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Abraham Lincoln Speaks: Now He Belongs to the Ages After four long years of brutal fighting, the American Civil War was finally drawing to a close. On April 9, 1865, the commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, General Robert E. Lee, surrendered to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant. It was time to rebuild the United States, but the war had taken its toll on Lincoln, and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln was concerned for her husband’s health. Five days later, President Abraham Lincoln took a much needed break from work to attend the play Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre with Mary. As the play drew to a close, Lincoln was shot at point-blank range by actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. There were three doctors in the theater - Charles Leale, Charles Taft, and Albert King - called to attend to the President. The head wound was mortal, and all they could do was to keep the President as comfortable as possible. Deciding it was too dangerous to travel back to The White House, they moved the President across the street to William Petersen's Boarding House. On the morning of April 15th, 1865, less than one week after the Civil War ended, the President died. Upon the declaration of death at 7:22 am, Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, uttered the phrase "Now he belongs to the ages.” "Service on the Home Front" WPA Poster Louis Hirshman and William Tasker Wikimedia, via Library of Congress As the most activist President in history, Lincoln transformed the President's role as Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive into a powerful new position, making the President supreme over both Congress and the Courts. Despite never wanting war -- he explicitly said as much in his Second Inaugural Address -- his activism began almost immediately with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter. Lincoln used industry, the growing railroad network, and hand-picked generals to preserve the Union. Similarly, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried to keep the United States from participation in WWII, but was forced to fight when Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. Although the U.S. had been attempting to stay neutral in the war affairs happening abroad, FDR saw what was coming and set up a funding towards national defense in the event of a worst-case scenario, leading to a war economy that welcomed women and minorities into the workforce. While the soldiers fought overseas, the civilians were encouraged to do their part. Keeping not just America, but the world free, was a job “for the people.” Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation is arguably the first step in modern civil rights movement. Followed by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution a year later, it established the legal equality of all men, regardless of skin color. Lincoln believed that all men were created equal, and all had the same God-given rights outlined by the Declaration of Independence. Unfortunately, the Reconstruction era was not kind to the freed slaves and their descendants; Frederick Douglass, a former slave and close friend to Lincoln, wrote in December of 1865, "I assume...had Abraham Lincoln been spared to see this day, the negro of the South would have had more hope of enfranchisement."(1) One hundred years later, with much work still to be done to resolve the strife between races, Martin Luther King, Jr. stood at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial and gave his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. King begins in the same manner as the Gettysburg Address: Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope... (2) Though there was more resolution to be found between people of different races, Lincoln began the discussion using his presidential powers to issue the Emancipation Proclamation (limited though it was) and ensure passage of the 13th amendment. It is oversimplifying to give Lincoln full credit, because as far back as 1776, there had been a desire to end slavery in America, and there is still a racial divide over 150 years later. However, it was Lincoln who put Continental Congressman and former President John Adams’ ideals into practice and opened the next chapter on the equality of the all men. After Lincoln’s assassination in April 1865, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts wrote of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, That speech, uttered at the field of Gettysburg…and now sanctified by the martyrdom of its author, is a monumental act. In the modesty of his nature he said ‘the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here; but it can never forget what they did here.’ He was mistaken. The world at once noted what he said, and will never cease to remember it.”(3) Lincoln did not forget that the men buried there had given their lives to the cause of freedom. Lincoln’s words continue to resound now. On September 11, 2011, the Gettysburg Address was read at the 9/11 Memorial Services (4), with an emphasis on the final sentence: These few words from Gettysburg are simple, but endured through the ages. After 9/11, there was a nationwide resolution that the ideals of our nation would not be destroyed by terrorists, and that the thousands killed in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania would never be forgotten. Abraham Lincoln is arguably the embodiment of the American dream. Born into humble, near penniless beginnings and self-taught, often by firelight, he not only was elected to the highest office in the land but his legacy rivals that of many Founding Fathers. Lincoln delicately preserved the Union despite a frighteningly massive Civil War, abolished slavery, and began the task of rebuilding the nation before becoming the victim of an assassin's bullet. Through it all, he believed in the words of the Declaration of Independence - “all men are created equal,” and first words of the Constitution, “We the people.” His legacy can be found in his speeches: A House Divided, his first and second Inaugural Addresses, the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address. His long-ago written words as President continue to call us to be true Americans, and to remember exactly what we are despite our many ideological differences: We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. Work Cited (1) Kunhardt III, Philip B. "Lincoln's Contested Legacy." Smithsonian Magazine., February, 2009. Web. (2) King Jr., Martin Luther. "I Have A Dream." National Archives. The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, 1963. Web. (3) "The Gettysburg Address" History Channel. A&E Television Networks, LLC, 2010. Web. (4)The Gettysburg Address To Be Read at The 9/11 Commemoration" IIP Digital. U.S. Department of State, n.d. Web. Abraham Lincoln Speaks: Part 1: A House Divided Part 2: The President's Job Description Part 3: Liberty for All? Part 4: A New Birth of Freedom Part 5: With Malice Toward None Part 6: Now He Belongs to the Ages Posted by Meg Falciani at 4:50 PM Labels: Abraham Lincoln Speaks, Lukes American Adventures, presidents, us history
Section 172 Revisited: Are boards acting in the best interest of their stakeholders after all? Posted by Daria Efrim on 9 July 2019 2019 is yet another year of corporate governance reforms intended to change corporate reporting behaviour and strengthen the corporate governance framework in the UK. Along with the implementation of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, new reporting obligations under section 172 of the UK’s Companies Act 2006 have been introduced under the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018. The revised reporting requirements apply to financial years starting on or after 1 January 2019, with the first compliance statements being published in 2020. Section 172 stipulates that companies of a certain size (those with more than 250 employees, or turnover of more than £36 million, or total balance sheet assets in excess of £18 million) have to report on how the directors have complied with their duty to promote the success of the company. The disclosure should be included in the strategic report in the case of listed companies, whereas unlisted companies should make the reporting available on their website. Directors are required to act in a way which, in their view, promotes the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole. In doing so, however, directors must consider the collective interests of the wider group of stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and customers. The regulation makes note that in certain circumstances, such as insolvency, the duty to the company is overridden and directors should act or consider acting in the interest of creditors. How to structure the section 172 statement? The GC100 has published guidance on the practical steps boards can take to help discharge their duty. The guidance moves away from the traditional and shareholder-oriented approach and draws the attention to the importance and impact that a company’s wider stakeholder base can have on its development. There is increasing acknowledgement of the role of businesses in society and their duties in regards to social, environmental and governance factors. In the long run, boards should pursue aligning the interests of shareholders with those of other key stakeholders affected by the company’s actions, including workforce, environment or communities. The guidance highlights that there is no “one size fits all” approach. Companies have the liberty to choose how and to what extent they disclose this information. However, the fact that there is no set reporting framework may allow companies too much room for interpretation. According to a survey conducted by ICSA on the effectiveness of the new regulation, concerns were raised about the actual impact on the wider interests of stakeholders. Some respondents fear that the new disclosures would become “boiler-plate” and a box-ticking exercise. Other respondents have difficulties in "trying to understand how and when there may be reporting requirements which are legitimately required, while not jeopardising business activities prematurely or needlessly", while others have already started developing their stakeholder engagement plans. Given that companies don’t have to address the requirements in their 2019 reporting, many have chosen to skip making a statement where they specifically address the matters set out on in section 172, while others have mentioned that they have started the process and will include the disclosures in the annual reports starting from next year. “From next year, the annual report will include disclosures as to how the Directors have discharged their duty under section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 and how the interests of customers and clients, colleagues, suppliers and other stakeholders have informed the Board’s decision-making.” Some companies have already complied with the new requirements and have included a separate section dedicated to compliance with section 172 in the strategic report. “It (the board) considers key stakeholders in its decision-making and, in doing so, ensures that Directors comply with their duty under section 172 of the Companies Act 2006.” Disclosure on section 172 reporting is improving and more companies disclose detailed information about who their stakeholders are, what matters to them and how engaging with them feeds into company's decision making. While there are some concerns regarding to what extent the compliance requirements will benefit the stakeholders, the new reporting obligations have the potential to show the way towards promoting long-term sustainable performance. [i] GC100 (2018). Guidance on Directors' Duties Section 172 and Stakeholder Considerations. Available at: [ii] ICSA (2018). Do you think the new section 172 reporting requirements will improve companies’ consideration of their wider stakeholders? Available at: Gain insight from our latest publications Topics: UK, Blog London - 14 New St, London, EC2M 4TR | +44 (0)20 3992 7677 Prague - Pobřežní 78, Praha 8 Karlín, 186 00 | +420 226 200 168 © 2019 Aktis. Made with in London & Prague. All Rights Reserved. Privacy policy
