 1.8 19.3-2.7 17.7 7.7 98.3.5 1 4.1 0 5.1 1.5 0 8.4-3.8 12.1-4.1 13-1.5 4.5-1.5 10.5 0 16 2.3 8.2 8.2 37.2 8.2 46.9 0 41.8.4 44 2.6 49.4 3.9 10 12.5 9.1 17 12 3.1 3.5-.5 8.5 1 12.5.5 2 3.6 4 6.2 5 9.2 3.6 27 .3 29.9-2.5 1.6-1.5.5-4.5 3.1-5 5.1 0 10.8-.5 14.4-2.5 5.1-2.5 4.1-6 1.5-10.5-.4-.8-7-13.3-9.8-16-2.1-2-5.1-3-7.2-4.5-5.8-4.9-10.3-19.4-10.3-19.5-4.6-19.4-10.3-46.3-4.1-66.8 4.6-17.2 39.5-87.7 39.6-87.8 4.1-6.5 17-11.5 27.3-7 6 1.9 19.3 22 65.4 30.9 47.9 8.7 97.4-2 112.2-2 2.8 2-1.9 13-.5 38.9 0 26.4-.4 13.7-4.1 29.9-2.2 9.7 3.4 23.2-1.5 46.9-1.4 9.8-9.9 32.7-8.2 43.4.5 1 1 2 1.5 3.5.5 4.5 1.5 8.5 4.6 10 7.3 3.6 12-3.5 9.8 11.5-.7 3.1-2.6 12 1.5 15 4.4 3.7 30.6 3.4 36.5.5 2.6-1.5 1.6-4.5 6.4-7.4 1.9-.9 11.3-.4 11.3-6.5.3-1.8-9.2-19.9-9.3-20-2.6-3.5-9.2-4.5-11.3-8-6.9-10.1-1.7-52.6.5-59.4 3-11 5.6-22.4 8.7-32.4 11-42.5 10.3-50.6 16.5-68.3.8-1.8 6.4-23.1 10.3-29.9 9.3-17 21.7-32.4 33.5-47.4 18-22.9 34-46.9 52-69.8 6.1-7 8.2-13.7 18-8 10.8 5.7 21.6 7 31.9 17 14.6 12.8 10.2 18.2 11.8 22.9 1.5 5 7.7 10.5 14.9 9.5 10.4-2 13-2.5 13.4-2.5 2.6-.5 5.7-5 7.2-8 3.1-5.5 7.2-9 7.2-16.5 0-7.7-.4-2.8-20.6-52.9z"], "strava": [384, 512, [], "f428", "M158.4 0L7 292h89.2l62.2-116.1L220.1 292h88.5zm150.2 292l-43.9 88.2-44.6-88.2h-67.6l112.2 220 111.5-220z"], "stripe": [640, 512, [], "f429", "M165 144.7l-43.3 9.2-.2 142.4c0 26.3 19.8 43.3 46.1 43.3 14.6 0 25.3-2.7 31.2-5.9v-33.8c-5.7 2.3-33.7 10.5-33.7-15.7V221h33.7v-37.8h-33.7zm89.1 51.6l-2.7-13.1H213v153.2h44.3V233.3c10.5-13.8 28.2-11.1 33.9-9.3v-40.8c-6-2.1-26.7-6-37.1 13.1zm92.3-72.3l-44.6 9.5v36.2l44.6-9.5zM44.9 228.3c0-6.9 5.8-9.6 15.1-9.7 13.5 0 30.7 4.1 44.2 11.4v-41.8c-14.7-5.8-29.4-8.1-44.1-8.1-36 0-60 18.8-60 50.2 0 49.2 67.5 41.2 67.5 62.4 0 8.2-7.1 10.9-17 10.9-14.7 0-33.7-6.1-48.6-14.2v40c16.5 7.1 33.2 10.1 48.5 10.1 36.9 0 62.3-15.8 62.3-47.8 0-52.9-67.9-43.4-67.9-63.4zM640 261.6c0-45.5-22-81.4-64.2-81.4s-67.9 35.9-67.9 81.1c0 53.5 30.3 78.2 73.5 78.2 21.2 0 37.1-4.8 49.2-11.5v-33.4c-12.1 6.1-26 9.8-43.6 9.8-17.3 0-32.5-6.1-34.5-26.9h86.9c.2-2.3.6-11.6.6-15.9zm-87.9-16.8c0-20 12.3-28.4 23.4-28.4 10.9 0 22.5 8.4 22.5 28.4zm-112.9-64.6c-17.4 0-28.6 8.2-34.8 13.9l-2.3-11H363v204.8l44.4-9.4.1-50.2c6.4 4.7 15.9 11.2 31.4 11.2 31.8 0 60.8-23.2 60.8-79.6.1-51.6-29.3-79.7-60.5-79.7zm-10.6 122.5c-10.4 0-16.6-3.8-20.9-8.4l-.3-66c4.6-5.1 11-8.8 21.2-8.8 16.2 0 27.4 18.2 27.4 41.4.1 23.9-10.9 41.8-27.4 41.8zm-126.7 33.7h44.6V183.2h-44.6z"], "stripe-s": [384, 512, [], "f42a", "M155.3 154.6c0-22.3 18.6-30.9 48.4-30.9 43.4 0 98.5 13.3 141.9 36.7V26.1C298.3 7.2 251.1 0 203.8 0 88.1 0 11 60.4 11 161.4c0 157.9 216.8 132.3 216.8 200.4 0 26.4-22.9 34.9-54.7 34.9-47.2 0-108.2-19.5-156.1-45.5v128.5a396.09 396.09 0 0 0 156 32.4c118.6 0 200.3-51 200.3-153.6 0-170.2-218-139.7-218-203.9z"], "studiovinari": [512, 512, [], "f3f8", "M480.3 187.7l4.2 28v28l-25.1 44.1-39.8 78.4-56.1 67.5-79.1 37.8-17.7 24.5-7.7 12-9.6 4s17.3-63.6 19.4-63.6c2.1 0 20.3.7 20.3.7l66.7-38.6-92.5 26.1-55.9 36.8-22.8 28-6.6 1.4 20.8-73.6 6.9-5.5 20.7 12.9 88.3-45.2 56.8-51.5 14.8-68.4-125.4 23.3 15.2-18.2-173.4-53.3 81.9-10.5-166-122.9L133.5 108 32.2 0l252.9 126.6-31.5-38L378 163 234.7 64l18.7 38.4-49.6-18.1L158.3 0l194.6 122L310 66.2l108 96.4 12-8.9-21-16.4 4.2-37.8L451 89.1l29.2 24.7 11.5 4.2-7 6.2 8.5 12-13.1 7.4-10.3 20.2 10.5 23.9z"], "stumbleupon": [512, 512, [], "f1a4", "M502.9 266v69.7c0 62.1-50.3 112.4-112.4 112.4-61.8 0-112.4-49.8-112.4-111.3v-70.2l34.3 16 51.1-15.2V338c0 14.7 12 26.5 26.7 26.5S417 352.7 417 338v-72h85.9zm-224.7-58.2l34.3 16 51.1-15.2V173c0-60.5-51.1-109-112.1-109-60.8 0-112.1 48.2-112.1 108.2v162.4c0 14.9-12 26.7-26.7 26.7S86 349.5 86 334.6V266H0v69.7C0 397.7 50.3 448 112.4 448c61.6 0 112.4-49.5 112.4-110.8V176.9c0-14.7 12-26.7 26.7-26.7s26.7 12 26.7 26.7v30.9z"], "stumbleupon-circle": [496, 512, [], "f1a3", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 177.5c-9.8 0-17.8 8-17.8 17.8v106.9c0 40.9-33.9 73.9-74.9 73.9-41.4 0-74.9-33.5-74.9-74.9v-46.5h57.3v45.8c0 10 8 17.8 17.8 17.8s17.8-7.9 17.8-17.8V200.1c0-40 34.2-72.1 74.7-72.1 40.7 0 74.7 32.3 74.7 72.6v23.7l-34.1 10.1-22.9-10.7v-20.6c.1-9.6-7.9-17.6-17.7-17.6zm167.6 123.6c0 41.4-33.5 74.9-74.9 74.9-41.2 0-74.9-33.2-74.9-74.2V263l22.9 10.7 34.1-10.1v47.1c0 9.8 8 17.6 17.8 17.6s17.8-7.9 17.8-17.6v-48h57.3c-.1 45.9-.1 46.4-.1 46.4z"], "superpowers": [448, 512, [], "f2dd", "M448 32c-83.3 11-166.8 22-250 33-92 12.5-163.3 86.7-169 180-3.3 55.5 18 109.5 57.8 148.2L0 480c83.3-11 166.5-22 249.8-33 91.8-12.5 163.3-86.8 168.7-179.8 3.5-55.5-18-109.5-57.7-148.2L448 32zm-79.7 232.3c-4.2 79.5-74 139.2-152.8 134.5-79.5-4.7-140.7-71-136.3-151 4.5-79.2 74.3-139.3 153-134.5 79.3 4.7 140.5 71 136.1 151z"], "supple": [640, 512, [], "f3f9", "M640 262.5c0 64.1-109 116.1-243.5 116.1-24.8 0-48.6-1.8-71.1-5 7.7.4 15.5.6 23.4.6 134.5 0 243.5-56.9 243.5-127.1 0-29.4-19.1-56.4-51.2-78 60 21.1 98.9 55.1 98.9 93.4zM47.7 227.9c-.1-70.2 108.8-127.3 243.3-127.6 7.9 0 15.6.2 23.3.5-22.5-3.2-46.3-4.9-71-4.9C108.8 96.3-.1 148.5 0 212.6c.1 38.3 39.1 72.3 99.3 93.3-32.3-21.5-51.5-48.6-51.6-78zm60.2 39.9s10.5 13.2 29.3 13.2c17.9 0 28.4-11.5 28.4-25.1 0-28-40.2-25.1-40.2-39.7 0-5.4 5.3-9.1 12.5-9.1 5.7 0 11.3 2.6 11.3 6.6v3.9h14.2v-7.9c0-12.1-15.4-16.8-25.4-16.8-16.5 0-28.5 10.2-28.5 24.1 0 26.6 40.2 25.4 40.2 39.9 0 6.6-5.8 10.1-12.3 10.1-11.9 0-20.7-10.1-20.7-10.1l-8.8 10.9zm120.8-73.6v54.4c0 11.3-7.1 17.8-17.8 17.8-10.7 0-17.8-6.5-17.8-17.7v-54.5h-15.8v55c0 18.9 13.4 31.9 33.7 31.9 20.1 0 33.4-13 33.4-31.9v-55h-15.7zm34.4 85.4h15.8v-29.5h15.5c16 0 27.2-11.5 27.2-28.1s-11.2-27.8-27.2-27.8h-39.1v13.4h7.8v72zm15.8-43v-29.1h12.9c8.7 0 13.7 5.7 13.7 14.4 0 8.9-5.1 14.7-14 14.7h-12.6zm57 43h15.8v-29.5h15.5c16 0 27.2-11.5 27.2-28.1s-11.2-27.8-27.2-27.8h-39.1v13.4h7.8v72zm15.7-43v-29.1h12.9c8.7 0 13.7 5.7 13.7 14.4 0 8.9-5 14.7-14 14.7h-12.6zm57.1 34.8c0 5.8 2.4 8.2 8.2 8.2h37.6c5.8 0 8.2-2.4 8.2-8.2v-13h-14.3v5.2c0 1.7-1 2.6-2.6 2.6h-18.6c-1.7 0-2.6-1-2.6-2.6v-61.2c0-5.7-2.4-8.2-8.2-8.2H401v13.4h5.2c1.7 0 2.6 1 2.6 2.6v61.2zm63.4 0c0 5.8 2.4 8.2 8.2 8.2H519c5.7 0 8.2-2.4 8.2-8.2v-13h-14.3v5.2c0 1.7-1 2.6-2.6 2.6h-19.7c-1.7 0-2.6-1-2.6-2.6v-20.3h27.7v-13.4H488v-22.4h19.2c1.7 0 2.6 1 2.6 2.6v5.2H524v-13c0-5.7-2.5-8.2-8.2-8.2h-51.6v13.4h7.8v63.9zm58.9-76v5.9h1.6v-5.9h2.7v-1.2h-7v1.2h2.7zm5.7-1.2v7.1h1.5v-5.7l2.3 5.7h1.3l2.3-5.7v5.7h1.5v-7.1h-2.3l-2.1 5.1-2.1-5.1h-2.4z"], "suse": [640, 512, [], "f7d6", "M471.08 102.66s-.3 18.3-.3 20.3c-9.1-3-74.4-24.1-135.7-26.3-51.9-1.8-122.8-4.3-223 57.3-19.4 12.4-73.9 46.1-99.6 109.7C7 277-.12 307 7 335.06a111 111 0 0 0 16.5 35.7c17.4 25 46.6 41.6 78.1 44.4 44.4 3.9 78.1-16 90-53.3 8.2-25.8 0-63.6-31.5-82.9-25.6-15.7-53.3-12.1-69.2-1.6-13.9 9.2-21.8 23.5-21.6 39.2.3 27.8 24.3 42.6 41.5 42.6a49 49 0 0 0 15.8-2.7c6.5-1.8 13.3-6.5 13.3-14.9 0-12.1-11.6-14.8-16.8-13.9-2.9.5-4.5 2-11.8 2.4-2-.2-12-3.1-12-14V316c.2-12.3 13.2-18 25.5-16.9 32.3 2.8 47.7 40.7 28.5 65.7-18.3 23.7-76.6 23.2-99.7-20.4-26-49.2 12.7-111.2 87-98.4 33.2 5.7 83.6 35.5 102.4 104.3h45.9c-5.7-17.6-8.9-68.3 42.7-68.3 56.7 0 63.9 39.9 79.8 68.3H460c-12.8-18.3-21.7-38.7-18.9-55.8 5.6-33.8 39.7-18.4 82.4-17.4 66.5.4 102.1-27 103.1-28 3.7-3.1 6.5-15.8 7-17.7 1.3-5.1-3.2-2.4-3.2-2.4-8.7 5.2-30.5 15.2-50.9 15.6-25.3.5-76.2-25.4-81.6-28.2-.3-.4.1 1.2-11-25.5 88.4 58.3 118.3 40.5 145.2 21.7.8-.6 4.3-2.9 3.6-5.7-13.8-48.1-22.4-62.7-34.5-69.6-37-21.6-125-34.7-129.2-35.3.1-.1-.9-.3-.9.7zm60.4 72.8a37.54 37.54 0 0 1 38.9-36.3c33.4 1.2 48.8 42.3 24.4 65.2-24.2 22.7-64.4 4.6-63.3-28.9zm38.6-25.3a26.27 26.27 0 1 0 25.4 27.2 26.19 26.19 0 0 0-25.4-27.2zm4.3 28.8c-15.4 0-15.4-15.6 0-15.6s15.4 15.64 0 15.64z"], "swift": [448, 512, [], "f8e1", "M448 156.09c0-4.51-.08-9-.2-13.52a196.31 196.31 0 0 0-2.58-29.42 99.62 99.62 0 0 0-9.22-28A94.08 94.08 0 0 0 394.84 44a99.17 99.17 0 0 0-28-9.22 195 195 0 0 0-29.43-2.59c-4.51-.12-9-.17-13.52-.2H124.14c-4.51 0-9 .08-13.52.2-2.45.07-4.91.15-7.37.27a171.68 171.68 0 0 0-22.06 2.32 103.06 103.06 0 0 0-21.21 6.1q-3.46 1.45-6.81 3.12a94.66 94.66 0 0 0-18.39 12.32c-1.88 1.61-3.69 3.28-5.43 5A93.86 93.86 0 0 0 12 85.17a99.45 99.45 0 0 0-9.22 28 196.31 196.31 0 0 0-2.54 29.4c-.13 4.51-.18 9-.21 13.52v199.83c0 4.51.08 9 .21 13.51a196.08 196.08 0 0 0 2.58 29.42 99.3 99.3 0 0 0 9.22 28A94.31 94.31 0 0 0 53.17 468a99.47 99.47 0 0 0 28 9.21 195 195 0 0 0 29.43 2.59c4.5.12 9 .17 13.52.2H323.91c4.51 0 9-.08 13.52-.2a196.59 196.59 0 0 0 29.44-2.59 99.57 99.57 0 0 0 28-9.21A94.22 94.22 0 0 0 436 426.84a99.3 99.3 0 0 0 9.22-28 194.79 194.79 0 0 0 2.59-29.42c.12-4.5.17-9 .2-13.51V172.14c-.01-5.35-.01-10.7-.01-16.05zm-69.88 241c-20-38.93-57.23-29.27-76.31-19.47-1.72 1-3.48 2-5.25 3l-.42.25c-39.5 21-92.53 22.54-145.85-.38A234.64 234.64 0 0 1 45 290.12a230.63 230.63 0 0 0 39.17 23.37c56.36 26.4 113 24.49 153 0-57-43.85-104.6-101-141.09-147.22a197.09 197.09 0 0 1-18.78-25.9c43.7 40 112.7 90.22 137.48 104.12-52.57-55.49-98.89-123.94-96.72-121.74 82.79 83.42 159.18 130.59 159.18 130.59 2.88 1.58 5 2.85 6.73 4a127.44 127.44 0 0 0 4.16-12.47c13.22-48.33-1.66-103.58-35.31-149.2C329.61 141.75 375 229.34 356.4 303.42c-.44 1.73-.95 3.4-1.44 5.09 38.52 47.4 28.04 98.17 23.13 88.59z"], "symfony": [512, 512, [], "f83d", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm133.74 143.54c-11.47.41-19.4-6.45-19.77-16.87-.27-9.18 6.68-13.44 6.53-18.85-.23-6.55-10.16-6.82-12.87-6.67-39.78 1.29-48.59 57-58.89 113.85 21.43 3.15 36.65-.72 45.14-6.22 12-7.75-3.34-15.72-1.42-24.56 4-18.16 32.55-19 32 5.3-.36 17.86-25.92 41.81-77.6 35.7-10.76 59.52-18.35 115-58.2 161.72-29 34.46-58.4 39.82-71.58 40.26-24.65.85-41-12.31-41.58-29.84-.56-17 14.45-26.26 24.31-26.59 21.89-.75 30.12 25.67 14.88 34-12.09 9.71.11 12.61 2.05 12.55 10.42-.36 17.34-5.51 22.18-9 24-20 33.24-54.86 45.35-118.35 8.19-49.66 17-78 18.23-82-16.93-12.75-27.08-28.55-49.85-34.72-15.61-4.23-25.12-.63-31.81 7.83-7.92 10-5.29 23 2.37 30.7l12.63 14c15.51 17.93 24 31.87 20.8 50.62-5.06 29.93-40.72 52.9-82.88 39.94-36-11.11-42.7-36.56-38.38-50.62 7.51-24.15 42.36-11.72 34.62 13.6-2.79 8.6-4.92 8.68-6.28 13.07-4.56 14.77 41.85 28.4 51-1.39 4.47-14.52-5.3-21.71-22.25-39.85-28.47-31.75-16-65.49 2.95-79.67C204.23 140.13 251.94 197 262 205.29c37.17-109 100.53-105.46 102.43-105.53 25.16-.81 44.19 10.59 44.83 28.65.25 7.69-4.17 22.59-19.52 23.13z"], "teamspeak": [512, 512, [], "f4f9", "M244.2 346.79c2.4-12.3-12-30-32.4-48.7-20.9-19.2-48.2-39.1-63.4-46.6-21.7-12-41.7-1.8-46.3 22.7-5 26.2 0 51.4 14.5 73.9 10.2 15.5 25.4 22.7 43.4 24 11.6.6 52.5 2.2 61.7-1 11.9-4.3 20.1-11.8 22.5-24.3zm205 20.8a5.22 5.22 0 0 0-8.3 2.4c-8 25.4-44.7 112.5-172.1 121.5-149.7 10.5 80.3 43.6 145.4-6.4 22.7-17.4 47.6-35 46.6-85.4-.4-10.1-4.9-26.69-11.6-32.1zm62-122.4c-.3-18.9-8.6-33.4-26-42.2-2.9-1.3-5-2.7-5.9-6.4A222.64 222.64 0 0 0 438.9 103c-1.1-1.5-3.5-3.2-2.2-5 8.5-11.5-.3-18-7-24.4Q321.4-31.11 177.4 13.09c-40.1 12.3-73.9 35.6-102 67.4-4 4.3-6.7 9.1-3 14.5 3 4 1.3 6.2-1 9.3C51.6 132 38.2 162.59 32.1 196c-.7 4.3-2.9 6-6.4 7.8-14.2 7-22.5 18.5-24.9 34L0 264.29v20.9c0 30.8 21 50.4 51.8 49 7.7-.3 11.7-4.3 12-11.5 2-77.5-2.4-95.4 3.7-125.8C92.1 72.39 234.3 5 345.3 65.39 411.4 102 445.7 159 447.6 234.79c.8 28.2 0 56.5 0 84.6 0 7 2.2 12.5 9.4 14.2 24.1 5 49.2-12 53.2-36.7 2.9-17.1 1-34.5 1-51.7zm-159.6 131.5c36.5 2.8 59.3-28.5 58.4-60.5-2.1-45.2-66.2-16.5-87.8-8-73.2 28.1-45 54.9-22.2 60.8z"], "telegram": [496, 512, [], "f2c6", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm121.8 169.9l-40.7 191.8c-3 13.6-11.1 16.9-22.4 10.5l-62-45.7-29.9 28.8c-3.3 3.3-6.1 6.1-12.5 6.1l4.4-63.1 114.9-103.8c5-4.4-1.1-6.9-7.7-2.5l-142 89.4-61.2-19.1c-13.3-4.2-13.6-13.3 2.8-19.7l239.1-92.2c11.1-4 20.8 2.7 17.2 19.5z"], "telegram-plane": [448, 512, [], "f3fe", "M446.7 98.6l-67.6 318.8c-5.1 22.5-18.4 28.1-37.3 17.5l-103-75.9-49.7 47.8c-5.5 5.5-10.1 10.1-20.7 10.1l7.4-104.9 190.9-172.5c8.3-7.4-1.8-11.5-12.9-4.1L117.8 284 16.2 252.2c-22.1-6.9-22.5-22.1 4.6-32.7L418.2 66.4c18.4-6.9 34.5 4.1 28.5 32.2z"], "tencent-weibo": [384, 512, [], "f1d5", "M72.3 495.8c1.4 19.9-27.6 22.2-29.7 2.9C31 368.8 73.7 259.2 144 185.5c-15.6-34 9.2-77.1 50.6-77.1 30.3 0 55.1 24.6 55.1 55.1 0 44-49.5 70.8-86.9 45.1-65.7 71.3-101.4 169.8-90.5 287.2zM192 .1C66.1.1-12.3 134.3 43.7 242.4 52.4 259.8 79 246.9 70 229 23.7 136.4 91 29.8 192 29.8c75.4 0 136.9 61.4 136.9 136.9 0 90.8-86.9 153.9-167.7 133.1-19.1-4.1-25.6 24.4-6.6 29.1 110.7 23.2 204-60 204-162.3C358.6 74.7 284 .1 192 .1z"], "the-red-yeti": [512, 512, [], "f69d", "M488.23 241.7l20.7 7.1c-9.6-23.9-23.9-37-31.7-44.8l7.1-18.2c.2 0 12.3-27.8-2.5-30.7-.6-11.3-6.6-27-18.4-27-7.6-10.6-17.7-12.3-30.7-5.9a122.2 122.2 0 0 0-25.3 16.5c-5.3-6.4-3 .4-3-29.8-37.1-24.3-45.4-11.7-74.8 3l.5.5a239.36 239.36 0 0 0-68.4-13.3c-5.5-8.7-18.6-19.1-25.1-25.1l24.8 7.1c-5.5-5.5-26.8-12.9-34.2-15.2 18.2-4.1 29.8-20.8 42.5-33-34.9-10.1-67.9-5.9-97.9 11.8l12-44.2L182 0c-31.6 24.2-33 41.9-33.7 45.5-.9-2.4-6.3-19.6-15.2-27a35.12 35.12 0 0 0-.5 25.3c3 8.4 5.9 14.8 8.4 18.9-16-3.3-28.3-4.9-49.2 0h-3.7l33 14.3a194.26 194.26 0 0 0-46.7 67.4l-1.7 8.4 1.7 1.7 7.6-4.7c-3.3 11.6-5.3 19.4-6.6 25.8a200.18 200.18 0 0 0-27.8 40.3c-15 1-31.8 10.8-40.3 14.3l3 3.4 28.8 1c-.5 1-.7 2.2-1.2 3.2-7.3 6.4-39.8 37.7-33 80.7l20.2-22.4c.5 1.7.7 3.4 1.2 5.2 0 25.5.4 89.6 64.9 150.5 43.6 40 96 60.2 157.5 60.2 121.7 0 223-87.3 223-211.5 6.8-9.7-1.2 3 16.7-25.1l13 14.3 2.5-.5A181.84 181.84 0 0 0 495 255a44.74 44.74 0 0 0-6.8-13.3zM398 111.2l-.5 21.9c5.5 18.1 16.9 17.2 22.4 17.2l-3.4-4.7 22.4-5.4a242.44 242.44 0 0 1-27 0c12.8-2.1 33.3-29 43-11.3 3.4 7.6 6.4 17.2 9.3 27.8l1.7-5.9a56.38 56.38 0 0 1-1.7-15.2c5.4.5 8.8 3.4 9.3 10.1.5 6.4 1.7 14.8 3.4 25.3l4.7-11.3c4.6 0 4.5-3.6-2.5 20.7-20.9-8.7-35.1-8.4-46.5-8.4l18.2-16c-25.3 8.2-33 10.8-54.8 20.9-1.1-5.4-5-13.5-16-19.9-3.2 3.8-2.8.9-.7 14.8h-2.5a62.32 62.32 0 0 0-8.4-23.1l4.2-3.4c8.4-7.1 11.8-14.3 10.6-21.9-.5-6.4-5.4-13.5-13.5-20.7 5.6-3.4 15.2-.4 28.3 8.5zm-39.6-10.1c2.7 1.9 11.4 5.4 18.9 17.2 4.2 8.4 4 9.8 3.4 11.1-.5 2.4-.5 4.3-3 7.1-1.7 2.5-5.4 4.7-11.8 7.6-7.6-13-16.5-23.6-27.8-31.2zM91 143.1l1.2-1.7c1.2-2.9 4.2-7.6 9.3-15.2l2.5-3.4-13 12.3 5.4-4.7-10.1 9.3-4.2 1.2c12.3-24.1 23.1-41.3 32.5-50.2 9.3-9.3 16-16 20.2-19.4l-6.4 1.2c-11.3-4.2-19.4-7.1-24.8-8.4 2.5-.5 3.7-.5 3.2-.5 10.3 0 17.5.5 20.9 1.2a52.35 52.35 0 0 0 16 2.5l.5-1.7-8.4-35.8 13.5 29a42.89 42.89 0 0 0 5.9-14.3c1.7-6.4 5.4-13 10.1-19.4s7.6-10.6 9.3-11.3a234.68 234.68 0 0 0-6.4 25.3l-1.7 7.1-.5 4.7 2.5 2.5C190.4 39.9 214 34 239.8 34.5l21.1.5c-11.8 13.5-27.8 21.9-48.5 24.8a201.26 201.26 0 0 1-23.4 2.9l-.2-.5-2.5-1.2a20.75 20.75 0 0 0-14 2c-2.5-.2-4.9-.5-7.1-.7l-2.5 1.7.5 1.2c2 .2 3.9.5 6.2.7l-2 3.4 3.4-.5-10.6 11.3c-4.2 3-5.4 6.4-4.2 9.3l5.4-3.4h1.2a39.4 39.4 0 0 1 25.3-15.2v-3c6.4.5 13 1 19.4 1.2 6.4 0 8.4.5 5.4 1.2a189.6 189.6 0 0 1 20.7 13.5c13.5 10.1 23.6 21.9 30 35.4 8.8 18.2 13.5 37.1 13.5 56.6a141.13 141.13 0 0 1-3 28.3 209.91 209.91 0 0 1-16 46l2.5.5c18.2-19.7 41.9-16 49.2-16l-6.4 5.9 22.4 17.7-1.7 30.7c-5.4-12.3-16.5-21.1-33-27.8 16.5 14.8 23.6 21.1 21.9 20.2-4.8-2.8-3.5-1.9-10.8-3.7 4.1 4.1 17.5 18.8 18.2 20.7l.2.2-.2.2c0 1.8 1.6-1.2-14 22.9-75.2-15.3-106.27-42.7-141.2-63.2l11.8 1.2c-11.8-18.5-15.6-17.7-38.4-26.1L149 225c-8.8-3-18.2-3-28.3.5l7.6-10.6-1.2-1.7c-14.9 4.3-19.8 9.2-22.6 11.3-1.1-5.5-2.8-12.4-12.3-28.8l-1.2 27-13.2-5c1.5-25.2 5.4-50.5 13.2-74.6zm276.5 330c-49.9 25-56.1 22.4-59 23.9-29.8-11.8-50.9-31.7-63.5-58.8l30 16.5c-9.8-9.3-18.3-16.5-38.4-44.3l11.8 23.1-17.7-7.6c14.2 21.1 23.5 51.7 66.6 73.5-120.8 24.2-199-72.1-200.9-74.3a262.57 262.57 0 0 0 35.4 24.8c3.4 1.7 7.1 2.5 10.1 1.2l-16-20.7c9.2 4.2 9.5 4.5 69.1 29-42.5-20.7-73.8-40.8-93.2-60.2-.5 6.4-1.2 10.1-1.2 10.1a80.25 80.25 0 0 1 20.7 26.6c-39-18.9-57.6-47.6-71.3-82.6 49.9 55.1 118.9 37.5 120.5 37.1 34.8 16.4 69.9 23.6 113.9 10.6 3.3 0 20.3 17 25.3 39.1l4.2-3-2.5-23.6c9 9 24.9 22.6 34.4 13-15.6-5.3-23.5-9.5-29.5-31.7 4.6 4.2 7.6 9 27.8 15l1.2-1.2-10.5-14.2c11.7-4.8-3.5 1 32-10.8 4.3 34.3 9 49.2.7 89.5zm115.3-214.4l-2.5.5 3 9.3c-3.5 5.9-23.7 44.3-71.6 79.7-39.5 29.8-76.6 39.1-80.9 40.3l-7.6-7.1-1.2 3 14.3 16-7.1-4.7 3.4 4.2h-1.2l-21.9-13.5 9.3 26.6-19-27.9-1.2 2.5 7.6 29c-6.1-8.2-21-32.6-56.8-39.6l32.5 21.2a214.82 214.82 0 0 1-93.2-6.4c-4.2-1.2-8.9-2.5-13.5-4.2l1.2-3-44.8-22.4 26.1 22.4c-57.7 9.1-113-25.4-126.4-83.4l-2.5-16.4-22.27 22.3c19.5-57.5 25.6-57.9 51.4-70.1-9.1-5.3-1.6-3.3-38.4-9.3 15.8-5.8 33-15.4 73 5.2a18.5 18.5 0 0 1 3.7-1.7c.6-3.2.4-.8 1-11.8 3.9 10 3.6 8.7 3 9.3l1.7.5c12.7-6.5 8.9-4.5 17-8.9l-5.4 13.5 22.3-5.8-8.4 8.4 2.5 2.5c4.5-1.8 30.3 3.4 40.8 16l-23.6-2.5c39.4 23 51.5 54 55.8 69.6l1.7-1.2c-2.8-22.3-12.4-33.9-16-40.1 4.2 5 39.2 34.6 110.4 46-11.3-.5-23.1 5.4-34.9 18.9l46.7-20.2-9.3 21.9c7.6-10.1 14.8-23.6 21.2-39.6v-.5l1.2-3-1.2 16c13.5-41.8 25.3-78.5 35.4-109.7l13.5-27.8v-2l-5.4-4.2h10.1l5.9 4.2 2.5-1.2-3.4-16 12.3 18.9 41.8-20.2-14.8 13 .5 2.9 17.7-.5a184 184 0 0 1 33 4.2l-23.6 2.5-1.2 3 26.6 23.1a254.21 254.21 0 0 1 27 32c-11.2-3.3-10.3-3.4-21.2-3.4l12.3 32.5zm-6.1-71.3l-3.9 13-14.3-11.8zm-254.8 7.1c1.7 10.6 4.7 17.7 8.8 21.9-9.3 6.6-27.5 13.9-46.5 16l.5 1.2a50.22 50.22 0 0 0 24.8-2.5l-7.1 13c4.2-1.7 10.1-7.1 17.7-14.8 11.9-5.5 12.7-5.1 20.2-16-12.7-6.4-15.7-13.7-18.4-18.8zm3.7-102.3c-6.4-3.4-10.6 3-12.3 18.9s2.5 29.5 11.8 39.6 18.2 10.6 26.1 3 3.4-23.6-11.3-47.7a39.57 39.57 0 0 0-14.27-13.8zm-4.7 46.3c5.4 2.2 10.5 1.9 12.3-10.6v-4.7l-1.2.5c-4.3-3.1-2.5-4.5-1.7-6.2l.5-.5c-.9-1.2-5-8.1-12.5 4.7-.5-13.5.5-21.9 3-24.8 1.2-2.5 4.7-1.2 11.3 4.2 6.4 5.4 11.3 16 15.2 32.5 6.5 28-19.8 26.2-26.9 4.9zm-45-5.5c1.6.3 9.3-1.1 9.3-14.8h-.5c-5.4-1.1-2.2-5.5-.7-5.9-1.7-3-3.4-4.2-5.4-4.7-8.1 0-11.6 12.7-8.1 21.2a7.51 7.51 0 0 0 5.43 4.2zM216 82.9l- 3a48.94 48.94 0 0 1 26.1 5.9c-2.5-5.5-10-14.3-28.3-14.3l.5 2.5zm-71.8 49.4c21.7 16.8 16.5 21.4 46.5 23.6l-2.9-4.7a42.67 42.67 0 0 0 14.8-28.3c1.7-16-1.2-29.5-8.8-41.3l13-7.6a2.26 2.26 0 0 0-.5-1.7 14.21 14.21 0 0 0-13.5 1.7c-12.7 6.7-28 20.9-29 22.4-1.7 1.7-3.4 5.9-5.4 13.5a99.61 99.61 0 0 0-2.9 23.6c-4.7-8-10.5-6.4-19.9-5.9l7.1 7.6c-16.5 0-23.3 15.4-23.6 16 6.8 0 4.6-7.6 30-12.3-4.3-6.3-3.3-5-4.9-6.6zm18.7-18.7c1.2-7.6 3.4-13 6.4-17.2 5.4-6.4 10.6-10.1 16-11.8 4.2-1.7 7.1 1.2 10.1 9.3a72.14 72.14 0 0 1 3 25.3c-.5 9.3-3.4 17.2-8.4 23.1-2.9 3.4-5.4 5.9-6.4 7.6a39.21 39.21 0 0 1-11.3-.5l-7.1-3.4-5.4-6.4c.8-10 1.3-18.8 3.1-26zm42 56.1c-34.8 14.4-34.7 14-36.1 14.3-20.8 4.7-19-24.4-18.9-24.8l5.9-1.2-.5-2.5c-20.2-2.6-31 4.2-32.5 3 3.4 5.9 9.3 4.2-6.4 8.8-10.1 15.2-10.6a83.47 83.47 0 0 0 1.7 33.7c.1.5 2.6 17.4 27.5 24.1 11.3 3 27 1.2 48.9-5.4l-9.2.5c-4.2-14.8-6.4-24.8-5.9-29.5 11.3-8.8 21.9-11.3 30.7-7.6h2.5l-11.8-7.6-7.1.5c-5.9 1.2-12.3 4.2-19.4 8.4z"], "themeco": [448, 512, [], "f5c6", "M202.9 8.43c9.9-5.73 26-5.82 35.95-.21L430 115.85c10 5.6 18 19.44 18 30.86V364c0 11.44-8.06 25.29-18 31L238.81 503.74c-9.93 5.66-26 5.57-35.85-.21L17.86 395.12C8 389.34 0 375.38 0 364V146.71c0-11.44 8-25.36 17.91-31.08zm-77.4 199.83c-15.94 0-31.89.14-47.83.14v101.45H96.8V280h28.7c49.71 0 49.56-71.74 0-71.74zm140.14 100.29l-30.73-34.64c37-7.51 34.8-65.23-10.87-65.51-16.09 0-32.17-.14-48.26-.14v101.59h19.13v-33.91h18.41l29.56 33.91h22.76zm-41.59-82.32c23.34 0 23.26 32.46 0 32.46h-29.13v-32.46zm-95.56-1.6c21.18 0 21.11 38.85 0 38.85H96.18v-38.84zm192.65-18.25c-68.46 0-71 105.8 0 105.8 69.48-.01 69.41-105.8 0-105.8zm0 17.39c44.12 0 44.8 70.86 0 70.86s-44.43-70.86 0-70.86z"], "themeisle": [512, 512, [], "f2b2", "M208 88.286c0-10 6.286-21.714 17.715-21.714 11.142 0 17.714 11.714 17.714 21.714 0 10.285-6.572 21.714-17.714 21.714C214.286 110 208 98.571 208 88.286zm304 160c0 36.001-11.429 102.286-36.286 129.714-22.858 24.858-87.428 61.143-120.857 70.572l-1.143.286v32.571c0 16.286-12.572 30.571-29.143 30.571-10 0-19.429-5.714-24.572-14.286-5.427 8.572-14.856 14.286-24.856 14.286-10 0-19.429-5.714-24.858-14.286-5.142 8.572-14.571 14.286-24.57 14.286-10.286 0-19.429-5.714-24.858-14.286-5.143 8.572-14.571 14.286-24.571 14.286-18.857 0-29.429-15.714-29.429-32.857-16.286 12.285-35.715 19.428-56.571 19.428-22 0-43.429-8.285-60.286-22.857 10.285-.286 20.571-2.286 30.285-5.714-20.857-5.714-39.428-18.857-52-36.286 21.37 4.645 46.209 1.673 67.143-11.143-22-22-56.571-58.857-68.572-87.428C1.143 321.714 0 303.714 0 289.429c0-49.714 20.286-160 86.286-160 10.571 0 18.857 4.858 23.143 14.857a158.792 158.792 0 0 1 12-15.428c2-2.572 5.714-5.429 7.143-8.286 7.999-12.571 11.714-21.142 21.714-34C182.571 45.428 232 17.143 285.143 17.143c6 0 12 .285 17.714 1.143C313.714 6.571 328.857 0 344.572 0c14.571 0 29.714 6 40 16.286.857.858 1.428 2.286 1.428 3.428 0 3.714-10.285 13.429-12.857 16.286 4.286 1.429 15.714 6.858 15.714 12 0 2.857-2.857 5.143-4.571 7.143 31.429 27.714 49.429 67.143 56.286 108 4.286-5.143 10.285-8.572 17.143-8.572 10.571 0 20.857 7.144 28.571 14.001C507.143 187.143 512 221.714 512 248.286zM188 89.428c0 18.286 12.571 37.143 32.286 37.143 19.714 0 32.285-18.857 32.285-37.143 0-18-12.571-36.857-32.285-36.857-19.715 0-32.286 18.858-32.286 36.857zM237.714 194c0-19.714 3.714-39.143 8.571-58.286-52.039 79.534-13.531 184.571 68.858 184.571 21.428 0 42.571-7.714 60-20 2-7.429 3.714-14.857 3.714-22.572 0-14.286-6.286-21.428-20.572-21.428-4.571 0-9.143.857-13.429 1.714-63.343 12.668-107.142 3.669-107.142-63.999zm-41.142 254.858c0-11.143-8.858-20.857-20.286-20.857-11.429 0-20 9.715-20 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.571 21.142 20 21.142 11.428 0 20.286-9.715 20.286-21.142v-32.571zm49.143 0c0-11.143-8.572-20.857-20-20.857-11.429 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.857 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.428 0 20-10 20-21.142v-32.571zm49.713 0c0-11.143-8.857-20.857-20.285-20.857-11.429 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.857 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.428 0 20.285-9.715 20.285-21.142v-32.571zm49.715 0c0-11.143-8.857-20.857-20.286-20.857-11.428 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.858 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.429 0 20.286-10 20.286-21.142v-32.571zM421.714 286c-30.857 59.142-90.285 102.572-158.571 102.572-96.571 0-160.571-84.572-160.571-176.572 0-16.857 2-33.429 6-49.714-20 33.715-29.714 72.572-29.714 111.429 0 60.286 24.857 121.715 71.429 160.857 5.143-9.714 14.857-16.286 26-16.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.571 14.286 5.429-8.571 14.571-14.286 24.858-14.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.571 14.286 5.429-8.571 14.857-14.286 24.858-14.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.857 14.286 5.143-8.571 14.571-14.286 24.572-14.286 10.857 0 20.857 6.572 25.714 16 43.427-36.286 68.569-92 71.426-148.286zm10.572-99.714c0-53.714-34.571-105.714-92.572-105.714-30.285 0-58.571 15.143-78.857 36.857C240.862 183.812 233.41 254 302.286 254c28.805 0 97.357-28.538 84.286 36.857 28.857-26 45.714-65.714 45.714-104.571z"], "think-peaks": [576, 512, [], "f731", "M465.4 409.4l87.1-150.2-32-.3-55.1 95L259.2 0 23 407.4l32 .3L259.2 55.6zm-355.3-44.1h32.1l117.4-202.5L463 511.9l32.5.1-235.8-404.6z"], "trade-federation": [496, 512, [], "f513", "M248 8.8c-137 0-248 111-248 248s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248-111-248-248-248zm0 482.8c-129.7 0-234.8-105.1-234.8-234.8S118.3 22 248 22s234.8 105.1 234.8 234.8S377.7 491.6 248 491.6zm155.1-328.5v-46.8H209.3V198H54.2l36.7 46h117.7v196.8h48.8V245h83.3v-47h-83.3v-34.8h145.7zm-73.3 45.1v23.9h-82.9v197.4h-26.8V232.1H96.3l-20.1-23.9h143.9v-80.6h171.8V152h-145v56.2zm-161.3-69l-12.4-20.7 2.1 23.8-23.5 5.4 23.3 5.4-2.1 24 12.3-20.5 22.2 9.5-15.7-18.1 15.8-18.1zm-29.6-19.7l9.3-11.5-12.7 5.9-8-12.4 1.7 13.9-14.3 3.8 13.7 2.7-.8 14.7 6.8-12.2 13.8 5.3zm165.4 145.2l-13.1 5.6-7.3-12.2 1.3 14.2-13.9 3.2 13.9 3.2-1.2 14.2 7.3-12.2 13.1 5.5-9.4-10.7zm106.9-77.2l-20.9 9.1-12-19.6 2.2 22.7-22.3 5.4 22.2 4.9-1.8 22.9 11.5-19.6 21.2 8.8-15.1-17zM248 29.9c-125.3 0-226.9 101.6-226.9 226.9S122.7 483.7 248 483.7s226.9-101.6 226.9-226.9S373.3 29.9 248 29.9zM342.6 196v51h-83.3v195.7h-52.7V245.9H89.9l-40-49.9h157.4v-81.6h197.8v50.7H259.4V196zM248 43.2c60.3 0 114.8 25 153.6 65.2H202.5V190H45.1C73.1 104.8 153.4 43.2 248 43.2zm0 427.1c-117.9 0-213.6-95.6-213.6-213.5 0-21.2 3.1-41.8 8.9-61.1L87.1 252h114.7v196.8h64.6V253h83.3v-62.7h-83.2v-19.2h145.6v-50.8c30.8 37 49.3 84.6 49.3 136.5.1 117.9-95.5 213.5-213.4 213.5zM178.8 275l-11-21.4 1.7 24.5-23.7 3.9 23.8 5.9-3.7 23.8 13-20.9 21.5 10.8-15.8-18.8 16.9-17.1z"], "trello": [448, 512, [], "f181", "M392.3 32H56.1C25.1 32 0 57.1 0 88c-.1 0 0-4 0 336 0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h336.2c30.8-.2 55.7-25.2 55.7-56V88c.1-30.8-24.8-55.8-55.6-56zM197 371.3c-.2 14.7-12.1 26.6-26.9 26.6H87.4c-14.8.1-26.9-11.8-27-26.6V117.1c0-14.8 12-26.9 26.9-26.9h82.9c14.8 0 26.9 12 26.9 26.9v254.2zm193.1-112c0 14.8-12 26.9-26.9 26.9h-81c-14.8 0-26.9-12-26.9-26.9V117.2c0-14.8 12-26.9 26.8-26.9h81.1c14.8 0 26.9 12 26.9 26.9v142.1z"], "tripadvisor": [576, 512, [], "f262", "M166.4 280.521c0 13.236-10.73 23.966-23.966 23.966s-23.966-10.73-23.966-23.966 10.73-23.966 23.966-23.966 23.966 10.729 23.966 23.966zm264.962-23.956c-13.23 0-23.956 10.725-23.956 23.956 0 13.23 10.725 23.956 23.956 23.956 13.23 0 23.956-10.725 23.956-23.956-.001-13.231-10.726-23.956-23.956-23.956zm89.388 139.49c-62.667 49.104-153.276 38.109-202.379-24.559l-30.979 46.325-30.683-45.939c-48.277 60.39-135.622 71.891-197.885 26.055-64.058-47.158-77.759-137.316-30.601-201.374A186.762 186.762 0 0 0 0 139.416l90.286-.05a358.48 358.48 0 0 1 197.065-54.03 350.382 350.382 0 0 1 192.181 53.349l96.218.074a185.713 185.713 0 0 0-28.352 57.649c46.793 62.747 34.964 151.37-26.648 199.647zM259.366 281.761c-.007-63.557-51.535-115.075-115.092-115.068C80.717 166.7 29.2 218.228 29.206 281.785c.007 63.557 51.535 115.075 115.092 115.068 63.513-.075 114.984-51.539 115.068-115.052v-.04zm28.591-10.455c5.433-73.44 65.51-130.884 139.12-133.022a339.146 339.146 0 0 0-139.727-27.812 356.31 356.31 0 0 0-140.164 27.253c74.344 1.582 135.299 59.424 140.771 133.581zm251.706-28.767c-21.992-59.634-88.162-90.148-147.795-68.157-59.634 21.992-90.148 88.162-68.157 147.795v.032c22.038 59.607 88.198 90.091 147.827 68.113 59.615-22.004 90.113-88.162 68.125-147.783zm-326.039 37.975v.115c-.057 39.328-31.986 71.163-71.314 71.106-39.328-.057-71.163-31.986-71.106-71.314.057-39.328 31.986-71.163 71.314-71.106 39.259.116 71.042 31.94 71.106 71.199zm-24.512 0v-.084c-.051-25.784-20.994-46.645-46.778-46.594-25.784.051-46.645 20.994-46.594 46.777.051 25.784 20.994 46.645 46.777 46.594 25.726-.113 46.537-20.968 46.595-46.693zm313.423 0v.048c-.02 39.328-31.918 71.194-71.247 71.173s-71.194-31.918-71.173-71.247c.02-39.328 31.918-71.194 71.247-71.173 39.29.066 71.121 31.909 71.173 71.199zm-24.504-.008c-.009-25.784-20.918-46.679-46.702-46.67-25.784.009-46.679 20.918-46.67 46.702.009 25.784 20.918 46.678 46.702 46.67 25.765-.046 46.636-20.928 46.67-46.693v-.009z"], "tumblr": [320, 512, [], "f173", "M309.8 480.3c-13.6 14.5-50 31.7-97.4 31.7-120.8 0-147-88.8-147-140.6v-144H17.9c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-68c0-7.2 4.5-13.6 11.3-16 62-21.8 81.5-76 84.3-117.1.8-11 6.5-16.3 16.1-16.3h70.9c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v115.2h83c5.5 0 10 4.4 10 9.9v81.7c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-83.4V360c0 34.2 23.7 53.6 68 35.8 4.8-1.9 9-3.2 12.7-2.2 3.5.9 5.8 3.4 7.4 7.9l22 64.3c1.8 5 3.3 10.6-.4 14.5z"], "tumblr-square": [448, 512, [], "f174", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-82.3 364.2c-8.5 9.1-31.2 19.8-60.9 19.8-75.5 0-91.9-55.5-91.9-87.9v-90h-29.7c-3.4 0-6.2-2.8-6.2-6.2v-42.5c0-4.5 2.8-8.5 7.1-10 38.8-13.7 50.9-47.5 52.7-73.2.5-6.9 4.1-10.2 10-10.2h44.3c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2v72h51.9c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2v51.1c0 3.4-2.8 6.2-6.2 6.2h-52.1V321c0 21.4 14.8 33.5 42.5 22.4 3-1.2 5.6-2 8-1.4 2.2.5 3.6 2.1 4.6 4.9l13.8 40.2c1 3.2 2 6.7-.3 9.1z"], "twitch": [448, 512, [], "f1e8", "M40.1 32L10 108.9v314.3h107V480h60.2l56.8-56.8h87l117-117V32H40.1zm357.8 254.1L331 353H224l-56.8 56.8V353H76.9V72.1h321v214zM331 149v116.9h-40.1V149H331zm-107 0v116.9h-40.1V149H224z"], "twitter": [512, 512, [], "f099", "M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 13.319-28.264-18.843-46.781-51.005-46.781-87.391 0-19.492 5.197-37.36 14.294-52.954 51.655 63.675 129.3 105.258 216.365 109.807-1.624-7.797-2.599-15.918-2.599-24.04 0-57.828 46.782-104.934 104.934-104.934 30.213 0 57.502 12.67 76.67 33.137 23.715-4.548 46.456-13.32 66.599-25.34-7.798 24.366-24.366 44.833-46.132 57.827 21.117-2.273 41.584-8.122 60.426-16.243-14.292 20.791-32.161 39.308-52.628 54.253z"], "twitter-square": [448, 512, [], "f081", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-48.9 158.8c.2 2.8.2 5.7.2 8.5 0 86.7-66 186.6-186.6 186.6-37.2 0-71.7-10.8-100.7-29.4 5.3.6 10.4.8 15.8.8 30.7 0 58.9-10.4 81.4-28-28.8-.6-53-19.5-61.3-45.5 10.1 1.5 19.2 1.5 29.6-1.2-30-6.1-52.5-32.5-52.5-64.4v-.8c8.7 4.9 18.9 7.9 29.6 8.3a65.447 65.447 0 0 1-29.2-54.6c0-12.2 3.2-23.4 8.9-33.1 32.3 39.8 80.8 65.8 135.2 68.6-9.3-44.5 24-80.6 64-80.6 18.9 0 35.9 7.9 47.9 20.7 14.8-2.8 29-8.3 41.6-15.8-4.9 15.2-15.2 28-28.8 36.1 13.2-1.4 26-5.1 37.8-10.2-8.9 13.1-20.1 24.7-32.9 34z"], "typo3": [448, 512, [], "f42b", "M178.7 78.4c0-24.7 5.4-32.4 13.9-39.4-69.5 8.5-149.3 34-176.3 66.4-5.4 7.7-9.3 20.8-9.3 37.1C7 246 113.8 480 191.1 480c36.3 0 97.3-59.5 146.7-139-7 2.3-11.6 2.3-18.5 2.3-57.2 0-140.6-198.5-140.6-264.9zM301.5 32c-30.1 0-41.7 5.4-41.7 36.3 0 66.4 53.8 198.5 101.7 198.5 26.3 0 78.8-99.7 78.8-182.3 0-40.9-67-52.5-138.8-52.5z"], "uber": [448, 512, [], "f402", "M414.1 32H33.9C15.2 32 0 47.2 0 65.9V446c0 18.8 15.2 34 33.9 34H414c18.7 0 33.9-15.2 33.9-33.9V65.9C448 47.2 432.8 32 414.1 32zM237.6 391.1C163 398.6 96.4 344.2 88.9 269.6h94.4V290c0 3.7 3 6.8 6.8 6.8H258c3.7 0 6.8-3 6.8-6.8v-67.9c0-3.7-3-6.8-6.8-6.8h-67.9c-3.7 0-6.8 3-6.8 6.8v20.4H88.9c7-69.4 65.4-122.2 135.1-122.2 69.7 0 128.1 52.8 135.1 122.2 7.5 74.5-46.9 141.1-121.5 148.6z"], "ubuntu": [496, 512, [], "f7df", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm52.7 93c8.8-15.2 28.3-20.5 43.5-11.7 15.3 8.8 20.5 28.3 11.7 43.6-8.8 15.2-28.3 20.5-43.5 11.7-15.3-8.9-20.5-28.4-11.7-43.6zM87.4 287.9c-17.6 0-31.9-14.3-31.9-31.9 0-17.6 14.3-31.9 31.9-31.9 17.6 0 31.9 14.3 31.9 31.9 0 17.6-14.3 31.9-31.9 31.9zm28.1 3.1c22.3-17.9 22.4-51.9 0-69.9 8.6-32.8 29.1-60.7 56.5-79.1l23.7 39.6c-51.5 36.3-51.5 112.5 0 148.8L172 370c-27.4-18.3-47.8-46.3-56.5-79zm228.7 131.7c-15.3 8.8-34.7 3.6-43.5-11.7-8.8-15.3-3.6-34.8 11.7-43.6 15.2-8.8 34.7-3.6 43.5 11.7 8.8 15.3 3.6 34.8-11.7 43.6zm.3-69.5c-26.7-10.3-56.1 6.6-60.5 35-5.2 1.4-48.9 14.3-96.7-9.4l22.5-40.3c57 26.5 123.4-11.7 128.9-74.4l46.1.7c-2.3 34.5-17.3 65.5-40.3 88.4zm-5.9-105.3c-5.4-62-71.3-101.2-128.9-74.4l-22.5-40.3c47.9-23.7 91.5-10.8 96.7-9.4 4.4 28.3 33.8 45.3 60.5 35 23.1 22.9 38 53.9 40.2 88.5l-46 .6z"], "uikit": [448, 512, [], "f403", "M443.9 128v256L218 512 0 384V169.7l87.6 45.1v117l133.5 75.5 135.8-75.5v-151l-101.1-57.6 87.6-53.1L443.9 128zM308.6 49.1L223.8 0l-88.6 54.8 86 47.3 87.4-53z"], "umbraco": [510, 512, [], "f8e8", "M255.35 8C118.36 7.83 7.14 118.72 7 255.68c-.07 137 111 248.2 248 248.27 136.85 0 247.82-110.7 248-247.67S392.34 8.17 255.35 8zm145 266q-1.14 40.68-14 65t-43.51 35q-30.61 10.7-85.45 10.47h-4.6q-54.78.22-85.44-10.47t-43.52-35q-12.85-24.36-14-65a224.81 224.81 0 0 1 0-30.71 418.37 418.37 0 0 1 3.6-43.88c1.88-13.39 3.57-22.58 5.4-32 1-4.88 1.28-6.42 1.82-8.45a5.09 5.09 0 0 1 4.9-3.89h.69l32 5a5.07 5.07 0 0 1 4.16 5 5 5 0 0 1 0 .77l-1.7 8.78q-2.41 13.25-4.84 33.68a380.62 380.62 0 0 0-2.64 42.15q-.28 40.43 8.13 59.83a43.87 43.87 0 0 0 31.31 25.18A243 243 0 0 0 250 340.6h10.25a242.64 242.64 0 0 0 57.27-5.16 43.86 43.86 0 0 0 31.15-25.23q8.53-19.42 8.13-59.78a388 388 0 0 0-2.6-42.15q-2.48-20.38-4.89-33.68l-1.69-8.78a5 5 0 0 1 0-.77 5 5 0 0 1 4.2-5l32-5h.82a5 5 0 0 1 4.9 3.89c.55 2.05.81 3.57 1.83 8.45 1.82 9.62 3.52 18.78 5.39 32a415.71 415.71 0 0 1 3.61 43.88 228.06 228.06 0 0 1-.04 30.73z"], "uniregistry": [384, 512, [], "f404", "M192 480c39.5 0 76.2-11.8 106.8-32.2H85.3C115.8 468.2 152.5 480 192 480zm-89.1-193.1v-12.4H0v12.4c0 2.5 0 5 .1 7.4h103.1c-.2-2.4-.3-4.9-.3-7.4zm20.5 57H8.5c2.6 8.5 5.8 16.8 9.6 24.8h138.3c-12.9-5.7-24.1-14.2-33-24.8zm-17.7-34.7H1.3c.9 7.6 2.2 15 3.9 22.3h109.7c-4-6.9-7.2-14.4-9.2-22.3zm-2.8-69.3H0v17.3h102.9zm0-173.2H0v4.9h102.9zm0-34.7H0v2.5h102.9zm0 69.3H0v7.4h102.9zm0 104H0v14.8h102.9zm0-69.3H0v9.9h102.9zm0 34.6H0V183h102.9zm166.2 160.9h109.7c1.8-7.3 3.1-14.7 3.9-22.3H278.3c-2.1 7.9-5.2 15.4-9.2 22.3zm12-185.7H384V136H281.1zm0 37.2H384v-12.4H281.1zm0-74.3H384v-7.4H281.1zm0-76.7v2.5H384V32zm-203 410.9h227.7c11.8-8.7 22.7-18.6 32.2-29.7H44.9c9.6 11 21.4 21 33.2 29.7zm203-371.3H384v-4.9H281.1zm0 148.5H384v-14.8H281.1zM38.8 405.7h305.3c6.7-8.5 12.6-17.6 17.8-27.2H23c5.2 9.6 9.2 18.7 15.8 27.2zm188.8-37.1H367c3.7-8 5.8-16.2 8.5-24.8h-115c-8.8 10.7-20.1 19.2-32.9 24.8zm53.5-81.7c0 2.5-.1 5-.4 7.4h103.1c.1-2.5.2-4.9.2-7.4v-12.4H281.1zm0-29.7H384v-17.3H281.1z"], "untappd": [640, 512, [], "f405", "M401.3 49.9c-79.8 160.1-84.6 152.5-87.9 173.2l-5.2 32.8c-1.9 12-6.6 23.5-13.7 33.4L145.6 497.1c-7.6 10.6-20.4 16.2-33.4 14.6-40.3-5-77.8-32.2-95.3-68.5-5.7-11.8-4.5-25.8 3.1-36.4l148.9-207.9c7.1-9.9 16.4-18 27.2-23.7l29.3-15.5c18.5-9.8 9.7-11.9 135.6-138.9 1-4.8 1-7.3 3.6-8 3-.7 6.6-1 6.3-4.6l-.4-4.6c-.2-1.9 1.3-3.6 3.2-3.6 4.5-.1 13.2 1.2 25.6 10 12.3 8.9 16.4 16.8 17.7 21.1.6 1.8-.6 3.7-2.4 4.2l-4.5 1.1c-3.4.9-2.5 4.4-2.3 7.4.1 2.8-2.3 3.6-6.5 6.1zM230.1 36.4c3.4.9 2.5 4.4 2.3 7.4-.2 2.7 2.1 3.5 6.4 6 7.9 15.9 15.3 30.5 22.2 44 .7 1.3 2.3 1.5 3.3.5 11.2-12 24.6-26.2 40.5-42.6 1.3-1.4 1.4-3.5.1-4.9-8-8.2-16.5-16.9-25.6-26.1-1-4.7-1-7.3-3.6-8-3-.8-6.6-1-6.3-4.6.3-3.3 1.4-8.1-2.8-8.2-4.5-.1-13.2 1.1-25.6 10-12.3 8.9-16.4 16.8-17.7 21.1-1.4 4.2 3.6 4.6 6.8 5.4zM620 406.7L471.2 198.8c-13.2-18.5-26.6-23.4-56.4-39.1-11.2-5.9-14.2-10.9-30.5-28.9-1-1.1-2.9-.9-3.6.5-46.3 88.8-47.1 82.8-49 94.8-1.7 10.7-1.3 20 .3 29.8 1.9 12 6.6 23.5 13.7 33.4l148.9 207.9c7.6 10.6 20.2 16.2 33.1 14.7 40.3-4.9 78-32 95.7-68.6 5.4-11.9 4.3-25.9-3.4-36.6z"], "ups": [384, 512, [], "f7e0", "M103.2 303c-5.2 3.6-32.6 13.1-32.6-19V180H37.9v102.6c0 74.9 80.2 51.1 97.9 39V180h-32.6zM4 74.82v220.9c0 103.7 74.9 135.2 187.7 184.1 112.4-48.9 187.7-80.2 187.7-184.1V74.82c-116.3-61.6-281.8-49.6-375.4 0zm358.1 220.9c0 86.6-53.2 113.6-170.4 165.3-117.5-51.8-170.5-78.7-170.5-165.3v-126.4c102.3-93.8 231.6-100 340.9-89.8zm-209.6-107.4v212.8h32.7v-68.7c24.4 7.3 71.7-2.6 71.7-78.5 0-97.4-80.7-80.92-104.4-65.6zm32.7 117.3v-100.3c8.4-4.2 38.4-12.7 38.4 49.3 0 67.9-36.4 51.8-38.4 51zm79.1-86.4c.1 47.3 51.6 42.5 52.2 70.4.6 23.5-30.4 23-50.8 4.9v30.1c36.2 21.5 81.9 8.1 83.2-33.5 1.7-51.5-54.1-46.6-53.4-73.2.6-20.3 30.6-20.5 48.5-2.2v-28.4c-28.5-22-79.9-9.2-79.7 31.9z"], "usb": [640, 512, [], "f287", "M641.5 256c0 3.1-1.7 6.1-4.5 7.5L547.9 317c-1.4.8-2.8 1.4-4.5 1.4-1.4 0-3.1-.3-4.5-1.1-2.8-1.7-4.5-4.5-4.5-7.8v-35.6H295.7c25.3 39.6 40.5 106.9 69.6 106.9H392V354c0-5 3.9-8.9 8.9-8.9H490c5 0 8.9 3.9 8.9 8.9v89.1c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-89.1c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.7h-26.7c-75.4 0-81.1-142.5-124.7-142.5H140.3c-8.1 30.6-35.9 53.5-69 53.5C32 327.3 0 295.3 0 256s32-71.3 71.3-71.3c33.1 0 61 22.8 69 53.5 39.1 0 43.9 9.5 74.6-60.4C255 88.7 273 95.7 323.8 95.7c7.5-20.9 27-35.6 50.4-35.6 29.5 0 53.5 23.9 53.5 53.5s-23.9 53.5-53.5 53.5c-23.4 0-42.9-14.8-50.4-35.6H294c-29.1 0-44.3 67.4-69.6 106.9h310.1v-35.6c0-3.3 1.7-6.1 4.5-7.8 2.8-1.7 6.4-1.4 8.9.3l89.1 53.5c2.8 1.1 4.5 4.1 4.5 7.2z"], "usps": [576, 512, [], "f7e1", "M460.3 241.7c25.8-41.3 15.2-48.8-11.7-48.8h-27c-.1 0-1.5-1.4-10.9 8-11.2 5.6-37.9 6.3-37.9 8.7 0 4.5 70.3-3.1 88.1 0 9.5 1.5-1.5 20.4-4.4 32-.5 4.5 2.4 2.3 3.8.1zm-112.1 22.6c64-21.3 97.3-23.9 102-26.2 4.4-2.9-4.4-6.6-26.2-5.8-51.7 2.2-137.6 37.1-172.6 53.9l-30.7-93.3h196.6c-2.7-28.2-152.9-22.6-337.9-22.6L27 415.8c196.4-97.3 258.9-130.3 321.2-151.5zM94.7 96c253.3 53.7 330 65.7 332.1 85.2 36.4 0 45.9 0 52.4 6.6 21.1 19.7-14.6 67.7-14.6 67.7-4.4 2.9-406.4 160.2-406.4 160.2h423.1L549 96z"], "ussunnah": [512, 512, [], "f407", "M156.8 285.1l5.7 14.4h-8.2c-1.3-3.2-3.1-7.7-3.8-9.5-2.5-6.3-1.1-8.4 0-10 1.9-2.7 3.2-4.4 3.6-5.2 0 2.2.8 5.7 2.7 10.3zm297.3 18.8c-2.1 13.8-5.7 27.1-10.5 39.7l43 23.4-44.8-18.8c-5.3 13.2-12 25.6-19.9 37.2l34.2 30.2-36.8-26.4c-8.4 11.8-18 22.6-28.7 32.3l24.9 34.7-28.1-31.8c-11 9.6-23.1 18-36.1 25.1l15.7 37.2-19.3-35.3c-13.1 6.8-27 12.1-41.6 15.9l6.7 38.4-10.5-37.4c-14.3 3.4-29.2 5.3-44.5 5.4L256 512l-1.9-38.4c-15.3-.1-30.2-2-44.5-5.3L199 505.6l6.7-38.2c-14.6-3.7-28.6-9.1-41.7-15.8l-19.2 35.1 15.6-37c-13-7-25.2-15.4-36.2-25.1l-27.9 31.6 24.7-34.4c-10.7-9.7-20.4-20.5-28.8-32.3l-36.5 26.2 33.9-29.9c-7.9-11.6-14.6-24.1-20-37.3l-44.4 18.7L67.8 344c-4.8-12.7-8.4-26.1-10.5-39.9l-51 9 50.3-14.2c-1.1-8.5-1.7-17.1-1.7-25.9 0-4.7.2-9.4.5-14.1L0 256l56-2.8c1.3-13.1 3.8-25.8 7.5-38.1L6.4 199l58.9 10.4c4-12 9.1-23.5 15.2-34.4l-55.1-30 58.3 24.6C90 159 97.2 149.2 105.3 140L55.8 96.4l53.9 38.7c8.1-8.6 17-16.5 26.6-23.6l-40-55.6 45.6 51.6c9.5-6.6 19.7-12.3 30.3-17.2l-27.3-64.9 33.8 62.1c10.5-4.4 21.4-7.9 32.7-10.4L199 6.4l19.5 69.2c11-2.1 22.3-3.2 33.8-3.4L256 0l3.6 72.2c11.5.2 22.8 1.4 33.8 3.5L313 6.4l-12.4 70.7c11.3 2.6 22.2 6.1 32.6 10.5l33.9-62.2-27.4 65.1c10.6 4.9 20.7 10.7 30.2 17.2l45.8-51.8-40.1 55.9c9.5 7.1 18.4 15 26.5 23.6l54.2-38.9-49.7 43.9c8 9.1 15.2 18.9 21.5 29.4l58.7-24.7-55.5 30.2c6.1 10.9 11.1 22.3 15.1 34.3l59.3-10.4-57.5 16.2c3.7 12.2 6.2 24.9 7.5 37.9L512 256l-56 2.8c.3 4.6.5 9.3.5 14.1 0 8.7-.6 17.3-1.6 25.8l50.7 14.3-51.5-9.1zm-21.8-31c0-97.5-79-176.5-176.5-176.5s-176.5 79-176.5 176.5 79 176.5 176.5 176.5 176.5-79 176.5-176.5zm-24 0c0 84.3-68.3 152.6-152.6 152.6s-152.6-68.3-152.6-152.6 68.3-152.6 152.6-152.6 152.6 68.3 152.6 152.6zM195 241c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.3 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.5 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm-40.7-19c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.5 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.5 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm-19 0c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.3 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.4 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm204.9 87.9c-8.4-3-8.7-6.8-8.7-15.6V182c-8.2 12.5-14.2 18.6-18 18.6 6.3 14.4 9.5 23.9 9.5 28.3v64.3c0 2.2-2.2 6.5-4.7 6.5h-18c-2.8-7.5-10.2-26.9-15.3-40.3-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.4 1.6 4.1 3.6 5.2 6.3 2.6 6.7 6.4 16.5 7.9 20.2h-9.2c-3.9-10.4-9.6-25.4-11.8-31.1-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.4 1.6 4.1 3.6 5.2 6.3.8 2 2.8 7.3 4.3 10.9H256c-1.5-4.1-5.6-14.6-8.4-22-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.5 1.6 4.3 3.6 5.2 1.4.6 1.7H225c-4.6-13.9-11.4-27.7-11.4-34.1 0-2.2.3-5.1 1.1-8.2-8.8 10.8-14 15.9-14 25 0 7.5 10.4 28.3 10.4 33.3 0 1.7-.5 3.3-1.4 4.9-9.6-12.7-15.5-20.7-18.8-20.7h-12l-11.2-28c-3.8-9.6-5.7-16-5.7-18.8 0-3.8.5-7.7 1.7-12.2-1 1.3-3.7 4.7-5.5 7.1-.8-2.1-3.1-7.7-4.6-11.5-2.1 2.5-7.5 9.1-11.2 13.6.9 2.3 3.3 8.1 4.9 12.2-2.5 3.3-9.1 11.8-13.6 17.7-4 5.3-5.8 13.3-2.7 21.8 2.5 6.7 2 7.9-1.7 14.1H191c5.5 0 14.3 14 15.5 22 13.2-16 15.4-19.6 16.8-21.6h107c3.9 0 7.2-1.9 9.9-5.8zm20.1-26.6V181.7c-9 12.5-15.9 18.6-20.7 18.6 7.1 14.4 10.7 23.9 10.7 28.3v66.3c0 17.5 8.6 20.4 24 20.4 8.1 0 12.5-.8 13.7-2.7-4.3-1.6-7.6-2.5-9.9-3.3-8.1-3.2-17.8-7.4-17.8-26z"], "vaadin": [448, 512, [], "f408", "M224.5 140.7c1.5-17.6 4.9-52.7 49.8-52.7h98.6c20.7 0 32.1-7.8 32.1-21.6V54.1c0-12.2 9.3-22.1 21.5-22.1S448 41.9 448 54.1v36.5c0 42.9-21.5 62-66.8 62H280.7c-30.1 0-33 14.7-33 27.1 0 1.3-.1 2.5-.2 3.7-.7 12.3-10.9 22.2-23.4 22.2s-22.7-9.8-23.4-22.2c-.1-1.2-.2-2.4-.2-3.7 0-12.3-3-27.1-33-27.1H66.8c-45.3 0-66.8-19.1-66.8-62V54.1C0 41.9 9.4 32 21.6 32s21.5 9.9 21.5 22.1v12.3C43.1 80.2 54.5 88 75.2 88h98.6c44.8 0 48.3 35.1 49.8 52.7h.9zM224 456c11.5 0 21.4-7 25.7-16.3 1.1-1.8 97.1-169.6 98.2-171.4 11.9-19.6-3.2-44.3-27.2-44.3-13.9 0-23.3 6.4-29.8 20.3L224 362l-66.9-117.7c-6.4-13.9-15.9-20.3-29.8-20.3-24 0-39.1 24.6-27.2 44.3 1.1 1.9 97.1 169.6 98.2 171.4 4.3 9.3 14.2 16.3 25.7 16.3z"], "viacoin": [384, 512, [], "f237", "M384 32h-64l-80.7 192h-94.5L64 32H0l48 112H0v48h68.5l13.8 32H0v48h102.8L192 480l89.2-208H384v-48h-82.3l13.8-32H384v-48h-48l48-112zM192 336l-27-64h54l-27 64z"], "viadeo": [448, 512, [], "f2a9", "M276.2 150.5v.7C258.3 98.6 233.6 47.8 205.4 0c43.3 29.2 67 100 70.8 150.5zm32.7 121.7c7.6 18.2 11 37.5 11 57 0 77.7-57.8 141-137.8 139.4l3.8-.3c74.2-46.7 109.3-118.6 109.3-205.1 0-38.1-6.5-75.9-18.9-112 1 11.7 1 23.7 1 35.4 0 91.8-18.1 241.6-116.6 280C95 455.2 49.4 398 49.4 329.2c0-75.6 57.4-142.3 135.4-142.3 16.8 0 33.7 3.1 49.1 9.6 1.7-15.1 6.5-29.9 13.4-43.3-19.9-7.2-41.2-10.7-62.5-10.7-161.5 0-238.7 195.9-129.9 313.7 67.9 74.6 192 73.9 259.8 0 56.6-61.3 60.9-142.4 36.4-201-12.7 8-27.1 13.9-42.2 17zM418.1 11.7c-31 66.5-81.3 47.2-115.8 80.1-12.4 12-20.6 34-20.6 50.5 0 14.1 4.5 27.1 12 38.8 47.4-11 98.3-46 118.2-90.7-.7 5.5-4.8 14.4-7.2 19.2-20.3 35.7-64.6 65.6-99.7 84.9 14.8 14.4 33.7 25.8 55 25.8 79 0 110.1-134.6 58.1-208.6z"], "viadeo-square": [448, 512, [], "f2aa", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM280.7 381.2c-42.4 46.2-120 46.6-162.4 0-68-73.6-19.8-196.1 81.2-196.1 13.3 0 26.6 2.1 39.1 6.7-4.3 8.4-7.3 17.6-8.4 27.1-9.7-4.1-20.2-6-30.7-6-48.8 0-84.6 41.7-84.6 88.9 0 43 28.5 78.7 69.5 85.9 61.5-24 72.9-117.6 72.9-175 0-7.3 0-14.8-.6-22.1-11.2-32.9-26.6-64.6-44.2-94.5 27.1 18.3 41.9 62.5 44.2 94.1v.4c7.7 22.5 11.8 46.2 11.8 70 0 54.1-21.9 99-68.3 128.2l-2.4.2c50 1 86.2-38.6 86.2-87.2 0-12.2-2.1-24.3-6.9-35.7 9.5-1.9 18.5-5.6 26.4-10.5 15.3 36.6 12.6 87.3-22.8 125.6zM309 233.7c-13.3 0-25.1-7.1-34.4-16.1 21.9-12 49.6-30.7 62.3-53 1.5-3 4.1-8.6 4.5-12-12.5 27.9-44.2 49.8-73.9 56.7-4.7-7.3-7.5-15.5-7.5-24.3 0-10.3 5.2-24.1 12.9-31.6 21.6-20.5 53-8.5 72.4-50 32.5 46.2 13.1 130.3-36.3 130.3z"], "viber": [512, 512, [], "f409", "M444 49.9C431.3 38.2 379.9.9 265.3.4c0 0-135.1-8.1-200.9 52.3C27.8 89.3 14.9 143 13.5 209.5c-1.4 66.5-3.1 191.1 117 224.9h.1l-.1 51.6s-.8 20.9 13 25.1c16.6 5.2 26.4-10.7 42.3-27.8 8.7-9.4 20.7-23.2 29.8-33.7 82.2 6.9 145.3-8.9 152.5-11.2 16.6-5.4 110.5-17.4 125.7-142 15.8-128.6-7.6-209.8-49.8-246.5zM457.9 287c-12.9 104-89 110.6-103 115.1-6 1.9-61.5 15.7-131.2 11.2 0 0-52 62.7-68.2 79-5.3 5.3-11.1 4.8-11-5.7 0-6.9.4-85.7.4-85.7-.1 0-.1 0 0 0-101.8-28.2-95.8-134.3-94.7-189.8 1.1-55.5 11.6-101 42.6-131.6 55.7-50.5 170.4-43 170.4-43 96.9.4 143.3 29.6 154.1 39.4 35.7 30.6 53.9 103.8 40.6 211.1zm-139-80.8c.4 8.6-12.5 9.2-12.9.6-1.1-22-11.4-32.7-32.6-33.9-8.6-.5-7.8-13.4.7-12.9 27.9 1.5 43.4 17.5 44.8 46.2zm20.3 11.3c1-42.4-25.5-75.6-75.8-79.3-8.5-.6-7.6-13.5.9-12.9 58 4.2 88.9 44.1 87.8 92.5-.1 8.6-13.1 8.2-12.9-.3zm47 13.4c.1 8.6-12.9 8.7-12.9.1-.6-81.5-54.9-125.9-120.8-126.4-8.5-.1-8.5-12.9 0-12.9 73.7.5 133 51.4 133.7 139.2zM374.9 329v.2c-10.8 19-31 40-51.8 33.3l-.2-.3c-21.1-5.9-70.8-31.5-102.2-56.5-16.2-12.8-31-27.9-42.4-42.4-10.3-12.9-20.7-28.2-30.8-46.6-21.3-38.5-26-55.7-26-55.7-6.7-20.8 14.2-41 33.3-51.8h.2c9.2-4.8 18-3.2 23.9 3.9 0 0 12.4 14.8 17.7 22.1 5 6.8 11.7 17.7 15.2 23.8 6.1 10.9 2.3 22-3.7 26.6l-12 9.6c-6.1 4.9-5.3 14-5.3 14s17.8 67.3 84.3 84.3c0 0 9.1.8 14-5.3l9.6-12c4.6-6 15.7-9.8 26.6-3.7 14.7 8.3 33.4 21.2 45.8 32.9 7 5.7 8.6 14.4 3.8 23.6z"], "vimeo": [448, 512, [], "f40a", "M403.2 32H44.8C20.1 32 0 52.1 0 76.8v358.4C0 459.9 20.1 480 44.8 480h358.4c24.7 0 44.8-20.1 44.8-44.8V76.8c0-24.7-20.1-44.8-44.8-44.8zM377 180.8c-1.4 31.5-23.4 74.7-66 129.4-44 57.2-81.3 85.8-111.7 85.8-18.9 0-34.8-17.4-47.9-52.3-25.5-93.3-36.4-148-57.4-148-2.4 0-10.9 5.1-25.4 15.2l-15.2-19.6c37.3-32.8 72.9-69.2 95.2-71.2 25.2-2.4 40.7 14.8 46.5 51.7 20.7 131.2 29.9 151 67.6 91.6 13.5-21.4 20.8-37.7 21.8-48.9 3.5-33.2-25.9-30.9-45.8-22.4 15.9-52.1 46.3-77.4 91.2-76 33.3.9 49 22.5 47.1 64.7z"], "vimeo-square": [448, 512, [], "f194", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16.2 149.6c-1.4 31.1-23.2 73.8-65.3 127.9-43.5 56.5-80.3 84.8-110.4 84.8-18.7 0-34.4-17.2-47.3-51.6-25.2-92.3-35.9-146.4-56.7-146.4-2.4 0-10.8 5-25.1 15.1L64 192c36.9-32.4 72.1-68.4 94.1-70.4 24.9-2.4 40.2 14.6 46 51.1 20.5 129.6 29.6 149.2 66.8 90.5 13.4-21.2 20.6-37.2 21.5-48.3 3.4-32.8-25.6-30.6-45.2-22.2 15.7-51.5 45.8-76.5 90.1-75.1 32.9 1 48.4 22.4 46.5 64z"], "vimeo-v": [448, 512, [], "f27d", "M447.8 153.6c-2 43.6-32.4 103.3-91.4 179.1-60.9 79.2-112.4 118.8-154.6 118.8-26.1 0-48.2-24.1-66.3-72.3C100.3 250 85.3 174.3 56.2 174.3c-3.4 0-15.1 7.1-35.2 21.1L0 168.2c51.6-45.3 100.9-95.7 131.8-98.5 34.9-3.4 56.3 20.5 64.4 71.5 28.7 181.5 41.4 208.9 93.6 126.7 18.7-29.6 28.8-52.1 30.2-67.6 4.8-45.9-35.8-42.8-63.3-31 22-72.1 64.1-107.1 126.2-105.1 45.8 1.2 67.5 31.1 64.9 89.4z"], "vine": [384, 512, [], "f1ca", "M384 254.7v52.1c-18.4 4.2-36.9 6.1-52.1 6.1-36.9 77.4-103 143.8-125.1 156.2-14 7.9-27.1 8.4-42.7-.8C137 452 34.2 367.7 0 102.7h74.5C93.2 261.8 139 343.4 189.3 404.5c27.9-27.9 54.8-65.1 75.6-106.9-49.8-25.3-80.1-80.9-80.1-145.6 0-65.6 37.7-115.1 102.2-115.1 114.9 0 106.2 127.9 81.6 181.5 0 0-46.4 9.2-63.5-20.5 3.4-11.3 8.2-30.8 8.2-48.5 0-31.3-11.3-46.6-28.4-46.6-18.2 0-30.8 17.1-30.8 50 .1 79.2 59.4 118.7 129.9 101.9z"], "vk": [576, 512, [], "f189", "M545 117.7c3.7-12.5 0-21.7-17.8-21.7h-58.9c-15 0-21.9 7.9-25.6 16.7 0 0-30 73.1-72.4 120.5-13.7 13.7-20 18.1-27.5 18.1-3.7 0-9.4-4.4-9.4-16.9V117.7c0-15-4.2-21.7-16.6-21.7h-92.6c-9.4 0-15 7-15 13.5 0 14.2 21.2 17.5 23.4 57.5v86.8c0 19-3.4 22.5-10.9 22.5-20 0-68.6-73.4-97.4-157.4-5.8-16.3-11.5-22.9-26.6-22.9H38.8c-16.8 0-20.2 7.9-20.2 16.7 0 15.6 20 93.1 93.1 195.5C160.4 378.1 229 416 291.4 416c37.5 0 42.1-8.4 42.1-22.9 0-66.8-3.4-73.1 15.4-73.1 8.7 0 23.7 4.4 58.7 38.1 40 40 46.6 57.9 69 57.9h58.9c16.8 0 25.3-8.4 20.4-25-11.2-34.9-86.9-106.7-90.3-111.5-8.7-11.2-6.2-16.2 0-26.2.1-.1 72-101.3 79.4-135.6z"], "vnv": [640, 512, [], "f40b", "M104.9 352c-34.1 0-46.4-30.4-46.4-30.4L2.6 210.1S-7.8 192 13 192h32.8c10.4 0 13.2 8.7 18.8 18.1l36.7 74.5s5.2 13.1 21.1 13.1 21.1-13.1 21.1-13.1l36.7-74.5c5.6-9.5 8.4-18.1 18.8-18.1h32.8c20.8 0 10.4 18.1 10.4 18.1l-55.8 111.5S174.2 352 140 352h-35.1zm395 0c-34.1 0-46.4-30.4-46.4-30.4l-55.9-111.5S387.2 192 408 192h32.8c10.4 0 13.2 8.7 18.8 18.1l36.7 74.5s5.2 13.1 21.1 13.1 21.1-13.1 21.1-13.1l36.8-74.5c5.6-9.5 8.4-18.1 18.8-18.1H627c20.8 0 10.4 18.1 10.4 18.1l-55.9 111.5S569.3 352 535.1 352h-35.2zM337.6 192c34.1 0 46.4 30.4 46.4 30.4l55.9 111.5s10.4 18.1-10.4 18.1h-32.8c-10.4 0-13.2-8.7-18.8-18.1l-36.7-74.5s-5.2-13.1-21.1-13.1c-15.9 0-21.1 13.1-21.1 13.1l-36.7 74.5c-5.6 9.4-8.4 18.1-18.8 18.1h-32.9c-20.8 0-10.4-18.1-10.4-18.1l55.9-111.5s12.2-30.4 46.4-30.4h35.1z"], "vuejs": [448, 512, [], "f41f", "M356.9 64.3H280l-56 88.6-48-88.6H0L224 448 448 64.3h-91.1zm-301.2 32h53.8L224 294.5 338.4 96.3h53.8L224 384.5 55.7 96.3z"], "waze": [512, 512, [], "f83f", "M502.17 201.67C516.69 287.53 471.23 369.59 389 409.8c13 34.1-12.4 70.2-48.32 70.2a51.68 51.68 0 0 1-51.57-49c-6.44.19-64.2 0-76.33-.64A51.69 51.69 0 0 1 159 479.92c-33.86-1.36-57.95-34.84-47-67.92-37.21-13.11-72.54-34.87-99.62-70.8-13-17.28-.48-41.8 20.84-41.8 46.31 0 32.22-54.17 43.15-110.26C94.8 95.2 193.12 32 288.09 32c102.48 0 197.15 70.67 214.08 169.67zM373.51 388.28c42-19.18 81.33-56.71 96.29-102.14 40.48-123.09-64.15-228-181.71-228-83.45 0-170.32 55.42-186.07 136-9.53 48.91 5 131.35-68.75 131.35C58.21 358.6 91.6 378.11 127 389.54c24.66-21.8 63.87-15.47 79.83 14.34 14.22 1 79.19 1.18 87.9.82a51.69 51.69 0 0 1 78.78-16.42zM205.12 187.13c0-34.74 50.84-34.75 50.84 0s-50.84 34.74-50.84 0zm116.57 0c0-34.74 50.86-34.75 50.86 0s-50.86 34.75-50.86 0zm-122.61 70.69c-3.44-16.94 22.18-22.18 25.62-5.21l.06.28c4.14 21.42 29.85 44 64.12 43.07 35.68-.94 59.25-22.21 64.11-42.77 4.46-16.05 28.6-10.36 25.47 6-5.23 22.18-31.21 62-91.46 62.9-42.55 0-80.88-27.84-87.9-64.25z"], "weebly": [512, 512, [], "f5cc", "M425.09 65.83c-39.88 0-73.28 25.73-83.66 64.33-18.16-58.06-65.5-64.33-84.95-64.33-19.78 0-66.8 6.28-85.28 64.33-10.38-38.6-43.45-64.33-83.66-64.33C38.59 65.83 0 99.72 0 143.03c0 28.96 4.18 33.27 77.17 233.48 22.37 60.57 67.77 69.35 92.74 69.35 39.23 0 70.04-19.46 85.93-53.98 15.89 34.83 46.69 54.29 85.93 54.29 24.97 0 70.36-9.1 92.74-69.67 76.55-208.65 77.5-205.58 77.5-227.2.63-48.32-36.01-83.47-86.92-83.47zm26.34 114.81l-65.57 176.44c-7.92 21.49-21.22 37.22-46.24 37.22-23.44 0-37.38-12.41-44.03-33.9l-39.28-117.42h-.95L216.08 360.4c-6.96 21.5-20.9 33.6-44.02 33.6-25.02 0-38.33-15.74-46.24-37.22L60.88 181.55c-5.38-14.83-7.92-23.91-7.92-34.5 0-16.34 15.84-29.36 38.33-29.36 18.69 0 31.99 11.8 36.11 29.05l44.03 139.82h.95l44.66-136.79c6.02-19.67 16.47-32.08 38.96-32.08s32.94 12.11 38.96 32.08l44.66 136.79h.95l44.03-139.82c4.12-17.25 17.42-29.05 36.11-29.05 22.17 0 38.33 13.32 38.33 35.71-.32 7.87-4.12 16.04-7.61 27.24z"], "weibo": [512, 512, [], "f18a", "M407 177.6c7.6-24-13.4-46.8-37.4-41.7-22 4.8-28.8-28.1-7.1-32.8 50.1-10.9 92.3 37.1 76.5 84.8-6.8 21.2-38.8 10.8-32-10.3zM214.8 446.7C108.5 446.7 0 395.3 0 310.4c0-44.3 28-95.4 76.3-143.7C176 67 279.5 65.8 249.9 161c-4 13.1 12.3 5.7 12.3 6 79.5-33.6 140.5-16.8 114 51.4-3.7 9.4 1.1 10.9 8.3 13.1 135.7 42.3 34.8 215.2-169.7 215.2zm143.7-146.3c-5.4-55.7-78.5-94-163.4-85.7-84.8 8.6-148.8 60.3-143.4 116s78.5 94 163.4 85.7c84.8-8.6 148.8-60.3 143.4-116zM347.9 35.1c-25.9 5.6-16.8 43.7 8.3 38.3 72.3-15.2 134.8 52.8 111.7 124-7.4 24.2 29.1 37 37.4 12 31.9-99.8-55.1-195.9-157.4-174.3zm-78.5 311c-17.1 38.8-66.8 60-109.1 46.3-40.8-13.1-58-53.4-40.3-89.7 17.7-35.4 63.1-55.4 103.4-45.1 42 10.8 63.1 50.2 46 88.5zm-86.3-30c-12.9-5.4-30 .3-38 12.9-8.3 12.9-4.3 28 8.6 34 13.1 6 30.8.3 39.1-12.9 8-13.1 3.7-28.3-9.7-34zm32.6-13.4c-5.1-1.7-11.4.6-14.3 5.4-2.9 5.1-1.4 10.6 3.7 12.9 5.1 2 11.7-.3 14.6-5.4 2.8-5.2 1.1-10.9-4-12.9z"], "weixin": [576, 512, [], "f1d7", "M385.2 167.6c6.4 0 12.6.3 18.8 1.1C387.4 90.3 303.3 32 207.7 32 100.5 32 13 104.8 13 197.4c0 53.4 29.3 97.5 77.9 131.6l-19.3 58.6 68-34.1c24.4 4.8 43.8 9.7 68.2 9.7 6.2 0 12.1-.3 18.3-.8-4-12.9-6.2-26.6-6.2-40.8-.1-84.9 72.9-154 165.3-154zm-104.5-52.9c14.5 0 24.2 9.7 24.2 24.4 0 14.5-9.7 24.2-24.2 24.2-14.8 0-29.3-9.7-29.3-24.2.1-14.7 14.6-24.4 29.3-24.4zm-136.4 48.6c-14.5 0-29.3-9.7-29.3-24.2 0-14.8 14.8-24.4 29.3-24.4 14.8 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 24.4 0 14.6-9.6 24.2-24.4 24.2zM563 319.4c0-77.9-77.9-141.3-165.4-141.3-92.7 0-165.4 63.4-165.4 141.3S305 460.7 397.6 460.7c19.3 0 38.9-5.1 58.6-9.9l53.4 29.3-14.8-48.6C534 402.1 563 363.2 563 319.4zm-219.1-24.5c-9.7 0-19.3-9.7-19.3-19.6 0-9.7 9.7-19.3 19.3-19.3 14.8 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 19.3 0 10-9.7 19.6-24.4 19.6zm107.1 0c-9.7 0-19.3-9.7-19.3-19.6 0-9.7 9.7-19.3 19.3-19.3 14.5 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 19.3.1 10-9.9 19.6-24.4 19.6z"], "whatsapp": [448, 512, [], "f232", "M380.9 97.1C339 55.1 283.2 32 223.9 32c-122.4 0-222 99.6-222 222 0 39.1 10.2 77.3 29.6 111L0 480l117.7-30.9c32.4 17.7 68.9 27 106.1 27h.1c122.3 0 224.1-99.6 224.1-222 0-59.3-25.2-115-67.1-157zm-157 341.6c-33.2 0-65.7-8.9-94-25.7l-6.7-4-69.8 18.3L72 359.2l-4.4-7c-18.5-29.4-28.2-63.3-28.2-98.2 0-101.7 82.8-184.5 184.6-184.5 49.3 0 95.6 19.2 130.4 54.1 34.8 34.9 56.2 81.2 56.1 130.5 0 101.8-84.9 184.6-186.6 184.6zm101.2-138.2c-5.5-2.8-32.8-16.2-37.9-18-5.1-1.9-8.8-2.8-12.5 2.8-3.7 5.6-14.3 18-17.6 21.8-3.2 3.7-6.5 4.2-12 1.4-32.6-16.3-54-29.1-75.5-66-5.7-9.8 5.7-9.1 16.3-30.3 1.8-3.7.9-6.9-.5-9.7-1.4-2.8-12.5-30.1-17.1-41.2-4.5-10.8-9.1-9.3-12.5-9.5-3.2-.2-6.9-.2-10.6-.2-3.7 0-9.7 1.4-14.8 6.9-5.1 5.6-19.4 19-19.4 46.3 0 27.3 19.9 53.7 22.6 57.4 2.8 3.7 39.1 59.7 94.8 83.8 35.2 15.2 49 16.5 66.6 13.9 10.7-1.6 32.8-13.4 37.4-26.4 4.6-13 4.6-24.1 3.2-26.4-1.3-2.5-5-3.9-10.5-6.6z"], "whatsapp-square": [448, 512, [], "f40c", "M224 122.8c-72.7 0-131.8 59.1-131.9 131.8 0 24.9 7 49.2 20.2 70.1l3.1 5-13.3 48.6 49.9-13.1 4.8 2.9c20.2 12 43.4 18.4 67.1 18.4h.1c72.6 0 133.3-59.1 133.3-131.8 0-35.2-15.2-68.3-40.1-93.2-25-25-58-38.7-93.2-38.7zm77.5 188.4c-3.3 9.3-19.1 17.7-26.7 18.8-12.6 1.9-22.4.9-47.5-9.9-39.7-17.2-65.7-57.2-67.7-59.8-2-2.6-16.2-21.5-16.2-41s10.2-29.1 13.9-33.1c3.6-4 7.9-5 10.6-5 2.6 0 5.3 0 7.6.1 2.4.1 5.7-.9 8.9 6.8 3.3 7.9 11.2 27.4 12.2 29.4s1.7 4.3.3 6.9c-7.6 15.2-15.7 14.6-11.6 21.6 15.3 26.3 30.6 35.4 53.9 47.1 4 2 6.3 1.7 8.6-1 2.3-2.6 9.9-11.6 12.5-15.5 2.6-4 5.3-3.3 8.9-2 3.6 1.3 23.1 10.9 27.1 12.9s6.6 3 7.6 4.6c.9 1.9.9 9.9-2.4 19.1zM400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM223.9 413.2c-26.6 0-52.7-6.7-75.8-19.3L64 416l22.5-82.2c-13.9-24-21.2-51.3-21.2-79.3C65.4 167.1 136.5 96 223.9 96c42.4 0 82.2 16.5 112.2 46.5 29.9 30 47.9 69.8 47.9 112.2 0 87.4-72.7 158.5-160.1 158.5z"], "whmcs": [448, 512, [], "f40d", "M448 161v-21.3l-28.5-8.8-2.2-10.4 20.1-20.7L427 80.4l-29 7.5-7.2-7.5 7.5-28.2-19.1-11.6-21.3 21-10.7-3.2-7-26.4h-22.6l-6.2 26.4-12.1 3.2-19.7-21-19.4 11 8.1 27.7-8.1 8.4-28.5-7.5-11 19.1 20.7 21-2.9 10.4-28.5 7.8-.3 21.7 28.8 7.5 2.4 12.1-20.1 19.9 10.4 18.5 29.6-7.5 7.2 8.6-8.1 26.9 19.9 11.6 19.4-20.4 11.6 2.9 6.7 28.5 22.6.3 6.7-28.8 11.6-3.5 20.7 21.6 20.4-12.1-8.8-28 7.8-8.1 28.8 8.8 10.3-20.1-20.9-18.8 2.2-12.1 29.1-7zm-119.2 45.2c-31.3 0-56.8-25.4-56.8-56.8s25.4-56.8 56.8-56.8 56.8 25.4 56.8 56.8c0 31.5-25.4 56.8-56.8 56.8zm72.3 16.4l46.9 14.5V277l-55.1 13.4-4.1 22.7 38.9 35.3-19.2 37.9-54-16.7-14.6 15.2 16.7 52.5-38.3 22.7-38.9-40.5-21.7 6.6-12.6 54-42.4-.5-12.6-53.6-21.7-5.6-36.4 38.4-37.4-21.7 15.2-50.5-13.7-16.1-55.5 14.1-19.7-34.8 37.9-37.4-4.8-22.8-54-14.1.5-40.9L54 219.9l5.7-19.7-38.9-39.4L41.5 125l53.6 14.1 15.2-15.7-15.2-52 36.4-20.7 36.8 39.4L191 84l11.6-52H245l11.6 45.9L234 72l-6.3-1.7-3.3 5.7-11 19.1-3.3 5.6 4.6 4.6 17.2 17.4-.3 1-23.8 6.5-6.2 1.7-.1 6.4-.2 12.9C153.8 161.6 118 204 118 254.7c0 58.3 47.3 105.7 105.7 105.7 50.5 0 92.7-35.4 103.2-82.8l13.2.2 6.9.1 1.6-6.7 5.6-24 1.9-.6 17.1 17.8 4.7 4.9 5.8-3.4 20.4-12.1 5.8-3.5-2-6.5-6.8-21.2z"], "wikipedia-w": [640, 512, [], "f266", "M640 51.2l-.3 12.2c-28.1.8-45 15.8-55.8 40.3-25 57.8-103.3 240-155.3 358.6H415l-81.9-193.1c-32.5 63.6-68.3 130-99.2 193.1-.3.3-15 0-15-.3C172 352.3 122.8 243.4 75.8 133.4 64.4 106.7 26.4 63.4.2 63.7c0-3.1-.3-10-.3-14.2h161.9v13.9c-19.2 1.1-52.8 13.3-43.3 34.2 21.9 49.7 103.6 240.3 125.6 288.6 15-29.7 57.8-109.2 75.3-142.8-13.9-28.3-58.6-133.9-72.8-160-9.7-17.8-36.1-19.4-55.8-19.7V49.8l142.5.3v13.1c-19.4.6-38.1 7.8-29.4 26.1 18.9 40 30.6 68.1 48.1 104.7 5.6-10.8 34.7-69.4 48.1-100.8 8.9-20.6-3.9-28.6-38.6-29.4.3-3.6 0-10.3.3-13.6 44.4-.3 111.1-.3 123.1-.6v13.6c-22.5.8-45.8 12.8-58.1 31.7l-59.2 122.8c6.4 16.1 63.3 142.8 69.2 156.7L559.2 91.8c-8.6-23.1-36.4-28.1-47.2-28.3V49.6l127.8"], "windows": [448, 512, [], "f17a", "M0 93.7l183.6-25.3v177.4H0V93.7zm0 324.6l183.6 25.3V268.4H0v149.9zm203.8 28L448 480V268.4H203.8v177.9zm0-380.6v180.1H448V32L203.8 65.7z"], "wix": [640, 512, [], "f5cf", "M393.38 131.69c0 13.03 2.08 32.69-28.68 43.83-9.52 3.45-15.95 9.66-15.95 9.66 0-31 4.72-42.22 17.4-48.86 9.75-5.11 27.23-4.63 27.23-4.63zm-115.8 35.54l-34.24 132.66-28.48-108.57c-7.69-31.99-20.81-48.53-48.43-48.53-27.37 0-40.66 16.18-48.43 48.53L89.52 299.89 55.28 167.23C49.73 140.51 23.86 128.96 0 131.96l65.57 247.93s21.63 1.56 32.46-3.96c14.22-7.25 20.98-12.84 29.59-46.57 7.67-30.07 29.11-118.41 31.12-124.7 4.76-14.94 11.09-13.81 15.4 0 1.97 6.3 23.45 94.63 31.12 124.7 8.6 33.73 15.37 39.32 29.59 46.57 10.82 5.52 32.46 3.96 32.46 3.96l65.57-247.93c-24.42-3.07-49.82 8.93-55.3 35.27zm115.78 5.21s-4.1 6.34-13.46 11.57c-6.01 3.36-11.78 5.64-17.97 8.61-15.14 7.26-13.18 13.95-13.18 35.2v152.07s16.55 2.09 27.37-3.43c13.93-7.1 17.13-13.95 17.26-44.78V181.41l-.02.01v-8.98zm163.44 84.08L640 132.78s-35.11-5.98-52.5 9.85c-13.3 12.1-24.41 29.55-54.18 72.47-.47.73-6.25 10.54-13.07 0-29.29-42.23-40.8-60.29-54.18-72.47-17.39-15.83-52.5-9.85-52.5-9.85l83.2 123.74-82.97 123.36s36.57 4.62 53.95-11.21c11.49-10.46 17.58-20.37 52.51-70.72 6.81-10.52 12.57-.77 13.07 0 29.4 42.38 39.23 58.06 53.14 70.72 17.39 15.83 53.32 11.21 53.32 11.21L556.8 256.52z"], "wizards-of-the-coast": [640, 512, [], "f730", "M219.19 345.69c-1.9 1.38-11.07 8.44-.26 23.57 4.64 6.42 14.11 12.79 21.73 6.55 6.5-4.88 7.35-12.92.26-23.04-5.47-7.76-14.28-12.88-21.73-7.08zm336.75 75.94c-.34 1.7-.55 1.67.79 0 2.09-4.19 4.19-10.21 4.98-19.9 3.14-38.49-40.33-71.49-101.34-78.03-54.73-6.02-124.38 9.17-188.8 60.49l-.26 1.57c2.62 4.98 4.98 10.74 3.4 21.21l.79.26c63.89-58.4 131.19-77.25 184.35-73.85 58.4 3.67 100.03 34.04 100.03 68.08-.01 9.96-2.63 15.72-3.94 20.17zM392.28 240.42c.79 7.07 4.19 10.21 9.17 10.47 5.5.26 9.43-2.62 10.47-6.55.79-3.4 2.09-29.85 2.09-29.85s-11.26 6.55-14.93 10.47c-3.66 3.68-7.33 8.39-6.8 15.46zm-50.02-151.1C137.75 89.32 13.1 226.8.79 241.2c-1.05.52- 1.31 60.49 16.5 155.81 81.18 196.13 202.16l1.05.26c55.25-69.92 140.88-128.05 236.99-128.05 80.92 0 130.15 42.16 130.15 80.39 0 18.33-6.55 33.52-22.26 46.35 0 .96-. 14.66-10.74 27.5-28.8 27.5-48.18 0-22.78-12.05-38.23-12.05-38.23 7.07 7.07 10.74 16.24 10.74 16.24 5.76-40.85 26.97-62.32 26.97-62.32-2.36-9.69-6.81-17.81-6.81-17.81 7.59 8.12 14.4 27.5 14.4 41.37 0 10.47-3.4 22.78-12.57 31.95l.26.52c8.12-4.98 16.5-16.76 16.5-37.97 0-15.71-4.71-25.92-4.71-25.92 5.76-5.24 11.26-9.17 15.97-11.78.79 3.4 2.09 9.69 2.36 14.93 0 1.05.79 1.83 1.05 0 .79-5.76-.26-16.24-.26-16.5 6.02-3.14 9.69-4.45 9.69-4.45C617.74 176 489.43 89.32 342.26 89.32zm-99.24 289.62c-11.06 8.99-24.2 4.08-30.64-4.19-7.45-9.58-6.76-24.09 4.19-32.47 14.85-11.35 27.08-.49 31.16 12.13 16.57-4.71 31.16zm2.09-136.43l9.43-17.81 11.78 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3.93l-.26-.26c1.05-1.31 1.05-2.88.26-4.98-1.05-3.14-8.12-23.83-9.17-27.23-.52-1.83-1.57-3.14-2.62-3.14v-.52c3.14-1.05 6.02-2.09 10.74-3.4l.26.26-.26 4.71c1.31 3.93 2.36 7.59 3.14 9.69h.26c3.93-1.31 9.43-2.88 12.83-3.93l.26-.26-2.62-9.43c-.52-1.83-1.05-3.4-2.62-3.93v-.26c4.45-1.05 7.33-1.83 10.74-2.36l.26.26c-1.05 1.31-1.05 2.88-.52 4.45 1.57 6.28 4.71 20.43 6.28 26.45.54 2.62 1.85 3.41 2.63 3.93zm32.21-6.81l-.26.26c-4.71.52-14.14 2.36-22.52 4.19l-.26-.26.79-4.19c-1.57-7.86-3.4-18.59-4.98-26.19-.26-1.83-.79-2.88-2.62-3.67l.79-.52c9.17-1.57 20.16-2.36 24.88-2.62l.26.26c.52 2.36.79 3.14 1.57 5.5l-.26.26c-1.14-1.14-3.34-3.2-16.24-.79l-.26.26c.26 1.57 1.05 6.55 1.57 9.95l.26.26c9.52-1.68 4.76-.06 10.74-2.36h.26c0 1.57-.26 1.83-.26 5.24h-.26c-4.81-1.03-2.15-.9-10.21 0l-.26.26c.26 2.09 1.57 9.43 2.09 12.57l.26.26c1.15.38 14.21-.65 16.24-4.71h.26c-.53 2.38-1.05 4.21-1.58 6.04zm10.74-44.51c-4.45 2.36-8.12 2.88-11 2.88-.25.02-11.41 1.09-17.54-9.95-6.74-10.79-.98-25.2 5.5-31.69 8.8-8.12 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10.74 19.38-2.61 8.9-9.42 13.87-18.85 11.52zm42.16 9.69c-2.36-.52-7.07-2.36-8.64-2.88v-.26l1.57-1.83c.59-8.24.59-7.27.26-7.59-4.82-1.81-6.66-2.36-7.07-2.36-1.31 1.83-2.88 4.45-3.67 5.5l-.79 3.4v.26c-1.31-.26-3.93-1.31-6.02-1.57v-.26l2.62-1.83c3.4-4.71 9.95-14.14 13.88-20.16v-2.09l.52-.26c2.09.79 5.5 2.09 7.59 25.14-.24 1.81.02 2.6.8 3.91zm-4.71-89.82c11.25-18.27 30.76-16.19 34.04-3.4L539.7 198c2.34-6.25-2.82-9.9-4.45-11.26l1.83-3.67c12.22 10.37 16.38 13.97 22.52 20.43-25.91 73.07-30.76 80.81-24.62 84.32l-1.83 4.45c-6.37-3.35-8.9-4.42-17.81-8.64l2.09-6.81c-.26-.26-3.93 3.93-9.69 3.67-19.06-1.3-22.89-31.75-9.67-52.9zm29.33 79.34c0-5.71-6.34-7.89-7.86-5.24-1.31 2.09 1.05 4.98 2.88 8.38 1.57 2.62 2.62 6.28 1.05 9.43-2.64 6.34-12.4 5.31-15.45-.79 0-.7-.27.09 1.83-4.71l.79-.26c-.57 5.66 6.06 9.61 8.38 4.98 1.05-2.09-.52-5.5-2.09-8.38-1.57-2.62-3.67-6.28-1.83-9.69 2.72-5.06 11.25-4.47 14.66 2.36v.52l-2.36 3.4zm21.21 13.36c-1.96-3.27-.91-2.14-4.45-4.71h-.26c-2.36 4.19-5.76 10.47-8.64 16.24-1.31 2.36-1.05 3.4-.79 3.93l-.26.26-5.76-4.45.26-.26 2.09-1.31c3.14-5.76 6.55-12.05 9.17-17.02v-.26c-2.64-1.98-1.22-1.51-6.02-1.83v-.26l3.14-3.4h.26c3.67 2.36 9.95 6.81 12.31 8.9l.26.26-1.31 3.91zm27.23-44.26l-2.88-2.88c.79-2.36 1.83-4.98 2.09-7.59.75-9.74-11.52-11.84-11.52-4.98 0 4.98 7.86 19.38 7.86 27.76 0 10.21-5.76 15.71-13.88 16.5-8.38.79-20.16-10.47-20.16-10.47l4.98-14.4 2.88 2.09c-2.97 17.8 17.68 20.37 13.35 5.24-1.06-4.02-18.75-34.2 2.09-38.23 13.62-2.36 23.04 16.5 23.04 16.5l-7.85 10.46zm35.62-10.21c-11-30.38-60.49-127.53-191.95-129.62-53.42-1.05-94.27 15.45-132.76 37.97l85.63-9.17-91.39 20.69 25.14 19.64-3.93-16.5c7.5-1.71 39.15-8.45 66.77-8.9l-22.26 80.39c13.61-.7 18.97-8.98 19.64-22.78l4.98-1.05.26 26.71c-22.46 3.21-37.3 6.69-49.49 9.95l13.09-43.21-61.54-36.66 2.36 8.12 10.21 4.98c6.28 18.59 19.38 56.56 20.43 58.66 1.95 4.28 3.16 5.78 12.05 4.45l1.05 4.98c-16.08 4.86-23.66 7.61-39.02 14.4l-2.36-4.71c4.4-2.94 8.73-3.94 5.5-12.83-23.7-62.5-21.48-58.14-22.78-59.44l2.36-4.45 33.52 67.3c-3.84-11.87 1.68 1.69-32.99-78.82l-41.9 88.51 4.71-13.88-35.88-42.16 27.76 93.48-11.78 8.38C95 228.58 101.05 231.87 93.23 231.52c-5.5-.26-13.62 5.5-13.62 5.5L74.63 231c30.56-23.53 31.62-24.33 58.4-42.68l4.19 7.07s-5.76 4.19-7.86 7.07c-5.9 9.28 1.67 13.28 61.8 75.68l-18.85-58.92 39.8-10.21 25.66 30.64 4.45-12.31-4.98-24.62 13.09-3.4.52 3.14 3.67-10.47-94.27 29.33 11.26-4.98-13.62-42.42 17.28-9.17 30.11 36.14 28.54-13.09c-1.41-7.47-2.47-14.5-4.71-19.64l17.28 13.88 4.71-2.09-59.18-42.68 23.08 11.5c18.98-6.07 25.23-7.47 32.21-9.69l2.62 11c-12.55 12.55 1.43 16.82 6.55 19.38l-13.62-61.01 12.05 28.28c4.19-1.31 7.33-2.09 7.33-2.09l2.62 8.64s-3.14 1.05-6.28 2.09l8.9 20.95 33.78-65.73-20.69 61.01c42.42-24.09 81.44-36.66 131.98-35.88 67.04 1.05 167.33 40.85 199.8 139.83.78 2.1-.01 2.63-.79.27zM203.48 152.43s1.83-.52 4.19-1.31l9.43 7.59c-.4 0-3.44-.25-11.26 2.36l-2.36-8.64zm143.76 38.5c-1.57-.6-26.46-4.81-33.26 20.69l21.73 17.02 11.53-37.71zM318.43 67.07c-58.4 0-106.05 12.05-114.96 14.4v.79c8.38 2.09 14.4 4.19 21.21 11.78l1.57.26c6.55-1.83 48.97-13.88 110.24-13.88 180.16 0 301.67 116.79 301.67 223.37v9.95c0 1.31.79 2.62 169.68c1.31-5.76 0-12.31-7.33-13.09-9.62-1.13-16.14 23.79-17.02 33.52-.79 5.5-1.31 14.93 6.02 14.93 4.68-.01 9.72-.91 18.33-35.36zm-61.53 42.95c-2.62-.79-9.43-.79-12.57 10.47-1.83 6.81.52 13.35 6.02 14.66 3.67 1.05 8.9.52 11.78-10.74 2.62-9.94-1.83-13.61-5.23-14.39zM491 300.65c1.83.52 3.14 1.05 5.76 1.83 0-1.83.52-8.38.79-12.05-1.05 1.31-5.5 8.12-6.55 9.95v.27z"], "wolf-pack-battalion": [512, 512, [], "f514", "M267.73 471.53l10.56 15.84 5.28-12.32 5.28 7V512c21.06-7.92 21.11-66.86 25.51-97.21 4.62-31.89-.88-92.81 81.37-149.11-8.88-23.61-12-49.43-2.64-80.05C421 189 447 196.21 456.43 239.73l-30.35 8.36c11.15 23 17 46.76 13.2 72.14L412 313.18l-6.16 33.43-18.47-7-8.8 33.39-19.35-7 26.39 21.11 8.8-28.15L419 364.2l7-35.63 26.39 14.52c.25-20 7-58.06-8.8-84.45l26.39 5.28c4-22.07-2.38-39.21-7.92-56.74l22.43 9.68c-.44-25.07-29.94-56.79-61.58-58.5-20.22-1.09-56.74-25.17-54.1-51.9 2-19.87 17.45-42.62 43.11-49.7-44 36.51-9.68 67.3 5.28 73.46 4.4-11.44 17.54-69.08 0-130.2-40.39 22.87-89.65 65.1-93.2 147.79l-58 38.71-3.52 93.25L369.78 220l7 7-17.59 3.52-44 38.71-15.84-5.28-28.1 49.25-3.52 119.64 21.11 15.84-32.55 15.84-32.55-15.84 21.11-15.84-3.52-119.64-28.15-49.26-15.84 5.28-44-38.71-17.58-3.51 7-7 107.33 59.82-3.52-93.25-58.06-38.71C185 65.1 135.77 22.87 95.3 0c-17.54 61.12-4.4 118.76 0 130.2 15-6.16 49.26-36.95 5.28-73.46 25.66 7.08 41.15 29.83 43.11 49.7 2.63 26.74-33.88 50.81-54.1 51.9-31.65 1.72-61.15 33.44-61.59 58.51l22.43-9.68c-5.54 17.53-11.91 34.67-7.92 56.74l26.39-5.28c-15.76 26.39-9.05 64.43-8.8 84.45l26.39-14.52 7 35.63 24.63-5.28 8.8 28.15L153.35 366 134 373l-8.8-33.43-18.47 7-6.16-33.43-27.27 7c-3.82-25.38 2-49.1 13.2-72.14l-30.35-8.36c9.4-43.52 35.47-50.77 63.34-54.1 9.36 30.62 6.24 56.45-2.64 80.05 82.25 56.3 76.75 117.23 81.37 149.11 4.4 30.35 4.45 89.29 25.51 97.21v-29.83l5.28-7 5.28 12.32 10.56-15.84 11.44 21.11 11.43-21.1zm79.17-95L331.06 366c7.47-4.36 13.76-8.42 19.35-12.32-.6 7.22-.27 13.84-3.51 22.84zm28.15-49.26c-.4 10.94-.9 21.66-1.76 31.67-7.85-1.86-15.57-3.8-21.11-7 8.24-7.94 15.55-16.32 22.87-24.68zm24.63 5.28c0-13.43-2.05-24.21-5.28-33.43a235 235 0 0 1-18.47 27.27zm3.52-80.94c19.44 12.81 27.8 33.66 29.91 56.3-12.32-4.53-24.63-9.31-36.95-10.56 5.06-12 6.65-28.14 7-45.74zm-1.76-45.74c.81 14.3 1.84 28.82 1.76 42.23 19.22-8.11 29.78-9.72 44-14.08-10.61-18.96-27.2-25.53-45.76-28.16zM165.68 376.52L181.52 366c-7.47-4.36-13.76-8.42-19.35-12.32.6 7.26.27 13.88 3.51 22.88zm-28.15-49.26c.4 10.94.9 21.66 1.76 31.67 7.85-1.86 15.57-3.8 21.11-7-8.24-7.93-15.55-16.31-22.87-24.67zm-24.64 5.28c0-13.43 2-24.21 5.28-33.43a235 235 0 0 0 18.47 27.27zm-3.52-80.94c-19.44 12.81-27.8 33.66-29.91 56.3 12.32-4.53 24.63-9.31 37-10.56-5-12-6.65-28.14-7-45.74zm1.76-45.74c-.81 14.3-1.84 28.82-1.76 42.23-19.22-8.11-29.78-9.72-44-14.08 10.63-18.95 27.23-25.52 45.76-28.15z"], "wordpress": [512, 512, [], "f19a", "M61.7 169.4l101.5 278C92.2 413 43.3 340.2 43.3 256c0-30.9 6.6-60.1 18.4-86.6zm337.9 75.9c0-26.3-9.4-44.5-17.5-58.7-10.8-17.5-20.9-32.4-20.9-49.9 0-19.6 14.8-37.8 35.7-37.8.9 0 1.8.1 2.8.2-37.9-34.7-88.3-55.9-143.7-55.9-74.3 0-139.7 38.1-177.8 95.9 5 .2 9.7.3 13.7.3 22.2 0 56.7-2.7 56.7-2.7 11.5-.7 12.8 16.2 1.4 17.5 0 0-11.5 1.3-24.3 2l77.5 230.4L249.8 247l-33.1-90.8c-11.5-.7-22.3-2-22.3-2-11.5-.7-10.1-18.2 1.3-17.5 0 0 35.1 2.7 56 2.7 22.2 0 56.7-2.7 56.7-2.7 11.5-.7 12.8 16.2 1.4 17.5 0 0-11.5 1.3-24.3 2l76.9 228.7 21.2-70.9c9-29.4 16-50.5 16-68.7zm-139.9 29.3l-63.8 185.5c19.1 5.6 39.2 8.7 60.1 8.7 24.8 0 48.5-4.3 70.6-12.1-.6-.9-1.1-1.9-1.5-2.9l-65.4-179.2zm183-120.7c.9 6.8 1.4 14 1.4 21.9 0 21.6-4 45.8-16.2 76.2l-65 187.9C426.2 403 468.7 334.5 468.7 256c0-37-9.4-71.8-26-102.1zM504 256c0 136.8-111.3 248-248 248C119.2 504 8 392.7 8 256 8 119.2 119.2 8 256 8c136.7 0 248 111.2 248 248zm-11.4 0c0-130.5-106.2-236.6-236.6-236.6C125.5 19.4 19.4 125.5 19.4 256S125.6 492.6 256 492.6c130.5 0 236.6-106.1 236.6-236.6z"], "wordpress-simple": [512, 512, [], "f411", "M256 8C119.3 8 8 119.2 8 256c0 136.7 111.3 248 248 248s248-111.3 248-248C504 119.2 392.7 8 256 8zM33 256c0-32.3 6.9-63 19.3-90.7l106.4 291.4C84.3 420.5 33 344.2 33 256zm223 223c-21.9 0-43-3.2-63-9.1l66.9-194.4 68.5 187.8c.5 1.1 1 2.1 1.6 3.1-23.1 8.1-48 12.6-74 12.6zm30.7-327.5c13.4-.7 25.5-2.1 25.5-2.1 12-1.4 10.6-19.1-1.4-18.4 0 0-36.1 2.8-59.4 2.8-21.9 0-58.7-2.8-58.7-2.8-12-.7-13.4 17.7-1.4 18.4 0 0 11.4 1.4 23.4 2.1l34.7 95.2L200.6 393l-81.2-241.5c13.4-.7 25.5-2.1 25.5-2.1 12-1.4 10.6-19.1-1.4-18.4 0 0-36.1 2.8-59.4 2.8-4.2 0-9.1-.1-14.4-.3C109.6 73 178.1 33 256 33c58 0 110.9 22.2 150.6 58.5-1-.1-1.9-.2-2.9-.2-21.9 0-37.4 19.1-37.4 39.6 0 18.4 10.6 33.9 21.9 52.3 8.5 14.8 18.4 33.9 18.4 61.5 0 19.1-7.3 41.2-17 72.1l-22.2 74.3-80.7-239.6zm81.4 297.2l68.1-196.9c12.7-31.8 17-57.2 17-79.9 0-8.2-.5-15.8-1.5-22.9 17.4 31.8 27.3 68.2 27.3 107 0 82.3-44.6 154.1-110.9 192.7z"], "wpbeginner": [512, 512, [], "f297", "M462.799 322.374C519.01 386.682 466.961 480 370.944 480c-39.602 0-78.824-17.687-100.142-50.04-6.887.356-22.702.356-29.59 0C219.848 462.381 180.588 480 141.069 480c-95.49 0-148.348-92.996-91.855-157.626C-29.925 190.523 80.479 32 256.006 32c175.632 0 285.87 158.626 206.793 290.374zm-339.647-82.972h41.529v-58.075h-41.529v58.075zm217.18 86.072v-23.839c-60.506 20.915-132.355 9.198-187.589-33.971l.246 24.897c51.101 46.367 131.746 57.875 187.343 32.913zm-150.753-86.072h166.058v-58.075H189.579v58.075z"], "wpexplorer": [512, 512, [], "f2de", "M512 256c0 141.2-114.7 256-256 256C114.8 512 0 397.3 0 256S114.7 0 256 0s256 114.7 256 256zm-32 0c0-123.2-100.3-224-224-224C132.5 32 32 132.5 32 256s100.5 224 224 224 224-100.5 224-224zM160.9 124.6l86.9 37.1-37.1 86.9-86.9-37.1 37.1-86.9zm110 169.1l46.6 94h-14.6l-50-100-48.9 100h-14l51.1-106.9-22.3-9.4 6-14 68.6 29.1-6 14.3-16.5-7.1zm-11.8-116.3l68.6 29.4-29.4 68.3L230 246l29.1-68.6zm80.3 42.9l54.6 23.1-23.4 54.3-54.3-23.1 23.1-54.3z"], "wpforms": [448, 512, [], "f298", "M448 75.2v361.7c0 24.3-19 43.2-43.2 43.2H43.2C19.3 480 0 461.4 0 436.8V75.2C0 51.1 18.8 32 43.2 32h361.7c24 0 43.1 18.8 43.1 43.2zm-37.3 361.6V75.2c0-3-2.6-5.8-5.8-5.8h-9.3L285.3 144 224 94.1 162.8 144 52.5 69.3h-9.3c-3.2 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 5.8v361.7c0 3 2.6 5.8 5.8 5.8h361.7c3.2.1 5.8-2.7 5.8-5.8zM150.2 186v37H76.7v-37h73.5zm0 74.4v37.3H76.7v-37.3h73.5zm11.1-147.3l54-43.7H96.8l64.5 43.7zm210 72.9v37h-196v-37h196zm0 74.4v37.3h-196v-37.3h196zm-84.6-147.3l64.5-43.7H232.8l53.9 43.7zM371.3 335v37.3h-99.4V335h99.4z"], "wpressr": [496, 512, [], "f3e4", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm171.33 158.6c-15.18 34.51-30.37 69.02-45.63 103.5-2.44 5.51-6.89 8.24-12.97 8.24-23.02-.01-46.03.06-69.05-.05-5.12-.03-8.25 1.89-10.34 6.72-10.19 23.56-20.63 47-30.95 70.5-1.54 3.51-4.06 5.29-7.92 5.29-45.94-.01-91.87-.02-137.81 0-3.13 0-5.63-1.15-7.72-3.45-11.21-12.33-22.46-24.63-33.68-36.94-2.69-2.95-2.79-6.18-1.21-9.73 8.66-19.54 17.27-39.1 25.89-58.66 12.93-29.35 25.89-58.69 38.75-88.08 1.7-3.88 4.28-5.68 8.54-5.65 14.24.1 28.48.02 42.72.05 6.24.01 9.2 4.84 6.66 10.59-13.6 30.77-27.17 61.55-40.74 92.33-5.72 12.99-11.42 25.99-17.09 39-3.91 8.95 7.08 11.97 10.95 5.6.23-.37-1.42 4.18 30.01-67.69 1.36-3.1 3.41-4.4 6.77-4.39 15.21.08 30.43.02 45.64.04 5.56.01 7.91 3.64 5.66 8.75-8.33 18.96-16.71 37.9-24.98 56.89-4.98 11.43 8.08 12.49 11.28 5.33.04-.08 27.89-63.33 32.19-73.16 2.02-4.61 5.44-6.51 10.35-6.5 26.43.05 52.86 0 79.29.05 12.44.02 13.93-13.65 3.9-13.64-25.26.03-50.52.02-75.78.02-6.27 0-7.84-2.47-5.27-8.27 5.78-13.06 11.59-26.11 17.3-39.21 1.73-3.96 4.52-5.79 8.84-5.78 23.09.06 25.98.02 130.78.03 6.08-.01 8.03 2.79 5.62 8.27z"], "xbox": [512, 512, [], "f412", "M369.9 318.2c44.3 54.3 64.7 98.8 54.4 118.7-7.9 15.1-56.7 44.6-92.6 55.9-29.6 9.3-68.4 13.3-100.4 10.2-38.2-3.7-76.9-17.4-110.1-39C93.3 445.8 87 438.3 87 423.4c0-29.9 32.9-82.3 89.2-142.1 32-33.9 76.5-73.7 81.4-72.6 9.4 2.1 84.3 75.1 112.3 109.5zM188.6 143.8c-29.7-26.9-58.1-53.9-86.4-63.4-15.2-5.1-16.3-4.8-28.7 8.1-29.2 30.4-53.5 79.7-60.3 122.4-5.4 34.2-6.1 43.8-4.2 60.5 5.6 50.5 17.3 85.4 40.5 120.9 9.5 14.6 12.1 17.3 9.3 9.9-4.2-11-.3-37.5 9.5-64 14.3-39 53.9-112.9 120.3-194.4zm311.6 63.5C483.3 127.3 432.7 77 425.6 77c-7.3 0-24.2 6.5-36 13.9-23.3 14.5-41 31.4-64.3 52.8C367.7 197 427.5 283.1 448.2 346c6.8 20.7 9.7 41.1 7.4 52.3-1.7 8.5-1.7 8.5 1.4 4.6 6.1-7.7 19.9-31.3 25.4-43.5 7.4-16.2 15-40.2 18.6-58.7 4.3-22.5 3.9-70.8-.8-93.4zM141.3 43C189 40.5 251 77.5 255.6 78.4c.7.1 10.4-4.2 21.6-9.7 63.9-31.1 94-25.8 107.4-25.2-63.9-39.3-152.7-50-233.9-11.7-23.4 11.1-24 11.9-9.4 11.2z"], "xing": [384, 512, [], "f168", "M162.7 210c-1.8 3.3-25.2 44.4-70.1 123.5-4.9 8.3-10.8 12.5-17.7 12.5H9.8c-7.7 0-12.1-7.5-8.5-14.4l69-121.3c.2 0 .2-.1 0-.3l-43.9-75.6c-4.3-7.8.3-14.1 8.5-14.1H100c7.3 0 13.3 4.1 18 12.2l44.7 77.5zM382.6 46.1l-144 253v.3L330.2 466c3.9 7.1.2 14.1-8.5 14.1h-65.2c-7.6 0-13.6-4-18-12.2l-92.4-168.5c3.3-5.8 51.5-90.8 144.8-255.2 4.6-8.1 10.4-12.2 17.5-12.2h65.7c8 0 12.3 6.7 8.5 14.1z"], "xing-square": [448, 512, [], "f169", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM140.4 320.2H93.8c-5.5 0-8.7-5.3-6-10.3l49.3-86.7c.1 0 .1-.1 0-.2l-31.4-54c-3-5.6.2-10.1 6-10.1h46.6c5.2 0 9.5 2.9 12.9 8.7l31.9 55.3c-1.3 2.3-18 31.7-50.1 88.2-3.5 6.2-7.7 9.1-12.6 9.1zm219.7-214.1L257.3 286.8v.2l65.5 119c2.8 5.1.1 10.1-6 10.1h-46.6c-5.5 0-9.7-2.9-12.9-8.7l-66-120.3c2.3-4.1 36.8-64.9 103.4-182.3 3.3-5.8 7.4-8.7 12.5-8.7h46.9c5.7-.1 8.8 4.7 6 10z"], "y-combinator": [448, 512, [], "f23b", "M448 32v448H0V32h448zM236 287.5L313.5 142h-32.7L235 233c-4.7 9.3-9 18.3-12.8 26.8L210 233l-45.2-91h-35l76.7 143.8v94.5H236v-92.8z"], "yahoo": [448, 512, [], "f19e", "M252 292l4 220c-12.7-2.2-23.5-3.9-32.3-3.9-8.4 0-19.2 1.7-32.3 3.9l4-220C140.4 197.2 85 95.2 21.4 0c11.9 3.1 23 3.9 33.2 3.9 9 0 20.4-.8 34.1-3.9 40.9 72.2 82.1 138.7 135 225.5C261 163.9 314.8 81.4 358.6 0c11.1 2.9 22 3.9 32.9 3.9 11.5 0 23.2-1 35-3.9C392.1 47.9 294.9 216.9 252 292z"], "yammer": [512, 512, [], "f840", "M421.78 152.17A23.06 23.06 0 0 0 400.9 112c-.83.43-1.71.9-2.63 1.4-15.25 8.4-118.33 80.62-106.69 88.77s82.04-23.61 130.2-50zm0 217.17c-48.16-26.38-118.64-58.1-130.2-50s91.42 80.35 106.69 88.74c.92.51 1.8 1 2.63 1.41a23.07 23.07 0 0 0 20.88-40.15zM464.21 237c-.95 0-1.95-.06-3-.06-17.4 0-142.52 13.76-136.24 26.51s83.3 18.74 138.21 18.76a23 23 0 0 0 1-45.21zM31 96.65a24.88 24.88 0 0 1 46.14-18.4l81 205.06h1.21l77-203.53a23.52 23.52 0 0 1 44.45 15.27L171.2 368.44C152.65 415.66 134.08 448 77.91 448a139.67 139.67 0 0 1-23.81-1.95 21.31 21.31 0 0 1 6.9-41.77c.66.06 10.91.66 13.86.66 30.47 0 43.74-18.94 58.07-59.41z"], "yandex": [256, 512, [], "f413", "M153.1 315.8L65.7 512H2l96-209.8c-45.1-22.9-75.2-64.4-75.2-141.1C22.7 53.7 90.8 0 171.7 0H254v512h-55.1V315.8h-45.8zm45.8-269.3h-29.4c-44.4 0-87.4 29.4-87.4 114.6 0 82.3 39.4 108.8 87.4 108.8h29.4V46.5z"], "yandex-international": [320, 512, [], "f414", "M129.5 512V345.9L18.5 48h55.8l81.8 229.7L250.2 0h51.3L180.8 347.8V512h-51.3z"], "yarn": [496, 512, [], "f7e3", "M393.9 345.2c-39 9.3-48.4 32.1-104 47.4 0 0-2.7 4-10.4 5.8-13.4 3.3-63.9 6-68.5 6.1-12.4.1-19.9-3.2-22-8.2-6.4-15.3 9.2-22 9.2-22-8.1-5-9-9.9-9.8-8.1-2.4 5.8-3.6 20.1-10.1 26.5-8.8 8.9-25.5 5.9-35.3.8-10.8-5.7.8-19.2.8-19.2s-5.8 3.4-10.5-3.6c-6-9.3-17.1-37.3 11.5-62-1.3-10.1-4.6-53.7 40.6-85.6 0 0-20.6-22.8-12.9-43.3 5-13.4 7-13.3 8.6-13.9 5.7-2.2 11.3-4.6 15.4-9.1 20.6-22.2 46.8-18 46.8-18s12.4-37.8 23.9-30.4c3.5 2.3 16.3 30.6 16.3 30.6s13.6-7.9 15.1-5c8.2 16 9.2 46.5 5.6 65.1-6.1 30.6-21.4 47.1-27.6 57.5-1.4 2.4 16.5 10 27.8 41.3 10.4 28.6 1.1 52.7 2.8 55.3.8 1.4 13.7.8 36.4-13.2 12.8-7.9 28.1-16.9 45.4-17 16.7-.5 17.6 19.2 4.9 22.2zM496 256c0 136.9-111.1 248-248 248S0 392.9 0 256 111.1 8 248 8s248 111.1 248 248zm-79.3 75.2c-1.7-13.6-13.2-23-28-22.8-22 .3-40.5 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370l-105.42-34.26c-20.31-6.5-37.81 15.8-26.51 33.91zm148.33-132.23a197.44 197.44 0 0 0-50.41-69.31 22.85 22.85 0 0 0-34 4.4l-62 91.92c-11.9 17.7 4.7 40.61 25.2 34.71L366 268.63a23 23 0 0 0 14.61-31.21zM62.11 30.18a22.86 22.86 0 0 0-9.9 32l104.12 180.44c11.7 20.2 42.61 11.9 42.61-11.4V22.88a22.67 22.67 0 0 0-24.5-22.8 320.37 320.37 0 0 0-112.33 30.1z"], "yoast": [448, 512, [], "f2b1", "M91.3 76h186l-7 18.9h-179c-39.7 0-71.9 31.6-71.9 70.3v205.4c0 35.4 24.9 70.3 84 70.3V460H91.3C41.2 460 0 419.8 0 370.5V165.2C0 115.9 40.7 76 91.3 76zm229.1-56h66.5C243.1 398.1 241.2 418.9 202.2 459.3c-20.8 21.6-49.3 31.7-78.3 32.7v-51.1c49.2-7.7 64.6-49.9 64.6-75.3 0-20.1.6-12.6-82.1-223.2h61.4L218.2 299 320.4 20zM448 161.5V460H234c6.6-9.6 10.7-16.3 12.1-19.4h182.5V161.5c0-32.5-17.1-51.9-48.2-62.9l6.7-17.6c41.7 13.6 60.9 43.1 60.9 80.5z"], "youtube": [576, 512, [], "f167", "M549.655 124.083c-6.281-23.65-24.787-42.276-48.284-48.597C458.781 64 288 64 288 64S117.22 64 74.629 75.486c-23.497 6.322-42.003 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16.49-232.36 18.05c1.6 8.82 7.62 17.08 15.78 19.55 13.31 3.48 22.69 1.7 49.15.89 24.83-1.6 43.68-2.43 56.51-2.43v99.81H351.41s2.82 22.31 25.51 22.85h107.94v70.92c0 13.97-11.19 21.99-24.48 21.12-14.08.11-26.08-1.15-41.69-1.81 1.99 3.97 6.33 14.39 19.31 21.84 9.88 4.81 16.17 6.57 26.02 6.57 29.56 0 45.67-17.28 44.89-45.31v-73.32h122.36c9.68 0 8.7-23.78 8.7-23.78l.03-.01z"] }; bunker(function () { defineIcons('fab', icons); }); }());
import 'babel-core/polyfill'; import React from 'react'; import Root from './containers/Root'; import BrowserHistory from 'react-router/lib/BrowserHistory'; React.render( <Root history={new BrowserHistory()} />, document.getElementById('root') );
/** * THIS IS THE ENTRY POINT FOR THE CLIENT, JUST LIKE server.js IS THE ENTRY POINT FOR THE SERVER. */ import 'babel/polyfill'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import createHistory from 'history/lib/createBrowserHistory'; import useScroll from 'scroll-behavior/lib/useStandardScroll'; import createStore from './redux/create'; import ApiClient from './helpers/ApiClient'; import io from ''; import {Provider} from 'react-redux'; import {reduxReactRouter, ReduxRouter} from 'redux-router'; import getRoutes from './routes'; import makeRouteHooksSafe from './helpers/makeRouteHooksSafe'; const client = new ApiClient(); // Three different types of scroll behavior available. // Documented here: const scrollableHistory = useScroll(createHistory); const dest = document.getElementById('content'); const store = createStore(reduxReactRouter, makeRouteHooksSafe(getRoutes), scrollableHistory, client, window.__data); function initSocket() { const socket = io('', {path: '/api/ws', transports: ['polling']}); socket.on('news', (data) => { console.log(data); socket.emit('my other event', { my: 'data from client' }); }); socket.on('msg', (data) => { console.log(data); }); return socket; } global.socket = initSocket(); const component = ( <ReduxRouter routes={getRoutes(store)} /> ); ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store} key="provider"> {component} </Provider>, dest ); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { window.React = React; // enable debugger if (!dest || !dest.firstChild || !dest.firstChild.attributes || !dest.firstChild.attributes['data-react-checksum']) { console.error('Server-side React render was discarded. Make sure that your initial render does not contain any client-side code.'); } } if (__DEVTOOLS__ && !window.devToolsExtension) { const DevTools = require('./containers/DevTools/DevTools'); ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store} key="provider"> <div> {component} <DevTools /> </div> </Provider>, dest ); }
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Form, Checkbox } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { updateCategoryMultiSelectSetting, } from '../../../api/categories/methods'; class MultiSelectCheckbox extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { checked: props.checked, }; this.handleCheckbox = this.handleCheckbox.bind(this); } handleCheckbox(event) { this.setState({ checked:, });{ categoryId: this.props.categoryId, multiselect:, }); } render() { return ( <Form> <Checkbox checked={this.state.checked} onChange={this.handleCheckbox} > Multiselect </Checkbox> </Form> ); } } MultiSelectCheckbox.propTypes = { categoryId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, checked: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired, }; export default MultiSelectCheckbox;
import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import { mapValues, isString, isNil, forOwn, isEmpty } from 'lodash' import { createInputModel } from './InputModel.js' import { validateEmail, validateRequired } from './Validators.js' import { TextInput } from './TextInput.jsx' var info = { model1: null, value1: null, update1: function(value) { info.value1 = value display() }, model2: null, value2: null, update2: function(value) { info.value2 = value display() } } function loadData() { info.model1 = createInputModel({name:'email', value:info.value1, listeners:[info.update1], validators:{email:validateEmail, required: validateRequired}}) info.model2 = createInputModel({name:'email', value:info.value2, listeners:[info.update2], validators:{required: validateRequired}}) } loadData() function display() { var content = ( <div> <form> <TextInput model={info.model1} label="Email" /> <TextInput model={info.model2} label="Password" obscure={true} /> <button type="submit" className="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" onClick={info.submitRequest} disabled={(!info.model1.isValid() || !info.model2.isValid())}>Submit</button> </form> <p><span>Value1 </span><span>{info.value1}</span></p> <p><span>Value2 </span><span>{info.value2}</span></p> </div> ) ReactDOM.render( content, document.getElementById('target') ) } display()
import React from 'react'; import './YandexShare.css'; class YandeShare extends React.Component { componentWillMount() { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('src', '//'); document.head.appendChild(script); } render() { return ( <div className="yashare-auto-init YandexShare" data-yashareL10n="ru" data-yashareQuickServices="yaru,vkontakte,facebook,twitter,gplus" data-yashareTheme="counter" data-yasharetype="small" /> ); } } export default YandeShare;
import React from 'react' import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby' import Image from 'gatsby-image' import './main-bio.css' const socialURLs = { twitter: '', github: '', facebook: '', medium: '', linkedin: '', instagram: '', } const socialIcons = { twitter: ( <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M23.954 4.569c-.885.389-1.83.654-2.825.775 1.014-.611 1.794-1.574 2.163-2.723-.951.555-2.005.959-3.127 1.184-.896-.959-2.173-1.559-3.591-1.559-2.717 0-4.92 2.203-4.92 4.917 0 .39.045.765.127 1.124C7.691 8.094 4.066 6.13 1.64 3.161c-.427.722-.666 1.561-.666 2.475 0 1.71.87 3.213 2.188 4.096-.807-.026-1.566-.248-2.228-.616v.061c0 2.385 1.693 4.374 3.946 4.827-.413.111-.849.171-1.296.171-.314 0-.615-.03-.916-.086.631 1.953 2.445 3.377 4.604 3.417-1.68 1.319-3.809 2.105-6.102 2.105-.39 0-.779-.023-1.17-.067 2.189 1.394 4.768 2.209 7.557 2.209 9.054 0 13.999-7.496 13.999-13.986 0-.209 0-.42-.015-.63.961-.689 1.8-1.56 2.46-2.548l-.047-.02z" /> </svg> ), github: ( <svg 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1.17.055 1.805.249 2.227.415.562.217.96.477 1.382.896.419.42.679.819.896 1.381.164.422.36 1.057.413 2.227.057 1.266.07 1.646.07 4.85s-.015 3.585-.074 4.85c-.061 1.17-.256 1.805-.421 2.227-.224.562-.479.96-.899 1.382-.419.419-.824.679-1.38.896-.42.164-1.065.36-2.235.413-1.274.057-1.649.07-4.859.07-3.211 0-3.586-.015-4.859-.074-1.171-.061-1.816-.256-2.236-.421-.569-.224-.96-.479-1.379-.899-.421-.419-.69-.824-.9-1.38-.165-.42-.359-1.065-.42-2.235-.045-1.26-.061-1.649-.061-4.844 0-3.196.016-3.586.061-4.861.061-1.17.255-1.814.42-2.234.21-.57.479-.96.9-1.381.419-.419.81-.689 1.379-.898.42-.166 1.051-.361 2.221-.421 1.275-.045 1.65-.06 4.859-.06l.045.03zm0 3.678c-3.405 0-6.162 2.76-6.162 6.162 0 3.405 2.76 6.162 6.162 6.162 3.405 0 6.162-2.76 6.162-6.162 0-3.405-2.76-6.162-6.162-6.162zM12 16c-2.21 0-4-1.79-4-4s1.79-4 4-4 4 1.79 4 4-1.79 4-4 4zm7.846-10.405c0 .795-.646 1.44-1.44 1.44-.795 0-1.44-.646-1.44-1.44 0-.794.646-1.439 1.44-1.439.793-.001 1.44.645 1.44 1.439z" /> </svg> ), } function Bio() { const { site, avatar } = useStaticQuery( graphql` query MainBioQuery { avatar: file(absolutePath: { regex: "/avatar.png/" }) { childImageSharp { fixed(width: 150, height: 150, quality: 90) { base64 width height src srcSet } } } site { siteMetadata { author bio social { twitter github facebook medium linkedin instagram } } } } ` ) const { author, social, bio } = site.siteMetadata return ( <div className="main-bio-container" style={{ marginBottom: '4.375rem', }} > <div className="main-bio"> <h1 style={{ marginBottom: '0.875rem' }}>{author}</h1> <ul className="horizontal-links" style={{ marginBottom: '0.875rem' }}> {Object.keys(social).map(s => social[s] ? ( <li key={s}> <a aria-label={`${s} profile`} className="u-no-box-shadow" href={`${socialURLs[s]}/${social[s]}`} > {socialIcons[s]} </a> </li> ) : null )} </ul> <p>{bio}</p> </div> <Image className="avatar" fixed={avatar.childImageSharp.fixed} alt={author} style={{ marginBottom: 0, minWidth: 150, borderRadius: '100%', border: '8px solid lavender', }} imgStyle={{ borderRadius: '50%', }} /> </div> ) } export default Bio
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/** * @license * Video.js 6.2.3 <> * Copyright Brightcove, Inc. <> * Available under Apache License Version 2.0 * <> */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global.videojs = factory()); }(this, (function () { 'use strict'; var version = "6.2.3"; var commonjsGlobal = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } var win; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { win = window; } else if (typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined") { win = commonjsGlobal; } else if (typeof self !== "undefined"){ win = self; } else { win = {}; } var window_1 = win; var empty = {}; var empty$1 = (Object.freeze || Object)({ 'default': empty }); var minDoc = ( empty$1 && empty ) || empty$1; var topLevel = typeof commonjsGlobal !== 'undefined' ? commonjsGlobal : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {}; var doccy; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { doccy = document; } else { doccy = topLevel['__GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_CACHE@4']; if (!doccy) { doccy = topLevel['__GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_CACHE@4'] = minDoc; } } var document_1 = doccy; /** * @file browser.js * @module browser */ var USER_AGENT = window_1.navigator && window_1.navigator.userAgent || ''; var webkitVersionMap = /AppleWebKit\/([\d.]+)/i.exec(USER_AGENT); var appleWebkitVersion = webkitVersionMap ? parseFloat(webkitVersionMap.pop()) : null; /* * Device is an iPhone * * @type {Boolean} * @constant * @private */ var IS_IPAD = /iPad/i.test(USER_AGENT); // The Facebook app's UIWebView identifies as both an iPhone and iPad, so // to identify iPhones, we need to exclude iPads. // var IS_IPHONE = /iPhone/i.test(USER_AGENT) && !IS_IPAD; var IS_IPOD = /iPod/i.test(USER_AGENT); var IS_IOS = IS_IPHONE || IS_IPAD || IS_IPOD; var IOS_VERSION = function () { var match = USER_AGENT.match(/OS (\d+)_/i); if (match && match[1]) { return match[1]; } return null; }(); var IS_ANDROID = /Android/i.test(USER_AGENT); var ANDROID_VERSION = function () { // This matches Android Major.Minor.Patch versions // ANDROID_VERSION is Major.Minor as a Number, if Minor isn't available, then only Major is returned var match = USER_AGENT.match(/Android (\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))*/i); if (!match) { return null; } var major = match[1] && parseFloat(match[1]); var minor = match[2] && parseFloat(match[2]); if (major && minor) { return parseFloat(match[1] + '.' + match[2]); } else if (major) { return major; } return null; }(); // Old Android is defined as Version older than 2.3, and requiring a webkit version of the android browser var IS_OLD_ANDROID = IS_ANDROID && /webkit/i.test(USER_AGENT) && ANDROID_VERSION < 2.3; var IS_NATIVE_ANDROID = IS_ANDROID && ANDROID_VERSION < 5 && appleWebkitVersion < 537; var IS_FIREFOX = /Firefox/i.test(USER_AGENT); var IS_EDGE = /Edge/i.test(USER_AGENT); var IS_CHROME = !IS_EDGE && /Chrome/i.test(USER_AGENT); var CHROME_VERSION = function () { var match = USER_AGENT.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/); if (match && match[1]) { return parseFloat(match[1]); } return null; }(); var IS_IE8 = /MSIE\s8\.0/.test(USER_AGENT); var IE_VERSION = function () { var result = /MSIE\s(\d+)\.\d/.exec(USER_AGENT); var version = result && parseFloat(result[1]); if (!version && /Trident\/7.0/i.test(USER_AGENT) && /rv:11.0/.test(USER_AGENT)) { // IE 11 has a different user agent string than other IE versions version = 11.0; } return version; }(); var IS_SAFARI = /Safari/i.test(USER_AGENT) && !IS_CHROME && !IS_ANDROID && !IS_EDGE; var IS_ANY_SAFARI = IS_SAFARI || IS_IOS; var TOUCH_ENABLED = isReal() && ('ontouchstart' in window_1 || window_1.DocumentTouch && window_1.document instanceof window_1.DocumentTouch); var BACKGROUND_SIZE_SUPPORTED = isReal() && 'backgroundSize' in window_1.document.createElement('video').style; var browser = (Object.freeze || Object)({ IS_IPAD: IS_IPAD, IS_IPHONE: IS_IPHONE, IS_IPOD: IS_IPOD, IS_IOS: IS_IOS, IOS_VERSION: IOS_VERSION, IS_ANDROID: IS_ANDROID, ANDROID_VERSION: ANDROID_VERSION, IS_OLD_ANDROID: IS_OLD_ANDROID, IS_NATIVE_ANDROID: IS_NATIVE_ANDROID, IS_FIREFOX: IS_FIREFOX, IS_EDGE: IS_EDGE, IS_CHROME: IS_CHROME, CHROME_VERSION: CHROME_VERSION, IS_IE8: IS_IE8, IE_VERSION: IE_VERSION, IS_SAFARI: IS_SAFARI, IS_ANY_SAFARI: IS_ANY_SAFARI, TOUCH_ENABLED: TOUCH_ENABLED, BACKGROUND_SIZE_SUPPORTED: BACKGROUND_SIZE_SUPPORTED }); var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; var inherits = function (subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }; var possibleConstructorReturn = function (self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }; var taggedTemplateLiteralLoose = function (strings, raw) { strings.raw = raw; return strings; }; /** * @file obj.js * @module obj */ /** * @callback obj:EachCallback * * @param {Mixed} value * The current key for the object that is being iterated over. * * @param {string} key * The current key-value for object that is being iterated over */ /** * @callback obj:ReduceCallback * * @param {Mixed} accum * The value that is accumulating over the reduce loop. * * @param {Mixed} value * The current key for the object that is being iterated over. * * @param {string} key * The current key-value for object that is being iterated over * * @return {Mixed} * The new accumulated value. */ var toString = Object.prototype.toString; /** * Get the keys of an Object * * @param {Object} * The Object to get the keys from * * @return {string[]} * An array of the keys from the object. Returns an empty array if the * object passed in was invalid or had no keys. * * @private */ var keys = function keys(object) { return isObject(object) ? Object.keys(object) : []; }; /** * Array-like iteration for objects. * * @param {Object} object * The object to iterate over * * @param {obj:EachCallback} fn * The callback function which is called for each key in the object. */ function each(object, fn) { keys(object).forEach(function (key) { return fn(object[key], key); }); } /** * Array-like reduce for objects. * * @param {Object} object * The Object that you want to reduce. * * @param {Function} fn * A callback function which is called for each key in the object. It * receives the accumulated value and the per-iteration value and key * as arguments. * * @param {Mixed} [initial = 0] * Starting value * * @return {Mixed} * The final accumulated value. */ function reduce(object, fn) { var initial = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; return keys(object).reduce(function (accum, key) { return fn(accum, object[key], key); }, initial); } /** * Object.assign-style object shallow merge/extend. * * @param {Object} target * @param {Object} ...sources * @return {Object} */ function assign(target) { for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { sources[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } if (Object.assign) { return Object.assign.apply(Object, [target].concat(sources)); } sources.forEach(function (source) { if (!source) { return; } each(source, function (value, key) { target[key] = value; }); }); return target; } /** * Returns whether a value is an object of any kind - including DOM nodes, * arrays, regular expressions, etc. Not functions, though. * * This avoids the gotcha where using `typeof` on a `null` value * results in `'object'`. * * @param {Object} value * @return {Boolean} */ function isObject(value) { return !!value && (typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value)) === 'object'; } /** * Returns whether an object appears to be a "plain" object - that is, a * direct instance of `Object`. * * @param {Object} value * @return {Boolean} */ function isPlain(value) { return isObject(value) && === '[object Object]' && value.constructor === Object; } /** * @file log.js * @module log */ var log = void 0; // This is the private tracking variable for logging level. var level = 'all'; // This is the private tracking variable for the logging history. var history = []; /** * Log messages to the console and history based on the type of message * * @private * @param {string} type * The name of the console method to use. * * @param {Array} args * The arguments to be passed to the matching console method. * * @param {boolean} [stringify] * By default, only old IEs should get console argument stringification, * but this is exposed as a parameter to facilitate testing. */ var logByType = function logByType(type, args) { var stringify = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : !!IE_VERSION && IE_VERSION < 11; var lvl = log.levels[level]; var lvlRegExp = new RegExp('^(' + lvl + ')$'); if (type !== 'log') { // Add the type to the front of the message when it's not "log". args.unshift(type.toUpperCase() + ':'); } // Add a clone of the args at this point to history. if (history) { history.push([].concat(args)); } // Add console prefix after adding to history. args.unshift('VIDEOJS:'); // If there's no console then don't try to output messages, but they will // still be stored in history. // // Was setting these once outside of this function, but containing them // in the function makes it easier to test cases where console doesn't exist // when the module is executed. var fn = window_1.console && window_1.console[type]; // Bail out if there's no console or if this type is not allowed by the // current logging level. if (!fn || !lvl || !lvlRegExp.test(type)) { return; } // IEs previous to 11 log objects uselessly as "[object Object]"; so, JSONify // objects and arrays for those less-capable browsers. if (stringify) { args = (a) { if (isObject(a) || Array.isArray(a)) { try { return JSON.stringify(a); } catch (x) { return String(a); } } // Cast to string before joining, so we get null and undefined explicitly // included in output (as we would in a modern console). return String(a); }).join(' '); } // Old IE versions do not allow .apply() for console methods (they are // reported as objects rather than functions). if (!fn.apply) { fn(args); } else { fn[Array.isArray(args) ? 'apply' : 'call'](window_1.console, args); } }; /** * Logs plain debug messages. Similar to `console.log`. * * @class * @param {Mixed[]} args * One or more messages or objects that should be logged. */ log = function log() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } logByType('log', args); }; /** * Enumeration of available logging levels, where the keys are the level names * and the values are `|`-separated strings containing logging methods allowed * in that logging level. These strings are used to create a regular expression * matching the function name being called. * * Levels provided by video.js are: * * - `off`: Matches no calls. Any value that can be cast to `false` will have * this effect. The most restrictive. * - `all` (default): Matches only Video.js-provided functions (`log`, * `log.warn`, and `log.error`). * - `warn`: Matches `log.warn` and `log.error` calls. * - `error`: Matches only `log.error` calls. * * @type {Object} */ log.levels = { all: 'log|warn|error', error: 'error', off: '', warn: 'warn|error', DEFAULT: level }; /** * Get or set the current logging level. If a string matching a key from * {@link log.levels} is provided, acts as a setter. Regardless of argument, * returns the current logging level. * * @param {string} [lvl] * Pass to set a new logging level. * * @return {string} * The current logging level. */ log.level = function (lvl) { if (typeof lvl === 'string') { if (!log.levels.hasOwnProperty(lvl)) { throw new Error('"' + lvl + '" in not a valid log level'); } level = lvl; } return level; }; /** * Returns an array containing everything that has been logged to the history. * * This array is a shallow clone of the internal history record. However, its * contents are _not_ cloned; so, mutating objects inside this array will * mutate them in history. * * @return {Array} */ log.history = function () { return history ? [].concat(history) : []; }; /** * Clears the internal history tracking, but does not prevent further history * tracking. */ log.history.clear = function () { if (history) { history.length = 0; } }; /** * Disable history tracking if it is currently enabled. */ log.history.disable = function () { if (history !== null) { history.length = 0; history = null; } }; /** * Enable history tracking if it is currently disabled. */ log.history.enable = function () { if (history === null) { history = []; } }; /** * Logs error messages. Similar to `console.error`. * * @param {Mixed[]} args * One or more messages or objects that should be logged as an error */ log.error = function () { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } return logByType('error', args); }; /** * Logs warning messages. Similar to `console.warn`. * * @param {Mixed[]} args * One or more messages or objects that should be logged as a warning. */ log.warn = function () { for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) { args[_key3] = arguments[_key3]; } return logByType('warn', args); }; var log$1 = log; function clean (s) { return s.replace(/\n\r?\s*/g, '') } var tsml = function tsml (sa) { var s = '' , i = 0; for (; i < arguments.length; i++) s += clean(sa[i]) + (arguments[i + 1] || ''); return s }; /** * @file computed-style.js * @module computed-style */ /** * A safe getComputedStyle with an IE8 fallback. * * This is needed because in Firefox, if the player is loaded in an iframe with * `display:none`, then `getComputedStyle` returns `null`, so, we do a null-check to * make sure that the player doesn't break in these cases. * * @param {Element} el * The element you want the computed style of * * @param {string} prop * The property name you want * * @see * * @static * @const */ function computedStyle(el, prop) { if (!el || !prop) { return ''; } if (typeof window_1.getComputedStyle === 'function') { var cs = window_1.getComputedStyle(el); return cs ? cs[prop] : ''; } return el.currentStyle[prop] || ''; } var _templateObject = taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(['Setting attributes in the second argument of createEl()\n has been deprecated. Use the third argument instead.\n createEl(type, properties, attributes). Attempting to set ', ' to ', '.'], ['Setting attributes in the second argument of createEl()\n has been deprecated. Use the third argument instead.\n createEl(type, properties, attributes). Attempting to set ', ' to ', '.']); /** * @file dom.js * @module dom */ /** * Detect if a value is a string with any non-whitespace characters. * * @param {string} str * The string to check * * @return {boolean} * - True if the string is non-blank * - False otherwise * */ function isNonBlankString(str) { return typeof str === 'string' && /\S/.test(str); } /** * Throws an error if the passed string has whitespace. This is used by * class methods to be relatively consistent with the classList API. * * @param {string} str * The string to check for whitespace. * * @throws {Error} * Throws an error if there is whitespace in the string. * */ function throwIfWhitespace(str) { if (/\s/.test(str)) { throw new Error('class has illegal whitespace characters'); } } /** * Produce a regular expression for matching a className within an elements className. * * @param {string} className * The className to generate the RegExp for. * * @return {RegExp} * The RegExp that will check for a specific `className` in an elements * className. */ function classRegExp(className) { return new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '($|\\s)'); } /** * Whether the current DOM interface appears to be real. * * @return {Boolean} */ function isReal() { return ( // Both document and window will never be undefined thanks to `global`. document_1 === window_1.document && // In IE < 9, DOM methods return "object" as their type, so all we can // confidently check is that it exists. typeof document_1.createElement !== 'undefined' ); } /** * Determines, via duck typing, whether or not a value is a DOM element. * * @param {Mixed} value * The thing to check * * @return {boolean} * - True if it is a DOM element * - False otherwise */ function isEl(value) { return isObject(value) && value.nodeType === 1; } /** * Creates functions to query the DOM using a given method. * * @param {string} method * The method to create the query with. * * @return {Function} * The query method */ function createQuerier(method) { return function (selector, context) { if (!isNonBlankString(selector)) { return document_1[method](null); } if (isNonBlankString(context)) { context = document_1.querySelector(context); } var ctx = isEl(context) ? context : document_1; return ctx[method] && ctx[method](selector); }; } /** * Creates an element and applies properties. * * @param {string} [tagName='div'] * Name of tag to be created. * * @param {Object} [properties={}] * Element properties to be applied. * * @param {Object} [attributes={}] * Element attributes to be applied. * * @param {String|Element|TextNode|Array|Function} [content] * Contents for the element (see: {@link dom:normalizeContent}) * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ function createEl() { var tagName = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'div'; var properties = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var attributes = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; var content = arguments[3]; var el = document_1.createElement(tagName); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties).forEach(function (propName) { var val = properties[propName]; // See #2176 // We originally were accepting both properties and attributes in the // same object, but that doesn't work so well. if (propName.indexOf('aria-') !== -1 || propName === 'role' || propName === 'type') { log$1.warn(tsml(_templateObject, propName, val)); el.setAttribute(propName, val); // Handle textContent since it's not supported everywhere and we have a // method for it. } else if (propName === 'textContent') { textContent(el, val); } else { el[propName] = val; } }); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes).forEach(function (attrName) { el.setAttribute(attrName, attributes[attrName]); }); if (content) { appendContent(el, content); } return el; } /** * Injects text into an element, replacing any existing contents entirely. * * @param {Element} el * The element to add text content into * * @param {string} text * The text content to add. * * @return {Element} * The element with added text content. */ function textContent(el, text) { if (typeof el.textContent === 'undefined') { el.innerText = text; } else { el.textContent = text; } return el; } /** * Insert an element as the first child node of another * * @param {Element} child * Element to insert * * @param {Element} parent * Element to insert child into */ function prependTo(child, parent) { if (parent.firstChild) { parent.insertBefore(child, parent.firstChild); } else { parent.appendChild(child); } } /** * Check if an element has a CSS class * * @param {Element} element * Element to check * * @param {string} classToCheck * Class name to check for * * @return {boolean} * - True if the element had the class * - False otherwise. * * @throws {Error} * Throws an error if `classToCheck` has white space. */ function hasClass(element, classToCheck) { throwIfWhitespace(classToCheck); if (element.classList) { return element.classList.contains(classToCheck); } return classRegExp(classToCheck).test(element.className); } /** * Add a CSS class name to an element * * @param {Element} element * Element to add class name to. * * @param {string} classToAdd * Class name to add. * * @return {Element} * The dom element with the added class name. */ function addClass(element, classToAdd) { if (element.classList) { element.classList.add(classToAdd); // Don't need to `throwIfWhitespace` here because `hasElClass` will do it // in the case of classList not being supported. } else if (!hasClass(element, classToAdd)) { element.className = (element.className + ' ' + classToAdd).trim(); } return element; } /** * Remove a CSS class name from an element * * @param {Element} element * Element to remove a class name from. * * @param {string} classToRemove * Class name to remove * * @return {Element} * The dom element with class name removed. */ function removeClass(element, classToRemove) { if (element.classList) { element.classList.remove(classToRemove); } else { throwIfWhitespace(classToRemove); element.className = element.className.split(/\s+/).filter(function (c) { return c !== classToRemove; }).join(' '); } return element; } /** * The callback definition for toggleElClass. * * @callback Dom~PredicateCallback * @param {Element} element * The DOM element of the Component. * * @param {string} classToToggle * The `className` that wants to be toggled * * @return {boolean|undefined} * - If true the `classToToggle` will get added to `element`. * - If false the `classToToggle` will get removed from `element`. * - If undefined this callback will be ignored */ /** * Adds or removes a CSS class name on an element depending on an optional * condition or the presence/absence of the class name. * * @param {Element} element * The element to toggle a class name on. * * @param {string} classToToggle * The class that should be toggled * * @param {boolean|PredicateCallback} [predicate] * See the return value for {@link Dom~PredicateCallback} * * @return {Element} * The element with a class that has been toggled. */ function toggleClass(element, classToToggle, predicate) { // This CANNOT use `classList` internally because IE does not support the // second parameter to the `classList.toggle()` method! Which is fine because // `classList` will be used by the add/remove functions. var has = hasClass(element, classToToggle); if (typeof predicate === 'function') { predicate = predicate(element, classToToggle); } if (typeof predicate !== 'boolean') { predicate = !has; } // If the necessary class operation matches the current state of the // element, no action is required. if (predicate === has) { return; } if (predicate) { addClass(element, classToToggle); } else { removeClass(element, classToToggle); } return element; } /** * Apply attributes to an HTML element. * * @param {Element} el * Element to add attributes to. * * @param {Object} [attributes] * Attributes to be applied. */ function setAttributes(el, attributes) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes).forEach(function (attrName) { var attrValue = attributes[attrName]; if (attrValue === null || typeof attrValue === 'undefined' || attrValue === false) { el.removeAttribute(attrName); } else { el.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue === true ? '' : attrValue); } }); } /** * Get an element's attribute values, as defined on the HTML tag * Attributes are not the same as properties. They're defined on the tag * or with setAttribute (which shouldn't be used with HTML) * This will return true or false for boolean attributes. * * @param {Element} tag * Element from which to get tag attributes. * * @return {Object} * All attributes of the element. */ function getAttributes(tag) { var obj = {}; // known boolean attributes // we can check for matching boolean properties, but older browsers // won't know about HTML5 boolean attributes that we still read from var knownBooleans = ',' + 'autoplay,controls,loop,muted,default' + ','; if (tag && tag.attributes && tag.attributes.length > 0) { var attrs = tag.attributes; for (var i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var attrName = attrs[i].name; var attrVal = attrs[i].value; // check for known booleans // the matching element property will return a value for typeof if (typeof tag[attrName] === 'boolean' || knownBooleans.indexOf(',' + attrName + ',') !== -1) { // the value of an included boolean attribute is typically an empty // string ('') which would equal false if we just check for a false value. // we also don't want support bad code like autoplay='false' attrVal = attrVal !== null ? true : false; } obj[attrName] = attrVal; } } return obj; } /** * Get the value of an element's attribute * * @param {Element} el * A DOM element * * @param {string} attribute * Attribute to get the value of * * @return {string} * value of the attribute */ function getAttribute(el, attribute) { return el.getAttribute(attribute); } /** * Set the value of an element's attribute * * @param {Element} el * A DOM element * * @param {string} attribute * Attribute to set * * @param {string} value * Value to set the attribute to */ function setAttribute(el, attribute, value) { el.setAttribute(attribute, value); } /** * Remove an element's attribute * * @param {Element} el * A DOM element * * @param {string} attribute * Attribute to remove */ function removeAttribute(el, attribute) { el.removeAttribute(attribute); } /** * Attempt to block the ability to select text while dragging controls */ function blockTextSelection() { document_1.body.focus(); document_1.onselectstart = function () { return false; }; } /** * Turn off text selection blocking */ function unblockTextSelection() { document_1.onselectstart = function () { return true; }; } /** * Identical to the native `getBoundingClientRect` function, but ensures that * the method is supported at all (it is in all browsers we claim to support) * and that the element is in the DOM before continuing. * * This wrapper function also shims properties which are not provided by some * older browsers (namely, IE8). * * Additionally, some browsers do not support adding properties to a * `ClientRect`/`DOMRect` object; so, we shallow-copy it with the standard * properties (except `x` and `y` which are not widely supported). This helps * avoid implementations where keys are non-enumerable. * * @param {Element} el * Element whose `ClientRect` we want to calculate. * * @return {Object|undefined} * Always returns a plain */ function getBoundingClientRect(el) { if (el && el.getBoundingClientRect && el.parentNode) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var result = {}; ['bottom', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'width'].forEach(function (k) { if (rect[k] !== undefined) { result[k] = rect[k]; } }); if (!result.height) { result.height = parseFloat(computedStyle(el, 'height')); } if (!result.width) { result.width = parseFloat(computedStyle(el, 'width')); } return result; } } /** * The postion of a DOM element on the page. * * @typedef {Object} module:dom~Position * * @property {number} left * Pixels to the left * * @property {number} top * Pixels on top */ /** * Offset Left. * getBoundingClientRect technique from * John Resig * * @see * * @param {Element} el * Element from which to get offset * * @return {module:dom~Position} * The position of the element that was passed in. */ function findPosition(el) { var box = void 0; if (el.getBoundingClientRect && el.parentNode) { box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); } if (!box) { return { left: 0, top: 0 }; } var docEl = document_1.documentElement; var body = document_1.body; var clientLeft = docEl.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0; var scrollLeft = window_1.pageXOffset || body.scrollLeft; var left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft; var clientTop = docEl.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0; var scrollTop = window_1.pageYOffset || body.scrollTop; var top = + scrollTop - clientTop; // Android sometimes returns slightly off decimal values, so need to round return { left: Math.round(left), top: Math.round(top) }; } /** * x and y coordinates for a dom element or mouse pointer * * @typedef {Object} Dom~Coordinates * * @property {number} x * x coordinate in pixels * * @property {number} y * y coordinate in pixels */ /** * Get pointer position in element * Returns an object with x and y coordinates. * The base on the coordinates are the bottom left of the element. * * @param {Element} el * Element on which to get the pointer position on * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * Event object * * @return {Dom~Coordinates} * A Coordinates object corresponding to the mouse position. * */ function getPointerPosition(el, event) { var position = {}; var box = findPosition(el); var boxW = el.offsetWidth; var boxH = el.offsetHeight; var boxY =; var boxX = box.left; var pageY = event.pageY; var pageX = event.pageX; if (event.changedTouches) { pageX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; pageY = event.changedTouches[0].pageY; } position.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (boxY - pageY + boxH) / boxH)); position.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pageX - boxX) / boxW)); return position; } /** * Determines, via duck typing, whether or not a value is a text node. * * @param {Mixed} value * Check if this value is a text node. * * @return {boolean} * - True if it is a text node * - False otherwise */ function isTextNode(value) { return isObject(value) && value.nodeType === 3; } /** * Empties the contents of an element. * * @param {Element} el * The element to empty children from * * @return {Element} * The element with no children */ function emptyEl(el) { while (el.firstChild) { el.removeChild(el.firstChild); } return el; } /** * Normalizes content for eventual insertion into the DOM. * * This allows a wide range of content definition methods, but protects * from falling into the trap of simply writing to `innerHTML`, which is * an XSS concern. * * The content for an element can be passed in multiple types and * combinations, whose behavior is as follows: * * @param {String|Element|TextNode|Array|Function} content * - String: Normalized into a text node. * - Element/TextNode: Passed through. * - Array: A one-dimensional array of strings, elements, nodes, or functions * (which return single strings, elements, or nodes). * - Function: If the sole argument, is expected to produce a string, element, * node, or array as defined above. * * @return {Array} * All of the content that was passed in normalized. */ function normalizeContent(content) { // First, invoke content if it is a function. If it produces an array, // that needs to happen before normalization. if (typeof content === 'function') { content = content(); } // Next up, normalize to an array, so one or many items can be normalized, // filtered, and returned. return (Array.isArray(content) ? content : [content]).map(function (value) { // First, invoke value if it is a function to produce a new value, // which will be subsequently normalized to a Node of some kind. if (typeof value === 'function') { value = value(); } if (isEl(value) || isTextNode(value)) { return value; } if (typeof value === 'string' && /\S/.test(value)) { return document_1.createTextNode(value); } }).filter(function (value) { return value; }); } /** * Normalizes and appends content to an element. * * @param {Element} el * Element to append normalized content to. * * * @param {String|Element|TextNode|Array|Function} content * See the `content` argument of {@link dom:normalizeContent} * * @return {Element} * The element with appended normalized content. */ function appendContent(el, content) { normalizeContent(content).forEach(function (node) { return el.appendChild(node); }); return el; } /** * Normalizes and inserts content into an element; this is identical to * `appendContent()`, except it empties the element first. * * @param {Element} el * Element to insert normalized content into. * * @param {String|Element|TextNode|Array|Function} content * See the `content` argument of {@link dom:normalizeContent} * * @return {Element} * The element with inserted normalized content. * */ function insertContent(el, content) { return appendContent(emptyEl(el), content); } /** * Finds a single DOM element matching `selector` within the optional * `context` of another DOM element (defaulting to `document`). * * @param {string} selector * A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to `querySelector`. * * @param {Element|String} [context=document] * A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector * string in which case the first matching element will be used * as context. If missing (or no element matches selector), falls * back to `document`. * * @return {Element|null} * The element that was found or null. */ var $ = createQuerier('querySelector'); /** * Finds a all DOM elements matching `selector` within the optional * `context` of another DOM element (defaulting to `document`). * * @param {string} selector * A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to `querySelectorAll`. * * @param {Element|String} [context=document] * A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector * string in which case the first matching element will be used * as context. If missing (or no element matches selector), falls * back to `document`. * * @return {NodeList} * A element list of elements that were found. Will be empty if none were found. * */ var $$ = createQuerier('querySelectorAll'); var Dom = (Object.freeze || Object)({ isReal: isReal, isEl: isEl, createEl: createEl, textContent: textContent, prependTo: prependTo, hasClass: hasClass, addClass: addClass, removeClass: removeClass, toggleClass: toggleClass, setAttributes: setAttributes, getAttributes: getAttributes, getAttribute: getAttribute, setAttribute: setAttribute, removeAttribute: removeAttribute, blockTextSelection: blockTextSelection, unblockTextSelection: unblockTextSelection, getBoundingClientRect: getBoundingClientRect, findPosition: findPosition, getPointerPosition: getPointerPosition, isTextNode: isTextNode, emptyEl: emptyEl, normalizeContent: normalizeContent, appendContent: appendContent, insertContent: insertContent, $: $, $$: $$ }); /** * @file guid.js * @module guid */ /** * Unique ID for an element or function * @type {Number} */ var _guid = 1; /** * Get a unique auto-incrementing ID by number that has not been returned before. * * @return {number} * A new unique ID. */ function newGUID() { return _guid++; } /** * @file dom-data.js * @module dom-data */ /** * Element Data Store. * * Allows for binding data to an element without putting it directly on the * element. Ex. Event listeners are stored here. * (also from, slightly modified and updated for closure compiler) * * @type {Object} * @private */ var elData = {}; /* * Unique attribute name to store an element's guid in * * @type {String} * @constant * @private */ var elIdAttr = 'vdata' + new Date().getTime(); /** * Returns the cache object where data for an element is stored * * @param {Element} el * Element to store data for. * * @return {Object} * The cache object for that el that was passed in. */ function getData(el) { var id = el[elIdAttr]; if (!id) { id = el[elIdAttr] = newGUID(); } if (!elData[id]) { elData[id] = {}; } return elData[id]; } /** * Returns whether or not an element has cached data * * @param {Element} el * Check if this element has cached data. * * @return {boolean} * - True if the DOM element has cached data. * - False otherwise. */ function hasData(el) { var id = el[elIdAttr]; if (!id) { return false; } return !!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(elData[id]).length; } /** * Delete data for the element from the cache and the guid attr from getElementById * * @param {Element} el * Remove cached data for this element. */ function removeData(el) { var id = el[elIdAttr]; if (!id) { return; } // Remove all stored data delete elData[id]; // Remove the elIdAttr property from the DOM node try { delete el[elIdAttr]; } catch (e) { if (el.removeAttribute) { el.removeAttribute(elIdAttr); } else { // IE doesn't appear to support removeAttribute on the document element el[elIdAttr] = null; } } } /** * @file events.js. An Event System (John Resig - Secrets of a JS Ninja * (Original book version wasn't completely usable, so fixed some things and made Closure Compiler compatible) * This should work very similarly to jQuery's events, however it's based off the book version which isn't as * robust as jquery's, so there's probably some differences. * * @module events */ /** * Clean up the listener cache and dispatchers * * @param {Element|Object} elem * Element to clean up * * @param {string} type * Type of event to clean up */ function _cleanUpEvents(elem, type) { var data = getData(elem); // Remove the events of a particular type if there are none left if (data.handlers[type].length === 0) { delete data.handlers[type]; // data.handlers[type] = null; // Setting to null was causing an error with data.handlers // Remove the meta-handler from the element if (elem.removeEventListener) { elem.removeEventListener(type, data.dispatcher, false); } else if (elem.detachEvent) { elem.detachEvent('on' + type, data.dispatcher); } } // Remove the events object if there are no types left if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data.handlers).length <= 0) { delete data.handlers; delete data.dispatcher; delete data.disabled; } // Finally remove the element data if there is no data left if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data).length === 0) { removeData(elem); } } /** * Loops through an array of event types and calls the requested method for each type. * * @param {Function} fn * The event method we want to use. * * @param {Element|Object} elem * Element or object to bind listeners to * * @param {string} type * Type of event to bind to. * * @param {EventTarget~EventListener} callback * Event listener. */ function _handleMultipleEvents(fn, elem, types, callback) { types.forEach(function (type) { // Call the event method for each one of the types fn(elem, type, callback); }); } /** * Fix a native event to have standard property values * * @param {Object} event * Event object to fix. * * @return {Object} * Fixed event object. */ function fixEvent(event) { function returnTrue() { return true; } function returnFalse() { return false; } // Test if fixing up is needed // Used to check if !event.stopPropagation instead of isPropagationStopped // But native events return true for stopPropagation, but don't have // other expected methods like isPropagationStopped. Seems to be a problem // with the Javascript Ninja code. So we're just overriding all events now. if (!event || !event.isPropagationStopped) { var old = event || window_1.event; event = {}; // Clone the old object so that we can modify the values event = {}; // IE8 Doesn't like when you mess with native event properties // Firefox returns false for event.hasOwnProperty('type') and other props // which makes copying more difficult. // TODO: Probably best to create a whitelist of event props for (var key in old) { // Safari 6.0.3 warns you if you try to copy deprecated layerX/Y // Chrome warns you if you try to copy deprecated keyboardEvent.keyLocation // and webkitMovementX/Y if (key !== 'layerX' && key !== 'layerY' && key !== 'keyLocation' && key !== 'webkitMovementX' && key !== 'webkitMovementY') { // Chrome 32+ warns if you try to copy deprecated returnValue, but // we still want to if preventDefault isn't supported (IE8). if (!(key === 'returnValue' && old.preventDefault)) { event[key] = old[key]; } } } // The event occurred on this element if (! { = event.srcElement || document_1; } // Handle which other element the event is related to if (!event.relatedTarget) { event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement === ? event.toElement : event.fromElement; } // Stop the default browser action event.preventDefault = function () { if (old.preventDefault) { old.preventDefault(); } event.returnValue = false; old.returnValue = false; event.defaultPrevented = true; }; event.defaultPrevented = false; // Stop the event from bubbling event.stopPropagation = function () { if (old.stopPropagation) { old.stopPropagation(); } event.cancelBubble = true; old.cancelBubble = true; event.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue; }; event.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse; // Stop the event from bubbling and executing other handlers event.stopImmediatePropagation = function () { if (old.stopImmediatePropagation) { old.stopImmediatePropagation(); } event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue; event.stopPropagation(); }; event.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse; // Handle mouse position if (event.clientX !== null && event.clientX !== undefined) { var doc = document_1.documentElement; var body = document_1.body; event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0); event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0); } // Handle key presses event.which = event.charCode || event.keyCode; // Fix button for mouse clicks: // 0 == left; 1 == middle; 2 == right if (event.button !== null && event.button !== undefined) { // The following is disabled because it does not pass videojs-standard // and... yikes. /* eslint-disable */ event.button = event.button & 1 ? 0 : event.button & 4 ? 1 : event.button & 2 ? 2 : 0; /* eslint-enable */ } } // Returns fixed-up instance return event; } /** * Whether passive event listeners are supported */ var _supportsPassive = false; (function () { try { var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', { get: function get() { _supportsPassive = true; } }); window_1.addEventListener('test', null, opts); } catch (e) { // disregard } })(); /** * Touch events Chrome expects to be passive */ var passiveEvents = ['touchstart', 'touchmove']; /** * Add an event listener to element * It stores the handler function in a separate cache object * and adds a generic handler to the element's event, * along with a unique id (guid) to the element. * * @param {Element|Object} elem * Element or object to bind listeners to * * @param {string|string[]} type * Type of event to bind to. * * @param {EventTarget~EventListener} fn * Event listener. */ function on(elem, type, fn) { if (Array.isArray(type)) { return _handleMultipleEvents(on, elem, type, fn); } var data = getData(elem); // We need a place to store all our handler data if (!data.handlers) { data.handlers = {}; } if (!data.handlers[type]) { data.handlers[type] = []; } if (!fn.guid) { fn.guid = newGUID(); } data.handlers[type].push(fn); if (!data.dispatcher) { data.disabled = false; data.dispatcher = function (event, hash) { if (data.disabled) { return; } event = fixEvent(event); var handlers = data.handlers[event.type]; if (handlers) { // Copy handlers so if handlers are added/removed during the process it doesn't throw everything off. var handlersCopy = handlers.slice(0); for (var m = 0, n = handlersCopy.length; m < n; m++) { if (event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { break; } else { try { handlersCopy[m].call(elem, event, hash); } catch (e) { log$1.error(e); } } } } }; } if (data.handlers[type].length === 1) { if (elem.addEventListener) { var options = false; if (_supportsPassive && passiveEvents.indexOf(type) > -1) { options = { passive: true }; } elem.addEventListener(type, data.dispatcher, options); } else if (elem.attachEvent) { elem.attachEvent('on' + type, data.dispatcher); } } } /** * Removes event listeners from an element * * @param {Element|Object} elem * Object to remove listeners from. * * @param {string|string[]} [type] * Type of listener to remove. Don't include to remove all events from element. * * @param {EventTarget~EventListener} [fn] * Specific listener to remove. Don't include to remove listeners for an event * type. */ function off(elem, type, fn) { // Don't want to add a cache object through getElData if not needed if (!hasData(elem)) { return; } var data = getData(elem); // If no events exist, nothing to unbind if (!data.handlers) { return; } if (Array.isArray(type)) { return _handleMultipleEvents(off, elem, type, fn); } // Utility function var removeType = function removeType(t) { data.handlers[t] = []; _cleanUpEvents(elem, t); }; // Are we removing all bound events? if (!type) { for (var t in data.handlers) { removeType(t); } return; } var handlers = data.handlers[type]; // If no handlers exist, nothing to unbind if (!handlers) { return; } // If no listener was provided, remove all listeners for type if (!fn) { removeType(type); return; } // We're only removing a single handler if (fn.guid) { for (var n = 0; n < handlers.length; n++) { if (handlers[n].guid === fn.guid) { handlers.splice(n--, 1); } } } _cleanUpEvents(elem, type); } /** * Trigger an event for an element * * @param {Element|Object} elem * Element to trigger an event on * * @param {EventTarget~Event|string} event * A string (the type) or an event object with a type attribute * * @param {Object} [hash] * data hash to pass along with the event * * @return {boolean|undefined} * - Returns the opposite of `defaultPrevented` if default was prevented * - Otherwise returns undefined */ function trigger(elem, event, hash) { // Fetches element data and a reference to the parent (for bubbling). // Don't want to add a data object to cache for every parent, // so checking hasElData first. var elemData = hasData(elem) ? getData(elem) : {}; var parent = elem.parentNode || elem.ownerDocument; // type = event.type || event, // handler; // If an event name was passed as a string, creates an event out of it if (typeof event === 'string') { event = { type: event, target: elem }; } // Normalizes the event properties. event = fixEvent(event); // If the passed element has a dispatcher, executes the established handlers. if (elemData.dispatcher) {, event, hash); } // Unless explicitly stopped or the event does not bubble (e.g. media events) // recursively calls this function to bubble the event up the DOM. if (parent && !event.isPropagationStopped() && event.bubbles === true) {, parent, event, hash); // If at the top of the DOM, triggers the default action unless disabled. } else if (!parent && !event.defaultPrevented) { var targetData = getData(; // Checks if the target has a default action for this event. if ([event.type]) { // Temporarily disables event dispatching on the target as we have already executed the handler. targetData.disabled = true; // Executes the default action. if (typeof[event.type] === 'function') {[event.type](); } // Re-enables event dispatching. targetData.disabled = false; } } // Inform the triggerer if the default was prevented by returning false return !event.defaultPrevented; } /** * Trigger a listener only once for an event * * @param {Element|Object} elem * Element or object to bind to. * * @param {string|string[]} type * Name/type of event * * @param {Event~EventListener} fn * Event Listener function */ function one(elem, type, fn) { if (Array.isArray(type)) { return _handleMultipleEvents(one, elem, type, fn); } var func = function func() { off(elem, type, func); fn.apply(this, arguments); }; // copy the guid to the new function so it can removed using the original function's ID func.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || newGUID(); on(elem, type, func); } var Events = (Object.freeze || Object)({ fixEvent: fixEvent, on: on, off: off, trigger: trigger, one: one }); /** * @file setup.js - Functions for setting up a player without * user interaction based on the data-setup `attribute` of the video tag. * * @module setup */ var _windowLoaded = false; var videojs$2 = void 0; /** * Set up any tags that have a data-setup `attribute` when the player is started. */ var autoSetup = function autoSetup() { // Protect against breakage in non-browser environments. if (!isReal()) { return; } // One day, when we stop supporting IE8, go back to this, but in the meantime...*hack hack hack* // var vids ='video')); // var audios ='audio')); // var mediaEls = vids.concat(audios); // Because IE8 doesn't support calling slice on a node list, we need to loop // through each list of elements to build up a new, combined list of elements. var vids = document_1.getElementsByTagName('video'); var audios = document_1.getElementsByTagName('audio'); var mediaEls = []; if (vids && vids.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, e = vids.length; i < e; i++) { mediaEls.push(vids[i]); } } if (audios && audios.length > 0) { for (var _i = 0, _e = audios.length; _i < _e; _i++) { mediaEls.push(audios[_i]); } } // Check if any media elements exist if (mediaEls && mediaEls.length > 0) { for (var _i2 = 0, _e2 = mediaEls.length; _i2 < _e2; _i2++) { var mediaEl = mediaEls[_i2]; // Check if element exists, has getAttribute func. // IE seems to consider typeof el.getAttribute == 'object' instead of // 'function' like expected, at least when loading the player immediately. if (mediaEl && mediaEl.getAttribute) { // Make sure this player hasn't already been set up. if (mediaEl.player === undefined) { var options = mediaEl.getAttribute('data-setup'); // Check if data-setup attr exists. // We only auto-setup if they've added the data-setup attr. if (options !== null) { // Create new video.js instance. videojs$2(mediaEl); } } // If getAttribute isn't defined, we need to wait for the DOM. } else { autoSetupTimeout(1); break; } } // No videos were found, so keep looping unless page is finished loading. } else if (!_windowLoaded) { autoSetupTimeout(1); } }; /** * Wait until the page is loaded before running autoSetup. This will be called in * autoSetup if `hasLoaded` returns false. * * @param {number} wait * How long to wait in ms * * @param {module:videojs} [vjs] * The videojs library function */ function autoSetupTimeout(wait, vjs) { if (vjs) { videojs$2 = vjs; } window_1.setTimeout(autoSetup, wait); } if (isReal() && document_1.readyState === 'complete') { _windowLoaded = true; } else { /** * Listen for the load event on window, and set _windowLoaded to true. * * @listens load */ one(window_1, 'load', function () { _windowLoaded = true; }); } /** * @file stylesheet.js * @module stylesheet */ /** * Create a DOM syle element given a className for it. * * @param {string} className * The className to add to the created style element. * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ var createStyleElement = function createStyleElement(className) { var style = document_1.createElement('style'); style.className = className; return style; }; /** * Add text to a DOM element. * * @param {Element} el * The Element to add text content to. * * @param {string} content * The text to add to the element. */ var setTextContent = function setTextContent(el, content) { if (el.styleSheet) { el.styleSheet.cssText = content; } else { el.textContent = content; } }; /** * @file fn.js * @module fn */ /** * Bind (a.k.a proxy or Context). A simple method for changing the context of a function * It also stores a unique id on the function so it can be easily removed from events. * * @param {Mixed} context * The object to bind as scope. * * @param {Function} fn * The function to be bound to a scope. * * @param {number} [uid] * An optional unique ID for the function to be set * * @return {Function} * The new function that will be bound into the context given */ var bind = function bind(context, fn, uid) { // Make sure the function has a unique ID if (!fn.guid) { fn.guid = newGUID(); } // Create the new function that changes the context var bound = function bound() { return fn.apply(context, arguments); }; // Allow for the ability to individualize this function // Needed in the case where multiple objects might share the same prototype // IF both items add an event listener with the same function, then you try to remove just one // it will remove both because they both have the same guid. // when using this, you need to use the bind method when you remove the listener as well. // currently used in text tracks bound.guid = uid ? uid + '_' + fn.guid : fn.guid; return bound; }; /** * Wraps the given function, `fn`, with a new function that only invokes `fn` * at most once per every `wait` milliseconds. * * @param {Function} fn * The function to be throttled. * * @param {Number} wait * The number of milliseconds by which to throttle. * * @return {Function} */ var throttle = function throttle(fn, wait) { var last =; var throttled = function throttled() { var now =; if (now - last >= wait) { fn.apply(undefined, arguments); last = now; } }; return throttled; }; /** * @file src/js/event-target.js */ /** * `EventTarget` is a class that can have the same API as the DOM `EventTarget`. It * adds shorthand functions that wrap around lengthy functions. For example: * the `on` function is a wrapper around `addEventListener`. * * @see [EventTarget Spec]{@link} * @class EventTarget */ var EventTarget = function EventTarget() {}; /** * A Custom DOM event. * * @typedef {Object} EventTarget~Event * @see [Properties]{@link} */ /** * All event listeners should follow the following format. * * @callback EventTarget~EventListener * @this {EventTarget} * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * the event that triggered this function * * @param {Object} [hash] * hash of data sent during the event */ /** * An object containing event names as keys and booleans as values. * * > NOTE: If an event name is set to a true value here {@link EventTarget#trigger} * will have extra functionality. See that function for more information. * * @property EventTarget.prototype.allowedEvents_ * @private */ EventTarget.prototype.allowedEvents_ = {}; /** * Adds an `event listener` to an instance of an `EventTarget`. An `event listener` is a * function that will get called when an event with a certain name gets triggered. * * @param {string|string[]} type * An event name or an array of event names. * * @param {EventTarget~EventListener} fn * The function to call with `EventTarget`s */ EventTarget.prototype.on = function (type, fn) { // Remove the addEventListener alias before calling Events.on // so we don't get into an infinite type loop var ael = this.addEventListener; this.addEventListener = function () {}; on(this, type, fn); this.addEventListener = ael; }; /** * An alias of {@link EventTarget#on}. Allows `EventTarget` to mimic * the standard DOM API. * * @function * @see {@link EventTarget#on} */ EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.on; /** * Removes an `event listener` for a specific event from an instance of `EventTarget`. * This makes it so that the `event listener` will no longer get called when the * named event happens. * * @param {string|string[]} type * An event name or an array of event names. * * @param {EventTarget~EventListener} fn * The function to remove. */ = function (type, fn) { off(this, type, fn); }; /** * An alias of {@link EventTarget#off}. Allows `EventTarget` to mimic * the standard DOM API. * * @function * @see {@link EventTarget#off} */ EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener =; /** * This function will add an `event listener` that gets triggered only once. After the * first trigger it will get removed. This is like adding an `event listener` * with {@link EventTarget#on} that calls {@link EventTarget#off} on itself. * * @param {string|string[]} type * An event name or an array of event names. * * @param {EventTarget~EventListener} fn * The function to be called once for each event name. */ = function (type, fn) { // Remove the addEventListener alialing Events.on // so we don't get into an infinite type loop var ael = this.addEventListener; this.addEventListener = function () {}; one(this, type, fn); this.addEventListener = ael; }; /** * This function causes an event to happen. This will then cause any `event listeners` * that are waiting for that event, to get called. If there are no `event listeners` * for an event then nothing will happen. * * If the name of the `Event` that is being triggered is in `EventTarget.allowedEvents_`. * Trigger will also call the `on` + `uppercaseEventName` function. * * Example: * 'click' is in `EventTarget.allowedEvents_`, so, trigger will attempt to call * `onClick` if it exists. * * @param {string|EventTarget~Event|Object} event * The name of the event, an `Event`, or an object with a key of type set to * an event name. */ EventTarget.prototype.trigger = function (event) { var type = event.type || event; if (typeof event === 'string') { event = { type: type }; } event = fixEvent(event); if (this.allowedEvents_[type] && this['on' + type]) { this['on' + type](event); } trigger(this, event); }; /** * An alias of {@link EventTarget#trigger}. Allows `EventTarget` to mimic * the standard DOM API. * * @function * @see {@link EventTarget#trigger} */ EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = EventTarget.prototype.trigger; /** * @file mixins/evented.js * @module evented */ /** * Returns whether or not an object has had the evented mixin applied. * * @param {Object} object * An object to test. * * @return {boolean} * Whether or not the object appears to be evented. */ var isEvented = function isEvented(object) { return object instanceof EventTarget || !!object.eventBusEl_ && ['on', 'one', 'off', 'trigger'].every(function (k) { return typeof object[k] === 'function'; }); }; /** * Whether a value is a valid event type - non-empty string or array. * * @private * @param {string|Array} type * The type value to test. * * @return {boolean} * Whether or not the type is a valid event type. */ var isValidEventType = function isValidEventType(type) { return ( // The regex here verifies that the `type` contains at least one non- // whitespace character. typeof type === 'string' && /\S/.test(type) || Array.isArray(type) && !!type.length ); }; /** * Validates a value to determine if it is a valid event target. Throws if not. * * @private * @throws {Error} * If the target does not appear to be a valid event target. * * @param {Object} target * The object to test. */ var validateTarget = function validateTarget(target) { if (!target.nodeName && !isEvented(target)) { throw new Error('Invalid target; must be a DOM node or evented object.'); } }; /** * Validates a value to determine if it is a valid event target. Throws if not. * * @private * @throws {Error} * If the type does not appear to be a valid event type. * * @param {string|Array} type * The type to test. */ var validateEventType = function validateEventType(type) { if (!isValidEventType(type)) { throw new Error('Invalid event type; must be a non-empty string or array.'); } }; /** * Validates a value to determine if it is a valid listener. Throws if not. * * @private * @throws {Error} * If the listener is not a function. * * @param {Function} listener * The listener to test. */ var validateListener = function validateListener(listener) { if (typeof listener !== 'function') { throw new Error('Invalid listener; must be a function.'); } }; /** * Takes an array of arguments given to `on()` or `one()`, validates them, and * normalizes them into an object. * * @private * @param {Object} self * The evented object on which `on()` or `one()` was called. This * object will be bound as the `this` value for the listener. * * @param {Array} args * An array of arguments passed to `on()` or `one()`. * * @return {Object} * An object containing useful values for `on()` or `one()` calls. */ var normalizeListenArgs = function normalizeListenArgs(self, args) { // If the number of arguments is less than 3, the target is always the // evented object itself. var isTargetingSelf = args.length < 3 || args[0] === self || args[0] === self.eventBusEl_; var target = void 0; var type = void 0; var listener = void 0; if (isTargetingSelf) { target = self.eventBusEl_; // Deal with cases where we got 3 arguments, but we are still listening to // the evented object itself. if (args.length >= 3) { args.shift(); } type = args[0]; listener = args[1]; } else { target = args[0]; type = args[1]; listener = args[2]; } validateTarget(target); validateEventType(type); validateListener(listener); listener = bind(self, listener); return { isTargetingSelf: isTargetingSelf, target: target, type: type, listener: listener }; }; /** * Adds the listener to the event type(s) on the target, normalizing for * the type of target. * * @private * @param {Element|Object} target * A DOM node or evented object. * * @param {string} method * The event binding method to use ("on" or "one"). * * @param {string|Array} type * One or more event type(s). * * @param {Function} listener * A listener function. */ var listen = function listen(target, method, type, listener) { validateTarget(target); if (target.nodeName) { Events[method](target, type, listener); } else { target[method](type, listener); } }; /** * Contains methods that provide event capabilites to an object which is passed * to {@link module:evented|evented}. * * @mixin EventedMixin */ var EventedMixin = { /** * Add a listener to an event (or events) on this object or another evented * object. * * @param {string|Array|Element|Object} targetOrType * If this is a string or array, it represents the event type(s) * that will trigger the listener. * * Another evented object can be passed here instead, which will * cause the listener to listen for events on _that_ object. * * In either case, the listener's `this` value will be bound to * this object. * * @param {string|Array|Function} typeOrListener * If the first argument was a string or array, this should be the * listener function. Otherwise, this is a string or array of event * type(s). * * @param {Function} [listener] * If the first argument was another evented object, this will be * the listener function. */ on: function on$$1() { var _this = this; for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var _normalizeListenArgs = normalizeListenArgs(this, args), isTargetingSelf = _normalizeListenArgs.isTargetingSelf, target =, type = _normalizeListenArgs.type, listener = _normalizeListenArgs.listener; listen(target, 'on', type, listener); // If this object is listening to another evented object. if (!isTargetingSelf) { // If this object is disposed, remove the listener. var removeListenerOnDispose = function removeListenerOnDispose() { return, type, listener); }; // Use the same function ID as the listener so we can remove it later it // using the ID of the original listener. removeListenerOnDispose.guid = listener.guid; // Add a listener to the target's dispose event as well. This ensures // that if the target is disposed BEFORE this object, we remove the // removal listener that was just added. Otherwise, we create a memory leak. var removeRemoverOnTargetDispose = function removeRemoverOnTargetDispose() { return'dispose', removeListenerOnDispose); }; // Use the same function ID as the listener so we can remove it later // it using the ID of the original listener. removeRemoverOnTargetDispose.guid = listener.guid; listen(this, 'on', 'dispose', removeListenerOnDispose); listen(target, 'on', 'dispose', removeRemoverOnTargetDispose); } }, /** * Add a listener to an event (or events) on this object or another evented * object. The listener will only be called once and then removed. * * @param {string|Array|Element|Object} targetOrType * If this is a string or array, it represents the event type(s) * that will trigger the listener. * * Another evented object can be passed here instead, which will * cause the listener to listen for events on _that_ object. * * In either case, the listener's `this` value will be bound to * this object. * * @param {string|Array|Function} typeOrListener * If the first argument was a string or array, this should be the * listener function. Otherwise, this is a string or array of event * type(s). * * @param {Function} [listener] * If the first argument was another evented object, this will be * the listener function. */ one: function one$$1() { var _this2 = this; for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } var _normalizeListenArgs2 = normalizeListenArgs(this, args), isTargetingSelf = _normalizeListenArgs2.isTargetingSelf, target =, type = _normalizeListenArgs2.type, listener = _normalizeListenArgs2.listener; // Targeting this evented object. if (isTargetingSelf) { listen(target, 'one', type, listener); // Targeting another evented object. } else { var wrapper = function wrapper() { for (var _len3 = arguments.length, largs = Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) { largs[_key3] = arguments[_key3]; }, type, wrapper); listener.apply(null, largs); }; // Use the same function ID as the listener so we can remove it later // it using the ID of the original listener. wrapper.guid = listener.guid; listen(target, 'one', type, wrapper); } }, /** * Removes listener(s) from event(s) on an evented object. * * @param {string|Array|Element|Object} [targetOrType] * If this is a string or array, it represents the event type(s). * * Another evented object can be passed here instead, in which case * ALL 3 arguments are _required_. * * @param {string|Array|Function} [typeOrListener] * If the first argument was a string or array, this may be the * listener function. Otherwise, this is a string or array of event * type(s). * * @param {Function} [listener] * If the first argument was another evented object, this will be * the listener function; otherwise, _all_ listeners bound to the * event type(s) will be removed. */ off: function off$$1(targetOrType, typeOrListener, listener) { // Targeting this evented object. if (!targetOrType || isValidEventType(targetOrType)) { off(this.eventBusEl_, targetOrType, typeOrListener); // Targeting another evented object. } else { var target = targetOrType; var type = typeOrListener; // Fail fast and in a meaningful way! validateTarget(target); validateEventType(type); validateListener(listener); // Ensure there's at least a guid, even if the function hasn't been used listener = bind(this, listener); // Remove the dispose listener on this evented object, which was given // the same guid as the event listener in on().'dispose', listener); if (target.nodeName) { off(target, type, listener); off(target, 'dispose', listener); } else if (isEvented(target)) {, listener);'dispose', listener); } } }, /** * Fire an event on this evented object, causing its listeners to be called. * * @param {string|Object} event * An event type or an object with a type property. * * @param {Object} [hash] * An additional object to pass along to listeners. * * @returns {boolean} * Whether or not the default behavior was prevented. */ trigger: function trigger$$1(event, hash) { return trigger(this.eventBusEl_, event, hash); } }; /** * Applies {@link module:evented~EventedMixin|EventedMixin} to a target object. * * @param {Object} target * The object to which to add event methods. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * Options for customizing the mixin behavior. * * @param {String} [options.eventBusKey] * By default, adds a `eventBusEl_` DOM element to the target object, * which is used as an event bus. If the target object already has a * DOM element that should be used, pass its key here. * * @return {Object} * The target object. */ function evented(target) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var eventBusKey = options.eventBusKey; // Set or create the eventBusEl_. if (eventBusKey) { if (!target[eventBusKey].nodeName) { throw new Error('The eventBusKey "' + eventBusKey + '" does not refer to an element.'); } target.eventBusEl_ = target[eventBusKey]; } else { target.eventBusEl_ = createEl('span', { className: 'vjs-event-bus' }); } assign(target, EventedMixin); // When any evented object is disposed, it removes all its listeners. target.on('dispose', function () { return; }); return target; } /** * @file mixins/stateful.js * @module stateful */ /** * Contains methods that provide statefulness to an object which is passed * to {@link module:stateful}. * * @mixin StatefulMixin */ var StatefulMixin = { /** * A hash containing arbitrary keys and values representing the state of * the object. * * @type {Object} */ state: {}, /** * Set the state of an object by mutating its * {@link module:stateful~StatefulMixin.state|state} object in place. * * @fires module:stateful~StatefulMixin#statechanged * @param {Object|Function} stateUpdates * A new set of properties to shallow-merge into the plugin state. * Can be a plain object or a function returning a plain object. * * @returns {Object|undefined} * An object containing changes that occurred. If no changes * occurred, returns `undefined`. */ setState: function setState(stateUpdates) { var _this = this; // Support providing the `stateUpdates` state as a function. if (typeof stateUpdates === 'function') { stateUpdates = stateUpdates(); } var changes = void 0; each(stateUpdates, function (value, key) { // Record the change if the value is different from what's in the // current state. if (_this.state[key] !== value) { changes = changes || {}; changes[key] = { from: _this.state[key], to: value }; } _this.state[key] = value; }); // Only trigger "statechange" if there were changes AND we have a trigger // function. This allows us to not require that the target object be an // evented object. if (changes && isEvented(this)) { /** * An event triggered on an object that is both * {@link module:stateful|stateful} and {@link module:evented|evented} * indicating that its state has changed. * * @event module:stateful~StatefulMixin#statechanged * @type {Object} * @property {Object} changes * A hash containing the properties that were changed and * the values they were changed `from` and `to`. */ this.trigger({ changes: changes, type: 'statechanged' }); } return changes; } }; /** * Applies {@link module:stateful~StatefulMixin|StatefulMixin} to a target * object. * * If the target object is {@link module:evented|evented} and has a * `handleStateChanged` method, that method will be automatically bound to the * `statechanged` event on itself. * * @param {Object} target * The object to be made stateful. * * @param {Object} [defaultState] * A default set of properties to populate the newly-stateful object's * `state` property. * * @returns {Object} * Returns the `target`. */ function stateful(target, defaultState) { assign(target, StatefulMixin); // This happens after the mixing-in because we need to replace the `state` // added in that step. target.state = assign({}, target.state, defaultState); // Auto-bind the `handleStateChanged` method of the target object if it exists. if (typeof target.handleStateChanged === 'function' && isEvented(target)) { target.on('statechanged', target.handleStateChanged); } return target; } /** * @file to-title-case.js * @module to-title-case */ /** * Uppercase the first letter of a string. * * @param {string} string * String to be uppercased * * @return {string} * The string with an uppercased first letter */ function toTitleCase(string) { if (typeof string !== 'string') { return string; } return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } /** * Compares the TitleCase versions of the two strings for equality. * * @param {string} str1 * The first string to compare * * @param {string} str2 * The second string to compare * * @return {boolean} * Whether the TitleCase versions of the strings are equal */ function titleCaseEquals(str1, str2) { return toTitleCase(str1) === toTitleCase(str2); } /** * @file merge-options.js * @module merge-options */ /** * Deep-merge one or more options objects, recursively merging **only** plain * object properties. * * @param {Object[]} sources * One or more objects to merge into a new object. * * @returns {Object} * A new object that is the merged result of all sources. */ function mergeOptions() { var result = {}; for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { sources[_key] = arguments[_key]; } sources.forEach(function (source) { if (!source) { return; } each(source, function (value, key) { if (!isPlain(value)) { result[key] = value; return; } if (!isPlain(result[key])) { result[key] = {}; } result[key] = mergeOptions(result[key], value); }); }); return result; } /** * Player Component - Base class for all UI objects * * @file component.js */ /** * Base class for all UI Components. * Components are UI objects which represent both a javascript object and an element * in the DOM. They can be children of other components, and can have * children themselves. * * Components can also use methods from {@link EventTarget} */ var Component = function () { /** * A callback that is called when a component is ready. Does not have any * paramters and any callback value will be ignored. * * @callback Component~ReadyCallback * @this Component */ /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Object[]} [options.children] * An array of children objects to intialize this component with. Children objects have * a name property that will be used if more than one component of the same type needs to be * added. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * Function that gets called when the `Component` is ready. */ function Component(player, options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, Component); // The component might be the player itself and we can't pass `this` to super if (!player && { this.player_ = player = this; // eslint-disable-line } else { this.player_ = player; } // Make a copy of prototype.options_ to protect against overriding defaults this.options_ = mergeOptions({}, this.options_); // Updated options with supplied options options = this.options_ = mergeOptions(this.options_, options); // Get ID from options or options element if one is supplied this.id_ = || options.el &&; // If there was no ID from the options, generate one if (!this.id_) { // Don't require the player ID function in the case of mock players var id = player && && || 'no_player'; this.id_ = id + '_component_' + newGUID(); } this.name_ = || null; // Create element if one wasn't provided in options if (options.el) { this.el_ = options.el; } else if (options.createEl !== false) { this.el_ = this.createEl(); } // Make this an evented object and use `el_`, if available, as its event bus evented(this, { eventBusKey: this.el_ ? 'el_' : null }); stateful(this, this.constructor.defaultState); this.children_ = []; this.childIndex_ = {}; this.childNameIndex_ = {}; // Add any child components in options if (options.initChildren !== false) { this.initChildren(); } this.ready(ready); // Don't want to trigger ready here or it will before init is actually // finished for all children that run this constructor if (options.reportTouchActivity !== false) { this.enableTouchActivity(); } } /** * Dispose of the `Component` and all child components. * * @fires Component#dispose */ Component.prototype.dispose = function dispose() { /** * Triggered when a `Component` is disposed. * * @event Component#dispose * @type {EventTarget~Event} * * @property {boolean} [bubbles=false] * set to false so that the close event does not * bubble up */ this.trigger({ type: 'dispose', bubbles: false }); // Dispose all children. if (this.children_) { for (var i = this.children_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.children_[i].dispose) { this.children_[i].dispose(); } } } // Delete child references this.children_ = null; this.childIndex_ = null; this.childNameIndex_ = null; if (this.el_) { // Remove element from DOM if (this.el_.parentNode) { this.el_.parentNode.removeChild(this.el_); } removeData(this.el_); this.el_ = null; } }; /** * Return the {@link Player} that the `Component` has attached to. * * @return {Player} * The player that this `Component` has attached to. */ Component.prototype.player = function player() { return this.player_; }; /** * Deep merge of options objects with new options. * > Note: When both `obj` and `options` contain properties whose values are objects. * The two properties get merged using {@link module:mergeOptions} * * @param {Object} obj * The object that contains new options. * * @return {Object} * A new object of `this.options_` and `obj` merged together. * * @deprecated since version 5 */ Component.prototype.options = function options(obj) { log$1.warn('this.options() has been deprecated and will be moved to the constructor in 6.0'); if (!obj) { return this.options_; } this.options_ = mergeOptions(this.options_, obj); return this.options_; }; /** * Get the `Component`s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The DOM element for this `Component`. */ Component.prototype.el = function el() { return this.el_; }; /** * Create the `Component`s DOM element. * * @param {string} [tagName] * Element's DOM node type. e.g. 'div' * * @param {Object} [properties] * An object of properties that should be set. * * @param {Object} [attributes] * An object of attributes that should be set. * * @return {Element} * The element that gets created. */ Component.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1(tagName, properties, attributes) { return createEl(tagName, properties, attributes); }; /** * Localize a string given the string in english. * * If tokens are provided, it'll try and run a simple token replacement on the provided string. * The tokens it loooks for look like `{1}` with the index being 1-indexed into the tokens array. * * If a `defaultValue` is provided, it'll use that over `string`, * if a value isn't found in provided language files. * This is useful if you want to have a descriptive key for token replacement * but have a succinct localized string and not require `en.json` to be included. * * Currently, it is used for the progress bar timing. * ```js * { * "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} of {2}" * } * ``` * It is then used like so: * ```js * this.localize('progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration{2}', * [this.player_.currentTime(), this.player_.duration()], * '{1} of {2}'); * ``` * * Which outputs something like: `01:23 of 24:56`. * * * @param {string} string * The string to localize and the key to lookup in the language files. * @param {string[]} [tokens] * If the current item has token replacements, provide the tokens here. * @param {string} [defaultValue] * Defaults to `string`. Can be a default value to use for token replacement * if the lookup key is needed to be separate. * * @return {string} * The localized string or if no localization exists the english string. */ Component.prototype.localize = function localize(string, tokens) { var defaultValue = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : string; var code = this.player_.language && this.player_.language(); var languages = this.player_.languages && this.player_.languages(); var language = languages && languages[code]; var primaryCode = code && code.split('-')[0]; var primaryLang = languages && languages[primaryCode]; var localizedString = defaultValue; if (language && language[string]) { localizedString = language[string]; } else if (primaryLang && primaryLang[string]) { localizedString = primaryLang[string]; } if (tokens) { localizedString = localizedString.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function (match, index) { var value = tokens[index - 1]; var ret = value; if (typeof value === 'undefined') { ret = match; } return ret; }); } return localizedString; }; /** * Return the `Component`s DOM element. This is where children get inserted. * This will usually be the the same as the element returned in {@link Component#el}. * * @return {Element} * The content element for this `Component`. */ Component.prototype.contentEl = function contentEl() { return this.contentEl_ || this.el_; }; /** * Get this `Component`s ID * * @return {string} * The id of this `Component` */ = function id() { return this.id_; }; /** * Get the `Component`s name. The name gets used to reference the `Component` * and is set during registration. * * @return {string} * The name of this `Component`. */ = function name() { return this.name_; }; /** * Get an array of all child components * * @return {Array} * The children */ Component.prototype.children = function children() { return this.children_; }; /** * Returns the child `Component` with the given `id`. * * @param {string} id * The id of the child `Component` to get. * * @return {Component|undefined} * The child `Component` with the given `id` or undefined. */ Component.prototype.getChildById = function getChildById(id) { return this.childIndex_[id]; }; /** * Returns the child `Component` with the given `name`. * * @param {string} name * The name of the child `Component` to get. * * @return {Component|undefined} * The child `Component` with the given `name` or undefined. */ Component.prototype.getChild = function getChild(name) { if (!name) { return; } name = toTitleCase(name); return this.childNameIndex_[name]; }; /** * Add a child `Component` inside the current `Component`. * * * @param {string|Component} child * The name or instance of a child to add. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * The key/value store of options that will get passed to children of * the child. * * @param {number} [index=this.children_.length] * The index to attempt to add a child into. * * @return {Component} * The `Component` that gets added as a child. When using a string the * `Component` will get created by this process. */ Component.prototype.addChild = function addChild(child) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var index = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : this.children_.length; var component = void 0; var componentName = void 0; // If child is a string, create component with options if (typeof child === 'string') { componentName = toTitleCase(child); var componentClassName = options.componentClass || componentName; // Set name through options = componentName; // Create a new object & element for this controls set // If there's no .player_, this is a player var ComponentClass = Component.getComponent(componentClassName); if (!ComponentClass) { throw new Error('Component ' + componentClassName + ' does not exist'); } // data stored directly on the videojs object may be // misidentified as a component to retain // backwards-compatibility with 4.x. check to make sure the // component class can be instantiated. if (typeof ComponentClass !== 'function') { return null; } component = new ComponentClass(this.player_ || this, options); // child is a component instance } else { component = child; } this.children_.splice(index, 0, component); if (typeof === 'function') { this.childIndex_[] = component; } // If a name wasn't used to create the component, check if we can use the // name function of the component componentName = componentName || && toTitleCase(; if (componentName) { this.childNameIndex_[componentName] = component; } // Add the UI object's element to the container div (box) // Having an element is not required if (typeof component.el === 'function' && component.el()) { var childNodes = this.contentEl().children; var refNode = childNodes[index] || null; this.contentEl().insertBefore(component.el(), refNode); } // Return so it can stored on parent object if desired. return component; }; /** * Remove a child `Component` from this `Component`s list of children. Also removes * the child `Component`s element from this `Component`s element. * * @param {Component} component * The child `Component` to remove. */ Component.prototype.removeChild = function removeChild(component) { if (typeof component === 'string') { component = this.getChild(component); } if (!component || !this.children_) { return; } var childFound = false; for (var i = this.children_.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.children_[i] === component) { childFound = true; this.children_.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (!childFound) { return; } this.childIndex_[] = null; this.childNameIndex_[] = null; var compEl = component.el(); if (compEl && compEl.parentNode === this.contentEl()) { this.contentEl().removeChild(component.el()); } }; /** * Add and initialize default child `Component`s based upon options. */ Component.prototype.initChildren = function initChildren() { var _this = this; var children = this.options_.children; if (children) { // `this` is `parent` var parentOptions = this.options_; var handleAdd = function handleAdd(child) { var name =; var opts = child.opts; // Allow options for children to be set at the parent options // e.g. videojs(id, { controlBar: false }); // instead of videojs(id, { children: { controlBar: false }); if (parentOptions[name] !== undefined) { opts = parentOptions[name]; } // Allow for disabling default components // e.g. options['children']['posterImage'] = false if (opts === false) { return; } // Allow options to be passed as a simple boolean if no configuration // is necessary. if (opts === true) { opts = {}; } // We also want to pass the original player options // to each component as well so they don't need to // reach back into the player for options later. opts.playerOptions = _this.options_.playerOptions; // Create and add the child component. // Add a direct reference to the child by name on the parent instance. // If two of the same component are used, different names should be supplied // for each var newChild = _this.addChild(name, opts); if (newChild) { _this[name] = newChild; } }; // Allow for an array of children details to passed in the options var workingChildren = void 0; var Tech = Component.getComponent('Tech'); if (Array.isArray(children)) { workingChildren = children; } else { workingChildren = Object.keys(children); } workingChildren // children that are in this.options_ but also in workingChildren would // give us extra children we do not want. So, we want to filter them out. .concat(Object.keys(this.options_).filter(function (child) { return !workingChildren.some(function (wchild) { if (typeof wchild === 'string') { return child === wchild; } return child ===; }); })).map(function (child) { var name = void 0; var opts = void 0; if (typeof child === 'string') { name = child; opts = children[name] || _this.options_[name] || {}; } else { name =; opts = child; } return { name: name, opts: opts }; }).filter(function (child) { // we have to make sure that isn't in the techOrder since // techs are registerd as Components but can't aren't compatible // See var c = Component.getComponent(child.opts.componentClass || toTitleCase(; return c && !Tech.isTech(c); }).forEach(handleAdd); } }; /** * Builds the default DOM class name. Should be overriden by sub-components. * * @return {string} * The DOM class name for this object. * * @abstract */ Component.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { // Child classes can include a function that does: // return 'CLASS NAME' + this._super(); return ''; }; /** * Bind a listener to the component's ready state. * Different from event listeners in that if the ready event has already happened * it will trigger the function immediately. * * @return {Component} * Returns itself; method can be chained. */ Component.prototype.ready = function ready(fn) { var sync = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; if (fn) { if (this.isReady_) { if (sync) {; } else { // Call the function asynchronously by default for consistency this.setTimeout(fn, 1); } } else { this.readyQueue_ = this.readyQueue_ || []; this.readyQueue_.push(fn); } } }; /** * Trigger all the ready listeners for this `Component`. * * @fires Component#ready */ Component.prototype.triggerReady = function triggerReady() { this.isReady_ = true; // Ensure ready is triggerd asynchronously this.setTimeout(function () { var readyQueue = this.readyQueue_; // Reset Ready Queue this.readyQueue_ = []; if (readyQueue && readyQueue.length > 0) { readyQueue.forEach(function (fn) {; }, this); } // Allow for using event listeners also /** * Triggered when a `Component` is ready. * * @event Component#ready * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('ready'); }, 1); }; /** * Find a single DOM element matching a `selector`. This can be within the `Component`s * `contentEl()` or another custom context. * * @param {string} selector * A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to `querySelector`. * * @param {Element|string} [context=this.contentEl()] * A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector string in * which case the first matching element will get used as context. If * missing `this.contentEl()` gets used. If `this.contentEl()` returns * nothing it falls back to `document`. * * @return {Element|null} * the dom element that was found, or null * * @see [Information on CSS Selectors]( */ Component.prototype.$ = function $$$1(selector, context) { return $(selector, context || this.contentEl()); }; /** * Finds all DOM element matching a `selector`. This can be within the `Component`s * `contentEl()` or another custom context. * * @param {string} selector * A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to `querySelectorAll`. * * @param {Element|string} [context=this.contentEl()] * A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector string in * which case the first matching element will get used as context. If * missing `this.contentEl()` gets used. If `this.contentEl()` returns * nothing it falls back to `document`. * * @return {NodeList} * a list of dom elements that were found * * @see [Information on CSS Selectors]( */ Component.prototype.$$ = function $$$$1(selector, context) { return $$(selector, context || this.contentEl()); }; /** * Check if a component's element has a CSS class name. * * @param {string} classToCheck * CSS class name to check. * * @return {boolean} * - True if the `Component` has the class. * - False if the `Component` does not have the class` */ Component.prototype.hasClass = function hasClass$$1(classToCheck) { return hasClass(this.el_, classToCheck); }; /** * Add a CSS class name to the `Component`s element. * * @param {string} classToAdd * CSS class name to add */ Component.prototype.addClass = function addClass$$1(classToAdd) { addClass(this.el_, classToAdd); }; /** * Remove a CSS class name from the `Component`s element. * * @param {string} classToRemove * CSS class name to remove */ Component.prototype.removeClass = function removeClass$$1(classToRemove) { removeClass(this.el_, classToRemove); }; /** * Add or remove a CSS class name from the component's element. * - `classToToggle` gets added when {@link Component#hasClass} would return false. * - `classToToggle` gets removed when {@link Component#hasClass} would return true. * * @param {string} classToToggle * The class to add or remove based on (@link Component#hasClass} * * @param {boolean|Dom~predicate} [predicate] * An {@link Dom~predicate} function or a boolean */ Component.prototype.toggleClass = function toggleClass$$1(classToToggle, predicate) { toggleClass(this.el_, classToToggle, predicate); }; /** * Show the `Component`s element if it is hidden by removing the * 'vjs-hidden' class name from it. */ = function show() { this.removeClass('vjs-hidden'); }; /** * Hide the `Component`s element if it is currently showing by adding the * 'vjs-hidden` class name to it. */ Component.prototype.hide = function hide() { this.addClass('vjs-hidden'); }; /** * Lock a `Component`s element in its visible state by adding the 'vjs-lock-showing' * class name to it. Used during fadeIn/fadeOut. * * @private */ Component.prototype.lockShowing = function lockShowing() { this.addClass('vjs-lock-showing'); }; /** * Unlock a `Component`s element from its visible state by removing the 'vjs-lock-showing' * class name from it. Used during fadeIn/fadeOut. * * @private */ Component.prototype.unlockShowing = function unlockShowing() { this.removeClass('vjs-lock-showing'); }; /** * Get the value of an attribute on the `Component`s element. * * @param {string} attribute * Name of the attribute to get the value from. * * @return {string|null} * - The value of the attribute that was asked for. * - Can be an empty string on some browsers if the attribute does not exist * or has no value * - Most browsers will return null if the attibute does not exist or has * no value. * * @see [DOM API]{@link} */ Component.prototype.getAttribute = function getAttribute$$1(attribute) { return getAttribute(this.el_, attribute); }; /** * Set the value of an attribute on the `Component`'s element * * @param {string} attribute * Name of the attribute to set. * * @param {string} value * Value to set the attribute to. * * @see [DOM API]{@link} */ Component.prototype.setAttribute = function setAttribute$$1(attribute, value) { setAttribute(this.el_, attribute, value); }; /** * Remove an attribute from the `Component`s element. * * @param {string} attribute * Name of the attribute to remove. * * @see [DOM API]{@link} */ Component.prototype.removeAttribute = function removeAttribute$$1(attribute) { removeAttribute(this.el_, attribute); }; /** * Get or set the width of the component based upon the CSS styles. * See {@link Component#dimension} for more detailed information. * * @param {number|string} [num] * The width that you want to set postfixed with '%', 'px' or nothing. * * @param {boolean} [skipListeners] * Skip the componentresize event trigger * * @return {number|string} * The width when getting, zero if there is no width. Can be a string * postpixed with '%' or 'px'. */ Component.prototype.width = function width(num, skipListeners) { return this.dimension('width', num, skipListeners); }; /** * Get or set the height of the component based upon the CSS styles. * See {@link Component#dimension} for more detailed information. * * @param {number|string} [num] * The height that you want to set postfixed with '%', 'px' or nothing. * * @param {boolean} [skipListeners] * Skip the componentresize event trigger * * @return {number|string} * The width when getting, zero if there is no width. Can be a string * postpixed with '%' or 'px'. */ Component.prototype.height = function height(num, skipListeners) { return this.dimension('height', num, skipListeners); }; /** * Set both the width and height of the `Component` element at the same time. * * @param {number|string} width * Width to set the `Component`s element to. * * @param {number|string} height * Height to set the `Component`s element to. */ Component.prototype.dimensions = function dimensions(width, height) { // Skip componentresize listeners on width for optimization this.width(width, true); this.height(height); }; /** * Get or set width or height of the `Component` element. This is the shared code * for the {@link Component#width} and {@link Component#height}. * * Things to know: * - If the width or height in an number this will return the number postfixed with 'px'. * - If the width/height is a percent this will return the percent postfixed with '%' * - Hidden elements have a width of 0 with `window.getComputedStyle`. This function * defaults to the `Component`s `style.width` and falls back to `window.getComputedStyle`. * See [this]{@link} * for more information * - If you want the computed style of the component, use {@link Component#currentWidth} * and {@link {Component#currentHeight} * * @fires Component#componentresize * * @param {string} widthOrHeight 8 'width' or 'height' * * @param {number|string} [num] 8 New dimension * * @param {boolean} [skipListeners] * Skip componentresize event trigger * * @return {number} * The dimension when getting or 0 if unset */ Component.prototype.dimension = function dimension(widthOrHeight, num, skipListeners) { if (num !== undefined) { // Set to zero if null or literally NaN (NaN !== NaN) if (num === null || num !== num) { num = 0; } // Check if using css width/height (% or px) and adjust if (('' + num).indexOf('%') !== -1 || ('' + num).indexOf('px') !== -1) {[widthOrHeight] = num; } else if (num === 'auto') {[widthOrHeight] = ''; } else {[widthOrHeight] = num + 'px'; } // skipListeners allows us to avoid triggering the resize event when setting both width and height if (!skipListeners) { /** * Triggered when a component is resized. * * @event Component#componentresize * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('componentresize'); } return; } // Not setting a value, so getting it // Make sure element exists if (!this.el_) { return 0; } // Get dimension value from style var val =[widthOrHeight]; var pxIndex = val.indexOf('px'); if (pxIndex !== -1) { // Return the pixel value with no 'px' return parseInt(val.slice(0, pxIndex), 10); } // No px so using % or no style was set, so falling back to offsetWidth/height // If component has display:none, offset will return 0 // TODO: handle display:none and no dimension style using px return parseInt(this.el_['offset' + toTitleCase(widthOrHeight)], 10); }; /** * Get the width or the height of the `Component` elements computed style. Uses * `window.getComputedStyle`. * * @param {string} widthOrHeight * A string containing 'width' or 'height'. Whichever one you want to get. * * @return {number} * The dimension that gets asked for or 0 if nothing was set * for that dimension. */ Component.prototype.currentDimension = function currentDimension(widthOrHeight) { var computedWidthOrHeight = 0; if (widthOrHeight !== 'width' && widthOrHeight !== 'height') { throw new Error('currentDimension only accepts width or height value'); } if (typeof window_1.getComputedStyle === 'function') { var computedStyle = window_1.getComputedStyle(this.el_); computedWidthOrHeight = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(widthOrHeight) || computedStyle[widthOrHeight]; } // remove 'px' from variable and parse as integer computedWidthOrHeight = parseFloat(computedWidthOrHeight); // if the computed value is still 0, it's possible that the browser is lying // and we want to check the offset values. // This code also runs on IE8 and wherever getComputedStyle doesn't exist. if (computedWidthOrHeight === 0) { var rule = 'offset' + toTitleCase(widthOrHeight); computedWidthOrHeight = this.el_[rule]; } return computedWidthOrHeight; }; /** * An object that contains width and height values of the `Component`s * computed style. Uses `window.getComputedStyle`. * * @typedef {Object} Component~DimensionObject * * @property {number} width * The width of the `Component`s computed style. * * @property {number} height * The height of the `Component`s computed style. */ /** * Get an object that contains width and height values of the `Component`s * computed style. * * @return {Component~DimensionObject} * The dimensions of the components element */ Component.prototype.currentDimensions = function currentDimensions() { return { width: this.currentDimension('width'), height: this.currentDimension('height') }; }; /** * Get the width of the `Component`s computed style. Uses `window.getComputedStyle`. * * @return {number} width * The width of the `Component`s computed style. */ Component.prototype.currentWidth = function currentWidth() { return this.currentDimension('width'); }; /** * Get the height of the `Component`s computed style. Uses `window.getComputedStyle`. * * @return {number} height * The height of the `Component`s computed style. */ Component.prototype.currentHeight = function currentHeight() { return this.currentDimension('height'); }; /** * Set the focus to this component */ Component.prototype.focus = function focus() { this.el_.focus(); }; /** * Remove the focus from this component */ Component.prototype.blur = function blur() { this.el_.blur(); }; /** * Emit a 'tap' events when touch event support gets detected. This gets used to * support toggling the controls through a tap on the video. They get enabled * because every sub-component would have extra overhead otherwise. * * @private * @fires Component#tap * @listens Component#touchstart * @listens Component#touchmove * @listens Component#touchleave * @listens Component#touchcancel * @listens Component#touchend */ Component.prototype.emitTapEvents = function emitTapEvents() { // Track the start time so we can determine how long the touch lasted var touchStart = 0; var firstTouch = null; // Maximum movement allowed during a touch event to still be considered a tap // Other popular libs use anywhere from 2 (hammer.js) to 15, // so 10 seems like a nice, round number. var tapMovementThreshold = 10; // The maximum length a touch can be while still being considered a tap var touchTimeThreshold = 200; var couldBeTap = void 0; this.on('touchstart', function (event) { // If more than one finger, don't consider treating this as a click if (event.touches.length === 1) { // Copy pageX/pageY from the object firstTouch = { pageX: event.touches[0].pageX, pageY: event.touches[0].pageY }; // Record start time so we can detect a tap vs. "touch and hold" touchStart = new Date().getTime(); // Reset couldBeTap tracking couldBeTap = true; } }); this.on('touchmove', function (event) { // If more than one finger, don't consider treating this as a click if (event.touches.length > 1) { couldBeTap = false; } else if (firstTouch) { // Some devices will throw touchmoves for all but the slightest of taps. // So, if we moved only a small distance, this could still be a tap var xdiff = event.touches[0].pageX - firstTouch.pageX; var ydiff = event.touches[0].pageY - firstTouch.pageY; var touchDistance = Math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff); if (touchDistance > tapMovementThreshold) { couldBeTap = false; } } }); var noTap = function noTap() { couldBeTap = false; }; // TODO: Listen to the original target. this.on('touchleave', noTap); this.on('touchcancel', noTap); // When the touch ends, measure how long it took and trigger the appropriate // event this.on('touchend', function (event) { firstTouch = null; // Proceed only if the touchmove/leave/cancel event didn't happen if (couldBeTap === true) { // Measure how long the touch lasted var touchTime = new Date().getTime() - touchStart; // Make sure the touch was less than the threshold to be considered a tap if (touchTime < touchTimeThreshold) { // Don't let browser turn this into a click event.preventDefault(); /** * Triggered when a `Component` is tapped. * * @event Component#tap * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('tap'); // It may be good to copy the touchend event object and change the // type to tap, if the other event properties aren't exact after // Events.fixEvent runs (e.g. } } }); }; /** * This function reports user activity whenever touch events happen. This can get * turned off by any sub-components that wants touch events to act another way. * * Report user touch activity when touch events occur. User activity gets used to * determine when controls should show/hide. It is simple when it comes to mouse * events, because any mouse event should show the controls. So we capture mouse * events that bubble up to the player and report activity when that happens. * With touch events it isn't as easy as `touchstart` and `touchend` toggle player * controls. So touch events can't help us at the player level either. * * User activity gets checked asynchronously. So what could happen is a tap event * on the video turns the controls off. Then the `touchend` event bubbles up to * the player. Which, if it reported user activity, would turn the controls right * back on. We also don't want to completely block touch events from bubbling up. * Furthermore a `touchmove` event and anything other than a tap, should not turn * controls back on. * * @listens Component#touchstart * @listens Component#touchmove * @listens Component#touchend * @listens Component#touchcancel */ Component.prototype.enableTouchActivity = function enableTouchActivity() { // Don't continue if the root player doesn't support reporting user activity if (!this.player() || !this.player().reportUserActivity) { return; } // listener for reporting that the user is active var report = bind(this.player(), this.player().reportUserActivity); var touchHolding = void 0; this.on('touchstart', function () { report(); // For as long as the they are touching the device or have their mouse down, // we consider them active even if they're not moving their finger or mouse. // So we want to continue to update that they are active this.clearInterval(touchHolding); // report at the same interval as activityCheck touchHolding = this.setInterval(report, 250); }); var touchEnd = function touchEnd(event) { report(); // stop the interval that maintains activity if the touch is holding this.clearInterval(touchHolding); }; this.on('touchmove', report); this.on('touchend', touchEnd); this.on('touchcancel', touchEnd); }; /** * A callback that has no parameters and is bound into `Component`s context. * * @callback Component~GenericCallback * @this Component */ /** * Creates a function that runs after an `x` millisecond timeout. This function is a * wrapper around `window.setTimeout`. There are a few reasons to use this one * instead though: * 1. It gets cleared via {@link Component#clearTimeout} when * {@link Component#dispose} gets called. * 2. The function callback will gets turned into a {@link Component~GenericCallback} * * > Note: You can use `window.clearTimeout` on the id returned by this function. This * will cause its dispose listener not to get cleaned up! Please use * {@link Component#clearTimeout} or {@link Component#dispose}. * * @param {Component~GenericCallback} fn * The function that will be run after `timeout`. * * @param {number} timeout * Timeout in milliseconds to delay before executing the specified function. * * @return {number} * Returns a timeout ID that gets used to identify the timeout. It can also * get used in {@link Component#clearTimeout} to clear the timeout that * was set. * * @listens Component#dispose * @see [Similar to]{@link} */ Component.prototype.setTimeout = function setTimeout(fn, timeout) { fn = bind(this, fn); var timeoutId = window_1.setTimeout(fn, timeout); var disposeFn = function disposeFn() { this.clearTimeout(timeoutId); }; disposeFn.guid = 'vjs-timeout-' + timeoutId; this.on('dispose', disposeFn); return timeoutId; }; /** * Clears a timeout that gets created via `window.setTimeout` or * {@link Component#setTimeout}. If you set a timeout via {@link Component#setTimeout} * use this function instead of `window.clearTimout`. If you don't your dispose * listener will not get cleaned up until {@link Component#dispose}! * * @param {number} timeoutId * The id of the timeout to clear. The return value of * {@link Component#setTimeout} or `window.setTimeout`. * * @return {number} * Returns the timeout id that was cleared. * * @see [Similar to]{@link} */ Component.prototype.clearTimeout = function clearTimeout(timeoutId) { window_1.clearTimeout(timeoutId); var disposeFn = function disposeFn() {}; disposeFn.guid = 'vjs-timeout-' + timeoutId;'dispose', disposeFn); return timeoutId; }; /** * Creates a function that gets run every `x` milliseconds. This function is a wrapper * around `window.setInterval`. There are a few reasons to use this one instead though. * 1. It gets cleared via {@link Component#clearInterval} when * {@link Component#dispose} gets called. * 2. The function callback will be a {@link Component~GenericCallback} * * @param {Component~GenericCallback} fn * The function to run every `x` seconds. * * @param {number} interval * Execute the specified function every `x` milliseconds. * * @return {number} * Returns an id that can be used to identify the interval. It can also be be used in * {@link Component#clearInterval} to clear the interval. * * @listens Component#dispose * @see [Similar to]{@link} */ Component.prototype.setInterval = function setInterval(fn, interval) { fn = bind(this, fn); var intervalId = window_1.setInterval(fn, interval); var disposeFn = function disposeFn() { this.clearInterval(intervalId); }; disposeFn.guid = 'vjs-interval-' + intervalId; this.on('dispose', disposeFn); return intervalId; }; /** * Clears an interval that gets created via `window.setInterval` or * {@link Component#setInterval}. If you set an inteval via {@link Component#setInterval} * use this function instead of `window.clearInterval`. If you don't your dispose * listener will not get cleaned up until {@link Component#dispose}! * * @param {number} intervalId * The id of the interval to clear. The return value of * {@link Component#setInterval} or `window.setInterval`. * * @return {number} * Returns the interval id that was cleared. * * @see [Similar to]{@link} */ Component.prototype.clearInterval = function clearInterval(intervalId) { window_1.clearInterval(intervalId); var disposeFn = function disposeFn() {}; disposeFn.guid = 'vjs-interval-' + intervalId;'dispose', disposeFn); return intervalId; }; /** * Queues up a callback to be passed to requestAnimationFrame (rAF), but * with a few extra bonuses: * * - Supports browsers that do not support rAF by falling back to * {@link Component#setTimeout}. * * - The callback is turned into a {@link Component~GenericCallback} (i.e. * bound to the component). * * - Automatic cancellation of the rAF callback is handled if the component * is disposed before it is called. * * @param {Component~GenericCallback} fn * A function that will be bound to this component and executed just * before the browser's next repaint. * * @return {number} * Returns an rAF ID that gets used to identify the timeout. It can * also be used in {@link Component#cancelAnimationFrame} to cancel * the animation frame callback. * * @listens Component#dispose * @see [Similar to]{@link} */ Component.prototype.requestAnimationFrame = function requestAnimationFrame(fn) { var _this2 = this; if (this.supportsRaf_) { fn = bind(this, fn); var id = window_1.requestAnimationFrame(fn); var disposeFn = function disposeFn() { return _this2.cancelAnimationFrame(id); }; disposeFn.guid = 'vjs-raf-' + id; this.on('dispose', disposeFn); return id; } // Fall back to using a timer. return this.setTimeout(fn, 1000 / 60); }; /** * Cancels a queued callback passed to {@link Component#requestAnimationFrame} * (rAF). * * If you queue an rAF callback via {@link Component#requestAnimationFrame}, * use this function instead of `window.cancelAnimationFrame`. If you don't, * your dispose listener will not get cleaned up until {@link Component#dispose}! * * @param {number} id * The rAF ID to clear. The return value of {@link Component#requestAnimationFrame}. * * @return {number} * Returns the rAF ID that was cleared. * * @see [Similar to]{@link} */ Component.prototype.cancelAnimationFrame = function cancelAnimationFrame(id) { if (this.supportsRaf_) { window_1.cancelAnimationFrame(id); var disposeFn = function disposeFn() {}; disposeFn.guid = 'vjs-raf-' + id;'dispose', disposeFn); return id; } // Fall back to using a timer. return this.clearTimeout(id); }; /** * Register a `Component` with `videojs` given the name and the component. * * > NOTE: {@link Tech}s should not be registered as a `Component`. {@link Tech}s * should be registered using {@link Tech.registerTech} or * {@link videojs:videojs.registerTech}. * * > NOTE: This function can also be seen on videojs as * {@link videojs:videojs.registerComponent}. * * @param {string} name * The name of the `Component` to register. * * @param {Component} ComponentToRegister * The `Component` class to register. * * @return {Component} * The `Component` that was registered. */ Component.registerComponent = function registerComponent(name, ComponentToRegister) { if (typeof name !== 'string' || !name) { throw new Error('Illegal component name, "' + name + '"; must be a non-empty string.'); } var Tech = Component.getComponent('Tech'); // We need to make sure this check is only done if Tech has been registered. var isTech = Tech && Tech.isTech(ComponentToRegister); var isComp = Component === ComponentToRegister || Component.prototype.isPrototypeOf(ComponentToRegister.prototype); if (isTech || !isComp) { var reason = void 0; if (isTech) { reason = 'techs must be registered using Tech.registerTech()'; } else { reason = 'must be a Component subclass'; } throw new Error('Illegal component, "' + name + '"; ' + reason + '.'); } name = toTitleCase(name); if (!Component.components_) { Component.components_ = {}; } var Player = Component.getComponent('Player'); if (name === 'Player' && Player && Player.players) { var players = Player.players; var playerNames = Object.keys(players); // If we have players that were disposed, then their name will still be // in Players.players. So, we must loop through and verify that the value // for each item is not null. This allows registration of the Player component // after all players have been disposed or before any were created. if (players && playerNames.length > 0 && (pname) { return players[pname]; }).every(Boolean)) { throw new Error('Can not register Player component after player has been created.'); } } Component.components_[name] = ComponentToRegister; return ComponentToRegister; }; /** * Get a `Component` based on the name it was registered with. * * @param {string} name * The Name of the component to get. * * @return {Component} * The `Component` that got registered under the given name. * * @deprecated In `videojs` 6 this will not return `Component`s that were not * registered using {@link Component.registerComponent}. Currently we * check the global `videojs` object for a `Component` name and * return that if it exists. */ Component.getComponent = function getComponent(name) { if (!name) { return; } name = toTitleCase(name); if (Component.components_ && Component.components_[name]) { return Component.components_[name]; } }; return Component; }(); /** * Whether or not this component supports `requestAnimationFrame`. * * This is exposed primarily for testing purposes. * * @private * @type {Boolean} */ Component.prototype.supportsRaf_ = typeof window_1.requestAnimationFrame === 'function' && typeof window_1.cancelAnimationFrame === 'function'; Component.registerComponent('Component', Component); /** * @file time-ranges.js * @module time-ranges */ /** * Returns the time for the specified index at the start or end * of a TimeRange object. * * @function time-ranges:indexFunction * * @param {number} [index=0] * The range number to return the time for. * * @return {number} * The time that offset at the specified index. * * @depricated index must be set to a value, in the future this will throw an error. */ /** * An object that contains ranges of time for various reasons. * * @typedef {Object} TimeRange * * @property {number} length * The number of time ranges represented by this Object * * @property {time-ranges:indexFunction} start * Returns the time offset at which a specified time range begins. * * @property {time-ranges:indexFunction} end * Returns the time offset at which a specified time range begins. * * @see */ /** * Check if any of the time ranges are over the maximum index. * * @param {string} fnName * The function name to use for logging * * @param {number} index * The index to check * * @param {number} maxIndex * The maximum possible index * * @throws {Error} if the timeRanges provided are over the maxIndex */ function rangeCheck(fnName, index, maxIndex) { if (typeof index !== 'number' || index < 0 || index > maxIndex) { throw new Error('Failed to execute \'' + fnName + '\' on \'TimeRanges\': The index provided (' + index + ') is non-numeric or out of bounds (0-' + maxIndex + ').'); } } /** * Check if any of the time ranges are over the maximum index. * * @param {string} fnName * The function name to use for logging * * @param {string} valueIndex * The proprety that should be used to get the time. should be 'start' or 'end' * * @param {Array} ranges * An array of time ranges * * @param {Array} [rangeIndex=0] * The index to start the search at * * @return {number} * The time that offset at the specified index. * * * @depricated rangeIndex must be set to a value, in the future this will throw an error. * @throws {Error} if rangeIndex is more than the length of ranges */ function getRange(fnName, valueIndex, ranges, rangeIndex) { rangeCheck(fnName, rangeIndex, ranges.length - 1); return ranges[rangeIndex][valueIndex]; } /** * Create a time range object givent ranges of time. * * @param {Array} [ranges] * An array of time ranges. */ function createTimeRangesObj(ranges) { if (ranges === undefined || ranges.length === 0) { return { length: 0, start: function start() { throw new Error('This TimeRanges object is empty'); }, end: function end() { throw new Error('This TimeRanges object is empty'); } }; } return { length: ranges.length, start: getRange.bind(null, 'start', 0, ranges), end: getRange.bind(null, 'end', 1, ranges) }; } /** * Should create a fake `TimeRange` object which mimics an HTML5 time range instance. * * @param {number|Array} start * The start of a single range or an array of ranges * * @param {number} end * The end of a single range. * * @private */ function createTimeRanges(start, end) { if (Array.isArray(start)) { return createTimeRangesObj(start); } else if (start === undefined || end === undefined) { return createTimeRangesObj(); } return createTimeRangesObj([[start, end]]); } /** * @file buffer.js * @module buffer */ /** * Compute the percentage of the media that has been buffered. * * @param {TimeRange} buffered * The current `TimeRange` object representing buffered time ranges * * @param {number} duration * Total duration of the media * * @return {number} * Percent buffered of the total duration in decimal form. */ function bufferedPercent(buffered, duration) { var bufferedDuration = 0; var start = void 0; var end = void 0; if (!duration) { return 0; } if (!buffered || !buffered.length) { buffered = createTimeRanges(0, 0); } for (var i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) { start = buffered.start(i); end = buffered.end(i); // buffered end can be bigger than duration by a very small fraction if (end > duration) { end = duration; } bufferedDuration += end - start; } return bufferedDuration / duration; } /** * @file fullscreen-api.js * @module fullscreen-api * @private */ /** * Store the browser-specific methods for the fullscreen API. * * @type {Object} * @see [Specification]{@link} * @see [Map Approach From Screenfull.js]{@link} */ var FullscreenApi = {}; // browser API methods var apiMap = [['requestFullscreen', 'exitFullscreen', 'fullscreenElement', 'fullscreenEnabled', 'fullscreenchange', 'fullscreenerror'], // WebKit ['webkitRequestFullscreen', 'webkitExitFullscreen', 'webkitFullscreenElement', 'webkitFullscreenEnabled', 'webkitfullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenerror'], // Old WebKit (Safari 5.1) ['webkitRequestFullScreen', 'webkitCancelFullScreen', 'webkitCurrentFullScreenElement', 'webkitCancelFullScreen', 'webkitfullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenerror'], // Mozilla ['mozRequestFullScreen', 'mozCancelFullScreen', 'mozFullScreenElement', 'mozFullScreenEnabled', 'mozfullscreenchange', 'mozfullscreenerror'], // Microsoft ['msRequestFullscreen', 'msExitFullscreen', 'msFullscreenElement', 'msFullscreenEnabled', 'MSFullscreenChange', 'MSFullscreenError']]; var specApi = apiMap[0]; var browserApi = void 0; // determine the supported set of functions for (var i = 0; i < apiMap.length; i++) { // check for exitFullscreen function if (apiMap[i][1] in document_1) { browserApi = apiMap[i]; break; } } // map the browser API names to the spec API names if (browserApi) { for (var _i = 0; _i < browserApi.length; _i++) { FullscreenApi[specApi[_i]] = browserApi[_i]; } } /** * @file media-error.js */ /** * A Custom `MediaError` class which mimics the standard HTML5 `MediaError` class. * * @param {number|string|Object|MediaError} value * This can be of multiple types: * - number: should be a standard error code * - string: an error message (the code will be 0) * - Object: arbitrary properties * - `MediaError` (native): used to populate a video.js `MediaError` object * - `MediaError` (video.js): will return itself if it's already a * video.js `MediaError` object. * * @see [MediaError Spec]{@link} * @see [Encrypted MediaError Spec]{@link} * * @class MediaError */ function MediaError(value) { // Allow redundant calls to this constructor to avoid having `instanceof` // checks peppered around the code. if (value instanceof MediaError) { return value; } if (typeof value === 'number') { this.code = value; } else if (typeof value === 'string') { // default code is zero, so this is a custom error this.message = value; } else if (isObject(value)) { // We assign the `code` property manually because native `MediaError` objects // do not expose it as an own/enumerable property of the object. if (typeof value.code === 'number') { this.code = value.code; } assign(this, value); } if (!this.message) { this.message = MediaError.defaultMessages[this.code] || ''; } } /** * The error code that refers two one of the defined `MediaError` types * * @type {Number} */ MediaError.prototype.code = 0; /** * An optional message that to show with the error. Message is not part of the HTML5 * video spec but allows for more informative custom errors. * * @type {String} */ MediaError.prototype.message = ''; /** * An optional status code that can be set by plugins to allow even more detail about * the error. For example a plugin might provide a specific HTTP status code and an * error message for that code. Then when the plugin gets that error this class will * know how to display an error message for it. This allows a custom message to show * up on the `Player` error overlay. * * @type {Array} */ MediaError.prototype.status = null; /** * Errors indexed by the W3C standard. The order **CANNOT CHANGE**! See the * specification listed under {@link MediaError} for more information. * * @enum {array} * @readonly * @property {string} 0 - MEDIA_ERR_CUSTOM * @property {string} 1 - MEDIA_ERR_CUSTOM * @property {string} 2 - MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED * @property {string} 3 - MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK * @property {string} 4 - MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED * @property {string} 5 - MEDIA_ERR_ENCRYPTED */ MediaError.errorTypes = ['MEDIA_ERR_CUSTOM', 'MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED', 'MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK', 'MEDIA_ERR_DECODE', 'MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED', 'MEDIA_ERR_ENCRYPTED']; /** * The default `MediaError` messages based on the {@link MediaError.errorTypes}. * * @type {Array} * @constant */ MediaError.defaultMessages = { 1: 'You aborted the media playback', 2: 'A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.', 3: 'The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.', 4: 'The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.', 5: 'The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.' }; // Add types as properties on MediaError // e.g. MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4; for (var errNum = 0; errNum < MediaError.errorTypes.length; errNum++) { MediaError[MediaError.errorTypes[errNum]] = errNum; // values should be accessible on both the class and instance MediaError.prototype[MediaError.errorTypes[errNum]] = errNum; } var tuple = SafeParseTuple; function SafeParseTuple(obj, reviver) { var json; var error = null; try { json = JSON.parse(obj, reviver); } catch (err) { error = err; } return [error, json] } /** * @file text-track-list-converter.js Utilities for capturing text track state and * re-creating tracks based on a capture. * * @module text-track-list-converter */ /** * Examine a single {@link TextTrack} and return a JSON-compatible javascript object that * represents the {@link TextTrack}'s state. * * @param {TextTrack} track * The text track to query. * * @return {Object} * A serializable javascript representation of the TextTrack. * @private */ var trackToJson_ = function trackToJson_(track) { var ret = ['kind', 'label', 'language', 'id', 'inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType', 'mode', 'src'].reduce(function (acc, prop, i) { if (track[prop]) { acc[prop] = track[prop]; } return acc; }, { cues: track.cues &&, function (cue) { return { startTime: cue.startTime, endTime: cue.endTime, text: cue.text, id: }; }) }); return ret; }; /** * Examine a {@link Tech} and return a JSON-compatible javascript array that represents the * state of all {@link TextTrack}s currently configured. The return array is compatible with * {@link text-track-list-converter:jsonToTextTracks}. * * @param {Tech} tech * The tech object to query * * @return {Array} * A serializable javascript representation of the {@link Tech}s * {@link TextTrackList}. */ var textTracksToJson = function textTracksToJson(tech) { var trackEls = tech.$$('track'); var trackObjs =, function (t) { return t.track; }); var tracks =, function (trackEl) { var json = trackToJson_(trackEl.track); if (trackEl.src) { json.src = trackEl.src; } return json; }); return tracks.concat(, function (track) { return trackObjs.indexOf(track) === -1; }).map(trackToJson_)); }; /** * Create a set of remote {@link TextTrack}s on a {@link Tech} based on an array of javascript * object {@link TextTrack} representations. * * @param {Array} json * An array of `TextTrack` representation objects, like those that would be * produced by `textTracksToJson`. * * @param {Tech} tech * The `Tech` to create the `TextTrack`s on. */ var jsonToTextTracks = function jsonToTextTracks(json, tech) { json.forEach(function (track) { var addedTrack = tech.addRemoteTextTrack(track).track; if (!track.src && track.cues) { track.cues.forEach(function (cue) { return addedTrack.addCue(cue); }); } }); return tech.textTracks(); }; var textTrackConverter = { textTracksToJson: textTracksToJson, jsonToTextTracks: jsonToTextTracks, trackToJson_: trackToJson_ }; /** * @file modal-dialog.js */ var MODAL_CLASS_NAME = 'vjs-modal-dialog'; var ESC = 27; /** * The `ModalDialog` displays over the video and its controls, which blocks * interaction with the player until it is closed. * * Modal dialogs include a "Close" button and will close when that button * is activated - or when ESC is pressed anywhere. * * @extends Component */ var ModalDialog = function (_Component) { inherits(ModalDialog, _Component); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Mixed} [options.content=undefined] * Provide customized content for this modal. * * @param {string} [options.description] * A text description for the modal, primarily for accessibility. * * @param {boolean} [options.fillAlways=false] * Normally, modals are automatically filled only the first time * they open. This tells the modal to refresh its content * every time it opens. * * @param {string} [options.label] * A text label for the modal, primarily for accessibility. * * @param {boolean} [options.temporary=true] * If `true`, the modal can only be opened once; it will be * disposed as soon as it's closed. * * @param {boolean} [options.uncloseable=false] * If `true`, the user will not be able to close the modal * through the UI in the normal ways. Programmatic closing is * still possible. */ function ModalDialog(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, ModalDialog); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.opened_ = _this.hasBeenOpened_ = _this.hasBeenFilled_ = false; _this.closeable(!_this.options_.uncloseable); _this.content(_this.options_.content); // Make sure the contentEl is defined AFTER any children are initialized // because we only want the contents of the modal in the contentEl // (not the UI elements like the close button). _this.contentEl_ = createEl('div', { className: MODAL_CLASS_NAME + '-content' }, { role: 'document' }); _this.descEl_ = createEl('p', { className: MODAL_CLASS_NAME + '-description vjs-control-text', id: _this.el().getAttribute('aria-describedby') }); textContent(_this.descEl_, _this.description()); _this.el_.appendChild(_this.descEl_); _this.el_.appendChild(_this.contentEl_); return _this; } /** * Create the `ModalDialog`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The DOM element that gets created. */ ModalDialog.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { return, 'div', { className: this.buildCSSClass(), tabIndex: -1 }, { 'aria-describedby': + '_description', 'aria-hidden': 'true', 'aria-label': this.label(), 'role': 'dialog' }); }; /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ ModalDialog.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return MODAL_CLASS_NAME + ' vjs-hidden ' +; }; /** * Handles `keydown` events on the document, looking for ESC, which closes * the modal. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} e * The keypress that triggered this event. * * @listens keydown */ ModalDialog.prototype.handleKeyPress = function handleKeyPress(e) { if (e.which === ESC && this.closeable()) { this.close(); } }; /** * Returns the label string for this modal. Primarily used for accessibility. * * @return {string} * the localized or raw label of this modal. */ ModalDialog.prototype.label = function label() { return this.localize(this.options_.label || 'Modal Window'); }; /** * Returns the description string for this modal. Primarily used for * accessibility. * * @return {string} * The localized or raw description of this modal. */ ModalDialog.prototype.description = function description() { var desc = this.options_.description || this.localize('This is a modal window.'); // Append a universal closeability message if the modal is closeable. if (this.closeable()) { desc += ' ' + this.localize('This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.'); } return desc; }; /** * Opens the modal. * * @fires ModalDialog#beforemodalopen * @fires ModalDialog#modalopen */ = function open() { if (!this.opened_) { var player = this.player(); /** * Fired just before a `ModalDialog` is opened. * * @event ModalDialog#beforemodalopen * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('beforemodalopen'); this.opened_ = true; // Fill content if the modal has never opened before and // never been filled. if (this.options_.fillAlways || !this.hasBeenOpened_ && !this.hasBeenFilled_) { this.fill(); } // If the player was playing, pause it and take note of its previously // playing state. this.wasPlaying_ = !player.paused(); if (this.options_.pauseOnOpen && this.wasPlaying_) { player.pause(); } if (this.closeable()) { this.on(this.el_.ownerDocument, 'keydown', bind(this, this.handleKeyPress)); } player.controls(false);; this.conditionalFocus_(); this.el().setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); /** * Fired just after a `ModalDialog` is opened. * * @event ModalDialog#modalopen * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('modalopen'); this.hasBeenOpened_ = true; } }; /** * If the `ModalDialog` is currently open or closed. * * @param {boolean} [value] * If given, it will open (`true`) or close (`false`) the modal. * * @return {boolean} * the current open state of the modaldialog */ ModalDialog.prototype.opened = function opened(value) { if (typeof value === 'boolean') { this[value ? 'open' : 'close'](); } return this.opened_; }; /** * Closes the modal, does nothing if the `ModalDialog` is * not open. * * @fires ModalDialog#beforemodalclose * @fires ModalDialog#modalclose */ ModalDialog.prototype.close = function close() { if (!this.opened_) { return; } var player = this.player(); /** * Fired just before a `ModalDialog` is closed. * * @event ModalDialog#beforemodalclose * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('beforemodalclose'); this.opened_ = false; if (this.wasPlaying_ && this.options_.pauseOnOpen) {; } if (this.closeable()) {, 'keydown', bind(this, this.handleKeyPress)); } player.controls(true); this.hide(); this.el().setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); /** * Fired just after a `ModalDialog` is closed. * * @event ModalDialog#modalclose * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('modalclose'); this.conditionalBlur_(); if (this.options_.temporary) { this.dispose(); } }; /** * Check to see if the `ModalDialog` is closeable via the UI. * * @param {boolean} [value] * If given as a boolean, it will set the `closeable` option. * * @return {boolean} * Returns the final value of the closable option. */ ModalDialog.prototype.closeable = function closeable(value) { if (typeof value === 'boolean') { var closeable = this.closeable_ = !!value; var close = this.getChild('closeButton'); // If this is being made closeable and has no close button, add one. if (closeable && !close) { // The close button should be a child of the modal - not its // content element, so temporarily change the content element. var temp = this.contentEl_; this.contentEl_ = this.el_; close = this.addChild('closeButton', { controlText: 'Close Modal Dialog' }); this.contentEl_ = temp; this.on(close, 'close', this.close); } // If this is being made uncloseable and has a close button, remove it. if (!closeable && close) {, 'close', this.close); this.removeChild(close); close.dispose(); } } return this.closeable_; }; /** * Fill the modal's content element with the modal's "content" option. * The content element will be emptied before this change takes place. */ ModalDialog.prototype.fill = function fill() { this.fillWith(this.content()); }; /** * Fill the modal's content element with arbitrary content. * The content element will be emptied before this change takes place. * * @fires ModalDialog#beforemodalfill * @fires ModalDialog#modalfill * * @param {Mixed} [content] * The same rules apply to this as apply to the `content` option. */ ModalDialog.prototype.fillWith = function fillWith(content) { var contentEl = this.contentEl(); var parentEl = contentEl.parentNode; var nextSiblingEl = contentEl.nextSibling; /** * Fired just before a `ModalDialog` is filled with content. * * @event ModalDialog#beforemodalfill * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('beforemodalfill'); this.hasBeenFilled_ = true; // Detach the content element from the DOM before performing // manipulation to avoid modifying the live DOM multiple times. parentEl.removeChild(contentEl); this.empty(); insertContent(contentEl, content); /** * Fired just after a `ModalDialog` is filled with content. * * @event ModalDialog#modalfill * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('modalfill'); // Re-inject the re-filled content element. if (nextSiblingEl) { parentEl.insertBefore(contentEl, nextSiblingEl); } else { parentEl.appendChild(contentEl); } // make sure that the close button is last in the dialog DOM var closeButton = this.getChild('closeButton'); if (closeButton) { parentEl.appendChild(closeButton.el_); } }; /** * Empties the content element. This happens anytime the modal is filled. * * @fires ModalDialog#beforemodalempty * @fires ModalDialog#modalempty */ ModalDialog.prototype.empty = function empty() { /** * Fired just before a `ModalDialog` is emptied. * * @event ModalDialog#beforemodalempty * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('beforemodalempty'); emptyEl(this.contentEl()); /** * Fired just after a `ModalDialog` is emptied. * * @event ModalDialog#modalempty * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('modalempty'); }; /** * Gets or sets the modal content, which gets normalized before being * rendered into the DOM. * * This does not update the DOM or fill the modal, but it is called during * that process. * * @param {Mixed} [value] * If defined, sets the internal content value to be used on the * next call(s) to `fill`. This value is normalized before being * inserted. To "clear" the internal content value, pass `null`. * * @return {Mixed} * The current content of the modal dialog */ ModalDialog.prototype.content = function content(value) { if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { this.content_ = value; } return this.content_; }; /** * conditionally focus the modal dialog if focus was previously on the player. * * @private */ ModalDialog.prototype.conditionalFocus_ = function conditionalFocus_() { var activeEl = document_1.activeElement; var playerEl = this.player_.el_; this.previouslyActiveEl_ = null; if (playerEl.contains(activeEl) || playerEl === activeEl) { this.previouslyActiveEl_ = activeEl; this.focus(); this.on(document_1, 'keydown', this.handleKeyDown); } }; /** * conditionally blur the element and refocus the last focused element * * @private */ ModalDialog.prototype.conditionalBlur_ = function conditionalBlur_() { if (this.previouslyActiveEl_) { this.previouslyActiveEl_.focus(); this.previouslyActiveEl_ = null; }, 'keydown', this.handleKeyDown); }; /** * Keydown handler. Attached when modal is focused. * * @listens keydown */ ModalDialog.prototype.handleKeyDown = function handleKeyDown(event) { // exit early if it isn't a tab key if (event.which !== 9) { return; } var focusableEls = this.focusableEls_(); var activeEl = this.el_.querySelector(':focus'); var focusIndex = void 0; for (var i = 0; i < focusableEls.length; i++) { if (activeEl === focusableEls[i]) { focusIndex = i; break; } } if (document_1.activeElement === this.el_) { focusIndex = 0; } if (event.shiftKey && focusIndex === 0) { focusableEls[focusableEls.length - 1].focus(); event.preventDefault(); } else if (!event.shiftKey && focusIndex === focusableEls.length - 1) { focusableEls[0].focus(); event.preventDefault(); } }; /** * get all focusable elements * * @private */ ModalDialog.prototype.focusableEls_ = function focusableEls_() { var allChildren = this.el_.querySelectorAll('*'); return, function (child) { return (child instanceof window_1.HTMLAnchorElement || child instanceof window_1.HTMLAreaElement) && child.hasAttribute('href') || (child instanceof window_1.HTMLInputElement || child instanceof window_1.HTMLSelectElement || child instanceof window_1.HTMLTextAreaElement || child instanceof window_1.HTMLButtonElement) && !child.hasAttribute('disabled') || child instanceof window_1.HTMLIFrameElement || child instanceof window_1.HTMLObjectElement || child instanceof window_1.HTMLEmbedElement || child.hasAttribute('tabindex') && child.getAttribute('tabindex') !== -1 || child.hasAttribute('contenteditable'); }); }; return ModalDialog; }(Component); /** * Default options for `ModalDialog` default options. * * @type {Object} * @private */ ModalDialog.prototype.options_ = { pauseOnOpen: true, temporary: true }; Component.registerComponent('ModalDialog', ModalDialog); /** * @file track-list.js */ /** * Common functionaliy between {@link TextTrackList}, {@link AudioTrackList}, and * {@link VideoTrackList} * * @extends EventTarget */ var TrackList = function (_EventTarget) { inherits(TrackList, _EventTarget); /** * Create an instance of this class * * @param {Track[]} tracks * A list of tracks to initialize the list with. * * @param {Object} [list] * The child object with inheritance done manually for ie8. * * @abstract */ function TrackList() { var tracks = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; var _ret; var list = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; classCallCheck(this, TrackList); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,; if (!list) { list = _this; // eslint-disable-line if (IS_IE8) { list = document_1.createElement('custom'); for (var prop in TrackList.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { list[prop] = TrackList.prototype[prop]; } } } } list.tracks_ = []; /** * @memberof TrackList * @member {number} length * The current number of `Track`s in the this Trackist. * @instance */ Object.defineProperty(list, 'length', { get: function get$$1() { return this.tracks_.length; } }); for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { list.addTrack(tracks[i]); } // must return the object, as for ie8 it will not be this // but a reference to a document object return _ret = list, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } /** * Add a {@link Track} to the `TrackList` * * @param {Track} track * The audio, video, or text track to add to the list. * * @fires TrackList#addtrack */ TrackList.prototype.addTrack = function addTrack(track) { var index = this.tracks_.length; if (!('' + index in this)) { Object.defineProperty(this, index, { get: function get$$1() { return this.tracks_[index]; } }); } // Do not add duplicate tracks if (this.tracks_.indexOf(track) === -1) { this.tracks_.push(track); /** * Triggered when a track is added to a track list. * * @event TrackList#addtrack * @type {EventTarget~Event} * @property {Track} track * A reference to track that was added. */ this.trigger({ track: track, type: 'addtrack' }); } }; /** * Remove a {@link Track} from the `TrackList` * * @param {Track} rtrack * The audio, video, or text track to remove from the list. * * @fires TrackList#removetrack */ TrackList.prototype.removeTrack = function removeTrack(rtrack) { var track = void 0; for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (this[i] === rtrack) { track = this[i]; if ( {; } this.tracks_.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (!track) { return; } /** * Triggered when a track is removed from track list. * * @event TrackList#removetrack * @type {EventTarget~Event} * @property {Track} track * A reference to track that was removed. */ this.trigger({ track: track, type: 'removetrack' }); }; /** * Get a Track from the TrackList by a tracks id * * @param {String} id - the id of the track to get * @method getTrackById * @return {Track} * @private */ TrackList.prototype.getTrackById = function getTrackById(id) { var result = null; for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { var track = this[i]; if ( === id) { result = track; break; } } return result; }; return TrackList; }(EventTarget); /** * Triggered when a different track is selected/enabled. * * @event TrackList#change * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Events that can be called with on + eventName. See {@link EventHandler}. * * @property {Object} TrackList#allowedEvents_ * @private */ TrackList.prototype.allowedEvents_ = { change: 'change', addtrack: 'addtrack', removetrack: 'removetrack' }; // emulate attribute EventHandler support to allow for feature detection for (var event in TrackList.prototype.allowedEvents_) { TrackList.prototype['on' + event] = null; } /** * @file audio-track-list.js */ /** * Anywhere we call this function we diverge from the spec * as we only support one enabled audiotrack at a time * * @param {AudioTrackList} list * list to work on * * @param {AudioTrack} track * The track to skip * * @private */ var disableOthers = function disableOthers(list, track) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!Object.keys(list[i]).length || === list[i].id) { continue; } // another audio track is enabled, disable it list[i].enabled = false; } }; /** * The current list of {@link AudioTrack} for a media file. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * @extends TrackList */ var AudioTrackList = function (_TrackList) { inherits(AudioTrackList, _TrackList); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {AudioTrack[]} [tracks=[]] * A list of `AudioTrack` to instantiate the list with. */ function AudioTrackList() { var _this, _ret; var tracks = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; classCallCheck(this, AudioTrackList); var list = void 0; // make sure only 1 track is enabled // sorted from last index to first index for (var i = tracks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tracks[i].enabled) { disableOthers(tracks, tracks[i]); break; } } // IE8 forces us to implement inheritance ourselves // as it does not support Object.defineProperty properly if (IS_IE8) { list = document_1.createElement('custom'); for (var prop in TrackList.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { list[prop] = TrackList.prototype[prop]; } } for (var _prop in AudioTrackList.prototype) { if (_prop !== 'constructor') { list[_prop] = AudioTrackList.prototype[_prop]; } } } list = (_this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, tracks, list)), _this); list.changing_ = false; return _ret = list, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } /** * Add an {@link AudioTrack} to the `AudioTrackList`. * * @param {AudioTrack} track * The AudioTrack to add to the list * * @fires TrackList#addtrack */ AudioTrackList.prototype.addTrack = function addTrack(track) { var _this2 = this; if (track.enabled) { disableOthers(this, track); }, track); // native tracks don't have this if (!track.addEventListener) { return; } /** * @listens AudioTrack#enabledchange * @fires TrackList#change */ track.addEventListener('enabledchange', function () { // when we are disabling other tracks (since we don't support // more than one track at a time) we will set changing_ // to true so that we don't trigger additional change events if (_this2.changing_) { return; } _this2.changing_ = true; disableOthers(_this2, track); _this2.changing_ = false; _this2.trigger('change'); }); }; return AudioTrackList; }(TrackList); /** * @file video-track-list.js */ /** * Un-select all other {@link VideoTrack}s that are selected. * * @param {VideoTrackList} list * list to work on * * @param {VideoTrack} track * The track to skip * * @private */ var disableOthers$1 = function disableOthers(list, track) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!Object.keys(list[i]).length || === list[i].id) { continue; } // another video track is enabled, disable it list[i].selected = false; } }; /** * The current list of {@link VideoTrack} for a video. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * @extends TrackList */ var VideoTrackList = function (_TrackList) { inherits(VideoTrackList, _TrackList); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {VideoTrack[]} [tracks=[]] * A list of `VideoTrack` to instantiate the list with. */ function VideoTrackList() { var _this, _ret; var tracks = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; classCallCheck(this, VideoTrackList); var list = void 0; // make sure only 1 track is enabled // sorted from last index to first index for (var i = tracks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tracks[i].selected) { disableOthers$1(tracks, tracks[i]); break; } } // IE8 forces us to implement inheritance ourselves // as it does not support Object.defineProperty properly if (IS_IE8) { list = document_1.createElement('custom'); for (var prop in TrackList.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { list[prop] = TrackList.prototype[prop]; } } for (var _prop in VideoTrackList.prototype) { if (_prop !== 'constructor') { list[_prop] = VideoTrackList.prototype[_prop]; } } } list = (_this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, tracks, list)), _this); list.changing_ = false; /** * @member {number} VideoTrackList#selectedIndex * The current index of the selected {@link VideoTrack`}. */ Object.defineProperty(list, 'selectedIndex', { get: function get$$1() { for (var _i = 0; _i < this.length; _i++) { if (this[_i].selected) { return _i; } } return -1; }, set: function set$$1() {} }); return _ret = list, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } /** * Add a {@link VideoTrack} to the `VideoTrackList`. * * @param {VideoTrack} track * The VideoTrack to add to the list * * @fires TrackList#addtrack */ VideoTrackList.prototype.addTrack = function addTrack(track) { var _this2 = this; if (track.selected) { disableOthers$1(this, track); }, track); // native tracks don't have this if (!track.addEventListener) { return; } /** * @listens VideoTrack#selectedchange * @fires TrackList#change */ track.addEventListener('selectedchange', function () { if (_this2.changing_) { return; } _this2.changing_ = true; disableOthers$1(_this2, track); _this2.changing_ = false; _this2.trigger('change'); }); }; return VideoTrackList; }(TrackList); /** * @file text-track-list.js */ /** * The current list of {@link TextTrack} for a media file. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * @extends TrackList */ var TextTrackList = function (_TrackList) { inherits(TextTrackList, _TrackList); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {TextTrack[]} [tracks=[]] * A list of `TextTrack` to instantiate the list with. */ function TextTrackList() { var _this, _ret; var tracks = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; classCallCheck(this, TextTrackList); var list = void 0; // IE8 forces us to implement inheritance ourselves // as it does not support Object.defineProperty properly if (IS_IE8) { list = document_1.createElement('custom'); for (var prop in TrackList.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { list[prop] = TrackList.prototype[prop]; } } for (var _prop in TextTrackList.prototype) { if (_prop !== 'constructor') { list[_prop] = TextTrackList.prototype[_prop]; } } } list = (_this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, tracks, list)), _this); return _ret = list, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } /** * Add a {@link TextTrack} to the `TextTrackList` * * @param {TextTrack} track * The text track to add to the list. * * @fires TrackList#addtrack */ TextTrackList.prototype.addTrack = function addTrack(track) {, track); /** * @listens TextTrack#modechange * @fires TrackList#change */ track.addEventListener('modechange', bind(this, function () { this.trigger('change'); })); var nonLanguageTextTrackKind = ['metadata', 'chapters']; if (nonLanguageTextTrackKind.indexOf(track.kind) === -1) { track.addEventListener('modechange', bind(this, function () { this.trigger('selectedlanguagechange'); })); } }; return TextTrackList; }(TrackList); /** * @file html-track-element-list.js */ /** * The current list of {@link HtmlTrackElement}s. */ var HtmlTrackElementList = function () { /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {HtmlTrackElement[]} [tracks=[]] * A list of `HtmlTrackElement` to instantiate the list with. */ function HtmlTrackElementList() { var trackElements = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; classCallCheck(this, HtmlTrackElementList); var list = this; // eslint-disable-line if (IS_IE8) { list = document_1.createElement('custom'); for (var prop in HtmlTrackElementList.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { list[prop] = HtmlTrackElementList.prototype[prop]; } } } list.trackElements_ = []; /** * @memberof HtmlTrackElementList * @member {number} length * The current number of `Track`s in the this Trackist. * @instance */ Object.defineProperty(list, 'length', { get: function get$$1() { return this.trackElements_.length; } }); for (var i = 0, length = trackElements.length; i < length; i++) { list.addTrackElement_(trackElements[i]); } if (IS_IE8) { return list; } } /** * Add an {@link HtmlTrackElement} to the `HtmlTrackElementList` * * @param {HtmlTrackElement} trackElement * The track element to add to the list. * * @private */ HtmlTrackElementList.prototype.addTrackElement_ = function addTrackElement_(trackElement) { var index = this.trackElements_.length; if (!('' + index in this)) { Object.defineProperty(this, index, { get: function get$$1() { return this.trackElements_[index]; } }); } // Do not add duplicate elements if (this.trackElements_.indexOf(trackElement) === -1) { this.trackElements_.push(trackElement); } }; /** * Get an {@link HtmlTrackElement} from the `HtmlTrackElementList` given an * {@link TextTrack}. * * @param {TextTrack} track * The track associated with a track element. * * @return {HtmlTrackElement|undefined} * The track element that was found or undefined. * * @private */ HtmlTrackElementList.prototype.getTrackElementByTrack_ = function getTrackElementByTrack_(track) { var trackElement_ = void 0; for (var i = 0, length = this.trackElements_.length; i < length; i++) { if (track === this.trackElements_[i].track) { trackElement_ = this.trackElements_[i]; break; } } return trackElement_; }; /** * Remove a {@link HtmlTrackElement} from the `HtmlTrackElementList` * * @param {HtmlTrackElement} trackElement * The track element to remove from the list. * * @private */ HtmlTrackElementList.prototype.removeTrackElement_ = function removeTrackElement_(trackElement) { for (var i = 0, length = this.trackElements_.length; i < length; i++) { if (trackElement === this.trackElements_[i]) { this.trackElements_.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; return HtmlTrackElementList; }(); /** * @file text-track-cue-list.js */ /** * @typedef {Object} TextTrackCueList~TextTrackCue * * @property {string} id * The unique id for this text track cue * * @property {number} startTime * The start time for this text track cue * * @property {number} endTime * The end time for this text track cue * * @property {boolean} pauseOnExit * Pause when the end time is reached if true. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ /** * A List of TextTrackCues. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ var TextTrackCueList = function () { /** * Create an instance of this class.. * * @param {Array} cues * A list of cues to be initialized with */ function TextTrackCueList(cues) { classCallCheck(this, TextTrackCueList); var list = this; // eslint-disable-line if (IS_IE8) { list = document_1.createElement('custom'); for (var prop in TextTrackCueList.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { list[prop] = TextTrackCueList.prototype[prop]; } } }, cues); /** * @memberof TextTrackCueList * @member {number} length * The current number of `TextTrackCue`s in the TextTrackCueList. * @instance */ Object.defineProperty(list, 'length', { get: function get$$1() { return this.length_; } }); if (IS_IE8) { return list; } } /** * A setter for cues in this list. Creates getters * an an index for the cues. * * @param {Array} cues * An array of cues to set * * @private */ TextTrackCueList.prototype.setCues_ = function setCues_(cues) { var oldLength = this.length || 0; var i = 0; var l = cues.length; this.cues_ = cues; this.length_ = cues.length; var defineProp = function defineProp(index) { if (!('' + index in this)) { Object.defineProperty(this, '' + index, { get: function get$$1() { return this.cues_[index]; } }); } }; if (oldLength < l) { i = oldLength; for (; i < l; i++) {, i); } } }; /** * Get a `TextTrackCue` that is currently in the `TextTrackCueList` by id. * * @param {string} id * The id of the cue that should be searched for. * * @return {TextTrackCueList~TextTrackCue|null} * A single cue or null if none was found. */ TextTrackCueList.prototype.getCueById = function getCueById(id) { var result = null; for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { var cue = this[i]; if ( === id) { result = cue; break; } } return result; }; return TextTrackCueList; }(); /** * @file track-kinds.js */ /** * All possible `VideoTrackKind`s * * @see * @typedef VideoTrack~Kind * @enum */ var VideoTrackKind = { alternative: 'alternative', captions: 'captions', main: 'main', sign: 'sign', subtitles: 'subtitles', commentary: 'commentary' }; /** * All possible `AudioTrackKind`s * * @see * @typedef AudioTrack~Kind * @enum */ var AudioTrackKind = { 'alternative': 'alternative', 'descriptions': 'descriptions', 'main': 'main', 'main-desc': 'main-desc', 'translation': 'translation', 'commentary': 'commentary' }; /** * All possible `TextTrackKind`s * * @see * @typedef TextTrack~Kind * @enum */ var TextTrackKind = { subtitles: 'subtitles', captions: 'captions', descriptions: 'descriptions', chapters: 'chapters', metadata: 'metadata' }; /** * All possible `TextTrackMode`s * * @see * @typedef TextTrack~Mode * @enum */ var TextTrackMode = { disabled: 'disabled', hidden: 'hidden', showing: 'showing' }; /** * @file track.js */ /** * A Track class that contains all of the common functionality for {@link AudioTrack}, * {@link VideoTrack}, and {@link TextTrack}. * * > Note: This class should not be used directly * * @see {@link} * @extends EventTarget * @abstract */ var Track = function (_EventTarget) { inherits(Track, _EventTarget); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * Object of option names and values * * @param {string} [options.kind=''] * A valid kind for the track type you are creating. * * @param {string} ['vjs_track_' + Guid.newGUID()] * A unique id for this AudioTrack. * * @param {string} [options.label=''] * The menu label for this track. * * @param {string} [options.language=''] * A valid two character language code. * * @abstract */ function Track() { var _ret; var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; classCallCheck(this, Track); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,; var track = _this; // eslint-disable-line if (IS_IE8) { track = document_1.createElement('custom'); for (var prop in Track.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { track[prop] = Track.prototype[prop]; } } } var trackProps = { id: || 'vjs_track_' + newGUID(), kind: options.kind || '', label: options.label || '', language: options.language || '' }; /** * @memberof Track * @member {string} id * The id of this track. Cannot be changed after creation. * @instance * * @readonly */ /** * @memberof Track * @member {string} kind * The kind of track that this is. Cannot be changed after creation. * @instance * * @readonly */ /** * @memberof Track * @member {string} label * The label of this track. Cannot be changed after creation. * @instance * * @readonly */ /** * @memberof Track * @member {string} language * The two letter language code for this track. Cannot be changed after * creation. * @instance * * @readonly */ var _loop = function _loop(key) { Object.defineProperty(track, key, { get: function get$$1() { return trackProps[key]; }, set: function set$$1() {} }); }; for (var key in trackProps) { _loop(key); } return _ret = track, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } return Track; }(EventTarget); /** * @file url.js * @module url */ /** * @typedef {Object} url:URLObject * * @property {string} protocol * The protocol of the url that was parsed. * * @property {string} hostname * The hostname of the url that was parsed. * * @property {string} port * The port of the url that was parsed. * * @property {string} pathname * The pathname of the url that was parsed. * * @property {string} search * The search query of the url that was parsed. * * @property {string} hash * The hash of the url that was parsed. * * @property {string} host * The host of the url that was parsed. */ /** * Resolve and parse the elements of a URL. * * @param {String} url * The url to parse * * @return {url:URLObject} * An object of url details */ var parseUrl = function parseUrl(url) { var props = ['protocol', 'hostname', 'port', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash', 'host']; // add the url to an anchor and let the browser parse the URL var a = document_1.createElement('a'); a.href = url; // IE8 (and 9?) Fix // ie8 doesn't parse the URL correctly until the anchor is actually // added to the body, and an innerHTML is needed to trigger the parsing var addToBody = === '' && a.protocol !== 'file:'; var div = void 0; if (addToBody) { div = document_1.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = '<a href="' + url + '"></a>'; a = div.firstChild; // prevent the div from affecting layout div.setAttribute('style', 'display:none; position:absolute;'); document_1.body.appendChild(div); } // Copy the specific URL properties to a new object // This is also needed for IE8 because the anchor loses its // properties when it's removed from the dom var details = {}; for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { details[props[i]] = a[props[i]]; } // IE9 adds the port to the host property unlike everyone else. If // a port identifier is added for standard ports, strip it. if (details.protocol === 'http:') { =$/, ''); } if (details.protocol === 'https:') { =$/, ''); } if (addToBody) { document_1.body.removeChild(div); } return details; }; /** * Get absolute version of relative URL. Used to tell flash correct URL. * * * @param {string} url * URL to make absolute * * @return {string} * Absolute URL * * @see */ var getAbsoluteURL = function getAbsoluteURL(url) { // Check if absolute URL if (!url.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { // Convert to absolute URL. Flash hosted off-site needs an absolute URL. var div = document_1.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = '<a href="' + url + '">x</a>'; url = div.firstChild.href; } return url; }; /** * Returns the extension of the passed file name. It will return an empty string * if passed an invalid path. * * @param {string} path * The fileName path like '/path/to/file.mp4' * * @returns {string} * The extension in lower case or an empty string if no * extension could be found. */ var getFileExtension = function getFileExtension(path) { if (typeof path === 'string') { var splitPathRe = /^(\/?)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?)(\.([^\.\/\?]+)))(?:[\/]*|[\?].*)$/i; var pathParts = splitPathRe.exec(path); if (pathParts) { return pathParts.pop().toLowerCase(); } } return ''; }; /** * Returns whether the url passed is a cross domain request or not. * * @param {string} url * The url to check. * * @return {boolean} * Whether it is a cross domain request or not. */ var isCrossOrigin = function isCrossOrigin(url) { var winLoc = window_1.location; var urlInfo = parseUrl(url); // IE8 protocol relative urls will return ':' for protocol var srcProtocol = urlInfo.protocol === ':' ? winLoc.protocol : urlInfo.protocol; // Check if url is for another domain/origin // IE8 doesn't know location.origin, so we won't rely on it here var crossOrigin = srcProtocol + !== winLoc.protocol +; return crossOrigin; }; var Url = (Object.freeze || Object)({ parseUrl: parseUrl, getAbsoluteURL: getAbsoluteURL, getFileExtension: getFileExtension, isCrossOrigin: isCrossOrigin }); var index$1 = isFunction; var toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString; function isFunction (fn) { var string = toString$; return string === '[object Function]' || (typeof fn === 'function' && string !== '[object RegExp]') || (typeof window !== 'undefined' && // IE8 and below (fn === window.setTimeout || fn === window.alert || fn === window.confirm || fn === window.prompt)) } var index$3 = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { exports = module.exports = trim; function trim(str){ return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ''); } exports.left = function(str){ return str.replace(/^\s*/, ''); }; exports.right = function(str){ return str.replace(/\s*$/, ''); }; }); var index$5 = forEach; var toString$2 = Object.prototype.toString; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function forEach(list, iterator, context) { if (!index$1(iterator)) { throw new TypeError('iterator must be a function') } if (arguments.length < 3) { context = this; } if (toString$ === '[object Array]') forEachArray$1(list, iterator, context); else if (typeof list === 'string') forEachString(list, iterator, context); else forEachObject(list, iterator, context); } function forEachArray$1(array, iterator, context) { for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { if (, i)) {, array[i], i, array); } } } function forEachString(string, iterator, context) { for (var i = 0, len = string.length; i < len; i++) { // no such thing as a sparse string., string.charAt(i), i, string); } } function forEachObject(object, iterator, context) { for (var k in object) { if (, k)) {, object[k], k, object); } } } var isArray = function(arg) { return === '[object Array]'; }; var parseHeaders = function (headers) { if (!headers) return {} var result = {}; index$5( index$3(headers).split('\n') , function (row) { var index = row.indexOf(':') , key = index$3(row.slice(0, index)).toLowerCase() , value = index$3(row.slice(index + 1)); if (typeof(result[key]) === 'undefined') { result[key] = value; } else if (isArray(result[key])) { result[key].push(value); } else { result[key] = [ result[key], value ]; } } ); return result }; var immutable = extend; var hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function extend() { var target = {}; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (hasOwnProperty$, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target } var index = createXHR; createXHR.XMLHttpRequest = window_1.XMLHttpRequest || noop; createXHR.XDomainRequest = "withCredentials" in (new createXHR.XMLHttpRequest()) ? createXHR.XMLHttpRequest : window_1.XDomainRequest; forEachArray(["get", "put", "post", "patch", "head", "delete"], function(method) { createXHR[method === "delete" ? "del" : method] = function(uri, options, callback) { options = initParams(uri, options, callback); options.method = method.toUpperCase(); return _createXHR(options) }; }); function forEachArray(array, iterator) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { iterator(array[i]); } } function isEmpty(obj){ for(var i in obj){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) return false } return true } function initParams(uri, options, callback) { var params = uri; if (index$1(options)) { callback = options; if (typeof uri === "string") { params = {uri:uri}; } } else { params = immutable(options, {uri: uri}); } params.callback = callback; return params } function createXHR(uri, options, callback) { options = initParams(uri, options, callback); return _createXHR(options) } function _createXHR(options) { if(typeof options.callback === "undefined"){ throw new Error("callback argument missing") } var called = false; var callback = function cbOnce(err, response, body){ if(!called){ called = true; options.callback(err, response, body); } }; function readystatechange() { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { setTimeout(loadFunc, 0); } } function getBody() { // Chrome with requestType=blob throws errors arround when even testing access to responseText var body = undefined; if (xhr.response) { body = xhr.response; } else { body = xhr.responseText || getXml(xhr); } if (isJson) { try { body = JSON.parse(body); } catch (e) {} } return body } function errorFunc(evt) { clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); if(!(evt instanceof Error)){ evt = new Error("" + (evt || "Unknown XMLHttpRequest Error") ); } evt.statusCode = 0; return callback(evt, failureResponse) } // will load the data & process the response in a special response object function loadFunc() { if (aborted) return var status; clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); if(options.useXDR && xhr.status===undefined) { //IE8 CORS GET successful response doesn't have a status field, but body is fine status = 200; } else { status = (xhr.status === 1223 ? 204 : xhr.status); } var response = failureResponse; var err = null; if (status !== 0){ response = { body: getBody(), statusCode: status, method: method, headers: {}, url: uri, rawRequest: xhr }; if(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders){ //remember xhr can in fact be XDR for CORS in IE response.headers = parseHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()); } } else { err = new Error("Internal XMLHttpRequest Error"); } return callback(err, response, response.body) } var xhr = options.xhr || null; if (!xhr) { if (options.cors || options.useXDR) { xhr = new createXHR.XDomainRequest(); }else{ xhr = new createXHR.XMLHttpRequest(); } } var key; var aborted; var uri = xhr.url = options.uri || options.url; var method = xhr.method = options.method || "GET"; var body = options.body ||; var headers = xhr.headers = options.headers || {}; var sync = !!options.sync; var isJson = false; var timeoutTimer; var failureResponse = { body: undefined, headers: {}, statusCode: 0, method: method, url: uri, rawRequest: xhr }; if ("json" in options && options.json !== false) { isJson = true; headers["accept"] || headers["Accept"] || (headers["Accept"] = "application/json"); //Don't override existing accept header declared by user if (method !== "GET" && method !== "HEAD") { headers["content-type"] || headers["Content-Type"] || (headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"); //Don't override existing accept header declared by user body = JSON.stringify(options.json === true ? body : options.json); } } xhr.onreadystatechange = readystatechange; xhr.onload = loadFunc; xhr.onerror = errorFunc; // IE9 must have onprogress be set to a unique function. xhr.onprogress = function () { // IE must die }; xhr.onabort = function(){ aborted = true; }; xhr.ontimeout = errorFunc;, uri, !sync, options.username, options.password); //has to be after open if(!sync) { xhr.withCredentials = !!options.withCredentials; } // Cannot set timeout with sync request // not setting timeout on the xhr object, because of old webkits etc. not handling that correctly // both npm's request and jquery 1.x use this kind of timeout, so this is being consistent if (!sync && options.timeout > 0 ) { timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function(){ if (aborted) return aborted = true;//IE9 may still call readystatechange xhr.abort("timeout"); var e = new Error("XMLHttpRequest timeout"); e.code = "ETIMEDOUT"; errorFunc(e); }, options.timeout ); } if (xhr.setRequestHeader) { for(key in headers){ if(headers.hasOwnProperty(key)){ xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]); } } } else if (options.headers && !isEmpty(options.headers)) { throw new Error("Headers cannot be set on an XDomainRequest object") } if ("responseType" in options) { xhr.responseType = options.responseType; } if ("beforeSend" in options && typeof options.beforeSend === "function" ) { options.beforeSend(xhr); } // Microsoft Edge browser sends "undefined" when send is called with undefined value. // XMLHttpRequest spec says to pass null as body to indicate no body // See xhr.send(body || null); return xhr } function getXml(xhr) { if (xhr.responseType === "document") { return xhr.responseXML } var firefoxBugTakenEffect = xhr.responseXML && xhr.responseXML.documentElement.nodeName === "parsererror"; if (xhr.responseType === "" && !firefoxBugTakenEffect) { return xhr.responseXML } return null } function noop() {} /** * @file text-track.js */ /** * Takes a webvtt file contents and parses it into cues * * @param {string} srcContent * webVTT file contents * * @param {TextTrack} track * TextTrack to add cues to. Cues come from the srcContent. * * @private */ var parseCues = function parseCues(srcContent, track) { var parser = new window_1.WebVTT.Parser(window_1, window_1.vttjs, window_1.WebVTT.StringDecoder()); var errors = []; parser.oncue = function (cue) { track.addCue(cue); }; parser.onparsingerror = function (error) { errors.push(error); }; parser.onflush = function () { track.trigger({ type: 'loadeddata', target: track }); }; parser.parse(srcContent); if (errors.length > 0) { if (window_1.console && window_1.console.groupCollapsed) { window_1.console.groupCollapsed('Text Track parsing errors for ' + track.src); } errors.forEach(function (error) { return log$1.error(error); }); if (window_1.console && window_1.console.groupEnd) { window_1.console.groupEnd(); } } parser.flush(); }; /** * Load a `TextTrack` from a specifed url. * * @param {string} src * Url to load track from. * * @param {TextTrack} track * Track to add cues to. Comes from the content at the end of `url`. * * @private */ var loadTrack = function loadTrack(src, track) { var opts = { uri: src }; var crossOrigin = isCrossOrigin(src); if (crossOrigin) { opts.cors = crossOrigin; } index(opts, bind(this, function (err, response, responseBody) { if (err) { return log$1.error(err, response); } track.loaded_ = true; // Make sure that vttjs has loaded, otherwise, wait till it finished loading // NOTE: this is only used for the alt/video.novtt.js build if (typeof window_1.WebVTT !== 'function') { if (track.tech_) { var loadHandler = function loadHandler() { return parseCues(responseBody, track); }; track.tech_.on('vttjsloaded', loadHandler); track.tech_.on('vttjserror', function () { log$1.error('vttjs failed to load, stopping trying to process ' + track.src);'vttjsloaded', loadHandler); }); } } else { parseCues(responseBody, track); } })); }; /** * A representation of a single `TextTrack`. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * @extends Track */ var TextTrack = function (_Track) { inherits(TextTrack, _Track); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Object} options={} * Object of option names and values * * @param {Tech} * A reference to the tech that owns this TextTrack. * * @param {TextTrack~Kind} [options.kind='subtitles'] * A valid text track kind. * * @param {TextTrack~Mode} [options.mode='disabled'] * A valid text track mode. * * @param {string} ['vjs_track_' + Guid.newGUID()] * A unique id for this TextTrack. * * @param {string} [options.label=''] * The menu label for this track. * * @param {string} [options.language=''] * A valid two character language code. * * @param {string} [options.srclang=''] * A valid two character language code. An alternative, but deprioritized * vesion of `options.language` * * @param {string} [options.src] * A url to TextTrack cues. * * @param {boolean} [options.default] * If this track should default to on or off. */ function TextTrack() { var _this, _ret; var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; classCallCheck(this, TextTrack); if (! { throw new Error('A tech was not provided.'); } var settings = mergeOptions(options, { kind: TextTrackKind[options.kind] || 'subtitles', language: options.language || options.srclang || '' }); var mode = TextTrackMode[settings.mode] || 'disabled'; var default_ = settings['default']; if (settings.kind === 'metadata' || settings.kind === 'chapters') { mode = 'hidden'; } // on IE8 this will be a document element // for every other browser this will be a normal object var tt = (_this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, settings)), _this); tt.tech_ =; if (IS_IE8) { for (var prop in TextTrack.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { tt[prop] = TextTrack.prototype[prop]; } } } tt.cues_ = []; tt.activeCues_ = []; var cues = new TextTrackCueList(tt.cues_); var activeCues = new TextTrackCueList(tt.activeCues_); var changed = false; var timeupdateHandler = bind(tt, function () { // Accessing this.activeCues for the side-effects of updating itself // due to it's nature as a getter function. Do not remove or cues will // stop updating! /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */ this.activeCues; /* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions */ if (changed) { this.trigger('cuechange'); changed = false; } }); if (mode !== 'disabled') { tt.tech_.ready(function () { tt.tech_.on('timeupdate', timeupdateHandler); }, true); } /** * @memberof TextTrack * @member {boolean} default * If this track was set to be on or off by default. Cannot be changed after * creation. * @instance * * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(tt, 'default', { get: function get$$1() { return default_; }, set: function set$$1() {} }); /** * @memberof TextTrack * @member {string} mode * Set the mode of this TextTrack to a valid {@link TextTrack~Mode}. Will * not be set if setting to an invalid mode. * @instance * * @fires TextTrack#modechange */ Object.defineProperty(tt, 'mode', { get: function get$$1() { return mode; }, set: function set$$1(newMode) { var _this2 = this; if (!TextTrackMode[newMode]) { return; } mode = newMode; if (mode === 'showing') { this.tech_.ready(function () { _this2.tech_.on('timeupdate', timeupdateHandler); }, true); } /** * An event that fires when mode changes on this track. This allows * the TextTrackList that holds this track to act accordingly. * * > Note: This is not part of the spec! * * @event TextTrack#modechange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('modechange'); } }); /** * @memberof TextTrack * @member {TextTrackCueList} cues * The text track cue list for this TextTrack. * @instance */ Object.defineProperty(tt, 'cues', { get: function get$$1() { if (!this.loaded_) { return null; } return cues; }, set: function set$$1() {} }); /** * @memberof TextTrack * @member {TextTrackCueList} activeCues * The list text track cues that are currently active for this TextTrack. * @instance */ Object.defineProperty(tt, 'activeCues', { get: function get$$1() { if (!this.loaded_) { return null; } // nothing to do if (this.cues.length === 0) { return activeCues; } var ct = this.tech_.currentTime(); var active = []; for (var i = 0, l = this.cues.length; i < l; i++) { var cue = this.cues[i]; if (cue.startTime <= ct && cue.endTime >= ct) { active.push(cue); } else if (cue.startTime === cue.endTime && cue.startTime <= ct && cue.startTime + 0.5 >= ct) { active.push(cue); } } changed = false; if (active.length !== this.activeCues_.length) { changed = true; } else { for (var _i = 0; _i < active.length; _i++) { if (this.activeCues_.indexOf(active[_i]) === -1) { changed = true; } } } this.activeCues_ = active; activeCues.setCues_(this.activeCues_); return activeCues; }, set: function set$$1() {} }); if (settings.src) { tt.src = settings.src; loadTrack(settings.src, tt); } else { tt.loaded_ = true; } return _ret = tt, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } /** * Add a cue to the internal list of cues. * * @param {TextTrack~Cue} cue * The cue to add to our internal list */ TextTrack.prototype.addCue = function addCue(originalCue) { var cue = originalCue; if (window_1.vttjs && !(originalCue instanceof window_1.vttjs.VTTCue)) { cue = new window_1.vttjs.VTTCue(originalCue.startTime, originalCue.endTime, originalCue.text); for (var prop in originalCue) { if (!(prop in cue)) { cue[prop] = originalCue[prop]; } } // make sure that `id` is copied over =; cue.originalCue_ = originalCue; } var tracks = this.tech_.textTracks(); for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { if (tracks[i] !== this) { tracks[i].removeCue(cue); } } this.cues_.push(cue); this.cues.setCues_(this.cues_); }; /** * Remove a cue from our internal list * * @param {TextTrack~Cue} removeCue * The cue to remove from our internal list */ TextTrack.prototype.removeCue = function removeCue(_removeCue) { var i = this.cues_.length; while (i--) { var cue = this.cues_[i]; if (cue === _removeCue || cue.originalCue_ && cue.originalCue_ === _removeCue) { this.cues_.splice(i, 1); this.cues.setCues_(this.cues_); break; } } }; return TextTrack; }(Track); /** * cuechange - One or more cues in the track have become active or stopped being active. */ TextTrack.prototype.allowedEvents_ = { cuechange: 'cuechange' }; /** * A representation of a single `AudioTrack`. If it is part of an {@link AudioTrackList} * only one `AudioTrack` in the list will be enabled at a time. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * @extends Track */ var AudioTrack = function (_Track) { inherits(AudioTrack, _Track); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * Object of option names and values * * @param {AudioTrack~Kind} [options.kind=''] * A valid audio track kind * * @param {string} ['vjs_track_' + Guid.newGUID()] * A unique id for this AudioTrack. * * @param {string} [options.label=''] * The menu label for this track. * * @param {string} [options.language=''] * A valid two character language code. * * @param {boolean} [options.enabled] * If this track is the one that is currently playing. If this track is part of * an {@link AudioTrackList}, only one {@link AudioTrack} will be enabled. */ function AudioTrack() { var _this, _ret; var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; classCallCheck(this, AudioTrack); var settings = mergeOptions(options, { kind: AudioTrackKind[options.kind] || '' }); // on IE8 this will be a document element // for every other browser this will be a normal object var track = (_this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, settings)), _this); var enabled = false; if (IS_IE8) { for (var prop in AudioTrack.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { track[prop] = AudioTrack.prototype[prop]; } } } /** * @memberof AudioTrack * @member {boolean} enabled * If this `AudioTrack` is enabled or not. When setting this will * fire {@link AudioTrack#enabledchange} if the state of enabled is changed. * @instance * * @fires VideoTrack#selectedchange */ Object.defineProperty(track, 'enabled', { get: function get$$1() { return enabled; }, set: function set$$1(newEnabled) { // an invalid or unchanged value if (typeof newEnabled !== 'boolean' || newEnabled === enabled) { return; } enabled = newEnabled; /** * An event that fires when enabled changes on this track. This allows * the AudioTrackList that holds this track to act accordingly. * * > Note: This is not part of the spec! Native tracks will do * this internally without an event. * * @event AudioTrack#enabledchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('enabledchange'); } }); // if the user sets this track to selected then // set selected to that true value otherwise // we keep it false if (settings.enabled) { track.enabled = settings.enabled; } track.loaded_ = true; return _ret = track, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } return AudioTrack; }(Track); /** * A representation of a single `VideoTrack`. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * @extends Track */ var VideoTrack = function (_Track) { inherits(VideoTrack, _Track); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * Object of option names and values * * @param {string} [options.kind=''] * A valid {@link VideoTrack~Kind} * * @param {string} ['vjs_track_' + Guid.newGUID()] * A unique id for this AudioTrack. * * @param {string} [options.label=''] * The menu label for this track. * * @param {string} [options.language=''] * A valid two character language code. * * @param {boolean} [options.selected] * If this track is the one that is currently playing. */ function VideoTrack() { var _this, _ret; var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; classCallCheck(this, VideoTrack); var settings = mergeOptions(options, { kind: VideoTrackKind[options.kind] || '' }); // on IE8 this will be a document element // for every other browser this will be a normal object var track = (_this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, settings)), _this); var selected = false; if (IS_IE8) { for (var prop in VideoTrack.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { track[prop] = VideoTrack.prototype[prop]; } } } /** * @memberof VideoTrack * @member {boolean} selected * If this `VideoTrack` is selected or not. When setting this will * fire {@link VideoTrack#selectedchange} if the state of selected changed. * @instance * * @fires VideoTrack#selectedchange */ Object.defineProperty(track, 'selected', { get: function get$$1() { return selected; }, set: function set$$1(newSelected) { // an invalid or unchanged value if (typeof newSelected !== 'boolean' || newSelected === selected) { return; } selected = newSelected; /** * An event that fires when selected changes on this track. This allows * the VideoTrackList that holds this track to act accordingly. * * > Note: This is not part of the spec! Native tracks will do * this internally without an event. * * @event VideoTrack#selectedchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('selectedchange'); } }); // if the user sets this track to selected then // set selected to that true value otherwise // we keep it false if (settings.selected) { track.selected = settings.selected; } return _ret = track, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } return VideoTrack; }(Track); /** * @file html-track-element.js */ /** * @memberof HTMLTrackElement * @typedef {HTMLTrackElement~ReadyState} * @enum {number} */ var NONE = 0; var LOADING = 1; var LOADED = 2; var ERROR = 3; /** * A single track represented in the DOM. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * @extends EventTarget */ var HTMLTrackElement = function (_EventTarget) { inherits(HTMLTrackElement, _EventTarget); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Object} options={} * Object of option names and values * * @param {Tech} * A reference to the tech that owns this HTMLTrackElement. * * @param {TextTrack~Kind} [options.kind='subtitles'] * A valid text track kind. * * @param {TextTrack~Mode} [options.mode='disabled'] * A valid text track mode. * * @param {string} ['vjs_track_' + Guid.newGUID()] * A unique id for this TextTrack. * * @param {string} [options.label=''] * The menu label for this track. * * @param {string} [options.language=''] * A valid two character language code. * * @param {string} [options.srclang=''] * A valid two character language code. An alternative, but deprioritized * vesion of `options.language` * * @param {string} [options.src] * A url to TextTrack cues. * * @param {boolean} [options.default] * If this track should default to on or off. */ function HTMLTrackElement() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; classCallCheck(this, HTMLTrackElement); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,; var readyState = void 0; var trackElement = _this; // eslint-disable-line if (IS_IE8) { trackElement = document_1.createElement('custom'); for (var prop in HTMLTrackElement.prototype) { if (prop !== 'constructor') { trackElement[prop] = HTMLTrackElement.prototype[prop]; } } } var track = new TextTrack(options); trackElement.kind = track.kind; trackElement.src = track.src; trackElement.srclang = track.language; trackElement.label = track.label; trackElement['default'] = track['default']; /** * @memberof HTMLTrackElement * @member {HTMLTrackElement~ReadyState} readyState * The current ready state of the track element. * @instance */ Object.defineProperty(trackElement, 'readyState', { get: function get$$1() { return readyState; } }); /** * @memberof HTMLTrackElement * @member {TextTrack} track * The underlying TextTrack object. * @instance * */ Object.defineProperty(trackElement, 'track', { get: function get$$1() { return track; } }); readyState = NONE; /** * @listens TextTrack#loadeddata * @fires HTMLTrackElement#load */ track.addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { readyState = LOADED; trackElement.trigger({ type: 'load', target: trackElement }); }); if (IS_IE8) { var _ret; return _ret = trackElement, possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } return _this; } return HTMLTrackElement; }(EventTarget); HTMLTrackElement.prototype.allowedEvents_ = { load: 'load' }; HTMLTrackElement.NONE = NONE; HTMLTrackElement.LOADING = LOADING; HTMLTrackElement.LOADED = LOADED; HTMLTrackElement.ERROR = ERROR; /* * This file contains all track properties that are used in * player.js, tech.js, html5.js and possibly other techs in the future. */ var NORMAL = { audio: { ListClass: AudioTrackList, TrackClass: AudioTrack, capitalName: 'Audio' }, video: { ListClass: VideoTrackList, TrackClass: VideoTrack, capitalName: 'Video' }, text: { ListClass: TextTrackList, TrackClass: TextTrack, capitalName: 'Text' } }; Object.keys(NORMAL).forEach(function (type) { NORMAL[type].getterName = type + 'Tracks'; NORMAL[type].privateName = type + 'Tracks_'; }); var REMOTE = { remoteText: { ListClass: TextTrackList, TrackClass: TextTrack, capitalName: 'RemoteText', getterName: 'remoteTextTracks', privateName: 'remoteTextTracks_' }, remoteTextEl: { ListClass: HtmlTrackElementList, TrackClass: HTMLTrackElement, capitalName: 'RemoteTextTrackEls', getterName: 'remoteTextTrackEls', privateName: 'remoteTextTrackEls_' } }; var ALL = mergeOptions(NORMAL, REMOTE); REMOTE.names = Object.keys(REMOTE); NORMAL.names = Object.keys(NORMAL); ALL.names = [].concat(REMOTE.names).concat(NORMAL.names); var vtt = {}; /** * @file tech.js */ /** * An Object containing a structure like: `{src: 'url', type: 'mimetype'}` or string * that just contains the src url alone. * * `var SourceObject = {src: '', type: 'video/mp4'};` * `var SourceString = '';` * * @typedef {Object|string} Tech~SourceObject * * @property {string} src * The url to the source * * @property {string} type * The mime type of the source */ /** * A function used by {@link Tech} to create a new {@link TextTrack}. * * @private * * @param {Tech} self * An instance of the Tech class. * * @param {string} kind * `TextTrack` kind (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata) * * @param {string} [label] * Label to identify the text track * * @param {string} [language] * Two letter language abbreviation * * @param {Object} [options={}] * An object with additional text track options * * @return {TextTrack} * The text track that was created. */ function createTrackHelper(self, kind, label, language) { var options = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : {}; var tracks = self.textTracks(); options.kind = kind; if (label) { options.label = label; } if (language) { options.language = language; } = self; var track = new ALL.text.TrackClass(options); tracks.addTrack(track); return track; } /** * This is the base class for media playback technology controllers, such as * {@link Flash} and {@link HTML5} * * @extends Component */ var Tech = function (_Component) { inherits(Tech, _Component); /** * Create an instance of this Tech. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} ready * Callback function to call when the `HTML5` Tech is ready. */ function Tech() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var ready = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : function () {}; classCallCheck(this, Tech); // we don't want the tech to report user activity automatically. // This is done manually in addControlsListeners options.reportTouchActivity = false; // keep track of whether the current source has played at all to // implement a very limited played() var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, null, options, ready)); _this.hasStarted_ = false; _this.on('playing', function () { this.hasStarted_ = true; }); _this.on('loadstart', function () { this.hasStarted_ = false; }); ALL.names.forEach(function (name) { var props = ALL[name]; if (options && options[props.getterName]) { _this[props.privateName] = options[props.getterName]; } }); // Manually track progress in cases where the browser/flash player doesn't report it. if (!_this.featuresProgressEvents) { _this.manualProgressOn(); } // Manually track timeupdates in cases where the browser/flash player doesn't report it. if (!_this.featuresTimeupdateEvents) { _this.manualTimeUpdatesOn(); } ['Text', 'Audio', 'Video'].forEach(function (track) { if (options['native' + track + 'Tracks'] === false) { _this['featuresNative' + track + 'Tracks'] = false; } }); if (options.nativeCaptions === false || options.nativeTextTracks === false) { _this.featuresNativeTextTracks = false; } else if (options.nativeCaptions === true || options.nativeTextTracks === true) { _this.featuresNativeTextTracks = true; } if (!_this.featuresNativeTextTracks) { _this.emulateTextTracks(); } _this.autoRemoteTextTracks_ = new ALL.text.ListClass(); _this.initTrackListeners(); // Turn on component tap events only if not using native controls if (!options.nativeControlsForTouch) { _this.emitTapEvents(); } if (_this.constructor) { _this.name_ = || 'Unknown Tech'; } return _this; } /* Fallbacks for unsupported event types ================================================================================ */ /** * Polyfill the `progress` event for browsers that don't support it natively. * * @see {@link Tech#trackProgress} */ Tech.prototype.manualProgressOn = function manualProgressOn() { this.on('durationchange', this.onDurationChange); this.manualProgress = true; // Trigger progress watching when a source begins loading'ready', this.trackProgress); }; /** * Turn off the polyfill for `progress` events that was created in * {@link Tech#manualProgressOn} */ Tech.prototype.manualProgressOff = function manualProgressOff() { this.manualProgress = false; this.stopTrackingProgress();'durationchange', this.onDurationChange); }; /** * This is used to trigger a `progress` event when the buffered percent changes. It * sets an interval function that will be called every 500 milliseconds to check if the * buffer end percent has changed. * * > This function is called by {@link Tech#manualProgressOn} * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `ready` event that caused this to run. * * @listens Tech#ready * @fires Tech#progress */ Tech.prototype.trackProgress = function trackProgress(event) { this.stopTrackingProgress(); this.progressInterval = this.setInterval(bind(this, function () { // Don't trigger unless buffered amount is greater than last time var numBufferedPercent = this.bufferedPercent(); if (this.bufferedPercent_ !== numBufferedPercent) { /** * See {@link Player#progress} * * @event Tech#progress * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('progress'); } this.bufferedPercent_ = numBufferedPercent; if (numBufferedPercent === 1) { this.stopTrackingProgress(); } }), 500); }; /** * Update our internal duration on a `durationchange` event by calling * {@link Tech#duration}. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `durationchange` event that caused this to run. * * @listens Tech#durationchange */ Tech.prototype.onDurationChange = function onDurationChange(event) { this.duration_ = this.duration(); }; /** * Get and create a `TimeRange` object for buffering. * * @return {TimeRange} * The time range object that was created. */ Tech.prototype.buffered = function buffered() { return createTimeRanges(0, 0); }; /** * Get the percentage of the current video that is currently buffered. * * @return {number} * A number from 0 to 1 that represents the decimal percentage of the * video that is buffered. * */ Tech.prototype.bufferedPercent = function bufferedPercent$$1() { return bufferedPercent(this.buffered(), this.duration_); }; /** * Turn off the polyfill for `progress` events that was created in * {@link Tech#manualProgressOn} * Stop manually tracking progress events by clearing the interval that was set in * {@link Tech#trackProgress}. */ Tech.prototype.stopTrackingProgress = function stopTrackingProgress() { this.clearInterval(this.progressInterval); }; /** * Polyfill the `timeupdate` event for browsers that don't support it. * * @see {@link Tech#trackCurrentTime} */ Tech.prototype.manualTimeUpdatesOn = function manualTimeUpdatesOn() { this.manualTimeUpdates = true; this.on('play', this.trackCurrentTime); this.on('pause', this.stopTrackingCurrentTime); }; /** * Turn off the polyfill for `timeupdate` events that was created in * {@link Tech#manualTimeUpdatesOn} */ Tech.prototype.manualTimeUpdatesOff = function manualTimeUpdatesOff() { this.manualTimeUpdates = false; this.stopTrackingCurrentTime();'play', this.trackCurrentTime);'pause', this.stopTrackingCurrentTime); }; /** * Sets up an interval function to track current time and trigger `timeupdate` every * 250 milliseconds. * * @listens Tech#play * @triggers Tech#timeupdate */ Tech.prototype.trackCurrentTime = function trackCurrentTime() { if (this.currentTimeInterval) { this.stopTrackingCurrentTime(); } this.currentTimeInterval = this.setInterval(function () { /** * Triggered at an interval of 250ms to indicated that time is passing in the video. * * @event Tech#timeupdate * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger({ type: 'timeupdate', target: this, manuallyTriggered: true }); // 42 = 24 fps // 250 is what Webkit uses // FF uses 15 }, 250); }; /** * Stop the interval function created in {@link Tech#trackCurrentTime} so that the * `timeupdate` event is no longer triggered. * * @listens {Tech#pause} */ Tech.prototype.stopTrackingCurrentTime = function stopTrackingCurrentTime() { this.clearInterval(this.currentTimeInterval); // #1002 - if the video ends right before the next timeupdate would happen, // the progress bar won't make it all the way to the end this.trigger({ type: 'timeupdate', target: this, manuallyTriggered: true }); }; /** * Turn off all event polyfills, clear the `Tech`s {@link AudioTrackList}, * {@link VideoTrackList}, and {@link TextTrackList}, and dispose of this Tech. * * @fires Component#dispose */ Tech.prototype.dispose = function dispose() { // clear out all tracks because we can't reuse them between techs this.clearTracks(NORMAL.names); // Turn off any manual progress or timeupdate tracking if (this.manualProgress) { this.manualProgressOff(); } if (this.manualTimeUpdates) { this.manualTimeUpdatesOff(); }; }; /** * Clear out a single `TrackList` or an array of `TrackLists` given their names. * * > Note: Techs without source handlers should call this between sources for `video` * & `audio` tracks. You don't want to use them between tracks! * * @param {string[]|string} types * TrackList names to clear, valid names are `video`, `audio`, and * `text`. */ Tech.prototype.clearTracks = function clearTracks(types) { var _this2 = this; types = [].concat(types); // clear out all tracks because we can't reuse them between techs types.forEach(function (type) { var list = _this2[type + 'Tracks']() || []; var i = list.length; while (i--) { var track = list[i]; if (type === 'text') { _this2.removeRemoteTextTrack(track); } list.removeTrack(track); } }); }; /** * Remove any TextTracks added via addRemoteTextTrack that are * flagged for automatic garbage collection */ Tech.prototype.cleanupAutoTextTracks = function cleanupAutoTextTracks() { var list = this.autoRemoteTextTracks_ || []; var i = list.length; while (i--) { var track = list[i]; this.removeRemoteTextTrack(track); } }; /** * Reset the tech, which will removes all sources and reset the internal readyState. * * @abstract */ Tech.prototype.reset = function reset() {}; /** * Get or set an error on the Tech. * * @param {MediaError} [err] * Error to set on the Tech * * @return {MediaError|null} * The current error object on the tech, or null if there isn't one. */ Tech.prototype.error = function error(err) { if (err !== undefined) { this.error_ = new MediaError(err); this.trigger('error'); } return this.error_; }; /** * Returns the `TimeRange`s that have been played through for the current source. * * > NOTE: This implementation is incomplete. It does not track the played `TimeRange`. * It only checks wether the source has played at all or not. * * @return {TimeRange} * - A single time range if this video has played * - An empty set of ranges if not. */ Tech.prototype.played = function played() { if (this.hasStarted_) { return createTimeRanges(0, 0); } return createTimeRanges(); }; /** * Causes a manual time update to occur if {@link Tech#manualTimeUpdatesOn} was * previously called. * * @fires Tech#timeupdate */ Tech.prototype.setCurrentTime = function setCurrentTime() { // improve the accuracy of manual timeupdates if (this.manualTimeUpdates) { /** * A manual `timeupdate` event. * * @event Tech#timeupdate * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger({ type: 'timeupdate', target: this, manuallyTriggered: true }); } }; /** * Turn on listeners for {@link VideoTrackList}, {@link {AudioTrackList}, and * {@link TextTrackList} events. * * This adds {@link EventTarget~EventListeners} for `addtrack`, and `removetrack`. * * @fires Tech#audiotrackchange * @fires Tech#videotrackchange * @fires Tech#texttrackchange */ Tech.prototype.initTrackListeners = function initTrackListeners() { var _this3 = this; /** * Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech {@link AudioTrackList} * * @event Tech#audiotrackchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech {@link VideoTrackList} * * @event Tech#videotrackchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech {@link TextTrackList} * * @event Tech#texttrackchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ NORMAL.names.forEach(function (name) { var props = NORMAL[name]; var trackListChanges = function trackListChanges() { _this3.trigger(name + 'trackchange'); }; var tracks = _this3[props.getterName](); tracks.addEventListener('removetrack', trackListChanges); tracks.addEventListener('addtrack', trackListChanges); _this3.on('dispose', function () { tracks.removeEventListener('removetrack', trackListChanges); tracks.removeEventListener('addtrack', trackListChanges); }); }); }; /** * Emulate TextTracks using vtt.js if necessary * * @fires Tech#vttjsloaded * @fires Tech#vttjserror */ Tech.prototype.addWebVttScript_ = function addWebVttScript_() { var _this4 = this; if (window_1.WebVTT) { return; } // Initially, Tech.el_ is a child of a dummy-div wait until the Component system // signals that the Tech is ready at which point Tech.el_ is part of the DOM // before inserting the WebVTT script if (document_1.body.contains(this.el())) { // load via require if available and vtt.js script location was not passed in // as an option. novtt builds will turn the above require call into an empty object // which will cause this if check to always fail. if (!this.options_['vtt.js'] && isPlain(vtt) && Object.keys(vtt).length > 0) { this.trigger('vttjsloaded'); return; } // load vtt.js via the script location option or the cdn of no location was // passed in var script = document_1.createElement('script'); script.src = this.options_['vtt.js'] || ''; script.onload = function () { /** * Fired when vtt.js is loaded. * * @event Tech#vttjsloaded * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ _this4.trigger('vttjsloaded'); }; script.onerror = function () { /** * Fired when vtt.js was not loaded due to an error * * @event Tech#vttjsloaded * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ _this4.trigger('vttjserror'); }; this.on('dispose', function () { script.onload = null; script.onerror = null; }); // but have not loaded yet and we set it to true before the inject so that // we don't overwrite the injected window.WebVTT if it loads right away window_1.WebVTT = true; this.el().parentNode.appendChild(script); } else { this.ready(this.addWebVttScript_); } }; /** * Emulate texttracks * */ Tech.prototype.emulateTextTracks = function emulateTextTracks() { var _this5 = this; var tracks = this.textTracks(); var remoteTracks = this.remoteTextTracks(); var handleAddTrack = function handleAddTrack(e) { return tracks.addTrack(e.track); }; var handleRemoveTrack = function handleRemoveTrack(e) { return tracks.removeTrack(e.track); }; remoteTracks.on('addtrack', handleAddTrack); remoteTracks.on('removetrack', handleRemoveTrack); this.addWebVttScript_(); var updateDisplay = function updateDisplay() { return _this5.trigger('texttrackchange'); }; var textTracksChanges = function textTracksChanges() { updateDisplay(); for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; track.removeEventListener('cuechange', updateDisplay); if (track.mode === 'showing') { track.addEventListener('cuechange', updateDisplay); } } }; textTracksChanges(); tracks.addEventListener('change', textTracksChanges); tracks.addEventListener('addtrack', textTracksChanges); tracks.addEventListener('removetrack', textTracksChanges); this.on('dispose', function () {'addtrack', handleAddTrack);'removetrack', handleRemoveTrack); tracks.removeEventListener('change', textTracksChanges); tracks.removeEventListener('addtrack', textTracksChanges); tracks.removeEventListener('removetrack', textTracksChanges); for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; track.removeEventListener('cuechange', updateDisplay); } }); }; /** * Create and returns a remote {@link TextTrack} object. * * @param {string} kind * `TextTrack` kind (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata) * * @param {string} [label] * Label to identify the text track * * @param {string} [language] * Two letter language abbreviation * * @return {TextTrack} * The TextTrack that gets created. */ Tech.prototype.addTextTrack = function addTextTrack(kind, label, language) { if (!kind) { throw new Error('TextTrack kind is required but was not provided'); } return createTrackHelper(this, kind, label, language); }; /** * Create an emulated TextTrack for use by addRemoteTextTrack * * This is intended to be overridden by classes that inherit from * Tech in order to create native or custom TextTracks. * * @param {Object} options * The object should contain the options to initialize the TextTrack with. * * @param {string} [options.kind] * `TextTrack` kind (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata). * * @param {string} [options.label]. * Label to identify the text track * * @param {string} [options.language] * Two letter language abbreviation. * * @return {HTMLTrackElement} * The track element that gets created. */ Tech.prototype.createRemoteTextTrack = function createRemoteTextTrack(options) { var track = mergeOptions(options, { tech: this }); return new REMOTE.remoteTextEl.TrackClass(track); }; /** * Creates a remote text track object and returns an html track element. * * > Note: This can be an emulated {@link HTMLTrackElement} or a native one. * * @param {Object} options * See {@link Tech#createRemoteTextTrack} for more detailed properties. * * @param {boolean} [manualCleanup=true] * - When false: the TextTrack will be automatically removed from the video * element whenever the source changes * - When True: The TextTrack will have to be cleaned up manually * * @return {HTMLTrackElement} * An Html Track Element. * * @deprecated The default functionality for this function will be equivalent * to "manualCleanup=false" in the future. The manualCleanup parameter will * also be removed. */ Tech.prototype.addRemoteTextTrack = function addRemoteTextTrack() { var _this6 = this; var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var manualCleanup = arguments[1]; var htmlTrackElement = this.createRemoteTextTrack(options); if (manualCleanup !== true && manualCleanup !== false) { // deprecation warning log$1.warn('Calling addRemoteTextTrack without explicitly setting the "manualCleanup" parameter to `true` is deprecated and default to `false` in future version of video.js'); manualCleanup = true; } // store HTMLTrackElement and TextTrack to remote list this.remoteTextTrackEls().addTrackElement_(htmlTrackElement); this.remoteTextTracks().addTrack(htmlTrackElement.track); if (manualCleanup !== true) { // create the TextTrackList if it doesn't exist this.ready(function () { return _this6.autoRemoteTextTracks_.addTrack(htmlTrackElement.track); }); } return htmlTrackElement; }; /** * Remove a remote text track from the remote `TextTrackList`. * * @param {TextTrack} track * `TextTrack` to remove from the `TextTrackList` */ Tech.prototype.removeRemoteTextTrack = function removeRemoteTextTrack(track) { var trackElement = this.remoteTextTrackEls().getTrackElementByTrack_(track); // remove HTMLTrackElement and TextTrack from remote list this.remoteTextTrackEls().removeTrackElement_(trackElement); this.remoteTextTracks().removeTrack(track); this.autoRemoteTextTracks_.removeTrack(track); }; /** * Gets available media playback quality metrics as specified by the W3C's Media * Playback Quality API. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * * @return {Object} * An object with supported media playback quality metrics * * @abstract */ Tech.prototype.getVideoPlaybackQuality = function getVideoPlaybackQuality() { return {}; }; /** * A method to set a poster from a `Tech`. * * @abstract */ Tech.prototype.setPoster = function setPoster() {}; /** * A method to check for the presence of the 'playsinine' <video> attribute. * * @abstract */ Tech.prototype.playsinline = function playsinline() {}; /** * A method to set or unset the 'playsinine' <video> attribute. * * @abstract */ Tech.prototype.setPlaysinline = function setPlaysinline() {}; /* * Check if the tech can support the given mime-type. * * The base tech does not support any type, but source handlers might * overwrite this. * * @param {string} type * The mimetype to check for support * * @return {string} * 'probably', 'maybe', or empty string * * @see [Spec]{@link} * * @abstract */ Tech.prototype.canPlayType = function canPlayType() { return ''; }; /** * Check if the type is supported by this tech. * * The base tech does not support any type, but source handlers might * overwrite this. * * @param {string} type * The media type to check * @return {string} Returns the native video element's response */ Tech.canPlayType = function canPlayType() { return ''; }; /** * Check if the tech can support the given source * @param {Object} srcObj * The source object * @param {Object} options * The options passed to the tech * @return {string} 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string) */ Tech.canPlaySource = function canPlaySource(srcObj, options) { return Tech.canPlayType(srcObj.type); }; /* * Return whether the argument is a Tech or not. * Can be passed either a Class like `Html5` or a instance like `player.tech_` * * @param {Object} component * The item to check * * @return {boolean} * Whether it is a tech or not * - True if it is a tech * - False if it is not */ Tech.isTech = function isTech(component) { return component.prototype instanceof Tech || component instanceof Tech || component === Tech; }; /** * Registers a `Tech` into a shared list for videojs. * * @param {string} name * Name of the `Tech` to register. * * @param {Object} tech * The `Tech` class to register. */ Tech.registerTech = function registerTech(name, tech) { if (!Tech.techs_) { Tech.techs_ = {}; } if (!Tech.isTech(tech)) { throw new Error('Tech ' + name + ' must be a Tech'); } if (!Tech.canPlayType) { throw new Error('Techs must have a static canPlayType method on them'); } if (!Tech.canPlaySource) { throw new Error('Techs must have a static canPlaySource method on them'); } name = toTitleCase(name); Tech.techs_[name] = tech; if (name !== 'Tech') { // camel case the techName for use in techOrder Tech.defaultTechOrder_.push(name); } return tech; }; /** * Get a `Tech` from the shared list by name. * * @param {string} name * `camelCase` or `TitleCase` name of the Tech to get * * @return {Tech|undefined} * The `Tech` or undefined if there was no tech with the name requsted. */ Tech.getTech = function getTech(name) { if (!name) { return; } name = toTitleCase(name); if (Tech.techs_ && Tech.techs_[name]) { return Tech.techs_[name]; } if (window_1 && window_1.videojs && window_1.videojs[name]) { log$1.warn('The ' + name + ' tech was added to the videojs object when it should be registered using videojs.registerTech(name, tech)'); return window_1.videojs[name]; } }; return Tech; }(Component); /** * Get the {@link VideoTrackList} * * @returns {VideoTrackList} * @method Tech.prototype.videoTracks */ /** * Get the {@link AudioTrackList} * * @returns {AudioTrackList} * @method Tech.prototype.audioTracks */ /** * Get the {@link TextTrackList} * * @returns {TextTrackList} * @method Tech.prototype.textTracks */ /** * Get the remote element {@link TextTrackList} * * @returns {TextTrackList} * @method Tech.prototype.remoteTextTracks */ /** * Get the remote element {@link HtmlTrackElementList} * * @returns {HtmlTrackElementList} * @method Tech.prototype.remoteTextTrackEls */ ALL.names.forEach(function (name) { var props = ALL[name]; Tech.prototype[props.getterName] = function () { this[props.privateName] = this[props.privateName] || new props.ListClass(); return this[props.privateName]; }; }); /** * List of associated text tracks * * @type {TextTrackList} * @private * @property Tech#textTracks_ */ /** * List of associated audio tracks. * * @type {AudioTrackList} * @private * @property Tech#audioTracks_ */ /** * List of associated video tracks. * * @type {VideoTrackList} * @private * @property Tech#videoTracks_ */ /** * Boolean indicating wether the `Tech` supports volume control. * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Tech.prototype.featuresVolumeControl = true; /** * Boolean indicating wether the `Tech` support fullscreen resize control. * Resizing plugins using request fullscreen reloads the plugin * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Tech.prototype.featuresFullscreenResize = false; /** * Boolean indicating wether the `Tech` supports changing the speed at which the video * plays. Examples: * - Set player to play 2x (twice) as fast * - Set player to play 0.5x (half) as fast * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Tech.prototype.featuresPlaybackRate = false; /** * Boolean indicating wether the `Tech` supports the `progress` event. This is currently * not triggered by video-js-swf. This will be used to determine if * {@link Tech#manualProgressOn} should be called. * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Tech.prototype.featuresProgressEvents = false; /** * Boolean indicating wether the `Tech` supports the `timeupdate` event. This is currently * not triggered by video-js-swf. This will be used to determine if * {@link Tech#manualTimeUpdates} should be called. * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Tech.prototype.featuresTimeupdateEvents = false; /** * Boolean indicating wether the `Tech` supports the native `TextTrack`s. * This will help us integrate with native `TextTrack`s if the browser supports them. * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Tech.prototype.featuresNativeTextTracks = false; /** * A functional mixin for techs that want to use the Source Handler pattern. * Source handlers are scripts for handling specific formats. * The source handler pattern is used for adaptive formats (HLS, DASH) that * manually load video data and feed it into a Source Buffer (Media Source Extensions) * Example: `;` * * @param {Tech} _Tech * The tech to add source handler functions to. * * @mixes Tech~SourceHandlerAdditions */ Tech.withSourceHandlers = function (_Tech) { /** * Register a source handler * * @param {Function} handler * The source handler class * * @param {number} [index] * Register it at the following index */ _Tech.registerSourceHandler = function (handler, index) { var handlers = _Tech.sourceHandlers; if (!handlers) { handlers = _Tech.sourceHandlers = []; } if (index === undefined) { // add to the end of the list index = handlers.length; } handlers.splice(index, 0, handler); }; /** * Check if the tech can support the given type. Also checks the * Techs sourceHandlers. * * @param {string} type * The mimetype to check. * * @return {string} * 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string) */ _Tech.canPlayType = function (type) { var handlers = _Tech.sourceHandlers || []; var can = void 0; for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) { can = handlers[i].canPlayType(type); if (can) { return can; } } return ''; }; /** * Returns the first source handler that supports the source. * * TODO: Answer question: should 'probably' be prioritized over 'maybe' * * @param {Tech~SourceObject} source * The source object * * @param {Object} options * The options passed to the tech * * @return {SourceHandler|null} * The first source handler that supports the source or null if * no SourceHandler supports the source */ _Tech.selectSourceHandler = function (source, options) { var handlers = _Tech.sourceHandlers || []; var can = void 0; for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) { can = handlers[i].canHandleSource(source, options); if (can) { return handlers[i]; } } return null; }; /** * Check if the tech can support the given source. * * @param {Tech~SourceObject} srcObj * The source object * * @param {Object} options * The options passed to the tech * * @return {string} * 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string) */ _Tech.canPlaySource = function (srcObj, options) { var sh = _Tech.selectSourceHandler(srcObj, options); if (sh) { return sh.canHandleSource(srcObj, options); } return ''; }; /** * When using a source handler, prefer its implementation of * any function normally provided by the tech. */ var deferrable = ['seekable', 'duration']; /** * A wrapper around {@link Tech#seekable} that will call a `SourceHandler`s seekable * function if it exists, with a fallback to the Techs seekable function. * * @method _Tech.seekable */ /** * A wrapper around {@link Tech#duration} that will call a `SourceHandler`s duration * function if it exists, otherwise it will fallback to the techs duration function. * * @method _Tech.duration */ deferrable.forEach(function (fnName) { var originalFn = this[fnName]; if (typeof originalFn !== 'function') { return; } this[fnName] = function () { if (this.sourceHandler_ && this.sourceHandler_[fnName]) { return this.sourceHandler_[fnName].apply(this.sourceHandler_, arguments); } return originalFn.apply(this, arguments); }; }, _Tech.prototype); /** * Create a function for setting the source using a source object * and source handlers. * Should never be called unless a source handler was found. * * @param {Tech~SourceObject} source * A source object with src and type keys */ _Tech.prototype.setSource = function (source) { var sh = _Tech.selectSourceHandler(source, this.options_); if (!sh) { // Fall back to a native source hander when unsupported sources are // deliberately set if (_Tech.nativeSourceHandler) { sh = _Tech.nativeSourceHandler; } else { log$1.error('No source hander found for the current source.'); } } // Dispose any existing source handler this.disposeSourceHandler();'dispose', this.disposeSourceHandler); if (sh !== _Tech.nativeSourceHandler) { this.currentSource_ = source; } this.sourceHandler_ = sh.handleSource(source, this, this.options_); this.on('dispose', this.disposeSourceHandler); }; /** * Clean up any existing SourceHandlers and listeners when the Tech is disposed. * * @listens Tech#dispose */ _Tech.prototype.disposeSourceHandler = function () { // if we have a source and get another one // then we are loading something new // than clear all of our current tracks if (this.currentSource_) { this.clearTracks(['audio', 'video']); this.currentSource_ = null; } // always clean up auto-text tracks this.cleanupAutoTextTracks(); if (this.sourceHandler_) { if (this.sourceHandler_.dispose) { this.sourceHandler_.dispose(); } this.sourceHandler_ = null; } }; }; // The base Tech class needs to be registered as a Component. It is the only // Tech that can be registered as a Component. Component.registerComponent('Tech', Tech); Tech.registerTech('Tech', Tech); /** * A list of techs that should be added to techOrder on Players * * @private */ Tech.defaultTechOrder_ = []; var middlewares = {}; function use(type, middleware) { middlewares[type] = middlewares[type] || []; middlewares[type].push(middleware); } function setSource(player, src, next) { player.setTimeout(function () { return setSourceHelper(src, middlewares[src.type], next, player); }, 1); } function setTech(middleware, tech) { middleware.forEach(function (mw) { return mw.setTech && mw.setTech(tech); }); } function get$1(middleware, tech, method) { return middleware.reduceRight(middlewareIterator(method), tech[method]()); } function set$1(middleware, tech, method, arg) { return tech[method](middleware.reduce(middlewareIterator(method), arg)); } var allowedGetters = { buffered: 1, currentTime: 1, duration: 1, seekable: 1, played: 1 }; var allowedSetters = { setCurrentTime: 1 }; function middlewareIterator(method) { return function (value, mw) { if (mw[method]) { return mw[method](value); } return value; }; } function setSourceHelper() { var src = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var middleware = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : []; var next = arguments[2]; var player = arguments[3]; var acc = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : []; var lastRun = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : false; var mwFactory = middleware[0], mwrest = middleware.slice(1); // if mwFactory is a string, then we're at a fork in the road if (typeof mwFactory === 'string') { setSourceHelper(src, middlewares[mwFactory], next, player, acc, lastRun); // if we have an mwFactory, call it with the player to get the mw, // then call the mw's setSource method } else if (mwFactory) { var mw = mwFactory(player); mw.setSource(assign({}, src), function (err, _src) { // something happened, try the next middleware on the current level // make sure to use the old src if (err) { return setSourceHelper(src, mwrest, next, player, acc, lastRun); } // we've succeeded, now we need to go deeper acc.push(mw); // if it's the same time, continue does the current chain // otherwise, we want to go down the new chain setSourceHelper(_src, src.type === _src.type ? mwrest : middlewares[_src.type], next, player, acc, lastRun); }); } else if (mwrest.length) { setSourceHelper(src, mwrest, next, player, acc, lastRun); } else if (lastRun) { next(src, acc); } else { setSourceHelper(src, middlewares['*'], next, player, acc, true); } } /** * @module filter-source */ /** * Filter out single bad source objects or multiple source objects in an * array. Also flattens nested source object arrays into a 1 dimensional * array of source objects. * * @param {Tech~SourceObject|Tech~SourceObject[]} src * The src object to filter * * @return {Tech~SourceObject[]} * An array of sourceobjects containing only valid sources * * @private */ var filterSource = function filterSource(src) { // traverse array if (Array.isArray(src)) { var newsrc = []; src.forEach(function (srcobj) { srcobj = filterSource(srcobj); if (Array.isArray(srcobj)) { newsrc = newsrc.concat(srcobj); } else if (isObject(srcobj)) { newsrc.push(srcobj); } }); src = newsrc; } else if (typeof src === 'string' && src.trim()) { // convert string into object src = [{ src: src }]; } else if (isObject(src) && typeof src.src === 'string' && src.src && src.src.trim()) { // src is already valid src = [src]; } else { // invalid source, turn it into an empty array src = []; } return src; }; /** * @file loader.js */ /** * The `MediaLoader` is the `Component` that decides which playback technology to load * when a player is initialized. * * @extends Component */ var MediaLoader = function (_Component) { inherits(MediaLoader, _Component); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should attach to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value stroe of player options. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * The function that is run when this component is ready. */ function MediaLoader(player, options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, MediaLoader); // MediaLoader has no element var options_ = mergeOptions({ createEl: false }, options); // If there are no sources when the player is initialized, // load the first supported playback technology. var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options_, ready)); if (!options.playerOptions.sources || options.playerOptions.sources.length === 0) { for (var i = 0, j = options.playerOptions.techOrder; i < j.length; i++) { var techName = toTitleCase(j[i]); var tech = Tech.getTech(techName); // Support old behavior of techs being registered as components. // Remove once that deprecated behavior is removed. if (!techName) { tech = Component.getComponent(techName); } // Check if the browser supports this technology if (tech && tech.isSupported()) { player.loadTech_(techName); break; } } } else { // Loop through playback technologies (HTML5, Flash) and check for support. // Then load the best source. // A few assumptions here: // All playback technologies respect preload false. player.src(options.playerOptions.sources); } return _this; } return MediaLoader; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('MediaLoader', MediaLoader); /** * @file button.js */ /** * Clickable Component which is clickable or keyboard actionable, * but is not a native HTML button. * * @extends Component */ var ClickableComponent = function (_Component) { inherits(ClickableComponent, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function ClickableComponent(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, ClickableComponent); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.emitTapEvents(); _this.enable(); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`s DOM element. * * @param {string} [tag=div] * The element's node type. * * @param {Object} [props={}] * An object of properties that should be set on the element. * * @param {Object} [attributes={}] * An object of attributes that should be set on the element. * * @return {Element} * The element that gets created. */ ClickableComponent.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var tag = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 'div'; var props = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var attributes = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; props = assign({ innerHTML: '<span aria-hidden="true" class="vjs-icon-placeholder"></span>', className: this.buildCSSClass(), tabIndex: 0 }, props); if (tag === 'button') { log$1.error('Creating a ClickableComponent with an HTML element of ' + tag + ' is not supported; use a Button instead.'); } // Add ARIA attributes for clickable element which is not a native HTML button attributes = assign({ 'role': 'button', // let the screen reader user know that the text of the element may change 'aria-live': 'polite' }, attributes); this.tabIndex_ = props.tabIndex; var el =, tag, props, attributes); this.createControlTextEl(el); return el; }; /** * Create a control text element on this `Component` * * @param {Element} [el] * Parent element for the control text. * * @return {Element} * The control text element that gets created. */ ClickableComponent.prototype.createControlTextEl = function createControlTextEl(el) { this.controlTextEl_ = createEl('span', { className: 'vjs-control-text' }); if (el) { el.appendChild(this.controlTextEl_); } this.controlText(this.controlText_, el); return this.controlTextEl_; }; /** * Get or set the localize text to use for the controls on the `Component`. * * @param {string} [text] * Control text for element. * * @param {Element} [el=this.el()] * Element to set the title on. * * @return {string} * - The control text when getting */ ClickableComponent.prototype.controlText = function controlText(text) { var el = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this.el(); if (!text) { return this.controlText_ || 'Need Text'; } var localizedText = this.localize(text); this.controlText_ = text; textContent(this.controlTextEl_, localizedText); if (!this.nonIconControl) { // Set title attribute if only an icon is shown el.setAttribute('title', localizedText); } }; /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ ClickableComponent.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-control vjs-button ' +; }; /** * Enable this `Component`s element. */ ClickableComponent.prototype.enable = function enable() { if (!this.enabled_) { this.enabled_ = true; this.removeClass('vjs-disabled'); this.el_.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'false'); if (typeof this.tabIndex_ !== 'undefined') { this.el_.setAttribute('tabIndex', this.tabIndex_); } this.on(['tap', 'click'], this.handleClick); this.on('focus', this.handleFocus); this.on('blur', this.handleBlur); } }; /** * Disable this `Component`s element. */ ClickableComponent.prototype.disable = function disable() { this.enabled_ = false; this.addClass('vjs-disabled'); this.el_.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); if (typeof this.tabIndex_ !== 'undefined') { this.el_.removeAttribute('tabIndex'); }['tap', 'click'], this.handleClick);'focus', this.handleFocus);'blur', this.handleBlur); }; /** * This gets called when a `ClickableComponent` gets: * - Clicked (via the `click` event, listening starts in the constructor) * - Tapped (via the `tap` event, listening starts in the constructor) * - The following things happen in order: * 1. {@link ClickableComponent#handleFocus} is called via a `focus` event on the * `ClickableComponent`. * 2. {@link ClickableComponent#handleFocus} adds a listener for `keydown` on using * {@link ClickableComponent#handleKeyPress}. * 3. `ClickableComponent` has not had a `blur` event (`blur` means that focus was lost). The user presses * the space or enter key. * 4. {@link ClickableComponent#handleKeyPress} calls this function with the `keydown` * event as a parameter. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click * @abstract */ ClickableComponent.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) {}; /** * This gets called when a `ClickableComponent` gains focus via a `focus` event. * Turns on listening for `keydown` events. When they happen it * calls `this.handleKeyPress`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `focus` event that caused this function to be called. * * @listens focus */ ClickableComponent.prototype.handleFocus = function handleFocus(event) { on(document_1, 'keydown', bind(this, this.handleKeyPress)); }; /** * Called when this ClickableComponent has focus and a key gets pressed down. By * default it will call `this.handleClick` when the key is space or enter. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown` event that caused this function to be called. * * @listens keydown */ ClickableComponent.prototype.handleKeyPress = function handleKeyPress(event) { // Support Space (32) or Enter (13) key operation to fire a click event if (event.which === 32 || event.which === 13) { event.preventDefault(); this.trigger('click'); } else if (_Component.prototype.handleKeyPress) { // Pass keypress handling up for unsupported keys, event); } }; /** * Called when a `ClickableComponent` loses focus. Turns off the listener for * `keydown` events. Which Stops `this.handleKeyPress` from getting called. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `blur` event that caused this function to be called. * * @listens blur */ ClickableComponent.prototype.handleBlur = function handleBlur(event) { off(document_1, 'keydown', bind(this, this.handleKeyPress)); }; return ClickableComponent; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('ClickableComponent', ClickableComponent); /** * @file poster-image.js */ /** * A `ClickableComponent` that handles showing the poster image for the player. * * @extends ClickableComponent */ var PosterImage = function (_ClickableComponent) { inherits(PosterImage, _ClickableComponent); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should attach to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function PosterImage(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, PosterImage); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.update(); player.on('posterchange', bind(_this, _this.update)); return _this; } /** * Clean up and dispose of the `PosterImage`. */ PosterImage.prototype.dispose = function dispose() { this.player().off('posterchange', this.update);; }; /** * Create the `PosterImage`s DOM element. * * @return {Element} * The element that gets created. */ PosterImage.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var el = createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-poster', // Don't want poster to be tabbable. tabIndex: -1 }); // To ensure the poster image resizes while maintaining its original aspect // ratio, use a div with `background-size` when available. For browsers that // do not support `background-size` (e.g. IE8), fall back on using a regular // img element. if (!BACKGROUND_SIZE_SUPPORTED) { this.fallbackImg_ = createEl('img'); el.appendChild(this.fallbackImg_); } return el; }; /** * An {@link EventTarget~EventListener} for {@link Player#posterchange} events. * * @listens Player#posterchange * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `Player#posterchange` event that triggered this function. */ PosterImage.prototype.update = function update(event) { var url = this.player().poster(); this.setSrc(url); // If there's no poster source we should display:none on this component // so it's not still clickable or right-clickable if (url) {; } else { this.hide(); } }; /** * Set the source of the `PosterImage` depending on the display method. * * @param {string} url * The URL to the source for the `PosterImage`. */ PosterImage.prototype.setSrc = function setSrc(url) { if (this.fallbackImg_) { this.fallbackImg_.src = url; } else { var backgroundImage = ''; // Any falsey values should stay as an empty string, otherwise // this will throw an extra error if (url) { backgroundImage = 'url("' + url + '")'; } = backgroundImage; } }; /** * An {@link EventTarget~EventListener} for clicks on the `PosterImage`. See * {@link ClickableComponent#handleClick} for instances where this will be triggered. * * @listens tap * @listens click * @listens keydown * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event + The `click`, `tap` or `keydown` event that caused this function to be called. */ PosterImage.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { // We don't want a click to trigger playback when controls are disabled if (!this.player_.controls()) { return; } if (this.player_.paused()) {; } else { this.player_.pause(); } }; return PosterImage; }(ClickableComponent); Component.registerComponent('PosterImage', PosterImage); /** * @file text-track-display.js */ var darkGray = '#222'; var lightGray = '#ccc'; var fontMap = { monospace: 'monospace', sansSerif: 'sans-serif', serif: 'serif', monospaceSansSerif: '"Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", monospace', monospaceSerif: '"Courier New", monospace', proportionalSansSerif: 'sans-serif', proportionalSerif: 'serif', casual: '"Comic Sans MS", Impact, fantasy', script: '"Monotype Corsiva", cursive', smallcaps: '"Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", monospace, sans-serif' }; /** * Construct an rgba color from a given hex color code. * * @param {number} color * Hex number for color, like #f0e. * * @param {number} opacity * Value for opacity, 0.0 - 1.0. * * @return {string} * The rgba color that was created, like 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)'. * * @private */ function constructColor(color, opacity) { return 'rgba(' + // color looks like "#f0e" parseInt(color[1] + color[1], 16) + ',' + parseInt(color[2] + color[2], 16) + ',' + parseInt(color[3] + color[3], 16) + ',' + opacity + ')'; } /** * Try to update the style of a DOM element. Some style changes will throw an error, * particularly in IE8. Those should be noops. * * @param {Element} el * The DOM element to be styled. * * @param {string} style * The CSS property on the element that should be styled. * * @param {string} rule * The style rule that should be applied to the property. * * @private */ function tryUpdateStyle(el, style, rule) { try {[style] = rule; } catch (e) { // Satisfies linter. return; } } /** * The component for displaying text track cues. * * @extends Component */ var TextTrackDisplay = function (_Component) { inherits(TextTrackDisplay, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * The function to call when `TextTrackDisplay` is ready. */ function TextTrackDisplay(player, options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, TextTrackDisplay); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options, ready)); player.on('loadstart', bind(_this, _this.toggleDisplay)); player.on('texttrackchange', bind(_this, _this.updateDisplay)); player.on('loadstart', bind(_this, _this.preselectTrack)); // This used to be called during player init, but was causing an error // if a track should show by default and the display hadn't loaded yet. // Should probably be moved to an external track loader when we support // tracks that don't need a display. player.ready(bind(_this, function () { if (player.tech_ && player.tech_.featuresNativeTextTracks) { this.hide(); return; } player.on('fullscreenchange', bind(this, this.updateDisplay)); var tracks = this.options_.playerOptions.tracks || []; for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { this.player_.addRemoteTextTrack(tracks[i], true); } this.preselectTrack(); })); return _this; } /** * Preselect a track following this precedence: * - matches the previously selected {@link TextTrack}'s language and kind * - matches the previously selected {@link TextTrack}'s language only * - is the first default captions track * - is the first default descriptions track * * @listens Player#loadstart */ TextTrackDisplay.prototype.preselectTrack = function preselectTrack() { var modes = { captions: 1, subtitles: 1 }; var trackList = this.player_.textTracks(); var userPref = this.player_.cache_.selectedLanguage; var firstDesc = void 0; var firstCaptions = void 0; var preferredTrack = void 0; for (var i = 0; i < trackList.length; i++) { var track = trackList[i]; if (userPref && userPref.enabled && userPref.language === track.language) { // Always choose the track that matches both language and kind if (track.kind === userPref.kind) { preferredTrack = track; // or choose the first track that matches language } else if (!preferredTrack) { preferredTrack = track; } // clear everything if offTextTrackMenuItem was clicked } else if (userPref && !userPref.enabled) { preferredTrack = null; firstDesc = null; firstCaptions = null; } else if (track['default']) { if (track.kind === 'descriptions' && !firstDesc) { firstDesc = track; } else if (track.kind in modes && !firstCaptions) { firstCaptions = track; } } } // The preferredTrack matches the user preference and takes // precendence over all the other tracks. // So, display the preferredTrack before the first default track // and the subtitles/captions track before the descriptions track if (preferredTrack) { preferredTrack.mode = 'showing'; } else if (firstCaptions) { firstCaptions.mode = 'showing'; } else if (firstDesc) { firstDesc.mode = 'showing'; } }; /** * Turn display of {@link TextTrack}'s from the current state into the other state. * There are only two states: * - 'shown' * - 'hidden' * * @listens Player#loadstart */ TextTrackDisplay.prototype.toggleDisplay = function toggleDisplay() { if (this.player_.tech_ && this.player_.tech_.featuresNativeTextTracks) { this.hide(); } else {; } }; /** * Create the {@link Component}'s DOM element. * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ TextTrackDisplay.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-text-track-display' }, { 'aria-live': 'off', 'aria-atomic': 'true' }); }; /** * Clear all displayed {@link TextTrack}s. */ TextTrackDisplay.prototype.clearDisplay = function clearDisplay() { if (typeof window_1.WebVTT === 'function') { window_1.WebVTT.processCues(window_1, [], this.el_); } }; /** * Update the displayed TextTrack when a either a {@link Player#texttrackchange} or * a {@link Player#fullscreenchange} is fired. * * @listens Player#texttrackchange * @listens Player#fullscreenchange */ TextTrackDisplay.prototype.updateDisplay = function updateDisplay() { var tracks = this.player_.textTracks(); this.clearDisplay(); // Track display prioritization model: if multiple tracks are 'showing', // display the first 'subtitles' or 'captions' track which is 'showing', // otherwise display the first 'descriptions' track which is 'showing' var descriptionsTrack = null; var captionsSubtitlesTrack = null; var i = tracks.length; while (i--) { var track = tracks[i]; if (track.mode === 'showing') { if (track.kind === 'descriptions') { descriptionsTrack = track; } else { captionsSubtitlesTrack = track; } } } if (captionsSubtitlesTrack) { if (this.getAttribute('aria-live') !== 'off') { this.setAttribute('aria-live', 'off'); } this.updateForTrack(captionsSubtitlesTrack); } else if (descriptionsTrack) { if (this.getAttribute('aria-live') !== 'assertive') { this.setAttribute('aria-live', 'assertive'); } this.updateForTrack(descriptionsTrack); } }; /** * Add an {@link Texttrack} to to the {@link Tech}s {@link TextTrackList}. * * @param {TextTrack} track * Text track object to be added to the list. */ TextTrackDisplay.prototype.updateForTrack = function updateForTrack(track) { if (typeof window_1.WebVTT !== 'function' || !track.activeCues) { return; } var overrides = this.player_.textTrackSettings.getValues(); var cues = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < track.activeCues.length; _i++) { cues.push(track.activeCues[_i]); } window_1.WebVTT.processCues(window_1, cues, this.el_); var i = cues.length; while (i--) { var cue = cues[i]; if (!cue) { continue; } var cueDiv = cue.displayState; if (overrides.color) { = overrides.color; } if (overrides.textOpacity) { tryUpdateStyle(cueDiv.firstChild, 'color', constructColor(overrides.color || '#fff', overrides.textOpacity)); } if (overrides.backgroundColor) { = overrides.backgroundColor; } if (overrides.backgroundOpacity) { tryUpdateStyle(cueDiv.firstChild, 'backgroundColor', constructColor(overrides.backgroundColor || '#000', overrides.backgroundOpacity)); } if (overrides.windowColor) { if (overrides.windowOpacity) { tryUpdateStyle(cueDiv, 'backgroundColor', constructColor(overrides.windowColor, overrides.windowOpacity)); } else { = overrides.windowColor; } } if (overrides.edgeStyle) { if (overrides.edgeStyle === 'dropshadow') { = '2px 2px 3px ' + darkGray + ', 2px 2px 4px ' + darkGray + ', 2px 2px 5px ' + darkGray; } else if (overrides.edgeStyle === 'raised') { = '1px 1px ' + darkGray + ', 2px 2px ' + darkGray + ', 3px 3px ' + darkGray; } else if (overrides.edgeStyle === 'depressed') { = '1px 1px ' + lightGray + ', 0 1px ' + lightGray + ', -1px -1px ' + darkGray + ', 0 -1px ' + darkGray; } else if (overrides.edgeStyle === 'uniform') { = '0 0 4px ' + darkGray + ', 0 0 4px ' + darkGray + ', 0 0 4px ' + darkGray + ', 0 0 4px ' + darkGray; } } if (overrides.fontPercent && overrides.fontPercent !== 1) { var fontSize = window_1.parseFloat(; = fontSize * overrides.fontPercent + 'px'; = 'auto'; = 'auto'; = '2px'; } if (overrides.fontFamily && overrides.fontFamily !== 'default') { if (overrides.fontFamily === 'small-caps') { = 'small-caps'; } else { = fontMap[overrides.fontFamily]; } } } }; return TextTrackDisplay; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('TextTrackDisplay', TextTrackDisplay); /** * @file loading-spinner.js */ /** * A loading spinner for use during waiting/loading events. * * @extends Component */ var LoadingSpinner = function (_Component) { inherits(LoadingSpinner, _Component); function LoadingSpinner() { classCallCheck(this, LoadingSpinner); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Create the `LoadingSpinner`s DOM element. * * @return {Element} * The dom element that gets created. */ LoadingSpinner.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-loading-spinner', dir: 'ltr' }); }; return LoadingSpinner; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('LoadingSpinner', LoadingSpinner); /** * @file button.js */ /** * Base class for all buttons. * * @extends ClickableComponent */ var Button = function (_ClickableComponent) { inherits(Button, _ClickableComponent); function Button() { classCallCheck(this, Button); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _ClickableComponent.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Create the `Button`s DOM element. * * @param {string} [tag="button"] * The element's node type. This argument is IGNORED: no matter what * is passed, it will always create a `button` element. * * @param {Object} [props={}] * An object of properties that should be set on the element. * * @param {Object} [attributes={}] * An object of attributes that should be set on the element. * * @return {Element} * The element that gets created. */ Button.prototype.createEl = function createEl(tag) { var props = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var attributes = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; tag = 'button'; props = assign({ innerHTML: '<span aria-hidden="true" class="vjs-icon-placeholder"></span>', className: this.buildCSSClass() }, props); // Add attributes for button element attributes = assign({ // Necessary since the default button type is "submit" 'type': 'button', // let the screen reader user know that the text of the button may change 'aria-live': 'polite' }, attributes); var el =, tag, props, attributes); this.createControlTextEl(el); return el; }; /** * Add a child `Component` inside of this `Button`. * * @param {string|Component} child * The name or instance of a child to add. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * The key/value store of options that will get passed to children of * the child. * * @return {Component} * The `Component` that gets added as a child. When using a string the * `Component` will get created by this process. * * @deprecated since version 5 */ Button.prototype.addChild = function addChild(child) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var className =; log$1.warn('Adding an actionable (user controllable) child to a Button (' + className + ') is not supported; use a ClickableComponent instead.'); // Avoid the error message generated by ClickableComponent's addChild method return, child, options); }; /** * Enable the `Button` element so that it can be activated or clicked. Use this with * {@link Button#disable}. */ Button.prototype.enable = function enable() {; this.el_.removeAttribute('disabled'); }; /** * Enable the `Button` element so that it cannot be activated or clicked. Use this with * {@link Button#enable}. */ Button.prototype.disable = function disable() {; this.el_.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); }; /** * This gets called when a `Button` has focus and `keydown` is triggered via a key * press. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The event that caused this function to get called. * * @listens keydown */ Button.prototype.handleKeyPress = function handleKeyPress(event) { // Ignore Space (32) or Enter (13) key operation, which is handled by the browser for a button. if (event.which === 32 || event.which === 13) { return; } // Pass keypress handling up for unsupported keys, event); }; return Button; }(ClickableComponent); Component.registerComponent('Button', Button); /** * @file big-play-button.js */ /** * The initial play button that shows before the video has played. The hiding of the * `BigPlayButton` get done via CSS and `Player` states. * * @extends Button */ var BigPlayButton = function (_Button) { inherits(BigPlayButton, _Button); function BigPlayButton() { classCallCheck(this, BigPlayButton); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Button.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. Always returns 'vjs-big-play-button'. */ BigPlayButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-big-play-button'; }; /** * This gets called when a `BigPlayButton` "clicked". See {@link ClickableComponent} * for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ BigPlayButton.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { var playPromise =; var cb = this.player_.getChild('controlBar'); var playToggle = cb && cb.getChild('playToggle'); if (!playToggle) { this.player_.focus(); return; } if (playPromise) { playPromise.then(function () { return playToggle.focus(); }); } else { this.setTimeout(function () { playToggle.focus(); }, 1); } }; return BigPlayButton; }(Button); /** * The text that should display over the `BigPlayButton`s controls. Added to for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ BigPlayButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Play Video'; Component.registerComponent('BigPlayButton', BigPlayButton); /** * @file close-button.js */ /** * The `CloseButton` is a `{@link Button}` that fires a `close` event when * it gets clicked. * * @extends Button */ var CloseButton = function (_Button) { inherits(CloseButton, _Button); /** * Creates an instance of the this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function CloseButton(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, CloseButton); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.controlText(options && options.controlText || _this.localize('Close')); return _this; } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ CloseButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-close-button ' +; }; /** * This gets called when a `CloseButton` gets clicked. See * {@link ClickableComponent#handleClick} for more information on when this will be * triggered * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click * @fires CloseButton#close */ CloseButton.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { /** * Triggered when the a `CloseButton` is clicked. * * @event CloseButton#close * @type {EventTarget~Event} * * @property {boolean} [bubbles=false] * set to false so that the close event does not * bubble up to parents if there is no listener */ this.trigger({ type: 'close', bubbles: false }); }; return CloseButton; }(Button); Component.registerComponent('CloseButton', CloseButton); /** * @file play-toggle.js */ /** * Button to toggle between play and pause. * * @extends Button */ var PlayToggle = function (_Button) { inherits(PlayToggle, _Button); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function PlayToggle(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, PlayToggle); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.on(player, 'play', _this.handlePlay); _this.on(player, 'pause', _this.handlePause); _this.on(player, 'ended', _this.handleEnded); return _this; } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ PlayToggle.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-play-control ' +; }; /** * This gets called when an `PlayToggle` is "clicked". See * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ PlayToggle.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { if (this.player_.paused()) {; } else { this.player_.pause(); } }; /** * Add the vjs-playing class to the element so it can change appearance. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#play */ PlayToggle.prototype.handlePlay = function handlePlay(event) { this.removeClass('vjs-ended'); this.removeClass('vjs-paused'); this.addClass('vjs-playing'); // change the button text to "Pause" this.controlText('Pause'); }; /** * Add the vjs-paused class to the element so it can change appearance. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#pause */ PlayToggle.prototype.handlePause = function handlePause(event) { this.removeClass('vjs-playing'); this.addClass('vjs-paused'); // change the button text to "Play" this.controlText('Play'); }; /** * Add the vjs-ended class to the element so it can change appearance * */ PlayToggle.prototype.handleEnded = function handleEnded(event) { this.removeClass('vjs-playing'); this.addClass('vjs-ended'); // change the button text to "Replay" this.controlText('Replay'); }; return PlayToggle; }(Button); /** * The text that should display over the `PlayToggle`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ PlayToggle.prototype.controlText_ = 'Play'; Component.registerComponent('PlayToggle', PlayToggle); /** * @file format-time.js * @module Format-time */ /** * Format seconds as a time string, H:MM:SS or M:SS. Supplying a guide (in seconds) * will force a number of leading zeros to cover the length of the guide. * * @param {number} seconds * Number of seconds to be turned into a string * * @param {number} guide * Number (in seconds) to model the string after * * @return {string} * Time formatted as H:MM:SS or M:SS */ function formatTime(seconds) { var guide = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : seconds; seconds = seconds < 0 ? 0 : seconds; var s = Math.floor(seconds % 60); var m = Math.floor(seconds / 60 % 60); var h = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); var gm = Math.floor(guide / 60 % 60); var gh = Math.floor(guide / 3600); // handle invalid times if (isNaN(seconds) || seconds === Infinity) { // '-' is false for all relational operators (e.g. <, >=) so this setting // will add the minimum number of fields specified by the guide h = m = s = '-'; } // Check if we need to show hours h = h > 0 || gh > 0 ? h + ':' : ''; // If hours are showing, we may need to add a leading zero. // Always show at least one digit of minutes. m = ((h || gm >= 10) && m < 10 ? '0' + m : m) + ':'; // Check if leading zero is need for seconds s = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s; return h + m + s; } /** * @file current-time-display.js */ /** * Displays the current time * * @extends Component */ var CurrentTimeDisplay = function (_Component) { inherits(CurrentTimeDisplay, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function CurrentTimeDisplay(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, CurrentTimeDisplay); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.throttledUpdateContent = throttle(bind(_this, _this.updateContent), 25); _this.on(player, 'timeupdate', _this.throttledUpdateContent); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ CurrentTimeDisplay.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var el =, 'div', { className: 'vjs-current-time vjs-time-control vjs-control' }); this.contentEl_ = createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-current-time-display' }, { // tell screen readers not to automatically read the time as it changes 'aria-live': 'off' }, createEl('span', { className: 'vjs-control-text', textContent: this.localize('Current Time') })); this.updateTextNode_(); el.appendChild(this.contentEl_); return el; }; /** * Updates the "current time" text node with new content using the * contents of the `formattedTime_` property. * * @private */ CurrentTimeDisplay.prototype.updateTextNode_ = function updateTextNode_() { if (this.textNode_) { this.contentEl_.removeChild(this.textNode_); } this.textNode_ = document_1.createTextNode(' ' + (this.formattedTime_ || '0:00')); this.contentEl_.appendChild(this.textNode_); }; /** * Update current time display * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `timeupdate` event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#timeupdate */ CurrentTimeDisplay.prototype.updateContent = function updateContent(event) { // Allows for smooth scrubbing, when player can't keep up. var time = this.player_.scrubbing() ? this.player_.getCache().currentTime : this.player_.currentTime(); var formattedTime = formatTime(time, this.player_.duration()); if (formattedTime !== this.formattedTime_) { this.formattedTime_ = formattedTime; this.requestAnimationFrame(this.updateTextNode_); } }; return CurrentTimeDisplay; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('CurrentTimeDisplay', CurrentTimeDisplay); /** * @file duration-display.js */ /** * Displays the duration * * @extends Component */ var DurationDisplay = function (_Component) { inherits(DurationDisplay, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function DurationDisplay(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, DurationDisplay); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.throttledUpdateContent = throttle(bind(_this, _this.updateContent), 25); _this.on(player, ['durationchange', // Also listen for timeupdate and loadedmetadata because removing those // listeners could have broken dependent applications/libraries. These // can likely be removed for 7.0. 'loadedmetadata', 'timeupdate'], _this.throttledUpdateContent); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ DurationDisplay.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var el =, 'div', { className: 'vjs-duration vjs-time-control vjs-control' }); this.contentEl_ = createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-duration-display' }, { // tell screen readers not to automatically read the time as it changes 'aria-live': 'off' }, createEl('span', { className: 'vjs-control-text', textContent: this.localize('Duration Time') })); this.updateTextNode_(); el.appendChild(this.contentEl_); return el; }; /** * Updates the "current time" text node with new content using the * contents of the `formattedTime_` property. * * @private */ DurationDisplay.prototype.updateTextNode_ = function updateTextNode_() { if (this.textNode_) { this.contentEl_.removeChild(this.textNode_); } this.textNode_ = document_1.createTextNode(' ' + (this.formattedTime_ || '0:00')); this.contentEl_.appendChild(this.textNode_); }; /** * Update duration time display. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `durationchange`, `timeupdate`, or `loadedmetadata` event that caused * this function to be called. * * @listens Player#durationchange * @listens Player#timeupdate * @listens Player#loadedmetadata */ DurationDisplay.prototype.updateContent = function updateContent(event) { var duration = this.player_.duration(); if (duration && this.duration_ !== duration) { this.duration_ = duration; this.formattedTime_ = formatTime(duration); this.requestAnimationFrame(this.updateTextNode_); } }; return DurationDisplay; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('DurationDisplay', DurationDisplay); /** * @file time-divider.js */ /** * The separator between the current time and duration. * Can be hidden if it's not needed in the design. * * @extends Component */ var TimeDivider = function (_Component) { inherits(TimeDivider, _Component); function TimeDivider() { classCallCheck(this, TimeDivider); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Create the component's DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ TimeDivider.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-time-control vjs-time-divider', innerHTML: '<div><span>/</span></div>' }); }; return TimeDivider; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('TimeDivider', TimeDivider); /** * @file remaining-time-display.js */ /** * Displays the time left in the video * * @extends Component */ var RemainingTimeDisplay = function (_Component) { inherits(RemainingTimeDisplay, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function RemainingTimeDisplay(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, RemainingTimeDisplay); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.throttledUpdateContent = throttle(bind(_this, _this.updateContent), 25); _this.on(player, ['timeupdate', 'durationchange'], _this.throttledUpdateContent); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ RemainingTimeDisplay.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var el =, 'div', { className: 'vjs-remaining-time vjs-time-control vjs-control' }); this.contentEl_ = createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-remaining-time-display' }, { // tell screen readers not to automatically read the time as it changes 'aria-live': 'off' }, createEl('span', { className: 'vjs-control-text', textContent: this.localize('Remaining Time') })); this.updateTextNode_(); el.appendChild(this.contentEl_); return el; }; /** * Updates the "remaining time" text node with new content using the * contents of the `formattedTime_` property. * * @private */ RemainingTimeDisplay.prototype.updateTextNode_ = function updateTextNode_() { if (this.textNode_) { this.contentEl_.removeChild(this.textNode_); } this.textNode_ = document_1.createTextNode(' -' + (this.formattedTime_ || '0:00')); this.contentEl_.appendChild(this.textNode_); }; /** * Update remaining time display. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `timeupdate` or `durationchange` event that caused this to run. * * @listens Player#timeupdate * @listens Player#durationchange */ RemainingTimeDisplay.prototype.updateContent = function updateContent(event) { if (this.player_.duration()) { var formattedTime = formatTime(this.player_.remainingTime()); if (formattedTime !== this.formattedTime_) { this.formattedTime_ = formattedTime; this.requestAnimationFrame(this.updateTextNode_); } } }; return RemainingTimeDisplay; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('RemainingTimeDisplay', RemainingTimeDisplay); /** * @file live-display.js */ // TODO - Future make it click to snap to live /** * Displays the live indicator when duration is Infinity. * * @extends Component */ var LiveDisplay = function (_Component) { inherits(LiveDisplay, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function LiveDisplay(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, LiveDisplay); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.updateShowing(); _this.on(_this.player(), 'durationchange', _this.updateShowing); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ LiveDisplay.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var el =, 'div', { className: 'vjs-live-control vjs-control' }); this.contentEl_ = createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-live-display', innerHTML: '<span class="vjs-control-text">' + this.localize('Stream Type') + '</span>' + this.localize('LIVE') }, { 'aria-live': 'off' }); el.appendChild(this.contentEl_); return el; }; /** * Check the duration to see if the LiveDisplay should be showing or not. Then show/hide * it accordingly * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The {@link Player#durationchange} event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#durationchange */ LiveDisplay.prototype.updateShowing = function updateShowing(event) { if (this.player().duration() === Infinity) {; } else { this.hide(); } }; return LiveDisplay; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('LiveDisplay', LiveDisplay); /** * @file slider.js */ /** * The base functionality for a slider. Can be vertical or horizontal. * For instance the volume bar or the seek bar on a video is a slider. * * @extends Component */ var Slider = function (_Component) { inherits(Slider, _Component); /** * Create an instance of this class * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function Slider(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, Slider); // Set property names to bar to match with the child Slider class is looking for var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); = _this.getChild(_this.options_.barName); // Set a horizontal or vertical class on the slider depending on the slider type _this.vertical(!!_this.options_.vertical); _this.on('mousedown', _this.handleMouseDown); _this.on('touchstart', _this.handleMouseDown); _this.on('focus', _this.handleFocus); _this.on('blur', _this.handleBlur); _this.on('click', _this.handleClick); _this.on(player, 'controlsvisible', _this.update); if (_this.playerEvent) { _this.on(player, _this.playerEvent, _this.update); } return _this; } /** * Create the `Button`s DOM element. * * @param {string} type * Type of element to create. * * @param {Object} [props={}] * List of properties in Object form. * * @param {Object} [attributes={}] * list of attributes in Object form. * * @return {Element} * The element that gets created. */ Slider.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1(type) { var props = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var attributes = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; // Add the slider element class to all sub classes props.className = props.className + ' vjs-slider'; props = assign({ tabIndex: 0 }, props); attributes = assign({ 'role': 'slider', 'aria-valuenow': 0, 'aria-valuemin': 0, 'aria-valuemax': 100, 'tabIndex': 0 }, attributes); return, type, props, attributes); }; /** * Handle `mousedown` or `touchstart` events on the `Slider`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mousedown` or `touchstart` event that triggered this function * * @listens mousedown * @listens touchstart * @fires Slider#slideractive */ Slider.prototype.handleMouseDown = function handleMouseDown(event) { var doc =; event.preventDefault(); blockTextSelection(); this.addClass('vjs-sliding'); /** * Triggered when the slider is in an active state * * @event Slider#slideractive * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('slideractive'); this.on(doc, 'mousemove', this.handleMouseMove); this.on(doc, 'mouseup', this.handleMouseUp); this.on(doc, 'touchmove', this.handleMouseMove); this.on(doc, 'touchend', this.handleMouseUp); this.handleMouseMove(event); }; /** * Handle the `mousemove`, `touchmove`, and `mousedown` events on this `Slider`. * The `mousemove` and `touchmove` events will only only trigger this function during * `mousedown` and `touchstart`. This is due to {@link Slider#handleMouseDown} and * {@link Slider#handleMouseUp}. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mousedown`, `mousemove`, `touchstart`, or `touchmove` event that triggered * this function * * @listens mousemove * @listens touchmove */ Slider.prototype.handleMouseMove = function handleMouseMove(event) {}; /** * Handle `mouseup` or `touchend` events on the `Slider`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mouseup` or `touchend` event that triggered this function. * * @listens touchend * @listens mouseup * @fires Slider#sliderinactive */ Slider.prototype.handleMouseUp = function handleMouseUp() { var doc =; unblockTextSelection(); this.removeClass('vjs-sliding'); /** * Triggered when the slider is no longer in an active state. * * @event Slider#sliderinactive * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('sliderinactive');, 'mousemove', this.handleMouseMove);, 'mouseup', this.handleMouseUp);, 'touchmove', this.handleMouseMove);, 'touchend', this.handleMouseUp); this.update(); }; /** * Update the progress bar of the `Slider`. * * @returns {number} * The percentage of progress the progress bar represents as a * number from 0 to 1. */ Slider.prototype.update = function update() { // In VolumeBar init we have a setTimeout for update that pops and update // to the end of the execution stack. The player is destroyed before then // update will cause an error if (!this.el_) { return; } // If scrubbing, we could use a cached value to make the handle keep up // with the user's mouse. On HTML5 browsers scrubbing is really smooth, but // some flash players are slow, so we might want to utilize this later. // var progress = (this.player_.scrubbing()) ? this.player_.getCache().currentTime / this.player_.duration() : this.player_.currentTime() / this.player_.duration(); var progress = this.getPercent(); var bar =; // If there's no bar... if (!bar) { return; } // Protect against no duration and other division issues if (typeof progress !== 'number' || progress !== progress || progress < 0 || progress === Infinity) { progress = 0; } // Convert to a percentage for setting var percentage = (progress * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; var style = bar.el().style; // Set the new bar width or height if (this.vertical()) { style.height = percentage; } else { style.width = percentage; } return progress; }; /** * Calculate distance for slider * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The event that caused this function to run. * * @return {number} * The current position of the Slider. * - postition.x for vertical `Slider`s * - postition.y for horizontal `Slider`s */ Slider.prototype.calculateDistance = function calculateDistance(event) { var position = getPointerPosition(this.el_, event); if (this.vertical()) { return position.y; } return position.x; }; /** * Handle a `focus` event on this `Slider`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `focus` event that caused this function to run. * * @listens focus */ Slider.prototype.handleFocus = function handleFocus() { this.on(, 'keydown', this.handleKeyPress); }; /** * Handle a `keydown` event on the `Slider`. Watches for left, rigth, up, and down * arrow keys. This function will only be called when the slider has focus. See * {@link Slider#handleFocus} and {@link Slider#handleBlur}. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * the `keydown` event that caused this function to run. * * @listens keydown */ Slider.prototype.handleKeyPress = function handleKeyPress(event) { // Left and Down Arrows if (event.which === 37 || event.which === 40) { event.preventDefault(); this.stepBack(); // Up and Right Arrows } else if (event.which === 38 || event.which === 39) { event.preventDefault(); this.stepForward(); } }; /** * Handle a `blur` event on this `Slider`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `blur` event that caused this function to run. * * @listens blur */ Slider.prototype.handleBlur = function handleBlur() {, 'keydown', this.handleKeyPress); }; /** * Listener for click events on slider, used to prevent clicks * from bubbling up to parent elements like button menus. * * @param {Object} event * Event that caused this object to run */ Slider.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }; /** * Get/set if slider is horizontal for vertical * * @param {boolean} [bool] * - true if slider is vertical, * - false is horizontal * * @return {boolean} * - true if slider is vertical, and getting * - false if the slider is horizontal, and getting */ Slider.prototype.vertical = function vertical(bool) { if (bool === undefined) { return this.vertical_ || false; } this.vertical_ = !!bool; if (this.vertical_) { this.addClass('vjs-slider-vertical'); } else { this.addClass('vjs-slider-horizontal'); } }; return Slider; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('Slider', Slider); /** * @file load-progress-bar.js */ /** * Shows loading progress * * @extends Component */ var LoadProgressBar = function (_Component) { inherits(LoadProgressBar, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function LoadProgressBar(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, LoadProgressBar); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.partEls_ = []; _this.on(player, 'progress', _this.update); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ LoadProgressBar.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-load-progress', innerHTML: '<span class="vjs-control-text"><span>' + this.localize('Loaded') + '</span>: 0%</span>' }); }; /** * Update progress bar * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `progress` event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#progress */ LoadProgressBar.prototype.update = function update(event) { var buffered = this.player_.buffered(); var duration = this.player_.duration(); var bufferedEnd = this.player_.bufferedEnd(); var children = this.partEls_; // get the percent width of a time compared to the total end var percentify = function percentify(time, end) { // no NaN var percent = time / end || 0; return (percent >= 1 ? 1 : percent) * 100 + '%'; }; // update the width of the progress bar = percentify(bufferedEnd, duration); // add child elements to represent the individual buffered time ranges for (var i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) { var start = buffered.start(i); var end = buffered.end(i); var part = children[i]; if (!part) { part = this.el_.appendChild(createEl()); children[i] = part; } // set the percent based on the width of the progress bar (bufferedEnd) = percentify(start, bufferedEnd); = percentify(end - start, bufferedEnd); } // remove unused buffered range elements for (var _i = children.length; _i > buffered.length; _i--) { this.el_.removeChild(children[_i - 1]); } children.length = buffered.length; }; return LoadProgressBar; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('LoadProgressBar', LoadProgressBar); /** * @file time-tooltip.js */ /** * Time tooltips display a time above the progress bar. * * @extends Component */ var TimeTooltip = function (_Component) { inherits(TimeTooltip, _Component); function TimeTooltip() { classCallCheck(this, TimeTooltip); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Create the time tooltip DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ TimeTooltip.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-time-tooltip' }); }; /** * Updates the position of the time tooltip relative to the `SeekBar`. * * @param {Object} seekBarRect * The `ClientRect` for the {@link SeekBar} element. * * @param {number} seekBarPoint * A number from 0 to 1, representing a horizontal reference point * from the left edge of the {@link SeekBar} */ TimeTooltip.prototype.update = function update(seekBarRect, seekBarPoint, content) { var tooltipRect = getBoundingClientRect(this.el_); var playerRect = getBoundingClientRect(this.player_.el()); var seekBarPointPx = seekBarRect.width * seekBarPoint; // do nothing if either rect isn't available // for example, if the player isn't in the DOM for testing if (!playerRect || !tooltipRect) { return; } // This is the space left of the `seekBarPoint` available within the bounds // of the player. We calculate any gap between the left edge of the player // and the left edge of the `SeekBar` and add the number of pixels in the // `SeekBar` before hitting the `seekBarPoint` var spaceLeftOfPoint = seekBarRect.left - playerRect.left + seekBarPointPx; // This is the space right of the `seekBarPoint` available within the bounds // of the player. We calculate the number of pixels from the `seekBarPoint` // to the right edge of the `SeekBar` and add to that any gap between the // right edge of the `SeekBar` and the player. var spaceRightOfPoint = seekBarRect.width - seekBarPointPx + (playerRect.right - seekBarRect.right); // This is the number of pixels by which the tooltip will need to be pulled // further to the right to center it over the `seekBarPoint`. var pullTooltipBy = tooltipRect.width / 2; // Adjust the `pullTooltipBy` distance to the left or right depending on // the results of the space calculations above. if (spaceLeftOfPoint < pullTooltipBy) { pullTooltipBy += pullTooltipBy - spaceLeftOfPoint; } else if (spaceRightOfPoint < pullTooltipBy) { pullTooltipBy = spaceRightOfPoint; } // Due to the imprecision of decimal/ratio based calculations and varying // rounding behaviors, there are cases where the spacing adjustment is off // by a pixel or two. This adds insurance to these calculations. if (pullTooltipBy < 0) { pullTooltipBy = 0; } else if (pullTooltipBy > tooltipRect.width) { pullTooltipBy = tooltipRect.width; } = '-' + pullTooltipBy + 'px'; textContent(this.el_, content); }; return TimeTooltip; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('TimeTooltip', TimeTooltip); /** * @file play-progress-bar.js */ /** * Used by {@link SeekBar} to display media playback progress as part of the * {@link ProgressControl}. * * @extends Component */ var PlayProgressBar = function (_Component) { inherits(PlayProgressBar, _Component); function PlayProgressBar() { classCallCheck(this, PlayProgressBar); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Create the the DOM element for this class. * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ PlayProgressBar.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-play-progress vjs-slider-bar', innerHTML: '<span class="vjs-control-text"><span>' + this.localize('Progress') + '</span>: 0%</span>' }); }; /** * Enqueues updates to its own DOM as well as the DOM of its * {@link TimeTooltip} child. * * @param {Object} seekBarRect * The `ClientRect` for the {@link SeekBar} element. * * @param {number} seekBarPoint * A number from 0 to 1, representing a horizontal reference point * from the left edge of the {@link SeekBar} */ PlayProgressBar.prototype.update = function update(seekBarRect, seekBarPoint) { var _this2 = this; // If there is an existing rAF ID, cancel it so we don't over-queue. if (this.rafId_) { this.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId_); } this.rafId_ = this.requestAnimationFrame(function () { var time = _this2.player_.scrubbing() ? _this2.player_.getCache().currentTime : _this2.player_.currentTime(); var content = formatTime(time, _this2.player_.duration()); var timeTooltip = _this2.getChild('timeTooltip'); if (timeTooltip) { timeTooltip.update(seekBarRect, seekBarPoint, content); } }); }; return PlayProgressBar; }(Component); /** * Default options for {@link PlayProgressBar}. * * @type {Object} * @private */ PlayProgressBar.prototype.options_ = { children: [] }; // Time tooltips should not be added to a player on mobile devices or IE8 if ((!IE_VERSION || IE_VERSION > 8) && !IS_IOS && !IS_ANDROID) { PlayProgressBar.prototype.options_.children.push('timeTooltip'); } Component.registerComponent('PlayProgressBar', PlayProgressBar); /** * @file mouse-time-display.js */ /** * The {@link MouseTimeDisplay} component tracks mouse movement over the * {@link ProgressControl}. It displays an indicator and a {@link TimeTooltip} * indicating the time which is represented by a given point in the * {@link ProgressControl}. * * @extends Component */ var MouseTimeDisplay = function (_Component) { inherits(MouseTimeDisplay, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The {@link Player} that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function MouseTimeDisplay(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, MouseTimeDisplay); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.update = throttle(bind(_this, _this.update), 25); return _this; } /** * Create the DOM element for this class. * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ MouseTimeDisplay.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-mouse-display' }); }; /** * Enqueues updates to its own DOM as well as the DOM of its * {@link TimeTooltip} child. * * @param {Object} seekBarRect * The `ClientRect` for the {@link SeekBar} element. * * @param {number} seekBarPoint * A number from 0 to 1, representing a horizontal reference point * from the left edge of the {@link SeekBar} */ MouseTimeDisplay.prototype.update = function update(seekBarRect, seekBarPoint) { var _this2 = this; // If there is an existing rAF ID, cancel it so we don't over-queue. if (this.rafId_) { this.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId_); } this.rafId_ = this.requestAnimationFrame(function () { var duration = _this2.player_.duration(); var content = formatTime(seekBarPoint * duration, duration); = seekBarRect.width * seekBarPoint + 'px'; _this2.getChild('timeTooltip').update(seekBarRect, seekBarPoint, content); }); }; return MouseTimeDisplay; }(Component); /** * Default options for `MouseTimeDisplay` * * @type {Object} * @private */ MouseTimeDisplay.prototype.options_ = { children: ['timeTooltip'] }; Component.registerComponent('MouseTimeDisplay', MouseTimeDisplay); /** * @file seek-bar.js */ // The number of seconds the `step*` functions move the timeline. var STEP_SECONDS = 5; /** * Seek bar and container for the progress bars. Uses {@link PlayProgressBar} * as its `bar`. * * @extends Slider */ var SeekBar = function (_Slider) { inherits(SeekBar, _Slider); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function SeekBar(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, SeekBar); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.update = throttle(bind(_this, _this.update), 50); _this.on(player, ['timeupdate', 'ended'], _this.update); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ SeekBar.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-progress-holder' }, { 'aria-label': this.localize('Progress Bar') }); }; /** * Update the seek bar's UI. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `timeupdate` or `ended` event that caused this to run. * * @listens Player#timeupdate * @listens Player#ended */ SeekBar.prototype.update = function update() { var percent =; var duration = this.player_.duration(); // Allows for smooth scrubbing, when player can't keep up. var time = this.player_.scrubbing() ? this.player_.getCache().currentTime : this.player_.currentTime(); // machine readable value of progress bar (percentage complete) this.el_.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', (percent * 100).toFixed(2)); // human readable value of progress bar (time complete) this.el_.setAttribute('aria-valuetext', this.localize('progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}', [formatTime(time, duration), formatTime(duration, duration)], '{1} of {2}')); // Update the `PlayProgressBar`., percent); return percent; }; /** * Get the percentage of media played so far. * * @return {number} * The percentage of media played so far (0 to 1). */ SeekBar.prototype.getPercent = function getPercent() { // Allows for smooth scrubbing, when player can't keep up. var time = this.player_.scrubbing() ? this.player_.getCache().currentTime : this.player_.currentTime(); var percent = time / this.player_.duration(); return percent >= 1 ? 1 : percent; }; /** * Handle mouse down on seek bar * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `mousedown` event that caused this to run. * * @listens mousedown */ SeekBar.prototype.handleMouseDown = function handleMouseDown(event) { this.player_.scrubbing(true); this.videoWasPlaying = !this.player_.paused(); this.player_.pause();, event); }; /** * Handle mouse move on seek bar * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `mousemove` event that caused this to run. * * @listens mousemove */ SeekBar.prototype.handleMouseMove = function handleMouseMove(event) { var newTime = this.calculateDistance(event) * this.player_.duration(); // Don't let video end while scrubbing. if (newTime === this.player_.duration()) { newTime = newTime - 0.1; } // Set new time (tell player to seek to new time) this.player_.currentTime(newTime); }; /** * Handle mouse up on seek bar * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `mouseup` event that caused this to run. * * @listens mouseup */ SeekBar.prototype.handleMouseUp = function handleMouseUp(event) {, event); this.player_.scrubbing(false); if (this.videoWasPlaying) {; } }; /** * Move more quickly fast forward for keyboard-only users */ SeekBar.prototype.stepForward = function stepForward() { this.player_.currentTime(this.player_.currentTime() + STEP_SECONDS); }; /** * Move more quickly rewind for keyboard-only users */ SeekBar.prototype.stepBack = function stepBack() { this.player_.currentTime(this.player_.currentTime() - STEP_SECONDS); }; /** * Toggles the playback state of the player * This gets called when enter or space is used on the seekbar * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown` event that caused this function to be called * */ SeekBar.prototype.handleAction = function handleAction(event) { if (this.player_.paused()) {; } else { this.player_.pause(); } }; /** * Called when this SeekBar has focus and a key gets pressed down. By * default it will call `this.handleAction` when the key is space or enter. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown` event that caused this function to be called. * * @listens keydown */ SeekBar.prototype.handleKeyPress = function handleKeyPress(event) { // Support Space (32) or Enter (13) key operation to fire a click event if (event.which === 32 || event.which === 13) { event.preventDefault(); this.handleAction(event); } else if (_Slider.prototype.handleKeyPress) { // Pass keypress handling up for unsupported keys, event); } }; return SeekBar; }(Slider); /** * Default options for the `SeekBar` * * @type {Object} * @private */ SeekBar.prototype.options_ = { children: ['loadProgressBar', 'playProgressBar'], barName: 'playProgressBar' }; // MouseTimeDisplay tooltips should not be added to a player on mobile devices or IE8 if ((!IE_VERSION || IE_VERSION > 8) && !IS_IOS && !IS_ANDROID) { SeekBar.prototype.options_.children.splice(1, 0, 'mouseTimeDisplay'); } /** * Call the update event for this Slider when this event happens on the player. * * @type {string} */ SeekBar.prototype.playerEvent = 'timeupdate'; Component.registerComponent('SeekBar', SeekBar); /** * @file progress-control.js */ /** * The Progress Control component contains the seek bar, load progress, * and play progress. * * @extends Component */ var ProgressControl = function (_Component) { inherits(ProgressControl, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function ProgressControl(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, ProgressControl); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.handleMouseMove = throttle(bind(_this, _this.handleMouseMove), 25); _this.on(_this.el_, 'mousemove', _this.handleMouseMove); _this.throttledHandleMouseSeek = throttle(bind(_this, _this.handleMouseSeek), 25); _this.on(['mousedown', 'touchstart'], _this.handleMouseDown); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ ProgressControl.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-progress-control vjs-control' }); }; /** * When the mouse moves over the `ProgressControl`, the pointer position * gets passed down to the `MouseTimeDisplay` component. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `mousemove` event that caused this function to run. * * @listen mousemove */ ProgressControl.prototype.handleMouseMove = function handleMouseMove(event) { var seekBar = this.getChild('seekBar'); var mouseTimeDisplay = seekBar.getChild('mouseTimeDisplay'); var seekBarEl = seekBar.el(); var seekBarRect = getBoundingClientRect(seekBarEl); var seekBarPoint = getPointerPosition(seekBarEl, event).x; // The default skin has a gap on either side of the `SeekBar`. This means // that it's possible to trigger this behavior outside the boundaries of // the `SeekBar`. This ensures we stay within it at all times. if (seekBarPoint > 1) { seekBarPoint = 1; } else if (seekBarPoint < 0) { seekBarPoint = 0; } if (mouseTimeDisplay) { mouseTimeDisplay.update(seekBarRect, seekBarPoint); } }; /** * A throttled version of the {@link ProgressControl#handleMouseSeek} listener. * * @method ProgressControl#throttledHandleMouseSeek * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `mousemove` event that caused this function to run. * * @listen mousemove * @listen touchmove */ /** * Handle `mousemove` or `touchmove` events on the `ProgressControl`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mousedown` or `touchstart` event that triggered this function * * @listens mousemove * @listens touchmove */ ProgressControl.prototype.handleMouseSeek = function handleMouseSeek(event) { var seekBar = this.getChild('seekBar'); seekBar.handleMouseMove(event); }; /** * Handle `mousedown` or `touchstart` events on the `ProgressControl`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mousedown` or `touchstart` event that triggered this function * * @listens mousedown * @listens touchstart */ ProgressControl.prototype.handleMouseDown = function handleMouseDown(event) { var doc = this.el_.ownerDocument; this.on(doc, 'mousemove', this.throttledHandleMouseSeek); this.on(doc, 'touchmove', this.throttledHandleMouseSeek); this.on(doc, 'mouseup', this.handleMouseUp); this.on(doc, 'touchend', this.handleMouseUp); }; /** * Handle `mouseup` or `touchend` events on the `ProgressControl`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mouseup` or `touchend` event that triggered this function. * * @listens touchend * @listens mouseup */ ProgressControl.prototype.handleMouseUp = function handleMouseUp(event) { var doc = this.el_.ownerDocument;, 'mousemove', this.throttledHandleMouseSeek);, 'touchmove', this.throttledHandleMouseSeek);, 'mouseup', this.handleMouseUp);, 'touchend', this.handleMouseUp); }; return ProgressControl; }(Component); /** * Default options for `ProgressControl` * * @type {Object} * @private */ ProgressControl.prototype.options_ = { children: ['seekBar'] }; Component.registerComponent('ProgressControl', ProgressControl); /** * @file fullscreen-toggle.js */ /** * Toggle fullscreen video * * @extends Button */ var FullscreenToggle = function (_Button) { inherits(FullscreenToggle, _Button); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function FullscreenToggle(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, FullscreenToggle); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.on(player, 'fullscreenchange', _this.handleFullscreenChange); return _this; } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ FullscreenToggle.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-fullscreen-control ' +; }; /** * Handles fullscreenchange on the player and change control text accordingly. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The {@link Player#fullscreenchange} event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens Player#fullscreenchange */ FullscreenToggle.prototype.handleFullscreenChange = function handleFullscreenChange(event) { if (this.player_.isFullscreen()) { this.controlText('Non-Fullscreen'); } else { this.controlText('Fullscreen'); } }; /** * This gets called when an `FullscreenToggle` is "clicked". See * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ FullscreenToggle.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { if (!this.player_.isFullscreen()) { this.player_.requestFullscreen(); } else { this.player_.exitFullscreen(); } }; return FullscreenToggle; }(Button); /** * The text that should display over the `FullscreenToggle`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ FullscreenToggle.prototype.controlText_ = 'Fullscreen'; Component.registerComponent('FullscreenToggle', FullscreenToggle); /** * Check if volume control is supported and if it isn't hide the * `Component` that was passed using the `vjs-hidden` class. * * @param {Component} self * The component that should be hidden if volume is unsupported * * @param {Player} player * A reference to the player * * @private */ var checkVolumeSupport = function checkVolumeSupport(self, player) { // hide volume controls when they're not supported by the current tech if (player.tech_ && !player.tech_.featuresVolumeControl) { self.addClass('vjs-hidden'); } self.on(player, 'loadstart', function () { if (!player.tech_.featuresVolumeControl) { self.addClass('vjs-hidden'); } else { self.removeClass('vjs-hidden'); } }); }; /** * @file volume-level.js */ /** * Shows volume level * * @extends Component */ var VolumeLevel = function (_Component) { inherits(VolumeLevel, _Component); function VolumeLevel() { classCallCheck(this, VolumeLevel); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ VolumeLevel.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-volume-level', innerHTML: '<span class="vjs-control-text"></span>' }); }; return VolumeLevel; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('VolumeLevel', VolumeLevel); /** * @file volume-bar.js */ // Required children /** * The bar that contains the volume level and can be clicked on to adjust the level * * @extends Slider */ var VolumeBar = function (_Slider) { inherits(VolumeBar, _Slider); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function VolumeBar(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, VolumeBar); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.on('slideractive', _this.updateLastVolume_); _this.on(player, 'volumechange', _this.updateARIAAttributes); player.ready(function () { return _this.updateARIAAttributes(); }); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ VolumeBar.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-volume-bar vjs-slider-bar' }, { 'aria-label': this.localize('Volume Level'), 'aria-live': 'polite' }); }; /** * Handle movement events on the {@link VolumeMenuButton}. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The event that caused this function to run. * * @listens mousemove */ VolumeBar.prototype.handleMouseMove = function handleMouseMove(event) { this.checkMuted(); this.player_.volume(this.calculateDistance(event)); }; /** * If the player is muted unmute it. */ VolumeBar.prototype.checkMuted = function checkMuted() { if (this.player_.muted()) { this.player_.muted(false); } }; /** * Get percent of volume level * * @return {number} * Volume level percent as a decimal number. */ VolumeBar.prototype.getPercent = function getPercent() { if (this.player_.muted()) { return 0; } return this.player_.volume(); }; /** * Increase volume level for keyboard users */ VolumeBar.prototype.stepForward = function stepForward() { this.checkMuted(); this.player_.volume(this.player_.volume() + 0.1); }; /** * Decrease volume level for keyboard users */ VolumeBar.prototype.stepBack = function stepBack() { this.checkMuted(); this.player_.volume(this.player_.volume() - 0.1); }; /** * Update ARIA accessibility attributes * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `volumechange` event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#volumechange */ VolumeBar.prototype.updateARIAAttributes = function updateARIAAttributes(event) { var ariaValue = this.player_.muted() ? 0 : this.volumeAsPercentage_(); this.el_.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', ariaValue); this.el_.setAttribute('aria-valuetext', ariaValue + '%'); }; /** * Returns the current value of the player volume as a percentage * * @private */ VolumeBar.prototype.volumeAsPercentage_ = function volumeAsPercentage_() { return Math.round(this.player_.volume() * 100); }; /** * When user starts dragging the VolumeBar, store the volume and listen for * the end of the drag. When the drag ends, if the volume was set to zero, * set lastVolume to the stored volume. * * @listens slideractive * @private */ VolumeBar.prototype.updateLastVolume_ = function updateLastVolume_() { var _this2 = this; var volumeBeforeDrag = this.player_.volume();'sliderinactive', function () { if (_this2.player_.volume() === 0) { _this2.player_.lastVolume_(volumeBeforeDrag); } }); }; return VolumeBar; }(Slider); /** * Default options for the `VolumeBar` * * @type {Object} * @private */ VolumeBar.prototype.options_ = { children: ['volumeLevel'], barName: 'volumeLevel' }; /** * Call the update event for this Slider when this event happens on the player. * * @type {string} */ VolumeBar.prototype.playerEvent = 'volumechange'; Component.registerComponent('VolumeBar', VolumeBar); /** * @file volume-control.js */ // Required children /** * The component for controlling the volume level * * @extends Component */ var VolumeControl = function (_Component) { inherits(VolumeControl, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * The key/value store of player options. */ function VolumeControl(player) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; classCallCheck(this, VolumeControl); options.vertical = options.vertical || false; // Pass the vertical option down to the VolumeBar if // the VolumeBar is turned on. if (typeof options.volumeBar === 'undefined' || isPlain(options.volumeBar)) { options.volumeBar = options.volumeBar || {}; options.volumeBar.vertical = options.vertical; } // hide this control if volume support is missing var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); checkVolumeSupport(_this, player); _this.throttledHandleMouseMove = throttle(bind(_this, _this.handleMouseMove), 25); _this.on('mousedown', _this.handleMouseDown); _this.on('touchstart', _this.handleMouseDown); // while the slider is active (the mouse has been pressed down and // is dragging) or in focus we do not want to hide the VolumeBar _this.on(_this.volumeBar, ['focus', 'slideractive'], function () { _this.volumeBar.addClass('vjs-slider-active'); _this.addClass('vjs-slider-active'); _this.trigger('slideractive'); }); _this.on(_this.volumeBar, ['blur', 'sliderinactive'], function () { _this.volumeBar.removeClass('vjs-slider-active'); _this.removeClass('vjs-slider-active'); _this.trigger('sliderinactive'); }); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ VolumeControl.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { var orientationClass = 'vjs-volume-horizontal'; if (this.options_.vertical) { orientationClass = 'vjs-volume-vertical'; } return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-volume-control vjs-control ' + orientationClass }); }; /** * Handle `mousedown` or `touchstart` events on the `VolumeControl`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mousedown` or `touchstart` event that triggered this function * * @listens mousedown * @listens touchstart */ VolumeControl.prototype.handleMouseDown = function handleMouseDown(event) { var doc = this.el_.ownerDocument; this.on(doc, 'mousemove', this.throttledHandleMouseMove); this.on(doc, 'touchmove', this.throttledHandleMouseMove); this.on(doc, 'mouseup', this.handleMouseUp); this.on(doc, 'touchend', this.handleMouseUp); }; /** * Handle `mouseup` or `touchend` events on the `VolumeControl`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mouseup` or `touchend` event that triggered this function. * * @listens touchend * @listens mouseup */ VolumeControl.prototype.handleMouseUp = function handleMouseUp(event) { var doc = this.el_.ownerDocument;, 'mousemove', this.throttledHandleMouseMove);, 'touchmove', this.throttledHandleMouseMove);, 'mouseup', this.handleMouseUp);, 'touchend', this.handleMouseUp); }; /** * Handle `mousedown` or `touchstart` events on the `VolumeControl`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * `mousedown` or `touchstart` event that triggered this function * * @listens mousedown * @listens touchstart */ VolumeControl.prototype.handleMouseMove = function handleMouseMove(event) { this.volumeBar.handleMouseMove(event); }; return VolumeControl; }(Component); /** * Default options for the `VolumeControl` * * @type {Object} * @private */ VolumeControl.prototype.options_ = { children: ['volumeBar'] }; Component.registerComponent('VolumeControl', VolumeControl); /** * @file mute-toggle.js */ /** * A button component for muting the audio. * * @extends Button */ var MuteToggle = function (_Button) { inherits(MuteToggle, _Button); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function MuteToggle(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, MuteToggle); // hide this control if volume support is missing var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); checkVolumeSupport(_this, player); _this.on(player, ['loadstart', 'volumechange'], _this.update); return _this; } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ MuteToggle.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-mute-control ' +; }; /** * This gets called when an `MuteToggle` is "clicked". See * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ MuteToggle.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { var vol = this.player_.volume(); var lastVolume = this.player_.lastVolume_(); if (vol === 0) { var volumeToSet = lastVolume < 0.1 ? 0.1 : lastVolume; this.player_.volume(volumeToSet); this.player_.muted(false); } else { this.player_.muted(this.player_.muted() ? false : true); } }; /** * Update the `MuteToggle` button based on the state of `volume` and `muted` * on the player. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The {@link Player#loadstart} event if this function was called * through an event. * * @listens Player#loadstart * @listens Player#volumechange */ MuteToggle.prototype.update = function update(event) { this.updateIcon_(); this.updateControlText_(); }; /** * Update the appearance of the `MuteToggle` icon. * * Possible states (given `level` variable below): * - 0: crossed out * - 1: zero bars of volume * - 2: one bar of volume * - 3: two bars of volume * * @private */ MuteToggle.prototype.updateIcon_ = function updateIcon_() { var vol = this.player_.volume(); var level = 3; if (vol === 0 || this.player_.muted()) { level = 0; } else if (vol < 0.33) { level = 1; } else if (vol < 0.67) { level = 2; } // TODO improve muted icon classes for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { removeClass(this.el_, 'vjs-vol-' + i); } addClass(this.el_, 'vjs-vol-' + level); }; /** * If `muted` has changed on the player, update the control text * (`title` attribute on `vjs-mute-control` element and content of * `vjs-control-text` element). * * @private */ MuteToggle.prototype.updateControlText_ = function updateControlText_() { var soundOff = this.player_.muted() || this.player_.volume() === 0; var text = soundOff ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute'; if (this.controlText() !== text) { this.controlText(text); } }; return MuteToggle; }(Button); /** * The text that should display over the `MuteToggle`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ MuteToggle.prototype.controlText_ = 'Mute'; Component.registerComponent('MuteToggle', MuteToggle); /** * @file volume-control.js */ // Required children /** * A Component to contain the MuteToggle and VolumeControl so that * they can work together. * * @extends Component */ var VolumePanel = function (_Component) { inherits(VolumePanel, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * The key/value store of player options. */ function VolumePanel(player) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; classCallCheck(this, VolumePanel); if (typeof options.inline !== 'undefined') { options.inline = options.inline; } else { options.inline = true; } // pass the inline option down to the VolumeControl as vertical if // the VolumeControl is on. if (typeof options.volumeControl === 'undefined' || isPlain(options.volumeControl)) { options.volumeControl = options.volumeControl || {}; options.volumeControl.vertical = !options.inline; } // hide this control if volume support is missing var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); checkVolumeSupport(_this, player); // while the slider is active (the mouse has been pressed down and // is dragging) or in focus we do not want to hide the VolumeBar _this.on(_this.volumeControl, ['slideractive'], _this.sliderActive_); _this.on(_this.muteToggle, 'focus', _this.sliderActive_); _this.on(_this.volumeControl, ['sliderinactive'], _this.sliderInactive_); _this.on(_this.muteToggle, 'blur', _this.sliderInactive_); return _this; } /** * Add vjs-slider-active class to the VolumePanel * * @listens VolumeControl#slideractive * @private */ VolumePanel.prototype.sliderActive_ = function sliderActive_() { this.addClass('vjs-slider-active'); }; /** * Removes vjs-slider-active class to the VolumePanel * * @listens VolumeControl#sliderinactive * @private */ VolumePanel.prototype.sliderInactive_ = function sliderInactive_() { this.removeClass('vjs-slider-active'); }; /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ VolumePanel.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { var orientationClass = 'vjs-volume-panel-horizontal'; if (!this.options_.inline) { orientationClass = 'vjs-volume-panel-vertical'; } return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-volume-panel vjs-control ' + orientationClass }); }; return VolumePanel; }(Component); /** * Default options for the `VolumeControl` * * @type {Object} * @private */ VolumePanel.prototype.options_ = { children: ['muteToggle', 'volumeControl'] }; Component.registerComponent('VolumePanel', VolumePanel); /** * @file menu.js */ /** * The Menu component is used to build popup menus, including subtitle and * captions selection menus. * * @extends Component */ var Menu = function (_Component) { inherits(Menu, _Component); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * the player that this component should attach to * * @param {Object} [options] * Object of option names and values * */ function Menu(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, Menu); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); if (options) { _this.menuButton_ = options.menuButton; } _this.focusedChild_ = -1; _this.on('keydown', _this.handleKeyPress); return _this; } /** * Add a {@link MenuItem} to the menu. * * @param {Object|string} component * The name or instance of the `MenuItem` to add. * */ Menu.prototype.addItem = function addItem(component) { this.addChild(component); component.on('click', bind(this, function (event) { // Unpress the associated MenuButton, and move focus back to it if (this.menuButton_) { this.menuButton_.unpressButton(); // don't focus menu button if item is a caption settings item // because focus will move elsewhere and it logs an error on IE8 if ( !== 'CaptionSettingsMenuItem') { this.menuButton_.focus(); } } })); }; /** * Create the `Menu`s DOM element. * * @return {Element} * the element that was created */ Menu.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var contentElType = this.options_.contentElType || 'ul'; this.contentEl_ = createEl(contentElType, { className: 'vjs-menu-content' }); this.contentEl_.setAttribute('role', 'menu'); var el =, 'div', { append: this.contentEl_, className: 'vjs-menu' }); el.appendChild(this.contentEl_); // Prevent clicks from bubbling up. Needed for Menu Buttons, // where a click on the parent is significant on(el, 'click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); return el; }; /** * Handle a `keydown` event on this menu. This listener is added in the constructor. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * A `keydown` event that happened on the menu. * * @listens keydown */ Menu.prototype.handleKeyPress = function handleKeyPress(event) { // Left and Down Arrows if (event.which === 37 || event.which === 40) { event.preventDefault(); this.stepForward(); // Up and Right Arrows } else if (event.which === 38 || event.which === 39) { event.preventDefault(); this.stepBack(); } }; /** * Move to next (lower) menu item for keyboard users. */ Menu.prototype.stepForward = function stepForward() { var stepChild = 0; if (this.focusedChild_ !== undefined) { stepChild = this.focusedChild_ + 1; } this.focus(stepChild); }; /** * Move to previous (higher) menu item for keyboard users. */ Menu.prototype.stepBack = function stepBack() { var stepChild = 0; if (this.focusedChild_ !== undefined) { stepChild = this.focusedChild_ - 1; } this.focus(stepChild); }; /** * Set focus on a {@link MenuItem} in the `Menu`. * * @param {Object|string} [item=0] * Index of child item set focus on. */ Menu.prototype.focus = function focus() { var item = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; var children = this.children().slice(); var haveTitle = children.length && children[0].className && /vjs-menu-title/.test(children[0].className); if (haveTitle) { children.shift(); } if (children.length > 0) { if (item < 0) { item = 0; } else if (item >= children.length) { item = children.length - 1; } this.focusedChild_ = item; children[item].el_.focus(); } }; return Menu; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('Menu', Menu); /** * @file menu-button.js */ /** * A `MenuButton` class for any popup {@link Menu}. * * @extends Component */ var MenuButton = function (_Component) { inherits(MenuButton, _Component); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * The key/value store of player options. */ function MenuButton(player) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; classCallCheck(this, MenuButton); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.menuButton_ = new Button(player, options); _this.menuButton_.controlText(_this.controlText_); _this.menuButton_.el_.setAttribute('aria-haspopup', 'true'); // Add buildCSSClass values to the button, not the wrapper var buttonClass = Button.prototype.buildCSSClass(); _this.menuButton_.el_.className = _this.buildCSSClass() + ' ' + buttonClass; _this.menuButton_.removeClass('vjs-control'); _this.addChild(_this.menuButton_); _this.update(); _this.enabled_ = true; _this.on(_this.menuButton_, 'tap', _this.handleClick); _this.on(_this.menuButton_, 'click', _this.handleClick); _this.on(_this.menuButton_, 'focus', _this.handleFocus); _this.on(_this.menuButton_, 'blur', _this.handleBlur); _this.on('keydown', _this.handleSubmenuKeyPress); return _this; } /** * Update the menu based on the current state of its items. */ MenuButton.prototype.update = function update() { var menu = this.createMenu(); if ( { this.removeChild(; } = menu; this.addChild(menu); /** * Track the state of the menu button * * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.buttonPressed_ = false; this.menuButton_.el_.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); if (this.items && this.items.length <= this.hideThreshold_) { this.hide(); } else {; } }; /** * Create the menu and add all items to it. * * @return {Menu} * The constructed menu */ MenuButton.prototype.createMenu = function createMenu() { var menu = new Menu(this.player_, { menuButton: this }); /** * Hide the menu if the number of items is less than or equal to this threshold. This defaults * to 0 and whenever we add items which can be hidden to the menu we'll increment it. We list * it here because every time we run `createMenu` we need to reset the value. * * @protected * @type {Number} */ this.hideThreshold_ = 0; // Add a title list item to the top if (this.options_.title) { var title = createEl('li', { className: 'vjs-menu-title', innerHTML: toTitleCase(this.options_.title), tabIndex: -1 }); this.hideThreshold_ += 1; menu.children_.unshift(title); prependTo(title, menu.contentEl()); } this.items = this.createItems(); if (this.items) { // Add menu items to the menu for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { menu.addItem(this.items[i]); } } return menu; }; /** * Create the list of menu items. Specific to each subclass. * * @abstract */ MenuButton.prototype.createItems = function createItems() {}; /** * Create the `MenuButtons`s DOM element. * * @return {Element} * The element that gets created. */ MenuButton.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { return, 'div', { className: this.buildWrapperCSSClass() }, {}); }; /** * Allow sub components to stack CSS class names for the wrapper element * * @return {string} * The constructed wrapper DOM `className` */ MenuButton.prototype.buildWrapperCSSClass = function buildWrapperCSSClass() { var menuButtonClass = 'vjs-menu-button'; // If the inline option is passed, we want to use different styles altogether. if (this.options_.inline === true) { menuButtonClass += '-inline'; } else { menuButtonClass += '-popup'; } // TODO: Fix the CSS so that this isn't necessary var buttonClass = Button.prototype.buildCSSClass(); return 'vjs-menu-button ' + menuButtonClass + ' ' + buttonClass + ' ' +; }; /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ MenuButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { var menuButtonClass = 'vjs-menu-button'; // If the inline option is passed, we want to use different styles altogether. if (this.options_.inline === true) { menuButtonClass += '-inline'; } else { menuButtonClass += '-popup'; } return 'vjs-menu-button ' + menuButtonClass + ' ' +; }; /** * Get or set the localized control text that will be used for accessibility. * * > NOTE: This will come from the internal `menuButton_` element. * * @param {string} [text] * Control text for element. * * @param {Element} [el=this.menuButton_.el()] * Element to set the title on. * * @return {string} * - The control text when getting */ MenuButton.prototype.controlText = function controlText(text) { var el = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this.menuButton_.el(); return this.menuButton_.controlText(text, el); }; /** * Handle a click on a `MenuButton`. * See {@link ClickableComponent#handleClick} for instances where this is called. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ MenuButton.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { // When you click the button it adds focus, which will show the menu. // So we'll remove focus when the mouse leaves the button. Focus is needed // for tab navigation., 'mouseleave', bind(this, function (e) { this.unpressButton(); this.el_.blur(); })); if (this.buttonPressed_) { this.unpressButton(); } else { this.pressButton(); } }; /** * Set the focus to the actual button, not to this element */ MenuButton.prototype.focus = function focus() { this.menuButton_.focus(); }; /** * Remove the focus from the actual button, not this element */ MenuButton.prototype.blur = function blur() { this.menuButton_.blur(); }; /** * This gets called when a `MenuButton` gains focus via a `focus` event. * Turns on listening for `keydown` events. When they happen it * calls `this.handleKeyPress`. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `focus` event that caused this function to be called. * * @listens focus */ MenuButton.prototype.handleFocus = function handleFocus() { on(document_1, 'keydown', bind(this, this.handleKeyPress)); }; /** * Called when a `MenuButton` loses focus. Turns off the listener for * `keydown` events. Which Stops `this.handleKeyPress` from getting called. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `blur` event that caused this function to be called. * * @listens blur */ MenuButton.prototype.handleBlur = function handleBlur() { off(document_1, 'keydown', bind(this, this.handleKeyPress)); }; /** * Handle tab, escape, down arrow, and up arrow keys for `MenuButton`. See * {@link ClickableComponent#handleKeyPress} for instances where this is called. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown` event that caused this function to be called. * * @listens keydown */ MenuButton.prototype.handleKeyPress = function handleKeyPress(event) { // Escape (27) key or Tab (9) key unpress the 'button' if (event.which === 27 || event.which === 9) { if (this.buttonPressed_) { this.unpressButton(); } // Don't preventDefault for Tab key - we still want to lose focus if (event.which !== 9) { event.preventDefault(); // Set focus back to the menu button's button this.menuButton_.el_.focus(); } // Up (38) key or Down (40) key press the 'button' } else if (event.which === 38 || event.which === 40) { if (!this.buttonPressed_) { this.pressButton(); event.preventDefault(); } } }; /** * Handle a `keydown` event on a sub-menu. The listener for this is added in * the constructor. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * Key press event * * @listens keydown */ MenuButton.prototype.handleSubmenuKeyPress = function handleSubmenuKeyPress(event) { // Escape (27) key or Tab (9) key unpress the 'button' if (event.which === 27 || event.which === 9) { if (this.buttonPressed_) { this.unpressButton(); } // Don't preventDefault for Tab key - we still want to lose focus if (event.which !== 9) { event.preventDefault(); // Set focus back to the menu button's button this.menuButton_.el_.focus(); } } }; /** * Put the current `MenuButton` into a pressed state. */ MenuButton.prototype.pressButton = function pressButton() { if (this.enabled_) { this.buttonPressed_ = true;; this.menuButton_.el_.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); // set the focus into the submenu; } }; /** * Take the current `MenuButton` out of a pressed state. */ MenuButton.prototype.unpressButton = function unpressButton() { if (this.enabled_) { this.buttonPressed_ = false;; this.menuButton_.el_.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } }; /** * Disable the `MenuButton`. Don't allow it to be clicked. */ MenuButton.prototype.disable = function disable() { this.unpressButton(); this.enabled_ = false; this.addClass('vjs-disabled'); this.menuButton_.disable(); }; /** * Enable the `MenuButton`. Allow it to be clicked. */ MenuButton.prototype.enable = function enable() { this.enabled_ = true; this.removeClass('vjs-disabled'); this.menuButton_.enable(); }; return MenuButton; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('MenuButton', MenuButton); /** * @file track-button.js */ /** * The base class for buttons that toggle specific track types (e.g. subtitles). * * @extends MenuButton */ var TrackButton = function (_MenuButton) { inherits(TrackButton, _MenuButton); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function TrackButton(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, TrackButton); var tracks = options.tracks; var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); if (_this.items.length <= 1) { _this.hide(); } if (!tracks) { return possibleConstructorReturn(_this); } var updateHandler = bind(_this, _this.update); tracks.addEventListener('removetrack', updateHandler); tracks.addEventListener('addtrack', updateHandler); _this.player_.on('ready', updateHandler); _this.player_.on('dispose', function () { tracks.removeEventListener('removetrack', updateHandler); tracks.removeEventListener('addtrack', updateHandler); }); return _this; } return TrackButton; }(MenuButton); Component.registerComponent('TrackButton', TrackButton); /** * @file menu-item.js */ /** * The component for a menu item. `<li>` * * @extends ClickableComponent */ var MenuItem = function (_ClickableComponent) { inherits(MenuItem, _ClickableComponent); /** * Creates an instance of the this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * The key/value store of player options. * */ function MenuItem(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, MenuItem); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.selectable = options.selectable; _this.selected(options.selected); if (_this.selectable) { // TODO: May need to be either menuitemcheckbox or menuitemradio, // and may need logical grouping of menu items. _this.el_.setAttribute('role', 'menuitemcheckbox'); } else { _this.el_.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem'); } return _this; } /** * Create the `MenuItem's DOM element * * @param {string} [type=li] * Element's node type, not actually used, always set to `li`. * * @param {Object} [props={}] * An object of properties that should be set on the element * * @param {Object} [attrs={}] * An object of attributes that should be set on the element * * @return {Element} * The element that gets created. */ MenuItem.prototype.createEl = function createEl(type, props, attrs) { // The control is textual, not just an icon this.nonIconControl = true; return, 'li', assign({ className: 'vjs-menu-item', innerHTML: '<span class="vjs-menu-item-text">' + this.localize(this.options_.label) + '</span>', tabIndex: -1 }, props), attrs); }; /** * Any click on a `MenuItem` puts int into the selected state. * See {@link ClickableComponent#handleClick} for instances where this is called. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ MenuItem.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { this.selected(true); }; /** * Set the state for this menu item as selected or not. * * @param {boolean} selected * if the menu item is selected or not */ MenuItem.prototype.selected = function selected(_selected) { if (this.selectable) { if (_selected) { this.addClass('vjs-selected'); this.el_.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'true'); // aria-checked isn't fully supported by browsers/screen readers, // so indicate selected state to screen reader in the control text. this.controlText(', selected'); } else { this.removeClass('vjs-selected'); this.el_.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'false'); // Indicate un-selected state to screen reader // Note that a space clears out the selected state text this.controlText(' '); } } }; return MenuItem; }(ClickableComponent); Component.registerComponent('MenuItem', MenuItem); /** * @file text-track-menu-item.js */ /** * The specific menu item type for selecting a language within a text track kind * * @extends MenuItem */ var TextTrackMenuItem = function (_MenuItem) { inherits(TextTrackMenuItem, _MenuItem); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function TextTrackMenuItem(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, TextTrackMenuItem); var track = options.track; var tracks = player.textTracks(); // Modify options for parent MenuItem class's init. options.label = track.label || track.language || 'Unknown'; options.selected = track.mode === 'showing'; var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.track = track; var changeHandler = bind(_this, _this.handleTracksChange); var selectedLanguageChangeHandler = bind(_this, _this.handleSelectedLanguageChange); player.on(['loadstart', 'texttrackchange'], changeHandler); tracks.addEventListener('change', changeHandler); tracks.addEventListener('selectedlanguagechange', selectedLanguageChangeHandler); _this.on('dispose', function () { tracks.removeEventListener('change', changeHandler); tracks.removeEventListener('selectedlanguagechange', selectedLanguageChangeHandler); }); // iOS7 doesn't dispatch change events to TextTrackLists when an // associated track's mode changes. Without something like // Object.observe() (also not present on iOS7), it's not // possible to detect changes to the mode attribute and polyfill // the change event. As a poor substitute, we manually dispatch // change events whenever the controls modify the mode. if (tracks.onchange === undefined) { var event = void 0; _this.on(['tap', 'click'], function () { if (_typeof(window_1.Event) !== 'object') { // Android 2.3 throws an Illegal Constructor error for window.Event try { event = new window_1.Event('change'); } catch (err) { // continue regardless of error } } if (!event) { event = document_1.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('change', true, true); } tracks.dispatchEvent(event); }); } return _this; } /** * This gets called when an `TextTrackMenuItem` is "clicked". See * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ TextTrackMenuItem.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { var kind = this.track.kind; var kinds = this.track.kinds; var tracks = this.player_.textTracks(); if (!kinds) { kinds = [kind]; }, event); if (!tracks) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; if (track === this.track && kinds.indexOf(track.kind) > -1) { if (track.mode !== 'showing') { track.mode = 'showing'; } } else if (track.mode !== 'disabled') { track.mode = 'disabled'; } } }; /** * Handle text track list change * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The `change` event that caused this function to be called. * * @listens TextTrackList#change */ TextTrackMenuItem.prototype.handleTracksChange = function handleTracksChange(event) { this.selected(this.track.mode === 'showing'); }; TextTrackMenuItem.prototype.handleSelectedLanguageChange = function handleSelectedLanguageChange(event) { if (this.track.mode === 'showing') { var selectedLanguage = this.player_.cache_.selectedLanguage; // Don't replace the kind of track across the same language if (selectedLanguage && selectedLanguage.enabled && selectedLanguage.language === this.track.language && selectedLanguage.kind !== this.track.kind) { return; } this.player_.cache_.selectedLanguage = { enabled: true, language: this.track.language, kind: this.track.kind }; } }; return TextTrackMenuItem; }(MenuItem); Component.registerComponent('TextTrackMenuItem', TextTrackMenuItem); /** * @file off-text-track-menu-item.js */ /** * A special menu item for turning of a specific type of text track * * @extends TextTrackMenuItem */ var OffTextTrackMenuItem = function (_TextTrackMenuItem) { inherits(OffTextTrackMenuItem, _TextTrackMenuItem); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function OffTextTrackMenuItem(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, OffTextTrackMenuItem); // Create pseudo track info // Requires options['kind'] options.track = { player: player, kind: options.kind, kinds: options.kinds, 'default': false, mode: 'disabled' }; if (!options.kinds) { options.kinds = [options.kind]; } if (options.label) { options.track.label = options.label; } else { options.track.label = options.kinds.join(' and ') + ' off'; } // MenuItem is selectable options.selectable = true; var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.selected(true); return _this; } /** * Handle text track change * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The event that caused this function to run */ OffTextTrackMenuItem.prototype.handleTracksChange = function handleTracksChange(event) { var tracks = this.player().textTracks(); var selected = true; for (var i = 0, l = tracks.length; i < l; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; if (this.options_.kinds.indexOf(track.kind) > -1 && track.mode === 'showing') { selected = false; break; } } this.selected(selected); }; OffTextTrackMenuItem.prototype.handleSelectedLanguageChange = function handleSelectedLanguageChange(event) { var tracks = this.player().textTracks(); var allHidden = true; for (var i = 0, l = tracks.length; i < l; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; if (['captions', 'descriptions', 'subtitles'].indexOf(track.kind) > -1 && track.mode === 'showing') { allHidden = false; break; } } if (allHidden) { this.player_.cache_.selectedLanguage = { enabled: false }; } }; return OffTextTrackMenuItem; }(TextTrackMenuItem); Component.registerComponent('OffTextTrackMenuItem', OffTextTrackMenuItem); /** * @file text-track-button.js */ /** * The base class for buttons that toggle specific text track types (e.g. subtitles) * * @extends MenuButton */ var TextTrackButton = function (_TrackButton) { inherits(TextTrackButton, _TrackButton); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * The key/value store of player options. */ function TextTrackButton(player) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; classCallCheck(this, TextTrackButton); options.tracks = player.textTracks(); return possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); } /** * Create a menu item for each text track * * @param {TextTrackMenuItem[]} [items=[]] * Existing array of items to use during creation * * @return {TextTrackMenuItem[]} * Array of menu items that were created */ TextTrackButton.prototype.createItems = function createItems() { var items = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; var TrackMenuItem = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : TextTrackMenuItem; // Label is an overide for the [track] off label // USed to localise captions/subtitles var label = void 0; if (this.label_) { label = this.label_ + ' off'; } // Add an OFF menu item to turn all tracks off items.push(new OffTextTrackMenuItem(this.player_, { kinds: this.kinds_, kind: this.kind_, label: label })); this.hideThreshold_ += 1; var tracks = this.player_.textTracks(); if (!Array.isArray(this.kinds_)) { this.kinds_ = [this.kind_]; } for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; // only add tracks that are of an appropriate kind and have a label if (this.kinds_.indexOf(track.kind) > -1) { var item = new TrackMenuItem(this.player_, { track: track, // MenuItem is selectable selectable: true }); item.addClass('vjs-' + track.kind + '-menu-item'); items.push(item); } } return items; }; return TextTrackButton; }(TrackButton); Component.registerComponent('TextTrackButton', TextTrackButton); /** * @file chapters-track-menu-item.js */ /** * The chapter track menu item * * @extends MenuItem */ var ChaptersTrackMenuItem = function (_MenuItem) { inherits(ChaptersTrackMenuItem, _MenuItem); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function ChaptersTrackMenuItem(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, ChaptersTrackMenuItem); var track = options.track; var cue = options.cue; var currentTime = player.currentTime(); // Modify options for parent MenuItem class's init. options.selectable = true; options.label = cue.text; options.selected = cue.startTime <= currentTime && currentTime < cue.endTime; var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.track = track; _this.cue = cue; track.addEventListener('cuechange', bind(_this, _this.update)); return _this; } /** * This gets called when an `ChaptersTrackMenuItem` is "clicked". See * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ ChaptersTrackMenuItem.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) {; this.player_.currentTime(this.cue.startTime); this.update(this.cue.startTime); }; /** * Update chapter menu item * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `cuechange` event that caused this function to run. * * @listens TextTrack#cuechange */ ChaptersTrackMenuItem.prototype.update = function update(event) { var cue = this.cue; var currentTime = this.player_.currentTime(); // vjs.log(currentTime, cue.startTime); this.selected(cue.startTime <= currentTime && currentTime < cue.endTime); }; return ChaptersTrackMenuItem; }(MenuItem); Component.registerComponent('ChaptersTrackMenuItem', ChaptersTrackMenuItem); /** * @file chapters-button.js */ /** * The button component for toggling and selecting chapters * Chapters act much differently than other text tracks * Cues are navigation vs. other tracks of alternative languages * * @extends TextTrackButton */ var ChaptersButton = function (_TextTrackButton) { inherits(ChaptersButton, _TextTrackButton); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * The function to call when this function is ready. */ function ChaptersButton(player, options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, ChaptersButton); return possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options, ready)); } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ ChaptersButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-chapters-button ' +; }; ChaptersButton.prototype.buildWrapperCSSClass = function buildWrapperCSSClass() { return 'vjs-chapters-button ' +; }; /** * Update the menu based on the current state of its items. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * An event that triggered this function to run. * * @listens TextTrackList#addtrack * @listens TextTrackList#removetrack * @listens TextTrackList#change */ ChaptersButton.prototype.update = function update(event) { if (!this.track_ || event && (event.type === 'addtrack' || event.type === 'removetrack')) { this.setTrack(this.findChaptersTrack()); }; }; /** * Set the currently selected track for the chapters button. * * @param {TextTrack} track * The new track to select. Nothing will change if this is the currently selected * track. */ ChaptersButton.prototype.setTrack = function setTrack(track) { if (this.track_ === track) { return; } if (!this.updateHandler_) { this.updateHandler_ = this.update.bind(this); } // here this.track_ refers to the old track instance if (this.track_) { var remoteTextTrackEl = this.player_.remoteTextTrackEls().getTrackElementByTrack_(this.track_); if (remoteTextTrackEl) { remoteTextTrackEl.removeEventListener('load', this.updateHandler_); } this.track_ = null; } this.track_ = track; // here this.track_ refers to the new track instance if (this.track_) { this.track_.mode = 'hidden'; var _remoteTextTrackEl = this.player_.remoteTextTrackEls().getTrackElementByTrack_(this.track_); if (_remoteTextTrackEl) { _remoteTextTrackEl.addEventListener('load', this.updateHandler_); } } }; /** * Find the track object that is currently in use by this ChaptersButton * * @return {TextTrack|undefined} * The current track or undefined if none was found. */ ChaptersButton.prototype.findChaptersTrack = function findChaptersTrack() { var tracks = this.player_.textTracks() || []; for (var i = tracks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // We will always choose the last track as our chaptersTrack var track = tracks[i]; if (track.kind === this.kind_) { return track; } } }; /** * Get the caption for the ChaptersButton based on the track label. This will also * use the current tracks localized kind as a fallback if a label does not exist. * * @return {string} * The tracks current label or the localized track kind. */ ChaptersButton.prototype.getMenuCaption = function getMenuCaption() { if (this.track_ && this.track_.label) { return this.track_.label; } return this.localize(toTitleCase(this.kind_)); }; /** * Create menu from chapter track * * @return {Menu} * New menu for the chapter buttons */ ChaptersButton.prototype.createMenu = function createMenu() { this.options_.title = this.getMenuCaption(); return; }; /** * Create a menu item for each text track * * @return {TextTrackMenuItem[]} * Array of menu items */ ChaptersButton.prototype.createItems = function createItems() { var items = []; if (!this.track_) { return items; } var cues = this.track_.cues; if (!cues) { return items; } for (var i = 0, l = cues.length; i < l; i++) { var cue = cues[i]; var mi = new ChaptersTrackMenuItem(this.player_, { track: this.track_, cue: cue }); items.push(mi); } return items; }; return ChaptersButton; }(TextTrackButton); /** * `kind` of TextTrack to look for to associate it with this menu. * * @type {string} * @private */ ChaptersButton.prototype.kind_ = 'chapters'; /** * The text that should display over the `ChaptersButton`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ ChaptersButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Chapters'; Component.registerComponent('ChaptersButton', ChaptersButton); /** * @file descriptions-button.js */ /** * The button component for toggling and selecting descriptions * * @extends TextTrackButton */ var DescriptionsButton = function (_TextTrackButton) { inherits(DescriptionsButton, _TextTrackButton); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * The function to call when this component is ready. */ function DescriptionsButton(player, options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, DescriptionsButton); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options, ready)); var tracks = player.textTracks(); var changeHandler = bind(_this, _this.handleTracksChange); tracks.addEventListener('change', changeHandler); _this.on('dispose', function () { tracks.removeEventListener('change', changeHandler); }); return _this; } /** * Handle text track change * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * The event that caused this function to run * * @listens TextTrackList#change */ DescriptionsButton.prototype.handleTracksChange = function handleTracksChange(event) { var tracks = this.player().textTracks(); var disabled = false; // Check whether a track of a different kind is showing for (var i = 0, l = tracks.length; i < l; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; if (track.kind !== this.kind_ && track.mode === 'showing') { disabled = true; break; } } // If another track is showing, disable this menu button if (disabled) { this.disable(); } else { this.enable(); } }; /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ DescriptionsButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-descriptions-button ' +; }; DescriptionsButton.prototype.buildWrapperCSSClass = function buildWrapperCSSClass() { return 'vjs-descriptions-button ' +; }; return DescriptionsButton; }(TextTrackButton); /** * `kind` of TextTrack to look for to associate it with this menu. * * @type {string} * @private */ DescriptionsButton.prototype.kind_ = 'descriptions'; /** * The text that should display over the `DescriptionsButton`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ DescriptionsButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Descriptions'; Component.registerComponent('DescriptionsButton', DescriptionsButton); /** * @file subtitles-button.js */ /** * The button component for toggling and selecting subtitles * * @extends TextTrackButton */ var SubtitlesButton = function (_TextTrackButton) { inherits(SubtitlesButton, _TextTrackButton); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * The function to call when this component is ready. */ function SubtitlesButton(player, options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, SubtitlesButton); return possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options, ready)); } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ SubtitlesButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-subtitles-button ' +; }; SubtitlesButton.prototype.buildWrapperCSSClass = function buildWrapperCSSClass() { return 'vjs-subtitles-button ' +; }; return SubtitlesButton; }(TextTrackButton); /** * `kind` of TextTrack to look for to associate it with this menu. * * @type {string} * @private */ SubtitlesButton.prototype.kind_ = 'subtitles'; /** * The text that should display over the `SubtitlesButton`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ SubtitlesButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Subtitles'; Component.registerComponent('SubtitlesButton', SubtitlesButton); /** * @file caption-settings-menu-item.js */ /** * The menu item for caption track settings menu * * @extends TextTrackMenuItem */ var CaptionSettingsMenuItem = function (_TextTrackMenuItem) { inherits(CaptionSettingsMenuItem, _TextTrackMenuItem); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function CaptionSettingsMenuItem(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, CaptionSettingsMenuItem); options.track = { player: player, kind: options.kind, label: options.kind + ' settings', selectable: false, 'default': false, mode: 'disabled' }; // CaptionSettingsMenuItem has no concept of 'selected' options.selectable = false; = 'CaptionSettingsMenuItem'; var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.addClass('vjs-texttrack-settings'); _this.controlText(', opens ' + options.kind + ' settings dialog'); return _this; } /** * This gets called when an `CaptionSettingsMenuItem` is "clicked". See * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ CaptionSettingsMenuItem.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { this.player().getChild('textTrackSettings').open(); }; return CaptionSettingsMenuItem; }(TextTrackMenuItem); Component.registerComponent('CaptionSettingsMenuItem', CaptionSettingsMenuItem); /** * @file captions-button.js */ /** * The button component for toggling and selecting captions * * @extends TextTrackButton */ var CaptionsButton = function (_TextTrackButton) { inherits(CaptionsButton, _TextTrackButton); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * The function to call when this component is ready. */ function CaptionsButton(player, options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, CaptionsButton); return possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options, ready)); } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ CaptionsButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-captions-button ' +; }; CaptionsButton.prototype.buildWrapperCSSClass = function buildWrapperCSSClass() { return 'vjs-captions-button ' +; }; /** * Create caption menu items * * @return {CaptionSettingsMenuItem[]} * The array of current menu items. */ CaptionsButton.prototype.createItems = function createItems() { var items = []; if (!(this.player().tech_ && this.player().tech_.featuresNativeTextTracks)) { items.push(new CaptionSettingsMenuItem(this.player_, { kind: this.kind_ })); this.hideThreshold_ += 1; } return, items); }; return CaptionsButton; }(TextTrackButton); /** * `kind` of TextTrack to look for to associate it with this menu. * * @type {string} * @private */ CaptionsButton.prototype.kind_ = 'captions'; /** * The text that should display over the `CaptionsButton`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ CaptionsButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Captions'; Component.registerComponent('CaptionsButton', CaptionsButton); /** * @file subs-caps-menu-item.js */ /** * SubsCapsMenuItem has an [cc] icon to distinguish captions from subtitles * in the SubsCapsMenu. * * @extends TextTrackMenuItem */ var SubsCapsMenuItem = function (_TextTrackMenuItem) { inherits(SubsCapsMenuItem, _TextTrackMenuItem); function SubsCapsMenuItem() { classCallCheck(this, SubsCapsMenuItem); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _TextTrackMenuItem.apply(this, arguments)); } SubsCapsMenuItem.prototype.createEl = function createEl(type, props, attrs) { var innerHTML = '<span class="vjs-menu-item-text">' + this.localize(this.options_.label); if (this.options_.track.kind === 'captions') { innerHTML += '\n <span aria-hidden="true" class="vjs-icon-placeholder"></span>\n <span class="vjs-control-text"> ' + this.localize('Captions') + '</span>\n '; } innerHTML += '</span>'; var el =, type, assign({ innerHTML: innerHTML }, props), attrs); return el; }; return SubsCapsMenuItem; }(TextTrackMenuItem); Component.registerComponent('SubsCapsMenuItem', SubsCapsMenuItem); /** * @file sub-caps-button.js */ /** * The button component for toggling and selecting captions and/or subtitles * * @extends TextTrackButton */ var SubsCapsButton = function (_TextTrackButton) { inherits(SubsCapsButton, _TextTrackButton); function SubsCapsButton(player) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; classCallCheck(this, SubsCapsButton); // Although North America uses "captions" in most cases for // "captions and subtitles" other locales use "subtitles" var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.label_ = 'subtitles'; if (['en', 'en-us', 'en-ca', 'fr-ca'].indexOf(_this.player_.language_) > -1) { _this.label_ = 'captions'; } _this.menuButton_.controlText(toTitleCase(_this.label_)); return _this; } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ SubsCapsButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-subs-caps-button ' +; }; SubsCapsButton.prototype.buildWrapperCSSClass = function buildWrapperCSSClass() { return 'vjs-subs-caps-button ' +; }; /** * Create caption/subtitles menu items * * @return {CaptionSettingsMenuItem[]} * The array of current menu items. */ SubsCapsButton.prototype.createItems = function createItems() { var items = []; if (!(this.player().tech_ && this.player().tech_.featuresNativeTextTracks)) { items.push(new CaptionSettingsMenuItem(this.player_, { kind: this.label_ })); this.hideThreshold_ += 1; } items =, items, SubsCapsMenuItem); return items; }; return SubsCapsButton; }(TextTrackButton); /** * `kind`s of TextTrack to look for to associate it with this menu. * * @type {array} * @private */ SubsCapsButton.prototype.kinds_ = ['captions', 'subtitles']; /** * The text that should display over the `SubsCapsButton`s controls. * * * @type {string} * @private */ SubsCapsButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Subtitles'; Component.registerComponent('SubsCapsButton', SubsCapsButton); /** * @file audio-track-menu-item.js */ /** * An {@link AudioTrack} {@link MenuItem} * * @extends MenuItem */ var AudioTrackMenuItem = function (_MenuItem) { inherits(AudioTrackMenuItem, _MenuItem); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function AudioTrackMenuItem(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, AudioTrackMenuItem); var track = options.track; var tracks = player.audioTracks(); // Modify options for parent MenuItem class's init. options.label = track.label || track.language || 'Unknown'; options.selected = track.enabled; var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.track = track; var changeHandler = bind(_this, _this.handleTracksChange); tracks.addEventListener('change', changeHandler); _this.on('dispose', function () { tracks.removeEventListener('change', changeHandler); }); return _this; } /** * This gets called when an `AudioTrackMenuItem is "clicked". See {@link ClickableComponent} * for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ AudioTrackMenuItem.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { var tracks = this.player_.audioTracks();, event); for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; track.enabled = track === this.track; } }; /** * Handle any {@link AudioTrack} change. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The {@link AudioTrackList#change} event that caused this to run. * * @listens AudioTrackList#change */ AudioTrackMenuItem.prototype.handleTracksChange = function handleTracksChange(event) { this.selected(this.track.enabled); }; return AudioTrackMenuItem; }(MenuItem); Component.registerComponent('AudioTrackMenuItem', AudioTrackMenuItem); /** * @file audio-track-button.js */ /** * The base class for buttons that toggle specific {@link AudioTrack} types. * * @extends TrackButton */ var AudioTrackButton = function (_TrackButton) { inherits(AudioTrackButton, _TrackButton); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options={}] * The key/value store of player options. */ function AudioTrackButton(player) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; classCallCheck(this, AudioTrackButton); options.tracks = player.audioTracks(); return possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ AudioTrackButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-audio-button ' +; }; AudioTrackButton.prototype.buildWrapperCSSClass = function buildWrapperCSSClass() { return 'vjs-audio-button ' +; }; /** * Create a menu item for each audio track * * @param {AudioTrackMenuItem[]} [items=[]] * An array of existing menu items to use. * * @return {AudioTrackMenuItem[]} * An array of menu items */ AudioTrackButton.prototype.createItems = function createItems() { var items = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : []; // if there's only one audio track, there no point in showing it this.hideThreshold_ = 1; var tracks = this.player_.audioTracks(); for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; items.push(new AudioTrackMenuItem(this.player_, { track: track, // MenuItem is selectable selectable: true })); } return items; }; return AudioTrackButton; }(TrackButton); /** * The text that should display over the `AudioTrackButton`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ AudioTrackButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Audio Track'; Component.registerComponent('AudioTrackButton', AudioTrackButton); /** * @file playback-rate-menu-item.js */ /** * The specific menu item type for selecting a playback rate. * * @extends MenuItem */ var PlaybackRateMenuItem = function (_MenuItem) { inherits(PlaybackRateMenuItem, _MenuItem); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function PlaybackRateMenuItem(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, PlaybackRateMenuItem); var label = options.rate; var rate = parseFloat(label, 10); // Modify options for parent MenuItem class's init. options.label = label; options.selected = rate === 1; options.selectable = true; var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.label = label; _this.rate = rate; _this.on(player, 'ratechange', _this.update); return _this; } /** * This gets called when an `PlaybackRateMenuItem` is "clicked". See * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ PlaybackRateMenuItem.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) {; this.player().playbackRate(this.rate); }; /** * Update the PlaybackRateMenuItem when the playbackrate changes. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `ratechange` event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#ratechange */ PlaybackRateMenuItem.prototype.update = function update(event) { this.selected(this.player().playbackRate() === this.rate); }; return PlaybackRateMenuItem; }(MenuItem); /** * The text that should display over the `PlaybackRateMenuItem`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ PlaybackRateMenuItem.prototype.contentElType = 'button'; Component.registerComponent('PlaybackRateMenuItem', PlaybackRateMenuItem); /** * @file playback-rate-menu-button.js */ /** * The component for controlling the playback rate. * * @extends MenuButton */ var PlaybackRateMenuButton = function (_MenuButton) { inherits(PlaybackRateMenuButton, _MenuButton); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function PlaybackRateMenuButton(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, PlaybackRateMenuButton); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.updateVisibility(); _this.updateLabel(); _this.on(player, 'loadstart', _this.updateVisibility); _this.on(player, 'ratechange', _this.updateLabel); return _this; } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var el =; this.labelEl_ = createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-playback-rate-value', innerHTML: 1.0 }); el.appendChild(this.labelEl_); return el; }; /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-playback-rate ' +; }; PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.buildWrapperCSSClass = function buildWrapperCSSClass() { return 'vjs-playback-rate ' +; }; /** * Create the playback rate menu * * @return {Menu} * Menu object populated with {@link PlaybackRateMenuItem}s */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.createMenu = function createMenu() { var menu = new Menu(this.player()); var rates = this.playbackRates(); if (rates) { for (var i = rates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { menu.addChild(new PlaybackRateMenuItem(this.player(), { rate: rates[i] + 'x' })); } } return menu; }; /** * Updates ARIA accessibility attributes */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.updateARIAAttributes = function updateARIAAttributes() { // Current playback rate this.el().setAttribute('aria-valuenow', this.player().playbackRate()); }; /** * This gets called when an `PlaybackRateMenuButton` is "clicked". See * {@link ClickableComponent} for more detailed information on what a click can be. * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The `keydown`, `tap`, or `click` event that caused this function to be * called. * * @listens tap * @listens click */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.handleClick = function handleClick(event) { // select next rate option var currentRate = this.player().playbackRate(); var rates = this.playbackRates(); // this will select first one if the last one currently selected var newRate = rates[0]; for (var i = 0; i < rates.length; i++) { if (rates[i] > currentRate) { newRate = rates[i]; break; } } this.player().playbackRate(newRate); }; /** * Get possible playback rates * * @return {Array} * All possible playback rates */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.playbackRates = function playbackRates() { return this.options_.playbackRates || this.options_.playerOptions && this.options_.playerOptions.playbackRates; }; /** * Get whether playback rates is supported by the tech * and an array of playback rates exists * * @return {boolean} * Whether changing playback rate is supported */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.playbackRateSupported = function playbackRateSupported() { return this.player().tech_ && this.player().tech_.featuresPlaybackRate && this.playbackRates() && this.playbackRates().length > 0; }; /** * Hide playback rate controls when they're no playback rate options to select * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#loadstart */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.updateVisibility = function updateVisibility(event) { if (this.playbackRateSupported()) { this.removeClass('vjs-hidden'); } else { this.addClass('vjs-hidden'); } }; /** * Update button label when rate changed * * @param {EventTarget~Event} [event] * The event that caused this function to run. * * @listens Player#ratechange */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.updateLabel = function updateLabel(event) { if (this.playbackRateSupported()) { this.labelEl_.innerHTML = this.player().playbackRate() + 'x'; } }; return PlaybackRateMenuButton; }(MenuButton); /** * The text that should display over the `FullscreenToggle`s controls. Added for localization. * * @type {string} * @private */ PlaybackRateMenuButton.prototype.controlText_ = 'Playback Rate'; Component.registerComponent('PlaybackRateMenuButton', PlaybackRateMenuButton); /** * @file spacer.js */ /** * Just an empty spacer element that can be used as an append point for plugins, etc. * Also can be used to create space between elements when necessary. * * @extends Component */ var Spacer = function (_Component) { inherits(Spacer, _Component); function Spacer() { classCallCheck(this, Spacer); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ Spacer.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-spacer ' +; }; /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ Spacer.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: this.buildCSSClass() }); }; return Spacer; }(Component); Component.registerComponent('Spacer', Spacer); /** * @file custom-control-spacer.js */ /** * Spacer specifically meant to be used as an insertion point for new plugins, etc. * * @extends Spacer */ var CustomControlSpacer = function (_Spacer) { inherits(CustomControlSpacer, _Spacer); function CustomControlSpacer() { classCallCheck(this, CustomControlSpacer); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Spacer.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. */ CustomControlSpacer.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-custom-control-spacer ' +; }; /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ CustomControlSpacer.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { var el =, { className: this.buildCSSClass() }); // No-flex/table-cell mode requires there be some content // in the cell to fill the remaining space of the table. el.innerHTML = '&nbsp;'; return el; }; return CustomControlSpacer; }(Spacer); Component.registerComponent('CustomControlSpacer', CustomControlSpacer); /** * @file control-bar.js */ // Required children /** * Container of main controls. * * @extends Component */ var ControlBar = function (_Component) { inherits(ControlBar, _Component); function ControlBar() { classCallCheck(this, ControlBar); return possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } /** * Create the `Component`'s DOM element * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. */ ControlBar.prototype.createEl = function createEl() { return, 'div', { className: 'vjs-control-bar', dir: 'ltr' }, { // The control bar is a group, but we don't aria-label it to avoid // over-announcing by JAWS role: 'group' }); }; return ControlBar; }(Component); /** * Default options for `ControlBar` * * @type {Object} * @private */ ControlBar.prototype.options_ = { children: ['playToggle', 'volumePanel', 'currentTimeDisplay', 'timeDivider', 'durationDisplay', 'progressControl', 'liveDisplay', 'remainingTimeDisplay', 'customControlSpacer', 'playbackRateMenuButton', 'chaptersButton', 'descriptionsButton', 'subsCapsButton', 'audioTrackButton', 'fullscreenToggle'] }; Component.registerComponent('ControlBar', ControlBar); /** * @file error-display.js */ /** * A display that indicates an error has occurred. This means that the video * is unplayable. * * @extends ModalDialog */ var ErrorDisplay = function (_ModalDialog) { inherits(ErrorDisplay, _ModalDialog); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function ErrorDisplay(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, ErrorDisplay); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.on(player, 'error',; return _this; } /** * Builds the default DOM `className`. * * @return {string} * The DOM `className` for this object. * * @deprecated Since version 5. */ ErrorDisplay.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return 'vjs-error-display ' +; }; /** * Gets the localized error message based on the `Player`s error. * * @return {string} * The `Player`s error message localized or an empty string. */ ErrorDisplay.prototype.content = function content() { var error = this.player().error(); return error ? this.localize(error.message) : ''; }; return ErrorDisplay; }(ModalDialog); /** * The default options for an `ErrorDisplay`. * * @private */ ErrorDisplay.prototype.options_ = mergeOptions(ModalDialog.prototype.options_, { pauseOnOpen: false, fillAlways: true, temporary: false, uncloseable: true }); Component.registerComponent('ErrorDisplay', ErrorDisplay); /** * @file text-track-settings.js */ var LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = 'vjs-text-track-settings'; var COLOR_BLACK = ['#000', 'Black']; var COLOR_BLUE = ['#00F', 'Blue']; var COLOR_CYAN = ['#0FF', 'Cyan']; var COLOR_GREEN = ['#0F0', 'Green']; var COLOR_MAGENTA = ['#F0F', 'Magenta']; var COLOR_RED = ['#F00', 'Red']; var COLOR_WHITE = ['#FFF', 'White']; var COLOR_YELLOW = ['#FF0', 'Yellow']; var OPACITY_OPAQUE = ['1', 'Opaque']; var OPACITY_SEMI = ['0.5', 'Semi-Transparent']; var OPACITY_TRANS = ['0', 'Transparent']; // Configuration for the various <select> elements in the DOM of this component. // // Possible keys include: // // `default`: // The default option index. Only needs to be provided if not zero. // `parser`: // A function which is used to parse the value from the selected option in // a customized way. // `selector`: // The selector used to find the associated <select> element. var selectConfigs = { backgroundColor: { selector: '.vjs-bg-color > select', id: 'captions-background-color-%s', label: 'Color', options: [COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_CYAN] }, backgroundOpacity: { selector: '.vjs-bg-opacity > select', id: 'captions-background-opacity-%s', label: 'Transparency', options: [OPACITY_OPAQUE, OPACITY_SEMI, OPACITY_TRANS] }, color: { selector: '.vjs-fg-color > select', id: 'captions-foreground-color-%s', label: 'Color', options: [COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_CYAN] }, edgeStyle: { selector: '.vjs-edge-style > select', id: '%s', label: 'Text Edge Style', options: [['none', 'None'], ['raised', 'Raised'], ['depressed', 'Depressed'], ['uniform', 'Uniform'], ['dropshadow', 'Dropshadow']] }, fontFamily: { selector: '.vjs-font-family > select', id: 'captions-font-family-%s', label: 'Font Family', options: [['proportionalSansSerif', 'Proportional Sans-Serif'], ['monospaceSansSerif', 'Monospace Sans-Serif'], ['proportionalSerif', 'Proportional Serif'], ['monospaceSerif', 'Monospace Serif'], ['casual', 'Casual'], ['script', 'Script'], ['small-caps', 'Small Caps']] }, fontPercent: { selector: '.vjs-font-percent > select', id: 'captions-font-size-%s', label: 'Font Size', options: [['0.50', '50%'], ['0.75', '75%'], ['1.00', '100%'], ['1.25', '125%'], ['1.50', '150%'], ['1.75', '175%'], ['2.00', '200%'], ['3.00', '300%'], ['4.00', '400%']], 'default': 2, parser: function parser(v) { return v === '1.00' ? null : Number(v); } }, textOpacity: { selector: '.vjs-text-opacity > select', id: 'captions-foreground-opacity-%s', label: 'Transparency', options: [OPACITY_OPAQUE, OPACITY_SEMI] }, // Options for this object are defined below. windowColor: { selector: '.vjs-window-color > select', id: 'captions-window-color-%s', label: 'Color' }, // Options for this object are defined below. windowOpacity: { selector: '.vjs-window-opacity > select', id: 'captions-window-opacity-%s', label: 'Transparency', options: [OPACITY_TRANS, OPACITY_SEMI, OPACITY_OPAQUE] } }; selectConfigs.windowColor.options = selectConfigs.backgroundColor.options; /** * Get the actual value of an option. * * @param {string} value * The value to get * * @param {Function} [parser] * Optional function to adjust the value. * * @return {Mixed} * - Will be `undefined` if no value exists * - Will be `undefined` if the given value is "none". * - Will be the actual value otherwise. * * @private */ function parseOptionValue(value, parser) { if (parser) { value = parser(value); } if (value && value !== 'none') { return value; } } /** * Gets the value of the selected <option> element within a <select> element. * * @param {Element} el * the element to look in * * @param {Function} [parser] * Optional function to adjust the value. * * @return {Mixed} * - Will be `undefined` if no value exists * - Will be `undefined` if the given value is "none". * - Will be the actual value otherwise. * * @private */ function getSelectedOptionValue(el, parser) { var value = el.options[el.options.selectedIndex].value; return parseOptionValue(value, parser); } /** * Sets the selected <option> element within a <select> element based on a * given value. * * @param {Element} el * The element to look in. * * @param {string} value * the property to look on. * * @param {Function} [parser] * Optional function to adjust the value before comparing. * * @private */ function setSelectedOption(el, value, parser) { if (!value) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < el.options.length; i++) { if (parseOptionValue(el.options[i].value, parser) === value) { el.selectedIndex = i; break; } } } /** * Manipulate Text Tracks settings. * * @extends ModalDialog */ var TextTrackSettings = function (_ModalDialog) { inherits(TextTrackSettings, _ModalDialog); /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * @param {Player} player * The `Player` that this class should be attached to. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. */ function TextTrackSettings(player, options) { classCallCheck(this, TextTrackSettings); options.temporary = false; var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, player, options)); _this.updateDisplay = bind(_this, _this.updateDisplay); // fill the modal and pretend we have opened it _this.fill(); _this.hasBeenOpened_ = _this.hasBeenFilled_ = true; _this.endDialog = createEl('p', { className: 'vjs-control-text', textContent: _this.localize('End of dialog window.') }); _this.el().appendChild(_this.endDialog); _this.setDefaults(); // Grab `persistTextTrackSettings` from the player options if not passed in child options if (options.persistTextTrackSettings === undefined) { _this.options_.persistTextTrackSettings = _this.options_.playerOptions.persistTextTrackSettings; } _this.on(_this.$('.vjs-done-button'), 'click', function () { _this.saveSettings(); _this.close(); }); _this.on(_this.$('.vjs-default-button'), 'click', function () { _this.setDefaults(); _this.updateDisplay(); }); each(selectConfigs, function (config) { _this.on(_this.$(config.selector), 'change', _this.updateDisplay); }); if (_this.options_.persistTextTrackSettings) { _this.restoreSettings(); } return _this; } /** * Create a <select> element with configured options. * * @param {string} key * Configuration key to use during creation. * * @return {string} * An HTML string. * * @private */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.createElSelect_ = function createElSelect_(key) { var _this2 = this; var legendId = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; var type = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'label'; var config = selectConfigs[key]; var id ='%s', this.id_); return ['<' + type + ' id="' + id + '" class="' + (type === 'label' ? 'vjs-label' : '') + '">', this.localize(config.label), '</' + type + '>', '<select aria-labelledby="' + legendId + ' ' + id + '">'].concat( (o) { var optionId = id + '-' + o[1]; return ['<option id="' + optionId + '" value="' + o[0] + '" ', 'aria-labelledby="' + legendId + ' ' + id + ' ' + optionId + '">', _this2.localize(o[1]), '</option>'].join(''); })).concat('</select>').join(''); }; /** * Create foreground color element for the component * * @return {string} * An HTML string. * * @private */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.createElFgColor_ = function createElFgColor_() { var legendId = 'captions-text-legend-' + this.id_; return ['<fieldset class="vjs-fg-color vjs-track-setting">', '<legend id="' + legendId + '">', this.localize('Text'), '</legend>', this.createElSelect_('color', legendId), '<span class="vjs-text-opacity vjs-opacity">', this.createElSelect_('textOpacity', legendId), '</span>', '</fieldset>'].join(''); }; /** * Create background color element for the component * * @return {string} * An HTML string. * * @private */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.createElBgColor_ = function createElBgColor_() { var legendId = 'captions-background-' + this.id_; return ['<fieldset class="vjs-bg-color vjs-track-setting">', '<legend id="' + legendId + '">', this.localize('Background'), '</legend>', this.createElSelect_('backgroundColor', legendId), '<span class="vjs-bg-opacity vjs-opacity">', this.createElSelect_('backgroundOpacity', legendId), '</span>', '</fieldset>'].join(''); }; /** * Create window color element for the component * * @return {string} * An HTML string. * * @private */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.createElWinColor_ = function createElWinColor_() { var legendId = 'captions-window-' + this.id_; return ['<fieldset class="vjs-window-color vjs-track-setting">', '<legend id="' + legendId + '">', this.localize('Window'), '</legend>', this.createElSelect_('windowColor', legendId), '<span class="vjs-window-opacity vjs-opacity">', this.createElSelect_('windowOpacity', legendId), '</span>', '</fieldset>'].join(''); }; /** * Create color elements for the component * * @return {Element} * The element that was created * * @private */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.createElColors_ = function createElColors_() { return createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-track-settings-colors', innerHTML: [this.createElFgColor_(), this.createElBgColor_(), this.createElWinColor_()].join('') }); }; /** * Create font elements for the component * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. * * @private */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.createElFont_ = function createElFont_() { return createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-track-settings-font">', innerHTML: ['<fieldset class="vjs-font-percent vjs-track-setting">', this.createElSelect_('fontPercent', '', 'legend'), '</fieldset>', '<fieldset class="vjs-edge-style vjs-track-setting">', this.createElSelect_('edgeStyle', '', 'legend'), '</fieldset>', '<fieldset class="vjs-font-family vjs-track-setting">', this.createElSelect_('fontFamily', '', 'legend'), '</fieldset>'].join('') }); }; /** * Create controls for the component * * @return {Element} * The element that was created. * * @private */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.createElControls_ = function createElControls_() { var defaultsDescription = this.localize('restore all settings to the default values'); return createEl('div', { className: 'vjs-track-settings-controls', innerHTML: ['<button class="vjs-default-button" title="' + defaultsDescription + '">', this.localize('Reset'), '<span class="vjs-control-text"> ' + defaultsDescription + '</span>', '</button>', '<button class="vjs-done-button">' + this.localize('Done') + '</button>'].join('') }); }; TextTrackSettings.prototype.content = function content() { return [this.createElColors_(), this.createElFont_(), this.createElControls_()]; }; TextTrackSettings.prototype.label = function label() { return this.localize('Caption Settings Dialog'); }; TextTrackSettings.prototype.description = function description() { return this.localize('Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.'); }; TextTrackSettings.prototype.buildCSSClass = function buildCSSClass() { return + ' vjs-text-track-settings'; }; /** * Gets an object of text track settings (or null). * * @return {Object} * An object with config values parsed from the DOM or localStorage. */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.getValues = function getValues() { var _this3 = this; return reduce(selectConfigs, function (accum, config, key) { var value = getSelectedOptionValue(_this3.$(config.selector), config.parser); if (value !== undefined) { accum[key] = value; } return accum; }, {}); }; /** * Sets text track settings from an object of values. * * @param {Object} values * An object with config values parsed from the DOM or localStorage. */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.setValues = function setValues(values) { var _this4 = this; each(selectConfigs, function (config, key) { setSelectedOption(_this4.$(config.selector), values[key], config.parser); }); }; /** * Sets all `<select>` elements to their default values. */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.setDefaults = function setDefaults() { var _this5 = this; each(selectConfigs, function (config) { var index = config.hasOwnProperty('default') ? config['default'] : 0; _this5.$(config.selector).selectedIndex = index; }); }; /** * Restore texttrack settings from localStorage */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.restoreSettings = function restoreSettings() { var values = void 0; try { values = JSON.parse(window_1.localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY)); } catch (err) { log$1.warn(err); } if (values) { this.setValues(values); } }; /** * Save text track settings to localStorage */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.saveSettings = function saveSettings() { if (!this.options_.persistTextTrackSettings) { return; } var values = this.getValues(); try { if (Object.keys(values).length) { window_1.localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(values)); } else { window_1.localStorage.removeItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); } } catch (err) { log$1.warn(err); } }; /** * Update display of text track settings */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.updateDisplay = function updateDisplay() { var ttDisplay = this.player_.getChild('textTrackDisplay'); if (ttDisplay) { ttDisplay.updateDisplay(); } }; /** * conditionally blur the element and refocus the captions button * * @private */ TextTrackSettings.prototype.conditionalBlur_ = function conditionalBlur_() { this.previouslyActiveEl_ = null;, 'keydown', this.handleKeyDown); var cb = this.player_.controlBar; var subsCapsBtn = cb && cb.subsCapsButton; var ccBtn = cb && cb.captionsButton; if (subsCapsBtn) { subsCapsBtn.focus(); } else if (ccBtn) { ccBtn.focus(); } }; return TextTrackSettings; }(ModalDialog); Component.registerComponent('TextTrackSettings', TextTrackSettings); var _templateObject$2 = taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(['Text Tracks are being loaded from another origin but the crossorigin attribute isn\'t used.\n This may prevent text tracks from loading.'], ['Text Tracks are being loaded from another origin but the crossorigin attribute isn\'t used.\n This may prevent text tracks from loading.']); /** * @file html5.js */ /** * HTML5 Media Controller - Wrapper for HTML5 Media API * * @mixes Tech~SouceHandlerAdditions * @extends Tech */ var Html5 = function (_Tech) { inherits(Html5, _Tech); /** * Create an instance of this Tech. * * @param {Object} [options] * The key/value store of player options. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} ready * Callback function to call when the `HTML5` Tech is ready. */ function Html5(options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, Html5); var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, options, ready)); var source = options.source; var crossoriginTracks = false; // Set the source if one is provided // 1) Check if the source is new (if not, we want to keep the original so playback isn't interrupted) // 2) Check to see if the network state of the tag was failed at init, and if so, reset the source // anyway so the error gets fired. if (source && (_this.el_.currentSrc !== source.src || options.tag && options.tag.initNetworkState_ === 3)) { _this.setSource(source); } else { _this.handleLateInit_(_this.el_); } if (_this.el_.hasChildNodes()) { var nodes = _this.el_.childNodes; var nodesLength = nodes.length; var removeNodes = []; while (nodesLength--) { var node = nodes[nodesLength]; var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName === 'track') { if (!_this.featuresNativeTextTracks) { // Empty video tag tracks so the built-in player doesn't use them also. // This may not be fast enough to stop HTML5 browsers from reading the tags // so we'll need to turn off any default tracks if we're manually doing // captions and subtitles. videoElement.textTracks removeNodes.push(node); } else { // store HTMLTrackElement and TextTrack to remote list _this.remoteTextTrackEls().addTrackElement_(node); _this.remoteTextTracks().addTrack(node.track); _this.textTracks().addTrack(node.track); if (!crossoriginTracks && !_this.el_.hasAttribute('crossorigin') && isCrossOrigin(node.src)) { crossoriginTracks = true; } } } } for (var i = 0; i < removeNodes.length; i++) { _this.el_.removeChild(removeNodes[i]); } } _this.proxyNativeTracks_(); if (_this.featuresNativeTextTracks && crossoriginTracks) { log$1.warn(tsml(_templateObject$2)); } // Determine if native controls should be used // Our goal should be to get the custom controls on mobile solid everywhere // so we can remove this all together. Right now this will block custom // controls on touch enabled laptops like the Chrome Pixel if ((TOUCH_ENABLED || IS_IPHONE || IS_NATIVE_ANDROID) && options.nativeControlsForTouch === true) { _this.setControls(true); } // on iOS, we want to proxy `webkitbeginfullscreen` and `webkitendfullscreen` // into a `fullscreenchange` event _this.proxyWebkitFullscreen_(); _this.triggerReady(); return _this; } /** * Dispose of `HTML5` media element and remove all tracks. */ Html5.prototype.dispose = function dispose() { Html5.disposeMediaElement(this.el_); // tech will handle clearing of the emulated track list; }; /** * Proxy all native track list events to our track lists if the browser we are playing * in supports that type of track list. * * @private */ Html5.prototype.proxyNativeTracks_ = function proxyNativeTracks_() { var _this2 = this; NORMAL.names.forEach(function (name) { var props = NORMAL[name]; var elTracks = _this2.el()[props.getterName]; var techTracks = _this2[props.getterName](); if (!_this2['featuresNative' + props.capitalName + 'Tracks'] || !elTracks || !elTracks.addEventListener) { return; } var listeners = { change: function change(e) { techTracks.trigger({ type: 'change', target: techTracks, currentTarget: techTracks, srcElement: techTracks }); }, addtrack: function addtrack(e) { techTracks.addTrack(e.track); }, removetrack: function removetrack(e) { techTracks.removeTrack(e.track); } }; var removeOldTracks = function removeOldTracks() { var removeTracks = []; for (var i = 0; i < techTracks.length; i++) { var found = false; for (var j = 0; j < elTracks.length; j++) { if (elTracks[j] === techTracks[i]) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { removeTracks.push(techTracks[i]); } } while (removeTracks.length) { techTracks.removeTrack(removeTracks.shift()); } }; Object.keys(listeners).forEach(function (eventName) { var listener = listeners[eventName]; elTracks.addEventListener(eventName, listener); _this2.on('dispose', function (e) { return elTracks.removeEventListener(eventName, listener); }); }); // Remove (native) tracks that are not used anymore _this2.on('loadstart', removeOldTracks); _this2.on('dispose', function (e) { return'loadstart', removeOldTracks); }); }); }; /** * Create the `Html5` Tech's DOM element. * * @return {Element} * The element that gets created. */ Html5.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var el = this.options_.tag; // Check if this browser supports moving the element into the box. // On the iPhone video will break if you move the element, // So we have to create a brand new element. // If we ingested the player div, we do not need to move the media element. if (!el || !(this.options_.playerElIngest || this.movingMediaElementInDOM)) { // If the original tag is still there, clone and remove it. if (el) { var clone = el.cloneNode(true); if (el.parentNode) { el.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, el); } Html5.disposeMediaElement(el); el = clone; } else { el = document_1.createElement('video'); // determine if native controls should be used var tagAttributes = this.options_.tag && getAttributes(this.options_.tag); var attributes = mergeOptions({}, tagAttributes); if (!TOUCH_ENABLED || this.options_.nativeControlsForTouch !== true) { delete attributes.controls; } setAttributes(el, assign(attributes, { id: this.options_.techId, 'class': 'vjs-tech' })); } el.playerId = this.options_.playerId; } // Update specific tag settings, in case they were overridden var settingsAttrs = ['autoplay', 'preload', 'loop', 'muted', 'playsinline']; for (var i = settingsAttrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var attr = settingsAttrs[i]; var overwriteAttrs = {}; if (typeof this.options_[attr] !== 'undefined') { overwriteAttrs[attr] = this.options_[attr]; } setAttributes(el, overwriteAttrs); } return el; }; /** * This will be triggered if the loadstart event has already fired, before videojs was * ready. Two known examples of when this can happen are: * 1. If we're loading the playback object after it has started loading * 2. The media is already playing the (often with autoplay on) then * * This function will fire another loadstart so that videojs can catchup. * * @fires Tech#loadstart * * @return {undefined} * returns nothing. */ Html5.prototype.handleLateInit_ = function handleLateInit_(el) { if (el.networkState === 0 || el.networkState === 3) { // The video element hasn't started loading the source yet // or didn't find a source return; } if (el.readyState === 0) { // NetworkState is set synchronously BUT loadstart is fired at the // end of the current stack, usually before setInterval(fn, 0). // So at this point we know loadstart may have already fired or is // about to fire, and either way the player hasn't seen it yet. // We don't want to fire loadstart prematurely here and cause a // double loadstart so we'll wait and see if it happens between now // and the next loop, and fire it if not. // HOWEVER, we also want to make sure it fires before loadedmetadata // which could also happen between now and the next loop, so we'll // watch for that also. var loadstartFired = false; var setLoadstartFired = function setLoadstartFired() { loadstartFired = true; }; this.on('loadstart', setLoadstartFired); var triggerLoadstart = function triggerLoadstart() { // We did miss the original loadstart. Make sure the player // sees loadstart before loadedmetadata if (!loadstartFired) { this.trigger('loadstart'); } }; this.on('loadedmetadata', triggerLoadstart); this.ready(function () {'loadstart', setLoadstartFired);'loadedmetadata', triggerLoadstart); if (!loadstartFired) { // We did miss the original native loadstart. Fire it now. this.trigger('loadstart'); } }); return; } // From here on we know that loadstart already fired and we missed it. // The other readyState events aren't as much of a problem if we double // them, so not going to go to as much trouble as loadstart to prevent // that unless we find reason to. var eventsToTrigger = ['loadstart']; // loadedmetadata: newly equal to HAVE_METADATA (1) or greater eventsToTrigger.push('loadedmetadata'); // loadeddata: newly increased to HAVE_CURRENT_DATA (2) or greater if (el.readyState >= 2) { eventsToTrigger.push('loadeddata'); } // canplay: newly increased to HAVE_FUTURE_DATA (3) or greater if (el.readyState >= 3) { eventsToTrigger.push('canplay'); } // canplaythrough: newly equal to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA (4) if (el.readyState >= 4) { eventsToTrigger.push('canplaythrough'); } // We still need to give the player time to add event listeners this.ready(function () { eventsToTrigger.forEach(function (type) { this.trigger(type); }, this); }); }; /** * Set current time for the `HTML5` tech. * * @param {number} seconds * Set the current time of the media to this. */ Html5.prototype.setCurrentTime = function setCurrentTime(seconds) { try { this.el_.currentTime = seconds; } catch (e) { log$1(e, 'Video is not ready. (Video.js)'); // this.warning(VideoJS.warnings.videoNotReady); } }; /** * Get the current duration of the HTML5 media element. * * @return {number} * The duration of the media or 0 if there is no duration. */ Html5.prototype.duration = function duration() { var _this3 = this; // Android Chrome will report duration as Infinity for VOD HLS until after // playback has started, which triggers the live display erroneously. // Return NaN if playback has not started and trigger a durationupdate once // the duration can be reliably known. if (this.el_.duration === Infinity && IS_ANDROID && IS_CHROME && this.el_.currentTime === 0) { // Wait for the first `timeupdate` with currentTime > 0 - there may be // several with 0 var checkProgress = function checkProgress() { if (_this3.el_.currentTime > 0) { // Trigger durationchange for genuinely live video if (_this3.el_.duration === Infinity) { _this3.trigger('durationchange'); }'timeupdate', checkProgress); } }; this.on('timeupdate', checkProgress); return NaN; } return this.el_.duration || NaN; }; /** * Get the current width of the HTML5 media element. * * @return {number} * The width of the HTML5 media element. */ Html5.prototype.width = function width() { return this.el_.offsetWidth; }; /** * Get the current height of the HTML5 media element. * * @return {number} * The heigth of the HTML5 media element. */ Html5.prototype.height = function height() { return this.el_.offsetHeight; }; /** * Proxy iOS `webkitbeginfullscreen` and `webkitendfullscreen` into * `fullscreenchange` event. * * @private * @fires fullscreenchange * @listens webkitendfullscreen * @listens webkitbeginfullscreen * @listens webkitbeginfullscreen */ Html5.prototype.proxyWebkitFullscreen_ = function proxyWebkitFullscreen_() { var _this4 = this; if (!('webkitDisplayingFullscreen' in this.el_)) { return; } var endFn = function endFn() { this.trigger('fullscreenchange', { isFullscreen: false }); }; var beginFn = function beginFn() { if ('webkitPresentationMode' in this.el_ && this.el_.webkitPresentationMode !== 'picture-in-picture') {'webkitendfullscreen', endFn); this.trigger('fullscreenchange', { isFullscreen: true }); } }; this.on('webkitbeginfullscreen', beginFn); this.on('dispose', function () {'webkitbeginfullscreen', beginFn);'webkitendfullscreen', endFn); }); }; /** * Check if fullscreen is supported on the current playback device. * * @return {boolean} * - True if fullscreen is supported. * - False if fullscreen is not supported. */ Html5.prototype.supportsFullScreen = function supportsFullScreen() { if (typeof this.el_.webkitEnterFullScreen === 'function') { var userAgent = window_1.navigator && window_1.navigator.userAgent || ''; // Seems to be broken in Chromium/Chrome && Safari in Leopard if (/Android/.test(userAgent) || !/Chrome|Mac OS X 10.5/.test(userAgent)) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Request that the `HTML5` Tech enter fullscreen. */ Html5.prototype.enterFullScreen = function enterFullScreen() { var video = this.el_; if (video.paused && video.networkState <= video.HAVE_METADATA) { // attempt to prime the video element for programmatic access // this isn't necessary on the desktop but shouldn't hurt; // playing and pausing synchronously during the transition to fullscreen // can get iOS ~6.1 devices into a play/pause loop this.setTimeout(function () { video.pause(); video.webkitEnterFullScreen(); }, 0); } else { video.webkitEnterFullScreen(); } }; /** * Request that the `HTML5` Tech exit fullscreen. */ Html5.prototype.exitFullScreen = function exitFullScreen() { this.el_.webkitExitFullScreen(); }; /** * A getter/setter for the `Html5` Tech's source object. * > Note: Please use {@link Html5#setSource} * * @param {Tech~SourceObject} [src] * The source object you want to set on the `HTML5` techs element. * * @return {Tech~SourceObject|undefined} * - The current source object when a source is not passed in. * - undefined when setting * * @deprecated Since version 5. */ Html5.prototype.src = function src(_src) { if (_src === undefined) { return this.el_.src; } // Setting src through `src` instead of `setSrc` will be deprecated this.setSrc(_src); }; /** * Reset the tech by removing all sources and then calling * {@link Html5.resetMediaElement}. */ Html5.prototype.reset = function reset() { Html5.resetMediaElement(this.el_); }; /** * Get the current source on the `HTML5` Tech. Falls back to returning the source from * the HTML5 media element. * * @return {Tech~SourceObject} * The current source object from the HTML5 tech. With a fallback to the * elements source. */ Html5.prototype.currentSrc = function currentSrc() { if (this.currentSource_) { return this.currentSource_.src; } return this.el_.currentSrc; }; /** * Set controls attribute for the HTML5 media Element. * * @param {string} val * Value to set the controls attribute to */ Html5.prototype.setControls = function setControls(val) { this.el_.controls = !!val; }; /** * Create and returns a remote {@link TextTrack} object. * * @param {string} kind * `TextTrack` kind (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata) * * @param {string} [label] * Label to identify the text track * * @param {string} [language] * Two letter language abbreviation * * @return {TextTrack} * The TextTrack that gets created. */ Html5.prototype.addTextTrack = function addTextTrack(kind, label, language) { if (!this.featuresNativeTextTracks) { return, kind, label, language); } return this.el_.addTextTrack(kind, label, language); }; /** * Creates either native TextTrack or an emulated TextTrack depending * on the value of `featuresNativeTextTracks` * * @param {Object} options * The object should contain the options to intialize the TextTrack with. * * @param {string} [options.kind] * `TextTrack` kind (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata). * * @param {string} [options.label]. * Label to identify the text track * * @param {string} [options.language] * Two letter language abbreviation. * * @param {boolean} [options.default] * Default this track to on. * * @param {string} [] * The internal id to assign this track. * * @param {string} [options.src] * A source url for the track. * * @return {HTMLTrackElement} * The track element that gets created. */ Html5.prototype.createRemoteTextTrack = function createRemoteTextTrack(options) { if (!this.featuresNativeTextTracks) { return, options); } var htmlTrackElement = document_1.createElement('track'); if (options.kind) { htmlTrackElement.kind = options.kind; } if (options.label) { htmlTrackElement.label = options.label; } if (options.language || options.srclang) { htmlTrackElement.srclang = options.language || options.srclang; } if (options['default']) { htmlTrackElement['default'] = options['default']; } if ( { =; } if (options.src) { htmlTrackElement.src = options.src; } return htmlTrackElement; }; /** * Creates a remote text track object and returns an html track element. * * @param {Object} options The object should contain values for * kind, language, label, and src (location of the WebVTT file) * @param {Boolean} [manualCleanup=true] if set to false, the TextTrack will be * automatically removed from the video element whenever the source changes * @return {HTMLTrackElement} An Html Track Element. * This can be an emulated {@link HTMLTrackElement} or a native one. * @deprecated The default value of the "manualCleanup" parameter will default * to "false" in upcoming versions of Video.js */ Html5.prototype.addRemoteTextTrack = function addRemoteTextTrack(options, manualCleanup) { var htmlTrackElement =, options, manualCleanup); if (this.featuresNativeTextTracks) { this.el().appendChild(htmlTrackElement); } return htmlTrackElement; }; /** * Remove remote `TextTrack` from `TextTrackList` object * * @param {TextTrack} track * `TextTrack` object to remove */ Html5.prototype.removeRemoteTextTrack = function removeRemoteTextTrack(track) {, track); if (this.featuresNativeTextTracks) { var tracks = this.$$('track'); var i = tracks.length; while (i--) { if (track === tracks[i] || track === tracks[i].track) { this.el().removeChild(tracks[i]); } } } }; /** * Get the value of `playsinline` from the media element. `playsinline` indicates * to the browser that non-fullscreen playback is preferred when fullscreen * playback is the native default, such as in iOS Safari. * * @method Html5#playsinline * @return {boolean} * - The value of `playsinline` from the media element. * - True indicates that the media should play inline. * - False indicates that the media should not play inline. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ Html5.prototype.playsinline = function playsinline() { return this.el_.hasAttribute('playsinline'); }; /** * Set the value of `playsinline` from the media element. `playsinline` indicates * to the browser that non-fullscreen playback is preferred when fullscreen * playback is the native default, such as in iOS Safari. * * @method Html5#setPlaysinline * @param {boolean} playsinline * - True indicates that the media should play inline. * - False indicates that the media should not play inline. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ Html5.prototype.setPlaysinline = function setPlaysinline(value) { if (value) { this.el_.setAttribute('playsinline', 'playsinline'); } else { this.el_.removeAttribute('playsinline'); } }; /** * Gets available media playback quality metrics as specified by the W3C's Media * Playback Quality API. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * * @return {Object} * An object with supported media playback quality metrics */ Html5.prototype.getVideoPlaybackQuality = function getVideoPlaybackQuality() { if (typeof this.el().getVideoPlaybackQuality === 'function') { return this.el().getVideoPlaybackQuality(); } var videoPlaybackQuality = {}; if (typeof this.el().webkitDroppedFrameCount !== 'undefined' && typeof this.el().webkitDecodedFrameCount !== 'undefined') { videoPlaybackQuality.droppedVideoFrames = this.el().webkitDroppedFrameCount; videoPlaybackQuality.totalVideoFrames = this.el().webkitDecodedFrameCount; } if (window_1.performance && typeof === 'function') { videoPlaybackQuality.creationTime =; } else if (window_1.performance && window_1.performance.timing && typeof window_1.performance.timing.navigationStart === 'number') { videoPlaybackQuality.creationTime = - window_1.performance.timing.navigationStart; } return videoPlaybackQuality; }; return Html5; }(Tech); /* HTML5 Support Testing ---------------------------------------------------- */ if (isReal()) { /** * Element for testing browser HTML5 media capabilities * * @type {Element} * @constant * @private */ Html5.TEST_VID = document_1.createElement('video'); var track = document_1.createElement('track'); track.kind = 'captions'; track.srclang = 'en'; track.label = 'English'; Html5.TEST_VID.appendChild(track); } /** * Check if HTML5 media is supported by this browser/device. * * @return {boolean} * - True if HTML5 media is supported. * - False if HTML5 media is not supported. */ Html5.isSupported = function () { // IE9 with no Media Player is a LIAR! (#984) try { Html5.TEST_VID.volume = 0.5; } catch (e) { return false; } return !!(Html5.TEST_VID && Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType); }; /** * Check if the tech can support the given type * * @param {string} type * The mimetype to check * @return {string} 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string) */ Html5.canPlayType = function (type) { return Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType(type); }; /** * Check if the tech can support the given source * @param {Object} srcObj * The source object * @param {Object} options * The options passed to the tech * @return {string} 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string) */ Html5.canPlaySource = function (srcObj, options) { return Html5.canPlayType(srcObj.type); }; /** * Check if the volume can be changed in this browser/device. * Volume cannot be changed in a lot of mobile devices. * Specifically, it can't be changed from 1 on iOS. * * @return {boolean} * - True if volume can be controlled * - False otherwise */ Html5.canControlVolume = function () { // IE will error if Windows Media Player not installed #3315 try { var volume = Html5.TEST_VID.volume; Html5.TEST_VID.volume = volume / 2 + 0.1; return volume !== Html5.TEST_VID.volume; } catch (e) { return false; } }; /** * Check if the playback rate can be changed in this browser/device. * * @return {boolean} * - True if playback rate can be controlled * - False otherwise */ Html5.canControlPlaybackRate = function () { // Playback rate API is implemented in Android Chrome, but doesn't do anything // if (IS_ANDROID && IS_CHROME && CHROME_VERSION < 58) { return false; } // IE will error if Windows Media Player not installed #3315 try { var playbackRate = Html5.TEST_VID.playbackRate; Html5.TEST_VID.playbackRate = playbackRate / 2 + 0.1; return playbackRate !== Html5.TEST_VID.playbackRate; } catch (e) { return false; } }; /** * Check to see if native `TextTrack`s are supported by this browser/device. * * @return {boolean} * - True if native `TextTrack`s are supported. * - False otherwise */ Html5.supportsNativeTextTracks = function () { return IS_ANY_SAFARI; }; /** * Check to see if native `VideoTrack`s are supported by this browser/device * * @return {boolean} * - True if native `VideoTrack`s are supported. * - False otherwise */ Html5.supportsNativeVideoTracks = function () { return !!(Html5.TEST_VID && Html5.TEST_VID.videoTracks); }; /** * Check to see if native `AudioTrack`s are supported by this browser/device * * @return {boolean} * - True if native `AudioTrack`s are supported. * - False otherwise */ Html5.supportsNativeAudioTracks = function () { return !!(Html5.TEST_VID && Html5.TEST_VID.audioTracks); }; /** * An array of events available on the Html5 tech. * * @private * @type {Array} */ Html5.Events = ['loadstart', 'suspend', 'abort', 'error', 'emptied', 'stalled', 'loadedmetadata', 'loadeddata', 'canplay', 'canplaythrough', 'playing', 'waiting', 'seeking', 'seeked', 'ended', 'durationchange', 'timeupdate', 'progress', 'play', 'pause', 'ratechange', 'resize', 'volumechange']; /** * Boolean indicating whether the `Tech` supports volume control. * * @type {boolean} * @default {@link Html5.canControlVolume} */ Html5.prototype.featuresVolumeControl = Html5.canControlVolume(); /** * Boolean indicating whether the `Tech` supports changing the speed at which the media * plays. Examples: * - Set player to play 2x (twice) as fast * - Set player to play 0.5x (half) as fast * * @type {boolean} * @default {@link Html5.canControlPlaybackRate} */ Html5.prototype.featuresPlaybackRate = Html5.canControlPlaybackRate(); /** * Boolean indicating whether the `HTML5` tech currently supports the media element * moving in the DOM. iOS breaks if you move the media element, so this is set this to * false there. Everywhere else this should be true. * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Html5.prototype.movingMediaElementInDOM = !IS_IOS; // TODO: Previous comment: No longer appears to be used. Can probably be removed. // Is this true? /** * Boolean indicating whether the `HTML5` tech currently supports automatic media resize * when going into fullscreen. * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Html5.prototype.featuresFullscreenResize = true; /** * Boolean indicating whether the `HTML5` tech currently supports the progress event. * If this is false, manual `progress` events will be triggred instead. * * @type {boolean} * @default */ Html5.prototype.featuresProgressEvents = true; /** * Boolean indicating whether the `HTML5` tech currently supports the timeupdate event. * If this is false, manual `timeupdate` events will be triggred instead. * * @default */ Html5.prototype.featuresTimeupdateEvents = true; /** * Boolean indicating whether the `HTML5` tech currently supports native `TextTrack`s. * * @type {boolean} * @default {@link Html5.supportsNativeTextTracks} */ Html5.prototype.featuresNativeTextTracks = Html5.supportsNativeTextTracks(); /** * Boolean indicating whether the `HTML5` tech currently supports native `VideoTrack`s. * * @type {boolean} * @default {@link Html5.supportsNativeVideoTracks} */ Html5.prototype.featuresNativeVideoTracks = Html5.supportsNativeVideoTracks(); /** * Boolean indicating whether the `HTML5` tech currently supports native `AudioTrack`s. * * @type {boolean} * @default {@link Html5.supportsNativeAudioTracks} */ Html5.prototype.featuresNativeAudioTracks = Html5.supportsNativeAudioTracks(); // HTML5 Feature detection and Device Fixes --------------------------------- // var canPlayType = Html5.TEST_VID && Html5.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType; var mpegurlRE = /^application\/(?:x-|vnd\.apple\.)mpegurl/i; var mp4RE = /^video\/mp4/i; Html5.patchCanPlayType = function () { // Android 4.0 and above can play HLS to some extent but it reports being unable to do so if (ANDROID_VERSION >= 4.0 && !IS_FIREFOX) { Html5.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType = function (type) { if (type && mpegurlRE.test(type)) { return 'maybe'; } return, type); }; // Override Android 2.2 and less canPlayType method which is broken } else if (IS_OLD_ANDROID) { Html5.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType = function (type) { if (type && mp4RE.test(type)) { return 'maybe'; } return, type); }; } }; Html5.unpatchCanPlayType = function () { var r = Html5.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType; Html5.TEST_VID.constructor.prototype.canPlayType = canPlayType; return r; }; // by default, patch the media element Html5.patchCanPlayType(); Html5.disposeMediaElement = function (el) { if (!el) { return; } if (el.parentNode) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } // remove any child track or source nodes to prevent their loading while (el.hasChildNodes()) { el.removeChild(el.firstChild); } // remove any src reference. not setting `src=''` because that causes a warning // in firefox el.removeAttribute('src'); // force the media element to update its loading state by calling load() // however IE on Windows 7N has a bug that throws an error so need a try/catch (#793) if (typeof el.load === 'function') { // wrapping in an iife so it's not deoptimized (#1060#discussion_r10324473) (function () { try { el.load(); } catch (e) { // not supported } })(); } }; Html5.resetMediaElement = function (el) { if (!el) { return; } var sources = el.querySelectorAll('source'); var i = sources.length; while (i--) { el.removeChild(sources[i]); } // remove any src reference. // not setting `src=''` because that throws an error el.removeAttribute('src'); if (typeof el.load === 'function') { // wrapping in an iife so it's not deoptimized (#1060#discussion_r10324473) (function () { try { el.load(); } catch (e) { // satisfy linter } })(); } }; /* Native HTML5 element property wrapping ----------------------------------- */ // Wrap native properties with a getter [ /** * Get the value of `paused` from the media element. `paused` indicates whether the media element * is currently paused or not. * * @method Html5#paused * @return {boolean} * The value of `paused` from the media element. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'paused', /** * Get the value of `currentTime` from the media element. `currentTime` indicates * the current second that the media is at in playback. * * @method Html5#currentTime * @return {number} * The value of `currentTime` from the media element. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'currentTime', /** * Get the value of `buffered` from the media element. `buffered` is a `TimeRange` * object that represents the parts of the media that are already downloaded and * available for playback. * * @method Html5#buffered * @return {TimeRange} * The value of `buffered` from the media element. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'buffered', /** * Get the value of `volume` from the media element. `volume` indicates * the current playback volume of audio for a media. `volume` will be a value from 0 * (silent) to 1 (loudest and default). * * @method Html5#volume * @return {number} * The value of `volume` from the media element. Value will be between 0-1. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'volume', /** * Get the value of `muted` from the media element. `muted` indicates * that the volume for the media should be set to silent. This does not actually change * the `volume` attribute. * * @method Html5#muted * @return {boolean} * - True if the value of `volume` should be ignored and the audio set to silent. * - False if the value of `volume` should be used. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'muted', /** * Get the value of `defaultMuted` from the media element. `defaultMuted` indicates * that the volume for the media should be set to silent when the video first starts. * This does not actually change the `volume` attribute. After playback has started `muted` * will indicate the current status of the volume and `defaultMuted` will not. * * @method Html5.prototype.defaultMuted * @return {boolean} * - True if the value of `volume` should be ignored and the audio set to silent. * - False if the value of `volume` should be used. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'defaultMuted', /** * Get the value of `poster` from the media element. `poster` indicates * that the url of an image file that can/will be shown when no media data is available. * * @method Html5#poster * @return {string} * The value of `poster` from the media element. Value will be a url to an * image. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'poster', /** * Get the value of `preload` from the media element. `preload` indicates * what should download before the media is interacted with. It can have the following * values: * - none: nothing should be downloaded * - metadata: poster and the first few frames of the media may be downloaded to get * media dimensions and other metadata * - auto: allow the media and metadata for the media to be downloaded before * interaction * * @method Html5#preload * @return {string} * The value of `preload` from the media element. Will be 'none', 'metadata', * or 'auto'. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'preload', /** * Get the value of `autoplay` from the media element. `autoplay` indicates * that the media should start to play as soon as the page is ready. * * @method Html5#autoplay * @return {boolean} * - The value of `autoplay` from the media element. * - True indicates that the media should start as soon as the page loads. * - False indicates that the media should not start as soon as the page loads. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'autoplay', /** * Get the value of `controls` from the media element. `controls` indicates * whether the native media controls should be shown or hidden. * * @method Html5#controls * @return {boolean} * - The value of `controls` from the media element. * - True indicates that native controls should be showing. * - False indicates that native controls should be hidden. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'controls', /** * Get the value of `loop` from the media element. `loop` indicates * that the media should return to the start of the media and continue playing once * it reaches the end. * * @method Html5#loop * @return {boolean} * - The value of `loop` from the media element. * - True indicates that playback should seek back to start once * the end of a media is reached. * - False indicates that playback should not loop back to the start when the * end of the media is reached. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'loop', /** * Get the value of the `error` from the media element. `error` indicates any * MediaError that may have occured during playback. If error returns null there is no * current error. * * @method Html5#error * @return {MediaError|null} * The value of `error` from the media element. Will be `MediaError` if there * is a current error and null otherwise. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'error', /** * Get the value of `seeking` from the media element. `seeking` indicates whether the * media is currently seeking to a new position or not. * * @method Html5#seeking * @return {boolean} * - The value of `seeking` from the media element. * - True indicates that the media is currently seeking to a new position. * - Flase indicates that the media is not seeking to a new position at this time. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'seeking', /** * Get the value of `seekable` from the media element. `seekable` returns a * `TimeRange` object indicating ranges of time that can currently be `seeked` to. * * @method Html5#seekable * @return {TimeRange} * The value of `seekable` from the media element. A `TimeRange` object * indicating the current ranges of time that can be seeked to. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'seekable', /** * Get the value of `ended` from the media element. `ended` indicates whether * the media has reached the end or not. * * @method Html5#ended * @return {boolean} * - The value of `ended` from the media element. * - True indicates that the media has ended. * - False indicates that the media has not ended. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'ended', /** * Get the value of `defaultMuted` from the media element. `defaultMuted` indicates * whether the media should start muted or not. Only changes the default state of the * media. `muted` and `defaultMuted` can have different values. {@link Html5#muted} indicates the * current state. * * @method Html5#defaultMuted * @return {boolean} * - The value of `defaultMuted` from the media element. * - True indicates that the media should start muted. * - False indicates that the media should not start muted * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'defaultMuted', /** * Get the value of `playbackRate` from the media element. `playbackRate` indicates * the rate at which the media is currently playing back. Examples: * - if playbackRate is set to 2, media will play twice as fast. * - if playbackRate is set to 0.5, media will play half as fast. * * @method Html5#playbackRate * @return {number} * The value of `playbackRate` from the media element. A number indicating * the current playback speed of the media, where 1 is normal speed. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'playbackRate', /** * Get the value of `defaultPlaybackRate` from the media element. `defaultPlaybackRate` indicates * the rate at which the media is currently playing back. This value will not indicate the current * `playbackRate` after playback has started, use {@link Html5#playbackRate} for that. * * Examples: * - if defaultPlaybackRate is set to 2, media will play twice as fast. * - if defaultPlaybackRate is set to 0.5, media will play half as fast. * * @method Html5.prototype.defaultPlaybackRate * @return {number} * The value of `defaultPlaybackRate` from the media element. A number indicating * the current playback speed of the media, where 1 is normal speed. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'defaultPlaybackRate', /** * Get the value of `played` from the media element. `played` returns a `TimeRange` * object representing points in the media timeline that have been played. * * @method Html5#played * @return {TimeRange} * The value of `played` from the media element. A `TimeRange` object indicating * the ranges of time that have been played. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'played', /** * Get the value of `networkState` from the media element. `networkState` indicates * the current network state. It returns an enumeration from the following list: * - 0: NETWORK_EMPTY * - 1: NEWORK_IDLE * - 2: NETWORK_LOADING * - 3: NETWORK_NO_SOURCE * * @method Html5#networkState * @return {number} * The value of `networkState` from the media element. This will be a number * from the list in the description. * * @see [Spec] {@link} */ 'networkState', /** * Get the value of `readyState` from the media element. `readyState` indicates * the current state of the media element. It returns an enumeration from the * following list: * - 0: HAVE_NOTHING * - 1: HAVE_METADATA * - 2: HAVE_CURRENT_DATA * - 3: HAVE_FUTURE_DATA * - 4: HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA * * @method Html5#readyState * @return {number} * The value of `readyState` from the media element. This will be a number * from the list in the description. * * @see [Spec] {@link} */ 'readyState', /** * Get the value of `videoWidth` from the video element. `videoWidth` indicates * the current width of the video in css pixels. * * @method Html5#videoWidth * @return {number} * The value of `videoWidth` from the video element. This will be a number * in css pixels. * * @see [Spec] {@link} */ 'videoWidth', /** * Get the value of `videoHeight` from the video element. `videoHeigth` indicates * the current height of the video in css pixels. * * @method Html5#videoHeight * @return {number} * The value of `videoHeight` from the video element. This will be a number * in css pixels. * * @see [Spec] {@link} */ 'videoHeight'].forEach(function (prop) { Html5.prototype[prop] = function () { return this.el_[prop]; }; }); // Wrap native properties with a setter in this format: // set + toTitleCase(name) [ /** * Set the value of `volume` on the media element. `volume` indicates the current * audio level as a percentage in decimal form. This means that 1 is 100%, 0.5 is 50%, and * so on. * * @method Html5#setVolume * @param {number} percentAsDecimal * The volume percent as a decimal. Valid range is from 0-1. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'volume', /** * Set the value of `muted` on the media element. `muted` indicates that the current * audio level should be silent. * * @method Html5#setMuted * @param {boolean} muted * - True if the audio should be set to silent * - False otherwise * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'muted', /** * Set the value of `defaultMuted` on the media element. `defaultMuted` indicates that the current * audio level should be silent, but will only effect the muted level on intial playback.. * * @method Html5.prototype.setDefaultMuted * @param {boolean} defaultMuted * - True if the audio should be set to silent * - False otherwise * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'defaultMuted', /** * Set the value of `src` on the media element. `src` indicates the current * {@link Tech~SourceObject} for the media. * * @method Html5#setSrc * @param {Tech~SourceObject} src * The source object to set as the current source. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'src', /** * Set the value of `poster` on the media element. `poster` is the url to * an image file that can/will be shown when no media data is available. * * @method Html5#setPoster * @param {string} poster * The url to an image that should be used as the `poster` for the media * element. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'poster', /** * Set the value of `preload` on the media element. `preload` indicates * what should download before the media is interacted with. It can have the following * values: * - none: nothing should be downloaded * - metadata: poster and the first few frames of the media may be downloaded to get * media dimensions and other metadata * - auto: allow the media and metadata for the media to be downloaded before * interaction * * @method Html5#setPreload * @param {string} preload * The value of `preload` to set on the media element. Must be 'none', 'metadata', * or 'auto'. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'preload', /** * Set the value of `autoplay` on the media element. `autoplay` indicates * that the media should start to play as soon as the page is ready. * * @method Html5#setAutoplay * @param {boolean} autoplay * - True indicates that the media should start as soon as the page loads. * - False indicates that the media should not start as soon as the page loads. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'autoplay', /** * Set the value of `loop` on the media element. `loop` indicates * that the media should return to the start of the media and continue playing once * it reaches the end. * * @method Html5#setLoop * @param {boolean} loop * - True indicates that playback should seek back to start once * the end of a media is reached. * - False indicates that playback should not loop back to the start when the * end of the media is reached. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'loop', /** * Set the value of `playbackRate` on the media element. `playbackRate` indicates * the rate at which the media should play back. Examples: * - if playbackRate is set to 2, media will play twice as fast. * - if playbackRate is set to 0.5, media will play half as fast. * * @method Html5#setPlaybackRate * @return {number} * The value of `playbackRate` from the media element. A number indicating * the current playback speed of the media, where 1 is normal speed. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'playbackRate', /** * Set the value of `defaultPlaybackRate` on the media element. `defaultPlaybackRate` indicates * the rate at which the media should play back upon initial startup. Changing this value * after a video has started will do nothing. Instead you should used {@link Html5#setPlaybackRate}. * * Example Values: * - if playbackRate is set to 2, media will play twice as fast. * - if playbackRate is set to 0.5, media will play half as fast. * * @method Html5.prototype.setDefaultPlaybackRate * @return {number} * The value of `defaultPlaybackRate` from the media element. A number indicating * the current playback speed of the media, where 1 is normal speed. * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'defaultPlaybackRate'].forEach(function (prop) { Html5.prototype['set' + toTitleCase(prop)] = function (v) { this.el_[prop] = v; }; }); // wrap native functions with a function [ /** * A wrapper around the media elements `pause` function. This will call the `HTML5` * media elements `pause` function. * * @method Html5#pause * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'pause', /** * A wrapper around the media elements `load` function. This will call the `HTML5`s * media element `load` function. * * @method Html5#load * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'load', /** * A wrapper around the media elements `play` function. This will call the `HTML5`s * media element `play` function. * * @method Html5#play * @see [Spec]{@link} */ 'play'].forEach(function (prop) { Html5.prototype[prop] = function () { return this.el_[prop](); }; }); Tech.withSourceHandlers(Html5); /** * Native source handler for Html5, simply passes the source to the media element. * * @proprety {Tech~SourceObject} source * The source object * * @proprety {Html5} tech * The instance of the HTML5 tech. */ Html5.nativeSourceHandler = {}; /** * Check if the media element can play the given mime type. * * @param {string} type * The mimetype to check * * @return {string} * 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string) */ Html5.nativeSourceHandler.canPlayType = function (type) { // IE9 on Windows 7 without MediaPlayer throws an error here // try { return Html5.TEST_VID.canPlayType(type); } catch (e) { return ''; } }; /** * Check if the media element can handle a source natively. * * @param {Tech~SourceObject} source * The source object * * @param {Object} [options] * Options to be passed to the tech. * * @return {string} * 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string). */ Html5.nativeSourceHandler.canHandleSource = function (source, options) { // If a type was provided we should rely on that if (source.type) { return Html5.nativeSourceHandler.canPlayType(source.type); // If no type, fall back to checking 'video/[EXTENSION]' } else if (source.src) { var ext = getFileExtension(source.src); return Html5.nativeSourceHandler.canPlayType('video/' + ext); } return ''; }; /** * Pass the source to the native media element. * * @param {Tech~SourceObject} source * The source object * * @param {Html5} tech * The instance of the Html5 tech * * @param {Object} [options] * The options to pass to the source */ Html5.nativeSourceHandler.handleSource = function (source, tech, options) { tech.setSrc(source.src); }; /** * A noop for the native dispose function, as cleanup is not needed. */ Html5.nativeSourceHandler.dispose = function () {}; // Register the native source handler Html5.registerSourceHandler(Html5.nativeSourceHandler); Tech.registerTech('Html5', Html5); var _templateObject$1 = taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(['\n Using the tech directly can be dangerous. I hope you know what you\'re doing.\n See for more info.\n '], ['\n Using the tech directly can be dangerous. I hope you know what you\'re doing.\n See for more info.\n ']); /** * @file player.js */ // Subclasses Component // The following imports are used only to ensure that the corresponding modules // are always included in the video.js package. Importing the modules will // execute them and they will register themselves with video.js. // Import Html5 tech, at least for disposing the original video tag. // The following tech events are simply re-triggered // on the player when they happen var TECH_EVENTS_RETRIGGER = [ /** * Fired while the user agent is downloading media data. * * @event Player#progress * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Retrigger the `progress` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechProgress_ * @fires Player#progress * @listens Tech#progress */ 'progress', /** * Fires when the loading of an audio/video is aborted. * * @event Player#abort * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Retrigger the `abort` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechAbort_ * @fires Player#abort * @listens Tech#abort */ 'abort', /** * Fires when the browser is intentionally not getting media data. * * @event Player#suspend * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Retrigger the `suspend` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechSuspend_ * @fires Player#suspend * @listens Tech#suspend */ 'suspend', /** * Fires when the current playlist is empty. * * @event Player#emptied * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Retrigger the `emptied` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechEmptied_ * @fires Player#emptied * @listens Tech#emptied */ 'emptied', /** * Fires when the browser is trying to get media data, but data is not available. * * @event Player#stalled * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Retrigger the `stalled` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechStalled_ * @fires Player#stalled * @listens Tech#stalled */ 'stalled', /** * Fires when the browser has loaded meta data for the audio/video. * * @event Player#loadedmetadata * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Retrigger the `stalled` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechLoadedmetadata_ * @fires Player#loadedmetadata * @listens Tech#loadedmetadata */ 'loadedmetadata', /** * Fires when the browser has loaded the current frame of the audio/video. * * @event Player#loadeddata * @type {event} */ /** * Retrigger the `loadeddata` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechLoaddeddata_ * @fires Player#loadeddata * @listens Tech#loadeddata */ 'loadeddata', /** * Fires when the current playback position has changed. * * @event Player#timeupdate * @type {event} */ /** * Retrigger the `timeupdate` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechTimeUpdate_ * @fires Player#timeupdate * @listens Tech#timeupdate */ 'timeupdate', /** * Fires when the playing speed of the audio/video is changed * * @event Player#ratechange * @type {event} */ /** * Retrigger the `ratechange` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechRatechange_ * @fires Player#ratechange * @listens Tech#ratechange */ 'ratechange', /** * Fires when the video's intrinsic dimensions change * * @event Player#resize * @type {event} */ /** * Retrigger the `resize` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechResize_ * @fires Player#resize * @listens Tech#resize */ 'resize', /** * Fires when the volume has been changed * * @event Player#volumechange * @type {event} */ /** * Retrigger the `volumechange` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechVolumechange_ * @fires Player#volumechange * @listens Tech#volumechange */ 'volumechange', /** * Fires when the text track has been changed * * @event Player#texttrackchange * @type {event} */ /** * Retrigger the `texttrackchange` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @private * @method Player#handleTechTexttrackchange_ * @fires Player#texttrackchange * @listens Tech#texttrackchange */ 'texttrackchange']; /** * An instance of the `Player` class is created when any of the Video.js setup methods * are used to initialize a video. * * After an instance has been created it can be accessed globally in two ways: * 1. By calling `videojs('example_video_1');` * 2. By using it directly via `videojs.players.example_video_1;` * * @extends Component */ var Player = function (_Component) { inherits(Player, _Component); /** * Create an instance of this class. * * @param {Element} tag * The original video DOM element used for configuring options. * * @param {Object} [options] * Object of option names and values. * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * Ready callback function. */ function Player(tag, options, ready) { classCallCheck(this, Player); // Make sure tag ID exists = || 'vjs_video_' + newGUID(); // Set Options // The options argument overrides options set in the video tag // which overrides globally set options. // This latter part coincides with the load order // (tag must exist before Player) options = assign(Player.getTagSettings(tag), options); // Delay the initialization of children because we need to set up // player properties first, and can't use `this` before `super()` options.initChildren = false; // Same with creating the element options.createEl = false; // we don't want the player to report touch activity on itself // see enableTouchActivity in Component options.reportTouchActivity = false; // If language is not set, get the closest lang attribute if (!options.language) { if (typeof tag.closest === 'function') { var closest = tag.closest('[lang]'); if (closest) { options.language = closest.getAttribute('lang'); } } else { var element = tag; while (element && element.nodeType === 1) { if (getAttributes(element).hasOwnProperty('lang')) { options.language = element.getAttribute('lang'); break; } element = element.parentNode; } } } // Run base component initializing with new options // Turn off API access because we're loading a new tech that might load asynchronously var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this,, null, options, ready)); _this.isReady_ = false; // if the global option object was accidentally blown away by // someone, bail early with an informative error if (!_this.options_ || !_this.options_.techOrder || !_this.options_.techOrder.length) { throw new Error('No techOrder specified. Did you overwrite ' + 'videojs.options instead of just changing the ' + 'properties you want to override?'); } // Store the original tag used to set options _this.tag = tag; // Store the tag attributes used to restore html5 element _this.tagAttributes = tag && getAttributes(tag); // Update current language _this.language(_this.options_.language); // Update Supported Languages if (options.languages) { // Normalise player option languages to lowercase var languagesToLower = {}; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(options.languages).forEach(function (name$$1) { languagesToLower[name$$1.toLowerCase()] = options.languages[name$$1]; }); _this.languages_ = languagesToLower; } else { _this.languages_ = Player.prototype.options_.languages; } // Cache for video property values. _this.cache_ = {}; // Set poster _this.poster_ = options.poster || ''; // Set controls _this.controls_ = !!options.controls; // Set default values for lastVolume _this.cache_.lastVolume = 1; // Original tag settings stored in options // now remove immediately so native controls don't flash. // May be turned back on by HTML5 tech if nativeControlsForTouch is true tag.controls = false; /* * Store the internal state of scrubbing * * @private * @return {Boolean} True if the user is scrubbing */ _this.scrubbing_ = false; _this.el_ = _this.createEl(); // Make this an evented object and use `el_` as its event bus. evented(_this, { eventBusKey: 'el_' }); // We also want to pass the original player options to each component and plugin // as well so they don't need to reach back into the player for options later. // We also need to do another copy of this.options_ so we don't end up with // an infinite loop. var playerOptionsCopy = mergeOptions(_this.options_); // Load plugins if (options.plugins) { var plugins = options.plugins; Object.keys(plugins).forEach(function (name$$1) { if (typeof this[name$$1] === 'function') { this[name$$1](plugins[name$$1]); } else { throw new Error('plugin "' + name$$1 + '" does not exist'); } }, _this); } _this.options_.playerOptions = playerOptionsCopy; _this.middleware_ = []; _this.initChildren(); // Set isAudio based on whether or not an audio tag was used _this.isAudio(tag.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'audio'); // Update controls className. Can't do this when the controls are initially // set because the element doesn't exist yet. if (_this.controls()) { _this.addClass('vjs-controls-enabled'); } else { _this.addClass('vjs-controls-disabled'); } // Set ARIA label and region role depending on player type _this.el_.setAttribute('role', 'region'); if (_this.isAudio()) { _this.el_.setAttribute('aria-label', _this.localize('Audio Player')); } else { _this.el_.setAttribute('aria-label', _this.localize('Video Player')); } if (_this.isAudio()) { _this.addClass('vjs-audio'); } if (_this.flexNotSupported_()) { _this.addClass('vjs-no-flex'); } // TODO: Make this smarter. Toggle user state between touching/mousing // using events, since devices can have both touch and mouse events. // if (browser.TOUCH_ENABLED) { // this.addClass('vjs-touch-enabled'); // } // iOS Safari has broken hover handling if (!IS_IOS) { _this.addClass('vjs-workinghover'); } // Make player easily findable by ID Player.players[_this.id_] = _this; // Add a major version class to aid css in plugins var majorVersion = version.split('.')[0]; _this.addClass('vjs-v' + majorVersion); // When the player is first initialized, trigger activity so components // like the control bar show themselves if needed _this.userActive(true); _this.reportUserActivity(); _this.listenForUserActivity_(); _this.on('fullscreenchange', _this.handleFullscreenChange_); _this.on('stageclick', _this.handleStageClick_); _this.changingSrc_ = false; return _this; } /** * Destroys the video player and does any necessary cleanup. * * This is especially helpful if you are dynamically adding and removing videos * to/from the DOM. * * @fires Player#dispose */ Player.prototype.dispose = function dispose() { /** * Called when the player is being disposed of. * * @event Player#dispose * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('dispose'); // prevent dispose from being called twice'dispose'); if (this.styleEl_ && this.styleEl_.parentNode) { this.styleEl_.parentNode.removeChild(this.styleEl_); } // Kill reference to this player Player.players[this.id_] = null; if (this.tag && this.tag.player) { this.tag.player = null; } if (this.el_ && this.el_.player) { this.el_.player = null; } if (this.tech_) { this.tech_.dispose(); }; }; /** * Create the `Player`'s DOM element. * * @return {Element} * The DOM element that gets created. */ Player.prototype.createEl = function createEl$$1() { var tag = this.tag; var el = void 0; var playerElIngest = this.playerElIngest_ = tag.parentNode && tag.parentNode.hasAttribute && tag.parentNode.hasAttribute('data-vjs-player'); if (playerElIngest) { el = this.el_ = tag.parentNode; } else { el = this.el_ =, 'div'); } // set tabindex to -1 so we could focus on the player element tag.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); // Remove width/height attrs from tag so CSS can make it 100% width/height tag.removeAttribute('width'); tag.removeAttribute('height'); // Copy over all the attributes from the tag, including ID and class // ID will now reference player box, not the video tag var attrs = getAttributes(tag); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attrs).forEach(function (attr) { // workaround so we don't totally break IE7 // if (attr === 'class') { el.className += ' ' + attrs[attr]; } else { el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]); } }); // Update tag id/class for use as HTML5 playback tech // Might think we should do this after embedding in container so .vjs-tech class // doesn't flash 100% width/height, but class only applies with .video-js parent tag.playerId =; += '_html5_api'; tag.className = 'vjs-tech'; // Make player findable on elements tag.player = el.player = this; // Default state of video is paused this.addClass('vjs-paused'); // Add a style element in the player that we'll use to set the width/height // of the player in a way that's still overrideable by CSS, just like the // video element if (window_1.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE !== true) { this.styleEl_ = createStyleElement('vjs-styles-dimensions'); var defaultsStyleEl = $('.vjs-styles-defaults'); var head = $('head'); head.insertBefore(this.styleEl_, defaultsStyleEl ? defaultsStyleEl.nextSibling : head.firstChild); } // Pass in the width/height/aspectRatio options which will update the style el this.width(this.options_.width); this.height(this.options_.height); this.fluid(this.options_.fluid); this.aspectRatio(this.options_.aspectRatio); // Hide any links within the video/audio tag, because IE doesn't hide them completely. var links = tag.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var linkEl = links.item(i); addClass(linkEl, 'vjs-hidden'); linkEl.setAttribute('hidden', 'hidden'); } // insertElFirst seems to cause the networkState to flicker from 3 to 2, so // keep track of the original for later so we can know if the source originally failed tag.initNetworkState_ = tag.networkState; // Wrap video tag in div (el/box) container if (tag.parentNode && !playerElIngest) { tag.parentNode.insertBefore(el, tag); } // insert the tag as the first child of the player element // then manually add it to the children array so that this.addChild // will work properly for other components // // Breaks iPhone, fixed in HTML5 setup. prependTo(tag, el); this.children_.unshift(tag); // Set lang attr on player to ensure CSS :lang() in consistent with player // if it's been set to something different to the doc this.el_.setAttribute('lang', this.language_); this.el_ = el; return el; }; /** * A getter/setter for the `Player`'s width. * * @param {number} [value] * The value to set the `Player's width to. * * @return {number} * The current width of the `Player` when getting. */ Player.prototype.width = function width(value) { return this.dimension('width', value); }; /** * A getter/setter for the `Player`'s height. * * @param {number} [value] * The value to set the `Player's heigth to. * * @return {number} * The current height of the `Player` when getting. */ Player.prototype.height = function height(value) { return this.dimension('height', value); }; /** * A getter/setter for the `Player`'s width & height. * * @param {string} dimension * This string can be: * - 'width' * - 'height' * * @param {number} [value] * Value for dimension specified in the first argument. * * @return {number} * The dimension arguments value when getting (width/height). */ Player.prototype.dimension = function dimension(_dimension, value) { var privDimension = _dimension + '_'; if (value === undefined) { return this[privDimension] || 0; } if (value === '') { // If an empty string is given, reset the dimension to be automatic this[privDimension] = undefined; } else { var parsedVal = parseFloat(value); if (isNaN(parsedVal)) { log$1.error('Improper value "' + value + '" supplied for for ' + _dimension); return; } this[privDimension] = parsedVal; } this.updateStyleEl_(); }; /** * A getter/setter/toggler for the vjs-fluid `className` on the `Player`. * * @param {boolean} [bool] * - A value of true adds the class. * - A value of false removes the class. * - No value will toggle the fluid class. * * @return {boolean|undefined} * - The value of fluid when getting. * - `undefined` when setting. */ Player.prototype.fluid = function fluid(bool) { if (bool === undefined) { return !!this.fluid_; } this.fluid_ = !!bool; if (bool) { this.addClass('vjs-fluid'); } else { this.removeClass('vjs-fluid'); } this.updateStyleEl_(); }; /** * Get/Set the aspect ratio * * @param {string} [ratio] * Aspect ratio for player * * @return {string|undefined} * returns the current aspect ratio when getting */ /** * A getter/setter for the `Player`'s aspect ratio. * * @param {string} [ratio] * The value to set the `Player's aspect ratio to. * * @return {string|undefined} * - The current aspect ratio of the `Player` when getting. * - undefined when setting */ Player.prototype.aspectRatio = function aspectRatio(ratio) { if (ratio === undefined) { return this.aspectRatio_; } // Check for width:height format if (!/^\d+\:\d+$/.test(ratio)) { throw new Error('Improper value supplied for aspect ratio. The format should be width:height, for example 16:9.'); } this.aspectRatio_ = ratio; // We're assuming if you set an aspect ratio you want fluid mode, // because in fixed mode you could calculate width and height yourself. this.fluid(true); this.updateStyleEl_(); }; /** * Update styles of the `Player` element (height, width and aspect ratio). * * @private * @listens Tech#loadedmetadata */ Player.prototype.updateStyleEl_ = function updateStyleEl_() { if (window_1.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE === true) { var _width = typeof this.width_ === 'number' ? this.width_ : this.options_.width; var _height = typeof this.height_ === 'number' ? this.height_ : this.options_.height; var techEl = this.tech_ && this.tech_.el(); if (techEl) { if (_width >= 0) { techEl.width = _width; } if (_height >= 0) { techEl.height = _height; } } return; } var width = void 0; var height = void 0; var aspectRatio = void 0; var idClass = void 0; // The aspect ratio is either used directly or to calculate width and height. if (this.aspectRatio_ !== undefined && this.aspectRatio_ !== 'auto') { // Use any aspectRatio that's been specifically set aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio_; } else if (this.videoWidth() > 0) { // Otherwise try to get the aspect ratio from the video metadata aspectRatio = this.videoWidth() + ':' + this.videoHeight(); } else { // Or use a default. The video element's is 2:1, but 16:9 is more common. aspectRatio = '16:9'; } // Get the ratio as a decimal we can use to calculate dimensions var ratioParts = aspectRatio.split(':'); var ratioMultiplier = ratioParts[1] / ratioParts[0]; if (this.width_ !== undefined) { // Use any width that's been specifically set width = this.width_; } else if (this.height_ !== undefined) { // Or calulate the width from the aspect ratio if a height has been set width = this.height_ / ratioMultiplier; } else { // Or use the video's metadata, or use the video el's default of 300 width = this.videoWidth() || 300; } if (this.height_ !== undefined) { // Use any height that's been specifically set height = this.height_; } else { // Otherwise calculate the height from the ratio and the width height = width * ratioMultiplier; } // Ensure the CSS class is valid by starting with an alpha character if (/^[^a-zA-Z]/.test( { idClass = 'dimensions-' +; } else { idClass = + '-dimensions'; } // Ensure the right class is still on the player for the style element this.addClass(idClass); setTextContent(this.styleEl_, '\n .' + idClass + ' {\n width: ' + width + 'px;\n height: ' + height + 'px;\n }\n\n .' + idClass + '.vjs-fluid {\n padding-top: ' + ratioMultiplier * 100 + '%;\n }\n '); }; /** * Load/Create an instance of playback {@link Tech} including element * and API methods. Then append the `Tech` element in `Player` as a child. * * @param {string} techName * name of the playback technology * * @param {string} source * video source * * @private */ Player.prototype.loadTech_ = function loadTech_(techName, source) { var _this2 = this; // Pause and remove current playback technology if (this.tech_) { this.unloadTech_(); } var titleTechName = toTitleCase(techName); var camelTechName = techName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + techName.slice(1); // get rid of the HTML5 video tag as soon as we are using another tech if (titleTechName !== 'Html5' && this.tag) { Tech.getTech('Html5').disposeMediaElement(this.tag); this.tag.player = null; this.tag = null; } this.techName_ = titleTechName; // Turn off API access because we're loading a new tech that might load asynchronously this.isReady_ = false; // Grab tech-specific options from player options and add source and parent element to use. var techOptions = { source: source, 'nativeControlsForTouch': this.options_.nativeControlsForTouch, 'playerId':, 'techId': + '_' + titleTechName + '_api', 'autoplay': this.options_.autoplay, 'playsinline': this.options_.playsinline, 'preload': this.options_.preload, 'loop': this.options_.loop, 'muted': this.options_.muted, 'poster': this.poster(), 'language': this.language(), 'playerElIngest': this.playerElIngest_ || false, 'vtt.js': this.options_['vtt.js'] }; ALL.names.forEach(function (name$$1) { var props = ALL[name$$1]; techOptions[props.getterName] = _this2[props.privateName]; }); assign(techOptions, this.options_[titleTechName]); assign(techOptions, this.options_[camelTechName]); assign(techOptions, this.options_[techName.toLowerCase()]); if (this.tag) { techOptions.tag = this.tag; } if (source && source.src === this.cache_.src && this.cache_.currentTime > 0) { techOptions.startTime = this.cache_.currentTime; } // Initialize tech instance var TechClass = Tech.getTech(techName); if (!TechClass) { throw new Error('No Tech named \'' + titleTechName + '\' exists! \'' + titleTechName + '\' should be registered using videojs.registerTech()\''); } this.tech_ = new TechClass(techOptions); // player.triggerReady is always async, so don't need this to be async this.tech_.ready(bind(this, this.handleTechReady_), true); textTrackConverter.jsonToTextTracks(this.textTracksJson_ || [], this.tech_); // Listen to all HTML5-defined events and trigger them on the player TECH_EVENTS_RETRIGGER.forEach(function (event) { _this2.on(_this2.tech_, event, _this2['handleTech' + toTitleCase(event) + '_']); }); this.on(this.tech_, 'loadstart', this.handleTechLoadStart_); this.on(this.tech_, 'waiting', this.handleTechWaiting_); this.on(this.tech_, 'canplay', this.handleTechCanPlay_); this.on(this.tech_, 'canplaythrough', this.handleTechCanPlayThrough_); this.on(this.tech_, 'playing', this.handleTechPlaying_); this.on(this.tech_, 'ended', this.handleTechEnded_); this.on(this.tech_, 'seeking', this.handleTechSeeking_); this.on(this.tech_, 'seeked', this.handleTechSeeked_); this.on(this.tech_, 'play', this.handleTechPlay_); this.on(this.tech_, 'firstplay', this.handleTechFirstPlay_); this.on(this.tech_, 'pause', this.handleTechPause_); this.on(this.tech_, 'durationchange', this.handleTechDurationChange_); this.on(this.tech_, 'fullscreenchange', this.handleTechFullscreenChange_); this.on(this.tech_, 'error', this.handleTechError_); this.on(this.tech_, 'loadedmetadata', this.updateStyleEl_); this.on(this.tech_, 'posterchange', this.handleTechPosterChange_); this.on(this.tech_, 'textdata', this.handleTechTextData_); this.usingNativeControls(this.techGet_('controls')); if (this.controls() && !this.usingNativeControls()) { this.addTechControlsListeners_(); } // Add the tech element in the DOM if it was not already there // Make sure to not insert the original video element if using Html5 if (this.tech_.el().parentNode !== this.el() && (titleTechName !== 'Html5' || !this.tag)) { prependTo(this.tech_.el(), this.el()); } // Get rid of the original video tag reference after the first tech is loaded if (this.tag) { this.tag.player = null; this.tag = null; } }; /** * Unload and dispose of the current playback {@link Tech}. * * @private */ Player.prototype.unloadTech_ = function unloadTech_() { var _this3 = this; // Save the current text tracks so that we can reuse the same text tracks with the next tech ALL.names.forEach(function (name$$1) { var props = ALL[name$$1]; _this3[props.privateName] = _this3[props.getterName](); }); this.textTracksJson_ = textTrackConverter.textTracksToJson(this.tech_); this.isReady_ = false; this.tech_.dispose(); this.tech_ = false; }; /** * Return a reference to the current {@link Tech}. * It will print a warning by default about the danger of using the tech directly * but any argument that is passed in will silence the warning. * * @param {*} [safety] * Anything passed in to silence the warning * * @return {Tech} * The Tech */ = function tech(safety) { if (safety === undefined) { log$1.warn(tsml(_templateObject$1)); } return this.tech_; }; /** * Set up click and touch listeners for the playback element * * - On desktops: a click on the video itself will toggle playback * - On mobile devices: a click on the video toggles controls * which is done by toggling the user state between active and * inactive * - A tap can signal that a user has become active or has become inactive * e.g. a quick tap on an iPhone movie should reveal the controls. Another * quick tap should hide them again (signaling the user is in an inactive * viewing state) * - In addition to this, we still want the user to be considered inactive after * a few seconds of inactivity. * * > Note: the only part of iOS interaction we can't mimic with this setup * is a touch and hold on the video element counting as activity in order to * keep the controls showing, but that shouldn't be an issue. A touch and hold * on any controls will still keep the user active * * @private */ Player.prototype.addTechControlsListeners_ = function addTechControlsListeners_() { // Make sure to remove all the previous listeners in case we are called multiple times. this.removeTechControlsListeners_(); // Some browsers (Chrome & IE) don't trigger a click on a flash swf, but do // trigger mousedown/up. // // Any touch events are set to block the mousedown event from happening this.on(this.tech_, 'mousedown', this.handleTechClick_); // If the controls were hidden we don't want that to change without a tap event // so we'll check if the controls were already showing before reporting user // activity this.on(this.tech_, 'touchstart', this.handleTechTouchStart_); this.on(this.tech_, 'touchmove', this.handleTechTouchMove_); this.on(this.tech_, 'touchend', this.handleTechTouchEnd_); // The tap listener needs to come after the touchend listener because the tap // listener cancels out any reportedUserActivity when setting userActive(false) this.on(this.tech_, 'tap', this.handleTechTap_); }; /** * Remove the listeners used for click and tap controls. This is needed for * toggling to controls disabled, where a tap/touch should do nothing. * * @private */ Player.prototype.removeTechControlsListeners_ = function removeTechControlsListeners_() { // We don't want to just use `` because there might be other needed // listeners added by techs that extend this., 'tap', this.handleTechTap_);, 'touchstart', this.handleTechTouchStart_);, 'touchmove', this.handleTechTouchMove_);, 'touchend', this.handleTechTouchEnd_);, 'mousedown', this.handleTechClick_); }; /** * Player waits for the tech to be ready * * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechReady_ = function handleTechReady_() { this.triggerReady(); // Keep the same volume as before if (this.cache_.volume) { this.techCall_('setVolume', this.cache_.volume); } // Look if the tech found a higher resolution poster while loading this.handleTechPosterChange_(); // Update the duration if available this.handleTechDurationChange_(); // Chrome and Safari both have issues with autoplay. // In Safari (5.1.1), when we move the video element into the container div, autoplay doesn't work. // In Chrome (15), if you have autoplay + a poster + no controls, the video gets hidden (but audio plays) // This fixes both issues. Need to wait for API, so it updates displays correctly if ((this.src() || this.currentSrc()) && this.tag && this.options_.autoplay && this.paused()) { try { // Chrome Fix. Fixed in Chrome v16. delete this.tag.poster; } catch (e) { log$1('deleting tag.poster throws in some browsers', e); }; } }; /** * Retrigger the `loadstart` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. This * function will also trigger {@link Player#firstplay} if it is the first loadstart * for a video. * * @fires Player#loadstart * @fires Player#firstplay * @listens Tech#loadstart * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechLoadStart_ = function handleTechLoadStart_() { // TODO: Update to use `emptied` event instead. See #1277. this.removeClass('vjs-ended'); this.removeClass('vjs-seeking'); // reset the error state this.error(null); // If it's already playing we want to trigger a firstplay event now. // The firstplay event relies on both the play and loadstart events // which can happen in any order for a new source if (!this.paused()) { /** * Fired when the user agent begins looking for media data * * @event Player#loadstart * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('loadstart'); this.trigger('firstplay'); } else { // reset the hasStarted state this.hasStarted(false); this.trigger('loadstart'); } }; /** * Add/remove the vjs-has-started class * * @fires Player#firstplay * * @param {boolean} hasStarted * - true: adds the class * - false: remove the class * * @return {boolean} * the boolean value of hasStarted */ Player.prototype.hasStarted = function hasStarted(_hasStarted) { if (_hasStarted !== undefined) { // only update if this is a new value if (this.hasStarted_ !== _hasStarted) { this.hasStarted_ = _hasStarted; if (_hasStarted) { this.addClass('vjs-has-started'); // trigger the firstplay event if this newly has played this.trigger('firstplay'); } else { this.removeClass('vjs-has-started'); } } return; } return !!this.hasStarted_; }; /** * Fired whenever the media begins or resumes playback * * @see [Spec]{@link} * @fires Player#play * @listens Tech#play * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechPlay_ = function handleTechPlay_() { this.removeClass('vjs-ended'); this.removeClass('vjs-paused'); this.addClass('vjs-playing'); // hide the poster when the user hits play this.hasStarted(true); /** * Triggered whenever an {@link Tech#play} event happens. Indicates that * playback has started or resumed. * * @event Player#play * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('play'); }; /** * Retrigger the `waiting` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#waiting * @listens Tech#waiting * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechWaiting_ = function handleTechWaiting_() { var _this4 = this; this.addClass('vjs-waiting'); /** * A readyState change on the DOM element has caused playback to stop. * * @event Player#waiting * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('waiting');'timeupdate', function () { return _this4.removeClass('vjs-waiting'); }); }; /** * Retrigger the `canplay` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * > Note: This is not consistent between browsers. See #1351 * * @fires Player#canplay * @listens Tech#canplay * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechCanPlay_ = function handleTechCanPlay_() { this.removeClass('vjs-waiting'); /** * The media has a readyState of HAVE_FUTURE_DATA or greater. * * @event Player#canplay * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('canplay'); }; /** * Retrigger the `canplaythrough` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#canplaythrough * @listens Tech#canplaythrough * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechCanPlayThrough_ = function handleTechCanPlayThrough_() { this.removeClass('vjs-waiting'); /** * The media has a readyState of HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA or greater. This means that the * entire media file can be played without buffering. * * @event Player#canplaythrough * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('canplaythrough'); }; /** * Retrigger the `playing` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#playing * @listens Tech#playing * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechPlaying_ = function handleTechPlaying_() { this.removeClass('vjs-waiting'); /** * The media is no longer blocked from playback, and has started playing. * * @event Player#playing * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('playing'); }; /** * Retrigger the `seeking` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#seeking * @listens Tech#seeking * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechSeeking_ = function handleTechSeeking_() { this.addClass('vjs-seeking'); /** * Fired whenever the player is jumping to a new time * * @event Player#seeking * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('seeking'); }; /** * Retrigger the `seeked` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#seeked * @listens Tech#seeked * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechSeeked_ = function handleTechSeeked_() { this.removeClass('vjs-seeking'); /** * Fired when the player has finished jumping to a new time * * @event Player#seeked * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('seeked'); }; /** * Retrigger the `firstplay` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#firstplay * @listens Tech#firstplay * @deprecated As of 6.0 firstplay event is deprecated. * @deprecated As of 6.0 passing the `starttime` option to the player and the firstplay event are deprecated. * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechFirstPlay_ = function handleTechFirstPlay_() { // If the first starttime attribute is specified // then we will start at the given offset in seconds if (this.options_.starttime) { log$1.warn('Passing the `starttime` option to the player will be deprecated in 6.0'); this.currentTime(this.options_.starttime); } this.addClass('vjs-has-started'); /** * Fired the first time a video is played. Not part of the HLS spec, and this is * probably not the best implementation yet, so use sparingly. If you don't have a * reason to prevent playback, use `'play');` instead. * * @event Player#firstplay * @deprecated As of 6.0 firstplay event is deprecated. * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('firstplay'); }; /** * Retrigger the `pause` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#pause * @listens Tech#pause * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechPause_ = function handleTechPause_() { this.removeClass('vjs-playing'); this.addClass('vjs-paused'); /** * Fired whenever the media has been paused * * @event Player#pause * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('pause'); }; /** * Retrigger the `ended` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#ended * @listens Tech#ended * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechEnded_ = function handleTechEnded_() { this.addClass('vjs-ended'); if (this.options_.loop) { this.currentTime(0);; } else if (!this.paused()) { this.pause(); } /** * Fired when the end of the media resource is reached (currentTime == duration) * * @event Player#ended * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('ended'); }; /** * Fired when the duration of the media resource is first known or changed * * @listens Tech#durationchange * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechDurationChange_ = function handleTechDurationChange_() { this.duration(this.techGet_('duration')); }; /** * Handle a click on the media element to play/pause * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * the event that caused this function to trigger * * @listens Tech#mousedown * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechClick_ = function handleTechClick_(event) { // We're using mousedown to detect clicks thanks to Flash, but mousedown // will also be triggered with right-clicks, so we need to prevent that if (event.button !== 0) { return; } // When controls are disabled a click should not toggle playback because // the click is considered a control if (this.controls()) { if (this.paused()) {; } else { this.pause(); } } }; /** * Handle a tap on the media element. It will toggle the user * activity state, which hides and shows the controls. * * @listens Tech#tap * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechTap_ = function handleTechTap_() { this.userActive(!this.userActive()); }; /** * Handle touch to start * * @listens Tech#touchstart * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechTouchStart_ = function handleTechTouchStart_() { this.userWasActive = this.userActive(); }; /** * Handle touch to move * * @listens Tech#touchmove * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechTouchMove_ = function handleTechTouchMove_() { if (this.userWasActive) { this.reportUserActivity(); } }; /** * Handle touch to end * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * the touchend event that triggered * this function * * @listens Tech#touchend * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechTouchEnd_ = function handleTechTouchEnd_(event) { // Stop the mouse events from also happening event.preventDefault(); }; /** * Fired when the player switches in or out of fullscreen mode * * @private * @listens Player#fullscreenchange */ Player.prototype.handleFullscreenChange_ = function handleFullscreenChange_() { if (this.isFullscreen()) { this.addClass('vjs-fullscreen'); } else { this.removeClass('vjs-fullscreen'); } }; /** * native click events on the SWF aren't triggered on IE11, Win8.1RT * use stageclick events triggered from inside the SWF instead * * @private * @listens stageclick */ Player.prototype.handleStageClick_ = function handleStageClick_() { this.reportUserActivity(); }; /** * Handle Tech Fullscreen Change * * @param {EventTarget~Event} event * the fullscreenchange event that triggered this function * * @param {Object} data * the data that was sent with the event * * @private * @listens Tech#fullscreenchange * @fires Player#fullscreenchange */ Player.prototype.handleTechFullscreenChange_ = function handleTechFullscreenChange_(event, data) { if (data) { this.isFullscreen(data.isFullscreen); } /** * Fired when going in and out of fullscreen. * * @event Player#fullscreenchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('fullscreenchange'); }; /** * Fires when an error occurred during the loading of an audio/video. * * @private * @listens Tech#error */ Player.prototype.handleTechError_ = function handleTechError_() { var error = this.tech_.error(); this.error(error); }; /** * Retrigger the `textdata` event that was triggered by the {@link Tech}. * * @fires Player#textdata * @listens Tech#textdata * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechTextData_ = function handleTechTextData_() { var data = null; if (arguments.length > 1) { data = arguments[1]; } /** * Fires when we get a textdata event from tech * * @event Player#textdata * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('textdata', data); }; /** * Get object for cached values. * * @return {Object} * get the current object cache */ Player.prototype.getCache = function getCache() { return this.cache_; }; /** * Pass values to the playback tech * * @param {string} [method] * the method to call * * @param {Object} arg * the argument to pass * * @private */ Player.prototype.techCall_ = function techCall_(method, arg) { // If it's not ready yet, call method when it is this.ready(function () { if (method in allowedSetters) { return set$1(this.middleware_, this.tech_, method, arg); } try { if (this.tech_) { this.tech_[method](arg); } } catch (e) { log$1(e); throw e; } }, true); }; /** * Get calls can't wait for the tech, and sometimes don't need to. * * @param {string} method * Tech method * * @return {Function|undefined} * the method or undefined * * @private */ Player.prototype.techGet_ = function techGet_(method) { if (this.tech_ && this.tech_.isReady_) { if (method in allowedGetters) { return get$1(this.middleware_, this.tech_, method); } // Flash likes to die and reload when you hide or reposition it. // In these cases the object methods go away and we get errors. // When that happens we'll catch the errors and inform tech that it's not ready any more. try { return this.tech_[method](); } catch (e) { // When building additional tech libs, an expected method may not be defined yet if (this.tech_[method] === undefined) { log$1('Video.js: ' + method + ' method not defined for ' + this.techName_ + ' playback technology.', e); // When a method isn't available on the object it throws a TypeError } else if ( === 'TypeError') { log$1('Video.js: ' + method + ' unavailable on ' + this.techName_ + ' playback technology element.', e); this.tech_.isReady_ = false; } else { log$1(e); } throw e; } } return; }; /** * start media playback * * @return {Promise|undefined} * Returns a `Promise` if the browser returns one, for most browsers this will * return undefined. */ = function play() { if (this.changingSrc_) { this.ready(function () { var retval = this.techGet_('play'); // silence errors (unhandled promise from play) if (retval !== undefined && typeof retval.then === 'function') { retval.then(null, function (e) {}); } }); // Only calls the tech's play if we already have a src loaded } else if (this.isReady_ && (this.src() || this.currentSrc())) { return this.techGet_('play'); } else { this.ready(function () {'loadstart', function () { var retval =; // silence errors (unhandled promise from play) if (retval !== undefined && typeof retval.then === 'function') { retval.then(null, function (e) {}); } }); }); } }; /** * Pause the video playback * * @return {Player} * A reference to the player object this function was called on */ Player.prototype.pause = function pause() { this.techCall_('pause'); }; /** * Check if the player is paused or has yet to play * * @return {boolean} * - false: if the media is currently playing * - true: if media is not currently playing */ Player.prototype.paused = function paused() { // The initial state of paused should be true (in Safari it's actually false) return this.techGet_('paused') === false ? false : true; }; /** * Get a TimeRange object representing the current ranges of time that the user * has played. * * @return {TimeRange} * A time range object that represents all the increments of time that have * been played. */ Player.prototype.played = function played() { return this.techGet_('played') || createTimeRanges(0, 0); }; /** * Returns whether or not the user is "scrubbing". Scrubbing is * when the user has clicked the progress bar handle and is * dragging it along the progress bar. * * @param {boolean} [isScrubbing] * wether the user is or is not scrubbing * * @return {boolean} * The value of scrubbing when getting */ Player.prototype.scrubbing = function scrubbing(isScrubbing) { if (typeof isScrubbing === 'undefined') { return this.scrubbing_; } this.scrubbing_ = !!isScrubbing; if (isScrubbing) { this.addClass('vjs-scrubbing'); } else { this.removeClass('vjs-scrubbing'); } }; /** * Get or set the current time (in seconds) * * @param {number|string} [seconds] * The time to seek to in seconds * * @return {number} * - the current time in seconds when getting */ Player.prototype.currentTime = function currentTime(seconds) { if (typeof seconds !== 'undefined') { this.techCall_('setCurrentTime', seconds); return; } // cache last currentTime and return. default to 0 seconds // // Caching the currentTime is meant to prevent a massive amount of reads on the tech's // currentTime when scrubbing, but may not provide much performance benefit afterall. // Should be tested. Also something has to read the actual current time or the cache will // never get updated. this.cache_.currentTime = this.techGet_('currentTime') || 0; return this.cache_.currentTime; }; /** * Normally gets the length in time of the video in seconds; * in all but the rarest use cases an argument will NOT be passed to the method * * > **NOTE**: The video must have started loading before the duration can be * known, and in the case of Flash, may not be known until the video starts * playing. * * @fires Player#durationchange * * @param {number} [seconds] * The duration of the video to set in seconds * * @return {number} * - The duration of the video in seconds when getting */ Player.prototype.duration = function duration(seconds) { if (seconds === undefined) { // return NaN if the duration is not known return this.cache_.duration !== undefined ? this.cache_.duration : NaN; } seconds = parseFloat(seconds); // Standardize on Inifity for signaling video is live if (seconds < 0) { seconds = Infinity; } if (seconds !== this.cache_.duration) { // Cache the last set value for optimized scrubbing (esp. Flash) this.cache_.duration = seconds; if (seconds === Infinity) { this.addClass('vjs-live'); } else { this.removeClass('vjs-live'); } /** * @event Player#durationchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('durationchange'); } }; /** * Calculates how much time is left in the video. Not part * of the native video API. * * @return {number} * The time remaining in seconds */ Player.prototype.remainingTime = function remainingTime() { return this.duration() - this.currentTime(); }; // // Kind of like an array of portions of the video that have been downloaded. /** * Get a TimeRange object with an array of the times of the video * that have been downloaded. If you just want the percent of the * video that's been downloaded, use bufferedPercent. * * @see [Buffered Spec]{@link} * * @return {TimeRange} * A mock TimeRange object (following HTML spec) */ Player.prototype.buffered = function buffered() { var buffered = this.techGet_('buffered'); if (!buffered || !buffered.length) { buffered = createTimeRanges(0, 0); } return buffered; }; /** * Get the percent (as a decimal) of the video that's been downloaded. * This method is not a part of the native HTML video API. * * @return {number} * A decimal between 0 and 1 representing the percent * that is bufferred 0 being 0% and 1 being 100% */ Player.prototype.bufferedPercent = function bufferedPercent$$1() { return bufferedPercent(this.buffered(), this.duration()); }; /** * Get the ending time of the last buffered time range * This is used in the progress bar to encapsulate all time ranges. * * @return {number} * The end of the last buffered time range */ Player.prototype.bufferedEnd = function bufferedEnd() { var buffered = this.buffered(); var duration = this.duration(); var end = buffered.end(buffered.length - 1); if (end > duration) { end = duration; } return end; }; /** * Get or set the current volume of the media * * @param {number} [percentAsDecimal] * The new volume as a decimal percent: * - 0 is muted/0%/off * - 1.0 is 100%/full * - 0.5 is half volume or 50% * * @return {number} * The current volume as a percent when getting */ Player.prototype.volume = function volume(percentAsDecimal) { var vol = void 0; if (percentAsDecimal !== undefined) { // Force value to between 0 and 1 vol = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, parseFloat(percentAsDecimal))); this.cache_.volume = vol; this.techCall_('setVolume', vol); if (vol > 0) { this.lastVolume_(vol); } return; } // Default to 1 when returning current volume. vol = parseFloat(this.techGet_('volume')); return isNaN(vol) ? 1 : vol; }; /** * Get the current muted state, or turn mute on or off * * @param {boolean} [muted] * - true to mute * - false to unmute * * @return {boolean} * - true if mute is on and getting * - false if mute is off and getting */ Player.prototype.muted = function muted(_muted) { if (_muted !== undefined) { this.techCall_('setMuted', _muted); return; } return this.techGet_('muted') || false; }; /** * Get the current defaultMuted state, or turn defaultMuted on or off. defaultMuted * indicates the state of muted on intial playback. * * ```js * var myPlayer = videojs('some-player-id'); * * myPlayer.src(""); * * // get, should be false * console.log(myPlayer.defaultMuted()); * // set to true * myPlayer.defaultMuted(true); * // get should be true * console.log(myPlayer.defaultMuted()); * ``` * * @param {boolean} [defaultMuted] * - true to mute * - false to unmute * * @return {boolean|Player} * - true if defaultMuted is on and getting * - false if defaultMuted is off and getting * - A reference to the current player when setting */ Player.prototype.defaultMuted = function defaultMuted(_defaultMuted) { if (_defaultMuted !== undefined) { return this.techCall_('setDefaultMuted', _defaultMuted); } return this.techGet_('defaultMuted') || false; }; /** * Get the last volume, or set it * * @param {number} [percentAsDecimal] * The new last volume as a decimal percent: * - 0 is muted/0%/off * - 1.0 is 100%/full * - 0.5 is half volume or 50% * * @return {number} * the current value of lastVolume as a percent when getting * * @private */ Player.prototype.lastVolume_ = function lastVolume_(percentAsDecimal) { if (percentAsDecimal !== undefined && percentAsDecimal !== 0) { this.cache_.lastVolume = percentAsDecimal; return; } return this.cache_.lastVolume; }; /** * Check if current tech can support native fullscreen * (e.g. with built in controls like iOS, so not our flash swf) * * @return {boolean} * if native fullscreen is supported */ Player.prototype.supportsFullScreen = function supportsFullScreen() { return this.techGet_('supportsFullScreen') || false; }; /** * Check if the player is in fullscreen mode or tell the player that it * is or is not in fullscreen mode. * * > NOTE: As of the latest HTML5 spec, isFullscreen is no longer an official * property and instead document.fullscreenElement is used. But isFullscreen is * still a valuable property for internal player workings. * * @param {boolean} [isFS] * Set the players current fullscreen state * * @return {boolean} * - true if fullscreen is on and getting * - false if fullscreen is off and getting */ Player.prototype.isFullscreen = function isFullscreen(isFS) { if (isFS !== undefined) { this.isFullscreen_ = !!isFS; return; } return !!this.isFullscreen_; }; /** * Increase the size of the video to full screen * In some browsers, full screen is not supported natively, so it enters * "full window mode", where the video fills the browser window. * In browsers and devices that support native full screen, sometimes the * browser's default controls will be shown, and not the Video.js custom skin. * This includes most mobile devices (iOS, Android) and older versions of * Safari. * * @fires Player#fullscreenchange */ Player.prototype.requestFullscreen = function requestFullscreen() { var fsApi = FullscreenApi; this.isFullscreen(true); if (fsApi.requestFullscreen) { // the browser supports going fullscreen at the element level so we can // take the controls fullscreen as well as the video // Trigger fullscreenchange event after change // We have to specifically add this each time, and remove // when canceling fullscreen. Otherwise if there's multiple // players on a page, they would all be reacting to the same fullscreen // events on(document_1, fsApi.fullscreenchange, bind(this, function documentFullscreenChange(e) { this.isFullscreen(document_1[fsApi.fullscreenElement]); // If cancelling fullscreen, remove event listener. if (this.isFullscreen() === false) { off(document_1, fsApi.fullscreenchange, documentFullscreenChange); } /** * @event Player#fullscreenchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('fullscreenchange'); })); this.el_[fsApi.requestFullscreen](); } else if (this.tech_.supportsFullScreen()) { // we can't take the video.js controls fullscreen but we can go fullscreen // with native controls this.techCall_('enterFullScreen'); } else { // fullscreen isn't supported so we'll just stretch the video element to // fill the viewport this.enterFullWindow(); /** * @event Player#fullscreenchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('fullscreenchange'); } }; /** * Return the video to its normal size after having been in full screen mode * * @fires Player#fullscreenchange */ Player.prototype.exitFullscreen = function exitFullscreen() { var fsApi = FullscreenApi; this.isFullscreen(false); // Check for browser element fullscreen support if (fsApi.requestFullscreen) { document_1[fsApi.exitFullscreen](); } else if (this.tech_.supportsFullScreen()) { this.techCall_('exitFullScreen'); } else { this.exitFullWindow(); /** * @event Player#fullscreenchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('fullscreenchange'); } }; /** * When fullscreen isn't supported we can stretch the * video container to as wide as the browser will let us. * * @fires Player#enterFullWindow */ Player.prototype.enterFullWindow = function enterFullWindow() { this.isFullWindow = true; // Storing original doc overflow value to return to when fullscreen is off this.docOrigOverflow =; // Add listener for esc key to exit fullscreen on(document_1, 'keydown', bind(this, this.fullWindowOnEscKey)); // Hide any scroll bars = 'hidden'; // Apply fullscreen styles addClass(document_1.body, 'vjs-full-window'); /** * @event Player#enterFullWindow * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('enterFullWindow'); }; /** * Check for call to either exit full window or * full screen on ESC key * * @param {string} event * Event to check for key press */ Player.prototype.fullWindowOnEscKey = function fullWindowOnEscKey(event) { if (event.keyCode === 27) { if (this.isFullscreen() === true) { this.exitFullscreen(); } else { this.exitFullWindow(); } } }; /** * Exit full window * * @fires Player#exitFullWindow */ Player.prototype.exitFullWindow = function exitFullWindow() { this.isFullWindow = false; off(document_1, 'keydown', this.fullWindowOnEscKey); // Unhide scroll bars. = this.docOrigOverflow; // Remove fullscreen styles removeClass(document_1.body, 'vjs-full-window'); // Resize the box, controller, and poster to original sizes // this.positionAll(); /** * @event Player#exitFullWindow * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('exitFullWindow'); }; /** * Check whether the player can play a given mimetype * * @see * * @param {string} type * The mimetype to check * * @return {string} * 'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string) */ Player.prototype.canPlayType = function canPlayType(type) { var can = void 0; // Loop through each playback technology in the options order for (var i = 0, j = this.options_.techOrder; i < j.length; i++) { var techName = j[i]; var tech = Tech.getTech(techName); // Support old behavior of techs being registered as components. // Remove once that deprecated behavior is removed. if (!tech) { tech = Component.getComponent(techName); } // Check if the current tech is defined before continuing if (!tech) { log$1.error('The "' + techName + '" tech is undefined. Skipped browser support check for that tech.'); continue; } // Check if the browser supports this technology if (tech.isSupported()) { can = tech.canPlayType(type); if (can) { return can; } } } return ''; }; /** * Select source based on tech-order or source-order * Uses source-order selection if `options.sourceOrder` is truthy. Otherwise, * defaults to tech-order selection * * @param {Array} sources * The sources for a media asset * * @return {Object|boolean} * Object of source and tech order or false */ Player.prototype.selectSource = function selectSource(sources) { var _this5 = this; // Get only the techs specified in `techOrder` that exist and are supported by the // current platform var techs = (techName) { return [techName, Tech.getTech(techName)]; }).filter(function (_ref) { var techName = _ref[0], tech = _ref[1]; // Check if the current tech is defined before continuing if (tech) { // Check if the browser supports this technology return tech.isSupported(); } log$1.error('The "' + techName + '" tech is undefined. Skipped browser support check for that tech.'); return false; }); // Iterate over each `innerArray` element once per `outerArray` element and execute // `tester` with both. If `tester` returns a non-falsy value, exit early and return // that value. var findFirstPassingTechSourcePair = function findFirstPassingTechSourcePair(outerArray, innerArray, tester) { var found = void 0; outerArray.some(function (outerChoice) { return innerArray.some(function (innerChoice) { found = tester(outerChoice, innerChoice); if (found) { return true; } }); }); return found; }; var foundSourceAndTech = void 0; var flip = function flip(fn) { return function (a, b) { return fn(b, a); }; }; var finder = function finder(_ref2, source) { var techName = _ref2[0], tech = _ref2[1]; if (tech.canPlaySource(source, _this5.options_[techName.toLowerCase()])) { return { source: source, tech: techName }; } }; // Depending on the truthiness of `options.sourceOrder`, we swap the order of techs and sources // to select from them based on their priority. if (this.options_.sourceOrder) { // Source-first ordering foundSourceAndTech = findFirstPassingTechSourcePair(sources, techs, flip(finder)); } else { // Tech-first ordering foundSourceAndTech = findFirstPassingTechSourcePair(techs, sources, finder); } return foundSourceAndTech || false; }; /** * Get or set the video source. * * @param {Tech~SourceObject|Tech~SourceObject[]|string} [source] * A SourceObject, an array of SourceObjects, or a string referencing * a URL to a media source. It is _highly recommended_ that an object * or array of objects is used here, so that source selection * algorithms can take the `type` into account. * * If not provided, this method acts as a getter. * * @return {string|undefined} * If the `source` argument is missing, returns the current source * URL. Otherwise, returns nothing/undefined. */ Player.prototype.src = function src(source) { var _this6 = this; // getter usage if (typeof source === 'undefined') { return this.cache_.src; } // filter out invalid sources and turn our source into // an array of source objects var sources = filterSource(source); // if a source was passed in then it is invalid because // it was filtered to a zero length Array. So we have to // show an error if (!sources.length) { this.setTimeout(function () { this.error({ code: 4, message: this.localize(this.options_.notSupportedMessage) }); }, 0); return; } // intial sources this.cache_.sources = sources; this.changingSrc_ = true; // intial source this.cache_.source = sources[0]; // middlewareSource is the source after it has been changed by middleware setSource(this, sources[0], function (middlewareSource, mws) { _this6.middleware_ = mws; var err = _this6.src_(middlewareSource); if (err) { if (sources.length > 1) { return _this6.src(sources.slice(1)); } // We need to wrap this in a timeout to give folks a chance to add error event handlers _this6.setTimeout(function () { this.error({ code: 4, message: this.localize(this.options_.notSupportedMessage) }); }, 0); // we could not find an appropriate tech, but let's still notify the delegate that this is it // this needs a better comment about why this is needed _this6.triggerReady(); return; } _this6.changingSrc_ = false; // video element listed source _this6.cache_.src = middlewareSource.src; setTech(mws, _this6.tech_); }); }; /** * Set the source object on the tech, returns a boolean that indicates wether * there is a tech that can play the source or not * * @param {Tech~SourceObject} source * The source object to set on the Tech * * @return {Boolean} * - True if there is no Tech to playback this source * - False otherwise * * @private */ Player.prototype.src_ = function src_(source) { var sourceTech = this.selectSource([source]); if (!sourceTech) { return true; } if (!titleCaseEquals(, this.techName_)) { this.changingSrc_ = true; // load this technology with the chosen source this.loadTech_(, sourceTech.source); return false; } // wait until the tech is ready to set the source this.ready(function () { // The setSource tech method was added with source handlers // so older techs won't support it // We need to check the direct prototype for the case where subclasses // of the tech do not support source handlers if (this.tech_.constructor.prototype.hasOwnProperty('setSource')) { this.techCall_('setSource', source); } else { this.techCall_('src', source.src); } if (this.options_.preload === 'auto') { this.load(); } if (this.options_.autoplay) {; } // Set the source synchronously if possible (#2326) }, true); return false; }; /** * Begin loading the src data. */ Player.prototype.load = function load() { this.techCall_('load'); }; /** * Reset the player. Loads the first tech in the techOrder, * and calls `reset` on the tech`. */ Player.prototype.reset = function reset() { this.loadTech_(this.options_.techOrder[0], null); this.techCall_('reset'); }; /** * Returns all of the current source objects. * * @return {Tech~SourceObject[]} * The current source objects */ Player.prototype.currentSources = function currentSources() { var source = this.currentSource(); var sources = []; // assume `{}` or `{ src }` if (Object.keys(source).length !== 0) { sources.push(source); } return this.cache_.sources || sources; }; /** * Returns the current source object. * * @return {Tech~SourceObject} * The current source object */ Player.prototype.currentSource = function currentSource() { return this.cache_.source || {}; }; /** * Returns the fully qualified URL of the current source value e.g. * Can be used in conjuction with `currentType` to assist in rebuilding the current source object. * * @return {string} * The current source */ Player.prototype.currentSrc = function currentSrc() { return this.currentSource() && this.currentSource().src || ''; }; /** * Get the current source type e.g. video/mp4 * This can allow you rebuild the current source object so that you could load the same * source and tech later * * @return {string} * The source MIME type */ Player.prototype.currentType = function currentType() { return this.currentSource() && this.currentSource().type || ''; }; /** * Get or set the preload attribute * * @param {boolean} [value] * - true means that we should preload * - false maens that we should not preload * * @return {string} * The preload attribute value when getting */ Player.prototype.preload = function preload(value) { if (value !== undefined) { this.techCall_('setPreload', value); this.options_.preload = value; return; } return this.techGet_('preload'); }; /** * Get or set the autoplay attribute. * * @param {boolean} [value] * - true means that we should autoplay * - false means that we should not autoplay * * @return {string} * The current value of autoplay when getting */ Player.prototype.autoplay = function autoplay(value) { if (value !== undefined) { this.techCall_('setAutoplay', value); this.options_.autoplay = value; return; } return this.techGet_('autoplay', value); }; /** * Set or unset the playsinline attribute. * Playsinline tells the browser that non-fullscreen playback is preferred. * * @param {boolean} [value] * - true means that we should try to play inline by default * - false means that we should use the browser's default playback mode, * which in most cases is inline. iOS Safari is a notable exception * and plays fullscreen by default. * * @return {string|Player} * - the current value of playsinline * - the player when setting * * @see [Spec]{@link} */ Player.prototype.playsinline = function playsinline(value) { if (value !== undefined) { this.techCall_('setPlaysinline', value); this.options_.playsinline = value; return this; } return this.techGet_('playsinline'); }; /** * Get or set the loop attribute on the video element. * * @param {boolean} [value] * - true means that we should loop the video * - false means that we should not loop the video * * @return {string} * The current value of loop when getting */ Player.prototype.loop = function loop(value) { if (value !== undefined) { this.techCall_('setLoop', value); this.options_.loop = value; return; } return this.techGet_('loop'); }; /** * Get or set the poster image source url * * @fires Player#posterchange * * @param {string} [src] * Poster image source URL * * @return {string} * The current value of poster when getting */ Player.prototype.poster = function poster(src) { if (src === undefined) { return this.poster_; } // The correct way to remove a poster is to set as an empty string // other falsey values will throw errors if (!src) { src = ''; } // update the internal poster variable this.poster_ = src; // update the tech's poster this.techCall_('setPoster', src); // alert components that the poster has been set /** * This event fires when the poster image is changed on the player. * * @event Player#posterchange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('posterchange'); }; /** * Some techs (e.g. YouTube) can provide a poster source in an * asynchronous way. We want the poster component to use this * poster source so that it covers up the tech's controls. * (YouTube's play button). However we only want to use this * source if the player user hasn't set a poster through * the normal APIs. * * @fires Player#posterchange * @listens Tech#posterchange * @private */ Player.prototype.handleTechPosterChange_ = function handleTechPosterChange_() { if (!this.poster_ && this.tech_ && this.tech_.poster) { this.poster_ = this.tech_.poster() || ''; // Let components know the poster has changed this.trigger('posterchange'); } }; /** * Get or set whether or not the controls are showing. * * @fires Player#controlsenabled * * @param {boolean} [bool] * - true to turn controls on * - false to turn controls off * * @return {boolean} * The current value of controls when getting */ Player.prototype.controls = function controls(bool) { if (bool !== undefined) { bool = !!bool; // Don't trigger a change event unless it actually changed if (this.controls_ !== bool) { this.controls_ = bool; if (this.usingNativeControls()) { this.techCall_('setControls', bool); } if (bool) { this.removeClass('vjs-controls-disabled'); this.addClass('vjs-controls-enabled'); /** * @event Player#controlsenabled * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('controlsenabled'); if (!this.usingNativeControls()) { this.addTechControlsListeners_(); } } else { this.removeClass('vjs-controls-enabled'); this.addClass('vjs-controls-disabled'); /** * @event Player#controlsdisabled * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('controlsdisabled'); if (!this.usingNativeControls()) { this.removeTechControlsListeners_(); } } } return; } return !!this.controls_; }; /** * Toggle native controls on/off. Native controls are the controls built into * devices (e.g. default iPhone controls), Flash, or other techs * (e.g. Vimeo Controls) * **This should only be set by the current tech, because only the tech knows * if it can support native controls** * * @fires Player#usingnativecontrols * @fires Player#usingcustomcontrols * * @param {boolean} [bool] * - true to turn native controls on * - false to turn native controls off * * @return {boolean} * The current value of native controls when getting */ Player.prototype.usingNativeControls = function usingNativeControls(bool) { if (bool !== undefined) { bool = !!bool; // Don't trigger a change event unless it actually changed if (this.usingNativeControls_ !== bool) { this.usingNativeControls_ = bool; if (bool) { this.addClass('vjs-using-native-controls'); /** * player is using the native device controls * * @event Player#usingnativecontrols * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('usingnativecontrols'); } else { this.removeClass('vjs-using-native-controls'); /** * player is using the custom HTML controls * * @event Player#usingcustomcontrols * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('usingcustomcontrols'); } } return; } return !!this.usingNativeControls_; }; /** * Set or get the current MediaError * * @fires Player#error * * @param {MediaError|string|number} [err] * A MediaError or a string/number to be turned * into a MediaError * * @return {MediaError|null} * The current MediaError when getting (or null) */ Player.prototype.error = function error(err) { if (err === undefined) { return this.error_ || null; } // restoring to default if (err === null) { this.error_ = err; this.removeClass('vjs-error'); if (this.errorDisplay) { this.errorDisplay.close(); } return; } this.error_ = new MediaError(err); // add the vjs-error classname to the player this.addClass('vjs-error'); // log the name of the error type and any message // ie8 just logs "[object object]" if you just log the error object log$1.error('(CODE:' + this.error_.code + ' ' + MediaError.errorTypes[this.error_.code] + ')', this.error_.message, this.error_); /** * @event Player#error * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('error'); return; }; /** * Report user activity * * @param {Object} event * Event object */ Player.prototype.reportUserActivity = function reportUserActivity(event) { this.userActivity_ = true; }; /** * Get/set if user is active * * @fires Player#useractive * @fires Player#userinactive * * @param {boolean} [bool] * - true if the user is active * - false if the user is inactive * * @return {boolean} * The current value of userActive when getting */ Player.prototype.userActive = function userActive(bool) { if (bool !== undefined) { bool = !!bool; if (bool !== this.userActive_) { this.userActive_ = bool; if (bool) { // If the user was inactive and is now active we want to reset the // inactivity timer this.userActivity_ = true; this.removeClass('vjs-user-inactive'); this.addClass('vjs-user-active'); /** * @event Player#useractive * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('useractive'); } else { // We're switching the state to inactive manually, so erase any other // activity this.userActivity_ = false; // Chrome/Safari/IE have bugs where when you change the cursor it can // trigger a mousemove event. This causes an issue when you're hiding // the cursor when the user is inactive, and a mousemove signals user // activity. Making it impossible to go into inactive mode. Specifically // this happens in fullscreen when we really need to hide the cursor. // // When this gets resolved in ALL browsers it can be removed // if (this.tech_) {'mousemove', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); } this.removeClass('vjs-user-active'); this.addClass('vjs-user-inactive'); /** * @event Player#userinactive * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('userinactive'); } } return; } return this.userActive_; }; /** * Listen for user activity based on timeout value * * @private */ Player.prototype.listenForUserActivity_ = function listenForUserActivity_() { var mouseInProgress = void 0; var lastMoveX = void 0; var lastMoveY = void 0; var handleActivity = bind(this, this.reportUserActivity); var handleMouseMove = function handleMouseMove(e) { // #1068 - Prevent mousemove spamming // Chrome Bug: if (e.screenX !== lastMoveX || e.screenY !== lastMoveY) { lastMoveX = e.screenX; lastMoveY = e.screenY; handleActivity(); } }; var handleMouseDown = function handleMouseDown() { handleActivity(); // For as long as the they are touching the device or have their mouse down, // we consider them active even if they're not moving their finger or mouse. // So we want to continue to update that they are active this.clearInterval(mouseInProgress); // Setting userActivity=true now and setting the interval to the same time // as the activityCheck interval (250) should ensure we never miss the // next activityCheck mouseInProgress = this.setInterval(handleActivity, 250); }; var handleMouseUp = function handleMouseUp(event) { handleActivity(); // Stop the interval that maintains activity if the mouse/touch is down this.clearInterval(mouseInProgress); }; // Any mouse movement will be considered user activity this.on('mousedown', handleMouseDown); this.on('mousemove', handleMouseMove); this.on('mouseup', handleMouseUp); // Listen for keyboard navigation // Shouldn't need to use inProgress interval because of key repeat this.on('keydown', handleActivity); this.on('keyup', handleActivity); // Run an interval every 250 milliseconds instead of stuffing everything into // the mousemove/touchmove function itself, to prevent performance degradation. // `this.reportUserActivity` simply sets this.userActivity_ to true, which // then gets picked up by this loop // var inactivityTimeout = void 0; this.setInterval(function () { // Check to see if mouse/touch activity has happened if (this.userActivity_) { // Reset the activity tracker this.userActivity_ = false; // If the user state was inactive, set the state to active this.userActive(true); // Clear any existing inactivity timeout to start the timer over this.clearTimeout(inactivityTimeout); var timeout = this.options_.inactivityTimeout; if (timeout > 0) { // In <timeout> milliseconds, if no more activity has occurred the // user will be considered inactive inactivityTimeout = this.setTimeout(function () { // Protect against the case where the inactivityTimeout can trigger just // before the next user activity is picked up by the activity check loop // causing a flicker if (!this.userActivity_) { this.userActive(false); } }, timeout); } } }, 250); }; /** * Gets or sets the current playback rate. A playback rate of * 1.0 represents normal speed and 0.5 would indicate half-speed * playback, for instance. * * @see * * @param {number} [rate] * New playback rate to set. * * @return {number} * The current playback rate when getting or 1.0 */ Player.prototype.playbackRate = function playbackRate(rate) { if (rate !== undefined) { this.techCall_('setPlaybackRate', rate); return; } if (this.tech_ && this.tech_.featuresPlaybackRate) { return this.techGet_('playbackRate'); } return 1.0; }; /** * Gets or sets the current default playback rate. A default playback rate of * 1.0 represents normal speed and 0.5 would indicate half-speed playback, for instance. * defaultPlaybackRate will only represent what the intial playbackRate of a video was, not * not the current playbackRate. * * @see * * @param {number} [rate] * New default playback rate to set. * * @return {number|Player} * - The default playback rate when getting or 1.0 * - the player when setting */ Player.prototype.defaultPlaybackRate = function defaultPlaybackRate(rate) { if (rate !== undefined) { return this.techCall_('setDefaultPlaybackRate', rate); } if (this.tech_ && this.tech_.featuresPlaybackRate) { return this.techGet_('defaultPlaybackRate'); } return 1.0; }; /** * Gets or sets the audio flag * * @param {boolean} bool * - true signals that this is an audio player * - false signals that this is not an audio player * * @return {boolean} * The current value of isAudio when getting */ Player.prototype.isAudio = function isAudio(bool) { if (bool !== undefined) { this.isAudio_ = !!bool; return; } return !!this.isAudio_; }; /** * A helper method for adding a {@link TextTrack} to our * {@link TextTrackList}. * * In addition to the W3C settings we allow adding additional info through options. * * @see * * @param {string} [kind] * the kind of TextTrack you are adding * * @param {string} [label] * the label to give the TextTrack label * * @param {string} [language] * the language to set on the TextTrack * * @return {TextTrack|undefined} * the TextTrack that was added or undefined * if there is no tech */ Player.prototype.addTextTrack = function addTextTrack(kind, label, language) { if (this.tech_) { return this.tech_.addTextTrack(kind, label, language); } }; /** * Create a remote {@link TextTrack} and an {@link HTMLTrackElement}. It will * automatically removed from the video element whenever the source changes, unless * manualCleanup is set to false. * * @param {Object} options * Options to pass to {@link HTMLTrackElement} during creation. See * {@link HTMLTrackElement} for object properties that you should use. * * @param {boolean} [manualCleanup=true] if set to false, the TextTrack will be * * @return {HtmlTrackElement} * the HTMLTrackElement that was created and added * to the HtmlTrackElementList and the remote * TextTrackList * * @deprecated The default value of the "manualCleanup" parameter will default * to "false" in upcoming versions of Video.js */ Player.prototype.addRemoteTextTrack = function addRemoteTextTrack(options, manualCleanup) { if (this.tech_) { return this.tech_.addRemoteTextTrack(options, manualCleanup); } }; /** * Remove a remote {@link TextTrack} from the respective * {@link TextTrackList} and {@link HtmlTrackElementList}. * * @param {Object} track * Remote {@link TextTrack} to remove * * @return {undefined} * does not return anything */ Player.prototype.removeRemoteTextTrack = function removeRemoteTextTrack() { var _ref3 = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, _ref3$track = _ref3.track, track = _ref3$track === undefined ? arguments[0] : _ref3$track; // destructure the input into an object with a track argument, defaulting to arguments[0] // default the whole argument to an empty object if nothing was passed in if (this.tech_) { return this.tech_.removeRemoteTextTrack(track); } }; /** * Gets available media playback quality metrics as specified by the W3C's Media * Playback Quality API. * * @see [Spec]{@link} * * @return {Object|undefined} * An object with supported media playback quality metrics or undefined if there * is no tech or the tech does not support it. */ Player.prototype.getVideoPlaybackQuality = function getVideoPlaybackQuality() { return this.techGet_('getVideoPlaybackQuality'); }; /** * Get video width * * @return {number} * current video width */ Player.prototype.videoWidth = function videoWidth() { return this.tech_ && this.tech_.videoWidth && this.tech_.videoWidth() || 0; }; /** * Get video height * * @return {number} * current video height */ Player.prototype.videoHeight = function videoHeight() { return this.tech_ && this.tech_.videoHeight && this.tech_.videoHeight() || 0; }; /** * The player's language code * NOTE: The language should be set in the player options if you want the * the controls to be built with a specific language. Changing the lanugage * later will not update controls text. * * @param {string} [code] * the language code to set the player to * * @return {string} * The current language code when getting */ Player.prototype.language = function language(code) { if (code === undefined) { return this.language_; } this.language_ = String(code).toLowerCase(); }; /** * Get the player's language dictionary * Merge every time, because a newly added plugin might call videojs.addLanguage() at any time * Languages specified directly in the player options have precedence * * @return {Array} * An array of of supported languages */ Player.prototype.languages = function languages() { return mergeOptions(Player.prototype.options_.languages, this.languages_); }; /** * returns a JavaScript object reperesenting the current track * information. **DOES not return it as JSON** * * @return {Object} * Object representing the current of track info */ Player.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() { var options = mergeOptions(this.options_); var tracks = options.tracks; options.tracks = []; for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { var track = tracks[i]; // deep merge tracks and null out player so no circular references track = mergeOptions(track); track.player = undefined; options.tracks[i] = track; } return options; }; /** * Creates a simple modal dialog (an instance of the {@link ModalDialog} * component) that immediately overlays the player with arbitrary * content and removes itself when closed. * * @param {string|Function|Element|Array|null} content * Same as {@link ModalDialog#content}'s param of the same name. * The most straight-forward usage is to provide a string or DOM * element. * * @param {Object} [options] * Extra options which will be passed on to the {@link ModalDialog}. * * @return {ModalDialog} * the {@link ModalDialog} that was created */ Player.prototype.createModal = function createModal(content, options) { var _this7 = this; options = options || {}; options.content = content || ''; var modal = new ModalDialog(this, options); this.addChild(modal); modal.on('dispose', function () { _this7.removeChild(modal); });; return modal; }; /** * Gets tag settings * * @param {Element} tag * The player tag * * @return {Object} * An object containing all of the settings * for a player tag */ Player.getTagSettings = function getTagSettings(tag) { var baseOptions = { sources: [], tracks: [] }; var tagOptions = getAttributes(tag); var dataSetup = tagOptions['data-setup']; if (hasClass(tag, 'vjs-fluid')) { tagOptions.fluid = true; } // Check if data-setup attr exists. if (dataSetup !== null) { // Parse options JSON // If empty string, make it a parsable json object. var _safeParseTuple = tuple(dataSetup || '{}'), err = _safeParseTuple[0], data = _safeParseTuple[1]; if (err) { log$1.error(err); } assign(tagOptions, data); } assign(baseOptions, tagOptions); // Get tag children settings if (tag.hasChildNodes()) { var children = tag.childNodes; for (var i = 0, j = children.length; i < j; i++) { var child = children[i]; // Change case needed: var childName = child.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (childName === 'source') { baseOptions.sources.push(getAttributes(child)); } else if (childName === 'track') { baseOptions.tracks.push(getAttributes(child)); } } } return baseOptions; }; /** * Determine wether or not flexbox is supported * * @return {boolean} * - true if flexbox is supported * - false if flexbox is not supported */ Player.prototype.flexNotSupported_ = function flexNotSupported_() { var elem = document_1.createElement('i'); // Note: We don't actually use flexBasis (or flexOrder), but it's one of the more // common flex features that we can rely on when checking for flex support. return !('flexBasis' in || 'webkitFlexBasis' in || 'mozFlexBasis' in || 'msFlexBasis' in || // IE10-specific (2012 flex spec) 'msFlexOrder' in; }; return Player; }(Component); /** * Get the {@link VideoTrackList} * @link * * @return {VideoTrackList} * the current video track list * * @method Player.prototype.videoTracks */ /** * Get the {@link AudioTrackList} * @link * * @return {AudioTrackList} * the current audio track list * * @method Player.prototype.audioTracks */ /** * Get the {@link TextTrackList} * * @link * * @return {TextTrackList} * the current text track list * * @method Player.prototype.textTracks */ /** * Get the remote {@link TextTrackList} * * @return {TextTrackList} * The current remote text track list * * @method Player.prototype.remoteTextTracks */ /** * Get the remote {@link HtmlTrackElementList} tracks. * * @return {HtmlTrackElementList} * The current remote text track element list * * @method Player.prototype.remoteTextTrackEls */ ALL.names.forEach(function (name$$1) { var props = ALL[name$$1]; Player.prototype[props.getterName] = function () { if (this.tech_) { return this.tech_[props.getterName](); } // if we have not yet loadTech_, we create {video,audio,text}Tracks_ // these will be passed to the tech during loading this[props.privateName] = this[props.privateName] || new props.ListClass(); return this[props.privateName]; }; }); /** * Global player list * * @type {Object} */ Player.players = {}; var navigator = window_1.navigator; /* * Player instance options, surfaced using options * options = Player.prototype.options_ * Make changes in options, not here. * * @type {Object} * @private */ Player.prototype.options_ = { // Default order of fallback technology techOrder: Tech.defaultTechOrder_, html5: {}, flash: {}, // default inactivity timeout inactivityTimeout: 2000, // default playback rates playbackRates: [], // Add playback rate selection by adding rates // 'playbackRates': [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2], // Included control sets children: ['mediaLoader', 'posterImage', 'textTrackDisplay', 'loadingSpinner', 'bigPlayButton', 'controlBar', 'errorDisplay', 'textTrackSettings'], language: navigator && (navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.language) || 'en', // locales and their language translations languages: {}, // Default message to show when a video cannot be played. notSupportedMessage: 'No compatible source was found for this media.' }; [ /** * Returns whether or not the player is in the "ended" state. * * @return {Boolean} True if the player is in the ended state, false if not. * @method Player#ended */ 'ended', /** * Returns whether or not the player is in the "seeking" state. * * @return {Boolean} True if the player is in the seeking state, false if not. * @method Player#seeking */ 'seeking', /** * Returns the TimeRanges of the media that are currently available * for seeking to. * * @return {TimeRanges} the seekable intervals of the media timeline * @method Player#seekable */ 'seekable', /** * Returns the current state of network activity for the element, from * the codes in the list below. * - NETWORK_EMPTY (numeric value 0) * The element has not yet been initialised. All attributes are in * their initial states. * - NETWORK_IDLE (numeric value 1) * The element's resource selection algorithm is active and has * selected a resource, but it is not actually using the network at * this time. * - NETWORK_LOADING (numeric value 2) * The user agent is actively trying to download data. * - NETWORK_NO_SOURCE (numeric value 3) * The element's resource selection algorithm is active, but it has * not yet found a resource to use. * * @see * @return {number} the current network activity state * @method Player#networkState */ 'networkState', /** * Returns a value that expresses the current state of the element * with respect to rendering the current playback position, from the * codes in the list below. * - HAVE_NOTHING (numeric value 0) * No information regarding the media resource is available. * - HAVE_METADATA (numeric value 1) * Enough of the resource has been obtained that the duration of the * resource is available. * - HAVE_CURRENT_DATA (numeric value 2) * Data for the immediate current playback position is available. * - HAVE_FUTURE_DATA (numeric value 3) * Data for the immediate current playback position is available, as * well as enough data for the user agent to advance the current * playback position in the direction of playback. * - HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA (numeric value 4) * The user agent estimates that enough data is available for * playback to proceed uninterrupted. * * @see * @return {number} the current playback rendering state * @method Player#readyState */ 'readyState'].forEach(function (fn) { Player.prototype[fn] = function () { return this.techGet_(fn); }; }); TECH_EVENTS_RETRIGGER.forEach(function (event) { Player.prototype['handleTech' + toTitleCase(event) + '_'] = function () { return this.trigger(event); }; }); /** * Fired when the player has initial duration and dimension information * * @event Player#loadedmetadata * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Fired when the player has downloaded data at the current playback position * * @event Player#loadeddata * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Fired when the current playback position has changed * * During playback this is fired every 15-250 milliseconds, depending on the * playback technology in use. * * @event Player#timeupdate * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Fired when the volume changes * * @event Player#volumechange * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ /** * Reports whether or not a player has a plugin available. * * This does not report whether or not the plugin has ever been initialized * on this player. For that, [usingPlugin]{@link Player#usingPlugin}. * * @method Player#hasPlugin * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. * * @return {boolean} * Whether or not this player has the requested plugin available. */ /** * Reports whether or not a player is using a plugin by name. * * For basic plugins, this only reports whether the plugin has _ever_ been * initialized on this player. * * @method Player#usingPlugin * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. * * @return {boolean} * Whether or not this player is using the requested plugin. */ Component.registerComponent('Player', Player); /** * @file plugin.js */ /** * The base plugin name. * * @private * @constant * @type {string} */ var BASE_PLUGIN_NAME = 'plugin'; /** * The key on which a player's active plugins cache is stored. * * @private * @constant * @type {string} */ var PLUGIN_CACHE_KEY = 'activePlugins_'; /** * Stores registered plugins in a private space. * * @private * @type {Object} */ var pluginStorage = {}; /** * Reports whether or not a plugin has been registered. * * @private * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. * * @returns {boolean} * Whether or not the plugin has been registered. */ var pluginExists = function pluginExists(name) { return pluginStorage.hasOwnProperty(name); }; /** * Get a single registered plugin by name. * * @private * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. * * @returns {Function|undefined} * The plugin (or undefined). */ var getPlugin = function getPlugin(name) { return pluginExists(name) ? pluginStorage[name] : undefined; }; /** * Marks a plugin as "active" on a player. * * Also, ensures that the player has an object for tracking active plugins. * * @private * @param {Player} player * A Video.js player instance. * * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. */ var markPluginAsActive = function markPluginAsActive(player, name) { player[PLUGIN_CACHE_KEY] = player[PLUGIN_CACHE_KEY] || {}; player[PLUGIN_CACHE_KEY][name] = true; }; /** * Triggers a pair of plugin setup events. * * @private * @param {Player} player * A Video.js player instance. * * @param {Plugin~PluginEventHash} hash * A plugin event hash. * * @param {Boolean} [before] * If true, prefixes the event name with "before". In other words, * use this to trigger "beforepluginsetup" instead of "pluginsetup". */ var triggerSetupEvent = function triggerSetupEvent(player, hash, before) { var eventName = (before ? 'before' : '') + 'pluginsetup'; player.trigger(eventName, hash); player.trigger(eventName + ':' +, hash); }; /** * Takes a basic plugin function and returns a wrapper function which marks * on the player that the plugin has been activated. * * @private * @param {string} name * The name of the plugin. * * @param {Function} plugin * The basic plugin. * * @returns {Function} * A wrapper function for the given plugin. */ var createBasicPlugin = function createBasicPlugin(name, plugin) { var basicPluginWrapper = function basicPluginWrapper() { // We trigger the "beforepluginsetup" and "pluginsetup" events on the player // regardless, but we want the hash to be consistent with the hash provided // for advanced plugins. // // The only potentially counter-intuitive thing here is the `instance` in // the "pluginsetup" event is the value returned by the `plugin` function. triggerSetupEvent(this, { name: name, plugin: plugin, instance: null }, true); var instance = plugin.apply(this, arguments); markPluginAsActive(this, name); triggerSetupEvent(this, { name: name, plugin: plugin, instance: instance }); return instance; }; Object.keys(plugin).forEach(function (prop) { basicPluginWrapper[prop] = plugin[prop]; }); return basicPluginWrapper; }; /** * Takes a plugin sub-class and returns a factory function for generating * instances of it. * * This factory function will replace itself with an instance of the requested * sub-class of Plugin. * * @private * @param {string} name * The name of the plugin. * * @param {Plugin} PluginSubClass * The advanced plugin. * * @returns {Function} */ var createPluginFactory = function createPluginFactory(name, PluginSubClass) { // Add a `name` property to the plugin prototype so that each plugin can // refer to itself by name. = name; return function () { triggerSetupEvent(this, { name: name, plugin: PluginSubClass, instance: null }, true); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var instance = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(PluginSubClass, [null].concat([this].concat(args))))(); // The plugin is replaced by a function that returns the current instance. this[name] = function () { return instance; }; triggerSetupEvent(this, instance.getEventHash()); return instance; }; }; /** * Parent class for all advanced plugins. * * @mixes module:evented~EventedMixin * @mixes module:stateful~StatefulMixin * @fires Player#beforepluginsetup * @fires Player#beforepluginsetup:$name * @fires Player#pluginsetup * @fires Player#pluginsetup:$name * @listens Player#dispose * @throws {Error} * If attempting to instantiate the base {@link Plugin} class * directly instead of via a sub-class. */ var Plugin = function () { /** * Creates an instance of this class. * * Sub-classes should call `super` to ensure plugins are properly initialized. * * @param {Player} player * A Video.js player instance. */ function Plugin(player) { classCallCheck(this, Plugin); if (this.constructor === Plugin) { throw new Error('Plugin must be sub-classed; not directly instantiated.'); } this.player = player; // Make this object evented, but remove the added `trigger` method so we // use the prototype version instead. evented(this); delete this.trigger; stateful(this, this.constructor.defaultState); markPluginAsActive(player,; // Auto-bind the dispose method so we can use it as a listener and unbind // it later easily. this.dispose = bind(this, this.dispose); // If the player is disposed, dispose the plugin. player.on('dispose', this.dispose); } /** * Each event triggered by plugins includes a hash of additional data with * conventional properties. * * This returns that object or mutates an existing hash. * * @param {Object} [hash={}] * An object to be used as event an event hash. * * @returns {Plugin~PluginEventHash} * An event hash object with provided properties mixed-in. */ Plugin.prototype.getEventHash = function getEventHash() { var hash = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; =; hash.plugin = this.constructor; hash.instance = this; return hash; }; /** * Triggers an event on the plugin object and overrides * {@link module:evented~EventedMixin.trigger|EventedMixin.trigger}. * * @param {string|Object} event * An event type or an object with a type property. * * @param {Object} [hash={}] * Additional data hash to merge with a * {@link Plugin~PluginEventHash|PluginEventHash}. * * @returns {boolean} * Whether or not default was prevented. */ Plugin.prototype.trigger = function trigger$$1(event) { var hash = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; return trigger(this.eventBusEl_, event, this.getEventHash(hash)); }; /** * Handles "statechanged" events on the plugin. No-op by default, override by * subclassing. * * @abstract * @param {Event} e * An event object provided by a "statechanged" event. * * @param {Object} e.changes * An object describing changes that occurred with the "statechanged" * event. */ Plugin.prototype.handleStateChanged = function handleStateChanged(e) {}; /** * Disposes a plugin. * * Subclasses can override this if they want, but for the sake of safety, * it's probably best to subscribe the "dispose" event. * * @fires Plugin#dispose */ Plugin.prototype.dispose = function dispose() { var name =, player = this.player; /** * Signals that a advanced plugin is about to be disposed. * * @event Plugin#dispose * @type {EventTarget~Event} */ this.trigger('dispose');;'dispose', this.dispose); // Eliminate any possible sources of leaking memory by clearing up // references between the player and the plugin instance and nulling out // the plugin's state and replacing methods with a function that throws. player[PLUGIN_CACHE_KEY][name] = false; this.player = this.state = null; // Finally, replace the plugin name on the player with a new factory // function, so that the plugin is ready to be set up again. player[name] = createPluginFactory(name, pluginStorage[name]); }; /** * Determines if a plugin is a basic plugin (i.e. not a sub-class of `Plugin`). * * @param {string|Function} plugin * If a string, matches the name of a plugin. If a function, will be * tested directly. * * @returns {boolean} * Whether or not a plugin is a basic plugin. */ Plugin.isBasic = function isBasic(plugin) { var p = typeof plugin === 'string' ? getPlugin(plugin) : plugin; return typeof p === 'function' && !Plugin.prototype.isPrototypeOf(p.prototype); }; /** * Register a Video.js plugin. * * @param {string} name * The name of the plugin to be registered. Must be a string and * must not match an existing plugin or a method on the `Player` * prototype. * * @param {Function} plugin * A sub-class of `Plugin` or a function for basic plugins. * * @returns {Function} * For advanced plugins, a factory function for that plugin. For * basic plugins, a wrapper function that initializes the plugin. */ Plugin.registerPlugin = function registerPlugin(name, plugin) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new Error('Illegal plugin name, "' + name + '", must be a string, was ' + (typeof name === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(name)) + '.'); } if (pluginExists(name)) { log$1.warn('A plugin named "' + name + '" already exists. You may want to avoid re-registering plugins!'); } else if (Player.prototype.hasOwnProperty(name)) { throw new Error('Illegal plugin name, "' + name + '", cannot share a name with an existing player method!'); } if (typeof plugin !== 'function') { throw new Error('Illegal plugin for "' + name + '", must be a function, was ' + (typeof plugin === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(plugin)) + '.'); } pluginStorage[name] = plugin; // Add a player prototype method for all sub-classed plugins (but not for // the base Plugin class). if (name !== BASE_PLUGIN_NAME) { if (Plugin.isBasic(plugin)) { Player.prototype[name] = createBasicPlugin(name, plugin); } else { Player.prototype[name] = createPluginFactory(name, plugin); } } return plugin; }; /** * De-register a Video.js plugin. * * @param {string} name * The name of the plugin to be deregistered. */ Plugin.deregisterPlugin = function deregisterPlugin(name) { if (name === BASE_PLUGIN_NAME) { throw new Error('Cannot de-register base plugin.'); } if (pluginExists(name)) { delete pluginStorage[name]; delete Player.prototype[name]; } }; /** * Gets an object containing multiple Video.js plugins. * * @param {Array} [names] * If provided, should be an array of plugin names. Defaults to _all_ * plugin names. * * @returns {Object|undefined} * An object containing plugin(s) associated with their name(s) or * `undefined` if no matching plugins exist). */ Plugin.getPlugins = function getPlugins() { var names = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : Object.keys(pluginStorage); var result = void 0; names.forEach(function (name) { var plugin = getPlugin(name); if (plugin) { result = result || {}; result[name] = plugin; } }); return result; }; /** * Gets a plugin's version, if available * * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. * * @returns {string} * The plugin's version or an empty string. */ Plugin.getPluginVersion = function getPluginVersion(name) { var plugin = getPlugin(name); return plugin && plugin.VERSION || ''; }; return Plugin; }(); /** * Gets a plugin by name if it exists. * * @static * @method getPlugin * @memberOf Plugin * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. * * @returns {Function|undefined} * The plugin (or `undefined`). */ Plugin.getPlugin = getPlugin; /** * The name of the base plugin class as it is registered. * * @type {string} */ Plugin.BASE_PLUGIN_NAME = BASE_PLUGIN_NAME; Plugin.registerPlugin(BASE_PLUGIN_NAME, Plugin); /** * Documented in player.js * * @ignore */ Player.prototype.usingPlugin = function (name) { return !!this[PLUGIN_CACHE_KEY] && this[PLUGIN_CACHE_KEY][name] === true; }; /** * Documented in player.js * * @ignore */ Player.prototype.hasPlugin = function (name) { return !!pluginExists(name); }; /** * Signals that a plugin is about to be set up on a player. * * @event Player#beforepluginsetup * @type {Plugin~PluginEventHash} */ /** * Signals that a plugin is about to be set up on a player - by name. The name * is the name of the plugin. * * @event Player#beforepluginsetup:$name * @type {Plugin~PluginEventHash} */ /** * Signals that a plugin has just been set up on a player. * * @event Player#pluginsetup * @type {Plugin~PluginEventHash} */ /** * Signals that a plugin has just been set up on a player - by name. The name * is the name of the plugin. * * @event Player#pluginsetup:$name * @type {Plugin~PluginEventHash} */ /** * @typedef {Object} Plugin~PluginEventHash * * @property {string} instance * For basic plugins, the return value of the plugin function. For * advanced plugins, the plugin instance on which the event is fired. * * @property {string} name * The name of the plugin. * * @property {string} plugin * For basic plugins, the plugin function. For advanced plugins, the * plugin class/constructor. */ /** * @file extend.js * @module extend */ /** * A combination of node inherits and babel's inherits (after transpile). * Both work the same but node adds `super_` to the subClass * and Bable adds the superClass as __proto__. Both seem useful. * * @param {Object} subClass * The class to inherit to * * @param {Object} superClass * The class to inherit from * * @private */ var _inherits = function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== 'function' && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function, not ' + (typeof superClass === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(superClass))); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) { // node subClass.super_ = superClass; } }; /** * Function for subclassing using the same inheritance that * videojs uses internally * * @static * @const * * @param {Object} superClass * The class to inherit from * * @param {Object} [subClassMethods={}] * The class to inherit to * * @return {Object} * The new object with subClassMethods that inherited superClass. */ var extendFn = function extendFn(superClass) { var subClassMethods = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var subClass = function subClass() { superClass.apply(this, arguments); }; var methods = {}; if ((typeof subClassMethods === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(subClassMethods)) === 'object') { if (subClassMethods.constructor !== Object.prototype.constructor) { subClass = subClassMethods.constructor; } methods = subClassMethods; } else if (typeof subClassMethods === 'function') { subClass = subClassMethods; } _inherits(subClass, superClass); // Extend subObj's prototype with functions and other properties from props for (var name in methods) { if (methods.hasOwnProperty(name)) { subClass.prototype[name] = methods[name]; } } return subClass; }; /** * @file video.js * @module videojs */ // Include the built-in techs // HTML5 Element Shim for IE8 if (typeof HTMLVideoElement === 'undefined' && isReal()) { document_1.createElement('video'); document_1.createElement('audio'); document_1.createElement('track'); } /** * Doubles as the main function for users to create a player instance and also * the main library object. * The `videojs` function can be used to initialize or retrieve a player. * * @param {string|Element} id * Video element or video element ID * * @param {Object} [options] * Optional options object for config/settings * * @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready] * Optional ready callback * * @return {Player} * A player instance */ function videojs(id, options, ready) { var tag = void 0; // Allow for element or ID to be passed in // String ID if (typeof id === 'string') { var players = videojs.getPlayers(); // Adjust for jQuery ID syntax if (id.indexOf('#') === 0) { id = id.slice(1); } // If a player instance has already been created for this ID return it. if (players[id]) { // If options or ready function are passed, warn if (options) { log$1.warn('Player "' + id + '" is already initialised. Options will not be applied.'); } if (ready) { players[id].ready(ready); } return players[id]; } // Otherwise get element for ID tag = $('#' + id); // ID is a media element } else { tag = id; } // Check for a useable element // re: nodeName, could be a box div also if (!tag || !tag.nodeName) { throw new TypeError('The element or ID supplied is not valid. (videojs)'); } // Element may have a player attr referring to an already created player instance. // If so return that otherwise set up a new player below if (tag.player || Player.players[tag.playerId]) { return tag.player || Player.players[tag.playerId]; } options = options || {}; videojs.hooks('beforesetup').forEach(function (hookFunction) { var opts = hookFunction(tag, mergeOptions(options)); if (!isObject(opts) || Array.isArray(opts)) { log$1.error('please return an object in beforesetup hooks'); return; } options = mergeOptions(options, opts); }); var PlayerComponent = Component.getComponent('Player'); // If not, set up a new player var player = new PlayerComponent(tag, options, ready); videojs.hooks('setup').forEach(function (hookFunction) { return hookFunction(player); }); return player; } /** * An Object that contains lifecycle hooks as keys which point to an array * of functions that are run when a lifecycle is triggered */ videojs.hooks_ = {}; /** * Get a list of hooks for a specific lifecycle * @function videojs.hooks * * @param {string} type * the lifecyle to get hooks from * * @param {Function} [fn] * Optionally add a hook to the lifecycle that your are getting. * * @return {Array} * an array of hooks, or an empty array if there are none. */ videojs.hooks = function (type, fn) { videojs.hooks_[type] = videojs.hooks_[type] || []; if (fn) { videojs.hooks_[type] = videojs.hooks_[type].concat(fn); } return videojs.hooks_[type]; }; /** * Add a function hook to a specific videojs lifecycle. * * @param {string} type * the lifecycle to hook the function to. * * @param {Function|Function[]} * The function or array of functions to attach. */ videojs.hook = function (type, fn) { videojs.hooks(type, fn); }; /** * Remove a hook from a specific videojs lifecycle. * * @param {string} type * the lifecycle that the function hooked to * * @param {Function} fn * The hooked function to remove * * @return {boolean} * The function that was removed or undef */ videojs.removeHook = function (type, fn) { var index$$1 = videojs.hooks(type).indexOf(fn); if (index$$1 <= -1) { return false; } videojs.hooks_[type] = videojs.hooks_[type].slice(); videojs.hooks_[type].splice(index$$1, 1); return true; }; // Add default styles if (window_1.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE !== true && isReal()) { var style = $('.vjs-styles-defaults'); if (!style) { style = createStyleElement('vjs-styles-defaults'); var head = $('head'); if (head) { head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild); } setTextContent(style, '\n .video-js {\n width: 300px;\n height: 150px;\n }\n\n .vjs-fluid {\n padding-top: 56.25%\n }\n '); } } // Run Auto-load players // You have to wait at least once in case this script is loaded after your // video in the DOM (weird behavior only with minified version) autoSetupTimeout(1, videojs); /** * Current software version. Follows semver. * * @type {string} */ videojs.VERSION = version; /** * The global options object. These are the settings that take effect * if no overrides are specified when the player is created. * * @type {Object} */ videojs.options = Player.prototype.options_; /** * Get an object with the currently created players, keyed by player ID * * @return {Object} * The created players */ videojs.getPlayers = function () { return Player.players; }; /** * Expose players object. * * @memberOf videojs * @property {Object} players */ videojs.players = Player.players; /** * Get a component class object by name * * @borrows Component.getComponent as videojs.getComponent */ videojs.getComponent = Component.getComponent; /** * Register a component so it can referred to by name. Used when adding to other * components, either through addChild `component.addChild('myComponent')` or through * default children options `{ children: ['myComponent'] }`. * * > NOTE: You could also just initialize the component before adding. * `component.addChild(new MyComponent());` * * @param {string} name * The class name of the component * * @param {Component} comp * The component class * * @return {Component} * The newly registered component */ videojs.registerComponent = function (name$$1, comp) { if (Tech.isTech(comp)) { log$1.warn('The ' + name$$1 + ' tech was registered as a component. It should instead be registered using videojs.registerTech(name, tech)'); }, name$$1, comp); }; /** * Get a Tech class object by name * * @borrows Tech.getTech as videojs.getTech */ videojs.getTech = Tech.getTech; /** * Register a Tech so it can referred to by name. * This is used in the tech order for the player. * * @borrows Tech.registerTech as videojs.registerTech */ videojs.registerTech = Tech.registerTech; videojs.use = use; /** * A suite of browser and device tests from {@link browser}. * * @type {Object} * @private */ videojs.browser = browser; /** * Whether or not the browser supports touch events. Included for backward * compatibility with 4.x, but deprecated. Use `videojs.browser.TOUCH_ENABLED` * instead going forward. * * @deprecated since version 5.0 * @type {boolean} */ videojs.TOUCH_ENABLED = TOUCH_ENABLED; /** * Subclass an existing class * Mimics ES6 subclassing with the `extend` keyword * * @borrows extend:extendFn as videojs.extend */ videojs.extend = extendFn; /** * Merge two options objects recursively * Performs a deep merge like lodash.merge but **only merges plain objects** * (not arrays, elements, anything else) * Other values will be copied directly from the second object. * * @borrows merge-options:mergeOptions as videojs.mergeOptions */ videojs.mergeOptions = mergeOptions; /** * Change the context (this) of a function * * > NOTE: as of v5.0 we require an ES5 shim, so you should use the native * `function() {}.bind(newContext);` instead of this. * * @borrows fn:bind as videojs.bind */ videojs.bind = bind; /** * Register a Video.js plugin. * * @borrows plugin:registerPlugin as videojs.registerPlugin * @method registerPlugin * * @param {string} name * The name of the plugin to be registered. Must be a string and * must not match an existing plugin or a method on the `Player` * prototype. * * @param {Function} plugin * A sub-class of `Plugin` or a function for basic plugins. * * @return {Function} * For advanced plugins, a factory function for that plugin. For * basic plugins, a wrapper function that initializes the plugin. */ videojs.registerPlugin = Plugin.registerPlugin; /** * Deprecated method to register a plugin with Video.js * * @deprecated * videojs.plugin() is deprecated; use videojs.registerPlugin() instead * * @param {string} name * The plugin name * * @param {Plugin|Function} plugin * The plugin sub-class or function */ videojs.plugin = function (name$$1, plugin) { log$1.warn('videojs.plugin() is deprecated; use videojs.registerPlugin() instead'); return Plugin.registerPlugin(name$$1, plugin); }; /** * Gets an object containing multiple Video.js plugins. * * @param {Array} [names] * If provided, should be an array of plugin names. Defaults to _all_ * plugin names. * * @return {Object|undefined} * An object containing plugin(s) associated with their name(s) or * `undefined` if no matching plugins exist). */ videojs.getPlugins = Plugin.getPlugins; /** * Gets a plugin by name if it exists. * * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. * * @return {Function|undefined} * The plugin (or `undefined`). */ videojs.getPlugin = Plugin.getPlugin; /** * Gets a plugin's version, if available * * @param {string} name * The name of a plugin. * * @return {string} * The plugin's version or an empty string. */ videojs.getPluginVersion = Plugin.getPluginVersion; /** * Adding languages so that they're available to all players. * Example: `videojs.addLanguage('es', { 'Hello': 'Hola' });` * * @param {string} code * The language code or dictionary property * * @param {Object} data * The data values to be translated * * @return {Object} * The resulting language dictionary object */ videojs.addLanguage = function (code, data) { var _mergeOptions; code = ('' + code).toLowerCase(); videojs.options.languages = mergeOptions(videojs.options.languages, (_mergeOptions = {}, _mergeOptions[code] = data, _mergeOptions)); return videojs.options.languages[code]; }; /** * Log messages * * @borrows log:log as videojs.log */ videojs.log = log$1; /** * Creates an emulated TimeRange object. * * @borrows time-ranges:createTimeRanges as videojs.createTimeRange */ /** * @borrows time-ranges:createTimeRanges as videojs.createTimeRanges */ videojs.createTimeRange = videojs.createTimeRanges = createTimeRanges; /** * Format seconds as a time string, H:MM:SS or M:SS * Supplying a guide (in seconds) will force a number of leading zeros * to cover the length of the guide * * @borrows format-time:formatTime as videojs.formatTime */ videojs.formatTime = formatTime; /** * Resolve and parse the elements of a URL * * @borrows url:parseUrl as videojs.parseUrl */ videojs.parseUrl = parseUrl; /** * Returns whether the url passed is a cross domain request or not. * * @borrows url:isCrossOrigin as videojs.isCrossOrigin */ videojs.isCrossOrigin = isCrossOrigin; /** * Event target class. * * @borrows EventTarget as videojs.EventTarget */ videojs.EventTarget = EventTarget; /** * Add an event listener to element * It stores the handler function in a separate cache object * and adds a generic handler to the element's event, * along with a unique id (guid) to the element. * * @borrows events:on as videojs.on */ videojs.on = on; /** * Trigger a listener only once for an event * * @borrows events:one as */ = one; /** * Removes event listeners from an element * * @borrows events:off as */ = off; /** * Trigger an event for an element * * @borrows events:trigger as videojs.trigger */ videojs.trigger = trigger; /** * A cross-browser XMLHttpRequest wrapper. Here's a simple example: * * @param {Object} options * settings for the request. * * @return {XMLHttpRequest|XDomainRequest} * The request object. * * @see */ videojs.xhr = index; /** * TextTrack class * * @borrows TextTrack as videojs.TextTrack */ videojs.TextTrack = TextTrack; /** * export the AudioTrack class so that source handlers can create * AudioTracks and then add them to the players AudioTrackList * * @borrows AudioTrack as videojs.AudioTrack */ videojs.AudioTrack = AudioTrack; /** * export the VideoTrack class so that source handlers can create * VideoTracks and then add them to the players VideoTrackList * * @borrows VideoTrack as videojs.VideoTrack */ videojs.VideoTrack = VideoTrack; /** * Determines, via duck typing, whether or not a value is a DOM element. * * @borrows dom:isEl as videojs.isEl * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.isEl() instead */ /** * Determines, via duck typing, whether or not a value is a text node. * * @borrows dom:isTextNode as videojs.isTextNode * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.isTextNode() instead */ /** * Creates an element and applies properties. * * @borrows dom:createEl as videojs.createEl * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.createEl() instead */ /** * Check if an element has a CSS class * * @borrows dom:hasElClass as videojs.hasClass * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.hasClass() instead */ /** * Add a CSS class name to an element * * @borrows dom:addElClass as videojs.addClass * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.addClass() instead */ /** * Remove a CSS class name from an element * * @borrows dom:removeElClass as videojs.removeClass * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.removeClass() instead */ /** * Adds or removes a CSS class name on an element depending on an optional * condition or the presence/absence of the class name. * * @borrows dom:toggleElClass as videojs.toggleClass * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.toggleClass() instead */ /** * Apply attributes to an HTML element. * * @borrows dom:setElAttributes as videojs.setAttribute * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.setAttributes() instead */ /** * Get an element's attribute values, as defined on the HTML tag * Attributes are not the same as properties. They're defined on the tag * or with setAttribute (which shouldn't be used with HTML) * This will return true or false for boolean attributes. * * @borrows dom:getElAttributes as videojs.getAttributes * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.getAttributes() instead */ /** * Empties the contents of an element. * * @borrows dom:emptyEl as videojs.emptyEl * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.emptyEl() instead */ /** * Normalizes and appends content to an element. * * The content for an element can be passed in multiple types and * combinations, whose behavior is as follows: * * - String * Normalized into a text node. * * - Element, TextNode * Passed through. * * - Array * A one-dimensional array of strings, elements, nodes, or functions (which * return single strings, elements, or nodes). * * - Function * If the sole argument, is expected to produce a string, element, * node, or array. * * @borrows dom:appendContents as videojs.appendContet * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.appendContent() instead */ /** * Normalizes and inserts content into an element; this is identical to * `appendContent()`, except it empties the element first. * * The content for an element can be passed in multiple types and * combinations, whose behavior is as follows: * * - String * Normalized into a text node. * * - Element, TextNode * Passed through. * * - Array * A one-dimensional array of strings, elements, nodes, or functions (which * return single strings, elements, or nodes). * * - Function * If the sole argument, is expected to produce a string, element, * node, or array. * * @borrows dom:insertContent as videojs.insertContent * @deprecated Use videojs.dom.insertContent() instead */ ['isEl', 'isTextNode', 'createEl', 'hasClass', 'addClass', 'removeClass', 'toggleClass', 'setAttributes', 'getAttributes', 'emptyEl', 'appendContent', 'insertContent'].forEach(function (k) { videojs[k] = function () { log$1.warn('videojs.' + k + '() is deprecated; use videojs.dom.' + k + '() instead'); return Dom[k].apply(null, arguments); }; }); /** * A safe getComputedStyle with an IE8 fallback. * * This is because in Firefox, if the player is loaded in an iframe with `display:none`, * then `getComputedStyle` returns `null`, so, we do a null-check to make sure * that the player doesn't break in these cases. * See for more details. * * @borrows computed-style:computedStyle as videojs.computedStyle */ videojs.computedStyle = computedStyle; /** * Export the Dom utilities for use in external plugins * and Tech's */ videojs.dom = Dom; /** * Export the Url utilities for use in external plugins * and Tech's */ videojs.url = Url; return videojs; })));
import React from 'react'; import { SplitContentLayout } from '../../../../src'; import { Form, SidebarList } from '../widgets'; import { H2, Button, Anchor } from '@bandwidth/shared-components'; export default () => ( <SplitContentLayout mainContentLocation="left" gutter> <SplitContentLayout.SecondaryContent> <H2>Form</H2> <Form columns={1} /> </SplitContentLayout.SecondaryContent> <SplitContentLayout.MainContent> <H2>Content</H2> <SplitContentLayout.MainContent.Box> <Form /> </SplitContentLayout.MainContent.Box> </SplitContentLayout.MainContent> </SplitContentLayout> );
/*! jQuery Fancytree Plugin - 2.22.5 - 2017-05-11T17:01:53Z * * Copyright (c) 2017 Martin Wendt; Licensed MIT */ (function( factory ) { if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { define( [ "jquery" ], factory ); } else { factory( jQuery ); } }(function( $ ) { !function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";function e(b,c){b||(c=c?": "+c:"",a.error("Fancytree assertion failed"+c))}function f(a,c){var d,e,f=b.console?b.console[a]:null;if(f)try{f.apply(b.console,c)}catch(g){for(e="",d=0;d<c.length;d++)e+=c[d];f(e)}}function g(a){return!(!a.tree||a.statusNodeType===d)}function h(b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,"."),function(a){return parseInt(a,10)}),,1),function(a){return parseInt(a,10)});for(f=0;f<j.length;f++)if(g=i[f]||0,h=j[f]||0,g!==h)return g>h;return!0}function i(a,b,c,d,e){var f=function(){var c=b[a],f=d[a],g=b.ext[e],h=function(){return c.apply(b,arguments)},i=function(a){return c.apply(b,a)};return function(){var a=b._local,c=b._super,d=b._superApply;try{return b._local=g,b._super=h,b._superApply=i,f.apply(b,arguments)}finally{b._local=a,b._super=c,b._superApply=d}}}();return f}function j(b,c,d,e){for(var f in d)"function"==typeof d[f]?"function"==typeof b[f]?b[f]=i(f,b,c,d,e):"_"===f.charAt(0)?b.ext[e][f]=i(f,b,c,d,e):a.error("Could not override tree."+f+". Use prefix '_' to create tree."+e+"._"+f):"options"!==f&&(b.ext[e][f]=d[f])}function k(b,c){return b===d?a.Deferred(function(){this.resolve()}).promise():a.Deferred(function(){this.resolveWith(b,c)}).promise()}function l(b,c){return b===d?a.Deferred(function(){this.reject()}).promise():a.Deferred(function(){this.rejectWith(b,c)}).promise()}function m(a,b){return function(){a.resolveWith(b)}}function n(b){var c=a.extend({},,d=c.json;return delete c.fancytree,delete c.uiFancytree,d&&(delete c.json,c=a.extend(c,d)),c}function o(a){return(""+a).replace(y,function(a){return B[a]})}function p(a){return(""+a).replace(z,function(a){return B[a]})}function q(a){return a=a.toLowerCase(),function(b){return b.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(a)>=0}}function r(a){var b=new RegExp("^"+a,"i");return function(a){return b.test(a.title)}}function s(b,c){var d,f,g,h;for(this.parent=b,this.tree=b.tree,this.ul=null,,this.statusNodeType=null,this._isLoading=!1,this._error=null,{},d=0,f=H.length;d<f;d++)g=H[d],this[g]=c[g];,;for(g in c)I[g]||a.isFunction(c[g])||K[g]||([g]=c[g]);null==this.key?this.tree.options.defaultKey?(this.key=this.tree.options.defaultKey(this),e(this.key,"defaultKey() must return a unique key")):this.key="_"+w._nextNodeKey++:this.key=""+this.key,,"only one active node allowed"),this.tree.activeNode=this),c.selected&&(this.tree.lastSelectedNode=this),h=c.children,h?h.length?this._setChildren(h):this.children=this.lazy?[]:null:this.children=null,this.tree._callHook("treeRegisterNode",this.tree,!0,this)}function t(b){this.widget=b,this.$div=b.element,this.options=b.options,this.options&&(a.isFunction(this.options.lazyload)&&!a.isFunction(this.options.lazyLoad)&&(this.options.lazyLoad=function(){return w.warn("The 'lazyload' event is deprecated since 2014-02-25. Use 'lazyLoad' (with uppercase L) instead."),b.options.lazyload.apply(this,arguments)}),a.isFunction(this.options.loaderror)&&a.error("The 'loaderror' event was renamed since 2014-07-03. Use 'loadError' (with uppercase E) instead."),this.options.fx!==d&&w.warn("The 'fx' option was replaced by 'toggleEffect' since 2014-11-30."),this.options.removeNode!==d&&a.error("The 'removeNode' event was replaced by 'modifyChild' since 2.20 (2016-09-10).")),this.ext={},$div),this._id=a.ui.fancytree._nextId++,this._ns=".fancytree-"+this._id,this.activeNode=null,this.focusNode=null,this._hasFocus=null,this._enableUpdate=!0,this.lastSelectedNode=null,this.systemFocusElement=null,this.lastQuicksearchTerm="",this.lastQuicksearchTime=0,this.statusClassPropName="span",this.ariaPropName="li",this.nodeContainerAttrName="li",this.$div.find(">ul.fancytree-container").remove();var c,e={tree:this};this.rootNode=new s(e,{title:"root",key:"root_"+this._id,children:null,expanded:!0}),this.rootNode.parent=null,c=a("<ul>",{"class":"ui-fancytree fancytree-container fancytree-plain"}).appendTo(this.$div),this.$container=c,this.rootNode.ul=c[0],null==this.options.debugLevel&&(this.options.debugLevel=w.debugLevel)}if(a.ui&&a.ui.fancytree)return void a.ui.fancytree.warn("Fancytree: ignored duplicate include");var u,v,w=null,x=new RegExp(/\.|\//),y=/[&<>"'\/]/g,z=/[<>"'\/]/g,A="$recursive_request",B={"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;",'"':"&quot;","'":"&#39;","/":"&#x2F;"},C={16:!0,17:!0,18:!0},D={8:"backspace",9:"tab",10:"return",13:"return",19:"pause",20:"capslock",27:"esc",32:"space",33:"pageup",34:"pagedown",35:"end",36:"home",37:"left",38:"up",39:"right",40:"down",45:"insert",46:"del",59:";",61:"=",96:"0",97:"1",98:"2",99:"3",100:"4",101:"5",102:"6",103:"7",104:"8",105:"9",106:"*",107:"+",109:"-",110:".",111:"/",112:"f1",113:"f2",114:"f3",115:"f4",116:"f5",117:"f6",118:"f7",119:"f8",120:"f9",121:"f10",122:"f11",123:"f12",144:"numlock",145:"scroll",173:"-",186:";",187:"=",188:",",189:"-",190:".",191:"/",192:"`",219:"[",220:"\\",221:"]",222:"'"},E={0:"",1:"left",2:"middle",3:"right"},F="active expanded focus folder hideCheckbox lazy selected unselectable".split(" "),G={},H="expanded extraClasses folder hideCheckbox icon key lazy refKey selected statusNodeType title tooltip unselectable".split(" "),I={},J={},K={active:!0,children:!0,data:!0,focus:!0};for(u=0;u<F.length;u++)G[F[u]]=!0;for(u=0;u<H.length;u++)v=H[u],I[v]=!0,v!==v.toLowerCase()&&(J[v.toLowerCase()]=v);e(a.ui,"Fancytree requires jQuery UI ("),s.prototype={_findDirectChild:function(a){var b,c,d=this.children;if(d)if("string"==typeof a){for(b=0,c=d.length;b<c;b++)if(d[b].key===a)return d[b]}else{if("number"==typeof a)return this.children[a];if(a.parent===this)return a}return null},_setChildren:function(a){e(a&&(!this.children||0===this.children.length),"only init supported"),this.children=[];for(var b=0,c=a.length;b<c;b++)this.children.push(new s(this,a[b]))},addChildren:function(b,c){var d,f,g,h=this.getFirstChild(),i=this.getLastChild(),j=null,k=[];for(a.isPlainObject(b)&&(b=[b]),this.children||(this.children=[]),d=0,f=b.length;d<f;d++)k.push(new s(this,b[d]));if(j=k[0],null==c?this.children=this.children.concat(k):(c=this._findDirectChild(c),g=a.inArray(c,this.children),e(g>=0,"insertBefore must be an existing child"),this.children.splice.apply(this.children,[g,0].concat(k))),h&&!c){for(d=0,f=k.length;d<f;d++)k[d].render();h!==this.getFirstChild()&&h.renderStatus(),i!==this.getLastChild()&&i.renderStatus()}else(!this.parent||this.parent.ul||;return 3===this.tree.options.selectMode&&this.fixSelection3FromEndNodes(),this.triggerModifyChild("add",1===k.length?k[0]:null),j},addClass:function(a){return this.toggleClass(a,!0)},addNode:function(a,b){switch(b!==d&&"over"!==b||(b="child"),b){case"after":return this.getParent().addChildren(a,this.getNextSibling());case"before":return this.getParent().addChildren(a,this);case"firstChild":var c=this.children?this.children[0]:null;return this.addChildren(a,c);case"child":case"over":return this.addChildren(a)}e(!1,"Invalid mode: "+b)},addPagingNode:function(b,c){var d,e;if(c=c||"child",b===!1){for(d=this.children.length-1;d>=0;d--)e=this.children[d],"paging"===e.statusNodeType&&this.removeChild(e);return void(this.partload=!1)}return b=a.extend({title:this.tree.options.strings.moreData,statusNodeType:"paging",icon:!1},b),this.partload=!0,this.addNode(b,c)},appendSibling:function(a){return this.addNode(a,"after")},applyPatch:function(b){if(null===b)return this.remove(),k(this);var c,d,e,f={children:!0,expanded:!0,parent:!0};for(c in b)e=b[c],f[c]||a.isFunction(e)||(I[c]?this[c][c]=e);return b.hasOwnProperty("children")&&(this.removeChildren(),b.children&&this._setChildren(b.children)),this.isVisible()&&(this.renderTitle(),this.renderStatus()),d=b.hasOwnProperty("expanded")?this.setExpanded(b.expanded):k(this)},collapseSiblings:function(){return this.tree._callHook("nodeCollapseSiblings",this)},copyTo:function(a,b,c){return a.addNode(this.toDict(!0,c),b)},countChildren:function(a){var b,c,d,e=this.children;if(!e)return 0;if(d=e.length,a!==!1)for(b=0,c=d;b<c;b++)d+=e[b].countChildren();return d},debug:function(a){this.tree.options.debugLevel>=2&&(,this.toString()),f("log",arguments))},discard:function(){return this.warn("FancytreeNode.discard() is deprecated since 2014-02-16. Use .resetLazy() instead."),this.resetLazy()},discardMarkup:function(a){var b=a?"nodeRemoveMarkup":"nodeRemoveChildMarkup";this.tree._callHook(b,this)},findAll:function(b){b=a.isFunction(b)?b:q(b);var c=[];return this.visit(function(a){b(a)&&c.push(a)}),c},findFirst:function(b){b=a.isFunction(b)?b:q(b);var c=null;return this.visit(function(a){if(b(a))return c=a,!1}),c},_changeSelectStatusAttrs:function(a){var b=!1;switch(a){case!1:b=this.selected||this.partsel,this.selected=!1,this.partsel=!1;break;case!0:b=!this.selected||!this.partsel,this.selected=!0,this.partsel=!0;break;case d:b=this.selected||!this.partsel,this.selected=!1,this.partsel=!0;break;default:e(!1,"invalid state: "+a)}return b&&this.renderStatus(),b},fixSelection3AfterClick:function(){var a=this.isSelected();this.visit(function(b){b._changeSelectStatusAttrs(a)}),this.fixSelection3FromEndNodes()},fixSelection3FromEndNodes:function(){function a(b){var c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k=b.children;if(k&&k.length){for(i=!0,j=!1,c=0,e=k.length;c<e;c++)f=k[c],g=a(f),g!==!1&&(j=!0),g!==!0&&(i=!1);h=!!i||!!j&&d}else h=!!b.selected;return b._changeSelectStatusAttrs(h),h}e(3===this.tree.options.selectMode,"expected selectMode 3"),a(this),this.visitParents(function(a){var b,c,e,f,g=a.children,h=!0,i=!1;for(b=0,c=g.length;b<c;b++)e=g[b],(e.selected||e.partsel)&&(i=!0),e.unselectable||e.selected||(h=!1);f=!!h||!!i&&d,a._changeSelectStatusAttrs(f)})},fromDict:function(b){for(var c in b)I[c]?this[c]=b[c]:"data"===c?a.extend(,[c])||K[c]||([c]=b[c]);b.children&&(this.removeChildren(),this.addChildren(b.children)),this.renderTitle()},getChildren:function(){return this.hasChildren()===d?d:this.children},getFirstChild:function(){return this.children?this.children[0]:null},getIndex:function(){return a.inArray(this,this.parent.children)},getIndexHier:function(b,c){b=b||".";var d,e=[];return a.each(this.getParentList(!1,!0),function(a,b){d=""+(b.getIndex()+1),c&&(d=("0000000"+d).substr(-c)),e.push(d)}),e.join(b)},getKeyPath:function(a){var b=[],c=this.tree.options.keyPathSeparator;return this.visitParents(function(a){a.parent&&b.unshift(a.key)},!a),c+b.join(c)},getLastChild:function(){return this.children?this.children[this.children.length-1]:null},getLevel:function(){for(var a=0,b=this.parent;b;)a++,b=b.parent;return a},getNextSibling:function(){if(this.parent){var a,b,c=this.parent.children;for(a=0,b=c.length-1;a<b;a++)if(c[a]===this)return c[a+1]}return null},getParent:function(){return this.parent},getParentList:function(a,b){for(var c=[],d=b?this:this.parent;d;)(a||d.parent)&&c.unshift(d),d=d.parent;return c},getPrevSibling:function(){if(this.parent){var a,b,c=this.parent.children;for(a=1,b=c.length;a<b;a++)if(c[a]===this)return c[a-1]}return null},getSelectedNodes:function(a){var b=[];return this.visit(function(c){if(c.selected&&(b.push(c),a===!0))return"skip"}),b},hasChildren:function(){return this.lazy?null==this.children?d:0!==this.children.length&&(1!==this.children.length||!this.children[0].isStatusNode()||d):!(!this.children||!this.children.length)},hasFocus:function(){return this.tree.hasFocus()&&this.tree.focusNode===this},info:function(a){this.tree.options.debugLevel>=1&&(,this.toString()),f("info",arguments))},isActive:function(){return this.tree.activeNode===this},isChildOf:function(a){return this.parent&&this.parent===a},isDescendantOf:function(a){if(!a||a.tree!==this.tree)return!1;for(var b=this.parent;b;){if(b===a)return!0;b=b.parent}return!1},isExpanded:function(){return!!this.expanded},isFirstSibling:function(){var a=this.parent;return!a||a.children[0]===this},isFolder:function(){return!!this.folder},isLastSibling:function(){var a=this.parent;return!a||a.children[a.children.length-1]===this},isLazy:function(){return!!this.lazy},isLoaded:function(){return!this.lazy||this.hasChildren()!==d},isLoading:function(){return!!this._isLoading},isRoot:function(){return this.isRootNode()},isPartload:function(){return!!this.partload},isRootNode:function(){return this.tree.rootNode===this},isSelected:function(){return!!this.selected},isStatusNode:function(){return!!this.statusNodeType},isPagingNode:function(){return"paging"===this.statusNodeType},isTopLevel:function(){return this.tree.rootNode===this.parent},isUndefined:function(){return this.hasChildren()===d},isVisible:function(){var a,b,c=this.getParentList(!1,!1);for(a=0,b=c.length;a<b;a++)if(!c[a].expanded)return!1;return!0},lazyLoad:function(a){return this.warn("FancytreeNode.lazyLoad() is deprecated since 2014-02-16. Use .load() instead."),this.load(a)},load:function(a){var b,c,d=this,f=this.isExpanded();return e(this.isLazy(),"load() requires a lazy node"),a||this.isUndefined()?(this.isLoaded()&&this.resetLazy(),c=this.tree._triggerNodeEvent("lazyLoad",this),c===!1?k(this):(e("boolean"!=typeof c,"lazyLoad event must return source in data.result"),b=this.tree._callHook("nodeLoadChildren",this,c),f?(this.expanded=!0,b.always(function(){d.render()})):b.always(function(){d.renderStatus()}),b)):k(this)},makeVisible:function(b){var c,d=this,e=[],f=new a.Deferred,g=this.getParentList(!1,!1),h=g.length,i=!(b&&b.noAnimation===!0),j=!(b&&b.scrollIntoView===!1);for(c=h-1;c>=0;c--)e.push(g[c].setExpanded(!0,b));return a.when.apply(a,e).done(function(){j?d.scrollIntoView(i).done(function(){f.resolve()}):f.resolve()}),f.promise()},moveTo:function(b,c,f){c===d||"over"===c?c="child":"firstChild"===c&&(b.children&&b.children.length?(c="before",b=b.children[0]):c="child");var g,h=this.parent,i="child"===c?b:b.parent;if(this!==b){if(this.parent?i.isDescendantOf(this)&&a.error("Cannot move a node to its own descendant"):a.error("Cannot move system root"),i!==h&&h.triggerModifyChild("remove",this),1===this.parent.children.length){if(this.parent===i)return;this.parent.children=this.parent.lazy?[]:null,this.parent.expanded=!1}else g=a.inArray(this,this.parent.children),e(g>=0,"invalid source parent"),this.parent.children.splice(g,1);if(this.parent=i,i.hasChildren())switch(c){case"child":i.children.push(this);break;case"before":g=a.inArray(b,i.children),e(g>=0,"invalid target parent"),i.children.splice(g,0,this);break;case"after":g=a.inArray(b,i.children),e(g>=0,"invalid target parent"),i.children.splice(g+1,0,this);break;default:a.error("Invalid mode "+c)}else i.children=[this];f&&b.visit(f,!0),i===h?i.triggerModifyChild("move",this):i.triggerModifyChild("add",this),this.tree!==b.tree&&(this.warn("Cross-tree moveTo is experimantal!"),this.visit(function(a){a.tree=b.tree},!0)),h.isDescendantOf(i)||h.render(),i.isDescendantOf(h)||i===h||i.render()}},navigate:function(b,c){function d(d){if(d){try{d.makeVisible({scrollIntoView:!1})}catch(e){}return a(d.span).is(":visible")?c===!1?d.setFocus():d.setActive():(d.debug("Navigate: skipping hidden node"),void d.navigate(b,c))}}var e,f,g,h=!0,i=a.ui.keyCode,j=null;switch(b){case i.BACKSPACE:this.parent&&this.parent.parent&&(g=d(this.parent));break;case i.HOME:this.tree.visit(function(b){if(a(b.span).is(":visible"))return g=d(b),!1});break;case i.END:this.tree.visit(function(b){a(b.span).is(":visible")&&(g=b)}),g&&(g=d(g));break;case i.LEFT:this.expanded?(this.setExpanded(!1),g=d(this)):this.parent&&this.parent.parent&&(g=d(this.parent));break;case i.RIGHT:this.expanded||!this.children&&!this.lazy?this.children&&this.children.length&&(g=d(this.children[0])):(this.setExpanded(),g=d(this));break;case i.UP:for(j=this.getPrevSibling();j&&!a(j.span).is(":visible");)j=j.getPrevSibling();for(;j&&j.expanded&&j.children&&j.children.length;)j=j.children[j.children.length-1];!j&&this.parent&&this.parent.parent&&(j=this.parent),g=d(j);break;case i.DOWN:if(this.expanded&&this.children&&this.children.length)j=this.children[0];else for(f=this.getParentList(!1,!0),e=f.length-1;e>=0;e--){for(j=f[e].getNextSibling();j&&!a(j.span).is(":visible");)j=j.getNextSibling();if(j)break}g=d(j);break;default:h=!1}return g||k()},remove:function(){return this.parent.removeChild(this)},removeChild:function(a){return this.tree._callHook("nodeRemoveChild",this,a)},removeChildren:function(){return this.tree._callHook("nodeRemoveChildren",this)},removeClass:function(a){return this.toggleClass(a,!1)},render:function(a,b){return this.tree._callHook("nodeRender",this,a,b)},renderTitle:function(){return this.tree._callHook("nodeRenderTitle",this)},renderStatus:function(){return this.tree._callHook("nodeRenderStatus",this)},replaceWith:function(b){var c,d=this.parent,f=a.inArray(this,d.children),g=this;return e(this.isPagingNode(),"replaceWith() currently requires a paging status node"),c=this.tree._callHook("nodeLoadChildren",this,b),c.done(function(a){var b=g.children;for(u=0;u<b.length;u++)b[u].parent=d;d.children.splice.apply(d.children,[f+1,0].concat(b)),g.children=null,g.remove(),d.render()}).fail(function(){g.setExpanded()}),c},resetLazy:function(){this.removeChildren(),this.expanded=!1,this.lazy=!0,this.children=d,this.renderStatus()},scheduleAction:function(b,c){this.tree.timer&&clearTimeout(this.tree.timer),this.tree.timer=null;var d=this;switch(b){case"cancel":break;case"expand":this.tree.timer=setTimeout(function(){d.tree.debug("setTimeout: trigger expand"),d.setExpanded(!0)},c);break;case"activate":this.tree.timer=setTimeout(function(){d.tree.debug("setTimeout: trigger activate"),d.setActive(!0)},c);break;default:a.error("Invalid mode "+b)}},scrollIntoView:function(f,h){h!==d&&g(h)&&(this.warn("scrollIntoView() with 'topNode' option is deprecated since 2014-05-08. Use 'options.topNode' instead."),h={topNode:h});var i,j,l,m,n=a.extend({effects:f===!0?{duration:200,queue:!1}:f,scrollOfs:this.tree.options.scrollOfs,scrollParent:this.tree.options.scrollParent||this.tree.$container,topNode:null},h),o=new a.Deferred,p=this,q=a(this.span).height(),r=a(n.scrollParent),||0,t=n.scrollOfs.bottom||0,u=r.height(),v=r.scrollTop(),w=r,x=r[0]===b,y=n.topNode||null,z=null;return a(this.span).is(":visible")?(x?(j=a(this.span).offset().top,i=y&&y.span?a(y.span).offset().top:0,w=a("html,body")):(e(r[0]!==c&&r[0]!==c.body,"scrollParent should be a simple element or `window`, not document or body."),m=r.offset().top,j=a(this.span).offset().top-m+v,i=y?a(y.span).offset().top-m+v:0,l=Math.max(0,r.innerHeight()-r[0].clientHeight),u-=l),j<v+s?z=j-s:j+q>v+u-t&&(z=j+q-u+t,y&&(e(y.isRootNode()||a(y.span).is(":visible"),"topNode must be visible"),i<z&&(z=i-s))),null!==z?n.effects?(n.effects.complete=function(){o.resolveWith(p)},w.stop(!0).animate({scrollTop:z},n.effects)):(w[0].scrollTop=z,o.resolveWith(this)):o.resolveWith(this),o.promise()):(this.warn("scrollIntoView(): node is invisible."),k())},setActive:function(a,b){return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetActive",this,a,b)},setExpanded:function(a,b){return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetExpanded",this,a,b)},setFocus:function(a){return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetFocus",this,a)},setSelected:function(a){return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetSelected",this,a)},setStatus:function(a,b,c){return this.tree._callHook("nodeSetStatus",this,a,b,c)},setTitle:function(a){this.title=a,this.renderTitle(),this.triggerModify("rename")},sortChildren:function(a,b){var c,d,e=this.children;if(e){if(a=a||function(a,b){var c=a.title.toLowerCase(),d=b.title.toLowerCase();return c===d?0:c>d?1:-1},e.sort(a),b)for(c=0,d=e.length;c<d;c++)e[c].children&&e[c].sortChildren(a,"$norender$");"$norender$"!==b&&this.render(),this.triggerModifyChild("sort")}},toDict:function(b,c){var d,e,f,g={},h=this;if(a.each(H,function(a,b){(h[b]||h[b]===!1)&&(g[b]=h[b])}),a.isEmptyObject(||({},,a.isEmptyObject(,c&&c(g,h),b&&this.hasChildren())for(g.children=[],d=0,e=this.children.length;d<e;d++)f=this.children[d],f.isStatusNode()||g.children.push(f.toDict(!0,c));return g},toggleClass:function(b,c){var e,f,g=/\S+/g,h=b.match(g)||[],i=0,j=!1,k=this[this.tree.statusClassPropName],l=" "+(this.extraClasses||"")+" ";for(k&&a(k).toggleClass(b,c);e=h[i++];)if(f=l.indexOf(" "+e+" ")>=0,c=c===d?!f:!!c)f||(l+=e+" ",j=!0);else for(;l.indexOf(" "+e+" ")>-1;)l=l.replace(" "+e+" "," ");return this.extraClasses=a.trim(l),j},toggleExpanded:function(){return this.tree._callHook("nodeToggleExpanded",this)},toggleSelected:function(){return this.tree._callHook("nodeToggleSelected",this)},toString:function(){return"<FancytreeNode(#"+this.key+", '"+this.title+"')>"},triggerModifyChild:function(b,c,d){var e,f=this.tree.options.modifyChild;f&&(c&&c.parent!==this&&a.error("childNode "+c+" is not a child of "+this),e={node:this,tree:this.tree,operation:b,childNode:c||null},d&&a.extend(e,d),f({type:"modifyChild"},e))},triggerModify:function(a,b){this.parent.triggerModifyChild(a,this,b)},visit:function(a,b){var c,d,e=!0,f=this.children;if(b===!0&&(e=a(this),e===!1||"skip"===e))return e;if(f)for(c=0,d=f.length;c<d&&(e=f[c].visit(a,!0),e!==!1);c++);return e},visitAndLoad:function(b,c,d){var e,f,g,h=this;return b&&c===!0&&(f=b(h),f===!1||"skip"===f)?d?f:k():h.children||h.lazy?(e=new a.Deferred,g=[],h.load().done(function(){for(var c=0,d=h.children.length;c<d;c++){if(f=h.children[c].visitAndLoad(b,!0,!0),f===!1){e.reject();break}"skip"!==f&&g.push(f)}a.when.apply(this,g).then(function(){e.resolve()})}),e.promise()):k()},visitParents:function(a,b){if(b&&a(this)===!1)return!1;for(var c=this.parent;c;){if(a(c)===!1)return!1;c=c.parent}return!0},warn:function(a){,this.toString()),f("warn",arguments)}},t.prototype={_makeHookContext:function(b,c,e){var f,g;return b.node!==d?(c&&b.originalEvent!==c&&a.error("invalid args"),f=b):b.tree?(g=b.tree,f={node:b,tree:g,widget:g.widget,options:g.widget.options,originalEvent:c}):b.widget?f={node:null,tree:b,widget:b.widget,options:b.widget.options,originalEvent:c}:a.error("invalid args"),e&&a.extend(f,e),f},_callHook:function(b,c,d){var e=this._makeHookContext(c),f=this[b],,2);return a.isFunction(f)||a.error("_callHook('"+b+"') is not a function"),g.unshift(e),f.apply(this,g)},_requireExtension:function(b,c,d,f){d=!!d;var,h=this.options.extensions,i=a.inArray(b,h)<a.inArray(g,h),j=c&&null==this.ext[b],k=!j&&null!=d&&d!==i;return e(g&&g!==b,"invalid or same name"),!j&&!k||(f||(j||c?(f="'"+g+"' extension requires '"+b+"'",k&&(f+=" to be registered "+(d?"before":"after")+" itself")):f="If used together, `"+b+"` must be registered "+(d?"before":"after")+" `"+g+"`"),a.error(f),!1)},activateKey:function(a){var b=this.getNodeByKey(a);return b?b.setActive():this.activeNode&&this.activeNode.setActive(!1),b},addPagingNode:function(a,b){return this.rootNode.addPagingNode(a,b)},applyPatch:function(b){var c,d,f,g,h,i,j=b.length,k=[];for(d=0;d<j;d++)f=b[d],e(2===f.length,"patchList must be an array of length-2-arrays"),g=f[0],h=f[1],i=null===g?this.rootNode:this.getNodeByKey(g),i?(c=new a.Deferred,k.push(c),i.applyPatch(h).always(m(c,i))):this.warn("could not find node with key '"+g+"'");return a.when.apply(a,k).promise()},clear:function(a){this._callHook("treeClear",this)},count:function(){return this.rootNode.countChildren()},debug:function(a){this.options.debugLevel>=2&&(,this.toString()),f("log",arguments))},enableUpdate:function(a){return a=a!==!1,!!this._enableUpdate==!!a?a:(this._enableUpdate=a,a?(this.debug("enableUpdate(true): redraw "),this.render()):this.debug("enableUpdate(false)..."),!a)},findAll:function(a){return this.rootNode.findAll(a)},findFirst:function(a){return this.rootNode.findFirst(a)},findNextNode:function(b,c,d){var e=null,f=c.parent.children,g=null,h=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f=a.children,g=f.length,i=f[b];if(i&&c(i)===!1)return!1;if(i&&i.children&&i.expanded&&h(i,0,c)===!1)return!1;for(d=b+1;d<g;d++)if(h(a,d,c)===!1)return!1;return e=a.parent,e?h(e,e.children.indexOf(a)+1,c):h(a,0,c)};return b="string"==typeof b?r(b):b,c=c||this.getFirstChild(),h(c.parent,f.indexOf(c),function(d){return d!==e&&(e=e||d,a(d.span).is(":visible")?(!b(d)||(g=d,g===c))&&void 0:void d.debug("quicksearch: skipping hidden node"))}),g},generateFormElements:function(b,c,d){function e(b){j.append(a("<input>",{type:"checkbox",name:g,value:b.key,checked:!0}))}d=d||{};var f,g="string"==typeof b?b:"ft_"+this._id+"[]",h="string"==typeof c?c:"ft_"+this._id+"_active",i="fancytree_result_"+this._id,j=a("#"+i),k=3===this.options.selectMode&&d.stopOnParents!==!1;j.length?j.empty():j=a("<div>",{id:i}).hide().insertAfter(this.$container),c!==!1&&this.activeNode&&j.append(a("<input>",{type:"radio",name:h,value:this.activeNode.key,checked:!0})),d.filter?this.visit(function(a){var b=d.filter(a);return"skip"===b?b:void(b!==!1&&e(a))}):b!==!1&&(f=this.getSelectedNodes(k),a.each(f,function(a,b){e(b)}))},getActiveNode:function(){return this.activeNode},getFirstChild:function(){return this.rootNode.getFirstChild()},getFocusNode:function(){return this.focusNode},getNodeByKey:function(a,b){var d,e;return!b&&(d=c.getElementById(this.options.idPrefix+a))?d.ftnode?d.ftnode:null:(b=b||this.rootNode,e=null,b.visit(function(b){if(b.key===a)return e=b,!1},!0),e)},getRootNode:function(){return this.rootNode},getSelectedNodes:function(a){return this.rootNode.getSelectedNodes(a)},hasFocus:function(){return!!this._hasFocus},info:function(a){this.options.debugLevel>=1&&(,this.toString()),f("info",arguments))},loadKeyPath:function(b,c,e){function f(a,b,d){,b,"loading"),b.load().done(function(){,l[a],c,b).always(m(d,r))}).fail(function(e){r.warn("loadKeyPath: error loading: "+a+" (parent: "+o+")"),,b,"error"),d.reject()})}var g,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,p,q=this.options.keyPathSeparator,r=this;for(c=c||a.noop,a.isArray(b)||(b=[b]),l={},i=0;i<b.length;i++)for(o=e||this.rootNode,j=b[i],j.charAt(0)===q&&(j=j.substr(1)),p=j.split(q);p.length;){if(k=p.shift(),n=o._findDirectChild(k),!n){this.warn("loadKeyPath: key not found: "+k+" (parent: "+o+")"),,k,"error");break}if(0===p.length){,n,"ok");break}if(n.lazy&&n.hasChildren()===d){,n,"loaded"),l[k]?l[k].push(p.join(q)):l[k]=[p.join(q)];break},n,"loaded"),o=n}g=[];for(k in l)n=o._findDirectChild(k),null==n&&(n=r.getNodeByKey(k)),h=new a.Deferred,g.push(h),f(k,n,h);return a.when.apply(a,g).promise()},reactivate:function(a){var b,c=this.activeNode;return c?(this.activeNode=null,b=c.setActive(!0,{noFocus:!0}),a&&c.setFocus(),b):k()},reload:function(a){return this._callHook("treeClear",this),this._callHook("treeLoad",this,a)},render:function(a,b){return this.rootNode.render(a,b)},setFocus:function(a){return this._callHook("treeSetFocus",this,a)},toDict:function(a,b){var c=this.rootNode.toDict(!0,b);return a?c:c.children},toString:function(){return"<Fancytree(#"+this._id+")>"},_triggerNodeEvent:function(a,b,c,e){var f=this._makeHookContext(b,c,e),g=this.widget._trigger(a,c,f);return g!==!1&&f.result!==d?f.result:g},_triggerTreeEvent:function(a,b,c){var e=this._makeHookContext(this,b,c),f=this.widget._trigger(a,b,e);return f!==!1&&e.result!==d?e.result:f},visit:function(a){return this.rootNode.visit(a,!1)},warn:function(a){,this.toString()),f("warn",arguments)}},a.extend(t.prototype,{nodeClick:function(a){var b,c,d=a.targetType,e=a.node;if("expander"===d){if(e.isLoading())return void e.debug("Got 2nd click while loading: ignored");this._callHook("nodeToggleExpanded",a)}else if("checkbox"===d)this._callHook("nodeToggleSelected",a),a.options.focusOnSelect&&this._callHook("nodeSetFocus",a,!0);else{if(c=!1,b=!0,e.folder)switch(a.options.clickFolderMode){case 2:c=!0,b=!1;break;case 3:b=!0,c=!0}b&&(this.nodeSetFocus(a),this._callHook("nodeSetActive",a,!0)),c&&this._callHook("nodeToggleExpanded",a)}},nodeCollapseSiblings:function(a,b){var c,d,e,f=a.node;if(f.parent)for(c=f.parent.children,d=0,e=c.length;d<e;d++)c[d]!==f&&c[d].expanded&&this._callHook("nodeSetExpanded",c[d],!1,b)},nodeDblclick:function(a){"title"===a.targetType&&4===a.options.clickFolderMode&&this._callHook("nodeToggleExpanded",a),"title"===a.targetType&&a.originalEvent.preventDefault()},nodeKeydown:function(b){var c,d,e,f,g=b.originalEvent,h=b.node,i=b.tree,j=b.options,k=g.which,l=String.fromCharCode(k),m=!(g.altKey||g.ctrlKey||g.metaKey||g.shiftKey),n=a(,o=!0,p=!(g.ctrlKey||!j.autoActivate);if(h||(f=this.getActiveNode()||this.getFirstChild(),f&&(f.setFocus(),h=b.node=this.focusNode,h.debug("Keydown force focus on active node"))),j.quicksearch&&m&&/\w/.test(l)&&!D[k]&&!":input:enabled"))return d=(new Date).getTime(),d-i.lastQuicksearchTime>500&&(i.lastQuicksearchTerm=""),i.lastQuicksearchTime=d,i.lastQuicksearchTerm+=l,c=i.findNextNode(i.lastQuicksearchTerm,i.getActiveNode()),c&&c.setActive(),void g.preventDefault();switch(w.eventToString(g)){case"+":case"=":i.nodeSetExpanded(b,!0);break;case"-":i.nodeSetExpanded(b,!1);break;case"space":h.isPagingNode()?i._triggerNodeEvent("clickPaging",b,g):j.checkbox?i.nodeToggleSelected(b):i.nodeSetActive(b,!0);break;case"return":i.nodeSetActive(b,!0);break;case"home":case"end":case"backspace":case"left":case"right":case"up":case"down":e=h.navigate(g.which,p,!0);break;default:o=!1}o&&g.preventDefault()},nodeLoadChildren:function(b,c){var d,f,g,h=b.tree,i=b.node,j=(new Date).getTime();return a.isFunction(c)&&(,{type:"source"},b),e(!a.isFunction(c),"source callback must not return another function")),c.url&&(i._requestId&&i.warn("Recursive load request #"+j+" while #"+i._requestId+" is pending."),d=a.extend({},b.options.ajax,c),i._requestId=j,d.debugDelay?(f=d.debugDelay,a.isArray(f)&&(f=f[0]+Math.random()*(f[1]-f[0])),i.warn("nodeLoadChildren waiting debugDelay "+Math.round(f)+" ms ..."),d.debugDelay=!1,g=a.Deferred(function(b){setTimeout(function(){a.ajax(d).done(function(){b.resolveWith(this,arguments)}).fail(function(){b.rejectWith(this,arguments)})},f)})):g=a.ajax(d),c=new a.Deferred,g.done(function(d,e,f){var g,k;if("json"!==this.dataType&&"jsonp"!==this.dataType||"string"!=typeof d||a.error("Ajax request returned a string (did you get the JSON dataType wrong?)."),i._requestId&&i._requestId>j)return void c.rejectWith(this,[A]);if(b.options.postProcess){try{k=h._triggerNodeEvent("postProcess",b,b.originalEvent,{response:d,error:null,dataType:this.dataType})}catch(l){k={error:l,message:""+l,details:"postProcess failed"}}if(k.error)return g=a.isPlainObject(k.error)?k.error:{message:k.error},g=h._makeHookContext(i,null,g),void c.rejectWith(this,[g]);d=a.isArray(k)?k:d}else d&&d.hasOwnProperty("d")&&b.options.enableAspx&&(d="string"==typeof d.d?a.parseJSON(d.d):d.d);c.resolveWith(this,[d])}).fail(function(a,b,d){var e=h._makeHookContext(i,null,{error:a,,message:d,details:a.status+": "+d});c.rejectWith(this,[e])})),a.isFunction(c.then)&&a.isFunction(c["catch"])&&(g=c,c=new a.Deferred,g.then(function(a){c.resolve(a)},function(a){c.reject(a)})),a.isFunction(c.promise)&&(h.nodeSetStatus(b,"loading"),c.done(function(a){h.nodeSetStatus(b,"ok"),i._requestId=null}).fail(function(a){var c;return a===A?void i.warn("Ignored response for obsolete load request #"+j+" (expected #"+i._requestId+")"):(a.node&&a.error&&a.message?c=a:(c=h._makeHookContext(i,null,{error:a,,message:a?a.message||a.toString():""}),"[object Object]"===c.message&&(c.message="")),i.warn("Load children failed ("+c.message+")",c),void(h._triggerNodeEvent("loadError",c,null)!==!1&&h.nodeSetStatus(b,"error",c.message,c.details)))})),a.when(c).done(function(b){var c;a.isPlainObject(b)&&(e(i.isRootNode(),"source may only be an object for root nodes (expecting an array of child objects otherwise)"), e(a.isArray(b.children),"if an object is passed as source, it must contain a 'children' array (all other properties are added to '')"),c=b,b=b.children,delete c.children,a.extend(,c)),e(a.isArray(b),"expected array of children"),i._setChildren(b),h._triggerNodeEvent("loadChildren",i)})},nodeLoadKeyPath:function(a,b){},nodeRemoveChild:function(b,c){var d,f=b.node,g=a.extend({},b,{node:c}),h=f.children;return 1===h.length?(e(c===h[0],"invalid single child"),this.nodeRemoveChildren(b)):(this.activeNode&&(c===this.activeNode||this.activeNode.isDescendantOf(c))&&this.activeNode.setActive(!1),this.focusNode&&(c===this.focusNode||this.focusNode.isDescendantOf(c))&&(this.focusNode=null),this.nodeRemoveMarkup(g),this.nodeRemoveChildren(g),d=a.inArray(c,h),e(d>=0,"invalid child"),f.triggerModifyChild("remove",c),c.visit(function(a){a.parent=null},!0),this._callHook("treeRegisterNode",this,!1,c),void h.splice(d,1))},nodeRemoveChildMarkup:function(b){var c=b.node;c.ul&&(c.isRootNode()?a(c.ul).empty():(a(c.ul).remove(),c.ul=null),c.visit(function(a){}))},nodeRemoveChildren:function(b){var c,d=b.tree,e=b.node,f=e.children;f&&(this.activeNode&&this.activeNode.isDescendantOf(e)&&this.activeNode.setActive(!1),this.focusNode&&this.focusNode.isDescendantOf(e)&&(this.focusNode=null),this.nodeRemoveChildMarkup(b),c=a.extend({},b),e.triggerModifyChild("remove",null),e.visit(function(a){a.parent=null,d._callHook("treeRegisterNode",d,!1,a)}),e.lazy?e.children=[]:e.children=null,e.isRootNode()||(e.expanded=!1),this.nodeRenderStatus(b))},nodeRemoveMarkup:function(b){var c=b.node;,,this.nodeRemoveChildMarkup(b)},nodeRender:function(b,d,f,g,h){var i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p=b.node,q=b.tree,r=b.options,s=r.aria,t=!1,u=p.parent,v=!u,w=p.children,x=null;if(q._enableUpdate!==!1&&(v||u.ul)){if(e(v||u.ul,"parent UL must exist"),v||(||!==p.parent.ul)&&("Unlinking "+p+" (must be child of "+p.parent+")"),this.nodeRemoveMarkup(b)),!0,"li"),,p.key&&r.generateIds&&(,p.span=c.createElement("span"),p.span.className="fancytree-node",s&&!"role","treeitem"),,this.nodeRenderTitle(b),r.createNode&&,{type:"createNode"},b)),r.renderNode&&,{type:"renderNode"},b)),w){if(v||p.expanded||f===!0){for(p.ul||(p.ul=c.createElement("ul"),(g!==!0||h)&&p.expanded||("none"),s&&a(p.ul).attr("role","group"),$div.append(p.ul)),l=0,m=w.length;l<m;l++)o=a.extend({},b,{node:w[l]}),this.nodeRender(o,d,f,!1,!0);for(i=p.ul.firstChild;i;)k=i.ftnode,k&&k.parent!==p?(p.debug("_fixParent: remove missing "+k,i),n=i.nextSibling,i.parentNode.removeChild(i),i=n):i=i.nextSibling;for(i=p.ul.firstChild,l=0,m=w.length-1;l<m;l++)j=w[l],k=i.ftnode,j!==k?p.ul.insertBefore(,}}else p.ul&&(this.warn("remove child markup for "+p),this.nodeRemoveChildMarkup(b));v||t&&u.ul.insertBefore(,x)}},nodeRenderTitle:function(b,c){var e,f,g,h,i,j=b.node,k=b.tree,l=b.options,m=l.aria,n=j.getLevel(),q=[];c!==d&&(j.title=c),j.span&&k._enableUpdate!==!1&&(g=m&&j.hasChildren()!==!1?" role='button'":"",n<l.minExpandLevel?(j.lazy||(j.expanded=!0),n>1&&q.push("<span "+g+" class='fancytree-expander fancytree-expander-fixed'></span>")):q.push("<span "+g+" class='fancytree-expander'></span>"),l.checkbox&&j.hideCheckbox!==!0&&!j.isStatusNode()&&(g=m?" role='checkbox'":"",q.push("<span "+g+" class='fancytree-checkbox'></span>")),!==d&&(j.icon?a.error("'iconClass' node option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' only instead"):(j.warn("'iconClass' node option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' instead"),,e=w.evalOption("icon",j,j,l,!0),"boolean"!=typeof e&&(e=""+e),e!==!1&&(g=m?" role='presentation'":"","string"==typeof e?x.test(e)?(e="/"===e.charAt(0)?e:(l.imagePath||"")+e,q.push("<img src='"+e+"' class='fancytree-icon' alt='' />")):q.push("<span "+g+" class='fancytree-custom-icon "+e+"'></span>"):q.push("<span "+g+" class='fancytree-icon'></span>")),f="",l.renderTitle&&(,{type:"renderTitle"},b)||""),f||(j.tooltip?i=j.tooltip:l.tooltip&&(i=l.tooltip===!0?,j)),i=i?" title='"+p(i)+"'":"",h=l.titlesTabbable?" tabindex='0'":"",f="<span class='fancytree-title'"+i+h+">"+(l.escapeTitles?o(j.title):j.title)+"</span>"),q.push(f),j.span.innerHTML=q.join(""),this.nodeRenderStatus(b),l.enhanceTitle&&(b.$title=a(">span.fancytree-title",j.span),,{type:"enhanceTitle"},b)||""))},nodeRenderStatus:function(b){var c,d=b.node,e=b.tree,f=b.options,g=d.hasChildren(),h=d.isLastSibling(),i=f.aria,j=f._classNames,k=[],l=d[e.statusClassPropName];l&&e._enableUpdate!==!1&&(i&&(c=a(||,k.push(j.node),e.activeNode===d&&k.push(,e.focusNode===d&&k.push(j.focused),d.expanded&&k.push(j.expanded),i&&(g!==!1?c.attr("aria-expanded",Boolean(d.expanded)):c.removeAttr("aria-expanded")),d.folder&&k.push(j.folder),g!==!1&&k.push(j.hasChildren),h&&k.push(j.lastsib),d.lazy&&null==d.children&&k.push(j.lazy),d.partload&&k.push(j.partload),d.partsel&&k.push(j.partsel),d.unselectable&&k.push(j.unselectable),d._isLoading&&k.push(j.loading),d._error&&k.push(j.error),d.statusNodeType&&k.push(j.statusNodePrefix+d.statusNodeType),d.selected?(k.push(j.selected),i&&c.attr("aria-selected",!0)):i&&c.attr("aria-selected",!1),d.extraClasses&&k.push(d.extraClasses),g===!1?k.push(j.combinedExpanderPrefix+"n"+(h?"l":"")):k.push(j.combinedExpanderPrefix+(d.expanded?"e":"c")+(d.lazy&&null==d.children?"d":"")+(h?"l":"")),k.push(j.combinedIconPrefix+(d.expanded?"e":"c")+(d.folder?"f":"")),l.className=k.join(" "),,h))},nodeSetActive:function(b,c,d){d=d||{};var f,g=b.node,h=b.tree,i=b.options,j=d.noEvents===!0,m=d.noFocus===!0,n=g===h.activeNode;return c=c!==!1,n===c?k(g):c&&!j&&this._triggerNodeEvent("beforeActivate",g,b.originalEvent)===!1?l(g,["rejected"]):(c?(h.activeNode&&(e(h.activeNode!==g,"node was active (inconsistency)"),f=a.extend({},b,{node:h.activeNode}),h.nodeSetActive(f,!1),e(null===h.activeNode,"deactivate was out of sync?")),i.activeVisible&&g.makeVisible({scrollIntoView:m&&null==h.focusNode}),h.activeNode=g,h.nodeRenderStatus(b),m||h.nodeSetFocus(b),j||h._triggerNodeEvent("activate",g,b.originalEvent)):(e(h.activeNode===g,"node was not active (inconsistency)"),h.activeNode=null,this.nodeRenderStatus(b),j||b.tree._triggerNodeEvent("deactivate",g,b.originalEvent)),k(g))},nodeSetExpanded:function(b,c,e){e=e||{};var f,g,h,i,j,m,n=b.node,o=b.tree,p=b.options,q=e.noAnimation===!0,r=e.noEvents===!0;if(c=c!==!1,n.expanded&&c||!n.expanded&&!c)return k(n);if(c&&!n.lazy&&!n.hasChildren())return k(n);if(!c&&n.getLevel()<p.minExpandLevel)return l(n,["locked"]);if(!r&&this._triggerNodeEvent("beforeExpand",n,b.originalEvent)===!1)return l(n,["rejected"]);if(q||n.isVisible()||(q=e.noAnimation=!0),g=new a.Deferred,c&&!n.expanded&&p.autoCollapse){j=n.getParentList(!1,!0),m=p.autoCollapse;try{for(p.autoCollapse=!1,h=0,i=j.length;h<i;h++)this._callHook("nodeCollapseSiblings",j[h],e)}finally{p.autoCollapse=m}}return g.done(function(){var a=n.getLastChild();c&&p.autoScroll&&!q&&a?a.scrollIntoView(!0,{topNode:n}).always(function(){r||b.tree._triggerNodeEvent(c?"expand":"collapse",b)}):r||b.tree._triggerNodeEvent(c?"expand":"collapse",b)}),f=function(d){var e,f,g=p._classNames,h=p.toggleEffect;if(n.expanded=c,o._callHook("nodeRender",b,!1,!1,!0),n.ul)if(e="none"!,f=!!n.expanded,e===f)n.warn("nodeSetExpanded: already set");else{if(h&&!q)return a(,void a(n.ul).addClass(g.animating).toggle(h.effect,h.options,h.duration,function(){a(this).removeClass(g.animating),a(,d()});||!parent?"":"none"}d()},c&&n.lazy&&n.hasChildren()===d?n.load().done(function(){g.notifyWith&&g.notifyWith(n,["loaded"]),f(function(){g.resolveWith(n)})}).fail(function(a){f(function(){g.rejectWith(n,["load failed ("+a+")"])})}):f(function(){g.resolveWith(n)}),g.promise()},nodeSetFocus:function(b,d){var e,f=b.tree,g=b.node,h=f.options,i=!!b.originalEvent&&a(":input");if(d=d!==!1,f.focusNode){if(f.focusNode===g&&d)return;e=a.extend({},b,{node:f.focusNode}),f.focusNode=null,this._triggerNodeEvent("blur",e),this._callHook("nodeRenderStatus",e)}d&&(this.hasFocus()||(g.debug("nodeSetFocus: forcing container focus"),this._callHook("treeSetFocus",b,!0,{calledByNode:!0})),g.makeVisible({scrollIntoView:!1}),f.focusNode=g,h.titlesTabbable?i||a(g.span).find(".fancytree-title").focus():0===a(c.activeElement).closest(".fancytree-container").length&&a(f.$container).focus(),h.aria&&a(f.$container).attr("aria-activedescendant",a(||"id")),this._triggerNodeEvent("focus",b),h.autoScroll&&g.scrollIntoView(),this._callHook("nodeRenderStatus",b))},nodeSetSelected:function(a,b){var c=a.node,d=a.tree,e=a.options;if(b=b!==!1,!c.unselectable){if(c.selected&&b||!c.selected&&!b)return!!c.selected;if(this._triggerNodeEvent("beforeSelect",c,a.originalEvent)===!1)return!!c.selected;b&&1===e.selectMode?d.lastSelectedNode&&d.lastSelectedNode.setSelected(!1):3===e.selectMode&&(c.selected=b,c.fixSelection3AfterClick()),c.selected=b,this.nodeRenderStatus(a),d.lastSelectedNode=b?c:null,d._triggerNodeEvent("select",a)}},nodeSetStatus:function(b,c,d,e){function f(){var a=h.children?h.children[0]:null;if(a&&a.isStatusNode()){try{h.ul&&(h.ul.removeChild(,}catch(b){}1===h.children.length?h.children=[]:h.children.shift()}}function g(b,c){var d=h.children?h.children[0]:null;return d&&d.isStatusNode()?(a.extend(d,b),d.statusNodeType=c,i._callHook("nodeRenderTitle",d)):(h._setChildren([b]),h.children[0].statusNodeType=c,i.render()),h.children[0]}var h=b.node,i=b.tree;switch(c){case"ok":f(),h._isLoading=!1,h._error=null,h.renderStatus();break;case"loading":h.parent||g({title:i.options.strings.loading+(d?" ("+d+")":""),checkbox:!1,tooltip:e},c),h._isLoading=!0,h._error=null,h.renderStatus();break;case"error":g({title:i.options.strings.loadError+(d?" ("+d+")":""),checkbox:!1,tooltip:e},c),h._isLoading=!1,h._error={message:d,details:e},h.renderStatus();break;case"nodata":g({title:i.options.strings.noData,checkbox:!1,tooltip:e},c),h._isLoading=!1,h._error=null,h.renderStatus();break;default:a.error("invalid node status "+c)}},nodeToggleExpanded:function(a){return this.nodeSetExpanded(a,!a.node.expanded)},nodeToggleSelected:function(a){return this.nodeSetSelected(a,!a.node.selected)},treeClear:function(a){var b=a.tree;b.activeNode=null,b.focusNode=null,b.$div.find(">ul.fancytree-container").empty(),b.rootNode.children=null},treeCreate:function(a){},treeDestroy:function(a){this.$div.find(">ul.fancytree-container").remove(),this.$source&&this.$source.removeClass("ui-helper-hidden")},treeInit:function(a){var b=a.tree,c=b.options;b.$container.attr("tabindex",c.tabindex),c.rtl?b.$container.attr("DIR","RTL").addClass("fancytree-rtl"):b.$container.removeAttr("DIR").removeClass("fancytree-rtl"),c.aria&&(b.$container.attr("role","tree"),1!==c.selectMode&&b.$container.attr("aria-multiselectable",!0)),this.treeLoad(a)},treeLoad:function(b,c){var d,f,g,h,i=b.tree,j=b.widget.element,k=a.extend({},b,{node:this.rootNode});if(i.rootNode.children&&this.treeClear(b),c=c||this.options.source)"string"==typeof c&&a.error("Not implemented");else switch("type")||"html"){case"html":g=j.find(">ul:first"),g.addClass("ui-fancytree-source ui-helper-hidden"),c=a.ui.fancytree.parseHtml(g),,n(g));break;case"json":c=a.parseJSON(j.text()),j.contents().filter(function(){return 3===this.nodeType}).remove(),a.isPlainObject(c)&&(e(a.isArray(c.children),"if an object is passed as source, it must contain a 'children' array (all other properties are added to '')"),d=c,c=c.children,delete d.children,a.extend(,d));break;default:a.error("Invalid data-type: "+f)}return h=this.nodeLoadChildren(k,c).done(function(){i.render(),3===b.options.selectMode&&i.rootNode.fixSelection3FromEndNodes(),i.activeNode&&i.options.activeVisible&&i.activeNode.makeVisible(),i._triggerTreeEvent("init",null,{status:!0})}).fail(function(){i.render(),i._triggerTreeEvent("init",null,{status:!1})})},treeRegisterNode:function(a,b,c){},treeSetFocus:function(b,c,d){function e(a){!a.activeNode&&a.getFirstChild()&&a.getFirstChild().setFocus()}if(c=c!==!1,c!==this.hasFocus()&&(this._hasFocus=c,!c&&this.focusNode?this.focusNode.setFocus(!1):!c||d&&d.calledByNode||a(this.$container).focus(),this.$container.toggleClass("fancytree-treefocus",c),this._triggerTreeEvent(c?"focusTree":"blurTree"),c)){var f=this;setTimeout(function(){e(f)},0)}},treeSetOption:function(b,c,d){var e=b.tree,f=!0,g=!1;switch(c){case"aria":case"checkbox":case"icon":case"minExpandLevel":case"tabindex":e._callHook("treeCreate",e),g=!0;break;case"escapeTitles":case"tooltip":g=!0;break;case"rtl":d===!1?e.$container.removeAttr("DIR").removeClass("fancytree-rtl"):e.$container.attr("DIR","RTL").addClass("fancytree-rtl"),g=!0;break;case"source":f=!1,e._callHook("treeLoad",e,d),g=!0}e.debug("set option "+c+"="+d+" <"+typeof d+">"),f&&(this.widget._super?,c,d),c,d)),g&&e.render(!0,!1)}}),a.widget("ui.fancytree",{options:{activeVisible:!0,ajax:{type:"GET",cache:!1,dataType:"json"},aria:!1,autoActivate:!0,autoCollapse:!1,autoScroll:!1,checkbox:!1,clickFolderMode:4,debugLevel:null,disabled:!1,enableAspx:!0,escapeTitles:!1,extensions:[],toggleEffect:{effect:"blind",options:{direction:"vertical",scale:"box"},duration:200},generateIds:!1,icon:!0,idPrefix:"ft_",focusOnSelect:!1,keyboard:!0,keyPathSeparator:"/",minExpandLevel:1,quicksearch:!1,rtl:!1,scrollOfs:{top:0,bottom:0},scrollParent:null,selectMode:2,strings:{loading:"Loading...",loadError:"Load error!",moreData:"More...",noData:"No data."},tabindex:"0",titlesTabbable:!1,tooltip:!1,_classNames:{node:"fancytree-node",folder:"fancytree-folder",animating:"fancytree-animating",combinedExpanderPrefix:"fancytree-exp-",combinedIconPrefix:"fancytree-ico-",hasChildren:"fancytree-has-children",active:"fancytree-active",selected:"fancytree-selected",expanded:"fancytree-expanded",lazy:"fancytree-lazy",focused:"fancytree-focused",partload:"fancytree-partload",partsel:"fancytree-partsel",unselectable:"fancytree-unselectable",lastsib:"fancytree-lastsib",loading:"fancytree-loading",error:"fancytree-error",statusNodePrefix:"fancytree-statusnode-"},lazyLoad:null,postProcess:null},_create:function(){this.tree=new t(this),this.$source=this.source||"json""type")?this.element:this.element.find(">ul:first");var b,c,f,g=this.options,h=g.extensions,i=this.tree;for(f=0;f<h.length;f++)c=h[f],b=a.ui.fancytree._extensions[c],b||a.error("Could not apply extension '"+c+"' (it is not registered, did you forget to include it?)"),this.tree.options[c]=a.extend(!0,{},b.options,this.tree.options[c]),e(this.tree.ext[c]===d,"Extension name must not exist as Fancytree.ext attribute: '"+c+"'"),this.tree.ext[c]={},j(this.tree,i,b,c),i=b;g.icons!==d&&(g.icon!==!0?a.error("'icons' tree option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' only instead"):(this.tree.warn("'icons' tree option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' instead"),g.icon=g.icons)),g.iconClass!==d&&(g.icon?a.error("'iconClass' tree option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' only instead"):(this.tree.warn("'iconClass' tree option is deprecated since v2.14.0: use 'icon' instead"),g.icon=g.iconClass)),g.tabbable!==d&&(g.tabindex=g.tabbable?"0":"-1",this.tree.warn("'tabbable' tree option is deprecated since v2.17.0: use 'tabindex='"+g.tabindex+"' instead")),this.tree._callHook("treeCreate",this.tree)},_init:function(){this.tree._callHook("treeInit",this.tree),this._bind()},_setOption:function(a,b){return this.tree._callHook("treeSetOption",this.tree,a,b)},destroy:function(){this._unbind(),this.tree._callHook("treeDestroy",this.tree),},_unbind:function(){var b=this.tree._ns;,this.tree.$,a(c).off(b)},_bind:function(){var a=this,b=this.options,c=this.tree,d=c._ns;this._unbind(),c.$container.on("focusin"+d+" focusout"+d,function(a){var b=w.getNode(a),d="focusin"===a.type;b?c._callHook("nodeSetFocus",c._makeHookContext(b,a),d):c._callHook("treeSetFocus",c,d)}).on("selectstart"+d,"span.fancytree-title",function(a){a.preventDefault()}).on("keydown"+d,function(a){if(b.disabled||b.keyboard===!1)return!0;var d,e=c.focusNode,f=c._makeHookContext(e||c,a),g=c.phase;try{return c.phase="userEvent",d=e?c._triggerNodeEvent("keydown",e,a):c._triggerTreeEvent("keydown",a),"preventNav"===d?d=!0:d!==!1&&(d=c._callHook("nodeKeydown",f)),d}finally{c.phase=g}}).on("mousedown"+d+" dblclick"+d,function(c){if(b.disabled)return!0;var d,e=w.getEventTarget(c),f=e.node,g=a.tree,h=g.phase;if(!f)return!0;d=g._makeHookContext(f,c);try{switch(g.phase="userEvent",c.type){case"mousedown":return d.targetType=e.type,f.isPagingNode()?g._triggerNodeEvent("clickPaging",d,c)===!0:g._triggerNodeEvent("click",d,c)!==!1&&g._callHook("nodeClick",d);case"dblclick":return d.targetType=e.type,g._triggerNodeEvent("dblclick",d,c)!==!1&&g._callHook("nodeDblclick",d)}}finally{g.phase=h}})},getActiveNode:function(){return this.tree.activeNode},getNodeByKey:function(a){return this.tree.getNodeByKey(a)},getRootNode:function(){return this.tree.rootNode},getTree:function(){return this.tree}}),w=a.ui.fancytree,a.extend(a.ui.fancytree,{version:"2.22.5",buildType: "production",debugLevel: 1,_nextId:1,_nextNodeKey:1,_extensions:{},_FancytreeClass:t,_FancytreeNodeClass:s,jquerySupports:{positionMyOfs:h(a.ui.version,1,9)},assert:function(a,b){return e(a,b)},debounce:function(a,b,c,d){var e;return 3===arguments.length&&"boolean"!=typeof c&&(d=c,c=!1),function(){var f=arguments;d=d||this,c&&!e&&b.apply(d,f),clearTimeout(e),e=setTimeout(function(){c||b.apply(d,f),e=null},a)}},debug:function(b){a.ui.fancytree.debugLevel>=2&&f("log",arguments)},error:function(a){f("error",arguments)},escapeHtml:o,fixPositionOptions:function(b){if((b.offset||("""%")>=0)&&a.error("expected new position syntax (but '%' is not supported)"),!a.ui.fancytree.jquerySupports.positionMyOfs){var c=/(\w+)([+-]?\d+)?\s+(\w+)([+-]?\d+)?/.exec(,d=/(\w+)([+-]?\d+)?\s+(\w+)([+-]?\d+)?/.exec(,e=(c[2]?+c[2]:0)+(d[2]?+d[2]:0),f=(c[4]?+c[4]:0)+(d[4]?+d[4]:0);b=a.extend({},b,{my:c[1]+" "+c[3],at:d[1]+" "+d[3]}),(e||f)&&(b.offset=""+e+" "+f)}return b},getEventTargetType:function(a){return this.getEventTarget(a).type},getEventTarget:function(b){var c=b&&"",e={node:this.getNode(,type:d};return/\bfancytree-title\b/.test(c)?e.type="title":/\bfancytree-expander\b/.test(c)?e.type=e.node.hasChildren()===!1?"prefix":"expander":/\bfancytree-checkbox\b/.test(c)||/\bfancytree-radio\b/.test(c)?e.type="checkbox":/\bfancytree-icon\b/.test(c)?e.type="icon":/\bfancytree-node\b/.test(c)?e.type="title":b&&".fancytree-title").length&&(e.type="title"),e},getNode:function(a){if(a instanceof s)return a;for(a instanceof jQuery?a=a[0]:a.originalEvent!==d&&(;a;){if(a.ftnode)return a.ftnode;a=a.parentNode}return null},getTree:function(b){var c;return b instanceof t?b:(b===d&&(b=0),"number"==typeof b?b=a(".fancytree-container").eq(b):"string"==typeof b?b=a(b).eq(0):b.selector!==d?b=b.eq(0):b.originalEvent!==d&&(b=a(,b=b.closest(":ui-fancytree"),"ui-fancytree")||"fancytree"),c?c.tree:null)},evalOption:function(b,c,d,e,f){var g,h,i=c.tree,j=e[b],k=d[b];return a.isFunction(j)?(g={node:c,tree:i,widget:i.widget,options:i.widget.options},,{type:b},g),null==h&&(h=k)):h=null!=k?k:j,null==h&&(h=f),h},eventToString:function(a){var b=a.which,c=a.type,d=[];return a.altKey&&d.push("alt"),a.ctrlKey&&d.push("ctrl"),a.metaKey&&d.push("meta"),a.shiftKey&&d.push("shift"),"click"===c||"dblclick"===c?d.push(E[a.button]+c):C[b]||d.push(D[b]||String.fromCharCode(b).toLowerCase()),d.join("+")},info:function(b){a.ui.fancytree.debugLevel>=1&&f("info",arguments)},keyEventToString:function(a){return this.warn("keyEventToString() is deprecated: use eventToString()"),this.eventToString(a)},overrideMethod:function(b,c,d){var e,f=b[c]||a.noop;b[c]=function(){try{return e=this._super,this._super=f,d.apply(this,arguments)}finally{this._super=e}}},parseHtml:function(b){var c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l=b.find(">li"),m=[];return l.each(function(){var l,o,p=a(this),q=p.find(">span:first",this),r=q.length?null:p.find(">a:first"),s={tooltip:null,data:{}};for(q.length?s.title=q.html():r&&r.length?(s.title=r.html(),"href"),"target"),s.tooltip=r.attr("title")):(s.title=p.html(),<ul/i),h>=0&&(s.title=s.title.substring(0,h))),s.title=a.trim(s.title),g=0,i=F.length;g<i;g++)s[F[g]]=d;for(c=this.className.split(" "),f=[],g=0,i=c.length;g<i;g++)e=c[g],G[e]?s[e]=!0:f.push(e);if(s.extraClasses=f.join(" "),j=p.attr("title"),j&&(s.tooltip=j),j=p.attr("id"),j&&(s.key=j),l=n(p),l&&!a.isEmptyObject(l)){for(o in J)l.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(l[J[o]]=l[o],delete l[o]);for(g=0,i=H.length;g<i;g++)j=H[g],k=l[j],null!=k&&(delete l[j],s[j]=k);a.extend(,l)}b=p.find(">ul:first"),b.length?s.children=a.ui.fancytree.parseHtml(b):s.children=s.lazy?d:null,m.push(s)}),m},registerExtension:function(b){e(null!,"extensions must have a `name` property."),e(null!=b.version,"extensions must have a `version` property."),a.ui.fancytree._extensions[]=b},unescapeHtml:function(a){var b=c.createElement("div");return b.innerHTML=a,0===b.childNodes.length?"":b.childNodes[0].nodeValue},warn:function(a){f("warn",arguments)}})}(jQuery,window,document); /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.childcounter.min.js' */ !function(a,b){"use strict";a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.countSelected=function(a){var b=this;b.options;return b.getSelectedNodes(a).length},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.updateCounters=function(){var b=this,c=a("span.fancytree-childcounter",b.span),d=b.tree.options.childcounter,e=b.countChildren(d.deep);,!e&&d.hideZeros||b.isExpanded()&&d.hideExpanded?c.remove():(c.length||(c=a("<span class='fancytree-childcounter'/>").appendTo(a("span.fancytree-icon",b.span))),c.text(e)),!d.deep||b.isTopLevel()||b.isRoot()||b.parent.updateCounters()},a.ui.fancytree.prototype.widgetMethod1=function(a){this.tree;return a},a.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({name:"childcounter",version:"2.22.5",options:{deep:!0,hideZeros:!0,hideExpanded:!1},foo:42,_appendCounter:function(a){},treeInit:function(a){a.options,a.options.childcounter;this._superApply(arguments),this.$container.addClass("fancytree-ext-childcounter")},treeDestroy:function(a){this._superApply(arguments)},nodeRenderTitle:function(b,c){var d=b.node,e=b.options.childcounter,;this._super(b,c),!f&&e.hideZeros||d.isExpanded()&&e.hideExpanded||a("span.fancytree-icon",d.span).append(a("<span class='fancytree-childcounter'/>").text(f))},nodeSetExpanded:function(a,b,c){var d=a.tree;a.node;return this._superApply(arguments).always(function(){d.nodeRenderTitle(a)})}})}(jQuery); /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.clones.min.js' */ !function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";function e(b,c){b||(c=c?": "+c:"",a.error("Assertion failed"+c))}function f(a,b){var c;for(c=a.length-1;c>=0;c--)if(a[c]===b)return a.splice(c,1),!0;return!1}function g(a,b,c){for(var d,e,f=3&a.length,g=a.length-f,h=c,i=3432918353,j=461845907,k=0;k<g;)e=255&a.charCodeAt(k)|(255&a.charCodeAt(++k))<<8|(255&a.charCodeAt(++k))<<16|(255&a.charCodeAt(++k))<<24,++k,e=(65535&e)*i+(((e>>>16)*i&65535)<<16)&4294967295,e=e<<15|e>>>17,e=(65535&e)*j+(((e>>>16)*j&65535)<<16)&4294967295,h^=e,h=h<<13|h>>>19,d=5*(65535&h)+((5*(h>>>16)&65535)<<16)&4294967295,h=(65535&d)+27492+(((d>>>16)+58964&65535)<<16);switch(e=0,f){case 3:e^=(255&a.charCodeAt(k+2))<<16;case 2:e^=(255&a.charCodeAt(k+1))<<8;case 1:e^=255&a.charCodeAt(k),e=(65535&e)*i+(((e>>>16)*i&65535)<<16)&4294967295,e=e<<15|e>>>17,e=(65535&e)*j+(((e>>>16)*j&65535)<<16)&4294967295,h^=e}return h^=a.length,h^=h>>>16,h=2246822507*(65535&h)+((2246822507*(h>>>16)&65535)<<16)&4294967295,h^=h>>>13,h=3266489909*(65535&h)+((3266489909*(h>>>16)&65535)<<16)&4294967295,h^=h>>>16,b?("0000000"+(h>>>0).toString(16)).substr(-8):h>>>0}function h(b){var c,!1,!0),function(a){return a.refKey||a.key});return d=d.join("/"),c="id_"+g(d,!0)}a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.getCloneList=function(b){var c,d=this.tree,e=d.refMap[this.refKey]||null,f=d.keyMap;return e&&(c=this.key,b?,function(a){return f[a]}):(,function(a){return a===c?null:f[a]}),e.length<1&&(e=null))),e},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.isClone=function(){var a=this.refKey||null,b=a&&this.tree.refMap[a]||null;return!!(b&&b.length>1)},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.reRegister=function(b,c){b=null==b?null:""+b,c=null==c?null:""+c;var d=this.tree,e=this.key,f=this.refKey,g=d.keyMap,h=d.refMap,i=h[f]||null,j=!1;return null!=b&&b!==this.key&&(g[b]&&a.error("[ext-clones] reRegister("+b+"): already exists: "+this),delete g[e],g[b]=this,i&&(h[f],function(a){return a===e?b:a})),this.key=b,j=!0),null!=c&&c!==this.refKey&&(i&&(1===i.length?delete h[f]:h[f],function(a){return a===e?null:a})),h[c]?h[c].append(b):h[c]=[this.key],this.refKey=c,j=!0),j},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.setRefKey=function(a){return this.reRegister(null,a)},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.getNodesByRef=function(b,c){var d=this.keyMap,e=this.refMap[b]||null;return e&&(e=c?,function(a){var b=d[a];return b.isDescendantOf(c)?b:null}),function(a){return d[a]}),e.length<1&&(e=null)),e},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.changeRefKey=function(a,b){var c,d,e=this.keyMap,f=this.refMap[a]||null;if(f){for(c=0;c<f.length;c++)d=e[f[c]],d.refKey=b;delete this.refMap[a],this.refMap[b]=f}},a.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({name:"clones",version:"2.22.5",options:{highlightActiveClones:!0,highlightClones:!1},treeCreate:function(a){this._superApply(arguments),a.tree.refMap={},a.tree.keyMap={}},treeInit:function(a){this.$container.addClass("fancytree-ext-clones"),e(null==a.options.defaultKey),a.options.defaultKey=function(a){return h(a)},this._superApply(arguments)},treeClear:function(a){return a.tree.refMap={},a.tree.keyMap={},this._superApply(arguments)},treeRegisterNode:function(b,c,d){var g,h,i=b.tree,j=i.keyMap,k=i.refMap,l=d.key,m=d&&null!=d.refKey?""+d.refKey:null;return d.isStatusNode()?this._super(b,c,d):(c?(null!=j[d.key]&&a.error("clones.treeRegisterNode: node.key already exists: "+d),j[l]=d,m&&(g=k[m],g?(g.push(l),2===g.length&&b.options.clones.highlightClones&&j[g[0]].renderStatus()):k[m]=[l])):(null==j[l]&&a.error("clones.treeRegisterNode: node.key not registered: "+d.key),delete j[l],m&&(g=k[m],g&&(h=g.length,h<=1?(e(1===h),e(g[0]===l),delete k[m]):(f(g,l),2===h&&b.options.clones.highlightClones&&j[g[0]].renderStatus())))),this._super(b,c,d))},nodeRenderStatus:function(b){var c,d,e=b.node;return d=this._super(b),b.options.clones.highlightClones&&(c=a(e[b.tree.statusClassPropName]),c.length&&e.isClone()&&c.addClass("fancytree-clone")),d},nodeSetActive:function(b,c,d){var e,f=b.tree.statusClassPropName,g=b.node;return e=this._superApply(arguments),b.options.clones.highlightActiveClones&&g.isClone()&&a.each(g.getCloneList(!0),function(b,d){a(d[f]).toggleClass("fancytree-active-clone",c!==!1)}),e}})}(jQuery,window,document); /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.dnd.min.js' */ !function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";function e(a){return 0===a?"":a>0?"+"+a:""+a}function f(){h||(a.ui.plugin.add("draggable","connectToFancytree",{start:function(b,c){var d=a(this).data("ui-draggable")||a(this).data("draggable"),"ftSourceNode")||null;if(e)return,,e.tree.ext.dnd._onDragEvent("start",e,null,b,c,d)},drag:function(b,c){var d,e,f,g=a(this).data("ui-draggable")||a(this).data("draggable"),"ftSourceNode")||null,"ftTargetNode")||null,j=a.ui.fancytree.getNode(,k=h&&h.tree.options.dnd;return!j&&(e=a("div.fancytree-drag-helper,#fancytree-drop-marker").length>0)?(f=h||i||a.ui.fancytree,void f.debug("Drag event over helper: ignored.")):("ftTargetNode",j),k&&k.updateHelper&&(d=h.tree._makeHookContext(h,b,{otherNode:j,ui:c,draggable:g,dropMarker:a("#fancytree-drop-marker")}),,h,d)),i&&i!==j&&i.tree.ext.dnd._onDragEvent("leave",i,h,b,c,g),void(j&&j.tree.options.dnd.dragDrop&&(j===i?j.tree.ext.dnd._onDragEvent("over",j,h,b,c,g):(j.tree.ext.dnd._onDragEvent("enter",j,h,b,c,g),j.tree.ext.dnd._onDragEvent("over",j,h,b,c,g)))))},stop:function(b,c){var d,e=a(this).data("ui-draggable")||a(this).data("draggable"),"ftSourceNode")||null,"ftTargetNode")||null,h="mouseup"===b.type&&1===b.which;h||(d=f||g||a.ui.fancytree,d.debug("Drag was cancelled")),g&&(h&&g.tree.ext.dnd._onDragEvent("drop",g,f,b,c,e),g.tree.ext.dnd._onDragEvent("leave",g,f,b,c,e)),f&&f.tree.ext.dnd._onDragEvent("stop",f,null,b,c,e)}}),h=!0)}function g(b){var c=b.options.dnd||null,d=b.options.glyph||null;c&&f(),c&&c.dragStart&&b.widget.element.draggable(a.extend({addClasses:!1,appendTo:b.$container,containment:!1,delay:0,distance:4,revert:!1,scroll:!0,scrollSpeed:7,scrollSensitivity:10,connectToFancytree:!0,helper:function(b){var c,e,f,g=a.ui.fancytree.getNode(;return g?(f=g.tree.options.dnd,e=a(g.span),c=a("<div class='fancytree-drag-helper'><span class='fancytree-drag-helper-img' /></div>").css({zIndex:3,position:"relative"}).append(e.find("span.fancytree-title").clone()),"ftSourceNode",g),d&&c.find(".fancytree-drag-helper-img").addClass(,f.initHelper&&,g,{node:g,tree:g.tree,originalEvent:b,ui:{helper:c}}),c):"<div>ERROR?: helper requested but sourceNode not found</div>"},start:function(a,b){var"ftSourceNode");return!!c}},b.options.dnd.draggable)),c&&c.dragDrop&&b.widget.element.droppable(a.extend({addClasses:!1,tolerance:"intersect",greedy:!1},b.options.dnd.droppable))}var h=!1,i="fancytree-drop-accept",j="fancytree-drop-after",k="fancytree-drop-before",l="fancytree-drop-over",m="fancytree-drop-reject",n="fancytree-drop-target";a.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({name:"dnd",version:"2.22.5",options:{autoExpandMS:1e3,draggable:null,droppable:null,focusOnClick:!1,preventVoidMoves:!0,preventRecursiveMoves:!0,smartRevert:!0,dropMarkerOffsetX:-24,dropMarkerInsertOffsetX:-16,dragStart:null,dragStop:null,initHelper:null,updateHelper:null,dragEnter:null,dragOver:null,dragExpand:null,dragDrop:null,dragLeave:null},treeInit:function(b){var c=b.tree;this._superApply(arguments),c.options.dnd.dragStart&&c.$container.on("mousedown",function(c){if(b.options.dnd.focusOnClick){var d=a.ui.fancytree.getNode(c);d&&d.debug("Re-enable focus that was prevented by jQuery UI draggable."),setTimeout(function(){a(":tabbable").focus()},10)}}),g(c)},_setDndStatus:function(b,c,d,f,g){var h,o="center",p=this._local,q=this.options.dnd,r=this.options.glyph,s=b?a(b.span):null,t=a(c.span),u=t.find("span.fancytree-title");if(p.$dropMarker||(p.$dropMarker=a("<div id='fancytree-drop-marker'></div>").hide().css({"z-index":1e3}).prependTo(a(this.$div).parent()),r&&p.$dropMarker.addClass(,"after"===f||"before"===f||"over"===f){switch(h=q.dropMarkerOffsetX||0,f){case"before":o="top",h+=q.dropMarkerInsertOffsetX||0;break;case"after":o="bottom",h+=q.dropMarkerInsertOffsetX||0}p.$dropMarker.toggleClass(j,"after"===f).toggleClass(l,"over"===f).toggleClass(k,"before"===f).show().position(a.ui.fancytree.fixPositionOptions({my:"left"+e(h)+" center",at:"left "+o,of:u}))}else p.$dropMarker.hide();s&&s.toggleClass(i,g===!0).toggleClass(m,g===!1),t.toggleClass(n,"after"===f||"before"===f||"over"===f).toggleClass(j,"after"===f).toggleClass(k,"before"===f).toggleClass(i,g===!0).toggleClass(m,g===!1),d.toggleClass(i,g===!0).toggleClass(m,g===!1)},_onDragEvent:function(b,e,f,g,h,i){var j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s=this.options,t=s.dnd,u=this._makeHookContext(e,g,{otherNode:f,ui:h,draggable:i}),v=null,w=this,x=a(e.span);switch(t.smartRevert&&(i.options.revert="invalid"),b){case"start":e.isStatusNode()?v=!1:t.dragStart&&(v=t.dragStart(e,u)),v===!1?(this.debug("tree.dragStart() 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prevented"),q=null)),"hitMode",q))),"before"===q||"after"===q||!t.autoExpandMS||e.hasChildren()===!1||e.expanded||t.dragExpand&&t.dragExpand(e,u)===!1||e.scheduleAction("expand",t.autoExpandMS),q&&t.dragOver&&(u.hitMode=q,v=t.dragOver(e,u)),j=v!==!1&&null!==q,t.smartRevert&&(i.options.revert=!j),this._local._setDndStatus(f,e,h.helper,q,j);break;case"drop""hitMode"),q&&t.dragDrop&&(u.hitMode=q,t.dragDrop(e,u));break;case"leave":e.scheduleAction("cancel"),"enterResponse",null),"hitMode",null),this._local._setDndStatus(f,e,h.helper,"out",d),t.dragLeave&&t.dragLeave(e,u);break;case"stop":x.removeClass("fancytree-drag-source"),a(c).off(".fancytree-dnd"),t.dragStop&&t.dragStop(e,u);break;default:a.error("Unsupported drag event: "+b)}return v},_cancelDrag:function(){var b=a.ui.ddmanager.current;b&&b.cancel()}})}(jQuery,window,document); /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.dnd5.min.js' */ !function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";function e(a){return 0===a?"":a>0?"+"+a:""+a}function f(b){var c;return!!b&&(c=a.isPlainObject(b)?{over:!!b.over,before:!!b.before,after:!!b.after}:a.isArray(b)?{over:a.inArray("over",b)>=0,before:a.inArray("before",b)>=0,after:a.inArray("after",b)>=0}:{over:b===!0||"over"===b,before:b===!0||"before"===b,after:b===!0||"after"===b},0!==Object.keys(c).length&&c)}function g(d,e){var f,g,h,i=d.options.dnd5,j=d.$scrollParent[0],k=i.scrollSensitivity,l=i.scrollSpeed,m=0;return j!==c&&"HTML"!==j.tagName?(f=d.$scrollParent.offset(),g=j.scrollTop,<k?(h=j.scrollHeight-d.$scrollParent.innerHeight()-g,h>0&&(j.scrollTop=m=g+l)):g>0&&<k&&(j.scrollTop=m=g-l)):(g=a(c).scrollTop(),g>0&&e.pageY-g<k?(m=g-l,a(c).scrollTop(m)):a(b).height()-(e.pageY-g)<k&&(m=g+l,a(c).scrollTop(m))),m&&d.debug("autoScroll: "+m+"px"),m}function h(b,c){if(c.options.dnd5.scroll&&g(c.tree,b),!c.node)return c.tree.warn("Ignore dragover for non-node"),u;var d,f,h,i=null,j=c.tree,q=j.options,s=q.dnd5,v=c.node,w=c.otherNode,x="center",y=a(v.span),z=y.find("span.fancytree-title");if(t===!1)return j.warn("Ignore dragover, since dragenter returned false"),!1;if("string"==typeof t?a.error("assert failed: dragenter returned string"):(f=y.offset(),h=(,t.after&&h>.75?i="after":!t.over&&t.after&&h>.5?i="after":t.before&&h<=.25?i="before":!t.over&&t.before&&h<=.5?i="before":t.over&&(i="over"),s.preventVoidMoves&&(v===w?(v.debug("drop over source node prevented"),i=null):"before"===i&&w&&v===w.getNextSibling()?(v.debug("drop after source node prevented"),i=null):"after"===i&&w&&v===w.getPrevSibling()?(v.debug("drop before source node prevented"),i=null):"over"===i&&w&&w.parent===v&&w.isLastSibling()&&(v.debug("drop last child over own parent prevented"),i=null))),c.hitMode=i,i&&s.dragOver&&(s.dragOver(v,c),i=c.hitMode),u=i,"after"===i||"before"===i||"over"===i){switch(d=s.dropMarkerOffsetX||0,i){case"before":x="top",d+=s.dropMarkerInsertOffsetX||0;break;case"after":x="bottom",d+=s.dropMarkerInsertOffsetX||0}r.toggleClass(l,"after"===i).toggleClass(n,"over"===i).toggleClass(m,"before"===i).show().position(a.ui.fancytree.fixPositionOptions({my:"left"+e(d)+" center",at:"left "+x,of:z}))}else r.hide();return a(v.span).toggleClass(p,"after"===i||"before"===i||"over"===i).toggleClass(l,"after"===i).toggleClass(m,"before"===i).toggleClass(k,"over"===i).toggleClass(o,i===!1),i}var i="fancytree-drag-source",j="fancytree-drag-remove",k="fancytree-drop-accept",l="fancytree-drop-after",m="fancytree-drop-before",n="fancytree-drop-over",o="fancytree-drop-reject",p="fancytree-drop-target",q="application/x-fancytree-node",r=null,s=null,t=null,u=null;a.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({name:"dnd5",version:"2.22.5",options:{autoExpandMS:1500,setTextTypeJson:!1,preventForeignNodes:!1,preventNonNodes:!1,preventRecursiveMoves:!0,preventVoidMoves:!0,scroll:!0,scrollSensitivity:20,scrollSpeed:5,dropMarkerOffsetX:-24,dropMarkerInsertOffsetX:-16,dragStart:null,dragDrag:a.noop,dragEnd:a.noop,dragEnter:null,dragOver:a.noop,dragExpand:a.noop,dragDrop:a.noop,dragLeave:a.noop},treeInit:function(b){var c=b.tree,e=b.options,g=e.dnd5,l=a.ui.fancytree.getNode;a.inArray("dnd",e.extensions)>=0&&a.error("Extensions 'dnd' and 'dnd5' are mutually exclusive."),g.dragStop&&a.error("dragStop is not used by ext-dnd5. Use dragEnd instead."),g.dragStart&&a.ui.fancytree.overrideMethod(b.options,"createNode",function(a,b){this._super.apply(this,arguments),b.node.span.draggable=!0}),this._superApply(arguments),this.$container.addClass("fancytree-ext-dnd5"),this.$scrollParent=this.$container.children(":first").scrollParent(),r=a("#fancytree-drop-marker"),r.length||(r=a("<div id='fancytree-drop-marker'></div>").hide().css({"z-index":1e3,"pointer-events":"none"}).prependTo("body")),g.dragStart&&c.$container.on("dragstart drag dragend",function(b){var e,f=l(b),h=b.dataTransfer||b.originalEvent.dataTransfer,k="move"===h.dropEffect,m=f?a(f.span):null,n={node:f,tree:c,options:c.options,originalEvent:b,dataTransfer:h,isCancelled:d};switch(b.type){case"dragstart":a(f.span).addClass(i),s=f,e=JSON.stringify(f.toDict());try{h.setData(q,e),h.setData("text/html",a(f.span).html()),h.setData("text/plain",f.title)}catch(o){c.warn("Could not set data (IE only accepts 'text') - "+o)}return g.setTextTypeJson?h.setData("text",e):h.setData("text",f.title),h.effectAllowed="all",h.setDragImage&&h.setDragImage(a(f.span).find(".fancytree-title")[0],-10,-10),g.dragStart(f,n)!==!1;case"drag":m.toggleClass(j,k),g.dragDrag(f,n);break;case"dragend":a(f.span).removeClass(i+" "+j),s=null,t=null,n.isCancelled="none"===h.dropEffect,r.hide(),g.dragEnd(f,n)}}),g.dragEnter&&c.$container.on("dragenter dragover dragleave drop",function(b){var e,i,j,m,p=null,v=l(b),w=b.dataTransfer||b.originalEvent.dataTransfer,x={node:v,tree:c,options:c.options,hitMode:t,originalEvent:b,dataTransfer:w,otherNode:s||null,otherNodeData:null,dropEffect:d,isCancelled:d};switch(b.type){case"dragenter":if(!v){c.debug("Ignore non-node "+b.type+": "".",t=!1;break}if(a(v.span).addClass(n).removeClass(k+" "+o),g.preventNonNodes&&!i){v.debug("Reject dropping a non-node"),t=!1;break}if(g.preventForeignNodes&&(!s||s.tree!==v.tree)){v.debug("Reject dropping a foreign node"),t=!1;break}setTimeout(function(){!g.autoExpandMS||v.hasChildren()===!1||v.expanded||g.dragExpand&&g.dragExpand(v,x)===!1||v.scheduleAction("expand",g.autoExpandMS)},0),,g.preventRecursiveMoves&&v.isDescendantOf(x.otherNode)?m=!1:(j=g.dragEnter(v,x),m=f(j)),t=m,p=m&&(m.over||m.before||m.after);break;case"dragover":u=h(b,x),p=!!u;break;case"dragleave":if(!v){c.debug("Ignore non-node "+b.type+": "".";break}if(!a(v.span).hasClass(n)){v.debug("Ignore dragleave (multi)");break}a(v.span).removeClass(n+" "+k+" "+o),v.scheduleAction("cancel"),g.dragLeave(v,x),r.hide();break;case"drop":if(a.inArray(q,w.types)>=0&&(i=w.getData(q),": getData('application/x-fancytree-node'): '"+i+"'")),i||(i=w.getData("text"),": getData('text'): '"+i+"'")),i)try{e=JSON.parse(i),e.title!==d&&(x.otherNodeData=e)}catch(y){}c.debug(b.type+": nodeData: '"+i+"', otherNodeData: ",x.otherNodeData),a(v.span).removeClass(n+" "+k+" "+o),r.hide(),x.hitMode=u,x.dropEffect=w.dropEffect,x.isCancelled="none"===x.dropEffect,g.dragDrop(v,x),b.preventDefault()}if(p)return b.preventDefault(),!1})}})}(jQuery,window,document); /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.edit.min.js' */ !function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";var e=/Mac/.test(navigator.platform),f=a.ui.fancytree.escapeHtml,g=a.ui.fancytree.unescapeHtml;a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.editStart=function(){var b,d=this,e=this.tree,f=e.ext.edit,h=e.options.edit,i=a(".fancytree-title",d.span),j={node:d,tree:e,options:e.options,isNew:a(d[e.statusClassPropName]).hasClass("fancytree-edit-new"),orgTitle:d.title,input:null,dirty:!1};return,{type:"beforeEdit"},j)!==!1&&(a.ui.fancytree.assert(!f.currentNode,"recursive edit"),f.currentNode=this,f.eventData=j,e.widget._unbind(),a(c).on("mousedown.fancytree-edit",function(b){a("fancytree-edit-input")||d.editEnd(!0,b)}),b=a("<input />",{"class":"fancytree-edit-input",type:"text",value:e.options.escapeTitles?j.orgTitle:g(j.orgTitle)}),f.eventData.input=b,null!=h.adjustWidthOfs&&b.width(i.width()+h.adjustWidthOfs),null!=h.inputCss&&b.css(h.inputCss),i.html(b),b.focus().change(function(a){b.addClass("fancytree-edit-dirty")}).keydown(function(b){switch(b.which){case a.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE:d.editEnd(!1,b);break;case a.ui.keyCode.ENTER:return d.editEnd(!0,b),!1}b.stopPropagation()}).blur(function(a){return d.editEnd(!0,a)}),void,{type:"edit"},j))},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.editEnd=function(b,d){var e,g=this,h=this.tree,i=h.ext.edit,j=i.eventData,k=h.options.edit,l=a(".fancytree-title",g.span),m=l.find("input.fancytree-edit-input");return k.trim&&m.val(a.trim(m.val())),e=m.val(),j.dirty=e!==g.title,j.originalEvent=d,b===!1?!1:j.isNew?""!""!==e,,{type:"beforeClose"},j)!==!1&&((!||,{type:"save"},j)!==!1)&&(m.removeClass("fancytree-edit-dirty").off(),a(c).off(".fancytree-edit"),,g.setFocus()):j.isNew?(g.remove(),g=j.node=null,i.relatedNode.setFocus()):(g.renderTitle(),g.setFocus()),i.eventData=null,i.currentNode=null,i.relatedNode=null,h.widget._bind(),a(h.$container).focus(),j.input=null,,{type:"close"},j),!0))},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.editCreateNode=function(b,c){var d,e=this.tree,f=this;return b=b||"child",null==c?c={title:""}:"string"==typeof c?c={title:c}:a.ui.fancytree.assert(a.isPlainObject(c)),"child"!==b||this.isExpanded()||this.hasChildren()===!1?(d=this.addNode(c,b),d.match=!0,a(d[e.statusClassPropName]).removeClass("fancytree-hide").addClass("fancytree-match"),void d.makeVisible().done(function(){a(d[e.statusClassPropName]).addClass("fancytree-edit-new"),f.tree.ext.edit.relatedNode=f,d.editStart()})):void this.setExpanded().done(function(){f.editCreateNode(b,c)})},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.isEditing=function(){return this.ext.edit?this.ext.edit.currentNode:null},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.isEditing=function(){return!!this.tree.ext.edit&&this.tree.ext.edit.currentNode===this},a.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({name:"edit",version:"2.22.5",options:{adjustWidthOfs:4,allowEmpty:!1,inputCss:{minWidth:"3em"},triggerStart:["f2","shift+click","mac+enter"],trim:!0,beforeClose:a.noop,beforeEdit:a.noop,close:a.noop,edit:a.noop,save:a.noop},currentNode:null,treeInit:function(a){this._superApply(arguments),this.$container.addClass("fancytree-ext-edit")},nodeClick:function(b){return a.inArray("shift+click",b.options.edit.triggerStart)>=0&&b.originalEvent.shiftKey?(b.node.editStart(),!1):this._superApply(arguments)},nodeDblclick:function(b){return a.inArray("dblclick",b.options.edit.triggerStart)>=0?(b.node.editStart(),!1):this._superApply(arguments)},nodeKeydown:function(b){switch(b.originalEvent.which){case 113:if(a.inArray("f2",b.options.edit.triggerStart)>=0)return b.node.editStart(),!1;break;case a.ui.keyCode.ENTER:if(a.inArray("mac+enter",b.options.edit.triggerStart)>=0&&e)return b.node.editStart(),!1}return this._superApply(arguments)}})}(jQuery,window,document); /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.filter.min.js' */ !function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";function e(a){return(a+"").replace(/([.?*+\^\$\[\]\\(){}|-])/g,"\\$1")}function f(b){return b.indexOf(">")>=0?a("<div/>").html(b).text():b}var g="__not_found__",h=a.ui.fancytree.escapeHtml;a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype._applyFilterImpl=function(b,c,d){var i,j,k,l,m=0,n=this.options,o=n.escapeTitles,p=n.autoCollapse,q=a.extend({},n.filter,d),r="hide"===q.mode,s=!!q.leavesOnly&&!c;return"string"==typeof b&&(i=q.fuzzy?b.split("").reduce(function(a,b){return a+"[^"+b+"]*"+b}):e(b),k=new RegExp(".*"+i+".*","i"),l=new RegExp(e(b),"gi"),b=function(a){var b,c=o?a.title:f(a.title),d=!!k.test(c);return d&&q.highlight&&(b=o?h(a.title):c,a.titleWithHighlight=b.replace(l,function(a){return"<mark>"+a+"</mark>"})),d}),this.enableFilter=!0,this.lastFilterArgs=arguments,this.$div.addClass("fancytree-ext-filter"),r?this.$div.addClass("fancytree-ext-filter-hide"):this.$div.addClass("fancytree-ext-filter-dimm"),this.$div.toggleClass("fancytree-ext-filter-hide-expanders",!!q.hideExpanders),this.visit(function(a){delete a.match,delete a.titleWithHighlight,a.subMatchCount=0}),j=this.getRootNode()._findDirectChild(g),j&&j.remove(),n.autoCollapse=!1,this.visit(function(a){if(!s||null==a.children){var d=b(a),e=!1;if("skip"===d)return a.visit(function(a){a.match=!1},!0),"skip";d||!c&&"branch"!==d||!a.parent.match||(d=!0,e=!0),d&&(m++,a.match=!0,a.visitParents(function(a){a.subMatchCount+=1,!q.autoExpand||e||a.expanded||(a.setExpanded(!0,{noAnimation:!0,noEvents:!0,scrollIntoView:!1}),a._filterAutoExpanded=!0)}))}}),n.autoCollapse=p,0===m&&q.nodata&&r&&(j=q.nodata,a.isFunction(j)&&(j=j()),j===!0?j={}:"string"==typeof j&&(j={title:j}),j=a.extend({statusNodeType:"nodata",key:g,title:this.options.strings.noData},j),this.getRootNode().addNode(j).match=!0),this.render(),m},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.filterNodes=function(a,b){return"boolean"==typeof b&&(b={leavesOnly:b},this.warn("Fancytree.filterNodes() leavesOnly option is deprecated since 2.9.0 / 2015-04-19. Use opts.leavesOnly instead.")),this._applyFilterImpl(a,!1,b)},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.applyFilter=function(a){return this.warn("Fancytree.applyFilter() is deprecated since 2.1.0 / 2014-05-29. Use .filterNodes() instead."),this.filterNodes.apply(this,arguments)},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.filterBranches=function(a,b){return this._applyFilterImpl(a,!0,b)},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.clearFilter=function(){var b,c=this.getRootNode()._findDirectChild(g),d=this.options.escapeTitles,e=this.options.enhanceTitle;c&&c.remove(),this.visit(function(c){c.match&&c.span&&(b=a(c.span).find(">span.fancytree-title"),d?b.text(c.title):b.html(c.title),e&&e({type:"enhanceTitle"},{node:c,$title:b})),delete c.match,delete c.subMatchCount,delete c.titleWithHighlight,c.$subMatchBadge&&(c.$subMatchBadge.remove(),delete c.$subMatchBadge),c._filterAutoExpanded&&c.expanded&&c.setExpanded(!1,{noAnimation:!0,noEvents:!0,scrollIntoView:!1}),delete c._filterAutoExpanded}),this.enableFilter=!1,this.lastFilterArgs=null,this.$div.removeClass("fancytree-ext-filter fancytree-ext-filter-dimm fancytree-ext-filter-hide"),this.render()},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeClass.prototype.isFilterActive=function(){return!!this.enableFilter},a.ui.fancytree._FancytreeNodeClass.prototype.isMatched=function(){return!(this.tree.enableFilter&&!this.match)},a.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({name:"filter",version:"2.22.5",options:{autoApply:!0,autoExpand:!1,counter:!0,fuzzy:!1,hideExpandedCounter:!0,hideExpanders:!1,highlight:!0,leavesOnly:!1,nodata:!0,mode:"dimm"},nodeLoadChildren:function(a,b){return this._superApply(arguments).done(function(){a.tree.enableFilter&&a.tree.lastFilterArgs&&a.options.filter.autoApply&&a.tree._applyFilterImpl.apply(a.tree,a.tree.lastFilterArgs)})},nodeSetExpanded:function(a,b,c){return delete a.node._filterAutoExpanded,!b&&a.options.filter.hideExpandedCounter&&a.node.$subMatchBadge&&a.node.$,this._superApply(arguments)},nodeRenderStatus:function(b){var c,d=b.node,e=b.tree,f=b.options.filter,g=a(d.span).find("span.fancytree-title"),h=a(d[e.statusClassPropName]),i=b.options.enhanceTitle,j=b.options.escapeTitles;return c=this._super(b),h.length&&e.enableFilter?(h.toggleClass("fancytree-match",!!d.match).toggleClass("fancytree-submatch",!!d.subMatchCount).toggleClass("fancytree-hide",!(d.match||d.subMatchCount)),!f.counter||!d.subMatchCount||d.isExpanded()&&f.hideExpandedCounter?d.$subMatchBadge&&d.$subMatchBadge.hide():(d.$subMatchBadge||(d.$subMatchBadge=a("<span class='fancytree-childcounter'/>"),a("span.fancytree-icon, span.fancytree-custom-icon",d.span).append(d.$subMatchBadge)),d.$,!d.span||d.isEditing&&||(d.titleWithHighlight?g.html(d.titleWithHighlight):j?g.text(d.title):g.html(d.title),i&&i({type:"enhanceTitle"},{node:d,$title:g})),c):c}})}(jQuery,window,document); /*! 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Use 'renderStatusColumns' instead."),k.renderStatusColumns=l.customStatus)),k.renderStatusColumns&&k.renderStatusColumns===!0&&(k.renderStatusColumns=k.renderColumns),m.addClass("fancytree-container fancytree-ext-table"),j.tbody=m.find(">tbody")[0],i=a(j.tbody),f=a("thead >tr:last >th",m).length,h=i.children("tr:first"),h.length)g=h.children("td").length,f&&g!==f&&(j.warn("Column count mismatch between thead ("+f+") and tbody ("+g+"): using tbody."),f=g),h=h.clone();else for(e(f>=1,"Need either <thead> or <tbody> with <td> elements to determine column count."),h=a("<tr />"),d=0;d<f;d++)h.append("<td />");h.find(">td").eq(l.nodeColumnIdx).html("<span class='fancytree-node' />"),k.aria&&(h.attr("role","row"),h.find("td").attr("role","gridcell")),j.rowFragment=c.createDocumentFragment(),j.rowFragment.appendChild(h.get(0)),i.empty(),j.statusClassPropName="tr",j.ariaPropName="tr",this.nodeContainerAttrName="tr",j.$container=m,this._superApply(arguments),a(j.rootNode.ul).remove(),j.rootNode.ul=null,this.$container.attr("tabindex",k.tabindex),k.aria&&j.$container.attr("role","treegrid").attr("aria-readonly",!0)},nodeRemoveChildMarkup:function(b){var c=b.node;c.visit(function(b){,})},nodeRemoveMarkup:function(b){var c=b.node;,,this.nodeRemoveChildMarkup(b)},nodeRender:function(b,c,d,j,k){var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t=b.tree,u=b.node,v=b.options,w=!u.parent;if(t._enableUpdate!==!1){if(k||(b.hasCollapsedParents=u.parent&&!u.parent.expanded),!w)if(,;else{if(b.hasCollapsedParents&&!d)return;p=t.rowFragment.firstChild.cloneNode(!0),q=i(u),e(q),j===!0&&k?"none":d&&b.hasCollapsedParents&&("none"),,p):(e(!q.parent,"prev. row must have a tr, or be system root"),f(t.tbody,p)),,u.key&&v.generateIds&&(,,u.span=a("span.fancytree-node",,this.nodeRenderTitle(b),v.createNode&&,{type:"createNode"},b)}if(v.renderNode&&,{type:"renderNode"},b),l=u.children,l&&(w||d||u.expanded))for(n=0,o=l.length;n<o;n++)s=a.extend({},b,{node:l[n]}),s.hasCollapsedParents=s.hasCollapsedParents||!u.expanded,this.nodeRender(s,c,d,j,!0);l&&!k&&(||null,m=t.tbody.firstChild,u.visit(function(a){if({if(a.parent.expanded||"none"||("none",h(a,!1)),!==r){u.debug("_fixOrder: mismatch at node: "+a);var b=r?r.nextSibling:m;t.tbody.insertBefore(,b)}}}))}},nodeRenderTitle:function(b,c){var d,e,f=b.node,g=b.options,h=f.isStatusNode();return e=this._super(b,c),f.isRootNode()?e:(g.checkbox&&!h&&null!=g.table.checkboxColumnIdx&&(d=a("span.fancytree-checkbox",f.span),a("td").eq(+g.table.checkboxColumnIdx).html(d)),this.nodeRenderStatus(b),h?g.renderStatusColumns&&,{type:"renderStatusColumns"},b):g.renderColumns&&,{type:"renderColumns"},b),e)},nodeRenderStatus:function(b){var c,d=b.node,e=b.options;this._super(b),a("fancytree-node"),c=(d.getLevel()-1)*e.table.indentation,a(d.span).css({paddingLeft:c+"px"})},nodeSetExpanded:function(b,c,d){function e(a){h(b.node,c),a?c&&b.options.autoScroll&&!d.noAnimation&&b.node.hasChildren()?b.node.getLastChild().scrollIntoView(!0,{topNode:b.node}).always(function(){d.noEvents||b.tree._triggerNodeEvent(c?"expand":"collapse",b),f.resolveWith(b.node)}):(d.noEvents||b.tree._triggerNodeEvent(c?"expand":"collapse",b),f.resolveWith(b.node)):(d.noEvents||b.tree._triggerNodeEvent(c?"expand":"collapse",b),f.rejectWith(b.node))}if(c=c!==!1,b.node.expanded&&c||!b.node.expanded&&!c)return this._superApply(arguments);var f=new a.Deferred,g=a.extend({},d,{noEvents:!0,noAnimation:!0});return d=d||{},this._super(b,c,g).done(function(){e(!0)}).fail(function(){e(!1)}),f.promise()},nodeSetStatus:function(b,c,d,e){if("ok"===c){var f=b.node,g=f.children?f.children[0]:null;g&&g.isStatusNode()&&a(}return this._superApply(arguments)},treeClear:function(a){return this.nodeRemoveChildMarkup(this._makeHookContext(this.rootNode)),this._superApply(arguments)},treeDestroy:function(a){return this.$container.find("tbody").empty(),this.$source&&this.$source.removeClass("ui-helper-hidden"),this._superApply(arguments)}})}(jQuery,window,document); /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.themeroller.min.js' */ !function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";a.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({name:"themeroller",version:"2.22.5",options:{activeClass:"ui-state-active",addClass:"ui-corner-all",focusClass:"ui-state-focus",hoverClass:"ui-state-hover",selectedClass:"ui-state-highlight"},treeInit:function(b){var c=b.widget.element,d=b.options.themeroller;this._superApply(arguments),"TABLE"===c[0].nodeName?(c.addClass("ui-widget ui-corner-all"),c.find(">thead tr").addClass("ui-widget-header"),c.find(">tbody").addClass("ui-widget-conent")):c.addClass("ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"),c.delegate(".fancytree-node","mouseenter mouseleave",function(b){var c=a.ui.fancytree.getNode(,e="mouseenter"===b.type;a(" "+d.addClass,e)})},treeDestroy:function(a){this._superApply(arguments),a.widget.element.removeClass("ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all")},nodeRenderStatus:function(b){var c={},d=b.node,e=a(,f=b.options.themeroller;this._super(b),c[f.activeClass]=!1,c[f.focusClass]=!1,c[f.selectedClass]=!1,d.isActive()&&(c[f.activeClass]=!0),d.hasFocus()&&(c[f.focusClass]=!0),d.isSelected()&&!d.isActive()&&(c[f.selectedClass]=!0),e.toggleClass(f.activeClass,c[f.activeClass]),e.toggleClass(f.focusClass,c[f.focusClass]),e.toggleClass(f.selectedClass,c[f.selectedClass]),e.addClass(f.addClass)}})}(jQuery,window,document); /*! Extension 'jquery.fancytree.wide.min.js' */ !function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";function e(b,c){b="fancytree-style-"+b;var d=a("#"+b);if(!c)return d.remove(),null;d.length||(d=a("<style />").attr("id",b).addClass("fancytree-style").prop("type","text/css").appendTo("head"));try{d.html(c)}catch(e){d[0].styleSheet.cssText=c}return d}function f(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g,h="#"+a+" span.fancytree-level-",i=[];for(g=0;g<b;g++)i.push(h+(g+1)+" span.fancytree-title { padding-left: "+(g*c+d)+f+"; }");return i.push("#"+a+" div.ui-effects-wrapper ul li span.fancytree-title, #"+a+" ul.fancytree-animating span.fancytree-title { padding-left: "+e+f+"; position: static; width: auto; }"),i.join("\n")}var g=/^([+-]?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d+))([a-z]*|%)$/;a.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({name:"wide",version:"2.22.5",options:{iconWidth:null,iconSpacing:null,labelSpacing:null,levelOfs:null},treeCreate:function(b){this._superApply(arguments),this.$container.addClass("fancytree-ext-wide");var c,d,h,i,j,k,l=b.options.wide,m=a("<li id='fancytreeTemp'><span class='fancytree-node'><span class='fancytree-icon' /><span class='fancytree-title' /></span><ul />").appendTo(b.tree.$container),n=m.find(".fancytree-icon"),o=m.find("ul"),p=l.iconSpacing||n.css("margin-left"),q=l.iconWidth||n.css("width"),r=l.labelSpacing||"3px",s=l.levelOfs||o.css("padding-left");m.remove(),h=p.match(g)[2],p=parseFloat(p,10),i=r.match(g)[2],r=parseFloat(r,10),j=q.match(g)[2],q=parseFloat(q,10),k=s.match(g)[2],h===j&&k===j&&i===j||a.error("iconWidth, iconSpacing, and levelOfs must have the same css measure unit"),this._local.measureUnit=j,this._local.levelOfs=parseFloat(s),this._local.lineOfs=(1+(b.options.checkbox?1:0)+(b.options.icon===!1?0:1))*(q+p)+p,this._local.labelOfs=r,this._local.maxDepth=10,c=this.$container.uniqueId().attr("id"),d=f(c,this._local.maxDepth,this._local.levelOfs,this._local.lineOfs,this._local.labelOfs,this._local.measureUnit),e(c,d)},treeDestroy:function(a){return e(this.$container.attr("id"),null),this._superApply(arguments)},nodeRenderStatus:function(b){var c,d,g,h=b.node,i=h.getLevel();return g=this._super(b),i>this._local.maxDepth&&(c=this.$container.attr("id"),this._local.maxDepth*=2,h.debug("Define global ext-wide css up to level "+this._local.maxDepth),d=f(c,this._local.maxDepth,this._local.levelOfs,this._local.lineOfs,this._local.labelSpacing,this._local.measureUnit),e(c,d)),a(h.span).addClass("fancytree-level-"+i),g}})}(jQuery,window,document); }));
/*! jQuery v1.7.1 | */ (function( window, undefined ) { // Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox) var document = window.document, navigator = window.navigator, location = window.location; var jQuery = (function() { // Define a local copy of jQuery var jQuery = function( selector, context ) { // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery ); }, // Map over jQuery in case of overwrite _jQuery = window.jQuery, // Map over the $ in case of overwrite _$ = window.$, // A central reference to the root jQuery(document) rootjQuery, // A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings // Prioritize #id over <tag> to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521) quickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/, // Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it rnotwhite = /\S/, // Used for trimming whitespace trimLeft = /^\s+/, trimRight = /\s+$/, // Match a standalone tag rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/, // JSON RegExp rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, // Useragent RegExp rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/, ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/, rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/, rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/, // Matches dashed string for camelizing rdashAlpha = /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig, rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/, // Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace() fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) { return ( letter + "" ).toUpperCase(); }, // Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser userAgent = navigator.userAgent, // For matching the engine and version of the browser browserMatch, // The deferred used on DOM ready readyList, // The ready event handler DOMContentLoaded, // Save a reference to some core methods toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, push = Array.prototype.push, slice = Array.prototype.slice, trim = String.prototype.trim, indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf, // [[Class]] -> type pairs class2type = {}; jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { constructor: jQuery, init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) { var match, elem, ret, doc; // Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined) if ( !selector ) { return this; } // Handle $(DOMElement) if ( selector.nodeType ) { this.context = this[0] = selector; this.length = 1; return this; } // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) { this.context = document; this[0] = document.body; this.selector = selector; this.length = 1; return this; } // Handle HTML strings if ( typeof selector === "string" ) { // Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID? if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) { // Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check match = [ null, selector, null ]; } else { match = quickExpr.exec( selector ); } // Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) { // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array) if ( match[1] ) { context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context; doc = ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document ); // If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag // just do a createElement and skip the rest ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector ); if ( ret ) { if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) { selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ]; selector, context, true ); } else { selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ]; } } else { ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] ); selector = ( ret.cacheable ? jQuery.clone(ret.fragment) : ret.fragment ).childNodes; } return jQuery.merge( this, selector ); // HANDLE: $("#id") } else { elem = document.getElementById( match[2] ); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items // by name instead of ID if ( !== match[2] ) { return rootjQuery.find( selector ); } // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object this.length = 1; this[0] = elem; } this.context = document; this.selector = selector; return this; } // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...)) } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) { return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector ); // HANDLE: $(expr, context) // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr) } else { return this.constructor( context ).find( selector ); } // HANDLE: $(function) // Shortcut for document ready } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) { return rootjQuery.ready( selector ); } if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) { this.selector = selector.selector; this.context = selector.context; } return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this ); }, // Start with an empty selector selector: "", // The current version of jQuery being used jquery: "1.7.1", // The default length of a jQuery object is 0 length: 0, // The number of elements contained in the matched element set size: function() { return this.length; }, toArray: function() { return this, 0 ); }, // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array get: function( num ) { return num == null ? // Return a 'clean' array this.toArray() : // Return just the object ( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] ); }, // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack // (returning the new matched element set) pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) { // Build a new jQuery matched element set var ret = this.constructor(); if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) { push.apply( ret, elems ); } else { jQuery.merge( ret, elems ); } // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference) ret.prevObject = this; ret.context = this.context; if ( name === "find" ) { ret.selector = this.selector + ( this.selector ? " " : "" ) + selector; } else if ( name ) { ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")"; } // Return the newly-formed element set return ret; }, // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set. // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is // only used internally.) each: function( callback, args ) { return jQuery.each( this, callback, args ); }, ready: function( fn ) { // Attach the listeners jQuery.bindReady(); // Add the callback readyList.add( fn ); return this; }, eq: function( i ) { i = +i; return i === -1 ? this.slice( i ) : this.slice( i, i + 1 ); }, first: function() { return this.eq( 0 ); }, last: function() { return this.eq( -1 ); }, slice: function() { return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ), "slice",",") ); }, map: function( callback ) { return this.pushStack(, function( elem, i ) { return elem, i, elem ); })); }, end: function() { return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null); }, // For internal use only. // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method. push: push, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice }; // Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn; jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() { var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone, target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false; // Handle a deep copy situation if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) { deep = target; target = arguments[1] || {}; // skip the boolean and the target i = 2; } // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) { target = {}; } // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed if ( length === i ) { target = this; --i; } for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { // Only deal with non-null/undefined values if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) { // Extend the base object for ( name in options ) { src = target[ name ]; copy = options[ name ]; // Prevent never-ending loop if ( target === copy ) { continue; } // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) { if ( copyIsArray ) { copyIsArray = false; clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : []; } else { clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {}; } // Never move original objects, clone them target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy ); // Don't bring in undefined values } else if ( copy !== undefined ) { target[ name ] = copy; } } } } // Return the modified object return target; }; jQuery.extend({ noConflict: function( deep ) { if ( window.$ === jQuery ) { window.$ = _$; } if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) { window.jQuery = _jQuery; } return jQuery; }, // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs. isReady: false, // A counter to track how many items to wait for before // the ready event fires. See #6781 readyWait: 1, // Hold (or release) the ready event holdReady: function( hold ) { if ( hold ) { jQuery.readyWait++; } else { jQuery.ready( true ); } }, // Handle when the DOM is ready ready: function( wait ) { // Either a released hold or an DOMready/load event and not yet ready if ( (wait === true && !--jQuery.readyWait) || (wait !== true && !jQuery.isReady) ) { // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443). if ( !document.body ) { return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 ); } // Remember that the DOM is ready jQuery.isReady = true; // If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) { return; } // If there are functions bound, to execute readyList.fireWith( document, [ jQuery ] ); // Trigger any bound ready events if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) { jQuery( document ).trigger( "ready" ).off( "ready" ); } } }, bindReady: function() { if ( readyList ) { return; } readyList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ); // Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the // browser event has already occurred. if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) { // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 ); } // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event if ( document.addEventListener ) { // Use the handy event callback document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false ); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false ); // If IE event model is used } else if ( document.attachEvent ) { // ensure firing before onload, // maybe late but safe also for iframes document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded ); // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready ); // If IE and not a frame // continually check to see if the document is ready var toplevel = false; try { toplevel = window.frameElement == null; } catch(e) {} if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) { doScrollCheck(); } } }, // See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction. // Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert // aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968). isFunction: function( obj ) { return jQuery.type(obj) === "function"; }, isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) { return jQuery.type(obj) === "array"; }, // A crude way of determining if an object is a window isWindow: function( obj ) { return obj && typeof obj === "object" && "setInterval" in obj; }, isNumeric: function( obj ) { return !isNaN( parseFloat(obj) ) && isFinite( obj ); }, type: function( obj ) { return obj == null ? String( obj ) : class2type[ ] || "object"; }, isPlainObject: function( obj ) { // Must be an Object. // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property. // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) { return false; } try { // Not own constructor property must be Object if ( obj.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isPrototypeOf") ) { return false; } } catch ( e ) { // IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897 return false; } // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up, // if last one is own, then all properties are own. var key; for ( key in obj ) {} return key === undefined || obj, key ); }, isEmptyObject: function( obj ) { for ( var name in obj ) { return false; } return true; }, error: function( msg ) { throw new Error( msg ); }, parseJSON: function( data ) { if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) { return null; } // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it) data = jQuery.trim( data ); // Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) { return window.JSON.parse( data ); } // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON // Logic borrowed from if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" ) .replace( rvalidtokens, "]" ) .replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) { return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )(); } jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data ); }, // Cross-browser xml parsing parseXML: function( data ) { var xml, tmp; try { if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard tmp = new DOMParser(); xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" ); } else { // IE xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ); xml.async = "false"; xml.loadXML( data ); } } catch( e ) { xml = undefined; } if ( !xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) { jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data ); } return xml; }, noop: function() {}, // Evaluates a script in a global context // Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll // globalEval: function( data ) { if ( data && rnotwhite.test( data ) ) { // We use execScript on Internet Explorer // We use an anonymous function so that context is window // rather than jQuery in Firefox ( window.execScript || function( data ) { window[ "eval" ].call( window, data ); } )( data ); } }, // Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules // Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572) camelCase: function( string ) { return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase ); }, nodeName: function( elem, name ) { return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase(); }, // args is for internal usage only each: function( object, callback, args ) { var name, i = 0, length = object.length, isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction( object ); if ( args ) { if ( isObj ) { for ( name in object ) { if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false ) { break; } } } else { for ( ; i < length; ) { if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false ) { break; } } } // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each } else { if ( isObj ) { for ( name in object ) { if ( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) { break; } } } else { for ( ; i < length; ) { if ( object[ i ], i, object[ i++ ] ) === false ) { break; } } } } return object; }, // Use native String.trim function wherever possible trim: trim ? function( text ) { return text == null ? "" : text ); } : // Otherwise use our own trimming functionality function( text ) { return text == null ? "" : text.toString().replace( trimLeft, "" ).replace( trimRight, "" ); }, // results is for internal usage only makeArray: function( array, results ) { var ret = results || []; if ( array != null ) { // The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length' // Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930 var type = jQuery.type( array ); if ( array.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( array ) ) { ret, array ); } else { jQuery.merge( ret, array ); } } return ret; }, inArray: function( elem, array, i ) { var len; if ( array ) { if ( indexOf ) { return array, elem, i ); } len = array.length; i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max( 0, len + i ) : i : 0; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { // Skip accessing in sparse arrays if ( i in array && array[ i ] === elem ) { return i; } } } return -1; }, merge: function( first, second ) { var i = first.length, j = 0; if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) { for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) { first[ i++ ] = second[ j ]; } } else { while ( second[j] !== undefined ) { first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ]; } } first.length = i; return first; }, grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) { var ret = [], retVal; inv = !!inv; // Go through the array, only saving the items // that pass the validator function for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) { retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i ); if ( inv !== retVal ) { ret.push( elems[ i ] ); } } return ret; }, // arg is for internal usage only map: function( elems, callback, arg ) { var value, key, ret = [], i = 0, length = elems.length, // jquery objects are treated as arrays isArray = elems instanceof jQuery || length !== undefined && typeof length === "number" && ( ( length > 0 && elems[ 0 ] && elems[ length -1 ] ) || length === 0 || jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) ; // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their if ( isArray ) { for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg ); if ( value != null ) { ret[ ret.length ] = value; } } // Go through every key on the object } else { for ( key in elems ) { value = callback( elems[ key ], key, arg ); if ( value != null ) { ret[ ret.length ] = value; } } } // Flatten any nested arrays return ret.concat.apply( [], ret ); }, // A global GUID counter for objects guid: 1, // Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any // arguments. proxy: function( fn, context ) { if ( typeof context === "string" ) { var tmp = fn[ context ]; context = fn; fn = tmp; } // Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec // this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined. if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) { return undefined; } // Simulated bind var args = arguments, 2 ), proxy = function() { return fn.apply( context, args.concat( arguments ) ) ); }; // Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || jQuery.guid++; return proxy; }, // Mutifunctional method to get and set values to a collection // The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function access: function( elems, key, value, exec, fn, pass ) { var length = elems.length; // Setting many attributes if ( typeof key === "object" ) { for ( var k in key ) { jQuery.access( elems, k, key[k], exec, fn, value ); } return elems; } // Setting one attribute if ( value !== undefined ) { // Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true exec = !pass && exec && jQuery.isFunction(value); for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { fn( elems[i], key, exec ? elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass ); } return elems; } // Getting an attribute return length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : undefined; }, now: function() { return ( new Date() ).getTime(); }, // Use of jQuery.browser is frowned upon. // More details: uaMatch: function( ua ) { ua = ua.toLowerCase(); var match = rwebkit.exec( ua ) || ropera.exec( ua ) || rmsie.exec( ua ) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && rmozilla.exec( ua ) || []; return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" }; }, sub: function() { function jQuerySub( selector, context ) { return new jQuerySub.fn.init( selector, context ); } jQuery.extend( true, jQuerySub, this ); jQuerySub.superclass = this; jQuerySub.fn = jQuerySub.prototype = this(); jQuerySub.fn.constructor = jQuerySub; jQuerySub.sub = this.sub; jQuerySub.fn.init = function init( selector, context ) { if ( context && context instanceof jQuery && !(context instanceof jQuerySub) ) { context = jQuerySub( context ); } return this, selector, context, rootjQuerySub ); }; jQuerySub.fn.init.prototype = jQuerySub.fn; var rootjQuerySub = jQuerySub(document); return jQuerySub; }, browser: {} }); // Populate the class2type map jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) { class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase(); }); browserMatch = jQuery.uaMatch( userAgent ); if ( browserMatch.browser ) { jQuery.browser[ browserMatch.browser ] = true; jQuery.browser.version = browserMatch.version; } // Deprecated, use jQuery.browser.webkit instead if ( jQuery.browser.webkit ) { jQuery.browser.safari = true; } // IE doesn't match non-breaking spaces with \s if ( rnotwhite.test( "\xA0" ) ) { trimLeft = /^[\s\xA0]+/; trimRight = /[\s\xA0]+$/; } // All jQuery objects should point back to these rootjQuery = jQuery(document); // Cleanup functions for the document ready method if ( document.addEventListener ) { DOMContentLoaded = function() { document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false ); jQuery.ready(); }; } else if ( document.attachEvent ) { DOMContentLoaded = function() { // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443). if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) { document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded ); jQuery.ready(); } }; } // The DOM ready check for Internet Explorer function doScrollCheck() { if ( jQuery.isReady ) { return; } try { // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini // document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); } catch(e) { setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 1 ); return; } // and execute any waiting functions jQuery.ready(); } return jQuery; })(); // String to Object flags format cache var flagsCache = {}; // Convert String-formatted flags into Object-formatted ones and store in cache function createFlags( flags ) { var object = flagsCache[ flags ] = {}, i, length; flags = flags.split( /\s+/ ); for ( i = 0, length = flags.length; i < length; i++ ) { object[ flags[i] ] = true; } return object; } /* * Create a callback list using the following parameters: * * flags: an optional list of space-separated flags that will change how * the callback list behaves * * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be * "fired" multiple times. * * Possible flags: * * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred) * * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized" * values (like a Deferred) * * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list) * * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false * */ jQuery.Callbacks = function( flags ) { // Convert flags from String-formatted to Object-formatted // (we check in cache first) flags = flags ? ( flagsCache[ flags ] || createFlags( flags ) ) : {}; var // Actual callback list list = [], // Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists stack = [], // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists) memory, // Flag to know if list is currently firing firing, // First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith) firingStart, // End of the loop when firing firingLength, // Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed) firingIndex, // Add one or several callbacks to the list add = function( args ) { var i, length, elem, type, actual; for ( i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++ ) { elem = args[ i ]; type = jQuery.type( elem ); if ( type === "array" ) { // Inspect recursively add( elem ); } else if ( type === "function" ) { // Add if not in unique mode and callback is not in if ( !flags.unique || !self.has( elem ) ) { list.push( elem ); } } } }, // Fire callbacks fire = function( context, args ) { args = args || []; memory = !flags.memory || [ context, args ]; firing = true; firingIndex = firingStart || 0; firingStart = 0; firingLength = list.length; for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) { if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( context, args ) === false && flags.stopOnFalse ) { memory = true; // Mark as halted break; } } firing = false; if ( list ) { if ( !flags.once ) { if ( stack && stack.length ) { memory = stack.shift(); self.fireWith( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] ); } } else if ( memory === true ) { self.disable(); } else { list = []; } } }, // Actual Callbacks object self = { // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list add: function() { if ( list ) { var length = list.length; add( arguments ); // Do we need to add the callbacks to the // current firing batch? if ( firing ) { firingLength = list.length; // With memory, if we're not firing then // we should call right away, unless previous // firing was halted (stopOnFalse) } else if ( memory && memory !== true ) { firingStart = length; fire( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] ); } } return this; }, // Remove a callback from the list remove: function() { if ( list ) { var args = arguments, argIndex = 0, argLength = args.length; for ( ; argIndex < argLength ; argIndex++ ) { for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) { if ( args[ argIndex ] === list[ i ] ) { // Handle firingIndex and firingLength if ( firing ) { if ( i <= firingLength ) { firingLength--; if ( i <= firingIndex ) { firingIndex--; } } } // Remove the element list.splice( i--, 1 ); // If we have some unicity property then // we only need to do this once if ( flags.unique ) { break; } } } } } return this; }, // Control if a given callback is in the list has: function( fn ) { if ( list ) { var i = 0, length = list.length; for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { if ( fn === list[ i ] ) { return true; } } } return false; }, // Remove all callbacks from the list empty: function() { list = []; return this; }, // Have the list do nothing anymore disable: function() { list = stack = memory = undefined; return this; }, // Is it disabled? disabled: function() { return !list; }, // Lock the list in its current state lock: function() { stack = undefined; if ( !memory || memory === true ) { self.disable(); } return this; }, // Is it locked? locked: function() { return !stack; }, // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments fireWith: function( context, args ) { if ( stack ) { if ( firing ) { if ( !flags.once ) { stack.push( [ context, args ] ); } } else if ( !( flags.once && memory ) ) { fire( context, args ); } } return this; }, // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments fire: function() { self.fireWith( this, arguments ); return this; }, // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once fired: function() { return !!memory; } }; return self; }; var // Static reference to slice sliceDeferred = [].slice; jQuery.extend({ Deferred: function( func ) { var doneList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), failList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), progressList = jQuery.Callbacks( "memory" ), state = "pending", lists = { resolve: doneList, reject: failList, notify: progressList }, promise = { done: doneList.add, fail: failList.add, progress: progressList.add, state: function() { return state; }, // Deprecated isResolved: doneList.fired, isRejected: failList.fired, then: function( doneCallbacks, failCallbacks, progressCallbacks ) { deferred.done( doneCallbacks ).fail( failCallbacks ).progress( progressCallbacks ); return this; }, always: function() { deferred.done.apply( deferred, arguments ).fail.apply( deferred, arguments ); return this; }, pipe: function( fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress ) { return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) { jQuery.each( { done: [ fnDone, "resolve" ], fail: [ fnFail, "reject" ], progress: [ fnProgress, "notify" ] }, function( handler, data ) { var fn = data[ 0 ], action = data[ 1 ], returned; if ( jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) { deferred[ handler ](function() { returned = fn.apply( this, arguments ); if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) { returned.promise().then( newDefer.resolve, newDefer.reject, newDefer.notify ); } else { newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === deferred ? newDefer : this, [ returned ] ); } }); } else { deferred[ handler ]( newDefer[ action ] ); } }); }).promise(); }, // Get a promise for this deferred // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object promise: function( obj ) { if ( obj == null ) { obj = promise; } else { for ( var key in promise ) { obj[ key ] = promise[ key ]; } } return obj; } }, deferred = promise.promise({}), key; for ( key in lists ) { deferred[ key ] = lists[ key ].fire; deferred[ key + "With" ] = lists[ key ].fireWith; } // Handle state deferred.done( function() { state = "resolved"; }, failList.disable, progressList.lock ).fail( function() { state = "rejected"; }, doneList.disable, progressList.lock ); // Call given func if any if ( func ) { deferred, deferred ); } // All done! return deferred; }, // Deferred helper when: function( firstParam ) { var args = arguments, 0 ), i = 0, length = args.length, pValues = new Array( length ), count = length, pCount = length, deferred = length <= 1 && firstParam && jQuery.isFunction( firstParam.promise ) ? firstParam : jQuery.Deferred(), promise = deferred.promise(); function resolveFunc( i ) { return function( value ) { args[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments, 0 ) : value; if ( !( --count ) ) { deferred.resolveWith( deferred, args ); } }; } function progressFunc( i ) { return function( value ) { pValues[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments, 0 ) : value; deferred.notifyWith( promise, pValues ); }; } if ( length > 1 ) { for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { if ( args[ i ] && args[ i ].promise && jQuery.isFunction( args[ i ].promise ) ) { args[ i ].promise().then( resolveFunc(i), deferred.reject, progressFunc(i) ); } else { --count; } } if ( !count ) { deferred.resolveWith( deferred, args ); } } else if ( deferred !== firstParam ) { deferred.resolveWith( deferred, length ? [ firstParam ] : [] ); } return promise; } }); = (function() { var support, all, a, select, opt, input, marginDiv, fragment, tds, events, eventName, i, isSupported, div = document.createElement( "div" ), documentElement = document.documentElement; // Preliminary tests div.setAttribute("className", "t"); div.innerHTML = " <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='top:1px;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>"; all = div.getElementsByTagName( "*" ); a = div.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[ 0 ]; // Can't get basic test support if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) { return {}; } // First batch of supports tests select = document.createElement( "select" ); opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") ); input = div.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ]; support = { // IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used leadingWhitespace: ( div.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ), // Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted // IE will insert them into empty tables tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, // Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML // This requires a wrapper element in IE htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length, // Get the style information from getAttribute // (IE uses .cssText instead) style: /top/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ), // Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated // (IE normalizes it by default) hrefNormalized: ( a.getAttribute("href") === "/a" ), // Make sure that element opacity exists // (IE uses filter instead) // Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145 opacity: /^0.55/.test( ), // Verify style float existence // (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat) cssFloat: !!, // Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox // that it defaults to "on". // (WebKit defaults to "" instead) checkOn: ( input.value === "on" ), // Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property. // (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup) optSelected: opt.selected, // Test setAttribute on camelCase class. If it works, we need attrFixes when doing get/setAttribute (ie6/7) getSetAttribute: div.className !== "t", // Tests for enctype support on a form(#6743) enctype: !!document.createElement("form").enctype, // Makes sure cloning an html5 element does not cause problems // Where outerHTML is undefined, this still works html5Clone: document.createElement("nav").cloneNode( true ).outerHTML !== "<:nav></:nav>", // Will be defined later submitBubbles: true, changeBubbles: true, focusinBubbles: false, deleteExpando: true, noCloneEvent: true, inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false, shrinkWrapBlocks: false, reliableMarginRight: true }; // Make sure checked status is properly cloned input.checked = true; support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked; // Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled // (WebKit marks them as disabled) select.disabled = true; support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled; // Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element // Fails in Internet Explorer try { delete div.test; } catch( e ) { support.deleteExpando = false; } if ( !div.addEventListener && div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) { div.attachEvent( "onclick", function() { // Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any // bound event handlers (IE does this) support.noCloneEvent = false; }); div.cloneNode( true ).fireEvent( "onclick" ); } // Check if a radio maintains its value // after being appended to the DOM input = document.createElement("input"); input.value = "t"; input.setAttribute("type", "radio"); support.radioValue = input.value === "t"; input.setAttribute("checked", "checked"); div.appendChild( input ); fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.appendChild( div.lastChild ); // WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked; // Check if a disconnected checkbox will retain its checked // value of true after appended to the DOM (IE6/7) support.appendChecked = input.checked; fragment.removeChild( input ); fragment.appendChild( div ); div.innerHTML = ""; // Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly // gets computed margin-right based on width of container. For more // info see bug #3333 // Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right if ( window.getComputedStyle ) { marginDiv = document.createElement( "div" ); = "0"; = "0"; = "2px"; div.appendChild( marginDiv ); support.reliableMarginRight = ( parseInt( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || { marginRight: 0 } ).marginRight, 10 ) || 0 ) === 0; } // Technique from Juriy Zaytsev // // We only care about the case where non-standard event systems // are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to // avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP // to go haywire. See: if ( div.attachEvent ) { for( i in { submit: 1, change: 1, focusin: 1 }) { eventName = "on" + i; isSupported = ( eventName in div ); if ( !isSupported ) { div.setAttribute( eventName, "return;" ); isSupported = ( typeof div[ eventName ] === "function" ); } support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = isSupported; } } fragment.removeChild( div ); // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE fragment = select = opt = marginDiv = div = input = null; // Run tests that need a body at doc ready jQuery(function() { var container, outer, inner, table, td, offsetSupport, conMarginTop, ptlm, vb, style, html, body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; if ( !body ) { // Return for frameset docs that don't have a body return; } conMarginTop = 1; ptlm = "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:1px;height:1px;margin:0;"; vb = "visibility:hidden;border:0;"; style = "style='" + ptlm + "border:5px solid #000;padding:0;'"; html = "<div " + style + "><div></div></div>" + "<table " + style + " cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>" + "<tr><td></td></tr></table>"; container = document.createElement("div"); = vb + "width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:" + conMarginTop + "px"; body.insertBefore( container, body.firstChild ); // Construct the test element div = document.createElement("div"); container.appendChild( div ); // Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set // to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a // table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when // determining if an element has been hidden directly using // display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is // hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information). // (only IE 8 fails this test) div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='padding:0;border:0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>"; tds = div.getElementsByTagName( "td" ); isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 ); tds[ 0 ].style.display = ""; tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none"; // Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height // (IE <= 8 fail this test) support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 ); // Figure out if the W3C box model works as expected div.innerHTML = ""; = = "1px"; jQuery.boxModel = support.boxModel = div.offsetWidth === 2; if ( typeof !== "undefined" ) { // Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block // elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving // them layout // (IE < 8 does this) = "inline"; = 1; support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 2 ); // Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children // (IE 6 does this) = ""; div.innerHTML = "<div style='width:4px;'></div>"; support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 2 ); } = ptlm + vb; div.innerHTML = html; outer = div.firstChild; inner = outer.firstChild; td = outer.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild; offsetSupport = { doesNotAddBorder: ( inner.offsetTop !== 5 ), doesAddBorderForTableAndCells: ( td.offsetTop === 5 ) }; = "fixed"; = "20px"; // safari subtracts parent border width here which is 5px offsetSupport.fixedPosition = ( inner.offsetTop === 20 || inner.offsetTop === 15 ); = = ""; = "hidden"; = "relative"; offsetSupport.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = ( inner.offsetTop === -5 ); offsetSupport.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ( body.offsetTop !== conMarginTop ); body.removeChild( container ); div = container = null; jQuery.extend( support, offsetSupport ); }); return support; })(); var rbrace = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/, rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g; jQuery.extend({ cache: {}, // Please use with caution uuid: 0, // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page // Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery expando: "jQuery" + ( jQuery.fn.jquery + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ), // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you // attempt to add expando properties to them. noData: { "embed": true, // Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos) "object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000", "applet": true }, hasData: function( elem ) { elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ]; return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem ); }, data: function( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) { if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { return; } var privateCache, thisCache, ret, internalKey = jQuery.expando, getByName = typeof name === "string", // We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7 // can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary isNode = elem.nodeType, // Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is // attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, // Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows // the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey, isEvents = name === "events"; // Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an // object that has no data at all if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!isEvents && !pvt && !cache[id].data)) && getByName && data === undefined ) { return; } if ( !id ) { // Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data // ends up in the global cache if ( isNode ) { elem[ internalKey ] = id = ++jQuery.uuid; } else { id = internalKey; } } if ( !cache[ id ] ) { cache[ id ] = {}; // Avoids exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object // is serialized using JSON.stringify if ( !isNode ) { cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop; } } // An object can be passed to instead of a key/value pair; this gets // shallow copied over onto the existing cache if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) { if ( pvt ) { cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name ); } else { cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name ); } } privateCache = thisCache = cache[ id ]; // jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object's internal data // cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined // data. if ( !pvt ) { if ( ! ) { = {}; } thisCache =; } if ( data !== undefined ) { thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data; } // Users should not attempt to inspect the internal events object using, // it is undocumented and subject to change. But does anyone listen? No. if ( isEvents && !thisCache[ name ] ) { return; } // Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names // If a data property was specified if ( getByName ) { // First Try to find as-is property data ret = thisCache[ name ]; // Test for null|undefined property data if ( ret == null ) { // Try to find the camelCased property ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ]; } } else { ret = thisCache; } return ret; }, removeData: function( elem, name, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) { if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { return; } var thisCache, i, l, // Reference to internal data cache key internalKey = jQuery.expando, isNode = elem.nodeType, // See for more information cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, // See for more information id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : internalKey; // If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no // purpose in continuing if ( !cache[ id ] ) { return; } if ( name ) { thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data; if ( thisCache ) { // Support array or space separated string names for data keys if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) { // try the string as a key before any manipulation if ( name in thisCache ) { name = [ name ]; } else { // split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists name = jQuery.camelCase( name ); if ( name in thisCache ) { name = [ name ]; } else { name = name.split( " " ); } } } for ( i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++ ) { delete thisCache[ name[i] ]; } // If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue // and let the cache object itself get destroyed if ( !( pvt ? isEmptyDataObject : jQuery.isEmptyObject )( thisCache ) ) { return; } } } // See for more information if ( !pvt ) { delete cache[ id ].data; // Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object // had been the only thing left in it if ( !isEmptyDataObject(cache[ id ]) ) { return; } } // Browsers that fail expando deletion also refuse to delete expandos on // the window, but it will allow it on all other JS objects; other browsers // don't care // Ensure that `cache` is not a window object #10080 if ( || !cache.setInterval ) { delete cache[ id ]; } else { cache[ id ] = null; } // We destroyed the cache and need to eliminate the expando on the node to avoid // false lookups in the cache for entries that no longer exist if ( isNode ) { // IE does not allow us to delete expando properties from nodes, // nor does it have a removeAttribute function on Document nodes; // we must handle all of these cases if ( ) { delete elem[ internalKey ]; } else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) { elem.removeAttribute( internalKey ); } else { elem[ internalKey ] = null; } } }, // For internal use only. _data: function( elem, name, data ) { return elem, name, data, true ); }, // A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando acceptData: function( elem ) { if ( elem.nodeName ) { var match = jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; if ( match ) { return !(match === true || elem.getAttribute("classid") !== match); } } return true; } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ data: function( key, value ) { var parts, attr, name, data = null; if ( typeof key === "undefined" ) { if ( this.length ) { data = this[0] ); if ( this[0].nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( this[0], "parsedAttrs" ) ) { attr = this[0].attributes; for ( var i = 0, l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) { name = attr[i].name; if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) { name = jQuery.camelCase( name.substring(5) ); dataAttr( this[0], name, data[ name ] ); } } jQuery._data( this[0], "parsedAttrs", true ); } } return data; } else if ( typeof key === "object" ) { return this.each(function() { this, key ); }); } parts = key.split("."); parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : ""; if ( value === undefined ) { data = this.triggerHandler("getData" + parts[1] + "!", [parts[0]]); // Try to fetch any internally stored data first if ( data === undefined && this.length ) { data = this[0], key ); data = dataAttr( this[0], key, data ); } return data === undefined && parts[1] ? parts[0] ) : data; } else { return this.each(function() { var self = jQuery( this ), args = [ parts[0], value ]; self.triggerHandler( "setData" + parts[1] + "!", args ); this, key, value ); self.triggerHandler( "changeData" + parts[1] + "!", args ); }); } }, removeData: function( key ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.removeData( this, key ); }); } }); function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) { // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); data = elem.getAttribute( name ); if ( typeof data === "string" ) { try { data = data === "true" ? true : data === "false" ? false : data === "null" ? null : jQuery.isNumeric( data ) ? parseFloat( data ) : rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) : data; } catch( e ) {} // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later elem, key, data ); } else { data = undefined; } } return data; } // checks a cache object for emptiness function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) { for ( var name in obj ) { // if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) { continue; } if ( name !== "toJSON" ) { return false; } } return true; } function handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, src ) { var deferDataKey = type + "defer", queueDataKey = type + "queue", markDataKey = type + "mark", defer = jQuery._data( elem, deferDataKey ); if ( defer && ( src === "queue" || !jQuery._data(elem, queueDataKey) ) && ( src === "mark" || !jQuery._data(elem, markDataKey) ) ) { // Give room for hard-coded callbacks to fire first // and eventually mark/queue something else on the element setTimeout( function() { if ( !jQuery._data( elem, queueDataKey ) && !jQuery._data( elem, markDataKey ) ) { jQuery.removeData( elem, deferDataKey, true );; } }, 0 ); } } jQuery.extend({ _mark: function( elem, type ) { if ( elem ) { type = ( type || "fx" ) + "mark"; jQuery._data( elem, type, (jQuery._data( elem, type ) || 0) + 1 ); } }, _unmark: function( force, elem, type ) { if ( force !== true ) { type = elem; elem = force; force = false; } if ( elem ) { type = type || "fx"; var key = type + "mark", count = force ? 0 : ( (jQuery._data( elem, key ) || 1) - 1 ); if ( count ) { jQuery._data( elem, key, count ); } else { jQuery.removeData( elem, key, true ); handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, "mark" ); } } }, queue: function( elem, type, data ) { var q; if ( elem ) { type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue"; q = jQuery._data( elem, type ); // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup if ( data ) { if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) { q = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) ); } else { q.push( data ); } } return q || []; } }, dequeue: function( elem, type ) { type = type || "fx"; var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ), fn = queue.shift(), hooks = {}; // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel if ( fn === "inprogress" ) { fn = queue.shift(); } if ( fn ) { // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being // automatically dequeued if ( type === "fx" ) { queue.unshift( "inprogress" ); } jQuery._data( elem, type + ".run", hooks ); elem, function() { jQuery.dequeue( elem, type ); }, hooks ); } if ( !queue.length ) { jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "queue " + type + ".run", true ); handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, "queue" ); } } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ queue: function( type, data ) { if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { data = type; type = "fx"; } if ( data === undefined ) { return jQuery.queue( this[0], type ); } return this.each(function() { var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data ); if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) { jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); } }); }, dequeue: function( type ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); }); }, // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission. // delay: function( time, type ) { time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time; type = type || "fx"; return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) { var timeout = setTimeout( next, time ); hooks.stop = function() { clearTimeout( timeout ); }; }); }, clearQueue: function( type ) { return this.queue( type || "fx", [] ); }, // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type // are emptied (fx is the type by default) promise: function( type, object ) { if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { object = type; type = undefined; } type = type || "fx"; var defer = jQuery.Deferred(), elements = this, i = elements.length, count = 1, deferDataKey = type + "defer", queueDataKey = type + "queue", markDataKey = type + "mark", tmp; function resolve() { if ( !( --count ) ) { defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] ); } } while( i-- ) { if (( tmp = elements[ i ], deferDataKey, undefined, true ) || ( elements[ i ], queueDataKey, undefined, true ) || elements[ i ], markDataKey, undefined, true ) ) && elements[ i ], deferDataKey, jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), true ) )) { count++; tmp.add( resolve ); } } resolve(); return defer.promise(); } }); var rclass = /[\n\t\r]/g, rspace = /\s+/, rreturn = /\r/g, rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i, rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i, rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i, rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, getSetAttribute =, nodeHook, boolHook, fixSpecified; jQuery.fn.extend({ attr: function( name, value ) { return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, jQuery.attr ); }, removeAttr: function( name ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.removeAttr( this, name ); }); }, prop: function( name, value ) { return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, jQuery.prop ); }, removeProp: function( name ) { name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; return this.each(function() { // try/catch handles cases where IE balks (such as removing a property on window) try { this[ name ] = undefined; delete this[ name ]; } catch( e ) {} }); }, addClass: function( value ) { var classNames, i, l, elem, setClass, c, cl; if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function( j ) { jQuery( this ).addClass(, j, this.className) ); }); } if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) { classNames = value.split( rspace ); for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { elem = this[ i ]; if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( !elem.className && classNames.length === 1 ) { elem.className = value; } else { setClass = " " + elem.className + " "; for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) { if ( !~setClass.indexOf( " " + classNames[ c ] + " " ) ) { setClass += classNames[ c ] + " "; } } elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass ); } } } } return this; }, removeClass: function( value ) { var classNames, i, l, elem, className, c, cl; if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function( j ) { jQuery( this ).removeClass(, j, this.className) ); }); } if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) { classNames = ( value || "" ).split( rspace ); for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { elem = this[ i ]; if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) { if ( value ) { className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace( rclass, " " ); for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) { className = className.replace(" " + classNames[ c ] + " ", " "); } elem.className = jQuery.trim( className ); } else { elem.className = ""; } } } } return this; }, toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) { var type = typeof value, isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean"; if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function( i ) { jQuery( this ).toggleClass(, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal ); }); } return this.each(function() { if ( type === "string" ) { // toggle individual class names var className, i = 0, self = jQuery( this ), state = stateVal, classNames = value.split( rspace ); while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) { // check each className given, space seperated list state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className ); self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className ); } } else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) { if ( this.className ) { // store className if set jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className ); } // toggle whole className this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || ""; } }); }, hasClass: function( selector ) { var className = " " + selector + " ", i = 0, l = this.length; for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) > -1 ) { return true; } } return false; }, val: function( value ) { var hooks, ret, isFunction, elem = this[0]; if ( !arguments.length ) { if ( elem ) { hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ]; if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } ret = elem.value; return typeof ret === "string" ? // handle most common string cases ret.replace(rreturn, "") : // handle cases where value is null/undef or number ret == null ? "" : ret; } return; } isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value ); return this.each(function( i ) { var self = jQuery(this), val; if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) { return; } if ( isFunction ) { val = this, i, self.val() ); } else { val = value; } // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string if ( val == null ) { val = ""; } else if ( typeof val === "number" ) { val += ""; } else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) { val =, function ( value ) { return value == null ? "" : value + ""; }); } hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ]; // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) { this.value = val; } }); } }); jQuery.extend({ valHooks: { option: { get: function( elem ) { // attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but // uses .value. See #6932 var val = elem.attributes.value; return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text; } }, select: { get: function( elem ) { var value, i, max, option, index = elem.selectedIndex, values = [], options = elem.options, one = elem.type === "select-one"; // Nothing was selected if ( index < 0 ) { return null; } // Loop through all the selected options i = one ? index : 0; max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; for ( ; i < max; i++ ) { option = options[ i ]; // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup if ( option.selected && ( ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) && (!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) { // Get the specific value for the option value = jQuery( option ).val(); // We don't need an array for one selects if ( one ) { return value; } // Multi-Selects return an array values.push( value ); } } // Fixes Bug #2551 -- select.val() broken in IE after form.reset() if ( one && !values.length && options.length ) { return jQuery( options[ index ] ).val(); } return values; }, set: function( elem, value ) { var values = jQuery.makeArray( value ); jQuery(elem).find("option").each(function() { this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0; }); if ( !values.length ) { elem.selectedIndex = -1; } return values; } } }, attrFn: { val: true, css: true, html: true, text: true, data: true, width: true, height: true, offset: true }, attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) { var ret, hooks, notxml, nType = elem.nodeType; // don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) { return; } if ( pass && name in jQuery.attrFn ) { return jQuery( elem )[ name ]( value ); } // Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === "undefined" ) { return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value ); } notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ); // All attributes are lowercase // Grab necessary hook if one is defined if ( notxml ) { name = name.toLowerCase(); hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] || ( rboolean.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook ); } if ( value !== undefined ) { if ( value === null ) { jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name ); return; } else if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } else { elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value ); return value; } } else if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) { return ret; } else { ret = elem.getAttribute( name ); // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined return ret === null ? undefined : ret; } }, removeAttr: function( elem, value ) { var propName, attrNames, name, l, i = 0; if ( value && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { attrNames = value.toLowerCase().split( rspace ); l = attrNames.length; for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { name = attrNames[ i ]; if ( name ) { propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; // See #9699 for explanation of this approach (setting first, then removal) jQuery.attr( elem, name, "" ); elem.removeAttribute( getSetAttribute ? name : propName ); // Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes if ( rboolean.test( name ) && propName in elem ) { elem[ propName ] = false; } } } } }, attrHooks: { type: { set: function( elem, value ) { // We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE) if ( rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) { jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" ); } else if ( ! && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) { // Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9 // Reset value to it's default in case type is set after value // This is for element creation var val = elem.value; elem.setAttribute( "type", value ); if ( val ) { elem.value = val; } return value; } } }, // Use the value property for back compat // Use the nodeHook for button elements in IE6/7 (#1954) value: { get: function( elem, name ) { if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) { return nodeHook.get( elem, name ); } return name in elem ? elem.value : null; }, set: function( elem, value, name ) { if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) { return nodeHook.set( elem, value, name ); } // Does not return so that setAttribute is also used elem.value = value; } } }, propFix: { tabindex: "tabIndex", readonly: "readOnly", "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", cellpadding: "cellPadding", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder", contenteditable: "contentEditable" }, prop: function( elem, name, value ) { var ret, hooks, notxml, nType = elem.nodeType; // don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) { return; } notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ); if ( notxml ) { // Fix name and attach hooks name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ]; } if ( value !== undefined ) { if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } else { return ( elem[ name ] = value ); } } else { if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) { return ret; } else { return elem[ name ]; } } }, propHooks: { tabIndex: { get: function( elem ) { // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set // var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabindex"); return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ? parseInt( attributeNode.value, 10 ) : rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ? 0 : undefined; } } } }); // Add the tabIndex propHook to attrHooks for back-compat (different case is intentional) jQuery.attrHooks.tabindex = jQuery.propHooks.tabIndex; // Hook for boolean attributes boolHook = { get: function( elem, name ) { // Align boolean attributes with corresponding properties // Fall back to attribute presence where some booleans are not supported var attrNode, property = jQuery.prop( elem, name ); return property === true || typeof property !== "boolean" && ( attrNode = elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) && attrNode.nodeValue !== false ? name.toLowerCase() : undefined; }, set: function( elem, value, name ) { var propName; if ( value === false ) { // Remove boolean attributes when set to false jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name ); } else { // value is true since we know at this point it's type boolean and not false // Set boolean attributes to the same name and set the DOM property propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name; if ( propName in elem ) { // Only set the IDL specifically if it already exists on the element elem[ propName ] = true; } elem.setAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() ); } return name; } }; // IE6/7 do not support getting/setting some attributes with get/setAttribute if ( !getSetAttribute ) { fixSpecified = { name: true, id: true }; // Use this for any attribute in IE6/7 // This fixes almost every IE6/7 issue nodeHook = jQuery.valHooks.button = { get: function( elem, name ) { var ret; ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name ); return ret && ( fixSpecified[ name ] ? ret.nodeValue !== "" : ret.specified ) ? ret.nodeValue : undefined; }, set: function( elem, value, name ) { // Set the existing or create a new attribute node var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name ); if ( !ret ) { ret = document.createAttribute( name ); elem.setAttributeNode( ret ); } return ( ret.nodeValue = value + "" ); } }; // Apply the nodeHook to tabindex jQuery.attrHooks.tabindex.set = nodeHook.set; // Set width and height to auto instead of 0 on empty string( Bug #8150 ) // This is for removals jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) { jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], { set: function( elem, value ) { if ( value === "" ) { elem.setAttribute( name, "auto" ); return value; } } }); }); // Set contenteditable to false on removals(#10429) // Setting to empty string throws an error as an invalid value jQuery.attrHooks.contenteditable = { get: nodeHook.get, set: function( elem, value, name ) { if ( value === "" ) { value = "false"; } nodeHook.set( elem, value, name ); } }; } // Some attributes require a special call on IE if ( ! ) { jQuery.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) { jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], { get: function( elem ) { var ret = elem.getAttribute( name, 2 ); return ret === null ? undefined : ret; } }); }); } if ( ! ) { = { get: function( elem ) { // Return undefined in the case of empty string // Normalize to lowercase since IE uppercases css property names return || undefined; }, set: function( elem, value ) { return ( = "" + value ); } }; } // Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option // Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it if ( ! ) { jQuery.propHooks.selected = jQuery.extend( jQuery.propHooks.selected, { get: function( elem ) { var parent = elem.parentNode; if ( parent ) { parent.selectedIndex; // Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701 if ( parent.parentNode ) { parent.parentNode.selectedIndex; } } return null; } }); } // IE6/7 call enctype encoding if ( ! ) { jQuery.propFix.enctype = "encoding"; } // Radios and checkboxes getter/setter if ( ! ) { jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() { jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = { get: function( elem ) { // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value; } }; }); } jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() { jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.valHooks[ this ], { set: function( elem, value ) { if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) { return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 ); } } }); }); var rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i, rtypenamespace = /^([^\.]*)?(?:\.(.+))?$/, rhoverHack = /\bhover(\.\S+)?\b/, rkeyEvent = /^key/, rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/, rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, rquickIs = /^(\w*)(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?$/, quickParse = function( selector ) { var quick = rquickIs.exec( selector ); if ( quick ) { // 0 1 2 3 // [ _, tag, id, class ] quick[1] = ( quick[1] || "" ).toLowerCase(); quick[3] = quick[3] && new RegExp( "(?:^|\\s)" + quick[3] + "(?:\\s|$)" ); } return quick; }, quickIs = function( elem, m ) { var attrs = elem.attributes || {}; return ( (!m[1] || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === m[1]) && (!m[2] || ( || {}).value === m[2]) && (!m[3] || m[3].test( (attrs[ "class" ] || {}).value )) ); }, hoverHack = function( events ) { return jQuery.event.special.hover ? events : events.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1" ); }; /* * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface. * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas. */ jQuery.event = { add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) { var elemData, eventHandle, events, t, tns, type, namespaces, handleObj, handleObjIn, quick, handlers, special; // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (allow plain objects tho) if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !types || !handler || !(elemData = jQuery._data( elem )) ) { return; } // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler if ( handler.handler ) { handleObjIn = handler; handler = handleObjIn.handler; } // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later if ( !handler.guid ) { handler.guid = jQuery.guid++; } // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first events =; if ( !events ) { = events = {}; } eventHandle = elemData.handle; if ( !eventHandle ) { elemData.handle = eventHandle = function( e ) { // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and // when an event is called after a page has unloaded return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ? jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) : undefined; }; // Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events eventHandle.elem = elem; } // Handle multiple events separated by a space // jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn); types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack(types) ).split( " " ); for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) { tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || []; type = tns[1]; namespaces = ( tns[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort(); // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type; // Update special based on newly reset type special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; // handleObj is passed to all event handlers handleObj = jQuery.extend({ type: type, origType: tns[1], data: data, handler: handler, guid: handler.guid, selector: selector, quick: quickParse( selector ), namespace: namespaces.join(".") }, handleObjIn ); // Init the event handler queue if we're the first handlers = events[ type ]; if ( !handlers ) { handlers = events[ type ] = []; handlers.delegateCount = 0; // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false if ( !special.setup || elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) { // Bind the global event handler to the element if ( elem.addEventListener ) { elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false ); } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) { elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle ); } } } if ( special.add ) { elem, handleObj ); if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) { handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid; } } // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front if ( selector ) { handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj ); } else { handlers.push( handleObj ); } // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization[ type ] = true; } // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE elem = null; }, global: {}, // Detach an event or set of events from an element remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) { var elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem ), t, tns, type, origType, namespaces, origCount, j, events, special, handle, eventType, handleObj; if ( !elemData || !(events = ) { return; } // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack( types || "" ) ).split(" "); for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) { tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || []; type = origType = tns[1]; namespaces = tns[2]; // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element if ( !type ) { for ( type in events ) { jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true ); } continue; } special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; type = ( selector? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type; eventType = events[ type ] || []; origCount = eventType.length; namespaces = namespaces ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null; // Remove matching events for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) { handleObj = eventType[ j ]; if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) && ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) && ( !namespaces || namespaces.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) && ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) { eventType.splice( j--, 1 ); if ( handleObj.selector ) { eventType.delegateCount--; } if ( special.remove ) { elem, handleObj ); } } } // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers) if ( eventType.length === 0 && origCount !== eventType.length ) { if ( !special.teardown || elem, namespaces ) === false ) { jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle ); } delete events[ type ]; } } // Remove the expando if it's no longer used if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) { handle = elemData.handle; if ( handle ) { handle.elem = null; } // removeData also checks for emptiness and clears the expando if empty // so use it instead of delete jQuery.removeData( elem, [ "events", "handle" ], true ); } }, // Events that are safe to short-circuit if no handlers are attached. // Native DOM events should not be added, they may have inline handlers. customEvent: { "getData": true, "setData": true, "changeData": true }, trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) { // Don't do events on text and comment nodes if ( elem && (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) ) { return; } // Event object or event type var type = event.type || event, namespaces = [], cache, exclusive, i, cur, old, ontype, special, handle, eventPath, bubbleType; // focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) { return; } if ( type.indexOf( "!" ) >= 0 ) { // Exclusive events trigger only for the exact event (no namespaces) type = type.slice(0, -1); exclusive = true; } if ( type.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) { // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle() namespaces = type.split("."); type = namespaces.shift(); namespaces.sort(); } if ( (!elem || jQuery.event.customEvent[ type ]) && ![ type ] ) { // No jQuery handlers for this event type, and it can't have inline handlers return; } // Caller can pass in an Event, Object, or just an event type string event = typeof event === "object" ? // jQuery.Event object event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event : // Object literal new jQuery.Event( type, event ) : // Just the event type (string) new jQuery.Event( type ); event.type = type; event.isTrigger = true; event.exclusive = exclusive; event.namespace = namespaces.join( "." ); event.namespace_re = event.namespace? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null; ontype = type.indexOf( ":" ) < 0 ? "on" + type : ""; // Handle a global trigger if ( !elem ) { // TODO: Stop taunting the data cache; remove global events and always attach to document cache = jQuery.cache; for ( i in cache ) { if ( cache[ i ].events && cache[ i ].events[ type ] ) { jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, cache[ i ].handle.elem, true ); } } return; } // Clean up the event in case it is being reused event.result = undefined; if ( ! ) { = elem; } // Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list data = data != null ? jQuery.makeArray( data ) : []; data.unshift( event ); // Allow special events to draw outside the lines special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {}; if ( special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) { return; } // Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951) // Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724) eventPath = [[ elem, special.bindType || type ]]; if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { bubbleType = special.delegateType || type; cur = rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ? elem : elem.parentNode; old = null; for ( ; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) { eventPath.push([ cur, bubbleType ]); old = cur; } // Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM) if ( old && old === elem.ownerDocument ) { eventPath.push([ old.defaultView || old.parentWindow || window, bubbleType ]); } } // Fire handlers on the event path for ( i = 0; i < eventPath.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) { cur = eventPath[i][0]; event.type = eventPath[i][1]; handle = ( jQuery._data( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && jQuery._data( cur, "handle" ); if ( handle ) { handle.apply( cur, data ); } // Note that this is a bare JS function and not a jQuery handler handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ]; if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) { event.preventDefault(); } } event.type = type; // If nobody prevented the default action, do it now if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( elem.ownerDocument, data ) === false) && !(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" )) && jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event. // Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test. // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170) // IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486) if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && ((type !== "focus" && type !== "blur") || !== 0) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method old = elem[ ontype ]; if ( old ) { elem[ ontype ] = null; } // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above jQuery.event.triggered = type; elem[ type ](); jQuery.event.triggered = undefined; if ( old ) { elem[ ontype ] = old; } } } } return event.result; }, dispatch: function( event ) { // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object event = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event ); var handlers = ( (jQuery._data( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || []), delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount, args = [] arguments, 0 ), run_all = !event.exclusive && !event.namespace, handlerQueue = [], i, j, cur, jqcur, ret, selMatch, matched, matches, handleObj, sel, related; // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event args[0] = event; event.delegateTarget = this; // Determine handlers that should run if there are delegated events // Avoid disabled elements in IE (#6911) and non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861) if ( delegateCount && ! && !(event.button && event.type === "click") ) { // Pregenerate a single jQuery object for reuse with .is() jqcur = jQuery(this); jqcur.context = this.ownerDocument || this; for ( cur =; cur != this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) { selMatch = {}; matches = []; jqcur[0] = cur; for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) { handleObj = handlers[ i ]; sel = handleObj.selector; if ( selMatch[ sel ] === undefined ) { selMatch[ sel ] = ( handleObj.quick ? quickIs( cur, handleObj.quick ) : sel ) ); } if ( selMatch[ sel ] ) { matches.push( handleObj ); } } if ( matches.length ) { handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, matches: matches }); } } } // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers if ( handlers.length > delegateCount ) { handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, matches: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) }); } // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us for ( i = 0; i < handlerQueue.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) { matched = handlerQueue[ i ]; event.currentTarget = matched.elem; for ( j = 0; j < matched.matches.length && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); j++ ) { handleObj = matched.matches[ j ]; // Triggered event must either 1) be non-exclusive and have no namespace, or // 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace). if ( run_all || (!event.namespace && !handleObj.namespace) || event.namespace_re && event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) { =; event.handleObj = handleObj; ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler ) .apply( matched.elem, args ); if ( ret !== undefined ) { event.result = ret; if ( ret === false ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } } } } return event.result; }, // Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent // *** attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement are not normalized, non-W3C, deprecated, will be removed in 1.8 *** props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "), fixHooks: {}, keyHooks: { props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "), filter: function( event, original ) { // Add which for key events if ( event.which == null ) { event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode; } return event; } }, mouseHooks: { props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "), filter: function( event, original ) { var eventDoc, doc, body, button = original.button, fromElement = original.fromElement; // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) { eventDoc = || document; doc = eventDoc.documentElement; body = eventDoc.body; event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 ); event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 ); } // Add relatedTarget, if necessary if ( !event.relatedTarget && fromElement ) { event.relatedTarget = fromElement === ? original.toElement : fromElement; } // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) { event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) ); } return event; } }, fix: function( event ) { if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) { return event; } // Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties var i, prop, originalEvent = event, fixHook = jQuery.event.fixHooks[ event.type ] || {}, copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props; event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent ); for ( i = copy.length; i; ) { prop = copy[ --i ]; event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ]; } // Fix target property, if necessary (#1925, IE 6/7/8 & Safari2) if ( ! ) { = originalEvent.srcElement || document; } // Target should not be a text node (#504, Safari) if ( === 3 ) { =; } // For mouse/key events; add metaKey if it's not there (#3368, IE6/7/8) if ( event.metaKey === undefined ) { event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey; } return fixHook.filter? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event; }, special: { ready: { // Make sure the ready event is setup setup: jQuery.bindReady }, load: { // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load noBubble: true }, focus: { delegateType: "focusin" }, blur: { delegateType: "focusout" }, beforeunload: { setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) { // We only want to do this special case on windows if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) { this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle; } }, teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) { if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) { this.onbeforeunload = null; } } } }, simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) { // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one. // Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the // simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor. var e = jQuery.extend( new jQuery.Event(), event, { type: type, isSimulated: true, originalEvent: {} } ); if ( bubble ) { jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem ); } else { elem, e ); } if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) { event.preventDefault(); } } }; // Some plugins are using, but it's undocumented/deprecated and will be removed. // The 1.7 special event interface should provide all the hooks needed now. jQuery.event.handle = jQuery.event.dispatch; jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ? function( elem, type, handle ) { if ( elem.removeEventListener ) { elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false ); } } : function( elem, type, handle ) { if ( elem.detachEvent ) { elem.detachEvent( "on" + type, handle ); } }; jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) { // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) { return new jQuery.Event( src, props ); } // Event object if ( src && src.type ) { this.originalEvent = src; this.type = src.type; // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value. this.isDefaultPrevented = ( src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false || src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse; // Event type } else { this.type = src; } // Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object if ( props ) { jQuery.extend( this, props ); } // Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp ||; // Mark it as fixed this[ jQuery.expando ] = true; }; function returnFalse() { return false; } function returnTrue() { return true; } // jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding // jQuery.Event.prototype = { preventDefault: function() { this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue; var e = this.originalEvent; if ( !e ) { return; } // if preventDefault exists run it on the original event if ( e.preventDefault ) { e.preventDefault(); // otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE) } else { e.returnValue = false; } }, stopPropagation: function() { this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue; var e = this.originalEvent; if ( !e ) { return; } // if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event if ( e.stopPropagation ) { e.stopPropagation(); } // otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE) e.cancelBubble = true; }, stopImmediatePropagation: function() { this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue; this.stopPropagation(); }, isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse, isPropagationStopped: returnFalse, isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse }; // Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks jQuery.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }, function( orig, fix ) { jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = { delegateType: fix, bindType: fix, handle: function( event ) { var target = this, related = event.relatedTarget, handleObj = event.handleObj, selector = handleObj.selector, ret; // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target. // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) { event.type = handleObj.origType; ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments ); event.type = fix; } return ret; } }; }); // IE submit delegation if ( ! ) { jQuery.event.special.submit = { setup: function() { // Only need this for delegated form submit events if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) { return false; } // Lazy-add a submit handler when a descendant form may potentially be submitted jQuery.event.add( this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function( e ) { // Node name check avoids a VML-related crash in IE (#9807) var elem =, form = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ? elem.form : undefined; if ( form && !form._submit_attached ) { jQuery.event.add( form, "submit._submit", function( event ) { // If form was submitted by the user, bubble the event up the tree if ( this.parentNode && !event.isTrigger ) { jQuery.event.simulate( "submit", this.parentNode, event, true ); } }); form._submit_attached = true; } }); // return undefined since we don't need an event listener }, teardown: function() { // Only need this for delegated form submit events if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) { return false; } // Remove delegated handlers; cleanData eventually reaps submit handlers attached above jQuery.event.remove( this, "._submit" ); } }; } // IE change delegation and checkbox/radio fix if ( ! ) { jQuery.event.special.change = { setup: function() { if ( rformElems.test( this.nodeName ) ) { // IE doesn't fire change on a check/radio until blur; trigger it on click // after a propertychange. Eat the blur-change in special.change.handle. // This still fires onchange a second time for check/radio after blur. if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) { jQuery.event.add( this, "propertychange._change", function( event ) { if ( event.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" ) { this._just_changed = true; } }); jQuery.event.add( this, "click._change", function( event ) { if ( this._just_changed && !event.isTrigger ) { this._just_changed = false; jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this, event, true ); } }); } return false; } // Delegated event; lazy-add a change handler on descendant inputs jQuery.event.add( this, "beforeactivate._change", function( e ) { var elem =; if ( rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) && !elem._change_attached ) { jQuery.event.add( elem, "change._change", function( event ) { if ( this.parentNode && !event.isSimulated && !event.isTrigger ) { jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this.parentNode, event, true ); } }); elem._change_attached = true; } }); }, handle: function( event ) { var elem =; // Swallow native change events from checkbox/radio, we already triggered them above if ( this !== elem || event.isSimulated || event.isTrigger || (elem.type !== "radio" && elem.type !== "checkbox") ) { return event.handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments ); } }, teardown: function() { jQuery.event.remove( this, "._change" ); return rformElems.test( this.nodeName ); } }; } // Create "bubbling" focus and blur events if ( ! ) { jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) { // Attach a single capturing handler while someone wants focusin/focusout var attaches = 0, handler = function( event ) { jQuery.event.simulate( fix,, jQuery.event.fix( event ), true ); }; jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = { setup: function() { if ( attaches++ === 0 ) { document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true ); } }, teardown: function() { if ( --attaches === 0 ) { document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true ); } } }; }); } jQuery.fn.extend({ on: function( types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one ) { var origFn, type; // Types can be a map of types/handlers if ( typeof types === "object" ) { // ( types-Object, selector, data ) if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { // ( types-Object, data ) data = selector; selector = undefined; } for ( type in types ) { this.on( type, selector, data, types[ type ], one ); } return this; } if ( data == null && fn == null ) { // ( types, fn ) fn = selector; data = selector = undefined; } else if ( fn == null ) { if ( typeof selector === "string" ) { // ( types, selector, fn ) fn = data; data = undefined; } else { // ( types, data, fn ) fn = data; data = selector; selector = undefined; } } if ( fn === false ) { fn = returnFalse; } else if ( !fn ) { return this; } if ( one === 1 ) { origFn = fn; fn = function( event ) { // Can use an empty set, since event contains the info jQuery().off( event ); return origFn.apply( this, arguments ); }; // Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ ); } return this.each( function() { jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector ); }); }, one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) { return this, types, selector, data, fn, 1 ); }, off: function( types, selector, fn ) { if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) { // ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event var handleObj = types.handleObj; jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off( handleObj.namespace? handleObj.type + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.type, handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler ); return this; } if ( typeof types === "object" ) { // ( types-object [, selector] ) for ( var type in types ) { type, selector, types[ type ] ); } return this; } if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) { // ( types [, fn] ) fn = selector; selector = undefined; } if ( fn === false ) { fn = returnFalse; } return this.each(function() { jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector ); }); }, bind: function( types, data, fn ) { return this.on( types, null, data, fn ); }, unbind: function( types, fn ) { return types, null, fn ); }, live: function( types, data, fn ) { jQuery( this.context ).on( types, this.selector, data, fn ); return this; }, die: function( types, fn ) { jQuery( this.context ).off( types, this.selector || "**", fn ); return this; }, delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) { return this.on( types, selector, data, fn ); }, undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) { // ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] ) return arguments.length == 1? selector, "**" ) : types, selector, fn ); }, trigger: function( type, data ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this ); }); }, triggerHandler: function( type, data ) { if ( this[0] ) { return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this[0], true ); } }, toggle: function( fn ) { // Save reference to arguments for access in closure var args = arguments, guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++, i = 0, toggler = function( event ) { // Figure out which function to execute var lastToggle = ( jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i; jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 ); // Make sure that clicks stop event.preventDefault(); // and execute the function return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false; }; // link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler toggler.guid = guid; while ( i < args.length ) { args[ i++ ].guid = guid; } return toggler ); }, hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) { return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver ); } }); jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " + "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " + "change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function( i, name ) { // Handle event binding jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) { if ( fn == null ) { fn = data; data = null; } return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on( name, null, data, fn ) : this.trigger( name ); }; if ( jQuery.attrFn ) { jQuery.attrFn[ name ] = true; } if ( rkeyEvent.test( name ) ) { jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.keyHooks; } if ( rmouseEvent.test( name ) ) { jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.mouseHooks; } }); /*! * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine * Copyright 2012, The Dojo Foundation * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses. * More information: */ (function(){ var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g, expando = "sizcache" + (Math.random() + '').replace('.', ''), done = 0, toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasDuplicate = false, baseHasDuplicate = true, rBackslash = /\\/g, rReturn = /\r\n/g, rNonWord = /\W/; // Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of // optimization where it does not always call our comparision // function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value. // Thus far that includes Google Chrome. [0, 0].sort(function() { baseHasDuplicate = false; return 0; }); var Sizzle = function( selector, context, results, seed ) { results = results || []; context = context || document; var origContext = context; if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) { return []; } if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) { return results; } var m, set, checkSet, extra, ret, cur, pop, i, prune = true, contextXML = Sizzle.isXML( context ), parts = [], soFar = selector; // Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head) do { chunker.exec( "" ); m = chunker.exec( soFar ); if ( m ) { soFar = m[3]; parts.push( m[1] ); if ( m[2] ) { extra = m[3]; break; } } } while ( m ); if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) { if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) { set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context, seed ); } else { set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ? [ context ] : Sizzle( parts.shift(), context ); while ( parts.length ) { selector = parts.shift(); if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) { selector += parts.shift(); } set = posProcess( selector, set, seed ); } } } else { // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID // (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID) if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML && Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) { ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML ); context = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] : ret.set[0]; } if ( context ) { ret = seed ? { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } : Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML ); set = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) : ret.set; if ( parts.length > 0 ) { checkSet = makeArray( set ); } else { prune = false; } while ( parts.length ) { cur = parts.pop(); pop = cur; if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) { cur = ""; } else { pop = parts.pop(); } if ( pop == null ) { pop = context; } Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML ); } } else { checkSet = parts = []; } } if ( !checkSet ) { checkSet = set; } if ( !checkSet ) { Sizzle.error( cur || selector ); } if ( === "[object Array]" ) { if ( !prune ) { results.push.apply( results, checkSet ); } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) { for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) { if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && Sizzle.contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) { results.push( set[i] ); } } } else { for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) { if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) { results.push( set[i] ); } } } } else { makeArray( checkSet, results ); } if ( extra ) { Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed ); Sizzle.uniqueSort( results ); } return results; }; Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) { if ( sortOrder ) { hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate; results.sort( sortOrder ); if ( hasDuplicate ) { for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) { if ( results[i] === results[ i - 1 ] ) { results.splice( i--, 1 ); } } } } return results; }; Sizzle.matches = function( expr, set ) { return Sizzle( expr, null, null, set ); }; Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) { return Sizzle( expr, null, null, [node] ).length > 0; }; Sizzle.find = function( expr, context, isXML ) { var set, i, len, match, type, left; if ( !expr ) { return []; } for ( i = 0, len = Expr.order.length; i < len; i++ ) { type = Expr.order[i]; if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) { left = match[1]; match.splice( 1, 1 ); if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) { match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace( rBackslash, "" ); set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML ); if ( set != null ) { expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" ); break; } } } } if ( !set ) { set = typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ? context.getElementsByTagName( "*" ) : []; } return { set: set, expr: expr }; }; Sizzle.filter = function( expr, set, inplace, not ) { var match, anyFound, type, found, item, filter, left, i, pass, old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle.isXML( set[0] ); while ( expr && set.length ) { for ( type in Expr.filter ) { if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) { filter = Expr.filter[ type ]; left = match[1]; anyFound = false; match.splice(1,1); if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) { continue; } if ( curLoop === result ) { result = []; } if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) { match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter ); if ( !match ) { anyFound = found = true; } else if ( match === true ) { continue; } } if ( match ) { for ( i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( item ) { found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop ); pass = not ^ found; if ( inplace && found != null ) { if ( pass ) { anyFound = true; } else { curLoop[i] = false; } } else if ( pass ) { result.push( item ); anyFound = true; } } } } if ( found !== undefined ) { if ( !inplace ) { curLoop = result; } expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" ); if ( !anyFound ) { return []; } break; } } } // Improper expression if ( expr === old ) { if ( anyFound == null ) { Sizzle.error( expr ); } else { break; } } old = expr; } return curLoop; }; Sizzle.error = function( msg ) { throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg ); }; /** * Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes * @param {Array|Element} elem */ var getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) { var i, node, nodeType = elem.nodeType, ret = ""; if ( nodeType ) { if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 ) { // Use textContent || innerText for elements if ( typeof elem.textContent === 'string' ) { return elem.textContent; } else if ( typeof elem.innerText === 'string' ) { // Replace IE's carriage returns return elem.innerText.replace( rReturn, '' ); } else { // Traverse it's children for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) { ret += getText( elem ); } } } else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) { return elem.nodeValue; } } else { // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array for ( i = 0; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) { // Do not traverse comment nodes if ( node.nodeType !== 8 ) { ret += getText( node ); } } } return ret; }; var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = { order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ], match: { ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/, CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/, NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/, ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|(#?(?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)*)|)|)\s*\]/, TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/, CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\(\s*(even|odd|(?:[+\-]?\d+|(?:[+\-]?\d*)?n\s*(?:[+\-]\s*\d+)?))\s*\))?/, POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/, PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/ }, leftMatch: {}, attrMap: { "class": "className", "for": "htmlFor" }, attrHandle: { href: function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute( "href" ); }, type: function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute( "type" ); } }, relative: { "+": function(checkSet, part){ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string", isTag = isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ), isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag; if ( isTag ) { part = part.toLowerCase(); } for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) { if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) { while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {} checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? elem || false : elem === part; } } if ( isPartStrNotTag ) { Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true ); } }, ">": function( checkSet, part ) { var elem, isPartStr = typeof part === "string", i = 0, l = checkSet.length; if ( isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) { part = part.toLowerCase(); for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { elem = checkSet[i]; if ( elem ) { var parent = elem.parentNode; checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false; } } } else { for ( ; i < l; i++ ) { elem = checkSet[i]; if ( elem ) { checkSet[i] = isPartStr ? elem.parentNode : elem.parentNode === part; } } if ( isPartStr ) { Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true ); } } }, "": function(checkSet, part, isXML){ var nodeCheck, doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck; if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) { part = part.toLowerCase(); nodeCheck = part; checkFn = dirNodeCheck; } checkFn( "parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ); }, "~": function( checkSet, part, isXML ) { var nodeCheck, doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck; if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) { part = part.toLowerCase(); nodeCheck = part; checkFn = dirNodeCheck; } checkFn( "previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ); } }, find: { ID: function( match, context, isXML ) { if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) { var m = context.getElementById(match[1]); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : []; } }, NAME: function( match, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) { var ret = [], results = context.getElementsByName( match[1] ); for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) { ret.push( results[i] ); } } return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret; } }, TAG: function( match, context ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) { return context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] ); } } }, preFilter: { CLASS: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) { match = " " + match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ) + " "; if ( isXML ) { return match; } for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( elem ) { if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) { if ( !inplace ) { result.push( elem ); } } else if ( inplace ) { curLoop[i] = false; } } } return false; }, ID: function( match ) { return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ); }, TAG: function( match, curLoop ) { return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ).toLowerCase(); }, CHILD: function( match ) { if ( match[1] === "nth" ) { if ( !match[2] ) { Sizzle.error( match[0] ); } match[2] = match[2].replace(/^\+|\s*/g, ''); // parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6' var test = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec( match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" || !