Follow Egypt’s example, Obama tells Mideast Praises Egyptian military, slams Iran go't تارخ النشر: Tuesday Tuesday, 15 February 2011 - 15 February 2011 KSA 19:55 - GMT 16:55 Obama said Egypt's new military rulers were sending the "right signals" about moving toward democracy U.S. President Barack Obama urged autocratic Middle Eastern allies to look to Egypt's example on Tuesday and encouraged the Iranian people to pursue their quest for democracy. "You can't maintain power through coercion," Obama said in a stark message to Arab allies of the United States as protests raged in Algeria, Bahrain and Yemen following the ouster of presidents in Egypt and Tunisia. "At some level, in any society, there has to be consent," Obama told a White House press conference. Obama also condemned the crackdown in Iran, where lawmakers have demanded the hanging of opposition leaders who called the protests that left two people dead. Iranian MPs singled out Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, who had called for protests in Tehran on Monday in support of the Arab uprisings that quickly turned into anti-government demonstrations and ended in clashes. "People should be able to express their opinions and their grievances and seek a more responsive government," Obama said. "What's been different is the Iranian government's response which is to shoot people and beat people and arrest people. "Real change in these societies is not going to happen because of terrorism. It's not going to happen because you go around killing innocents. It's going to happen because people come together and apply moral force to a situation," Obama said. "I find it ironic that you've got the Iranian regime pretending to celebrate what happened in Egypt, when in fact they have acted in direct contrast to what happened in Egypt by gunning down and beating people who were trying to express themselves peacefully, “he said. "We have sent a strong message to our allies in the region saying let's look at Egypt's example, as opposed to Iran's example." “My hope and expectation is that we are going to continue to see the people of Iran have the courage to be able to express their yearning for greater freedom and a more representative government," he added. But Obama, who has led international efforts to impose sanctions on Tehran because of its nuclear program, insisted the United States "cannot ultimately dictate what happens inside of Iran." I find it ironic that you've got the Iranian regime pretending to celebrate what happened in Egypt, when in fact they have acted in direct contrast to what happened in Egypt by gunning down and beating people who were trying to express themselves peacefully "Right signals" Obama said Egypt's new military rulers, who took over last week after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down amid mass protests, were sending the "right signals" about moving toward democracy after three decades of autocratic rule. "Egypt's going to require help in building democratic institutions and also in strengthening the economy that's taken a hit as a consequence of what happened," he said. "But so far at least, we're seeing the right signals coming out of Egypt." Obama also praised the military leadership for reaffirming Egypt's international treaties, including with U.S. ally Israel. "Obviously there's still a lot of work to be done in Egypt itself. What we've seen so far is positive." Political unrest, meanwhile, has spread across the Middle East. In the Yemeni capital Sanaa, pro-regime supporters armed with batons and stones waded into anti-government protesters trying to march on the presidential palace, sparking clashes dispersed by police. Obama tried to answer critics who suggest his administration was caught flat-footed by the events in Egypt, arguing that he wanted to ensure that the United States did not become the story. "I think history will end up recording that at every juncture in the situation in Egypt that we were on the right side of history," Obama said "What we didn't do was pretend that we could dictate the outcome in Egypt because we can't," he said. "So we were very mindful that it was important for this to remain an Egyptian event, that the United States did not become the issue." But Obama insisted that, if anything, he was actually ahead of the curve. "If you look at my statements, I started talking about reform two weeks or two and a half weeks before Mr. Mubarak ultimately stepped down, and at each juncture, I think we calibrated it just about right. "I would suggest that part of the test is that what we ended up seeing was a peaceful transition, relatively little violence, and relatively little, if any, anti-American sentiment or anti-Israel sentiment or anti-Western sentiment." Egypt's going to require help in building democratic institutions and also in strengthening the economy that's taken a hit as a consequence of what happened," he said. "But so far at least, we're seeing the right signals coming out of Egypt الرئيس التونسي يعين إلياس الفخفاخ رئيساً للحكومة 20:07 GMT ارتفاع حصيلة ضحايا انفجار منطقة الشقلة في الخرطوم 20:58 GMT
The Organizations Drug Abuse Resistance Education Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The American Medical Association (AMA) Alcohol Justice Henry Wechsler Michael Jacobson Joseph Califano George Hacker For More: Alcohol Abuse Prevention Some Serious Problems Henry Wechsler: Does He Intentionally Mislead the Public About Alcohol Abuse? by David J. Hanson, Ph.D. Social Norms Marketing Reduces Alcohol Abuse Correcting distorted beliefs about the extent to which college students both drink and abuse alcohol has proven to be a highly effective way to reduce both the consumption and the abuse of alcohol among students. Students going off to college almost always believe that "everyone" is drinking heavily and abusing alcohol. This "reign of error" is one of the most consistently-found facts in social research. By conducting surveys of actual student use of alcohol on a campus and then widely publicizing the results, misperceptions are eliminated and students, thus liberated and empowered by the real facts, tend to drink less or not at all. Called social norms marketing, the technique is highly effective, inexpensive, and the positive results occur quickly. Report after report has demonstrated its clear effectiveness. Henry Wechsler Attacks Social Norms Marketing However, Henry Wechsler asserts in his book, Dying to Drink: Confronting Binge Drinking on College Campuses, 1 that social norms marketing is based on unproven assumptions, in spite of the fact that those assumptions are among the most consistently-supported in all of social research. Ironically, some of Mr. Wechsler's own research has been supportive! 2 Based on a later study that he co-authored, Henry Wechsler incorrectly asserted that most college students underestimate the extent of heavy drinking, thus presumably invalidating a basis on which social norms marketing rests. 3 However, that conclusion was completely discredited by a scholar who demonstrated that the logic and methods used by Henry Wechsler were systematically erroneous and biased in a way that "created" the apparently non-supportive findings. Most elementary school children would call that cheating. In reality, most students in the Wechsler study greatly overestimated the extent of heavy drinking. 4 Thus, Henry Wechsler's own data again actually support a major basis of social norms marketing! "Wechsler's "disparaging remarks exhibit an inexplicable lack of knowledge about social norms theory and its associated published research base." Dr. H. Wesley Perkins, a leading alcohol researcher. 29 The key to social norms marketing is telling the truth. Any exaggeration or distortion of the actual extent of alcohol use and abuse actually contributes to the a kind of self-fulfilling prophesy. But for whatever reason, Henry Wechsler repeatedly attacks this effective technique. For example, in Dying to Drink, Wechsler quotes his interview with the vice-president of a company that sells an alternative alcohol education program of apparently unproven effectiveness. Social norms marketing would seem to be a major threat to his business profits because it's both free for the taking and highly effective. The business executive bashed social norms marketing, presumably to help both himself and Henry Wechsler who, in turn, has great things to say about the company's products. Could Mr. Wechsler have a financial or other interest in promoting the company and its products? Wechsler's inconsistently tries to have it both ways. For example, Mr. Wechsler's dim view of the potential of social norms runs contrary to his view of the power of alcohol-related advertising. In some passages of his new book, students are described as if they were prey who needed protection from "insidious" television commercials and other forms of advertising that can "seduce young people already drunk at the bar with solicitous sounds, shapes, and colors." So while Mr. Wechsler believes that media-driven messages are a bad influence on student drinking, he refuses to concede that positive messages, delivered through campus media campaigns, may have the power to help change students' behavior. 5 The title of one of Henry Wechsler's press releases asserted that binge drinking continued unabated on college campuses. That conclusion was widely reported to the press. However, the study in question actually found that so-called binge drinking had dropped significantly on college campuses! Truth and Accuracy are Essential The key to social norms marketing is promoting knowledge of the truth. Unfortunately, Henry Wechsler has popularized in the media the very misleading term "binge" in describing collegiate drinking. Bingeing actually refers to a period of extended intoxication lasting at least two days during which time the drinker neglects usual life responsibilities. That's what it means to physicians and other clinicians and that's what it tends to mean to the public as well. To refer, as Wechsler does, to consuming four drinks on an occasion (five for men) as a binge is deceptive and misleading. As The New York Times observed, such "bingers" might very well have no measurable blood alcohol content (BAC), because the typical college social event lasts about six or seven hours, according to research. 6 The Times is right. For example, a study of estimated blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) reached by so-called "binge drinkers" in a survey of 500 young adults age 18-24 revealed that 63% (nearly two of every three) did not reach a BAC of .10 and 48% did not reach a BAC of .08 during their last "binge." 