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]); // calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0; match[3] = test[3] - 0; } else if ( match[2] ) { Sizzle.error( match[0] ); } // TODO: Move to normal caching system match[0] = done++; return match; }, ATTR: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) { var name = match[1] = match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ); if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) { match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name]; } // Handle if an un-quoted value was used match[4] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( rBackslash, "" ); if ( match[2] === "~=" ) { match[4] = " " + match[4] + " "; } return match; }, PSEUDO: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not ) { if ( match[1] === "not" ) { // If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) { match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop); } else { var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not); if ( !inplace ) { result.push.apply( result, ret ); } return false; } } else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) { return true; } return match; }, POS: function( match ) { match.unshift( true ); return match; } }, filters: { enabled: function( elem ) { return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden"; }, disabled: function( elem ) { return elem.disabled === true; }, checked: function( elem ) { return elem.checked === true; }, selected: function( elem ) { // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default // options in Safari work properly if ( elem.parentNode ) { elem.parentNode.selectedIndex; } return elem.selected === true; }, parent: function( elem ) { return !!elem.firstChild; }, empty: function( elem ) { return !elem.firstChild; }, has: function( elem, i, match ) { return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length; }, header: function( elem ) { return (/h\d/i).test( elem.nodeName ); }, text: function( elem ) { var attr = elem.getAttribute( "type" ), type = elem.type; // IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc) // use getAttribute instead to test this case return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "text" === type && ( attr === type || attr === null ); }, radio: function( elem ) { return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "radio" === elem.type; }, checkbox: function( elem ) { return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "checkbox" === elem.type; }, file: function( elem ) { return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "file" === elem.type; }, password: function( elem ) { return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "password" === elem.type; }, submit: function( elem ) { var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (name === "input" || name === "button") && "submit" === elem.type; }, image: function( elem ) { return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "image" === elem.type; }, reset: function( elem ) { var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return (name === "input" || name === "button") && "reset" === elem.type; }, button: function( elem ) { var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return name === "input" && "button" === elem.type || name === "button"; }, input: function( elem ) { return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test( elem.nodeName ); }, focus: function( elem ) { return elem === elem.ownerDocument.activeElement; } }, setFilters: { first: function( elem, i ) { return i === 0; }, last: function( elem, i, match, array ) { return i === array.length - 1; }, even: function( elem, i ) { return i % 2 === 0; }, odd: function( elem, i ) { return i % 2 === 1; }, lt: function( elem, i, match ) { return i < match[3] - 0; }, gt: function( elem, i, match ) { return i > match[3] - 0; }, nth: function( elem, i, match ) { return match[3] - 0 === i; }, eq: function( elem, i, match ) { return match[3] - 0 === i; } }, filter: { PSEUDO: function( elem, match, i, array ) { var name = match[1], filter = Expr.filters[ name ]; if ( filter ) { return filter( elem, i, match, array ); } else if ( name === "contains" ) { return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0; } else if ( name === "not" ) { var not = match[3]; for ( var j = 0, l = not.length; j < l; j++ ) { if ( not[j] === elem ) { return false; } } return true; } else { Sizzle.error( name ); } }, CHILD: function( elem, match ) { var first, last, doneName, parent, cache, count, diff, type = match[1], node = elem; switch ( type ) { case "only": case "first": while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) { if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { return false; } } if ( type === "first" ) { return true; } node = elem; case "last": while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) { if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { return false; } } return true; case "nth": first = match[2]; last = match[3]; if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) { return true; } doneName = match[0]; parent = elem.parentNode; if ( parent && (parent[ expando ] !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) { count = 0; for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) { if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { node.nodeIndex = ++count; } } parent[ expando ] = doneName; } diff = elem.nodeIndex - last; if ( first === 0 ) { return diff === 0; } else { return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 ); } } }, ID: function( elem, match ) { return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match; }, TAG: function( elem, match ) { return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || !!elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match; }, CLASS: function( elem, match ) { return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ") .indexOf( match ) > -1; }, ATTR: function( elem, match ) { var name = match[1], result = Sizzle.attr ? Sizzle.attr( elem, name ) : Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ? Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) : elem[ name ] != null ? elem[ name ] : elem.getAttribute( name ), value = result + "", type = match[2], check = match[4]; return result == null ? type === "!=" : !type && Sizzle.attr ? result != null : type === "=" ? value === check : type === "*=" ? value.indexOf(check) >= 0 : type === "~=" ? (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 : !check ? value && result !== false : type === "!=" ? value !== check : type === "^=" ? value.indexOf(check) === 0 : type === "$=" ? value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check : type === "|=" ? value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" : false; }, POS: function( elem, match, i, array ) { var name = match[2], filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ]; if ( filter ) { return filter( elem, i, match, array ); } } } }; var origPOS = Expr.match.POS, fescape = function(all, num){ return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1); }; for ( var type in Expr.match ) { Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) ); Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, fescape) ); } var makeArray = function( array, results ) { array = array, 0 ); if ( results ) { results.push.apply( results, array ); return results; } return array; }; // Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of // converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods. // Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes // (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser) try { document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType; // Provide a fallback method if it does not work } catch( e ) { makeArray = function( array, results ) { var i = 0, ret = results || []; if ( === "[object Array]" ) { Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array ); } else { if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) { for ( var l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) { ret.push( array[i] ); } } else { for ( ; array[i]; i++ ) { ret.push( array[i] ); } } } return ret; }; } var sortOrder, siblingCheck; if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) { sortOrder = function( a, b ) { if ( a === b ) { hasDuplicate = true; return 0; } if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) { return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1; } return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1; }; } else { sortOrder = function( a, b ) { // The nodes are identical, we can exit early if ( a === b ) { hasDuplicate = true; return 0; // Fallback to using sourceIndex (in IE) if it's available on both nodes } else if ( a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex ) { return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex; } var al, bl, ap = [], bp = [], aup = a.parentNode, bup = b.parentNode, cur = aup; // If the nodes are siblings (or identical) we can do a quick check if ( aup === bup ) { return siblingCheck( a, b ); // If no parents were found then the nodes are disconnected } else if ( !aup ) { return -1; } else if ( !bup ) { return 1; } // Otherwise they're somewhere else in the tree so we need // to build up a full list of the parentNodes for comparison while ( cur ) { ap.unshift( cur ); cur = cur.parentNode; } cur = bup; while ( cur ) { bp.unshift( cur ); cur = cur.parentNode; } al = ap.length; bl = bp.length; // Start walking down the tree looking for a discrepancy for ( var i = 0; i < al && i < bl; i++ ) { if ( ap[i] !== bp[i] ) { return siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ); } } // We ended someplace up the tree so do a sibling check return i === al ? siblingCheck( a, bp[i], -1 ) : siblingCheck( ap[i], b, 1 ); }; siblingCheck = function( a, b, ret ) { if ( a === b ) { return ret; var cur = a.nextSibling; } while ( cur ) { if ( cur === b ) { return -1; } cur = cur.nextSibling; } return 1; }; } // Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when // querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround) (function(){ // We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name var form = document.createElement("div"), id = "script" + (new Date()).getTime(), root = document.documentElement; form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>"; // Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild ); // The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById // Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching) if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) { Expr.find.ID = function( match, context, isXML ) { if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) { var m = context.getElementById(match[1]); return m ? === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ? [m] : undefined : []; } }; Expr.filter.ID = function( elem, match ) { var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id"); return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match; }; } root.removeChild( form ); // release memory in IE root = form = null; })(); (function(){ // Check to see if the browser returns only elements // when doing getElementsByTagName("*") // Create a fake element var div = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild( document.createComment("") ); // Make sure no comments are found if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) { Expr.find.TAG = function( match, context ) { var results = context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] ); // Filter out possible comments if ( match[1] === "*" ) { var tmp = []; for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) { if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) { tmp.push( results[i] ); } } results = tmp; } return results; }; } // Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>"; if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" && div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) { Expr.attrHandle.href = function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 ); }; } // release memory in IE div = null; })(); if ( document.querySelectorAll ) { (function(){ var oldSizzle = Sizzle, div = document.createElement("div"), id = "__sizzle__"; div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>"; // Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when // in quirks mode. if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) { return; } Sizzle = function( query, context, extra, seed ) { context = context || document; // Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents // (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents) if ( !seed && !Sizzle.isXML(context) ) { // See if we find a selector to speed up var match = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec( query ); if ( match && (context.nodeType === 1 || context.nodeType === 9) ) { // Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG") if ( match[1] ) { return makeArray( context.getElementsByTagName( query ), extra ); // Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS") } else if ( match[2] && Expr.find.CLASS && context.getElementsByClassName ) { return makeArray( context.getElementsByClassName( match[2] ), extra ); } } if ( context.nodeType === 9 ) { // Speed-up: Sizzle("body") // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it if ( query === "body" && context.body ) { return makeArray( [ context.body ], extra ); // Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID") } else if ( match && match[3] ) { var elem = context.getElementById( match[3] ); // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963 if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) { // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items // by name instead of ID if ( === match[3] ) { return makeArray( [ elem ], extra ); } } else { return makeArray( [], extra ); } } try { return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra ); } catch(qsaError) {} // qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries // We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root // and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique) // IE 8 doesn't work on object elements } else if ( context.nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) { var oldContext = context, old = context.getAttribute( "id" ), nid = old || id, hasParent = context.parentNode, relativeHierarchySelector = /^\s*[+~]/.test( query ); if ( !old ) { context.setAttribute( "id", nid ); } else { nid = nid.replace( /'/g, "\\$&" ); } if ( relativeHierarchySelector && hasParent ) { context = context.parentNode; } try { if ( !relativeHierarchySelector || hasParent ) { return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll( "[id='" + nid + "'] " + query ), extra ); } } catch(pseudoError) { } finally { if ( !old ) { oldContext.removeAttribute( "id" ); } } } } return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed); }; for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) { Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ]; } // release memory in IE div = null; })(); } (function(){ var html = document.documentElement, matches = html.matchesSelector || html.mozMatchesSelector || html.webkitMatchesSelector || html.msMatchesSelector; if ( matches ) { // Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector // on a disconnected node (IE 9 fails this) var disconnectedMatch = ! document.createElement( "div" ), "div" ), pseudoWorks = false; try { // This should fail with an exception // Gecko does not error, returns false instead document.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle" ); } catch( pseudoError ) { pseudoWorks = true; } Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) { // Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted expr = expr.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']"); if ( !Sizzle.isXML( node ) ) { try { if ( pseudoWorks || !Expr.match.PSEUDO.test( expr ) && !/!=/.test( expr ) ) { var ret = node, expr ); // IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes if ( ret || !disconnectedMatch || // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document // fragment in IE 9, so check for that node.document && node.document.nodeType !== 11 ) { return ret; } } } catch(e) {} } return Sizzle(expr, null, null, [node]).length > 0; }; } })(); (function(){ var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>"; // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6) // Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) { return; } // Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2) div.lastChild.className = "e"; if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) { return; } Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"); Expr.find.CLASS = function( match, context, isXML ) { if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) { return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]); } }; // release memory in IE div = null; })(); function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) { for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) { var elem = checkSet[i]; if ( elem ) { var match = false; elem = elem[dir]; while ( elem ) { if ( elem[ expando ] === doneName ) { match = checkSet[elem.sizset]; break; } if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){ elem[ expando ] = doneName; elem.sizset = i; } if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) { match = elem; break; } elem = elem[dir]; } checkSet[i] = match; } } } function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) { for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) { var elem = checkSet[i]; if ( elem ) { var match = false; elem = elem[dir]; while ( elem ) { if ( elem[ expando ] === doneName ) { match = checkSet[elem.sizset]; break; } if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( !isXML ) { elem[ expando ] = doneName; elem.sizset = i; } if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) { if ( elem === cur ) { match = true; break; } } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) { match = elem; break; } } elem = elem[dir]; } checkSet[i] = match; } } } if ( document.documentElement.contains ) { Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) { return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true); }; } else if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) { Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) { return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16); }; } else { Sizzle.contains = function() { return false; }; } Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) { // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833) var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement; return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false; }; var posProcess = function( selector, context, seed ) { var match, tmpSet = [], later = "", root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context; // Position selectors must be done after the filter // And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) { later += match[0]; selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" ); } selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector; for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) { Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet, seed ); } return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet ); }; // EXPOSE // Override sizzle attribute retrieval Sizzle.attr = jQuery.attr; Sizzle.selectors.attrMap = {}; jQuery.find = Sizzle; jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors; jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.filters; jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort; jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText; jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML; jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains; })(); var runtil = /Until$/, rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/, // Note: This RegExp should be improved, or likely pulled from Sizzle rmultiselector = /,/, isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/, slice = Array.prototype.slice, POS = jQuery.expr.match.POS, // methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set guaranteedUnique = { children: true, contents: true, next: true, prev: true }; jQuery.fn.extend({ find: function( selector ) { var self = this, i, l; if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { return jQuery( selector ).filter(function() { for ( i = 0, l = self.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) { return true; } } }); } var ret = this.pushStack( "", "find", selector ), length, n, r; for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { length = ret.length; jQuery.find( selector, this[i], ret ); if ( i > 0 ) { // Make sure that the results are unique for ( n = length; n < ret.length; n++ ) { for ( r = 0; r < length; r++ ) { if ( ret[r] === ret[n] ) { ret.splice(n--, 1); break; } } } } } return ret; }, has: function( target ) { var targets = jQuery( target ); return this.filter(function() { for ( var i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i++ ) { if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) { return true; } } }); }, not: function( selector ) { return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false), "not", selector); }, filter: function( selector ) { return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector ); }, is: function( selector ) { return !!selector && ( typeof selector === "string" ? // If this is a positional selector, check membership in the returned set // so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p". POS.test( selector ) ? jQuery( selector, this.context ).index( this[0] ) >= 0 : jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0 : this.filter( selector ).length > 0 ); }, closest: function( selectors, context ) { var ret = [], i, l, cur = this[0]; // Array (deprecated as of jQuery 1.7) if ( jQuery.isArray( selectors ) ) { var level = 1; while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) { for ( i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++ ) { if ( jQuery( cur ).is( selectors[ i ] ) ) { ret.push({ selector: selectors[ i ], elem: cur, level: level }); } } cur = cur.parentNode; level++; } return ret; } // String var pos = POS.test( selectors ) || typeof selectors !== "string" ? jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) : 0; for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { cur = this[i]; while ( cur ) { if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) { ret.push( cur ); break; } else { cur = cur.parentNode; if ( !cur || !cur.ownerDocument || cur === context || cur.nodeType === 11 ) { break; } } } } ret = ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret; return this.pushStack( ret, "closest", selectors ); }, // Determine the position of an element within // the matched set of elements index: function( elem ) { // No argument, return index in parent if ( !elem ) { return ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) ? this.prevAll().length : -1; } // index in selector if ( typeof elem === "string" ) { return jQuery.inArray( this[0], jQuery( elem ) ); } // Locate the position of the desired element return jQuery.inArray( // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this ); }, add: function( selector, context ) { var set = typeof selector === "string" ? jQuery( selector, context ) : jQuery.makeArray( selector && selector.nodeType ? [ selector ] : selector ), all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set ); return this.pushStack( isDisconnected( set[0] ) || isDisconnected( all[0] ) ? all : jQuery.unique( all ) ); }, andSelf: function() { return this.add( this.prevObject ); } }); // A painfully simple check to see if an element is disconnected // from a document (should be improved, where feasible). function isDisconnected( node ) { return !node || !node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeType === 11; } jQuery.each({ parent: function( elem ) { var parent = elem.parentNode; return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null; }, parents: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" ); }, parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until ); }, next: function( elem ) { return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "nextSibling" ); }, prev: function( elem ) { return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "previousSibling" ); }, nextAll: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" ); }, prevAll: function( elem ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" ); }, nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until ); }, prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) { return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until ); }, siblings: function( elem ) { return jQuery.sibling( elem.parentNode.firstChild, elem ); }, children: function( elem ) { return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild ); }, contents: function( elem ) { return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ? elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document : jQuery.makeArray( elem.childNodes ); } }, function( name, fn ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) { var ret = this, fn, until ); if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) { selector = until; } if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) { ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret ); } ret = this.length > 1 && !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret; if ( (this.length > 1 || rmultiselector.test( selector )) && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) { ret = ret.reverse(); } return this.pushStack( ret, name, arguments ).join(",") ); }; }); jQuery.extend({ filter: function( expr, elems, not ) { if ( not ) { expr = ":not(" + expr + ")"; } return elems.length === 1 ? jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] : jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems); }, dir: function( elem, dir, until ) { var matched = [], cur = elem[ dir ]; while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) { if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) { matched.push( cur ); } cur = cur[dir]; } return matched; }, nth: function( cur, result, dir, elem ) { result = result || 1; var num = 0; for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] ) { if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ++num === result ) { break; } } return cur; }, sibling: function( n, elem ) { var r = []; for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) { if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) { r.push( n ); } } return r; } }); // Implement the identical functionality for filter and not function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) { // Can't pass null or undefined to indexOf in Firefox 4 // Set to 0 to skip string check qualifier = qualifier || 0; if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) { return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) { var retVal = !! elem, i, elem ); return retVal === keep; }); } else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) { return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) { return ( elem === qualifier ) === keep; }); } else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) { var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) { return elem.nodeType === 1; }); if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) { return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep); } else { qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered ); } } return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) { return ( jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0 ) === keep; }); } function createSafeFragment( document ) { var list = nodeNames.split( "|" ), safeFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); if ( safeFrag.createElement ) { while ( list.length ) { safeFrag.createElement( list.pop() ); } } return safeFrag; } var nodeNames = "abbr|article|aside|audio|canvas|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|" + "header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video", rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/, rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig, rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/, rtbody = /<tbody/i, rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/, rnoInnerhtml = /<(?:script|style)/i, rnocache = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i, rnoshimcache = new RegExp("<(?:" + nodeNames + ")", "i"), // checked="checked" or checked rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i, rscriptType = /\/(java|ecma)script/i, rcleanScript = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|\-\-)/, wrapMap = { option: [ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ], legend: [ 1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>" ], thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ], tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ], td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ], col: [ 2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ], area: [ 1, "<map>", "</map>" ], _default: [ 0, "", "" ] }, safeFragment = createSafeFragment( document ); wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option; wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead; =; // IE can't serialize <link> and <script> tags normally if ( ! ) { wrapMap._default = [ 1, "div<div>", "</div>" ]; } jQuery.fn.extend({ text: function( text ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction(text) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery( this ); self.text(, i, self.text()) ); }); } if ( typeof text !== "object" && text !== undefined ) { return this.empty().append( (this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document).createTextNode( text ) ); } return jQuery.text( this ); }, wrapAll: function( html ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { jQuery(this).wrapAll(, i) ); }); } if ( this[0] ) { // The elements to wrap the target around var wrap = jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ).eq(0).clone(true); if ( this[0].parentNode ) { wrap.insertBefore( this[0] ); } { var elem = this; while ( elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.nodeType === 1 ) { elem = elem.firstChild; } return elem; }).append( this ); } return this; }, wrapInner: function( html ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { jQuery(this).wrapInner(, i) ); }); } return this.each(function() { var self = jQuery( this ), contents = self.contents(); if ( contents.length ) { contents.wrapAll( html ); } else { self.append( html ); } }); }, wrap: function( html ) { var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( html ); return this.each(function(i) { jQuery( this ).wrapAll( isFunction ?, i) : html ); }); }, unwrap: function() { return this.parent().each(function() { if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) { jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes ); } }).end(); }, append: function() { return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) { if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) { this.appendChild( elem ); } }); }, prepend: function() { return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) { if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) { this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild ); } }); }, before: function() { if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) { return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) { this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this ); }); } else if ( arguments.length ) { var set = jQuery.clean( arguments ); set.push.apply( set, this.toArray() ); return this.pushStack( set, "before", arguments ); } }, after: function() { if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) { return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) { this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling ); }); } else if ( arguments.length ) { var set = this.pushStack( this, "after", arguments ); set.push.apply( set, jQuery.clean(arguments) ); return set; } }, // keepData is for internal use only--do not document remove: function( selector, keepData ) { for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length ) { if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") ); jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ] ); } if ( elem.parentNode ) { elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem ); } } } return this; }, empty: function() { for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) { // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") ); } // Remove any remaining nodes while ( elem.firstChild ) { elem.removeChild( elem.firstChild ); } } return this; }, clone: function( dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) { dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents; deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents; return function () { return jQuery.clone( this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ); }); }, html: function( value ) { if ( value === undefined ) { return this[0] && this[0].nodeType === 1 ? this[0].innerHTML.replace(rinlinejQuery, "") : null; // See if we can take a shortcut and just use innerHTML } else if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test( value ) && ( || !rleadingWhitespace.test( value )) && !wrapMap[ (rtagName.exec( value ) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase() ] ) { value = value.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>"); try { for ( var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) { // Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 ) { jQuery.cleanData( this[i].getElementsByTagName("*") ); this[i].innerHTML = value; } } // If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method } catch(e) { this.empty().append( value ); } } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { this.each(function(i){ var self = jQuery( this ); self.html(, i, self.html()) ); }); } else { this.empty().append( value ); } return this; }, replaceWith: function( value ) { if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) { // Make sure that the elements are removed from the DOM before they are inserted // this can help fix replacing a parent with child elements if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery(this), old = self.html(); self.replaceWith( this, i, old ) ); }); } if ( typeof value !== "string" ) { value = jQuery( value ).detach(); } return this.each(function() { var next = this.nextSibling, parent = this.parentNode; jQuery( this ).remove(); if ( next ) { jQuery(next).before( value ); } else { jQuery(parent).append( value ); } }); } else { return this.length ? this.pushStack( jQuery(jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value), "replaceWith", value ) : this; } }, detach: function( selector ) { return this.remove( selector, true ); }, domManip: function( args, table, callback ) { var results, first, fragment, parent, value = args[0], scripts = []; // We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit if ( ! && arguments.length === 3 && typeof value === "string" && rchecked.test( value ) ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery(this).domManip( args, table, callback, true ); }); } if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) { return this.each(function(i) { var self = jQuery(this); args[0] =, i, table ? self.html() : undefined); self.domManip( args, table, callback ); }); } if ( this[0] ) { parent = value && value.parentNode; // If we're in a fragment, just use that instead of building a new one if ( && parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === this.length ) { results = { fragment: parent }; } else { results = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this, scripts ); } fragment = results.fragment; if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) { first = fragment = fragment.firstChild; } else { first = fragment.firstChild; } if ( first ) { table = table && jQuery.nodeName( first, "tr" ); for ( var i = 0, l = this.length, lastIndex = l - 1; i < l; i++ ) { table ? root(this[i], first) : this[i], // Make sure that we do not leak memory by inadvertently discarding // the original fragment (which might have attached data) instead of // using it; in addition, use the original fragment object for the last // item instead of first because it can end up being emptied incorrectly // in certain situations (Bug #8070). // Fragments from the fragment cache must always be cloned and never used // in place. results.cacheable || ( l > 1 && i < lastIndex ) ? jQuery.clone( fragment, true, true ) : fragment ); } } if ( scripts.length ) { jQuery.each( scripts, evalScript ); } } return this; } }); function root( elem, cur ) { return jQuery.nodeName(elem, "table") ? (elem.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || elem.appendChild(elem.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"))) : elem; } function cloneCopyEvent( src, dest ) { if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.hasData( src ) ) { return; } var type, i, l, oldData = jQuery._data( src ), curData = jQuery._data( dest, oldData ), events =; if ( events ) { delete curData.handle; = {}; for ( type in events ) { for ( i = 0, l = events[ type ].length; i < l; i++ ) { jQuery.event.add( dest, type + ( events[ type ][ i ].namespace ? "." : "" ) + events[ type ][ i ].namespace, events[ type ][ i ], events[ type ][ i ].data ); } } } // make the cloned public data object a copy from the original if ( ) { = jQuery.extend( {}, ); } } function cloneFixAttributes( src, dest ) { var nodeName; // We do not need to do anything for non-Elements if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 ) { return; } // clearAttributes removes the attributes, which we don't want, // but also removes the attachEvent events, which we *do* want if ( dest.clearAttributes ) { dest.clearAttributes(); } // mergeAttributes, in contrast, only merges back on the // original attributes, not the events if ( dest.mergeAttributes ) { dest.mergeAttributes( src ); } nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // IE6-8 fail to clone children inside object elements that use // the proprietary classid attribute value (rather than the type // attribute) to identify the type of content to display if ( nodeName === "object" ) { dest.outerHTML = src.outerHTML; } else if ( nodeName === "input" && (src.type === "checkbox" || src.type === "radio") ) { // IE6-8 fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox // or radio button. Worse, IE6-7 fail to give the cloned element // a checked appearance if the defaultChecked value isn't also set if ( src.checked ) { dest.defaultChecked = dest.checked = src.checked; } // IE6-7 get confused and end up setting the value of a cloned // checkbox/radio button to an empty string instead of "on" if ( dest.value !== src.value ) { dest.value = src.value; } // IE6-8 fails to return the selected option to the default selected // state when cloning options } else if ( nodeName === "option" ) { dest.selected = src.defaultSelected; // IE6-8 fails to set the defaultValue to the correct value when // cloning other types of input fields } else if ( nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea" ) { dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue; } // Event data gets referenced instead of copied if the expando // gets copied too dest.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando ); } jQuery.buildFragment = function( args, nodes, scripts ) { var fragment, cacheable, cacheresults, doc, first = args[ 0 ]; // nodes may contain either an explicit document object, // a jQuery collection or context object. // If nodes[0] contains a valid object to assign to doc if ( nodes && nodes[0] ) { doc = nodes[0].ownerDocument || nodes[0]; } // Ensure that an attr object doesn't incorrectly stand in as a document object // Chrome and Firefox seem to allow this to occur and will throw exception // Fixes #8950 if ( !doc.createDocumentFragment ) { doc = document; } // Only cache "small" (1/2 KB) HTML strings that are associated with the main document // Cloning options loses the selected state, so don't cache them // IE 6 doesn't like it when you put <object> or <embed> elements in a fragment // Also, WebKit does not clone 'checked' attributes on cloneNode, so don't cache // Lastly, IE6,7,8 will not correctly reuse cached fragments that were created from unknown elems #10501 if ( args.length === 1 && typeof first === "string" && first.length < 512 && doc === document && first.charAt(0) === "<" && !rnocache.test( first ) && ( || !rchecked.test( first )) && ( || !rnoshimcache.test( first )) ) { cacheable = true; cacheresults = jQuery.fragments[ first ]; if ( cacheresults && cacheresults !== 1 ) { fragment = cacheresults; } } if ( !fragment ) { fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); jQuery.clean( args, doc, fragment, scripts ); } if ( cacheable ) { jQuery.fragments[ first ] = cacheresults ? fragment : 1; } return { fragment: fragment, cacheable: cacheable }; }; jQuery.fragments = {}; jQuery.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function( name, original ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) { var ret = [], insert = jQuery( selector ), parent = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode; if ( parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === 1 && insert.length === 1 ) { insert[ original ]( this[0] ); return this; } else { for ( var i = 0, l = insert.length; i < l; i++ ) { var elems = ( i > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this ).get(); jQuery( insert[i] )[ original ]( elems ); ret = ret.concat( elems ); } return this.pushStack( ret, name, insert.selector ); } }; }); function getAll( elem ) { if ( typeof elem.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) { return elem.getElementsByTagName( "*" ); } else if ( typeof elem.querySelectorAll !== "undefined" ) { return elem.querySelectorAll( "*" ); } else { return []; } } // Used in clean, fixes the defaultChecked property function fixDefaultChecked( elem ) { if ( elem.type === "checkbox" || elem.type === "radio" ) { elem.defaultChecked = elem.checked; } } // Finds all inputs and passes them to fixDefaultChecked function findInputs( elem ) { var nodeName = ( elem.nodeName || "" ).toLowerCase(); if ( nodeName === "input" ) { fixDefaultChecked( elem ); // Skip scripts, get other children } else if ( nodeName !== "script" && typeof elem.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) { jQuery.grep( elem.getElementsByTagName("input"), fixDefaultChecked ); } } // Derived From: function shimCloneNode( elem ) { var div = document.createElement( "div" ); safeFragment.appendChild( div ); div.innerHTML = elem.outerHTML; return div.firstChild; } jQuery.extend({ clone: function( elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) { var srcElements, destElements, i, // IE<=8 does not properly clone detached, unknown element nodes clone = || !rnoshimcache.test( "<" + elem.nodeName ) ? elem.cloneNode( true ) : shimCloneNode( elem ); if ( (! || ! && (elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) { // IE copies events bound via attachEvent when using cloneNode. // Calling detachEvent on the clone will also remove the events // from the original. In order to get around this, we use some // proprietary methods to clear the events. Thanks to MooTools // guys for this hotness. cloneFixAttributes( elem, clone ); // Using Sizzle here is crazy slow, so we use getElementsByTagName instead srcElements = getAll( elem ); destElements = getAll( clone ); // Weird iteration because IE will replace the length property // with an element if you are cloning the body and one of the // elements on the page has a name or id of "length" for ( i = 0; srcElements[i]; ++i ) { // Ensure that the destination node is not null; Fixes #9587 if ( destElements[i] ) { cloneFixAttributes( srcElements[i], destElements[i] ); } } } // Copy the events from the original to the clone if ( dataAndEvents ) { cloneCopyEvent( elem, clone ); if ( deepDataAndEvents ) { srcElements = getAll( elem ); destElements = getAll( clone ); for ( i = 0; srcElements[i]; ++i ) { cloneCopyEvent( srcElements[i], destElements[i] ); } } } srcElements = destElements = null; // Return the cloned set return clone; }, clean: function( elems, context, fragment, scripts ) { var checkScriptType; context = context || document; // !context.createElement fails in IE with an error but returns typeof 'object' if ( typeof context.createElement === "undefined" ) { context = context.ownerDocument || context[0] && context[0].ownerDocument || document; } var ret = [], j; for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( typeof elem === "number" ) { elem += ""; } if ( !elem ) { continue; } // Convert html string into DOM nodes if ( typeof elem === "string" ) { if ( !rhtml.test( elem ) ) { elem = context.createTextNode( elem ); } else { // Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers elem = elem.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>"); // Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected var tag = ( rtagName.exec( elem ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase(), wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default, depth = wrap[0], div = context.createElement("div"); // Append wrapper element to unknown element safe doc fragment if ( context === document ) { // Use the fragment we've already created for this document safeFragment.appendChild( div ); } else { // Use a fragment created with the owner document createSafeFragment( context ).appendChild( div ); } // Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers div.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem + wrap[2]; // Move to the right depth while ( depth-- ) { div = div.lastChild; } // Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments if ( ! ) { // String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody> var hasBody = rtbody.test(elem), tbody = tag === "table" && !hasBody ? div.firstChild && div.firstChild.childNodes : // String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot> wrap[1] === "<table>" && !hasBody ? div.childNodes : []; for ( j = tbody.length - 1; j >= 0 ; --j ) { if ( jQuery.nodeName( tbody[ j ], "tbody" ) && !tbody[ j ].childNodes.length ) { tbody[ j ].parentNode.removeChild( tbody[ j ] ); } } } // IE completely kills leading whitespace when innerHTML is used if ( ! && rleadingWhitespace.test( elem ) ) { div.insertBefore( context.createTextNode( rleadingWhitespace.exec(elem)[0] ), div.firstChild ); } elem = div.childNodes; } } // Resets defaultChecked for any radios and checkboxes // about to be appended to the DOM in IE 6/7 (#8060) var len; if ( ! ) { if ( elem[0] && typeof (len = elem.length) === "number" ) { for ( j = 0; j < len; j++ ) { findInputs( elem[j] ); } } else { findInputs( elem ); } } if ( elem.nodeType ) { ret.push( elem ); } else { ret = jQuery.merge( ret, elem ); } } if ( fragment ) { checkScriptType = function( elem ) { return !elem.type || rscriptType.test( elem.type ); }; for ( i = 0; ret[i]; i++ ) { if ( scripts && jQuery.nodeName( ret[i], "script" ) && (!ret[i].type || ret[i].type.toLowerCase() === "text/javascript") ) { scripts.push( ret[i].parentNode ? ret[i].parentNode.removeChild( ret[i] ) : ret[i] ); } else { if ( ret[i].nodeType === 1 ) { var jsTags = jQuery.grep( ret[i].getElementsByTagName( "script" ), checkScriptType ); ret.splice.apply( ret, [i + 1, 0].concat( jsTags ) ); } fragment.appendChild( ret[i] ); } } } return ret; }, cleanData: function( elems ) { var data, id, cache = jQuery.cache, special = jQuery.event.special, deleteExpando =; for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) { if ( elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()] ) { continue; } id = elem[ jQuery.expando ]; if ( id ) { data = cache[ id ]; if ( data && ) { for ( var type in ) { if ( special[ type ] ) { jQuery.event.remove( elem, type ); // This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead } else { jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle ); } } // Null the DOM reference to avoid IE6/7/8 leak (#7054) if ( data.handle ) { data.handle.elem = null; } } if ( deleteExpando ) { delete elem[ jQuery.expando ]; } else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) { elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando ); } delete cache[ id ]; } } } }); function evalScript( i, elem ) { if ( elem.src ) { jQuery.ajax({ url: elem.src, async: false, dataType: "script" }); } else { jQuery.globalEval( ( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" ).replace( rcleanScript, "/*$0*/" ) ); } if ( elem.parentNode ) { elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem ); } } var ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, ropacity = /opacity=([^)]*)/, // fixed for IE9, see #8346 rupper = /([A-Z]|^ms)/g, rnumpx = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i, rnum = /^-?\d/, rrelNum = /^([\-+])=([\-+.\de]+)/, cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, cssWidth = [ "Left", "Right" ], cssHeight = [ "Top", "Bottom" ], curCSS, getComputedStyle, currentStyle; jQuery.fn.css = function( name, value ) { // Setting 'undefined' is a no-op if ( arguments.length === 2 && value === undefined ) { return this; } return jQuery.access( this, name, value, true, function( elem, name, value ) { return value !== undefined ? elem, name, value ) : jQuery.css( elem, name ); }); }; jQuery.extend({ // Add in style property hooks for overriding the default // behavior of getting and setting a style property cssHooks: { opacity: { get: function( elem, computed ) { if ( computed ) { // We should always get a number back from opacity var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity", "opacity" ); return ret === "" ? "1" : ret; } else { return; } } } }, // Exclude the following css properties to add px cssNumber: { "fillOpacity": true, "fontWeight": true, "lineHeight": true, "opacity": true, "orphans": true, "widows": true, "zIndex": true, "zoom": true }, // Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before // setting or getting the value cssProps: { // normalize float css property "float": ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" }, // Get and set the style property on a DOM Node style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) { // Don't set styles on text and comment nodes if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || ! ) { return; } // Make sure that we're working with the right name var ret, type, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ), style =, hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ]; name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName; // Check if we're setting a value if ( value !== undefined ) { type = typeof value; // convert relative number strings (+= or -=) to relative numbers. #7345 if ( type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec( value )) ) { value = ( +( ret[1] + 1) * +ret[2] ) + parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, name ) ); // Fixes bug #9237 type = "number"; } // Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116 if ( value == null || type === "number" && isNaN( value ) ) { return; } // If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties) if ( type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) { value += "px"; } // If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value )) !== undefined ) { // Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided // Fixes bug #5509 try { style[ name ] = value; } catch(e) {} } } else { // If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } // Otherwise just get the value from the style object return style[ name ]; } }, css: function( elem, name, extra ) { var ret, hooks; // Make sure that we're working with the right name name = jQuery.camelCase( name ); hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ]; name = jQuery.cssProps[ name ] || name; // cssFloat needs a special treatment if ( name === "cssFloat" ) { name = "float"; } // If a hook was provided get the computed value from there if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, true, extra )) !== undefined ) { return ret; // Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that } else if ( curCSS ) { return curCSS( elem, name ); } }, // A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations swap: function( elem, options, callback ) { var old = {}; // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones for ( var name in options ) { old[ name ] =[ name ];[ name ] = options[ name ]; } elem ); // Revert the old values for ( name in options ) {[ name ] = old[ name ]; } } }); // DEPRECATED, Use jQuery.css() instead jQuery.curCSS = jQuery.css; jQuery.each(["height", "width"], function( i, name ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = { get: function( elem, computed, extra ) { var val; if ( computed ) { if ( elem.offsetWidth !== 0 ) { return getWH( elem, name, extra ); } else { jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() { val = getWH( elem, name, extra ); }); } return val; } }, set: function( elem, value ) { if ( rnumpx.test( value ) ) { // ignore negative width and height values #1599 value = parseFloat( value ); if ( value >= 0 ) { return value + "px"; } } else { return value; } } }; }); if ( ! ) { jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = { get: function( elem, computed ) { // IE uses filters for opacity return ropacity.test( (computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : || "" ) ? ( parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) / 100 ) + "" : computed ? "1" : ""; }, set: function( elem, value ) { var style =, currentStyle = elem.currentStyle, opacity = jQuery.isNumeric( value ) ? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : "", filter = currentStyle && currentStyle.filter || style.filter || ""; // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout // Force it by setting the zoom level style.zoom = 1; // if setting opacity to 1, and no other filters exist - attempt to remove filter attribute #6652 if ( value >= 1 && jQuery.trim( filter.replace( ralpha, "" ) ) === "" ) { // Setting style.filter to null, "" & " " still leave "filter:" in the cssText // if "filter:" is present at all, clearType is disabled, we want to avoid this // style.removeAttribute is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path... style.removeAttribute( "filter" ); // if there there is no filter style applied in a css rule, we are done if ( currentStyle && !currentStyle.filter ) { return; } } // otherwise, set new filter values style.filter = ralpha.test( filter ) ? filter.replace( ralpha, opacity ) : filter + " " + opacity; } }; } jQuery(function() { // This hook cannot be added until DOM ready because the support test // for it is not run until after DOM ready if ( ! ) { jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = { get: function( elem, computed ) { // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right // Work around by temporarily setting element display to inline-block var ret; jQuery.swap( elem, { "display": "inline-block" }, function() { if ( computed ) { ret = curCSS( elem, "margin-right", "marginRight" ); } else { ret =; } }); return ret; } }; } }); if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) { getComputedStyle = function( elem, name ) { var ret, defaultView, computedStyle; name = name.replace( rupper, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); if ( (defaultView = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView) && (computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null )) ) { ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name ); if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) { ret = elem, name ); } } return ret; }; } if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) { currentStyle = function( elem, name ) { var left, rsLeft, uncomputed, ret = elem.currentStyle && elem.currentStyle[ name ], style =; // Avoid setting ret to empty string here // so we don't default to auto if ( ret === null && style && (uncomputed = style[ name ]) ) { ret = uncomputed; } // From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards // // If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number // but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels if ( !rnumpx.test( ret ) && rnum.test( ret ) ) { // Remember the original values left = style.left; rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle && elem.runtimeStyle.left; // Put in the new values to get a computed value out if ( rsLeft ) { elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left; } style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : ( ret || 0 ); ret = style.pixelLeft + "px"; // Revert the changed values style.left = left; if ( rsLeft ) { elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft; } } return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret; }; } curCSS = getComputedStyle || currentStyle; function getWH( elem, name, extra ) { // Start with offset property var val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight, which = name === "width" ? cssWidth : cssHeight, i = 0, len = which.length; if ( val > 0 ) { if ( extra !== "border" ) { for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { if ( !extra ) { val -= parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + which[ i ] ) ) || 0; } if ( extra === "margin" ) { val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, extra + which[ i ] ) ) || 0; } else { val -= parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "border" + which[ i ] + "Width" ) ) || 0; } } } return val + "px"; } // Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary val = curCSS( elem, name, name ); if ( val < 0 || val == null ) { val =[ name ] || 0; } // Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra val = parseFloat( val ) || 0; // Add padding, border, margin if ( extra ) { for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + which[ i ] ) ) || 0; if ( extra !== "padding" ) { val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "border" + which[ i ] + "Width" ) ) || 0; } if ( extra === "margin" ) { val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, extra + which[ i ] ) ) || 0; } } } return val + "px"; } if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) { jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) { var width = elem.offsetWidth, height = elem.offsetHeight; return ( width === 0 && height === 0 ) || (! && (( && || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none"); }; jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) { return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem ); }; } var r20 = /%20/g, rbracket = /\[\]$/, rCRLF = /\r?\n/g, rhash = /#.*$/, rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, // IE leaves an \r character at EOL rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, // #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/, rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, rprotocol = /^\/\//, rquery = /\?/, rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i, rspacesAjax = /\s+/, rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, rurl = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/, // Keep a copy of the old load method _load = jQuery.fn.load, /* Prefilters * 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example) * 2) These are called: * - BEFORE asking for a transport * - AFTER param serialization ( is a string if s.processData is true) * 3) key is the dataType * 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used * 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed */ prefilters = {}, /* Transports bindings * 1) key is the dataType * 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used * 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed */ transports = {}, // Document location ajaxLocation, // Document location segments ajaxLocParts, // Avoid comment-prolog char sequence (#10098); must appease lint and evade compression allTypes = ["*/"] + ["*"]; // #8138, IE may throw an exception when accessing // a field from window.location if document.domain has been set try { ajaxLocation = location.href; } catch( e ) { // Use the href attribute of an A element // since IE will modify it given document.location ajaxLocation = document.createElement( "a" ); ajaxLocation.href = ""; ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href; } // Segment location into parts ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec( ajaxLocation.toLowerCase() ) || []; // Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport function addToPrefiltersOrTransports( structure ) { // dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*" return function( dataTypeExpression, func ) { if ( typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string" ) { func = dataTypeExpression; dataTypeExpression = "*"; } if ( jQuery.isFunction( func ) ) { var dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax ), i = 0, length = dataTypes.length, dataType, list, placeBefore; // For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { dataType = dataTypes[ i ]; // We control if we're asked to add before // any existing element placeBefore = /^\+/.test( dataType ); if ( placeBefore ) { dataType = dataType.substr( 1 ) || "*"; } list = structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || []; // then we add to the structure accordingly list[ placeBefore ? "unshift" : "push" ]( func ); } } }; } // Base inspection function for prefilters and transports function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, dataType /* internal */, inspected /* internal */ ) { dataType = dataType || options.dataTypes[ 0 ]; inspected = inspected || {}; inspected[ dataType ] = true; var list = structure[ dataType ], i = 0, length = list ? list.length : 0, executeOnly = ( structure === prefilters ), selection; for ( ; i < length && ( executeOnly || !selection ); i++ ) { selection = list[ i ]( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ); // If we got redirected to another dataType // we try there if executing only and not done already if ( typeof selection === "string" ) { if ( !executeOnly || inspected[ selection ] ) { selection = undefined; } else { options.dataTypes.unshift( selection ); selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, selection, inspected ); } } } // If we're only executing or nothing was selected // we try the catchall dataType if not done already if ( ( executeOnly || !selection ) && !inspected[ "*" ] ) { selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, "*", inspected ); } // unnecessary when only executing (prefilters) // but it'll be ignored by the caller in that case return selection; } // A special extend for ajax options // that takes "flat" options (not to be deep extended) // Fixes #9887 function ajaxExtend( target, src ) { var key, deep, flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {}; for ( key in src ) { if ( src[ key ] !== undefined ) { ( flatOptions[ key ] ? target : ( deep || ( deep = {} ) ) )[ key ] = src[ key ]; } } if ( deep ) { jQuery.extend( true, target, deep ); } } jQuery.fn.extend({ load: function( url, params, callback ) { if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) { return _load.apply( this, arguments ); // Don't do a request if no elements are being requested } else if ( !this.length ) { return this; } var off = url.indexOf( " " ); if ( off >= 0 ) { var selector = url.slice( off, url.length ); url = url.slice( 0, off ); } // Default to a GET request var type = "GET"; // If the second parameter was provided if ( params ) { // If it's a function if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) { // We assume that it's the callback callback = params; params = undefined; // Otherwise, build a param string } else if ( typeof params === "object" ) { params = jQuery.param( params, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional ); type = "POST"; } } var self = this; // Request the remote document jQuery.ajax({ url: url, type: type, dataType: "html", data: params, // Complete callback (responseText is used internally) complete: function( jqXHR, status, responseText ) { // Store the response as specified by the jqXHR object responseText = jqXHR.responseText; // If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements if ( jqXHR.isResolved() ) { // #4825: Get the actual response in case // a dataFilter is present in ajaxSettings jqXHR.done(function( r ) { responseText = r; }); // See if a selector was specified self.html( selector ? // Create a dummy div to hold the results jQuery("<div>") // inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts // to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE .append(responseText.replace(rscript, "")) // Locate the specified elements .find(selector) : // If not, just inject the full result responseText ); } if ( callback ) { self.each( callback, [ responseText, status, jqXHR ] ); } } }); return this; }, serialize: function() { return jQuery.param( this.serializeArray() ); }, serializeArray: function() { return{ return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray( this.elements ) : this; }) .filter(function(){ return && !this.disabled && ( this.checked || rselectTextarea.test( this.nodeName ) || rinput.test( this.type ) ); }) .map(function( i, elem ){ var val = jQuery( this ).val(); return val == null ? null : jQuery.isArray( val ) ? val, function( val, i ){ return { name:, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; }) : { name:, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; }).get(); } }); // Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events jQuery.each( "ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split( " " ), function( i, o ){ jQuery.fn[ o ] = function( f ){ return this.on( o, f ); }; }); jQuery.each( [ "get", "post" ], function( i, method ) { jQuery[ method ] = function( url, data, callback, type ) { // shift arguments if data argument was omitted if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) { type = type || callback; callback = data; data = undefined; } return jQuery.ajax({ type: method, url: url, data: data, success: callback, dataType: type }); }; }); jQuery.extend({ getScript: function( url, callback ) { return jQuery.get( url, undefined, callback, "script" ); }, getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) { return jQuery.get( url, data, callback, "json" ); }, // Creates a full fledged settings object into target // with both ajaxSettings and settings fields. // If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings. ajaxSetup: function( target, settings ) { if ( settings ) { // Building a settings object ajaxExtend( target, jQuery.ajaxSettings ); } else { // Extending ajaxSettings settings = target; target = jQuery.ajaxSettings; } ajaxExtend( target, settings ); return target; }, ajaxSettings: { url: ajaxLocation, isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] ), global: true, type: "GET", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", processData: true, async: true, /* timeout: 0, data: null, dataType: null, username: null, password: null, cache: null, traditional: false, headers: {}, */ accepts: { xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", text: "text/plain", json: "application/json, text/javascript", "*": allTypes }, contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ }, responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText" }, // List of data converters // 1) key format is "source_type destination_type" (a single space in-between) // 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used for source_type converters: { // Convert anything to text "* text": window.String, // Text to html (true = no transformation) "text html": true, // Evaluate text as a json expression "text json": jQuery.parseJSON, // Parse text as xml "text xml": jQuery.parseXML }, // For options that shouldn't be deep extended: // you can add your own custom options here if // and when you create one that shouldn't be // deep extended (see ajaxExtend) flatOptions: { context: true, url: true } }, ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters ), ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( transports ), // Main method ajax: function( url, options ) { // If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature if ( typeof url === "object" ) { options = url; url = undefined; } // Force options to be an object options = options || {}; var // Create the final options object s = jQuery.ajaxSetup( {}, options ), // Callbacks context callbackContext = s.context || s, // Context for global events // It's the callbackContext if one was provided in the options // and if it's a DOM node or a jQuery collection globalEventContext = callbackContext !== s && ( callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext instanceof jQuery ) ? jQuery( callbackContext ) : jQuery.event, // Deferreds deferred = jQuery.Deferred(), completeDeferred = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), // Status-dependent callbacks statusCode = s.statusCode || {}, // ifModified key ifModifiedKey, // Headers (they are sent all at once) requestHeaders = {}, requestHeadersNames = {}, // Response headers responseHeadersString, responseHeaders, // transport transport, // timeout handle timeoutTimer, // Cross-domain detection vars parts, // The jqXHR state state = 0, // To know if global events are to be dispatched fireGlobals, // Loop variable i, // Fake xhr jqXHR = { readyState: 0, // Caches the header setRequestHeader: function( name, value ) { if ( !state ) { var lname = name.toLowerCase(); name = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] || name; requestHeaders[ name ] = value; } return this; }, // Raw string getAllResponseHeaders: function() { return state === 2 ? responseHeadersString : null; }, // Builds headers hashtable if needed getResponseHeader: function( key ) { var match; if ( state === 2 ) { if ( !responseHeaders ) { responseHeaders = {}; while( ( match = rheaders.exec( responseHeadersString ) ) ) { responseHeaders[ match[1].toLowerCase() ] = match[ 2 ]; } } match = responseHeaders[ key.toLowerCase() ]; } return match === undefined ? null : match; }, // Overrides response content-type header overrideMimeType: function( type ) { if ( !state ) { s.mimeType = type; } return this; }, // Cancel the request abort: function( statusText ) { statusText = statusText || "abort"; if ( transport ) { transport.abort( statusText ); } done( 0, statusText ); return this; } }; // Callback for when everything is done // It is defined here because jslint complains if it is declared // at the end of the function (which would be more logical and readable) function done( status, nativeStatusText, responses, headers ) { // Called once if ( state === 2 ) { return; } // State is "done" now state = 2; // Clear timeout if it exists if ( timeoutTimer ) { clearTimeout( timeoutTimer ); } // Dereference transport for early garbage collection // (no matter how long the jqXHR object will be used) transport = undefined; // Cache response headers responseHeadersString = headers || ""; // Set readyState jqXHR.readyState = status > 0 ? 4 : 0; var isSuccess, success, error, statusText = nativeStatusText, response = responses ? ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) : undefined, lastModified, etag; // If successful, handle type chaining if ( status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304 ) { // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode. if ( s.ifModified ) { if ( ( lastModified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "Last-Modified" ) ) ) { jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] = lastModified; } if ( ( etag = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "Etag" ) ) ) { jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] = etag; } } // If not modified if ( status === 304 ) { statusText = "notmodified"; isSuccess = true; // If we have data } else { try { success = ajaxConvert( s, response ); statusText = "success"; isSuccess = true; } catch(e) { // We have a parsererror statusText = "parsererror"; error = e; } } } else { // We extract error from statusText // then normalize statusText and status for non-aborts error = statusText; if ( !statusText || status ) { statusText = "error"; if ( status < 0 ) { status = 0; } } } // Set data for the fake xhr object jqXHR.status = status; jqXHR.statusText = "" + ( nativeStatusText || statusText ); // Success/Error if ( isSuccess ) { deferred.resolveWith( callbackContext, [ success, statusText, jqXHR ] ); } else { deferred.rejectWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText, error ] ); } // Status-dependent callbacks jqXHR.statusCode( statusCode ); statusCode = undefined; if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( "ajax" + ( isSuccess ? "Success" : "Error" ), [ jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error ] ); } // Complete completeDeferred.fireWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText ] ); if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxComplete", [ jqXHR, s ] ); // Handle the global AJAX counter if ( !( ) ) { jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" ); } } } // Attach deferreds deferred.promise( jqXHR ); jqXHR.success = jqXHR.done; jqXHR.error =; jqXHR.complete = completeDeferred.add; // Status-dependent callbacks jqXHR.statusCode = function( map ) { if ( map ) { var tmp; if ( state < 2 ) { for ( tmp in map ) { statusCode[ tmp ] = [ statusCode[tmp], map[tmp] ]; } } else { tmp = map[ jqXHR.status ]; jqXHR.then( tmp, tmp ); } } return this; }; // Remove hash character (#7531: and string promotion) // Add protocol if not provided (#5866: IE7 issue with protocol-less urls) // We also use the url parameter if available s.url = ( ( url || s.url ) + "" ).replace( rhash, "" ).replace( rprotocol, ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] + "//" ); // Extract dataTypes list s.dataTypes = jQuery.trim( s.dataType || "*" ).toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax ); // Determine if a cross-domain request is in order if ( s.crossDomain == null ) { parts = rurl.exec( s.url.toLowerCase() ); s.crossDomain = !!( parts && ( parts[ 1 ] != ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] || parts[ 2 ] != ajaxLocParts[ 2 ] || ( parts[ 3 ] || ( parts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) != ( ajaxLocParts[ 3 ] || ( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) ) ); } // Convert data if not already a string if ( && s.processData && typeof !== "string" ) { = jQuery.param(, s.traditional ); } // Apply prefilters inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters, s, options, jqXHR ); // If request was aborted inside a prefiler, stop there if ( state === 2 ) { return false; } // We can fire global events as of now if asked to fireGlobals =; // Uppercase the type s.type = s.type.toUpperCase(); // Determine if request has content s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test( s.type ); // Watch for a new set of requests if ( fireGlobals && === 0 ) { jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" ); } // More options handling for requests with no content if ( !s.hasContent ) { // If data is available, append data to url if ( ) { s.url += ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) +; // #9682: remove data so that it's not used in an eventual retry delete; } // Get ifModifiedKey before adding the anti-cache parameter ifModifiedKey = s.url; // Add anti-cache in url if needed if ( s.cache === false ) { var ts =, // try replacing _= if it is there ret = s.url.replace( rts, "$1_=" + ts ); // if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end s.url = ret + ( ( ret === s.url ) ? ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) + "_=" + ts : "" ); } } // Set the correct header, if data is being sent if ( && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", s.contentType ); } // Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode. if ( s.ifModified ) { ifModifiedKey = ifModifiedKey || s.url; if ( jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] ); } if ( jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] ); } } // Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "Accept", s.dataTypes[ 0 ] && s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] ? s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] + ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] !== "*" ? ", " + allTypes + "; q=0.01" : "" ) : s.accepts[ "*" ] ); // Check for headers option for ( i in s.headers ) { jqXHR.setRequestHeader( i, s.headers[ i ] ); } // Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort if ( s.beforeSend && ( callbackContext, jqXHR, s ) === false || state === 2 ) ) { // Abort if not done already jqXHR.abort(); return false; } // Install callbacks on deferreds for ( i in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 } ) { jqXHR[ i ]( s[ i ] ); } // Get transport transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( transports, s, options, jqXHR ); // If no transport, we auto-abort if ( !transport ) { done( -1, "No Transport" ); } else { jqXHR.readyState = 1; // Send global event if ( fireGlobals ) { globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxSend", [ jqXHR, s ] ); } // Timeout if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) { timeoutTimer = setTimeout( function(){ jqXHR.abort( "timeout" ); }, s.timeout ); } try { state = 1; transport.send( requestHeaders, done ); } catch (e) { // Propagate exception as error if not done if ( state < 2 ) { done( -1, e ); // Simply rethrow otherwise } else { throw e; } } } return jqXHR; }, // Serialize an array of form elements or a set of // key/values into a query string param: function( a, traditional ) { var s = [], add = function( key, value ) { // If value is a function, invoke it and return its value value = jQuery.isFunction( value ) ? value() : value; s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value ); }; // Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior. if ( traditional === undefined ) { traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional; } // If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements. if ( jQuery.isArray( a ) || ( a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject( a ) ) ) { // Serialize the form elements jQuery.each( a, function() { add(, this.value ); }); } else { // If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older // did it), otherwise encode params recursively. for ( var prefix in a ) { buildParams( prefix, a[ prefix ], traditional, add ); } } // Return the resulting serialization return s.join( "&" ).replace( r20, "+" ); } }); function buildParams( prefix, obj, traditional, add ) { if ( jQuery.isArray( obj ) ) { // Serialize array item. jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) { if ( traditional || rbracket.test( prefix ) ) { // Treat each array item as a scalar. add( prefix, v ); } else { // If array item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its // numeric index to resolve deserialization ambiguity issues. // Note that rack (as of 1.0.0) can't currently deserialize // nested arrays properly, and attempting to do so may cause // a server error. Possible fixes are to modify rack's // deserialization algorithm or to provide an option or flag // to force array serialization to be shallow. buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" || jQuery.isArray(v) ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add ); } }); } else if ( !traditional && obj != null && typeof obj === "object" ) { // Serialize object item. for ( var name in obj ) { buildParams( prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[ name ], traditional, add ); } } else { // Serialize scalar item. add( prefix, obj ); } } // This is still on the jQuery object... for now // Want to move this to jQuery.ajax some day jQuery.extend({ // Counter for holding the number of active queries active: 0, // Last-Modified header cache for next request lastModified: {}, etag: {} }); /* Handles responses to an ajax request: * - sets all responseXXX fields accordingly * - finds the right dataType (mediates between content-type and expected dataType) * - returns the corresponding response */ function ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) { var contents = s.contents, dataTypes = s.dataTypes, responseFields = s.responseFields, ct, type, finalDataType, firstDataType; // Fill responseXXX fields for ( type in responseFields ) { if ( type in responses ) { jqXHR[ responseFields[type] ] = responses[ type ]; } } // Remove auto dataType and get content-type in the process while( dataTypes[ 0 ] === "*" ) { dataTypes.shift(); if ( ct === undefined ) { ct = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "content-type" ); } } // Check if we're dealing with a known content-type if ( ct ) { for ( type in contents ) { if ( contents[ type ] && contents[ type ].test( ct ) ) { dataTypes.unshift( type ); break; } } } // Check to see if we have a response for the expected dataType if ( dataTypes[ 0 ] in responses ) { finalDataType = dataTypes[ 0 ]; } else { // Try convertible dataTypes for ( type in responses ) { if ( !dataTypes[ 0 ] || s.converters[ type + " " + dataTypes[0] ] ) { finalDataType = type; break; } if ( !firstDataType ) { firstDataType = type; } } // Or just use first one finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType; } // If we found a dataType // We add the dataType to the list if needed // and return the corresponding response if ( finalDataType ) { if ( finalDataType !== dataTypes[ 0 ] ) { dataTypes.unshift( finalDataType ); } return responses[ finalDataType ]; } } // Chain conversions given the request and the original response function ajaxConvert( s, response ) { // Apply the dataFilter if provided if ( s.dataFilter ) { response = s.dataFilter( response, s.dataType ); } var dataTypes = s.dataTypes, converters = {}, i, key, length = dataTypes.length, tmp, // Current and previous dataTypes current = dataTypes[ 0 ], prev, // Conversion expression conversion, // Conversion function conv, // Conversion functions (transitive conversion) conv1, conv2; // For each dataType in the chain for ( i = 1; i < length; i++ ) { // Create converters map // with lowercased keys if ( i === 1 ) { for ( key in s.converters ) { if ( typeof key === "string" ) { converters[ key.toLowerCase() ] = s.converters[ key ]; } } } // Get the dataTypes prev = current; current = dataTypes[ i ]; // If current is auto dataType, update it to prev if ( current === "*" ) { current = prev; // If no auto and dataTypes are actually different } else if ( prev !== "*" && prev !== current ) { // Get the converter conversion = prev + " " + current; conv = converters[ conversion ] || converters[ "* " + current ]; // If there is no direct converter, search transitively if ( !conv ) { conv2 = undefined; for ( conv1 in converters ) { tmp = conv1.split( " " ); if ( tmp[ 0 ] === prev || tmp[ 0 ] === "*" ) { conv2 = converters[ tmp[1] + " " + current ]; if ( conv2 ) { conv1 = converters[ conv1 ]; if ( conv1 === true ) { conv = conv2; } else if ( conv2 === true ) { conv = conv1; } break; } } } } // If we found no converter, dispatch an error if ( !( conv || conv2 ) ) { jQuery.error( "No conversion from " + conversion.replace(" "," to ") ); } // If found converter is not an equivalence if ( conv !== true ) { // Convert with 1 or 2 converters accordingly response = conv ? conv( response ) : conv2( conv1(response) ); } } } return response; } var jsc =, jsre = /(\=)\?(&|$)|\?\?/i; // Default jsonp settings jQuery.ajaxSetup({ jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function() { return jQuery.expando + "_" + ( jsc++ ); } }); // Detect, normalize options and install callbacks for jsonp requests jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "json jsonp", function( s, originalSettings, jqXHR ) { var inspectData = s.contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" && ( typeof === "string" ); if ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] === "jsonp" || s.jsonp !== false && ( jsre.test( s.url ) || inspectData && jsre.test( ) ) ) { var responseContainer, jsonpCallback = s.jsonpCallback = jQuery.isFunction( s.jsonpCallback ) ? s.jsonpCallback() : s.jsonpCallback, previous = window[ jsonpCallback ], url = s.url, data =, replace = "$1" + jsonpCallback + "$2"; if ( s.jsonp !== false ) { url = url.replace( jsre, replace ); if ( s.url === url ) { if ( inspectData ) { data = data.replace( jsre, replace ); } if ( === data ) { // Add callback manually url += (/\?/.test( url ) ? "&" : "?") + s.jsonp + "=" + jsonpCallback; } } } s.url = url; = data; // Install callback window[ jsonpCallback ] = function( response ) { responseContainer = [ response ]; }; // Clean-up function jqXHR.always(function() { // Set callback back to previous value window[ jsonpCallback ] = previous; // Call if it was a function and we have a response if ( responseContainer && jQuery.isFunction( previous ) ) { window[ jsonpCallback ]( responseContainer[ 0 ] ); } }); // Use data converter to retrieve json after script execution s.converters["script json"] = function() { if ( !responseContainer ) { jQuery.error( jsonpCallback + " was not called" ); } return responseContainer[ 0 ]; }; // force json dataType s.dataTypes[ 0 ] = "json"; // Delegate to script return "script"; } }); // Install script dataType jQuery.ajaxSetup({ accepts: { script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript" }, contents: { script: /javascript|ecmascript/ }, converters: { "text script": function( text ) { jQuery.globalEval( text ); return text; } } }); // Handle cache's special case and global jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "script", function( s ) { if ( s.cache === undefined ) { s.cache = false; } if ( s.crossDomain ) { s.type = "GET"; = false; } }); // Bind script tag hack transport jQuery.ajaxTransport( "script", function(s) { // This transport only deals with cross domain requests if ( s.crossDomain ) { var script, head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] || document.documentElement; return { send: function( _, callback ) { script = document.createElement( "script" ); script.async = "async"; if ( s.scriptCharset ) { script.charset = s.scriptCharset; } script.src = s.url; // Attach handlers for all browsers script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function( _, isAbort ) { if ( isAbort || !script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test( script.readyState ) ) { // Handle memory leak in IE script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; // Remove the script if ( head && script.parentNode ) { head.removeChild( script ); } // Dereference the script script = undefined; // Callback if not abort if ( !isAbort ) { callback( 200, "success" ); } } }; // Use insertBefore instead of appendChild to circumvent an IE6 bug. // This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378). head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild ); }, abort: function() { if ( script ) { script.onload( 0, 1 ); } } }; } }); var // #5280: Internet Explorer will keep connections alive if we don't abort on unload xhrOnUnloadAbort = window.ActiveXObject ? function() { // Abort all pending requests for ( var key in xhrCallbacks ) { xhrCallbacks[ key ]( 0, 1 ); } } : false, xhrId = 0, xhrCallbacks; // Functions to create xhrs function createStandardXHR() { try { return new window.XMLHttpRequest(); } catch( e ) {} } function createActiveXHR() { try { return new window.ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ); } catch( e ) {} } // Create the request object // (This is still attached to ajaxSettings for backward compatibility) jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = window.ActiveXObject ? /* Microsoft failed to properly * implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files), * so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available * Additionally XMLHttpRequest can be disabled in IE7/IE8 so * we need a fallback. */ function() { return !this.isLocal && createStandardXHR() || createActiveXHR(); } : // For all other browsers, use the standard XMLHttpRequest object createStandardXHR; // Determine support properties (function( xhr ) { jQuery.extend(, { ajax: !!xhr, cors: !!xhr && ( "withCredentials" in xhr ) }); })( jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr() ); // Create transport if the browser can provide an xhr if ( ) { jQuery.ajaxTransport(function( s ) { // Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest if ( !s.crossDomain || ) { var callback; return { send: function( headers, complete ) { // Get a new xhr var xhr = s.xhr(), handle, i; // Open the socket // Passing null username, generates a login popup on Opera (#2865) if ( s.username ) { s.type, s.url, s.async, s.username, s.password ); } else { s.type, s.url, s.async ); } // Apply custom fields if provided if ( s.xhrFields ) { for ( i in s.xhrFields ) { xhr[ i ] = s.xhrFields[ i ]; } } // Override mime type if needed if ( s.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType ) { xhr.overrideMimeType( s.mimeType ); } // X-Requested-With header // For cross-domain requests, seeing as conditions for a preflight are // akin to a jigsaw puzzle, we simply never set it to be sure. // (it can always be set on a per-request basis or even using ajaxSetup) // For same-domain requests, won't change header if already provided. if ( !s.crossDomain && !headers["X-Requested-With"] ) { headers[ "X-Requested-With" ] = "XMLHttpRequest"; } // Need an extra try/catch for cross domain requests in Firefox 3 try { for ( i in headers ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( i, headers[ i ] ); } } catch( _ ) {} // Do send the request // This may raise an exception which is actually // handled in jQuery.ajax (so no try/catch here) xhr.send( ( s.hasContent && ) || null ); // Listener callback = function( _, isAbort ) { var status, statusText, responseHeaders, responses, xml; // Firefox throws exceptions when accessing properties // of an xhr when a network error occured // try { // Was never called and is aborted or complete if ( callback && ( isAbort || xhr.readyState === 4 ) ) { // Only called once callback = undefined; // Do not keep as active anymore if ( handle ) { xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop; if ( xhrOnUnloadAbort ) { delete xhrCallbacks[ handle ]; } } // If it's an abort if ( isAbort ) { // Abort it manually if needed if ( xhr.readyState !== 4 ) { xhr.abort(); } } else { status = xhr.status; responseHeaders = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); responses = {}; xml = xhr.responseXML; // Construct response list if ( xml && xml.documentElement /* #4958 */ ) { responses.xml = xml; } responses.text = xhr.responseText; // Firefox throws an exception when accessing // statusText for faulty cross-domain requests try { statusText = xhr.statusText; } catch( e ) { // We normalize with Webkit giving an empty statusText statusText = ""; } // Filter status for non standard behaviors // If the request is local and we have data: assume a success // (success with no data won't get notified, that's the best we // can do given current implementations) if ( !status && s.isLocal && !s.crossDomain ) { status = responses.text ? 200 : 404; // IE - #1450: sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204 } else if ( status === 1223 ) { status = 204; } } } } catch( firefoxAccessException ) { if ( !isAbort ) { complete( -1, firefoxAccessException ); } } // Call complete if needed if ( responses ) { complete( status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders ); } }; // if we're in sync mode or it's in cache // and has been retrieved directly (IE6 & IE7) // we need to manually fire the callback if ( !s.async || xhr.readyState === 4 ) { callback(); } else { handle = ++xhrId; if ( xhrOnUnloadAbort ) { // Create the active xhrs callbacks list if needed // and attach the unload handler if ( !xhrCallbacks ) { xhrCallbacks = {}; jQuery( window ).unload( xhrOnUnloadAbort ); } // Add to list of active xhrs callbacks xhrCallbacks[ handle ] = callback; } xhr.onreadystatechange = callback; } }, abort: function() { if ( callback ) { callback(0,1); } } }; } }); } var elemdisplay = {}, iframe, iframeDoc, rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, rfxnum = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)([a-z%]*)$/i, timerId, fxAttrs = [ // height animations [ "height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ], // width animations [ "width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ], // opacity animations [ "opacity" ] ], fxNow; jQuery.fn.extend({ show: function( speed, easing, callback ) { var elem, display; if ( speed || speed === 0 ) { return this.animate( genFx("show", 3), speed, easing, callback ); } else { for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) { elem = this[ i ]; if ( ) { display =; // Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is // being hidden by cascaded rules or not if ( !jQuery._data(elem, "olddisplay") && display === "none" ) { display = = ""; } // Set elements which have been overridden with display: none // in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is // for such an element if ( display === "" && jQuery.css(elem, "display") === "none" ) { jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName) ); } } } // Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop // to avoid the constant reflow for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) { elem = this[ i ]; if ( ) { display =; if ( display === "" || display === "none" ) { = jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay" ) || ""; } } } return this; } }, hide: function( speed, easing, callback ) { if ( speed || speed === 0 ) { return this.animate( genFx("hide", 3), speed, easing, callback); } else { var elem, display, i = 0, j = this.length; for ( ; i < j; i++ ) { elem = this[i]; if ( ) { display = jQuery.css( elem, "display" ); if ( display !== "none" && !jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay" ) ) { jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", display ); } } } // Set the display of the elements in a second loop // to avoid the constant reflow for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) { if ( this[i].style ) { this[i].style.display = "none"; } } return this; } }, // Save the old toggle function _toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle, toggle: function( fn, fn2, callback ) { var bool = typeof fn === "boolean"; if ( jQuery.isFunction(fn) && jQuery.isFunction(fn2) ) { this._toggle.apply( this, arguments ); } else if ( fn == null || bool ) { this.each(function() { var state = bool ? fn : jQuery(this).is(":hidden"); jQuery(this)[ state ? "show" : "hide" ](); }); } else { this.animate(genFx("toggle", 3), fn, fn2, callback); } return this; }, fadeTo: function( speed, to, easing, callback ) { return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end() .animate({opacity: to}, speed, easing, callback); }, animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) { var optall = jQuery.speed( speed, easing, callback ); if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( prop ) ) { return this.each( optall.complete, [ false ] ); } // Do not change referenced properties as per-property easing will be lost prop = jQuery.extend( {}, prop ); function doAnimation() { // XXX 'this' does not always have a nodeName when running the // test suite if ( optall.queue === false ) { jQuery._mark( this ); } var opt = jQuery.extend( {}, optall ), isElement = this.nodeType === 1, hidden = isElement && jQuery(this).is(":hidden"), name, val, p, e, parts, start, end, unit, method; // will store per property easing and be used to determine when an animation is complete opt.animatedProperties = {}; for ( p in prop ) { // property name normalization name = jQuery.camelCase( p ); if ( p !== name ) { prop[ name ] = prop[ p ]; delete prop[ p ]; } val = prop[ name ]; // easing resolution: per property > opt.specialEasing > opt.easing > 'swing' (default) if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) { opt.animatedProperties[ name ] = val[ 1 ]; val = prop[ name ] = val[ 0 ]; } else { opt.animatedProperties[ name ] = opt.specialEasing && opt.specialEasing[ name ] || opt.easing || 'swing'; } if ( val === "hide" && hidden || val === "show" && !hidden ) { return this ); } if ( isElement && ( name === "height" || name === "width" ) ) { // Make sure that nothing sneaks out // Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not // change the overflow attribute when overflowX and // overflowY are set to the same value opt.overflow = [,, ]; // Set display property to inline-block for height/width // animations on inline elements that are having width/height animated if ( jQuery.css( this, "display" ) === "inline" && jQuery.css( this, "float" ) === "none" ) { // inline-level elements accept inline-block; // block-level elements need to be inline with layout if ( ! || defaultDisplay( this.nodeName ) === "inline" ) { = "inline-block"; } else { = 1; } } } } if ( opt.overflow != null ) { = "hidden"; } for ( p in prop ) { e = new jQuery.fx( this, opt, p ); val = prop[ p ]; if ( rfxtypes.test( val ) ) { // Tracks whether to show or hide based on private // data attached to the element method = jQuery._data( this, "toggle" + p ) || ( val === "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : 0 ); if ( method ) { jQuery._data( this, "toggle" + p, method === "show" ? "hide" : "show" ); e[ method ](); } else { e[ val ](); } } else { parts = rfxnum.exec( val ); start = e.cur(); if ( parts ) { end = parseFloat( parts[2] ); unit = parts[3] || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ p ] ? "" : "px" ); // We need to compute starting value if ( unit !== "px" ) { this, p, (end || 1) + unit); start = ( (end || 1) / e.cur() ) * start; this, p, start + unit); } // If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation if ( parts[1] ) { end = ( (parts[ 1 ] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end ) + start; } e.custom( start, end, unit ); } else { e.custom( start, val, "" ); } } } // For JS strict compliance return true; } return optall.queue === false ? this.each( doAnimation ) : this.queue( optall.queue, doAnimation ); }, stop: function( type, clearQueue, gotoEnd ) { if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { gotoEnd = clearQueue; clearQueue = type; type = undefined; } if ( clearQueue && type !== false ) { this.queue( type || "fx", [] ); } return this.each(function() { var index, hadTimers = false, timers = jQuery.timers, data = jQuery._data( this ); // clear marker counters if we know they won't be if ( !gotoEnd ) { jQuery._unmark( true, this ); } function stopQueue( elem, data, index ) { var hooks = data[ index ]; jQuery.removeData( elem, index, true ); hooks.stop( gotoEnd ); } if ( type == null ) { for ( index in data ) { if ( data[ index ] && data[ index ].stop && index.indexOf(".run") === index.length - 4 ) { stopQueue( this, data, index ); } } } else if ( data[ index = type + ".run" ] && data[ index ].stop ){ stopQueue( this, data, index ); } for ( index = timers.length; index--; ) { if ( timers[ index ].elem === this && (type == null || timers[ index ].queue === type) ) { if ( gotoEnd ) { // force the next step to be the last timers[ index ]( true ); } else { timers[ index ].saveState(); } hadTimers = true; timers.splice( index, 1 ); } } // start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced // timers currently will call their complete callbacks, which will dequeue // but only if they were gotoEnd if ( !( gotoEnd && hadTimers ) ) { jQuery.dequeue( this, type ); } }); } }); // Animations created synchronously will run synchronously function createFxNow() { setTimeout( clearFxNow, 0 ); return ( fxNow = ); } function clearFxNow() { fxNow = undefined; } // Generate parameters to create a standard animation function genFx( type, num ) { var obj = {}; jQuery.each( fxAttrs.concat.apply([], fxAttrs.slice( 0, num )), function() { obj[ this ] = type; }); return obj; } // Generate shortcuts for custom animations jQuery.each({ slideDown: genFx( "show", 1 ), slideUp: genFx( "hide", 1 ), slideToggle: genFx( "toggle", 1 ), fadeIn: { opacity: "show" }, fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" }, fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" } }, function( name, props ) { jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) { return this.animate( props, speed, easing, callback ); }; }); jQuery.extend({ speed: function( speed, easing, fn ) { var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery.extend( {}, speed ) : { complete: fn || !fn && easing || jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed, duration: speed, easing: fn && easing || easing && !jQuery.isFunction( easing ) && easing }; opt.duration = ? 0 : typeof opt.duration === "number" ? opt.duration : opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ opt.duration ] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default; // normalize opt.queue - true/undefined/null -> "fx" if ( opt.queue == null || opt.queue === true ) { opt.queue = "fx"; } // Queueing opt.old = opt.complete; opt.complete = function( noUnmark ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) ) { this ); } if ( opt.queue ) { jQuery.dequeue( this, opt.queue ); } else if ( noUnmark !== false ) { jQuery._unmark( this ); } }; return opt; }, easing: { linear: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) { return firstNum + diff * p; }, swing: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) { return ( ( -Math.cos( p*Math.PI ) / 2 ) + 0.5 ) * diff + firstNum; } }, timers: [], fx: function( elem, options, prop ) { this.options = options; this.elem = elem; this.prop = prop; options.orig = options.orig || {}; } }); jQuery.fx.prototype = { // Simple function for setting a style value update: function() { if ( this.options.step ) { this.elem,, this ); } ( jQuery.fx.step[ this.prop ] || jQuery.fx.step._default )( this ); }, // Get the current size cur: function() { if ( this.elem[ this.prop ] != null && (! ||[ this.prop ] == null) ) { return this.elem[ this.prop ]; } var parsed, r = jQuery.css( this.elem, this.prop ); // Empty strings, null, undefined and "auto" are converted to 0, // complex values such as "rotate(1rad)" are returned as is, // simple values such as "10px" are parsed to Float. return isNaN( parsed = parseFloat( r ) ) ? !r || r === "auto" ? 0 : r : parsed; }, // Start an animation from one number to another custom: function( from, to, unit ) { var self = this, fx = jQuery.fx; this.startTime = fxNow || createFxNow(); this.end = to; = this.start = from; this.pos = this.state = 0; this.unit = unit || this.unit || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ this.prop ] ? "" : "px" ); function t( gotoEnd ) { return self.step( gotoEnd ); } t.queue = this.options.queue; t.elem = this.elem; t.saveState = function() { if ( self.options.hide && jQuery._data( self.elem, "fxshow" + self.prop ) === undefined ) { jQuery._data( self.elem, "fxshow" + self.prop, self.start ); } }; if ( t() && jQuery.timers.push(t) && !timerId ) { timerId = setInterval( fx.tick, fx.interval ); } }, // Simple 'show' function show: function() { var dataShow = jQuery._data( this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop ); // Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later this.options.orig[ this.prop ] = dataShow || this.elem, this.prop ); = true; // Begin the animation // Make sure that we start at a small width/height to avoid any flash of content if ( dataShow !== undefined ) { // This show is picking up where a previous hide or show left off this.custom( this.cur(), dataShow ); } else { this.custom( this.prop === "width" || this.prop === "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur() ); } // Start by showing the element jQuery( this.elem ).show(); }, // Simple 'hide' function hide: function() { // Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later this.options.orig[ this.prop ] = jQuery._data( this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop ) || this.elem, this.prop ); this.options.hide = true; // Begin the animation this.custom( this.cur(), 0 ); }, // Each step of an animation step: function( gotoEnd ) { var p, n, complete, t = fxNow || createFxNow(), done = true, elem = this.elem, options = this.options; if ( gotoEnd || t >= options.duration + this.startTime ) { = this.end; this.pos = this.state = 1; this.update(); options.animatedProperties[ this.prop ] = true; for ( p in options.animatedProperties ) { if ( options.animatedProperties[ p ] !== true ) { done = false; } } if ( done ) { // Reset the overflow if ( options.overflow != null && ! ) { jQuery.each( [ "", "X", "Y" ], function( index, value ) {[ "overflow" + value ] = options.overflow[ index ]; }); } // Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done if ( options.hide ) { jQuery( elem ).hide(); } // Reset the properties, if the item has been hidden or shown if ( options.hide || ) { for ( p in options.animatedProperties ) { elem, p, options.orig[ p ] ); jQuery.removeData( elem, "fxshow" + p, true ); // Toggle data is no longer needed jQuery.removeData( elem, "toggle" + p, true ); } } // Execute the complete function // in the event that the complete function throws an exception // we must ensure it won't be called twice. #5684 complete = options.complete; if ( complete ) { options.complete = false; elem ); } } return false; } else { // classical easing cannot be used with an Infinity duration if ( options.duration == Infinity ) { = t; } else { n = t - this.startTime; this.state = n / options.duration; // Perform the easing function, defaults to swing this.pos = jQuery.easing[ options.animatedProperties[this.prop] ]( this.state, n, 0, 1, options.duration ); = this.start + ( (this.end - this.start) * this.pos ); } // Perform the next step of the animation this.update(); } return true; } }; jQuery.extend( jQuery.fx, { tick: function() { var timer, timers = jQuery.timers, i = 0; for ( ; i < timers.length; i++ ) { timer = timers[ i ]; // Checks the timer has not already been removed if ( !timer() && timers[ i ] === timer ) { timers.splice( i--, 1 ); } } if ( !timers.length ) { jQuery.fx.stop(); } }, interval: 13, stop: function() { clearInterval( timerId ); timerId = null; }, speeds: { slow: 600, fast: 200, // Default speed _default: 400 }, step: { opacity: function( fx ) { fx.elem, "opacity", ); }, _default: function( fx ) { if ( &&[ fx.prop ] != null ) {[ fx.prop ] = + fx.unit; } else { fx.elem[ fx.prop ] =; } } } }); // Adds width/height step functions // Do not set anything below 0 jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, prop ) { jQuery.fx.step[ prop ] = function( fx ) { fx.elem, prop, Math.max(0, + fx.unit ); }; }); if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) { jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function( elem ) { return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers, function( fn ) { return elem === fn.elem; }).length; }; } // Try to restore the default display value of an element function defaultDisplay( nodeName ) { if ( !elemdisplay[ nodeName ] ) { var body = document.body, elem = jQuery( "<" + nodeName + ">" ).appendTo( body ), display = elem.css( "display" ); elem.remove(); // If the simple way fails, // get element's real default display by attaching it to a temp iframe if ( display === "none" || display === "" ) { // No iframe to use yet, so create it if ( !iframe ) { iframe = document.createElement( "iframe" ); iframe.frameBorder = iframe.width = iframe.height = 0; } body.appendChild( iframe ); // Create a cacheable copy of the iframe document on first call. // IE and Opera will allow us to reuse the iframeDoc without re-writing the fake HTML // document to it; WebKit & Firefox won't allow reusing the iframe document. if ( !iframeDoc || !iframe.createElement ) { iframeDoc = ( iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument ).document; iframeDoc.write( ( document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ? "<!doctype html>" : "" ) + "<html><body>" ); iframeDoc.close(); } elem = iframeDoc.createElement( nodeName ); iframeDoc.body.appendChild( elem ); display = jQuery.css( elem, "display" ); body.removeChild( iframe ); } // Store the correct default display elemdisplay[ nodeName ] = display; } return elemdisplay[ nodeName ]; } var rtable = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i, rroot = /^(?:body|html)$/i; if ( "getBoundingClientRect" in document.documentElement ) { jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) { var elem = this[0], box; if ( options ) { return this.each(function( i ) { jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i ); }); } if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) { return null; } if ( elem === elem.ownerDocument.body ) { return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem ); } try { box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); } catch(e) {} var doc = elem.ownerDocument, docElem = doc.documentElement; // Make sure we're not dealing with a disconnected DOM node if ( !box || !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) { return box ? { top:, left: box.left } : { top: 0, left: 0 }; } var body = doc.body, win = getWindow(doc), clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0, scrollTop = win.pageYOffset || && docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop, scrollLeft = win.pageXOffset || && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft, top = + scrollTop - clientTop, left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft; return { top: top, left: left }; }; } else { jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) { var elem = this[0]; if ( options ) { return this.each(function( i ) { jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i ); }); } if ( !elem || !elem.ownerDocument ) { return null; } if ( elem === elem.ownerDocument.body ) { return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem ); } var computedStyle, offsetParent = elem.offsetParent, prevOffsetParent = elem, doc = elem.ownerDocument, docElem = doc.documentElement, body = doc.body, defaultView = doc.defaultView, prevComputedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ) : elem.currentStyle, top = elem.offsetTop, left = elem.offsetLeft; while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem !== body && elem !== docElem ) { if ( && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) { break; } computedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null) : elem.currentStyle; top -= elem.scrollTop; left -= elem.scrollLeft; if ( elem === offsetParent ) { top += elem.offsetTop; left += elem.offsetLeft; if ( && !( && rtable.test(elem.nodeName)) ) { top += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth ) || 0; left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0; } prevOffsetParent = offsetParent; offsetParent = elem.offsetParent; } if ( && computedStyle.overflow !== "visible" ) { top += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth ) || 0; left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0; } prevComputedStyle = computedStyle; } if ( prevComputedStyle.position === "relative" || prevComputedStyle.position === "static" ) { top += body.offsetTop; left += body.offsetLeft; } if ( && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) { top += Math.max( docElem.scrollTop, body.scrollTop ); left += Math.max( docElem.scrollLeft, body.scrollLeft ); } return { top: top, left: left }; }; } jQuery.offset = { bodyOffset: function( body ) { var top = body.offsetTop, left = body.offsetLeft; if ( ) { top += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginTop") ) || 0; left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginLeft") ) || 0; } return { top: top, left: left }; }, setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) { var position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" ); // set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem if ( position === "static" ) { = "relative"; } var curElem = jQuery( elem ), curOffset = curElem.offset(), curCSSTop = jQuery.css( elem, "top" ), curCSSLeft = jQuery.css( elem, "left" ), calculatePosition = ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) && jQuery.inArray("auto", [curCSSTop, curCSSLeft]) > -1, props = {}, curPosition = {}, curTop, curLeft; // need to be able to calculate position if either top or left is auto and position is either absolute or fixed if ( calculatePosition ) { curPosition = curElem.position(); curTop =; curLeft = curPosition.left; } else { curTop = parseFloat( curCSSTop ) || 0; curLeft = parseFloat( curCSSLeft ) || 0; } if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) { options = elem, i, curOffset ); } if ( != null ) { = ( - ) + curTop; } if ( options.left != null ) { props.left = ( options.left - curOffset.left ) + curLeft; } if ( "using" in options ) { elem, props ); } else { curElem.css( props ); } } }; jQuery.fn.extend({ position: function() { if ( !this[0] ) { return null; } var elem = this[0], // Get *real* offsetParent offsetParent = this.offsetParent(), // Get correct offsets offset = this.offset(), parentOffset = rroot.test(offsetParent[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset(); // Subtract element margins // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0 -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginTop") ) || 0; offset.left -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginLeft") ) || 0; // Add offsetParent borders += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth") ) || 0; parentOffset.left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth") ) || 0; // Subtract the two offsets return { top: -, left: offset.left - parentOffset.left }; }, offsetParent: function() { return { var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || document.body; while ( offsetParent && (!rroot.test(offsetParent.nodeName) && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") ) { offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } return offsetParent; }); } }); // Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods jQuery.each( ["Left", "Top"], function( i, name ) { var method = "scroll" + name; jQuery.fn[ method ] = function( val ) { var elem, win; if ( val === undefined ) { elem = this[ 0 ]; if ( !elem ) { return null; } win = getWindow( elem ); // Return the scroll offset return win ? ("pageXOffset" in win) ? win[ i ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset" ] : && win.document.documentElement[ method ] || win.document.body[ method ] : elem[ method ]; } // Set the scroll offset return this.each(function() { win = getWindow( this ); if ( win ) { win.scrollTo( !i ? val : jQuery( win ).scrollLeft(), i ? val : jQuery( win ).scrollTop() ); } else { this[ method ] = val; } }); }; }); function getWindow( elem ) { return jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ? elem : elem.nodeType === 9 ? elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow : false; } // Create width, height, innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth methods jQuery.each([ "Height", "Width" ], function( i, name ) { var type = name.toLowerCase(); // innerHeight and innerWidth jQuery.fn[ "inner" + name ] = function() { var elem = this[0]; return elem ? ? parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, type, "padding" ) ) : this[ type ]() : null; }; // outerHeight and outerWidth jQuery.fn[ "outer" + name ] = function( margin ) { var elem = this[0]; return elem ? ? parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, type, margin ? "margin" : "border" ) ) : this[ type ]() : null; }; jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( size ) { // Get window width or height var elem = this[0]; if ( !elem ) { return size == null ? null : this; } if ( jQuery.isFunction( size ) ) { return this.each(function( i ) { var self = jQuery( this ); self[ type ]( this, i, self[ type ]() ) ); }); } if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) { // Everyone else use document.documentElement or document.body depending on Quirks vs Standards mode // 3rd condition allows Nokia support, as it supports the docElem prop but not CSS1Compat var docElemProp = elem.document.documentElement[ "client" + name ], body = elem.document.body; return elem.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && docElemProp || body && body[ "client" + name ] || docElemProp; // Get document width or height } else if ( elem.nodeType === 9 ) { // Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height], whichever is greater return Math.max( elem.documentElement["client" + name], elem.body["scroll" + name], elem.documentElement["scroll" + name], elem.body["offset" + name], elem.documentElement["offset" + name] ); // Get or set width or height on the element } else if ( size === undefined ) { var orig = jQuery.css( elem, type ), ret = parseFloat( orig ); return jQuery.isNumeric( ret ) ? ret : orig; // Set the width or height on the element (default to pixels if value is unitless) } else { return this.css( type, typeof size === "string" ? size : size + "px" ); } }; }); // Expose jQuery to the global object window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery; // Expose jQuery as an AMD module, but only for AMD loaders that // understand the issues with loading multiple versions of jQuery // in a page that all might call define(). The loader will indicate // they have special allowances for multiple jQuery versions by // specifying define.amd.jQuery = true. Register as a named module, // since jQuery can be concatenated with other files that may use define, // but not use a proper concatenation script that understands anonymous // AMD modules. A named AMD is safest and most robust way to register. // Lowercase jquery is used because AMD module names are derived from // file names, and jQuery is normally delivered in a lowercase file name. // Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD module wants to call // noConflict to hide this version of jQuery, it will work. if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery ) { define( "jquery", [], function () { return jQuery; } ); } })( window );
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'react-icon-base' const FaHouzz = props => ( <Icon viewBox="0 0 40 40" {...props}> <g><path d="m19.9 26.6l11.5-6.6v13.2l-11.5 6.6v-13.2z m-11.4-6.6v13.2l11.4-6.6z m11.4-19.8v13.2l-11.4 6.6v-13.2z m0 13.2l11.5-6.6v13.2z"/></g> </Icon> ) export default FaHouzz
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(require("react"), require("highcharts/highmaps")); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(["react", "highcharts/highmaps"], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["ReactHighmaps"] = factory(require("react"), require("highcharts/highmaps")); else root["ReactHighmaps"] = factory(root["React"], root["Highcharts"]); })(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_3__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_6__) { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(5); /***/ }, /* 1 */, /* 2 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {'use strict'; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var React = __webpack_require__(3); module.exports = function (chartType, Highcharts) { var displayName = 'Highcharts' + chartType; var result = React.createClass({ displayName: displayName, propTypes: { config: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, isPureConfig: React.PropTypes.bool, neverReflow: React.PropTypes.bool, callback: React.PropTypes.func }, defaultProps: { callback: function callback() {} }, renderChart: function renderChart(config) { var _this = this; if (!config) { throw new Error('Config must be specified for the ' + displayName + ' component'); } var chartConfig = config.chart; this.chart = new Highcharts[chartType](_extends({}, config, { chart: _extends({}, chartConfig, { renderTo: this.refs.chart }) }), this.props.callback); global.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame(function () { _this.chart && _this.chart.options && _this.chart.reflow(); }); }, shouldComponentUpdate: function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { if (this.props.neverReflow || this.props.isPureConfig && this.props.config === nextProps.config) { return true; } this.renderChart(nextProps.config); return false; }, getChart: function getChart() { if (!this.chart) { throw new Error('getChart() should not be called before the component is mounted'); } return this.chart; }, componentDidMount: function componentDidMount() { this.renderChart(this.props.config); }, componentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() { this.chart.destroy(); }, render: function render() { var props = this.props; props = _extends({}, props, { ref: 'chart' }); return React.createElement('div', props); } }); result.Highcharts = Highcharts; return result; }; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) /***/ }, /* 3 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_3__; /***/ }, /* 4 */, /* 5 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; module.exports = __webpack_require__(2)('Map', __webpack_require__(6)); /***/ }, /* 6 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_6__; /***/ } /******/ ]) }); ;
"use strict";function _typeof(e){return(_typeof="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e})(e)}Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0}),exports.TabMenu=void 0;var _react=_interopRequireWildcard(require("react")),_propTypes=_interopRequireDefault(require("prop-types")),_ClassNames=require("../utils/ClassNames"),_DomHandler=_interopRequireDefault(require("../utils/DomHandler")),_ObjectUtils=_interopRequireDefault(require("../utils/ObjectUtils")),_Ripple=require("../ripple/Ripple");function _interopRequireDefault(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function _getRequireWildcardCache(e){if("function"!=typeof WeakMap)return null;var t=new WeakMap,r=new WeakMap;return(_getRequireWildcardCache=function(e){return e?r:t})(e)}function _interopRequireWildcard(e,t){if(!t&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;if(null===e||"object"!==_typeof(e)&&"function"!=typeof e)return{default:e};t=_getRequireWildcardCache(t);if(t&&t.has(e))return t.get(e);var r,n,a={},i=Object.defineProperty&&Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;for(r in e)"default"!==r&&,r)&&((n=i?Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,r):null)&&(n.get||n.set)?Object.defineProperty(a,r,n):a[r]=e[r]);return a.default=e,t&&t.set(e,a),a}function _classCallCheck(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function _defineProperties(e,t){for(var r=0;r<t.length;r++){var n=t[r];n.enumerable=n.enumerable||!1,n.configurable=!0,"value"in n&&(n.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,n.key,n)}}function _createClass(e,t,r){return t&&_defineProperties(e.prototype,t),r&&_defineProperties(e,r),e}function _inherits(e,t){if("function"!=typeof t&&null!==t)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");e.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),t&&_setPrototypeOf(e,t)}function _setPrototypeOf(e,t){return(_setPrototypeOf=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(e,t){return e.__proto__=t,e})(e,t)}function _createSuper(r){var n=_isNativeReflectConstruct();return function(){var e,t=_getPrototypeOf(r);return _possibleConstructorReturn(this,n?(e=_getPrototypeOf(this).constructor,Reflect.construct(t,arguments,e)):t.apply(this,arguments))}}function _possibleConstructorReturn(e,t){return!t||"object"!==_typeof(t)&&"function"!=typeof t?_assertThisInitialized(e):t}function _assertThisInitialized(e){if(void 0===e)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - 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import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; // import DataModal from './DataModal'; import HierarchicalSelect from './HierarchicalSelect'; import GranularDash from './GranularDash'; import StatusDash from './StatusDash'; import PermitsTable from '../permits/PermitsTable'; import { dateDisplayOptsFuncMaker, getIncludedDates, } from './granularUtils'; class VolumeDataReceivers extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); // this.onModalOpen = this.onModalOpen.bind(this); // this.onModalClose = this.onModalClose.bind(this); this.state = { selectedData:, selectedNodes: null, // TODO: waits to render child dashboard until receiving selected nodes from hierarchical select-- not ideal selectedHierarchyLevel: null, // modalData: null, }; this.onHierarchySelect = this.onHierarchySelect.bind(this); } // onModalClose() { // this.setState({ // modalData: null // }) // } // // onModalOpen(inputData) { // this.setState({ // modalData: inputData // }) // } onHierarchySelect(selectedData, selectedNodes, selectedHierarchyLevel) { this.setState({ selectedData, selectedNodes, selectedHierarchyLevel, }); } render() { const timeFormatter = dateDisplayOptsFuncMaker(this.props.timeSpan); const includedDates = getIncludedDates(this.props.timeSpan); // if the URL is granular, then show granular data receivers // if the URL is status_volume, show status details const whichDash = this.props.location.pathname .split('/development')[1] .split('_volume')[0] .replace('/', '') let annotations = [ { depth: 1, key: 'Module', type: 'custom', dataKey: 'permit_group', }, { depth: 2, key: 'Type', type: 'custom', dataKey: 'permit_type', }, { depth: 3, key: 'Subtype', type: 'custom', dataKey: 'permit_subtype', }, { depth: 4, key: 'Category', type: 'custom', dataKey: 'permit_category', }, ] let hierarchyOrder = => d.dataKey); if (this.props.permitGroups.length === 1 && this.props.permitGroups.indexOf('Planning') > -1) { annotations = annotations.slice(0, -1) hierarchyOrder = hierarchyOrder.slice(0, -1) } let selectedHierarchyTitle = null; if (this.state.selectedHierarchyLevel) { selectedHierarchyTitle = annotations.find(d => d.dataKey === this.state.selectedHierarchyLevel).key } return (<div className="dashRows"> {/* {this.state.modalData && <DataModal data={this.state.modalData} closeModal={this.onModalClose} />} */} <div className="row col-md-12" > <HierarchicalSelect data={} onFilterSelect={this.onHierarchySelect} activeDepth={2} annotations={annotations} hierarchyOrder={hierarchyOrder} /> </div> {whichDash === 'granular' && <GranularDash {...this.props} selectedNodes={this.state.selectedNodes} selectedData={this.state.selectedData} timeFormatter={timeFormatter} includedDates={includedDates} selectedHierarchyTitle={selectedHierarchyTitle} /> } {whichDash === 'status' && <StatusDash {...this.props} selectedNodes={this.state.selectedNodes} timeFormatter={timeFormatter} includedDates={includedDates} selectedHierarchyTitle={selectedHierarchyTitle} /> } <PermitsTable data={this.state.selectedData} {...this.props} /> </div>); } } export default VolumeDataReceivers;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { withRouter, Redirect, } from 'react-router-dom'; import { connect as reduxConnect } from 'react-redux'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { validateForgotUsernameForm } from '../../validators'; import processBadResponse from '../../processBadResponse'; import { setAuthError } from '../../okapiActions'; import { defaultErrors } from '../../constants'; import ForgotUserNameForm from './ForgotUserNameForm'; class ForgotUserNameCtrl extends Component { static propTypes = { authFailure: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), mutator: PropTypes.shape({ searchUsername: PropTypes.shape({ POST: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, }).isRequired, handleBadResponse: PropTypes.func.isRequired, clearAuthErrors: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; static defaultProps = { authFailure: [] }; // Expect any MIME type to receive because of the empty body // and no Content-Type header in response static manifest = Object.freeze({ searchUsername: { type: 'okapi', path: 'bl-users/forgotten/username', headers: { 'accept': '*/*', }, fetch: false, throwErrors: false, }, }); constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isValidEmail: true, userExists: false, userEmail: '', }; this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); } componentWillUnmount() { this.props.clearAuthErrors(); } async handleSubmit(values) { this.resetState(); const { mutator: { searchUsername, }, handleBadResponse, } = this.props; const { userInput } = values; const { FORGOTTEN_USERNAME_CLIENT_ERROR } = defaultErrors; const isValidInput = validateForgotUsernameForm(userInput); if (isValidInput) { try { await searchUsername.POST({ id: userInput }); this.handleSuccessfulResponse(userInput); } catch (error) { handleBadResponse(error, FORGOTTEN_USERNAME_CLIENT_ERROR); } } else { this.setState({ isValidEmail: false }); } } handleSuccessfulResponse = (userEmail) => { this.setState({ userExists: true, userEmail, }); }; resetState = () => { this.setState({ isValidEmail: true, userExists: false, }); }; render() { const { authFailure } = this.props; const { userExists, isValidEmail, userEmail, } = this.state; if (userExists) { return <Redirect to={{ pathname: '/check-email', state: { userEmail }, }} />; } return ( <ForgotUserNameForm isValid={isValidEmail} errors={authFailure} onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} /> ); } } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ authFailure: state.okapi.authFailure }); const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ handleBadResponse: (error, defaultClientError) => processBadResponse(dispatch, error, defaultClientError), clearAuthErrors: () => dispatch(setAuthError([])), }); export default withRouter(reduxConnect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ForgotUserNameCtrl));
import React from 'react' import { createDevTools } from 'redux-devtools' import LogMonitor from 'redux-devtools-log-monitor' import DockMonitor from 'redux-devtools-dock-monitor' export default createDevTools( <DockMonitor toggleVisibilityKey="ctrl-h" changePositionKey="ctrl-w"> <LogMonitor /> </DockMonitor> )
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(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ var Core = _dereq_('../lib/Core'), CollectionGroup = _dereq_('../lib/CollectionGroup'), View = _dereq_('../lib/View'), Highchart = _dereq_('../lib/Highchart'), Persist = _dereq_('../lib/Persist'), Document = _dereq_('../lib/Document'), Overview = _dereq_('../lib/Overview'), OldView = _dereq_('../lib/OldView'), OldViewBind = _dereq_('../lib/OldView.Bind'), Grid = _dereq_('../lib/Grid'); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.ForerunnerDB = Core; } module.exports = Core; },{"../lib/CollectionGroup":5,"../lib/Core":6,"../lib/Document":9,"../lib/Grid":11,"../lib/Highchart":12,"../lib/OldView":29,"../lib/OldView.Bind":28,"../lib/Overview":32,"../lib/Persist":34,"../lib/View":40}],2:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'), sharedPathSolver; /** * Creates an always-sorted multi-key bucket that allows ForerunnerDB to * know the index that a document will occupy in an array with minimal * processing, speeding up things like sorted views. * @param {object} orderBy An order object. * @constructor */ var ActiveBucket = function (orderBy) { this._primaryKey = '_id'; this._keyArr = []; this._data = []; this._objLookup = {}; this._count = 0; this._keyArr = sharedPathSolver.parse(orderBy, true); }; Shared.addModule('ActiveBucket', ActiveBucket); Shared.mixin(ActiveBucket.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); sharedPathSolver = new Path(); /** * Gets / sets the primary key used by the active bucket. * @returns {String} The current primary key. */ Shared.synthesize(ActiveBucket.prototype, 'primaryKey'); /** * Quicksorts a single document into the passed array and * returns the index that the document should occupy. * @param {object} obj The document to calculate index for. * @param {array} arr The array the document index will be * calculated for. * @param {string} item The string key representation of the * document whose index is being calculated. * @param {function} fn The comparison function that is used * to determine if a document is sorted below or above the * document we are calculating the index for. * @returns {number} The index the document should occupy. */ ActiveBucket.prototype.qs = function (obj, arr, item, fn) { // If the array is empty then return index zero if (!arr.length) { return 0; } var lastMidwayIndex = -1, midwayIndex, lookupItem, result, start = 0, end = arr.length - 1; // Loop the data until our range overlaps while (end >= start) { // Calculate the midway point (divide and conquer) midwayIndex = Math.floor((start + end) / 2); if (lastMidwayIndex === midwayIndex) { // No more items to scan break; } // Get the item to compare against lookupItem = arr[midwayIndex]; if (lookupItem !== undefined) { // Compare items result = fn(this, obj, item, lookupItem); if (result > 0) { start = midwayIndex + 1; } if (result < 0) { end = midwayIndex - 1; } } lastMidwayIndex = midwayIndex; } if (result > 0) { return midwayIndex + 1; } else { return midwayIndex; } }; /** * Calculates the sort position of an item against another item. * @param {object} sorter An object or instance that contains * sortAsc and sortDesc methods. * @param {object} obj The document to compare. * @param {string} a The first key to compare. * @param {string} b The second key to compare. * @returns {number} Either 1 for sort a after b or -1 to sort * a before b. * @private */ ActiveBucket.prototype._sortFunc = function (sorter, obj, a, b) { var aVals = a.split('.:.'), bVals = b.split('.:.'), arr = sorter._keyArr, count = arr.length, index, sortType, castType; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { sortType = arr[index]; castType = typeof sharedPathSolver.get(obj, sortType.path); if (castType === 'number') { aVals[index] = Number(aVals[index]); bVals[index] = Number(bVals[index]); } // Check for non-equal items if (aVals[index] !== bVals[index]) { // Return the sorted items if (sortType.value === 1) { return sorter.sortAsc(aVals[index], bVals[index]); } if (sortType.value === -1) { return sorter.sortDesc(aVals[index], bVals[index]); } } } }; /** * Inserts a document into the active bucket. * @param {object} obj The document to insert. * @returns {number} The index the document now occupies. */ ActiveBucket.prototype.insert = function (obj) { var key, keyIndex; key = this.documentKey(obj); keyIndex = this._data.indexOf(key); if (keyIndex === -1) { // Insert key keyIndex = this.qs(obj, this._data, key, this._sortFunc); this._data.splice(keyIndex, 0, key); } else { this._data.splice(keyIndex, 0, key); } this._objLookup[obj[this._primaryKey]] = key; this._count++; return keyIndex; }; /** * Removes a document from the active bucket. * @param {object} obj The document to remove. * @returns {boolean} True if the document was removed * successfully or false if it wasn't found in the active * bucket. */ ActiveBucket.prototype.remove = function (obj) { var key, keyIndex; key = this._objLookup[obj[this._primaryKey]]; if (key) { keyIndex = this._data.indexOf(key); if (keyIndex > -1) { this._data.splice(keyIndex, 1); delete this._objLookup[obj[this._primaryKey]]; this._count--; return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }; /** * Get the index that the passed document currently occupies * or the index it will occupy if added to the active bucket. * @param {object} obj The document to get the index for. * @returns {number} The index. */ ActiveBucket.prototype.index = function (obj) { var key, keyIndex; key = this.documentKey(obj); keyIndex = this._data.indexOf(key); if (keyIndex === -1) { // Get key index keyIndex = this.qs(obj, this._data, key, this._sortFunc); } return keyIndex; }; /** * The key that represents the passed document. * @param {object} obj The document to get the key for. * @returns {string} The document key. */ ActiveBucket.prototype.documentKey = function (obj) { var key = '', arr = this._keyArr, count = arr.length, index, sortType; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { sortType = arr[index]; if (key) { key += '.:.'; } key += sharedPathSolver.get(obj, sortType.path); } // Add the unique identifier on the end of the key key += '.:.' + obj[this._primaryKey]; return key; }; /** * Get the number of documents currently indexed in the active * bucket instance. * @returns {number} The number of documents. */ ActiveBucket.prototype.count = function () { return this._count; }; Shared.finishModule('ActiveBucket'); module.exports = ActiveBucket; },{"./Path":33,"./Shared":39}],3:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'), sharedPathSolver = new Path(); var BinaryTree = function (data, compareFunc, hashFunc) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; BinaryTree.prototype.init = function (data, index, primaryKey, compareFunc, hashFunc) { this._store = []; this._keys = []; if (primaryKey !== undefined) { this.primaryKey(primaryKey); } if (index !== undefined) { this.index(index); } if (compareFunc !== undefined) { this.compareFunc(compareFunc); } if (hashFunc !== undefined) { this.hashFunc(hashFunc); } if (data !== undefined) {; } }; Shared.addModule('BinaryTree', BinaryTree); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'compareFunc'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'hashFunc'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'indexDir'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'primaryKey'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'keys'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'index', function (index) { if (index !== undefined) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Setting index', index, sharedPathSolver.parse(index, true)); } // Convert the index object to an array of key val objects this.keys(sharedPathSolver.parse(index, true)); } return this.$, index); }); /** * Remove all data from the binary tree. */ BinaryTree.prototype.clear = function () { delete this._data; delete this._left; delete this._right; this._store = []; }; /** * Sets this node's data object. All further inserted documents that * match this node's key and value will be pushed via the push() * method into the this._store array. When deciding if a new data * should be created left, right or middle (pushed) of this node the * new data is checked against the data set via this method. * @param val * @returns {*} */ = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._data = val; if (this._hashFunc) { this._hash = this._hashFunc(val); } return this; } return this._data; }; /** * Pushes an item to the binary tree node's store array. * @param {*} val The item to add to the store. * @returns {*} */ BinaryTree.prototype.push = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._store.push(val); return this; } return false; }; /** * Pulls an item from the binary tree node's store array. * @param {*} val The item to remove from the store. * @returns {*} */ BinaryTree.prototype.pull = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { var index = this._store.indexOf(val); if (index > -1) { this._store.splice(index, 1); return this; } } return false; }; /** * Default compare method. Can be overridden. * @param a * @param b * @returns {number} * @private */ BinaryTree.prototype._compareFunc = function (a, b) { // Loop the index array var i, indexData, result = 0; for (i = 0; i < this._keys.length; i++) { indexData = this._keys[i]; if (indexData.value === 1) { result = this.sortAsc(sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path)); } else if (indexData.value === -1) { result = this.sortDesc(sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path)); } if (this.debug()) { console.log('Compared %s with %s order %d in path %s and result was %d', sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path), indexData.value, indexData.path, result); } if (result !== 0) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Retuning result %d', result); } return result; } } if (this.debug()) { console.log('Retuning result %d', result); } return result; }; /** * Default hash function. Can be overridden. * @param obj * @private */ BinaryTree.prototype._hashFunc = function (obj) { /*var i, indexData, hash = ''; for (i = 0; i < this._keys.length; i++) { indexData = this._keys[i]; if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += obj[indexData.path]; } return hash;*/ return obj[this._keys[0].path]; }; /** * Removes (deletes reference to) either left or right child if the passed * node matches one of them. * @param {BinaryTree} node The node to remove. */ BinaryTree.prototype.removeChildNode = function (node) { if (this._left === node) { // Remove left delete this._left; } else if (this._right === node) { // Remove right delete this._right; } }; /** * Returns the branch this node matches (left or right). * @param node * @returns {String} */ BinaryTree.prototype.nodeBranch = function (node) { if (this._left === node) { return 'left'; } else if (this._right === node) { return 'right'; } }; /** * Inserts a document into the binary tree. * @param data * @returns {*} */ BinaryTree.prototype.insert = function (data) { var result, inserted, failed, i; if (data instanceof Array) { // Insert array of data inserted = []; failed = []; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (this.insert(data[i])) { inserted.push(data[i]); } else { failed.push(data[i]); } } return { inserted: inserted, failed: failed }; } if (this.debug()) { console.log('Inserting', data); } if (!this._data) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Node has no data, setting data', data); } // Insert into this node (overwrite) as there is no data; //this.push(data); return true; } result = this._compareFunc(this._data, data); if (result === 0) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Data is equal (currrent, new)', this._data, data); } //this.push(data); // Less than this node if (this._left) { // Propagate down the left branch this._left.insert(data); } else { // Assign to left branch this._left = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._binaryTree, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); this._left._parent = this; } return true; } if (result === -1) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Data is greater (currrent, new)', this._data, data); } // Greater than this node if (this._right) { // Propagate down the right branch this._right.insert(data); } else { // Assign to right branch this._right = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._binaryTree, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); this._right._parent = this; } return true; } if (result === 1) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Data is less (currrent, new)', this._data, data); } // Less than this node if (this._left) { // Propagate down the left branch this._left.insert(data); } else { // Assign to left branch this._left = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._binaryTree, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); this._left._parent = this; } return true; } return false; }; BinaryTree.prototype.remove = function (data) { var pk = this.primaryKey(), result, removed, i; if (data instanceof Array) { // Insert array of data removed = []; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (this.remove(data[i])) { removed.push(data[i]); } } return removed; } if (this.debug()) { console.log('Removing', data); } if (this._data[pk] === data[pk]) { // Remove this node return this._remove(this); } // Compare the data to work out which branch to send the remove command down result = this._compareFunc(this._data, data); if (result === -1 && this._right) { return this._right.remove(data); } if (result === 1 && this._left) { return this._left.remove(data); } return false; }; BinaryTree.prototype._remove = function (node) { var leftNode, rightNode; if (this._left) { // Backup branch data leftNode = this._left; rightNode = this._right; // Copy data from left node this._left = leftNode._left; this._right = leftNode._right; this._data = leftNode._data; this._store = leftNode._store; if (rightNode) { // Attach the rightNode data to the right-most node // of the leftNode leftNode.rightMost()._right = rightNode; } } else if (this._right) { // Backup branch data rightNode = this._right; // Copy data from right node this._left = rightNode._left; this._right = rightNode._right; this._data = rightNode._data; this._store = rightNode._store; } else { this.clear(); } return true; }; BinaryTree.prototype.leftMost = function () { if (!this._left) { return this; } else { return this._left.leftMost(); } }; BinaryTree.prototype.rightMost = function () { if (!this._right) { return this; } else { return this._right.rightMost(); } }; /** * Searches the binary tree for all matching documents based on the data * passed (query). * @param data * @param options * @param {Array=} resultArr The results passed between recursive calls. * Do not pass anything into this argument when calling externally. * @returns {*|Array} */ BinaryTree.prototype.lookup = function (data, options, resultArr) { var result = this._compareFunc(this._data, data); resultArr = resultArr || []; if (result === 0) { if (this._left) { this._left.lookup(data, options, resultArr); } resultArr.push(this._data); if (this._right) { this._right.lookup(data, options, resultArr); } } if (result === -1) { if (this._right) { this._right.lookup(data, options, resultArr); } } if (result === 1) { if (this._left) { this._left.lookup(data, options, resultArr); } } return resultArr; }; /** * Returns the entire binary tree ordered. * @param {String} type * @param resultArr * @returns {*|Array} */ BinaryTree.prototype.inOrder = function (type, resultArr) { resultArr = resultArr || []; if (this._left) { this._left.inOrder(type, resultArr); } switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'data': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._data, arr: this._store }); break; } if (this._right) { this._right.inOrder(type, resultArr); } return resultArr; }; /** * Searches the binary tree for all matching documents based on the regular * expression passed. * @param path * @param val * @param regex * @param {Array=} resultArr The results passed between recursive calls. * Do not pass anything into this argument when calling externally. * @returns {*|Array} */ BinaryTree.prototype.startsWith = function (path, val, regex, resultArr) { var reTest, thisDataPathVal = sharedPathSolver.get(this._data, path), thisDataPathValSubStr = thisDataPathVal.substr(0, val.length), result; regex = regex || new RegExp('^' + val); resultArr = resultArr || []; if (resultArr._visited === undefined) { resultArr._visited = 0; } resultArr._visited++; result = this.sortAsc(thisDataPathVal, val); reTest = thisDataPathValSubStr === val; if (result === 0) { if (this._left) { this._left.startsWith(path, val, regex, resultArr); } if (reTest) { resultArr.push(this._data); } if (this._right) { this._right.startsWith(path, val, regex, resultArr); } } if (result === -1) { if (reTest) { resultArr.push(this._data); } if (this._right) { this._right.startsWith(path, val, regex, resultArr); } } if (result === 1) { if (this._left) { this._left.startsWith(path, val, regex, resultArr); } if (reTest) { resultArr.push(this._data); } } return resultArr; }; /*BinaryTree.prototype.find = function (type, search, resultArr) { resultArr = resultArr || []; if (this._left) { this._left.find(type, search, resultArr); } // Check if this node's data is greater or less than the from value var fromResult = this.sortAsc(this._data[key], from), toResult = this.sortAsc(this._data[key], to); if ((fromResult === 0 || fromResult === 1) && (toResult === 0 || toResult === -1)) { // This data node is greater than or equal to the from value, // and less than or equal to the to value so include it switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'data': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._data, arr: this._store }); break; } } if (this._right) { this._right.find(type, search, resultArr); } return resultArr; };*/ /** * * @param {String} type * @param {String} key The data key / path to range search against. * @param {Number} from Range search from this value (inclusive) * @param {Number} to Range search to this value (inclusive) * @param {Array=} resultArr Leave undefined when calling (internal use), * passes the result array between recursive calls to be returned when * the recursion chain completes. * @param {Path=} pathResolver Leave undefined when calling (internal use), * caches the path resolver instance for performance. * @returns {Array} Array of matching document objects */ BinaryTree.prototype.findRange = function (type, key, from, to, resultArr, pathResolver) { resultArr = resultArr || []; pathResolver = pathResolver || new Path(key); if (this._left) { this._left.findRange(type, key, from, to, resultArr, pathResolver); } // Check if this node's data is greater or less than the from value var pathVal = pathResolver.value(this._data), fromResult = this.sortAsc(pathVal, from), toResult = this.sortAsc(pathVal, to); if ((fromResult === 0 || fromResult === 1) && (toResult === 0 || toResult === -1)) { // This data node is greater than or equal to the from value, // and less than or equal to the to value so include it switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'data': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._data, arr: this._store }); break; } } if (this._right) { this._right.findRange(type, key, from, to, resultArr, pathResolver); } return resultArr; }; /*BinaryTree.prototype.findRegExp = function (type, key, pattern, resultArr) { resultArr = resultArr || []; if (this._left) { this._left.findRegExp(type, key, pattern, resultArr); } // Check if this node's data is greater or less than the from value var fromResult = this.sortAsc(this._data[key], from), toResult = this.sortAsc(this._data[key], to); if ((fromResult === 0 || fromResult === 1) && (toResult === 0 || toResult === -1)) { // This data node is greater than or equal to the from value, // and less than or equal to the to value so include it switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'data': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._data, arr: this._store }); break; } } if (this._right) { this._right.findRegExp(type, key, pattern, resultArr); } return resultArr; };*/ /** * Determines if the passed query and options object will be served * by this index successfully or not and gives a score so that the * DB search system can determine how useful this index is in comparison * to other indexes on the same collection. * @param query * @param queryOptions * @param matchOptions * @returns {{matchedKeys: Array, totalKeyCount: Number, score: number}} */ BinaryTree.prototype.match = function (query, queryOptions, matchOptions) { // Check if the passed query has data in the keys our index // operates on and if so, is the query sort matching our order var indexKeyArr, queryArr, matchedKeys = [], matchedKeyCount = 0, i; indexKeyArr = sharedPathSolver.parseArr(this._index, { verbose: true }); queryArr = sharedPathSolver.parseArr(query, matchOptions && matchOptions.pathOptions ? matchOptions.pathOptions : { ignore:/\$/, verbose: true }); // Loop the query array and check the order of keys against the // index key array to see if this index can be used for (i = 0; i < indexKeyArr.length; i++) { if (queryArr[i] === indexKeyArr[i]) { matchedKeyCount++; matchedKeys.push(queryArr[i]); } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: matchedKeyCount }; //return sharedPathSolver.countObjectPaths(this._keys, query); }; Shared.finishModule('BinaryTree'); module.exports = BinaryTree; },{"./Path":33,"./Shared":39}],4:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared, Db, Metrics, KeyValueStore, Path, IndexHashMap, IndexBinaryTree, Index2d, Crc, Overload, ReactorIO, sharedPathSolver; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Creates a new collection. Collections store multiple documents and * handle CRUD against those documents. * @constructor */ var Collection = function (name, options) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Collection.prototype.init = function (name, options) { this.sharedPathSolver = sharedPathSolver; this._primaryKey = '_id'; this._primaryIndex = new KeyValueStore('primary'); this._primaryCrc = new KeyValueStore('primaryCrc'); this._crcLookup = new KeyValueStore('crcLookup'); this._name = name; this._data = []; this._metrics = new Metrics(); this._options = options || { changeTimestamp: false }; if (this._options.db) { this.db(this._options.db); } // Create an object to store internal protected data this._metaData = {}; this._deferQueue = { insert: [], update: [], remove: [], upsert: [], async: [] }; this._deferThreshold = { insert: 100, update: 100, remove: 100, upsert: 100 }; this._deferTime = { insert: 1, update: 1, remove: 1, upsert: 1 }; this._deferredCalls = true; // Set the subset to itself since it is the root collection this.subsetOf(this); }; Shared.addModule('Collection', Collection); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.CRUD'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Triggers'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Matching'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Updating'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics'); KeyValueStore = _dereq_('./KeyValueStore'); Path = _dereq_('./Path'); IndexHashMap = _dereq_('./IndexHashMap'); IndexBinaryTree = _dereq_('./IndexBinaryTree'); Index2d = _dereq_('./Index2d'); Crc = _dereq_('./Crc'); Db = Shared.modules.Db; Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); ReactorIO = _dereq_('./ReactorIO'); sharedPathSolver = new Path(); /** * Returns a checksum of a string. * @param {String} string The string to checksum. * @return {String} The checksum generated. */ Collection.prototype.crc = Crc; /** * Gets / sets the deferred calls flag. If set to true (default) * then operations on large data sets can be broken up and done * over multiple CPU cycles (creating an async state). For purely * synchronous behaviour set this to false. * @param {Boolean=} val The value to set. * @returns {Boolean} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'deferredCalls'); /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the collection. * @param {String=} val The name of the collection to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets the metadata stored in the collection. */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'metaData'); /** * Gets / sets boolean to determine if the collection should be * capped or not. */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'capped'); /** * Gets / sets capped collection size. This is the maximum number * of records that the capped collection will store. */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'cappedSize'); Collection.prototype._asyncPending = function (key) { this._deferQueue.async.push(key); }; Collection.prototype._asyncComplete = function (key) { // Remove async flag for this type var index = this._deferQueue.async.indexOf(key); while (index > -1) { this._deferQueue.async.splice(index, 1); index = this._deferQueue.async.indexOf(key); } if (this._deferQueue.async.length === 0) { this.deferEmit('ready'); } }; /** * Get the data array that represents the collection's data. * This data is returned by reference and should not be altered outside * of the provided CRUD functionality of the collection as doing so * may cause unstable index behaviour within the collection. * @returns {Array} */ = function () { return this._data; }; /** * Drops a collection and all it's stored data from the database. * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure. */ Collection.prototype.drop = function (callback) { var key; if (!this.isDropped()) { if (this._db && this._db._collection && this._name) { if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Dropping'); } this._state = 'dropped'; this.emit('drop', this); delete this._db._collection[this._name]; // Remove any reactor IO chain links if (this._collate) { for (key in this._collate) { if (this._collate.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.collateRemove(key); } } } delete this._primaryKey; delete this._primaryIndex; delete this._primaryCrc; delete this._crcLookup; delete this._name; delete this._data; delete this._metrics; delete this._listeners; if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return true; } } else { if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return true; } if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the primary key for this collection. * @param {String=} keyName The name of the primary key. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.primaryKey = function (keyName) { if (keyName !== undefined) { if (this._primaryKey !== keyName) { var oldKey = this._primaryKey; this._primaryKey = keyName; // Set the primary key index primary key this._primaryIndex.primaryKey(keyName); // Rebuild the primary key index this.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex(); // Propagate change down the chain this.chainSend('primaryKey', keyName, {oldData: oldKey}); } return this; } return this._primaryKey; }; /** * Handles insert events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} inserted An array of inserted documents. * @param {Array} failed An array of documents that failed to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onInsert = function (inserted, failed) { this.emit('insert', inserted, failed); }; /** * Handles update events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} items An array of updated documents. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onUpdate = function (items) { this.emit('update', items); }; /** * Handles remove events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} items An array of removed documents. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onRemove = function (items) { this.emit('remove', items); }; /** * Handles any change to the collection. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onChange = function () { if (this._options.changeTimestamp) { // Record the last change timestamp this._metaData.lastChange = new Date(); } }; /** * Gets / sets the db instance this class instance belongs to. * @param {Db=} db The db instance. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'db', function (db) { if (db) { if (this.primaryKey() === '_id') { // Set primary key to the db's key by default this.primaryKey(db.primaryKey()); // Apply the same debug settings this.debug(db.debug()); } } return this.$super.apply(this, arguments); }); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); /** * Sets the collection's data to the array / documents passed. If any * data already exists in the collection it will be removed before the * new data is set. * @param {Array|Object} data The array of documents or a single document * that will be set as the collections data. * @param options Optional options object. * @param callback Optional callback function. */ Collection.prototype.setData = function (data, options, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (data) { var op = this._metrics.create('setData'); op.start(); options = this.options(options); this.preSetData(data, options, callback); if (options.$decouple) { data = this.decouple(data); } if (!(data instanceof Array)) { data = [data]; } op.time('transformIn'); data = this.transformIn(data); op.time('transformIn'); var oldData = [].concat(this._data); this._dataReplace(data); // Update the primary key index op.time('Rebuild Primary Key Index'); this.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex(options); op.time('Rebuild Primary Key Index'); // Rebuild all other indexes op.time('Rebuild All Other Indexes'); this._rebuildIndexes(); op.time('Rebuild All Other Indexes'); op.time('Resolve chains'); this.chainSend('setData', data, {oldData: oldData}); op.time('Resolve chains'); op.stop(); this._onChange(); this.emit('setData', this._data, oldData); } if (callback) { callback(false); } return this; }; /** * Drops and rebuilds the primary key index for all documents in the collection. * @param {Object=} options An optional options object. * @private */ Collection.prototype.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex = function (options) { options = options || { $ensureKeys: undefined, $violationCheck: undefined }; var ensureKeys = options && options.$ensureKeys !== undefined ? options.$ensureKeys : true, violationCheck = options && options.$violationCheck !== undefined ? options.$violationCheck : true, arr, arrCount, arrItem, pIndex = this._primaryIndex, crcIndex = this._primaryCrc, crcLookup = this._crcLookup, pKey = this._primaryKey, jString; // Drop the existing primary index pIndex.truncate(); crcIndex.truncate(); crcLookup.truncate(); // Loop the data and check for a primary key in each object arr = this._data; arrCount = arr.length; while (arrCount--) { arrItem = arr[arrCount]; if (ensureKeys) { // Make sure the item has a primary key this.ensurePrimaryKey(arrItem); } if (violationCheck) { // Check for primary key violation if (!pIndex.uniqueSet(arrItem[pKey], arrItem)) { // Primary key violation throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Call to setData on collection failed because your data violates the primary key unique constraint. One or more documents are using the same primary key: ' + arrItem[this._primaryKey]); } } else { pIndex.set(arrItem[pKey], arrItem); } // Generate a CRC string jString = this.jStringify(arrItem); crcIndex.set(arrItem[pKey], jString); crcLookup.set(jString, arrItem); } }; /** * Checks for a primary key on the document and assigns one if none * currently exists. * @param {Object} obj The object to check a primary key against. * @private */ Collection.prototype.ensurePrimaryKey = function (obj) { if (obj[this._primaryKey] === undefined) { // Assign a primary key automatically obj[this._primaryKey] = this.objectId(); } }; /** * Clears all data from the collection. * @returns {Collection} */ Collection.prototype.truncate = function () { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } // TODO: This should use remove so that chain reactor events are properly // TODO: handled, but ensure that chunking is switched off this.emit('truncate', this._data); // Clear all the data from the collection this._data.length = 0; // Re-create the primary index data this._primaryIndex = new KeyValueStore('primary'); this._primaryCrc = new KeyValueStore('primaryCrc'); this._crcLookup = new KeyValueStore('crcLookup'); this._onChange(); this.emit('immediateChange', {type: 'truncate'}); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'truncate'}); return this; }; /** * Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. This will update * all matches for 'query' with the data held in 'update'. It will not overwrite * the matched documents with the update document. * * @param {Object} obj The document object to upsert or an array containing * documents to upsert. * * If the document contains a primary key field (based on the collections's primary * key) then the database will search for an existing document with a matching id. * If a matching document is found, the document will be updated. Any keys that * match keys on the existing document will be overwritten with new data. Any keys * that do not currently exist on the document will be added to the document. * * If the document does not contain an id or the id passed does not match an existing * document, an insert is performed instead. If no id is present a new primary key * id is provided for the item. * * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback method. * @returns {Object} An object containing two keys, "op" contains either "insert" or * "update" depending on the type of operation that was performed and "result" * contains the return data from the operation used. */ Collection.prototype.upsert = function (obj, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (obj) { var queue = this._deferQueue.upsert, deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold.upsert, returnData = {}, query, i; // Determine if the object passed is an array or not if (obj instanceof Array) { if (this._deferredCalls && obj.length > deferThreshold) { // Break up upsert into blocks this._deferQueue.upsert = queue.concat(obj); this._asyncPending('upsert'); // Fire off the insert queue handler this.processQueue('upsert', callback); return {}; } else { // Loop the array and upsert each item returnData = []; for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { returnData.push(this.upsert(obj[i])); } if (callback) { callback(); } return returnData; } } // Determine if the operation is an insert or an update if (obj[this._primaryKey]) { // Check if an object with this primary key already exists query = {}; query[this._primaryKey] = obj[this._primaryKey]; if (this._primaryIndex.lookup(query)[0]) { // The document already exists with this id, this operation is an update returnData.op = 'update'; } else { // No document with this id exists, this operation is an insert returnData.op = 'insert'; } } else { // The document passed does not contain an id, this operation is an insert returnData.op = 'insert'; } switch (returnData.op) { case 'insert': returnData.result = this.insert(obj, callback); break; case 'update': returnData.result = this.update(query, obj, {}, callback); break; default: break; } return returnData; } else { if (callback) { callback(); } } return {}; }; /** * Executes a method against each document that matches query and returns an * array of documents that may have been modified by the method. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Function} func The method that each document is passed to. If this method * returns false for a particular document it is excluded from the results. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.filter = function (query, func, options) { return (this.find(query, options)).filter(func); }; /** * Executes a method against each document that matches query and then executes * an update based on the return data of the method. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Function} func The method that each document is passed to. If this method * returns false for a particular document it is excluded from the update. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object passed to the initial find call. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.filterUpdate = function (query, func, options) { var items = this.find(query, options), results = [], singleItem, singleQuery, singleUpdate, pk = this.primaryKey(), i; for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { singleItem = items[i]; singleUpdate = func(singleItem); if (singleUpdate) { singleQuery = {}; singleQuery[pk] = singleItem[pk]; results.push(this.update(singleQuery, singleUpdate)); } } return results; }; /** * Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. This will update * all matches for 'query' with the data held in 'update'. It will not overwrite * the matched documents with the update document. * * @param {Object} query The query that must be matched for a document to be * operated on. * @param {Object} update The object containing updated key/values. Any keys that * match keys on the existing document will be overwritten with this data. Any * keys that do not currently exist on the document will be added to the document. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @param {Function=} callback The callback method to call when the update is * complete. * @returns {Array} The items that were updated. */ Collection.prototype.update = function (query, update, options, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } // Decouple the update data update = this.decouple(update); // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); this.convertToFdb(update); } // Handle transform update = this.transformIn(update); var self = this, op = this._metrics.create('update'), dataSet, updated, updateCall = function (referencedDoc) { var oldDoc = self.decouple(referencedDoc), newDoc, triggerOperation, result; if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { newDoc = self.decouple(referencedDoc); triggerOperation = { type: 'update', query: self.decouple(query), update: self.decouple(update), options: self.decouple(options), op: op }; // Update newDoc with the update criteria so we know what the data will look // like AFTER the update is processed result = self.updateObject(newDoc, triggerOperation.update, triggerOperation.query, triggerOperation.options, ''); if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_BEFORE, referencedDoc, newDoc) !== false) { // No triggers complained so let's execute the replacement of the existing // object with the new one result = self.updateObject(referencedDoc, newDoc, triggerOperation.query, triggerOperation.options, ''); // NOTE: If for some reason we would only like to fire this event if changes are actually going // to occur on the object from the proposed update then we can add "result &&" to the if self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_AFTER, oldDoc, newDoc); } else { // Trigger cancelled operation so tell result that it was not updated result = false; } } else { // No triggers complained so let's execute the replacement of the existing // object with the new one result = self.updateObject(referencedDoc, update, query, options, ''); } // Inform indexes of the change self._updateIndexes(oldDoc, referencedDoc); return result; }; op.start(); op.time('Retrieve documents to update'); dataSet = this.find(query, {$decouple: false}); op.time('Retrieve documents to update'); if (dataSet.length) { op.time('Update documents'); updated = dataSet.filter(updateCall); op.time('Update documents'); if (updated.length) { if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Updated some data'); } op.time('Resolve chains'); this.chainSend('update', { query: query, update: update, dataSet: updated }, options); op.time('Resolve chains'); this._onUpdate(updated); this._onChange(); if (callback) { callback(); } this.emit('immediateChange', {type: 'update', data: updated}); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'update', data: updated}); } } op.stop(); // TODO: Should we decouple the updated array before return by default? return updated || []; }; /** * Replaces an existing object with data from the new object without * breaking data references. * @param {Object} currentObj The object to alter. * @param {Object} newObj The new object to overwrite the existing one with. * @returns {*} Chain. * @private */ Collection.prototype._replaceObj = function (currentObj, newObj) { var i; // Check if the new document has a different primary key value from the existing one // Remove item from indexes this._removeFromIndexes(currentObj); // Remove existing keys from current object for (i in currentObj) { if (currentObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { delete currentObj[i]; } } // Add new keys to current object for (i in newObj) { if (newObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { currentObj[i] = newObj[i]; } } // Update the item in the primary index if (!this._insertIntoIndexes(currentObj)) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Primary key violation in update! Key violated: ' + currentObj[this._primaryKey]); } // Update the object in the collection data //this._data.splice(this._data.indexOf(currentObj), 1, newObj); return this; }; /** * Helper method to update a document from it's id. * @param {String} id The id of the document. * @param {Object} update The object containing the key/values to update to. * @returns {Object} The document that was updated or undefined * if no document was updated. */ Collection.prototype.updateById = function (id, update) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.update(searchObj, update)[0]; }; /** * Internal method for document updating. * @param {Object} doc The document to update. * @param {Object} update The object with key/value pairs to update the document with. * @param {Object} query The query object that we need to match to perform an update. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @param {String} path The current recursive path. * @param {String} opType The type of update operation to perform, if none is specified * default is to set new data against matching fields. * @returns {Boolean} True if the document was updated with new / changed data or * false if it was not updated because the data was the same. * @private */ Collection.prototype.updateObject = function (doc, update, query, options, path, opType) { // TODO: This method is long, try to break it into smaller pieces update = this.decouple(update); // Clear leading dots from path path = path || ''; if (path.substr(0, 1) === '.') { path = path.substr(1, path.length -1); } //var oldDoc = this.decouple(doc), var updated = false, recurseUpdated = false, operation, tmpArray, tmpIndex, tmpCount, tempIndex, tempKey, replaceObj, pk, pathInstance, sourceIsArray, updateIsArray, i; // Loop each key in the update object for (i in update) { if (update.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Reset operation flag operation = false; // Check if the property starts with a dollar (function) if (i.substr(0, 1) === '$') { // Check for commands switch (i) { case '$key': case '$index': case '$data': case '$min': case '$max': // Ignore some operators operation = true; break; case '$each': operation = true; // Loop over the array of updates and run each one tmpCount = update.$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc, update.$each[tmpIndex], query, options, path); if (recurseUpdated) { updated = true; } } updated = updated || recurseUpdated; break; case '$replace': operation = true; replaceObj = update.$replace; pk = this.primaryKey(); // Loop the existing item properties and compare with // the replacement (never remove primary key) for (tempKey in doc) { if (doc.hasOwnProperty(tempKey) && tempKey !== pk) { if (replaceObj[tempKey] === undefined) { // The new document doesn't have this field, remove it from the doc this._updateUnset(doc, tempKey); updated = true; } } } // Loop the new item props and update the doc for (tempKey in replaceObj) { if (replaceObj.hasOwnProperty(tempKey) && tempKey !== pk) { this._updateOverwrite(doc, tempKey, replaceObj[tempKey]); updated = true; } } break; default: operation = true; // Now run the operation recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc, update[i], query, options, path, i); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; break; } } // Check if the key has a .$ at the end, denoting an array lookup if (this._isPositionalKey(i)) { operation = true; // Modify i to be the name of the field i = i.substr(0, i.length - 2); pathInstance = new Path(path + '.' + i); // Check if the key is an array and has items if (doc[i] && doc[i] instanceof Array && doc[i].length) { tmpArray = []; // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], pathInstance.value(query)[0], options, '', {})) { tmpArray.push(tmpIndex); } } // Loop the items that matched and update them for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpArray.length; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i][tmpArray[tmpIndex]], update[i + '.$'], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } } if (!operation) { if (!opType && typeof(update[i]) === 'object') { if (doc[i] !== null && typeof(doc[i]) === 'object') { // Check if we are dealing with arrays sourceIsArray = doc[i] instanceof Array; updateIsArray = update[i] instanceof Array; if (sourceIsArray || updateIsArray) { // Check if the update is an object and the doc is an array if (!updateIsArray && sourceIsArray) { // Update is an object, source is an array so match the array items // with our query object to find the one to update inside this array // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } else { // Either both source and update are arrays or the update is // an array and the source is not, so set source to update if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } } } else { // The doc key is an object so traverse the // update further recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i], update[i], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } else { if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } } } else { switch (opType) { case '$inc': var doUpdate = true; // Check for a $min / $max operator if (update[i] > 0) { if (update.$max) { // Check current value if (doc[i] >= update.$max) { // Don't update doUpdate = false; } } } else if (update[i] < 0) { if (update.$min) { // Check current value if (doc[i] <= update.$min) { // Don't update doUpdate = false; } } } if (doUpdate) { this._updateIncrement(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } break; case '$cast': // Casts a property to the type specified if it is not already // that type. If the cast is an array or an object and the property // is not already that type a new array or object is created and // set to the property, overwriting the previous value switch (update[i]) { case 'array': if (!(doc[i] instanceof Array)) { // Cast to an array this._updateProperty(doc, i, update.$data || []); updated = true; } break; case 'object': if (!(doc[i] instanceof Object) || (doc[i] instanceof Array)) { // Cast to an object this._updateProperty(doc, i, update.$data || {}); updated = true; } break; case 'number': if (typeof doc[i] !== 'number') { // Cast to a number this._updateProperty(doc, i, Number(doc[i])); updated = true; } break; case 'string': if (typeof doc[i] !== 'string') { // Cast to a string this._updateProperty(doc, i, String(doc[i])); updated = true; } break; default: throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot update cast to unknown type: ' + update[i]); } break; case '$push': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Check for a $position modifier with an $each if (update[i].$position !== undefined && update[i].$each instanceof Array) { // Grab the position to insert at tempIndex = update[i].$position; // Loop the each array and push each item tmpCount = update[i].$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { this._updateSplicePush(doc[i], tempIndex + tmpIndex, update[i].$each[tmpIndex]); } } else if (update[i].$each instanceof Array) { // Do a loop over the each to push multiple items tmpCount = update[i].$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i].$each[tmpIndex]); } } else { // Do a standard push this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i]); } updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot push to a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$pull': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { tmpArray = []; // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], options, '', {})) { tmpArray.push(tmpIndex); } } tmpCount = tmpArray.length; // Now loop the pull array and remove items to be pulled while (tmpCount--) { this._updatePull(doc[i], tmpArray[tmpCount]); updated = true; } } break; case '$pullAll': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { if (update[i] instanceof Array) { tmpArray = doc[i]; tmpCount = tmpArray.length; if (tmpCount > 0) { // Now loop the pull array and remove items to be pulled while (tmpCount--) { for (tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < update[i].length; tempIndex++) { if (tmpArray[tmpCount] === update[i][tempIndex]) { this._updatePull(doc[i], tmpCount); tmpCount--; updated = true; } } if (tmpCount < 0) { break; } } } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot pullAll without being given an array of values to pull! (' + i + ')'); } } break; case '$addToSet': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Loop the target array and check for existence of item var targetArr = doc[i], targetArrIndex, targetArrCount = targetArr.length, objHash, addObj = true, optionObj = (options && options.$addToSet), hashMode, pathSolver; // Check if we have an options object for our operation if (update[i].$key) { hashMode = false; pathSolver = new Path(update[i].$key); objHash = pathSolver.value(update[i])[0]; // Remove the key from the object before we add it delete update[i].$key; } else if (optionObj && optionObj.key) { hashMode = false; pathSolver = new Path(optionObj.key); objHash = pathSolver.value(update[i])[0]; } else { objHash = this.jStringify(update[i]); hashMode = true; } for (targetArrIndex = 0; targetArrIndex < targetArrCount; targetArrIndex++) { if (hashMode) { // Check if objects match via a string hash (JSON) if (this.jStringify(targetArr[targetArrIndex]) === objHash) { // The object already exists, don't add it addObj = false; break; } } else { // Check if objects match based on the path if (objHash === pathSolver.value(targetArr[targetArrIndex])[0]) { // The object already exists, don't add it addObj = false; break; } } } if (addObj) { this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i]); updated = true; } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot addToSet on a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$splicePush': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { tempIndex = update.$index; if (tempIndex !== undefined) { delete update.$index; // Check for out of bounds index if (tempIndex > doc[i].length) { tempIndex = doc[i].length; } this._updateSplicePush(doc[i], tempIndex, update[i]); updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot splicePush without a $index integer value!'); } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot splicePush with a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$move': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], options, '', {})) { var moveToIndex = update.$index; if (moveToIndex !== undefined) { delete update.$index; this._updateSpliceMove(doc[i], tmpIndex, moveToIndex); updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot move without a $index integer value!'); } break; } } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot move on a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$mul': this._updateMultiply(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$rename': this._updateRename(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$overwrite': this._updateOverwrite(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$unset': this._updateUnset(doc, i); updated = true; break; case '$clear': this._updateClear(doc, i); updated = true; break; case '$pop': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { if (this._updatePop(doc[i], update[i])) { updated = true; } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot pop from a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$toggle': // Toggle the boolean property between true and false this._updateProperty(doc, i, !doc[i]); updated = true; break; default: if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } break; } } } } } return updated; }; /** * Determines if the passed key has an array positional mark (a dollar at the end * of its name). * @param {String} key The key to check. * @returns {Boolean} True if it is a positional or false if not. * @private */ Collection.prototype._isPositionalKey = function (key) { return key.substr(key.length - 2, 2) === '.$'; }; /** * Removes any documents from the collection that match the search query * key/values. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @param {Function=} callback A callback method. * @returns {Array} An array of the documents that were removed. */ Collection.prototype.remove = function (query, options, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } var self = this, dataSet, index, arrIndex, returnArr, removeMethod, triggerOperation, doc, newDoc; if (typeof(options) === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); } if (query instanceof Array) { returnArr = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < query.length; arrIndex++) { returnArr.push(this.remove(query[arrIndex], {noEmit: true})); } if (!options || (options && !options.noEmit)) { this._onRemove(returnArr); } if (callback) { callback(false, returnArr); } return returnArr; } else { returnArr = []; dataSet = this.find(query, {$decouple: false}); if (dataSet.length) { removeMethod = function (dataItem) { // Remove the item from the collection's indexes self._removeFromIndexes(dataItem); // Remove data from internal stores index = self._data.indexOf(dataItem); self._dataRemoveAtIndex(index); returnArr.push(dataItem); }; // Remove the data from the collection for (var i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++) { doc = dataSet[i]; if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { triggerOperation = { type: 'remove' }; newDoc = self.decouple(doc); if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_BEFORE, newDoc, newDoc) !== false) { // The trigger didn't ask to cancel so execute the removal method removeMethod(doc); self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_AFTER, newDoc, newDoc); } } else { // No triggers to execute removeMethod(doc); } } if (returnArr.length) { //op.time('Resolve chains'); self.chainSend('remove', { query: query, dataSet: returnArr }, options); //op.time('Resolve chains'); if (!options || (options && !options.noEmit)) { this._onRemove(returnArr); } this._onChange(); this.emit('immediateChange', {type: 'remove', data: returnArr}); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'remove', data: returnArr}); } } if (callback) { callback(false, returnArr); } return returnArr; } }; /** * Helper method that removes a document that matches the given id. * @param {String} id The id of the document to remove. * @returns {Object} The document that was removed or undefined if * nothing was removed. */ Collection.prototype.removeById = function (id) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.remove(searchObj)[0]; }; /** * Processes a deferred action queue. * @param {String} type The queue name to process. * @param {Function} callback A method to call when the queue has processed. * @param {Object=} resultObj A temp object to hold results in. */ Collection.prototype.processQueue = function (type, callback, resultObj) { var self = this, queue = this._deferQueue[type], deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold[type], deferTime = this._deferTime[type], dataArr, result; resultObj = resultObj || { deferred: true }; if (queue.length) { // Process items up to the threshold if (queue.length > deferThreshold) { // Grab items up to the threshold value dataArr = queue.splice(0, deferThreshold); } else { // Grab all the remaining items dataArr = queue.splice(0, queue.length); } result = self[type](dataArr); switch (type) { case 'insert': resultObj.inserted = resultObj.inserted || []; resultObj.failed = resultObj.failed || []; resultObj.inserted = resultObj.inserted.concat(result.inserted); resultObj.failed = resultObj.failed.concat(result.failed); break; } // Queue another process setTimeout(function () {, type, callback, resultObj); }, deferTime); } else { if (callback) { callback(resultObj); } this._asyncComplete(type); } // Check if all queues are complete if (!this.isProcessingQueue()) { this.deferEmit('queuesComplete'); } }; /** * Checks if any CRUD operations have been deferred and are still waiting to * be processed. * @returns {Boolean} True if there are still deferred CRUD operations to process * or false if all queues are clear. */ Collection.prototype.isProcessingQueue = function () { var i; for (i in this._deferQueue) { if (this._deferQueue.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (this._deferQueue[i].length) { return true; } } } return false; }; /** * Inserts a document or array of documents into the collection. * @param {Object|Array} data Either a document object or array of document * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the record at. * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback called once action is complete. * objects to insert into the collection. */ Collection.prototype.insert = function (data, index, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (typeof(index) === 'function') { callback = index; index = this._data.length; } else if (index === undefined) { index = this._data.length; } data = this.transformIn(data); return this._insertHandle(data, index, callback); }; /** * Inserts a document or array of documents into the collection. * @param {Object|Array} data Either a document object or array of document * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the record at. * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback called once action is complete. * objects to insert into the collection. */ Collection.prototype._insertHandle = function (data, index, callback) { var //self = this, queue = this._deferQueue.insert, deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold.insert, //deferTime = this._deferTime.insert, inserted = [], failed = [], insertResult, resultObj, i; if (data instanceof Array) { // Check if there are more insert items than the insert defer // threshold, if so, break up inserts so we don't tie up the // ui or thread if (this._deferredCalls && data.length > deferThreshold) { // Break up insert into blocks this._deferQueue.insert = queue.concat(data); this._asyncPending('insert'); // Fire off the insert queue handler this.processQueue('insert', callback); return; } else { // Loop the array and add items for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { insertResult = this._insert(data[i], index + i); if (insertResult === true) { inserted.push(data[i]); } else { failed.push({ doc: data[i], reason: insertResult }); } } } } else { // Store the data item insertResult = this._insert(data, index); if (insertResult === true) { inserted.push(data); } else { failed.push({ doc: data, reason: insertResult }); } } resultObj = { deferred: false, inserted: inserted, failed: failed }; this._onInsert(inserted, failed); if (callback) { callback(resultObj); } this._onChange(); this.emit('immediateChange', {type: 'insert', data: inserted}); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'insert', data: inserted}); return resultObj; }; /** * Internal method to insert a document into the collection. Will * check for index violations before allowing the document to be inserted. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert after passing index violation * tests. * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the document at. * @returns {Boolean|Object} True on success, false if no document passed, * or an object containing details about an index violation if one occurred. * @private */ Collection.prototype._insert = function (doc, index) { if (doc) { var self = this, indexViolation, triggerOperation, insertMethod, newDoc, capped = this.capped(), cappedSize = this.cappedSize(); this.ensurePrimaryKey(doc); // Check indexes are not going to be broken by the document indexViolation = this.insertIndexViolation(doc); insertMethod = function (doc) { // Add the item to the collection's indexes self._insertIntoIndexes(doc); // Check index overflow if (index > self._data.length) { index = self._data.length; } // Insert the document self._dataInsertAtIndex(index, doc); // Check capped collection status and remove first record // if we are over the threshold if (capped && self._data.length > cappedSize) { // Remove the first item in the data array self.removeById(self._data[0][self._primaryKey]); } //op.time('Resolve chains'); self.chainSend('insert', doc, {index: index}); //op.time('Resolve chains'); }; if (!indexViolation) { if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { triggerOperation = { type: 'insert' }; if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_BEFORE, {}, doc) !== false) { insertMethod(doc); if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { // Clone the doc so that the programmer cannot update the internal document // on the "after" phase trigger newDoc = self.decouple(doc); self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER, {}, newDoc); } } else { // The trigger just wants to cancel the operation return 'Trigger cancelled operation'; } } else { // No triggers to execute insertMethod(doc); } return true; } else { return 'Index violation in index: ' + indexViolation; } } return 'No document passed to insert'; }; /** * Inserts a document into the internal collection data array at * Inserts a document into the internal collection data array at * the specified index. * @param {number} index The index to insert at. * @param {object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataInsertAtIndex = function (index, doc) { this._data.splice(index, 0, doc); }; /** * Removes a document from the internal collection data array at * the specified index. * @param {number} index The index to remove from. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataRemoveAtIndex = function (index) { this._data.splice(index, 1); }; /** * Replaces all data in the collection's internal data array with * the passed array of data. * @param {array} data The array of data to replace existing data with. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataReplace = function (data) { // Clear the array - using a while loop with pop is by far the // fastest way to clear an array currently while (this._data.length) { this._data.pop(); } // Append new items to the array this._data = this._data.concat(data); }; /** * Inserts a document into the collection indexes. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._insertIntoIndexes = function (doc) { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, violated, jString = this.jStringify(doc); // Insert to primary key index violated = this._primaryIndex.uniqueSet(doc[this._primaryKey], doc); this._primaryCrc.uniqueSet(doc[this._primaryKey], jString); this._crcLookup.uniqueSet(jString, doc); // Insert into other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].insert(doc); } } return violated; }; /** * Removes a document from the collection indexes. * @param {Object} doc The document to remove. * @private */ Collection.prototype._removeFromIndexes = function (doc) { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, jString = this.jStringify(doc); // Remove from primary key index this._primaryIndex.unSet(doc[this._primaryKey]); this._primaryCrc.unSet(doc[this._primaryKey]); this._crcLookup.unSet(jString); // Remove from other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].remove(doc); } } }; /** * Updates collection index data for the passed document. * @param {Object} oldDoc The old document as it was before the update. * @param {Object} newDoc The document as it now is after the update. * @private */ Collection.prototype._updateIndexes = function (oldDoc, newDoc) { this._removeFromIndexes(oldDoc); this._insertIntoIndexes(newDoc); }; /** * Rebuild collection indexes. * @private */ Collection.prototype._rebuildIndexes = function () { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex; // Remove from other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].rebuild(); } } }; /** * Uses the passed query to generate a new collection with results * matching the query parameters. * * @param {Object} query The query object to generate the subset with. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.subset = function (query, options) { var result = this.find(query, options), coll; coll = new Collection(); coll.db(this._db); coll.subsetOf(this) .primaryKey(this._primaryKey) .setData(result); return coll; }; /** * Gets / sets the collection that this collection is a subset of. * @param {Collection=} collection The collection to set as the parent of this subset. * @returns {Collection} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'subsetOf'); /** * Checks if the collection is a subset of the passed collection. * @param {Collection} collection The collection to test against. * @returns {Boolean} True if the passed collection is the parent of * the current collection. */ Collection.prototype.isSubsetOf = function (collection) { return this._subsetOf === collection; }; /** * Find the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection and * returns the results in an array. * @param {String} key The field path to return distinct values for e.g. "". * @param {Object=} query The query to use to filter the documents used to return values from. * @param {Object=} options The query options to use when running the query. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.distinct = function (key, query, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } var data = this.find(query, options), pathSolver = new Path(key), valueUsed = {}, distinctValues = [], value, i; // Loop the data and build array of distinct values for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { value = pathSolver.value(data[i])[0]; if (value && !valueUsed[value]) { valueUsed[value] = true; distinctValues.push(value); } } return distinctValues; }; /** * Helper method to find a document by it's id. * @param {String} id The id of the document. * @param {Object=} options The options object, allowed keys are sort and limit. * @returns {Array} The items that were updated. */ Collection.prototype.findById = function (id, options) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.find(searchObj, options)[0]; }; /** * Finds all documents that contain the passed string or search object * regardless of where the string might occur within the document. This * will match strings from the start, middle or end of the document's * string (partial match). * @param search The string to search for. Case sensitive. * @param options A standard find() options object. * @returns {Array} An array of documents that matched the search string. */ Collection.prototype.peek = function (search, options) { // Loop all items var arr = this._data, arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, arrItem, tempColl = new Collection(), typeOfSearch = typeof search; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { // Get json representation of object arrItem = this.jStringify(arr[arrIndex]); // Check if string exists in object json if (arrItem.indexOf(search) > -1) { // Add this item to the temp collection tempColl.insert(arr[arrIndex]); } } return tempColl.find({}, options); } else { return this.find(search, options); } }; /** * Provides a query plan / operations log for a query. * @param {Object} query The query to execute. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object. * @returns {Object} The query plan. */ Collection.prototype.explain = function (query, options) { var result = this.find(query, options); return result.__fdbOp._data; }; /** * Generates an options object with default values or adds default * values to a passed object if those values are not currently set * to anything. * @param {object=} obj Optional options object to modify. * @returns {object} The options object. */ Collection.prototype.options = function (obj) { obj = obj || {}; obj.$decouple = obj.$decouple !== undefined ? obj.$decouple : true; obj.$explain = obj.$explain !== undefined ? obj.$explain : false; return obj; }; /** * Queries the collection based on the query object passed. * @param {Object} query The query key/values that a document must match in * order for it to be returned in the result array. * @param {Object=} options An optional options object. * @param {Function=} callback !! DO NOT USE, THIS IS NON-OPERATIONAL !! * Optional callback. If specified the find process * will not return a value and will assume that you wish to operate under an * async mode. This will break up large find requests into smaller chunks and * process them in a non-blocking fashion allowing large datasets to be queried * without causing the browser UI to pause. Results from this type of operation * will be passed back to the callback once completed. * * @returns {Array} The results array from the find operation, containing all * documents that matched the query. */ Collection.prototype.find = function (query, options, callback) { // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); } if (callback) { // Check the size of the collection's data array // Split operation into smaller tasks and callback when complete callback('Callbacks for the find() operation are not yet implemented!', []); return []; } return, query, options, callback); }; Collection.prototype._find = function (query, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } // TODO: This method is quite long, break into smaller pieces query = query || {}; var op = this._metrics.create('find'), pk = this.primaryKey(), self = this, analysis, scanLength, requiresTableScan = true, resultArr, joinIndex, joinSource = {}, joinQuery, joinPath, joinSourceKey, joinSourceType, joinSourceIdentifier, joinSourceData, resultRemove = [], i, j, k, fieldListOn = [], fieldListOff = [], elemMatchPathSolver, elemMatchSubArr, elemMatchSpliceArr, matcherTmpOptions = {}, result, cursor = {}, pathSolver, waterfallCollection, matcher; if (!(options instanceof Array)) { options = this.options(options); } matcher = function (doc) { return self._match(doc, query, options, 'and', matcherTmpOptions); }; op.start(); if (query) { // Check if the query is an array (multi-operation waterfall query) if (query instanceof Array) { waterfallCollection = this; // Loop the query operations for (i = 0; i < query.length; i++) { // Execute each operation and pass the result into the next // query operation waterfallCollection = waterfallCollection.subset(query[i], options && options[i] ? options[i] : {}); } return waterfallCollection.find(); } // Pre-process any data-changing query operators first if (query.$findSub) { // Check we have all the parts we need if (!query.$findSub.$path) { throw('$findSub missing $path property!'); } return this.findSub( query.$findSub.$query, query.$findSub.$path, query.$findSub.$subQuery, query.$findSub.$subOptions ); } if (query.$findSubOne) { // Check we have all the parts we need if (!query.$findSubOne.$path) { throw('$findSubOne missing $path property!'); } return this.findSubOne( query.$findSubOne.$query, query.$findSubOne.$path, query.$findSubOne.$subQuery, query.$findSubOne.$subOptions ); } // Get query analysis to execute best optimised code path op.time('analyseQuery'); analysis = this._analyseQuery(self.decouple(query), options, op); op.time('analyseQuery');'analysis', analysis); // Check if the query tries to limit by data that would only exist after // the join operation has been completed if (analysis.hasJoin && analysis.queriesJoin) { // The query has a join and tries to limit by it's joined data // Get references to the join sources op.time('joinReferences'); for (joinIndex = 0; joinIndex < analysis.joinsOn.length; joinIndex++) { joinSourceData = analysis.joinsOn[joinIndex]; joinSourceKey = joinSourceData.key; joinSourceType = joinSourceData.type; joinSourceIdentifier =; joinPath = new Path(analysis.joinQueries[joinSourceKey]); joinQuery = joinPath.value(query)[0]; joinSource[joinSourceIdentifier] = this._db[joinSourceType](joinSourceKey).subset(joinQuery); // Remove join clause from main query delete query[analysis.joinQueries[joinSourceKey]]; } op.time('joinReferences'); } // Check if an index lookup can be used to return this result if (analysis.indexMatch.length && (!options || (options && !options.$skipIndex))) {'index.potential', analysis.indexMatch);'index.used', analysis.indexMatch[0].index); // Get the data from the index op.time('indexLookup'); resultArr = analysis.indexMatch[0].lookup || []; op.time('indexLookup'); // Check if the index coverage is all keys, if not we still need to table scan it if (analysis.indexMatch[0].keyData.totalKeyCount === analysis.indexMatch[0].keyData.score) { // Don't require a table scan to find relevant documents requiresTableScan = false; } } else { op.flag('usedIndex', false); } if (requiresTableScan) { if (resultArr && resultArr.length) { scanLength = resultArr.length; op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); // Filter the source data and return the result resultArr = resultArr.filter(matcher); } else { // Filter the source data and return the result scanLength = this._data.length; op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); resultArr = this._data.filter(matcher); } op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); } // Order the array if we were passed a sort clause if (options.$orderBy) { op.time('sort'); resultArr = this.sort(options.$orderBy, resultArr); op.time('sort'); } if (options.$page !== undefined && options.$limit !== undefined) { // Record paging data = options.$page; cursor.pages = Math.ceil(resultArr.length / options.$limit); cursor.records = resultArr.length; // Check if we actually need to apply the paging logic if (options.$page && options.$limit > 0) {'cursor', cursor); // Skip to the page specified based on limit resultArr.splice(0, options.$page * options.$limit); } } if (options.$skip) { cursor.skip = options.$skip; // Skip past the number of records specified resultArr.splice(0, options.$skip);'skip', options.$skip); } if (options.$limit && resultArr && resultArr.length > options.$limit) { cursor.limit = options.$limit; resultArr.length = options.$limit;'limit', options.$limit); } if (options.$decouple) { // Now decouple the data from the original objects op.time('decouple'); resultArr = this.decouple(resultArr); op.time('decouple');'flag.decouple', true); } // Now process any joins on the final data if (options.$join) { resultRemove = resultRemove.concat(this.applyJoin(resultArr, options.$join, joinSource));'flag.join', true); } // Process removal queue if (resultRemove.length) { op.time('removalQueue'); this.spliceArrayByIndexList(resultArr, resultRemove); op.time('removalQueue'); } if (options.$transform) { op.time('transform'); for (i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { resultArr.splice(i, 1, options.$transform(resultArr[i])); } op.time('transform');'flag.transform', true); } // Process transforms if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformOut) { op.time('transformOut'); resultArr = this.transformOut(resultArr); op.time('transformOut'); }'results', resultArr.length); } else { resultArr = []; } // Check for an $as operator in the options object and if it exists // iterate over the fields and generate a rename function that will // operate over the entire returned data array and rename each object's // fields to their new names // TODO: Enable $as in collection find to allow renaming fields /*if (options.$as) { renameFieldPath = new Path(); renameFieldMethod = function (obj, oldFieldPath, newFieldName) { renameFieldPath.path(oldFieldPath); renameFieldPath.rename(newFieldName); }; for (i in options.$as) { if (options.$as.hasOwnProperty(i)) { } } }*/ if (!options.$aggregate) { // Generate a list of fields to limit data by // Each property starts off being enabled by default (= 1) then // if any property is explicitly specified as 1 then all switch to // zero except _id. // // Any that are explicitly set to zero are switched off. op.time('scanFields'); for (i in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(i) && i.indexOf('$') !== 0) { if (options[i] === 1) { fieldListOn.push(i); } else if (options[i] === 0) { fieldListOff.push(i); } } } op.time('scanFields'); // Limit returned fields by the options data if (fieldListOn.length || fieldListOff.length) {'flag.limitFields', true);'limitFields.on', fieldListOn);'', fieldListOff); op.time('limitFields'); // We have explicit fields switched on or off for (i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = resultArr[i]; for (j in result) { if (result.hasOwnProperty(j)) { if (fieldListOn.length) { // We have explicit fields switched on so remove all fields // that are not explicitly switched on // Check if the field name is not the primary key if (j !== pk) { if (fieldListOn.indexOf(j) === -1) { // This field is not in the on list, remove it delete result[j]; } } } if (fieldListOff.length) { // We have explicit fields switched off so remove fields // that are explicitly switched off if (fieldListOff.indexOf(j) > -1) { // This field is in the off list, remove it delete result[j]; } } } } } op.time('limitFields'); } // Now run any projections on the data required if (options.$elemMatch) {'flag.elemMatch', true); op.time('projection-elemMatch'); for (i in options.$elemMatch) { if (options.$elemMatch.hasOwnProperty(i)) { elemMatchPathSolver = new Path(i); // Loop the results array for (j = 0; j < resultArr.length; j++) { elemMatchSubArr = elemMatchPathSolver.value(resultArr[j])[0]; // Check we have a sub-array to loop if (elemMatchSubArr && elemMatchSubArr.length) { // Loop the sub-array and check for projection query matches for (k = 0; k < elemMatchSubArr.length; k++) { // Check if the current item in the sub-array matches the projection query if (self._match(elemMatchSubArr[k], options.$elemMatch[i], options, '', {})) { // The item matches the projection query so set the sub-array // to an array that ONLY contains the matching item and then // exit the loop since we only want to match the first item elemMatchPathSolver.set(resultArr[j], i, [elemMatchSubArr[k]]); break; } } } } } } op.time('projection-elemMatch'); } if (options.$elemsMatch) {'flag.elemsMatch', true); op.time('projection-elemsMatch'); for (i in options.$elemsMatch) { if (options.$elemsMatch.hasOwnProperty(i)) { elemMatchPathSolver = new Path(i); // Loop the results array for (j = 0; j < resultArr.length; j++) { elemMatchSubArr = elemMatchPathSolver.value(resultArr[j])[0]; // Check we have a sub-array to loop if (elemMatchSubArr && elemMatchSubArr.length) { elemMatchSpliceArr = []; // Loop the sub-array and check for projection query matches for (k = 0; k < elemMatchSubArr.length; k++) { // Check if the current item in the sub-array matches the projection query if (self._match(elemMatchSubArr[k], options.$elemsMatch[i], options, '', {})) { // The item matches the projection query so add it to the final array elemMatchSpliceArr.push(elemMatchSubArr[k]); } } // Now set the final sub-array to the matched items elemMatchPathSolver.set(resultArr[j], i, elemMatchSpliceArr); } } } } op.time('projection-elemsMatch'); } } // Process aggregation if (options.$aggregate) {'flag.aggregate', true); op.time('aggregate'); pathSolver = new Path(options.$aggregate); resultArr = pathSolver.value(resultArr); op.time('aggregate'); } op.stop(); resultArr.__fdbOp = op; resultArr.$cursor = cursor; return resultArr; }; /** * Returns one document that satisfies the specified query criteria. If multiple * documents satisfy the query, this method returns the first document to match * the query. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.findOne = function () { return (this.find.apply(this, arguments))[0]; }; /** * Gets the index in the collection data array of the first item matched by * the passed query object. * @param {Object} query The query to run to find the item to return the index of. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Number} */ Collection.prototype.indexOf = function (query, options) { var item = this.find(query, {$decouple: false})[0], sortedData; if (item) { if (!options || options && !options.$orderBy) { // Basic lookup from order of insert return this._data.indexOf(item); } else { // Trying to locate index based on query with sort order options.$decouple = false; sortedData = this.find(query, options); return sortedData.indexOf(item); } } return -1; }; /** * Returns the index of the document identified by the passed item's primary key. * @param {*} itemLookup The document whose primary key should be used to lookup * or the id to lookup. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Number} The index the item with the matching primary key is occupying. */ Collection.prototype.indexOfDocById = function (itemLookup, options) { var item, sortedData; if (typeof itemLookup !== 'object') { item = this._primaryIndex.get(itemLookup); } else { item = this._primaryIndex.get(itemLookup[this._primaryKey]); } if (item) { if (!options || options && !options.$orderBy) { // Basic lookup return this._data.indexOf(item); } else { // Sorted lookup options.$decouple = false; sortedData = this.find({}, options); return sortedData.indexOf(item); } } return -1; }; /** * Removes a document from the collection by it's index in the collection's * data array. * @param {Number} index The index of the document to remove. * @returns {Object} The document that has been removed or false if none was * removed. */ Collection.prototype.removeByIndex = function (index) { var doc, docId; doc = this._data[index]; if (doc !== undefined) { doc = this.decouple(doc); docId = doc[this.primaryKey()]; return this.removeById(docId); } return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the collection transform options. * @param {Object} obj A collection transform options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transform = function (obj) { if (obj !== undefined) { if (typeof obj === "object") { if (obj.enabled !== undefined) { this._transformEnabled = obj.enabled; } if (obj.dataIn !== undefined) { this._transformIn = obj.dataIn; } if (obj.dataOut !== undefined) { this._transformOut = obj.dataOut; } } else { this._transformEnabled = obj !== false; } return this; } return { enabled: this._transformEnabled, dataIn: this._transformIn, dataOut: this._transformOut }; }; /** * Transforms data using the set transformIn method. * @param {Object} data The data to transform. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transformIn = function (data) { if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformIn) { if (data instanceof Array) { var finalArr = [], transformResult, i; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { transformResult = this._transformIn(data[i]); // Support transforms returning multiple items if (transformResult instanceof Array) { finalArr = finalArr.concat(transformResult); } else { finalArr.push(transformResult); } } return finalArr; } else { return this._transformIn(data); } } return data; }; /** * Transforms data using the set transformOut method. * @param {Object} data The data to transform. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transformOut = function (data) { if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformOut) { if (data instanceof Array) { var finalArr = [], transformResult, i; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { transformResult = this._transformOut(data[i]); // Support transforms returning multiple items if (transformResult instanceof Array) { finalArr = finalArr.concat(transformResult); } else { finalArr.push(transformResult); } } return finalArr; } else { return this._transformOut(data); } } return data; }; /** * Sorts an array of documents by the given sort path. * @param {*} sortObj The keys and orders the array objects should be sorted by. * @param {Array} arr The array of documents to sort. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.sort = function (sortObj, arr) { // Convert the index object to an array of key val objects var self = this, keys = sharedPathSolver.parse(sortObj, true); if (keys.length) { // Execute sort arr.sort(function (a, b) { // Loop the index array var i, indexData, result = 0; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { indexData = keys[i]; if (indexData.value === 1) { result = self.sortAsc(sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path)); } else if (indexData.value === -1) { result = self.sortDesc(sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path)); } if (result !== 0) { return result; } } return result; }); } return arr; }; // Commented as we have a new method that was originally implemented for binary trees. // This old method actually has problems with nested sort objects /*Collection.prototype.sortold = function (sortObj, arr) { // Make sure we have an array object arr = arr || []; var sortArr = [], sortKey, sortSingleObj; for (sortKey in sortObj) { if (sortObj.hasOwnProperty(sortKey)) { sortSingleObj = {}; sortSingleObj[sortKey] = sortObj[sortKey]; sortSingleObj.___fdbKey = String(sortKey); sortArr.push(sortSingleObj); } } if (sortArr.length < 2) { // There is only one sort criteria, do a simple sort and return it return this._sort(sortObj, arr); } else { return this._bucketSort(sortArr, arr); } };*/ /** * Takes array of sort paths and sorts them into buckets before returning final * array fully sorted by multi-keys. * @param keyArr * @param arr * @returns {*} * @private */ /*Collection.prototype._bucketSort = function (keyArr, arr) { var keyObj = keyArr.shift(), arrCopy, bucketData, bucketOrder, bucketKey, buckets, i, finalArr = []; if (keyArr.length > 0) { // Sort array by bucket key arr = this._sort(keyObj, arr); // Split items into buckets bucketData = this.bucket(keyObj.___fdbKey, arr); bucketOrder = bucketData.order; buckets = bucketData.buckets; // Loop buckets and sort contents for (i = 0; i < bucketOrder.length; i++) { bucketKey = bucketOrder[i]; arrCopy = [].concat(keyArr); finalArr = finalArr.concat(this._bucketSort(arrCopy, buckets[bucketKey])); } return finalArr; } else { return this._sort(keyObj, arr); } };*/ /** * Takes an array of objects and returns a new object with the array items * split into buckets by the passed key. * @param {String} key The key to split the array into buckets by. * @param {Array} arr An array of objects. * @returns {Object} */ /*Collection.prototype.bucket = function (key, arr) { var i, oldField, field, fieldArr = [], buckets = {}; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { field = String(arr[i][key]); if (oldField !== field) { fieldArr.push(field); oldField = field; } buckets[field] = buckets[field] || []; buckets[field].push(arr[i]); } return { buckets: buckets, order: fieldArr }; };*/ /** * Sorts array by individual sort path. * @param key * @param arr * @returns {Array|*} * @private */ Collection.prototype._sort = function (key, arr) { var self = this, sorterMethod, pathSolver = new Path(), dataPath = pathSolver.parse(key, true)[0]; pathSolver.path(dataPath.path); if (dataPath.value === 1) { // Sort ascending sorterMethod = function (a, b) { var valA = pathSolver.value(a)[0], valB = pathSolver.value(b)[0]; return self.sortAsc(valA, valB); }; } else if (dataPath.value === -1) { // Sort descending sorterMethod = function (a, b) { var valA = pathSolver.value(a)[0], valB = pathSolver.value(b)[0]; return self.sortDesc(valA, valB); }; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' $orderBy clause has invalid direction: ' + dataPath.value + ', accepted values are 1 or -1 for ascending or descending!'); } return arr.sort(sorterMethod); }; /** * Internal method that takes a search query and options and returns an object * containing details about the query which can be used to optimise the search. * * @param query * @param options * @param op * @returns {Object} * @private */ Collection.prototype._analyseQuery = function (query, options, op) { var analysis = { queriesOn: [{id: '$collection.' + this._name, type: 'colletion', key: this._name}], indexMatch: [], hasJoin: false, queriesJoin: false, joinQueries: {}, query: query, options: options }, joinSourceIndex, joinSourceKey, joinSourceType, joinSourceIdentifier, joinMatch, joinSources = [], joinSourceReferences = [], queryPath, index, indexMatchData, indexRef, indexRefName, indexLookup, pathSolver, queryKeyCount, pkQueryType, lookupResult, i; // Check if the query is a primary key lookup op.time('checkIndexes'); pathSolver = new Path(); queryKeyCount = pathSolver.parseArr(query, { ignore:/\$/, verbose: true }).length; if (queryKeyCount) { if (query[this._primaryKey] !== undefined) { // Check suitability of querying key value index pkQueryType = typeof query[this._primaryKey]; if (pkQueryType === 'string' || pkQueryType === 'number' || query[this._primaryKey] instanceof Array) { // Return item via primary key possible op.time('checkIndexMatch: Primary Key'); lookupResult = this._primaryIndex.lookup(query, options); analysis.indexMatch.push({ lookup: lookupResult, keyData: { matchedKeys: [this._primaryKey], totalKeyCount: queryKeyCount, score: 1 }, index: this._primaryIndex }); op.time('checkIndexMatch: Primary Key'); } } // Check if an index can speed up the query for (i in this._indexById) { if (this._indexById.hasOwnProperty(i)) { indexRef = this._indexById[i]; indexRefName =; op.time('checkIndexMatch: ' + indexRefName); indexMatchData = indexRef.match(query, options); if (indexMatchData.score > 0) { // This index can be used, store it indexLookup = indexRef.lookup(query, options); analysis.indexMatch.push({ lookup: indexLookup, keyData: indexMatchData, index: indexRef }); } op.time('checkIndexMatch: ' + indexRefName); if (indexMatchData.score === queryKeyCount) { // Found an optimal index, do not check for any more break; } } } op.time('checkIndexes'); // Sort array descending on index key count (effectively a measure of relevance to the query) if (analysis.indexMatch.length > 1) { op.time('findOptimalIndex'); analysis.indexMatch.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.keyData.score > b.keyData.score) { // This index has a higher score than the other return -1; } if (a.keyData.score < b.keyData.score) { // This index has a lower score than the other return 1; } // The indexes have the same score but can still be compared by the number of records // they return from the query. The fewer records they return the better so order by // record count if (a.keyData.score === b.keyData.score) { return a.lookup.length - b.lookup.length; } }); op.time('findOptimalIndex'); } } // Check for join data if (options.$join) { analysis.hasJoin = true; // Loop all join operations for (joinSourceIndex = 0; joinSourceIndex < options.$join.length; joinSourceIndex++) { // Loop the join sources and keep a reference to them for (joinSourceKey in options.$join[joinSourceIndex]) { if (options.$join[joinSourceIndex].hasOwnProperty(joinSourceKey)) { joinMatch = options.$join[joinSourceIndex][joinSourceKey]; joinSourceType = joinMatch.$sourceType || 'collection'; joinSourceIdentifier = '$' + joinSourceType + '.' + joinSourceKey; joinSources.push({ id: joinSourceIdentifier, type: joinSourceType, key: joinSourceKey }); // Check if the join uses an $as operator if (options.$join[joinSourceIndex][joinSourceKey].$as !== undefined) { joinSourceReferences.push(options.$join[joinSourceIndex][joinSourceKey].$as); } else { joinSourceReferences.push(joinSourceKey); } } } } // Loop the join source references and determine if the query references // any of the sources that are used in the join. If there no queries against // joined sources the find method can use a code path optimised for this. // Queries against joined sources requires the joined sources to be filtered // first and then joined so requires a little more work. for (index = 0; index < joinSourceReferences.length; index++) { // Check if the query references any source data that the join will create queryPath = this._queryReferencesSource(query, joinSourceReferences[index], ''); if (queryPath) { analysis.joinQueries[joinSources[index].key] = queryPath; analysis.queriesJoin = true; } } analysis.joinsOn = joinSources; analysis.queriesOn = analysis.queriesOn.concat(joinSources); } return analysis; }; /** * Checks if the passed query references a source object (such * as a collection) by name. * @param {Object} query The query object to scan. * @param {String} sourceName The source name to scan for in the query. * @param {String=} path The path to scan from. * @returns {*} * @private */ Collection.prototype._queryReferencesSource = function (query, sourceName, path) { var i; for (i in query) { if (query.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Check if this key is a reference match if (i === sourceName) { if (path) { path += '.'; } return path + i; } else { if (typeof(query[i]) === 'object') { // Recurse if (path) { path += '.'; } path += i; return this._queryReferencesSource(query[i], sourceName, path); } } } } return false; }; /** * Returns the number of documents currently in the collection. * @returns {Number} */ Collection.prototype.count = function (query, options) { if (!query) { return this._data.length; } else { // Run query and return count return this.find(query, options).length; } }; /** * Finds sub-documents from the collection's documents. * @param {Object} match The query object to use when matching parent documents * from which the sub-documents are queried. * @param {String} path The path string used to identify the key in which * sub-documents are stored in parent documents. * @param {Object=} subDocQuery The query to use when matching which sub-documents * to return. * @param {Object=} subDocOptions The options object to use when querying for * sub-documents. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.findSub = function (match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { return this._findSub(this.find(match), path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions); }; Collection.prototype._findSub = function (docArr, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { var pathHandler = new Path(path), docCount = docArr.length, docIndex, subDocArr, subDocCollection = new Collection('__FDB_temp_' + this.objectId()).db(this._db), subDocResults, resultObj = { parents: docCount, subDocTotal: 0, subDocs: [], pathFound: false, err: '' }; subDocOptions = subDocOptions || {}; for (docIndex = 0; docIndex < docCount; docIndex++) { subDocArr = pathHandler.value(docArr[docIndex])[0]; if (subDocArr) { subDocCollection.setData(subDocArr); subDocResults = subDocCollection.find(subDocQuery, subDocOptions); if (subDocOptions.returnFirst && subDocResults.length) { return subDocResults[0]; } if (subDocOptions.$split) { resultObj.subDocs.push(subDocResults); } else { resultObj.subDocs = resultObj.subDocs.concat(subDocResults); } resultObj.subDocTotal += subDocResults.length; resultObj.pathFound = true; } } // Drop the sub-document collection subDocCollection.drop(); if (!resultObj.pathFound) { resultObj.err = 'No objects found in the parent documents with a matching path of: ' + path; } // Check if the call should not return stats, if so return only subDocs array if (subDocOptions.$stats) { return resultObj; } else { return resultObj.subDocs; } }; /** * Finds the first sub-document from the collection's documents that matches * the subDocQuery parameter. * @param {Object} match The query object to use when matching parent documents * from which the sub-documents are queried. * @param {String} path The path string used to identify the key in which * sub-documents are stored in parent documents. * @param {Object=} subDocQuery The query to use when matching which sub-documents * to return. * @param {Object=} subDocOptions The options object to use when querying for * sub-documents. * @returns {Object} */ Collection.prototype.findSubOne = function (match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { return this.findSub(match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions)[0]; }; /** * Checks that the passed document will not violate any index rules if * inserted into the collection. * @param {Object} doc The document to check indexes against. * @returns {Boolean} Either false (no violation occurred) or true if * a violation was detected. */ Collection.prototype.insertIndexViolation = function (doc) { var indexViolated, arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, arrItem; // Check the item's primary key is not already in use if (this._primaryIndex.get(doc[this._primaryKey])) { indexViolated = this._primaryIndex; } else { // Check violations of other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; if (arrItem.unique()) { if (arrItem.violation(doc)) { indexViolated = arrItem; break; } } } } } return indexViolated ? : false; }; /** * Creates an index on the specified keys. * @param {Object} keys The object containing keys to index. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.ensureIndex = function (keys, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } this._indexByName = this._indexByName || {}; this._indexById = this._indexById || {}; var index, time = { start: new Date().getTime() }; if (options) { switch (options.type) { case 'hashed': index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); break; case 'btree': index = new IndexBinaryTree(keys, options, this); break; case '2d': index = new Index2d(keys, options, this); break; default: // Default index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); break; } } else { // Default index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); } // Check the index does not already exist if (this._indexByName[]) { // Index already exists return { err: 'Index with that name already exists' }; } /*if (this._indexById[]) { // Index already exists return { err: 'Index with those keys already exists' }; }*/ // Create the index index.rebuild(); // Add the index this._indexByName[] = index; this._indexById[] = index; time.end = new Date().getTime(); = time.end - time.start; this._lastOp = { type: 'ensureIndex', stats: { time: time } }; return { index: index, id:, name:, state: index.state() }; }; /** * Gets an index by it's name. * @param {String} name The name of the index to retreive. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.index = function (name) { if (this._indexByName) { return this._indexByName[name]; } }; /** * Gets the last reporting operation's details such as run time. * @returns {Object} */ Collection.prototype.lastOp = function () { return this._metrics.list(); }; /** * Generates a difference object that contains insert, update and remove arrays * representing the operations to execute to make this collection have the same * data as the one passed. * @param {Collection} collection The collection to diff against. * @returns {{}} */ Collection.prototype.diff = function (collection) { var diff = { insert: [], update: [], remove: [] }; var pk = this.primaryKey(), arr, arrIndex, arrItem, arrCount; // Check if the primary key index of each collection can be utilised if (pk !== collection.primaryKey()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Diffing requires that both collections have the same primary key!'); } // Use the collection primary key index to do the diff (super-fast) arr = collection._data; // Check if we have an array or another collection while (arr && !(arr instanceof Array)) { // We don't have an array, assign collection and get data collection = arr; arr = collection._data; } arrCount = arr.length; // Loop the collection's data array and check for matching items for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; // Check for a matching item in this collection if (this._primaryIndex.get(arrItem[pk])) { // Matching item exists, check if the data is the same if (this._primaryCrc.get(arrItem[pk]) !== collection._primaryCrc.get(arrItem[pk])) { // The documents exist in both collections but data differs, update required diff.update.push(arrItem); } } else { // The document is missing from this collection, insert required diff.insert.push(arrItem); } } // Now loop this collection's data and check for matching items arr = this._data; arrCount = arr.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; if (!collection._primaryIndex.get(arrItem[pk])) { // The document does not exist in the other collection, remove required diff.remove.push(arrItem); } } return diff; }; Collection.prototype.collateAdd = new Overload({ /** * Adds a data source to collate data from and specifies the * key name to collate data to. * @func collateAdd * @memberof Collection * @param {Collection} collection The collection to collate data from. * @param {String=} keyName Optional name of the key to collate data to. * If none is provided the record CRUD is operated on the root collection * data. */ 'object, string': function (collection, keyName) { var self = this; self.collateAdd(collection, function (packet) { var obj1, obj2; switch (packet.type) { case 'insert': if (keyName) { obj1 = { $push: {} }; obj1.$push[keyName] = self.decouple(; self.update({}, obj1); } else { self.insert(; } break; case 'update': if (keyName) { obj1 = {}; obj2 = {}; obj1[keyName] =; obj2[keyName + '.$'] =; self.update(obj1, obj2); } else { self.update(,; } break; case 'remove': if (keyName) { obj1 = { $pull: {} }; obj1.$pull[keyName] = {}; obj1.$pull[keyName][self.primaryKey()] =[0][collection.primaryKey()]; self.update({}, obj1); } else { self.remove(; } break; default: } }); }, /** * Adds a data source to collate data from and specifies a process * method that will handle the collation functionality (for custom * collation). * @func collateAdd * @memberof Collection * @param {Collection} collection The collection to collate data from. * @param {Function} process The process method. */ 'object, function': function (collection, process) { if (typeof collection === 'string') { // The collection passed is a name, not a reference so get // the reference from the name collection = this._db.collection(collection, { autoCreate: false, throwError: false }); } if (collection) { this._collate = this._collate || {}; this._collate[] = new ReactorIO(collection, this, process); return this; } else { throw('Cannot collate from a non-existent collection!'); } } }); Collection.prototype.collateRemove = function (collection) { if (typeof collection === 'object') { // We need to have the name of the collection to remove it collection =; } if (collection) { // Drop the reactor IO chain node this._collate[collection].drop(); // Remove the collection data from the collate object delete this._collate[collection]; return this; } else { throw('No collection name passed to collateRemove() or collection not found!'); } }; Db.prototype.collection = new Overload({ /** * Get a collection with no name (generates a random name). If the * collection does not already exist then one is created for that * name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @returns {Collection} */ '': function () { return this.$, { name: this.objectId() }); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {Object} data An options object or a collection instance. * @returns {Collection} */ 'object': function (data) { // Handle being passed an instance if (data instanceof Collection) { if (data.state() !== 'droppped') { return data; } else { return this.$, { name: }); } } return this.$, data); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string': function (collectionName) { return this.$, { name: collectionName }); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {String} primaryKey Optional primary key to specify the primary key field on the collection * objects. Defaults to "_id". * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, string': function (collectionName, primaryKey) { return this.$, { name: collectionName, primaryKey: primaryKey }); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, object': function (collectionName, options) { = collectionName; return this.$, options); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {String} primaryKey Optional primary key to specify the primary key field on the collection * objects. Defaults to "_id". * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, string, object': function (collectionName, primaryKey, options) { = collectionName; options.primaryKey = primaryKey; return this.$, options); }, /** * The main handler method. This gets called by all the other variants and * handles the actual logic of the overloaded method. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ '$main': function (options) { var self = this, name =; if (name) { if (this._collection[name]) { return this._collection[name]; } else { if (options && options.autoCreate === false) { if (options && options.throwError !== false) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot get collection ' + name + ' because it does not exist and auto-create has been disabled!'); } return undefined; } if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Creating collection ' + name); } } this._collection[name] = this._collection[name] || new Collection(name, options).db(this); this._collection[name].mongoEmulation(this.mongoEmulation()); if (options.primaryKey !== undefined) { this._collection[name].primaryKey(options.primaryKey); } if (options.capped !== undefined) { // Check we have a size if (options.size !== undefined) { this._collection[name].capped(options.capped); this._collection[name].cappedSize(options.size); } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot create a capped collection without specifying a size!'); } } // Listen for events on this collection so we can fire global events // on the database in response to it self._collection[name].on('change', function () { self.emit('change', self._collection[name], 'collection', name); }); self.emit('create', self._collection[name], 'collection', name); return this._collection[name]; } else { if (!options || (options && options.throwError !== false)) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot get collection with undefined name!'); } } } }); /** * Determine if a collection with the passed name already exists. * @memberof Db * @param {String} viewName The name of the collection to check for. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.collectionExists = function (viewName) { return Boolean(this._collection[viewName]); }; /** * Returns an array of collections the DB currently has. * @memberof Db * @param {String|RegExp=} search The optional search string or regular expression to use * to match collection names against. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each collection * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.collections = function (search) { var arr = [], collections = this._collection, collection, i; if (search) { if (!(search instanceof RegExp)) { // Turn the search into a regular expression search = new RegExp(search); } } for (i in collections) { if (collections.hasOwnProperty(i)) { collection = collections[i]; if (search) { if (search.exec(i)) { arr.push({ name: i, count: collection.count(), linked: collection.isLinked !== undefined ? collection.isLinked() : false }); } } else { arr.push({ name: i, count: collection.count(), linked: collection.isLinked !== undefined ? collection.isLinked() : false }); } } } arr.sort(function (a, b) { return; }); return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Collection'); module.exports = Collection; },{"./Crc":7,"./Index2d":13,"./IndexBinaryTree":14,"./IndexHashMap":15,"./KeyValueStore":16,"./Metrics":17,"./Overload":31,"./Path":33,"./ReactorIO":37,"./Shared":39}],5:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // Import external names locally var Shared, Db, DbInit, Collection; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Creates a new collection group. Collection groups allow single operations to be * propagated to multiple collections at once. CRUD operations against a collection * group are in fed to the group's collections. Useful when separating out slightly * different data into multiple collections but querying as one collection. * @constructor */ var CollectionGroup = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; CollectionGroup.prototype.init = function (name) { var self = this; self._name = name; self._data = new Collection('__FDB__cg_data_' + self._name); self._collections = []; self._view = []; }; Shared.addModule('CollectionGroup', CollectionGroup); Shared.mixin(CollectionGroup.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(CollectionGroup.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(CollectionGroup.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(CollectionGroup.prototype, 'Mixin.Triggers'); Shared.mixin(CollectionGroup.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Collection = _dereq_('./Collection'); Db = Shared.modules.Db; DbInit = Shared.modules.Db.prototype.init; CollectionGroup.prototype.on = function () { this._data.on.apply(this._data, arguments); }; = function () {, arguments); }; CollectionGroup.prototype.emit = function () { this._data.emit.apply(this._data, arguments); }; /** * Gets / sets the primary key for this collection group. * @param {String=} keyName The name of the primary key. * @returns {*} */ CollectionGroup.prototype.primaryKey = function (keyName) { if (keyName !== undefined) { this._primaryKey = keyName; return this; } return this._primaryKey; }; /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(CollectionGroup.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the db instance the collection group belongs to. * @param {Db=} db The db instance. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(CollectionGroup.prototype, 'db'); /** * Gets / sets the instance name. * @param {Name=} name The new name to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(CollectionGroup.prototype, 'name'); CollectionGroup.prototype.addCollection = function (collection) { if (collection) { if (this._collections.indexOf(collection) === -1) { //var self = this; // Check for compatible primary keys if (this._collections.length) { if (this._primaryKey !== collection.primaryKey()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' All collections in a collection group must have the same primary key!'); } } else { // Set the primary key to the first collection added this.primaryKey(collection.primaryKey()); } // Add the collection this._collections.push(collection); collection._groups = collection._groups || []; collection._groups.push(this); collection.chain(this); // Hook the collection's drop event to destroy group data collection.on('drop', function () { // Remove collection from any group associations if (collection._groups && collection._groups.length) { var groupArr = [], i; // Copy the group array because if we call removeCollection on a group // it will alter the groups array of this collection mid-loop! for (i = 0; i < collection._groups.length; i++) { groupArr.push(collection._groups[i]); } // Loop any groups we are part of and remove ourselves from them for (i = 0; i < groupArr.length; i++) { collection._groups[i].removeCollection(collection); } } delete collection._groups; }); // Add collection's data this._data.insert(collection.find()); } } return this; }; CollectionGroup.prototype.removeCollection = function (collection) { if (collection) { var collectionIndex = this._collections.indexOf(collection), groupIndex; if (collectionIndex !== -1) { collection.unChain(this); this._collections.splice(collectionIndex, 1); collection._groups = collection._groups || []; groupIndex = collection._groups.indexOf(this); if (groupIndex !== -1) { collection._groups.splice(groupIndex, 1); }'drop'); } if (this._collections.length === 0) { // Wipe the primary key delete this._primaryKey; } } return this; }; CollectionGroup.prototype._chainHandler = function (chainPacket) { //sender = chainPacket.sender; switch (chainPacket.type) { case 'setData': // Decouple the data to ensure we are working with our own copy = this.decouple(; // Remove old data this._data.remove(chainPacket.options.oldData); // Add new data this._data.insert(; break; case 'insert': // Decouple the data to ensure we are working with our own copy = this.decouple(; // Add new data this._data.insert(; break; case 'update': // Update data this._data.update(,, chainPacket.options); break; case 'remove': this._data.remove(, chainPacket.options); break; default: break; } }; CollectionGroup.prototype.insert = function () { this._collectionsRun('insert', arguments); }; CollectionGroup.prototype.update = function () { this._collectionsRun('update', arguments); }; CollectionGroup.prototype.updateById = function () { this._collectionsRun('updateById', arguments); }; CollectionGroup.prototype.remove = function () { this._collectionsRun('remove', arguments); }; CollectionGroup.prototype._collectionsRun = function (type, args) { for (var i = 0; i < this._collections.length; i++) { this._collections[i][type].apply(this._collections[i], args); } }; CollectionGroup.prototype.find = function (query, options) { return this._data.find(query, options); }; /** * Helper method that removes a document that matches the given id. * @param {String} id The id of the document to remove. */ CollectionGroup.prototype.removeById = function (id) { // Loop the collections in this group and apply the remove for (var i = 0; i < this._collections.length; i++) { this._collections[i].removeById(id); } }; /** * Uses the passed query to generate a new collection with results * matching the query parameters. * * @param query * @param options * @returns {*} */ CollectionGroup.prototype.subset = function (query, options) { var result = this.find(query, options); return new Collection() .subsetOf(this) .primaryKey(this._primaryKey) .setData(result); }; /** * Drops a collection group from the database. * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure. */ CollectionGroup.prototype.drop = function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var i, collArr, viewArr; if (this._debug) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Dropping'); } this._state = 'dropped'; if (this._collections && this._collections.length) { collArr = [].concat(this._collections); for (i = 0; i < collArr.length; i++) { this.removeCollection(collArr[i]); } } if (this._view && this._view.length) { viewArr = [].concat(this._view); for (i = 0; i < viewArr.length; i++) { this._removeView(viewArr[i]); } } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; if (callback) { callback(false, true); } } return true; }; // Extend DB to include collection groups Db.prototype.init = function () { this._collectionGroup = {}; DbInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Creates a new collectionGroup instance or returns an existing * instance if one already exists with the passed name. * @func collectionGroup * @memberOf Db * @param {String} name The name of the instance. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.collectionGroup = function (name) { var self = this; if (name) { // Handle being passed an instance if (name instanceof CollectionGroup) { return name; } if (this._collectionGroup && this._collectionGroup[name]) { return this._collectionGroup[name]; } this._collectionGroup[name] = new CollectionGroup(name).db(this); self.emit('create', self._collectionGroup[name], 'collectionGroup', name); return this._collectionGroup[name]; } else { // Return an object of collection data return this._collectionGroup; } }; /** * Returns an array of collection groups the DB currently has. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each collection group * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.collectionGroups = function () { var arr = [], i; for (i in this._collectionGroup) { if (this._collectionGroup.hasOwnProperty(i)) { arr.push({ name: i }); } } return arr; }; module.exports = CollectionGroup; },{"./Collection":4,"./Shared":39}],6:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ /* License Copyright (c) 2015 Irrelon Software Limited Please visit the license page to see latest license information: */ "use strict"; var Shared, Db, Metrics, Overload, _instances = []; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Creates a new ForerunnerDB instance. Core instances handle the lifecycle of * multiple database instances. * @constructor */ var Core = function (name) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Core.prototype.init = function (name) { this._db = {}; this._debug = {}; this._name = name || 'ForerunnerDB'; _instances.push(this); }; /** * Returns the number of instantiated ForerunnerDB objects. * @returns {Number} The number of instantiated instances. */ Core.prototype.instantiatedCount = function () { return _instances.length; }; /** * Get all instances as an array or a single ForerunnerDB instance * by it's array index. * @param {Number=} index Optional index of instance to get. * @returns {Array|Object} Array of instances or a single instance. */ Core.prototype.instances = function (index) { if (index !== undefined) { return _instances[index]; } return _instances; }; /** * Get all instances as an array of instance names or a single ForerunnerDB * instance by it's name. * @param {String=} name Optional name of instance to get. * @returns {Array|Object} Array of instance names or a single instance. */ Core.prototype.namedInstances = function (name) { var i, instArr; if (name !== undefined) { for (i = 0; i < _instances.length; i++) { if (_instances[i].name === name) { return _instances[i]; } } return undefined; } instArr = []; for (i = 0; i < _instances.length; i++) { instArr.push(_instances[i].name); } return instArr; }; Core.prototype.moduleLoaded = new Overload({ /** * Checks if a module has been loaded into the database. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module is loaded, false if not. */ 'string': function (moduleName) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if module is loaded. */ 'string, function': function (moduleName, callback) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } if (callback) { callback(); } } }, /** * Checks if an array of named modules are loaded and if so * calls the passed callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {Array} moduleName The array of module names to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if modules are loaded. */ 'array, function': function (moduleNameArr, callback) { var moduleName, i; for (i = 0; i < moduleNameArr.length; i++) { moduleName = moduleNameArr[i]; if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } } } if (callback) { callback(); } }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * success method, otherwise calls the failure method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} success The callback method to call if module is loaded. * @param {Function} failure The callback method to call if module not loaded. */ 'string, function, function': function (moduleName, success, failure) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { failure(); return false; } } success(); } } }); /** * Checks version against the string passed and if it matches (or partially matches) * then the callback is called. * @param {String} val The version to check against. * @param {Function} callback The callback to call if match is true. * @returns {Boolean} */ Core.prototype.version = function (val, callback) { if (val !== undefined) { if (Shared.version.indexOf(val) === 0) { if (callback) { callback(); } return true; } return false; } return Shared.version; }; // Expose moduleLoaded() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.moduleLoaded = Core.prototype.moduleLoaded; // Expose version() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.version = Core.prototype.version; // Expose instances() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.instances = Core.prototype.instances; // Expose instantiatedCount() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.instantiatedCount = Core.prototype.instantiatedCount; // Provide public access to the Shared object Core.shared = Shared; Core.prototype.shared = Shared; Shared.addModule('Core', Core); Shared.mixin(Core.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Core.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Db = _dereq_('./Db.js'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics.js'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the instance. This is primarily used for * name-spacing persistent storage. * @param {String=} val The name of the instance to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Core.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Core.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); // Set a flag to determine environment Core.prototype._isServer = false; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a browser. */ Core.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a server. */ Core.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Added to provide an error message for users who have not seen * the new instantiation breaking change warning and try to get * a collection directly from the core instance. */ Core.prototype.collection = function () { throw("ForerunnerDB's instantiation has changed since version 1.3.36 to support multiple database instances. Please see the file for the minor change you have to make to get your project back up and running, or see the issue related to this change at"); }; module.exports = Core; },{"./Db.js":8,"./Metrics.js":17,"./Overload":31,"./Shared":39}],7:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * @mixin */ var crcTable = (function () { var crcTable = [], c, n, k; for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = n; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { c = ((c & 1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1)); // jshint ignore:line } crcTable[n] = c; } return crcTable; }()); module.exports = function(str) { var crc = 0 ^ (-1), // jshint ignore:line i; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ crcTable[(crc ^ str.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFF]; // jshint ignore:line } return (crc ^ (-1)) >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line }; },{}],8:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared, Core, Collection, Metrics, Crc, Overload; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Creates a new ForerunnerDB database instance. * @constructor */ var Db = function (name, core) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Db.prototype.init = function (name, core) { this.core(core); this._primaryKey = '_id'; this._name = name; this._collection = {}; this._debug = {}; }; Shared.addModule('Db', Db); Db.prototype.moduleLoaded = new Overload({ /** * Checks if a module has been loaded into the database. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module is loaded, false if not. */ 'string': function (moduleName) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if module is loaded. */ 'string, function': function (moduleName, callback) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } if (callback) { callback(); } } }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * success method, otherwise calls the failure method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} success The callback method to call if module is loaded. * @param {Function} failure The callback method to call if module not loaded. */ 'string, function, function': function (moduleName, success, failure) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { failure(); return false; } } success(); } } }); /** * Checks version against the string passed and if it matches (or partially matches) * then the callback is called. * @param {String} val The version to check against. * @param {Function} callback The callback to call if match is true. * @returns {Boolean} */ Db.prototype.version = function (val, callback) { if (val !== undefined) { if (Shared.version.indexOf(val) === 0) { if (callback) { callback(); } return true; } return false; } return Shared.version; }; // Expose moduleLoaded method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Db.moduleLoaded = Db.prototype.moduleLoaded; // Expose version method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Db.version = Db.prototype.version; // Provide public access to the Shared object Db.shared = Shared; Db.prototype.shared = Shared; Shared.addModule('Db', Db); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Core = Shared.modules.Core; Collection = _dereq_('./Collection.js'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics.js'); Crc = _dereq_('./Crc.js'); Db.prototype._isServer = false; /** * Gets / sets the core object this database belongs to. */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'core'); /** * Gets / sets the default primary key for new collections. * @param {String=} val The name of the primary key to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'primaryKey'); /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the database. * @param {String=} val The name of the database to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); /** * Returns true if ForerunnerDB is running on a client browser. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Returns true if ForerunnerDB is running on a server. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Returns a checksum of a string. * @param {String} string The string to checksum. * @return {String} The checksum generated. */ Db.prototype.crc = Crc; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a browser. */ Db.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a server. */ Db.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Converts a normal javascript array of objects into a DB collection. * @param {Array} arr An array of objects. * @returns {Collection} A new collection instance with the data set to the * array passed. */ Db.prototype.arrayToCollection = function (arr) { return new Collection().setData(arr); }; /** * Registers an event listener against an event name. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {Function} listener The listener method to call when * the event is fired. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.on = function(event, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || []; this._listeners[event].push(listener); return this; }; /** * De-registers an event listener from an event name. * @param {String} event The name of the event to stop listening for. * @param {Function} listener The listener method passed to on() when * registering the event listener. * @returns {*} */ = function(event, listener) { if (event in this._listeners) { var arr = this._listeners[event], index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } return this; }; /** * Emits an event by name with the given data. * @param {String} event The name of the event to emit. * @param {*=} data The data to emit with the event. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.emit = function(event, data) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; if (event in this._listeners) { var arr = this._listeners[event], arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arr[arrIndex].apply(this,, 1)); } } return this; }; Db.prototype.peek = function (search) { var i, coll, arr = [], typeOfSearch = typeof search; // Loop collections for (i in this._collection) { if (this._collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) { coll = this._collection[i]; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { arr = arr.concat(coll.peek(search)); } else { arr = arr.concat(coll.find(search)); } } } return arr; }; /** * Find all documents across all collections in the database that match the passed * string or search object. * @param search String or search object. * @returns {Array} */ Db.prototype.peek = function (search) { var i, coll, arr = [], typeOfSearch = typeof search; // Loop collections for (i in this._collection) { if (this._collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) { coll = this._collection[i]; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { arr = arr.concat(coll.peek(search)); } else { arr = arr.concat(coll.find(search)); } } } return arr; }; /** * Find all documents across all collections in the database that match the passed * string or search object and return them in an object where each key is the name * of the collection that the document was matched in. * @param search String or search object. * @returns {object} */ Db.prototype.peekCat = function (search) { var i, coll, cat = {}, arr, typeOfSearch = typeof search; // Loop collections for (i in this._collection) { if (this._collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) { coll = this._collection[i]; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { arr = coll.peek(search); if (arr && arr.length) { cat[] = arr; } } else { arr = coll.find(search); if (arr && arr.length) { cat[] = arr; } } } } return cat; }; Db.prototype.drop = new Overload({ /** * Drops the database. * @func drop * @memberof Db */ '': function () { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database with optional callback method. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Function} callback Optional callback method. */ 'function': function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, finishCount = 0, afterDrop = function () { finishCount++; if (finishCount === arrCount) { if (callback) { callback(); } } }; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(afterDrop); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database with optional persistent storage drop. Persistent * storage is dropped by default if no preference is provided. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Boolean} removePersist Drop persistent storage for this database. */ 'boolean': function (removePersist) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(removePersist); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database and optionally controls dropping persistent storage * and callback method. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Boolean} removePersist Drop persistent storage for this database. * @param {Function} callback Optional callback method. */ 'boolean, function': function (removePersist, callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, finishCount = 0, afterDrop = function () { finishCount++; if (finishCount === arrCount) { if (callback) { callback(); } } }; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(removePersist, afterDrop); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; } }); /** * Gets a database instance by name. * @memberof Core * @param {String=} name Optional name of the database. If none is provided * a random name is assigned. * @returns {Db} */ Core.prototype.db = function (name) { // Handle being passed an instance if (name instanceof Db) { return name; } if (!name) { name = this.objectId(); } this._db[name] = this._db[name] || new Db(name, this); this._db[name].mongoEmulation(this.mongoEmulation()); return this._db[name]; }; /** * Returns an array of databases that ForerunnerDB currently has. * @memberof Core * @param {String|RegExp=} search The optional search string or regular expression to use * to match collection names against. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each database * that ForerunnerDB is currently managing and it's child entities. */ Core.prototype.databases = function (search) { var arr = [], tmpObj, addDb, i; if (search) { if (!(search instanceof RegExp)) { // Turn the search into a regular expression search = new RegExp(search); } } for (i in this._db) { if (this._db.hasOwnProperty(i)) { addDb = true; if (search) { if (!search.exec(i)) { addDb = false; } } if (addDb) { tmpObj = { name: i, children: [] }; if (this.shared.moduleExists('Collection')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'collection', moduleName: 'Collections', count: this._db[i].collections().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('CollectionGroup')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'collectionGroup', moduleName: 'Collection Groups', count: this._db[i].collectionGroups().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Document')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'document', moduleName: 'Documents', count: this._db[i].documents().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Grid')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'grid', moduleName: 'Grids', count: this._db[i].grids().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Overview')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'overview', moduleName: 'Overviews', count: this._db[i].overviews().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('View')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'view', moduleName: 'Views', count: this._db[i].views().length }); } arr.push(tmpObj); } } } arr.sort(function (a, b) { return; }); return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Db'); module.exports = Db; },{"./Collection.js":4,"./Crc.js":7,"./Metrics.js":17,"./Overload":31,"./Shared":39}],9:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // TODO: Remove the _update* methods because we are already mixing them // TODO: in now via Mixin.Updating and update autobind to extend the _update* // TODO: methods like we already do with collection var Shared, Collection, Db; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Creates a new Document instance. Documents allow you to create individual * objects that can have standard ForerunnerDB CRUD operations run against * them, as well as data-binding if the AutoBind module is included in your * project. * @name Document * @class Document * @constructor */ var FdbDocument = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; FdbDocument.prototype.init = function (name) { this._name = name; this._data = {}; }; Shared.addModule('Document', FdbDocument); Shared.mixin(FdbDocument.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(FdbDocument.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.mixin(FdbDocument.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(FdbDocument.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(FdbDocument.prototype, 'Mixin.Triggers'); Shared.mixin(FdbDocument.prototype, 'Mixin.Matching'); Shared.mixin(FdbDocument.prototype, 'Mixin.Updating'); Shared.mixin(FdbDocument.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Collection = _dereq_('./Collection'); Db = Shared.modules.Db; /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @func state * @memberof Document * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(FdbDocument.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the db instance this class instance belongs to. * @func db * @memberof Document * @param {Db=} db The db instance. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(FdbDocument.prototype, 'db'); /** * Gets / sets the document name. * @func name * @memberof Document * @param {String=} val The name to assign * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(FdbDocument.prototype, 'name'); /** * Sets the data for the document. * @func setData * @memberof Document * @param data * @param options * @returns {Document} */ FdbDocument.prototype.setData = function (data, options) { var i, $unset; if (data) { options = options || { $decouple: true }; if (options && options.$decouple === true) { data = this.decouple(data); } if (this._linked) { $unset = {}; // Remove keys that don't exist in the new data from the current object for (i in this._data) { if (i.substr(0, 6) !== 'jQuery' && this._data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Check if existing data has key if (data[i] === undefined) { // Add property name to those to unset $unset[i] = 1; } } } data.$unset = $unset; // Now update the object with new data this.updateObject(this._data, data, {}); } else { // Straight data assignment this._data = data; } this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'setData', data: this.decouple(this._data)}); } return this; }; /** * Gets the document's data returned as a single object. * @func find * @memberof Document * @param {Object} query The query object - currently unused, just * provide a blank object e.g. {} * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Object} The document's data object. */ FdbDocument.prototype.find = function (query, options) { var result; if (options && options.$decouple === false) { result = this._data; } else { result = this.decouple(this._data); } return result; }; /** * Modifies the document. This will update the document with the data held in 'update'. * @func update * @memberof Document * @param {Object} query The query that must be matched for a document to be * operated on. * @param {Object} update The object containing updated key/values. Any keys that * match keys on the existing document will be overwritten with this data. Any * keys that do not currently exist on the document will be added to the document. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Array} The items that were updated. */ FdbDocument.prototype.update = function (query, update, options) { var result = this.updateObject(this._data, update, query, options); if (result) { this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'update', data: this.decouple(this._data)}); } }; /** * Internal method for document updating. * @func updateObject * @memberof Document * @param {Object} doc The document to update. * @param {Object} update The object with key/value pairs to update the document with. * @param {Object} query The query object that we need to match to perform an update. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @param {String} path The current recursive path. * @param {String} opType The type of update operation to perform, if none is specified * default is to set new data against matching fields. * @returns {Boolean} True if the document was updated with new / changed data or * false if it was not updated because the data was the same. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype.updateObject = Collection.prototype.updateObject; /** * Determines if the passed key has an array positional mark (a dollar at the end * of its name). * @func _isPositionalKey * @memberof Document * @param {String} key The key to check. * @returns {Boolean} True if it is a positional or false if not. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._isPositionalKey = function (key) { return key.substr(key.length - 2, 2) === '.$'; }; /** * Updates a property on an object depending on if the collection is * currently running data-binding or not. * @func _updateProperty * @memberof Document * @param {Object} doc The object whose property is to be updated. * @param {String} prop The property to update. * @param {*} val The new value of the property. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updateProperty = function (doc, prop, val) { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(doc).setProperty(prop, val); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Setting data-bound document property "' + prop + '"'); } } else { doc[prop] = val; if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Setting non-data-bound document property "' + prop + '"'); } } }; /** * Increments a value for a property on a document by the passed number. * @func _updateIncrement * @memberof Document * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to modify. * @param {Number} val The amount to increment by. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updateIncrement = function (doc, prop, val) { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(doc).setProperty(prop, doc[prop] + val); } else { doc[prop] += val; } }; /** * Changes the index of an item in the passed array. * @func _updateSpliceMove * @memberof Document * @param {Array} arr The array to modify. * @param {Number} indexFrom The index to move the item from. * @param {Number} indexTo The index to move the item to. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updateSpliceMove = function (arr, indexFrom, indexTo) { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(arr).move(indexFrom, indexTo); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Moving data-bound document array index from "' + indexFrom + '" to "' + indexTo + '"'); } } else { arr.splice(indexTo, 0, arr.splice(indexFrom, 1)[0]); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Moving non-data-bound document array index from "' + indexFrom + '" to "' + indexTo + '"'); } } }; /** * Inserts an item into the passed array at the specified index. * @func _updateSplicePush * @memberof Document * @param {Array} arr The array to insert into. * @param {Number} index The index to insert at. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updateSplicePush = function (arr, index, doc) { if (arr.length > index) { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(arr).insert(index, doc); } else { arr.splice(index, 0, doc); } } else { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(arr).insert(doc); } else { arr.push(doc); } } }; /** * Inserts an item at the end of an array. * @func _updatePush * @memberof Document * @param {Array} arr The array to insert the item into. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updatePush = function (arr, doc) { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(arr).insert(doc); } else { arr.push(doc); } }; /** * Removes an item from the passed array. * @func _updatePull * @memberof Document * @param {Array} arr The array to modify. * @param {Number} index The index of the item in the array to remove. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updatePull = function (arr, index) { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(arr).remove(index); } else { arr.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * Multiplies a value for a property on a document by the passed number. * @func _updateMultiply * @memberof Document * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to modify. * @param {Number} val The amount to multiply by. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updateMultiply = function (doc, prop, val) { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(doc).setProperty(prop, doc[prop] * val); } else { doc[prop] *= val; } }; /** * Renames a property on a document to the passed property. * @func _updateRename * @memberof Document * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to rename. * @param {Number} val The new property name. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updateRename = function (doc, prop, val) { var existingVal = doc[prop]; if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(doc).setProperty(val, existingVal); window.jQuery.observable(doc).removeProperty(prop); } else { doc[val] = existingVal; delete doc[prop]; } }; /** * Deletes a property on a document. * @func _updateUnset * @memberof Document * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to delete. * @private */ FdbDocument.prototype._updateUnset = function (doc, prop) { if (this._linked) { window.jQuery.observable(doc).removeProperty(prop); } else { delete doc[prop]; } }; /** * Drops the document. * @func drop * @memberof Document * @returns {boolean} True if successful, false if not. */ FdbDocument.prototype.drop = function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { if (this._db && this._name) { if (this._db && this._db._document && this._db._document[this._name]) { this._state = 'dropped'; delete this._db._document[this._name]; delete this._data; this.emit('drop', this); if (callback) { callback(false, true); } delete this._listeners; return true; } } } else { return true; } return false; }; /** * Creates a new document instance or returns an existing * instance if one already exists with the passed name. * @func document * @memberOf Db * @param {String} name The name of the instance. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.document = function (name) { var self = this; if (name) { // Handle being passed an instance if (name instanceof FdbDocument) { if (name.state() !== 'droppped') { return name; } else { name =; } } if (this._document && this._document[name]) { return this._document[name]; } this._document = this._document || {}; this._document[name] = new FdbDocument(name).db(this); self.emit('create', self._document[name], 'document', name); return this._document[name]; } else { // Return an object of document data return this._document; } }; /** * Returns an array of documents the DB currently has. * @func documents * @memberof Db * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each document * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.documents = function () { var arr = [], item, i; for (i in this._document) { if (this._document.hasOwnProperty(i)) { item = this._document[i]; arr.push({ name: i, linked: item.isLinked !== undefined ? item.isLinked() : false }); } } return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Document'); module.exports = FdbDocument; },{"./Collection":4,"./Shared":39}],10:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ // geohash.js // Geohash library for Javascript // (c) 2008 David Troy // Distributed under the MIT License // Original at: // Modified by Irrelon Software Limited ( // to clean up and modularise the code using Node.js-style exports // and add a few helper methods. // @by Rob Evans - "use strict"; /* Define some shared constants that will be used by all instances of the module. */ var bits, base32, neighbors, borders; bits = [16, 8, 4, 2, 1]; base32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"; neighbors = { right: {even: "bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx"}, left: {even: "238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp"}, top: {even: "p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy"}, bottom: {even: "14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb"} }; borders = { right: {even: "bcfguvyz"}, left: {even: "0145hjnp"}, top: {even: "prxz"}, bottom: {even: "028b"} }; neighbors.bottom.odd = neighbors.left.even; = neighbors.right.even; neighbors.left.odd = neighbors.bottom.even; neighbors.right.odd =; borders.bottom.odd = borders.left.even; = borders.right.even; borders.left.odd = borders.bottom.even; borders.right.odd =; var GeoHash = function () {}; GeoHash.prototype.refineInterval = function (interval, cd, mask) { if (cd & mask) { //jshint ignore: line interval[0] = (interval[0] + interval[1]) / 2; } else { interval[1] = (interval[0] + interval[1]) / 2; } }; /** * Calculates all surrounding neighbours of a hash and returns them. * @param {String} centerHash The hash at the center of the grid. * @param options * @returns {*} */ GeoHash.prototype.calculateNeighbours = function (centerHash, options) { var response; if (!options || options.type === 'object') { response = { center: centerHash, left: this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'left'), right: this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'right'), top: this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'top'), bottom: this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'bottom') }; response.topLeft = this.calculateAdjacent(response.left, 'top'); response.topRight = this.calculateAdjacent(response.right, 'top'); response.bottomLeft = this.calculateAdjacent(response.left, 'bottom'); response.bottomRight = this.calculateAdjacent(response.right, 'bottom'); } else { response = []; response[4] = centerHash; response[3] = this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'left'); response[5] = this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'right'); response[1] = this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'top'); response[7] = this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'bottom'); response[0] = this.calculateAdjacent(response[3], 'top'); response[2] = this.calculateAdjacent(response[5], 'top'); response[6] = this.calculateAdjacent(response[3], 'bottom'); response[8] = this.calculateAdjacent(response[5], 'bottom'); } return response; }; /** * Calculates an adjacent hash to the hash passed, in the direction * specified. * @param {String} srcHash The hash to calculate adjacent to. * @param {String} dir Either "top", "left", "bottom" or "right". * @returns {String} The resulting geohash. */ GeoHash.prototype.calculateAdjacent = function (srcHash, dir) { srcHash = srcHash.toLowerCase(); var lastChr = srcHash.charAt(srcHash.length - 1), type = (srcHash.length % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even', base = srcHash.substring(0, srcHash.length - 1); if (borders[dir][type].indexOf(lastChr) !== -1) { base = this.calculateAdjacent(base, dir); } return base + base32[neighbors[dir][type].indexOf(lastChr)]; }; /** * Decodes a string geohash back to longitude/latitude. * @param {String} geohash The hash to decode. * @returns {Object} */ GeoHash.prototype.decode = function (geohash) { var isEven = 1, lat = [], lon = [], i, c, cd, j, mask, latErr, lonErr; lat[0] = -90.0; lat[1] = 90.0; lon[0] = -180.0; lon[1] = 180.0; latErr = 90.0; lonErr = 180.0; for (i = 0; i < geohash.length; i++) { c = geohash[i]; cd = base32.indexOf(c); for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { mask = bits[j]; if (isEven) { lonErr /= 2; this.refineInterval(lon, cd, mask); } else { latErr /= 2; this.refineInterval(lat, cd, mask); } isEven = !isEven; } } lat[2] = (lat[0] + lat[1]) / 2; lon[2] = (lon[0] + lon[1]) / 2; return { latitude: lat, longitude: lon }; }; /** * Encodes a longitude/latitude to geohash string. * @param latitude * @param longitude * @param {Number=} precision Length of the geohash string. Defaults to 12. * @returns {String} */ GeoHash.prototype.encode = function (latitude, longitude, precision) { var isEven = 1, mid, lat = [], lon = [], bit = 0, ch = 0, geoHash = ""; if (!precision) { precision = 12; } lat[0] = -90.0; lat[1] = 90.0; lon[0] = -180.0; lon[1] = 180.0; while (geoHash.length < precision) { if (isEven) { mid = (lon[0] + lon[1]) / 2; if (longitude > mid) { ch |= bits[bit]; //jshint ignore: line lon[0] = mid; } else { lon[1] = mid; } } else { mid = (lat[0] + lat[1]) / 2; if (latitude > mid) { ch |= bits[bit]; //jshint ignore: line lat[0] = mid; } else { lat[1] = mid; } } isEven = !isEven; if (bit < 4) { bit++; } else { geoHash += base32[ch]; bit = 0; ch = 0; } } return geoHash; }; module.exports = GeoHash; },{}],11:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // Import external names locally var Shared, Db, Collection, CollectionGroup, View, CollectionInit, DbInit, ReactorIO; //Shared = ForerunnerDB.shared; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Creates a new grid instance. * @name Grid * @class Grid * @param {String} selector jQuery selector. * @param {String} template The template selector. * @param {Object=} options The options object to apply to the grid. * @constructor */ var Grid = function (selector, template, options) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Grid.prototype.init = function (selector, template, options) { var self = this; this._selector = selector; this._template = template; this._options = options || {}; this._debug = {}; this._id = this.objectId(); this._collectionDroppedWrap = function () { self._collectionDropped.apply(self, arguments); }; }; Shared.addModule('Grid', Grid); Shared.mixin(Grid.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Grid.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Grid.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(Grid.prototype, 'Mixin.Triggers'); Shared.mixin(Grid.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.mixin(Grid.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Collection = _dereq_('./Collection'); CollectionGroup = _dereq_('./CollectionGroup'); View = _dereq_('./View'); ReactorIO = _dereq_('./ReactorIO'); CollectionInit = Collection.prototype.init; Db = Shared.modules.Db; DbInit = Db.prototype.init; /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @func state * @memberof Grid * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {Grid} */ Shared.synthesize(Grid.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the current name. * @func name * @memberof Grid * @param {String=} val The name to set. * @returns {Grid} */ Shared.synthesize(Grid.prototype, 'name'); /** * Executes an insert against the grid's underlying data-source. * @func insert * @memberof Grid */ Grid.prototype.insert = function () { this._from.insert.apply(this._from, arguments); }; /** * Executes an update against the grid's underlying data-source. * @func update * @memberof Grid */ Grid.prototype.update = function () { this._from.update.apply(this._from, arguments); }; /** * Executes an updateById against the grid's underlying data-source. * @func updateById * @memberof Grid */ Grid.prototype.updateById = function () { this._from.updateById.apply(this._from, arguments); }; /** * Executes a remove against the grid's underlying data-source. * @func remove * @memberof Grid */ Grid.prototype.remove = function () { this._from.remove.apply(this._from, arguments); }; /** * Sets the collection from which the grid will assemble its data. * @func from * @memberof Grid * @param {Collection} collection The collection to use to assemble grid data. * @returns {Grid} */ Grid.prototype.from = function (collection) { //var self = this; if (collection !== undefined) { // Check if we have an existing from if (this._from) { // Remove the listener to the drop event'drop', this._collectionDroppedWrap); this._from._removeGrid(this); } if (typeof(collection) === 'string') { collection = this._db.collection(collection); } this._from = collection; this._from.on('drop', this._collectionDroppedWrap); this.refresh(); } return this; }; /** * Gets / sets the db instance this class instance belongs to. * @func db * @memberof Grid * @param {Db=} db The db instance. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Grid.prototype, 'db', function (db) { if (db) { // Apply the same debug settings this.debug(db.debug()); } return this.$super.apply(this, arguments); }); Grid.prototype._collectionDropped = function (collection) { if (collection) { // Collection was dropped, remove from grid delete this._from; } }; /** * Drops a grid and all it's stored data from the database. * @func drop * @memberof Grid * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure. */ Grid.prototype.drop = function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { if (this._from) { // Remove data-binding this._from.unlink(this._selector, this.template()); // Kill listeners and references'drop', this._collectionDroppedWrap); this._from._removeGrid(this); if (this.debug() || (this._db && this._db.debug())) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Dropping grid ' + this._selector); } this._state = 'dropped'; if (this._db && this._selector) { delete this._db._grid[this._selector]; } this.emit('drop', this); if (callback) { callback(false, true); } delete this._selector; delete this._template; delete this._from; delete this._db; delete this._listeners; return true; } } else { return true; } return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the grid's HTML template to use when rendering. * @func template * @memberof Grid * @param {Selector} template The template's jQuery selector. * @returns {*} */ Grid.prototype.template = function (template) { if (template !== undefined) { this._template = template; return this; } return this._template; }; Grid.prototype._sortGridClick = function (e) { var elem = window.jQuery(e.currentTarget), sortColText = elem.attr('data-grid-sort') || '', sortColDir = parseInt((elem.attr('data-grid-dir') || "-1"), 10) === -1 ? 1 : -1, sortCols = sortColText.split(','), sortObj = {}, i; // Remove all grid sort tags from the grid window.jQuery(this._selector).find('[data-grid-dir]').removeAttr('data-grid-dir'); // Flip the sort direction elem.attr('data-grid-dir', sortColDir); for (i = 0; i < sortCols.length; i++) { sortObj[sortCols] = sortColDir; } Shared.mixin(sortObj, this._options.$orderBy); this._from.orderBy(sortObj); this.emit('sort', sortObj); }; /** * Refreshes the grid data such as ordering etc. * @func refresh * @memberof Grid */ Grid.prototype.refresh = function () { if (this._from) { if ( { var self = this, elem = window.jQuery(this._selector), sortClickListener = function () { self._sortGridClick.apply(self, arguments); }; // Clear the container elem.html(''); if (self._from.orderBy) { // Remove listeners'click', '[data-grid-sort]', sortClickListener); } if (self._from.query) { // Remove listeners'click', '[data-grid-filter]', sortClickListener ); } // Set wrap name if none is provided self._options.$wrap = self._options.$wrap || 'gridRow'; // Auto-bind the data to the grid template, self.template(), self._options); // Check if the data source (collection or view) has an // orderBy method (usually only views) and if so activate // the sorting system if (self._from.orderBy) { // Listen for sort requests elem.on('click', '[data-grid-sort]', sortClickListener); } if (self._from.query) { // Listen for filter requests var queryObj = {}; elem.find('[data-grid-filter]').each(function (index, filterElem) { filterElem = window.jQuery(filterElem); var filterField = filterElem.attr('data-grid-filter'), filterVarType = filterElem.attr('data-grid-vartype'), filterSort = {}, title = filterElem.html(), dropDownButton, dropDownMenu, template, filterQuery, filterView = self._db.view('tmpGridFilter_' + self._id + '_' + filterField); filterSort[filterField] = 1; filterQuery = { $distinct: filterSort }; filterView .query(filterQuery) .orderBy(filterSort) .from(self._from._from); template = [ '<div class="dropdown" id="' + self._id + '_' + filterField + '">', '<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="' + self._id + '_' + filterField + '_dropdownButton" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="true">', title + ' <span class="caret"></span>', '</button>', '</div>' ]; dropDownButton = window.jQuery(template.join('')); dropDownMenu = window.jQuery('<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" id="' + self._id + '_' + filterField + '_dropdownMenu"></ul>'); dropDownButton.append(dropDownMenu); filterElem.html(dropDownButton); // Data-link the underlying data to the grid filter drop-down, { template: [ '<li role="presentation" class="input-group" style="width: 240px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 5px;">', '<input type="search" class="form-control gridFilterSearch" placeholder="Search...">', '<span class="input-group-btn">', '<button class="btn btn-default gridFilterClearSearch" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle glyphicons glyphicons-remove"></span></button>', '</span>', '</li>', '<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>', '<li role="presentation" data-val="$all">', '<a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">', '<input type="checkbox" checked>&nbsp;All', '</a>', '</li>', '<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>', '{^{for options}}', '<li role="presentation" data-link="data-val{:' + filterField + '}">', '<a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">', '<input type="checkbox">&nbsp;{^{:' + filterField + '}}', '</a>', '</li>', '{{/for}}' ].join('') }, { $wrap: 'options' }); elem.on('keyup', '#' + self._id + '_' + filterField + '_dropdownMenu .gridFilterSearch', function (e) { var elem = window.jQuery(this), query = filterView.query(), search = elem.val(); if (search) { query[filterField] = new RegExp(search, 'gi'); } else { delete query[filterField]; } filterView.query(query); }); elem.on('click', '#' + self._id + '_' + filterField + '_dropdownMenu .gridFilterClearSearch', function (e) { // Clear search text box window.jQuery(this).parents('li').find('.gridFilterSearch').val(''); // Clear view query var query = filterView.query(); delete query[filterField]; filterView.query(query); }); elem.on('click', '#' + self._id + '_' + filterField + '_dropdownMenu li', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var fieldValue, elem = $(this), checkbox = elem.find('input[type="checkbox"]'), checked, addMode = true, fieldInArr, liElem, i; // If the checkbox is not the one clicked on if (!window.jQuery('input')) { // Set checkbox to opposite of current value checkbox.prop('checked', !checkbox.prop('checked')); checked =':checked'); } else { checkbox.prop('checked', checkbox.prop('checked')); checked =':checked'); } liElem = window.jQuery(this); fieldValue = liElem.attr('data-val'); // Check if the selection is the "all" option if (fieldValue === '$all') { // Remove the field from the query delete queryObj[filterField]; // Clear all other checkboxes liElem.parent().find('li[data-val!="$all"]').find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); } else { // Clear the "all" checkbox liElem.parent().find('[data-val="$all"]').find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); // Check if the type needs casting switch (filterVarType) { case 'integer': fieldValue = parseInt(fieldValue, 10); break; case 'float': fieldValue = parseFloat(fieldValue); break; default: } // Check if the item exists already queryObj[filterField] = queryObj[filterField] || { $in: [] }; fieldInArr = queryObj[filterField].$in; for (i = 0; i < fieldInArr.length; i++) { if (fieldInArr[i] === fieldValue) { // Item already exists if (checked === false) { // Remove the item fieldInArr.splice(i, 1); } addMode = false; break; } } if (addMode && checked) { fieldInArr.push(fieldValue); } if (!fieldInArr.length) { // Remove the field from the query delete queryObj[filterField]; } } // Set the view query self._from.queryData(queryObj); if (self._from.pageFirst) { self._from.pageFirst(); } }); }); } self.emit('refresh'); } else { throw('Grid requires the AutoBind module in order to operate!'); } } return this; }; /** * Returns the number of documents currently in the grid. * @func count * @memberof Grid * @returns {Number} */ Grid.prototype.count = function () { return this._from.count(); }; /** * Creates a grid and assigns the collection as its data source. * @func grid * @memberof Collection * @param {String} selector jQuery selector of grid output target. * @param {String} template The table template to use when rendering the grid. * @param {Object=} options The options object to apply to the grid. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.grid = View.prototype.grid = function (selector, template, options) { if (this._db && this._db._grid ) { if (selector !== undefined) { if (template !== undefined) { if (!this._db._grid[selector]) { var grid = new Grid(selector, template, options) .db(this._db) .from(this); this._grid = this._grid || []; this._grid.push(grid); this._db._grid[selector] = grid; return grid; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot create a grid because a grid with this name already exists: ' + selector); } } return this._db._grid[selector]; } return this._db._grid; } }; /** * Removes a grid safely from the DOM. Must be called when grid is * no longer required / is being removed from DOM otherwise references * will stick around and cause memory leaks. * @func unGrid * @memberof Collection * @param {String} selector jQuery selector of grid output target. * @param {String} template The table template to use when rendering the grid. * @param {Object=} options The options object to apply to the grid. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.unGrid = View.prototype.unGrid = function (selector, template, options) { var i, grid; if (this._db && this._db._grid ) { if (selector && template) { if (this._db._grid[selector]) { grid = this._db._grid[selector]; delete this._db._grid[selector]; return grid.drop(); } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot remove grid because a grid with this name does not exist: ' + name); } } else { // No parameters passed, remove all grids from this module for (i in this._db._grid) { if (this._db._grid.hasOwnProperty(i)) { grid = this._db._grid[i]; delete this._db._grid[i]; grid.drop(); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Removed grid binding "' + i + '"'); } } } this._db._grid = {}; } } }; /** * Adds a grid to the internal grid lookup. * @func _addGrid * @memberof Collection * @param {Grid} grid The grid to add. * @returns {Collection} * @private */ Collection.prototype._addGrid = CollectionGroup.prototype._addGrid = View.prototype._addGrid = function (grid) { if (grid !== undefined) { this._grid = this._grid || []; this._grid.push(grid); } return this; }; /** * Removes a grid from the internal grid lookup. * @func _removeGrid * @memberof Collection * @param {Grid} grid The grid to remove. * @returns {Collection} * @private */ Collection.prototype._removeGrid = CollectionGroup.prototype._removeGrid = View.prototype._removeGrid = function (grid) { if (grid !== undefined && this._grid) { var index = this._grid.indexOf(grid); if (index > -1) { this._grid.splice(index, 1); } } return this; }; // Extend DB with grids init Db.prototype.init = function () { this._grid = {}; DbInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Determine if a grid with the passed name already exists. * @func gridExists * @memberof Db * @param {String} selector The jQuery selector to bind the grid to. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.gridExists = function (selector) { return Boolean(this._grid[selector]); }; /** * Creates a grid based on the passed arguments. * @func grid * @memberof Db * @param {String} selector The jQuery selector of the grid to retrieve. * @param {String} template The table template to use when rendering the grid. * @param {Object=} options The options object to apply to the grid. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.grid = function (selector, template, options) { if (!this._grid[selector]) { if (this.debug() || (this._db && this._db.debug())) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Creating grid ' + selector); } } this._grid[selector] = this._grid[selector] || new Grid(selector, template, options).db(this); return this._grid[selector]; }; /** * Removes a grid based on the passed arguments. * @func unGrid * @memberof Db * @param {String} selector The jQuery selector of the grid to retrieve. * @param {String} template The table template to use when rendering the grid. * @param {Object=} options The options object to apply to the grid. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.unGrid = function (selector, template, options) { if (!this._grid[selector]) { if (this.debug() || (this._db && this._db.debug())) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Creating grid ' + selector); } } this._grid[selector] = this._grid[selector] || new Grid(selector, template, options).db(this); return this._grid[selector]; }; /** * Returns an array of grids the DB currently has. * @func grids * @memberof Db * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each grid * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.grids = function () { var arr = [], item, i; for (i in this._grid) { if (this._grid.hasOwnProperty(i)) { item = this._grid[i]; arr.push({ name: i, count: item.count(), linked: item.isLinked !== undefined ? item.isLinked() : false }); } } return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Grid'); module.exports = Grid; },{"./Collection":4,"./CollectionGroup":5,"./ReactorIO":37,"./Shared":39,"./View":40}],12:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // Import external names locally var Shared, Collection, CollectionInit, Overload; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * The constructor. * * @constructor */ var Highchart = function (collection, options) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Highchart.prototype.init = function (collection, options) { this._options = options; this._selector = window.jQuery(this._options.selector); if (!this._selector[0]) { throw(this.classIdentifier() + ' "' + + '": Chart target element does not exist via selector: ' + this._options.selector); } this._listeners = {}; this._collection = collection; // Setup the chart this._options.series = []; // Disable attribution on highcharts options.chartOptions = options.chartOptions || {}; options.chartOptions.credits = false; // Set the data for the chart var data, seriesObj, chartData; switch (this._options.type) { case 'pie': // Create chart from data this._selector.highcharts(this._options.chartOptions); this._chart = this._selector.highcharts(); // Generate graph data from collection data data = this._collection.find(); seriesObj = { allowPointSelect: true, cursor: 'pointer', dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '<b>{}</b>: {y} ({point.percentage:.0f}%)', style: { color: (window.Highcharts.theme && window.Highcharts.theme.contrastTextColor) || 'black' } } }; chartData = this.pieDataFromCollectionData(data, this._options.keyField, this._options.valField); window.jQuery.extend(seriesObj, this._options.seriesOptions); window.jQuery.extend(seriesObj, { name: this._options.seriesName, data: chartData }); this._chart.addSeries(seriesObj, true, true); break; case 'line': case 'area': case 'column': case 'bar': // Generate graph data from collection data chartData = this.seriesDataFromCollectionData( this._options.seriesField, this._options.keyField, this._options.valField, this._options.orderBy, this._options ); this._options.chartOptions.xAxis = chartData.xAxis; this._options.chartOptions.series = chartData.series; this._selector.highcharts(this._options.chartOptions); this._chart = this._selector.highcharts(); break; default: throw(this.classIdentifier() + ' "' + + '": Chart type specified is not currently supported by ForerunnerDB: ' + this._options.type); } // Hook the collection events to auto-update the chart this._hookEvents(); }; Shared.addModule('Highchart', Highchart); Collection = Shared.modules.Collection; CollectionInit = Collection.prototype.init; Shared.mixin(Highchart.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Highchart.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Highchart.prototype, 'state'); /** * Generate pie-chart series data from the given collection data array. * @param data * @param keyField * @param valField * @returns {Array} */ Highchart.prototype.pieDataFromCollectionData = function (data, keyField, valField) { var graphData = [], i; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { graphData.push([data[i][keyField], data[i][valField]]); } return graphData; }; /** * Generate line-chart series data from the given collection data array. * @param seriesField * @param keyField * @param valField * @param orderBy */ Highchart.prototype.seriesDataFromCollectionData = function (seriesField, keyField, valField, orderBy, options) { var data = this._collection.distinct(seriesField), seriesData = [], xAxis = options && options.chartOptions && options.chartOptions.xAxis ? options.chartOptions.xAxis : { categories: [] }, seriesName, query, dataSearch, seriesValues, sData, i, k; // What we WANT to output: /*series: [{ name: 'Responses', data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6] }]*/ // Loop keys for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { seriesName = data[i]; query = {}; query[seriesField] = seriesName; seriesValues = []; dataSearch = this._collection.find(query, { orderBy: orderBy }); // Loop the keySearch data and grab the value for each item for (k = 0; k < dataSearch.length; k++) { if (xAxis.categories) { xAxis.categories.push(dataSearch[k][keyField]); seriesValues.push(dataSearch[k][valField]); } else { seriesValues.push([dataSearch[k][keyField], dataSearch[k][valField]]); } } sData = { name: seriesName, data: seriesValues }; if (options.seriesOptions) { for (k in options.seriesOptions) { if (options.seriesOptions.hasOwnProperty(k)) { sData[k] = options.seriesOptions[k]; } } } seriesData.push(sData); } return { xAxis: xAxis, series: seriesData }; }; /** * Hook the events the chart needs to know about from the internal collection. * @private */ Highchart.prototype._hookEvents = function () { var self = this; self._collection.on('change', function () { self._changeListener.apply(self, arguments); }); // If the collection is dropped, clean up after ourselves self._collection.on('drop', function () { self.drop.apply(self); }); }; /** * Handles changes to the collection data that the chart is reading from and then * updates the data in the chart display. * @private */ Highchart.prototype._changeListener = function () { var self = this; // Update the series data on the chart if (typeof self._collection !== 'undefined' && self._chart) { var data = self._collection.find(), i; switch (self._options.type) { case 'pie': self._chart.series[0].setData( self.pieDataFromCollectionData( data, self._options.keyField, self._options.valField ), true, true ); break; case 'bar': case 'line': case 'area': case 'column': var seriesData = self.seriesDataFromCollectionData( self._options.seriesField, self._options.keyField, self._options.valField, self._options.orderBy, self._options ); if (seriesData.xAxis.categories) { self._chart.xAxis[0].setCategories( seriesData.xAxis.categories ); } for (i = 0; i < seriesData.series.length; i++) { if (self._chart.series[i]) { // Series exists, set it's data self._chart.series[i].setData( seriesData.series[i].data, true, true ); } else { // Series data does not yet exist, add a new series self._chart.addSeries( seriesData.series[i], true, true ); } } break; default: break; } } }; /** * Destroys the chart and all internal references. * @returns {Boolean} */ Highchart.prototype.drop = function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { this._state = 'dropped'; if (this._chart) { this._chart.destroy(); } if (this._collection) {'change', this._changeListener);'drop', this.drop); if (this._collection._highcharts) { delete this._collection._highcharts[this._options.selector]; } } delete this._chart; delete this._options; delete this._collection; this.emit('drop', this); if (callback) { callback(false, true); } delete this._listeners; return true; } else { return true; } }; // Extend collection with highchart init Collection.prototype.init = function () { this._highcharts = {}; CollectionInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Creates a pie chart from the collection. * @type {Overload} */ Collection.prototype.pieChart = new Overload({ /** * Chart via options object. * @func pieChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {Object} options The options object. * @returns {*} */ 'object': function (options) { options.type = 'pie'; options.chartOptions = options.chartOptions || {}; options.chartOptions.chart = options.chartOptions.chart || {}; options.chartOptions.chart.type = 'pie'; if (!this._highcharts[options.selector]) { // Store new chart in charts array this._highcharts[options.selector] = new Highchart(this, options); } return this._highcharts[options.selector]; }, /** * Chart via defined params and an options object. * @func pieChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {String|jQuery} selector The element to render the chart to. * @param {String} keyField The field to use as the data key. * @param {String} valField The field to use as the data value. * @param {String} seriesName The name of the series to display on the chart. * @param {Object} options The options object. */ '*, string, string, string, ...': function (selector, keyField, valField, seriesName, options) { options = options || {}; options.selector = selector; options.keyField = keyField; options.valField = valField; options.seriesName = seriesName; // Call the main chart method this.pieChart(options); } }); /** * Creates a line chart from the collection. * @type {Overload} */ Collection.prototype.lineChart = new Overload({ /** * Chart via selector. * @func lineChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {String} selector The chart selector. * @returns {*} */ 'string': function (selector) { return this._highcharts[selector]; }, /** * Chart via options object. * @func lineChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {Object} options The options object. * @returns {*} */ 'object': function (options) { options.type = 'line'; options.chartOptions = options.chartOptions || {}; options.chartOptions.chart = options.chartOptions.chart || {}; options.chartOptions.chart.type = 'line'; if (!this._highcharts[options.selector]) { // Store new chart in charts array this._highcharts[options.selector] = new Highchart(this, options); } return this._highcharts[options.selector]; }, /** * Chart via defined params and an options object. * @func lineChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {String|jQuery} selector The element to render the chart to. * @param {String} seriesField The name of the series to plot. * @param {String} keyField The field to use as the data key. * @param {String} valField The field to use as the data value. * @param {Object} options The options object. */ '*, string, string, string, ...': function (selector, seriesField, keyField, valField, options) { options = options || {}; options.seriesField = seriesField; options.selector = selector; options.keyField = keyField; options.valField = valField; // Call the main chart method this.lineChart(options); } }); /** * Creates an area chart from the collection. * @type {Overload} */ Collection.prototype.areaChart = new Overload({ /** * Chart via options object. * @func areaChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {Object} options The options object. * @returns {*} */ 'object': function (options) { options.type = 'area'; options.chartOptions = options.chartOptions || {}; options.chartOptions.chart = options.chartOptions.chart || {}; options.chartOptions.chart.type = 'area'; if (!this._highcharts[options.selector]) { // Store new chart in charts array this._highcharts[options.selector] = new Highchart(this, options); } return this._highcharts[options.selector]; }, /** * Chart via defined params and an options object. * @func areaChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {String|jQuery} selector The element to render the chart to. * @param {String} seriesField The name of the series to plot. * @param {String} keyField The field to use as the data key. * @param {String} valField The field to use as the data value. * @param {Object} options The options object. */ '*, string, string, string, ...': function (selector, seriesField, keyField, valField, options) { options = options || {}; options.seriesField = seriesField; options.selector = selector; options.keyField = keyField; options.valField = valField; // Call the main chart method this.areaChart(options); } }); /** * Creates a column chart from the collection. * @type {Overload} */ Collection.prototype.columnChart = new Overload({ /** * Chart via options object. * @func columnChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {Object} options The options object. * @returns {*} */ 'object': function (options) { options.type = 'column'; options.chartOptions = options.chartOptions || {}; options.chartOptions.chart = options.chartOptions.chart || {}; options.chartOptions.chart.type = 'column'; if (!this._highcharts[options.selector]) { // Store new chart in charts array this._highcharts[options.selector] = new Highchart(this, options); } return this._highcharts[options.selector]; }, /** * Chart via defined params and an options object. * @func columnChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {String|jQuery} selector The element to render the chart to. * @param {String} seriesField The name of the series to plot. * @param {String} keyField The field to use as the data key. * @param {String} valField The field to use as the data value. * @param {Object} options The options object. */ '*, string, string, string, ...': function (selector, seriesField, keyField, valField, options) { options = options || {}; options.seriesField = seriesField; options.selector = selector; options.keyField = keyField; options.valField = valField; // Call the main chart method this.columnChart(options); } }); /** * Creates a bar chart from the collection. * @type {Overload} */ Collection.prototype.barChart = new Overload({ /** * Chart via options object. * @func barChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {Object} options The options object. * @returns {*} */ 'object': function (options) { options.type = 'bar'; options.chartOptions = options.chartOptions || {}; options.chartOptions.chart = options.chartOptions.chart || {}; options.chartOptions.chart.type = 'bar'; if (!this._highcharts[options.selector]) { // Store new chart in charts array this._highcharts[options.selector] = new Highchart(this, options); } return this._highcharts[options.selector]; }, /** * Chart via defined params and an options object. * @func barChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {String|jQuery} selector The element to render the chart to. * @param {String} seriesField The name of the series to plot. * @param {String} keyField The field to use as the data key. * @param {String} valField The field to use as the data value. * @param {Object} options The options object. */ '*, string, string, string, ...': function (selector, seriesField, keyField, valField, options) { options = options || {}; options.seriesField = seriesField; options.selector = selector; options.keyField = keyField; options.valField = valField; // Call the main chart method this.barChart(options); } }); /** * Creates a stacked bar chart from the collection. * @type {Overload} */ Collection.prototype.stackedBarChart = new Overload({ /** * Chart via options object. * @func stackedBarChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {Object} options The options object. * @returns {*} */ 'object': function (options) { options.type = 'bar'; options.chartOptions = options.chartOptions || {}; options.chartOptions.chart = options.chartOptions.chart || {}; options.chartOptions.chart.type = 'bar'; options.plotOptions = options.plotOptions || {}; options.plotOptions.series = options.plotOptions.series || {}; options.plotOptions.series.stacking = options.plotOptions.series.stacking || 'normal'; if (!this._highcharts[options.selector]) { // Store new chart in charts array this._highcharts[options.selector] = new Highchart(this, options); } return this._highcharts[options.selector]; }, /** * Chart via defined params and an options object. * @func stackedBarChart * @memberof Highchart * @param {String|jQuery} selector The element to render the chart to. * @param {String} seriesField The name of the series to plot. * @param {String} keyField The field to use as the data key. * @param {String} valField The field to use as the data value. * @param {Object} options The options object. */ '*, string, string, string, ...': function (selector, seriesField, keyField, valField, options) { options = options || {}; options.seriesField = seriesField; options.selector = selector; options.keyField = keyField; options.valField = valField; // Call the main chart method this.stackedBarChart(options); } }); /** * Removes a chart from the page by it's selector. * @memberof Collection * @param {String} selector The chart selector. */ Collection.prototype.dropChart = function (selector) { if (this._highcharts && this._highcharts[selector]) { this._highcharts[selector].drop(); } }; Shared.finishModule('Highchart'); module.exports = Highchart; },{"./Overload":31,"./Shared":39}],13:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /* name(string) id(string) rebuild(null) state ?? needed? match(query, options) lookup(query, options) insert(doc) remove(doc) primaryKey(string) collection(collection) */ var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'), BinaryTree = _dereq_('./BinaryTree'), GeoHash = _dereq_('./GeoHash'), sharedPathSolver = new Path(), sharedGeoHashSolver = new GeoHash(), // GeoHash Distances in Kilometers geoHashDistance = [ 5000, 1250, 156, 39.1, 4.89, 1.22, 0.153, 0.0382, 0.00477, 0.00119, 0.000149, 0.0000372 ]; /** * The index class used to instantiate 2d indexes that the database can * use to handle high-performance geospatial queries. * @constructor */ var Index2d = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Index2d.prototype.init = function (keys, options, collection) { this._btree = new BinaryTree(); this._btree.index(keys); this._size = 0; this._id = this._itemKeyHash(keys, keys); this._debug = options && options.debug ? options.debug : false; this.unique(options && options.unique ? options.unique : false); if (keys !== undefined) { this.keys(keys); } if (collection !== undefined) { this.collection(collection); this._btree.primaryKey(collection.primaryKey()); } && ? : this._id); this._btree.debug(this._debug); }; Shared.addModule('Index2d', Index2d); Shared.mixin(Index2d.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Index2d.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Index2d.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); = function () { return this._id; }; Index2d.prototype.state = function () { return this._state; }; Index2d.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }; Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'data'); Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'collection'); Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'type'); Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'unique'); Index2d.prototype.keys = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._keys = val; // Count the keys this._keyCount = sharedPathSolver.parse(this._keys).length; return this; } return this._keys; }; Index2d.prototype.rebuild = function () { // Do we have a collection? if (this._collection) { // Get sorted data var collection = this._collection.subset({}, { $decouple: false, $orderBy: this._keys }), collectionData = collection.find(), dataIndex, dataCount = collectionData.length; // Clear the index data for the index this._btree.clear(); this._size = 0; if (this._unique) { this._uniqueLookup = {}; } // Loop the collection data for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { this.insert(collectionData[dataIndex]); } } this._state = { name: this._name, keys: this._keys, indexSize: this._size, built: new Date(), updated: new Date(), ok: true }; }; Index2d.prototype.insert = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash; dataItem = this.decouple(dataItem); if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash] = dataItem; } // Convert 2d indexed values to geohashes var keys = this._btree.keys(), pathVal, geoHash, lng, lat, i; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { pathVal = sharedPathSolver.get(dataItem, keys[i].path); if (pathVal instanceof Array) { lng = pathVal[0]; lat = pathVal[1]; geoHash = sharedGeoHashSolver.encode(lng, lat); sharedPathSolver.set(dataItem, keys[i].path, geoHash); } } if (this._btree.insert(dataItem)) { this._size++; return true; } return false; }; Index2d.prototype.remove = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); delete this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]; } if (this._btree.remove(dataItem)) { this._size--; return true; } return false; }; Index2d.prototype.violation = function (dataItem) { // Generate item hash var uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; Index2d.prototype.hashViolation = function (uniqueHash) { // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; Index2d.prototype.lookup = function (query, options) { // Loop the indexed keys and determine if the query has any operators // that we want to handle differently from a standard lookup var keys = this._btree.keys(), pathStr, pathVal, results, i; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { pathStr = keys[i].path; pathVal = sharedPathSolver.get(query, pathStr); if (typeof pathVal === 'object') { if (pathVal.$near) { results = []; // Do a near point lookup results = results.concat(this.near(pathStr, pathVal.$near, options)); } if (pathVal.$geoWithin) { results = []; // Do a geoWithin shape lookup results = results.concat(this.geoWithin(pathStr, pathVal.$geoWithin, options)); } return results; } } return this._btree.lookup(query, options); }; Index2d.prototype.near = function (pathStr, query, options) { var self = this, geoHash, neighbours, visited, search, results, finalResults = [], precision, maxDistanceKm, distance, distCache, latLng, pk = this._collection.primaryKey(), i; // Calculate the required precision to encapsulate the distance // TODO: Instead of opting for the "one size larger" than the distance boxes, // TODO: we should calculate closest divisible box size as a multiple and then // TODO: scan neighbours until we have covered the area otherwise we risk // TODO: opening the results up to vastly more information as the box size // TODO: increases dramatically between the geohash precisions if (query.$distanceUnits === 'km') { maxDistanceKm = query.$maxDistance; for (i = 0; i < geoHashDistance.length; i++) { if (maxDistanceKm > geoHashDistance[i]) { precision = i; break; } } if (precision === 0) { precision = 1; } } else if (query.$distanceUnits === 'miles') { maxDistanceKm = query.$maxDistance * 1.60934; for (i = 0; i < geoHashDistance.length; i++) { if (maxDistanceKm > geoHashDistance[i]) { precision = i; break; } } if (precision === 0) { precision = 1; } } // Get the lngLat geohash from the query geoHash = sharedGeoHashSolver.encode(query.$point[0], query.$point[1], precision); // Calculate 9 box geohashes neighbours = sharedGeoHashSolver.calculateNeighbours(geoHash, {type: 'array'}); // Lookup all matching co-ordinates from the btree results = []; visited = 0; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { search = this._btree.startsWith(pathStr, neighbours[i]); visited += search._visited; results = results.concat(search); } // Work with original data results = this._collection._primaryIndex.lookup(results); if (results.length) { distance = {}; // Loop the results and calculate distance for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { latLng = sharedPathSolver.get(results[i], pathStr); distCache = distance[results[i][pk]] = this.distanceBetweenPoints(query.$point[0], query.$point[1], latLng[0], latLng[1]); if (distCache <= maxDistanceKm) { // Add item inside radius distance finalResults.push(results[i]); } } // Sort by distance from center finalResults.sort(function (a, b) { return self.sortAsc(distance[a[pk]], distance[b[pk]]); }); } // Return data return finalResults; }; Index2d.prototype.geoWithin = function (pathStr, query, options) { return []; }; Index2d.prototype.distanceBetweenPoints = function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) { var R = 6371; // kilometres var lat1Rad = this.toRadians(lat1); var lat2Rad = this.toRadians(lat2); var lat2MinusLat1Rad = this.toRadians(lat2-lat1); var lng2MinusLng1Rad = this.toRadians(lng2-lng1); var a = Math.sin(lat2MinusLat1Rad/2) * Math.sin(lat2MinusLat1Rad/2) + Math.cos(lat1Rad) * Math.cos(lat2Rad) * Math.sin(lng2MinusLng1Rad/2) * Math.sin(lng2MinusLng1Rad/2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); return R * c; }; Index2d.prototype.toRadians = function (degrees) { return degrees * 0.01747722222222; }; Index2d.prototype.match = function (query, options) { // TODO: work out how to represent that this is a better match if the query has $near than // TODO: a basic btree index which will not be able to resolve a $near operator return this._btree.match(query, options); }; Index2d.prototype._itemHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.value(item, pathData[k].path).join(':'); } return hash; }; Index2d.prototype._itemKeyHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.keyValue(item, pathData[k].path); } return hash; }; Index2d.prototype._itemHashArr = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, //hash = '', hashArr = [], valArr, i, k, j; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { valArr = path.value(item, pathData[k].path); for (i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { if (k === 0) { // Setup the initial hash array hashArr.push(valArr[i]); } else { // Loop the hash array and concat the value to it for (j = 0; j < hashArr.length; j++) { hashArr[j] = hashArr[j] + '_' + valArr[i]; } } } } return hashArr; }; Shared.finishModule('Index2d'); module.exports = Index2d; },{"./BinaryTree":3,"./GeoHash":10,"./Path":33,"./Shared":39}],14:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /* name(string) id(string) rebuild(null) state ?? needed? match(query, options) lookup(query, options) insert(doc) remove(doc) primaryKey(string) collection(collection) */ var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'), BinaryTree = _dereq_('./BinaryTree'); /** * The index class used to instantiate btree indexes that the database can * use to speed up queries on collections and views. * @constructor */ var IndexBinaryTree = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.init = function (keys, options, collection) { this._btree = new BinaryTree(); this._btree.index(keys); this._size = 0; this._id = this._itemKeyHash(keys, keys); this._debug = options && options.debug ? options.debug : false; this.unique(options && options.unique ? options.unique : false); if (keys !== undefined) { this.keys(keys); } if (collection !== undefined) { this.collection(collection); this._btree.primaryKey(collection.primaryKey()); } && ? : this._id); this._btree.debug(this._debug); }; Shared.addModule('IndexBinaryTree', IndexBinaryTree); Shared.mixin(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); = function () { return this._id; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.state = function () { return this._state; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }; Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'data'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'collection'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'type'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'unique'); IndexBinaryTree.prototype.keys = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._keys = val; // Count the keys this._keyCount = (new Path()).parse(this._keys).length; return this; } return this._keys; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.rebuild = function () { // Do we have a collection? if (this._collection) { // Get sorted data var collection = this._collection.subset({}, { $decouple: false, $orderBy: this._keys }), collectionData = collection.find(), dataIndex, dataCount = collectionData.length; // Clear the index data for the index this._btree.clear(); this._size = 0; if (this._unique) { this._uniqueLookup = {}; } // Loop the collection data for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { this.insert(collectionData[dataIndex]); } } this._state = { name: this._name, keys: this._keys, indexSize: this._size, built: new Date(), updated: new Date(), ok: true }; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.insert = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash] = dataItem; } if (this._btree.insert(dataItem)) { this._size++; return true; } return false; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.remove = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); delete this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]; } if (this._btree.remove(dataItem)) { this._size--; return true; } return false; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.violation = function (dataItem) { // Generate item hash var uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.hashViolation = function (uniqueHash) { // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.lookup = function (query, options) { return this._btree.lookup(query, options); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.match = function (query, options) { return this._btree.match(query, options); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.value(item, pathData[k].path).join(':'); } return hash; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemKeyHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.keyValue(item, pathData[k].path); } return hash; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemHashArr = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, //hash = '', hashArr = [], valArr, i, k, j; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { valArr = path.value(item, pathData[k].path); for (i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { if (k === 0) { // Setup the initial hash array hashArr.push(valArr[i]); } else { // Loop the hash array and concat the value to it for (j = 0; j < hashArr.length; j++) { hashArr[j] = hashArr[j] + '_' + valArr[i]; } } } } return hashArr; }; Shared.finishModule('IndexBinaryTree'); module.exports = IndexBinaryTree; },{"./BinaryTree":3,"./Path":33,"./Shared":39}],15:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'); /** * The index class used to instantiate hash map indexes that the database can * use to speed up queries on collections and views. * @constructor */ var IndexHashMap = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.init = function (keys, options, collection) { this._crossRef = {}; this._size = 0; this._id = this._itemKeyHash(keys, keys);{}); this.unique(options && options.unique ? options.unique : false); if (keys !== undefined) { this.keys(keys); } if (collection !== undefined) { this.collection(collection); } && ? : this._id); }; Shared.addModule('IndexHashMap', IndexHashMap); Shared.mixin(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); = function () { return this._id; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.state = function () { return this._state; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }; Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'data'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'collection'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'type'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'unique'); IndexHashMap.prototype.keys = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._keys = val; // Count the keys this._keyCount = (new Path()).parse(this._keys).length; return this; } return this._keys; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.rebuild = function () { // Do we have a collection? if (this._collection) { // Get sorted data var collection = this._collection.subset({}, { $decouple: false, $orderBy: this._keys }), collectionData = collection.find(), dataIndex, dataCount = collectionData.length; // Clear the index data for the index this._data = {}; this._size = 0; if (this._unique) { this._uniqueLookup = {}; } // Loop the collection data for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { this.insert(collectionData[dataIndex]); } } this._state = { name: this._name, keys: this._keys, indexSize: this._size, built: new Date(), updated: new Date(), ok: true }; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.insert = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash, itemHashArr, hashIndex; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash] = dataItem; } // Generate item hash itemHashArr = this._itemHashArr(dataItem, this._keys); // Get the path search results and store them for (hashIndex = 0; hashIndex < itemHashArr.length; hashIndex++) { this.pushToPathValue(itemHashArr[hashIndex], dataItem); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.update = function (dataItem, options) { // TODO: Write updates to work // 1: Get uniqueHash for the dataItem primary key value (may need to generate a store for this) // 2: Remove the uniqueHash as it currently stands // 3: Generate a new uniqueHash for dataItem // 4: Insert the new uniqueHash }; IndexHashMap.prototype.remove = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash, itemHashArr, hashIndex; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); delete this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]; } // Generate item hash itemHashArr = this._itemHashArr(dataItem, this._keys); // Get the path search results and store them for (hashIndex = 0; hashIndex < itemHashArr.length; hashIndex++) { this.pullFromPathValue(itemHashArr[hashIndex], dataItem); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.violation = function (dataItem) { // Generate item hash var uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.hashViolation = function (uniqueHash) { // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pushToPathValue = function (hash, obj) { var pathValArr = this._data[hash] = this._data[hash] || []; // Make sure we have not already indexed this object at this path/value if (pathValArr.indexOf(obj) === -1) { // Index the object pathValArr.push(obj); // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size++; // Cross-reference this association for later lookup this.pushToCrossRef(obj, pathValArr); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pullFromPathValue = function (hash, obj) { var pathValArr = this._data[hash], indexOfObject; // Make sure we have already indexed this object at this path/value indexOfObject = pathValArr.indexOf(obj); if (indexOfObject > -1) { // Un-index the object pathValArr.splice(indexOfObject, 1); // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size--; // Remove object cross-reference this.pullFromCrossRef(obj, pathValArr); } // Check if we should remove the path value array if (!pathValArr.length) { // Remove the array delete this._data[hash]; } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pull = function (obj) { // Get all places the object has been used and remove them var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()], crossRefArr = this._crossRef[id], arrIndex, arrCount = crossRefArr.length, arrItem; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = crossRefArr[arrIndex]; // Remove item from this index lookup array this._pullFromArray(arrItem, obj); } // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size--; // Now remove the cross-reference entry for this object delete this._crossRef[id]; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._pullFromArray = function (arr, obj) { var arrCount = arr.length; while (arrCount--) { if (arr[arrCount] === obj) { arr.splice(arrCount, 1); } } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pushToCrossRef = function (obj, pathValArr) { var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()], crObj; this._crossRef[id] = this._crossRef[id] || []; // Check if the cross-reference to the pathVal array already exists crObj = this._crossRef[id]; if (crObj.indexOf(pathValArr) === -1) { // Add the cross-reference crObj.push(pathValArr); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pullFromCrossRef = function (obj, pathValArr) { var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()]; delete this._crossRef[id]; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.lookup = function (query) { return this._data[this._itemHash(query, this._keys)] || []; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.match = function (query, options) { // Check if the passed query has data in the keys our index // operates on and if so, is the query sort matching our order var pathSolver = new Path(); var indexKeyArr = pathSolver.parseArr(this._keys), queryArr = pathSolver.parseArr(query), matchedKeys = [], matchedKeyCount = 0, i; // Loop the query array and check the order of keys against the // index key array to see if this index can be used for (i = 0; i < indexKeyArr.length; i++) { if (queryArr[i] === indexKeyArr[i]) { matchedKeyCount++; matchedKeys.push(queryArr[i]); } else { // Query match failed - this is a hash map index so partial key match won't work return { matchedKeys: [], totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: 0 }; } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: matchedKeyCount }; //return pathSolver.countObjectPaths(this._keys, query); }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.value(item, pathData[k].path).join(':'); } return hash; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemKeyHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.keyValue(item, pathData[k].path); } return hash; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemHashArr = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, //hash = '', hashArr = [], valArr, i, k, j; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { valArr = path.value(item, pathData[k].path); for (i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { if (k === 0) { // Setup the initial hash array hashArr.push(valArr[i]); } else { // Loop the hash array and concat the value to it for (j = 0; j < hashArr.length; j++) { hashArr[j] = hashArr[j] + '_' + valArr[i]; } } } } return hashArr; }; Shared.finishModule('IndexHashMap'); module.exports = IndexHashMap; },{"./Path":33,"./Shared":39}],16:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * The key value store class used when storing basic in-memory KV data, * and can be queried for quick retrieval. Mostly used for collection * primary key indexes and lookups. * @param {String=} name Optional KV store name. * @constructor */ var KeyValueStore = function (name) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; KeyValueStore.prototype.init = function (name) { this._name = name; this._data = {}; this._primaryKey = '_id'; }; Shared.addModule('KeyValueStore', KeyValueStore); Shared.mixin(KeyValueStore.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Get / set the name of the key/value store. * @param {String} val The name to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(KeyValueStore.prototype, 'name'); /** * Get / set the primary key. * @param {String} key The key to set. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.primaryKey = function (key) { if (key !== undefined) { this._primaryKey = key; return this; } return this._primaryKey; }; /** * Removes all data from the store. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.truncate = function () { this._data = {}; return this; }; /** * Sets data against a key in the store. * @param {String} key The key to set data for. * @param {*} value The value to assign to the key. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.set = function (key, value) { this._data[key] = value ? value : true; return this; }; /** * Gets data stored for the passed key. * @param {String} key The key to get data for. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.get = function (key) { return this._data[key]; }; /** * Get / set the primary key. * @param {*} val A lookup query. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.lookup = function (val) { var pk = this._primaryKey, valType = typeof val, arrIndex, arrCount, lookupItem, result = []; // Check for early exit conditions if (valType === 'string' || valType === 'number') { lookupItem = this.get(val); if (lookupItem !== undefined) { return [lookupItem]; } else { return []; } } else if (valType === 'object') { if (val instanceof Array) { // An array of primary keys, find all matches arrCount = val.length; result = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { lookupItem = this.lookup(val[arrIndex]); if (lookupItem) { if (lookupItem instanceof Array) { result = result.concat(lookupItem); } else { result.push(lookupItem); } } } return result; } else if (val[pk]) { return this.lookup(val[pk]); } } // COMMENTED AS CODE WILL NEVER BE REACHED // Complex lookup /*lookupData = this._lookupKeys(val); keys = lookupData.keys; negate = lookupData.negate; if (!negate) { // Loop keys and return values for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < keys.length; arrIndex++) { result.push(this.get(keys[arrIndex])); } } else { // Loop data and return non-matching keys for (arrIndex in this._data) { if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { if (keys.indexOf(arrIndex) === -1) { result.push(this.get(arrIndex)); } } } } return result;*/ }; // COMMENTED AS WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY PASSING COMPLEX QUERIES TO KEYVALUESTORE INDEXES /*KeyValueStore.prototype._lookupKeys = function (val) { var pk = this._primaryKey, valType = typeof val, arrIndex, arrCount, lookupItem, bool, result; if (valType === 'string' || valType === 'number') { return { keys: [val], negate: false }; } else if (valType === 'object') { if (val instanceof RegExp) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex in this._data) { if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { if (val.test(arrIndex)) { result.push(arrIndex); } } } return { keys: result, negate: false }; } else if (val instanceof Array) { // An array of primary keys, find all matches arrCount = val.length; result = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { result = result.concat(this._lookupKeys(val[arrIndex]).keys); } return { keys: result, negate: false }; } else if (val.$in && (val.$in instanceof Array)) { return { keys: this._lookupKeys(val.$in).keys, negate: false }; } else if (val.$nin && (val.$nin instanceof Array)) { return { keys: this._lookupKeys(val.$nin).keys, negate: true }; } else if (val.$ne) { return { keys: this._lookupKeys(val.$ne, true).keys, negate: true }; } else if (val.$or && (val.$or instanceof Array)) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < val.$or.length; arrIndex++) { result = result.concat(this._lookupKeys(val.$or[arrIndex]).keys); } return { keys: result, negate: false }; } else if (val[pk]) { return this._lookupKeys(val[pk]); } } };*/ /** * Removes data for the given key from the store. * @param {String} key The key to un-set. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.unSet = function (key) { delete this._data[key]; return this; }; /** * Sets data for the give key in the store only where the given key * does not already have a value in the store. * @param {String} key The key to set data for. * @param {*} value The value to assign to the key. * @returns {Boolean} True if data was set or false if data already * exists for the key. */ KeyValueStore.prototype.uniqueSet = function (key, value) { if (this._data[key] === undefined) { this._data[key] = value; return true; } return false; }; Shared.finishModule('KeyValueStore'); module.exports = KeyValueStore; },{"./Shared":39}],17:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Operation = _dereq_('./Operation'); /** * The metrics class used to store details about operations. * @constructor */ var Metrics = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Metrics.prototype.init = function () { this._data = []; }; Shared.addModule('Metrics', Metrics); Shared.mixin(Metrics.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Creates an operation within the metrics instance and if metrics * are currently enabled (by calling the start() method) the operation * is also stored in the metrics log. * @param {String} name The name of the operation. * @returns {Operation} */ Metrics.prototype.create = function (name) { var op = new Operation(name); if (this._enabled) { this._data.push(op); } return op; }; /** * Starts logging operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.start = function () { this._enabled = true; return this; }; /** * Stops logging operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.stop = function () { this._enabled = false; return this; }; /** * Clears all logged operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.clear = function () { this._data = []; return this; }; /** * Returns an array of all logged operations. * @returns {Array} */ Metrics.prototype.list = function () { return this._data; }; Shared.finishModule('Metrics'); module.exports = Metrics; },{"./Operation":30,"./Shared":39}],18:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var CRUD = { preSetData: function () { }, postSetData: function () { } }; module.exports = CRUD; },{}],19:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * The chain reactor mixin, provides methods to the target object that allow chain * reaction events to propagate to the target and be handled, processed and passed * on down the chain. * @mixin */ var ChainReactor = { /** * * @param obj */ chain: function (obj) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (obj._reactorIn && obj._reactorOut) { console.log(obj._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Adding target "' + obj._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '" to the chain reactor target list'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Adding target "' + obj.instanceIdentifier() + '" to the chain reactor target list'); } } this._chain = this._chain || []; var index = this._chain.indexOf(obj); if (index === -1) { this._chain.push(obj); } }, unChain: function (obj) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (obj._reactorIn && obj._reactorOut) { console.log(obj._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Removing target "' + obj._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '" from the chain reactor target list'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Removing target "' + obj.instanceIdentifier() + '" from the chain reactor target list'); } } if (this._chain) { var index = this._chain.indexOf(obj); if (index > -1) { this._chain.splice(index, 1); } } }, chainSend: function (type, data, options) { if (this._chain) { var arr = this._chain, arrItem, count = arr.length, index; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { arrItem = arr[index]; if (!arrItem._state || (arrItem._state && !arrItem.isDropped())) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (arrItem._reactorIn && arrItem._reactorOut) { console.log(arrItem._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Sending data down the chain reactor pipe to "' + arrItem._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '"'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Sending data down the chain reactor pipe to "' + arrItem.instanceIdentifier() + '"'); } } if (arrItem.chainReceive) { arrItem.chainReceive(this, type, data, options); } } else { console.log('Reactor Data:', type, data, options); console.log('Reactor Node:', arrItem); throw('Chain reactor attempting to send data to target reactor node that is in a dropped state!'); } } } }, chainReceive: function (sender, type, data, options) { var chainPacket = { sender: sender, type: type, data: data, options: options }; if (this.debug && this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Received data from parent reactor node'); } // Fire our internal handler if (!this._chainHandler || (this._chainHandler && !this._chainHandler(chainPacket))) { // Propagate the message down the chain this.chainSend(chainPacket.type,, chainPacket.options); } } }; module.exports = ChainReactor; },{}],20:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var idCounter = 0, Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'), Serialiser = _dereq_('./Serialiser'), Common, serialiser = new Serialiser(); /** * Provides commonly used methods to most classes in ForerunnerDB. * @mixin */ Common = { // Expose the serialiser object so it can be extended with new data handlers. serialiser: serialiser, /** * Gets / sets data in the item store. The store can be used to set and * retrieve data against a key. Useful for adding arbitrary key/value data * to a collection / view etc and retrieving it later. * @param {String|*} key The key under which to store the passed value or * retrieve the existing stored value. * @param {*=} val Optional value. If passed will overwrite the existing value * stored against the specified key if one currently exists. * @returns {*} */ store: function (key, val) { if (key !== undefined) { if (val !== undefined) { // Store the data this._store = this._store || {}; this._store[key] = val; return this; } if (this._store) { return this._store[key]; } } return undefined; }, /** * Removes a previously stored key/value pair from the item store, set previously * by using the store() method. * @param {String|*} key The key of the key/value pair to remove; * @returns {Common} Returns this for chaining. */ unStore: function (key) { if (key !== undefined) { delete this._store[key]; } return this; }, /** * Returns a non-referenced version of the passed object / array. * @param {Object} data The object or array to return as a non-referenced version. * @param {Number=} copies Optional number of copies to produce. If specified, the return * value will be an array of decoupled objects, each distinct from the other. * @returns {*} */ decouple: function (data, copies) { if (data !== undefined && data !== "") { if (!copies) { return this.jParse(this.jStringify(data)); } else { var i, json = this.jStringify(data), copyArr = []; for (i = 0; i < copies; i++) { copyArr.push(this.jParse(json)); } return copyArr; } } return undefined; }, /** * Parses and returns data from stringified version. * @param {String} data The stringified version of data to parse. * @returns {Object} The parsed JSON object from the data. */ jParse: function (data) { return serialiser.parse(data); //return JSON.parse(data); }, /** * Converts a JSON object into a stringified version. * @param {Object} data The data to stringify. * @returns {String} The stringified data. */ jStringify: function (data) { return serialiser.stringify(data); //return JSON.stringify(data); }, /** * Generates a new 16-character hexadecimal unique ID or * generates a new 16-character hexadecimal ID based on * the passed string. Will always generate the same ID * for the same string. * @param {String=} str A string to generate the ID from. * @return {String} */ objectId: function (str) { var id, pow = Math.pow(10, 17); if (!str) { idCounter++; id = (idCounter + ( Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow )).toString(16); } else { var val = 0, count = str.length, i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { val += str.charCodeAt(i) * pow; } id = val.toString(16); } return id; }, /** * Gets / sets debug flag that can enable debug message output to the * console if required. * @param {Boolean} val The value to set debug flag to. * @return {Boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise. */ /** * Sets debug flag for a particular type that can enable debug message * output to the console if required. * @param {String} type The name of the debug type to set flag for. * @param {Boolean} val The value to set debug flag to. * @return {Boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise. */ debug: new Overload([ function () { return this._debug && this._debug.all; }, function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { if (typeof val === 'boolean') { this._debug = this._debug || {}; this._debug.all = val; this.chainSend('debug', this._debug); return this; } else { return (this._debug && this._debug[val]) || (this._db && this._db._debug && this._db._debug[val]) || (this._debug && this._debug.all); } } return this._debug && this._debug.all; }, function (type, val) { if (type !== undefined) { if (val !== undefined) { this._debug = this._debug || {}; this._debug[type] = val; this.chainSend('debug', this._debug); return this; } return (this._debug && this._debug[val]) || (this._db && this._db._debug && this._db._debug[type]); } return this._debug && this._debug.all; } ]), /** * Returns a string describing the class this instance is derived from. * @returns {string} */ classIdentifier: function () { return 'ForerunnerDB.' + this.className; }, /** * Returns a string describing the instance by it's class name and instance * object name. * @returns {String} The instance identifier. */ instanceIdentifier: function () { return '[' + this.className + ']' +; }, /** * Returns a string used to denote a console log against this instance, * consisting of the class identifier and instance identifier. * @returns {string} The log identifier. */ logIdentifier: function () { return 'ForerunnerDB ' + this.instanceIdentifier(); }, /** * Converts a query object with MongoDB dot notation syntax * to Forerunner's object notation syntax. * @param {Object} obj The object to convert. */ convertToFdb: function (obj) { var varName, splitArr, objCopy, i; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { objCopy = obj; if (i.indexOf('.') > -1) { // Replace .$ with a placeholder before splitting by . char i = i.replace('.$', '[|$|]'); splitArr = i.split('.'); while ((varName = splitArr.shift())) { // Replace placeholder back to original .$ varName = varName.replace('[|$|]', '.$'); if (splitArr.length) { objCopy[varName] = {}; } else { objCopy[varName] = obj[i]; } objCopy = objCopy[varName]; } delete obj[i]; } } } }, /** * Checks if the state is dropped. * @returns {boolean} True when dropped, false otherwise. */ isDropped: function () { return this._state === 'dropped'; }, /** * Registers a timed callback that will overwrite itself if * the same id is used within the timeout period. Useful * for de-bouncing fast-calls. * @param {String} id An ID for the call (use the same one * to debounce the same calls). * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call on * timeout. * @param {Number} timeout The timeout in milliseconds before * the callback is called. */ debounce: function (id, callback, timeout) { var self = this, newData; self._debounce = self._debounce || {}; if (self._debounce[id]) { // Clear timeout for this item clearTimeout(self._debounce[id].timeout); } newData = { callback: callback, timeout: setTimeout(function () { // Delete existing reference delete self._debounce[id]; // Call the callback callback(); }, timeout) }; // Save current data self._debounce[id] = newData; } }; module.exports = Common; },{"./Overload":31,"./Serialiser":38}],21:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides some database constants. * @mixin */ var Constants = { TYPE_INSERT: 0, TYPE_UPDATE: 1, TYPE_REMOVE: 2, PHASE_BEFORE: 0, PHASE_AFTER: 1 }; module.exports = Constants; },{}],22:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Provides event emitter functionality including the methods: on, off, once, emit, deferEmit. * @mixin */ var Events = { on: new Overload({ /** * Attach an event listener to the passed event. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {Function} listener The method to call when the event is fired. */ 'string, function': function (event, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || {}; this._listeners[event]['*'] = this._listeners[event]['*'] || []; this._listeners[event]['*'].push(listener); return this; }, /** * Attach an event listener to the passed event only if the passed * id matches the document id for the event being fired. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {*} id The document id to match against. * @param {Function} listener The method to call when the event is fired. */ 'string, *, function': function (event, id, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || {}; this._listeners[event][id] = this._listeners[event][id] || []; this._listeners[event][id].push(listener); return this; } }), once: new Overload({ 'string, function': function (eventName, callback) { var self = this, internalCallback = function () {, internalCallback); callback.apply(self, arguments); }; return this.on(eventName, internalCallback); }, 'string, *, function': function (eventName, id, callback) { var self = this, internalCallback = function () {, id, internalCallback); callback.apply(self, arguments); }; return this.on(eventName, id, internalCallback); } }), off: new Overload({ 'string': function (event) { if (this._listeners && this._listeners[event] && event in this._listeners) { delete this._listeners[event]; } return this; }, 'string, function': function (event, listener) { var arr, index; if (typeof(listener) === 'string') { if (this._listeners && this._listeners[event] && this._listeners[event][listener]) { delete this._listeners[event][listener]; } } else { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners) { arr = this._listeners[event]['*']; index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } } return this; }, 'string, *, function': function (event, id, listener) { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners && id in this.listeners[event]) { var arr = this._listeners[event][id], index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } }, 'string, *': function (event, id) { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners && id in this._listeners[event]) { // Kill all listeners for this event id delete this._listeners[event][id]; } } }), emit: function (event, data) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; if (event in this._listeners) { var arrIndex, arrCount, tmpFunc, arr, listenerIdArr, listenerIdCount, listenerIdIndex; // Handle global emit if (this._listeners[event]['*']) { arr = this._listeners[event]['*']; arrCount = arr.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { // Check we have a function to execute tmpFunc = arr[arrIndex]; if (typeof tmpFunc === 'function') { tmpFunc.apply(this,, 1)); } } } // Handle individual emit if (data instanceof Array) { // Check if the array is an array of objects in the collection if (data[0] && data[0][this._primaryKey]) { // Loop the array and check for listeners against the primary key listenerIdArr = this._listeners[event]; arrCount = data.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { if (listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]]) { // Emit for this id listenerIdCount = listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]].length; for (listenerIdIndex = 0; listenerIdIndex < listenerIdCount; listenerIdIndex++) { tmpFunc = listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]][listenerIdIndex]; if (typeof tmpFunc === 'function') { listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]][listenerIdIndex].apply(this,, 1)); } } } } } } } return this; }, /** * Queues an event to be fired. This has automatic de-bouncing so that any * events of the same type that occur within 100 milliseconds of a previous * one will all be wrapped into a single emit rather than emitting tons of * events for lots of chained inserts etc. Only the data from the last * de-bounced event will be emitted. * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to emit. * @param {*=} data Optional data to emit with the event. */ deferEmit: function (eventName, data) { var self = this, args; if (!this._noEmitDefer && (!this._db || (this._db && !this._db._noEmitDefer))) { args = arguments; // Check for an existing timeout this._deferTimeout = this._deferTimeout || {}; if (this._deferTimeout[eventName]) { clearTimeout(this._deferTimeout[eventName]); } // Set a timeout this._deferTimeout[eventName] = setTimeout(function () { if (self.debug()) { console.log(self.logIdentifier() + ' Emitting ' + args[0]); } self.emit.apply(self, args); }, 1); } else { this.emit.apply(this, arguments); } return this; } }; module.exports = Events; },{"./Overload":31}],23:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides object matching algorithm methods. * @mixin */ var Matching = { /** * Internal method that checks a document against a test object. * @param {*} source The source object or value to test against. * @param {*} test The test object or value to test with. * @param {Object} queryOptions The options the query was passed with. * @param {String=} opToApply The special operation to apply to the test such * as 'and' or an 'or' operator. * @param {Object=} options An object containing options to apply to the * operation such as limiting the fields returned etc. * @returns {Boolean} True if the test was positive, false on negative. * @private */ _match: function (source, test, queryOptions, opToApply, options) { // TODO: This method is quite long, break into smaller pieces var operation, applyOp = opToApply, recurseVal, tmpIndex, sourceType = typeof source, testType = typeof test, matchedAll = true, opResult, substringCache, i; options = options || {}; queryOptions = queryOptions || {}; // Check if options currently holds a root query object if (!options.$rootQuery) { // Root query not assigned, hold the root query options.$rootQuery = test; } // Check if options currently holds a root source object if (!options.$rootSource) { // Root query not assigned, hold the root query options.$rootSource = source; } // Assign current query data options.$currentQuery = test; options.$rootData = options.$rootData || {}; // Check if the comparison data are both strings or numbers if ((sourceType === 'string' || sourceType === 'number') && (testType === 'string' || testType === 'number')) { // The source and test data are flat types that do not require recursive searches, // so just compare them and return the result if (sourceType === 'number') { // Number comparison if (source !== test) { matchedAll = false; } } else { // String comparison // TODO: We can probably use a queryOptions.$locale as a second parameter here // TODO: to satisfy if (source.localeCompare(test)) { matchedAll = false; } } } else if ((sourceType === 'string' || sourceType === 'number') && (testType === 'object' && test instanceof RegExp)) { if (!test.test(source)) { matchedAll = false; } } else { for (i in test) { if (test.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Assign previous query data options.$previousQuery = options.$parent; // Assign parent query data options.$parent = { query: test[i], key: i, parent: options.$previousQuery }; // Reset operation flag operation = false; // Grab first two chars of the key name to check for $ substringCache = i.substr(0, 2); // Check if the property is a comment (ignorable) if (substringCache === '//') { // Skip this property continue; } // Check if the property starts with a dollar (function) if (substringCache.indexOf('$') === 0) { // Ask the _matchOp method to handle the operation opResult = this._matchOp(i, source, test[i], queryOptions, options); // Check the result of the matchOp operation // If the result is -1 then no operation took place, otherwise the result // will be a boolean denoting a match (true) or no match (false) if (opResult > -1) { if (opResult) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { // Set the matchedAll flag to the result of the operation // because the operation did not return true matchedAll = opResult; } // Record that an operation was handled operation = true; } } // Check for regex if (!operation && test[i] instanceof RegExp) { operation = true; if (sourceType === 'object' && source[i] !== undefined && test[i].test(source[i])) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } if (!operation) { // Check if our query is an object if (typeof(test[i]) === 'object') { // Because test[i] is an object, source must also be an object // Check if our source data we are checking the test query against // is an object or an array if (source[i] !== undefined) { if (source[i] instanceof Array && !(test[i] instanceof Array)) { // The source data is an array, so check each item until a // match is found recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < source[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i][tmpIndex], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else if (!(source[i] instanceof Array) && test[i] instanceof Array) { // The test key data is an array and the source key data is not so check // each item in the test key data to see if the source item matches one // of them. This is effectively an $in search. recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < test[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i], test[i][tmpIndex], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else if (typeof(source) === 'object') { // Recurse down the object tree recurseVal = this._match(source[i], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { recurseVal = this._match(undefined, test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } else { // First check if the test match is an $exists if (test[i] && test[i].$exists !== undefined) { // Push the item through another match recurse recurseVal = this._match(undefined, test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } else { // Check if the prop matches our test value if (source && source[i] === test[i]) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else if (source && source[i] && source[i] instanceof Array && test[i] && typeof(test[i]) !== "object") { // We are looking for a value inside an array // The source data is an array, so check each item until a // match is found recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < source[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i][tmpIndex], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } if (opToApply === 'and' && !matchedAll) { return false; } } } } return matchedAll; }, /** * Internal method, performs a matching process against a query operator such as $gt or $nin. * @param {String} key The property name in the test that matches the operator to perform * matching against. * @param {*} source The source data to match the query against. * @param {*} test The query to match the source against. * @param {Object} queryOptions The options the query was passed with. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {*} * @private */ _matchOp: function (key, source, test, queryOptions, options) { // Check for commands switch (key) { case '$gt': // Greater than return source > test; case '$gte': // Greater than or equal return source >= test; case '$lt': // Less than return source < test; case '$lte': // Less than or equal return source <= test; case '$exists': // Property exists return (source === undefined) !== test; case '$eq': // Equals return source == test; // jshint ignore:line case '$eeq': // Equals equals return source === test; case '$ne': // Not equals return source != test; // jshint ignore:line case '$nee': // Not equals equals return source !== test; case '$or': // Match true on ANY check to pass for (var orIndex = 0; orIndex < test.length; orIndex++) { if (this._match(source, test[orIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return true; } } return false; case '$and': // Match true on ALL checks to pass for (var andIndex = 0; andIndex < test.length; andIndex++) { if (!this._match(source, test[andIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return false; } } return true; case '$in': // In // Check that the in test is an array if (test instanceof Array) { var inArr = test, inArrCount = inArr.length, inArrIndex; for (inArrIndex = 0; inArrIndex < inArrCount; inArrIndex++) { if (this._match(source, inArr[inArrIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return true; } } return false; } else if (typeof test === 'object') { return this._match(source, test, queryOptions, 'and', options); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot use an $in operator on a non-array key: ' + key, options.$rootQuery); return false; } break; case '$nin': // Not in // Check that the not-in test is an array if (test instanceof Array) { var notInArr = test, notInArrCount = notInArr.length, notInArrIndex; for (notInArrIndex = 0; notInArrIndex < notInArrCount; notInArrIndex++) { if (this._match(source, notInArr[notInArrIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return false; } } return true; } else if (typeof test === 'object') { return this._match(source, test, queryOptions, 'and', options); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot use a $nin operator on a non-array key: ' + key, options.$rootQuery); return false; } break; case '$distinct': // Ensure options holds a distinct lookup options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'] = options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'] || {}; for (var distinctProp in test) { if (test.hasOwnProperty(distinctProp)) { options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp] = options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp] || {}; // Check if the options distinct lookup has this field's value if (options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp][source[distinctProp]]) { // Value is already in use return false; } else { // Set the value in the lookup options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp][source[distinctProp]] = true; // Allow the item in the results return true; } } } break; case '$count': var countKey, countArr, countVal; // Iterate the count object's keys for (countKey in test) { if (test.hasOwnProperty(countKey)) { // Check the property exists and is an array. If the property being counted is not // an array (or doesn't exist) then use a value of zero in any further count logic countArr = source[countKey]; if (typeof countArr === 'object' && countArr instanceof Array) { countVal = countArr.length; } else { countVal = 0; } // Now recurse down the query chain further to satisfy the query for this key (countKey) if (!this._match(countVal, test[countKey], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return false; } } } // Allow the item in the results return true; case '$find': case '$findOne': case '$findSub': var fromType = 'collection', findQuery, findOptions, subQuery, subOptions, subPath, result, operation = {}; // Check all parts of the $find operation exist if (!test.$from) { throw(key + ' missing $from property!'); } if (test.$fromType) { fromType = test.$fromType; // Check the fromType exists as a method if (!this.db()[fromType] || typeof this.db()[fromType] !== 'function') { throw(key + ' cannot operate against $fromType "' + fromType + '" because the database does not recognise this type of object!'); } } // Perform the find operation findQuery = test.$query || {}; findOptions = test.$options || {}; if (key === '$findSub') { if (!test.$path) { throw(key + ' missing $path property!'); } subPath = test.$path; subQuery = test.$subQuery || {}; subOptions = test.$subOptions || {}; if (options.$parent && options.$parent.parent && options.$parent.parent.key) { result = this.db()[fromType](test.$from).findSub(findQuery, subPath, subQuery, subOptions); } else { // This is a root $find* query // Test the source against the main findQuery if (this._match(source, findQuery, {}, 'and', options)) { result = this._findSub([source], subPath, subQuery, subOptions); } return result && result.length > 0; } } else { result = this.db()[fromType](test.$from)[key.substr(1)](findQuery, findOptions); } operation[options.$parent.parent.key] = result; return this._match(source, operation, queryOptions, 'and', options); } return -1; }, /** * * @param {Array | Object} docArr An array of objects to run the join * operation against or a single object. * @param {Array} joinClause The join clause object array (the array in * the $join key of a normal join options object). * @param {Object} joinSource An object containing join source reference * data or a blank object if you are doing a bespoke join operation. * @param {Object} options An options object or blank object if no options. * @returns {Array} * @private */ applyJoin: function (docArr, joinClause, joinSource, options) { var self = this, joinSourceIndex, joinSourceKey, joinMatch, joinSourceType, joinSourceIdentifier, resultKeyName, joinSourceInstance, resultIndex, joinSearchQuery, joinMulti, joinRequire, joinPrefix, joinMatchIndex, joinMatchData, joinSearchOptions, joinFindResults, joinFindResult, joinItem, resultRemove = [], l; if (!(docArr instanceof Array)) { // Turn the document into an array docArr = [docArr]; } for (joinSourceIndex = 0; joinSourceIndex < joinClause.length; joinSourceIndex++) { for (joinSourceKey in joinClause[joinSourceIndex]) { if (joinClause[joinSourceIndex].hasOwnProperty(joinSourceKey)) { // Get the match data for the join joinMatch = joinClause[joinSourceIndex][joinSourceKey]; // Check if the join is to a collection (default) or a specified source type // e.g 'view' or 'collection' joinSourceType = joinMatch.$sourceType || 'collection'; joinSourceIdentifier = '$' + joinSourceType + '.' + joinSourceKey; // Set the key to store the join result in to the collection name by default // can be overridden by the '$as' clause in the join object resultKeyName = joinSourceKey; // Get the join collection instance from the DB if (joinSource[joinSourceIdentifier]) { // We have a joinSource for this identifier already (given to us by // an index when we analysed the query earlier on) and we can use // that source instead. joinSourceInstance = joinSource[joinSourceIdentifier]; } else { // We do not already have a joinSource so grab the instance from the db if (this._db[joinSourceType] && typeof this._db[joinSourceType] === 'function') { joinSourceInstance = this._db[joinSourceType](joinSourceKey); } } // Loop our result data array for (resultIndex = 0; resultIndex < docArr.length; resultIndex++) { // Loop the join conditions and build a search object from them joinSearchQuery = {}; joinMulti = false; joinRequire = false; joinPrefix = ''; for (joinMatchIndex in joinMatch) { if (joinMatch.hasOwnProperty(joinMatchIndex)) { joinMatchData = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; // Check the join condition name for a special command operator if (joinMatchIndex.substr(0, 1) === '$') { // Special command switch (joinMatchIndex) { case '$where': if (joinMatchData.$query || joinMatchData.$options) { if (joinMatchData.$query) { // Commented old code here, new one does dynamic reverse lookups //joinSearchQuery = joinMatchData.query; joinSearchQuery = self.resolveDynamicQuery(joinMatchData.$query, docArr[resultIndex]); } if (joinMatchData.$options) { joinSearchOptions = joinMatchData.$options; } } else { throw('$join $where clause requires "$query" and / or "$options" keys to work!'); } break; case '$as': // Rename the collection when stored in the result document resultKeyName = joinMatchData; break; case '$multi': // Return an array of documents instead of a single matching document joinMulti = joinMatchData; break; case '$require': // Remove the result item if no matching join data is found joinRequire = joinMatchData; break; case '$prefix': // Add a prefix to properties mixed in joinPrefix = joinMatchData; break; default: break; } } else { // Get the data to match against and store in the search object // Resolve complex referenced query joinSearchQuery[joinMatchIndex] = self.resolveDynamicQuery(joinMatchData, docArr[resultIndex]); } } } // Do a find on the target collection against the match data joinFindResults = joinSourceInstance.find(joinSearchQuery, joinSearchOptions); // Check if we require a joined row to allow the result item if (!joinRequire || (joinRequire && joinFindResults[0])) { // Join is not required or condition is met if (resultKeyName === '$root') { // The property name to store the join results in is $root // which means we need to mixin the results but this only // works if joinMulti is disabled if (joinMulti !== false) { // Throw an exception here as this join is not physically possible! throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot combine [$as: "$root"] with [$multi: true] in $join clause!'); } // Mixin the result joinFindResult = joinFindResults[0]; joinItem = docArr[resultIndex]; for (l in joinFindResult) { if (joinFindResult.hasOwnProperty(l) && joinItem[joinPrefix + l] === undefined) { // Properties are only mixed in if they do not already exist // in the target item (are undefined). Using a prefix denoted via // $prefix is a good way to prevent property name conflicts joinItem[joinPrefix + l] = joinFindResult[l]; } } } else { docArr[resultIndex][resultKeyName] = joinMulti === false ? joinFindResults[0] : joinFindResults; } } else { // Join required but condition not met, add item to removal queue resultRemove.push(resultIndex); } } } } } return resultRemove; }, /** * Takes a query object with dynamic references and converts the references * into actual values from the references source. * @param {Object} query The query object with dynamic references. * @param {Object} item The document to apply the references to. * @returns {*} * @private */ resolveDynamicQuery: function (query, item) { var self = this, newQuery, propType, propVal, pathResult, i; // Check for early exit conditions if (typeof query === 'string') { // Check if the property name starts with a back-reference if (query.substr(0, 3) === '$$.') { // Fill the query with a back-referenced value pathResult = this.sharedPathSolver.value(item, query.substr(3, query.length - 3)); } else { pathResult = this.sharedPathSolver.value(item, query); } if (pathResult.length > 1) { return {$in: pathResult}; } else { return pathResult[0]; } } newQuery = {}; for (i in query) { if (query.hasOwnProperty(i)) { propType = typeof query[i]; propVal = query[i]; switch (propType) { case 'string': // Check if the property name starts with a back-reference if (propVal.substr(0, 3) === '$$.') { // Fill the query with a back-referenced value newQuery[i] = this.sharedPathSolver.value(item, propVal.substr(3, propVal.length - 3))[0]; } else { newQuery[i] = propVal; } break; case 'object': newQuery[i] = self.resolveDynamicQuery(propVal, item); break; default: newQuery[i] = propVal; break; } } } return newQuery; }, spliceArrayByIndexList: function (arr, list) { var i; for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { arr.splice(list[i], 1); } } }; module.exports = Matching; },{}],24:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides sorting methods. * @mixin */ var Sorting = { /** * Sorts the passed value a against the passed value b ascending. * @param {*} a The first value to compare. * @param {*} b The second value to compare. * @returns {*} 1 if a is sorted after b, -1 if a is sorted before b. */ sortAsc: function (a, b) { if (typeof(a) === 'string' && typeof(b) === 'string') { return a.localeCompare(b); } else { if (a > b) { return 1; } else if (a < b) { return -1; } } return 0; }, /** * Sorts the passed value a against the passed value b descending. * @param {*} a The first value to compare. * @param {*} b The second value to compare. * @returns {*} 1 if a is sorted after b, -1 if a is sorted before b. */ sortDesc: function (a, b) { if (typeof(a) === 'string' && typeof(b) === 'string') { return b.localeCompare(a); } else { if (a > b) { return -1; } else if (a < b) { return 1; } } return 0; } }; module.exports = Sorting; },{}],25:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Tags, tagMap = {}; /** * Provides class instance tagging and tag operation methods. * @mixin */ Tags = { /** * Tags a class instance for later lookup. * @param {String} name The tag to add. * @returns {boolean} */ tagAdd: function (name) { var i, self = this, mapArr = tagMap[name] = tagMap[name] || []; for (i = 0; i < mapArr.length; i++) { if (mapArr[i] === self) { return true; } } mapArr.push(self); // Hook the drop event for this so we can react if (self.on) { self.on('drop', function () { // We've been dropped so remove ourselves from the tag map self.tagRemove(name); }); } return true; }, /** * Removes a tag from a class instance. * @param {String} name The tag to remove. * @returns {boolean} */ tagRemove: function (name) { var i, mapArr = tagMap[name]; if (mapArr) { for (i = 0; i < mapArr.length; i++) { if (mapArr[i] === this) { mapArr.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, /** * Gets an array of all instances tagged with the passed tag name. * @param {String} name The tag to lookup. * @returns {Array} The array of instances that have the passed tag. */ tagLookup: function (name) { return tagMap[name] || []; }, /** * Drops all instances that are tagged with the passed tag name. * @param {String} name The tag to lookup. * @param {Function} callback Callback once dropping has completed * for all instances that match the passed tag name. * @returns {boolean} */ tagDrop: function (name, callback) { var arr = this.tagLookup(name), dropCb, dropCount, i; dropCb = function () { dropCount--; if (callback && dropCount === 0) { callback(false); } }; if (arr.length) { dropCount = arr.length; // Loop the array and drop all items for (i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { arr[i].drop(dropCb); } } return true; } }; module.exports = Tags; },{}],26:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Provides trigger functionality methods. * @mixin */ var Triggers = { /** * When called in a before phase the newDoc object can be directly altered * to modify the data in it before the operation is carried out. * @callback addTriggerCallback * @param {Object} operation The details about the operation. * @param {Object} oldDoc The document before the operation. * @param {Object} newDoc The document after the operation. */ /** * Add a trigger by id. * @param {String} id The id of the trigger. This must be unique to the type and * phase of the trigger. Only one trigger may be added with this id per type and * phase. * @param {Constants} type The type of operation to apply the trigger to. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {Constants} phase The phase of an operation to fire the trigger on. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {addTriggerCallback} method The method to call when the trigger is fired. * @returns {boolean} True if the trigger was added successfully, false if not. */ addTrigger: function (id, type, phase, method) { var self = this, triggerIndex; // Check if the trigger already exists triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex === -1) { // The trigger does not exist, create it self._trigger = self._trigger || {}; self._trigger[type] = self._trigger[type] || {}; self._trigger[type][phase] = self._trigger[type][phase] || []; self._trigger[type][phase].push({ id: id, method: method, enabled: true }); return true; } return false; }, /** * * @param {String} id The id of the trigger to remove. * @param {Number} type The type of operation to remove the trigger from. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation to remove the trigger from. * See Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @returns {boolean} True if removed successfully, false if not. */ removeTrigger: function (id, type, phase) { var self = this, triggerIndex; // Check if the trigger already exists triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // The trigger exists, remove it self._trigger[type][phase].splice(triggerIndex, 1); } return false; }, enableTrigger: new Overload({ 'string': function (id) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, types = self._trigger, phases, triggers, result = false, i, k, j; if (types) { for (j in types) { if (types.hasOwnProperty(j)) { phases = types[j]; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set enabled flag for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { if (triggers[k].id === id) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } } } } } } return result; }, 'number': function (type) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, i, k; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set to enabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } } return result; }, 'number, number': function (type, phase) { // Alter all triggers of this type and phase var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, k; if (phases) { triggers = phases[phase]; if (triggers) { // Loop triggers and set to enabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } return result; }, 'string, number, number': function (id, type, phase) { // Check if the trigger already exists var self = this, triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // Update the trigger self._trigger[type][phase][triggerIndex].enabled = true; return true; } return false; } }), disableTrigger: new Overload({ 'string': function (id) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, types = self._trigger, phases, triggers, result = false, i, k, j; if (types) { for (j in types) { if (types.hasOwnProperty(j)) { phases = types[j]; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set enabled flag for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { if (triggers[k].id === id) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } } } } } } return result; }, 'number': function (type) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, i, k; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set to disabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } } return result; }, 'number, number': function (type, phase) { // Alter all triggers of this type and phase var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, k; if (phases) { triggers = phases[phase]; if (triggers) { // Loop triggers and set to disabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } return result; }, 'string, number, number': function (id, type, phase) { // Check if the trigger already exists var self = this, triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // Update the trigger self._trigger[type][phase][triggerIndex].enabled = false; return true; } return false; } }), /** * Checks if a trigger will fire based on the type and phase provided. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @returns {Boolean} True if the trigger will fire, false otherwise. */ willTrigger: function (type, phase) { if (this._trigger && this._trigger[type] && this._trigger[type][phase] && this._trigger[type][phase].length) { // Check if a trigger in this array is enabled var arr = this._trigger[type][phase], i; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].enabled) { return true; } } } return false; }, /** * Processes trigger actions based on the operation, type and phase. * @param {Object} operation Operation data to pass to the trigger. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @param {Object} oldDoc The document snapshot before operations are * carried out against the data. * @param {Object} newDoc The document snapshot after operations are * carried out against the data. * @returns {boolean} */ processTrigger: function (operation, type, phase, oldDoc, newDoc) { var self = this, triggerArr, triggerIndex, triggerCount, triggerItem, response; if (self._trigger && self._trigger[type] && self._trigger[type][phase]) { triggerArr = self._trigger[type][phase]; triggerCount = triggerArr.length; for (triggerIndex = 0; triggerIndex < triggerCount; triggerIndex++) { triggerItem = triggerArr[triggerIndex]; // Check if the trigger is enabled if (triggerItem.enabled) { if (this.debug()) { var typeName, phaseName; switch (type) { case this.TYPE_INSERT: typeName = 'insert'; break; case this.TYPE_UPDATE: typeName = 'update'; break; case this.TYPE_REMOVE: typeName = 'remove'; break; default: typeName = ''; break; } switch (phase) { case this.PHASE_BEFORE: phaseName = 'before'; break; case this.PHASE_AFTER: phaseName = 'after'; break; default: phaseName = ''; break; } //console.log('Triggers: Processing trigger "' + id + '" for ' + typeName + ' in phase "' + phaseName + '"'); } // Run the trigger's method and store the response response =, operation, oldDoc, newDoc); // Check the response for a non-expected result (anything other than // undefined, true or false is considered a throwable error) if (response === false) { // The trigger wants us to cancel operations return false; } if (response !== undefined && response !== true && response !== false) { // Trigger responded with error, throw the error throw('ForerunnerDB.Mixin.Triggers: Trigger error: ' + response); } } } // Triggers all ran without issue, return a success (true) return true; } }, /** * Returns the index of a trigger by id based on type and phase. * @param {String} id The id of the trigger to find the index of. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @returns {number} * @private */ _triggerIndexOf: function (id, type, phase) { var self = this, triggerArr, triggerCount, triggerIndex; if (self._trigger && self._trigger[type] && self._trigger[type][phase]) { triggerArr = self._trigger[type][phase]; triggerCount = triggerArr.length; for (triggerIndex = 0; triggerIndex < triggerCount; triggerIndex++) { if (triggerArr[triggerIndex].id === id) { return triggerIndex; } } } return -1; } }; module.exports = Triggers; },{"./Overload":31}],27:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides methods to handle object update operations. * @mixin */ var Updating = { /** * Updates a property on an object. * @param {Object} doc The object whose property is to be updated. * @param {String} prop The property to update. * @param {*} val The new value of the property. * @private */ _updateProperty: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] = val; if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Setting non-data-bound document property "' + prop + '"'); } }, /** * Increments a value for a property on a document by the passed number. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to modify. * @param {Number} val The amount to increment by. * @private */ _updateIncrement: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] += val; }, /** * Changes the index of an item in the passed array. * @param {Array} arr The array to modify. * @param {Number} indexFrom The index to move the item from. * @param {Number} indexTo The index to move the item to. * @private */ _updateSpliceMove: function (arr, indexFrom, indexTo) { arr.splice(indexTo, 0, arr.splice(indexFrom, 1)[0]); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Moving non-data-bound document array index from "' + indexFrom + '" to "' + indexTo + '"'); } }, /** * Inserts an item into the passed array at the specified index. * @param {Array} arr The array to insert into. * @param {Number} index The index to insert at. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ _updateSplicePush: function (arr, index, doc) { if (arr.length > index) { arr.splice(index, 0, doc); } else { arr.push(doc); } }, /** * Inserts an item at the end of an array. * @param {Array} arr The array to insert the item into. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ _updatePush: function (arr, doc) { arr.push(doc); }, /** * Removes an item from the passed array. * @param {Array} arr The array to modify. * @param {Number} index The index of the item in the array to remove. * @private */ _updatePull: function (arr, index) { arr.splice(index, 1); }, /** * Multiplies a value for a property on a document by the passed number. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to modify. * @param {Number} val The amount to multiply by. * @private */ _updateMultiply: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] *= val; }, /** * Renames a property on a document to the passed property. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to rename. * @param {Number} val The new property name. * @private */ _updateRename: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[val] = doc[prop]; delete doc[prop]; }, /** * Sets a property on a document to the passed value. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to set. * @param {*} val The new property value. * @private */ _updateOverwrite: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] = val; }, /** * Deletes a property on a document. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to delete. * @private */ _updateUnset: function (doc, prop) { delete doc[prop]; }, /** * Removes all properties from an object without destroying * the object instance, thereby maintaining data-bound linking. * @param {Object} doc The parent object to modify. * @param {String} prop The name of the child object to clear. * @private */ _updateClear: function (doc, prop) { var obj = doc[prop], i; if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') { for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this._updateUnset(obj, i); } } } }, /** * Pops an item or items from the array stack. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {Number} val If set to a positive integer, will pop the number specified * from the stack, if set to a negative integer will shift the number specified * from the stack. * @return {Boolean} * @private */ _updatePop: function (doc, val) { var updated = false, i; if (doc.length > 0) { if (val > 0) { for (i = 0; i < val; i++) { doc.pop(); } updated = true; } else if (val < 0) { for (i = 0; i > val; i--) { doc.shift(); } updated = true; } } return updated; } }; module.exports = Updating; },{}],28:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // Grab the view class var Shared, Core, OldView, OldViewInit; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); Core = Shared.modules.Core; OldView = Shared.modules.OldView; OldViewInit = OldView.prototype.init; OldView.prototype.init = function () { var self = this; this._binds = []; this._renderStart = 0; this._renderEnd = 0; this._deferQueue = { insert: [], update: [], remove: [], upsert: [], _bindInsert: [], _bindUpdate: [], _bindRemove: [], _bindUpsert: [] }; this._deferThreshold = { insert: 100, update: 100, remove: 100, upsert: 100, _bindInsert: 100, _bindUpdate: 100, _bindRemove: 100, _bindUpsert: 100 }; this._deferTime = { insert: 100, update: 1, remove: 1, upsert: 1, _bindInsert: 100, _bindUpdate: 1, _bindRemove: 1, _bindUpsert: 1 }; OldViewInit.apply(this, arguments); // Hook view events to update binds this.on('insert', function (successArr, failArr) { self._bindEvent('insert', successArr, failArr); }); this.on('update', function (successArr, failArr) { self._bindEvent('update', successArr, failArr); }); this.on('remove', function (successArr, failArr) { self._bindEvent('remove', successArr, failArr); }); this.on('change', self._bindChange); }; /** * Binds a selector to the insert, update and delete events of a particular * view and keeps the selector in sync so that updates are reflected on the * web page in real-time. * * @param {String} selector The jQuery selector string to get target elements. * @param {Object} options The options object. */ OldView.prototype.bind = function (selector, options) { if (options && options.template) { this._binds[selector] = options; } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.OldView "' + + '": Cannot bind data to element, missing options information!'); } return this; }; /** * Un-binds a selector from the view changes. * @param {String} selector The jQuery selector string to identify the bind to remove. * @returns {Collection} */ OldView.prototype.unBind = function (selector) { delete this._binds[selector]; return this; }; /** * Returns true if the selector is bound to the view. * @param {String} selector The jQuery selector string to identify the bind to check for. * @returns {boolean} */ OldView.prototype.isBound = function (selector) { return Boolean(this._binds[selector]); }; /** * Sorts items in the DOM based on the bind settings and the passed item array. * @param {String} selector The jQuery selector of the bind container. * @param {Array} itemArr The array of items used to determine the order the DOM * elements should be in based on the order they are in, in the array. */ OldView.prototype.bindSortDom = function (selector, itemArr) { var container = window.jQuery(selector), arrIndex, arrItem, domItem; if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView.Bind: Sorting data in DOM...', itemArr); } for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < itemArr.length; arrIndex++) { arrItem = itemArr[arrIndex]; // Now we've done our inserts into the DOM, let's ensure // they are still ordered correctly domItem = container.find('#' + arrItem[this._primaryKey]); if (domItem.length) { if (arrIndex === 0) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView.Bind: Sort, moving to index 0...', domItem); } container.prepend(domItem); } else { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView.Bind: Sort, moving to index ' + arrIndex + '...', domItem); } domItem.insertAfter(container.children(':eq(' + (arrIndex - 1) + ')')); } } else { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView.Bind: Warning, element for array item not found!', arrItem); } } } }; OldView.prototype.bindRefresh = function (obj) { var binds = this._binds, bindKey, bind; if (!obj) { // Grab current data obj = { data: this.find() }; } for (bindKey in binds) { if (binds.hasOwnProperty(bindKey)) { bind = binds[bindKey]; if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView.Bind: Sorting DOM...'); } this.bindSortDom(bindKey,; if (bind.afterOperation) { bind.afterOperation(); } if (bind.refresh) { bind.refresh(); } } } }; /** * Renders a bind view data to the DOM. * @param {String} bindSelector The jQuery selector string to use to identify * the bind target. Must match the selector used when defining the original bind. * @param {Function=} domHandler If specified, this handler method will be called * with the final HTML for the view instead of the DB handling the DOM insertion. */ OldView.prototype.bindRender = function (bindSelector, domHandler) { // Check the bind exists var bind = this._binds[bindSelector], domTarget = window.jQuery(bindSelector), allData, dataItem, itemHtml, finalHtml = window.jQuery('<ul></ul>'), bindCallback, i; if (bind) { allData = this._data.find(); bindCallback = function (itemHtml) { finalHtml.append(itemHtml); }; // Loop all items and add them to the screen for (i = 0; i < allData.length; i++) { dataItem = allData[i]; itemHtml = bind.template(dataItem, bindCallback); } if (!domHandler) { domTarget.append(finalHtml.html()); } else { domHandler(bindSelector, finalHtml.html()); } } }; OldView.prototype.processQueue = function (type, callback) { var queue = this._deferQueue[type], deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold[type], deferTime = this._deferTime[type]; if (queue.length) { var self = this, dataArr; // Process items up to the threshold if (queue.length) { if (queue.length > deferThreshold) { // Grab items up to the threshold value dataArr = queue.splice(0, deferThreshold); } else { // Grab all the remaining items dataArr = queue.splice(0, queue.length); } this._bindEvent(type, dataArr, []); } // Queue another process setTimeout(function () { self.processQueue(type, callback); }, deferTime); } else { if (callback) { callback(); } this.emit('bindQueueComplete'); } }; OldView.prototype._bindEvent = function (type, successArr, failArr) { /*var queue = this._deferQueue[type], deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold[type], deferTime = this._deferTime[type];*/ var binds = this._binds, unfilteredDataSet = this.find({}), filteredDataSet, bindKey; // Check if the number of inserts is greater than the defer threshold /*if (successArr && successArr.length > deferThreshold) { // Break up upsert into blocks this._deferQueue[type] = queue.concat(successArr); // Fire off the insert queue handler this.processQueue(type); return; } else {*/ for (bindKey in binds) { if (binds.hasOwnProperty(bindKey)) { if (binds[bindKey].reduce) { filteredDataSet = this.find(binds[bindKey].reduce.query, binds[bindKey].reduce.options); } else { filteredDataSet = unfilteredDataSet; } switch (type) { case 'insert': this._bindInsert(bindKey, binds[bindKey], successArr, failArr, filteredDataSet); break; case 'update': this._bindUpdate(bindKey, binds[bindKey], successArr, failArr, filteredDataSet); break; case 'remove': this._bindRemove(bindKey, binds[bindKey], successArr, failArr, filteredDataSet); break; } } } //} }; OldView.prototype._bindChange = function (newDataArr) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView.Bind: Bind data change, refreshing bind...', newDataArr); } this.bindRefresh(newDataArr); }; OldView.prototype._bindInsert = function (selector, options, successArr, failArr, all) { var container = window.jQuery(selector), itemElem, itemHtml, makeCallback, i; makeCallback = function (itemElem, insertedItem, failArr, all) { return function (itemHtml) { // Check if there is custom DOM insert method if (options.insert) { options.insert(itemHtml, insertedItem, failArr, all); } else { // Handle the insert automatically // Add the item to the container if (options.prependInsert) { container.prepend(itemHtml); } else { container.append(itemHtml); } } if (options.afterInsert) { options.afterInsert(itemHtml, insertedItem, failArr, all); } }; }; // Loop the inserted items for (i = 0; i < successArr.length; i++) { // Check for existing item in the container itemElem = container.find('#' + successArr[i][this._primaryKey]); if (!itemElem.length) { itemHtml = options.template(successArr[i], makeCallback(itemElem, successArr[i], failArr, all)); } } }; OldView.prototype._bindUpdate = function (selector, options, successArr, failArr, all) { var container = window.jQuery(selector), itemElem, makeCallback, i; makeCallback = function (itemElem, itemData) { return function (itemHtml) { // Check if there is custom DOM insert method if (options.update) { options.update(itemHtml, itemData, all, itemElem.length ? 'update' : 'append'); } else { if (itemElem.length) { // An existing item is in the container, replace it with the // new rendered item from the updated data itemElem.replaceWith(itemHtml); } else { // The item element does not already exist, append it if (options.prependUpdate) { container.prepend(itemHtml); } else { container.append(itemHtml); } } } if (options.afterUpdate) { options.afterUpdate(itemHtml, itemData, all); } }; }; // Loop the updated items for (i = 0; i < successArr.length; i++) { // Check for existing item in the container itemElem = container.find('#' + successArr[i][this._primaryKey]); options.template(successArr[i], makeCallback(itemElem, successArr[i])); } }; OldView.prototype._bindRemove = function (selector, options, successArr, failArr, all) { var container = window.jQuery(selector), itemElem, makeCallback, i; makeCallback = function (itemElem, data, all) { return function () { if (options.remove) { options.remove(itemElem, data, all); } else { itemElem.remove(); if (options.afterRemove) { options.afterRemove(itemElem, data, all); } } }; }; // Loop the removed items for (i = 0; i < successArr.length; i++) { // Check for existing item in the container itemElem = container.find('#' + successArr[i][this._primaryKey]); if (itemElem.length) { if (options.beforeRemove) { options.beforeRemove(itemElem, successArr[i], all, makeCallback(itemElem, successArr[i], all)); } else { if (options.remove) { options.remove(itemElem, successArr[i], all); } else { itemElem.remove(); if (options.afterRemove) { options.afterRemove(itemElem, successArr[i], all); } } } } } }; },{"./Shared":39}],29:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // Import external names locally var Shared, Db, CollectionGroup, Collection, CollectionInit, CollectionGroupInit, DbInit; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * The view constructor. * @param viewName * @constructor */ var OldView = function (viewName) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; OldView.prototype.init = function (viewName) { var self = this; this._name = viewName; this._listeners = {}; this._query = { query: {}, options: {} }; // Register listeners for the CRUD events this._onFromSetData = function () { self._onSetData.apply(self, arguments); }; this._onFromInsert = function () { self._onInsert.apply(self, arguments); }; this._onFromUpdate = function () { self._onUpdate.apply(self, arguments); }; this._onFromRemove = function () { self._onRemove.apply(self, arguments); }; this._onFromChange = function () { if (self.