7 To use a term suggesting that 44% of college students become intoxicated for days on end is useful only if the intent is to inflate the extent of the problem and mislead the public. Any bingeing is too much, is totally unacceptable and is dangerous. But the real rate of binge drinking on US college and university campuses is not 44%, as Henry Wechsler claims, but appears to be less than one-half of one percent! Most important is the fact that such gross exaggeration contributes to the problem of abusive drinking. Those who insist on misusing the term "binge" are actually doing more harm than good. Unfortunately, Henry Wechsler seems to have a vested interest in using that deceptive term. Reporting that 44% of college students "binge" gets him press attention, TV appearances and highly-paid speaking engagements; reporting that fewer than one-half of one percent binge would be greeted with yawns and no attention or income. But it would be honest and wouldn't cause anyone any harm. “Many alcohol-prevention experts and researchers challenge the validity of his studies, arguing that his interpretations of the data overstate the severity of the drinking problem,” For this reason he is often called "Doctor Doom" and "Chicken Little." 8 Because of the damage caused by exaggerating the extent of heavy drinking, 21 higher education associations have called for a stop to the inappropriate use of the term binge. 9 The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has rejected Henry Wechsler's misleading definition of binge, as has the leading journal of alcohol studies, and the federal government's Higher Education Center on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse. Not only most young people but most Americans in general believe that alcohol abuse is much more common than it really is and they also incorrectly believe that it's a growing problem. But government survey after survey tell a different story. Alcohol-related problems continue to drop and it's clearly important to spread that news in order to accelerate the reduction. The temperance-oriented Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has poured about $6,500,000 into Mr. Wechsler's College Alcohol Study project to date. One million of that sum has been used to buy publicity. Wechsler and his group quickly become intoxicated with the heady feeling of publicity after they hired their first publicity marketing company: "That blew it out of the box," says Marianne Lee, project director of the College Alcohol Study at the time. "We came out one day, and there were seven TV cameras outside the School of Public Health. We were taking calls from Australia." Mr. Wechsler made the media rounds, appearing on TV shows, including Nightline and Good Morning America, wrote newspaper editorials, and issued news releases on his studies. 10 Wechsler is very effective and “knows how to speak in the foreboding tones that catch the ears of parents and college presidents.” 11 The practice of “mining” ones research is frowned upon by ethical researchers. However, the Chronicle of Higher Education notes that “Mr. Wechsler and his research team have repeatedly mined their work, publishing dozens of articles in various journals -- and prompting charges that he has flogged the material for maximum publicity.” 12 What an addiction! Mr. Wechsler had found the way to get his intoxicating highs and appears to be hooked. Smarter than most others, he has someone else pay to support his expensive $1,000,000 habit. Henry Wechsler Doing Harm Although most people don't realize it, collegiate drinking has actually been declining gradually for over 20 years. But along comes Henry Wechsler with a provocatively-titled book, Dying to Drink, the dust jacket of which proclaims that "Wechsler warns that drinking on campus is taking a bigger toll than most of us realize." It cautions that "Perhaps more chilling than the cold facts and figures are the personal confessions gathered through interviews," a fact that reflects the anecdotal, unscientific nature of the book. The blurb continues "But Dying to Drink doesn't just aim to scare" because it presents Wechsler's proposals to address the problem. "When you have the Harvard name and a large grant for media publicity, you can use some very questionable data and still make your work sound definitive in the media." Dr. Jeff Linkenbach, University of Montana professor and leading alcohol researcher. 33 Some of Wechsler's recommendations for changing colleges and their surrounding communities have already faced legal challenge for violating rights guaranteed all citizens under the United States Constitution. Many parents will reject his implication that they should quit drinking to be good role models. And it's certainly inconsistent with his recommendation that we respect cultural heritages. Italians, Greeks, Jews, Portuguese and many others around the world have found that their cultural heritage of being good role models by drinking in moderation reduces the incidence of alcohol abuse. Wechsler argues that he is not a prohibitionist in spite of all of his statements that suggest a very strong abstinence sentiment, at the very least. For example, he urges parents to "model good behavior," citing the example of a mother and father who gave up their evening glasses of wine for fear that the after-work ritual was giving their college-age daughter the message that drinking is necessary for relieving stress. 13 Most people recognize the importance of personal responsibility. In fact it's a foundation of our social and legal systems. But Wechsler labels as a myth the fact that "As an individual, it's up to me to drink responsibly" if I choose to drink. Arguing that personal responsibility is a myth is a dangerous idea to promote and provides a handy excuse for engaging in inappropriate behaviors when intoxicated. Our society has rejected intoxication as an excuse and now Wechsler comes along and undermines our hard-won progress, perhaps setting us back decades. Attempting to enforce prohibition on adults aged 18, 19, and 20 is not likely to be highly successful. In fact, it's probably counter-productive. By not promoting social norms marketing and other effective programs, Henry Wechsler has failed to make a positive contribution to the health and safety of our young adults. To the contrary, he has contributed to the problem. Pragmatism rather than rigid adherence to ideology should guide our efforts to reduce alcohol-related problems. Our young people deserve nothing less. Follow the Money? Henry Wechsler has received many millions of dollars from the temperance-oriented Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and his writings have been consistently temperance-oriented. After a casino-industry-funded group, the National Center for Responsible Gaming, gave Mr. Wechsler money, he then asserted that college gambling worries are overblown. 14 That's news to a lot of people. Wechsler's conclusion is inconsistent with other evidence and "surprising" to the Director of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Agent, Gambling and Amateurism Activities, who follows research on the subject very closely. Perhaps Mr. Wechsler's conclusion isn't that surprising. Many would say “just follow the money.” Wechsler Won't Answer Questions Henry Wechsler has a reputation for publishing widely publicized studies what are later found to be weak, inadequate, or misleading. Many alcohol abuse prevention researchers would like to question him about his research, conclusions, and assertions in a panel forum at a professional conference where public debate is possible. This is the way scientists typically address such matters. Unfortunately, Mr. Wechsler has consistently refused all such invitations. Henry Wechsler's behavior reminds one of a person who responds to congressional investigators with "I refuse to answer on grounds that it may incriminate me." This is the way junk science, not real science, operates. No investigator has ever paid publicists one million dollars to promote his writings and then refused to meet with other scientists to discuss his work and answer their questions. 15 Another Attack on Social Norms Marketing by Henry Wechsler Henry Wechsler has again attempted to discredit the social norms marketing technique. In a new article and press release, he has argued that the technique fails to work. 16 However, even a casual reading reveals that his effort is unsuccessful. As noted by Dr. H. Wesley Perkins, "Wechsler first provided a biased and limited review of the research literature." He ignored controlled experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of correcting exaggerated student misperceptions about drinking norms, and he ignored the most recent compendium of case studies on college campuses that have correctly implemented social norms marketing with dramatic success. Wechsler even failed to mention his own previous research which demonstrated that incorrectly perceived norms are the strongest predictor of alcohol abuse! 17 Wechsler's study suffers from a number of fatal inadequacies in both research methods and logic. First, it had very small samples at each college, with as few as 50 or 60 students representing institutions with tens of thousands of students. Second, Wechsler's study fails to identify and separate for comparison the colleges that have actually been conducting intensive social norms interventions. As Dr. Perkins explains, Wechsler simply asks a single administrator on each campus whether or not the school had conducted a "social norms" campaign on their campus between 1997 and 2000 -- with no definition or control for what that phrase meant. In the late 1990s, although the social norms approach to substance abuse prevention was gaining attention and a couple dozen projects had been initiated with U.S. Dept. of Education and other government funding, there was still much ignorance about what this approach entailed. Back in that time period one would have been hard pressed to identify more that a hundred schools nationwide implementing an actual model of normative feedback about the true positive norms that exist among the majority of students and not compromised by including the traditional model of scare tactics. 18 Yet the Wechsler et al. study of 98 schools found almost 40 percent of administrators saying they had done some sort of social norms campaign during that period. If correctly identified, that would translate into an unbelievable 1,500 schools nationwide doing such campaigns in the 1990s. This is truly an absurd figure...." 19 Other leading experts have pointed out that "For an administrator to report that his or her institution has 'ever conducted a social norms campaign' is not the same as saying that the school has conducted a comprehensive social norms marketing campaign." Wechsler admits that neither he nor any of his fellow-researchers made any efforts to "to determine the content, scope and duration" of what were reported to be social norm marketing programs. 20 Professor Perkins explains that the approach is still a minority alternative to traditional abuse prevention efforts. Only about 200 (of the 3,000 colleges in the US) have actively engaged in any kind of significant social norms effort, and even then the projects are sometimes compromised by scare campaigns that contribute to inflated misperceptions about the typical attitudes behavior of most students. 21 There are numerous other technical, logical and methodological errors in Wechsler's study too numerous to describe, but the errors identified above are sufficient to destroy the credibility of Mr. Wechsler's claims. 22 On the other hand, nearly 40 studies of properly conducted social norms marketing projects have demonstrated their effectiveness on college campuses across the country. Readers might wish to use caution and not necessarily accept at face value assertions made by Henry Wechsler. 1. Wechsler, Henry, and Wuethrich, B. Dying to Drink: Confronting Binge Drinking on College Campuses. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 2002. 2. For example, Perkins, H. W., and Wechsler, Henry. Variations in perceived college drinking norms and its impact on alcohol abuse: A nationwide study. Journal of Drug Issues, 1996, 26(4), 961-974. 3. Wechsler, Henry, and Kuo, M. College students define binge drinking and estimate its prevalence: Results of a national survey. Journal of American College Health, 2000, 49(2), 57. 4. DeJong, W. Note to the Field: The Case of the Missing Misperception. Press Release. Newton, Massachusetts: Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, 2000.) To read this document, visit Alcohol & Social Norms Marketing: Erroneous Objection. 5. Hoover, E. Binge Drinking: Henry Wechsler has Defined the Student Drinking Problem, for Better or Worse. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2002, 49 (11), p. 11A. Available at 6. The Attack on Campus Drinking. (editorial) New York Times (9/27/99). 7. Perkins, H.W. et al. Estimated blood alcohol levels reached by "binge" and "nonbinge" drinkers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 2001, 15(4), 317- 320. 9. Inter-Association Task Force on Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Issues. IATF Proclamation. ( 10. Hoover, E. Binge Drinking: Henry Wechsler has Defined the Student Drinking Problem, for Better or Worse. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2002, 49 (11), p. 11A. Available at 14. Simpson, Jeff. Harvard study says college gambling worries overblown. Las Vegas Sun, 4-15-04. 15. Perkins, H. Wesley and Linkenbach, Jeffrey W. Harvard Study of Social norms Deserves "F" Grade for Flawed Research Design. National Social Norms Resource Center, 2003. Can be viewed at 16. Wechsler, Henry, et al. Perceptions and reality: A national evaluation of social norms marketing interventions to reduce college students' heavy alcohol use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2003, 484-494. 17. Professor Notes Serious Flaws in Recent Harvard Study on Alcohol Use and Abuse on College Campuses: Wesley Perkins, developer of the social norms approach, defends its effectiveness and blasts the Harvard study. Hobart and William Smith Colleges press release, 7-25-03. 20. National Social Norms Resource Center. Social Norms is Effective: Wechsler Study Flawed. National Social Norms Resource Center, 2003 ( 22. National Social Norms Resource Center. Social Norms is Effective: Wechsler Study Flawed. National Social Norms Resource Center, 2003 (; Professor Notes Serious Flaws in Recent Harvard Study on Alcohol Use and Abuse on College Campuses: Wesley Perkins, developer of the social norms approach, defends its effectiveness and blasts the Harvard study. Hobart and William Smith Colleges press release, 7-25-03. 25. Jenkins, N.G. Diversity, drinking, and dubious logic., 11-6-03. 26. 27. Jenkins, N.G. Diversity, Drinking, and Dubious Logic. The Washington Dispatch, 110-10-03 ( 28. Hoover, E. "Binge thinking": Henry Wechsler has defined the student-drinking problem, for better or worse. Chronicle of Higher Education, 2002, 49(11), A34. 29. Perkins, H.W. Student drinking: reply to Wechsler and Nelson. Footnotes, February, 2003. Available at "Henry Wechsler's frequently stated contention that there is no theory behind the social norms approach is complete nonsense," explains Dr. William DeJong, Director of the Higher Education Center on Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention. (An interview with William DeJong. The Report on Social Norms, September, 2003). "I'm sure Wechsler is well versed in adolescent psychology. But so far as I can see he hasn't applied it," observes Dr. Kenneth A. Burffee, Honors Program Director at Brooklyn College. (Schroeder, C. Do learning communities discourage binge drinking? About Campus, 2002 (May-June), 4-13.) 30. The Neo-Prohibitionist Numbers Game. Center for Consumer Freedom (, 4-3-03. 31. When is a binge a binge? Prevention File, 1996, 11(4), 7-10. "Wechsler's definition (of binge drinking) serves to distort the nature and scope of the problem," stresses Dr. William DeJong, Director of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention (Thornock, K. The term "binge drinking" being challenged by experts. Hard News cafe,, 3-6-02.) 32. Hassinger, K. Binge drinking problems exaggerated. Collegiate Times, 11-7-03. 33. Farrell, A. Harvard study finds "Most of Us" campaign ineffective. Missoulian, 9-2-03. Henry Wechsler has received $1,000,000 in under ten years solely to promote his research in the media. 34. Morrow, J. Alcoholism: where to draw the line? Northern Star, 11-10-03. 35. Hassinger, K. Binge drinking problem exaggerated. Collegiate Times, 11-7-03. Listing does not imply endorsement. Jenkins, N.G. Diversity, Drinking, and Dubious Logic. The Washington Dispatch, 110-10-03 ( Asserts that the shaky logic in Henry Wechsler's research "takes the keg." Wechsler, Henry, et al. Alcohol use and problems at colleges banning alcohol: Results from a national survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2001, 62(2), 133. NOTE: The term binge is not used in this article because the most prestigious journal in the field of alcohol research , The Journal of Studies on Alcohol, only permits its use when referring to a true binge and never permits its deceptive misuse. Wechsler, Henry, and Isaacs, N. "Binge" drinking at Massachusetts colleges: Prevalence, drinking style, time trends, and associated problems. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1992, 267(21), 2929-2931. NOTE: Placing the term binge in quotation marks reflects Henry Wechsler's recognition that he was using the term in a non-standard, idiosyncratic manner in this early publication. Wechsler, Henry, and Kuo, M. College students define binge drinking and estimate its prevalence: Results of a national survey. Journal of American College Health, 2000, 49(2), 57. NOTE: In this article Henry Wechsler incorrectly claimed that most students underestimate the extent of heavy drinking, a fact which, if correct, would invalidate a basis on which social norm marketing is based. However, Henry Wechsler's assertion was discredited by a scholar who demonstrated that the logic and methods used by Mr. Wechsler were systematically erroneous and inappropriate. Actually, Henry Wechsler's own data demonstrate that most students greatly overestimate the extent of heavy drinking, a fact that clearly supports social norms marketing! Wechsler, Henry, and Wuethrich, B. Dying to Drink: Confronting Binge Drinking on College Campuses. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale, 2002. This is not a scientific book but a "pop" book for mass consumption. For example, in the first chapter alone, non-scientific references outnumber peer-reviewed sources by about three to one. Heavily anecdotal, the book is largely based on personal stories and emotion rather than on facts and logic. Although not scientific, Henry Wechsler's book is useful for mobilizing social activism. Wechsler, Henry, et al. Trends in college binge drinking during a period of increased prevention efforts: Findings from 4 Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study surveys. -- 1993-2001. Journal of American College Health, 2002, 50(5), 203-217. Wechsler and colleagues found that, in spite of increasing sanctions for alcohol use, so-called binge drinking did not drop. Wechsler, Henry. Underage college students' drinking behavior, access to alcohol, and the influence of deterrence policies: Findings from the Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study. Journal of American College Health, 2002, 50(5), 223-237. Mr. Wechsler urged increased efforts to control underage student drinking through wider and stricter legislation. Wechsler, Henry. Drinking levels, alcohol problems, and secondhand effects of substance-free college residences: Results of a notional study. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2001, 285(14), 1823 (abstract). Mr. Wechsler found no difference in drinking involvement among students in non-alcohol or alcohol-free residence halls and those in unrestricted halls on college campuses. Wechsler, Henry, et al. Alcohol use and problems at colleges banning alcohol: Results of a national survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 2001, 62(2), 133. Henry Wechsler and colleagues reported that colleges with alcohol prohibition have students who drink less than those who select to attend colleges without alcohol prohibition. Wechsler, Henry. What colleges are doing about student binge drinking. Journal of American College Health, 200, 48(5), 219. Mr. Wechsler reported variations in college and university policies to reduce so-called binge drinking among college students. Wechsler, Henry., et al. College binge drinking in the 1990's. American Journal of College Health, 2000, 48(5), 199. Mr. Wechsler reported that so-called binge drinking was a continuing problem among college and university students. Wechsler, Henry, et al. College alcohol use: A full or empty glass? Journal of American College Health, 1999, 47(6), 247. Mr. Wechsler found that the average number of alcoholic drinks consumed by American college and university students was 1.5 drinks per week (not per day). Federal government guidelines list two drinks per day (14 per week) as moderate consumption for a man. Wechsler, Henry, et al. Binge drinking among college students: A comparison of California with other states. Journal of American College Health, 1997, 45(6), 273 Mr. Wechsler reported less frequent so-called binge drinking among college and university students in California. They suggested that the results may result from the fact that their California samples of students was older than the national sample resulting. Mixed Messages about Alcohol Federal Agencies: Temperance Approach Toward Alcohol What Others Say About Henry Wechsler "So long as he (Henry Wechsler) continues to insist that everyone agree with him about everything, he will remain a divisive force in our field, which we can ill afford." Dr. William DeJong, Director Emeritus of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and a former colleague of Mr. Wechsler's at Harvard. 23 "He (Henry Wechsler) hasn't evolved. In the beginning it was appropriate to scare people. He's an advocate. He feels very passionately about the issue. But what Henry hasn’t grasped is that you can change your message and still be heard. It's been 10 years. You don't go out and sing the same songs for 10 years and change everyone’s behavior." Marianne Lee, former College Alcohol Study Director for Henry Wechsler. 24 Henry Wechsler uses "watered down logic." Nicholas G. Jenkins. 25 "Henry Wechsler believes in scare tactics and an authoritarian approach." Jennifer Gilpin, Edison Community College. 26 To Henry Wechsler, "Trivial matters like truth are secondary at best." Nicholas G. Jenkins, The Washington Dispatch. 27 Henry Wechsler takes "a strict anti-alcohol stance." Critics see him as "too strict, too absolutist" and call him "Doctor Doom" and "Chicken Little." Eric Hoover, Chronicle of Higher Education 28 "Henry Wechsler is guilty of playing a dishonest 'neo-prohibitionist numbers game'." Center for Consumer Freedom. 30 Henry Wechsler engages in "problem amplification" (that is, in exaggeration). Dr. Robin Room, Director, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs, Stockholm University (Sweden). 31 "It is unethical to artificially inflate statistics" as Henry Wechsler does as one of his "scare tactics." Kris Hassenger, writer. 32 Henry Wechsler appears to be "trying to make the problem worse than it is." Steven Lux, Health Educator, Northern Illinois University. 34 Henry Wechsler is a "crackpot." Kris Hassinger, Virginia Tech. 35 This is the personal web site of Dr. David J. Hanson, who has received no financial support or other consideration from any agency, company, organization, group or person to post or maintain it. This site is maintained by: David J. Hanson, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Sociology State University of New York, Potsdam, NY Questions? Comments? E-mail him: [email protected] Copyright © 2002-2019 D. J. Hanson. All rights reserved for entire web site.