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Received change'); } self._onChange.apply(self, arguments); }; }; Shared.addModule('OldView', OldView); CollectionGroup = _dereq_('./CollectionGroup'); Collection = _dereq_('./Collection'); CollectionInit = Collection.prototype.init; CollectionGroupInit = CollectionGroup.prototype.init; Db = Shared.modules.Db; DbInit = Db.prototype.init; Shared.mixin(OldView.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); /** * Drops a view and all it's stored data from the database. * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure. */ OldView.prototype.drop = function () { if ((this._db || this._from) && this._name) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Dropping view ' + this._name); } this._state = 'dropped'; this.emit('drop', this); if (this._db && this._db._oldViews) { delete this._db._oldViews[this._name]; } if (this._from && this._from._oldViews) { delete this._from._oldViews[this._name]; } delete this._listeners; return true; } return false; }; OldView.prototype.debug = function () { // TODO: Make this function work return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the DB the view is bound against. Automatically set * when the db.oldView(viewName) method is called. * @param db * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.db = function (db) { if (db !== undefined) { this._db = db; return this; } return this._db; }; /** * Gets / sets the collection that the view derives it's data from. * @param {*} collection A collection instance or the name of a collection * to use as the data set to derive view data from. * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.from = function (collection) { if (collection !== undefined) { // Check if this is a collection name or a collection instance if (typeof(collection) === 'string') { if (this._db.collectionExists(collection)) { collection = this._db.collection(collection); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.OldView "' + + '": Invalid collection in view.from() call.'); } } // Check if the existing from matches the passed one if (this._from !== collection) { // Check if we already have a collection assigned if (this._from) { // Remove ourselves from the collection view lookup this.removeFrom(); } this.addFrom(collection); } return this; } return this._from; }; OldView.prototype.addFrom = function (collection) { //var self = this; this._from = collection; if (this._from) { this._from.on('setData', this._onFromSetData); //this._from.on('insert', this._onFromInsert); //this._from.on('update', this._onFromUpdate); //this._from.on('remove', this._onFromRemove); this._from.on('change', this._onFromChange); // Add this view to the collection's view lookup this._from._addOldView(this); this._primaryKey = this._from._primaryKey; this.refresh(); return this; } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.OldView "' + + '": Cannot determine collection type in view.from()'); } }; OldView.prototype.removeFrom = function () { // Unsubscribe from events on this "from"'setData', this._onFromSetData); //'insert', this._onFromInsert); //'update', this._onFromUpdate); //'remove', this._onFromRemove);'change', this._onFromChange); this._from._removeOldView(this); }; /** * Gets the primary key for this view from the assigned collection. * @returns {String} */ OldView.prototype.primaryKey = function () { if (this._from) { return this._from.primaryKey(); } return undefined; }; /** * Gets / sets the query that the view uses to build it's data set. * @param {Object=} query * @param {Boolean=} options An options object. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether to refresh the view data after * this operation. Defaults to true. * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.queryData = function (query, options, refresh) { if (query !== undefined) { this._query.query = query; } if (options !== undefined) { this._query.options = options; } if (query !== undefined || options !== undefined) { if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } return this; } return this._query; }; /** * Add data to the existing query. * @param {Object} obj The data whose keys will be added to the existing * query object. * @param {Boolean} overwrite Whether or not to overwrite data that already * exists in the query object. Defaults to true. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether or not to refresh the view data set * once the operation is complete. Defaults to true. */ OldView.prototype.queryAdd = function (obj, overwrite, refresh) { var query = this._query.query, i; if (obj !== undefined) { // Loop object properties and add to existing query for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (query[i] === undefined || (query[i] !== undefined && overwrite)) { query[i] = obj[i]; } } } } if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } }; /** * Remove data from the existing query. * @param {Object} obj The data whose keys will be removed from the existing * query object. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether or not to refresh the view data set * once the operation is complete. Defaults to true. */ OldView.prototype.queryRemove = function (obj, refresh) { var query = this._query.query, i; if (obj !== undefined) { // Loop object properties and add to existing query for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { delete query[i]; } } } if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } }; /** * Gets / sets the query being used to generate the view data. * @param {Object=} query The query to set. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether to refresh the view data after * this operation. Defaults to true. * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.query = function (query, refresh) { if (query !== undefined) { this._query.query = query; if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } return this; } return this._query.query; }; /** * Gets / sets the query options used when applying sorting etc to the * view data set. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether to refresh the view data after * this operation. Defaults to true. * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.queryOptions = function (options, refresh) { if (options !== undefined) { this._query.options = options; if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } return this; } return this._query.options; }; /** * Refreshes the view data and diffs between previous and new data to * determine if any events need to be triggered or DOM binds updated. */ OldView.prototype.refresh = function (force) { if (this._from) { // Take a copy of the data before updating it, we will use this to // "diff" between the old and new data and handle DOM bind updates var oldData = this._data, oldDataArr, oldDataItem, newData, newDataArr, query, primaryKey, dataItem, inserted = [], updated = [], removed = [], operated = false, i; if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Refreshing view ' + this._name); console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Existing data: ' + (typeof(this._data) !== "undefined")); if (typeof(this._data) !== "undefined") { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Current data rows: ' + this._data.find().length); } //console.log(OldView.prototype.refresh.caller); } // Query the collection and update the data if (this._query) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: View has query and options, getting subset...'); } // Run query against collection //console.log('refresh with query and options', this._query.options); this._data = this._from.subset(this._query.query, this._query.options); //console.log(this._data); } else { // No query, return whole collection if (this._query.options) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: View has options, getting subset...'); } this._data = this._from.subset({}, this._query.options); } else { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: View has no query or options, getting subset...'); } this._data = this._from.subset({}); } } // Check if there was old data if (!force && oldData) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Refresh not forced, old data detected...'); } // Now determine the difference newData = this._data; if (oldData.subsetOf() === newData.subsetOf()) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Old and new data are from same collection...'); } newDataArr = newData.find(); oldDataArr = oldData.find(); primaryKey = newData._primaryKey; // The old data and new data were derived from the same parent collection // so scan the data to determine changes for (i = 0; i < newDataArr.length; i++) { dataItem = newDataArr[i]; query = {}; query[primaryKey] = dataItem[primaryKey]; // Check if this item exists in the old data oldDataItem = oldData.find(query)[0]; if (!oldDataItem) { // New item detected inserted.push(dataItem); } else { // Check if an update has occurred if (JSON.stringify(oldDataItem) !== JSON.stringify(dataItem)) { // Updated / already included item detected updated.push(dataItem); } } } // Now loop the old data and check if any records were removed for (i = 0; i < oldDataArr.length; i++) { dataItem = oldDataArr[i]; query = {}; query[primaryKey] = dataItem[primaryKey]; // Check if this item exists in the old data if (!newData.find(query)[0]) { // Removed item detected removed.push(dataItem); } } if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Removed ' + removed.length + ' rows'); console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Inserted ' + inserted.length + ' rows'); console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Updated ' + updated.length + ' rows'); } // Now we have a diff of the two data sets, we need to get the DOM updated if (inserted.length) { this._onInsert(inserted, []); operated = true; } if (updated.length) { this._onUpdate(updated, []); operated = true; } if (removed.length) { this._onRemove(removed, []); operated = true; } } else { // The previous data and the new data are derived from different collections // and can therefore not be compared, all data is therefore effectively "new" // so first perform a remove of all existing data then do an insert on all new data if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Old and new data are from different collections...'); } removed = oldData.find(); if (removed.length) { this._onRemove(removed); operated = true; } inserted = newData.find(); if (inserted.length) { this._onInsert(inserted); operated = true; } } } else { // Force an update as if the view never got created by padding all elements // to the insert if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Forcing data update', newDataArr); } this._data = this._from.subset(this._query.query, this._query.options); newDataArr = this._data.find(); if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Emitting change event with data', newDataArr); } this._onInsert(newDataArr, []); } if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Emitting change'); } this.emit('change'); } return this; }; /** * Returns the number of documents currently in the view. * @returns {Number} */ OldView.prototype.count = function () { return this._data && this._data._data ? this._data._data.length : 0; }; /** * Queries the view data. See Collection.find() for more information. * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.find = function () { if (this._data) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Finding data in view collection...', this._data); } return this._data.find.apply(this._data, arguments); } else { return []; } }; /** * Inserts into view data via the view collection. See Collection.insert() for more information. * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.insert = function () { if (this._from) { // Pass the args through to the from object return this._from.insert.apply(this._from, arguments); } else { return []; } }; /** * Updates into view data via the view collection. See Collection.update() for more information. * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.update = function () { if (this._from) { // Pass the args through to the from object return this._from.update.apply(this._from, arguments); } else { return []; } }; /** * Removed from view data via the view collection. See Collection.remove() for more information. * @returns {*} */ OldView.prototype.remove = function () { if (this._from) { // Pass the args through to the from object return this._from.remove.apply(this._from, arguments); } else { return []; } }; OldView.prototype._onSetData = function (newDataArr, oldDataArr) { this.emit('remove', oldDataArr, []); this.emit('insert', newDataArr, []); //this.refresh(); }; OldView.prototype._onInsert = function (successArr, failArr) { this.emit('insert', successArr, failArr); //this.refresh(); }; OldView.prototype._onUpdate = function (successArr, failArr) { this.emit('update', successArr, failArr); //this.refresh(); }; OldView.prototype._onRemove = function (successArr, failArr) { this.emit('remove', successArr, failArr); //this.refresh(); }; OldView.prototype._onChange = function () { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Refreshing data'); } this.refresh(); }; // Extend collection with view init Collection.prototype.init = function () { this._oldViews = []; CollectionInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Adds a view to the internal view lookup. * @param {View} view The view to add. * @returns {Collection} * @private */ Collection.prototype._addOldView = function (view) { if (view !== undefined) { this._oldViews[view._name] = view; } return this; }; /** * Removes a view from the internal view lookup. * @param {View} view The view to remove. * @returns {Collection} * @private */ Collection.prototype._removeOldView = function (view) { if (view !== undefined) { delete this._oldViews[view._name]; } return this; }; // Extend collection with view init CollectionGroup.prototype.init = function () { this._oldViews = []; CollectionGroupInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Adds a view to the internal view lookup. * @param {View} view The view to add. * @returns {Collection} * @private */ CollectionGroup.prototype._addOldView = function (view) { if (view !== undefined) { this._oldViews[view._name] = view; } return this; }; /** * Removes a view from the internal view lookup. * @param {View} view The view to remove. * @returns {Collection} * @private */ CollectionGroup.prototype._removeOldView = function (view) { if (view !== undefined) { delete this._oldViews[view._name]; } return this; }; // Extend DB with views init Db.prototype.init = function () { this._oldViews = {}; DbInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Gets a view by it's name. * @param {String} viewName The name of the view to retrieve. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.oldView = function (viewName) { if (!this._oldViews[viewName]) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('ForerunnerDB.OldView: Creating view ' + viewName); } } this._oldViews[viewName] = this._oldViews[viewName] || new OldView(viewName).db(this); return this._oldViews[viewName]; }; /** * Determine if a view with the passed name already exists. * @param {String} viewName The name of the view to check for. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.oldViewExists = function (viewName) { return Boolean(this._oldViews[viewName]); }; /** * Returns an array of views the DB currently has. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each view * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.oldViews = function () { var arr = [], i; for (i in this._oldViews) { if (this._oldViews.hasOwnProperty(i)) { arr.push({ name: i, count: this._oldViews[i].count() }); } } return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('OldView'); module.exports = OldView; },{"./Collection":4,"./CollectionGroup":5,"./Shared":39}],30:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'); /** * The operation class, used to store details about an operation being * performed by the database. * @param {String} name The name of the operation. * @constructor */ var Operation = function (name) { this.pathSolver = new Path(); this.counter = 0; this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Operation.prototype.init = function (name) { this._data = { operation: name, // The name of the operation executed such as "find", "update" etc index: { potential: [], // Indexes that could have potentially been used used: false // The index that was picked to use }, steps: [], // The steps taken to generate the query results, time: { startMs: 0, stopMs: 0, totalMs: 0, process: {} }, flag: {}, // An object with flags that denote certain execution paths log: [] // Any extra data that might be useful such as warnings or helpful hints }; }; Shared.addModule('Operation', Operation); Shared.mixin(Operation.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Starts the operation timer. */ Operation.prototype.start = function () { this._data.time.startMs = new Date().getTime(); }; /** * Adds an item to the operation log. * @param {String} event The item to log. * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.log = function (event) { if (event) { var lastLogTime = this._log.length > 0 ? this._data.log[this._data.log.length - 1].time : 0, logObj = { event: event, time: new Date().getTime(), delta: 0 }; this._data.log.push(logObj); if (lastLogTime) { = logObj.time - lastLogTime; } return this; } return this._data.log; }; /** * Called when starting and ending a timed operation, used to time * internal calls within an operation's execution. * @param {String} section An operation name. * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.time = function (section) { if (section !== undefined) { var process = this._data.time.process, processObj = process[section] = process[section] || {}; if (!processObj.startMs) { // Timer started processObj.startMs = new Date().getTime(); processObj.stepObj = { name: section }; this._data.steps.push(processObj.stepObj); } else { processObj.stopMs = new Date().getTime(); processObj.totalMs = processObj.stopMs - processObj.startMs; processObj.stepObj.totalMs = processObj.totalMs; delete processObj.stepObj; } return this; } return this._data.time; }; /** * Used to set key/value flags during operation execution. * @param {String} key * @param {String} val * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.flag = function (key, val) { if (key !== undefined && val !== undefined) { this._data.flag[key] = val; } else if (key !== undefined) { return this._data.flag[key]; } else { return this._data.flag; } }; = function (path, val, noTime) { if (val !== undefined) { // Assign value to object path this.pathSolver.set(this._data, path, val); return this; } return this.pathSolver.get(this._data, path); }; Operation.prototype.pushData = function (path, val, noTime) { // Assign value to object path this.pathSolver.push(this._data, path, val); }; /** * Stops the operation timer. */ Operation.prototype.stop = function () { this._data.time.stopMs = new Date().getTime(); this._data.time.totalMs = this._data.time.stopMs - this._data.time.startMs; }; Shared.finishModule('Operation'); module.exports = Operation; },{"./Path":33,"./Shared":39}],31:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Allows a method to accept overloaded calls with different parameters controlling * which passed overload function is called. * @param {Object} def * @returns {Function} * @constructor */ var Overload = function (def) { if (def) { var self = this, index, count, tmpDef, defNewKey, sigIndex, signatures; if (!(def instanceof Array)) { tmpDef = {}; // Def is an object, make sure all prop names are devoid of spaces for (index in def) { if (def.hasOwnProperty(index)) { defNewKey = index.replace(/ /g, ''); // Check if the definition array has a * string in it if (defNewKey.indexOf('*') === -1) { // No * found tmpDef[defNewKey] = def[index]; } else { // A * was found, generate the different signatures that this // definition could represent signatures = this.generateSignaturePermutations(defNewKey); for (sigIndex = 0; sigIndex < signatures.length; sigIndex++) { if (!tmpDef[signatures[sigIndex]]) { tmpDef[signatures[sigIndex]] = def[index]; } } } } } def = tmpDef; } return function () { var arr = [], lookup, type, name; // Check if we are being passed a key/function object or an array of functions if (def instanceof Array) { // We were passed an array of functions count = def.length; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (def[index].length === arguments.length) { return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[index], arguments); } } } else { // Generate lookup key from arguments // Copy arguments to an array for (index = 0; index < arguments.length; index++) { type = typeof arguments[index]; // Handle detecting arrays if (type === 'object' && arguments[index] instanceof Array) { type = 'array'; } // Handle been presented with a single undefined argument if (arguments.length === 1 && type === 'undefined') { break; } // Add the type to the argument types array arr.push(type); } lookup = arr.join(','); // Check for an exact lookup match if (def[lookup]) { return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[lookup], arguments); } else { for (index = arr.length; index >= 0; index--) { // Get the closest match lookup = arr.slice(0, index).join(','); if (def[lookup + ',...']) { // Matched against arguments + "any other" return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[lookup + ',...'], arguments); } } } } name = typeof === 'function' ? : 'Unknown'; console.log('Overload: ', def); throw('ForerunnerDB.Overload "' + name + '": Overloaded method does not have a matching signature "' + lookup + '" for the passed arguments: ' + this.jStringify(arr)); }; } return function () {}; }; /** * Generates an array of all the different definition signatures that can be * created from the passed string with a catch-all wildcard *. E.g. it will * convert the signature: string,*,string to all potentials: * string,string,string * string,number,string * string,object,string, * string,function,string, * string,undefined,string * * @param {String} str Signature string with a wildcard in it. * @returns {Array} An array of signature strings that are generated. */ Overload.prototype.generateSignaturePermutations = function (str) { var signatures = [], newSignature, types = ['string', 'object', 'number', 'function', 'undefined'], index; if (str.indexOf('*') > -1) { // There is at least one "any" type, break out into multiple keys // We could do this at query time with regular expressions but // would be significantly slower for (index = 0; index < types.length; index++) { newSignature = str.replace('*', types[index]); signatures = signatures.concat(this.generateSignaturePermutations(newSignature)); } } else { signatures.push(str); } return signatures; }; Overload.prototype.callExtend = function (context, prop, propContext, func, args) { var tmp, ret; if (context && propContext[prop]) { tmp = context[prop]; context[prop] = propContext[prop]; ret = func.apply(context, args); context[prop] = tmp; return ret; } else { return func.apply(context, args); } }; module.exports = Overload; },{}],32:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // Import external names locally var Shared, Db, Collection, DbDocument; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); var Overview = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Overview.prototype.init = function (name) { var self = this; this._name = name; this._data = new DbDocument('__FDB__dc_data_' + this._name); this._collData = new Collection(); this._sources = []; this._sourceDroppedWrap = function () { self._sourceDropped.apply(self, arguments); }; }; Shared.addModule('Overview', Overview); Shared.mixin(Overview.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Overview.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Overview.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(Overview.prototype, 'Mixin.Triggers'); Shared.mixin(Overview.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.mixin(Overview.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Collection = _dereq_('./Collection'); DbDocument = _dereq_('./Document'); Db = Shared.modules.Db; /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Overview.prototype, 'state'); Shared.synthesize(Overview.prototype, 'db'); Shared.synthesize(Overview.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(Overview.prototype, 'query', function (val) { var ret = this.$super(val); if (val !== undefined) { this._refresh(); } return ret; }); Shared.synthesize(Overview.prototype, 'queryOptions', function (val) { var ret = this.$super(val); if (val !== undefined) { this._refresh(); } return ret; }); Shared.synthesize(Overview.prototype, 'reduce', function (val) { var ret = this.$super(val); if (val !== undefined) { this._refresh(); } return ret; }); Overview.prototype.from = function (source) { if (source !== undefined) { if (typeof(source) === 'string') { source = this._db.collection(source); } this._setFrom(source); return this; } return this._sources; }; Overview.prototype.find = function () { return this._collData.find.apply(this._collData, arguments); }; /** * Executes and returns the response from the current reduce method * assigned to the overview. * @returns {*} */ Overview.prototype.exec = function () { var reduceFunc = this.reduce(); return reduceFunc ? reduceFunc.apply(this) : undefined; }; Overview.prototype.count = function () { return this._collData.count.apply(this._collData, arguments); }; Overview.prototype._setFrom = function (source) { // Remove all source references while (this._sources.length) { this._removeSource(this._sources[0]); } this._addSource(source); return this; }; Overview.prototype._addSource = function (source) { if (source && source.className === 'View') { // The source is a view so IO to the internal data collection // instead of the view proper source = source.privateData(); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Using internal private data "' + source.instanceIdentifier() + '" for IO graph linking'); } } if (this._sources.indexOf(source) === -1) { this._sources.push(source); source.chain(this); source.on('drop', this._sourceDroppedWrap); this._refresh(); } return this; }; Overview.prototype._removeSource = function (source) { if (source && source.className === 'View') { // The source is a view so IO to the internal data collection // instead of the view proper source = source.privateData(); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Using internal private data "' + source.instanceIdentifier() + '" for IO graph linking'); } } var sourceIndex = this._sources.indexOf(source); if (sourceIndex > -1) { this._sources.splice(source, 1); source.unChain(this);'drop', this._sourceDroppedWrap); this._refresh(); } return this; }; Overview.prototype._sourceDropped = function (source) { if (source) { // Source was dropped, remove from overview this._removeSource(source); } }; Overview.prototype._refresh = function () { if (!this.isDropped()) { if (this._sources && this._sources[0]) { this._collData.primaryKey(this._sources[0].primaryKey()); var tempArr = [], i; for (i = 0; i < this._sources.length; i++) { tempArr = tempArr.concat(this._sources[i].find(this._query, this._queryOptions)); } this._collData.setData(tempArr); } // Now execute the reduce method if (this._reduce) { var reducedData = this._reduce.apply(this); // Update the document with the newly returned data this._data.setData(reducedData); } } }; Overview.prototype._chainHandler = function (chainPacket) { switch (chainPacket.type) { case 'setData': case 'insert': case 'update': case 'remove': this._refresh(); break; default: break; } }; /** * Gets the module's internal data collection. * @returns {Collection} */ = function () { return this._data; }; Overview.prototype.drop = function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { this._state = 'dropped'; delete this._data; delete this._collData; // Remove all source references while (this._sources.length) { this._removeSource(this._sources[0]); } delete this._sources; if (this._db && this._name) { delete this._db._overview[this._name]; } delete this._name; this.emit('drop', this); if (callback) { callback(false, true); } delete this._listeners; } return true; }; Db.prototype.overview = function (name) { var self = this; if (name) { // Handle being passed an instance if (name instanceof Overview) { return name; } if (this._overview && this._overview[name]) { return this._overview[name]; } this._overview = this._overview || {}; this._overview[name] = new Overview(name).db(this); self.emit('create', self._overview[name], 'overview', name); return this._overview[name]; } else { // Return an object of collection data return this._overview || {}; } }; /** * Returns an array of overviews the DB currently has. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each overview * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.overviews = function () { var arr = [], item, i; for (i in this._overview) { if (this._overview.hasOwnProperty(i)) { item = this._overview[i]; arr.push({ name: i, count: item.count(), linked: item.isLinked !== undefined ? item.isLinked() : false }); } } return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Overview'); module.exports = Overview; },{"./Collection":4,"./Document":9,"./Shared":39}],33:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Path object used to resolve object paths and retrieve data from * objects by using paths. * @param {String=} path The path to assign. * @constructor */ var Path = function (path) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Path.prototype.init = function (path) { if (path) { this.path(path); } }; Shared.addModule('Path', Path); Shared.mixin(Path.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Path.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Gets / sets the given path for the Path instance. * @param {String=} path The path to assign. */ Path.prototype.path = function (path) { if (path !== undefined) { this._path = this.clean(path); this._pathParts = this._path.split('.'); return this; } return this._path; }; /** * Tests if the passed object has the paths that are specified and that * a value exists in those paths. * @param {Object} testKeys The object describing the paths to test for. * @param {Object} testObj The object to test paths against. * @returns {Boolean} True if the object paths exist. */ Path.prototype.hasObjectPaths = function (testKeys, testObj) { var result = true, i; for (i in testKeys) { if (testKeys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (testObj[i] === undefined) { return false; } if (typeof testKeys[i] === 'object') { // Recurse object result = this.hasObjectPaths(testKeys[i], testObj[i]); // Should we exit early? if (!result) { return false; } } } } return result; }; /** * Counts the total number of key endpoints in the passed object. * @param {Object} testObj The object to count key endpoints for. * @returns {Number} The number of endpoints. */ Path.prototype.countKeys = function (testObj) { var totalKeys = 0, i; for (i in testObj) { if (testObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (testObj[i] !== undefined) { if (typeof testObj[i] !== 'object') { totalKeys++; } else { totalKeys += this.countKeys(testObj[i]); } } } } return totalKeys; }; /** * Tests if the passed object has the paths that are specified and that * a value exists in those paths and if so returns the number matched. * @param {Object} testKeys The object describing the paths to test for. * @param {Object} testObj The object to test paths against. * @returns {Object} Stats on the matched keys */ Path.prototype.countObjectPaths = function (testKeys, testObj) { var matchData, matchedKeys = {}, matchedKeyCount = 0, totalKeyCount = 0, i; for (i in testObj) { if (testObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (typeof testObj[i] === 'object') { // The test / query object key is an object, recurse matchData = this.countObjectPaths(testKeys[i], testObj[i]); matchedKeys[i] = matchData.matchedKeys; totalKeyCount += matchData.totalKeyCount; matchedKeyCount += matchData.matchedKeyCount; } else { // The test / query object has a property that is not an object so add it as a key totalKeyCount++; // Check if the test keys also have this key and it is also not an object if (testKeys && testKeys[i] && typeof testKeys[i] !== 'object') { matchedKeys[i] = true; matchedKeyCount++; } else { matchedKeys[i] = false; } } } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, matchedKeyCount: matchedKeyCount, totalKeyCount: totalKeyCount }; }; /** * Takes a non-recursive object and converts the object hierarchy into * a path string. * @param {Object} obj The object to parse. * @param {Boolean=} withValue If true will include a 'value' key in the returned * object that represents the value the object path points to. * @returns {Object} */ Path.prototype.parse = function (obj, withValue) { var paths = [], path = '', resultData, i, k; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Set the path to the key path = i; if (typeof(obj[i]) === 'object') { if (withValue) { resultData = this.parse(obj[i], withValue); for (k = 0; k < resultData.length; k++) { paths.push({ path: path + '.' + resultData[k].path, value: resultData[k].value }); } } else { resultData = this.parse(obj[i]); for (k = 0; k < resultData.length; k++) { paths.push({ path: path + '.' + resultData[k].path }); } } } else { if (withValue) { paths.push({ path: path, value: obj[i] }); } else { paths.push({ path: path }); } } } } return paths; }; /** * Takes a non-recursive object and converts the object hierarchy into * an array of path strings that allow you to target all possible paths * in an object. * * The options object accepts an "ignore" field with a regular expression * as the value. If any key matches the expression it is not included in * the results. * * The options object accepts a boolean "verbose" field. If set to true * the results will include all paths leading up to endpoints as well as * they endpoints themselves. * * @returns {Array} */ Path.prototype.parseArr = function (obj, options) { options = options || {}; return this._parseArr(obj, '', [], options); }; Path.prototype._parseArr = function (obj, path, paths, options) { var i, newPath = ''; path = path || ''; paths = paths || []; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (!options.ignore || (options.ignore && !options.ignore.test(i))) { if (path) { newPath = path + '.' + i; } else { newPath = i; } if (typeof(obj[i]) === 'object') { if (options.verbose) { paths.push(newPath); } this._parseArr(obj[i], newPath, paths, options); } else { paths.push(newPath); } } } } return paths; }; /** * Sets a value on an object for the specified path. * @param {Object} obj The object to update. * @param {String} path The path to update. * @param {*} val The value to set the object path to. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.set = function (obj, path, val) { if (obj !== undefined && path !== undefined) { var pathParts, part; path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); part = pathParts.shift(); if (pathParts.length) { // Generate the path part in the object if it does not already exist obj[part] = obj[part] || {}; // Recurse this.set(obj[part], pathParts.join('.'), val); } else { // Set the value obj[part] = val; } } return obj; }; /** * Gets a single value from the passed object and given path. * @param {Object} obj The object to inspect. * @param {String} path The path to retrieve data from. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.get = function (obj, path) { return this.value(obj, path)[0]; }; /** * Gets the value(s) that the object contains for the currently assigned path string. * @param {Object} obj The object to evaluate the path against. * @param {String=} path A path to use instead of the existing one passed in path(). * @param {Object=} options An optional options object. * @returns {Array} An array of values for the given path. */ Path.prototype.value = function (obj, path, options) { var pathParts, arr, arrCount, objPart, objPartParent, valuesArr, returnArr, i, k; // Detect early exit if (path && path.indexOf('.') === -1) { return [obj[path]]; } if (obj !== undefined && typeof obj === 'object') { if (!options || options && !options.skipArrCheck) { // Check if we were passed an array of objects and if so, // iterate over the array and return the value from each // array item if (obj instanceof Array) { returnArr = []; for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { returnArr.push(this.get(obj[i], path)); } return returnArr; } } valuesArr = []; if (path !== undefined) { path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); } arr = pathParts || this._pathParts; arrCount = arr.length; objPart = obj; for (i = 0; i < arrCount; i++) { objPart = objPart[arr[i]]; if (objPartParent instanceof Array) { // Search inside the array for the next key for (k = 0; k < objPartParent.length; k++) { valuesArr = valuesArr.concat(this.value(objPartParent, k + '.' + arr[i], {skipArrCheck: true})); } return valuesArr; } else { if (!objPart || typeof(objPart) !== 'object') { break; } } objPartParent = objPart; } return [objPart]; } else { return []; } }; /** * Push a value to an array on an object for the specified path. * @param {Object} obj The object to update. * @param {String} path The path to the array to push to. * @param {*} val The value to push to the array at the object path. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.push = function (obj, path, val) { if (obj !== undefined && path !== undefined) { var pathParts, part; path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); part = pathParts.shift(); if (pathParts.length) { // Generate the path part in the object if it does not already exist obj[part] = obj[part] || {}; // Recurse this.set(obj[part], pathParts.join('.'), val); } else { // Set the value obj[part] = obj[part] || []; if (obj[part] instanceof Array) { obj[part].push(val); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.Path: Cannot push to a path whose endpoint is not an array!'); } } } return obj; }; /** * Gets the value(s) that the object contains for the currently assigned path string * with their associated keys. * @param {Object} obj The object to evaluate the path against. * @param {String=} path A path to use instead of the existing one passed in path(). * @returns {Array} An array of values for the given path with the associated key. */ Path.prototype.keyValue = function (obj, path) { var pathParts, arr, arrCount, objPart, objPartParent, objPartHash, i; if (path !== undefined) { path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); } arr = pathParts || this._pathParts; arrCount = arr.length; objPart = obj; for (i = 0; i < arrCount; i++) { objPart = objPart[arr[i]]; if (!objPart || typeof(objPart) !== 'object') { objPartHash = arr[i] + ':' + objPart; break; } objPartParent = objPart; } return objPartHash; }; /** * Sets a value on an object for the specified path. * @param {Object} obj The object to update. * @param {String} path The path to update. * @param {*} val The value to set the object path to. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.set = function (obj, path, val) { if (obj !== undefined && path !== undefined) { var pathParts, part; path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); part = pathParts.shift(); if (pathParts.length) { // Generate the path part in the object if it does not already exist obj[part] = obj[part] || {}; // Recurse this.set(obj[part], pathParts.join('.'), val); } else { // Set the value obj[part] = val; } } return obj; }; /** * Removes leading period (.) from string and returns it. * @param {String} str The string to clean. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.clean = function (str) { if (str.substr(0, 1) === '.') { str = str.substr(1, str.length -1); } return str; }; Shared.finishModule('Path'); module.exports = Path; },{"./Shared":39}],34:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // Import external names locally var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), async = _dereq_('async'), localforage = _dereq_('localforage'), FdbCompress = _dereq_('./PersistCompress'),// jshint ignore:line FdbCrypto = _dereq_('./PersistCrypto'),// jshint ignore:line Db, Collection, CollectionDrop, CollectionGroup, CollectionInit, DbInit, DbDrop, Persist, Overload;//, //DataVersion = '2.0'; /** * The persistent storage class handles loading and saving data to browser * storage. * @constructor */ Persist = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * The local forage library. */ Persist.prototype.localforage = localforage; /** * The init method that can be overridden or extended. * @param {Db} db The ForerunnerDB database instance. */ Persist.prototype.init = function (db) { var self = this; this._encodeSteps = [ function () { return self._encode.apply(self, arguments); } ]; this._decodeSteps = [ function () { return self._decode.apply(self, arguments); } ]; // Check environment if (db.isClient()) { if (window.Storage !== undefined) { this.mode('localforage'); localforage.config({ driver: [ localforage.INDEXEDDB, localforage.WEBSQL, localforage.LOCALSTORAGE ], name: String(db.core().name()), storeName: 'FDB' }); } } }; Shared.addModule('Persist', Persist); Shared.mixin(Persist.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Persist.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Db = Shared.modules.Db; Collection = _dereq_('./Collection'); CollectionDrop = Collection.prototype.drop; CollectionGroup = _dereq_('./CollectionGroup'); CollectionInit = Collection.prototype.init; DbInit = Db.prototype.init; DbDrop = Db.prototype.drop; Overload = Shared.overload; /** * Gets / sets the auto flag which determines if the persistence module * will automatically load data for collections the first time they are * accessed and save data whenever it changes. This is disabled by * default. * @param {Boolean} val Set to true to enable, false to disable * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Persist.prototype, 'auto', function (val) { var self = this; if (val !== undefined) { if (val) { // Hook db events this._db.on('create', function () { self._autoLoad.apply(self, arguments); }); this._db.on('change', function () { self._autoSave.apply(self, arguments); }); if (this._db.debug()) { console.log(this._db.logIdentifier() + ' Automatic load/save enabled'); } } else { // Un-hook db events'create', this._autoLoad);'change', this._autoSave); if (this._db.debug()) { console.log(this._db.logIdentifier() + ' Automatic load/save disbled'); } } } return this.$, val); }); Persist.prototype._autoLoad = function (obj, objType, name) { var self = this; if (typeof obj.load === 'function') { if (self._db.debug()) { console.log(self._db.logIdentifier() + ' Auto-loading data for ' + objType + ':', name); } obj.load(function (err, data) { if (err && self._db.debug()) { console.log(self._db.logIdentifier() + ' Automatic load failed:', err); } self.emit('load', err, data); }); } else { if (self._db.debug()) { console.log(self._db.logIdentifier() + ' Auto-load for ' + objType + ':', name, 'no load method, skipping'); } } }; Persist.prototype._autoSave = function (obj, objType, name) { var self = this; if (typeof === 'function') { if (self._db.debug()) { console.log(self._db.logIdentifier() + ' Auto-saving data for ' + objType + ':', name); } (err, data) { if (err && self._db.debug()) { console.log(self._db.logIdentifier() + ' Automatic save failed:', err); } self.emit('save', err, data); }); } }; /** * Gets / sets the persistent storage mode (the library used * to persist data to the browser - defaults to localForage). * @param {String} type The library to use for storage. Defaults * to localForage. * @returns {*} */ Persist.prototype.mode = function (type) { if (type !== undefined) { this._mode = type; return this; } return this._mode; }; /** * Gets / sets the driver used when persisting data. * @param {String} val Specify the driver type (LOCALSTORAGE, * WEBSQL or INDEXEDDB) * @returns {*} */ Persist.prototype.driver = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { switch (val.toUpperCase()) { case 'LOCALSTORAGE': localforage.setDriver(localforage.LOCALSTORAGE); break; case 'WEBSQL': localforage.setDriver(localforage.WEBSQL); break; case 'INDEXEDDB': localforage.setDriver(localforage.INDEXEDDB); break; default: throw('ForerunnerDB.Persist: The persistence driver you have specified is not found. Please use either IndexedDB, WebSQL or LocalStorage!'); } return this; } return localforage.driver(); }; /** * Starts a decode waterfall process. * @param {*} val The data to be decoded. * @param {Function} finished The callback to pass final data to. */ Persist.prototype.decode = function (val, finished) { async.waterfall([function (callback) { if (callback) { callback(false, val, {}); } }].concat(this._decodeSteps), finished); }; /** * Starts an encode waterfall process. * @param {*} val The data to be encoded. * @param {Function} finished The callback to pass final data to. */ Persist.prototype.encode = function (val, finished) { async.waterfall([function (callback) { if (callback) { callback(false, val, {}); } }].concat(this._encodeSteps), finished); }; Shared.synthesize(Persist.prototype, 'encodeSteps'); Shared.synthesize(Persist.prototype, 'decodeSteps'); /** * Adds an encode/decode step to the persistent storage system so * that you can add custom functionality. * @param {Function} encode The encode method called with the data from the * previous encode step. When your method is complete it MUST call the * callback method. If you provide anything other than false to the err * parameter the encoder will fail and throw an error. * @param {Function} decode The decode method called with the data from the * previous decode step. When your method is complete it MUST call the * callback method. If you provide anything other than false to the err * parameter the decoder will fail and throw an error. * @param {Number=} index Optional index to add the encoder step to. This * allows you to place a step before or after other existing steps. If not * provided your step is placed last in the list of steps. For instance if * you are providing an encryption step it makes sense to place this last * since all previous steps will then have their data encrypted by your * final step. */ Persist.prototype.addStep = new Overload({ 'object': function (obj) { this.$, function objEncode () { obj.encode.apply(obj, arguments); }, function objDecode () { obj.decode.apply(obj, arguments); }, 0); }, 'function, function': function (encode, decode) { this.$, encode, decode, 0); }, 'function, function, number': function (encode, decode, index) { this.$, encode, decode, index); }, $main: function (encode, decode, index) { if (index === 0 || index === undefined) { this._encodeSteps.push(encode); this._decodeSteps.unshift(decode); } else { // Place encoder step at index then work out correct // index to place decoder step this._encodeSteps.splice(index, 0, encode); this._decodeSteps.splice(this._decodeSteps.length - index, 0, decode); } } }); Persist.prototype.unwrap = function (dataStr) { var parts = dataStr.split('::fdb::'), data; switch (parts[0]) { case 'json': data = this.jParse(parts[1]); break; case 'raw': data = parts[1]; break; default: break; } }; /** * Takes encoded data and decodes it for use as JS native objects and arrays. * @param {String} val The currently encoded string data. * @param {Object} meta Meta data object that can be used to pass back useful * supplementary data. * @param {Function} finished The callback method to call when decoding is * completed. * @private */ Persist.prototype._decode = function (val, meta, finished) { var parts, data; if (val) { parts = val.split('::fdb::'); switch (parts[0]) { case 'json': data = this.jParse(parts[1]); break; case 'raw': data = parts[1]; break; default: break; } if (data) { meta.foundData = true; meta.rowCount = data.length; } else { meta.foundData = false; } if (finished) { finished(false, data, meta); } } else { meta.foundData = false; meta.rowCount = 0; if (finished) { finished(false, val, meta); } } }; /** * Takes native JS data and encodes it for for storage as a string. * @param {Object} val The current un-encoded data. * @param {Object} meta Meta data object that can be used to pass back useful * supplementary data. * @param {Function} finished The callback method to call when encoding is * completed. * @private */ Persist.prototype._encode = function (val, meta, finished) { var data = val; if (typeof val === 'object') { val = 'json::fdb::' + this.jStringify(val); } else { val = 'raw::fdb::' + val; } if (data) { meta.foundData = true; meta.rowCount = data.length; } else { meta.foundData = false; } if (finished) { finished(false, val, meta); } }; /** * Encodes passed data and then stores it in the browser's persistent * storage layer. * @param {String} key The key to store the data under in the persistent * storage. * @param {Object} data The data to store under the key. * @param {Function=} callback The method to call when the save process * has completed. */ = function (key, data, callback) { switch (this.mode()) { case 'localforage': this.encode(data, function (err, data, tableStats) { localforage.setItem(key, data).then(function (data) { if (callback) { callback(false, data, tableStats); } }, function (err) { if (callback) { callback(err); } }); }); break; default: if (callback) { callback('No data handler.'); } break; } }; /** * Loads and decodes data from the passed key. * @param {String} key The key to retrieve data from in the persistent * storage. * @param {Function=} callback The method to call when the load process * has completed. */ Persist.prototype.load = function (key, callback) { var self = this; switch (this.mode()) { case 'localforage': localforage.getItem(key).then(function (val) { self.decode(val, callback); }, function (err) { if (callback) { callback(err); } }); break; default: if (callback) { callback('No data handler or unrecognised data type.'); } break; } }; /** * Deletes data in persistent storage stored under the passed key. * @param {String} key The key to drop data for in the storage. * @param {Function=} callback The method to call when the data is dropped. */ Persist.prototype.drop = function (key, callback) { switch (this.mode()) { case 'localforage': localforage.removeItem(key).then(function () { if (callback) { callback(false); } }, function (err) { if (callback) { callback(err); } }); break; default: if (callback) { callback('No data handler or unrecognised data type.'); } break; } }; // Extend the Collection prototype with persist methods Collection.prototype.drop = new Overload({ /** * Drop collection and persistent storage. */ '': function () { if (!this.isDropped()) { this.drop(true); } }, /** * Drop collection and persistent storage with callback. * @param {Function} callback Callback method. */ 'function': function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { this.drop(true, callback); } }, /** * Drop collection and optionally drop persistent storage. * @param {Boolean} removePersistent True to drop persistent storage, false to keep it. */ 'boolean': function (removePersistent) { if (!this.isDropped()) { // Remove persistent storage if (removePersistent) { if (this._name) { if (this._db) { // Drop the collection data from storage this._db.persist.drop(this._db._name + '-' + this._name); this._db.persist.drop(this._db._name + '-' + this._name + '-metaData'); } } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.Persist: Cannot drop a collection\'s persistent storage when no name assigned to collection!'); } } // Call the original method; } }, /** * Drop collections and optionally drop persistent storage with callback. * @param {Boolean} removePersistent True to drop persistent storage, false to keep it. * @param {Function} callback Callback method. */ 'boolean, function': function (removePersistent, callback) { var self = this; if (!this.isDropped()) { // Remove persistent storage if (removePersistent) { if (this._name) { if (this._db) { // Drop the collection data from storage this._db.persist.drop(this._db._name + '-' + this._name, function () { self._db.persist.drop(self._db._name + '-' + self._name + '-metaData', callback); }); return; } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot drop a collection\'s persistent storage when the collection is not attached to a database!'); } } } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot drop a collection\'s persistent storage when no name assigned to collection!'); } } } else { // Call the original method return, callback); } } } }); /** * Saves an entire collection's data to persistent storage. * @param {Function=} callback The method to call when the save function * has completed. */ = function (callback) { var self = this, processSave; if (self._name) { if (self._db) { processSave = function () { // Save the collection data + '-' + self._name, self._data, function (err, data, tableStats) { if (!err) { + '-' + self._name + '-metaData', self.metaData(), function (err, data, metaStats) { if (callback) { callback(err, data, tableStats, metaStats); } }); } else { if (callback) { callback(err); } } }); }; // Check for processing queues if (self.isProcessingQueue()) { // Hook queue complete to process save self.on('queuesComplete', function () { processSave(); }); } else { // Process save immediately processSave(); } } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot save a collection that is not attached to a database!'); } } } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot save a collection with no assigned name!'); } } }; /** * Loads an entire collection's data from persistent storage. * @param {Function=} callback The method to call when the load function * has completed. */ Collection.prototype.load = function (callback) { var self = this; if (self._name) { if (self._db) { // Load the collection data self._db.persist.load(self._db._name + '-' + self._name, function (err, data, tableStats) { if (!err) { if (data) { // Remove all previous data self.remove({}); self.insert(data); //self.setData(data); } // Now load the collection's metadata self._db.persist.load(self._db._name + '-' + self._name + '-metaData', function (err, data, metaStats) { if (!err) { if (data) { self.metaData(data); } } if (callback) { callback(err, tableStats, metaStats); } }); } else { if (callback) { callback(err); } } }); } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot load a collection that is not attached to a database!'); } } } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot load a collection with no assigned name!'); } } }; /** * Gets the data that represents this collection for easy storage using * a third-party method / plugin instead of using the standard persistent * storage system. * @param {Function} callback The method to call with the data response. */ Collection.prototype.saveCustom = function (callback) { var self = this, myData = {}, processSave; if (self._name) { if (self._db) { processSave = function () { self.encode(self._data, function (err, data, tableStats) { if (!err) { = { name: self._db._name + '-' + self._name, store: data, tableStats: tableStats }; self.encode(self._data, function (err, data, tableStats) { if (!err) { myData.metaData = { name: self._db._name + '-' + self._name + '-metaData', store: data, tableStats: tableStats }; callback(false, myData); } else { callback(err); } }); } else { callback(err); } }); }; // Check for processing queues if (self.isProcessingQueue()) { // Hook queue complete to process save self.on('queuesComplete', function () { processSave(); }); } else { // Process save immediately processSave(); } } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot save a collection that is not attached to a database!'); } } } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot save a collection with no assigned name!'); } } }; /** * Loads custom data loaded by a third-party plugin into the collection. * @param {Object} myData Data object previously saved by using saveCustom() * @param {Function} callback A callback method to receive notification when * data has loaded. */ Collection.prototype.loadCustom = function (myData, callback) { var self = this; if (self._name) { if (self._db) { if ( && { if (myData.metaData && { self.decode(, function (err, data, tableStats) { if (!err) { if (data) { // Remove all previous data self.remove({}); self.insert(data); self.decode(, function (err, data, metaStats) { if (!err) { if (data) { self.metaData(data); if (callback) { callback(err, tableStats, metaStats); } } } else { callback(err); } }); } } else { callback(err); } }); } else { callback('No "metaData" key found in passed object!'); } } else { callback('No "data" key found in passed object!'); } } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot load a collection that is not attached to a database!'); } } } else { if (callback) { callback('Cannot load a collection with no assigned name!'); } } }; // Override the DB init to instantiate the plugin Db.prototype.init = function () { DbInit.apply(this, arguments); this.persist = new Persist(this); }; Db.prototype.load = new Overload({ /** * Loads an entire database's data from persistent storage. * @param {Function=} callback The method to call when the load function * has completed. */ 'function': function (callback) { this.$, {}, callback); }, 'object, function': function (myData, callback) { this.$, myData, callback); }, '$main': function (myData, callback) { // Loop the collections in the database var obj = this._collection, keys = obj.keys(), keyCount = keys.length, loadCallback, index; loadCallback = function (err) { if (!err) { keyCount--; if (keyCount === 0) { if (callback) { callback(false); } } } else { if (callback) { callback(err); } } }; for (index in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(index)) { // Call the collection load method if (!myData) { obj[index].load(loadCallback); } else { obj[index].loadCustom(myData, loadCallback); } } } } }); = new Overload({ /** * Saves an entire database's data to persistent storage. * @param {Function=} callback The method to call when the save function * has completed. */ 'function': function (callback) { this.$, {}, callback); }, 'object, function': function (options, callback) { this.$, options, callback); }, '$main': function (options, callback) { // Loop the collections in the database var obj = this._collection, keys = obj.keys(), keyCount = keys.length, saveCallback, index; saveCallback = function (err) { if (!err) { keyCount--; if (keyCount === 0) { if (callback) { callback(false); } } } else { if (callback) { callback(err); } } }; for (index in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(index)) { // Call the collection save method if (!options.custom) { obj[index].save(saveCallback); } else { obj[index].saveCustom(saveCallback); } } } } }); Shared.finishModule('Persist'); module.exports = Persist; },{"./Collection":4,"./CollectionGroup":5,"./PersistCompress":35,"./PersistCrypto":36,"./Shared":39,"async":41,"localforage":77}],35:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), pako = _dereq_('pako'); var Plugin = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Plugin.prototype.init = function (options) { }; Shared.mixin(Plugin.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Plugin.prototype.encode = function (val, meta, finished) { var wrapper = { data: val, type: 'fdbCompress', enabled: false }, before, after, compressedVal; // Compress the data before = val.length; compressedVal = pako.deflate(val, {to: 'string'}); after = compressedVal.length; // If the compressed version is smaller than the original, use it! if (after < before) { = compressedVal; wrapper.enabled = true; } meta.compression = { enabled: wrapper.enabled, compressedBytes: after, uncompressedBytes: before, effect: Math.round((100 / before) * after) + '%' }; finished(false, this.jStringify(wrapper), meta); }; Plugin.prototype.decode = function (wrapper, meta, finished) { var compressionEnabled = false, data; if (wrapper) { wrapper = this.jParse(wrapper); // Check if we need to decompress the string if (wrapper.enabled) { data = pako.inflate(, {to: 'string'}); compressionEnabled = true; } else { data =; compressionEnabled = false; } meta.compression = { enabled: compressionEnabled }; if (finished) { finished(false, data, meta); } } else { if (finished) { finished(false, data, meta); } } }; // Register this plugin with ForerunnerDB Shared.plugins.FdbCompress = Plugin; module.exports = Plugin; },{"./Shared":39,"pako":78}],36:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), CryptoJS = _dereq_('crypto-js'); var Plugin = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Plugin.prototype.init = function (options) { // Ensure at least a password is passed in options if (!options || !options.pass) { throw('Cannot initialise persistent storage encryption without a passphrase provided in the passed options object as the "pass" field.'); } this._algo = options.algo || 'AES'; this._pass = options.pass; }; Shared.mixin(Plugin.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); /** * Gets / sets the current pass-phrase being used to encrypt / decrypt * data with the plugin. */ Shared.synthesize(Plugin.prototype, 'pass'); Plugin.prototype.stringify = function (cipherParams) { // create json object with ciphertext var jsonObj = { ct: cipherParams.ciphertext.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64) }; // optionally add iv and salt if (cipherParams.iv) { jsonObj.iv = cipherParams.iv.toString(); } if (cipherParams.salt) { jsonObj.s = cipherParams.salt.toString(); } // stringify json object return this.jStringify(jsonObj); }; Plugin.prototype.parse = function (jsonStr) { // parse json string var jsonObj = this.jParse(jsonStr); // extract ciphertext from json object, and create cipher params object var cipherParams = CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create({ ciphertext: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(jsonObj.ct) }); // optionally extract iv and salt if (jsonObj.iv) { cipherParams.iv = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(jsonObj.iv); } if (jsonObj.s) { cipherParams.salt = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(jsonObj.s); } return cipherParams; }; Plugin.prototype.encode = function (val, meta, finished) { var self = this, wrapper = { type: 'fdbCrypto' }, encryptedVal; // Encrypt the data encryptedVal = CryptoJS[this._algo].encrypt(val, this._pass, { format: { stringify: function () { return self.stringify.apply(self, arguments); }, parse: function () { return self.parse.apply(self, arguments); } } }); = encryptedVal.toString(); wrapper.enabled = true; meta.encryption = { enabled: wrapper.enabled }; if (finished) { finished(false, this.jStringify(wrapper), meta); } }; Plugin.prototype.decode = function (wrapper, meta, finished) { var self = this, data; if (wrapper) { wrapper = this.jParse(wrapper); data = CryptoJS[this._algo].decrypt(, this._pass, { format: { stringify: function () { return self.stringify.apply(self, arguments); }, parse: function () { return self.parse.apply(self, arguments); } } }).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); if (finished) { finished(false, data, meta); } } else { if (finished) { finished(false, wrapper, meta); } } }; // Register this plugin with ForerunnerDB Shared.plugins.FdbCrypto = Plugin; module.exports = Plugin; },{"./Shared":39,"crypto-js":50}],37:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Provides chain reactor node linking so that a chain reaction can propagate * down a node tree. Effectively creates a chain link between the reactorIn and * reactorOut objects where a chain reaction from the reactorIn is passed through * the reactorProcess before being passed to the reactorOut object. Reactor * packets are only passed through to the reactorOut if the reactor IO method * chainSend is used. * @param {*} reactorIn An object that has the Mixin.ChainReactor methods mixed * in to it. Chain reactions that occur inside this object will be passed through * to the reactorOut object. * @param {*} reactorOut An object that has the Mixin.ChainReactor methods mixed * in to it. Chain reactions that occur in the reactorIn object will be passed * through to this object. * @param {Function} reactorProcess The processing method to use when chain * reactions occur. * @constructor */ var ReactorIO = function (reactorIn, reactorOut, reactorProcess) { if (reactorIn && reactorOut && reactorProcess) { this._reactorIn = reactorIn; this._reactorOut = reactorOut; this._chainHandler = reactorProcess; if (!reactorIn.chain) { throw('ForerunnerDB.ReactorIO: ReactorIO requires passed in and out objects to implement the ChainReactor mixin!'); } // Register the reactorIO with the input reactorIn.chain(this); // Register the output with the reactorIO this.chain(reactorOut); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.ReactorIO: ReactorIO requires in, out and process arguments to instantiate!'); } }; Shared.addModule('ReactorIO', ReactorIO); /** * Drop a reactor IO object, breaking the reactor link between the in and out * reactor nodes. * @returns {boolean} */ ReactorIO.prototype.drop = function () { if (!this.isDropped()) { this._state = 'dropped'; // Remove links if (this._reactorIn) { this._reactorIn.unChain(this); } if (this._reactorOut) { this.unChain(this._reactorOut); } delete this._reactorIn; delete this._reactorOut; delete this._chainHandler; this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; } return true; }; /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(ReactorIO.prototype, 'state'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.finishModule('ReactorIO'); module.exports = ReactorIO; },{"./Shared":39}],38:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides functionality to encode and decode JavaScript objects to strings * and back again. This differs from JSON.stringify and JSON.parse in that * special objects such as dates can be encoded to strings and back again * so that the reconstituted version of the string still contains a JavaScript * date object. * @constructor */ var Serialiser = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Serialiser.prototype.init = function () { this._encoder = []; this._decoder = {}; // Handler for Date() objects this.registerEncoder('$date', function (data) { if (data instanceof Date) { return data.toISOString(); } }); this.registerDecoder('$date', function (data) { return new Date(data); }); // Handler for RegExp() objects this.registerEncoder('$regexp', function (data) { if (data instanceof RegExp) { return { source: data.source, params: '' + ( ? 'g' : '') + (data.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') }; } }); this.registerDecoder('$regexp', function (data) { var type = typeof data; if (type === 'object') { return new RegExp(data.source, data.params); } else if (type === 'string') { return new RegExp(data); } }); }; /** * Register an encoder that can handle encoding for a particular * object type. * @param {String} handles The name of the handler e.g. $date. * @param {Function} method The encoder method. */ Serialiser.prototype.registerEncoder = function (handles, method) { this._encoder.push(function (data) { var methodVal = method(data), returnObj; if (methodVal !== undefined) { returnObj = {}; returnObj[handles] = methodVal; } return returnObj; }); }; /** * Register a decoder that can handle decoding for a particular * object type. * @param {String} handles The name of the handler e.g. $date. When an object * has a field matching this handler name then this decode will be invoked * to provide a decoded version of the data that was previously encoded by * it's counterpart encoder method. * @param {Function} method The decoder method. */ Serialiser.prototype.registerDecoder = function (handles, method) { this._decoder[handles] = method; }; /** * Loops the encoders and asks each one if it wants to handle encoding for * the passed data object. If no value is returned (undefined) then the data * will be passed to the next encoder and so on. If a value is returned the * loop will break and the encoded data will be used. * @param {Object} data The data object to handle. * @returns {*} The encoded data. * @private */ Serialiser.prototype._encode = function (data) { // Loop the encoders and if a return value is given by an encoder // the loop will exit and return that value. var count = this._encoder.length, retVal; while (count-- && !retVal) { retVal = this._encoder[count](data); } return retVal; }; /** * Converts a previously encoded string back into an object. * @param {String} data The string to convert to an object. * @returns {Object} The reconstituted object. */ Serialiser.prototype.parse = function (data) { if (data) { return this._parse(JSON.parse(data)); } }; /** * Handles restoring an object with special data markers back into * it's original format. * @param {Object} data The object to recurse. * @param {Object=} target The target object to restore data to. * @returns {Object} The final restored object. * @private */ Serialiser.prototype._parse = function (data, target) { var i; if (typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) { if (data instanceof Array) { target = target || []; } else { target = target || {}; } // Iterate through the object's keys and handle // special object types and restore them for (i in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (i.substr(0, 1) === '$' && this._decoder[i]) { // This is a special object type and a handler // exists, restore it return this._decoder[i](data[i]); } // Not a special object or no handler, recurse as normal target[i] = this._parse(data[i], target[i]); } } } else { target = data; } // The data is a basic type return target; }; /** * Converts an object to a encoded string representation. * @param {Object} data The object to encode. */ Serialiser.prototype.stringify = function (data) { return JSON.stringify(this._stringify(data)); }; /** * Recurse down an object and encode special objects so they can be * stringified and later restored. * @param {Object} data The object to parse. * @param {Object=} target The target object to store converted data to. * @returns {Object} The converted object. * @private */ Serialiser.prototype._stringify = function (data, target) { var handledData, i; if (typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) { // Handle special object types so they can be encoded with // a special marker and later restored by a decoder counterpart handledData = this._encode(data); if (handledData) { // An encoder handled this object type so return it now return handledData; } if (data instanceof Array) { target = target || []; } else { target = target || {}; } // Iterate through the object's keys and serialise for (i in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { target[i] = this._stringify(data[i], target[i]); } } } else { target = data; } // The data is a basic type return target; }; module.exports = Serialiser; },{}],39:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * A shared object that can be used to store arbitrary data between class * instances, and access helper methods. * @mixin */ var Shared = { version: '1.3.640', modules: {}, plugins: {}, _synth: {}, /** * Adds a module to ForerunnerDB. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @param {Function} module The module class. */ addModule: function (name, module) { // Store the module in the module registry this.modules[name] = module; // Tell the universe we are loading this module this.emit('moduleLoad', [name, module]); }, /** * Called by the module once all processing has been completed. Used to determine * if the module is ready for use by other modules. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. */ finishModule: function (name) { if (this.modules[name]) { // Set the finished loading flag to true this.modules[name]._fdbFinished = true; // Assign the module name to itself so it knows what it // is called if (this.modules[name].prototype) { this.modules[name].prototype.className = name; } else { this.modules[name].className = name; } this.emit('moduleFinished', [name, this.modules[name]]); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.Shared: finishModule called on a module that has not been registered with addModule(): ' + name); } }, /** * Will call your callback method when the specified module has loaded. If the module * is already loaded the callback is called immediately. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call when the module is loaded. */ moduleFinished: function (name, callback) { if (this.modules[name] && this.modules[name]._fdbFinished) { if (callback) { callback(name, this.modules[name]); } } else { this.on('moduleFinished', callback); } }, /** * Determines if a module has been added to ForerunnerDB or not. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module exists or false if not. */ moduleExists: function (name) { return Boolean(this.modules[name]); }, mixin: new Overload({ /** * Adds the properties and methods defined in the mixin to the passed * object. * @memberof Shared * @name mixin * @param {Object} obj The target object to add mixin key/values to. * @param {String} mixinName The name of the mixin to add to the object. */ 'object, string': function (obj, mixinName) { var mixinObj; if (typeof mixinName === 'string') { mixinObj = this.mixins[mixinName]; if (!mixinObj) { throw('ForerunnerDB.Shared: Cannot find mixin named: ' + mixinName); } } return this.$, obj, mixinObj); }, /** * Adds the properties and methods defined in the mixin to the passed * object. * @memberof Shared * @name mixin * @param {Object} obj The target object to add mixin key/values to. * @param {Object} mixinObj The object containing the keys to mix into * the target object. */ 'object, *': function (obj, mixinObj) { return this.$, obj, mixinObj); }, '$main': function (obj, mixinObj) { if (mixinObj && typeof mixinObj === 'object') { for (var i in mixinObj) { if (mixinObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { obj[i] = mixinObj[i]; } } } return obj; } }), /** * Generates a generic getter/setter method for the passed method name. * @memberof Shared * @param {Object} obj The object to add the getter/setter to. * @param {String} name The name of the getter/setter to generate. * @param {Function=} extend A method to call before executing the getter/setter. * The existing getter/setter can be accessed from the extend method via the * $super e.g. this.$super(); */ synthesize: function (obj, name, extend) { this._synth[name] = this._synth[name] || function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this['_' + name] = val; return this; } return this['_' + name]; }; if (extend) { var self = this; obj[name] = function () { var tmp = this.$super, ret; this.$super = self._synth[name]; ret = extend.apply(this, arguments); this.$super = tmp; return ret; }; } else { obj[name] = this._synth[name]; } }, /** * Allows a method to be overloaded. * @memberof Shared * @param arr * @returns {Function} * @constructor */ overload: Overload, /** * Define the mixins that other modules can use as required. * @memberof Shared */ mixins: { 'Mixin.Common': _dereq_('./Mixin.Common'), 'Mixin.Events': _dereq_('./Mixin.Events'), 'Mixin.ChainReactor': _dereq_('./Mixin.ChainReactor'), 'Mixin.CRUD': _dereq_('./Mixin.CRUD'), 'Mixin.Constants': _dereq_('./Mixin.Constants'), 'Mixin.Triggers': _dereq_('./Mixin.Triggers'), 'Mixin.Sorting': _dereq_('./Mixin.Sorting'), 'Mixin.Matching': _dereq_('./Mixin.Matching'), 'Mixin.Updating': _dereq_('./Mixin.Updating'), 'Mixin.Tags': _dereq_('./Mixin.Tags') } }; // Add event handling to shared Shared.mixin(Shared, 'Mixin.Events'); module.exports = Shared; },{"./Mixin.CRUD":18,"./Mixin.ChainReactor":19,"./Mixin.Common":20,"./Mixin.Constants":21,"./Mixin.Events":22,"./Mixin.Matching":23,"./Mixin.Sorting":24,"./Mixin.Tags":25,"./Mixin.Triggers":26,"./Mixin.Updating":27,"./Overload":31}],40:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; // Import external names locally var Shared, Db, Collection, CollectionGroup, CollectionInit, DbInit, ReactorIO, ActiveBucket, Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Creates a new view instance. * @param {String} name The name of the view. * @param {Object=} query The view's query. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @constructor */ var View = function (name, query, options) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Shared.addModule('View', View); Shared.mixin(View.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(View.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(View.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(View.prototype, 'Mixin.Triggers'); Shared.mixin(View.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Collection = _dereq_('./Collection'); CollectionGroup = _dereq_('./CollectionGroup'); ActiveBucket = _dereq_('./ActiveBucket'); ReactorIO = _dereq_('./ReactorIO'); CollectionInit = Collection.prototype.init; Db = Shared.modules.Db; DbInit = Db.prototype.init; View.prototype.init = function (name, query, options) { var self = this; this._name = name; this._listeners = {}; this._querySettings = {}; this._debug = {}; this.query(query, options, false); this._collectionDroppedWrap = function () { self._collectionDropped.apply(self, arguments); }; this._privateData = new Collection( + '_internalPrivate'); // Hook our own join change event and refresh after change this.on('joinChange', function () { self.refresh(); }); }; /** * Executes an insert against the view's underlying data-source. * @see Collection::insert() */ View.prototype.insert = function () { this._from.insert.apply(this._from, arguments); }; /** * Executes an update against the view's underlying data-source. * @see Collection::update() */ View.prototype.update = function () { this._from.update.apply(this._from, arguments); }; /** * Executes an updateById against the view's underlying data-source. * @see Collection::updateById() */ View.prototype.updateById = function () { this._from.updateById.apply(this._from, arguments); }; /** * Executes a remove against the view's underlying data-source. * @see Collection::remove() */ View.prototype.remove = function () { this._from.remove.apply(this._from, arguments); }; /** * Queries the view data. * @see Collection::find() * @returns {Array} The result of the find query. */ View.prototype.find = function (query, options) { return this.publicData().find(query, options); }; /** * Queries the view data for a single document. * @see Collection::findOne() * @returns {Object} The result of the find query. */ View.prototype.findOne = function (query, options) { return this.publicData().findOne(query, options); }; /** * Queries the view data by specific id. * @see Collection::findById() * @returns {Array} The result of the find query. */ View.prototype.findById = function (id, options) { return this.publicData().findById(id, options); }; /** * Queries the view data in a sub-array. * @see Collection::findSub() * @returns {Array} The result of the find query. */ View.prototype.findSub = function (match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { return this.publicData().findSub(match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions); }; /** * Queries the view data in a sub-array and returns first match. * @see Collection::findSubOne() * @returns {Object} The result of the find query. */ View.prototype.findSubOne = function (match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { return this.publicData().findSubOne(match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions); }; /** * Gets the module's internal data collection. * @returns {Collection} */ = function () { return this._privateData; }; /** * Sets the source from which the view will assemble its data. * @param {Collection|View} source The source to use to assemble view data. * @param {Function=} callback A callback method. * @returns {*} If no argument is passed, returns the current value of from, * otherwise returns itself for chaining. */ View.prototype.from = function (source, callback) { var self = this; if (source !== undefined) { // Check if we have an existing from if (this._from) { // Remove the listener to the drop event'drop', this._collectionDroppedWrap); delete this._from; } // Check if we have an existing reactor io if (this._io) { // Drop the io and remove it this._io.drop(); delete this._io; } if (typeof(source) === 'string') { source = this._db.collection(source); } if (source.className === 'View') { // The source is a view so IO to the internal data collection // instead of the view proper source = source.privateData(); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Using internal private data "' + source.instanceIdentifier() + '" for IO graph linking'); } } this._from = source; this._from.on('drop', this._collectionDroppedWrap); // Create a new reactor IO graph node that intercepts chain packets from the // view's "from" source and determines how they should be interpreted by // this view. If the view does not have a query then this reactor IO will // simply pass along the chain packet without modifying it. this._io = new ReactorIO(source, this, function (chainPacket) { var data, diff, query, filteredData, doSend, pk, i; // Check that the state of the "self" object is not dropped if (self && !self.isDropped()) { // Check if we have a constraining query if (self._querySettings.query) { if (chainPacket.type === 'insert') { data =; // Check if the data matches our query if (data instanceof Array) { filteredData = []; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (self._privateData._match(data[i], self._querySettings.query, self._querySettings.options, 'and', {})) { filteredData.push(data[i]); doSend = true; } } } else { if (self._privateData._match(data, self._querySettings.query, self._querySettings.options, 'and', {})) { filteredData = data; doSend = true; } } if (doSend) { this.chainSend('insert', filteredData); } return true; } if (chainPacket.type === 'update') { // Do a DB diff between this view's data and the underlying collection it reads from // to see if something has changed diff = self._privateData.diff(self._from.subset(self._querySettings.query, self._querySettings.options)); if (diff.insert.length || diff.remove.length) { // Now send out new chain packets for each operation if (diff.insert.length) { this.chainSend('insert', diff.insert); } if (diff.update.length) { pk = self._privateData.primaryKey(); for (i = 0; i < diff.update.length; i++) { query = {}; query[pk] = diff.update[i][pk]; this.chainSend('update', { query: query, update: diff.update[i] }); } } if (diff.remove.length) { pk = self._privateData.primaryKey(); var $or = [], removeQuery = { query: { $or: $or } }; for (i = 0; i < diff.remove.length; i++) { $or.push({_id: diff.remove[i][pk]}); } this.chainSend('remove', removeQuery); } // Return true to stop further propagation of the chain packet return true; } else { // Returning false informs the chain reactor to continue propagation // of the chain packet down the graph tree return false; } } } } // Returning false informs the chain reactor to continue propagation // of the chain packet down the graph tree return false; }); var collData = source.find(this._querySettings.query, this._querySettings.options); this._privateData.primaryKey(source.primaryKey()); this._privateData.setData(collData, {}, callback); if (this._querySettings.options && this._querySettings.options.$orderBy) { this.rebuildActiveBucket(this._querySettings.options.$orderBy); } else { this.rebuildActiveBucket(); } return this; } return this._from; }; /** * Handles when an underlying collection the view is using as a data * source is dropped. * @param {Collection} collection The collection that has been dropped. * @private */ View.prototype._collectionDropped = function (collection) { if (collection) { // Collection was dropped, remove from view delete this._from; } }; /** * Creates an index on the view. * @see Collection::ensureIndex() * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.ensureIndex = function () { return this._privateData.ensureIndex.apply(this._privateData, arguments); }; /** * The chain reaction handler method for the view. * @param {Object} chainPacket The chain reaction packet to handle. * @private */ View.prototype._chainHandler = function (chainPacket) { var //self = this, arr, count, index, insertIndex, updates, primaryKey, item, currentIndex; if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Received chain reactor data'); } switch (chainPacket.type) { case 'setData': if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Setting data in underlying (internal) view collection "' + + '"'); } // Get the new data from our underlying data source sorted as we want var collData = this._from.find(this._querySettings.query, this._querySettings.options); this._privateData.setData(collData); break; case 'insert': if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Inserting some data into underlying (internal) view collection "' + + '"'); } // Decouple the data to ensure we are working with our own copy = this.decouple(; // Make sure we are working with an array if (!( instanceof Array)) { = []; } if (this._querySettings.options && this._querySettings.options.$orderBy) { // Loop the insert data and find each item's index arr =; count = arr.length; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { insertIndex = this._activeBucket.insert(arr[index]); this._privateData._insertHandle(, insertIndex); } } else { // Set the insert index to the passed index, or if none, the end of the view data array insertIndex = this._privateData._data.length; this._privateData._insertHandle(, insertIndex); } break; case 'update': if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Updating some data in underlying (internal) view collection "' + + '"'); } primaryKey = this._privateData.primaryKey(); // Do the update updates = this._privateData.update(,, ); if (this._querySettings.options && this._querySettings.options.$orderBy) { // TODO: This would be a good place to improve performance by somehow // TODO: inspecting the change that occurred when update was performed // TODO: above and determining if it affected the order clause keys // TODO: and if not, skipping the active bucket updates here // Loop the updated items and work out their new sort locations count = updates.length; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { item = updates[index]; // Remove the item from the active bucket (via it's id) this._activeBucket.remove(item); // Get the current location of the item currentIndex = this._privateData._data.indexOf(item); // Add the item back in to the active bucket insertIndex = this._activeBucket.insert(item); if (currentIndex !== insertIndex) { // Move the updated item to the new index this._privateData._updateSpliceMove(this._privateData._data, currentIndex, insertIndex); } } } break; case 'remove': if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Removing some data from underlying (internal) view collection "' + + '"'); } this._privateData.remove(, chainPacket.options); break; default: break; } }; /** * Listens for an event. * @see Mixin.Events::on() */ View.prototype.on = function () { return this._privateData.on.apply(this._privateData, arguments); }; /** * Cancels an event listener. * @see Mixin.Events::off() */ = function () { return, arguments); }; /** * Emits an event. * @see Mixin.Events::emit() */ View.prototype.emit = function () { return this._privateData.emit.apply(this._privateData, arguments); }; /** * Emits an event. * @see Mixin.Events::deferEmit() */ View.prototype.deferEmit = function () { return this._privateData.deferEmit.apply(this._privateData, arguments); }; /** * Find the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection and * returns the results in an array. * @param {String} key The field path to return distinct values for e.g. "". * @param {Object=} query The query to use to filter the documents used to return values from. * @param {Object=} options The query options to use when running the query. * @returns {Array} */ View.prototype.distinct = function (key, query, options) { var coll = this.publicData(); return coll.distinct.apply(coll, arguments); }; /** * Gets the primary key for this view from the assigned collection. * @see Collection::primaryKey() * @returns {String} */ View.prototype.primaryKey = function () { return this.publicData().primaryKey(); }; /** * Drops a view and all it's stored data from the database. * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure. */ View.prototype.drop = function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { if (this._from) {'drop', this._collectionDroppedWrap); this._from._removeView(this); } if (this.debug() || (this._db && this._db.debug())) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Dropping'); } this._state = 'dropped'; // Clear io and chains if (this._io) { this._io.drop(); } // Drop the view's internal collection if (this._privateData) { this._privateData.drop(); } if (this._publicData && this._publicData !== this._privateData) { this._publicData.drop(); } if (this._db && this._name) { delete this._db._view[this._name]; } this.emit('drop', this); if (callback) { callback(false, true); } delete this._chain; delete this._from; delete this._privateData; delete this._io; delete this._listeners; delete this._querySettings; delete this._db; return true; } return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the query object and query options that the view uses * to build it's data set. This call modifies both the query and * query options at the same time. * @param {Object=} query The query to set. * @param {Boolean=} options The query options object. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether to refresh the view data after * this operation. Defaults to true. * @returns {*} * @deprecated Use query(<query>, <options>, <refresh>) instead. Query * now supports being presented with multiple different variations of * arguments. */ View.prototype.queryData = function (query, options, refresh) { if (query !== undefined) { this._querySettings.query = query; if (query.$findSub && !query.$findSub.$from) { query.$findSub.$from =; } if (query.$findSubOne && !query.$findSubOne.$from) { query.$findSubOne.$from =; } } if (options !== undefined) { this._querySettings.options = options; } if (query !== undefined || options !== undefined) { if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } return this; } return this._querySettings; }; /** * Add data to the existing query. * @param {Object} obj The data whose keys will be added to the existing * query object. * @param {Boolean} overwrite Whether or not to overwrite data that already * exists in the query object. Defaults to true. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether or not to refresh the view data set * once the operation is complete. Defaults to true. */ View.prototype.queryAdd = function (obj, overwrite, refresh) { this._querySettings.query = this._querySettings.query || {}; var query = this._querySettings.query, i; if (obj !== undefined) { // Loop object properties and add to existing query for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (query[i] === undefined || (query[i] !== undefined && overwrite !== false)) { query[i] = obj[i]; } } } } if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } }; /** * Remove data from the existing query. * @param {Object} obj The data whose keys will be removed from the existing * query object. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether or not to refresh the view data set * once the operation is complete. Defaults to true. */ View.prototype.queryRemove = function (obj, refresh) { var query = this._querySettings.query, i; if (query) { if (obj !== undefined) { // Loop object properties and add to existing query for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { delete query[i]; } } } if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } } }; /** * Gets / sets the query being used to generate the view data. It * does not change or modify the view's query options. * @param {Object=} query The query to set. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether to refresh the view data after * this operation. Defaults to true. * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.query = new Overload({ '': function () { return this._querySettings.query; }, 'object': function (query) { return this.$, query, undefined, true); }, '*, boolean': function (query, refresh) { return this.$, query, undefined, refresh); }, 'object, object': function (query, options) { return this.$, query, options, true); }, '*, *, boolean': function (query, options, refresh) { return this.$, query, options, refresh); }, '$main': function (query, options, refresh) { if (query !== undefined) { this._querySettings.query = query; if (query.$findSub && !query.$findSub.$from) { query.$findSub.$from =; } if (query.$findSubOne && !query.$findSubOne.$from) { query.$findSubOne.$from =; } } if (options !== undefined) { this._querySettings.options = options; } if (query !== undefined || options !== undefined) { if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } return this; } return this._querySettings; } }); View.prototype._joinChange = function (objName, objType) { this.emit('joinChange'); }; /** * Gets / sets the orderBy clause in the query options for the view. * @param {Object=} val The order object. * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.orderBy = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { var queryOptions = this.queryOptions() || {}; queryOptions.$orderBy = val; this.queryOptions(queryOptions); return this; } return (this.queryOptions() || {}).$orderBy; }; /** * Gets / sets the page clause in the query options for the view. * @param {Number=} val The page number to change to (zero index). * @returns {*} */ = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { var queryOptions = this.queryOptions() || {}; // Only execute a query options update if page has changed if (val !== queryOptions.$page) { queryOptions.$page = val; this.queryOptions(queryOptions); } return this; } return (this.queryOptions() || {}).$page; }; /** * Jump to the first page in the data set. * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.pageFirst = function () { return; }; /** * Jump to the last page in the data set. * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.pageLast = function () { var pages = this.cursor().pages, lastPage = pages !== undefined ? pages : 0; return - 1); }; /** * Move forward or backwards in the data set pages by passing a positive * or negative integer of the number of pages to move. * @param {Number} val The number of pages to move. * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.pageScan = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { var pages = this.cursor().pages, queryOptions = this.queryOptions() || {}, currentPage = queryOptions.$page !== undefined ? queryOptions.$page : 0; currentPage += val; if (currentPage < 0) { currentPage = 0; } if (currentPage >= pages) { currentPage = pages - 1; } return; } }; /** * Gets / sets the query options used when applying sorting etc to the * view data set. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @param {Boolean=} refresh Whether to refresh the view data after * this operation. Defaults to true. * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.queryOptions = function (options, refresh) { if (options !== undefined) { this._querySettings.options = options; if (options.$decouple === undefined) { options.$decouple = true; } if (refresh === undefined || refresh === true) { this.refresh(); } else { this.rebuildActiveBucket(options.$orderBy); } return this; } return this._querySettings.options; }; View.prototype.rebuildActiveBucket = function (orderBy) { if (orderBy) { var arr = this._privateData._data, arrCount = arr.length; // Build a new active bucket this._activeBucket = new ActiveBucket(orderBy); this._activeBucket.primaryKey(this._privateData.primaryKey()); // Loop the current view data and add each item for (var i = 0; i < arrCount; i++) { this._activeBucket.insert(arr[i]); } } else { // Remove any existing active bucket delete this._activeBucket; } }; /** * Refreshes the view data such as ordering etc. */ View.prototype.refresh = function () { var self = this, pubData, refreshResults, joinArr, i, k; if (this._from) { pubData = this.publicData(); // Re-grab all the data for the view from the collection this._privateData.remove(); //pubData.remove(); refreshResults = this._from.find(this._querySettings.query, this._querySettings.options); this.cursor(refreshResults.$cursor); this._privateData.insert(refreshResults); this._privateData._data.$cursor = refreshResults.$cursor; pubData._data.$cursor = refreshResults.$cursor; /*if (pubData._linked) { // Update data and observers //var transformedData = this._privateData.find(); // TODO: Shouldn't this data get passed into a transformIn first? // TODO: This breaks linking because its passing decoupled data and overwriting non-decoupled data // TODO: Is this even required anymore? After commenting it all seems to work // TODO: Might be worth setting up a test to check transforms and linking then remove this if working? //jQuery.observable(pubData._data).refresh(transformedData); }*/ } if (this._querySettings && this._querySettings.options && this._querySettings.options.$join && this._querySettings.options.$join.length) { // Define the change handler method self.__joinChange = self.__joinChange || function () { self._joinChange(); }; // Check for existing join collections if (this._joinCollections && this._joinCollections.length) { // Loop the join collections and remove change listeners // Loop the collections and hook change events for (i = 0; i < this._joinCollections.length; i++) { this._db.collection(this._joinCollections[i]).off('immediateChange', self.__joinChange); } } // Now start hooking any new / existing joins joinArr = this._querySettings.options.$join; this._joinCollections = []; // Loop the joined collections and hook change events for (i = 0; i < joinArr.length; i++) { for (k in joinArr[i]) { if (joinArr[i].hasOwnProperty(k)) { this._joinCollections.push(k); } } } if (this._joinCollections.length) { // Loop the collections and hook change events for (i = 0; i < this._joinCollections.length; i++) { this._db.collection(this._joinCollections[i]).on('immediateChange', self.__joinChange); } } } if (this._querySettings.options && this._querySettings.options.$orderBy) { this.rebuildActiveBucket(this._querySettings.options.$orderBy); } else { this.rebuildActiveBucket(); } return this; }; /** * Returns the number of documents currently in the view. * @returns {Number} */ View.prototype.count = function () { if (this.publicData()) { return this.publicData().count.apply(this.publicData(), arguments); } return 0; }; // Call underlying View.prototype.subset = function () { return this.publicData().subset.apply(this._privateData, arguments); }; /** * Takes the passed data and uses it to set transform methods and globally * enable or disable the transform system for the view. * @param {Object} obj The new transform system settings "enabled", "dataIn" and "dataOut": * { * "enabled": true, * "dataIn": function (data) { return data; }, * "dataOut": function (data) { return data; } * } * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.transform = function (obj) { var self = this; if (obj !== undefined) { if (typeof obj === "object") { if (obj.enabled !== undefined) { this._transformEnabled = obj.enabled; } if (obj.dataIn !== undefined) { this._transformIn = obj.dataIn; } if (obj.dataOut !== undefined) { this._transformOut = obj.dataOut; } } else { this._transformEnabled = obj !== false; } if (this._transformEnabled) { // Check for / create the public data collection if (!this._publicData) { // Create the public data collection this._publicData = new Collection('__FDB__view_publicData_' + this._name); this._publicData.db(this._privateData._db); this._publicData.transform({ enabled: true, dataIn: this._transformIn, dataOut: this._transformOut }); // Create a chain reaction IO node to keep the private and // public data collections in sync this._transformIo = new ReactorIO(this._privateData, this._publicData, function (chainPacket) { var data =; switch (chainPacket.type) { case 'primaryKey': self._publicData.primaryKey(data); this.chainSend('primaryKey', data); break; case 'setData': self._publicData.setData(data); this.chainSend('setData', data); break; case 'insert': self._publicData.insert(data); this.chainSend('insert', data); break; case 'update': // Do the update self._publicData.update( data.query, data.update, data.options ); this.chainSend('update', data); break; case 'remove': self._publicData.remove(data.query, chainPacket.options); this.chainSend('remove', data); break; default: break; } }); } // Set initial data and settings this._publicData.primaryKey(this.privateData().primaryKey()); this._publicData.setData(this.privateData().find()); } else { // Remove the public data collection if (this._publicData) { this._publicData.drop(); delete this._publicData; if (this._transformIo) { this._transformIo.drop(); delete this._transformIo; } } } return this; } return { enabled: this._transformEnabled, dataIn: this._transformIn, dataOut: this._transformOut }; }; /** * Executes a method against each document that matches query and returns an * array of documents that may have been modified by the method. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Function} func The method that each document is passed to. If this method * returns false for a particular document it is excluded from the results. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object. * @returns {Array} */ View.prototype.filter = function (query, func, options) { return (this.publicData()).filter(query, func, options); }; /** * Returns the non-transformed data the view holds as a collection * reference. * @return {Collection} The non-transformed collection reference. */ View.prototype.privateData = function () { return this._privateData; }; /** * Returns a data object representing the public data this view * contains. This can change depending on if transforms are being * applied to the view or not. * * If no transforms are applied then the public data will be the * same as the private data the view holds. If transforms are * applied then the public data will contain the transformed version * of the private data. * * The public data collection is also used by data binding to only * changes to the publicData will show in a data-bound element. */ View.prototype.publicData = function () { if (this._transformEnabled) { return this._publicData; } else { return this._privateData; } }; /** * @see Collection.indexOf * @returns {*} */ View.prototype.indexOf = function () { return this.publicData().indexOf.apply(this.publicData(), arguments); }; /** * Gets / sets the db instance this class instance belongs to. * @param {Db=} db The db instance. * @memberof View * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(View.prototype, 'db', function (db) { if (db) { this.privateData().db(db); this.publicData().db(db); // Apply the same debug settings this.debug(db.debug()); this.privateData().debug(db.debug()); this.publicData().debug(db.debug()); } return this.$super.apply(this, arguments); }); /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(View.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the current name. * @param {String=} val The new name to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(View.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets the current cursor. * @param {String=} val The new cursor to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(View.prototype, 'cursor', function (val) { if (val === undefined) { return this._cursor || {}; } this.$super.apply(this, arguments); }); // Extend collection with view init Collection.prototype.init = function () { this._view = []; CollectionInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Creates a view and assigns the collection as its data source. * @param {String} name The name of the new view. * @param {Object} query The query to apply to the new view. * @param {Object} options The options object to apply to the view. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.view = function (name, query, options) { if (this._db && this._db._view ) { if (!this._db._view[name]) { var view = new View(name, query, options) .db(this._db) .from(this); this._view = this._view || []; this._view.push(view); return view; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot create a view using this collection because a view with this name already exists: ' + name); } } }; /** * Adds a view to the internal view lookup. * @param {View} view The view to add. * @returns {Collection} * @private */ Collection.prototype._addView = CollectionGroup.prototype._addView = function (view) { if (view !== undefined) { this._view.push(view); } return this; }; /** * Removes a view from the internal view lookup. * @param {View} view The view to remove. * @returns {Collection} * @private */ Collection.prototype._removeView = CollectionGroup.prototype._removeView = function (view) { if (view !== undefined) { var index = this._view.indexOf(view); if (index > -1) { this._view.splice(index, 1); } } return this; }; // Extend DB with views init Db.prototype.init = function () { this._view = {}; DbInit.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Gets a view by it's name. * @param {String} name The name of the view to retrieve. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.view = function (name) { var self = this; // Handle being passed an instance if (name instanceof View) { return name; } if (this._view[name]) { return this._view[name]; } if (this.debug() || (this._db && this._db.debug())) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Creating view ' + name); } this._view[name] = new View(name).db(this); self.emit('create', self._view[name], 'view', name); return this._view[name]; }; /** * Determine if a view with the passed name already exists. * @param {String} name The name of the view to check for. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.viewExists = function (name) { return Boolean(this._view[name]); }; /** * Returns an array of views the DB currently has. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each view * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.views = function () { var arr = [], view, i; for (i in this._view) { if (this._view.hasOwnProperty(i)) { view = this._view[i]; arr.push({ name: i, count: view.count(), linked: view.isLinked !== undefined ? view.isLinked() : false }); } } return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('View'); module.exports = View; },{"./ActiveBucket":2,"./Collection":4,"./CollectionGroup":5,"./Overload":31,"./ReactorIO":37,"./Shared":39}],41:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ (function (process,global){ /*! * async * * * Copyright 2010-2014 Caolan McMahon * Released under the MIT license */ (function () { var async = {}; function noop() {} function identity(v) { return v; } function toBool(v) { return !!v; } function notId(v) { return !v; } // global on the server, window in the browser var previous_async; // Establish the root object, `window` (`self`) in the browser, `global` // on the server, or `this` in some virtual machines. We use `self` // instead of `window` for `WebWorker` support. var root = typeof self === 'object' && self.self === self && self || typeof global === 'object' && === global && global || this; if (root != null) { previous_async = root.async; } async.noConflict = function () { root.async = previous_async; return async; }; function only_once(fn) { return function() { if (fn === null) throw new Error("Callback was already called."); fn.apply(this, arguments); fn = null; }; } function _once(fn) { return function() { if (fn === null) return; fn.apply(this, arguments); fn = null; }; } //// cross-browser compatiblity functions //// var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; var _isArray = Array.isArray || function (obj) { return === '[object Array]'; }; // Ported from underscore.js isObject var _isObject = function(obj) { var type = typeof obj; return type === 'function' || type === 'object' && !!obj; }; function _isArrayLike(arr) { return _isArray(arr) || ( // has a positive integer length property typeof arr.length === "number" && arr.length >= 0 && arr.length % 1 === 0 ); } function _arrayEach(arr, iterator) { var index = -1, length = arr.length; while (++index < length) { iterator(arr[index], index, arr); } } function _map(arr, iterator) { var index = -1, length = arr.length, result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = iterator(arr[index], index, arr); } return result; } function _range(count) { return _map(Array(count), function (v, i) { return i; }); } function _reduce(arr, iterator, memo) { _arrayEach(arr, function (x, i, a) { memo = iterator(memo, x, i, a); }); return memo; } function _forEachOf(object, iterator) { _arrayEach(_keys(object), function (key) { iterator(object[key], key); }); } function _indexOf(arr, item) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === item) return i; } return -1; } var _keys = Object.keys || function (obj) { var keys = []; for (var k in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) { keys.push(k); } } return keys; }; function _keyIterator(coll) { var i = -1; var len; var keys; if (_isArrayLike(coll)) { len = coll.length; return function next() { i++; return i < len ? i : null; }; } else { keys = _keys(coll); len = keys.length; return function next() { i++; return i < len ? keys[i] : null; }; } } // Similar to ES6's rest param ( // This accumulates the arguments passed into an array, after a given index. // From underscore.js ( function _restParam(func, startIndex) { startIndex = startIndex == null ? func.length - 1 : +startIndex; return function() { var length = Math.max(arguments.length - startIndex, 0); var rest = Array(length); for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) { rest[index] = arguments[index + startIndex]; } switch (startIndex) { case 0: return, rest); case 1: return, arguments[0], rest); } // Currently unused but handle cases outside of the switch statement: // var args = Array(startIndex + 1); // for (index = 0; index < startIndex; index++) { // args[index] = arguments[index]; // } // args[startIndex] = rest; // return func.apply(this, args); }; } function _withoutIndex(iterator) { return function (value, index, callback) { return iterator(value, callback); }; } //// exported async module functions //// //// nextTick implementation with browser-compatible fallback //// // capture the global reference to guard against fakeTimer mocks var _setImmediate = typeof setImmediate === 'function' && setImmediate; var _delay = _setImmediate ? function(fn) { // not a direct alias for IE10 compatibility _setImmediate(fn); } : function(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; if (typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.nextTick === 'function') { async.nextTick = process.nextTick; } else { async.nextTick = _delay; } async.setImmediate = _setImmediate ? _delay : async.nextTick; async.forEach = async.each = function (arr, iterator, callback) { return async.eachOf(arr, _withoutIndex(iterator), callback); }; async.forEachSeries = async.eachSeries = function (arr, iterator, callback) { return async.eachOfSeries(arr, _withoutIndex(iterator), callback); }; async.forEachLimit = async.eachLimit = function (arr, limit, iterator, callback) { return _eachOfLimit(limit)(arr, _withoutIndex(iterator), callback); }; async.forEachOf = async.eachOf = function (object, iterator, callback) { callback = _once(callback || noop); object = object || []; var iter = _keyIterator(object); var key, completed = 0; while ((key = iter()) != null) { completed += 1; iterator(object[key], key, only_once(done)); } if (completed === 0) callback(null); function done(err) { completed--; if (err) { callback(err); } // Check key is null in case iterator isn't exhausted // and done resolved synchronously. else if (key === null && completed <= 0) { callback(null); } } }; async.forEachOfSeries = async.eachOfSeries = function (obj, iterator, callback) { callback = _once(callback || noop); obj = obj || []; var nextKey = _keyIterator(obj); var key = nextKey(); function iterate() { var sync = true; if (key === null) { return callback(null); } iterator(obj[key], key, only_once(function (err) { if (err) { callback(err); } else { key = nextKey(); if (key === null) { return callback(null); } else { if (sync) { async.setImmediate(iterate); } else { iterate(); } } } })); sync = false; } iterate(); }; async.forEachOfLimit = async.eachOfLimit = function (obj, limit, iterator, callback) { _eachOfLimit(limit)(obj, iterator, callback); }; function _eachOfLimit(limit) { return function (obj, iterator, callback) { callback = _once(callback || noop); obj = obj || []; var nextKey = _keyIterator(obj); if (limit <= 0) { return callback(null); } var done = false; var running = 0; var errored = false; (function replenish () { if (done && running <= 0) { return callback(null); } while (running < limit && !errored) { var key = nextKey(); if (key === null) { done = true; if (running <= 0) { callback(null); } return; } running += 1; iterator(obj[key], key, only_once(function (err) { running -= 1; if (err) { callback(err); errored = true; } else { replenish(); } })); } })(); }; } function doParallel(fn) { return function (obj, iterator, callback) { return fn(async.eachOf, obj, iterator, callback); }; } function doParallelLimit(fn) { return function (obj, limit, iterator, callback) { return fn(_eachOfLimit(limit), obj, iterator, callback); }; } function doSeries(fn) { return function (obj, iterator, callback) { return fn(async.eachOfSeries, obj, iterator, callback); }; } function _asyncMap(eachfn, arr, iterator, callback) { callback = _once(callback || noop); arr = arr || []; var results = _isArrayLike(arr) ? [] : {}; eachfn(arr, function (value, index, callback) { iterator(value, function (err, v) { results[index] = v; callback(err); }); }, function (err) { callback(err, results); }); } = doParallel(_asyncMap); async.mapSeries = doSeries(_asyncMap); async.mapLimit = doParallelLimit(_asyncMap); // reduce only has a series version, as doing reduce in parallel won't // work in many situations. async.inject = async.foldl = async.reduce = function (arr, memo, iterator, callback) { async.eachOfSeries(arr, function (x, i, callback) { iterator(memo, x, function (err, v) { memo = v; callback(err); }); }, function (err) { callback(err, memo); }); }; async.foldr = async.reduceRight = function (arr, memo, iterator, callback) { var reversed = _map(arr, identity).reverse(); async.reduce(reversed, memo, iterator, callback); }; async.transform = function (arr, memo, iterator, callback) { if (arguments.length === 3) { callback = iterator; iterator = memo; memo = _isArray(arr) ? [] : {}; } async.eachOf(arr, function(v, k, cb) { iterator(memo, v, k, cb); }, function(err) { callback(err, memo); }); }; function _filter(eachfn, arr, iterator, callback) { var results = []; eachfn(arr, function (x, index, callback) { iterator(x, function (v) { if (v) { results.push({index: index, value: x}); } callback(); }); }, function () { callback(_map(results.sort(function (a, b) { return a.index - b.index; }), function (x) { return x.value; })); }); } = async.filter = doParallel(_filter); async.selectLimit = async.filterLimit = doParallelLimit(_filter); async.selectSeries = async.filterSeries = doSeries(_filter); function _reject(eachfn, arr, iterator, callback) { _filter(eachfn, arr, function(value, cb) { iterator(value, function(v) { cb(!v); }); }, callback); } async.reject = doParallel(_reject); async.rejectLimit = doParallelLimit(_reject); async.rejectSeries = doSeries(_reject); function _createTester(eachfn, check, getResult) { return function(arr, limit, iterator, cb) { function done() { if (cb) cb(getResult(false, void 0)); } function iteratee(x, _, callback) { if (!cb) return callback(); iterator(x, function (v) { if (cb && check(v)) { cb(getResult(true, x)); cb = iterator = false; } callback(); }); } if (arguments.length > 3) { eachfn(arr, limit, iteratee, done); } else { cb = iterator; iterator = limit; eachfn(arr, iteratee, done); } }; } async.any = async.some = _createTester(async.eachOf, toBool, identity); async.someLimit = _createTester(async.eachOfLimit, toBool, identity); async.all = async.every = _createTester(async.eachOf, notId, notId); async.everyLimit = _createTester(async.eachOfLimit, notId, notId); function _findGetResult(v, x) { return x; } async.detect = _createTester(async.eachOf, identity, _findGetResult); async.detectSeries = _createTester(async.eachOfSeries, identity, _findGetResult); async.detectLimit = _createTester(async.eachOfLimit, identity, _findGetResult); async.sortBy = function (arr, iterator, callback) {, function (x, callback) { iterator(x, function (err, criteria) { if (err) { callback(err); } else { callback(null, {value: x, criteria: criteria}); } }); }, function (err, results) { if (err) { return callback(err); } else { callback(null, _map(results.sort(comparator), function (x) { return x.value; })); } }); function comparator(left, right) { var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria; return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; } }; = function (tasks, concurrency, callback) { if (!callback) { // concurrency is optional, shift the args. callback = concurrency; concurrency = null; } callback = _once(callback || noop); var keys = _keys(tasks); var remainingTasks = keys.length; if (!remainingTasks) { return callback(null); } if (!concurrency) { concurrency = remainingTasks; } var results = {}; var runningTasks = 0; var listeners = []; function addListener(fn) { listeners.unshift(fn); } function removeListener(fn) { var idx = _indexOf(listeners, fn); if (idx >= 0) listeners.splice(idx, 1); } function taskComplete() { remainingTasks--; _arrayEach(listeners.slice(0), function (fn) { fn(); }); } addListener(function () { if (!remainingTasks) { callback(null, results); } }); _arrayEach(keys, function (k) { var task = _isArray(tasks[k]) ? tasks[k]: [tasks[k]]; var taskCallback = _restParam(function(err, args) { runningTasks--; if (args.length <= 1) { args = args[0]; } if (err) { var safeResults = {}; _forEachOf(results, function(val, rkey) { safeResults[rkey] = val; }); safeResults[k] = args; callback(err, safeResults); } else { results[k] = args; async.setImmediate(taskComplete); } }); var requires = task.slice(0, task.length - 1); // prevent dead-locks var len = requires.length; var dep; while (len--) { if (!(dep = tasks[requires[len]])) { throw new Error('Has inexistant dependency'); } if (_isArray(dep) && _indexOf(dep, k) >= 0) { throw new Error('Has cyclic dependencies'); } } function ready() { return runningTasks < concurrency && _reduce(requires, function (a, x) { return (a && results.hasOwnProperty(x)); }, true) && !results.hasOwnProperty(k); } if (ready()) { runningTasks++; task[task.length - 1](taskCallback, results); } else { addListener(listener); } function listener() { if (ready()) { runningTasks++; removeListener(listener); task[task.length - 1](taskCallback, results); } } }); }; async.retry = function(times, task, callback) { var DEFAULT_TIMES = 5; var DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 0; var attempts = []; var opts = { times: DEFAULT_TIMES, interval: DEFAULT_INTERVAL }; function parseTimes(acc, t){ if(typeof t === 'number'){ acc.times = parseInt(t, 10) || DEFAULT_TIMES; } else if(typeof t === 'object'){ acc.times = parseInt(t.times, 10) || DEFAULT_TIMES; acc.interval = parseInt(t.interval, 10) || DEFAULT_INTERVAL; } else { throw new Error('Unsupported argument type for \'times\': ' + typeof t); } } var length = arguments.length; if (length < 1 || length > 3) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments - must be either (task), (task, callback), (times, task) or (times, task, callback)'); } else if (length <= 2 && typeof times === 'function') { callback = task; task = times; } if (typeof times !== 'function') { parseTimes(opts, times); } opts.callback = callback; opts.task = task; function wrappedTask(wrappedCallback, wrappedResults) { function retryAttempt(task, finalAttempt) { return function(seriesCallback) { task(function(err, result){ seriesCallback(!err || finalAttempt, {err: err, result: result}); }, wrappedResults); }; } function retryInterval(interval){ return function(seriesCallback){ setTimeout(function(){ seriesCallback(null); }, interval); }; } while (opts.times) { var finalAttempt = !(opts.times-=1); attempts.push(retryAttempt(opts.task, finalAttempt)); if(!finalAttempt && opts.interval > 0){ attempts.push(retryInterval(opts.interval)); } } async.series(attempts, function(done, data){ data = data[data.length - 1]; (wrappedCallback || opts.callback)(data.err, data.result); }); } // If a callback is passed, run this as a controll flow return opts.callback ? wrappedTask() : wrappedTask; }; async.waterfall = function (tasks, callback) { callback = _once(callback || noop); if (!_isArray(tasks)) { var err = new Error('First argument to waterfall must be an array of functions'); return callback(err); } if (!tasks.length) { return callback(); } function wrapIterator(iterator) { return _restParam(function (err, args) { if (err) { callback.apply(null, [err].concat(args)); } else { var next =; if (next) { args.push(wrapIterator(next)); } else { args.push(callback); } ensureAsync(iterator).apply(null, args); } }); } wrapIterator(async.iterator(tasks))(); }; function _parallel(eachfn, tasks, callback) { callback = callback || noop; var results = _isArrayLike(tasks) ? [] : {}; eachfn(tasks, function (task, key, callback) { task(_restParam(function (err, args) { if (args.length <= 1) { args = args[0]; } results[key] = args; callback(err); })); }, function (err) { callback(err, results); }); } async.parallel = function (tasks, callback) { _parallel(async.eachOf, tasks, callback); }; async.parallelLimit = function(tasks, limit, callback) { _parallel(_eachOfLimit(limit), tasks, callback); }; async.series = function(tasks, callback) { _parallel(async.eachOfSeries, tasks, callback); }; async.iterator = function (tasks) { function makeCallback(index) { function fn() { if (tasks.length) { tasks[index].apply(null, arguments); } return; } = function () { return (index < tasks.length - 1) ? makeCallback(index + 1): null; }; return fn; } return makeCallback(0); }; async.apply = _restParam(function (fn, args) { return _restParam(function (callArgs) { return fn.apply( null, args.concat(callArgs) ); }); }); function _concat(eachfn, arr, fn, callback) { var result = []; eachfn(arr, function (x, index, cb) { fn(x, function (err, y) { result = result.concat(y || []); cb(err); }); }, function (err) { callback(err, result); }); } async.concat = doParallel(_concat); async.concatSeries = doSeries(_concat); async.whilst = function (test, iterator, callback) { callback = callback || noop; if (test()) { var next = _restParam(function(err, args) { if (err) { callback(err); } else if (test.apply(this, args)) { iterator(next); } else { callback(null); } }); iterator(next); } else { callback(null); } }; async.doWhilst = function (iterator, test, callback) { var calls = 0; return async.whilst(function() { return ++calls <= 1 || test.apply(this, arguments); }, iterator, callback); }; async.until = function (test, iterator, callback) { return async.whilst(function() { return !test.apply(this, arguments); }, iterator, callback); }; async.doUntil = function (iterator, test, callback) { return async.doWhilst(iterator, function() { return !test.apply(this, arguments); }, callback); }; async.during = function (test, iterator, callback) { callback = callback || noop; var next = _restParam(function(err, args) { if (err) { callback(err); } else { args.push(check); test.apply(this, args); } }); var check = function(err, truth) { if (err) { callback(err); } else if (truth) { iterator(next); } else { callback(null); } }; test(check); }; async.doDuring = function (iterator, test, callback) { var calls = 0; async.during(function(next) { if (calls++ < 1) { next(null, true); } else { test.apply(this, arguments); } }, iterator, callback); }; function _queue(worker, concurrency, payload) { if (concurrency == null) { concurrency = 1; } else if(concurrency === 0) { throw new Error('Concurrency must not be zero'); } function _insert(q, data, pos, callback) { if (callback != null && typeof callback !== "function") { throw new Error("task callback must be a function"); } q.started = true; if (!_isArray(data)) { data = [data]; } if(data.length === 0 && q.idle()) { // call drain immediately if there are no tasks return async.setImmediate(function() { q.drain(); }); } _arrayEach(data, function(task) { var item = { data: task, callback: callback || noop }; if (pos) { q.tasks.unshift(item); } else { q.tasks.push(item); } if (q.tasks.length === q.concurrency) { q.saturated(); } }); async.setImmediate(q.process); } function _next(q, tasks) { return function(){ workers -= 1; var removed = false; var args = arguments; _arrayEach(tasks, function (task) { _arrayEach(workersList, function (worker, index) { if (worker === task && !removed) { workersList.splice(index, 1); removed = true; } }); task.callback.apply(task, args); }); if (q.tasks.length + workers === 0) { q.drain(); } q.process(); }; } var workers = 0; var workersList = []; var q = { tasks: [], concurrency: concurrency, payload: payload, saturated: noop, empty: noop, drain: noop, started: false, paused: false, push: function (data, callback) { _insert(q, data, false, callback); }, kill: function () { q.drain = noop; q.tasks = []; }, unshift: function (data, callback) { _insert(q, data, true, callback); }, process: function () { if (!q.paused && workers < q.concurrency && q.tasks.length) { while(workers < q.concurrency && q.tasks.length){ var tasks = q.payload ? q.tasks.splice(0, q.payload) : q.tasks.splice(0, q.tasks.length); var data = _map(tasks, function (task) { return; }); if (q.tasks.length === 0) { q.empty(); } workers += 1; workersList.push(tasks[0]); var cb = only_once(_next(q, tasks)); worker(data, cb); } } }, length: function () { return q.tasks.length; }, running: function () { return workers; }, workersList: function () { return workersList; }, idle: function() { return q.tasks.length + workers === 0; }, pause: function () { q.paused = true; }, resume: function () { if (q.paused === false) { return; } q.paused = false; var resumeCount = Math.min(q.concurrency, q.tasks.length); // Need to call q.process once per concurrent // worker to preserve full concurrency after pause for (var w = 1; w <= resumeCount; w++) { async.setImmediate(q.process); } } }; return q; } async.queue = function (worker, concurrency) { var q = _queue(function (items, cb) { worker(items[0], cb); }, concurrency, 1); return q; }; async.priorityQueue = function (worker, concurrency) { function _compareTasks(a, b){ return a.priority - b.priority; } function _binarySearch(sequence, item, compare) { var beg = -1, end = sequence.length - 1; while (beg < end) { var mid = beg + ((end - beg + 1) >>> 1); if (compare(item, sequence[mid]) >= 0) { beg = mid; } else { end = mid - 1; } } return beg; } function _insert(q, data, priority, callback) { if (callback != null && typeof callback !== "function") { throw new Error("task callback must be a function"); } q.started = true; if (!_isArray(data)) { data = [data]; } if(data.length === 0) { // call drain immediately if there are no tasks return async.setImmediate(function() { q.drain(); }); } _arrayEach(data, function(task) { var item = { data: task, priority: priority, callback: typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : noop }; q.tasks.splice(_binarySearch(q.tasks, item, _compareTasks) + 1, 0, item); if (q.tasks.length === q.concurrency) { q.saturated(); } async.setImmediate(q.process); }); } // Start with a normal queue var q = async.queue(worker, concurrency); // Override push to accept second parameter representing priority q.push = function (data, priority, callback) { _insert(q, data, priority, callback); }; // Remove unshift function delete q.unshift; return q; }; async.cargo = function (worker, payload) { return _queue(worker, 1, payload); }; function _console_fn(name) { return _restParam(function (fn, args) { fn.apply(null, args.concat([_restParam(function (err, args) { if (typeof console === 'object') { if (err) { if (console.error) { console.error(err); } } else if (console[name]) { _arrayEach(args, function (x) { console[name](x); }); } } })])); }); } async.log = _console_fn('log'); async.dir = _console_fn('dir'); /* = _console_fn('info'); async.warn = _console_fn('warn'); async.error = _console_fn('error');*/ async.memoize = function (fn, hasher) { var memo = {}; var queues = {}; hasher = hasher || identity; var memoized = _restParam(function memoized(args) { var callback = args.pop(); var key = hasher.apply(null, args); if (key in memo) { async.setImmediate(function () { callback.apply(null, memo[key]); }); } else if (key in queues) { queues[key].push(callback); } else { queues[key] = [callback]; fn.apply(null, args.concat([_restParam(function (args) { memo[key] = args; var q = queues[key]; delete queues[key]; for (var i = 0, l = q.length; i < l; i++) { q[i].apply(null, args); } })])); } }); memoized.memo = memo; memoized.unmemoized = fn; return memoized; }; async.unmemoize = function (fn) { return function () { return (fn.unmemoized || fn).apply(null, arguments); }; }; function _times(mapper) { return function (count, iterator, callback) { mapper(_range(count), iterator, callback); }; } async.times = _times(; async.timesSeries = _times(async.mapSeries); async.timesLimit = function (count, limit, iterator, callback) { return async.mapLimit(_range(count), limit, iterator, callback); }; async.seq = function (/* functions... */) { var fns = arguments; return _restParam(function (args) { var that = this; var callback = args[args.length - 1]; if (typeof callback == 'function') { args.pop(); } else { callback = noop; } async.reduce(fns, args, function (newargs, fn, cb) { fn.apply(that, newargs.concat([_restParam(function (err, nextargs) { cb(err, nextargs); })])); }, function (err, results) { callback.apply(that, [err].concat(results)); }); }); }; async.compose = function (/* functions... */) { return async.seq.apply(null,; }; function _applyEach(eachfn) { return _restParam(function(fns, args) { var go = _restParam(function(args) { var that = this; var callback = args.pop(); return eachfn(fns, function (fn, _, cb) { fn.apply(that, args.concat([cb])); }, callback); }); if (args.length) { return go.apply(this, args); } else { return go; } }); } async.applyEach = _applyEach(async.eachOf); async.applyEachSeries = _applyEach(async.eachOfSeries); async.forever = function (fn, callback) { var done = only_once(callback || noop); var task = ensureAsync(fn); function next(err) { if (err) { return done(err); } task(next); } next(); }; function ensureAsync(fn) { return _restParam(function (args) { var callback = args.pop(); args.push(function () { var innerArgs = arguments; if (sync) { async.setImmediate(function () { callback.apply(null, innerArgs); }); } else { callback.apply(null, innerArgs); } }); var sync = true; fn.apply(this, args); sync = false; }); } async.ensureAsync = ensureAsync; async.constant = _restParam(function(values) { var args = [null].concat(values); return function (callback) { return callback.apply(this, args); }; }); async.wrapSync = async.asyncify = function asyncify(func) { return _restParam(function (args) { var callback = args.pop(); var result; try { result = func.apply(this, args); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } // if result is Promise object if (_isObject(result) && typeof result.then === "function") { result.then(function(value) { callback(null, value); })["catch"](function(err) { callback(err.message ? err : new Error(err)); }); } else { callback(null, result); } }); }; // Node.js if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = async; } // AMD / RequireJS else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], function () { return async; }); } // included directly via <script> tag else { root.async = async; } }()); }).call(this,_dereq_('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"_process":76}],42:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./enc-base64"), _dereq_("./md5"), _dereq_("./evpkdf"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./enc-base64", "./md5", "./evpkdf", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var BlockCipher = C_lib.BlockCipher; var C_algo = C.algo; // Lookup tables var SBOX = []; var INV_SBOX = []; var SUB_MIX_0 = []; var SUB_MIX_1 = []; var SUB_MIX_2 = []; var SUB_MIX_3 = []; var INV_SUB_MIX_0 = []; var INV_SUB_MIX_1 = []; var INV_SUB_MIX_2 = []; var INV_SUB_MIX_3 = []; // Compute lookup tables (function () { // Compute double table var d = []; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (i < 128) { d[i] = i << 1; } else { d[i] = (i << 1) ^ 0x11b; } } // Walk GF(2^8) var x = 0; var xi = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { // Compute sbox var sx = xi ^ (xi << 1) ^ (xi << 2) ^ (xi << 3) ^ (xi << 4); sx = (sx >>> 8) ^ (sx & 0xff) ^ 0x63; SBOX[x] = sx; INV_SBOX[sx] = x; // Compute multiplication var x2 = d[x]; var x4 = d[x2]; var x8 = d[x4]; // Compute sub bytes, mix columns tables var t = (d[sx] * 0x101) ^ (sx * 0x1010100); SUB_MIX_0[x] = (t << 24) | (t >>> 8); SUB_MIX_1[x] = (t << 16) | (t >>> 16); SUB_MIX_2[x] = (t << 8) | (t >>> 24); SUB_MIX_3[x] = t; // Compute inv sub bytes, inv mix columns tables var t = (x8 * 0x1010101) ^ (x4 * 0x10001) ^ (x2 * 0x101) ^ (x * 0x1010100); INV_SUB_MIX_0[sx] = (t << 24) | (t >>> 8); INV_SUB_MIX_1[sx] = (t << 16) | (t >>> 16); INV_SUB_MIX_2[sx] = (t << 8) | (t >>> 24); INV_SUB_MIX_3[sx] = t; // Compute next counter if (!x) { x = xi = 1; } else { x = x2 ^ d[d[d[x8 ^ x2]]]; xi ^= d[d[xi]]; } } }()); // Precomputed Rcon lookup var RCON = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36]; /** * AES block cipher algorithm. */ var AES = C_algo.AES = BlockCipher.extend({ _doReset: function () { // Shortcuts var key = this._key; var keyWords = key.words; var keySize = key.sigBytes / 4; // Compute number of rounds var nRounds = this._nRounds = keySize + 6 // Compute number of key schedule rows var ksRows = (nRounds + 1) * 4; // Compute key schedule var keySchedule = this._keySchedule = []; for (var ksRow = 0; ksRow < ksRows; ksRow++) { if (ksRow < keySize) { keySchedule[ksRow] = keyWords[ksRow]; } else { var t = keySchedule[ksRow - 1]; if (!(ksRow % keySize)) { // Rot word t = (t << 8) | (t >>> 24); // Sub word t = (SBOX[t >>> 24] << 24) | (SBOX[(t >>> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | (SBOX[(t >>> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | SBOX[t & 0xff]; // Mix Rcon t ^= RCON[(ksRow / keySize) | 0] << 24; } else if (keySize > 6 && ksRow % keySize == 4) { // Sub word t = (SBOX[t >>> 24] << 24) | (SBOX[(t >>> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | (SBOX[(t >>> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | SBOX[t & 0xff]; } keySchedule[ksRow] = keySchedule[ksRow - keySize] ^ t; } } // Compute inv key schedule var invKeySchedule = this._invKeySchedule = []; for (var invKsRow = 0; invKsRow < ksRows; invKsRow++) { var ksRow = ksRows - invKsRow; if (invKsRow % 4) { var t = keySchedule[ksRow]; } else { var t = keySchedule[ksRow - 4]; } if (invKsRow < 4 || ksRow <= 4) { invKeySchedule[invKsRow] = t; } else { invKeySchedule[invKsRow] = INV_SUB_MIX_0[SBOX[t >>> 24]] ^ INV_SUB_MIX_1[SBOX[(t >>> 16) & 0xff]] ^ INV_SUB_MIX_2[SBOX[(t >>> 8) & 0xff]] ^ INV_SUB_MIX_3[SBOX[t & 0xff]]; } } }, encryptBlock: function (M, offset) { this._doCryptBlock(M, offset, this._keySchedule, SUB_MIX_0, SUB_MIX_1, SUB_MIX_2, SUB_MIX_3, SBOX); }, decryptBlock: function (M, offset) { // Swap 2nd and 4th rows var t = M[offset + 1]; M[offset + 1] = M[offset + 3]; M[offset + 3] = t; this._doCryptBlock(M, offset, this._invKeySchedule, INV_SUB_MIX_0, INV_SUB_MIX_1, INV_SUB_MIX_2, INV_SUB_MIX_3, INV_SBOX); // Inv swap 2nd and 4th rows var t = M[offset + 1]; M[offset + 1] = M[offset + 3]; M[offset + 3] = t; }, _doCryptBlock: function (M, offset, keySchedule, SUB_MIX_0, SUB_MIX_1, SUB_MIX_2, SUB_MIX_3, SBOX) { // Shortcut var nRounds = this._nRounds; // Get input, add round key var s0 = M[offset] ^ keySchedule[0]; var s1 = M[offset + 1] ^ keySchedule[1]; var s2 = M[offset + 2] ^ keySchedule[2]; var s3 = M[offset + 3] ^ keySchedule[3]; // Key schedule row counter var ksRow = 4; // Rounds for (var round = 1; round < nRounds; round++) { // Shift rows, sub bytes, mix columns, add round key var t0 = SUB_MIX_0[s0 >>> 24] ^ SUB_MIX_1[(s1 >>> 16) & 0xff] ^ SUB_MIX_2[(s2 >>> 8) & 0xff] ^ SUB_MIX_3[s3 & 0xff] ^ keySchedule[ksRow++]; var t1 = SUB_MIX_0[s1 >>> 24] ^ SUB_MIX_1[(s2 >>> 16) & 0xff] ^ SUB_MIX_2[(s3 >>> 8) & 0xff] ^ SUB_MIX_3[s0 & 0xff] ^ keySchedule[ksRow++]; var t2 = SUB_MIX_0[s2 >>> 24] ^ SUB_MIX_1[(s3 >>> 16) & 0xff] ^ SUB_MIX_2[(s0 >>> 8) & 0xff] ^ SUB_MIX_3[s1 & 0xff] ^ keySchedule[ksRow++]; var t3 = SUB_MIX_0[s3 >>> 24] ^ SUB_MIX_1[(s0 >>> 16) & 0xff] ^ SUB_MIX_2[(s1 >>> 8) & 0xff] ^ SUB_MIX_3[s2 & 0xff] ^ keySchedule[ksRow++]; // Update state s0 = t0; s1 = t1; s2 = t2; s3 = t3; } // Shift rows, sub bytes, add round key var t0 = ((SBOX[s0 >>> 24] << 24) | (SBOX[(s1 >>> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | (SBOX[(s2 >>> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | SBOX[s3 & 0xff]) ^ keySchedule[ksRow++]; var t1 = ((SBOX[s1 >>> 24] << 24) | (SBOX[(s2 >>> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | (SBOX[(s3 >>> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | SBOX[s0 & 0xff]) ^ keySchedule[ksRow++]; var t2 = ((SBOX[s2 >>> 24] << 24) | (SBOX[(s3 >>> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | (SBOX[(s0 >>> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | SBOX[s1 & 0xff]) ^ keySchedule[ksRow++]; var t3 = ((SBOX[s3 >>> 24] << 24) | (SBOX[(s0 >>> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | (SBOX[(s1 >>> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | SBOX[s2 & 0xff]) ^ keySchedule[ksRow++]; // Set output M[offset] = t0; M[offset + 1] = t1; M[offset + 2] = t2; M[offset + 3] = t3; }, keySize: 256/32 }); /** * Shortcut functions to the cipher's object interface. * * @example * * var ciphertext = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(message, key, cfg); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(ciphertext, key, cfg); */ C.AES = BlockCipher._createHelper(AES); }()); return CryptoJS.AES; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44,"./enc-base64":45,"./evpkdf":47,"./md5":52}],43:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * Cipher core components. */ CryptoJS.lib.Cipher || (function (undefined) { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var Base = C_lib.Base; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var BufferedBlockAlgorithm = C_lib.BufferedBlockAlgorithm; var C_enc = C.enc; var Utf8 = C_enc.Utf8; var Base64 = C_enc.Base64; var C_algo = C.algo; var EvpKDF = C_algo.EvpKDF; /** * Abstract base cipher template. * * @property {number} keySize This cipher's key size. Default: 4 (128 bits) * @property {number} ivSize This cipher's IV size. Default: 4 (128 bits) * @property {number} _ENC_XFORM_MODE A constant representing encryption mode. * @property {number} _DEC_XFORM_MODE A constant representing decryption mode. */ var Cipher = C_lib.Cipher = BufferedBlockAlgorithm.extend({ /** * Configuration options. * * @property {WordArray} iv The IV to use for this operation. */ cfg: Base.extend(), /** * Creates this cipher in encryption mode. * * @param {WordArray} key The key. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this operation. * * @return {Cipher} A cipher instance. * * @static * * @example * * var cipher = CryptoJS.algo.AES.createEncryptor(keyWordArray, { iv: ivWordArray }); */ createEncryptor: function (key, cfg) { return this.create(this._ENC_XFORM_MODE, key, cfg); }, /** * Creates this cipher in decryption mode. * * @param {WordArray} key The key. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this operation. * * @return {Cipher} A cipher instance. * * @static * * @example * * var cipher = CryptoJS.algo.AES.createDecryptor(keyWordArray, { iv: ivWordArray }); */ createDecryptor: function (key, cfg) { return this.create(this._DEC_XFORM_MODE, key, cfg); }, /** * Initializes a newly created cipher. * * @param {number} xformMode Either the encryption or decryption transormation mode constant. * @param {WordArray} key The key. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this operation. * * @example * * var cipher = CryptoJS.algo.AES.create(CryptoJS.algo.AES._ENC_XFORM_MODE, keyWordArray, { iv: ivWordArray }); */ init: function (xformMode, key, cfg) { // Apply config defaults this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); // Store transform mode and key this._xformMode = xformMode; this._key = key; // Set initial values this.reset(); }, /** * Resets this cipher to its initial state. * * @example * * cipher.reset(); */ reset: function () { // Reset data buffer; // Perform concrete-cipher logic this._doReset(); }, /** * Adds data to be encrypted or decrypted. * * @param {WordArray|string} dataUpdate The data to encrypt or decrypt. * * @return {WordArray} The data after processing. * * @example * * var encrypted = cipher.process('data'); * var encrypted = cipher.process(wordArray); */ process: function (dataUpdate) { // Append this._append(dataUpdate); // Process available blocks return this._process(); }, /** * Finalizes the encryption or decryption process. * Note that the finalize operation is effectively a destructive, read-once operation. * * @param {WordArray|string} dataUpdate The final data to encrypt or decrypt. * * @return {WordArray} The data after final processing. * * @example * * var encrypted = cipher.finalize(); * var encrypted = cipher.finalize('data'); * var encrypted = cipher.finalize(wordArray); */ finalize: function (dataUpdate) { // Final data update if (dataUpdate) { this._append(dataUpdate); } // Perform concrete-cipher logic var finalProcessedData = this._doFinalize(); return finalProcessedData; }, keySize: 128/32, ivSize: 128/32, _ENC_XFORM_MODE: 1, _DEC_XFORM_MODE: 2, /** * Creates shortcut functions to a cipher's object interface. * * @param {Cipher} cipher The cipher to create a helper for. * * @return {Object} An object with encrypt and decrypt shortcut functions. * * @static * * @example * * var AES = CryptoJS.lib.Cipher._createHelper(CryptoJS.algo.AES); */ _createHelper: (function () { function selectCipherStrategy(key) { if (typeof key == 'string') { return PasswordBasedCipher; } else { return SerializableCipher; } } return function (cipher) { return { encrypt: function (message, key, cfg) { return selectCipherStrategy(key).encrypt(cipher, message, key, cfg); }, decrypt: function (ciphertext, key, cfg) { return selectCipherStrategy(key).decrypt(cipher, ciphertext, key, cfg); } }; }; }()) }); /** * Abstract base stream cipher template. * * @property {number} blockSize The number of 32-bit words this cipher operates on. Default: 1 (32 bits) */ var StreamCipher = C_lib.StreamCipher = Cipher.extend({ _doFinalize: function () { // Process partial blocks var finalProcessedBlocks = this._process(!!'flush'); return finalProcessedBlocks; }, blockSize: 1 }); /** * Mode namespace. */ var C_mode = C.mode = {}; /** * Abstract base block cipher mode template. */ var BlockCipherMode = C_lib.BlockCipherMode = Base.extend({ /** * Creates this mode for encryption. * * @param {Cipher} cipher A block cipher instance. * @param {Array} iv The IV words. * * @static * * @example * * var mode = CryptoJS.mode.CBC.createEncryptor(cipher, iv.words); */ createEncryptor: function (cipher, iv) { return this.Encryptor.create(cipher, iv); }, /** * Creates this mode for decryption. * * @param {Cipher} cipher A block cipher instance. * @param {Array} iv The IV words. * * @static * * @example * * var mode = CryptoJS.mode.CBC.createDecryptor(cipher, iv.words); */ createDecryptor: function (cipher, iv) { return this.Decryptor.create(cipher, iv); }, /** * Initializes a newly created mode. * * @param {Cipher} cipher A block cipher instance. * @param {Array} iv The IV words. * * @example * * var mode = CryptoJS.mode.CBC.Encryptor.create(cipher, iv.words); */ init: function (cipher, iv) { this._cipher = cipher; this._iv = iv; } }); /** * Cipher Block Chaining mode. */ var CBC = C_mode.CBC = (function () { /** * Abstract base CBC mode. */ var CBC = BlockCipherMode.extend(); /** * CBC encryptor. */ CBC.Encryptor = CBC.extend({ /** * Processes the data block at offset. * * @param {Array} words The data words to operate on. * @param {number} offset The offset where the block starts. * * @example * * mode.processBlock(data.words, offset); */ processBlock: function (words, offset) { // Shortcuts var cipher = this._cipher; var blockSize = cipher.blockSize; // XOR and encrypt, words, offset, blockSize); cipher.encryptBlock(words, offset); // Remember this block to use with next block this._prevBlock = words.slice(offset, offset + blockSize); } }); /** * CBC decryptor. */ CBC.Decryptor = CBC.extend({ /** * Processes the data block at offset. * * @param {Array} words The data words to operate on. * @param {number} offset The offset where the block starts. * * @example * * mode.processBlock(data.words, offset); */ processBlock: function (words, offset) { // Shortcuts var cipher = this._cipher; var blockSize = cipher.blockSize; // Remember this block to use with next block var thisBlock = words.slice(offset, offset + blockSize); // Decrypt and XOR cipher.decryptBlock(words, offset);, words, offset, blockSize); // This block becomes the previous block this._prevBlock = thisBlock; } }); function xorBlock(words, offset, blockSize) { // Shortcut var iv = this._iv; // Choose mixing block if (iv) { var block = iv; // Remove IV for subsequent blocks this._iv = undefined; } else { var block = this._prevBlock; } // XOR blocks for (var i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { words[offset + i] ^= block[i]; } } return CBC; }()); /** * Padding namespace. */ var C_pad = C.pad = {}; /** * PKCS #5/7 padding strategy. */ var Pkcs7 = C_pad.Pkcs7 = { /** * Pads data using the algorithm defined in PKCS #5/7. * * @param {WordArray} data The data to pad. * @param {number} blockSize The multiple that the data should be padded to. * * @static * * @example * * CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7.pad(wordArray, 4); */ pad: function (data, blockSize) { // Shortcut var blockSizeBytes = blockSize * 4; // Count padding bytes var nPaddingBytes = blockSizeBytes - data.sigBytes % blockSizeBytes; // Create padding word var paddingWord = (nPaddingBytes << 24) | (nPaddingBytes << 16) | (nPaddingBytes << 8) | nPaddingBytes; // Create padding var paddingWords = []; for (var i = 0; i < nPaddingBytes; i += 4) { paddingWords.push(paddingWord); } var padding = WordArray.create(paddingWords, nPaddingBytes); // Add padding data.concat(padding); }, /** * Unpads data that had been padded using the algorithm defined in PKCS #5/7. * * @param {WordArray} data The data to unpad. * * @static * * @example * * CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7.unpad(wordArray); */ unpad: function (data) { // Get number of padding bytes from last byte var nPaddingBytes = data.words[(data.sigBytes - 1) >>> 2] & 0xff; // Remove padding data.sigBytes -= nPaddingBytes; } }; /** * Abstract base block cipher template. * * @property {number} blockSize The number of 32-bit words this cipher operates on. Default: 4 (128 bits) */ var BlockCipher = C_lib.BlockCipher = Cipher.extend({ /** * Configuration options. * * @property {Mode} mode The block mode to use. Default: CBC * @property {Padding} padding The padding strategy to use. Default: Pkcs7 */ cfg: Cipher.cfg.extend({ mode: CBC, padding: Pkcs7 }), reset: function () { // Reset cipher; // Shortcuts var cfg = this.cfg; var iv = cfg.iv; var mode = cfg.mode; // Reset block mode if (this._xformMode == this._ENC_XFORM_MODE) { var modeCreator = mode.createEncryptor; } else /* if (this._xformMode == this._DEC_XFORM_MODE) */ { var modeCreator = mode.createDecryptor; // Keep at least one block in the buffer for unpadding this._minBufferSize = 1; } this._mode =, this, iv && iv.words); }, _doProcessBlock: function (words, offset) { this._mode.processBlock(words, offset); }, _doFinalize: function () { // Shortcut var padding = this.cfg.padding; // Finalize if (this._xformMode == this._ENC_XFORM_MODE) { // Pad data padding.pad(this._data, this.blockSize); // Process final blocks var finalProcessedBlocks = this._process(!!'flush'); } else /* if (this._xformMode == this._DEC_XFORM_MODE) */ { // Process final blocks var finalProcessedBlocks = this._process(!!'flush'); // Unpad data padding.unpad(finalProcessedBlocks); } return finalProcessedBlocks; }, blockSize: 128/32 }); /** * A collection of cipher parameters. * * @property {WordArray} ciphertext The raw ciphertext. * @property {WordArray} key The key to this ciphertext. * @property {WordArray} iv The IV used in the ciphering operation. * @property {WordArray} salt The salt used with a key derivation function. * @property {Cipher} algorithm The cipher algorithm. * @property {Mode} mode The block mode used in the ciphering operation. * @property {Padding} padding The padding scheme used in the ciphering operation. * @property {number} blockSize The block size of the cipher. * @property {Format} formatter The default formatting strategy to convert this cipher params object to a string. */ var CipherParams = C_lib.CipherParams = Base.extend({ /** * Initializes a newly created cipher params object. * * @param {Object} cipherParams An object with any of the possible cipher parameters. * * @example * * var cipherParams = CryptoJS.lib.CipherParams.create({ * ciphertext: ciphertextWordArray, * key: keyWordArray, * iv: ivWordArray, * salt: saltWordArray, * algorithm: CryptoJS.algo.AES, * mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC, * padding: CryptoJS.pad.PKCS7, * blockSize: 4, * formatter: CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL * }); */ init: function (cipherParams) { this.mixIn(cipherParams); }, /** * Converts this cipher params object to a string. * * @param {Format} formatter (Optional) The formatting strategy to use. * * @return {string} The stringified cipher params. * * @throws Error If neither the formatter nor the default formatter is set. * * @example * * var string = cipherParams + ''; * var string = cipherParams.toString(); * var string = cipherParams.toString(CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL); */ toString: function (formatter) { return (formatter || this.formatter).stringify(this); } }); /** * Format namespace. */ var C_format = C.format = {}; /** * OpenSSL formatting strategy. */ var OpenSSLFormatter = C_format.OpenSSL = { /** * Converts a cipher params object to an OpenSSL-compatible string. * * @param {CipherParams} cipherParams The cipher params object. * * @return {string} The OpenSSL-compatible string. * * @static * * @example * * var openSSLString = CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL.stringify(cipherParams); */ stringify: function (cipherParams) { // Shortcuts var ciphertext = cipherParams.ciphertext; var salt = cipherParams.salt; // Format if (salt) { var wordArray = WordArray.create([0x53616c74, 0x65645f5f]).concat(salt).concat(ciphertext); } else { var wordArray = ciphertext; } return wordArray.toString(Base64); }, /** * Converts an OpenSSL-compatible string to a cipher params object. * * @param {string} openSSLStr The OpenSSL-compatible string. * * @return {CipherParams} The cipher params object. * * @static * * @example * * var cipherParams = CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL.parse(openSSLString); */ parse: function (openSSLStr) { // Parse base64 var ciphertext = Base64.parse(openSSLStr); // Shortcut var ciphertextWords = ciphertext.words; // Test for salt if (ciphertextWords[0] == 0x53616c74 && ciphertextWords[1] == 0x65645f5f) { // Extract salt var salt = WordArray.create(ciphertextWords.slice(2, 4)); // Remove salt from ciphertext ciphertextWords.splice(0, 4); ciphertext.sigBytes -= 16; } return CipherParams.create({ ciphertext: ciphertext, salt: salt }); } }; /** * A cipher wrapper that returns ciphertext as a serializable cipher params object. */ var SerializableCipher = C_lib.SerializableCipher = Base.extend({ /** * Configuration options. * * @property {Formatter} format The formatting strategy to convert cipher param objects to and from a string. Default: OpenSSL */ cfg: Base.extend({ format: OpenSSLFormatter }), /** * Encrypts a message. * * @param {Cipher} cipher The cipher algorithm to use. * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to encrypt. * @param {WordArray} key The key. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this operation. * * @return {CipherParams} A cipher params object. * * @static * * @example * * var ciphertextParams = CryptoJS.lib.SerializableCipher.encrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, message, key); * var ciphertextParams = CryptoJS.lib.SerializableCipher.encrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, message, key, { iv: iv }); * var ciphertextParams = CryptoJS.lib.SerializableCipher.encrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, message, key, { iv: iv, format: CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL }); */ encrypt: function (cipher, message, key, cfg) { // Apply config defaults cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); // Encrypt var encryptor = cipher.createEncryptor(key, cfg); var ciphertext = encryptor.finalize(message); // Shortcut var cipherCfg = encryptor.cfg; // Create and return serializable cipher params return CipherParams.create({ ciphertext: ciphertext, key: key, iv: cipherCfg.iv, algorithm: cipher, mode: cipherCfg.mode, padding: cipherCfg.padding, blockSize: cipher.blockSize, formatter: cfg.format }); }, /** * Decrypts serialized ciphertext. * * @param {Cipher} cipher The cipher algorithm to use. * @param {CipherParams|string} ciphertext The ciphertext to decrypt. * @param {WordArray} key The key. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this operation. * * @return {WordArray} The plaintext. * * @static * * @example * * var plaintext = CryptoJS.lib.SerializableCipher.decrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, formattedCiphertext, key, { iv: iv, format: CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL }); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.lib.SerializableCipher.decrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, ciphertextParams, key, { iv: iv, format: CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL }); */ decrypt: function (cipher, ciphertext, key, cfg) { // Apply config defaults cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); // Convert string to CipherParams ciphertext = this._parse(ciphertext, cfg.format); // Decrypt var plaintext = cipher.createDecryptor(key, cfg).finalize(ciphertext.ciphertext); return plaintext; }, /** * Converts serialized ciphertext to CipherParams, * else assumed CipherParams already and returns ciphertext unchanged. * * @param {CipherParams|string} ciphertext The ciphertext. * @param {Formatter} format The formatting strategy to use to parse serialized ciphertext. * * @return {CipherParams} The unserialized ciphertext. * * @static * * @example * * var ciphertextParams = CryptoJS.lib.SerializableCipher._parse(ciphertextStringOrParams, format); */ _parse: function (ciphertext, format) { if (typeof ciphertext == 'string') { return format.parse(ciphertext, this); } else { return ciphertext; } } }); /** * Key derivation function namespace. */ var C_kdf = C.kdf = {}; /** * OpenSSL key derivation function. */ var OpenSSLKdf = C_kdf.OpenSSL = { /** * Derives a key and IV from a password. * * @param {string} password The password to derive from. * @param {number} keySize The size in words of the key to generate. * @param {number} ivSize The size in words of the IV to generate. * @param {WordArray|string} salt (Optional) A 64-bit salt to use. If omitted, a salt will be generated randomly. * * @return {CipherParams} A cipher params object with the key, IV, and salt. * * @static * * @example * * var derivedParams = CryptoJS.kdf.OpenSSL.execute('Password', 256/32, 128/32); * var derivedParams = CryptoJS.kdf.OpenSSL.execute('Password', 256/32, 128/32, 'saltsalt'); */ execute: function (password, keySize, ivSize, salt) { // Generate random salt if (!salt) { salt = WordArray.random(64/8); } // Derive key and IV var key = EvpKDF.create({ keySize: keySize + ivSize }).compute(password, salt); // Separate key and IV var iv = WordArray.create(key.words.slice(keySize), ivSize * 4); key.sigBytes = keySize * 4; // Return params return CipherParams.create({ key: key, iv: iv, salt: salt }); } }; /** * A serializable cipher wrapper that derives the key from a password, * and returns ciphertext as a serializable cipher params object. */ var PasswordBasedCipher = C_lib.PasswordBasedCipher = SerializableCipher.extend({ /** * Configuration options. * * @property {KDF} kdf The key derivation function to use to generate a key and IV from a password. Default: OpenSSL */ cfg: SerializableCipher.cfg.extend({ kdf: OpenSSLKdf }), /** * Encrypts a message using a password. * * @param {Cipher} cipher The cipher algorithm to use. * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to encrypt. * @param {string} password The password. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this operation. * * @return {CipherParams} A cipher params object. * * @static * * @example * * var ciphertextParams = CryptoJS.lib.PasswordBasedCipher.encrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, message, 'password'); * var ciphertextParams = CryptoJS.lib.PasswordBasedCipher.encrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, message, 'password', { format: CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL }); */ encrypt: function (cipher, message, password, cfg) { // Apply config defaults cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); // Derive key and other params var derivedParams = cfg.kdf.execute(password, cipher.keySize, cipher.ivSize); // Add IV to config cfg.iv = derivedParams.iv; // Encrypt var ciphertext =, cipher, message, derivedParams.key, cfg); // Mix in derived params ciphertext.mixIn(derivedParams); return ciphertext; }, /** * Decrypts serialized ciphertext using a password. * * @param {Cipher} cipher The cipher algorithm to use. * @param {CipherParams|string} ciphertext The ciphertext to decrypt. * @param {string} password The password. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this operation. * * @return {WordArray} The plaintext. * * @static * * @example * * var plaintext = CryptoJS.lib.PasswordBasedCipher.decrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, formattedCiphertext, 'password', { format: CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL }); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.lib.PasswordBasedCipher.decrypt(CryptoJS.algo.AES, ciphertextParams, 'password', { format: CryptoJS.format.OpenSSL }); */ decrypt: function (cipher, ciphertext, password, cfg) { // Apply config defaults cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); // Convert string to CipherParams ciphertext = this._parse(ciphertext, cfg.format); // Derive key and other params var derivedParams = cfg.kdf.execute(password, cipher.keySize, cipher.ivSize, ciphertext.salt); // Add IV to config cfg.iv = derivedParams.iv; // Decrypt var plaintext =, cipher, ciphertext, derivedParams.key, cfg); return plaintext; } }); }()); })); },{"./core":44}],44:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define([], factory); } else { // Global (browser) root.CryptoJS = factory(); } }(this, function () { /** * CryptoJS core components. */ var CryptoJS = CryptoJS || (function (Math, undefined) { /** * CryptoJS namespace. */ var C = {}; /** * Library namespace. */ var C_lib = C.lib = {}; /** * Base object for prototypal inheritance. */ var Base = C_lib.Base = (function () { function F() {} return { /** * Creates a new object that inherits from this object. * * @param {Object} overrides Properties to copy into the new object. * * @return {Object} The new object. * * @static * * @example * * var MyType = CryptoJS.lib.Base.extend({ * field: 'value', * * method: function () { * } * }); */ extend: function (overrides) { // Spawn F.prototype = this; var subtype = new F(); // Augment if (overrides) { subtype.mixIn(overrides); } // Create default initializer if (!subtype.hasOwnProperty('init')) { subtype.init = function () { subtype.$super.init.apply(this, arguments); }; } // Initializer's prototype is the subtype object subtype.init.prototype = subtype; // Reference supertype subtype.$super = this; return subtype; }, /** * Extends this object and runs the init method. * Arguments to create() will be passed to init(). * * @return {Object} The new object. * * @static * * @example * * var instance = MyType.create(); */ create: function () { var instance = this.extend(); instance.init.apply(instance, arguments); return instance; }, /** * Initializes a newly created object. * Override this method to add some logic when your objects are created. * * @example * * var MyType = CryptoJS.lib.Base.extend({ * init: function () { * // ... * } * }); */ init: function () { }, /** * Copies properties into this object. * * @param {Object} properties The properties to mix in. * * @example * * MyType.mixIn({ * field: 'value' * }); */ mixIn: function (properties) { for (var propertyName in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) { this[propertyName] = properties[propertyName]; } } // IE won't copy toString using the loop above if (properties.hasOwnProperty('toString')) { this.toString = properties.toString; } }, /** * Creates a copy of this object. * * @return {Object} The clone. * * @example * * var clone = instance.clone(); */ clone: function () { return this.init.prototype.extend(this); } }; }()); /** * An array of 32-bit words. * * @property {Array} words The array of 32-bit words. * @property {number} sigBytes The number of significant bytes in this word array. */ var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray = Base.extend({ /** * Initializes a newly created word array. * * @param {Array} words (Optional) An array of 32-bit words. * @param {number} sigBytes (Optional) The number of significant bytes in the words. * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(); * var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([0x00010203, 0x04050607]); * var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([0x00010203, 0x04050607], 6); */ init: function (words, sigBytes) { words = this.words = words || []; if (sigBytes != undefined) { this.sigBytes = sigBytes; } else { this.sigBytes = words.length * 4; } }, /** * Converts this word array to a string. * * @param {Encoder} encoder (Optional) The encoding strategy to use. Default: CryptoJS.enc.Hex * * @return {string} The stringified word array. * * @example * * var string = wordArray + ''; * var string = wordArray.toString(); * var string = wordArray.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); */ toString: function (encoder) { return (encoder || Hex).stringify(this); }, /** * Concatenates a word array to this word array. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array to append. * * @return {WordArray} This word array. * * @example * * wordArray1.concat(wordArray2); */ concat: function (wordArray) { // Shortcuts var thisWords = this.words; var thatWords = wordArray.words; var thisSigBytes = this.sigBytes; var thatSigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; // Clamp excess bits this.clamp(); // Concat if (thisSigBytes % 4) { // Copy one byte at a time for (var i = 0; i < thatSigBytes; i++) { var thatByte = (thatWords[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff; thisWords[(thisSigBytes + i) >>> 2] |= thatByte << (24 - ((thisSigBytes + i) % 4) * 8); } } else { // Copy one word at a time for (var i = 0; i < thatSigBytes; i += 4) { thisWords[(thisSigBytes + i) >>> 2] = thatWords[i >>> 2]; } } this.sigBytes += thatSigBytes; // Chainable return this; }, /** * Removes insignificant bits. * * @example * * wordArray.clamp(); */ clamp: function () { // Shortcuts var words = this.words; var sigBytes = this.sigBytes; // Clamp words[sigBytes >>> 2] &= 0xffffffff << (32 - (sigBytes % 4) * 8); words.length = Math.ceil(sigBytes / 4); }, /** * Creates a copy of this word array. * * @return {WordArray} The clone. * * @example * * var clone = wordArray.clone(); */ clone: function () { var clone =; clone.words = this.words.slice(0); return clone; }, /** * Creates a word array filled with random bytes. * * @param {number} nBytes The number of random bytes to generate. * * @return {WordArray} The random word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(16); */ random: function (nBytes) { var words = []; var r = (function (m_w) { var m_w = m_w; var m_z = 0x3ade68b1; var mask = 0xffffffff; return function () { m_z = (0x9069 * (m_z & 0xFFFF) + (m_z >> 0x10)) & mask; m_w = (0x4650 * (m_w & 0xFFFF) + (m_w >> 0x10)) & mask; var result = ((m_z << 0x10) + m_w) & mask; result /= 0x100000000; result += 0.5; return result * (Math.random() > .5 ? 1 : -1); } }); for (var i = 0, rcache; i < nBytes; i += 4) { var _r = r((rcache || Math.random()) * 0x100000000); rcache = _r() * 0x3ade67b7; words.push((_r() * 0x100000000) | 0); } return new WordArray.init(words, nBytes); } }); /** * Encoder namespace. */ var C_enc = C.enc = {}; /** * Hex encoding strategy. */ var Hex = C_enc.Hex = { /** * Converts a word array to a hex string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The hex string. * * @static * * @example * * var hexString = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function (wordArray) { // Shortcuts var words = wordArray.words; var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; // Convert var hexChars = []; for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i++) { var bite = (words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff; hexChars.push((bite >>> 4).toString(16)); hexChars.push((bite & 0x0f).toString(16)); } return hexChars.join(''); }, /** * Converts a hex string to a word array. * * @param {string} hexStr The hex string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(hexString); */ parse: function (hexStr) { // Shortcut var hexStrLength = hexStr.length; // Convert var words = []; for (var i = 0; i < hexStrLength; i += 2) { words[i >>> 3] |= parseInt(hexStr.substr(i, 2), 16) << (24 - (i % 8) * 4); } return new WordArray.init(words, hexStrLength / 2); } }; /** * Latin1 encoding strategy. */ var Latin1 = C_enc.Latin1 = { /** * Converts a word array to a Latin1 string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The Latin1 string. * * @static * * @example * * var latin1String = CryptoJS.enc.Latin1.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function (wordArray) { // Shortcuts var words = wordArray.words; var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; // Convert var latin1Chars = []; for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i++) { var bite = (words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff; latin1Chars.push(String.fromCharCode(bite)); } return latin1Chars.join(''); }, /** * Converts a Latin1 string to a word array. * * @param {string} latin1Str The Latin1 string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Latin1.parse(latin1String); */ parse: function (latin1Str) { // Shortcut var latin1StrLength = latin1Str.length; // Convert var words = []; for (var i = 0; i < latin1StrLength; i++) { words[i >>> 2] |= (latin1Str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff) << (24 - (i % 4) * 8); } return new WordArray.init(words, latin1StrLength); } }; /** * UTF-8 encoding strategy. */ var Utf8 = C_enc.Utf8 = { /** * Converts a word array to a UTF-8 string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The UTF-8 string. * * @static * * @example * * var utf8String = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function (wordArray) { try { return decodeURIComponent(escape(Latin1.stringify(wordArray))); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Malformed UTF-8 data'); } }, /** * Converts a UTF-8 string to a word array. * * @param {string} utf8Str The UTF-8 string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(utf8String); */ parse: function (utf8Str) { return Latin1.parse(unescape(encodeURIComponent(utf8Str))); } }; /** * Abstract buffered block algorithm template. * * The property blockSize must be implemented in a concrete subtype. * * @property {number} _minBufferSize The number of blocks that should be kept unprocessed in the buffer. Default: 0 */ var BufferedBlockAlgorithm = C_lib.BufferedBlockAlgorithm = Base.extend({ /** * Resets this block algorithm's data buffer to its initial state. * * @example * * bufferedBlockAlgorithm.reset(); */ reset: function () { // Initial values this._data = new WordArray.init(); this._nDataBytes = 0; }, /** * Adds new data to this block algorithm's buffer. * * @param {WordArray|string} data The data to append. Strings are converted to a WordArray using UTF-8. * * @example * * bufferedBlockAlgorithm._append('data'); * bufferedBlockAlgorithm._append(wordArray); */ _append: function (data) { // Convert string to WordArray, else assume WordArray already if (typeof data == 'string') { data = Utf8.parse(data); } // Append this._data.concat(data); this._nDataBytes += data.sigBytes; }, /** * Processes available data blocks. * * This method invokes _doProcessBlock(offset), which must be implemented by a concrete subtype. * * @param {boolean} doFlush Whether all blocks and partial blocks should be processed. * * @return {WordArray} The processed data. * * @example * * var processedData = bufferedBlockAlgorithm._process(); * var processedData = bufferedBlockAlgorithm._process(!!'flush'); */ _process: function (doFlush) { // Shortcuts var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var dataSigBytes = data.sigBytes; var blockSize = this.blockSize; var blockSizeBytes = blockSize * 4; // Count blocks ready var nBlocksReady = dataSigBytes / blockSizeBytes; if (doFlush) { // Round up to include partial blocks nBlocksReady = Math.ceil(nBlocksReady); } else { // Round down to include only full blocks, // less the number of blocks that must remain in the buffer nBlocksReady = Math.max((nBlocksReady | 0) - this._minBufferSize, 0); } // Count words ready var nWordsReady = nBlocksReady * blockSize; // Count bytes ready var nBytesReady = Math.min(nWordsReady * 4, dataSigBytes); // Process blocks if (nWordsReady) { for (var offset = 0; offset < nWordsReady; offset += blockSize) { // Perform concrete-algorithm logic this._doProcessBlock(dataWords, offset); } // Remove processed words var processedWords = dataWords.splice(0, nWordsReady); data.sigBytes -= nBytesReady; } // Return processed words return new WordArray.init(processedWords, nBytesReady); }, /** * Creates a copy of this object. * * @return {Object} The clone. * * @example * * var clone = bufferedBlockAlgorithm.clone(); */ clone: function () { var clone =; clone._data = this._data.clone(); return clone; }, _minBufferSize: 0 }); /** * Abstract hasher template. * * @property {number} blockSize The number of 32-bit words this hasher operates on. Default: 16 (512 bits) */ var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher = BufferedBlockAlgorithm.extend({ /** * Configuration options. */ cfg: Base.extend(), /** * Initializes a newly created hasher. * * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this hash computation. * * @example * * var hasher = CryptoJS.algo.SHA256.create(); */ init: function (cfg) { // Apply config defaults this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); // Set initial values this.reset(); }, /** * Resets this hasher to its initial state. * * @example * * hasher.reset(); */ reset: function () { // Reset data buffer; // Perform concrete-hasher logic this._doReset(); }, /** * Updates this hasher with a message. * * @param {WordArray|string} messageUpdate The message to append. * * @return {Hasher} This hasher. * * @example * * hasher.update('message'); * hasher.update(wordArray); */ update: function (messageUpdate) { // Append this._append(messageUpdate); // Update the hash this._process(); // Chainable return this; }, /** * Finalizes the hash computation. * Note that the finalize operation is effectively a destructive, read-once operation. * * @param {WordArray|string} messageUpdate (Optional) A final message update. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @example * * var hash = hasher.finalize(); * var hash = hasher.finalize('message'); * var hash = hasher.finalize(wordArray); */ finalize: function (messageUpdate) { // Final message update if (messageUpdate) { this._append(messageUpdate); } // Perform concrete-hasher logic var hash = this._doFinalize(); return hash; }, blockSize: 512/32, /** * Creates a shortcut function to a hasher's object interface. * * @param {Hasher} hasher The hasher to create a helper for. * * @return {Function} The shortcut function. * * @static * * @example * * var SHA256 = CryptoJS.lib.Hasher._createHelper(CryptoJS.algo.SHA256); */ _createHelper: function (hasher) { return function (message, cfg) { return new hasher.init(cfg).finalize(message); }; }, /** * Creates a shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {Hasher} hasher The hasher to use in this HMAC helper. * * @return {Function} The shortcut function. * * @static * * @example * * var HmacSHA256 = CryptoJS.lib.Hasher._createHmacHelper(CryptoJS.algo.SHA256); */ _createHmacHelper: function (hasher) { return function (message, key) { return new C_algo.HMAC.init(hasher, key).finalize(message); }; } }); /** * Algorithm namespace. */ var C_algo = C.algo = {}; return C; }(Math)); return CryptoJS; })); },{}],45:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var C_enc = C.enc; /** * Base64 encoding strategy. */ var Base64 = C_enc.Base64 = { /** * Converts a word array to a Base64 string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The Base64 string. * * @static * * @example * * var base64String = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function (wordArray) { // Shortcuts var words = wordArray.words; var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; var map = this._map; // Clamp excess bits wordArray.clamp(); // Convert var base64Chars = []; for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i += 3) { var byte1 = (words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff; var byte2 = (words[(i + 1) >>> 2] >>> (24 - ((i + 1) % 4) * 8)) & 0xff; var byte3 = (words[(i + 2) >>> 2] >>> (24 - ((i + 2) % 4) * 8)) & 0xff; var triplet = (byte1 << 16) | (byte2 << 8) | byte3; for (var j = 0; (j < 4) && (i + j * 0.75 < sigBytes); j++) { base64Chars.push(map.charAt((triplet >>> (6 * (3 - j))) & 0x3f)); } } // Add padding var paddingChar = map.charAt(64); if (paddingChar) { while (base64Chars.length % 4) { base64Chars.push(paddingChar); } } return base64Chars.join(''); }, /** * Converts a Base64 string to a word array. * * @param {string} base64Str The Base64 string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(base64String); */ parse: function (base64Str) { // Shortcuts var base64StrLength = base64Str.length; var map = this._map; // Ignore padding var paddingChar = map.charAt(64); if (paddingChar) { var paddingIndex = base64Str.indexOf(paddingChar); if (paddingIndex != -1) { base64StrLength = paddingIndex; } } // Convert var words = []; var nBytes = 0; for (var i = 0; i < base64StrLength; i++) { if (i % 4) { var bits1 = map.indexOf(base64Str.charAt(i - 1)) << ((i % 4) * 2); var bits2 = map.indexOf(base64Str.charAt(i)) >>> (6 - (i % 4) * 2); words[nBytes >>> 2] |= (bits1 | bits2) << (24 - (nBytes % 4) * 8); nBytes++; } } return WordArray.create(words, nBytes); }, _map: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=' }; }()); return CryptoJS.enc.Base64; })); },{"./core":44}],46:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var C_enc = C.enc; /** * UTF-16 BE encoding strategy. */ var Utf16BE = C_enc.Utf16 = C_enc.Utf16BE = { /** * Converts a word array to a UTF-16 BE string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The UTF-16 BE string. * * @static * * @example * * var utf16String = CryptoJS.enc.Utf16.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function (wordArray) { // Shortcuts var words = wordArray.words; var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; // Convert var utf16Chars = []; for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i += 2) { var codePoint = (words[i >>> 2] >>> (16 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xffff; utf16Chars.push(String.fromCharCode(codePoint)); } return utf16Chars.join(''); }, /** * Converts a UTF-16 BE string to a word array. * * @param {string} utf16Str The UTF-16 BE string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Utf16.parse(utf16String); */ parse: function (utf16Str) { // Shortcut var utf16StrLength = utf16Str.length; // Convert var words = []; for (var i = 0; i < utf16StrLength; i++) { words[i >>> 1] |= utf16Str.charCodeAt(i) << (16 - (i % 2) * 16); } return WordArray.create(words, utf16StrLength * 2); } }; /** * UTF-16 LE encoding strategy. */ C_enc.Utf16LE = { /** * Converts a word array to a UTF-16 LE string. * * @param {WordArray} wordArray The word array. * * @return {string} The UTF-16 LE string. * * @static * * @example * * var utf16Str = CryptoJS.enc.Utf16LE.stringify(wordArray); */ stringify: function (wordArray) { // Shortcuts var words = wordArray.words; var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes; // Convert var utf16Chars = []; for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i += 2) { var codePoint = swapEndian((words[i >>> 2] >>> (16 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xffff); utf16Chars.push(String.fromCharCode(codePoint)); } return utf16Chars.join(''); }, /** * Converts a UTF-16 LE string to a word array. * * @param {string} utf16Str The UTF-16 LE string. * * @return {WordArray} The word array. * * @static * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.enc.Utf16LE.parse(utf16Str); */ parse: function (utf16Str) { // Shortcut var utf16StrLength = utf16Str.length; // Convert var words = []; for (var i = 0; i < utf16StrLength; i++) { words[i >>> 1] |= swapEndian(utf16Str.charCodeAt(i) << (16 - (i % 2) * 16)); } return WordArray.create(words, utf16StrLength * 2); } }; function swapEndian(word) { return ((word << 8) & 0xff00ff00) | ((word >>> 8) & 0x00ff00ff); } }()); return CryptoJS.enc.Utf16; })); },{"./core":44}],47:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./sha1"), _dereq_("./hmac")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./sha1", "./hmac"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var Base = C_lib.Base; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var C_algo = C.algo; var MD5 = C_algo.MD5; /** * This key derivation function is meant to conform with EVP_BytesToKey. * */ var EvpKDF = C_algo.EvpKDF = Base.extend({ /** * Configuration options. * * @property {number} keySize The key size in words to generate. Default: 4 (128 bits) * @property {Hasher} hasher The hash algorithm to use. Default: MD5 * @property {number} iterations The number of iterations to perform. Default: 1 */ cfg: Base.extend({ keySize: 128/32, hasher: MD5, iterations: 1 }), /** * Initializes a newly created key derivation function. * * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for the derivation. * * @example * * var kdf = CryptoJS.algo.EvpKDF.create(); * var kdf = CryptoJS.algo.EvpKDF.create({ keySize: 8 }); * var kdf = CryptoJS.algo.EvpKDF.create({ keySize: 8, iterations: 1000 }); */ init: function (cfg) { this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); }, /** * Derives a key from a password. * * @param {WordArray|string} password The password. * @param {WordArray|string} salt A salt. * * @return {WordArray} The derived key. * * @example * * var key = kdf.compute(password, salt); */ compute: function (password, salt) { // Shortcut var cfg = this.cfg; // Init hasher var hasher = cfg.hasher.create(); // Initial values var derivedKey = WordArray.create(); // Shortcuts var derivedKeyWords = derivedKey.words; var keySize = cfg.keySize; var iterations = cfg.iterations; // Generate key while (derivedKeyWords.length < keySize) { if (block) { hasher.update(block); } var block = hasher.update(password).finalize(salt); hasher.reset(); // Iterations for (var i = 1; i < iterations; i++) { block = hasher.finalize(block); hasher.reset(); } derivedKey.concat(block); } derivedKey.sigBytes = keySize * 4; return derivedKey; } }); /** * Derives a key from a password. * * @param {WordArray|string} password The password. * @param {WordArray|string} salt A salt. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this computation. * * @return {WordArray} The derived key. * * @static * * @example * * var key = CryptoJS.EvpKDF(password, salt); * var key = CryptoJS.EvpKDF(password, salt, { keySize: 8 }); * var key = CryptoJS.EvpKDF(password, salt, { keySize: 8, iterations: 1000 }); */ C.EvpKDF = function (password, salt, cfg) { return EvpKDF.create(cfg).compute(password, salt); }; }()); return CryptoJS.EvpKDF; })); },{"./core":44,"./hmac":49,"./sha1":68}],48:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function (undefined) { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var CipherParams = C_lib.CipherParams; var C_enc = C.enc; var Hex = C_enc.Hex; var C_format = C.format; var HexFormatter = C_format.Hex = { /** * Converts the ciphertext of a cipher params object to a hexadecimally encoded string. * * @param {CipherParams} cipherParams The cipher params object. * * @return {string} The hexadecimally encoded string. * * @static * * @example * * var hexString = CryptoJS.format.Hex.stringify(cipherParams); */ stringify: function (cipherParams) { return cipherParams.ciphertext.toString(Hex); }, /** * Converts a hexadecimally encoded ciphertext string to a cipher params object. * * @param {string} input The hexadecimally encoded string. * * @return {CipherParams} The cipher params object. * * @static * * @example * * var cipherParams = CryptoJS.format.Hex.parse(hexString); */ parse: function (input) { var ciphertext = Hex.parse(input); return CipherParams.create({ ciphertext: ciphertext }); } }; }()); return CryptoJS.format.Hex; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],49:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var Base = C_lib.Base; var C_enc = C.enc; var Utf8 = C_enc.Utf8; var C_algo = C.algo; /** * HMAC algorithm. */ var HMAC = C_algo.HMAC = Base.extend({ /** * Initializes a newly created HMAC. * * @param {Hasher} hasher The hash algorithm to use. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @example * * var hmacHasher = CryptoJS.algo.HMAC.create(CryptoJS.algo.SHA256, key); */ init: function (hasher, key) { // Init hasher hasher = this._hasher = new hasher.init(); // Convert string to WordArray, else assume WordArray already if (typeof key == 'string') { key = Utf8.parse(key); } // Shortcuts var hasherBlockSize = hasher.blockSize; var hasherBlockSizeBytes = hasherBlockSize * 4; // Allow arbitrary length keys if (key.sigBytes > hasherBlockSizeBytes) { key = hasher.finalize(key); } // Clamp excess bits key.clamp(); // Clone key for inner and outer pads var oKey = this._oKey = key.clone(); var iKey = this._iKey = key.clone(); // Shortcuts var oKeyWords = oKey.words; var iKeyWords = iKey.words; // XOR keys with pad constants for (var i = 0; i < hasherBlockSize; i++) { oKeyWords[i] ^= 0x5c5c5c5c; iKeyWords[i] ^= 0x36363636; } oKey.sigBytes = iKey.sigBytes = hasherBlockSizeBytes; // Set initial values this.reset(); }, /** * Resets this HMAC to its initial state. * * @example * * hmacHasher.reset(); */ reset: function () { // Shortcut var hasher = this._hasher; // Reset hasher.reset(); hasher.update(this._iKey); }, /** * Updates this HMAC with a message. * * @param {WordArray|string} messageUpdate The message to append. * * @return {HMAC} This HMAC instance. * * @example * * hmacHasher.update('message'); * hmacHasher.update(wordArray); */ update: function (messageUpdate) { this._hasher.update(messageUpdate); // Chainable return this; }, /** * Finalizes the HMAC computation. * Note that the finalize operation is effectively a destructive, read-once operation. * * @param {WordArray|string} messageUpdate (Optional) A final message update. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @example * * var hmac = hmacHasher.finalize(); * var hmac = hmacHasher.finalize('message'); * var hmac = hmacHasher.finalize(wordArray); */ finalize: function (messageUpdate) { // Shortcut var hasher = this._hasher; // Compute HMAC var innerHash = hasher.finalize(messageUpdate); hasher.reset(); var hmac = hasher.finalize(this._oKey.clone().concat(innerHash)); return hmac; } }); }()); })); },{"./core":44}],50:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./x64-core"), _dereq_("./lib-typedarrays"), _dereq_("./enc-utf16"), _dereq_("./enc-base64"), _dereq_("./md5"), _dereq_("./sha1"), _dereq_("./sha256"), _dereq_("./sha224"), _dereq_("./sha512"), _dereq_("./sha384"), _dereq_("./sha3"), _dereq_("./ripemd160"), _dereq_("./hmac"), _dereq_("./pbkdf2"), _dereq_("./evpkdf"), _dereq_("./cipher-core"), _dereq_("./mode-cfb"), _dereq_("./mode-ctr"), _dereq_("./mode-ctr-gladman"), _dereq_("./mode-ofb"), _dereq_("./mode-ecb"), _dereq_("./pad-ansix923"), _dereq_("./pad-iso10126"), _dereq_("./pad-iso97971"), _dereq_("./pad-zeropadding"), _dereq_("./pad-nopadding"), _dereq_("./format-hex"), _dereq_("./aes"), _dereq_("./tripledes"), _dereq_("./rc4"), _dereq_("./rabbit"), _dereq_("./rabbit-legacy")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./x64-core", "./lib-typedarrays", "./enc-utf16", "./enc-base64", "./md5", "./sha1", "./sha256", "./sha224", "./sha512", "./sha384", "./sha3", "./ripemd160", "./hmac", "./pbkdf2", "./evpkdf", "./cipher-core", "./mode-cfb", "./mode-ctr", "./mode-ctr-gladman", "./mode-ofb", "./mode-ecb", "./pad-ansix923", "./pad-iso10126", "./pad-iso97971", "./pad-zeropadding", "./pad-nopadding", "./format-hex", "./aes", "./tripledes", "./rc4", "./rabbit", "./rabbit-legacy"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) root.CryptoJS = factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { return CryptoJS; })); },{"./aes":42,"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44,"./enc-base64":45,"./enc-utf16":46,"./evpkdf":47,"./format-hex":48,"./hmac":49,"./lib-typedarrays":51,"./md5":52,"./mode-cfb":53,"./mode-ctr":55,"./mode-ctr-gladman":54,"./mode-ecb":56,"./mode-ofb":57,"./pad-ansix923":58,"./pad-iso10126":59,"./pad-iso97971":60,"./pad-nopadding":61,"./pad-zeropadding":62,"./pbkdf2":63,"./rabbit":65,"./rabbit-legacy":64,"./rc4":66,"./ripemd160":67,"./sha1":68,"./sha224":69,"./sha256":70,"./sha3":71,"./sha384":72,"./sha512":73,"./tripledes":74,"./x64-core":75}],51:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Check if typed arrays are supported if (typeof ArrayBuffer != 'function') { return; } // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; // Reference original init var superInit = WordArray.init; // Augment WordArray.init to handle typed arrays var subInit = WordArray.init = function (typedArray) { // Convert buffers to uint8 if (typedArray instanceof ArrayBuffer) { typedArray = new Uint8Array(typedArray); } // Convert other array views to uint8 if ( typedArray instanceof Int8Array || (typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== "undefined" && typedArray instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) || typedArray instanceof Int16Array || typedArray instanceof Uint16Array || typedArray instanceof Int32Array || typedArray instanceof Uint32Array || typedArray instanceof Float32Array || typedArray instanceof Float64Array ) { typedArray = new Uint8Array(typedArray.buffer, typedArray.byteOffset, typedArray.byteLength); } // Handle Uint8Array if (typedArray instanceof Uint8Array) { // Shortcut var typedArrayByteLength = typedArray.byteLength; // Extract bytes var words = []; for (var i = 0; i < typedArrayByteLength; i++) { words[i >>> 2] |= typedArray[i] << (24 - (i % 4) * 8); } // Initialize this word array, words, typedArrayByteLength); } else { // Else call normal init superInit.apply(this, arguments); } }; subInit.prototype = WordArray; }()); return CryptoJS.lib.WordArray; })); },{"./core":44}],52:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function (Math) { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher; var C_algo = C.algo; // Constants table var T = []; // Compute constants (function () { for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) { T[i] = (Math.abs(Math.sin(i + 1)) * 0x100000000) | 0; } }()); /** * MD5 hash algorithm. */ var MD5 = C_algo.MD5 = Hasher.extend({ _doReset: function () { this._hash = new WordArray.init([ 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476 ]); }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { // Swap endian for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // Shortcuts var offset_i = offset + i; var M_offset_i = M[offset_i]; M[offset_i] = ( (((M_offset_i << 8) | (M_offset_i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((M_offset_i << 24) | (M_offset_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); } // Shortcuts var H = this._hash.words; var M_offset_0 = M[offset + 0]; var M_offset_1 = M[offset + 1]; var M_offset_2 = M[offset + 2]; var M_offset_3 = M[offset + 3]; var M_offset_4 = M[offset + 4]; var M_offset_5 = M[offset + 5]; var M_offset_6 = M[offset + 6]; var M_offset_7 = M[offset + 7]; var M_offset_8 = M[offset + 8]; var M_offset_9 = M[offset + 9]; var M_offset_10 = M[offset + 10]; var M_offset_11 = M[offset + 11]; var M_offset_12 = M[offset + 12]; var M_offset_13 = M[offset + 13]; var M_offset_14 = M[offset + 14]; var M_offset_15 = M[offset + 15]; // Working varialbes var a = H[0]; var b = H[1]; var c = H[2]; var d = H[3]; // Computation a = FF(a, b, c, d, M_offset_0, 7, T[0]); d = FF(d, a, b, c, M_offset_1, 12, T[1]); c = FF(c, d, a, b, M_offset_2, 17, T[2]); b = FF(b, c, d, a, M_offset_3, 22, T[3]); a = FF(a, b, c, d, M_offset_4, 7, T[4]); d = FF(d, a, b, c, M_offset_5, 12, T[5]); c = FF(c, d, a, b, M_offset_6, 17, T[6]); b = FF(b, c, d, a, M_offset_7, 22, T[7]); a = FF(a, b, c, d, M_offset_8, 7, T[8]); d = FF(d, a, b, c, M_offset_9, 12, T[9]); c = FF(c, d, a, b, M_offset_10, 17, T[10]); b = FF(b, c, d, a, M_offset_11, 22, T[11]); a = FF(a, b, c, d, M_offset_12, 7, T[12]); d = FF(d, a, b, c, M_offset_13, 12, T[13]); c = FF(c, d, a, b, M_offset_14, 17, T[14]); b = FF(b, c, d, a, M_offset_15, 22, T[15]); a = GG(a, b, c, d, M_offset_1, 5, T[16]); d = GG(d, a, b, c, M_offset_6, 9, T[17]); c = GG(c, d, a, b, M_offset_11, 14, T[18]); b = GG(b, c, d, a, M_offset_0, 20, T[19]); a = GG(a, b, c, d, M_offset_5, 5, T[20]); d = GG(d, a, b, c, M_offset_10, 9, T[21]); c = GG(c, d, a, b, M_offset_15, 14, T[22]); b = GG(b, c, d, a, M_offset_4, 20, T[23]); a = GG(a, b, c, d, M_offset_9, 5, T[24]); d = GG(d, a, b, c, M_offset_14, 9, T[25]); c = GG(c, d, a, b, M_offset_3, 14, T[26]); b = GG(b, c, d, a, M_offset_8, 20, T[27]); a = GG(a, b, c, d, M_offset_13, 5, T[28]); d = GG(d, a, b, c, M_offset_2, 9, T[29]); c = GG(c, d, a, b, M_offset_7, 14, T[30]); b = GG(b, c, d, a, M_offset_12, 20, T[31]); a = HH(a, b, c, d, M_offset_5, 4, T[32]); d = HH(d, a, b, c, M_offset_8, 11, T[33]); c = HH(c, d, a, b, M_offset_11, 16, T[34]); b = HH(b, c, d, a, M_offset_14, 23, T[35]); a = HH(a, b, c, d, M_offset_1, 4, T[36]); d = HH(d, a, b, c, M_offset_4, 11, T[37]); c = HH(c, d, a, b, M_offset_7, 16, T[38]); b = HH(b, c, d, a, M_offset_10, 23, T[39]); a = HH(a, b, c, d, M_offset_13, 4, T[40]); d = HH(d, a, b, c, M_offset_0, 11, T[41]); c = HH(c, d, a, b, M_offset_3, 16, T[42]); b = HH(b, c, d, a, M_offset_6, 23, T[43]); a = HH(a, b, c, d, M_offset_9, 4, T[44]); d = HH(d, a, b, c, M_offset_12, 11, T[45]); c = HH(c, d, a, b, M_offset_15, 16, T[46]); b = HH(b, c, d, a, M_offset_2, 23, T[47]); a = II(a, b, c, d, M_offset_0, 6, T[48]); d = II(d, a, b, c, M_offset_7, 10, T[49]); c = II(c, d, a, b, M_offset_14, 15, T[50]); b = II(b, c, d, a, M_offset_5, 21, T[51]); a = II(a, b, c, d, M_offset_12, 6, T[52]); d = II(d, a, b, c, M_offset_3, 10, T[53]); c = II(c, d, a, b, M_offset_10, 15, T[54]); b = II(b, c, d, a, M_offset_1, 21, T[55]); a = II(a, b, c, d, M_offset_8, 6, T[56]); d = II(d, a, b, c, M_offset_15, 10, T[57]); c = II(c, d, a, b, M_offset_6, 15, T[58]); b = II(b, c, d, a, M_offset_13, 21, T[59]); a = II(a, b, c, d, M_offset_4, 6, T[60]); d = II(d, a, b, c, M_offset_11, 10, T[61]); c = II(c, d, a, b, M_offset_2, 15, T[62]); b = II(b, c, d, a, M_offset_9, 21, T[63]); // Intermediate hash value H[0] = (H[0] + a) | 0; H[1] = (H[1] + b) | 0; H[2] = (H[2] + c) | 0; H[3] = (H[3] + d) | 0; }, _doFinalize: function () { // Shortcuts var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var nBitsTotal = this._nDataBytes * 8; var nBitsLeft = data.sigBytes * 8; // Add padding dataWords[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32); var nBitsTotalH = Math.floor(nBitsTotal / 0x100000000); var nBitsTotalL = nBitsTotal; dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 15] = ( (((nBitsTotalH << 8) | (nBitsTotalH >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((nBitsTotalH << 24) | (nBitsTotalH >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = ( (((nBitsTotalL << 8) | (nBitsTotalL >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((nBitsTotalL << 24) | (nBitsTotalL >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); data.sigBytes = (dataWords.length + 1) * 4; // Hash final blocks this._process(); // Shortcuts var hash = this._hash; var H = hash.words; // Swap endian for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Shortcut var H_i = H[i]; H[i] = (((H_i << 8) | (H_i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((H_i << 24) | (H_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); } // Return final computed hash return hash; }, clone: function () { var clone =; clone._hash = this._hash.clone(); return clone; } }); function FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { var n = a + ((b & c) | (~b & d)) + x + t; return ((n << s) | (n >>> (32 - s))) + b; } function GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { var n = a + ((b & d) | (c & ~d)) + x + t; return ((n << s) | (n >>> (32 - s))) + b; } function HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { var n = a + (b ^ c ^ d) + x + t; return ((n << s) | (n >>> (32 - s))) + b; } function II(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { var n = a + (c ^ (b | ~d)) + x + t; return ((n << s) | (n >>> (32 - s))) + b; } /** * Shortcut function to the hasher's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @static * * @example * * var hash = CryptoJS.MD5('message'); * var hash = CryptoJS.MD5(wordArray); */ C.MD5 = Hasher._createHelper(MD5); /** * Shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @static * * @example * * var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacMD5(message, key); */ C.HmacMD5 = Hasher._createHmacHelper(MD5); }(Math)); return CryptoJS.MD5; })); },{"./core":44}],53:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * Cipher Feedback block mode. */ CryptoJS.mode.CFB = (function () { var CFB = CryptoJS.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend(); CFB.Encryptor = CFB.extend({ processBlock: function (words, offset) { // Shortcuts var cipher = this._cipher; var blockSize = cipher.blockSize;, words, offset, blockSize, cipher); // Remember this block to use with next block this._prevBlock = words.slice(offset, offset + blockSize); } }); CFB.Decryptor = CFB.extend({ processBlock: function (words, offset) { // Shortcuts var cipher = this._cipher; var blockSize = cipher.blockSize; // Remember this block to use with next block var thisBlock = words.slice(offset, offset + blockSize);, words, offset, blockSize, cipher); // This block becomes the previous block this._prevBlock = thisBlock; } }); function generateKeystreamAndEncrypt(words, offset, blockSize, cipher) { // Shortcut var iv = this._iv; // Generate keystream if (iv) { var keystream = iv.slice(0); // Remove IV for subsequent blocks this._iv = undefined; } else { var keystream = this._prevBlock; } cipher.encryptBlock(keystream, 0); // Encrypt for (var i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { words[offset + i] ^= keystream[i]; } } return CFB; }()); return CryptoJS.mode.CFB; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],54:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** @preserve * Counter block mode compatible with Dr Brian Gladman fileenc.c * derived from CryptoJS.mode.CTR * Jan Hruby */ CryptoJS.mode.CTRGladman = (function () { var CTRGladman = CryptoJS.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend(); function incWord(word) { if (((word >> 24) & 0xff) === 0xff) { //overflow var b1 = (word >> 16)&0xff; var b2 = (word >> 8)&0xff; var b3 = word & 0xff; if (b1 === 0xff) // overflow b1 { b1 = 0; if (b2 === 0xff) { b2 = 0; if (b3 === 0xff) { b3 = 0; } else { ++b3; } } else { ++b2; } } else { ++b1; } word = 0; word += (b1 << 16); word += (b2 << 8); word += b3; } else { word += (0x01 << 24); } return word; } function incCounter(counter) { if ((counter[0] = incWord(counter[0])) === 0) { // encr_data in fileenc.c from Dr Brian Gladman's counts only with DWORD j < 8 counter[1] = incWord(counter[1]); } return counter; } var Encryptor = CTRGladman.Encryptor = CTRGladman.extend({ processBlock: function (words, offset) { // Shortcuts var cipher = this._cipher var blockSize = cipher.blockSize; var iv = this._iv; var counter = this._counter; // Generate keystream if (iv) { counter = this._counter = iv.slice(0); // Remove IV for subsequent blocks this._iv = undefined; } incCounter(counter); var keystream = counter.slice(0); cipher.encryptBlock(keystream, 0); // Encrypt for (var i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { words[offset + i] ^= keystream[i]; } } }); CTRGladman.Decryptor = Encryptor; return CTRGladman; }()); return CryptoJS.mode.CTRGladman; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],55:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * Counter block mode. */ CryptoJS.mode.CTR = (function () { var CTR = CryptoJS.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend(); var Encryptor = CTR.Encryptor = CTR.extend({ processBlock: function (words, offset) { // Shortcuts var cipher = this._cipher var blockSize = cipher.blockSize; var iv = this._iv; var counter = this._counter; // Generate keystream if (iv) { counter = this._counter = iv.slice(0); // Remove IV for subsequent blocks this._iv = undefined; } var keystream = counter.slice(0); cipher.encryptBlock(keystream, 0); // Increment counter counter[blockSize - 1] = (counter[blockSize - 1] + 1) | 0 // Encrypt for (var i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { words[offset + i] ^= keystream[i]; } } }); CTR.Decryptor = Encryptor; return CTR; }()); return CryptoJS.mode.CTR; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],56:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * Electronic Codebook block mode. */ CryptoJS.mode.ECB = (function () { var ECB = CryptoJS.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend(); ECB.Encryptor = ECB.extend({ processBlock: function (words, offset) { this._cipher.encryptBlock(words, offset); } }); ECB.Decryptor = ECB.extend({ processBlock: function (words, offset) { this._cipher.decryptBlock(words, offset); } }); return ECB; }()); return CryptoJS.mode.ECB; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],57:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * Output Feedback block mode. */ CryptoJS.mode.OFB = (function () { var OFB = CryptoJS.lib.BlockCipherMode.extend(); var Encryptor = OFB.Encryptor = OFB.extend({ processBlock: function (words, offset) { // Shortcuts var cipher = this._cipher var blockSize = cipher.blockSize; var iv = this._iv; var keystream = this._keystream; // Generate keystream if (iv) { keystream = this._keystream = iv.slice(0); // Remove IV for subsequent blocks this._iv = undefined; } cipher.encryptBlock(keystream, 0); // Encrypt for (var i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { words[offset + i] ^= keystream[i]; } } }); OFB.Decryptor = Encryptor; return OFB; }()); return CryptoJS.mode.OFB; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],58:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * ANSI X.923 padding strategy. */ CryptoJS.pad.AnsiX923 = { pad: function (data, blockSize) { // Shortcuts var dataSigBytes = data.sigBytes; var blockSizeBytes = blockSize * 4; // Count padding bytes var nPaddingBytes = blockSizeBytes - dataSigBytes % blockSizeBytes; // Compute last byte position var lastBytePos = dataSigBytes + nPaddingBytes - 1; // Pad data.clamp(); data.words[lastBytePos >>> 2] |= nPaddingBytes << (24 - (lastBytePos % 4) * 8); data.sigBytes += nPaddingBytes; }, unpad: function (data) { // Get number of padding bytes from last byte var nPaddingBytes = data.words[(data.sigBytes - 1) >>> 2] & 0xff; // Remove padding data.sigBytes -= nPaddingBytes; } }; return CryptoJS.pad.Ansix923; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],59:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * ISO 10126 padding strategy. */ CryptoJS.pad.Iso10126 = { pad: function (data, blockSize) { // Shortcut var blockSizeBytes = blockSize * 4; // Count padding bytes var nPaddingBytes = blockSizeBytes - data.sigBytes % blockSizeBytes; // Pad data.concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(nPaddingBytes - 1)). concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([nPaddingBytes << 24], 1)); }, unpad: function (data) { // Get number of padding bytes from last byte var nPaddingBytes = data.words[(data.sigBytes - 1) >>> 2] & 0xff; // Remove padding data.sigBytes -= nPaddingBytes; } }; return CryptoJS.pad.Iso10126; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],60:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * ISO/IEC 9797-1 Padding Method 2. */ CryptoJS.pad.Iso97971 = { pad: function (data, blockSize) { // Add 0x80 byte data.concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([0x80000000], 1)); // Zero pad the rest CryptoJS.pad.ZeroPadding.pad(data, blockSize); }, unpad: function (data) { // Remove zero padding CryptoJS.pad.ZeroPadding.unpad(data); // Remove one more byte -- the 0x80 byte data.sigBytes--; } }; return CryptoJS.pad.Iso97971; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],61:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * A noop padding strategy. */ CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding = { pad: function () { }, unpad: function () { } }; return CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],62:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** * Zero padding strategy. */ CryptoJS.pad.ZeroPadding = { pad: function (data, blockSize) { // Shortcut var blockSizeBytes = blockSize * 4; // Pad data.clamp(); data.sigBytes += blockSizeBytes - ((data.sigBytes % blockSizeBytes) || blockSizeBytes); }, unpad: function (data) { // Shortcut var dataWords = data.words; // Unpad var i = data.sigBytes - 1; while (!((dataWords[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff)) { i--; } data.sigBytes = i + 1; } }; return CryptoJS.pad.ZeroPadding; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44}],63:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./sha1"), _dereq_("./hmac")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./sha1", "./hmac"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var Base = C_lib.Base; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var C_algo = C.algo; var SHA1 = C_algo.SHA1; var HMAC = C_algo.HMAC; /** * Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 algorithm. */ var PBKDF2 = C_algo.PBKDF2 = Base.extend({ /** * Configuration options. * * @property {number} keySize The key size in words to generate. Default: 4 (128 bits) * @property {Hasher} hasher The hasher to use. Default: SHA1 * @property {number} iterations The number of iterations to perform. Default: 1 */ cfg: Base.extend({ keySize: 128/32, hasher: SHA1, iterations: 1 }), /** * Initializes a newly created key derivation function. * * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for the derivation. * * @example * * var kdf = CryptoJS.algo.PBKDF2.create(); * var kdf = CryptoJS.algo.PBKDF2.create({ keySize: 8 }); * var kdf = CryptoJS.algo.PBKDF2.create({ keySize: 8, iterations: 1000 }); */ init: function (cfg) { this.cfg = this.cfg.extend(cfg); }, /** * Computes the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2. * * @param {WordArray|string} password The password. * @param {WordArray|string} salt A salt. * * @return {WordArray} The derived key. * * @example * * var key = kdf.compute(password, salt); */ compute: function (password, salt) { // Shortcut var cfg = this.cfg; // Init HMAC var hmac = HMAC.create(cfg.hasher, password); // Initial values var derivedKey = WordArray.create(); var blockIndex = WordArray.create([0x00000001]); // Shortcuts var derivedKeyWords = derivedKey.words; var blockIndexWords = blockIndex.words; var keySize = cfg.keySize; var iterations = cfg.iterations; // Generate key while (derivedKeyWords.length < keySize) { var block = hmac.update(salt).finalize(blockIndex); hmac.reset(); // Shortcuts var blockWords = block.words; var blockWordsLength = blockWords.length; // Iterations var intermediate = block; for (var i = 1; i < iterations; i++) { intermediate = hmac.finalize(intermediate); hmac.reset(); // Shortcut var intermediateWords = intermediate.words; // XOR intermediate with block for (var j = 0; j < blockWordsLength; j++) { blockWords[j] ^= intermediateWords[j]; } } derivedKey.concat(block); blockIndexWords[0]++; } derivedKey.sigBytes = keySize * 4; return derivedKey; } }); /** * Computes the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2. * * @param {WordArray|string} password The password. * @param {WordArray|string} salt A salt. * @param {Object} cfg (Optional) The configuration options to use for this computation. * * @return {WordArray} The derived key. * * @static * * @example * * var key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(password, salt); * var key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(password, salt, { keySize: 8 }); * var key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(password, salt, { keySize: 8, iterations: 1000 }); */ C.PBKDF2 = function (password, salt, cfg) { return PBKDF2.create(cfg).compute(password, salt); }; }()); return CryptoJS.PBKDF2; })); },{"./core":44,"./hmac":49,"./sha1":68}],64:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./enc-base64"), _dereq_("./md5"), _dereq_("./evpkdf"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./enc-base64", "./md5", "./evpkdf", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var StreamCipher = C_lib.StreamCipher; var C_algo = C.algo; // Reusable objects var S = []; var C_ = []; var G = []; /** * Rabbit stream cipher algorithm. * * This is a legacy version that neglected to convert the key to little-endian. * This error doesn't affect the cipher's security, * but it does affect its compatibility with other implementations. */ var RabbitLegacy = C_algo.RabbitLegacy = StreamCipher.extend({ _doReset: function () { // Shortcuts var K = this._key.words; var iv = this.cfg.iv; // Generate initial state values var X = this._X = [ K[0], (K[3] << 16) | (K[2] >>> 16), K[1], (K[0] << 16) | (K[3] >>> 16), K[2], (K[1] << 16) | (K[0] >>> 16), K[3], (K[2] << 16) | (K[1] >>> 16) ]; // Generate initial counter values var C = this._C = [ (K[2] << 16) | (K[2] >>> 16), (K[0] & 0xffff0000) | (K[1] & 0x0000ffff), (K[3] << 16) | (K[3] >>> 16), (K[1] & 0xffff0000) | (K[2] & 0x0000ffff), (K[0] << 16) | (K[0] >>> 16), (K[2] & 0xffff0000) | (K[3] & 0x0000ffff), (K[1] << 16) | (K[1] >>> 16), (K[3] & 0xffff0000) | (K[0] & 0x0000ffff) ]; // Carry bit this._b = 0; // Iterate the system four times for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {; } // Modify the counters for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { C[i] ^= X[(i + 4) & 7]; } // IV setup if (iv) { // Shortcuts var IV = iv.words; var IV_0 = IV[0]; var IV_1 = IV[1]; // Generate four subvectors var i0 = (((IV_0 << 8) | (IV_0 >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((IV_0 << 24) | (IV_0 >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); var i2 = (((IV_1 << 8) | (IV_1 >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((IV_1 << 24) | (IV_1 >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); var i1 = (i0 >>> 16) | (i2 & 0xffff0000); var i3 = (i2 << 16) | (i0 & 0x0000ffff); // Modify counter values C[0] ^= i0; C[1] ^= i1; C[2] ^= i2; C[3] ^= i3; C[4] ^= i0; C[5] ^= i1; C[6] ^= i2; C[7] ^= i3; // Iterate the system four times for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {; } } }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { // Shortcut var X = this._X; // Iterate the system; // Generate four keystream words S[0] = X[0] ^ (X[5] >>> 16) ^ (X[3] << 16); S[1] = X[2] ^ (X[7] >>> 16) ^ (X[5] << 16); S[2] = X[4] ^ (X[1] >>> 16) ^ (X[7] << 16); S[3] = X[6] ^ (X[3] >>> 16) ^ (X[1] << 16); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Swap endian S[i] = (((S[i] << 8) | (S[i] >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((S[i] << 24) | (S[i] >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); // Encrypt M[offset + i] ^= S[i]; } }, blockSize: 128/32, ivSize: 64/32 }); function nextState() { // Shortcuts var X = this._X; var C = this._C; // Save old counter values for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { C_[i] = C[i]; } // Calculate new counter values C[0] = (C[0] + 0x4d34d34d + this._b) | 0; C[1] = (C[1] + 0xd34d34d3 + ((C[0] >>> 0) < (C_[0] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[2] = (C[2] + 0x34d34d34 + ((C[1] >>> 0) < (C_[1] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[3] = (C[3] + 0x4d34d34d + ((C[2] >>> 0) < (C_[2] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[4] = (C[4] + 0xd34d34d3 + ((C[3] >>> 0) < (C_[3] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[5] = (C[5] + 0x34d34d34 + ((C[4] >>> 0) < (C_[4] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[6] = (C[6] + 0x4d34d34d + ((C[5] >>> 0) < (C_[5] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[7] = (C[7] + 0xd34d34d3 + ((C[6] >>> 0) < (C_[6] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; this._b = (C[7] >>> 0) < (C_[7] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0; // Calculate the g-values for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var gx = X[i] + C[i]; // Construct high and low argument for squaring var ga = gx & 0xffff; var gb = gx >>> 16; // Calculate high and low result of squaring var gh = ((((ga * ga) >>> 17) + ga * gb) >>> 15) + gb * gb; var gl = (((gx & 0xffff0000) * gx) | 0) + (((gx & 0x0000ffff) * gx) | 0); // High XOR low G[i] = gh ^ gl; } // Calculate new state values X[0] = (G[0] + ((G[7] << 16) | (G[7] >>> 16)) + ((G[6] << 16) | (G[6] >>> 16))) | 0; X[1] = (G[1] + ((G[0] << 8) | (G[0] >>> 24)) + G[7]) | 0; X[2] = (G[2] + ((G[1] << 16) | (G[1] >>> 16)) + ((G[0] << 16) | (G[0] >>> 16))) | 0; X[3] = (G[3] + ((G[2] << 8) | (G[2] >>> 24)) + G[1]) | 0; X[4] = (G[4] + ((G[3] << 16) | (G[3] >>> 16)) + ((G[2] << 16) | (G[2] >>> 16))) | 0; X[5] = (G[5] + ((G[4] << 8) | (G[4] >>> 24)) + G[3]) | 0; X[6] = (G[6] + ((G[5] << 16) | (G[5] >>> 16)) + ((G[4] << 16) | (G[4] >>> 16))) | 0; X[7] = (G[7] + ((G[6] << 8) | (G[6] >>> 24)) + G[5]) | 0; } /** * Shortcut functions to the cipher's object interface. * * @example * * var ciphertext = CryptoJS.RabbitLegacy.encrypt(message, key, cfg); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.RabbitLegacy.decrypt(ciphertext, key, cfg); */ C.RabbitLegacy = StreamCipher._createHelper(RabbitLegacy); }()); return CryptoJS.RabbitLegacy; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44,"./enc-base64":45,"./evpkdf":47,"./md5":52}],65:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./enc-base64"), _dereq_("./md5"), _dereq_("./evpkdf"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./enc-base64", "./md5", "./evpkdf", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var StreamCipher = C_lib.StreamCipher; var C_algo = C.algo; // Reusable objects var S = []; var C_ = []; var G = []; /** * Rabbit stream cipher algorithm */ var Rabbit = C_algo.Rabbit = StreamCipher.extend({ _doReset: function () { // Shortcuts var K = this._key.words; var iv = this.cfg.iv; // Swap endian for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { K[i] = (((K[i] << 8) | (K[i] >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((K[i] << 24) | (K[i] >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); } // Generate initial state values var X = this._X = [ K[0], (K[3] << 16) | (K[2] >>> 16), K[1], (K[0] << 16) | (K[3] >>> 16), K[2], (K[1] << 16) | (K[0] >>> 16), K[3], (K[2] << 16) | (K[1] >>> 16) ]; // Generate initial counter values var C = this._C = [ (K[2] << 16) | (K[2] >>> 16), (K[0] & 0xffff0000) | (K[1] & 0x0000ffff), (K[3] << 16) | (K[3] >>> 16), (K[1] & 0xffff0000) | (K[2] & 0x0000ffff), (K[0] << 16) | (K[0] >>> 16), (K[2] & 0xffff0000) | (K[3] & 0x0000ffff), (K[1] << 16) | (K[1] >>> 16), (K[3] & 0xffff0000) | (K[0] & 0x0000ffff) ]; // Carry bit this._b = 0; // Iterate the system four times for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {; } // Modify the counters for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { C[i] ^= X[(i + 4) & 7]; } // IV setup if (iv) { // Shortcuts var IV = iv.words; var IV_0 = IV[0]; var IV_1 = IV[1]; // Generate four subvectors var i0 = (((IV_0 << 8) | (IV_0 >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((IV_0 << 24) | (IV_0 >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); var i2 = (((IV_1 << 8) | (IV_1 >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((IV_1 << 24) | (IV_1 >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); var i1 = (i0 >>> 16) | (i2 & 0xffff0000); var i3 = (i2 << 16) | (i0 & 0x0000ffff); // Modify counter values C[0] ^= i0; C[1] ^= i1; C[2] ^= i2; C[3] ^= i3; C[4] ^= i0; C[5] ^= i1; C[6] ^= i2; C[7] ^= i3; // Iterate the system four times for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {; } } }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { // Shortcut var X = this._X; // Iterate the system; // Generate four keystream words S[0] = X[0] ^ (X[5] >>> 16) ^ (X[3] << 16); S[1] = X[2] ^ (X[7] >>> 16) ^ (X[5] << 16); S[2] = X[4] ^ (X[1] >>> 16) ^ (X[7] << 16); S[3] = X[6] ^ (X[3] >>> 16) ^ (X[1] << 16); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Swap endian S[i] = (((S[i] << 8) | (S[i] >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((S[i] << 24) | (S[i] >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); // Encrypt M[offset + i] ^= S[i]; } }, blockSize: 128/32, ivSize: 64/32 }); function nextState() { // Shortcuts var X = this._X; var C = this._C; // Save old counter values for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { C_[i] = C[i]; } // Calculate new counter values C[0] = (C[0] + 0x4d34d34d + this._b) | 0; C[1] = (C[1] + 0xd34d34d3 + ((C[0] >>> 0) < (C_[0] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[2] = (C[2] + 0x34d34d34 + ((C[1] >>> 0) < (C_[1] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[3] = (C[3] + 0x4d34d34d + ((C[2] >>> 0) < (C_[2] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[4] = (C[4] + 0xd34d34d3 + ((C[3] >>> 0) < (C_[3] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[5] = (C[5] + 0x34d34d34 + ((C[4] >>> 0) < (C_[4] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[6] = (C[6] + 0x4d34d34d + ((C[5] >>> 0) < (C_[5] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; C[7] = (C[7] + 0xd34d34d3 + ((C[6] >>> 0) < (C_[6] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; this._b = (C[7] >>> 0) < (C_[7] >>> 0) ? 1 : 0; // Calculate the g-values for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var gx = X[i] + C[i]; // Construct high and low argument for squaring var ga = gx & 0xffff; var gb = gx >>> 16; // Calculate high and low result of squaring var gh = ((((ga * ga) >>> 17) + ga * gb) >>> 15) + gb * gb; var gl = (((gx & 0xffff0000) * gx) | 0) + (((gx & 0x0000ffff) * gx) | 0); // High XOR low G[i] = gh ^ gl; } // Calculate new state values X[0] = (G[0] + ((G[7] << 16) | (G[7] >>> 16)) + ((G[6] << 16) | (G[6] >>> 16))) | 0; X[1] = (G[1] + ((G[0] << 8) | (G[0] >>> 24)) + G[7]) | 0; X[2] = (G[2] + ((G[1] << 16) | (G[1] >>> 16)) + ((G[0] << 16) | (G[0] >>> 16))) | 0; X[3] = (G[3] + ((G[2] << 8) | (G[2] >>> 24)) + G[1]) | 0; X[4] = (G[4] + ((G[3] << 16) | (G[3] >>> 16)) + ((G[2] << 16) | (G[2] >>> 16))) | 0; X[5] = (G[5] + ((G[4] << 8) | (G[4] >>> 24)) + G[3]) | 0; X[6] = (G[6] + ((G[5] << 16) | (G[5] >>> 16)) + ((G[4] << 16) | (G[4] >>> 16))) | 0; X[7] = (G[7] + ((G[6] << 8) | (G[6] >>> 24)) + G[5]) | 0; } /** * Shortcut functions to the cipher's object interface. * * @example * * var ciphertext = CryptoJS.Rabbit.encrypt(message, key, cfg); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.Rabbit.decrypt(ciphertext, key, cfg); */ C.Rabbit = StreamCipher._createHelper(Rabbit); }()); return CryptoJS.Rabbit; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44,"./enc-base64":45,"./evpkdf":47,"./md5":52}],66:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./enc-base64"), _dereq_("./md5"), _dereq_("./evpkdf"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./enc-base64", "./md5", "./evpkdf", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var StreamCipher = C_lib.StreamCipher; var C_algo = C.algo; /** * RC4 stream cipher algorithm. */ var RC4 = C_algo.RC4 = StreamCipher.extend({ _doReset: function () { // Shortcuts var key = this._key; var keyWords = key.words; var keySigBytes = key.sigBytes; // Init sbox var S = this._S = []; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { S[i] = i; } // Key setup for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < 256; i++) { var keyByteIndex = i % keySigBytes; var keyByte = (keyWords[keyByteIndex >>> 2] >>> (24 - (keyByteIndex % 4) * 8)) & 0xff; j = (j + S[i] + keyByte) % 256; // Swap var t = S[i]; S[i] = S[j]; S[j] = t; } // Counters this._i = this._j = 0; }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { M[offset] ^=; }, keySize: 256/32, ivSize: 0 }); function generateKeystreamWord() { // Shortcuts var S = this._S; var i = this._i; var j = this._j; // Generate keystream word var keystreamWord = 0; for (var n = 0; n < 4; n++) { i = (i + 1) % 256; j = (j + S[i]) % 256; // Swap var t = S[i]; S[i] = S[j]; S[j] = t; keystreamWord |= S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 256] << (24 - n * 8); } // Update counters this._i = i; this._j = j; return keystreamWord; } /** * Shortcut functions to the cipher's object interface. * * @example * * var ciphertext = CryptoJS.RC4.encrypt(message, key, cfg); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.RC4.decrypt(ciphertext, key, cfg); */ C.RC4 = StreamCipher._createHelper(RC4); /** * Modified RC4 stream cipher algorithm. */ var RC4Drop = C_algo.RC4Drop = RC4.extend({ /** * Configuration options. * * @property {number} drop The number of keystream words to drop. Default 192 */ cfg: RC4.cfg.extend({ drop: 192 }), _doReset: function () {; // Drop for (var i = this.cfg.drop; i > 0; i--) {; } } }); /** * Shortcut functions to the cipher's object interface. * * @example * * var ciphertext = CryptoJS.RC4Drop.encrypt(message, key, cfg); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.RC4Drop.decrypt(ciphertext, key, cfg); */ C.RC4Drop = StreamCipher._createHelper(RC4Drop); }()); return CryptoJS.RC4; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44,"./enc-base64":45,"./evpkdf":47,"./md5":52}],67:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { /** @preserve (c) 2012 by Cédric Mesnil. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ (function (Math) { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher; var C_algo = C.algo; // Constants table var _zl = WordArray.create([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13]); var _zr = WordArray.create([ 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11]); var _sl = WordArray.create([ 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6 ]); var _sr = WordArray.create([ 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11 ]); var _hl = WordArray.create([ 0x00000000, 0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xA953FD4E]); var _hr = WordArray.create([ 0x50A28BE6, 0x5C4DD124, 0x6D703EF3, 0x7A6D76E9, 0x00000000]); /** * RIPEMD160 hash algorithm. */ var RIPEMD160 = C_algo.RIPEMD160 = Hasher.extend({ _doReset: function () { this._hash = WordArray.create([0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0]); }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { // Swap endian for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // Shortcuts var offset_i = offset + i; var M_offset_i = M[offset_i]; // Swap M[offset_i] = ( (((M_offset_i << 8) | (M_offset_i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((M_offset_i << 24) | (M_offset_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); } // Shortcut var H = this._hash.words; var hl = _hl.words; var hr = _hr.words; var zl = _zl.words; var zr = _zr.words; var sl = _sl.words; var sr = _sr.words; // Working variables var al, bl, cl, dl, el; var ar, br, cr, dr, er; ar = al = H[0]; br = bl = H[1]; cr = cl = H[2]; dr = dl = H[3]; er = el = H[4]; // Computation var t; for (var i = 0; i < 80; i += 1) { t = (al + M[offset+zl[i]])|0; if (i<16){ t += f1(bl,cl,dl) + hl[0]; } else if (i<32) { t += f2(bl,cl,dl) + hl[1]; } else if (i<48) { t += f3(bl,cl,dl) + hl[2]; } else if (i<64) { t += f4(bl,cl,dl) + hl[3]; } else {// if (i<80) { t += f5(bl,cl,dl) + hl[4]; } t = t|0; t = rotl(t,sl[i]); t = (t+el)|0; al = el; el = dl; dl = rotl(cl, 10); cl = bl; bl = t; t = (ar + M[offset+zr[i]])|0; if (i<16){ t += f5(br,cr,dr) + hr[0]; } else if (i<32) { t += f4(br,cr,dr) + hr[1]; } else if (i<48) { t += f3(br,cr,dr) + hr[2]; } else if (i<64) { t += f2(br,cr,dr) + hr[3]; } else {// if (i<80) { t += f1(br,cr,dr) + hr[4]; } t = t|0; t = rotl(t,sr[i]) ; t = (t+er)|0; ar = er; er = dr; dr = rotl(cr, 10); cr = br; br = t; } // Intermediate hash value t = (H[1] + cl + dr)|0; H[1] = (H[2] + dl + er)|0; H[2] = (H[3] + el + ar)|0; H[3] = (H[4] + al + br)|0; H[4] = (H[0] + bl + cr)|0; H[0] = t; }, _doFinalize: function () { // Shortcuts var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var nBitsTotal = this._nDataBytes * 8; var nBitsLeft = data.sigBytes * 8; // Add padding dataWords[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32); dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = ( (((nBitsTotal << 8) | (nBitsTotal >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((nBitsTotal << 24) | (nBitsTotal >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); data.sigBytes = (dataWords.length + 1) * 4; // Hash final blocks this._process(); // Shortcuts var hash = this._hash; var H = hash.words; // Swap endian for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Shortcut var H_i = H[i]; // Swap H[i] = (((H_i << 8) | (H_i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((H_i << 24) | (H_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); } // Return final computed hash return hash; }, clone: function () { var clone =; clone._hash = this._hash.clone(); return clone; } }); function f1(x, y, z) { return ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z)); } function f2(x, y, z) { return (((x)&(y)) | ((~x)&(z))); } function f3(x, y, z) { return (((x) | (~(y))) ^ (z)); } function f4(x, y, z) { return (((x) & (z)) | ((y)&(~(z)))); } function f5(x, y, z) { return ((x) ^ ((y) |(~(z)))); } function rotl(x,n) { return (x<<n) | (x>>>(32-n)); } /** * Shortcut function to the hasher's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @static * * @example * * var hash = CryptoJS.RIPEMD160('message'); * var hash = CryptoJS.RIPEMD160(wordArray); */ C.RIPEMD160 = Hasher._createHelper(RIPEMD160); /** * Shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @static * * @example * * var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacRIPEMD160(message, key); */ C.HmacRIPEMD160 = Hasher._createHmacHelper(RIPEMD160); }(Math)); return CryptoJS.RIPEMD160; })); },{"./core":44}],68:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher; var C_algo = C.algo; // Reusable object var W = []; /** * SHA-1 hash algorithm. */ var SHA1 = C_algo.SHA1 = Hasher.extend({ _doReset: function () { this._hash = new WordArray.init([ 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0 ]); }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { // Shortcut var H = this._hash.words; // Working variables var a = H[0]; var b = H[1]; var c = H[2]; var d = H[3]; var e = H[4]; // Computation for (var i = 0; i < 80; i++) { if (i < 16) { W[i] = M[offset + i] | 0; } else { var n = W[i - 3] ^ W[i - 8] ^ W[i - 14] ^ W[i - 16]; W[i] = (n << 1) | (n >>> 31); } var t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + e + W[i]; if (i < 20) { t += ((b & c) | (~b & d)) + 0x5a827999; } else if (i < 40) { t += (b ^ c ^ d) + 0x6ed9eba1; } else if (i < 60) { t += ((b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)) - 0x70e44324; } else /* if (i < 80) */ { t += (b ^ c ^ d) - 0x359d3e2a; } e = d; d = c; c = (b << 30) | (b >>> 2); b = a; a = t; } // Intermediate hash value H[0] = (H[0] + a) | 0; H[1] = (H[1] + b) | 0; H[2] = (H[2] + c) | 0; H[3] = (H[3] + d) | 0; H[4] = (H[4] + e) | 0; }, _doFinalize: function () { // Shortcuts var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var nBitsTotal = this._nDataBytes * 8; var nBitsLeft = data.sigBytes * 8; // Add padding dataWords[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32); dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = Math.floor(nBitsTotal / 0x100000000); dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 15] = nBitsTotal; data.sigBytes = dataWords.length * 4; // Hash final blocks this._process(); // Return final computed hash return this._hash; }, clone: function () { var clone =; clone._hash = this._hash.clone(); return clone; } }); /** * Shortcut function to the hasher's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @static * * @example * * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA1('message'); * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA1(wordArray); */ C.SHA1 = Hasher._createHelper(SHA1); /** * Shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @static * * @example * * var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(message, key); */ C.HmacSHA1 = Hasher._createHmacHelper(SHA1); }()); return CryptoJS.SHA1; })); },{"./core":44}],69:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./sha256")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./sha256"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var C_algo = C.algo; var SHA256 = C_algo.SHA256; /** * SHA-224 hash algorithm. */ var SHA224 = C_algo.SHA224 = SHA256.extend({ _doReset: function () { this._hash = new WordArray.init([ 0xc1059ed8, 0x367cd507, 0x3070dd17, 0xf70e5939, 0xffc00b31, 0x68581511, 0x64f98fa7, 0xbefa4fa4 ]); }, _doFinalize: function () { var hash =; hash.sigBytes -= 4; return hash; } }); /** * Shortcut function to the hasher's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @static * * @example * * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA224('message'); * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA224(wordArray); */ C.SHA224 = SHA256._createHelper(SHA224); /** * Shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @static * * @example * * var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA224(message, key); */ C.HmacSHA224 = SHA256._createHmacHelper(SHA224); }()); return CryptoJS.SHA224; })); },{"./core":44,"./sha256":70}],70:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function (Math) { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher; var C_algo = C.algo; // Initialization and round constants tables var H = []; var K = []; // Compute constants (function () { function isPrime(n) { var sqrtN = Math.sqrt(n); for (var factor = 2; factor <= sqrtN; factor++) { if (!(n % factor)) { return false; } } return true; } function getFractionalBits(n) { return ((n - (n | 0)) * 0x100000000) | 0; } var n = 2; var nPrime = 0; while (nPrime < 64) { if (isPrime(n)) { if (nPrime < 8) { H[nPrime] = getFractionalBits(Math.pow(n, 1 / 2)); } K[nPrime] = getFractionalBits(Math.pow(n, 1 / 3)); nPrime++; } n++; } }()); // Reusable object var W = []; /** * SHA-256 hash algorithm. */ var SHA256 = C_algo.SHA256 = Hasher.extend({ _doReset: function () { this._hash = new WordArray.init(H.slice(0)); }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { // Shortcut var H = this._hash.words; // Working variables var a = H[0]; var b = H[1]; var c = H[2]; var d = H[3]; var e = H[4]; var f = H[5]; var g = H[6]; var h = H[7]; // Computation for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (i < 16) { W[i] = M[offset + i] | 0; } else { var gamma0x = W[i - 15]; var gamma0 = ((gamma0x << 25) | (gamma0x >>> 7)) ^ ((gamma0x << 14) | (gamma0x >>> 18)) ^ (gamma0x >>> 3); var gamma1x = W[i - 2]; var gamma1 = ((gamma1x << 15) | (gamma1x >>> 17)) ^ ((gamma1x << 13) | (gamma1x >>> 19)) ^ (gamma1x >>> 10); W[i] = gamma0 + W[i - 7] + gamma1 + W[i - 16]; } var ch = (e & f) ^ (~e & g); var maj = (a & b) ^ (a & c) ^ (b & c); var sigma0 = ((a << 30) | (a >>> 2)) ^ ((a << 19) | (a >>> 13)) ^ ((a << 10) | (a >>> 22)); var sigma1 = ((e << 26) | (e >>> 6)) ^ ((e << 21) | (e >>> 11)) ^ ((e << 7) | (e >>> 25)); var t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K[i] + W[i]; var t2 = sigma0 + maj; h = g; g = f; f = e; e = (d + t1) | 0; d = c; c = b; b = a; a = (t1 + t2) | 0; } // Intermediate hash value H[0] = (H[0] + a) | 0; H[1] = (H[1] + b) | 0; H[2] = (H[2] + c) | 0; H[3] = (H[3] + d) | 0; H[4] = (H[4] + e) | 0; H[5] = (H[5] + f) | 0; H[6] = (H[6] + g) | 0; H[7] = (H[7] + h) | 0; }, _doFinalize: function () { // Shortcuts var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var nBitsTotal = this._nDataBytes * 8; var nBitsLeft = data.sigBytes * 8; // Add padding dataWords[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32); dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = Math.floor(nBitsTotal / 0x100000000); dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 15] = nBitsTotal; data.sigBytes = dataWords.length * 4; // Hash final blocks this._process(); // Return final computed hash return this._hash; }, clone: function () { var clone =; clone._hash = this._hash.clone(); return clone; } }); /** * Shortcut function to the hasher's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @static * * @example * * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256('message'); * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(wordArray); */ C.SHA256 = Hasher._createHelper(SHA256); /** * Shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @static * * @example * * var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(message, key); */ C.HmacSHA256 = Hasher._createHmacHelper(SHA256); }(Math)); return CryptoJS.SHA256; })); },{"./core":44}],71:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./x64-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./x64-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function (Math) { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher; var C_x64 = C.x64; var X64Word = C_x64.Word; var C_algo = C.algo; // Constants tables var RHO_OFFSETS = []; var PI_INDEXES = []; var ROUND_CONSTANTS = []; // Compute Constants (function () { // Compute rho offset constants var x = 1, y = 0; for (var t = 0; t < 24; t++) { RHO_OFFSETS[x + 5 * y] = ((t + 1) * (t + 2) / 2) % 64; var newX = y % 5; var newY = (2 * x + 3 * y) % 5; x = newX; y = newY; } // Compute pi index constants for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < 5; y++) { PI_INDEXES[x + 5 * y] = y + ((2 * x + 3 * y) % 5) * 5; } } // Compute round constants var LFSR = 0x01; for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) { var roundConstantMsw = 0; var roundConstantLsw = 0; for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if (LFSR & 0x01) { var bitPosition = (1 << j) - 1; if (bitPosition < 32) { roundConstantLsw ^= 1 << bitPosition; } else /* if (bitPosition >= 32) */ { roundConstantMsw ^= 1 << (bitPosition - 32); } } // Compute next LFSR if (LFSR & 0x80) { // Primitive polynomial over GF(2): x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 LFSR = (LFSR << 1) ^ 0x71; } else { LFSR <<= 1; } } ROUND_CONSTANTS[i] = X64Word.create(roundConstantMsw, roundConstantLsw); } }()); // Reusable objects for temporary values var T = []; (function () { for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) { T[i] = X64Word.create(); } }()); /** * SHA-3 hash algorithm. */ var SHA3 = C_algo.SHA3 = Hasher.extend({ /** * Configuration options. * * @property {number} outputLength * The desired number of bits in the output hash. * Only values permitted are: 224, 256, 384, 512. * Default: 512 */ cfg: Hasher.cfg.extend({ outputLength: 512 }), _doReset: function () { var state = this._state = [] for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) { state[i] = new X64Word.init(); } this.blockSize = (1600 - 2 * this.cfg.outputLength) / 32; }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { // Shortcuts var state = this._state; var nBlockSizeLanes = this.blockSize / 2; // Absorb for (var i = 0; i < nBlockSizeLanes; i++) { // Shortcuts var M2i = M[offset + 2 * i]; var M2i1 = M[offset + 2 * i + 1]; // Swap endian M2i = ( (((M2i << 8) | (M2i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((M2i << 24) | (M2i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); M2i1 = ( (((M2i1 << 8) | (M2i1 >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((M2i1 << 24) | (M2i1 >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); // Absorb message into state var lane = state[i]; lane.high ^= M2i1; lane.low ^= M2i; } // Rounds for (var round = 0; round < 24; round++) { // Theta for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++) { // Mix column lanes var tMsw = 0, tLsw = 0; for (var y = 0; y < 5; y++) { var lane = state[x + 5 * y]; tMsw ^= lane.high; tLsw ^= lane.low; } // Temporary values var Tx = T[x]; Tx.high = tMsw; Tx.low = tLsw; } for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++) { // Shortcuts var Tx4 = T[(x + 4) % 5]; var Tx1 = T[(x + 1) % 5]; var Tx1Msw = Tx1.high; var Tx1Lsw = Tx1.low; // Mix surrounding columns var tMsw = Tx4.high ^ ((Tx1Msw << 1) | (Tx1Lsw >>> 31)); var tLsw = Tx4.low ^ ((Tx1Lsw << 1) | (Tx1Msw >>> 31)); for (var y = 0; y < 5; y++) { var lane = state[x + 5 * y]; lane.high ^= tMsw; lane.low ^= tLsw; } } // Rho Pi for (var laneIndex = 1; laneIndex < 25; laneIndex++) { // Shortcuts var lane = state[laneIndex]; var laneMsw = lane.high; var laneLsw = lane.low; var rhoOffset = RHO_OFFSETS[laneIndex]; // Rotate lanes if (rhoOffset < 32) { var tMsw = (laneMsw << rhoOffset) | (laneLsw >>> (32 - rhoOffset)); var tLsw = (laneLsw << rhoOffset) | (laneMsw >>> (32 - rhoOffset)); } else /* if (rhoOffset >= 32) */ { var tMsw = (laneLsw << (rhoOffset - 32)) | (laneMsw >>> (64 - rhoOffset)); var tLsw = (laneMsw << (rhoOffset - 32)) | (laneLsw >>> (64 - rhoOffset)); } // Transpose lanes var TPiLane = T[PI_INDEXES[laneIndex]]; TPiLane.high = tMsw; TPiLane.low = tLsw; } // Rho pi at x = y = 0 var T0 = T[0]; var state0 = state[0]; T0.high = state0.high; T0.low = state0.low; // Chi for (var x = 0; x < 5; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < 5; y++) { // Shortcuts var laneIndex = x + 5 * y; var lane = state[laneIndex]; var TLane = T[laneIndex]; var Tx1Lane = T[((x + 1) % 5) + 5 * y]; var Tx2Lane = T[((x + 2) % 5) + 5 * y]; // Mix rows lane.high = TLane.high ^ (~Tx1Lane.high & Tx2Lane.high); lane.low = TLane.low ^ (~Tx1Lane.low & Tx2Lane.low); } } // Iota var lane = state[0]; var roundConstant = ROUND_CONSTANTS[round]; lane.high ^= roundConstant.high; lane.low ^= roundConstant.low;; } }, _doFinalize: function () { // Shortcuts var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var nBitsTotal = this._nDataBytes * 8; var nBitsLeft = data.sigBytes * 8; var blockSizeBits = this.blockSize * 32; // Add padding dataWords[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x1 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32); dataWords[((Math.ceil((nBitsLeft + 1) / blockSizeBits) * blockSizeBits) >>> 5) - 1] |= 0x80; data.sigBytes = dataWords.length * 4; // Hash final blocks this._process(); // Shortcuts var state = this._state; var outputLengthBytes = this.cfg.outputLength / 8; var outputLengthLanes = outputLengthBytes / 8; // Squeeze var hashWords = []; for (var i = 0; i < outputLengthLanes; i++) { // Shortcuts var lane = state[i]; var laneMsw = lane.high; var laneLsw = lane.low; // Swap endian laneMsw = ( (((laneMsw << 8) | (laneMsw >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((laneMsw << 24) | (laneMsw >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); laneLsw = ( (((laneLsw << 8) | (laneLsw >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | (((laneLsw << 24) | (laneLsw >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) ); // Squeeze state to retrieve hash hashWords.push(laneLsw); hashWords.push(laneMsw); } // Return final computed hash return new WordArray.init(hashWords, outputLengthBytes); }, clone: function () { var clone =; var state = clone._state = this._state.slice(0); for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) { state[i] = state[i].clone(); } return clone; } }); /** * Shortcut function to the hasher's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @static * * @example * * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA3('message'); * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA3(wordArray); */ C.SHA3 = Hasher._createHelper(SHA3); /** * Shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @static * * @example * * var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA3(message, key); */ C.HmacSHA3 = Hasher._createHmacHelper(SHA3); }(Math)); return CryptoJS.SHA3; })); },{"./core":44,"./x64-core":75}],72:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./x64-core"), _dereq_("./sha512")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./x64-core", "./sha512"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_x64 = C.x64; var X64Word = C_x64.Word; var X64WordArray = C_x64.WordArray; var C_algo = C.algo; var SHA512 = C_algo.SHA512; /** * SHA-384 hash algorithm. */ var SHA384 = C_algo.SHA384 = SHA512.extend({ _doReset: function () { this._hash = new X64WordArray.init([ new X64Word.init(0xcbbb9d5d, 0xc1059ed8), new X64Word.init(0x629a292a, 0x367cd507), new X64Word.init(0x9159015a, 0x3070dd17), new X64Word.init(0x152fecd8, 0xf70e5939), new X64Word.init(0x67332667, 0xffc00b31), new X64Word.init(0x8eb44a87, 0x68581511), new X64Word.init(0xdb0c2e0d, 0x64f98fa7), new X64Word.init(0x47b5481d, 0xbefa4fa4) ]); }, _doFinalize: function () { var hash =; hash.sigBytes -= 16; return hash; } }); /** * Shortcut function to the hasher's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @static * * @example * * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA384('message'); * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA384(wordArray); */ C.SHA384 = SHA512._createHelper(SHA384); /** * Shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @static * * @example * * var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA384(message, key); */ C.HmacSHA384 = SHA512._createHmacHelper(SHA384); }()); return CryptoJS.SHA384; })); },{"./core":44,"./sha512":73,"./x64-core":75}],73:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./x64-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./x64-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var Hasher = C_lib.Hasher; var C_x64 = C.x64; var X64Word = C_x64.Word; var X64WordArray = C_x64.WordArray; var C_algo = C.algo; function X64Word_create() { return X64Word.create.apply(X64Word, arguments); } // Constants var K = [ X64Word_create(0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22), X64Word_create(0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd), X64Word_create(0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f), X64Word_create(0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc), X64Word_create(0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538), X64Word_create(0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019), X64Word_create(0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b), X64Word_create(0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118), X64Word_create(0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242), X64Word_create(0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe), X64Word_create(0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c), X64Word_create(0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2), X64Word_create(0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f), X64Word_create(0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1), X64Word_create(0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235), X64Word_create(0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694), X64Word_create(0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2), X64Word_create(0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3), X64Word_create(0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5), X64Word_create(0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65), X64Word_create(0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275), X64Word_create(0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483), X64Word_create(0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4), X64Word_create(0x76f988da, 0x831153b5), X64Word_create(0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab), X64Word_create(0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210), X64Word_create(0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f), X64Word_create(0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4), X64Word_create(0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2), X64Word_create(0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725), X64Word_create(0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f), X64Word_create(0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70), X64Word_create(0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc), X64Word_create(0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926), X64Word_create(0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed), X64Word_create(0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df), X64Word_create(0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de), X64Word_create(0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8), X64Word_create(0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6), X64Word_create(0x92722c85, 0x1482353b), X64Word_create(0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364), X64Word_create(0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001), X64Word_create(0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791), X64Word_create(0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30), X64Word_create(0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218), X64Word_create(0xd6990624, 0x5565a910), X64Word_create(0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a), X64Word_create(0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8), X64Word_create(0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8), X64Word_create(0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53), X64Word_create(0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99), X64Word_create(0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8), X64Word_create(0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63), X64Word_create(0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb), X64Word_create(0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373), X64Word_create(0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3), X64Word_create(0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc), X64Word_create(0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60), X64Word_create(0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72), X64Word_create(0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec), X64Word_create(0x90befffa, 0x23631e28), X64Word_create(0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9), X64Word_create(0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915), X64Word_create(0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b), X64Word_create(0xca273ece, 0xea26619c), X64Word_create(0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207), X64Word_create(0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e), X64Word_create(0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178), X64Word_create(0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba), X64Word_create(0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6), X64Word_create(0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae), X64Word_create(0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b), X64Word_create(0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84), X64Word_create(0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493), X64Word_create(0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc), X64Word_create(0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c), X64Word_create(0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6), X64Word_create(0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a), X64Word_create(0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec), X64Word_create(0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817) ]; // Reusable objects var W = []; (function () { for (var i = 0; i < 80; i++) { W[i] = X64Word_create(); } }()); /** * SHA-512 hash algorithm. */ var SHA512 = C_algo.SHA512 = Hasher.extend({ _doReset: function () { this._hash = new X64WordArray.init([ new X64Word.init(0x6a09e667, 0xf3bcc908), new X64Word.init(0xbb67ae85, 0x84caa73b), new X64Word.init(0x3c6ef372, 0xfe94f82b), new X64Word.init(0xa54ff53a, 0x5f1d36f1), new X64Word.init(0x510e527f, 0xade682d1), new X64Word.init(0x9b05688c, 0x2b3e6c1f), new X64Word.init(0x1f83d9ab, 0xfb41bd6b), new X64Word.init(0x5be0cd19, 0x137e2179) ]); }, _doProcessBlock: function (M, offset) { // Shortcuts var H = this._hash.words; var H0 = H[0]; var H1 = H[1]; var H2 = H[2]; var H3 = H[3]; var H4 = H[4]; var H5 = H[5]; var H6 = H[6]; var H7 = H[7]; var H0h = H0.high; var H0l = H0.low; var H1h = H1.high; var H1l = H1.low; var H2h = H2.high; var H2l = H2.low; var H3h = H3.high; var H3l = H3.low; var H4h = H4.high; var H4l = H4.low; var H5h = H5.high; var H5l = H5.low; var H6h = H6.high; var H6l = H6.low; var H7h = H7.high; var H7l = H7.low; // Working variables var ah = H0h; var al = H0l; var bh = H1h; var bl = H1l; var ch = H2h; var cl = H2l; var dh = H3h; var dl = H3l; var eh = H4h; var el = H4l; var fh = H5h; var fl = H5l; var gh = H6h; var gl = H6l; var hh = H7h; var hl = H7l; // Rounds for (var i = 0; i < 80; i++) { // Shortcut var Wi = W[i]; // Extend message if (i < 16) { var Wih = Wi.high = M[offset + i * 2] | 0; var Wil = Wi.low = M[offset + i * 2 + 1] | 0; } else { // Gamma0 var gamma0x = W[i - 15]; var gamma0xh = gamma0x.high; var gamma0xl = gamma0x.low; var gamma0h = ((gamma0xh >>> 1) | (gamma0xl << 31)) ^ ((gamma0xh >>> 8) | (gamma0xl << 24)) ^ (gamma0xh >>> 7); var gamma0l = ((gamma0xl >>> 1) | (gamma0xh << 31)) ^ ((gamma0xl >>> 8) | (gamma0xh << 24)) ^ ((gamma0xl >>> 7) | (gamma0xh << 25)); // Gamma1 var gamma1x = W[i - 2]; var gamma1xh = gamma1x.high; var gamma1xl = gamma1x.low; var gamma1h = ((gamma1xh >>> 19) | (gamma1xl << 13)) ^ ((gamma1xh << 3) | (gamma1xl >>> 29)) ^ (gamma1xh >>> 6); var gamma1l = ((gamma1xl >>> 19) | (gamma1xh << 13)) ^ ((gamma1xl << 3) | (gamma1xh >>> 29)) ^ ((gamma1xl >>> 6) | (gamma1xh << 26)); // W[i] = gamma0 + W[i - 7] + gamma1 + W[i - 16] var Wi7 = W[i - 7]; var Wi7h = Wi7.high; var Wi7l = Wi7.low; var Wi16 = W[i - 16]; var Wi16h = Wi16.high; var Wi16l = Wi16.low; var Wil = gamma0l + Wi7l; var Wih = gamma0h + Wi7h + ((Wil >>> 0) < (gamma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0); var Wil = Wil + gamma1l; var Wih = Wih + gamma1h + ((Wil >>> 0) < (gamma1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0); var Wil = Wil + Wi16l; var Wih = Wih + Wi16h + ((Wil >>> 0) < (Wi16l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0); Wi.high = Wih; Wi.low = Wil; } var chh = (eh & fh) ^ (~eh & gh); var chl = (el & fl) ^ (~el & gl); var majh = (ah & bh) ^ (ah & ch) ^ (bh & ch); var majl = (al & bl) ^ (al & cl) ^ (bl & cl); var sigma0h = ((ah >>> 28) | (al << 4)) ^ ((ah << 30) | (al >>> 2)) ^ ((ah << 25) | (al >>> 7)); var sigma0l = ((al >>> 28) | (ah << 4)) ^ ((al << 30) | (ah >>> 2)) ^ ((al << 25) | (ah >>> 7)); var sigma1h = ((eh >>> 14) | (el << 18)) ^ ((eh >>> 18) | (el << 14)) ^ ((eh << 23) | (el >>> 9)); var sigma1l = ((el >>> 14) | (eh << 18)) ^ ((el >>> 18) | (eh << 14)) ^ ((el << 23) | (eh >>> 9)); // t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K[i] + W[i] var Ki = K[i]; var Kih = Ki.high; var Kil = Ki.low; var t1l = hl + sigma1l; var t1h = hh + sigma1h + ((t1l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0); var t1l = t1l + chl; var t1h = t1h + chh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (chl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0); var t1l = t1l + Kil; var t1h = t1h + Kih + ((t1l >>> 0) < (Kil >>> 0) ? 1 : 0); var t1l = t1l + Wil; var t1h = t1h + Wih + ((t1l >>> 0) < (Wil >>> 0) ? 1 : 0); // t2 = sigma0 + maj var t2l = sigma0l + majl; var t2h = sigma0h + majh + ((t2l >>> 0) < (sigma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0); // Update working variables hh = gh; hl = gl; gh = fh; gl = fl; fh = eh; fl = el; el = (dl + t1l) | 0; eh = (dh + t1h + ((el >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; dh = ch; dl = cl; ch = bh; cl = bl; bh = ah; bl = al; al = (t1l + t2l) | 0; ah = (t1h + t2h + ((al >>> 0) < (t1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0; } // Intermediate hash value H0l = H0.low = (H0l + al); H0.high = (H0h + ah + ((H0l >>> 0) < (al >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)); H1l = H1.low = (H1l + bl); H1.high = (H1h + bh + ((H1l >>> 0) < (bl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)); H2l = H2.low = (H2l + cl); H2.high = (H2h + ch + ((H2l >>> 0) < (cl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)); H3l = H3.low = (H3l + dl); H3.high = (H3h + dh + ((H3l >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)); H4l = H4.low = (H4l + el); H4.high = (H4h + eh + ((H4l >>> 0) < (el >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)); H5l = H5.low = (H5l + fl); H5.high = (H5h + fh + ((H5l >>> 0) < (fl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)); H6l = H6.low = (H6l + gl); H6.high = (H6h + gh + ((H6l >>> 0) < (gl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)); H7l = H7.low = (H7l + hl); H7.high = (H7h + hh + ((H7l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)); }, _doFinalize: function () { // Shortcuts var data = this._data; var dataWords = data.words; var nBitsTotal = this._nDataBytes * 8; var nBitsLeft = data.sigBytes * 8; // Add padding dataWords[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32); dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 128) >>> 10) << 5) + 30] = Math.floor(nBitsTotal / 0x100000000); dataWords[(((nBitsLeft + 128) >>> 10) << 5) + 31] = nBitsTotal; data.sigBytes = dataWords.length * 4; // Hash final blocks this._process(); // Convert hash to 32-bit word array before returning var hash = this._hash.toX32(); // Return final computed hash return hash; }, clone: function () { var clone =; clone._hash = this._hash.clone(); return clone; }, blockSize: 1024/32 }); /** * Shortcut function to the hasher's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * * @return {WordArray} The hash. * * @static * * @example * * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA512('message'); * var hash = CryptoJS.SHA512(wordArray); */ C.SHA512 = Hasher._createHelper(SHA512); /** * Shortcut function to the HMAC's object interface. * * @param {WordArray|string} message The message to hash. * @param {WordArray|string} key The secret key. * * @return {WordArray} The HMAC. * * @static * * @example * * var hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA512(message, key); */ C.HmacSHA512 = Hasher._createHmacHelper(SHA512); }()); return CryptoJS.SHA512; })); },{"./core":44,"./x64-core":75}],74:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory, undef) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core"), _dereq_("./enc-base64"), _dereq_("./md5"), _dereq_("./evpkdf"), _dereq_("./cipher-core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core", "./enc-base64", "./md5", "./evpkdf", "./cipher-core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function () { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; var BlockCipher = C_lib.BlockCipher; var C_algo = C.algo; // Permuted Choice 1 constants var PC1 = [ 57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3, 60, 52, 44, 36, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 28, 20, 12, 4 ]; // Permuted Choice 2 constants var PC2 = [ 14, 17, 11, 24, 1, 5, 3, 28, 15, 6, 21, 10, 23, 19, 12, 4, 26, 8, 16, 7, 27, 20, 13, 2, 41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55, 30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48, 44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53, 46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32 ]; // Cumulative bit shift constants var BIT_SHIFTS = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28]; // SBOXes and round permutation constants var SBOX_P = [ { 0x0: 0x808200, 0x10000000: 0x8000, 0x20000000: 0x808002, 0x30000000: 0x2, 0x40000000: 0x200, 0x50000000: 0x808202, 0x60000000: 0x800202, 0x70000000: 0x800000, 0x80000000: 0x202, 0x90000000: 0x800200, 0xa0000000: 0x8200, 0xb0000000: 0x808000, 0xc0000000: 0x8002, 0xd0000000: 0x800002, 0xe0000000: 0x0, 0xf0000000: 0x8202, 0x8000000: 0x0, 0x18000000: 0x808202, 0x28000000: 0x8202, 0x38000000: 0x8000, 0x48000000: 0x808200, 0x58000000: 0x200, 0x68000000: 0x808002, 0x78000000: 0x2, 0x88000000: 0x800200, 0x98000000: 0x8200, 0xa8000000: 0x808000, 0xb8000000: 0x800202, 0xc8000000: 0x800002, 0xd8000000: 0x8002, 0xe8000000: 0x202, 0xf8000000: 0x800000, 0x1: 0x8000, 0x10000001: 0x2, 0x20000001: 0x808200, 0x30000001: 0x800000, 0x40000001: 0x808002, 0x50000001: 0x8200, 0x60000001: 0x200, 0x70000001: 0x800202, 0x80000001: 0x808202, 0x90000001: 0x808000, 0xa0000001: 0x800002, 0xb0000001: 0x8202, 0xc0000001: 0x202, 0xd0000001: 0x800200, 0xe0000001: 0x8002, 0xf0000001: 0x0, 0x8000001: 0x808202, 0x18000001: 0x808000, 0x28000001: 0x800000, 0x38000001: 0x200, 0x48000001: 0x8000, 0x58000001: 0x800002, 0x68000001: 0x2, 0x78000001: 0x8202, 0x88000001: 0x8002, 0x98000001: 0x800202, 0xa8000001: 0x202, 0xb8000001: 0x808200, 0xc8000001: 0x800200, 0xd8000001: 0x0, 0xe8000001: 0x8200, 0xf8000001: 0x808002 }, { 0x0: 0x40084010, 0x1000000: 0x4000, 0x2000000: 0x80000, 0x3000000: 0x40080010, 0x4000000: 0x40000010, 0x5000000: 0x40084000, 0x6000000: 0x40004000, 0x7000000: 0x10, 0x8000000: 0x84000, 0x9000000: 0x40004010, 0xa000000: 0x40000000, 0xb000000: 0x84010, 0xc000000: 0x80010, 0xd000000: 0x0, 0xe000000: 0x4010, 0xf000000: 0x40080000, 0x800000: 0x40004000, 0x1800000: 0x84010, 0x2800000: 0x10, 0x3800000: 0x40004010, 0x4800000: 0x40084010, 0x5800000: 0x40000000, 0x6800000: 0x80000, 0x7800000: 0x40080010, 0x8800000: 0x80010, 0x9800000: 0x0, 0xa800000: 0x4000, 0xb800000: 0x40080000, 0xc800000: 0x40000010, 0xd800000: 0x84000, 0xe800000: 0x40084000, 0xf800000: 0x4010, 0x10000000: 0x0, 0x11000000: 0x40080010, 0x12000000: 0x40004010, 0x13000000: 0x40084000, 0x14000000: 0x40080000, 0x15000000: 0x10, 0x16000000: 0x84010, 0x17000000: 0x4000, 0x18000000: 0x4010, 0x19000000: 0x80000, 0x1a000000: 0x80010, 0x1b000000: 0x40000010, 0x1c000000: 0x84000, 0x1d000000: 0x40004000, 0x1e000000: 0x40000000, 0x1f000000: 0x40084010, 0x10800000: 0x84010, 0x11800000: 0x80000, 0x12800000: 0x40080000, 0x13800000: 0x4000, 0x14800000: 0x40004000, 0x15800000: 0x40084010, 0x16800000: 0x10, 0x17800000: 0x40000000, 0x18800000: 0x40084000, 0x19800000: 0x40000010, 0x1a800000: 0x40004010, 0x1b800000: 0x80010, 0x1c800000: 0x0, 0x1d800000: 0x4010, 0x1e800000: 0x40080010, 0x1f800000: 0x84000 }, { 0x0: 0x104, 0x100000: 0x0, 0x200000: 0x4000100, 0x300000: 0x10104, 0x400000: 0x10004, 0x500000: 0x4000004, 0x600000: 0x4010104, 0x700000: 0x4010000, 0x800000: 0x4000000, 0x900000: 0x4010100, 0xa00000: 0x10100, 0xb00000: 0x4010004, 0xc00000: 0x4000104, 0xd00000: 0x10000, 0xe00000: 0x4, 0xf00000: 0x100, 0x80000: 0x4010100, 0x180000: 0x4010004, 0x280000: 0x0, 0x380000: 0x4000100, 0x480000: 0x4000004, 0x580000: 0x10000, 0x680000: 0x10004, 0x780000: 0x104, 0x880000: 0x4, 0x980000: 0x100, 0xa80000: 0x4010000, 0xb80000: 0x10104, 0xc80000: 0x10100, 0xd80000: 0x4000104, 0xe80000: 0x4010104, 0xf80000: 0x4000000, 0x1000000: 0x4010100, 0x1100000: 0x10004, 0x1200000: 0x10000, 0x1300000: 0x4000100, 0x1400000: 0x100, 0x1500000: 0x4010104, 0x1600000: 0x4000004, 0x1700000: 0x0, 0x1800000: 0x4000104, 0x1900000: 0x4000000, 0x1a00000: 0x4, 0x1b00000: 0x10100, 0x1c00000: 0x4010000, 0x1d00000: 0x104, 0x1e00000: 0x10104, 0x1f00000: 0x4010004, 0x1080000: 0x4000000, 0x1180000: 0x104, 0x1280000: 0x4010100, 0x1380000: 0x0, 0x1480000: 0x10004, 0x1580000: 0x4000100, 0x1680000: 0x100, 0x1780000: 0x4010004, 0x1880000: 0x10000, 0x1980000: 0x4010104, 0x1a80000: 0x10104, 0x1b80000: 0x4000004, 0x1c80000: 0x4000104, 0x1d80000: 0x4010000, 0x1e80000: 0x4, 0x1f80000: 0x10100 }, { 0x0: 0x80401000, 0x10000: 0x80001040, 0x20000: 0x401040, 0x30000: 0x80400000, 0x40000: 0x0, 0x50000: 0x401000, 0x60000: 0x80000040, 0x70000: 0x400040, 0x80000: 0x80000000, 0x90000: 0x400000, 0xa0000: 0x40, 0xb0000: 0x80001000, 0xc0000: 0x80400040, 0xd0000: 0x1040, 0xe0000: 0x1000, 0xf0000: 0x80401040, 0x8000: 0x80001040, 0x18000: 0x40, 0x28000: 0x80400040, 0x38000: 0x80001000, 0x48000: 0x401000, 0x58000: 0x80401040, 0x68000: 0x0, 0x78000: 0x80400000, 0x88000: 0x1000, 0x98000: 0x80401000, 0xa8000: 0x400000, 0xb8000: 0x1040, 0xc8000: 0x80000000, 0xd8000: 0x400040, 0xe8000: 0x401040, 0xf8000: 0x80000040, 0x100000: 0x400040, 0x110000: 0x401000, 0x120000: 0x80000040, 0x130000: 0x0, 0x140000: 0x1040, 0x150000: 0x80400040, 0x160000: 0x80401000, 0x170000: 0x80001040, 0x180000: 0x80401040, 0x190000: 0x80000000, 0x1a0000: 0x80400000, 0x1b0000: 0x401040, 0x1c0000: 0x80001000, 0x1d0000: 0x400000, 0x1e0000: 0x40, 0x1f0000: 0x1000, 0x108000: 0x80400000, 0x118000: 0x80401040, 0x128000: 0x0, 0x138000: 0x401000, 0x148000: 0x400040, 0x158000: 0x80000000, 0x168000: 0x80001040, 0x178000: 0x40, 0x188000: 0x80000040, 0x198000: 0x1000, 0x1a8000: 0x80001000, 0x1b8000: 0x80400040, 0x1c8000: 0x1040, 0x1d8000: 0x80401000, 0x1e8000: 0x400000, 0x1f8000: 0x401040 }, { 0x0: 0x80, 0x1000: 0x1040000, 0x2000: 0x40000, 0x3000: 0x20000000, 0x4000: 0x20040080, 0x5000: 0x1000080, 0x6000: 0x21000080, 0x7000: 0x40080, 0x8000: 0x1000000, 0x9000: 0x20040000, 0xa000: 0x20000080, 0xb000: 0x21040080, 0xc000: 0x21040000, 0xd000: 0x0, 0xe000: 0x1040080, 0xf000: 0x21000000, 0x800: 0x1040080, 0x1800: 0x21000080, 0x2800: 0x80, 0x3800: 0x1040000, 0x4800: 0x40000, 0x5800: 0x20040080, 0x6800: 0x21040000, 0x7800: 0x20000000, 0x8800: 0x20040000, 0x9800: 0x0, 0xa800: 0x21040080, 0xb800: 0x1000080, 0xc800: 0x20000080, 0xd800: 0x21000000, 0xe800: 0x1000000, 0xf800: 0x40080, 0x10000: 0x40000, 0x11000: 0x80, 0x12000: 0x20000000, 0x13000: 0x21000080, 0x14000: 0x1000080, 0x15000: 0x21040000, 0x16000: 0x20040080, 0x17000: 0x1000000, 0x18000: 0x21040080, 0x19000: 0x21000000, 0x1a000: 0x1040000, 0x1b000: 0x20040000, 0x1c000: 0x40080, 0x1d000: 0x20000080, 0x1e000: 0x0, 0x1f000: 0x1040080, 0x10800: 0x21000080, 0x11800: 0x1000000, 0x12800: 0x1040000, 0x13800: 0x20040080, 0x14800: 0x20000000, 0x15800: 0x1040080, 0x16800: 0x80, 0x17800: 0x21040000, 0x18800: 0x40080, 0x19800: 0x21040080, 0x1a800: 0x0, 0x1b800: 0x21000000, 0x1c800: 0x1000080, 0x1d800: 0x40000, 0x1e800: 0x20040000, 0x1f800: 0x20000080 }, { 0x0: 0x10000008, 0x100: 0x2000, 0x200: 0x10200000, 0x300: 0x10202008, 0x400: 0x10002000, 0x500: 0x200000, 0x600: 0x200008, 0x700: 0x10000000, 0x800: 0x0, 0x900: 0x10002008, 0xa00: 0x202000, 0xb00: 0x8, 0xc00: 0x10200008, 0xd00: 0x202008, 0xe00: 0x2008, 0xf00: 0x10202000, 0x80: 0x10200000, 0x180: 0x10202008, 0x280: 0x8, 0x380: 0x200000, 0x480: 0x202008, 0x580: 0x10000008, 0x680: 0x10002000, 0x780: 0x2008, 0x880: 0x200008, 0x980: 0x2000, 0xa80: 0x10002008, 0xb80: 0x10200008, 0xc80: 0x0, 0xd80: 0x10202000, 0xe80: 0x202000, 0xf80: 0x10000000, 0x1000: 0x10002000, 0x1100: 0x10200008, 0x1200: 0x10202008, 0x1300: 0x2008, 0x1400: 0x200000, 0x1500: 0x10000000, 0x1600: 0x10000008, 0x1700: 0x202000, 0x1800: 0x202008, 0x1900: 0x0, 0x1a00: 0x8, 0x1b00: 0x10200000, 0x1c00: 0x2000, 0x1d00: 0x10002008, 0x1e00: 0x10202000, 0x1f00: 0x200008, 0x1080: 0x8, 0x1180: 0x202000, 0x1280: 0x200000, 0x1380: 0x10000008, 0x1480: 0x10002000, 0x1580: 0x2008, 0x1680: 0x10202008, 0x1780: 0x10200000, 0x1880: 0x10202000, 0x1980: 0x10200008, 0x1a80: 0x2000, 0x1b80: 0x202008, 0x1c80: 0x200008, 0x1d80: 0x0, 0x1e80: 0x10000000, 0x1f80: 0x10002008 }, { 0x0: 0x100000, 0x10: 0x2000401, 0x20: 0x400, 0x30: 0x100401, 0x40: 0x2100401, 0x50: 0x0, 0x60: 0x1, 0x70: 0x2100001, 0x80: 0x2000400, 0x90: 0x100001, 0xa0: 0x2000001, 0xb0: 0x2100400, 0xc0: 0x2100000, 0xd0: 0x401, 0xe0: 0x100400, 0xf0: 0x2000000, 0x8: 0x2100001, 0x18: 0x0, 0x28: 0x2000401, 0x38: 0x2100400, 0x48: 0x100000, 0x58: 0x2000001, 0x68: 0x2000000, 0x78: 0x401, 0x88: 0x100401, 0x98: 0x2000400, 0xa8: 0x2100000, 0xb8: 0x100001, 0xc8: 0x400, 0xd8: 0x2100401, 0xe8: 0x1, 0xf8: 0x100400, 0x100: 0x2000000, 0x110: 0x100000, 0x120: 0x2000401, 0x130: 0x2100001, 0x140: 0x100001, 0x150: 0x2000400, 0x160: 0x2100400, 0x170: 0x100401, 0x180: 0x401, 0x190: 0x2100401, 0x1a0: 0x100400, 0x1b0: 0x1, 0x1c0: 0x0, 0x1d0: 0x2100000, 0x1e0: 0x2000001, 0x1f0: 0x400, 0x108: 0x100400, 0x118: 0x2000401, 0x128: 0x2100001, 0x138: 0x1, 0x148: 0x2000000, 0x158: 0x100000, 0x168: 0x401, 0x178: 0x2100400, 0x188: 0x2000001, 0x198: 0x2100000, 0x1a8: 0x0, 0x1b8: 0x2100401, 0x1c8: 0x100401, 0x1d8: 0x400, 0x1e8: 0x2000400, 0x1f8: 0x100001 }, { 0x0: 0x8000820, 0x1: 0x20000, 0x2: 0x8000000, 0x3: 0x20, 0x4: 0x20020, 0x5: 0x8020820, 0x6: 0x8020800, 0x7: 0x800, 0x8: 0x8020000, 0x9: 0x8000800, 0xa: 0x20800, 0xb: 0x8020020, 0xc: 0x820, 0xd: 0x0, 0xe: 0x8000020, 0xf: 0x20820, 0x80000000: 0x800, 0x80000001: 0x8020820, 0x80000002: 0x8000820, 0x80000003: 0x8000000, 0x80000004: 0x8020000, 0x80000005: 0x20800, 0x80000006: 0x20820, 0x80000007: 0x20, 0x80000008: 0x8000020, 0x80000009: 0x820, 0x8000000a: 0x20020, 0x8000000b: 0x8020800, 0x8000000c: 0x0, 0x8000000d: 0x8020020, 0x8000000e: 0x8000800, 0x8000000f: 0x20000, 0x10: 0x20820, 0x11: 0x8020800, 0x12: 0x20, 0x13: 0x800, 0x14: 0x8000800, 0x15: 0x8000020, 0x16: 0x8020020, 0x17: 0x20000, 0x18: 0x0, 0x19: 0x20020, 0x1a: 0x8020000, 0x1b: 0x8000820, 0x1c: 0x8020820, 0x1d: 0x20800, 0x1e: 0x820, 0x1f: 0x8000000, 0x80000010: 0x20000, 0x80000011: 0x800, 0x80000012: 0x8020020, 0x80000013: 0x20820, 0x80000014: 0x20, 0x80000015: 0x8020000, 0x80000016: 0x8000000, 0x80000017: 0x8000820, 0x80000018: 0x8020820, 0x80000019: 0x8000020, 0x8000001a: 0x8000800, 0x8000001b: 0x0, 0x8000001c: 0x20800, 0x8000001d: 0x820, 0x8000001e: 0x20020, 0x8000001f: 0x8020800 } ]; // Masks that select the SBOX input var SBOX_MASK = [ 0xf8000001, 0x1f800000, 0x01f80000, 0x001f8000, 0x0001f800, 0x00001f80, 0x000001f8, 0x8000001f ]; /** * DES block cipher algorithm. */ var DES = C_algo.DES = BlockCipher.extend({ _doReset: function () { // Shortcuts var key = this._key; var keyWords = key.words; // Select 56 bits according to PC1 var keyBits = []; for (var i = 0; i < 56; i++) { var keyBitPos = PC1[i] - 1; keyBits[i] = (keyWords[keyBitPos >>> 5] >>> (31 - keyBitPos % 32)) & 1; } // Assemble 16 subkeys var subKeys = this._subKeys = []; for (var nSubKey = 0; nSubKey < 16; nSubKey++) { // Create subkey var subKey = subKeys[nSubKey] = []; // Shortcut var bitShift = BIT_SHIFTS[nSubKey]; // Select 48 bits according to PC2 for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) { // Select from the left 28 key bits subKey[(i / 6) | 0] |= keyBits[((PC2[i] - 1) + bitShift) % 28] << (31 - i % 6); // Select from the right 28 key bits subKey[4 + ((i / 6) | 0)] |= keyBits[28 + (((PC2[i + 24] - 1) + bitShift) % 28)] << (31 - i % 6); } // Since each subkey is applied to an expanded 32-bit input, // the subkey can be broken into 8 values scaled to 32-bits, // which allows the key to be used without expansion subKey[0] = (subKey[0] << 1) | (subKey[0] >>> 31); for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) { subKey[i] = subKey[i] >>> ((i - 1) * 4 + 3); } subKey[7] = (subKey[7] << 5) | (subKey[7] >>> 27); } // Compute inverse subkeys var invSubKeys = this._invSubKeys = []; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { invSubKeys[i] = subKeys[15 - i]; } }, encryptBlock: function (M, offset) { this._doCryptBlock(M, offset, this._subKeys); }, decryptBlock: function (M, offset) { this._doCryptBlock(M, offset, this._invSubKeys); }, _doCryptBlock: function (M, offset, subKeys) { // Get input this._lBlock = M[offset]; this._rBlock = M[offset + 1]; // Initial permutation, 4, 0x0f0f0f0f);, 16, 0x0000ffff);, 2, 0x33333333);, 8, 0x00ff00ff);, 1, 0x55555555); // Rounds for (var round = 0; round < 16; round++) { // Shortcuts var subKey = subKeys[round]; var lBlock = this._lBlock; var rBlock = this._rBlock; // Feistel function var f = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { f |= SBOX_P[i][((rBlock ^ subKey[i]) & SBOX_MASK[i]) >>> 0]; } this._lBlock = rBlock; this._rBlock = lBlock ^ f; } // Undo swap from last round var t = this._lBlock; this._lBlock = this._rBlock; this._rBlock = t; // Final permutation, 1, 0x55555555);, 8, 0x00ff00ff);, 2, 0x33333333);, 16, 0x0000ffff);, 4, 0x0f0f0f0f); // Set output M[offset] = this._lBlock; M[offset + 1] = this._rBlock; }, keySize: 64/32, ivSize: 64/32, blockSize: 64/32 }); // Swap bits across the left and right words function exchangeLR(offset, mask) { var t = ((this._lBlock >>> offset) ^ this._rBlock) & mask; this._rBlock ^= t; this._lBlock ^= t << offset; } function exchangeRL(offset, mask) { var t = ((this._rBlock >>> offset) ^ this._lBlock) & mask; this._lBlock ^= t; this._rBlock ^= t << offset; } /** * Shortcut functions to the cipher's object interface. * * @example * * var ciphertext = CryptoJS.DES.encrypt(message, key, cfg); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.DES.decrypt(ciphertext, key, cfg); */ C.DES = BlockCipher._createHelper(DES); /** * Triple-DES block cipher algorithm. */ var TripleDES = C_algo.TripleDES = BlockCipher.extend({ _doReset: function () { // Shortcuts var key = this._key; var keyWords = key.words; // Create DES instances this._des1 = DES.createEncryptor(WordArray.create(keyWords.slice(0, 2))); this._des2 = DES.createEncryptor(WordArray.create(keyWords.slice(2, 4))); this._des3 = DES.createEncryptor(WordArray.create(keyWords.slice(4, 6))); }, encryptBlock: function (M, offset) { this._des1.encryptBlock(M, offset); this._des2.decryptBlock(M, offset); this._des3.encryptBlock(M, offset); }, decryptBlock: function (M, offset) { this._des3.decryptBlock(M, offset); this._des2.encryptBlock(M, offset); this._des1.decryptBlock(M, offset); }, keySize: 192/32, ivSize: 64/32, blockSize: 64/32 }); /** * Shortcut functions to the cipher's object interface. * * @example * * var ciphertext = CryptoJS.TripleDES.encrypt(message, key, cfg); * var plaintext = CryptoJS.TripleDES.decrypt(ciphertext, key, cfg); */ C.TripleDES = BlockCipher._createHelper(TripleDES); }()); return CryptoJS.TripleDES; })); },{"./cipher-core":43,"./core":44,"./enc-base64":45,"./evpkdf":47,"./md5":52}],75:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ ;(function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = exports = factory(_dereq_("./core")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD define(["./core"], factory); } else { // Global (browser) factory(root.CryptoJS); } }(this, function (CryptoJS) { (function (undefined) { // Shortcuts var C = CryptoJS; var C_lib = C.lib; var Base = C_lib.Base; var X32WordArray = C_lib.WordArray; /** * x64 namespace. */ var C_x64 = C.x64 = {}; /** * A 64-bit word. */ var X64Word = C_x64.Word = Base.extend({ /** * Initializes a newly created 64-bit word. * * @param {number} high The high 32 bits. * @param {number} low The low 32 bits. * * @example * * var x64Word = CryptoJS.x64.Word.create(0x00010203, 0x04050607); */ init: function (high, low) { this.high = high; this.low = low; } /** * Bitwise NOTs this word. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after negating. * * @example * * var negated = x64Word.not(); */ // not: function () { // var high = ~this.high; // var low = ~this.low; // return X64Word.create(high, low); // }, /** * Bitwise ANDs this word with the passed word. * * @param {X64Word} word The x64-Word to AND with this word. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after ANDing. * * @example * * var anded = x64Word.and(anotherX64Word); */ // and: function (word) { // var high = this.high & word.high; // var low = this.low & word.low; // return X64Word.create(high, low); // }, /** * Bitwise ORs this word with the passed word. * * @param {X64Word} word The x64-Word to OR with this word. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after ORing. * * @example * * var ored = x64Word.or(anotherX64Word); */ // or: function (word) { // var high = this.high | word.high; // var low = this.low | word.low; // return X64Word.create(high, low); // }, /** * Bitwise XORs this word with the passed word. * * @param {X64Word} word The x64-Word to XOR with this word. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after XORing. * * @example * * var xored = x64Word.xor(anotherX64Word); */ // xor: function (word) { // var high = this.high ^ word.high; // var low = this.low ^ word.low; // return X64Word.create(high, low); // }, /** * Shifts this word n bits to the left. * * @param {number} n The number of bits to shift. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after shifting. * * @example * * var shifted = x64Word.shiftL(25); */ // shiftL: function (n) { // if (n < 32) { // var high = (this.high << n) | (this.low >>> (32 - n)); // var low = this.low << n; // } else { // var high = this.low << (n - 32); // var low = 0; // } // return X64Word.create(high, low); // }, /** * Shifts this word n bits to the right. * * @param {number} n The number of bits to shift. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after shifting. * * @example * * var shifted = x64Word.shiftR(7); */ // shiftR: function (n) { // if (n < 32) { // var low = (this.low >>> n) | (this.high << (32 - n)); // var high = this.high >>> n; // } else { // var low = this.high >>> (n - 32); // var high = 0; // } // return X64Word.create(high, low); // }, /** * Rotates this word n bits to the left. * * @param {number} n The number of bits to rotate. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after rotating. * * @example * * var rotated = x64Word.rotL(25); */ // rotL: function (n) { // return this.shiftL(n).or(this.shiftR(64 - n)); // }, /** * Rotates this word n bits to the right. * * @param {number} n The number of bits to rotate. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after rotating. * * @example * * var rotated = x64Word.rotR(7); */ // rotR: function (n) { // return this.shiftR(n).or(this.shiftL(64 - n)); // }, /** * Adds this word with the passed word. * * @param {X64Word} word The x64-Word to add with this word. * * @return {X64Word} A new x64-Word object after adding. * * @example * * var added = x64Word.add(anotherX64Word); */ // add: function (word) { // var low = (this.low + word.low) | 0; // var carry = (low >>> 0) < (this.low >>> 0) ? 1 : 0; // var high = (this.high + word.high + carry) | 0; // return X64Word.create(high, low); // } }); /** * An array of 64-bit words. * * @property {Array} words The array of CryptoJS.x64.Word objects. * @property {number} sigBytes The number of significant bytes in this word array. */ var X64WordArray = C_x64.WordArray = Base.extend({ /** * Initializes a newly created word array. * * @param {Array} words (Optional) An array of CryptoJS.x64.Word objects. * @param {number} sigBytes (Optional) The number of significant bytes in the words. * * @example * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.x64.WordArray.create(); * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.x64.WordArray.create([ * CryptoJS.x64.Word.create(0x00010203, 0x04050607), * CryptoJS.x64.Word.create(0x18191a1b, 0x1c1d1e1f) * ]); * * var wordArray = CryptoJS.x64.WordArray.create([ * CryptoJS.x64.Word.create(0x00010203, 0x04050607), * CryptoJS.x64.Word.create(0x18191a1b, 0x1c1d1e1f) * ], 10); */ init: function (words, sigBytes) { words = this.words = words || []; if (sigBytes != undefined) { this.sigBytes = sigBytes; } else { this.sigBytes = words.length * 8; } }, /** * Converts this 64-bit word array to a 32-bit word array. * * @return {CryptoJS.lib.WordArray} This word array's data as a 32-bit word array. * * @example * * var x32WordArray = x64WordArray.toX32(); */ toX32: function () { // Shortcuts var x64Words = this.words; var x64WordsLength = x64Words.length; // Convert var x32Words = []; for (var i = 0; i < x64WordsLength; i++) { var x64Word = x64Words[i]; x32Words.push(x64Word.high); x32Words.push(x64Word.low); } return X32WordArray.create(x32Words, this.sigBytes); }, /** * Creates a copy of this word array. * * @return {X64WordArray} The clone. * * @example * * var clone = x64WordArray.clone(); */ clone: function () { var clone =; // Clone "words" array var words = clone.words = this.words.slice(0); // Clone each X64Word object var wordsLength = words.length; for (var i = 0; i < wordsLength; i++) { words[i] = words[i].clone(); } return clone; } }); }()); return CryptoJS; })); },{"./core":44}],76:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; var queue = []; var draining = false; var currentQueue; var queueIndex = -1; function cleanUpNextTick() { draining = false; if (currentQueue.length) { queue = currentQueue.concat(queue); } else { queueIndex = -1; } if (queue.length) { drainQueue(); } } function drainQueue() { if (draining) { return; } var timeout = setTimeout(cleanUpNextTick); draining = true; var len = queue.length; while(len) { currentQueue = queue; queue = []; while (++queueIndex < len) { if (currentQueue) { currentQueue[queueIndex].run(); } } queueIndex = -1; len = queue.length; } currentQueue = null; draining = false; clearTimeout(timeout); } process.nextTick = function (fun) { var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } } queue.push(new Item(fun, args)); if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) { setTimeout(drainQueue, 0); } }; // v8 likes predictible objects function Item(fun, array) { = fun; this.array = array; } = function () {, this.array); }; process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues process.versions = {}; function noop() {} process.on = noop; process.addListener = noop; process.once = noop; = noop; process.removeListener = noop; process.removeAllListeners = noop; process.emit = noop; process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); }; process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; process.umask = function() { return 0; }; },{}],77:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ (function (process,global){ /*! localForage -- Offline Storage, Improved Version 1.3.0 (c) 2013-2015 Mozilla, Apache License 2.0 */ (function() { var define, requireModule, _dereq_, requirejs; (function() { var registry = {}, seen = {}; define = function(name, deps, callback) { registry[name] = { deps: deps, callback: callback }; }; requirejs = _dereq_ = requireModule = function(name) { requirejs._eak_seen = registry; if (seen[name]) { return seen[name]; } seen[name] = {}; if (!registry[name]) { throw new Error("Could not find module " + name); } var mod = registry[name], deps = mod.deps, callback = mod.callback, reified = [], exports; for (var i=0, l=deps.length; i<l; i++) { if (deps[i] === 'exports') { reified.push(exports = {}); } else { reified.push(requireModule(resolve(deps[i]))); } } var value = callback.apply(this, reified); return seen[name] = exports || value; function resolve(child) { if (child.charAt(0) !== '.') { return child; } var parts = child.split("/"); var parentBase = name.split("/").slice(0, -1); for (var i=0, l=parts.length; i<l; i++) { var part = parts[i]; if (part === '..') { parentBase.pop(); } else if (part === '.') { continue; } else { parentBase.push(part); } } return parentBase.join("/"); } }; })(); define("promise/all", ["./utils","exports"], function(__dependency1__, __exports__) { "use strict"; /* global toString */ var isArray = __dependency1__.isArray; var isFunction = __dependency1__.isFunction; /** Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The return promise is fulfilled with an array that gives all the values in the order they were passed in the `promises` array argument. Example: ```javascript var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2); var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3); var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; RSVP.all(promises).then(function(array){ // The array here would be [ 1, 2, 3 ]; }); ``` If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.all` are rejected, the first promise that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's rejection handler. For example: Example: ```javascript var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error("2")); var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error("3")); var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; RSVP.all(promises).then(function(array){ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises! }, function(error) { // error.message === "2" }); ``` @method all @for RSVP @param {Array} promises @param {String} label @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all `promises` have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. */ function all(promises) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Promise = this; if (!isArray(promises)) { throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to all.'); } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var results = [], remaining = promises.length, promise; if (remaining === 0) { resolve([]); } function resolver(index) { return function(value) { resolveAll(index, value); }; } function resolveAll(index, value) { results[index] = value; if (--remaining === 0) { resolve(results); } } for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) { promise = promises[i]; if (promise && isFunction(promise.then)) { promise.then(resolver(i), reject); } else { resolveAll(i, promise); } } }); } __exports__.all = all; }); define("promise/asap", ["exports"], function(__exports__) { "use strict"; var browserGlobal = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : {}; var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver; var local = (typeof global !== 'undefined') ? global : (this === undefined? window:this); // node function useNextTick() { return function() { process.nextTick(flush); }; } function useMutationObserver() { var iterations = 0; var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush); var node = document.createTextNode(''); observer.observe(node, { characterData: true }); return function() { = (iterations = ++iterations % 2); }; } function useSetTimeout() { return function() { local.setTimeout(flush, 1); }; } var queue = []; function flush() { for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { var tuple = queue[i]; var callback = tuple[0], arg = tuple[1]; callback(arg); } queue = []; } var scheduleFlush; // Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks: if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]') { scheduleFlush = useNextTick(); } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) { scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver(); } else { scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout(); } function asap(callback, arg) { var length = queue.push([callback, arg]); if (length === 1) { // If length is 1, that means that we need to schedule an async flush. // If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they // will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling. scheduleFlush(); } } __exports__.asap = asap; }); define("promise/config", ["exports"], function(__exports__) { "use strict"; var config = { instrument: false }; function configure(name, value) { if (arguments.length === 2) { config[name] = value; } else { return config[name]; } } __exports__.config = config; __exports__.configure = configure; }); define("promise/polyfill", ["./promise","./utils","exports"], function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) { "use strict"; /*global self*/ var RSVPPromise = __dependency1__.Promise; var isFunction = __dependency2__.isFunction; function polyfill() { var local; if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { local = global; } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document) { local = window; } else { local = self; } var es6PromiseSupport = "Promise" in local && // Some of these methods are missing from // Firefox/Chrome experimental implementations "resolve" in local.Promise && "reject" in local.Promise && "all" in local.Promise && "race" in local.Promise && // Older version of the spec had a resolver object // as the arg rather than a function (function() { var resolve; new local.Promise(function(r) { resolve = r; }); return isFunction(resolve); }()); if (!es6PromiseSupport) { local.Promise = RSVPPromise; } } __exports__.polyfill = polyfill; }); define("promise/promise", ["./config","./utils","./all","./race","./resolve","./reject","./asap","exports"], function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) { "use strict"; var config = __dependency1__.config; var configure = __dependency1__.configure; var objectOrFunction = __dependency2__.objectOrFunction; var isFunction = __dependency2__.isFunction; var now =; var all = __dependency3__.all; var race = __dependency4__.race; var staticResolve = __dependency5__.resolve; var staticReject = __dependency6__.reject; var asap = __dependency7__.asap; var counter = 0; config.async = asap; // default async is asap; function Promise(resolver) { if (!isFunction(resolver)) { throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor'); } if (!(this instanceof Promise)) { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function."); } this._subscribers = []; invokeResolver(resolver, this); } function invokeResolver(resolver, promise) { function resolvePromise(value) { resolve(promise, value); } function rejectPromise(reason) { reject(promise, reason); } try { resolver(resolvePromise, rejectPromise); } catch(e) { rejectPromise(e); } } function invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) { var hasCallback = isFunction(callback), value, error, succeeded, failed; if (hasCallback) { try { value = callback(detail); succeeded = true; } catch(e) { failed = true; error = e; } } else { value = detail; succeeded = true; } if (handleThenable(promise, value)) { return; } else if (hasCallback && succeeded) { resolve(promise, value); } else if (failed) { reject(promise, error); } else if (settled === FULFILLED) { resolve(promise, value); } else if (settled === REJECTED) { reject(promise, value); } } var PENDING = void 0; var SEALED = 0; var FULFILLED = 1; var REJECTED = 2; function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) { var subscribers = parent._subscribers; var length = subscribers.length; subscribers[length] = child; subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment; subscribers[length + REJECTED] = onRejection; } function publish(promise, settled) { var child, callback, subscribers = promise._subscribers, detail = promise._detail; for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) { child = subscribers[i]; callback = subscribers[i + settled]; invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail); } promise._subscribers = null; } Promise.prototype = { constructor: Promise, _state: undefined, _detail: undefined, _subscribers: undefined, then: function(onFulfillment, onRejection) { var promise = this; var thenPromise = new this.constructor(function() {}); if (this._state) { var callbacks = arguments; config.async(function invokePromiseCallback() { invokeCallback(promise._state, thenPromise, callbacks[promise._state - 1], promise._detail); }); } else { subscribe(this, thenPromise, onFulfillment, onRejection); } return thenPromise; }, 'catch': function(onRejection) { return this.then(null, onRejection); } }; Promise.all = all; Promise.race = race; Promise.resolve = staticResolve; Promise.reject = staticReject; function handleThenable(promise, value) { var then = null, resolved; try { if (promise === value) { throw new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise."); } if (objectOrFunction(value)) { then = value.then; if (isFunction(then)) {, function(val) { if (resolved) { return true; } resolved = true; if (value !== val) { resolve(promise, val); } else { fulfill(promise, val); } }, function(val) { if (resolved) { return true; } resolved = true; reject(promise, val); }); return true; } } } catch (error) { if (resolved) { return true; } reject(promise, error); return true; } return false; } function resolve(promise, value) { if (promise === value) { fulfill(promise, value); } else if (!handleThenable(promise, value)) { fulfill(promise, value); } } function fulfill(promise, value) { if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; } promise._state = SEALED; promise._detail = value; config.async(publishFulfillment, promise); } function reject(promise, reason) { if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; } promise._state = SEALED; promise._detail = reason; config.async(publishRejection, promise); } function publishFulfillment(promise) { publish(promise, promise._state = FULFILLED); } function publishRejection(promise) { publish(promise, promise._state = REJECTED); } __exports__.Promise = Promise; }); define("promise/race", ["./utils","exports"], function(__dependency1__, __exports__) { "use strict"; /* global toString */ var isArray = __dependency1__.isArray; /** `RSVP.race` allows you to watch a series of promises and act as soon as the first promise given to the `promises` argument fulfills or rejects. Example: ```javascript var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve("promise 1"); }, 200); }); var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve("promise 2"); }, 100); }); RSVP.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){ // result === "promise 2" because it was resolved before promise1 // was resolved. }); ``` `RSVP.race` is deterministic in that only the state of the first completed promise matters. For example, even if other promises given to the `promises` array argument are resolved, but the first completed promise has become rejected before the other promises became fulfilled, the returned promise will become rejected: ```javascript var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve("promise 1"); }, 200); }); var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ reject(new Error("promise 2")); }, 100); }); RSVP.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises! }, function(reason){ // reason.message === "promise2" because promise 2 became rejected before // promise 1 became fulfilled }); ``` @method race @for RSVP @param {Array} promises array of promises to observe @param {String} label optional string for describing the promise returned. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise that becomes fulfilled with the value the first completed promises is resolved with if the first completed promise was fulfilled, or rejected with the reason that the first completed promise was rejected with. */ function race(promises) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Promise = this; if (!isArray(promises)) { throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.'); } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var results = [], promise; for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) { promise = promises[i]; if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') { promise.then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(promise); } } }); } __exports__.race = race; }); define("promise/reject", ["exports"], function(__exports__) { "use strict"; /** `RSVP.reject` returns a promise that will become rejected with the passed `reason`. `RSVP.reject` is essentially shorthand for the following: ```javascript var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ reject(new Error('WHOOPS')); }); promise.then(function(value){ // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected! }, function(reason){ // reason.message === 'WHOOPS' }); ``` Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following: ```javascript var promise = RSVP.reject(new Error('WHOOPS')); promise.then(function(value){ // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected! }, function(reason){ // reason.message === 'WHOOPS' }); ``` @method reject @for RSVP @param {Any} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with. @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise that will become rejected with the given `reason`. */ function reject(reason) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Promise = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { reject(reason); }); } __exports__.reject = reject; }); define("promise/resolve", ["exports"], function(__exports__) { "use strict"; function resolve(value) { /*jshint validthis:true */ if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === this) { return value; } var Promise = this; return new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } __exports__.resolve = resolve; }); define("promise/utils", ["exports"], function(__exports__) { "use strict"; function objectOrFunction(x) { return isFunction(x) || (typeof x === "object" && x !== null); } function isFunction(x) { return typeof x === "function"; } function isArray(x) { return === "[object Array]"; } // is not available in browsers < IE9 // var now = || function() { return new Date().getTime(); }; __exports__.objectOrFunction = objectOrFunction; __exports__.isFunction = isFunction; __exports__.isArray = isArray; = now; }); requireModule('promise/polyfill').polyfill(); }());(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["localforage"] = factory(); else root["localforage"] = factory(); })(this, function() { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } } (function () { 'use strict'; // Custom drivers are stored here when `defineDriver()` is called. // They are shared across all instances of localForage. var CustomDrivers = {}; var DriverType = { INDEXEDDB: 'asyncStorage', LOCALSTORAGE: 'localStorageWrapper', WEBSQL: 'webSQLStorage' }; var DefaultDriverOrder = [DriverType.INDEXEDDB, DriverType.WEBSQL, DriverType.LOCALSTORAGE]; var LibraryMethods = ['clear', 'getItem', 'iterate', 'key', 'keys', 'length', 'removeItem', 'setItem']; var DefaultConfig = { description: '', driver: DefaultDriverOrder.slice(), name: 'localforage', // Default DB size is _JUST UNDER_ 5MB, as it's the highest size // we can use without a prompt. size: 4980736, storeName: 'keyvaluepairs', version: 1.0 }; // Check to see if IndexedDB is available and if it is the latest // implementation; it's our preferred backend library. We use "_spec_test" // as the name of the database because it's not the one we'll operate on, // but it's useful to make sure its using the right spec. // See: var driverSupport = (function (self) { // Initialize IndexedDB; fall back to vendor-prefixed versions // if needed. var indexedDB = indexedDB || self.indexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.OIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB; var result = {}; result[DriverType.WEBSQL] = !!self.openDatabase; result[DriverType.INDEXEDDB] = !!(function () { // We mimic PouchDB here; just UA test for Safari (which, as of // iOS 8/Yosemite, doesn't properly support IndexedDB). // IndexedDB support is broken and different from Blink's. // This is faster than the test case (and it's sync), so we just // do this. *SIGH* // // // We test for openDatabase because IE Mobile identifies itself // as Safari. Oh the lulz... if (typeof self.openDatabase !== 'undefined' && self.navigator && self.navigator.userAgent && /Safari/.test(self.navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(self.navigator.userAgent)) { return false; } try { return indexedDB && typeof === 'function' && // Some Samsung/HTC Android 4.0-4.3 devices // have older IndexedDB specs; if this isn't available // their IndexedDB is too old for us to use. // (Replaces the onupgradeneeded test.) typeof self.IDBKeyRange !== 'undefined'; } catch (e) { return false; } })(); result[DriverType.LOCALSTORAGE] = !!(function () { try { return self.localStorage && 'setItem' in self.localStorage && self.localStorage.setItem; } catch (e) { return false; } })(); return result; })(this); var isArray = Array.isArray || function (arg) { return === '[object Array]'; }; function callWhenReady(localForageInstance, libraryMethod) { localForageInstance[libraryMethod] = function () { var _args = arguments; return localForageInstance.ready().then(function () { return localForageInstance[libraryMethod].apply(localForageInstance, _args); }); }; } function extend() { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var arg = arguments[i]; if (arg) { for (var key in arg) { if (arg.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (isArray(arg[key])) { arguments[0][key] = arg[key].slice(); } else { arguments[0][key] = arg[key]; } } } } } return arguments[0]; } function isLibraryDriver(driverName) { for (var driver in DriverType) { if (DriverType.hasOwnProperty(driver) && DriverType[driver] === driverName) { return true; } } return false; } var LocalForage = (function () { function LocalForage(options) { _classCallCheck(this, LocalForage); this.INDEXEDDB = DriverType.INDEXEDDB; this.LOCALSTORAGE = DriverType.LOCALSTORAGE; this.WEBSQL = DriverType.WEBSQL; this._defaultConfig = extend({}, DefaultConfig); this._config = extend({}, this._defaultConfig, options); this._driverSet = null; this._initDriver = null; this._ready = false; this._dbInfo = null; this._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady(); this.setDriver(this._config.driver); } // The actual localForage object that we expose as a module or via a // global. It's extended by pulling in one of our other libraries. // Set any config values for localForage; can be called anytime before // the first API call (e.g. `getItem`, `setItem`). // We loop through options so we don't overwrite existing config // values. LocalForage.prototype.config = function config(options) { // If the options argument is an object, we use it to set values. // Otherwise, we return either a specified config value or all // config values. if (typeof options === 'object') { // If localforage is ready and fully initialized, we can't set // any new configuration values. Instead, we return an error. if (this._ready) { return new Error("Can't call config() after localforage " + 'has been used.'); } for (var i in options) { if (i === 'storeName') { options[i] = options[i].replace(/\W/g, '_'); } this._config[i] = options[i]; } // after all config options are set and // the driver option is used, try setting it if ('driver' in options && options.driver) { this.setDriver(this._config.driver); } return true; } else if (typeof options === 'string') { return this._config[options]; } else { return this._config; } }; // Used to define a custom driver, shared across all instances of // localForage. LocalForage.prototype.defineDriver = function defineDriver(driverObject, callback, errorCallback) { var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { try { var driverName = driverObject._driver; var complianceError = new Error('Custom driver not compliant; see ' + ''); var namingError = new Error('Custom driver name already in use: ' + driverObject._driver); // A driver name should be defined and not overlap with the // library-defined, default drivers. if (!driverObject._driver) { reject(complianceError); return; } if (isLibraryDriver(driverObject._driver)) { reject(namingError); return; } var customDriverMethods = LibraryMethods.concat('_initStorage'); for (var i = 0; i < customDriverMethods.length; i++) { var customDriverMethod = customDriverMethods[i]; if (!customDriverMethod || !driverObject[customDriverMethod] || typeof driverObject[customDriverMethod] !== 'function') { reject(complianceError); return; } } var supportPromise = Promise.resolve(true); if ('_support' in driverObject) { if (driverObject._support && typeof driverObject._support === 'function') { supportPromise = driverObject._support(); } else { supportPromise = Promise.resolve(!!driverObject._support); } } supportPromise.then(function (supportResult) { driverSupport[driverName] = supportResult; CustomDrivers[driverName] = driverObject; resolve(); }, reject); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); promise.then(callback, errorCallback); return promise; }; LocalForage.prototype.driver = function driver() { return this._driver || null; }; LocalForage.prototype.getDriver = function getDriver(driverName, callback, errorCallback) { var self = this; var getDriverPromise = (function () { if (isLibraryDriver(driverName)) { switch (driverName) { case self.INDEXEDDB: return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve(__webpack_require__(1)); }); case self.LOCALSTORAGE: return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve(__webpack_require__(2)); }); case self.WEBSQL: return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve(__webpack_require__(4)); }); } } else if (CustomDrivers[driverName]) { return Promise.resolve(CustomDrivers[driverName]); } return Promise.reject(new Error('Driver not found.')); })(); getDriverPromise.then(callback, errorCallback); return getDriverPromise; }; LocalForage.prototype.getSerializer = function getSerializer(callback) { var serializerPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve(__webpack_require__(3)); }); if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') { serializerPromise.then(function (result) { callback(result); }); } return serializerPromise; }; LocalForage.prototype.ready = function ready(callback) { var self = this; var promise = self._driverSet.then(function () { if (self._ready === null) { self._ready = self._initDriver(); } return self._ready; }); promise.then(callback, callback); return promise; }; LocalForage.prototype.setDriver = function setDriver(drivers, callback, errorCallback) { var self = this; if (!isArray(drivers)) { drivers = [drivers]; } var supportedDrivers = this._getSupportedDrivers(drivers); function setDriverToConfig() { self._config.driver = self.driver(); } function initDriver(supportedDrivers) { return function () { var currentDriverIndex = 0; function driverPromiseLoop() { while (currentDriverIndex < supportedDrivers.length) { var driverName = supportedDrivers[currentDriverIndex]; currentDriverIndex++; self._dbInfo = null; self._ready = null; return self.getDriver(driverName).then(function (driver) { self._extend(driver); setDriverToConfig(); self._ready = self._initStorage(self._config); return self._ready; })['catch'](driverPromiseLoop); } setDriverToConfig(); var error = new Error('No available storage method found.'); self._driverSet = Promise.reject(error); return self._driverSet; } return driverPromiseLoop(); }; } // There might be a driver initialization in progress // so wait for it to finish in order to avoid a possible // race condition to set _dbInfo var oldDriverSetDone = this._driverSet !== null ? this._driverSet['catch'](function () { return Promise.resolve(); }) : Promise.resolve(); this._driverSet = oldDriverSetDone.then(function () { var driverName = supportedDrivers[0]; self._dbInfo = null; self._ready = null; return self.getDriver(driverName).then(function (driver) { self._driver = driver._driver; setDriverToConfig(); self._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady(); self._initDriver = initDriver(supportedDrivers); }); })['catch'](function () { setDriverToConfig(); var error = new Error('No available storage method found.'); self._driverSet = Promise.reject(error); return self._driverSet; }); this._driverSet.then(callback, errorCallback); return this._driverSet; }; LocalForage.prototype.supports = function supports(driverName) { return !!driverSupport[driverName]; }; LocalForage.prototype._extend = function _extend(libraryMethodsAndProperties) { extend(this, libraryMethodsAndProperties); }; LocalForage.prototype._getSupportedDrivers = function _getSupportedDrivers(drivers) { var supportedDrivers = []; for (var i = 0, len = drivers.length; i < len; i++) { var driverName = drivers[i]; if (this.supports(driverName)) { supportedDrivers.push(driverName); } } return supportedDrivers; }; LocalForage.prototype._wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady = function _wrapLibraryMethodsWithReady() { // Add a stub for each driver API method that delays the call to the // corresponding driver method until localForage is ready. These stubs // will be replaced by the driver methods as soon as the driver is // loaded, so there is no performance impact. for (var i = 0; i < LibraryMethods.length; i++) { callWhenReady(this, LibraryMethods[i]); } }; LocalForage.prototype.createInstance = function createInstance(options) { return new LocalForage(options); }; return LocalForage; })(); var localForage = new LocalForage(); exports['default'] = localForage; }).call(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : self); module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 1 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { // Some code originally from async_storage.js in // [Gaia]( 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; (function () { 'use strict'; var globalObject = this; // Initialize IndexedDB; fall back to vendor-prefixed versions if needed. var indexedDB = indexedDB || this.indexedDB || this.webkitIndexedDB || this.mozIndexedDB || this.OIndexedDB || this.msIndexedDB; // If IndexedDB isn't available, we get outta here! if (!indexedDB) { return; } var DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE = 'local-forage-detect-blob-support'; var supportsBlobs; var dbContexts; // Abstracts constructing a Blob object, so it also works in older // browsers that don't support the native Blob constructor. (i.e. // old QtWebKit versions, at least). function _createBlob(parts, properties) { parts = parts || []; properties = properties || {}; try { return new Blob(parts, properties); } catch (e) { if ( !== 'TypeError') { throw e; } var BlobBuilder = globalObject.BlobBuilder || globalObject.MSBlobBuilder || globalObject.MozBlobBuilder || globalObject.WebKitBlobBuilder; var builder = new BlobBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) { builder.append(parts[i]); } return builder.getBlob(properties.type); } } // Transform a binary string to an array buffer, because otherwise // weird stuff happens when you try to work with the binary string directly. // It is known. // From (continues on next line) // encode-decode-image-with-base64-breaks-image (2013-04-21) function _binStringToArrayBuffer(bin) { var length = bin.length; var buf = new ArrayBuffer(length); var arr = new Uint8Array(buf); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { arr[i] = bin.charCodeAt(i); } return buf; } // Fetch a blob using ajax. This reveals bugs in Chrome < 43. // For details on all this junk: // function _blobAjax(url) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState !== 4) { return; } if (xhr.status === 200) { return resolve({ response: xhr.response, type: xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') }); } reject({ status: xhr.status, response: xhr.response }); }; xhr.send(); }); } // // Detect blob support. Chrome didn't support it until version 38. // In version 37 they had a broken version where PNGs (and possibly // other binary types) aren't stored correctly, because when you fetch // them, the content type is always null. // // Furthermore, they have some outstanding bugs where blobs occasionally // are read by FileReader as null, or by ajax as 404s. // // Sadly we use the 404 bug to detect the FileReader bug, so if they // get fixed independently and released in different versions of Chrome, // then the bug could come back. So it's worthwhile to watch these issues: // 404 bug: // FileReader bug: // function _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var blob = _createBlob([''], { type: 'image/png' }); var txn = idb.transaction([DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE], 'readwrite'); txn.objectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE).put(blob, 'key'); txn.oncomplete = function () { // have to do it in a separate transaction, else the correct // content type is always returned var blobTxn = idb.transaction([DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE], 'readwrite'); var getBlobReq = blobTxn.objectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE).get('key'); getBlobReq.onerror = reject; getBlobReq.onsuccess = function (e) { var storedBlob =; var url = URL.createObjectURL(storedBlob); _blobAjax(url).then(function (res) { resolve(!!(res && res.type === 'image/png')); }, function () { resolve(false); }).then(function () { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }); }; }; })['catch'](function () { return false; // error, so assume unsupported }); } function _checkBlobSupport(idb) { if (typeof supportsBlobs === 'boolean') { return Promise.resolve(supportsBlobs); } return _checkBlobSupportWithoutCaching(idb).then(function (value) { supportsBlobs = value; return supportsBlobs; }); } // encode a blob for indexeddb engines that don't support blobs function _encodeBlob(blob) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onerror = reject; reader.onloadend = function (e) { var base64 = btoa( || ''); resolve({ __local_forage_encoded_blob: true, data: base64, type: blob.type }); }; reader.readAsBinaryString(blob); }); } // decode an encoded blob function _decodeBlob(encodedBlob) { var arrayBuff = _binStringToArrayBuffer(atob(; return _createBlob([arrayBuff], { type: encodedBlob.type }); } // is this one of our fancy encoded blobs? function _isEncodedBlob(value) { return value && value.__local_forage_encoded_blob; } // Open the IndexedDB database (automatically creates one if one didn't // previously exist), using any options set in the config. function _initStorage(options) { var self = this; var dbInfo = { db: null }; if (options) { for (var i in options) { dbInfo[i] = options[i]; } } // Initialize a singleton container for all running localForages. if (!dbContexts) { dbContexts = {}; } // Get the current context of the database; var dbContext = dbContexts[]; // ...or create a new context. if (!dbContext) { dbContext = { // Running localForages sharing a database. forages: [], // Shared database. db: null }; // Register the new context in the global container. dbContexts[] = dbContext; } // Register itself as a running localForage in the current context. dbContext.forages.push(this); // Create an array of readiness of the related localForages. var readyPromises = []; function ignoreErrors() { // Don't handle errors here, // just makes sure related localForages aren't pending. return Promise.resolve(); } for (var j = 0; j < dbContext.forages.length; j++) { var forage = dbContext.forages[j]; if (forage !== this) { // Don't wait for itself... readyPromises.push(forage.ready()['catch'](ignoreErrors)); } } // Take a snapshot of the related localForages. var forages = dbContext.forages.slice(0); // Initialize the connection process only when // all the related localForages aren't pending. return Promise.all(readyPromises).then(function () { dbInfo.db = dbContext.db; // Get the connection or open a new one without upgrade. return _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo); }).then(function (db) { dbInfo.db = db; if (_isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, self._defaultConfig.version)) { // Reopen the database for upgrading. return _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo); } return db; }).then(function (db) { dbInfo.db = dbContext.db = db; self._dbInfo = dbInfo; // Share the final connection amongst related localForages. for (var k in forages) { var forage = forages[k]; if (forage !== self) { // Self is already up-to-date. forage._dbInfo.db = dbInfo.db; forage._dbInfo.version = dbInfo.version; } } }); } function _getOriginalConnection(dbInfo) { return _getConnection(dbInfo, false); } function _getUpgradedConnection(dbInfo) { return _getConnection(dbInfo, true); } function _getConnection(dbInfo, upgradeNeeded) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (dbInfo.db) { if (upgradeNeeded) { dbInfo.db.close(); } else { return resolve(dbInfo.db); } } var dbArgs = []; if (upgradeNeeded) { dbArgs.push(dbInfo.version); } var openreq =, dbArgs); if (upgradeNeeded) { openreq.onupgradeneeded = function (e) { var db = openreq.result; try { db.createObjectStore(dbInfo.storeName); if (e.oldVersion <= 1) { // Added when support for blob shims was added db.createObjectStore(DETECT_BLOB_SUPPORT_STORE); } } catch (ex) { if ( === 'ConstraintError') { globalObject.console.warn('The database "' + + '"' + ' has been upgraded from version ' + e.oldVersion + ' to version ' + e.newVersion + ', but the storage "' + dbInfo.storeName + '" already exists.'); } else { throw ex; } } }; } openreq.onerror = function () { reject(openreq.error); }; openreq.onsuccess = function () { resolve(openreq.result); }; }); } function _isUpgradeNeeded(dbInfo, defaultVersion) { if (!dbInfo.db) { return true; } var isNewStore = !dbInfo.db.objectStoreNames.contains(dbInfo.storeName); var isDowngrade = dbInfo.version < dbInfo.db.version; var isUpgrade = dbInfo.version > dbInfo.db.version; if (isDowngrade) { // If the version is not the default one // then warn for impossible downgrade. if (dbInfo.version !== defaultVersion) { globalObject.console.warn('The database "' + + '"' + ' can\'t be downgraded from version ' + dbInfo.db.version + ' to version ' + dbInfo.version + '.'); } // Align the versions to prevent errors. dbInfo.version = dbInfo.db.version; } if (isUpgrade || isNewStore) { // If the store is new then increment the version (if needed). // This will trigger an "upgradeneeded" event which is required // for creating a store. if (isNewStore) { var incVersion = dbInfo.db.version + 1; if (incVersion > dbInfo.version) { dbInfo.version = incVersion; } } return true; } return false; } function getItem(key, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var store = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, 'readonly').objectStore(dbInfo.storeName); var req = store.get(key); req.onsuccess = function () { var value = req.result; if (value === undefined) { value = null; } if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) { value = _decodeBlob(value); } resolve(value); }; req.onerror = function () { reject(req.error); }; })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Iterate over all items stored in database. function iterate(iterator, callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var store = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, 'readonly').objectStore(dbInfo.storeName); var req = store.openCursor(); var iterationNumber = 1; req.onsuccess = function () { var cursor = req.result; if (cursor) { var value = cursor.value; if (_isEncodedBlob(value)) { value = _decodeBlob(value); } var result = iterator(value, cursor.key, iterationNumber++); if (result !== void 0) { resolve(result); } else { cursor['continue'](); } } else { resolve(); } }; req.onerror = function () { reject(req.error); }; })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function setItem(key, value, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var dbInfo; self.ready().then(function () { dbInfo = self._dbInfo; return _checkBlobSupport(dbInfo.db); }).then(function (blobSupport) { if (!blobSupport && value instanceof Blob) { return _encodeBlob(value); } return value; }).then(function (value) { var transaction = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, 'readwrite'); var store = transaction.objectStore(dbInfo.storeName); // The reason we don't _save_ null is because IE 10 does // not support saving the `null` type in IndexedDB. How // ironic, given the bug below! // See: if (value === null) { value = undefined; } var req = store.put(value, key); transaction.oncomplete = function () { // Cast to undefined so the value passed to // callback/promise is the same as what one would get out // of `getItem()` later. This leads to some weirdness // (setItem('foo', undefined) will return `null`), but // it's not my fault localStorage is our baseline and that // it's weird. if (value === undefined) { value = null; } resolve(value); }; transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function () { var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error; reject(err); }; })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function removeItem(key, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var transaction = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, 'readwrite'); var store = transaction.objectStore(dbInfo.storeName); // We use a Grunt task to make this safe for IE and some // versions of Android (including those used by Cordova). // Normally IE won't like `['delete']()` and will insist on // using `['delete']()`, but we have a build step that // fixes this for us now. var req = store['delete'](key); transaction.oncomplete = function () { resolve(); }; transaction.onerror = function () { reject(req.error); }; // The request will be also be aborted if we've exceeded our storage // space. transaction.onabort = function () { var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error; reject(err); }; })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function clear(callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var transaction = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, 'readwrite'); var store = transaction.objectStore(dbInfo.storeName); var req = store.clear(); transaction.oncomplete = function () { resolve(); }; transaction.onabort = transaction.onerror = function () { var err = req.error ? req.error : req.transaction.error; reject(err); }; })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function length(callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var store = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, 'readonly').objectStore(dbInfo.storeName); var req = store.count(); req.onsuccess = function () { resolve(req.result); }; req.onerror = function () { reject(req.error); }; })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function key(n, callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (n < 0) { resolve(null); return; } self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var store = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, 'readonly').objectStore(dbInfo.storeName); var advanced = false; var req = store.openCursor(); req.onsuccess = function () { var cursor = req.result; if (!cursor) { // this means there weren't enough keys resolve(null); return; } if (n === 0) { // We have the first key, return it if that's what they // wanted. resolve(cursor.key); } else { if (!advanced) { // Otherwise, ask the cursor to skip ahead n // records. advanced = true; cursor.advance(n); } else { // When we get here, we've got the nth key. resolve(cursor.key); } } }; req.onerror = function () { reject(req.error); }; })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function keys(callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var store = dbInfo.db.transaction(dbInfo.storeName, 'readonly').objectStore(dbInfo.storeName); var req = store.openCursor(); var keys = []; req.onsuccess = function () { var cursor = req.result; if (!cursor) { resolve(keys); return; } keys.push(cursor.key); cursor['continue'](); }; req.onerror = function () { reject(req.error); }; })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function executeCallback(promise, callback) { if (callback) { promise.then(function (result) { callback(null, result); }, function (error) { callback(error); }); } } var asyncStorage = { _driver: 'asyncStorage', _initStorage: _initStorage, iterate: iterate, getItem: getItem, setItem: setItem, removeItem: removeItem, clear: clear, length: length, key: key, keys: keys }; exports['default'] = asyncStorage; }).call(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : self); module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 2 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // If IndexedDB isn't available, we'll fall back to localStorage. // Note that this will have considerable performance and storage // side-effects (all data will be serialized on save and only data that // can be converted to a string via `JSON.stringify()` will be saved). 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; (function () { 'use strict'; var globalObject = this; var localStorage = null; // If the app is running inside a Google Chrome packaged webapp, or some // other context where localStorage isn't available, we don't use // localStorage. This feature detection is preferred over the old // `if ( &&` code. // See: try { // If localStorage isn't available, we get outta here! // This should be inside a try catch if (!this.localStorage || !('setItem' in this.localStorage)) { return; } // Initialize localStorage and create a variable to use throughout // the code. localStorage = this.localStorage; } catch (e) { return; } // Config the localStorage backend, using options set in the config. function _initStorage(options) { var self = this; var dbInfo = {}; if (options) { for (var i in options) { dbInfo[i] = options[i]; } } dbInfo.keyPrefix = + '/'; if (dbInfo.storeName !== self._defaultConfig.storeName) { dbInfo.keyPrefix += dbInfo.storeName + '/'; } self._dbInfo = dbInfo; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve(__webpack_require__(3)); }).then(function (lib) { dbInfo.serializer = lib; return Promise.resolve(); }); } // Remove all keys from the datastore, effectively destroying all data in // the app's key/value store! function clear(callback) { var self = this; var promise = self.ready().then(function () { var keyPrefix = self._dbInfo.keyPrefix; for (var i = localStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var key = localStorage.key(i); if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) === 0) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } } }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Retrieve an item from the store. Unlike the original async_storage // library in Gaia, we don't modify return values at all. If a key's value // is `undefined`, we pass that value to the callback function. function getItem(key, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var result = localStorage.getItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key); // If a result was found, parse it from the serialized // string into a JS object. If result isn't truthy, the key // is likely undefined and we'll pass it straight to the // callback. if (result) { result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result); } return result; }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Iterate over all items in the store. function iterate(iterator, callback) { var self = this; var promise = self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var keyPrefix = dbInfo.keyPrefix; var keyPrefixLength = keyPrefix.length; var length = localStorage.length; // We use a dedicated iterator instead of the `i` variable below // so other keys we fetch in localStorage aren't counted in // the `iterationNumber` argument passed to the `iterate()` // callback. // // See: var iterationNumber = 1; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var key = localStorage.key(i); if (key.indexOf(keyPrefix) !== 0) { continue; } var value = localStorage.getItem(key); // If a result was found, parse it from the serialized // string into a JS object. If result isn't truthy, the // key is likely undefined and we'll pass it straight // to the iterator. if (value) { value = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(value); } value = iterator(value, key.substring(keyPrefixLength), iterationNumber++); if (value !== void 0) { return value; } } }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Same as localStorage's key() method, except takes a callback. function key(n, callback) { var self = this; var promise = self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var result; try { result = localStorage.key(n); } catch (error) { result = null; } // Remove the prefix from the key, if a key is found. if (result) { result = result.substring(dbInfo.keyPrefix.length); } return result; }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function keys(callback) { var self = this; var promise = self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; var length = localStorage.length; var keys = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (localStorage.key(i).indexOf(dbInfo.keyPrefix) === 0) { keys.push(localStorage.key(i).substring(dbInfo.keyPrefix.length)); } } return keys; }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Supply the number of keys in the datastore to the callback function. function length(callback) { var self = this; var promise = self.keys().then(function (keys) { return keys.length; }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Remove an item from the store, nice and simple. function removeItem(key, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; localStorage.removeItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Set a key's value and run an optional callback once the value is set. // Unlike Gaia's implementation, the callback function is passed the value, // in case you want to operate on that value only after you're sure it // saved, or something like that. function setItem(key, value, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = self.ready().then(function () { // Convert undefined values to null. // if (value === undefined) { value = null; } // Save the original value to pass to the callback. var originalValue = value; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function (value, error) { if (error) { reject(error); } else { try { localStorage.setItem(dbInfo.keyPrefix + key, value); resolve(originalValue); } catch (e) { // localStorage capacity exceeded. // TODO: Make this a specific error/event. if ( === 'QuotaExceededError' || === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED') { reject(e); } reject(e); } } }); }); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function executeCallback(promise, callback) { if (callback) { promise.then(function (result) { callback(null, result); }, function (error) { callback(error); }); } } var localStorageWrapper = { _driver: 'localStorageWrapper', _initStorage: _initStorage, // Default API, from Gaia/localStorage. iterate: iterate, getItem: getItem, setItem: setItem, removeItem: removeItem, clear: clear, length: length, key: key, keys: keys }; exports['default'] = localStorageWrapper; }).call(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : self); module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 3 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; (function () { 'use strict'; // Sadly, the best way to save binary data in WebSQL/localStorage is serializing // it to Base64, so this is how we store it to prevent very strange errors with less // verbose ways of binary <-> string data storage. var BASE_CHARS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX = '~~local_forage_type~'; var BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX = /^~~local_forage_type~([^~]+)~/; var SERIALIZED_MARKER = '__lfsc__:'; var SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH = SERIALIZED_MARKER.length; // OMG the serializations! var TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER = 'arbf'; var TYPE_BLOB = 'blob'; var TYPE_INT8ARRAY = 'si08'; var TYPE_UINT8ARRAY = 'ui08'; var TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY = 'uic8'; var TYPE_INT16ARRAY = 'si16'; var TYPE_INT32ARRAY = 'si32'; var TYPE_UINT16ARRAY = 'ur16'; var TYPE_UINT32ARRAY = 'ui32'; var TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY = 'fl32'; var TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY = 'fl64'; var TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH = SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH + TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER.length; // Get out of our habit of using `window` inline, at least. var globalObject = this; // Abstracts constructing a Blob object, so it also works in older // browsers that don't support the native Blob constructor. (i.e. // old QtWebKit versions, at least). function _createBlob(parts, properties) { parts = parts || []; properties = properties || {}; try { return new Blob(parts, properties); } catch (err) { if ( !== 'TypeError') { throw err; } var BlobBuilder = globalObject.BlobBuilder || globalObject.MSBlobBuilder || globalObject.MozBlobBuilder || globalObject.WebKitBlobBuilder; var builder = new BlobBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) { builder.append(parts[i]); } return builder.getBlob(properties.type); } } // Serialize a value, afterwards executing a callback (which usually // instructs the `setItem()` callback/promise to be executed). This is how // we store binary data with localStorage. function serialize(value, callback) { var valueString = ''; if (value) { valueString = value.toString(); } // Cannot use `value instanceof ArrayBuffer` or such here, as these // checks fail when running the tests using casper.js... // // TODO: See why those tests fail and use a better solution. if (value && (value.toString() === '[object ArrayBuffer]' || value.buffer && value.buffer.toString() === '[object ArrayBuffer]')) { // Convert binary arrays to a string and prefix the string with // a special marker. var buffer; var marker = SERIALIZED_MARKER; if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buffer = value; marker += TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER; } else { buffer = value.buffer; if (valueString === '[object Int8Array]') { marker += TYPE_INT8ARRAY; } else if (valueString === '[object Uint8Array]') { marker += TYPE_UINT8ARRAY; } else if (valueString === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { marker += TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY; } else if (valueString === '[object Int16Array]') { marker += TYPE_INT16ARRAY; } else if (valueString === '[object Uint16Array]') { marker += TYPE_UINT16ARRAY; } else if (valueString === '[object Int32Array]') { marker += TYPE_INT32ARRAY; } else if (valueString === '[object Uint32Array]') { marker += TYPE_UINT32ARRAY; } else if (valueString === '[object Float32Array]') { marker += TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY; } else if (valueString === '[object Float64Array]') { marker += TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY; } else { callback(new Error('Failed to get type for BinaryArray')); } } callback(marker + bufferToString(buffer)); } else if (valueString === '[object Blob]') { // Conver the blob to a binaryArray and then to a string. var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function () { // Backwards-compatible prefix for the blob type. var str = BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX + value.type + '~' + bufferToString(this.result); callback(SERIALIZED_MARKER + TYPE_BLOB + str); }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(value); } else { try { callback(JSON.stringify(value)); } catch (e) { console.error("Couldn't convert value into a JSON string: ", value); callback(null, e); } } } // Deserialize data we've inserted into a value column/field. We place // special markers into our strings to mark them as encoded; this isn't // as nice as a meta field, but it's the only sane thing we can do whilst // keeping localStorage support intact. // // Oftentimes this will just deserialize JSON content, but if we have a // special marker (SERIALIZED_MARKER, defined above), we will extract // some kind of arraybuffer/binary data/typed array out of the string. function deserialize(value) { // If we haven't marked this string as being specially serialized (i.e. // something other than serialized JSON), we can just return it and be // done with it. if (value.substring(0, SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH) !== SERIALIZED_MARKER) { return JSON.parse(value); } // The following code deals with deserializing some kind of Blob or // TypedArray. First we separate out the type of data we're dealing // with from the data itself. var serializedString = value.substring(TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH); var type = value.substring(SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH, TYPE_SERIALIZED_MARKER_LENGTH); var blobType; // Backwards-compatible blob type serialization strategy. // DBs created with older versions of localForage will simply not have the blob type. if (type === TYPE_BLOB && BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX.test(serializedString)) { var matcher = serializedString.match(BLOB_TYPE_PREFIX_REGEX); blobType = matcher[1]; serializedString = serializedString.substring(matcher[0].length); } var buffer = stringToBuffer(serializedString); // Return the right type based on the code/type set during // serialization. switch (type) { case TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER: return buffer; case TYPE_BLOB: return _createBlob([buffer], { type: blobType }); case TYPE_INT8ARRAY: return new Int8Array(buffer); case TYPE_UINT8ARRAY: return new Uint8Array(buffer); case TYPE_UINT8CLAMPEDARRAY: return new Uint8ClampedArray(buffer); case TYPE_INT16ARRAY: return new Int16Array(buffer); case TYPE_UINT16ARRAY: return new Uint16Array(buffer); case TYPE_INT32ARRAY: return new Int32Array(buffer); case TYPE_UINT32ARRAY: return new Uint32Array(buffer); case TYPE_FLOAT32ARRAY: return new Float32Array(buffer); case TYPE_FLOAT64ARRAY: return new Float64Array(buffer); default: throw new Error('Unkown type: ' + type); } } function stringToBuffer(serializedString) { // Fill the string into a ArrayBuffer. var bufferLength = serializedString.length * 0.75; var len = serializedString.length; var i; var p = 0; var encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4; if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 1] === '=') { bufferLength--; if (serializedString[serializedString.length - 2] === '=') { bufferLength--; } } var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength); var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { encoded1 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i]); encoded2 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 1]); encoded3 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 2]); encoded4 = BASE_CHARS.indexOf(serializedString[i + 3]); /*jslint bitwise: true */ bytes[p++] = encoded1 << 2 | encoded2 >> 4; bytes[p++] = (encoded2 & 15) << 4 | encoded3 >> 2; bytes[p++] = (encoded3 & 3) << 6 | encoded4 & 63; } return buffer; } // Converts a buffer to a string to store, serialized, in the backend // storage library. function bufferToString(buffer) { // base64-arraybuffer var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); var base64String = ''; var i; for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 3) { /*jslint bitwise: true */ base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i] >> 2]; base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i] & 3) << 4 | bytes[i + 1] >> 4]; base64String += BASE_CHARS[(bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2 | bytes[i + 2] >> 6]; base64String += BASE_CHARS[bytes[i + 2] & 63]; } if (bytes.length % 3 === 2) { base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 1) + '='; } else if (bytes.length % 3 === 1) { base64String = base64String.substring(0, base64String.length - 2) + '=='; } return base64String; } var localforageSerializer = { serialize: serialize, deserialize: deserialize, stringToBuffer: stringToBuffer, bufferToString: bufferToString }; exports['default'] = localforageSerializer; }).call(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : self); module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }, /* 4 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* * Includes code from: * * base64-arraybuffer * * * Copyright (c) 2012 Niklas von Hertzen * Licensed under the MIT license. */ 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; (function () { 'use strict'; var globalObject = this; var openDatabase = this.openDatabase; // If WebSQL methods aren't available, we can stop now. if (!openDatabase) { return; } // Open the WebSQL database (automatically creates one if one didn't // previously exist), using any options set in the config. function _initStorage(options) { var self = this; var dbInfo = { db: null }; if (options) { for (var i in options) { dbInfo[i] = typeof options[i] !== 'string' ? options[i].toString() : options[i]; } } var dbInfoPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // Open the database; the openDatabase API will automatically // create it for us if it doesn't exist. try { dbInfo.db = openDatabase(, String(dbInfo.version), dbInfo.description, dbInfo.size); } catch (e) { return self.setDriver(self.LOCALSTORAGE).then(function () { return self._initStorage(options); }).then(resolve)['catch'](reject); } // Create our key/value table if it doesn't exist. dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key unique, value)', [], function () { self._dbInfo = dbInfo; resolve(); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }); }); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve(__webpack_require__(3)); }).then(function (lib) { dbInfo.serializer = lib; return dbInfoPromise; }); } function getItem(key, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('SELECT * FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE key = ? LIMIT 1', [key], function (t, results) { var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).value : null; // Check to see if this is serialized content we need to // unpack. if (result) { result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result); } resolve(result); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }); })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function iterate(iterator, callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('SELECT * FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) { var rows = results.rows; var length = rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var item = rows.item(i); var result = item.value; // Check to see if this is serialized content // we need to unpack. if (result) { result = dbInfo.serializer.deserialize(result); } result = iterator(result, item.key, i + 1); // void(0) prevents problems with redefinition // of `undefined`. if (result !== void 0) { resolve(result); return; } } resolve(); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }); })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function setItem(key, value, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { // The localStorage API doesn't return undefined values in an // "expected" way, so undefined is always cast to null in all // drivers. See: if (value === undefined) { value = null; } // Save the original value to pass to the callback. var originalValue = value; var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.serializer.serialize(value, function (value, error) { if (error) { reject(error); } else { dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)', [key, value], function () { resolve(originalValue); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }, function (sqlError) { // The transaction failed; check // to see if it's a quota error. if (sqlError.code === sqlError.QUOTA_ERR) { // We reject the callback outright for now, but // it's worth trying to re-run the transaction. // Even if the user accepts the prompt to use // more storage on Safari, this error will // be called. // // TODO: Try to re-run the transaction. reject(sqlError); } }); } }); })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function removeItem(key, callback) { var self = this; // Cast the key to a string, as that's all we can set as a key. if (typeof key !== 'string') { globalObject.console.warn(key + ' used as a key, but it is not a string.'); key = String(key); } var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('DELETE FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE key = ?', [key], function () { resolve(); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }); })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Deletes every item in the table. // TODO: Find out if this resets the AUTO_INCREMENT number. function clear(callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('DELETE FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function () { resolve(); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }); })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Does a simple `COUNT(key)` to get the number of items stored in // localForage. function length(callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { // Ahhh, SQL makes this one soooooo easy. t.executeSql('SELECT COUNT(key) as c FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) { var result = results.rows.item(0).c; resolve(result); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }); })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } // Return the key located at key index X; essentially gets the key from a // `WHERE id = ?`. This is the most efficient way I can think to implement // this rarely-used (in my experience) part of the API, but it can seem // inconsistent, because we do `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO` on `setItem()`, so // the ID of each key will change every time it's updated. Perhaps a stored // procedure for the `setItem()` SQL would solve this problem? // TODO: Don't change ID on `setItem()`. function key(n, callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('SELECT key FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName + ' WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1', [n + 1], function (t, results) { var result = results.rows.length ? results.rows.item(0).key : null; resolve(result); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }); })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function keys(callback) { var self = this; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.ready().then(function () { var dbInfo = self._dbInfo; dbInfo.db.transaction(function (t) { t.executeSql('SELECT key FROM ' + dbInfo.storeName, [], function (t, results) { var keys = []; for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) { keys.push(results.rows.item(i).key); } resolve(keys); }, function (t, error) { reject(error); }); }); })['catch'](reject); }); executeCallback(promise, callback); return promise; } function executeCallback(promise, callback) { if (callback) { promise.then(function (result) { callback(null, result); }, function (error) { callback(error); }); } } var webSQLStorage = { _driver: 'webSQLStorage', _initStorage: _initStorage, iterate: iterate, getItem: getItem, setItem: setItem, removeItem: removeItem, clear: clear, length: length, key: key, keys: keys }; exports['default'] = webSQLStorage; }).call(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : self); module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ } /******/ ]) }); ; }).call(this,_dereq_('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"_process":76}],78:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ // Top level file is just a mixin of submodules & constants 'use strict'; var assign = _dereq_('./lib/utils/common').assign; var deflate = _dereq_('./lib/deflate'); var inflate = _dereq_('./lib/inflate'); var constants = _dereq_('./lib/zlib/constants'); var pako = {}; assign(pako, deflate, inflate, constants); module.exports = pako; },{"./lib/deflate":79,"./lib/inflate":80,"./lib/utils/common":81,"./lib/zlib/constants":84}],79:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var zlib_deflate = _dereq_('./zlib/deflate.js'); var utils = _dereq_('./utils/common'); var strings = _dereq_('./utils/strings'); var msg = _dereq_('./zlib/messages'); var zstream = _dereq_('./zlib/zstream'); var toString = Object.prototype.toString; /* Public constants ==========================================================*/ /* ===========================================================================*/ var Z_NO_FLUSH = 0; var Z_FINISH = 4; var Z_OK = 0; var Z_STREAM_END = 1; var Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2; var Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1; var Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0; var Z_DEFLATED = 8; /* ===========================================================================*/ /** * class Deflate * * Generic JS-style wrapper for zlib calls. If you don't need * streaming behaviour - use more simple functions: [[deflate]], * [[deflateRaw]] and [[gzip]]. **/ /* internal * Deflate.chunks -> Array * * Chunks of output data, if [[Deflate#onData]] not overriden. **/ /** * Deflate.result -> Uint8Array|Array * * Compressed result, generated by default [[Deflate#onData]] * and [[Deflate#onEnd]] handlers. Filled after you push last chunk * (call [[Deflate#push]] with `Z_FINISH` / `true` param) or if you * push a chunk with explicit flush (call [[Deflate#push]] with * `Z_SYNC_FLUSH` param). **/ /** * Deflate.err -> Number * * Error code after deflate finished. 0 (Z_OK) on success. * You will not need it in real life, because deflate errors * are possible only on wrong options or bad `onData` / `onEnd` * custom handlers. **/ /** * Deflate.msg -> String * * Error message, if [[Deflate.err]] != 0 **/ /** * new Deflate(options) * - options (Object): zlib deflate options. * * Creates new deflator instance with specified params. Throws exception * on bad params. Supported options: * * - `level` * - `windowBits` * - `memLevel` * - `strategy` * * []( * for more information on these. * * Additional options, for internal needs: * * - `chunkSize` - size of generated data chunks (16K by default) * - `raw` (Boolean) - do raw deflate * - `gzip` (Boolean) - create gzip wrapper * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be "binary string" * (each char code [0..255]) * - `header` (Object) - custom header for gzip * - `text` (Boolean) - true if compressed data believed to be text * - `time` (Number) - modification time, unix timestamp * - `os` (Number) - operation system code * - `extra` (Array) - array of bytes with extra data (max 65536) * - `name` (String) - file name (binary string) * - `comment` (String) - comment (binary string) * - `hcrc` (Boolean) - true if header crc should be added * * ##### Example: * * ```javascript * var pako = require('pako') * , chunk1 = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) * , chunk2 = Uint8Array([10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]); * * var deflate = new pako.Deflate({ level: 3}); * * deflate.push(chunk1, false); * deflate.push(chunk2, true); // true -> last chunk * * if (deflate.err) { throw new Error(deflate.err); } * * console.log(deflate.result); * ``` **/ var Deflate = function(options) { this.options = utils.assign({ level: Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, method: Z_DEFLATED, chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 15, memLevel: 8, strategy: Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, to: '' }, options || {}); var opt = this.options; if (opt.raw && (opt.windowBits > 0)) { opt.windowBits = -opt.windowBits; } else if (opt.gzip && (opt.windowBits > 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16)) { opt.windowBits += 16; } this.err = 0; // error code, if happens (0 = Z_OK) this.msg = ''; // error message this.ended = false; // used to avoid multiple onEnd() calls this.chunks = []; // chunks of compressed data this.strm = new zstream(); this.strm.avail_out = 0; var status = zlib_deflate.deflateInit2( this.strm, opt.level, opt.method, opt.windowBits, opt.memLevel, opt.strategy ); if (status !== Z_OK) { throw new Error(msg[status]); } if (opt.header) { zlib_deflate.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, opt.header); } }; /** * Deflate#push(data[, mode]) -> Boolean * - data (Uint8Array|Array|ArrayBuffer|String): input data. Strings will be * converted to utf8 byte sequence. * - mode (Number|Boolean): 0..6 for corresponding Z_NO_FLUSH..Z_TREE modes. * See constants. Skipped or `false` means Z_NO_FLUSH, `true` meansh Z_FINISH. * * Sends input data to deflate pipe, generating [[Deflate#onData]] calls with * new compressed chunks. Returns `true` on success. The last data block must have * mode Z_FINISH (or `true`). That will flush internal pending buffers and call * [[Deflate#onEnd]]. For interim explicit flushes (without ending the stream) you * can use mode Z_SYNC_FLUSH, keeping the compression context. * * On fail call [[Deflate#onEnd]] with error code and return false. * * We strongly recommend to use `Uint8Array` on input for best speed (output * array format is detected automatically). Also, don't skip last param and always * use the same type in your code (boolean or number). That will improve JS speed. * * For regular `Array`-s make sure all elements are [0..255]. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * push(chunk, false); // push one of data chunks * ... * push(chunk, true); // push last chunk * ``` **/ Deflate.prototype.push = function(data, mode) { var strm = this.strm; var chunkSize = this.options.chunkSize; var status, _mode; if (this.ended) { return false; } _mode = (mode === ~~mode) ? mode : ((mode === true) ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH); // Convert data if needed if (typeof data === 'string') { // If we need to compress text, change encoding to utf8. strm.input = strings.string2buf(data); } else if ( === '[object ArrayBuffer]') { strm.input = new Uint8Array(data); } else { strm.input = data; } strm.next_in = 0; strm.avail_in = strm.input.length; do { if (strm.avail_out === 0) { strm.output = new utils.Buf8(chunkSize); strm.next_out = 0; strm.avail_out = chunkSize; } status = zlib_deflate.deflate(strm, _mode); /* no bad return value */ if (status !== Z_STREAM_END && status !== Z_OK) { this.onEnd(status); this.ended = true; return false; } if (strm.avail_out === 0 || (strm.avail_in === 0 && (_mode === Z_FINISH || _mode === Z_SYNC_FLUSH))) { if ( === 'string') { this.onData(strings.buf2binstring(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out))); } else { this.onData(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out)); } } } while ((strm.avail_in > 0 || strm.avail_out === 0) && status !== Z_STREAM_END); // Finalize on the last chunk. if (_mode === Z_FINISH) { status = zlib_deflate.deflateEnd(this.strm); this.onEnd(status); this.ended = true; return status === Z_OK; } // callback interim results if Z_SYNC_FLUSH. if (_mode === Z_SYNC_FLUSH) { this.onEnd(Z_OK); strm.avail_out = 0; return true; } return true; }; /** * Deflate#onData(chunk) -> Void * - chunk (Uint8Array|Array|String): ouput data. Type of array depends * on js engine support. When string output requested, each chunk * will be string. * * By default, stores data blocks in `chunks[]` property and glue * those in `onEnd`. Override this handler, if you need another behaviour. **/ Deflate.prototype.onData = function(chunk) { this.chunks.push(chunk); }; /** * Deflate#onEnd(status) -> Void * - status (Number): deflate status. 0 (Z_OK) on success, * other if not. * * Called once after you tell deflate that the input stream is * complete (Z_FINISH) or should be flushed (Z_SYNC_FLUSH) * or if an error happened. By default - join collected chunks, * free memory and fill `results` / `err` properties. **/ Deflate.prototype.onEnd = function(status) { // On success - join if (status === Z_OK) { if ( === 'string') { this.result = this.chunks.join(''); } else { this.result = utils.flattenChunks(this.chunks); } } this.chunks = []; this.err = status; this.msg = this.strm.msg; }; /** * deflate(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress. * - options (Object): zlib deflate options. * * Compress `data` with deflate alrorythm and `options`. * * Supported options are: * * - level * - windowBits * - memLevel * - strategy * * []( * for more information on these. * * Sugar (options): * * - `raw` (Boolean) - say that we work with raw stream, if you don't wish to specify * negative windowBits implicitly. * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be "binary string" * (each char code [0..255]) * * ##### Example: * * ```javascript * var pako = require('pako') * , data = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]); * * console.log(pako.deflate(data)); * ``` **/ function deflate(input, options) { var deflator = new Deflate(options); deflator.push(input, true); // That will never happens, if you don't cheat with options :) if (deflator.err) { throw deflator.msg; } return deflator.result; } /** * deflateRaw(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress. * - options (Object): zlib deflate options. * * The same as [[deflate]], but creates raw data, without wrapper * (header and adler32 crc). **/ function deflateRaw(input, options) { options = options || {}; options.raw = true; return deflate(input, options); } /** * gzip(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress. * - options (Object): zlib deflate options. * * The same as [[deflate]], but create gzip wrapper instead of * deflate one. **/ function gzip(input, options) { options = options || {}; options.gzip = true; return deflate(input, options); } exports.Deflate = Deflate; exports.deflate = deflate; exports.deflateRaw = deflateRaw; exports.gzip = gzip; },{"./utils/common":81,"./utils/strings":82,"./zlib/deflate.js":86,"./zlib/messages":91,"./zlib/zstream":93}],80:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var zlib_inflate = _dereq_('./zlib/inflate.js'); var utils = _dereq_('./utils/common'); var strings = _dereq_('./utils/strings'); var c = _dereq_('./zlib/constants'); var msg = _dereq_('./zlib/messages'); var zstream = _dereq_('./zlib/zstream'); var gzheader = _dereq_('./zlib/gzheader'); var toString = Object.prototype.toString; /** * class Inflate * * Generic JS-style wrapper for zlib calls. If you don't need * streaming behaviour - use more simple functions: [[inflate]] * and [[inflateRaw]]. **/ /* internal * inflate.chunks -> Array * * Chunks of output data, if [[Inflate#onData]] not overriden. **/ /** * Inflate.result -> Uint8Array|Array|String * * Uncompressed result, generated by default [[Inflate#onData]] * and [[Inflate#onEnd]] handlers. Filled after you push last chunk * (call [[Inflate#push]] with `Z_FINISH` / `true` param) or if you * push a chunk with explicit flush (call [[Inflate#push]] with * `Z_SYNC_FLUSH` param). **/ /** * Inflate.err -> Number * * Error code after inflate finished. 0 (Z_OK) on success. * Should be checked if broken data possible. **/ /** * Inflate.msg -> String * * Error message, if [[Inflate.err]] != 0 **/ /** * new Inflate(options) * - options (Object): zlib inflate options. * * Creates new inflator instance with specified params. Throws exception * on bad params. Supported options: * * - `windowBits` * * []( * for more information on these. * * Additional options, for internal needs: * * - `chunkSize` - size of generated data chunks (16K by default) * - `raw` (Boolean) - do raw inflate * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be converted * from utf8 to utf16 (javascript) string. When string output requested, * chunk length can differ from `chunkSize`, depending on content. * * By default, when no options set, autodetect deflate/gzip data format via * wrapper header. * * ##### Example: * * ```javascript * var pako = require('pako') * , chunk1 = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) * , chunk2 = Uint8Array([10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]); * * var inflate = new pako.Inflate({ level: 3}); * * inflate.push(chunk1, false); * inflate.push(chunk2, true); // true -> last chunk * * if (inflate.err) { throw new Error(inflate.err); } * * console.log(inflate.result); * ``` **/ var Inflate = function(options) { this.options = utils.assign({ chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 0, to: '' }, options || {}); var opt = this.options; // Force window size for `raw` data, if not set directly, // because we have no header for autodetect. if (opt.raw && (opt.windowBits >= 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16)) { opt.windowBits = -opt.windowBits; if (opt.windowBits === 0) { opt.windowBits = -15; } } // If `windowBits` not defined (and mode not raw) - set autodetect flag for gzip/deflate if ((opt.windowBits >= 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16) && !(options && options.windowBits)) { opt.windowBits += 32; } // Gzip header has no info about windows size, we can do autodetect only // for deflate. So, if window size not set, force it to max when gzip possible if ((opt.windowBits > 15) && (opt.windowBits < 48)) { // bit 3 (16) -> gzipped data // bit 4 (32) -> autodetect gzip/deflate if ((opt.windowBits & 15) === 0) { opt.windowBits |= 15; } } this.err = 0; // error code, if happens (0 = Z_OK) this.msg = ''; // error message this.ended = false; // used to avoid multiple onEnd() calls this.chunks = []; // chunks of compressed data this.strm = new zstream(); this.strm.avail_out = 0; var status = zlib_inflate.inflateInit2( this.strm, opt.windowBits ); if (status !== c.Z_OK) { throw new Error(msg[status]); } this.header = new gzheader(); zlib_inflate.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header); }; /** * Inflate#push(data[, mode]) -> Boolean * - data (Uint8Array|Array|ArrayBuffer|String): input data * - mode (Number|Boolean): 0..6 for corresponding Z_NO_FLUSH..Z_TREE modes. * See constants. Skipped or `false` means Z_NO_FLUSH, `true` meansh Z_FINISH. * * Sends input data to inflate pipe, generating [[Inflate#onData]] calls with * new output chunks. Returns `true` on success. The last data block must have * mode Z_FINISH (or `true`). That will flush internal pending buffers and call * [[Inflate#onEnd]]. For interim explicit flushes (without ending the stream) you * can use mode Z_SYNC_FLUSH, keeping the decompression context. * * On fail call [[Inflate#onEnd]] with error code and return false. * * We strongly recommend to use `Uint8Array` on input for best speed (output * format is detected automatically). Also, don't skip last param and always * use the same type in your code (boolean or number). That will improve JS speed. * * For regular `Array`-s make sure all elements are [0..255]. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * push(chunk, false); // push one of data chunks * ... * push(chunk, true); // push last chunk * ``` **/ Inflate.prototype.push = function(data, mode) { var strm = this.strm; var chunkSize = this.options.chunkSize; var status, _mode; var next_out_utf8, tail, utf8str; // Flag to properly process Z_BUF_ERROR on testing inflate call // when we check that all output data was flushed. var allowBufError = false; if (this.ended) { return false; } _mode = (mode === ~~mode) ? mode : ((mode === true) ? c.Z_FINISH : c.Z_NO_FLUSH); // Convert data if needed if (typeof data === 'string') { // Only binary strings can be decompressed on practice strm.input = strings.binstring2buf(data); } else if ( === '[object ArrayBuffer]') { strm.input = new Uint8Array(data); } else { strm.input = data; } strm.next_in = 0; strm.avail_in = strm.input.length; do { if (strm.avail_out === 0) { strm.output = new utils.Buf8(chunkSize); strm.next_out = 0; strm.avail_out = chunkSize; } status = zlib_inflate.inflate(strm, c.Z_NO_FLUSH); /* no bad return value */ if (status === c.Z_BUF_ERROR && allowBufError === true) { status = c.Z_OK; allowBufError = false; } if (status !== c.Z_STREAM_END && status !== c.Z_OK) { this.onEnd(status); this.ended = true; return false; } if (strm.next_out) { if (strm.avail_out === 0 || status === c.Z_STREAM_END || (strm.avail_in === 0 && (_mode === c.Z_FINISH || _mode === c.Z_SYNC_FLUSH))) { if ( === 'string') { next_out_utf8 = strings.utf8border(strm.output, strm.next_out); tail = strm.next_out - next_out_utf8; utf8str = strings.buf2string(strm.output, next_out_utf8); // move tail strm.next_out = tail; strm.avail_out = chunkSize - tail; if (tail) { utils.arraySet(strm.output, strm.output, next_out_utf8, tail, 0); } this.onData(utf8str); } else { this.onData(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out)); } } } // When no more input data, we should check that internal inflate buffers // are flushed. The only way to do it when avail_out = 0 - run one more // inflate pass. But if output data not exists, inflate return Z_BUF_ERROR. // Here we set flag to process this error properly. // // NOTE. Deflate does not return error in this case and does not needs such // logic. if (strm.avail_in === 0 && strm.avail_out === 0) { allowBufError = true; } } while ((strm.avail_in > 0 || strm.avail_out === 0) && status !== c.Z_STREAM_END); if (status === c.Z_STREAM_END) { _mode = c.Z_FINISH; } // Finalize on the last chunk. if (_mode === c.Z_FINISH) { status = zlib_inflate.inflateEnd(this.strm); this.onEnd(status); this.ended = true; return status === c.Z_OK; } // callback interim results if Z_SYNC_FLUSH. if (_mode === c.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) { this.onEnd(c.Z_OK); strm.avail_out = 0; return true; } return true; }; /** * Inflate#onData(chunk) -> Void * - chunk (Uint8Array|Array|String): ouput data. Type of array depends * on js engine support. When string output requested, each chunk * will be string. * * By default, stores data blocks in `chunks[]` property and glue * those in `onEnd`. Override this handler, if you need another behaviour. **/ Inflate.prototype.onData = function(chunk) { this.chunks.push(chunk); }; /** * Inflate#onEnd(status) -> Void * - status (Number): inflate status. 0 (Z_OK) on success, * other if not. * * Called either after you tell inflate that the input stream is * complete (Z_FINISH) or should be flushed (Z_SYNC_FLUSH) * or if an error happened. By default - join collected chunks, * free memory and fill `results` / `err` properties. **/ Inflate.prototype.onEnd = function(status) { // On success - join if (status === c.Z_OK) { if ( === 'string') { // Glue & convert here, until we teach pako to send // utf8 alligned strings to onData this.result = this.chunks.join(''); } else { this.result = utils.flattenChunks(this.chunks); } } this.chunks = []; this.err = status; this.msg = this.strm.msg; }; /** * inflate(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress. * - options (Object): zlib inflate options. * * Decompress `data` with inflate/ungzip and `options`. Autodetect * format via wrapper header by default. That's why we don't provide * separate `ungzip` method. * * Supported options are: * * - windowBits * * []( * for more information. * * Sugar (options): * * - `raw` (Boolean) - say that we work with raw stream, if you don't wish to specify * negative windowBits implicitly. * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be converted * from utf8 to utf16 (javascript) string. When string output requested, * chunk length can differ from `chunkSize`, depending on content. * * * ##### Example: * * ```javascript * var pako = require('pako') * , input = pako.deflate([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) * , output; * * try { * output = pako.inflate(input); * } catch (err) * console.log(err); * } * ``` **/ function inflate(input, options) { var inflator = new Inflate(options); inflator.push(input, true); // That will never happens, if you don't cheat with options :) if (inflator.err) { throw inflator.msg; } return inflator.result; } /** * inflateRaw(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress. * - options (Object): zlib inflate options. * * The same as [[inflate]], but creates raw data, without wrapper * (header and adler32 crc). **/ function inflateRaw(input, options) { options = options || {}; options.raw = true; return inflate(input, options); } /** * ungzip(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress. * - options (Object): zlib inflate options. * * Just shortcut to [[inflate]], because it autodetects format * by header.content. Done for convenience. **/ exports.Inflate = Inflate; exports.inflate = inflate; exports.inflateRaw = inflateRaw; exports.ungzip = inflate; },{"./utils/common":81,"./utils/strings":82,"./zlib/constants":84,"./zlib/gzheader":87,"./zlib/inflate.js":89,"./zlib/messages":91,"./zlib/zstream":93}],81:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var TYPED_OK = (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') && (typeof Uint16Array !== 'undefined') && (typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined'); exports.assign = function (obj /*from1, from2, from3, ...*/) { var sources =, 1); while (sources.length) { var source = sources.shift(); if (!source) { continue; } if (typeof source !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(source + 'must be non-object'); } for (var p in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(p)) { obj[p] = source[p]; } } } return obj; }; // reduce buffer size, avoiding mem copy exports.shrinkBuf = function (buf, size) { if (buf.length === size) { return buf; } if (buf.subarray) { return buf.subarray(0, size); } buf.length = size; return buf; }; var fnTyped = { arraySet: function (dest, src, src_offs, len, dest_offs) { if (src.subarray && dest.subarray) { dest.set(src.subarray(src_offs, src_offs+len), dest_offs); return; } // Fallback to ordinary array for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { dest[dest_offs + i] = src[src_offs + i]; } }, // Join array of chunks to single array. flattenChunks: function(chunks) { var i, l, len, pos, chunk, result; // calculate data length len = 0; for (i=0, l=chunks.length; i<l; i++) { len += chunks[i].length; } // join chunks result = new Uint8Array(len); pos = 0; for (i=0, l=chunks.length; i<l; i++) { chunk = chunks[i]; result.set(chunk, pos); pos += chunk.length; } return result; } }; var fnUntyped = { arraySet: function (dest, src, src_offs, len, dest_offs) { for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { dest[dest_offs + i] = src[src_offs + i]; } }, // Join array of chunks to single array. flattenChunks: function(chunks) { return [].concat.apply([], chunks); } }; // Enable/Disable typed arrays use, for testing // exports.setTyped = function (on) { if (on) { exports.Buf8 = Uint8Array; exports.Buf16 = Uint16Array; exports.Buf32 = Int32Array; exports.assign(exports, fnTyped); } else { exports.Buf8 = Array; exports.Buf16 = Array; exports.Buf32 = Array; exports.assign(exports, fnUntyped); } }; exports.setTyped(TYPED_OK); },{}],82:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ // String encode/decode helpers 'use strict'; var utils = _dereq_('./common'); // Quick check if we can use fast array to bin string conversion // // - apply(Array) can fail on Android 2.2 // - apply(Uint8Array) can fail on iOS 5.1 Safary // var STR_APPLY_OK = true; var STR_APPLY_UIA_OK = true; try { String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [0]); } catch(__) { STR_APPLY_OK = false; } try { String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)); } catch(__) { STR_APPLY_UIA_OK = false; } // Table with utf8 lengths (calculated by first byte of sequence) // Note, that 5 & 6-byte values and some 4-byte values can not be represented in JS, // because max possible codepoint is 0x10ffff var _utf8len = new utils.Buf8(256); for (var q=0; q<256; q++) { _utf8len[q] = (q >= 252 ? 6 : q >= 248 ? 5 : q >= 240 ? 4 : q >= 224 ? 3 : q >= 192 ? 2 : 1); } _utf8len[254]=_utf8len[254]=1; // Invalid sequence start // convert string to array (typed, when possible) exports.string2buf = function (str) { var buf, c, c2, m_pos, i, str_len = str.length, buf_len = 0; // count binary size for (m_pos = 0; m_pos < str_len; m_pos++) { c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos); if ((c & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && (m_pos+1 < str_len)) { c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos+1); if ((c2 & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) { c = 0x10000 + ((c - 0xd800) << 10) + (c2 - 0xdc00); m_pos++; } } buf_len += c < 0x80 ? 1 : c < 0x800 ? 2 : c < 0x10000 ? 3 : 4; } // allocate buffer buf = new utils.Buf8(buf_len); // convert for (i=0, m_pos = 0; i < buf_len; m_pos++) { c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos); if ((c & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && (m_pos+1 < str_len)) { c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos+1); if ((c2 & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) { c = 0x10000 + ((c - 0xd800) << 10) + (c2 - 0xdc00); m_pos++; } } if (c < 0x80) { /* one byte */ buf[i++] = c; } else if (c < 0x800) { /* two bytes */ buf[i++] = 0xC0 | (c >>> 6); buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); } else if (c < 0x10000) { /* three bytes */ buf[i++] = 0xE0 | (c >>> 12); buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 6 & 0x3f); buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); } else { /* four bytes */ buf[i++] = 0xf0 | (c >>> 18); buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 12 & 0x3f); buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 6 & 0x3f); buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f); } } return buf; }; // Helper (used in 2 places) function buf2binstring(buf, len) { // use fallback for big arrays to avoid stack overflow if (len < 65537) { if ((buf.subarray && STR_APPLY_UIA_OK) || (!buf.subarray && STR_APPLY_OK)) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, utils.shrinkBuf(buf, len)); } } var result = ''; for (var i=0; i < len; i++) { result += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); } return result; } // Convert byte array to binary string exports.buf2binstring = function(buf) { return buf2binstring(buf, buf.length); }; // Convert binary string (typed, when possible) exports.binstring2buf = function(str) { var buf = new utils.Buf8(str.length); for (var i=0, len=buf.length; i < len; i++) { buf[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return buf; }; // convert array to string exports.buf2string = function (buf, max) { var i, out, c, c_len; var len = max || buf.length; // Reserve max possible length (2 words per char) // NB: by unknown reasons, Array is significantly faster for // String.fromCharCode.apply than Uint16Array. var utf16buf = new Array(len*2); for (out=0, i=0; i<len;) { c = buf[i++]; // quick process ascii if (c < 0x80) { utf16buf[out++] = c; continue; } c_len = _utf8len[c]; // skip 5 & 6 byte codes if (c_len > 4) { utf16buf[out++] = 0xfffd; i += c_len-1; continue; } // apply mask on first byte c &= c_len === 2 ? 0x1f : c_len === 3 ? 0x0f : 0x07; // join the rest while (c_len > 1 && i < len) { c = (c << 6) | (buf[i++] & 0x3f); c_len--; } // terminated by end of string? if (c_len > 1) { utf16buf[out++] = 0xfffd; continue; } if (c < 0x10000) { utf16buf[out++] = c; } else { c -= 0x10000; utf16buf[out++] = 0xd800 | ((c >> 10) & 0x3ff); utf16buf[out++] = 0xdc00 | (c & 0x3ff); } } return buf2binstring(utf16buf, out); }; // Calculate max possible position in utf8 buffer, // that will not break sequence. If that's not possible // - (very small limits) return max size as is. // // buf[] - utf8 bytes array // max - length limit (mandatory); exports.utf8border = function(buf, max) { var pos; max = max || buf.length; if (max > buf.length) { max = buf.length; } // go back from last position, until start of sequence found pos = max-1; while (pos >= 0 && (buf[pos] & 0xC0) === 0x80) { pos--; } // Fuckup - very small and broken sequence, // return max, because we should return something anyway. if (pos < 0) { return max; } // If we came to start of buffer - that means vuffer is too small, // return max too. if (pos === 0) { return max; } return (pos + _utf8len[buf[pos]] > max) ? pos : max; }; },{"./common":81}],83:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // Note: adler32 takes 12% for level 0 and 2% for level 6. // It doesn't worth to make additional optimizationa as in original. // Small size is preferable. function adler32(adler, buf, len, pos) { var s1 = (adler & 0xffff) |0, s2 = ((adler >>> 16) & 0xffff) |0, n = 0; while (len !== 0) { // Set limit ~ twice less than 5552, to keep // s2 in 31-bits, because we force signed ints. // in other case %= will fail. n = len > 2000 ? 2000 : len; len -= n; do { s1 = (s1 + buf[pos++]) |0; s2 = (s2 + s1) |0; } while (--n); s1 %= 65521; s2 %= 65521; } return (s1 | (s2 << 16)) |0; } module.exports = adler32; },{}],84:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ module.exports = { /* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */ Z_NO_FLUSH: 0, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: 1, Z_SYNC_FLUSH: 2, Z_FULL_FLUSH: 3, Z_FINISH: 4, Z_BLOCK: 5, Z_TREES: 6, /* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events. */ Z_OK: 0, Z_STREAM_END: 1, Z_NEED_DICT: 2, Z_ERRNO: -1, Z_STREAM_ERROR: -2, Z_DATA_ERROR: -3, //Z_MEM_ERROR: -4, Z_BUF_ERROR: -5, //Z_VERSION_ERROR: -6, /* compression levels */ Z_NO_COMPRESSION: 0, Z_BEST_SPEED: 1, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: 9, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: -1, Z_FILTERED: 1, Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: 2, Z_RLE: 3, Z_FIXED: 4, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: 0, /* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */ Z_BINARY: 0, Z_TEXT: 1, //Z_ASCII: 1, // = Z_TEXT (deprecated) Z_UNKNOWN: 2, /* The deflate compression method */ Z_DEFLATED: 8 //Z_NULL: null // Use -1 or null inline, depending on var type }; },{}],85:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // Note: we can't get significant speed boost here. // So write code to minimize size - no pregenerated tables // and array tools dependencies. // Use ordinary array, since untyped makes no boost here function makeTable() { var c, table = []; for (var n =0; n < 256; n++) { c = n; for (var k =0; k < 8; k++) { c = ((c&1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1)); } table[n] = c; } return table; } // Create table on load. Just 255 signed longs. Not a problem. var crcTable = makeTable(); function crc32(crc, buf, len, pos) { var t = crcTable, end = pos + len; crc = crc ^ (-1); for (var i = pos; i < end; i++) { crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ t[(crc ^ buf[i]) & 0xFF]; } return (crc ^ (-1)); // >>> 0; } module.exports = crc32; },{}],86:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = _dereq_('../utils/common'); var trees = _dereq_('./trees'); var adler32 = _dereq_('./adler32'); var crc32 = _dereq_('./crc32'); var msg = _dereq_('./messages'); /* Public constants ==========================================================*/ /* ===========================================================================*/ /* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */ var Z_NO_FLUSH = 0; var Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH = 1; //var Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2; var Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3; var Z_FINISH = 4; var Z_BLOCK = 5; //var Z_TREES = 6; /* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events. */ var Z_OK = 0; var Z_STREAM_END = 1; //var Z_NEED_DICT = 2; //var Z_ERRNO = -1; var Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2; var Z_DATA_ERROR = -3; //var Z_MEM_ERROR = -4; var Z_BUF_ERROR = -5; //var Z_VERSION_ERROR = -6; /* compression levels */ //var Z_NO_COMPRESSION = 0; //var Z_BEST_SPEED = 1; //var Z_BEST_COMPRESSION = 9; var Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1; var Z_FILTERED = 1; var Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2; var Z_RLE = 3; var Z_FIXED = 4; var Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0; /* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */ //var Z_BINARY = 0; //var Z_TEXT = 1; //var Z_ASCII = 1; // = Z_TEXT var Z_UNKNOWN = 2; /* The deflate compression method */ var Z_DEFLATED = 8; /*============================================================================*/ var MAX_MEM_LEVEL = 9; /* Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2 */ var MAX_WBITS = 15; /* 32K LZ77 window */ var DEF_MEM_LEVEL = 8; var LENGTH_CODES = 29; /* number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code */ var LITERALS = 256; /* number of literal bytes 0..255 */ var L_CODES = LITERALS + 1 + LENGTH_CODES; /* number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code */ var D_CODES = 30; /* number of distance codes */ var BL_CODES = 19; /* number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths */ var HEAP_SIZE = 2*L_CODES + 1; /* maximum heap size */ var MAX_BITS = 15; /* All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits */ var MIN_MATCH = 3; var MAX_MATCH = 258; var MIN_LOOKAHEAD = (MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH + 1); var PRESET_DICT = 0x20; var INIT_STATE = 42; var EXTRA_STATE = 69; var NAME_STATE = 73; var COMMENT_STATE = 91; var HCRC_STATE = 103; var BUSY_STATE = 113; var FINISH_STATE = 666; var BS_NEED_MORE = 1; /* block not completed, need more input or more output */ var BS_BLOCK_DONE = 2; /* block flush performed */ var BS_FINISH_STARTED = 3; /* finish started, need only more output at next deflate */ var BS_FINISH_DONE = 4; /* finish done, accept no more input or output */ var OS_CODE = 0x03; // Unix :) . Don't detect, use this default. function err(strm, errorCode) { strm.msg = msg[errorCode]; return errorCode; } function rank(f) { return ((f) << 1) - ((f) > 4 ? 9 : 0); } function zero(buf) { var len = buf.length; while (--len >= 0) { buf[len] = 0; } } /* ========================================================================= * Flush as much pending output as possible. All deflate() output goes * through this function so some applications may wish to modify it * to avoid allocating a large strm->output buffer and copying into it. * (See also read_buf()). */ function flush_pending(strm) { var s = strm.state; //_tr_flush_bits(s); var len = s.pending; if (len > strm.avail_out) { len = strm.avail_out; } if (len === 0) { return; } utils.arraySet(strm.output, s.pending_buf, s.pending_out, len, strm.next_out); strm.next_out += len; s.pending_out += len; strm.total_out += len; strm.avail_out -= len; s.pending -= len; if (s.pending === 0) { s.pending_out = 0; } } function flush_block_only (s, last) { trees._tr_flush_block(s, (s.block_start >= 0 ? s.block_start : -1), s.strstart - s.block_start, last); s.block_start = s.strstart; flush_pending(s.strm); } function put_byte(s, b) { s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b; } /* ========================================================================= * Put a short in the pending buffer. The 16-bit value is put in MSB order. * IN assertion: the stream state is correct and there is enough room in * pending_buf. */ function putShortMSB(s, b) { // put_byte(s, (Byte)(b >> 8)); // put_byte(s, (Byte)(b & 0xff)); s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (b >>> 8) & 0xff; s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b & 0xff; } /* =========================================================================== * Read a new buffer from the current input stream, update the adler32 * and total number of bytes read. All deflate() input goes through * this function so some applications may wish to modify it to avoid * allocating a large strm->input buffer and copying from it. * (See also flush_pending()). */ function read_buf(strm, buf, start, size) { var len = strm.avail_in; if (len > size) { len = size; } if (len === 0) { return 0; } strm.avail_in -= len; utils.arraySet(buf, strm.input, strm.next_in, len, start); if (strm.state.wrap === 1) { strm.adler = adler32(strm.adler, buf, len, start); } else if (strm.state.wrap === 2) { strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, buf, len, start); } strm.next_in += len; strm.total_in += len; return len; } /* =========================================================================== * Set match_start to the longest match starting at the given string and * return its length. Matches shorter or equal to prev_length are discarded, * in which case the result is equal to prev_length and match_start is * garbage. * IN assertions: cur_match is the head of the hash chain for the current * string (strstart) and its distance is <= MAX_DIST, and prev_length >= 1 * OUT assertion: the match length is not greater than s->lookahead. */ function longest_match(s, cur_match) { var chain_length = s.max_chain_length; /* max hash chain length */ var scan = s.strstart; /* current string */ var match; /* matched string */ var len; /* length of current match */ var best_len = s.prev_length; /* best match length so far */ var nice_match = s.nice_match; /* stop if match long enough */ var limit = (s.strstart > (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) ? s.strstart - (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) : 0/*NIL*/; var _win = s.window; // shortcut var wmask = s.w_mask; var prev = s.prev; /* Stop when cur_match becomes <= limit. To simplify the code, * we prevent matches with the string of window index 0. */ var strend = s.strstart + MAX_MATCH; var scan_end1 = _win[scan + best_len - 1]; var scan_end = _win[scan + best_len]; /* The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16. * It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary. */ // Assert(s->hash_bits >= 8 && MAX_MATCH == 258, "Code too clever"); /* Do not waste too much time if we already have a good match: */ if (s.prev_length >= s.good_match) { chain_length >>= 2; } /* Do not look for matches beyond the end of the input. This is necessary * to make deflate deterministic. */ if (nice_match > s.lookahead) { nice_match = s.lookahead; } // Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "need lookahead"); do { // Assert(cur_match < s->strstart, "no future"); match = cur_match; /* Skip to next match if the match length cannot increase * or if the match length is less than 2. Note that the checks below * for insufficient lookahead only occur occasionally for performance * reasons. Therefore uninitialized memory will be accessed, and * conditional jumps will be made that depend on those values. * However the length of the match is limited to the lookahead, so * the output of deflate is not affected by the uninitialized values. */ if (_win[match + best_len] !== scan_end || _win[match + best_len - 1] !== scan_end1 || _win[match] !== _win[scan] || _win[++match] !== _win[scan + 1]) { continue; } /* The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made * again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.) * It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they * are always equal when the other bytes match, given that * the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8. */ scan += 2; match++; // Assert(*scan == *match, "match[2]?"); /* We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison; * the 256th check will be made at strstart+258. */ do { /*jshint noempty:false*/ } while (_win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && scan < strend); // Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan"); len = MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan); scan = strend - MAX_MATCH; if (len > best_len) { s.match_start = cur_match; best_len = len; if (len >= nice_match) { break; } scan_end1 = _win[scan + best_len - 1]; scan_end = _win[scan + best_len]; } } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit && --chain_length !== 0); if (best_len <= s.lookahead) { return best_len; } return s.lookahead; } /* =========================================================================== * Fill the window when the lookahead becomes insufficient. * Updates strstart and lookahead. * * IN assertion: lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD * OUT assertions: strstart <= window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD * At least one byte has been read, or avail_in == 0; reads are * performed for at least two bytes (required for the zip translate_eol * option -- not supported here). */ function fill_window(s) { var _w_size = s.w_size; var p, n, m, more, str; //Assert(s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "already enough lookahead"); do { more = s.window_size - s.lookahead - s.strstart; // JS ints have 32 bit, block below not needed /* Deal with !@#$% 64K limit: */ //if (sizeof(int) <= 2) { // if (more == 0 && s->strstart == 0 && s->lookahead == 0) { // more = wsize; // // } else if (more == (unsigned)(-1)) { // /* Very unlikely, but possible on 16 bit machine if // * strstart == 0 && lookahead == 1 (input done a byte at time) // */ // more--; // } //} /* If the window is almost full and there is insufficient lookahead, * move the upper half to the lower one to make room in the upper half. */ if (s.strstart >= _w_size + (_w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) { utils.arraySet(s.window, s.window, _w_size, _w_size, 0); s.match_start -= _w_size; s.strstart -= _w_size; /* we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST */ s.block_start -= _w_size; /* Slide the hash table (could be avoided with 32 bit values at the expense of memory usage). We slide even when level == 0 to keep the hash table consistent if we switch back to level > 0 later. (Using level 0 permanently is not an optimal usage of zlib, so we don't care about this pathological case.) */ n = s.hash_size; p = n; do { m = s.head[--p]; s.head[p] = (m >= _w_size ? m - _w_size : 0); } while (--n); n = _w_size; p = n; do { m = s.prev[--p]; s.prev[p] = (m >= _w_size ? m - _w_size : 0); /* If n is not on any hash chain, prev[n] is garbage but * its value will never be used. */ } while (--n); more += _w_size; } if (s.strm.avail_in === 0) { break; } /* If there was no sliding: * strstart <= WSIZE+MAX_DIST-1 && lookahead <= MIN_LOOKAHEAD - 1 && * more == window_size - lookahead - strstart * => more >= window_size - (MIN_LOOKAHEAD-1 + WSIZE + MAX_DIST-1) * => more >= window_size - 2*WSIZE + 2 * In the BIG_MEM or MMAP case (not yet supported), * window_size == input_size + MIN_LOOKAHEAD && * strstart + s->lookahead <= input_size => more >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD. * Otherwise, window_size == 2*WSIZE so more >= 2. * If there was sliding, more >= WSIZE. So in all cases, more >= 2. */ //Assert(more >= 2, "more < 2"); n = read_buf(s.strm, s.window, s.strstart + s.lookahead, more); s.lookahead += n; /* Initialize the hash value now that we have some input: */ if (s.lookahead + s.insert >= MIN_MATCH) { str = s.strstart - s.insert; s.ins_h = s.window[str]; /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + 1]); */ s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[str + 1]) & s.hash_mask; //#if MIN_MATCH != 3 // Call update_hash() MIN_MATCH-3 more times //#endif while (s.insert) { /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + MIN_MATCH-1]); */ s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[str + MIN_MATCH-1]) & s.hash_mask; s.prev[str & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h]; s.head[s.ins_h] = str; str++; s.insert--; if (s.lookahead + s.insert < MIN_MATCH) { break; } } } /* If the whole input has less than MIN_MATCH bytes, ins_h is garbage, * but this is not important since only literal bytes will be emitted. */ } while (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && s.strm.avail_in !== 0); /* If the WIN_INIT bytes after the end of the current data have never been * written, then zero those bytes in order to avoid memory check reports of * the use of uninitialized (or uninitialised as Julian writes) bytes by * the longest match routines. Update the high water mark for the next * time through here. WIN_INIT is set to MAX_MATCH since the longest match * routines allow scanning to strstart + MAX_MATCH, ignoring lookahead. */ // if (s.high_water < s.window_size) { // var curr = s.strstart + s.lookahead; // var init = 0; // // if (s.high_water < curr) { // /* Previous high water mark below current data -- zero WIN_INIT // * bytes or up to end of window, whichever is less. // */ // init = s.window_size - curr; // if (init > WIN_INIT) // init = WIN_INIT; // zmemzero(s->window + curr, (unsigned)init); // s->high_water = curr + init; // } // else if (s->high_water < (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT) { // /* High water mark at or above current data, but below current data // * plus WIN_INIT -- zero out to current data plus WIN_INIT, or up // * to end of window, whichever is less. // */ // init = (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT - s->high_water; // if (init > s->window_size - s->high_water) // init = s->window_size - s->high_water; // zmemzero(s->window + s->high_water, (unsigned)init); // s->high_water += init; // } // } // // Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD, // "not enough room for search"); } /* =========================================================================== * Copy without compression as much as possible from the input stream, return * the current block state. * This function does not insert new strings in the dictionary since * uncompressible data is probably not useful. This function is used * only for the level=0 compression option. * NOTE: this function should be optimized to avoid extra copying from * window to pending_buf. */ function deflate_stored(s, flush) { /* Stored blocks are limited to 0xffff bytes, pending_buf is limited * to pending_buf_size, and each stored block has a 5 byte header: */ var max_block_size = 0xffff; if (max_block_size > s.pending_buf_size - 5) { max_block_size = s.pending_buf_size - 5; } /* Copy as much as possible from input to output: */ for (;;) { /* Fill the window as much as possible: */ if (s.lookahead <= 1) { //Assert(s->strstart < s->w_size+MAX_DIST(s) || // s->block_start >= (long)s->w_size, "slide too late"); // if (!(s.strstart < s.w_size + (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) || // s.block_start >= s.w_size)) { // throw new Error("slide too late"); // } fill_window(s); if (s.lookahead === 0 && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } if (s.lookahead === 0) { break; } /* flush the current block */ } //Assert(s->block_start >= 0L, "block gone"); // if (s.block_start < 0) throw new Error("block gone"); s.strstart += s.lookahead; s.lookahead = 0; /* Emit a stored block if pending_buf will be full: */ var max_start = s.block_start + max_block_size; if (s.strstart === 0 || s.strstart >= max_start) { /* strstart == 0 is possible when wraparound on 16-bit machine */ s.lookahead = s.strstart - max_start; s.strstart = max_start; /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } /* Flush if we may have to slide, otherwise block_start may become * negative and the data will be gone: */ if (s.strstart - s.block_start >= (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } } s.insert = 0; if (flush === Z_FINISH) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/ flush_block_only(s, true); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_FINISH_STARTED; } /***/ return BS_FINISH_DONE; } if (s.strstart > s.block_start) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } return BS_NEED_MORE; } /* =========================================================================== * Compress as much as possible from the input stream, return the current * block state. * This function does not perform lazy evaluation of matches and inserts * new strings in the dictionary only for unmatched strings or for short * matches. It is used only for the fast compression options. */ function deflate_fast(s, flush) { var hash_head; /* head of the hash chain */ var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */ for (;;) { /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes * for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the * string following the next match. */ if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) { fill_window(s); if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } if (s.lookahead === 0) { break; /* flush the current block */ } } /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain: */ hash_head = 0/*NIL*/; if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) { /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/ s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask; hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h]; s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart; /***/ } /* Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length. * At this point we have always match_length < MIN_MATCH */ if (hash_head !== 0/*NIL*/ && ((s.strstart - hash_head) <= (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD))) { /* To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string * of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match * of the string with itself at the start of the input file). */ s.match_length = longest_match(s, hash_head); /* longest_match() sets match_start */ } if (s.match_length >= MIN_MATCH) { // check_match(s, s.strstart, s.match_start, s.match_length); // for debug only /*** _tr_tally_dist(s, s.strstart - s.match_start, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush); ***/ bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, s.strstart - s.match_start, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH); s.lookahead -= s.match_length; /* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length * is not too large. This saves time but degrades compression. */ if (s.match_length <= s.max_lazy_match/*max_insert_length*/ && s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) { s.match_length--; /* string at strstart already in table */ do { s.strstart++; /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/ s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask; hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h]; s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart; /***/ /* strstart never exceeds WSIZE-MAX_MATCH, so there are * always MIN_MATCH bytes ahead. */ } while (--s.match_length !== 0); s.strstart++; } else { s.strstart += s.match_length; s.match_length = 0; s.ins_h = s.window[s.strstart]; /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s.ins_h, s.window[s.strstart+1]); */ s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + 1]) & s.hash_mask; //#if MIN_MATCH != 3 // Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times //#endif /* If lookahead < MIN_MATCH, ins_h is garbage, but it does not * matter since it will be recomputed at next deflate call. */ } } else { /* No match, output a literal byte */ //Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s.window[s.strstart])); /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/ bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]); s.lookahead--; s.strstart++; } if (bflush) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } } s.insert = ((s.strstart < (MIN_MATCH-1)) ? s.strstart : MIN_MATCH-1); if (flush === Z_FINISH) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/ flush_block_only(s, true); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_FINISH_STARTED; } /***/ return BS_FINISH_DONE; } if (s.last_lit) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } return BS_BLOCK_DONE; } /* =========================================================================== * Same as above, but achieves better compression. We use a lazy * evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is * no better match at the next window position. */ function deflate_slow(s, flush) { var hash_head; /* head of hash chain */ var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */ var max_insert; /* Process the input block. */ for (;;) { /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes * for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the * string following the next match. */ if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) { fill_window(s); if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } if (s.lookahead === 0) { break; } /* flush the current block */ } /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain: */ hash_head = 0/*NIL*/; if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) { /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/ s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask; hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h]; s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart; /***/ } /* Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length. */ s.prev_length = s.match_length; s.prev_match = s.match_start; s.match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; if (hash_head !== 0/*NIL*/ && s.prev_length < s.max_lazy_match && s.strstart - hash_head <= (s.w_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD)/*MAX_DIST(s)*/) { /* To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string * of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match * of the string with itself at the start of the input file). */ s.match_length = longest_match(s, hash_head); /* longest_match() sets match_start */ if (s.match_length <= 5 && (s.strategy === Z_FILTERED || (s.match_length === MIN_MATCH && s.strstart - s.match_start > 4096/*TOO_FAR*/))) { /* If prev_match is also MIN_MATCH, match_start is garbage * but we will ignore the current match anyway. */ s.match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; } } /* If there was a match at the previous step and the current * match is not better, output the previous match: */ if (s.prev_length >= MIN_MATCH && s.match_length <= s.prev_length) { max_insert = s.strstart + s.lookahead - MIN_MATCH; /* Do not insert strings in hash table beyond this. */ //check_match(s, s.strstart-1, s.prev_match, s.prev_length); /***_tr_tally_dist(s, s.strstart - 1 - s.prev_match, s.prev_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush);***/ bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, s.strstart - 1- s.prev_match, s.prev_length - MIN_MATCH); /* Insert in hash table all strings up to the end of the match. * strstart-1 and strstart are already inserted. If there is not * enough lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted in * the hash table. */ s.lookahead -= s.prev_length-1; s.prev_length -= 2; do { if (++s.strstart <= max_insert) { /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/ s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask; hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h]; s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart; /***/ } } while (--s.prev_length !