Tackling Lebanese corruption – one photo at a time Meet the man reporting on the stories some of Lebanon's most powerful people would rather you didn't know about. by Nour Samaha 29 Nov 2015 08:12 GMT Habib Battah is an award-winning 15-year veteran of journalism in the Middle East and founder and editor of The Beirut Report [Nour Samaha/Al Jazeera] Beirut, Lebanon - Habib Battah, a slight man, whose eyes are usually covered by a cap pulled low over his brow, is one of Lebanon's most determined investigative journalists, much to the chagrin of many of those who have been the subjects of his reports. An award-winning 15-year veteran of journalism in the Middle East and founder and editor of The Beirut Report, Battah dedicates much of his time to documenting events on the ground in Lebanon, particularly the rapidly decreasing public space in the country, as well as the destruction of some of its historical, cultural and archeological sites. But it is during these moments of documentation that he faces the greatest levels of harassment. "There are many issues in Lebanon regarding the rights of a journalist, especially the right to film or photograph in public spaces," he explains. "I've been detained or assaulted by every major armed organisation in the country, and I'm talking [about] both state and non-state actors …. I've been threatened with lawsuits, and I've been physically attacked and threatened." Recounting one incident, at an archaeological site that was being destroyed in order for a development project to be constructed in its place, Battah describes how members of a private security firm assaulted him. "They wanted me to stop taking pictures, so they locked me inside the site, jumped on me and wrestled me, threatened me, accused me of being a spy, until I deleted the photos of the ancient ruins they were building over," he says. Documenting injustices "Honestly, the most dangerous people for journalists aren't even the military or the government, but private capital," he continues. "Even the police discouraged me from filing a lawsuit." Lebanon has seen a steady rise in private security firms, usually owned by or affiliated with powerful political. They often operate with impunity. PORTRAIT: Haidar's story - orphaned by an ISIL bomb in Beirut "The police know the case is unlikely to go anywhere because of the support and immunity these security firms have," says Battah. He has also had run-ins with non-state political actors; recently he was detained by Hezbollah, one of Lebanon's political parties with its own armed wing, in Dahiyeh, in the southern suburbs of Beirut, for taking a photo. "The problem again lies with photography; there it is banned, but people should be able to document what is happening in different neighbourhoods," Battah says. "At the same time, it is an area that is in the cross hairs, so it is operating in a conflict-like zone." Even journalist unions are politicised here, making every aspect of journalism political in some way or other. Habib Battah, Journalist The southern suburbs have long been a target for attacks; in 2006 Israel pummelled Dahiyeh during its 33-day war on Lebanon. More recently, the predominantly Shia area has experienced suicide bombings and explosions. As a result, extra security has been deployed there - both by the state and by Hezbollah - to prevent further attacks. For now, Battah prepares carefully before embarking on an assignment, whether that means assessing the safest route out of a dangerous situation, or taking the decision not to film or take photos. "At the end of the day, my health is more important than any story," he reflects. The 'myth' of press freedom But, for this journalist, the issue is just as theoretical as it is practical. He is convinced that the concept of press freedom, whether in the West or elsewhere, is a myth. In Lebanon, for example, most news outlets are either owned by or affiliated with political figures or parties, making it nearly impossible to find non-bipartisan reporting on a local level. "In Lebanon, every single news organisation is either funded or supported by a political figure, so naturally that news outlet will avoid any controversial discussion about them, essentially making them a tool of that political organisation," he explains. As a result, there is a lot of self-censorship, either because journalists working for specific news outlets are convinced that their political affiliates are above criticism, or simply because they do not want to risk losing their livelihoods by publishing a critical report. ANALYSIS: Just as innocent - comparing media coverage of Paris and Beirut "Even journalist unions are politicised here, making every aspect of journalism political in some way or another," says Battah. "Therefore citizen journalism is more crucial than ever these days, and they're doing a better job at uncovering injustices than your conventional journalist." Citing the recent examples of the Dalieh controversy - private companies appropriating public land on Beirut's coast, resulting in the loss of homes and the livelihoods of fishermen who have been living there for decades - and the Fouad Boutros Highway, again using public space and demolishing architectural heritage in order to build a massive highway, Battah emphasises how the controversies surrounding the projects were brought to the public's attention through the work of activists and citizen journalists, not that of major news outlets. "A lot of the media did not follow up on these issues because the news outlets are in the pockets of the owners [of the controversial developments]," he elaborates. Despite all of this, Battah does acknowledge that Lebanon enjoys a relatively high level of press freedom when compared with other countries in the region. "What we do have here is a space for relative freedom because we don't have a centralised state with a regime that controls all parts of the country," he says. Nour Samaha
Secret agent Madge! Madonna announces new album ‘Madame X’ Apr 15, 2019 | by BANG Showbiz Home » Entertainment » Music » Secret agent Madge! Madonna announces new album ‘Madame X’ Madonna has announced a new album, Madame X The Like A Prayer hitmaker has confirmed that she will be releasing a new EP – her first since 2015’s Rebel Heart and her 14th studio album in all. In a video posted to her Instagram account, she said: “I decided to call my record Madame X… Madame X is a secret agent travelling around the world, changing identities, fighting for freedom, bringing light to dark places. She is a cha cha instructor, a professor, a head of state, a housekeeper, an equestrian, a prisoner, a student, a teacher, a nun, a cabaret singer, a saint, a prostitute.” And posting another two short clips, Madonna captioned them: “Madame X is a spy in the house of Love… What song is Madame X playing… (sic)” Madonna had been teasing Madame X over the last couple of weeks, posting a picture of a red X on a black background on her social media accounts. Last October, Madonna confirmed that she was working on her follow-up to Rebel Heart She said: “I’m finishing my record, which I’m going to release next year.” Madonna is also expected to perform a song from this new album at the the Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv, Israel next month. It has been confirmed that the pop superstar will perform, where she is expected to sing two songs, a new track and a classic hit. And later this year, Madonna is also set to go on her first world tour in three years. An industry source said: “Madonna is really excited about performing her new music and has spared no expense with the production. There will be the usual army of dancers, slick lighting and even some pyrotechnics. She might be 60 but she works incredibly hard to keep her body in the best shape possible and plans to show it off in some amazing outfits, so fans can expect an array of dramatic costume changes.” Madame ❌ is a spy in the house of Love ♥️ A post shared by Madonna (@madonna) on Apr 14, 2019 at 8:48am PDT
ASU Football To Be Featured On HBO’s 24/7 All About Arizona News September 24, 20191745 Views2 min Read According to an HBO press release, ASU will be one of four college football teams featured on their emmy-winning documentary 24/7. The Sun Devils are currently undefeated (3-0) and ranked #24 in the country. Rick Bernstein, an executive producer with HBO Sports issued the following statement in a press release, “For many years, we have been enamored with the storylines and unrivaled traditions of college football, and we’re excited for the opportunity to expand the 24/7 franchise into the realm of college sports.” The four-part, limited college football series will be narrated by actor Liev Schreiber. Schreiber is best known for playing Ray Donovan, and has also appeared in several X-Men movies. Fans can expect to learn more about head coach Herm Edwards and the adversity that head coaches, players and assistant coaches face leading up to gameday. Other teams being featured include Florida, Penn State and Washington State. “Viewers will feel the tremendous electricity of some of the best atmospheres in the country, and see the meticulous preparation and challenges facing these programs in the build-up to gameday and during the game action. We are excited for the challenge of delivering a four-part series of four different college programs over a four-week period with the production values and storytelling associated with our 24/7 franchise,” Bernstein added. The new episodes will premiere on October 2, 2019. ASU’s program will be featured on October 19, 2019 at 10:00 P.M ET and chronicle their game week versus Washington State. Goodyear Becomes First City In The Valley To Pass Vaping Ordinance Largest Arizona Harvest Fest Offers A Cornucopia Of Local Goods And Activities How To Avoid Credit Card Fees Nov 25, 2019Comments Off Mayor Gallego Wants Phoenix To Host Democratic Presidential Debate Oct 30, 2019Comments Off Two Arizona Cities Make’s Best Places To Live List
• antidisestablishmentarianism • Pronunciation: æn-tai-dis-es-tæ-blish-min-ter-i-ên-iz-êm • Hear it! Part of Speech: Noun, mass (no plural) Meaning: 1. Opposition to the disestablishment or disenfranchisement of an official church, especially the Church of England; the belief that a nation should have an official church or support of official status for the Church of England. 2. Opposition to the disestablishment of any organization or relationship. Notes: Today's Good Word has been used far more frequently as an example of the longest word in English (28 letters) than it has been in expressing opposition to dissolving the official relation of the Church of England to the state. It spawned a host of competitors, each sillier than the previous: floccinaucinihilipilification "constantly estimating things to be worthless" (29 letters) supercalifragilisticexpialidocious "fantastic" (34 letters) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a supposed lung disease (45 letters) Although some of these words appear in dictionaries, none have ever been used in conversations or publications other than dictionaries or discussions of long words. In Play: Whenever talk of dissolving an organization arises, there is no reason, other than the length it would add to the discussion, why we should not use today's Good Word: "The disestablishmentarians, who wanted to dissolve the garden club outright, were overwhelmed by a surge of antidisestablishmentarianism among the membership." Word History: This early (and, perhaps, only legitimate) contender for the longest word in English is made up of five affixes: (1) two prefixes anti- "against" and dis- "un-" and (2) three suffixes -ment "result of", -arian "person related to" and -ism "belief in". At the root of it we find establish, a word borrowed from Old French establir (establiss-) "to set up, establish", Modern French's établir. Old French didn't like words beginning with S + a consonant, so it added an E to the beginning of Latin stabilire "to stabilize", a word created from the adjective stabilis "stable, firm". There are too many relatives of this word to catalog here; suffice it to say that it is related to English stand and most words beginning in STA that refer to standing or firmness. (We are happy that Harry Murphy established himself among our contributors by suggesting today's extensive Good Word.) Next Word: antimacassar Previous Word: antic