== 0); s.match_available = 0; s.match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; s.strstart++; if (bflush) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } } else if (s.match_available) { /* If there was no match at the previous position, output a * single literal. If there was a match but the current match * is longer, truncate the previous match to a single literal. */ //Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart-1])); /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart-1], bflush); ***/ bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart-1]); if (bflush) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY(s, 0) ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); /***/ } s.strstart++; s.lookahead--; if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } } else { /* There is no previous match to compare with, wait for * the next step to decide. */ s.match_available = 1; s.strstart++; s.lookahead--; } } //Assert (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH, "no flush?"); if (s.match_available) { //Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart-1])); /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart-1], bflush); ***/ bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart-1]); s.match_available = 0; } s.insert = s.strstart < MIN_MATCH-1 ? s.strstart : MIN_MATCH-1; if (flush === Z_FINISH) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/ flush_block_only(s, true); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_FINISH_STARTED; } /***/ return BS_FINISH_DONE; } if (s.last_lit) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } return BS_BLOCK_DONE; } /* =========================================================================== * For Z_RLE, simply look for runs of bytes, generate matches only of distance * one. Do not maintain a hash table. (It will be regenerated if this run of * deflate switches away from Z_RLE.) */ function deflate_rle(s, flush) { var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */ var prev; /* byte at distance one to match */ var scan, strend; /* scan goes up to strend for length of run */ var _win = s.window; for (;;) { /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes * for the longest run, plus one for the unrolled loop. */ if (s.lookahead <= MAX_MATCH) { fill_window(s); if (s.lookahead <= MAX_MATCH && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } if (s.lookahead === 0) { break; } /* flush the current block */ } /* See how many times the previous byte repeats */ s.match_length = 0; if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH && s.strstart > 0) { scan = s.strstart - 1; prev = _win[scan]; if (prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan]) { strend = s.strstart + MAX_MATCH; do { /*jshint noempty:false*/ } while (prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && scan < strend); s.match_length = MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan); if (s.match_length > s.lookahead) { s.match_length = s.lookahead; } } //Assert(scan <= s->window+(uInt)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan"); } /* Emit match if have run of MIN_MATCH or longer, else emit literal */ if (s.match_length >= MIN_MATCH) { //check_match(s, s.strstart, s.strstart - 1, s.match_length); /*** _tr_tally_dist(s, 1, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush); ***/ bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 1, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH); s.lookahead -= s.match_length; s.strstart += s.match_length; s.match_length = 0; } else { /* No match, output a literal byte */ //Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart])); /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/ bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]); s.lookahead--; s.strstart++; } if (bflush) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } } s.insert = 0; if (flush === Z_FINISH) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/ flush_block_only(s, true); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_FINISH_STARTED; } /***/ return BS_FINISH_DONE; } if (s.last_lit) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } return BS_BLOCK_DONE; } /* =========================================================================== * For Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, do not look for matches. Do not maintain a hash table. * (It will be regenerated if this run of deflate switches away from Huffman.) */ function deflate_huff(s, flush) { var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */ for (;;) { /* Make sure that we have a literal to write. */ if (s.lookahead === 0) { fill_window(s); if (s.lookahead === 0) { if (flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } break; /* flush the current block */ } } /* Output a literal byte */ s.match_length = 0; //Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart])); /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/ bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]); s.lookahead--; s.strstart++; if (bflush) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } } s.insert = 0; if (flush === Z_FINISH) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/ flush_block_only(s, true); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_FINISH_STARTED; } /***/ return BS_FINISH_DONE; } if (s.last_lit) { /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/ flush_block_only(s, false); if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) { return BS_NEED_MORE; } /***/ } return BS_BLOCK_DONE; } /* Values for max_lazy_match, good_match and max_chain_length, depending on * the desired pack level (0..9). The values given below have been tuned to * exclude worst case performance for pathological files. Better values may be * found for specific files. */ var Config = function (good_length, max_lazy, nice_length, max_chain, func) { this.good_length = good_length; this.max_lazy = max_lazy; this.nice_length = nice_length; this.max_chain = max_chain; this.func = func; }; var configuration_table; configuration_table = [ /* good lazy nice chain */ new Config(0, 0, 0, 0, deflate_stored), /* 0 store only */ new Config(4, 4, 8, 4, deflate_fast), /* 1 max speed, no lazy matches */ new Config(4, 5, 16, 8, deflate_fast), /* 2 */ new Config(4, 6, 32, 32, deflate_fast), /* 3 */ new Config(4, 4, 16, 16, deflate_slow), /* 4 lazy matches */ new Config(8, 16, 32, 32, deflate_slow), /* 5 */ new Config(8, 16, 128, 128, deflate_slow), /* 6 */ new Config(8, 32, 128, 256, deflate_slow), /* 7 */ new Config(32, 128, 258, 1024, deflate_slow), /* 8 */ new Config(32, 258, 258, 4096, deflate_slow) /* 9 max compression */ ]; /* =========================================================================== * Initialize the "longest match" routines for a new zlib stream */ function lm_init(s) { s.window_size = 2 * s.w_size; /*** CLEAR_HASH(s); ***/ zero(s.head); // Fill with NIL (= 0); /* Set the default configuration parameters: */ s.max_lazy_match = configuration_table[s.level].max_lazy; s.good_match = configuration_table[s.level].good_length; s.nice_match = configuration_table[s.level].nice_length; s.max_chain_length = configuration_table[s.level].max_chain; s.strstart = 0; s.block_start = 0; s.lookahead = 0; s.insert = 0; s.match_length = s.prev_length = MIN_MATCH - 1; s.match_available = 0; s.ins_h = 0; } function DeflateState() { this.strm = null; /* pointer back to this zlib stream */ this.status = 0; /* as the name implies */ this.pending_buf = null; /* output still pending */ this.pending_buf_size = 0; /* size of pending_buf */ this.pending_out = 0; /* next pending byte to output to the stream */ this.pending = 0; /* nb of bytes in the pending buffer */ this.wrap = 0; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */ this.gzhead = null; /* gzip header information to write */ this.gzindex = 0; /* where in extra, name, or comment */ this.method = Z_DEFLATED; /* can only be DEFLATED */ this.last_flush = -1; /* value of flush param for previous deflate call */ this.w_size = 0; /* LZ77 window size (32K by default) */ this.w_bits = 0; /* log2(w_size) (8..16) */ this.w_mask = 0; /* w_size - 1 */ this.window = null; /* Sliding window. Input bytes are read into the second half of the window, * and move to the first half later to keep a dictionary of at least wSize * bytes. With this organization, matches are limited to a distance of * wSize-MAX_MATCH bytes, but this ensures that IO is always * performed with a length multiple of the block size. */ this.window_size = 0; /* Actual size of window: 2*wSize, except when the user input buffer * is directly used as sliding window. */ this.prev = null; /* Link to older string with same hash index. To limit the size of this * array to 64K, this link is maintained only for the last 32K strings. * An index in this array is thus a window index modulo 32K. */ this.head = null; /* Heads of the hash chains or NIL. */ this.ins_h = 0; /* hash index of string to be inserted */ this.hash_size = 0; /* number of elements in hash table */ this.hash_bits = 0; /* log2(hash_size) */ this.hash_mask = 0; /* hash_size-1 */ this.hash_shift = 0; /* Number of bits by which ins_h must be shifted at each input * step. It must be such that after MIN_MATCH steps, the oldest * byte no longer takes part in the hash key, that is: * hash_shift * MIN_MATCH >= hash_bits */ this.block_start = 0; /* Window position at the beginning of the current output block. Gets * negative when the window is moved backwards. */ this.match_length = 0; /* length of best match */ this.prev_match = 0; /* previous match */ this.match_available = 0; /* set if previous match exists */ this.strstart = 0; /* start of string to insert */ this.match_start = 0; /* start of matching string */ this.lookahead = 0; /* number of valid bytes ahead in window */ this.prev_length = 0; /* Length of the best match at previous step. Matches not greater than this * are discarded. This is used in the lazy match evaluation. */ this.max_chain_length = 0; /* To speed up deflation, hash chains are never searched beyond this * length. A higher limit improves compression ratio but degrades the * speed. */ this.max_lazy_match = 0; /* Attempt to find a better match only when the current match is strictly * smaller than this value. This mechanism is used only for compression * levels >= 4. */ // That's alias to max_lazy_match, don't use directly //this.max_insert_length = 0; /* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length is not * greater than this length. This saves time but degrades compression. * max_insert_length is used only for compression levels <= 3. */ this.level = 0; /* compression level (1..9) */ this.strategy = 0; /* favor or force Huffman coding*/ this.good_match = 0; /* Use a faster search when the previous match is longer than this */ this.nice_match = 0; /* Stop searching when current match exceeds this */ /* used by trees.c: */ /* Didn't use ct_data typedef below to suppress compiler warning */ // struct ct_data_s dyn_ltree[HEAP_SIZE]; /* literal and length tree */ // struct ct_data_s dyn_dtree[2*D_CODES+1]; /* distance tree */ // struct ct_data_s bl_tree[2*BL_CODES+1]; /* Huffman tree for bit lengths */ // Use flat array of DOUBLE size, with interleaved fata, // because JS does not support effective this.dyn_ltree = new utils.Buf16(HEAP_SIZE * 2); this.dyn_dtree = new utils.Buf16((2*D_CODES+1) * 2); this.bl_tree = new utils.Buf16((2*BL_CODES+1) * 2); zero(this.dyn_ltree); zero(this.dyn_dtree); zero(this.bl_tree); this.l_desc = null; /* desc. for literal tree */ this.d_desc = null; /* desc. for distance tree */ this.bl_desc = null; /* desc. for bit length tree */ //ush bl_count[MAX_BITS+1]; this.bl_count = new utils.Buf16(MAX_BITS+1); /* number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree */ //int heap[2*L_CODES+1]; /* heap used to build the Huffman trees */ this.heap = new utils.Buf16(2*L_CODES+1); /* heap used to build the Huffman trees */ zero(this.heap); this.heap_len = 0; /* number of elements in the heap */ this.heap_max = 0; /* element of largest frequency */ /* The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1]. heap[0] is not used. * The same heap array is used to build all trees. */ this.depth = new utils.Buf16(2*L_CODES+1); //uch depth[2*L_CODES+1]; zero(this.depth); /* Depth of each subtree used as tie breaker for trees of equal frequency */ this.l_buf = 0; /* buffer index for literals or lengths */ this.lit_bufsize = 0; /* Size of match buffer for literals/lengths. There are 4 reasons for * limiting lit_bufsize to 64K: * - frequencies can be kept in 16 bit counters * - if compression is not successful for the first block, all input * data is still in the window so we can still emit a stored block even * when input comes from standard input. (This can also be done for * all blocks if lit_bufsize is not greater than 32K.) * - if compression is not successful for a file smaller than 64K, we can * even emit a stored file instead of a stored block (saving 5 bytes). * This is applicable only for zip (not gzip or zlib). * - creating new Huffman trees less frequently may not provide fast * adaptation to changes in the input data statistics. (Take for * example a binary file with poorly compressible code followed by * a highly compressible string table.) Smaller buffer sizes give * fast adaptation but have of course the overhead of transmitting * trees more frequently. * - I can't count above 4 */ this.last_lit = 0; /* running index in l_buf */ this.d_buf = 0; /* Buffer index for distances. To simplify the code, d_buf and l_buf have * the same number of elements. To use different lengths, an extra flag * array would be necessary. */ this.opt_len = 0; /* bit length of current block with optimal trees */ this.static_len = 0; /* bit length of current block with static trees */ this.matches = 0; /* number of string matches in current block */ this.insert = 0; /* bytes at end of window left to insert */ this.bi_buf = 0; /* Output buffer. bits are inserted starting at the bottom (least * significant bits). */ this.bi_valid = 0; /* Number of valid bits in bi_buf. All bits above the last valid bit * are always zero. */ // Used for window memory init. We safely ignore it for JS. That makes // sense only for pointers and memory check tools. //this.high_water = 0; /* High water mark offset in window for initialized bytes -- bytes above * this are set to zero in order to avoid memory check warnings when * longest match routines access bytes past the input. This is then * updated to the new high water mark. */ } function deflateResetKeep(strm) { var s; if (!strm || !strm.state) { return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR); } strm.total_in = strm.total_out = 0; strm.data_type = Z_UNKNOWN; s = strm.state; s.pending = 0; s.pending_out = 0; if (s.wrap < 0) { s.wrap = -s.wrap; /* was made negative by deflate(..., Z_FINISH); */ } s.status = (s.wrap ? INIT_STATE : BUSY_STATE); strm.adler = (s.wrap === 2) ? 0 // crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0) : 1; // adler32(0, Z_NULL, 0) s.last_flush = Z_NO_FLUSH; trees._tr_init(s); return Z_OK; } function deflateReset(strm) { var ret = deflateResetKeep(strm); if (ret === Z_OK) { lm_init(strm.state); } return ret; } function deflateSetHeader(strm, head) { if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } if (strm.state.wrap !== 2) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } strm.state.gzhead = head; return Z_OK; } function deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy) { if (!strm) { // === Z_NULL return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } var wrap = 1; if (level === Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) { level = 6; } if (windowBits < 0) { /* suppress zlib wrapper */ wrap = 0; windowBits = -windowBits; } else if (windowBits > 15) { wrap = 2; /* write gzip wrapper instead */ windowBits -= 16; } if (memLevel < 1 || memLevel > MAX_MEM_LEVEL || method !== Z_DEFLATED || windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15 || level < 0 || level > 9 || strategy < 0 || strategy > Z_FIXED) { return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR); } if (windowBits === 8) { windowBits = 9; } /* until 256-byte window bug fixed */ var s = new DeflateState(); strm.state = s; s.strm = strm; s.wrap = wrap; s.gzhead = null; s.w_bits = windowBits; s.w_size = 1 << s.w_bits; s.w_mask = s.w_size - 1; s.hash_bits = memLevel + 7; s.hash_size = 1 << s.hash_bits; s.hash_mask = s.hash_size - 1; s.hash_shift = ~~((s.hash_bits + MIN_MATCH - 1) / MIN_MATCH); s.window = new utils.Buf8(s.w_size * 2); s.head = new utils.Buf16(s.hash_size); s.prev = new utils.Buf16(s.w_size); // Don't need mem init magic for JS. //s.high_water = 0; /* nothing written to s->window yet */ s.lit_bufsize = 1 << (memLevel + 6); /* 16K elements by default */ s.pending_buf_size = s.lit_bufsize * 4; s.pending_buf = new utils.Buf8(s.pending_buf_size); s.d_buf = s.lit_bufsize >> 1; s.l_buf = (1 + 2) * s.lit_bufsize; s.level = level; s.strategy = strategy; s.method = method; return deflateReset(strm); } function deflateInit(strm, level) { return deflateInit2(strm, level, Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); } function deflate(strm, flush) { var old_flush, s; var beg, val; // for gzip header write only if (!strm || !strm.state || flush > Z_BLOCK || flush < 0) { return strm ? err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR) : Z_STREAM_ERROR; } s = strm.state; if (!strm.output || (!strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0) || (s.status === FINISH_STATE && flush !== Z_FINISH)) { return err(strm, (strm.avail_out === 0) ? Z_BUF_ERROR : Z_STREAM_ERROR); } s.strm = strm; /* just in case */ old_flush = s.last_flush; s.last_flush = flush; /* Write the header */ if (s.status === INIT_STATE) { if (s.wrap === 2) { // GZIP header strm.adler = 0; //crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); put_byte(s, 31); put_byte(s, 139); put_byte(s, 8); if (!s.gzhead) { // s->gzhead == Z_NULL put_byte(s, 0); put_byte(s, 0); put_byte(s, 0); put_byte(s, 0); put_byte(s, 0); put_byte(s, s.level === 9 ? 2 : (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2 ? 4 : 0)); put_byte(s, OS_CODE); s.status = BUSY_STATE; } else { put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (s.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (!s.gzhead.extra ? 0 : 4) + (! ? 0 : 8) + (!s.gzhead.comment ? 0 : 16) ); put_byte(s, s.gzhead.time & 0xff); put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 8) & 0xff); put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 16) & 0xff); put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 24) & 0xff); put_byte(s, s.level === 9 ? 2 : (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2 ? 4 : 0)); put_byte(s, s.gzhead.os & 0xff); if (s.gzhead.extra && s.gzhead.extra.length) { put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra.length & 0xff); put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.extra.length >> 8) & 0xff); } if (s.gzhead.hcrc) { strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending, 0); } s.gzindex = 0; s.status = EXTRA_STATE; } } else // DEFLATE header { var header = (Z_DEFLATED + ((s.w_bits - 8) << 4)) << 8; var level_flags = -1; if (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2) { level_flags = 0; } else if (s.level < 6) { level_flags = 1; } else if (s.level === 6) { level_flags = 2; } else { level_flags = 3; } header |= (level_flags << 6); if (s.strstart !== 0) { header |= PRESET_DICT; } header += 31 - (header % 31); s.status = BUSY_STATE; putShortMSB(s, header); /* Save the adler32 of the preset dictionary: */ if (s.strstart !== 0) { putShortMSB(s, strm.adler >>> 16); putShortMSB(s, strm.adler & 0xffff); } strm.adler = 1; // adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); } } //#ifdef GZIP if (s.status === EXTRA_STATE) { if (s.gzhead.extra/* != Z_NULL*/) { beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */ while (s.gzindex < (s.gzhead.extra.length & 0xffff)) { if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) { if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) { strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg); } flush_pending(strm); beg = s.pending; if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) { break; } } put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra[s.gzindex] & 0xff); s.gzindex++; } if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) { strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg); } if (s.gzindex === s.gzhead.extra.length) { s.gzindex = 0; s.status = NAME_STATE; } } else { s.status = NAME_STATE; } } if (s.status === NAME_STATE) { if (* != Z_NULL*/) { beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */ //int val; do { if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) { if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) { strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg); } flush_pending(strm); beg = s.pending; if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) { val = 1; break; } } // JS specific: little magic to add zero terminator to end of string if (s.gzindex < { val = & 0xff; } else { val = 0; } put_byte(s, val); } while (val !== 0); if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) { strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg); } if (val === 0) { s.gzindex = 0; s.status = COMMENT_STATE; } } else { s.status = COMMENT_STATE; } } if (s.status === COMMENT_STATE) { if (s.gzhead.comment/* != Z_NULL*/) { beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */ //int val; do { if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) { if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) { strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg); } flush_pending(strm); beg = s.pending; if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) { val = 1; break; } } // JS specific: little magic to add zero terminator to end of string if (s.gzindex < s.gzhead.comment.length) { val = s.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(s.gzindex++) & 0xff; } else { val = 0; } put_byte(s, val); } while (val !== 0); if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) { strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg); } if (val === 0) { s.status = HCRC_STATE; } } else { s.status = HCRC_STATE; } } if (s.status === HCRC_STATE) { if (s.gzhead.hcrc) { if (s.pending + 2 > s.pending_buf_size) { flush_pending(strm); } if (s.pending + 2 <= s.pending_buf_size) { put_byte(s, strm.adler & 0xff); put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 8) & 0xff); strm.adler = 0; //crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); s.status = BUSY_STATE; } } else { s.status = BUSY_STATE; } } //#endif /* Flush as much pending output as possible */ if (s.pending !== 0) { flush_pending(strm); if (strm.avail_out === 0) { /* Since avail_out is 0, deflate will be called again with * more output space, but possibly with both pending and * avail_in equal to zero. There won't be anything to do, * but this is not an error situation so make sure we * return OK instead of BUF_ERROR at next call of deflate: */ s.last_flush = -1; return Z_OK; } /* Make sure there is something to do and avoid duplicate consecutive * flushes. For repeated and useless calls with Z_FINISH, we keep * returning Z_STREAM_END instead of Z_BUF_ERROR. */ } else if (strm.avail_in === 0 && rank(flush) <= rank(old_flush) && flush !== Z_FINISH) { return err(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR); } /* User must not provide more input after the first FINISH: */ if (s.status === FINISH_STATE && strm.avail_in !== 0) { return err(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR); } /* Start a new block or continue the current one. */ if (strm.avail_in !== 0 || s.lookahead !== 0 || (flush !== Z_NO_FLUSH && s.status !== FINISH_STATE)) { var bstate = (s.strategy === Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY) ? deflate_huff(s, flush) : (s.strategy === Z_RLE ? deflate_rle(s, flush) : configuration_table[s.level].func(s, flush)); if (bstate === BS_FINISH_STARTED || bstate === BS_FINISH_DONE) { s.status = FINISH_STATE; } if (bstate === BS_NEED_MORE || bstate === BS_FINISH_STARTED) { if (strm.avail_out === 0) { s.last_flush = -1; /* avoid BUF_ERROR next call, see above */ } return Z_OK; /* If flush != Z_NO_FLUSH && avail_out == 0, the next call * of deflate should use the same flush parameter to make sure * that the flush is complete. So we don't have to output an * empty block here, this will be done at next call. This also * ensures that for a very small output buffer, we emit at most * one empty block. */ } if (bstate === BS_BLOCK_DONE) { if (flush === Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH) { trees._tr_align(s); } else if (flush !== Z_BLOCK) { /* FULL_FLUSH or SYNC_FLUSH */ trees._tr_stored_block(s, 0, 0, false); /* For a full flush, this empty block will be recognized * as a special marker by inflate_sync(). */ if (flush === Z_FULL_FLUSH) { /*** CLEAR_HASH(s); ***/ /* forget history */ zero(s.head); // Fill with NIL (= 0); if (s.lookahead === 0) { s.strstart = 0; s.block_start = 0; s.insert = 0; } } } flush_pending(strm); if (strm.avail_out === 0) { s.last_flush = -1; /* avoid BUF_ERROR at next call, see above */ return Z_OK; } } } //Assert(strm->avail_out > 0, "bug2"); //if (strm.avail_out <= 0) { throw new Error("bug2");} if (flush !== Z_FINISH) { return Z_OK; } if (s.wrap <= 0) { return Z_STREAM_END; } /* Write the trailer */ if (s.wrap === 2) { put_byte(s, strm.adler & 0xff); put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 8) & 0xff); put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 16) & 0xff); put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 24) & 0xff); put_byte(s, strm.total_in & 0xff); put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 8) & 0xff); put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 16) & 0xff); put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 24) & 0xff); } else { putShortMSB(s, strm.adler >>> 16); putShortMSB(s, strm.adler & 0xffff); } flush_pending(strm); /* If avail_out is zero, the application will call deflate again * to flush the rest. */ if (s.wrap > 0) { s.wrap = -s.wrap; } /* write the trailer only once! */ return s.pending !== 0 ? Z_OK : Z_STREAM_END; } function deflateEnd(strm) { var status; if (!strm/*== Z_NULL*/ || !strm.state/*== Z_NULL*/) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } status = strm.state.status; if (status !== INIT_STATE && status !== EXTRA_STATE && status !== NAME_STATE && status !== COMMENT_STATE && status !== HCRC_STATE && status !== BUSY_STATE && status !== FINISH_STATE ) { return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR); } strm.state = null; return status === BUSY_STATE ? err(strm, Z_DATA_ERROR) : Z_OK; } /* ========================================================================= * Copy the source state to the destination state */ //function deflateCopy(dest, source) { // //} exports.deflateInit = deflateInit; exports.deflateInit2 = deflateInit2; exports.deflateReset = deflateReset; exports.deflateResetKeep = deflateResetKeep; exports.deflateSetHeader = deflateSetHeader; exports.deflate = deflate; exports.deflateEnd = deflateEnd; exports.deflateInfo = 'pako deflate (from Nodeca project)'; /* Not implemented exports.deflateBound = deflateBound; exports.deflateCopy = deflateCopy; exports.deflateSetDictionary = deflateSetDictionary; exports.deflateParams = deflateParams; exports.deflatePending = deflatePending; exports.deflatePrime = deflatePrime; exports.deflateTune = deflateTune; */ },{"../utils/common":81,"./adler32":83,"./crc32":85,"./messages":91,"./trees":92}],87:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; function GZheader() { /* true if compressed data believed to be text */ this.text = 0; /* modification time */ this.time = 0; /* extra flags (not used when writing a gzip file) */ this.xflags = 0; /* operating system */ this.os = 0; /* pointer to extra field or Z_NULL if none */ this.extra = null; /* extra field length (valid if extra != Z_NULL) */ this.extra_len = 0; // Actually, we don't need it in JS, // but leave for few code modifications // // Setup limits is not necessary because in js we should not preallocate memory // for inflate use constant limit in 65536 bytes // /* space at extra (only when reading header) */ // this.extra_max = 0; /* pointer to zero-terminated file name or Z_NULL */ = ''; /* space at name (only when reading header) */ // this.name_max = 0; /* pointer to zero-terminated comment or Z_NULL */ this.comment = ''; /* space at comment (only when reading header) */ // this.comm_max = 0; /* true if there was or will be a header crc */ this.hcrc = 0; /* true when done reading gzip header (not used when writing a gzip file) */ this.done = false; } module.exports = GZheader; },{}],88:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // See state defs from inflate.js var BAD = 30; /* got a data error -- remain here until reset */ var TYPE = 12; /* i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit */ /* Decode literal, length, and distance codes and write out the resulting literal and match bytes until either not enough input or output is available, an end-of-block is encountered, or a data error is encountered. When large enough input and output buffers are supplied to inflate(), for example, a 16K input buffer and a 64K output buffer, more than 95% of the inflate execution time is spent in this routine. Entry assumptions: state.mode === LEN strm.avail_in >= 6 strm.avail_out >= 258 start >= strm.avail_out state.bits < 8 On return, state.mode is one of: LEN -- ran out of enough output space or enough available input TYPE -- reached end of block code, inflate() to interpret next block BAD -- error in block data Notes: - The maximum input bits used by a length/distance pair is 15 bits for the length code, 5 bits for the length extra, 15 bits for the distance code, and 13 bits for the distance extra. This totals 48 bits, or six bytes. Therefore if strm.avail_in >= 6, then there is enough input to avoid checking for available input while decoding. - The maximum bytes that a single length/distance pair can output is 258 bytes, which is the maximum length that can be coded. inflate_fast() requires strm.avail_out >= 258 for each loop to avoid checking for output space. */ module.exports = function inflate_fast(strm, start) { var state; var _in; /* local strm.input */ var last; /* have enough input while in < last */ var _out; /* local strm.output */ var beg; /* inflate()'s initial strm.output */ var end; /* while out < end, enough space available */ //#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT var dmax; /* maximum distance from zlib header */ //#endif var wsize; /* window size or zero if not using window */ var whave; /* valid bytes in the window */ var wnext; /* window write index */ // Use `s_window` instead `window`, avoid conflict with instrumentation tools var s_window; /* allocated sliding window, if wsize != 0 */ var hold; /* local strm.hold */ var bits; /* local strm.bits */ var lcode; /* local strm.lencode */ var dcode; /* local strm.distcode */ var lmask; /* mask for first level of length codes */ var dmask; /* mask for first level of distance codes */ var here; /* retrieved table entry */ var op; /* code bits, operation, extra bits, or */ /* window position, window bytes to copy */ var len; /* match length, unused bytes */ var dist; /* match distance */ var from; /* where to copy match from */ var from_source; var input, output; // JS specific, because we have no pointers /* copy state to local variables */ state = strm.state; //here =; _in = strm.next_in; input = strm.input; last = _in + (strm.avail_in - 5); _out = strm.next_out; output = strm.output; beg = _out - (start - strm.avail_out); end = _out + (strm.avail_out - 257); //#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT dmax = state.dmax; //#endif wsize = state.wsize; whave = state.whave; wnext = state.wnext; s_window = state.window; hold = state.hold; bits = state.bits; lcode = state.lencode; dcode = state.distcode; lmask = (1 << state.lenbits) - 1; dmask = (1 << state.distbits) - 1; /* decode literals and length/distances until end-of-block or not enough input data or output space */ top: do { if (bits < 15) { hold += input[_in++] << bits; bits += 8; hold += input[_in++] << bits; bits += 8; } here = lcode[hold & lmask]; dolen: for (;;) { // Goto emulation op = here >>> 24/*here.bits*/; hold >>>= op; bits -= op; op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff/*here.op*/; if (op === 0) { /* literal */ //Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ? // "inflate: literal '%c'\n" : // "inflate: literal 0x%02x\n", here.val)); output[_out++] = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/; } else if (op & 16) { /* length base */ len = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/; op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */ if (op) { if (bits < op) { hold += input[_in++] << bits; bits += 8; } len += hold & ((1 << op) - 1); hold >>>= op; bits -= op; } //Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: length %u\n", len)); if (bits < 15) { hold += input[_in++] << bits; bits += 8; hold += input[_in++] << bits; bits += 8; } here = dcode[hold & dmask]; dodist: for (;;) { // goto emulation op = here >>> 24/*here.bits*/; hold >>>= op; bits -= op; op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff/*here.op*/; if (op & 16) { /* distance base */ dist = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/; op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */ if (bits < op) { hold += input[_in++] << bits; bits += 8; if (bits < op) { hold += input[_in++] << bits; bits += 8; } } dist += hold & ((1 << op) - 1); //#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT if (dist > dmax) { strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back'; state.mode = BAD; break top; } //#endif hold >>>= op; bits -= op; //Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: distance %u\n", dist)); op = _out - beg; /* max distance in output */ if (dist > op) { /* see if copy from window */ op = dist - op; /* distance back in window */ if (op > whave) { if (state.sane) { strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back'; state.mode = BAD; break top; } // (!) This block is disabled in zlib defailts, // don't enable it for binary compatibility //#ifdef INFLATE_ALLOW_INVALID_DISTANCE_TOOFAR_ARRR // if (len <= op - whave) { // do { // output[_out++] = 0; // } while (--len); // continue top; // } // len -= op - whave; // do { // output[_out++] = 0; // } while (--op > whave); // if (op === 0) { // from = _out - dist; // do { // output[_out++] = output[from++]; // } while (--len); // continue top; // } //#endif } from = 0; // window index from_source = s_window; if (wnext === 0) { /* very common case */ from += wsize - op; if (op < len) { /* some from window */ len -= op; do { output[_out++] = s_window[from++]; } while (--op); from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */ from_source = output; } } else if (wnext < op) { /* wrap around window */ from += wsize + wnext - op; op -= wnext; if (op < len) { /* some from end of window */ len -= op; do { output[_out++] = s_window[from++]; } while (--op); from = 0; if (wnext < len) { /* some from start of window */ op = wnext; len -= op; do { output[_out++] = s_window[from++]; } while (--op); from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */ from_source = output; } } } else { /* contiguous in window */ from += wnext - op; if (op < len) { /* some from window */ len -= op; do { output[_out++] = s_window[from++]; } while (--op); from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */ from_source = output; } } while (len > 2) { output[_out++] = from_source[from++]; output[_out++] = from_source[from++]; output[_out++] = from_source[from++]; len -= 3; } if (len) { output[_out++] = from_source[from++]; if (len > 1) { output[_out++] = from_source[from++]; } } } else { from = _out - dist; /* copy direct from output */ do { /* minimum length is three */ output[_out++] = output[from++]; output[_out++] = output[from++]; output[_out++] = output[from++]; len -= 3; } while (len > 2); if (len) { output[_out++] = output[from++]; if (len > 1) { output[_out++] = output[from++]; } } } } else if ((op & 64) === 0) { /* 2nd level distance code */ here = dcode[(here & 0xffff)/*here.val*/ + (hold & ((1 << op) - 1))]; continue dodist; } else { strm.msg = 'invalid distance code'; state.mode = BAD; break top; } break; // need to emulate goto via "continue" } } else if ((op & 64) === 0) { /* 2nd level length code */ here = lcode[(here & 0xffff)/*here.val*/ + (hold & ((1 << op) - 1))]; continue dolen; } else if (op & 32) { /* end-of-block */ //Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: end of block\n")); state.mode = TYPE; break top; } else { strm.msg = 'invalid literal/length code'; state.mode = BAD; break top; } break; // need to emulate goto via "continue" } } while (_in < last && _out < end); /* return unused bytes (on entry, bits < 8, so in won't go too far back) */ len = bits >> 3; _in -= len; bits -= len << 3; hold &= (1 << bits) - 1; /* update state and return */ strm.next_in = _in; strm.next_out = _out; strm.avail_in = (_in < last ? 5 + (last - _in) : 5 - (_in - last)); strm.avail_out = (_out < end ? 257 + (end - _out) : 257 - (_out - end)); state.hold = hold; state.bits = bits; return; }; },{}],89:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = _dereq_('../utils/common'); var adler32 = _dereq_('./adler32'); var crc32 = _dereq_('./crc32'); var inflate_fast = _dereq_('./inffast'); var inflate_table = _dereq_('./inftrees'); var CODES = 0; var LENS = 1; var DISTS = 2; /* Public constants ==========================================================*/ /* ===========================================================================*/ /* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */ //var Z_NO_FLUSH = 0; //var Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH = 1; //var Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2; //var Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3; var Z_FINISH = 4; var Z_BLOCK = 5; var Z_TREES = 6; /* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events. */ var Z_OK = 0; var Z_STREAM_END = 1; var Z_NEED_DICT = 2; //var Z_ERRNO = -1; var Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2; var Z_DATA_ERROR = -3; var Z_MEM_ERROR = -4; var Z_BUF_ERROR = -5; //var Z_VERSION_ERROR = -6; /* The deflate compression method */ var Z_DEFLATED = 8; /* STATES ====================================================================*/ /* ===========================================================================*/ var HEAD = 1; /* i: waiting for magic header */ var FLAGS = 2; /* i: waiting for method and flags (gzip) */ var TIME = 3; /* i: waiting for modification time (gzip) */ var OS = 4; /* i: waiting for extra flags and operating system (gzip) */ var EXLEN = 5; /* i: waiting for extra length (gzip) */ var EXTRA = 6; /* i: waiting for extra bytes (gzip) */ var NAME = 7; /* i: waiting for end of file name (gzip) */ var COMMENT = 8; /* i: waiting for end of comment (gzip) */ var HCRC = 9; /* i: waiting for header crc (gzip) */ var DICTID = 10; /* i: waiting for dictionary check value */ var DICT = 11; /* waiting for inflateSetDictionary() call */ var TYPE = 12; /* i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit */ var TYPEDO = 13; /* i: same, but skip check to exit inflate on new block */ var STORED = 14; /* i: waiting for stored size (length and complement) */ var COPY_ = 15; /* i/o: same as COPY below, but only first time in */ var COPY = 16; /* i/o: waiting for input or output to copy stored block */ var TABLE = 17; /* i: waiting for dynamic block table lengths */ var LENLENS = 18; /* i: waiting for code length code lengths */ var CODELENS = 19; /* i: waiting for length/lit and distance code lengths */ var LEN_ = 20; /* i: same as LEN below, but only first time in */ var LEN = 21; /* i: waiting for length/lit/eob code */ var LENEXT = 22; /* i: waiting for length extra bits */ var DIST = 23; /* i: waiting for distance code */ var DISTEXT = 24; /* i: waiting for distance extra bits */ var MATCH = 25; /* o: waiting for output space to copy string */ var LIT = 26; /* o: waiting for output space to write literal */ var CHECK = 27; /* i: waiting for 32-bit check value */ var LENGTH = 28; /* i: waiting for 32-bit length (gzip) */ var DONE = 29; /* finished check, done -- remain here until reset */ var BAD = 30; /* got a data error -- remain here until reset */ var MEM = 31; /* got an inflate() memory error -- remain here until reset */ var SYNC = 32; /* looking for synchronization bytes to restart inflate() */ /* ===========================================================================*/ var ENOUGH_LENS = 852; var ENOUGH_DISTS = 592; //var ENOUGH = (ENOUGH_LENS+ENOUGH_DISTS); var MAX_WBITS = 15; /* 32K LZ77 window */ var DEF_WBITS = MAX_WBITS; function ZSWAP32(q) { return (((q >>> 24) & 0xff) + ((q >>> 8) & 0xff00) + ((q & 0xff00) << 8) + ((q & 0xff) << 24)); } function InflateState() { this.mode = 0; /* current inflate mode */ this.last = false; /* true if processing last block */ this.wrap = 0; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */ this.havedict = false; /* true if dictionary provided */ this.flags = 0; /* gzip header method and flags (0 if zlib) */ this.dmax = 0; /* zlib header max distance (INFLATE_STRICT) */ this.check = 0; /* protected copy of check value */ = 0; /* protected copy of output count */ // TODO: may be {} this.head = null; /* where to save gzip header information */ /* sliding window */ this.wbits = 0; /* log base 2 of requested window size */ this.wsize = 0; /* window size or zero if not using window */ this.whave = 0; /* valid bytes in the window */ this.wnext = 0; /* window write index */ this.window = null; /* allocated sliding window, if needed */ /* bit accumulator */ this.hold = 0; /* input bit accumulator */ this.bits = 0; /* number of bits in "in" */ /* for string and stored block copying */ this.length = 0; /* literal or length of data to copy */ this.offset = 0; /* distance back to copy string from */ /* for table and code decoding */ this.extra = 0; /* extra bits needed */ /* fixed and dynamic code tables */ this.lencode = null; /* starting table for length/literal codes */ this.distcode = null; /* starting table for distance codes */ this.lenbits = 0; /* index bits for lencode */ this.distbits = 0; /* index bits for distcode */ /* dynamic table building */ this.ncode = 0; /* number of code length code lengths */ this.nlen = 0; /* number of length code lengths */ this.ndist = 0; /* number of distance code lengths */ this.have = 0; /* number of code lengths in lens[] */ = null; /* next available space in codes[] */ this.lens = new utils.Buf16(320); /* temporary storage for code lengths */ = new utils.Buf16(288); /* work area for code table building */ /* because we don't have pointers in js, we use lencode and distcode directly as buffers so we don't need codes */ // = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH); /* space for code tables */ this.lendyn = null; /* dynamic table for length/literal codes (JS specific) */ this.distdyn = null; /* dynamic table for distance codes (JS specific) */ this.sane = 0; /* if false, allow invalid distance too far */ this.back = 0; /* bits back of last unprocessed length/lit */ this.was = 0; /* initial length of match */ } function inflateResetKeep(strm) { var state; if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } state = strm.state; strm.total_in = strm.total_out = = 0; strm.msg = ''; /*Z_NULL*/ if (state.wrap) { /* to support ill-conceived Java test suite */ strm.adler = state.wrap & 1; } state.mode = HEAD; state.last = 0; state.havedict = 0; state.dmax = 32768; state.head = null/*Z_NULL*/; state.hold = 0; state.bits = 0; //state.lencode = state.distcode = =; state.lencode = state.lendyn = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH_LENS); state.distcode = state.distdyn = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH_DISTS); state.sane = 1; state.back = -1; //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: reset\n")); return Z_OK; } function inflateReset(strm) { var state; if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } state = strm.state; state.wsize = 0; state.whave = 0; state.wnext = 0; return inflateResetKeep(strm); } function inflateReset2(strm, windowBits) { var wrap; var state; /* get the state */ if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } state = strm.state; /* extract wrap request from windowBits parameter */ if (windowBits < 0) { wrap = 0; windowBits = -windowBits; } else { wrap = (windowBits >> 4) + 1; if (windowBits < 48) { windowBits &= 15; } } /* set number of window bits, free window if different */ if (windowBits && (windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15)) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } if (state.window !== null && state.wbits !== windowBits) { state.window = null; } /* update state and reset the rest of it */ state.wrap = wrap; state.wbits = windowBits; return inflateReset(strm); } function inflateInit2(strm, windowBits) { var ret; var state; if (!strm) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } //strm.msg = Z_NULL; /* in case we return an error */ state = new InflateState(); //if (state === Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR; //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: allocated\n")); strm.state = state; state.window = null/*Z_NULL*/; ret = inflateReset2(strm, windowBits); if (ret !== Z_OK) { strm.state = null/*Z_NULL*/; } return ret; } function inflateInit(strm) { return inflateInit2(strm, DEF_WBITS); } /* Return state with length and distance decoding tables and index sizes set to fixed code decoding. Normally this returns fixed tables from inffixed.h. If BUILDFIXED is defined, then instead this routine builds the tables the first time it's called, and returns those tables the first time and thereafter. This reduces the size of the code by about 2K bytes, in exchange for a little execution time. However, BUILDFIXED should not be used for threaded applications, since the rewriting of the tables and virgin may not be thread-safe. */ var virgin = true; var lenfix, distfix; // We have no pointers in JS, so keep tables separate function fixedtables(state) { /* build fixed huffman tables if first call (may not be thread safe) */ if (virgin) { var sym; lenfix = new utils.Buf32(512); distfix = new utils.Buf32(32); /* literal/length table */ sym = 0; while (sym < 144) { state.lens[sym++] = 8; } while (sym < 256) { state.lens[sym++] = 9; } while (sym < 280) { state.lens[sym++] = 7; } while (sym < 288) { state.lens[sym++] = 8; } inflate_table(LENS, state.lens, 0, 288, lenfix, 0,, {bits: 9}); /* distance table */ sym = 0; while (sym < 32) { state.lens[sym++] = 5; } inflate_table(DISTS, state.lens, 0, 32, distfix, 0,, {bits: 5}); /* do this just once */ virgin = false; } state.lencode = lenfix; state.lenbits = 9; state.distcode = distfix; state.distbits = 5; } /* Update the window with the last wsize (normally 32K) bytes written before returning. If window does not exist yet, create it. This is only called when a window is already in use, or when output has been written during this inflate call, but the end of the deflate stream has not been reached yet. It is also called to create a window for dictionary data when a dictionary is loaded. Providing output buffers larger than 32K to inflate() should provide a speed advantage, since only the last 32K of output is copied to the sliding window upon return from inflate(), and since all distances after the first 32K of output will fall in the output data, making match copies simpler and faster. The advantage may be dependent on the size of the processor's data caches. */ function updatewindow(strm, src, end, copy) { var dist; var state = strm.state; /* if it hasn't been done already, allocate space for the window */ if (state.window === null) { state.wsize = 1 << state.wbits; state.wnext = 0; state.whave = 0; state.window = new utils.Buf8(state.wsize); } /* copy state->wsize or less output bytes into the circular window */ if (copy >= state.wsize) { utils.arraySet(state.window,src, end - state.wsize, state.wsize, 0); state.wnext = 0; state.whave = state.wsize; } else { dist = state.wsize - state.wnext; if (dist > copy) { dist = copy; } //zmemcpy(state->window + state->wnext, end - copy, dist); utils.arraySet(state.window,src, end - copy, dist, state.wnext); copy -= dist; if (copy) { //zmemcpy(state->window, end - copy, copy); utils.arraySet(state.window,src, end - copy, copy, 0); state.wnext = copy; state.whave = state.wsize; } else { state.wnext += dist; if (state.wnext === state.wsize) { state.wnext = 0; } if (state.whave < state.wsize) { state.whave += dist; } } } return 0; } function inflate(strm, flush) { var state; var input, output; // input/output buffers var next; /* next input INDEX */ var put; /* next output INDEX */ var have, left; /* available input and output */ var hold; /* bit buffer */ var bits; /* bits in bit buffer */ var _in, _out; /* save starting available input and output */ var copy; /* number of stored or match bytes to copy */ var from; /* where to copy match bytes from */ var from_source; var here = 0; /* current decoding table entry */ var here_bits, here_op, here_val; // paked "here" denormalized (JS specific) //var last; /* parent table entry */ var last_bits, last_op, last_val; // paked "last" denormalized (JS specific) var len; /* length to copy for repeats, bits to drop */ var ret; /* return code */ var hbuf = new utils.Buf8(4); /* buffer for gzip header crc calculation */ var opts; var n; // temporary var for NEED_BITS var order = /* permutation of code lengths */ [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]; if (!strm || !strm.state || !strm.output || (!strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0)) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } state = strm.state; if (state.mode === TYPE) { state.mode = TYPEDO; } /* skip check */ //--- LOAD() --- put = strm.next_out; output = strm.output; left = strm.avail_out; next = strm.next_in; input = strm.input; have = strm.avail_in; hold = state.hold; bits = state.bits; //--- _in = have; _out = left; ret = Z_OK; inf_leave: // goto emulation for (;;) { switch (state.mode) { case HEAD: if (state.wrap === 0) { state.mode = TYPEDO; break; } //=== NEEDBITS(16); while (bits < 16) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// if ((state.wrap & 2) && hold === 0x8b1f) { /* gzip header */ state.check = 0/*crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/; //=== CRC2(state.check, hold); hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff; hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff; state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0); //===// //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// state.mode = FLAGS; break; } state.flags = 0; /* expect zlib header */ if (state.head) { state.head.done = false; } if (!(state.wrap & 1) || /* check if zlib header allowed */ (((hold & 0xff)/*BITS(8)*/ << 8) + (hold >> 8)) % 31) { strm.msg = 'incorrect header check'; state.mode = BAD; break; } if ((hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ !== Z_DEFLATED) { strm.msg = 'unknown compression method'; state.mode = BAD; break; } //--- DROPBITS(4) ---// hold >>>= 4; bits -= 4; //---// len = (hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ + 8; if (state.wbits === 0) { state.wbits = len; } else if (len > state.wbits) { strm.msg = 'invalid window size'; state.mode = BAD; break; } state.dmax = 1 << len; //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: zlib header ok\n")); strm.adler = state.check = 1/*adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/; state.mode = hold & 0x200 ? DICTID : TYPE; //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// break; case FLAGS: //=== NEEDBITS(16); */ while (bits < 16) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// state.flags = hold; if ((state.flags & 0xff) !== Z_DEFLATED) { strm.msg = 'unknown compression method'; state.mode = BAD; break; } if (state.flags & 0xe000) { strm.msg = 'unknown header flags set'; state.mode = BAD; break; } if (state.head) { state.head.text = ((hold >> 8) & 1); } if (state.flags & 0x0200) { //=== CRC2(state.check, hold); hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff; hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff; state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0); //===// } //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// state.mode = TIME; /* falls through */ case TIME: //=== NEEDBITS(32); */ while (bits < 32) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// if (state.head) { state.head.time = hold; } if (state.flags & 0x0200) { //=== CRC4(state.check, hold) hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff; hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff; hbuf[2] = (hold >>> 16) & 0xff; hbuf[3] = (hold >>> 24) & 0xff; state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 4, 0); //=== } //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// state.mode = OS; /* falls through */ case OS: //=== NEEDBITS(16); */ while (bits < 16) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// if (state.head) { state.head.xflags = (hold & 0xff); state.head.os = (hold >> 8); } if (state.flags & 0x0200) { //=== CRC2(state.check, hold); hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff; hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff; state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0); //===// } //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// state.mode = EXLEN; /* falls through */ case EXLEN: if (state.flags & 0x0400) { //=== NEEDBITS(16); */ while (bits < 16) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// state.length = hold; if (state.head) { state.head.extra_len = hold; } if (state.flags & 0x0200) { //=== CRC2(state.check, hold); hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff; hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff; state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0); //===// } //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// } else if (state.head) { state.head.extra = null/*Z_NULL*/; } state.mode = EXTRA; /* falls through */ case EXTRA: if (state.flags & 0x0400) { copy = state.length; if (copy > have) { copy = have; } if (copy) { if (state.head) { len = state.head.extra_len - state.length; if (!state.head.extra) { // Use untyped array for more conveniend processing later state.head.extra = new Array(state.head.extra_len); } utils.arraySet( state.head.extra, input, next, // extra field is limited to 65536 bytes // - no need for additional size check copy, /*len + copy > state.head.extra_max - len ? state.head.extra_max : copy,*/ len ); //zmemcpy(state.head.extra + len, next, // len + copy > state.head.extra_max ? // state.head.extra_max - len : copy); } if (state.flags & 0x0200) { state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next); } have -= copy; next += copy; state.length -= copy; } if (state.length) { break inf_leave; } } state.length = 0; state.mode = NAME; /* falls through */ case NAME: if (state.flags & 0x0800) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } copy = 0; do { // TODO: 2 or 1 bytes? len = input[next + copy++]; /* use constant limit because in js we should not preallocate memory */ if (state.head && len && (state.length < 65536 /*state.head.name_max*/)) { += String.fromCharCode(len); } } while (len && copy < have); if (state.flags & 0x0200) { state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next); } have -= copy; next += copy; if (len) { break inf_leave; } } else if (state.head) { = null; } state.length = 0; state.mode = COMMENT; /* falls through */ case COMMENT: if (state.flags & 0x1000) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } copy = 0; do { len = input[next + copy++]; /* use constant limit because in js we should not preallocate memory */ if (state.head && len && (state.length < 65536 /*state.head.comm_max*/)) { state.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(len); } } while (len && copy < have); if (state.flags & 0x0200) { state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next); } have -= copy; next += copy; if (len) { break inf_leave; } } else if (state.head) { state.head.comment = null; } state.mode = HCRC; /* falls through */ case HCRC: if (state.flags & 0x0200) { //=== NEEDBITS(16); */ while (bits < 16) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// if (hold !== (state.check & 0xffff)) { strm.msg = 'header crc mismatch'; state.mode = BAD; break; } //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// } if (state.head) { state.head.hcrc = ((state.flags >> 9) & 1); state.head.done = true; } strm.adler = state.check = 0 /*crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/; state.mode = TYPE; break; case DICTID: //=== NEEDBITS(32); */ while (bits < 32) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// strm.adler = state.check = ZSWAP32(hold); //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// state.mode = DICT; /* falls through */ case DICT: if (state.havedict === 0) { //--- RESTORE() --- strm.next_out = put; strm.avail_out = left; strm.next_in = next; strm.avail_in = have; state.hold = hold; state.bits = bits; //--- return Z_NEED_DICT; } strm.adler = state.check = 1/*adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/; state.mode = TYPE; /* falls through */ case TYPE: if (flush === Z_BLOCK || flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; } /* falls through */ case TYPEDO: if (state.last) { //--- BYTEBITS() ---// hold >>>= bits & 7; bits -= bits & 7; //---// state.mode = CHECK; break; } //=== NEEDBITS(3); */ while (bits < 3) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// state.last = (hold & 0x01)/*BITS(1)*/; //--- DROPBITS(1) ---// hold >>>= 1; bits -= 1; //---// switch ((hold & 0x03)/*BITS(2)*/) { case 0: /* stored block */ //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored block%s\n", // state.last ? " (last)" : "")); state.mode = STORED; break; case 1: /* fixed block */ fixedtables(state); //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: fixed codes block%s\n", // state.last ? " (last)" : "")); state.mode = LEN_; /* decode codes */ if (flush === Z_TREES) { //--- DROPBITS(2) ---// hold >>>= 2; bits -= 2; //---// break inf_leave; } break; case 2: /* dynamic block */ //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: dynamic codes block%s\n", // state.last ? " (last)" : "")); state.mode = TABLE; break; case 3: strm.msg = 'invalid block type'; state.mode = BAD; } //--- DROPBITS(2) ---// hold >>>= 2; bits -= 2; //---// break; case STORED: //--- BYTEBITS() ---// /* go to byte boundary */ hold >>>= bits & 7; bits -= bits & 7; //---// //=== NEEDBITS(32); */ while (bits < 32) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// if ((hold & 0xffff) !== ((hold >>> 16) ^ 0xffff)) { strm.msg = 'invalid stored block lengths'; state.mode = BAD; break; } state.length = hold & 0xffff; //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored length %u\n", // state.length)); //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// state.mode = COPY_; if (flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; } /* falls through */ case COPY_: state.mode = COPY; /* falls through */ case COPY: copy = state.length; if (copy) { if (copy > have) { copy = have; } if (copy > left) { copy = left; } if (copy === 0) { break inf_leave; } //--- zmemcpy(put, next, copy); --- utils.arraySet(output, input, next, copy, put); //---// have -= copy; next += copy; left -= copy; put += copy; state.length -= copy; break; } //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored end\n")); state.mode = TYPE; break; case TABLE: //=== NEEDBITS(14); */ while (bits < 14) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// state.nlen = (hold & 0x1f)/*BITS(5)*/ + 257; //--- DROPBITS(5) ---// hold >>>= 5; bits -= 5; //---// state.ndist = (hold & 0x1f)/*BITS(5)*/ + 1; //--- DROPBITS(5) ---// hold >>>= 5; bits -= 5; //---// state.ncode = (hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ + 4; //--- DROPBITS(4) ---// hold >>>= 4; bits -= 4; //---// //#ifndef PKZIP_BUG_WORKAROUND if (state.nlen > 286 || state.ndist > 30) { strm.msg = 'too many length or distance symbols'; state.mode = BAD; break; } //#endif //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: table sizes ok\n")); state.have = 0; state.mode = LENLENS; /* falls through */ case LENLENS: while (state.have < state.ncode) { //=== NEEDBITS(3); while (bits < 3) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// state.lens[order[state.have++]] = (hold & 0x07);//BITS(3); //--- DROPBITS(3) ---// hold >>>= 3; bits -= 3; //---// } while (state.have < 19) { state.lens[order[state.have++]] = 0; } // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed. // =; //state.lencode =; // Switch to use dynamic table state.lencode = state.lendyn; state.lenbits = 7; opts = {bits: state.lenbits}; ret = inflate_table(CODES, state.lens, 0, 19, state.lencode, 0,, opts); state.lenbits = opts.bits; if (ret) { strm.msg = 'invalid code lengths set'; state.mode = BAD; break; } //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: code lengths ok\n")); state.have = 0; state.mode = CODELENS; /* falls through */ case CODELENS: while (state.have < state.nlen + state.ndist) { for (;;) { here = state.lencode[hold & ((1 << state.lenbits) - 1)];/*BITS(state.lenbits)*/ here_bits = here >>> 24; here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff; here_val = here & 0xffff; if ((here_bits) <= bits) { break; } //--- PULLBYTE() ---// if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; //---// } if (here_val < 16) { //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---// hold >>>= here_bits; bits -= here_bits; //---// state.lens[state.have++] = here_val; } else { if (here_val === 16) { //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 2); n = here_bits + 2; while (bits < n) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---// hold >>>= here_bits; bits -= here_bits; //---// if (state.have === 0) { strm.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat'; state.mode = BAD; break; } len = state.lens[state.have - 1]; copy = 3 + (hold & 0x03);//BITS(2); //--- DROPBITS(2) ---// hold >>>= 2; bits -= 2; //---// } else if (here_val === 17) { //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 3); n = here_bits + 3; while (bits < n) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---// hold >>>= here_bits; bits -= here_bits; //---// len = 0; copy = 3 + (hold & 0x07);//BITS(3); //--- DROPBITS(3) ---// hold >>>= 3; bits -= 3; //---// } else { //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 7); n = here_bits + 7; while (bits < n) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---// hold >>>= here_bits; bits -= here_bits; //---// len = 0; copy = 11 + (hold & 0x7f);//BITS(7); //--- DROPBITS(7) ---// hold >>>= 7; bits -= 7; //---// } if (state.have + copy > state.nlen + state.ndist) { strm.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat'; state.mode = BAD; break; } while (copy--) { state.lens[state.have++] = len; } } } /* handle error breaks in while */ if (state.mode === BAD) { break; } /* check for end-of-block code (better have one) */ if (state.lens[256] === 0) { strm.msg = 'invalid code -- missing end-of-block'; state.mode = BAD; break; } /* build code tables -- note: do not change the lenbits or distbits values here (9 and 6) without reading the comments in inftrees.h concerning the ENOUGH constants, which depend on those values */ state.lenbits = 9; opts = {bits: state.lenbits}; ret = inflate_table(LENS, state.lens, 0, state.nlen, state.lencode, 0,, opts); // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed. // state.next_index = opts.table_index; state.lenbits = opts.bits; // state.lencode =; if (ret) { strm.msg = 'invalid literal/lengths set'; state.mode = BAD; break; } state.distbits = 6; //state.distcode.copy(; // Switch to use dynamic table state.distcode = state.distdyn; opts = {bits: state.distbits}; ret = inflate_table(DISTS, state.lens, state.nlen, state.ndist, state.distcode, 0,, opts); // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed. // state.next_index = opts.table_index; state.distbits = opts.bits; // state.distcode =; if (ret) { strm.msg = 'invalid distances set'; state.mode = BAD; break; } //Tracev((stderr, 'inflate: codes ok\n')); state.mode = LEN_; if (flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; } /* falls through */ case LEN_: state.mode = LEN; /* falls through */ case LEN: if (have >= 6 && left >= 258) { //--- RESTORE() --- strm.next_out = put; strm.avail_out = left; strm.next_in = next; strm.avail_in = have; state.hold = hold; state.bits = bits; //--- inflate_fast(strm, _out); //--- LOAD() --- put = strm.next_out; output = strm.output; left = strm.avail_out; next = strm.next_in; input = strm.input; have = strm.avail_in; hold = state.hold; bits = state.bits; //--- if (state.mode === TYPE) { state.back = -1; } break; } state.back = 0; for (;;) { here = state.lencode[hold & ((1 << state.lenbits) -1)]; /*BITS(state.lenbits)*/ here_bits = here >>> 24; here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff; here_val = here & 0xffff; if (here_bits <= bits) { break; } //--- PULLBYTE() ---// if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; //---// } if (here_op && (here_op & 0xf0) === 0) { last_bits = here_bits; last_op = here_op; last_val = here_val; for (;;) { here = state.lencode[last_val + ((hold & ((1 << (last_bits + last_op)) -1))/*BITS(last.bits + last.op)*/ >> last_bits)]; here_bits = here >>> 24; here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff; here_val = here & 0xffff; if ((last_bits + here_bits) <= bits) { break; } //--- PULLBYTE() ---// if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; //---// } //--- DROPBITS(last.bits) ---// hold >>>= last_bits; bits -= last_bits; //---// state.back += last_bits; } //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---// hold >>>= here_bits; bits -= here_bits; //---// state.back += here_bits; state.length = here_val; if (here_op === 0) { //Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ? // "inflate: literal '%c'\n" : // "inflate: literal 0x%02x\n", here.val)); state.mode = LIT; break; } if (here_op & 32) { //Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: end of block\n")); state.back = -1; state.mode = TYPE; break; } if (here_op & 64) { strm.msg = 'invalid literal/length code'; state.mode = BAD; break; } state.extra = here_op & 15; state.mode = LENEXT; /* falls through */ case LENEXT: if (state.extra) { //=== NEEDBITS(state.extra); n = state.extra; while (bits < n) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// state.length += hold & ((1 << state.extra) -1)/*BITS(state.extra)*/; //--- DROPBITS(state.extra) ---// hold >>>= state.extra; bits -= state.extra; //---// state.back += state.extra; } //Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: length %u\n", state.length)); state.was = state.length; state.mode = DIST; /* falls through */ case DIST: for (;;) { here = state.distcode[hold & ((1 << state.distbits) -1)];/*BITS(state.distbits)*/ here_bits = here >>> 24; here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff; here_val = here & 0xffff; if ((here_bits) <= bits) { break; } //--- PULLBYTE() ---// if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; //---// } if ((here_op & 0xf0) === 0) { last_bits = here_bits; last_op = here_op; last_val = here_val; for (;;) { here = state.distcode[last_val + ((hold & ((1 << (last_bits + last_op)) -1))/*BITS(last.bits + last.op)*/ >> last_bits)]; here_bits = here >>> 24; here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff; here_val = here & 0xffff; if ((last_bits + here_bits) <= bits) { break; } //--- PULLBYTE() ---// if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; //---// } //--- DROPBITS(last.bits) ---// hold >>>= last_bits; bits -= last_bits; //---// state.back += last_bits; } //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---// hold >>>= here_bits; bits -= here_bits; //---// state.back += here_bits; if (here_op & 64) { strm.msg = 'invalid distance code'; state.mode = BAD; break; } state.offset = here_val; state.extra = (here_op) & 15; state.mode = DISTEXT; /* falls through */ case DISTEXT: if (state.extra) { //=== NEEDBITS(state.extra); n = state.extra; while (bits < n) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// state.offset += hold & ((1 << state.extra) -1)/*BITS(state.extra)*/; //--- DROPBITS(state.extra) ---// hold >>>= state.extra; bits -= state.extra; //---// state.back += state.extra; } //#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT if (state.offset > state.dmax) { strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back'; state.mode = BAD; break; } //#endif //Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: distance %u\n", state.offset)); state.mode = MATCH; /* falls through */ case MATCH: if (left === 0) { break inf_leave; } copy = _out - left; if (state.offset > copy) { /* copy from window */ copy = state.offset - copy; if (copy > state.whave) { if (state.sane) { strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back'; state.mode = BAD; break; } // (!) This block is disabled in zlib defailts, // don't enable it for binary compatibility //#ifdef INFLATE_ALLOW_INVALID_DISTANCE_TOOFAR_ARRR // Trace((stderr, "inflate.c too far\n")); // copy -= state.whave; // if (copy > state.length) { copy = state.length; } // if (copy > left) { copy = left; } // left -= copy; // state.length -= copy; // do { // output[put++] = 0; // } while (--copy); // if (state.length === 0) { state.mode = LEN; } // break; //#endif } if (copy > state.wnext) { copy -= state.wnext; from = state.wsize - copy; } else { from = state.wnext - copy; } if (copy > state.length) { copy = state.length; } from_source = state.window; } else { /* copy from output */ from_source = output; from = put - state.offset; copy = state.length; } if (copy > left) { copy = left; } left -= copy; state.length -= copy; do { output[put++] = from_source[from++]; } while (--copy); if (state.length === 0) { state.mode = LEN; } break; case LIT: if (left === 0) { break inf_leave; } output[put++] = state.length; left--; state.mode = LEN; break; case CHECK: if (state.wrap) { //=== NEEDBITS(32); while (bits < 32) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; // Use '|' insdead of '+' to make sure that result is signed hold |= input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// _out -= left; strm.total_out += _out; += _out; if (_out) { strm.adler = state.check = /*UPDATE(state.check, put - _out, _out);*/ (state.flags ? crc32(state.check, output, _out, put - _out) : adler32(state.check, output, _out, put - _out)); } _out = left; // NB: crc32 stored as signed 32-bit int, ZSWAP32 returns signed too if ((state.flags ? hold : ZSWAP32(hold)) !== state.check) { strm.msg = 'incorrect data check'; state.mode = BAD; break; } //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: check matches trailer\n")); } state.mode = LENGTH; /* falls through */ case LENGTH: if (state.wrap && state.flags) { //=== NEEDBITS(32); while (bits < 32) { if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; } have--; hold += input[next++] << bits; bits += 8; } //===// if (hold !== ( & 0xffffffff)) { strm.msg = 'incorrect length check'; state.mode = BAD; break; } //=== INITBITS(); hold = 0; bits = 0; //===// //Tracev((stderr, "inflate: length matches trailer\n")); } state.mode = DONE; /* falls through */ case DONE: ret = Z_STREAM_END; break inf_leave; case BAD: ret = Z_DATA_ERROR; break inf_leave; case MEM: return Z_MEM_ERROR; case SYNC: /* falls through */ default: return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } } // inf_leave <- here is real place for "goto inf_leave", emulated via "break inf_leave" /* Return from inflate(), updating the total counts and the check value. If there was no progress during the inflate() call, return a buffer error. Call updatewindow() to create and/or update the window state. Note: a memory error from inflate() is non-recoverable. */ //--- RESTORE() --- strm.next_out = put; strm.avail_out = left; strm.next_in = next; strm.avail_in = have; state.hold = hold; state.bits = bits; //--- if (state.wsize || (_out !== strm.avail_out && state.mode < BAD && (state.mode < CHECK || flush !== Z_FINISH))) { if (updatewindow(strm, strm.output, strm.next_out, _out - strm.avail_out)) { state.mode = MEM; return Z_MEM_ERROR; } } _in -= strm.avail_in; _out -= strm.avail_out; strm.total_in += _in; strm.total_out += _out; += _out; if (state.wrap && _out) { strm.adler = state.check = /*UPDATE(state.check, strm.next_out - _out, _out);*/ (state.flags ? crc32(state.check, output, _out, strm.next_out - _out) : adler32(state.check, output, _out, strm.next_out - _out)); } strm.data_type = state.bits + (state.last ? 64 : 0) + (state.mode === TYPE ? 128 : 0) + (state.mode === LEN_ || state.mode === COPY_ ? 256 : 0); if (((_in === 0 && _out === 0) || flush === Z_FINISH) && ret === Z_OK) { ret = Z_BUF_ERROR; } return ret; } function inflateEnd(strm) { if (!strm || !strm.state /*|| strm->zfree == (free_func)0*/) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } var state = strm.state; if (state.window) { state.window = null; } strm.state = null; return Z_OK; } function inflateGetHeader(strm, head) { var state; /* check state */ if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } state = strm.state; if ((state.wrap & 2) === 0) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; } /* save header structure */ state.head = head; head.done = false; return Z_OK; } exports.inflateReset = inflateReset; exports.inflateReset2 = inflateReset2; exports.inflateResetKeep = inflateResetKeep; exports.inflateInit = inflateInit; exports.inflateInit2 = inflateInit2; exports.inflate = inflate; exports.inflateEnd = inflateEnd; exports.inflateGetHeader = inflateGetHeader; exports.inflateInfo = 'pako inflate (from Nodeca project)'; /* Not implemented exports.inflateCopy = inflateCopy; exports.inflateGetDictionary = inflateGetDictionary; exports.inflateMark = inflateMark; exports.inflatePrime = inflatePrime; exports.inflateSetDictionary = inflateSetDictionary; exports.inflateSync = inflateSync; exports.inflateSyncPoint = inflateSyncPoint; exports.inflateUndermine = inflateUndermine; */ },{"../utils/common":81,"./adler32":83,"./crc32":85,"./inffast":88,"./inftrees":90}],90:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = _dereq_('../utils/common'); var MAXBITS = 15; var ENOUGH_LENS = 852; var ENOUGH_DISTS = 592; //var ENOUGH = (ENOUGH_LENS+ENOUGH_DISTS); var CODES = 0; var LENS = 1; var DISTS = 2; var lbase = [ /* Length codes 257..285 base */ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0 ]; var lext = [ /* Length codes 257..285 extra */ 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78 ]; var dbase = [ /* Distance codes 0..29 base */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0 ]; var dext = [ /* Distance codes 0..29 extra */ 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64 ]; module.exports = function inflate_table(type, lens, lens_index, codes, table, table_index, work, opts) { var bits = opts.bits; //here =; /* table entry for duplication */ var len = 0; /* a code's length in bits */ var sym = 0; /* index of code symbols */ var min = 0, max = 0; /* minimum and maximum code lengths */ var root = 0; /* number of index bits for root table */ var curr = 0; /* number of index bits for current table */ var drop = 0; /* code bits to drop for sub-table */ var left = 0; /* number of prefix codes available */ var used = 0; /* code entries in table used */ var huff = 0; /* Huffman code */ var incr; /* for incrementing code, index */ var fill; /* index for replicating entries */ var low; /* low bits for current root entry */ var mask; /* mask for low root bits */ var next; /* next available space in table */ var base = null; /* base value table to use */ var base_index = 0; // var shoextra; /* extra bits table to use */ var end; /* use base and extra for symbol > end */ var count = new utils.Buf16(MAXBITS+1); //[MAXBITS+1]; /* number of codes of each length */ var offs = new utils.Buf16(MAXBITS+1); //[MAXBITS+1]; /* offsets in table for each length */ var extra = null; var extra_index = 0; var here_bits, here_op, here_val; /* Process a set of code lengths to create a canonical Huffman code. The code lengths are lens[]. Each length corresponds to the symbols The Huffman code is generated by first sorting the symbols by length from short to long, and retaining the symbol order for codes with equal lengths. Then the code starts with all zero bits for the first code of the shortest length, and the codes are integer increments for the same length, and zeros are appended as the length increases. For the deflate format, these bits are stored backwards from their more natural integer increment ordering, and so when the decoding tables are built in the large loop below, the integer codes are incremented backwards. This routine assumes, but does not check, that all of the entries in lens[] are in the range 0..MAXBITS. The caller must assure this. 1..MAXBITS is interpreted as that code length. zero means that that symbol does not occur in this code. The codes are sorted by computing a count of codes for each length, creating from that a table of starting indices for each length in the sorted table, and then entering the symbols in order in the sorted table. The sorted table is work[], with that space being provided by the caller. The length counts are used for other purposes as well, i.e. finding the minimum and maximum length codes, determining if there are any codes at all, checking for a valid set of lengths, and looking ahead at length counts to determine sub-table sizes when building the decoding tables. */ /* accumulate lengths for codes (assumes lens[] all in 0..MAXBITS) */ for (len = 0; len <= MAXBITS; len++) { count[len] = 0; } for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++) { count[lens[lens_index + sym]]++; } /* bound code lengths, force root to be within code lengths */ root = bits; for (max = MAXBITS; max >= 1; max--) { if (count[max] !== 0) { break; } } if (root > max) { root = max; } if (max === 0) { /* no symbols to code at all */ //table.op[opts.table_index] = 64; //here.op = (var char)64; /* invalid code marker */ //table.bits[opts.table_index] = 1; //here.bits = (var char)1; //table.val[opts.table_index++] = 0; //here.val = (var short)0; table[table_index++] = (1 << 24) | (64 << 16) | 0; //table.op[opts.table_index] = 64; //table.bits[opts.table_index] = 1; //table.val[opts.table_index++] = 0; table[table_index++] = (1 << 24) | (64 << 16) | 0; opts.bits = 1; return 0; /* no symbols, but wait for decoding to report error */ } for (min = 1; min < max; min++) { if (count[min] !== 0) { break; } } if (root < min) { root = min; } /* check for an over-subscribed or incomplete set of lengths */ left = 1; for (len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; len++) { left <<= 1; left -= count[len]; if (left < 0) { return -1; } /* over-subscribed */ } if (left > 0 && (type === CODES || max !== 1)) { return -1; /* incomplete set */ } /* generate offsets into symbol table for each length for sorting */ offs[1] = 0; for (len = 1; len < MAXBITS; len++) { offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len]; } /* sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length */ for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++) { if (lens[lens_index + sym] !== 0) { work[offs[lens[lens_index + sym]]++] = sym; } } /* Create and fill in decoding tables. In this loop, the table being filled is at next and has curr index bits. The code being used is huff with length len. That code is converted to an index by dropping drop bits off of the bottom. For codes where len is less than drop + curr, those top drop + curr - len bits are incremented through all values to fill the table with replicated entries. root is the number of index bits for the root table. When len exceeds root, sub-tables are created pointed to by the root entry with an index of the low root bits of huff. This is saved in low to check for when a new sub-table should be started. drop is zero when the root table is being filled, and drop is root when sub-tables are being filled. When a new sub-table is needed, it is necessary to look ahead in the code lengths to determine what size sub-table is needed. The length counts are used for this, and so count[] is decremented as codes are entered in the tables. used keeps track of how many table entries have been allocated from the provided *table space. It is checked for LENS and DIST tables against the constants ENOUGH_LENS and ENOUGH_DISTS to guard against changes in the initial root table size constants. See the comments in inftrees.h for more information. sym increments through all symbols, and the loop terminates when all codes of length max, i.e. all codes, have been processed. This routine permits incomplete codes, so another loop after this one fills in the rest of the decoding tables with invalid code markers. */ /* set up for code type */ // poor man optimization - use if-else instead of switch, // to avoid deopts in old v8 if (type === CODES) { base = extra = work; /* dummy value--not used */ end = 19; } else if (type === LENS) { base = lbase; base_index -= 257; extra = lext; extra_index -= 257; end = 256; } else { /* DISTS */ base = dbase; extra = dext; end = -1; } /* initialize opts for loop */ huff = 0; /* starting code */ sym = 0; /* starting code symbol */ len = min; /* starting code length */ next = table_index; /* current table to fill in */ curr = root; /* current table index bits */ drop = 0; /* current bits to drop from code for index */ low = -1; /* trigger new sub-table when len > root */ used = 1 << root; /* use root table entries */ mask = used - 1; /* mask for comparing low */ /* check available table space */ if ((type === LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS) || (type === DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS)) { return 1; } var i=0; /* process all codes and make table entries */ for (;;) { i++; /* create table entry */ here_bits = len - drop; if (work[sym] < end) { here_op = 0; here_val = work[sym]; } else if (work[sym] > end) { here_op = extra[extra_index + work[sym]]; here_val = base[base_index + work[sym]]; } else { here_op = 32 + 64; /* end of block */ here_val = 0; } /* replicate for those indices with low len bits equal to huff */ incr = 1 << (len - drop); fill = 1 << curr; min = fill; /* save offset to next table */ do { fill -= incr; table[next + (huff >> drop) + fill] = (here_bits << 24) | (here_op << 16) | here_val |0; } while (fill !== 0); /* backwards increment the len-bit code huff */ incr = 1 << (len - 1); while (huff & incr) { incr >>= 1; } if (incr !== 0) { huff &= incr - 1; huff += incr; } else { huff = 0; } /* go to next symbol, update count, len */ sym++; if (--count[len] === 0) { if (len === max) { break; } len = lens[lens_index + work[sym]]; } /* create new sub-table if needed */ if (len > root && (huff & mask) !== low) { /* if first time, transition to sub-tables */ if (drop === 0) { drop = root; } /* increment past last table */ next += min; /* here min is 1 << curr */ /* determine length of next table */ curr = len - drop; left = 1 << curr; while (curr + drop < max) { left -= count[curr + drop]; if (left <= 0) { break; } curr++; left <<= 1; } /* check for enough space */ used += 1 << curr; if ((type === LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS) || (type === DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS)) { return 1; } /* point entry in root table to sub-table */ low = huff & mask; /*table.op[low] = curr; table.bits[low] = root; table.val[low] = next - opts.table_index;*/ table[low] = (root << 24) | (curr << 16) | (next - table_index) |0; } } /* fill in remaining table entry if code is incomplete (guaranteed to have at most one remaining entry, since if the code is incomplete, the maximum code length that was allowed to get this far is one bit) */ if (huff !== 0) { //table.op[next + huff] = 64; /* invalid code marker */ //table.bits[next + huff] = len - drop; //table.val[next + huff] = 0; table[next + huff] = ((len - drop) << 24) | (64 << 16) |0; } /* set return parameters */ //opts.table_index += used; opts.bits = root; return 0; }; },{"../utils/common":81}],91:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; module.exports = { '2': 'need dictionary', /* Z_NEED_DICT 2 */ '1': 'stream end', /* Z_STREAM_END 1 */ '0': '', /* Z_OK 0 */ '-1': 'file error', /* Z_ERRNO (-1) */ '-2': 'stream error', /* Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) */ '-3': 'data error', /* Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) */ '-4': 'insufficient memory', /* Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) */ '-5': 'buffer error', /* Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) */ '-6': 'incompatible version' /* Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) */ }; },{}],92:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = _dereq_('../utils/common'); /* Public constants ==========================================================*/ /* ===========================================================================*/ //var Z_FILTERED = 1; //var Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2; //var Z_RLE = 3; var Z_FIXED = 4; //var Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0; /* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */ var Z_BINARY = 0; var Z_TEXT = 1; //var Z_ASCII = 1; // = Z_TEXT var Z_UNKNOWN = 2; /*============================================================================*/ function zero(buf) { var len = buf.length; while (--len >= 0) { buf[len] = 0; } } // From zutil.h var STORED_BLOCK = 0; var STATIC_TREES = 1; var DYN_TREES = 2; /* The three kinds of block type */ var MIN_MATCH = 3; var MAX_MATCH = 258; /* The minimum and maximum match lengths */ // From deflate.h /* =========================================================================== * Internal compression state. */ var LENGTH_CODES = 29; /* number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code */ var LITERALS = 256; /* number of literal bytes 0..255 */ var L_CODES = LITERALS + 1 + LENGTH_CODES; /* number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code */ var D_CODES = 30; /* number of distance codes */ var BL_CODES = 19; /* number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths */ var HEAP_SIZE = 2*L_CODES + 1; /* maximum heap size */ var MAX_BITS = 15; /* All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits */ var Buf_size = 16; /* size of bit buffer in bi_buf */ /* =========================================================================== * Constants */ var MAX_BL_BITS = 7; /* Bit length codes must not exceed MAX_BL_BITS bits */ var END_BLOCK = 256; /* end of block literal code */ var REP_3_6 = 16; /* repeat previous bit length 3-6 times (2 bits of repeat count) */ var REPZ_3_10 = 17; /* repeat a zero length 3-10 times (3 bits of repeat count) */ var REPZ_11_138 = 18; /* repeat a zero length 11-138 times (7 bits of repeat count) */ var extra_lbits = /* extra bits for each length code */ [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0]; var extra_dbits = /* extra bits for each distance code */ [0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13]; var extra_blbits = /* extra bits for each bit length code */ [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7]; var bl_order = [16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15]; /* The lengths of the bit length codes are sent in order of decreasing * probability, to avoid transmitting the lengths for unused bit length codes. */ /* =========================================================================== * Local data. These are initialized only once. */ // We pre-fill arrays with 0 to avoid uninitialized gaps var DIST_CODE_LEN = 512; /* see definition of array dist_code below */ // !!!! Use flat array insdead of structure, Freq = i*2, Len = i*2+1 var static_ltree = new Array((L_CODES+2) * 2); zero(static_ltree); /* The static literal tree. Since the bit lengths are imposed, there is no * need for the L_CODES extra codes used during heap construction. However * The codes 286 and 287 are needed to build a canonical tree (see _tr_init * below). */ var static_dtree = new Array(D_CODES * 2); zero(static_dtree); /* The static distance tree. (Actually a trivial tree since all codes use * 5 bits.) */ var _dist_code = new Array(DIST_CODE_LEN); zero(_dist_code); /* Distance codes. The first 256 values correspond to the distances * 3 .. 258, the last 256 values correspond to the top 8 bits of * the 15 bit distances. */ var _length_code = new Array(MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1); zero(_length_code); /* length code for each normalized match length (0 == MIN_MATCH) */ var base_length = new Array(LENGTH_CODES); zero(base_length); /* First normalized length for each code (0 = MIN_MATCH) */ var base_dist = new Array(D_CODES); zero(base_dist); /* First normalized distance for each code (0 = distance of 1) */ var StaticTreeDesc = function (static_tree, extra_bits, extra_base, elems, max_length) { this.static_tree = static_tree; /* static tree or NULL */ this.extra_bits = extra_bits; /* extra bits for each code or NULL */ this.extra_base = extra_base; /* base index for extra_bits */ this.elems = elems; /* max number of elements in the tree */ this.max_length = max_length; /* max bit length for the codes */ // show if `static_tree` has data or dummy - needed for monomorphic objects this.has_stree = static_tree && static_tree.length; }; var static_l_desc; var static_d_desc; var static_bl_desc; var TreeDesc = function(dyn_tree, stat_desc) { this.dyn_tree = dyn_tree; /* the dynamic tree */ this.max_code = 0; /* largest code with non zero frequency */ this.stat_desc = stat_desc; /* the corresponding static tree */ }; function d_code(dist) { return dist < 256 ? _dist_code[dist] : _dist_code[256 + (dist >>> 7)]; } /* =========================================================================== * Output a short LSB first on the stream. * IN assertion: there is enough room in pendingBuf. */ function put_short (s, w) { // put_byte(s, (uch)((w) & 0xff)); // put_byte(s, (uch)((ush)(w) >> 8)); s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (w) & 0xff; s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (w >>> 8) & 0xff; } /* =========================================================================== * Send a value on a given number of bits. * IN assertion: length <= 16 and value fits in length bits. */ function send_bits(s, value, length) { if (s.bi_valid > (Buf_size - length)) { s.bi_buf |= (value << s.bi_valid) & 0xffff; put_short(s, s.bi_buf); s.bi_buf = value >> (Buf_size - s.bi_valid); s.bi_valid += length - Buf_size; } else { s.bi_buf |= (value << s.bi_valid) & 0xffff; s.bi_valid += length; } } function send_code(s, c, tree) { send_bits(s, tree[c*2]/*.Code*/, tree[c*2 + 1]/*.Len*/); } /* =========================================================================== * Reverse the first len bits of a code, using straightforward code (a faster * method would use a table) * IN assertion: 1 <= len <= 15 */ function bi_reverse(code, len) { var res = 0; do { res |= code & 1; code >>>= 1; res <<= 1; } while (--len > 0); return res >>> 1; } /* =========================================================================== * Flush the bit buffer, keeping at most 7 bits in it. */ function bi_flush(s) { if (s.bi_valid === 16) { put_short(s, s.bi_buf); s.bi_buf = 0; s.bi_valid = 0; } else if (s.bi_valid >= 8) { s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = s.bi_buf & 0xff; s.bi_buf >>= 8; s.bi_valid -= 8; } } /* =========================================================================== * Compute the optimal bit lengths for a tree and update the total bit length * for the current block. * IN assertion: the fields freq and dad are set, heap[heap_max] and * above are the tree nodes sorted by increasing frequency. * OUT assertions: the field len is set to the optimal bit length, the * array bl_count contains the frequencies for each bit length. * The length opt_len is updated; static_len is also updated if stree is * not null. */ function gen_bitlen(s, desc) // deflate_state *s; // tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */ { var tree = desc.dyn_tree; var max_code = desc.max_code; var stree = desc.stat_desc.static_tree; var has_stree = desc.stat_desc.has_stree; var extra = desc.stat_desc.extra_bits; var base = desc.stat_desc.extra_base; var max_length = desc.stat_desc.max_length; var h; /* heap index */ var n, m; /* iterate over the tree elements */ var bits; /* bit length */ var xbits; /* extra bits */ var f; /* frequency */ var overflow = 0; /* number of elements with bit length too large */ for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) { s.bl_count[bits] = 0; } /* In a first pass, compute the optimal bit lengths (which may * overflow in the case of the bit length tree). */ tree[s.heap[s.heap_max]*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0; /* root of the heap */ for (h = s.heap_max+1; h < HEAP_SIZE; h++) { n = s.heap[h]; bits = tree[tree[n*2 +1]/*.Dad*/ * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ + 1; if (bits > max_length) { bits = max_length; overflow++; } tree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = bits; /* We overwrite tree[n].Dad which is no longer needed */ if (n > max_code) { continue; } /* not a leaf node */ s.bl_count[bits]++; xbits = 0; if (n >= base) { xbits = extra[n-base]; } f = tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/; s.opt_len += f * (bits + xbits); if (has_stree) { s.static_len += f * (stree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ + xbits); } } if (overflow === 0) { return; } // Trace((stderr,"\nbit length overflow\n")); /* This happens for example on obj2 and pic of the Calgary corpus */ /* Find the first bit length which could increase: */ do { bits = max_length-1; while (s.bl_count[bits] === 0) { bits--; } s.bl_count[bits]--; /* move one leaf down the tree */ s.bl_count[bits+1] += 2; /* move one overflow item as its brother */ s.bl_count[max_length]--; /* The brother of the overflow item also moves one step up, * but this does not affect bl_count[max_length] */ overflow -= 2; } while (overflow > 0); /* Now recompute all bit lengths, scanning in increasing frequency. * h is still equal to HEAP_SIZE. (It is simpler to reconstruct all * lengths instead of fixing only the wrong ones. This idea is taken * from 'ar' written by Haruhiko Okumura.) */ for (bits = max_length; bits !== 0; bits--) { n = s.bl_count[bits]; while (n !== 0) { m = s.heap[--h]; if (m > max_code) { continue; } if (tree[m*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ !== bits) { // Trace((stderr,"code %d bits %d->%d\n", m, tree[m].Len, bits)); s.opt_len += (bits - tree[m*2 + 1]/*.Len*/)*tree[m*2]/*.Freq*/; tree[m*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = bits; } n--; } } } /* =========================================================================== * Generate the codes for a given tree and bit counts (which need not be * optimal). * IN assertion: the array bl_count contains the bit length statistics for * the given tree and the field len is set for all tree elements. * OUT assertion: the field code is set for all tree elements of non * zero code length. */ function gen_codes(tree, max_code, bl_count) // ct_data *tree; /* the tree to decorate */ // int max_code; /* largest code with non zero frequency */ // ushf *bl_count; /* number of codes at each bit length */ { var next_code = new Array(MAX_BITS+1); /* next code value for each bit length */ var code = 0; /* running code value */ var bits; /* bit index */ var n; /* code index */ /* The distribution counts are first used to generate the code values * without bit reversal. */ for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) { next_code[bits] = code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1; } /* Check that the bit counts in bl_count are consistent. The last code * must be all ones. */ //Assert (code + bl_count[MAX_BITS]-1 == (1<<MAX_BITS)-1, // "inconsistent bit counts"); //Tracev((stderr,"\ngen_codes: max_code %d ", max_code)); for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) { var len = tree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/; if (len === 0) { continue; } /* Now reverse the bits */ tree[n*2]/*.Code*/ = bi_reverse(next_code[len]++, len); //Tracecv(tree != static_ltree, (stderr,"\nn %3d %c l %2d c %4x (%x) ", // n, (isgraph(n) ? n : ' '), len, tree[n].Code, next_code[len]-1)); } } /* =========================================================================== * Initialize the various 'constant' tables. */ function tr_static_init() { var n; /* iterates over tree elements */ var bits; /* bit counter */ var length; /* length value */ var code; /* code value */ var dist; /* distance index */ var bl_count = new Array(MAX_BITS+1); /* number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree */ // do check in _tr_init() //if (static_init_done) return; /* For some embedded targets, global variables are not initialized: */ /*#ifdef NO_INIT_GLOBAL_POINTERS static_l_desc.static_tree = static_ltree; static_l_desc.extra_bits = extra_lbits; static_d_desc.static_tree = static_dtree; static_d_desc.extra_bits = extra_dbits; static_bl_desc.extra_bits = extra_blbits; #endif*/ /* Initialize the mapping length (0..255) -> length code (0..28) */ length = 0; for (code = 0; code < LENGTH_CODES-1; code++) { base_length[code] = length; for (n = 0; n < (1<<extra_lbits[code]); n++) { _length_code[length++] = code; } } //Assert (length == 256, "tr_static_init: length != 256"); /* Note that the length 255 (match length 258) can be represented * in two different ways: code 284 + 5 bits or code 285, so we * overwrite length_code[255] to use the best encoding: */ _length_code[length-1] = code; /* Initialize the mapping dist (0..32K) -> dist code (0..29) */ dist = 0; for (code = 0 ; code < 16; code++) { base_dist[code] = dist; for (n = 0; n < (1<<extra_dbits[code]); n++) { _dist_code[dist++] = code; } } //Assert (dist == 256, "tr_static_init: dist != 256"); dist >>= 7; /* from now on, all distances are divided by 128 */ for (; code < D_CODES; code++) { base_dist[code] = dist << 7; for (n = 0; n < (1<<(extra_dbits[code]-7)); n++) { _dist_code[256 + dist++] = code; } } //Assert (dist == 256, "tr_static_init: 256+dist != 512"); /* Construct the codes of the static literal tree */ for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) { bl_count[bits] = 0; } n = 0; while (n <= 143) { static_ltree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 8; n++; bl_count[8]++; } while (n <= 255) { static_ltree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 9; n++; bl_count[9]++; } while (n <= 279) { static_ltree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 7; n++; bl_count[7]++; } while (n <= 287) { static_ltree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 8; n++; bl_count[8]++; } /* Codes 286 and 287 do not exist, but we must include them in the * tree construction to get a canonical Huffman tree (longest code * all ones) */ gen_codes(static_ltree, L_CODES+1, bl_count); /* The static distance tree is trivial: */ for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) { static_dtree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 5; static_dtree[n*2]/*.Code*/ = bi_reverse(n, 5); } // Now data ready and we can init static trees static_l_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(static_ltree, extra_lbits, LITERALS+1, L_CODES, MAX_BITS); static_d_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(static_dtree, extra_dbits, 0, D_CODES, MAX_BITS); static_bl_desc =new StaticTreeDesc(new Array(0), extra_blbits, 0, BL_CODES, MAX_BL_BITS); //static_init_done = true; } /* =========================================================================== * Initialize a new block. */ function init_block(s) { var n; /* iterates over tree elements */ /* Initialize the trees. */ for (n = 0; n < L_CODES; n++) { s.dyn_ltree[n*2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; } for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) { s.dyn_dtree[n*2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; } for (n = 0; n < BL_CODES; n++) { s.bl_tree[n*2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; } s.dyn_ltree[END_BLOCK*2]/*.Freq*/ = 1; s.opt_len = s.static_len = 0; s.last_lit = s.matches = 0; } /* =========================================================================== * Flush the bit buffer and align the output on a byte boundary */ function bi_windup(s) { if (s.bi_valid > 8) { put_short(s, s.bi_buf); } else if (s.bi_valid > 0) { //put_byte(s, (Byte)s->bi_buf); s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = s.bi_buf; } s.bi_buf = 0; s.bi_valid = 0; } /* =========================================================================== * Copy a stored block, storing first the length and its * one's complement if requested. */ function copy_block(s, buf, len, header) //DeflateState *s; //charf *buf; /* the input data */ //unsigned len; /* its length */ //int header; /* true if block header must be written */ { bi_windup(s); /* align on byte boundary */ if (header) { put_short(s, len); put_short(s, ~len); } // while (len--) { // put_byte(s, *buf++); // } utils.arraySet(s.pending_buf, s.window, buf, len, s.pending); s.pending += len; } /* =========================================================================== * Compares to subtrees, using the tree depth as tie breaker when * the subtrees have equal frequency. This minimizes the worst case length. */ function smaller(tree, n, m, depth) { var _n2 = n*2; var _m2 = m*2; return (tree[_n2]/*.Freq*/ < tree[_m2]/*.Freq*/ || (tree[_n2]/*.Freq*/ === tree[_m2]/*.Freq*/ && depth[n] <= depth[m])); } /* =========================================================================== * Restore the heap property by moving down the tree starting at node k, * exchanging a node with the smallest of its two sons if necessary, stopping * when the heap property is re-established (each father smaller than its * two sons). */ function pqdownheap(s, tree, k) // deflate_state *s; // ct_data *tree; /* the tree to restore */ // int k; /* node to move down */ { var v = s.heap[k]; var j = k << 1; /* left son of k */ while (j <= s.heap_len) { /* Set j to the smallest of the two sons: */ if (j < s.heap_len && smaller(tree, s.heap[j+1], s.heap[j], s.depth)) { j++; } /* Exit if v is smaller than both sons */ if (smaller(tree, v, s.heap[j], s.depth)) { break; } /* Exchange v with the smallest son */ s.heap[k] = s.heap[j]; k = j; /* And continue down the tree, setting j to the left son of k */ j <<= 1; } s.heap[k] = v; } // inlined manually // var SMALLEST = 1; /* =========================================================================== * Send the block data compressed using the given Huffman trees */ function compress_block(s, ltree, dtree) // deflate_state *s; // const ct_data *ltree; /* literal tree */ // const ct_data *dtree; /* distance tree */ { var dist; /* distance of matched string */ var lc; /* match length or unmatched char (if dist == 0) */ var lx = 0; /* running index in l_buf */ var code; /* the code to send */ var extra; /* number of extra bits to send */ if (s.last_lit !== 0) { do { dist = (s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + lx*2] << 8) | (s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + lx*2 + 1]); lc = s.pending_buf[s.l_buf + lx]; lx++; if (dist === 0) { send_code(s, lc, ltree); /* send a literal byte */ //Tracecv(isgraph(lc), (stderr," '%c' ", lc)); } else { /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */ code = _length_code[lc]; send_code(s, code+LITERALS+1, ltree); /* send the length code */ extra = extra_lbits[code]; if (extra !== 0) { lc -= base_length[code]; send_bits(s, lc, extra); /* send the extra length bits */ } dist--; /* dist is now the match distance - 1 */ code = d_code(dist); //Assert (code < D_CODES, "bad d_code"); send_code(s, code, dtree); /* send the distance code */ extra = extra_dbits[code]; if (extra !== 0) { dist -= base_dist[code]; send_bits(s, dist, extra); /* send the extra distance bits */ } } /* literal or match pair ? */ /* Check that the overlay between pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf is ok: */ //Assert((uInt)(s->pending) < s->lit_bufsize + 2*lx, // "pendingBuf overflow"); } while (lx < s.last_lit); } send_code(s, END_BLOCK, ltree); } /* =========================================================================== * Construct one Huffman tree and assigns the code bit strings and lengths. * Update the total bit length for the current block. * IN assertion: the field freq is set for all tree elements. * OUT assertions: the fields len and code are set to the optimal bit length * and corresponding code. The length opt_len is updated; static_len is * also updated if stree is not null. The field max_code is set. */ function build_tree(s, desc) // deflate_state *s; // tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */ { var tree = desc.dyn_tree; var stree = desc.stat_desc.static_tree; var has_stree = desc.stat_desc.has_stree; var elems = desc.stat_desc.elems; var n, m; /* iterate over heap elements */ var max_code = -1; /* largest code with non zero frequency */ var node; /* new node being created */ /* Construct the initial heap, with least frequent element in * heap[SMALLEST]. The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1]. * heap[0] is not used. */ s.heap_len = 0; s.heap_max = HEAP_SIZE; for (n = 0; n < elems; n++) { if (tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) { s.heap[++s.heap_len] = max_code = n; s.depth[n] = 0; } else { tree[n*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0; } } /* The pkzip format requires that at least one distance code exists, * and that at least one bit should be sent even if there is only one * possible code. So to avoid special checks later on we force at least * two codes of non zero frequency. */ while (s.heap_len < 2) { node = s.heap[++s.heap_len] = (max_code < 2 ? ++max_code : 0); tree[node * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 1; s.depth[node] = 0; s.opt_len--; if (has_stree) { s.static_len -= stree[node*2 + 1]/*.Len*/; } /* node is 0 or 1 so it does not have extra bits */ } desc.max_code = max_code; /* The elements heap[heap_len/2+1 .. heap_len] are leaves of the tree, * establish sub-heaps of increasing lengths: */ for (n = (s.heap_len >> 1/*int /2*/); n >= 1; n--) { pqdownheap(s, tree, n); } /* Construct the Huffman tree by repeatedly combining the least two * frequent nodes. */ node = elems; /* next internal node of the tree */ do { //pqremove(s, tree, n); /* n = node of least frequency */ /*** pqremove ***/ n = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/]; s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/] = s.heap[s.heap_len--]; pqdownheap(s, tree, 1/*SMALLEST*/); /***/ m = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/]; /* m = node of next least frequency */ s.heap[--s.heap_max] = n; /* keep the nodes sorted by frequency */ s.heap[--s.heap_max] = m; /* Create a new node father of n and m */ tree[node * 2]/*.Freq*/ = tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ + tree[m * 2]/*.Freq*/; s.depth[node] = (s.depth[n] >= s.depth[m] ? s.depth[n] : s.depth[m]) + 1; tree[n*2 + 1]/*.Dad*/ = tree[m*2 + 1]/*.Dad*/ = node; /* and insert the new node in the heap */ s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/] = node++; pqdownheap(s, tree, 1/*SMALLEST*/); } while (s.heap_len >= 2); s.heap[--s.heap_max] = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/]; /* At this point, the fields freq and dad are set. We can now * generate the bit lengths. */ gen_bitlen(s, desc); /* The field len is now set, we can generate the bit codes */ gen_codes(tree, max_code, s.bl_count); } /* =========================================================================== * Scan a literal or distance tree to determine the frequencies of the codes * in the bit length tree. */ function scan_tree(s, tree, max_code) // deflate_state *s; // ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */ // int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */ { var n; /* iterates over all tree elements */ var prevlen = -1; /* last emitted length */ var curlen; /* length of current code */ var nextlen = tree[0*2 + 1]/*.Len*/; /* length of next code */ var count = 0; /* repeat count of the current code */ var max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */ var min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */ if (nextlen === 0) { max_count = 138; min_count = 3; } tree[(max_code+1)*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0xffff; /* guard */ for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) { curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[(n+1)*2 + 1]/*.Len*/; if (++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) { continue; } else if (count < min_count) { s.bl_tree[curlen * 2]/*.Freq*/ += count; } else if (curlen !== 0) { if (curlen !== prevlen) { s.bl_tree[curlen * 2]/*.Freq*/++; } s.bl_tree[REP_3_6*2]/*.Freq*/++; } else if (count <= 10) { s.bl_tree[REPZ_3_10*2]/*.Freq*/++; } else { s.bl_tree[REPZ_11_138*2]/*.Freq*/++; } count = 0; prevlen = curlen; if (nextlen === 0) { max_count = 138; min_count = 3; } else if (curlen === nextlen) { max_count = 6; min_count = 3; } else { max_count = 7; min_count = 4; } } } /* =========================================================================== * Send a literal or distance tree in compressed form, using the codes in * bl_tree. */ function send_tree(s, tree, max_code) // deflate_state *s; // ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */ // int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */ { var n; /* iterates over all tree elements */ var prevlen = -1; /* last emitted length */ var curlen; /* length of current code */ var nextlen = tree[0*2 + 1]/*.Len*/; /* length of next code */ var count = 0; /* repeat count of the current code */ var max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */ var min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */ /* tree[max_code+1].Len = -1; */ /* guard already set */ if (nextlen === 0) { max_count = 138; min_count = 3; } for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) { curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[(n+1)*2 + 1]/*.Len*/; if (++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) { continue; } else if (count < min_count) { do { send_code(s, curlen, s.bl_tree); } while (--count !== 0); } else if (curlen !== 0) { if (curlen !== prevlen) { send_code(s, curlen, s.bl_tree); count--; } //Assert(count >= 3 && count <= 6, " 3_6?"); send_code(s, REP_3_6, s.bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-3, 2); } else if (count <= 10) { send_code(s, REPZ_3_10, s.bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-3, 3); } else { send_code(s, REPZ_11_138, s.bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-11, 7); } count = 0; prevlen = curlen; if (nextlen === 0) { max_count = 138; min_count = 3; } else if (curlen === nextlen) { max_count = 6; min_count = 3; } else { max_count = 7; min_count = 4; } } } /* =========================================================================== * Construct the Huffman tree for the bit lengths and return the index in * bl_order of the last bit length code to send. */ function build_bl_tree(s) { var max_blindex; /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */ /* Determine the bit length frequencies for literal and distance trees */ scan_tree(s, s.dyn_ltree, s.l_desc.max_code); scan_tree(s, s.dyn_dtree, s.d_desc.max_code); /* Build the bit length tree: */ build_tree(s, s.bl_desc); /* opt_len now includes the length of the tree representations, except * the lengths of the bit lengths codes and the 5+5+4 bits for the counts. */ /* Determine the number of bit length codes to send. The pkzip format * requires that at least 4 bit length codes be sent. (appnote.txt says * 3 but the actual value used is 4.) */ for (max_blindex = BL_CODES-1; max_blindex >= 3; max_blindex--) { if (s.bl_tree[bl_order[max_blindex]*2 + 1]/*.Len*/ !== 0) { break; } } /* Update opt_len to include the bit length tree and counts */ s.opt_len += 3*(max_blindex+1) + 5+5+4; //Tracev((stderr, "\ndyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld", // s->opt_len, s->static_len)); return max_blindex; } /* =========================================================================== * Send the header for a block using dynamic Huffman trees: the counts, the * lengths of the bit length codes, the literal tree and the distance tree. * IN assertion: lcodes >= 257, dcodes >= 1, blcodes >= 4. */ function send_all_trees(s, lcodes, dcodes, blcodes) // deflate_state *s; // int lcodes, dcodes, blcodes; /* number of codes for each tree */ { var rank; /* index in bl_order */ //Assert (lcodes >= 257 && dcodes >= 1 && blcodes >= 4, "not enough codes"); //Assert (lcodes <= L_CODES && dcodes <= D_CODES && blcodes <= BL_CODES, // "too many codes"); //Tracev((stderr, "\nbl counts: ")); send_bits(s, lcodes-257, 5); /* not +255 as stated in appnote.txt */ send_bits(s, dcodes-1, 5); send_bits(s, blcodes-4, 4); /* not -3 as stated in appnote.txt */ for (rank = 0; rank < blcodes; rank++) { //Tracev((stderr, "\nbl code %2d ", bl_order[rank])); send_bits(s, s.bl_tree[bl_order[rank]*2 + 1]/*.Len*/, 3); } //Tracev((stderr, "\nbl tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent)); send_tree(s, s.dyn_ltree, lcodes-1); /* literal tree */ //Tracev((stderr, "\nlit tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent)); send_tree(s, s.dyn_dtree, dcodes-1); /* distance tree */ //Tracev((stderr, "\ndist tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent)); } /* =========================================================================== * Check if the data type is TEXT or BINARY, using the following algorithm: * - TEXT if the two conditions below are satisfied: * a) There are no non-portable control characters belonging to the * "black list" (0..6, 14..25, 28..31). * b) There is at least one printable character belonging to the * "white list" (9 {TAB}, 10 {LF}, 13 {CR}, 32..255). * - BINARY otherwise. * - The following partially-portable control characters form a * "gray list" that is ignored in this detection algorithm: * (7 {BEL}, 8 {BS}, 11 {VT}, 12 {FF}, 26 {SUB}, 27 {ESC}). * IN assertion: the fields Freq of dyn_ltree are set. */ function detect_data_type(s) { /* black_mask is the bit mask of black-listed bytes * set bits 0..6, 14..25, and 28..31 * 0xf3ffc07f = binary 11110011111111111100000001111111 */ var black_mask = 0xf3ffc07f; var n; /* Check for non-textual ("black-listed") bytes. */ for (n = 0; n <= 31; n++, black_mask >>>= 1) { if ((black_mask & 1) && (s.dyn_ltree[n*2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0)) { return Z_BINARY; } } /* Check for textual ("white-listed") bytes. */ if (s.dyn_ltree[9 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0 || s.dyn_ltree[10 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0 || s.dyn_ltree[13 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) { return Z_TEXT; } for (n = 32; n < LITERALS; n++) { if (s.dyn_ltree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) { return Z_TEXT; } } /* There are no "black-listed" or "white-listed" bytes: * this stream either is empty or has tolerated ("gray-listed") bytes only. */ return Z_BINARY; } var static_init_done = false; /* =========================================================================== * Initialize the tree data structures for a new zlib stream. */ function _tr_init(s) { if (!static_init_done) { tr_static_init(); static_init_done = true; } s.l_desc = new TreeDesc(s.dyn_ltree, static_l_desc); s.d_desc = new TreeDesc(s.dyn_dtree, static_d_desc); s.bl_desc = new TreeDesc(s.bl_tree, static_bl_desc); s.bi_buf = 0; s.bi_valid = 0; /* Initialize the first block of the first file: */ init_block(s); } /* =========================================================================== * Send a stored block */ function _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) //DeflateState *s; //charf *buf; /* input block */ //ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */ //int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */ { send_bits(s, (STORED_BLOCK<<1)+(last ? 1 : 0), 3); /* send block type */ copy_block(s, buf, stored_len, true); /* with header */ } /* =========================================================================== * Send one empty static block to give enough lookahead for inflate. * This takes 10 bits, of which 7 may remain in the bit buffer. */ function _tr_align(s) { send_bits(s, STATIC_TREES<<1, 3); send_code(s, END_BLOCK, static_ltree); bi_flush(s); } /* =========================================================================== * Determine the best encoding for the current block: dynamic trees, static * trees or store, and output the encoded block to the zip file. */ function _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) //DeflateState *s; //charf *buf; /* input block, or NULL if too old */ //ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */ //int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */ { var opt_lenb, static_lenb; /* opt_len and static_len in bytes */ var max_blindex = 0; /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */ /* Build the Huffman trees unless a stored block is forced */ if (s.level > 0) { /* Check if the file is binary or text */ if (s.strm.data_type === Z_UNKNOWN) { s.strm.data_type = detect_data_type(s); } /* Construct the literal and distance trees */ build_tree(s, s.l_desc); // Tracev((stderr, "\nlit data: dyn %ld, stat %ld", s->opt_len, // s->static_len)); build_tree(s, s.d_desc); // Tracev((stderr, "\ndist data: dyn %ld, stat %ld", s->opt_len, // s->static_len)); /* At this point, opt_len and static_len are the total bit lengths of * the compressed block data, excluding the tree representations. */ /* Build the bit length tree for the above two trees, and get the index * in bl_order of the last bit length code to send. */ max_blindex = build_bl_tree(s); /* Determine the best encoding. Compute the block lengths in bytes. */ opt_lenb = (s.opt_len+3+7) >>> 3; static_lenb = (s.static_len+3+7) >>> 3; // Tracev((stderr, "\nopt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u ", // opt_lenb, s->opt_len, static_lenb, s->static_len, stored_len, // s->last_lit)); if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb) { opt_lenb = static_lenb; } } else { // Assert(buf != (char*)0, "lost buf"); opt_lenb = static_lenb = stored_len + 5; /* force a stored block */ } if ((stored_len+4 <= opt_lenb) && (buf !== -1)) { /* 4: two words for the lengths */ /* The test buf != NULL is only necessary if LIT_BUFSIZE > WSIZE. * Otherwise we can't have processed more than WSIZE input bytes since * the last block flush, because compression would have been * successful. If LIT_BUFSIZE <= WSIZE, it is never too late to * transform a block into a stored block. */ _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last); } else if (s.strategy === Z_FIXED || static_lenb === opt_lenb) { send_bits(s, (STATIC_TREES<<1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3); compress_block(s, static_ltree, static_dtree); } else { send_bits(s, (DYN_TREES<<1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3); send_all_trees(s, s.l_desc.max_code+1, s.d_desc.max_code+1, max_blindex+1); compress_block(s, s.dyn_ltree, s.dyn_dtree); } // Assert (s->compressed_len == s->bits_sent, "bad compressed size"); /* The above check is made mod 2^32, for files larger than 512 MB * and uLong implemented on 32 bits. */ init_block(s); if (last) { bi_windup(s); } // Tracev((stderr,"\ncomprlen %lu(%lu) ", s->compressed_len>>3, // s->compressed_len-7*last)); } /* =========================================================================== * Save the match info and tally the frequency counts. Return true if * the current block must be flushed. */ function _tr_tally(s, dist, lc) // deflate_state *s; // unsigned dist; /* distance of matched string */ // unsigned lc; /* match length-MIN_MATCH or unmatched char (if dist==0) */ { //var out_length, in_length, dcode; s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + s.last_lit * 2] = (dist >>> 8) & 0xff; s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + s.last_lit * 2 + 1] = dist & 0xff; s.pending_buf[s.l_buf + s.last_lit] = lc & 0xff; s.last_lit++; if (dist === 0) { /* lc is the unmatched char */ s.dyn_ltree[lc*2]/*.Freq*/++; } else { s.matches++; /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */ dist--; /* dist = match distance - 1 */ //Assert((ush)dist < (ush)MAX_DIST(s) && // (ush)lc <= (ush)(MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH) && // (ush)d_code(dist) < (ush)D_CODES, "_tr_tally: bad match"); s.dyn_ltree[(_length_code[lc]+LITERALS+1) * 2]/*.Freq*/++; s.dyn_dtree[d_code(dist) * 2]/*.Freq*/++; } // (!) This block is disabled in zlib defailts, // don't enable it for binary compatibility //#ifdef TRUNCATE_BLOCK // /* Try to guess if it is profitable to stop the current block here */ // if ((s.last_lit & 0x1fff) === 0 && s.level > 2) { // /* Compute an upper bound for the compressed length */ // out_length = s.last_lit*8; // in_length = s.strstart - s.block_start; // // for (dcode = 0; dcode < D_CODES; dcode++) { // out_length += s.dyn_dtree[dcode*2]/*.Freq*/ * (5 + extra_dbits[dcode]); // } // out_length >>>= 3; // //Tracev((stderr,"\nlast_lit %u, in %ld, out ~%ld(%ld%%) ", // // s->last_lit, in_length, out_length, // // 100L - out_length*100L/in_length)); // if (s.matches < (s.last_lit>>1)/*int /2*/ && out_length < (in_length>>1)/*int /2*/) { // return true; // } // } //#endif return (s.last_lit === s.lit_bufsize-1); /* We avoid equality with lit_bufsize because of wraparound at 64K * on 16 bit machines and because stored blocks are restricted to * 64K-1 bytes. */ } exports._tr_init = _tr_init; exports._tr_stored_block = _tr_stored_block; exports._tr_flush_block = _tr_flush_block; exports._tr_tally = _tr_tally; exports._tr_align = _tr_align; },{"../utils/common":81}],93:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ 'use strict'; function ZStream() { /* next input byte */ this.input = null; // JS specific, because we have no pointers this.next_in = 0; /* number of bytes available at input */ this.avail_in = 0; /* total number of input bytes read so far */ this.total_in = 0; /* next output byte should be put there */ this.output = null; // JS specific, because we have no pointers this.next_out = 0; /* remaining free space at output */ this.avail_out = 0; /* total number of bytes output so far */ this.total_out = 0; /* last error message, NULL if no error */ this.msg = ''/*Z_NULL*/; /* not visible by applications */ this.state = null; /* best guess about the data type: binary or text */ this.data_type = 2/*Z_UNKNOWN*/; /* adler32 value of the uncompressed data */ this.adler = 0; } module.exports = ZStream; },{}]},{},[1]);
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import invariant from 'invariant'; var isModifiedEvent = function isModifiedEvent(event) { return !!(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey); }; /** * The public API for rendering a history-aware <a>. */ var Link = function (_React$Component) { _inherits(Link, _React$Component); function Link() { var _temp, _this, _ret; _classCallCheck(this, Link); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$$Component, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this.handleClick = function (event) { if (_this.props.onClick) _this.props.onClick(event); if (!event.defaultPrevented && // onClick prevented default event.button === 0 && // ignore right clicks ! && // let browser handle "target=_blank" etc. !isModifiedEvent(event) // ignore clicks with modifier keys ) { event.preventDefault(); var history = _this.context.router.history; var _this$props = _this.props, replace = _this$props.replace, to = _this$; if (replace) { history.replace(to); } else { history.push(to); } } }, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } Link.prototype.render = function render() { var _props = this.props, replace = _props.replace, to =, innerRef = _props.innerRef, props = _objectWithoutProperties(_props, ['replace', 'to', 'innerRef']); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars invariant(this.context.router, 'You should not use <Link> outside a <Router>'); var href = this.context.router.history.createHref(typeof to === 'string' ? { pathname: to } : to); return React.createElement('a', _extends({}, props, { onClick: this.handleClick, href: href, ref: innerRef })); }; return Link; }(React.Component); Link.propTypes = { onClick: PropTypes.func, target: PropTypes.string, replace: PropTypes.bool, to: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]).isRequired, innerRef: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func]) }; Link.defaultProps = { replace: false }; Link.contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.shape({ history: PropTypes.shape({ push: PropTypes.func.isRequired, replace: PropTypes.func.isRequired, createHref: PropTypes.func.isRequired }).isRequired }).isRequired }; export default Link;
import React from 'react'; import {Button, StyleSheet} from 'react-native'; const AddChitButton = ({gotoAddChit}) => { return ( <> <Button title="+ New Chit" styles={styles.newChit} onPress={gotoAddChit} /> </> ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ newChit: {}, }); export default AddChitButton;
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import './index.css'; import App from './App'; import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker'; ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root')); registerServiceWorker();
/** * * App.react.js * * This component is the skeleton around the actual pages, and should only * contain code that should be seen on all pages. (e.g. navigation bar) * * NOTE: while this component should technically be a stateless functional * component (SFC), hot reloading does not currently support SFCs. If hot * reloading is not a necessity for you then you can refactor it and remove * the linting exception. */ import React from 'react'; export default class App extends React.PureComponent { // eslint-disable-line react/prefer-stateless-function static propTypes = { children: React.PropTypes.node, }; render() { return ( <div> {React.Children.toArray(this.props.children)} </div> ); } }
import React from 'react'; import pure from 'recompose/pure'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; let SocialPersonOutline = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M12 5.9c1.16 0 2.1.94 2.1 2.1s-.94 2.1-2.1 2.1S9.9 9.16 9.9 8s.94-2.1 2.1-2.1m0 9c2.97 0 6.1 1.46 6.1 2.1v1.1H5.9V17c0-.64 3.13-2.1 6.1-2.1M12 4C9.79 4 8 5.79 8 8s1.79 4 4 4 4-1.79 4-4-1.79-4-4-4zm0 9c-2.67 0-8 1.34-8 4v3h16v-3c0-2.66-5.33-4-8-4z"/> </SvgIcon> ); SocialPersonOutline = pure(SocialPersonOutline); SocialPersonOutline.displayName = 'SocialPersonOutline'; SocialPersonOutline.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; export default SocialPersonOutline;
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t(require("react")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["react"],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports["react-virtualized"]=t(require("react")):e["react-virtualized"]=t(e.React)}(this,function(e){return function(e){function t(o){if(n[o])return n[o].exports;var r=n[o]={exports:{},id:o,loaded:!1};return e[o].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,t),r.loaded=!0,r.exports}var n={};return t.m=e,t.c=n,t.p="",t(0)}([function(e,t,n){"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var o=n(1);Object.defineProperty(t,"AutoSizer",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o.AutoSizer}});var r=n(8);Object.defineProperty(t,"FlexTable",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r.FlexTable}}),Object.defineProperty(t,"FlexColumn",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r.FlexColumn}}),Object.defineProperty(t,"SortDirection",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return 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null or a function, not "+typeof t);e.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),t&&(Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(e,t):e.__proto__=t)}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var s=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var o=t[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,o.key,o)}}return function(t,n,o){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),o&&e(t,o),t}}(),l=function(e,t,n){for(var o=!0;o;){var r=e,a=t,i=n;o=!1,null===r&&(r=Function.prototype);var s=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,a);if(void 0!==s){if("value"in s)return s.value;var l=s.get;if(void 0===l)return;return}var u=Object.getPrototypeOf(r);if(null===u)return;e=u,t=a,n=i,o=!0,s=u=void 0}},u=n(3),c=o(u),p=n(4),d=o(p),f=n(5),h=o(f),v=function(e){function 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0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"processUpdates(): Unable to find child %s of element. This probably means the DOM was unexpectedly mutated (e.g., by the browser), usually due to forgetting a <tbody> when using tables, nesting tags like <form>, <p>, or <a>, or using non-SVG elements in an <svg> parent. Try inspecting the child nodes of the element with React ID `%s`.",f,v):u(!1),c=c||{},c[v]=c[v]||[],c[v][f]=h,p=p||[],p.push(h)}var m;if(m=n.length&&"string"==typeof n[0]?r.dangerouslyRenderMarkup(n):n,p)for(var g=0;g<p.length;g++)p[g].parentNode.removeChild(p[g]);for(var y=0;y<e.length;y++)switch(i=e[y],i.type){case a.INSERT_MARKUP:o(i.parentNode,m[i.markupIndex],i.toIndex);break;case a.MOVE_EXISTING:o(i.parentNode,c[i.parentID][i.fromIndex],i.toIndex);break;case a.SET_MARKUP:s(i.parentNode,i.content);break;case a.TEXT_CONTENT:l(i.parentNode,i.content);break;case a.REMOVE_NODE:}}};i.measureMethods(c,"DOMChildrenOperations",{updateTextContent:"updateTextContent"}),e.exports=c}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){return e.substring(1,e.indexOf(" "))}var r=n(18),a=n(19),i=n(24),s=n(23),l=n(22),u=/^(<[^ \/>]+)/,c="data-danger-index",p={dangerouslyRenderMarkup:function(e){r.canUseDOM?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread. Make sure `window` and `document` are available globally before requiring React when unit testing or use ReactDOMServer.renderToString for server rendering."):l(!1);for(var n,p={},d=0;d<e.length;d++)e[d]?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Missing markup."):l(!1),n=o(e[d]),n=s(n)?n:"*",p[n]=p[n]||[],p[n][d]=e[d];var f=[],h=0;for(n in p)if(p.hasOwnProperty(n)){var v,m=p[n];for(v in m)if(m.hasOwnProperty(v)){var g=m[v];m[v]=g.replace(u,"$1 "+c+'="'+v+'" ')}for(var y=a(m.join(""),i),_=0;_<y.length;++_){var E=y[_];E.hasAttribute&&E.hasAttribute(c)?(v=+E.getAttribute(c),E.removeAttribute(c),f.hasOwnProperty(v)?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"Danger: Assigning to an already-occupied result index."):l(!1):void 0,f[v]=E,h+=1):"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&console.error("Danger: Discarding unexpected node:",E)}}return h!==f.length?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"Danger: Did not assign to every index of resultList."):l(!1):void 0,f.length!==e.length?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"Danger: Expected markup to render %s nodes, but rendered %s.",e.length,f.length):l(!1):void 0,f},dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup:function(e,n){r.canUseDOM?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread. Make sure `window` and `document` are available globally before requiring React when unit testing or use ReactDOMServer.renderToString() for server rendering."):l(!1),n?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup(...): Missing markup."):l(!1),"html"===e.tagName.toLowerCase()?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup(...): Cannot replace markup of the <html> node. This is because browser quirks make this unreliable and/or slow. If you want to render to the root you must use server rendering. See ReactDOMServer.renderToString()."):l(!1):void 0;var o;o="string"==typeof n?a(n,i)[0]:n,e.parentNode.replaceChild(o,e)}};e.exports=p}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";var n=!("undefined"==typeof window||!window.document||!window.document.createElement),o={canUseDOM:n,canUseWorkers:"undefined"!=typeof Worker,canUseEventListeners:n&&!(!window.addEventListener&&!window.attachEvent),canUseViewport:n&&!!window.screen,isInWorker:!n};e.exports=o},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){var t=e.match(c);return t&&t[1].toLowerCase()}function r(e,n){var r=u;u?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"createNodesFromMarkup dummy not initialized"):l(!1);var a=o(e),c=a&&s(a);if(c){r.innerHTML=c[1]+e+c[2];for(var p=c[0];p--;)r=r.lastChild}else r.innerHTML=e;var d=r.getElementsByTagName("script");d.length&&(n?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"createNodesFromMarkup(...): Unexpected <script> element rendered."):l(!1),i(d).forEach(n));for(var f=i(r.childNodes);r.lastChild;)r.removeChild(r.lastChild);return f}var a=n(18),i=n(20),s=n(23),l=n(22),u=a.canUseDOM?document.createElement("div"):null,c=/^\s*<(\w+)/;e.exports=r}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return!!e&&("object"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e)&&"length"in e&&!("setInterval"in e)&&"number"!=typeof e.nodeType&&(Array.isArray(e)||"callee"in e||"item"in e)}function r(e){return o(e)?Array.isArray(e)?e.slice():a(e):[e]}var a=n(21);e.exports=r},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){var n=e.length;if(Array.isArray(e)||"object"!=typeof e&&"function"!=typeof e?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"toArray: Array-like object expected"):r(!1):void 0,"number"!=typeof n?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"toArray: Object needs a length property"):r(!1):void 0,0===n||n-1 in e?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"toArray: Object should have keys for indices"):r(!1),e.hasOwnProperty)try{return}catch(o){}for(var a=Array(n),i=0;n>i;i++)a[i]=e[i];return a}var r=n(22);e.exports=o}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function n(e,n,o,r,a,i,s,l){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&void 0===n)throw new Error("invariant requires an error message argument");if(!e){var u;if(void 0===n)u=new Error("Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.");else{var c=[o,r,a,i,s,l],p=0;u=new Error(n.replace(/%s/g,function(){return c[p++]})),"Invariant Violation"}throw u.framesToPop=1,u}}e.exports=n}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){return i?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?a(!1,"Markup wrapping node not initialized"):a(!1),d.hasOwnProperty(e)||(e="*"),s.hasOwnProperty(e)||("*"===e?i.innerHTML="<link />":i.innerHTML="<"+e+"></"+e+">",s[e]=!i.firstChild),s[e]?d[e]:null}var r=n(18),a=n(22),i=r.canUseDOM?document.createElement("div"):null,s={},l=[1,'<select multiple="true">',"</select>"],u=[1,"<table>","</table>"],c=[3,"<table><tbody><tr>","</tr></tbody></table>"],p=[1,'<svg xmlns="">',"</svg>"],d={"*":[1,"?<div>","</div>"],area:[1,"<map>","</map>"],col:[2,"<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>","</colgroup></table>"],legend:[1,"<fieldset>","</fieldset>"],param:[1,"<object>","</object>"],tr:[2,"<table><tbody>","</tbody></table>"],optgroup:l,option:l,caption:u,colgroup:u,tbody:u,tfoot:u,thead:u,td:c,th:c},f=["circle","clipPath","defs","ellipse","g","image","line","linearGradient","mask","path","pattern","polygon","polyline","radialGradient","rect","stop","text","tspan"];f.forEach(function(e){d[e]=p,s[e]=!0}),e.exports=o}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return function(){return e}}function o(){}o.thatReturns=n,o.thatReturnsFalse=n(!1),o.thatReturnsTrue=n(!0),o.thatReturnsNull=n(null),o.thatReturnsThis=function(){return this},o.thatReturnsArgument=function(e){return e},e.exports=o},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(26),r=o({INSERT_MARKUP:null,MOVE_EXISTING:null,REMOVE_NODE:null,SET_MARKUP:null,TEXT_CONTENT:null});e.exports=r},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(22),r=function(e){var n,r={};e instanceof Object&&!Array.isArray(e)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?o(!1,"keyMirror(...): Argument must be an object."):o(!1);for(n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(r[n]=n);return r};e.exports=r}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function n(e,t,n){return n}var o={enableMeasure:!1,storedMeasure:n,measureMethods:function(e,n,r){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV)for(var a in r)r.hasOwnProperty(a)&&(e[a]=o.measure(n,r[a],e[a]))},measure:function(e,n,r){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var a=null,i=function(){return o.enableMeasure?(a||(a=o.storedMeasure(e,n,r)),a.apply(this,arguments)):r.apply(this,arguments)};return i.displayName=e+"_"+n,i}return r},injection:{injectMeasure:function(e){o.storedMeasure=e}}};e.exports=o}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(18),r=/^[ \r\n\t\f]/,a=/<(!--|link|noscript|meta|script|style)[ \r\n\t\f\/>]/,i=function(e,t){e.innerHTML=t};if("undefined"!=typeof MSApp&&MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction&&(i=function(e,t){MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function(){e.innerHTML=t})}),o.canUseDOM){var s=document.createElement("div");s.innerHTML=" ",""===s.innerHTML&&(i=function(e,t){if(e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.replaceChild(e,e),r.test(t)||"<"===t[0]&&a.test(t)){e.innerHTML=String.fromCharCode(65279)+t;var n=e.firstChild;,1)}else e.innerHTML=t})}e.exports=i},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(18),r=n(30),a=n(28),i=function(e,t){e.textContent=t};o.canUseDOM&&("textContent"in document.documentElement||(i=function(e,t){a(e,r(t))})),e.exports=i},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return r[e]}function o(e){return(""+e).replace(a,n)}var r={"&":"&amp;",">":"&gt;","<":"&lt;",'"':"&quot;","'":"&#x27;"},a=/[&><"']/g;e.exports=o},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){return p.hasOwnProperty(e)?!0:c.hasOwnProperty(e)?!1:u.test(e)?(p[e]=!0,!0):(c[e]=!0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"Invalid attribute name: `%s`",e):void 0,!1)}function r(e,t){return null==t||e.hasBooleanValue&&!t||e.hasNumericValue&&isNaN(t)||e.hasPositiveNumericValue&&1>t||e.hasOverloadedBooleanValue&&t===!1}var a=n(32),i=n(27),s=n(33),l=n(34),u=/^[a-zA-Z_][\w\.\-]*$/,c={},p={};if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV)var d={children:!0,dangerouslySetInnerHTML:!0,key:!0,ref:!0},f={},h=function(e){if(!(d.hasOwnProperty(e)&&d[e]||f.hasOwnProperty(e)&&f[e])){f[e]=!0;var n=e.toLowerCase(),o=a.isCustomAttribute(n)?n:a.getPossibleStandardName.hasOwnProperty(n)?a.getPossibleStandardName[n]:null;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(null==o,"Unknown DOM property %s. Did you mean %s?",e,o):void 0}};var v={createMarkupForID:function(e){return a.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME+"="+s(e)},setAttributeForID:function(e,t){e.setAttribute(a.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME,t)},createMarkupForProperty:function(e,n){var[e]:null;if(o){if(r(o,n))return"";var i=o.attributeName;return o.hasBooleanValue||o.hasOverloadedBooleanValue&&n===!0?i+'=""':i+"="+s(n); }return a.isCustomAttribute(e)?null==n?"":e+"="+s(n):("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&h(e),null)},createMarkupForCustomAttribute:function(e,t){return o(e)&&null!=t?e+"="+s(t):""},setValueForProperty:function(e,n,o){var[n]:null;if(i){var s=i.mutationMethod;if(s)s(e,o);else if(r(i,o))this.deleteValueForProperty(e,n);else if(i.mustUseAttribute){var l=i.attributeName,u=i.attributeNamespace;u?e.setAttributeNS(u,l,""+o):i.hasBooleanValue||i.hasOverloadedBooleanValue&&o===!0?e.setAttribute(l,""):e.setAttribute(l,""+o)}else{var c=i.propertyName;i.hasSideEffects&&""+e[c]==""+o||(e[c]=o)}}else a.isCustomAttribute(n)?v.setValueForAttribute(e,n,o):"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&h(n)},setValueForAttribute:function(e,t,n){o(t)&&(null==n?e.removeAttribute(t):e.setAttribute(t,""+n))},deleteValueForProperty:function(e,n){var[n]:null;if(o){var r=o.mutationMethod;if(r)r(e,void 0);else if(o.mustUseAttribute)e.removeAttribute(o.attributeName);else{var i=o.propertyName,s=a.getDefaultValueForProperty(e.nodeName,i);o.hasSideEffects&&""+e[i]===s||(e[i]=s)}}else a.isCustomAttribute(n)?e.removeAttribute(n):"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&h(n)}};i.measureMethods(v,"DOMPropertyOperations",{setValueForProperty:"setValueForProperty",setValueForAttribute:"setValueForAttribute",deleteValueForProperty:"deleteValueForProperty"}),e.exports=v}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e,t){return(e&t)===t}var r=n(22),a={MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE:1,MUST_USE_PROPERTY:2,HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS:4,HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE:8,HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE:16,HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE:48,HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE:64,injectDOMPropertyConfig:function(e){var n=a,i=e.Properties||{},l=e.DOMAttributeNamespaces||{},u=e.DOMAttributeNames||{},c=e.DOMPropertyNames||{},p=e.DOMMutationMethods||{};e.isCustomAttribute&&s._isCustomAttributeFunctions.push(e.isCustomAttribute);for(var d in i){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"injectDOMPropertyConfig(...): You're trying to inject DOM property '%s' which has already been injected. You may be accidentally injecting the same DOM property config twice, or you may be injecting two configs that have conflicting property names.",d):r(!1):void 0;var f=d.toLowerCase(),h=i[d],v={attributeName:f,attributeNamespace:null,propertyName:d,mutationMethod:null,mustUseAttribute:o(h,n.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE),mustUseProperty:o(h,n.MUST_USE_PROPERTY),hasSideEffects:o(h,n.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS),hasBooleanValue:o(h,n.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE),hasNumericValue:o(h,n.HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE),hasPositiveNumericValue:o(h,n.HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE),hasOverloadedBooleanValue:o(h,n.HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE)};if(v.mustUseAttribute&&v.mustUseProperty?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"DOMProperty: Cannot require using both attribute and property: %s",d):r(!1):void 0,!v.mustUseProperty&&v.hasSideEffects?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"DOMProperty: Properties that have side effects must use property: %s",d):r(!1):void 0,v.hasBooleanValue+v.hasNumericValue+v.hasOverloadedBooleanValue<=1?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"DOMProperty: Value can be one of boolean, overloaded boolean, or numeric value, but not a combination: %s",d):r(!1),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(s.getPossibleStandardName[f]=d),u.hasOwnProperty(d)){var m=u[d];v.attributeName=m,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(s.getPossibleStandardName[m]=d)}l.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(v.attributeNamespace=l[d]),c.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(v.propertyName=c[d]),p.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(v.mutationMethod=p[d]),[d]=v}}},i={},s={ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME:"data-reactid",properties:{},getPossibleStandardName:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?{}:null,_isCustomAttributeFunctions:[],isCustomAttribute:function(e){for(var t=0;t<s._isCustomAttributeFunctions.length;t++){var n=s._isCustomAttributeFunctions[t];if(n(e))return!0}return!1},getDefaultValueForProperty:function(e,t){var n,o=i[e];return o||(i[e]=o={}),t in o||(n=document.createElement(e),o[t]=n[t]),o[t]},injection:a};e.exports=s}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return'"'+r(e)+'"'}var r=n(30);e.exports=o},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(24),r=o;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(r=function(e,t){for(var n=arguments.length,o=Array(n>2?n-2:0),r=2;n>r;r++)o[r-2]=arguments[r];if(void 0===t)throw new Error("`warning(condition, format, ...args)` requires a warning message argument");if(0!==t.indexOf("Failed Composite propType: ")&&!e){var a=0,i="Warning: "+t.replace(/%s/g,function(){return o[a++]});"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.error(i);try{throw new Error(i)}catch(s){}}}),e.exports=r}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(36),r=n(37),a={processChildrenUpdates:o.dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates,replaceNodeWithMarkupByID:o.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID,unmountIDFromEnvironment:function(e){r.purgeID(e)}};e.exports=a},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(16),r=n(31),a=n(37),i=n(27),s=n(22),l={dangerouslySetInnerHTML:"`dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be set using `updateInnerHTMLByID()`.",style:"`style` must be set using `updateStylesByID()`."},u={updatePropertyByID:function(e,n,o){var i=a.getNode(e);l.hasOwnProperty(n)?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?s(!1,"updatePropertyByID(...): %s",l[n]):s(!1):void 0,null!=o?r.setValueForProperty(i,n,o):r.deleteValueForProperty(i,n)},dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID:function(e,t){var n=a.getNode(e);o.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup(n,t)},dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates:function(e,t){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++)e[n].parentNode=a.getNode(e[n].parentID);o.processUpdates(e,t)}};i.measureMethods(u,"ReactDOMIDOperations",{dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID:"dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID",dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates:"dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates"}),e.exports=u}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e,t){for(var n=Math.min(e.length,t.length),o=0;n>o;o++)if(e.charAt(o)!==t.charAt(o))return o;return e.length===t.length?-1:n}function r(e){return e?e.nodeType===q?e.documentElement:e.firstChild:null}function a(e){var t=r(e);return t&&ee.getID(t)}function i(e){var n=s(e);if(n)if(z.hasOwnProperty(n)){var o=z[n];o!==e&&(p(o,n)?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"ReactMount: Two valid but unequal nodes with the same `%s`: %s",H,n):L(!1):void 0,z[n]=e)}else z[n]=e;return n}function s(e){return e&&e.getAttribute&&e.getAttribute(H)||""}function l(e,t){var n=s(e);n!==t&&delete z[n],e.setAttribute(H,t),z[t]=e}function u(e){return z.hasOwnProperty(e)&&p(z[e],e)||(z[e]=ee.findReactNodeByID(e)),z[e]}function c(e){var t=x.get(e)._rootNodeID;return O.isNullComponentID(t)?null:(z.hasOwnProperty(t)&&p(z[t],t)||(z[t]=ee.findReactNodeByID(t)),z[t])}function p(e,n){if(e){s(e)!==n?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"ReactMount: Unexpected modification of `%s`",H):L(!1):void 0;var o=ee.findReactContainerForID(n);if(o&&V(o,e))return!0}return!1}function d(e){delete z[e]}function f(e){var t=z[e];return t&&p(t,e)?void(J=t):!1}function h(e){J=null,w.traverseAncestors(e,f);var t=J;return J=null,t}function v(e,n,o,r,a,i){if(C.useCreateElement&&(i=P({},i),o.nodeType===q?i[G]=o:i[G]=o.ownerDocument),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){i===k&&(i={});var s=o.nodeName.toLowerCase();i[j.ancestorInfoContextKey]=j.updatedAncestorInfo(null,s,null)}var l=R.mountComponent(e,n,r,i);e._renderedComponent._topLevelWrapper=e,ee._mountImageIntoNode(l,o,a,r)}function m(e,t,n,o,r){var a=I.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled(o);a.perform(v,null,e,t,n,a,o,r),I.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(a)}function g(e,t){for(R.unmountComponent(e),t.nodeType===q&&(t=t.documentElement);t.lastChild;)t.removeChild(t.lastChild)}function y(e){var t=a(e);return t?t!==w.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t):!1}function _(e){for(;e&&e.parentNode!==e;e=e.parentNode)if(1===e.nodeType){var t=s(e);if(t){var n,o=w.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t),r=e;do if(n=s(r),r=r.parentNode,null==r)return null;while(n!==o);if(r===X[o])return e}}return null}var E=n(32),b=n(38),N=n(14),C=n(50),D=n(51),O=n(53),w=n(54),x=n(56),T=n(57),S=n(27),R=n(59),M=n(62),I=n(63),P=n(48),k=n(67),V=n(68),A=n(71),L=n(22),U=n(28),F=n(76),j=n(79),W=n(34),H=E.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME,z={},B=1,q=9,K=11,G="__ReactMount_ownerDocument$"+Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),Y={},X={};if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV)var Q={};var $=[],J=null,Z=function(){};Z.prototype.isReactComponent={},"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(Z.displayName="TopLevelWrapper"),Z.prototype.render=function(){return this.props};var ee={TopLevelWrapper:Z,_instancesByReactRootID:Y,scrollMonitor:function(e,t){t()},_updateRootComponent:function(e,n,o,i){return ee.scrollMonitor(o,function(){M.enqueueElementInternal(e,n),i&&M.enqueueCallbackInternal(e,i)}),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(Q[a(o)]=r(o)),e},_registerComponent:function(e,n){!n||n.nodeType!==B&&n.nodeType!==q&&n.nodeType!==K?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"_registerComponent(...): Target container is not a DOM element."):L(!1):void 0,b.ensureScrollValueMonitoring();var o=ee.registerContainer(n);return Y[o]=e,o},_renderNewRootComponent:function(e,n,o,a){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(null==N.current,"_renderNewRootComponent(): Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; triggering nested component updates from render is not allowed. If necessary, trigger nested updates in componentDidUpdate. Check the render method of %s.",N.current&&N.current.getName()||"ReactCompositeComponent"):void 0;var i=A(e,null),s=ee._registerComponent(i,n);return I.batchedUpdates(m,i,s,n,o,a),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(Q[s]=r(n)),i},renderSubtreeIntoContainer:function(e,n,o,r){return null==e||null==e._reactInternalInstance?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"parentComponent must be a valid React Component"):L(!1):void 0,ee._renderSubtreeIntoContainer(e,n,o,r)},_renderSubtreeIntoContainer:function(e,n,o,i){D.isValidElement(n)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"ReactDOM.render(): Invalid component element.%s","string"==typeof n?" Instead of passing an element string, make sure to instantiate it by passing it to React.createElement.":"function"==typeof n?" Instead of passing a component class, make sure to instantiate it by passing it to React.createElement.":null!=n&&void 0!==n.props?" This may be caused by unintentionally loading two independent copies of React.":""):L(!1),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!o||!o.tagName||"BODY"!==o.tagName.toUpperCase(),"render(): Rendering components directly into document.body is discouraged, since its children are often manipulated by third-party scripts and browser extensions. This may lead to subtle reconciliation issues. Try rendering into a container element created for your app."):void 0;var l=new D(Z,null,null,null,null,null,n),u=Y[a(o)];if(u){var c=u._currentElement,p=c.props;if(F(p,n)){var d=u._renderedComponent.getPublicInstance(),f=i&&function(){};return ee._updateRootComponent(u,l,o,f),d}ee.unmountComponentAtNode(o)}var h=r(o),v=h&&!!s(h),m=y(o);if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!m,"render(...): Replacing React-rendered children with a new root component. If you intended to update the children of this node, you should instead have the existing children update their state and render the new components instead of calling ReactDOM.render."):void 0,!v||h.nextSibling))for(var g=h;g;){if(s(g)){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"render(): Target node has markup rendered by React, but there are unrelated nodes as well. This is most commonly caused by white-space inserted around server-rendered markup."):void 0;break}g=g.nextSibling}var _=v&&!u&&!m,E=ee._renderNewRootComponent(l,o,_,null!=e?e._reactInternalInstance._processChildContext(e._reactInternalInstance._context):k)._renderedComponent.getPublicInstance();return i&&,E},render:function(e,t,n){return ee._renderSubtreeIntoContainer(null,e,t,n)},registerContainer:function(e){var t=a(e);return t&&(t=w.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t)),t||(t=w.createReactRootID()),X[t]=e,t},unmountComponentAtNode:function(e){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(null==N.current,"unmountComponentAtNode(): Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; triggering nested component updates from render is not allowed. If necessary, trigger nested updates in componentDidUpdate. Check the render method of %s.",N.current&&N.current.getName()||"ReactCompositeComponent"):void 0,!e||e.nodeType!==B&&e.nodeType!==q&&e.nodeType!==K?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"unmountComponentAtNode(...): Target container is not a DOM element."):L(!1):void 0;var n=a(e),o=Y[n];if(!o){var r=y(e),i=s(e),l=i&&i===w.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(i);return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!r,"unmountComponentAtNode(): The node you're attempting to unmount was rendered by React and is not a top-level container. %s",l?"You may have accidentally passed in a React root node instead of its container.":"Instead, have the parent component update its state and rerender in order to remove this component."):void 0),!1}return I.batchedUpdates(g,o,e),delete Y[n],delete X[n],"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&delete Q[n],!0},findReactContainerForID:function(e){var n=w.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(e),o=X[n];if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var r=Q[n];if(r&&r.parentNode!==o){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(s(r)===n,"ReactMount: Root element ID differed from reactRootID."):void 0;var a=o.firstChild;a&&n===s(a)?Q[n]=a:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"ReactMount: Root element has been removed from its original container. New container: %s",r.parentNode):void 0}}return o},findReactNodeByID:function(e){var t=ee.findReactContainerForID(e);return ee.findComponentRoot(t,e)},getFirstReactDOM:function(e){return _(e)},findComponentRoot:function(e,n){var o=$,r=0,a=h(n)||e;for("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(null!=a,"React can't find the root component node for data-reactid value `%s`. If you're seeing this message, it probably means that you've loaded two copies of React on the page. At this time, only a single copy of React can be loaded at a time.",n):void 0),o[0]=a.firstChild,o.length=1;r<o.length;){for(var i,s=o[r++];s;){var l=ee.getID(s);l?n===l?i=s:w.isAncestorIDOf(l,n)&&(o.length=r=0,o.push(s.firstChild)):o.push(s.firstChild),s=s.nextSibling}if(i)return o.length=0,i}o.length=0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"findComponentRoot(..., %s): Unable to find element. This probably means the DOM was unexpectedly mutated (e.g., by the browser), usually due to forgetting a <tbody> when using tables, nesting tags like <form>, <p>, or <a>, or using non-SVG elements in an <svg> parent. Try inspecting the child nodes of the element with React ID `%s`.",n,ee.getID(e)):L(!1)},_mountImageIntoNode:function(e,n,a,i){if(!n||n.nodeType!==B&&n.nodeType!==q&&n.nodeType!==K?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"mountComponentIntoNode(...): Target container is not valid."):L(!1):void 0,a){var s=r(n);if(T.canReuseMarkup(e,s))return;var l=s.getAttribute(T.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME);s.removeAttribute(T.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME);var u=s.outerHTML;s.setAttribute(T.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME,l);var c=e;if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var p;n.nodeType===B?(p=document.createElement("div"),p.innerHTML=e,c=p.innerHTML):(p=document.createElement("iframe"),document.body.appendChild(p),p.contentDocument.write(e),c=p.contentDocument.documentElement.outerHTML,document.body.removeChild(p))}var d=o(c,u),f=" (client) "+c.substring(d-20,d+20)+"\n (server) "+u.substring(d-20,d+20);n.nodeType===q?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"You're trying to render a component to the document using server rendering but the checksum was invalid. This usually means you rendered a different component type or props on the client from the one on the server, or your render() methods are impure. React cannot handle this case due to cross-browser quirks by rendering at the document root. You should look for environment dependent code in your components and ensure the props are the same client and server side:\n%s",f):L(!1):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"React attempted to reuse markup in a container but the checksum was invalid. This generally means that you are using server rendering and the markup generated on the server was not what the client was expecting. React injected new markup to compensate which works but you have lost many of the benefits of server rendering. Instead, figure out why the markup being generated is different on the client or server:\n%s",f):void 0)}if(n.nodeType===q?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?L(!1,"You're trying to render a component to the document but you didn't use server rendering. We can't do this without using server rendering due to cross-browser quirks. See ReactDOMServer.renderToString() for server rendering."):L(!1):void 0,i.useCreateElement){for(;n.lastChild;)n.removeChild(n.lastChild);n.appendChild(e)}else U(n,e)},ownerDocumentContextKey:G,getReactRootID:a,getID:i,setID:l,getNode:u,getNodeFromInstance:c,isValid:p,purgeID:d};S.measureMethods(ee,"ReactMount",{_renderNewRootComponent:"_renderNewRootComponent",_mountImageIntoNode:"_mountImageIntoNode"}),e.exports=ee}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return,m)||(e[m]=h++,d[e[m]]={}),d[e[m]]}var r=n(39),a=n(40),i=n(41),s=n(46),l=n(27),u=n(47),c=n(48),p=n(49),d={},f=!1,h=0,v={topAbort:"abort",topBlur:"blur",topCanPlay:"canplay",topCanPlayThrough:"canplaythrough",topChange:"change",topClick:"click",topCompositionEnd:"compositionend",topCompositionStart:"compositionstart",topCompositionUpdate:"compositionupdate",topContextMenu:"contextmenu",topCopy:"copy",topCut:"cut",topDoubleClick:"dblclick",topDrag:"drag",topDragEnd:"dragend",topDragEnter:"dragenter",topDragExit:"dragexit",topDragLeave:"dragleave",topDragOver:"dragover",topDragStart:"dragstart",topDrop:"drop",topDurationChange:"durationchange",topEmptied:"emptied",topEncrypted:"encrypted",topEnded:"ended",topError:"error",topFocus:"focus",topInput:"input",topKeyDown:"keydown",topKeyPress:"keypress",topKeyUp:"keyup",topLoadedData:"loadeddata",topLoadedMetadata:"loadedmetadata",topLoadStart:"loadstart",topMouseDown:"mousedown",topMouseMove:"mousemove",topMouseOut:"mouseout",topMouseOver:"mouseover",topMouseUp:"mouseup",topPaste:"paste",topPause:"pause",topPlay:"play",topPlaying:"playing",topProgress:"progress",topRateChange:"ratechange",topScroll:"scroll",topSeeked:"seeked",topSeeking:"seeking",topSelectionChange:"selectionchange",topStalled:"stalled",topSuspend:"suspend",topTextInput:"textInput",topTimeUpdate:"timeupdate",topTouchCancel:"touchcancel",topTouchEnd:"touchend",topTouchMove:"touchmove",topTouchStart:"touchstart",topVolumeChange:"volumechange",topWaiting:"waiting",topWheel:"wheel"},m="_reactListenersID"+String(Math.random()).slice(2),g=c({},s,{ReactEventListener:null,injection:{injectReactEventListener:function(e){e.setHandleTopLevel(g.handleTopLevel),g.ReactEventListener=e}},setEnabled:function(e){g.ReactEventListener&&g.ReactEventListener.setEnabled(e)},isEnabled:function(){return!(!g.ReactEventListener||!g.ReactEventListener.isEnabled())},listenTo:function(e,t){for(var n=t,a=o(n),s=i.registrationNameDependencies[e],l=r.topLevelTypes,u=0;u<s.length;u++){var c=s[u];a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&a[c]||(c===l.topWheel?p("wheel")?g.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(l.topWheel,"wheel",n):p("mousewheel")?g.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(l.topWheel,"mousewheel",n):g.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(l.topWheel,"DOMMouseScroll",n):c===l.topScroll?p("scroll",!0)?g.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(l.topScroll,"scroll",n):g.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(l.topScroll,"scroll",g.ReactEventListener.WINDOW_HANDLE):c===l.topFocus||c===l.topBlur?(p("focus",!0)?(g.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(l.topFocus,"focus",n),g.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(l.topBlur,"blur",n)):p("focusin")&&(g.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(l.topFocus,"focusin",n),g.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(l.topBlur,"focusout",n)),a[l.topBlur]=!0,a[l.topFocus]=!0):v.hasOwnProperty(c)&&g.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(c,v[c],n),a[c]=!0)}},trapBubbledEvent:function(e,t,n){return g.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(e,t,n)},trapCapturedEvent:function(e,t,n){return g.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(e,t,n)},ensureScrollValueMonitoring:function(){if(!f){var e=u.refreshScrollValues;g.ReactEventListener.monitorScrollValue(e),f=!0}},eventNameDispatchConfigs:a.eventNameDispatchConfigs,registrationNameModules:a.registrationNameModules,putListener:a.putListener,getListener:a.getListener,deleteListener:a.deleteListener,deleteAllListeners:a.deleteAllListeners});l.measureMethods(g,"ReactBrowserEventEmitter",{putListener:"putListener",deleteListener:"deleteListener"}),e.exports=g},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(26),r=o({bubbled:null,captured:null}),a=o({topAbort:null,topBlur:null,topCanPlay:null,topCanPlayThrough:null,topChange:null,topClick:null,topCompositionEnd:null,topCompositionStart:null,topCompositionUpdate:null,topContextMenu:null,topCopy:null,topCut:null,topDoubleClick:null,topDrag:null,topDragEnd:null,topDragEnter:null,topDragExit:null,topDragLeave:null,topDragOver:null,topDragStart:null,topDrop:null,topDurationChange:null,topEmptied:null,topEncrypted:null,topEnded:null,topError:null,topFocus:null,topInput:null,topKeyDown:null,topKeyPress:null,topKeyUp:null,topLoad:null,topLoadedData:null,topLoadedMetadata:null,topLoadStart:null,topMouseDown:null,topMouseMove:null,topMouseOut:null,topMouseOver:null,topMouseUp:null,topPaste:null,topPause:null,topPlay:null,topPlaying:null,topProgress:null,topRateChange:null,topReset:null,topScroll:null,topSeeked:null,topSeeking:null,topSelectionChange:null,topStalled:null,topSubmit:null,topSuspend:null,topTextInput:null,topTimeUpdate:null,topTouchCancel:null,topTouchEnd:null,topTouchMove:null,topTouchStart:null,topVolumeChange:null,topWaiting:null,topWheel:null}),i={topLevelTypes:a,PropagationPhases:r};e.exports=i},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){var e=m&&m.traverseTwoPhase&&m.traverseEnterLeave;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(e,"InstanceHandle not injected before use!"):void 0}var r=n(41),a=n(42),i=n(43),s=n(44),l=n(45),u=n(22),c=n(34),p={},d=null,f=function(e,t){e&&(a.executeDispatchesInOrder(e,t),e.isPersistent()||e.constructor.release(e))},h=function(e){return f(e,!0)},v=function(e){return f(e,!1)},m=null,g={injection:{injectMount:a.injection.injectMount,injectInstanceHandle:function(e){m=e,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&o()},getInstanceHandle:function(){return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&o(),m},injectEventPluginOrder:r.injectEventPluginOrder,injectEventPluginsByName:r.injectEventPluginsByName},eventNameDispatchConfigs:r.eventNameDispatchConfigs,registrationNameModules:r.registrationNameModules,putListener:function(e,n,o){"function"!=typeof o?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"Expected %s listener to be a function, instead got type %s",n,typeof o):u(!1):void 0;var a=p[n]||(p[n]={});a[e]=o;var i=r.registrationNameModules[n];i&&i.didPutListener&&i.didPutListener(e,n,o)},getListener:function(e,t){var n=p[t];return n&&n[e]},deleteListener:function(e,t){var n=r.registrationNameModules[t];n&&n.willDeleteListener&&n.willDeleteListener(e,t);var o=p[t];o&&delete o[e]},deleteAllListeners:function(e){for(var t in p)if(p[t][e]){var n=r.registrationNameModules[t];n&&n.willDeleteListener&&n.willDeleteListener(e,t),delete p[t][e]}},extractEvents:function(e,t,n,o,a){for(var i,l=r.plugins,u=0;u<l.length;u++){var c=l[u];if(c){var p=c.extractEvents(e,t,n,o,a);p&&(i=s(i,p))}}return i},enqueueEvents:function(e){e&&(d=s(d,e))},processEventQueue:function(e){var n=d;d=null,e?l(n,h):l(n,v),d?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"processEventQueue(): Additional events were enqueued while processing an event queue. Support for this has not yet been implemented."):u(!1):void 0,i.rethrowCaughtError()},__purge:function(){p={}},__getListenerBank:function(){return p}};e.exports=g}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){if(s)for(var e in l){var n=l[e],o=s.indexOf(e);if(o>-1?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugins that do not exist in the plugin ordering, `%s`.",e):i(!1),!u.plugins[o]){n.extractEvents?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"EventPluginRegistry: Event plugins must implement an `extractEvents` method, but `%s` does not.",e):i(!1),u.plugins[o]=n;var a=n.eventTypes;for(var c in a)r(a[c],n,c)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"EventPluginRegistry: Failed to publish event `%s` for plugin `%s`.",c,e):i(!1)}}}function r(e,n,o){u.eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(o)?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same event name, `%s`.",o):i(!1):void 0,u.eventNameDispatchConfigs[o]=e;var r=e.phasedRegistrationNames;if(r){for(var s in r)if(r.hasOwnProperty(s)){var l=r[s];a(l,n,o)}return!0}return e.registrationName?(a(e.registrationName,n,o),!0):!1}function a(e,n,o){u.registrationNameModules[e]?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, `%s`.",e):i(!1):void 0,u.registrationNameModules[e]=n,u.registrationNameDependencies[e]=n.eventTypes[o].dependencies}var i=n(22),s=null,l={},u={plugins:[],eventNameDispatchConfigs:{},registrationNameModules:{},registrationNameDependencies:{},injectEventPluginOrder:function(e){s?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugin ordering more than once. You are likely trying to load more than one copy of React."):i(!1):void 0,,o()},injectEventPluginsByName:function(e){var n=!1;for(var r in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(r)){var a=e[r];l.hasOwnProperty(r)&&l[r]===a||(l[r]?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject two different event plugins using the same name, `%s`.",r):i(!1):void 0,l[r]=a,n=!0)}n&&o()},getPluginModuleForEvent:function(e){var t=e.dispatchConfig;if(t.registrationName)return u.registrationNameModules[t.registrationName]||null;for(var n in t.phasedRegistrationNames)if(t.phasedRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(n)){var o=u.registrationNameModules[t.phasedRegistrationNames[n]];if(o)return o}return null},_resetEventPlugins:function(){s=null;for(var e in l)l.hasOwnProperty(e)&&delete l[e];u.plugins.length=0;var t=u.eventNameDispatchConfigs;for(var n in t)t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&delete t[n];var o=u.registrationNameModules;for(var r in o)o.hasOwnProperty(r)&&delete o[r]}};e.exports=u}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){return e===y.topMouseUp||e===y.topTouchEnd||e===y.topTouchCancel}function r(e){return e===y.topMouseMove||e===y.topTouchMove}function a(e){return e===y.topMouseDown||e===y.topTouchStart}function i(e,t,n,o){var r=e.type||"unknown-event";e.currentTarget=g.Mount.getNode(o),t?h.invokeGuardedCallbackWithCatch(r,n,e,o):h.invokeGuardedCallback(r,n,e,o),e.currentTarget=null}function s(e,n){var o=e._dispatchListeners,r=e._dispatchIDs;if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&d(e),Array.isArray(o))for(var a=0;a<o.length&&!e.isPropagationStopped();a++)i(e,n,o[a],r[a]);else o&&i(e,n,o,r);e._dispatchListeners=null,e._dispatchIDs=null}function l(e){var n=e._dispatchListeners,o=e._dispatchIDs;if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&d(e),Array.isArray(n)){for(var r=0;r<n.length&&!e.isPropagationStopped();r++)if(n[r](e,o[r]))return o[r]}else if(n&&n(e,o))return o;return null}function u(e){var t=l(e);return e._dispatchIDs=null,e._dispatchListeners=null,t}function c(e){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&d(e);var n=e._dispatchListeners,o=e._dispatchIDs;Array.isArray(n)?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?v(!1,"executeDirectDispatch(...): Invalid `event`."):v(!1):void 0;var r=n?n(e,o):null;return e._dispatchListeners=null,e._dispatchIDs=null,r}function p(e){return!!e._dispatchListeners}var d,f=n(39),h=n(43),v=n(22),m=n(34),g={Mount:null,injectMount:function(e){g.Mount=e,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(e&&e.getNode&&e.getID,"EventPluginUtils.injection.injectMount(...): Injected Mount module is missing getNode or getID."):void 0)}},y=f.topLevelTypes;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(d=function(e){var n=e._dispatchListeners,o=e._dispatchIDs,r=Array.isArray(n),a=Array.isArray(o),i=a?o.length:o?1:0,s=r?n.length:n?1:0;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(a===r&&i===s,"EventPluginUtils: Invalid `event`."):void 0});var _={isEndish:o,isMoveish:r,isStartish:a,executeDirectDispatch:c,executeDispatchesInOrder:s,executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrue:u,hasDispatches:p,getNode:function(e){return g.Mount.getNode(e)},getID:function(e){return g.Mount.getID(e)},injection:g};e.exports=_}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function n(e,t,n,r){try{return t(n,r)}catch(a){return void(null===o&&(o=a))}}var o=null,r={invokeGuardedCallback:n,invokeGuardedCallbackWithCatch:n,rethrowCaughtError:function(){if(o){var e=o;throw o=null,e}}};if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&"undefined"!=typeof window&&"function"==typeof window.dispatchEvent&&"undefined"!=typeof document&&"function"==typeof document.createEvent){var a=document.createElement("react");r.invokeGuardedCallback=function(e,t,n,o){var r=t.bind(null,n,o),i="react-"+e;a.addEventListener(i,r,!1);var s=document.createEvent("Event");s.initEvent(i,!1,!1),a.dispatchEvent(s),a.removeEventListener(i,r,!1)}}e.exports=r}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e,n){if(null==n?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"accumulateInto(...): Accumulated items must not be null or undefined."):r(!1):void 0,null==e)return n;var o=Array.isArray(e),a=Array.isArray(n);return o&&a?(e.push.apply(e,n),e):o?(e.push(n),e):a?[e].concat(n):[e,n]}var r=n(22);e.exports=o}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";var n=function(e,t,n){Array.isArray(e)?e.forEach(t,n):e&&,e)};e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){r.enqueueEvents(e),r.processEventQueue(!1)}var r=n(40),a={handleTopLevel:function(e,t,n,a,i){var s=r.extractEvents(e,t,n,a,i);o(s)}};e.exports=a},function(e,t){"use strict";var n={currentScrollLeft:0,currentScrollTop:0,refreshScrollValues:function(e){n.currentScrollLeft=e.x,n.currentScrollTop=e.y}};e.exports=n},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){if(null==e)throw new TypeError("Object.assign target cannot be null or undefined");for(var n=Object(e),o=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,r=1;r<arguments.length;r++){var a=arguments[r];if(null!=a){var i=Object(a);for(var s in i),s)&&(n[s]=i[s])}}return n}e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t){if(!a.canUseDOM||t&&!("addEventListener"in document))return!1;var n="on"+e,o=n in document;if(!o){var i=document.createElement("div");i.setAttribute(n,"return;"),o="function"==typeof i[n]}return!o&&r&&"wheel"===e&&(o=document.implementation.hasFeature("Events.wheel","3.0")),o}var r,a=n(18);a.canUseDOM&&(r=document.implementation&&document.implementation.hasFeature&&document.implementation.hasFeature("","")!==!0),e.exports=o},function(e,t){"use strict";var n={useCreateElement:!1};e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(14),r=n(48),a=n(52),i="function"==typeof Symbol&&Symbol["for"]&&Symbol["for"]("react.element")||60103,s={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0},l=function(e,n,o,r,s,l,u){var c={$$typeof:i,type:e,key:n,ref:o,props:u,_owner:l};return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(c._store={},a?(Object.defineProperty(c._store,"validated",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,value:!1}),Object.defineProperty(c,"_self",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:r}),Object.defineProperty(c,"_source",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:s})):(c._store.validated=!1,c._self=r,c._source=s),Object.freeze(c.props),Object.freeze(c)),c};l.createElement=function(e,t,n){var r,a={},i=null,u=null,c=null,p=null;if(null!=t){u=void 0===t.ref?null:t.ref, i=void 0===t.key?null:""+t.key,c=void 0===t.__self?null:t.__self,p=void 0===t.__source?null:t.__source;for(r in t)t.hasOwnProperty(r)&&!s.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(a[r]=t[r])}var d=arguments.length-2;if(1===d)a.children=n;else if(d>1){for(var f=Array(d),h=0;d>h;h++)f[h]=arguments[h+2];a.children=f}if(e&&e.defaultProps){var v=e.defaultProps;for(r in v)"undefined"==typeof a[r]&&(a[r]=v[r])}return l(e,i,u,c,p,o.current,a)},l.createFactory=function(e){var t=l.createElement.bind(null,e);return t.type=e,t},l.cloneAndReplaceKey=function(e,t){var n=l(e.type,t,e.ref,e._self,e._source,e._owner,e.props);return n},l.cloneAndReplaceProps=function(e,n){var o=l(e.type,e.key,e.ref,e._self,e._source,e._owner,n);return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(o._store.validated=e._store.validated),o},l.cloneElement=function(e,t,n){var a,i=r({},e.props),u=e.key,c=e.ref,p=e._self,d=e._source,f=e._owner;if(null!=t){void 0!==t.ref&&(c=t.ref,f=o.current),void 0!==t.key&&(u=""+t.key);for(a in t)t.hasOwnProperty(a)&&!s.hasOwnProperty(a)&&(i[a]=t[a])}var h=arguments.length-2;if(1===h)i.children=n;else if(h>1){for(var v=Array(h),m=0;h>m;m++)v[m]=arguments[m+2];i.children=v}return l(e.type,u,c,p,d,f,i)},l.isValidElement=function(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e&&e.$$typeof===i},e.exports=l}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var n=!1;if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV)try{Object.defineProperty({},"x",{get:function(){}}),n=!0}catch(o){}e.exports=n}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return!!a[e]}function o(e){a[e]=!0}function r(e){delete a[e]}var a={},i={isNullComponentID:n,registerNullComponentID:o,deregisterNullComponentID:r};e.exports=i},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){return f+e.toString(36)}function r(e,t){return e.charAt(t)===f||t===e.length}function a(e){return""===e||e.charAt(0)===f&&e.charAt(e.length-1)!==f}function i(e,t){return 0===t.indexOf(e)&&r(t,e.length)}function s(e){return e?e.substr(0,e.lastIndexOf(f)):""}function l(e,n){if(a(e)&&a(n)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?d(!1,"getNextDescendantID(%s, %s): Received an invalid React DOM ID.",e,n):d(!1),i(e,n)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?d(!1,"getNextDescendantID(...): React has made an invalid assumption about the DOM hierarchy. Expected `%s` to be an ancestor of `%s`.",e,n):d(!1),e===n)return e;var o,s=e.length+h;for(o=s;o<n.length&&!r(n,o);o++);return n.substr(0,o)}function u(e,n){var o=Math.min(e.length,n.length);if(0===o)return"";for(var i=0,s=0;o>=s;s++)if(r(e,s)&&r(n,s))i=s;else if(e.charAt(s)!==n.charAt(s))break;var l=e.substr(0,i);return a(l)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?d(!1,"getFirstCommonAncestorID(%s, %s): Expected a valid React DOM ID: %s",e,n,l):d(!1),l}function c(e,n,o,r,a,u){e=e||"",n=n||"",e===n?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?d(!1,"traverseParentPath(...): Cannot traverse from and to the same ID, `%s`.",e):d(!1):void 0;var c=i(n,e);c||i(e,n)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?d(!1,"traverseParentPath(%s, %s, ...): Cannot traverse from two IDs that do not have a parent path.",e,n):d(!1);for(var p=0,f=c?s:l,h=e;;h=f(h,n)){var m;if(a&&h===e||u&&h===n||(m=o(h,c,r)),m===!1||h===n)break;p++<v?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?d(!1,"traverseParentPath(%s, %s, ...): Detected an infinite loop while traversing the React DOM ID tree. This may be due to malformed IDs: %s",e,n,h):d(!1)}}var p=n(55),d=n(22),f=".",h=f.length,v=1e4,m={createReactRootID:function(){return o(p.createReactRootIndex())},createReactID:function(e,t){return e+t},getReactRootIDFromNodeID:function(e){if(e&&e.charAt(0)===f&&e.length>1){var t=e.indexOf(f,1);return t>-1?e.substr(0,t):e}return null},traverseEnterLeave:function(e,t,n,o,r){var a=u(e,t);a!==e&&c(e,a,n,o,!1,!0),a!==t&&c(a,t,n,r,!0,!1)},traverseTwoPhase:function(e,t,n){e&&(c("",e,t,n,!0,!1),c(e,"",t,n,!1,!0))},traverseTwoPhaseSkipTarget:function(e,t,n){e&&(c("",e,t,n,!0,!0),c(e,"",t,n,!0,!0))},traverseAncestors:function(e,t,n){c("",e,t,n,!0,!1)},getFirstCommonAncestorID:u,_getNextDescendantID:l,isAncestorIDOf:i,SEPARATOR:f};e.exports=m}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";var n={injectCreateReactRootIndex:function(e){o.createReactRootIndex=e}},o={createReactRootIndex:null,injection:n};e.exports=o},function(e,t){"use strict";var n={remove:function(e){e._reactInternalInstance=void 0},get:function(e){return e._reactInternalInstance},has:function(e){return void 0!==e._reactInternalInstance},set:function(e,t){e._reactInternalInstance=t}};e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(58),r=/\/?>/,a={CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME:"data-react-checksum",addChecksumToMarkup:function(e){var t=o(e);return e.replace(r," "+a.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME+'="'+t+'"$&')},canReuseMarkup:function(e,t){var n=t.getAttribute(a.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME);n=n&&parseInt(n,10);var r=o(e);return r===n}};e.exports=a},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){for(var t=1,n=0,r=0,a=e.length,i=-4&a;i>r;){for(;r<Math.min(r+4096,i);r+=4)n+=(t+=e.charCodeAt(r))+(t+=e.charCodeAt(r+1))+(t+=e.charCodeAt(r+2))+(t+=e.charCodeAt(r+3));t%=o,n%=o}for(;a>r;r++)n+=t+=e.charCodeAt(r);return t%=o,n%=o,t|n<<16}var o=65521;e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(){r.attachRefs(this,this._currentElement)}var r=n(60),a={mountComponent:function(e,t,n,r){var a=e.mountComponent(t,n,r);return e._currentElement&&null!=e._currentElement.ref&&n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(o,e),a},unmountComponent:function(e){r.detachRefs(e,e._currentElement),e.unmountComponent()},receiveComponent:function(e,t,n,a){var i=e._currentElement;if(t!==i||a!==e._context){var s=r.shouldUpdateRefs(i,t);s&&r.detachRefs(e,i),e.receiveComponent(t,n,a),s&&e._currentElement&&null!=e._currentElement.ref&&n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(o,e)}},performUpdateIfNecessary:function(e,t){e.performUpdateIfNecessary(t)}};e.exports=a},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t,n){"function"==typeof e?e(t.getPublicInstance()):a.addComponentAsRefTo(t,e,n)}function r(e,t,n){"function"==typeof e?e(null):a.removeComponentAsRefFrom(t,e,n)}var a=n(61),i={};i.attachRefs=function(e,t){if(null!==t&&t!==!1){var n=t.ref;null!=n&&o(n,e,t._owner)}},i.shouldUpdateRefs=function(e,t){var n=null===e||e===!1,o=null===t||t===!1;return n||o||t._owner!==e._owner||t.ref!==e.ref},i.detachRefs=function(e,t){if(null!==t&&t!==!1){var n=t.ref;null!=n&&r(n,e,t._owner)}},e.exports=i},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(22),r={isValidOwner:function(e){return!(!e||"function"!=typeof e.attachRef||"function"!=typeof e.detachRef)},addComponentAsRefTo:function(e,n,a){r.isValidOwner(a)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?o(!1,"addComponentAsRefTo(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs. You might be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's `render` method, or you have multiple copies of React loaded (details:"):o(!1),a.attachRef(n,e)},removeComponentAsRefFrom:function(e,n,a){r.isValidOwner(a)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?o(!1,"removeComponentAsRefFrom(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs. You might be removing a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's `render` method, or you have multiple copies of React loaded (details:"):o(!1),a.getPublicInstance().refs[n]===e.getPublicInstance()&&a.detachRef(n)}};e.exports=r}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){l.enqueueUpdate(e)}function r(e,n){var o=s.get(e);return o?("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?p(null==a.current,"%s(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within `render`). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state.",n):void 0),o):("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?p(!n,"%s(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called %s() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op. Please check the code for the %s component.",n,n,e.constructor.displayName):void 0),null)}var a=n(14),i=n(51),s=n(56),l=n(63),u=n(48),c=n(22),p=n(34),d={isMounted:function(e){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var n=a.current;null!==n&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?p(n._warnedAboutRefsInRender,"%s is accessing isMounted inside its render() function. render() should be a pure function of props and state. It should never access something that requires stale data from the previous render, such as refs. Move this logic to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate instead.",n.getName()||"A component"):void 0,n._warnedAboutRefsInRender=!0)}var o=s.get(e);return o?!!o._renderedComponent:!1},enqueueCallback:function(e,n){"function"!=typeof n?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"enqueueCallback(...): You called `setProps`, `replaceProps`, `setState`, `replaceState`, or `forceUpdate` with a callback that isn't callable."):c(!1):void 0;var a=r(e);return a?(a._pendingCallbacks?a._pendingCallbacks.push(n):a._pendingCallbacks=[n],void o(a)):null},enqueueCallbackInternal:function(e,n){"function"!=typeof n?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"enqueueCallback(...): You called `setProps`, `replaceProps`, `setState`, `replaceState`, or `forceUpdate` with a callback that isn't callable."):c(!1):void 0,e._pendingCallbacks?e._pendingCallbacks.push(n):e._pendingCallbacks=[n],o(e)},enqueueForceUpdate:function(e){var t=r(e,"forceUpdate");t&&(t._pendingForceUpdate=!0,o(t))},enqueueReplaceState:function(e,t){var n=r(e,"replaceState");n&&(n._pendingStateQueue=[t],n._pendingReplaceState=!0,o(n))},enqueueSetState:function(e,t){var n=r(e,"setState");if(n){var a=n._pendingStateQueue||(n._pendingStateQueue=[]);a.push(t),o(n)}},enqueueSetProps:function(e,t){var n=r(e,"setProps");n&&d.enqueueSetPropsInternal(n,t)},enqueueSetPropsInternal:function(e,n){var r=e._topLevelWrapper;r?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"setProps(...): You called `setProps` on a component with a parent. This is an anti-pattern since props will get reactively updated when rendered. Instead, change the owner's `render` method to pass the correct value as props to the component where it is created."):c(!1);var a=r._pendingElement||r._currentElement,s=a.props,l=u({},s.props,n);r._pendingElement=i.cloneAndReplaceProps(a,i.cloneAndReplaceProps(s,l)),o(r)},enqueueReplaceProps:function(e,t){var n=r(e,"replaceProps");n&&d.enqueueReplacePropsInternal(n,t)},enqueueReplacePropsInternal:function(e,n){var r=e._topLevelWrapper;r?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"replaceProps(...): You called `replaceProps` on a component with a parent. This is an anti-pattern since props will get reactively updated when rendered. Instead, change the owner's `render` method to pass the correct value as props to the component where it is created."):c(!1);var a=r._pendingElement||r._currentElement,s=a.props;r._pendingElement=i.cloneAndReplaceProps(a,i.cloneAndReplaceProps(s,n)),o(r)},enqueueElementInternal:function(e,t){e._pendingElement=t,o(e)}};e.exports=d}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){w.ReactReconcileTransaction&&E?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"ReactUpdates: must inject a reconcile transaction class and batching strategy"):m(!1)}function r(){this.reinitializeTransaction(),this.dirtyComponentsLength=null,this.callbackQueue=c.getPooled(),this.reconcileTransaction=w.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled(!1)}function a(e,t,n,r,a,i){o(),E.batchedUpdates(e,t,n,r,a,i)}function i(e,t){return e._mountOrder-t._mountOrder}function s(e){var n=e.dirtyComponentsLength;n!==g.length?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"Expected flush transaction's stored dirty-components length (%s) to match dirty-components array length (%s).",n,g.length):m(!1):void 0,g.sort(i);for(var o=0;n>o;o++){var r=g[o],a=r._pendingCallbacks;if(r._pendingCallbacks=null,f.performUpdateIfNecessary(r,e.reconcileTransaction),a)for(var s=0;s<a.length;s++)e.callbackQueue.enqueue(a[s],r.getPublicInstance())}}function l(e){return o(),E.isBatchingUpdates?void g.push(e):void E.batchedUpdates(l,e)}function u(e,n){E.isBatchingUpdates?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"ReactUpdates.asap: Can't enqueue an asap callback in a context whereupdates are not being batched."):m(!1),y.enqueue(e,n),_=!0}var c=n(64),p=n(65),d=n(27),f=n(59),h=n(66),v=n(48),m=n(22),g=[],y=c.getPooled(),_=!1,E=null,b={initialize:function(){this.dirtyComponentsLength=g.length},close:function(){this.dirtyComponentsLength!==g.length?(g.splice(0,this.dirtyComponentsLength),D()):g.length=0}},N={initialize:function(){this.callbackQueue.reset()},close:function(){this.callbackQueue.notifyAll()}},C=[b,N];v(r.prototype,h.Mixin,{getTransactionWrappers:function(){return C},destructor:function(){this.dirtyComponentsLength=null,c.release(this.callbackQueue),this.callbackQueue=null,w.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(this.reconcileTransaction),this.reconcileTransaction=null},perform:function(e,t,n){return,this.reconcileTransaction.perform,this.reconcileTransaction,e,t,n)}}),p.addPoolingTo(r);var D=function(){for(;g.length||_;){if(g.length){var e=r.getPooled();e.perform(s,null,e),r.release(e)}if(_){_=!1;var t=y;y=c.getPooled(),t.notifyAll(),c.release(t)}}};D=d.measure("ReactUpdates","flushBatchedUpdates",D);var O={injectReconcileTransaction:function(e){e?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"ReactUpdates: must provide a reconcile transaction class"):m(!1),w.ReactReconcileTransaction=e},injectBatchingStrategy:function(e){e?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"ReactUpdates: must provide a batching strategy"):m(!1),"function"!=typeof e.batchedUpdates?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"ReactUpdates: must provide a batchedUpdates() function"):m(!1):void 0,"boolean"!=typeof e.isBatchingUpdates?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"ReactUpdates: must provide an isBatchingUpdates boolean attribute"):m(!1):void 0,E=e}},w={ReactReconcileTransaction:null,batchedUpdates:a,enqueueUpdate:l,flushBatchedUpdates:D,injection:O,asap:u};e.exports=w}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){this._callbacks=null,this._contexts=null}var r=n(65),a=n(48),i=n(22);a(o.prototype,{enqueue:function(e,t){this._callbacks=this._callbacks||[],this._contexts=this._contexts||[],this._callbacks.push(e),this._contexts.push(t)},notifyAll:function(){var e=this._callbacks,n=this._contexts;if(e){e.length!==n.length?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"Mismatched list of contexts in callback queue"):i(!1):void 0,this._callbacks=null,this._contexts=null;for(var o=0;o<e.length;o++)e[o].call(n[o]);e.length=0,n.length=0}},reset:function(){this._callbacks=null,this._contexts=null},destructor:function(){this.reset()}}),r.addPoolingTo(o),e.exports=o}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(22),r=function(e){var t=this;if(t.instancePool.length){var n=t.instancePool.pop();return,e),n}return new t(e)},a=function(e,t){var n=this;if(n.instancePool.length){var o=n.instancePool.pop();return,e,t),o}return new n(e,t)},i=function(e,t,n){var o=this;if(o.instancePool.length){var r=o.instancePool.pop();return,e,t,n),r}return new o(e,t,n)},s=function(e,t,n,o){var r=this;if(r.instancePool.length){var a=r.instancePool.pop();return,e,t,n,o),a}return new r(e,t,n,o)},l=function(e,t,n,o,r){var a=this;if(a.instancePool.length){var i=a.instancePool.pop();return,e,t,n,o,r),i}return new a(e,t,n,o,r)},u=function(e){var n=this;e instanceof n?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?o(!1,"Trying to release an instance into a pool of a different type."):o(!1),e.destructor(),n.instancePool.length<n.poolSize&&n.instancePool.push(e)},c=10,p=r,d=function(e,t){var n=e;return n.instancePool=[],n.getPooled=t||p,n.poolSize||(n.poolSize=c),n.release=u,n},f={addPoolingTo:d,oneArgumentPooler:r,twoArgumentPooler:a,threeArgumentPooler:i,fourArgumentPooler:s,fiveArgumentPooler:l};e.exports=f}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(22),r={reinitializeTransaction:function(){this.transactionWrappers=this.getTransactionWrappers(),this.wrapperInitData?this.wrapperInitData.length=0:this.wrapperInitData=[],this._isInTransaction=!1},_isInTransaction:!1,getTransactionWrappers:null,isInTransaction:function(){return!!this._isInTransaction},perform:function(e,n,r,a,i,s,l,u){this.isInTransaction()?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?o(!1,"Transaction.perform(...): Cannot initialize a transaction when there is already an outstanding transaction."):o(!1):void 0;var c,p;try{this._isInTransaction=!0,c=!0,this.initializeAll(0),,r,a,i,s,l,u),c=!1}finally{try{if(c)try{this.closeAll(0)}catch(d){}else this.closeAll(0)}finally{this._isInTransaction=!1}}return p},initializeAll:function(e){for(var t=this.transactionWrappers,n=e;n<t.length;n++){var o=t[n];try{this.wrapperInitData[n]=a.OBSERVED_ERROR,this.wrapperInitData[n]=o.initialize?}finally{if(this.wrapperInitData[n]===a.OBSERVED_ERROR)try{this.initializeAll(n+1)}catch(r){}}}},closeAll:function(e){this.isInTransaction()?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?o(!1,"Transaction.closeAll(): Cannot close transaction when none are open."):o(!1);for(var n=this.transactionWrappers,r=e;r<n.length;r++){var i,s=n[r],l=this.wrapperInitData[r];try{i=!0,l!==a.OBSERVED_ERROR&&s.close&&,l),i=!1}finally{if(i)try{this.closeAll(r+1)}catch(u){}}}this.wrapperInitData.length=0}},a={Mixin:r,OBSERVED_ERROR:{}};e.exports=a}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var n={};"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&Object.freeze(n),e.exports=n}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t){var n=!0;e:for(;n;){var o=e,a=t;if(n=!1,o&&a){if(o===a)return!0;if(r(o))return!1;if(r(a)){e=o,t=a.parentNode,n=!0;continue e}return o.contains?o.contains(a):o.compareDocumentPosition?!!(16&o.compareDocumentPosition(a)):!1}return!1}}var r=n(69);e.exports=o},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return r(e)&&3==e.nodeType}var r=n(70);e.exports=o},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return!(!e||!("function"==typeof Node?e instanceof Node:"object"==typeof e&&"number"==typeof e.nodeType&&"string"==typeof e.nodeName))}e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){if(e){var t=e.getName();if(t)return" Check the render method of `"+t+"`."}return""}function r(e){return"function"==typeof e&&"undefined"!=typeof e.prototype&&"function"==typeof e.prototype.mountComponent&&"function"==typeof e.prototype.receiveComponent}function a(e){var n;if(null===e||e===!1)n=new s(a);else if("object"==typeof e){var i=e;!i||"function"!=typeof i.type&&"string"!=typeof i.type?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s",null==i.type?i.type:typeof i.type,o(i._owner)):c(!1):void 0,n="string"==typeof i.type?l.createInternalComponent(i):r(i.type)?new i.type(i):new d}else"string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e?n=l.createInstanceForText(e):"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"Encountered invalid React node of type %s",typeof e):c(!1);return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?p("function"==typeof n.construct&&"function"==typeof n.mountComponent&&"function"==typeof n.receiveComponent&&"function"==typeof n.unmountComponent,"Only React Components can be mounted."):void 0),n.construct(e),n._mountIndex=0,n._mountImage=null,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(n._isOwnerNecessary=!1,n._warnedAboutRefsInRender=!1),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&Object.preventExtensions&&Object.preventExtensions(n),n}var i=n(72),s=n(77),l=n(78),u=n(48),c=n(22),p=n(34),d=function(){};u(d.prototype,i.Mixin,{_instantiateReactComponent:a}),e.exports=a}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){var t=e._currentElement._owner||null;if(t){var n=t.getName();if(n)return" Check the render method of `"+n+"`."}return""}function r(e){}var a=n(73),i=n(14),s=n(51),l=n(56),u=n(27),c=n(74),p=n(75),d=n(59),f=n(62),h=n(48),v=n(67),m=n(22),g=n(76),y=n(34);r.prototype.render=function(){var e=l.get(this)._currentElement.type;return e(this.props,this.context,this.updater)};var _=1,E={construct:function(e){this._currentElement=e,this._rootNodeID=null,this._instance=null,this._pendingElement=null,this._pendingStateQueue=null,this._pendingReplaceState=!1,this._pendingForceUpdate=!1,this._renderedComponent=null,this._context=null,this._mountOrder=0,this._topLevelWrapper=null,this._pendingCallbacks=null},mountComponent:function(e,n,o){this._context=o,this._mountOrder=_++,this._rootNodeID=e;var a,u,c=this._processProps(this._currentElement.props),p=this._processContext(o),h=this._currentElement.type,g="prototype"in h;if(g)if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){i.current=this;try{a=new h(c,p,f)}finally{i.current=null}}else a=new h(c,p,f);(!g||null===a||a===!1||s.isValidElement(a))&&(u=a,a=new r(h)),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(null==a.render?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(!1,"%s(...): No `render` method found on the returned component instance: you may have forgotten to define `render`, returned null/false from a stateless component, or tried to render an element whose type is a function that isn't a React component.",h.displayName||||"Component"):void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(h.prototype&&h.prototype.isReactComponent||!g||!(a instanceof h),"%s(...): React component classes must extend React.Component.",h.displayName||||"Component"):void 0),a.props=c,a.context=p,a.refs=v,a.updater=f,this._instance=a,l.set(a,this),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(!a.getInitialState||a.getInitialState.isReactClassApproved,"getInitialState was defined on %s, a plain JavaScript class. This is only supported for classes created using React.createClass. Did you mean to define a state property instead?",this.getName()||"a component"):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(!a.getDefaultProps||a.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved,"getDefaultProps was defined on %s, a plain JavaScript class. This is only supported for classes created using React.createClass. Use a static property to define defaultProps instead.",this.getName()||"a component"):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(!a.propTypes,"propTypes was defined as an instance property on %s. Use a static property to define propTypes instead.",this.getName()||"a component"):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(!a.contextTypes,"contextTypes was defined as an instance property on %s. Use a static property to define contextTypes instead.",this.getName()||"a component"):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y("function"!=typeof a.componentShouldUpdate,"%s has a method called componentShouldUpdate(). Did you mean shouldComponentUpdate()? The name is phrased as a question because the function is expected to return a value.",this.getName()||"A component"):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y("function"!=typeof a.componentDidUnmount,"%s has a method called componentDidUnmount(). But there is no such lifecycle method. Did you mean componentWillUnmount()?",this.getName()||"A component"):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y("function"!=typeof a.componentWillRecieveProps,"%s has a method called componentWillRecieveProps(). Did you mean componentWillReceiveProps()?",this.getName()||"A component"):void 0);var E=a.state;void 0===E&&(a.state=E=null),"object"!=typeof E||Array.isArray(E)?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"%s.state: must be set to an object or null",this.getName()||"ReactCompositeComponent"):m(!1):void 0,this._pendingStateQueue=null,this._pendingReplaceState=!1,this._pendingForceUpdate=!1,a.componentWillMount&&(a.componentWillMount(),this._pendingStateQueue&&(a.state=this._processPendingState(a.props,a.context))),void 0===u&&(u=this._renderValidatedComponent()),this._renderedComponent=this._instantiateReactComponent(u);var b=d.mountComponent(this._renderedComponent,e,n,this._processChildContext(o));return a.componentDidMount&&n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(a.componentDidMount,a),b},unmountComponent:function(){var e=this._instance;e.componentWillUnmount&&e.componentWillUnmount(),d.unmountComponent(this._renderedComponent),this._renderedComponent=null,this._instance=null,this._pendingStateQueue=null,this._pendingReplaceState=!1,this._pendingForceUpdate=!1,this._pendingCallbacks=null,this._pendingElement=null,this._context=null,this._rootNodeID=null,this._topLevelWrapper=null,l.remove(e)},_maskContext:function(e){var t=null,n=this._currentElement.type,o=n.contextTypes;if(!o)return v;t={};for(var r in o)t[r]=e[r];return t},_processContext:function(e){var n=this._maskContext(e);if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var o=this._currentElement.type;o.contextTypes&&this._checkPropTypes(o.contextTypes,n,c.context)}return n},_processChildContext:function(e){var n=this._currentElement.type,o=this._instance,r=o.getChildContext&&o.getChildContext();if(r){"object"!=typeof n.childContextTypes?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"%s.getChildContext(): childContextTypes must be defined in order to use getChildContext().",this.getName()||"ReactCompositeComponent"):m(!1):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&this._checkPropTypes(n.childContextTypes,r,c.childContext);for(var a in r)a in n.childContextTypes?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,'%s.getChildContext(): key "%s" is not defined in childContextTypes.',this.getName()||"ReactCompositeComponent",a):m(!1);return h({},e,r)}return e},_processProps:function(e){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var n=this._currentElement.type;n.propTypes&&this._checkPropTypes(n.propTypes,e,c.prop)}return e},_checkPropTypes:function(e,n,r){var a=this.getName();for(var i in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(i)){var s;try{"function"!=typeof e[i]?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"%s: %s type `%s` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from React.PropTypes.",a||"React class",p[r],i):m(!1):void 0,s=e[i](n,i,a,r)}catch(l){s=l}if(s instanceof Error){var u=o(this);r===c.prop?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(!1,"Failed Composite propType: %s%s",s.message,u):void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(!1,"Failed Context Types: %s%s",s.message,u):void 0}}},receiveComponent:function(e,t,n){var o=this._currentElement,r=this._context;this._pendingElement=null,this.updateComponent(t,o,e,r,n)},performUpdateIfNecessary:function(e){null!=this._pendingElement&&d.receiveComponent(this,this._pendingElement||this._currentElement,e,this._context),(null!==this._pendingStateQueue||this._pendingForceUpdate)&&this.updateComponent(e,this._currentElement,this._currentElement,this._context,this._context)},updateComponent:function(e,n,o,r,a){var i,s=this._instance,l=this._context===a?s.context:this._processContext(a);n===o?i=o.props:(i=this._processProps(o.props),s.componentWillReceiveProps&&s.componentWillReceiveProps(i,l));var u=this._processPendingState(i,l),c=this._pendingForceUpdate||!s.shouldComponentUpdate||s.shouldComponentUpdate(i,u,l);"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y("undefined"!=typeof c,"%s.shouldComponentUpdate(): Returned undefined instead of a boolean value. Make sure to return true or false.",this.getName()||"ReactCompositeComponent"):void 0),c?(this._pendingForceUpdate=!1,this._performComponentUpdate(o,i,u,l,e,a)):(this._currentElement=o,this._context=a,s.props=i,s.state=u,s.context=l)},_processPendingState:function(e,t){var n=this._instance,o=this._pendingStateQueue,r=this._pendingReplaceState;if(this._pendingReplaceState=!1,this._pendingStateQueue=null,!o)return n.state;if(r&&1===o.length)return o[0];for(var a=h({},r?o[0]:n.state),i=r?1:0;i<o.length;i++){var s=o[i];h(a,"function"==typeof s?,a,e,t):s)}return a},_performComponentUpdate:function(e,t,n,o,r,a){var i,s,l,u=this._instance,c=Boolean(u.componentDidUpdate);c&&(i=u.props,s=u.state,l=u.context),u.componentWillUpdate&&u.componentWillUpdate(t,n,o),this._currentElement=e,this._context=a,u.props=t,u.state=n,u.context=o,this._updateRenderedComponent(r,a),c&&r.getReactMountReady().enqueue(u.componentDidUpdate.bind(u,i,s,l),u)},_updateRenderedComponent:function(e,t){var n=this._renderedComponent,o=n._currentElement,r=this._renderValidatedComponent();if(g(o,r))d.receiveComponent(n,r,e,this._processChildContext(t));else{var a=this._rootNodeID,i=n._rootNodeID;d.unmountComponent(n),this._renderedComponent=this._instantiateReactComponent(r);var s=d.mountComponent(this._renderedComponent,a,e,this._processChildContext(t));this._replaceNodeWithMarkupByID(i,s)}},_replaceNodeWithMarkupByID:function(e,t){a.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID(e,t)},_renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext:function(){var e=this._instance,n=e.render();return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&"undefined"==typeof n&&e.render._isMockFunction&&(n=null),n},_renderValidatedComponent:function(){var e;i.current=this;try{e=this._renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext()}finally{i.current=null}return null===e||e===!1||s.isValidElement(e)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"%s.render(): A valid ReactComponent must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object.",this.getName()||"ReactCompositeComponent"):m(!1),e},attachRef:function(e,n){var o=this.getPublicInstance();null==o?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?m(!1,"Stateless function components cannot have refs."):m(!1):void 0;var r=n.getPublicInstance();if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var a=n&&n.getName?n.getName():"a component";"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?y(null!=r,'Stateless function components cannot be given refs (See ref "%s" in %s created by %s). Attempts to access this ref will fail.',e,a,this.getName()):void 0}var i=o.refs===v?o.refs={}:o.refs;i[e]=r},detachRef:function(e){var t=this.getPublicInstance().refs;delete t[e]},getName:function(){var e=this._currentElement.type,t=this._instance&&this._instance.constructor;return e.displayName||t&&t.displayName||||t&&||null},getPublicInstance:function(){var e=this._instance;return e instanceof r?null:e},_instantiateReactComponent:null};u.measureMethods(E,"ReactCompositeComponent",{mountComponent:"mountComponent",updateComponent:"updateComponent",_renderValidatedComponent:"_renderValidatedComponent"});var b={Mixin:E};e.exports=b}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(22),r=!1,a={unmountIDFromEnvironment:null,replaceNodeWithMarkupByID:null,processChildrenUpdates:null,injection:{injectEnvironment:function(e){r?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?o(!1,"ReactCompositeComponent: injectEnvironment() can only be called once."):o(!1):void 0,a.unmountIDFromEnvironment=e.unmountIDFromEnvironment,a.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID=e.replaceNodeWithMarkupByID,a.processChildrenUpdates=e.processChildrenUpdates,r=!0}}};e.exports=a}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(26),r=o({prop:null,context:null,childContext:null});e.exports=r},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var n={};"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(n={prop:"prop",context:"context",childContext:"child context"}),e.exports=n}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){var n=null===e||e===!1,o=null===t||t===!1;if(n||o)return n===o;var r=typeof e,a=typeof t;return"string"===r||"number"===r?"string"===a||"number"===a:"object"===a&&e.type===t.type&&e.key===t.key}e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o,r=n(51),a=n(53),i=n(59),s=n(48),l={injectEmptyComponent:function(e){o=r.createElement(e)}},u=function(e){this._currentElement=null,this._rootNodeID=null,this._renderedComponent=e(o)};s(u.prototype,{construct:function(e){},mountComponent:function(e,t,n){return a.registerNullComponentID(e),this._rootNodeID=e,i.mountComponent(this._renderedComponent,e,t,n)},receiveComponent:function(){},unmountComponent:function(e,t,n){i.unmountComponent(this._renderedComponent),a.deregisterNullComponentID(this._rootNodeID),this._rootNodeID=null,this._renderedComponent=null}}),u.injection=l,e.exports=u},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){if("function"==typeof e.type)return e.type;var t=e.type,n=p[t];return null==n&&(p[t]=n=u(t)),n}function r(e){return c?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"There is no registered component for the tag %s",e.type):l(!1), new c(e.type,e.props)}function a(e){return new d(e)}function i(e){return e instanceof d}var s=n(48),l=n(22),u=null,c=null,p={},d=null,f={injectGenericComponentClass:function(e){c=e},injectTextComponentClass:function(e){d=e},injectComponentClasses:function(e){s(p,e)}},h={getComponentClassForElement:o,createInternalComponent:r,createInstanceForText:a,isTextComponent:i,injection:f};e.exports=h}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(48),r=n(24),a=n(34),i=r;if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var s=["address","applet","area","article","aside","base","basefont","bgsound","blockquote","body","br","button","caption","center","col","colgroup","dd","details","dir","div","dl","dt","embed","fieldset","figcaption","figure","footer","form","frame","frameset","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6","head","header","hgroup","hr","html","iframe","img","input","isindex","li","link","listing","main","marquee","menu","menuitem","meta","nav","noembed","noframes","noscript","object","ol","p","param","plaintext","pre","script","section","select","source","style","summary","table","tbody","td","template","textarea","tfoot","th","thead","title","tr","track","ul","wbr","xmp"],l=["applet","caption","html","table","td","th","marquee","object","template","foreignObject","desc","title"],u=l.concat(["button"]),c=["dd","dt","li","option","optgroup","p","rp","rt"],p={parentTag:null,formTag:null,aTagInScope:null,buttonTagInScope:null,nobrTagInScope:null,pTagInButtonScope:null,listItemTagAutoclosing:null,dlItemTagAutoclosing:null},d=function(e,t,n){var r=o({},e||p),a={tag:t,instance:n};return-1!==l.indexOf(t)&&(r.aTagInScope=null,r.buttonTagInScope=null,r.nobrTagInScope=null),-1!==u.indexOf(t)&&(r.pTagInButtonScope=null),-1!==s.indexOf(t)&&"address"!==t&&"div"!==t&&"p"!==t&&(r.listItemTagAutoclosing=null,r.dlItemTagAutoclosing=null),r.parentTag=a,"form"===t&&(r.formTag=a),"a"===t&&(r.aTagInScope=a),"button"===t&&(r.buttonTagInScope=a),"nobr"===t&&(r.nobrTagInScope=a),"p"===t&&(r.pTagInButtonScope=a),"li"===t&&(r.listItemTagAutoclosing=a),("dd"===t||"dt"===t)&&(r.dlItemTagAutoclosing=a),r},f=function(e,t){switch(t){case"select":return"option"===e||"optgroup"===e||"#text"===e;case"optgroup":return"option"===e||"#text"===e;case"option":return"#text"===e;case"tr":return"th"===e||"td"===e||"style"===e||"script"===e||"template"===e;case"tbody":case"thead":case"tfoot":return"tr"===e||"style"===e||"script"===e||"template"===e;case"colgroup":return"col"===e||"template"===e;case"table":return"caption"===e||"colgroup"===e||"tbody"===e||"tfoot"===e||"thead"===e||"style"===e||"script"===e||"template"===e;case"head":return"base"===e||"basefont"===e||"bgsound"===e||"link"===e||"meta"===e||"title"===e||"noscript"===e||"noframes"===e||"style"===e||"script"===e||"template"===e;case"html":return"head"===e||"body"===e}switch(e){case"h1":case"h2":case"h3":case"h4":case"h5":case"h6":return"h1"!==t&&"h2"!==t&&"h3"!==t&&"h4"!==t&&"h5"!==t&&"h6"!==t;case"rp":case"rt":return-1===c.indexOf(t);case"caption":case"col":case"colgroup":case"frame":case"head":case"tbody":case"td":case"tfoot":case"th":case"thead":case"tr":return null==t}return!0},h=function(e,t){switch(e){case"address":case"article":case"aside":case"blockquote":case"center":case"details":case"dialog":case"dir":case"div":case"dl":case"fieldset":case"figcaption":case"figure":case"footer":case"header":case"hgroup":case"main":case"menu":case"nav":case"ol":case"p":case"section":case"summary":case"ul":case"pre":case"listing":case"table":case"hr":case"xmp":case"h1":case"h2":case"h3":case"h4":case"h5":case"h6":return t.pTagInButtonScope;case"form":return t.formTag||t.pTagInButtonScope;case"li":return t.listItemTagAutoclosing;case"dd":case"dt":return t.dlItemTagAutoclosing;case"button":return t.buttonTagInScope;case"a":return t.aTagInScope;case"nobr":return t.nobrTagInScope}return null},v=function(e){if(!e)return[];var t=[];do t.push(e);while(e=e._currentElement._owner);return t.reverse(),t},m={};i=function(e,n,o){o=o||p;var r=o.parentTag,i=r&&r.tag,s=f(e,i)?null:r,l=s?null:h(e,o),u=s||l;if(u){var c,d=u.tag,g=u.instance,y=n&&n._currentElement._owner,_=g&&g._currentElement._owner,E=v(y),b=v(_),N=Math.min(E.length,b.length),C=-1;for(c=0;N>c&&E[c]===b[c];c++)C=c;var D="(unknown)",O=E.slice(C+1).map(function(e){return e.getName()||D}),w=b.slice(C+1).map(function(e){return e.getName()||D}),x=[].concat(-1!==C?E[C].getName()||D:[],w,d,l?["..."]:[],O,e).join(" > "),T=!!s+"|"+e+"|"+d+"|"+x;if(m[T])return;if(m[T]=!0,s){var S="";"table"===d&&"tr"===e&&(S+=" Add a <tbody> to your code to match the DOM tree generated by the browser."),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?a(!1,"validateDOMNesting(...): <%s> cannot appear as a child of <%s>. See %s.%s",e,d,x,S):void 0}else"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?a(!1,"validateDOMNesting(...): <%s> cannot appear as a descendant of <%s>. See %s.",e,d,x):void 0}},i.ancestorInfoContextKey="__validateDOMNesting_ancestorInfo$"+Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),i.updatedAncestorInfo=d,i.isTagValidInContext=function(e,t){t=t||p;var n=t.parentTag,o=n&&n.tag;return f(e,o)&&!h(e,t)}}e.exports=i}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){if(!O&&(O=!0,g.EventEmitter.injectReactEventListener(m),g.EventPluginHub.injectEventPluginOrder(s),g.EventPluginHub.injectInstanceHandle(y),g.EventPluginHub.injectMount(_),g.EventPluginHub.injectEventPluginsByName({SimpleEventPlugin:C,EnterLeaveEventPlugin:l,ChangeEventPlugin:a,SelectEventPlugin:b,BeforeInputEventPlugin:r}),g.NativeComponent.injectGenericComponentClass(h),g.NativeComponent.injectTextComponentClass(v),g.Class.injectMixin(p),g.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(c),g.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(D),g.EmptyComponent.injectEmptyComponent("noscript"),g.Updates.injectReconcileTransaction(E),g.Updates.injectBatchingStrategy(f),g.RootIndex.injectCreateReactRootIndex(u.canUseDOM?i.createReactRootIndex:N.createReactRootIndex),g.Component.injectEnvironment(d),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV)){var e=u.canUseDOM&&window.location.href||"";if(/[?&]react_perf\b/.test(e)){var o=n(151);o.start()}}}var 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u,c;if(N?u=a(e):M?s(e,o)&&(u=S.compositionEnd):i(e,o)&&(u=S.compositionStart),!u)return null;O&&(M||u!==S.compositionStart?u===S.compositionEnd&&M&&(c=M.getData()):M=m.getPooled(t));var p=g.getPooled(u,n,o,r);if(c);else{var d=l(o);null!==d&&(}return h.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(p),p}function c(e,t){switch(e){case T.topCompositionEnd:return l(t);case T.topKeyPress:var n=t.which;return n!==w?null:(R=!0,x);case T.topTextInput:var;return o===x&&R?null:o;default:return null}}function p(e,t){if(M){if(e===T.topCompositionEnd||s(e,t)){var n=M.getData();return m.release(M),M=null,n}return null}switch(e){case T.topPaste:return null;case T.topKeyPress:return t.which&&!r(t)?String.fromCharCode(t.which):null;case T.topCompositionEnd:return O?;default:return null}}function d(e,t,n,o,r){var a;if(a=D?c(e,o):p(e,o),!a)return null;var i=y.getPooled(S.beforeInput,n,o,r);return,h.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(i),i}var 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p(e,t,n,o){h.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseEnterLeave(n,o,s,e,t)}function d(e){g(e,l)}var f=n(39),h=n(40),v=n(34),m=n(44),g=n(45),y=f.PropagationPhases,_=h.getListener,E={accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches:u,accumulateTwoPhaseDispatchesSkipTarget:c,accumulateDirectDispatches:d,accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches:p};e.exports=E}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){this._root=e,this._startText=this.getText(),this._fallbackText=null}var r=n(65),a=n(48),i=n(84);a(o.prototype,{destructor:function(){this._root=null,this._startText=null,this._fallbackText=null},getText:function(){return"value"in this._root?this._root.value:this._root[i()]},getData:function(){if(this._fallbackText)return this._fallbackText;var e,t,n=this._startText,o=n.length,r=this.getText(),a=r.length;for(e=0;o>e&&n[e]===r[e];e++);var i=o-e;for(t=1;i>=t&&n[o-t]===r[a-t];t++);var s=t>1?1-t:void 0;return 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e.timeStamp||},defaultPrevented:null,isTrusted:null};a(o.prototype,{preventDefault:function(){this.defaultPrevented=!0;var e=this.nativeEvent;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?s(e,"This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If you're seeing this, you're calling `preventDefault` on a released/nullified synthetic event. This is a no-op. See for more information."):void 0),e&&(e.preventDefault?e.preventDefault():e.returnValue=!1,this.isDefaultPrevented=i.thatReturnsTrue)},stopPropagation:function(){var e=this.nativeEvent;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?s(e,"This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If you're seeing this, you're calling `stopPropagation` on a released/nullified synthetic event. This is a no-op. See for more information."):void 0),e&&(e.stopPropagation?e.stopPropagation():e.cancelBubble=!0,this.isPropagationStopped=i.thatReturnsTrue)},persist:function(){this.isPersistent=i.thatReturnsTrue},isPersistent:i.thatReturnsFalse,destructor:function(){var e=this.constructor.Interface;for(var t in e)this[t]=null;this.dispatchConfig=null,this.dispatchMarker=null,this.nativeEvent=null}}),o.Interface=l,o.augmentClass=function(e,t){var n=this,o=Object.create(n.prototype);a(o,e.prototype),e.prototype=o,e.prototype.constructor=e,e.Interface=a({},n.Interface,t),e.augmentClass=n.augmentClass,r.addPoolingTo(e,r.fourArgumentPooler)},r.addPoolingTo(o,r.fourArgumentPooler),e.exports=o}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t,n,o){,e,t,n,o)}var r=n(86),a={data:null};r.augmentClass(o,a),e.exports=o},function(e,t){"use strict";var n=function(e){var t;for(t in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(t))return t;return null};e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){var 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strict";var o=n(56),r=n(100),a=n(34),i="_getDOMNodeDidWarn",s={getDOMNode:function(){return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?a(this.constructor[i],"%s.getDOMNode(...) is deprecated. Please use ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance) instead.",o.get(this).getName()||this.tagName||"Unknown"):void 0,this.constructor[i]=!0,r(this)}};e.exports=s}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var n=r.current;null!==n&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(n._warnedAboutRefsInRender,"%s is accessing getDOMNode or findDOMNode inside its render(). render() should be a pure function of props and state. It should never access something that requires stale data from the previous render, such as refs. Move this logic to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate instead.",n.getName()||"A component"):void 0,n._warnedAboutRefsInRender=!0)}return null==e?null:1===e.nodeType?e:a.has(e)?i.getNodeFromInstance(e):(null!=e.render&&"function"==typeof e.render?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?s(!1,"findDOMNode was called on an unmounted component."):s(!1):void 0,void("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?s(!1,"Element appears to be neither ReactComponent nor DOMNode (keys: %s)",Object.keys(e)):s(!1)))}var r=n(14),a=n(56),i=n(37),s=n(22),l=n(34);e.exports=o}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(){this.reinitializeTransaction()}var r=n(63),a=n(66),i=n(48),s=n(24),l={initialize:s,close:function(){d.isBatchingUpdates=!1}},u={initialize:s,close:r.flushBatchedUpdates.bind(r)},c=[u,l];i(o.prototype,a.Mixin,{getTransactionWrappers:function(){return c}});var p=new o,d={isBatchingUpdates:!1,batchedUpdates:function(e,t,n,o,r,a){var i=d.isBatchingUpdates;d.isBatchingUpdates=!0,i?e(t,n,o,r,a):p.perform(e,null,t,n,o,r,a)}};e.exports=d},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){if(e){var t=e._currentElement._owner||null;if(t){var n=t.getName();if(n)return" This DOM node was rendered by `"+n+"`."}}return""}function r(){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var e=this._reactInternalComponent;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(!1,"ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .getDOMNode() of a DOM node; instead, use the node directly.%s",o(e)):void 0}return this}function a(){var e=this._reactInternalComponent;return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(!1,"ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .isMounted() of a DOM node.%s",o(e)):void 0),!!e}function i(){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var e=this._reactInternalComponent;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(!1,"ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .setState(), .replaceState(), or .forceUpdate() of a DOM node. This is a no-op.%s",o(e)):void 0}}function s(e,n){var r=this._reactInternalComponent;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(!1,"ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .setProps() of a DOM node. Instead, call ReactDOM.render again at the top level.%s",o(r)):void 0),r&&(L.enqueueSetPropsInternal(r,e),n&&L.enqueueCallbackInternal(r,n))}function l(e,n){var r=this._reactInternalComponent;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(!1,"ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .replaceProps() of a DOM node. Instead, call ReactDOM.render again at the top level.%s",o(r)):void 0),r&&(L.enqueueReplacePropsInternal(r,e),n&&L.enqueueCallbackInternal(r,n))}function u(e){if("object"==typeof e){if(Array.isArray(e))return"["", ")+"]";var t=[];for(var n in e)if(,n)){var o=/^[a-z$_][\w$_]*$/i.test(n)?n:JSON.stringify(n);t.push(o+": "+u(e[n]))}return"{"+t.join(", ")+"}"}return"string"==typeof e?JSON.stringify(e):"function"==typeof e?"[function object]":String(e)}function c(e,n,o){if(null!=e&&null!=n&&!K(e,n)){var r,a=o._tag,i=o._currentElement._owner;i&&(r=i.getName());var s=r+"|"+a;oe.hasOwnProperty(s)||(oe[s]=!0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(!1,"`%s` was passed a style object that has previously been mutated. Mutating `style` is deprecated. Consider cloning it beforehand. Check the `render` %s. Previous style: %s. Mutated style: %s.",a,i?"of `"+r+"`":"using <"+a+">",u(e),u(n)):void 0)}}function p(e,n){n&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&se[e._tag]&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(null==n.children&&null==n.dangerouslySetInnerHTML,"%s is a void element tag and must not have `children` or use `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.%s",e._tag,e._currentElement._owner?" Check the render method of "+e._currentElement._owner.getName()+".":""):void 0),null!=n.dangerouslySetInnerHTML&&(null!=n.children?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."):W(!1):void 0,"object"==typeof n.dangerouslySetInnerHTML&&te in n.dangerouslySetInnerHTML?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"`props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be in the form `{__html: ...}`. Please visit for more information."):W(!1)),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(null==n.innerHTML,"Directly setting property `innerHTML` is not permitted. For more information, lookup documentation on `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(!n.contentEditable||null==n.children,"A component is `contentEditable` and contains `children` managed by React. It is now your responsibility to guarantee that none of those nodes are unexpectedly modified or duplicated. This is probably not intentional."):void 0),null!"object"!=typeof"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"The `style` prop expects a mapping from style properties to values, not a string. For example, style={{marginRight: spacing + 'em'}} when using JSX.%s",o(e)):W(!1):void 0)}function d(e,n,o,r){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y("onScroll"!==n||H("scroll",!0),"This browser doesn't support the `onScroll` event"):void 0);var a=k.findReactContainerForID(e);if(a){var i=a.nodeType===ne?a.ownerDocument:a;Q(n,i)}r.getReactMountReady().enqueue(f,{id:e,registrationName:n,listener:o})}function f(){var e=this;x.putListener(,e.registrationName,e.listener)}function h(){var e=this;e._rootNodeID?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"Must be mounted to trap events"):W(!1);var n=k.getNode(e._rootNodeID);switch(n?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"trapBubbledEvent(...): Requires node to be rendered."):W(!1),e._tag){case"iframe":e._wrapperState.listeners=[x.trapBubbledEvent(w.topLevelTypes.topLoad,"load",n)];break;case"video":case"audio":e._wrapperState.listeners=[];for(var o in re)re.hasOwnProperty(o)&&e._wrapperState.listeners.push(x.trapBubbledEvent(w.topLevelTypes[o],re[o],n));break;case"img":e._wrapperState.listeners=[x.trapBubbledEvent(w.topLevelTypes.topError,"error",n),x.trapBubbledEvent(w.topLevelTypes.topLoad,"load",n)];break;case"form":e._wrapperState.listeners=[x.trapBubbledEvent(w.topLevelTypes.topReset,"reset",n),x.trapBubbledEvent(w.topLevelTypes.topSubmit,"submit",n)]}}function v(){R.mountReadyWrapper(this)}function m(){I.postUpdateWrapper(this)}function g(e){,e)||(le.test(e)?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"Invalid tag: %s",e):W(!1),ue[e]=!0)}function y(e,t){e=U({},e);var n=e[G.ancestorInfoContextKey];return e[G.ancestorInfoContextKey]=G.updatedAncestorInfo(n,t._tag,t),e}function _(e,t){return e.indexOf("-")>=0||null!}function E(e){g(e),this._tag=e.toLowerCase(),this._renderedChildren=null,this._previousStyle=null,this._previousStyleCopy=null,this._rootNodeID=null,this._wrapperState=null,this._topLevelWrapper=null,this._nodeWithLegacyProperties=null,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(this._unprocessedContextDev=null,this._processedContextDev=null)}var b,N=n(103),C=n(105),D=n(32),O=n(31),w=n(39),x=n(38),T=n(35),S=n(113),R=n(114),M=n(118),I=n(121),P=n(122),k=n(37),V=n(123),A=n(27),L=n(62),U=n(48),F=n(52),j=n(30),W=n(22),H=n(49),z=n(88),B=n(28),q=n(29),K=n(126),G=n(79),Y=n(34),X=x.deleteListener,Q=x.listenTo,$=x.registrationNameModules,J={string:!0,number:!0},Z=z({children:null}),ee=z({style:null}),te=z({__html:null}),ne=1;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(b={props:{enumerable:!1,get:function(){var e=this._reactInternalComponent;return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?Y(!1,"ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .props of a DOM node; instead, recreate the props as `render` did originally or read the DOM properties/attributes directly from this node (e.g.,",o(e)):void 0,e._currentElement.props}}});var oe={},re={topAbort:"abort",topCanPlay:"canplay",topCanPlayThrough:"canplaythrough",topDurationChange:"durationchange",topEmptied:"emptied",topEncrypted:"encrypted",topEnded:"ended",topError:"error",topLoadedData:"loadeddata",topLoadedMetadata:"loadedmetadata",topLoadStart:"loadstart",topPause:"pause",topPlay:"play",topPlaying:"playing",topProgress:"progress",topRateChange:"ratechange",topSeeked:"seeked",topSeeking:"seeking",topStalled:"stalled",topSuspend:"suspend",topTimeUpdate:"timeupdate",topVolumeChange:"volumechange",topWaiting:"waiting"},ae={area:!0,base:!0,br:!0,col:!0,embed:!0,hr:!0,img:!0,input:!0,keygen:!0,link:!0,meta:!0,param:!0,source:!0,track:!0,wbr:!0},ie={listing:!0,pre:!0,textarea:!0},se=U({menuitem:!0},ae),le=/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z:_\.\-\d]*$/,ue={},ce={}.hasOwnProperty;E.displayName="ReactDOMComponent",E.Mixin={construct:function(e){this._currentElement=e},mountComponent:function(e,n,o){this._rootNodeID=e;var r=this._currentElement.props;switch(this._tag){case"iframe":case"img":case"form":case"video":case"audio":this._wrapperState={listeners:null},n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(h,this);break;case"button":r=S.getNativeProps(this,r,o);break;case"input":R.mountWrapper(this,r,o),r=R.getNativeProps(this,r,o);break;case"option":M.mountWrapper(this,r,o),r=M.getNativeProps(this,r,o);break;case"select":I.mountWrapper(this,r,o),r=I.getNativeProps(this,r,o),o=I.processChildContext(this,r,o);break;case"textarea":P.mountWrapper(this,r,o),r=P.getNativeProps(this,r,o)}p(this,r),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&o[G.ancestorInfoContextKey]&&G(this._tag,this,o[G.ancestorInfoContextKey]),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(this._unprocessedContextDev=o,this._processedContextDev=y(o,this),o=this._processedContextDev);var a;if(n.useCreateElement){var i=o[k.ownerDocumentContextKey],s=i.createElement(this._currentElement.type);O.setAttributeForID(s,this._rootNodeID), k.getID(s),this._updateDOMProperties({},r,n,s),this._createInitialChildren(n,r,o,s),a=s}else{var l=this._createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners(n,r),u=this._createContentMarkup(n,r,o);a=!u&&ae[this._tag]?l+"/>":l+">"+u+"</"+this._currentElement.type+">"}switch(this._tag){case"input":n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(v,this);case"button":case"select":case"textarea":r.autoFocus&&n.getReactMountReady().enqueue(N.focusDOMComponent,this)}return a},_createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners:function(e,n){var o="<"+this._currentElement.type;for(var r in n)if(n.hasOwnProperty(r)){var a=n[r];if(null!=a)if($.hasOwnProperty(r))a&&d(this._rootNodeID,r,a,e);else{r===ee&&(a&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(this._previousStyle=a),a=this._previousStyleCopy=U({},,a=C.createMarkupForStyles(a));var i=null;null!=this._tag&&_(this._tag,n)?r!==Z&&(i=O.createMarkupForCustomAttribute(r,a)):i=O.createMarkupForProperty(r,a),i&&(o+=" "+i)}}if(e.renderToStaticMarkup)return o;var s=O.createMarkupForID(this._rootNodeID);return o+" "+s},_createContentMarkup:function(e,t,n){var o="",r=t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML;if(null!=r)null!=r.__html&&(o=r.__html);else{var a=J[typeof t.children]?t.children:null,i=null!=a?null:t.children;if(null!=a)o=j(a);else if(null!=i){var s=this.mountChildren(i,e,n);o=s.join("")}}return ie[this._tag]&&"\n"===o.charAt(0)?"\n"+o:o},_createInitialChildren:function(e,t,n,o){var r=t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML;if(null!=r)null!=r.__html&&B(o,r.__html);else{var a=J[typeof t.children]?t.children:null,i=null!=a?null:t.children;if(null!=a)q(o,a);else if(null!=i)for(var s=this.mountChildren(i,e,n),l=0;l<s.length;l++)o.appendChild(s[l])}},receiveComponent:function(e,t,n){var o=this._currentElement;this._currentElement=e,this.updateComponent(t,o,e,n)},updateComponent:function(e,n,o,r){var a=n.props,i=this._currentElement.props;switch(this._tag){case"button":a=S.getNativeProps(this,a),i=S.getNativeProps(this,i);break;case"input":R.updateWrapper(this),a=R.getNativeProps(this,a),i=R.getNativeProps(this,i);break;case"option":a=M.getNativeProps(this,a),i=M.getNativeProps(this,i);break;case"select":a=I.getNativeProps(this,a),i=I.getNativeProps(this,i);break;case"textarea":P.updateWrapper(this),a=P.getNativeProps(this,a),i=P.getNativeProps(this,i)}"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(this._unprocessedContextDev!==r&&(this._unprocessedContextDev=r,this._processedContextDev=y(r,this)),r=this._processedContextDev),p(this,i),this._updateDOMProperties(a,i,e,null),this._updateDOMChildren(a,i,e,r),!F&&this._nodeWithLegacyProperties&&(this._nodeWithLegacyProperties.props=i),"select"===this._tag&&e.getReactMountReady().enqueue(m,this)},_updateDOMProperties:function(e,n,o,r){var a,i,s;for(a in e)if(!n.hasOwnProperty(a)&&e.hasOwnProperty(a))if(a===ee){var l=this._previousStyleCopy;for(i in l)l.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(s=s||{},s[i]="");this._previousStyleCopy=null}else $.hasOwnProperty(a)?e[a]&&X(this._rootNodeID,a):([a]||D.isCustomAttribute(a))&&(r||(r=k.getNode(this._rootNodeID)),O.deleteValueForProperty(r,a));for(a in n){var u=n[a],p=a===ee?this._previousStyleCopy:e[a];if(n.hasOwnProperty(a)&&u!==p)if(a===ee)if(u?("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(c(this._previousStyleCopy,this._previousStyle,this),this._previousStyle=u),u=this._previousStyleCopy=U({},u)):this._previousStyleCopy=null,p){for(i in p)!p.hasOwnProperty(i)||u&&u.hasOwnProperty(i)||(s=s||{},s[i]="");for(i in u)u.hasOwnProperty(i)&&p[i]!==u[i]&&(s=s||{},s[i]=u[i])}else s=u;else $.hasOwnProperty(a)?u?d(this._rootNodeID,a,u,o):p&&X(this._rootNodeID,a):_(this._tag,n)?(r||(r=k.getNode(this._rootNodeID)),a===Z&&(u=null),O.setValueForAttribute(r,a,u)):([a]||D.isCustomAttribute(a))&&(r||(r=k.getNode(this._rootNodeID)),null!=u?O.setValueForProperty(r,a,u):O.deleteValueForProperty(r,a))}s&&(r||(r=k.getNode(this._rootNodeID)),C.setValueForStyles(r,s))},_updateDOMChildren:function(e,t,n,o){var r=J[typeof e.children]?e.children:null,a=J[typeof t.children]?t.children:null,i=e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML&&e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html,s=t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML&&t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html,l=null!=r?null:e.children,u=null!=a?null:t.children,c=null!=r||null!=i,p=null!=a||null!=s;null!=l&&null==u?this.updateChildren(null,n,o):c&&!p&&this.updateTextContent(""),null!=a?r!==a&&this.updateTextContent(""+a):null!=s?i!==s&&this.updateMarkup(""+s):null!=u&&this.updateChildren(u,n,o)},unmountComponent:function(){switch(this._tag){case"iframe":case"img":case"form":case"video":case"audio":var e=this._wrapperState.listeners;if(e)for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++)e[n].remove();break;case"input":R.unmountWrapper(this);break;case"html":case"head":case"body":"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?W(!1,"<%s> tried to unmount. Because of cross-browser quirks it is impossible to unmount some top-level components (eg <html>, <head>, and <body>) reliably and efficiently. To fix this, have a single top-level component that never unmounts render these elements.",this._tag):W(!1)}if(this.unmountChildren(),x.deleteAllListeners(this._rootNodeID),T.unmountIDFromEnvironment(this._rootNodeID),this._rootNodeID=null,this._wrapperState=null,this._nodeWithLegacyProperties){var o=this._nodeWithLegacyProperties;o._reactInternalComponent=null,this._nodeWithLegacyProperties=null}},getPublicInstance:function(){if(!this._nodeWithLegacyProperties){var e=k.getNode(this._rootNodeID);e._reactInternalComponent=this,e.getDOMNode=r,e.isMounted=a,e.setState=i,e.replaceState=i,e.forceUpdate=i,e.setProps=s,e.replaceProps=l,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&F?Object.defineProperties(e,b):e.props=this._currentElement.props,this._nodeWithLegacyProperties=e}return this._nodeWithLegacyProperties}},A.measureMethods(E,"ReactDOMComponent",{mountComponent:"mountComponent",updateComponent:"updateComponent"}),U(E.prototype,E.Mixin,V.Mixin),e.exports=E}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(37),r=n(100),a=n(104),i={componentDidMount:function(){this.props.autoFocus&&a(r(this))}},s={Mixin:i,focusDOMComponent:function(){a(o.getNode(this._rootNodeID))}};e.exports=s},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){try{e.focus()}catch(t){}}e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(106),r=n(18),a=n(27),i=n(107),s=n(109),l=n(110),u=n(112),c=n(34),p=u(function(e){return l(e)}),d=!1,f="cssFloat";if(r.canUseDOM){var h=document.createElement("div").style;try{h.font=""}catch(v){d=!0}void"styleFloat")}if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV)var m=/^(?:webkit|moz|o)[A-Z]/,g=/;\s*$/,y={},_={},E=function(e){y.hasOwnProperty(e)&&y[e]||(y[e]=!0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"Unsupported style property %s. Did you mean %s?",e,i(e)):void 0)},b=function(e){y.hasOwnProperty(e)&&y[e]||(y[e]=!0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"Unsupported vendor-prefixed style property %s. Did you mean %s?",e,e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.slice(1)):void 0)},N=function(e,n){_.hasOwnProperty(n)&&_[n]||(_[n]=!0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,'Style property values shouldn\'t contain a semicolon. Try "%s: %s" instead.',e,n.replace(g,"")):void 0)},C=function(e,t){e.indexOf("-")>-1?E(e):m.test(e)?b(e):g.test(t)&&N(e,t)};var D={createMarkupForStyles:function(e){var n="";for(var o in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(o)){var r=e[o];"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&C(o,r),null!=r&&(n+=p(o)+":",n+=s(o,r)+";")}return n||null},setValueForStyles:function(e,n){var;for(var a in n)if(n.hasOwnProperty(a)){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&C(a,n[a]);var i=s(a,n[a]);if("float"===a&&(a=f),i)r[a]=i;else{var l=d&&o.shorthandPropertyExpansions[a];if(l)for(var u in l)r[u]="";else r[a]=""}}}};a.measureMethods(D,"CSSPropertyOperations",{setValueForStyles:"setValueForStyles"}),e.exports=D}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){return e+t.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+t.substring(1)}var 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a={background:{backgroundAttachment:!0,backgroundColor:!0,backgroundImage:!0,backgroundPositionX:!0,backgroundPositionY:!0,backgroundRepeat:!0},backgroundPosition:{backgroundPositionX:!0,backgroundPositionY:!0},border:{borderWidth:!0,borderStyle:!0,borderColor:!0},borderBottom:{borderBottomWidth:!0,borderBottomStyle:!0,borderBottomColor:!0},borderLeft:{borderLeftWidth:!0,borderLeftStyle:!0,borderLeftColor:!0},borderRight:{borderRightWidth:!0,borderRightStyle:!0,borderRightColor:!0},borderTop:{borderTopWidth:!0,borderTopStyle:!0,borderTopColor:!0},font:{fontStyle:!0,fontVariant:!0,fontWeight:!0,fontSize:!0,lineHeight:!0,fontFamily:!0},outline:{outlineWidth:!0,outlineStyle:!0,outlineColor:!0}},i={isUnitlessNumber:o,shorthandPropertyExpansions:a};e.exports=i},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return r(e.replace(a,"ms-"))}var r=n(108),a=/^-ms-/;e.exports=o},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return e.replace(o,function(e,t){return t.toUpperCase()})}var o=/-(.)/g;e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t){var n=null==t||"boolean"==typeof t||""===t;if(n)return"";var o=isNaN(t);return o||0===t||a.hasOwnProperty(e)&&a[e]?""+t:("string"==typeof t&&(t=t.trim()),t+"px")}var r=n(106),a=r.isUnitlessNumber;e.exports=o},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return r(e).replace(a,"-ms-")}var r=n(111),a=/^ms-/;e.exports=o},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return e.replace(o,"-$1").toLowerCase()}var o=/([A-Z])/g;e.exports=n},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){var t={};return function(n){return t.hasOwnProperty(n)||(t[n],n)),t[n]}}e.exports=n},function(e,t){"use strict";var n={onClick:!0,onDoubleClick:!0,onMouseDown:!0,onMouseMove:!0,onMouseUp:!0,onClickCapture:!0,onDoubleClickCapture:!0,onMouseDownCapture:!0,onMouseMoveCapture:!0,onMouseUpCapture:!0},o={getNativeProps:function(e,t,o){if(!t.disabled)return t;var r={};for(var a in t)t.hasOwnProperty(a)&&!n[a]&&(r[a]=t[a]);return r}};e.exports=o},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){this._rootNodeID&&d.updateWrapper(this)}function r(e){var n=this._currentElement.props,r=i.executeOnChange(n,e);l.asap(o,this);var;if("radio"===n.type&&null!=a){for(var u=s.getNode(this._rootNodeID),d=u;d.parentNode;)d=d.parentNode;for(var f=d.querySelectorAll("input[name="+JSON.stringify(""+a)+'][type="radio"]'),h=0;h<f.length;h++){var v=f[h];if(v!==u&&v.form===u.form){var m=s.getID(v);m?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"ReactDOMInput: Mixing React and non-React radio inputs with the same `name` is not supported."):c(!1);var g=p[m];g?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"ReactDOMInput: Unknown radio button ID %s.",m):c(!1),l.asap(o,g)}}}return r}var a=n(36),i=n(115),s=n(37),l=n(63),u=n(48),c=n(22),p={},d={getNativeProps:function(e,t,n){var o=i.getValue(t),r=i.getChecked(t),a=u({},t,{defaultChecked:void 0,defaultValue:void 0,value:null!=o?o:e._wrapperState.initialValue,checked:null!=r?r:e._wrapperState.initialChecked,onChange:e._wrapperState.onChange});return a},mountWrapper:function(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&i.checkPropTypes("input",n,e._currentElement._owner);var o=n.defaultValue;e._wrapperState={initialChecked:n.defaultChecked||!1,initialValue:null!=o?o:null,onChange:r.bind(e)}},mountReadyWrapper:function(e){p[e._rootNodeID]=e},unmountWrapper:function(e){delete p[e._rootNodeID]},updateWrapper:function(e){var t=e._currentElement.props,n=t.checked;null!=n&&a.updatePropertyByID(e._rootNodeID,"checked",n||!1);var o=i.getValue(t);null!=o&&a.updatePropertyByID(e._rootNodeID,"value",""+o)}};e.exports=d}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){null!=e.checkedLink&&null!=e.valueLink?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"Cannot provide a checkedLink and a valueLink. If you want to use checkedLink, you probably don't want to use valueLink and vice versa."):u(!1):void 0}function r(e){o(e),null!=e.value||null!=e.onChange?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"Cannot provide a valueLink and a value or onChange event. If you want to use value or onChange, you probably don't want to use valueLink."):u(!1):void 0}function a(e){o(e),null!=e.checked||null!=e.onChange?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"Cannot provide a checkedLink and a checked property or onChange event. If you want to use checked or onChange, you probably don't want to use checkedLink"):u(!1):void 0}function i(e){if(e){var t=e.getName();if(t)return" Check the render method of `"+t+"`."}return""}var s=n(116),l=n(74),u=n(22),c=n(34),p={button:!0,checkbox:!0,image:!0,hidden:!0,radio:!0,reset:!0,submit:!0},d={value:function(e,t,n){return!e[t]||p[e.type]||e.onChange||e.readOnly||e.disabled?null:new Error("You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.")},checked:function(e,t,n){return!e[t]||e.onChange||e.readOnly||e.disabled?null:new Error("You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`.")},onChange:s.func},f={},h={checkPropTypes:function(e,n,o){for(var r in d){if(d.hasOwnProperty(r))var a=d[r](n,r,e,l.prop);if(a instanceof Error&&!(a.message in f)){f[a.message]=!0;var s=i(o);"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"Failed form propType: %s%s",a.message,s):void 0}}},getValue:function(e){return e.valueLink?(r(e),e.valueLink.value):e.value},getChecked:function(e){return e.checkedLink?(a(e),e.checkedLink.value):e.checked},executeOnChange:function(e,t){return e.valueLink?(r(e),e.valueLink.requestChange(,e.checkedLink.requestChange( 0,t):void 0}};e.exports=h}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){function t(t,n,o,r,a,i){if(r=r||N,i=i||o,null==n[o]){var s=_[a];return t?new Error("Required "+s+" `"+i+"` was not specified in "+("`"+r+"`.")):null}return e(n,o,r,a,i)}var n=t.bind(null,!1);return n.isRequired=t.bind(null,!0),n}function r(e){function t(t,n,o,r,a){var i=t[n],s=v(i);if(s!==e){var l=_[r],u=m(i);return new Error("Invalid "+l+" `"+a+"` of type "+("`"+u+"` supplied to `"+o+"`, expected ")+("`"+e+"`."))}return null}return o(t)}function a(){return o(E.thatReturns(null))}function i(e){function t(t,n,o,r,a){var i=t[n];if(!Array.isArray(i)){var s=_[r],l=v(i);return new Error("Invalid "+s+" `"+a+"` of type "+("`"+l+"` supplied to `"+o+"`, expected an array."))}for(var u=0;u<i.length;u++){var c=e(i,u,o,r,a+"["+u+"]");if(c instanceof Error)return c}return null}return o(t)}function s(){function e(e,t,n,o,r){if(!y.isValidElement(e[t])){var a=_[o];return new Error("Invalid "+a+" `"+r+"` supplied to "+("`"+n+"`, expected a single ReactElement."))}return null}return o(e)}function l(e){function t(t,n,o,r,a){if(!(t[n]instanceof e)){var i=_[r],||N,l=g(t[n]);return new Error("Invalid "+i+" `"+a+"` of type "+("`"+l+"` supplied to `"+o+"`, expected ")+("instance of `"+s+"`."))}return null}return o(t)}function u(e){function t(t,n,o,r,a){for(var i=t[n],s=0;s<e.length;s++)if(i===e[s])return null;var l=_[r],u=JSON.stringify(e);return new Error("Invalid "+l+" `"+a+"` of value `"+i+"` "+("supplied to `"+o+"`, expected one of "+u+"."))}return o(Array.isArray(e)?t:function(){return new Error("Invalid argument supplied to oneOf, expected an instance of array.")})}function c(e){function t(t,n,o,r,a){var i=t[n],s=v(i);if("object"!==s){var l=_[r];return new Error("Invalid "+l+" `"+a+"` of type "+("`"+s+"` supplied to `"+o+"`, expected an object."))}for(var u in i)if(i.hasOwnProperty(u)){var c=e(i,u,o,r,a+"."+u);if(c instanceof Error)return c}return null}return o(t)}function p(e){function t(t,n,o,r,a){for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++){var s=e[i];if(null==s(t,n,o,r,a))return null}var l=_[r];return new Error("Invalid "+l+" `"+a+"` supplied to "+("`"+o+"`."))}return o(Array.isArray(e)?t:function(){return new Error("Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType, expected an instance of array.")})}function d(){function e(e,t,n,o,r){if(!h(e[t])){var a=_[o];return new Error("Invalid "+a+" `"+r+"` supplied to "+("`"+n+"`, expected a ReactNode."))}return null}return o(e)}function f(e){function t(t,n,o,r,a){var i=t[n],s=v(i);if("object"!==s){var l=_[r];return new Error("Invalid "+l+" `"+a+"` of type `"+s+"` "+("supplied to `"+o+"`, expected `object`."))}for(var u in e){var c=e[u];if(c){var p=c(i,u,o,r,a+"."+u);if(p)return p}}return null}return o(t)}function h(e){switch(typeof e){case"number":case"string":case"undefined":return!0;case"boolean":return!e;case"object":if(Array.isArray(e))return e.every(h);if(null===e||y.isValidElement(e))return!0;var t=b(e);if(!t)return!1;var n,;if(t!==e.entries){for(;!(;)if(!h(n.value))return!1}else for(;!(;){var r=n.value;if(r&&!h(r[1]))return!1}return!0;default:return!1}}function v(e){var t=typeof e;return Array.isArray(e)?"array":e instanceof RegExp?"object":t}function m(e){var t=v(e);if("object"===t){if(e instanceof Date)return"date";if(e instanceof RegExp)return"regexp"}return t}function g(e){return e.constructor&&"<<anonymous>>"}var y=n(51),_=n(75),E=n(24),b=n(117),N="<<anonymous>>",C={array:r("array"),bool:r("boolean"),func:r("function"),number:r("number"),object:r("object"),string:r("string"),any:a(),arrayOf:i,element:s(),instanceOf:l,node:d(),objectOf:c,oneOf:u,oneOfType:p,shape:f};e.exports=C},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){var t=e&&(o&&e[o]||e[r]);return"function"==typeof t?t:void 0}var o="function"==typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator,r="@@iterator";e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(119),r=n(121),a=n(48),i=n(34),s=r.valueContextKey,l={mountWrapper:function(e,n,o){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(null==n.selected,"Use the `defaultValue` or `value` props on <select> instead of setting `selected` on <option>."):void 0);var r=o[s],a=null;if(null!=r)if(a=!1,Array.isArray(r)){for(var l=0;l<r.length;l++)if(""+r[l]==""+n.value){a=!0;break}}else a=""+r==""+n.value;e._wrapperState={selected:a}},getNativeProps:function(e,n,r){var s=a({selected:void 0,children:void 0},n);null!=e._wrapperState.selected&&(s.selected=e._wrapperState.selected);var l="";return o.forEach(n.children,function(e){null!=e&&("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e?l+=e:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(!1,"Only strings and numbers are supported as <option> children."):void 0)}),s.children=l,s}};e.exports=l}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return(""+e).replace(E,"//")}function r(e,t){this.func=e,this.context=t,this.count=0}function a(e,t,n){var o=e.func,r=e.context;,t,e.count++)}function i(e,t,n){if(null==e)return e;var o=r.getPooled(t,n);g(e,a,o),r.release(o)}function s(e,t,n,o){this.result=e,this.keyPrefix=t,this.func=n,this.context=o,this.count=0}function l(e,t,n){var r=e.result,a=e.keyPrefix,i=e.func,s=e.context,,t,e.count++);Array.isArray(l)?u(l,r,n,m.thatReturnsArgument):null!=l&&(v.isValidElement(l)&&(l=v.cloneAndReplaceKey(l,a+(l!==t?o(l.key||"")+"/":"")+n)),r.push(l))}function u(e,t,n,r,a){var i="";null!=n&&(i=o(n)+"/");var u=s.getPooled(t,i,r,a);g(e,l,u),s.release(u)}function c(e,t,n){if(null==e)return e;var o=[];return u(e,o,null,t,n),o}function p(e,t,n){return null}function d(e,t){return g(e,p,null)}function f(e){var t=[];return u(e,t,null,m.thatReturnsArgument),t}var h=n(65),v=n(51),m=n(24),g=n(120),y=h.twoArgumentPooler,_=h.fourArgumentPooler,E=/\/(?!\/)/g;r.prototype.destructor=function(){this.func=null,this.context=null,this.count=0},h.addPoolingTo(r,y),s.prototype.destructor=function(){this.result=null,this.keyPrefix=null,this.func=null,this.context=null,this.count=0},h.addPoolingTo(s,_);var b={forEach:i,map:c,mapIntoWithKeyPrefixInternal:u,count:d,toArray:f};e.exports=b},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e){return g[e]}function r(e,t){return e&&null!=e.key?i(e.key):t.toString(36)}function a(e){return(""+e).replace(y,o)}function i(e){return"$"+a(e)}function s(e,n,o,a){var l=typeof e;if(("undefined"===l||"boolean"===l)&&(e=null),null===e||"string"===l||"number"===l||c.isValidElement(e))return o(a,e,""===n?v+r(e,0):n),1;var p,g,y=0,E=""===n?v:n+m;if(Array.isArray(e))for(var b=0;b<e.length;b++)p=e[b],g=E+r(p,b),y+=s(p,g,o,a);else{var N=d(e);if(N){var C,;if(N!==e.entries)for(var O=0;!(;)p=C.value,g=E+r(p,O++),y+=s(p,g,o,a);else for("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?h(_,"Using Maps as children is not yet fully supported. It is an experimental feature that might be removed. Convert it to a sequence / iterable of keyed ReactElements instead."):void 0,_=!0);!(;){var w=C.value;w&&(p=w[1],g=E+i(w[0])+m+r(p,0),y+=s(p,g,o,a))}}else if("object"===l){var x="";if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(x=" If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead or wrap the object using createFragment(object) from the React add-ons.",e._isReactElement&&(x=" It looks like you're using an element created by a different version of React. Make sure to use only one copy of React."),u.current)){var T=u.current.getName();T&&(x+=" Check the render method of `"+T+"`.")}var S=String(e);"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?f(!1,"Objects are not valid as a React child (found: %s).%s","[object Object]"===S?"object with keys {"+Object.keys(e).join(", ")+"}":S,x):f(!1)}}return y}function l(e,t,n){return null==e?0:s(e,"",t,n)}var u=n(14),c=n(51),p=n(54),d=n(117),f=n(22),h=n(34),v=p.SEPARATOR,m=":",g={"=":"=0",".":"=1",":":"=2"},y=/[=.:]/g,_=!1;e.exports=l}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){if(this._rootNodeID&&this._wrapperState.pendingUpdate){this._wrapperState.pendingUpdate=!1;var e=this._currentElement.props,t=l.getValue(e);null!=t&&i(this,Boolean(e.multiple),t)}}function r(e){if(e){var t=e.getName();if(t)return" Check the render method of `"+t+"`."}return""}function a(e,n){var o=e._currentElement._owner;l.checkPropTypes("select",n,o);for(var a=0;a<h.length;a++){var i=h[a];null!=n[i]&&(n.multiple?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?d(Array.isArray(n[i]),"The `%s` prop supplied to <select> must be an array if `multiple` is true.%s",i,r(o)):void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?d(!Array.isArray(n[i]),"The `%s` prop supplied to <select> must be a scalar value if `multiple` is false.%s",i,r(o)):void 0)}}function i(e,t,n){var o,r,a=u.getNode(e._rootNodeID).options;if(t){for(o={},r=0;r<n.length;r++)o[""+n[r]]=!0;for(r=0;r<a.length;r++){var i=o.hasOwnProperty(a[r].value);a[r].selected!==i&&(a[r].selected=i)}}else{for(o=""+n,r=0;r<a.length;r++)if(a[r].value===o)return void(a[r].selected=!0);a.length&&(a[0].selected=!0)}}function s(e){var t=this._currentElement.props,n=l.executeOnChange(t,e);return this._wrapperState.pendingUpdate=!0,c.asap(o,this),n}var l=n(115),u=n(37),c=n(63),p=n(48),d=n(34),f="__ReactDOMSelect_value$"+Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),h=["value","defaultValue"],v={valueContextKey:f,getNativeProps:function(e,t,n){return p({},t,{onChange:e._wrapperState.onChange,value:void 0})},mountWrapper:function(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&a(e,n);var o=l.getValue(n);e._wrapperState={pendingUpdate:!1,initialValue:null!=o?o:n.defaultValue,onChange:s.bind(e),wasMultiple:Boolean(n.multiple)}},processChildContext:function(e,t,n){var o=p({},n);return o[f]=e._wrapperState.initialValue,o},postUpdateWrapper:function(e){var t=e._currentElement.props;e._wrapperState.initialValue=void 0;var n=e._wrapperState.wasMultiple;e._wrapperState.wasMultiple=Boolean(t.multiple);var o=l.getValue(t);null!=o?(e._wrapperState.pendingUpdate=!1,i(e,Boolean(t.multiple),o)):n!==Boolean(t.multiple)&&(null!=t.defaultValue?i(e,Boolean(t.multiple),t.defaultValue):i(e,Boolean(t.multiple),t.multiple?[]:""))}};e.exports=v}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){this._rootNodeID&&p.updateWrapper(this)}function r(e){var t=this._currentElement.props,n=a.executeOnChange(t,e);return s.asap(o,this),n}var a=n(115),i=n(36),s=n(63),l=n(48),u=n(22),c=n(34),p={getNativeProps:function(e,n,o){null!=n.dangerouslySetInnerHTML?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"`dangerouslySetInnerHTML` does not make sense on <textarea>."):u(!1):void 0;var r=l({},n,{defaultValue:void 0,value:void 0,children:e._wrapperState.initialValue,onChange:e._wrapperState.onChange});return r},mountWrapper:function(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&a.checkPropTypes("textarea",n,e._currentElement._owner);var o=n.defaultValue,i=n.children;null!=i&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?c(!1,"Use the `defaultValue` or `value` props instead of setting children on <textarea>."):void 0),null!=o?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"If you supply `defaultValue` on a <textarea>, do not pass children."):u(!1):void 0,Array.isArray(i)&&(i.length<=1?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?u(!1,"<textarea> can only have at most one child."):u(!1),i=i[0]),o=""+i),null==o&&(o="");var s=a.getValue(n);e._wrapperState={initialValue:""+(null!=s?s:o),onChange:r.bind(e)}},updateWrapper:function(e){var t=e._currentElement.props,n=a.getValue(t);null!=n&&i.updatePropertyByID(e._rootNodeID,"value",""+n)}};e.exports=p}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e,t,n){g.push({parentID:e,parentNode:null,type:p.INSERT_MARKUP,markupIndex:y.push(t)-1,content:null,fromIndex:null,toIndex:n})}function r(e,t,n){g.push({parentID:e,parentNode:null,type:p.MOVE_EXISTING,markupIndex:null,content:null,fromIndex:t,toIndex:n})}function a(e,t){g.push({parentID:e,parentNode:null,type:p.REMOVE_NODE,markupIndex:null,content:null,fromIndex:t,toIndex:null})}function i(e,t){g.push({parentID:e,parentNode:null,type:p.SET_MARKUP,markupIndex:null,content:t,fromIndex:null,toIndex:null})}function s(e,t){g.push({parentID:e,parentNode:null,type:p.TEXT_CONTENT,markupIndex:null,content:t,fromIndex:null,toIndex:null})}function l(){g.length&&(c.processChildrenUpdates(g,y),u())}function u(){g.length=0,y.length=0}var c=n(73),p=n(25),d=n(14),f=n(59),h=n(124),v=n(125),m=0,g=[],y=[],_={Mixin:{_reconcilerInstantiateChildren:function(e,n,o){if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&this._currentElement)try{return d.current=this._currentElement._owner,h.instantiateChildren(e,n,o)}finally{d.current=null}return h.instantiateChildren(e,n,o)},_reconcilerUpdateChildren:function(e,n,o,r){var a;if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&this._currentElement){try{d.current=this._currentElement._owner,a=v(n)}finally{d.current=null}return h.updateChildren(e,a,o,r)}return a=v(n),h.updateChildren(e,a,o,r)},mountChildren:function(e,t,n){var o=this._reconcilerInstantiateChildren(e,t,n);this._renderedChildren=o;var r=[],a=0;for(var i in o)if(o.hasOwnProperty(i)){var s=o[i],l=this._rootNodeID+i,u=f.mountComponent(s,l,t,n);s._mountIndex=a++,r.push(u)}return r},updateTextContent:function(e){m++;var t=!0;try{var n=this._renderedChildren;h.unmountChildren(n);for(var o in n)n.hasOwnProperty(o)&&this._unmountChild(n[o]);this.setTextContent(e),t=!1}finally{m--,m||(t?u():l())}},updateMarkup:function(e){m++;var t=!0;try{var n=this._renderedChildren;h.unmountChildren(n);for(var o in n)n.hasOwnProperty(o)&&this._unmountChildByName(n[o],o);this.setMarkup(e),t=!1}finally{m--,m||(t?u():l())}},updateChildren:function(e,t,n){m++;var o=!0;try{this._updateChildren(e,t,n),o=!1}finally{m--,m||(o?u():l())}},_updateChildren:function(e,t,n){var o=this._renderedChildren,r=this._reconcilerUpdateChildren(o,e,t,n);if(this._renderedChildren=r,r||o){var a,i=0,s=0;for(a in r)if(r.hasOwnProperty(a)){var l=o&&o[a],u=r[a];l===u?(this.moveChild(l,s,i),i=Math.max(l._mountIndex,i),l._mountIndex=s):(l&&(i=Math.max(l._mountIndex,i),this._unmountChild(l)),this._mountChildByNameAtIndex(u,a,s,t,n)),s++}for(a in o)!o.hasOwnProperty(a)||r&&r.hasOwnProperty(a)||this._unmountChild(o[a])}},unmountChildren:function(){var e=this._renderedChildren;h.unmountChildren(e),this._renderedChildren=null},moveChild:function(e,t,n){e._mountIndex<n&&r(this._rootNodeID,e._mountIndex,t)},createChild:function(e,t){o(this._rootNodeID,t,e._mountIndex)},removeChild:function(e){a(this._rootNodeID,e._mountIndex)},setTextContent:function(e){s(this._rootNodeID,e)},setMarkup:function(e){i(this._rootNodeID,e)},_mountChildByNameAtIndex:function(e,t,n,o,r){var a=this._rootNodeID+t,i=f.mountComponent(e,a,o,r);e._mountIndex=n,this.createChild(e,i)},_unmountChild:function(e){this.removeChild(e),e._mountIndex=null}}};e.exports=_}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e,n,o){var r=void 0===e[o];"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(r,"flattenChildren(...): Encountered two children with the same key, `%s`. Child keys must be unique; when two children share a key, only the first child will be used.",o):void 0),null!=n&&r&&(e[o]=a(n,null))}var r=n(59),a=n(71),i=n(76),s=n(120),l=n(34),u={instantiateChildren:function(e,t,n){if(null==e)return null;var r={};return s(e,o,r),r},updateChildren:function(e,t,n,o){if(!t&&!e)return null;var s;for(s in t)if(t.hasOwnProperty(s)){var l=e&&e[s],u=l&&l._currentElement,c=t[s];if(null!=l&&i(u,c))r.receiveComponent(l,c,n,o),t[s]=l;else{l&&r.unmountComponent(l,s);var p=a(c,null);t[s]=p}}for(s in e)!e.hasOwnProperty(s)||t&&t.hasOwnProperty(s)||r.unmountComponent(e[s]);return t},unmountChildren:function(e){for(var t in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(t)){var n=e[t];r.unmountComponent(n)}}};e.exports=u}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e,n,o){var r=e,a=void 0===r[o];"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?i(a,"flattenChildren(...): Encountered two children with the same key, `%s`. Child keys must be unique; when two children share a key, only the first child will be used.",o):void 0),a&&null!=n&&(r[o]=n)}function r(e){if(null==e)return e;var t={};return a(e,o,t),t}var a=n(120),i=n(34);e.exports=r}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){if(e===t)return!0;if("object"!=typeof e||null===e||"object"!=typeof t||null===t)return!1;var n=Object.keys(e),r=Object.keys(t);if(n.length!==r.length)return!1;for(var a=o.bind(t),i=0;i<n.length;i++)if(!a(n[i])||e[n[i]]!==t[n[i]])return!1;return!0}var o=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){var t=d.getID(e),n=p.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t),o=d.findReactContainerForID(n),r=d.getFirstReactDOM(o);return r}function r(e,t){this.topLevelType=e,this.nativeEvent=t,this.ancestors=[]}function a(e){i(e)}function i(e){for(var t=d.getFirstReactDOM(v(e.nativeEvent))||window,n=t;n;)e.ancestors.push(n),n=o(n);for(var r=0;r<e.ancestors.length;r++){t=e.ancestors[r];var a=d.getID(t)||"";g._handleTopLevel(e.topLevelType,t,a,e.nativeEvent,v(e.nativeEvent))}}function s(e){var t=m(window);e(t)}var l=n(128),u=n(18),c=n(65),p=n(54),d=n(37),f=n(63),h=n(48),v=n(90),m=n(129);h(r.prototype,{destructor:function(){this.topLevelType=null,this.nativeEvent=null,this.ancestors.length=0}}),c.addPoolingTo(r,c.twoArgumentPooler);var g={_enabled:!0,_handleTopLevel:null,WINDOW_HANDLE:u.canUseDOM?window:null,setHandleTopLevel:function(e){g._handleTopLevel=e},setEnabled:function(e){g._enabled=!!e},isEnabled:function(){return g._enabled},trapBubbledEvent:function(e,t,n){var o=n;return o?l.listen(o,t,g.dispatchEvent.bind(null,e)):null},trapCapturedEvent:function(e,t,n){var o=n;return o?l.capture(o,t,g.dispatchEvent.bind(null,e)):null},monitorScrollValue:function(e){var t=s.bind(null,e);l.listen(window,"scroll",t)},dispatchEvent:function(e,t){if(g._enabled){var n=r.getPooled(e,t);try{f.batchedUpdates(a,n)}finally{ r.release(n)}}}};e.exports=g},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";var o=n(24),r={listen:function(e,t,n){return e.addEventListener?(e.addEventListener(t,n,!1),{remove:function(){e.removeEventListener(t,n,!1)}}):e.attachEvent?(e.attachEvent("on"+t,n),{remove:function(){e.detachEvent("on"+t,n)}}):void 0},capture:function(e,n,r){return e.addEventListener?(e.addEventListener(n,r,!0),{remove:function(){e.removeEventListener(n,r,!0)}}):("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&console.error("Attempted to listen to events during the capture phase on a browser that does not support the capture phase. Your application will not receive some events."),{remove:o})},registerDefault:function(){}};e.exports=r}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return e===window?{x:window.pageXOffset||document.documentElement.scrollLeft,y:window.pageYOffset||document.documentElement.scrollTop}:{x:e.scrollLeft,y:e.scrollTop}}e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(32),r=n(40),a=n(73),i=n(131),s=n(77),l=n(38),u=n(78),c=n(27),p=n(55),d=n(63),f={Component:a.injection,Class:i.injection,DOMProperty:o.injection,EmptyComponent:s.injection,EventPluginHub:r.injection,EventEmitter:l.injection,NativeComponent:u.injection,Perf:c.injection,RootIndex:p.injection,Updates:d.injection};e.exports=f},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(){x||(x=!0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?C(!1,"setProps(...) and replaceProps(...) are deprecated. Instead, call render again at the top level."):void 0)}function r(e,n,o){for(var r in n)n.hasOwnProperty(r)&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?C("function"==typeof n[r],"%s: %s type `%s` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from React.PropTypes.",e.displayName||"ReactClass",m[o],r):void 0)}function a(e,n){var o=T.hasOwnProperty(n)?T[n]:null;R.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(o!==O.OVERRIDE_BASE?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"ReactClassInterface: You are attempting to override `%s` from your class specification. Ensure that your method names do not overlap with React methods.",n):E(!1):void 0),e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(o!==O.DEFINE_MANY&&o!==O.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"ReactClassInterface: You are attempting to define `%s` on your component more than once. This conflict may be due to a mixin.",n):E(!1):void 0)}function i(e,n){if(n){"function"==typeof n?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"ReactClass: You're attempting to use a component class as a mixin. Instead, just use a regular object."):E(!1):void 0,h.isValidElement(n)?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"ReactClass: You're attempting to use a component as a mixin. Instead, just use a regular object."):E(!1):void 0;var o=e.prototype;n.hasOwnProperty(D)&&S.mixins(e,n.mixins);for(var r in n)if(n.hasOwnProperty(r)&&r!==D){var i=n[r];if(a(o,r),S.hasOwnProperty(r))S[r](e,i);else{var s=T.hasOwnProperty(r),l=o.hasOwnProperty(r),p="function"==typeof i,d=p&&!s&&!l&&n.autobind!==!1;if(d)o.__reactAutoBindMap||(o.__reactAutoBindMap={}),o.__reactAutoBindMap[r]=i,o[r]=i;else if(l){var f=T[r];!s||f!==O.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED&&f!==O.DEFINE_MANY?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"ReactClass: Unexpected spec policy %s for key %s when mixing in component specs.",f,r):E(!1):void 0,f===O.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED?o[r]=u(o[r],i):f===O.DEFINE_MANY&&(o[r]=c(o[r],i))}else o[r]=i,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&"function"==typeof i&&n.displayName&&(o[r].displayName=n.displayName+"_"+r)}}}}function s(e,n){if(n)for(var o in n){var r=n[o];if(n.hasOwnProperty(o)){var a=o in S;a?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,'ReactClass: You are attempting to define a reserved property, `%s`, that shouldn\'t be on the "statics" key. Define it as an instance property instead; it will still be accessible on the constructor.',o):E(!1):void 0;var i=o in e;i?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"ReactClass: You are attempting to define `%s` on your component more than once. This conflict may be due to a mixin.",o):E(!1):void 0,e[o]=r}}}function l(e,n){e&&n&&"object"==typeof e&&"object"==typeof n?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(): Cannot merge non-objects."):E(!1);for(var o in n)n.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(void 0!==e[o]?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(): Tried to merge two objects with the same key: `%s`. This conflict may be due to a mixin; in particular, this may be caused by two getInitialState() or getDefaultProps() methods returning objects with clashing keys.",o):E(!1):void 0,e[o]=n[o]);return e}function u(e,t){return function(){var n=e.apply(this,arguments),o=t.apply(this,arguments);if(null==n)return o;if(null==o)return n;var r={};return l(r,n),l(r,o),r}}function c(e,t){return function(){e.apply(this,arguments),t.apply(this,arguments)}}function p(e,n){var o=n.bind(e);if("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){o.__reactBoundContext=e,o.__reactBoundMethod=n,o.__reactBoundArguments=null;var r=e.constructor.displayName,a=o.bind;o.bind=function(i){for(var s=arguments.length,l=Array(s>1?s-1:0),u=1;s>u;u++)l[u-1]=arguments[u];if(i!==e&&null!==i)"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?C(!1,"bind(): React component methods may only be bound to the component instance. See %s",r):void 0;else if(!l.length)return"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?C(!1,"bind(): You are binding a component method to the component. React does this for you automatically in a high-performance way, so you can safely remove this call. See %s",r):void 0,o;var c=a.apply(o,arguments);return c.__reactBoundContext=e,c.__reactBoundMethod=n,c.__reactBoundArguments=l,c}}return o}function d(e){for(var t in e.__reactAutoBindMap)if(e.__reactAutoBindMap.hasOwnProperty(t)){var n=e.__reactAutoBindMap[t];e[t]=p(e,n)}}var f=n(132),h=n(51),v=n(74),m=n(75),g=n(133),y=n(48),_=n(67),E=n(22),b=n(26),N=n(88),C=n(34),D=N({mixins:null}),O=b({DEFINE_ONCE:null,DEFINE_MANY:null,OVERRIDE_BASE:null,DEFINE_MANY_MERGED:null}),w=[],x=!1,T={mixins:O.DEFINE_MANY,statics:O.DEFINE_MANY,propTypes:O.DEFINE_MANY,contextTypes:O.DEFINE_MANY,childContextTypes:O.DEFINE_MANY,getDefaultProps:O.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED,getInitialState:O.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED,getChildContext:O.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED,render:O.DEFINE_ONCE,componentWillMount:O.DEFINE_MANY,componentDidMount:O.DEFINE_MANY,componentWillReceiveProps:O.DEFINE_MANY,shouldComponentUpdate:O.DEFINE_ONCE,componentWillUpdate:O.DEFINE_MANY,componentDidUpdate:O.DEFINE_MANY,componentWillUnmount:O.DEFINE_MANY,updateComponent:O.OVERRIDE_BASE},S={displayName:function(e,t){e.displayName=t},mixins:function(e,t){if(t)for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++)i(e,t[n])},childContextTypes:function(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&r(e,n,v.childContext),e.childContextTypes=y({},e.childContextTypes,n)},contextTypes:function(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&r(e,n,v.context),e.contextTypes=y({},e.contextTypes,n)},getDefaultProps:function(e,t){e.getDefaultProps?e.getDefaultProps=u(e.getDefaultProps,t):e.getDefaultProps=t},propTypes:function(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&r(e,n,v.prop),e.propTypes=y({},e.propTypes,n)},statics:function(e,t){s(e,t)},autobind:function(){}},R={replaceState:function(e,t){this.updater.enqueueReplaceState(this,e),t&&this.updater.enqueueCallback(this,t)},isMounted:function(){return this.updater.isMounted(this)},setProps:function(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&o(),this.updater.enqueueSetProps(this,e),n&&this.updater.enqueueCallback(this,n)},replaceProps:function(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&o(),this.updater.enqueueReplaceProps(this,e),n&&this.updater.enqueueCallback(this,n)}},M=function(){};y(M.prototype,f.prototype,R);var I={createClass:function(e){var n=function(e,o,r){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?C(this instanceof n,"Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or JSX instead. See:"):void 0),this.__reactAutoBindMap&&d(this),this.props=e,this.context=o,this.refs=_,this.updater=r||g,this.state=null;var a=this.getInitialState?this.getInitialState():null;"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&"undefined"==typeof a&&this.getInitialState._isMockFunction&&(a=null),"object"!=typeof a||Array.isArray(a)?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"%s.getInitialState(): must return an object or null",n.displayName||"ReactCompositeComponent"):E(!1):void 0,this.state=a};n.prototype=new M,n.prototype.constructor=n,w.forEach(i.bind(null,n)),i(n,e),n.getDefaultProps&&(n.defaultProps=n.getDefaultProps()),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&(n.getDefaultProps&&(n.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved={}),n.prototype.getInitialState&&(n.prototype.getInitialState.isReactClassApproved={})),n.prototype.render?void 0:"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?E(!1,"createClass(...): Class specification must implement a `render` method."):E(!1),"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?C(!n.prototype.componentShouldUpdate,"%s has a method called componentShouldUpdate(). Did you mean shouldComponentUpdate()? The name is phrased as a question because the function is expected to return a value.",e.displayName||"A component"):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?C(!n.prototype.componentWillRecieveProps,"%s has a method called componentWillRecieveProps(). Did you mean componentWillReceiveProps()?",e.displayName||"A component"):void 0);for(var o in T)n.prototype[o]||(n.prototype[o]=null);return n},injection:{injectMixin:function(e){w.push(e)}}};e.exports=I}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e,t,n){this.props=e,this.context=t,this.refs=i,this.updater=n||r}var r=n(133),a=n(52),i=n(67),s=n(22),l=n(34);if(o.prototype.isReactComponent={},o.prototype.setState=function(e,n){"object"!=typeof e&&"function"!=typeof e&&null!=e?"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?s(!1,"setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables."):s(!1):void 0,"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(null!=e,"setState(...): You passed an undefined or null state object; instead, use forceUpdate()."):void 0),this.updater.enqueueSetState(this,e),n&&this.updater.enqueueCallback(this,n)},o.prototype.forceUpdate=function(e){this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this),e&&this.updater.enqueueCallback(this,e)},"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV){var u={getDOMNode:["getDOMNode","Use ReactDOM.findDOMNode(component) instead."],isMounted:["isMounted","Instead, make sure to clean up subscriptions and pending requests in componentWillUnmount to prevent memory leaks."],replaceProps:["replaceProps","Instead, call render again at the top level."],replaceState:["replaceState","Refactor your code to use setState instead (see"],setProps:["setProps","Instead, call render again at the top level."]},c=function(e,n){a&&Object.defineProperty(o.prototype,e,{get:function(){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?l(!1,"%s(...) is deprecated in plain JavaScript React classes. %s",n[0],n[1]):void 0}})};for(var p in u)u.hasOwnProperty(p)&&c(p,u[p])}e.exports=o}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function o(e,n){"production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV&&("production"!==t.env.NODE_ENV?r(!1,"%s(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component. This usually means you called %s() on an unmounted component. This is a no-op. Please check the code for the %s component.",n,n,e.constructor&&e.constructor.displayName||""):void 0)}var r=n(34),a={isMounted:function(e){return!1},enqueueCallback:function(e,t){},enqueueForceUpdate:function(e){o(e,"forceUpdate")},enqueueReplaceState:function(e,t){o(e,"replaceState")},enqueueSetState:function(e,t){o(e,"setState")},enqueueSetProps:function(e,t){o(e,"setProps")},enqueueReplaceProps:function(e,t){o(e,"replaceProps")}};e.exports=a}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){this.reinitializeTransaction(),this.renderToStaticMarkup=!1,this.reactMountReady=r.getPooled(null),this.useCreateElement=!e&&s.useCreateElement}var r=n(64),a=n(65),i=n(38),s=n(50),l=n(135),u=n(66),c=n(48),p={initialize:l.getSelectionInformation,close:l.restoreSelection},d={initialize:function(){var e=i.isEnabled();return i.setEnabled(!1),e},close:function(e){i.setEnabled(e)}},f={initialize:function(){this.reactMountReady.reset()},close:function(){this.reactMountReady.notifyAll()}},h=[p,d,f],v={getTransactionWrappers:function(){return h},getReactMountReady:function(){return this.reactMountReady},destructor:function(){r.release(this.reactMountReady),this.reactMountReady=null}};c(o.prototype,u.Mixin,v),a.addPoolingTo(o),e.exports=o},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return a(document.documentElement,e)}var r=n(136),a=n(68),i=n(104),s=n(138),l={hasSelectionCapabilities:function(e){var t=e&&e.nodeName&&e.nodeName.toLowerCase();return t&&("input"===t&&"text"===e.type||"textarea"===t||"true"===e.contentEditable)},getSelectionInformation:function(){var e=s();return{focusedElem:e,selectionRange:l.hasSelectionCapabilities(e)?l.getSelection(e):null}},restoreSelection:function(e){var t=s(),n=e.focusedElem,r=e.selectionRange;t!==n&&o(n)&&(l.hasSelectionCapabilities(n)&&l.setSelection(n,r),i(n))},getSelection:function(e){var t;if("selectionStart"in e)t={start:e.selectionStart,end:e.selectionEnd};else if(document.selection&&e.nodeName&&"input"===e.nodeName.toLowerCase()){var n=document.selection.createRange();n.parentElement()===e&&(t={start:-n.moveStart("character",-e.value.length),end:-n.moveEnd("character",-e.value.length)})}else t=r.getOffsets(e);return t||{start:0,end:0}},setSelection:function(e,t){var n=t.start,o=t.end;if("undefined"==typeof o&&(o=n),"selectionStart"in e)e.selectionStart=n,e.selectionEnd=Math.min(o,e.value.length);else if(document.selection&&e.nodeName&&"input"===e.nodeName.toLowerCase()){var a=e.createTextRange();a.collapse(!0),a.moveStart("character",n),a.moveEnd("character",o-n),}else r.setOffsets(e,t)}};e.exports=l},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t,n,o){return e===n&&t===o}function r(e){var 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Date).getTime()-r},r=(new Date).getTime())}).call(this)}).call(t,n(13))},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var r=n(165),a=o(r);t["default"]=a["default"];var i=o(r);t.Grid=i["default"]},function(e,t,n){(function(o,r){"use strict";function a(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{"default":e}}function i(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function s(e,t){if("function"!=typeof t&&null!==t)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not "+typeof t);e.prototype=Object.create(t&&t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),t&&(Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(e,t):e.__proto__=t)}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var l=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var o=t[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in 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o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,o.key,o)}}return function(t,n,o){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),o&&e(t,o),t}}(),c=function(e,t,n){for(var o=!0;o;){var r=e,a=t,i=n;o=!1,null===r&&(r=Function.prototype);var s=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,a);if(void 0!==s){if("value"in s)return s.value;var l=s.get;if(void 0===l)return;return}var u=Object.getPrototypeOf(r);if(null===u)return;e=u,t=a,n=i,o=!0,s=u=void 0}};t.isRangeVisible=s,t.scanForUnloadedRanges=l;var p=n(8),d=o(p),f=n(4),h=o(f),v=n(5),m=o(v),g=n(157),y=o(g),_=function(e){function t(e){a(this,t),c(Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype),"constructor",this).call(this,e),this.shouldComponentUpdate=m["default"],this._onRowsRendered=this._onRowsRendered.bind(this)}return i(t,e),u(t,null,[{key:"propTypes",value:{children:function(e,t,n){var o=void 0;return h["default"].Children.forEach(e.children,function(e){e.type!==d["default"]&&e.type!==y["default"]&&(o=new Error("InfiniteLoader only accepts children of types FlexTable or 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// @flow import React from 'react'; function myHOC( Component: React$ComponentType<{foo: number, bar: number}>, ): React$ComponentType<{foo: number}> { return class extends React.Component<{foo: number}, {bar: number}> { state = {bar: 2}; render() { <Component />; // Error: `foo` is required. <Component foo={42} />; // Error: `bar` is required. <Component foo={1} bar={2} />; // OK return <Component foo={} bar={}/>; } } } class Unwrapped extends React.Component<{ foo: number, bar: number, }, { buz: number, }> { state = {buz: 3}; render() { return + + this.state.buz; } } function UnwrappedFun(props: {foo: number, bar: number}) { return +; } myHOC(class Empty extends React.Component<{foo: string}, void> {}); // Error myHOC(function Empty(props: {foo: string}) {}); // Error const Wrapped = myHOC(Unwrapped); const WrappedFun = myHOC(UnwrappedFun); <Wrapped />; // Error: `foo` is required. <Wrapped foo={1} />; // OK <WrappedFun />; // Error: `foo` is required. <WrappedFun foo={1}/>; // OK
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; export const Paginator = (PaginatorComponent) => { class PaginatorProvider extends Component { render() { const { dataCount, rowsPerPage, currentPage, setCurrentPage } = this.context; const pageCount = Math.ceil(dataCount / rowsPerPage); const isPageAvailable = (page) => page >= 0 && page < pageCount; return ( <PaginatorComponent // paginator state dataCount={dataCount} pageCount={pageCount} rowsPerPage={rowsPerPage} currentPage={currentPage} // flags isPreviousAvailable={isPageAvailable(currentPage - 1)} isNextAvailable={isPageAvailable(currentPage + 1)} // events handlePreviousClick={() => isPageAvailable(currentPage - 1) && setCurrentPage(currentPage - 1)} handleNextClick={() => isPageAvailable(currentPage + 1) && setCurrentPage(currentPage + 1)} handlePageClick={page => isPageAvailable(page) && setCurrentPage(page)} onRowsPerPageChange={() => {}} // everything else {...this.props} /> ); } } PaginatorProvider.contextTypes = { dataCount: PropTypes.number, rowsPerPage: PropTypes.number, currentPage: PropTypes.number, setCurrentPage: PropTypes.func }; return PaginatorProvider; };
import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import css from './Emoji.css'; export default ({ emoji, right = false }) => ( <span className={ classnames(css.emoji, { [css.right]: right }) }>{ emoji }</span> );
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m(e);this._wrapped=e;return void 0};if("undefined"!=typeof r){"undefined"!=typeof n&&n.exports&&(r=n.exports=m);r._=m}else t._=m;m.VERSION="1.7.0";var v=function(e,t,n){if(void 0===t)return e;switch(null==n?3:n){case 1:return function(n){return,n)};case 2:return function(n,r){return,n,r)};case 3:return function(n,r,i){return,n,r,i)};case 4:return function(n,r,i,o){return,n,r,i,o)}}return function(){return e.apply(t,arguments)}};m.iteratee=function(e,t,n){return null==e?m.identity:m.isFunction(e)?v(e,t,n):m.isObject(e)?m.matches(e)};m.each=m.forEach=function(e,t,n){if(null==e)return e;t=v(t,n);var r,i=e.length;if(i===+i)for(r=0;i>r;r++)t(e[r],r,e);else{var o=m.keys(e);for(r=0,i=o.length;i>r;r++)t(e[o[r]],o[r],e)}return e};,t,n){if(null==e)return[];t=m.iteratee(t,n);for(var r,i=e.length!==+e.length&&m.keys(e),o=(i||e).length,s=Array(o),a=0;o>a;a++){r=i?i[a]:a;s[a]=t(e[r],r,e)}return s};var E="Reduce of empty array with no initial value";m.reduce=m.foldl=m.inject=function(e,t,n,r){null==e&&(e=[]);t=v(t,r,4);var i,o=e.length!==+e.length&&m.keys(e),s=(o||e).length,a=0;if(arguments.length<3){if(!s)throw new TypeError(E);n=e[o?o[a++]:a++]}for(;s>a;a++){i=o?o[a]:a;n=t(n,e[i],i,e)}return n};m.reduceRight=m.foldr=function(e,t,n,r){null==e&&(e=[]);t=v(t,r,4);var i,o=e.length!==+e.length&&m.keys(e),s=(o||e).length;if(arguments.length<3){if(!s)throw new TypeError(E);n=e[o?o[--s]:--s]}for(;s--;){i=o?o[s]:s;n=t(n,e[i],i,e)}return n};m.find=m.detect=function(e,t,n){var r;t=m.iteratee(t,n);m.some(e,function(e,n,i){if(t(e,n,i)){r=e;return!0}});return r};,t,n){var r=[];if(null==e)return r;t=m.iteratee(t,n);m.each(e,function(e,n,i){t(e,n,i)&&r.push(e)});return r};m.reject=function(e,t,n){return m.filter(e,m.negate(m.iteratee(t)),n)};m.every=m.all=function(e,t,n){if(null==e)return!0;t=m.iteratee(t,n);var r,i,o=e.length!==+e.length&&m.keys(e),s=(o||e).length;for(r=0;s>r;r++){i=o?o[r]:r;if(!t(e[i],i,e))return!1}return!0};m.some=m.any=function(e,t,n){if(null==e)return!1;t=m.iteratee(t,n);var r,i,o=e.length!==+e.length&&m.keys(e),s=(o||e).length;for(r=0;s>r;r++){i=o?o[r]:r;if(t(e[i],i,e))return!0}return!1};m.contains=m.include=function(e,t){if(null==e)return!1;e.length!==+e.length&&(e=m.values(e));return m.indexOf(e,t)>=0};m.invoke=function(e,t){var,2),r=m.isFunction(t);return,function(e){return(r?t:e[t]).apply(e,n)})};m.pluck=function(e,t){return,};m.where=function(e,t){return m.filter(e,m.matches(t))};m.findWhere=function(e,t){return m.find(e,m.matches(t))};m.max=function(e,t,n){var r,i,o=-1/0,s=-1/0;if(null==t&&null!=e){e=e.length===+e.length?e:m.values(e);for(var a=0,l=e.length;l>a;a++){r=e[a];r>o&&(o=r)}}else{t=m.iteratee(t,n);m.each(e,function(e,n,r){i=t(e,n,r);if(i>s||i===-1/0&&o===-1/0){o=e;s=i}})}return o};m.min=function(e,t,n){var r,i,o=1/0,s=1/0;if(null==t&&null!=e){e=e.length===+e.length?e:m.values(e);for(var a=0,l=e.length;l>a;a++){r=e[a];o>r&&(o=r)}}else{t=m.iteratee(t,n);m.each(e,function(e,n,r){i=t(e,n,r);if(s>i||1/0===i&&1/0===o){o=e;s=i}})}return o};m.shuffle=function(e){for(var t,n=e&&e.length===+e.length?e:m.values(e),r=n.length,i=Array(r),o=0;r>o;o++){t=m.random(0,o);t!==o&&(i[o]=i[t]);i[t]=n[o]}return i};m.sample=function(e,t,n){if(null==t||n){e.length!==+e.length&&(e=m.values(e));return e[m.random(e.length-1)]}return m.shuffle(e).slice(0,Math.max(0,t))};m.sortBy=function(e,t,n){t=m.iteratee(t,n);return m.pluck(,function(e,n,r){return{value:e,index:n,criteria:t(e,n,r)}}).sort(function(e,t){var n=e.criteria,r=t.criteria;if(n!==r){if(n>r||void 0===n)return 1;if(r>n||void 0===r)return-1}return e.index-t.index}),"value")};var y=function(e){return function(t,n,r){var i={};n=m.iteratee(n,r);m.each(t,function(r,o){var s=n(r,o,t);e(i,r,s)});return i}};m.groupBy=y(function(e,t,n){m.has(e,n)?e[n].push(t):e[n]=[t]});m.indexBy=y(function(e,t,n){e[n]=t});m.countBy=y(function(e,t,n){m.has(e,n)?e[n]++:e[n]=1});m.sortedIndex=function(e,t,n,r){n=m.iteratee(n,r,1);for(var i=n(t),o=0,s=e.length;s>o;){var a=o+s>>>1;n(e[a])<i?o=a+1:s=a}return o};m.toArray=function(e){return e?m.isArray(e)?,m.identity):m.values(e):[]};m.size=function(e){return null==e?0:e.length===+e.length?e.length:m.keys(e).length};m.partition=function(e,t,n){t=m.iteratee(t,n);var r=[],i=[];m.each(e,function(e,n,o){(t(e,n,o)?r:i).push(e)});return[r,i]};m.first=m.head=m.take=function(e,t,n){return null==e?void 0:null==t||n?e[0]:0>t?[],0,t)};m.initial=function(e,t,n){return,0,Math.max(0,e.length-(null==t||n?1:t)))};m.last=function(e,t,n){return null==e?void 0:null==t||n?e[e.length-1],Math.max(e.length-t,0))};,t,n){return,null==t||n?1:t)};m.compact=function(e){return m.filter(e,m.identity)};var x=function(e,t,n,r){if(t&&m.every(e,m.isArray))return c.apply(r,e);for(var i=0,o=e.length;o>i;i++){var s=e[i];m.isArray(s)||m.isArguments(s)?t?l.apply(r,s):x(s,t,n,r):n||r.push(s)}return r};m.flatten=function(e,t){return x(e,t,!1,[])};m.without=function(e){return m.difference(e,,1))};m.uniq=m.unique=function(e,t,n,r){if(null==e)return[];if(!m.isBoolean(t)){r=n;n=t;t=!1}null!=n&&(n=m.iteratee(n,r));for(var i=[],o=[],s=0,a=e.length;a>s;s++){var l=e[s];if(t){s&&o===l||i.push(l);o=l}else if(n){var u=n(l,s,e);if(m.indexOf(o,u)<0){o.push(u);i.push(l)}}else m.indexOf(i,l)<0&&i.push(l)}return i};m.union=function(){return m.uniq(x(arguments,!0,!0,[]))};m.intersection=function(e){if(null==e)return[];for(var t=[],n=arguments.length,r=0,i=e.length;i>r;r++){var o=e[r];if(!m.contains(t,o)){for(var s=1;n>s&&m.contains(arguments[s],o);s++);s===n&&t.push(o)}}return t};m.difference=function(e){var t=x(,1),!0,!0,[]);return m.filter(e,function(e){return!m.contains(t,e)})};{if(null==e)return[];for(var t=m.max(arguments,"length").length,n=Array(t),r=0;t>r;r++)n[r]=m.pluck(arguments,r);return n};m.object=function(e,t){if(null==e)return{};for(var n={},r=0,i=e.length;i>r;r++)t?n[e[r]]=t[r]:n[e[r][0]]=e[r][1];return n};m.indexOf=function(e,t,n){if(null==e)return-1;var r=0,i=e.length;if(n){if("number"!=typeof n){r=m.sortedIndex(e,t);return e[r]===t?r:-1}r=0>n?Math.max(0,i+n):n}for(;i>r;r++)if(e[r]===t)return r;return-1};m.lastIndexOf=function(e,t,n){if(null==e)return-1;var r=e.length;"number"==typeof n&&(r=0>n?r+n+1:Math.min(r,n+1));for(;--r>=0;)if(e[r]===t)return r;return-1};m.range=function(e,t,n){if(arguments.length<=1){t=e||0;e=0}n=n||1;for(var r=Math.max(Math.ceil((t-e)/n),0),i=Array(r),o=0;r>o;o++,e+=n)i[o]=e;return i};var b=function(){};m.bind=function(e,t){var n,r;if(g&&e.bind===g)return g.apply(e,,1));if(!m.isFunction(e))throw new TypeError("Bind must be called on a function");,2);r=function(){if(!(this instanceof r))return e.apply(t,n.concat(;b.prototype=e.prototype;var i=new 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t)return function(e,n,r,i){return t(e,n,r,i)};if("string"!=typeof t||-1===t.indexOf(".")&&-1===t.indexOf("[")&&-1===t.indexOf("("))return function(e){return e[t]};var r=function(e,t,n){var i,s,a,l;if(""!==n)for(var u=L(n),c=0,p=u.length;p>c;c++){i=u[c].match(yn);s=u[c].match(xn);if(i){u[c]=u[c].replace(yn,"");""!==u[c]&&(e=e[u[c]]);a=[];u.splice(0,c+1);l=u.join(".");for(var d=0,f=e.length;f>d;d++)a.push(r(e[d],t,l));var h=i[0].substring(1,i[0].length-1);e=""===h?a:a.join(h);break}if(s){u[c]=u[c].replace(xn,"");e=e[u[c]]()}else{if(null===e||e[u[c]]===o)return o;e=e[u[c]]}}return e};return function(e,n){return r(e,n,t)}}function I(t){if(e.isPlainObject(t))return I(t._);if(null===t)return function(){};if("function"==typeof t)return function(e,n,r){t(e,"set",n,r)};if("string"!=typeof t||-1===t.indexOf(".")&&-1===t.indexOf("[")&&-1===t.indexOf("("))return function(e,n){e[t]=n};var n=function(e,t,r){for(var i,s,a,l,u,c=L(r),p=c[c.length-1],d=0,f=c.length-1;f>d;d++){s=c[d].match(yn);a=c[d].match(xn);if(s){c[d]=c[d].replace(yn,"");e[c[d]]=[];i=c.slice();i.splice(0,d+1);u=i.join(".");for(var h=0,g=t.length;g>h;h++){l={};n(l,t[h],u);e[c[d]].push(l)}return}if(a){c[d]=c[d].replace(xn,"");e=e[c[d]](t)}(null===e[c[d]]||e[c[d]]===o)&&(e[c[d]]={});e=e[c[d]]}p.match(xn)?e=e[p.replace(xn,"")](t):e[p.replace(yn,"")]=t};return function(e,r){return n(e,r,t)}}function w(e){return fn(e.aoData,"_aData")}function R(e){e.aoData.length=0;e.aiDisplayMaster.length=0;e.aiDisplay.length=0}function _(e,t,n){for(var r=-1,i=0,s=e.length;s>i;i++)e[i]==t?r=i:e[i]>t&&e[i]--;-1!=r&&n===o&&e.splice(r,1)}function O(e,t,n,r){var i,s,a=e.aoData[t];if("dom"!==n&&(n&&"auto"!==n||"dom"!==a.src)){var l,u=a.anCells;if(u)for(i=0,s=u.length;s>i;i++){l=u[i];for(;l.childNodes.length;)l.removeChild(l.firstChild);u[i].innerHTML=N(e,t,i,"display")}}else a._aData=D(e,a).data;a._aSortData=null;a._aFilterData=null;var 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t,n,,i=e.aiDisplay,o=0,s=r.length;s>o;o++){for(var a=[],l=0,u=i.length;u>l;l++){n=i[l];t=e.aoData[n];r[o](e,t._aFilterData,n,t._aData,l)&&a.push(n)}i.length=0;i.push.apply(i,a)}}function Q(e,t,n,r,i,o){if(""!==t)for(var s,a=e.aiDisplay,l=Z(t,r,i,o),u=a.length-1;u>=0;u--){s=e.aoData[a[u]]._aFilterData[n];l.test(s)||a.splice(u,1)}}function J(e,t,n,r,i,o){var s,a,l,u=Z(t,r,i,o),c=e.oPreviousSearch.sSearch,p=e.aiDisplayMaster;0!!0);a=tt(e);if(t.length<=0)e.aiDisplay=p.slice();else{(a||n||c.length>t.length||0!==t.indexOf(c)||e.bSorted)&&(e.aiDisplay=p.slice());s=e.aiDisplay;for(l=s.length-1;l>=0;l--)u.test(e.aoData[s[l]]._sFilterRow)||s.splice(l,1)}}function Z(t,n,r,i){t=n?t:et(t);if(r){var"[^"]+"|[^ ]+/g)||"",function(e){return'"'===e.charAt(0)?e.match(/^"(.*)"$/)[1]:e});t="^(?=.*?"+o.join(")(?=.*?")+").*$"}return new RegExp(t,i?"i":"")}function et(e){return e.replace(on,"\\$1")}function tt(e){var 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setTimeout(function(){at(e)},200)}function lt(e,t){e._bInitComplete=!0;t&&f(e);qt(e,"aoInitComplete","init",[e,t])}function ut(e,t){var n=parseInt(t,10);e._iDisplayLength=n;Ut(e);qt(e,null,"length",[e,n])}function ct(t){for(var n=t.oClasses,r=t.sTableId,i=t.aLengthMenu,o=e.isArray(i[0]),s=o?i[0]:i,a=o?i[1]:i,l=e("<select/>",{name:r+"_length","aria-controls":r,"class":n.sLengthSelect}),u=0,c=s.length;c>u;u++)l[0][u]=new Option(a[u],s[u]);var p=e("<div><label/></div>").addClass(n.sLength);t.aanFeatures.l||(p[0].id=r+"_length");p.children().append(t.oLanguage.sLengthMenu.replace("_MENU_",l[0].outerHTML));e("select",p).val(t._iDisplayLength).bind("change.DT",function(){ut(t,e(this).val());j(t)});e(t.nTable).bind("length.dt.DT",function(n,r,i){t===r&&e("select",p).val(i)});return p[0]}function pt(t){var n=t.sPaginationType,r=Xt.ext.pager[n],i="function"==typeof 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n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p=t.oScroll,d=p.sX,f=p.sXInner,g=p.sY,m=p.iBarWidth,v=e(t.nScrollHead),E=v[0].style,y=v.children("div"),x=y[0].style,b=y.children("table"),T=t.nScrollBody,S=e(T),,C=e(t.nScrollFoot),L=C.children("div"),A=L.children("table"),I=e(t.nTHead),w=e(t.nTable),R=w[0],,O=t.nTFoot?e(t.nTFoot):null,D=t.oBrowser,k=D.bScrollOversize,F=[],P=[],M=[],j=function(e){var;t.paddingTop="0";t.paddingBottom="0";t.borderTopWidth="0";t.borderBottomWidth="0";t.height=0};w.children("thead, tfoot").remove();s=I.clone().prependTo(w);n=I.find("tr");i=s.find("tr");s.find("th, 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r,i,o=0,s=0,a=t.length;a>s;){r=t[s].firstChild;i=n?n[s].firstChild:null;for(;r;){if(1===r.nodeType){n?e(r,i,o):e(r,o);o++}r=r.nextSibling;i=n?i.nextSibling:null}s++}}function Et(t){var r,i,o,s,a,l=t.nTable,u=t.aoColumns,c=t.oScroll,p=c.sY,d=c.sX,h=c.sXInner,g=u.length,E=v(t,"bVisible"),y=e("th",t.nTHead),x=l.getAttribute("width"),b=l.parentNode,T=!1;for(r=0;r<E.length;r++){i=u[E[r]];if(null!==i.sWidth){i.sWidth=xt(i.sWidthOrig,b);T=!0}}if(T||d||p||g!=m(t)||g!=y.length){var S=e(l).clone().empty().css("visibility","hidden").removeAttr("id").append(e(t.nTHead).clone(!1)).append(e(t.nTFoot).clone(!1)).append(e("<tbody><tr/></tbody>"));S.find("tfoot th, tfoot td").css("width","");var N=S.find("tbody tr");y=U(t,S.find("thead")[0]);for(r=0;r<E.length;r++){i=u[E[r]];y[r].style.width=null!==i.sWidthOrig&&""!==i.sWidthOrig?Nt(i.sWidthOrig):""}if(t.aoData.length)for(r=0;r<E.length;r++){o=E[r];i=u[o];e(Tt(t,o)).clone(!1).append(i.sContentPadding).appendTo(N)}S.appendTo(b);if(d&&h)S.width(h);else 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n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u=[],c=t.aoColumns,p=t.aaSortingFixed,d=e.isPlainObject(p),f=[],h=function(t){t.length&&!e.isArray(t[0])?f.push(t):f.push.apply(f,t)};e.isArray(p)&&h(p);d&&p.pre&&h(p.pre);h(t.aaSorting);d&&;for(n=0;n<f.length;n++){l=f[n][0];o=c[l].aDataSort;for(r=0,i=o.length;i>r;r++){s=o[r];a=c[s].sType||"string";u.push({src:l,col:s,dir:f[n][1],index:f[n][2],type:a,formatter:Xt.ext.type.order[a+"-pre"]})}}return u}function At(e){var t,n,r,i,o,s=[],a=Xt.ext.type.order,l=e.aoData,u=(e.aoColumns,0),c=e.aiDisplayMaster;E(e);o=Lt(e);for(t=0,n=o.length;n>t;t++){i=o[t];i.formatter&&u++;Ot(e,i.col)}if("ssp"!=Vt(e)&&0!==o.length){for(t=0,r=c.length;r>t;t++)s[c[t]]=t;c.sort(u===o.length?function(e,t){var n,r,i,a,u,c=o.length,p=l[e]._aSortData,d=l[t]._aSortData;for(i=0;c>i;i++){u=o[i];n=p[u.col];r=d[u.col];a=r>n?-1:n>r?1:0;if(0!==a)return"asc"===u.dir?a:-a}n=s[e];r=s[t];return r>n?-1:n>r?1:0}:function(e,t){var n,r,i,u,c,p,d=o.length,f=l[e]._aSortData,h=l[t]._aSortData;for(i=0;d>i;i++){c=o[i];n=f[c.col];r=h[c.col];p=a[c.type+"-"+c.dir]||a["string-"+c.dir];u=p(n,r);if(0!==u)return u}n=s[e];r=s[t];return r>n?-1:n>r?1:0})}e.bSorted=!0}function It(e){for(var t,n,r=e.aoColumns,i=Lt(e),o=e.oLanguage.oAria,s=0,a=r.length;a>s;s++){var l=r[s],u=l.asSorting,c=l.sTitle.replace(/<.*?>/g,""),p=l.nTh;p.removeAttribute("aria-sort");if(l.bSortable){if(i.length>0&&i[0].col==s){p.setAttribute("aria-sort","asc"==i[0].dir?"ascending":"descending");n=u[i[0].index+1]||u[0]}else n=u[0];t=c+("asc"===n?o.sSortAscending:o.sSortDescending)}else t=c;p.setAttribute("aria-label",t)}}function wt(t,n,r,i){var s,a=t.aoColumns[n],l=t.aaSorting,u=a.asSorting,c=function(t){var n=t._idx;n===o&&(n=e.inArray(t[1],u));return n+1>=u.length?0:n+1};"number"==typeof l[0]&&(l=t.aaSorting=[l]);if(r&&t.oFeatures.bSortMulti){var 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o,s,a=Xt.ext.type.order[r.sType+"-pre"],l=0,u=e.aoData.length;u>l;l++){o=e.aoData[l];o._aSortData||(o._aSortData=[]);if(!o._aSortData[t]||i){s=i?n[l]:N(e,l,t,"sort");o._aSortData[t]=a?a(s):s}}}function Dt(t){if(t.oFeatures.bStateSave&&!t.bDestroying){var n={time:+new Date,start:t._iDisplayStart,length:t._iDisplayLength,order:e.extend(!0,[],t.aaSorting),search:nt(t.oPreviousSearch),,function(e,n){return{visible:e.bVisible,search:nt(t.aoPreSearchCols[n])}})};qt(t,"aoStateSaveParams","stateSaveParams",[t,n]);t.oSavedState=n;,t,n)}}function kt(t){var n,r,i=t.aoColumns;if(t.oFeatures.bStateSave){var,t);if(o&&o.time){var s=qt(t,"aoStateLoadParams","stateLoadParams",[t,o]);if(-1===e.inArray(!1,s)){var a=t.iStateDuration;if(!(a>0&&o.time<+new Date-1e3*a)&&i.length===o.columns.length){t.oLoadedState=e.extend(!0,{},o);t._iDisplayStart=o.start;t.iInitDisplayStart=o.start;t._iDisplayLength=o.length;t.aaSorting=[];e.each(o.order,function(e,n){t.aaSorting.push(n[0]>=i.length?[0,n[1]]:n)});e.extend(t.oPreviousSearch,rt(;for(n=0,r=o.columns.length;r>n;n++){var l=o.columns[n];i[n].bVisible=l.visible;e.extend(t.aoPreSearchCols[n],rt(}qt(t,"aoStateLoaded","stateLoaded",[t,o])}}}}}function Ft(t){var n=Xt.settings,r=e.inArray(t,fn(n,"nTable"));return-1!==r?n[r]:null}function Pt(e,t,r,i){r="DataTables warning: "+(null!==e?"table id="+e.sTableId+" - ":"")+r;i&&(r+=". 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Xt.ext.internal[e].apply(this,t)}}var Xt,Kt,Yt,Qt,Jt,Zt={},en=/[\r\n]/g,tn=/<.*?>/g,nn=/^[\w\+\-]/,rn=/[\w\+\-]$/,on=new RegExp("(\\"+["/",".","*","+","?","|","(",")","[","]","{","}","\\","$","^","-"].join("|\\")+")","g"),sn=/[',$£€¥%\u2009\u202F]/g,an=function(e){return e&&e!==!0&&"-"!==e?!1:!0},ln=function(e){var t=parseInt(e,10);return!isNaN(t)&&isFinite(e)?t:null},un=function(e,t){Zt[t]||(Zt[t]=new RegExp(et(t),"g"));return"string"==typeof e?e.replace(/\./g,"").replace(Zt[t],"."):e},cn=function(e,t,n){var r="string"==typeof e;t&&r&&(e=un(e,t));n&&r&&(e=e.replace(sn,""));return an(e)||!isNaN(parseFloat(e))&&isFinite(e)},pn=function(e){return an(e)||"string"==typeof e},dn=function(e,t,n){if(an(e))return!0;var r=pn(e);return r&&cn(mn(e),t,n)?!0:null},fn=function(e,t,n){var r=[],i=0,s=e.length;if(n!==o)for(;s>i;i++)e[i]&&e[i][t]&&r.push(e[i][t][n]);else for(;s>i;i++)e[i]&&r.push(e[i][t]);return r},hn=function(e,t,n,r){var i=[],s=0,a=t.length;if(r!==o)for(;a>s;s++)i.push(e[t[s]][n][r]);else for(;a>s;s++)i.push(e[t[s]][n]);return i},gn=function(e,t){var n,r=[];if(t===o){t=0;n=e}else{n=t;t=e}for(var i=t;n>i;i++)r.push(i);return r},mn=function(e){return e.replace(tn,"")},vn=function(e){var t,n,r,i=[],o=e.length,s=0;e:for(n=0;o>n;n++){t=e[n];for(r=0;s>r;r++)if(i[r]===t)continue e;i.push(t);s++}return i},En=function(e,t,n){e[t]!==o&&(e[n]=e[t])},yn=/\[.*?\]$/,xn=/\(\)$/,bn=e("<div>")[0],Tn=bn.textContent!==o,Sn=/<.*?>/g;Xt=function(t){this.$=function(e,t){return this.api(!0).$(e,t)};this._=function(e,t){return this.api(!0).rows(e,t).data()};this.api=function(e){return new Yt(e?Ft(this[Kt.iApiIndex]):this)};this.fnAddData=function(t,n){var r=this.api(!0),i=e.isArray(t)&&(e.isArray(t[0])||e.isPlainObject(t[0]))?r.rows.add(t):r.row.add(t);(n===o||n)&&r.draw();return i.flatten().toArray()};this.fnAdjustColumnSizing=function(e){var t=this.api(!0).columns.adjust(),n=t.settings()[0],r=n.oScroll;e===o||e?t.draw(!1):(""!==r.sX||""!==r.sY)&&mt(n)};this.fnClearTable=function(e){var t=this.api(!0).clear();(e===o||e)&&t.draw()};this.fnClose=function(e){this.api(!0).row(e).child.hide()};this.fnDeleteRow=function(e,t,n){var r=this.api(!0),i=r.rows(e),s=i.settings()[0],a=s.aoData[i[0][0]];i.remove();t&&,s,a);(n===o||n)&&r.draw();return a};this.fnDestroy=function(e){this.api(!0).destroy(e)};this.fnDraw=function(e){this.api(!0).draw(!e)};this.fnFilter=function(e,t,n,r,i,s){var a=this.api(!0);null===t||t===o?,n,r,s):a.column(t).search(e,n,r,s);a.draw()};this.fnGetData=function(e,t){var n=this.api(!0);if(e!==o){var r=e.nodeName?e.nodeName.toLowerCase():"";return t!==o||"td"==r||"th"==r?n.cell(e,t).data():n.row(e).data()||null}return};this.fnGetNodes=function(e){var t=this.api(!0);return e!==o?t.row(e).node():t.rows().nodes().flatten().toArray()};this.fnGetPosition=function(e){var 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e=kt(),t=Ft()-e;if(t>24){if(isFinite(t)){clearTimeout(il);il=setTimeout(Dt,t)}rl=0}else{rl=1;sl(Dt)}}function kt(){var;ol=tl;for(;ol;){e>=ol.t&&(ol.f=ol.c(e-ol.t));ol=ol.n}return e}function Ft(){for(var e,t=tl,n=1/0;t;)if(t.f)t=e?e.n=t.n:tl=t.n;else{t.t<n&&(n=t.t);t=(e=t).n}nl=e;return n}function Pt(e,t){return t-(e?Math.ceil(Math.log(e)/Math.LN10):1)}function Mt(e,t){var n=Math.pow(10,3*ma(8-t));return{scale:t>8?function(e){return e/n}:function(e){return e*n},symbol:e}}function jt(e){var t=e.decimal,n=e.thousands,r=e.grouping,i=e.currency,o=r&&n?function(e,t){for(var i=e.length,o=[],s=0,a=r[0],l=0;i>0&&a>0;){l+a+1>t&&(a=Math.max(1,t-l));o.push(e.substring(i-=a,i+a));if((l+=a+1)>t)break;a=r[s=(s+1)%r.length]}return o.reverse().join(n)}:x;return function(e){var n=ll.exec(e),r=n[1]||" ",s=n[2]||">",a=n[3]||"-",l=n[4]||"",u=n[5],c=+n[6],p=n[7],d=n[8],f=n[9],h=1,g="",m="",v=!1,E=!0;d&&(d=+d.substring(1));if(u||"0"===r&&"="===s){u=r="0";s="="}switch(f){case"n":p=!0;f="g";break;case"%":h=100;m="%";f="f";break;case"p":h=100;m="%";f="r";break;case"b":case"o":case"x":case"X":"#"===l&&(g="0"+f.toLowerCase());case"c":E=!1;case"d":v=!0;d=0;break;case"s":h=-1;f="r"}"$"===l&&(g=i[0],m=i[1]);"r"!=f||d||(f="g");null!=d&&("g"==f?d=Math.max(1,Math.min(21,d)):("e"==f||"f"==f)&&(d=Math.max(0,Math.min(20,d))));f=ul.get(f)||Gt;var y=u&&p;return function(e){var n=m;if(v&&e%1)return"";var i=0>e||0===e&&0>1/e?(e=-e,"-"):"-"===a?"":a;if(0>h){var l=ia.formatPrefix(e,d);e=l.scale(e);n=l.symbol+m}else e*=h;e=f(e,d);var x,b,T=e.lastIndexOf(".");if(0>T){var S=E?e.lastIndexOf("e"):-1;0>S?(x=e,b=""):(x=e.substring(0,S),b=e.substring(S))}else{x=e.substring(0,T);b=t+e.substring(T+1)}!u&&p&&(x=o(x,1/0));var N=g.length+x.length+b.length+(y?0:i.length),C=c>N?new Array(N=c-N+1).join(r):"";y&&(x=o(C+x,C.length?c-b.length:1/0));i+=g;e=x+b;return("<"===s?i+e+C:">"===s?C+i+e:"^"===s?C.substring(0,N>>=1)+i+e+C.substring(N):i+(y?e:C+e))+n}}}function Gt(e){return e+""}function Bt(){this._=new Date(arguments.length>1?Date.UTC.apply(this,arguments):arguments[0])}function qt(e,t,n){function r(t){var n=e(t),r=o(n,1);return r-t>t-n?n:r}function i(n){t(n=e(new pl(n-1)),1);return n}function o(e,n){t(e=new pl(+e),n);return e}function s(e,r,o){var s=i(e),a=[];if(o>1)for(;r>s;){n(s)%o||a.push(new Date(+s));t(s,1)}else for(;r>s;)a.push(new Date(+s)),t(s,1);return a}function a(e,t,n){try{pl=Bt;var r=new Bt;r._=e;return s(r,t,n)}finally{pl=Date}}e.floor=e;e.round=r;e.ceil=i;e.offset=o;e.range=s;var l=e.utc=Ut(e);l.floor=l;l.round=Ut(r);l.ceil=Ut(i);l.offset=Ut(o);l.range=a;return e}function Ut(e){return function(t,n){try{pl=Bt;var r=new Bt;r._=t;return e(r,n)._}finally{pl=Date}}}function Ht(e){function t(e){function t(t){for(var n,i,o,s=[],a=-1,l=0;++a<r;)if(37===e.charCodeAt(a)){s.push(e.slice(l,a));null!=(i=fl[n=e.charAt(++a)])&&(n=e.charAt(++a));(o=I[n])&&(n=o(t,null==i?"e"===n?" ":"0":i));s.push(n);l=a+1}s.push(e.slice(l,a));return s.join("")}var r=e.length;t.parse=function(t){var r={y:1900,m:0,d:1,H:0,M:0,S:0,L:0,Z:null},i=n(r,e,t,0);if(i!=t.length)return null;"p"in r&&(r.H=r.H%12+12*r.p);var o=null!=r.Z&&pl!==Bt,s=new(o?Bt:pl);if("j"in r)s.setFullYear(r.y,0,r.j);else if("w"in r&&("W"in r||"U"in r)){s.setFullYear(r.y,0,1);s.setFullYear(r.y,0,"W"in r?(r.w+6)%7+7*r.W-(s.getDay()+5)%7:r.w+7*r.U-(s.getDay()+6)%7)}else s.setFullYear(r.y,r.m,r.d);s.setHours(r.H+(r.Z/100|0),r.M+r.Z%100,r.S,r.L);return o?s._:s};t.toString=function(){return e};return t}function n(e,t,n,r){for(var i,o,s,a=0,l=t.length,u=n.length;l>a;){if(r>=u)return-1;i=t.charCodeAt(a++);if(37===i){s=t.charAt(a++);o=w[s in fl?t.charAt(a++):s];if(!o||(r=o(e,n,r))<0)return-1}else if(i!=n.charCodeAt(r++))return-1}return r}function r(e,t,n){T.lastIndex=0;var r=T.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.w=S.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),n+r[0].length):-1}function i(e,t,n){x.lastIndex=0;var r=x.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.w=b.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),n+r[0].length):-1}function o(e,t,n){L.lastIndex=0;var r=L.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.m=A.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),n+r[0].length):-1}function s(e,t,n){N.lastIndex=0;var r=N.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.m=C.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),n+r[0].length):-1}function a(e,t,r){return n(e,I.c.toString(),t,r)}function l(e,t,r){return n(e,I.x.toString(),t,r)}function u(e,t,r){return n(e,I.X.toString(),t,r)}function c(e,t,n){var r=y.get(t.slice(n,n+=2).toLowerCase());return null==r?-1:(e.p=r,n)}var p=e.dateTime,,f=e.time,h=e.periods,g=e.days,m=e.shortDays,v=e.months,E=e.shortMonths;t.utc=function(e){function n(e){try{pl=Bt;var t=new pl;t._=e;return r(t)}finally{pl=Date}}var r=t(e);n.parse=function(e){try{pl=Bt;var t=r.parse(e);return t&&t._}finally{pl=Date}};n.toString=r.toString;return n};t.multi=t.utc.multi=cn;var,x=zt(g),b=Wt(g),T=zt(m),S=Wt(m),N=zt(v),C=Wt(v),L=zt(E),A=Wt(E);h.forEach(function(e,t){y.set(e.toLowerCase(),t)});var I={a:function(e){return m[e.getDay()]},A:function(e){return g[e.getDay()]},b:function(e){return E[e.getMonth()]},B:function(e){return v[e.getMonth()]},c:t(p),d:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getDate(),t,2)},e:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getDate(),t,2)},H:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getHours(),t,2)},I:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getHours()%12||12,t,2)},j:function(e,t){return Vt(1+cl.dayOfYear(e),t,3)},L:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getMilliseconds(),t,3)},m:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getMonth()+1,t,2)},M:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getMinutes(),t,2)},p:function(e){return h[+(e.getHours()>=12)]},S:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getSeconds(),t,2)},U:function(e,t){return Vt(cl.sundayOfYear(e),t,2)},w:function(e){return e.getDay()},W:function(e,t){return Vt(cl.mondayOfYear(e),t,2)},x:t(d),X:t(f),y:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getFullYear()%100,t,2)},Y:function(e,t){return Vt(e.getFullYear()%1e4,t,4)},Z:ln,"%":function(){return"%"}},w={a:r,A:i,b:o,B:s,c:a,d:tn,e:tn,H:rn,I:rn,j:nn,L:an,m:en,M:on,p:c,S:sn,U:Xt,w:$t,W:Kt,x:l,X:u,y:Qt,Y:Yt,Z:Jt,"%":un};return t}function Vt(e,t,n){var r=0>e?"-":"",i=(r?-e:e)+"",o=i.length;return r+(n>o?new Array(n-o+1).join(t)+i:i)}function zt(e){return new RegExp("^(?:""|")+")","i")}function Wt(e){for(var t=new p,n=-1,r=e.length;++n<r;)t.set(e[n].toLowerCase(),n);return t}function $t(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+1));return r?(e.w=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function Xt(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.U=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function Kt(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n));return r?(e.W=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function Yt(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+4));return r?(e.y=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function Qt(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.y=Zt(+r[0]),n+r[0].length):-1}function Jt(e,t,n){return/^[+-]\d{4}$/.test(t=t.slice(n,n+5))?(e.Z=-t,n+5):-1}function Zt(e){return e+(e>68?1900:2e3)}function en(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.m=r[0]-1,n+r[0].length):-1}function tn(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.d=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function nn(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+3));return r?(e.j=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function rn(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.H=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function on(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.M=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function sn(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+2));return r?(e.S=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function an(e,t,n){hl.lastIndex=0;var r=hl.exec(t.slice(n,n+3));return r?(e.L=+r[0],n+r[0].length):-1}function ln(e){var t=e.getTimezoneOffset(),n=t>0?"-":"+",r=ma(t)/60|0,i=ma(t)%60;return n+Vt(r,"0",2)+Vt(i,"0",2)}function un(e,t,n){gl.lastIndex=0;var r=gl.exec(t.slice(n,n+1));return r?n+r[0].length:-1}function cn(e){for(var t=e.length,n=-1;++n<t;)e[n][0]=this(e[n][0]);return function(t){for(var n=0,r=e[n];!r[1](t);)r=e[++n];return r[0](t)}}function pn(){}function dn(e,t,n){var r=n.s=e+t,i=r-e,o=r-i;n.t=e-o+(t-i)}function fn(e,t){e&&yl.hasOwnProperty(e.type)&&yl[e.type](e,t)}function hn(e,t,n){var r,i=-1,o=e.length-n;t.lineStart();for(;++i<o;)r=e[i],t.point(r[0],r[1],r[2]);t.lineEnd()}function gn(e,t){var n=-1,r=e.length;t.polygonStart();for(;++n<r;)hn(e[n],t,1);t.polygonEnd()}function mn(){function e(e,t){e*=ja;t=t*ja/2+ka/4;var n=e-r,s=n>=0?1:-1,a=s*n,l=Math.cos(t),u=Math.sin(t),c=o*u,p=i*l+c*Math.cos(a),d=c*s*Math.sin(a);bl.add(Math.atan2(d,p));r=e,i=l,o=u}var t,n,r,i,o;Tl.point=function(s,a){Tl.point=e;r=(t=s)*ja,i=Math.cos(a=(n=a)*ja/2+ka/4),o=Math.sin(a)};Tl.lineEnd=function(){e(t,n)}}function vn(e){var t=e[0],n=e[1],r=Math.cos(n);return[r*Math.cos(t),r*Math.sin(t),Math.sin(n)]}function En(e,t){return e[0]*t[0]+e[1]*t[1]+e[2]*t[2]}function yn(e,t){return[e[1]*t[2]-e[2]*t[1],e[2]*t[0]-e[0]*t[2],e[0]*t[1]-e[1]*t[0]]}function xn(e,t){e[0]+=t[0];e[1]+=t[1];e[2]+=t[2]}function bn(e,t){return[e[0]*t,e[1]*t,e[2]*t]}function Tn(e){var t=Math.sqrt(e[0]*e[0]+e[1]*e[1]+e[2]*e[2]);e[0]/=t;e[1]/=t;e[2]/=t}function Sn(e){return[Math.atan2(e[1],e[0]),rt(e[2])]}function Nn(e,t){return ma(e[0]-t[0])<Oa&&ma(e[1]-t[1])<Oa}function Cn(e,t){e*=ja;var n=Math.cos(t*=ja);Ln(n*Math.cos(e),n*Math.sin(e),Math.sin(t))}function Ln(e,t,n){++Sl;Cl+=(e-Cl)/Sl;Ll+=(t-Ll)/Sl;Al+=(n-Al)/Sl}function An(){function e(e,i){e*=ja;var o=Math.cos(i*=ja),s=o*Math.cos(e),a=o*Math.sin(e),l=Math.sin(i),u=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((u=n*l-r*a)*u+(u=r*s-t*l)*u+(u=t*a-n*s)*u),t*s+n*a+r*l);Nl+=u;Il+=u*(t+(t=s));wl+=u*(n+(n=a));Rl+=u*(r+(r=l));Ln(t,n,r)}var t,n,r;kl.point=function(i,o){i*=ja;var s=Math.cos(o*=ja);t=s*Math.cos(i);n=s*Math.sin(i);r=Math.sin(o);kl.point=e;Ln(t,n,r)}}function In(){kl.point=Cn}function wn(){function e(e,t){e*=ja;var n=Math.cos(t*=ja),s=n*Math.cos(e),a=n*Math.sin(e),l=Math.sin(t),u=i*l-o*a,c=o*s-r*l,p=r*a-i*s,d=Math.sqrt(u*u+c*c+p*p),f=r*s+i*a+o*l,h=d&&-nt(f)/d,g=Math.atan2(d,f);_l+=h*u;Ol+=h*c;Dl+=h*p;Nl+=g;Il+=g*(r+(r=s));wl+=g*(i+(i=a));Rl+=g*(o+(o=l));Ln(r,i,o)}var t,n,r,i,o;kl.point=function(s,a){t=s,n=a;kl.point=e;s*=ja;var l=Math.cos(a*=ja);r=l*Math.cos(s);i=l*Math.sin(s);o=Math.sin(a);Ln(r,i,o)};kl.lineEnd=function(){e(t,n);kl.lineEnd=In;kl.point=Cn}}function Rn(e,t){function n(n,r){return n=e(n,r),t(n[0],n[1])}e.invert&&t.invert&&(n.invert=function(n,r){return n=t.invert(n,r),n&&e.invert(n[0],n[1])});return n}function _n(){return!0}function On(e,t,n,r,i){var o=[],s=[];e.forEach(function(e){if(!((t=e.length-1)<=0)){var t,n=e[0],r=e[t];if(Nn(n,r)){i.lineStart();for(var a=0;t>a;++a)i.point((n=e[a])[0],n[1]);i.lineEnd()}else{var l=new kn(n,e,null,!0),u=new kn(n,null,l,!1);l.o=u;o.push(l);s.push(u);l=new kn(r,e,null,!1);u=new kn(r,null,l,!0);l.o=u;o.push(l);s.push(u)}}});s.sort(t);Dn(o);Dn(s);if(o.length){for(var a=0,l=n,u=s.length;u>a;++a)s[a].e=l=!l;for(var c,p,d=o[0];;){for(var f=d,h=!0;f.v;)if((f=f.n)===d)return;c=f.z;i.lineStart();do{f.v=f.o.v=!0;if(f.e){if(h)for(var a=0,u=c.length;u>a;++a)i.point((p=c[a])[0],p[1]);else r(f.x,f.n.x,1,i);f=f.n}else{if(h){c=f.p.z;for(var a=c.length-1;a>=0;--a)i.point((p=c[a])[0],p[1])}else r(f.x,f.p.x,-1,i);f=f.p}f=f.o;c=f.z;h=!h}while(!f.v);i.lineEnd()}}}function Dn(e){if(t=e.length){for(var t,n,r=0,i=e[0];++r<t;){i.n=n=e[r];n.p=i;i=n}i.n=n=e[0];n.p=i}}function kn(e,t,n,r){this.x=e;this.z=t;this.o=n;this.e=r;this.v=!1;this.n=this.p=null}function Fn(e,t,n,r){return function(i,o){function s(t,n){var r=i(t,n);e(t=r[0],n=r[1])&&o.point(t,n)}function a(e,t){var n=i(e,t);m.point(n[0],n[1])}function l(){E.point=a;m.lineStart()}function u(){E.point=s;m.lineEnd()}function c(e,t){g.push([e,t]);var n=i(e,t);x.point(n[0],n[1])}function p(){x.lineStart();g=[]}function d(){c(g[0][0],g[0][1]);x.lineEnd();var e,t=x.clean(),n=y.buffer(),r=n.length;g.pop();h.push(g);g=null;if(r)if(1&t){e=n[0];var i,r=e.length-1,s=-1;if(r>0){b||(o.polygonStart(),b=!0);o.lineStart();for(;++s<r;)o.point((i=e[s])[0],i[1]);o.lineEnd()}}else{r>1&&2&t&&n.push(n.pop().concat(n.shift()));f.push(n.filter(Pn))}}var f,h,g,m=t(o),v=i.invert(r[0],r[1]),E={point:s,lineStart:l,lineEnd:u,polygonStart:function(){E.point=c;E.lineStart=p;E.lineEnd=d;f=[];h=[]},polygonEnd:function(){E.point=s;E.lineStart=l;E.lineEnd=u;f=ia.merge(f);var e=Un(v,h);if(f.length){b||(o.polygonStart(),b=!0);On(f,jn,e,n,o)}else if(e){b||(o.polygonStart(),b=!0);o.lineStart();n(null,null,1,o);o.lineEnd()}b&&(o.polygonEnd(),b=!1);f=h=null},sphere:function(){o.polygonStart();o.lineStart();n(null,null,1,o);o.lineEnd();o.polygonEnd()}},y=Mn(),x=t(y),b=!1;return E}}function Pn(e){return e.length>1}function Mn(){var e,t=[];return{lineStart:function(){t.push(e=[])},point:function(t,n){e.push([t,n])},lineEnd:S,buffer:function(){var n=t;t=[];e=null;return n},rejoin:function(){t.length>1&&t.push(t.pop().concat(t.shift()))}}}function jn(e,t){return((e=e.x)[0]<0?e[1]-Ma-Oa:Ma-e[1])-((t=t.x)[0]<0?t[1]-Ma-Oa:Ma-t[1])}function Gn(e){var t,n=0/0,r=0/0,i=0/0;return{lineStart:function(){e.lineStart();t=1},point:function(o,s){var a=o>0?ka:-ka,l=ma(o-n);if(ma(l-ka)<Oa){e.point(n,r=(r+s)/2>0?Ma:-Ma);e.point(i,r);e.lineEnd();e.lineStart();e.point(a,r);e.point(o,r);t=0}else if(i!==a&&l>=ka){ma(n-i)<Oa&&(n-=i*Oa);ma(o-a)<Oa&&(o-=a*Oa);r=Bn(n,r,o,s);e.point(i,r);e.lineEnd();e.lineStart();e.point(a,r);t=0}e.point(n=o,r=s);i=a},lineEnd:function(){e.lineEnd();n=r=0/0},clean:function(){return 2-t}}}function Bn(e,t,n,r){var i,o,s=Math.sin(e-n);return ma(s)>Oa?Math.atan((Math.sin(t)*(o=Math.cos(r))*Math.sin(n)-Math.sin(r)*(i=Math.cos(t))*Math.sin(e))/(i*o*s)):(t+r)/2}function qn(e,t,n,r){var i;if(null==e){i=n*Ma;r.point(-ka,i);r.point(0,i);r.point(ka,i);r.point(ka,0);r.point(ka,-i);r.point(0,-i);r.point(-ka,-i);r.point(-ka,0);r.point(-ka,i)}else if(ma(e[0]-t[0])>Oa){var o=e[0]<t[0]?ka:-ka;i=n*o/2;r.point(-o,i);r.point(0,i);r.point(o,i)}else r.point(t[0],t[1])}function Un(e,t){var n=e[0],r=e[1],i=[Math.sin(n),-Math.cos(n),0],o=0,s=0;bl.reset();for(var a=0,l=t.length;l>a;++a){var u=t[a],c=u.length;if(c)for(var p=u[0],d=p[0],f=p[1]/2+ka/4,h=Math.sin(f),g=Math.cos(f),m=1;;){m===c&&(m=0);e=u[m];var v=e[0],E=e[1]/2+ka/4,y=Math.sin(E),x=Math.cos(E),b=v-d,T=b>=0?1:-1,S=T*b,N=S>ka,C=h*y;bl.add(Math.atan2(C*T*Math.sin(S),g*x+C*Math.cos(S)));o+=N?b+T*Fa:b;if(N^d>=n^v>=n){var L=yn(vn(p),vn(e));Tn(L);var A=yn(i,L);Tn(A);var I=(N^b>=0?-1:1)*rt(A[2]);(r>I||r===I&&(L[0]||L[1]))&&(s+=N^b>=0?1:-1)}if(!m++)break;d=v,h=y,g=x,p=e}}return(-Oa>o||Oa>o&&0>bl)^1&s}function Hn(e){function t(e,t){return Math.cos(e)*Math.cos(t)>o}function n(e){var n,o,l,u,c;return{lineStart:function(){u=l=!1;c=1},point:function(p,d){var f,h=[p,d],g=t(p,d),m=s?g?0:i(p,d):g?i(p+(0>p?ka:-ka),d):0;!n&&(u=l=g)&&e.lineStart();if(g!==l){f=r(n,h);if(Nn(n,f)||Nn(h,f)){h[0]+=Oa;h[1]+=Oa;g=t(h[0],h[1])}}if(g!==l){c=0;if(g){e.lineStart();f=r(h,n);e.point(f[0],f[1])}else{f=r(n,h);e.point(f[0],f[1]);e.lineEnd()}n=f}else if(a&&n&&s^g){var v;if(!(m&o)&&(v=r(h,n,!0))){c=0;if(s){e.lineStart();e.point(v[0][0],v[0][1]);e.point(v[1][0],v[1][1]);e.lineEnd()}else{e.point(v[1][0],v[1][1]);e.lineEnd();e.lineStart();e.point(v[0][0],v[0][1])}}}!g||n&&Nn(n,h)||e.point(h[0],h[1]);n=h,l=g,o=m},lineEnd:function(){l&&e.lineEnd();n=null},clean:function(){return c|(u&&l)<<1}}}function r(e,t,n){var r=vn(e),i=vn(t),s=[1,0,0],a=yn(r,i),l=En(a,a),u=a[0],c=l-u*u;if(!c)return!n&&e;var p=o*l/c,d=-o*u/c,f=yn(s,a),h=bn(s,p),g=bn(a,d);xn(h,g);var m=f,v=En(h,m),E=En(m,m),y=v*v-E*(En(h,h)-1);if(!(0>y)){var x=Math.sqrt(y),b=bn(m,(-v-x)/E);xn(b,h);b=Sn(b);if(!n)return b;var T,S=e[0],N=t[0],C=e[1],L=t[1];S>N&&(T=S,S=N,N=T);var A=N-S,I=ma(A-ka)<Oa,w=I||Oa>A;!I&&C>L&&(T=C,C=L,L=T);if(w?I?C+L>0^b[1]<(ma(b[0]-S)<Oa?C:L):C<=b[1]&&b[1]<=L:A>ka^(S<=b[0]&&b[0]<=N)){var R=bn(m,(-v+x)/E);xn(R,h);return[b,Sn(R)]}}}function i(t,n){var r=s?e:ka-e,i=0;-r>t?i|=1:t>r&&(i|=2);-r>n?i|=4:n>r&&(i|=8);return i}var o=Math.cos(e),s=o>0,a=ma(o)>Oa,l=mr(e,6*ja);return Fn(t,n,l,s?[0,-e]:[-ka,e-ka])}function Vn(e,t,n,r){return function(i){var o,s=i.a,a=i.b,l=s.x,u=s.y,c=a.x,p=a.y,d=0,f=1,h=c-l,g=p-u;o=e-l;if(h||!(o>0)){o/=h;if(0>h){if(d>o)return;f>o&&(f=o)}else if(h>0){if(o>f)return;o>d&&(d=o)}o=n-l;if(h||!(0>o)){o/=h;if(0>h){if(o>f)return;o>d&&(d=o)}else if(h>0){if(d>o)return;f>o&&(f=o)}o=t-u;if(g||!(o>0)){o/=g;if(0>g){if(d>o)return;f>o&&(f=o)}else if(g>0){if(o>f)return;o>d&&(d=o)}o=r-u;if(g||!(0>o)){o/=g;if(0>g){if(o>f)return;o>d&&(d=o)}else if(g>0){if(d>o)return;f>o&&(f=o)}d>0&&(i.a={x:l+d*h,y:u+d*g});1>f&&(i.b={x:l+f*h,y:u+f*g});return i}}}}}}function zn(e,t,n,r){function i(r,i){return ma(r[0]-e)<Oa?i>0?0:3:ma(r[0]-n)<Oa?i>0?2:1:ma(r[1]-t)<Oa?i>0?1:0:i>0?3:2}function o(e,t){return s(e.x,t.x)}function s(e,t){var n=i(e,1),r=i(t,1);return n!==r?n-r:0===n?t[1]-e[1]:1===n?e[0]-t[0]:2===n?e[1]-t[1]:t[0]-e[0]}return function(a){function l(e){for(var t=0,n=m.length,r=e[1],i=0;n>i;++i)for(var o,s=1,a=m[i],l=a.length,u=a[0];l>s;++s){o=a[s];u[1]<=r?o[1]>r&&tt(u,o,e)>0&&++t:o[1]<=r&&tt(u,o,e)<0&&--t;u=o}return 0!==t}function u(o,a,l,u){var c=0,p=0;if(null==o||(c=i(o,l))!==(p=i(a,l))||s(o,a)<0^l>0){do u.point(0===c||3===c?e:n,c>1?r:t);while((c=(c+l+4)%4)!==p)}else u.point(a[0],a[1])}function c(i,o){return i>=e&&n>=i&&o>=t&&r>=o}function p(e,t){c(e,t)&&a.point(e,t)}function d(){w.point=h;m&&m.push(v=[]);N=!0;S=!1;b=T=0/0}function f(){if(g){h(E,y);x&&S&&A.rejoin();g.push(A.buffer())}w.point=p;S&&a.lineEnd()}function h(e,t){e=Math.max(-Pl,Math.min(Pl,e));t=Math.max(-Pl,Math.min(Pl,t));var n=c(e,t);m&&v.push([e,t]);if(N){E=e,y=t,x=n;N=!1;if(n){a.lineStart();a.point(e,t)}}else if(n&&S)a.point(e,t);else{var r={a:{x:b,y:T},b:{x:e,y:t}};if(I(r)){if(!S){a.lineStart();a.point(r.a.x,r.a.y)}a.point(r.b.x,r.b.y);n||a.lineEnd();C=!1}else if(n){a.lineStart();a.point(e,t);C=!1}}b=e,T=t,S=n}var g,m,v,E,y,x,b,T,S,N,C,L=a,A=Mn(),I=Vn(e,t,n,r),w={point:p,lineStart:d,lineEnd:f,polygonStart:function(){a=A;g=[];m=[];C=!0},polygonEnd:function(){a=L;g=ia.merge(g);var t=l([e,r]),n=C&&t,i=g.length;if(n||i){a.polygonStart();if(n){a.lineStart();u(null,null,1,a);a.lineEnd()}i&&On(g,o,t,u,a);a.polygonEnd()}g=m=v=null}};return w}}function Wn(e){var t=0,n=ka/3,r=lr(e),i=r(t,n);i.parallels=function(e){return arguments.length?r(t=e[0]*ka/180,n=e[1]*ka/180):[t/ka*180,n/ka*180]};return i}function $n(e,t){function n(e,t){var n=Math.sqrt(o-2*i*Math.sin(t))/i;return[n*Math.sin(e*=i),s-n*Math.cos(e)]}var r=Math.sin(e),i=(r+Math.sin(t))/2,o=1+r*(2*i-r),s=Math.sqrt(o)/i;n.invert=function(e,t){var n=s-t;return[Math.atan2(e,n)/i,rt((o-(e*e+n*n)*i*i)/(2*i))]};return n}function Xn(){function e(e,t){jl+=i*e-r*t;r=e,i=t}var t,n,r,i;Hl.point=function(o,s){Hl.point=e;t=r=o,n=i=s};Hl.lineEnd=function(){e(t,n)}}function Kn(e,t){Gl>e&&(Gl=e);e>ql&&(ql=e);Bl>t&&(Bl=t);t>Ul&&(Ul=t)}function Yn(){function e(e,t){s.push("M",e,",",t,o)}function t(e,t){s.push("M",e,",",t);a.point=n}function n(e,t){s.push("L",e,",",t)}function r(){a.point=e}function i(){s.push("Z")}var o=Qn(4.5),s=[],a={point:e,lineStart:function(){a.point=t},lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){a.lineEnd=i},polygonEnd:function(){a.lineEnd=r;a.point=e},pointRadius:function(e){o=Qn(e);return a},result:function(){if(s.length){var e=s.join("");s=[];return e}}};return a}function Qn(e){return"m0,"+e+"a"+e+","+e+" 0 1,1 0,"+-2*e+"a"+e+","+e+" 0 1,1 0,"+2*e+"z"}function Jn(e,t){Cl+=e;Ll+=t;++Al}function Zn(){function e(e,r){var i=e-t,o=r-n,s=Math.sqrt(i*i+o*o);Il+=s*(t+e)/2;wl+=s*(n+r)/2;Rl+=s;Jn(t=e,n=r)}var t,n;zl.point=function(r,i){zl.point=e;Jn(t=r,n=i)}}function er(){zl.point=Jn}function tr(){function e(e,t){var n=e-r,o=t-i,s=Math.sqrt(n*n+o*o);Il+=s*(r+e)/2;wl+=s*(i+t)/2;Rl+=s;s=i*e-r*t;_l+=s*(r+e);Ol+=s*(i+t);Dl+=3*s;Jn(r=e,i=t)}var t,n,r,i;zl.point=function(o,s){zl.point=e;Jn(t=r=o,n=i=s)};zl.lineEnd=function(){e(t,n)}}function nr(e){function t(t,n){e.moveTo(t+s,n);e.arc(t,n,s,0,Fa)}function n(t,n){e.moveTo(t,n);a.point=r}function r(t,n){e.lineTo(t,n)}function i(){a.point=t}function o(){e.closePath()}var s=4.5,a={point:t,lineStart:function(){a.point=n},lineEnd:i,polygonStart:function(){a.lineEnd=o},polygonEnd:function(){a.lineEnd=i;a.point=t},pointRadius:function(e){s=e;return a},result:S};return a}function rr(e){function t(e){return(a?r:n)(e)}function n(t){return sr(t,function(n,r){n=e(n,r);t.point(n[0],n[1])})}function r(t){function n(n,r){n=e(n,r);t.point(n[0],n[1])}function r(){y=0/0;N.point=o;t.lineStart()}function o(n,r){var o=vn([n,r]),s=e(n,r);i(y,x,E,b,T,S,y=s[0],x=s[1],E=n,b=o[0],T=o[1],S=o[2],a,t);t.point(y,x)}function s(){N.point=n;t.lineEnd()}function l(){r();N.point=u;N.lineEnd=c}function u(e,t){o(p=e,d=t),f=y,h=x,g=b,m=T,v=S;N.point=o}function c(){i(y,x,E,b,T,S,f,h,p,g,m,v,a,t);N.lineEnd=s;s()}var p,d,f,h,g,m,v,E,y,x,b,T,S,N={point:n,lineStart:r,lineEnd:s,polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart();N.lineStart=l},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd();N.lineStart=r}};return N}function i(t,n,r,a,l,u,c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v){var E=c-t,y=p-n,x=E*E+y*y;if(x>4*o&&m--){var b=a+f,T=l+h,S=u+g,N=Math.sqrt(b*b+T*T+S*S),C=Math.asin(S/=N),L=ma(ma(S)-1)<Oa||ma(r-d)<Oa?(r+d)/2:Math.atan2(T,b),A=e(L,C),I=A[0],w=A[1],R=I-t,_=w-n,O=y*R-E*_;if(O*O/x>o||ma((E*R+y*_)/x-.5)>.3||s>a*f+l*h+u*g){i(t,n,r,a,l,u,I,w,L,b/=N,T/=N,S,m,v);v.point(I,w);i(I,w,L,b,T,S,c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v)}}}var o=.5,s=Math.cos(30*ja),a=16;t.precision=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return Math.sqrt(o);a=(o=e*e)>0&&16;return t};return t}function ir(e){var t=rr(function(t,n){return e([t*Ga,n*Ga])});return function(e){return ur(t(e))}}function or(e){}function sr(e,t){return{point:t,sphere:function(){e.sphere()},lineStart:function(){e.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){e.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){e.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){e.polygonEnd()}}}function ar(e){return lr(function(){return e})()}function lr(e){function t(e){e=a(e[0]*ja,e[1]*ja);return[e[0]*d+l,u-e[1]*d]}function n(e){e=a.invert((e[0]-l)/d,(u-e[1])/d);return e&&[e[0]*Ga,e[1]*Ga]}function r(){a=Rn(s=dr(v,E,y),o);var e=o(g,m);l=f-e[0]*d;u=h+e[1]*d;return i()}function i(){c&&(c.valid=!1,c=null);return t}var o,s,a,l,u,c,p=rr(function(e,t){e=o(e,t);return[e[0]*d+l,u-e[1]*d]}),d=150,f=480,h=250,g=0,m=0,v=0,E=0,y=0,b=Fl,T=x,S=null,N=null;{c&&(c.valid=!1);c=ur(b(s,p(T(e))));c.valid=!0;return c};t.clipAngle=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return S;b=null==e?(S=e,Fl):Hn((S=+e)*ja);return i()};t.clipExtent=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return N;N=e;T=e?zn(e[0][0],e[0][1],e[1][0],e[1][1]):x;return i()};t.scale=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return d;d=+e;return r()};t.translate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return[f,h];f=+e[0];h=+e[1];return r()};{if(!arguments.length)return[g*Ga,m*Ga];g=e[0]%360*ja;m=e[1]%360*ja;return r()};t.rotate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return[v*Ga,E*Ga,y*Ga];v=e[0]%360*ja;E=e[1]%360*ja;y=e.length>2?e[2]%360*ja:0;return r()};ia.rebind(t,p,"precision");return function(){o=e.apply(this,arguments);t.invert=o.invert&&n;return r()}}function ur(e){return sr(e,function(t,n){e.point(t*ja,n*ja)})}function cr(e,t){return[e,t]}function pr(e,t){return[e>ka?e-Fa:-ka>e?e+Fa:e,t]}function dr(e,t,n){return e?t||n?Rn(hr(e),gr(t,n)):hr(e):t||n?gr(t,n):pr}function fr(e){return function(t,n){return t+=e,[t>ka?t-Fa:-ka>t?t+Fa:t,n]}}function hr(e){var t=fr(e);t.invert=fr(-e);return t}function gr(e,t){function n(e,t){var n=Math.cos(t),a=Math.cos(e)*n,l=Math.sin(e)*n,u=Math.sin(t),c=u*r+a*i;return[Math.atan2(l*o-c*s,a*r-u*i),rt(c*o+l*s)]}var r=Math.cos(e),i=Math.sin(e),o=Math.cos(t),s=Math.sin(t);n.invert=function(e,t){var n=Math.cos(t),a=Math.cos(e)*n,l=Math.sin(e)*n,u=Math.sin(t),c=u*o-l*s;return[Math.atan2(l*o+u*s,a*r+c*i),rt(c*r-a*i)]};return n}function mr(e,t){var n=Math.cos(e),r=Math.sin(e);return function(i,o,s,a){var l=s*t;if(null!=i){i=vr(n,i);o=vr(n,o);(s>0?o>i:i>o)&&(i+=s*Fa)}else{i=e+s*Fa;o=e-.5*l}for(var u,c=i;s>0?c>o:o>c;c-=l)a.point((u=Sn([n,-r*Math.cos(c),-r*Math.sin(c)]))[0],u[1])}}function vr(e,t){var n=vn(t);n[0]-=e;Tn(n);var r=nt(-n[1]);return((-n[2]<0?-r:r)+2*Math.PI-Oa)%(2*Math.PI)}function Er(e,t,n){var r=ia.range(e,t-Oa,n).concat(t);return function(e){return{return[e,t]})}}function yr(e,t,n){var r=ia.range(e,t-Oa,n).concat(t);return function(e){return{return[t,e]})}}function xr(e){return e.source}function br(e){return}function Tr(e,t,n,r){var i=Math.cos(t),o=Math.sin(t),s=Math.cos(r),a=Math.sin(r),l=i*Math.cos(e),u=i*Math.sin(e),c=s*Math.cos(n),p=s*Math.sin(n),d=2*Math.asin(Math.sqrt(at(r-t)+i*s*at(n-e))),f=1/Math.sin(d),h=d?function(e){var t=Math.sin(e*=d)*f,n=Math.sin(d-e)*f,r=n*l+t*c,i=n*u+t*p,s=n*o+t*a; return[Math.atan2(i,r)*Ga,Math.atan2(s,Math.sqrt(r*r+i*i))*Ga]}:function(){return[e*Ga,t*Ga]};h.distance=d;return h}function Sr(){function e(e,i){var o=Math.sin(i*=ja),s=Math.cos(i),a=ma((e*=ja)-t),l=Math.cos(a);Wl+=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((a=s*Math.sin(a))*a+(a=r*o-n*s*l)*a),n*o+r*s*l);t=e,n=o,r=s}var t,n,r;$l.point=function(i,o){t=i*ja,n=Math.sin(o*=ja),r=Math.cos(o);$l.point=e};$l.lineEnd=function(){$l.point=$l.lineEnd=S}}function Nr(e,t){function n(t,n){var r=Math.cos(t),i=Math.cos(n),o=e(r*i);return[o*i*Math.sin(t),o*Math.sin(n)]}n.invert=function(e,n){var r=Math.sqrt(e*e+n*n),i=t(r),o=Math.sin(i),s=Math.cos(i);return[Math.atan2(e*o,r*s),Math.asin(r&&n*o/r)]};return n}function Cr(e,t){function n(e,t){s>0?-Ma+Oa>t&&(t=-Ma+Oa):t>Ma-Oa&&(t=Ma-Oa);var n=s/Math.pow(i(t),o);return[n*Math.sin(o*e),s-n*Math.cos(o*e)]}var r=Math.cos(e),i=function(e){return Math.tan(ka/4+e/2)},o=e===t?Math.sin(e):Math.log(r/Math.cos(t))/Math.log(i(t)/i(e)),s=r*Math.pow(i(e),o)/o;if(!o)return Ar;n.invert=function(e,t){var n=s-t,r=et(o)*Math.sqrt(e*e+n*n);return[Math.atan2(e,n)/o,2*Math.atan(Math.pow(s/r,1/o))-Ma]};return n}function Lr(e,t){function n(e,t){var n=o-t;return[n*Math.sin(i*e),o-n*Math.cos(i*e)]}var r=Math.cos(e),i=e===t?Math.sin(e):(r-Math.cos(t))/(t-e),o=r/i+e;if(ma(i)<Oa)return cr;n.invert=function(e,t){var n=o-t;return[Math.atan2(e,n)/i,o-et(i)*Math.sqrt(e*e+n*n)]};return n}function Ar(e,t){return[e,Math.log(Math.tan(ka/4+t/2))]}function Ir(e){var t,n=ar(e),r=n.scale,i=n.translate,o=n.clipExtent;n.scale=function(){var e=r.apply(n,arguments);return e===n?t?n.clipExtent(null):n:e};n.translate=function(){var e=i.apply(n,arguments);return e===n?t?n.clipExtent(null):n:e};n.clipExtent=function(e){var s=o.apply(n,arguments);if(s===n){if(t=null==e){var a=ka*r(),l=i();o([[l[0]-a,l[1]-a],[l[0]+a,l[1]+a]])}}else t&&(s=null);return s};return n.clipExtent(null)}function wr(e,t){return[Math.log(Math.tan(ka/4+t/2)),-e]}function Rr(e){return e[0]}function _r(e){return e[1]}function Or(e){for(var t=e.length,n=[0,1],r=2,i=2;t>i;i++){for(;r>1&&tt(e[n[r-2]],e[n[r-1]],e[i])<=0;)--r;n[r++]=i}return n.slice(0,r)}function Dr(e,t){return e[0]-t[0]||e[1]-t[1]}function kr(e,t,n){return(n[0]-t[0])*(e[1]-t[1])<(n[1]-t[1])*(e[0]-t[0])}function Fr(e,t,n,r){var i=e[0],o=n[0],s=t[0]-i,a=r[0]-o,l=e[1],u=n[1],c=t[1]-l,p=r[1]-u,d=(a*(l-u)-p*(i-o))/(p*s-a*c);return[i+d*s,l+d*c]}function Pr(e){var t=e[0],n=e[e.length-1];return!(t[0]-n[0]||t[1]-n[1])}function Mr(){ii(this);}function jr(e){var t=ou.pop()||new Mr;;return t}function Gr(e){Kr(e);nu.remove(e);ou.push(e);ii(e)}function Br(e){var,n=t.x,,i={x:n,y:r},o=e.P,s=e.N,a=[e];Gr(e);for(var l=o;<Oa&&ma(<Oa;){o=l.P;a.unshift(l);Gr(l);l=o}a.unshift(l);Kr(l);for(var u=s;<Oa&&ma(<Oa;){s=u.N;a.push(u);Gr(u);u=s}a.push(u);Kr(u);var c,p=a.length;for(c=1;p>c;++c){u=a[c];l=a[c-1];ti(u.edge,,,i)}l=a[0];u=a[p-1];u.edge=Zr(,,null,i);Xr(l);Xr(u)}function qr(e){for(var t,n,r,i,o=e.x,s=e.y,a=nu._;a;){r=Ur(a,s)-o;if(r>Oa)a=a.L;else{i=o-Hr(a,s);if(!(i>Oa)){if(r>-Oa){t=a.P;n=a}else if(i>-Oa){t=a;n=a.N}else t=n=a;break}if(!a.R){t=a;break}a=a.R}}var l=jr(e);nu.insert(t,l);if(t||n)if(t!==n)if(n){Kr(t);Kr(n);var,c=u.x,p=u.y,d=e.x-c,f=e.y-p,,g=h.x-c,m=h.y-p,v=2*(d*m-f*g),E=d*d+f*f,y=g*g+m*m,x={x:(m*E-f*y)/v+c,y:(d*y-g*E)/v+p};ti(n.edge,u,h,x);l.edge=Zr(u,e,null,x);n.edge=Zr(e,h,null,x);Xr(t);Xr(n)}else l.edge=Zr(,;else{Kr(t);n=jr(;nu.insert(l,n);l.edge=n.edge=Zr(,;Xr(t);Xr(n)}}function Ur(e,t){var,r=n.x,i=n.y,o=i-t;if(!o)return r;var s=e.P;if(!s)return-1/0;;var a=n.x,l=n.y,u=l-t;if(!u)return a;var c=a-r,p=1/o-1/u,d=c/u;return p?(-d+Math.sqrt(d*d-2*p*(c*c/(-2*u)-l+u/2+i-o/2)))/p+r:(r+a)/2}function Hr(e,t){var n=e.N;if(n)return Ur(n,t);var;return r.y===t?r.x:1/0}function Vr(e){;this.edges=[]}function zr(e){for(var t,n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p=e[0][0],d=e[1][0],f=e[0][1],h=e[1][1],g=tu,m=g.length;m--;){o=g[m];if(o&&o.prepare()){a=o.edges;l=a.length;s=0;for(;l>s;){c=a[s].end(),r=c.x,i=c.y;u=a[++s%l].start(),t=u.x,n=u.y;if(ma(r-t)>Oa||ma(i-n)>Oa){a.splice(s,0,new ni(ei(,c,ma(r-p)<Oa&&h-i>Oa?{x:p,y:ma(t-p)<Oa?n:h}:ma(i-h)<Oa&&d-r>Oa?{x:ma(n-h)<Oa?t:d,y:h}:ma(r-d)<Oa&&i-f>Oa?{x:d,y:ma(t-d)<Oa?n:f}:ma(i-f)<Oa&&r-p>Oa?{x:ma(n-f)<Oa?t:p,y:f}:null),,null));++l}}}}}function Wr(e,t){return t.angle-e.angle}function $r(){ii(this);}function Xr(e){var t=e.P,n=e.N;if(t&&n){var,,;if(r!==o){var s=i.x,a=i.y,l=r.x-s,u=r.y-a,c=o.x-s,p=o.y-a,d=2*(l*p-u*c);if(!(d>=-Da)){var f=l*l+u*u,h=c*c+p*p,g=(p*f-u*h)/d,m=(l*h-c*f)/d,p=m+a,v=su.pop()||new $r;v.arc=e;;v.x=g+s;v.y=p+Math.sqrt(g*g+m*m);;;for(var E=null,y=iu._;y;)if(v.y<y.y||v.y===y.y&&v.x<=y.x){if(!y.L){E=y.P;break}y=y.L}else{if(!y.R){E=y;break}y=y.R}iu.insert(E,v);E||(ru=v)}}}}function Kr(e){var;if(t){t.P||(ru=t.N);iu.remove(t);su.push(t);ii(t);}}function Yr(e){for(var t,n=eu,r=Vn(e[0][0],e[0][1],e[1][0],e[1][1]),i=n.length;i--;){t=n[i];if(!Qr(t,e)||!r(t)||ma(t.a.x-t.b.x)<Oa&&ma(t.a.y-t.b.y)<Oa){t.a=t.b=null;n.splice(i,1)}}}function Qr(e,t){var n=e.b;if(n)return!0;var r,i,o=e.a,s=t[0][0],a=t[1][0],l=t[0][1],u=t[1][1],c=e.l,p=e.r,d=c.x,f=c.y,h=p.x,g=p.y,m=(d+h)/2,v=(f+g)/2;if(g===f){if(s>m||m>=a)return;if(d>h){if(o){if(o.y>=u)return}else o={x:m,y:l};n={x:m,y:u}}else{if(o){if(o.y<l)return}else o={x:m,y:u};n={x:m,y:l}}}else{r=(d-h)/(g-f);i=v-r*m;if(-1>r||r>1)if(d>h){if(o){if(o.y>=u)return}else o={x:(l-i)/r,y:l};n={x:(u-i)/r,y:u}}else{if(o){if(o.y<l)return}else o={x:(u-i)/r,y:u};n={x:(l-i)/r,y:l}}else if(g>f){if(o){if(o.x>=a)return}else o={x:s,y:r*s+i};n={x:a,y:r*a+i}}else{if(o){if(o.x<s)return}else o={x:a,y:r*a+i};n={x:s,y:r*s+i}}}e.a=o;e.b=n;return!0}function Jr(e,t){this.l=e;this.r=t;this.a=this.b=null}function Zr(e,t,n,r){var i=new Jr(e,t);eu.push(i);n&&ti(i,e,t,n);r&&ti(i,t,e,r);tu[e.i].edges.push(new ni(i,e,t));tu[t.i].edges.push(new ni(i,t,e));return i}function ei(e,t,n){var r=new Jr(e,null);r.a=t;r.b=n;eu.push(r);return r}function ti(e,t,n,r){if(e.a||e.b)e.l===n?e.b=r:e.a=r;else{e.a=r;e.l=t;e.r=n}}function ni(e,t,n){var r=e.a,i=e.b;this.edge=e;;this.angle=n?Math.atan2(n.y-t.y,n.x-t.x):e.l===t?Math.atan2(i.x-r.x,r.y-i.y):Math.atan2(r.x-i.x,i.y-r.y)}function ri(){this._=null}function ii(e){e.U=e.C=e.L=e.R=e.P=e.N=null}function oi(e,t){var n=t,r=t.R,i=n.U;i?i.L===n?i.L=r:i.R=r:e._=r;r.U=i;n.U=r;n.R=r.L;n.R&&(n.R.U=n);r.L=n}function si(e,t){var n=t,r=t.L,i=n.U;i?i.L===n?i.L=r:i.R=r:e._=r;r.U=i;n.U=r;n.L=r.R;n.L&&(n.L.U=n);r.R=n}function ai(e){for(;e.L;)e=e.L;return e}function li(e,t){var n,r,i,o=e.sort(ui).pop();eu=[];tu=new Array(e.length);nu=new ri;iu=new ri;for(;;){i=ru;if(o&&(!i||o.y<i.y||o.y===i.y&&o.x<i.x)){if(o.x!==n||o.y!==r){tu[o.i]=new Vr(o);qr(o);n=o.x,r=o.y}o=e.pop()}else{if(!i)break;Br(i.arc)}}t&&(Yr(t),zr(t));var s={cells:tu,edges:eu};nu=iu=eu=tu=null;return s}function ui(e,t){return t.y-e.y||t.x-e.x}function ci(e,t,n){return(e.x-n.x)*(t.y-e.y)-(e.x-t.x)*(n.y-e.y)}function pi(e){return e.x}function di(e){return e.y}function fi(){return{leaf:!0,nodes:[],point:null,x:null,y:null}}function hi(e,t,n,r,i,o){if(!e(t,n,r,i,o)){var s=.5*(n+i),a=.5*(r+o),l=t.nodes;l[0]&&hi(e,l[0],n,r,s,a);l[1]&&hi(e,l[1],s,r,i,a);l[2]&&hi(e,l[2],n,a,s,o);l[3]&&hi(e,l[3],s,a,i,o)}}function gi(e,t,n,r,i,o,s){var a,l=1/0;(function u(e,c,p,d,f){if(!(c>o||p>s||r>d||i>f)){if(h=e.point){var h,g=t-e.x,m=n-e.y,v=g*g+m*m;if(l>v){var E=Math.sqrt(l=v);r=t-E,i=n-E;o=t+E,s=n+E;a=h}}for(var y=e.nodes,x=.5*(c+d),b=.5*(p+f),T=t>=x,S=n>=b,N=S<<1|T,C=N+4;C>N;++N)if(e=y[3&N])switch(3&N){case 0:u(e,c,p,x,b);break;case 1:u(e,x,p,d,b);break;case 2:u(e,c,b,x,f);break;case 3:u(e,x,b,d,f)}}})(e,r,i,o,s);return a}function mi(e,t){e=ia.rgb(e);t=ia.rgb(t);var n=e.r,r=e.g,i=e.b,o=t.r-n,s=t.g-r,a=t.b-i;return function(e){return"#"+Tt(Math.round(n+o*e))+Tt(Math.round(r+s*e))+Tt(Math.round(i+a*e))}}function vi(e,t){var n,r={},i={};for(n in e)n in t?r[n]=xi(e[n],t[n]):i[n]=e[n];for(n in t)n in e||(i[n]=t[n]);return function(e){for(n in r)i[n]=r[n](e);return i}}function Ei(e,t){e=+e,t=+t;return function(n){return e*(1-n)+t*n}}function yi(e,t){var n,r,i,o=lu.lastIndex=uu.lastIndex=0,s=-1,a=[],l=[];e+="",t+="";for(;(n=lu.exec(e))&&(r=uu.exec(t));){if((i=r.index)>o){i=t.slice(o,i);a[s]?a[s]+=i:a[++s]=i}if((n=n[0])===(r=r[0]))a[s]?a[s]+=r:a[++s]=r;else{a[++s]=null;l.push({i:s,x:Ei(n,r)})}o=uu.lastIndex}if(o<t.length){i=t.slice(o);a[s]?a[s]+=i:a[++s]=i}return a.length<2?l[0]?(t=l[0].x,function(e){return t(e)+""}):function(){return t}:(t=l.length,function(e){for(var n,r=0;t>r;++r)a[(n=l[r]).i]=n.x(e);return a.join("")})}function xi(e,t){for(var n,r=ia.interpolators.length;--r>=0&&!(n=ia.interpolators[r](e,t)););return n}function bi(e,t){var n,r=[],i=[],o=e.length,s=t.length,a=Math.min(e.length,t.length);for(n=0;a>n;++n)r.push(xi(e[n],t[n]));for(;o>n;++n)i[n]=e[n];for(;s>n;++n)i[n]=t[n];return function(e){for(n=0;a>n;++n)i[n]=r[n](e);return i}}function Ti(e){return function(t){return 0>=t?0:t>=1?1:e(t)}}function Si(e){return function(t){return 1-e(1-t)}}function Ni(e){return function(t){return.5*(.5>t?e(2*t):2-e(2-2*t))}}function Ci(e){return e*e}function Li(e){return e*e*e}function Ai(e){if(0>=e)return 0;if(e>=1)return 1;var t=e*e,n=t*e;return 4*(.5>e?n:3*(e-t)+n-.75)}function Ii(e){return function(t){return Math.pow(t,e)}}function wi(e){return 1-Math.cos(e*Ma)}function Ri(e){return Math.pow(2,10*(e-1))}function _i(e){return 1-Math.sqrt(1-e*e)}function Oi(e,t){var n;arguments.length<2&&(t=.45);arguments.length?n=t/Fa*Math.asin(1/e):(e=1,n=t/4);return function(r){return 1+e*Math.pow(2,-10*r)*Math.sin((r-n)*Fa/t)}}function Di(e){e||(e=1.70158);return function(t){return t*t*((e+1)*t-e)}}function ki(e){return 1/2.75>e?7.5625*e*e:2/2.75>e?7.5625*(e-=1.5/2.75)*e+.75:2.5/2.75>e?7.5625*(e-=2.25/2.75)*e+.9375:7.5625*(e-=2.625/2.75)*e+.984375}function Fi(e,t){e=ia.hcl(e);t=ia.hcl(t);var n=e.h,r=e.c,i=e.l,o=t.h-n,s=t.c-r,a=t.l-i;isNaN(s)&&(s=0,r=isNaN(r)?t.c:r);isNaN(o)?(o=0,n=isNaN(n)?t.h:n):o>180?o-=360:-180>o&&(o+=360);return function(e){return dt(n+o*e,r+s*e,i+a*e)+""}}function Pi(e,t){e=ia.hsl(e);t=ia.hsl(t);var n=e.h,r=e.s,i=e.l,o=t.h-n,s=t.s-r,a=t.l-i;isNaN(s)&&(s=0,r=isNaN(r)?t.s:r);isNaN(o)?(o=0,n=isNaN(n)?t.h:n):o>180?o-=360:-180>o&&(o+=360);return function(e){return ct(n+o*e,r+s*e,i+a*e)+""}}function Mi(e,t){e=ia.lab(e);t=ia.lab(t);var n=e.l,r=e.a,i=e.b,o=t.l-n,s=t.a-r,a=t.b-i;return function(e){return ht(n+o*e,r+s*e,i+a*e)+""}}function ji(e,t){t-=e;return function(n){return Math.round(e+t*n)}}function Gi(e){var t=[e.a,e.b],n=[e.c,e.d],r=qi(t),i=Bi(t,n),o=qi(Ui(n,t,-i))||0;if(t[0]*n[1]<n[0]*t[1]){t[0]*=-1;t[1]*=-1;r*=-1;i*=-1}this.rotate=(r?Math.atan2(t[1],t[0]):Math.atan2(-n[0],n[1]))*Ga;this.translate=[e.e,e.f];this.scale=[r,o];this.skew=o?Math.atan2(i,o)*Ga:0}function Bi(e,t){return e[0]*t[0]+e[1]*t[1]}function qi(e){var t=Math.sqrt(Bi(e,e));if(t){e[0]/=t;e[1]/=t}return t}function Ui(e,t,n){e[0]+=n*t[0];e[1]+=n*t[1];return e}function Hi(e,t){var n,r=[],i=[],o=ia.transform(e),s=ia.transform(t),a=o.translate,l=s.translate,u=o.rotate,c=s.rotate,p=o.skew,d=s.skew,f=o.scale,h=s.scale;if(a[0]!=l[0]||a[1]!=l[1]){r.push("translate(",null,",",null,")");i.push({i:1,x:Ei(a[0],l[0])},{i:3,x:Ei(a[1],l[1])})}else r.push(l[0]||l[1]?"translate("+l+")":"");if(u!=c){u-c>180?c+=360:c-u>180&&(u+=360);i.push({i:r.push(r.pop()+"rotate(",null,")")-2,x:Ei(u,c)})}else c&&r.push(r.pop()+"rotate("+c+")");p!=d?i.push({i:r.push(r.pop()+"skewX(",null,")")-2,x:Ei(p,d)}):d&&r.push(r.pop()+"skewX("+d+")");if(f[0]!=h[0]||f[1]!=h[1]){n=r.push(r.pop()+"scale(",null,",",null,")");i.push({i:n-4,x:Ei(f[0],h[0])},{i:n-2,x:Ei(f[1],h[1])})}else(1!=h[0]||1!=h[1])&&r.push(r.pop()+"scale("+h+")");n=i.length;return function(e){for(var t,o=-1;++o<n;)r[(t=i[o]).i]=t.x(e);return r.join("")}}function Vi(e,t){t=(t-=e=+e)||1/t;return function(n){return(n-e)/t}}function zi(e,t){t=(t-=e=+e)||1/t;return function(n){return Math.max(0,Math.min(1,(n-e)/t))}}function Wi(e){for(var t=e.source,,r=Xi(t,n),i=[t];t!==r;){t=t.parent;i.push(t)}for(var o=i.length;n!==r;){i.splice(o,0,n);n=n.parent}return i}function $i(e){for(var t=[],n=e.parent;null!=n;){t.push(e);e=n;n=n.parent}t.push(e);return t}function Xi(e,t){if(e===t)return e;for(var n=$i(e),r=$i(t),i=n.pop(),o=r.pop(),s=null;i===o;){s=i;i=n.pop();o=r.pop()}return s}function Ki(e){e.fixed|=2}function Yi(e){e.fixed&=-7}function Qi(e){e.fixed|=4;e.px=e.x,}function Ji(e){e.fixed&=-5}function Zi(e,t,n){var r=0,i=0;e.charge=0;if(!e.leaf)for(var o,s=e.nodes,a=s.length,l=-1;++l<a;){o=s[l];if(null!=o){Zi(o,t,n);e.charge+=o.charge;r+=o.charge*;i+=o.charge*}}if(e.point){if(!e.leaf){e.point.x+=Math.random()-.5;e.point.y+=Math.random()-.5}var u=t*n[e.point.index];e.charge+=e.pointCharge=u;r+=u*e.point.x;i+=u*e.point.y};}function eo(e,t){ia.rebind(e,t,"sort","children","value");e.nodes=e;e.links=so;return e}function to(e,t){for(var n=[e];null!=(e=n.pop());){t(e);if((i=e.children)&&(r=i.length))for(var r,i;--r>=0;)n.push(i[r])}}function no(e,t){for(var n=[e],r=[];null!=(e=n.pop());){r.push(e);if((o=e.children)&&(i=o.length))for(var i,o,s=-1;++s<i;)n.push(o[s])}for(;null!=(e=r.pop());)t(e)}function ro(e){return e.children}function io(e){return e.value}function oo(e,t){return t.value-e.value}function so(e){return ia.merge({return(e.children||[]).map(function(t){return{source:e,target:t}})}))}function ao(e){return e.x}function lo(e){return e.y}function uo(e,t,n){e.y0=t;e.y=n}function co(e){return ia.range(e.length)}function po(e){for(var t=-1,n=e[0].length,r=[];++t<n;)r[t]=0;return r}function fo(e){for(var t,n=1,r=0,i=e[0][1],o=e.length;o>n;++n)if((t=e[n][1])>i){r=n;i=t}return r}function ho(e){return e.reduce(go,0)}function go(e,t){return e+t[1]}function mo(e,t){return vo(e,Math.ceil(Math.log(t.length)/Math.LN2+1))}function vo(e,t){for(var n=-1,r=+e[0],i=(e[1]-r)/t,o=[];++n<=t;)o[n]=i*n+r;return o}function Eo(e){return[ia.min(e),ia.max(e)]}function yo(e,t){return e.value-t.value}function xo(e,t){var n=e._pack_next;e._pack_next=t;t._pack_prev=e;t._pack_next=n;n._pack_prev=t}function bo(e,t){e._pack_next=t;t._pack_prev=e}function To(e,t){var n=t.x-e.x,r=t.y-e.y,i=e.r+t.r;return.999*i*i>n*n+r*r}function So(e){function t(e){c=Math.min(e.x-e.r,c);p=Math.max(e.x+e.r,p);d=Math.min(e.y-e.r,d);f=Math.max(e.y+e.r,f)}if((n=e.children)&&(u=n.length)){var n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c=1/0,p=-1/0,d=1/0,f=-1/0;n.forEach(No);r=n[0];r.x=-r.r;r.y=0;t(r);if(u>1){i=n[1];i.x=i.r;i.y=0;t(i);if(u>2){o=n[2];Ao(r,i,o);t(o);xo(r,o);r._pack_prev=o;xo(o,i);i=r._pack_next;for(s=3;u>s;s++){Ao(r,i,o=n[s]);var h=0,g=1,m=1;for(a=i._pack_next;a!==i;a=a._pack_next,g++)if(To(a,o)){h=1;break}if(1==h)for(l=r._pack_prev;l!==a._pack_prev&&!To(l,o);l=l._pack_prev,m++);if(h){m>g||g==m&&i.r<r.r?bo(r,i=a):bo(r=l,i);s--}else{xo(r,o);i=o;t(o)}}}}var v=(c+p)/2,E=(d+f)/2,y=0;for(s=0;u>s;s++){o=n[s];o.x-=v;o.y-=E;y=Math.max(y,o.r+Math.sqrt(o.x*o.x+o.y*o.y))}e.r=y;n.forEach(Co)}}function No(e){e._pack_next=e._pack_prev=e}function Co(e){delete e._pack_next;delete e._pack_prev}function Lo(e,t,n,r){var i=e.children;e.x=t+=r*e.x;e.y=n+=r*e.y;e.r*=r;if(i)for(var o=-1,s=i.length;++o<s;)Lo(i[o],t,n,r)}function Ao(e,t,n){var r=e.r+n.r,i=t.x-e.x,o=t.y-e.y;if(r&&(i||o)){var s=t.r+n.r,a=i*i+o*o;s*=s;r*=r;var l=.5+(r-s)/(2*a),u=Math.sqrt(Math.max(0,2*s*(r+a)-(r-=a)*r-s*s))/(2*a);n.x=e.x+l*i+u*o;n.y=e.y+l*o-u*i}else{n.x=e.x+r;n.y=e.y}}function Io(e,t){return e.parent==t.parent?1:2}function wo(e){var t=e.children;return t.length?t[0]:e.t}function Ro(e){var t,n=e.children;return(t=n.length)?n[t-1]:e.t}function _o(e,t,n){var r=n/(t.i-e.i);t.c-=r;t.s+=n;e.c+=r;t.z+=n;t.m+=n}function Oo(e){for(var t,n=0,r=0,i=e.children,o=i.length;--o>=0;){t=i[o];t.z+=n;t.m+=n;n+=t.s+(r+=t.c)}}function Do(e,t,n){return e.a.parent===t.parent?e.a:n}function ko(e){return 1+ia.max(e,function(e){return e.y})}function Fo(e){return e.reduce(function(e,t){return e+t.x},0)/e.length}function Po(e){var t=e.children;return t&&t.length?Po(t[0]):e}function Mo(e){var t,n=e.children;return n&&(t=n.length)?Mo(n[t-1]):e}function jo(e){return{x:e.x,y:e.y,dx:e.dx,dy:e.dy}}function Go(e,t){var n=e.x+t[3],r=e.y+t[0],i=e.dx-t[1]-t[3],o=e.dy-t[0]-t[2];if(0>i){n+=i/2;i=0}if(0>o){r+=o/2;o=0}return{x:n,y:r,dx:i,dy:o}}function Bo(e){var t=e[0],n=e[e.length-1];return n>t?[t,n]:[n,t]}function qo(e){return e.rangeExtent?e.rangeExtent():Bo(e.range())}function Uo(e,t,n,r){var i=n(e[0],e[1]),o=r(t[0],t[1]);return function(e){return o(i(e))}}function Ho(e,t){var n,r=0,i=e.length-1,o=e[r],s=e[i];if(o>s){n=r,r=i,i=n;n=o,o=s,s=n}e[r]=t.floor(o);e[i]=t.ceil(s);return e}function Vo(e){return e?{floor:function(t){return Math.floor(t/e)*e},ceil:function(t){return Math.ceil(t/e)*e}}:xu}function zo(e,t,n,r){var i=[],o=[],s=0,a=Math.min(e.length,t.length)-1;if(e[a]<e[0]){e=e.slice().reverse();t=t.slice().reverse()}for(;++s<=a;){i.push(n(e[s-1],e[s]));o.push(r(t[s-1],t[s]))}return function(t){var n=ia.bisect(e,t,1,a)-1;return o[n](i[n](t))}}function Wo(e,t,n,r){function i(){var i=Math.min(e.length,t.length)>2?zo:Uo,l=r?zi:Vi;s=i(e,t,l,n);a=i(t,e,l,xi);return o}function o(e){return s(e)}var s,a;o.invert=function(e){return a(e)};o.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return e;;return i()};o.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=e;return i()};o.rangeRound=function(e){return o.range(e).interpolate(ji)};o.clamp=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=e;return i()};o.interpolate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=e;return i()};o.ticks=function(t){return Yo(e,t)};o.tickFormat=function(t,n){return Qo(e,t,n)};o.nice=function(t){Xo(e,t);return i()};o.copy=function(){return Wo(e,t,n,r)};return i()}function $o(e,t){return ia.rebind(e,t,"range","rangeRound","interpolate","clamp")}function Xo(e,t){return Ho(e,Vo(Ko(e,t)[2]))}function Ko(e,t){null==t&&(t=10);var n=Bo(e),r=n[1]-n[0],i=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(r/t)/Math.LN10)),o=t/r*i;.15>=o?i*=10:.35>=o?i*=5:.75>=o&&(i*=2);n[0]=Math.ceil(n[0]/i)*i;n[1]=Math.floor(n[1]/i)*i+.5*i;n[2]=i;return n}function Yo(e,t){return ia.range.apply(ia,Ko(e,t))}function Qo(e,t,n){var r=Ko(e,t);if(n){var i=ll.exec(n);i.shift();if("s"===i[8]){var o=ia.formatPrefix(Math.max(ma(r[0]),ma(r[1])));i[7]||(i[7]="."+Jo(o.scale(r[2])));i[8]="f";n=ia.format(i.join(""));return function(e){return n(o.scale(e))+o.symbol}}i[7]||(i[7]="."+Zo(i[8],r));n=i.join("")}else n=",."+Jo(r[2])+"f";return ia.format(n)}function Jo(e){return-Math.floor(Math.log(e)/Math.LN10+.01)}function Zo(e,t){var n=Jo(t[2]);return e in bu?Math.abs(n-Jo(Math.max(ma(t[0]),ma(t[1]))))+ +("e"!==e):n-2*("%"===e)}function es(e,t,n,r){function i(e){return(n?Math.log(0>e?0:e):-Math.log(e>0?0:-e))/Math.log(t)}function o(e){return n?Math.pow(t,e):-Math.pow(t,-e)}function s(t){return e(i(t))}s.invert=function(t){return o(e.invert(t))};s.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;n=t[0]>=0;e.domain((;return s};s.base=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=+n;e.domain(;return s};s.nice=function(){var t=Ho(,n?Math:Su);e.domain(t);;return s};s.ticks=function(){var e=Bo(r),s=[],a=e[0],l=e[1],u=Math.floor(i(a)),c=Math.ceil(i(l)),p=t%1?2:t;if(isFinite(c-u)){if(n){for(;c>u;u++)for(var d=1;p>d;d++)s.push(o(u)*d);s.push(o(u))}else{s.push(o(u));for(;u++<c;)for(var d=p-1;d>0;d--)s.push(o(u)*d)}for(u=0;s[u]<a;u++);for(c=s.length;s[c-1]>l;c--);s=s.slice(u,c)}return s};s.tickFormat=function(e,t){if(!arguments.length)return Tu;arguments.length<2?t=Tu:"function"!=typeof t&&(t=ia.format(t));var r,a=Math.max(.1,e/s.ticks().length),l=n?(r=1e-12,Math.ceil):(r=-1e-12,Math.floor);return function(e){return e/o(l(i(e)+r))<=a?t(e):""}};s.copy=function(){return es(e.copy(),t,n,r)};return $o(s,e)}function ts(e,t,n){function r(t){return e(i(t))}var i=ns(t),o=ns(1/t);r.invert=function(t){return o(e.invert(t))};r.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;e.domain((;return r};r.ticks=function(e){return Yo(n,e)};r.tickFormat=function(e,t){return Qo(n,e,t)};r.nice=function(e){return r.domain(Xo(n,e))};r.exponent=function(s){if(!arguments.length)return t;i=ns(t=s);o=ns(1/t);e.domain(;return r};r.copy=function(){return ts(e.copy(),t,n)};return $o(r,e)}function ns(e){return function(t){return 0>t?-Math.pow(-t,e):Math.pow(t,e)}}function rs(e,t){function n(n){return o[((i.get(n)||("range"===t.t?i.set(n,e.push(n)):0/0))-1)%o.length]}function r(t,n){return ia.range(e.length).map(function(e){return t+n*e})}var i,o,s;n.domain=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return e;e=[];i=new p;for(var o,s=-1,a=r.length;++s<a;)i.has(o=r[s])||i.set(o,e.push(o));return n[t.t].apply(n,t.a)};n.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return o;o=e;s=0;t={t:"range",a:arguments};return n};n.rangePoints=function(i,a){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);var l=i[0],u=i[1],c=e.length<2?(l=(l+u)/2,0):(u-l)/(e.length-1+a);o=r(l+c*a/2,c);s=0;t={t:"rangePoints",a:arguments};return n};n.rangeRoundPoints=function(i,a){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);var l=i[0],u=i[1],c=e.length<2?(l=u=Math.round((l+u)/2),0):(u-l)/(e.length-1+a)|0;o=r(l+Math.round(c*a/2+(u-l-(e.length-1+a)*c)/2),c);s=0;t={t:"rangeRoundPoints",a:arguments};return n};n.rangeBands=function(i,a,l){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);arguments.length<3&&(l=a);var u=i[1]<i[0],c=i[u-0],p=i[1-u],d=(p-c)/(e.length-a+2*l);o=r(c+d*l,d);u&&o.reverse();s=d*(1-a);t={t:"rangeBands",a:arguments};return n};n.rangeRoundBands=function(i,a,l){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);arguments.length<3&&(l=a);var u=i[1]<i[0],c=i[u-0],p=i[1-u],d=Math.floor((p-c)/(e.length-a+2*l));o=r(c+Math.round((p-c-(e.length-a)*d)/2),d);u&&o.reverse();s=Math.round(d*(1-a));t={t:"rangeRoundBands",a:arguments};return n};n.rangeBand=function(){return s};n.rangeExtent=function(){return Bo(t.a[0])};n.copy=function(){return rs(e,t)};return n.domain(e)}function is(e,t){function n(){var n=0,i=t.length;a=[];for(;++n<i;)a[n-1]=ia.quantile(e,n/i);return r}function r(e){return isNaN(e=+e)?void 0:t[ia.bisect(a,e)]}var a;r.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return e;;return n()};r.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=e;return n()};r.quantiles=function(){return a};r.invertExtent=function(n){n=t.indexOf(n);return 0>n?[0/0,0/0]:[n>0?a[n-1]:e[0],n<a.length?a[n]:e[e.length-1]]};r.copy=function(){return is(e,t)};return n()}function os(e,t,n){function r(t){return n[Math.max(0,Math.min(s,Math.floor(o*(t-e))))]}function i(){o=n.length/(t-e);s=n.length-1;return r}var o,s;r.domain=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return[e,t];e=+n[0];t=+n[n.length-1];return i()};r.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=e;return i()};r.invertExtent=function(t){t=n.indexOf(t);t=0>t?0/0:t/o+e;return[t,t+1/o]};r.copy=function(){return os(e,t,n)};return i()}function ss(e,t){function n(n){return n>=n?t[ia.bisect(e,n)]:void 0}n.domain=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return e;e=t;return n};n.range=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=e;return n};n.invertExtent=function(n){n=t.indexOf(n);return[e[n-1],e[n]]};n.copy=function(){return ss(e,t)};return n}function as(e){function t(e){return+e}t.invert=t;t.domain=t.range=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return e;;return t};t.ticks=function(t){return Yo(e,t)};t.tickFormat=function(t,n){return Qo(e,t,n)};t.copy=function(){return as(e)};return t}function ls(){return 0}function us(e){return e.innerRadius}function cs(e){return e.outerRadius}function ps(e){return e.startAngle}function ds(e){return e.endAngle}function fs(e){return e&&e.padAngle}function hs(e,t,n,r){return(e-n)*t-(t-r)*e>0?0:1}function gs(e,t,n,r,i){var o=e[0]-t[0],s=e[1]-t[1],a=(i?r:-r)/Math.sqrt(o*o+s*s),l=a*s,u=-a*o,c=e[0]+l,p=e[1]+u,d=t[0]+l,f=t[1]+u,h=(c+d)/2,g=(p+f)/2,m=d-c,v=f-p,E=m*m+v*v,y=n-r,x=c*f-d*p,b=(0>v?-1:1)*Math.sqrt(y*y*E-x*x),T=(x*v-m*b)/E,S=(-x*m-v*b)/E,N=(x*v+m*b)/E,C=(-x*m+v*b)/E,L=T-h,A=S-g,I=N-h,w=C-g;L*L+A*A>I*I+w*w&&(T=N,S=C);return[[T-l,S-u],[T*n/y,S*n/y]]}function ms(e){function t(t){function s(){u.push("M",o(e(c),a))}for(var l,u=[],c=[],p=-1,d=t.length,f=It(n),h=It(r);++p<d;)if(,l=t[p],p))c.push([,l,p),,l,p)]);else if(c.length){s();c=[]}c.length&&s();return u.length?u.join(""):null}var n=Rr,r=_r,i=_n,o=vs,s=o.key,a=.7;t.x=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=e;return t};t.y=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=e;return t};t.defined=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=e;return t};t.interpolate=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return s;s="function"==typeof e?o=e:(o=wu.get(e)||vs).key;return t};t.tension=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return a;a=e;return t};return t}function vs(e){return e.join("L")}function Es(e){return vs(e)+"Z"}function ys(e){for(var t=0,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<n;)i.push("H",(r[0]+(r=e[t])[0])/2,"V",r[1]);n>1&&i.push("H",r[0]);return i.join("")}function xs(e){for(var t=0,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<n;)i.push("V",(r=e[t])[1],"H",r[0]);return i.join("")}function bs(e){for(var 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n(e,n,o){arguments.length<3&&(o=n,n=null);var s=Rt(e,t,null==n?r:i(n),o);s.row=function(e){return arguments.length?s.response(null==(n=e)?r:i(e)):n};return s}function r(e){return n.parse(e.responseText)}function i(e){return function(t){return n.parse(t.responseText,e)}}function o(t){return}function s(e){return a.test(e)?'"'+e.replace(/\"/g,'""')+'"':e}var a=new RegExp('["'+e+"\n]"),l=e.charCodeAt(0);n.parse=function(e,t){var r;return n.parseRows(e,function(e,n){if(r)return r(e,n-1);var i=new Function("d","return {",t){return JSON.stringify(e)+": d["+t+"]"}).join(",")+"}");r=t?function(e,n){return t(i(e),n)}:i})};n.parseRows=function(e,t){function n(){if(c>=u)return s;if(i)return i=!1,o;var t=c;if(34===e.charCodeAt(t)){for(var n=t;n++<u;)if(34===e.charCodeAt(n)){if(34!==e.charCodeAt(n+1))break;++n}c=n+2;var r=e.charCodeAt(n+1);if(13===r){i=!0;10===e.charCodeAt(n+2)&&++c}else 10===r&&(i=!0);return e.slice(t+1,n).replace(/""/g,'"')}for(;u>c;){var r=e.charCodeAt(c++),a=1;if(10===r)i=!0;else if(13===r){i=!0;10===e.charCodeAt(c)&&(++c,++a)}else if(r!==l)continue;return e.slice(t,c-a)}return e.slice(t)}for(var r,i,o={},s={},a=[],u=e.length,c=0,p=0;(r=n())!==s;){for(var d=[];r!==o&&r!==s;){d.push(r);r=n()}t&&null==(d=t(d,p++))||a.push(d)}return a};n.format=function(t){if(Array.isArray(t[0]))return n.formatRows(t);var r=new y,i=[];t.forEach(function(e){for(var t in e)r.has(t)||i.push(r.add(t))});return[].concat({return{return s(t[e])}).join(e)})).join("\n")};n.formatRows=function(e){return"\n")};return n};ia.csv=ia.dsv(",","text/csv");ia.tsv=ia.dsv(" ","text/tab-separated-values");var tl,nl,rl,il,ol,sl=this[T(this,"requestAnimationFrame")]||function(e){setTimeout(e,17)};ia.timer=function(e,t,n){var r=arguments.length;2>r&&(t=0);3>r&&(;var i=n+t,o={c:e,t:i,f:!1,n:null};nl?nl.n=o:tl=o;nl=o;if(!rl){il=clearTimeout(il);rl=1;sl(Dt)}};ia.timer.flush=function(){kt();Ft()};ia.round=function(e,t){return t?Math.round(e*(t=Math.pow(10,t)))/t:Math.round(e)};var al=["y","z","a","f","p","n","µ","m","","k","M","G","T","P","E","Z","Y"].map(Mt);ia.formatPrefix=function(e,t){var n=0;if(e){0>e&&(e*=-1);t&&(e=ia.round(e,Pt(e,t)));n=1+Math.floor(1e-12+Math.log(e)/Math.LN10);n=Math.max(-24,Math.min(24,3*Math.floor((n-1)/3)))}return al[8+n/3]};var ll=/(?:([^{])?([<>=^]))?([+\- ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.-?\d+)?([a-z%])?/i,{b:function(e){return e.toString(2)},c:function(e){return String.fromCharCode(e)},o:function(e){return e.toString(8)},x:function(e){return e.toString(16)},X:function(e){return e.toString(16).toUpperCase()},g:function(e,t){return e.toPrecision(t)},e:function(e,t){return e.toExponential(t)},f:function(e,t){return e.toFixed(t)},r:function(e,t){return(e=ia.round(e,Pt(e,t))).toFixed(Math.max(0,Math.min(20,Pt(e*(1+1e-15),t))))}}),cl=ia.time={},pl=Date;Bt.prototype={getDate:function(){return this._.getUTCDate()},getDay:function(){return this._.getUTCDay()},getFullYear:function(){return this._.getUTCFullYear()},getHours:function(){return this._.getUTCHours()},getMilliseconds:function(){return this._.getUTCMilliseconds()},getMinutes:function(){return this._.getUTCMinutes()},getMonth:function(){return this._.getUTCMonth()},getSeconds:function(){return this._.getUTCSeconds()},getTime:function(){return this._.getTime()},getTimezoneOffset:function(){return 0},valueOf:function(){return this._.valueOf()},setDate:function(){dl.setUTCDate.apply(this._,arguments)},setDay:function(){dl.setUTCDay.apply(this._,arguments)},setFullYear:function(){dl.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._,arguments)},setHours:function(){dl.setUTCHours.apply(this._,arguments)},setMilliseconds:function(){dl.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._,arguments)},setMinutes:function(){dl.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._,arguments)},setMonth:function(){dl.setUTCMonth.apply(this._,arguments)},setSeconds:function(){dl.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._,arguments)},setTime:function(){dl.setTime.apply(this._,arguments)}};var dl=Date.prototype;cl.year=qt(function(e){;e.setMonth(0,1);return e},function(e,t){e.setFullYear(e.getFullYear()+t)},function(e){return e.getFullYear()});cl.years=cl.year.range;cl.years.utc=cl.year.utc.range;{var t=new pl(2e3,0);t.setFullYear(e.getFullYear(),e.getMonth(),e.getDate());return t},function(e,t){e.setDate(e.getDate()+t)},function(e){return e.getDate()-1});;;cl.dayOfYear=function(e){var t=cl.year(e);return Math.floor((e-t-6e4*(e.getTimezoneOffset()-t.getTimezoneOffset()))/864e5)};["sunday","monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday","saturday"].forEach(function(e,t){t=7-t;var n=cl[e]=qt(function(e){(;return e},function(e,t){e.setDate(e.getDate()+7*Math.floor(t))},function(e){var n=cl.year(e).getDay();return Math.floor((cl.dayOfYear(e)+(n+t)%7)/7)-(n!==t)});cl[e+"s"]=n.range;cl[e+"s"].utc=n.utc.range;cl[e+"OfYear"]=function(e){var n=cl.year(e).getDay();return Math.floor((cl.dayOfYear(e)+(n+t)%7)/7)}});cl.week=cl.sunday;cl.weeks=cl.sunday.range;cl.weeks.utc=cl.sunday.utc.range;cl.weekOfYear=cl.sundayOfYear;var fl={"-":"",_:" ",0:"0"},hl=/^\s*\d+/,gl=/^%/;ia.locale=function(e){return{numberFormat:jt(e),timeFormat:Ht(e)}};var ml=ia.locale({decimal:".",thousands:",",grouping:[3],currency:["$",""],dateTime:"%a %b %e %X %Y",date:"%m/%d/%Y",time:"%H:%M:%S",periods:["AM","PM"],days:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],shortDays:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],months:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],shortMonths:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]});ia.format=ml.numberFormat;ia.geo={};pn.prototype={s:0,t:0,add:function(e){dn(e,this.t,vl);dn(vl.s,this.s,this);this.s?this.t+=vl.t:this.s=vl.t},reset:function(){this.s=this.t=0},valueOf:function(){return this.s}};var vl=new pn;,t){e&&El.hasOwnProperty(e.type)?El[e.type](e,t):fn(e,t)};var El={Feature:function(e,t){fn(e.geometry,t)},FeatureCollection:function(e,t){for(var n=e.features,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)fn(n[r].geometry,t)}},yl={Sphere:function(e,t){t.sphere()},Point:function(e,t){e=e.coordinates;t.point(e[0],e[1],e[2])},MultiPoint:function(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)e=n[r],t.point(e[0],e[1],e[2])},LineString:function(e,t){hn(e.coordinates,t,0)},MultiLineString:function(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)hn(n[r],t,0)},Polygon:function(e,t){gn(e.coordinates,t)},MultiPolygon:function(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)gn(n[r],t)},GeometryCollection:function(e,t){for(var n=e.geometries,r=-1,i=n.length;++r<i;)fn(n[r],t)}};ia.geo.area=function(e){xl=0;,Tl);return xl};var xl,bl=new pn,Tl={sphere:function(){xl+=4*ka},point:S,lineStart:S,lineEnd:S,polygonStart:function(){bl.reset();Tl.lineStart=mn},polygonEnd:function(){var e=2*bl;xl+=0>e?4*ka+e:e;Tl.lineStart=Tl.lineEnd=Tl.point=S}};ia.geo.bounds=function(){function e(e,t){y.push(x=[c=e,d=e]);p>t&&(p=t);t>f&&(f=t)}function t(t,n){var r=vn([t*ja,n*ja]);if(v){var i=yn(v,r),o=[i[1],-i[0],0],s=yn(o,i);Tn(s);s=Sn(s);var l=t-h,u=l>0?1:-1,g=s[0]*Ga*u,m=ma(l)>180;if(m^(g>u*h&&u*t>g)){var E=s[1]*Ga;E>f&&(f=E)}else if(g=(g+360)%360-180,m^(g>u*h&&u*t>g)){var E=-s[1]*Ga;p>E&&(p=E)}else{p>n&&(p=n);n>f&&(f=n)}if(m)h>t?a(c,t)>a(c,d)&&(d=t):a(t,d)>a(c,d)&&(c=t);else if(d>=c){c>t&&(c=t);t>d&&(d=t)}else t>h?a(c,t)>a(c,d)&&(d=t):a(t,d)>a(c,d)&&(c=t)}else e(t,n);v=r,h=t}function n(){b.point=t}function r(){x[0]=c,x[1]=d;b.point=e;v=null}function i(e,n){if(v){var r=e-h;E+=ma(r)>180?r+(r>0?360:-360):r}else g=e,m=n;Tl.point(e,n);t(e,n)}function o(){Tl.lineStart()}function s(){i(g,m);Tl.lineEnd();ma(E)>Oa&&(c=-(d=180));x[0]=c,x[1]=d;v=null}function a(e,t){return(t-=e)<0?t+360:t}function l(e,t){return e[0]-t[0]}function u(e,t){return t[0]<=t[1]?t[0]<=e&&e<=t[1]:e<t[0]||t[1]<e}var c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v,E,y,x,b={point:e,lineStart:n,lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){b.point=i;b.lineStart=o;b.lineEnd=s;E=0;Tl.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){Tl.polygonEnd();b.point=e;b.lineStart=n;b.lineEnd=r;0>bl?(c=-(d=180),p=-(f=90)):E>Oa?f=90:-Oa>E&&(p=-90);x[0]=c,x[1]=d}};return function(e){f=d=-(c=p=1/0);y=[];,b);var t=y.length;if(t){y.sort(l);for(var n,r=1,i=y[0],o=[i];t>r;++r){n=y[r];if(u(n[0],i)||u(n[1],i)){a(i[0],n[1])>a(i[0],i[1])&&(i[1]=n[1]);a(n[0],i[1])>a(i[0],i[1])&&(i[0]=n[0])}else o.push(i=n)}for(var s,n,h=-1/0,t=o.length-1,r=0,i=o[t];t>=r;i=n,++r){n=o[r];(s=a(i[1],n[0]))>h&&(h=s,c=n[0],d=i[1])}}y=x=null;return 1/0===c||1/0===p?[[0/0,0/0],[0/0,0/0]]:[[c,p],[d,f]]}}();ia.geo.centroid=function(e){Sl=Nl=Cl=Ll=Al=Il=wl=Rl=_l=Ol=Dl=0;,kl);var t=_l,n=Ol,r=Dl,i=t*t+n*n+r*r;if(Da>i){t=Il,n=wl,r=Rl;Oa>Nl&&(t=Cl,n=Ll,r=Al);i=t*t+n*n+r*r;if(Da>i)return[0/0,0/0]}return[Math.atan2(n,t)*Ga,rt(r/Math.sqrt(i))*Ga]};var Sl,Nl,Cl,Ll,Al,Il,wl,Rl,_l,Ol,Dl,kl={sphere:S,point:Cn,lineStart:An,lineEnd:In,polygonStart:function(){kl.lineStart=wn },polygonEnd:function(){kl.lineStart=An}},Fl=Fn(_n,Gn,qn,[-ka,-ka/2]),Pl=1e9;ia.geo.clipExtent=function(){var e,t,n,r,i,o,s={stream:function(e){i&&(i.valid=!1);i=o(e);i.valid=!0;return i},extent:function(a){if(!arguments.length)return[[e,t],[n,r]];o=zn(e=+a[0][0],t=+a[0][1],n=+a[1][0],r=+a[1][1]);i&&(i.valid=!1,i=null);return s}};return s.extent([[0,0],[960,500]])};(ia.geo.conicEqualArea=function(){return Wn($n)}).raw=$n;ia.geo.albers=function(){return ia.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([96,0]).center([-.6,38.7]).parallels([29.5,45.5]).scale(1070)};ia.geo.albersUsa=function(){function e(e){var o=e[0],s=e[1];t=null;(n(o,s),t)||(r(o,s),t)||i(o,s);return t}var t,n,r,i,o=ia.geo.albers(),s=ia.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([154,0]).center([-2,58.5]).parallels([55,65]),a=ia.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([157,0]).center([-3,19.9]).parallels([8,18]),l={point:function(e,n){t=[e,n]}};e.invert=function(e){var t=o.scale(),n=o.translate(),r=(e[0]-n[0])/t,i=(e[1]-n[1])/t;return(i>=.12&&.234>i&&r>=-.425&&-.214>r?s:i>=.166&&.234>i&&r>=-.214&&-.115>r?a:o).invert(e)};{var,,;return{point:function(e,i){t.point(e,i);n.point(e,i);r.point(e,i)},sphere:function(){t.sphere();n.sphere();r.sphere()},lineStart:function(){t.lineStart();n.lineStart();r.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){t.lineEnd();n.lineEnd();r.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart();n.polygonStart();r.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd();n.polygonEnd();r.polygonEnd()}}};e.precision=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o.precision();o.precision(t);s.precision(t);a.precision(t);return e};e.scale=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o.scale();o.scale(t);s.scale(.35*t);a.scale(t);return e.translate(o.translate())};e.translate=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o.translate();var u=o.scale(),c=+t[0],p=+t[1];n=o.translate(t).clipExtent([[c-.455*u,p-.238*u],[c+.455*u,p+.238*u]]).stream(l).point;r=s.translate([c-.307*u,p+.201*u]).clipExtent([[c-.425*u+Oa,p+.12*u+Oa],[c-.214*u-Oa,p+.234*u-Oa]]).stream(l).point;i=a.translate([c-.205*u,p+.212*u]).clipExtent([[c-.214*u+Oa,p+.166*u+Oa],[c-.115*u-Oa,p+.234*u-Oa]]).stream(l).point;return e};return e.scale(1070)};var Ml,jl,Gl,Bl,ql,Ul,Hl={point:S,lineStart:S,lineEnd:S,polygonStart:function(){jl=0;Hl.lineStart=Xn},polygonEnd:function(){Hl.lineStart=Hl.lineEnd=Hl.point=S;Ml+=ma(jl/2)}},Vl={point:Kn,lineStart:S,lineEnd:S,polygonStart:S,polygonEnd:S},zl={point:Jn,lineStart:Zn,lineEnd:er,polygonStart:function(){zl.lineStart=tr},polygonEnd:function(){zl.point=Jn;zl.lineStart=Zn;zl.lineEnd=er}};ia.geo.path=function(){function e(e){if(e){"function"==typeof a&&o.pointRadius(+a.apply(this,arguments));s&&s.valid||(s=i(o));,s)}return o.result()}function t(){s=null;return e}var n,r,i,o,s,a=4.5;e.area=function(e){Ml=0;,i(Hl));return Ml};e.centroid=function(e){Cl=Ll=Al=Il=wl=Rl=_l=Ol=Dl=0;,i(zl));return Dl?[_l/Dl,Ol/Dl]:Rl?[Il/Rl,wl/Rl]:Al?[Cl/Al,Ll/Al]:[0/0,0/0]};e.bounds=function(e){ql=Ul=-(Gl=Bl=1/0);,i(Vl));return[[Gl,Bl],[ql,Ul]]};e.projection=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return n;i=(n=e)?||ir(e):x;return t()};e.context=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;o=null==(r=e)?new Yn:new nr(e);"function"!=typeof a&&o.pointRadius(a);return t()};e.pointRadius=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return a;a="function"==typeof t?t:(o.pointRadius(+t),+t);return e};return e.projection(ia.geo.albersUsa()).context(null)};ia.geo.transform=function(e){return{stream:function(t){var n=new or(t);for(var r in e)n[r]=e[r];return n}}};or.prototype={point:function(e,t){,t)},sphere:function(){},lineStart:function(){},lineEnd:function(){},polygonStart:function(){},polygonEnd:function(){}};ia.geo.projection=ar;ia.geo.projectionMutator=lr;(ia.geo.equirectangular=function(){return ar(cr)}).raw=cr.invert=cr;ia.geo.rotation=function(e){function t(t){t=e(t[0]*ja,t[1]*ja);return t[0]*=Ga,t[1]*=Ga,t}e=dr(e[0]%360*ja,e[1]*ja,e.length>2?e[2]*ja:0);t.invert=function(t){t=e.invert(t[0]*ja,t[1]*ja);return t[0]*=Ga,t[1]*=Ga,t};return t};pr.invert=cr;{function e(){var e="function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r,t=dr(-e[0]*ja,-e[1]*ja,0).invert,i=[];n(null,null,1,{point:function(e,n){i.push(e=t(e,n));e[0]*=Ga,e[1]*=Ga}});return{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[i]}}var t,n,r=[0,0],i=6;e.origin=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=t;return e};e.angle=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return t;n=mr((t=+r)*ja,i*ja);return e};e.precision=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return i;n=mr(t*ja,(i=+r)*ja);return e};return e.angle(90)};ia.geo.distance=function(e,t){var n,r=(t[0]-e[0])*ja,i=e[1]*ja,o=t[1]*ja,s=Math.sin(r),a=Math.cos(r),l=Math.sin(i),u=Math.cos(i),c=Math.sin(o),p=Math.cos(o);return Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((n=p*s)*n+(n=u*c-l*p*a)*n),l*c+u*p*a)};ia.geo.graticule=function(){function e(){return{type:"MultiLineString",coordinates:t()}}function t(){return ia.range(Math.ceil(o/m)*m,i,m).map(d).concat(ia.range(Math.ceil(u/v)*v,l,v).map(f)).concat(ia.range(Math.ceil(r/h)*h,n,h).filter(function(e){return ma(e%m)>Oa}).map(c)).concat(ia.range(Math.ceil(a/g)*g,s,g).filter(function(e){return ma(e%v)>Oa}).map(p))}var n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p,d,f,h=10,g=h,m=90,v=360,E=2.5;e.lines=function(){return t().map(function(e){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:e}})};e.outline=function(){return{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[d(o).concat(f(l).slice(1),d(i).reverse().slice(1),f(u).reverse().slice(1))]}};e.extent=function(t){return arguments.length?e.majorExtent(t).minorExtent(t):e.minorExtent()};e.majorExtent=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[[o,u],[i,l]];o=+t[0][0],i=+t[1][0];u=+t[0][1],l=+t[1][1];o>i&&(t=o,o=i,i=t);u>l&&(t=u,u=l,l=t);return e.precision(E)};e.minorExtent=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[[r,a],[n,s]];r=+t[0][0],n=+t[1][0];a=+t[0][1],s=+t[1][1];r>n&&(t=r,r=n,n=t);a>s&&(t=a,a=s,s=t);return e.precision(E)};e.step=function(t){return arguments.length?e.majorStep(t).minorStep(t):e.minorStep()};e.majorStep=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[m,v];m=+t[0],v=+t[1];return e};e.minorStep=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return[h,g];h=+t[0],g=+t[1];return e};e.precision=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return E;E=+t;c=Er(a,s,90);p=yr(r,n,E);d=Er(u,l,90);f=yr(o,i,E);return e};return e.majorExtent([[-180,-90+Oa],[180,90-Oa]]).minorExtent([[-180,-80-Oa],[180,80+Oa]])};ia.geo.greatArc=function(){function e(){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:[t||r.apply(this,arguments),n||i.apply(this,arguments)]}}var t,n,r=xr,i=br;e.distance=function(){return ia.geo.distance(t||r.apply(this,arguments),n||i.apply(this,arguments))};e.source=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=n,t="function"==typeof n?null:n;return e};{if(!arguments.length)return i;i=t,n="function"==typeof t?null:t;return e};e.precision=function(){return arguments.length?e:0};return e};ia.geo.interpolate=function(e,t){return Tr(e[0]*ja,e[1]*ja,t[0]*ja,t[1]*ja)};ia.geo.length=function(e){Wl=0;,$l);return Wl};var Wl,$l={sphere:S,point:S,lineStart:Sr,lineEnd:S,polygonStart:S,polygonEnd:S},Xl=Nr(function(e){return Math.sqrt(2/(1+e))},function(e){return 2*Math.asin(e/2)});(ia.geo.azimuthalEqualArea=function(){return ar(Xl)}).raw=Xl;var Kl=Nr(function(e){var t=Math.acos(e);return t&&t/Math.sin(t)},x);(ia.geo.azimuthalEquidistant=function(){return ar(Kl)}).raw=Kl;(ia.geo.conicConformal=function(){return Wn(Cr)}).raw=Cr;(ia.geo.conicEquidistant=function(){return Wn(Lr)}).raw=Lr;var Yl=Nr(function(e){return 1/e},Math.atan);(ia.geo.gnomonic=function(){return ar(Yl)}).raw=Yl;Ar.invert=function(e,t){return[e,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(t))-Ma]};(ia.geo.mercator=function(){return Ir(Ar)}).raw=Ar;var Ql=Nr(function(){return 1},Math.asin);(ia.geo.orthographic=function(){return ar(Ql)}).raw=Ql;var Jl=Nr(function(e){return 1/(1+e)},function(e){return 2*Math.atan(e)});(ia.geo.stereographic=function(){return ar(Jl)}).raw=Jl;wr.invert=function(e,t){return[-t,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(e))-Ma]};(ia.geo.transverseMercator=function(){var e=Ir(wr),,n=e.rotate;{return e?t([-e[1],e[0]]):(e=t(),[e[1],-e[0]])};e.rotate=function(e){return e?n([e[0],e[1],e.length>2?e[2]+90:90]):(e=n(),[e[0],e[1],e[2]-90])};return n([0,0,90])}).raw=wr;ia.geom={};ia.geom.hull=function(e){function t(e){if(e.length<3)return[];var t,i=It(n),o=It(r),s=e.length,a=[],l=[];for(t=0;s>t;t++)a.push([,e[t],t),,e[t],t),t]);a.sort(Dr);for(t=0;s>t;t++)l.push([a[t][0],-a[t][1]]);var u=Or(a),c=Or(l),p=c[0]===u[0],d=c[c.length-1]===u[u.length-1],f=[];for(t=u.length-1;t>=0;--t)f.push(e[a[u[t]][2]]);for(t=+p;t<c.length-d;++t)f.push(e[a[c[t]][2]]);return f}var n=Rr,r=_r;if(arguments.length)return t(e);t.x=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=e,t):n};t.y=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=e,t):r};return t};ia.geom.polygon=function(e){ba(e,Zl);return e};var Zl=ia.geom.polygon.prototype=[];Zl.area=function(){for(var e,t=-1,n=this.length,r=this[n-1],i=0;++t<n;){e=r;r=this[t];i+=e[1]*r[0]-e[0]*r[1]}return.5*i};Zl.centroid=function(e){var t,n,r=-1,i=this.length,o=0,s=0,a=this[i-1];arguments.length||(e=-1/(6*this.area()));for(;++r<i;){t=a;a=this[r];n=t[0]*a[1]-a[0]*t[1];o+=(t[0]+a[0])*n;s+=(t[1]+a[1])*n}return[o*e,s*e]};Zl.clip=function(e){for(var t,n,r,i,o,s,a=Pr(e),l=-1,u=this.length-Pr(this),c=this[u-1];++l<u;){t=e.slice();e.length=0;i=this[l];o=t[(r=t.length-a)-1];n=-1;for(;++n<r;){s=t[n];if(kr(s,c,i)){kr(o,c,i)||e.push(Fr(o,s,c,i));e.push(s)}else kr(o,c,i)&&e.push(Fr(o,s,c,i));o=s}a&&e.push(e[0]);c=i}return e};var eu,tu,nu,ru,iu,ou=[],su=[];Vr.prototype.prepare=function(){for(var e,t=this.edges,n=t.length;n--;){e=t[n].edge;e.b&&e.a||t.splice(n,1)}t.sort(Wr);return t.length};ni.prototype={start:function(){return},end:function(){return}};ri.prototype={insert:function(e,t){var n,r,i;if(e){t.P=e;t.N=e.N;e.N&&(e.N.P=t);e.N=t;if(e.R){e=e.R;for(;e.L;)e=e.L;e.L=t}else e.R=t;n=e}else if(this._){e=ai(this._);t.P=null;t.N=e;e.P=e.L=t;n=e}else{t.P=t.N=null;this._=t;n=null}t.L=t.R=null;t.U=n;t.C=!0;e=t;for(;n&&n.C;){r=n.U;if(n===r.L){i=r.R;if(i&&i.C){n.C=i.C=!1;r.C=!0;e=r}else{if(e===n.R){oi(this,n);e=n;n=e.U}n.C=!1;r.C=!0;si(this,r)}}else{i=r.L;if(i&&i.C){n.C=i.C=!1;r.C=!0;e=r}else{if(e===n.L){si(this,n);e=n;n=e.U}n.C=!1;r.C=!0;oi(this,r)}}n=e.U}this._.C=!1},remove:function(e){e.N&&(e.N.P=e.P);e.P&&(e.P.N=e.N);e.N=e.P=null;var t,n,r,i=e.U,o=e.L,s=e.R;n=o?s?ai(s):o:s;i?i.L===e?i.L=n:i.R=n:this._=n;if(o&&s){r=n.C;n.C=e.C;n.L=o;o.U=n;if(n!==s){i=n.U;n.U=e.U;e=n.R;i.L=e;n.R=s;s.U=n}else{n.U=i;i=n;e=n.R}}else{r=e.C;e=n}e&&(e.U=i);if(!r)if(e&&e.C)e.C=!1;else{do{if(e===this._)break;if(e===i.L){t=i.R;if(t.C){t.C=!1;i.C=!0;oi(this,i);t=i.R}if(t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){if(!t.R||!t.R.C){t.L.C=!1;t.C=!0;si(this,t);t=i.R}t.C=i.C;i.C=t.R.C=!1;oi(this,i);e=this._;break}}else{t=i.L;if(t.C){t.C=!1;i.C=!0;si(this,i);t=i.L}if(t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){if(!t.L||!t.L.C){t.R.C=!1;t.C=!0;oi(this,t);t=i.L}t.C=i.C;i.C=t.L.C=!1;si(this,i);e=this._;break}}t.C=!0;e=i;i=i.U}while(!e.C);e&&(e.C=!1)}}};ia.geom.voronoi=function(e){function t(e){var t=new Array(e.length),r=a[0][0],i=a[0][1],o=a[1][0],s=a[1][1];li(n(e),a).cells.forEach(function(n,a){var l=n.edges,,c=t[a]=l.length?{var t=e.start();return[t.x,t.y]}):u.x>=r&&u.x<=o&&u.y>=i&&u.y<=s?[[r,s],[o,s],[o,i],[r,i]]:[];c.point=e[a]});return t}function n(e){return,t){return{x:Math.round(o(e,t)/Oa)*Oa,y:Math.round(s(e,t)/Oa)*Oa,i:t}})}var r=Rr,i=_r,o=r,s=i,a=au;if(e)return t(e);t.links=function(e){return li(n(e)).edges.filter(function(e){return e.l&&e.r}).map(function(t){return{source:e[t.l.i],target:e[t.r.i]}})};t.triangles=function(e){var t=[];li(n(e)).cells.forEach(function(n,r){for(var i,o,,a=n.edges.sort(Wr),l=-1,u=a.length,c=a[u-1].edge,p=c.l===s?c.r:c.l;++l<u;){i=c;o=p;c=a[l].edge;p=c.l===s?c.r:c.l;r<o.i&&r<p.i&&ci(s,o,p)<0&&t.push([e[r],e[o.i],e[p.i]])}});return t};t.x=function(e){return arguments.length?(o=It(r=e),t):r};t.y=function(e){return arguments.length?(s=It(i=e),t):i};t.clipExtent=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return a===au?null:a;a=null==e?au:e;return t};t.size=function(e){return arguments.length?t.clipExtent(e&&[[0,0],e]):a===au?null:a&&a[1]};return t};var au=[[-1e6,-1e6],[1e6,1e6]];ia.geom.delaunay=function(e){return ia.geom.voronoi().triangles(e)};ia.geom.quadtree=function(e,t,n,r,i){function o(e){function o(e,t,n,r,i,o,s,a){if(!isNaN(n)&&!isNaN(r))if(e.leaf){var l=e.x,c=e.y;if(null!=l)if(ma(l-n)+ma(c-r)<.01)u(e,t,n,r,i,o,s,a);else{var p=e.point;e.x=e.y=e.point=null;u(e,p,l,c,i,o,s,a);u(e,t,n,r,i,o,s,a)}else e.x=n,e.y=r,e.point=t}else u(e,t,n,r,i,o,s,a)}function u(e,t,n,r,i,s,a,l){var u=.5*(i+a),c=.5*(s+l),p=n>=u,d=r>=c,f=d<<1|p;e.leaf=!1;e=e.nodes[f]||(e.nodes[f]=fi());p?i=u:a=u;d?s=c:l=c;o(e,t,n,r,i,s,a,l)}var c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v,E,y=It(a),x=It(l);if(null!=t)g=t,m=n,v=r,E=i;else{v=E=-(g=m=1/0);p=[],d=[];h=e.length;if(s)for(f=0;h>f;++f){c=e[f];c.x<g&&(g=c.x);c.y<m&&(m=c.y);c.x>v&&(v=c.x);c.y>E&&(E=c.y);p.push(c.x);d.push(c.y)}else for(f=0;h>f;++f){var b=+y(c=e[f],f),T=+x(c,f);g>b&&(g=b);m>T&&(m=T);b>v&&(v=b);T>E&&(E=T);p.push(b);d.push(T)}}var S=v-g,N=E-m;S>N?E=m+S:v=g+N;var C=fi();C.add=function(e){o(C,e,+y(e,++f),+x(e,f),g,m,v,E)};C.visit=function(e){hi(e,C,g,m,v,E)};C.find=function(e){return gi(C,e[0],e[1],g,m,v,E)};f=-1;if(null==t){for(;++f<h;)o(C,e[f],p[f],d[f],g,m,v,E);--f}else e.forEach(C.add);p=d=e=c=null;return C}var s,a=Rr,l=_r;if(s=arguments.length){a=pi;l=di;if(3===s){i=n;r=t;n=t=0}return o(e)}o.x=function(e){return arguments.length?(a=e,o):a};o.y=function(e){return arguments.length?(l=e,o):l};o.extent=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return null==t?null:[[t,n],[r,i]];null==e?t=n=r=i=null:(t=+e[0][0],n=+e[0][1],r=+e[1][0],i=+e[1][1]);return o};o.size=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return null==t?null:[r-t,i-n];null==e?t=n=r=i=null:(t=n=0,r=+e[0],i=+e[1]);return o};return o};ia.interpolateRgb=mi;ia.interpolateObject=vi;ia.interpolateNumber=Ei;ia.interpolateString=yi;var lu=/[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,uu=new RegExp(lu.source,"g");ia.interpolate=xi;ia.interpolators=[function(e,t){var n=typeof t;return("string"===n?el.has(t)||/^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/.test(t)?mi:yi:t instanceof lt?mi:Array.isArray(t)?bi:"object"===n&&isNaN(t)?vi:Ei)(e,t)}];ia.interpolateArray=bi;var cu=function(){return x},{linear:cu,poly:Ii,quad:function(){return Ci},cubic:function(){return Li},sin:function(){return wi},exp:function(){return Ri},circle:function(){return _i},elastic:Oi,back:Di,bounce:function(){return ki}}),{"in":x,out:Si,"in-out":Ni,"out-in":function(e){return Ni(Si(e))}});ia.ease=function(e){var t=e.indexOf("-"),n=t>=0?e.slice(0,t):e,r=t>=0?e.slice(t+1):"in";n=pu.get(n)||cu;r=du.get(r)||x;return Ti(r(n.apply(null,,1))))};ia.interpolateHcl=Fi;ia.interpolateHsl=Pi;ia.interpolateLab=Mi;ia.interpolateRound=ji;ia.transform=function(e){var t=aa.createElementNS(ia.ns.prefix.svg,"g");return(ia.transform=function(e){if(null!=e){t.setAttribute("transform",e);var n=t.transform.baseVal.consolidate()}return new Gi(n?n.matrix:fu)})(e)};Gi.prototype.toString=function(){return"translate("+this.translate+")rotate("+this.rotate+")skewX("+this.skew+")scale("+this.scale+")"};var fu={a:1,b:0,c:0,d:1,e:0,f:0};ia.interpolateTransform=Hi;ia.layout={};ia.layout.bundle=function(){return function(e){for(var t=[],n=-1,r=e.length;++n<r;)t.push(Wi(e[n]));return t}};ia.layout.chord=function(){function e(){var e,u,p,d,f,h={},g=[],m=ia.range(o),v=[];n=[];r=[];e=0,d=-1;for(;++d<o;){u=0,f=-1;for(;++f<o;)u+=i[d][f];g.push(u);v.push(ia.range(o));e+=u}s&&m.sort(function(e,t){return s(g[e],g[t])});a&&v.forEach(function(e,t){e.sort(function(e,n){return a(i[t][e],i[t][n])})});e=(Fa-c*o)/e;u=0,d=-1;for(;++d<o;){p=u,f=-1;for(;++f<o;){var E=m[d],y=v[E][f],x=i[E][y],b=u,T=u+=x*e;h[E+"-"+y]={index:E,subindex:y,startAngle:b,endAngle:T,value:x}}r[E]={index:E,startAngle:p,endAngle:u,value:(u-p)/e};u+=c}d=-1;for(;++d<o;){f=d-1;for(;++f<o;){var S=h[d+"-"+f],N=h[f+"-"+d];(S.value||N.value)&&n.push(S.value<N.value?{source:N,target:S}:{source:S,target:N})}}l&&t()}function t(){n.sort(function(e,t){return l((,(})}var n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u={},c=0;u.matrix=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return i;o=(i=e)&&i.length;n=r=null;return u};u.padding=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return c;c=e;n=r=null;return u};u.sortGroups=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return s;s=e;n=r=null;return u};u.sortSubgroups=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return a;a=e;n=null;return u};u.sortChords=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return l;l=e;n&&t();return u};u.chords=function(){n||e();return n};u.groups=function(){r||e();return r};return u};ia.layout.force=function(){function e(e){return function(t,n,r,i){if(t.point!==e){var,,a=i-n,l=o*o+s*s;if(l>a*a/m){if(h>l){var u=t.charge/l;e.px-=o*u;*u}return!0}if(t.point&&l&&h>l){var u=t.pointCharge/l;e.px-=o*u;*u}}return!t.charge}}function t(e){e.px=ia.event.x,;a.resume()}var n,r,i,o,s,a={},l=ia.dispatch("start","tick","end"),u=[1,1],c=.9,p=hu,d=gu,f=-30,h=mu,g=.1,m=.64,v=[],E=[];a.tick=function(){if((r*=.99)<.005){l.end({type:"end",alpha:r=0});return!0}var t,n,a,p,d,h,m,y,x,b=v.length,T=E.length;for(n=0;T>n;++n){a=E[n];p=a.source;;y=d.x-p.x;x=d.y-p.y;if(h=y*y+x*x){h=r*o[n]*((h=Math.sqrt(h))-i[n])/h;y*=h;x*=h;d.x-=y*(m=p.weight/(d.weight+p.weight));d.y-=x*m;p.x+=y*(m=1-m);p.y+=x*m}}if(m=r*g){y=u[0]/2;x=u[1]/2;n=-1;if(m)for(;++n<b;){a=v[n];a.x+=(y-a.x)*m;a.y+=(x-a.y)*m}}if(f){Zi(t=ia.geom.quadtree(v),r,s);n=-1;for(;++n<b;)(a=v[n]).fixed||t.visit(e(a))}n=-1;for(;++n<b;){a=v[n];if(a.fixed){a.x=a.px;}else{a.x-=(a.px-(a.px=a.x))*c;a.y-=(*c}}l.tick({type:"tick",alpha:r})};a.nodes=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return v;v=e;return a};a.links=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return E;E=e;return a};a.size=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return u;u=e;return a};a.linkDistance=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return p;p="function"==typeof e?e:+e;return a};a.distance=a.linkDistance;a.linkStrength=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return d;d="function"==typeof e?e:+e;return a};a.friction=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return c;c=+e;return a};a.charge=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return f;f="function"==typeof e?e:+e;return a};a.chargeDistance=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return Math.sqrt(h);h=e*e;return a};a.gravity=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return g;g=+e;return a};a.theta=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return Math.sqrt(m);m=e*e;return a};a.alpha=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return r;e=+e;if(r)r=e>0?e:0;else if(e>0){l.start({type:"start",alpha:r=e});ia.timer(a.tick)}return a};a.start=function(){function e(e,r){if(!n){n=new Array(l);for(a=0;l>a;++a)n[a]=[];for(a=0;c>a;++a){var i=E[a];n[i.source.index].push(;n[].push(i.source)}}for(var o,s=n[t],a=-1,u=s.length;++a<u;)if(!isNaN(o=s[a][e]))return o;return Math.random()*r}var t,n,r,l=v.length,c=E.length,h=u[0],g=u[1];for(t=0;l>t;++t){(r=v[t]).index=t;r.weight=0}for(t=0;c>t;++t){r=E[t];"number"==typeof r.source&&(r.source=v[r.source]);"number"==typeof[]);++r.source.weight;}for(t=0;l>t;++t){r=v[t];isNaN(r.x)&&(r.x=e("x",h));isNaN(r.y)&&(r.y=e("y",g));isNaN(r.px)&&(r.px=r.x);isNaN(}i=[];if("function"==typeof p)for(t=0;c>t;++t)i[t],E[t],t);else for(t=0;c>t;++t)i[t]=p;o=[];if("function"==typeof d)for(t=0;c>t;++t)o[t],E[t],t);else for(t=0;c>t;++t)o[t]=d;s=[];if("function"==typeof f)for(t=0;l>t;++t)s[t],v[t],t);else for(t=0;l>t;++t)s[t]=f;return a.resume()};a.resume=function(){return a.alpha(.1)};a.stop=function(){return a.alpha(0)};a.drag=function(){n||(n=ia.behavior.drag().origin(x).on("dragstart.force",Ki).on("drag.force",t).on("dragend.force",Yi));if(!arguments.length)return n;this.on("mouseover.force",Qi).on("mouseout.force",Ji).call(n);return void 0};return ia.rebind(a,l,"on")};var hu=20,gu=1,mu=1/0;ia.layout.hierarchy=function(){function e(i){var o,s=[i],a=[];i.depth=0;for(;null!=(o=s.pop());){a.push(o);if((,o,o.depth))&&(l=u.length)){for(var l,u,c;--l>=0;){s.push(c=u[l]);c.parent=o;c.depth=o.depth+1}r&&(o.value=0);o.children=u}else{r&&(,o,o.depth)||0);delete o.children}}no(i,function(e){var n,i;t&&(n=e.children)&&n.sort(t);r&&(i=e.parent)&&(i.value+=e.value)});return a}var t=oo,n=ro,r=io;e.sort=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=n;return e};e.children=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=t;return e};e.value=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=t;return e};e.revalue=function(t){if(r){to(t,function(e){e.children&&(e.value=0)});no(t,function(t){var n;t.children||(,t,t.depth)||0);(n=t.parent)&&(n.value+=t.value)})}return t};return e};ia.layout.partition=function(){function e(t,n,r,i){var o=t.children;t.x=n;t.y=t.depth*i;t.dx=r;t.dy=i;if(o&&(s=o.length)){var s,a,l,u=-1;r=t.value?r/t.value:0;for(;++u<s;){e(a=o[u],n,l=a.value*r,i);n+=l}}}function t(e){var n=e.children,r=0;if(n&&(i=n.length))for(var i,o=-1;++o<i;)r=Math.max(r,t(n[o]));return 1+r}function n(n,o){var,n,o);e(s[0],0,i[0],i[1]/t(s[0]));return s}var r=ia.layout.hierarchy(),i=[1,1];n.size=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=e;return n};return eo(n,r)};ia.layout.pie=function(){function e(s){var a,l=s.length,,r){,n,r)}),c=+("function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r),p=("function"==typeof i?i.apply(this,arguments):i)-c,d=Math.min(Math.abs(p)/l,+("function"==typeof o?o.apply(this,arguments):o)),f=d*(0>p?-1:1),h=(p-l*f)/ia.sum(u),g=ia.range(l),m=[];null!=n&&g.sort(n===vu?function(e,t){return u[t]-u[e]}:function(e,t){return n(s[e],s[t])});g.forEach(function(e){m[e]={data:s[e],value:a=u[e],startAngle:c,endAngle:c+=a*h+f,padAngle:d}});return m}var t=Number,n=vu,r=0,i=Fa,o=0;e.value=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=n;return e};e.sort=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=t;return e};e.startAngle=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=t;return e};e.endAngle=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=t;return e};e.padAngle=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o;o=t;return e};return e};var vu={};ia.layout.stack=function(){function e(a,l){if(!(d=a.length))return a;var,r){return,n,r)}),{return,n){return[,t,n),,t,n)]})}),,c,l);u=ia.permute(u,p);c=ia.permute(c,p);var d,f,h,g,,c,l),v=u[0].length;for(h=0;v>h;++h){,u[0][h],g=m[h],c[0][h][1]);for(f=1;d>f;++f),u[f][h],g+=c[f-1][h][1],c[f][h][1])}return a}var t=x,n=co,r=po,i=uo,o=ao,s=lo;e.values=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=n;return e};e.order=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n="function"==typeof t?t:Eu.get(t)||co;return e};e.offset=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r="function"==typeof t?t:yu.get(t)||po;return e};e.x=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return o;o=t;return e};e.y=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return s;s=t;return e};e.out=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=t;return e};return e};var{"inside-out":function(e){var t,n,r=e.length,,,s=ia.range(r).sort(function(e,t){return i[e]-i[t]}),a=0,l=0,u=[],c=[];for(t=0;r>t;++t){n=s[t];if(l>a){a+=o[n];u.push(n)}else{l+=o[n];c.push(n)}}return c.reverse().concat(u)},reverse:function(e){return ia.range(e.length).reverse()},"default":co}),{silhouette:function(e){var t,n,r,i=e.length,o=e[0].length,s=[],a=0,l=[];for(n=0;o>n;++n){for(t=0,r=0;i>t;t++)r+=e[t][n][1];r>a&&(a=r);s.push(r)}for(n=0;o>n;++n)l[n]=(a-s[n])/2;return l},wiggle:function(e){var t,n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c=e.length,p=e[0],d=p.length,f=[];f[0]=l=u=0;for(n=1;d>n;++n){for(t=0,i=0;c>t;++t)i+=e[t][n][1];for(t=0,o=0,a=p[n][0]-p[n-1][0];c>t;++t){for(r=0,s=(e[t][n][1]-e[t][n-1][1])/(2*a);t>r;++r)s+=(e[r][n][1]-e[r][n-1][1])/a;o+=s*e[t][n][1]}f[n]=l-=i?o/i*a:0;u>l&&(u=l)}for(n=0;d>n;++n)f[n]-=u;return f},expand:function(e){var t,n,r,i=e.length,o=e[0].length,s=1/i,a=[];for(n=0;o>n;++n){for(t=0,r=0;i>t;t++)r+=e[t][n][1];if(r)for(t=0;i>t;t++)e[t][n][1]/=r;else for(t=0;i>t;t++)e[t][n][1]=s}for(n=0;o>n;++n)a[n]=0;return a},zero:po});ia.layout.histogram=function(){function e(e,o){for(var s,a,l=[],,this),,u,o),,c,u,o),o=-1,d=u.length,f=p.length-1,h=t?1:1/d;++o<f;){s=l[o]=[];s.dx=p[o+1]-(s.x=p[o]);s.y=0}if(f>0){o=-1;for(;++o<d;){a=u[o];if(a>=c[0]&&a<=c[1]){s=l[ia.bisect(p,a,1,f)-1];s.y+=h;s.push(e[o])}}}return l}var t=!0,n=Number,r=Eo,i=mo;e.value=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=t;return e};e.range=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=It(t);return e};e.bins=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i;i="number"==typeof t?function(e){return vo(e,t)}:It(t);return e};e.frequency=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=!!n;return e};return e};ia.layout.pack=function(){function e(e,o){var,e,o),a=s[0],l=i[0],u=i[1],c=null==t?Math.sqrt:"function"==typeof t?t:function(){return t};a.x=a.y=0;no(a,function(e){e.r=+c(e.value)});no(a,So);if(r){var p=r*(t?1:Math.max(2*a.r/l,2*a.r/u))/2;no(a,function(e){e.r+=p});no(a,So);no(a,function(e){e.r-=p})}Lo(a,l/2,u/2,t?1:1/Math.max(2*a.r/l,2*a.r/u));return s}var t,n=ia.layout.hierarchy().sort(yo),r=0,i=[1,1];e.size=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i;i=t;return e};e.radius=function(n){if(!arguments.length)return t;t=null==n||"function"==typeof n?n:+n;return e};e.padding=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return r;r=+t;return e};return eo(e,n)};ia.layout.tree=function(){function e(e,i){var,e,i),p=c[0],d=t(p);no(d,n),d.parent.m=-d.z;to(d,r);if(u)to(p,o);else{var f=p,h=p,g=p;to(p,function(e){e.x<f.x&&(f=e);e.x>h.x&&(h=e);e.depth>g.depth&&(g=e)});var m=a(f,h)/2-f.x,v=l[0]/(h.x+a(h,f)/2+m),E=l[1]/(g.depth||1);to(p,function(e){e.x=(e.x+m)*v;e.y=e.depth*E})}return c}function t(e){for(var t,n={A:null,children:[e]},r=[n];null!=(t=r.pop());)for(var i,o=t.children,s=0,a=o.length;a>s;++s)r.push((o[s]=i={_:o[s],parent:t,children:(i=o[s].children)&&i.slice()||[],A:null,a:null,z:0,m:0,c:0,s:0,t:null,i:s}).a=i);return n.children[0]}function n(e){var t=e.children,n=e.parent.children,r=e.i?n[e.i-1]:null;if(t.length){Oo(e);var o=(t[0].z+t[t.length-1].z)/2;if(r){e.z=r.z+a(e._,r._);e.m=e.z-o}else e.z=o}else r&&(e.z=r.z+a(e._,r._));e.parent.A=i(e,r,e.parent.A||n[0])}function r(e){e._.x=e.z+e.parent.m;e.m+=e.parent.m}function i(e,t,n){if(t){for(var r,i=e,o=e,s=t,l=i.parent.children[0],u=i.m,c=o.m,p=s.m,d=l.m;s=Ro(s),i=wo(i),s&&i;){l=wo(l);o=Ro(o);o.a=e;r=s.z+p-i.z-u+a(s._,i._);if(r>0){_o(Do(s,e,n),e,r);u+=r;c+=r}p+=s.m;u+=i.m;d+=l.m;c+=o.m}if(s&&!Ro(o)){o.t=s;o.m+=p-c}if(i&&!wo(l)){l.t=i;l.m+=u-d;n=e}}return n}function o(e){e.x*=l[0];e.y=e.depth*l[1]}var s=ia.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),a=Io,l=[1,1],u=null;e.separation=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return a;a=t;return e};e.size=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return u?null:l;u=null==(l=t)?o:null;return e};e.nodeSize=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return u?l:null;u=null==(l=t)?null:o;return e};return eo(e,s)};ia.layout.cluster=function(){function e(e,o){var s,,e,o),l=a[0],u=0;no(l,function(e){var t=e.children;if(t&&t.length){e.x=Fo(t);e.y=ko(t)}else{e.x=s?u+=n(e,s):0;e.y=0;s=e}});var c=Po(l),p=Mo(l),d=c.x-n(c,p)/2,f=p.x+n(p,c)/2;no(l,i?function(e){e.x=(e.x-l.x)*r[0];e.y=(l.y-e.y)*r[1]}:function(e){e.x=(e.x-d)/(f-d)*r[0];e.y=(1-(l.y?e.y/l.y:1))*r[1]});return a}var t=ia.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),n=Io,r=[1,1],i=!1;e.separation=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=t;return e};e.size=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i?null:r;i=null==(r=t);return e};e.nodeSize=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i?r:null;i=null!=(r=t);return e};return eo(e,t)};ia.layout.treemap=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n,r,i=-1,o=e.length;++i<o;){r=(n=e[i]).value*(0>t?0:t);n.area=isNaN(r)||0>=r?0:r}}function t(n){var o=n.children;if(o&&o.length){var s,a,l,u=p(n),c=[],d=o.slice(),h=1/0,g="slice"===f?u.dx:"dice"===f?u.dy:"slice-dice"===f?1&n.depth?u.dy:u.dx:Math.min(u.dx,u.dy);e(d,u.dx*u.dy/n.value);c.area=0;for(;(l=d.length)>0;){c.push(s=d[l-1]);c.area+=s.area;if("squarify"!==f||(a=r(c,g))<=h){d.pop();h=a}else{c.area-=c.pop().area;i(c,g,u,!1);g=Math.min(u.dx,u.dy);c.length=c.area=0;h=1/0}}if(c.length){i(c,g,u,!0);c.length=c.area=0}o.forEach(t)}}function n(t){var r=t.children;if(r&&r.length){var o,s=p(t),a=r.slice(),l=[];e(a,s.dx*s.dy/t.value);l.area=0;for(;o=a.pop();){l.push(o);l.area+=o.area;if(null!=o.z){i(l,o.z?s.dx:s.dy,s,!a.length);l.length=l.area=0}}r.forEach(n)}}function r(e,t){for(var n,r=e.area,i=0,o=1/0,s=-1,a=e.length;++s<a;)if(n=e[s].area){o>n&&(o=n);n>i&&(i=n)}r*=r;t*=t;return r?Math.max(t*i*h/r,r/(t*o*h)):1/0}function i(e,t,n,r){var i,o=-1,s=e.length,a=n.x,u=n.y,c=t?l(e.area/t):0;if(t==n.dx){(r||c>n.dy)&&(c=n.dy);for(;++o<s;){i=e[o];i.x=a;i.y=u;i.dy=c;a+=i.dx=Math.min(n.x+n.dx-a,c?l(i.area/c):0)}i.z=!0;i.dx+=n.x+n.dx-a;n.y+=c;n.dy-=c}else{(r||c>n.dx)&&(c=n.dx);for(;++o<s;){i=e[o];i.x=a;i.y=u;i.dx=c;u+=i.dy=Math.min(n.y+n.dy-u,c?l(i.area/c):0)}i.z=!1;i.dy+=n.y+n.dy-u;n.x+=c;n.dx-=c}}function o(r){var i=s||a(r),o=i[0];o.x=0;o.y=0;o.dx=u[0];o.dy=u[1];s&&a.revalue(o);e([o],o.dx*o.dy/o.value);(s?n:t)(o);d&&(s=i);return i}var s,a=ia.layout.hierarchy(),l=Math.round,u=[1,1],c=null,p=jo,d=!1,f="squarify",h=.5*(1+Math.sqrt(5));o.size=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return u;u=e;return o};o.padding=function(e){function t(t){var,t,t.depth);return null==n?jo(t):Go(t,"number"==typeof n?[n,n,n,n]:n)}function n(t){return Go(t,e)}if(!arguments.length)return c;var r;p=null==(c=e)?jo:"function"==(r=typeof e)?t:"number"===r?(e=[e,e,e,e],n):n;return o};o.round=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return l!=Number;l=e?Math.round:Number;return o};o.sticky=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return d;d=e;s=null;return o};o.ratio=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return h;h=e;return o};o.mode=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return f;f=e+"";return o};return eo(o,a)};ia.random={normal:function(e,t){var n=arguments.length;2>n&&(t=1);1>n&&(e=0);return function(){var n,r,i;do{n=2*Math.random()-1;r=2*Math.random()-1;i=n*n+r*r}while(!i||i>1);return e+t*n*Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(i)/i)}},logNormal:function(){var e=ia.random.normal.apply(ia,arguments);return function(){return Math.exp(e())}},bates:function(e){var t=ia.random.irwinHall(e);return function(){return t()/e}},irwinHall:function(e){return function(){for(var t=0,n=0;e>n;n++)t+=Math.random();return t}}};ia.scale={};var xu={floor:x,ceil:x};ia.scale.linear=function(){return Wo([0,1],[0,1],xi,!1)};var bu={s:1,g:1,p:1,r:1,e:1};ia.scale.log=function(){return es(ia.scale.linear().domain([0,1]),10,!0,[1,10])};var Tu=ia.format(".0e"),Su={floor:function(e){return-Math.ceil(-e)},ceil:function(e){return-Math.floor(-e)}};ia.scale.pow=function(){return ts(ia.scale.linear(),1,[0,1])};ia.scale.sqrt=function(){return ia.scale.pow().exponent(.5)};ia.scale.ordinal=function(){return rs([],{t:"range",a:[[]]})};ia.scale.category10=function(){return ia.scale.ordinal().range(Nu)};ia.scale.category20=function(){return ia.scale.ordinal().range(Cu)};ia.scale.category20b=function(){return ia.scale.ordinal().range(Lu)};ia.scale.category20c=function(){return ia.scale.ordinal().range(Au)};var 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list)",filterResults:"Filter results",totals:"Totals",vs:"vs",by:"by"}}};d=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];u=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"];x=function(e){return("0"+e).substr(-2,2)};c={bin:function(e,t){return function(n){return n[e]-n[e]%t}},dateFormat:function(e,t,n,r){null==n&&(n=d);null==r&&(r=u);return function(i){var o;o=new Date(Date.parse(i[e]));return isNaN(o)?"":t.replace(/%(.)/g,function(e,t){switch(t){case"y":return o.getFullYear();case"m":return x(o.getMonth()+1);case"n":return n[o.getMonth()];case"d":return x(o.getDate());case"w":return r[o.getDay()];case"x":return o.getDay();case"H":return x(o.getHours());case"M":return x(o.getMinutes());case"S":return x(o.getSeconds());default:return"%"+t}})}}};f=function(){return function(e,t){var n,r,i,o,s,a,l;a=/(\d+)|(\D+)/g;s=/\d/;l=/^0/;if("number"==typeof e||"number"==typeof t)return isNaN(e)?1:isNaN(t)?-1:e-t;n=String(e).toLowerCase();i=String(t).toLowerCase();if(n===i)return 0;if(!s.test(n)||!s.test(i))return n>i?1:-1;n=n.match(a);i=i.match(a);for(;n.length&&i.length;){r=n.shift();o=i.shift();if(r!==o)return s.test(r)&&s.test(o)?r.replace(l,".0")-o.replace(l,".0"):r>o?1:-1}return n.length-i.length}}(this);e.pivotUtilities={aggregatorTemplates:r,aggregators:i,renderers:m,derivers:c,locales:p,naturalSort:f,numberFormat:h};t=function(){function t(e,n){this.getAggregator=a(this.getAggregator,this);this.getRowKeys=a(this.getRowKeys,this);this.getColKeys=a(this.getColKeys,this);this.sortKeys=a(this.sortKeys,this);this.arrSort=a(this.arrSort,this);this.natSort=a(this.natSort,this);this.aggregator=n.aggregator;this.aggregatorName=n.aggregatorName;this.colAttrs=n.cols;this.rowAttrs=n.rows;this.valAttrs=n.vals;this.tree={};this.rowKeys=[];this.colKeys=[];this.rowTotals={};this.colTotals={};this.allTotal=this.aggregator(this,[],[]);this.sorted=!1;t.forEachRecord(e,n.derivedAttributes,function(e){return function(t){return n.filter(t)?e.processRecord(t):void 0}}(this))}t.forEachRecord=function(t,n,r){var i,o,s,a,u,c,p,d,f,h,g,m;i=e.isEmptyObject(n)?r:function(e){var t,i,o;for(t in n){i=n[t];e[t]=null!=(o=i(e))?o:e[t]}return r(e)};if(e.isFunction(t))return t(i);if(e.isArray(t)){if(e.isArray(t[0])){g=[];for(s in t)if(,s)){o=t[s];if(s>0){c={};h=t[0];for(a in h)if(,a)){u=h[a];c[u]=o[a]}g.push(i(c))}}return g}m=[];for(d=0,f=t.length;f>d;d++){c=t[d];m.push(i(c))}return m}if(t instanceof jQuery){p=[];e("thead > tr > th",t).each(function(){return p.push(e(this).text())});return e("tbody > tr",t).each(function(){c={};e("td",this).each(function(t){return c[p[t]]=e(this).text()});return i(c)})}throw new Error("unknown input format")};t.convertToArray=function(e){var n;n=[];t.forEachRecord(e,{},function(e){return n.push(e)});return n};t.prototype.natSort=function(e,t){return f(e,t)};t.prototype.arrSort=function(e,t){return this.natSort(e.join(),t.join())};t.prototype.sortKeys=function(){if(!this.sorted){this.rowKeys.sort(this.arrSort);this.colKeys.sort(this.arrSort)}return this.sorted=!0};t.prototype.getColKeys=function(){this.sortKeys();return this.colKeys};t.prototype.getRowKeys=function(){this.sortKeys();return this.rowKeys};t.prototype.processRecord=function(e){var t,n,r,i,o,s,a,l,u,c,p,d,f;t=[];i=[];c=this.colAttrs;for(s=0,l=c.length;l>s;s++){o=c[s];t.push(null!=(p=e[o])?p:"null")}d=this.rowAttrs;for(a=0,u=d.length;u>a;a++){o=d[a];i.push(null!=(f=e[o])?f:"null")}r=i.join(String.fromCharCode(0));n=t.join(String.fromCharCode(0));this.allTotal.push(e);if(0!==i.length){if(!this.rowTotals[r]){this.rowKeys.push(i);this.rowTotals[r]=this.aggregator(this,i,[])}this.rowTotals[r].push(e)}if(0!==t.length){if(!this.colTotals[n]){this.colKeys.push(t);this.colTotals[n]=this.aggregator(this,[],t)}this.colTotals[n].push(e)}if(0!==t.length&&0!==i.length){this.tree[r]||(this.tree[r]={});this.tree[r][n]||(this.tree[r][n]=this.aggregator(this,i,t));return this.tree[r][n].push(e)}};t.prototype.getAggregator=function(e,t){var n,r,i;i=e.join(String.fromCharCode(0));r=t.join(String.fromCharCode(0));n=0===e.length&&0===t.length?this.allTotal:0===e.length?this.colTotals[r]:0===t.length?this.rowTotals[i]:this.tree[i][r];return null!=n?n:{value:function(){return null},format:function(){return""}}};return t}();g=function(t,n){var r,i,o,s,a,u,c,p,d,f,h,g,m,v,E,y,x,b,T,S,N;u={localeStrings:{totals:"Totals"}};n=e.extend(u,n);o=t.colAttrs;h=t.rowAttrs;m=t.getRowKeys();a=t.getColKeys();f=document.createElement("table");f.className="pvtTable";v=function(e,t,n){var r,i,o,s,a,l;if(0!==t){i=!0;for(s=a=0;n>=0?n>=a:a>=n;s=n>=0?++a:--a)e[t-1][s]!==e[t][s]&&(i=!1);if(i)return-1}r=0;for(;t+r<e.length;){o=!1;for(s=l=0;n>=0?n>=l:l>=n;s=n>=0?++l:--l)e[t][s]!==e[t+r][s]&&(o=!0);if(o)break;r++}return r};for(p in o)if(,p)){i=o[p];b=document.createElement("tr");if(0===parseInt(p)&&0!==h.length){y=document.createElement("th");y.setAttribute("colspan",h.length);y.setAttribute("rowspan",o.length);b.appendChild(y)}y=document.createElement("th");y.className="pvtAxisLabel";y.textContent=i;b.appendChild(y);for(c in 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g)if(,p)){T=g[p];N=v(m,parseInt(c),parseInt(p));if(-1!==N){y=document.createElement("th");y.className="pvtRowLabel";y.textContent=T;y.setAttribute("rowspan",N);parseInt(p)===h.length-1&&0!==o.length&&y.setAttribute("colspan",2);b.appendChild(y)}}for(p in a)if(,p)){s=a[p];r=t.getAggregator(g,s);S=r.value();E=document.createElement("td");E.className="pvtVal row"+c+" col"+p;E.innerHTML=r.format(S);E.setAttribute("data-value",S);b.appendChild(E)}x=t.getAggregator(g,[]);S=x.value();E=document.createElement("td");E.className="pvtTotal rowTotal";E.innerHTML=x.format(S);E.setAttribute("data-value",S);E.setAttribute("data-for","row"+c);b.appendChild(E);f.appendChild(b)}b=document.createElement("tr");y=document.createElement("th");y.className="pvtTotalLabel";y.innerHTML=n.localeStrings.totals;y.setAttribute("colspan",h.length+(0===o.length?0:1));b.appendChild(y);for(p in a)if(,p)){s=a[p];x=t.getAggregator([],s);S=x.value();E=document.createElement("td");E.className="pvtTotal 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console&&null!==console&&console.error(s.stack);l=e("<span>").html(i.localeStrings.computeError)}u=this[0];for(;u.hasChildNodes();)u.removeChild(u.lastChild);return this.append(l)};e.fn.pivotUI=function(n,r,i,s){var a,u,c,d,h,g,m,v,E,y,x,b,T,S,N,C,L,A,I,w,R,_,O,D,k,F,P,M,j,G,B,q,U,H,V,z,W,$,X;null==i&&(i=!1);null==s&&(s="en");m={derivedAttributes:{},aggregators:p[s].aggregators,renderers:p[s].renderers,hiddenAttributes:[],menuLimit:200,cols:[],rows:[],vals:[],exclusions:{},unusedAttrsVertical:"auto",autoSortUnusedAttrs:!1,rendererOptions:{localeStrings:p[s].localeStrings},onRefresh:null,filter:function(){return!0},localeStrings:p[s].localeStrings};"pivotUIOptions");T=null==E||i?e.extend(m,r):E;try{n=t.convertToArray(n);w=function(){var e,t;e=n[0];t=[];for(b in e),b)&&t.push(b);return t}();V=T.derivedAttributes;for(h in V),h)&&,h)<0&&w.push(h);d={};for(P=0,B=w.length;B>P;P++){k=w[P];d[k]={}}t.forEachRecord(n,T.derivedAttributes,function(e){var t,n,r;r=[];for(b in e)if(,b)){t=e[b];if(T.filter(e)){null==t&&(t="null");null==(n=d[b])[t]&&(n[t]=0);r.push(d[b][t]++)}}return r});O=e("<table cellpadding='5'>");A=e("<td>");L=e("<select class='pvtRenderer'>").appendTo(A).bind("change",function(){return N()});z=T.renderers;for(k in z),k)&&e("<option>").val(k).html(k).appendTo(L);g=e("<td class='pvtAxisContainer pvtUnused'>");I=function(){var e,t,n;n=[];for(e=0,t=w.length;t>e;e++){h=w[e];,h)<0&&n.push(h)}return n}();D=!1;if("auto"===T.unusedAttrsVertical){c=0;for(M=0,q=I.length;q>M;M++){a=I[M];c+=a.length}D=c>120}g.addClass(T.unusedAttrsVertical===!0||D?"pvtVertList":"pvtHorizList");F=function(t){var n,r,i,s,a,l,u,c,p,h,m,v,E,x,S;u=function(){var e;e=[];for(b in d[t])e.push(b);return e}();l=!1;v=e("<div>").addClass("pvtFilterBox").hide();v.append(e("<h4>").text(""+t+" 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class='pvtFilter'>").attr("checked",!a).data("filter",[t,b]).appendTo(s);s.append(e("<span>").text(""+b+" ("+m+")"));i.append(e("<p>").append(s))}}h=function(){var t;t=e(v).find("[type='checkbox']").length-e(v).find("[type='checkbox']:checked").length;t>0?n.addClass("pvtFilteredAttribute"):n.removeClass("pvtFilteredAttribute");return u.length>T.menuLimit?v.toggle():v.toggle(0,N)};e("<p>").appendTo(v).append(e("<button>").text("OK").bind("click",h));c=function(t){v.css({left:t.pageX,top:t.pageY}).toggle();e(".pvtSearch").val("");return e("label").show()};p=e("<span class='pvtTriangle'>").html(" &#x25BE;").bind("click",c);n=e("<li class='axis_"+y+"'>").append(e("<span class='pvtAttr'>").text(t).data("attrName",t).append(p));l&&n.addClass("pvtFilteredAttribute");g.append(n).append(v);return n.bind("dblclick",c)};for(y in I){h=I[y];F(h)}R=e("<tr>").appendTo(O);u=e("<select class='pvtAggregator'>").bind("change",function(){return N()});W=T.aggregators;for(k in 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Survey of Austria (GBA) - Thesaurus"},{endpoint:"",title:"Geological Survey of Austria (GBA) - Thesaurus"},{endpoint:"",title:"Geological Survey of Austria (GBA) - Thesaurus"},{endpoint:"",title:"German labor law thesaurus"},{endpoint:"",title:"Global Change Information System"},{endpoint:"",title:"Greek Wordnet"},{endpoint:"",title:"HeBIS - Bibliographic Resources of the Library Union Catalogues of Hessen and parts of the Rhineland Palatinate"},{endpoint:"",title:" Platform (HDP) on the Semantic Web"},{endpoint:"",title:"Hedatuz"},{endpoint:"",title:"Hellenic Fire Brigade"},{endpoint:"",title:"Hellenic Police"},{endpoint:"",title:"Hungarian National Library (NSZL) catalog"},{endpoint:"",title:"IATI as Linked Data"},{endpoint:"",title:"IBM Research GmbH (RKBExplorer)"},{endpoint:"",title:"ICANE"},{endpoint:"",title:"IEEE Papers (RKBExplorer)"},{endpoint:"",title:"IEEE VIS Source Data"},{endpoint:"",title:"Imagesnippets Image Descriptions"},{endpoint:""},{endpoint:"",title:"Instance Hub 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RDF"},{endpoint:"",title:"Open Data @ Tor Vergata"},{endpoint:"",title:"Open Data Thesaurus"},{endpoint:"",title:"Open Data from the Italian National Research Council"},{endpoint:"",title:"Open Data of Ecuador"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenEI - Open Energy Info"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenLink Software LOD Cache"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenMobileNetwork"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenTox"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenUpLabs COINS"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenUpLabs DCLG"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenUpLabs Geographic"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenUpLabs Legislation"},{endpoint:"",title:"OpenUpLabs Transport"},{endpoint:"",title:"Ordnance Survey (RKBExplorer)"},{endpoint:"",title:"Organic Edunet Linked Open Data"},{endpoint:"",title:"Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Linked Data"},{endpoint:"",title:"OxPoints (University of Oxford)"},{endpoint:"",title:"PROD - JISC Project Directory in RDF"},{endpoint:"",title:"PanLex"},{endpoint:"",title:"Phonetics Information Base and Lexicon (PHOIBLE)"},{endpoint:"",title:"Publications of Charles University in Prague"},{endpoint:"",title:"RDFLicense"},{endpoint:"",title:"RISKS Digest (RKBExplorer)"},{endpoint:"",title:"RUIAN - Register of territorial identification, addresses and real estates of the Czech Republic"},{endpoint:"",title:"ReSIST MSc in Resilient Computing Curriculum (RKBExplorer)"},{endpoint:"",title:"ReSIST Project Wiki (RKBExplorer)"},{endpoint:"",title:"ReSIST Resilience Mechanisms ("},{endpoint:"",title:"Reactome RDF"},{endpoint:""},{endpoint:"",title:"Research Assessment Exercise 2001 (RKBExplorer)"},{endpoint:"",title:"Resilient Computing Courseware (RKBExplorer)"},{endpoint:"",title:"RxNorm"},{endpoint:""},{endpoint:"",title:"SADI Semantic Web Services framework registry"},{endpoint:"",title:"SEEK-AT-WD ICT tools for education - Web-Share"},{endpoint:"",title:"STW Thesaurus for Economics"},{endpoint:"",title:"School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton 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i=e.tabs[];n.extend(!0,i.persistentOptions,t.options);i.refreshYasqe();;d.closest(".tab-pane").removeClass("menu-open");r.preventDefault()}))})},x=function(){var r=t.persistentOptions.yasqe.sparql;o.hasClass("active")?r.requestMethod="POST":s.hasClass("active")&&(r.requestMethod="GET");r.acceptHeaderGraph=l[0].selectize.getValue();r.acceptHeaderSelect=a[0].selectize.getValue();var i=[];u.find("div").each(function(e,t){var r=[];n(t).find("input").each(function(e,t){r.push(n(t).val())});r[0]&&r[0].trim().length>0&&i.push({name:r[0],value:r[1]?r[1]:""})});r.args=i;var d=[];c.find("div").each(function(e,t){var r=[];n(t).find("input").each(function(e,t){r.push(n(t).val())});r[0]&&r[0].trim().length>0&&d.push(r[0])});r.defaultGraphs=d;var f=[];p.find("div").each(function(e,t){var r=[];n(t).find("input").each(function(e,t){r.push(n(t).val())});r[0]&&r[0].trim().length>0&&f.push(r[0])});r.namedGraphs=f;;t.setPersistentInYasqe()};return{initWrapper:v,updateWrapper:y,store:x}}},{"./imgs.js":101,jquery:8,selectize:9,"yasgui-utils":15}],110:[function(e,t){var n=e("yasgui-utils"),r=e("./imgs.js"),i=e("jquery");t.exports=function(e){var t=!!e.options.tracker.googleAnalyticsId,o=!0,s="yasgui_"+i(e.wrapperElement).closest("[id]").attr("id")+"_trackerId",a=function(){var;if(null===e)u();else{e=+e;if(0===e){t=!1;o=!1}else if(1===e){t=!0;o=!1}else if(2==e){t=!0;o=!0}}},l=function(){if(e.options.tracker.googleAnalyticsId){a();(function(e,t,n,r,i,o,s){e.GoogleAnalyticsObject=i;e[i]=e[i]||function(){(e[i].q=e[i].q||[]).push(arguments)},e[i].l=1*new 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This data is solely used for research purposes and to get insight into how users use the site. <i>We would appreciate your consent!</i>"));i("<div>",{"class":"buttons"}).appendTo(t).append(i("<button>",{type:"button","class":"btn btn-default"}).append(i(n.svg.getElement(r.checkMark)).height(11).width(11)).append(i("<span>").text(" Yes, allow")).click(function(){l(2);o()})).append(i("<button>",{type:"button","class":"btn btn-default"}).append(i(n.svg.getElement(r.checkCrossMark)).height(13).width(13)).append(i("<span>").html(" Yes, track site usage, but not<br>the queries/endpoints I use")).click(function(){l(1);o()})).append(i("<button>",{type:"button","class":"btn btn-default"}).append(i(n.svg.getElement(r.crossMark)).height(9).width(9)).append(i("<span>").text(" No, disable tracking")).click(function(){l(0);o()})).append(i("<button>",{type:"button","class":"btn btn-default"}).text("Ask me later").click(function(){o()}))},c=function(e,n,r,i,o){t&&ga&&ga("send","event",e,n,r,i,{nonInteraction:!!o})};l();return{enabled:t,track:c,drawConsentWindow:u}}},{"./imgs.js":101,jquery:8,"yasgui-utils":15}],111:[function(e,t){e("jquery");t.exports={escapeHtmlEntities:function(e){var t={"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;"},n=function(e){return t[e]||e};return e.replace(/[&<>]/g,n)}}},{jquery:8}],112:[function(e,t){var n=e("jquery"),r=t.exports=e("yasgui-yasqe");r.defaults=n.extend(!0,r.defaults,{persistent:null,consumeShareLink:null,createShareLink:null,sparql:{showQueryButton:!0,acceptHeaderGraph:"text/turtle",acceptHeaderSelect:"application/sparql-results+json"}})},{jquery:8,"yasgui-yasqe":47}],113:[function(e,t){e("jquery"),e("./main.js"),t.exports=e("yasgui-yasr")},{"./main.js":106,jquery:8,"yasgui-yasr":89}]},{},[1])(1)}); //#
import React from "react" import PropTypes from "prop-types" import { Table, TableHeader, TableRow, TableHeaderColumn, TableBody } from "../Table" const TableHelper = ({ headers, body }) => <Table> <TableHeader> <TableRow> { => <TableHeaderColumn key={header}> {header} </TableHeaderColumn> )} </TableRow> </TableHeader> <TableBody> {body} </TableBody> </Table> TableHelper.propTypes = { headers: PropTypes.array.isRequired, body: PropTypes.array.isRequired } export default TableHelper
import React from 'react'; import { fromJS } from 'immutable'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import ActiveFilters, { OtherFilters } from '../../app/components/ActiveFilters'; import Filter from '../../app/components/Filter'; describe('ActiveFilters', () => { const toggleFilter = () => {}; const toggleAvailability = () => {}; const handleOpen = () => {}; const filterGroups = fromJS([ { filters: [ { code: 'filter0', products: [0, 1, 2] }, { code: 'filter1', products: [3, 4, 5] }, { code: 'filter2', products: [0, 1, 2] } ] }, { filters: [ { code: 'filter3', products: [0, 1, 2] }, { code: 'filter4', products: [3, 4, 9] }, { code: 'filter5', products: [6, 7, 8] } ] } ]); it('should render a paragrapgh when no filters are active', () => { const filterMap = fromJS({ filters: [], availability: null }); const result = shallow( <ActiveFilters filterMap={filterMap} filterGroups={filterGroups} toggleFilter={toggleFilter} toggleAvailability={toggleAvailability} handleOpen={handleOpen} /> ); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should render any filters', () => { const filterMap = fromJS({ filters: ['filter0'], availability: true }); const result = shallow( <ActiveFilters filterMap={filterMap} filterGroups={filterGroups} toggleFilter={toggleFilter} toggleAvailability={toggleAvailability} handleOpen={handleOpen} /> ); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should call toggleFilter when a filter is clicked', () => { const filterMap = fromJS({ filters: ['filter0'], availability: false }); const toggleFilterMock = jest.fn(); const result = shallow( <ActiveFilters filterMap={filterMap} filterGroups={filterGroups} toggleFilter={toggleFilterMock} toggleAvailability={toggleAvailability} handleOpen={handleOpen} /> ); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); result.find(Filter).simulate('click'); expect(toggleFilterMock).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should call toggleAvailability when a availability filter is clicked', () => { const filterMap = fromJS({ filters: [], availability: true }); const toggleAvailabilityMock = jest.fn(); const result = shallow( <ActiveFilters filterMap={filterMap} filterGroups={filterGroups} toggleFilter={toggleFilter} toggleAvailability={toggleAvailabilityMock} handleOpen={handleOpen} /> ); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); result.find(Filter).simulate('click'); expect(toggleAvailabilityMock).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should call handleOpen when showMore filter is clicked', () => { const filterMap = fromJS({ filters: ['filter0', 'filter1', 'filter2', 'filter3'], availability: false }); const handleOpenMock = jest.fn(); const result = shallow( <ActiveFilters filterMap={filterMap} filterGroups={filterGroups} toggleFilter={toggleFilter} toggleAvailability={toggleAvailability} handleOpen={handleOpenMock} /> ); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); result.find(OtherFilters).simulate('click'); expect(handleOpenMock).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(require("react"), require("highcharts")); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(["react", "highcharts"], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["index"] = factory(require("react"), require("highcharts")); else root["index"] = factory(root["React"], root["Highcharts"]); })(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_3__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_4__) { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(1); /***/ }, /* 1 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; module.exports = __webpack_require__(2)('Chart', __webpack_require__(4)); /***/ }, /* 2 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {'use strict'; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var React = __webpack_require__(3); var win = typeof global === 'undefined' ? window : global; module.exports = function (chartType, Highcharts) { var displayName = 'Highcharts' + chartType; var result = React.createClass({ displayName: displayName, propTypes: { config: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, isPureConfig: React.PropTypes.bool, neverReflow: React.PropTypes.bool, callback: React.PropTypes.func, domProps: React.PropTypes.object }, defaultProps: { callback: function callback() {}, domProps: {} }, renderChart: function renderChart(config) { var _this = this; if (!config) { throw new Error('Config must be specified for the ' + displayName + ' component'); } var chartConfig = config.chart; this.chart = new Highcharts[chartType](_extends({}, config, { chart: _extends({}, chartConfig, { renderTo: this.refs.chart }) }), this.props.callback); if (!this.props.neverReflow) { win && win.requestAnimationFrame && requestAnimationFrame(function () { _this.chart && _this.chart.options && _this.chart.reflow(); }); } }, shouldComponentUpdate: function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { if (nextProps.neverReflow || nextProps.isPureConfig && this.props.config === nextProps.config) { return true; } this.renderChart(nextProps.config); return false; }, getChart: function getChart() { if (!this.chart) { throw new Error('getChart() should not be called before the component is mounted'); } return this.chart; }, componentDidMount: function componentDidMount() { this.renderChart(this.props.config); }, componentWillUnmount: function componentWillUnmount() { this.chart.destroy(); }, render: function render() { return React.createElement('div', _extends({ ref: 'chart' }, this.props.domProps)); } }); result.Highcharts = Highcharts; result.withHighcharts = function (Highcharts) { return module.exports(chartType, Highcharts); }; return result; }; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) /***/ }, /* 3 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_3__; /***/ }, /* 4 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_4__; /***/ } /******/ ]) }); ;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import { dispatchToProps, generateName, generateResetUiState, generateSetUiState, stateToProps } from './'; export default config => WrappedComponent => { class uiState extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.uiStateName = typeof === 'function' ? : generateName(; this.initState = config.state(this.props); this.config = config; } componentWillMount() { if (!this.config.persist || !this.props.uiState[this.uiStateName]) { this.props.add(this.initState, this.uiStateName); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (!this.config.persist) { this.props.delete(this.uiStateName); } } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { // First be sure that the uiState slice is not equal let currentState = this.props.uiState[this.uiStateName]; let nextState = nextProps.uiState[this.uiStateName]; if (!isEqual(currentState, nextState)) { return true; } // If uiState slice is equal, check the rest of the props currentState = omit(this.props, ['uiState']); nextState = omit(nextProps, ['uiState']); return !isEqual(currentState, nextState); } render() { const resetUiState = generateResetUiState( this.props.reset, this.uiStateName, this.initState ); const setUiState = generateSetUiState( this.props.set, this.uiStateName ); const uiStateProps = { resetUiState, resetUIState: resetUiState, // avoid case-sensitive typos setUiState, setUIState: setUiState, // avoid case-sensitive typos uiStateName: this.uiStateName // name of component's state slice }; // wrapped component with its props, the state from HOC and uiStateProps return ( <WrappedComponent {...{ ...this.props, ...(this.props.uiState[this.uiStateName] || this.initState), ...uiStateProps }} /> ); } } uiState.propTypes = { add: PropTypes.func.isRequired, delete: PropTypes.func.isRequired, reset: PropTypes.func.isRequired, set: PropTypes.func.isRequired, uiState: PropTypes.object.isRequired }; // the HOC itself is wrapped in connect return connect(stateToProps, dispatchToProps)(uiState); };