A closer look at Lending Club’s results By Georgina McCreadie on 4th March 2015 It has been well reported that Lending Club’s shares nose dived last week after its first earnings report since flotation. The platform released its results on Tuesday and by Wednesday morning its results were down by nearly 14%. Lending Club reported that revenue for the quarter was at $69.6 million and $213.4 million for the year vs. $33.5m and $98.0m for 2013. The company reported a 2014 loss of $32.9 million compared with a profit of $7.3 million a year earlier, due to expenses from marketing and product development. Renaud Laplanche, founder and CEO of Lending Club, commented: "We have continued to expand our reach through 2014 by doubling the size of the business again, while continuing to invest heavily in future growth and risk management. Our IPO in December was an important milestone in the life of the company, and everyone at Lending Club is excited about the next 5 to 10 years and committed to delivering more value and a great experience to our customers. 2015 is going to be another investment year, and we intend to continue growing originations and revenue at a fast, yet deliberate pace." Most investors value Lending Club as being a fast growing tech company but the platform’s growth projections have somewhat underwhelmed investors. The platform reported $0.01 Adjusted EPS for the quarter, meeting the Reuters consensus estimate of $0.01. It is expected that the company will post $0.08 EPS for the year. Renaud Laplanche told CNBC: "I've supplied up a couple of decades in the past seeking to guess what direction inventory charges are going to transfer. From our standpoint, we grew more rapidly than we considered we would." "Our IPO in December was an crucial milestone in the lifetime of the corporation, and everybody at Lending Club is enthusiastic about the following five to ten many years and dedicated to delivering a lot more worth and a fantastic working experience to our consumers. 2015 is going to be one more financial commitment year, and we intend to carry on expanding originations and income at a quick, nonetheless deliberate pace." Much focus has also been directed at the high profile partnerships that Lending Club has made this year. These partnerships, including tie-ups with Google and Alibaba, should help to boost origination volumes. However, part of the slump in the shares has been attributed to the fact that these partnerships are not giving as much value as was initially expected. On the street there is a great discrepancy from analysts about how they value Lending Club’s shares: BTIG Research currently has a $31.00 target price on the stock with a ‘buy’ rating. Compass Point has lowered their price target on shares from $19.00 to $16.00 with a ‘sell’ rating. Vetr downgraded the stock from a ‘buy’ to ‘hold’ rating and set a price target of $25.00. Credit Suisse has set a price target of $24.00 with a ‘neutral’ rating. Sterne Agee said that Lending Club’s closing price on Tuesday of $23.65, meant its shares were valued at roughly 37 times its expected 2017 earning compared to speciality finance companies that trade at roughly 12 to 15 times. BMO has reiterated its ‘outperform’ rating and $28 target price BMO Capital Markets commented: "We continue to expect Lending Club to benefit from strong growth in loan originations as borrowers and investors flock to the company's platform to take advantage of the benefits it offers: lower rates of interest for borrowers and higher rates of return for investors. We believe the company will spend more aggressively on marketing in 2015 to draw additional borrowers and investors to the platform." A good entry point into the stock has been suggested at $15 by many writers, which indicates that the stock is currently very overvalued. One of the main problems that Lending Club faces is increasing its volumes whilst maintaining the quality of its borrowers. There is a vast pool of borrowers in the US that have low FICO scores and are looking for loans that Lending Club could easily pick up. Monitoring its loan quality and volumes is only one of the challenges for investors in the stock. Lending Club is currently trading at about $20 share, a small recovery from last week. Prior to the results the shares traded at about $24. A the wide range of pricing estimates given by analysts shows it is very uncertain where the stock will go from here. But it is closely tied to the fortunes and perceptions of the entire P2P industry. Many analysts are still unsure whether this company should be valued as a tech or finance company, when thoughts around the P2P industry become more concrete it may become easier to predict how Lending Club’s shares will be valued by investors. Renaud Laplanche
SERVICES / PROJECTS Back to Stormwater Projects ​Stormwater Pump Station at Miami Beach Convention Center A&P Engineers’ team, on behalf of the City of Miami Beach, recently finalized the construction of one of its biggest stormwater pump stations. This pump has the capacity to move 80,000 gallons per minute (gpm) and is just one of 80 stormwater pump stations the City will construct within the next 8-10 years in order to combat the tidal events and sea level rise. As part of this drainage improvement project, a 96” trunk line was also constructed in this initial phase. The pipe was designed as a collector pipe to receive flows from Collins Avenue and the surrounding streets; this will completed in the near future in the final phase. This design was intended to serve as the prototype for the other pump stations that t he City plans to construct in the future. In the initial phase of the pump station, trash racks capture solids that are 1” or larger before the flow reaches the Collins Canal. The remaining flow is split into trains, with a capacity of 40,000 gpm, and is directed to a water treatment structure and then a wet-well equipped with 2 20,000 gpm axial pumps. The pump station has been designed with overflow structures for redundancy and to prevent intrusions from tidal events. This project also saw the construction of a higher seawall, with a minimum top elevation of 5.70’ NAVD, to ensure our design’s resiliency against future conditions. City of Miami Beach, Florida Miami Beach Convention Center, City of Miami Beach, Florida We want to hear from you. Please send us your questions and comments. We are a growing company with big name accolades while achieving this in a warm friendly environment. A&P Consulting Transportation Engineers, Corp. 8935 NW 35th Lane, Suite 200 Doral, FL 33172 Toll-Free Number: 1-877-342-8576 | Office: (305) 592-7283 | Fax: (305) 593-1594 © 2019 A&P Consulting Transportation Engineers, Corp. All Rights Reserved
Somali armed group Al-Shabab should not carry out amputations 22 June 2009, 00:00 UTC Amnesty International has called on the Al-Shabab armed group not to carry out amputations on four men accused of robbery on Tuesday morning in Mogadishu. The four young men were sentenced on Monday to cross-amputation (amputation of the right hand and the left foot) by an "ad-hoc" court set up by Al-Shabab in their military camp in northern Mogadishu. They were accused of stealing pistols and mobile phones from Mogadishu residents. "We are appealing to Al-Shabab not to carry out these cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments," said Tawanda Hondora, Amnesty International's Africa Deputy Director. "These sentences were ordered by a sham Al-Shabab court with no due process or guarantees of fairness." The four men allegedly admitted to the robbery, but have not been represented by a lawyer, nor are they allowed to appeal against their sentence. The amputations will reportedly take place in Al-Shabab's camp, Masla, in northern Mogadishu. Al-Shabab factions and the Hisbul Islam armed group, headed by Sheikh Hassan Aweys, launched a military offensive against forces of the Transitional Federal Government, on 7 May 2009. The armed opposition is in control of several districts of Mogadishu. An Al-Shabab-controlled coalition in the port city of Kismayo, southern Somalia, has carried out at least two amputations since the beginning of 2009. Review of 2018: Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa Switzerland: Draconian counter-terrorism laws would target people without charge or trial
Hong Kong must be alert to gradual erosion of its freedom of expression By News Team 28 May 2014, 11:47 UTC With Hong Kong’s news stands packed with an array of publications critical of leaders of all political stripes, many ask why press freedom is such a concern. This great city has been a torchbearer for a vibrant and independent press in Asia. It is critical it continues to be. The ripples of any attack against press freedom here are felt across the region. When journalists are threatened, attacked or otherwise cowed into silence, the truth dies. The relative freedom of Hong Kong-based journalists has resulted in important human rights coverage on China and elsewhere. Without freedom of expression, human rights violations cannot be exposed to the public, they cannot be debated and it is difficult to implement effective reforms. Yet, when the journalists who seek to tell the story become the story, there is something seriously awry. What is striking about the inaugural findings of the Hong Kong Press Freedom Index is that the journalists’ own views on the issue are even more pessimistic than those of the general public. There are serious questions as to why many outspoken critics of the government and people who are perceived to be independent in political affairs have been suddenly dismissed from their jobs. Beijing continues to exert influence over Hong Kong’s media – through direct pressure from its liaison office here or through indirect interference from editors and owners who have close ties to and interests within mainland China. The government has been swift to condemn the violent attacks targeting journalists, but most of the incidents remain unresolved. Hong Kong has enshrined international law regarding freedom of expression – including freedom of the press – into the Basic Law. This means the government has an obligation under domestic law, as well as under international law, to protect such rights. This obligation includes ensuring the safety of journalists and media workers in Hong Kong. Freedom of expression, which is a basis for creativity, along with sound rule of law, is crucial for some of the city’s key industries. In past years, this freedom has gone hand in hand with innovation, openness, and economic growth and vitality. The financial services and tourism sectors would be affected if freedom of expression were to deteriorate significantly. Imagine if financial traders could not get uncensored economic data, or if tourists could no longer trust that products on sale in Hong Kong are safe, because consumer safety scandals were covered up. As has often been noted, the Chinese word for “crisis” is made up of the characters for “danger” and “opportunity”. The danger is that the attacks on freedom of the press could cause people to avoid speaking out: fear will encourage silence. Nevertheless, what happened after the attack on former Ming Pao editor Kevin Lau Chun-to was truly inspiring: thousands of Hong Kong people took to the streets to march in defence of freedom of expression. If the goal of the attack was to make Hongkongers fearful, it failed. If the goal of the attack was to deter Hong Kong journalists from defending freedom of expression and doing high-quality journalism, it failed. Hong Kong society has responded by affirming its core principles: human rights, freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of religion and belief, rule of law and democracy. Journalists based in this city continue to do invaluable work advancing human rights – on Hong Kong issues, on the mainland and the wider Asian region. It’s indicative of the pivotal role Hong Kong can play. The voice of Hong Kong is crucial to defending human rights throughout Asia. It must not be silenced. This article originally appeared in the South China Morning Post Amnesty's experts Eritrea: Repression past and present
Learning from the great depression Robert J. Samuelson on Aug 19, 2019 WASHINGTON -- What is striking about the latest bouts of financial turmoil -- the recent wild swings in global stock and bond markets -- is that they provide a sobering reminder of the potential hazards of economic instability. There are parallels between the present tumultuous situation and past episodes of economic disruption, including the Great Depression of the 1930s. Just for the record: This is not a forecast of another Depression, when annual U.S. unemployment peaked at about 25% in 1933. For the moment, we are not anywhere near that level of distress. Still, if a deeper crisis ensues, President Trump's strident economic nationalism will be partially blamed, because he ignored the lessons of history. The name that comes to mind is Charles Kindleberger, an eminent economic historian of the post-World War II era who taught for years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was a prolific author of books and articles. One of his masterpieces was "The World in Depression, 1929-1939." The crux of Kindleberger's thesis was that the underlying cause of the Depression was a vacuum of leadership. By this, he meant that Great Britain -- which had provided that leadership in the 19th century -- had been so weakened by World War I that it could no longer perform that function in the 1920s and early 1930s. Meanwhile, the United States -- which would fill that role after World War II -- was not ready to do so. In this context, the dominant country would keep its markets open to imports, so the trading system would not collapse under the weight of mounting protectionism. Another requirement was that the leading country (the "hegemon") had to have the financial strength so that it could lend to banks and other needy borrowers during a crisis so that the financial system, the repository of much wealth, would not self-destruct. In the recent foreword of the latest version of Kindleberger's book, economists J. Bradford DeLong and Barry Eichengreen of the University of California, Berkeley put it this way: "The root of Europe's and the world's problems was the absence of a benevolent hegemon: a dominant economic power able and willing to take the interests of smaller powers and the operation of the larger international system into account by stabilizing the flow of spending through the global [economy] ... by acting as a lender and consumer of last resort." Kindleberger's own explanation is similar: "The 1929 depression was so wide, so deep and so long because the international economic system was rendered unstable. ... When every country turned to protect its national private interest, the world's public interest went down the drain, and with it the private interests of all." Flash forward. Look around. Leadership is conspicuous by its absence. Nations pursue their self-identified private interests. The United States and China -- the world's two largest economies -- are engaged in a bitter trade war that hurts both countries. The British are poised to leave the European Union (Brexit), with what consequences no one knows. At home, the Federal Reserve is under relentless assault by Trump, making its job doubly difficult, even granting that the best monetary policy is a legitimate subject of debate and disagreement. What about Germany, Europe's traditional powerhouse? In the past year, its industrial production is down about 5%, says economist Desmond Lachman of the American Enterprise Institute. If Germany does not change its "rigid policy view on the need to balance their budget under all circumstances, both Germany and Europe should brace themselves for a hard economic landing," he argues. Economic leadership is a two-step process, each difficult. First, you must conceptualize the nature of the crisis; then you must devise and implement remedies that prevent it from worsening. In the 2007-09 financial crisis, that is what happened. The administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama recognized that the financial system might collapse, as panicked depositors and investors withdrew their funds. The remedy, organized on a global scale, was to pump money into the system until confidence returned. Trump officials don't seem to think Kindleberger matters. Their pursuit of "greatness" may prove self-destructive. The good news is that the financial system is stronger now, meaning it has more capital to absorb losses, than in 2008. The bad news is that private debt levels in many countries, including the United States and China, are high. If too many borrowers default, losses may still cripple the financial system. There's the old cliché that those who don't remember history are condemned to repeat it. Let's hope that's not true this time. (c) 2019, The Washington Post Writers Group More Robert J. Samuelson Robert J. Samuelson / October 28, 2019 By all reports, Democrats have more than enough votes in the House of ...Read More Important Note from ArcaMax Publishing: We regret to inform you that as of Nov. 1, the Washington Post syndication service will no longer license this column to ArcaMax. You may write The Post with your feedback ...Read More WASHINGTON -- No one has worked more aggressively to trigger impeachment than the president. You may remember that,...Read More WASHINGTON -- We've seen this movie before. The top economists at the International Monetary Fund -- the global ...Read More Robert J. Samuelson / September 30, 2019 EDITORS -- Robert J. Samuelson is away. We expect his next column to move Wednesday, Oct. 16, for immediate release. Until his return, you are welcome to run ANY of our other syndicated columns in his place, including by ...Read More Trump seems to have ...Read More