import React from 'react' export const Privacy = () => ( <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: '개인정보 처리방침' }} /> ) export default Privacy
// This is an example of how to replace components with your own custom UI logic. import React from 'react'; // You can import the original OSS component if you'd just like to wrap it. import OSSPluginExample from '../../../src/main/js/components/PluginExample'; // Add your own CSS by importing files directly import './plugin.css'; // And then be sure to match the interface of the file you're injecting. For Home, we just // need to make sure we export a component by default. export default function () { return <div className='custom-home'><OSSPluginExample /> and my own internal logic!</div>; }
import React from 'react'; import SvgIcon from '../../SvgIcon'; const EditorPieChart = (props) => ( <SvgIcon {...props}> <path d="M11 2v20c-5.07-.5-9-4.79-9-10s3.93-9.5 9-10zm2.03 0v8.99H22c-.47-4.74-4.24-8.52-8.97-8.99zm0 11.01V22c4.74-.47 8.5-4.25 8.97-8.99h-8.97z"/> </SvgIcon> ); EditorPieChart.displayName = 'EditorPieChart'; EditorPieChart.muiName = 'SvgIcon'; export default EditorPieChart;
import React from 'react'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import * as keys from '../../src/keys'; import DayPickerInput, { HIDE_TIMEOUT } from '../../src/DayPickerInput'; import DayPicker from '../../src/DayPicker'; describe('DayPickerInput', () => { describe('events', () => { describe('click', () => { it('should show the overlay when the input is clicked', () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('click'); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker')).toBeDefined(); }); it('should call `onClick` event handler', () => { const onClick = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput onClick={onClick} />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('click'); expect(onClick).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('focus', () => { it('should show the overlay when the input is focused', () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('focus'); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker')).toBeDefined(); }); it('should call `onFocus` event handler', () => { const onFocus = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput onFocus={onFocus} />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('focus'); expect(onFocus).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('blur', () => { it('should hide the overlay when the input is blurred', () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput value="12/15/2017" />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('focus'); wrapper.find('input').simulate('blur'); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker')).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should call `onBlur` event handler', () => { const onBlur = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput onBlur={onBlur} />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('blur'); expect(onBlur).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should focus the input if blur after clicking the overlay', () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput />); wrapper.find('.DayPickerInput').simulate('mousedown'); const instance = wrapper.instance(); expect(instance.clickedInside).toBe(true); expect(instance.clickTimeout).not.toBeNull(); wrapper.find('input').simulate('blur'); expect(document.activeElement).toEqual(instance.input); }); }); describe('change', () => { it('should call `onChange` event handler', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput onChange={onChange} />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('change'); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should update the input if its value is empty', () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('change', { target: { value: ' ' } }); wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find('input')).toHaveProp('value', ' '); }); it("should call `onDayChange` if the input's value is empty", () => { const onDayChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput onDayChange={onDayChange} />); const input = wrapper.find('input'); input.simulate('change', { target: { value: '' } }); expect(onDayChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, {}); }); it("should update the input's value if the value is not a valid date", () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput />); const input = wrapper.find('input'); input.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'foo' } }); expect(wrapper.find('input')).toHaveProp('value', 'foo'); }); it('should not call `onDayChange` if the value is not a valid date', () => { const onDayChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput onDayChange={onDayChange} />); const input = wrapper.find('input'); input.simulate('change', { target: { value: 'foo' } }); expect(onDayChange).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should update the input's value and the displayed month", () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput />); const input = wrapper.find('input'); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); input.simulate('change', { target: { value: '12/16/2013' } }); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker-Caption').first()).toHaveText( 'December 2013' ); input.simulate('change', { target: { value: '11/10/2015' } }); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker-Caption').first()).toHaveText( 'November 2015' ); }); it('should call `onDayChange` with modifiers', () => { const onDayChange = jest.fn(); const testDay = new Date(2015, 11, 20); const wrapper = mount( <DayPickerInput dayPickerProps={{ modifiers: { foo: testDay }, selectedDays: testDay, disabledDays: testDay, }} onDayChange={onDayChange} /> ); const input = wrapper.find('input'); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); input.simulate('change', { target: { value: '12/20/2015' } }); expect(onDayChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(onDayChange.mock.calls[0][0].format('L')).toBe('12/20/2015'); expect(onDayChange.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual({ foo: true, selected: true, disabled: true, }); }); }); describe('keyup', () => { it('should hide the overlay on ESC', () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput />); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper.find('input').simulate('keyup', { keyCode: keys.ESC }); expect(wrapper.state('showOverlay')).toBe(false); }); it('should call `onKeyUp` event handler', () => { const onKeyUp = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput onKeyUp={onKeyUp} />); wrapper.find('input').simulate('keyup'); expect(onKeyUp).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('dayclick', () => { it('should call `onDayClick` event handler', () => { const onDayClick = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount( <DayPickerInput dayPickerProps={{ onDayClick }} /> ); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(6) .simulate('click'); expect(onDayClick).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should select and display the clicked day', () => { const wrapper = mount( <DayPickerInput dayPickerProps={{ month: new Date(2017, 1) }} /> ); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(10) .simulate('click'); expect(wrapper.find('input')).toHaveProp('value', '02/08/2017'); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker-Caption')).toHaveText('February 2017'); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker-Day--selected')).toHaveText('8'); }); it('should call `onDayChange` when clicking on a day', () => { const onDayChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount( <DayPickerInput onDayChange={onDayChange} dayPickerProps={{ month: new Date(2017, 1), modifiers: { foo: new Date(2017, 1, 8) }, }} /> ); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(10) .simulate('click'); expect(onDayChange.mock.calls[0][0].format('L')).toBe('02/08/2017'); expect(onDayChange.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual({ foo: true }); }); it('should work also when `format` is an array', () => { const onDayChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount( <DayPickerInput onDayChange={onDayChange} format={['L', 'LL']} dayPickerProps={{ month: new Date(2017, 1), }} /> ); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(10) .simulate('click'); expect(onDayChange.mock.calls[0][0].format('L')).toBe('02/08/2017'); }); it('should hide the day picker when clicking on a day', done => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput />); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(10) .simulate('click'); expect(wrapper.instance().hideTimeout).not.toBeNull(); setTimeout(() => { wrapper.update(); expect(wrapper.find(DayPicker)).toHaveLength(0); done(); }, HIDE_TIMEOUT + 50); }); it('should not hide the day picker if `hideOnDayClick` is false', () => { const wrapper = mount(<DayPickerInput hideOnDayClick={false} />); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(10) .simulate('click'); expect(wrapper.instance().hideTimeout).toBeNull(); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker')).toBeDefined(); }); it('should unselect the clicked day if already selected', () => { const wrapper = mount( <DayPickerInput value="02/08/2017" clickUnselectsDay dayPickerProps={{ month: new Date(2017, 1), selectedDays: new Date(2017, 1, 8), }} /> ); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(10) .simulate('click'); expect(wrapper.find('input')).toHaveProp('value', ''); expect(wrapper.find('.DayPicker-Day--selected')).toHaveLength(0); }); it('should call `onDayChange` when clicking a selected day', () => { const onDayChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount( <DayPickerInput value="02/08/2017" onDayChange={onDayChange} clickUnselectsDay dayPickerProps={{ month: new Date(2017, 1), selectedDays: new Date(2017, 1, 8), modifiers: { foo: new Date(2017, 1, 8) }, }} /> ); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(10) .simulate('click'); expect(onDayChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, { selected: true, foo: true, }); }); it('should not call `onDayChange` if the day is disabled', () => { const onDayChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount( <DayPickerInput value="02/08/2017" onDayChange={onDayChange} dayPickerProps={{ month: new Date(2017, 1), disabledDays: new Date(2017, 1, 8), }} /> ); wrapper.instance().showDayPicker(); wrapper.update(); wrapper .find('.DayPicker-Day') .at(10) .simulate('click'); expect(onDayChange).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); });
/* eslint max-len: 0 */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */ /* eslint no-alert: 0 */ /* eslint no-console: 0 */ import React from 'react'; import { BootstrapTable, TableHeaderColumn, InsertModalHeader } from 'react-bootstrap-table'; const products = []; function addProducts(quantity) { const startId = products.length; for (let i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { const id = startId + i; products.push({ id: id, name: 'Item name ' + id, price: 2100 + i }); } } addProducts(5); export default class DefaultCustomInsertModalHeaderTable extends React.Component { beforeClose(e) { alert(`[Custom Event]: Before modal close event triggered!`); } handleModalClose(closeModal) { // Custom your onCloseModal event here, // it's not necessary to implement this function if you have no any process before modal close console.log('This is my custom function for modal close event'); closeModal(); } createCustomModalHeader = (closeModal, save) => { return ( <InsertModalHeader className='my-custom-class' title='This is my custom title' beforeClose={ this.beforeClose } onModalClose={ () => this.handleModalClose(closeModal) }/> // hideClose={ true } to hide the close button ); // If you want have more power to custom the child of InsertModalHeader, // you can do it like following // return ( // <InsertModalHeader // beforeClose={ this.beforeClose } // onModalClose={ () => this.handleModalClose(closeModal) }> // { ... } // </InsertModalHeader> // ); } render() { const options = { insertModalHeader: this.createCustomModalHeader }; return ( <BootstrapTable data={ products } options={ options } insertRow> <TableHeaderColumn dataField='id' isKey={ true }>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn> <TableHeaderColumn dataField='name'>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn> <TableHeaderColumn dataField='price'>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn> </BootstrapTable> ); } }
import React from 'react'; import classnames from 'classnames'; var ListControl = React.createClass({ propTypes: { onClick: React.PropTypes.func, type: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['check', 'delete', 'sortable']).isRequired }, renderControl () { var icon = 'octicon octicon-'; var className = classnames('ItemList__control ItemList__control--' + this.props.type, { 'is-active': }); var tabindex = this.props.type === 'sortable' ? -1 : null; var title; if (this.props.type === 'check') { icon += 'check'; title = 'Check'; } if (this.props.type === 'delete') { icon += 'trashcan'; title = 'Delete'; } if (this.props.type === 'sortable') { icon += 'three-bars'; title = 'Change sortorder of'; } return ( <button type="button" title={title + ' item'} onClick={this.props.onClick} className={className} tabIndex={tabindex}> <span className={icon} /> </button> ); }, render () { var className = 'ItemList__col--control ItemList__col--' + this.props.type; return ( <td className={className}> {this.renderControl()} </td> ); } }); module.exports = ListControl;
import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' /** * @summary More * @component * * @param {object} props * * @returns {node} jsx markup */ function More({ styling }) { return ( <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" className={styling}> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M12 8c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2s-.9-2-2-2-2 .9-2 2 .9 2 2 2zm0 2c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2zm0 6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2s.9 2 2 2 2-.9 2-2-.9-2-2-2z" /> </svg> ) } // PROPTYPES const { string } = PropTypes More.propTypes = { styling: string, } export default More
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M7 14c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3 0 1.31-1.16 2-2 2 .92 1.22 2.49 2 4 2 2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4 0-1.66-1.34-3-3-3zm13.71-9.37l-1.34-1.34a.9959.9959 0 0 0-1.41 0L9 12.25 11.75 15l8.96-8.96c.39-.39.39-1.02 0-1.41z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'BrushRounded');
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. function EventEmitter() { this._events = this._events || {}; this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined; } module.exports = EventEmitter; // Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined; EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined; // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are // added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 10; // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) { if (!isNumber(n) || n < 0 || isNaN(n)) throw TypeError('n must be a positive number'); this._maxListeners = n; return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) { var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners; if (!this._events) this._events = {}; // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. if (type === 'error') { if (!this._events.error || (isObject(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) { er = arguments[1]; if (er instanceof Error) { throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event } throw TypeError('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.'); } } handler = this._events[type]; if (isUndefined(handler)) return false; if (isFunction(handler)) { switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1:; break; case 2:, arguments[1]); break; case 3:, arguments[1], arguments[2]); break; // slower default: len = arguments.length; args = new Array(len - 1); for (i = 1; i < len; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; handler.apply(this, args); } } else if (isObject(handler)) { len = arguments.length; args = new Array(len - 1); for (i = 1; i < len; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; listeners = handler.slice(); len = listeners.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) listeners[i].apply(this, args); } return true; }; EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) { var m; if (!isFunction(listener)) throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); if (!this._events) this._events = {}; // To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener". if (this._events.newListener) this.emit('newListener', type, isFunction(listener.listener) ? listener.listener : listener); if (!this._events[type]) // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. this._events[type] = listener; else if (isObject(this._events[type])) // If we've already got an array, just append. this._events[type].push(listener); else // Adding the second element, need to change to array. this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener]; // Check for listener leak if (isObject(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) { var m; if (!isUndefined(this._maxListeners)) { m = this._maxListeners; } else { m = EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners; } if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) { this._events[type].warned = true; console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' + 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' + 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.', this._events[type].length); if (typeof console.trace === 'function') { // not supported in IE 10 console.trace(); } } } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) { if (!isFunction(listener)) throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); var fired = false; function g() { this.removeListener(type, g); if (!fired) { fired = true; listener.apply(this, arguments); } } g.listener = listener; this.on(type, g); return this; }; // emits a 'removeListener' event iff the listener was removed EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) { var list, position, length, i; if (!isFunction(listener)) throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) return this; list = this._events[type]; length = list.length; position = -1; if (list === listener || (isFunction(list.listener) && list.listener === listener)) { delete this._events[type]; if (this._events.removeListener) this.emit('removeListener', type, listener); } else if (isObject(list)) { for (i = length; i-- > 0;) { if (list[i] === listener || (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener)) { position = i; break; } } if (position < 0) return this; if (list.length === 1) { list.length = 0; delete this._events[type]; } else { list.splice(position, 1); } if (this._events.removeListener) this.emit('removeListener', type, listener); } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { var key, listeners; if (!this._events) return this; // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit if (!this._events.removeListener) { if (arguments.length === 0) this._events = {}; else if (this._events[type]) delete this._events[type]; return this; } // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events if (arguments.length === 0) { for (key in this._events) { if (key === 'removeListener') continue; this.removeAllListeners(key); } this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'); this._events = {}; return this; } listeners = this._events[type]; if (isFunction(listeners)) { this.removeListener(type, listeners); } else { // LIFO order while (listeners.length) this.removeListener(type, listeners[listeners.length - 1]); } delete this._events[type]; return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) { var ret; if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) ret = []; else if (isFunction(this._events[type])) ret = [this._events[type]]; else ret = this._events[type].slice(); return ret; }; EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) { var ret; if (!emitter._events || !emitter._events[type]) ret = 0; else if (isFunction(emitter._events[type])) ret = 1; else ret = emitter._events[type].length; return ret; }; function isFunction(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function'; } function isNumber(arg) { return typeof arg === 'number'; } function isObject(arg) { return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; } function isUndefined(arg) { return arg === void 0; } },{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; process.nextTick = (function () { var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.setImmediate; var canMutationObserver = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.MutationObserver; var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener ; if (canSetImmediate) { return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) }; } var queue = []; if (canMutationObserver) { var hiddenDiv = document.createElement("div"); var observer = new MutationObserver(function () { var queueList = queue.slice(); queue.length = 0; queueList.forEach(function (fn) { fn(); }); }); observer.observe(hiddenDiv, { attributes: true }); return function nextTick(fn) { if (!queue.length) { hiddenDiv.setAttribute('yes', 'no'); } queue.push(fn); }; } if (canPost) { window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) { var source = ev.source; if ((source === window || source === null) && === 'process-tick') { ev.stopPropagation(); if (queue.length > 0) { var fn = queue.shift(); fn(); } } }, true); return function nextTick(fn) { queue.push(fn); window.postMessage('process-tick', '*'); }; } return function nextTick(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; })(); process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; function noop() {} process.on = noop; process.addListener = noop; process.once = noop; = noop; process.removeListener = noop; process.removeAllListeners = noop; process.emit = noop; process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); }; // TODO(shtylman) process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; },{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ var DataSet = require("data-set") module.exports = addEvent function addEvent(target, type, handler) { var ds = DataSet(target) var events = ds[type] if (!events) { ds[type] = handler } else if (Array.isArray(events)) { if (events.indexOf(handler) === -1) { events.push(handler) } } else if (events !== handler) { ds[type] = [events, handler] } } },{"data-set":9}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var globalDocument = require("global/document") var DataSet = require("data-set") var createStore = require("weakmap-shim/create-store") var addEvent = require("./add-event.js") var removeEvent = require("./remove-event.js") var ProxyEvent = require("./proxy-event.js") var HANDLER_STORE = createStore() module.exports = DOMDelegator function DOMDelegator(document) { document = document || globalDocument = document.documentElement = {} this.rawEventListeners = {} this.globalListeners = {} } DOMDelegator.prototype.addEventListener = addEvent DOMDelegator.prototype.removeEventListener = removeEvent DOMDelegator.allocateHandle = function allocateHandle(func) { var handle = new Handle() HANDLER_STORE(handle).func = func; return handle } DOMDelegator.transformHandle = function transformHandle(handle, lambda) { var func = HANDLER_STORE(handle).func return this.allocateHandle(function (ev) { var result = lambda(ev) if (result) { func(result) } }) } DOMDelegator.prototype.addGlobalEventListener = function addGlobalEventListener(eventName, fn) { var listeners = this.globalListeners[eventName] || []; if (listeners.indexOf(fn) === -1) { listeners.push(fn) } this.globalListeners[eventName] = listeners; } DOMDelegator.prototype.removeGlobalEventListener = function removeGlobalEventListener(eventName, fn) { var listeners = this.globalListeners[eventName] || []; var index = listeners.indexOf(fn) if (index !== -1) { listeners.splice(index, 1) } } DOMDelegator.prototype.listenTo = function listenTo(eventName) { if ([eventName]) { return }[eventName] = true var listener = this.rawEventListeners[eventName] if (!listener) { listener = this.rawEventListeners[eventName] = createHandler(eventName, this) }, listener, true) } DOMDelegator.prototype.unlistenTo = function unlistenTo(eventName) { if (![eventName]) { return }[eventName] = false var listener = this.rawEventListeners[eventName] if (!listener) { throw new Error("dom-delegator#unlistenTo: cannot " + "unlisten to " + eventName) }, listener, true) } function createHandler(eventName, delegator) { var globalListeners = delegator.globalListeners; var delegatorTarget =; return handler function handler(ev) { var globalHandlers = globalListeners[eventName] || [] if (globalHandlers.length > 0) { var globalEvent = new ProxyEvent(ev); globalEvent.currentTarget = delegatorTarget; callListeners(globalHandlers, globalEvent) } findAndInvokeListeners(, ev, eventName) } } function findAndInvokeListeners(elem, ev, eventName) { var listener = getListener(elem, eventName) if (listener && listener.handlers.length > 0) { var listenerEvent = new ProxyEvent(ev); listenerEvent.currentTarget = listener.currentTarget callListeners(listener.handlers, listenerEvent) if (listenerEvent._bubbles) { var nextTarget = listener.currentTarget.parentNode findAndInvokeListeners(nextTarget, ev, eventName) } } } function getListener(target, type) { // terminate recursion if parent is `null` if (target === null) { return null } var ds = DataSet(target) // fetch list of handler fns for this event var handler = ds[type] var allHandler = ds.event if (!handler && !allHandler) { return getListener(target.parentNode, type) } var handlers = [].concat(handler || [], allHandler || []) return new Listener(target, handlers) } function callListeners(handlers, ev) { handlers.forEach(function (handler) { if (typeof handler === "function") { handler(ev) } else if (typeof handler.handleEvent === "function") { handler.handleEvent(ev) } else if (handler.type === "dom-delegator-handle") { HANDLER_STORE(handler).func(ev) } else { throw new Error("dom-delegator: unknown handler " + "found: " + JSON.stringify(handlers)); } }) } function Listener(target, handlers) { this.currentTarget = target this.handlers = handlers } function Handle() { this.type = "dom-delegator-handle" } },{"./add-event.js":4,"./proxy-event.js":15,"./remove-event.js":16,"data-set":9,"global/document":10,"weakmap-shim/create-store":13}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ var Individual = require("individual") var cuid = require("cuid") var globalDocument = require("global/document") var DOMDelegator = require("./dom-delegator.js") var versionKey = "11" var cacheKey = "__DOM_DELEGATOR_CACHE@" + versionKey var cacheTokenKey = "__DOM_DELEGATOR_CACHE_TOKEN@" + versionKey var delegatorCache = Individual(cacheKey, { delegators: {} }) var commonEvents = [ "blur", "change", "click", "contextmenu", "dblclick", "error","focus", "focusin", "focusout", "input", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "load", "mousedown", "mouseup", "resize", "select", "submit", "touchcancel", "touchend", "touchstart", "unload" ] /* Delegator is a thin wrapper around a singleton `DOMDelegator` instance. Only one DOMDelegator should exist because we do not want duplicate event listeners bound to the DOM. `Delegator` will also `listenTo()` all events unless every caller opts out of it */ module.exports = Delegator function Delegator(opts) { opts = opts || {} var document = opts.document || globalDocument var cacheKey = document[cacheTokenKey] if (!cacheKey) { cacheKey = document[cacheTokenKey] = cuid() } var delegator = delegatorCache.delegators[cacheKey] if (!delegator) { delegator = delegatorCache.delegators[cacheKey] = new DOMDelegator(document) } if (opts.defaultEvents !== false) { for (var i = 0; i < commonEvents.length; i++) { delegator.listenTo(commonEvents[i]) } } return delegator } Delegator.allocateHandle = DOMDelegator.allocateHandle; Delegator.transformHandle = DOMDelegator.transformHandle; },{"./dom-delegator.js":5,"cuid":7,"global/document":10,"individual":11}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * cuid.js * Collision-resistant UID generator for browsers and node. * Sequential for fast db lookups and recency sorting. * Safe for element IDs and server-side lookups. * * Extracted from CLCTR * * Copyright (c) Eric Elliott 2012 * MIT License */ /*global window, navigator, document, require, process, module */ (function (app) { 'use strict'; var namespace = 'cuid', c = 0, blockSize = 4, base = 36, discreteValues = Math.pow(base, blockSize), pad = function pad(num, size) { var s = "000000000" + num; return s.substr(s.length-size); }, randomBlock = function randomBlock() { return pad((Math.random() * discreteValues << 0) .toString(base), blockSize); }, safeCounter = function () { c = (c < discreteValues) ? c : 0; c++; // this is not subliminal return c - 1; }, api = function cuid() { // Starting with a lowercase letter makes // it HTML element ID friendly. var letter = 'c', // hard-coded allows for sequential access // timestamp // warning: this exposes the exact date and time // that the uid was created. timestamp = (new Date().getTime()).toString(base), // Prevent same-machine collisions. counter, // A few chars to generate distinct ids for different // clients (so different computers are far less // likely to generate the same id) fingerprint = api.fingerprint(), // Grab some more chars from Math.random() random = randomBlock() + randomBlock(); counter = pad(safeCounter().toString(base), blockSize); return (letter + timestamp + counter + fingerprint + random); }; api.slug = function slug() { var date = new Date().getTime().toString(36), counter, print = api.fingerprint().slice(0,1) + api.fingerprint().slice(-1), random = randomBlock().slice(-2); counter = safeCounter().toString(36).slice(-4); return date.slice(-2) + counter + print + random; }; api.globalCount = function globalCount() { // We want to cache the results of this var cache = (function calc() { var i, count = 0; for (i in window) { count++; } return count; }()); api.globalCount = function () { return cache; }; return cache; }; api.fingerprint = function browserPrint() { return pad((navigator.mimeTypes.length + navigator.userAgent.length).toString(36) + api.globalCount().toString(36), 4); }; // don't change anything from here down. if (app.register) { app.register(namespace, api); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = api; } else { app[namespace] = api; } }(this.applitude || this)); },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = createHash function createHash(elem) { var attributes = elem.attributes var hash = {} if (attributes === null || attributes === undefined) { return hash } for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { var attr = attributes[i] if (,5) !== "data-") { continue } hash[] = attr.value } return hash } },{}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ var createStore = require("weakmap-shim/create-store") var Individual = require("individual") var createHash = require("./create-hash.js") var hashStore = Individual("__DATA_SET_WEAKMAP@3", createStore()) module.exports = DataSet function DataSet(elem) { var store = hashStore(elem) if (!store.hash) { store.hash = createHash(elem) } return store.hash } },{"./create-hash.js":8,"individual":11,"weakmap-shim/create-store":13}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ var topLevel = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {} var minDoc = require('min-document'); if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { module.exports = document; } else { var doccy = topLevel['__GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_CACHE@4']; if (!doccy) { doccy = topLevel['__GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_CACHE@4'] = minDoc; } module.exports = doccy; } }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"min-document":1}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ var root = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : {}; module.exports = Individual function Individual(key, value) { if (root[key]) { return root[key] } Object.defineProperty(root, key, { value: value , configurable: true }) return value } }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); }; } else { // old school shim for old browsers module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor var TempCtor = function () {} TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor } } },{}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ var hiddenStore = require('./hidden-store.js'); module.exports = createStore; function createStore() { var key = {}; return function (obj) { if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) { throw new Error('Weakmap-shim: Key must be object') } var store = obj.valueOf(key); return store && store.identity === key ? store : hiddenStore(obj, key); }; } },{"./hidden-store.js":14}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = hiddenStore; function hiddenStore(obj, key) { var store = { identity: key }; var valueOf = obj.valueOf; Object.defineProperty(obj, "valueOf", { value: function (value) { return value !== key ? valueOf.apply(this, arguments) : store; }, writable: true }); return store; } },{}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ var inherits = require("inherits") var ALL_PROPS = [ "altKey", "bubbles", "cancelable", "ctrlKey", "eventPhase", "metaKey", "relatedTarget", "shiftKey", "target", "timeStamp", "type", "view", "which" ] var KEY_PROPS = ["char", "charCode", "key", "keyCode"] var MOUSE_PROPS = [ "button", "buttons", "clientX", "clientY", "layerX", "layerY", "offsetX", "offsetY", "pageX", "pageY", "screenX", "screenY", "toElement" ] var rkeyEvent = /^key|input/ var rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu)|click/ module.exports = ProxyEvent function ProxyEvent(ev) { if (!(this instanceof ProxyEvent)) { return new ProxyEvent(ev) } if (rkeyEvent.test(ev.type)) { return new KeyEvent(ev) } else if (rmouseEvent.test(ev.type)) { return new MouseEvent(ev) } for (var i = 0; i < ALL_PROPS.length; i++) { var propKey = ALL_PROPS[i] this[propKey] = ev[propKey] } this._rawEvent = ev this._bubbles = false; } ProxyEvent.prototype.preventDefault = function () { this._rawEvent.preventDefault() } ProxyEvent.prototype.startPropagation = function () { this._bubbles = true; } function MouseEvent(ev) { for (var i = 0; i < ALL_PROPS.length; i++) { var propKey = ALL_PROPS[i] this[propKey] = ev[propKey] } for (var j = 0; j < MOUSE_PROPS.length; j++) { var mousePropKey = MOUSE_PROPS[j] this[mousePropKey] = ev[mousePropKey] } this._rawEvent = ev } inherits(MouseEvent, ProxyEvent) function KeyEvent(ev) { for (var i = 0; i < ALL_PROPS.length; i++) { var propKey = ALL_PROPS[i] this[propKey] = ev[propKey] } for (var j = 0; j < KEY_PROPS.length; j++) { var keyPropKey = KEY_PROPS[j] this[keyPropKey] = ev[keyPropKey] } this._rawEvent = ev } inherits(KeyEvent, ProxyEvent) },{"inherits":12}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ var DataSet = require("data-set") module.exports = removeEvent function removeEvent(target, type, handler) { var ds = DataSet(target) var events = ds[type] if (!events) { return } else if (Array.isArray(events)) { var index = events.indexOf(handler) if (index !== -1) { events.splice(index, 1) } } else if (events === handler) { ds[type] = null } } },{"data-set":9}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process,global){ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. ;(function (undefined) { var objectTypes = { 'boolean': false, 'function': true, 'object': true, 'number': false, 'string': false, 'undefined': false }; var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this, freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module, moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports, freeGlobal = objectTypes[typeof global] && global; if (freeGlobal && ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal)) { root = freeGlobal; } var Rx = { internals: {}, config: { Promise: root.Promise // Detect if promise exists }, helpers: { } }; // Defaults var noop = Rx.helpers.noop = function () { }, notDefined = Rx.helpers.notDefined = function (x) { return typeof x === 'undefined'; }, isScheduler = Rx.helpers.isScheduler = function (x) { return x instanceof Rx.Scheduler; }, identity = Rx.helpers.identity = function (x) { return x; }, pluck = Rx.helpers.pluck = function (property) { return function (x) { return x[property]; }; }, just = Rx.helpers.just = function (value) { return function () { return value; }; }, defaultNow = Rx.helpers.defaultNow =, defaultComparer = Rx.helpers.defaultComparer = function (x, y) { return isEqual(x, y); }, defaultSubComparer = Rx.helpers.defaultSubComparer = function (x, y) { return x > y ? 1 : (x < y ? -1 : 0); }, defaultKeySerializer = Rx.helpers.defaultKeySerializer = function (x) { return x.toString(); }, defaultError = Rx.helpers.defaultError = function (err) { throw err; }, isPromise = Rx.helpers.isPromise = function (p) { return !!p && typeof p.then === 'function'; }, asArray = Rx.helpers.asArray = function () { return; }, not = Rx.helpers.not = function (a) { return !a; }, isFunction = Rx.helpers.isFunction = (function () { var isFn = function (value) { return typeof value == 'function' || false; } // fallback for older versions of Chrome and Safari if (isFn(/x/)) { isFn = function(value) { return typeof value == 'function' && == '[object Function]'; }; } return isFn; }()); // Errors var sequenceContainsNoElements = 'Sequence contains no elements.'; var argumentOutOfRange = 'Argument out of range'; var objectDisposed = 'Object has been disposed'; function checkDisposed() { if (this.isDisposed) { throw new Error(objectDisposed); } } // Shim in iterator support var $iterator$ = (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator) || '_es6shim_iterator_'; // Bug for mozilla version if (root.Set && typeof new root.Set()['@@iterator'] === 'function') { $iterator$ = '@@iterator'; } var doneEnumerator = Rx.doneEnumerator = { done: true, value: undefined }; var isIterable = Rx.helpers.isIterable = function (o) { return o[$iterator$] !== undefined; } var isArrayLike = Rx.helpers.isArrayLike = function (o) { return o && o.length !== undefined; } Rx.helpers.iterator = $iterator$; var deprecate = Rx.helpers.deprecate = function (name, alternative) { /*if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.warn === "function") { console.warn(name + ' is deprecated, use ' + alternative + ' instead.', new Error('').stack); }*/ } /** `Object#toString` result shortcuts */ var argsClass = '[object Arguments]', arrayClass = '[object Array]', boolClass = '[object Boolean]', dateClass = '[object Date]', errorClass = '[object Error]', funcClass = '[object Function]', numberClass = '[object Number]', objectClass = '[object Object]', regexpClass = '[object RegExp]', stringClass = '[object String]'; var toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, supportsArgsClass = == argsClass, // For less <IE9 && FF<4 suportNodeClass, errorProto = Error.prototype, objectProto = Object.prototype, propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable; try { suportNodeClass = !( == objectClass && !({ 'toString': 0 } + '')); } catch (e) { suportNodeClass = true; } var shadowedProps = [ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; var nonEnumProps = {}; nonEnumProps[arrayClass] = nonEnumProps[dateClass] = nonEnumProps[numberClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toLocaleString': true, 'toString': true, 'valueOf': true }; nonEnumProps[boolClass] = nonEnumProps[stringClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toString': true, 'valueOf': true }; nonEnumProps[errorClass] = nonEnumProps[funcClass] = nonEnumProps[regexpClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toString': true }; nonEnumProps[objectClass] = { 'constructor': true }; var support = {}; (function () { var ctor = function() { this.x = 1; }, props = []; ctor.prototype = { 'valueOf': 1, 'y': 1 }; for (var key in new ctor) { props.push(key); } for (key in arguments) { } // Detect if `name` or `message` properties of `Error.prototype` are enumerable by default. support.enumErrorProps =, 'message') ||, 'name'); // Detect if `prototype` properties are enumerable by default. support.enumPrototypes =, 'prototype'); // Detect if `arguments` object indexes are non-enumerable support.nonEnumArgs = key != 0; // Detect if properties shadowing those on `Object.prototype` are non-enumerable. support.nonEnumShadows = !/valueOf/.test(props); }(1)); function isObject(value) { // check if the value is the ECMAScript language type of Object // // and avoid a V8 bug // var type = typeof value; return value && (type == 'function' || type == 'object') || false; } function keysIn(object) { var result = []; if (!isObject(object)) { return result; } if (support.nonEnumArgs && object.length && isArguments(object)) { object =; } var skipProto = support.enumPrototypes && typeof object == 'function', skipErrorProps = support.enumErrorProps && (object === errorProto || object instanceof Error); for (var key in object) { if (!(skipProto && key == 'prototype') && !(skipErrorProps && (key == 'message' || key == 'name'))) { result.push(key); } } if (support.nonEnumShadows && object !== objectProto) { var ctor = object.constructor, index = -1, length = shadowedProps.length; if (object === (ctor && ctor.prototype)) { var className = object === stringProto ? stringClass : object === errorProto ? errorClass :, nonEnum = nonEnumProps[className]; } while (++index < length) { key = shadowedProps[index]; if (!(nonEnum && nonEnum[key]) &&, key)) { result.push(key); } } } return result; } function internalFor(object, callback, keysFunc) { var index = -1, props = keysFunc(object), length = props.length; while (++index < length) { var key = props[index]; if (callback(object[key], key, object) === false) { break; } } return object; } function internalForIn(object, callback) { return internalFor(object, callback, keysIn); } function isNode(value) { // IE < 9 presents DOM nodes as `Object` objects except they have `toString` // methods that are `typeof` "string" and still can coerce nodes to strings return typeof value.toString != 'function' && typeof (value + '') == 'string'; } function isArguments(value) { return (value && typeof value == 'object') ? == argsClass : false; } // fallback for browsers that can't detect `arguments` objects by [[Class]] if (!supportsArgsClass) { isArguments = function(value) { return (value && typeof value == 'object') ?, 'callee') : false; }; } var isEqual = Rx.internals.isEqual = function (x, y) { return deepEquals(x, y, [], []); }; /** @private * Used for deep comparison **/ function deepEquals(a, b, stackA, stackB) { // exit early for identical values if (a === b) { // treat `+0` vs. `-0` as not equal return a !== 0 || (1 / a == 1 / b); } var type = typeof a, otherType = typeof b; // exit early for unlike primitive values if (a === a && (a == null || b == null || (type != 'function' && type != 'object' && otherType != 'function' && otherType != 'object'))) { return false; } // compare [[Class]] names var className =, otherClass =; if (className == argsClass) { className = objectClass; } if (otherClass == argsClass) { otherClass = objectClass; } if (className != otherClass) { return false; } switch (className) { case boolClass: case dateClass: // coerce dates and booleans to numbers, dates to milliseconds and booleans // to `1` or `0` treating invalid dates coerced to `NaN` as not equal return +a == +b; case numberClass: // treat `NaN` vs. `NaN` as equal return (a != +a) ? b != +b : // but treat `-0` vs. `+0` as not equal (a == 0 ? (1 / a == 1 / b) : a == +b); case regexpClass: case stringClass: // coerce regexes to strings ( // treat string primitives and their corresponding object instances as equal return a == String(b); } var isArr = className == arrayClass; if (!isArr) { // exit for functions and DOM nodes if (className != objectClass || (!support.nodeClass && (isNode(a) || isNode(b)))) { return false; } // in older versions of Opera, `arguments` objects have `Array` constructors var ctorA = !support.argsObject && isArguments(a) ? Object : a.constructor, ctorB = !support.argsObject && isArguments(b) ? Object : b.constructor; // non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal if (ctorA != ctorB && !(, 'constructor') &&, 'constructor')) && !(isFunction(ctorA) && ctorA instanceof ctorA && isFunction(ctorB) && ctorB instanceof ctorB) && ('constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b) ) { return false; } } // assume cyclic structures are equal // the algorithm for detecting cyclic structures is adapted from ES 5.1 // section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO` ( var initedStack = !stackA; stackA || (stackA = []); stackB || (stackB = []); var length = stackA.length; while (length--) { if (stackA[length] == a) { return stackB[length] == b; } } var size = 0; var result = true; // add `a` and `b` to the stack of traversed objects stackA.push(a); stackB.push(b); // recursively compare objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits) if (isArr) { // compare lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary length = a.length; size = b.length; result = size == length; if (result) { // deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties while (size--) { var index = length, value = b[size]; if (!(result = deepEquals(a[size], value, stackA, stackB))) { break; } } } } else { // deep compare objects using `forIn`, instead of `forOwn`, to avoid `Object.keys` // which, in this case, is more costly internalForIn(b, function(value, key, b) { if (, key)) { // count the number of properties. size++; // deep compare each property value. return (result =, key) && deepEquals(a[key], value, stackA, stackB)); } }); if (result) { // ensure both objects have the same number of properties internalForIn(a, function(value, key, a) { if (, key)) { // `size` will be `-1` if `a` has more properties than `b` return (result = --size > -1); } }); } } stackA.pop(); stackB.pop(); return result; } var slice = Array.prototype.slice; function argsOrArray(args, idx) { return args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[idx]) ? args[idx] :; } var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; var inherits = this.inherits = Rx.internals.inherits = function (child, parent) { function __() { this.constructor = child; } __.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new __(); }; var addProperties = Rx.internals.addProperties = function (obj) { var sources =, 1); for (var i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { var source = sources[i]; for (var prop in source) { obj[prop] = source[prop]; } } }; // Rx Utils var addRef = Rx.internals.addRef = function (xs, r) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return new CompositeDisposable(r.getDisposable(), xs.subscribe(observer)); }); }; function arrayInitialize(count, factory) { var a = new Array(count); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { a[i] = factory(); } return a; } // Collections function IndexedItem(id, value) { = id; this.value = value; } IndexedItem.prototype.compareTo = function (other) { var c = this.value.compareTo(other.value); c === 0 && (c = -; return c; }; // Priority Queue for Scheduling var PriorityQueue = Rx.internals.PriorityQueue = function (capacity) { this.items = new Array(capacity); this.length = 0; }; var priorityProto = PriorityQueue.prototype; priorityProto.isHigherPriority = function (left, right) { return this.items[left].compareTo(this.items[right]) < 0; }; priorityProto.percolate = function (index) { if (index >= this.length || index < 0) { return; } var parent = index - 1 >> 1; if (parent < 0 || parent === index) { return; } if (this.isHigherPriority(index, parent)) { var temp = this.items[index]; this.items[index] = this.items[parent]; this.items[parent] = temp; this.percolate(parent); } }; priorityProto.heapify = function (index) { +index || (index = 0); if (index >= this.length || index < 0) { return; } var left = 2 * index + 1, right = 2 * index + 2, first = index; if (left < this.length && this.isHigherPriority(left, first)) { first = left; } if (right < this.length && this.isHigherPriority(right, first)) { first = right; } if (first !== index) { var temp = this.items[index]; this.items[index] = this.items[first]; this.items[first] = temp; this.heapify(first); } }; priorityProto.peek = function () { return this.items[0].value; }; priorityProto.removeAt = function (index) { this.items[index] = this.items[--this.length]; delete this.items[this.length]; this.heapify(); }; priorityProto.dequeue = function () { var result = this.peek(); this.removeAt(0); return result; }; priorityProto.enqueue = function (item) { var index = this.length++; this.items[index] = new IndexedItem(PriorityQueue.count++, item); this.percolate(index); }; priorityProto.remove = function (item) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this.items[i].value === item) { this.removeAt(i); return true; } } return false; }; PriorityQueue.count = 0; /** * Represents a group of disposable resources that are disposed together. * @constructor */ var CompositeDisposable = Rx.CompositeDisposable = function () { this.disposables = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); this.isDisposed = false; this.length = this.disposables.length; }; var CompositeDisposablePrototype = CompositeDisposable.prototype; /** * Adds a disposable to the CompositeDisposable or disposes the disposable if the CompositeDisposable is disposed. * @param {Mixed} item Disposable to add. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.add = function (item) { if (this.isDisposed) { item.dispose(); } else { this.disposables.push(item); this.length++; } }; /** * Removes and disposes the first occurrence of a disposable from the CompositeDisposable. * @param {Mixed} item Disposable to remove. * @returns {Boolean} true if found; false otherwise. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.remove = function (item) { var shouldDispose = false; if (!this.isDisposed) { var idx = this.disposables.indexOf(item); if (idx !== -1) { shouldDispose = true; this.disposables.splice(idx, 1); this.length--; item.dispose(); } } return shouldDispose; }; /** * Disposes all disposables in the group and removes them from the group. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { this.isDisposed = true; var currentDisposables = this.disposables.slice(0); this.disposables = []; this.length = 0; for (var i = 0, len = currentDisposables.length; i < len; i++) { currentDisposables[i].dispose(); } } }; /** * Converts the existing CompositeDisposable to an array of disposables * @returns {Array} An array of disposable objects. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.toArray = function () { return this.disposables.slice(0); }; /** * Provides a set of static methods for creating Disposables. * * @constructor * @param {Function} dispose Action to run during the first call to dispose. The action is guaranteed to be run at most once. */ var Disposable = Rx.Disposable = function (action) { this.isDisposed = false; this.action = action || noop; }; /** Performs the task of cleaning up resources. */ Disposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { this.action(); this.isDisposed = true; } }; /** * Creates a disposable object that invokes the specified action when disposed. * @param {Function} dispose Action to run during the first call to dispose. The action is guaranteed to be run at most once. * @return {Disposable} The disposable object that runs the given action upon disposal. */ var disposableCreate = Disposable.create = function (action) { return new Disposable(action); }; /** * Gets the disposable that does nothing when disposed. */ var disposableEmpty = Disposable.empty = { dispose: noop }; var SingleAssignmentDisposable = Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable = (function () { function BooleanDisposable () { this.isDisposed = false; this.current = null; } var booleanDisposablePrototype = BooleanDisposable.prototype; /** * Gets the underlying disposable. * @return The underlying disposable. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.getDisposable = function () { return this.current; }; /** * Sets the underlying disposable. * @param {Disposable} value The new underlying disposable. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.setDisposable = function (value) { var shouldDispose = this.isDisposed, old; if (!shouldDispose) { old = this.current; this.current = value; } old && old.dispose(); shouldDispose && value && value.dispose(); }; /** * Disposes the underlying disposable as well as all future replacements. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.dispose = function () { var old; if (!this.isDisposed) { this.isDisposed = true; old = this.current; this.current = null; } old && old.dispose(); }; return BooleanDisposable; }()); var SerialDisposable = Rx.SerialDisposable = SingleAssignmentDisposable; /** * Represents a disposable resource that only disposes its underlying disposable resource when all dependent disposable objects have been disposed. */ var RefCountDisposable = Rx.RefCountDisposable = (function () { function InnerDisposable(disposable) { this.disposable = disposable; this.disposable.count++; this.isInnerDisposed = false; } InnerDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.disposable.isDisposed) { if (!this.isInnerDisposed) { this.isInnerDisposed = true; this.disposable.count--; if (this.disposable.count === 0 && this.disposable.isPrimaryDisposed) { this.disposable.isDisposed = true; this.disposable.underlyingDisposable.dispose(); } } } }; /** * Initializes a new instance of the RefCountDisposable with the specified disposable. * @constructor * @param {Disposable} disposable Underlying disposable. */ function RefCountDisposable(disposable) { this.underlyingDisposable = disposable; this.isDisposed = false; this.isPrimaryDisposed = false; this.count = 0; } /** * Disposes the underlying disposable only when all dependent disposables have been disposed */ RefCountDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { if (!this.isPrimaryDisposed) { this.isPrimaryDisposed = true; if (this.count === 0) { this.isDisposed = true; this.underlyingDisposable.dispose(); } } } }; /** * Returns a dependent disposable that when disposed decreases the refcount on the underlying disposable. * @returns {Disposable} A dependent disposable contributing to the reference count that manages the underlying disposable's lifetime. */ RefCountDisposable.prototype.getDisposable = function () { return this.isDisposed ? disposableEmpty : new InnerDisposable(this); }; return RefCountDisposable; })(); function ScheduledDisposable(scheduler, disposable) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.disposable = disposable; this.isDisposed = false; } ScheduledDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { var parent = this; this.scheduler.schedule(function () { if (!parent.isDisposed) { parent.isDisposed = true; parent.disposable.dispose(); } }); }; var ScheduledItem = Rx.internals.ScheduledItem = function (scheduler, state, action, dueTime, comparer) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.state = state; this.action = action; this.dueTime = dueTime; this.comparer = comparer || defaultSubComparer; this.disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); } ScheduledItem.prototype.invoke = function () { this.disposable.setDisposable(this.invokeCore()); }; ScheduledItem.prototype.compareTo = function (other) { return this.comparer(this.dueTime, other.dueTime); }; ScheduledItem.prototype.isCancelled = function () { return this.disposable.isDisposed; }; ScheduledItem.prototype.invokeCore = function () { return this.action(this.scheduler, this.state); }; /** Provides a set of static properties to access commonly used schedulers. */ var Scheduler = Rx.Scheduler = (function () { function Scheduler(now, schedule, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute) { = now; this._schedule = schedule; this._scheduleRelative = scheduleRelative; this._scheduleAbsolute = scheduleAbsolute; } function invokeAction(scheduler, action) { action(); return disposableEmpty; } var schedulerProto = Scheduler.prototype; /** * Schedules an action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.schedule = function (action) { return this._schedule(action, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed. * @param state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithState = function (state, action) { return this._schedule(state, action); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed after the specified relative due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithRelative = function (dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed after dueTime. * @param state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithRelativeAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at the specified absolute due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithAbsolute = function (dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action); }; /** Gets the current time according to the local machine's system clock. */ = defaultNow; /** * Normalizes the specified TimeSpan value to a positive value. * @param {Number} timeSpan The time span value to normalize. * @returns {Number} The specified TimeSpan value if it is zero or positive; otherwise, 0 */ Scheduler.normalize = function (timeSpan) { timeSpan < 0 && (timeSpan = 0); return timeSpan; }; return Scheduler; }()); var normalizeTime = Scheduler.normalize; (function (schedulerProto) { function invokeRecImmediate(scheduler, pair) { var state = pair.first, action = pair.second, group = new CompositeDisposable(), recursiveAction = function (state1) { action(state1, function (state2) { var isAdded = false, isDone = false, d = scheduler.scheduleWithState(state2, function (scheduler1, state3) { if (isAdded) { group.remove(d); } else { isDone = true; } recursiveAction(state3); return disposableEmpty; }); if (!isDone) { group.add(d); isAdded = true; } }); }; recursiveAction(state); return group; } function invokeRecDate(scheduler, pair, method) { var state = pair.first, action = pair.second, group = new CompositeDisposable(), recursiveAction = function (state1) { action(state1, function (state2, dueTime1) { var isAdded = false, isDone = false, d = scheduler[method].call(scheduler, state2, dueTime1, function (scheduler1, state3) { if (isAdded) { group.remove(d); } else { isDone = true; } recursiveAction(state3); return disposableEmpty; }); if (!isDone) { group.add(d); isAdded = true; } }); }; recursiveAction(state); return group; } function scheduleInnerRecursive(action, self) { action(function(dt) { self(action, dt); }); } /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursive = function (action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithState(action, function (_action, self) { _action(function () { self(_action); }); }); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in recursive invocation state. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithState = function (state, action) { return this.scheduleWithState({ first: state, second: action }, invokeRecImmediate); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively after a specified relative due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action at the specified relative time. * @param {Number}dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithRelative = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState(action, dueTime, scheduleInnerRecursive); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively after a specified relative due time. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in the recursive due time and invocation state. * @param {Number}dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative({ first: state, second: action }, dueTime, function (s, p) { return invokeRecDate(s, p, 'scheduleWithRelativeAndState'); }); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively at a specified absolute due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action at the specified absolute time. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsolute = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsoluteAndState(action, dueTime, scheduleInnerRecursive); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively at a specified absolute due time. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in the recursive due time and invocation state. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsoluteAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute({ first: state, second: action }, dueTime, function (s, p) { return invokeRecDate(s, p, 'scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState'); }); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); (function (schedulerProto) { /** * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be scheduled using window.setInterval for the base implementation. * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort). */ Scheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodic = function (period, action) { return this.schedulePeriodicWithState(null, period, action); }; /** * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be scheduled using window.setInterval for the base implementation. * @param {Mixed} state Initial state passed to the action upon the first iteration. * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed, potentially updating the state. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort). */ Scheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodicWithState = function(state, period, action) { if (typeof root.setInterval === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Periodic scheduling not supported.'); } var s = state; var id = root.setInterval(function () { s = action(s); }, period); return disposableCreate(function () { root.clearInterval(id); }); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); (function (schedulerProto) { /** * Returns a scheduler that wraps the original scheduler, adding exception handling for scheduled actions. * @param {Function} handler Handler that's run if an exception is caught. The exception will be rethrown if the handler returns false. * @returns {Scheduler} Wrapper around the original scheduler, enforcing exception handling. */ schedulerProto.catchError = schedulerProto['catch'] = function (handler) { return new CatchScheduler(this, handler); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); var SchedulePeriodicRecursive = Rx.internals.SchedulePeriodicRecursive = (function () { function tick(command, recurse) { recurse(0, this._period); try { this._state = this._action(this._state); } catch (e) { this._cancel.dispose(); throw e; } } function SchedulePeriodicRecursive(scheduler, state, period, action) { this._scheduler = scheduler; this._state = state; this._period = period; this._action = action; } SchedulePeriodicRecursive.prototype.start = function () { var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); this._cancel = d; d.setDisposable(this._scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState(0, this._period, tick.bind(this))); return d; }; return SchedulePeriodicRecursive; }()); /** * Gets a scheduler that schedules work immediately on the current thread. */ var immediateScheduler = Scheduler.immediate = (function () { function scheduleNow(state, action) { return action(this, state); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { var dt = normalizeTime(dt); while (dt - > 0) { } return action(this, state); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime -, action); } return new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); }()); /** * Gets a scheduler that schedules work as soon as possible on the current thread. */ var currentThreadScheduler = Scheduler.currentThread = (function () { var queue; function runTrampoline (q) { var item; while (q.length > 0) { item = q.dequeue(); if (!item.isCancelled()) { // Note, do not schedule blocking work! while (item.dueTime - > 0) { } if (!item.isCancelled()) { item.invoke(); } } } } function scheduleNow(state, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, 0, action); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { var dt = + Scheduler.normalize(dueTime), si = new ScheduledItem(this, state, action, dt); if (!queue) { queue = new PriorityQueue(4); queue.enqueue(si); try { runTrampoline(queue); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { queue = null; } } else { queue.enqueue(si); } return si.disposable; } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime -, action); } var currentScheduler = new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); currentScheduler.scheduleRequired = function () { return !queue; }; currentScheduler.ensureTrampoline = function (action) { if (!queue) { this.schedule(action); } else { action(); } }; return currentScheduler; }()); var scheduleMethod, clearMethod = noop; var localTimer = (function () { var localSetTimeout, localClearTimeout = noop; if ('WScript' in this) { localSetTimeout = function (fn, time) { WScript.Sleep(time); fn(); }; } else if (!!root.setTimeout) { localSetTimeout = root.setTimeout; localClearTimeout = root.clearTimeout; } else { throw new Error('No concurrency detected!'); } return { setTimeout: localSetTimeout, clearTimeout: localClearTimeout }; }()); var localSetTimeout = localTimer.setTimeout, localClearTimeout = localTimer.clearTimeout; (function () { var reNative = RegExp('^' + String(toString) .replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/toString| for [^\]]+/g, '.*?') + '$' ); var setImmediate = typeof (setImmediate = freeGlobal && moduleExports && freeGlobal.setImmediate) == 'function' && !reNative.test(setImmediate) && setImmediate, clearImmediate = typeof (clearImmediate = freeGlobal && moduleExports && freeGlobal.clearImmediate) == 'function' && !reNative.test(clearImmediate) && clearImmediate; function postMessageSupported () { // Ensure not in a worker if (!root.postMessage || root.importScripts) { return false; } var isAsync = false, oldHandler = root.onmessage; // Test for async root.onmessage = function () { isAsync = true; }; root.postMessage('', '*'); root.onmessage = oldHandler; return isAsync; } // Use in order, setImmediate, nextTick, postMessage, MessageChannel, script readystatechanged, setTimeout if (typeof setImmediate === 'function') { scheduleMethod = setImmediate; clearMethod = clearImmediate; } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]') { scheduleMethod = process.nextTick; } else if (postMessageSupported()) { var MSG_PREFIX = 'ms.rx.schedule' + Math.random(), tasks = {}, taskId = 0; function onGlobalPostMessage(event) { // Only if we're a match to avoid any other global events if (typeof === 'string' &&, MSG_PREFIX.length) === MSG_PREFIX) { var handleId =, action = tasks[handleId]; action(); delete tasks[handleId]; } } if (root.addEventListener) { root.addEventListener('message', onGlobalPostMessage, false); } else { root.attachEvent('onmessage', onGlobalPostMessage, false); } scheduleMethod = function (action) { var currentId = taskId++; tasks[currentId] = action; root.postMessage(MSG_PREFIX + currentId, '*'); }; } else if (!!root.MessageChannel) { var channel = new root.MessageChannel(), channelTasks = {}, channelTaskId = 0; channel.port1.onmessage = function (event) { var id =, action = channelTasks[id]; action(); delete channelTasks[id]; }; scheduleMethod = function (action) { var id = channelTaskId++; channelTasks[id] = action; channel.port2.postMessage(id); }; } else if ('document' in root && 'onreadystatechange' in root.document.createElement('script')) { scheduleMethod = function (action) { var scriptElement = root.document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.onreadystatechange = function () { action(); scriptElement.onreadystatechange = null; scriptElement.parentNode.removeChild(scriptElement); scriptElement = null; }; root.document.documentElement.appendChild(scriptElement); }; } else { scheduleMethod = function (action) { return localSetTimeout(action, 0); }; clearMethod = localClearTimeout; } }()); /** * Gets a scheduler that schedules work via a timed callback based upon platform. */ var timeoutScheduler = Scheduler.timeout = (function () { function scheduleNow(state, action) { var scheduler = this, disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); var id = scheduleMethod(function () { if (!disposable.isDisposed) { disposable.setDisposable(action(scheduler, state)); } }); return new CompositeDisposable(disposable, disposableCreate(function () { clearMethod(id); })); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { var scheduler = this, dt = Scheduler.normalize(dueTime); if (dt === 0) { return scheduler.scheduleWithState(state, action); } var disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); var id = localSetTimeout(function () { if (!disposable.isDisposed) { disposable.setDisposable(action(scheduler, state)); } }, dt); return new CompositeDisposable(disposable, disposableCreate(function () { localClearTimeout(id); })); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime -, action); } return new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); })(); var CatchScheduler = (function (__super__) { function scheduleNow(state, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithState(state, this._wrap(action)); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime, this._wrap(action)); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState(state, dueTime, this._wrap(action)); } inherits(CatchScheduler, __super__); function CatchScheduler(scheduler, handler) { this._scheduler = scheduler; this._handler = handler; this._recursiveOriginal = null; this._recursiveWrapper = null;,, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); } CatchScheduler.prototype._clone = function (scheduler) { return new CatchScheduler(scheduler, this._handler); }; CatchScheduler.prototype._wrap = function (action) { var parent = this; return function (self, state) { try { return action(parent._getRecursiveWrapper(self), state); } catch (e) { if (!parent._handler(e)) { throw e; } return disposableEmpty; } }; }; CatchScheduler.prototype._getRecursiveWrapper = function (scheduler) { if (this._recursiveOriginal !== scheduler) { this._recursiveOriginal = scheduler; var wrapper = this._clone(scheduler); wrapper._recursiveOriginal = scheduler; wrapper._recursiveWrapper = wrapper; this._recursiveWrapper = wrapper; } return this._recursiveWrapper; }; CatchScheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodicWithState = function (state, period, action) { var self = this, failed = false, d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); d.setDisposable(this._scheduler.schedulePeriodicWithState(state, period, function (state1) { if (failed) { return null; } try { return action(state1); } catch (e) { failed = true; if (!self._handler(e)) { throw e; } d.dispose(); return null; } })); return d; }; return CatchScheduler; }(Scheduler)); /** * Represents a notification to an observer. */ var Notification = Rx.Notification = (function () { function Notification(kind, hasValue) { this.hasValue = hasValue == null ? false : hasValue; this.kind = kind; } /** * Invokes the delegate corresponding to the notification or the observer's method corresponding to the notification and returns the produced result. * * @memberOf Notification * @param {Any} observerOrOnNext Delegate to invoke for an OnNext notification or Observer to invoke the notification on.. * @param {Function} onError Delegate to invoke for an OnError notification. * @param {Function} onCompleted Delegate to invoke for an OnCompleted notification. * @returns {Any} Result produced by the observation. */ Notification.prototype.accept = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { return observerOrOnNext && typeof observerOrOnNext === 'object' ? this._acceptObservable(observerOrOnNext) : this._accept(observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence with a single notification. * * @memberOf Notifications * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to send out the notification calls on. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that surfaces the behavior of the notification upon subscription. */ Notification.prototype.toObservable = function (scheduler) { var notification = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { notification._acceptObservable(observer); notification.kind === 'N' && observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; return Notification; })(); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnNext notification to an observer. * @param {Any} value The value contained in the notification. * @returns {Notification} The OnNext notification containing the value. */ var notificationCreateOnNext = Notification.createOnNext = (function () { function _accept (onNext) { return onNext(this.value); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onNext(this.value); } function toString () { return 'OnNext(' + this.value + ')'; } return function (value) { var notification = new Notification('N', true); notification.value = value; notification._accept = _accept; notification._acceptObservable = _acceptObservable; notification.toString = toString; return notification; }; }()); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnError notification to an observer. * @param {Any} error The exception contained in the notification. * @returns {Notification} The OnError notification containing the exception. */ var notificationCreateOnError = Notification.createOnError = (function () { function _accept (onNext, onError) { return onError(this.exception); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onError(this.exception); } function toString () { return 'OnError(' + this.exception + ')'; } return function (e) { var notification = new Notification('E'); notification.exception = e; notification._accept = _accept; notification._acceptObservable = _acceptObservable; notification.toString = toString; return notification; }; }()); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnCompleted notification to an observer. * @returns {Notification} The OnCompleted notification. */ var notificationCreateOnCompleted = Notification.createOnCompleted = (function () { function _accept (onNext, onError, onCompleted) { return onCompleted(); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onCompleted(); } function toString () { return 'OnCompleted()'; } return function () { var notification = new Notification('C'); notification._accept = _accept; notification._acceptObservable = _acceptObservable; notification.toString = toString; return notification; }; }()); var Enumerator = Rx.internals.Enumerator = function (next) { this._next = next; }; = function () { return this._next(); }; Enumerator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; } var Enumerable = Rx.internals.Enumerable = function (iterator) { this._iterator = iterator; }; Enumerable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this._iterator(); }; Enumerable.prototype.concat = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var e; try { e = sources[$iterator$](); } catch (err) { observer.onError(); return; } var isDisposed, subscription = new SerialDisposable(); var cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var currentItem; if (isDisposed) { return; } try { currentItem =; } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } if (currentItem.done) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } // Check if promise var currentValue = currentItem.value; isPromise(currentValue) && (currentValue = observableFromPromise(currentValue)); var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(currentValue.subscribe( observer.onNext.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { self(); }) ); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable, disposableCreate(function () { isDisposed = true; })); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.catchError = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var e; try { e = sources[$iterator$](); } catch (err) { observer.onError(); return; } var isDisposed, lastException, subscription = new SerialDisposable(); var cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { if (isDisposed) { return; } var currentItem; try { currentItem =; } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } if (currentItem.done) { if (lastException) { observer.onError(lastException); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } return; } // Check if promise var currentValue = currentItem.value; isPromise(currentValue) && (currentValue = observableFromPromise(currentValue)); var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(currentValue.subscribe( observer.onNext.bind(observer), function (exn) { lastException = exn; self(); }, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer))); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable, disposableCreate(function () { isDisposed = true; })); }); }; var enumerableRepeat = Enumerable.repeat = function (value, repeatCount) { if (repeatCount == null) { repeatCount = -1; } return new Enumerable(function () { var left = repeatCount; return new Enumerator(function () { if (left === 0) { return doneEnumerator; } if (left > 0) { left--; } return { done: false, value: value }; }); }); }; var enumerableOf = Enumerable.of = function (source, selector, thisArg) { selector || (selector = identity); return new Enumerable(function () { var index = -1; return new Enumerator( function () { return ++index < source.length ? { done: false, value:, source[index], index, source) } : doneEnumerator; }); }); }; /** * Supports push-style iteration over an observable sequence. */ var Observer = Rx.Observer = function () { }; /** * Creates a notification callback from an observer. * @returns The action that forwards its input notification to the underlying observer. */ Observer.prototype.toNotifier = function () { var observer = this; return function (n) { return n.accept(observer); }; }; /** * Hides the identity of an observer. * @returns An observer that hides the identity of the specified observer. */ Observer.prototype.asObserver = function () { return new AnonymousObserver(this.onNext.bind(this), this.onError.bind(this), this.onCompleted.bind(this)); }; /** * Checks access to the observer for grammar violations. This includes checking for multiple OnError or OnCompleted calls, as well as reentrancy in any of the observer methods. * If a violation is detected, an Error is thrown from the offending observer method call. * @returns An observer that checks callbacks invocations against the observer grammar and, if the checks pass, forwards those to the specified observer. */ Observer.prototype.checked = function () { return new CheckedObserver(this); }; /** * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, along with optional OnError, and OnCompleted actions. * @param {Function} [onNext] Observer's OnNext action implementation. * @param {Function} [onError] Observer's OnError action implementation. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Observer's OnCompleted action implementation. * @returns {Observer} The observer object implemented using the given actions. */ var observerCreate = Observer.create = function (onNext, onError, onCompleted) { onNext || (onNext = noop); onError || (onError = defaultError); onCompleted || (onCompleted = noop); return new AnonymousObserver(onNext, onError, onCompleted); }; /** * Creates an observer from a notification callback. * * @static * @memberOf Observer * @param {Function} handler Action that handles a notification. * @returns The observer object that invokes the specified handler using a notification corresponding to each message it receives. */ Observer.fromNotifier = function (handler, thisArg) { return new AnonymousObserver(function (x) { return, notificationCreateOnNext(x)); }, function (e) { return, notificationCreateOnError(e)); }, function () { return, notificationCreateOnCompleted()); }); }; /** * Schedules the invocation of observer methods on the given scheduler. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to schedule observer messages on. * @returns {Observer} Observer whose messages are scheduled on the given scheduler. */ Observer.notifyOn = function (scheduler) { return new ObserveOnObserver(scheduler, this); }; /** * Abstract base class for implementations of the Observer class. * This base class enforces the grammar of observers where OnError and OnCompleted are terminal messages. */ var AbstractObserver = Rx.internals.AbstractObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(AbstractObserver, __super__); /** * Creates a new observer in a non-stopped state. */ function AbstractObserver() { this.isStopped = false;; } /** * Notifies the observer of a new element in the sequence. * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onNext = function (value) { if (!this.isStopped) {; } }; /** * Notifies the observer that an exception has occurred. * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onError = function (error) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.error(error); } }; /** * Notifies the observer of the end of the sequence. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.completed(); } }; /** * Disposes the observer, causing it to transition to the stopped state. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.dispose = function () { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.error(e); return true; } return false; }; return AbstractObserver; }(Observer)); /** * Class to create an Observer instance from delegate-based implementations of the on* methods. */ var AnonymousObserver = Rx.AnonymousObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousObserver, __super__); /** * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, OnError, and OnCompleted actions. * @param {Any} onNext Observer's OnNext action implementation. * @param {Any} onError Observer's OnError action implementation. * @param {Any} onCompleted Observer's OnCompleted action implementation. */ function AnonymousObserver(onNext, onError, onCompleted) {; this._onNext = onNext; this._onError = onError; this._onCompleted = onCompleted; } /** * Calls the onNext action. * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence. */ = function (value) { this._onNext(value); }; /** * Calls the onError action. * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred. */ AnonymousObserver.prototype.error = function (error) { this._onError(error); }; /** * Calls the onCompleted action. */ AnonymousObserver.prototype.completed = function () { this._onCompleted(); }; return AnonymousObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); var CheckedObserver = (function (_super) { inherits(CheckedObserver, _super); function CheckedObserver(observer) {; this._observer = observer; this._state = 0; // 0 - idle, 1 - busy, 2 - done } var CheckedObserverPrototype = CheckedObserver.prototype; CheckedObserverPrototype.onNext = function (value) { this.checkAccess(); try { this._observer.onNext(value); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this._state = 0; } }; CheckedObserverPrototype.onError = function (err) { this.checkAccess(); try { this._observer.onError(err); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this._state = 2; } }; CheckedObserverPrototype.onCompleted = function () { this.checkAccess(); try { this._observer.onCompleted(); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this._state = 2; } }; CheckedObserverPrototype.checkAccess = function () { if (this._state === 1) { throw new Error('Re-entrancy detected'); } if (this._state === 2) { throw new Error('Observer completed'); } if (this._state === 0) { this._state = 1; } }; return CheckedObserver; }(Observer)); var ScheduledObserver = Rx.internals.ScheduledObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(ScheduledObserver, __super__); function ScheduledObserver(scheduler, observer) {; this.scheduler = scheduler; = observer; this.isAcquired = false; this.hasFaulted = false; this.queue = []; this.disposable = new SerialDisposable(); } = function (value) { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.error = function (err) { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.completed = function () { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.ensureActive = function () { var isOwner = false, parent = this; if (!this.hasFaulted && this.queue.length > 0) { isOwner = !this.isAcquired; this.isAcquired = true; } if (isOwner) { this.disposable.setDisposable(this.scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var work; if (parent.queue.length > 0) { work = parent.queue.shift(); } else { parent.isAcquired = false; return; } try { work(); } catch (ex) { parent.queue = []; parent.hasFaulted = true; throw ex; } self(); })); } }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.dispose = function () {; this.disposable.dispose(); }; return ScheduledObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); var ObserveOnObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(ObserveOnObserver, __super__); function ObserveOnObserver() { __super__.apply(this, arguments); } = function (value) {, value); this.ensureActive(); }; ObserveOnObserver.prototype.error = function (e) {, e); this.ensureActive(); }; ObserveOnObserver.prototype.completed = function () {; this.ensureActive(); }; return ObserveOnObserver; })(ScheduledObserver); var observableProto; /** * Represents a push-style collection. */ var Observable = Rx.Observable = (function () { function Observable(subscribe) { this._subscribe = subscribe; } observableProto = Observable.prototype; /** * Subscribes an observer to the observable sequence. * @param {Mixed} [observerOrOnNext] The object that is to receive notifications or an action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @returns {Diposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribe = observableProto.forEach = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { return this._subscribe(typeof observerOrOnNext === 'object' ? observerOrOnNext : observerCreate(observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted)); }; /** * Subscribes to the next value in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onNext The function to invoke on each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnNext = function (onNext, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(arguments.length === 2 ? function(x) {, x); } : onNext)); }; /** * Subscribes to an exceptional condition in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onError The function to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnError = function (onError, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(null, arguments.length === 2 ? function(e) {, e); } : onError)); }; /** * Subscribes to the next value in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onCompleted The function to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnCompleted = function (onCompleted, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(null, null, arguments.length === 2 ? function() {; } : onCompleted)); }; return Observable; })(); /** * Wraps the source sequence in order to run its observer callbacks on the specified scheduler. * * This only invokes observer callbacks on a scheduler. In case the subscription and/or unsubscription actions have side-effects * that require to be run on a scheduler, use subscribeOn. * * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to notify observers on. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence whose observations happen on the specified scheduler. */ observableProto.observeOn = function (scheduler) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(new ObserveOnObserver(scheduler, observer)); }); }; /** * Wraps the source sequence in order to run its subscription and unsubscription logic on the specified scheduler. This operation is not commonly used; * see the remarks section for more information on the distinction between subscribeOn and observeOn. * This only performs the side-effects of subscription and unsubscription on the specified scheduler. In order to invoke observer * callbacks on a scheduler, use observeOn. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to perform subscription and unsubscription actions on. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence whose subscriptions and unsubscriptions happen on the specified scheduler. */ observableProto.subscribeOn = function (scheduler) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), d = new SerialDisposable(); d.setDisposable(m); m.setDisposable(scheduler.schedule(function () { d.setDisposable(new ScheduledDisposable(scheduler, source.subscribe(observer))); })); return d; }); }; /** * Converts a Promise to an Observable sequence * @param {Promise} An ES6 Compliant promise. * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence which wraps the existing promise success and failure. */ var observableFromPromise = Observable.fromPromise = function (promise) { return observableDefer(function () { var subject = new Rx.AsyncSubject(); promise.then( function (value) { if (!subject.isDisposed) { subject.onNext(value); subject.onCompleted(); } }, subject.onError.bind(subject)); return subject; }); }; /* * Converts an existing observable sequence to an ES6 Compatible Promise * @example * var promise = Rx.Observable.return(42).toPromise(RSVP.Promise); * * // With config * Rx.config.Promise = RSVP.Promise; * var promise = Rx.Observable.return(42).toPromise(); * @param {Function} [promiseCtor] The constructor of the promise. If not provided, it looks for it in Rx.config.Promise. * @returns {Promise} An ES6 compatible promise with the last value from the observable sequence. */ observableProto.toPromise = function (promiseCtor) { promiseCtor || (promiseCtor = Rx.config.Promise); if (!promiseCtor) { throw new TypeError('Promise type not provided nor in Rx.config.Promise'); } var source = this; return new promiseCtor(function (resolve, reject) { // No cancellation can be done var value, hasValue = false; source.subscribe(function (v) { value = v; hasValue = true; }, reject, function () { hasValue && resolve(value); }); }); }; /** * Creates an array from an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with a list containing all the elements of the source sequence. */ observableProto.toArray = function () { var self = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function(observer) { var arr = []; return self.subscribe( arr.push.bind(arr), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(arr); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Creates an observable sequence from a specified subscribe method implementation. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { return function () { } ); * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { return Rx.Disposable.empty; } ); * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { } ); * * @param {Function} subscribe Implementation of the resulting observable sequence's subscribe method, returning a function that will be wrapped in a Disposable. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence with the specified implementation for the Subscribe method. */ Observable.create = Observable.createWithDisposable = function (subscribe) { return new AnonymousObservable(subscribe); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that invokes the specified factory function whenever a new observer subscribes. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.defer(function () { return Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3]); }); * @param {Function} observableFactory Observable factory function to invoke for each observer that subscribes to the resulting sequence or Promise. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose observers trigger an invocation of the given observable factory function. */ var observableDefer = Observable.defer = function (observableFactory) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var result; try { result = observableFactory(); } catch (e) { return observableThrow(e).subscribe(observer); } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); return result.subscribe(observer); }); }; /** * Returns an empty observable sequence, using the specified scheduler to send out the single OnCompleted message. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.empty(); * var res = Rx.Observable.empty(Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to send the termination call on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with no elements. */ var observableEmpty = Observable.empty = function (scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; function StringIterable(str) { this._s = s; } StringIterable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return new StringIterator(this._s); }; function StringIterator(str) { this._s = s; this._l = s.length; this._i = 0; } StringIterator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; }; = function () { if (this._i < this._l) { var val = this._s.charAt(this._i++); return { done: false, value: val }; } else { return doneEnumerator; } }; function ArrayIterable(a) { this._a = a; } ArrayIterable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return new ArrayIterator(this._a); }; function ArrayIterator(a) { this._a = a; this._l = toLength(a); this._i = 0; } ArrayIterator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; }; = function () { if (this._i < this._l) { var val = this._a[this._i++]; return { done: false, value: val }; } else { return doneEnumerator; } }; function numberIsFinite(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && root.isFinite(value); } function isNan(n) { return n !== n; } function getIterable(o) { var i = o[$iterator$], it; if (!i && typeof o === 'string') { it = new StringIterable(o); return it[$iterator$](); } if (!i && o.length !== undefined) { it = new ArrayIterable(o); return it[$iterator$](); } if (!i) { throw new TypeError('Object is not iterable'); } return o[$iterator$](); } function sign(value) { var number = +value; if (number === 0) { return number; } if (isNaN(number)) { return number; } return number < 0 ? -1 : 1; } function toLength(o) { var len = +o.length; if (isNaN(len)) { return 0; } if (len === 0 || !numberIsFinite(len)) { return len; } len = sign(len) * Math.floor(Math.abs(len)); if (len <= 0) { return 0; } if (len > maxSafeInteger) { return maxSafeInteger; } return len; } /** * This method creates a new Observable sequence from an array-like or iterable object. * @param {Any} arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an Observable sequence. * @param {Function} [mapFn] Map function to call on every element of the array. * @param {Any} [thisArg] The context to use calling the mapFn if provided. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Optional scheduler to use for scheduling. If not provided, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. */ var observableFrom = Observable.from = function (iterable, mapFn, thisArg, scheduler) { if (iterable == null) { throw new Error('iterable cannot be null.') } if (mapFn && !isFunction(mapFn)) { throw new Error('mapFn when provided must be a function'); } isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); var list = Object(iterable), it = getIterable(list); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0; return scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var next; try { next =; } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (next.done) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } var result = next.value; if (mapFn && isFunction(mapFn)) { try { result =, result, i); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } } observer.onNext(result); i++; self(); }); }); }; /** * Converts an array to an observable sequence, using an optional scheduler to enumerate the array. * @deprecated use Observable.from or Observable.of * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the enumeration of the input sequence on. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given enumerable sequence. */ var observableFromArray = Observable.fromArray = function (array, scheduler) { deprecate('fromArray', 'from'); isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0, len = array.length; return scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { if (count < len) { observer.onNext(array[count++]); self(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence by running a state-driven loop producing the sequence's elements, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.generate(0, function (x) { return x < 10; }, function (x) { return x + 1; }, function (x) { return x; }); * var res = Rx.Observable.generate(0, function (x) { return x < 10; }, function (x) { return x + 1; }, function (x) { return x; }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Mixed} initialState Initial state. * @param {Function} condition Condition to terminate generation (upon returning false). * @param {Function} iterate Iteration step function. * @param {Function} resultSelector Selector function for results produced in the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to run the generator loop. If not provided, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. * @returns {Observable} The generated sequence. */ Observable.generate = function (initialState, condition, iterate, resultSelector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var first = true, state = initialState; return scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var hasResult, result; try { if (first) { first = false; } else { state = iterate(state); } hasResult = condition(state); if (hasResult) { result = resultSelector(state); } } catch (exception) { observer.onError(exception); return; } if (hasResult) { observer.onNext(result); self(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; function observableOf (scheduler, array) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0, len = array.length; return scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { if (count < len) { observer.onNext(array[count++]); self(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); } /** * This method creates a new Observable instance with a variable number of arguments, regardless of number or type of the arguments. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given arguments. */ Observable.of = function () { return observableOf(null, arguments); }; /** * This method creates a new Observable instance with a variable number of arguments, regardless of number or type of the arguments. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler A scheduler to use for scheduling the arguments. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given arguments. */ Observable.ofWithScheduler = function (scheduler) { return observableOf(scheduler,, 1)); }; /** * Returns a non-terminating observable sequence, which can be used to denote an infinite duration (e.g. when using reactive joins). * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose observers will never get called. */ var observableNever = Observable.never = function () { return new AnonymousObservable(function () { return disposableEmpty; }); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence of integral numbers within a specified range, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.range(0, 10); * var res = Rx.Observable.range(0, 10, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Number} start The value of the first integer in the sequence. * @param {Number} count The number of sequential integers to generate. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the generator loop on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains a range of sequential integral numbers. */ Observable.range = function (start, count, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithState(0, function (i, self) { if (i < count) { observer.onNext(start + i); self(i + 1); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence that repeats the given element the specified number of times, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42); * var res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, 4); * 3 - res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, 4, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * 4 - res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, null, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Mixed} value Element to repeat. * @param {Number} repeatCount [Optiona] Number of times to repeat the element. If not specified, repeats indefinitely. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the producer loop on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that repeats the given element the specified number of times. */ Observable.repeat = function (value, repeatCount, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return observableReturn(value, scheduler).repeat(repeatCount == null ? -1 : repeatCount); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains a single element, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * There is an alias called 'just', and 'returnValue' for browsers <IE9. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.return(42); * var res = Rx.Observable.return(42, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Mixed} value Single element in the resulting observable sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to send the single element on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the single specified element. */ var observableReturn = Observable['return'] = Observable.just = function (value, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** @deprecated use return or just */ Observable.returnValue = function () { deprecate('returnValue', 'return or just'); return observableReturn.apply(null, arguments); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that terminates with an exception, using the specified scheduler to send out the single onError message. * There is an alias to this method called 'throwError' for browsers <IE9. * @param {Mixed} exception An object used for the sequence's termination. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to send the exceptional termination call on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that terminates exceptionally with the specified exception object. */ var observableThrow = Observable['throw'] = Observable.throwException = Observable.throwError = function (exception, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onError(exception); }); }); }; /** * Constructs an observable sequence that depends on a resource object, whose lifetime is tied to the resulting observable sequence's lifetime. * @param {Function} resourceFactory Factory function to obtain a resource object. * @param {Function} observableFactory Factory function to obtain an observable sequence that depends on the obtained resource. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose lifetime controls the lifetime of the dependent resource object. */ Observable.using = function (resourceFactory, observableFactory) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var disposable = disposableEmpty, resource, source; try { resource = resourceFactory(); resource && (disposable = resource); source = observableFactory(resource); } catch (exception) { return new CompositeDisposable(observableThrow(exception).subscribe(observer), disposable); } return new CompositeDisposable(source.subscribe(observer), disposable); }); }; /** * Propagates the observable sequence or Promise that reacts first. * @param {Observable} rightSource Second observable sequence or Promise. * @returns {Observable} {Observable} An observable sequence that surfaces either of the given sequences, whichever reacted first. */ observableProto.amb = function (rightSource) { var leftSource = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var choice, leftChoice = 'L', rightChoice = 'R', leftSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), rightSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(rightSource) && (rightSource = observableFromPromise(rightSource)); function choiceL() { if (!choice) { choice = leftChoice; rightSubscription.dispose(); } } function choiceR() { if (!choice) { choice = rightChoice; leftSubscription.dispose(); } } leftSubscription.setDisposable(leftSource.subscribe(function (left) { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onNext(left); } }, function (err) { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onError(err); } }, function () { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); rightSubscription.setDisposable(rightSource.subscribe(function (right) { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onNext(right); } }, function (err) { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onError(err); } }, function () { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); return new CompositeDisposable(leftSubscription, rightSubscription); }); }; /** * Propagates the observable sequence or Promise that reacts first. * * @example * var = Rx.Observable.amb(xs, ys, zs); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that surfaces any of the given sequences, whichever reacted first. */ Observable.amb = function () { var acc = observableNever(), items = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); function func(previous, current) { return previous.amb(current); } for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { acc = func(acc, items[i]); } return acc; }; function observableCatchHandler(source, handler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var d1 = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), subscription = new SerialDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d1); d1.setDisposable(source.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), function (exception) { var d, result; try { result = handler(exception); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(result.subscribe(observer)); }, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer))); return subscription; }); } /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @example * 1 - xs.catchException(ys) * 2 - xs.catchException(function (ex) { return ys(ex); }) * @param {Mixed} handlerOrSecond Exception handler function that returns an observable sequence given the error that occurred in the first sequence, or a second observable sequence used to produce results when an error occurred in the first sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the first sequence's elements, followed by the elements of the handler sequence in case an exception occurred. */ observableProto['catch'] = observableProto.catchError = function (handlerOrSecond) { return typeof handlerOrSecond === 'function' ? observableCatchHandler(this, handlerOrSecond) : observableCatch([this, handlerOrSecond]); }; /** * @deprecated use #catch or #catchError instead. */ observableProto.catchException = function (handlerOrSecond) { deprecate('catchException', 'catch or catchError'); return this.catchError(handlerOrSecond); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @param {Array | Arguments} args Arguments or an array to use as the next sequence if an error occurs. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing elements from consecutive source sequences until a source sequence terminates successfully. */ var observableCatch = Observable.catchError = Observable['catch'] = function () { return enumerableOf(argsOrArray(arguments, 0)).catchError(); }; /** * @deprecated use #catch or #catchError instead. */ Observable.catchException = function () { deprecate('catchException', 'catch or catchError'); return observableCatch.apply(null, arguments); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever any of the observable sequences or Promises produces an element. * This can be in the form of an argument list of observables or an array. * * @example * 1 - obs = observable.combineLatest(obs1, obs2, obs3, function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * 2 - obs = observable.combineLatest([obs1, obs2, obs3], function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ observableProto.combineLatest = function () { var args =; if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { args[0].unshift(this); } else { args.unshift(this); } return combineLatest.apply(this, args); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever any of the observable sequences or Promises produces an element. * * @example * 1 - obs = Rx.Observable.combineLatest(obs1, obs2, obs3, function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * 2 - obs = Rx.Observable.combineLatest([obs1, obs2, obs3], function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ var combineLatest = Observable.combineLatest = function () { var args =, resultSelector = args.pop(); if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { args = args[0]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var falseFactory = function () { return false; }, n = args.length, hasValue = arrayInitialize(n, falseFactory), hasValueAll = false, isDone = arrayInitialize(n, falseFactory), values = new Array(n); function next(i) { var res; hasValue[i] = true; if (hasValueAll || (hasValueAll = hasValue.every(identity))) { try { res = resultSelector.apply(null, values); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } observer.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); } } function done (i) { isDone[i] = true; if (isDone.every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); } } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { var source = args[i], sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); sad.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { values[i] = x; next(i); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { done(i); })); subscriptions[i] = sad; }(idx)); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); }); }; /** * Concatenates all the observable sequences. This takes in either an array or variable arguments to concatenate. * * @example * 1 - concatenated = xs.concat(ys, zs); * 2 - concatenated = xs.concat([ys, zs]); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each given sequence, in sequential order. */ observableProto.concat = function () { var items =, 0); items.unshift(this); return observableConcat.apply(this, items); }; /** * Concatenates all the observable sequences. * @param {Array | Arguments} args Arguments or an array to concat to the observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each given sequence, in sequential order. */ var observableConcat = Observable.concat = function () { return enumerableOf(argsOrArray(arguments, 0)).concat(); }; /** * Concatenates an observable sequence of observable sequences. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each observed inner sequence, in sequential order. */ observableProto.concatAll = function () { return this.merge(1); }; /** @deprecated Use `concatAll` instead. */ observableProto.concatObservable = function () { deprecate('concatObservable', 'concatAll'); return this.merge(1); }; /** * Merges an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence, limiting the number of concurrent subscriptions to inner sequences. * Or merges two observable sequences into a single observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - merged = sources.merge(1); * 2 - merged = source.merge(otherSource); * @param {Mixed} [maxConcurrentOrOther] Maximum number of inner observable sequences being subscribed to concurrently or the second observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the inner sequences. */ observableProto.merge = function (maxConcurrentOrOther) { if (typeof maxConcurrentOrOther !== 'number') { return observableMerge(this, maxConcurrentOrOther); } var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var activeCount = 0, group = new CompositeDisposable(), isStopped = false, q = []; function subscribe(xs) { var subscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(subscription); // Check for promises support isPromise(xs) && (xs = observableFromPromise(xs)); subscription.setDisposable(xs.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { group.remove(subscription); if (q.length > 0) { subscribe(q.shift()); } else { activeCount--; isStopped && activeCount === 0 && observer.onCompleted(); } })); } group.add(sources.subscribe(function (innerSource) { if (activeCount < maxConcurrentOrOther) { activeCount++; subscribe(innerSource); } else { q.push(innerSource); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; activeCount === 0 && observer.onCompleted(); })); return group; }); }; /** * Merges all the observable sequences into a single observable sequence. * The scheduler is optional and if not specified, the immediate scheduler is used. * * @example * 1 - merged = Rx.Observable.merge(xs, ys, zs); * 2 - merged = Rx.Observable.merge([xs, ys, zs]); * 3 - merged = Rx.Observable.merge(scheduler, xs, ys, zs); * 4 - merged = Rx.Observable.merge(scheduler, [xs, ys, zs]); * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the observable sequences. */ var observableMerge = Observable.merge = function () { var scheduler, sources; if (!arguments[0]) { scheduler = immediateScheduler; sources =, 1); } else if (arguments[0].now) { scheduler = arguments[0]; sources =, 1); } else { scheduler = immediateScheduler; sources =, 0); } if (Array.isArray(sources[0])) { sources = sources[0]; } return observableOf(scheduler, sources).mergeAll(); }; /** * Merges an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the inner sequences. */ observableProto.mergeAll = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var group = new CompositeDisposable(), isStopped = false, m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(m); m.setDisposable(sources.subscribe(function (innerSource) { var innerSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(innerSubscription); // Check for promises support isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); innerSubscription.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { group.remove(innerSubscription); isStopped && group.length === 1 && observer.onCompleted(); })); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; group.length === 1 && observer.onCompleted(); })); return group; }); }; /** * @deprecated use #mergeAll instead. */ observableProto.mergeObservable = function () { deprecate('mergeObservable', 'mergeAll'); return this.mergeAll.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated normally or by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @param {Observable} second Second observable sequence used to produce results after the first sequence terminates. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that concatenates the first and second sequence, even if the first sequence terminates exceptionally. */ observableProto.onErrorResumeNext = function (second) { if (!second) { throw new Error('Second observable is required'); } return onErrorResumeNext([this, second]); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated normally or by an exception with the next observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.onErrorResumeNext(xs, ys, zs); * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.onErrorResumeNext([xs, ys, zs]); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that concatenates the source sequences, even if a sequence terminates exceptionally. */ var onErrorResumeNext = Observable.onErrorResumeNext = function () { var sources = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var pos = 0, subscription = new SerialDisposable(), cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var current, d; if (pos < sources.length) { current = sources[pos++]; isPromise(current) && (current = observableFromPromise(current)); d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(current.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), self, self)); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }); }; /** * Returns the values from the source observable sequence only after the other observable sequence produces a value. * @param {Observable | Promise} other The observable sequence or Promise that triggers propagation of elements of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the elements of the source sequence starting from the point the other sequence triggered propagation. */ observableProto.skipUntil = function (other) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var isOpen = false; var disposables = new CompositeDisposable(source.subscribe(function (left) { isOpen && observer.onNext(left); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isOpen && observer.onCompleted(); })); isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); var rightSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); disposables.add(rightSubscription); rightSubscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(function () { isOpen = true; rightSubscription.dispose(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { rightSubscription.dispose(); })); return disposables; }); }; /** * Transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that at any point in time produces the elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received. */ observableProto['switch'] = observableProto.switchLatest = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasLatest = false, innerSubscription = new SerialDisposable(), isStopped = false, latest = 0, subscription = sources.subscribe( function (innerSource) { var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), id = ++latest; hasLatest = true; innerSubscription.setDisposable(d); // Check if Promise or Observable isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); d.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe( function (x) { latest === id && observer.onNext(x); }, function (e) { latest === id && observer.onError(e); }, function () { if (latest === id) { hasLatest = false; isStopped && observer.onCompleted(); } })); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; !hasLatest && observer.onCompleted(); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, innerSubscription); }); }; /** * Returns the values from the source observable sequence until the other observable sequence produces a value. * @param {Observable | Promise} other Observable sequence or Promise that terminates propagation of elements of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the elements of the source sequence up to the point the other sequence interrupted further propagation. */ observableProto.takeUntil = function (other) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); return new CompositeDisposable( source.subscribe(observer), other.subscribe(observer.onCompleted.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), noop) ); }); }; function zipArray(second, resultSelector) { var first = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0, len = second.length; return first.subscribe(function (left) { if (index < len) { var right = second[index++], result; try { result = resultSelector(left, right); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); } /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever all of the observable sequences or an array have produced an element at a corresponding index. * The last element in the arguments must be a function to invoke for each series of elements at corresponding indexes in the sources. * * @example * 1 - res =, fn); * 1 - res =[1,2,3], fn); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ = function () { if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { return zipArray.apply(this, arguments); } var parent = this, sources =, resultSelector = sources.pop(); sources.unshift(parent); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var n = sources.length, queues = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return []; }), isDone = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return false; }); function next(i) { var res, queuedValues; if (queues.every(function (x) { return x.length > 0; })) { try { queuedValues = (x) { return x.shift(); }); res = resultSelector.apply(parent, queuedValues); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } observer.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); } }; function done(i) { isDone[i] = true; if (isDone.every(function (x) { return x; })) { observer.onCompleted(); } } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { var source = sources[i], sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); sad.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { queues[i].push(x); next(i); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { done(i); })); subscriptions[i] = sad; })(idx); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); }); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever all of the observable sequences have produced an element at a corresponding index. * @param arguments Observable sources. * @param {Function} resultSelector Function to invoke for each series of elements at corresponding indexes in the sources. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ = function () { var args =, 0), first = args.shift(); return, args); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by emitting a list with the elements of the observable sequences at corresponding indexes. * @param arguments Observable sources. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing lists of elements at corresponding indexes. */ Observable.zipArray = function () { var sources = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var n = sources.length, queues = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return []; }), isDone = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return false; }); function next(i) { if (queues.every(function (x) { return x.length > 0; })) { var res = (x) { return x.shift(); }); observer.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } }; function done(i) { isDone[i] = true; if (isDone.every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { subscriptions[i] = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscriptions[i].setDisposable(sources[i].subscribe(function (x) { queues[i].push(x); next(i); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { done(i); })); })(idx); } var compositeDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); compositeDisposable.add(disposableCreate(function () { for (var qIdx = 0, qLen = queues.length; qIdx < qLen; qIdx++) { queues[qIdx] = []; } })); return compositeDisposable; }); }; /** * Hides the identity of an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that hides the identity of the source sequence. */ observableProto.asObservable = function () { return new AnonymousObservable(this.subscribe.bind(this)); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more buffers which are produced based on element count information. * * @example * var res = xs.bufferWithCount(10); * var res = xs.bufferWithCount(10, 1); * @param {Number} count Length of each buffer. * @param {Number} [skip] Number of elements to skip between creation of consecutive buffers. If not provided, defaults to the count. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of buffers. */ observableProto.bufferWithCount = function (count, skip) { if (typeof skip !== 'number') { skip = count; } return this.windowWithCount(count, skip).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }).where(function (x) { return x.length > 0; }); }; /** * Dematerializes the explicit notification values of an observable sequence as implicit notifications. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence exhibiting the behavior corresponding to the source sequence's notification values. */ observableProto.dematerialize = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function (x) { return x.accept(observer); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct contiguous elements according to the keySelector and the comparer. * * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(); * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(function (x) { return; }); * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(function (x) { return; }, function (x, y) { return x === y; }); * * @param {Function} [keySelector] A function to compute the comparison key for each element. If not provided, it projects the value. * @param {Function} [comparer] Equality comparer for computed key values. If not provided, defaults to an equality comparer function. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elements, based on a computed key value, from the source sequence. */ observableProto.distinctUntilChanged = function (keySelector, comparer) { var source = this; keySelector || (keySelector = identity); comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasCurrentKey = false, currentKey; return source.subscribe(function (value) { var comparerEquals = false, key; try { key = keySelector(value); } catch (exception) { observer.onError(exception); return; } if (hasCurrentKey) { try { comparerEquals = comparer(currentKey, key); } catch (exception) { observer.onError(exception); return; } } if (!hasCurrentKey || !comparerEquals) { hasCurrentKey = true; currentKey = key; observer.onNext(value); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Invokes an action for each element in the observable sequence and invokes an action upon graceful or exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function | Observer} observerOrOnNext Action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence or an observer. * @param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. Used if only the observerOrOnNext parameter is also a function. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. Used if only the observerOrOnNext parameter is also a function. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto['do'] = observableProto.tap = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { var source = this, onNextFunc; if (typeof observerOrOnNext === 'function') { onNextFunc = observerOrOnNext; } else { onNextFunc = observerOrOnNext.onNext.bind(observerOrOnNext); onError = observerOrOnNext.onError.bind(observerOrOnNext); onCompleted = observerOrOnNext.onCompleted.bind(observerOrOnNext); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function (x) { try { onNextFunc(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } observer.onNext(x); }, function (err) { if (onError) { try { onError(err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } } observer.onError(err); }, function () { if (onCompleted) { try { onCompleted(); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } } observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** @deprecated use #do or #tap instead. */ observableProto.doAction = function () { deprecate('doAction', 'do or tap'); return this.tap.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Invokes an action for each element in the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onNext Action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnNext = observableProto.tapOnNext = function (onNext, thisArg) { return this.tap(arguments.length === 2 ? function (x) {, x); } : onNext); }; /** * Invokes an action upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onError Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnError = observableProto.tapOnError = function (onError, thisArg) { return this.tap(noop, arguments.length === 2 ? function (e) {, e); } : onError); }; /** * Invokes an action upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onCompleted Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnCompleted = observableProto.tapOnCompleted = function (onCompleted, thisArg) { return this.tap(noop, null, arguments.length === 2 ? function () {; } : onCompleted); }; /** * Invokes a specified action after the source observable sequence terminates gracefully or exceptionally. * @param {Function} finallyAction Action to invoke after the source observable sequence terminates. * @returns {Observable} Source sequence with the action-invoking termination behavior applied. */ observableProto['finally'] = observableProto.ensure = function (action) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var subscription; try { subscription = source.subscribe(observer); } catch (e) { action(); throw e; } return disposableCreate(function () { try { subscription.dispose(); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { action(); } }); }); }; /** * @deprecated use #finally or #ensure instead. */ observableProto.finallyAction = function (action) { deprecate('finallyAction', 'finally or ensure'); return this.ensure(action); }; /** * Ignores all elements in an observable sequence leaving only the termination messages. * @returns {Observable} An empty observable sequence that signals termination, successful or exceptional, of the source sequence. */ observableProto.ignoreElements = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(noop, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Materializes the implicit notifications of an observable sequence as explicit notification values. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the materialized notification values from the source sequence. */ observableProto.materialize = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function (value) { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnNext(value)); }, function (e) { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnError(e)); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnCompleted()); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Repeats the observable sequence a specified number of times. If the repeat count is not specified, the sequence repeats indefinitely. * @param {Number} [repeatCount] Number of times to repeat the sequence. If not provided, repeats the sequence indefinitely. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence producing the elements of the given sequence repeatedly. */ observableProto.repeat = function (repeatCount) { return enumerableRepeat(this, repeatCount).concat(); }; /** * Repeats the source observable sequence the specified number of times or until it successfully terminates. If the retry count is not specified, it retries indefinitely. * Note if you encounter an error and want it to retry once, then you must use .retry(2); * * @example * var res = retried = retry.repeat(); * var res = retried = retry.repeat(2); * @param {Number} [retryCount] Number of times to retry the sequence. If not provided, retry the sequence indefinitely. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence producing the elements of the given sequence repeatedly until it terminates successfully. */ observableProto.retry = function (retryCount) { return enumerableRepeat(this, retryCount).catchError(); }; /** * Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence and returns each intermediate result. The optional seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. * For aggregation behavior with no intermediate results, see Observable.aggregate. * @example * var res = source.scan(function (acc, x) { return acc + x; }); * var res = source.scan(0, function (acc, x) { return acc + x; }); * @param {Mixed} [seed] The initial accumulator value. * @param {Function} accumulator An accumulator function to be invoked on each element. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the accumulated values. */ observableProto.scan = function () { var hasSeed = false, seed, accumulator, source = this; if (arguments.length === 2) { hasSeed = true; seed = arguments[0]; accumulator = arguments[1]; } else { accumulator = arguments[0]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasAccumulation, accumulation, hasValue; return source.subscribe ( function (x) { !hasValue && (hasValue = true); try { if (hasAccumulation) { accumulation = accumulator(accumulation, x); } else { accumulation = hasSeed ? accumulator(seed, x) : x; hasAccumulation = true; } } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(accumulation); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { !hasValue && hasSeed && observer.onNext(seed); observer.onCompleted(); } ); }); }; /** * Bypasses a specified number of elements at the end of an observable sequence. * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store the first `count` elements. As more elements are * received, elements are taken from the front of the queue and produced on the result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed. * @param count Number of elements to bypass at the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the source sequence elements except for the bypassed ones at the end. */ observableProto.skipLast = function (count) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && observer.onNext(q.shift()); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Prepends a sequence of values to an observable sequence with an optional scheduler and an argument list of values to prepend. * @example * var res = source.startWith(1, 2, 3); * var res = source.startWith(Rx.Scheduler.timeout, 1, 2, 3); * @param {Arguments} args The specified values to prepend to the observable sequence * @returns {Observable} The source sequence prepended with the specified values. */ observableProto.startWith = function () { var values, scheduler, start = 0; if (!!arguments.length && isScheduler(arguments[0])) { scheduler = arguments[0]; start = 1; } else { scheduler = immediateScheduler; } values =, start); return enumerableOf([observableFromArray(values, scheduler), this]).concat(); }; /** * Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the end of an observable sequence. * @description * This operator accumulates a buffer with a length enough to store elements count elements. Upon completion of * the source sequence, this buffer is drained on the result sequence. This causes the elements to be delayed. * @param {Number} count Number of elements to take from the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the specified number of elements from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLast = function (count) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && q.shift(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { while (q.length > 0) { observer.onNext(q.shift()); } observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Returns an array with the specified number of contiguous elements from the end of an observable sequence. * * @description * This operator accumulates a buffer with a length enough to store count elements. Upon completion of the * source sequence, this buffer is produced on the result sequence. * @param {Number} count Number of elements to take from the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single array with the specified number of elements from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLastBuffer = function (count) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && q.shift(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(q); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more windows which are produced based on element count information. * * var res = xs.windowWithCount(10); * var res = xs.windowWithCount(10, 1); * @param {Number} count Length of each window. * @param {Number} [skip] Number of elements to skip between creation of consecutive windows. If not specified, defaults to the count. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.windowWithCount = function (count, skip) { var source = this; +count || (count = 0); Math.abs(count) === Infinity && (count = 0); if (count <= 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } skip == null && (skip = count); +skip || (skip = 0); Math.abs(skip) === Infinity && (skip = 0); if (skip <= 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(m), n = 0, q = []; function createWindow () { var s = new Subject(); q.push(s); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); } createWindow(); m.setDisposable(source.subscribe( function (x) { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onNext(x); } var c = n - count + 1; c >= 0 && c % skip === 0 && q.shift().onCompleted(); ++n % skip === 0 && createWindow(); }, function (e) { while (q.length > 0) { q.shift().onError(e); } observer.onError(e); }, function () { while (q.length > 0) { q.shift().onCompleted(); } observer.onCompleted(); } )); return refCountDisposable; }); }; function concatMap(source, selector, thisArg) { return (x, i) { var result =, x, i, source); isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); (isArrayLike(result) || isIterable(result)) && (result = observableFrom(result)); return result; }).concatAll(); } /** * One of the Following: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * @example * var res = source.concatMap(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }); * Or: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence, invokes the result selector for the source element and each of the corresponding inner sequence's elements, and merges the results into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.concatMap(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }, function (x, y) { return x + y; }); * Or: * Projects each element of the source observable sequence to the other observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.concatMap(Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3])); * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each element or an observable sequence to project each element from the * source sequence onto which could be either an observable or Promise. * @param {Function} [resultSelector] A transform function to apply to each element of the intermediate sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function collectionSelector on each element of the input sequence and then mapping each of those sequence elements and their corresponding source element to a result element. */ observableProto.selectConcat = observableProto.concatMap = function (selector, resultSelector, thisArg) { if (isFunction(selector) && isFunction(resultSelector)) { return this.concatMap(function (x, i) { var selectorResult = selector(x, i); isPromise(selectorResult) && (selectorResult = observableFromPromise(selectorResult)); (isArrayLike(selectorResult) || isIterable(selectorResult)) && (selectorResult = observableFrom(selectorResult)); return (y, i2) { return resultSelector(x, y, i, i2); }); }); } return isFunction(selector) ? concatMap(this, selector, thisArg) : concatMap(this, function () { return selector; }); }; /** * Projects each notification of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and concats the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * @param {Function} onNext A transform function to apply to each element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Function} onError A transform function to apply when an error occurs in the source sequence. * @param {Function} onCompleted A transform function to apply when the end of the source sequence is reached. * @param {Any} [thisArg] An optional "this" to use to invoke each transform. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function corresponding to each notification in the input sequence. */ observableProto.concatMapObserver = observableProto.selectConcatObserver = function(onNext, onError, onCompleted, thisArg) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0; return source.subscribe( function (x) { var result; try { result =, x, index++); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); }, function (err) { var result; try { result =, err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { var result; try { result =; } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }); }).concatAll(); }; /** * Returns the elements of the specified sequence or the specified value in a singleton sequence if the sequence is empty. * * var res = obs = xs.defaultIfEmpty(); * 2 - obs = xs.defaultIfEmpty(false); * * @memberOf Observable# * @param defaultValue The value to return if the sequence is empty. If not provided, this defaults to null. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the specified default value if the source is empty; otherwise, the elements of the source itself. */ observableProto.defaultIfEmpty = function (defaultValue) { var source = this; if (defaultValue === undefined) { defaultValue = null; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var found = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { found = true; observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { if (!found) { observer.onNext(defaultValue); } observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; // Swap out for Array.findIndex function arrayIndexOfComparer(array, item, comparer) { for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { if (comparer(array[i], item)) { return i; } } return -1; } function HashSet(comparer) { this.comparer = comparer; this.set = []; } HashSet.prototype.push = function(value) { var retValue = arrayIndexOfComparer(this.set, value, this.comparer) === -1; retValue && this.set.push(value); return retValue; }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct elements according to the keySelector and the comparer. * Usage of this operator should be considered carefully due to the maintenance of an internal lookup structure which can grow large. * * @example * var res = obs = xs.distinct(); * 2 - obs = xs.distinct(function (x) { return; }); * 2 - obs = xs.distinct(function (x) { return; }, function (a,b) { return a === b; }); * @param {Function} [keySelector] A function to compute the comparison key for each element. * @param {Function} [comparer] Used to compare items in the collection. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence only containing the distinct elements, based on a computed key value, from the source sequence. */ observableProto.distinct = function (keySelector, comparer) { var source = this; comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hashSet = new HashSet(comparer); return source.subscribe(function (x) { var key = x; if (keySelector) { try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } } hashSet.push(key) && observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Groups the elements of an observable sequence according to a specified key selector function and comparer and selects the resulting elements by using a specified function. * * @example * var res = observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }); * 2 - observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }), function (x) { return; }); * 3 - observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }), function (x) { return; }, function (x) { return x.toString(); }); * @param {Function} keySelector A function to extract the key for each element. * @param {Function} [elementSelector] A function to map each source element to an element in an observable group. * @param {Function} [comparer] Used to determine whether the objects are equal. * @returns {Observable} A sequence of observable groups, each of which corresponds to a unique key value, containing all elements that share that same key value. */ observableProto.groupBy = function (keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) { return this.groupByUntil(keySelector, elementSelector, observableNever, comparer); }; /** * Groups the elements of an observable sequence according to a specified key selector function. * A duration selector function is used to control the lifetime of groups. When a group expires, it receives an OnCompleted notification. When a new element with the same * key value as a reclaimed group occurs, the group will be reborn with a new lifetime request. * * @example * var res = observable.groupByUntil(function (x) { return; }, null, function () { return Rx.Observable.never(); }); * 2 - observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }), function (x) { return; }, function () { return Rx.Observable.never(); }); * 3 - observable.groupBy(function (x) { return; }), function (x) { return; }, function () { return Rx.Observable.never(); }, function (x) { return x.toString(); }); * @param {Function} keySelector A function to extract the key for each element. * @param {Function} durationSelector A function to signal the expiration of a group. * @param {Function} [comparer] Used to compare objects. When not specified, the default comparer is used. * @returns {Observable} * A sequence of observable groups, each of which corresponds to a unique key value, containing all elements that share that same key value. * If a group's lifetime expires, a new group with the same key value can be created once an element with such a key value is encoutered. * */ observableProto.groupByUntil = function (keySelector, elementSelector, durationSelector, comparer) { var source = this; elementSelector || (elementSelector = identity); comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { function handleError(e) { return function (item) { item.onError(e); }; } var map = new Dictionary(0, comparer), groupDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(groupDisposable); groupDisposable.add(source.subscribe(function (x) { var key; try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (e) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } var fireNewMapEntry = false, writer = map.tryGetValue(key); if (!writer) { writer = new Subject(); map.set(key, writer); fireNewMapEntry = true; } if (fireNewMapEntry) { var group = new GroupedObservable(key, writer, refCountDisposable), durationGroup = new GroupedObservable(key, writer); try { duration = durationSelector(durationGroup); } catch (e) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(group); var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); groupDisposable.add(md); var expire = function () { map.remove(key) && writer.onCompleted(); groupDisposable.remove(md); }; md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe( noop, function (exn) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(exn)); observer.onError(exn); }, expire) ); } var element; try { element = elementSelector(x); } catch (e) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } writer.onNext(element); }, function (ex) { map.getValues().forEach(handleError(ex)); observer.onError(ex); }, function () { map.getValues().forEach(function (item) { item.onCompleted(); }); observer.onCompleted(); })); return refCountDisposable; }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new form by incorporating the element's index. * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each source element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source. */ = = function (selector, thisArg) { var selectorFn = isFunction(selector) ? selector : function () { return selector; }, source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0; return source.subscribe(function (value) { var result; try { result =, value, count++, source); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Retrieves the value of a specified property from all elements in the Observable sequence. * @param {String} prop The property to pluck. * @returns {Observable} Returns a new Observable sequence of property values. */ observableProto.pluck = function (prop) { return (x) { return x[prop]; }); }; function flatMap(source, selector, thisArg) { return (x, i) { var result =, x, i, source); isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); (isArrayLike(result) || isIterable(result)) && (result = observableFrom(result)); return result; }).mergeAll(); } /** * One of the Following: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * @example * var res = source.selectMany(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }); * Or: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence, invokes the result selector for the source element and each of the corresponding inner sequence's elements, and merges the results into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.selectMany(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }, function (x, y) { return x + y; }); * Or: * Projects each element of the source observable sequence to the other observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.selectMany(Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3])); * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each element or an observable sequence to project each element from the source sequence onto which could be either an observable or Promise. * @param {Function} [resultSelector] A transform function to apply to each element of the intermediate sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function collectionSelector on each element of the input sequence and then mapping each of those sequence elements and their corresponding source element to a result element. */ observableProto.selectMany = observableProto.flatMap = function (selector, resultSelector, thisArg) { if (isFunction(selector) && isFunction(resultSelector)) { return this.flatMap(function (x, i) { var selectorResult = selector(x, i); isPromise(selectorResult) && (selectorResult = observableFromPromise(selectorResult)); (isArrayLike(selectorResult) || isIterable(selectorResult)) && (selectorResult = observableFrom(selectorResult)); return (y, i2) { return resultSelector(x, y, i, i2); }); }, thisArg); } return isFunction(selector) ? flatMap(this, selector, thisArg) : flatMap(this, function () { return selector; }); }; /** * Projects each notification of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * @param {Function} onNext A transform function to apply to each element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Function} onError A transform function to apply when an error occurs in the source sequence. * @param {Function} onCompleted A transform function to apply when the end of the source sequence is reached. * @param {Any} [thisArg] An optional "this" to use to invoke each transform. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function corresponding to each notification in the input sequence. */ observableProto.flatMapObserver = observableProto.selectManyObserver = function (onNext, onError, onCompleted, thisArg) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0; return source.subscribe( function (x) { var result; try { result =, x, index++); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); }, function (err) { var result; try { result =, err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { var result; try { result =; } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }); }).mergeAll(); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences by incorporating the element's index and then * transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence. * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each source element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source producing an Observable of Observable sequences * and that at any point in time produces the elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received. */ observableProto.selectSwitch = observableProto.flatMapLatest = observableProto.switchMap = function (selector, thisArg) { return, thisArg).switchLatest(); }; /** * Bypasses a specified number of elements in an observable sequence and then returns the remaining elements. * @param {Number} count The number of elements to skip before returning the remaining elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements that occur after the specified index in the input sequence. */ observableProto.skip = function (count) { if (count < 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var remaining = count; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (remaining <= 0) { observer.onNext(x); } else { remaining--; } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Bypasses elements in an observable sequence as long as a specified condition is true and then returns the remaining elements. * The element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function. * * var res = source.skipWhile(function (value) { return value < 10; }); * var res = source.skipWhile(function (value, index) { return value < 10 || index < 10; }); * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements from the input sequence starting at the first element in the linear series that does not pass the test specified by predicate. */ observableProto.skipWhile = function (predicate, thisArg) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0, running = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (!running) { try { running = !, x, i++, source); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } } running && observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of an observable sequence, using the specified scheduler for the edge case of take(0). * * var res = source.take(5); * var res = source.take(0, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Number} count The number of elements to return. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler used to produce an OnCompleted message in case <paramref name="count count</paramref> is set to 0. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the specified number of elements from the start of the input sequence. */ observableProto.take = function (count, scheduler) { if (count < 0) { throw new RangeError(argumentOutOfRange); } if (count === 0) { return observableEmpty(scheduler); } var observable = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var remaining = count; return observable.subscribe(function (x) { if (remaining-- > 0) { observer.onNext(x); remaining === 0 && observer.onCompleted(); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Returns elements from an observable sequence as long as a specified condition is true. * The element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function. * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements from the input sequence that occur before the element at which the test no longer passes. */ observableProto.takeWhile = function (predicate, thisArg) { var observable = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0, running = true; return observable.subscribe(function (x) { if (running) { try { running =, x, i++, observable); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (running) { observer.onNext(x); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Filters the elements of an observable sequence based on a predicate by incorporating the element's index. * * @example * var res = source.where(function (value) { return value < 10; }); * var res = source.where(function (value, index) { return value < 10 || index < 10; }); * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each source element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the condition. */ observableProto.where = observableProto.filter = function (predicate, thisArg) { var parent = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0; return parent.subscribe(function (value) { var shouldRun; try { shouldRun =, value, count++, parent); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } shouldRun && observer.onNext(value); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; observableProto.finalValue = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasValue = false, value; return source.subscribe(function (x) { hasValue = true; value = x; }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { if (!hasValue) { observer.onError(new Error(sequenceContainsNoElements)); } else { observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; function extremaBy(source, keySelector, comparer) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasValue = false, lastKey = null, list = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var comparison, key; try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } comparison = 0; if (!hasValue) { hasValue = true; lastKey = key; } else { try { comparison = comparer(key, lastKey); } catch (ex1) { observer.onError(ex1); return; } } if (comparison > 0) { lastKey = key; list = []; } if (comparison >= 0) { list.push(x); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(list); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); } function firstOnly(x) { if (x.length === 0) { throw new Error(sequenceContainsNoElements); } return x[0]; } /** * Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence, returning the result of the aggregation as a single element in the result sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. * For aggregation behavior with incremental intermediate results, see Observable.scan. * @deprecated Use #reduce instead * @param {Mixed} [seed] The initial accumulator value. * @param {Function} accumulator An accumulator function to be invoked on each element. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the final accumulator value. */ observableProto.aggregate = function () { deprecate('aggregate', 'reduce'); var seed, hasSeed, accumulator; if (arguments.length === 2) { seed = arguments[0]; hasSeed = true; accumulator = arguments[1]; } else { accumulator = arguments[0]; } return hasSeed ? this.scan(seed, accumulator).startWith(seed).finalValue() : this.scan(accumulator).finalValue(); }; /** * Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence, returning the result of the aggregation as a single element in the result sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. * For aggregation behavior with incremental intermediate results, see Observable.scan. * @param {Function} accumulator An accumulator function to be invoked on each element. * @param {Any} [seed] The initial accumulator value. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the final accumulator value. */ observableProto.reduce = function (accumulator) { var seed, hasSeed; if (arguments.length === 2) { hasSeed = true; seed = arguments[1]; } return hasSeed ? this.scan(seed, accumulator).startWith(seed).finalValue() : this.scan(accumulator).finalValue(); }; /** * Determines whether any element of an observable sequence satisfies a condition if present, else if any items are in the sequence. * @param {Function} [predicate] A function to test each element for a condition. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element determining whether any elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified predicate if given, else if any items are in the sequence. */ observableProto.some = function (predicate, thisArg) { var source = this; return predicate ? source.filter(predicate, thisArg).some() : new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function () { observer.onNext(true); observer.onCompleted(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** @deprecated use #some instead */ observableProto.any = function () { deprecate('any', 'some'); return this.some.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Determines whether an observable sequence is empty. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element determining whether the source sequence is empty. */ observableProto.isEmpty = function () { return this.any().map(not); }; /** * Determines whether all elements of an observable sequence satisfy a condition. * @param {Function} [predicate] A function to test each element for a condition. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element determining whether all elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified predicate. */ observableProto.every = function (predicate, thisArg) { return this.filter(function (v) { return !predicate(v); }, thisArg).some().map(not); }; /** @deprecated use #every instead */ observableProto.all = function () { deprecate('all', 'every'); return this.every.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Determines whether an observable sequence contains a specified element with an optional equality comparer. * @param searchElement The value to locate in the source sequence. * @param {Number} [fromIndex] An equality comparer to compare elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element determining whether the source sequence contains an element that has the specified value from the given index. */ observableProto.contains = function (searchElement, fromIndex) { var source = this; function comparer(a, b) { return (a === 0 && b === 0) || (a === b || (isNaN(a) && isNaN(b))); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0, n = +fromIndex || 0; Math.abs(n) === Infinity && (n = 0); if (n < 0) { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } return source.subscribe( function (x) { if (i++ >= n && comparer(x, searchElement)) { observer.onNext(true); observer.onCompleted(); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence containing a value that represents how many elements in the specified observable sequence satisfy a condition if provided, else the count of items. * @example * res = source.count(); * res = source.count(function (x) { return x > 3; }); * @param {Function} [predicate]A function to test each element for a condition. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with a number that represents how many elements in the input sequence satisfy the condition in the predicate function if provided, else the count of items in the sequence. */ observableProto.count = function (predicate, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).count() : this.aggregate(0, function (count) { return count + 1; }); }; /** * Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the observable sequence, or -1 if it is not present. * @param {Any} searchElement Element to locate in the array. * @param {Number} [fromIndex] The index to start the search. If not specified, defaults to 0. * @returns {Observable} And observable sequence containing the first index at which a given element can be found in the observable sequence, or -1 if it is not present. */ observableProto.indexOf = function(searchElement, fromIndex) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0, n = +fromIndex || 0; Math.abs(n) === Infinity && (n = 0); if (n < 0) { observer.onNext(-1); observer.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } return source.subscribe( function (x) { if (i >= n && x === searchElement) { observer.onNext(i); observer.onCompleted(); } i++; }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(-1); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Computes the sum of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking an optional transform function on each element of the input sequence, else if not specified computes the sum on each item in the sequence. * @example * var res = source.sum(); * var res = source.sum(function (x) { return x.value; }); * @param {Function} [selector] A transform function to apply to each element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the sum of the values in the source sequence. */ observableProto.sum = function (keySelector, thisArg) { return keySelector && isFunction(keySelector) ?, thisArg).sum() : this.reduce(function (prev, curr) { return prev + curr; }, 0); }; /** * Returns the elements in an observable sequence with the minimum key value according to the specified comparer. * @example * var res = source.minBy(function (x) { return x.value; }); * var res = source.minBy(function (x) { return x.value; }, function (x, y) { return x - y; }); * @param {Function} keySelector Key selector function. * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare key values. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a list of zero or more elements that have a minimum key value. */ observableProto.minBy = function (keySelector, comparer) { comparer || (comparer = defaultSubComparer); return extremaBy(this, keySelector, function (x, y) { return comparer(x, y) * -1; }); }; /** * Returns the minimum element in an observable sequence according to the optional comparer else a default greater than less than check. * @example * var res = source.min(); * var res = source.min(function (x, y) { return x.value - y.value; }); * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the minimum element in the source sequence. */ observableProto.min = function (comparer) { return this.minBy(identity, comparer).map(function (x) { return firstOnly(x); }); }; /** * Returns the elements in an observable sequence with the maximum key value according to the specified comparer. * @example * var res = source.maxBy(function (x) { return x.value; }); * var res = source.maxBy(function (x) { return x.value; }, function (x, y) { return x - y;; }); * @param {Function} keySelector Key selector function. * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare key values. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a list of zero or more elements that have a maximum key value. */ observableProto.maxBy = function (keySelector, comparer) { comparer || (comparer = defaultSubComparer); return extremaBy(this, keySelector, comparer); }; /** * Returns the maximum value in an observable sequence according to the specified comparer. * @example * var res = source.max(); * var res = source.max(function (x, y) { return x.value - y.value; }); * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the maximum element in the source sequence. */ observableProto.max = function (comparer) { return this.maxBy(identity, comparer).map(function (x) { return firstOnly(x); }); }; /** * Computes the average of an observable sequence of values that are in the sequence or obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence if present. * @param {Function} [selector] A transform function to apply to each element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with the average of the sequence of values. */ observableProto.average = function (keySelector, thisArg) { return keySelector && isFunction(keySelector) ?, thisArg).average() : this.scan({sum: 0, count: 0 }, function (prev, cur) { return { sum: prev.sum + cur, count: prev.count + 1 }; }).finalValue().map(function (s) { if (s.count === 0) { throw new Error('The input sequence was empty'); } return s.sum / s.count; }); }; /** * Determines whether two sequences are equal by comparing the elements pairwise using a specified equality comparer. * * @example * var res = res = source.sequenceEqual([1,2,3]); * var res = res = source.sequenceEqual([{ value: 42 }], function (x, y) { return x.value === y.value; }); * 3 - res = source.sequenceEqual(Rx.Observable.returnValue(42)); * 4 - res = source.sequenceEqual(Rx.Observable.returnValue({ value: 42 }), function (x, y) { return x.value === y.value; }); * @param {Observable} second Second observable sequence or array to compare. * @param {Function} [comparer] Comparer used to compare elements of both sequences. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains a single element which indicates whether both sequences are of equal length and their corresponding elements are equal according to the specified equality comparer. */ observableProto.sequenceEqual = function (second, comparer) { var first = this; comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var donel = false, doner = false, ql = [], qr = []; var subscription1 = first.subscribe(function (x) { var equal, v; if (qr.length > 0) { v = qr.shift(); try { equal = comparer(v, x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (!equal) { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); } } else if (doner) { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); } else { ql.push(x); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { donel = true; if (ql.length === 0) { if (qr.length > 0) { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); } else if (doner) { observer.onNext(true); observer.onCompleted(); } } }); (isArrayLike(second) || isIterable(second)) && (second = observableFrom(second)); isPromise(second) && (second = observableFromPromise(second)); var subscription2 = second.subscribe(function (x) { var equal; if (ql.length > 0) { var v = ql.shift(); try { equal = comparer(v, x); } catch (exception) { observer.onError(exception); return; } if (!equal) { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); } } else if (donel) { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); } else { qr.push(x); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { doner = true; if (qr.length === 0) { if (ql.length > 0) { observer.onNext(false); observer.onCompleted(); } else if (donel) { observer.onNext(true); observer.onCompleted(); } } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription1, subscription2); }); }; function elementAtOrDefault(source, index, hasDefault, defaultValue) { if (index < 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = index; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (i === 0) { observer.onNext(x); observer.onCompleted(); } i--; }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { if (!hasDefault) { observer.onError(new Error(argumentOutOfRange)); } else { observer.onNext(defaultValue); observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); } /** * Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence. * @example * var res = source.elementAt(5); * @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the element to retrieve. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that produces the element at the specified position in the source sequence. */ observableProto.elementAt = function (index) { return elementAtOrDefault(this, index, false); }; /** * Returns the element at a specified index in a sequence or a default value if the index is out of range. * @example * var res = source.elementAtOrDefault(5); * var res = source.elementAtOrDefault(5, 0); * @param {Number} index The zero-based index of the element to retrieve. * @param [defaultValue] The default value if the index is outside the bounds of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that produces the element at the specified position in the source sequence, or a default value if the index is outside the bounds of the source sequence. */ observableProto.elementAtOrDefault = function (index, defaultValue) { return elementAtOrDefault(this, index, true, defaultValue); }; function singleOrDefaultAsync(source, hasDefault, defaultValue) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var value = defaultValue, seenValue = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (seenValue) { observer.onError(new Error('Sequence contains more than one element')); } else { value = x; seenValue = true; } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { if (!seenValue && !hasDefault) { observer.onError(new Error(sequenceContainsNoElements)); } else { observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); } /** * Returns the only element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the optional predicate, and reports an exception if there is not exactly one element in the observable sequence. * @example * var res = res = source.single(); * var res = res = source.single(function (x) { return x === 42; }); * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the single element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate. */ observableProto.single = function (predicate, thisArg) { return predicate && isFunction(predicate) ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).single() : singleOrDefaultAsync(this, false); }; /** * Returns the only element of an observable sequence that matches the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists; this method reports an exception if there is more than one element in the observable sequence. * @example * var res = res = source.singleOrDefault(); * var res = res = source.singleOrDefault(function (x) { return x === 42; }); * res = source.singleOrDefault(function (x) { return x === 42; }, 0); * res = source.singleOrDefault(null, 0); * @memberOf Observable# * @param {Function} predicate A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param [defaultValue] The default value if the index is outside the bounds of the source sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the single element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. */ observableProto.singleOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue, thisArg) { return predicate && isFunction(predicate) ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).singleOrDefault(null, defaultValue) : singleOrDefaultAsync(this, true, defaultValue); }; function firstOrDefaultAsync(source, hasDefault, defaultValue) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function (x) { observer.onNext(x); observer.onCompleted(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { if (!hasDefault) { observer.onError(new Error(sequenceContainsNoElements)); } else { observer.onNext(defaultValue); observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); } /** * Returns the first element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate if present else the first item in the sequence. * @example * var res = res = source.first(); * var res = res = source.first(function (x) { return x > 3; }); * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the first element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate if provided, else the first item in the sequence. */ observableProto.first = function (predicate, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).first() : firstOrDefaultAsync(this, false); }; /** * Returns the first element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. * @example * var res = res = source.firstOrDefault(); * var res = res = source.firstOrDefault(function (x) { return x > 3; }); * var res = source.firstOrDefault(function (x) { return x > 3; }, 0); * var res = source.firstOrDefault(null, 0); * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param {Any} [defaultValue] The default value if no such element exists. If not specified, defaults to null. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the first element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. */ observableProto.firstOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate).firstOrDefault(null, defaultValue) : firstOrDefaultAsync(this, true, defaultValue); }; function lastOrDefaultAsync(source, hasDefault, defaultValue) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var value = defaultValue, seenValue = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { value = x; seenValue = true; }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { if (!seenValue && !hasDefault) { observer.onError(new Error(sequenceContainsNoElements)); } else { observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); } /** * Returns the last element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate if specified, else the last element. * @example * var res = source.last(); * var res = source.last(function (x) { return x > 3; }); * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the last element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate. */ observableProto.last = function (predicate, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).last() : lastOrDefaultAsync(this, false); }; /** * Returns the last element of an observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. * @example * var res = source.lastOrDefault(); * var res = source.lastOrDefault(function (x) { return x > 3; }); * var res = source.lastOrDefault(function (x) { return x > 3; }, 0); * var res = source.lastOrDefault(null, 0); * @param {Function} [predicate] A predicate function to evaluate for elements in the source sequence. * @param [defaultValue] The default value if no such element exists. If not specified, defaults to null. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} Sequence containing the last element in the observable sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate, or a default value if no such element exists. */ observableProto.lastOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue, thisArg) { return predicate ? this.where(predicate, thisArg).lastOrDefault(null, defaultValue) : lastOrDefaultAsync(this, true, defaultValue); }; function findValue (source, predicate, thisArg, yieldIndex) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var shouldRun; try { shouldRun =, x, i, source); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (shouldRun) { observer.onNext(yieldIndex ? i : x); observer.onCompleted(); } else { i++; } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(yieldIndex ? -1 : undefined); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); } /** * Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the first occurrence within the entire Observable sequence. * @param {Function} predicate The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence with the first element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, if found; otherwise, undefined. */ observableProto.find = function (predicate, thisArg) { return findValue(this, predicate, thisArg, false); }; /** * Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns * an Observable sequence with the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire Observable sequence. * @param {Function} predicate The predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as `this` when executing the predicate. * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence with the zero-based index of the first occurrence of an element that matches the conditions defined by match, if found; otherwise, –1. */ observableProto.findIndex = function (predicate, thisArg) { return findValue(this, predicate, thisArg, true); }; if (!!root.Set) { /** * Converts the observable sequence to a Set if it exists. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with a single value of a Set containing the values from the observable sequence. */ observableProto.toSet = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var s = new root.Set(); return source.subscribe( s.add.bind(s), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(s); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; } if (!!root.Map) { /** * Converts the observable sequence to a Map if it exists. * @param {Function} keySelector A function which produces the key for the Map. * @param {Function} [elementSelector] An optional function which produces the element for the Map. If not present, defaults to the value from the observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with a single value of a Map containing the values from the observable sequence. */ observableProto.toMap = function (keySelector, elementSelector) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new root.Map(); return source.subscribe( function (x) { var key; try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } var element = x; if (elementSelector) { try { element = elementSelector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } } m.set(key, element); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(m); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; } var fnString = 'function', throwString = 'throw'; function toThunk(obj, ctx) { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return, obj); } if (isGeneratorFunction(obj)) { return observableSpawn(; } if (isGenerator(obj)) { return observableSpawn(obj); } if (isObservable(obj)) { return observableToThunk(obj); } if (isPromise(obj)) { return promiseToThunk(obj); } if (typeof obj === fnString) { return obj; } if (isObject(obj) || Array.isArray(obj)) { return, obj); } return obj; } function objectToThunk(obj) { var ctx = this; return function (done) { var keys = Object.keys(obj), pending = keys.length, results = new obj.constructor(), finished; if (!pending) { timeoutScheduler.schedule(function () { done(null, results); }); return; } for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { run(obj[keys[i]], keys[i]); } function run(fn, key) { if (finished) { return; } try { fn = toThunk(fn, ctx); if (typeof fn !== fnString) { results[key] = fn; return --pending || done(null, results); }, function(err, res) { if (finished) { return; } if (err) { finished = true; return done(err); } results[key] = res; --pending || done(null, results); }); } catch (e) { finished = true; done(e); } } } } function observableToThunk(observable) { return function (fn) { var value, hasValue = false; observable.subscribe( function (v) { value = v; hasValue = true; }, fn, function () { hasValue && fn(null, value); }); } } function promiseToThunk(promise) { return function(fn) { promise.then(function(res) { fn(null, res); }, fn); } } function isObservable(obj) { return obj && typeof obj.subscribe === fnString; } function isGeneratorFunction(obj) { return obj && obj.constructor && === 'GeneratorFunction'; } function isGenerator(obj) { return obj && typeof === fnString && typeof obj[throwString] === fnString; } function isObject(val) { return val && val.constructor === Object; } /* * Spawns a generator function which allows for Promises, Observable sequences, Arrays, Objects, Generators and functions. * @param {Function} The spawning function. * @returns {Function} a function which has a done continuation. */ var observableSpawn = Rx.spawn = function (fn) { var isGenFun = isGeneratorFunction(fn); return function (done) { var ctx = this, gen = fn; if (isGenFun) { var args =, len = args.length, hasCallback = len && typeof args[len - 1] === fnString; done = hasCallback ? args.pop() : error; gen = fn.apply(this, args); } else { done = done || error; } next(); function exit(err, res) { timeoutScheduler.schedule(done.bind(ctx, err, res)); } function next(err, res) { var ret; // multiple args if (arguments.length > 2) { res =, 1); } if (err) { try { ret = gen[throwString](err); } catch (e) { return exit(e); } } if (!err) { try { ret =; } catch (e) { return exit(e); } } if (ret.done) { return exit(null, ret.value); } ret.value = toThunk(ret.value, ctx); if (typeof ret.value === fnString) { var called = false; try {, function() { if (called) { return; } called = true; next.apply(ctx, arguments); }); } catch (e) { timeoutScheduler.schedule(function () { if (called) { return; } called = true;, e); }); } return; } // Not supported next(new TypeError('Rx.spawn only supports a function, Promise, Observable, Object or Array.')); } } }; /** * Takes a function with a callback and turns it into a thunk. * @param {Function} A function with a callback such as fs.readFile * @returns {Function} A function, when executed will continue the state machine. */ Rx.denodify = function (fn) { return function () { var args =, results, called, callback; args.push(function() { results = arguments; if (callback && !called) { called = true; cb.apply(this, results); } }); fn.apply(this, args); return function (fn) { callback = fn; if (results && !called) { called = true; fn.apply(this, results); } } } }; function error(err) { if (!err) { return; } timeoutScheduler.schedule(function() { throw err; }); } /** * Invokes the specified function asynchronously on the specified scheduler, surfacing the result through an observable sequence. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.start(function () { console.log('hello'); }); * var res = Rx.Observable.start(function () { console.log('hello'); }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * var res = Rx.Observable.start(function () { this.log('hello'); }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout, console); * * @param {Function} func Function to run asynchronously. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the function on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.timeout. * @param [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence exposing the function's result value, or an exception. * * Remarks * * The function is called immediately, not during the subscription of the resulting sequence. * * Multiple subscriptions to the resulting sequence can observe the function's result. */ Observable.start = function (func, context, scheduler) { return observableToAsync(func, context, scheduler)(); }; /** * Converts the function into an asynchronous function. Each invocation of the resulting asynchronous function causes an invocation of the original synchronous function on the specified scheduler. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.toAsync(function (x, y) { return x + y; })(4, 3); * var res = Rx.Observable.toAsync(function (x, y) { return x + y; }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout)(4, 3); * var res = Rx.Observable.toAsync(function (x) { this.log(x); }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout, console)('hello'); * * @param {Function} function Function to convert to an asynchronous function. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the function on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.timeout. * @param {Mixed} [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @returns {Function} Asynchronous function. */ var observableToAsync = Observable.toAsync = function (func, context, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return function () { var args = arguments, subject = new AsyncSubject(); scheduler.schedule(function () { var result; try { result = func.apply(context, args); } catch (e) { subject.onError(e); return; } subject.onNext(result); subject.onCompleted(); }); return subject.asObservable(); }; }; /** * Converts a callback function to an observable sequence. * * @param {Function} function Function with a callback as the last parameter to convert to an Observable sequence. * @param {Mixed} [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the callback to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Function} A function, when executed with the required parameters minus the callback, produces an Observable sequence with a single value of the arguments to the callback as an array. */ Observable.fromCallback = function (func, context, selector) { return function () { var args =, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { function handler(e) { var results = e; if (selector) { try { results = selector(arguments); } catch (err) { observer.onError(err); return; } observer.onNext(results); } else { if (results.length <= 1) { observer.onNext.apply(observer, results); } else { observer.onNext(results); } } observer.onCompleted(); } args.push(handler); func.apply(context, args); }).publishLast().refCount(); }; }; /** * Converts a Node.js callback style function to an observable sequence. This must be in function (err, ...) format. * @param {Function} func The function to call * @param {Mixed} [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the callback minus the error to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Function} An async function which when applied, returns an observable sequence with the callback arguments as an array. */ Observable.fromNodeCallback = function (func, context, selector) { return function () { var args =, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { function handler(err) { if (err) { observer.onError(err); return; } var results =, 1); if (selector) { try { results = selector(results); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(results); } else { if (results.length <= 1) { observer.onNext.apply(observer, results); } else { observer.onNext(results); } } observer.onCompleted(); } args.push(handler); func.apply(context, args); }).publishLast().refCount(); }; }; function createListener (element, name, handler) { if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(name, handler, false); return disposableCreate(function () { element.removeEventListener(name, handler, false); }); } throw new Error('No listener found'); } function createEventListener (el, eventName, handler) { var disposables = new CompositeDisposable(); // Asume NodeList if ( === '[object NodeList]') { for (var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; i++) { disposables.add(createEventListener(el.item(i), eventName, handler)); } } else if (el) { disposables.add(createListener(el, eventName, handler)); } return disposables; } /** * Configuration option to determine whether to use native events only */ Rx.config.useNativeEvents = false; // Check for Angular/jQuery/Zepto support var jq = !!root.angular && !!angular.element ? angular.element : (!!root.jQuery ? root.jQuery : ( !!root.Zepto ? root.Zepto : null)); // Check for ember var ember = !!root.Ember && typeof root.Ember.addListener === 'function'; // Check for Backbone.Marionette. Note if using AMD add Marionette as a dependency of rxjs // for proper loading order! var marionette = !!root.Backbone && !!root.Backbone.Marionette; /** * Creates an observable sequence by adding an event listener to the matching DOMElement or each item in the NodeList. * * @example * var source = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(element, 'mouseup'); * * @param {Object} element The DOMElement or NodeList to attach a listener. * @param {String} eventName The event name to attach the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the event handler to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of events from the specified element and the specified event. */ Observable.fromEvent = function (element, eventName, selector) { // Node.js specific if (element.addListener) { return fromEventPattern( function (h) { element.addListener(eventName, h); }, function (h) { element.removeListener(eventName, h); }, selector); } // Use only if non-native events are allowed if (!Rx.config.useNativeEvents) { if (marionette) { return fromEventPattern( function (h) { element.on(eventName, h); }, function (h) {, h); }, selector); } if (ember) { return fromEventPattern( function (h) { Ember.addListener(element, eventName, h); }, function (h) { Ember.removeListener(element, eventName, h); }, selector); } if (jq) { var $elem = jq(element); return fromEventPattern( function (h) { $elem.on(eventName, h); }, function (h) { $, h); }, selector); } } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return createEventListener( element, eventName, function handler (e) { var results = e; if (selector) { try { results = selector(arguments); } catch (err) { observer.onError(err); return } } observer.onNext(results); }); }).publish().refCount(); }; /** * Creates an observable sequence from an event emitter via an addHandler/removeHandler pair. * @param {Function} addHandler The function to add a handler to the emitter. * @param {Function} [removeHandler] The optional function to remove a handler from an emitter. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the event handler to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which wraps an event from an event emitter */ var fromEventPattern = Observable.fromEventPattern = function (addHandler, removeHandler, selector) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { function innerHandler (e) { var result = e; if (selector) { try { result = selector(arguments); } catch (err) { observer.onError(err); return; } } observer.onNext(result); } var returnValue = addHandler(innerHandler); return disposableCreate(function () { if (removeHandler) { removeHandler(innerHandler, returnValue); } }); }).publish().refCount(); }; /** * Invokes the asynchronous function, surfacing the result through an observable sequence. * @param {Function} functionAsync Asynchronous function which returns a Promise to run. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence exposing the function's result value, or an exception. */ Observable.startAsync = function (functionAsync) { var promise; try { promise = functionAsync(); } catch (e) { return observableThrow(e); } return observableFromPromise(promise); } var PausableObservable = (function (_super) { inherits(PausableObservable, _super); function subscribe(observer) { var conn = this.source.publish(), subscription = conn.subscribe(observer), connection = disposableEmpty; var pausable = this.pauser.distinctUntilChanged().subscribe(function (b) { if (b) { connection = conn.connect(); } else { connection.dispose(); connection = disposableEmpty; } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, connection, pausable); } function PausableObservable(source, pauser) { this.source = source; this.controller = new Subject(); if (pauser && pauser.subscribe) { this.pauser = this.controller.merge(pauser); } else { this.pauser = this.controller; }, subscribe); } PausableObservable.prototype.pause = function () { this.controller.onNext(false); }; PausableObservable.prototype.resume = function () { this.controller.onNext(true); }; return PausableObservable; }(Observable)); /** * Pauses the underlying observable sequence based upon the observable sequence which yields true/false. * @example * var pauser = new Rx.Subject(); * var source = Rx.Observable.interval(100).pausable(pauser); * @param {Observable} pauser The observable sequence used to pause the underlying sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence which is paused based upon the pauser. */ observableProto.pausable = function (pauser) { return new PausableObservable(this, pauser); }; function combineLatestSource(source, subject, resultSelector) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasValue = [false, false], hasValueAll = false, isDone = false, values = new Array(2), err; function next(x, i) { values[i] = x var res; hasValue[i] = true; if (hasValueAll || (hasValueAll = hasValue.every(identity))) { if (err) { observer.onError(err); return; } try { res = resultSelector.apply(null, values); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } observer.onNext(res); } if (isDone && values[1]) { observer.onCompleted(); } } return new CompositeDisposable( source.subscribe( function (x) { next(x, 0); }, function (e) { if (values[1]) { observer.onError(e); } else { err = e; } }, function () { isDone = true; values[1] && observer.onCompleted(); }), subject.subscribe( function (x) { next(x, 1); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isDone = true; next(true, 1); }) ); }); } var PausableBufferedObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(PausableBufferedObservable, __super__); function subscribe(observer) { var q = [], previousShouldFire; var subscription = combineLatestSource( this.source, this.pauser.distinctUntilChanged().startWith(false), function (data, shouldFire) { return { data: data, shouldFire: shouldFire }; }) .subscribe( function (results) { if (previousShouldFire !== undefined && results.shouldFire != previousShouldFire) { previousShouldFire = results.shouldFire; // change in shouldFire if (results.shouldFire) { while (q.length > 0) { observer.onNext(q.shift()); } } } else { previousShouldFire = results.shouldFire; // new data if (results.shouldFire) { observer.onNext(; } else { q.push(; } } }, function (err) { // Empty buffer before sending error while (q.length > 0) { observer.onNext(q.shift()); } observer.onError(err); }, function () { // Empty buffer before sending completion while (q.length > 0) { observer.onNext(q.shift()); } observer.onCompleted(); } ); return subscription; } function PausableBufferedObservable(source, pauser) { this.source = source; this.controller = new Subject(); if (pauser && pauser.subscribe) { this.pauser = this.controller.merge(pauser); } else { this.pauser = this.controller; }, subscribe); } PausableBufferedObservable.prototype.pause = function () { this.controller.onNext(false); }; PausableBufferedObservable.prototype.resume = function () { this.controller.onNext(true); }; return PausableBufferedObservable; }(Observable)); /** * Pauses the underlying observable sequence based upon the observable sequence which yields true/false, * and yields the values that were buffered while paused. * @example * var pauser = new Rx.Subject(); * var source = Rx.Observable.interval(100).pausableBuffered(pauser); * @param {Observable} pauser The observable sequence used to pause the underlying sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence which is paused based upon the pauser. */ observableProto.pausableBuffered = function (subject) { return new PausableBufferedObservable(this, subject); }; /** * Attaches a controller to the observable sequence with the ability to queue. * @example * var source = Rx.Observable.interval(100).controlled(); * source.request(3); // Reads 3 values * @param {Observable} pauser The observable sequence used to pause the underlying sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence which is paused based upon the pauser. */ observableProto.controlled = function (enableQueue) { if (enableQueue == null) { enableQueue = true; } return new ControlledObservable(this, enableQueue); }; var ControlledObservable = (function (_super) { inherits(ControlledObservable, _super); function subscribe (observer) { return this.source.subscribe(observer); } function ControlledObservable (source, enableQueue) {, subscribe); this.subject = new ControlledSubject(enableQueue); this.source = source.multicast(this.subject).refCount(); } ControlledObservable.prototype.request = function (numberOfItems) { if (numberOfItems == null) { numberOfItems = -1; } return this.subject.request(numberOfItems); }; return ControlledObservable; }(Observable)); var ControlledSubject = Rx.ControlledSubject = (function (_super) { function subscribe (observer) { return this.subject.subscribe(observer); } inherits(ControlledSubject, _super); function ControlledSubject(enableQueue) { if (enableQueue == null) { enableQueue = true; }, subscribe); this.subject = new Subject(); this.enableQueue = enableQueue; this.queue = enableQueue ? [] : null; this.requestedCount = 0; this.requestedDisposable = disposableEmpty; this.error = null; this.hasFailed = false; this.hasCompleted = false; this.controlledDisposable = disposableEmpty; } addProperties(ControlledSubject.prototype, Observer, { onCompleted: function () {; this.hasCompleted = true; if (!this.enableQueue || this.queue.length === 0) { this.subject.onCompleted(); } }, onError: function (error) {; this.hasFailed = true; this.error = error; if (!this.enableQueue || this.queue.length === 0) { this.subject.onError(error); } }, onNext: function (value) {; var hasRequested = false; if (this.requestedCount === 0) { if (this.enableQueue) { this.queue.push(value); } } else { if (this.requestedCount !== -1) { if (this.requestedCount-- === 0) { this.disposeCurrentRequest(); } } hasRequested = true; } if (hasRequested) { this.subject.onNext(value); } }, _processRequest: function (numberOfItems) { if (this.enableQueue) { //console.log('queue length', this.queue.length); while (this.queue.length >= numberOfItems && numberOfItems > 0) { //console.log('number of items', numberOfItems); this.subject.onNext(this.queue.shift()); numberOfItems--; } if (this.queue.length !== 0) { return { numberOfItems: numberOfItems, returnValue: true }; } else { return { numberOfItems: numberOfItems, returnValue: false }; } } if (this.hasFailed) { this.subject.onError(this.error); this.controlledDisposable.dispose(); this.controlledDisposable = disposableEmpty; } else if (this.hasCompleted) { this.subject.onCompleted(); this.controlledDisposable.dispose(); this.controlledDisposable = disposableEmpty; } return { numberOfItems: numberOfItems, returnValue: false }; }, request: function (number) {; this.disposeCurrentRequest(); var self = this, r = this._processRequest(number); number = r.numberOfItems; if (!r.returnValue) { this.requestedCount = number; this.requestedDisposable = disposableCreate(function () { self.requestedCount = 0; }); return this.requestedDisposable } else { return disposableEmpty; } }, disposeCurrentRequest: function () { this.requestedDisposable.dispose(); this.requestedDisposable = disposableEmpty; }, dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.error = null; this.subject.dispose(); this.requestedDisposable.dispose(); } }); return ControlledSubject; }(Observable)); /** * Multicasts the source sequence notifications through an instantiated subject into all uses of the sequence within a selector function. Each * subscription to the resulting sequence causes a separate multicast invocation, exposing the sequence resulting from the selector function's * invocation. For specializations with fixed subject types, see Publish, PublishLast, and Replay. * * @example * 1 - res = source.multicast(observable); * 2 - res = source.multicast(function () { return new Subject(); }, function (x) { return x; }); * * @param {Function|Subject} subjectOrSubjectSelector * Factory function to create an intermediate subject through which the source sequence's elements will be multicast to the selector function. * Or: * Subject to push source elements into. * * @param {Function} [selector] Optional selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence subject to the policies enforced by the created subject. Specified only if <paramref name="subjectOrSubjectSelector" is a factory function. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.multicast = function (subjectOrSubjectSelector, selector) { var source = this; return typeof subjectOrSubjectSelector === 'function' ? new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var connectable = source.multicast(subjectOrSubjectSelector()); return new CompositeDisposable(selector(connectable).subscribe(observer), connectable.connect()); }) : new ConnectableObservable(source, subjectOrSubjectSelector); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence. * This operator is a specialization of Multicast using a regular Subject. * * @example * var resres = source.publish(); * var res = source.publish(function (x) { return x; }); * * @param {Function} [selector] Selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence as many times as needed, without causing multiple subscriptions to the source sequence. Subscribers to the given source will receive all notifications of the source from the time of the subscription on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.publish = function (selector) { return selector && isFunction(selector) ? this.multicast(function () { return new Subject(); }, selector) : this.multicast(new Subject()); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence. * This operator is a specialization of publish which creates a subscription when the number of observers goes from zero to one, then shares that subscription with all subsequent observers until the number of observers returns to zero, at which point the subscription is disposed. * * @example * var res = source.share(); * * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence. */ observableProto.share = function () { return this.publish().refCount(); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence containing only the last notification. * This operator is a specialization of Multicast using a AsyncSubject. * * @example * var res = source.publishLast(); * var res = source.publishLast(function (x) { return x; }); * * @param selector [Optional] Selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence as many times as needed, without causing multiple subscriptions to the source sequence. Subscribers to the given source will only receive the last notification of the source. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.publishLast = function (selector) { return selector && isFunction(selector) ? this.multicast(function () { return new AsyncSubject(); }, selector) : this.multicast(new AsyncSubject()); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence and starts with initialValue. * This operator is a specialization of Multicast using a BehaviorSubject. * * @example * var res = source.publishValue(42); * var res = source.publishValue(function (x) { return (y) { return y * y; }) }, 42); * * @param {Function} [selector] Optional selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence as many times as needed, without causing multiple subscriptions to the source sequence. Subscribers to the given source will receive immediately receive the initial value, followed by all notifications of the source from the time of the subscription on. * @param {Mixed} initialValue Initial value received by observers upon subscription. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.publishValue = function (initialValueOrSelector, initialValue) { return arguments.length === 2 ? this.multicast(function () { return new BehaviorSubject(initialValue); }, initialValueOrSelector) : this.multicast(new BehaviorSubject(initialValueOrSelector)); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence and starts with an initialValue. * This operator is a specialization of publishValue which creates a subscription when the number of observers goes from zero to one, then shares that subscription with all subsequent observers until the number of observers returns to zero, at which point the subscription is disposed. * * @example * var res = source.shareValue(42); * * @param {Mixed} initialValue Initial value received by observers upon subscription. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence. */ observableProto.shareValue = function (initialValue) { return this.publishValue(initialValue).refCount(); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence replaying notifications subject to a maximum time length for the replay buffer. * This operator is a specialization of Multicast using a ReplaySubject. * * @example * var res = source.replay(null, 3); * var res = source.replay(null, 3, 500); * var res = source.replay(null, 3, 500, scheduler); * var res = source.replay(function (x) { return x.take(6).repeat(); }, 3, 500, scheduler); * * @param selector [Optional] Selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence as many times as needed, without causing multiple subscriptions to the source sequence. Subscribers to the given source will receive all the notifications of the source subject to the specified replay buffer trimming policy. * @param bufferSize [Optional] Maximum element count of the replay buffer. * @param window [Optional] Maximum time length of the replay buffer. * @param scheduler [Optional] Scheduler where connected observers within the selector function will be invoked on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.replay = function (selector, bufferSize, window, scheduler) { return selector && isFunction(selector) ? this.multicast(function () { return new ReplaySubject(bufferSize, window, scheduler); }, selector) : this.multicast(new ReplaySubject(bufferSize, window, scheduler)); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence replaying notifications subject to a maximum time length for the replay buffer. * This operator is a specialization of replay which creates a subscription when the number of observers goes from zero to one, then shares that subscription with all subsequent observers until the number of observers returns to zero, at which point the subscription is disposed. * * @example * var res = source.shareReplay(3); * var res = source.shareReplay(3, 500); * var res = source.shareReplay(3, 500, scheduler); * * @param bufferSize [Optional] Maximum element count of the replay buffer. * @param window [Optional] Maximum time length of the replay buffer. * @param scheduler [Optional] Scheduler where connected observers within the selector function will be invoked on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence. */ observableProto.shareReplay = function (bufferSize, window, scheduler) { return this.replay(null, bufferSize, window, scheduler).refCount(); }; /** @private */ var InnerSubscription = function (subject, observer) { this.subject = subject; = observer; }; /** * @private * @memberOf InnerSubscription */ InnerSubscription.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.subject.isDisposed && !== null) { var idx = this.subject.observers.indexOf(; this.subject.observers.splice(idx, 1); = null; } }; /** * Represents a value that changes over time. * Observers can subscribe to the subject to receive the last (or initial) value and all subsequent notifications. */ var BehaviorSubject = Rx.BehaviorSubject = (function (__super__) { function subscribe(observer) {; if (!this.isStopped) { this.observers.push(observer); observer.onNext(this.value); return new InnerSubscription(this, observer); } var ex = this.exception; if (ex) { observer.onError(ex); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } return disposableEmpty; } inherits(BehaviorSubject, __super__); /** * @constructor * Initializes a new instance of the BehaviorSubject class which creates a subject that caches its last value and starts with the specified value. * @param {Mixed} value Initial value sent to observers when no other value has been received by the subject yet. */ function BehaviorSubject(value) {, subscribe); this.value = value, this.observers = [], this.isDisposed = false, this.isStopped = false, this.exception = null; } addProperties(BehaviorSubject.prototype, Observer, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () { return this.observers.length > 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence. */ onCompleted: function () {; if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.isStopped = true; for (var i = 0, os = this.observers.slice(0), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onCompleted(); } this.observers = []; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the exception. * @param {Mixed} error The exception to send to all observers. */ onError: function (error) {; if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.isStopped = true; this.exception = error; for (var i = 0, os = this.observers.slice(0), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onError(error); } this.observers = []; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the arrival of the specified element in the sequence. * @param {Mixed} value The value to send to all observers. */ onNext: function (value) {; if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.value = value; for (var i = 0, os = this.observers.slice(0), len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onNext(value); } }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; this.value = null; this.exception = null; } }); return BehaviorSubject; }(Observable)); /** * Represents an object that is both an observable sequence as well as an observer. * Each notification is broadcasted to all subscribed and future observers, subject to buffer trimming policies. */ var ReplaySubject = Rx.ReplaySubject = (function (__super__) { function createRemovableDisposable(subject, observer) { return disposableCreate(function () { observer.dispose(); !subject.isDisposed && subject.observers.splice(subject.observers.indexOf(observer), 1); }); } function subscribe(observer) { var so = new ScheduledObserver(this.scheduler, observer), subscription = createRemovableDisposable(this, so);; this._trim(; this.observers.push(so); var n = this.q.length; for (var i = 0, len = this.q.length; i < len; i++) { so.onNext(this.q[i].value); } if (this.hasError) { n++; so.onError(this.error); } else if (this.isStopped) { n++; so.onCompleted(); } so.ensureActive(n); return subscription; } inherits(ReplaySubject, __super__); /** * Initializes a new instance of the ReplaySubject class with the specified buffer size, window size and scheduler. * @param {Number} [bufferSize] Maximum element count of the replay buffer. * @param {Number} [windowSize] Maximum time length of the replay buffer. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler the observers are invoked on. */ function ReplaySubject(bufferSize, windowSize, scheduler) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize == null ? Number.MAX_VALUE : bufferSize; this.windowSize = windowSize == null ? Number.MAX_VALUE : windowSize; this.scheduler = scheduler || currentThreadScheduler; this.q = []; this.observers = []; this.isStopped = false; this.isDisposed = false; this.hasError = false; this.error = null;, subscribe); } addProperties(ReplaySubject.prototype, Observer, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () { return this.observers.length > 0; }, _trim: function (now) { while (this.q.length > this.bufferSize) { this.q.shift(); } while (this.q.length > 0 && (now - this.q[0].interval) > this.windowSize) { this.q.shift(); } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the arrival of the specified element in the sequence. * @param {Mixed} value The value to send to all observers. */ onNext: function (value) {; if (this.isStopped) { return; } var now =; this.q.push({ interval: now, value: value }); this._trim(now); var o = this.observers.slice(0); for (var i = 0, len = o.length; i < len; i++) { var observer = o[i]; observer.onNext(value); observer.ensureActive(); } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the exception. * @param {Mixed} error The exception to send to all observers. */ onError: function (error) {; if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.isStopped = true; this.error = error; this.hasError = true; var now =; this._trim(now); var o = this.observers.slice(0); for (var i = 0, len = o.length; i < len; i++) { var observer = o[i]; observer.onError(error); observer.ensureActive(); } this.observers = []; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence. */ onCompleted: function () {; if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.isStopped = true; var now =; this._trim(now); var o = this.observers.slice(0); for (var i = 0, len = o.length; i < len; i++) { var observer = o[i]; observer.onCompleted(); observer.ensureActive(); } this.observers = []; }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; } }); return ReplaySubject; }(Observable)); var ConnectableObservable = Rx.ConnectableObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(ConnectableObservable, __super__); function ConnectableObservable(source, subject) { var hasSubscription = false, subscription, sourceObservable = source.asObservable(); this.connect = function () { if (!hasSubscription) { hasSubscription = true; subscription = new CompositeDisposable(sourceObservable.subscribe(subject), disposableCreate(function () { hasSubscription = false; })); } return subscription; };, subject.subscribe.bind(subject)); } ConnectableObservable.prototype.refCount = function () { var connectableSubscription, count = 0, source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var shouldConnect = ++count === 1, subscription = source.subscribe(observer); shouldConnect && (connectableSubscription = source.connect()); return function () { subscription.dispose(); --count === 0 && connectableSubscription.dispose(); }; }); }; return ConnectableObservable; }(Observable)); var Dictionary = (function () { var primes = [1, 3, 7, 13, 31, 61, 127, 251, 509, 1021, 2039, 4093, 8191, 16381, 32749, 65521, 131071, 262139, 524287, 1048573, 2097143, 4194301, 8388593, 16777213, 33554393, 67108859, 134217689, 268435399, 536870909, 1073741789, 2147483647], noSuchkey = "no such key", duplicatekey = "duplicate key"; function isPrime(candidate) { if (candidate & 1 === 0) { return candidate === 2; } var num1 = Math.sqrt(candidate), num2 = 3; while (num2 <= num1) { if (candidate % num2 === 0) { return false; } num2 += 2; } return true; } function getPrime(min) { var index, num, candidate; for (index = 0; index < primes.length; ++index) { num = primes[index]; if (num >= min) { return num; } } candidate = min | 1; while (candidate < primes[primes.length - 1]) { if (isPrime(candidate)) { return candidate; } candidate += 2; } return min; } function stringHashFn(str) { var hash = 757602046; if (!str.length) { return hash; } for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { var character = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + character; hash = hash & hash; } return hash; } function numberHashFn(key) { var c2 = 0x27d4eb2d; key = (key ^ 61) ^ (key >>> 16); key = key + (key << 3); key = key ^ (key >>> 4); key = key * c2; key = key ^ (key >>> 15); return key; } var getHashCode = (function () { var uniqueIdCounter = 0; return function (obj) { if (obj == null) { throw new Error(noSuchkey); } // Check for built-ins before tacking on our own for any object if (typeof obj === 'string') { return stringHashFn(obj); } if (typeof obj === 'number') { return numberHashFn(obj); } if (typeof obj === 'boolean') { return obj === true ? 1 : 0; } if (obj instanceof Date) { return numberHashFn(obj.valueOf()); } if (obj instanceof RegExp) { return stringHashFn(obj.toString()); } if (typeof obj.valueOf === 'function') { // Hack check for valueOf var valueOf = obj.valueOf(); if (typeof valueOf === 'number') { return numberHashFn(valueOf); } if (typeof obj === 'string') { return stringHashFn(valueOf); } } if (obj.getHashCode) { return obj.getHashCode(); } var id = 17 * uniqueIdCounter++; obj.getHashCode = function () { return id; }; return id; }; }()); function newEntry() { return { key: null, value: null, next: 0, hashCode: 0 }; } function Dictionary(capacity, comparer) { if (capacity < 0) { throw new Error('out of range'); } if (capacity > 0) { this._initialize(capacity); } this.comparer = comparer || defaultComparer; this.freeCount = 0; this.size = 0; this.freeList = -1; } var dictionaryProto = Dictionary.prototype; dictionaryProto._initialize = function (capacity) { var prime = getPrime(capacity), i; this.buckets = new Array(prime); this.entries = new Array(prime); for (i = 0; i < prime; i++) { this.buckets[i] = -1; this.entries[i] = newEntry(); } this.freeList = -1; }; dictionaryProto.add = function (key, value) { return this._insert(key, value, true); }; dictionaryProto._insert = function (key, value, add) { if (!this.buckets) { this._initialize(0); } var index3, num = getHashCode(key) & 2147483647, index1 = num % this.buckets.length; for (var index2 = this.buckets[index1]; index2 >= 0; index2 = this.entries[index2].next) { if (this.entries[index2].hashCode === num && this.comparer(this.entries[index2].key, key)) { if (add) { throw new Error(duplicatekey); } this.entries[index2].value = value; return; } } if (this.freeCount > 0) { index3 = this.freeList; this.freeList = this.entries[index3].next; --this.freeCount; } else { if (this.size === this.entries.length) { this._resize(); index1 = num % this.buckets.length; } index3 = this.size; ++this.size; } this.entries[index3].hashCode = num; this.entries[index3].next = this.buckets[index1]; this.entries[index3].key = key; this.entries[index3].value = value; this.buckets[index1] = index3; }; dictionaryProto._resize = function () { var prime = getPrime(this.size * 2), numArray = new Array(prime); for (index = 0; index < numArray.length; ++index) { numArray[index] = -1; } var entryArray = new Array(prime); for (index = 0; index < this.size; ++index) { entryArray[index] = this.entries[index]; } for (var index = this.size; index < prime; ++index) { entryArray[index] = newEntry(); } for (var index1 = 0; index1 < this.size; ++index1) { var index2 = entryArray[index1].hashCode % prime; entryArray[index1].next = numArray[index2]; numArray[index2] = index1; } this.buckets = numArray; this.entries = entryArray; }; dictionaryProto.remove = function (key) { if (this.buckets) { var num = getHashCode(key) & 2147483647, index1 = num % this.buckets.length, index2 = -1; for (var index3 = this.buckets[index1]; index3 >= 0; index3 = this.entries[index3].next) { if (this.entries[index3].hashCode === num && this.comparer(this.entries[index3].key, key)) { if (index2 < 0) { this.buckets[index1] = this.entries[index3].next; } else { this.entries[index2].next = this.entries[index3].next; } this.entries[index3].hashCode = -1; this.entries[index3].next = this.freeList; this.entries[index3].key = null; this.entries[index3].value = null; this.freeList = index3; ++this.freeCount; return true; } else { index2 = index3; } } } return false; }; dictionaryProto.clear = function () { var index, len; if (this.size <= 0) { return; } for (index = 0, len = this.buckets.length; index < len; ++index) { this.buckets[index] = -1; } for (index = 0; index < this.size; ++index) { this.entries[index] = newEntry(); } this.freeList = -1; this.size = 0; }; dictionaryProto._findEntry = function (key) { if (this.buckets) { var num = getHashCode(key) & 2147483647; for (var index = this.buckets[num % this.buckets.length]; index >= 0; index = this.entries[index].next) { if (this.entries[index].hashCode === num && this.comparer(this.entries[index].key, key)) { return index; } } } return -1; }; dictionaryProto.count = function () { return this.size - this.freeCount; }; dictionaryProto.tryGetValue = function (key) { var entry = this._findEntry(key); return entry >= 0 ? this.entries[entry].value : undefined; }; dictionaryProto.getValues = function () { var index = 0, results = []; if (this.entries) { for (var index1 = 0; index1 < this.size; index1++) { if (this.entries[index1].hashCode >= 0) { results[index++] = this.entries[index1].value; } } } return results; }; dictionaryProto.get = function (key) { var entry = this._findEntry(key); if (entry >= 0) { return this.entries[entry].value; } throw new Error(noSuchkey); }; dictionaryProto.set = function (key, value) { this._insert(key, value, false); }; dictionaryProto.containskey = function (key) { return this._findEntry(key) >= 0; }; return Dictionary; }()); /** * Correlates the elements of two sequences based on overlapping durations. * * @param {Observable} right The right observable sequence to join elements for. * @param {Function} leftDurationSelector A function to select the duration (expressed as an observable sequence) of each element of the left observable sequence, used to determine overlap. * @param {Function} rightDurationSelector A function to select the duration (expressed as an observable sequence) of each element of the right observable sequence, used to determine overlap. * @param {Function} resultSelector A function invoked to compute a result element for any two overlapping elements of the left and right observable sequences. The parameters passed to the function correspond with the elements from the left and right source sequences for which overlap occurs. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains result elements computed from source elements that have an overlapping duration. */ observableProto.join = function (right, leftDurationSelector, rightDurationSelector, resultSelector) { var left = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var group = new CompositeDisposable(); var leftDone = false, rightDone = false; var leftId = 0, rightId = 0; var leftMap = new Dictionary(), rightMap = new Dictionary(); group.add(left.subscribe( function (value) { var id = leftId++; var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); leftMap.add(id, value); group.add(md); var expire = function () { leftMap.remove(id) && leftMap.count() === 0 && leftDone && observer.onCompleted(); group.remove(md); }; var duration; try { duration = leftDurationSelector(value); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe(noop, observer.onError.bind(observer), expire)); rightMap.getValues().forEach(function (v) { var result; try { result = resultSelector(value, v); } catch (exn) { observer.onError(exn); return; } observer.onNext(result); }); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { leftDone = true; (rightDone || leftMap.count() === 0) && observer.onCompleted(); }) ); group.add(right.subscribe( function (value) { var id = rightId++; var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); rightMap.add(id, value); group.add(md); var expire = function () { rightMap.remove(id) && rightMap.count() === 0 && rightDone && observer.onCompleted(); group.remove(md); }; var duration; try { duration = rightDurationSelector(value); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe(noop, observer.onError.bind(observer), expire)); leftMap.getValues().forEach(function (v) { var result; try { result = resultSelector(v, value); } catch (exn) { observer.onError(exn); return; } observer.onNext(result); }); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { rightDone = true; (leftDone || rightMap.count() === 0) && observer.onCompleted(); }) ); return group; }); }; /** * Correlates the elements of two sequences based on overlapping durations, and groups the results. * * @param {Observable} right The right observable sequence to join elements for. * @param {Function} leftDurationSelector A function to select the duration (expressed as an observable sequence) of each element of the left observable sequence, used to determine overlap. * @param {Function} rightDurationSelector A function to select the duration (expressed as an observable sequence) of each element of the right observable sequence, used to determine overlap. * @param {Function} resultSelector A function invoked to compute a result element for any element of the left sequence with overlapping elements from the right observable sequence. The first parameter passed to the function is an element of the left sequence. The second parameter passed to the function is an observable sequence with elements from the right sequence that overlap with the left sequence's element. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains result elements computed from source elements that have an overlapping duration. */ observableProto.groupJoin = function (right, leftDurationSelector, rightDurationSelector, resultSelector) { var left = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var group = new CompositeDisposable(); var r = new RefCountDisposable(group); var leftMap = new Dictionary(), rightMap = new Dictionary(); var leftId = 0, rightId = 0; function handleError(e) { return function (v) { v.onError(e); }; }; group.add(left.subscribe( function (value) { var s = new Subject(); var id = leftId++; leftMap.add(id, s); var result; try { result = resultSelector(value, addRef(s, r)); } catch (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); rightMap.getValues().forEach(function (v) { s.onNext(v); }); var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(md); var expire = function () { leftMap.remove(id) && s.onCompleted(); group.remove(md); }; var duration; try { duration = leftDurationSelector(value); } catch (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe( noop, function (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); }, expire) ); }, function (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); }, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)) ); group.add(right.subscribe( function (value) { var id = rightId++; rightMap.add(id, value); var md = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(md); var expire = function () { rightMap.remove(id); group.remove(md); }; var duration; try { duration = rightDurationSelector(value); } catch (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); return; } md.setDisposable(duration.take(1).subscribe( noop, function (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); }, expire) ); leftMap.getValues().forEach(function (v) { v.onNext(value); }); }, function (e) { leftMap.getValues().forEach(handleError(e)); observer.onError(e); }) ); return r; }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more buffers. * * @param {Mixed} bufferOpeningsOrClosingSelector Observable sequence whose elements denote the creation of new windows, or, a function invoked to define the boundaries of the produced windows (a new window is started when the previous one is closed, resulting in non-overlapping windows). * @param {Function} [bufferClosingSelector] A function invoked to define the closing of each produced window. If a closing selector function is specified for the first parameter, this parameter is ignored. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.buffer = function (bufferOpeningsOrClosingSelector, bufferClosingSelector) { return this.window.apply(this, arguments).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more windows. * * @param {Mixed} windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector Observable sequence whose elements denote the creation of new windows, or, a function invoked to define the boundaries of the produced windows (a new window is started when the previous one is closed, resulting in non-overlapping windows). * @param {Function} [windowClosingSelector] A function invoked to define the closing of each produced window. If a closing selector function is specified for the first parameter, this parameter is ignored. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.window = function (windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector, windowClosingSelector) { if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] !== 'function') { return, windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector); } return typeof windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector === 'function' ?, windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector) :, windowOpeningsOrClosingSelector, windowClosingSelector); }; function observableWindowWithOpenings(windowOpenings, windowClosingSelector) { return windowOpenings.groupJoin(this, windowClosingSelector, observableEmpty, function (_, win) { return win; }); } function observableWindowWithBounaries(windowBoundaries) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var win = new Subject(), d = new CompositeDisposable(), r = new RefCountDisposable(d); observer.onNext(addRef(win, r)); d.add(source.subscribe(function (x) { win.onNext(x); }, function (err) { win.onError(err); observer.onError(err); }, function () { win.onCompleted(); observer.onCompleted(); })); isPromise(windowBoundaries) && (windowBoundaries = observableFromPromise(windowBoundaries)); d.add(windowBoundaries.subscribe(function (w) { win.onCompleted(); win = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(win, r)); }, function (err) { win.onError(err); observer.onError(err); }, function () { win.onCompleted(); observer.onCompleted(); })); return r; }); } function observableWindowWithClosingSelector(windowClosingSelector) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new SerialDisposable(), d = new CompositeDisposable(m), r = new RefCountDisposable(d), win = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(win, r)); d.add(source.subscribe(function (x) { win.onNext(x); }, function (err) { win.onError(err); observer.onError(err); }, function () { win.onCompleted(); observer.onCompleted(); })); function createWindowClose () { var windowClose; try { windowClose = windowClosingSelector(); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(windowClose) && (windowClose = observableFromPromise(windowClose)); var m1 = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); m.setDisposable(m1); m1.setDisposable(windowClose.take(1).subscribe(noop, function (err) { win.onError(err); observer.onError(err); }, function () { win.onCompleted(); win = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(win, r)); createWindowClose(); })); } createWindowClose(); return r; }); } /** * Returns a new observable that triggers on the second and subsequent triggerings of the input observable. * The Nth triggering of the input observable passes the arguments from the N-1th and Nth triggering as a pair. * The argument passed to the N-1th triggering is held in hidden internal state until the Nth triggering occurs. * @returns {Observable} An observable that triggers on successive pairs of observations from the input observable as an array. */ observableProto.pairwise = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var previous, hasPrevious = false; return source.subscribe( function (x) { if (hasPrevious) { observer.onNext([previous, x]); } else { hasPrevious = true; } previous = x; }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Returns two observables which partition the observations of the source by the given function. * The first will trigger observations for those values for which the predicate returns true. * The second will trigger observations for those values where the predicate returns false. * The predicate is executed once for each subscribed observer. * Both also propagate all error observations arising from the source and each completes * when the source completes. * @param {Function} predicate * The function to determine which output Observable will trigger a particular observation. * @returns {Array} * An array of observables. The first triggers when the predicate returns true, * and the second triggers when the predicate returns false. */ observableProto.partition = function(predicate, thisArg) { var published = this.publish().refCount(); return [ published.filter(predicate, thisArg), published.filter(function (x, i, o) { return !, x, i, o); }) ]; }; function enumerableWhile(condition, source) { return new Enumerable(function () { return new Enumerator(function () { return condition() ? { done: false, value: source } : { done: true, value: undefined }; }); }); } /** * Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on the source sequence, without sharing subscriptions. * This operator allows for a fluent style of writing queries that use the same sequence multiple times. * * @param {Function} selector Selector function which can use the source sequence as many times as needed, without sharing subscriptions to the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function. */ observableProto.letBind = observableProto['let'] = function (func) { return func(this); }; /** * Determines whether an observable collection contains values. There is an alias for this method called 'ifThen' for browsers <IE9 * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1); * 2 - res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1, obs2); * 3 - res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1, scheduler); * @param {Function} condition The condition which determines if the thenSource or elseSource will be run. * @param {Observable} thenSource The observable sequence or Promise that will be run if the condition function returns true. * @param {Observable} [elseSource] The observable sequence or Promise that will be run if the condition function returns false. If this is not provided, it defaults to Rx.Observabe.Empty with the specified scheduler. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which is either the thenSource or elseSource. */ Observable['if'] = Observable.ifThen = function (condition, thenSource, elseSourceOrScheduler) { return observableDefer(function () { elseSourceOrScheduler || (elseSourceOrScheduler = observableEmpty()); isPromise(thenSource) && (thenSource = observableFromPromise(thenSource)); isPromise(elseSourceOrScheduler) && (elseSourceOrScheduler = observableFromPromise(elseSourceOrScheduler)); // Assume a scheduler for empty only typeof === 'function' && (elseSourceOrScheduler = observableEmpty(elseSourceOrScheduler)); return condition() ? thenSource : elseSourceOrScheduler; }); }; /** * Concatenates the observable sequences obtained by running the specified result selector for each element in source. * There is an alias for this method called 'forIn' for browsers <IE9 * @param {Array} sources An array of values to turn into an observable sequence. * @param {Function} resultSelector A function to apply to each item in the sources array to turn it into an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence from the concatenated observable sequences. */ Observable['for'] = Observable.forIn = function (sources, resultSelector, thisArg) { return enumerableOf(sources, resultSelector, thisArg).concat(); }; /** * Repeats source as long as condition holds emulating a while loop. * There is an alias for this method called 'whileDo' for browsers <IE9 * * @param {Function} condition The condition which determines if the source will be repeated. * @param {Observable} source The observable sequence that will be run if the condition function returns true. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which is repeated as long as the condition holds. */ var observableWhileDo = Observable['while'] = Observable.whileDo = function (condition, source) { isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); return enumerableWhile(condition, source).concat(); }; /** * Repeats source as long as condition holds emulating a do while loop. * * @param {Function} condition The condition which determines if the source will be repeated. * @param {Observable} source The observable sequence that will be run if the condition function returns true. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which is repeated as long as the condition holds. */ observableProto.doWhile = function (condition) { return observableConcat([this, observableWhileDo(condition, this)]); }; /** * Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use. * There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9. * * @example * 1 - res =, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }); * 1 - res =, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, obs0); * 1 - res =, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, scheduler); * * @param {Function} selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement. * @param {Array} sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels. * @param {Observable} [elseSource] The observable sequence or Promise that will be run if the sources are not matched. If this is not provided, it defaults to Rx.Observabe.empty with the specified scheduler. * * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement. */ Observable['case'] = Observable.switchCase = function (selector, sources, defaultSourceOrScheduler) { return observableDefer(function () { isPromise(defaultSourceOrScheduler) && (defaultSourceOrScheduler = observableFromPromise(defaultSourceOrScheduler)); defaultSourceOrScheduler || (defaultSourceOrScheduler = observableEmpty()); typeof === 'function' && (defaultSourceOrScheduler = observableEmpty(defaultSourceOrScheduler)); var result = sources[selector()]; isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); return result || defaultSourceOrScheduler; }); }; /** * Expands an observable sequence by recursively invoking selector. * * @param {Function} selector Selector function to invoke for each produced element, resulting in another sequence to which the selector will be invoked recursively again. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to perform the expansion. If not provided, this defaults to the current thread scheduler. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing all the elements produced by the recursive expansion. */ observableProto.expand = function (selector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = [], m = new SerialDisposable(), d = new CompositeDisposable(m), activeCount = 0, isAcquired = false; var ensureActive = function () { var isOwner = false; if (q.length > 0) { isOwner = !isAcquired; isAcquired = true; } if (isOwner) { m.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var work; if (q.length > 0) { work = q.shift(); } else { isAcquired = false; return; } var m1 = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); d.add(m1); m1.setDisposable(work.subscribe(function (x) { observer.onNext(x); var result = null; try { result = selector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } q.push(result); activeCount++; ensureActive(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { d.remove(m1); activeCount--; if (activeCount === 0) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); self(); })); } }; q.push(source); activeCount++; ensureActive(); return d; }); }; /** * Runs all observable sequences in parallel and collect their last elements. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.forkJoin([obs1, obs2]); * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.forkJoin(obs1, obs2, ...); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with an array collecting the last elements of all the input sequences. */ Observable.forkJoin = function () { var allSources = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (subscriber) { var count = allSources.length; if (count === 0) { subscriber.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } var group = new CompositeDisposable(), finished = false, hasResults = new Array(count), hasCompleted = new Array(count), results = new Array(count); for (var idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { (function (i) { var source = allSources[i]; isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); group.add( source.subscribe( function (value) { if (!finished) { hasResults[i] = true; results[i] = value; } }, function (e) { finished = true; subscriber.onError(e); group.dispose(); }, function () { if (!finished) { if (!hasResults[i]) { subscriber.onCompleted(); return; } hasCompleted[i] = true; for (var ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) { if (!hasCompleted[ix]) { return; } } finished = true; subscriber.onNext(results); subscriber.onCompleted(); } })); })(idx); } return group; }); }; /** * Runs two observable sequences in parallel and combines their last elemenets. * * @param {Observable} second Second observable sequence. * @param {Function} resultSelector Result selector function to invoke with the last elements of both sequences. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the result of calling the selector function with the last elements of both input sequences. */ observableProto.forkJoin = function (second, resultSelector) { var first = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var leftStopped = false, rightStopped = false, hasLeft = false, hasRight = false, lastLeft, lastRight, leftSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), rightSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(second) && (second = observableFromPromise(second)); leftSubscription.setDisposable( first.subscribe(function (left) { hasLeft = true; lastLeft = left; }, function (err) { rightSubscription.dispose(); observer.onError(err); }, function () { leftStopped = true; if (rightStopped) { if (!hasLeft) { observer.onCompleted(); } else if (!hasRight) { observer.onCompleted(); } else { var result; try { result = resultSelector(lastLeft, lastRight); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); } } }) ); rightSubscription.setDisposable( second.subscribe(function (right) { hasRight = true; lastRight = right; }, function (err) { leftSubscription.dispose(); observer.onError(err); }, function () { rightStopped = true; if (leftStopped) { if (!hasLeft) { observer.onCompleted(); } else if (!hasRight) { observer.onCompleted(); } else { var result; try { result = resultSelector(lastLeft, lastRight); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); } } }) ); return new CompositeDisposable(leftSubscription, rightSubscription); }); }; /** * Comonadic bind operator. * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each element. * @param {Object} scheduler Scheduler used to execute the operation. If not specified, defaults to the ImmediateScheduler. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which results from the comonadic bind operation. */ observableProto.manySelect = function (selector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); var source = this; return observableDefer(function () { var chain; return source .map(function (x) { var curr = new ChainObservable(x); chain && chain.onNext(x); chain = curr; return curr; }) .tap( noop, function (e) { chain && chain.onError(e); }, function () { chain && chain.onCompleted(); } ) .observeOn(scheduler) .map(selector); }); }; var ChainObservable = (function (__super__) { function subscribe (observer) { var self = this, g = new CompositeDisposable(); g.add(currentThreadScheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onNext(self.head); g.add(self.tail.mergeAll().subscribe(observer)); })); return g; } inherits(ChainObservable, __super__); function ChainObservable(head) {, subscribe); this.head = head; this.tail = new AsyncSubject(); } addProperties(ChainObservable.prototype, Observer, { onCompleted: function () { this.onNext(Observable.empty()); }, onError: function (e) { this.onNext(Observable.throwException(e)); }, onNext: function (v) { this.tail.onNext(v); this.tail.onCompleted(); } }); return ChainObservable; }(Observable)); /** @private */ var Map = root.Map || (function () { function Map() { this._keys = []; this._values = []; } Map.prototype.get = function (key) { var i = this._keys.indexOf(key); return i !== -1 ? this._values[i] : undefined; }; Map.prototype.set = function (key, value) { var i = this._keys.indexOf(key); i !== -1 && (this._values[i] = value); this._values[this._keys.push(key) - 1] = value; }; Map.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { for (var i = 0, len = this._keys.length; i < len; i++) {, this._values[i], this._keys[i]); } }; return Map; }()); /** * @constructor * Represents a join pattern over observable sequences. */ function Pattern(patterns) { this.patterns = patterns; } /** * Creates a pattern that matches the current plan matches and when the specified observable sequences has an available value. * @param other Observable sequence to match in addition to the current pattern. * @return {Pattern} Pattern object that matches when all observable sequences in the pattern have an available value. */ Pattern.prototype.and = function (other) { return new Pattern(this.patterns.concat(other)); }; /** * Matches when all observable sequences in the pattern (specified using a chain of and operators) have an available value and projects the values. * @param {Function} selector Selector that will be invoked with available values from the source sequences, in the same order of the sequences in the pattern. * @return {Plan} Plan that produces the projected values, to be fed (with other plans) to the when operator. */ Pattern.prototype.thenDo = function (selector) { return new Plan(this, selector); }; function Plan(expression, selector) { this.expression = expression; this.selector = selector; } Plan.prototype.activate = function (externalSubscriptions, observer, deactivate) { var self = this; var joinObservers = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.expression.patterns.length; i < len; i++) { joinObservers.push(planCreateObserver(externalSubscriptions, this.expression.patterns[i], observer.onError.bind(observer))); } var activePlan = new ActivePlan(joinObservers, function () { var result; try { result = self.selector.apply(self, arguments); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); }, function () { for (var j = 0, jlen = joinObservers.length; j < jlen; j++) { joinObservers[j].removeActivePlan(activePlan); } deactivate(activePlan); }); for (i = 0, len = joinObservers.length; i < len; i++) { joinObservers[i].addActivePlan(activePlan); } return activePlan; }; function planCreateObserver(externalSubscriptions, observable, onError) { var entry = externalSubscriptions.get(observable); if (!entry) { var observer = new JoinObserver(observable, onError); externalSubscriptions.set(observable, observer); return observer; } return entry; } function ActivePlan(joinObserverArray, onNext, onCompleted) { this.joinObserverArray = joinObserverArray; this.onNext = onNext; this.onCompleted = onCompleted; this.joinObservers = new Map(); for (var i = 0, len = this.joinObserverArray.length; i < len; i++) { var joinObserver = this.joinObserverArray[i]; this.joinObservers.set(joinObserver, joinObserver); } } ActivePlan.prototype.dequeue = function () { this.joinObservers.forEach(function (v) { v.queue.shift(); }); }; ActivePlan.prototype.match = function () { var i, len, hasValues = true; for (i = 0, len = this.joinObserverArray.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.joinObserverArray[i].queue.length === 0) { hasValues = false; break; } } if (hasValues) { var firstValues = [], isCompleted = false; for (i = 0, len = this.joinObserverArray.length; i < len; i++) { firstValues.push(this.joinObserverArray[i].queue[0]); this.joinObserverArray[i].queue[0].kind === 'C' && (isCompleted = true); } if (isCompleted) { this.onCompleted(); } else { this.dequeue(); var values = []; for (i = 0, len = firstValues.length; i < firstValues.length; i++) { values.push(firstValues[i].value); } this.onNext.apply(this, values); } } }; var JoinObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(JoinObserver, __super__); function JoinObserver(source, onError) {; this.source = source; this.onError = onError; this.queue = []; this.activePlans = []; this.subscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); this.isDisposed = false; } var JoinObserverPrototype = JoinObserver.prototype; = function (notification) { if (!this.isDisposed) { if (notification.kind === 'E') { this.onError(notification.exception); return; } this.queue.push(notification); var activePlans = this.activePlans.slice(0); for (var i = 0, len = activePlans.length; i < len; i++) { activePlans[i].match(); } } }; JoinObserverPrototype.error = noop; JoinObserverPrototype.completed = noop; JoinObserverPrototype.addActivePlan = function (activePlan) { this.activePlans.push(activePlan); }; JoinObserverPrototype.subscribe = function () { this.subscription.setDisposable(this.source.materialize().subscribe(this)); }; JoinObserverPrototype.removeActivePlan = function (activePlan) { this.activePlans.splice(this.activePlans.indexOf(activePlan), 1); this.activePlans.length === 0 && this.dispose(); }; JoinObserverPrototype.dispose = function () {; if (!this.isDisposed) { this.isDisposed = true; this.subscription.dispose(); } }; return JoinObserver; } (AbstractObserver)); /** * Creates a pattern that matches when both observable sequences have an available value. * * @param right Observable sequence to match with the current sequence. * @return {Pattern} Pattern object that matches when both observable sequences have an available value. */ observableProto.and = function (right) { return new Pattern([this, right]); }; /** * Matches when the observable sequence has an available value and projects the value. * * @param selector Selector that will be invoked for values in the source sequence. * @returns {Plan} Plan that produces the projected values, to be fed (with other plans) to the when operator. */ observableProto.thenDo = function (selector) { return new Pattern([this]).thenDo(selector); }; /** * Joins together the results from several patterns. * * @param plans A series of plans (specified as an Array of as a series of arguments) created by use of the Then operator on patterns. * @returns {Observable} Observable sequence with the results form matching several patterns. */ Observable.when = function () { var plans = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var activePlans = [], externalSubscriptions = new Map(); var outObserver = observerCreate( observer.onNext.bind(observer), function (err) { externalSubscriptions.forEach(function (v) { v.onError(err); }); observer.onError(err); }, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer) ); try { for (var i = 0, len = plans.length; i < len; i++) { activePlans.push(plans[i].activate(externalSubscriptions, outObserver, function (activePlan) { var idx = activePlans.indexOf(activePlan); activePlans.splice(idx, 1); activePlans.length === 0 && observer.onCompleted(); })); } } catch (e) { observableThrow(e).subscribe(observer); } var group = new CompositeDisposable(); externalSubscriptions.forEach(function (joinObserver) { joinObserver.subscribe(); group.add(joinObserver); }); return group; }); }; function observableTimerDate(dueTime, scheduler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleWithAbsolute(dueTime, function () { observer.onNext(0); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); } function observableTimerDateAndPeriod(dueTime, period, scheduler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0, d = dueTime, p = normalizeTime(period); return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsolute(d, function (self) { if (p > 0) { var now =; d = d + p; d <= now && (d = now + p); } observer.onNext(count++); self(d); }); }); } function observableTimerTimeSpan(dueTime, scheduler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(normalizeTime(dueTime), function () { observer.onNext(0); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); } function observableTimerTimeSpanAndPeriod(dueTime, period, scheduler) { return dueTime === period ? new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedulePeriodicWithState(0, period, function (count) { observer.onNext(count); return count + 1; }); }) : observableDefer(function () { return observableTimerDateAndPeriod( + dueTime, period, scheduler); }); } /** * Returns an observable sequence that produces a value after each period. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.interval(1000); * 2 - res = Rx.Observable.interval(1000, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * * @param {Number} period Period for producing the values in the resulting sequence (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds). * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, Rx.Scheduler.timeout is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that produces a value after each period. */ var observableinterval = Observable.interval = function (period, scheduler) { return observableTimerTimeSpanAndPeriod(period, period, isScheduler(scheduler) ? scheduler : timeoutScheduler); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that produces a value after dueTime has elapsed and then after each period. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute (specified as a Date object) or relative time (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds) at which to produce the first value. * @param {Mixed} [periodOrScheduler] Period to produce subsequent values (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds), or the scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, the resulting timer is not recurring. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that produces a value after due time has elapsed and then each period. */ var observableTimer = Observable.timer = function (dueTime, periodOrScheduler, scheduler) { var period; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); if (periodOrScheduler !== undefined && typeof periodOrScheduler === 'number') { period = periodOrScheduler; } else if (isScheduler(periodOrScheduler)) { scheduler = periodOrScheduler; } if (dueTime instanceof Date && period === undefined) { return observableTimerDate(dueTime.getTime(), scheduler); } if (dueTime instanceof Date && period !== undefined) { period = periodOrScheduler; return observableTimerDateAndPeriod(dueTime.getTime(), period, scheduler); } return period === undefined ? observableTimerTimeSpan(dueTime, scheduler) : observableTimerTimeSpanAndPeriod(dueTime, period, scheduler); }; function observableDelayTimeSpan(source, dueTime, scheduler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var active = false, cancelable = new SerialDisposable(), exception = null, q = [], running = false, subscription; subscription = source.materialize().timestamp(scheduler).subscribe(function (notification) { var d, shouldRun; if (notification.value.kind === 'E') { q = []; q.push(notification); exception = notification.value.exception; shouldRun = !running; } else { q.push({ value: notification.value, timestamp: notification.timestamp + dueTime }); shouldRun = !active; active = true; } if (shouldRun) { if (exception !== null) { observer.onError(exception); } else { d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); cancelable.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithRelative(dueTime, function (self) { var e, recurseDueTime, result, shouldRecurse; if (exception !== null) { return; } running = true; do { result = null; if (q.length > 0 && q[0].timestamp - <= 0) { result = q.shift().value; } if (result !== null) { result.accept(observer); } } while (result !== null); shouldRecurse = false; recurseDueTime = 0; if (q.length > 0) { shouldRecurse = true; recurseDueTime = Math.max(0, q[0].timestamp -; } else { active = false; } e = exception; running = false; if (e !== null) { observer.onError(e); } else if (shouldRecurse) { self(recurseDueTime); } })); } } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }); } function observableDelayDate(source, dueTime, scheduler) { return observableDefer(function () { return observableDelayTimeSpan(source, dueTime -, scheduler); }); } /** * Time shifts the observable sequence by dueTime. The relative time intervals between the values are preserved. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.delay(new Date()); * 2 - res = Rx.Observable.delay(new Date(), Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * * 3 - res = Rx.Observable.delay(5000); * 4 - res = Rx.Observable.delay(5000, 1000, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @memberOf Observable# * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute (specified as a Date object) or relative time (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds) by which to shift the observable sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the delay timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} Time-shifted sequence. */ observableProto.delay = function (dueTime, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return dueTime instanceof Date ? observableDelayDate(this, dueTime.getTime(), scheduler) : observableDelayTimeSpan(this, dueTime, scheduler); }; /** * Ignores values from an observable sequence which are followed by another value before dueTime. * @param {Number} dueTime Duration of the debounce period for each value (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds). * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the debounce timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The debounced sequence. */ observableProto.debounce = observableProto.throttleWithTimeout = function (dueTime, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var cancelable = new SerialDisposable(), hasvalue = false, value, id = 0; var subscription = source.subscribe( function (x) { hasvalue = true; value = x; id++; var currentId = id, d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); cancelable.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(dueTime, function () { hasvalue && id === currentId && observer.onNext(value); hasvalue = false; })); }, function (e) { cancelable.dispose(); observer.onError(e); hasvalue = false; id++; }, function () { cancelable.dispose(); hasvalue && observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); hasvalue = false; id++; }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }); }; /** * @deprecated use #debounce or #throttleWithTimeout instead. */ observableProto.throttle = function(dueTime, scheduler) { deprecate('throttle', 'debounce or throttleWithTimeout'); return this.debounce(dueTime, scheduler); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more windows which are produced based on timing information. * @param {Number} timeSpan Length of each window (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds). * @param {Mixed} [timeShiftOrScheduler] Interval between creation of consecutive windows (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds), or an optional scheduler parameter. If not specified, the time shift corresponds to the timeSpan parameter, resulting in non-overlapping adjacent windows. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run windowing timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.windowWithTime = function (timeSpan, timeShiftOrScheduler, scheduler) { var source = this, timeShift; timeShiftOrScheduler == null && (timeShift = timeSpan); isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); if (typeof timeShiftOrScheduler === 'number') { timeShift = timeShiftOrScheduler; } else if (isScheduler(timeShiftOrScheduler)) { timeShift = timeSpan; scheduler = timeShiftOrScheduler; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var groupDisposable, nextShift = timeShift, nextSpan = timeSpan, q = [], refCountDisposable, timerD = new SerialDisposable(), totalTime = 0; groupDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(timerD), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(groupDisposable); function createTimer () { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), isSpan = false, isShift = false; timerD.setDisposable(m); if (nextSpan === nextShift) { isSpan = true; isShift = true; } else if (nextSpan < nextShift) { isSpan = true; } else { isShift = true; } var newTotalTime = isSpan ? nextSpan : nextShift, ts = newTotalTime - totalTime; totalTime = newTotalTime; if (isSpan) { nextSpan += timeShift; } if (isShift) { nextShift += timeShift; } m.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(ts, function () { if (isShift) { var s = new Subject(); q.push(s); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); } isSpan && q.shift().onCompleted(); createTimer(); })); }; q.push(new Subject()); observer.onNext(addRef(q[0], refCountDisposable)); createTimer(); groupDisposable.add(source.subscribe( function (x) { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onNext(x); } }, function (e) { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onError(e); } observer.onError(e); }, function () { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onCompleted(); } observer.onCompleted(); } )); return refCountDisposable; }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a window that is completed when either it's full or a given amount of time has elapsed. * @param {Number} timeSpan Maximum time length of a window. * @param {Number} count Maximum element count of a window. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run windowing timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.windowWithTimeOrCount = function (timeSpan, count, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var timerD = new SerialDisposable(), groupDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(timerD), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(groupDisposable), n = 0, windowId = 0, s = new Subject(); function createTimer(id) { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); timerD.setDisposable(m); m.setDisposable(scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(timeSpan, function () { if (id !== windowId) { return; } n = 0; var newId = ++windowId; s.onCompleted(); s = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); createTimer(newId); })); } observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); createTimer(0); groupDisposable.add(source.subscribe( function (x) { var newId = 0, newWindow = false; s.onNext(x); if (++n === count) { newWindow = true; n = 0; newId = ++windowId; s.onCompleted(); s = new Subject(); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); } newWindow && createTimer(newId); }, function (e) { s.onError(e); observer.onError(e); }, function () { s.onCompleted(); observer.onCompleted(); } )); return refCountDisposable; }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more buffers which are produced based on timing information. * * @example * 1 - res = xs.bufferWithTime(1000, scheduler); // non-overlapping segments of 1 second * 2 - res = xs.bufferWithTime(1000, 500, scheduler; // segments of 1 second with time shift 0.5 seconds * * @param {Number} timeSpan Length of each buffer (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds). * @param {Mixed} [timeShiftOrScheduler] Interval between creation of consecutive buffers (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds), or an optional scheduler parameter. If not specified, the time shift corresponds to the timeSpan parameter, resulting in non-overlapping adjacent buffers. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run buffer timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of buffers. */ observableProto.bufferWithTime = function (timeSpan, timeShiftOrScheduler, scheduler) { return this.windowWithTime.apply(this, arguments).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a buffer that is completed when either it's full or a given amount of time has elapsed. * * @example * 1 - res = source.bufferWithTimeOrCount(5000, 50); // 5s or 50 items in an array * 2 - res = source.bufferWithTimeOrCount(5000, 50, scheduler); // 5s or 50 items in an array * * @param {Number} timeSpan Maximum time length of a buffer. * @param {Number} count Maximum element count of a buffer. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run bufferin timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of buffers. */ observableProto.bufferWithTimeOrCount = function (timeSpan, count, scheduler) { return this.windowWithTimeOrCount(timeSpan, count, scheduler).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }); }; /** * Records the time interval between consecutive values in an observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - res = source.timeInterval(); * 2 - res = source.timeInterval(Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * * @param [scheduler] Scheduler used to compute time intervals. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with time interval information on values. */ observableProto.timeInterval = function (scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return observableDefer(function () { var last =; return (x) { var now =, span = now - last; last = now; return { value: x, interval: span }; }); }); }; /** * Records the timestamp for each value in an observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - res = source.timestamp(); // produces { value: x, timestamp: ts } * 2 - res = source.timestamp(Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler used to compute timestamps. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with timestamp information on values. */ observableProto.timestamp = function (scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return (x) { return { value: x, timestamp: }; }); }; function sampleObservable(source, sampler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var atEnd, value, hasValue; function sampleSubscribe() { if (hasValue) { hasValue = false; observer.onNext(value); } atEnd && observer.onCompleted(); } return new CompositeDisposable( source.subscribe(function (newValue) { hasValue = true; value = newValue; }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { atEnd = true; }), sampler.subscribe(sampleSubscribe, observer.onError.bind(observer), sampleSubscribe) ); }); } /** * Samples the observable sequence at each interval. * * @example * 1 - res = source.sample(sampleObservable); // Sampler tick sequence * 2 - res = source.sample(5000); // 5 seconds * 2 - res = source.sample(5000, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); // 5 seconds * * @param {Mixed} intervalOrSampler Interval at which to sample (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds) or Sampler Observable. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the sampling timer on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} Sampled observable sequence. */ observableProto.sample = observableProto.throttleLatest = function (intervalOrSampler, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return typeof intervalOrSampler === 'number' ? sampleObservable(this, observableinterval(intervalOrSampler, scheduler)) : sampleObservable(this, intervalOrSampler); }; /** * Returns the source observable sequence or the other observable sequence if dueTime elapses. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute (specified as a Date object) or relative time (specified as an integer denoting milliseconds) when a timeout occurs. * @param {Observable} [other] Sequence to return in case of a timeout. If not specified, a timeout error throwing sequence will be used. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timeout timers on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence switching to the other sequence in case of a timeout. */ observableProto.timeout = function (dueTime, other, scheduler) { (other == null || typeof other === 'string') && (other = observableThrow(new Error(other || 'Timeout'))); isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this, schedulerMethod = dueTime instanceof Date ? 'scheduleWithAbsolute' : 'scheduleWithRelative'; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var id = 0, original = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), subscription = new SerialDisposable(), switched = false, timer = new SerialDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(original); function createTimer() { var myId = id; timer.setDisposable(scheduler[schedulerMethod](dueTime, function () { if (id === myId) { isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); subscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(observer)); } })); } createTimer(); original.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { if (!switched) { id++; observer.onNext(x); createTimer(); } }, function (e) { if (!switched) { id++; observer.onError(e); } }, function () { if (!switched) { id++; observer.onCompleted(); } })); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, timer); }); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence by iterating a state from an initial state until the condition fails. * * @example * res = source.generateWithAbsoluteTime(0, * function (x) { return return true; }, * function (x) { return x + 1; }, * function (x) { return x; }, * function (x) { return new Date(); } * }); * * @param {Mixed} initialState Initial state. * @param {Function} condition Condition to terminate generation (upon returning false). * @param {Function} iterate Iteration step function. * @param {Function} resultSelector Selector function for results produced in the sequence. * @param {Function} timeSelector Time selector function to control the speed of values being produced each iteration, returning Date values. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to run the generator loop. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The generated sequence. */ Observable.generateWithAbsoluteTime = function (initialState, condition, iterate, resultSelector, timeSelector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var first = true, hasResult = false, result, state = initialState, time; return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsolute(, function (self) { hasResult && observer.onNext(result); try { if (first) { first = false; } else { state = iterate(state); } hasResult = condition(state); if (hasResult) { result = resultSelector(state); time = timeSelector(state); } } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (hasResult) { self(time); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence by iterating a state from an initial state until the condition fails. * * @example * res = source.generateWithRelativeTime(0, * function (x) { return return true; }, * function (x) { return x + 1; }, * function (x) { return x; }, * function (x) { return 500; } * ); * * @param {Mixed} initialState Initial state. * @param {Function} condition Condition to terminate generation (upon returning false). * @param {Function} iterate Iteration step function. * @param {Function} resultSelector Selector function for results produced in the sequence. * @param {Function} timeSelector Time selector function to control the speed of values being produced each iteration, returning integer values denoting milliseconds. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to run the generator loop. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} The generated sequence. */ Observable.generateWithRelativeTime = function (initialState, condition, iterate, resultSelector, timeSelector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var first = true, hasResult = false, result, state = initialState, time; return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithRelative(0, function (self) { hasResult && observer.onNext(result); try { if (first) { first = false; } else { state = iterate(state); } hasResult = condition(state); if (hasResult) { result = resultSelector(state); time = timeSelector(state); } } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (hasResult) { self(time); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Time shifts the observable sequence by delaying the subscription. * * @example * 1 - res = source.delaySubscription(5000); // 5s * 2 - res = source.delaySubscription(5000, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); // 5 seconds * * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute or relative time to perform the subscription at. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the subscription delay timer on. If not specified, the timeout scheduler is used. * @returns {Observable} Time-shifted sequence. */ observableProto.delaySubscription = function (dueTime, scheduler) { return this.delayWithSelector(observableTimer(dueTime, isScheduler(scheduler) ? scheduler : timeoutScheduler), observableEmpty); }; /** * Time shifts the observable sequence based on a subscription delay and a delay selector function for each element. * * @example * 1 - res = source.delayWithSelector(function (x) { return Rx.Scheduler.timer(5000); }); // with selector only * 1 - res = source.delayWithSelector(Rx.Observable.timer(2000), function (x) { return Rx.Observable.timer(x); }); // with delay and selector * * @param {Observable} [subscriptionDelay] Sequence indicating the delay for the subscription to the source. * @param {Function} delayDurationSelector Selector function to retrieve a sequence indicating the delay for each given element. * @returns {Observable} Time-shifted sequence. */ observableProto.delayWithSelector = function (subscriptionDelay, delayDurationSelector) { var source = this, subDelay, selector; if (typeof subscriptionDelay === 'function') { selector = subscriptionDelay; } else { subDelay = subscriptionDelay; selector = delayDurationSelector; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var delays = new CompositeDisposable(), atEnd = false, done = function () { if (atEnd && delays.length === 0) { observer.onCompleted(); } }, subscription = new SerialDisposable(), start = function () { subscription.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { var delay; try { delay = selector(x); } catch (error) { observer.onError(error); return; } var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); delays.add(d); d.setDisposable(delay.subscribe(function () { observer.onNext(x); delays.remove(d); done(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(x); delays.remove(d); done(); })); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { atEnd = true; subscription.dispose(); done(); })); }; if (!subDelay) { start(); } else { subscription.setDisposable(subDelay.subscribe(function () { start(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { start(); })); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, delays); }); }; /** * Returns the source observable sequence, switching to the other observable sequence if a timeout is signaled. * @param {Observable} [firstTimeout] Observable sequence that represents the timeout for the first element. If not provided, this defaults to Observable.never(). * @param {Function} [timeoutDurationSelector] Selector to retrieve an observable sequence that represents the timeout between the current element and the next element. * @param {Observable} [other] Sequence to return in case of a timeout. If not provided, this is set to Observable.throwException(). * @returns {Observable} The source sequence switching to the other sequence in case of a timeout. */ observableProto.timeoutWithSelector = function (firstTimeout, timeoutdurationSelector, other) { if (arguments.length === 1) { timeoutdurationSelector = firstTimeout; firstTimeout = observableNever(); } other || (other = observableThrow(new Error('Timeout'))); var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var subscription = new SerialDisposable(), timer = new SerialDisposable(), original = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(original); var id = 0, switched = false; function setTimer(timeout) { var myId = id; function timerWins () { return id === myId; } var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); timer.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(timeout.subscribe(function () { timerWins() && subscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(observer)); d.dispose(); }, function (e) { timerWins() && observer.onError(e); }, function () { timerWins() && subscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(observer)); })); }; setTimer(firstTimeout); function observerWins() { var res = !switched; if (res) { id++; } return res; } original.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { if (observerWins()) { observer.onNext(x); var timeout; try { timeout = timeoutdurationSelector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } setTimer(isPromise(timeout) ? observableFromPromise(timeout) : timeout); } }, function (e) { observerWins() && observer.onError(e); }, function () { observerWins() && observer.onCompleted(); })); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, timer); }); }; /** * Ignores values from an observable sequence which are followed by another value within a computed throttle duration. * @param {Function} durationSelector Selector function to retrieve a sequence indicating the throttle duration for each given element. * @returns {Observable} The debounced sequence. */ observableProto.debounceWithSelector = function (durationSelector) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var value, hasValue = false, cancelable = new SerialDisposable(), id = 0; var subscription = source.subscribe(function (x) { var throttle; try { throttle = durationSelector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(throttle) && (throttle = observableFromPromise(throttle)); hasValue = true; value = x; id++; var currentid = id, d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); cancelable.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(throttle.subscribe(function () { hasValue && id === currentid && observer.onNext(value); hasValue = false; d.dispose(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { hasValue && id === currentid && observer.onNext(value); hasValue = false; d.dispose(); })); }, function (e) { cancelable.dispose(); observer.onError(e); hasValue = false; id++; }, function () { cancelable.dispose(); hasValue && observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); hasValue = false; id++; }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }); }; observableProto.throttleWithSelector = function () { deprecate('throttleWithSelector', 'debounceWithSelector'); return this.debounceWithSelector.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Skips elements for the specified duration from the end of the observable source sequence, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * * 1 - res = source.skipLastWithTime(5000); * 2 - res = source.skipLastWithTime(5000, scheduler); * * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store elements received during the initial duration window. * As more elements are received, elements older than the specified duration are taken from the queue and produced on the * result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed with duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for skipping elements from the end of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements skipped during the specified duration from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.skipLastWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var now =; q.push({ interval: now, value: x }); while (q.length > 0 && now - q[0].interval >= duration) { observer.onNext(q.shift().value); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { var now =; while (q.length > 0 && now - q[0].interval >= duration) { observer.onNext(q.shift().value); } observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Returns elements within the specified duration from the end of the observable source sequence, using the specified schedulers to run timers and to drain the collected elements. * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store elements received during the initial duration window. * As more elements are received, elements older than the specified duration are taken from the queue and produced on the * result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed with duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for taking elements from the end of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements taken during the specified duration from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLastWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var now =; q.push({ interval: now, value: x }); while (q.length > 0 && now - q[0].interval >= duration) { q.shift(); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { var now =; while (q.length > 0) { var next = q.shift(); if (now - next.interval <= duration) { observer.onNext(next.value); } } observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Returns an array with the elements within the specified duration from the end of the observable source sequence, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store elements received during the initial duration window. * As more elements are received, elements older than the specified duration are taken from the queue and produced on the * result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed with duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for taking elements from the end of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single array with the elements taken during the specified duration from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLastBufferWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { var now =; q.push({ interval: now, value: x }); while (q.length > 0 && now - q[0].interval >= duration) { q.shift(); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { var now =, res = []; while (q.length > 0) { var next = q.shift(); if (now - next.interval <= duration) { res.push(next.value); } } observer.onNext(res); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Takes elements for the specified duration from the start of the observable source sequence, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * * @example * 1 - res = source.takeWithTime(5000, [optional scheduler]); * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store elements received during the initial duration window. * As more elements are received, elements older than the specified duration are taken from the queue and produced on the * result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed with duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for taking elements from the start of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements taken during the specified duration from the start of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return new CompositeDisposable(scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(duration, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)), source.subscribe(observer)); }); }; /** * Skips elements for the specified duration from the start of the observable source sequence, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * * @example * 1 - res = source.skipWithTime(5000, [optional scheduler]); * * @description * Specifying a zero value for duration doesn't guarantee no elements will be dropped from the start of the source sequence. * This is a side-effect of the asynchrony introduced by the scheduler, where the action that causes callbacks from the source sequence to be forwarded * may not execute immediately, despite the zero due time. * * Errors produced by the source sequence are always forwarded to the result sequence, even if the error occurs before the duration. * @param {Number} duration Duration for skipping elements from the start of the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements skipped during the specified duration from the start of the source sequence. */ observableProto.skipWithTime = function (duration, scheduler) { var source = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var open = false; return new CompositeDisposable( scheduler.scheduleWithRelative(duration, function () { open = true; }), source.subscribe(function (x) { open && observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer))); }); }; /** * Skips elements from the observable source sequence until the specified start time, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * Errors produced by the source sequence are always forwarded to the result sequence, even if the error occurs before the start time. * * @examples * 1 - res = source.skipUntilWithTime(new Date(), [scheduler]); * 2 - res = source.skipUntilWithTime(5000, [scheduler]); * @param {Date|Number} startTime Time to start taking elements from the source sequence. If this value is less than or equal to Date(), no elements will be skipped. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. If not specified, defaults to Rx.Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements skipped until the specified start time. */ observableProto.skipUntilWithTime = function (startTime, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this, schedulerMethod = startTime instanceof Date ? 'scheduleWithAbsolute' : 'scheduleWithRelative'; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var open = false; return new CompositeDisposable( scheduler[schedulerMethod](startTime, function () { open = true; }), source.subscribe( function (x) { open && observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer))); }); }; /** * Takes elements for the specified duration until the specified end time, using the specified scheduler to run timers. * @param {Number | Date} endTime Time to stop taking elements from the source sequence. If this value is less than or equal to new Date(), the result stream will complete immediately. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the timer on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with the elements taken until the specified end time. */ observableProto.takeUntilWithTime = function (endTime, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var source = this, schedulerMethod = endTime instanceof Date ? 'scheduleWithAbsolute' : 'scheduleWithRelative'; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return new CompositeDisposable( scheduler[schedulerMethod](endTime, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)), source.subscribe(observer)); }); }; /** * Returns an Observable that emits only the first item emitted by the source Observable during sequential time windows of a specified duration. * @param {Number} windowDuration time to wait before emitting another item after emitting the last item * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] the Scheduler to use internally to manage the timers that handle timeout for each item. If not provided, defaults to Scheduler.timeout. * @returns {Observable} An Observable that performs the throttle operation. */ observableProto.throttleFirst = function (windowDuration, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = timeoutScheduler); var duration = +windowDuration || 0; if (duration <= 0) { throw new RangeError('windowDuration cannot be less or equal zero.'); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var lastOnNext = 0; return source.subscribe( function (x) { var now =; if (lastOnNext === 0 || now - lastOnNext >= duration) { lastOnNext = now; observer.onNext(x); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer) ); }); }; /** * Executes a transducer to transform the observable sequence * @param {Transducer} transducer A transducer to execute * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence containing the results from the transducer. */ observableProto.transduce = function(transducer) { var source = this; function transformForObserver(observer) { return { init: function() { return observer; }, step: function(obs, input) { return obs.onNext(input); }, result: function(obs) { return obs.onCompleted(); } }; } return new AnonymousObservable(function(observer) { var xform = transducer(transformForObserver(observer)); return source.subscribe( function(v) { try { xform.step(observer, v); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function() { xform.result(observer); } ); }); }; /* * Performs a exclusive waiting for the first to finish before subscribing to another observable. * Observables that come in between subscriptions will be dropped on the floor. * @returns {Observable} A exclusive observable with only the results that happen when subscribed. */ observableProto.exclusive = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasCurrent = false, isStopped = false, m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), g = new CompositeDisposable(); g.add(m); m.setDisposable(sources.subscribe( function (innerSource) { if (!hasCurrent) { hasCurrent = true; isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); var innerSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); g.add(innerSubscription); innerSubscription.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe( observer.onNext.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { g.remove(innerSubscription); hasCurrent = false; if (isStopped && g.length === 1) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; if (!hasCurrent && g.length === 1) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); return g; }); }; /* * Performs a exclusive map waiting for the first to finish before subscribing to another observable. * Observables that come in between subscriptions will be dropped on the floor. * @param {Function} selector Selector to invoke for every item in the current subscription. * @param {Any} [thisArg] An optional context to invoke with the selector parameter. * @returns {Observable} An exclusive observable with only the results that happen when subscribed. */ observableProto.exclusiveMap = function (selector, thisArg) { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0, hasCurrent = false, isStopped = true, m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), g = new CompositeDisposable(); g.add(m); m.setDisposable(sources.subscribe( function (innerSource) { if (!hasCurrent) { hasCurrent = true; innerSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); g.add(innerSubscription); isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); innerSubscription.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe( function (x) { var result; try { result =, x, index++, innerSource); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { g.remove(innerSubscription); hasCurrent = false; if (isStopped && g.length === 1) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; if (g.length === 1 && !hasCurrent) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); return g; }); }; /** Provides a set of extension methods for virtual time scheduling. */ Rx.VirtualTimeScheduler = (function (__super__) { function notImplemented() { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } function localNow() { return this.toDateTimeOffset(this.clock); } function scheduleNow(state, action) { return this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(state, this.clock, action); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRelativeWithState(state, this.toRelative(dueTime), action); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRelativeWithState(state, this.toRelative(dueTime -, action); } function invokeAction(scheduler, action) { action(); return disposableEmpty; } inherits(VirtualTimeScheduler, __super__); /** * Creates a new virtual time scheduler with the specified initial clock value and absolute time comparer. * * @constructor * @param {Number} initialClock Initial value for the clock. * @param {Function} comparer Comparer to determine causality of events based on absolute time. */ function VirtualTimeScheduler(initialClock, comparer) { this.clock = initialClock; this.comparer = comparer; this.isEnabled = false; this.queue = new PriorityQueue(1024);, localNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); } var VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype = VirtualTimeScheduler.prototype; /** * Adds a relative time value to an absolute time value. * @param {Number} absolute Absolute virtual time value. * @param {Number} relative Relative virtual time value to add. * @return {Number} Resulting absolute virtual time sum value. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.add = notImplemented; /** * Converts an absolute time to a number * @param {Any} The absolute time. * @returns {Number} The absolute time in ms */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.toDateTimeOffset = notImplemented; /** * Converts the TimeSpan value to a relative virtual time value. * @param {Number} timeSpan TimeSpan value to convert. * @return {Number} Corresponding relative virtual time value. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.toRelative = notImplemented; /** * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be emulated using recursive scheduling. * @param {Mixed} state Initial state passed to the action upon the first iteration. * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed, potentially updating the state. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.schedulePeriodicWithState = function (state, period, action) { var s = new SchedulePeriodicRecursive(this, state, period, action); return s.start(); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed after dueTime. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.scheduleRelativeWithState = function (state, dueTime, action) { var runAt = this.add(this.clock, dueTime); return this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(state, runAt, action); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.scheduleRelative = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRelativeWithState(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Starts the virtual time scheduler. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.start = function () { if (!this.isEnabled) { this.isEnabled = true; do { var next = this.getNext(); if (next !== null) { this.comparer(next.dueTime, this.clock) > 0 && (this.clock = next.dueTime); next.invoke(); } else { this.isEnabled = false; } } while (this.isEnabled); } }; /** * Stops the virtual time scheduler. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.stop = function () { this.isEnabled = false; }; /** * Advances the scheduler's clock to the specified time, running all work till that point. * @param {Number} time Absolute time to advance the scheduler's clock to. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.advanceTo = function (time) { var dueToClock = this.comparer(this.clock, time); if (this.comparer(this.clock, time) > 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } if (dueToClock === 0) { return; } if (!this.isEnabled) { this.isEnabled = true; do { var next = this.getNext(); if (next !== null && this.comparer(next.dueTime, time) <= 0) { this.comparer(next.dueTime, this.clock) > 0 && (this.clock = next.dueTime); next.invoke(); } else { this.isEnabled = false; } } while (this.isEnabled); this.clock = time; } }; /** * Advances the scheduler's clock by the specified relative time, running all work scheduled for that timespan. * @param {Number} time Relative time to advance the scheduler's clock by. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.advanceBy = function (time) { var dt = this.add(this.clock, time), dueToClock = this.comparer(this.clock, dt); if (dueToClock > 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } if (dueToClock === 0) { return; } this.advanceTo(dt); }; /** * Advances the scheduler's clock by the specified relative time. * @param {Number} time Relative time to advance the scheduler's clock by. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.sleep = function (time) { var dt = this.add(this.clock, time); if (this.comparer(this.clock, dt) >= 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } this.clock = dt; }; /** * Gets the next scheduled item to be executed. * @returns {ScheduledItem} The next scheduled item. */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.getNext = function () { while (this.queue.length > 0) { var next = this.queue.peek(); if (next.isCancelled()) { this.queue.dequeue(); } else { return next; } } return null; }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to execute the action on. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.scheduleAbsolute = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ VirtualTimeSchedulerPrototype.scheduleAbsoluteWithState = function (state, dueTime, action) { var self = this; function run(scheduler, state1) { self.queue.remove(si); return action(scheduler, state1); } var si = new ScheduledItem(this, state, run, dueTime, this.comparer); this.queue.enqueue(si); return si.disposable; }; return VirtualTimeScheduler; }(Scheduler)); /** Provides a virtual time scheduler that uses Date for absolute time and number for relative time. */ Rx.HistoricalScheduler = (function (__super__) { inherits(HistoricalScheduler, __super__); /** * Creates a new historical scheduler with the specified initial clock value. * @constructor * @param {Number} initialClock Initial value for the clock. * @param {Function} comparer Comparer to determine causality of events based on absolute time. */ function HistoricalScheduler(initialClock, comparer) { var clock = initialClock == null ? 0 : initialClock; var cmp = comparer || defaultSubComparer;, clock, cmp); } var HistoricalSchedulerProto = HistoricalScheduler.prototype; /** * Adds a relative time value to an absolute time value. * @param {Number} absolute Absolute virtual time value. * @param {Number} relative Relative virtual time value to add. * @return {Number} Resulting absolute virtual time sum value. */ HistoricalSchedulerProto.add = function (absolute, relative) { return absolute + relative; }; HistoricalSchedulerProto.toDateTimeOffset = function (absolute) { return new Date(absolute).getTime(); }; /** * Converts the TimeSpan value to a relative virtual time value. * @memberOf HistoricalScheduler * @param {Number} timeSpan TimeSpan value to convert. * @return {Number} Corresponding relative virtual time value. */ HistoricalSchedulerProto.toRelative = function (timeSpan) { return timeSpan; }; return HistoricalScheduler; }(Rx.VirtualTimeScheduler)); var AnonymousObservable = Rx.AnonymousObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousObservable, __super__); // Fix subscriber to check for undefined or function returned to decorate as Disposable function fixSubscriber(subscriber) { if (subscriber && typeof subscriber.dispose === 'function') { return subscriber; } return typeof subscriber === 'function' ? disposableCreate(subscriber) : disposableEmpty; } function AnonymousObservable(subscribe) { if (!(this instanceof AnonymousObservable)) { return new AnonymousObservable(subscribe); } function s(observer) { var setDisposable = function () { try { autoDetachObserver.setDisposable(fixSubscriber(subscribe(autoDetachObserver))); } catch (e) { if (! { throw e; } } }; var autoDetachObserver = new AutoDetachObserver(observer); if (currentThreadScheduler.scheduleRequired()) { currentThreadScheduler.schedule(setDisposable); } else { setDisposable(); } return autoDetachObserver; }, s); } return AnonymousObservable; }(Observable)); /** @private */ var AutoDetachObserver = (function (_super) { inherits(AutoDetachObserver, _super); function AutoDetachObserver(observer) {; = observer; this.m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); } var AutoDetachObserverPrototype = AutoDetachObserver.prototype; = function (value) { var noError = false; try {; noError = true; } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { if (!noError) { this.dispose(); } } }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.error = function (exn) { try {; } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this.dispose(); } }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.completed = function () { try {; } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this.dispose(); } }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.setDisposable = function (value) { this.m.setDisposable(value); }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.getDisposable = function (value) { return this.m.getDisposable(); }; /* @private */ AutoDetachObserverPrototype.disposable = function (value) { return arguments.length ? this.getDisposable() : setDisposable(value); }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.dispose = function () {; this.m.dispose(); }; return AutoDetachObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); var GroupedObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(GroupedObservable, __super__); function subscribe(observer) { return this.underlyingObservable.subscribe(observer); } function GroupedObservable(key, underlyingObservable, mergedDisposable) {, subscribe); this.key = key; this.underlyingObservable = !mergedDisposable ? underlyingObservable : new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return new CompositeDisposable(mergedDisposable.getDisposable(), underlyingObservable.subscribe(observer)); }); } return GroupedObservable; }(Observable)); /** * Represents an object that is both an observable sequence as well as an observer. * Each notification is broadcasted to all subscribed observers. */ var Subject = Rx.Subject = (function (_super) { function subscribe(observer) {; if (!this.isStopped) { this.observers.push(observer); return new InnerSubscription(this, observer); } if (this.exception) { observer.onError(this.exception); return disposableEmpty; } observer.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } inherits(Subject, _super); /** * Creates a subject. * @constructor */ function Subject() {, subscribe); this.isDisposed = false, this.isStopped = false, this.observers = []; } addProperties(Subject.prototype, Observer, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () { return this.observers.length > 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence. */ onCompleted: function () {; if (!this.isStopped) { var os = this.observers.slice(0); this.isStopped = true; for (var i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onCompleted(); } this.observers = []; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the exception. * @param {Mixed} error The exception to send to all observers. */ onError: function (exception) {; if (!this.isStopped) { var os = this.observers.slice(0); this.isStopped = true; this.exception = exception; for (var i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onError(exception); } this.observers = []; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the arrival of the specified element in the sequence. * @param {Mixed} value The value to send to all observers. */ onNext: function (value) {; if (!this.isStopped) { var os = this.observers.slice(0); for (var i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onNext(value); } } }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; } }); /** * Creates a subject from the specified observer and observable. * @param {Observer} observer The observer used to send messages to the subject. * @param {Observable} observable The observable used to subscribe to messages sent from the subject. * @returns {Subject} Subject implemented using the given observer and observable. */ Subject.create = function (observer, observable) { return new AnonymousSubject(observer, observable); }; return Subject; }(Observable)); /** * Represents the result of an asynchronous operation. * The last value before the OnCompleted notification, or the error received through OnError, is sent to all subscribed observers. */ var AsyncSubject = Rx.AsyncSubject = (function (__super__) { function subscribe(observer) {; if (!this.isStopped) { this.observers.push(observer); return new InnerSubscription(this, observer); } var ex = this.exception, hv = this.hasValue, v = this.value; if (ex) { observer.onError(ex); } else if (hv) { observer.onNext(v); observer.onCompleted(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } return disposableEmpty; } inherits(AsyncSubject, __super__); /** * Creates a subject that can only receive one value and that value is cached for all future observations. * @constructor */ function AsyncSubject() {, subscribe); this.isDisposed = false; this.isStopped = false; this.value = null; this.hasValue = false; this.observers = []; this.exception = null; } addProperties(AsyncSubject.prototype, Observer, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () {; return this.observers.length > 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence, also causing the last received value to be sent out (if any). */ onCompleted: function () { var o, i, len;; if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; var os = this.observers.slice(0), v = this.value, hv = this.hasValue; if (hv) { for (i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { o = os[i]; o.onNext(v); o.onCompleted(); } } else { for (i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onCompleted(); } } this.observers = []; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the error. * @param {Mixed} error The Error to send to all observers. */ onError: function (error) {; if (!this.isStopped) { var os = this.observers.slice(0); this.isStopped = true; this.exception = error; for (var i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onError(error); } this.observers = []; } }, /** * Sends a value to the subject. The last value received before successful termination will be sent to all subscribed and future observers. * @param {Mixed} value The value to store in the subject. */ onNext: function (value) {; if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.value = value; this.hasValue = true; }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; this.exception = null; this.value = null; } }); return AsyncSubject; }(Observable)); var AnonymousSubject = Rx.AnonymousSubject = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousSubject, __super__); function AnonymousSubject(observer, observable) { = observer; this.observable = observable;, this.observable.subscribe.bind(this.observable)); } addProperties(AnonymousSubject.prototype, Observer, { onCompleted: function () {; }, onError: function (exception) {; }, onNext: function (value) {; } }); return AnonymousSubject; }(Observable)); if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) { root.Rx = Rx; define(function() { return Rx; }); } else if (freeExports && freeModule) { // in Node.js or RingoJS if (moduleExports) { (freeModule.exports = Rx).Rx = Rx; } else { freeExports.Rx = Rx; } } else { // in a browser or Rhino root.Rx = Rx; } }.call(this)); }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"_process":3}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process,global){ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. ;(function (undefined) { var objectTypes = { 'boolean': false, 'function': true, 'object': true, 'number': false, 'string': false, 'undefined': false }; var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this, freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module, moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports, freeGlobal = objectTypes[typeof global] && global; if (freeGlobal && ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal)) { root = freeGlobal; } var Rx = { internals: {}, config: { Promise: root.Promise // Detect if promise exists }, helpers: { } }; // Defaults var noop = Rx.helpers.noop = function () { }, notDefined = Rx.helpers.notDefined = function (x) { return typeof x === 'undefined'; }, isScheduler = Rx.helpers.isScheduler = function (x) { return x instanceof Rx.Scheduler; }, identity = Rx.helpers.identity = function (x) { return x; }, pluck = Rx.helpers.pluck = function (property) { return function (x) { return x[property]; }; }, just = Rx.helpers.just = function (value) { return function () { return value; }; }, defaultNow = Rx.helpers.defaultNow =, defaultComparer = Rx.helpers.defaultComparer = function (x, y) { return isEqual(x, y); }, defaultSubComparer = Rx.helpers.defaultSubComparer = function (x, y) { return x > y ? 1 : (x < y ? -1 : 0); }, defaultKeySerializer = Rx.helpers.defaultKeySerializer = function (x) { return x.toString(); }, defaultError = Rx.helpers.defaultError = function (err) { throw err; }, isPromise = Rx.helpers.isPromise = function (p) { return !!p && typeof p.then === 'function'; }, asArray = Rx.helpers.asArray = function () { return; }, not = Rx.helpers.not = function (a) { return !a; }, isFunction = Rx.helpers.isFunction = (function () { var isFn = function (value) { return typeof value == 'function' || false; } // fallback for older versions of Chrome and Safari if (isFn(/x/)) { isFn = function(value) { return typeof value == 'function' && == '[object Function]'; }; } return isFn; }()); // Errors var sequenceContainsNoElements = 'Sequence contains no elements.'; var argumentOutOfRange = 'Argument out of range'; var objectDisposed = 'Object has been disposed'; function checkDisposed() { if (this.isDisposed) { throw new Error(objectDisposed); } } // Shim in iterator support var $iterator$ = (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator) || '_es6shim_iterator_'; // Bug for mozilla version if (root.Set && typeof new root.Set()['@@iterator'] === 'function') { $iterator$ = '@@iterator'; } var doneEnumerator = Rx.doneEnumerator = { done: true, value: undefined }; var isIterable = Rx.helpers.isIterable = function (o) { return o[$iterator$] !== undefined; } var isArrayLike = Rx.helpers.isArrayLike = function (o) { return o && o.length !== undefined; } Rx.helpers.iterator = $iterator$; var deprecate = Rx.helpers.deprecate = function (name, alternative) { /*if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.warn === "function") { console.warn(name + ' is deprecated, use ' + alternative + ' instead.', new Error('').stack); }*/ } /** `Object#toString` result shortcuts */ var argsClass = '[object Arguments]', arrayClass = '[object Array]', boolClass = '[object Boolean]', dateClass = '[object Date]', errorClass = '[object Error]', funcClass = '[object Function]', numberClass = '[object Number]', objectClass = '[object Object]', regexpClass = '[object RegExp]', stringClass = '[object String]'; var toString = Object.prototype.toString, hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, supportsArgsClass = == argsClass, // For less <IE9 && FF<4 suportNodeClass, errorProto = Error.prototype, objectProto = Object.prototype, propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable; try { suportNodeClass = !( == objectClass && !({ 'toString': 0 } + '')); } catch (e) { suportNodeClass = true; } var shadowedProps = [ 'constructor', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'valueOf' ]; var nonEnumProps = {}; nonEnumProps[arrayClass] = nonEnumProps[dateClass] = nonEnumProps[numberClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toLocaleString': true, 'toString': true, 'valueOf': true }; nonEnumProps[boolClass] = nonEnumProps[stringClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toString': true, 'valueOf': true }; nonEnumProps[errorClass] = nonEnumProps[funcClass] = nonEnumProps[regexpClass] = { 'constructor': true, 'toString': true }; nonEnumProps[objectClass] = { 'constructor': true }; var support = {}; (function () { var ctor = function() { this.x = 1; }, props = []; ctor.prototype = { 'valueOf': 1, 'y': 1 }; for (var key in new ctor) { props.push(key); } for (key in arguments) { } // Detect if `name` or `message` properties of `Error.prototype` are enumerable by default. support.enumErrorProps =, 'message') ||, 'name'); // Detect if `prototype` properties are enumerable by default. support.enumPrototypes =, 'prototype'); // Detect if `arguments` object indexes are non-enumerable support.nonEnumArgs = key != 0; // Detect if properties shadowing those on `Object.prototype` are non-enumerable. support.nonEnumShadows = !/valueOf/.test(props); }(1)); function isObject(value) { // check if the value is the ECMAScript language type of Object // // and avoid a V8 bug // var type = typeof value; return value && (type == 'function' || type == 'object') || false; } function keysIn(object) { var result = []; if (!isObject(object)) { return result; } if (support.nonEnumArgs && object.length && isArguments(object)) { object =; } var skipProto = support.enumPrototypes && typeof object == 'function', skipErrorProps = support.enumErrorProps && (object === errorProto || object instanceof Error); for (var key in object) { if (!(skipProto && key == 'prototype') && !(skipErrorProps && (key == 'message' || key == 'name'))) { result.push(key); } } if (support.nonEnumShadows && object !== objectProto) { var ctor = object.constructor, index = -1, length = shadowedProps.length; if (object === (ctor && ctor.prototype)) { var className = object === stringProto ? stringClass : object === errorProto ? errorClass :, nonEnum = nonEnumProps[className]; } while (++index < length) { key = shadowedProps[index]; if (!(nonEnum && nonEnum[key]) &&, key)) { result.push(key); } } } return result; } function internalFor(object, callback, keysFunc) { var index = -1, props = keysFunc(object), length = props.length; while (++index < length) { var key = props[index]; if (callback(object[key], key, object) === false) { break; } } return object; } function internalForIn(object, callback) { return internalFor(object, callback, keysIn); } function isNode(value) { // IE < 9 presents DOM nodes as `Object` objects except they have `toString` // methods that are `typeof` "string" and still can coerce nodes to strings return typeof value.toString != 'function' && typeof (value + '') == 'string'; } function isArguments(value) { return (value && typeof value == 'object') ? == argsClass : false; } // fallback for browsers that can't detect `arguments` objects by [[Class]] if (!supportsArgsClass) { isArguments = function(value) { return (value && typeof value == 'object') ?, 'callee') : false; }; } var isEqual = Rx.internals.isEqual = function (x, y) { return deepEquals(x, y, [], []); }; /** @private * Used for deep comparison **/ function deepEquals(a, b, stackA, stackB) { // exit early for identical values if (a === b) { // treat `+0` vs. `-0` as not equal return a !== 0 || (1 / a == 1 / b); } var type = typeof a, otherType = typeof b; // exit early for unlike primitive values if (a === a && (a == null || b == null || (type != 'function' && type != 'object' && otherType != 'function' && otherType != 'object'))) { return false; } // compare [[Class]] names var className =, otherClass =; if (className == argsClass) { className = objectClass; } if (otherClass == argsClass) { otherClass = objectClass; } if (className != otherClass) { return false; } switch (className) { case boolClass: case dateClass: // coerce dates and booleans to numbers, dates to milliseconds and booleans // to `1` or `0` treating invalid dates coerced to `NaN` as not equal return +a == +b; case numberClass: // treat `NaN` vs. `NaN` as equal return (a != +a) ? b != +b : // but treat `-0` vs. `+0` as not equal (a == 0 ? (1 / a == 1 / b) : a == +b); case regexpClass: case stringClass: // coerce regexes to strings ( // treat string primitives and their corresponding object instances as equal return a == String(b); } var isArr = className == arrayClass; if (!isArr) { // exit for functions and DOM nodes if (className != objectClass || (!support.nodeClass && (isNode(a) || isNode(b)))) { return false; } // in older versions of Opera, `arguments` objects have `Array` constructors var ctorA = !support.argsObject && isArguments(a) ? Object : a.constructor, ctorB = !support.argsObject && isArguments(b) ? Object : b.constructor; // non `Object` object instances with different constructors are not equal if (ctorA != ctorB && !(, 'constructor') &&, 'constructor')) && !(isFunction(ctorA) && ctorA instanceof ctorA && isFunction(ctorB) && ctorB instanceof ctorB) && ('constructor' in a && 'constructor' in b) ) { return false; } } // assume cyclic structures are equal // the algorithm for detecting cyclic structures is adapted from ES 5.1 // section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO` ( var initedStack = !stackA; stackA || (stackA = []); stackB || (stackB = []); var length = stackA.length; while (length--) { if (stackA[length] == a) { return stackB[length] == b; } } var size = 0; var result = true; // add `a` and `b` to the stack of traversed objects stackA.push(a); stackB.push(b); // recursively compare objects and arrays (susceptible to call stack limits) if (isArr) { // compare lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary length = a.length; size = b.length; result = size == length; if (result) { // deep compare the contents, ignoring non-numeric properties while (size--) { var index = length, value = b[size]; if (!(result = deepEquals(a[size], value, stackA, stackB))) { break; } } } } else { // deep compare objects using `forIn`, instead of `forOwn`, to avoid `Object.keys` // which, in this case, is more costly internalForIn(b, function(value, key, b) { if (, key)) { // count the number of properties. size++; // deep compare each property value. return (result =, key) && deepEquals(a[key], value, stackA, stackB)); } }); if (result) { // ensure both objects have the same number of properties internalForIn(a, function(value, key, a) { if (, key)) { // `size` will be `-1` if `a` has more properties than `b` return (result = --size > -1); } }); } } stackA.pop(); stackB.pop(); return result; } var slice = Array.prototype.slice; function argsOrArray(args, idx) { return args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[idx]) ? args[idx] :; } var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; var inherits = this.inherits = Rx.internals.inherits = function (child, parent) { function __() { this.constructor = child; } __.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new __(); }; var addProperties = Rx.internals.addProperties = function (obj) { var sources =, 1); for (var i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { var source = sources[i]; for (var prop in source) { obj[prop] = source[prop]; } } }; // Rx Utils var addRef = Rx.internals.addRef = function (xs, r) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return new CompositeDisposable(r.getDisposable(), xs.subscribe(observer)); }); }; function arrayInitialize(count, factory) { var a = new Array(count); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { a[i] = factory(); } return a; } // Collections function IndexedItem(id, value) { = id; this.value = value; } IndexedItem.prototype.compareTo = function (other) { var c = this.value.compareTo(other.value); c === 0 && (c = -; return c; }; // Priority Queue for Scheduling var PriorityQueue = Rx.internals.PriorityQueue = function (capacity) { this.items = new Array(capacity); this.length = 0; }; var priorityProto = PriorityQueue.prototype; priorityProto.isHigherPriority = function (left, right) { return this.items[left].compareTo(this.items[right]) < 0; }; priorityProto.percolate = function (index) { if (index >= this.length || index < 0) { return; } var parent = index - 1 >> 1; if (parent < 0 || parent === index) { return; } if (this.isHigherPriority(index, parent)) { var temp = this.items[index]; this.items[index] = this.items[parent]; this.items[parent] = temp; this.percolate(parent); } }; priorityProto.heapify = function (index) { +index || (index = 0); if (index >= this.length || index < 0) { return; } var left = 2 * index + 1, right = 2 * index + 2, first = index; if (left < this.length && this.isHigherPriority(left, first)) { first = left; } if (right < this.length && this.isHigherPriority(right, first)) { first = right; } if (first !== index) { var temp = this.items[index]; this.items[index] = this.items[first]; this.items[first] = temp; this.heapify(first); } }; priorityProto.peek = function () { return this.items[0].value; }; priorityProto.removeAt = function (index) { this.items[index] = this.items[--this.length]; delete this.items[this.length]; this.heapify(); }; priorityProto.dequeue = function () { var result = this.peek(); this.removeAt(0); return result; }; priorityProto.enqueue = function (item) { var index = this.length++; this.items[index] = new IndexedItem(PriorityQueue.count++, item); this.percolate(index); }; priorityProto.remove = function (item) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this.items[i].value === item) { this.removeAt(i); return true; } } return false; }; PriorityQueue.count = 0; /** * Represents a group of disposable resources that are disposed together. * @constructor */ var CompositeDisposable = Rx.CompositeDisposable = function () { this.disposables = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); this.isDisposed = false; this.length = this.disposables.length; }; var CompositeDisposablePrototype = CompositeDisposable.prototype; /** * Adds a disposable to the CompositeDisposable or disposes the disposable if the CompositeDisposable is disposed. * @param {Mixed} item Disposable to add. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.add = function (item) { if (this.isDisposed) { item.dispose(); } else { this.disposables.push(item); this.length++; } }; /** * Removes and disposes the first occurrence of a disposable from the CompositeDisposable. * @param {Mixed} item Disposable to remove. * @returns {Boolean} true if found; false otherwise. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.remove = function (item) { var shouldDispose = false; if (!this.isDisposed) { var idx = this.disposables.indexOf(item); if (idx !== -1) { shouldDispose = true; this.disposables.splice(idx, 1); this.length--; item.dispose(); } } return shouldDispose; }; /** * Disposes all disposables in the group and removes them from the group. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { this.isDisposed = true; var currentDisposables = this.disposables.slice(0); this.disposables = []; this.length = 0; for (var i = 0, len = currentDisposables.length; i < len; i++) { currentDisposables[i].dispose(); } } }; /** * Converts the existing CompositeDisposable to an array of disposables * @returns {Array} An array of disposable objects. */ CompositeDisposablePrototype.toArray = function () { return this.disposables.slice(0); }; /** * Provides a set of static methods for creating Disposables. * * @constructor * @param {Function} dispose Action to run during the first call to dispose. The action is guaranteed to be run at most once. */ var Disposable = Rx.Disposable = function (action) { this.isDisposed = false; this.action = action || noop; }; /** Performs the task of cleaning up resources. */ Disposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { this.action(); this.isDisposed = true; } }; /** * Creates a disposable object that invokes the specified action when disposed. * @param {Function} dispose Action to run during the first call to dispose. The action is guaranteed to be run at most once. * @return {Disposable} The disposable object that runs the given action upon disposal. */ var disposableCreate = Disposable.create = function (action) { return new Disposable(action); }; /** * Gets the disposable that does nothing when disposed. */ var disposableEmpty = Disposable.empty = { dispose: noop }; var SingleAssignmentDisposable = Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable = (function () { function BooleanDisposable () { this.isDisposed = false; this.current = null; } var booleanDisposablePrototype = BooleanDisposable.prototype; /** * Gets the underlying disposable. * @return The underlying disposable. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.getDisposable = function () { return this.current; }; /** * Sets the underlying disposable. * @param {Disposable} value The new underlying disposable. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.setDisposable = function (value) { var shouldDispose = this.isDisposed, old; if (!shouldDispose) { old = this.current; this.current = value; } old && old.dispose(); shouldDispose && value && value.dispose(); }; /** * Disposes the underlying disposable as well as all future replacements. */ booleanDisposablePrototype.dispose = function () { var old; if (!this.isDisposed) { this.isDisposed = true; old = this.current; this.current = null; } old && old.dispose(); }; return BooleanDisposable; }()); var SerialDisposable = Rx.SerialDisposable = SingleAssignmentDisposable; /** * Represents a disposable resource that only disposes its underlying disposable resource when all dependent disposable objects have been disposed. */ var RefCountDisposable = Rx.RefCountDisposable = (function () { function InnerDisposable(disposable) { this.disposable = disposable; this.disposable.count++; this.isInnerDisposed = false; } InnerDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.disposable.isDisposed) { if (!this.isInnerDisposed) { this.isInnerDisposed = true; this.disposable.count--; if (this.disposable.count === 0 && this.disposable.isPrimaryDisposed) { this.disposable.isDisposed = true; this.disposable.underlyingDisposable.dispose(); } } } }; /** * Initializes a new instance of the RefCountDisposable with the specified disposable. * @constructor * @param {Disposable} disposable Underlying disposable. */ function RefCountDisposable(disposable) { this.underlyingDisposable = disposable; this.isDisposed = false; this.isPrimaryDisposed = false; this.count = 0; } /** * Disposes the underlying disposable only when all dependent disposables have been disposed */ RefCountDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.isDisposed) { if (!this.isPrimaryDisposed) { this.isPrimaryDisposed = true; if (this.count === 0) { this.isDisposed = true; this.underlyingDisposable.dispose(); } } } }; /** * Returns a dependent disposable that when disposed decreases the refcount on the underlying disposable. * @returns {Disposable} A dependent disposable contributing to the reference count that manages the underlying disposable's lifetime. */ RefCountDisposable.prototype.getDisposable = function () { return this.isDisposed ? disposableEmpty : new InnerDisposable(this); }; return RefCountDisposable; })(); function ScheduledDisposable(scheduler, disposable) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.disposable = disposable; this.isDisposed = false; } ScheduledDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { var parent = this; this.scheduler.schedule(function () { if (!parent.isDisposed) { parent.isDisposed = true; parent.disposable.dispose(); } }); }; var ScheduledItem = Rx.internals.ScheduledItem = function (scheduler, state, action, dueTime, comparer) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.state = state; this.action = action; this.dueTime = dueTime; this.comparer = comparer || defaultSubComparer; this.disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); } ScheduledItem.prototype.invoke = function () { this.disposable.setDisposable(this.invokeCore()); }; ScheduledItem.prototype.compareTo = function (other) { return this.comparer(this.dueTime, other.dueTime); }; ScheduledItem.prototype.isCancelled = function () { return this.disposable.isDisposed; }; ScheduledItem.prototype.invokeCore = function () { return this.action(this.scheduler, this.state); }; /** Provides a set of static properties to access commonly used schedulers. */ var Scheduler = Rx.Scheduler = (function () { function Scheduler(now, schedule, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute) { = now; this._schedule = schedule; this._scheduleRelative = scheduleRelative; this._scheduleAbsolute = scheduleAbsolute; } function invokeAction(scheduler, action) { action(); return disposableEmpty; } var schedulerProto = Scheduler.prototype; /** * Schedules an action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.schedule = function (action) { return this._schedule(action, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed. * @param state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithState = function (state, action) { return this._schedule(state, action); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed after the specified relative due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithRelative = function (dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed after dueTime. * @param state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @param {Number} dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithRelativeAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at the specified absolute due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute. * @param {Number} dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithAbsolute = function (dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute(action, dueTime, invokeAction); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action); }; /** Gets the current time according to the local machine's system clock. */ = defaultNow; /** * Normalizes the specified TimeSpan value to a positive value. * @param {Number} timeSpan The time span value to normalize. * @returns {Number} The specified TimeSpan value if it is zero or positive; otherwise, 0 */ Scheduler.normalize = function (timeSpan) { timeSpan < 0 && (timeSpan = 0); return timeSpan; }; return Scheduler; }()); var normalizeTime = Scheduler.normalize; (function (schedulerProto) { function invokeRecImmediate(scheduler, pair) { var state = pair.first, action = pair.second, group = new CompositeDisposable(), recursiveAction = function (state1) { action(state1, function (state2) { var isAdded = false, isDone = false, d = scheduler.scheduleWithState(state2, function (scheduler1, state3) { if (isAdded) { group.remove(d); } else { isDone = true; } recursiveAction(state3); return disposableEmpty; }); if (!isDone) { group.add(d); isAdded = true; } }); }; recursiveAction(state); return group; } function invokeRecDate(scheduler, pair, method) { var state = pair.first, action = pair.second, group = new CompositeDisposable(), recursiveAction = function (state1) { action(state1, function (state2, dueTime1) { var isAdded = false, isDone = false, d = scheduler[method].call(scheduler, state2, dueTime1, function (scheduler1, state3) { if (isAdded) { group.remove(d); } else { isDone = true; } recursiveAction(state3); return disposableEmpty; }); if (!isDone) { group.add(d); isAdded = true; } }); }; recursiveAction(state); return group; } function scheduleInnerRecursive(action, self) { action(function(dt) { self(action, dt); }); } /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursive = function (action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithState(action, function (_action, self) { _action(function () { self(_action); }); }); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in recursive invocation state. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithState = function (state, action) { return this.scheduleWithState({ first: state, second: action }, invokeRecImmediate); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively after a specified relative due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action at the specified relative time. * @param {Number}dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithRelative = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState(action, dueTime, scheduleInnerRecursive); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively after a specified relative due time. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in the recursive due time and invocation state. * @param {Number}dueTime Relative time after which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleRelative({ first: state, second: action }, dueTime, function (s, p) { return invokeRecDate(s, p, 'scheduleWithRelativeAndState'); }); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively at a specified absolute due time. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action at the specified absolute time. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsolute = function (dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsoluteAndState(action, dueTime, scheduleInnerRecursive); }; /** * Schedules an action to be executed recursively at a specified absolute due time. * @param {Mixed} state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param {Function} action Action to execute recursively. The last parameter passed to the action is used to trigger recursive scheduling of the action, passing in the recursive due time and invocation state. * @param {Number}dueTime Absolute time at which to execute the action for the first time. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ schedulerProto.scheduleRecursiveWithAbsoluteAndState = function (state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduleAbsolute({ first: state, second: action }, dueTime, function (s, p) { return invokeRecDate(s, p, 'scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState'); }); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); (function (schedulerProto) { /** * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be scheduled using window.setInterval for the base implementation. * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort). */ Scheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodic = function (period, action) { return this.schedulePeriodicWithState(null, period, action); }; /** * Schedules a periodic piece of work by dynamically discovering the scheduler's capabilities. The periodic task will be scheduled using window.setInterval for the base implementation. * @param {Mixed} state Initial state passed to the action upon the first iteration. * @param {Number} period Period for running the work periodically. * @param {Function} action Action to be executed, potentially updating the state. * @returns {Disposable} The disposable object used to cancel the scheduled recurring action (best effort). */ Scheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodicWithState = function(state, period, action) { if (typeof root.setInterval === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Periodic scheduling not supported.'); } var s = state; var id = root.setInterval(function () { s = action(s); }, period); return disposableCreate(function () { root.clearInterval(id); }); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); (function (schedulerProto) { /** * Returns a scheduler that wraps the original scheduler, adding exception handling for scheduled actions. * @param {Function} handler Handler that's run if an exception is caught. The exception will be rethrown if the handler returns false. * @returns {Scheduler} Wrapper around the original scheduler, enforcing exception handling. */ schedulerProto.catchError = schedulerProto['catch'] = function (handler) { return new CatchScheduler(this, handler); }; }(Scheduler.prototype)); var SchedulePeriodicRecursive = Rx.internals.SchedulePeriodicRecursive = (function () { function tick(command, recurse) { recurse(0, this._period); try { this._state = this._action(this._state); } catch (e) { this._cancel.dispose(); throw e; } } function SchedulePeriodicRecursive(scheduler, state, period, action) { this._scheduler = scheduler; this._state = state; this._period = period; this._action = action; } SchedulePeriodicRecursive.prototype.start = function () { var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); this._cancel = d; d.setDisposable(this._scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithRelativeAndState(0, this._period, tick.bind(this))); return d; }; return SchedulePeriodicRecursive; }()); /** * Gets a scheduler that schedules work immediately on the current thread. */ var immediateScheduler = Scheduler.immediate = (function () { function scheduleNow(state, action) { return action(this, state); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { var dt = normalizeTime(dt); while (dt - > 0) { } return action(this, state); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime -, action); } return new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); }()); /** * Gets a scheduler that schedules work as soon as possible on the current thread. */ var currentThreadScheduler = Scheduler.currentThread = (function () { var queue; function runTrampoline (q) { var item; while (q.length > 0) { item = q.dequeue(); if (!item.isCancelled()) { // Note, do not schedule blocking work! while (item.dueTime - > 0) { } if (!item.isCancelled()) { item.invoke(); } } } } function scheduleNow(state, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, 0, action); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { var dt = + Scheduler.normalize(dueTime), si = new ScheduledItem(this, state, action, dt); if (!queue) { queue = new PriorityQueue(4); queue.enqueue(si); try { runTrampoline(queue); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { queue = null; } } else { queue.enqueue(si); } return si.disposable; } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime -, action); } var currentScheduler = new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); currentScheduler.scheduleRequired = function () { return !queue; }; currentScheduler.ensureTrampoline = function (action) { if (!queue) { this.schedule(action); } else { action(); } }; return currentScheduler; }()); var scheduleMethod, clearMethod = noop; var localTimer = (function () { var localSetTimeout, localClearTimeout = noop; if ('WScript' in this) { localSetTimeout = function (fn, time) { WScript.Sleep(time); fn(); }; } else if (!!root.setTimeout) { localSetTimeout = root.setTimeout; localClearTimeout = root.clearTimeout; } else { throw new Error('No concurrency detected!'); } return { setTimeout: localSetTimeout, clearTimeout: localClearTimeout }; }()); var localSetTimeout = localTimer.setTimeout, localClearTimeout = localTimer.clearTimeout; (function () { var reNative = RegExp('^' + String(toString) .replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/toString| for [^\]]+/g, '.*?') + '$' ); var setImmediate = typeof (setImmediate = freeGlobal && moduleExports && freeGlobal.setImmediate) == 'function' && !reNative.test(setImmediate) && setImmediate, clearImmediate = typeof (clearImmediate = freeGlobal && moduleExports && freeGlobal.clearImmediate) == 'function' && !reNative.test(clearImmediate) && clearImmediate; function postMessageSupported () { // Ensure not in a worker if (!root.postMessage || root.importScripts) { return false; } var isAsync = false, oldHandler = root.onmessage; // Test for async root.onmessage = function () { isAsync = true; }; root.postMessage('', '*'); root.onmessage = oldHandler; return isAsync; } // Use in order, setImmediate, nextTick, postMessage, MessageChannel, script readystatechanged, setTimeout if (typeof setImmediate === 'function') { scheduleMethod = setImmediate; clearMethod = clearImmediate; } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]') { scheduleMethod = process.nextTick; } else if (postMessageSupported()) { var MSG_PREFIX = 'ms.rx.schedule' + Math.random(), tasks = {}, taskId = 0; function onGlobalPostMessage(event) { // Only if we're a match to avoid any other global events if (typeof === 'string' &&, MSG_PREFIX.length) === MSG_PREFIX) { var handleId =, action = tasks[handleId]; action(); delete tasks[handleId]; } } if (root.addEventListener) { root.addEventListener('message', onGlobalPostMessage, false); } else { root.attachEvent('onmessage', onGlobalPostMessage, false); } scheduleMethod = function (action) { var currentId = taskId++; tasks[currentId] = action; root.postMessage(MSG_PREFIX + currentId, '*'); }; } else if (!!root.MessageChannel) { var channel = new root.MessageChannel(), channelTasks = {}, channelTaskId = 0; channel.port1.onmessage = function (event) { var id =, action = channelTasks[id]; action(); delete channelTasks[id]; }; scheduleMethod = function (action) { var id = channelTaskId++; channelTasks[id] = action; channel.port2.postMessage(id); }; } else if ('document' in root && 'onreadystatechange' in root.document.createElement('script')) { scheduleMethod = function (action) { var scriptElement = root.document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.onreadystatechange = function () { action(); scriptElement.onreadystatechange = null; scriptElement.parentNode.removeChild(scriptElement); scriptElement = null; }; root.document.documentElement.appendChild(scriptElement); }; } else { scheduleMethod = function (action) { return localSetTimeout(action, 0); }; clearMethod = localClearTimeout; } }()); /** * Gets a scheduler that schedules work via a timed callback based upon platform. */ var timeoutScheduler = Scheduler.timeout = (function () { function scheduleNow(state, action) { var scheduler = this, disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); var id = scheduleMethod(function () { if (!disposable.isDisposed) { disposable.setDisposable(action(scheduler, state)); } }); return new CompositeDisposable(disposable, disposableCreate(function () { clearMethod(id); })); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { var scheduler = this, dt = Scheduler.normalize(dueTime); if (dt === 0) { return scheduler.scheduleWithState(state, action); } var disposable = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); var id = localSetTimeout(function () { if (!disposable.isDisposed) { disposable.setDisposable(action(scheduler, state)); } }, dt); return new CompositeDisposable(disposable, disposableCreate(function () { localClearTimeout(id); })); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime -, action); } return new Scheduler(defaultNow, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); })(); var CatchScheduler = (function (__super__) { function scheduleNow(state, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithState(state, this._wrap(action)); } function scheduleRelative(state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithRelativeAndState(state, dueTime, this._wrap(action)); } function scheduleAbsolute(state, dueTime, action) { return this._scheduler.scheduleWithAbsoluteAndState(state, dueTime, this._wrap(action)); } inherits(CatchScheduler, __super__); function CatchScheduler(scheduler, handler) { this._scheduler = scheduler; this._handler = handler; this._recursiveOriginal = null; this._recursiveWrapper = null;,, scheduleNow, scheduleRelative, scheduleAbsolute); } CatchScheduler.prototype._clone = function (scheduler) { return new CatchScheduler(scheduler, this._handler); }; CatchScheduler.prototype._wrap = function (action) { var parent = this; return function (self, state) { try { return action(parent._getRecursiveWrapper(self), state); } catch (e) { if (!parent._handler(e)) { throw e; } return disposableEmpty; } }; }; CatchScheduler.prototype._getRecursiveWrapper = function (scheduler) { if (this._recursiveOriginal !== scheduler) { this._recursiveOriginal = scheduler; var wrapper = this._clone(scheduler); wrapper._recursiveOriginal = scheduler; wrapper._recursiveWrapper = wrapper; this._recursiveWrapper = wrapper; } return this._recursiveWrapper; }; CatchScheduler.prototype.schedulePeriodicWithState = function (state, period, action) { var self = this, failed = false, d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); d.setDisposable(this._scheduler.schedulePeriodicWithState(state, period, function (state1) { if (failed) { return null; } try { return action(state1); } catch (e) { failed = true; if (!self._handler(e)) { throw e; } d.dispose(); return null; } })); return d; }; return CatchScheduler; }(Scheduler)); /** * Represents a notification to an observer. */ var Notification = Rx.Notification = (function () { function Notification(kind, hasValue) { this.hasValue = hasValue == null ? false : hasValue; this.kind = kind; } /** * Invokes the delegate corresponding to the notification or the observer's method corresponding to the notification and returns the produced result. * * @memberOf Notification * @param {Any} observerOrOnNext Delegate to invoke for an OnNext notification or Observer to invoke the notification on.. * @param {Function} onError Delegate to invoke for an OnError notification. * @param {Function} onCompleted Delegate to invoke for an OnCompleted notification. * @returns {Any} Result produced by the observation. */ Notification.prototype.accept = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { return observerOrOnNext && typeof observerOrOnNext === 'object' ? this._acceptObservable(observerOrOnNext) : this._accept(observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence with a single notification. * * @memberOf Notifications * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to send out the notification calls on. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that surfaces the behavior of the notification upon subscription. */ Notification.prototype.toObservable = function (scheduler) { var notification = this; isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { notification._acceptObservable(observer); notification.kind === 'N' && observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; return Notification; })(); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnNext notification to an observer. * @param {Any} value The value contained in the notification. * @returns {Notification} The OnNext notification containing the value. */ var notificationCreateOnNext = Notification.createOnNext = (function () { function _accept (onNext) { return onNext(this.value); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onNext(this.value); } function toString () { return 'OnNext(' + this.value + ')'; } return function (value) { var notification = new Notification('N', true); notification.value = value; notification._accept = _accept; notification._acceptObservable = _acceptObservable; notification.toString = toString; return notification; }; }()); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnError notification to an observer. * @param {Any} error The exception contained in the notification. * @returns {Notification} The OnError notification containing the exception. */ var notificationCreateOnError = Notification.createOnError = (function () { function _accept (onNext, onError) { return onError(this.exception); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onError(this.exception); } function toString () { return 'OnError(' + this.exception + ')'; } return function (e) { var notification = new Notification('E'); notification.exception = e; notification._accept = _accept; notification._acceptObservable = _acceptObservable; notification.toString = toString; return notification; }; }()); /** * Creates an object that represents an OnCompleted notification to an observer. * @returns {Notification} The OnCompleted notification. */ var notificationCreateOnCompleted = Notification.createOnCompleted = (function () { function _accept (onNext, onError, onCompleted) { return onCompleted(); } function _acceptObservable(observer) { return observer.onCompleted(); } function toString () { return 'OnCompleted()'; } return function () { var notification = new Notification('C'); notification._accept = _accept; notification._acceptObservable = _acceptObservable; notification.toString = toString; return notification; }; }()); var Enumerator = Rx.internals.Enumerator = function (next) { this._next = next; }; = function () { return this._next(); }; Enumerator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; } var Enumerable = Rx.internals.Enumerable = function (iterator) { this._iterator = iterator; }; Enumerable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this._iterator(); }; Enumerable.prototype.concat = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var e; try { e = sources[$iterator$](); } catch (err) { observer.onError(); return; } var isDisposed, subscription = new SerialDisposable(); var cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var currentItem; if (isDisposed) { return; } try { currentItem =; } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } if (currentItem.done) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } // Check if promise var currentValue = currentItem.value; isPromise(currentValue) && (currentValue = observableFromPromise(currentValue)); var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(currentValue.subscribe( observer.onNext.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { self(); }) ); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable, disposableCreate(function () { isDisposed = true; })); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.catchError = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var e; try { e = sources[$iterator$](); } catch (err) { observer.onError(); return; } var isDisposed, lastException, subscription = new SerialDisposable(); var cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { if (isDisposed) { return; } var currentItem; try { currentItem =; } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } if (currentItem.done) { if (lastException) { observer.onError(lastException); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } return; } // Check if promise var currentValue = currentItem.value; isPromise(currentValue) && (currentValue = observableFromPromise(currentValue)); var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(currentValue.subscribe( observer.onNext.bind(observer), function (exn) { lastException = exn; self(); }, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer))); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable, disposableCreate(function () { isDisposed = true; })); }); }; var enumerableRepeat = Enumerable.repeat = function (value, repeatCount) { if (repeatCount == null) { repeatCount = -1; } return new Enumerable(function () { var left = repeatCount; return new Enumerator(function () { if (left === 0) { return doneEnumerator; } if (left > 0) { left--; } return { done: false, value: value }; }); }); }; var enumerableOf = Enumerable.of = function (source, selector, thisArg) { selector || (selector = identity); return new Enumerable(function () { var index = -1; return new Enumerator( function () { return ++index < source.length ? { done: false, value:, source[index], index, source) } : doneEnumerator; }); }); }; /** * Supports push-style iteration over an observable sequence. */ var Observer = Rx.Observer = function () { }; /** * Creates a notification callback from an observer. * @returns The action that forwards its input notification to the underlying observer. */ Observer.prototype.toNotifier = function () { var observer = this; return function (n) { return n.accept(observer); }; }; /** * Hides the identity of an observer. * @returns An observer that hides the identity of the specified observer. */ Observer.prototype.asObserver = function () { return new AnonymousObserver(this.onNext.bind(this), this.onError.bind(this), this.onCompleted.bind(this)); }; /** * Checks access to the observer for grammar violations. This includes checking for multiple OnError or OnCompleted calls, as well as reentrancy in any of the observer methods. * If a violation is detected, an Error is thrown from the offending observer method call. * @returns An observer that checks callbacks invocations against the observer grammar and, if the checks pass, forwards those to the specified observer. */ Observer.prototype.checked = function () { return new CheckedObserver(this); }; /** * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, along with optional OnError, and OnCompleted actions. * @param {Function} [onNext] Observer's OnNext action implementation. * @param {Function} [onError] Observer's OnError action implementation. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Observer's OnCompleted action implementation. * @returns {Observer} The observer object implemented using the given actions. */ var observerCreate = Observer.create = function (onNext, onError, onCompleted) { onNext || (onNext = noop); onError || (onError = defaultError); onCompleted || (onCompleted = noop); return new AnonymousObserver(onNext, onError, onCompleted); }; /** * Creates an observer from a notification callback. * * @static * @memberOf Observer * @param {Function} handler Action that handles a notification. * @returns The observer object that invokes the specified handler using a notification corresponding to each message it receives. */ Observer.fromNotifier = function (handler, thisArg) { return new AnonymousObserver(function (x) { return, notificationCreateOnNext(x)); }, function (e) { return, notificationCreateOnError(e)); }, function () { return, notificationCreateOnCompleted()); }); }; /** * Schedules the invocation of observer methods on the given scheduler. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to schedule observer messages on. * @returns {Observer} Observer whose messages are scheduled on the given scheduler. */ Observer.notifyOn = function (scheduler) { return new ObserveOnObserver(scheduler, this); }; /** * Abstract base class for implementations of the Observer class. * This base class enforces the grammar of observers where OnError and OnCompleted are terminal messages. */ var AbstractObserver = Rx.internals.AbstractObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(AbstractObserver, __super__); /** * Creates a new observer in a non-stopped state. */ function AbstractObserver() { this.isStopped = false;; } /** * Notifies the observer of a new element in the sequence. * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onNext = function (value) { if (!this.isStopped) {; } }; /** * Notifies the observer that an exception has occurred. * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onError = function (error) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.error(error); } }; /** * Notifies the observer of the end of the sequence. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.onCompleted = function () { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.completed(); } }; /** * Disposes the observer, causing it to transition to the stopped state. */ AbstractObserver.prototype.dispose = function () { this.isStopped = true; }; = function (e) { if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; this.error(e); return true; } return false; }; return AbstractObserver; }(Observer)); /** * Class to create an Observer instance from delegate-based implementations of the on* methods. */ var AnonymousObserver = Rx.AnonymousObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousObserver, __super__); /** * Creates an observer from the specified OnNext, OnError, and OnCompleted actions. * @param {Any} onNext Observer's OnNext action implementation. * @param {Any} onError Observer's OnError action implementation. * @param {Any} onCompleted Observer's OnCompleted action implementation. */ function AnonymousObserver(onNext, onError, onCompleted) {; this._onNext = onNext; this._onError = onError; this._onCompleted = onCompleted; } /** * Calls the onNext action. * @param {Any} value Next element in the sequence. */ = function (value) { this._onNext(value); }; /** * Calls the onError action. * @param {Any} error The error that has occurred. */ AnonymousObserver.prototype.error = function (error) { this._onError(error); }; /** * Calls the onCompleted action. */ AnonymousObserver.prototype.completed = function () { this._onCompleted(); }; return AnonymousObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); var CheckedObserver = (function (_super) { inherits(CheckedObserver, _super); function CheckedObserver(observer) {; this._observer = observer; this._state = 0; // 0 - idle, 1 - busy, 2 - done } var CheckedObserverPrototype = CheckedObserver.prototype; CheckedObserverPrototype.onNext = function (value) { this.checkAccess(); try { this._observer.onNext(value); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this._state = 0; } }; CheckedObserverPrototype.onError = function (err) { this.checkAccess(); try { this._observer.onError(err); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this._state = 2; } }; CheckedObserverPrototype.onCompleted = function () { this.checkAccess(); try { this._observer.onCompleted(); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this._state = 2; } }; CheckedObserverPrototype.checkAccess = function () { if (this._state === 1) { throw new Error('Re-entrancy detected'); } if (this._state === 2) { throw new Error('Observer completed'); } if (this._state === 0) { this._state = 1; } }; return CheckedObserver; }(Observer)); var ScheduledObserver = Rx.internals.ScheduledObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(ScheduledObserver, __super__); function ScheduledObserver(scheduler, observer) {; this.scheduler = scheduler; = observer; this.isAcquired = false; this.hasFaulted = false; this.queue = []; this.disposable = new SerialDisposable(); } = function (value) { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.error = function (err) { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.completed = function () { var self = this; this.queue.push(function () {; }); }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.ensureActive = function () { var isOwner = false, parent = this; if (!this.hasFaulted && this.queue.length > 0) { isOwner = !this.isAcquired; this.isAcquired = true; } if (isOwner) { this.disposable.setDisposable(this.scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var work; if (parent.queue.length > 0) { work = parent.queue.shift(); } else { parent.isAcquired = false; return; } try { work(); } catch (ex) { parent.queue = []; parent.hasFaulted = true; throw ex; } self(); })); } }; ScheduledObserver.prototype.dispose = function () {; this.disposable.dispose(); }; return ScheduledObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); var ObserveOnObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(ObserveOnObserver, __super__); function ObserveOnObserver() { __super__.apply(this, arguments); } = function (value) {, value); this.ensureActive(); }; ObserveOnObserver.prototype.error = function (e) {, e); this.ensureActive(); }; ObserveOnObserver.prototype.completed = function () {; this.ensureActive(); }; return ObserveOnObserver; })(ScheduledObserver); var observableProto; /** * Represents a push-style collection. */ var Observable = Rx.Observable = (function () { function Observable(subscribe) { this._subscribe = subscribe; } observableProto = Observable.prototype; /** * Subscribes an observer to the observable sequence. * @param {Mixed} [observerOrOnNext] The object that is to receive notifications or an action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @returns {Diposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribe = observableProto.forEach = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { return this._subscribe(typeof observerOrOnNext === 'object' ? observerOrOnNext : observerCreate(observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted)); }; /** * Subscribes to the next value in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onNext The function to invoke on each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnNext = function (onNext, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(arguments.length === 2 ? function(x) {, x); } : onNext)); }; /** * Subscribes to an exceptional condition in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onError The function to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnError = function (onError, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(null, arguments.length === 2 ? function(e) {, e); } : onError)); }; /** * Subscribes to the next value in the sequence with an optional "this" argument. * @param {Function} onCompleted The function to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions. */ observableProto.subscribeOnCompleted = function (onCompleted, thisArg) { return this._subscribe(observerCreate(null, null, arguments.length === 2 ? function() {; } : onCompleted)); }; return Observable; })(); /** * Wraps the source sequence in order to run its observer callbacks on the specified scheduler. * * This only invokes observer callbacks on a scheduler. In case the subscription and/or unsubscription actions have side-effects * that require to be run on a scheduler, use subscribeOn. * * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to notify observers on. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence whose observations happen on the specified scheduler. */ observableProto.observeOn = function (scheduler) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(new ObserveOnObserver(scheduler, observer)); }); }; /** * Wraps the source sequence in order to run its subscription and unsubscription logic on the specified scheduler. This operation is not commonly used; * see the remarks section for more information on the distinction between subscribeOn and observeOn. * This only performs the side-effects of subscription and unsubscription on the specified scheduler. In order to invoke observer * callbacks on a scheduler, use observeOn. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to perform subscription and unsubscription actions on. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence whose subscriptions and unsubscriptions happen on the specified scheduler. */ observableProto.subscribeOn = function (scheduler) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), d = new SerialDisposable(); d.setDisposable(m); m.setDisposable(scheduler.schedule(function () { d.setDisposable(new ScheduledDisposable(scheduler, source.subscribe(observer))); })); return d; }); }; /** * Converts a Promise to an Observable sequence * @param {Promise} An ES6 Compliant promise. * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence which wraps the existing promise success and failure. */ var observableFromPromise = Observable.fromPromise = function (promise) { return observableDefer(function () { var subject = new Rx.AsyncSubject(); promise.then( function (value) { if (!subject.isDisposed) { subject.onNext(value); subject.onCompleted(); } }, subject.onError.bind(subject)); return subject; }); }; /* * Converts an existing observable sequence to an ES6 Compatible Promise * @example * var promise = Rx.Observable.return(42).toPromise(RSVP.Promise); * * // With config * Rx.config.Promise = RSVP.Promise; * var promise = Rx.Observable.return(42).toPromise(); * @param {Function} [promiseCtor] The constructor of the promise. If not provided, it looks for it in Rx.config.Promise. * @returns {Promise} An ES6 compatible promise with the last value from the observable sequence. */ observableProto.toPromise = function (promiseCtor) { promiseCtor || (promiseCtor = Rx.config.Promise); if (!promiseCtor) { throw new TypeError('Promise type not provided nor in Rx.config.Promise'); } var source = this; return new promiseCtor(function (resolve, reject) { // No cancellation can be done var value, hasValue = false; source.subscribe(function (v) { value = v; hasValue = true; }, reject, function () { hasValue && resolve(value); }); }); }; /** * Creates an array from an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single element with a list containing all the elements of the source sequence. */ observableProto.toArray = function () { var self = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function(observer) { var arr = []; return self.subscribe( arr.push.bind(arr), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(arr); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Creates an observable sequence from a specified subscribe method implementation. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { return function () { } ); * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { return Rx.Disposable.empty; } ); * var res = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) { } ); * * @param {Function} subscribe Implementation of the resulting observable sequence's subscribe method, returning a function that will be wrapped in a Disposable. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence with the specified implementation for the Subscribe method. */ Observable.create = Observable.createWithDisposable = function (subscribe) { return new AnonymousObservable(subscribe); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that invokes the specified factory function whenever a new observer subscribes. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.defer(function () { return Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3]); }); * @param {Function} observableFactory Observable factory function to invoke for each observer that subscribes to the resulting sequence or Promise. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose observers trigger an invocation of the given observable factory function. */ var observableDefer = Observable.defer = function (observableFactory) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var result; try { result = observableFactory(); } catch (e) { return observableThrow(e).subscribe(observer); } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); return result.subscribe(observer); }); }; /** * Returns an empty observable sequence, using the specified scheduler to send out the single OnCompleted message. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.empty(); * var res = Rx.Observable.empty(Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to send the termination call on. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence with no elements. */ var observableEmpty = Observable.empty = function (scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; function StringIterable(str) { this._s = s; } StringIterable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return new StringIterator(this._s); }; function StringIterator(str) { this._s = s; this._l = s.length; this._i = 0; } StringIterator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; }; = function () { if (this._i < this._l) { var val = this._s.charAt(this._i++); return { done: false, value: val }; } else { return doneEnumerator; } }; function ArrayIterable(a) { this._a = a; } ArrayIterable.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return new ArrayIterator(this._a); }; function ArrayIterator(a) { this._a = a; this._l = toLength(a); this._i = 0; } ArrayIterator.prototype[$iterator$] = function () { return this; }; = function () { if (this._i < this._l) { var val = this._a[this._i++]; return { done: false, value: val }; } else { return doneEnumerator; } }; function numberIsFinite(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && root.isFinite(value); } function isNan(n) { return n !== n; } function getIterable(o) { var i = o[$iterator$], it; if (!i && typeof o === 'string') { it = new StringIterable(o); return it[$iterator$](); } if (!i && o.length !== undefined) { it = new ArrayIterable(o); return it[$iterator$](); } if (!i) { throw new TypeError('Object is not iterable'); } return o[$iterator$](); } function sign(value) { var number = +value; if (number === 0) { return number; } if (isNaN(number)) { return number; } return number < 0 ? -1 : 1; } function toLength(o) { var len = +o.length; if (isNaN(len)) { return 0; } if (len === 0 || !numberIsFinite(len)) { return len; } len = sign(len) * Math.floor(Math.abs(len)); if (len <= 0) { return 0; } if (len > maxSafeInteger) { return maxSafeInteger; } return len; } /** * This method creates a new Observable sequence from an array-like or iterable object. * @param {Any} arrayLike An array-like or iterable object to convert to an Observable sequence. * @param {Function} [mapFn] Map function to call on every element of the array. * @param {Any} [thisArg] The context to use calling the mapFn if provided. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Optional scheduler to use for scheduling. If not provided, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. */ var observableFrom = Observable.from = function (iterable, mapFn, thisArg, scheduler) { if (iterable == null) { throw new Error('iterable cannot be null.') } if (mapFn && !isFunction(mapFn)) { throw new Error('mapFn when provided must be a function'); } isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); var list = Object(iterable), it = getIterable(list); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0; return scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var next; try { next =; } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (next.done) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } var result = next.value; if (mapFn && isFunction(mapFn)) { try { result =, result, i); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } } observer.onNext(result); i++; self(); }); }); }; /** * Converts an array to an observable sequence, using an optional scheduler to enumerate the array. * @deprecated use Observable.from or Observable.of * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the enumeration of the input sequence on. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given enumerable sequence. */ var observableFromArray = Observable.fromArray = function (array, scheduler) { deprecate('fromArray', 'from'); isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0, len = array.length; return scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { if (count < len) { observer.onNext(array[count++]); self(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence by running a state-driven loop producing the sequence's elements, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.generate(0, function (x) { return x < 10; }, function (x) { return x + 1; }, function (x) { return x; }); * var res = Rx.Observable.generate(0, function (x) { return x < 10; }, function (x) { return x + 1; }, function (x) { return x; }, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Mixed} initialState Initial state. * @param {Function} condition Condition to terminate generation (upon returning false). * @param {Function} iterate Iteration step function. * @param {Function} resultSelector Selector function for results produced in the sequence. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler on which to run the generator loop. If not provided, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. * @returns {Observable} The generated sequence. */ Observable.generate = function (initialState, condition, iterate, resultSelector, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var first = true, state = initialState; return scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var hasResult, result; try { if (first) { first = false; } else { state = iterate(state); } hasResult = condition(state); if (hasResult) { result = resultSelector(state); } } catch (exception) { observer.onError(exception); return; } if (hasResult) { observer.onNext(result); self(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Returns a non-terminating observable sequence, which can be used to denote an infinite duration (e.g. when using reactive joins). * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose observers will never get called. */ var observableNever = Observable.never = function () { return new AnonymousObservable(function () { return disposableEmpty; }); }; function observableOf (scheduler, array) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0, len = array.length; return scheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { if (count < len) { observer.onNext(array[count++]); self(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); } /** * This method creates a new Observable instance with a variable number of arguments, regardless of number or type of the arguments. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given arguments. */ Observable.of = function () { return observableOf(null, arguments); }; /** * This method creates a new Observable instance with a variable number of arguments, regardless of number or type of the arguments. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler A scheduler to use for scheduling the arguments. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given arguments. */ Observable.ofWithScheduler = function (scheduler) { return observableOf(scheduler,, 1)); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence of integral numbers within a specified range, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.range(0, 10); * var res = Rx.Observable.range(0, 10, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Number} start The value of the first integer in the sequence. * @param {Number} count The number of sequential integers to generate. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler to run the generator loop on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.currentThread. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains a range of sequential integral numbers. */ Observable.range = function (start, count, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.scheduleRecursiveWithState(0, function (i, self) { if (i < count) { observer.onNext(start + i); self(i + 1); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); }); }; /** * Generates an observable sequence that repeats the given element the specified number of times, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42); * var res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, 4); * 3 - res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, 4, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * 4 - res = Rx.Observable.repeat(42, null, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Mixed} value Element to repeat. * @param {Number} repeatCount [Optiona] Number of times to repeat the element. If not specified, repeats indefinitely. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to run the producer loop on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that repeats the given element the specified number of times. */ Observable.repeat = function (value, repeatCount, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = currentThreadScheduler); return observableReturn(value, scheduler).repeat(repeatCount == null ? -1 : repeatCount); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains a single element, using the specified scheduler to send out observer messages. * There is an alias called 'just', and 'returnValue' for browsers <IE9. * * @example * var res = Rx.Observable.return(42); * var res = Rx.Observable.return(42, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Mixed} value Single element in the resulting observable sequence. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to send the single element on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the single specified element. */ var observableReturn = Observable['return'] = Observable.just = function (value, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onNext(value); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** @deprecated use return or just */ Observable.returnValue = function () { deprecate('returnValue', 'return or just'); return observableReturn.apply(null, arguments); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that terminates with an exception, using the specified scheduler to send out the single onError message. * There is an alias to this method called 'throwError' for browsers <IE9. * @param {Mixed} exception An object used for the sequence's termination. * @param {Scheduler} scheduler Scheduler to send the exceptional termination call on. If not specified, defaults to Scheduler.immediate. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that terminates exceptionally with the specified exception object. */ var observableThrow = Observable['throw'] = Observable.throwException = Observable.throwError = function (exception, scheduler) { isScheduler(scheduler) || (scheduler = immediateScheduler); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return scheduler.schedule(function () { observer.onError(exception); }); }); }; /** * Constructs an observable sequence that depends on a resource object, whose lifetime is tied to the resulting observable sequence's lifetime. * @param {Function} resourceFactory Factory function to obtain a resource object. * @param {Function} observableFactory Factory function to obtain an observable sequence that depends on the obtained resource. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose lifetime controls the lifetime of the dependent resource object. */ Observable.using = function (resourceFactory, observableFactory) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var disposable = disposableEmpty, resource, source; try { resource = resourceFactory(); resource && (disposable = resource); source = observableFactory(resource); } catch (exception) { return new CompositeDisposable(observableThrow(exception).subscribe(observer), disposable); } return new CompositeDisposable(source.subscribe(observer), disposable); }); }; /** * Propagates the observable sequence or Promise that reacts first. * @param {Observable} rightSource Second observable sequence or Promise. * @returns {Observable} {Observable} An observable sequence that surfaces either of the given sequences, whichever reacted first. */ observableProto.amb = function (rightSource) { var leftSource = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var choice, leftChoice = 'L', rightChoice = 'R', leftSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), rightSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(rightSource) && (rightSource = observableFromPromise(rightSource)); function choiceL() { if (!choice) { choice = leftChoice; rightSubscription.dispose(); } } function choiceR() { if (!choice) { choice = rightChoice; leftSubscription.dispose(); } } leftSubscription.setDisposable(leftSource.subscribe(function (left) { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onNext(left); } }, function (err) { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onError(err); } }, function () { choiceL(); if (choice === leftChoice) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); rightSubscription.setDisposable(rightSource.subscribe(function (right) { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onNext(right); } }, function (err) { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onError(err); } }, function () { choiceR(); if (choice === rightChoice) { observer.onCompleted(); } })); return new CompositeDisposable(leftSubscription, rightSubscription); }); }; /** * Propagates the observable sequence or Promise that reacts first. * * @example * var = Rx.Observable.amb(xs, ys, zs); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that surfaces any of the given sequences, whichever reacted first. */ Observable.amb = function () { var acc = observableNever(), items = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); function func(previous, current) { return previous.amb(current); } for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { acc = func(acc, items[i]); } return acc; }; function observableCatchHandler(source, handler) { return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var d1 = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), subscription = new SerialDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d1); d1.setDisposable(source.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), function (exception) { var d, result; try { result = handler(exception); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(result.subscribe(observer)); }, observer.onCompleted.bind(observer))); return subscription; }); } /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @example * 1 - xs.catchException(ys) * 2 - xs.catchException(function (ex) { return ys(ex); }) * @param {Mixed} handlerOrSecond Exception handler function that returns an observable sequence given the error that occurred in the first sequence, or a second observable sequence used to produce results when an error occurred in the first sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the first sequence's elements, followed by the elements of the handler sequence in case an exception occurred. */ observableProto['catch'] = observableProto.catchError = function (handlerOrSecond) { return typeof handlerOrSecond === 'function' ? observableCatchHandler(this, handlerOrSecond) : observableCatch([this, handlerOrSecond]); }; /** * @deprecated use #catch or #catchError instead. */ observableProto.catchException = function (handlerOrSecond) { deprecate('catchException', 'catch or catchError'); return this.catchError(handlerOrSecond); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @param {Array | Arguments} args Arguments or an array to use as the next sequence if an error occurs. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing elements from consecutive source sequences until a source sequence terminates successfully. */ var observableCatch = Observable.catchError = Observable['catch'] = function () { return enumerableOf(argsOrArray(arguments, 0)).catchError(); }; /** * @deprecated use #catch or #catchError instead. */ Observable.catchException = function () { deprecate('catchException', 'catch or catchError'); return observableCatch.apply(null, arguments); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever any of the observable sequences or Promises produces an element. * This can be in the form of an argument list of observables or an array. * * @example * 1 - obs = observable.combineLatest(obs1, obs2, obs3, function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * 2 - obs = observable.combineLatest([obs1, obs2, obs3], function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ observableProto.combineLatest = function () { var args =; if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { args[0].unshift(this); } else { args.unshift(this); } return combineLatest.apply(this, args); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever any of the observable sequences or Promises produces an element. * * @example * 1 - obs = Rx.Observable.combineLatest(obs1, obs2, obs3, function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * 2 - obs = Rx.Observable.combineLatest([obs1, obs2, obs3], function (o1, o2, o3) { return o1 + o2 + o3; }); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ var combineLatest = Observable.combineLatest = function () { var args =, resultSelector = args.pop(); if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { args = args[0]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var falseFactory = function () { return false; }, n = args.length, hasValue = arrayInitialize(n, falseFactory), hasValueAll = false, isDone = arrayInitialize(n, falseFactory), values = new Array(n); function next(i) { var res; hasValue[i] = true; if (hasValueAll || (hasValueAll = hasValue.every(identity))) { try { res = resultSelector.apply(null, values); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } observer.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); } } function done (i) { isDone[i] = true; if (isDone.every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); } } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { var source = args[i], sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); sad.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { values[i] = x; next(i); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { done(i); })); subscriptions[i] = sad; }(idx)); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); }); }; /** * Concatenates all the observable sequences. This takes in either an array or variable arguments to concatenate. * * @example * 1 - concatenated = xs.concat(ys, zs); * 2 - concatenated = xs.concat([ys, zs]); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each given sequence, in sequential order. */ observableProto.concat = function () { var items =, 0); items.unshift(this); return observableConcat.apply(this, items); }; /** * Concatenates all the observable sequences. * @param {Array | Arguments} args Arguments or an array to concat to the observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each given sequence, in sequential order. */ var observableConcat = Observable.concat = function () { return enumerableOf(argsOrArray(arguments, 0)).concat(); }; /** * Concatenates an observable sequence of observable sequences. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements of each observed inner sequence, in sequential order. */ observableProto.concatAll = function () { return this.merge(1); }; /** @deprecated Use `concatAll` instead. */ observableProto.concatObservable = function () { deprecate('concatObservable', 'concatAll'); return this.merge(1); }; /** * Merges an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence, limiting the number of concurrent subscriptions to inner sequences. * Or merges two observable sequences into a single observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - merged = sources.merge(1); * 2 - merged = source.merge(otherSource); * @param {Mixed} [maxConcurrentOrOther] Maximum number of inner observable sequences being subscribed to concurrently or the second observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the inner sequences. */ observableProto.merge = function (maxConcurrentOrOther) { if (typeof maxConcurrentOrOther !== 'number') { return observableMerge(this, maxConcurrentOrOther); } var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var activeCount = 0, group = new CompositeDisposable(), isStopped = false, q = []; function subscribe(xs) { var subscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(subscription); // Check for promises support isPromise(xs) && (xs = observableFromPromise(xs)); subscription.setDisposable(xs.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { group.remove(subscription); if (q.length > 0) { subscribe(q.shift()); } else { activeCount--; isStopped && activeCount === 0 && observer.onCompleted(); } })); } group.add(sources.subscribe(function (innerSource) { if (activeCount < maxConcurrentOrOther) { activeCount++; subscribe(innerSource); } else { q.push(innerSource); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; activeCount === 0 && observer.onCompleted(); })); return group; }); }; /** * Merges all the observable sequences into a single observable sequence. * The scheduler is optional and if not specified, the immediate scheduler is used. * * @example * 1 - merged = Rx.Observable.merge(xs, ys, zs); * 2 - merged = Rx.Observable.merge([xs, ys, zs]); * 3 - merged = Rx.Observable.merge(scheduler, xs, ys, zs); * 4 - merged = Rx.Observable.merge(scheduler, [xs, ys, zs]); * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the observable sequences. */ var observableMerge = Observable.merge = function () { var scheduler, sources; if (!arguments[0]) { scheduler = immediateScheduler; sources =, 1); } else if (arguments[0].now) { scheduler = arguments[0]; sources =, 1); } else { scheduler = immediateScheduler; sources =, 0); } if (Array.isArray(sources[0])) { sources = sources[0]; } return observableOf(scheduler, sources).mergeAll(); }; /** * Merges an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that merges the elements of the inner sequences. */ observableProto.mergeAll = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var group = new CompositeDisposable(), isStopped = false, m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(m); m.setDisposable(sources.subscribe(function (innerSource) { var innerSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); group.add(innerSubscription); // Check for promises support isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); innerSubscription.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { group.remove(innerSubscription); isStopped && group.length === 1 && observer.onCompleted(); })); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; group.length === 1 && observer.onCompleted(); })); return group; }); }; /** * @deprecated use #mergeAll instead. */ observableProto.mergeObservable = function () { deprecate('mergeObservable', 'mergeAll'); return this.mergeAll.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated normally or by an exception with the next observable sequence. * @param {Observable} second Second observable sequence used to produce results after the first sequence terminates. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that concatenates the first and second sequence, even if the first sequence terminates exceptionally. */ observableProto.onErrorResumeNext = function (second) { if (!second) { throw new Error('Second observable is required'); } return onErrorResumeNext([this, second]); }; /** * Continues an observable sequence that is terminated normally or by an exception with the next observable sequence. * * @example * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.onErrorResumeNext(xs, ys, zs); * 1 - res = Rx.Observable.onErrorResumeNext([xs, ys, zs]); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that concatenates the source sequences, even if a sequence terminates exceptionally. */ var onErrorResumeNext = Observable.onErrorResumeNext = function () { var sources = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var pos = 0, subscription = new SerialDisposable(), cancelable = immediateScheduler.scheduleRecursive(function (self) { var current, d; if (pos < sources.length) { current = sources[pos++]; isPromise(current) && (current = observableFromPromise(current)); d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscription.setDisposable(d); d.setDisposable(current.subscribe(observer.onNext.bind(observer), self, self)); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, cancelable); }); }; /** * Returns the values from the source observable sequence only after the other observable sequence produces a value. * @param {Observable | Promise} other The observable sequence or Promise that triggers propagation of elements of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the elements of the source sequence starting from the point the other sequence triggered propagation. */ observableProto.skipUntil = function (other) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var isOpen = false; var disposables = new CompositeDisposable(source.subscribe(function (left) { isOpen && observer.onNext(left); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isOpen && observer.onCompleted(); })); isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); var rightSubscription = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); disposables.add(rightSubscription); rightSubscription.setDisposable(other.subscribe(function () { isOpen = true; rightSubscription.dispose(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { rightSubscription.dispose(); })); return disposables; }); }; /** * Transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence that at any point in time produces the elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received. */ observableProto['switch'] = observableProto.switchLatest = function () { var sources = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasLatest = false, innerSubscription = new SerialDisposable(), isStopped = false, latest = 0, subscription = sources.subscribe( function (innerSource) { var d = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), id = ++latest; hasLatest = true; innerSubscription.setDisposable(d); // Check if Promise or Observable isPromise(innerSource) && (innerSource = observableFromPromise(innerSource)); d.setDisposable(innerSource.subscribe( function (x) { latest === id && observer.onNext(x); }, function (e) { latest === id && observer.onError(e); }, function () { if (latest === id) { hasLatest = false; isStopped && observer.onCompleted(); } })); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { isStopped = true; !hasLatest && observer.onCompleted(); }); return new CompositeDisposable(subscription, innerSubscription); }); }; /** * Returns the values from the source observable sequence until the other observable sequence produces a value. * @param {Observable | Promise} other Observable sequence or Promise that terminates propagation of elements of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the elements of the source sequence up to the point the other sequence interrupted further propagation. */ observableProto.takeUntil = function (other) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { isPromise(other) && (other = observableFromPromise(other)); return new CompositeDisposable( source.subscribe(observer), other.subscribe(observer.onCompleted.bind(observer), observer.onError.bind(observer), noop) ); }); }; function zipArray(second, resultSelector) { var first = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0, len = second.length; return first.subscribe(function (left) { if (index < len) { var right = second[index++], result; try { result = resultSelector(left, right); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); } /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever all of the observable sequences or an array have produced an element at a corresponding index. * The last element in the arguments must be a function to invoke for each series of elements at corresponding indexes in the sources. * * @example * 1 - res =, fn); * 1 - res =[1,2,3], fn); * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ = function () { if (Array.isArray(arguments[0])) { return zipArray.apply(this, arguments); } var parent = this, sources =, resultSelector = sources.pop(); sources.unshift(parent); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var n = sources.length, queues = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return []; }), isDone = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return false; }); function next(i) { var res, queuedValues; if (queues.every(function (x) { return x.length > 0; })) { try { queuedValues = (x) { return x.shift(); }); res = resultSelector.apply(parent, queuedValues); } catch (ex) { observer.onError(ex); return; } observer.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); } }; function done(i) { isDone[i] = true; if (isDone.every(function (x) { return x; })) { observer.onCompleted(); } } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { var source = sources[i], sad = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); isPromise(source) && (source = observableFromPromise(source)); sad.setDisposable(source.subscribe(function (x) { queues[i].push(x); next(i); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { done(i); })); subscriptions[i] = sad; })(idx); } return new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); }); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by using the selector function whenever all of the observable sequences have produced an element at a corresponding index. * @param arguments Observable sources. * @param {Function} resultSelector Function to invoke for each series of elements at corresponding indexes in the sources. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the result of combining elements of the sources using the specified result selector function. */ = function () { var args =, 0), first = args.shift(); return, args); }; /** * Merges the specified observable sequences into one observable sequence by emitting a list with the elements of the observable sequences at corresponding indexes. * @param arguments Observable sources. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing lists of elements at corresponding indexes. */ Observable.zipArray = function () { var sources = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var n = sources.length, queues = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return []; }), isDone = arrayInitialize(n, function () { return false; }); function next(i) { if (queues.every(function (x) { return x.length > 0; })) { var res = (x) { return x.shift(); }); observer.onNext(res); } else if (isDone.filter(function (x, j) { return j !== i; }).every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } }; function done(i) { isDone[i] = true; if (isDone.every(identity)) { observer.onCompleted(); return; } } var subscriptions = new Array(n); for (var idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { (function (i) { subscriptions[i] = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); subscriptions[i].setDisposable(sources[i].subscribe(function (x) { queues[i].push(x); next(i); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { done(i); })); })(idx); } var compositeDisposable = new CompositeDisposable(subscriptions); compositeDisposable.add(disposableCreate(function () { for (var qIdx = 0, qLen = queues.length; qIdx < qLen; qIdx++) { queues[qIdx] = []; } })); return compositeDisposable; }); }; /** * Hides the identity of an observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that hides the identity of the source sequence. */ observableProto.asObservable = function () { return new AnonymousObservable(this.subscribe.bind(this)); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more buffers which are produced based on element count information. * * @example * var res = xs.bufferWithCount(10); * var res = xs.bufferWithCount(10, 1); * @param {Number} count Length of each buffer. * @param {Number} [skip] Number of elements to skip between creation of consecutive buffers. If not provided, defaults to the count. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of buffers. */ observableProto.bufferWithCount = function (count, skip) { if (typeof skip !== 'number') { skip = count; } return this.windowWithCount(count, skip).selectMany(function (x) { return x.toArray(); }).where(function (x) { return x.length > 0; }); }; /** * Dematerializes the explicit notification values of an observable sequence as implicit notifications. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence exhibiting the behavior corresponding to the source sequence's notification values. */ observableProto.dematerialize = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function (x) { return x.accept(observer); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct contiguous elements according to the keySelector and the comparer. * * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(); * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(function (x) { return; }); * var obs = observable.distinctUntilChanged(function (x) { return; }, function (x, y) { return x === y; }); * * @param {Function} [keySelector] A function to compute the comparison key for each element. If not provided, it projects the value. * @param {Function} [comparer] Equality comparer for computed key values. If not provided, defaults to an equality comparer function. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence only containing the distinct contiguous elements, based on a computed key value, from the source sequence. */ observableProto.distinctUntilChanged = function (keySelector, comparer) { var source = this; keySelector || (keySelector = identity); comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasCurrentKey = false, currentKey; return source.subscribe(function (value) { var comparerEquals = false, key; try { key = keySelector(value); } catch (exception) { observer.onError(exception); return; } if (hasCurrentKey) { try { comparerEquals = comparer(currentKey, key); } catch (exception) { observer.onError(exception); return; } } if (!hasCurrentKey || !comparerEquals) { hasCurrentKey = true; currentKey = key; observer.onNext(value); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Invokes an action for each element in the observable sequence and invokes an action upon graceful or exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function | Observer} observerOrOnNext Action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence or an observer. * @param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. Used if only the observerOrOnNext parameter is also a function. * @param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. Used if only the observerOrOnNext parameter is also a function. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto['do'] = observableProto.tap = function (observerOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) { var source = this, onNextFunc; if (typeof observerOrOnNext === 'function') { onNextFunc = observerOrOnNext; } else { onNextFunc = observerOrOnNext.onNext.bind(observerOrOnNext); onError = observerOrOnNext.onError.bind(observerOrOnNext); onCompleted = observerOrOnNext.onCompleted.bind(observerOrOnNext); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function (x) { try { onNextFunc(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } observer.onNext(x); }, function (err) { if (onError) { try { onError(err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } } observer.onError(err); }, function () { if (onCompleted) { try { onCompleted(); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } } observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** @deprecated use #do or #tap instead. */ observableProto.doAction = function () { deprecate('doAction', 'do or tap'); return this.tap.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Invokes an action for each element in the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onNext Action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnNext = observableProto.tapOnNext = function (onNext, thisArg) { return this.tap(arguments.length === 2 ? function (x) {, x); } : onNext); }; /** * Invokes an action upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onError Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnError = observableProto.tapOnError = function (onError, thisArg) { return this.tap(noop, arguments.length === 2 ? function (e) {, e); } : onError); }; /** * Invokes an action upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * This method can be used for debugging, logging, etc. of query behavior by intercepting the message stream to run arbitrary actions for messages on the pipeline. * @param {Function} onCompleted Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} The source sequence with the side-effecting behavior applied. */ observableProto.doOnCompleted = observableProto.tapOnCompleted = function (onCompleted, thisArg) { return this.tap(noop, null, arguments.length === 2 ? function () {; } : onCompleted); }; /** * Invokes a specified action after the source observable sequence terminates gracefully or exceptionally. * @param {Function} finallyAction Action to invoke after the source observable sequence terminates. * @returns {Observable} Source sequence with the action-invoking termination behavior applied. */ observableProto['finally'] = observableProto.ensure = function (action) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var subscription; try { subscription = source.subscribe(observer); } catch (e) { action(); throw e; } return disposableCreate(function () { try { subscription.dispose(); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { action(); } }); }); }; /** * @deprecated use #finally or #ensure instead. */ observableProto.finallyAction = function (action) { deprecate('finallyAction', 'finally or ensure'); return this.ensure(action); }; /** * Ignores all elements in an observable sequence leaving only the termination messages. * @returns {Observable} An empty observable sequence that signals termination, successful or exceptional, of the source sequence. */ observableProto.ignoreElements = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(noop, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Materializes the implicit notifications of an observable sequence as explicit notification values. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the materialized notification values from the source sequence. */ observableProto.materialize = function () { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { return source.subscribe(function (value) { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnNext(value)); }, function (e) { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnError(e)); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { observer.onNext(notificationCreateOnCompleted()); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Repeats the observable sequence a specified number of times. If the repeat count is not specified, the sequence repeats indefinitely. * @param {Number} [repeatCount] Number of times to repeat the sequence. If not provided, repeats the sequence indefinitely. * @returns {Observable} The observable sequence producing the elements of the given sequence repeatedly. */ observableProto.repeat = function (repeatCount) { return enumerableRepeat(this, repeatCount).concat(); }; /** * Repeats the source observable sequence the specified number of times or until it successfully terminates. If the retry count is not specified, it retries indefinitely. * Note if you encounter an error and want it to retry once, then you must use .retry(2); * * @example * var res = retried = retry.repeat(); * var res = retried = retry.repeat(2); * @param {Number} [retryCount] Number of times to retry the sequence. If not provided, retry the sequence indefinitely. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence producing the elements of the given sequence repeatedly until it terminates successfully. */ observableProto.retry = function (retryCount) { return enumerableRepeat(this, retryCount).catchError(); }; /** * Applies an accumulator function over an observable sequence and returns each intermediate result. The optional seed value is used as the initial accumulator value. * For aggregation behavior with no intermediate results, see Observable.aggregate. * @example * var res = source.scan(function (acc, x) { return acc + x; }); * var res = source.scan(0, function (acc, x) { return acc + x; }); * @param {Mixed} [seed] The initial accumulator value. * @param {Function} accumulator An accumulator function to be invoked on each element. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the accumulated values. */ observableProto.scan = function () { var hasSeed = false, seed, accumulator, source = this; if (arguments.length === 2) { hasSeed = true; seed = arguments[0]; accumulator = arguments[1]; } else { accumulator = arguments[0]; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hasAccumulation, accumulation, hasValue; return source.subscribe ( function (x) { !hasValue && (hasValue = true); try { if (hasAccumulation) { accumulation = accumulator(accumulation, x); } else { accumulation = hasSeed ? accumulator(seed, x) : x; hasAccumulation = true; } } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(accumulation); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { !hasValue && hasSeed && observer.onNext(seed); observer.onCompleted(); } ); }); }; /** * Bypasses a specified number of elements at the end of an observable sequence. * @description * This operator accumulates a queue with a length enough to store the first `count` elements. As more elements are * received, elements are taken from the front of the queue and produced on the result sequence. This causes elements to be delayed. * @param count Number of elements to bypass at the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the source sequence elements except for the bypassed ones at the end. */ observableProto.skipLast = function (count) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && observer.onNext(q.shift()); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Prepends a sequence of values to an observable sequence with an optional scheduler and an argument list of values to prepend. * @example * var res = source.startWith(1, 2, 3); * var res = source.startWith(Rx.Scheduler.timeout, 1, 2, 3); * @param {Arguments} args The specified values to prepend to the observable sequence * @returns {Observable} The source sequence prepended with the specified values. */ observableProto.startWith = function () { var values, scheduler, start = 0; if (!!arguments.length && isScheduler(arguments[0])) { scheduler = arguments[0]; start = 1; } else { scheduler = immediateScheduler; } values =, start); return enumerableOf([observableFromArray(values, scheduler), this]).concat(); }; /** * Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the end of an observable sequence. * @description * This operator accumulates a buffer with a length enough to store elements count elements. Upon completion of * the source sequence, this buffer is drained on the result sequence. This causes the elements to be delayed. * @param {Number} count Number of elements to take from the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the specified number of elements from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLast = function (count) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && q.shift(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { while (q.length > 0) { observer.onNext(q.shift()); } observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Returns an array with the specified number of contiguous elements from the end of an observable sequence. * * @description * This operator accumulates a buffer with a length enough to store count elements. Upon completion of the * source sequence, this buffer is produced on the result sequence. * @param {Number} count Number of elements to take from the end of the source sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing a single array with the specified number of elements from the end of the source sequence. */ observableProto.takeLastBuffer = function (count) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var q = []; return source.subscribe(function (x) { q.push(x); q.length > count && q.shift(); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { observer.onNext(q); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more windows which are produced based on element count information. * * var res = xs.windowWithCount(10); * var res = xs.windowWithCount(10, 1); * @param {Number} count Length of each window. * @param {Number} [skip] Number of elements to skip between creation of consecutive windows. If not specified, defaults to the count. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence of windows. */ observableProto.windowWithCount = function (count, skip) { var source = this; +count || (count = 0); Math.abs(count) === Infinity && (count = 0); if (count <= 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } skip == null && (skip = count); +skip || (skip = 0); Math.abs(skip) === Infinity && (skip = 0); if (skip <= 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(), refCountDisposable = new RefCountDisposable(m), n = 0, q = []; function createWindow () { var s = new Subject(); q.push(s); observer.onNext(addRef(s, refCountDisposable)); } createWindow(); m.setDisposable(source.subscribe( function (x) { for (var i = 0, len = q.length; i < len; i++) { q[i].onNext(x); } var c = n - count + 1; c >= 0 && c % skip === 0 && q.shift().onCompleted(); ++n % skip === 0 && createWindow(); }, function (e) { while (q.length > 0) { q.shift().onError(e); } observer.onError(e); }, function () { while (q.length > 0) { q.shift().onCompleted(); } observer.onCompleted(); } )); return refCountDisposable; }); }; function concatMap(source, selector, thisArg) { return (x, i) { var result =, x, i, source); isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); (isArrayLike(result) || isIterable(result)) && (result = observableFrom(result)); return result; }).concatAll(); } /** * One of the Following: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * @example * var res = source.concatMap(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }); * Or: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence, invokes the result selector for the source element and each of the corresponding inner sequence's elements, and merges the results into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.concatMap(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }, function (x, y) { return x + y; }); * Or: * Projects each element of the source observable sequence to the other observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.concatMap(Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3])); * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each element or an observable sequence to project each element from the * source sequence onto which could be either an observable or Promise. * @param {Function} [resultSelector] A transform function to apply to each element of the intermediate sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function collectionSelector on each element of the input sequence and then mapping each of those sequence elements and their corresponding source element to a result element. */ observableProto.selectConcat = observableProto.concatMap = function (selector, resultSelector, thisArg) { if (isFunction(selector) && isFunction(resultSelector)) { return this.concatMap(function (x, i) { var selectorResult = selector(x, i); isPromise(selectorResult) && (selectorResult = observableFromPromise(selectorResult)); (isArrayLike(selectorResult) || isIterable(selectorResult)) && (selectorResult = observableFrom(selectorResult)); return (y, i2) { return resultSelector(x, y, i, i2); }); }); } return isFunction(selector) ? concatMap(this, selector, thisArg) : concatMap(this, function () { return selector; }); }; /** * Projects each notification of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and concats the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * @param {Function} onNext A transform function to apply to each element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Function} onError A transform function to apply when an error occurs in the source sequence. * @param {Function} onCompleted A transform function to apply when the end of the source sequence is reached. * @param {Any} [thisArg] An optional "this" to use to invoke each transform. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function corresponding to each notification in the input sequence. */ observableProto.concatMapObserver = observableProto.selectConcatObserver = function(onNext, onError, onCompleted, thisArg) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0; return source.subscribe( function (x) { var result; try { result =, x, index++); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); }, function (err) { var result; try { result =, err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { var result; try { result =; } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }); }).concatAll(); }; /** * Returns the elements of the specified sequence or the specified value in a singleton sequence if the sequence is empty. * * var res = obs = xs.defaultIfEmpty(); * 2 - obs = xs.defaultIfEmpty(false); * * @memberOf Observable# * @param defaultValue The value to return if the sequence is empty. If not provided, this defaults to null. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the specified default value if the source is empty; otherwise, the elements of the source itself. */ observableProto.defaultIfEmpty = function (defaultValue) { var source = this; if (defaultValue === undefined) { defaultValue = null; } return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var found = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { found = true; observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { if (!found) { observer.onNext(defaultValue); } observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; // Swap out for Array.findIndex function arrayIndexOfComparer(array, item, comparer) { for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { if (comparer(array[i], item)) { return i; } } return -1; } function HashSet(comparer) { this.comparer = comparer; this.set = []; } HashSet.prototype.push = function(value) { var retValue = arrayIndexOfComparer(this.set, value, this.comparer) === -1; retValue && this.set.push(value); return retValue; }; /** * Returns an observable sequence that contains only distinct elements according to the keySelector and the comparer. * Usage of this operator should be considered carefully due to the maintenance of an internal lookup structure which can grow large. * * @example * var res = obs = xs.distinct(); * 2 - obs = xs.distinct(function (x) { return; }); * 2 - obs = xs.distinct(function (x) { return; }, function (a,b) { return a === b; }); * @param {Function} [keySelector] A function to compute the comparison key for each element. * @param {Function} [comparer] Used to compare items in the collection. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence only containing the distinct elements, based on a computed key value, from the source sequence. */ observableProto.distinct = function (keySelector, comparer) { var source = this; comparer || (comparer = defaultComparer); return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var hashSet = new HashSet(comparer); return source.subscribe(function (x) { var key = x; if (keySelector) { try { key = keySelector(x); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } } hashSet.push(key) && observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new form by incorporating the element's index. * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each source element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source. */ = = function (selector, thisArg) { var selectorFn = isFunction(selector) ? selector : function () { return selector; }, source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0; return source.subscribe(function (value) { var result; try { result =, value, count++, source); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } observer.onNext(result); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Retrieves the value of a specified property from all elements in the Observable sequence. * @param {String} prop The property to pluck. * @returns {Observable} Returns a new Observable sequence of property values. */ observableProto.pluck = function (prop) { return (x) { return x[prop]; }); }; /** * Projects each notification of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * @param {Function} onNext A transform function to apply to each element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Function} onError A transform function to apply when an error occurs in the source sequence. * @param {Function} onCompleted A transform function to apply when the end of the source sequence is reached. * @param {Any} [thisArg] An optional "this" to use to invoke each transform. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function corresponding to each notification in the input sequence. */ observableProto.flatMapObserver = observableProto.selectManyObserver = function (onNext, onError, onCompleted, thisArg) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var index = 0; return source.subscribe( function (x) { var result; try { result =, x, index++); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); }, function (err) { var result; try { result =, err); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }, function () { var result; try { result =; } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); observer.onNext(result); observer.onCompleted(); }); }).mergeAll(); }; function flatMap(source, selector, thisArg) { return (x, i) { var result =, x, i, source); isPromise(result) && (result = observableFromPromise(result)); (isArrayLike(result) || isIterable(result)) && (result = observableFrom(result)); return result; }).mergeAll(); } /** * One of the Following: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * @example * var res = source.selectMany(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }); * Or: * Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence, invokes the result selector for the source element and each of the corresponding inner sequence's elements, and merges the results into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.selectMany(function (x) { return Rx.Observable.range(0, x); }, function (x, y) { return x + y; }); * Or: * Projects each element of the source observable sequence to the other observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence. * * var res = source.selectMany(Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3])); * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each element or an observable sequence to project each element from the source sequence onto which could be either an observable or Promise. * @param {Function} [resultSelector] A transform function to apply to each element of the intermediate sequence. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function collectionSelector on each element of the input sequence and then mapping each of those sequence elements and their corresponding source element to a result element. */ observableProto.selectMany = observableProto.flatMap = function (selector, resultSelector, thisArg) { if (isFunction(selector) && isFunction(resultSelector)) { return this.flatMap(function (x, i) { var selectorResult = selector(x, i); isPromise(selectorResult) && (selectorResult = observableFromPromise(selectorResult)); (isArrayLike(selectorResult) || isIterable(selectorResult)) && (selectorResult = observableFrom(selectorResult)); return (y, i2) { return resultSelector(x, y, i, i2); }); }, thisArg); } return isFunction(selector) ? flatMap(this, selector, thisArg) : flatMap(this, function () { return selector; }); }; /** * Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences by incorporating the element's index and then * transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence. * @param {Function} selector A transform function to apply to each source element; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source producing an Observable of Observable sequences * and that at any point in time produces the elements of the most recent inner observable sequence that has been received. */ observableProto.selectSwitch = observableProto.flatMapLatest = observableProto.switchMap = function (selector, thisArg) { return, thisArg).switchLatest(); }; /** * Bypasses a specified number of elements in an observable sequence and then returns the remaining elements. * @param {Number} count The number of elements to skip before returning the remaining elements. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements that occur after the specified index in the input sequence. */ observableProto.skip = function (count) { if (count < 0) { throw new Error(argumentOutOfRange); } var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var remaining = count; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (remaining <= 0) { observer.onNext(x); } else { remaining--; } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Bypasses elements in an observable sequence as long as a specified condition is true and then returns the remaining elements. * The element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function. * * var res = source.skipWhile(function (value) { return value < 10; }); * var res = source.skipWhile(function (value, index) { return value < 10 || index < 10; }); * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements from the input sequence starting at the first element in the linear series that does not pass the test specified by predicate. */ observableProto.skipWhile = function (predicate, thisArg) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0, running = false; return source.subscribe(function (x) { if (!running) { try { running = !, x, i++, source); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } } running && observer.onNext(x); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of an observable sequence, using the specified scheduler for the edge case of take(0). * * var res = source.take(5); * var res = source.take(0, Rx.Scheduler.timeout); * @param {Number} count The number of elements to return. * @param {Scheduler} [scheduler] Scheduler used to produce an OnCompleted message in case <paramref name="count count</paramref> is set to 0. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the specified number of elements from the start of the input sequence. */ observableProto.take = function (count, scheduler) { if (count < 0) { throw new RangeError(argumentOutOfRange); } if (count === 0) { return observableEmpty(scheduler); } var observable = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var remaining = count; return observable.subscribe(function (x) { if (remaining-- > 0) { observer.onNext(x); remaining === 0 && observer.onCompleted(); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Returns elements from an observable sequence as long as a specified condition is true. * The element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function. * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains the elements from the input sequence that occur before the element at which the test no longer passes. */ observableProto.takeWhile = function (predicate, thisArg) { var observable = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var i = 0, running = true; return observable.subscribe(function (x) { if (running) { try { running =, x, i++, observable); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } if (running) { observer.onNext(x); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Filters the elements of an observable sequence based on a predicate by incorporating the element's index. * * @example * var res = source.where(function (value) { return value < 10; }); * var res = source.where(function (value, index) { return value < 10 || index < 10; }); * @param {Function} predicate A function to test each source element for a condition; the second parameter of the function represents the index of the source element. * @param {Any} [thisArg] Object to use as this when executing callback. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence that contains elements from the input sequence that satisfy the condition. */ observableProto.where = observableProto.filter = function (predicate, thisArg) { var parent = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var count = 0; return parent.subscribe(function (value) { var shouldRun; try { shouldRun =, value, count++, parent); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); return; } shouldRun && observer.onNext(value); }, observer.onError.bind(observer), observer.onCompleted.bind(observer)); }); }; /** * Executes a transducer to transform the observable sequence * @param {Transducer} transducer A transducer to execute * @returns {Observable} An Observable sequence containing the results from the transducer. */ observableProto.transduce = function(transducer) { var source = this; function transformForObserver(observer) { return { init: function() { return observer; }, step: function(obs, input) { return obs.onNext(input); }, result: function(obs) { return obs.onCompleted(); } }; } return new AnonymousObservable(function(observer) { var xform = transducer(transformForObserver(observer)); return source.subscribe( function(v) { try { xform.step(observer, v); } catch (e) { observer.onError(e); } }, observer.onError.bind(observer), function() { xform.result(observer); } ); }); }; var AnonymousObservable = Rx.AnonymousObservable = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousObservable, __super__); // Fix subscriber to check for undefined or function returned to decorate as Disposable function fixSubscriber(subscriber) { if (subscriber && typeof subscriber.dispose === 'function') { return subscriber; } return typeof subscriber === 'function' ? disposableCreate(subscriber) : disposableEmpty; } function AnonymousObservable(subscribe) { if (!(this instanceof AnonymousObservable)) { return new AnonymousObservable(subscribe); } function s(observer) { var setDisposable = function () { try { autoDetachObserver.setDisposable(fixSubscriber(subscribe(autoDetachObserver))); } catch (e) { if (! { throw e; } } }; var autoDetachObserver = new AutoDetachObserver(observer); if (currentThreadScheduler.scheduleRequired()) { currentThreadScheduler.schedule(setDisposable); } else { setDisposable(); } return autoDetachObserver; }, s); } return AnonymousObservable; }(Observable)); /** @private */ var AutoDetachObserver = (function (_super) { inherits(AutoDetachObserver, _super); function AutoDetachObserver(observer) {; = observer; this.m = new SingleAssignmentDisposable(); } var AutoDetachObserverPrototype = AutoDetachObserver.prototype; = function (value) { var noError = false; try {; noError = true; } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { if (!noError) { this.dispose(); } } }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.error = function (exn) { try {; } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this.dispose(); } }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.completed = function () { try {; } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { this.dispose(); } }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.setDisposable = function (value) { this.m.setDisposable(value); }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.getDisposable = function (value) { return this.m.getDisposable(); }; /* @private */ AutoDetachObserverPrototype.disposable = function (value) { return arguments.length ? this.getDisposable() : setDisposable(value); }; AutoDetachObserverPrototype.dispose = function () {; this.m.dispose(); }; return AutoDetachObserver; }(AbstractObserver)); /** @private */ var InnerSubscription = function (subject, observer) { this.subject = subject; = observer; }; /** * @private * @memberOf InnerSubscription */ InnerSubscription.prototype.dispose = function () { if (!this.subject.isDisposed && !== null) { var idx = this.subject.observers.indexOf(; this.subject.observers.splice(idx, 1); = null; } }; /** * Represents an object that is both an observable sequence as well as an observer. * Each notification is broadcasted to all subscribed observers. */ var Subject = Rx.Subject = (function (_super) { function subscribe(observer) {; if (!this.isStopped) { this.observers.push(observer); return new InnerSubscription(this, observer); } if (this.exception) { observer.onError(this.exception); return disposableEmpty; } observer.onCompleted(); return disposableEmpty; } inherits(Subject, _super); /** * Creates a subject. * @constructor */ function Subject() {, subscribe); this.isDisposed = false, this.isStopped = false, this.observers = []; } addProperties(Subject.prototype, Observer, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () { return this.observers.length > 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence. */ onCompleted: function () {; if (!this.isStopped) { var os = this.observers.slice(0); this.isStopped = true; for (var i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onCompleted(); } this.observers = []; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the exception. * @param {Mixed} error The exception to send to all observers. */ onError: function (exception) {; if (!this.isStopped) { var os = this.observers.slice(0); this.isStopped = true; this.exception = exception; for (var i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onError(exception); } this.observers = []; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the arrival of the specified element in the sequence. * @param {Mixed} value The value to send to all observers. */ onNext: function (value) {; if (!this.isStopped) { var os = this.observers.slice(0); for (var i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onNext(value); } } }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; } }); /** * Creates a subject from the specified observer and observable. * @param {Observer} observer The observer used to send messages to the subject. * @param {Observable} observable The observable used to subscribe to messages sent from the subject. * @returns {Subject} Subject implemented using the given observer and observable. */ Subject.create = function (observer, observable) { return new AnonymousSubject(observer, observable); }; return Subject; }(Observable)); /** * Represents the result of an asynchronous operation. * The last value before the OnCompleted notification, or the error received through OnError, is sent to all subscribed observers. */ var AsyncSubject = Rx.AsyncSubject = (function (__super__) { function subscribe(observer) {; if (!this.isStopped) { this.observers.push(observer); return new InnerSubscription(this, observer); } var ex = this.exception, hv = this.hasValue, v = this.value; if (ex) { observer.onError(ex); } else if (hv) { observer.onNext(v); observer.onCompleted(); } else { observer.onCompleted(); } return disposableEmpty; } inherits(AsyncSubject, __super__); /** * Creates a subject that can only receive one value and that value is cached for all future observations. * @constructor */ function AsyncSubject() {, subscribe); this.isDisposed = false; this.isStopped = false; this.value = null; this.hasValue = false; this.observers = []; this.exception = null; } addProperties(AsyncSubject.prototype, Observer, { /** * Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. * @returns {Boolean} Indicates whether the subject has observers subscribed to it. */ hasObservers: function () {; return this.observers.length > 0; }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the end of the sequence, also causing the last received value to be sent out (if any). */ onCompleted: function () { var o, i, len;; if (!this.isStopped) { this.isStopped = true; var os = this.observers.slice(0), v = this.value, hv = this.hasValue; if (hv) { for (i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { o = os[i]; o.onNext(v); o.onCompleted(); } } else { for (i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onCompleted(); } } this.observers = []; } }, /** * Notifies all subscribed observers about the error. * @param {Mixed} error The Error to send to all observers. */ onError: function (error) {; if (!this.isStopped) { var os = this.observers.slice(0); this.isStopped = true; this.exception = error; for (var i = 0, len = os.length; i < len; i++) { os[i].onError(error); } this.observers = []; } }, /** * Sends a value to the subject. The last value received before successful termination will be sent to all subscribed and future observers. * @param {Mixed} value The value to store in the subject. */ onNext: function (value) {; if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.value = value; this.hasValue = true; }, /** * Unsubscribe all observers and release resources. */ dispose: function () { this.isDisposed = true; this.observers = null; this.exception = null; this.value = null; } }); return AsyncSubject; }(Observable)); var AnonymousSubject = Rx.AnonymousSubject = (function (__super__) { inherits(AnonymousSubject, __super__); function AnonymousSubject(observer, observable) { = observer; this.observable = observable;, this.observable.subscribe.bind(this.observable)); } addProperties(AnonymousSubject.prototype, Observer, { onCompleted: function () {; }, onError: function (exception) {; }, onNext: function (value) {; } }); return AnonymousSubject; }(Observable)); if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) { root.Rx = Rx; define(function() { return Rx; }); } else if (freeExports && freeModule) { // in Node.js or RingoJS if (moduleExports) { (freeModule.exports = Rx).Rx = Rx; } else { freeExports.Rx = Rx; } } else { // in a browser or Rhino root.Rx = Rx; } }.call(this)); }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"_process":3}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. ;(function (factory) { var objectTypes = { 'boolean': false, 'function': true, 'object': true, 'number': false, 'string': false, 'undefined': false }; var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this, freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module, moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports, freeGlobal = objectTypes[typeof global] && global; if (freeGlobal && ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal)) { root = freeGlobal; } // Because of build optimizers if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['rx'], function (Rx, exports) { return factory(root, exports, Rx); }); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module && module.exports === freeExports) { module.exports = factory(root, module.exports, require('./rx')); } else { root.Rx = factory(root, {}, root.Rx); } }.call(this, function (root, exp, Rx, undefined) { var Observable = Rx.Observable, observableProto = Observable.prototype, AnonymousObservable = Rx.AnonymousObservable, observableNever = Observable.never, isEqual = Rx.internals.isEqual, defaultSubComparer = Rx.helpers.defaultSubComparer; /** * jortSort checks if your inputs are sorted. Note that this is only for a sequence with an end. * See for full details. * @returns {Observable} An observable which has a single value of true if sorted, else false. */ observableProto.jortSort = function () { return this.jortSortUntil(observableNever()); }; /** * jortSort checks if your inputs are sorted until another Observable sequence fires. * See for full details. * @returns {Observable} An observable which has a single value of true if sorted, else false. */ observableProto.jortSortUntil = function (other) { var source = this; return new AnonymousObservable(function (observer) { var arr = []; return source.takeUntil(other).subscribe( arr.push.bind(arr), observer.onError.bind(observer), function () { var sorted = arr.slice(0).sort(defaultSubComparer); observer.onNext(isEqual(arr, sorted)); observer.onCompleted(); }); }); }; return Rx; })); }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./rx":18}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. ;(function (factory) { var objectTypes = { 'boolean': false, 'function': true, 'object': true, 'number': false, 'string': false, 'undefined': false }; var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this, freeExports = objectTypes[typeof exports] && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports, freeModule = objectTypes[typeof module] && module && !module.nodeType && module, moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports && freeExports, freeGlobal = objectTypes[typeof global] && global; if (freeGlobal && ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal)) { root = freeGlobal; } // Because of build optimizers if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['rx.virtualtime', 'exports'], function (Rx, exports) { root.Rx = factory(root, exports, Rx); return root.Rx; }); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module && module.exports === freeExports) { module.exports = factory(root, module.exports, require('./rx.all')); } else { root.Rx = factory(root, {}, root.Rx); } }.call(this, function (root, exp, Rx, undefined) { // Defaults var Observer = Rx.Observer, Observable = Rx.Observable, Notification = Rx.Notification, VirtualTimeScheduler = Rx.VirtualTimeScheduler, Disposable = Rx.Disposable, disposableEmpty = Disposable.empty, disposableCreate = Disposable.create, CompositeDisposable = Rx.CompositeDisposable, SingleAssignmentDisposable = Rx.SingleAssignmentDisposable, slice = Array.prototype.slice, inherits = Rx.internals.inherits, defaultComparer = Rx.internals.isEqual; function argsOrArray(args, idx) { return args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[idx]) ? args[idx] :; } function OnNextPredicate(predicate) { this.predicate = predicate; }; OnNextPredicate.prototype.equals = function (other) { if (other === this) { return true; } if (other == null) { return false; } if (other.kind !== 'N') { return false; } return this.predicate(other.value); }; function OnErrorPredicate(predicate) { this.predicate = predicate; }; OnErrorPredicate.prototype.equals = function (other) { if (other === this) { return true; } if (other == null) { return false; } if (other.kind !== 'E') { return false; } return this.predicate(other.exception); }; var ReactiveTest = Rx.ReactiveTest = { /** Default virtual time used for creation of observable sequences in unit tests. */ created: 100, /** Default virtual time used to subscribe to observable sequences in unit tests. */ subscribed: 200, /** Default virtual time used to dispose subscriptions in unit tests. */ disposed: 1000, /** * Factory method for an OnNext notification record at a given time with a given value or a predicate function. * * 1 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, 42); * 2 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, function (x) { return x.length == 2; }); * * @param ticks Recorded virtual time the OnNext notification occurs. * @param value Recorded value stored in the OnNext notification or a predicate. * @return Recorded OnNext notification. */ onNext: function (ticks, value) { return typeof value === 'function' ? new Recorded(ticks, new OnNextPredicate(value)) : new Recorded(ticks, Notification.createOnNext(value)); }, /** * Factory method for an OnError notification record at a given time with a given error. * * 1 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, new Error('error')); * 2 - ReactiveTest.onNext(200, function (e) { return e.message === 'error'; }); * * @param ticks Recorded virtual time the OnError notification occurs. * @param exception Recorded exception stored in the OnError notification. * @return Recorded OnError notification. */ onError: function (ticks, error) { return typeof error === 'function' ? new Recorded(ticks, new OnErrorPredicate(error)) : new Recorded(ticks, Notification.createOnError(error)); }, /** * Factory method for an OnCompleted notification record at a given time. * * @param ticks Recorded virtual time the OnCompleted notification occurs. * @return Recorded OnCompleted notification. */ onCompleted: function (ticks) { return new Recorded(ticks, Notification.createOnCompleted()); }, /** * Factory method for a subscription record based on a given subscription and disposal time. * * @param start Virtual time indicating when the subscription was created. * @param end Virtual time indicating when the subscription was disposed. * @return Subscription object. */ subscribe: function (start, end) { return new Subscription(start, end); } }; /** * Creates a new object recording the production of the specified value at the given virtual time. * * @constructor * @param {Number} time Virtual time the value was produced on. * @param {Mixed} value Value that was produced. * @param {Function} comparer An optional comparer. */ var Recorded = Rx.Recorded = function (time, value, comparer) { this.time = time; this.value = value; this.comparer = comparer || defaultComparer; }; /** * Checks whether the given recorded object is equal to the current instance. * * @param {Recorded} other Recorded object to check for equality. * @returns {Boolean} true if both objects are equal; false otherwise. */ Recorded.prototype.equals = function (other) { return this.time === other.time && this.comparer(this.value, other.value); }; /** * Returns a string representation of the current Recorded value. * * @returns {String} String representation of the current Recorded value. */ Recorded.prototype.toString = function () { return this.value.toString() + '@' + this.time; }; /** * Creates a new subscription object with the given virtual subscription and unsubscription time. * * @constructor * @param {Number} subscribe Virtual time at which the subscription occurred. * @param {Number} unsubscribe Virtual time at which the unsubscription occurred. */ var Subscription = Rx.Subscription = function (start, end) { this.subscribe = start; this.unsubscribe = end || Number.MAX_VALUE; }; /** * Checks whether the given subscription is equal to the current instance. * @param other Subscription object to check for equality. * @returns {Boolean} true if both objects are equal; false otherwise. */ Subscription.prototype.equals = function (other) { return this.subscribe === other.subscribe && this.unsubscribe === other.unsubscribe; }; /** * Returns a string representation of the current Subscription value. * @returns {String} String representation of the current Subscription value. */ Subscription.prototype.toString = function () { return '(' + this.subscribe + ', ' + (this.unsubscribe === Number.MAX_VALUE ? 'Infinite' : this.unsubscribe) + ')'; }; /** @private */ var MockDisposable = Rx.MockDisposable = function (scheduler) { this.scheduler = scheduler; this.disposes = []; this.disposes.push(this.scheduler.clock); }; /* * @memberOf MockDisposable# * @prviate */ MockDisposable.prototype.dispose = function () { this.disposes.push(this.scheduler.clock); }; var MockObserver = (function (__super__) { inherits(MockObserver, __super__); function MockObserver(scheduler) {; this.scheduler = scheduler; this.messages = []; } var MockObserverPrototype = MockObserver.prototype; MockObserverPrototype.onNext = function (value) { this.messages.push(new Recorded(this.scheduler.clock, Notification.createOnNext(value))); }; MockObserverPrototype.onError = function (exception) { this.messages.push(new Recorded(this.scheduler.clock, Notification.createOnError(exception))); }; MockObserverPrototype.onCompleted = function () { this.messages.push(new Recorded(this.scheduler.clock, Notification.createOnCompleted())); }; return MockObserver; })(Observer); function MockPromise(scheduler, messages) { var message, notification, observable = this; this.scheduler = scheduler; this.messages = messages; this.subscriptions = []; this.observers = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.messages.length; i < len; i++) { message = this.messages[i]; notification = message.value; (function (innerNotification) { scheduler.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(null, message.time, function () { var obs = observable.observers.slice(0); for (var j = 0, jLen = obs.length; j < jLen; j++) { innerNotification.accept(obs[j]); } return disposableEmpty; }); })(notification); } } MockPromise.prototype.then = function (onResolved, onRejected) { var self = this; var observer = Rx.Observer.create( function (x) { onResolved(x); var idx = self.observers.indexOf(observer); self.observers.splice(idx, 1); }, function (err) { onRejected(err); var idx = self.observers.indexOf(observer); self.observers.splice(idx, 1); } ); this.observers.push(observer); return new MockPromise(this.scheduler, []); } var HotObservable = (function (__super__) { function subscribe(observer) { var observable = this; this.observers.push(observer); this.subscriptions.push(new Subscription(this.scheduler.clock)); var index = this.subscriptions.length - 1; return disposableCreate(function () { var idx = observable.observers.indexOf(observer); observable.observers.splice(idx, 1); observable.subscriptions[index] = new Subscription(observable.subscriptions[index].subscribe, observable.scheduler.clock); }); } inherits(HotObservable, __super__); function HotObservable(scheduler, messages) {, subscribe); var message, notification, observable = this; this.scheduler = scheduler; this.messages = messages; this.subscriptions = []; this.observers = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.messages.length; i < len; i++) { message = this.messages[i]; notification = message.value; (function (innerNotification) { scheduler.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(null, message.time, function () { var obs = observable.observers.slice(0); for (var j = 0, jLen = obs.length; j < jLen; j++) { innerNotification.accept(obs[j]); } return disposableEmpty; }); })(notification); } } return HotObservable; })(Observable); var ColdObservable = (function (__super__) { function subscribe(observer) { var message, notification, observable = this; this.subscriptions.push(new Subscription(this.scheduler.clock)); var index = this.subscriptions.length - 1; var d = new CompositeDisposable(); for (var i = 0, len = this.messages.length; i < len; i++) { message = this.messages[i]; notification = message.value; (function (innerNotification) { d.add(observable.scheduler.scheduleRelativeWithState(null, message.time, function () { innerNotification.accept(observer); return disposableEmpty; })); })(notification); } return disposableCreate(function () { observable.subscriptions[index] = new Subscription(observable.subscriptions[index].subscribe, observable.scheduler.clock); d.dispose(); }); } inherits(ColdObservable, __super__); function ColdObservable(scheduler, messages) {, subscribe); this.scheduler = scheduler; this.messages = messages; this.subscriptions = []; } return ColdObservable; })(Observable); /** Virtual time scheduler used for testing applications and libraries built using Reactive Extensions. */ Rx.TestScheduler = (function (__super__) { inherits(TestScheduler, __super__); function baseComparer(x, y) { return x > y ? 1 : (x < y ? -1 : 0); } function TestScheduler() {, 0, baseComparer); } /** * Schedules an action to be executed at the specified virtual time. * * @param state State passed to the action to be executed. * @param dueTime Absolute virtual time at which to execute the action. * @param action Action to be executed. * @return Disposable object used to cancel the scheduled action (best effort). */ TestScheduler.prototype.scheduleAbsoluteWithState = function (state, dueTime, action) { dueTime <= this.clock && (dueTime = this.clock + 1); return, state, dueTime, action); }; /** * Adds a relative virtual time to an absolute virtual time value. * * @param absolute Absolute virtual time value. * @param relative Relative virtual time value to add. * @return Resulting absolute virtual time sum value. */ TestScheduler.prototype.add = function (absolute, relative) { return absolute + relative; }; /** * Converts the absolute virtual time value to a DateTimeOffset value. * * @param absolute Absolute virtual time value to convert. * @return Corresponding DateTimeOffset value. */ TestScheduler.prototype.toDateTimeOffset = function (absolute) { return new Date(absolute).getTime(); }; /** * Converts the TimeSpan value to a relative virtual time value. * * @param timeSpan TimeSpan value to convert. * @return Corresponding relative virtual time value. */ TestScheduler.prototype.toRelative = function (timeSpan) { return timeSpan; }; /** * Starts the test scheduler and uses the specified virtual times to invoke the factory function, subscribe to the resulting sequence, and dispose the subscription. * * @param create Factory method to create an observable sequence. * @param created Virtual time at which to invoke the factory to create an observable sequence. * @param subscribed Virtual time at which to subscribe to the created observable sequence. * @param disposed Virtual time at which to dispose the subscription. * @return Observer with timestamped recordings of notification messages that were received during the virtual time window when the subscription to the source sequence was active. */ TestScheduler.prototype.startWithTiming = function (create, created, subscribed, disposed) { var observer = this.createObserver(), source, subscription; this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(null, created, function () { source = create(); return disposableEmpty; }); this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(null, subscribed, function () { subscription = source.subscribe(observer); return disposableEmpty; }); this.scheduleAbsoluteWithState(null, disposed, function () { subscription.dispose(); return disposableEmpty; }); this.start(); return observer; }; /** * Starts the test scheduler and uses the specified virtual time to dispose the subscription to the sequence obtained through the factory function. * Default virtual times are used for factory invocation and sequence subscription. * * @param create Factory method to create an observable sequence. * @param disposed Virtual time at which to dispose the subscription. * @return Observer with timestamped recordings of notification messages that were received during the virtual time window when the subscription to the source sequence was active. */ TestScheduler.prototype.startWithDispose = function (create, disposed) { return this.startWithTiming(create, ReactiveTest.created, ReactiveTest.subscribed, disposed); }; /** * Starts the test scheduler and uses default virtual times to invoke the factory function, to subscribe to the resulting sequence, and to dispose the subscription. * * @param create Factory method to create an observable sequence. * @return Observer with timestamped recordings of notification messages that were received during the virtual time window when the subscription to the source sequence was active. */ TestScheduler.prototype.startWithCreate = function (create) { return this.startWithTiming(create, ReactiveTest.created, ReactiveTest.subscribed, ReactiveTest.disposed); }; /** * Creates a hot observable using the specified timestamped notification messages either as an array or arguments. * @param messages Notifications to surface through the created sequence at their specified absolute virtual times. * @return Hot observable sequence that can be used to assert the timing of subscriptions and notifications. */ TestScheduler.prototype.createHotObservable = function () { var messages = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); return new HotObservable(this, messages); }; /** * Creates a cold observable using the specified timestamped notification messages either as an array or arguments. * @param messages Notifications to surface through the created sequence at their specified virtual time offsets from the sequence subscription time. * @return Cold observable sequence that can be used to assert the timing of subscriptions and notifications. */ TestScheduler.prototype.createColdObservable = function () { var messages = argsOrArray(arguments, 0); return new ColdObservable(this, messages); }; /** * Creates a resolved promise with the given value and ticks * @param {Number} ticks The absolute time of the resolution. * @param {Any} value The value to yield at the given tick. * @returns {MockPromise} A mock Promise which fulfills with the given value. */ TestScheduler.prototype.createResolvedPromise = function (ticks, value) { return new MockPromise(this, [Rx.ReactiveTest.onNext(ticks, value), Rx.ReactiveTest.onCompleted(ticks)]); }; /** * Creates a rejected promise with the given reason and ticks * @param {Number} ticks The absolute time of the resolution. * @param {Any} reason The reason for rejection to yield at the given tick. * @returns {MockPromise} A mock Promise which rejects with the given reason. */ TestScheduler.prototype.createRejectedPromise = function (ticks, reason) { return new MockPromise(this, [Rx.ReactiveTest.onError(ticks, reason)]); }; /** * Creates an observer that records received notification messages and timestamps those. * @return Observer that can be used to assert the timing of received notifications. */ TestScheduler.prototype.createObserver = function () { return new MockObserver(this); }; return TestScheduler; })(VirtualTimeScheduler); return Rx; })); }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./rx.all":17}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ var Rx = require('./dist/rx.all'); require('./dist/rx.sorting'); require('./dist/rx.testing'); // Add specific Node functions var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, Observable = Rx.Observable; Rx.Node = { /** * @deprecated Use Rx.Observable.fromCallback from rx.async.js instead. * * Converts a callback function to an observable sequence. * * @param {Function} func Function to convert to an asynchronous function. * @param {Mixed} [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the event handler to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Function} Asynchronous function. */ fromCallback: function (func, context, selector) { return Observable.fromCallback(func, context, selector); }, /** * @deprecated Use Rx.Observable.fromNodeCallback from rx.async.js instead. * * Converts a Node.js callback style function to an observable sequence. This must be in function (err, ...) format. * * @param {Function} func The function to call * @param {Mixed} [context] The context for the func parameter to be executed. If not specified, defaults to undefined. * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the event handler to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Function} An async function which when applied, returns an observable sequence with the callback arguments as an array. */ fromNodeCallback: function (func, context, selector) { return Observable.fromNodeCallback(func, context, selector); }, /** * @deprecated Use Rx.Observable.fromNodeCallback from rx.async.js instead. * * Handles an event from the given EventEmitter as an observable sequence. * * @param {EventEmitter} eventEmitter The EventEmitter to subscribe to the given event. * @param {String} eventName The event name to subscribe * @param {Function} [selector] A selector which takes the arguments from the event handler to produce a single item to yield on next. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence generated from the named event from the given EventEmitter. The data will be returned as an array of arguments to the handler. */ fromEvent: function (eventEmitter, eventName, selector) { return Observable.fromEvent(eventEmitter, eventName, selector); }, /** * Converts the given observable sequence to an event emitter with the given event name. * The errors are handled on the 'error' event and completion on the 'end' event. * @param {Observable} observable The observable sequence to convert to an EventEmitter. * @param {String} eventName The event name to emit onNext calls. * @returns {EventEmitter} An EventEmitter which emits the given eventName for each onNext call in addition to 'error' and 'end' events. * You must call publish in order to invoke the subscription on the Observable sequuence. */ toEventEmitter: function (observable, eventName, selector) { var e = new EventEmitter(); // Used to publish the events from the observable e.publish = function () { e.subscription = observable.subscribe( function (x) { var result = x; if (selector) { try { result = selector(x); } catch (e) { e.emit('error', e); return; } } e.emit(eventName, result); }, function (err) { e.emit('error', err); }, function () { e.emit('end'); }); }; return e; }, /** * Converts a flowing stream to an Observable sequence. * @param {Stream} stream A stream to convert to a observable sequence. * @param {String} [finishEventName] Event that notifies about closed stream. ("end" by default) * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which fires on each 'data' event as well as handling 'error' and finish events like `end` or `finish`. */ fromStream: function (stream, finishEventName) { return Observable.create(function (observer) { function dataHandler (data) { observer.onNext(data); } function errorHandler (err) { observer.onError(err); } function endHandler () { observer.onCompleted(); } if (!finishEventName) { finishEventName = 'end'; } stream.addListener('data', dataHandler); stream.addListener('error', errorHandler); stream.addListener(finishEventName, endHandler); return function () { stream.removeListener('data', dataHandler); stream.removeListener('error', errorHandler); stream.removeListener(finishEventName, endHandler); }; }).publish().refCount(); }, /** * Converts a flowing readable stream to an Observable sequence. * @param {Stream} stream A stream to convert to a observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which fires on each 'data' event as well as handling 'error' and 'end' events. */ fromReadableStream: function (stream) { return this.fromStream(stream, 'end'); }, /** * Converts a flowing writeable stream to an Observable sequence. * @param {Stream} stream A stream to convert to a observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which fires on each 'data' event as well as handling 'error' and 'finish' events. */ fromWritableStream: function (stream) { return this.fromStream(stream, 'finish'); }, /** * Converts a flowing transform stream to an Observable sequence. * @param {Stream} stream A stream to convert to a observable sequence. * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence which fires on each 'data' event as well as handling 'error' and 'finish' events. */ fromTransformStream: function (stream) { return this.fromStream(stream, 'finish'); }, /** * Writes an observable sequence to a stream * @param {Observable} observable Observable sequence to write to a stream. * @param {Stream} stream The stream to write to. * @param {String} [encoding] The encoding of the item to write. * @returns {Disposable} The subscription handle. */ writeToStream: function (observable, stream, encoding) { return observable.subscribe( function (x) { stream.write(x, encoding); }, function (err) { stream.emit('error', err); }, function () { // Hack check because STDIO is not closable !stream._isStdio && stream.end(); }); } }; module.exports = Rx; },{"./dist/rx.all":17,"./dist/rx.sorting":19,"./dist/rx.testing":20,"events":2}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ var diff = require("vtree/diff") module.exports = diff },{"vtree/diff":31}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = isObject function isObject(x) { return typeof x === "object" && x !== null } },{}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ var isObject = require("is-object") var isHook = require("vtree/is-vhook") module.exports = applyProperties function applyProperties(node, props, previous) { for (var propName in props) { var propValue = props[propName] if (propValue === undefined) { removeProperty(node, props, previous, propName); } else if (isHook(propValue)) { propValue.hook(node, propName, previous ? previous[propName] : undefined) } else { if (isObject(propValue)) { patchObject(node, props, previous, propName, propValue); } else if (propValue !== undefined) { node[propName] = propValue } } } } function removeProperty(node, props, previous, propName) { if (previous) { var previousValue = previous[propName] if (!isHook(previousValue)) { if (propName === "attributes") { for (var attrName in previousValue) { node.removeAttribute(attrName) } } else if (propName === "style") { for (var i in previousValue) {[i] = "" } } else if (typeof previousValue === "string") { node[propName] = "" } else { node[propName] = null } } } } function patchObject(node, props, previous, propName, propValue) { var previousValue = previous ? previous[propName] : undefined // Set attributes if (propName === "attributes") { for (var attrName in propValue) { var attrValue = propValue[attrName] if (attrValue === undefined) { node.removeAttribute(attrName) } else { node.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue) } } return } if(previousValue && isObject(previousValue) && getPrototype(previousValue) !== getPrototype(propValue)) { node[propName] = propValue return } if (!isObject(node[propName])) { node[propName] = {} } var replacer = propName === "style" ? "" : undefined for (var k in propValue) { var value = propValue[k] node[propName][k] = (value === undefined) ? replacer : value } } function getPrototype(value) { if (Object.getPrototypeOf) { return Object.getPrototypeOf(value) } else if (value.__proto__) { return value.__proto__ } else if (value.constructor) { return value.constructor.prototype } } },{"is-object":23,"vtree/is-vhook":34}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ var document = require("global/document") var applyProperties = require("./apply-properties") var isVNode = require("vtree/is-vnode") var isVText = require("vtree/is-vtext") var isWidget = require("vtree/is-widget") var handleThunk = require("vtree/handle-thunk") module.exports = createElement function createElement(vnode, opts) { var doc = opts ? opts.document || document : document var warn = opts ? opts.warn : null vnode = handleThunk(vnode).a if (isWidget(vnode)) { return vnode.init() } else if (isVText(vnode)) { return doc.createTextNode(vnode.text) } else if (!isVNode(vnode)) { if (warn) { warn("Item is not a valid virtual dom node", vnode) } return null } var node = (vnode.namespace === null) ? doc.createElement(vnode.tagName) : doc.createElementNS(vnode.namespace, vnode.tagName) var props = applyProperties(node, props) var children = vnode.children for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var childNode = createElement(children[i], opts) if (childNode) { node.appendChild(childNode) } } return node } },{"./apply-properties":24,"global/document":27,"vtree/handle-thunk":32,"vtree/is-vnode":35,"vtree/is-vtext":36,"vtree/is-widget":37}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ // Maps a virtual DOM tree onto a real DOM tree in an efficient manner. // We don't want to read all of the DOM nodes in the tree so we use // the in-order tree indexing to eliminate recursion down certain branches. // We only recurse into a DOM node if we know that it contains a child of // interest. var noChild = {} module.exports = domIndex function domIndex(rootNode, tree, indices, nodes) { if (!indices || indices.length === 0) { return {} } else { indices.sort(ascending) return recurse(rootNode, tree, indices, nodes, 0) } } function recurse(rootNode, tree, indices, nodes, rootIndex) { nodes = nodes || {} if (rootNode) { if (indexInRange(indices, rootIndex, rootIndex)) { nodes[rootIndex] = rootNode } var vChildren = tree.children if (vChildren) { var childNodes = rootNode.childNodes for (var i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) { rootIndex += 1 var vChild = vChildren[i] || noChild var nextIndex = rootIndex + (vChild.count || 0) // skip recursion down the tree if there are no nodes down here if (indexInRange(indices, rootIndex, nextIndex)) { recurse(childNodes[i], vChild, indices, nodes, rootIndex) } rootIndex = nextIndex } } } return nodes } // Binary search for an index in the interval [left, right] function indexInRange(indices, left, right) { if (indices.length === 0) { return false } var minIndex = 0 var maxIndex = indices.length - 1 var currentIndex var currentItem while (minIndex <= maxIndex) { currentIndex = ((maxIndex + minIndex) / 2) >> 0 currentItem = indices[currentIndex] if (minIndex === maxIndex) { return currentItem >= left && currentItem <= right } else if (currentItem < left) { minIndex = currentIndex + 1 } else if (currentItem > right) { maxIndex = currentIndex - 1 } else { return true } } return false; } function ascending(a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : -1 } },{}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(10) },{"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/dom-delegator/node_modules/global/document.js":10,"min-document":1}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ var applyProperties = require("./apply-properties") var isWidget = require("vtree/is-widget") var VPatch = require("vtree/vpatch") var render = require("./create-element") var updateWidget = require("./update-widget") module.exports = applyPatch function applyPatch(vpatch, domNode, renderOptions) { var type = vpatch.type var vNode = vpatch.vNode var patch = vpatch.patch switch (type) { case VPatch.REMOVE: return removeNode(domNode, vNode) case VPatch.INSERT: return insertNode(domNode, patch, renderOptions) case VPatch.VTEXT: return stringPatch(domNode, vNode, patch, renderOptions) case VPatch.WIDGET: return widgetPatch(domNode, vNode, patch, renderOptions) case VPatch.VNODE: return vNodePatch(domNode, vNode, patch, renderOptions) case VPatch.ORDER: reorderChildren(domNode, patch) return domNode case VPatch.PROPS: applyProperties(domNode, patch, return domNode case VPatch.THUNK: return replaceRoot(domNode, renderOptions.patch(domNode, patch, renderOptions)) default: return domNode } } function removeNode(domNode, vNode) { var parentNode = domNode.parentNode if (parentNode) { parentNode.removeChild(domNode) } destroyWidget(domNode, vNode); return null } function insertNode(parentNode, vNode, renderOptions) { var newNode = render(vNode, renderOptions) if (parentNode) { parentNode.appendChild(newNode) } return parentNode } function stringPatch(domNode, leftVNode, vText, renderOptions) { var newNode if (domNode.nodeType === 3) { domNode.replaceData(0, domNode.length, vText.text) newNode = domNode } else { var parentNode = domNode.parentNode newNode = render(vText, renderOptions) if (parentNode) { parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, domNode) } } destroyWidget(domNode, leftVNode) return newNode } function widgetPatch(domNode, leftVNode, widget, renderOptions) { if (updateWidget(leftVNode, widget)) { return widget.update(leftVNode, domNode) || domNode } var parentNode = domNode.parentNode var newWidget = render(widget, renderOptions) if (parentNode) { parentNode.replaceChild(newWidget, domNode) } destroyWidget(domNode, leftVNode) return newWidget } function vNodePatch(domNode, leftVNode, vNode, renderOptions) { var parentNode = domNode.parentNode var newNode = render(vNode, renderOptions) if (parentNode) { parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, domNode) } destroyWidget(domNode, leftVNode) return newNode } function destroyWidget(domNode, w) { if (typeof w.destroy === "function" && isWidget(w)) { w.destroy(domNode) } } function reorderChildren(domNode, bIndex) { var children = [] var childNodes = domNode.childNodes var len = childNodes.length var i var reverseIndex = bIndex.reverse for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { children.push(domNode.childNodes[i]) } var insertOffset = 0 var move var node var insertNode for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { move = bIndex[i] if (move !== undefined && move !== i) { // the element currently at this index will be moved later so increase the insert offset if (reverseIndex[i] > i) { insertOffset++ } node = children[move] insertNode = childNodes[i + insertOffset] || null if (node !== insertNode) { domNode.insertBefore(node, insertNode) } // the moved element came from the front of the array so reduce the insert offset if (move < i) { insertOffset-- } } // element at this index is scheduled to be removed so increase insert offset if (i in bIndex.removes) { insertOffset++ } } } function replaceRoot(oldRoot, newRoot) { if (oldRoot && newRoot && oldRoot !== newRoot && oldRoot.parentNode) { console.log(oldRoot) oldRoot.parentNode.replaceChild(newRoot, oldRoot) } return newRoot; } },{"./apply-properties":24,"./create-element":25,"./update-widget":30,"vtree/is-widget":37,"vtree/vpatch":39}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ var document = require("global/document") var isArray = require("x-is-array") var domIndex = require("./dom-index") var patchOp = require("./patch-op") module.exports = patch function patch(rootNode, patches) { return patchRecursive(rootNode, patches) } function patchRecursive(rootNode, patches, renderOptions) { var indices = patchIndices(patches) if (indices.length === 0) { return rootNode } var index = domIndex(rootNode, patches.a, indices) var ownerDocument = rootNode.ownerDocument if (!renderOptions) { renderOptions = { patch: patchRecursive } if (ownerDocument !== document) { renderOptions.document = ownerDocument } } for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { var nodeIndex = indices[i] rootNode = applyPatch(rootNode, index[nodeIndex], patches[nodeIndex], renderOptions) } return rootNode } function applyPatch(rootNode, domNode, patchList, renderOptions) { if (!domNode) { return rootNode } var newNode if (isArray(patchList)) { for (var i = 0; i < patchList.length; i++) { newNode = patchOp(patchList[i], domNode, renderOptions) if (domNode === rootNode) { rootNode = newNode } } } else { newNode = patchOp(patchList, domNode, renderOptions) if (domNode === rootNode) { rootNode = newNode } } return rootNode } function patchIndices(patches) { var indices = [] for (var key in patches) { if (key !== "a") { indices.push(Number(key)) } } return indices } },{"./dom-index":26,"./patch-op":28,"global/document":27,"x-is-array":40}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ var isWidget = require("vtree/is-widget") module.exports = updateWidget function updateWidget(a, b) { if (isWidget(a) && isWidget(b)) { if ("name" in a && "name" in b) { return === } else { return a.init === b.init } } return false } },{"vtree/is-widget":37}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ var isArray = require("x-is-array") var isObject = require("is-object") var VPatch = require("./vpatch") var isVNode = require("./is-vnode") var isVText = require("./is-vtext") var isWidget = require("./is-widget") var isThunk = require("./is-thunk") var handleThunk = require("./handle-thunk") module.exports = diff function diff(a, b) { var patch = { a: a } walk(a, b, patch, 0) return patch } function walk(a, b, patch, index) { if (a === b) { if (isThunk(a) || isThunk(b)) { thunks(a, b, patch, index) } else { hooks(b, patch, index) } return } var apply = patch[index] if (isThunk(a) || isThunk(b)) { thunks(a, b, patch, index) } else if (b == null) { patch[index] = new VPatch(VPatch.REMOVE, a, b) destroyWidgets(a, patch, index) } else if (isVNode(b)) { if (isVNode(a)) { if (a.tagName === b.tagName && a.namespace === b.namespace && a.key === b.key) { var propsPatch = diffProps(,, b.hooks) if (propsPatch) { apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.PROPS, a, propsPatch)) } apply = diffChildren(a, b, patch, apply, index) } else { apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.VNODE, a, b)) destroyWidgets(a, patch, index) } } else { apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.VNODE, a, b)) destroyWidgets(a, patch, index) } } else if (isVText(b)) { if (!isVText(a)) { apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.VTEXT, a, b)) destroyWidgets(a, patch, index) } else if (a.text !== b.text) { apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.VTEXT, a, b)) } } else if (isWidget(b)) { apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.WIDGET, a, b)) if (!isWidget(a)) { destroyWidgets(a, patch, index) } } if (apply) { patch[index] = apply } } function diffProps(a, b, hooks) { var diff for (var aKey in a) { if (!(aKey in b)) { diff = diff || {} diff[aKey] = undefined } var aValue = a[aKey] var bValue = b[aKey] if (hooks && aKey in hooks) { diff = diff || {} diff[aKey] = bValue } else { if (isObject(aValue) && isObject(bValue)) { if (getPrototype(bValue) !== getPrototype(aValue)) { diff = diff || {} diff[aKey] = bValue } else { var objectDiff = diffProps(aValue, bValue) if (objectDiff) { diff = diff || {} diff[aKey] = objectDiff } } } else if (aValue !== bValue) { diff = diff || {} diff[aKey] = bValue } } } for (var bKey in b) { if (!(bKey in a)) { diff = diff || {} diff[bKey] = b[bKey] } } return diff } function getPrototype(value) { if (Object.getPrototypeOf) { return Object.getPrototypeOf(value) } else if (value.__proto__) { return value.__proto__ } else if (value.constructor) { return value.constructor.prototype } } function diffChildren(a, b, patch, apply, index) { var aChildren = a.children var bChildren = reorder(aChildren, b.children) var aLen = aChildren.length var bLen = bChildren.length var len = aLen > bLen ? aLen : bLen for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var leftNode = aChildren[i] var rightNode = bChildren[i] index += 1 if (!leftNode) { if (rightNode) { // Excess nodes in b need to be added apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.INSERT, null, rightNode)) } } else { walk(leftNode, rightNode, patch, index) } if (isVNode(leftNode) && leftNode.count) { index += leftNode.count } } if (bChildren.moves) { // Reorder nodes last apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.ORDER, a, bChildren.moves)) } return apply } // Patch records for all destroyed widgets must be added because we need // a DOM node reference for the destroy function function destroyWidgets(vNode, patch, index) { if (isWidget(vNode)) { if (typeof vNode.destroy === "function") { patch[index] = new VPatch(VPatch.REMOVE, vNode, null) } } else if (isVNode(vNode) && (vNode.hasWidgets || vNode.hasThunks)) { var children = vNode.children var len = children.length for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var child = children[i] index += 1 destroyWidgets(child, patch, index) if (isVNode(child) && child.count) { index += child.count } } } else if (isThunk(vNode)) { thunks(vNode, null, patch, index) } } // Create a sub-patch for thunks function thunks(a, b, patch, index) { var nodes = handleThunk(a, b); var thunkPatch = diff(nodes.a, nodes.b) if (hasPatches(thunkPatch)) { patch[index] = new VPatch(VPatch.THUNK, null, thunkPatch) } } function hasPatches(patch) { for (var index in patch) { if (index !== "a") { return true; } } return false; } // Execute hooks when two nodes are identical function hooks(vNode, patch, index) { if (isVNode(vNode)) { if (vNode.hooks) { patch[index] = new VPatch(VPatch.PROPS, vNode.hooks, vNode.hooks) } if (vNode.descendantHooks) { var children = vNode.children var len = children.length for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var child = children[i] index += 1 hooks(child, patch, index) if (isVNode(child) && child.count) { index += child.count } } } } } // List diff, naive left to right reordering function reorder(aChildren, bChildren) { var bKeys = keyIndex(bChildren) if (!bKeys) { return bChildren } var aKeys = keyIndex(aChildren) if (!aKeys) { return bChildren } var bMatch = {}, aMatch = {} for (var key in bKeys) { bMatch[bKeys[key]] = aKeys[key] } for (var key in aKeys) { aMatch[aKeys[key]] = bKeys[key] } var aLen = aChildren.length var bLen = bChildren.length var len = aLen > bLen ? aLen : bLen var shuffle = [] var freeIndex = 0 var i = 0 var moveIndex = 0 var moves = {} var removes = moves.removes = {} var reverse = moves.reverse = {} var hasMoves = false while (freeIndex < len) { var move = aMatch[i] if (move !== undefined) { shuffle[i] = bChildren[move] if (move !== moveIndex) { moves[move] = moveIndex reverse[moveIndex] = move hasMoves = true } moveIndex++ } else if (i in aMatch) { shuffle[i] = undefined removes[i] = moveIndex++ hasMoves = true } else { while (bMatch[freeIndex] !== undefined) { freeIndex++ } if (freeIndex < len) { var freeChild = bChildren[freeIndex] if (freeChild) { shuffle[i] = freeChild if (freeIndex !== moveIndex) { hasMoves = true moves[freeIndex] = moveIndex reverse[moveIndex] = freeIndex } moveIndex++ } freeIndex++ } } i++ } if (hasMoves) { shuffle.moves = moves } return shuffle } function keyIndex(children) { var i, keys for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i] if (child.key !== undefined) { keys = keys || {} keys[child.key] = i } } return keys } function appendPatch(apply, patch) { if (apply) { if (isArray(apply)) { apply.push(patch) } else { apply = [apply, patch] } return apply } else { return patch } } },{"./handle-thunk":32,"./is-thunk":33,"./is-vnode":35,"./is-vtext":36,"./is-widget":37,"./vpatch":39,"is-object":23,"x-is-array":40}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ var isVNode = require("./is-vnode") var isVText = require("./is-vtext") var isWidget = require("./is-widget") var isThunk = require("./is-thunk") module.exports = handleThunk function handleThunk(a, b) { var renderedA = a var renderedB = b if (isThunk(b)) { renderedB = renderThunk(b, a) } if (isThunk(a)) { renderedA = renderThunk(a, null) } return { a: renderedA, b: renderedB } } function renderThunk(thunk, previous) { var renderedThunk = thunk.vnode if (!renderedThunk) { renderedThunk = thunk.vnode = thunk.render(previous) } if (!(isVNode(renderedThunk) || isVText(renderedThunk) || isWidget(renderedThunk))) { throw new Error("thunk did not return a valid node"); } return renderedThunk } },{"./is-thunk":33,"./is-vnode":35,"./is-vtext":36,"./is-widget":37}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = isThunk function isThunk(t) { return t && t.type === "Thunk" } },{}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = isHook function isHook(hook) { return hook && typeof hook.hook === "function" && !hook.hasOwnProperty("hook") } },{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ var version = require("./version") module.exports = isVirtualNode function isVirtualNode(x) { return x && x.type === "VirtualNode" && x.version === version } },{"./version":38}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ var version = require("./version") module.exports = isVirtualText function isVirtualText(x) { return x && x.type === "VirtualText" && x.version === version } },{"./version":38}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = isWidget function isWidget(w) { return w && w.type === "Widget" } },{}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = "1" },{}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ var version = require("./version") VirtualPatch.NONE = 0 VirtualPatch.VTEXT = 1 VirtualPatch.VNODE = 2 VirtualPatch.WIDGET = 3 VirtualPatch.PROPS = 4 VirtualPatch.ORDER = 5 VirtualPatch.INSERT = 6 VirtualPatch.REMOVE = 7 VirtualPatch.THUNK = 8 module.exports = VirtualPatch function VirtualPatch(type, vNode, patch) { this.type = Number(type) this.vNode = vNode this.patch = patch } VirtualPatch.prototype.version = version VirtualPatch.prototype.type = "VirtualPatch" },{"./version":38}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ var nativeIsArray = Array.isArray var toString = Object.prototype.toString module.exports = nativeIsArray || isArray function isArray(obj) { return === "[object Array]" } },{}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ var patch = require("vdom/patch") module.exports = patch },{"vdom/patch":29}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ var DataSet = require("data-set") module.exports = DataSetHook; function DataSetHook(value) { if (!(this instanceof DataSetHook)) { return new DataSetHook(value); } this.value = value; } DataSetHook.prototype.hook = function (node, propertyName) { var ds = DataSet(node) var propName = propertyName.substr(5) ds[propName] = this.value; }; },{"data-set":47}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ var DataSet = require("data-set") module.exports = DataSetHook; function DataSetHook(value) { if (!(this instanceof DataSetHook)) { return new DataSetHook(value); } this.value = value; } DataSetHook.prototype.hook = function (node, propertyName) { var ds = DataSet(node) var propName = propertyName.substr(3) ds[propName] = this.value; }; },{"data-set":47}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = SoftSetHook; function SoftSetHook(value) { if (!(this instanceof SoftSetHook)) { return new SoftSetHook(value); } this.value = value; } SoftSetHook.prototype.hook = function (node, propertyName) { if (node[propertyName] !== this.value) { node[propertyName] = this.value; } }; },{}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ var VNode = require("vtree/vnode.js") var VText = require("vtree/vtext.js") var isVNode = require("vtree/is-vnode") var isVText = require("vtree/is-vtext") var isWidget = require("vtree/is-widget") var isHook = require("vtree/is-vhook") var isVThunk = require("vtree/is-thunk") var TypedError = require("error/typed") var parseTag = require("./parse-tag.js") var softSetHook = require("./hooks/soft-set-hook.js") var dataSetHook = require("./hooks/data-set-hook.js") var evHook = require("./hooks/ev-hook.js") var UnexpectedVirtualElement = TypedError({ type: "virtual-hyperscript.unexpected.virtual-element", message: "Unexpected virtual child passed to h().\n" + "Expected a VNode / Vthunk / VWidget / string but:\n" + "got a {foreignObjectStr}.\n" + "The parent vnode is {parentVnodeStr}.\n" + "Suggested fix: change your `h(..., [ ... ])` callsite.", foreignObjectStr: null, parentVnodeStr: null, foreignObject: null, parentVnode: null }) module.exports = h function h(tagName, properties, children) { var childNodes = [] var tag, props, key, namespace if (!children && isChildren(properties)) { children = properties props = {} } props = props || properties || {} tag = parseTag(tagName, props) // support keys if ("key" in props) { key = props.key props.key = undefined } // support namespace if ("namespace" in props) { namespace = props.namespace props.namespace = undefined } // fix cursor bug if (tag === "input" && "value" in props && props.value !== undefined && !isHook(props.value) ) { props.value = softSetHook(props.value) } var keys = Object.keys(props) var propName, value for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { propName = keys[j] value = props[propName] if (isHook(value)) { continue } // add data-foo support if (propName.substr(0, 5) === "data-") { props[propName] = dataSetHook(value) } // add ev-foo support if (propName.substr(0, 3) === "ev-") { props[propName] = evHook(value) } } if (children !== undefined && children !== null) { addChild(children, childNodes, tag, props) } var node = new VNode(tag, props, childNodes, key, namespace) return node } function addChild(c, childNodes, tag, props) { if (typeof c === "string") { childNodes.push(new VText(c)) } else if (isChild(c)) { childNodes.push(c) } else if (Array.isArray(c)) { for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { addChild(c[i], childNodes, tag, props) } } else if (c === null || c === undefined) { return } else { throw UnexpectedVirtualElement({ foreignObjectStr: JSON.stringify(c), foreignObject: c, parentVnodeStr: JSON.stringify({ tagName: tag, properties: props }), parentVnode: { tagName: tag, properties: props } }) } } function isChild(x) { return isVNode(x) || isVText(x) || isWidget(x) || isVThunk(x) } function isChildren(x) { return typeof x === "string" || Array.isArray(x) || isChild(x) } },{"./hooks/data-set-hook.js":42,"./hooks/ev-hook.js":43,"./hooks/soft-set-hook.js":44,"./parse-tag.js":63,"error/typed":54,"vtree/is-thunk":55,"vtree/is-vhook":56,"vtree/is-vnode":57,"vtree/is-vtext":58,"vtree/is-widget":59,"vtree/vnode.js":61,"vtree/vtext.js":62}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(8) },{"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/dom-delegator/node_modules/data-set/create-hash.js":8}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(9) },{"./create-hash.js":46,"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/dom-delegator/node_modules/data-set/index.js":9,"individual":48,"weakmap-shim/create-store":49}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(11) },{"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/dom-delegator/node_modules/individual/index.js":11}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(13) },{"./hidden-store.js":50,"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/dom-delegator/node_modules/weakmap-shim/create-store.js":13}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(14) },{"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/dom-delegator/node_modules/weakmap-shim/hidden-store.js":14}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') return camelCase(obj); return walk(obj); }; function walk (obj) { if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return obj; if (isDate(obj) || isRegex(obj)) return obj; if (isArray(obj)) return map(obj, walk); return reduce(objectKeys(obj), function (acc, key) { var camel = camelCase(key); acc[camel] = walk(obj[key]); return acc; }, {}); } function camelCase(str) { return str.replace(/[_.-](\w|$)/g, function (_,x) { return x.toUpperCase(); }); } var isArray = Array.isArray || function (obj) { return === '[object Array]'; }; var isDate = function (obj) { return === '[object Date]'; }; var isRegex = function (obj) { return === '[object RegExp]'; }; var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) { var keys = []; for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) keys.push(key); } return keys; }; function map (xs, f) { if ( return; var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { res.push(f(xs[i], i)); } return res; } function reduce (xs, f, acc) { if (xs.reduce) return xs.reduce(f, acc); for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { acc = f(acc, xs[i], i); } return acc; } },{}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ var nargs = /\{([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\}/g var slice = Array.prototype.slice module.exports = template function template(string) { var args if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof arguments[1] === "object") { args = arguments[1] } else { args =, 1) } if (!args || !args.hasOwnProperty) { args = {} } return string.replace(nargs, function replaceArg(match, i, index) { var result if (string[index - 1] === "{" && string[index + match.length] === "}") { return i } else { result = args.hasOwnProperty(i) ? args[i] : null if (result === null || result === undefined) { return "" } return result } }) } },{}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = extend function extend(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] for (var key in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) { target[key] = source[key] } } } return target } },{}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ var camelize = require("camelize") var template = require("string-template") var extend = require("xtend/mutable") module.exports = TypedError function TypedError(args) { if (!args) { throw new Error("args is required"); } if (!args.type) { throw new Error("args.type is required"); } if (!args.message) { throw new Error("args.message is required"); } var message = args.message if (args.type && ! { var errorName = camelize(args.type) + "Error" = errorName[0].toUpperCase() + errorName.substr(1) } createError.type = args.type; createError._name =; return createError; function createError(opts) { var result = new Error() Object.defineProperty(result, "type", { value: result.type, enumerable: true, writable: true, configurable: true }) var options = extend({}, args, opts) extend(result, options) result.message = template(message, options) return result } } },{"camelize":51,"string-template":52,"xtend/mutable":53}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(33) },{"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/virtual-dom/node_modules/vtree/is-thunk.js":33}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(34) },{"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/virtual-dom/node_modules/vtree/is-vhook.js":34}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(35) },{"./version":60,"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/virtual-dom/node_modules/vtree/is-vnode.js":35}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(36) },{"./version":60,"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/virtual-dom/node_modules/vtree/is-vtext.js":36}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(37) },{"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/virtual-dom/node_modules/vtree/is-widget.js":37}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require(38) },{"/Users/amed/Hobby/cycle/node_modules/virtual-dom/node_modules/vtree/version.js":38}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ var version = require("./version") var isVNode = require("./is-vnode") var isWidget = require("./is-widget") var isVHook = require("./is-vhook") module.exports = VirtualNode var noProperties = {} var noChildren = [] function VirtualNode(tagName, properties, children, key, namespace) { this.tagName = tagName = properties || noProperties this.children = children || noChildren this.key = key != null ? String(key) : undefined this.namespace = (typeof namespace === "string") ? namespace : null var count = (children && children.length) || 0 var descendants = 0 var hasWidgets = false var descendantHooks = false var hooks for (var propName in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(propName)) { var property = properties[propName] if (isVHook(property)) { if (!hooks) { hooks = {} } hooks[propName] = property } } } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var child = children[i] if (isVNode(child)) { descendants += child.count || 0 if (!hasWidgets && child.hasWidgets) { hasWidgets = true } if (!descendantHooks && (child.hooks || child.descendantHooks)) { descendantHooks = true } } else if (!hasWidgets && isWidget(child)) { if (typeof child.destroy === "function") { hasWidgets = true } } } this.count = count + descendants this.hasWidgets = hasWidgets this.hooks = hooks this.descendantHooks = descendantHooks } VirtualNode.prototype.version = version VirtualNode.prototype.type = "VirtualNode" },{"./is-vhook":56,"./is-vnode":57,"./is-widget":59,"./version":60}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ var version = require("./version") module.exports = VirtualText function VirtualText(text) { this.text = String(text) } VirtualText.prototype.version = version VirtualText.prototype.type = "VirtualText" },{"./version":60}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ var classIdSplit = /([\.#]?[a-zA-Z0-9_:-]+)/ var notClassId = /^\.|#/ module.exports = parseTag function parseTag(tag, props) { if (!tag) { return "div" } var noId = !("id" in props) var tagParts = tag.split(classIdSplit) var tagName = null if (notClassId.test(tagParts[1])) { tagName = "div" } var classes, part, type, i for (i = 0; i < tagParts.length; i++) { part = tagParts[i] if (!part) { continue } type = part.charAt(0) if (!tagName) { tagName = part } else if (type === ".") { classes = classes || [] classes.push(part.substring(1, part.length)) } else if (type === "#" && noId) { = part.substring(1, part.length) } } if (classes) { if (props.className) { classes.push(props.className) } props.className = classes.join(" ") } return tagName ? tagName.toLowerCase() : "div" } },{}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var DataFlowNode = require('./data-flow-node'); var errors = require('./errors'); function createIntent() { var intent = DataFlowNode.apply({}, arguments); intent = errors.customInterfaceErrorMessageInInject(intent, 'Intent expects View to have the required property ' ); var originalArgs = arguments; intent.clone = function () { return createIntent.apply({}, originalArgs); }; return intent; } module.exports = createIntent; },{"./data-flow-node":68,"./errors":70}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var DataFlowNode = require('./data-flow-node'); var errors = require('./errors'); function createModel() { var model = DataFlowNode.apply({}, arguments); model = errors.customInterfaceErrorMessageInInject(model, 'Model expects Intent to have the required property ' ); var originalArgs = arguments; model.clone = function () { return createModel.apply({}, originalArgs); }; return model; } module.exports = createModel; },{"./data-flow-node":68,"./errors":70}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var Rx = require('rx'); var DataFlowNode = require('./data-flow-node'); var errors = require('./errors'); function getFunctionForwardIntoStream(stream) { return function forwardIntoStream(ev) { stream.onNext(ev); }; } // traverse the vtree, replacing the value of 'ev-*' fields with // `function (ev) { view[$PREVIOUS_VALUE].onNext(ev); }` function replaceStreamNameWithForwardFunction(vtree, view) { if (vtree && vtree.type === 'VirtualNode' && typeof !== 'undefined') { for (var key in { if ( && typeof key === 'string' &&^ev\-/) === 0) { var streamName =[key].value; if (view[streamName]) {[key].value = getFunctionForwardIntoStream(view[streamName]); } else { throw new Error('VTree uses event hook `' + streamName + '` which should ' + 'have been defined in `events` array of the View.' ); } } } } if (Array.isArray(vtree.children)) { for (var i = 0; i < vtree.children.length; i++) { replaceStreamNameWithForwardFunction(vtree.children[i], view); } } } function createView() { var view = DataFlowNode.apply({}, arguments); view = errors.customInterfaceErrorMessageInInject(view, 'View expects Model to have the required property ' ); if (typeof === 'undefined') { throw new Error('View must define `events` array with names of event streams'); } if (typeof view.vtree$ === 'undefined') { throw new Error('View must define `vtree$` Observable emitting virtual DOM elements'); } if ( { for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) { view[[i]] = new Rx.Subject(); } delete; } view.vtree$ = view.vtree$.map(function (vtree) { if (vtree.type !== 'VirtualNode' || vtree.tagName === 'undefined') { throw new Error('View `vtree$` must emit only VirtualNode instances. ' + 'Hint: create them with Cycle.h()' ); } replaceStreamNameWithForwardFunction(vtree, view); return vtree; }); var originalArgs = arguments; view.clone = function cloneView() { return createView.apply({}, originalArgs); }; return view; } module.exports = createView; },{"./data-flow-node":68,"./errors":70,"rx":21}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var h = require('virtual-hyperscript'); var Rx = require('rx'); var DataFlowNode = require('./data-flow-node'); var DataFlowSink = require('./data-flow-node'); var Rendering = require('./rendering'); var PropertyHook = require('./property-hook'); var Cycle = { /** * Creates a DataFlowNode. * * `inputInterface1` is an array of strings, defining which Observables are expected to * exist in the first input. It defines the 'type' of the input, since JavaScript has no * strong types. The `inputInterface1` is optional if the DataFlowNode does not have any * input. In that case, the function `definitionFn` should not have any parameter * either. There can be an arbitrary number of input interfaces, but the number of input * interfaces must match the number of arguments that `definitionFn` has. The arguments * to `definitionFn` are objects that should fulfil the respective interfaces. * * @param {Array<String>} [inputInterface1] property names that are expected to exist * as RxJS Observables in the first input parameter for `definitionFn`. * @param {} ... * @param {Function} definitionFn a function expecting objects as parameters (as many as * there are interfaces), satisfying the type requirement given by `inputInterface1`, * `inputInterface2`, etc. Should return an object containing RxJS Observables as * properties. * @return {DataFlowNode} a DataFlowNode, containing a `inject(inputs...)` function. */ createDataFlowNode: function createDataFlowNode() { return DataFlowNode.apply({}, arguments); }, /** * Creates a DataFlowSink, given a definition function that receives injected inputs. * * @param {Function} definitionFn a function expecting some DataFlowNode(s) as * arguments. The function should subscribe to Observables of the input DataFlowNodes * and should return a `Rx.Disposable` subscription. * @return {DataFlowSink} a DataFlowSink, containing a `inject(inputs...)` function. */ createDataFlowSink: function createDataFlowSink() { return DataFlowSink.apply({}, arguments); }, /** * Returns a DataFlowNode representing a Model, having some Intent as input. * * Is a specialized case of `createDataFlowNode()`, hence can also receive multiple * interfaces and multiple inputs in `definitionFn`. * * @param {Array<String>} [intentInterface] property names that are expected to exist as * RxJS Observables in the input Intent. * @param {Function} definitionFn a function expecting an Intent object as parameter. * Should return an object containing RxJS Observables as properties. * @return {DataFlowNode} a DataFlowNode representing a Model, containing a * `inject(intent)` function. * @function createModel */ createModel: require('./create-model'), /** * Returns a DataFlowNode representing a View, having some Model as input. * * Is a specialized case of `createDataFlowNode()`, hence can also receive multiple * interfaces and multiple inputs in `definitionFn`. * * @param {Array<String>} [modelInterface] property names that are expected to exist as * RxJS Observables in the input Model. * @param {Function} definitionFn a function expecting a Model object as parameter. * Should return an object containing RxJS Observables as properties. The object **must * contain** two properties: `vtree$` and `events`. The value of `events` must be an * array of strings with the names of the Observables that carry DOM events. `vtree$` * should be an Observable emitting instances of VTree (Virtual DOM elements). * @return {DataFlowNode} a DataFlowNode representing a View, containing a * `inject(model)` function. * @function createView */ createView: require('./create-view'), /** * Returns a DataFlowNode representing an Intent, having some View as input. * * Is a specialized case of `createDataFlowNode()`, hence can also receive multiple * interfaces and multiple inputs in `definitionFn`. * * @param {Array<String>} [viewInterface] property names that are expected to exist as * RxJS Observables in the input View. * @param {Function} definitionFn a function expecting a View object as parameter. * Should return an object containing RxJS Observables as properties. * @return {DataFlowNode} a DataFlowNode representing an Intent, containing a * `inject(view)` function. * @function createIntent */ createIntent: require('./create-intent'), /** * Returns a Renderer (a DataFlowSink) bound to a DOM container element. Contains an * `inject` function that should be called with a View as argument. * * @param {(String|HTMLElement)} container the DOM selector for the element (or the * element itself) to contain the rendering of the VTrees. * @return {Renderer} a Renderer object containing an `inject(view)` function. * @function createRenderer */ createRenderer: function createRenderer(container) { return new Rendering.Renderer(container); }, /** * Ties together the given input DataFlowNodes, making them be circular dependencies * to each other. Calls `inject()` on each of the given DataFlowNodes, in reverse order. * This function can be called with an arbitrary number of inputs, but it is commonly * used for the Model-View-Intent triple of nodes. * * @param {DataFlowNode} model a Model node. * @param {DataFlowNode} view a View node. * @param {DataFlowNode} intent an Intent node. * @function circularInject */ circularInject: function circularInject() { for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var current = arguments[i]; var previous = arguments[(i - 1 >= 0) ? i - 1 : arguments.length - 1]; if (typeof current === 'undefined' || typeof current.inject !== 'function') { throw new Error('Bad input. circularInject() expected a DataFlowNode as input'); } if (current) { current.inject(previous); } } }, /** * Returns a hook for manipulating an element from the real DOM. This is a helper for * creating VTrees in Views. Useful for calling `focus()` on the DOM element, or doing * similar mutations. * * See for more details. * * @param {Function} fn a function with two arguments: `element`, `property`. * @return {PropertyHook} a hook */ vdomPropHook: function (fn) { return new PropertyHook(fn); }, /** * A shortcut to the root object of [RxJS]( * @name Rx */ Rx: Rx, /** * A shortcut to [virtual-hyperscript]( * This is a helper for creating VTrees in Views. * @name h */ h: h }; module.exports = Cycle; },{"./create-intent":64,"./create-model":65,"./create-view":66,"./data-flow-node":68,"./property-hook":72,"./rendering":73,"rx":21,"virtual-hyperscript":45}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var Rx = require('rx'); var errors = require('./errors'); var CycleInterfaceError = errors.CycleInterfaceError; function replicate(source, subject) { if (typeof source === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Cannot replicate() if source is undefined.'); } return source.subscribe( function replicationOnNext(x) { subject.onNext(x); }, function replicationOnError(err) { console.error(err); } ); } function checkInputInterfaceArray(inputInterface) { if (!Array.isArray(inputInterface)) { throw new Error('Expected an array as the interface of the input for \n' + 'the DataFlowNode.' ); } } function checkInputInterfaceOnlyStrings(inputInterface) { for (var i = inputInterface.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (typeof inputInterface[i] !== 'string') { throw new Error('Expected strings as names of properties in the input interface'); } } } function makeStubPropertiesFromInterface(inputStub, inputInterface) { for (var i = inputInterface.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { inputStub[inputInterface[i]] = new Rx.Subject(); } } function checkOutputObject(output) { if (typeof output !== 'object') { throw new Error('A DataFlowNode should always return an object.'); } } function copyProperties(orig, dest) { for (var key in orig) { if (orig.hasOwnProperty(key)) { dest[key] = orig[key]; } } } function replicateAll(input, stub) { for (var key in stub) { if (stub.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (!input.hasOwnProperty(key)) { throw new CycleInterfaceError('Input should have the required property ' + key, String(key) ); } replicate(input[key], stub[key]); } } } function DataFlowNode() { var args =; var definitionFn = args.pop(); if (typeof definitionFn !== 'function') { throw new Error('DataFlowNode expects the definitionFn as the last argument.'); } var interfaces = args; var inputStubs = () { return {}; }); var wasInjected = false; for (var i = interfaces.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { checkInputInterfaceArray(interfaces[i]); checkInputInterfaceOnlyStrings(interfaces[i]); makeStubPropertiesFromInterface(inputStubs[i], interfaces[i]); } var output = definitionFn.apply(this, inputStubs); checkOutputObject(output); copyProperties(output, this); this.inject = function () { if (wasInjected) { console.warn('DataFlowNode has already been injected an input.'); } for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { replicateAll(arguments[i], inputStubs[i]); } wasInjected = true; }; this.clone = function () { return DataFlowNode.apply({}, interfaces.concat([definitionFn])); }; return this; } module.exports = DataFlowNode; },{"./errors":70,"rx":21}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; function DataFlowSink(definitionFn) { if (arguments.length !== 1) { throw new Error('DataFlowSink expects only one argument: the definition function.'); } if (typeof definitionFn !== 'function') { throw new Error('DataFlowSink expects the argument to be the definition function.'); } definitionFn.displayName += '(DataFlowSink defFn)'; this.inject = function injectIntoDataFlowSink() { return definitionFn.apply({}, arguments); }; } module.exports = DataFlowSink; },{}],70:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; function CycleInterfaceError(message, missingMember) { = 'CycleInterfaceError'; this.message = (message || ''); this.missingMember = (missingMember || ''); } CycleInterfaceError.prototype = Error.prototype; function customInterfaceErrorMessageInInject(dataFlowNode, message) { var originalInject = dataFlowNode.inject; dataFlowNode.inject = function () { try { originalInject.apply({}, arguments); } catch (err) { if ( === 'CycleInterfaceError') { throw new CycleInterfaceError(message + err.missingMember, err.missingMember); } else { throw err; } } }; return dataFlowNode; } module.exports = { CycleInterfaceError: CycleInterfaceError, customInterfaceErrorMessageInInject: customInterfaceErrorMessageInInject }; },{}],71:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ 'use strict'; var Cycle = require('./cycle'); global.Cycle = Cycle; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./cycle":67}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; function PropertyHook(fn) { this.fn = fn; } PropertyHook.prototype.hook = function () { this.fn.apply(this, arguments); }; module.exports = PropertyHook; },{}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var h = require('virtual-hyperscript'); var VDOM = { diff: require('virtual-dom/diff'), patch: require('virtual-dom/patch') }; var DOMDelegator = require('dom-delegator'); var DataFlowSink = require('./data-flow-sink'); var delegator = new DOMDelegator(); function isElement(o) { return ( typeof HTMLElement === 'object' ? o instanceof HTMLElement : //DOM2 o && typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === 'string' ); } function renderEvery(vtree$, container) { // Find and prepare the container var domContainer = (typeof container === 'string') ? document.querySelector(container) : container; if (typeof container === 'string' && domContainer === null) { throw new Error('Couldn\'t render into unknown \'' + domContainer + '\''); } else if (!isElement(domContainer)) { throw new Error('Given container is not a DOM element neither a selector string.'); } domContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Make the DOM node bound to the VDOM node var rootNode = document.createElement('div'); domContainer.appendChild(rootNode); return vtree$.startWith(h()) .bufferWithCount(2, 1) .subscribe(function (buffer) { try { var oldVTree = buffer[0]; var newVTree = buffer[1]; rootNode = VDOM.patch(rootNode, VDOM.diff(oldVTree, newVTree)); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); } function Renderer(container) {, function injectIntoRenderer(view) { return renderEvery(view.vtree$, container); }); this.delegator = delegator; } Renderer.prototype = Object.create(DataFlowSink.prototype); module.exports = { Renderer: Renderer, renderEvery: renderEvery, isElement: isElement, delegator: delegator }; },{"./data-flow-sink":69,"dom-delegator":6,"virtual-dom/diff":22,"virtual-dom/patch":41,"virtual-hyperscript":45}]},{},[71]);
import React from 'react'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import Permalink from './permalink'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import PollContainer from 'mastodon/containers/poll_container'; import Icon from 'mastodon/components/icon'; import { autoPlayGif } from 'mastodon/initial_state'; const MAX_HEIGHT = 642; // 20px * 32 (+ 2px padding at the top) export default class StatusContent extends React.PureComponent { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object, }; static propTypes = { status:, expanded: PropTypes.bool, showThread: PropTypes.bool, onExpandedToggle: PropTypes.func, onClick: PropTypes.func, collapsable: PropTypes.bool, onCollapsedToggle: PropTypes.func, }; state = { hidden: true, }; _updateStatusLinks () { const node = this.node; if (!node) { return; } const links = node.querySelectorAll('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) { let link = links[i]; if (link.classList.contains('status-link')) { continue; } link.classList.add('status-link'); let mention = this.props.status.get('mentions').find(item => link.href === item.get('url')); if (mention) { link.addEventListener('click', this.onMentionClick.bind(this, mention), false); link.setAttribute('title', mention.get('acct')); } else if (link.textContent[0] === '#' || (link.previousSibling && link.previousSibling.textContent && link.previousSibling.textContent[link.previousSibling.textContent.length - 1] === '#')) { link.addEventListener('click', this.onHashtagClick.bind(this, link.text), false); } else { link.setAttribute('title', link.href); link.classList.add('unhandled-link'); } link.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); link.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer'); } if (this.props.status.get('collapsed', null) === null) { let collapsed = this.props.collapsable && this.props.onClick && node.clientHeight > MAX_HEIGHT && this.props.status.get('spoiler_text').length === 0; if(this.props.onCollapsedToggle) this.props.onCollapsedToggle(collapsed); this.props.status.set('collapsed', collapsed); } } handleMouseEnter = ({ currentTarget }) => { if (autoPlayGif) { return; } const emojis = currentTarget.querySelectorAll('.custom-emoji'); for (var i = 0; i < emojis.length; i++) { let emoji = emojis[i]; emoji.src = emoji.getAttribute('data-original'); } } handleMouseLeave = ({ currentTarget }) => { if (autoPlayGif) { return; } const emojis = currentTarget.querySelectorAll('.custom-emoji'); for (var i = 0; i < emojis.length; i++) { let emoji = emojis[i]; emoji.src = emoji.getAttribute('data-static'); } } componentDidMount () { this._updateStatusLinks(); } componentDidUpdate () { this._updateStatusLinks(); } onMentionClick = (mention, e) => { if (this.context.router && e.button === 0 && !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); this.context.router.history.push(`/@${mention.get('acct')}`); } } onHashtagClick = (hashtag, e) => { hashtag = hashtag.replace(/^#/, ''); if (this.context.router && e.button === 0 && !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { e.preventDefault(); this.context.router.history.push(`/tags/${hashtag}`); } } handleMouseDown = (e) => { this.startXY = [e.clientX, e.clientY]; } handleMouseUp = (e) => { if (!this.startXY) { return; } const [ startX, startY ] = this.startXY; const [ deltaX, deltaY ] = [Math.abs(e.clientX - startX), Math.abs(e.clientY - startY)]; let element =; while (element) { if (element.localName === 'button' || element.localName === 'a' || element.localName === 'label') { return; } element = element.parentNode; } if (deltaX + deltaY < 5 && e.button === 0 && this.props.onClick) { this.props.onClick(); } this.startXY = null; } handleSpoilerClick = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (this.props.onExpandedToggle) { // The parent manages the state this.props.onExpandedToggle(); } else { this.setState({ hidden: !this.state.hidden }); } } setRef = (c) => { this.node = c; } render () { const { status } = this.props; const hidden = this.props.onExpandedToggle ? !this.props.expanded : this.state.hidden; const renderReadMore = this.props.onClick && status.get('collapsed'); const renderViewThread = this.props.showThread && status.get('in_reply_to_id') && status.get('in_reply_to_account_id') === status.getIn(['account', 'id']); const content = { __html: status.get('contentHtml') }; const spoilerContent = { __html: status.get('spoilerHtml') }; const classNames = classnames('status__content', { 'status__content--with-action': this.props.onClick && this.context.router, 'status__content--with-spoiler': status.get('spoiler_text').length > 0, 'status__content--collapsed': renderReadMore, }); const showThreadButton = ( <button className='status__content__read-more-button' onClick={this.props.onClick}> <FormattedMessage id='status.show_thread' defaultMessage='Show thread' /> </button> ); const readMoreButton = ( <button className='status__content__read-more-button' onClick={this.props.onClick} key='read-more'> <FormattedMessage id='status.read_more' defaultMessage='Read more' /><Icon id='angle-right' fixedWidth /> </button> ); if (status.get('spoiler_text').length > 0) { let mentionsPlaceholder = ''; const mentionLinks = status.get('mentions').map(item => ( <Permalink to={`/@${item.get('acct')}`} href={item.get('url')} key={item.get('id')} className='mention'> @<span>{item.get('username')}</span> </Permalink> )).reduce((aggregate, item) => [...aggregate, item, ' '], []); const toggleText = hidden ? <FormattedMessage id='status.show_more' defaultMessage='Show more' /> : <FormattedMessage id='status.show_less' defaultMessage='Show less' />; if (hidden) { mentionsPlaceholder = <div>{mentionLinks}</div>; } return ( <div className={classNames} ref={this.setRef} tabIndex='0' onMouseDown={this.handleMouseDown} onMouseUp={this.handleMouseUp} onMouseEnter={this.handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.handleMouseLeave}> <p style={{ marginBottom: hidden && status.get('mentions').isEmpty() ? '0px' : null }}> <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={spoilerContent} className='translate' /> {' '} <button tabIndex='0' className={`status__content__spoiler-link ${hidden ? 'status__content__spoiler-link--show-more' : 'status__content__spoiler-link--show-less'}`} onClick={this.handleSpoilerClick}>{toggleText}</button> </p> {mentionsPlaceholder} <div tabIndex={!hidden ? 0 : null} className={`status__content__text ${!hidden ? 'status__content__text--visible' : ''} translate`} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={content} /> {!hidden && !!status.get('poll') && <PollContainer pollId={status.get('poll')} />} {renderViewThread && showThreadButton} </div> ); } else if (this.props.onClick) { const output = [ <div className={classNames} ref={this.setRef} tabIndex='0' onMouseDown={this.handleMouseDown} onMouseUp={this.handleMouseUp} key='status-content' onMouseEnter={this.handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.handleMouseLeave}> <div className='status__content__text status__content__text--visible translate' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={content} /> {!!status.get('poll') && <PollContainer pollId={status.get('poll')} />} {renderViewThread && showThreadButton} </div>, ]; if (renderReadMore) { output.push(readMoreButton); } return output; } else { return ( <div className={classNames} ref={this.setRef} tabIndex='0' onMouseEnter={this.handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={this.handleMouseLeave}> <div className='status__content__text status__content__text--visible translate' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={content} /> {!!status.get('poll') && <PollContainer pollId={status.get('poll')} />} {renderViewThread && showThreadButton} </div> ); } } }
/* @flow */ import React from 'react'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { spy } from 'sinon'; import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme'; import Option from '..'; describe('Option test suite', () => { it('should have a div when rendered', () => { expect(shallow( <Option value="b" onClick={() => {}} > <span>testing</span> </Option> ).node.type).to.equal('div'); }); it('should have child element passed after mount', () => { const option = mount( <Option value="b" onClick={() => {}} > <span>testing</span> </Option> ); expect(option.children().length).to.equal(1); expect(option.children().type()).to.equal('span'); }); it('should execute funcion passed in onClick props when clicked', () => { const onClick = spy(); const option = mount( <Option value="b" onClick={onClick} > <span>testing</span> </Option> ); option.children().simulate('click'); expect(onClick.calledOnce).to.equal(true); }); it('should not execute funcion passed in onClick props when clicked if disabled', () => { const onClick = spy(); const option = mount( <Option value="b" onClick={onClick} disabled > <span>testing</span> </Option> ); option.children().simulate('click'); expect(onClick.called).to.equal(false); }); });
import React from 'react'; import Anchor from '../Anchor'; import PropTable from '../PropTable'; import ReactPlayground from '../ReactPlayground'; import Samples from '../Samples'; export default function ButtonGroupSection() { return ( <div className="bs-docs-section"> <h2 className="page-header"> <Anchor id="btn-groups">Button groups</Anchor> <small>ButtonGroup, ButtonToolbar</small> </h2> <p className="lead">Group a series of buttons together on a single line with the button group.</p> <h3><Anchor id="btn-groups-single">Basic example</Anchor></h3> <p>Wrap a series of <code>{"<Button />"}</code>s in a <code>{"<ButtonGroup />"}</code>.</p> <ReactPlayground codeText={Samples.ButtonGroupBasic} /> <h3><Anchor id="btn-groups-toolbar">Button toolbar</Anchor></h3> <p>Combine sets of <code>{"<ButtonGroup />"}</code>s into a <code>{"<ButtonToolbar />"}</code> for more complex components.</p> <ReactPlayground codeText={Samples.ButtonToolbarBasic} /> <h3><Anchor id="btn-groups-sizing">Sizing</Anchor></h3> <p>Instead of applying button sizing props to every button in a group, just add <code>bsSize</code> prop to the <code>{"<ButtonGroup />"}</code>.</p> <ReactPlayground codeText={Samples.ButtonGroupSizes} /> <h3><Anchor id="btn-groups-nested">Nesting</Anchor></h3> <p>You can place other button types within the <code>{"<ButtonGroup />"}</code> like <code>{"<DropdownButton />"}</code>s.</p> <ReactPlayground codeText={Samples.ButtonGroupNested} /> <h3><Anchor id="btn-groups-vertical">Vertical variation</Anchor></h3> <p>Make a set of buttons appear vertically stacked rather than horizontally. <strong className="text-danger">Split button dropdowns are not supported here.</strong></p> <p>Just add <code>vertical</code> to the <code>{"<ButtonGroup />"}</code>.</p> <ReactPlayground codeText={Samples.ButtonGroupVertical} /> <br /> <p>Moreover, you can have buttons be block level elements so they take the full width of their container, just add <code>block</code> to the <code>{"<ButtonGroup />"}</code>, in addition to the <code>vertical</code> you just added.</p> <ReactPlayground codeText={Samples.ButtonGroupBlock} /> <h3><Anchor id="btn-groups-justified">Justified button groups</Anchor></h3> <p>Make a group of buttons stretch at equal sizes to span the entire width of its parent. Also works with button dropdowns within the button group.</p> <div className="bs-callout bs-callout-warning"> <h4>Style issues</h4> <p>There are some issues and workarounds required when using this property, please see <a href="">bootstrap&#8217;s button group docs</a> for more specifics.</p> </div> <p>Just add <code>justified</code> to the <code>{"<ButtonGroup />"}</code>.</p> <ReactPlayground codeText={Samples.ButtonGroupJustified} /> <h3><Anchor id="btn-groups-props">Props</Anchor></h3> <PropTable component="ButtonGroup"/> </div> ); }
Input:: //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts] export const c = 30; //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts] import {c} from "file1"; export const d = 30; //// [/a/lib/lib.d.ts] /// <reference no-default-lib="true"/> interface Boolean {} interface Function {} interface CallableFunction {} interface NewableFunction {} interface IArguments {} interface Number { toExponential: any; } interface Object {} interface RegExp {} interface String { charAt: any; } interface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; } //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json] { "compilerOptions": { /* Visit to read more about this file */ /* Projects */ // "incremental": true, /* Save .tsbuildinfo files to allow for incremental compilation of projects. */ // "composite": true, /* Enable constraints that allow a TypeScript project to be used with project references. */ // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./.tsbuildinfo", /* Specify the path to .tsbuildinfo incremental compilation file. */ // "disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect": true, /* Disable preferring source files instead of declaration files when referencing composite projects. */ // "disableSolutionSearching": true, /* Opt a project out of multi-project reference checking when editing. */ // "disableReferencedProjectLoad": true, /* Reduce the number of projects loaded automatically by TypeScript. */ /* Language and Environment */ "target": "es2016", /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */ // "lib": [], /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */ // "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify what JSX code is generated. */ // "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enable experimental support for TC39 stage 2 draft decorators. */ // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source files. */ // "jsxFactory": "", /* Specify the JSX factory function used when targeting React JSX emit, e.g. 'React.createElement' or 'h'. */ // "jsxFragmentFactory": "", /* Specify the JSX Fragment reference used for fragments when targeting React JSX emit e.g. 'React.Fragment' or 'Fragment'. */ // "jsxImportSource": "", /* Specify module specifier used to import the JSX factory functions when using 'jsx: react-jsx*'. */ // "reactNamespace": "", /* Specify the object invoked for 'createElement'. This only applies when targeting 'react' JSX emit. */ // "noLib": true, /* Disable including any library files, including the default lib.d.ts. */ // "useDefineForClassFields": true, /* Emit ECMAScript-standard-compliant class fields. */ // "moduleDetection": "auto", /* Control what method is used to detect module-format JS files. */ /* Modules */ "module": "amd", /* Specify what module code is generated. */ // "rootDir": "./", /* Specify the root folder within your source files. */ // "moduleResolution": "node", /* Specify how TypeScript looks up a file from a given module specifier. */ // "baseUrl": "./", /* Specify the base directory to resolve non-relative module names. */ // "paths": {}, /* Specify a set of entries that re-map imports to additional lookup locations. */ // "rootDirs": [], /* Allow multiple folders to be treated as one when resolving modules. */ // "typeRoots": [], /* Specify multiple folders that act like './node_modules/@types'. */ // "types": [], /* Specify type package names to be included without being referenced in a source file. */ // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ // "moduleSuffixes": [], /* List of file name suffixes to search when resolving a module. */ // "resolveJsonModule": true, /* Enable importing .json files. */ // "noResolve": true, /* Disallow 'import's, 'require's or '<reference>'s from expanding the number of files TypeScript should add to a project. */ /* JavaScript Support */ // "allowJs": true, /* Allow JavaScript files to be a part of your program. Use the 'checkJS' option to get errors from these files. */ // "checkJs": true, /* Enable error reporting in type-checked JavaScript files. */ // "maxNodeModuleJsDepth": 1, /* Specify the maximum folder depth used for checking JavaScript files from 'node_modules'. Only applicable with 'allowJs'. */ /* Emit */ "declaration": true, /* Generate .d.ts files from TypeScript and JavaScript files in your project. */ // "declarationMap": true, /* Create sourcemaps for d.ts files. */ // "emitDeclarationOnly": true, /* Only output d.ts files and not JavaScript files. */ // "sourceMap": true, /* Create source map files for emitted JavaScript files. */ // "outFile": "./", /* Specify a file that bundles all outputs into one JavaScript file. If 'declaration' is true, also designates a file that bundles all .d.ts output. */ // "outDir": "./", /* Specify an output folder for all emitted files. */ // "removeComments": true, /* Disable emitting comments. */ // "noEmit": true, /* Disable emitting files from a compilation. */ // "importHelpers": true, /* Allow importing helper functions from tslib once per project, instead of including them per-file. */ // "importsNotUsedAsValues": "remove", /* Specify emit/checking behavior for imports that are only used for types. */ // "downlevelIteration": true, /* Emit more compliant, but verbose and less performant JavaScript for iteration. */ // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the root path for debuggers to find the reference source code. */ // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Include sourcemap files inside the emitted JavaScript. */ // "inlineSources": true, /* Include source code in the sourcemaps inside the emitted JavaScript. */ // "emitBOM": true, /* Emit a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) in the beginning of output files. */ // "newLine": "crlf", /* Set the newline character for emitting files. */ // "stripInternal": true, /* Disable emitting declarations that have '@internal' in their JSDoc comments. */ // "noEmitHelpers": true, /* Disable generating custom helper functions like '__extends' in compiled output. */ // "noEmitOnError": true, /* Disable emitting files if any type checking errors are reported. */ // "preserveConstEnums": true, /* Disable erasing 'const enum' declarations in generated code. */ // "declarationDir": "./", /* Specify the output directory for generated declaration files. */ // "preserveValueImports": true, /* Preserve unused imported values in the JavaScript output that would otherwise be removed. */ /* Interop Constraints */ // "isolatedModules": true, /* Ensure that each file can be safely transpiled without relying on other imports. */ // "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow 'import x from y' when a module doesn't have a default export. */ "esModuleInterop": true, /* Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules. This enables 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' for type compatibility. */ // "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Disable resolving symlinks to their realpath. This correlates to the same flag in node. */ "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, /* Ensure that casing is correct in imports. */ /* Type Checking */ "strict": true, /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */ // "noImplicitAny": true, /* Enable error reporting for expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ // "strictNullChecks": true, /* When type checking, take into account 'null' and 'undefined'. */ // "strictFunctionTypes": true, /* When assigning functions, check to ensure parameters and the return values are subtype-compatible. */ // "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Check that the arguments for 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods match the original function. */ // "strictPropertyInitialization": true, /* Check for class properties that are declared but not set in the constructor. */ // "noImplicitThis": true, /* Enable error reporting when 'this' is given the type 'any'. */ // "useUnknownInCatchVariables": true, /* Default catch clause variables as 'unknown' instead of 'any'. */ // "alwaysStrict": true, /* Ensure 'use strict' is always emitted. */ // "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Enable error reporting when local variables aren't read. */ // "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Raise an error when a function parameter isn't read. */ // "exactOptionalPropertyTypes": true, /* Interpret optional property types as written, rather than adding 'undefined'. */ // "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Enable error reporting for codepaths that do not explicitly return in a function. */ // "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Enable error reporting for fallthrough cases in switch statements. */ // "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true, /* Add 'undefined' to a type when accessed using an index. */ // "noImplicitOverride": true, /* Ensure overriding members in derived classes are marked with an override modifier. */ // "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, /* Enforces using indexed accessors for keys declared using an indexed type. */ // "allowUnusedLabels": true, /* Disable error reporting for unused labels. */ // "allowUnreachableCode": true, /* Disable error reporting for unreachable code. */ /* Completeness */ // "skipDefaultLibCheck": true, /* Skip type checking .d.ts files that are included with TypeScript. */ "skipLibCheck": true /* Skip type checking all .d.ts files. */ } } /a/lib/tsc.js -w -p /user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json Output:: >> Screen clear [12:00:25 AM] Starting compilation in watch mode... error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Array'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Boolean'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'CallableFunction'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Function'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'IArguments'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'NewableFunction'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Number'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Object'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'RegExp'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'String'. error TS6053: File '/a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts' not found. The file is in the program because: Default library for target 'es2016' tsconfig.json:14:15 14 "target": "es2016", /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */    ~~~~~~~~ File is default library for target specified here. [12:00:34 AM] Found 11 errors. Watching for file changes. Program root files: ["/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts","/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts"] Program options: {"target":3,"module":2,"declaration":true,"esModuleInterop":true,"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames":true,"strict":true,"skipLibCheck":true,"watch":true,"project":"/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json","configFilePath":"/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"} Program structureReused: Not Program files:: /user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts No cached semantic diagnostics in the builder:: Shape signatures in builder refreshed for:: /user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts (computed .d.ts during emit) /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts (computed .d.ts during emit) WatchedFiles:: /user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts","pollingInterval":250} /a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts: {"fileName":"/a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts","pollingInterval":250} FsWatches:: FsWatchesRecursive:: /user/username/projects/myproject/src: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} /user/username/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} /user/username/projects/myproject: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} exitCode:: ExitStatus.undefined //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.js] define(["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.c = void 0; exports.c = 30; }); //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.d.ts] export declare const c = 30; //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.js] define(["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.d = void 0; exports.d = 30; }); //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.d.ts] export declare const d = 30; Change:: No change Input:: Output:: WatchedFiles:: /user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts","pollingInterval":250} /a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts: {"fileName":"/a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts","pollingInterval":250} FsWatches:: FsWatchesRecursive:: /user/username/projects/myproject/src: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} /user/username/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} /user/username/projects/myproject: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} exitCode:: ExitStatus.undefined Change:: Add new file Input:: //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.ts] export const y = 10; Output:: >> Screen clear [12:00:37 AM] File change detected. Starting incremental compilation... error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Array'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Boolean'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'CallableFunction'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Function'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'IArguments'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'NewableFunction'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Number'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'Object'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'RegExp'. error TS2318: Cannot find global type 'String'. error TS6053: File '/a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts' not found. The file is in the program because: Default library for target 'es2016' tsconfig.json:14:15 14 "target": "es2016", /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */    ~~~~~~~~ File is default library for target specified here. [12:00:42 AM] Found 11 errors. Watching for file changes. Program root files: ["/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts","/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts","/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.ts"] Program options: {"target":3,"module":2,"declaration":true,"esModuleInterop":true,"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames":true,"strict":true,"skipLibCheck":true,"watch":true,"project":"/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json","configFilePath":"/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"} Program structureReused: Not Program files:: /user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.ts No cached semantic diagnostics in the builder:: Shape signatures in builder refreshed for:: /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.ts (computed .d.ts) WatchedFiles:: /user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts","pollingInterval":250} /a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts: {"fileName":"/a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.ts","pollingInterval":250} FsWatches:: FsWatchesRecursive:: /user/username/projects/myproject/src: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} /user/username/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} /user/username/projects/myproject: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} exitCode:: ExitStatus.undefined //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.js] define(["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.y = void 0; exports.y = 10; }); //// [/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.d.ts] export declare const y = 10; Change:: No change Input:: Output:: WatchedFiles:: /user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/file1.ts","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file2.ts","pollingInterval":250} /a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts: {"fileName":"/a/lib/lib.es2016.full.d.ts","pollingInterval":250} /user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.ts: {"fileName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src/file3.ts","pollingInterval":250} FsWatches:: FsWatchesRecursive:: /user/username/projects/myproject/src: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/src","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} /user/username/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} /user/username/projects/myproject: {"directoryName":"/user/username/projects/myproject","fallbackPollingInterval":500,"fallbackOptions":{"watchFile":"PriorityPollingInterval"}} exitCode:: ExitStatus.undefined
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(require("react")); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(["react"], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["Recompose"] = factory(require("react")); else root["Recompose"] = factory(root["React"]); })(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_3__) { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(29); /***/ }, /* 1 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var createHelper = function createHelper(func, helperName) { var setDisplayName = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? true : arguments[2]; var noArgs = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3]; if (false) { var _ret = function () { /* eslint-disable global-require */ var wrapDisplayName = require('./wrapDisplayName').default; /* eslint-enable global-require */ if (noArgs) { return { v: function v(BaseComponent) { var Component = func(BaseComponent); Component.displayName = wrapDisplayName(BaseComponent, helperName); return Component; } }; } return { v: function v() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } if (args.length > func.length) { /* eslint-disable */ console.error( /* eslint-enable */ 'Too many arguments passed to ' + helperName + '(). It should called ' + ('like so: ' + helperName + '(...args)(BaseComponent).')); } return function (BaseComponent) { var Component = func.apply(undefined, args)(BaseComponent); Component.displayName = wrapDisplayName(BaseComponent, helperName); return Component; }; } }; }(); if (typeof _ret === "object") return _ret.v; } return func; }; exports.default = createHelper; /***/ }, /* 2 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _createEagerElementUtil = __webpack_require__(18); var _createEagerElementUtil2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerElementUtil); var _isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent = __webpack_require__(16); var _isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent2 = _interopRequireDefault(_isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var createFactory = function createFactory(type) { var isReferentiallyTransparent = (0, _isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent2.default)(type); return function (p, c) { return (0, _createEagerElementUtil2.default)(false, isReferentiallyTransparent, type, p, c); }; }; exports.default = createFactory; /***/ }, /* 3 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_3__; /***/ }, /* 4 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var mapProps = function mapProps(propsMapper) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); return function (props) { return factory(propsMapper(props)); }; }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(mapProps, 'mapProps'); /***/ }, /* 5 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _config = { fromESObservable: null, toESObservable: null }; var configureObservable = function configureObservable(c) { _config = c; }; var config = exports.config = { fromESObservable: function fromESObservable(observable) { return typeof _config.fromESObservable === 'function' ? _config.fromESObservable(observable) : observable; }, toESObservable: function toESObservable(stream) { return typeof _config.toESObservable === 'function' ? _config.toESObservable(stream) : stream; } }; exports.default = configureObservable; /***/ }, /* 6 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _shallowEqual = __webpack_require__(49); var _shallowEqual2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shallowEqual); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } exports.default = _shallowEqual2.default; /***/ }, /* 7 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var getDisplayName = function getDisplayName(Component) { if (typeof Component === 'string') { return Component; } if (!Component) { return undefined; } return Component.displayName || || 'Component'; }; exports.default = getDisplayName; /***/ }, /* 8 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var isClassComponent = function isClassComponent(Component) { return Boolean(Component && Component.prototype && typeof Component.prototype.isReactComponent === 'object'); }; exports.default = isClassComponent; /***/ }, /* 9 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var setStatic = function setStatic(key, value) { return function (BaseComponent) { /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ BaseComponent[key] = value; /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ return BaseComponent; }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(setStatic, 'setStatic', false); /***/ }, /* 10 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var shouldUpdate = function shouldUpdate(test) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); return function (_Component) { _inherits(_class, _Component); function _class() { _classCallCheck(this, _class); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } _class.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { return test(this.props, nextProps); }; _class.prototype.render = function render() { return factory(this.props); }; return _class; }(_react.Component); }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(shouldUpdate, 'shouldUpdate'); /***/ }, /* 11 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } var omit = function omit(obj, keys) { var rest = _objectWithoutProperties(obj, []); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (rest.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete rest[key]; } } return rest; }; exports.default = omit; /***/ }, /* 12 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; var pick = function pick(obj, keys) { var result = {}; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result[key] = obj[key]; } } return result; }; exports.default = pick; /***/ }, /* 13 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/* global window */ 'use strict'; module.exports = __webpack_require__(51)(global || window || this); /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()))) /***/ }, /* 14 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.componentFromStreamWithConfig = undefined; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _changeEmitter = __webpack_require__(19); var _symbolObservable = __webpack_require__(13); var _symbolObservable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbolObservable); var _setObservableConfig = __webpack_require__(5); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var componentFromStreamWithConfig = exports.componentFromStreamWithConfig = function componentFromStreamWithConfig(config) { return function (propsToVdom) { return function (_Component) { _inherits(ComponentFromStream, _Component); function ComponentFromStream() { var _config$fromESObserva; var _temp, _this, _ret; _classCallCheck(this, ComponentFromStream); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this.state = { vdom: null }, _this.propsEmitter = (0, _changeEmitter.createChangeEmitter)(), _this.props$ = config.fromESObservable((_config$fromESObserva = { subscribe: function subscribe(observer) { var unsubscribe = _this.propsEmitter.listen(function (props) { return; }); return { unsubscribe: unsubscribe }; } }, _config$fromESObserva[_symbolObservable2.default] = function () { return this; }, _config$fromESObserva)), _this.vdom$ = config.toESObservable(propsToVdom(_this.props$)), _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } // Stream of props // Stream of vdom ComponentFromStream.prototype.componentWillMount = function componentWillMount() { var _this2 = this; // Subscribe to child prop changes so we know when to re-render this.subscription = this.vdom$.subscribe({ next: function next(vdom) { _this2.setState({ vdom: vdom }); } }); this.propsEmitter.emit(this.props); }; ComponentFromStream.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // Receive new props from the owner this.propsEmitter.emit(nextProps); }; ComponentFromStream.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return nextState.vdom !== this.state.vdom; }; ComponentFromStream.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() { // Clean-up subscription before un-mounting this.subscription.unsubscribe(); }; ComponentFromStream.prototype.render = function render() { return this.state.vdom; }; return ComponentFromStream; }(_react.Component); }; }; var componentFromStream = componentFromStreamWithConfig(_setObservableConfig.config); exports.default = componentFromStream; /***/ }, /* 15 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _createEagerElementUtil = __webpack_require__(18); var _createEagerElementUtil2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerElementUtil); var _isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent = __webpack_require__(16); var _isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent2 = _interopRequireDefault(_isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var createEagerElement = function createEagerElement(type, props, children) { var isReferentiallyTransparent = (0, _isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent2.default)(type); /* eslint-disable */ var hasKey = props && props.hasOwnProperty('key'); /* eslint-enable */ return (0, _createEagerElementUtil2.default)(hasKey, isReferentiallyTransparent, type, props, children); }; exports.default = createEagerElement; /***/ }, /* 16 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _isClassComponent = __webpack_require__(8); var _isClassComponent2 = _interopRequireDefault(_isClassComponent); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent = function isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent(Component) { return Boolean(typeof Component === 'function' && !(0, _isClassComponent2.default)(Component) && !Component.defaultProps && !Component.contextTypes && !Component.propTypes); }; exports.default = isReferentiallyTransparentFunctionComponent; /***/ }, /* 17 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _shouldUpdate = __webpack_require__(10); var _shouldUpdate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shouldUpdate); var _shallowEqual = __webpack_require__(6); var _shallowEqual2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shallowEqual); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _pick = __webpack_require__(12); var _pick2 = _interopRequireDefault(_pick); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var onlyUpdateForKeys = function onlyUpdateForKeys(propKeys) { return (0, _shouldUpdate2.default)(function (props, nextProps) { return !(0, _shallowEqual2.default)((0, _pick2.default)(nextProps, propKeys), (0, _pick2.default)(props, propKeys)); }); }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(onlyUpdateForKeys, 'onlyUpdateForKeys'); /***/ }, /* 18 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var createEagerElementUtil = function createEagerElementUtil(hasKey, isReferentiallyTransparent, type, props, children) { if (!hasKey && isReferentiallyTransparent) { if (children) { return type(_extends({}, props, { children: children })); } return type(props); } var Component = type; if (children) { return _react2.default.createElement( Component, props, children ); } return _react2.default.createElement(Component, props); }; exports.default = createEagerElementUtil; /***/ }, /* 19 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var createChangeEmitter = exports.createChangeEmitter = function createChangeEmitter() { var currentListeners = []; var nextListeners = currentListeners; function ensureCanMutateNextListeners() { if (nextListeners === currentListeners) { nextListeners = currentListeners.slice(); } } function listen(listener) { if (typeof listener !== 'function') { throw new Error('Expected listener to be a function.'); } var isSubscribed = true; ensureCanMutateNextListeners(); nextListeners.push(listener); return function () { if (!isSubscribed) { return; } isSubscribed = false; ensureCanMutateNextListeners(); var index = nextListeners.indexOf(listener); nextListeners.splice(index, 1); }; } function emit() { currentListeners = nextListeners; var listeners = currentListeners; for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { listeners[i].apply(listeners, arguments); } } return { listen: listen, emit: emit }; }; /***/ }, /* 20 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var branch = function branch(test, left, right) { return function (BaseComponent) { return function (_React$Component) { _inherits(_class2, _React$Component); function _class2(props, context) { _classCallCheck(this, _class2); var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$, props, context)); _this.LeftComponent = null; _this.RightComponent = null; _this.computeChildComponent(_this.props); return _this; } _class2.prototype.computeChildComponent = function computeChildComponent(props) { if (test(props)) { this.leftFactory = this.leftFactory || (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(left(BaseComponent)); this.factory = this.leftFactory; } else { this.rightFactory = this.rightFactory || (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(right(BaseComponent)); this.factory = this.rightFactory; } }; _class2.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.computeChildComponent(nextProps); }; _class2.prototype.render = function render() { return this.factory(this.props); }; return _class2; }(_react2.default.Component); }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(branch, 'branch'); /***/ }, /* 21 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _omit = __webpack_require__(11); var _omit2 = _interopRequireDefault(_omit); var _createEagerElement = __webpack_require__(15); var _createEagerElement2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerElement); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var componentFromProp = function componentFromProp(propName) { var Component = function Component(props) { return (0, _createEagerElement2.default)(props[propName], (0, _omit2.default)(props, [propName])); }; Component.displayName = 'componentFromProp(' + propName + ')'; return Component; }; exports.default = componentFromProp; /***/ }, /* 22 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = compose; function compose() { for (var _len = arguments.length, funcs = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { funcs[_key] = arguments[_key]; } if (funcs.length === 0) { return function (arg) { return arg; }; } if (funcs.length === 1) { return funcs[0]; } var last = funcs[funcs.length - 1]; return function () { var result = last.apply(undefined, arguments); for (var i = funcs.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { var f = funcs[i]; result = f(result); } return result; }; } /***/ }, /* 23 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.createEventHandlerWithConfig = undefined; var _symbolObservable = __webpack_require__(13); var _symbolObservable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbolObservable); var _changeEmitter = __webpack_require__(19); var _setObservableConfig = __webpack_require__(5); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var createEventHandlerWithConfig = exports.createEventHandlerWithConfig = function createEventHandlerWithConfig(config) { return function () { var _config$fromESObserva; var emitter = (0, _changeEmitter.createChangeEmitter)(); var stream = config.fromESObservable((_config$fromESObserva = { subscribe: function subscribe(observer) { var unsubscribe = emitter.listen(function (value) { return; }); return { unsubscribe: unsubscribe }; } }, _config$fromESObserva[_symbolObservable2.default] = function () { return this; }, _config$fromESObserva)); return { handler: emitter.emit, stream: stream }; }; }; var createEventHandler = createEventHandlerWithConfig(_setObservableConfig.config); exports.default = createEventHandler; /***/ }, /* 24 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var createSink = function createSink(callback) { return function (_Component) { _inherits(Sink, _Component); function Sink() { _classCallCheck(this, Sink); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } Sink.prototype.componentWillMount = function componentWillMount() { callback(this.props); }; Sink.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { callback(nextProps); }; Sink.prototype.render = function render() { return null; }; return Sink; }(_react.Component); }; exports.default = createSink; /***/ }, /* 25 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var defaultProps = function defaultProps(props) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); var DefaultProps = function DefaultProps(ownerProps) { return factory(ownerProps); }; DefaultProps.defaultProps = props; return DefaultProps; }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(defaultProps, 'defaultProps'); /***/ }, /* 26 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var flattenProp = function flattenProp(propName) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); return function (props) { return factory(_extends({}, props, props[propName])); }; }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(flattenProp, 'flattenProp'); /***/ }, /* 27 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var getContext = function getContext(contextTypes) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); var GetContext = function GetContext(ownerProps, context) { return factory(_extends({}, ownerProps, context)); }; GetContext.contextTypes = contextTypes; return GetContext; }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(getContext, 'getContext'); /***/ }, /* 28 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _hoistNonReactStatics = __webpack_require__(50); var _hoistNonReactStatics2 = _interopRequireDefault(_hoistNonReactStatics); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var hoistStatics = function hoistStatics(higherOrderComponent) { return function (BaseComponent) { var NewComponent = higherOrderComponent(BaseComponent); (0, _hoistNonReactStatics2.default)(NewComponent, BaseComponent); return NewComponent; }; }; exports.default = hoistStatics; /***/ }, /* 29 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.setObservableConfig = exports.createEventHandler = exports.mapPropsStream = exports.componentFromStream = exports.hoistStatics = exports.nest = exports.componentFromProp = exports.createSink = exports.createEagerFactory = exports.createEagerElement = exports.isClassComponent = exports.shallowEqual = exports.wrapDisplayName = exports.getDisplayName = exports.compose = exports.setDisplayName = exports.setPropTypes = exports.setStatic = exports.toClass = exports.lifecycle = exports.getContext = exports.withContext = exports.onlyUpdateForPropTypes = exports.onlyUpdateForKeys = exports.pure = exports.shouldUpdate = exports.renderNothing = exports.renderComponent = exports.branch = exports.withReducer = exports.withState = exports.flattenProp = exports.renameProps = exports.renameProp = exports.defaultProps = exports.withHandlers = exports.withPropsOnChange = exports.withProps = exports.mapProps = undefined; var _mapProps2 = __webpack_require__(4); var _mapProps3 = _interopRequireDefault(_mapProps2); var _withProps2 = __webpack_require__(44); var _withProps3 = _interopRequireDefault(_withProps2); var _withPropsOnChange2 = __webpack_require__(45); var _withPropsOnChange3 = _interopRequireDefault(_withPropsOnChange2); var _withHandlers2 = __webpack_require__(43); var _withHandlers3 = _interopRequireDefault(_withHandlers2); var _defaultProps2 = __webpack_require__(25); var _defaultProps3 = _interopRequireDefault(_defaultProps2); var _renameProp2 = __webpack_require__(35); var _renameProp3 = _interopRequireDefault(_renameProp2); var _renameProps2 = __webpack_require__(36); var _renameProps3 = _interopRequireDefault(_renameProps2); var _flattenProp2 = __webpack_require__(26); var _flattenProp3 = _interopRequireDefault(_flattenProp2); var _withState2 = __webpack_require__(47); var _withState3 = _interopRequireDefault(_withState2); var _withReducer2 = __webpack_require__(46); var _withReducer3 = _interopRequireDefault(_withReducer2); var _branch2 = __webpack_require__(20); var _branch3 = _interopRequireDefault(_branch2); var _renderComponent2 = __webpack_require__(37); var _renderComponent3 = _interopRequireDefault(_renderComponent2); var _renderNothing2 = __webpack_require__(38); var _renderNothing3 = _interopRequireDefault(_renderNothing2); var _shouldUpdate2 = __webpack_require__(10); var _shouldUpdate3 = _interopRequireDefault(_shouldUpdate2); var _pure2 = __webpack_require__(34); var _pure3 = _interopRequireDefault(_pure2); var _onlyUpdateForKeys2 = __webpack_require__(17); var _onlyUpdateForKeys3 = _interopRequireDefault(_onlyUpdateForKeys2); var _onlyUpdateForPropTypes2 = __webpack_require__(33); var _onlyUpdateForPropTypes3 = _interopRequireDefault(_onlyUpdateForPropTypes2); var _withContext2 = __webpack_require__(42); var _withContext3 = _interopRequireDefault(_withContext2); var _getContext2 = __webpack_require__(27); var _getContext3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getContext2); var _lifecycle2 = __webpack_require__(30); var _lifecycle3 = _interopRequireDefault(_lifecycle2); var _toClass2 = __webpack_require__(41); var _toClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_toClass2); var _setStatic2 = __webpack_require__(9); var _setStatic3 = _interopRequireDefault(_setStatic2); var _setPropTypes2 = __webpack_require__(40); var _setPropTypes3 = _interopRequireDefault(_setPropTypes2); var _setDisplayName2 = __webpack_require__(39); var _setDisplayName3 = _interopRequireDefault(_setDisplayName2); var _compose2 = __webpack_require__(22); var _compose3 = _interopRequireDefault(_compose2); var _getDisplayName2 = __webpack_require__(7); var _getDisplayName3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getDisplayName2); var _wrapDisplayName2 = __webpack_require__(48); var _wrapDisplayName3 = _interopRequireDefault(_wrapDisplayName2); var _shallowEqual2 = __webpack_require__(6); var _shallowEqual3 = _interopRequireDefault(_shallowEqual2); var _isClassComponent2 = __webpack_require__(8); var _isClassComponent3 = _interopRequireDefault(_isClassComponent2); var _createEagerElement2 = __webpack_require__(15); var _createEagerElement3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerElement2); var _createEagerFactory2 = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory2); var _createSink2 = __webpack_require__(24); var _createSink3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createSink2); var _componentFromProp2 = __webpack_require__(21); var _componentFromProp3 = _interopRequireDefault(_componentFromProp2); var _nest2 = __webpack_require__(32); var _nest3 = _interopRequireDefault(_nest2); var _hoistStatics2 = __webpack_require__(28); var _hoistStatics3 = _interopRequireDefault(_hoistStatics2); var _componentFromStream2 = __webpack_require__(14); var _componentFromStream3 = _interopRequireDefault(_componentFromStream2); var _mapPropsStream2 = __webpack_require__(31); var _mapPropsStream3 = _interopRequireDefault(_mapPropsStream2); var _createEventHandler2 = __webpack_require__(23); var _createEventHandler3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEventHandler2); var _setObservableConfig2 = __webpack_require__(5); var _setObservableConfig3 = _interopRequireDefault(_setObservableConfig2); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } exports.mapProps = _mapProps3.default; // Higher-order component helpers exports.withProps = _withProps3.default; exports.withPropsOnChange = _withPropsOnChange3.default; exports.withHandlers = _withHandlers3.default; exports.defaultProps = _defaultProps3.default; exports.renameProp = _renameProp3.default; exports.renameProps = _renameProps3.default; exports.flattenProp = _flattenProp3.default; exports.withState = _withState3.default; exports.withReducer = _withReducer3.default; exports.branch = _branch3.default; exports.renderComponent = _renderComponent3.default; exports.renderNothing = _renderNothing3.default; exports.shouldUpdate = _shouldUpdate3.default; exports.pure = _pure3.default; exports.onlyUpdateForKeys = _onlyUpdateForKeys3.default; exports.onlyUpdateForPropTypes = _onlyUpdateForPropTypes3.default; exports.withContext = _withContext3.default; exports.getContext = _getContext3.default; exports.lifecycle = _lifecycle3.default; exports.toClass = _toClass3.default; // Static property helpers exports.setStatic = _setStatic3.default; exports.setPropTypes = _setPropTypes3.default; exports.setDisplayName = _setDisplayName3.default; // Composition function exports.compose = _compose3.default; // Other utils exports.getDisplayName = _getDisplayName3.default; exports.wrapDisplayName = _wrapDisplayName3.default; exports.shallowEqual = _shallowEqual3.default; exports.isClassComponent = _isClassComponent3.default; exports.createEagerElement = _createEagerElement3.default; exports.createEagerFactory = _createEagerFactory3.default; exports.createSink = _createSink3.default; exports.componentFromProp = _componentFromProp3.default; exports.nest = _nest3.default; exports.hoistStatics = _hoistStatics3.default; // Observable helpers exports.componentFromStream = _componentFromStream3.default; exports.mapPropsStream = _mapPropsStream3.default; exports.createEventHandler = _createEventHandler3.default; exports.setObservableConfig = _setObservableConfig3.default; /***/ }, /* 30 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var lifecycle = function lifecycle(spec) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); if (false) { console.error('lifecycle() does not support the render method; its behavior is to ' + 'pass all props and state to the base component.'); } /* eslint-disable react/prefer-es6-class */ return (0, _react.createClass)(_extends({}, spec, { render: function render() { return factory(_extends({}, this.props, this.state)); } })); /* eslint-enable react/prefer-es6-class */ }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(lifecycle, 'lifecycle'); /***/ }, /* 31 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.mapPropsStreamWithConfig = undefined; var _symbolObservable = __webpack_require__(13); var _symbolObservable2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbolObservable); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _componentFromStream = __webpack_require__(14); var _setObservableConfig = __webpack_require__(5); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var identity = function identity(t) { return t; }; var componentFromStream = (0, _componentFromStream.componentFromStreamWithConfig)({ fromESObservable: identity, toESObservable: identity }); var mapPropsStreamWithConfig = exports.mapPropsStreamWithConfig = function mapPropsStreamWithConfig(config) { return function (transform) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); var fromESObservable = config.fromESObservable; var toESObservable = config.toESObservable; return componentFromStream(function (props$) { var _ref; return _ref = { subscribe: function subscribe(observer) { var subscription = toESObservable(transform(fromESObservable(props$))).subscribe({ next: function next(childProps) { return; } }); return { unsubscribe: function unsubscribe() { return subscription.unsubscribe(); } }; } }, _ref[_symbolObservable2.default] = function () { return this; }, _ref; }); }; }; }; var mapPropsStream = mapPropsStreamWithConfig(_setObservableConfig.config); exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(mapPropsStream, 'mapPropsStream'); /***/ }, /* 32 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) { var target = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0) continue; if (!, i)) continue; target[i] = obj[i]; } return target; } var nest = function nest() { for (var _len = arguments.length, Components = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { Components[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var factories =; var Nest = function Nest(_ref) { var props = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, []); var children = _ref.children; return factories.reduceRight(function (child, factory) { return factory(props, child); }, children); }; if (false) { /* eslint-disable global-require */ var getDisplayName = require('./getDisplayName').default; /* eslint-enable global-require */ var displayNames =; Nest.displayName = 'nest(' + displayNames.join(', ') + ')'; } return Nest; }; exports.default = nest; /***/ }, /* 33 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _onlyUpdateForKeys = __webpack_require__(17); var _onlyUpdateForKeys2 = _interopRequireDefault(_onlyUpdateForKeys); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var onlyUpdateForPropTypes = function onlyUpdateForPropTypes(BaseComponent) { var propTypes = BaseComponent.propTypes; if (false) { /* eslint-disable global-require */ var getDisplayName = require('./getDisplayName').default; /* eslint-enable global-require */ if (!propTypes) { /* eslint-disable */ console.error('A component without any `propTypes` was passed to ' + '`onlyUpdateForPropTypes()`. Check the implementation of the ' + ('component with display name "' + getDisplayName(BaseComponent) + '".')); /* eslint-enable */ } } var propKeys = Object.keys(propTypes || {}); var OnlyUpdateForPropTypes = (0, _onlyUpdateForKeys2.default)(propKeys)(BaseComponent); return OnlyUpdateForPropTypes; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(onlyUpdateForPropTypes, 'onlyUpdateForPropTypes', true, true); /***/ }, /* 34 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _shouldUpdate = __webpack_require__(10); var _shouldUpdate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shouldUpdate); var _shallowEqual = __webpack_require__(6); var _shallowEqual2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shallowEqual); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var pure = (0, _shouldUpdate2.default)(function (props, nextProps) { return !(0, _shallowEqual2.default)(props, nextProps); }); exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(pure, 'pure', true, true); /***/ }, /* 35 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _omit = __webpack_require__(11); var _omit2 = _interopRequireDefault(_omit); var _mapProps = __webpack_require__(4); var _mapProps2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mapProps); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var renameProp = function renameProp(oldName, newName) { return (0, _mapProps2.default)(function (props) { var _extends2; return _extends({}, (0, _omit2.default)(props, [oldName]), (_extends2 = {}, _extends2[newName] = props[oldName], _extends2)); }); }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(renameProp, 'renameProp'); /***/ }, /* 36 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _omit = __webpack_require__(11); var _omit2 = _interopRequireDefault(_omit); var _pick = __webpack_require__(12); var _pick2 = _interopRequireDefault(_pick); var _mapProps = __webpack_require__(4); var _mapProps2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mapProps); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var keys = Object.keys; var mapKeys = function mapKeys(obj, func) { return keys(obj).reduce(function (result, key) { var val = obj[key]; /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ result[func(val, key)] = val; /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ return result; }, {}); }; var renameProps = function renameProps(nameMap) { return (0, _mapProps2.default)(function (props) { return _extends({}, (0, _omit2.default)(props, keys(nameMap)), mapKeys((0, _pick2.default)(props, keys(nameMap)), function (_, oldName) { return nameMap[oldName]; })); }); }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(renameProps, 'renameProps'); /***/ }, /* 37 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } // import React from 'react' var renderComponent = function renderComponent(Component) { return function (_) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(Component); var RenderComponent = function RenderComponent(props) { return factory(props); }; // const RenderComponent = props => <Component {...props} /> if (false) { /* eslint-disable global-require */ var wrapDisplayName = require('./wrapDisplayName').default; /* eslint-enable global-require */ RenderComponent.displayName = wrapDisplayName(Component, 'renderComponent'); } return RenderComponent; }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(renderComponent, 'renderComponent', false); /***/ }, /* 38 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var renderNothing = function renderNothing(_) { var Nothing = function Nothing() { return null; }; Nothing.displayName = 'Nothing'; return Nothing; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(renderNothing, 'renderNothing', false, true); /***/ }, /* 39 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _setStatic = __webpack_require__(9); var _setStatic2 = _interopRequireDefault(_setStatic); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var setDisplayName = function setDisplayName(displayName) { return (0, _setStatic2.default)('displayName', displayName); }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(setDisplayName, 'setDisplayName', false); /***/ }, /* 40 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _setStatic = __webpack_require__(9); var _setStatic2 = _interopRequireDefault(_setStatic); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var setPropTypes = function setPropTypes(propTypes) { return (0, _setStatic2.default)('propTypes', propTypes); }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(setPropTypes, 'setPropTypes', false); /***/ }, /* 41 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react); var _getDisplayName = __webpack_require__(7); var _getDisplayName2 = _interopRequireDefault(_getDisplayName); var _isClassComponent = __webpack_require__(8); var _isClassComponent2 = _interopRequireDefault(_isClassComponent); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var toClass = function toClass(baseComponent) { if ((0, _isClassComponent2.default)(baseComponent)) { return baseComponent; } var ToClass = function (_Component) { _inherits(ToClass, _Component); function ToClass() { _classCallCheck(this, ToClass); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Component.apply(this, arguments)); } ToClass.prototype.render = function render() { if (typeof baseComponent === 'string') { return _react2.default.createElement('baseComponent', this.props); } return baseComponent(this.props, this.context); }; return ToClass; }(_react.Component); ToClass.displayName = (0, _getDisplayName2.default)(baseComponent); ToClass.propTypes = baseComponent.propTypes; ToClass.contextTypes = baseComponent.contextTypes; ToClass.defaultProps = baseComponent.defaultProps; return ToClass; }; exports.default = toClass; /***/ }, /* 42 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var withContext = function withContext(childContextTypes, getChildContext) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); var WithContext = function (_Component) { _inherits(WithContext, _Component); function WithContext() { var _temp, _this, _ret; _classCallCheck(this, WithContext); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this.getChildContext = function () { return getChildContext(_this.props); }, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } WithContext.prototype.render = function render() { return factory(this.props); }; return WithContext; }(_react.Component); WithContext.childContextTypes = childContextTypes; return WithContext; }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(withContext, 'withContext'); /***/ }, /* 43 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var mapValues = function mapValues(obj, func) { var result = []; var i = 0; /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { i += 1; result[key] = func(obj[key], key, i); } } /* eslint-enable no-restricted-syntax */ return result; }; var withHandlers = function withHandlers(handlers) { return function (BaseComponent) { var _class, _temp2, _initialiseProps; var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); return _temp2 = _class = function (_Component) { _inherits(_class, _Component); function _class() { var _temp, _this, _ret; _classCallCheck(this, _class); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, [this].concat(args))), _this),, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } _class.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps() { this.cachedHandlers = {}; }; _class.prototype.render = function render() { return factory(_extends({}, this.props, this.handlers)); }; return _class; }(_react.Component), _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() { var _this2 = this; this.cachedHandlers = {}; this.handlers = mapValues(handlers, function (createHandler, handlerName) { return function () { var cachedHandler = _this2.cachedHandlers[handlerName]; if (cachedHandler) { return cachedHandler.apply(undefined, arguments); } var handler = createHandler(_this2.props); _this2.cachedHandlers[handlerName] = handler; if (false) { console.error('withHandlers(): Expected a map of higher-order functions. ' + 'Refer to the docs for more info.'); } return handler.apply(undefined, arguments); }; }); }, _temp2; }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(withHandlers, 'withHandlers'); /***/ }, /* 44 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _mapProps = __webpack_require__(4); var _mapProps2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mapProps); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var withProps = function withProps(input) { return (0, _mapProps2.default)(function (props) { return _extends({}, props, typeof input === 'function' ? input(props) : input); }); }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(withProps, 'withProps'); /***/ }, /* 45 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _pick = __webpack_require__(12); var _pick2 = _interopRequireDefault(_pick); var _shallowEqual = __webpack_require__(6); var _shallowEqual2 = _interopRequireDefault(_shallowEqual); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var withPropsOnChange = function withPropsOnChange(shouldMapOrKeys, propsMapper) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); var shouldMap = typeof shouldMapOrKeys === 'function' ? shouldMapOrKeys : function (props, nextProps) { return !(0, _shallowEqual2.default)((0, _pick2.default)(props, shouldMapOrKeys), (0, _pick2.default)(nextProps, shouldMapOrKeys)); }; return function (_Component) { _inherits(_class2, _Component); function _class2() { var _temp, _this, _ret; _classCallCheck(this, _class2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this.computedProps = propsMapper(_this.props), _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } _class2.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (shouldMap(this.props, nextProps)) { this.computedProps = propsMapper(nextProps); } }; _class2.prototype.render = function render() { return factory(_extends({}, this.props, this.computedProps)); }; return _class2; }(_react.Component); }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(withPropsOnChange, 'withPropsOnChange'); /***/ }, /* 46 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var withReducer = function withReducer(stateName, dispatchName, reducer, initialState) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); return function (_Component) { _inherits(_class2, _Component); function _class2() { var _temp, _this, _ret; _classCallCheck(this, _class2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this.state = { stateValue: typeof initialState === 'function' ? initialState(_this.props) : initialState }, _this.dispatch = function (action) { return _this.setState(function (_ref) { var stateValue = _ref.stateValue; return { stateValue: reducer(stateValue, action) }; }); }, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } _class2.prototype.render = function render() { var _extends2; return factory(_extends({}, this.props, (_extends2 = {}, _extends2[stateName] = this.state.stateValue, _extends2[dispatchName] = this.dispatch, _extends2))); }; return _class2; }(_react.Component); }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(withReducer, 'withReducer'); /***/ }, /* 47 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; var _react = __webpack_require__(3); var _createHelper = __webpack_require__(1); var _createHelper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createHelper); var _createEagerFactory = __webpack_require__(2); var _createEagerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_createEagerFactory); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var withState = function withState(stateName, stateUpdaterName, initialState) { return function (BaseComponent) { var factory = (0, _createEagerFactory2.default)(BaseComponent); return function (_Component) { _inherits(_class2, _Component); function _class2() { var _temp, _this, _ret; _classCallCheck(this, _class2); for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this.state = { stateValue: typeof initialState === 'function' ? initialState(_this.props) : initialState }, _this.updateStateValue = function (updateFn, callback) { return _this.setState(function (_ref) { var stateValue = _ref.stateValue; return { stateValue: typeof updateFn === 'function' ? updateFn(stateValue) : updateFn }; }, callback); }, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret); } _class2.prototype.render = function render() { var _extends2; return factory(_extends({}, this.props, (_extends2 = {}, _extends2[stateName] = this.state.stateValue, _extends2[stateUpdaterName] = this.updateStateValue, _extends2))); }; return _class2; }(_react.Component); }; }; exports.default = (0, _createHelper2.default)(withState, 'withState'); /***/ }, /* 48 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _getDisplayName = __webpack_require__(7); var _getDisplayName2 = _interopRequireDefault(_getDisplayName); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var wrapDisplayName = function wrapDisplayName(BaseComponent, hocName) { return hocName + '(' + (0, _getDisplayName2.default)(BaseComponent) + ')'; }; exports.default = wrapDisplayName; /***/ }, /* 49 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @typechecks * */ /*eslint-disable no-self-compare */ 'use strict'; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; /** * inlined polyfill to avoid requiring consumers ship their own * */ function is(x, y) { // SameValue algorithm if (x === y) { // Steps 1-5, 7-10 // Steps 6.b-6.e: +0 != -0 return x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y; } else { // Step 6.a: NaN == NaN return x !== x && y !== y; } } /** * Performs equality by iterating through keys on an object and returning false * when any key has values which are not strictly equal between the arguments. * Returns true when the values of all keys are strictly equal. */ function shallowEqual(objA, objB) { if (is(objA, objB)) { return true; } if (typeof objA !== 'object' || objA === null || typeof objB !== 'object' || objB === null) { return false; } var keysA = Object.keys(objA); var keysB = Object.keys(objB); if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) { return false; } // Test for A's keys different from B. for (var i = 0; i < keysA.length; i++) { if (!, keysA[i]) || !is(objA[keysA[i]], objB[keysA[i]])) { return false; } } return true; } module.exports = shallowEqual; /***/ }, /* 50 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /** * Copyright 2015, Yahoo! Inc. * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ 'use strict'; var REACT_STATICS = { childContextTypes: true, contextTypes: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, getDefaultProps: true, mixins: true, propTypes: true, type: true }; var KNOWN_STATICS = { name: true, length: true, prototype: true, caller: true, arguments: true, arity: true }; module.exports = function hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, sourceComponent) { if (typeof sourceComponent !== 'string') { // don't hoist over string (html) components var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(sourceComponent); for (var i=0; i<keys.length; ++i) { if (!REACT_STATICS[keys[i]] && !KNOWN_STATICS[keys[i]]) { try { targetComponent[keys[i]] = sourceComponent[keys[i]]; } catch (error) { } } } } return targetComponent; }; /***/ }, /* 51 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function symbolObservablePonyfill(root) { var result; var Symbol = root.Symbol; if (typeof Symbol === 'function') { if (Symbol.observable) { result = Symbol.observable; } else { result = Symbol('observable'); Symbol.observable = result; } } else { result = '@@observable'; } return result; }; /***/ } /******/ ]) }); ;
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M12.01 2C6.49 2 2.02 6.48 2.02 12s4.47 10 9.99 10c5.53 0 10.01-4.48 10.01-10S17.54 2 12.01 2zm.01 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8zm3.5-9c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5S16.35 8 15.52 8s-1.5.67-1.5 1.5.67 1.5 1.5 1.5zm-7 0c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5S9.35 8 8.52 8s-1.5.67-1.5 1.5.67 1.5 1.5 1.5zm3.5 6.5c2.03 0 3.8-1.11 4.75-2.75.19-.33-.05-.75-.44-.75H7.71c-.38 0-.63.42-.44.75.95 1.64 2.72 2.75 4.75 2.75z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'TagFacesRounded');
import 'whatwg-fetch'; import { polyfill as promisePolyfill } from 'es6-promise'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Router } from 'react-router-dom'; import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import reduxThunk from 'redux-thunk'; // import reduxLogger from 'redux-logger'; import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import reducers from './reducers'; import { loadSession } from './actions'; import App from './components/App'; require('leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'); // require('../scss/index.scss'); promisePolyfill(); const history = createBrowserHistory(); // Grab the state from a global variable injected into the server-generated HTML const preloadedState = window.__PRELOADED_STATE__; // Allow the passed state to be garbage-collected delete window.__PRELOADED_STATE__; const store = createStore(reducers, preloadedState, applyMiddleware(reduxThunk)); // , reduxLogger)); store.dispatch(loadSession()); const main = ( <Router history={history}> <Provider store={store}> <App /> </Provider> </Router> ); const element = document.getElementById('content'); ReactDOM.render(main, element); document.body.classList.remove('loading');
/** * @author Jason Dobry <> * @file js-data.js * @version 0.0.1 - Homepage <> * @copyright (c) 2014 Jason Dobry * @license MIT <> * * @overview Data store. */ !function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.JSData=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ // Copyright 2012 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Modifications // Copyright 2014 Jason Dobry // // Summary of modifications: // Removed all code related to: // - ArrayObserver // - ArraySplice // - PathObserver // - CompoundObserver // - Path // - ObserverTransform (function(global) { 'use strict'; // Detect and do basic sanity checking on Object/Array.observe. function detectObjectObserve() { if (typeof Object.observe !== 'function' || typeof Array.observe !== 'function') { return false; } var records = []; function callback(recs) { records = recs; } var test = {}; var arr = []; Object.observe(test, callback); Array.observe(arr, callback); = 1; = 2; delete; arr.push(1, 2); arr.length = 0; Object.deliverChangeRecords(callback); if (records.length !== 5) return false; if (records[0].type != 'add' || records[1].type != 'update' || records[2].type != 'delete' || records[3].type != 'splice' || records[4].type != 'splice') { return false; } Object.unobserve(test, callback); Array.unobserve(arr, callback); return true; } var hasObserve = detectObjectObserve(); function detectEval() { // Don't test for eval if we're running in a Chrome App environment. // We check for APIs set that only exist in a Chrome App context. if (typeof chrome !== 'undefined' && && { return false; } try { var f = new Function('', 'return true;'); return f(); } catch (ex) { return false; } } var hasEval = detectEval(); var createObject = ('__proto__' in {}) ? function(obj) { return obj; } : function(obj) { var proto = obj.__proto__; if (!proto) return obj; var newObject = Object.create(proto); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function(name) { Object.defineProperty(newObject, name, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name)); }); return newObject; }; var MAX_DIRTY_CHECK_CYCLES = 1000; function dirtyCheck(observer) { var cycles = 0; while (cycles < MAX_DIRTY_CHECK_CYCLES && observer.check_()) { cycles++; } if (global.testingExposeCycleCount) global.dirtyCheckCycleCount = cycles; return cycles > 0; } function objectIsEmpty(object) { for (var prop in object) return false; return true; } function diffIsEmpty(diff) { return objectIsEmpty(diff.added) && objectIsEmpty(diff.removed) && objectIsEmpty(diff.changed); } function diffObjectFromOldObject(object, oldObject) { var added = {}; var removed = {}; var changed = {}; for (var prop in oldObject) { var newValue = object[prop]; if (newValue !== undefined && newValue === oldObject[prop]) continue; if (!(prop in object)) { removed[prop] = undefined; continue; } if (newValue !== oldObject[prop]) changed[prop] = newValue; } for (var prop in object) { if (prop in oldObject) continue; added[prop] = object[prop]; } if (Array.isArray(object) && object.length !== oldObject.length) changed.length = object.length; return { added: added, removed: removed, changed: changed }; } var eomTasks = []; function runEOMTasks() { if (!eomTasks.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < eomTasks.length; i++) { eomTasks[i](); } eomTasks.length = 0; return true; } var runEOM = hasObserve ? (function(){ var eomObj = { pingPong: true }; var eomRunScheduled = false; Object.observe(eomObj, function() { runEOMTasks(); eomRunScheduled = false; }); return function(fn) { eomTasks.push(fn); if (!eomRunScheduled) { eomRunScheduled = true; eomObj.pingPong = !eomObj.pingPong; } }; })() : (function() { return function(fn) { eomTasks.push(fn); }; })(); var observedObjectCache = []; function newObservedObject() { var observer; var object; var discardRecords = false; var first = true; function callback(records) { if (observer && observer.state_ === OPENED && !discardRecords) observer.check_(records); } return { open: function(obs) { if (observer) throw Error('ObservedObject in use'); if (!first) Object.deliverChangeRecords(callback); observer = obs; first = false; }, observe: function(obj, arrayObserve) { object = obj; if (arrayObserve) Array.observe(object, callback); else Object.observe(object, callback); }, deliver: function(discard) { discardRecords = discard; Object.deliverChangeRecords(callback); discardRecords = false; }, close: function() { observer = undefined; Object.unobserve(object, callback); observedObjectCache.push(this); } }; } /* * The observedSet abstraction is a perf optimization which reduces the total * number of Object.observe observations of a set of objects. The idea is that * groups of Observers will have some object dependencies in common and this * observed set ensures that each object in the transitive closure of * dependencies is only observed once. The observedSet acts as a write barrier * such that whenever any change comes through, all Observers are checked for * changed values. * * Note that this optimization is explicitly moving work from setup-time to * change-time. * * TODO(rafaelw): Implement "garbage collection". In order to move work off * the critical path, when Observers are closed, their observed objects are * not Object.unobserve(d). As a result, it's possible that if the observedSet * is kept open, but some Observers have been closed, it could cause "leaks" * (prevent otherwise collectable objects from being collected). At some * point, we should implement incremental "gc" which keeps a list of * observedSets which may need clean-up and does small amounts of cleanup on a * timeout until all is clean. */ function getObservedObject(observer, object, arrayObserve) { var dir = observedObjectCache.pop() || newObservedObject();; dir.observe(object, arrayObserve); return dir; } var UNOPENED = 0; var OPENED = 1; var CLOSED = 2; var nextObserverId = 1; function Observer() { this.state_ = UNOPENED; this.callback_ = undefined; this.target_ = undefined; // TODO(rafaelw): Should be WeakRef this.directObserver_ = undefined; this.value_ = undefined; this.id_ = nextObserverId++; } Observer.prototype = { open: function(callback, target) { if (this.state_ != UNOPENED) throw Error('Observer has already been opened.'); addToAll(this); this.callback_ = callback; this.target_ = target; this.connect_(); this.state_ = OPENED; return this.value_; }, close: function() { if (this.state_ != OPENED) return; removeFromAll(this); this.disconnect_(); this.value_ = undefined; this.callback_ = undefined; this.target_ = undefined; this.state_ = CLOSED; }, deliver: function() { if (this.state_ != OPENED) return; dirtyCheck(this); }, report_: function(changes) { try { this.callback_.apply(this.target_, changes); } catch (ex) { Observer._errorThrownDuringCallback = true; console.error('Exception caught during observer callback: ' + (ex.stack || ex)); } }, discardChanges: function() { this.check_(undefined, true); return this.value_; } } var collectObservers = !hasObserve; var allObservers; Observer._allObserversCount = 0; if (collectObservers) { allObservers = []; } function addToAll(observer) { Observer._allObserversCount++; if (!collectObservers) return; allObservers.push(observer); } function removeFromAll(observer) { Observer._allObserversCount--; } var runningMicrotaskCheckpoint = false; var hasDebugForceFullDelivery = hasObserve && hasEval && (function() { try { eval('%RunMicrotasks()'); return true; } catch (ex) { return false; } })(); global.Platform = global.Platform || {}; global.Platform.performMicrotaskCheckpoint = function() { if (runningMicrotaskCheckpoint) return; if (hasDebugForceFullDelivery) { eval('%RunMicrotasks()'); return; } if (!collectObservers) return; runningMicrotaskCheckpoint = true; var cycles = 0; var anyChanged, toCheck; do { cycles++; toCheck = allObservers; allObservers = []; anyChanged = false; for (var i = 0; i < toCheck.length; i++) { var observer = toCheck[i]; if (observer.state_ != OPENED) continue; if (observer.check_()) anyChanged = true; allObservers.push(observer); } if (runEOMTasks()) anyChanged = true; } while (cycles < MAX_DIRTY_CHECK_CYCLES && anyChanged); if (global.testingExposeCycleCount) global.dirtyCheckCycleCount = cycles; runningMicrotaskCheckpoint = false; }; if (collectObservers) { global.Platform.clearObservers = function() { allObservers = []; }; } function ObjectObserver(object) {; this.value_ = object; this.oldObject_ = undefined; } ObjectObserver.prototype = createObject({ __proto__: Observer.prototype, arrayObserve: false, connect_: function(callback, target) { if (hasObserve) { this.directObserver_ = getObservedObject(this, this.value_, this.arrayObserve); } else { this.oldObject_ = this.copyObject(this.value_); } }, copyObject: function(object) { var copy = Array.isArray(object) ? [] : {}; for (var prop in object) { copy[prop] = object[prop]; }; if (Array.isArray(object)) copy.length = object.length; return copy; }, check_: function(changeRecords, skipChanges) { var diff; var oldValues; if (hasObserve) { if (!changeRecords) return false; oldValues = {}; diff = diffObjectFromChangeRecords(this.value_, changeRecords, oldValues); } else { oldValues = this.oldObject_; diff = diffObjectFromOldObject(this.value_, this.oldObject_); } if (diffIsEmpty(diff)) return false; if (!hasObserve) this.oldObject_ = this.copyObject(this.value_); this.report_([ diff.added || {}, diff.removed || {}, diff.changed || {}, function(property) { return oldValues[property]; } ]); return true; }, disconnect_: function() { if (hasObserve) { this.directObserver_.close(); this.directObserver_ = undefined; } else { this.oldObject_ = undefined; } }, deliver: function() { if (this.state_ != OPENED) return; if (hasObserve) this.directObserver_.deliver(false); else dirtyCheck(this); }, discardChanges: function() { if (this.directObserver_) this.directObserver_.deliver(true); else this.oldObject_ = this.copyObject(this.value_); return this.value_; } }); var observerSentinel = {}; var expectedRecordTypes = { add: true, update: true, delete: true }; function diffObjectFromChangeRecords(object, changeRecords, oldValues) { var added = {}; var removed = {}; for (var i = 0; i < changeRecords.length; i++) { var record = changeRecords[i]; if (!expectedRecordTypes[record.type]) { console.error('Unknown changeRecord type: ' + record.type); console.error(record); continue; } if (!( in oldValues)) oldValues[] = record.oldValue; if (record.type == 'update') continue; if (record.type == 'add') { if ( in removed) delete removed[]; else added[] = true; continue; } // type = 'delete' if ( in added) { delete added[]; delete oldValues[]; } else { removed[] = true; } } for (var prop in added) added[prop] = object[prop]; for (var prop in removed) removed[prop] = undefined; var changed = {}; for (var prop in oldValues) { if (prop in added || prop in removed) continue; var newValue = object[prop]; if (oldValues[prop] !== newValue) changed[prop] = newValue; } return { added: added, removed: removed, changed: changed }; } global.Observer = Observer; global.Observer.runEOM_ = runEOM; global.Observer.observerSentinel_ = observerSentinel; // for testing. global.Observer.hasObjectObserve = hasObserve; global.ObjectObserver = ObjectObserver; })((exports.Number = { isNaN: window.isNaN }) ? exports : exports); },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = require('./lib/axios'); },{"./lib/axios":3}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise; var buildUrl = require('./buildUrl'); var cookies = require('./cookies'); var defaults = require('./defaults'); var parseHeaders = require('./parseHeaders'); var transformData = require('./transformData'); var urlIsSameOrigin = require('./urlIsSameOrigin'); var utils = require('./utils'); var axios = module.exports = function axios(config) { config = utils.merge({ method: 'get', transformRequest: defaults.transformRequest, transformResponse: defaults.transformResponse }, config); // Don't allow overriding defaults.withCredentials config.withCredentials = config.withCredentials || defaults.withCredentials; var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // Create the request var request = new(XMLHttpRequest || ActiveXObject)('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); var data = transformData(, config.headers, config.transformRequest ); // Open the request, buildUrl(config.url, config.params), true); // Listen for ready state request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request && request.readyState === 4) { // Prepare the response var headers = parseHeaders(request.getAllResponseHeaders()); var response = { data: transformData( request.responseText, headers, config.transformResponse ), status: request.status, headers: headers, config: config }; // Resolve or reject the Promise based on the status (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300 ? resolve : reject)(, response.status, response.headers, response.config ); // Clean up request request = null; } }; // Merge headers and add to request var headers = utils.merge( defaults.headers.common, defaults.headers[config.method] || {}, config.headers || {} ); // Add xsrf header var xsrfValue = urlIsSameOrigin(config.url) ? || defaults.xsrfCookieName) : undefined; if (xsrfValue) { headers[config.xsrfHeaderName || defaults.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue; } utils.forEach(headers, function (val, key) { // Remove Content-Type if data is undefined if (!data && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') { delete headers[key]; } // Otherwise add header to the request else { request.setRequestHeader(key, val); } }); // Add withCredentials to request if needed if (config.withCredentials) { request.withCredentials = true; } // Add responseType to request if needed if (config.responseType) { try { request.responseType = config.responseType; } catch (e) { if (request.responseType !== 'json') { throw e; } } } // Send the request request.send(data); }); // Provide alias for success promise.success = function success(fn) { promise.then(function(response) { fn(response); }); return promise; }; // Provide alias for error promise.error = function error(fn) { promise.then(null, function(response) { fn(response); }); return promise; }; return promise; }; // Expose defaults axios.defaults = defaults; // Provide aliases for supported request methods createShortMethods('delete', 'get', 'head'); createShortMethodsWithData('post', 'put', 'patch'); function createShortMethods() { utils.forEach(arguments, function (method) { axios[method] = function (url, config) { return axios(utils.merge(config || {}, { method: method, url: url })); }; }); } function createShortMethodsWithData() { utils.forEach(arguments, function (method) { axios[method] = function (url, data, config) { return axios(utils.merge(config || {}, { method: method, url: url, data: data })); }; }); } },{"./buildUrl":4,"./cookies":5,"./defaults":6,"./parseHeaders":7,"./transformData":8,"./urlIsSameOrigin":9,"./utils":10,"es6-promise":11}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = require('./utils'); function encode(val) { return encodeURIComponent(val). replace(/%40/gi, '@'). replace(/%3A/gi, ':'). replace(/%24/g, '$'). replace(/%2C/gi, ','). replace(/%20/g, '+'); } module.exports = function buildUrl(url, params) { if (!params) { return url; } var parts = []; utils.forEach(params, function (val, key) { if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') { return; } if (!utils.isArray(val)) { val = [val]; } utils.forEach(val, function (v) { if (utils.isDate(v)) { v = v.toISOString(); } else if (utils.isObject(v)) { v = JSON.stringify(v); } parts.push(encode(key) + '=' + encode(v)); }); }); if (parts.length > 0) { url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + parts.join('&'); } return url; }; },{"./utils":10}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = require('./utils'); module.exports = { write: function write(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { var cookie = []; cookie.push(name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)); if (utils.isNumber(expires)) { cookie.push('expires=' + new Date(expires).toGMTString()); } if (utils.isString(path)) { cookie.push('path=' + path); } if (utils.isString(domain)) { cookie.push('domain=' + domain); } if (secure === true) { cookie.push('secure'); } document.cookie = cookie.join('; '); }, read: function read(name) { var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^|;\\s*)(' + name + ')=([^;]*)')); return (match ? decodeURIComponent(match[3]) : null); }, remove: function remove(name) { this.write(name, '', - 86400000); } }; },{"./utils":10}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = require('./utils'); var JSON_START = /^\s*(\[|\{[^\{])/; var JSON_END = /[\}\]]\s*$/; var PROTECTION_PREFIX = /^\)\]\}',?\n/; var CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8' }; module.exports = { transformRequest: [function (data) { return utils.isObject(data) && !utils.isFile(data) && !utils.isBlob(data) ? JSON.stringify(data) : null; }], transformResponse: [function (data) { if (typeof data === 'string') { data = data.replace(PROTECTION_PREFIX, ''); if (JSON_START.test(data) && JSON_END.test(data)) { data = JSON.parse(data); } } return data; }], headers: { common: { 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*' }, patch: utils.merge(CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON), post: utils.merge(CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON), put: utils.merge(CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON) }, xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN' }; },{"./utils":10}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = require('./utils'); /** * Parse headers into an object * * ``` * Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 08:58:49 GMT * Content-Type: application/json * Connection: keep-alive * Transfer-Encoding: chunked * ``` * * @param {String} headers Headers needing to be parsed * @returns {Object} Headers parsed into an object */ module.exports = function parseHeaders(headers) { var parsed = {}, key, val, i; if (!headers) return parsed; utils.forEach(headers.split('\n'), function(line) { i = line.indexOf(':'); key = utils.trim(line.substr(0, i)).toLowerCase(); val = utils.trim(line.substr(i + 1)); if (key) { parsed[key] = parsed[key] ? parsed[key] + ', ' + val : val; } }); return parsed; }; },{"./utils":10}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var utils = require('./utils'); /** * Transform the data for a request or a response * * @param {Object|String} data The data to be transformed * @param {Array} headers The headers for the request or response * @param {Array|Function} fns A single function or Array of functions * @returns {*} The resulting transformed data */ module.exports = function transformData(data, headers, fns) { utils.forEach(fns, function (fn) { data = fn(data, headers); }); return data; }; },{"./utils":10}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var msie = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var utils = require('./utils'); var urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a'); var originUrl = urlResolve(window.location.href); /** * Parse a URL to discover it's components * * @param {String} url The URL to be parsed * @returns {Object} */ function urlResolve(url) { var href = url; if (msie) { // IE needs attribute set twice to normalize properties urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href); href = urlParsingNode.href; } urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href); // urlParsingNode provides the UrlUtils interface - return { href: urlParsingNode.href, protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '', host:, search: ?^\?/, '') : '', hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '', hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname, port: urlParsingNode.port, pathname: (urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === '/') ? urlParsingNode.pathname : '/' + urlParsingNode.pathname }; } /** * Determine if a URL shares the same origin as the current location * * @param {String} requestUrl The URL to test * @returns {boolean} True if URL shares the same origin, otherwise false */ module.exports = function urlIsSameOrigin(requestUrl) { var parsed = (utils.isString(requestUrl)) ? urlResolve(requestUrl) : requestUrl; return (parsed.protocol === originUrl.protocol && ===; }; },{"./utils":10}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ // utils is a library of generic helper functions non-specific to axios var toString = Object.prototype.toString; /** * Determine if a value is an Array * * @param {Object} val The value to test * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Array, otherwise false */ function isArray(val) { return === '[object Array]'; } /** * Determine if a value is a String * * @param {Object} val The value to test * @returns {boolean} True if value is a String, otherwise false */ function isString(val) { return typeof val === 'string'; } /** * Determine if a value is a Number * * @param {Object} val The value to test * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Number, otherwise false */ function isNumber(val) { return typeof val === 'number'; } /** * Determine if a value is an Object * * @param {Object} val The value to test * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Object, otherwise false */ function isObject(val) { return val !== null && typeof val === 'object'; } /** * Determine if a value is a Date * * @param {Object} val The value to test * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Date, otherwise false */ function isDate(val) { return === '[object Date]'; } /** * Determine if a value is a File * * @param {Object} val The value to test * @returns {boolean} True if value is a File, otherwise false */ function isFile(val) { return === '[object File]'; } /** * Determine if a value is a Blob * * @param {Object} val The value to test * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Blob, otherwise false */ function isBlob(val) { return === '[object Blob]'; } /** * Trim excess whitespace off the beginning and end of a string * * @param {String} str The String to trim * @returns {String} The String freed of excess whitespace */ function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, ''); } /** * Iterate over an Array or an Object invoking a function for each item. * * If `obj` is an Array or arguments callback will be called passing * the value, index, and complete array for each item. * * If 'obj' is an Object callback will be called passing * the value, key, and complete object for each property. * * @param {Object|Array} obj The object to iterate * @param {Function} fn The callback to invoke for each item */ function forEach(obj, fn) { // Don't bother if no value provided if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') { return; } // Check if obj is array-like var isArray = obj.constructor === Array || typeof obj.callee === 'function'; // Force an array if not already something iterable if (typeof obj !== 'object' && !isArray) { obj = [obj]; } // Iterate over array values if (isArray) { for (var i=0, l=obj.length; i<l; i++) {, obj[i], i, obj); } } // Iterate over object keys else { for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {, obj[key], key, obj); } } } } /** * Accepts varargs expecting each argument to be an object, then * immutably merges the properties of each object and returns result. * * When multiple objects contain the same key the later object in * the arguments list will take precedence. * * Example: * * ```js * var result = merge({foo: 123}, {foo: 456}); * console.log(; // outputs 456 * ``` * * @param {Object} obj1 Object to merge * @returns {Object} Result of all merge properties */ function merge(obj1/*, obj2, obj3, ...*/) { var result = {}; forEach(arguments, function (obj) { forEach(obj, function (val, key) { result[key] = val; }); }); return result; } module.exports = { isArray: isArray, isString: isString, isNumber: isNumber, isObject: isObject, isDate: isDate, isFile: isFile, isBlob: isBlob, forEach: forEach, merge: merge, trim: trim }; },{}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Promise = require("./promise/promise").Promise; var polyfill = require("./promise/polyfill").polyfill; exports.Promise = Promise; exports.polyfill = polyfill; },{"./promise/polyfill":15,"./promise/promise":16}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; /* global toString */ var isArray = require("./utils").isArray; var isFunction = require("./utils").isFunction; /** Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The return promise is fulfilled with an array that gives all the values in the order they were passed in the `promises` array argument. Example: ```javascript var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2); var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3); var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; RSVP.all(promises).then(function(array){ // The array here would be [ 1, 2, 3 ]; }); ``` If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.all` are rejected, the first promise that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's rejection handler. For example: Example: ```javascript var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1); var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error("2")); var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error("3")); var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ]; RSVP.all(promises).then(function(array){ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises! }, function(error) { // error.message === "2" }); ``` @method all @for RSVP @param {Array} promises @param {String} label @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all `promises` have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. */ function all(promises) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Promise = this; if (!isArray(promises)) { throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to all.'); } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var results = [], remaining = promises.length, promise; if (remaining === 0) { resolve([]); } function resolver(index) { return function(value) { resolveAll(index, value); }; } function resolveAll(index, value) { results[index] = value; if (--remaining === 0) { resolve(results); } } for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) { promise = promises[i]; if (promise && isFunction(promise.then)) { promise.then(resolver(i), reject); } else { resolveAll(i, promise); } } }); } exports.all = all; },{"./utils":20}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (process,global){ "use strict"; var browserGlobal = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : {}; var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver; var local = (typeof global !== 'undefined') ? global : (this === undefined? window:this); // node function useNextTick() { return function() { process.nextTick(flush); }; } function useMutationObserver() { var iterations = 0; var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush); var node = document.createTextNode(''); observer.observe(node, { characterData: true }); return function() { = (iterations = ++iterations % 2); }; } function useSetTimeout() { return function() { local.setTimeout(flush, 1); }; } var queue = []; function flush() { for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { var tuple = queue[i]; var callback = tuple[0], arg = tuple[1]; callback(arg); } queue = []; } var scheduleFlush; // Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks: if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]') { scheduleFlush = useNextTick(); } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) { scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver(); } else { scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout(); } function asap(callback, arg) { var length = queue.push([callback, arg]); if (length === 1) { // If length is 1, that means that we need to schedule an async flush. // If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they // will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling. scheduleFlush(); } } exports.asap = asap; }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"_process":22}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var config = { instrument: false }; function configure(name, value) { if (arguments.length === 2) { config[name] = value; } else { return config[name]; } } exports.config = config; exports.configure = configure; },{}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ "use strict"; /*global self*/ var RSVPPromise = require("./promise").Promise; var isFunction = require("./utils").isFunction; function polyfill() { var local; if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { local = global; } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document) { local = window; } else { local = self; } var es6PromiseSupport = "Promise" in local && // Some of these methods are missing from // Firefox/Chrome experimental implementations "resolve" in local.Promise && "reject" in local.Promise && "all" in local.Promise && "race" in local.Promise && // Older version of the spec had a resolver object // as the arg rather than a function (function() { var resolve; new local.Promise(function(r) { resolve = r; }); return isFunction(resolve); }()); if (!es6PromiseSupport) { local.Promise = RSVPPromise; } } exports.polyfill = polyfill; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./promise":16,"./utils":20}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var config = require("./config").config; var configure = require("./config").configure; var objectOrFunction = require("./utils").objectOrFunction; var isFunction = require("./utils").isFunction; var now = require("./utils").now; var all = require("./all").all; var race = require("./race").race; var staticResolve = require("./resolve").resolve; var staticReject = require("./reject").reject; var asap = require("./asap").asap; var counter = 0; config.async = asap; // default async is asap; function Promise(resolver) { if (!isFunction(resolver)) { throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor'); } if (!(this instanceof Promise)) { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function."); } this._subscribers = []; invokeResolver(resolver, this); } function invokeResolver(resolver, promise) { function resolvePromise(value) { resolve(promise, value); } function rejectPromise(reason) { reject(promise, reason); } try { resolver(resolvePromise, rejectPromise); } catch(e) { rejectPromise(e); } } function invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) { var hasCallback = isFunction(callback), value, error, succeeded, failed; if (hasCallback) { try { value = callback(detail); succeeded = true; } catch(e) { failed = true; error = e; } } else { value = detail; succeeded = true; } if (handleThenable(promise, value)) { return; } else if (hasCallback && succeeded) { resolve(promise, value); } else if (failed) { reject(promise, error); } else if (settled === FULFILLED) { resolve(promise, value); } else if (settled === REJECTED) { reject(promise, value); } } var PENDING = void 0; var SEALED = 0; var FULFILLED = 1; var REJECTED = 2; function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) { var subscribers = parent._subscribers; var length = subscribers.length; subscribers[length] = child; subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment; subscribers[length + REJECTED] = onRejection; } function publish(promise, settled) { var child, callback, subscribers = promise._subscribers, detail = promise._detail; for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) { child = subscribers[i]; callback = subscribers[i + settled]; invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail); } promise._subscribers = null; } Promise.prototype = { constructor: Promise, _state: undefined, _detail: undefined, _subscribers: undefined, then: function(onFulfillment, onRejection) { var promise = this; var thenPromise = new this.constructor(function() {}); if (this._state) { var callbacks = arguments; config.async(function invokePromiseCallback() { invokeCallback(promise._state, thenPromise, callbacks[promise._state - 1], promise._detail); }); } else { subscribe(this, thenPromise, onFulfillment, onRejection); } return thenPromise; }, 'catch': function(onRejection) { return this.then(null, onRejection); } }; Promise.all = all; Promise.race = race; Promise.resolve = staticResolve; Promise.reject = staticReject; function handleThenable(promise, value) { var then = null, resolved; try { if (promise === value) { throw new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise."); } if (objectOrFunction(value)) { then = value.then; if (isFunction(then)) {, function(val) { if (resolved) { return true; } resolved = true; if (value !== val) { resolve(promise, val); } else { fulfill(promise, val); } }, function(val) { if (resolved) { return true; } resolved = true; reject(promise, val); }); return true; } } } catch (error) { if (resolved) { return true; } reject(promise, error); return true; } return false; } function resolve(promise, value) { if (promise === value) { fulfill(promise, value); } else if (!handleThenable(promise, value)) { fulfill(promise, value); } } function fulfill(promise, value) { if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; } promise._state = SEALED; promise._detail = value; config.async(publishFulfillment, promise); } function reject(promise, reason) { if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; } promise._state = SEALED; promise._detail = reason; config.async(publishRejection, promise); } function publishFulfillment(promise) { publish(promise, promise._state = FULFILLED); } function publishRejection(promise) { publish(promise, promise._state = REJECTED); } exports.Promise = Promise; },{"./all":12,"./asap":13,"./config":14,"./race":17,"./reject":18,"./resolve":19,"./utils":20}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; /* global toString */ var isArray = require("./utils").isArray; /** `RSVP.race` allows you to watch a series of promises and act as soon as the first promise given to the `promises` argument fulfills or rejects. Example: ```javascript var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve("promise 1"); }, 200); }); var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve("promise 2"); }, 100); }); RSVP.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){ // result === "promise 2" because it was resolved before promise1 // was resolved. }); ``` `RSVP.race` is deterministic in that only the state of the first completed promise matters. For example, even if other promises given to the `promises` array argument are resolved, but the first completed promise has become rejected before the other promises became fulfilled, the returned promise will become rejected: ```javascript var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ resolve("promise 1"); }, 200); }); var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ reject(new Error("promise 2")); }, 100); }); RSVP.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises! }, function(reason){ // reason.message === "promise2" because promise 2 became rejected before // promise 1 became fulfilled }); ``` @method race @for RSVP @param {Array} promises array of promises to observe @param {String} label optional string for describing the promise returned. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise that becomes fulfilled with the value the first completed promises is resolved with if the first completed promise was fulfilled, or rejected with the reason that the first completed promise was rejected with. */ function race(promises) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Promise = this; if (!isArray(promises)) { throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.'); } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var results = [], promise; for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) { promise = promises[i]; if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') { promise.then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(promise); } } }); } exports.race = race; },{"./utils":20}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** `RSVP.reject` returns a promise that will become rejected with the passed `reason`. `RSVP.reject` is essentially shorthand for the following: ```javascript var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){ reject(new Error('WHOOPS')); }); promise.then(function(value){ // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected! }, function(reason){ // reason.message === 'WHOOPS' }); ``` Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following: ```javascript var promise = RSVP.reject(new Error('WHOOPS')); promise.then(function(value){ // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected! }, function(reason){ // reason.message === 'WHOOPS' }); ``` @method reject @for RSVP @param {Any} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with. @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise. Useful for tooling. @return {Promise} a promise that will become rejected with the given `reason`. */ function reject(reason) { /*jshint validthis:true */ var Promise = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { reject(reason); }); } exports.reject = reject; },{}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; function resolve(value) { /*jshint validthis:true */ if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === this) { return value; } var Promise = this; return new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); } exports.resolve = resolve; },{}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; function objectOrFunction(x) { return isFunction(x) || (typeof x === "object" && x !== null); } function isFunction(x) { return typeof x === "function"; } function isArray(x) { return === "[object Array]"; } // is not available in browsers < IE9 // var now = || function() { return new Date().getTime(); }; exports.objectOrFunction = objectOrFunction; exports.isFunction = isFunction; exports.isArray = isArray; = now; },{}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Promise polyfill v1.0.8 * requires setImmediate * * © 2014 Dmitry Korobkin * Released under the MIT license * */ (function (global) {'use strict'; var setImmediate = global.setImmediate || require('timers').setImmediate; function toPromise(thenable) { if (isPromise(thenable)) { return thenable; } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setImmediate(function () { try { thenable.then(resolve, reject); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }); }); } function isCallable(anything) { return 'function' == typeof anything; } function isPromise(anything) { return anything instanceof Promise; } function isThenable(anything) { return Object(anything) === anything && isCallable(anything.then); } function isSettled(promise) { return promise._fulfilled || promise._rejected; } function identity(value) { return value; } function thrower(reason) { throw reason; } function call(callback) { callback(); } function dive(thenable, onFulfilled, onRejected) { function interimOnFulfilled(value) { if (isThenable(value)) { toPromise(value).then(interimOnFulfilled, interimOnRejected); } else { onFulfilled(value); } } function interimOnRejected(reason) { if (isThenable(reason)) { toPromise(reason).then(interimOnFulfilled, interimOnRejected); } else { onRejected(reason); } } toPromise(thenable).then(interimOnFulfilled, interimOnRejected); } function Promise(resolver) { this._fulfilled = false; this._rejected = false; this._value = undefined; this._reason = undefined; this._onFulfilled = []; this._onRejected = []; this._resolve(resolver); } Promise.resolve = function (value) { if (isThenable(value)) { return toPromise(value); } return new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }; Promise.reject = function (reason) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { reject(reason); }); }; Promise.race = function (values) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var value, length = values.length, i = 0; while (i < length) { value = values[i]; if (isThenable(value)) { dive(value, resolve, reject); } else { resolve(value); } i++; } }); }; Promise.all = function (values) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var thenables = 0, fulfilled = 0, value, length = values.length, i = 0; values = values.slice(0); while (i < length) { value = values[i]; if (isThenable(value)) { thenables++; dive( value, function (index) { return function (value) { values[index] = value; fulfilled++; if (fulfilled == thenables) { resolve(values); } }; }(i), reject ); } else { //[1, , 3] → [1, undefined, 3] values[i] = value; } i++; } if (!thenables) { resolve(values); } }); }; Promise.prototype = { constructor: Promise, _resolve: function (resolver) { var promise = this; function resolve(value) { promise._fulfill(value); } function reject(reason) { promise._reject(reason); } try { resolver(resolve, reject); } catch(error) { if (!isSettled(promise)) { reject(error); } } }, _fulfill: function (value) { if (!isSettled(this)) { this._fulfilled = true; this._value = value; this._onFulfilled.forEach(call); this._clearQueue(); } }, _reject: function (reason) { if (!isSettled(this)) { this._rejected = true; this._reason = reason; this._onRejected.forEach(call); this._clearQueue(); } }, _enqueue: function (onFulfilled, onRejected) { this._onFulfilled.push(onFulfilled); this._onRejected.push(onRejected); }, _clearQueue: function () { this._onFulfilled = []; this._onRejected = []; }, then: function (onFulfilled, onRejected) { var promise = this; onFulfilled = isCallable(onFulfilled) ? onFulfilled : identity; onRejected = isCallable(onRejected) ? onRejected : thrower; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { function asyncOnFulfilled() { setImmediate(function () { var value; try { value = onFulfilled(promise._value); } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (isThenable(value)) { toPromise(value).then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(value); } }); } function asyncOnRejected() { setImmediate(function () { var reason; try { reason = onRejected(promise._reason); } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (isThenable(reason)) { toPromise(reason).then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(reason); } }); } if (promise._fulfilled) { asyncOnFulfilled(); } else if (promise._rejected) { asyncOnRejected(); } else { promise._enqueue(asyncOnFulfilled, asyncOnRejected); } }); }, 'catch': function (onRejected) { return this.then(undefined, onRejected); } }; if ('undefined' != typeof module && module.exports) { module.exports = global.Promise || Promise; } else if (!global.Promise) { global.Promise = Promise; } }(this)); },{"timers":23}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; process.nextTick = (function () { var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.setImmediate; var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener ; if (canSetImmediate) { return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) }; } if (canPost) { var queue = []; window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) { var source = ev.source; if ((source === window || source === null) && === 'process-tick') { ev.stopPropagation(); if (queue.length > 0) { var fn = queue.shift(); fn(); } } }, true); return function nextTick(fn) { queue.push(fn); window.postMessage('process-tick', '*'); }; } return function nextTick(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; })(); process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; function noop() {} process.on = noop; process.addListener = noop; process.once = noop; = noop; process.removeListener = noop; process.removeAllListeners = noop; process.emit = noop; process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); } // TODO(shtylman) process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; },{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ var nextTick = require('process/browser.js').nextTick; var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var immediateIds = {}; var nextImmediateId = 0; // DOM APIs, for completeness if (typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined') exports.setTimeout = function() { return setTimeout.apply(window, arguments); }; if (typeof clearTimeout !== 'undefined') exports.clearTimeout = function() { clearTimeout.apply(window, arguments); }; if (typeof setInterval !== 'undefined') exports.setInterval = function() { return setInterval.apply(window, arguments); }; if (typeof clearInterval !== 'undefined') exports.clearInterval = function() { clearInterval.apply(window, arguments); }; // TODO: Change to more efficient list approach used in Node.js // For now, we just implement the APIs using the primitives above. exports.enroll = function(item, delay) { item._timeoutID = setTimeout(item._onTimeout, delay); }; exports.unenroll = function(item) { clearTimeout(item._timeoutID); }; = function(item) { // our naive impl doesn't care (correctness is still preserved) }; // That's not how node.js implements it but the exposed api is the same. exports.setImmediate = function(fn) { var id = nextImmediateId++; var args = arguments.length < 2 ? false :, 1); immediateIds[id] = true; nextTick(function onNextTick() { if (immediateIds[id]) { // is faster so we optimize for the common use-case // @see if (args) { fn.apply(null, args); } else {; } // Prevent ids from leaking exports.clearImmediate(id); } }); return id; }; exports.clearImmediate = function(id) { delete immediateIds[id]; }; },{"process/browser.js":24}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; process.nextTick = (function () { var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.setImmediate; var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener ; if (canSetImmediate) { return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) }; } if (canPost) { var queue = []; window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) { var source = ev.source; if ((source === window || source === null) && === 'process-tick') { ev.stopPropagation(); if (queue.length > 0) { var fn = queue.shift(); fn(); } } }, true); return function nextTick(fn) { queue.push(fn); window.postMessage('process-tick', '*'); }; } return function nextTick(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; })(); process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); } // TODO(shtylman) process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; },{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ var indexOf = require('./indexOf'); /** * If array contains values. */ function contains(arr, val) { return indexOf(arr, val) !== -1; } module.exports = contains; },{"./indexOf":28}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ var makeIterator = require('../function/makeIterator_'); /** * Array filter */ function filter(arr, callback, thisObj) { callback = makeIterator(callback, thisObj); var results = []; if (arr == null) { return results; } var i = -1, len = arr.length, value; while (++i < len) { value = arr[i]; if (callback(value, i, arr)) { results.push(value); } } return results; } module.exports = filter; },{"../function/makeIterator_":34}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Array forEach */ function forEach(arr, callback, thisObj) { if (arr == null) { return; } var i = -1, len = arr.length; while (++i < len) { // we iterate over sparse items since there is no way to make it // work properly on IE 7-8. see #64 if (, arr[i], i, arr) === false ) { break; } } } module.exports = forEach; },{}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Array.indexOf */ function indexOf(arr, item, fromIndex) { fromIndex = fromIndex || 0; if (arr == null) { return -1; } var len = arr.length, i = fromIndex < 0 ? len + fromIndex : fromIndex; while (i < len) { // we iterate over sparse items since there is no way to make it // work properly on IE 7-8. see #64 if (arr[i] === item) { return i; } i++; } return -1; } module.exports = indexOf; },{}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ var filter = require('./filter'); function isValidString(val) { return (val != null && val !== ''); } /** * Joins strings with the specified separator inserted between each value. * Null values and empty strings will be excluded. */ function join(items, separator) { separator = separator || ''; return filter(items, isValidString).join(separator); } module.exports = join; },{"./filter":26}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Create slice of source array or array-like object */ function slice(arr, start, end){ var len = arr.length; if (start == null) { start = 0; } else if (start < 0) { start = Math.max(len + start, 0); } else { start = Math.min(start, len); } if (end == null) { end = len; } else if (end < 0) { end = Math.max(len + end, 0); } else { end = Math.min(end, len); } var result = []; while (start < end) { result.push(arr[start++]); } return result; } module.exports = slice; },{}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Merge sort ( */ function mergeSort(arr, compareFn) { if (arr == null) { return []; } else if (arr.length < 2) { return arr; } if (compareFn == null) { compareFn = defaultCompare; } var mid, left, right; mid = ~~(arr.length / 2); left = mergeSort( arr.slice(0, mid), compareFn ); right = mergeSort( arr.slice(mid, arr.length), compareFn ); return merge(left, right, compareFn); } function defaultCompare(a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : (a > b? 1 : 0); } function merge(left, right, compareFn) { var result = []; while (left.length && right.length) { if (compareFn(left[0], right[0]) <= 0) { // if 0 it should preserve same order (stable) result.push(left.shift()); } else { result.push(right.shift()); } } if (left.length) { result.push.apply(result, left); } if (right.length) { result.push.apply(result, right); } return result; } module.exports = mergeSort; },{}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ var isFunction = require('../lang/isFunction'); /** * Creates an object that holds a lookup for the objects in the array. */ function toLookup(arr, key) { var result = {}; if (arr == null) { return result; } var i = -1, len = arr.length, value; if (isFunction(key)) { while (++i < len) { value = arr[i]; result[key(value)] = value; } } else { while (++i < len) { value = arr[i]; result[value[key]] = value; } } return result; } module.exports = toLookup; },{"../lang/isFunction":41}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Returns the first argument provided to it. */ function identity(val){ return val; } module.exports = identity; },{}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ var identity = require('./identity'); var prop = require('./prop'); var deepMatches = require('../object/deepMatches'); /** * Converts argument into a valid iterator. * Used internally on most array/object/collection methods that receives a * callback/iterator providing a shortcut syntax. */ function makeIterator(src, thisObj){ if (src == null) { return identity; } switch(typeof src) { case 'function': // function is the first to improve perf (most common case) // also avoid using `Function#call` if not needed, which boosts // perf a lot in some cases return (typeof thisObj !== 'undefined')? function(val, i, arr){ return, val, i, arr); } : src; case 'object': return function(val){ return deepMatches(val, src); }; case 'string': case 'number': return prop(src); } } module.exports = makeIterator; },{"../object/deepMatches":49,"./identity":33,"./prop":35}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Returns a function that gets a property of the passed object */ function prop(name){ return function(obj){ return obj[name]; }; } module.exports = prop; },{}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ var kindOf = require('./kindOf'); var isPlainObject = require('./isPlainObject'); var mixIn = require('../object/mixIn'); /** * Clone native types. */ function clone(val){ switch (kindOf(val)) { case 'Object': return cloneObject(val); case 'Array': return cloneArray(val); case 'RegExp': return cloneRegExp(val); case 'Date': return cloneDate(val); default: return val; } } function cloneObject(source) { if (isPlainObject(source)) { return mixIn({}, source); } else { return source; } } function cloneRegExp(r) { var flags = ''; flags += r.multiline ? 'm' : ''; flags += ? 'g' : ''; flags += r.ignorecase ? 'i' : ''; return new RegExp(r.source, flags); } function cloneDate(date) { return new Date(+date); } function cloneArray(arr) { return arr.slice(); } module.exports = clone; },{"../object/mixIn":55,"./isPlainObject":45,"./kindOf":47}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ var clone = require('./clone'); var forOwn = require('../object/forOwn'); var kindOf = require('./kindOf'); var isPlainObject = require('./isPlainObject'); /** * Recursively clone native types. */ function deepClone(val, instanceClone) { switch ( kindOf(val) ) { case 'Object': return cloneObject(val, instanceClone); case 'Array': return cloneArray(val, instanceClone); default: return clone(val); } } function cloneObject(source, instanceClone) { if (isPlainObject(source)) { var out = {}; forOwn(source, function(val, key) { this[key] = deepClone(val, instanceClone); }, out); return out; } else if (instanceClone) { return instanceClone(source); } else { return source; } } function cloneArray(arr, instanceClone) { var out = [], i = -1, n = arr.length, val; while (++i < n) { out[i] = deepClone(arr[i], instanceClone); } return out; } module.exports = deepClone; },{"../object/forOwn":52,"./clone":36,"./isPlainObject":45,"./kindOf":47}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ var isKind = require('./isKind'); /** */ var isArray = Array.isArray || function (val) { return isKind(val, 'Array'); }; module.exports = isArray; },{"./isKind":42}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ var isKind = require('./isKind'); /** */ function isBoolean(val) { return isKind(val, 'Boolean'); } module.exports = isBoolean; },{"./isKind":42}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ var forOwn = require('../object/forOwn'); var isArray = require('./isArray'); function isEmpty(val){ if (val == null) { // typeof null == 'object' so we check it first return true; } else if ( typeof val === 'string' || isArray(val) ) { return !val.length; } else if ( typeof val === 'object' ) { var result = true; forOwn(val, function(){ result = false; return false; // break loop }); return result; } else { return true; } } module.exports = isEmpty; },{"../object/forOwn":52,"./isArray":38}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ var isKind = require('./isKind'); /** */ function isFunction(val) { return isKind(val, 'Function'); } module.exports = isFunction; },{"./isKind":42}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ var kindOf = require('./kindOf'); /** * Check if value is from a specific "kind". */ function isKind(val, kind){ return kindOf(val) === kind; } module.exports = isKind; },{"./kindOf":47}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ var isKind = require('./isKind'); /** */ function isNumber(val) { return isKind(val, 'Number'); } module.exports = isNumber; },{"./isKind":42}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ var isKind = require('./isKind'); /** */ function isObject(val) { return isKind(val, 'Object'); } module.exports = isObject; },{"./isKind":42}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Checks if the value is created by the `Object` constructor. */ function isPlainObject(value) { return (!!value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Object); } module.exports = isPlainObject; },{}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ var isKind = require('./isKind'); /** */ function isString(val) { return isKind(val, 'String'); } module.exports = isString; },{"./isKind":42}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ var _rKind = /^\[object (.*)\]$/, _toString = Object.prototype.toString, UNDEF; /** * Gets the "kind" of value. (e.g. "String", "Number", etc) */ function kindOf(val) { if (val === null) { return 'Null'; } else if (val === UNDEF) { return 'Undefined'; } else { return _rKind.exec( )[1]; } } module.exports = kindOf; },{}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Typecast a value to a String, using an empty string value for null or * undefined. */ function toString(val){ return val == null ? '' : val.toString(); } module.exports = toString; },{}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ var forOwn = require('./forOwn'); var isArray = require('../lang/isArray'); function containsMatch(array, pattern) { var i = -1, length = array.length; while (++i < length) { if (deepMatches(array[i], pattern)) { return true; } } return false; } function matchArray(target, pattern) { var i = -1, patternLength = pattern.length; while (++i < patternLength) { if (!containsMatch(target, pattern[i])) { return false; } } return true; } function matchObject(target, pattern) { var result = true; forOwn(pattern, function(val, key) { if (!deepMatches(target[key], val)) { // Return false to break out of forOwn early return (result = false); } }); return result; } /** * Recursively check if the objects match. */ function deepMatches(target, pattern){ if (target && typeof target === 'object') { if (isArray(target) && isArray(pattern)) { return matchArray(target, pattern); } else { return matchObject(target, pattern); } } else { return target === pattern; } } module.exports = deepMatches; },{"../lang/isArray":38,"./forOwn":52}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ var forOwn = require('./forOwn'); var isPlainObject = require('../lang/isPlainObject'); /** * Mixes objects into the target object, recursively mixing existing child * objects. */ function deepMixIn(target, objects) { var i = 0, n = arguments.length, obj; while(++i < n){ obj = arguments[i]; if (obj) { forOwn(obj, copyProp, target); } } return target; } function copyProp(val, key) { var existing = this[key]; if (isPlainObject(val) && isPlainObject(existing)) { deepMixIn(existing, val); } else { this[key] = val; } } module.exports = deepMixIn; },{"../lang/isPlainObject":45,"./forOwn":52}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ var hasOwn = require('./hasOwn'); var _hasDontEnumBug, _dontEnums; function checkDontEnum(){ _dontEnums = [ 'toString', 'toLocaleString', 'valueOf', 'hasOwnProperty', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'constructor' ]; _hasDontEnumBug = true; for (var key in {'toString': null}) { _hasDontEnumBug = false; } } /** * Similar to Array/forEach but works over object properties and fixes Don't * Enum bug on IE. * based on: */ function forIn(obj, fn, thisObj){ var key, i = 0; // no need to check if argument is a real object that way we can use // it for arrays, functions, date, etc. //post-pone check till needed if (_hasDontEnumBug == null) checkDontEnum(); for (key in obj) { if (exec(fn, obj, key, thisObj) === false) { break; } } if (_hasDontEnumBug) { var ctor = obj.constructor, isProto = !!ctor && obj === ctor.prototype; while (key = _dontEnums[i++]) { // For constructor, if it is a prototype object the constructor // is always non-enumerable unless defined otherwise (and // enumerated above). For non-prototype objects, it will have // to be defined on this object, since it cannot be defined on // any prototype objects. // // For other [[DontEnum]] properties, check if the value is // different than Object prototype value. if ( (key !== 'constructor' || (!isProto && hasOwn(obj, key))) && obj[key] !== Object.prototype[key] ) { if (exec(fn, obj, key, thisObj) === false) { break; } } } } } function exec(fn, obj, key, thisObj){ return, obj[key], key, obj); } module.exports = forIn; },{"./hasOwn":53}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ var hasOwn = require('./hasOwn'); var forIn = require('./forIn'); /** * Similar to Array/forEach but works over object properties and fixes Don't * Enum bug on IE. * based on: */ function forOwn(obj, fn, thisObj){ forIn(obj, function(val, key){ if (hasOwn(obj, key)) { return, obj[key], key, obj); } }); } module.exports = forOwn; },{"./forIn":51,"./hasOwn":53}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Safer Object.hasOwnProperty */ function hasOwn(obj, prop){ return, prop); } module.exports = hasOwn; },{}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ var hasOwn = require('./hasOwn'); var deepClone = require('../lang/deepClone'); var isObject = require('../lang/isObject'); /** * Deep merge objects. */ function merge() { var i = 1, key, val, obj, target; // make sure we don't modify source element and it's properties // objects are passed by reference target = deepClone( arguments[0] ); while (obj = arguments[i++]) { for (key in obj) { if ( ! hasOwn(obj, key) ) { continue; } val = obj[key]; if ( isObject(val) && isObject(target[key]) ){ // inception, deep merge objects target[key] = merge(target[key], val); } else { // make sure arrays, regexp, date, objects are cloned target[key] = deepClone(val); } } } return target; } module.exports = merge; },{"../lang/deepClone":37,"../lang/isObject":44,"./hasOwn":53}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ var forOwn = require('./forOwn'); /** * Combine properties from all the objects into first one. * - This method affects target object in place, if you want to create a new Object pass an empty object as first param. * @param {object} target Target Object * @param {...object} objects Objects to be combined (0...n objects). * @return {object} Target Object. */ function mixIn(target, objects){ var i = 0, n = arguments.length, obj; while(++i < n){ obj = arguments[i]; if (obj != null) { forOwn(obj, copyProp, target); } } return target; } function copyProp(val, key){ this[key] = val; } module.exports = mixIn; },{"./forOwn":52}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ var forEach = require('../array/forEach'); /** * Create nested object if non-existent */ function namespace(obj, path){ if (!path) return obj; forEach(path.split('.'), function(key){ if (!obj[key]) { obj[key] = {}; } obj = obj[key]; }); return obj; } module.exports = namespace; },{"../array/forEach":27}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ var slice = require('../array/slice'); /** * Return a copy of the object, filtered to only have values for the whitelisted keys. */ function pick(obj, var_keys){ var keys = typeof arguments[1] !== 'string'? arguments[1] : slice(arguments, 1), out = {}, i = 0, key; while (key = keys[i++]) { out[key] = obj[key]; } return out; } module.exports = pick; },{"../array/slice":30}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ var namespace = require('./namespace'); /** * set "nested" object property */ function set(obj, prop, val){ var parts = (/^(.+)\.(.+)$/).exec(prop); if (parts){ namespace(obj, parts[1])[parts[2]] = val; } else { obj[prop] = val; } } module.exports = set; },{"./namespace":56}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = require('../lang/toString'); var replaceAccents = require('./replaceAccents'); var removeNonWord = require('./removeNonWord'); var upperCase = require('./upperCase'); var lowerCase = require('./lowerCase'); /** * Convert string to camelCase text. */ function camelCase(str){ str = toString(str); str = replaceAccents(str); str = removeNonWord(str) .replace(/[\-_]/g, ' ') //convert all hyphens and underscores to spaces .replace(/\s[a-z]/g, upperCase) //convert first char of each word to UPPERCASE .replace(/\s+/g, '') //remove spaces .replace(/^[A-Z]/g, lowerCase); //convert first char to lowercase return str; } module.exports = camelCase; },{"../lang/toString":48,"./lowerCase":60,"./removeNonWord":63,"./replaceAccents":64,"./upperCase":65}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = require('../lang/toString'); /** * "Safer" String.toLowerCase() */ function lowerCase(str){ str = toString(str); return str.toLowerCase(); } module.exports = lowerCase; },{"../lang/toString":48}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ var join = require('../array/join'); var slice = require('../array/slice'); /** * Group arguments as path segments, if any of the args is `null` or an * empty string it will be ignored from resulting path. */ function makePath(var_args){ var result = join(slice(arguments), '/'); // need to disconsider duplicate '/' after protocol (eg: 'http://') return result.replace(/([^:\/]|^)\/{2,}/g, '$1/'); } module.exports = makePath; },{"../array/join":29,"../array/slice":30}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = require('../lang/toString'); var camelCase = require('./camelCase'); var upperCase = require('./upperCase'); /** * camelCase + UPPERCASE first char */ function pascalCase(str){ str = toString(str); return camelCase(str).replace(/^[a-z]/, upperCase); } module.exports = pascalCase; },{"../lang/toString":48,"./camelCase":59,"./upperCase":65}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = require('../lang/toString'); // This pattern is generated by the _build/pattern-removeNonWord.js script var PATTERN = /[^\x20\x2D0-9A-Z\x5Fa-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF]/g; /** * Remove non-word chars. */ function removeNonWord(str){ str = toString(str); return str.replace(PATTERN, ''); } module.exports = removeNonWord; },{"../lang/toString":48}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = require('../lang/toString'); /** * Replaces all accented chars with regular ones */ function replaceAccents(str){ str = toString(str); // verifies if the String has accents and replace them if ([\xC0-\xFF]/g) > -1) { str = str .replace(/[\xC0-\xC5]/g, "A") .replace(/[\xC6]/g, "AE") .replace(/[\xC7]/g, "C") .replace(/[\xC8-\xCB]/g, "E") .replace(/[\xCC-\xCF]/g, "I") .replace(/[\xD0]/g, "D") .replace(/[\xD1]/g, "N") .replace(/[\xD2-\xD6\xD8]/g, "O") .replace(/[\xD9-\xDC]/g, "U") .replace(/[\xDD]/g, "Y") .replace(/[\xDE]/g, "P") .replace(/[\xE0-\xE5]/g, "a") .replace(/[\xE6]/g, "ae") .replace(/[\xE7]/g, "c") .replace(/[\xE8-\xEB]/g, "e") .replace(/[\xEC-\xEF]/g, "i") .replace(/[\xF1]/g, "n") .replace(/[\xF2-\xF6\xF8]/g, "o") .replace(/[\xF9-\xFC]/g, "u") .replace(/[\xFE]/g, "p") .replace(/[\xFD\xFF]/g, "y"); } return str; } module.exports = replaceAccents; },{"../lang/toString":48}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ var toString = require('../lang/toString'); /** * "Safer" String.toUpperCase() */ function upperCase(str){ str = toString(str); return str.toUpperCase(); } module.exports = upperCase; },{"../lang/toString":48}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ var DSUtils = require('../utils'); function Defaults() { } /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.queryTransform * @description * Transform the js-data query to something your server understands. You might just do this on the server instead. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.defaults.queryTransform = function (resourceName, params) { * if (params && params.userId) { * params.user_id = params.userId; * delete params.userId; * } * return params; * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource. * @param {object} params Params that will be passed to `http`. * @returns {*} By default just returns `params` as-is. */ Defaults.prototype.queryTransform = function (resourceName, params) { return params; }; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.httpConfig * @description * Default http configuration options used whenever `DSHttpAdapter` uses `http`. * * ## Example: * ```js * var dsHttpAdapter = new DSHttpAdapter({ * httpConfig: { * headers: { * Authorization: 'Basic YmVlcDpib29w' * }, * timeout: 20000 * }); * }); * ``` */ Defaults.prototype.httpConfig = {}; /** * @doc constructor * @id DSHttpAdapter * @name DSHttpAdapter * @description * Default adapter used by js-data. This adapter uses AJAX and JSON to send/retrieve data to/from a server. * Developers may provide custom adapters that implement the adapter interface. */ function DSHttpAdapter(options) { /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults * @description * Reference to [DSHttpAdapter.defaults](/documentation/api/api/ */ this.defaults = new Defaults(); DSUtils.deepMixIn(this.defaults, options); } /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:HTTP * @name HTTP * @description * A wrapper for `http()`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.HTTP(config) * ``` * * @param {object} config Configuration object. * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.HTTP = function (config) { var start = new Date().getTime(); config = DSUtils.deepMixIn(config, this.defaults.httpConfig); return DSUtils.http(config).then(function (data) { console.log(config.method + ' request:' + config.url + ' Time taken: ' + (new Date().getTime() - start) + 'ms', arguments); return data; }); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:GET * @name GET * @description * A wrapper for `http.get()`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.GET(url[, config]) * ``` * * @param {string} url The url of the request. * @param {object=} config Optional configuration. * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.GET = function (url, config) { config = config || {}; if (!('method' in config)) { config.method = 'get'; } return this.HTTP(DSUtils.deepMixIn(config, { url: url })); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:POST * @name POST * @description * A wrapper for ``. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.POST(url[, attrs][, config]) * ``` * * @param {string} url The url of the request. * @param {object=} attrs Request payload. * @param {object=} config Optional configuration. * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.POST = function (url, attrs, config) { config = config || {}; if (!('method' in config)) { config.method = 'post'; } return this.HTTP(DSUtils.deepMixIn(config, { url: url, data: attrs })); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:PUT * @name PUT * @description * A wrapper for `http.put()`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.PUT(url[, attrs][, config]) * ``` * * @param {string} url The url of the request. * @param {object=} attrs Request payload. * @param {object=} config Optional configuration. * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.PUT = function (url, attrs, config) { config = config || {}; if (!('method' in config)) { config.method = 'put'; } return this.HTTP(DSUtils.deepMixIn(config, { url: url, data: attrs || {} })); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:DEL * @name DEL * @description * A wrapper for `http.delete()`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.DEL(url[, config]) * ``` * * @param {string} url The url of the request. * @param {object=} config Optional configuration. * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.DEL = function (url, config) { config = config || {}; if (!('method' in config)) { config.method = 'delete'; } return this.HTTP(DSUtils.deepMixIn(config, { url: url })); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:find * @name find * @description * Retrieve a single entity from the server. * * Makes a `GET` request. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.find(resourceConfig, id[, options]) * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {string|number} id Primary key of the entity to update. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to `http([config])`. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Override the default base url. * - `{string=}` - `endpoint` - Override the default endpoint. * - `{object=}` - `params` - Additional query string parameters to add to the url. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.find = function (resourceConfig, id, options) { options = options || {}; return this.GET( DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(id, options), id), options ); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:findAll * @name findAll * @description * Retrieve a collection of entities from the server. * * Makes a `GET` request. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.findAll(resourceConfig[, params][, options]) * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {object=} params Search query parameters. See the [query guide](/documentation/guide/queries/index). * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to `http([config])`. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Override the default base url. * - `{string=}` - `endpoint` - Override the default endpoint. * - `{object=}` - `params` - Additional query string parameters to add to the url. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.findAll = function (resourceConfig, params, options) { options = options || {}; options.params = options.params || {}; if (params) { params = this.defaults.queryTransform(, params); DSUtils.deepMixIn(options.params, params); } return this.GET( DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(null, options)), options ); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:create * @name create * @description * Create a new entity on the server. * * Makes a `POST` request. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.create(resourceConfig, attrs[, options]) * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {object} attrs The attribute payload. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to `http([config])`. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Override the default base url. * - `{string=}` - `endpoint` - Override the default endpoint. * - `{object=}` - `params` - Additional query string parameters to add to the url. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.create = function (resourceConfig, attrs, options) { options = options || {}; return this.POST( DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(attrs, options)), attrs, options ); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:update * @name update * @description * Update an entity on the server. * * Makes a `PUT` request. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.update(resourceConfig, id, attrs[, options]) * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {string|number} id Primary key of the entity to update. * @param {object} attrs The attribute payload. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to `http([config])`. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Override the default base url. * - `{string=}` - `endpoint` - Override the default endpoint. * - `{object=}` - `params` - Additional query string parameters to add to the url. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.update = function (resourceConfig, id, attrs, options) { options = options || {}; return this.PUT( DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(id, options), id), attrs, options ); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:updateAll * @name updateAll * @description * Update a collection of entities on the server. * * Makes a `PUT` request. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.updateAll(resourceConfig, attrs[, params][, options]) * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {object} attrs The attribute payload. * @param {object=} params Search query parameters. See the [query guide](/documentation/guide/queries/index). * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to `http([config])`. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Override the default base url. * - `{string=}` - `endpoint` - Override the default endpoint. * - `{object=}` - `params` - Additional query string parameters to add to the url. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.updateAll = function (resourceConfig, attrs, params, options) { options = options || {}; options.params = options.params || {}; if (params) { params = this.defaults.queryTransform(, params); DSUtils.deepMixIn(options.params, params); } return this.PUT( DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(null, options)), attrs, options ); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:destroy * @name destroy * @description * Delete an entity on the server. * * Makes a `DELETE` request. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.destroy(resourceConfig, id[, options) * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {string|number} id Primary key of the entity to update. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to `http([config])`. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Override the default base url. * - `{string=}` - `endpoint` - Override the default endpoint. * - `{object=}` - `params` - Additional query string parameters to add to the url. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.destroy = function (resourceConfig, id, options) { options = options || {}; return this.DEL( DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(id, options), id), options ); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSHttpAdapter.methods:destroyAll * @name destroyAll * @description * Delete a collection of entities on the server. * * Makes `DELETE` request. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSHttpAdapter.destroyAll(resourceConfig[, params][, options]) * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {object=} params Search query parameters. See the [query guide](/documentation/guide/queries/index). * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to `http([config])`. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Override the default base url. * - `{string=}` - `endpoint` - Override the default endpoint. * - `{object=}` - `params` - Additional query string parameters to add to the url. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSHttpAdapter.prototype.destroyAll = function (resourceConfig, params, options) { options = options || {}; options.params = options.params || {}; if (params) { params = this.defaults.queryTransform(, params); DSUtils.deepMixIn(options.params, params); } return this.DEL( DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(null, options)), options ); }; module.exports = DSHttpAdapter; },{"../utils":101}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ var DSUtils = require('../utils'); var DSErrors = require('../errors'); /** * @doc constructor * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter * @name DSLocalStorageAdapter * @description * Adapter that uses `localStorage` as its persistence layer. The localStorage adapter does not support operations * on collections because localStorage itself is a key-value store. */ function DSLocalStorageAdapter() { } /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:GET * @name GET * @description * An asynchronous wrapper for `localStorage.getItem(key)`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSLocalStorageAdapter.GET(key) * ``` * * @param {string} key The key path of the item to retrieve. * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.GET = function (key) { return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve) { var item = localStorage.getItem(key); resolve(item ? DSUtils.fromJson(item) : undefined); }); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:PUT * @name PUT * @description * An asynchronous wrapper for `localStorage.setItem(key, value)`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSLocalStorageAdapter.PUT(key, value) * ``` * * @param {string} key The key to update. * @param {object} value Attributes to put. * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.PUT = function (key, value) { var DSLocalStorageAdapter = this; return DSLocalStorageAdapter.GET(key).then(function (item) { if (item) { DSUtils.deepMixIn(item, value); } localStorage.setItem(key, DSUtils.toJson(item || value)); return DSLocalStorageAdapter.GET(key); }); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:DEL * @name DEL * @description * An asynchronous wrapper for `localStorage.removeItem(key)`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSLocalStorageAdapter.DEL(key) * ``` * * @param {string} key The key to remove. * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.DEL = function (key) { return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve) { localStorage.removeItem(key); resolve(); }); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:find * @name find * @description * Retrieve a single entity from localStorage. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSLocalStorageAdapter.find(resourceConfig, id[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * ```js * DS.find('user', 5, { * adapter: 'DSLocalStorageAdapter' * }).then(function (user) { * user; // { id: 5, ... } * }); * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {string|number} id Primary key of the entity to retrieve. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Base path to use. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.find = function find(resourceConfig, id, options) { options = options || {}; return this.GET(DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.endpoint, id)); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:findAll * @name findAll * @description * Not supported. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.findAll = function () { throw new Error('DSLocalStorageAdapter.findAll is not supported!'); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:create * @name create * @description * Create an entity in `localStorage`. You must generate the primary key and include it in the `attrs` object. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSLocalStorageAdapter.create(resourceConfig, attrs[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * ```js * DS.create('user', { * id: 1, * name: 'john' * }, { * adapter: 'DSLocalStorageAdapter' * }).then(function (user) { * user; // { id: 1, name: 'john' } * }); * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {object} attrs Attributes to create in localStorage. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Base path to use. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.create = function (resourceConfig, attrs, options) { if (!(resourceConfig.idAttribute in attrs)) { throw new DSErrors.IA('DSLocalStorageAdapter.create: You must provide a primary key in the attrs object!'); } options = options || {}; return this.PUT( DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(attrs, options), attrs[resourceConfig.idAttribute]), attrs ); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:update * @name update * @description * Update an entity in localStorage. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSLocalStorageAdapter.update(resourceConfig, id, attrs[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * ```js * DS.update('user', 5, { * name: 'john' * }, { * adapter: 'DSLocalStorageAdapter' * }).then(function (user) { * user; // { id: 5, ... } * }); * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {string|number} id Primary key of the entity to retrieve. * @param {object} attrs Attributes with which to update the entity. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Base path to use. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.update = function (resourceConfig, id, attrs, options) { options = options || {}; return this.PUT(DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(id, options), id), attrs); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:updateAll * @name updateAll * @description * Not supported. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.updateAll = function () { throw new Error('DSLocalStorageAdapter.updateAll is not supported!'); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:destroy * @name destroy * @description * Destroy an entity from localStorage. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DSLocalStorageAdapter.destroy(resourceConfig, id[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * ```js * DS.destroy('user', 5, { * name: '' * }, { * adapter: 'DSLocalStorageAdapter' * }).then(function (user) { * user; // { id: 5, ... } * }); * ``` * * @param {object} resourceConfig DS resource definition object: * @param {string|number} id Primary key of the entity to destroy. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Properties: * * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - Base path to use. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.destroy = function (resourceConfig, id, options) { options = options || {}; return this.DEL(DSUtils.makePath(options.baseUrl || resourceConfig.baseUrl, resourceConfig.getEndpoint(id, options), id)); }; /** * @doc method * @id DSLocalStorageAdapter.methods:destroyAll * @name destroyAll * @description * Not supported. */ DSLocalStorageAdapter.prototype.destroyAll = function () { throw new Error('Not supported!'); }; module.exports = DSLocalStorageAdapter; },{"../errors":99,"../utils":101}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.create(' + resourceName + ', attrs[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:create * @name create * @description * The "C" in "CRUD". Delegate to the `create` method of whichever adapter is being used (http by default) and inject the * result into the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.create(resourceName, attrs[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.create('document', { * author: 'John Anderson' * }).then(function (document) { * document; // { id: 5, author: 'John Anderson' } * * // The new document is already in the data store * DS.get('document',; // { id: 5, author: 'John Anderson' } * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object} attrs The attributes with which to create the item of the type specified by `resourceName`. * @param {object=} options Configuration options. Also passed along to the adapter's `create` method. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `cacheResponse` - Inject the data returned by the adapter into the data store. Default: `true`. * - `{boolean=}` - `upsert` - If `attrs` already contains a primary key, then attempt to call `DS.update` instead. Default: `true`. * - `{function=}` - `beforeValidate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `validate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `afterValidate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `beforeCreate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `afterCreate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{object}` - `item` - A reference to the newly created item. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function create(resourceName, attrs, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; var promise = new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (!definition) { reject(new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(attrs)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'attrs: Must be an object!')); } else { if (!('cacheResponse' in options)) { options.cacheResponse = true; } if (!('upsert' in options)) { options.upsert = true; } resolve(attrs); } }); if (options.upsert && attrs[definition.idAttribute]) { return DS.update(resourceName, attrs[definition.idAttribute], attrs, options); } else { return promise .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeValidate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeValidate) : definition.beforeValidate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.validate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.validate) : definition.validate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.afterValidate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterValidate) : definition.afterValidate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeCreate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeCreate) : definition.beforeCreate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { return DS.adapters[options.adapter || definition.defaultAdapter].create(definition, definition.serialize(resourceName, attrs), options); }) .then(function (res) { var func = options.afterCreate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterCreate) : definition.afterCreate; var attrs = definition.deserialize(resourceName, res); return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (data) { if (options.cacheResponse) { var resource =[resourceName]; var created = DS.inject(, data, options); var id = created[definition.idAttribute]; resource.completedQueries[id] = new Date().getTime(); resource.previousAttributes[id] = DSUtils.deepMixIn({}, created); resource.saved[id] = DSUtils.updateTimestamp(resource.saved[id]); return DS.get(, id); } else { return data; } }); } } module.exports = create; },{}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.destroy(' + resourceName + ', ' + id + '[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:destroy * @name destroy * @description * The "D" in "CRUD". Delegate to the `destroy` method of whichever adapter is being used (http by default) and eject the * appropriate item from the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.destroy(resourceName, id[, options]); * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.get('document', 5); { id: 5, ... } * * DS.destroy('document', 5).then(function (id) { * id; // 5 * * // The document is gone * DS.get('document', 5); // undefined * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item to remove. * @param {object=} options Configuration options. Also passed along to the adapter's `destroy` method. Properties: * * - `{function=}` - `beforeDestroy` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `afterDestroy` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{string|number}` - `id` - The primary key of the destroyed item. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{RuntimeError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function destroy(resourceName, id, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; var item; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (!definition) { reject(new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!')); } else if (!DS.get(resourceName, id)) { reject(new DSErrors.R(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: "' + id + '" not found!')); } else { item = DS.get(resourceName, id); resolve(item); } }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeDestroy ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeDestroy) : definition.beforeDestroy; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function () { return DS.adapters[options.adapter || definition.defaultAdapter].destroy(definition, id, options); }) .then(function () { var func = options.afterDestroy ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterDestroy) : definition.afterDestroy; return, resourceName, item); }) .then(function () { DS.eject(resourceName, id); return id; }); } module.exports = destroy; },{}],70:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.destroyAll(' + resourceName + ', params[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:destroyAll * @name destroyAll * @description * The "D" in "CRUD". Delegate to the `destroyAll` method of whichever adapter is being used (http by default) and eject * the appropriate items from the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.destroyAll(resourceName, params[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var params = { * where: { * author: { * '==': 'John Anderson' * } * } * }; * * DS.destroyAll('document', params).then(function (documents) { * // The documents are gone from the data store * DS.filter('document', params); // [] * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object} params Parameter object that is serialized into the query string. Properties: * * - `{object=}` - `where` - Where clause. * - `{number=}` - `limit` - Limit clause. * - `{number=}` - `skip` - Skip clause. * - `{number=}` - `offset` - Same as skip. * - `{string|array=}` - `orderBy` - OrderBy clause. * * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to the adapter's `destroyAll` method. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `bypassCache` - Bypass the cache. Default: `false`. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function destroyAll(resourceName, params, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (!definition) { reject(new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(params)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'params: Must be an object!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'options: Must be an object!')); } else { resolve(); } }) .then(function () { return DS.adapters[options.adapter || definition.defaultAdapter].destroyAll(definition, params, options); }) .then(function () { return DS.ejectAll(resourceName, params); }); } module.exports = destroyAll; },{}],71:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.find(' + resourceName + ', ' + id + '[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:find * @name find * @description * The "R" in "CRUD". Delegate to the `find` method of whichever adapter is being used (http by default) and inject the * resulting item into the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.find(resourceName, id[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.get('document', 5); // undefined * DS.find('document', 5).then(function (document) { * document; // { id: 5, author: 'John Anderson' } * * // the document is now in the data store * DS.get('document', 5); // { id: 5, author: 'John Anderson' } * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item to retrieve. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to the adapter's `find` method. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `bypassCache` - Bypass the cache. Default: `false`. * - `{boolean=}` - `cacheResponse` - Inject the data returned by the adapter into the data store. Default: `true`. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{object}` - `item` - The item returned by the adapter. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function find(resourceName, id, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; var resource =[resourceName]; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (!definition) { reject(new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'options: Must be an object!')); } else { if (!('cacheResponse' in options)) { options.cacheResponse = true; } if (options.bypassCache || !options.cacheResponse) { delete resource.completedQueries[id]; } if (id in resource.completedQueries) { resolve(DS.get(resourceName, id)); } else { resolve(); } } }).then(function (item) { if (!(id in resource.completedQueries)) { if (!(id in resource.pendingQueries)) { resource.pendingQueries[id] = DS.adapters[options.adapter || definition.defaultAdapter].find(definition, id, options) .then(function (res) { var data = definition.deserialize(resourceName, res); if (options.cacheResponse) { // Query is no longer pending delete resource.pendingQueries[id]; resource.completedQueries[id] = new Date().getTime(); return DS.inject(resourceName, data, options); } else { return data; } }).catch(function (err) { delete resource.pendingQueries[id]; throw err; }); } return resource.pendingQueries[id]; } else { return item; } }); } module.exports = find; },{}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.findAll(' + resourceName + ', params[, options]): '; } function processResults(data, resourceName, queryHash, options) { var DS = this; var resource =[resourceName]; var idAttribute = DS.definitions[resourceName].idAttribute; var date = new Date().getTime(); data = data || []; // Query is no longer pending delete resource.pendingQueries[queryHash]; resource.completedQueries[queryHash] = date; // Update modified timestamp of collection resource.collectionModified = DS.utils.updateTimestamp(resource.collectionModified); // Merge the new values into the cache var injected = DS.inject(resourceName, data, options); // Make sure each object is added to completedQueries if (DS.utils.isArray(injected)) { DS.utils.forEach(injected, function (item) { if (item && item[idAttribute]) { resource.completedQueries[item[idAttribute]] = date; } }); } else { console.warn(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'response is expected to be an array!'); resource.completedQueries[injected[idAttribute]] = date; } return injected; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:findAll * @name findAll * @description * The "R" in "CRUD". Delegate to the `findAll` method of whichever adapter is being used (http by default) and inject * the resulting collection into the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.findAll(resourceName, params[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var params = { * where: { * author: { * '==': 'John Anderson' * } * } * }; * * DS.filter('document', params); // [] * DS.findAll('document', params).then(function (documents) { * documents; // [{ id: '1', author: 'John Anderson', title: 'How to cook' }, * // { id: '2', author: 'John Anderson', title: 'How NOT to cook' }] * * // The documents are now in the data store * DS.filter('document', params); // [{ id: '1', author: 'John Anderson', title: 'How to cook' }, * // { id: '2', author: 'John Anderson', title: 'How NOT to cook' }] * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object=} params Parameter object that is serialized into the query string. Default properties: * * - `{object=}` - `where` - Where clause. * - `{number=}` - `limit` - Limit clause. * - `{number=}` - `skip` - Skip clause. * - `{number=}` - `offset` - Same as skip. * - `{string|array=}` - `orderBy` - OrderBy clause. * * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to the adapter's `findAll` method. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `bypassCache` - Bypass the cache. Default: `false`. * - `{boolean=}` - `cacheResponse` - Inject the data returned by the adapter into the data store. Default: `true`. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{array}` - `items` - The collection of items returned by the adapter. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function findAll(resourceName, params, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; var resource =[resourceName]; var queryHash; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; params = params || {}; if (!DS.definitions[resourceName]) { reject(new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(params)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'params: Must be an object!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'options: Must be an object!')); } else { if (!('cacheResponse' in options)) { options.cacheResponse = true; } queryHash = DS.utils.toJson(params); if (options.bypassCache || !options.cacheResponse) { delete resource.completedQueries[queryHash]; } if (queryHash in resource.completedQueries) { resolve(DS.filter(resourceName, params, options)); } else { resolve(); } } }).then(function (items) { if (!(queryHash in resource.completedQueries)) { if (!(queryHash in resource.pendingQueries)) { resource.pendingQueries[queryHash] = DS.adapters[options.adapter || definition.defaultAdapter].findAll(definition, params, options) .then(function (res) { delete resource.pendingQueries[queryHash]; var data = definition.deserialize(resourceName, res); if (options.cacheResponse) { try { return, data, resourceName, queryHash, options); } catch (err) { throw err; } } else { return data; } }).catch(function (err) { delete resource.pendingQueries[queryHash]; throw err; }); } return resource.pendingQueries[queryHash]; } else { return items; } }); } module.exports = findAll; },{}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:create * @name create * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.create](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:create). */ create: require('./create'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:destroy * @name destroy * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.destroy](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:destroy). */ destroy: require('./destroy'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:destroyAll * @name destroyAll * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.destroyAll](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:destroyAll). */ destroyAll: require('./destroyAll'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:find * @name find * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.find](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:find). */ find: require('./find'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:findAll * @name findAll * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.findAll](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:findAll). */ findAll: require('./findAll'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:loadRelations * @name loadRelations * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.loadRelations](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:loadRelations). */ loadRelations: require('./loadRelations'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:refresh * @name refresh * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.refresh](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:refresh). */ refresh: require('./refresh'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:save * @name save * @methodOf DS * @description * See [](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:save). */ save: require('./save'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:update * @name update * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.update](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:update). */ update: require('./update'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:updateAll * @name updateAll * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.updateAll](/documentation/api/api/DS.async methods:updateAll). */ updateAll: require('./updateAll') }; },{"./create":68,"./destroy":69,"./destroyAll":70,"./find":71,"./findAll":72,"./loadRelations":74,"./refresh":75,"./save":76,"./update":77,"./updateAll":78}],74:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.loadRelations(' + resourceName + ', instance(Id), relations[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:loadRelations * @name loadRelations * @description * Asynchronously load the indicated relations of the given instance. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.loadRelations(resourceName, instance|id, relations[, options]) * ``` * * ## Examples: * * ```js * DS.loadRelations('user', 10, ['profile']).then(function (user) { * user.profile; // object * assert.deepEqual(user.profile, DS.filter('profile', { userId: 10 })[0]); * }); * ``` * * ```js * var user = DS.get('user', 10); * * DS.loadRelations('user', user, ['profile']).then(function (user) { * user.profile; // object * assert.deepEqual(user.profile, DS.filter('profile', { userId: 10 })[0]); * }); * ``` * * ```js * DS.loadRelations('user', 10, ['profile'], { cacheResponse: false }).then(function (user) { * user.profile; // object * assert.equal(DS.filter('profile', { userId: 10 }).length, 0); * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number|object} instance The instance or the id of the instance for which relations are to be loaded. * @param {string|array=} relations The relation(s) to load. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to the adapter's `find` or `findAll` methods. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{object}` - `item` - The instance with its loaded relations. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function loadRelations(resourceName, instance, relations, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; var fields = []; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (DSUtils.isString(instance) || DSUtils.isNumber(instance)) { instance = DS.get(resourceName, instance); } if (DSUtils.isString(relations)) { relations = [relations]; } if (!definition) { reject(new DS.errors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(instance)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'instance(Id): Must be a string, number or object!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isArray(relations)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'relations: Must be a string or an array!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'options: Must be an object!')); } else { if (!('findBelongsTo' in options)) { options.findBelongsTo = true; } if (!('findHasMany' in options)) { options.findHasMany = true; } var tasks = []; DSUtils.forEach(definition.relationList, function (def) { var relationName = def.relation; if (DSUtils.contains(relations, relationName)) { var task; var params = {}; params[def.foreignKey] = instance[definition.idAttribute]; if (def.type === 'hasMany') { task = DS.findAll(relationName, params, options); } else if (def.type === 'hasOne') { if (def.localKey && instance[def.localKey]) { task = DS.find(relationName, instance[def.localKey], options); } else if (def.foreignKey) { task = DS.findAll(relationName, params, options).then(function (hasOnes) { return hasOnes.length ? hasOnes[0] : null; }); } } else { task = DS.find(relationName, instance[def.localKey], options); } if (task) { tasks.push(task); fields.push(def.localField); } } }); resolve(tasks); } }) .then(function (tasks) { return DSUtils.Promise.all(tasks); }) .then(function (loadedRelations) { DSUtils.forEach(fields, function (field, index) { instance[field] = loadedRelations[index]; }); return instance; }); } module.exports = loadRelations; },{}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.refresh(' + resourceName + ', ' + id + '[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:refresh * @name refresh * @description * Like `DS.find`, except the resource is only refreshed from the adapter if it already exists in the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.refresh(resourceName, id[, options]) * ``` * ## Example: * * ```js * // Exists in the data store, but we want a fresh copy * DS.get('document', 5); * * DS.refresh('document', 5).then(function (document) { * document; // The fresh copy * }); * * // Does not exist in the data store * DS.get('document', 6); // undefined * * DS.refresh('document', 6).then(function (document) { * document; // undefined * }); * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item to refresh from the adapter. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to the adapter's `find` method. * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{object|undefined}` - `item` - The item returned by the adapter or `undefined` if the item wasn't already in the * data store. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function refresh(resourceName, id, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (!DS.definitions[resourceName]) { reject(new DS.errors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'options: Must be an object!')); } else { options.bypassCache = true; resolve(DS.get(resourceName, id)); } }).then(function (item) { if (item) { return DS.find(resourceName, id, options); } else { return item; } }); } module.exports = refresh; },{}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return '' + resourceName + ', ' + id + '[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:save * @name save * @description * The "U" in "CRUD". Persist a single item already in the store and in it's current form to whichever adapter is being * used (http by default) and inject the resulting item into the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js *, id[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var document = DS.get('document', 5); * * document.title = 'How to cook in style'; * *'document', 5).then(function (document) { * document; // A reference to the document that's been persisted via an adapter * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item to save. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to the adapter's `update` method. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `cacheResponse` - Inject the data returned by the adapter into the data store. Default: `true`. * - `{boolean=}` - `changesOnly` - Only send changed and added values to the adapter. Default: `false`. * - `{function=}` - `beforeValidate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `validate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `afterValidate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `beforeUpdate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `afterUpdate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{object}` - `item` - The item returned by the adapter. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{RuntimeError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function save(resourceName, id, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; var item; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (!definition) { reject(new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'options: Must be an object!')); } else if (!DS.get(resourceName, id)) { reject(new DSErrors.R(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: "' + id + '" not found!')); } else { item = DS.get(resourceName, id); if (!('cacheResponse' in options)) { options.cacheResponse = true; } resolve(item); } }).then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeValidate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeValidate) : definition.beforeValidate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.validate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.validate) : definition.validate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.afterValidate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterValidate) : definition.afterValidate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeUpdate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeUpdate) : definition.beforeUpdate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { if (options.changesOnly) { var resource =[resourceName]; resource.observers[id].deliver(); var toKeep = []; var changes = DS.changes(resourceName, id); for (var key in changes.added) { toKeep.push(key); } for (key in changes.changed) { toKeep.push(key); } changes = DSUtils.pick(attrs, toKeep); if (DSUtils.isEmpty(changes)) { // no changes, return return attrs; } else { attrs = changes; } } return DS.adapters[options.adapter || definition.defaultAdapter].update(definition, id, definition.serialize(resourceName, attrs), options); }) .then(function (res) { var func = options.afterUpdate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterUpdate) : definition.afterUpdate; var attrs = definition.deserialize(resourceName, res); return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (data) { if (options.cacheResponse) { var resource =[resourceName]; var saved = DS.inject(, data, options); resource.previousAttributes[id] = DSUtils.deepMixIn({}, saved); resource.saved[id] = DSUtils.updateTimestamp(resource.saved[id]); resource.observers[id].discardChanges(); return DS.get(resourceName, id); } else { return data; } }); } module.exports = save; },{}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.update(' + resourceName + ', ' + id + ', attrs[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:update * @name update * @description * The "U" in "CRUD". Update the item of type `resourceName` and primary key `id` with `attrs`. This is useful when you * want to update an item that isn't already in the data store, or you don't want to update the item that's in the data * store until the adapter operation succeeds. This differs from `` which simply saves items in their current * form that already exist in the data store. The resulting item (by default) will be injected into the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.update(resourceName, id, attrs[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.get('document', 5); // undefined * * DS.update('document', 5, { * title: 'How to cook in style' * }).then(function (document) { * document; // A reference to the document that's been saved via an adapter * // and now resides in the data store * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item to update. * @param {object} attrs The attributes with which to update the item. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to the adapter's `update` method. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `cacheResponse` - Inject the data returned by the adapter into the data store. Default: `true`. * - `{function=}` - `beforeValidate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `validate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `afterValidate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `beforeUpdate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * - `{function=}` - `afterUpdate` - Override the resource or global lifecycle hook. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{object}` - `item` - The item returned by the adapter. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function update(resourceName, id, attrs, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (!definition) { reject(new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(attrs)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'attrs: Must be an object!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'options: Must be an object!')); } else { if (!('cacheResponse' in options)) { options.cacheResponse = true; } resolve(attrs); } }).then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeValidate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeValidate) : definition.beforeValidate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.validate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.validate) : definition.validate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.afterValidate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterValidate) : definition.afterValidate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeUpdate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeUpdate) : definition.beforeUpdate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { return DS.adapters[options.adapter || definition.defaultAdapter].update(definition, id, definition.serialize(resourceName, attrs), options); }) .then(function (res) { var func = options.afterUpdate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterUpdate) : definition.afterUpdate; var attrs = definition.deserialize(resourceName, res); return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (data) { if (options.cacheResponse) { var resource =[resourceName]; var updated = DS.inject(, data, options); var id = updated[definition.idAttribute]; resource.previousAttributes[id] = DSUtils.deepMixIn({}, updated); resource.saved[id] = DSUtils.updateTimestamp(resource.saved[id]); resource.observers[id].discardChanges(); return DS.get(, id); } else { return data; } }); } module.exports = update; },{}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.updateAll(' + resourceName + ', attrs, params[, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.async methods:updateAll * @name updateAll * @description * The "U" in "CRUD". Update items of type `resourceName` with `attrs` according to the criteria specified by `params`. * This is useful when you want to update multiple items with the same attributes or you don't want to update the items * in the data store until the adapter operation succeeds. The resulting items (by default) will be injected into the * data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.updateAll(resourceName, attrs, params[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var params = { * where: { * author: { * '==': 'John Anderson' * } * } * }; * * DS.filter('document', params); // [] * * DS.updateAll('document', 5, { * author: 'Sally' * }, params).then(function (documents) { * documents; // The documents that were updated via an adapter * // and now reside in the data store * * documents[0].author; // "Sally" * }); * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object} attrs The attributes with which to update the items. * @param {object} params Parameter object that is serialized into the query string. Default properties: * * - `{object=}` - `where` - Where clause. * - `{number=}` - `limit` - Limit clause. * - `{number=}` - `skip` - Skip clause. * - `{number=}` - `offset` - Same as skip. * - `{string|array=}` - `orderBy` - OrderBy clause. * * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to the adapter's `updateAll` method. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `cacheResponse` - Inject the items returned by the adapter into the data store. Default: `true`. * * @returns {Promise} Promise. * * ## Resolves with: * * - `{array}` - `items` - The items returned by the adapter. * * ## Rejects with: * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` */ function updateAll(resourceName, attrs, params, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; return new DSUtils.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { options = options || {}; if (!definition) { reject(new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName)); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(attrs)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'attrs: Must be an object!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(params)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'params: Must be an object!')); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { reject(new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'options: Must be an object!')); } else { if (!('cacheResponse' in options)) { options.cacheResponse = true; } resolve(attrs); } }).then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeValidate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeValidate) : definition.beforeValidate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.validate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.validate) : definition.validate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.afterValidate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterValidate) : definition.afterValidate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { var func = options.beforeUpdate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.beforeUpdate) : definition.beforeUpdate; return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (attrs) { return DS.adapters[options.adapter || definition.defaultAdapter].updateAll(definition, definition.serialize(resourceName, attrs), params, options); }) .then(function (res) { var func = options.afterUpdate ? DSUtils.promisify(options.afterUpdate) : definition.afterUpdate; var attrs = definition.deserialize(resourceName, res); return, resourceName, attrs); }) .then(function (data) { if (options.cacheResponse) { return DS.inject(, data, options); } else { return data; } }); } module.exports = updateAll; },{}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ var DSUtils = require('../utils'); var DSErrors = require('../errors'); var DSHttpAdapter = require('../adapters/http'); var DSLocalStorageAdapter = require('../adapters/localStorage'); var syncMethods = require('./sync_methods'); var asyncMethods = require('./async_methods'); DSUtils.deepFreeze(syncMethods); DSUtils.deepFreeze(asyncMethods); DSUtils.deepFreeze(DSErrors); DSUtils.deepFreeze(DSUtils); function lifecycleNoop(resourceName, attrs, cb) { cb(null, attrs); } function Defaults() { } Defaults.prototype.idAttribute = 'id'; Defaults.prototype.defaultAdapter = 'DSHttpAdapter'; Defaults.prototype.defaultFilter = function (collection, resourceName, params, options) { var _this = this; var filtered = collection; var where = null; var reserved = { skip: '', offset: '', where: '', limit: '', orderBy: '', sort: '' }; if (DSUtils.isObject(params.where)) { where = params.where; } else { where = {}; } if (options.allowSimpleWhere) { DSUtils.forOwn(params, function (value, key) { if (!(key in reserved) && !(key in where)) { where[key] = { '==': value }; } }); } if (DSUtils.isEmpty(where)) { where = null; } if (where) { filtered = DSUtils.filter(filtered, function (attrs) { var first = true; var keep = true; DSUtils.forOwn(where, function (clause, field) { if (DSUtils.isString(clause)) { clause = { '===': clause }; } else if (DSUtils.isNumber(clause) || DSUtils.isBoolean(clause)) { clause = { '==': clause }; } if (DSUtils.isObject(clause)) { DSUtils.forOwn(clause, function (val, op) { if (op === '==') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] == val) : keep && (attrs[field] == val); } else if (op === '===') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] === val) : keep && (attrs[field] === val); } else if (op === '!=') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] != val) : keep && (attrs[field] != val); } else if (op === '!==') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] !== val) : keep && (attrs[field] !== val); } else if (op === '>') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] > val) : keep && (attrs[field] > val); } else if (op === '>=') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] >= val) : keep && (attrs[field] >= val); } else if (op === '<') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] < val) : keep && (attrs[field] < val); } else if (op === '<=') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] <= val) : keep && (attrs[field] <= val); } else if (op === 'in') { keep = first ? DSUtils.contains(val, attrs[field]) : keep && DSUtils.contains(val, attrs[field]); } else if (op === '|==') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] == val) : keep || (attrs[field] == val); } else if (op === '|===') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] === val) : keep || (attrs[field] === val); } else if (op === '|!=') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] != val) : keep || (attrs[field] != val); } else if (op === '|!==') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] !== val) : keep || (attrs[field] !== val); } else if (op === '|>') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] > val) : keep || (attrs[field] > val); } else if (op === '|>=') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] >= val) : keep || (attrs[field] >= val); } else if (op === '|<') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] < val) : keep || (attrs[field] < val); } else if (op === '|<=') { keep = first ? (attrs[field] <= val) : keep || (attrs[field] <= val); } else if (op === '|in') { keep = first ? DSUtils.contains(val, attrs[field]) : keep || DSUtils.contains(val, attrs[field]); } first = false; }); } }); return keep; }); } var orderBy = null; if (DSUtils.isString(params.orderBy)) { orderBy = [ [params.orderBy, 'ASC'] ]; } else if (DSUtils.isArray(params.orderBy)) { orderBy = params.orderBy; } if (!orderBy && DSUtils.isString(params.sort)) { orderBy = [ [params.sort, 'ASC'] ]; } else if (!orderBy && DSUtils.isArray(params.sort)) { orderBy = params.sort; } // Apply 'orderBy' if (orderBy) { DSUtils.forEach(orderBy, function (def) { if (DSUtils.isString(def)) { def = [def, 'ASC']; } else if (!DSUtils.isArray(def)) { throw new _this.errors.IllegalArgumentError('DS.filter(resourceName[, params][, options]): ' + DSUtils.toJson(def) + ': Must be a string or an array!', { params: { 'orderBy[i]': { actual: typeof def, expected: 'string|array' } } }); } filtered = DSUtils.sort(filtered, function (a, b) { var cA = a[def[0]], cB = b[def[0]]; if (DSUtils.isString(cA)) { cA = DSUtils.upperCase(cA); } if (DSUtils.isString(cB)) { cB = DSUtils.upperCase(cB); } if (def[1] === 'DESC') { if (cB < cA) { return -1; } else if (cB > cA) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { if (cA < cB) { return -1; } else if (cA > cB) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }); }); } var limit = DSUtils.isNumber(params.limit) ? params.limit : null; var skip = null; if (DSUtils.isNumber(params.skip)) { skip = params.skip; } else if (DSUtils.isNumber(params.offset)) { skip = params.offset; } // Apply 'limit' and 'skip' if (limit && skip) { filtered = DSUtils.slice(filtered, skip, Math.min(filtered.length, skip + limit)); } else if (DSUtils.isNumber(limit)) { filtered = DSUtils.slice(filtered, 0, Math.min(filtered.length, limit)); } else if (DSUtils.isNumber(skip)) { if (skip < filtered.length) { filtered = DSUtils.slice(filtered, skip); } else { filtered = []; } } return filtered; }; Defaults.prototype.baseUrl = ''; Defaults.prototype.endpoint = ''; Defaults.prototype.useClass = false; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.beforeValidate * @description * Called before the `validate` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * beforeValidate(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.beforeValidate = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.beforeValidate = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.validate * @description * Called before the `afterValidate` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * validate(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.validate = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.validate = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.afterValidate * @description * Called before the `beforeCreate` or `beforeUpdate` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * afterValidate(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.afterValidate = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.afterValidate = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.beforeCreate * @description * Called before the `create` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * beforeCreate(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.beforeCreate = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.beforeCreate = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.afterCreate * @description * Called after the `create` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * afterCreate(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.afterCreate = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.afterCreate = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.beforeUpdate * @description * Called before the `update` or `save` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * beforeUpdate(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.beforeUpdate = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.beforeUpdate = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.afterUpdate * @description * Called after the `update` or `save` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * afterUpdate(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.afterUpdate = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.afterUpdate = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.beforeDestroy * @description * Called before the `destroy` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * beforeDestroy(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.beforeDestroy = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.beforeDestroy = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.afterDestroy * @description * Called after the `destroy` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * afterDestroy(resourceName, attrs, cb) * ``` * * ## Callback signature: * ```js * cb(err, attrs) * ``` * Remember to pass the attributes along to the next step. Passing a first argument to the callback will abort the * lifecycle and reject the promise. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.afterDestroy = function (resourceName, attrs, cb) { * // do somthing/inspect attrs * cb(null, attrs); * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.afterDestroy = lifecycleNoop; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.beforeInject * @description * Called before the `inject` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * beforeInject(resourceName, attrs) * ``` * * Throwing an error inside this step will cancel the injection. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.beforeInject = function (resourceName, attrs) { * // do somthing/inspect/modify attrs * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.beforeInject = function (resourceName, attrs) { return attrs; }; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.afterInject * @description * Called after the `inject` lifecycle step. Can be overridden per resource as well. * * ## Signature: * ```js * afterInject(resourceName, attrs) * ``` * * Throwing an error inside this step will cancel the injection. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.afterInject = function (resourceName, attrs) { * // do somthing/inspect/modify attrs * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource moving through the lifecycle. * @param {object} attrs Attributes of the item moving through the lifecycle. */ Defaults.prototype.afterInject = function (resourceName, attrs) { return attrs; }; /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults.serialize * @description * Your server might expect a custom request object rather than the plain POJO payload. Use `serialize` to * create your custom request object. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.serialize = function (resourceName, data) { * return { * payload: data * }; * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource to serialize. * @param {object} data Data to be sent to the server. * @returns {*} By default returns `data` as-is. */ Defaults.prototype.serialize = function (resourceName, data) { return data; }; /** * @doc property * @id * @name * @description * Your server might return a custom response object instead of the plain POJO payload. Use `deserialize` to * pull the payload out of your response object so js-data can use it. * * ## Example: * ```js * DSProvider.defaults.deserialize = function (resourceName, data) { * return data ? data.payload : data; * }; * ``` * * @param {string} resourceName The name of the resource to deserialize. * @param {object} data Response object from `http()`. * @returns {*} By default returns ``. */ Defaults.prototype.deserialize = function (resourceName, data) { return data; }; /** * @doc constructor * @id DS * @name DS * @description * See the [configuration guide](/documentation/guide/configure/global). * * @param {object=} options Configuration options. Properties: * * - `{string}` - `baseUrl` - The url relative to which all AJAX requests will be made. * - `{string}` - `idAttribute` - Default: `"id"` - The attribute that specifies the primary key for resources. * - `{string}` - `defaultAdapter` - Default: `"DSHttpAdapter"` * - `{string}` - `events` - Default: `"broadcast"` [](/documentation/api/js-data/ * - `{function}` - `filter` - Default: See [js-data query language](/documentation/guide/queries/custom). * - `{function}` - `beforeValidate` - See [DSProvider.defaults.beforeValidate](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `validate` - See [DSProvider.defaults.validate](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `afterValidate` - See [DSProvider.defaults.afterValidate](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `beforeCreate` - See [DSProvider.defaults.beforeCreate](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `afterCreate` - See [DSProvider.defaults.afterCreate](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `beforeUpdate` - See [DSProvider.defaults.beforeUpdate](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `afterUpdate` - See [DSProvider.defaults.afterUpdate](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `beforeDestroy` - See [DSProvider.defaults.beforeDestroy](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `afterDestroy` - See [DSProvider.defaults.afterDestroy](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `afterInject` - See [DSProvider.defaults.afterInject](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `beforeInject` - See [DSProvider.defaults.beforeInject](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `serialize` - See [DSProvider.defaults.serialize](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op * - `{function}` - `deserialize` - See [DSProvider.defaults.deserialize](/documentation/api/js-data/ Default: No-op */ function DS(options) { /** * @doc property * @id * @name defaults * @description * Reference to [DSProvider.defaults](/documentation/api/api/ */ this.defaults = new Defaults(); DSUtils.deepMixIn(this.defaults, options); /*! * @doc property * @id * @name store * @description * Meta data for each registered resource. */ = {}; /*! * @doc property * @id * @name definitions * @description * Registered resource definitions available to the data store. */ this.definitions = {}; /** * @doc property * @id * @name adapters * @description * Registered adapters available to the data store. Object consists of key-values pairs where the key is * the name of the adapter and the value is the adapter itself. */ this.adapters = { DSHttpAdapter: new DSHttpAdapter(), DSLocalStorageAdapter: new DSLocalStorageAdapter() }; } /** * @doc property * @id * @name errors * @description * References to the various [error types](/documentation/api/api/errors) used by js-data. */ DS.prototype.errors = require('../errors'); /*! * @doc property * @id * @name utils * @description * Utility functions used internally by js-data. */ DS.prototype.utils = DSUtils; DSUtils.deepMixIn(DS.prototype, syncMethods); DSUtils.deepMixIn(DS.prototype, asyncMethods); module.exports = DS; },{"../adapters/http":66,"../adapters/localStorage":67,"../errors":99,"../utils":101,"./async_methods":73,"./sync_methods":90}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.changes(' + resourceName + ', id): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:changes * @name changes * @description * Synchronously return the changes object of the item of the type specified by `resourceName` that has the primary key * specified by `id`. This object represents the diff between the item in its current state and the state of the item * the last time it was saved via an adapter. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.changes(resourceName, id) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var d = DS.get('document', 5); // { author: 'John Anderson', id: 5 } * * = 'Sally'; * * // You might have to do DS.digest() first * * DS.changes('document', 5); // {...} Object describing changes * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item of the changes to retrieve. * @returns {object} The changes of the item of the type specified by `resourceName` with the primary key specified by `id`. */ function changes(resourceName, id) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; if (!DS.definitions[resourceName]) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } var item = DS.get(resourceName, id); if (item) {[resourceName].observers[id].deliver(); var diff = DSUtils.diffObjectFromOldObject(item,[resourceName].previousAttributes[id]); DSUtils.forOwn(diff, function (changeset, name) { var toKeep = []; DSUtils.forOwn(changeset, function (value, field) { if (!DSUtils.isFunction(value)) { toKeep.push(field); } }); diff[name] = DSUtils.pick(diff[name], toKeep); }); return diff; } } module.exports = changes; },{}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.compute(' + resourceName + ', instance): '; } function _compute(fn, field, DSUtils) { var _this = this; var args = []; DSUtils.forEach(fn.deps, function (dep) { args.push(_this[dep]); }); // compute property this[field] = fn[fn.length - 1].apply(this, args); } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:compute * @name compute * @description * Force the given instance or the item with the given primary key to recompute its computed properties. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.compute(resourceName, instance) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var User = DS.defineResource({ * name: 'user', * computed: { * fullName: ['first', 'last', function (first, last) { * return first + ' ' + last; * }] * } * }); * * var user = User.createInstance({ first: 'John', last: 'Doe' }); * user.fullName; // undefined * * User.compute(user); * * user.fullName; // "John Doe" * * var user2 = User.inject({ id: 2, first: 'Jane', last: 'Doe' }); * user2.fullName; // undefined * * User.compute(1); * * user2.fullName; // "Jane Doe" * * // if you don't pass useClass: false then you can do: * var user3 = User.createInstance({ first: 'Sally', last: 'Doe' }); * user3.fullName; // undefined * user3.DSCompute(); * user3.fullName; // "Sally Doe" * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object|string|number} instance Instance or primary key of the instance (must be in the store) for which to recompute properties. * @returns {Object} The instance. */ function compute(resourceName, instance) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(instance) && !DSUtils.isString(instance) && !DSUtils.isNumber(instance)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'instance: Must be an object, string or number!'); } if (DSUtils.isString(instance) || DSUtils.isNumber(instance)) { instance = DS.get(resourceName, instance); } DSUtils.forOwn(definition.computed, function (fn, field) {, fn, field, DSUtils); }); return instance; } module.exports = { compute: compute, _compute: _compute }; },{}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.createInstance(' + resourceName + '[, attrs][, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:createInstance * @name createInstance * @description * Return a new instance of the specified resource. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.createInstance(resourceName[, attrs][, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var User = DS.defineResource({ * name: 'user', * methods: { * say: function () { * return 'hi'; * } * } * }); * * var user = User.createInstance(); * var user2 = DS.createInstance('user'); * * user instanceof User[User.class]; // true * user2 instanceof User[User.class]; // true * * user.say(); // hi * user2.say(); // hi * * var user3 = User.createInstance({ name: 'John' }, { useClass: false }); * var user4 = DS.createInstance('user', { name: 'John' }, { useClass: false }); * * user3; // { name: 'John' } * user3 instanceof User[User.class]; // false * * user4; // { name: 'John' } * user4 instanceof User[User.class]; // false * * user3.say(); // TypeError: undefined is not a function * user4.say(); // TypeError: undefined is not a function * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object=} attrs Optional attributes to mix in to the new instance. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `useClass` - Whether to use the resource's wrapper class. Default: `true`. * * @returns {object} The new instance. */ function createInstance(resourceName, attrs, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; attrs = attrs || {}; options = options || {}; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (attrs && !DSUtils.isObject(attrs)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'attrs: Must be an object!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'options: Must be an object!'); } if (!('useClass' in options)) { options.useClass = true; } var item; if (options.useClass) { var Constructor = definition[definition.class]; item = new Constructor(); } else { item = {}; } return DSUtils.deepMixIn(item, attrs); } module.exports = createInstance; },{}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ /*jshint evil:true*/ var errorPrefix = 'DS.defineResource(definition): '; function Resource(utils, options) { utils.deepMixIn(this, options); if ('endpoint' in options) { this.endpoint = options.endpoint; } else { this.endpoint =; } } var methodsToProxy = [ 'changes', 'create', 'createInstance', 'destroy', 'destroyAll', 'eject', 'ejectAll', 'filter', 'find', 'findAll', 'get', 'hasChanges', 'inject', 'lastModified', 'lastSaved', 'link', 'linkAll', 'linkInverse', 'loadRelations', 'previous', 'refresh', 'save', 'update', 'updateAll' ]; /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:defineResource * @name defineResource * @description * Define a resource and register it with the data store. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.defineResource(definition) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.defineResource({ * name: 'document', * idAttribute: '_id', * endpoint: '/documents * baseUrl: '', * beforeDestroy: function (resourceName attrs, cb) { * console.log('looks good to me'); * cb(null, attrs); * } * }); * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{RuntimeError}` * * @param {string|object} definition Name of resource or resource definition object: Properties: * * - `{string}` - `name` - The name by which this resource will be identified. * - `{string="id"}` - `idAttribute` - The attribute that specifies the primary key for this resource. * - `{string=}` - `endpoint` - The attribute that specifies the primary key for this resource. Default is the value of `name`. * - `{string=}` - `baseUrl` - The url relative to which all AJAX requests will be made. * - `{boolean=}` - `useClass` - Whether to use a wrapper class created from the ProperCase name of the resource. The wrapper will always be used for resources that have `methods` defined. * - `{function=}` - `defaultFilter` - Override the filtering used internally by `DS.filter` with you own function here. * - `{*=}` - `meta` - A property reserved for developer use. This will never be used by the API. * - `{object=}` - `methods` - If provided, items of this resource will be wrapped in a constructor function that is * empty save for the attributes in this option which will be mixed in to the constructor function prototype. Enabling * this feature for this resource will incur a slight performance penalty, but allows you to give custom behavior to what * are now "instances" of this resource. * - `{function=}` - `beforeValidate` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `beforeValidate(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `validate` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `validate(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `afterValidate` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `afterValidate(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `beforeCreate` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `beforeCreate(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `afterCreate` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `afterCreate(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `beforeUpdate` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `beforeUpdate(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `afterUpdate` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `afterUpdate(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `beforeDestroy` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `beforeDestroy(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `afterDestroy` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `afterDestroy(resourceName, attrs, cb)`. Callback signature: `cb(err, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `beforeInject` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `beforeInject(resourceName, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `afterInject` - Lifecycle hook. Overrides global. Signature: `afterInject(resourceName, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `serialize` - Serialization hook. Overrides global. Signature: `serialize(resourceName, attrs)`. * - `{function=}` - `deserialize` - Deserialization hook. Overrides global. Signature: `deserialize(resourceName, attrs)`. * * See [DSProvider.defaults](/documentation/api/js-data/ */ function defineResource(definition) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definitions = DS.definitions; if (DSUtils.isString(definition)) { definition = definition.replace(/\s/gi, ''); definition = { name: definition }; } if (!DSUtils.isObject(definition)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix + 'definition: Must be an object!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isString( { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix + ' Must be a string!'); } else if (definition.idAttribute && !DSUtils.isString(definition.idAttribute)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix + 'definition.idAttribute: Must be a string!'); } else if (definition.endpoint && !DSUtils.isString(definition.endpoint)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix + 'definition.endpoint: Must be a string!'); } else if ([]) { throw new DSErrors.R(errorPrefix + + ' is already registered!'); } try { // Inherit from global defaults Resource.prototype = DS.defaults; definitions[] = new Resource(DSUtils, definition); var def = definitions[]; // Setup nested parent configuration if (def.relations) { def.relationList = []; def.relationFields = []; DSUtils.forOwn(def.relations, function (relatedModels, type) { DSUtils.forOwn(relatedModels, function (defs, relationName) { if (!DSUtils.isArray(defs)) { relatedModels[relationName] = [defs]; } DSUtils.forEach(relatedModels[relationName], function (d) { d.type = type; d.relation = relationName; =; def.relationList.push(d); def.relationFields.push(d.localField); }); }); }); if (def.relations.belongsTo) { DSUtils.forOwn(def.relations.belongsTo, function (relatedModel, modelName) { DSUtils.forEach(relatedModel, function (relation) { if (relation.parent) { def.parent = modelName; def.parentKey = relation.localKey; } }); }); } DSUtils.deepFreeze(def.relations); DSUtils.deepFreeze(def.relationList); } def.getEndpoint = function (attrs, options) { var parent = this.parent; var parentKey = this.parentKey; var item; var endpoint; var thisEndpoint = options.endpoint || this.endpoint; delete options.endpoint; options = options || {}; options.params = options.params || {}; if (parent && parentKey && definitions[parent] && options.params[parentKey] !== false) { if (DSUtils.isNumber(attrs) || DSUtils.isString(attrs)) { item = DS.get(, attrs); } if (DSUtils.isObject(attrs) && parentKey in attrs) { delete options.params[parentKey]; endpoint = DSUtils.makePath(definitions[parent].getEndpoint(attrs, options), attrs[parentKey], thisEndpoint); } else if (item && parentKey in item) { delete options.params[parentKey]; endpoint = DSUtils.makePath(definitions[parent].getEndpoint(attrs, options), item[parentKey], thisEndpoint); } else if (options && options.params[parentKey]) { endpoint = DSUtils.makePath(definitions[parent].getEndpoint(attrs, options), options.params[parentKey], thisEndpoint); delete options.params[parentKey]; } } if (options.params[parentKey] === false) { delete options.params[parentKey]; } return endpoint || thisEndpoint; }; // Remove this in v0.11.0 and make a breaking change notice // the the `filter` option has been renamed to `defaultFilter` if (def.filter) { def.defaultFilter = def.filter; delete def.filter; } // Create the wrapper class for the new resource def.class = DSUtils.pascalCase(; eval('function ' + def.class + '() {}'); def[def.class] = eval(def.class); // Apply developer-defined methods if (def.methods) { DSUtils.deepMixIn(def[def.class].prototype, def.methods); } // Prepare for computed properties if (def.computed) { DSUtils.forOwn(def.computed, function (fn, field) { if (DSUtils.isFunction(fn)) { def.computed[field] = [fn]; fn = def.computed[field]; } if (def.methods && field in def.methods) { console.warn(errorPrefix + 'Computed property "' + field + '" conflicts with previously defined prototype method!'); } var deps; if (fn.length === 1) { var match = fn[0].toString().match(/function.*?\(([\s\S]*?)\)/); deps = match[1].split(','); def.computed[field] = deps.concat(fn); fn = def.computed[field]; if (deps.length) { console.warn(errorPrefix + 'Use the computed property array syntax for compatibility with minified code!'); } } deps = fn.slice(0, fn.length - 1); DSUtils.forEach(deps, function (val, index) { deps[index] = val.trim(); }); fn.deps = DSUtils.filter(deps, function (dep) { return !!dep; }); }); def[def.class].prototype.DSCompute = function () { return DS.compute(, this); }; } // Initialize store data for the new resource[] = { collection: [], completedQueries: {}, pendingQueries: {}, index: {}, modified: {}, saved: {}, previousAttributes: {}, observers: {}, collectionModified: 0 }; // Proxy DS methods with shorthand ones DSUtils.forEach(methodsToProxy, function (name) { def[name] = function () { var args =; args.unshift(; return DS[name].apply(DS, args); }; }); def.beforeValidate = DSUtils.promisify(def.beforeValidate); def.validate = DSUtils.promisify(def.validate); def.afterValidate = DSUtils.promisify(def.afterValidate); def.beforeCreate = DSUtils.promisify(def.beforeCreate); def.afterCreate = DSUtils.promisify(def.afterCreate); def.beforeUpdate = DSUtils.promisify(def.beforeUpdate); def.afterUpdate = DSUtils.promisify(def.afterUpdate); def.beforeDestroy = DSUtils.promisify(def.beforeDestroy); def.afterDestroy = DSUtils.promisify(def.afterDestroy); return def; } catch (err) { console.error(err); delete definitions[]; delete[]; throw err; } } module.exports = defineResource; },{}],84:[function(require,module,exports){ var observe = require('../../../lib/observe-js/observe-js'); /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:digest * @name digest * @description * Trigger a digest loop that checks for changes and updates the `lastModified` timestamp if an object has changed. * If your browser supports `Object.observe` then this function has no effect. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.digest() * ``` * */ function digest() { observe.Platform.performMicrotaskCheckpoint(); } module.exports = digest; },{"../../../lib/observe-js/observe-js":1}],85:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.eject(' + resourceName + ', ' + id + '): '; } function _eject(definition, resource, id) { var item; var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < resource.collection.length; i++) { if (resource.collection[i][definition.idAttribute] == id) { item = resource.collection[i]; found = true; break; } } if (found) { this.unlinkInverse(, id); resource.collection.splice(i, 1); resource.observers[id].close(); delete resource.observers[id]; delete resource.index[id]; delete resource.previousAttributes[id]; delete resource.completedQueries[id]; delete resource.modified[id]; delete resource.saved[id]; resource.collectionModified = this.utils.updateTimestamp(resource.collectionModified); return item; } } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:eject * @name eject * @description * Eject the item of the specified type that has the given primary key from the data store. Ejection only removes items * from the data store and does not attempt to destroy items via an adapter. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.eject(resourceName[, id]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.get('document', 45); // { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45 } * * DS.eject('document', 45); * * DS.get('document', 45); // undefined * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item to eject. * @returns {object} A reference to the item that was ejected from the data store. */ function eject(resourceName, id) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } return, definition,[resourceName], id); } module.exports = eject; },{}],86:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.ejectAll(' + resourceName + '[, params]): '; } function _ejectAll(definition, resource, params) { var DS = this; var queryHash = DS.utils.toJson(params); var items = DS.filter(, params); var ids = DS.utils.toLookup(items, definition.idAttribute); DS.utils.forOwn(ids, function (item, id) { DS.eject(, id); }); delete resource.completedQueries[queryHash]; resource.collectionModified = DS.utils.updateTimestamp(resource.collectionModified); return items; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:ejectAll * @name ejectAll * @description * Eject all matching items of the specified type from the data store. Ejection only removes items from the data store * and does not attempt to destroy items via an adapter. * * ## Signature: * ```javascript * DS.ejectAll(resourceName[, params]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```javascript * DS.get('document', 45); // { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45 } * * DS.eject('document', 45); * * DS.get('document', 45); // undefined * ``` * * Eject all items of the specified type that match the criteria from the data store. * * ```javascript * DS.filter('document'); // [ { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45, author: 'John Anderson' }, * // { title: 'How to Eat', id: 46, author: 'Sally Jane' } ] * * DS.ejectAll('document', { where: { author: 'Sally Jane' } }); * * DS.filter('document'); // [ { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45, author: 'John Anderson' } ] * ``` * * Eject all items of the specified type from the data store. * * ```javascript * DS.filter('document'); // [ { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45, author: 'John Anderson' }, * // { title: 'How to Eat', id: 46, author: 'Sally Jane' } ] * * DS.ejectAll('document'); * * DS.filter('document'); // [ ] * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object} params Parameter object that is used to filter items. Properties: * * - `{object=}` - `where` - Where clause. * - `{number=}` - `limit` - Limit clause. * - `{number=}` - `skip` - Skip clause. * - `{number=}` - `offset` - Same as skip. * - `{string|array=}` - `orderBy` - OrderBy clause. * * @returns {array} The items that were ejected from the data store. */ function ejectAll(resourceName, params) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; params = params || {}; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(params)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'params: Must be an object!'); } var resource =[resourceName]; if (DSUtils.isEmpty(params)) { resource.completedQueries = {}; } return, definition, resource, params); } module.exports = ejectAll; },{}],87:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.filter(' + resourceName + '[, params][, options]): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:filter * @name filter * @description * Synchronously filter items in the data store of the type specified by `resourceName`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.filter(resourceName[, params][, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * For many examples see the [tests for DS.filter]( methods/filter.test.js). * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object=} params Parameter object that is used to filter items. Properties: * * - `{object=}` - `where` - Where clause. * - `{number=}` - `limit` - Limit clause. * - `{number=}` - `skip` - Skip clause. * - `{number=}` - `offset` - Same as skip. * - `{string|array=}` - `orderBy` - OrderBy clause. * * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `loadFromServer` - Send the query to server if it has not been sent yet. Default: `false`. * - `{boolean=}` - `allowSimpleWhere` - Treat top-level fields on the `params` argument as simple "where" equality clauses. Default: `true`. * * @returns {array} The filtered collection of items of the type specified by `resourceName`. */ function filter(resourceName, params, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; options = options || {}; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (params && !DSUtils.isObject(params)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'params: Must be an object!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'options: Must be an object!'); } var resource =[resourceName]; // Protect against null params = params || {}; if ('allowSimpleWhere' in options) { options.allowSimpleWhere = !!options.allowSimpleWhere; } else { options.allowSimpleWhere = true; } var queryHash = DSUtils.toJson(params); if (!(queryHash in resource.completedQueries) && options.loadFromServer) { // This particular query has never been completed if (!resource.pendingQueries[queryHash]) { // This particular query has never even been started DS.findAll(resourceName, params, options); } } return, resource.collection, resourceName, params, options); } module.exports = filter; },{}],88:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.get(' + resourceName + ', ' + id + '): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:get * @name get * @description * Synchronously return the resource with the given id. The data store will forward the request to an adapter if * `loadFromServer` is `true` in the options hash. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.get(resourceName, id[, options]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.get('document', 5'); // { author: 'John Anderson', id: 5 } * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item to retrieve. * @param {object=} options Optional configuration. Also passed along to `DS.find` if `loadFromServer` is `true`. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `loadFromServer` - Send the query to server if it has not been sent yet. Default: `false`. * * @returns {object} The item of the type specified by `resourceName` with the primary key specified by `id`. */ function get(resourceName, id, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; options = options || {}; if (!DS.definitions[resourceName]) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'options: Must be an object!'); } // cache miss, request resource from server var item =[resourceName].index[id]; if (!item && options.loadFromServer) { DS.find(resourceName, id, options).then(null, function (err) { return err; }); } // return resource from cache return item; } module.exports = get; },{}],89:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.hasChanges(' + resourceName + ', ' + id + '): '; } function diffIsEmpty(utils, diff) { return !(utils.isEmpty(diff.added) && utils.isEmpty(diff.removed) && utils.isEmpty(diff.changed)); } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:hasChanges * @name hasChanges * @description * Synchronously return whether object of the item of the type specified by `resourceName` that has the primary key * specified by `id` has changes. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.hasChanges(resourceName, id) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var d = DS.get('document', 5); // { author: 'John Anderson', id: 5 } * * = 'Sally'; * * // You may have to do DS.digest() first * * DS.hasChanges('document', 5); // true * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item. * @returns {boolean} Whether the item of the type specified by `resourceName` with the primary key specified by `id` has changes. */ function hasChanges(resourceName, id) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; if (!DS.definitions[resourceName]) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } // return resource from cache if (DS.get(resourceName, id)) { return diffIsEmpty(DSUtils, DS.changes(resourceName, id)); } else { return false; } } module.exports = hasChanges; },{}],90:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:changes * @name changes * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.changes](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:changes). */ changes: require('./changes'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:compute * @name compute * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.compute](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:compute). */ compute: require('./compute').compute, /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:createInstance * @name createInstance * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.createInstance](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:createInstance). */ createInstance: require('./createInstance'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:defineResource * @name defineResource * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.defineResource](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:defineResource). */ defineResource: require('./defineResource'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:digest * @name digest * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.digest](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:digest). */ digest: require('./digest'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:eject * @name eject * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.eject](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:eject). */ eject: require('./eject'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:ejectAll * @name ejectAll * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.ejectAll](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:ejectAll). */ ejectAll: require('./ejectAll'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:filter * @name filter * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.filter](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:filter). */ filter: require('./filter'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:get * @name get * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.get](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:get). */ get: require('./get'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:hasChanges * @name hasChanges * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.hasChanges](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:hasChanges). */ hasChanges: require('./hasChanges'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:inject * @name inject * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.inject](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:inject). */ inject: require('./inject'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:lastModified * @name lastModified * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.lastModified](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:lastModified). */ lastModified: require('./lastModified'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:lastSaved * @name lastSaved * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.lastSaved](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:lastSaved). */ lastSaved: require('./lastSaved'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:link * @name link * @methodOf DS * @description * See [](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:link). */ link: require('./link'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:linkAll * @name linkAll * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.linkAll](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:linkAll). */ linkAll: require('./linkAll'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:linkInverse * @name linkInverse * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.linkInverse](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:linkInverse). */ linkInverse: require('./linkInverse'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:previous * @name previous * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.previous](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:previous). */ previous: require('./previous'), /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:unlinkInverse * @name unlinkInverse * @methodOf DS * @description * See [DS.unlinkInverse](/documentation/api/api/DS.sync methods:unlinkInverse). */ unlinkInverse: require('./unlinkInverse') }; },{"./changes":80,"./compute":81,"./createInstance":82,"./defineResource":83,"./digest":84,"./eject":85,"./ejectAll":86,"./filter":87,"./get":88,"./hasChanges":89,"./inject":91,"./lastModified":92,"./lastSaved":93,"./link":94,"./linkAll":95,"./linkInverse":96,"./previous":97,"./unlinkInverse":98}],91:[function(require,module,exports){ var observe = require('../../../lib/observe-js/observe-js'); var _compute = require('./compute')._compute; var stack = 0; var data = { injectedSoFar: {} }; function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.inject(' + resourceName + ', attrs[, options]): '; } function _inject(definition, resource, attrs) { var DS = this; function _react(added, removed, changed, oldValueFn, firstTime) { var target = this; var item; var innerId = (oldValueFn && oldValueFn(definition.idAttribute)) ? oldValueFn(definition.idAttribute) : target[definition.idAttribute]; DS.utils.forEach(definition.relationFields, function (field) { delete added[field]; delete removed[field]; delete changed[field]; }); if (!DS.utils.isEmpty(added) || !DS.utils.isEmpty(removed) || !DS.utils.isEmpty(changed) || firstTime) { resource.modified[innerId] = DS.utils.updateTimestamp(resource.modified[innerId]); resource.collectionModified = DS.utils.updateTimestamp(resource.collectionModified); } if (definition.computed) { item = DS.get(, innerId); DS.utils.forOwn(definition.computed, function (fn, field) { var compute = false; // check if required fields changed DS.utils.forEach(fn.deps, function (dep) { if (dep in added || dep in removed || dep in changed || !(field in item)) { compute = true; } }); compute = compute || !fn.deps.length; if (compute) {, fn, field); } }); } if (definition.relations) { item = DS.get(, innerId); DS.utils.forEach(definition.relationList, function (def) { if (item[def.localField] && (def.localKey in added || def.localKey in removed || def.localKey in changed)) {, item[definition.idAttribute], [def.relation]); } }); } if (definition.idAttribute in changed) { console.error('Doh! You just changed the primary key of an object! ' + 'I don\'t know how to handle this yet, so your data for the "' + + '" resource is now in an undefined (probably broken) state.'); } } var injected; if (DS.utils.isArray(attrs)) { injected = []; for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { injected.push(, definition, resource, attrs[i])); } } else { // check if "idAttribute" is a computed property var c = definition.computed; var idA = definition.idAttribute; if (c && c[idA]) { var args = []; DS.utils.forEach(c[idA].deps, function (dep) { args.push(attrs[dep]); }); attrs[idA] = c[idA][c[idA].length - 1].apply(attrs, args); } if (!(idA in attrs)) { var error = new DS.errors.R(errorPrefix( + 'attrs: Must contain the property specified by `idAttribute`!'); console.error(error); throw error; } else { try { definition.beforeInject(, attrs); var id = attrs[idA]; var item = DS.get(, id); if (!item) { if (definition.methods || definition.useClass) { if (attrs instanceof definition[definition.class]) { item = attrs; } else { item = new definition[definition.class](); } } else { item = {}; } resource.previousAttributes[id] = {}; DS.utils.deepMixIn(item, attrs); DS.utils.deepMixIn(resource.previousAttributes[id], attrs); resource.collection.push(item); resource.observers[id] = new observe.ObjectObserver(item); resource.observers[id].open(_react, item); resource.index[id] = item;, {}, {}, {}, null, true); } else { DS.utils.deepMixIn(item, attrs); resource.observers[id].deliver(); } resource.saved[id] = DS.utils.updateTimestamp(resource.saved[id]); definition.afterInject(, item); injected = item; } catch (err) { console.error(err); console.error('inject failed!',, attrs); } } } return injected; } function _injectRelations(definition, injected, options) { var DS = this; function _process(def, relationName, injected) { var relationDef = DS.definitions[relationName]; if (relationDef && injected[def.localField] && !data.injectedSoFar[relationName + injected[def.localField][relationDef.idAttribute]]) { try { data.injectedSoFar[relationName + injected[def.localField][relationDef.idAttribute]] = 1; injected[def.localField] = DS.inject(relationName, injected[def.localField], options); } catch (err) { DS.console.error(errorPrefix( + 'Failed to inject ' + def.type + ' relation: "' + relationName + '"!', err); } } else if (options.findBelongsTo && def.type === 'belongsTo') { if (DS.utils.isArray(injected)) { DS.utils.forEach(injected, function (injectedItem) {, injectedItem[definition.idAttribute], [relationName]); }); } else {, injected[definition.idAttribute], [relationName]); } } else if ((options.findHasMany && def.type === 'hasMany') || (options.findHasOne && def.type === 'hasOne')) { if (DS.utils.isArray(injected)) { DS.utils.forEach(injected, function (injectedItem) {, injectedItem[definition.idAttribute], [relationName]); }); } else {, injected[definition.idAttribute], [relationName]); } } } DS.utils.forEach(definition.relationList, function (def) { if (DS.utils.isArray(injected)) { DS.utils.forEach(injected, function (injectedI) { _process(def, def.relation, injectedI); }); } else { _process(def, def.relation, injected); } }); } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:inject * @name inject * @description * Inject the given item into the data store as the specified type. If `attrs` is an array, inject each item into the * data store. Injecting an item into the data store does not save it to the server. Emits a `"DS.inject"` event. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.inject(resourceName, attrs[, options]) * ``` * * ## Examples: * * ```js * DS.get('document', 45); // undefined * * DS.inject('document', { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45 }); * * DS.get('document', 45); // { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45 } * ``` * * Inject a collection into the data store: * * ```js * DS.filter('document'); // [ ] * * DS.inject('document', [ { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45 }, { title: 'How to Eat', id: 46 } ]); * * DS.filter('document'); // [ { title: 'How to Cook', id: 45 }, { title: 'How to Eat', id: 46 } ] * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{RuntimeError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object|array} attrs The item or collection of items to inject into the data store. * @param {object=} options The item or collection of items to inject into the data store. Properties: * * - `{boolean=}` - `findBelongsTo` - Find and attach any existing "belongsTo" relationships to the newly injected item. Potentially expensive if enabled. Default: `false`. * - `{boolean=}` - `findHasMany` - Find and attach any existing "hasMany" relationships to the newly injected item. Potentially expensive if enabled. Default: `false`. * - `{boolean=}` - `findHasOne` - Find and attach any existing "hasOne" relationships to the newly injected item. Potentially expensive if enabled. Default: `false`. * - `{boolean=}` - `linkInverse` - Look in the data store for relations of the injected item(s) and update their links to the injected. Potentially expensive if enabled. Default: `false`. * * @returns {object|array} A reference to the item that was injected into the data store or an array of references to * the items that were injected into the data store. */ function inject(resourceName, attrs, options) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; options = options || {}; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(attrs) && !DSUtils.isArray(attrs)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'attrs: Must be an object or an array!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isObject(options)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'options: Must be an object!'); } var resource =[resourceName]; var injected; stack++; try { injected =, definition, resource, attrs); if (definition.relations) {, definition, injected, options); } if (options.linkInverse) { if (DSUtils.isArray(injected) && injected.length) { DS.linkInverse(, injected[0][definition.idAttribute]); } else { DS.linkInverse(, injected[definition.idAttribute]); } } stack--; } catch (err) { stack--; throw err; } if (!stack) { data.injectedSoFar = {}; } return injected; } module.exports = inject; },{"../../../lib/observe-js/observe-js":1,"./compute":81}],92:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.lastModified(' + resourceName + '[, ' + id + ']): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:lastModified * @name lastModified * @description * Return the timestamp of the last time either the collection for `resourceName` or the item of type `resourceName` * with the given primary key was modified. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.lastModified(resourceName[, id]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.lastModified('document', 5); // undefined * * DS.find('document', 5).then(function (document) { * DS.lastModified('document', 5); // 1234235825494 * }); * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number=} id The primary key of the item to remove. * @returns {number} The timestamp of the last time either the collection for `resourceName` or the item of type * `resourceName` with the given primary key was modified. */ function lastModified(resourceName, id) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var resource =[resourceName]; if (!DS.definitions[resourceName]) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName); } else if (id && !DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } if (id) { if (!(id in resource.modified)) { resource.modified[id] = 0; } return resource.modified[id]; } return resource.collectionModified; } module.exports = lastModified; },{}],93:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.lastSaved(' + resourceName + '[, ' + id + ']): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:lastSaved * @name lastSaved * @description * Return the timestamp of the last time either the collection for `resourceName` or the item of type `resourceName` * with the given primary key was saved via an async adapter. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.lastSaved(resourceName[, id]) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * DS.lastModified('document', 5); // undefined * DS.lastSaved('document', 5); // undefined * * DS.find('document', 5).then(function (document) { * DS.lastModified('document', 5); // 1234235825494 * DS.lastSaved('document', 5); // 1234235825494 * * = 'Sally'; * * // You may have to call DS.digest() first * * DS.lastModified('document', 5); // 1234304985344 - something different * DS.lastSaved('document', 5); // 1234235825494 - still the same * }); * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item for which to retrieve the lastSaved timestamp. * @returns {number} The timestamp of the last time the item of type `resourceName` with the given primary key was saved. */ function lastSaved(resourceName, id) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var resource =[resourceName]; if (!DS.definitions[resourceName]) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } if (!(id in resource.saved)) { resource.saved[id] = 0; } return resource.saved[id]; } module.exports = lastSaved; },{}],94:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return '' + resourceName + ', id[, relations]): '; } function _link(definition, linked, relations) { var DS = this; DS.utils.forEach(definition.relationList, function (def) { var relationName = def.relation; if (relations.length && !DS.utils.contains(relations, relationName)) { return; } var params = {}; if (def.type === 'belongsTo') { var parent = linked[def.localKey] ? DS.get(relationName, linked[def.localKey]) : null; if (parent) { linked[def.localField] = parent; } } else if (def.type === 'hasMany') { params[def.foreignKey] = linked[definition.idAttribute]; linked[def.localField] =,[relationName].collection, relationName, params, { allowSimpleWhere: true }); } else if (def.type === 'hasOne') { params[def.foreignKey] = linked[definition.idAttribute]; var children =,[relationName].collection, relationName, params, { allowSimpleWhere: true }); if (children.length) { linked[def.localField] = children[0]; } } }); } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:link * @name link * @description * Find relations of the item with the given primary key that are already in the data store and link them to the item. * * ## Signature: * ```js *, id[, relations]) * ``` * * ## Examples: * * Assume `user` has `hasMany` relationships to `post` and `comment`. * ```js * DS.get('user', 1); // { name: 'John', id: 1 } * * // link posts *'user', 1, ['post']); * * DS.get('user', 1); // { name: 'John', id: 1, posts: [...] } * * // link all relations *'user', 1); * * DS.get('user', 1); // { name: 'John', id: 1, posts: [...], comments: [...] } * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item for to link relations. * @param {array=} relations The relations to be linked. If not provided then all relations will be linked. Default: `[]`. * @returns {object|array} A reference to the item with its linked relations. */ function link(resourceName, id, relations) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; relations = relations || []; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isArray(relations)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'relations: Must be an array!'); } var linked = DS.get(resourceName, id); if (linked) {, definition, linked, relations); } return linked; } module.exports = link; },{}],95:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.linkAll(' + resourceName + '[, params][, relations]): '; } function _linkAll(definition, linked, relations) { var DS = this; DS.utils.forEach(definition.relationList, function (def) { var relationName = def.relation; if (relations.length && !DS.utils.contains(relations, relationName)) { return; } if (def.type === 'belongsTo') { DS.utils.forEach(linked, function (injectedItem) { var parent = injectedItem[def.localKey] ? DS.get(relationName, injectedItem[def.localKey]) : null; if (parent) { injectedItem[def.localField] = parent; } }); } else if (def.type === 'hasMany') { DS.utils.forEach(linked, function (injectedItem) { var params = {}; params[def.foreignKey] = injectedItem[definition.idAttribute]; injectedItem[def.localField] =,[relationName].collection, relationName, params, { allowSimpleWhere: true }); }); } else if (def.type === 'hasOne') { DS.utils.forEach(linked, function (injectedItem) { var params = {}; params[def.foreignKey] = injectedItem[definition.idAttribute]; var children =,[relationName].collection, relationName, params, { allowSimpleWhere: true }); if (children.length) { injectedItem[def.localField] = children[0]; } }); } }); } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:linkAll * @name linkAll * @description * Find relations of a collection of items that are already in the data store and link them to the items. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.linkAll(resourceName[, params][, relations]) * ``` * * ## Examples: * * Assume `user` has `hasMany` relationships to `post` and `comment`. * ```js * DS.filter('user'); // [{ name: 'John', id: 1 }, { name: 'Sally', id: 2 }] * * // link posts * DS.linkAll('user', { * name: : 'John' * }, ['post']); * * DS.filter('user'); // [{ name: 'John', id: 1, posts: [...] }, { name: 'Sally', id: 2 }] * * // link all relations * DS.linkAll('user', { name: : 'John' }); * * DS.filter('user'); // [{ name: 'John', id: 1, posts: [...], comments: [...] }, { name: 'Sally', id: 2 }] * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {object=} params Parameter object that is used to filter items. Properties: * * - `{object=}` - `where` - Where clause. * - `{number=}` - `limit` - Limit clause. * - `{number=}` - `skip` - Skip clause. * - `{number=}` - `offset` - Same as skip. * - `{string|array=}` - `orderBy` - OrderBy clause. * * @param {array=} relations The relations to be linked. If not provided then all relations will be linked. Default: `[]`. * @returns {object|array} A reference to the item with its linked relations. */ function linkAll(resourceName, params, relations) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; relations = relations || []; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (params && !DSUtils.isObject(params)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'params: Must be an object!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isArray(relations)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'relations: Must be an array!'); } var linked = DS.filter(resourceName, params); if (linked) {, definition, linked, relations); } return linked; } module.exports = linkAll; },{}],96:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.linkInverse(' + resourceName + ', id[, relations]): '; } function _linkInverse(definition, relations) { var DS = this; DS.utils.forOwn(DS.definitions, function (d) { DS.utils.forOwn(d.relations, function (relatedModels) { DS.utils.forOwn(relatedModels, function (defs, relationName) { if (relations.length && !DS.utils.contains(relations, { return; } if ( === relationName) { DS.linkAll(, {}, []); } }); }); }); } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:linkInverse * @name linkInverse * @description * Find relations of the item with the given primary key that are already in the data store and link this item to those * relations. This creates links in the opposite direction of ``. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.linkInverse(resourceName, id[, relations]) * ``` * * ## Examples: * * Assume `organization` has `hasMany` relationship to `user` and `post` has a `belongsTo` relationship to `user`. * ```js * DS.get('user', 1); // { organizationId: 5, id: 1 } * DS.get('organization', 5); // { id: 5 } * DS.filter('post', { userId: 1 }); // [ { id: 23, userId: 1 }, { id: 44, userId: 1 }] * * // link user to its relations * DS.linkInverse('user', 1, ['organization']); * * DS.get('organization', 5); // { id: 5, users: [{ organizationId: 5, id: 1 }] } * * // link user to all of its all relations * DS.linkInverse('user', 1); * * DS.get('user', 1); // { organizationId: 5, id: 1 } * DS.get('organization', 5); // { id: 5, users: [{ organizationId: 5, id: 1 }] } * DS.filter('post', { userId: 1 }); // [ { id: 23, userId: 1, user: {...} }, { id: 44, userId: 1, user: {...} }] * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item for to link relations. * @param {array=} relations The relations to be linked. If not provided then all relations will be linked. Default: `[]`. * @returns {object|array} A reference to the item with its linked relations. */ function linkInverse(resourceName, id, relations) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; relations = relations || []; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isArray(relations)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'relations: Must be an array!'); } var linked = DS.get(resourceName, id); if (linked) {, definition, relations); } return linked; } module.exports = linkInverse; },{}],97:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName, id) { return 'DS.previous(' + resourceName + '[, ' + id + ']): '; } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:previous * @name previous * @description * Synchronously return the previous attributes of the item of the type specified by `resourceName` that has the primary key * specified by `id`. This object represents the state of the item the last time it was saved via an async adapter. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.previous(resourceName, id) * ``` * * ## Example: * * ```js * var d = DS.get('document', 5); // { author: 'John Anderson', id: 5 } * * = 'Sally'; * * d; // { author: 'Sally', id: 5 } * * // You may have to do DS.digest() first * * DS.previous('document', 5); // { author: 'John Anderson', id: 5 } * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item whose previous attributes are to be retrieved. * @returns {object} The previous attributes of the item of the type specified by `resourceName` with the primary key specified by `id`. */ function previous(resourceName, id) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var resource =[resourceName]; if (!DS.definitions[resourceName]) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName, id) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } // return resource from cache return resource.previousAttributes[id] ? DSUtils.merge({}, resource.previousAttributes[id]) : undefined; } module.exports = previous; },{}],98:[function(require,module,exports){ function errorPrefix(resourceName) { return 'DS.unlinkInverse(' + resourceName + ', id[, relations]): '; } function _unlinkInverse(definition, linked) { var DS = this; DS.utils.forOwn(DS.definitions, function (d) { DS.utils.forOwn(d.relations, function (relatedModels) { DS.utils.forOwn(relatedModels, function (defs, relationName) { if ( === relationName) { DS.utils.forEach(defs, function (def) { DS.utils.forEach([].collection, function (item) { if (def.type === 'hasMany' && item[def.localField]) { var index; DS.utils.forEach(item[def.localField], function (subItem, i) { if (subItem === linked) { index = i; } }); item[def.localField].splice(index, 1); } else if (item[def.localField] === linked) { delete item[def.localField]; } }); }); } }); }); }); } /** * @doc method * @id DS.sync methods:unlinkInverse * @name unlinkInverse * @description * Find relations of the item with the given primary key that are already in the data store and _unlink_ this item from those * relations. This unlinks links that would be created by `DS.linkInverse`. * * ## Signature: * ```js * DS.unlinkInverse(resourceName, id[, relations]) * ``` * * ## Examples: * * Assume `organization` has `hasMany` relationship to `user` and `post` has a `belongsTo` relationship to `user`. * ```js * DS.get('organization', 5); // { id: 5, users: [{ organizationId: 5, id: 1 }] } * * // unlink user 1 from its relations * DS.unlinkInverse('user', 1, ['organization']); * * DS.get('organization', 5); // { id: 5, users: [] } * ``` * * ## Throws * * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` * - `{NonexistentResourceError}` * * @param {string} resourceName The resource type, e.g. 'user', 'comment', etc. * @param {string|number} id The primary key of the item for which to unlink relations. * @param {array=} relations The relations to be unlinked. If not provided then all relations will be unlinked. Default: `[]`. * @returns {object|array} A reference to the item that has been unlinked. */ function unlinkInverse(resourceName, id, relations) { var DS = this; var DSUtils = DS.utils; var DSErrors = DS.errors; var definition = DS.definitions[resourceName]; relations = relations || []; if (!definition) { throw new DSErrors.NER(errorPrefix(resourceName) + resourceName); } else if (!DSUtils.isString(id) && !DSUtils.isNumber(id)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'id: Must be a string or a number!'); } else if (!DSUtils.isArray(relations)) { throw new DSErrors.IA(errorPrefix(resourceName) + 'relations: Must be an array!'); } var linked = DS.get(resourceName, id); if (linked) {, definition, linked, relations); } return linked; } module.exports = unlinkInverse; },{}],99:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @doc function * @id errors.types:IllegalArgumentError * @name IllegalArgumentError * @description Error that is thrown/returned when a caller does not honor the pre-conditions of a method/function. * @param {string=} message Error message. Default: `"Illegal Argument!"`. * @returns {IllegalArgumentError} A new instance of `IllegalArgumentError`. */ function IllegalArgumentError(message) {; if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') { Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } /** * @doc property * @id errors.types:IllegalArgumentError.type * @name type * @propertyOf errors.types:IllegalArgumentError * @description Name of error type. Default: `"IllegalArgumentError"`. */ this.type =; /** * @doc property * @id errors.types:IllegalArgumentError.message * @name message * @propertyOf errors.types:IllegalArgumentError * @description Error message. Default: `"Illegal Argument!"`. */ this.message = message || 'Illegal Argument!'; } IllegalArgumentError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); IllegalArgumentError.prototype.constructor = IllegalArgumentError; /** * @doc function * @id errors.types:RuntimeError * @name RuntimeError * @description Error that is thrown/returned for invalid state during runtime. * @param {string=} message Error message. Default: `"Runtime Error!"`. * @returns {RuntimeError} A new instance of `RuntimeError`. */ function RuntimeError(message) {; if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') { Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } /** * @doc property * @id errors.types:RuntimeError.type * @name type * @propertyOf errors.types:RuntimeError * @description Name of error type. Default: `"RuntimeError"`. */ this.type =; /** * @doc property * @id errors.types:RuntimeError.message * @name message * @propertyOf errors.types:RuntimeError * @description Error message. Default: `"Runtime Error!"`. */ this.message = message || 'RuntimeError Error!'; } RuntimeError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); RuntimeError.prototype.constructor = RuntimeError; /** * @doc function * @id errors.types:NonexistentResourceError * @name NonexistentResourceError * @description Error that is thrown/returned when trying to access a resource that does not exist. * @param {string=} resourceName Name of non-existent resource. * @returns {NonexistentResourceError} A new instance of `NonexistentResourceError`. */ function NonexistentResourceError(resourceName) {; if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') { Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } /** * @doc property * @id errors.types:NonexistentResourceError.type * @name type * @propertyOf errors.types:NonexistentResourceError * @description Name of error type. Default: `"NonexistentResourceError"`. */ this.type =; /** * @doc property * @id errors.types:NonexistentResourceError.message * @name message * @propertyOf errors.types:NonexistentResourceError * @description Error message. Default: `"Runtime Error!"`. */ this.message = (resourceName || '') + ' is not a registered resource!'; } NonexistentResourceError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); NonexistentResourceError.prototype.constructor = NonexistentResourceError; /** * @doc interface * @id errors * @name js-data error types * @description * Various error types that may be thrown by js-data. * * - [IllegalArgumentError](/documentation/api/api/errors.types:IllegalArgumentError) * - [RuntimeError](/documentation/api/api/errors.types:RuntimeError) * - [NonexistentResourceError](/documentation/api/api/errors.types:NonexistentResourceError) * * References to the constructor functions of these errors can be found in `DS.errors`. */ module.exports = { IllegalArgumentError: IllegalArgumentError, IA: IllegalArgumentError, RuntimeError: RuntimeError, R: RuntimeError, NonexistentResourceError: NonexistentResourceError, NER: NonexistentResourceError }; },{}],100:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @doc overview * @id js-data * @name js-data * @description * __Version:__ 0.0.1 * * ## Install * * `bower install js-data` or `npm install js-data` * * #### Manual download * Download js-data from the [Releases]( section of the js-data GitHub project. * * - `DS` * - `DSHttpAdapter` * - `DSLocalStorageAdapter` * - `DSUtils` * - `DSErrors` * * [DS](/documentation/api/api/DS) is the Data Store itself, which you will inject often. * [DSHttpAdapter](/documentation/api/api/DSHttpAdapter) is useful as a wrapper for `http` and is configurable. * [DSLocalStorageAdapter](/documentation/api/api/DSLocalStorageAdapter) is useful as a wrapper for `localStorage` and is configurable. * [DSUtils](/documentation/api/api/DSUtils) has some useful utility methods. * [DSErrors](/documentation/api/api/DSErrors) provides references to the various errors thrown by the data store. */ module.exports = { DS: require('./datastore'), DSHttpAdapter: require('./adapters/http'), DSLocalStorageAdapter: require('./adapters/localStorage'), DSUtils: require('./utils'), DSErrors: require('./errors') }; },{"./adapters/http":66,"./adapters/localStorage":67,"./datastore":79,"./errors":99,"./utils":101}],101:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { isBoolean: require('mout/lang/isBoolean'), isString: require('mout/lang/isString'), isArray: require('mout/lang/isArray'), isObject: require('mout/lang/isObject'), isNumber: require('mout/lang/isNumber'), isFunction: require('mout/lang/isFunction'), isEmpty: require('mout/lang/isEmpty'), toJson: JSON.stringify, fromJson: JSON.parse, makePath: require('mout/string/makePath'), upperCase: require('mout/string/upperCase'), pascalCase: require('mout/string/pascalCase'), deepMixIn: require('mout/object/deepMixIn'), merge: require('mout/object/merge'), forOwn: require('mout/object/forOwn'), forEach: require('mout/array/forEach'), pick: require('mout/object/pick'), set: require('mout/object/set'), contains: require('mout/array/contains'), filter: require('mout/array/filter'), toLookup: require('mout/array/toLookup'), slice: require('mout/array/slice'), sort: require('mout/array/sort'), updateTimestamp: function (timestamp) { var newTimestamp = typeof === 'function' ? : new Date().getTime(); if (timestamp && newTimestamp <= timestamp) { return timestamp + 1; } else { return newTimestamp; } }, Promise: require('es6-promises'), http: require('axios'), deepFreeze: function deepFreeze(o) { if (typeof Object.freeze === 'function') { var prop, propKey; Object.freeze(o); // First freeze the object. for (propKey in o) { prop = o[propKey]; if (!o.hasOwnProperty(propKey) || typeof prop !== 'object' || Object.isFrozen(prop)) { // If the object is on the prototype, not an object, or is already frozen, // skip it. Note that this might leave an unfrozen reference somewhere in the // object if there is an already frozen object containing an unfrozen object. continue; } deepFreeze(prop); // Recursively call deepFreeze. } } }, diffObjectFromOldObject: function (object, oldObject) { var added = {}; var removed = {}; var changed = {}; for (var prop in oldObject) { var newValue = object[prop]; if (newValue !== undefined && newValue === oldObject[prop]) continue; if (!(prop in object)) { removed[prop] = undefined; continue; } if (newValue !== oldObject[prop]) changed[prop] = newValue; } for (var prop2 in object) { if (prop2 in oldObject) continue; added[prop2] = object[prop2]; } return { added: added, removed: removed, changed: changed }; }, promisify: function (fn, target) { var Promise = this.Promise; if (!fn) { return; } else if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new Error('Can only promisify functions!'); } return function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { args.push(function (err, result) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(result); } }); try { fn.apply(target || this, args); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); }; } }; },{"axios":2,"es6-promises":21,"mout/array/contains":25,"mout/array/filter":26,"mout/array/forEach":27,"mout/array/slice":30,"mout/array/sort":31,"mout/array/toLookup":32,"mout/lang/isArray":38,"mout/lang/isBoolean":39,"mout/lang/isEmpty":40,"mout/lang/isFunction":41,"mout/lang/isNumber":43,"mout/lang/isObject":44,"mout/lang/isString":46,"mout/object/deepMixIn":50,"mout/object/forOwn":52,"mout/object/merge":54,"mout/object/pick":57,"mout/object/set":58,"mout/string/makePath":61,"mout/string/pascalCase":62,"mout/string/upperCase":65}]},{},[100])(100) });