One of the greatest honors bestowed on a layman of the Great Church, and one of the most sobering responsibilities which an Orthodox communicant can assume, is to be named an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Each year, the Archon Offikion is conferred upon a select group by the Ecumenical Patriarch, as represented by his Exarch, the Archbishop of America. The By Laws of the Order generally limit the number of new Archons to approximately 22 annually. Members of the Order of St. Andrew may participate in the process by nominating worthy candidates to become new Archons and new members of the Order. Those wishing to do so in 2010 should contact the National Office for a Credentials Form. In order to be considered for the next investiture ceremony, scheduled for late October, nominations must have been received at the National Council Office by May 31. As shown on the form, nominations must be submitted by a member of the Order and endorsed by the local hierarch, priest, and a regional commander or his designee. Article IX, Section 3 of the By Laws of the Order of St. Andrew specifies that a candidate must possess the following qualifications: He is a citizen and permanent resident of the United States. He is a practicing and devout Orthodox Christian and a member in good standing of his local Church. He has demonstrated love, devotion and support to the Ecumenical Patriarchate and its institutions. By his deeds and record, he has demonstrated support, devotion and sustained service to his local parish. He has never been convicted of any crime and enjoys the unqualified respect and high regard of his fellow parishioners. He has demonstrated leadership qualities and achieved success in his chosen field of endeavor. At all times he has comported himself with a high degree of dignity and in a manner consistent with the mission of the Order and the purposes and objectives contained in these By-Laws. Following his investiture, he shall become a vibrant and enthusiastic member of the Order, who will respond in a positive way to the appeals of his Regional Commander and of the National Council. Generally, his investiture will be a credit to the Order and a positive influence in the accomplishment of the Order’s purposes and objectives. If a Member of the Order wishes to nominate a candidate, he should first judge the candidate by the above criteria. In addition, he should ask the following questions. (a) Does the candidate have a record of service to his local parish, metropolis, and the national church? (b) Is the candidate willing and able to give of his time, talent, and treasure, to the best of his ability, in advocating the cause of religious liberty for the Ecumenical Patriarchate? (c) Is he willing and able to speak to local, state, and/or federal officials in support of religious freedom for the Ecumenical Patriarchate? (d) Is the candidate willing and able to visit or participate in pilgrimages to the Ecumenical Patriarchate? (e) How can the candidate advance the cause of the Ecumenical Patriarchate? All these questions must be viewed in their totality. Offering money to the church is not in itself a criterion. After all nominations are received on a timely basis, the National Council selects the candidates (generally 22) who are deemed most qualified for consideration by the Exarch and the Ecumenical Patriarch. In order to be as objective as possible, the National Council can only consider the biographical information contained in the Credentials Form. The National Council endeavors independently to authenticate all biographical data. Misrepresentation of a candidate’s service to the church or his community may negatively affect his selection. Candidates evidencing the above qualifications, who are not selected, are automatically deferred for consideration in succeeding years. Candidates selected are requested to affirm their support for the Ecumenical Patriarchate in writing, as a condition to receiving their Offikia. It is strongly recommended that candidates not be advised they have been nominated until after the process has been completed. If there are any questions, please call the National Council office.
McEwen #61 Offensive Lineman Born Calgary, AB School Calgary Status NAT Acquired: Selected in the first round, fourth overall in the 2015 CFL Draft. 2018: Started all 18 games at centre for Toronto. Named the Argos Most Outstanding Canadian and the Argos Most Outstanding Offensive Lineman. 2017: Played 18 games, started all 18. Named the East Division’s Most Outstanding Lineman. Chosen as the East Division and CFL All-Star centre, each for the first time. Playoffs: Started in East Final win over Saskatchewan. 105th Grey Cup: Started in win over Calgary. 2016: Played in 18 games, started 13. Signed with Argos May 13. Named the Argos Most Outstanding Rookie. 2015: Was the Argos first-round draft pick, fourth overall. Went to New York Giants rookie mini-camp. Returned to University of Calgary for his final year of U Sports eligibility. College: Played 40 games over five seasons with Calgary. Won three-consecutive Hardy Cup championships. Named First Team All-Canadian in 2014 and 2015, Second Team All-Canadian in 2013. Was a Canada West All-Star four times. Was one of three Canadians chosen to play in the 2016 East-West Shrine Game. Personal: Attended Notre Dame High School in Calgary. Played both offensive and defensive lines and was named a Calgary All-Star twice. Offence 2 HAM 3 SSK 4 BC 5 WPG 6 CGY 7 EDM 10 EDM 11 MTL 12 HAM 15 CGY 16 SSK 17 BC
‘Pope Francis: His Interfaith and Environmental Perspectives’ - free lecture Share this event with your friends! 2020 United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week Year Seven Lecture The University of Melbourne Chaplaincy and Religions for Peace Victoria Branch, invite you to a free lecture by Mr David Schütz ‘Pope Francis: His Interfaith and Environmental Perspectives’ Tuesday 4th February at Melbourne University 5.30 – 7.30pm David Schütz has been the Executive Officer of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission for the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne since 2002. He is also Sessional Tutor at Australian Catholic University. David was a Lutheran pastor from 1992 to 2001 and was received into the Catholic Church in 2003. For many years a member of the Victorian Council of Churches’ Faith and Order Commission (both as a Lutheran and a Catholic), David served as Chair of the Commission from 2012 to 2015. A foundation member of the Jewish Christian Muslim Association, he served as Secretary of JCMA from 2009 to 2012. His theological interests focus on ecumenism, church history and liturgical theology. He is an adult faith educator for Anima Education, a cantor in his local parish and at the Cathedral. World Interfaith Harmony Week: an annual event observed during the first week of February commencing in 2011. The week provides a platform—one week in a year—when all interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill can show the world what interfaith harmony, co-operation and understanding may achieve. Venue: Carrillo Gantner Theatre, B-02 (Basement), Sidney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne, 761 Swanston St, Parkville Bookings: Online at Trybooking: (cut and paste this to web bar to open the link) If difficult email Sue Ennis February 04, 2020 at 5:30pm - 7:30pm Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Melbourne University 761 Swanston Street Parkville Carrillo Gantner Theatre, B-02 (Basement), Sidney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne, Go Back To Upcoming Events
Conversational AI Platform - Teneo | Artificial Solutions > Blog > AI Strategy > The Rise of the Machines The Rise of the Machines April 4, 2013 Andy Peart AI Strategy It’s easy to forget that a decade ago, analysts used to wonder if mobile phone penetration rates could ever approach 100 percent. How times change. In mobile-mad Finland, the penetration rate is now 182% while the rest of Europe averages 132%. What those cautious forecasters of a decade ago failed to predict was the trend for subscribers to own multiple SIMs – in some countries this is quite pronounced – and, most recently, the inexorable rise of machine-to-machine (M2M) connections. In developed markets like Europe and North America, these drivers will help ensure that the number of mobile phone connections keeps growing at around 9 percent a year. That’s in stark contrast to the market for “real” subscribers, which is predicted to grow at just 1 percent a year in these regions, according to the Mobile Economy 2013 report from the GSMA, the trade body for the mobile industry. Indeed, one of the most noticeable trends at the GSMA’s recent Mobile World Congress event was the industry’s new focus on M2M applications particularly in the area of what we could call “connected living” – applications that allow consumers to interact with their home, vehicle or city. To be sure, the M2M market is at a nascent stage and accounts for just 4% of total mobile connections today. But that figure is projected to grow to 13% by 2017 when there could be 1.2bn connected devices according to the GSMA. The growth of the M2M market promises to fundamentally change the way people use and relate to their mobile phones. As such, it represents a unique opportunity for vendors such as Artificial Solutions, whose technology makes it easier for people to converse with devices in a human-like and intelligent manner. But will people really want to have human-like conversations on their mobile phone with their washing machine, for example? I believe they will, no matter how strange it may seem today. For example, let’s imagine you have incorrectly programmed the washing machine before leaving home. You realize the error when you arrive at work and desperately need to reprogram the washing machine before it reaches the spin-dry stage so that the delicate clothes you mixed in with the rest of the washing do not get creased. Your only option today would be to try to contact your partner or family member by mobile phone to see if they can race home and hit the washing machine’s pause button before too much damage is done. That of course, assumes the family member knows how to operate the washing machine! I suspect that many consumers would be prepared to pay a premium for a more “intelligent” washing machine that could interact with its owners using natural language and mobile phones rather than requiring them to press buttons. Today’s high-end models have already abandoned electromechanical timers for microprocessors, and so the marginal cost of adding a wireless network connection and an application programming interface is not prohibitive. As for the software, we will likely see the growth of “domestic assistant” apps for mobile phones that aim to make it easier to interact with domestic appliances. But before we get too excited, let’s take a step back in time. In a 1980 academic paper entitled ‘Natural language interaction with machines: a passing fad or the way of the future?’ Michael Noll, a researcher at AT&T, painted a bright future in which machines capable of speaking to their owners would be commonplace: “The fascination of technologists with speech-synthesis chips is about to result in a variety of stand-alone appliances that speak. Ovens that state when the roast is done, washing machines that call for the addition of fabric softeners, automobiles that inform the driver that the door is open, and many other applications will soon abound in the marketplace.” At that time, Texas Instruments’ Speak & Spell was a popular Christmas present for children and so the vision of a home full of devices that spoke to their owners seemed entirely plausible. But as Mr. Noll also acknowledged in his paper, “many of these applications will undoubtedly be little more than passing fads. “ Once the novelty wears off, the value of a device that can speak a handful of robotic-sounding phrases but has no interactive communication capabilities is limited. Natural language interaction, I would argue is far from being a passing fad because, as with the washing machine example above, it can fulfill the real and unmet needs of consumers as they go about their connected lives.