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t(require("./inferno-component"),require("./inferno-create-class"),require("./inferno-create-element")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["inferno-component","inferno-create-class","inferno-create-element"],t):(e.Inferno=e.Inferno||{},e.Inferno.Mobx=t(e.Inferno.Component,e.Inferno.createClass,e.Inferno.createElement))}(this,function(e,t,n){"use strict";function r(e){throw e||(e=f),new Error("Inferno Error: "+e)}function o(e,t){return t={exports:{}},e(t,t.exports),t.exports}function i(e){var t=e._vNode.dom;t&&w&&w.set(t,e),_.emit({event:"render",renderTime:e.__$mobRenderEnd-e.__$mobRenderStart,$mobRenderStart,component:e,node:t})}function a(){"undefined"==typeof WeakMap&&r("[inferno-mobx] tracking components is not supported in this browser."),x||(x=!0)}function s(t){var n=t.prototype||t,r=n.componentDidMount,o=n.componentWillMount,a=n.componentWillUnmount;return n.componentWillMount=function(){var t=this;o&&;var n,r=!1,i=this.displayName||||this.constructor&&(this.constructor.displayName||||"<component>",a=this.render.bind(this),s=function(o,a){return n=new b(i+".render()",function(){if(!r&&(r=!0,t.__$mobxIsUnmounted!==!0)){var o=!0;try{,o=!1}finally{o&&n.dispose()}}}),u.$mobx=n,t.render=u,u(o,a)},u=function(e,o){r=!1;var i=void 0;return n.track(function(){x&&(t.__$,i=m.allowStateChanges(!1,a.bind(t,e,o)),x&&(t.__$}),i};this.render=s},n.componentDidMount=function(){x&&i(this),r&&},n.componentWillUnmount=function(){if(a&&,this.render.$mobx&&this.render.$mobx.dispose(),this.__$mobxIsUnmounted=!0,x){var e=this._vNode.dom;e&&w&&w.delete(e),_.emit({event:"destroy",component:this,node:e})}},n.shouldComponentUpdate=function(e,t){var n=this;if(this.state!==t)return!0;var r=Object.keys(this.props);if(r.length!==Object.keys(e).length)return!0;for(var o=r.length-1;o>=0;o--){var i=r[o],a=e[i];if(a!==n.props[i])return!0;if(a&&"object"==typeof a&&!y(a))return!0}return!0},t}function u(e,r){var o=t({,render:function(){var t=this,o={};for(var i in this.props)t.props.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(o[i]=t.props[i]);var a=e(this.context.mobxStores||{},o,this.context)||{};for(var s in a)o[s]=a[s];return o.ref=function(e){t.wrappedInstance=e},n(r,o)}});return o.contextTypes={mobxStores:function(){}},S(o,r),o}function c(e){var t=arguments;if("function"!=typeof e){for(var n=[],r=0;r<arguments.length;r++)n[r]=t[r];e=O(n)}return function(t){return u(e,t)}}function l(n,o){if(void 0===o&&(o=null),"string"==typeof n&&r("Store names should be provided as array"),Array.isArray(n))return o?c.apply(null,n)(l(o)):function(e){return l(n,e)};var i=n;if(!("function"!=typeof i||i.prototype&&i.prototype.render||i.isReactClass||e.isPrototypeOf(i))){var a=t({displayName:i.displayName||,propTypes:i.propTypes,contextTypes:i.contextTypes,getDefaultProps:function(){return i.defaultProps},render:function(){return,this.props,this.context)}});return l(a)}return i||r('Please pass a valid component to "observer"'),i.isMobXReactObserver=!0,s(i)}e="default"in e?e.default:e,t="default"in t?t.default:t,n="default"in n?n.default:n;var f="a runtime error occured! Use Inferno in development environment to find the error.",p={children:!0,key:!0,ref:!0},h=function(e){function t(t,n){,t,n),this.contextTypes={mobxStores:function(){}},this.childContextTypes={mobxStores:function(){}},}return e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,t.prototype.render=function(){return this.props.children},t.prototype.getChildContext=function(){var e=this,t={},n=this.context.mobxStores;if(n)for(var r in n)t[r]=n[r];for(var o in this.props)p[o]||(t[o]=e.props[o]);return{mobxStores:t}},t}(e),d="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:{},v=o(function(e,t){function n(e,t,n,o){return 1===arguments.length&&"function"==typeof e?U(||"<unnamed action>",e):2===arguments.length&&"function"==typeof t?U(e,t):1===arguments.length&&"string"==typeof e?r(e):r(t).apply(null,arguments)}function r(e){return function(t,n,r){return r&&"function"==typeof r.value?(r.value=U(e,r.value),r.enumerable=!1,r.configurable=!0,r):$t(e).apply(this,arguments)}}function o(e,t,n){var r="string"==typeof e?||"<unnamed action>",o="function"==typeof e?e:t,i="function"==typeof e?t:n;return mt("function"==typeof o,"`runInAction` expects a function"),mt(0===o.length,"`runInAction` expects a function without arguments"),mt("string"==typeof r&&r.length>0,"actions should have valid names, got: '"+r+"'"),N(r,o,i,void 0)}function i(e){return"function"==typeof e&&e.isMobxAction===!0}function a(e,t,n){function r(){a(u)}var o,a,s;"string"==typeof e?(o=e,a=t,s=n):"function"==typeof e&&(||"Autorun@"+yt(),a=e,s=t),Je(a,"autorun methods cannot have modifiers"),mt("function"==typeof a,"autorun expects a function"),mt(i(a)===!1,"Warning: attempted to pass an action to autorun. Actions are untracked and will not trigger on state changes. Use `reaction` or wrap only your state modification code in an action."),s&&(a=a.bind(s));var u=new qt(o,function(){this.track(r)});return u.schedule(),u.getDisposer()}function s(e,t,n,r){var o,i,s,u;"string"==typeof e?(o=e,i=t,s=n,u=r):"function"==typeof e&&(o="When@"+yt(),i=e,s=t,u=n);var c=a(o,function(e){if({e.dispose();var t=ee();,te(t)}});return c}function u(e,t,n){return gt("`autorunUntil` is deprecated, please use `when`."),s.apply(null,arguments)}function c(e,t,n,r){function o(){s(f)}var a,s,u,c;"string"==typeof e?(a=e,s=t,u=n,c=r):"function"==typeof e&&(||"AutorunAsync@"+yt(),s=e,u=t,c=n),mt(i(s)===!1,"Warning: attempted to pass an action to autorunAsync. Actions are untracked and will not trigger on state changes. Use `reaction` or wrap only your state modification code in an action."),void 0===u&&(u=1),c&&(s=s.bind(c));var l=!1,f=new qt(a,function(){l||(l=!0,setTimeout(function(){l=!1,f.isDisposed||f.track(o)},u))});return f.schedule(),f.getDisposer()}function l(e,t,r,o,i,a){function s(){if(!w.isDisposed){var e=!1;w.track(function(){var t=b(w);e=Rt(y,x,t),x=t}),m&&f&&l(x,w),m||e!==!0||l(x,w),m&&(m=!1)}}var u,c,l,f,p,h;"string"==typeof e?(u=e,c=t,l=r,f=o,p=i,h=a):(||||"Reaction@"+yt(),c=e,l=t,f=r,p=o,h=i),void 0===f&&(f=!1),void 0===p&&(p=0);var d=Ne(c,nn.Reference),v=d[0],b=d[1],y=v===nn.Structure;h&&(b=b.bind(h),l=n(u,l.bind(h)));var m=!0,g=!1,x=void 0,w=new qt(u,function(){p<1?s():g||(g=!0,setTimeout(function(){g=!1,s()},p))});return w.schedule(),w.getDisposer()}function f(e,t,n,r){return("function"==typeof e||ze(e))&&arguments.length<3?"function"==typeof t?p(e,t,void 0):p(e,void 0,t):Ut.apply(null,arguments)}function p(e,t,n){var r=Ne(e,nn.Recursive),o=r[0],i=r[1];return new Gt(i,n,o===nn.Structure,,t)}function h(e,t){mt("function"==typeof e&&1===e.length,"createTransformer expects a function that accepts one argument");var n={},r=Yt.resetId,o=function(r){function o(t,n){,function(){return e(n)},null,!1,"Transformer-""-"+t,void 0),this.sourceIdentifier=t,this.sourceObject=n}return Vt(o,r),o.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved=function(){var e=this.value;,delete n[this.sourceIdentifier],t&&t(e,this.sourceObject)},o}(Gt);return function(e){r!==Yt.resetId&&(n={},r=Yt.resetId);var t=v(e),i=n[t];return i?i.get():(i=n[t]=new o(t,e),i.get())}}function v(e){if(null===e||"object"!=typeof e)throw new Error("[mobx] transform expected some kind of object, got: "+e);var t=e.$transformId;return void 0===t&&(t=yt(),It(e,"$transformId",t)),t}function b(e,t){return K()||console.warn("[mobx.expr] 'expr' should only be used inside other reactive functions."),f(e,t).get()}function y(e){for(var t=arguments,n=[],r=1;r<arguments.length;r++)n[r-1]=t[r];return mt(arguments.length>=2,"extendObservable expected 2 or more arguments"),mt("object"==typeof e,"extendObservable expects an object as first argument"),mt(!hn(e),"extendObservable should not be used on maps, use map.merge instead"),n.forEach(function(t){mt("object"==typeof t,"all arguments of extendObservable should be objects"),mt(!k(t),"extending an object with another observable (object) is not supported. Please construct an explicit propertymap, using `toJS` if need. See issue #540"),m(e,t,nn.Recursive,null)}),e}function m(e,t,n,r){var o=Ze(e,r,n);for(var i in t)if(kt(t,i)){if(e===t&&!Et(e,i))continue;var a=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,i);et(o,i,a)}return e}function g(e,t){return x(st(e,t))}function x(e){var t={};return e.observing&&e.observing.length>0&&(t.dependencies=wt(e.observing).map(x)),t}function w(e,t){return _(st(e,t))}function _(e){var t={};return ie(e)&&(t.observers=ae(e).map(_)),t}function S(e,t,n){return"function"==typeof n?A(e,t,n):O(e,t)}function O(e,t){return Ot(e)&&!at(e)?(gt("Passing plain objects to intercept / observe is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0"),ut(I(e)).intercept(t)):ut(e).intercept(t)}function A(e,t,n){return Ot(e)&&!at(e)?(gt("Passing plain objects to intercept / observe is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0"),y(e,{property:e[t]}),A(e,t,n)):ut(e,t).intercept(n)}function R(e,t){if(null===e||void 0===e)return!1;if(void 0!==t){if(at(e)===!1)return!1;var n=st(e,t);return Kt(n)}return Kt(e)}function k(e,t){if(null===e||void 0===e)return!1;if(void 0!==t){if(qe(e)||hn(e))throw new Error("[mobx.isObservable] isObservable(object, propertyName) is not supported for arrays and maps. Use map.has or array.length instead.");if(at(e)){var n=e.$mobx;return n.values&&!!n.values[t]}return!1}return!!e.$mobx||Wt(e)||en(e)||Kt(e)}function T(e,t,n){return mt(arguments.length>=2&&arguments.length<=3,"Illegal decorator config",t),Ct(e,t),mt(!n||!n.get,"@observable can not be used on getters, use @computed instead"),Nt.apply(null,arguments)}function I(e,t){if(void 0===e&&(e=void 0),"string"==typeof arguments[1])return T.apply(null,arguments);if(mt(arguments.length<3,"observable expects zero, one or two arguments"),k(e))return e;var n=Ne(e,nn.Recursive),r=n[0],o=n[1],i=r===nn.Reference?Bt.Reference:j(o);switch(i){case Bt.Array:case Bt.PlainObject:return Fe(o,r);case Bt.Reference:case Bt.ComplexObject:return new gn(o,r);case Bt.ComplexFunction:throw new Error("[mobx.observable] To be able to make a function reactive it should not have arguments. If you need an observable reference to a function, use `observable(asReference(f))`");case Bt.ViewFunction:return gt("Use `computed(expr)` instead of `observable(expr)`"),f(e,t)}mt(!1,"Illegal State")}function j(e){return null===e||void 0===e?Bt.Reference:"function"==typeof e?e.length?Bt.ComplexFunction:Bt.ViewFunction:Mt(e)?Bt.Array:"object"==typeof e?Ot(e)?Bt.PlainObject:Bt.ComplexObject:Bt.Reference}function E(e,t,n,r){return"function"==typeof n?P(e,t,n,r):C(e,t,n)}function C(e,t,n){return Ot(e)&&!at(e)?(gt("Passing plain objects to intercept / observe is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0"),ut(I(e)).observe(t,n)):ut(e).observe(t,n)}function P(e,t,n,r){return Ot(e)&&!at(e)?(gt("Passing plain objects to intercept / observe is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0"),y(e,{property:e[t]}),P(e,t,n,r)):ut(e,t).observe(n,r)}function D(e,t,n){function r(r){return t&&n.push([e,r]),r}if(void 0===t&&(t=!0),void 0===n&&(n=null),k(e)){if(t&&null===n&&(n=[]),t&&null!==e&&"object"==typeof e)for(var o=0,i=n.length;o<i;o++)if(n[o][0]===e)return n[o][1];if(qe(e)){var a=r([]),{return D(e,t,n)});a.length=s.length;for(var o=0,i=s.length;o<i;o++)a[o]=s[o];return a}if(at(e)){var a=r({});for(var u in e)a[u]=D(e[u],t,n);return a}if(hn(e)){var c=r({});return e.forEach(function(e,r){return c[r]=D(e,t,n)}),c}if(xn(e))return D(e.get(),t,n)}return e}function L(e,t,n){function r(r){return t&&n.push([e,r]),r}if(void 0===t&&(t=!0),void 0===n&&(n=null),gt("toJSlegacy is deprecated and will be removed in the next major. Use `toJS` instead. See #566"),e instanceof Date||e instanceof RegExp)return e;if(t&&null===n&&(n=[]),t&&null!==e&&"object"==typeof e)for(var o=0,i=n.length;o<i;o++)if(n[o][0]===e)return n[o][1];if(!e)return e;if(Mt(e)){var a=r([]),{return L(e,t,n)});a.length=s.length;for(var o=0,i=s.length;o<i;o++)a[o]=s[o];return a}if(hn(e)){var u=r({});return e.forEach(function(e,r){return u[r]=L(e,t,n)}),u}if(xn(e))return L(e.get(),t,n);if("object"==typeof e){var a=r({});for(var c in e)a[c]=L(e[c],t,n);return a}return e}function M(e,t,n){return void 0===t&&(t=!0),void 0===n&&(n=null),gt("toJSON is deprecated. Use toJS instead"),L.apply(null,arguments)}function V(e){return console.log(e),e}function $(e,t){switch(arguments.length){case 0:if(e=Yt.trackingDerivation,!e)return V("whyRun() can only be used if a derivation is active, or by passing an computed value / reaction explicitly. If you invoked whyRun from inside a computation; the computation is currently suspended but re-evaluating because somebody requested it's value.");break;case 2:e=st(e,t)}return e=st(e),Kt(e)?V(e.whyRun()):en(e)?V(e.whyRun()):void mt(!1,"whyRun can only be used on reactions and computed values")}function U(e,t){mt("function"==typeof t,"`action` can only be invoked on functions"),mt("string"==typeof e&&e.length>0,"actions should have valid names, got: '"+e+"'");var n=function(){return N(e,t,this,arguments)};return n.isMobxAction=!0,n}function N(e,t,n,r){mt(!Kt(Yt.trackingDerivation),"Computed values or transformers should not invoke actions or trigger other side effects");var o,i=ge();if(i){;var a=r&&r.length||0,s=new Array(a);if(a>0)for(var u=0;u<a;u++)s[u]=r[u];we({type:"action",name:e,fn:t,target:n,arguments:s})}var c=ee();Re(e,n,!1);var l=J(!0);try{return t.apply(n,r)}finally{W(l),ke(!1),te(c),i&&_e({})}}function B(e){return 0===arguments.length?(gt("`useStrict` without arguments is deprecated, use `isStrictModeEnabled()` instead"),Yt.strictMode):(mt(null===Yt.trackingDerivation,"It is not allowed to set `useStrict` when a derivation is running"),Yt.strictMode=e,Yt.allowStateChanges=!e,void 0)}function z(){return Yt.strictMode}function F(e,t){var n=J(e),r=t();return W(n),r}function J(e){var t=Yt.allowStateChanges;return Yt.allowStateChanges=e,t}function W(e){Yt.allowStateChanges=e}function G(e){switch(e.dependenciesState){case Jt.UP_TO_DATE:return!1;case Jt.NOT_TRACKING:case Jt.STALE:return!0;case Jt.POSSIBLY_STALE:var t=!0,n=ee();try{for(var r=e.observing,o=r.length,i=0;i<o;i++){var a=r[i];if(Kt(a)&&(a.get(),e.dependenciesState===Jt.STALE))return t=!1,te(n),!0}return t=!1,ne(e),te(n),!1}finally{t&&ne(e)}}}function K(){return null!==Yt.trackingDerivation}function H(){Yt.allowStateChanges||mt(!1,Yt.strictMode?"It is not allowed to create or change state outside an `action` when MobX is in strict mode. Wrap the current method in `action` if this state change is intended":"It is not allowed to change the state when a computed value or transformer is being evaluated. Use 'autorun' to create reactive functions with side-effects.")}function X(e,t){ne(e),e.newObserving=new Array(e.observing.length+100),e.unboundDepsCount=0,e.runId=++Yt.runId;var n=Yt.trackingDerivation;Yt.trackingDerivation=e;var r,o=!0;try{,o=!1}finally{o?Y(e):(Yt.trackingDerivation=n,q(e))}return r}function Y(e){var t="[mobx] An uncaught exception occurred while calculating your computed value, autorun or transformer. Or inside the render() method of an observer based React component. These functions should never throw exceptions as MobX will not always be able to recover from them. "+("Please fix the error reported after this message or enable 'Pause on (caught) exceptions' in your debugger to find the root cause. In: '""'. ")+"For more details see";ge()&&xe({type:"error",message:t}),console.warn(t),ne(e),e.newObserving=null,e.unboundDepsCount=0,e.recoverFromError(),fe(),oe()}function q(e){var t=e.observing,n=e.observing=e.newObserving;e.newObserving=null;for(var r=0,o=e.unboundDepsCount,i=0;i<o;i++){var a=n[i];0===a.diffValue&&(a.diffValue=1,r!==i&&(n[r]=a),r++)}for(n.length=r,o=t.length;o--;){var a=t[o];0===a.diffValue&&ue(a,e),a.diffValue=0}for(;r--;){var a=n[r];1===a.diffValue&&(a.diffValue=0,se(a,e))}}function Q(e){for(var t=e.observing,n=t.length;n--;)ue(t[n],e);e.dependenciesState=Jt.NOT_TRACKING,t.length=0}function Z(e){var t=ee(),n=e();return te(t),n}function ee(){var e=Yt.trackingDerivation;return Yt.trackingDerivation=null,e}function te(e){Yt.trackingDerivation=e}function ne(e){if(e.dependenciesState!==Jt.UP_TO_DATE){e.dependenciesState=Jt.UP_TO_DATE;for(var t=e.observing,n=t.length;n--;)t[n].lowestObserverState=Jt.UP_TO_DATE}}function re(){}function oe(){Yt.resetId++;var e=new Xt;for(var t in e)Ht.indexOf(t)===-1&&(Yt[t]=e[t]);Yt.allowStateChanges=!Yt.strictMode}function ie(e){return e.observers&&e.observers.length>0}function ae(e){return e.observers}function se(e,t){var n=e.observers.length;n&&(e.observersIndexes[t.__mapid]=n),e.observers[n]=t,e.lowestObserverState>t.dependenciesState&&(e.lowestObserverState=t.dependenciesState)}function ue(e,t){if(1===e.observers.length)e.observers.length=0,ce(e);else{var n=e.observers,r=e.observersIndexes,o=n.pop();if(o!==t){var i=r[t.__mapid]||0;i?r[o.__mapid]=i:delete r[o.__mapid],n[i]=o}delete r[t.__mapid]}}function ce(e){e.isPendingUnobservation||(e.isPendingUnobservation=!0,Yt.pendingUnobservations.push(e))}function le(){Yt.inBatch++}function fe(){if(1===Yt.inBatch){for(var e=Yt.pendingUnobservations,t=0;t<e.length;t++){var n=e[t];n.isPendingUnobservation=!1,0===n.observers.length&&n.onBecomeUnobserved()}Yt.pendingUnobservations=[]}Yt.inBatch--}function pe(e){var t=Yt.trackingDerivation;null!==t?t.runId!==e.lastAccessedBy&&(e.lastAccessedBy=t.runId,t.newObserving[t.unboundDepsCount++]=e):0===e.observers.length&&ce(e)}function he(e){if(e.lowestObserverState!==Jt.STALE){e.lowestObserverState=Jt.STALE;for(var t=e.observers,n=t.length;n--;){var r=t[n];r.dependenciesState===Jt.UP_TO_DATE&&r.onBecomeStale(),r.dependenciesState=Jt.STALE}}}function de(e){if(e.lowestObserverState!==Jt.STALE){e.lowestObserverState=Jt.STALE;for(var t=e.observers,n=t.length;n--;){var r=t[n];r.dependenciesState===Jt.POSSIBLY_STALE?r.dependenciesState=Jt.STALE:r.dependenciesState===Jt.UP_TO_DATE&&(e.lowestObserverState=Jt.UP_TO_DATE)}}}function ve(e){if(e.lowestObserverState===Jt.UP_TO_DATE){e.lowestObserverState=Jt.POSSIBLY_STALE;for(var t=e.observers,n=t.length;n--;){var r=t[n];r.dependenciesState===Jt.UP_TO_DATE&&(r.dependenciesState=Jt.POSSIBLY_STALE,r.onBecomeStale())}}}function be(){Yt.isRunningReactions===!0||Yt.inTransaction>0||Zt(ye)}function ye(){Yt.isRunningReactions=!0;for(var e=Yt.pendingReactions,t=0;e.length>0;){if(++t===Qt)throw oe(),new Error("Reaction doesn't converge to a stable state after "+Qt+" iterations. Probably there is a cycle in the reactive function: "+e[0]);for(var n=e.splice(0),r=0,o=n.length;r<o;r++)n[r].runReaction()}Yt.isRunningReactions=!1}function me(e){var t=Zt;Zt=function(n){return e(function(){return t(n)})}}function ge(){return!!Yt.spyListeners.length}function xe(e){if(!Yt.spyListeners.length)return!1;for(var t=Yt.spyListeners,n=0,r=t.length;n<r;n++)t[n](e)}function we(e){var t=At({},e,{spyReportStart:!0});xe(t)}function _e(e){xe(e?At({},e,tn):tn)}function Se(e){return Yt.spyListeners.push(e),xt(function(){var t=Yt.spyListeners.indexOf(e);t!==-1&&Yt.spyListeners.splice(t,1)})}function Oe(e){return gt("trackTransitions is deprecated. Use mobx.spy instead"),"boolean"==typeof e&&(gt("trackTransitions only takes a single callback function. If you are using the mobx-react-devtools, please update them first"),e=arguments[1]),e?Se(e):(gt("trackTransitions without callback has been deprecated and is a no-op now. If you are using the mobx-react-devtools, please update them first"),function(){})}function Ae(e,t,n){void 0===t&&(t=void 0),void 0===n&&(n=!0),Re(||"anonymous transaction",t,n);try{return}finally{ke(n)}}function Re(e,t,n){void 0===t&&(t=void 0),void 0===n&&(n=!0),le(),Yt.inTransaction+=1,n&&ge()&&we({type:"transaction",target:t,name:e})}function ke(e){void 0===e&&(e=!0),0===--Yt.inTransaction&&be(),e&&ge()&&_e(),fe()}function Te(e){return e.interceptors&&e.interceptors.length>0}function Ie(e,t){var n=e.interceptors||(e.interceptors=[]);return n.push(t),xt(function(){var e=n.indexOf(t);e!==-1&&n.splice(e,1)})}function je(e,t){var n=ee();try{for(var r=e.interceptors,o=0,i=r.length;o<i&&(t=r[o](t),mt(!t||t.type,"Intercept handlers should return nothing or a change object"),t);o++);return t}finally{te(n)}}function Ee(e){return e.changeListeners&&e.changeListeners.length>0}function Ce(e,t){var n=e.changeListeners||(e.changeListeners=[]);return n.push(t),xt(function(){var e=n.indexOf(t);e!==-1&&n.splice(e,1)})}function Pe(e,t){var n=ee(),r=e.changeListeners;if(r){r=r.slice();for(var o=0,i=r.length;o<i;o++)Array.isArray(t)?r[o].apply(null,t):r[o](t);te(n)}}function De(e,t){return Je(t,"Modifiers are not allowed to be nested"),{mobxModifier:e,value:t}}function Le(e){return e?e.mobxModifier||null:null}function Me(e){return De(nn.Reference,e)}function Ve(e){return De(nn.Structure,e)}function $e(e){return De(nn.Flat,e)}function Ue(e,t){return Qe(e,t)}function Ne(e,t){var n=Le(e);return n?[n,e.value]:[t,e]}function Be(e){if(void 0===e)return nn.Recursive;var t=Le(e);return mt(null!==t,"Cannot determine value mode from function. Please pass in one of these: mobx.asReference, mobx.asStructure or mobx.asFlat, got: "+e),t}function ze(e){return void 0!==e.mobxModifier}function Fe(e,t,n){var r;if(k(e))return e;switch(t){case nn.Reference:return e;case nn.Flat:Je(e,"Items inside 'asFlat' cannot have modifiers"),r=nn.Reference;break;case nn.Structure:Je(e,"Items inside 'asStructure' cannot have modifiers"),r=nn.Structure;break;case nn.Recursive:o=Ne(e,nn.Recursive),r=o[0],e=o[1];break;default:mt(!1,"Illegal State")}return Array.isArray(e)?Xe(e,r,n):Ot(e)&&Object.isExtensible(e)?m(e,e,r,n):e;var o}function Je(e,t){if(null!==Le(e))throw new Error("[mobx] asStructure / asReference / asFlat cannot be used here. "+t)}function We(e){var t=Ge(e),n=Ke(e);Object.defineProperty(un.prototype,""+e,{enumerable:!1,configurable:!0,set:t,get:n})}function Ge(e){return function(t){var n=this.$mobx,r=n.values;if(Je(t,"Modifiers cannot be used on array values. For non-reactive array values use makeReactive(asFlat(array))."),e<r.length){H();var o=r[e];if(Te(n)){var i=je(n,{type:"update",object:n.array,index:e,newValue:t});if(!i)return;t=i.newValue}t=n.makeReactiveArrayItem(t);var a=n.mode===nn.Structure?!Dt(o,t):o!==t;a&&(r[e]=t,n.notifyArrayChildUpdate(e,t,o))}else{if(e!==r.length)throw new Error("[mobx.array] Index out of bounds, "+e+" is larger than "+r.length);n.spliceWithArray(e,0,[t])}}}function Ke(e){return function(){var t=this.$mobx;return t&&e<t.values.length?(t.atom.reportObserved(),t.values[e]):void console.warn("[mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index ("+e+") that is out of bounds ("+t.values.length+"). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX")}}function He(e){for(var t=on;t<e;t++)We(t);on=e}function Xe(e,t,n){return new un(e,t,n)}function Ye(e){return gt("fastArray is deprecated. Please use `observable(asFlat([]))`"),Xe(e,nn.Flat,null)}function qe(e){return St(e)&&ln(e.$mobx)}function Qe(e,t){return new pn(e,t)}function Ze(e,t,n){if(void 0===n&&(n=nn.Recursive),at(e))return e.$mobx;Ot(e)||("@"+yt()),t||(t="ObservableObject@"+yt());var r=new dn(e,t,n);return jt(e,"$mobx",r),r}function et(e,t,n){e.values[t]?(mt("value"in n,"cannot redefine property "+t),[t]=n.value):"value"in n?tt(e,t,n.value,!0,void 0):tt(e,t,n.get,!0,n.set)}function tt(e,t,n,r,o){r&&Ct(,t);var a,"."+t,u=!0;if(Kt(n))a=n,,n.scope||(;else if("function"!=typeof n||0!==n.length||i(n))if(Le(n)===nn.Structure&&"function"==typeof n.value&&0===n.value.length)a=new Gt(n.value,,!0,s,o);else{if(u=!1,Te(e)){var c=je(e,{,name:t,type:"add",newValue:n});if(!c)return;n=c.newValue}a=new gn(n,e.mode,s,!1),n=a.value}else a=new Gt(n,,!1,s,o);e.values[t]=a,r&&Object.defineProperty(,t,u?rt(t):nt(t)),u||it(e,,t,n)}function nt(e){var t=vn[e];return t?t:vn[e]={configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,get:function(){return this.$mobx.values[e].get()},set:function(t){ot(this,e,t)}}}function rt(e){var t=bn[e];return t?t:bn[e]={configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,get:function(){return this.$mobx.values[e].get()},set:function(t){return this.$mobx.values[e].set(t)}}}function ot(e,t,n){var r=e.$mobx,o=r.values[t];if(Te(r)){var i=je(r,{type:"update",object:e,name:t,newValue:n});if(!i)return;n=i.newValue}if(n=o.prepareNewValue(n),n!==mn){var a=Ee(r),s=ge(),i=a||s?{type:"update",object:e,oldValue:o.value,name:t,newValue:n}:null;s&&we(i),o.setNewValue(n),a&&Pe(r,i),s&&_e()}}function it(e,t,n,r){var o=Ee(e),i=ge(),a=o||i?{type:"add",object:t,name:n,newValue:r}:null;i&&we(a),o&&Pe(e,a),i&&_e()}function at(e){return!!St(e)&&(pt(e),yn(e.$mobx))}function st(e,t){if("object"==typeof e&&null!==e){if(qe(e))return mt(void 0===t,"It is not possible to get index atoms from arrays"),e.$mobx.atom;if(hn(e)){if(void 0===t)return st(e._keys);var n=e._data[t]||e._hasMap[t];return mt(!!n,"the entry '"+t+"' does not exist in the observable map '"+ct(e)+"'"),n}if(pt(e),at(e)){mt(!!t,"please specify a property");var r=e.$mobx.values[t];return mt(!!r,"no observable property '"+t+"' found on the observable object '"+ct(e)+"'"),r}if(Wt(e)||Kt(e)||en(e))return e}else if("function"==typeof e&&en(e.$mobx))return e.$mobx;mt(!1,"Cannot obtain atom from "+e)}function ut(e,t){return mt(e,"Expecting some object"),void 0!==t?ut(st(e,t)):Wt(e)||Kt(e)||en(e)?e:hn(e)?e:(pt(e),e.$mobx?e.$mobx:void mt(!1,"Cannot obtain administration from "+e))}function ct(e,t){var n;return n=void 0!==t?st(e,t):at(e)||hn(e)?ut(e):st(e),}function lt(e,t,n,r,o){function i(i,a,s,u,c){if(mt(o||ht(arguments),"This function is a decorator, but it wasn't invoked like a decorator"),s){kt(i,"__mobxLazyInitializers")||It(i,"__mobxLazyInitializers",i.__mobxLazyInitializers&&i.__mobxLazyInitializers.slice()||[]);var l=s.value,f=s.initializer;return i.__mobxLazyInitializers.push(function(t){e(t,a,f?,u,s)}),{enumerable:r,configurable:!0,get:function(){return this.__mobxDidRunLazyInitializers!==!0&&pt(this),,a)},set:function(e){this.__mobxDidRunLazyInitializers!==!0&&pt(this),,a,e)}}}var p={enumerable:r,configurable:!0,get:function(){return this.__mobxInitializedProps&&this.__mobxInitializedProps[a]===!0||ft(this,a,void 0,e,u,s),,a)},set:function(t){this.__mobxInitializedProps&&this.__mobxInitializedProps[a]===!0?,a,t):ft(this,a,t,e,u,s)}};return(arguments.length<3||5===arguments.length&&c<3)&&Object.defineProperty(i,a,p),p}return o?function(){if(ht(arguments))return i.apply(null,arguments);var e=arguments,t=arguments.length;return function(n,r,o){return i(n,r,o,e,t)}}:i}function ft(e,t,n,r,o,i){kt(e,"__mobxInitializedProps")||It(e,"__mobxInitializedProps",{}),e.__mobxInitializedProps[t]=!0,r(e,t,n,o,i)}function pt(e){e.__mobxDidRunLazyInitializers!==!0&&e.__mobxLazyInitializers&&(It(e,"__mobxDidRunLazyInitializers",!0),e.__mobxDidRunLazyInitializers&&e.__mobxLazyInitializers.forEach(function(t){return t(e)}))}function ht(e){return(2===e.length||3===e.length)&&"string"==typeof e[1]}function dt(){return"function"==typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator||"@@iterator"}function vt(e){mt(e[wn]!==!0,"Illegal state: cannot recycle array as iterator"),jt(e,wn,!0);var t=-1;return jt(e,"next",function(){return t++,{done:t>=this.length,value:t<this.length?this[t]:void 0}}),e}function bt(e,t){jt(e,dt(),t)}function yt(){return++Yt.mobxGuid}function mt(e,t,n){if(!e)throw new Error("[mobx] Invariant failed: "+t+(n?" in '"+n+"'":""))}function gt(e){On.indexOf(e)===-1&&(On.push(e),console.error("[mobx] Deprecated: "+e))}function xt(e){var t=!1;return function(){if(!t)return t=!0,e.apply(this,arguments)}}function wt(e){var t=[];return e.forEach(function(e){t.indexOf(e)===-1&&t.push(e)}),t}function _t(e,t,n){if(void 0===t&&(t=100),void 0===n&&(n=" - "),!e)return"";var r=e.slice(0,t);return""+r.join(n)+(e.length>t?" (... and "+(e.length-t)+"more)":"")}function St(e){return null!==e&&"object"==typeof e}function Ot(e){if(null===e||"object"!=typeof e)return!1;var t=Object.getPrototypeOf(e);return t===Object.prototype||null===t}function At(){for(var e=arguments,t=arguments[0],n=1,r=arguments.length;n<r;n++){var o=e[n];for(var i in o)kt(o,i)&&(t[i]=o[i])}return t}function Rt(e,t,n){return e?!Dt(t,n):t!==n}function kt(e,t){return,t)}function Tt(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++)It(e,t[n],e[t[n]])}function It(e,t,n){Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0,value:n})}function jt(e,t,n){Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!1,writable:!1,configurable:!0,value:n})}function Et(e,t){var n=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t);return!n||n.configurable!==!1&&n.writable!==!1}function Ct(e,t){mt(Et(e,t),"Cannot make property '"+t+"' observable, it is not configurable and writable in the target object")}function Pt(e){var t=[];for(var n in e)t.push(n);return t}function Dt(e,t){if(null===e&&null===t)return!0;if(void 0===e&&void 0===t)return!0;var n=Mt(e);if(n!==Mt(t))return!1;if(n){if(e.length!==t.length)return!1;for(var r=e.length-1;r>=0;r--)if(!Dt(e[r],t[r]))return!1;return!0}if("object"==typeof e&&"object"==typeof t){if(null===e||null===t)return!1;if(Pt(e).length!==Pt(t).length)return!1;for(var o in e){if(!(o in t))return!1;if(!Dt(e[o],t[o]))return!1}return!0}return e===t}function Lt(e,t){var n="isMobX"+e;return t.prototype[n]=!0,function(e){return St(e)&&e[n]===!0}}function Mt(e){return Array.isArray(e)||qe(e)}var Vt=d&&d.__extends||function(e,t){function n(){this.constructor=e}for(var r in t)t.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(e[r]=t[r]);e.prototype=null===t?Object.create(t):(n.prototype=t.prototype,new n)};re(),t.extras={allowStateChanges:F,getAtom:st,getDebugName:ct,getDependencyTree:g,getObserverTree:w,isComputingDerivation:K,isSpyEnabled:ge,resetGlobalState:oe,spyReport:xe,spyReportEnd:_e,spyReportStart:we,trackTransitions:Oe,setReactionScheduler:me},t._={getAdministration:ut,resetGlobalState:oe},"object"==typeof __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__&&__MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.injectMobx(e.exports);var $t=lt(function(e,t,r,o,i){var a=o&&1===o.length?o[0]||t||"<unnamed action>",s=n(a,r);It(e,t,s)},function(e){return this[e]},function(){mt(!1,"It is not allowed to assign new values to @action fields")},!1,!0);t.action=n,t.runInAction=o,t.isAction=i,t.autorun=a,t.when=s,t.autorunUntil=u,t.autorunAsync=c,t.reaction=l;var Ut=lt(function(e,t,n,r,o){mt("undefined"!=typeof o,"@computed can only be used on getter functions, like: '@computed get myProps() { return ...; }'. It looks like it was used on a property.");var i=o.get,a=o.set;mt("function"==typeof i,"@computed can only be used on getter functions, like: '@computed get myProps() { return ...; }'");var s=!1;r&&1===r.length&&r[0].asStructure===!0&&(s=!0);var u=Ze(e,void 0,nn.Recursive);tt(u,t,s?Ve(i):i,!1,a)},function(e){var t=this.$mobx.values[e];if(void 0!==t)return t.get()},function(e,t){this.$mobx.values[e].set(t)},!1,!0);t.computed=f,t.createTransformer=h,t.expr=b,t.extendObservable=y,t.intercept=S,t.isComputed=R,t.isObservable=k;var Nt=lt(function(e,t,n){var r=J(!0);"function"==typeof n&&(n=Me(n));var o=Ze(e,void 0,nn.Recursive);tt(o,t,n,!0,void 0),W(r)},function(e){var t=this.$mobx.values[e];if(void 0!==t)return t.get()},function(e,t){ot(this,e,t)},!0,!1);t.observable=I;var Bt;!function(e){e[e.Reference=0]="Reference",e[e.PlainObject=1]="PlainObject",e[e.ComplexObject=2]="ComplexObject",e[e.Array=3]="Array",e[e.ViewFunction=4]="ViewFunction", e[e.ComplexFunction=5]="ComplexFunction"}(Bt||(Bt={})),t.observe=E,t.toJS=D,t.toJSlegacy=L,t.toJSON=M,t.whyRun=$,t.useStrict=B,t.isStrictModeEnabled=z;var zt=function(){function e(e){void 0===e&&(e="Atom@"+yt()),,this.isPendingUnobservation=!0,this.observers=[],this.observersIndexes={},this.diffValue=0,this.lastAccessedBy=0,this.lowestObserverState=Jt.NOT_TRACKING}return e.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved=function(){},e.prototype.reportObserved=function(){pe(this)},e.prototype.reportChanged=function(){Re("propagatingAtomChange",null,!1),he(this),ke(!1)},e.prototype.toString=function(){return},e}();t.BaseAtom=zt;var Ft=function(e){function t(t,n,r){void 0===t&&(t="Atom@"+yt()),void 0===n&&(n=An),void 0===r&&(r=An),,t),,this.onBecomeObservedHandler=n,this.onBecomeUnobservedHandler=r,this.isPendingUnobservation=!1,this.isBeingTracked=!1}return Vt(t,e),t.prototype.reportObserved=function(){return le(),,this.isBeingTracked||(this.isBeingTracked=!0,this.onBecomeObservedHandler()),fe(),!!Yt.trackingDerivation},t.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved=function(){this.isBeingTracked=!1,this.onBecomeUnobservedHandler()},t}(zt);t.Atom=Ft;var Jt,Wt=Lt("Atom",zt),Gt=function(){function e(e,t,n,r,o){this.derivation=e,this.scope=t,this.compareStructural=n,this.dependenciesState=Jt.NOT_TRACKING,this.observing=[],this.newObserving=null,this.isPendingUnobservation=!1,this.observers=[],this.observersIndexes={},this.diffValue=0,this.runId=0,this.lastAccessedBy=0,this.lowestObserverState=Jt.UP_TO_DATE,this.unboundDepsCount=0,this.__mapid="#"+yt(),this.value=void 0,this.isComputing=!1,this.isRunningSetter=!1,||"ComputedValue@"+yt(),o&&(this.setter=U(r+"-setter",o))}return e.prototype.peek=function(){this.isComputing=!0;var e=J(!1),;return W(e),this.isComputing=!1,t},e.prototype.peekUntracked=function(){var e=!0;try{var t=this.peek();return e=!1,t}finally{e&&Y(this)}},e.prototype.onBecomeStale=function(){ve(this)},e.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved=function(){mt(this.dependenciesState!==Jt.NOT_TRACKING,"INTERNAL ERROR only onBecomeUnobserved shouldn't be called twice in a row"),Q(this),this.value=void 0},e.prototype.get=function(){mt(!this.isComputing,"Cycle detected in computation ",this.derivation),le(),1===Yt.inBatch?G(this)&&(this.value=this.peekUntracked()):(pe(this),G(this)&&this.trackAndCompute()&&de(this));var e=this.value;return fe(),e},e.prototype.recoverFromError=function(){this.isComputing=!1},e.prototype.set=function(e){if(this.setter){mt(!this.isRunningSetter,"The setter of computed value '""' is trying to update itself. Did you intend to update an _observable_ value, instead of the computed property?"),this.isRunningSetter=!0;try{,e)}finally{this.isRunningSetter=!1}}else mt(!1,"[ComputedValue '""'] It is not possible to assign a new value to a computed value.")},e.prototype.trackAndCompute=function(){ge()&&xe({object:this,type:"compute",fn:this.derivation,target:this.scope});var e=this.value,t=this.value=X(this,this.peek);return Rt(this.compareStructural,t,e)},e.prototype.observe=function(e,t){var n=this,r=!0,o=void 0;return a(function(){var i=n.get();if(!r||t){var a=ee();e(i,o),te(a)}r=!1,o=i})},e.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.get()},e.prototype.toString=function(){return"["+this.derivation.toString()+"]"},e.prototype.whyRun=function(){var e=Boolean(Yt.trackingDerivation),t=wt(this.isComputing?this.newObserving:this.observing).map(function(e){return}),n=wt(ae(this).map(function(e){return}));return"\nWhyRun? computation '""':\n * Running because: "+(e?"[active] the value of this computation is needed by a reaction":this.isComputing?"[get] The value of this computed was requested outside a reaction":"[idle] not running at the moment")+"\n"+(this.dependenciesState===Jt.NOT_TRACKING?" * This computation is suspended (not in use by any reaction) and won't run automatically.\n\tDidn't expect this computation to be suspended at this point?\n\t 1. Make sure this computation is used by a reaction (reaction, autorun, observer).\n\t 2. Check whether you are using this computation synchronously (in the same stack as they reaction that needs it).\n":" * This computation will re-run if any of the following observables changes:\n "+_t(t)+"\n "+(this.isComputing&&e?" (... or any observable accessed during the remainder of the current run)":"")+"\n\tMissing items in this list?\n\t 1. Check whether all used values are properly marked as observable (use isObservable to verify)\n\t 2. Make sure you didn't dereference values too early. MobX observes props, not primitives. E.g: use '' instead of 'name' in your computation.\n * If the outcome of this computation changes, the following observers will be re-run:\n "+_t(n)+"\n")},e}(),Kt=Lt("ComputedValue",Gt);!function(e){e[e.NOT_TRACKING=-1]="NOT_TRACKING",e[e.UP_TO_DATE=0]="UP_TO_DATE",e[e.POSSIBLY_STALE=1]="POSSIBLY_STALE",e[e.STALE=2]="STALE"}(Jt||(Jt={})),t.IDerivationState=Jt,t.untracked=Z;var Ht=["mobxGuid","resetId","spyListeners","strictMode","runId"],Xt=function(){function e(){this.version=4,this.trackingDerivation=null,this.runId=0,this.mobxGuid=0,this.inTransaction=0,this.isRunningReactions=!1,this.inBatch=0,this.pendingUnobservations=[],this.pendingReactions=[],this.allowStateChanges=!0,this.strictMode=!1,this.resetId=0,this.spyListeners=[]}return e}(),Yt=function(){var e=new Xt;if(d.__mobservableTrackingStack||d.__mobservableViewStack)throw new Error("[mobx] An incompatible version of mobservable is already loaded.");if(d.__mobxGlobal&&d.__mobxGlobal.version!==e.version)throw new Error("[mobx] An incompatible version of mobx is already loaded.");return d.__mobxGlobal?d.__mobxGlobal:d.__mobxGlobal=e}(),qt=function(){function e(e,t){void 0===e&&(e="Reaction@"+yt()),,this.onInvalidate=t,this.observing=[],this.newObserving=[],this.dependenciesState=Jt.NOT_TRACKING,this.diffValue=0,this.runId=0,this.unboundDepsCount=0,this.__mapid="#"+yt(),this.isDisposed=!1,this._isScheduled=!1,this._isTrackPending=!1,this._isRunning=!1}return e.prototype.onBecomeStale=function(){this.schedule()},e.prototype.schedule=function(){this._isScheduled||(this._isScheduled=!0,Yt.pendingReactions.push(this),le(),be(),fe())},e.prototype.isScheduled=function(){return this._isScheduled},e.prototype.runReaction=function(){this.isDisposed||(this._isScheduled=!1,G(this)&&(this._isTrackPending=!0,this.onInvalidate(),this._isTrackPending&&ge()&&xe({object:this,type:"scheduled-reaction"})))},e.prototype.track=function(e){le();var t,n=ge();n&&(,we({object:this,type:"reaction",fn:e})),this._isRunning=!0,X(this,e),this._isRunning=!1,this._isTrackPending=!1,this.isDisposed&&Q(this),n&&_e({}),fe()},e.prototype.recoverFromError=function(){this._isRunning=!1,this._isTrackPending=!1},e.prototype.dispose=function(){this.isDisposed||(this.isDisposed=!0,this._isRunning||(le(),Q(this),fe()))},e.prototype.getDisposer=function(){var e=this.dispose.bind(this);return e.$mobx=this,e},e.prototype.toString=function(){return"Reaction[""]"},e.prototype.whyRun=function(){var e=wt(this._isRunning?this.newObserving:this.observing).map(function(e){return});return"\nWhyRun? reaction '""':\n * Status: ["+(this.isDisposed?"stopped":this._isRunning?"running":this.isScheduled()?"scheduled":"idle")+"]\n * This reaction will re-run if any of the following observables changes:\n "+_t(e)+"\n "+(this._isRunning?" (... or any observable accessed during the remainder of the current run)":"")+"\n\tMissing items in this list?\n\t 1. Check whether all used values are properly marked as observable (use isObservable to verify)\n\t 2. Make sure you didn't dereference values too early. MobX observes props, not primitives. E.g: use '' instead of 'name' in your computation.\n"},e}();t.Reaction=qt;var Qt=100,Zt=function(e){return e()},en=Lt("Reaction",qt),tn={spyReportEnd:!0};t.spy=Se,t.transaction=Ae;var nn;!function(e){e[e.Recursive=0]="Recursive",e[e.Reference=1]="Reference",e[e.Structure=2]="Structure",e[e.Flat=3]="Flat"}(nn||(nn={})),t.ValueMode=nn,t.asReference=Me,Me.mobxModifier=nn.Reference,t.asStructure=Ve,Ve.mobxModifier=nn.Structure,t.asFlat=$e,$e.mobxModifier=nn.Flat,t.asMap=Ue;var rn=function(){var e=!1,t={};return Object.defineProperty(t,"0",{set:function(){e=!0}}),Object.create(t)[0]=1,e===!1}(),on=0,an=function(){function e(){}return e}();an.prototype=[];var sn=function(){function e(e,t,n,r){this.mode=t,this.array=n,this.owned=r,this.lastKnownLength=0,this.interceptors=null,this.changeListeners=null,this.atom=new zt(e||"ObservableArray@"+yt())}return e.prototype.makeReactiveArrayItem=function(e){return Je(e,"Array values cannot have modifiers"),this.mode===nn.Flat||this.mode===nn.Reference?e:Fe(e,this.mode,"[..]")},e.prototype.intercept=function(e){return Ie(this,e)},e.prototype.observe=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=!1),t&&e({object:this.array,type:"splice",index:0,added:this.values.slice(),addedCount:this.values.length,removed:[],removedCount:0}),Ce(this,e)},e.prototype.getArrayLength=function(){return this.atom.reportObserved(),this.values.length},e.prototype.setArrayLength=function(e){if("number"!=typeof e||e<0)throw new Error("[mobx.array] Out of range: "+e);var t=this.values.length;e!==t&&(e>t?this.spliceWithArray(t,0,new Array(e-t)):this.spliceWithArray(e,t-e))},e.prototype.updateArrayLength=function(e,t){if(e!==this.lastKnownLength)throw new Error("[mobx] Modification exception: the internal structure of an observable array was changed. Did you use peek() to change it?");this.lastKnownLength+=t,t>0&&e+t+1>on&&He(e+t+1)},e.prototype.spliceWithArray=function(e,t,n){H();var r=this.values.length;if(void 0===e?e=0:e>r?e=r:e<0&&(e=Math.max(0,r+e)),t=1===arguments.length?r-e:void 0===t||null===t?0:Math.max(0,Math.min(t,r-e)),void 0===n&&(n=[]),Te(this)){var o=je(this,{object:this.array,type:"splice",index:e,removedCount:t,added:n});if(!o)return Sn;t=o.removedCount,n=o.added},this);var i=n.length-t;this.updateArrayLength(r,i);var a=(s=this.values).splice.apply(s,[e,t].concat(n));return 0===t&&0===n.length||this.notifyArraySplice(e,n,a),a;var s},e.prototype.notifyArrayChildUpdate=function(e,t,n){var r=!this.owned&&ge(),o=Ee(this),i=o||r?{object:this.array,type:"update",index:e,newValue:t,oldValue:n}:null;r&&we(i),this.atom.reportChanged(),o&&Pe(this,i),r&&_e()},e.prototype.notifyArraySplice=function(e,t,n){var r=!this.owned&&ge(),o=Ee(this),i=o||r?{object:this.array,type:"splice",index:e,removed:n,added:t,removedCount:n.length,addedCount:t.length}:null;r&&we(i),this.atom.reportChanged(),o&&Pe(this,i),r&&_e()},e}(),un=function(e){function t(t,n,r,o){void 0===o&&(o=!1),;var i=new sn(r,n,this,o);jt(this,"$mobx",i),t&&t.length?(i.updateArrayLength(0,t.length),,i),i.notifyArraySplice(0,i.values.slice(),Sn)):i.values=[],rn&&Object.defineProperty(i.array,"0",cn)}return Vt(t,e),t.prototype.intercept=function(e){return this.$mobx.intercept(e)},t.prototype.observe=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t=!1),this.$mobx.observe(e,t)},t.prototype.clear=function(){return this.splice(0)},t.prototype.concat=function(){for(var e=arguments,t=[],n=0;n<arguments.length;n++)t[n-0]=e[n];return this.$mobx.atom.reportObserved(),Array.prototype.concat.apply(this.slice(),{return qe(e)?e.slice():e}))},t.prototype.replace=function(e){return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(0,this.$mobx.values.length,e)},t.prototype.toJS=function(){return this.slice()},t.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.toJS()},t.prototype.peek=function(){return this.$mobx.values},t.prototype.find=function(e,t,n){var r=this;void 0===n&&(n=0),this.$mobx.atom.reportObserved();for(var o=this.$mobx.values,i=o.length,a=n;a<i;a++)if(,o[a],a,r))return o[a]},t.prototype.splice=function(e,t){for(var n=arguments,r=[],o=2;o<arguments.length;o++)r[o-2]=n[o];switch(arguments.length){case 0:return[];case 1:return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(e);case 2:return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(e,t)}return this.$mobx.spliceWithArray(e,t,r)},t.prototype.push=function(){for(var e=arguments,t=[],n=0;n<arguments.length;n++)t[n-0]=e[n];var r=this.$mobx;return r.spliceWithArray(r.values.length,0,t),r.values.length},t.prototype.pop=function(){return this.splice(Math.max(this.$mobx.values.length-1,0),1)[0]},t.prototype.shift=function(){return this.splice(0,1)[0]},t.prototype.unshift=function(){for(var e=arguments,t=[],n=0;n<arguments.length;n++)t[n-0]=e[n];var r=this.$mobx;return r.spliceWithArray(0,0,t),r.values.length},t.prototype.reverse=function(){this.$mobx.atom.reportObserved();var e=this.slice();return e.reverse.apply(e,arguments)},t.prototype.sort=function(e){this.$mobx.atom.reportObserved();var t=this.slice();return t.sort.apply(t,arguments)},t.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this.$mobx.values.indexOf(e);return t>-1&&(this.splice(t,1),!0)},t.prototype.toString=function(){return"[mobx.array] "+Array.prototype.toString.apply(this.$mobx.values,arguments)},t.prototype.toLocaleString=function(){return"[mobx.array] "+Array.prototype.toLocaleString.apply(this.$mobx.values,arguments)},t}(an);bt(un.prototype,function(){return vt(this.slice())}),Tt(un.prototype,["constructor","intercept","observe","clear","concat","replace","toJS","toJSON","peek","find","splice","push","pop","shift","unshift","reverse","sort","remove","toString","toLocaleString"]),Object.defineProperty(un.prototype,"length",{enumerable:!1,configurable:!0,get:function(){return this.$mobx.getArrayLength()},set:function(e){this.$mobx.setArrayLength(e)}}),["every","filter","forEach","indexOf","join","lastIndexOf","map","reduce","reduceRight","slice","some"].forEach(function(e){var t=Array.prototype[e];mt("function"==typeof t,"Base function not defined on Array prototype: '"+e+"'"),It(un.prototype,e,function(){return this.$mobx.atom.reportObserved(),t.apply(this.$mobx.values,arguments)})});var cn={configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,set:Ge(0),get:Ke(0)};He(1e3),t.fastArray=Ye;var ln=Lt("ObservableArrayAdministration",sn);t.isObservableArray=qe;var fn={},pn=function(){function e(e,t){var n=this;this.$mobx=fn,this._data={},this._hasMap={},"ObservableMap@"+yt(),this._keys=new un(null,nn.Reference,".keys()",!0),this.interceptors=null,this.changeListeners=null,this._valueMode=Be(t),this._valueMode===nn.Flat&&(this._valueMode=nn.Reference),F(!0,function(){Ot(e)?n.merge(e):Array.isArray(e)&&e.forEach(function(e){var t=e[0],r=e[1];return n.set(t,r)})})}return e.prototype._has=function(e){return"undefined"!=typeof this._data[e]},e.prototype.has=function(e){return!!this.isValidKey(e)&&(e=""+e,this._hasMap[e]?this._hasMap[e].get():this._updateHasMapEntry(e,!1).get())},e.prototype.set=function(e,t){this.assertValidKey(e),e=""+e;var n=this._has(e);if(Je(t,"[] Expected unwrapped value to be inserted to key '"+e+"'. If you need to use modifiers pass them as second argument to the constructor"),Te(this)){var r=je(this,{type:n?"update":"add",object:this,newValue:t,name:e});if(!r)return;t=r.newValue}n?this._updateValue(e,t):this._addValue(e,t)},e.prototype.delete=function(e){var t=this;if(this.assertValidKey(e),e=""+e,Te(this)){var n=je(this,{type:"delete",object:this,name:e});if(!n)return!1}if(this._has(e)){var r=ge(),o=Ee(this),n=o||r?{type:"delete",object:this,oldValue:this._data[e].value,name:e}:null;return r&&we(n),Ae(function(){t._keys.remove(e),t._updateHasMapEntry(e,!1);var n=t._data[e];n.setNewValue(void 0),t._data[e]=void 0},void 0,!1),o&&Pe(this,n),r&&_e(),!0}return!1},e.prototype._updateHasMapEntry=function(e,t){var n=this._hasMap[e];return n?n.setNewValue(t):n=this._hasMap[e]=new gn(t,nn.Reference,"."+e+"?",!1),n},e.prototype._updateValue=function(e,t){var n=this._data[e];if(t=n.prepareNewValue(t),t!==mn){var r=ge(),o=Ee(this),i=o||r?{type:"update",object:this,oldValue:n.value,name:e,newValue:t}:null;r&&we(i),n.setNewValue(t),o&&Pe(this,i),r&&_e()}},e.prototype._addValue=function(e,t){var n=this;Ae(function(){var r=n._data[e]=new gn(t,n._valueMode,"."+e,!1);t=r.value,n._updateHasMapEntry(e,!0),n._keys.push(e)},void 0,!1);var r=ge(),o=Ee(this),i=o||r?{type:"add",object:this,name:e,newValue:t}:null;r&&we(i),o&&Pe(this,i),r&&_e()},e.prototype.get=function(e){if(e=""+e,this.has(e))return this._data[e].get()},e.prototype.keys=function(){return vt(this._keys.slice())},e.prototype.values=function(){return vt(,this))},e.prototype.entries=function(){var e=this;return vt({return[t,e.get(t)]}))},e.prototype.forEach=function(e,t){var n=this;this.keys().forEach(function(r){return,n.get(r),r)})},e.prototype.merge=function(e){var t=this;return Ae(function(){hn(e)?e.keys().forEach(function(n){return t.set(n,e.get(n))}):Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n){return t.set(n,e[n])})},void 0,!1),this},e.prototype.clear=function(){var e=this;Ae(function(){Z(function(){e.keys().forEach(e.delete,e)})},void 0,!1)},Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"size",{get:function(){return this._keys.length},enumerable:!0,configurable:!0}),e.prototype.toJS=function(){var e=this,t={};return this.keys().forEach(function(n){return t[n]=e.get(n)}),t},e.prototype.toJs=function(){return gt("toJs is deprecated, use toJS instead"),this.toJS()},e.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.toJS()},e.prototype.isValidKey=function(e){return null!==e&&void 0!==e&&("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e||"boolean"==typeof e)},e.prototype.assertValidKey=function(e){if(!this.isValidKey(e))throw new Error("[] Invalid key: '"+e+"'")},e.prototype.toString=function(){var e=this;return"[{ "+this.keys().map(function(t){return t+": "+e.get(t)}).join(", ")+" }]"},e.prototype.observe=function(e,t){return mt(t!==!0,"`observe` doesn't support the fire immediately property for observable maps."),Ce(this,e)},e.prototype.intercept=function(e){return Ie(this,e)},e}();t.ObservableMap=pn,bt(pn.prototype,function(){return this.entries()}),;var hn=Lt("ObservableMap",pn);t.isObservableMap=hn;var dn=function(){function e(e,t,n){,,this.mode=n,this.values={},this.changeListeners=null,this.interceptors=null}return e.prototype.observe=function(e,t){return mt(t!==!0,"`observe` doesn't support the fire immediately property for observable objects."),Ce(this,e)},e.prototype.intercept=function(e){return Ie(this,e)},e}(),vn={},bn={},yn=Lt("ObservableObjectAdministration",dn);t.isObservableObject=at;var mn={},gn=function(e){function t(t,n,r,o){void 0===r&&(r="ObservableValue@"+yt()),void 0===o&&(o=!0),,r),this.mode=n,this.hasUnreportedChange=!1,this.value=void 0;var i=Ne(t,nn.Recursive),a=i[0],s=i[1];this.mode===nn.Recursive&&(this.mode=a),this.value=Fe(s,this.mode,,o&&ge()&&xe({type:"create",object:this,newValue:this.value})}return Vt(t,e),t.prototype.set=function(e){var t=this.value;if(e=this.prepareNewValue(e),e!==mn){var n=ge();n&&we({type:"update",object:this,newValue:e,oldValue:t}),this.setNewValue(e),n&&_e()}},t.prototype.prepareNewValue=function(e){if(Je(e,"Modifiers cannot be used on non-initial values."),H(),Te(this)){var t=je(this,{object:this,type:"update",newValue:e});if(!t)return mn;e=t.newValue}var n=Rt(this.mode===nn.Structure,this.value,e);return n?Fe(e,this.mode,},t.prototype.setNewValue=function(e){var t=this.value;this.value=e,this.reportChanged(),Ee(this)&&Pe(this,[e,t])},t.prototype.get=function(){return this.reportObserved(),this.value},t.prototype.intercept=function(e){return Ie(this,e)},t.prototype.observe=function(e,t){return t&&e(this.value,void 0),Ce(this,e)},t.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.get()},t.prototype.toString=function(){return"["+this.value+"]"},t}(zt),xn=Lt("ObservableValue",gn),wn="__$$iterating",_n=function(){function e(){this.listeners=[],gt("extras.SimpleEventEmitter is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release")}return e.prototype.emit=function(){for(var e=arguments,t=this.listeners.slice(),n=0,r=t.length;n<r;n++)t[n].apply(null,e)},e.prototype.on=function(e){var t=this;return this.listeners.push(e),xt(function(){var n=t.listeners.indexOf(e);n!==-1&&t.listeners.splice(n,1)})},e.prototype.once=function(e){var t=this.on(function(){t(),e.apply(this,arguments)});return t},e}();t.SimpleEventEmitter=_n;var Sn=[];Object.freeze(Sn);var On=[],An=function(){},Rn=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;t.isArrayLike=Mt}),b=v.Reaction,y=v.isObservable,m=v.extras,g=function(){this.listeners=[]};g.prototype.on=function(e){var t=this;return this.listeners.push(e),function(){var n=t.listeners.indexOf(e);n!==-1&&t.listeners.splice(n,1)}},g.prototype.emit=function(e){this.listeners.forEach(function(t){return t(e)})},g.prototype.getTotalListeners=function(){return this.listeners.length},g.prototype.clearListeners=function(){this.listeners=[]};var x=!1,w=new WeakMap,_=new g,S=o(function(e){function t(e,t,i){if("string"!=typeof t){var a=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t);o&&(a=a.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t)));for(var s=0;s<a.length;++s)if(!(n[a[s]]||r[a[s]]||i&&i[a[s]]))try{e[a[s]]=t[a[s]]}catch(e){}}return e}var n={childContextTypes:!0,contextTypes:!0,defaultProps:!0,displayName:!0,getDefaultProps:!0,propTypes:!0,type:!0},r={name:!0,length:!0,prototype:!0,caller:!0,arguments:!0,arity:!0},o="function"==typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;e.exports=t,e.exports.default=e.exports}),O=function(e){return function(t,n){return e.forEach(function(e){if(!(e in n)){if(!(e in t))throw new Error('MobX observer: Store "'+e+'" is not available! Make sure it is provided by some Provider');n[e]=t[e]}}),n}},A={Provider:h,inject:c,connect:l,observer:l,trackComponents:a,renderReporter:_,componentByNodeRegistery:w};return A});
import React from 'react' import './ProgressBar.scss' import ClassNames from 'classnames' import { Link } from 'react-router' export class ProgressBar extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { totalSteps: 4, currentStep: 1, finalStep: false } static propTypes = { totalSteps: React.PropTypes.number, currentStep: React.PropTypes.number, finalStep: React.PropTypes.bool } render () { let steps = [] let step for (let i = 1; i <= this.props.totalSteps; i++) { step = { index: i, url: '/tutorial/step/' + i } if (i === this.props.currentStep) { = true } if (i < this.props.currentStep) { step.completed = true } steps.push(step) } let finalStepButton if (this.props.finalStep) { finalStepButton = <Link to='/tutorial/finished' className={ClassNames('step btn btn-default', {active: this.props.currentStep > this.props.totalSteps})}>&#187;</Link> } return ( <div className='progressBar btn-group btn-group-lg'> { => <Link key={step.index} to={step.url} className={ClassNames('step btn', {active:}, {'btn-warning': step.completed}, {'btn-default disabled': !step.completed})}> {step.index} </Link> )} {finalStepButton} </div> ) } } export default ProgressBar
'use strict'; import React from 'react'; require('styles/cart/cartCheckOut/CartCheckOutCtrl.scss'); class CartCheckOutCtrlComponent extends React.Component { sendDate(){ alert('This function is still developing.'); } render() { return ( <div className="cartcheckoutctrl-component navigation-ctrl"> <ul> <li onClick={this.sendDate}>发送至油赞子姑娘</li> </ul> </div> ); } } CartCheckOutCtrlComponent.displayName = 'CartCartCheckOutCartCheckOutCtrlComponent'; // Uncomment properties you need CartCheckOutCtrlComponent.propTypes = { sendDate : React.PropTypes.func.isRequired }; // CartCheckOutCtrlComponent.defaultProps = {}; export default CartCheckOutCtrlComponent;
import React from 'react'; export default class HomePage extends React.Component { handleClick() { alert('It works'); } render() { return <div className="container"> <h1>Home</h1> <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click me</button> </div>; } };
import React from 'react'; import {Circle} from 'react-konva'; const Player = ({player, mapSize, cvHeight, cvWidth}) => { const tileHeight = (1 / mapSize) * cvHeight; const tileWidth = (1 / mapSize) * cvWidth; return ( <Circle width={tileWidth} height={tileHeight} x={(tileWidth * player.x) + (tileWidth / 2)} y={(tileHeight * player.y) + (tileHeight / 2)} fill={'blue'} /> ); }; export default Player;
import React from 'react'; import styles from './ExampleBreadcrumbs.scss'; import Breadcrumbs from '../../src/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs'; const items = [{id: '1', value: 'first item'}, {id: '2', value: 'second item'}, {id: '3', value: 'third item'}]; export default () => <div> <div className={`${styles.onGrayBackground} ${styles.exampleWrapper}`}> <Breadcrumbs items={items} theme={'onGrayBackground'} /> </div> <div className={`${styles.onWhiteBackground} ${styles.exampleWrapper}`}> <Breadcrumbs items={items} theme={'onWhiteBackground'} /> </div> <div className={`${styles.onDarkBackground} ${styles.exampleWrapper}`}> <Breadcrumbs items={items} theme={'onDarkBackground'} /> </div> </div>;
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Bar, Doughnut, Line, Pie, Polar, Radar } from 'react-chartjs-2'; const line = { labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [ { label: 'My First dataset', fill: false, lineTension: 0.1, backgroundColor: 'rgba(75,192,192,0.4)', borderColor: 'rgba(75,192,192,1)', borderCapStyle: 'butt', borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0.0, borderJoinStyle: 'miter', pointBorderColor: 'rgba(75,192,192,1)', pointBackgroundColor: '#fff', pointBorderWidth: 1, pointHoverRadius: 5, pointHoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(75,192,192,1)', pointHoverBorderColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,1)', pointHoverBorderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 1, pointHitRadius: 10, data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40] } ] }; const bar = { labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'], datasets: [ { label: 'My First dataset', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,99,132,0.2)', borderColor: 'rgba(255,99,132,1)', borderWidth: 1, hoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(255,99,132,0.4)', hoverBorderColor: 'rgba(255,99,132,1)', data: [65, 59, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40] } ] }; const doughnut = { labels: [ 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow' ], datasets: [{ data: [300, 50, 100], backgroundColor: [ '#FF6384', '#36A2EB', '#FFCE56' ], hoverBackgroundColor: [ '#FF6384', '#36A2EB', '#FFCE56' ] }] }; const radar = { labels: ['Eating', 'Drinking', 'Sleeping', 'Designing', 'Coding', 'Cycling', 'Running'], datasets: [ { label: 'My First dataset', backgroundColor: 'rgba(179,181,198,0.2)', borderColor: 'rgba(179,181,198,1)', pointBackgroundColor: 'rgba(179,181,198,1)', pointBorderColor: '#fff', pointHoverBackgroundColor: '#fff', pointHoverBorderColor: 'rgba(179,181,198,1)', data: [65, 59, 90, 81, 56, 55, 40] }, { label: 'My Second dataset', backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,99,132,0.2)', borderColor: 'rgba(255,99,132,1)', pointBackgroundColor: 'rgba(255,99,132,1)', pointBorderColor: '#fff', pointHoverBackgroundColor: '#fff', pointHoverBorderColor: 'rgba(255,99,132,1)', data: [28, 48, 40, 19, 96, 27, 100] } ] }; const pie = { labels: [ 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow' ], datasets: [{ data: [300, 50, 100], backgroundColor: [ '#FF6384', '#36A2EB', '#FFCE56' ], hoverBackgroundColor: [ '#FF6384', '#36A2EB', '#FFCE56' ] }] }; const polar = { datasets: [{ data: [ 11, 16, 7, 3, 14 ], backgroundColor: [ '#FF6384', '#4BC0C0', '#FFCE56', '#E7E9ED', '#36A2EB' ], label: 'My dataset' // for legend }], labels: [ 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Grey', 'Blue' ] }; class Charts extends Component { render() { return ( <div className="animated fadeIn"> <div className="card-columns cols-2"> <div className="card"> <div className="card-header"> Line Chart <div className="card-actions"> <a href=""><small className="text-muted">docs</small></a> </div> </div> <div className="card-block"> <div className="chart-wrapper"> <Line data={line} options={{ maintainAspectRatio: false }} /> </div> </div> </div> <div className="card"> <div className="card-header"> Bar Chart <div className="card-actions"> <a href=""><small className="text-muted">docs</small></a> </div> </div> <div className="card-block"> <div className="chart-wrapper"> <Bar data={bar} options={{ maintainAspectRatio: false }} /> </div> </div> </div> <div className="card"> <div className="card-header"> Doughnut Chart <div className="card-actions"> <a href=""><small className="text-muted">docs</small></a> </div> </div> <div className="card-block"> <div className="chart-wrapper"> <Doughnut data={doughnut} /> </div> </div> </div> <div className="card"> <div className="card-header"> Radar Chart <div className="card-actions"> <a href=""><small className="text-muted">docs</small></a> </div> </div> <div className="card-block"> <div className="chart-wrapper"> <Radar data={radar} /> </div> </div> </div> <div className="card"> <div className="card-header"> Pie Chart <div className="card-actions"> <a href=""><small className="text-muted">docs</small></a> </div> </div> <div className="card-block"> <div className="chart-wrapper"> <Pie data={pie} /> </div> </div> </div> <div className="card"> <div className="card-header"> Polar Area Chart <div className="card-actions"> <a href=""><small className="text-muted">docs</small></a> </div> </div> <div className="card-block"> <div className="chart-wrapper"> <Polar data={polar} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ) } } export default Charts;
/* @flow */ import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import React from 'react'; import type { StyledComponent } from '@emotion/styled-base/src/utils'; const Root: StyledComponent<{ [key: string]: any }> = styled('div')( ({ theme }) => ({ fontFamily: theme.fontFamily }) ); const DemoLayout = (props: Object) => <Root {...props} />; export default DemoLayout;
// External Dependencies import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; // Our Dependencies import Book from '../Book'; const BookList = (props) => { const { books, isFetching, onShelfChange, onBookClick } = props; return ( <ol className="books-grid"> {isFetching ? <li className="is-loading-shelf">Loading</li> : ( books.length > 0 ? (, i) => ( <li key={i}> <Book book={book} onShelfChange={onShelfChange} onBookClick={onBookClick} /> </li> )) ) : ( <li> {window.location.pathname === '/' && ( <h2 className="shelf-empty-message"> Add 📚 to this shelf 🤓 </h2> )} </li> ) )} </ol> ) } BookList.propTypes = { books: PropTypes.array.isRequired, isFetching: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onShelfChange: PropTypes.func, onBookClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired, } export default BookList;
import React from 'react'; import * as b from 'react-bootstrap'; import s from './Header.css'; import l from './Layout.css'; import { Link } from 'react-router'; import { LinkContainer } from 'react-router-bootstrap'; class Header extends React.Component { constructor(){ super(); this.state = { mobile: false }; this.updateDimensions = this.updateDimensions.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.updateDimensions(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.updateDimensions); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.updateDimensions); } home() { if ((window.location.pathname.toString()).split('/')[1] === '') { return true; } else { return false; } } updateDimensions() { if (window.innerWidth < 768) { this.setState({mobile: true}); } else { this.setState({mobile: false}); } } render() { if (this.home()) { return ( <header id="header"> <Link to="/paths"> <div className={s.landing} style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${require('../../img/logo_button-min.png')})` }} /> </Link> <b.Image style={{display: 'none'}} src={require('../../img/favicon.ico')} /> </header> ); } else if ( && !this.home()) { return ( <header className={s.header} id="header" ref={node => (this.root = node)} > <b.Image src={require('../../img/gww_logo.png')} className={s.logo} style={{marginTop: '5px', height: '90px'}}/> <div className={s.navWrapper}> <b.Nav bsStyle="pills"> <b.NavDropdown active title="Menu" style={{padding: '3px', marginTop: '2px'}} id="bg-nested-dropdown"> </b.NavDropdown> </b.Nav> </div> </header> ); } else { return ( <header className={s.header} id="header" ref={node => (this.root = node)}> {this.home() ? <b.Image src={require('../../img/logo_square-min.png')} responsive /> : <b.Image src={require('../../img/gww_logo.png')} className={s.logo} />} <b.Nav style={{margin: '0px', fontFamily: '\'Ribeye Marrow\', cursive', fontSize: '20px', backgroundColor: '#a9a9a9'}} bsStyle="tabs" justified> <LinkContainer to="/paths"> </b.Nav> </header> ); }; } } export default Header;
import React from 'react'; import { Table, Button } from 'elemental'; export default function NotesList(props) { return ( <Table className="notes-list"> <thead> <tr> <th>Text</th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> { => { return ( <tr key={}> <td>{note.text || '-- no text --'}</td> <td> <Button className="delete" type="danger" onClick={() => props.delete(}>delete</Button> </td> </tr> ); }) } </tbody> </Table> ); }
/** * React Starter Kit ( * * Copyright © 2014-2016 Kriasoft, LLC. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import React from 'react'; import withStyles from 'isomorphic-style-loader/lib/withStyles'; import s from './Header.scss'; import Link from '../Link'; import Navigation from '../Navigation'; function Header() { return ( <div className={s.root}> <div className={s.container}> <Navigation className={s.nav} /> <Link className={s.brand} to="/"> <img src={require('./logo-small.png')} width="38" height="38" alt="React" /> <span className={s.brandTxt}>Your Company</span> </Link> <div className={s.banner}> <h1 className={s.bannerTitle}>React</h1> <p className={s.bannerDesc}>Complex web apps made easy</p> </div> </div> </div> ); } export default withStyles(Header, s);
/** * Copyright 2017 Goldman Sachs. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. **/ import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import App from './App'; import '../stylesheet.css'; ReactDOM.render( <App />, document.getElementById('root') );
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <path d="M14.19 14.19l-1.41-1.41-1.56-1.56L11 11 9.81 9.81 4.93 4.93 2.27 2.27 1 3.54l2.78 2.78c-.11.16-.21.32-.31.48-.04.07-.09.14-.13.21-.09.15-.17.31-.25.47-.05.1-.1.21-.16.32-.06.14-.13.28-.19.43-.1.24-.19.48-.27.73l-.09.3c-.05.2-.1.39-.14.59-.02.11-.04.22-.07.33-.04.2-.07.4-.09.61-.01.1-.03.2-.03.3-.03.29-.05.6-.05.91 0 5.52 4.48 10 10 10 .31 0 .62-.02.92-.05l.3-.03c.2-.02.41-.06.61-.09.11-.02.22-.04.33-.07.2-.04.39-.09.58-.15.1-.03.2-.05.3-.09.25-.08.49-.17.73-.27.15-.06.29-.13.43-.19.11-.05.22-.1.33-.16.16-.08.31-.16.46-.25.07-.04.14-.09.21-.13.16-.1.32-.2.48-.31L20.46 23l1.27-1.27-2.66-2.66-4.88-4.88zM6 18l3-6.46L12.46 15 6 18zm16-6c0 .31-.02.62-.05.92l-.03.3c-.02.2-.06.41-.09.61-.02.11-.04.22-.07.33-.04.2-.09.39-.15.58-.03.1-.05.21-.09.31-.08.25-.17.49-.27.73-.06.15-.13.29-.19.43-.05.11-.1.22-.16.33-.08.16-.16.31-.25.46-.04.07-.09.14-.13.21-.1.16-.2.32-.31.48L15 12.46 18 6l-6.46 3-5.22-5.22c.16-.11.32-.21.48-.31.07-.04.14-.09.21-.13.15-.09.31-.17.46-.25.11-.05.22-.1.33-.16.14-.06.28-.13.43-.19.24-.1.48-.19.73-.27l.31-.09c.19-.05.38-.11.58-.15.11-.02.22-.04.33-.07.2-.04.4-.07.61-.09.1-.01.2-.03.3-.03.29-.02.6-.04.91-.04 5.52 0 10 4.48 10 10z" /> , 'ExploreOff');
import React from 'react' const StrokeMap = props => ( <svg viewBox='0 0 100 100' {...props}> <path d='M83 31.44L63.22 19.11a1.52 1.52 0 0 0-.8-.23h-.23a1.53 1.53 0 0 0-.88.28c-.52.35-7.3 4.62-12.75 8.06L42.5 31c-6-3.76-18.27-11.76-18.8-12.14a1.5 1.5 0 0 0-1.45-.27 1.48 1.48 0 0 0-1 1.1c-.06.26-.12.54-.12 47.9a1.54 1.54 0 0 0 .77 1.32c.53.3 12.86 7.91 18.75 11.63a3.15 3.15 0 0 0 3.75 0q4.86-3.09 9.74-6.14 4.08-2.55 8.13-5.11h.15c4.8 3 9.63 6 14.45 9l4.54 2.84a1.52 1.52 0 0 0 .8.23 1.41 1.41 0 0 0 .72-.19 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 .78-1.17V32.72a1.52 1.52 0 0 0-.71-1.28zm-58.82-8.63c4.05 2.65 12.1 7.85 16.17 10.42v43.61c-5.29-3.32-13.62-8.47-16.22-10.06 0-22.72.02-38.08.05-43.97zm28.37 49.1q-4.89 3.09-9.77 6.15c-.14.1-.22.13-.22.14l-.21-.11v-44a2.53 2.53 0 0 0 1.59-.43l6.22-3.92 10.62-6.7v43.7l-.11.06q-4.05 2.57-8.12 5.11zm28.16 5.34l-2.25-1.4q-7.23-4.51-14.44-9a3.31 3.31 0 0 0-1.24-.5V22.37l17.93 11.18z' /> </svg> ) export default StrokeMap
/** * React Starter Kit ( * * Copyright © 2014-present Kriasoft, LLC. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import FastClick from 'fastclick'; import UniversalRouter from 'universal-router'; import queryString from 'query-string'; import { createPath } from 'history/PathUtils'; import history from './core/history'; import App from './components/App'; import { updateMeta } from './core/DOMUtils'; import { ErrorReporter, deepForceUpdate } from './core/devUtils'; // Global (context) variables that can be easily accessed from any React component // const context = { // Enables critical path CSS rendering // insertCss: (...styles) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle const removeCss = => x._insertCss()); return () => { removeCss.forEach(f => f()); }; }, }; // Switch off the native scroll restoration behavior and handle it manually // const scrollPositionsHistory = {}; if (window.history && 'scrollRestoration' in window.history) { window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; } let onRenderComplete = function initialRenderComplete() { const elem = document.getElementById('css'); if (elem) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); onRenderComplete = function renderComplete(route, location) { document.title = route.title; updateMeta('description', route.description); // Update necessary tags in <head> at runtime here, ie: // updateMeta('keywords', route.keywords); // updateCustomMeta('og:url', route.canonicalUrl); // updateCustomMeta('og:image', route.imageUrl); // updateLink('canonical', route.canonicalUrl); // etc. let scrollX = 0; let scrollY = 0; const pos = scrollPositionsHistory[location.key]; if (pos) { scrollX = pos.scrollX; scrollY = pos.scrollY; } else { const targetHash = location.hash.substr(1); if (targetHash) { const target = document.getElementById(targetHash); if (target) { scrollY = window.pageYOffset + target.getBoundingClientRect().top; } } } // Restore the scroll position if it was saved into the state // or scroll to the given #hash anchor // or scroll to top of the page window.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY); // Google Analytics tracking. Don't send 'pageview' event after // the initial rendering, as it was already sent if ( {'send', 'pageview', createPath(location)); } }; }; // Make taps on links and buttons work fast on mobiles FastClick.attach(document.body); const container = document.getElementById('app'); let appInstance; let currentLocation = history.location; let routes = require('./routes').default; // Re-render the app when window.location changes async function onLocationChange(location, action) { // Remember the latest scroll position for the previous location scrollPositionsHistory[currentLocation.key] = { scrollX: window.pageXOffset, scrollY: window.pageYOffset, }; // Delete stored scroll position for next page if any if (action === 'PUSH') { delete scrollPositionsHistory[location.key]; } currentLocation = location; try { // Traverses the list of routes in the order they are defined until // it finds the first route that matches provided URL path string // and whose action method returns anything other than `undefined`. const route = await UniversalRouter.resolve(routes, { path: location.pathname, query: queryString.parse(, }); // Prevent multiple page renders during the routing process if (currentLocation.key !== location.key) { return; } if (route.redirect) { history.replace(route.redirect); return; } appInstance = ReactDOM.render( <App context={context}>{route.component}</App>, container, () => onRenderComplete(route, location), ); } catch (error) { // Display the error in full-screen for development mode if (__DEV__) { appInstance = null; document.title = `Error: ${error.message}`; ReactDOM.render(<ErrorReporter error={error} />, container); throw error; } console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console // Do a full page reload if error occurs during client-side navigation if (action && currentLocation.key === location.key) { window.location.reload(); } } } // Handle client-side navigation by using HTML5 History API // For more information visit history.listen(onLocationChange); onLocationChange(currentLocation); // Handle errors that might happen after rendering // Display the error in full-screen for development mode if (__DEV__) { window.addEventListener('error', (event) => { appInstance = null; document.title = `Runtime Error: ${event.error.message}`; ReactDOM.render(<ErrorReporter error={event.error} />, container); }); } // Enable Hot Module Replacement (HMR) if ( {'./routes', () => { routes = require('./routes').default; // eslint-disable-line global-require if (appInstance) { try { // Force-update the whole tree, including components that refuse to update deepForceUpdate(appInstance); } catch (error) { appInstance = null; document.title = `Hot Update Error: ${error.message}`; ReactDOM.render(<ErrorReporter error={error} />, container); return; } } onLocationChange(currentLocation); }); }
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Table } from 'patternfly-react'; import TableSchema from './ContentDetailRepositoryTableSchema'; const ContentDetailRepositories = ({ repositories }) => ( <div> <Table.PfProvider columns={TableSchema}> <Table.Header /> <Table.Body rows={repositories} rowKey="id" /> </Table.PfProvider> </div> ); ContentDetailRepositories.propTypes = { repositories: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})).isRequired, }; export default ContentDetailRepositories;
import React from 'react'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; // Create App export const createReduxApp = (injectedStore, routes) => ( <Provider store={injectedStore}> {routes} </Provider> );
/*eslint-env mocha */ import expect from 'expect' import React from 'react' import createHistory from 'history/lib/createMemoryHistory' import Router from '../Router' describe('a Route Component', function () { let node beforeEach(function () { node = document.createElement('div') }) afterEach(function () { React.unmountComponentAtNode(node) }) it('injects the right props', function (done) { const Parent = React.createClass({ componentDidMount() { assertProps(this.props) }, render() { return null } }) const Child = React.createClass({ render() { return null } }) const child = { path: 'child', component: Child } const parent = { path: '/', component: Parent, childRoutes: [ child ] } function assertProps(props) { expect(props.route).toEqual(parent) expect(props.routes).toEqual([parent, child]) } React.render(( <Router history={createHistory('/child')} routes={parent}/> ), node, done) }) })
import React from 'react'; import {Row} from 'react-bootstrap'; import SearchInput from './SearchInput'; import TaxSelect from './TaxSelect'; class SearchFields extends React.Component { render() { let {queryArgs, mainIngredients, recipeTypes, updateArgs} = this.props; return ( <Row> <SearchInput updateArgs={updateArgs} queryArgs={queryArgs}/> <TaxSelect key='recipe-types' taxObj={recipeTypes} updateArgs={updateArgs} queryArgs={queryArgs}/> <TaxSelect key='main-ingredients' taxObj={mainIngredients} updateArgs={updateArgs} queryArgs={queryArgs}/> </Row> ) } } SearchFields.propTypes = { updateArgs: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, queryArgs: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, recipeTypes: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, mainIngredients: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, doSearch: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default SearchFields;
// @flow /* ********************************************************** * File: components/Devices/DevicesPage.js * * Brief: Page for starting scan, and choosing scan * method. * * Author: Craig Cheney * * 2017.09.25 CC - Changed name to DevicesPage (from ScanForDevicesComponent) * Refactored out ScanMethodBtn, ScanBtn, and DevicesTable * 2017.04.27 CC - Document Created * ********************************************************* */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Grid, Col, Row } from 'react-bootstrap'; import ScanMethodBtn from './ScanMethodBtn'; import ScanBtn from './ScanBtn'; import DevicesTable from './DevicesTable'; import type { scanTypes, idType } from '../../types/paramTypes'; import type { changeScanActionType } from '../../types/actionTypes'; import type { devicesStateType } from '../../types/stateTypes'; import type { thunkType } from '../../types/functionTypes'; type propsType = { /* Variables */ method: scanTypes, enabled: boolean, scanning: boolean, devices: devicesStateType, /* Functions */ changeScanMethod: (method: scanTypes) => changeScanActionType, startStopScan: () => thunkType, connectToDevice: (deviceId: idType) => thunkType, cancelPendingConnection: (deviceId: idType) => thunkType, disconnectFromDevice: (deviceId: idType) => thunkType }; export default class DevicesPage extends Component<propsType> { /* Render function */ render() { const { method, changeScanMethod, scanning, enabled, startStopScan, devices, connectToDevice, cancelPendingConnection, disconnectFromDevice } = this.props; /* JSX component */ return ( <Grid fluid> <Row> <Col md={4} mdOffset={1}> <ScanMethodBtn method={method} enabled={enabled} changeScanMethod={changeScanMethod} /> <ScanBtn scanning={scanning} enabled={enabled} startStopScan={startStopScan} /> </Col> <Row /> <Col md={10} mdOffset={1}> <DevicesTable devices={devices} connectToDevice={connectToDevice} cancelPendingConnection={cancelPendingConnection} disconnectFromDevice={disconnectFromDevice} /> </Col> </Row> </Grid> ); } } /* [] - END OF FILE */
import React from 'react'; import Helmet from 'react-helmet'; const Meta = () => ( <Helmet> <html lang="de" /> <meta name="description" content="Limonade Rezensionen" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Brause, Limonade, Drinks, Rezensionen, Koffein" /> <title>Brauselier</title> <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff" /> <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Brauselier" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="default" /> <meta name="msapplication-navbutton-color" content="#ffffff" /> <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#4e4c5d" /> <meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="/mstile-150x150.png" /> <meta name="msapplication-config" content="browserconfig.xml" /> <meta name="application-name" content="Brauselier" /> <meta name="msapplication-tooltip" content="Brauselier" /> <meta name="msapplication-starturl" content="/" /> <meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png" /> <link href="/android-chrome-512x512.png" rel="apple-touch-startup-image" /> <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#4e4c5d" /> <link href="/android-chrome-512x512.png" rel="icon" sizes="192x192" /> <link href="/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json" /> </Helmet> ); export default Meta;
import React from 'react'; import Tag from '../tag'; export default (name, attributes) => { class SimpleTag extends Tag { constructor(renderer, settings = {}) { super(renderer, settings); Object.keys(attributes || {}).forEach(key => { this[key] = attributes[key]; }); } toHTML() { let htmlAttributes = this.renderer.htmlAttributes(this.params); if (htmlAttributes) { htmlAttributes = ` ${htmlAttributes}`; } return [`<${name}${htmlAttributes}>`, this.getContent(), `</${name}>`]; } toReact() { const Name = name; return ( <Name {...this.params}>{this.getComponents()}</Name> ); } } return SimpleTag; };
import App from './components/App'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; ReactDOM.render( <App />, document.getElementById('app') );
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ var Core = _dereq_('../lib/Core'), ShimIE8 = _dereq_('../lib/Shim.IE8'); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.ForerunnerDB = Core; } module.exports = Core; },{"../lib/Core":4,"../lib/Shim.IE8":29}],2:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'), sharedPathSolver = new Path(); var BinaryTree = function (data, compareFunc, hashFunc) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; BinaryTree.prototype.init = function (data, index, primaryKey, compareFunc, hashFunc) { this._store = []; this._keys = []; if (primaryKey !== undefined) { this.primaryKey(primaryKey); } if (index !== undefined) { this.index(index); } if (compareFunc !== undefined) { this.compareFunc(compareFunc); } if (hashFunc !== undefined) { this.hashFunc(hashFunc); } if (data !== undefined) {; } }; Shared.addModule('BinaryTree', BinaryTree); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); Shared.mixin(BinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'compareFunc'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'hashFunc'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'indexDir'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'primaryKey'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'keys'); Shared.synthesize(BinaryTree.prototype, 'index', function (index) { if (index !== undefined) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Setting index', index, sharedPathSolver.parse(index, true)); } // Convert the index object to an array of key val objects this.keys(sharedPathSolver.parse(index, true)); } return this.$, index); }); /** * Remove all data from the binary tree. */ BinaryTree.prototype.clear = function () { delete this._data; delete this._left; delete this._right; this._store = []; }; /** * Sets this node's data object. All further inserted documents that * match this node's key and value will be pushed via the push() * method into the this._store array. When deciding if a new data * should be created left, right or middle (pushed) of this node the * new data is checked against the data set via this method. * @param val * @returns {*} */ = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._data = val; if (this._hashFunc) { this._hash = this._hashFunc(val); } return this; } return this._data; }; /** * Pushes an item to the binary tree node's store array. * @param {*} val The item to add to the store. * @returns {*} */ BinaryTree.prototype.push = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._store.push(val); return this; } return false; }; /** * Pulls an item from the binary tree node's store array. * @param {*} val The item to remove from the store. * @returns {*} */ BinaryTree.prototype.pull = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { var index = this._store.indexOf(val); if (index > -1) { this._store.splice(index, 1); return this; } } return false; }; /** * Default compare method. Can be overridden. * @param a * @param b * @returns {number} * @private */ BinaryTree.prototype._compareFunc = function (a, b) { // Loop the index array var i, indexData, result = 0; for (i = 0; i < this._keys.length; i++) { indexData = this._keys[i]; if (indexData.value === 1) { result = this.sortAsc(sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path)); } else if (indexData.value === -1) { result = this.sortDesc(sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path)); } if (this.debug()) { console.log('Compared %s with %s order %d in path %s and result was %d', sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path), indexData.value, indexData.path, result); } if (result !== 0) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Retuning result %d', result); } return result; } } if (this.debug()) { console.log('Retuning result %d', result); } return result; }; /** * Default hash function. Can be overridden. * @param obj * @private */ BinaryTree.prototype._hashFunc = function (obj) { /*var i, indexData, hash = ''; for (i = 0; i < this._keys.length; i++) { indexData = this._keys[i]; if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += obj[indexData.path]; } return hash;*/ return obj[this._keys[0].path]; }; /** * Removes (deletes reference to) either left or right child if the passed * node matches one of them. * @param {BinaryTree} node The node to remove. */ BinaryTree.prototype.removeChildNode = function (node) { if (this._left === node) { // Remove left delete this._left; } else if (this._right === node) { // Remove right delete this._right; } }; /** * Returns the branch this node matches (left or right). * @param node * @returns {String} */ BinaryTree.prototype.nodeBranch = function (node) { if (this._left === node) { return 'left'; } else if (this._right === node) { return 'right'; } }; /** * Inserts a document into the binary tree. * @param data * @returns {*} */ BinaryTree.prototype.insert = function (data) { var result, inserted, failed, i; if (data instanceof Array) { // Insert array of data inserted = []; failed = []; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (this.insert(data[i])) { inserted.push(data[i]); } else { failed.push(data[i]); } } return { inserted: inserted, failed: failed }; } if (this.debug()) { console.log('Inserting', data); } if (!this._data) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Node has no data, setting data', data); } // Insert into this node (overwrite) as there is no data; //this.push(data); return true; } result = this._compareFunc(this._data, data); if (result === 0) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Data is equal (currrent, new)', this._data, data); } //this.push(data); // Less than this node if (this._left) { // Propagate down the left branch this._left.insert(data); } else { // Assign to left branch this._left = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._binaryTree, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); this._left._parent = this; } return true; } if (result === -1) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Data is greater (currrent, new)', this._data, data); } // Greater than this node if (this._right) { // Propagate down the right branch this._right.insert(data); } else { // Assign to right branch this._right = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._binaryTree, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); this._right._parent = this; } return true; } if (result === 1) { if (this.debug()) { console.log('Data is less (currrent, new)', this._data, data); } // Less than this node if (this._left) { // Propagate down the left branch this._left.insert(data); } else { // Assign to left branch this._left = new BinaryTree(data, this._index, this._binaryTree, this._compareFunc, this._hashFunc); this._left._parent = this; } return true; } return false; }; BinaryTree.prototype.remove = function (data) { var pk = this.primaryKey(), result, removed, i; if (data instanceof Array) { // Insert array of data removed = []; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (this.remove(data[i])) { removed.push(data[i]); } } return removed; } if (this.debug()) { console.log('Removing', data); } if (this._data[pk] === data[pk]) { // Remove this node return this._remove(this); } // Compare the data to work out which branch to send the remove command down result = this._compareFunc(this._data, data); if (result === -1 && this._right) { return this._right.remove(data); } if (result === 1 && this._left) { return this._left.remove(data); } return false; }; BinaryTree.prototype._remove = function (node) { var leftNode, rightNode; if (this._left) { // Backup branch data leftNode = this._left; rightNode = this._right; // Copy data from left node this._left = leftNode._left; this._right = leftNode._right; this._data = leftNode._data; this._store = leftNode._store; if (rightNode) { // Attach the rightNode data to the right-most node // of the leftNode leftNode.rightMost()._right = rightNode; } } else if (this._right) { // Backup branch data rightNode = this._right; // Copy data from right node this._left = rightNode._left; this._right = rightNode._right; this._data = rightNode._data; this._store = rightNode._store; } else { this.clear(); } return true; }; BinaryTree.prototype.leftMost = function () { if (!this._left) { return this; } else { return this._left.leftMost(); } }; BinaryTree.prototype.rightMost = function () { if (!this._right) { return this; } else { return this._right.rightMost(); } }; /** * Searches the binary tree for all matching documents based on the data * passed (query). * @param data * @param options * @param {Array=} resultArr The results passed between recursive calls. * Do not pass anything into this argument when calling externally. * @returns {*|Array} */ BinaryTree.prototype.lookup = function (data, options, resultArr) { var result = this._compareFunc(this._data, data); resultArr = resultArr || []; if (result === 0) { if (this._left) { this._left.lookup(data, options, resultArr); } resultArr.push(this._data); if (this._right) { this._right.lookup(data, options, resultArr); } } if (result === -1) { if (this._right) { this._right.lookup(data, options, resultArr); } } if (result === 1) { if (this._left) { this._left.lookup(data, options, resultArr); } } return resultArr; }; /** * Returns the entire binary tree ordered. * @param {String} type * @param resultArr * @returns {*|Array} */ BinaryTree.prototype.inOrder = function (type, resultArr) { resultArr = resultArr || []; if (this._left) { this._left.inOrder(type, resultArr); } switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'data': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._data, arr: this._store }); break; } if (this._right) { this._right.inOrder(type, resultArr); } return resultArr; }; /** * Searches the binary tree for all matching documents based on the regular * expression passed. * @param path * @param val * @param regex * @param {Array=} resultArr The results passed between recursive calls. * Do not pass anything into this argument when calling externally. * @returns {*|Array} */ BinaryTree.prototype.startsWith = function (path, val, regex, resultArr) { var reTest, thisDataPathVal = sharedPathSolver.get(this._data, path), thisDataPathValSubStr = thisDataPathVal.substr(0, val.length), result; regex = regex || new RegExp('^' + val); resultArr = resultArr || []; if (resultArr._visited === undefined) { resultArr._visited = 0; } resultArr._visited++; result = this.sortAsc(thisDataPathVal, val); reTest = thisDataPathValSubStr === val; if (result === 0) { if (this._left) { this._left.startsWith(path, val, regex, resultArr); } if (reTest) { resultArr.push(this._data); } if (this._right) { this._right.startsWith(path, val, regex, resultArr); } } if (result === -1) { if (reTest) { resultArr.push(this._data); } if (this._right) { this._right.startsWith(path, val, regex, resultArr); } } if (result === 1) { if (this._left) { this._left.startsWith(path, val, regex, resultArr); } if (reTest) { resultArr.push(this._data); } } return resultArr; }; /*BinaryTree.prototype.find = function (type, search, resultArr) { resultArr = resultArr || []; if (this._left) { this._left.find(type, search, resultArr); } // Check if this node's data is greater or less than the from value var fromResult = this.sortAsc(this._data[key], from), toResult = this.sortAsc(this._data[key], to); if ((fromResult === 0 || fromResult === 1) && (toResult === 0 || toResult === -1)) { // This data node is greater than or equal to the from value, // and less than or equal to the to value so include it switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'data': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._data, arr: this._store }); break; } } if (this._right) { this._right.find(type, search, resultArr); } return resultArr; };*/ /** * * @param {String} type * @param {String} key The data key / path to range search against. * @param {Number} from Range search from this value (inclusive) * @param {Number} to Range search to this value (inclusive) * @param {Array=} resultArr Leave undefined when calling (internal use), * passes the result array between recursive calls to be returned when * the recursion chain completes. * @param {Path=} pathResolver Leave undefined when calling (internal use), * caches the path resolver instance for performance. * @returns {Array} Array of matching document objects */ BinaryTree.prototype.findRange = function (type, key, from, to, resultArr, pathResolver) { resultArr = resultArr || []; pathResolver = pathResolver || new Path(key); if (this._left) { this._left.findRange(type, key, from, to, resultArr, pathResolver); } // Check if this node's data is greater or less than the from value var pathVal = pathResolver.value(this._data), fromResult = this.sortAsc(pathVal, from), toResult = this.sortAsc(pathVal, to); if ((fromResult === 0 || fromResult === 1) && (toResult === 0 || toResult === -1)) { // This data node is greater than or equal to the from value, // and less than or equal to the to value so include it switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'data': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._data, arr: this._store }); break; } } if (this._right) { this._right.findRange(type, key, from, to, resultArr, pathResolver); } return resultArr; }; /*BinaryTree.prototype.findRegExp = function (type, key, pattern, resultArr) { resultArr = resultArr || []; if (this._left) { this._left.findRegExp(type, key, pattern, resultArr); } // Check if this node's data is greater or less than the from value var fromResult = this.sortAsc(this._data[key], from), toResult = this.sortAsc(this._data[key], to); if ((fromResult === 0 || fromResult === 1) && (toResult === 0 || toResult === -1)) { // This data node is greater than or equal to the from value, // and less than or equal to the to value so include it switch (type) { case 'hash': resultArr.push(this._hash); break; case 'data': resultArr.push(this._data); break; default: resultArr.push({ key: this._data, arr: this._store }); break; } } if (this._right) { this._right.findRegExp(type, key, pattern, resultArr); } return resultArr; };*/ /** * Determines if the passed query and options object will be served * by this index successfully or not and gives a score so that the * DB search system can determine how useful this index is in comparison * to other indexes on the same collection. * @param query * @param queryOptions * @param matchOptions * @returns {{matchedKeys: Array, totalKeyCount: Number, score: number}} */ BinaryTree.prototype.match = function (query, queryOptions, matchOptions) { // Check if the passed query has data in the keys our index // operates on and if so, is the query sort matching our order var indexKeyArr, queryArr, matchedKeys = [], matchedKeyCount = 0, i; indexKeyArr = sharedPathSolver.parseArr(this._index, { verbose: true }); queryArr = sharedPathSolver.parseArr(query, matchOptions && matchOptions.pathOptions ? matchOptions.pathOptions : { ignore:/\$/, verbose: true }); // Loop the query array and check the order of keys against the // index key array to see if this index can be used for (i = 0; i < indexKeyArr.length; i++) { if (queryArr[i] === indexKeyArr[i]) { matchedKeyCount++; matchedKeys.push(queryArr[i]); } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: matchedKeyCount }; //return sharedPathSolver.countObjectPaths(this._keys, query); }; Shared.finishModule('BinaryTree'); module.exports = BinaryTree; },{"./Path":25,"./Shared":28}],3:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared, Db, Metrics, KeyValueStore, Path, IndexHashMap, IndexBinaryTree, Index2d, Crc, Overload, ReactorIO, sharedPathSolver; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Creates a new collection. Collections store multiple documents and * handle CRUD against those documents. * @constructor */ var Collection = function (name) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Collection.prototype.init = function (name, options) { this._primaryKey = '_id'; this._primaryIndex = new KeyValueStore('primary'); this._primaryCrc = new KeyValueStore('primaryCrc'); this._crcLookup = new KeyValueStore('crcLookup'); this._name = name; this._data = []; this._metrics = new Metrics(); this._options = options || { changeTimestamp: false }; if (this._options.db) { this.db(this._options.db); } // Create an object to store internal protected data this._metaData = {}; this._deferQueue = { insert: [], update: [], remove: [], upsert: [], async: [] }; this._deferThreshold = { insert: 100, update: 100, remove: 100, upsert: 100 }; this._deferTime = { insert: 1, update: 1, remove: 1, upsert: 1 }; this._deferredCalls = true; // Set the subset to itself since it is the root collection this.subsetOf(this); }; Shared.addModule('Collection', Collection); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.CRUD'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Triggers'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Matching'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Updating'); Shared.mixin(Collection.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics'); KeyValueStore = _dereq_('./KeyValueStore'); Path = _dereq_('./Path'); IndexHashMap = _dereq_('./IndexHashMap'); IndexBinaryTree = _dereq_('./IndexBinaryTree'); Index2d = _dereq_('./Index2d'); Crc = _dereq_('./Crc'); Db = Shared.modules.Db; Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); ReactorIO = _dereq_('./ReactorIO'); sharedPathSolver = new Path(); /** * Returns a checksum of a string. * @param {String} string The string to checksum. * @return {String} The checksum generated. */ Collection.prototype.crc = Crc; /** * Gets / sets the deferred calls flag. If set to true (default) * then operations on large data sets can be broken up and done * over multiple CPU cycles (creating an async state). For purely * synchronous behaviour set this to false. * @param {Boolean=} val The value to set. * @returns {Boolean} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'deferredCalls'); /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the collection. * @param {String=} val The name of the collection to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets the metadata stored in the collection. */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'metaData'); /** * Gets / sets boolean to determine if the collection should be * capped or not. */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'capped'); /** * Gets / sets capped collection size. This is the maximum number * of records that the capped collection will store. */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'cappedSize'); Collection.prototype._asyncPending = function (key) { this._deferQueue.async.push(key); }; Collection.prototype._asyncComplete = function (key) { // Remove async flag for this type var index = this._deferQueue.async.indexOf(key); while (index > -1) { this._deferQueue.async.splice(index, 1); index = this._deferQueue.async.indexOf(key); } if (this._deferQueue.async.length === 0) { this.deferEmit('ready'); } }; /** * Get the data array that represents the collection's data. * This data is returned by reference and should not be altered outside * of the provided CRUD functionality of the collection as doing so * may cause unstable index behaviour within the collection. * @returns {Array} */ = function () { return this._data; }; /** * Drops a collection and all it's stored data from the database. * @returns {boolean} True on success, false on failure. */ Collection.prototype.drop = function (callback) { var key; if (!this.isDropped()) { if (this._db && this._db._collection && this._name) { if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Dropping'); } this._state = 'dropped'; this.emit('drop', this); delete this._db._collection[this._name]; // Remove any reactor IO chain links if (this._collate) { for (key in this._collate) { if (this._collate.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.collateRemove(key); } } } delete this._primaryKey; delete this._primaryIndex; delete this._primaryCrc; delete this._crcLookup; delete this._name; delete this._data; delete this._metrics; delete this._listeners; if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return true; } } else { if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return true; } if (callback) { callback(false, true); } return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the primary key for this collection. * @param {String=} keyName The name of the primary key. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.primaryKey = function (keyName) { if (keyName !== undefined) { if (this._primaryKey !== keyName) { var oldKey = this._primaryKey; this._primaryKey = keyName; // Set the primary key index primary key this._primaryIndex.primaryKey(keyName); // Rebuild the primary key index this.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex(); // Propagate change down the chain this.chainSend('primaryKey', keyName, {oldData: oldKey}); } return this; } return this._primaryKey; }; /** * Handles insert events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} inserted An array of inserted documents. * @param {Array} failed An array of documents that failed to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onInsert = function (inserted, failed) { this.emit('insert', inserted, failed); }; /** * Handles update events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} items An array of updated documents. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onUpdate = function (items) { this.emit('update', items); }; /** * Handles remove events and routes changes to binds and views as required. * @param {Array} items An array of removed documents. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onRemove = function (items) { this.emit('remove', items); }; /** * Handles any change to the collection. * @private */ Collection.prototype._onChange = function () { if (this._options.changeTimestamp) { // Record the last change timestamp this._metaData.lastChange = new Date(); } }; /** * Gets / sets the db instance this class instance belongs to. * @param {Db=} db The db instance. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'db', function (db) { if (db) { if (this.primaryKey() === '_id') { // Set primary key to the db's key by default this.primaryKey(db.primaryKey()); // Apply the same debug settings this.debug(db.debug()); } } return this.$super.apply(this, arguments); }); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); /** * Sets the collection's data to the array / documents passed. If any * data already exists in the collection it will be removed before the * new data is set. * @param {Array|Object} data The array of documents or a single document * that will be set as the collections data. * @param options Optional options object. * @param callback Optional callback function. */ Collection.prototype.setData = function (data, options, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (data) { var op = this._metrics.create('setData'); op.start(); options = this.options(options); this.preSetData(data, options, callback); if (options.$decouple) { data = this.decouple(data); } if (!(data instanceof Array)) { data = [data]; } op.time('transformIn'); data = this.transformIn(data); op.time('transformIn'); var oldData = [].concat(this._data); this._dataReplace(data); // Update the primary key index op.time('Rebuild Primary Key Index'); this.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex(options); op.time('Rebuild Primary Key Index'); // Rebuild all other indexes op.time('Rebuild All Other Indexes'); this._rebuildIndexes(); op.time('Rebuild All Other Indexes'); op.time('Resolve chains'); this.chainSend('setData', data, {oldData: oldData}); op.time('Resolve chains'); op.stop(); this._onChange(); this.emit('setData', this._data, oldData); } if (callback) { callback(false); } return this; }; /** * Drops and rebuilds the primary key index for all documents in the collection. * @param {Object=} options An optional options object. * @private */ Collection.prototype.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex = function (options) { options = options || { $ensureKeys: undefined, $violationCheck: undefined }; var ensureKeys = options && options.$ensureKeys !== undefined ? options.$ensureKeys : true, violationCheck = options && options.$violationCheck !== undefined ? options.$violationCheck : true, arr, arrCount, arrItem, pIndex = this._primaryIndex, crcIndex = this._primaryCrc, crcLookup = this._crcLookup, pKey = this._primaryKey, jString; // Drop the existing primary index pIndex.truncate(); crcIndex.truncate(); crcLookup.truncate(); // Loop the data and check for a primary key in each object arr = this._data; arrCount = arr.length; while (arrCount--) { arrItem = arr[arrCount]; if (ensureKeys) { // Make sure the item has a primary key this.ensurePrimaryKey(arrItem); } if (violationCheck) { // Check for primary key violation if (!pIndex.uniqueSet(arrItem[pKey], arrItem)) { // Primary key violation throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Call to setData on collection failed because your data violates the primary key unique constraint. One or more documents are using the same primary key: ' + arrItem[this._primaryKey]); } } else { pIndex.set(arrItem[pKey], arrItem); } // Generate a CRC string jString = this.jStringify(arrItem); crcIndex.set(arrItem[pKey], jString); crcLookup.set(jString, arrItem); } }; /** * Checks for a primary key on the document and assigns one if none * currently exists. * @param {Object} obj The object to check a primary key against. * @private */ Collection.prototype.ensurePrimaryKey = function (obj) { if (obj[this._primaryKey] === undefined) { // Assign a primary key automatically obj[this._primaryKey] = this.objectId(); } }; /** * Clears all data from the collection. * @returns {Collection} */ Collection.prototype.truncate = function () { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } this.emit('truncate', this._data); // Clear all the data from the collection this._data.length = 0; // Re-create the primary index data this._primaryIndex = new KeyValueStore('primary'); this._primaryCrc = new KeyValueStore('primaryCrc'); this._crcLookup = new KeyValueStore('crcLookup'); this._onChange(); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'truncate'}); return this; }; /** * Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. This will update * all matches for 'query' with the data held in 'update'. It will not overwrite * the matched documents with the update document. * * @param {Object} obj The document object to upsert or an array containing * documents to upsert. * * If the document contains a primary key field (based on the collections's primary * key) then the database will search for an existing document with a matching id. * If a matching document is found, the document will be updated. Any keys that * match keys on the existing document will be overwritten with new data. Any keys * that do not currently exist on the document will be added to the document. * * If the document does not contain an id or the id passed does not match an existing * document, an insert is performed instead. If no id is present a new primary key * id is provided for the item. * * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback method. * @returns {Object} An object containing two keys, "op" contains either "insert" or * "update" depending on the type of operation that was performed and "result" * contains the return data from the operation used. */ Collection.prototype.upsert = function (obj, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (obj) { var queue = this._deferQueue.upsert, deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold.upsert, returnData = {}, query, i; // Determine if the object passed is an array or not if (obj instanceof Array) { if (this._deferredCalls && obj.length > deferThreshold) { // Break up upsert into blocks this._deferQueue.upsert = queue.concat(obj); this._asyncPending('upsert'); // Fire off the insert queue handler this.processQueue('upsert', callback); return {}; } else { // Loop the array and upsert each item returnData = []; for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { returnData.push(this.upsert(obj[i])); } if (callback) { callback(); } return returnData; } } // Determine if the operation is an insert or an update if (obj[this._primaryKey]) { // Check if an object with this primary key already exists query = {}; query[this._primaryKey] = obj[this._primaryKey]; if (this._primaryIndex.lookup(query)[0]) { // The document already exists with this id, this operation is an update returnData.op = 'update'; } else { // No document with this id exists, this operation is an insert returnData.op = 'insert'; } } else { // The document passed does not contain an id, this operation is an insert returnData.op = 'insert'; } switch (returnData.op) { case 'insert': returnData.result = this.insert(obj); break; case 'update': returnData.result = this.update(query, obj); break; default: break; } return returnData; } else { if (callback) { callback(); } } return {}; }; /** * Executes a method against each document that matches query and returns an * array of documents that may have been modified by the method. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Function} func The method that each document is passed to. If this method * returns false for a particular document it is excluded from the results. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.filter = function (query, func, options) { return (this.find(query, options)).filter(func); }; /** * Executes a method against each document that matches query and then executes * an update based on the return data of the method. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Function} func The method that each document is passed to. If this method * returns false for a particular document it is excluded from the update. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object passed to the initial find call. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.filterUpdate = function (query, func, options) { var items = this.find(query, options), results = [], singleItem, singleQuery, singleUpdate, pk = this.primaryKey(), i; for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { singleItem = items[i]; singleUpdate = func(singleItem); if (singleUpdate) { singleQuery = {}; singleQuery[pk] = singleItem[pk]; results.push(this.update(singleQuery, singleUpdate)); } } return results; }; /** * Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection. This will update * all matches for 'query' with the data held in 'update'. It will not overwrite * the matched documents with the update document. * * @param {Object} query The query that must be matched for a document to be * operated on. * @param {Object} update The object containing updated key/values. Any keys that * match keys on the existing document will be overwritten with this data. Any * keys that do not currently exist on the document will be added to the document. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Array} The items that were updated. */ Collection.prototype.update = function (query, update, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } // Decouple the update data update = this.decouple(update); // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); this.convertToFdb(update); } // Handle transform update = this.transformIn(update); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Updating some data'); } var self = this, op = this._metrics.create('update'), dataSet, updated, updateCall = function (referencedDoc) { var oldDoc = self.decouple(referencedDoc), newDoc, triggerOperation, result; if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { newDoc = self.decouple(referencedDoc); triggerOperation = { type: 'update', query: self.decouple(query), update: self.decouple(update), options: self.decouple(options), op: op }; // Update newDoc with the update criteria so we know what the data will look // like AFTER the update is processed result = self.updateObject(newDoc, triggerOperation.update, triggerOperation.query, triggerOperation.options, ''); if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_BEFORE, referencedDoc, newDoc) !== false) { // No triggers complained so let's execute the replacement of the existing // object with the new one result = self.updateObject(referencedDoc, newDoc, triggerOperation.query, triggerOperation.options, ''); // NOTE: If for some reason we would only like to fire this event if changes are actually going // to occur on the object from the proposed update then we can add "result &&" to the if self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_UPDATE, self.PHASE_AFTER, oldDoc, newDoc); } else { // Trigger cancelled operation so tell result that it was not updated result = false; } } else { // No triggers complained so let's execute the replacement of the existing // object with the new one result = self.updateObject(referencedDoc, update, query, options, ''); } // Inform indexes of the change self._updateIndexes(oldDoc, referencedDoc); return result; }; op.start(); op.time('Retrieve documents to update'); dataSet = this.find(query, {$decouple: false}); op.time('Retrieve documents to update'); if (dataSet.length) { op.time('Update documents'); updated = dataSet.filter(updateCall); op.time('Update documents'); if (updated.length) { op.time('Resolve chains'); this.chainSend('update', { query: query, update: update, dataSet: updated }, options); op.time('Resolve chains'); this._onUpdate(updated); this._onChange(); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'update', data: updated}); } } op.stop(); // TODO: Should we decouple the updated array before return by default? return updated || []; }; /** * Replaces an existing object with data from the new object without * breaking data references. * @param {Object} currentObj The object to alter. * @param {Object} newObj The new object to overwrite the existing one with. * @returns {*} Chain. * @private */ Collection.prototype._replaceObj = function (currentObj, newObj) { var i; // Check if the new document has a different primary key value from the existing one // Remove item from indexes this._removeFromIndexes(currentObj); // Remove existing keys from current object for (i in currentObj) { if (currentObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { delete currentObj[i]; } } // Add new keys to current object for (i in newObj) { if (newObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { currentObj[i] = newObj[i]; } } // Update the item in the primary index if (!this._insertIntoIndexes(currentObj)) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Primary key violation in update! Key violated: ' + currentObj[this._primaryKey]); } // Update the object in the collection data //this._data.splice(this._data.indexOf(currentObj), 1, newObj); return this; }; /** * Helper method to update a document from it's id. * @param {String} id The id of the document. * @param {Object} update The object containing the key/values to update to. * @returns {Object} The document that was updated or undefined * if no document was updated. */ Collection.prototype.updateById = function (id, update) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.update(searchObj, update)[0]; }; /** * Internal method for document updating. * @param {Object} doc The document to update. * @param {Object} update The object with key/value pairs to update the document with. * @param {Object} query The query object that we need to match to perform an update. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @param {String} path The current recursive path. * @param {String} opType The type of update operation to perform, if none is specified * default is to set new data against matching fields. * @returns {Boolean} True if the document was updated with new / changed data or * false if it was not updated because the data was the same. * @private */ Collection.prototype.updateObject = function (doc, update, query, options, path, opType) { // TODO: This method is long, try to break it into smaller pieces update = this.decouple(update); // Clear leading dots from path path = path || ''; if (path.substr(0, 1) === '.') { path = path.substr(1, path.length -1); } //var oldDoc = this.decouple(doc), var updated = false, recurseUpdated = false, operation, tmpArray, tmpIndex, tmpCount, tempIndex, tempKey, replaceObj, pk, pathInstance, sourceIsArray, updateIsArray, i; // Loop each key in the update object for (i in update) { if (update.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Reset operation flag operation = false; // Check if the property starts with a dollar (function) if (i.substr(0, 1) === '$') { // Check for commands switch (i) { case '$key': case '$index': case '$data': case '$min': case '$max': // Ignore some operators operation = true; break; case '$each': operation = true; // Loop over the array of updates and run each one tmpCount = update.$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc, update.$each[tmpIndex], query, options, path); if (recurseUpdated) { updated = true; } } updated = updated || recurseUpdated; break; case '$replace': operation = true; replaceObj = update.$replace; pk = this.primaryKey(); // Loop the existing item properties and compare with // the replacement (never remove primary key) for (tempKey in doc) { if (doc.hasOwnProperty(tempKey) && tempKey !== pk) { if (replaceObj[tempKey] === undefined) { // The new document doesn't have this field, remove it from the doc this._updateUnset(doc, tempKey); updated = true; } } } // Loop the new item props and update the doc for (tempKey in replaceObj) { if (replaceObj.hasOwnProperty(tempKey) && tempKey !== pk) { this._updateOverwrite(doc, tempKey, replaceObj[tempKey]); updated = true; } } break; default: operation = true; // Now run the operation recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc, update[i], query, options, path, i); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; break; } } // Check if the key has a .$ at the end, denoting an array lookup if (this._isPositionalKey(i)) { operation = true; // Modify i to be the name of the field i = i.substr(0, i.length - 2); pathInstance = new Path(path + '.' + i); // Check if the key is an array and has items if (doc[i] && doc[i] instanceof Array && doc[i].length) { tmpArray = []; // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], pathInstance.value(query)[0], options, '', {})) { tmpArray.push(tmpIndex); } } // Loop the items that matched and update them for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpArray.length; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i][tmpArray[tmpIndex]], update[i + '.$'], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } } if (!operation) { if (!opType && typeof(update[i]) === 'object') { if (doc[i] !== null && typeof(doc[i]) === 'object') { // Check if we are dealing with arrays sourceIsArray = doc[i] instanceof Array; updateIsArray = update[i] instanceof Array; if (sourceIsArray || updateIsArray) { // Check if the update is an object and the doc is an array if (!updateIsArray && sourceIsArray) { // Update is an object, source is an array so match the array items // with our query object to find the one to update inside this array // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } else { // Either both source and update are arrays or the update is // an array and the source is not, so set source to update if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } } } else { // The doc key is an object so traverse the // update further recurseUpdated = this.updateObject(doc[i], update[i], query, options, path + '.' + i, opType); updated = updated || recurseUpdated; } } else { if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } } } else { switch (opType) { case '$inc': var doUpdate = true; // Check for a $min / $max operator if (update[i] > 0) { if (update.$max) { // Check current value if (doc[i] >= update.$max) { // Don't update doUpdate = false; } } } else if (update[i] < 0) { if (update.$min) { // Check current value if (doc[i] <= update.$min) { // Don't update doUpdate = false; } } } if (doUpdate) { this._updateIncrement(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } break; case '$cast': // Casts a property to the type specified if it is not already // that type. If the cast is an array or an object and the property // is not already that type a new array or object is created and // set to the property, overwriting the previous value switch (update[i]) { case 'array': if (!(doc[i] instanceof Array)) { // Cast to an array this._updateProperty(doc, i, update.$data || []); updated = true; } break; case 'object': if (!(doc[i] instanceof Object) || (doc[i] instanceof Array)) { // Cast to an object this._updateProperty(doc, i, update.$data || {}); updated = true; } break; case 'number': if (typeof doc[i] !== 'number') { // Cast to a number this._updateProperty(doc, i, Number(doc[i])); updated = true; } break; case 'string': if (typeof doc[i] !== 'string') { // Cast to a string this._updateProperty(doc, i, String(doc[i])); updated = true; } break; default: throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot update cast to unknown type: ' + update[i]); } break; case '$push': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Check for a $position modifier with an $each if (update[i].$position !== undefined && update[i].$each instanceof Array) { // Grab the position to insert at tempIndex = update[i].$position; // Loop the each array and push each item tmpCount = update[i].$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { this._updateSplicePush(doc[i], tempIndex + tmpIndex, update[i].$each[tmpIndex]); } } else if (update[i].$each instanceof Array) { // Do a loop over the each to push multiple items tmpCount = update[i].$each.length; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < tmpCount; tmpIndex++) { this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i].$each[tmpIndex]); } } else { // Do a standard push this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i]); } updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot push to a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$pull': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { tmpArray = []; // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], options, '', {})) { tmpArray.push(tmpIndex); } } tmpCount = tmpArray.length; // Now loop the pull array and remove items to be pulled while (tmpCount--) { this._updatePull(doc[i], tmpArray[tmpCount]); updated = true; } } break; case '$pullAll': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { if (update[i] instanceof Array) { tmpArray = doc[i]; tmpCount = tmpArray.length; if (tmpCount > 0) { // Now loop the pull array and remove items to be pulled while (tmpCount--) { for (tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < update[i].length; tempIndex++) { if (tmpArray[tmpCount] === update[i][tempIndex]) { this._updatePull(doc[i], tmpCount); tmpCount--; updated = true; } } if (tmpCount < 0) { break; } } } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot pullAll without being given an array of values to pull! (' + i + ')'); } } break; case '$addToSet': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Loop the target array and check for existence of item var targetArr = doc[i], targetArrIndex, targetArrCount = targetArr.length, objHash, addObj = true, optionObj = (options && options.$addToSet), hashMode, pathSolver; // Check if we have an options object for our operation if (update[i].$key) { hashMode = false; pathSolver = new Path(update[i].$key); objHash = pathSolver.value(update[i])[0]; // Remove the key from the object before we add it delete update[i].$key; } else if (optionObj && optionObj.key) { hashMode = false; pathSolver = new Path(optionObj.key); objHash = pathSolver.value(update[i])[0]; } else { objHash = this.jStringify(update[i]); hashMode = true; } for (targetArrIndex = 0; targetArrIndex < targetArrCount; targetArrIndex++) { if (hashMode) { // Check if objects match via a string hash (JSON) if (this.jStringify(targetArr[targetArrIndex]) === objHash) { // The object already exists, don't add it addObj = false; break; } } else { // Check if objects match based on the path if (objHash === pathSolver.value(targetArr[targetArrIndex])[0]) { // The object already exists, don't add it addObj = false; break; } } } if (addObj) { this._updatePush(doc[i], update[i]); updated = true; } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot addToSet on a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$splicePush': // Check if the target key is undefined and if so, create an array if (doc[i] === undefined) { // Initialise a new array this._updateProperty(doc, i, []); } // Check that the target key is an array if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { tempIndex = update.$index; if (tempIndex !== undefined) { delete update.$index; // Check for out of bounds index if (tempIndex > doc[i].length) { tempIndex = doc[i].length; } this._updateSplicePush(doc[i], tempIndex, update[i]); updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot splicePush without a $index integer value!'); } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot splicePush with a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$move': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { // Loop the array and find matches to our search for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < doc[i].length; tmpIndex++) { if (this._match(doc[i][tmpIndex], update[i], options, '', {})) { var moveToIndex = update.$index; if (moveToIndex !== undefined) { delete update.$index; this._updateSpliceMove(doc[i], tmpIndex, moveToIndex); updated = true; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot move without a $index integer value!'); } break; } } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot move on a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$mul': this._updateMultiply(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$rename': this._updateRename(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$overwrite': this._updateOverwrite(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; break; case '$unset': this._updateUnset(doc, i); updated = true; break; case '$clear': this._updateClear(doc, i); updated = true; break; case '$pop': if (doc[i] instanceof Array) { if (this._updatePop(doc[i], update[i])) { updated = true; } } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot pop from a key that is not an array! (' + i + ')'); } break; case '$toggle': // Toggle the boolean property between true and false this._updateProperty(doc, i, !doc[i]); updated = true; break; default: if (doc[i] !== update[i]) { this._updateProperty(doc, i, update[i]); updated = true; } break; } } } } } return updated; }; /** * Determines if the passed key has an array positional mark (a dollar at the end * of its name). * @param {String} key The key to check. * @returns {Boolean} True if it is a positional or false if not. * @private */ Collection.prototype._isPositionalKey = function (key) { return key.substr(key.length - 2, 2) === '.$'; }; /** * Removes any documents from the collection that match the search query * key/values. * @param {Object} query The query object. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @param {Function=} callback A callback method. * @returns {Array} An array of the documents that were removed. */ Collection.prototype.remove = function (query, options, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } var self = this, dataSet, index, arrIndex, returnArr, removeMethod, triggerOperation, doc, newDoc; if (typeof(options) === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); } if (query instanceof Array) { returnArr = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < query.length; arrIndex++) { returnArr.push(this.remove(query[arrIndex], {noEmit: true})); } if (!options || (options && !options.noEmit)) { this._onRemove(returnArr); } if (callback) { callback(false, returnArr); } return returnArr; } else { returnArr = []; dataSet = this.find(query, {$decouple: false}); if (dataSet.length) { removeMethod = function (dataItem) { // Remove the item from the collection's indexes self._removeFromIndexes(dataItem); // Remove data from internal stores index = self._data.indexOf(dataItem); self._dataRemoveAtIndex(index); returnArr.push(dataItem); }; // Remove the data from the collection for (var i = 0; i < dataSet.length; i++) { doc = dataSet[i]; if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { triggerOperation = { type: 'remove' }; newDoc = self.decouple(doc); if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_BEFORE, newDoc, newDoc) !== false) { // The trigger didn't ask to cancel so execute the removal method removeMethod(doc); self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_REMOVE, self.PHASE_AFTER, newDoc, newDoc); } } else { // No triggers to execute removeMethod(doc); } } if (returnArr.length) { //op.time('Resolve chains'); self.chainSend('remove', { query: query, dataSet: returnArr }, options); //op.time('Resolve chains'); if (!options || (options && !options.noEmit)) { this._onRemove(returnArr); } this._onChange(); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'remove', data: returnArr}); } } if (callback) { callback(false, returnArr); } return returnArr; } }; /** * Helper method that removes a document that matches the given id. * @param {String} id The id of the document to remove. * @returns {Object} The document that was removed or undefined if * nothing was removed. */ Collection.prototype.removeById = function (id) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.remove(searchObj)[0]; }; /** * Processes a deferred action queue. * @param {String} type The queue name to process. * @param {Function} callback A method to call when the queue has processed. * @param {Object=} resultObj A temp object to hold results in. */ Collection.prototype.processQueue = function (type, callback, resultObj) { var self = this, queue = this._deferQueue[type], deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold[type], deferTime = this._deferTime[type], dataArr, result; resultObj = resultObj || { deferred: true }; if (queue.length) { // Process items up to the threshold if (queue.length > deferThreshold) { // Grab items up to the threshold value dataArr = queue.splice(0, deferThreshold); } else { // Grab all the remaining items dataArr = queue.splice(0, queue.length); } result = self[type](dataArr); switch (type) { case 'insert': resultObj.inserted = resultObj.inserted || []; resultObj.failed = resultObj.failed || []; resultObj.inserted = resultObj.inserted.concat(result.inserted); resultObj.failed = resultObj.failed.concat(result.failed); break; } // Queue another process setTimeout(function () {, type, callback, resultObj); }, deferTime); } else { if (callback) { callback(resultObj); } this._asyncComplete(type); } // Check if all queues are complete if (!this.isProcessingQueue()) { this.deferEmit('queuesComplete'); } }; /** * Checks if any CRUD operations have been deferred and are still waiting to * be processed. * @returns {Boolean} True if there are still deferred CRUD operations to process * or false if all queues are clear. */ Collection.prototype.isProcessingQueue = function () { var i; for (i in this._deferQueue) { if (this._deferQueue.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (this._deferQueue[i].length) { return true; } } } return false; }; /** * Inserts a document or array of documents into the collection. * @param {Object|Array} data Either a document object or array of document * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the record at. * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback called once action is complete. * objects to insert into the collection. */ Collection.prototype.insert = function (data, index, callback) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } if (typeof(index) === 'function') { callback = index; index = this._data.length; } else if (index === undefined) { index = this._data.length; } data = this.transformIn(data); return this._insertHandle(data, index, callback); }; /** * Inserts a document or array of documents into the collection. * @param {Object|Array} data Either a document object or array of document * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the record at. * @param {Function=} callback Optional callback called once action is complete. * objects to insert into the collection. */ Collection.prototype._insertHandle = function (data, index, callback) { var //self = this, queue = this._deferQueue.insert, deferThreshold = this._deferThreshold.insert, //deferTime = this._deferTime.insert, inserted = [], failed = [], insertResult, resultObj, i; if (data instanceof Array) { // Check if there are more insert items than the insert defer // threshold, if so, break up inserts so we don't tie up the // ui or thread if (this._deferredCalls && data.length > deferThreshold) { // Break up insert into blocks this._deferQueue.insert = queue.concat(data); this._asyncPending('insert'); // Fire off the insert queue handler this.processQueue('insert', callback); return; } else { // Loop the array and add items for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { insertResult = this._insert(data[i], index + i); if (insertResult === true) { inserted.push(data[i]); } else { failed.push({ doc: data[i], reason: insertResult }); } } } } else { // Store the data item insertResult = this._insert(data, index); if (insertResult === true) { inserted.push(data); } else { failed.push({ doc: data, reason: insertResult }); } } resultObj = { deferred: false, inserted: inserted, failed: failed }; this._onInsert(inserted, failed); if (callback) { callback(resultObj); } this._onChange(); this.deferEmit('change', {type: 'insert', data: inserted}); return resultObj; }; /** * Internal method to insert a document into the collection. Will * check for index violations before allowing the document to be inserted. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert after passing index violation * tests. * @param {Number=} index Optional index to insert the document at. * @returns {Boolean|Object} True on success, false if no document passed, * or an object containing details about an index violation if one occurred. * @private */ Collection.prototype._insert = function (doc, index) { if (doc) { var self = this, indexViolation, triggerOperation, insertMethod, newDoc, capped = this.capped(), cappedSize = this.cappedSize(); this.ensurePrimaryKey(doc); // Check indexes are not going to be broken by the document indexViolation = this.insertIndexViolation(doc); insertMethod = function (doc) { // Add the item to the collection's indexes self._insertIntoIndexes(doc); // Check index overflow if (index > self._data.length) { index = self._data.length; } // Insert the document self._dataInsertAtIndex(index, doc); // Check capped collection status and remove first record // if we are over the threshold if (capped && self._data.length > cappedSize) { // Remove the first item in the data array self.removeById(self._data[0][self._primaryKey]); } //op.time('Resolve chains'); self.chainSend('insert', doc, {index: index}); //op.time('Resolve chains'); }; if (!indexViolation) { if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_BEFORE) || self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { triggerOperation = { type: 'insert' }; if (self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_BEFORE, {}, doc) !== false) { insertMethod(doc); if (self.willTrigger(self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER)) { // Clone the doc so that the programmer cannot update the internal document // on the "after" phase trigger newDoc = self.decouple(doc); self.processTrigger(triggerOperation, self.TYPE_INSERT, self.PHASE_AFTER, {}, newDoc); } } else { // The trigger just wants to cancel the operation return 'Trigger cancelled operation'; } } else { // No triggers to execute insertMethod(doc); } return true; } else { return 'Index violation in index: ' + indexViolation; } } return 'No document passed to insert'; }; /** * Inserts a document into the internal collection data array at * Inserts a document into the internal collection data array at * the specified index. * @param {number} index The index to insert at. * @param {object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataInsertAtIndex = function (index, doc) { this._data.splice(index, 0, doc); }; /** * Removes a document from the internal collection data array at * the specified index. * @param {number} index The index to remove from. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataRemoveAtIndex = function (index) { this._data.splice(index, 1); }; /** * Replaces all data in the collection's internal data array with * the passed array of data. * @param {array} data The array of data to replace existing data with. * @private */ Collection.prototype._dataReplace = function (data) { // Clear the array - using a while loop with pop is by far the // fastest way to clear an array currently while (this._data.length) { this._data.pop(); } // Append new items to the array this._data = this._data.concat(data); }; /** * Inserts a document into the collection indexes. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ Collection.prototype._insertIntoIndexes = function (doc) { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, violated, jString = this.jStringify(doc); // Insert to primary key index violated = this._primaryIndex.uniqueSet(doc[this._primaryKey], doc); this._primaryCrc.uniqueSet(doc[this._primaryKey], jString); this._crcLookup.uniqueSet(jString, doc); // Insert into other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].insert(doc); } } return violated; }; /** * Removes a document from the collection indexes. * @param {Object} doc The document to remove. * @private */ Collection.prototype._removeFromIndexes = function (doc) { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, jString = this.jStringify(doc); // Remove from primary key index this._primaryIndex.unSet(doc[this._primaryKey]); this._primaryCrc.unSet(doc[this._primaryKey]); this._crcLookup.unSet(jString); // Remove from other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].remove(doc); } } }; /** * Updates collection index data for the passed document. * @param {Object} oldDoc The old document as it was before the update. * @param {Object} newDoc The document as it now is after the update. * @private */ Collection.prototype._updateIndexes = function (oldDoc, newDoc) { this._removeFromIndexes(oldDoc); this._insertIntoIndexes(newDoc); }; /** * Rebuild collection indexes. * @private */ Collection.prototype._rebuildIndexes = function () { var arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex; // Remove from other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arr[arrIndex].rebuild(); } } }; /** * Uses the passed query to generate a new collection with results * matching the query parameters. * * @param {Object} query The query object to generate the subset with. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.subset = function (query, options) { var result = this.find(query, options); return new Collection() .subsetOf(this) .primaryKey(this._primaryKey) .setData(result); }; /** * Gets / sets the collection that this collection is a subset of. * @param {Collection=} collection The collection to set as the parent of this subset. * @returns {Collection} */ Shared.synthesize(Collection.prototype, 'subsetOf'); /** * Checks if the collection is a subset of the passed collection. * @param {Collection} collection The collection to test against. * @returns {Boolean} True if the passed collection is the parent of * the current collection. */ Collection.prototype.isSubsetOf = function (collection) { return this._subsetOf === collection; }; /** * Find the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection and * returns the results in an array. * @param {String} key The field path to return distinct values for e.g. "". * @param {Object=} query The query to use to filter the documents used to return values from. * @param {Object=} options The query options to use when running the query. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.distinct = function (key, query, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } var data = this.find(query, options), pathSolver = new Path(key), valueUsed = {}, distinctValues = [], value, i; // Loop the data and build array of distinct values for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { value = pathSolver.value(data[i])[0]; if (value && !valueUsed[value]) { valueUsed[value] = true; distinctValues.push(value); } } return distinctValues; }; /** * Helper method to find a document by it's id. * @param {String} id The id of the document. * @param {Object=} options The options object, allowed keys are sort and limit. * @returns {Array} The items that were updated. */ Collection.prototype.findById = function (id, options) { var searchObj = {}; searchObj[this._primaryKey] = id; return this.find(searchObj, options)[0]; }; /** * Finds all documents that contain the passed string or search object * regardless of where the string might occur within the document. This * will match strings from the start, middle or end of the document's * string (partial match). * @param search The string to search for. Case sensitive. * @param options A standard find() options object. * @returns {Array} An array of documents that matched the search string. */ Collection.prototype.peek = function (search, options) { // Loop all items var arr = this._data, arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, arrItem, tempColl = new Collection(), typeOfSearch = typeof search; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { // Get json representation of object arrItem = this.jStringify(arr[arrIndex]); // Check if string exists in object json if (arrItem.indexOf(search) > -1) { // Add this item to the temp collection tempColl.insert(arr[arrIndex]); } } return tempColl.find({}, options); } else { return this.find(search, options); } }; /** * Provides a query plan / operations log for a query. * @param {Object} query The query to execute. * @param {Object=} options Optional options object. * @returns {Object} The query plan. */ Collection.prototype.explain = function (query, options) { var result = this.find(query, options); return result.__fdbOp._data; }; /** * Generates an options object with default values or adds default * values to a passed object if those values are not currently set * to anything. * @param {object=} obj Optional options object to modify. * @returns {object} The options object. */ Collection.prototype.options = function (obj) { obj = obj || {}; obj.$decouple = obj.$decouple !== undefined ? obj.$decouple : true; obj.$explain = obj.$explain !== undefined ? obj.$explain : false; return obj; }; /** * Queries the collection based on the query object passed. * @param {Object} query The query key/values that a document must match in * order for it to be returned in the result array. * @param {Object=} options An optional options object. * @param {Function=} callback !! DO NOT USE, THIS IS NON-OPERATIONAL !! * Optional callback. If specified the find process * will not return a value and will assume that you wish to operate under an * async mode. This will break up large find requests into smaller chunks and * process them in a non-blocking fashion allowing large datasets to be queried * without causing the browser UI to pause. Results from this type of operation * will be passed back to the callback once completed. * * @returns {Array} The results array from the find operation, containing all * documents that matched the query. */ Collection.prototype.find = function (query, options, callback) { // Convert queries from mongo dot notation to forerunner queries if (this.mongoEmulation()) { this.convertToFdb(query); } if (callback) { // Check the size of the collection's data array // Split operation into smaller tasks and callback when complete callback('Callbacks for the find() operation are not yet implemented!', []); return []; } return, query, options, callback); }; Collection.prototype._find = function (query, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } // TODO: This method is quite long, break into smaller pieces query = query || {}; var op = this._metrics.create('find'), pk = this.primaryKey(), self = this, analysis, scanLength, requiresTableScan = true, resultArr, joinCollectionIndex, joinIndex, joinCollection = {}, joinQuery, joinPath, joinCollectionName, joinCollectionInstance, joinMatch, joinMatchIndex, joinSearchQuery, joinSearchOptions, joinMulti, joinRequire, joinFindResults, joinFindResult, joinItem, joinPrefix, resultCollectionName, resultIndex, resultRemove = [], index, i, j, k, l, fieldListOn = [], fieldListOff = [], elemMatchPathSolver, elemMatchSubArr, elemMatchSpliceArr, matcherTmpOptions = {}, result, cursor = {}, pathSolver, waterfallCollection, matcher; if (!(options instanceof Array)) { options = this.options(options); } matcher = function (doc) { return self._match(doc, query, options, 'and', matcherTmpOptions); }; op.start(); if (query) { // Check if the query is an array (multi-operation waterfall query) if (query instanceof Array) { waterfallCollection = this; // Loop the query operations for (i = 0; i < query.length; i++) { // Execute each operation and pass the result into the next // query operation waterfallCollection = waterfallCollection.subset(query[i], options && options[i] ? options[i] : {}); } return waterfallCollection.find(); } // Pre-process any data-changing query operators first if (query.$findSub) { // Check we have all the parts we need if (!query.$findSub.$path) { throw('$findSub missing $path property!'); } return this.findSub( query.$findSub.$query, query.$findSub.$path, query.$findSub.$subQuery, query.$findSub.$subOptions ); } if (query.$findSubOne) { // Check we have all the parts we need if (!query.$findSubOne.$path) { throw('$findSubOne missing $path property!'); } return this.findSubOne( query.$findSubOne.$query, query.$findSubOne.$path, query.$findSubOne.$subQuery, query.$findSubOne.$subOptions ); } // Get query analysis to execute best optimised code path op.time('analyseQuery'); analysis = this._analyseQuery(self.decouple(query), options, op); op.time('analyseQuery');'analysis', analysis); if (analysis.hasJoin && analysis.queriesJoin) { // The query has a join and tries to limit by it's joined data // Get an instance reference to the join collections op.time('joinReferences'); for (joinIndex = 0; joinIndex < analysis.joinsOn.length; joinIndex++) { joinCollectionName = analysis.joinsOn[joinIndex]; joinPath = new Path(analysis.joinQueries[joinCollectionName]); joinQuery = joinPath.value(query)[0]; joinCollection[analysis.joinsOn[joinIndex]] = this._db.collection(analysis.joinsOn[joinIndex]).subset(joinQuery); // Remove join clause from main query delete query[analysis.joinQueries[joinCollectionName]]; } op.time('joinReferences'); } // Check if an index lookup can be used to return this result if (analysis.indexMatch.length && (!options || (options && !options.$skipIndex))) {'index.potential', analysis.indexMatch);'index.used', analysis.indexMatch[0].index); // Get the data from the index op.time('indexLookup'); resultArr = analysis.indexMatch[0].lookup || []; op.time('indexLookup'); // Check if the index coverage is all keys, if not we still need to table scan it if (analysis.indexMatch[0].keyData.totalKeyCount === analysis.indexMatch[0].keyData.score) { // Don't require a table scan to find relevant documents requiresTableScan = false; } } else { op.flag('usedIndex', false); } if (requiresTableScan) { if (resultArr && resultArr.length) { scanLength = resultArr.length; op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); // Filter the source data and return the result resultArr = resultArr.filter(matcher); } else { // Filter the source data and return the result scanLength = this._data.length; op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); resultArr = this._data.filter(matcher); } op.time('tableScan: ' + scanLength); } // Order the array if we were passed a sort clause if (options.$orderBy) { op.time('sort'); resultArr = this.sort(options.$orderBy, resultArr); op.time('sort'); } if (options.$page !== undefined && options.$limit !== undefined) { // Record paging data = options.$page; cursor.pages = Math.ceil(resultArr.length / options.$limit); cursor.records = resultArr.length; // Check if we actually need to apply the paging logic if (options.$page && options.$limit > 0) {'cursor', cursor); // Skip to the page specified based on limit resultArr.splice(0, options.$page * options.$limit); } } if (options.$skip) { cursor.skip = options.$skip; // Skip past the number of records specified resultArr.splice(0, options.$skip);'skip', options.$skip); } if (options.$limit && resultArr && resultArr.length > options.$limit) { cursor.limit = options.$limit; resultArr.length = options.$limit;'limit', options.$limit); } if (options.$decouple) { // Now decouple the data from the original objects op.time('decouple'); resultArr = this.decouple(resultArr); op.time('decouple');'flag.decouple', true); } // Now process any joins on the final data if (options.$join) { for (joinCollectionIndex = 0; joinCollectionIndex < options.$join.length; joinCollectionIndex++) { for (joinCollectionName in options.$join[joinCollectionIndex]) { if (options.$join[joinCollectionIndex].hasOwnProperty(joinCollectionName)) { // Set the key to store the join result in to the collection name by default resultCollectionName = joinCollectionName; // Get the join collection instance from the DB if (joinCollection[joinCollectionName]) { joinCollectionInstance = joinCollection[joinCollectionName]; } else { joinCollectionInstance = this._db.collection(joinCollectionName); } // Get the match data for the join joinMatch = options.$join[joinCollectionIndex][joinCollectionName]; // Loop our result data array for (resultIndex = 0; resultIndex < resultArr.length; resultIndex++) { // Loop the join conditions and build a search object from them joinSearchQuery = {}; joinMulti = false; joinRequire = false; joinPrefix = ''; for (joinMatchIndex in joinMatch) { if (joinMatch.hasOwnProperty(joinMatchIndex)) { // Check the join condition name for a special command operator if (joinMatchIndex.substr(0, 1) === '$') { // Special command switch (joinMatchIndex) { case '$where': if (joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].query) { // Commented old code here, new one does dynamic reverse lookups //joinSearchQuery = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].query; joinSearchQuery = self._resolveDynamicQuery(joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].query, resultArr[resultIndex]); } if (joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].options) { joinSearchOptions = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex].options; } break; case '$as': // Rename the collection when stored in the result document resultCollectionName = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; break; case '$multi': // Return an array of documents instead of a single matching document joinMulti = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; break; case '$require': // Remove the result item if no matching join data is found joinRequire = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; break; case '$prefix': // Add a prefix to properties mixed in joinPrefix = joinMatch[joinMatchIndex]; break; default: break; } } else { // Get the data to match against and store in the search object // Resolve complex referenced query joinSearchQuery[joinMatchIndex] = self._resolveDynamicQuery(joinMatch[joinMatchIndex], resultArr[resultIndex]); } } } // Do a find on the target collection against the match data joinFindResults = joinCollectionInstance.find(joinSearchQuery, joinSearchOptions); // Check if we require a joined row to allow the result item if (!joinRequire || (joinRequire && joinFindResults[0])) { // Join is not required or condition is met if (resultCollectionName === '$root') { // The property name to store the join results in is $root // which means we need to mixin the results but this only // works if joinMulti is disabled if (joinMulti !== false) { // Throw an exception here as this join is not physically possible! throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot combine [$as: "$root"] with [$multi: true] in $join clause!'); } // Mixin the result joinFindResult = joinFindResults[0]; joinItem = resultArr[resultIndex]; for (l in joinFindResult) { if (joinFindResult.hasOwnProperty(l) && joinItem[joinPrefix + l] === undefined) { // Properties are only mixed in if they do not already exist // in the target item (are undefined). Using a prefix denoted via // $prefix is a good way to prevent property name conflicts joinItem[joinPrefix + l] = joinFindResult[l]; } } } else { resultArr[resultIndex][resultCollectionName] = joinMulti === false ? joinFindResults[0] : joinFindResults; } } else { // Join required but condition not met, add item to removal queue resultRemove.push(resultArr[resultIndex]); } } } } }'flag.join', true); } // Process removal queue if (resultRemove.length) { op.time('removalQueue'); for (i = 0; i < resultRemove.length; i++) { index = resultArr.indexOf(resultRemove[i]); if (index > -1) { resultArr.splice(index, 1); } } op.time('removalQueue'); } if (options.$transform) { op.time('transform'); for (i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { resultArr.splice(i, 1, options.$transform(resultArr[i])); } op.time('transform');'flag.transform', true); } // Process transforms if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformOut) { op.time('transformOut'); resultArr = this.transformOut(resultArr); op.time('transformOut'); }'results', resultArr.length); } else { resultArr = []; } // Check for an $as operator in the options object and if it exists // iterate over the fields and generate a rename function that will // operate over the entire returned data array and rename each object's // fields to their new names // TODO: Enable $as in collection find to allow renaming fields /*if (options.$as) { renameFieldPath = new Path(); renameFieldMethod = function (obj, oldFieldPath, newFieldName) { renameFieldPath.path(oldFieldPath); renameFieldPath.rename(newFieldName); }; for (i in options.$as) { if (options.$as.hasOwnProperty(i)) { } } }*/ if (!options.$aggregate) { // Generate a list of fields to limit data by // Each property starts off being enabled by default (= 1) then // if any property is explicitly specified as 1 then all switch to // zero except _id. // // Any that are explicitly set to zero are switched off. op.time('scanFields'); for (i in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(i) && i.indexOf('$') !== 0) { if (options[i] === 1) { fieldListOn.push(i); } else if (options[i] === 0) { fieldListOff.push(i); } } } op.time('scanFields'); // Limit returned fields by the options data if (fieldListOn.length || fieldListOff.length) {'flag.limitFields', true);'limitFields.on', fieldListOn);'', fieldListOff); op.time('limitFields'); // We have explicit fields switched on or off for (i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = resultArr[i]; for (j in result) { if (result.hasOwnProperty(j)) { if (fieldListOn.length) { // We have explicit fields switched on so remove all fields // that are not explicitly switched on // Check if the field name is not the primary key if (j !== pk) { if (fieldListOn.indexOf(j) === -1) { // This field is not in the on list, remove it delete result[j]; } } } if (fieldListOff.length) { // We have explicit fields switched off so remove fields // that are explicitly switched off if (fieldListOff.indexOf(j) > -1) { // This field is in the off list, remove it delete result[j]; } } } } } op.time('limitFields'); } // Now run any projections on the data required if (options.$elemMatch) {'flag.elemMatch', true); op.time('projection-elemMatch'); for (i in options.$elemMatch) { if (options.$elemMatch.hasOwnProperty(i)) { elemMatchPathSolver = new Path(i); // Loop the results array for (j = 0; j < resultArr.length; j++) { elemMatchSubArr = elemMatchPathSolver.value(resultArr[j])[0]; // Check we have a sub-array to loop if (elemMatchSubArr && elemMatchSubArr.length) { // Loop the sub-array and check for projection query matches for (k = 0; k < elemMatchSubArr.length; k++) { // Check if the current item in the sub-array matches the projection query if (self._match(elemMatchSubArr[k], options.$elemMatch[i], options, '', {})) { // The item matches the projection query so set the sub-array // to an array that ONLY contains the matching item and then // exit the loop since we only want to match the first item elemMatchPathSolver.set(resultArr[j], i, [elemMatchSubArr[k]]); break; } } } } } } op.time('projection-elemMatch'); } if (options.$elemsMatch) {'flag.elemsMatch', true); op.time('projection-elemsMatch'); for (i in options.$elemsMatch) { if (options.$elemsMatch.hasOwnProperty(i)) { elemMatchPathSolver = new Path(i); // Loop the results array for (j = 0; j < resultArr.length; j++) { elemMatchSubArr = elemMatchPathSolver.value(resultArr[j])[0]; // Check we have a sub-array to loop if (elemMatchSubArr && elemMatchSubArr.length) { elemMatchSpliceArr = []; // Loop the sub-array and check for projection query matches for (k = 0; k < elemMatchSubArr.length; k++) { // Check if the current item in the sub-array matches the projection query if (self._match(elemMatchSubArr[k], options.$elemsMatch[i], options, '', {})) { // The item matches the projection query so add it to the final array elemMatchSpliceArr.push(elemMatchSubArr[k]); } } // Now set the final sub-array to the matched items elemMatchPathSolver.set(resultArr[j], i, elemMatchSpliceArr); } } } } op.time('projection-elemsMatch'); } } // Process aggregation if (options.$aggregate) {'flag.aggregate', true); op.time('aggregate'); pathSolver = new Path(options.$aggregate); resultArr = pathSolver.value(resultArr); op.time('aggregate'); } op.stop(); resultArr.__fdbOp = op; resultArr.$cursor = cursor; return resultArr; }; Collection.prototype._resolveDynamicQuery = function (query, item) { var self = this, newQuery, propType, propVal, pathResult, i; if (typeof query === 'string') { // Check if the property name starts with a back-reference if (query.substr(0, 3) === '$$.') { // Fill the query with a back-referenced value pathResult = new Path(query.substr(3, query.length - 3)).value(item); } else { pathResult = new Path(query).value(item); } if (pathResult.length > 1) { return {$in: pathResult}; } else { return pathResult[0]; } } newQuery = {}; for (i in query) { if (query.hasOwnProperty(i)) { propType = typeof query[i]; propVal = query[i]; switch (propType) { case 'string': // Check if the property name starts with a back-reference if (propVal.substr(0, 3) === '$$.') { // Fill the query with a back-referenced value newQuery[i] = new Path(propVal.substr(3, propVal.length - 3)).value(item)[0]; } else { newQuery[i] = propVal; } break; case 'object': newQuery[i] = self._resolveDynamicQuery(propVal, item); break; default: newQuery[i] = propVal; break; } } } return newQuery; }; /** * Returns one document that satisfies the specified query criteria. If multiple * documents satisfy the query, this method returns the first document to match * the query. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.findOne = function () { return (this.find.apply(this, arguments))[0]; }; /** * Gets the index in the collection data array of the first item matched by * the passed query object. * @param {Object} query The query to run to find the item to return the index of. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Number} */ Collection.prototype.indexOf = function (query, options) { var item = this.find(query, {$decouple: false})[0], sortedData; if (item) { if (!options || options && !options.$orderBy) { // Basic lookup from order of insert return this._data.indexOf(item); } else { // Trying to locate index based on query with sort order options.$decouple = false; sortedData = this.find(query, options); return sortedData.indexOf(item); } } return -1; }; /** * Returns the index of the document identified by the passed item's primary key. * @param {*} itemLookup The document whose primary key should be used to lookup * or the id to lookup. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {Number} The index the item with the matching primary key is occupying. */ Collection.prototype.indexOfDocById = function (itemLookup, options) { var item, sortedData; if (typeof itemLookup !== 'object') { item = this._primaryIndex.get(itemLookup); } else { item = this._primaryIndex.get(itemLookup[this._primaryKey]); } if (item) { if (!options || options && !options.$orderBy) { // Basic lookup return this._data.indexOf(item); } else { // Sorted lookup options.$decouple = false; sortedData = this.find({}, options); return sortedData.indexOf(item); } } return -1; }; /** * Removes a document from the collection by it's index in the collection's * data array. * @param {Number} index The index of the document to remove. * @returns {Object} The document that has been removed or false if none was * removed. */ Collection.prototype.removeByIndex = function (index) { var doc, docId; doc = this._data[index]; if (doc !== undefined) { doc = this.decouple(doc); docId = doc[this.primaryKey()]; return this.removeById(docId); } return false; }; /** * Gets / sets the collection transform options. * @param {Object} obj A collection transform options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transform = function (obj) { if (obj !== undefined) { if (typeof obj === "object") { if (obj.enabled !== undefined) { this._transformEnabled = obj.enabled; } if (obj.dataIn !== undefined) { this._transformIn = obj.dataIn; } if (obj.dataOut !== undefined) { this._transformOut = obj.dataOut; } } else { this._transformEnabled = obj !== false; } return this; } return { enabled: this._transformEnabled, dataIn: this._transformIn, dataOut: this._transformOut }; }; /** * Transforms data using the set transformIn method. * @param {Object} data The data to transform. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transformIn = function (data) { if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformIn) { if (data instanceof Array) { var finalArr = [], i; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { finalArr[i] = this._transformIn(data[i]); } return finalArr; } else { return this._transformIn(data); } } return data; }; /** * Transforms data using the set transformOut method. * @param {Object} data The data to transform. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.transformOut = function (data) { if (this._transformEnabled && this._transformOut) { if (data instanceof Array) { var finalArr = [], i; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { finalArr[i] = this._transformOut(data[i]); } return finalArr; } else { return this._transformOut(data); } } return data; }; /** * Sorts an array of documents by the given sort path. * @param {*} sortObj The keys and orders the array objects should be sorted by. * @param {Array} arr The array of documents to sort. * @returns {Array} */ Collection.prototype.sort = function (sortObj, arr) { // Convert the index object to an array of key val objects var self = this, keys = sharedPathSolver.parse(sortObj, true); if (keys.length) { // Execute sort arr.sort(function (a, b) { // Loop the index array var i, indexData, result = 0; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { indexData = keys[i]; if (indexData.value === 1) { result = self.sortAsc(sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path)); } else if (indexData.value === -1) { result = self.sortDesc(sharedPathSolver.get(a, indexData.path), sharedPathSolver.get(b, indexData.path)); } if (result !== 0) { return result; } } return result; }); } return arr; }; // Commented as we have a new method that was originally implemented for binary trees. // This old method actually has problems with nested sort objects /*Collection.prototype.sortold = function (sortObj, arr) { // Make sure we have an array object arr = arr || []; var sortArr = [], sortKey, sortSingleObj; for (sortKey in sortObj) { if (sortObj.hasOwnProperty(sortKey)) { sortSingleObj = {}; sortSingleObj[sortKey] = sortObj[sortKey]; sortSingleObj.___fdbKey = String(sortKey); sortArr.push(sortSingleObj); } } if (sortArr.length < 2) { // There is only one sort criteria, do a simple sort and return it return this._sort(sortObj, arr); } else { return this._bucketSort(sortArr, arr); } };*/ /** * Takes array of sort paths and sorts them into buckets before returning final * array fully sorted by multi-keys. * @param keyArr * @param arr * @returns {*} * @private */ /*Collection.prototype._bucketSort = function (keyArr, arr) { var keyObj = keyArr.shift(), arrCopy, bucketData, bucketOrder, bucketKey, buckets, i, finalArr = []; if (keyArr.length > 0) { // Sort array by bucket key arr = this._sort(keyObj, arr); // Split items into buckets bucketData = this.bucket(keyObj.___fdbKey, arr); bucketOrder = bucketData.order; buckets = bucketData.buckets; // Loop buckets and sort contents for (i = 0; i < bucketOrder.length; i++) { bucketKey = bucketOrder[i]; arrCopy = [].concat(keyArr); finalArr = finalArr.concat(this._bucketSort(arrCopy, buckets[bucketKey])); } return finalArr; } else { return this._sort(keyObj, arr); } };*/ /** * Takes an array of objects and returns a new object with the array items * split into buckets by the passed key. * @param {String} key The key to split the array into buckets by. * @param {Array} arr An array of objects. * @returns {Object} */ /*Collection.prototype.bucket = function (key, arr) { var i, oldField, field, fieldArr = [], buckets = {}; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { field = String(arr[i][key]); if (oldField !== field) { fieldArr.push(field); oldField = field; } buckets[field] = buckets[field] || []; buckets[field].push(arr[i]); } return { buckets: buckets, order: fieldArr }; };*/ /** * Sorts array by individual sort path. * @param key * @param arr * @returns {Array|*} * @private */ Collection.prototype._sort = function (key, arr) { var self = this, sorterMethod, pathSolver = new Path(), dataPath = pathSolver.parse(key, true)[0]; pathSolver.path(dataPath.path); if (dataPath.value === 1) { // Sort ascending sorterMethod = function (a, b) { var valA = pathSolver.value(a)[0], valB = pathSolver.value(b)[0]; return self.sortAsc(valA, valB); }; } else if (dataPath.value === -1) { // Sort descending sorterMethod = function (a, b) { var valA = pathSolver.value(a)[0], valB = pathSolver.value(b)[0]; return self.sortDesc(valA, valB); }; } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' $orderBy clause has invalid direction: ' + dataPath.value + ', accepted values are 1 or -1 for ascending or descending!'); } return arr.sort(sorterMethod); }; /** * Internal method that takes a search query and options and returns an object * containing details about the query which can be used to optimise the search. * * @param query * @param options * @param op * @returns {Object} * @private */ Collection.prototype._analyseQuery = function (query, options, op) { var analysis = { queriesOn: [this._name], indexMatch: [], hasJoin: false, queriesJoin: false, joinQueries: {}, query: query, options: options }, joinCollectionIndex, joinCollectionName, joinCollections = [], joinCollectionReferences = [], queryPath, index, indexMatchData, indexRef, indexRefName, indexLookup, pathSolver, queryKeyCount, pkQueryType, lookupResult, i; // Check if the query is a primary key lookup op.time('checkIndexes'); pathSolver = new Path(); queryKeyCount = pathSolver.parseArr(query, { ignore:/\$/, verbose: true }).length; if (queryKeyCount) { if (query[this._primaryKey] !== undefined) { // Check suitability of querying key value index pkQueryType = typeof query[this._primaryKey]; if (pkQueryType === 'string' || pkQueryType === 'number' || query[this._primaryKey] instanceof Array) { // Return item via primary key possible op.time('checkIndexMatch: Primary Key'); lookupResult = this._primaryIndex.lookup(query, options); analysis.indexMatch.push({ lookup: lookupResult, keyData: { matchedKeys: [this._primaryKey], totalKeyCount: queryKeyCount, score: 1 }, index: this._primaryIndex }); op.time('checkIndexMatch: Primary Key'); } } // Check if an index can speed up the query for (i in this._indexById) { if (this._indexById.hasOwnProperty(i)) { indexRef = this._indexById[i]; indexRefName =; op.time('checkIndexMatch: ' + indexRefName); indexMatchData = indexRef.match(query, options); if (indexMatchData.score > 0) { // This index can be used, store it indexLookup = indexRef.lookup(query, options); analysis.indexMatch.push({ lookup: indexLookup, keyData: indexMatchData, index: indexRef }); } op.time('checkIndexMatch: ' + indexRefName); if (indexMatchData.score === queryKeyCount) { // Found an optimal index, do not check for any more break; } } } op.time('checkIndexes'); // Sort array descending on index key count (effectively a measure of relevance to the query) if (analysis.indexMatch.length > 1) { op.time('findOptimalIndex'); analysis.indexMatch.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.keyData.score > b.keyData.score) { // This index has a higher score than the other return -1; } if (a.keyData.score < b.keyData.score) { // This index has a lower score than the other return 1; } // The indexes have the same score but can still be compared by the number of records // they return from the query. The fewer records they return the better so order by // record count if (a.keyData.score === b.keyData.score) { return a.lookup.length - b.lookup.length; } }); op.time('findOptimalIndex'); } } // Check for join data if (options.$join) { analysis.hasJoin = true; // Loop all join operations for (joinCollectionIndex = 0; joinCollectionIndex < options.$join.length; joinCollectionIndex++) { // Loop the join collections and keep a reference to them for (joinCollectionName in options.$join[joinCollectionIndex]) { if (options.$join[joinCollectionIndex].hasOwnProperty(joinCollectionName)) { joinCollections.push(joinCollectionName); // Check if the join uses an $as operator if ('$as' in options.$join[joinCollectionIndex][joinCollectionName]) { joinCollectionReferences.push(options.$join[joinCollectionIndex][joinCollectionName].$as); } else { joinCollectionReferences.push(joinCollectionName); } } } } // Loop the join collection references and determine if the query references // any of the collections that are used in the join. If there no queries against // joined collections the find method can use a code path optimised for this. // Queries against joined collections requires the joined collections to be filtered // first and then joined so requires a little more work. for (index = 0; index < joinCollectionReferences.length; index++) { // Check if the query references any collection data that the join will create queryPath = this._queryReferencesCollection(query, joinCollectionReferences[index], ''); if (queryPath) { analysis.joinQueries[joinCollections[index]] = queryPath; analysis.queriesJoin = true; } } analysis.joinsOn = joinCollections; analysis.queriesOn = analysis.queriesOn.concat(joinCollections); } return analysis; }; /** * Checks if the passed query references this collection. * @param query * @param collection * @param path * @returns {*} * @private */ Collection.prototype._queryReferencesCollection = function (query, collection, path) { var i; for (i in query) { if (query.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Check if this key is a reference match if (i === collection) { if (path) { path += '.'; } return path + i; } else { if (typeof(query[i]) === 'object') { // Recurse if (path) { path += '.'; } path += i; return this._queryReferencesCollection(query[i], collection, path); } } } } return false; }; /** * Returns the number of documents currently in the collection. * @returns {Number} */ Collection.prototype.count = function (query, options) { if (!query) { return this._data.length; } else { // Run query and return count return this.find(query, options).length; } }; /** * Finds sub-documents from the collection's documents. * @param {Object} match The query object to use when matching parent documents * from which the sub-documents are queried. * @param {String} path The path string used to identify the key in which * sub-documents are stored in parent documents. * @param {Object=} subDocQuery The query to use when matching which sub-documents * to return. * @param {Object=} subDocOptions The options object to use when querying for * sub-documents. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.findSub = function (match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { return this._findSub(this.find(match), path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions); }; Collection.prototype._findSub = function (docArr, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { var pathHandler = new Path(path), docCount = docArr.length, docIndex, subDocArr, subDocCollection = new Collection('__FDB_temp_' + this.objectId()), subDocResults, resultObj = { parents: docCount, subDocTotal: 0, subDocs: [], pathFound: false, err: '' }; subDocOptions = subDocOptions || {}; for (docIndex = 0; docIndex < docCount; docIndex++) { subDocArr = pathHandler.value(docArr[docIndex])[0]; if (subDocArr) { subDocCollection.setData(subDocArr); subDocResults = subDocCollection.find(subDocQuery, subDocOptions); if (subDocOptions.returnFirst && subDocResults.length) { return subDocResults[0]; } if (subDocOptions.$split) { resultObj.subDocs.push(subDocResults); } else { resultObj.subDocs = resultObj.subDocs.concat(subDocResults); } resultObj.subDocTotal += subDocResults.length; resultObj.pathFound = true; } } // Drop the sub-document collection subDocCollection.drop(); if (!resultObj.pathFound) { resultObj.err = 'No objects found in the parent documents with a matching path of: ' + path; } // Check if the call should not return stats, if so return only subDocs array if (subDocOptions.$stats) { return resultObj; } else { return resultObj.subDocs; } }; /** * Finds the first sub-document from the collection's documents that matches * the subDocQuery parameter. * @param {Object} match The query object to use when matching parent documents * from which the sub-documents are queried. * @param {String} path The path string used to identify the key in which * sub-documents are stored in parent documents. * @param {Object=} subDocQuery The query to use when matching which sub-documents * to return. * @param {Object=} subDocOptions The options object to use when querying for * sub-documents. * @returns {Object} */ Collection.prototype.findSubOne = function (match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions) { return this.findSub(match, path, subDocQuery, subDocOptions)[0]; }; /** * Checks that the passed document will not violate any index rules if * inserted into the collection. * @param {Object} doc The document to check indexes against. * @returns {Boolean} Either false (no violation occurred) or true if * a violation was detected. */ Collection.prototype.insertIndexViolation = function (doc) { var indexViolated, arr = this._indexByName, arrIndex, arrItem; // Check the item's primary key is not already in use if (this._primaryIndex.get(doc[this._primaryKey])) { indexViolated = this._primaryIndex; } else { // Check violations of other indexes for (arrIndex in arr) { if (arr.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; if (arrItem.unique()) { if (arrItem.violation(doc)) { indexViolated = arrItem; break; } } } } } return indexViolated ? : false; }; /** * Creates an index on the specified keys. * @param {Object} keys The object containing keys to index. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.ensureIndex = function (keys, options) { if (this.isDropped()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot operate in a dropped state!'); } this._indexByName = this._indexByName || {}; this._indexById = this._indexById || {}; var index, time = { start: new Date().getTime() }; if (options) { switch (options.type) { case 'hashed': index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); break; case 'btree': index = new IndexBinaryTree(keys, options, this); break; case '2d': index = new Index2d(keys, options, this); break; default: // Default index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); break; } } else { // Default index = new IndexHashMap(keys, options, this); } // Check the index does not already exist if (this._indexByName[]) { // Index already exists return { err: 'Index with that name already exists' }; } /*if (this._indexById[]) { // Index already exists return { err: 'Index with those keys already exists' }; }*/ // Create the index index.rebuild(); // Add the index this._indexByName[] = index; this._indexById[] = index; time.end = new Date().getTime(); = time.end - time.start; this._lastOp = { type: 'ensureIndex', stats: { time: time } }; return { index: index, id:, name:, state: index.state() }; }; /** * Gets an index by it's name. * @param {String} name The name of the index to retreive. * @returns {*} */ Collection.prototype.index = function (name) { if (this._indexByName) { return this._indexByName[name]; } }; /** * Gets the last reporting operation's details such as run time. * @returns {Object} */ Collection.prototype.lastOp = function () { return this._metrics.list(); }; /** * Generates a difference object that contains insert, update and remove arrays * representing the operations to execute to make this collection have the same * data as the one passed. * @param {Collection} collection The collection to diff against. * @returns {{}} */ Collection.prototype.diff = function (collection) { var diff = { insert: [], update: [], remove: [] }; var pk = this.primaryKey(), arr, arrIndex, arrItem, arrCount; // Check if the primary key index of each collection can be utilised if (pk !== collection.primaryKey()) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Diffing requires that both collections have the same primary key!'); } // Use the collection primary key index to do the diff (super-fast) arr = collection._data; // Check if we have an array or another collection while (arr && !(arr instanceof Array)) { // We don't have an array, assign collection and get data collection = arr; arr = collection._data; } arrCount = arr.length; // Loop the collection's data array and check for matching items for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; // Check for a matching item in this collection if (this._primaryIndex.get(arrItem[pk])) { // Matching item exists, check if the data is the same if (this._primaryCrc.get(arrItem[pk]) !== collection._primaryCrc.get(arrItem[pk])) { // The documents exist in both collections but data differs, update required diff.update.push(arrItem); } } else { // The document is missing from this collection, insert required diff.insert.push(arrItem); } } // Now loop this collection's data and check for matching items arr = this._data; arrCount = arr.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = arr[arrIndex]; if (!collection._primaryIndex.get(arrItem[pk])) { // The document does not exist in the other collection, remove required diff.remove.push(arrItem); } } return diff; }; Collection.prototype.collateAdd = new Overload({ /** * Adds a data source to collate data from and specifies the * key name to collate data to. * @func collateAdd * @memberof Collection * @param {Collection} collection The collection to collate data from. * @param {String=} keyName Optional name of the key to collate data to. * If none is provided the record CRUD is operated on the root collection * data. */ 'object, string': function (collection, keyName) { var self = this; self.collateAdd(collection, function (packet) { var obj1, obj2; switch (packet.type) { case 'insert': if (keyName) { obj1 = { $push: {} }; obj1.$push[keyName] = self.decouple(; self.update({}, obj1); } else { self.insert(; } break; case 'update': if (keyName) { obj1 = {}; obj2 = {}; obj1[keyName] =; obj2[keyName + '.$'] =; self.update(obj1, obj2); } else { self.update(,; } break; case 'remove': if (keyName) { obj1 = { $pull: {} }; obj1.$pull[keyName] = {}; obj1.$pull[keyName][self.primaryKey()] =[0][collection.primaryKey()]; self.update({}, obj1); } else { self.remove(; } break; default: } }); }, /** * Adds a data source to collate data from and specifies a process * method that will handle the collation functionality (for custom * collation). * @func collateAdd * @memberof Collection * @param {Collection} collection The collection to collate data from. * @param {Function} process The process method. */ 'object, function': function (collection, process) { if (typeof collection === 'string') { // The collection passed is a name, not a reference so get // the reference from the name collection = this._db.collection(collection, { autoCreate: false, throwError: false }); } if (collection) { this._collate = this._collate || {}; this._collate[] = new ReactorIO(collection, this, process); return this; } else { throw('Cannot collate from a non-existent collection!'); } } }); Collection.prototype.collateRemove = function (collection) { if (typeof collection === 'object') { // We need to have the name of the collection to remove it collection =; } if (collection) { // Drop the reactor IO chain node this._collate[collection].drop(); // Remove the collection data from the collate object delete this._collate[collection]; return this; } else { throw('No collection name passed to collateRemove() or collection not found!'); } }; Db.prototype.collection = new Overload({ /** * Get a collection with no name (generates a random name). If the * collection does not already exist then one is created for that * name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @returns {Collection} */ '': function () { return this.$, { name: this.objectId() }); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {Object} data An options object or a collection instance. * @returns {Collection} */ 'object': function (data) { // Handle being passed an instance if (data instanceof Collection) { if (data.state() !== 'droppped') { return data; } else { return this.$, { name: }); } } return this.$, data); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string': function (collectionName) { return this.$, { name: collectionName }); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {String} primaryKey Optional primary key to specify the primary key field on the collection * objects. Defaults to "_id". * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, string': function (collectionName, primaryKey) { return this.$, { name: collectionName, primaryKey: primaryKey }); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, object': function (collectionName, options) { = collectionName; return this.$, options); }, /** * Get a collection by name. If the collection does not already exist * then one is created for that name automatically. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {String} collectionName The name of the collection. * @param {String} primaryKey Optional primary key to specify the primary key field on the collection * objects. Defaults to "_id". * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {Collection} */ 'string, string, object': function (collectionName, primaryKey, options) { = collectionName; options.primaryKey = primaryKey; return this.$, options); }, /** * The main handler method. This gets called by all the other variants and * handles the actual logic of the overloaded method. * @func collection * @memberof Db * @param {Object} options An options object. * @returns {*} */ '$main': function (options) { var self = this, name =; if (name) { if (this._collection[name]) { return this._collection[name]; } else { if (options && options.autoCreate === false) { if (options && options.throwError !== false) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot get collection ' + name + ' because it does not exist and auto-create has been disabled!'); } return undefined; } if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Creating collection ' + name); } } this._collection[name] = this._collection[name] || new Collection(name, options).db(this); this._collection[name].mongoEmulation(this.mongoEmulation()); if (options.primaryKey !== undefined) { this._collection[name].primaryKey(options.primaryKey); } if (options.capped !== undefined) { // Check we have a size if (options.size !== undefined) { this._collection[name].capped(options.capped); this._collection[name].cappedSize(options.size); } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot create a capped collection without specifying a size!'); } } // Listen for events on this collection so we can fire global events // on the database in response to it self._collection[name].on('change', function () { self.emit('change', self._collection[name], 'collection', name); }); self.emit('create', self._collection[name], 'collection', name); return this._collection[name]; } else { if (!options || (options && options.throwError !== false)) { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot get collection with undefined name!'); } } } }); /** * Determine if a collection with the passed name already exists. * @memberof Db * @param {String} viewName The name of the collection to check for. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.collectionExists = function (viewName) { return Boolean(this._collection[viewName]); }; /** * Returns an array of collections the DB currently has. * @memberof Db * @param {String|RegExp=} search The optional search string or regular expression to use * to match collection names against. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each collection * the database is currently managing. */ Db.prototype.collections = function (search) { var arr = [], collections = this._collection, collection, i; if (search) { if (!(search instanceof RegExp)) { // Turn the search into a regular expression search = new RegExp(search); } } for (i in collections) { if (collections.hasOwnProperty(i)) { collection = collections[i]; if (search) { if (search.exec(i)) { arr.push({ name: i, count: collection.count(), linked: collection.isLinked !== undefined ? collection.isLinked() : false }); } } else { arr.push({ name: i, count: collection.count(), linked: collection.isLinked !== undefined ? collection.isLinked() : false }); } } } arr.sort(function (a, b) { return; }); return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Collection'); module.exports = Collection; },{"./Crc":5,"./Index2d":8,"./IndexBinaryTree":9,"./IndexHashMap":10,"./KeyValueStore":11,"./Metrics":12,"./Overload":24,"./Path":25,"./ReactorIO":26,"./Shared":28}],4:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ /* License Copyright (c) 2015 Irrelon Software Limited Please visit the license page to see latest license information: */ "use strict"; var Shared, Db, Metrics, Overload, _instances = []; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Creates a new ForerunnerDB instance. Core instances handle the lifecycle of * multiple database instances. * @constructor */ var Core = function (name) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Core.prototype.init = function (name) { this._db = {}; this._debug = {}; this._name = name || 'ForerunnerDB'; _instances.push(this); }; /** * Returns the number of instantiated ForerunnerDB objects. * @returns {Number} The number of instantiated instances. */ Core.prototype.instantiatedCount = function () { return _instances.length; }; /** * Get all instances as an array or a single ForerunnerDB instance * by it's array index. * @param {Number=} index Optional index of instance to get. * @returns {Array|Object} Array of instances or a single instance. */ Core.prototype.instances = function (index) { if (index !== undefined) { return _instances[index]; } return _instances; }; /** * Get all instances as an array of instance names or a single ForerunnerDB * instance by it's name. * @param {String=} name Optional name of instance to get. * @returns {Array|Object} Array of instance names or a single instance. */ Core.prototype.namedInstances = function (name) { var i, instArr; if (name !== undefined) { for (i = 0; i < _instances.length; i++) { if (_instances[i].name === name) { return _instances[i]; } } return undefined; } instArr = []; for (i = 0; i < _instances.length; i++) { instArr.push(_instances[i].name); } return instArr; }; Core.prototype.moduleLoaded = new Overload({ /** * Checks if a module has been loaded into the database. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module is loaded, false if not. */ 'string': function (moduleName) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if module is loaded. */ 'string, function': function (moduleName, callback) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } if (callback) { callback(); } } }, /** * Checks if an array of named modules are loaded and if so * calls the passed callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {Array} moduleName The array of module names to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if modules are loaded. */ 'array, function': function (moduleNameArr, callback) { var moduleName, i; for (i = 0; i < moduleNameArr.length; i++) { moduleName = moduleNameArr[i]; if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } } } if (callback) { callback(); } }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * success method, otherwise calls the failure method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Core * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} success The callback method to call if module is loaded. * @param {Function} failure The callback method to call if module not loaded. */ 'string, function, function': function (moduleName, success, failure) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { failure(); return false; } } success(); } } }); /** * Checks version against the string passed and if it matches (or partially matches) * then the callback is called. * @param {String} val The version to check against. * @param {Function} callback The callback to call if match is true. * @returns {Boolean} */ Core.prototype.version = function (val, callback) { if (val !== undefined) { if (Shared.version.indexOf(val) === 0) { if (callback) { callback(); } return true; } return false; } return Shared.version; }; // Expose moduleLoaded() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.moduleLoaded = Core.prototype.moduleLoaded; // Expose version() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.version = Core.prototype.version; // Expose instances() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.instances = Core.prototype.instances; // Expose instantiatedCount() method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Core.instantiatedCount = Core.prototype.instantiatedCount; // Provide public access to the Shared object Core.shared = Shared; Core.prototype.shared = Shared; Shared.addModule('Core', Core); Shared.mixin(Core.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Core.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Db = _dereq_('./Db.js'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics.js'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the instance. This is primarily used for * name-spacing persistent storage. * @param {String=} val The name of the instance to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Core.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Core.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); // Set a flag to determine environment Core.prototype._isServer = false; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a browser. */ Core.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a server. */ Core.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Added to provide an error message for users who have not seen * the new instantiation breaking change warning and try to get * a collection directly from the core instance. */ Core.prototype.collection = function () { throw("ForerunnerDB's instantiation has changed since version 1.3.36 to support multiple database instances. Please see the file for the minor change you have to make to get your project back up and running, or see the issue related to this change at"); }; module.exports = Core; },{"./Db.js":6,"./Metrics.js":12,"./Overload":24,"./Shared":28}],5:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * @mixin */ var crcTable = (function () { var crcTable = [], c, n, k; for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = n; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { c = ((c & 1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1)); // jshint ignore:line } crcTable[n] = c; } return crcTable; }()); module.exports = function(str) { var crc = 0 ^ (-1), // jshint ignore:line i; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ crcTable[(crc ^ str.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFF]; // jshint ignore:line } return (crc ^ (-1)) >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line }; },{}],6:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared, Core, Collection, Metrics, Crc, Overload; Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Creates a new ForerunnerDB database instance. * @constructor */ var Db = function (name, core) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Db.prototype.init = function (name, core) { this.core(core); this._primaryKey = '_id'; this._name = name; this._collection = {}; this._debug = {}; }; Shared.addModule('Db', Db); Db.prototype.moduleLoaded = new Overload({ /** * Checks if a module has been loaded into the database. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module is loaded, false if not. */ 'string': function (moduleName) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * callback method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call if module is loaded. */ 'string, function': function (moduleName, callback) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { return false; } } if (callback) { callback(); } } }, /** * Checks if a module is loaded and if so calls the passed * success method, otherwise calls the failure method. * @func moduleLoaded * @memberof Db * @param {String} moduleName The name of the module to check for. * @param {Function} success The callback method to call if module is loaded. * @param {Function} failure The callback method to call if module not loaded. */ 'string, function, function': function (moduleName, success, failure) { if (moduleName !== undefined) { moduleName = moduleName.replace(/ /g, ''); var modules = moduleName.split(','), index; for (index = 0; index < modules.length; index++) { if (!Shared.modules[modules[index]]) { failure(); return false; } } success(); } } }); /** * Checks version against the string passed and if it matches (or partially matches) * then the callback is called. * @param {String} val The version to check against. * @param {Function} callback The callback to call if match is true. * @returns {Boolean} */ Db.prototype.version = function (val, callback) { if (val !== undefined) { if (Shared.version.indexOf(val) === 0) { if (callback) { callback(); } return true; } return false; } return Shared.version; }; // Expose moduleLoaded method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Db.moduleLoaded = Db.prototype.moduleLoaded; // Expose version method to non-instantiated object ForerunnerDB Db.version = Db.prototype.version; // Provide public access to the Shared object Db.shared = Shared; Db.prototype.shared = Shared; Shared.addModule('Db', Db); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.Constants'); Shared.mixin(Db.prototype, 'Mixin.Tags'); Core = Shared.modules.Core; Collection = _dereq_('./Collection.js'); Metrics = _dereq_('./Metrics.js'); Crc = _dereq_('./Crc.js'); Db.prototype._isServer = false; /** * Gets / sets the core object this database belongs to. */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'core'); /** * Gets / sets the default primary key for new collections. * @param {String=} val The name of the primary key to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'primaryKey'); /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'state'); /** * Gets / sets the name of the database. * @param {String=} val The name of the database to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'name'); /** * Gets / sets mongodb emulation mode. * @param {Boolean=} val True to enable, false to disable. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(Db.prototype, 'mongoEmulation'); /** * Returns true if ForerunnerDB is running on a client browser. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Returns true if ForerunnerDB is running on a server. * @returns {boolean} */ Db.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Returns a checksum of a string. * @param {String} string The string to checksum. * @return {String} The checksum generated. */ Db.prototype.crc = Crc; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a browser. */ Db.prototype.isClient = function () { return !this._isServer; }; /** * Checks if the database is running on a client (browser) or * a server (node.js). * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if running on a server. */ Db.prototype.isServer = function () { return this._isServer; }; /** * Converts a normal javascript array of objects into a DB collection. * @param {Array} arr An array of objects. * @returns {Collection} A new collection instance with the data set to the * array passed. */ Db.prototype.arrayToCollection = function (arr) { return new Collection().setData(arr); }; /** * Registers an event listener against an event name. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {Function} listener The listener method to call when * the event is fired. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.on = function(event, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || []; this._listeners[event].push(listener); return this; }; /** * De-registers an event listener from an event name. * @param {String} event The name of the event to stop listening for. * @param {Function} listener The listener method passed to on() when * registering the event listener. * @returns {*} */ = function(event, listener) { if (event in this._listeners) { var arr = this._listeners[event], index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } return this; }; /** * Emits an event by name with the given data. * @param {String} event The name of the event to emit. * @param {*=} data The data to emit with the event. * @returns {*} */ Db.prototype.emit = function(event, data) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; if (event in this._listeners) { var arr = this._listeners[event], arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arr[arrIndex].apply(this,, 1)); } } return this; }; Db.prototype.peek = function (search) { var i, coll, arr = [], typeOfSearch = typeof search; // Loop collections for (i in this._collection) { if (this._collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) { coll = this._collection[i]; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { arr = arr.concat(coll.peek(search)); } else { arr = arr.concat(coll.find(search)); } } } return arr; }; /** * Find all documents across all collections in the database that match the passed * string or search object. * @param search String or search object. * @returns {Array} */ Db.prototype.peek = function (search) { var i, coll, arr = [], typeOfSearch = typeof search; // Loop collections for (i in this._collection) { if (this._collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) { coll = this._collection[i]; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { arr = arr.concat(coll.peek(search)); } else { arr = arr.concat(coll.find(search)); } } } return arr; }; /** * Find all documents across all collections in the database that match the passed * string or search object and return them in an object where each key is the name * of the collection that the document was matched in. * @param search String or search object. * @returns {object} */ Db.prototype.peekCat = function (search) { var i, coll, cat = {}, arr, typeOfSearch = typeof search; // Loop collections for (i in this._collection) { if (this._collection.hasOwnProperty(i)) { coll = this._collection[i]; if (typeOfSearch === 'string') { arr = coll.peek(search); if (arr && arr.length) { cat[] = arr; } } else { arr = coll.find(search); if (arr && arr.length) { cat[] = arr; } } } } return cat; }; Db.prototype.drop = new Overload({ /** * Drops the database. * @func drop * @memberof Db */ '': function () { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database with optional callback method. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Function} callback Optional callback method. */ 'function': function (callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, finishCount = 0, afterDrop = function () { finishCount++; if (finishCount === arrCount) { if (callback) { callback(); } } }; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(afterDrop); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database with optional persistent storage drop. Persistent * storage is dropped by default if no preference is provided. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Boolean} removePersist Drop persistent storage for this database. */ 'boolean': function (removePersist) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(removePersist); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; }, /** * Drops the database and optionally controls dropping persistent storage * and callback method. * @func drop * @memberof Db * @param {Boolean} removePersist Drop persistent storage for this database. * @param {Function} callback Optional callback method. */ 'boolean, function': function (removePersist, callback) { if (!this.isDropped()) { var arr = this.collections(), arrCount = arr.length, arrIndex, finishCount = 0, afterDrop = function () { finishCount++; if (finishCount === arrCount) { if (callback) { callback(); } } }; this._state = 'dropped'; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { this.collection(arr[arrIndex].name).drop(removePersist, afterDrop); delete this._collection[arr[arrIndex].name]; } this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; delete this._core._db[this._name]; } return true; } }); /** * Gets a database instance by name. * @memberof Core * @param {String=} name Optional name of the database. If none is provided * a random name is assigned. * @returns {Db} */ Core.prototype.db = function (name) { // Handle being passed an instance if (name instanceof Db) { return name; } if (!name) { name = this.objectId(); } this._db[name] = this._db[name] || new Db(name, this); this._db[name].mongoEmulation(this.mongoEmulation()); return this._db[name]; }; /** * Returns an array of databases that ForerunnerDB currently has. * @memberof Core * @param {String|RegExp=} search The optional search string or regular expression to use * to match collection names against. * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing details of each database * that ForerunnerDB is currently managing and it's child entities. */ Core.prototype.databases = function (search) { var arr = [], tmpObj, addDb, i; if (search) { if (!(search instanceof RegExp)) { // Turn the search into a regular expression search = new RegExp(search); } } for (i in this._db) { if (this._db.hasOwnProperty(i)) { addDb = true; if (search) { if (!search.exec(i)) { addDb = false; } } if (addDb) { tmpObj = { name: i, children: [] }; if (this.shared.moduleExists('Collection')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'collection', moduleName: 'Collections', count: this._db[i].collections().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('CollectionGroup')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'collectionGroup', moduleName: 'Collection Groups', count: this._db[i].collectionGroups().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Document')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'document', moduleName: 'Documents', count: this._db[i].documents().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Grid')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'grid', moduleName: 'Grids', count: this._db[i].grids().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('Overview')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'overview', moduleName: 'Overviews', count: this._db[i].overviews().length }); } if (this.shared.moduleExists('View')) { tmpObj.children.push({ module: 'view', moduleName: 'Views', count: this._db[i].views().length }); } arr.push(tmpObj); } } } arr.sort(function (a, b) { return; }); return arr; }; Shared.finishModule('Db'); module.exports = Db; },{"./Collection.js":3,"./Crc.js":5,"./Metrics.js":12,"./Overload":24,"./Shared":28}],7:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ // geohash.js // Geohash library for Javascript // (c) 2008 David Troy // Distributed under the MIT License // Original at: // Modified by Irrelon Software Limited ( // to clean up and modularise the code using Node.js-style exports // and add a few helper methods. // @by Rob Evans - "use strict"; /* Define some shared constants that will be used by all instances of the module. */ var bits, base32, neighbors, borders; bits = [16, 8, 4, 2, 1]; base32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"; neighbors = { right: {even: "bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx"}, left: {even: "238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp"}, top: {even: "p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy"}, bottom: {even: "14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb"} }; borders = { right: {even: "bcfguvyz"}, left: {even: "0145hjnp"}, top: {even: "prxz"}, bottom: {even: "028b"} }; neighbors.bottom.odd = neighbors.left.even; = neighbors.right.even; neighbors.left.odd = neighbors.bottom.even; neighbors.right.odd =; borders.bottom.odd = borders.left.even; = borders.right.even; borders.left.odd = borders.bottom.even; borders.right.odd =; var GeoHash = function () {}; GeoHash.prototype.refineInterval = function (interval, cd, mask) { if (cd & mask) { //jshint ignore: line interval[0] = (interval[0] + interval[1]) / 2; } else { interval[1] = (interval[0] + interval[1]) / 2; } }; /** * Calculates all surrounding neighbours of a hash and returns them. * @param {String} centerHash The hash at the center of the grid. * @param options * @returns {*} */ GeoHash.prototype.calculateNeighbours = function (centerHash, options) { var response; if (!options || options.type === 'object') { response = { center: centerHash, left: this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'left'), right: this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'right'), top: this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'top'), bottom: this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'bottom') }; response.topLeft = this.calculateAdjacent(response.left, 'top'); response.topRight = this.calculateAdjacent(response.right, 'top'); response.bottomLeft = this.calculateAdjacent(response.left, 'bottom'); response.bottomRight = this.calculateAdjacent(response.right, 'bottom'); } else { response = []; response[4] = centerHash; response[3] = this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'left'); response[5] = this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'right'); response[1] = this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'top'); response[7] = this.calculateAdjacent(centerHash, 'bottom'); response[0] = this.calculateAdjacent(response[3], 'top'); response[2] = this.calculateAdjacent(response[5], 'top'); response[6] = this.calculateAdjacent(response[3], 'bottom'); response[8] = this.calculateAdjacent(response[5], 'bottom'); } return response; }; /** * Calculates an adjacent hash to the hash passed, in the direction * specified. * @param {String} srcHash The hash to calculate adjacent to. * @param {String} dir Either "top", "left", "bottom" or "right". * @returns {String} The resulting geohash. */ GeoHash.prototype.calculateAdjacent = function (srcHash, dir) { srcHash = srcHash.toLowerCase(); var lastChr = srcHash.charAt(srcHash.length - 1), type = (srcHash.length % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even', base = srcHash.substring(0, srcHash.length - 1); if (borders[dir][type].indexOf(lastChr) !== -1) { base = this.calculateAdjacent(base, dir); } return base + base32[neighbors[dir][type].indexOf(lastChr)]; }; /** * Decodes a string geohash back to longitude/latitude. * @param {String} geohash The hash to decode. * @returns {Object} */ GeoHash.prototype.decode = function (geohash) { var isEven = 1, lat = [], lon = [], i, c, cd, j, mask, latErr, lonErr; lat[0] = -90.0; lat[1] = 90.0; lon[0] = -180.0; lon[1] = 180.0; latErr = 90.0; lonErr = 180.0; for (i = 0; i < geohash.length; i++) { c = geohash[i]; cd = base32.indexOf(c); for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { mask = bits[j]; if (isEven) { lonErr /= 2; this.refineInterval(lon, cd, mask); } else { latErr /= 2; this.refineInterval(lat, cd, mask); } isEven = !isEven; } } lat[2] = (lat[0] + lat[1]) / 2; lon[2] = (lon[0] + lon[1]) / 2; return { latitude: lat, longitude: lon }; }; /** * Encodes a longitude/latitude to geohash string. * @param latitude * @param longitude * @param {Number=} precision Length of the geohash string. Defaults to 12. * @returns {String} */ GeoHash.prototype.encode = function (latitude, longitude, precision) { var isEven = 1, mid, lat = [], lon = [], bit = 0, ch = 0, geoHash = ""; if (!precision) { precision = 12; } lat[0] = -90.0; lat[1] = 90.0; lon[0] = -180.0; lon[1] = 180.0; while (geoHash.length < precision) { if (isEven) { mid = (lon[0] + lon[1]) / 2; if (longitude > mid) { ch |= bits[bit]; //jshint ignore: line lon[0] = mid; } else { lon[1] = mid; } } else { mid = (lat[0] + lat[1]) / 2; if (latitude > mid) { ch |= bits[bit]; //jshint ignore: line lat[0] = mid; } else { lat[1] = mid; } } isEven = !isEven; if (bit < 4) { bit++; } else { geoHash += base32[ch]; bit = 0; ch = 0; } } return geoHash; }; module.exports = GeoHash; },{}],8:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /* name(string) id(string) rebuild(null) state ?? needed? match(query, options) lookup(query, options) insert(doc) remove(doc) primaryKey(string) collection(collection) */ var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'), BinaryTree = _dereq_('./BinaryTree'), GeoHash = _dereq_('./GeoHash'), sharedPathSolver = new Path(), sharedGeoHashSolver = new GeoHash(), // GeoHash Distances in Kilometers geoHashDistance = [ 5000, 1250, 156, 39.1, 4.89, 1.22, 0.153, 0.0382, 0.00477, 0.00119, 0.000149, 0.0000372 ]; /** * The index class used to instantiate 2d indexes that the database can * use to handle high-performance geospatial queries. * @constructor */ var Index2d = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Index2d.prototype.init = function (keys, options, collection) { this._btree = new BinaryTree(); this._btree.index(keys); this._size = 0; this._id = this._itemKeyHash(keys, keys); this._debug = options && options.debug ? options.debug : false; this.unique(options && options.unique ? options.unique : false); if (keys !== undefined) { this.keys(keys); } if (collection !== undefined) { this.collection(collection); this._btree.primaryKey(collection.primaryKey()); } && ? : this._id); this._btree.debug(this._debug); }; Shared.addModule('Index2d', Index2d); Shared.mixin(Index2d.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Index2d.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(Index2d.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); = function () { return this._id; }; Index2d.prototype.state = function () { return this._state; }; Index2d.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }; Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'data'); Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'collection'); Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'type'); Shared.synthesize(Index2d.prototype, 'unique'); Index2d.prototype.keys = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._keys = val; // Count the keys this._keyCount = sharedPathSolver.parse(this._keys).length; return this; } return this._keys; }; Index2d.prototype.rebuild = function () { // Do we have a collection? if (this._collection) { // Get sorted data var collection = this._collection.subset({}, { $decouple: false, $orderBy: this._keys }), collectionData = collection.find(), dataIndex, dataCount = collectionData.length; // Clear the index data for the index this._btree.clear(); this._size = 0; if (this._unique) { this._uniqueLookup = {}; } // Loop the collection data for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { this.insert(collectionData[dataIndex]); } } this._state = { name: this._name, keys: this._keys, indexSize: this._size, built: new Date(), updated: new Date(), ok: true }; }; Index2d.prototype.insert = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash; dataItem = this.decouple(dataItem); if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash] = dataItem; } // Convert 2d indexed values to geohashes var keys = this._btree.keys(), pathVal, geoHash, lng, lat, i; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { pathVal = sharedPathSolver.get(dataItem, keys[i].path); if (pathVal instanceof Array) { lng = pathVal[0]; lat = pathVal[1]; geoHash = sharedGeoHashSolver.encode(lng, lat); sharedPathSolver.set(dataItem, keys[i].path, geoHash); } } if (this._btree.insert(dataItem)) { this._size++; return true; } return false; }; Index2d.prototype.remove = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); delete this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]; } if (this._btree.remove(dataItem)) { this._size--; return true; } return false; }; Index2d.prototype.violation = function (dataItem) { // Generate item hash var uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; Index2d.prototype.hashViolation = function (uniqueHash) { // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; Index2d.prototype.lookup = function (query, options) { // Loop the indexed keys and determine if the query has any operators // that we want to handle differently from a standard lookup var keys = this._btree.keys(), pathStr, pathVal, results, i; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { pathStr = keys[i].path; pathVal = sharedPathSolver.get(query, pathStr); if (typeof pathVal === 'object') { if (pathVal.$near) { results = []; // Do a near point lookup results = results.concat(this.near(pathStr, pathVal.$near, options)); } if (pathVal.$geoWithin) { results = []; // Do a geoWithin shape lookup results = results.concat(this.geoWithin(pathStr, pathVal.$geoWithin, options)); } return results; } } return this._btree.lookup(query, options); }; Index2d.prototype.near = function (pathStr, query, options) { var self = this, geoHash, neighbours, visited, search, results, finalResults = [], precision, maxDistanceKm, distance, distCache, latLng, pk = this._collection.primaryKey(), i; // Calculate the required precision to encapsulate the distance // TODO: Instead of opting for the "one size larger" than the distance boxes, // TODO: we should calculate closest divisible box size as a multiple and then // TODO: scan neighbours until we have covered the area otherwise we risk // TODO: opening the results up to vastly more information as the box size // TODO: increases dramatically between the geohash precisions if (query.$distanceUnits === 'km') { maxDistanceKm = query.$maxDistance; for (i = 0; i < geoHashDistance.length; i++) { if (maxDistanceKm > geoHashDistance[i]) { precision = i; break; } } if (precision === 0) { precision = 1; } } else if (query.$distanceUnits === 'miles') { maxDistanceKm = query.$maxDistance * 1.60934; for (i = 0; i < geoHashDistance.length; i++) { if (maxDistanceKm > geoHashDistance[i]) { precision = i; break; } } if (precision === 0) { precision = 1; } } // Get the lngLat geohash from the query geoHash = sharedGeoHashSolver.encode(query.$point[0], query.$point[1], precision); // Calculate 9 box geohashes neighbours = sharedGeoHashSolver.calculateNeighbours(geoHash, {type: 'array'}); // Lookup all matching co-ordinates from the btree results = []; visited = 0; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { search = this._btree.startsWith(pathStr, neighbours[i]); visited += search._visited; results = results.concat(search); } // Work with original data results = this._collection._primaryIndex.lookup(results); if (results.length) { distance = {}; // Loop the results and calculate distance for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { latLng = sharedPathSolver.get(results[i], pathStr); distCache = distance[results[i][pk]] = this.distanceBetweenPoints(query.$point[0], query.$point[1], latLng[0], latLng[1]); if (distCache <= maxDistanceKm) { // Add item inside radius distance finalResults.push(results[i]); } } // Sort by distance from center finalResults.sort(function (a, b) { return self.sortAsc(distance[a[pk]], distance[b[pk]]); }); } // Return data return finalResults; }; Index2d.prototype.geoWithin = function (pathStr, query, options) { return []; }; Index2d.prototype.distanceBetweenPoints = function (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) { var R = 6371; // kilometres var φ1 = this.toRadians(lat1); var φ2 = this.toRadians(lat2); var Δφ = this.toRadians(lat2-lat1); var Δλ = this.toRadians(lng2-lng1); var a = Math.sin(Δφ/2) * Math.sin(Δφ/2) + Math.cos(φ1) * Math.cos(φ2) * Math.sin(Δλ/2) * Math.sin(Δλ/2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); return R * c; }; Index2d.prototype.toRadians = function (degrees) { return degrees * 0.01747722222222; }; Index2d.prototype.match = function (query, options) { // TODO: work out how to represent that this is a better match if the query has $near than // TODO: a basic btree index which will not be able to resolve a $near operator return this._btree.match(query, options); }; Index2d.prototype._itemHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.value(item, pathData[k].path).join(':'); } return hash; }; Index2d.prototype._itemKeyHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.keyValue(item, pathData[k].path); } return hash; }; Index2d.prototype._itemHashArr = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, //hash = '', hashArr = [], valArr, i, k, j; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { valArr = path.value(item, pathData[k].path); for (i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { if (k === 0) { // Setup the initial hash array hashArr.push(valArr[i]); } else { // Loop the hash array and concat the value to it for (j = 0; j < hashArr.length; j++) { hashArr[j] = hashArr[j] + '_' + valArr[i]; } } } } return hashArr; }; Shared.finishModule('Index2d'); module.exports = Index2d; },{"./BinaryTree":2,"./GeoHash":7,"./Path":25,"./Shared":28}],9:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /* name(string) id(string) rebuild(null) state ?? needed? match(query, options) lookup(query, options) insert(doc) remove(doc) primaryKey(string) collection(collection) */ var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'), BinaryTree = _dereq_('./BinaryTree'); /** * The index class used to instantiate btree indexes that the database can * use to speed up queries on collections and views. * @constructor */ var IndexBinaryTree = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.init = function (keys, options, collection) { this._btree = new BinaryTree(); this._btree.index(keys); this._size = 0; this._id = this._itemKeyHash(keys, keys); this._debug = options && options.debug ? options.debug : false; this.unique(options && options.unique ? options.unique : false); if (keys !== undefined) { this.keys(keys); } if (collection !== undefined) { this.collection(collection); this._btree.primaryKey(collection.primaryKey()); } && ? : this._id); this._btree.debug(this._debug); }; Shared.addModule('IndexBinaryTree', IndexBinaryTree); Shared.mixin(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'Mixin.Sorting'); = function () { return this._id; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.state = function () { return this._state; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }; Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'data'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'collection'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'type'); Shared.synthesize(IndexBinaryTree.prototype, 'unique'); IndexBinaryTree.prototype.keys = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._keys = val; // Count the keys this._keyCount = (new Path()).parse(this._keys).length; return this; } return this._keys; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.rebuild = function () { // Do we have a collection? if (this._collection) { // Get sorted data var collection = this._collection.subset({}, { $decouple: false, $orderBy: this._keys }), collectionData = collection.find(), dataIndex, dataCount = collectionData.length; // Clear the index data for the index this._btree.clear(); this._size = 0; if (this._unique) { this._uniqueLookup = {}; } // Loop the collection data for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { this.insert(collectionData[dataIndex]); } } this._state = { name: this._name, keys: this._keys, indexSize: this._size, built: new Date(), updated: new Date(), ok: true }; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.insert = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash] = dataItem; } if (this._btree.insert(dataItem)) { this._size++; return true; } return false; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.remove = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); delete this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]; } if (this._btree.remove(dataItem)) { this._size--; return true; } return false; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.violation = function (dataItem) { // Generate item hash var uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.hashViolation = function (uniqueHash) { // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.lookup = function (query, options) { return this._btree.lookup(query, options); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype.match = function (query, options) { return this._btree.match(query, options); }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.value(item, pathData[k].path).join(':'); } return hash; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemKeyHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.keyValue(item, pathData[k].path); } return hash; }; IndexBinaryTree.prototype._itemHashArr = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, //hash = '', hashArr = [], valArr, i, k, j; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { valArr = path.value(item, pathData[k].path); for (i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { if (k === 0) { // Setup the initial hash array hashArr.push(valArr[i]); } else { // Loop the hash array and concat the value to it for (j = 0; j < hashArr.length; j++) { hashArr[j] = hashArr[j] + '_' + valArr[i]; } } } } return hashArr; }; Shared.finishModule('IndexBinaryTree'); module.exports = IndexBinaryTree; },{"./BinaryTree":2,"./Path":25,"./Shared":28}],10:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'); /** * The index class used to instantiate hash map indexes that the database can * use to speed up queries on collections and views. * @constructor */ var IndexHashMap = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.init = function (keys, options, collection) { this._crossRef = {}; this._size = 0; this._id = this._itemKeyHash(keys, keys);{}); this.unique(options && options.unique ? options.unique : false); if (keys !== undefined) { this.keys(keys); } if (collection !== undefined) { this.collection(collection); } && ? : this._id); }; Shared.addModule('IndexHashMap', IndexHashMap); Shared.mixin(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); = function () { return this._id; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.state = function () { return this._state; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }; Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'data'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'name'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'collection'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'type'); Shared.synthesize(IndexHashMap.prototype, 'unique'); IndexHashMap.prototype.keys = function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this._keys = val; // Count the keys this._keyCount = (new Path()).parse(this._keys).length; return this; } return this._keys; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.rebuild = function () { // Do we have a collection? if (this._collection) { // Get sorted data var collection = this._collection.subset({}, { $decouple: false, $orderBy: this._keys }), collectionData = collection.find(), dataIndex, dataCount = collectionData.length; // Clear the index data for the index this._data = {}; this._size = 0; if (this._unique) { this._uniqueLookup = {}; } // Loop the collection data for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataCount; dataIndex++) { this.insert(collectionData[dataIndex]); } } this._state = { name: this._name, keys: this._keys, indexSize: this._size, built: new Date(), updated: new Date(), ok: true }; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.insert = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash, itemHashArr, hashIndex; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash] = dataItem; } // Generate item hash itemHashArr = this._itemHashArr(dataItem, this._keys); // Get the path search results and store them for (hashIndex = 0; hashIndex < itemHashArr.length; hashIndex++) { this.pushToPathValue(itemHashArr[hashIndex], dataItem); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.update = function (dataItem, options) { // TODO: Write updates to work // 1: Get uniqueHash for the dataItem primary key value (may need to generate a store for this) // 2: Remove the uniqueHash as it currently stands // 3: Generate a new uniqueHash for dataItem // 4: Insert the new uniqueHash }; IndexHashMap.prototype.remove = function (dataItem, options) { var uniqueFlag = this._unique, uniqueHash, itemHashArr, hashIndex; if (uniqueFlag) { uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); delete this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]; } // Generate item hash itemHashArr = this._itemHashArr(dataItem, this._keys); // Get the path search results and store them for (hashIndex = 0; hashIndex < itemHashArr.length; hashIndex++) { this.pullFromPathValue(itemHashArr[hashIndex], dataItem); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.violation = function (dataItem) { // Generate item hash var uniqueHash = this._itemHash(dataItem, this._keys); // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.hashViolation = function (uniqueHash) { // Check if the item breaks the unique constraint return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[uniqueHash]); }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pushToPathValue = function (hash, obj) { var pathValArr = this._data[hash] = this._data[hash] || []; // Make sure we have not already indexed this object at this path/value if (pathValArr.indexOf(obj) === -1) { // Index the object pathValArr.push(obj); // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size++; // Cross-reference this association for later lookup this.pushToCrossRef(obj, pathValArr); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pullFromPathValue = function (hash, obj) { var pathValArr = this._data[hash], indexOfObject; // Make sure we have already indexed this object at this path/value indexOfObject = pathValArr.indexOf(obj); if (indexOfObject > -1) { // Un-index the object pathValArr.splice(indexOfObject, 1); // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size--; // Remove object cross-reference this.pullFromCrossRef(obj, pathValArr); } // Check if we should remove the path value array if (!pathValArr.length) { // Remove the array delete this._data[hash]; } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pull = function (obj) { // Get all places the object has been used and remove them var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()], crossRefArr = this._crossRef[id], arrIndex, arrCount = crossRefArr.length, arrItem; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { arrItem = crossRefArr[arrIndex]; // Remove item from this index lookup array this._pullFromArray(arrItem, obj); } // Record the reference to this object in our index size this._size--; // Now remove the cross-reference entry for this object delete this._crossRef[id]; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._pullFromArray = function (arr, obj) { var arrCount = arr.length; while (arrCount--) { if (arr[arrCount] === obj) { arr.splice(arrCount, 1); } } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pushToCrossRef = function (obj, pathValArr) { var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()], crObj; this._crossRef[id] = this._crossRef[id] || []; // Check if the cross-reference to the pathVal array already exists crObj = this._crossRef[id]; if (crObj.indexOf(pathValArr) === -1) { // Add the cross-reference crObj.push(pathValArr); } }; IndexHashMap.prototype.pullFromCrossRef = function (obj, pathValArr) { var id = obj[this._collection.primaryKey()]; delete this._crossRef[id]; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.lookup = function (query) { return this._data[this._itemHash(query, this._keys)] || []; }; IndexHashMap.prototype.match = function (query, options) { // Check if the passed query has data in the keys our index // operates on and if so, is the query sort matching our order var pathSolver = new Path(); var indexKeyArr = pathSolver.parseArr(this._keys), queryArr = pathSolver.parseArr(query), matchedKeys = [], matchedKeyCount = 0, i; // Loop the query array and check the order of keys against the // index key array to see if this index can be used for (i = 0; i < indexKeyArr.length; i++) { if (queryArr[i] === indexKeyArr[i]) { matchedKeyCount++; matchedKeys.push(queryArr[i]); } else { // Query match failed - this is a hash map index so partial key match won't work return { matchedKeys: [], totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: 0 }; } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, totalKeyCount: queryArr.length, score: matchedKeyCount }; //return pathSolver.countObjectPaths(this._keys, query); }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.value(item, pathData[k].path).join(':'); } return hash; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemKeyHash = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, hash = '', k; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { if (hash) { hash += '_'; } hash += path.keyValue(item, pathData[k].path); } return hash; }; IndexHashMap.prototype._itemHashArr = function (item, keys) { var path = new Path(), pathData, //hash = '', hashArr = [], valArr, i, k, j; pathData = path.parse(keys); for (k = 0; k < pathData.length; k++) { valArr = path.value(item, pathData[k].path); for (i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { if (k === 0) { // Setup the initial hash array hashArr.push(valArr[i]); } else { // Loop the hash array and concat the value to it for (j = 0; j < hashArr.length; j++) { hashArr[j] = hashArr[j] + '_' + valArr[i]; } } } } return hashArr; }; Shared.finishModule('IndexHashMap'); module.exports = IndexHashMap; },{"./Path":25,"./Shared":28}],11:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * The key value store class used when storing basic in-memory KV data, * and can be queried for quick retrieval. Mostly used for collection * primary key indexes and lookups. * @param {String=} name Optional KV store name. * @constructor */ var KeyValueStore = function (name) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; KeyValueStore.prototype.init = function (name) { this._name = name; this._data = {}; this._primaryKey = '_id'; }; Shared.addModule('KeyValueStore', KeyValueStore); Shared.mixin(KeyValueStore.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Get / set the name of the key/value store. * @param {String} val The name to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(KeyValueStore.prototype, 'name'); /** * Get / set the primary key. * @param {String} key The key to set. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.primaryKey = function (key) { if (key !== undefined) { this._primaryKey = key; return this; } return this._primaryKey; }; /** * Removes all data from the store. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.truncate = function () { this._data = {}; return this; }; /** * Sets data against a key in the store. * @param {String} key The key to set data for. * @param {*} value The value to assign to the key. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.set = function (key, value) { this._data[key] = value ? value : true; return this; }; /** * Gets data stored for the passed key. * @param {String} key The key to get data for. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.get = function (key) { return this._data[key]; }; /** * Get / set the primary key. * @param {*} val A lookup query. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.lookup = function (val) { var pk = this._primaryKey, valType = typeof val, arrIndex, arrCount, lookupItem, result = []; // Check for early exit conditions if (valType === 'string' || valType === 'number') { lookupItem = this.get(val); if (lookupItem !== undefined) { return [lookupItem]; } else { return []; } } else if (valType === 'object') { if (val instanceof Array) { // An array of primary keys, find all matches arrCount = val.length; result = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { lookupItem = this.lookup(val[arrIndex]); if (lookupItem) { if (lookupItem instanceof Array) { result = result.concat(lookupItem); } else { result.push(lookupItem); } } } return result; } else if (val[pk]) { return this.lookup(val[pk]); } } // COMMENTED AS CODE WILL NEVER BE REACHED // Complex lookup /*lookupData = this._lookupKeys(val); keys = lookupData.keys; negate = lookupData.negate; if (!negate) { // Loop keys and return values for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < keys.length; arrIndex++) { result.push(this.get(keys[arrIndex])); } } else { // Loop data and return non-matching keys for (arrIndex in this._data) { if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { if (keys.indexOf(arrIndex) === -1) { result.push(this.get(arrIndex)); } } } } return result;*/ }; // COMMENTED AS WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY PASSING COMPLEX QUERIES TO KEYVALUESTORE INDEXES /*KeyValueStore.prototype._lookupKeys = function (val) { var pk = this._primaryKey, valType = typeof val, arrIndex, arrCount, lookupItem, bool, result; if (valType === 'string' || valType === 'number') { return { keys: [val], negate: false }; } else if (valType === 'object') { if (val instanceof RegExp) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex in this._data) { if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(arrIndex)) { if (val.test(arrIndex)) { result.push(arrIndex); } } } return { keys: result, negate: false }; } else if (val instanceof Array) { // An array of primary keys, find all matches arrCount = val.length; result = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { result = result.concat(this._lookupKeys(val[arrIndex]).keys); } return { keys: result, negate: false }; } else if (val.$in && (val.$in instanceof Array)) { return { keys: this._lookupKeys(val.$in).keys, negate: false }; } else if (val.$nin && (val.$nin instanceof Array)) { return { keys: this._lookupKeys(val.$nin).keys, negate: true }; } else if (val.$ne) { return { keys: this._lookupKeys(val.$ne, true).keys, negate: true }; } else if (val.$or && (val.$or instanceof Array)) { // Create new data result = []; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < val.$or.length; arrIndex++) { result = result.concat(this._lookupKeys(val.$or[arrIndex]).keys); } return { keys: result, negate: false }; } else if (val[pk]) { return this._lookupKeys(val[pk]); } } };*/ /** * Removes data for the given key from the store. * @param {String} key The key to un-set. * @returns {*} */ KeyValueStore.prototype.unSet = function (key) { delete this._data[key]; return this; }; /** * Sets data for the give key in the store only where the given key * does not already have a value in the store. * @param {String} key The key to set data for. * @param {*} value The value to assign to the key. * @returns {Boolean} True if data was set or false if data already * exists for the key. */ KeyValueStore.prototype.uniqueSet = function (key, value) { if (this._data[key] === undefined) { this._data[key] = value; return true; } return false; }; Shared.finishModule('KeyValueStore'); module.exports = KeyValueStore; },{"./Shared":28}],12:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Operation = _dereq_('./Operation'); /** * The metrics class used to store details about operations. * @constructor */ var Metrics = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Metrics.prototype.init = function () { this._data = []; }; Shared.addModule('Metrics', Metrics); Shared.mixin(Metrics.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Creates an operation within the metrics instance and if metrics * are currently enabled (by calling the start() method) the operation * is also stored in the metrics log. * @param {String} name The name of the operation. * @returns {Operation} */ Metrics.prototype.create = function (name) { var op = new Operation(name); if (this._enabled) { this._data.push(op); } return op; }; /** * Starts logging operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.start = function () { this._enabled = true; return this; }; /** * Stops logging operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.stop = function () { this._enabled = false; return this; }; /** * Clears all logged operations. * @returns {Metrics} */ Metrics.prototype.clear = function () { this._data = []; return this; }; /** * Returns an array of all logged operations. * @returns {Array} */ Metrics.prototype.list = function () { return this._data; }; Shared.finishModule('Metrics'); module.exports = Metrics; },{"./Operation":23,"./Shared":28}],13:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var CRUD = { preSetData: function () { }, postSetData: function () { } }; module.exports = CRUD; },{}],14:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * The chain reactor mixin, provides methods to the target object that allow chain * reaction events to propagate to the target and be handled, processed and passed * on down the chain. * @mixin */ var ChainReactor = { /** * * @param obj */ chain: function (obj) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (obj._reactorIn && obj._reactorOut) { console.log(obj._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Adding target "' + obj._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '" to the chain reactor target list'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Adding target "' + obj.instanceIdentifier() + '" to the chain reactor target list'); } } this._chain = this._chain || []; var index = this._chain.indexOf(obj); if (index === -1) { this._chain.push(obj); } }, unChain: function (obj) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (obj._reactorIn && obj._reactorOut) { console.log(obj._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Removing target "' + obj._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '" from the chain reactor target list'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Removing target "' + obj.instanceIdentifier() + '" from the chain reactor target list'); } } if (this._chain) { var index = this._chain.indexOf(obj); if (index > -1) { this._chain.splice(index, 1); } } }, chainSend: function (type, data, options) { if (this._chain) { var arr = this._chain, arrItem, count = arr.length, index; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { arrItem = arr[index]; if (!arrItem._state || (arrItem._state && !arrItem.isDropped())) { if (this.debug && this.debug()) { if (arrItem._reactorIn && arrItem._reactorOut) { console.log(arrItem._reactorIn.logIdentifier() + ' Sending data down the chain reactor pipe to "' + arrItem._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier() + '"'); } else { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Sending data down the chain reactor pipe to "' + arrItem.instanceIdentifier() + '"'); } } if (arrItem.chainReceive) { arrItem.chainReceive(this, type, data, options); } } else { console.log('Reactor Data:', type, data, options); console.log('Reactor Node:', arrItem); throw('Chain reactor attempting to send data to target reactor node that is in a dropped state!'); } } } }, chainReceive: function (sender, type, data, options) { var chainPacket = { sender: sender, type: type, data: data, options: options }; if (this.debug && this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + 'Received data from parent reactor node'); } // Fire our internal handler if (!this._chainHandler || (this._chainHandler && !this._chainHandler(chainPacket))) { // Propagate the message down the chain this.chainSend(chainPacket.type,, chainPacket.options); } } }; module.exports = ChainReactor; },{}],15:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var idCounter = 0, Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'), Serialiser = _dereq_('./Serialiser'), Common, serialiser = new Serialiser(); /** * Provides commonly used methods to most classes in ForerunnerDB. * @mixin */ Common = { // Expose the serialiser object so it can be extended with new data handlers. serialiser: serialiser, /** * Gets / sets data in the item store. The store can be used to set and * retrieve data against a key. Useful for adding arbitrary key/value data * to a collection / view etc and retrieving it later. * @param {String|*} key The key under which to store the passed value or * retrieve the existing stored value. * @param {*=} val Optional value. If passed will overwrite the existing value * stored against the specified key if one currently exists. * @returns {*} */ store: function (key, val) { if (key !== undefined) { if (val !== undefined) { // Store the data this._store = this._store || {}; this._store[key] = val; return this; } if (this._store) { return this._store[key]; } } return undefined; }, /** * Removes a previously stored key/value pair from the item store, set previously * by using the store() method. * @param {String|*} key The key of the key/value pair to remove; * @returns {Common} Returns this for chaining. */ unStore: function (key) { if (key !== undefined) { delete this._store[key]; } return this; }, /** * Returns a non-referenced version of the passed object / array. * @param {Object} data The object or array to return as a non-referenced version. * @param {Number=} copies Optional number of copies to produce. If specified, the return * value will be an array of decoupled objects, each distinct from the other. * @returns {*} */ decouple: function (data, copies) { if (data !== undefined && data !== "") { if (!copies) { return this.jParse(this.jStringify(data)); } else { var i, json = this.jStringify(data), copyArr = []; for (i = 0; i < copies; i++) { copyArr.push(this.jParse(json)); } return copyArr; } } return undefined; }, /** * Parses and returns data from stringified version. * @param {String} data The stringified version of data to parse. * @returns {Object} The parsed JSON object from the data. */ jParse: function (data) { return serialiser.parse(data); //return JSON.parse(data); }, /** * Converts a JSON object into a stringified version. * @param {Object} data The data to stringify. * @returns {String} The stringified data. */ jStringify: function (data) { return serialiser.stringify(data); //return JSON.stringify(data); }, /** * Generates a new 16-character hexadecimal unique ID or * generates a new 16-character hexadecimal ID based on * the passed string. Will always generate the same ID * for the same string. * @param {String=} str A string to generate the ID from. * @return {String} */ objectId: function (str) { var id, pow = Math.pow(10, 17); if (!str) { idCounter++; id = (idCounter + ( Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow + Math.random() * pow )).toString(16); } else { var val = 0, count = str.length, i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { val += str.charCodeAt(i) * pow; } id = val.toString(16); } return id; }, /** * Gets / sets debug flag that can enable debug message output to the * console if required. * @param {Boolean} val The value to set debug flag to. * @return {Boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise. */ /** * Sets debug flag for a particular type that can enable debug message * output to the console if required. * @param {String} type The name of the debug type to set flag for. * @param {Boolean} val The value to set debug flag to. * @return {Boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise. */ debug: new Overload([ function () { return this._debug && this._debug.all; }, function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { if (typeof val === 'boolean') { this._debug = this._debug || {}; this._debug.all = val; this.chainSend('debug', this._debug); return this; } else { return (this._debug && this._debug[val]) || (this._db && this._db._debug && this._db._debug[val]) || (this._debug && this._debug.all); } } return this._debug && this._debug.all; }, function (type, val) { if (type !== undefined) { if (val !== undefined) { this._debug = this._debug || {}; this._debug[type] = val; this.chainSend('debug', this._debug); return this; } return (this._debug && this._debug[val]) || (this._db && this._db._debug && this._db._debug[type]); } return this._debug && this._debug.all; } ]), /** * Returns a string describing the class this instance is derived from. * @returns {string} */ classIdentifier: function () { return 'ForerunnerDB.' + this.className; }, /** * Returns a string describing the instance by it's class name and instance * object name. * @returns {String} The instance identifier. */ instanceIdentifier: function () { return '[' + this.className + ']' +; }, /** * Returns a string used to denote a console log against this instance, * consisting of the class identifier and instance identifier. * @returns {string} The log identifier. */ logIdentifier: function () { return this.classIdentifier() + ': ' + this.instanceIdentifier(); }, /** * Converts a query object with MongoDB dot notation syntax * to Forerunner's object notation syntax. * @param {Object} obj The object to convert. */ convertToFdb: function (obj) { var varName, splitArr, objCopy, i; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { objCopy = obj; if (i.indexOf('.') > -1) { // Replace .$ with a placeholder before splitting by . char i = i.replace('.$', '[|$|]'); splitArr = i.split('.'); while ((varName = splitArr.shift())) { // Replace placeholder back to original .$ varName = varName.replace('[|$|]', '.$'); if (splitArr.length) { objCopy[varName] = {}; } else { objCopy[varName] = obj[i]; } objCopy = objCopy[varName]; } delete obj[i]; } } } }, /** * Checks if the state is dropped. * @returns {boolean} True when dropped, false otherwise. */ isDropped: function () { return this._state === 'dropped'; } }; module.exports = Common; },{"./Overload":24,"./Serialiser":27}],16:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides some database constants. * @mixin */ var Constants = { TYPE_INSERT: 0, TYPE_UPDATE: 1, TYPE_REMOVE: 2, PHASE_BEFORE: 0, PHASE_AFTER: 1 }; module.exports = Constants; },{}],17:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Provides event emitter functionality including the methods: on, off, once, emit, deferEmit. * @mixin */ var Events = { on: new Overload({ /** * Attach an event listener to the passed event. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {Function} listener The method to call when the event is fired. */ 'string, function': function (event, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || {}; this._listeners[event]['*'] = this._listeners[event]['*'] || []; this._listeners[event]['*'].push(listener); return this; }, /** * Attach an event listener to the passed event only if the passed * id matches the document id for the event being fired. * @param {String} event The name of the event to listen for. * @param {*} id The document id to match against. * @param {Function} listener The method to call when the event is fired. */ 'string, *, function': function (event, id, listener) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; this._listeners[event] = this._listeners[event] || {}; this._listeners[event][id] = this._listeners[event][id] || []; this._listeners[event][id].push(listener); return this; } }), once: new Overload({ 'string, function': function (eventName, callback) { var self = this, internalCallback = function () {, internalCallback); callback.apply(self, arguments); }; return this.on(eventName, internalCallback); }, 'string, *, function': function (eventName, id, callback) { var self = this, internalCallback = function () {, id, internalCallback); callback.apply(self, arguments); }; return this.on(eventName, id, internalCallback); } }), off: new Overload({ 'string': function (event) { if (this._listeners && this._listeners[event] && event in this._listeners) { delete this._listeners[event]; } return this; }, 'string, function': function (event, listener) { var arr, index; if (typeof(listener) === 'string') { if (this._listeners && this._listeners[event] && this._listeners[event][listener]) { delete this._listeners[event][listener]; } } else { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners) { arr = this._listeners[event]['*']; index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } } return this; }, 'string, *, function': function (event, id, listener) { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners && id in this.listeners[event]) { var arr = this._listeners[event][id], index = arr.indexOf(listener); if (index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } }, 'string, *': function (event, id) { if (this._listeners && event in this._listeners && id in this._listeners[event]) { // Kill all listeners for this event id delete this._listeners[event][id]; } } }), emit: function (event, data) { this._listeners = this._listeners || {}; if (event in this._listeners) { var arrIndex, arrCount, tmpFunc, arr, listenerIdArr, listenerIdCount, listenerIdIndex; // Handle global emit if (this._listeners[event]['*']) { arr = this._listeners[event]['*']; arrCount = arr.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { // Check we have a function to execute tmpFunc = arr[arrIndex]; if (typeof tmpFunc === 'function') { tmpFunc.apply(this,, 1)); } } } // Handle individual emit if (data instanceof Array) { // Check if the array is an array of objects in the collection if (data[0] && data[0][this._primaryKey]) { // Loop the array and check for listeners against the primary key listenerIdArr = this._listeners[event]; arrCount = data.length; for (arrIndex = 0; arrIndex < arrCount; arrIndex++) { if (listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]]) { // Emit for this id listenerIdCount = listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]].length; for (listenerIdIndex = 0; listenerIdIndex < listenerIdCount; listenerIdIndex++) { tmpFunc = listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]][listenerIdIndex]; if (typeof tmpFunc === 'function') { listenerIdArr[data[arrIndex][this._primaryKey]][listenerIdIndex].apply(this,, 1)); } } } } } } } return this; }, /** * Queues an event to be fired. This has automatic de-bouncing so that any * events of the same type that occur within 100 milliseconds of a previous * one will all be wrapped into a single emit rather than emitting tons of * events for lots of chained inserts etc. Only the data from the last * de-bounced event will be emitted. * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to emit. * @param {*=} data Optional data to emit with the event. */ deferEmit: function (eventName, data) { var self = this, args; if (!this._noEmitDefer && (!this._db || (this._db && !this._db._noEmitDefer))) { args = arguments; // Check for an existing timeout this._deferTimeout = this._deferTimeout || {}; if (this._deferTimeout[eventName]) { clearTimeout(this._deferTimeout[eventName]); } // Set a timeout this._deferTimeout[eventName] = setTimeout(function () { if (self.debug()) { console.log(self.logIdentifier() + ' Emitting ' + args[0]); } self.emit.apply(self, args); }, 1); } else { this.emit.apply(this, arguments); } return this; } }; module.exports = Events; },{"./Overload":24}],18:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides object matching algorithm methods. * @mixin */ var Matching = { /** * Internal method that checks a document against a test object. * @param {*} source The source object or value to test against. * @param {*} test The test object or value to test with. * @param {Object} queryOptions The options the query was passed with. * @param {String=} opToApply The special operation to apply to the test such * as 'and' or an 'or' operator. * @param {Object=} options An object containing options to apply to the * operation such as limiting the fields returned etc. * @returns {Boolean} True if the test was positive, false on negative. * @private */ _match: function (source, test, queryOptions, opToApply, options) { // TODO: This method is quite long, break into smaller pieces var operation, applyOp = opToApply, recurseVal, tmpIndex, sourceType = typeof source, testType = typeof test, matchedAll = true, opResult, substringCache, i; options = options || {}; queryOptions = queryOptions || {}; // Check if options currently holds a root query object if (!options.$rootQuery) { // Root query not assigned, hold the root query options.$rootQuery = test; } // Check if options currently holds a root source object if (!options.$rootSource) { // Root query not assigned, hold the root query options.$rootSource = source; } // Assign current query data options.$currentQuery = test; options.$rootData = options.$rootData || {}; // Check if the comparison data are both strings or numbers if ((sourceType === 'string' || sourceType === 'number') && (testType === 'string' || testType === 'number')) { // The source and test data are flat types that do not require recursive searches, // so just compare them and return the result if (sourceType === 'number') { // Number comparison if (source !== test) { matchedAll = false; } } else { // String comparison // TODO: We can probably use a queryOptions.$locale as a second parameter here // TODO: to satisfy if (source.localeCompare(test)) { matchedAll = false; } } } else if ((sourceType === 'string' || sourceType === 'number') && (testType === 'object' && test instanceof RegExp)) { if (!test.test(source)) { matchedAll = false; } } else { for (i in test) { if (test.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Assign previous query data options.$previousQuery = options.$parent; // Assign parent query data options.$parent = { query: test[i], key: i, parent: options.$previousQuery }; // Reset operation flag operation = false; // Grab first two chars of the key name to check for $ substringCache = i.substr(0, 2); // Check if the property is a comment (ignorable) if (substringCache === '//') { // Skip this property continue; } // Check if the property starts with a dollar (function) if (substringCache.indexOf('$') === 0) { // Ask the _matchOp method to handle the operation opResult = this._matchOp(i, source, test[i], queryOptions, options); // Check the result of the matchOp operation // If the result is -1 then no operation took place, otherwise the result // will be a boolean denoting a match (true) or no match (false) if (opResult > -1) { if (opResult) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { // Set the matchedAll flag to the result of the operation // because the operation did not return true matchedAll = opResult; } // Record that an operation was handled operation = true; } } // Check for regex if (!operation && test[i] instanceof RegExp) { operation = true; if (sourceType === 'object' && source[i] !== undefined && test[i].test(source[i])) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } if (!operation) { // Check if our query is an object if (typeof(test[i]) === 'object') { // Because test[i] is an object, source must also be an object // Check if our source data we are checking the test query against // is an object or an array if (source[i] !== undefined) { if (source[i] instanceof Array && !(test[i] instanceof Array)) { // The source data is an array, so check each item until a // match is found recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < source[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i][tmpIndex], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else if (!(source[i] instanceof Array) && test[i] instanceof Array) { // The test key data is an array and the source key data is not so check // each item in the test key data to see if the source item matches one // of them. This is effectively an $in search. recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < test[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i], test[i][tmpIndex], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else if (typeof(source) === 'object') { // Recurse down the object tree recurseVal = this._match(source[i], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { recurseVal = this._match(undefined, test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } else { // First check if the test match is an $exists if (test[i] && test[i].$exists !== undefined) { // Push the item through another match recurse recurseVal = this._match(undefined, test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } else { // Check if the prop matches our test value if (source && source[i] === test[i]) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else if (source && source[i] && source[i] instanceof Array && test[i] && typeof(test[i]) !== "object") { // We are looking for a value inside an array // The source data is an array, so check each item until a // match is found recurseVal = false; for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < source[i].length; tmpIndex++) { recurseVal = this._match(source[i][tmpIndex], test[i], queryOptions, applyOp, options); if (recurseVal) { // One of the array items matched the query so we can // include this item in the results, so break now break; } } if (recurseVal) { if (opToApply === 'or') { return true; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } else { matchedAll = false; } } } if (opToApply === 'and' && !matchedAll) { return false; } } } } return matchedAll; }, /** * Internal method, performs a matching process against a query operator such as $gt or $nin. * @param {String} key The property name in the test that matches the operator to perform * matching against. * @param {*} source The source data to match the query against. * @param {*} test The query to match the source against. * @param {Object} queryOptions The options the query was passed with. * @param {Object=} options An options object. * @returns {*} * @private */ _matchOp: function (key, source, test, queryOptions, options) { // Check for commands switch (key) { case '$gt': // Greater than return source > test; case '$gte': // Greater than or equal return source >= test; case '$lt': // Less than return source < test; case '$lte': // Less than or equal return source <= test; case '$exists': // Property exists return (source === undefined) !== test; case '$eq': // Equals return source == test; // jshint ignore:line case '$eeq': // Equals equals return source === test; case '$ne': // Not equals return source != test; // jshint ignore:line case '$nee': // Not equals equals return source !== test; case '$or': // Match true on ANY check to pass for (var orIndex = 0; orIndex < test.length; orIndex++) { if (this._match(source, test[orIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return true; } } return false; case '$and': // Match true on ALL checks to pass for (var andIndex = 0; andIndex < test.length; andIndex++) { if (!this._match(source, test[andIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return false; } } return true; case '$in': // In // Check that the in test is an array if (test instanceof Array) { var inArr = test, inArrCount = inArr.length, inArrIndex; for (inArrIndex = 0; inArrIndex < inArrCount; inArrIndex++) { if (this._match(source, inArr[inArrIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return true; } } return false; } else if (typeof test === 'object') { return this._match(source, test, queryOptions, 'and', options); } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot use an $in operator on a non-array key: ' + key); } break; case '$nin': // Not in // Check that the not-in test is an array if (test instanceof Array) { var notInArr = test, notInArrCount = notInArr.length, notInArrIndex; for (notInArrIndex = 0; notInArrIndex < notInArrCount; notInArrIndex++) { if (this._match(source, notInArr[notInArrIndex], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return false; } } return true; } else if (typeof test === 'object') { return this._match(source, test, queryOptions, 'and', options); } else { throw(this.logIdentifier() + ' Cannot use a $nin operator on a non-array key: ' + key); } break; case '$distinct': // Ensure options holds a distinct lookup options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'] = options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'] || {}; for (var distinctProp in test) { if (test.hasOwnProperty(distinctProp)) { options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp] = options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp] || {}; // Check if the options distinct lookup has this field's value if (options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp][source[distinctProp]]) { // Value is already in use return false; } else { // Set the value in the lookup options.$rootData['//distinctLookup'][distinctProp][source[distinctProp]] = true; // Allow the item in the results return true; } } } break; case '$count': var countKey, countArr, countVal; // Iterate the count object's keys for (countKey in test) { if (test.hasOwnProperty(countKey)) { // Check the property exists and is an array. If the property being counted is not // an array (or doesn't exist) then use a value of zero in any further count logic countArr = source[countKey]; if (typeof countArr === 'object' && countArr instanceof Array) { countVal = countArr.length; } else { countVal = 0; } // Now recurse down the query chain further to satisfy the query for this key (countKey) if (!this._match(countVal, test[countKey], queryOptions, 'and', options)) { return false; } } } // Allow the item in the results return true; case '$find': case '$findOne': case '$findSub': var fromType = 'collection', findQuery, findOptions, subQuery, subOptions, subPath, result, operation = {}; // Check all parts of the $find operation exist if (!test.$from) { throw(key + ' missing $from property!'); } if (test.$fromType) { fromType = test.$fromType; // Check the fromType exists as a method if (!this.db()[fromType] || typeof this.db()[fromType] !== 'function') { throw(key + ' cannot operate against $fromType "' + fromType + '" because the database does not recognise this type of object!'); } } // Perform the find operation findQuery = test.$query || {}; findOptions = test.$options || {}; if (key === '$findSub') { if (!test.$path) { throw(key + ' missing $path property!'); } subPath = test.$path; subQuery = test.$subQuery || {}; subOptions = test.$subOptions || {}; if (options.$parent && options.$parent.parent && options.$parent.parent.key) { result = this.db()[fromType](test.$from).findSub(findQuery, subPath, subQuery, subOptions); } else { // This is a root $find* query // Test the source against the main findQuery if (this._match(source, findQuery, {}, 'and', options)) { result = this._findSub([source], subPath, subQuery, subOptions); } return result && result.length > 0; } } else { result = this.db()[fromType](test.$from)[key.substr(1)](findQuery, findOptions); } operation[options.$parent.parent.key] = result; return this._match(source, operation, queryOptions, 'and', options); } return -1; } }; module.exports = Matching; },{}],19:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides sorting methods. * @mixin */ var Sorting = { /** * Sorts the passed value a against the passed value b ascending. * @param {*} a The first value to compare. * @param {*} b The second value to compare. * @returns {*} 1 if a is sorted after b, -1 if a is sorted before b. */ sortAsc: function (a, b) { if (typeof(a) === 'string' && typeof(b) === 'string') { return a.localeCompare(b); } else { if (a > b) { return 1; } else if (a < b) { return -1; } } return 0; }, /** * Sorts the passed value a against the passed value b descending. * @param {*} a The first value to compare. * @param {*} b The second value to compare. * @returns {*} 1 if a is sorted after b, -1 if a is sorted before b. */ sortDesc: function (a, b) { if (typeof(a) === 'string' && typeof(b) === 'string') { return b.localeCompare(a); } else { if (a > b) { return -1; } else if (a < b) { return 1; } } return 0; } }; module.exports = Sorting; },{}],20:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Tags, tagMap = {}; /** * Provides class instance tagging and tag operation methods. * @mixin */ Tags = { /** * Tags a class instance for later lookup. * @param {String} name The tag to add. * @returns {boolean} */ tagAdd: function (name) { var i, self = this, mapArr = tagMap[name] = tagMap[name] || []; for (i = 0; i < mapArr.length; i++) { if (mapArr[i] === self) { return true; } } mapArr.push(self); // Hook the drop event for this so we can react if (self.on) { self.on('drop', function () { // We've been dropped so remove ourselves from the tag map self.tagRemove(name); }); } return true; }, /** * Removes a tag from a class instance. * @param {String} name The tag to remove. * @returns {boolean} */ tagRemove: function (name) { var i, mapArr = tagMap[name]; if (mapArr) { for (i = 0; i < mapArr.length; i++) { if (mapArr[i] === this) { mapArr.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } return false; }, /** * Gets an array of all instances tagged with the passed tag name. * @param {String} name The tag to lookup. * @returns {Array} The array of instances that have the passed tag. */ tagLookup: function (name) { return tagMap[name] || []; }, /** * Drops all instances that are tagged with the passed tag name. * @param {String} name The tag to lookup. * @param {Function} callback Callback once dropping has completed * for all instances that match the passed tag name. * @returns {boolean} */ tagDrop: function (name, callback) { var arr = this.tagLookup(name), dropCb, dropCount, i; dropCb = function () { dropCount--; if (callback && dropCount === 0) { callback(false); } }; if (arr.length) { dropCount = arr.length; // Loop the array and drop all items for (i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { arr[i].drop(dropCb); } } return true; } }; module.exports = Tags; },{}],21:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * Provides trigger functionality methods. * @mixin */ var Triggers = { /** * Add a trigger by id. * @param {String} id The id of the trigger. This must be unique to the type and * phase of the trigger. Only one trigger may be added with this id per type and * phase. * @param {Number} type The type of operation to apply the trigger to. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of an operation to fire the trigger on. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {Function} method The method to call when the trigger is fired. * @returns {boolean} True if the trigger was added successfully, false if not. */ addTrigger: function (id, type, phase, method) { var self = this, triggerIndex; // Check if the trigger already exists triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex === -1) { // The trigger does not exist, create it self._trigger = self._trigger || {}; self._trigger[type] = self._trigger[type] || {}; self._trigger[type][phase] = self._trigger[type][phase] || []; self._trigger[type][phase].push({ id: id, method: method, enabled: true }); return true; } return false; }, /** * * @param {String} id The id of the trigger to remove. * @param {Number} type The type of operation to remove the trigger from. See * Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation to remove the trigger from. * See Mixin.Constants for constants to use. * @returns {boolean} True if removed successfully, false if not. */ removeTrigger: function (id, type, phase) { var self = this, triggerIndex; // Check if the trigger already exists triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // The trigger exists, remove it self._trigger[type][phase].splice(triggerIndex, 1); } return false; }, enableTrigger: new Overload({ 'string': function (id) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, types = self._trigger, phases, triggers, result = false, i, k, j; if (types) { for (j in types) { if (types.hasOwnProperty(j)) { phases = types[j]; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set enabled flag for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { if (triggers[k].id === id) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } } } } } } return result; }, 'number': function (type) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, i, k; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set to enabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } } return result; }, 'number, number': function (type, phase) { // Alter all triggers of this type and phase var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, k; if (phases) { triggers = phases[phase]; if (triggers) { // Loop triggers and set to enabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = true; result = true; } } } return result; }, 'string, number, number': function (id, type, phase) { // Check if the trigger already exists var self = this, triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // Update the trigger self._trigger[type][phase][triggerIndex].enabled = true; return true; } return false; } }), disableTrigger: new Overload({ 'string': function (id) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, types = self._trigger, phases, triggers, result = false, i, k, j; if (types) { for (j in types) { if (types.hasOwnProperty(j)) { phases = types[j]; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set enabled flag for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { if (triggers[k].id === id) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } } } } } } return result; }, 'number': function (type) { // Alter all triggers of this type var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, i, k; if (phases) { for (i in phases) { if (phases.hasOwnProperty(i)) { triggers = phases[i]; // Loop triggers and set to disabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } } return result; }, 'number, number': function (type, phase) { // Alter all triggers of this type and phase var self = this, phases = self._trigger[type], triggers, result = false, k; if (phases) { triggers = phases[phase]; if (triggers) { // Loop triggers and set to disabled for (k = 0; k < triggers.length; k++) { triggers[k].enabled = false; result = true; } } } return result; }, 'string, number, number': function (id, type, phase) { // Check if the trigger already exists var self = this, triggerIndex = self._triggerIndexOf(id, type, phase); if (triggerIndex > -1) { // Update the trigger self._trigger[type][phase][triggerIndex].enabled = false; return true; } return false; } }), /** * Checks if a trigger will fire based on the type and phase provided. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @returns {Boolean} True if the trigger will fire, false otherwise. */ willTrigger: function (type, phase) { if (this._trigger && this._trigger[type] && this._trigger[type][phase] && this._trigger[type][phase].length) { // Check if a trigger in this array is enabled var arr = this._trigger[type][phase], i; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].enabled) { return true; } } } return false; }, /** * Processes trigger actions based on the operation, type and phase. * @param {Object} operation Operation data to pass to the trigger. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @param {Object} oldDoc The document snapshot before operations are * carried out against the data. * @param {Object} newDoc The document snapshot after operations are * carried out against the data. * @returns {boolean} */ processTrigger: function (operation, type, phase, oldDoc, newDoc) { var self = this, triggerArr, triggerIndex, triggerCount, triggerItem, response; if (self._trigger && self._trigger[type] && self._trigger[type][phase]) { triggerArr = self._trigger[type][phase]; triggerCount = triggerArr.length; for (triggerIndex = 0; triggerIndex < triggerCount; triggerIndex++) { triggerItem = triggerArr[triggerIndex]; // Check if the trigger is enabled if (triggerItem.enabled) { if (this.debug()) { var typeName, phaseName; switch (type) { case this.TYPE_INSERT: typeName = 'insert'; break; case this.TYPE_UPDATE: typeName = 'update'; break; case this.TYPE_REMOVE: typeName = 'remove'; break; default: typeName = ''; break; } switch (phase) { case this.PHASE_BEFORE: phaseName = 'before'; break; case this.PHASE_AFTER: phaseName = 'after'; break; default: phaseName = ''; break; } //console.log('Triggers: Processing trigger "' + id + '" for ' + typeName + ' in phase "' + phaseName + '"'); } // Run the trigger's method and store the response response =, operation, oldDoc, newDoc); // Check the response for a non-expected result (anything other than // undefined, true or false is considered a throwable error) if (response === false) { // The trigger wants us to cancel operations return false; } if (response !== undefined && response !== true && response !== false) { // Trigger responded with error, throw the error throw('ForerunnerDB.Mixin.Triggers: Trigger error: ' + response); } } } // Triggers all ran without issue, return a success (true) return true; } }, /** * Returns the index of a trigger by id based on type and phase. * @param {String} id The id of the trigger to find the index of. * @param {Number} type The type of operation. See Mixin.Constants for * constants to use. * @param {Number} phase The phase of the operation. See Mixin.Constants * for constants to use. * @returns {number} * @private */ _triggerIndexOf: function (id, type, phase) { var self = this, triggerArr, triggerCount, triggerIndex; if (self._trigger && self._trigger[type] && self._trigger[type][phase]) { triggerArr = self._trigger[type][phase]; triggerCount = triggerArr.length; for (triggerIndex = 0; triggerIndex < triggerCount; triggerIndex++) { if (triggerArr[triggerIndex].id === id) { return triggerIndex; } } } return -1; } }; module.exports = Triggers; },{"./Overload":24}],22:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides methods to handle object update operations. * @mixin */ var Updating = { /** * Updates a property on an object. * @param {Object} doc The object whose property is to be updated. * @param {String} prop The property to update. * @param {*} val The new value of the property. * @private */ _updateProperty: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] = val; if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Setting non-data-bound document property "' + prop + '"'); } }, /** * Increments a value for a property on a document by the passed number. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to modify. * @param {Number} val The amount to increment by. * @private */ _updateIncrement: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] += val; }, /** * Changes the index of an item in the passed array. * @param {Array} arr The array to modify. * @param {Number} indexFrom The index to move the item from. * @param {Number} indexTo The index to move the item to. * @private */ _updateSpliceMove: function (arr, indexFrom, indexTo) { arr.splice(indexTo, 0, arr.splice(indexFrom, 1)[0]); if (this.debug()) { console.log(this.logIdentifier() + ' Moving non-data-bound document array index from "' + indexFrom + '" to "' + indexTo + '"'); } }, /** * Inserts an item into the passed array at the specified index. * @param {Array} arr The array to insert into. * @param {Number} index The index to insert at. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ _updateSplicePush: function (arr, index, doc) { if (arr.length > index) { arr.splice(index, 0, doc); } else { arr.push(doc); } }, /** * Inserts an item at the end of an array. * @param {Array} arr The array to insert the item into. * @param {Object} doc The document to insert. * @private */ _updatePush: function (arr, doc) { arr.push(doc); }, /** * Removes an item from the passed array. * @param {Array} arr The array to modify. * @param {Number} index The index of the item in the array to remove. * @private */ _updatePull: function (arr, index) { arr.splice(index, 1); }, /** * Multiplies a value for a property on a document by the passed number. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to modify. * @param {Number} val The amount to multiply by. * @private */ _updateMultiply: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] *= val; }, /** * Renames a property on a document to the passed property. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to rename. * @param {Number} val The new property name. * @private */ _updateRename: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[val] = doc[prop]; delete doc[prop]; }, /** * Sets a property on a document to the passed value. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to set. * @param {*} val The new property value. * @private */ _updateOverwrite: function (doc, prop, val) { doc[prop] = val; }, /** * Deletes a property on a document. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {String} prop The property to delete. * @private */ _updateUnset: function (doc, prop) { delete doc[prop]; }, /** * Removes all properties from an object without destroying * the object instance, thereby maintaining data-bound linking. * @param {Object} doc The parent object to modify. * @param {String} prop The name of the child object to clear. * @private */ _updateClear: function (doc, prop) { var obj = doc[prop], i; if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') { for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this._updateUnset(obj, i); } } } }, /** * Pops an item or items from the array stack. * @param {Object} doc The document to modify. * @param {Number} val If set to a positive integer, will pop the number specified * from the stack, if set to a negative integer will shift the number specified * from the stack. * @return {Boolean} * @private */ _updatePop: function (doc, val) { var updated = false, i; if (doc.length > 0) { if (val > 0) { for (i = 0; i < val; i++) { doc.pop(); } updated = true; } else if (val < 0) { for (i = 0; i > val; i--) { doc.shift(); } updated = true; } } return updated; } }; module.exports = Updating; },{}],23:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'), Path = _dereq_('./Path'); /** * The operation class, used to store details about an operation being * performed by the database. * @param {String} name The name of the operation. * @constructor */ var Operation = function (name) { this.pathSolver = new Path(); this.counter = 0; this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Operation.prototype.init = function (name) { this._data = { operation: name, // The name of the operation executed such as "find", "update" etc index: { potential: [], // Indexes that could have potentially been used used: false // The index that was picked to use }, steps: [], // The steps taken to generate the query results, time: { startMs: 0, stopMs: 0, totalMs: 0, process: {} }, flag: {}, // An object with flags that denote certain execution paths log: [] // Any extra data that might be useful such as warnings or helpful hints }; }; Shared.addModule('Operation', Operation); Shared.mixin(Operation.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Starts the operation timer. */ Operation.prototype.start = function () { this._data.time.startMs = new Date().getTime(); }; /** * Adds an item to the operation log. * @param {String} event The item to log. * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.log = function (event) { if (event) { var lastLogTime = this._log.length > 0 ? this._data.log[this._data.log.length - 1].time : 0, logObj = { event: event, time: new Date().getTime(), delta: 0 }; this._data.log.push(logObj); if (lastLogTime) { = logObj.time - lastLogTime; } return this; } return this._data.log; }; /** * Called when starting and ending a timed operation, used to time * internal calls within an operation's execution. * @param {String} section An operation name. * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.time = function (section) { if (section !== undefined) { var process = this._data.time.process, processObj = process[section] = process[section] || {}; if (!processObj.startMs) { // Timer started processObj.startMs = new Date().getTime(); processObj.stepObj = { name: section }; this._data.steps.push(processObj.stepObj); } else { processObj.stopMs = new Date().getTime(); processObj.totalMs = processObj.stopMs - processObj.startMs; processObj.stepObj.totalMs = processObj.totalMs; delete processObj.stepObj; } return this; } return this._data.time; }; /** * Used to set key/value flags during operation execution. * @param {String} key * @param {String} val * @returns {*} */ Operation.prototype.flag = function (key, val) { if (key !== undefined && val !== undefined) { this._data.flag[key] = val; } else if (key !== undefined) { return this._data.flag[key]; } else { return this._data.flag; } }; = function (path, val, noTime) { if (val !== undefined) { // Assign value to object path this.pathSolver.set(this._data, path, val); return this; } return this.pathSolver.get(this._data, path); }; Operation.prototype.pushData = function (path, val, noTime) { // Assign value to object path this.pathSolver.push(this._data, path, val); }; /** * Stops the operation timer. */ Operation.prototype.stop = function () { this._data.time.stopMs = new Date().getTime(); this._data.time.totalMs = this._data.time.stopMs - this._data.time.startMs; }; Shared.finishModule('Operation'); module.exports = Operation; },{"./Path":25,"./Shared":28}],24:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Allows a method to accept overloaded calls with different parameters controlling * which passed overload function is called. * @param {Object} def * @returns {Function} * @constructor */ var Overload = function (def) { if (def) { var self = this, index, count, tmpDef, defNewKey, sigIndex, signatures; if (!(def instanceof Array)) { tmpDef = {}; // Def is an object, make sure all prop names are devoid of spaces for (index in def) { if (def.hasOwnProperty(index)) { defNewKey = index.replace(/ /g, ''); // Check if the definition array has a * string in it if (defNewKey.indexOf('*') === -1) { // No * found tmpDef[defNewKey] = def[index]; } else { // A * was found, generate the different signatures that this // definition could represent signatures = this.generateSignaturePermutations(defNewKey); for (sigIndex = 0; sigIndex < signatures.length; sigIndex++) { if (!tmpDef[signatures[sigIndex]]) { tmpDef[signatures[sigIndex]] = def[index]; } } } } } def = tmpDef; } return function () { var arr = [], lookup, type, name; // Check if we are being passed a key/function object or an array of functions if (def instanceof Array) { // We were passed an array of functions count = def.length; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (def[index].length === arguments.length) { return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[index], arguments); } } } else { // Generate lookup key from arguments // Copy arguments to an array for (index = 0; index < arguments.length; index++) { type = typeof arguments[index]; // Handle detecting arrays if (type === 'object' && arguments[index] instanceof Array) { type = 'array'; } // Handle been presented with a single undefined argument if (arguments.length === 1 && type === 'undefined') { break; } // Add the type to the argument types array arr.push(type); } lookup = arr.join(','); // Check for an exact lookup match if (def[lookup]) { return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[lookup], arguments); } else { for (index = arr.length; index >= 0; index--) { // Get the closest match lookup = arr.slice(0, index).join(','); if (def[lookup + ',...']) { // Matched against arguments + "any other" return self.callExtend(this, '$main', def, def[lookup + ',...'], arguments); } } } } name = typeof === 'function' ? : 'Unknown'; console.log('Overload: ', def); throw('ForerunnerDB.Overload "' + name + '": Overloaded method does not have a matching signature for the passed arguments: ' + this.jStringify(arr)); }; } return function () {}; }; /** * Generates an array of all the different definition signatures that can be * created from the passed string with a catch-all wildcard *. E.g. it will * convert the signature: string,*,string to all potentials: * string,string,string * string,number,string * string,object,string, * string,function,string, * string,undefined,string * * @param {String} str Signature string with a wildcard in it. * @returns {Array} An array of signature strings that are generated. */ Overload.prototype.generateSignaturePermutations = function (str) { var signatures = [], newSignature, types = ['string', 'object', 'number', 'function', 'undefined'], index; if (str.indexOf('*') > -1) { // There is at least one "any" type, break out into multiple keys // We could do this at query time with regular expressions but // would be significantly slower for (index = 0; index < types.length; index++) { newSignature = str.replace('*', types[index]); signatures = signatures.concat(this.generateSignaturePermutations(newSignature)); } } else { signatures.push(str); } return signatures; }; Overload.prototype.callExtend = function (context, prop, propContext, func, args) { var tmp, ret; if (context && propContext[prop]) { tmp = context[prop]; context[prop] = propContext[prop]; ret = func.apply(context, args); context[prop] = tmp; return ret; } else { return func.apply(context, args); } }; module.exports = Overload; },{}],25:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Path object used to resolve object paths and retrieve data from * objects by using paths. * @param {String=} path The path to assign. * @constructor */ var Path = function (path) { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Path.prototype.init = function (path) { if (path) { this.path(path); } }; Shared.addModule('Path', Path); Shared.mixin(Path.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(Path.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); /** * Gets / sets the given path for the Path instance. * @param {String=} path The path to assign. */ Path.prototype.path = function (path) { if (path !== undefined) { this._path = this.clean(path); this._pathParts = this._path.split('.'); return this; } return this._path; }; /** * Tests if the passed object has the paths that are specified and that * a value exists in those paths. * @param {Object} testKeys The object describing the paths to test for. * @param {Object} testObj The object to test paths against. * @returns {Boolean} True if the object paths exist. */ Path.prototype.hasObjectPaths = function (testKeys, testObj) { var result = true, i; for (i in testKeys) { if (testKeys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (testObj[i] === undefined) { return false; } if (typeof testKeys[i] === 'object') { // Recurse object result = this.hasObjectPaths(testKeys[i], testObj[i]); // Should we exit early? if (!result) { return false; } } } } return result; }; /** * Counts the total number of key endpoints in the passed object. * @param {Object} testObj The object to count key endpoints for. * @returns {Number} The number of endpoints. */ Path.prototype.countKeys = function (testObj) { var totalKeys = 0, i; for (i in testObj) { if (testObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (testObj[i] !== undefined) { if (typeof testObj[i] !== 'object') { totalKeys++; } else { totalKeys += this.countKeys(testObj[i]); } } } } return totalKeys; }; /** * Tests if the passed object has the paths that are specified and that * a value exists in those paths and if so returns the number matched. * @param {Object} testKeys The object describing the paths to test for. * @param {Object} testObj The object to test paths against. * @returns {Object} Stats on the matched keys */ Path.prototype.countObjectPaths = function (testKeys, testObj) { var matchData, matchedKeys = {}, matchedKeyCount = 0, totalKeyCount = 0, i; for (i in testObj) { if (testObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (typeof testObj[i] === 'object') { // The test / query object key is an object, recurse matchData = this.countObjectPaths(testKeys[i], testObj[i]); matchedKeys[i] = matchData.matchedKeys; totalKeyCount += matchData.totalKeyCount; matchedKeyCount += matchData.matchedKeyCount; } else { // The test / query object has a property that is not an object so add it as a key totalKeyCount++; // Check if the test keys also have this key and it is also not an object if (testKeys && testKeys[i] && typeof testKeys[i] !== 'object') { matchedKeys[i] = true; matchedKeyCount++; } else { matchedKeys[i] = false; } } } } return { matchedKeys: matchedKeys, matchedKeyCount: matchedKeyCount, totalKeyCount: totalKeyCount }; }; /** * Takes a non-recursive object and converts the object hierarchy into * a path string. * @param {Object} obj The object to parse. * @param {Boolean=} withValue If true will include a 'value' key in the returned * object that represents the value the object path points to. * @returns {Object} */ Path.prototype.parse = function (obj, withValue) { var paths = [], path = '', resultData, i, k; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Set the path to the key path = i; if (typeof(obj[i]) === 'object') { if (withValue) { resultData = this.parse(obj[i], withValue); for (k = 0; k < resultData.length; k++) { paths.push({ path: path + '.' + resultData[k].path, value: resultData[k].value }); } } else { resultData = this.parse(obj[i]); for (k = 0; k < resultData.length; k++) { paths.push({ path: path + '.' + resultData[k].path }); } } } else { if (withValue) { paths.push({ path: path, value: obj[i] }); } else { paths.push({ path: path }); } } } } return paths; }; /** * Takes a non-recursive object and converts the object hierarchy into * an array of path strings that allow you to target all possible paths * in an object. * * The options object accepts an "ignore" field with a regular expression * as the value. If any key matches the expression it is not included in * the results. * * The options object accepts a boolean "verbose" field. If set to true * the results will include all paths leading up to endpoints as well as * they endpoints themselves. * * @returns {Array} */ Path.prototype.parseArr = function (obj, options) { options = options || {}; return this._parseArr(obj, '', [], options); }; Path.prototype._parseArr = function (obj, path, paths, options) { var i, newPath = ''; path = path || ''; paths = paths || []; for (i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (!options.ignore || (options.ignore && !options.ignore.test(i))) { if (path) { newPath = path + '.' + i; } else { newPath = i; } if (typeof(obj[i]) === 'object') { if (options.verbose) { paths.push(newPath); } this._parseArr(obj[i], newPath, paths, options); } else { paths.push(newPath); } } } } return paths; }; /** * Sets a value on an object for the specified path. * @param {Object} obj The object to update. * @param {String} path The path to update. * @param {*} val The value to set the object path to. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.set = function (obj, path, val) { if (obj !== undefined && path !== undefined) { var pathParts, part; path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); part = pathParts.shift(); if (pathParts.length) { // Generate the path part in the object if it does not already exist obj[part] = obj[part] || {}; // Recurse this.set(obj[part], pathParts.join('.'), val); } else { // Set the value obj[part] = val; } } return obj; }; /** * Gets a single value from the passed object and given path. * @param {Object} obj The object to inspect. * @param {String} path The path to retrieve data from. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.get = function (obj, path) { return this.value(obj, path)[0]; }; /** * Gets the value(s) that the object contains for the currently assigned path string. * @param {Object} obj The object to evaluate the path against. * @param {String=} path A path to use instead of the existing one passed in path(). * @param {Object=} options An optional options object. * @returns {Array} An array of values for the given path. */ Path.prototype.value = function (obj, path, options) { var pathParts, arr, arrCount, objPart, objPartParent, valuesArr, returnArr, i, k; // Detect early exit if (path && path.indexOf('.') === -1) { return [obj[path]]; } if (obj !== undefined && typeof obj === 'object') { if (!options || options && !options.skipArrCheck) { // Check if we were passed an array of objects and if so, // iterate over the array and return the value from each // array item if (obj instanceof Array) { returnArr = []; for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { returnArr.push(this.get(obj[i], path)); } return returnArr; } } valuesArr = []; if (path !== undefined) { path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); } arr = pathParts || this._pathParts; arrCount = arr.length; objPart = obj; for (i = 0; i < arrCount; i++) { objPart = objPart[arr[i]]; if (objPartParent instanceof Array) { // Search inside the array for the next key for (k = 0; k < objPartParent.length; k++) { valuesArr = valuesArr.concat(this.value(objPartParent, k + '.' + arr[i], {skipArrCheck: true})); } return valuesArr; } else { if (!objPart || typeof(objPart) !== 'object') { break; } } objPartParent = objPart; } return [objPart]; } else { return []; } }; /** * Push a value to an array on an object for the specified path. * @param {Object} obj The object to update. * @param {String} path The path to the array to push to. * @param {*} val The value to push to the array at the object path. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.push = function (obj, path, val) { if (obj !== undefined && path !== undefined) { var pathParts, part; path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); part = pathParts.shift(); if (pathParts.length) { // Generate the path part in the object if it does not already exist obj[part] = obj[part] || {}; // Recurse this.set(obj[part], pathParts.join('.'), val); } else { // Set the value obj[part] = obj[part] || []; if (obj[part] instanceof Array) { obj[part].push(val); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.Path: Cannot push to a path whose endpoint is not an array!'); } } } return obj; }; /** * Gets the value(s) that the object contains for the currently assigned path string * with their associated keys. * @param {Object} obj The object to evaluate the path against. * @param {String=} path A path to use instead of the existing one passed in path(). * @returns {Array} An array of values for the given path with the associated key. */ Path.prototype.keyValue = function (obj, path) { var pathParts, arr, arrCount, objPart, objPartParent, objPartHash, i; if (path !== undefined) { path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); } arr = pathParts || this._pathParts; arrCount = arr.length; objPart = obj; for (i = 0; i < arrCount; i++) { objPart = objPart[arr[i]]; if (!objPart || typeof(objPart) !== 'object') { objPartHash = arr[i] + ':' + objPart; break; } objPartParent = objPart; } return objPartHash; }; /** * Sets a value on an object for the specified path. * @param {Object} obj The object to update. * @param {String} path The path to update. * @param {*} val The value to set the object path to. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.set = function (obj, path, val) { if (obj !== undefined && path !== undefined) { var pathParts, part; path = this.clean(path); pathParts = path.split('.'); part = pathParts.shift(); if (pathParts.length) { // Generate the path part in the object if it does not already exist obj[part] = obj[part] || {}; // Recurse this.set(obj[part], pathParts.join('.'), val); } else { // Set the value obj[part] = val; } } return obj; }; /** * Removes leading period (.) from string and returns it. * @param {String} str The string to clean. * @returns {*} */ Path.prototype.clean = function (str) { if (str.substr(0, 1) === '.') { str = str.substr(1, str.length -1); } return str; }; Shared.finishModule('Path'); module.exports = Path; },{"./Shared":28}],26:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Shared = _dereq_('./Shared'); /** * Provides chain reactor node linking so that a chain reaction can propagate * down a node tree. Effectively creates a chain link between the reactorIn and * reactorOut objects where a chain reaction from the reactorIn is passed through * the reactorProcess before being passed to the reactorOut object. Reactor * packets are only passed through to the reactorOut if the reactor IO method * chainSend is used. * @param {*} reactorIn An object that has the Mixin.ChainReactor methods mixed * in to it. Chain reactions that occur inside this object will be passed through * to the reactorOut object. * @param {*} reactorOut An object that has the Mixin.ChainReactor methods mixed * in to it. Chain reactions that occur in the reactorIn object will be passed * through to this object. * @param {Function} reactorProcess The processing method to use when chain * reactions occur. * @constructor */ var ReactorIO = function (reactorIn, reactorOut, reactorProcess) { if (reactorIn && reactorOut && reactorProcess) { this._reactorIn = reactorIn; this._reactorOut = reactorOut; this._chainHandler = reactorProcess; if (!reactorIn.chain) { throw('ForerunnerDB.ReactorIO: ReactorIO requires passed in and out objects to implement the ChainReactor mixin!'); } // Register the reactorIO with the input reactorIn.chain(this); // Register the output with the reactorIO this.chain(reactorOut); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.ReactorIO: ReactorIO requires in, out and process arguments to instantiate!'); } }; Shared.addModule('ReactorIO', ReactorIO); /** * Drop a reactor IO object, breaking the reactor link between the in and out * reactor nodes. * @returns {boolean} */ ReactorIO.prototype.drop = function () { if (!this.isDropped()) { this._state = 'dropped'; // Remove links if (this._reactorIn) { this._reactorIn.unChain(this); } if (this._reactorOut) { this.unChain(this._reactorOut); } delete this._reactorIn; delete this._reactorOut; delete this._chainHandler; this.emit('drop', this); delete this._listeners; } return true; }; /** * Gets / sets the current state. * @param {String=} val The name of the state to set. * @returns {*} */ Shared.synthesize(ReactorIO.prototype, 'state'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.Common'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.ChainReactor'); Shared.mixin(ReactorIO.prototype, 'Mixin.Events'); Shared.finishModule('ReactorIO'); module.exports = ReactorIO; },{"./Shared":28}],27:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; /** * Provides functionality to encode and decode JavaScript objects to strings * and back again. This differs from JSON.stringify and JSON.parse in that * special objects such as dates can be encoded to strings and back again * so that the reconstituted version of the string still contains a JavaScript * date object. * @constructor */ var Serialiser = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; Serialiser.prototype.init = function () { this._encoder = []; this._decoder = {}; // Handler for Date() objects this.registerEncoder('$date', function (data) { if (data instanceof Date) { return data.toISOString(); } }); this.registerDecoder('$date', function (data) { return new Date(data); }); // Handler for RegExp() objects this.registerEncoder('$regexp', function (data) { if (data instanceof RegExp) { return { source: data.source, params: '' + ( ? 'g' : '') + (data.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') }; } }); this.registerDecoder('$regexp', function (data) { var type = typeof data; if (type === 'object') { return new RegExp(data.source, data.params); } else if (type === 'string') { return new RegExp(data); } }); }; /** * Register an encoder that can handle encoding for a particular * object type. * @param {String} handles The name of the handler e.g. $date. * @param {Function} method The encoder method. */ Serialiser.prototype.registerEncoder = function (handles, method) { this._encoder.push(function (data) { var methodVal = method(data), returnObj; if (methodVal !== undefined) { returnObj = {}; returnObj[handles] = methodVal; } return returnObj; }); }; /** * Register a decoder that can handle decoding for a particular * object type. * @param {String} handles The name of the handler e.g. $date. When an object * has a field matching this handler name then this decode will be invoked * to provide a decoded version of the data that was previously encoded by * it's counterpart encoder method. * @param {Function} method The decoder method. */ Serialiser.prototype.registerDecoder = function (handles, method) { this._decoder[handles] = method; }; /** * Loops the encoders and asks each one if it wants to handle encoding for * the passed data object. If no value is returned (undefined) then the data * will be passed to the next encoder and so on. If a value is returned the * loop will break and the encoded data will be used. * @param {Object} data The data object to handle. * @returns {*} The encoded data. * @private */ Serialiser.prototype._encode = function (data) { // Loop the encoders and if a return value is given by an encoder // the loop will exit and return that value. var count = this._encoder.length, retVal; while (count-- && !retVal) { retVal = this._encoder[count](data); } return retVal; }; /** * Converts a previously encoded string back into an object. * @param {String} data The string to convert to an object. * @returns {Object} The reconstituted object. */ Serialiser.prototype.parse = function (data) { return this._parse(JSON.parse(data)); }; /** * Handles restoring an object with special data markers back into * it's original format. * @param {Object} data The object to recurse. * @param {Object=} target The target object to restore data to. * @returns {Object} The final restored object. * @private */ Serialiser.prototype._parse = function (data, target) { var i; if (typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) { if (data instanceof Array) { target = target || []; } else { target = target || {}; } // Iterate through the object's keys and handle // special object types and restore them for (i in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (i.substr(0, 1) === '$' && this._decoder[i]) { // This is a special object type and a handler // exists, restore it return this._decoder[i](data[i]); } // Not a special object or no handler, recurse as normal target[i] = this._parse(data[i], target[i]); } } } else { target = data; } // The data is a basic type return target; }; /** * Converts an object to a encoded string representation. * @param {Object} data The object to encode. */ Serialiser.prototype.stringify = function (data) { return JSON.stringify(this._stringify(data)); }; /** * Recurse down an object and encode special objects so they can be * stringified and later restored. * @param {Object} data The object to parse. * @param {Object=} target The target object to store converted data to. * @returns {Object} The converted object. * @private */ Serialiser.prototype._stringify = function (data, target) { var handledData, i; if (typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) { // Handle special object types so they can be encoded with // a special marker and later restored by a decoder counterpart handledData = this._encode(data); if (handledData) { // An encoder handled this object type so return it now return handledData; } if (data instanceof Array) { target = target || []; } else { target = target || {}; } // Iterate through the object's keys and serialise for (i in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) { target[i] = this._stringify(data[i], target[i]); } } } else { target = data; } // The data is a basic type return target; }; module.exports = Serialiser; },{}],28:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ "use strict"; var Overload = _dereq_('./Overload'); /** * A shared object that can be used to store arbitrary data between class * instances, and access helper methods. * @mixin */ var Shared = { version: '1.3.556', modules: {}, plugins: {}, _synth: {}, /** * Adds a module to ForerunnerDB. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @param {Function} module The module class. */ addModule: function (name, module) { // Store the module in the module registry this.modules[name] = module; // Tell the universe we are loading this module this.emit('moduleLoad', [name, module]); }, /** * Called by the module once all processing has been completed. Used to determine * if the module is ready for use by other modules. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. */ finishModule: function (name) { if (this.modules[name]) { // Set the finished loading flag to true this.modules[name]._fdbFinished = true; // Assign the module name to itself so it knows what it // is called if (this.modules[name].prototype) { this.modules[name].prototype.className = name; } else { this.modules[name].className = name; } this.emit('moduleFinished', [name, this.modules[name]]); } else { throw('ForerunnerDB.Shared: finishModule called on a module that has not been registered with addModule(): ' + name); } }, /** * Will call your callback method when the specified module has loaded. If the module * is already loaded the callback is called immediately. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @param {Function} callback The callback method to call when the module is loaded. */ moduleFinished: function (name, callback) { if (this.modules[name] && this.modules[name]._fdbFinished) { if (callback) { callback(name, this.modules[name]); } } else { this.on('moduleFinished', callback); } }, /** * Determines if a module has been added to ForerunnerDB or not. * @memberof Shared * @param {String} name The name of the module. * @returns {Boolean} True if the module exists or false if not. */ moduleExists: function (name) { return Boolean(this.modules[name]); }, /** * Adds the properties and methods defined in the mixin to the passed object. * @memberof Shared * @param {Object} obj The target object to add mixin key/values to. * @param {String} mixinName The name of the mixin to add to the object. */ mixin: new Overload({ 'object, string': function (obj, mixinName) { var mixinObj; if (typeof mixinName === 'string') { mixinObj = this.mixins[mixinName]; if (!mixinObj) { throw('ForerunnerDB.Shared: Cannot find mixin named: ' + mixinName); } } return this.$, obj, mixinObj); }, 'object, *': function (obj, mixinObj) { return this.$, obj, mixinObj); }, '$main': function (obj, mixinObj) { if (mixinObj && typeof mixinObj === 'object') { for (var i in mixinObj) { if (mixinObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { obj[i] = mixinObj[i]; } } } return obj; } }), /** * Generates a generic getter/setter method for the passed method name. * @memberof Shared * @param {Object} obj The object to add the getter/setter to. * @param {String} name The name of the getter/setter to generate. * @param {Function=} extend A method to call before executing the getter/setter. * The existing getter/setter can be accessed from the extend method via the * $super e.g. this.$super(); */ synthesize: function (obj, name, extend) { this._synth[name] = this._synth[name] || function (val) { if (val !== undefined) { this['_' + name] = val; return this; } return this['_' + name]; }; if (extend) { var self = this; obj[name] = function () { var tmp = this.$super, ret; this.$super = self._synth[name]; ret = extend.apply(this, arguments); this.$super = tmp; return ret; }; } else { obj[name] = this._synth[name]; } }, /** * Allows a method to be overloaded. * @memberof Shared * @param arr * @returns {Function} * @constructor */ overload: Overload, /** * Define the mixins that other modules can use as required. * @memberof Shared */ mixins: { 'Mixin.Common': _dereq_('./Mixin.Common'), 'Mixin.Events': _dereq_('./Mixin.Events'), 'Mixin.ChainReactor': _dereq_('./Mixin.ChainReactor'), 'Mixin.CRUD': _dereq_('./Mixin.CRUD'), 'Mixin.Constants': _dereq_('./Mixin.Constants'), 'Mixin.Triggers': _dereq_('./Mixin.Triggers'), 'Mixin.Sorting': _dereq_('./Mixin.Sorting'), 'Mixin.Matching': _dereq_('./Mixin.Matching'), 'Mixin.Updating': _dereq_('./Mixin.Updating'), 'Mixin.Tags': _dereq_('./Mixin.Tags') } }; // Add event handling to shared Shared.mixin(Shared, 'Mixin.Events'); module.exports = Shared; },{"./Mixin.CRUD":13,"./Mixin.ChainReactor":14,"./Mixin.Common":15,"./Mixin.Constants":16,"./Mixin.Events":17,"./Mixin.Matching":18,"./Mixin.Sorting":19,"./Mixin.Tags":20,"./Mixin.Triggers":21,"./Mixin.Updating":22,"./Overload":24}],29:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){ /* jshint strict:false */ if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function(fun/*, thisArg*/) { if (this === void 0 || this === null) { throw new TypeError(); } var t = Object(this); var len = t.length >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line if (typeof fun !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(); } var res = []; var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in t) { var val = t[i]; // NOTE: Technically this should Object.defineProperty at // the next index, as push can be affected by // properties on Object.prototype and Array.prototype. // But that method's new, and collisions should be // rare, so use the more-compatible alternative. if (, val, i, t)) { res.push(val); } } } return res; }; } if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') { Object.create = (function() { var Temp = function() {}; return function (prototype) { if (arguments.length > 1) { throw Error('Second argument not supported'); } if (typeof prototype !== 'object') { throw TypeError('Argument must be an object'); } Temp.prototype = prototype; var result = new Temp(); Temp.prototype = null; return result; }; })(); } // Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5, // Reference: if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement, fromIndex) { var k; // 1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing // the this value as the argument. if (this === null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var O = Object(this); // 2. Let lenValue be the result of calling the Get // internal method of O with the argument "length". // 3. Let len be ToUint32(lenValue). var len = O.length >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line // 4. If len is 0, return -1. if (len === 0) { return -1; } // 5. If argument fromIndex was passed let n be // ToInteger(fromIndex); else let n be 0. var n = +fromIndex || 0; if (Math.abs(n) === Infinity) { n = 0; } // 6. If n >= len, return -1. if (n >= len) { return -1; } // 7. If n >= 0, then Let k be n. // 8. Else, n<0, Let k be len - abs(n). // If k is less than 0, then let k be 0. k = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : len - Math.abs(n), 0); // 9. Repeat, while k < len while (k < len) { // a. Let Pk be ToString(k). // This is implicit for LHS operands of the in operator // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the // HasProperty internal method of O with argument Pk. // This step can be combined with c // c. If kPresent is true, then // i. Let elementK be the result of calling the Get // internal method of O with the argument ToString(k). // ii. Let same be the result of applying the // Strict Equality Comparison Algorithm to // searchElement and elementK. // iii. If same is true, return k. if (k in O && O[k] === searchElement) { return k; } k++; } return -1; }; } module.exports = {}; },{}]},{},[1]);
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { fetchPost, deletePost } from '../actions/index'; class PostsShow extends Component { componentDidMount(){ const { id } = this.props.match.params; this.props.fetchPost(id); } onDeleteClick(){ const { id } = this.props.match.params; this.props.deletePost(id, () => { this.props.history.push('/'); }); } render() { const { post } = this.props; if (!post) { return <div>Loading...</div>; } return ( <div> <Link to="/">Back to home</Link> <button className='btn btn-danger pull-xs-right' onClick={this.onDeleteClick.bind(this)} > Delete Post </button> <h3>{post.title}</h3> <h6>Categories: {post.categories}</h6> <p>{ post.content }</p> </div> ); } } function mapStateToProps({ posts }, ownProps) { return { post: posts[] }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps, { fetchPost, deletePost })(PostsShow);
!function a(b,c,d){function e(g,h){if(!c[g]){if(!b[g]){var i="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!h&&i)return i(g,!0);if(f)return f(g,!0);var j=new Error("Cannot find module '"+g+"'");throw j.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",j}var k=c[g]={exports:{}};b[g][0].call(k.exports,function(a){var c=b[g][1][a];return e(c?c:a)},k,k.exports,a,b,c,d)}return c[g].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof require&&require,g=0;g<d.length;g++)e(d[g]);return e}({1:[function(a,b,c){var d=a("./core");a("../lib/View");"undefined"!=typeof window&&(window.ForerunnerDB=d),b.exports=d},{"../lib/View":33,"./core":2}],2:[function(a,b,c){var d=a("../lib/Core");a("../lib/Shim.IE8");"undefined"!=typeof window&&(window.ForerunnerDB=d),b.exports=d},{"../lib/Core":8,"../lib/Shim.IE8":32}],3:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e=a("./Shared"),f=a("./Path"),g=function(a){this._primaryKey="_id",this._keyArr=[],this._data=[],this._objLookup={},this._count=0,this._keyArr=d.parse(a,!0)};e.addModule("ActiveBucket",g),e.mixin(g.prototype,"Mixin.Sorting"),d=new f,e.synthesize(g.prototype,"primaryKey"),g.prototype.qs=function(a,b,c,d){if(!b.length)return 0;for(var e,f,g,h=-1,i=0,j=b.length-1;j>=i&&(e=Math.floor((i+j)/2),h!==e);)f=b[e],void 0!==f&&(g=d(this,a,c,f),g>0&&(i=e+1),0>g&&(j=e-1)),h=e;return g>0?e+1:e},g.prototype._sortFunc=function(a,b,c,e){var f,g,h,i=c.split(".:."),j=e.split(".:."),k=a._keyArr,l=k.length;for(f=0;l>f;f++)if(g=k[f],h=typeof d.get(b,g.path),"number"===h&&(i[f]=Number(i[f]),j[f]=Number(j[f])),i[f]!==j[f]){if(1===g.value)return a.sortAsc(i[f],j[f]);if(-1===g.value)return a.sortDesc(i[f],j[f])}},g.prototype.insert=function(a){var b,c;return b=this.documentKey(a),c=this._data.indexOf(b),-1===c?(c=this.qs(a,this._data,b,this._sortFunc),this._data.splice(c,0,b)):this._data.splice(c,0,b),this._objLookup[a[this._primaryKey]]=b,this._count++,c},g.prototype.remove=function(a){var b,c;return b=this._objLookup[a[this._primaryKey]],b?(c=this._data.indexOf(b),c>-1?(this._data.splice(c,1),delete this._objLookup[a[this._primaryKey]],this._count--,!0):!1):!1},g.prototype.index=function(a){var b,c;return b=this.documentKey(a),c=this._data.indexOf(b),-1===c&&(c=this.qs(a,this._data,b,this._sortFunc)),c},g.prototype.documentKey=function(a){var b,c,e="",f=this._keyArr,g=f.length;for(b=0;g>b;b++)c=f[b],e&&(e+=".:."),e+=d.get(a,c.path);return e+=".:."+a[this._primaryKey]},g.prototype.count=function(){return this._count},e.finishModule("ActiveBucket"),b.exports=g},{"./Path":28,"./Shared":31}],4:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Shared"),e=a("./Path"),f=new e,g=function(a,b,c){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};g.prototype.init=function(a,b,c,d,e){this._store=[],this._keys=[],void 0!==c&&this.primaryKey(c),void 0!==b&&this.index(b),void 0!==d&&this.compareFunc(d),void 0!==e&&this.hashFunc(e),void 0!==a&&},d.addModule("BinaryTree",g),d.mixin(g.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),d.mixin(g.prototype,"Mixin.Sorting"),d.mixin(g.prototype,"Mixin.Common"),d.synthesize(g.prototype,"compareFunc"),d.synthesize(g.prototype,"hashFunc"),d.synthesize(g.prototype,"indexDir"),d.synthesize(g.prototype,"primaryKey"),d.synthesize(g.prototype,"keys"),d.synthesize(g.prototype,"index",function(a){return void 0!==a&&(this.debug()&&console.log("Setting index",a,f.parse(a,!0)),this.keys(f.parse(a,!0))),this.$,a)}),g.prototype.clear=function(){delete this._data,delete this._left,delete this._right,this._store=[]},{return void 0!==a?(this._data=a,this._hashFunc&&(this._hash=this._hashFunc(a)),this):this._data},g.prototype.push=function(a){return void 0!==a?(this._store.push(a),this):!1},g.prototype.pull=function(a){if(void 0!==a){var b=this._store.indexOf(a);if(b>-1)return this._store.splice(b,1),this}return!1},g.prototype._compareFunc=function(a,b){var c,d,e=0;for(c=0;c<this._keys.length;c++)if(d=this._keys[c],1===d.value?e=this.sortAsc(f.get(a,d.path),f.get(b,d.path)):-1===d.value&&(e=this.sortDesc(f.get(a,d.path),f.get(b,d.path))),this.debug()&&console.log("Compared %s with %s order %d in path %s and result was %d",f.get(a,d.path),f.get(b,d.path),d.value,d.path,e),0!==e)return this.debug()&&console.log("Retuning result %d",e),e;return this.debug()&&console.log("Retuning result %d",e),e},g.prototype._hashFunc=function(a){return a[this._keys[0].path]},g.prototype.removeChildNode=function(a){this._left===a?delete this._left:this._right===a&&delete this._right},g.prototype.nodeBranch=function(a){return this._left===a?"left":this._right===a?"right":void 0},g.prototype.insert=function(a){var b,c,d,e;if(a instanceof Array){for(c=[],d=[],e=0;e<a.length;e++)this.insert(a[e])?c.push(a[e]):d.push(a[e]);return{inserted:c,failed:d}}return this.debug()&&console.log("Inserting",a),this._data?(b=this._compareFunc(this._data,a),0===b?(this.debug()&&console.log("Data is equal (currrent, new)",this._data,a),this._left?this._left.insert(a):(this._left=new g(a,this._index,this._binaryTree,this._compareFunc,this._hashFunc),this._left._parent=this),!0):-1===b?(this.debug()&&console.log("Data is greater (currrent, new)",this._data,a),this._right?this._right.insert(a):(this._right=new g(a,this._index,this._binaryTree,this._compareFunc,this._hashFunc),this._right._parent=this),!0):1===b?(this.debug()&&console.log("Data is less (currrent, new)",this._data,a),this._left?this._left.insert(a):(this._left=new g(a,this._index,this._binaryTree,this._compareFunc,this._hashFunc),this._left._parent=this),!0):!1):(this.debug()&&console.log("Node has no data, setting data",a),,!0)},g.prototype.remove=function(a){var b,c,d,e=this.primaryKey();if(a instanceof Array){for(c=[],d=0;d<a.length;d++)this.remove(a[d])&&c.push(a[d]);return c}return this.debug()&&console.log("Removing",a),this._data[e]===a[e]?this._remove(this):(b=this._compareFunc(this._data,a),-1===b&&this._right?this._right.remove(a):1===b&&this._left?this._left.remove(a):!1)},g.prototype._remove=function(a){var b,c;return this._left?(b=this._left,c=this._right,this._left=b._left,this._right=b._right,this._data=b._data,this._store=b._store,c&&(b.rightMost()._right=c)):this._right?(c=this._right,this._left=c._left,this._right=c._right,this._data=c._data,this._store=c._store):this.clear(),!0},g.prototype.leftMost=function(){return this._left?this._left.leftMost():this},g.prototype.rightMost=function(){return this._right?this._right.rightMost():this},g.prototype.lookup=function(a,b,c){var d=this._compareFunc(this._data,a);return c=c||[],0===d&&(this._left&&this._left.lookup(a,b,c),c.push(this._data),this._right&&this._right.lookup(a,b,c)),-1===d&&this._right&&this._right.lookup(a,b,c),1===d&&this._left&&this._left.lookup(a,b,c),c},g.prototype.inOrder=function(a,b){switch(b=b||[],this._left&&this._left.inOrder(a,b),a){case"hash":b.push(this._hash);break;case"data":b.push(this._data);break;default:b.push({key:this._data,arr:this._store})}return this._right&&this._right.inOrder(a,b),b},g.prototype.startsWith=function(a,b,c,d){var e,g,h=f.get(this._data,a),i=h.substr(0,b.length);return c=c||new RegExp("^"+b),d=d||[],void 0===d._visited&&(d._visited=0),d._visited++,g=this.sortAsc(h,b),e=i===b,0===g&&(this._left&&this._left.startsWith(a,b,c,d),e&&d.push(this._data),this._right&&this._right.startsWith(a,b,c,d)),-1===g&&(e&&d.push(this._data),this._right&&this._right.startsWith(a,b,c,d)),1===g&&(this._left&&this._left.startsWith(a,b,c,d),e&&d.push(this._data)),d},g.prototype.findRange=function(a,b,c,d,f,g){f=f||[],g=g||new e(b),this._left&&this._left.findRange(a,b,c,d,f,g);var h=g.value(this._data),i=this.sortAsc(h,c),j=this.sortAsc(h,d);if(!(0!==i&&1!==i||0!==j&&-1!==j))switch(a){case"hash":f.push(this._hash);break;case"data":f.push(this._data);break;default:f.push({key:this._data,arr:this._store})}return this._right&&this._right.findRange(a,b,c,d,f,g),f},g.prototype.match=function(a,b,c){var d,e,g,h=[],i=0;for(d=f.parseArr(this._index,{verbose:!0}),e=f.parseArr(a,c&&c.pathOptions?c.pathOptions:{ignore:/\$/,verbose:!0}),g=0;g<d.length;g++)e[g]===d[g]&&(i++,h.push(e[g]));return{matchedKeys:h,totalKeyCount:e.length,score:i}},d.finishModule("BinaryTree"),b.exports=g},{"./Path":28,"./Shared":31}],5:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e;d=function(){var a,b,c,d=[];for(b=0;256>b;b++){for(a=b,c=0;8>c;c++)a=1&a?3988292384^a>>>1:a>>>1;d[b]=a}return d}(),e=function(a){var b,c=-1;for(b=0;b<a.length;b++)c=c>>>8^d[255&(c^a.charCodeAt(b))];return(-1^c)>>>0},b.exports=e},{}],6:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;d=a("./Shared");var o=function(a,b){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};o.prototype.init=function(a,b){this.sharedPathSolver=n,this._primaryKey="_id",this._primaryIndex=new g("primary"),this._primaryCrc=new g("primaryCrc"),this._crcLookup=new g("crcLookup"),this._name=a,this._data=[],this._metrics=new f,this._options=b||{changeTimestamp:!1},this._options.db&&this.db(this._options.db),this._metaData={},this._deferQueue={insert:[],update:[],remove:[],upsert:[],async:[]},this._deferThreshold={insert:100,update:100,remove:100,upsert:100},this._deferTime={insert:1,update:1,remove:1,upsert:1},this._deferredCalls=!0,this.subsetOf(this)},d.addModule("Collection",o),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Common"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Events"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.CRUD"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Constants"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Triggers"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Sorting"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Matching"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Updating"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Tags"),f=a("./Metrics"),g=a("./KeyValueStore"),h=a("./Path"),i=a("./IndexHashMap"),j=a("./IndexBinaryTree"),k=a("./Index2d"),e=d.modules.Db,l=a("./Overload"),m=a("./ReactorIO"),n=new h,d.synthesize(o.prototype,"deferredCalls"),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"state"),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"name"),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"metaData"),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"capped"),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"cappedSize"),o.prototype._asyncPending=function(a){this._deferQueue.async.push(a)},o.prototype._asyncComplete=function(a){for(var b=this._deferQueue.async.indexOf(a);b>-1;)this._deferQueue.async.splice(b,1),b=this._deferQueue.async.indexOf(a);0===this._deferQueue.async.length&&this.deferEmit("ready")},{return this._data},o.prototype.drop=function(a){var b;if(this.isDropped())return a&&a(!1,!0),!0;if(this._db&&this._db._collection&&this._name){if(this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Dropping"),this._state="dropped",this.emit("drop",this),delete this._db._collection[this._name],this._collate)for(b in this._collate)this._collate.hasOwnProperty(b)&&this.collateRemove(b);return delete this._primaryKey,delete this._primaryIndex,delete this._primaryCrc,delete this._crcLookup,delete this._name,delete this._data,delete this._metrics,delete this._listeners,a&&a(!1,!0),!0}return a&&a(!1,!0),!1},o.prototype.primaryKey=function(a){if(void 0!==a){if(this._primaryKey!==a){var b=this._primaryKey;this._primaryKey=a,this._primaryIndex.primaryKey(a),this.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex(),this.chainSend("primaryKey",{keyName:a,oldData:b})}return this}return this._primaryKey},o.prototype._onInsert=function(a,b){this.emit("insert",a,b)},o.prototype._onUpdate=function(a){this.emit("update",a)},o.prototype._onRemove=function(a){this.emit("remove",a)},o.prototype._onChange=function(){this._options.changeTimestamp&&(this._metaData.lastChange=this.serialiser.convert(new Date))},d.synthesize(o.prototype,"db",function(a){return a&&"_id"===this.primaryKey()&&(this.primaryKey(a.primaryKey()),this.debug(a.debug())),this.$super.apply(this,arguments)}),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"mongoEmulation"),o.prototype.setData=new l("Collection.prototype.setData",{"*":function(a){return this.$,a,{})},"*, object":function(a,b){return this.$,a,b)},"*, function":function(a,b){return this.$,a,{},b)},"*, *, function":function(a,b,c){return this.$,a,b,c)},"*, *, *":function(a,b,c){return this.$,a,b,c)},$main:function(a,b,c){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";if(a){var d=this.deferredCalls(),e=[].concat(this._data);this.deferredCalls(!1),b=this.options(b),b.$decouple&&(a=this.decouple(a)),a instanceof Array||(a=[a]),this.remove({}),this.insert(a),this.deferredCalls(d),this._onChange(),this.emit("setData",this._data,e)}return c&&c(),this}}),o.prototype.rebuildPrimaryKeyIndex=function(a){a=a||{$ensureKeys:void 0,$violationCheck:void 0};var b,c,d,e,f=a&&void 0!==a.$ensureKeys?a.$ensureKeys:!0,g=a&&void 0!==a.$violationCheck?a.$violationCheck:!0,h=this._primaryIndex,i=this._primaryCrc,j=this._crcLookup,k=this._primaryKey;for(h.truncate(),i.truncate(),j.truncate(),b=this._data,c=b.length;c--;){if(d=b[c],f&&this.ensurePrimaryKey(d),g){if(!h.uniqueSet(d[k],d))throw this.logIdentifier()+" Call to setData on collection failed because your data violates the primary key unique constraint. One or more documents are using the same primary key: "+d[this._primaryKey]}else h.set(d[k],d);e=this.hash(d),i.set(d[k],e),j.set(e,d)}},o.prototype.ensurePrimaryKey=function(a){void 0===a[this._primaryKey]&&(a[this._primaryKey]=this.objectId())},o.prototype.truncate=function(){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";return this.emit("truncate",this._data),this._data.length=0,this._primaryIndex=new g("primary"),this._primaryCrc=new g("primaryCrc"),this._crcLookup=new g("crcLookup"),this._onChange(),this.emit("immediateChange",{type:"truncate"}),this.deferEmit("change",{type:"truncate"}),this},o.prototype.upsert=function(a,b){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";if(a){var c,d,e=this._deferQueue.upsert,f=this._deferThreshold.upsert,g={};if(a instanceof Array){if(this._deferredCalls&&a.length>f)return this._deferQueue.upsert=e.concat(a),this._asyncPending("upsert"),this.processQueue("upsert",b),{};for(g=[],d=0;d<a.length;d++)g.push(this.upsert(a[d]));return b&&b(),g}switch(a[this._primaryKey]?(c={},c[this._primaryKey]=a[this._primaryKey],this._primaryIndex.lookup(c)[0]?g.op="update":g.op="insert"):g.op="insert",g.op){case"insert":g.result=this.insert(a,b);break;case"update":g.result=this.update(c,a,{},b)}return g}return b&&b(),{}},o.prototype.filter=function(a,b,c){return this.find(a,c).filter(b)},o.prototype.filterUpdate=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h=this.find(a,c),i=[],j=this.primaryKey();for(g=0;g<h.length;g++)d=h[g],f=b(d),f&&(e={},e[j]=d[j],i.push(this.update(e,f)));return i},o.prototype.update=function(a,b,c,d){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";return this.mongoEmulation()?(this.convertToFdb(a),this.convertToFdb(b)):b=this.decouple(b),b=this.transformIn(b),this._handleUpdate(a,b,c,d)},o.prototype._handleUpdate=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g=this,h=this._metrics.create("update"),i=function(d){var e,f,i,j=g.decouple(d);return g.willTrigger(g.TYPE_UPDATE,g.PHASE_BEFORE)||g.willTrigger(g.TYPE_UPDATE,g.PHASE_AFTER)?(e=g.decouple(d),f={type:"update",query:g.decouple(a),update:g.decouple(b),options:g.decouple(c),op:h},i=g.updateObject(e,f.update,f.query,f.options,""),g.processTrigger(f,g.TYPE_UPDATE,g.PHASE_BEFORE,d,e)!==!1?(i=g.updateObject(d,e,f.query,f.options,""),g.processTrigger(f,g.TYPE_UPDATE,g.PHASE_AFTER,j,e)):i=!1):i=g.updateObject(d,b,a,c,""),g._updateIndexes(j,d),i};return h.start(),h.time("Retrieve documents to update"),e=this.find(a,{$decouple:!1}),h.time("Retrieve documents to update"),e.length&&(h.time("Update documents"),f=e.filter(i),h.time("Update documents"),f.length&&(this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Updated some data"),h.time("Resolve chains"),this.chainWillSend()&&this.chainSend("update",{query:a,update:b,dataSet:this.decouple(f)},c),h.time("Resolve chains"),this._onUpdate(f),this._onChange(),d&&d(),this.emit("immediateChange",{type:"update",data:f}),this.deferEmit("change",{type:"update",data:f}))),h.stop(),f||[]},o.prototype._replaceObj=function(a,b){var c;this._removeFromIndexes(a);for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&delete a[c];for(c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(a[c]=b[c]);if(!this._insertIntoIndexes(a))throw this.logIdentifier()+" Primary key violation in update! Key violated: "+a[this._primaryKey];return this},o.prototype.updateById=function(a,b){var c={};return c[this._primaryKey]=a,this.update(c,b)[0]},o.prototype.updateObject=function(a,b,c,d,e,f){b=this.decouple(b),e=e||"","."===e.substr(0,1)&&(e=e.substr(1,e.length-1));var g,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t=!1,u=!1;for(s in b)if(b.hasOwnProperty(s)){if(g=!1,"$"===s.substr(0,1))switch(s){case"$key":case"$index":case"$data":case"$min":case"$max":g=!0;break;case"$each":for(g=!0,k=b.$each.length,j=0;k>j;j++)u=this.updateObject(a,b.$each[j],c,d,e),u&&(t=!0);t=t||u;break;case"$replace":g=!0,n=b.$replace,o=this.primaryKey();for(m in a)a.hasOwnProperty(m)&&m!==o&&void 0===n[m]&&(this._updateUnset(a,m),t=!0);for(m in n)n.hasOwnProperty(m)&&m!==o&&(this._updateOverwrite(a,m,n[m]),t=!0);break;default:g=!0,u=this.updateObject(a,b[s],c,d,e,s),t=t||u}if(this._isPositionalKey(s)&&(g=!0,s=s.substr(0,s.length-2),p=new h(e+"."+s),a[s]&&a[s]instanceof Array&&a[s].length)){for(i=[],j=0;j<a[s].length;j++)this._match(a[s][j],p.value(c)[0],d,"",{})&&i.push(j);for(j=0;j<i.length;j++)u=this.updateObject(a[s][i[j]],b[s+".$"],c,d,e+"."+s,f),t=t||u}if(!g)if(f||"object"!=typeof b[s])switch(f){case"$inc":var v=!0;b[s]>0?b.$max&&a[s]>=b.$max&&(v=!1):b[s]<0&&b.$min&&a[s]<=b.$min&&(v=!1),v&&(this._updateIncrement(a,s,b[s]),t=!0);break;case"$cast":switch(b[s]){case"array":a[s]instanceof Array||(this._updateProperty(a,s,b.$data||[]),t=!0);break;case"object":(!(a[s]instanceof Object)||a[s]instanceof Array)&&(this._updateProperty(a,s,b.$data||{}),t=!0);break;case"number":"number"!=typeof a[s]&&(this._updateProperty(a,s,Number(a[s])),t=!0);break;case"string":"string"!=typeof a[s]&&(this._updateProperty(a,s,String(a[s])),t=!0);break;default:throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot update cast to unknown type: "+b[s]}break;case"$push":if(void 0===a[s]&&this._updateProperty(a,s,[]),!(a[s]instanceof Array))throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot push to a key that is not an array! ("+s+")";if(void 0!==b[s].$position&&b[s].$each instanceof Array)for(l=b[s].$position,k=b[s].$each.length,j=0;k>j;j++)this._updateSplicePush(a[s],l+j,b[s].$each[j]);else if(b[s].$each instanceof Array)for(k=b[s].$each.length,j=0;k>j;j++)this._updatePush(a[s],b[s].$each[j]);else this._updatePush(a[s],b[s]);t=!0;break;case"$pull":if(a[s]instanceof Array){for(i=[],j=0;j<a[s].length;j++)this._match(a[s][j],b[s],d,"",{})&&i.push(j);for(k=i.length;k--;)this._updatePull(a[s],i[k]),t=!0}break;case"$pullAll":if(a[s]instanceof Array){if(!(b[s]instanceof Array))throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot pullAll without being given an array of values to pull! ("+s+")";if(i=a[s],k=i.length,k>0)for(;k--;){for(l=0;l<b[s].length;l++)i[k]===b[s][l]&&(this._updatePull(a[s],k),k--,t=!0);if(0>k)break}}break;case"$addToSet":if(void 0===a[s]&&this._updateProperty(a,s,[]),!(a[s]instanceof Array))throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot addToSet on a key that is not an array! ("+s+")";var w,x,y,z,A=a[s],B=A.length,C=!0,D=d&&d.$addToSet;for(b[s].$key?(y=!1,z=new h(b[s].$key),x=z.value(b[s])[0],delete b[s].$key):D&&D.key?(y=!1,z=new h(D.key),x=z.value(b[s])[0]):(x=this.jStringify(b[s]),y=!0),w=0;B>w;w++)if(y){if(this.jStringify(A[w])===x){C=!1;break}}else if(x===z.value(A[w])[0]){C=!1;break}C&&(this._updatePush(a[s],b[s]),t=!0);break;case"$splicePush":if(void 0===a[s]&&this._updateProperty(a,s,[]),!(a[s]instanceof Array))throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot splicePush with a key that is not an array! ("+s+")";if(l=b.$index,void 0===l)throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot splicePush without a $index integer value!";delete b.$index,l>a[s].length&&(l=a[s].length),this._updateSplicePush(a[s],l,b[s]),t=!0;break;case"$move":if(!(a[s]instanceof Array))throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot move on a key that is not an array! ("+s+")";for(j=0;j<a[s].length;j++)if(this._match(a[s][j],b[s],d,"",{})){var E=b.$index;if(void 0===E)throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot move without a $index integer value!";delete b.$index,this._updateSpliceMove(a[s],j,E),t=!0;break}break;case"$mul":this._updateMultiply(a,s,b[s]),t=!0;break;case"$rename":this._updateRename(a,s,b[s]),t=!0;break;case"$overwrite":this._updateOverwrite(a,s,b[s]),t=!0;break;case"$unset":this._updateUnset(a,s),t=!0;break;case"$clear":this._updateClear(a,s),t=!0;break;case"$pop":if(!(a[s]instanceof Array))throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot pop from a key that is not an array! ("+s+")";this._updatePop(a[s],b[s])&&(t=!0);break;case"$toggle":this._updateProperty(a,s,!a[s]),t=!0;break;default:a[s]!==b[s]&&(this._updateProperty(a,s,b[s]),t=!0)}else if(null!==a[s]&&"object"==typeof a[s])if(q=a[s]instanceof Array,r=b[s]instanceof Array,q||r)if(!r&&q)for(j=0;j<a[s].length;j++)u=this.updateObject(a[s][j],b[s],c,d,e+"."+s,f),t=t||u;else a[s]!==b[s]&&(this._updateProperty(a,s,b[s]),t=!0);else u=this.updateObject(a[s],b[s],c,d,e+"."+s,f),t=t||u;else a[s]!==b[s]&&(this._updateProperty(a,s,b[s]),t=!0)}return t},o.prototype._isPositionalKey=function(a){return".$"===a.substr(a.length-2,2)},o.prototype.remove=function(a,b,c){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l=this;if("function"==typeof b&&(c=b,b={}),this.mongoEmulation()&&this.convertToFdb(a),a instanceof Array){for(g=[],f=0;f<a.length;f++)g.push(this.remove(a[f],{noEmit:!0}));return(!b||b&&!b.noEmit)&&this._onRemove(g),c&&c(!1,g),g}if(g=[],d=this.find(a,{$decouple:!1}),d.length){h=function(a){l._removeFromIndexes(a),e=l._data.indexOf(a),l._dataRemoveAtIndex(e),g.push(a)};for(var m=0;m<d.length;m++)j=d[m],l.willTrigger(l.TYPE_REMOVE,l.PHASE_BEFORE)||l.willTrigger(l.TYPE_REMOVE,l.PHASE_AFTER)?(i={type:"remove"},k=l.decouple(j),l.processTrigger(i,l.TYPE_REMOVE,l.PHASE_BEFORE,k,k)!==!1&&(h(j),l.processTrigger(i,l.TYPE_REMOVE,l.PHASE_AFTER,k,k))):h(j);g.length&&(l.chainSend("remove",{query:a,dataSet:g},b),(!b||b&&!b.noEmit)&&this._onRemove(g),this._onChange(),this.emit("immediateChange",{type:"remove",data:g}),this.deferEmit("change",{type:"remove",data:g}))}return c&&c(!1,g),g},o.prototype.removeById=function(a){var b={};return b[this._primaryKey]=a,this.remove(b)[0]},o.prototype.processQueue=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f=this,g=this._deferQueue[a],h=this._deferThreshold[a],i=this._deferTime[a];if(c=c||{deferred:!0},g.length){switch(d=g.length>h?g.splice(0,h):g.splice(0,g.length),e=f[a](d),a){case"insert":c.inserted=c.inserted||[],c.failed=c.failed||[],c.inserted=c.inserted.concat(e.inserted),c.failed=c.failed.concat(e.failed)}setTimeout(function(){,a,b,c)},i)}else b&&b(c),this._asyncComplete(a);this.isProcessingQueue()||this.deferEmit("queuesComplete")},o.prototype.isProcessingQueue=function(){var a;for(a in this._deferQueue)if(this._deferQueue.hasOwnProperty(a)&&this._deferQueue[a].length)return!0;return!1},o.prototype.insert=function(a,b,c){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";return"function"==typeof b?(c=b,b=this._data.length):void 0===b&&(b=this._data.length),a=this.transformIn(a),this._insertHandle(a,b,c)},o.prototype._insertHandle=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g=this._deferQueue.insert,h=this._deferThreshold.insert,i=[],j=[];if(a instanceof Array){if(this._deferredCalls&&a.length>h)return this._deferQueue.insert=g.concat(a),this._asyncPending("insert"),void this.processQueue("insert",c);for(f=0;f<a.length;f++)d=this._insert(a[f],b+f),d===!0?i.push(a[f]):j.push({doc:a[f],reason:d})}else d=this._insert(a,b),d===!0?i.push(a):j.push({doc:a,reason:d});return e={deferred:!1,inserted:i,failed:j},this._onInsert(i,j),c&&c(e),this._onChange(),this.emit("immediateChange",{type:"insert",data:i}),this.deferEmit("change",{type:"insert",data:i}),e},o.prototype._insert=function(a,b){if(a){var c,d,e,f,g=this,h=this.capped(),i=this.cappedSize();if(this.ensurePrimaryKey(a),c=this.insertIndexViolation(a),e=function(a){g._insertIntoIndexes(a),b>g._data.length&&(b=g._data.length),g._dataInsertAtIndex(b,a),h&&g._data.length>i&&g.removeById(g._data[0][g._primaryKey]),g.chainWillSend()&&g.chainSend("insert",{dataSet:g.decouple([a])},{index:b})},c)return"Index violation in index: "+c;if(g.willTrigger(g.TYPE_INSERT,g.PHASE_BEFORE)||g.willTrigger(g.TYPE_INSERT,g.PHASE_AFTER)){if(d={type:"insert"},g.processTrigger(d,g.TYPE_INSERT,g.PHASE_BEFORE,{},a)===!1)return"Trigger cancelled operation";e(a),g.willTrigger(g.TYPE_INSERT,g.PHASE_AFTER)&&(f=g.decouple(a),g.processTrigger(d,g.TYPE_INSERT,g.PHASE_AFTER,{},f))}else e(a);return!0}return"No document passed to insert"},o.prototype._dataInsertAtIndex=function(a,b){this._data.splice(a,0,b)},o.prototype._dataRemoveAtIndex=function(a){this._data.splice(a,1)},o.prototype._dataReplace=function(a){for(;this._data.length;)this._data.pop();this._data=this._data.concat(a)},o.prototype._insertIntoIndexes=function(a){var b,c,d=this._indexByName,e=this.hash(a),f=this._primaryKey;c=this._primaryIndex.uniqueSet(a[f],a),this._primaryCrc.uniqueSet(a[f],e),this._crcLookup.uniqueSet(e,a);for(b in d)d.hasOwnProperty(b)&&d[b].insert(a);return c},o.prototype._removeFromIndexes=function(a){var b,c=this._indexByName,d=this.hash(a),e=this._primaryKey;this._primaryIndex.unSet(a[e]),this._primaryCrc.unSet(a[e]),this._crcLookup.unSet(d);for(b in c)c.hasOwnProperty(b)&&c[b].remove(a)},o.prototype._updateIndexes=function(a,b){this._removeFromIndexes(a),this._insertIntoIndexes(b)},o.prototype._rebuildIndexes=function(){var a,b=this._indexByName;for(a in b)b.hasOwnProperty(a)&&b[a].rebuild()},o.prototype.subset=function(a,b){var c,d=this.find(a,b);return c=new o,c.db(this._db),c.subsetOf(this).primaryKey(this._primaryKey).setData(d),c},d.synthesize(o.prototype,"subsetOf"),o.prototype.isSubsetOf=function(a){return this._subsetOf===a},o.prototype.distinct=function(a,b,c){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";var d,e,f=this.find(b,c),g=new h(a),i={},j=[];for(e=0;e<f.length;e++)d=g.value(f[e])[0],d&&!i[d]&&(i[d]=!0,j.push(d));return j},o.prototype.findById=function(a,b){var c={};return c[this._primaryKey]=a,this.find(c,b)[0]},o.prototype.peek=function(a,b){var c,d,e=this._data,f=e.length,g=new o,h=typeof a;if("string"===h){for(c=0;f>c;c++)d=this.jStringify(e[c]),d.indexOf(a)>-1&&g.insert(e[c]);return g.find({},b)}return this.find(a,b)},o.prototype.explain=function(a,b){var c=this.find(a,b);return c.__fdbOp._data},o.prototype.options=function(a){return a=a||{},a.$decouple=void 0!==a.$decouple?a.$decouple:!0,a.$explain=void 0!==a.$explain?a.$explain:!1,a},o.prototype.find=function(a,b,c){return this.mongoEmulation()&&this.convertToFdb(a),c?(c("Callbacks for the find() operation are not yet implemented!",[]),[]),a,b,c)},o.prototype._find=function(a,b){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";a=a||{};var c,d,e,f,g,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x=this._metrics.create("find"),y=this.primaryKey(),z=this,A=!0,B={},C=[],D=[],E=[],F={},G={};if(b instanceof Array||(b=this.options(b)),w=function(c){return z._match(c,a,b,"and",F)},x.start(),a){if(a instanceof Array){for(v=this,n=0;n<a.length;n++)v=v.subset(a[n],b&&b[n]?b[n]:{});return v.find()}if(a.$findSub){if(!a.$findSub.$path)throw"$findSub missing $path property!";return this.findSub(a.$findSub.$query,a.$findSub.$path,a.$findSub.$subQuery,a.$findSub.$subOptions)}if(a.$findSubOne){if(!a.$findSubOne.$path)throw"$findSubOne missing $path property!";return this.findSubOne(a.$findSubOne.$query,a.$findSubOne.$path,a.$findSubOne.$subQuery,a.$findSubOne.$subOptions)}if(x.time("analyseQuery"),c=this._analyseQuery(z.decouple(a),b,x),x.time("analyseQuery"),"analysis",c),c.hasJoin&&c.queriesJoin){for(x.time("joinReferences"),f=0;f<c.joinsOn.length;f++)m=c.joinsOn[f],j=m.key,k=m.type,,i=new h(c.joinQueries[j]),g=i.value(a)[0],B[l]=this._db[k](j).subset(g),delete a[c.joinQueries[j]];x.time("joinReferences")}if(c.indexMatch.length&&(!b||b&&!b.$skipIndex)?("index.potential",c.indexMatch),"index.used",c.indexMatch[0].index),x.time("indexLookup"),e=c.indexMatch[0].lookup||[],x.time("indexLookup"),c.indexMatch[0].keyData.totalKeyCount===c.indexMatch[0].keyData.score&&(A=!1)):x.flag("usedIndex",!1),A&&(e&&e.length?(d=e.length,x.time("tableScan: "+d),e=e.filter(w)):(d=this._data.length,x.time("tableScan: "+d),e=this._data.filter(w)),x.time("tableScan: "+d)),b.$orderBy&&(x.time("sort"),e=this.sort(b.$orderBy,e),x.time("sort")),void 0!==b.$page&&void 0!==b.$limit&&($page,G.pages=Math.ceil(e.length/b.$limit),G.records=e.length,b.$page&&b.$limit>0&&("cursor",G),e.splice(0,b.$page*b.$limit))),b.$skip&&(G.skip=b.$skip,e.splice(0,b.$skip),"skip",b.$skip)),b.$limit&&e&&e.length>b.$limit&&(G.limit=b.$limit,e.length=b.$limit,"limit",b.$limit)),b.$decouple&&(x.time("decouple"),e=this.decouple(e),x.time("decouple"),"flag.decouple",!0)),b.$join&&(C=C.concat(this.applyJoin(e,b.$join,B)),"flag.join",!0)),C.length&&(x.time("removalQueue"),this.spliceArrayByIndexList(e,C),x.time("removalQueue")),b.$transform){for(x.time("transform"),n=0;n<e.length;n++)e.splice(n,1,b.$transform(e[n]));x.time("transform"),"flag.transform",!0)}this._transformEnabled&&this._transformOut&&(x.time("transformOut"),e=this.transformOut(e),x.time("transformOut")),"results",e.length)}else e=[];if(!b.$aggregate){x.time("scanFields");for(n in b)b.hasOwnProperty(n)&&0!==n.indexOf("$")&&(1===b[n]?D.push(n):0===b[n]&&E.push(n));if(x.time("scanFields"),D.length||E.length){for("flag.limitFields",!0),"limitFields.on",D),"",E),x.time("limitFields"),n=0;n<e.length;n++){t=e[n];for(o in t)t.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(D.length&&o!==y&&-1===D.indexOf(o)&&delete t[o],E.length&&E.indexOf(o)>-1&&delete t[o])}x.time("limitFields")}if(b.$elemMatch){"flag.elemMatch",!0),x.time("projection-elemMatch");for(n in b.$elemMatch)if(b.$elemMatch.hasOwnProperty(n))for(q=new h(n),o=0;o<e.length;o++)if(r=q.value(e[o])[0],r&&r.length)for(p=0;p<r.length;p++)if(z._match(r[p],b.$elemMatch[n],b,"",{})){q.set(e[o],n,[r[p]]);break}x.time("projection-elemMatch")}if(b.$elemsMatch){"flag.elemsMatch",!0),x.time("projection-elemsMatch");for(n in b.$elemsMatch)if(b.$elemsMatch.hasOwnProperty(n))for(q=new h(n),o=0;o<e.length;o++)if(r=q.value(e[o])[0],r&&r.length){for(s=[],p=0;p<r.length;p++)z._match(r[p],b.$elemsMatch[n],b,"",{})&&s.push(r[p]);q.set(e[o],n,s)}x.time("projection-elemsMatch")}}return b.$aggregate&&("flag.aggregate",!0),x.time("aggregate"),u=new h(b.$aggregate),e=u.value(e),x.time("aggregate")),x.stop(),e.__fdbOp=x,e.$cursor=G,e},o.prototype.findOne=function(){return this.find.apply(this,arguments)[0]},o.prototype.indexOf=function(a,b){var c,d=this.find(a,{$decouple:!1})[0];return d?!b||b&&!b.$orderBy?this._data.indexOf(d):(b.$decouple=!1,c=this.find(a,b),c.indexOf(d)):-1},o.prototype.indexOfDocById=function(a,b){var c,d;return c="object"!=typeof a?this._primaryIndex.get(a):this._primaryIndex.get(a[this._primaryKey]),c?!b||b&&!b.$orderBy?this._data.indexOf(c):(b.$decouple=!1,d=this.find({},b),d.indexOf(c)):-1},o.prototype.removeByIndex=function(a){var b,c;return b=this._data[a],void 0!==b?(b=this.decouple(b),c=b[this.primaryKey()],this.removeById(c)):!1},o.prototype.transform=function(a){return void 0!==a?("object"==typeof a?(void 0!==a.enabled&&(this._transformEnabled=a.enabled),void 0!==a.dataIn&&(this._transformIn=a.dataIn),void 0!==a.dataOut&&(this._transformOut=a.dataOut)):this._transformEnabled=a!==!1,this):{enabled:this._transformEnabled,dataIn:this._transformIn,dataOut:this._transformOut}},o.prototype.transformIn=function(a){if(this._transformEnabled&&this._transformIn){if(a instanceof Array){var b,c,d=[];for(c=0;c<a.length;c++)b=this._transformIn(a[c]),b instanceof Array?d=d.concat(b):d.push(b);return d}return this._transformIn(a); }return a},o.prototype.transformOut=function(a){if(this._transformEnabled&&this._transformOut){if(a instanceof Array){var b,c,d=[];for(c=0;c<a.length;c++)b=this._transformOut(a[c]),b instanceof Array?d=d.concat(b):d.push(b);return d}return this._transformOut(a)}return a},o.prototype.sort=function(a,b){var c=this,d=n.parse(a,!0);return d.length&&b.sort(function(a,b){var e,f,g=0;for(e=0;e<d.length;e++)if(f=d[e],1===f.value?g=c.sortAsc(n.get(a,f.path),n.get(b,f.path)):-1===f.value&&(g=c.sortDesc(n.get(a,f.path),n.get(b,f.path))),0!==g)return g;return g}),b},o.prototype._sort=function(a,b){var c,d=this,e=new h,f=e.parse(a,!0)[0];if(e.path(f.path),1===f.value)c=function(a,b){var c=e.value(a)[0],f=e.value(b)[0];return d.sortAsc(c,f)};else{if(-1!==f.value)throw this.logIdentifier()+" $orderBy clause has invalid direction: "+f.value+", accepted values are 1 or -1 for ascending or descending!";c=function(a,b){var c=e.value(a)[0],f=e.value(b)[0];return d.sortDesc(c,f)}}return b.sort(c)},o.prototype._analyseQuery=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u={queriesOn:[{id:"$collection."+this._name,type:"colletion",key:this._name}],indexMatch:[],hasJoin:!1,queriesJoin:!1,joinQueries:{},query:a,options:b},v=[],w=[];if(c.time("checkIndexes"),p=new h,q=p.parseArr(a,{ignore:/\$/,verbose:!0}).length){void 0!==a[this._primaryKey]&&(r=typeof a[this._primaryKey],("string"===r||"number"===r||a[this._primaryKey]instanceof Array)&&(c.time("checkIndexMatch: Primary Key"),s=this._primaryIndex.lookup(a,b),u.indexMatch.push({lookup:s,keyData:{matchedKeys:[this._primaryKey],totalKeyCount:q,score:1},index:this._primaryIndex}),c.time("checkIndexMatch: Primary Key")));for(t in this._indexById)if(this._indexById.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(m=this._indexById[t],,c.time("checkIndexMatch: "+n),l=m.match(a,b),l.score>0&&(o=m.lookup(a,b),u.indexMatch.push({lookup:o,keyData:l,index:m})),c.time("checkIndexMatch: "+n),l.score===q))break;c.time("checkIndexes"),u.indexMatch.length>1&&(c.time("findOptimalIndex"),u.indexMatch.sort(function(a,b){return a.keyData.score>b.keyData.score?-1:a.keyData.score<b.keyData.score?1:a.keyData.score===b.keyData.score?a.lookup.length-b.lookup.length:void 0}),c.time("findOptimalIndex"))}if(b.$join){for(u.hasJoin=!0,d=0;d<b.$join.length;d++)for(e in b.$join[d])b.$join[d].hasOwnProperty(e)&&(i=b.$join[d][e],f=i.$sourceType||"collection",g="$"+f+"."+e,v.push({id:g,type:f,key:e}),void 0!==b.$join[d][e].$as?w.push(b.$join[d][e].$as):w.push(e));for(k=0;k<w.length;k++)j=this._queryReferencesSource(a,w[k],""),j&&(u.joinQueries[v[k].key]=j,u.queriesJoin=!0);u.joinsOn=v,u.queriesOn=u.queriesOn.concat(v)}return u},o.prototype._queryReferencesSource=function(a,b,c){var d;for(d in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(d)){if(d===b)return c&&(c+="."),c+d;if("object"==typeof a[d])return c&&(c+="."),c+=d,this._queryReferencesSource(a[d],b,c)}return!1},o.prototype.count=function(a,b){return a?this.find(a,b).length:this._data.length},o.prototype.findSub=function(a,b,c,d){return this._findSub(this.find(a),b,c,d)},o.prototype._findSub=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,i=new h(b),j=a.length,k=new o("__FDB_temp_"+this.objectId()).db(this._db),l={parents:j,subDocTotal:0,subDocs:[],pathFound:!1,err:""};for(d=d||{},e=0;j>e;e++)if(f=i.value(a[e])[0]){if(k.setData(f),g=k.find(c,d),d.returnFirst&&g.length)return g[0];d.$split?l.subDocs.push(g):l.subDocs=l.subDocs.concat(g),l.subDocTotal+=g.length,l.pathFound=!0}return k.drop(),l.pathFound||(l.err="No objects found in the parent documents with a matching path of: "+b),d.$stats?l:l.subDocs},o.prototype.findSubOne=function(a,b,c,d){return this.findSub(a,b,c,d)[0]},o.prototype.insertIndexViolation=function(a){var b,c,d,e=this._indexByName;if(this._primaryIndex.get(a[this._primaryKey]))b=this._primaryIndex;else for(c in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(d=e[c],d.unique()&&d.violation(a))){b=d;break}return b?!1},o.prototype.ensureIndex=function(a,b){if(this.isDropped())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot operate in a dropped state!";this._indexByName=this._indexByName||{},this._indexById=this._indexById||{};var c,d={start:(new Date).getTime()};if(b)switch(b.type){case"hashed":c=new i(a,b,this);break;case"btree":c=new j(a,b,this);break;case"2d":c=new k(a,b,this);break;default:c=new i(a,b,this)}else c=new i(a,b,this);return this._indexByName[]?{err:"Index with that name already exists"}:(c.rebuild(),this._indexByName[]=c,this._indexById[]=c,d.end=(new Date).getTime(),,this._lastOp={type:"ensureIndex",stats:{time:d}},{index:c,,,state:c.state()})},o.prototype.index=function(a){return this._indexByName?this._indexByName[a]:void 0},o.prototype.lastOp=function(){return this._metrics.list()},o.prototype.diff=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f={insert:[],update:[],remove:[]},g=this.primaryKey();if(g!==a.primaryKey())throw this.logIdentifier()+" Diffing requires that both collections have the same primary key!";for(b=a._data;b&&!(b instanceof Array);)a=b,b=a._data;for(e=b.length,c=0;e>c;c++)d=b[c],this._primaryIndex.get(d[g])?this._primaryCrc.get(d[g])!==a._primaryCrc.get(d[g])&&f.update.push(d):f.insert.push(d);for(b=this._data,e=b.length,c=0;e>c;c++)d=b[c],a._primaryIndex.get(d[g])||f.remove.push(d);return f},o.prototype.collateAdd=new l("Collection.prototype.collateAdd",{"object, string":function(a,b){var c=this;c.collateAdd(a,function(d){var e,f;switch(d.type){case"insert":b?(e={$push:{}},e.$push[b]=c.decouple(,c.update({},e)):c.insert(;break;case"update":b?(e={},f={},e[b],f[b+".$"],c.update(e,f)):c.update(,;break;case"remove":b?(e={$pull:{}},e.$pull[b]={},e.$pull[b][c.primaryKey()][0][a.primaryKey()],c.update({},e)):c.remove(}})},"object, function":function(a,b){if("string"==typeof a&&(a=this._db.collection(a,{autoCreate:!1,throwError:!1})),a)return this._collate=this._collate||{},this._collate[]=new m(a,this,b),this;throw"Cannot collate from a non-existent collection!"}}),o.prototype.collateRemove=function(a){if("object"==typeof a&&(,a)return this._collate[a].drop(),delete this._collate[a],this;throw"No collection name passed to collateRemove() or collection not found!"},e.prototype.collection=new l("Db.prototype.collection",{"":function(){return this.$,{name:this.objectId()})},object:function(a){return a instanceof o?"droppped"!==a.state()?a:this.$,{}):this.$,a)},string:function(a){return this.$,{name:a})},"string, string":function(a,b){return this.$,{name:a,primaryKey:b})},"string, object":function(a,b){return,this.$,b)},"string, string, object":function(a,b,c){return,c.primaryKey=b,this.$,c)},$main:function(a){var b=this,;if(c){if(this._collection[c])return this._collection[c];if(a&&a.autoCreate===!1){if(a&&a.throwError!==!1)throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot get collection "+c+" because it does not exist and auto-create has been disabled!";return}if(this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Creating collection "+c),this._collection[c]=this._collection[c]||new o(c,a).db(this),this._collection[c].mongoEmulation(this.mongoEmulation()),void 0!==a.primaryKey&&this._collection[c].primaryKey(a.primaryKey),void 0!==a.capped){if(void 0===a.size)throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot create a capped collection without specifying a size!";this._collection[c].capped(a.capped),this._collection[c].cappedSize(a.size)}return b._collection[c].on("change",function(){b.emit("change",b._collection[c],"collection",c)}),b.emit("create",b._collection[c],"collection",c),this._collection[c]}if(!a||a&&a.throwError!==!1)throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot get collection with undefined name!"}}),e.prototype.collectionExists=function(a){return Boolean(this._collection[a])},e.prototype.collections=function(a){var b,c,d=[],e=this._collection;a&&(a instanceof RegExp||(a=new RegExp(a)));for(c in e)e.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(b=e[c],a?a.exec(c)&&d.push({name:c,count:b.count(),linked:void 0!==b.isLinked?b.isLinked():!1}):d.push({name:c,count:b.count(),linked:void 0!==b.isLinked?b.isLinked():!1}));return d.sort(function(a,b){return}),d},d.finishModule("Collection"),b.exports=o},{"./Index2d":11,"./IndexBinaryTree":12,"./IndexHashMap":13,"./KeyValueStore":14,"./Metrics":15,"./Overload":27,"./Path":28,"./ReactorIO":29,"./Shared":31}],7:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e,f,g;d=a("./Shared");var h=function(){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};h.prototype.init=function(a){var b=this;b._name=a,b._data=new g("__FDB__cg_data_"+b._name),b._collections=[],b._view=[]},d.addModule("CollectionGroup",h),d.mixin(h.prototype,"Mixin.Common"),d.mixin(h.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),d.mixin(h.prototype,"Mixin.Constants"),d.mixin(h.prototype,"Mixin.Triggers"),d.mixin(h.prototype,"Mixin.Tags"),g=a("./Collection"),e=d.modules.Db,f=d.modules.Db.prototype.init,h.prototype.on=function(){this._data.on.apply(this._data,arguments)},{,arguments)},h.prototype.emit=function(){this._data.emit.apply(this._data,arguments)},h.prototype.primaryKey=function(a){return void 0!==a?(this._primaryKey=a,this):this._primaryKey},d.synthesize(h.prototype,"state"),d.synthesize(h.prototype,"db"),d.synthesize(h.prototype,"name"),h.prototype.addCollection=function(a){if(a&&-1===this._collections.indexOf(a)){if(this._collections.length){if(this._primaryKey!==a.primaryKey())throw this.logIdentifier()+" All collections in a collection group must have the same primary key!"}else this.primaryKey(a.primaryKey());this._collections.push(a),a._groups=a._groups||[],a._groups.push(this),a.chain(this),a.on("drop",function(){if(a._groups&&a._groups.length){var b,c=[];for(b=0;b<a._groups.length;b++)c.push(a._groups[b]);for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)a._groups[b].removeCollection(a)}delete a._groups}),this._data.insert(a.find())}return this},h.prototype.removeCollection=function(a){if(a){var b,c=this._collections.indexOf(a);-1!==c&&(a.unChain(this),this._collections.splice(c,1),a._groups=a._groups||[],b=a._groups.indexOf(this),-1!==b&&a._groups.splice(b,1),"drop")),0===this._collections.length&&delete this._primaryKey}return this},h.prototype._chainHandler=function(a){switch(a.type){case"setData",this._data.remove(,this._data.insert(;break;case"insert",this._data.insert(;break;case"update":this._data.update(,,a.options);break;case"remove":this._data.remove(,a.options)}},h.prototype.insert=function(){this._collectionsRun("insert",arguments)},h.prototype.update=function(){this._collectionsRun("update",arguments)},h.prototype.updateById=function(){this._collectionsRun("updateById",arguments)},h.prototype.remove=function(){this._collectionsRun("remove",arguments)},h.prototype._collectionsRun=function(a,b){for(var c=0;c<this._collections.length;c++)this._collections[c][a].apply(this._collections[c],b)},h.prototype.find=function(a,b){return this._data.find(a,b)},h.prototype.removeById=function(a){for(var b=0;b<this._collections.length;b++)this._collections[b].removeById(a)},h.prototype.subset=function(a,b){var c=this.find(a,b);return(new g).subsetOf(this).primaryKey(this._primaryKey).setData(c)},h.prototype.drop=function(a){if(!this.isDropped()){var b,c,d;if(this._debug&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Dropping"),this._state="dropped",this._collections&&this._collections.length)for(c=[].concat(this._collections),b=0;b<c.length;b++)this.removeCollection(c[b]);if(this._view&&this._view.length)for(d=[].concat(this._view),b=0;b<d.length;b++)this._removeView(d[b]);this.emit("drop",this),delete this._listeners,a&&a(!1,!0)}return!0},e.prototype.init=function(){this._collectionGroup={},f.apply(this,arguments)},e.prototype.collectionGroup=function(a){var b=this;return a?a instanceof h?a:this._collectionGroup&&this._collectionGroup[a]?this._collectionGroup[a]:(this._collectionGroup[a]=new h(a).db(this),b.emit("create",b._collectionGroup[a],"collectionGroup",a),this._collectionGroup[a]):this._collectionGroup},e.prototype.collectionGroups=function(){var a,b=[];for(a in this._collectionGroup)this._collectionGroup.hasOwnProperty(a)&&b.push({name:a});return b},b.exports=h},{"./Collection":6,"./Shared":31}],8:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e,f,g,h=[];d=a("./Shared"),g=a("./Overload");var i=function(a){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};i.prototype.init=function(a){this._db={},this._debug={},this._name=a||"ForerunnerDB",h.push(this)},i.prototype.instantiatedCount=function(){return h.length},i.prototype.instances=function(a){return void 0!==a?h[a]:h},i.prototype.namedInstances=function(a){var b,c;{if(void 0===a){for(c=[],b=0;b<h.length;b++)c.push(h[b].name);return c}for(b=0;b<h.length;b++)if(h[b].name===a)return h[b]}},i.prototype.moduleLoaded=new g({string:function(a){if(void 0!==a){a=a.replace(/ /g,"");var b,c=a.split(",");for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)if(!d.modules[c[b]])return!1;return!0}return!1},"string, function":function(a,b){if(void 0!==a){a=a.replace(/ /g,"");var c,e=a.split(",");for(c=0;c<e.length;c++)if(!d.modules[e[c]])return!1;b&&b()}},"array, 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this._isServer},i.prototype.collection=function(){throw"ForerunnerDB's instantiation has changed since version 1.3.36 to support multiple database instances. Please see the file for the minor change you have to make to get your project back up and running, or see the issue related to this change at"},b.exports=i},{"./Db.js":9,"./Metrics.js":15,"./Overload":27,"./Shared":31}],9:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e,f,g,h,i;d=a("./Shared"),i=a("./Overload");var j=function(a,b){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};j.prototype.init=function(a,b){this.core(b),this._primaryKey="_id",this._name=a,this._collection={},this._debug={}},d.addModule("Db",j),j.prototype.moduleLoaded=new i({string:function(a){if(void 0!==a){a=a.replace(/ /g,"");var b,c=a.split(",");for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)if(!d.modules[c[b]])return!1;return!0}return!1},"string, function":function(a,b){if(void 0!==a){a=a.replace(/ /g,"");var c,e=a.split(",");for(c=0;c<e.length;c++)if(!d.modules[e[c]])return!1;b&&b()}},"string, function, function":function(a,b,c){if(void 0!==a){a=a.replace(/ /g,"");var e,f=a.split(",");for(e=0;e<f.length;e++)if(!d.modules[f[e]])return c(),!1;b()}}}),j.prototype.version=function(a,b){return void 0!==a?0===d.version.indexOf(a)?(b&&b(),!0):!1:d.version},j.moduleLoaded=j.prototype.moduleLoaded,j.version=j.prototype.version,j.shared=d,j.prototype.shared=d,d.addModule("Db",j),d.mixin(j.prototype,"Mixin.Common"),d.mixin(j.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),d.mixin(j.prototype,"Mixin.Constants"),d.mixin(j.prototype,"Mixin.Tags"),e=d.modules.Core,f=a("./Collection.js"),g=a("./Metrics.js"),h=a("./Checksum.js"),j.prototype._isServer=!1,d.synthesize(j.prototype,"core"),d.synthesize(j.prototype,"primaryKey"),d.synthesize(j.prototype,"state"),d.synthesize(j.prototype,"name"),d.synthesize(j.prototype,"mongoEmulation"),j.prototype.isClient=function(){return!this._isServer},j.prototype.isServer=function(){return this._isServer},j.prototype.Checksum=h,j.prototype.isClient=function(){return!this._isServer},j.prototype.isServer=function(){return this._isServer},j.prototype.arrayToCollection=function(a){return(new f).setData(a)},j.prototype.on=function(a,b){return this._listeners=this._listeners||{},this._listeners[a]=this._listeners[a]||[],this._listeners[a].push(b),this},,b){if(a in this._listeners){var c=this._listeners[a],d=c.indexOf(b);d>-1&&c.splice(d,1)}return this},j.prototype.emit=function(a,b){if(this._listeners=this._listeners||{},a in this._listeners){var c,d=this._listeners[a],e=d.length;for(c=0;e>c;c++)d[c].apply(this,,1))}return this},j.prototype.peek=function(a){var b,c,d=[],e=typeof a;for(b in this._collection)this._collection.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(c=this._collection[b],d="string"===e?d.concat(c.peek(a)):d.concat(c.find(a)));return d},j.prototype.peek=function(a){var b,c,d=[],e=typeof a;for(b in this._collection)this._collection.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(c=this._collection[b],d="string"===e?d.concat(c.peek(a)):d.concat(c.find(a)));return d},j.prototype.peekCat=function(a){var b,c,d,e={},f=typeof a;for(b in this._collection)this._collection.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(c=this._collection[b],"string"===f?(d=c.peek(a),d&&d.length&&(e[]=d)):(d=c.find(a),d&&d.length&&(e[]=d)));return e},j.prototype.drop=new i({"":function(){if(!this.isDropped()){var a,b=this.collections(),c=b.length;for(this._state="dropped",a=0;c>a;a++)this.collection(b[a].name).drop(),delete this._collection[b[a].name];this.emit("drop",this),delete this._listeners,delete this._core._db[this._name]}return!0},"function":function(a){if(!this.isDropped()){var b,c=this.collections(),d=c.length,e=0,f=function(){e++,e===d&&a&&a()};for(this._state="dropped",b=0;d>b;b++)this.collection(c[b].name).drop(f),delete this._collection[c[b].name];this.emit("drop",this),delete this._listeners,delete this._core._db[this._name]}return!0},"boolean":function(a){if(!this.isDropped()){var b,c=this.collections(),d=c.length;for(this._state="dropped",b=0;d>b;b++)this.collection(c[b].name).drop(a),delete this._collection[c[b].name];this.emit("drop",this),delete this._listeners,delete this._core._db[this._name]}return!0},"boolean, function":function(a,b){if(!this.isDropped()){var c,d=this.collections(),e=d.length,f=0,g=function(){f++,f===e&&b&&b()};for(this._state="dropped",c=0;e>c;c++)this.collection(d[c].name).drop(a,g),delete this._collection[d[c].name];this.emit("drop",this),delete this._listeners,delete this._core._db[this._name]}return!0}}),e.prototype.db=function(a){return a instanceof j?a:(a||(a=this.objectId()),this._db[a]=this._db[a]||new j(a,this),this._db[a].mongoEmulation(this.mongoEmulation()),this._db[a])},e.prototype.databases=function(a){var b,c,d,e=[];a&&(a instanceof RegExp||(a=new RegExp(a)));for(d in this._db)this._db.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(c=!0,a&&(a.exec(d)||(c=!1)),c&&(b={name:d,children:[]},this.shared.moduleExists("Collection")&&b.children.push({module:"collection",moduleName:"Collections",count:this._db[d].collections().length}),this.shared.moduleExists("CollectionGroup")&&b.children.push({module:"collectionGroup",moduleName:"Collection Groups",count:this._db[d].collectionGroups().length}),this.shared.moduleExists("Document")&&b.children.push({module:"document",moduleName:"Documents",count:this._db[d].documents().length}),this.shared.moduleExists("Grid")&&b.children.push({module:"grid",moduleName:"Grids",count:this._db[d].grids().length}),this.shared.moduleExists("Overview")&&b.children.push({module:"overview",moduleName:"Overviews",count:this._db[d].overviews().length}),this.shared.moduleExists("View")&&b.children.push({module:"view",moduleName:"Views",count:this._db[d].views().length}),e.push(b)));return e.sort(function(a,b){return}),e},d.finishModule("Db"),b.exports=j},{"./Checksum.js":5,"./Collection.js":6,"./Metrics.js":15,"./Overload":27,"./Shared":31}],10:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e,f,g;d=[16,8,4,2,1],e="0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz",f={right:{even:"bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx"},left:{even:"238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp"},top:{even:"p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy"},bottom:{even:"14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb"}},g={right:{even:"bcfguvyz"},left:{even:"0145hjnp"},top:{even:"prxz"},bottom:{even:"028b"}},f.bottom.odd=f.left.even,,f.left.odd=f.bottom.even,,g.bottom.odd=g.left.even,,g.left.odd=g.bottom.even,;var h=function(){};h.prototype.refineInterval=function(a,b,c){b&c?a[0]=(a[0]+a[1])/2:a[1]=(a[0]+a[1])/2},h.prototype.calculateNeighbours=function(a,b){var c;return b&&"object"!==b.type?(c=[],c[4]=a,c[3]=this.calculateAdjacent(a,"left"),c[5]=this.calculateAdjacent(a,"right"),c[1]=this.calculateAdjacent(a,"top"),c[7]=this.calculateAdjacent(a,"bottom"),c[0]=this.calculateAdjacent(c[3],"top"),c[2]=this.calculateAdjacent(c[5],"top"),c[6]=this.calculateAdjacent(c[3],"bottom"),c[8]=this.calculateAdjacent(c[5],"bottom")):(c={center:a,left:this.calculateAdjacent(a,"left"),right:this.calculateAdjacent(a,"right"),top:this.calculateAdjacent(a,"top"),bottom:this.calculateAdjacent(a,"bottom")},c.topLeft=this.calculateAdjacent(c.left,"top"),c.topRight=this.calculateAdjacent(c.right,"top"),c.bottomLeft=this.calculateAdjacent(c.left,"bottom"),c.bottomRight=this.calculateAdjacent(c.right,"bottom")),c},h.prototype.calculateAdjacent=function(a,b){a=a.toLowerCase();var c=a.charAt(a.length-1),d=a.length%2?"odd":"even",h=a.substring(0,a.length-1);return-1!==g[b][d].indexOf(c)&&(h=this.calculateAdjacent(h,b)),h+e[f[b][d].indexOf(c)]},h.prototype.decode=function(a){var b,c,f,g,h,i,j,k=1,l=[],m=[];for(l[0]=-90,l[1]=90,m[0]=-180,m[1]=180,i=90,j=180,b=0;b<a.length;b++)for(c=a[b],f=e.indexOf(c),g=0;5>g;g++)h=d[g],k?(j/=2,this.refineInterval(m,f,h)):(i/=2,this.refineInterval(l,f,h)),k=!k;return l[2]=(l[0]+l[1])/2,m[2]=(m[0]+m[1])/2,{latitude:l,longitude:m}},h.prototype.encode=function(a,b,c){var f,g=1,h=[],i=[],j=0,k=0,l="";for(c||(c=12),h[0]=-90,h[1]=90,i[0]=-180,i[1]=180;l.length<c;)g?(f=(i[0]+i[1])/2,b>f?(k|=d[j],i[0]=f):i[1]=f):(f=(h[0]+h[1])/2,a>f?(k|=d[j],h[0]=f):h[1]=f),g=!g,4>j?j++:(l+=e[k],j=0,k=0);return l},b.exports=h},{}],11:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Shared"),e=a("./Path"),f=a("./BinaryTree"),g=a("./GeoHash"),h=new e,i=new g,j=[5e3,1250,156,39.1,4.89,1.22,.153,.0382,.00477,.00119,149e-6,372e-7],k=function(){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};k.prototype.init=function(a,b,c){this._btree=new f,this._btree.index(a),this._size=0,this._id=this._itemKeyHash(a,a),this._debug=b&&b.debug?b.debug:!1,this.unique(b&&b.unique?b.unique:!1),void 0!==a&&this.keys(a),void 0!==c&&(this.collection(c),this._btree.primaryKey(c.primaryKey())),,this._btree.debug(this._debug)},d.addModule("Index2d",k),d.mixin(k.prototype,"Mixin.Common"),d.mixin(k.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),d.mixin(k.prototype,"Mixin.Sorting"),{return this._id},k.prototype.state=function(){return this._state},k.prototype.size=function(){return this._size},d.synthesize(k.prototype,"data"),d.synthesize(k.prototype,"name"),d.synthesize(k.prototype,"collection"),d.synthesize(k.prototype,"type"),d.synthesize(k.prototype,"unique"),k.prototype.keys=function(a){return void 0!==a?(this._keys=a,this._keyCount=h.parse(this._keys).length,this):this._keys},k.prototype.rebuild=function(){if(this._collection){var a,b=this._collection.subset({},{$decouple:!1,$orderBy:this._keys}),c=b.find(),d=c.length;for(this._btree.clear(),this._size=0,this._unique&&(this._uniqueLookup={}),a=0;d>a;a++)this.insert(c[a])}this._state={name:this._name,keys:this._keys,indexSize:this._size,built:new Date,updated:new Date,ok:!0}},k.prototype.insert=function(a,b){var c,d=this._unique;a=this.decouple(a),d&&(c=this._itemHash(a,this._keys),this._uniqueLookup[c]=a);var e,f,g,j,k,l=this._btree.keys();for(k=0;k<l.length;k++)e=h.get(a,l[k].path),e instanceof Array&&(g=e[0],j=e[1],f=i.encode(g,j),h.set(a,l[k].path,f));return this._btree.insert(a)?(this._size++,!0):!1},k.prototype.remove=function(a,b){var c,d=this._unique;return d&&(c=this._itemHash(a,this._keys),delete this._uniqueLookup[c]),this._btree.remove(a)?(this._size--,!0):!1},k.prototype.violation=function(a){var b=this._itemHash(a,this._keys);return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[b])},k.prototype.hashViolation=function(a){return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[a])},k.prototype.lookup=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g=this._btree.keys();for(f=0;f<g.length;f++)if(c=g[f].path,d=h.get(a,c),"object"==typeof d)return d.$near&&(e=[],e=e.concat(this.near(c,d.$near,b))),d.$geoWithin&&(e=[],e=e.concat(this.geoWithin(c,d.$geoWithin,b))),e;return this._btree.lookup(a,b)},k.prototype.near=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r=this,s=[],t=this._collection.primaryKey();if("km"===b.$distanceUnits){for(m=b.$maxDistance,q=0;q<j.length;q++)if(m>j[q]){l=q;break}0===l&&(l=1)}else if("miles"===b.$distanceUnits){for(m=1.60934*b.$maxDistance,q=0;q<j.length;q++)if(m>j[q]){l=q;break}0===l&&(l=1)}for(d=i.encode(b.$point[0],b.$point[1],l),e=i.calculateNeighbours(d,{type:"array"}),k=[],f=0,q=0;9>q;q++)g=this._btree.startsWith(a,e[q]),f+=g._visited,k=k.concat(g);if(k=this._collection._primaryIndex.lookup(k),k.length){for(n={},q=0;q<k.length;q++)p=h.get(k[q],a),o=n[k[q][t]]=this.distanceBetweenPoints(b.$point[0],b.$point[1],p[0],p[1]),m>=o&&s.push(k[q]);s.sort(function(a,b){return r.sortAsc(n[a[t]],n[b[t]])})}return s},k.prototype.geoWithin=function(a,b,c){return[]},k.prototype.distanceBetweenPoints=function(a,b,c,d){var e=6371,f=this.toRadians(a),g=this.toRadians(c),h=this.toRadians(c-a),i=this.toRadians(d-b),j=Math.sin(h/2)*Math.sin(h/2)+Math.cos(f)*Math.cos(g)*Math.sin(i/2)*Math.sin(i/2),k=2*Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(j),Math.sqrt(1-j));return e*k},k.prototype.toRadians=function(a){return.01747722222222*a},k.prototype.match=function(a,b){return this._btree.match(a,b)},k.prototype._itemHash=function(a,b){var c,d,f=new e,g="";for(c=f.parse(b),d=0;d<c.length;d++)g&&(g+="_"),g+=f.value(a,c[d].path).join(":");return g},k.prototype._itemKeyHash=function(a,b){var c,d,f=new e,g="";for(c=f.parse(b),d=0;d<c.length;d++)g&&(g+="_"),g+=f.keyValue(a,c[d].path);return g},k.prototype._itemHashArr=function(a,b){var c,d,f,g,h,i=new e,j=[];for(c=i.parse(b),g=0;g<c.length;g++)for(d=i.value(a,c[g].path),f=0;f<d.length;f++)if(0===g)j.push(d[f]);else for(h=0;h<j.length;h++)j[h]=j[h]+"_"+d[f];return j},d.finishModule("Index2d"),b.exports=k},{"./BinaryTree":4,"./GeoHash":10,"./Path":28,"./Shared":31}],12:[function(a,b,c){"use 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e).parse(this._keys).length,this):this._keys},g.prototype.rebuild=function(){if(this._collection){var a,b=this._collection.subset({},{$decouple:!1,$orderBy:this._keys}),c=b.find(),d=c.length;for(this._btree.clear(),this._size=0,this._unique&&(this._uniqueLookup={}),a=0;d>a;a++)this.insert(c[a])}this._state={name:this._name,keys:this._keys,indexSize:this._size,built:new Date,updated:new Date,ok:!0}},g.prototype.insert=function(a,b){var c,d=this._unique;return d&&(c=this._itemHash(a,this._keys),this._uniqueLookup[c]=a),this._btree.insert(a)?(this._size++,!0):!1},g.prototype.remove=function(a,b){var c,d=this._unique;return d&&(c=this._itemHash(a,this._keys),delete this._uniqueLookup[c]),this._btree.remove(a)?(this._size--,!0):!1},g.prototype.violation=function(a){var b=this._itemHash(a,this._keys);return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[b])},g.prototype.hashViolation=function(a){return Boolean(this._uniqueLookup[a])},g.prototype.lookup=function(a,b){return this._btree.lookup(a,b)},g.prototype.match=function(a,b){return this._btree.match(a,b)},g.prototype._itemHash=function(a,b){var c,d,f=new e,g="";for(c=f.parse(b),d=0;d<c.length;d++)g&&(g+="_"),g+=f.value(a,c[d].path).join(":");return g},g.prototype._itemKeyHash=function(a,b){var c,d,f=new e,g="";for(c=f.parse(b),d=0;d<c.length;d++)g&&(g+="_"),g+=f.keyValue(a,c[d].path);return g},g.prototype._itemHashArr=function(a,b){var c,d,f,g,h,i=new e,j=[];for(c=i.parse(b),g=0;g<c.length;g++)for(d=i.value(a,c[g].path),f=0;f<d.length;f++)if(0===g)j.push(d[f]);else for(h=0;h<j.length;h++)j[h]=j[h]+"_"+d[f];return j},d.finishModule("IndexBinaryTree"),b.exports=g},{"./BinaryTree":4,"./Path":28,"./Shared":31}],13:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Shared"),e=a("./Path"),f=function(){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};f.prototype.init=function(a,b,c){this._crossRef={},this._size=0,this._id=this._itemKeyHash(a,a),{}),this.unique(b&&b.unique?b.unique:!1),void 0!==a&&this.keys(a),void 0!==c&&this.collection(c),},d.addModule("IndexHashMap",f),d.mixin(f.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),{return this._id},f.prototype.state=function(){return this._state},f.prototype.size=function(){return this._size},d.synthesize(f.prototype,"data"),d.synthesize(f.prototype,"name"),d.synthesize(f.prototype,"collection"),d.synthesize(f.prototype,"type"),d.synthesize(f.prototype,"unique"),f.prototype.keys=function(a){return void 0!==a?(this._keys=a,this._keyCount=(new e).parse(this._keys).length,this):this._keys},f.prototype.rebuild=function(){if(this._collection){var a,b=this._collection.subset({},{$decouple:!1,$orderBy:this._keys}),c=b.find(),d=c.length;for(this._data={},this._size=0,this._unique&&(this._uniqueLookup={}),a=0;d>a;a++)this.insert(c[a])}this._state={name:this._name,keys:this._keys,indexSize:this._size,built:new Date,updated:new Date,ok:!0}},f.prototype.insert=function(a,b){var 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b,c,d=a[this._collection.primaryKey()],e=this._crossRef[d],f=e.length;for(b=0;f>b;b++)c=e[b],this._pullFromArray(c,a);this._size--,delete this._crossRef[d]},f.prototype._pullFromArray=function(a,b){for(var c=a.length;c--;)a[c]===b&&a.splice(c,1); },f.prototype.pushToCrossRef=function(a,b){var c,d=a[this._collection.primaryKey()];this._crossRef[d]=this._crossRef[d]||[],c=this._crossRef[d],-1===c.indexOf(b)&&c.push(b)},f.prototype.pullFromCrossRef=function(a,b){var c=a[this._collection.primaryKey()];delete this._crossRef[c]},f.prototype.lookup=function(a){return this._data[this._itemHash(a,this._keys)]||[]},f.prototype.match=function(a,b){var c,d=new e,f=d.parseArr(this._keys),g=d.parseArr(a),h=[],i=0;for(c=0;c<f.length;c++){if(g[c]!==f[c])return{matchedKeys:[],totalKeyCount:g.length,score:0};i++,h.push(g[c])}return{matchedKeys:h,totalKeyCount:g.length,score:i}},f.prototype._itemHash=function(a,b){var c,d,f=new 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this._data={},this},e.prototype.set=function(a,b){return this._data[a]=b?b:!0,this},e.prototype.get=function(a){return this._data[a]},e.prototype.lookup=function(a){var b,c,d,e=this._primaryKey,f=typeof a,g=[];if("string"===f||"number"===f)return d=this.get(a),void 0!==d?[d]:[];if("object"===f){if(a instanceof Array){for(c=a.length,g=[],b=0;c>b;b++)d=this.lookup(a[b]),d&&(d instanceof Array?g=g.concat(d):g.push(d));return g}if(a[e])return this.lookup(a[e])}},e.prototype.unSet=function(a){return delete this._data[a],this},e.prototype.uniqueSet=function(a,b){return void 0===this._data[a]?(this._data[a]=b,!0):!1},d.finishModule("KeyValueStore"),b.exports=e},{"./Shared":31}],15:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Shared"),e=a("./Operation"),f=function(){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};f.prototype.init=function(){this._data=[]},d.addModule("Metrics",f),d.mixin(f.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),f.prototype.create=function(a){var b=new e(a);return 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b=this._chain.indexOf(a);-1===b&&this._chain.push(a)},unChain:function(a){if(this.debug&&this.debug()&&(a._reactorIn&&a._reactorOut?console.log(a._reactorIn.logIdentifier()+' Removing target "'+a._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier()+'" from the chain reactor target list'):console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Removing target "'+a.instanceIdentifier()+'" from the chain reactor target list')),this._chain){var b=this._chain.indexOf(a);b>-1&&this._chain.splice(b,1)}},chainWillSend:function(){return Boolean(this._chain)},chainSend:function(a,b,c){if(this._chain){var d,e,f=this._chain,g=f.length;for(e=0;g>e;e++){if(d=f[e],d._state&&(!d._state||d.isDropped()))throw console.log("Reactor Data:",a,b,c),console.log("Reactor Node:",d),"Chain reactor attempting to send data to target reactor node that is in a dropped state!";this.debug&&this.debug()&&(d._reactorIn&&d._reactorOut?console.log(d._reactorIn.logIdentifier()+' Sending data down the chain reactor pipe to "'+d._reactorOut.instanceIdentifier()+'"'):console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Sending data down the chain reactor pipe to "'+d.instanceIdentifier()+'"')),d.chainReceive&&d.chainReceive(this,a,b,c)}}},chainReceive:function(a,b,c,d){var e={sender:a,type:b,data:c,options:d},f=!1;this.debug&&this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Received data from parent reactor node"),this._chainHandler&&(f=this._chainHandler(e)),f||this.chainSend(e.type,,e.options)}};b.exports=d},{}],18:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e=0,f=a("./Overload"),g=a("./Serialiser"),h=new g;d={serialiser:h,make:function(a){return h.convert(a)},store:function(a,b){if(void 0!==a){if(void 0!==b)return this._store=this._store||{},this._store[a]=b,this;if(this._store)return this._store[a]}},unStore:function(a){return void 0!==a&&delete this._store[a],this},decouple:function(a,b){if(void 0!==a&&""!==a){if(b){var c,d=this.jStringify(a),e=[];for(c=0;b>c;c++)e.push(this.jParse(d));return e}return 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0!==b?(this._debug=this._debug||{},this._debug[a]=b,this.chainSend("debug",this._debug),this):this._debug&&this._debug[b]||this._db&&this._db._debug&&this._db._debug[a]:this._debug&&this._debug.all}]),classIdentifier:function(){return"ForerunnerDB."+this.className},instanceIdentifier:function(){return"["+this.className+"]"},logIdentifier:function(){return"ForerunnerDB "+this.instanceIdentifier()},convertToFdb:function(a){var b,c,d,e;for(e in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(d=a,e.indexOf(".")>-1)){for(e=e.replace(".$","[|$|]"),c=e.split(".");b=c.shift();)b=b.replace("[|$|]",".$"),c.length?d[b]={}:d[b]=a[e],d=d[b];delete a[e]}},isDropped:function(){return"dropped"===this._state},debounce:function(a,b,c){var d,e=this;e._debounce=e._debounce||{},e._debounce[a]&&clearTimeout(e._debounce[a].timeout),d={callback:b,timeout:setTimeout(function(){delete e._debounce[a],b()},c)},e._debounce[a]=d}},b.exports=d},{"./Overload":27,"./Serialiser":30}],19:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var 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b)if(b.hasOwnProperty(k)){if(e.$previousQuery=e.$parent,e.$parent={query:b[k],key:k,parent:e.$previousQuery},f=!1,j=k.substr(0,2),"//"===j)continue;if(0===j.indexOf("$")&&(i=this._matchOp(k,a,b[k],c,e),i>-1)){if(i){if("or"===d)return!0}else o=i;f=!0}if(!f&&b[k]instanceof RegExp)if(f=!0,"object"===m&&void 0!==a[k]&&b[k].test(a[k])){if("or"===d)return!0}else o=!1;if(!f)if("object"==typeof b[k])if(void 0!==a[k])if(a[k]instanceof Array&&!(b[k]instanceof Array)){for(g=!1,h=0;h<a[k].length&&!(g=this._match(a[k][h],b[k],c,l,e));h++);if(g){if("or"===d)return!0}else o=!1}else if(!(a[k]instanceof Array)&&b[k]instanceof Array){for(g=!1,h=0;h<b[k].length&&!(g=this._match(a[k],b[k][h],c,l,e));h++);if(g){if("or"===d)return!0}else o=!1}else if("object"==typeof a)if(g=this._match(a[k],b[k],c,l,e)){if("or"===d)return!0}else o=!1;else if(g=this._match(void 0,b[k],c,l,e)){if("or"===d)return!0}else o=!1;else if(b[k]&&void 0!==b[k].$exists)if(g=this._match(void 0,b[k],c,l,e)){if("or"===d)return!0}else o=!1;else o=!1;else if(a&&a[k]===b[k]){if("or"===d)return!0}else if(a&&a[k]&&a[k]instanceof Array&&b[k]&&"object"!=typeof b[k]){for(g=!1,h=0;h<a[k].length&&!(g=this._match(a[k][h],b[k],c,l,e));h++);if(g){if("or"===d)return!0}else o=!1}else o=!1;if("and"===d&&!o)return!1}}else"number"===m?a!==b&&(o=!1):a.localeCompare(b)&&(o=!1);return o},_matchOp:function(a,b,c,d,e){switch(a){case"$gt":return b>c;case"$gte":return b>=c;case"$lt":return c>b;case"$lte":return c>=b;case"$exists":return void 0===b!==c;case"$eq":return b==c;case"$eeq":return b===c;case"$ne":return b!=c;case"$nee":return b!==c;case"$or":for(var f=0;f<c.length;f++)if(this._match(b,c[f],d,"and",e))return!0;return!1;case"$and":for(var g=0;g<c.length;g++)if(!this._match(b,c[g],d,"and",e))return!1;return!0;case"$in":if(c instanceof Array){var h,i=c,j=i.length;for(h=0;j>h;h++)if(this._match(b,i[h],d,"and",e))return!0;return!1}return"object"==typeof c?this._match(b,c,d,"and",e):(console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot use an $in operator on a non-array key: "+a,e.$rootQuery),!1);case"$nin":if(c instanceof Array){var k,l=c,m=l.length;for(k=0;m>k;k++)if(this._match(b,l[k],d,"and",e))return!1;return!0}return"object"==typeof c?this._match(b,c,d,"and",e):(console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot use a $nin operator on a non-array key: "+a,e.$rootQuery),!1);case"$distinct":e.$rootData["//distinctLookup"]=e.$rootData["//distinctLookup"]||{};for(var n in c)if(c.hasOwnProperty(n))return e.$rootData["//distinctLookup"][n]=e.$rootData["//distinctLookup"][n]||{},e.$rootData["//distinctLookup"][n][b[n]]?!1:(e.$rootData["//distinctLookup"][n][b[n]]=!0,!0);break;case"$count":var o,p,q;for(o in c)if(c.hasOwnProperty(o)&&(p=b[o],q="object"==typeof p&&p instanceof Array?p.length:0,!this._match(q,c[o],d,"and",e)))return!1;return!0;case"$find":case"$findOne":case"$findSub":var r,s,t,u,v,w,x="collection",y={};if(!c.$from)throw a+" missing $from property!";if(c.$fromType&&(x=c.$fromType,!this.db()[x]||"function"!=typeof this.db()[x]))throw a+' cannot operate against $fromType "'+x+'" because the database does not recognise this type of object!';if(r=c.$query||{},s=c.$options||{},"$findSub"===a){if(!c.$path)throw a+" missing $path property!";if(v=c.$path,t=c.$subQuery||{},u=c.$subOptions||{},!(e.$parent&&e.$parent.parent&&e.$parent.parent.key))return this._match(b,r,{},"and",e)&&(w=this._findSub([b],v,t,u)),w&&w.length>0;w=this.db()[x](c.$from).findSub(r,v,t,u)}else w=this.db()[x](c.$from)[a.substr(1)](r,s);return y[e.$parent.parent.key]=w,this._match(b,y,d,"and",e)}return-1},applyJoin:function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x=this,y=[];for(a instanceof Array||(a=[a]),e=0;e<b.length;e++)for(f in b[e])if(b[e].hasOwnProperty(f))for(g=b[e][f],h=g.$sourceType||"collection",i="$"+h+"."+f,j=f,c[i]?k=c[i]:this._db[h]&&"function"==typeof this._db[h]&&(k=this._db[h](f)),l=0;l<a.length;l++){m={},n=!1,o=!1,p="";for(q in g)if(g.hasOwnProperty(q))if(r=g[q],"$"===q.substr(0,1))switch(q){case"$where":if(!r.$query&&!r.$options)throw'$join $where clause requires "$query" and / or "$options" keys to work!';r.$query&&(m=x.resolveDynamicQuery(r.$query,a[l])),r.$options&&(s=r.$options);break;case"$as":j=r;break;case"$multi":n=r;break;case"$require":o=r;break;case"$prefix":p=r}else m[q]=x.resolveDynamicQuery(r,a[l]);if(t=k.find(m,s),!o||o&&t[0])if("$root"===j){if(n!==!1)throw this.logIdentifier()+' Cannot combine [$as: "$root"] with [$multi: true] in $join clause!';u=t[0],v=a[l];for(w in u)u.hasOwnProperty(w)&&void 0===v[p+w]&&(v[p+w]=u[w])}else a[l][j]=n===!1?t[0]:t;else y.push(l)}return y},resolveDynamicQuery:function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h=this;if("string"==typeof a)return f="$$."===a.substr(0,3)?this.sharedPathSolver.value(b,a.substr(3,a.length-3)):this.sharedPathSolver.value(b,a),f.length>1?{$in:f}:f[0];c={};for(g in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(g))switch(d=typeof a[g],e=a[g],d){case"string":"$$."===e.substr(0,3)?c[g]=this.sharedPathSolver.value(b,e.substr(3,e.length-3))[0]:c[g]=e;break;case"object":c[g]=h.resolveDynamicQuery(e,b);break;default:c[g]=e}return c},spliceArrayByIndexList:function(a,b){var c;for(c=b.length-1;c>=0;c--)a.splice(b[c],1)}};b.exports=d},{}],22:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d={sortAsc:function(a,b){return"string"==typeof a&&"string"==typeof b?a.localeCompare(b):a>b?1:b>a?-1:0},sortDesc:function(a,b){return"string"==typeof a&&"string"==typeof b?b.localeCompare(a):a>b?-1:b>a?1:0}};b.exports=d},{}],23:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e={};d={tagAdd:function(a){var b,c=this,d=e[a]=e[a]||[];for(b=0;b<d.length;b++)if(d[b]===c)return!0;return d.push(c),c.on&&c.on("drop",function(){c.tagRemove(a)}),!0},tagRemove:function(a){var b,c=e[a];if(c)for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)if(c[b]===this)return c.splice(b,1),!0;return!1},tagLookup:function(a){return e[a]||[]},tagDrop:function(a,b){var c,d,e,f=this.tagLookup(a);if(c=function(){d--,b&&0===d&&b(!1)},f.length)for(d=f.length,e=f.length-1;e>=0;e--)f[e].drop(c);return!0}},b.exports=d},{}],24:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Overload"),e={addTrigger:function(a,b,c,d){var e,f=this;return e=f._triggerIndexOf(a,b,c),-1===e?(f._trigger=f._trigger||{},f._trigger[b]=f._trigger[b]||{},f._trigger[b][c]=f._trigger[b][c]||[],f._trigger[b][c].push({id:a,method:d,enabled:!0}),!0):!1},removeTrigger:function(a,b,c){var d,e=this;return d=e._triggerIndexOf(a,b,c),d>-1&&e._trigger[b][c].splice(d,1),!1},enableTrigger:new d({string:function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g=this,h=g._trigger,i=!1;if(h)for(f in h)if(h.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(b=h[f]))for(d in b)if(b.hasOwnProperty(d))for(c=b[d],e=0;e<c.length;e++)c[e].id===a&&(c[e].enabled=!0,i=!0);return i},number:function(a){var b,c,d,e=this,f=e._trigger[a],g=!1;if(f)for(c in f)if(f.hasOwnProperty(c))for(b=f[c],d=0;d<b.length;d++)b[d].enabled=!0,g=!0;return g},"number, number":function(a,b){var c,d,e=this,f=e._trigger[a],g=!1;if(f&&(c=f[b]))for(d=0;d<c.length;d++)c[d].enabled=!0,g=!0;return g},"string, number, number":function(a,b,c){var d=this,e=d._triggerIndexOf(a,b,c);return e>-1?(d._trigger[b][c][e].enabled=!0,!0):!1}}),disableTrigger:new d({string:function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g=this,h=g._trigger,i=!1;if(h)for(f in h)if(h.hasOwnProperty(f)&&(b=h[f]))for(d in b)if(b.hasOwnProperty(d))for(c=b[d],e=0;e<c.length;e++)c[e].id===a&&(c[e].enabled=!1,i=!0);return i},number:function(a){var b,c,d,e=this,f=e._trigger[a],g=!1;if(f)for(c in f)if(f.hasOwnProperty(c))for(b=f[c],d=0;d<b.length;d++)b[d].enabled=!1,g=!0;return g},"number, number":function(a,b){var c,d,e=this,f=e._trigger[a],g=!1;if(f&&(c=f[b]))for(d=0;d<c.length;d++)c[d].enabled=!1,g=!0;return g},"string, number, number":function(a,b,c){var d=this,e=d._triggerIndexOf(a,b,c);return e>-1?(d._trigger[b][c][e].enabled=!1,!0):!1}}),willTrigger:function(a,b){if(this._trigger&&this._trigger[a]&&this._trigger[a][b]&&this._trigger[a][b].length){var c,d=this._trigger[a][b];for(c=0;c<d.length;c++)if(d[c].enabled)return!0}return!1},processTrigger:function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,i,j,k=this;if(k._trigger&&k._trigger[b]&&k._trigger[b][c]){for(f=k._trigger[b][c],h=f.length,g=0;h>g;g++)if(i=f[g],i.enabled){if(this.debug()){var l,m;switch(b){case this.TYPE_INSERT:l="insert";break;case this.TYPE_UPDATE:l="update";break;case this.TYPE_REMOVE:l="remove";break;default:l=""}switch(c){case this.PHASE_BEFORE:m="before";break;case this.PHASE_AFTER:m="after";break;default:m=""}}if(,a,d,e),j===!1)return!1;if(void 0!==j&&j!==!0&&j!==!1)throw"ForerunnerDB.Mixin.Triggers: Trigger error: "+j}return!0}},_triggerIndexOf:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g=this;if(g._trigger&&g._trigger[b]&&g._trigger[b][c])for(d=g._trigger[b][c],e=d.length,f=0;e>f;f++)if(d[f].id===a)return f;return-1}};b.exports=e},{"./Overload":27}],25:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d={_updateProperty:function(a,b,c){a[b]=c,this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Setting non-data-bound document property "'+b+'" to val "'+c+'"')},_updateIncrement:function(a,b,c){a[b]+=c},_updateSpliceMove:function(a,b,c){a.splice(c,0,a.splice(b,1)[0]),this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Moving non-data-bound document array index from "'+b+'" to "'+c+'"')},_updateSplicePush:function(a,b,c){a.length>b?a.splice(b,0,c):a.push(c)},_updatePush:function(a,b){a.push(b)},_updatePull:function(a,b){a.splice(b,1)},_updateMultiply:function(a,b,c){a[b]*=c},_updateRename:function(a,b,c){a[c]=a[b],delete a[b]},_updateOverwrite:function(a,b,c){a[b]=c},_updateUnset:function(a,b){delete a[b]},_updateClear:function(a,b){var c,d=a[b];if(d&&"object"==typeof d)for(c in d)d.hasOwnProperty(c)&&this._updateUnset(d,c)},_updatePop:function(a,b){var c,d=!1;if(a.length>0)if(b>0){for(c=0;b>c;c++)a.pop();d=!0}else if(0>b){for(c=0;c>b;c--)a.shift();d=!0}return d}};b.exports=d},{}],26:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Shared"),e=a("./Path"),f=function(a){this.pathSolver=new e,this.counter=0,this.init.apply(this,arguments)};f.prototype.init=function(a){this._data={operation:a,index:{potential:[],used:!1},steps:[],time:{startMs:0,stopMs:0,totalMs:0,process:{}},flag:{},log:[]}},d.addModule("Operation",f),d.mixin(f.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),f.prototype.start=function(){this._data.time.startMs=(new Date).getTime()},f.prototype.log=function(a){if(a){var b=this._log.length>0?this._data.log[this._data.log.length-1].time:0,c={event:a,time:(new Date).getTime(),delta:0};return this._data.log.push(c),b&&(,this}return this._data.log},f.prototype.time=function(a){if(void 0!==a){var b=this._data.time.process,c=b[a]=b[a]||{};return c.startMs?(c.stopMs=(new Date).getTime(),c.totalMs=c.stopMs-c.startMs,c.stepObj.totalMs=c.totalMs,delete c.stepObj):(c.startMs=(new Date).getTime(),c.stepObj={name:a},this._data.steps.push(c.stepObj)),this}return this._data.time},f.prototype.flag=function(a,b){return void 0===a||void 0===b?void 0!==a?this._data.flag[a]:this._data.flag:void(this._data.flag[a]=b)},,b,c){return void 0!==b?(this.pathSolver.set(this._data,a,b),this):this.pathSolver.get(this._data,a)},f.prototype.pushData=function(a,b,c){this.pathSolver.push(this._data,a,b)},f.prototype.stop=function(){this._data.time.stopMs=(new Date).getTime(),this._data.time.totalMs=this._data.time.stopMs-this._data.time.startMs},d.finishModule("Operation"),b.exports=f},{"./Path":28,"./Shared":31}],27:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=function(a,b){if(b||(b=a,a=void 0),b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i=this;if(!(b instanceof Array)){e={};for(c in b)if(b.hasOwnProperty(c))if(f=c.replace(/ /g,""),-1===f.indexOf("*"))e[f]=b[c];else for(h=this.generateSignaturePermutations(f),g=0;g<h.length;g++)e[h[g]]||(e[h[g]]=b[c]);b=e}return function(){var e,f,g,h=[];if(b instanceof Array){for(d=b.length,c=0;d>c;c++)if(b[c].length===arguments.length)return i.callExtend(this,"$main",b,b[c],arguments)}else{for(c=0;c<arguments.length&&(f=typeof arguments[c],"object"===f&&arguments[c]instanceof Array&&(f="array"),1!==arguments.length||"undefined"!==f);c++)h.push(f);if(e=h.join(","),b[e])return i.callExtend(this,"$main",b,b[e],arguments);for(c=h.length;c>=0;c--)if(e=h.slice(0,c).join(","),b[e+",..."])return i.callExtend(this,"$main",b,b[e+",..."],arguments)}throw g=void 0!==a?a:"function"==typeof"Unknown",console.log("Overload Definition:",b),'ForerunnerDB.Overload "'+g+'": Overloaded method does not have a matching signature "'+e+'" for the passed arguments: '+this.jStringify(h)}}return function(){}};d.prototype.generateSignaturePermutations=function(a){var b,c,d=[],e=["array","string","object","number","function","undefined"];if(a.indexOf("*")>-1)for(c=0;c<e.length;c++)b=a.replace("*",e[c]),d=d.concat(this.generateSignaturePermutations(b));else d.push(a);return d},d.prototype.callExtend=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g;return a&&c[b]?(f=a[b],a[b]=c[b],g=d.apply(a,e),a[b]=f,g):d.apply(a,e)},b.exports=d},{}],28:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Shared"),e=function(a){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};e.prototype.init=function(a){a&&this.path(a)},d.addModule("Path",e),d.mixin(e.prototype,"Mixin.Common"),d.mixin(e.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),e.prototype.path=function(a){return void 0!==a?(this._path=this.clean(a),this._pathParts=this._path.split("."),this):this._path},e.prototype.hasObjectPaths=function(a,b){var c,d=!0;for(c in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(c)){if(void 0===b[c])return!1;if("object"==typeof a[c]&&(d=this.hasObjectPaths(a[c],b[c]),!d))return!1}return d},e.prototype.countKeys=function(a){var b,c=0;for(b in a)a.hasOwnProperty(b)&&void 0!==a[b]&&("object"!=typeof a[b]?c++:c+=this.countKeys(a[b]));return c},e.prototype.countObjectPaths=function(a,b){var c,d,e={},f=0,g=0;for(d in b)b.hasOwnProperty(d)&&("object"==typeof b[d]?(c=this.countObjectPaths(a[d],b[d]),e[d]=c.matchedKeys,g+=c.totalKeyCount,f+=c.matchedKeyCount):(g++,a&&a[d]&&"object"!=typeof a[d]?(e[d]=!0,f++):e[d]=!1));return{matchedKeys:e,matchedKeyCount:f,totalKeyCount:g}},e.prototype.parse=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f=[],g="";for(d in a)if(a.hasOwnProperty(d))if(g=d,"object"==typeof a[d])if(b)for(c=this.parse(a[d],b),e=0;e<c.length;e++)f.push({path:g+"."+c[e].path,value:c[e].value});else for(c=this.parse(a[d]),e=0;e<c.length;e++)f.push({path:g+"."+c[e].path});else b?f.push({path:g,value:a[d]}):f.push({path:g});return f},e.prototype.parseArr=function(a,b){return b=b||{},this._parseArr(a,"",[],b)},e.prototype._parseArr=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f="";b=b||"",c=c||[];for(e in a)a.hasOwnProperty(e)&&(!d.ignore||d.ignore&&!d.ignore.test(e))&&(f=b?b+"."+e:e,"object"==typeof a[e]?(d.verbose&&c.push(f),this._parseArr(a[e],f,c,d)):c.push(f));return c},e.prototype.set=function(a,b,c){if(void 0!==a&&void 0!==b){var d,e;b=this.clean(b),d=b.split("."),e=d.shift(),d.length?(a[e]=a[e]||{},this.set(a[e],d.join("."),c)):a[e]=c}return a},e.prototype.get=function(a,b){return this.value(a,b)[0]},e.prototype.value=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;if(b&&-1===b.indexOf("."))return[a[b]];if(void 0!==a&&"object"==typeof a){if((!c||c&&!c.skipArrCheck)&&a instanceof Array){for(j=[],k=0;k<a.length;k++)j.push(this.get(a[k],b));return j}for(i=[],void 0!==b&&(b=this.clean(b),d=b.split(".")),e=d||this._pathParts,f=e.length,g=a,k=0;f>k;k++){if(g=g[e[k]],h instanceof Array){for(l=0;l<h.length;l++)i=i.concat(this.value(h,l+"."+e[k],{skipArrCheck:!0}));return i}if(!g||"object"!=typeof g)break;h=g}return[g]}return[]},e.prototype.push=function(a,b,c){if(void 0!==a&&void 0!==b){var d,e;if(b=this.clean(b),d=b.split("."),e=d.shift(),d.length)a[e]=a[e]||{},this.set(a[e],d.join("."),c);else{if(a[e]=a[e]||[],!(a[e]instanceof Array))throw"ForerunnerDB.Path: Cannot push to a path whose endpoint is not an array!";a[e].push(c)}}return a},e.prototype.keyValue=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i;for(void 0!==b&&(b=this.clean(b),c=b.split(".")),d=c||this._pathParts,e=d.length,f=a,i=0;e>i;i++){if(f=f[d[i]],!f||"object"!=typeof f){h=d[i]+":"+f;break}g=f}return h},e.prototype.set=function(a,b,c){if(void 0!==a&&void 0!==b){var d,e;b=this.clean(b),d=b.split("."),e=d.shift(),d.length?(a[e]=a[e]||{},this.set(a[e],d.join("."),c)):a[e]=c}return a},e.prototype.clean=function(a){return"."===a.substr(0,1)&&(a=a.substr(1,a.length-1)),a},d.finishModule("Path"),b.exports=e},{"./Shared":31}],29:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Shared"),e=function(a,b,c){if(!(a&&b&&c))throw"ForerunnerDB.ReactorIO: ReactorIO requires in, out and process arguments to instantiate!";if(this._reactorIn=a,this._reactorOut=b,this._chainHandler=c,!a.chain)throw"ForerunnerDB.ReactorIO: ReactorIO requires passed in and out objects to implement the ChainReactor mixin!";a.chain(this),this.chain(b)};d.addModule("ReactorIO",e),e.prototype.drop=function(){return this.isDropped()||(this._state="dropped",this._reactorIn&&this._reactorIn.unChain(this),this._reactorOut&&this.unChain(this._reactorOut),delete this._reactorIn,delete this._reactorOut,delete this._chainHandler,this.emit("drop",this),delete this._listeners),!0},d.synthesize(e.prototype,"state"),d.mixin(e.prototype,"Mixin.Common"),d.mixin(e.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),d.mixin(e.prototype,"Mixin.Events"),d.finishModule("ReactorIO"),b.exports=e},{"./Shared":31}],30:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=function(){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};d.prototype.init=function(){var a=this;this._encoder=[],this._decoder=[],this.registerHandler("$date",function(a){return a instanceof Date?(a.toJSON=function(){return"$date:"+this.toISOString()},!0):!1},function(b){return"string"==typeof b&&0===b.indexOf("$date:")?a.convert(new Date(b.substr(6))):void 0}),this.registerHandler("$regexp",function(a){return a instanceof RegExp?(a.toJSON=function(){return"$regexp:"+this.source.length+":"+this.source+":"+("g":"")+(this.ignoreCase?"i":"")},!0):!1},function(b){if("string"==typeof b&&0===b.indexOf("$regexp:")){var c=b.substr(8),d=c.indexOf(":"),e=Number(c.substr(0,d)),f=c.substr(d+1,e),g=c.substr(d+e+2);return a.convert(new RegExp(f,g))}})},d.prototype.registerHandler=function(a,b,c){void 0!==a&&(this._encoder.push(b),this._decoder.push(c))},d.prototype.convert=function(a){var b,c=this._encoder;for(b=0;b<c.length;b++)if(c[b](a))return a;return a},d.prototype.reviver=function(){var a=this._decoder;return function(b,c){var d,e;for(e=0;e<a.length;e++)if(d=a[e](c),void 0!==d)return d;return c}},b.exports=d},{}],31:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=a("./Overload"),e={version:"1.3.687",modules:{},plugins:{},_synth:{},addModule:function(a,b){this.modules[a]=b,this.emit("moduleLoad",[a,b])},finishModule:function(a){if(!this.modules[a])throw"ForerunnerDB.Shared: finishModule called on a module that has not been registered with addModule(): "+a;this.modules[a]._fdbFinished=!0,this.modules[a].prototype?this.modules[a].prototype.className=a:this.modules[a].className=a,this.emit("moduleFinished",[a,this.modules[a]])},moduleFinished:function(a,b){this.modules[a]&&this.modules[a]._fdbFinished?b&&b(a,this.modules[a]):this.on("moduleFinished",b)},moduleExists:function(a){return Boolean(this.modules[a])},mixin:new d({"object, string":function(a,b){var c;if("string"==typeof b&&(c=this.mixins[b],!c))throw"ForerunnerDB.Shared: Cannot find mixin named: "+b;return this.$,a,c)},"object, *":function(a,b){return this.$,a,b)},$main:function(a,b){if(b&&"object"==typeof b)for(var c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(a[c]=b[c]);return a}}),synthesize:function(a,b,c){if(this._synth[b]=this._synth[b]||function(a){return void 0!==a?(this["_"+b]=a,this):this["_"+b]},c){var d=this;a[b]=function(){var a,e=this.$super;return this.$super=d._synth[b],a=c.apply(this,arguments),this.$super=e,a}}else a[b]=this._synth[b]},overload:d,mixins:{"Mixin.Common":a("./Mixin.Common"),"Mixin.Events":a("./Mixin.Events"),"Mixin.ChainReactor":a("./Mixin.ChainReactor"),"Mixin.CRUD":a("./Mixin.CRUD"),"Mixin.Constants":a("./Mixin.Constants"),"Mixin.Triggers":a("./Mixin.Triggers"),"Mixin.Sorting":a("./Mixin.Sorting"),"Mixin.Matching":a("./Mixin.Matching"),"Mixin.Updating":a("./Mixin.Updating"),"Mixin.Tags":a("./Mixin.Tags")}};e.mixin(e,"Mixin.Events"),b.exports=e},{"./Mixin.CRUD":16,"./Mixin.ChainReactor":17,"./Mixin.Common":18,"./Mixin.Constants":19,"./Mixin.Events":20,"./Mixin.Matching":21,"./Mixin.Sorting":22,"./Mixin.Tags":23,"./Mixin.Triggers":24,"./Mixin.Updating":25,"./Overload":27}],32:[function(a,b,c){Array.prototype.filter||(Array.prototype.filter=function(a){if(void 0===this||null===this)throw new TypeError;var b=Object(this),c=b.length>>>0;if("function"!=typeof a)throw new TypeError;for(var d=[],e=arguments.length>=2?arguments[1]:void 0,f=0;c>f;f++)if(f in b){var g=b[f];,g,f,b)&&d.push(g)}return d}),"function"!=typeof Object.create&&(Object.create=function(){var a=function(){};return function(b){if(arguments.length>1)throw Error("Second argument not supported");if("object"!=typeof b)throw TypeError("Argument must be an object");a.prototype=b;var c=new a;return a.prototype=null,c}}()),Array.prototype.indexOf||(Array.prototype.indexOf=function(a,b){var c;if(null===this)throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');var d=Object(this),e=d.length>>>0;if(0===e)return-1;var f=+b||0;if(Math.abs(f)===1/0&&(f=0),f>=e)return-1;for(c=Math.max(f>=0?f:e-Math.abs(f),0);e>c;){if(c in d&&d[c]===a)return c;c++}return-1}),b.exports={}},{}],33:[function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n=a("./Overload");d=a("./Shared");var o=function(a,b,c){this.init.apply(this,arguments)};d.addModule("View",o),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Common"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Matching"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.ChainReactor"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Constants"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Triggers"),d.mixin(o.prototype,"Mixin.Tags"),f=a("./Collection"),g=a("./CollectionGroup"),k=a("./ActiveBucket"),j=a("./ReactorIO"),h=f.prototype.init,e=d.modules.Db,i=e.prototype.init,l=d.modules.Path,m=new l,o.prototype.init=function(a,b,c){var d=this;this.sharedPathSolver=m,this._name=a,this._listeners={},this._querySettings={},this._debug={},this.query(b,c,!1),this._collectionDroppedWrap=function(){ d._collectionDropped.apply(d,arguments)},this._data=new f("_internal")},o.prototype._handleChainIO=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g=a.type;return"setData"!==g&&"insert"!==g&&"update"!==g&&"remove"!==g?!1:(c=Boolean(b._querySettings.options&&b._querySettings.options.$join),d=Boolean(b._querySettings.query),e=void 0!==b._data._transformIn,c||d||e?(f={dataArr:[],removeArr:[]},"insert"===a.type? instanceof Array?[]:"update"===a.type?"remove"===a.type&&( instanceof Array?[]),f.dataArr instanceof Array||(console.warn("WARNING: dataArr being processed by chain reactor in View class is inconsistent!"),f.dataArr=[]),f.removeArr instanceof Array||(console.warn("WARNING: removeArr being processed by chain reactor in View class is inconsistent!"),f.removeArr=[]),c&&(this.debug()&&console.time(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_ActiveJoin"),b._handleChainIO_ActiveJoin(a,f),this.debug()&&console.timeEnd(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_ActiveJoin")),d&&(this.debug()&&console.time(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_ActiveQuery"),b._handleChainIO_ActiveQuery(a,f),this.debug()&&console.timeEnd(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_ActiveQuery")),e&&(this.debug()&&console.time(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_TransformIn"),b._handleChainIO_TransformIn(a,f),this.debug()&&console.timeEnd(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_TransformIn")),f.dataArr.length||f.removeArr.length?(,f.removeArr.length&&(this.debug()&&console.time(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_RemovePackets"),b._handleChainIO_RemovePackets(this,a,f),this.debug()&&console.timeEnd(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_RemovePackets")),f.dataArr.length&&(this.debug()&&console.time(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_UpsertPackets"),b._handleChainIO_UpsertPackets(this,a,f),this.debug()&&console.timeEnd(this.logIdentifier()+" :: _handleChainIO_UpsertPackets")),!0):!0):!1)},o.prototype._handleChainIO_ActiveJoin=function(a,b){var c,d=b.dataArr;c=this.applyJoin(d,this._querySettings.options.$join,{},{}),this.spliceArrayByIndexList(d,c),b.removeArr=b.removeArr.concat(c)},o.prototype._handleChainIO_ActiveQuery=function(a,b){var c,d=this,e=b.dataArr;for(c=e.length-1;c>=0;c--)d._match(e[c],d._querySettings.query,d._querySettings.options,"and",{})||(b.removeArr.push(e[c]),e.splice(c,1))},o.prototype._handleChainIO_TransformIn=function(a,b){var c,d=this,e=b.dataArr,f=b.removeArr,g=d._data._transformIn;for(c=0;c<e.length;c++)e[c]=g(e[c]);for(c=0;c<f.length;c++)f[c]=g(f[c])},o.prototype._handleChainIO_RemovePackets=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f=[],,h=c.removeArr,i={dataSet:h,query:{$or:f}};for(e=0;e<h.length;e++)d={},d[g]=h[e][g],f.push(d);a.chainSend("remove",i)},o.prototype._handleChainIO_UpsertPackets=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g=this._data,h=g._primaryIndex,i=g._primaryCrc,,k=c.dataArr,l=[],m=[];for(f=0;f<k.length;f++)d=k[f],h.get(d[j])?i.get(d[j])!==this.hash(d[j])&&m.push(d):l.push(d);if(l.length&&a.chainSend("insert",{dataSet:l}),m.length)for(f=0;f<m.length;f++)d=m[f],e={},e[j]=d[j],a.chainSend("update",{query:e,update:d,dataSet:[d]})},o.prototype.insert=function(){this._from.insert.apply(this._from,arguments)},o.prototype.update=function(){this._from.update.apply(this._from,arguments)},o.prototype.updateById=function(){this._from.updateById.apply(this._from,arguments)},o.prototype.remove=function(){this._from.remove.apply(this._from,arguments)},o.prototype.find=function(a,b){return this._data.find(a,b)},o.prototype.findOne=function(a,b){return this._data.findOne(a,b)},o.prototype.findById=function(a,b){return this._data.findById(a,b)},o.prototype.findSub=function(a,b,c,d){return this._data.findSub(a,b,c,d)},o.prototype.findSubOne=function(a,b,c,d){return this._data.findSubOne(a,b,c,d)},{return this._data},o.prototype.from=function(a,b){var c=this;if(void 0!==a){this._from&&("drop",this._collectionDroppedWrap),delete this._from),this._io&&(this._io.drop(),delete this._io),"string"==typeof a&&(a=this._db.collection(a)),"View"===a.className&&(a=a._data,this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Using internal data "'+a.instanceIdentifier()+'" for IO graph linking')),this._from=a,this._from.on("drop",this._collectionDroppedWrap),this._io=new j(this._from,this,function(a){return,a,c)}),this._data.primaryKey(a.primaryKey());var d=a.find(this._querySettings.query,this._querySettings.options);return this._data.setData(d,{},b),this._querySettings.options&&this._querySettings.options.$orderBy?this.rebuildActiveBucket(this._querySettings.options.$orderBy):this.rebuildActiveBucket(),this}return this._from},o.prototype._chainHandler=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;switch(this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Received chain reactor data: "+a.type),a.type){case"setData":this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Setting data in underlying (internal) view collection "''"');var j=this._from.find(this._querySettings.query,this._querySettings.options);this._data.setData(j),this.rebuildActiveBucket(this._querySettings.options);break;case"insert":if(this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Inserting some data into underlying (internal) view collection "''"'),, instanceof Array||([]),this._querySettings.options&&this._querySettings.options.$orderBy)for(,c=b.length,d=0;c>d;d++)e=this._activeBucket.insert(b[d]),this._data._insertHandle(b[d],e);else e=this._data._data.length,this._data._insertHandle(,e);break;case"update":if(this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Updating some data in underlying (internal) view collection "''"'),g=this._data.primaryKey(),f=this._data._handleUpdate(,,,this._querySettings.options&&this._querySettings.options.$orderBy)for(c=f.length,d=0;c>d;d++)h=f[d],this._activeBucket.remove(h),i=this._data._data.indexOf(h),e=this._activeBucket.insert(h),i!==e&&this._data._updateSpliceMove(this._data._data,i,e);break;case"remove":if(this.debug()&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+' Removing some data from underlying (internal) view collection "''"'),this._data.remove(,a.options),this._querySettings.options&&this._querySettings.options.$orderBy)for(,c=b.length,d=0;c>d;d++)this._activeBucket.remove(b[d])}},o.prototype._collectionDropped=function(a){a&&delete this._from},o.prototype.ensureIndex=function(){return this._data.ensureIndex.apply(this._data,arguments)},o.prototype.on=function(){return this._data.on.apply(this._data,arguments)},{return,arguments)},o.prototype.emit=function(){return this._data.emit.apply(this._data,arguments)},o.prototype.deferEmit=function(){return this._data.deferEmit.apply(this._data,arguments)},o.prototype.distinct=function(a,b,c){return this._data.distinct(a,b,c)},o.prototype.primaryKey=function(){return this._data.primaryKey()},o.prototype.drop=function(a){return this.isDropped()?!1:(this._from&&("drop",this._collectionDroppedWrap),this._from._removeView(this)),(this.debug()||this._db&&this._db.debug())&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Dropping"),this._state="dropped",this._io&&this._io.drop(),this._data&&this._data.drop(),this._db&&this._name&&delete this._db._view[this._name],this.emit("drop",this),a&&a(!1,!0),delete this._chain,delete this._from,delete this._data,delete this._io,delete this._listeners,delete this._querySettings,delete this._db,!0)},o.prototype.queryData=function(a,b,c){return void 0!==a&&(this._querySettings.query=a,a.$findSub&&!a.$findSub.$from&&(a.$findSub.$,a.$findSubOne&&!a.$findSubOne.$from&&(a.$findSubOne.$,void 0!==b&&(this._querySettings.options=b),void 0!==a||void 0!==b?((void 0===c||c===!0)&&this.refresh(),this):this._querySettings},o.prototype.queryAdd=function(a,b,c){this._querySettings.query=this._querySettings.query||{};var d,e=this._querySettings.query;if(void 0!==a)for(d in a)a.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(void 0===e[d]||void 0!==e[d]&&b!==!1)&&(e[d]=a[d]);(void 0===c||c===!0)&&this.refresh()},o.prototype.queryRemove=function(a,b){var c,d=this._querySettings.query;if(d){if(void 0!==a)for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&delete d[c];(void 0===b||b===!0)&&this.refresh()}},o.prototype.query=new n({"":function(){return this._querySettings.query},object:function(a){return this.$,a,void 0,!0)},"*, boolean":function(a,b){return this.$,a,void 0,b)},"object, object":function(a,b){return this.$,a,b,!0)},"*, *, boolean":function(a,b,c){return this.$,a,b,c)},$main:function(a,b,c){return void 0!==a&&(this._querySettings.query=a,a.$findSub&&!a.$findSub.$from&&(a.$findSub.$,a.$findSubOne&&!a.$findSubOne.$from&&(a.$findSubOne.$,void 0!==b&&(this._querySettings.options=b),void 0!==a||void 0!==b?((void 0===c||c===!0)&&this.refresh(),this):this._querySettings}}),o.prototype.orderBy=function(a){if(void 0!==a){var b=this.queryOptions()||{};return b.$orderBy=a,this.queryOptions(b),this}return(this.queryOptions()||{}).$orderBy},{if(void 0!==a){var b=this.queryOptions()||{};return a!==b.$page&&(b.$page=a,this.queryOptions(b)),this}return(this.queryOptions()||{}).$page},o.prototype.pageFirst=function(){return},o.prototype.pageLast=function(){var a=this.cursor().pages,b=void 0!==a?a:0;return},o.prototype.pageScan=function(a){if(void 0!==a){var b=this.cursor().pages,c=this.queryOptions()||{},d=void 0!==c.$page?c.$page:0;return d+=a,0>d&&(d=0),d>=b&&(d=b-1),}},o.prototype.queryOptions=function(a,b){return void 0!==a?(this._querySettings.options=a,void 0===a.$decouple&&(a.$decouple=!0),void 0===b||b===!0?this.refresh():this.rebuildActiveBucket(a.$orderBy),this):this._querySettings.options},o.prototype.rebuildActiveBucket=function(a){if(a){var b=this._data._data,c=b.length;this._activeBucket=new k(a),this._activeBucket.primaryKey(this._data.primaryKey());for(var d=0;c>d;d++)this._activeBucket.insert(b[d])}else delete this._activeBucket},o.prototype.refresh=function(){var a,b,c,d,e=this;if(this._from&&(this._data.remove(),a=this._from.find(this._querySettings.query,this._querySettings.options),this.cursor(a.$cursor),this._data.insert(a),this._data._data.$cursor=a.$cursor,this._data._data.$cursor=a.$cursor),this._querySettings&&this._querySettings.options&&this._querySettings.options.$join&&this._querySettings.options.$join.length){if(e.__joinChange=e.__joinChange||function(){e._joinChange()},this._joinCollections&&this._joinCollections.length)for(c=0;c<this._joinCollections.length;c++)this._db.collection(this._joinCollections[c]).off("immediateChange",e.__joinChange);for(b=this._querySettings.options.$join,this._joinCollections=[],c=0;c<b.length;c++)for(d in b[c])b[c].hasOwnProperty(d)&&this._joinCollections.push(d);if(this._joinCollections.length)for(c=0;c<this._joinCollections.length;c++)this._db.collection(this._joinCollections[c]).on("immediateChange",e.__joinChange)}return this._querySettings.options&&this._querySettings.options.$orderBy?this.rebuildActiveBucket(this._querySettings.options.$orderBy):this.rebuildActiveBucket(),this},o.prototype._joinChange=function(a,b){this.emit("joinChange"),this.refresh()},o.prototype.count=function(){return this._data.count.apply(this._data,arguments)},o.prototype.subset=function(){return this._data.subset.apply(this._data,arguments)},o.prototype.transform=function(a){var b,c;return b=this._data.transform(),this._data.transform(a),c=this._data.transform(),c.enabled&&c.dataIn&&(b.enabled!==c.enabled||b.dataIn!==c.dataIn)&&this.refresh(),c},o.prototype.filter=function(a,b,c){return this._data.filter(a,b,c)},{return this._data},o.prototype.indexOf=function(){return this._data.indexOf.apply(this._data,arguments)},d.synthesize(o.prototype,"db",function(a){return a&&(this._data.db(a),this.debug(a.debug()),this._data.debug(a.debug())),this.$super.apply(this,arguments)}),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"state"),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"name"),d.synthesize(o.prototype,"cursor",function(a){return void 0===a?this._cursor||{}:void this.$super.apply(this,arguments)}),f.prototype.init=function(){this._view=[],h.apply(this,arguments)},f.prototype.view=function(a,b,c){if(this._db&&this._db._view){if(this._db._view[a])throw this.logIdentifier()+" Cannot create a view using this collection because a view with this name already exists: "+a;var d=new o(a,b,c).db(this._db).from(this);return this._view=this._view||[],this._view.push(d),d}},f.prototype._addView=g.prototype._addView=function(a){return void 0!==a&&this._view.push(a),this},f.prototype._removeView=g.prototype._removeView=function(a){if(void 0!==a){var b=this._view.indexOf(a);b>-1&&this._view.splice(b,1)}return this},e.prototype.init=function(){this._view={},i.apply(this,arguments)},e.prototype.view=function(a){var b=this;return a instanceof o?a:this._view[a]?this._view[a]:((this.debug()||this._db&&this._db.debug())&&console.log(this.logIdentifier()+" Creating view "+a),this._view[a]=new o(a).db(this),b.emit("create",b._view[a],"view",a),this._view[a])},e.prototype.viewExists=function(a){return Boolean(this._view[a])},e.prototype.views=function(){var a,b,c=[];for(b in this._view)this._view.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(a=this._view[b],c.push({name:b,count:a.count(),linked:void 0!==a.isLinked?a.isLinked():!1}));return c},d.finishModule("View"),b.exports=o},{"./ActiveBucket":3,"./Collection":6,"./CollectionGroup":7,"./Overload":27,"./ReactorIO":29,"./Shared":31}]},{},[1]);
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Line } from 'rc-progress'; import { LANGUAGES, DISCIPLINES } from 'shared/constants/status'; import Form from 'shared/components/form/form'; import FormCheckBox from 'shared/components/form/formCheckBox/formCheckBox'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import styles from './formComponents.css'; class Interests extends Component { componentDidMount() { if (this.props.onLoad) { this.props.onLoad(); } } render() { const languages = LANGUAGES .map(language => ( <FormCheckBox name="languages" value={language} onChange={e => this.props.update(e)} key={language} checkBox={{ display: 'block', margin: '20px' }} label={{ textTransform: 'uppercase', fontWeight: 'bold', marginLeft: '15px' }} /> )); const disciplines = DISCIPLINES .map(discipline => ( <FormCheckBox name="disciplines" value={discipline} onChange={e => this.props.update(e)} key={discipline} checkBox={{ display: 'block', margin: '20px' }} label={{ textTransform: 'uppercase', fontWeight: 'bold', marginLeft: '15px' }} /> )); return ( <Form className={styles.signup}> <h3>Progress = {this.props.percent}%</h3> <Line percent={this.props.percent} strokeWidth="4" strokeColor="green" /> &nbsp; <label htmlFor="languages"> <span className={styles.info__tagsTitle}> Select any languages you are interested in: </span> </label> <div className={styles.info__tags}> {languages} </div> <label htmlFor="disciplines"> <span className={styles.info__tagsTitle}> Select any disciplines you are interested in: </span> </label> <div className={styles.info__tags}> {disciplines} </div> </Form> ); } } Interests.propTypes = { percent: PropTypes.string, update: PropTypes.func, onLoad: PropTypes.func }; Interests.defaultProps = { percent: '0', update: null, onLoad: null }; export default Interests;
/*jshint esversion: 6 */ var React = require('react'); import { Form, FormGroup, FormControl, ControlLabel, HelpBlock, Col, Radio, Input, Modal, Button, Glyphicon } from 'react-bootstrap'; var Constants = require('../single-map-constants'); import SingleMapActions from '../single-map-actions'; var _ = require('underscore'); var createReactClass = require('create-react-class'); var EditCommentDialog = createReactClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {open: false}; }, componentDidMount: function() { this.internalState = {}; this.props.singleMapStore.addChangeListener(this._onChange); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { this.props.singleMapStore.removeChangeListener(this._onChange); }, componentDidUpdate(oldProps, oldState){ if(oldProps.singleMapStore.getMap().map._id !== this.props.singleMapStore.getMap().map._id){ // map changed, pretend to remount oldProps.singleMapStore.removeChangeListener(this._onChange); this.props.singleMapStore.addChangeListener(this._onChange); this._onChange(); } }, internalState: {}, _onChange: function() { var newState = this.props.singleMapStore.getEditCommentDialogState(); this.internalState.comment = newState.comment; this.setState(newState); }, _close: function() { SingleMapActions.closeEditCommentDialog(); }, _submit: function() { this.internalState.mapID = this.props.mapID; this.internalState.workspaceID = this.props.workspaceID; SingleMapActions.submitEditGenericCommentDialog(_.extend(this.state, this.internalState)); }, _handleDialogChange: function(parameterName, event) { this.internalState[parameterName] =; this.forceUpdate(); }, render: function() { var show =; var comment = this.internalState.comment; return ( <div> <Modal show={show} onHide={this._close}> <Modal.Header closeButton> <Modal.Title> Edit the comment </Modal.Title> </Modal.Header> <Modal.Body> <Form horizontal> <FormGroup controlId="name"> <Col sm={2}> <ControlLabel>Your comment</ControlLabel> </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl type="textarea" value={comment} componentClass="textarea" placeholder="Enter comment" onChange={this._handleDialogChange.bind(this, 'comment')} onKeyDown={this._enterInterceptor} style={{ height: 100 }}/> </Col> </FormGroup> </Form> </Modal.Body> <Modal.Footer> <Button type="reset" onClick={this._close}>Cancel</Button> <Button type="submit" bsStyle="primary" value="Add" onClick={this._submit}>Save</Button> </Modal.Footer> </Modal> </div> ); } }); module.exports = EditCommentDialog;
/* * Copyright (C) 2018 - present Instructure, Inc. * * This file is part of Canvas. * * Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <>. */ import {number, string} from 'prop-types' import React from 'react' import I18n from 'i18n!GraderCountNumberInput' import {NumberInput} from '@instructure/ui-number-input' const DEFAULT_GRADER_COUNT = 2 function availableGradersText(availableGradersCount) { if (availableGradersCount === 1) { return I18n.t('There is currently 1 available grader') } return I18n.t('There are currently %{availableGradersCount} available graders', { availableGradersCount }) } export default class GraderCountNumberInput extends React.Component { static propTypes = { currentGraderCount: number, locale: string.isRequired, availableGradersCount: number.isRequired } static defaultProps = { currentGraderCount: null } state = { graderCount: this.props.currentGraderCount || Math.min(this.props.availableGradersCount, DEFAULT_GRADER_COUNT), messages: [] } generateMessages(newValue, eventType) { if (newValue === '' && eventType !== 'blur') { return [] } else if (newValue === '0' || newValue === '') { return [{text: I18n.t('Must have at least 1 grader'), type: 'error'}] } const current = parseInt(newValue, 10) if (current > this.props.availableGradersCount) { return [{text: availableGradersText(this.props.availableGradersCount), type: 'hint'}] } return [] } handleNumberInputBlur(value) { if (value === '') { this.setState({messages: this.generateMessages(value, 'blur')}) } } handleNumberInputChange(value) { if (value === '') { this.setState({graderCount: '', messages: this.generateMessages(value, 'change')}) } else { const match = value.match(/\d+/) if (match) { this.setState({graderCount: match[0], messages: this.generateMessages(value, 'change')}) } } } render() { const label = ( <strong className="ModeratedGrading__GraderCountInputLabelText"> {I18n.t('Number of graders')} </strong> ) return ( <div className="ModeratedGrading__GraderCountInputContainer"> <NumberInput id="grader_count" value={this.state.graderCount.toString()} renderLabel={label} locale={this.props.locale} max={this.props.availableGradersCount.toString()} messages={this.state.messages} min="1" onChange={e => { if (e.type !== 'blur') this.handleNumberInputChange( }} onBlur={e => this.handleNumberInputBlur(} showArrows={false} width="5rem" /> </div> ) } }
import _extends from 'babel-runtime/helpers/extends'; import _objectWithoutProperties from 'babel-runtime/helpers/objectWithoutProperties'; import _classCallCheck from 'babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'; import _possibleConstructorReturn from 'babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn'; import _inherits from 'babel-runtime/helpers/inherits'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import uncontrollable from 'uncontrollable'; import chainFunction from './utils/createChainedFunction'; import ValidChildren from './utils/ValidComponentChildren'; import ButtonGroup from './ButtonGroup'; import ToggleButton from './ToggleButton'; var propTypes = { /** * An HTML `<input>` name for each child button. * * __Required if `type` is set to `'radio'`__ */ name: PropTypes.string, /** * The value, or array of values, of the active (pressed) buttons * * @controllable onChange */ value: PropTypes.any, /** * Callback fired when a button is pressed, depending on whether the `type` * is `'radio'` or `'checkbox'`, `onChange` will be called with the value or * array of active values * * @controllable values */ onChange: PropTypes.func, /** * The input `type` of the rendered buttons, determines the toggle behavior * of the buttons */ type: PropTypes.oneOf(['checkbox', 'radio']).isRequired }; var defaultProps = { type: 'radio' }; var ToggleButtonGroup = function (_React$Component) { _inherits(ToggleButtonGroup, _React$Component); function ToggleButtonGroup() { _classCallCheck(this, ToggleButtonGroup); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component.apply(this, arguments)); } ToggleButtonGroup.prototype.getValues = function getValues() { var value = this.props.value; return value == null ? [] : [].concat(value); }; ToggleButtonGroup.prototype.handleToggle = function handleToggle(value) { var _props = this.props, type = _props.type, onChange = _props.onChange; var values = this.getValues(); var isActive = values.indexOf(value) !== -1; if (type === 'radio') { if (!isActive) { onChange(value); } return; } if (isActive) { onChange(values.filter(function (n) { return n !== value; })); } else { onChange([].concat(values, [value])); } }; ToggleButtonGroup.prototype.render = function render() { var _this2 = this; var _props2 = this.props, children = _props2.children, type = _props2.type, name =, props = _objectWithoutProperties(_props2, ['children', 'type', 'name']); var values = this.getValues(); !(type !== 'radio' || !!name) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'A `name` is required to group the toggle buttons when the `type` ' + 'is set to "radio"') : invariant(false) : void 0; delete props.onChange; delete props.value; // the data attribute is required b/c twbs css uses it in the selector return React.createElement( ButtonGroup, _extends({}, props, { 'data-toggle': 'buttons' }),, function (child) { var _child$props = child.props, value = _child$props.value, onChange = _child$props.onChange; var handler = function handler() { return _this2.handleToggle(value); }; return React.cloneElement(child, { type: type, name: || name, checked: values.indexOf(value) !== -1, onChange: chainFunction(onChange, handler) }); }) ); }; return ToggleButtonGroup; }(React.Component); ToggleButtonGroup.propTypes = propTypes; ToggleButtonGroup.defaultProps = defaultProps; var UncontrolledToggleButtonGroup = uncontrollable(ToggleButtonGroup, { value: 'onChange' }); UncontrolledToggleButtonGroup.Button = ToggleButton; export default UncontrolledToggleButtonGroup;
import React from 'react'; import createSvgIcon from './utils/createSvgIcon'; export default createSvgIcon( <React.Fragment><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" /><g><path d="M22.17 9.17c0-3.91-3.19-7.06-7.11-7-3.83.06-6.99 3.37-6.88 7.19.09 3.38 2.58 6.16 5.83 6.7V20H6v-3h1v-5H2v5h1v5h16v-2h-3v-3.88c3.47-.41 6.17-3.36 6.17-6.95zM4.5 11c.83 0 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5S5.33 8 4.5 8 3 8.67 3 9.5 3.67 11 4.5 11z" /></g></React.Fragment> , 'NaturePeopleSharp');