We are very delighted that you have shown interest in artshop77. Data protection is of a particularly high priority for the management of the artshop77. The use of the Internet pages of the artshop77 is possible without any indication of personal data; however, if a data subject wants to use special enterprise services via our website, processing of personal data could become necessary. If the processing of personal data is necessary and there is no statutory basis for such processing, we generally obtain consent from the data subject. The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number of a data subject shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to the artshop77. By means of this data protection declaration, our enterprise would like to inform the general public of the nature, scope, and purpose of the personal data we collect, use and process. Furthermore, data subjects are informed, by means of this data protection declaration, of the rights to which they are entitled. As the controller, the artshop77 has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website. However, Internet-based data transmissions may in principle have security gaps, so absolute protection may not be guaranteed. For this reason, every data subject is free to transfer personal data to us via alternative means, e.g. by telephone. Information about our customers is important to our business. We share your personal information for very limited reasons and in limited circumstances, as follows: · Etsy. We share information with Etsy as necessary to provide you our services and comply with our obligations under both the Etsy Seller Policy and Etsy Terms of Use. · Service providers. We engage certain trusted third parties to perform functions and provide services to our shop, such as delivery companies. We will share your personal information with these third parties, but only to the extent necessary to perform these services. · Business transfers. If we sell or merge my business, we may disclose your information as part of that transaction, only to the extent permitted by law. · Compliance with laws. We may collect, use, retain, and share your information if we have a good faith belief that it is reasonably necessary to: (a) respond to legal process or to government requests; (b) enforce our agreements, terms and policies; (c) prevent, investigate, and address fraud and other illegal activity, security, or technical issues; or (d) protect the rights, property, and safety of our customers, or others. We retain your personal information only for as long as necessary to provide you with my services and as described in our Privacy Policy. However, we may also be required to retain this information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, to resolve disputes, and to enforce my agreements. We generally keep your data for the following tius period: 4 years. We may store and process your information through third-party hosting services in the US and other jurisdictions. As a result, we may transfer your personal information to a jurisdiction with different data protection and government surveillance laws than your jurisdiction. If we are deemed to transfer information about you outside of the EU, we rely on Privacy Shield as the legal basis for the transfer, as Google Cloud is Privacy Shield certified. The data protection declaration of the artshop77 is based on the terms used by the European legislator for the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our data protection declaration should be legible and understandable for the general public, as well as our customers and business partners. To ensure this, we would like to first explain the terminology used. artshop77 Anton-Bruckner-Weg 3 The Internet pages of the artshop77 use cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in a computer system via an Internet browser. Through the use of cookies, the artshop77 can provide the users of this website with more user-friendly services that would not be possible without the cookie setting. The website of the artshop77 collects a series of general data and information when a data subject or automated system calls up the website. This general data and information are stored in the server log files. Collected may be (1) the browser types and versions used, (2) the operating system used by the accessing system, (3) the website from which an accessing system reaches our website (so-called referrers), (4) the sub-websites, (5) the date and time of access to the Internet site, (6) an Internet protocol address (IP address), (7) the Internet service provider of the accessing system, and (8) any other similar data and information that may be used in the event of attacks on our information technology systems. When using these general data and information, the artshop77 does not draw any conclusions about the data subject. Rather, this information is needed to (1) deliver the content of our website correctly, (2) optimize the content of our website as well as its advertisement, (3) ensure the long-term viability of our information technology systems and website technology, and (4) provide law enforcement authorities with the information necessary for criminal prosecution in case of a cyber-attack. Therefore, the artshop77 analyzes anonymously collected data and information statistically, with the aim of increasing the data protection and data security of our enterprise, and to ensure an optimal level of protection for the personal data we process. The anonymous data of the server log files are stored separately from all personal data provided by a data subject. The website of the artshop77 contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the controller by e-mail or via a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject are automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by a data subject to the data controller are stored for the purpose of processing or contacting the data subject. There is no transfer of this personal data to third parties. The artshop77 offers users the possibility to leave individual comments on individual blog contributions on a blog, which is on the website of the controller. A blog is a web-based, publicly-accessible portal, through which one or more people called bloggers or web-bloggers may post articles or write down thoughts in so-called blogposts. Blogposts may usually be commented by third parties. 8. Subscription to comments in the blog on the website The comments made in the blog of the artshop77 may be subscribed to by third parties. In particular, there is the possibility that a commenter subscribes to the comments following his comments on a particular blog post. If a data subject decides to subscribe to the option, the controller will send an automatic confirmation e-mail to check the double opt-in procedure as to whether the owner of the specified e-mail address decided in favor of this option. The option to subscribe to comments may be terminated at any time. If one of the aforementioned reasons applies, and a data subject wishes to request the erasure of personal data stored by the artshop77, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the controller. An employee of artshop77 shall promptly ensure that the erasure request is complied with immediately. Where the controller has made personal data public and is obliged pursuant to Article 17(1) to erase the personal data, the controller, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform other controllers processing the personal data that the data subject has requested erasure by such controllers of any links to, or copy or replication of, those personal data, as far as processing is not required. An employees of the artshop77 will arrange the necessary measures in individual cases. If one of the aforementioned conditions is met, and a data subject wishes to request the restriction of the processing of personal data stored by the artshop77, he or she may at any time contact any employee of the controller. The employee of the artshop77 will arrange the restriction of the processing. In order to assert the right to data portability, the data subject may at any time contact any employee of the artshop77. The artshop77 shall no longer process the personal data in the event of the objection, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. If the artshop77 processes personal data for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing. This applies to profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. If the data subject objects to the artshop77 to the processing for direct marketing purposes, the artshop77 will no longer process the personal data for these purposes. In addition, the data subject has the right, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to object to processing of personal data concerning him or her by the artshop77 for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes pursuant to Article 89(1) of the GDPR, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest. In order to exercise the right to object, the data subject may contact any employee of the artshop77. In addition, the data subject is free in the context of the use of information society services, and notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, to use his or her right to object by automated means using technical specifications. If the decision (1) is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data controller, or (2) it is based on the data subject's explicit consent, the artshop77 shall implement suitable measures to safeguard the data subject's rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, to express his or her point of view and contest the decision. If the data subject wishes to exercise the rights concerning automated individual decision-making, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the artshop77. f the data subject wishes to exercise the right to withdraw the consent, he or she may, at any time, contact any employee of the artshop77. With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet website, which is operated by the controller and into which a Facebook component (Facebook plug-ins) was integrated, the web browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to download display of the corresponding Facebook component from Facebook through the Facebook component. An overview of all the Facebook Plug-ins may be accessed under During the course of this technical procedure, Facebook is made aware of what specific sub-site of our website was visited by the data subject. The data protection guideline published by Facebook, which is available at, provides information about the collection, processing and use of personal data by Facebook. In addition, it is explained there what setting options Facebook offers to protect the privacy of the data subject. In addition, different configuration options are made available to allow the elimination of data transmission to Facebook. These applications may be used by the data subject to eliminate a data transmission to Facebook. In addition, the data subject has the possibility of objecting to a collection of data that are generated by Google Analytics, which is related to the use of this website, as well as the processing of this data by Google and the chance to preclude any such. For this purpose, the data subject must download a browser add-on under the link and install it. This browser add-on tells Google Analytics through a JavaScript, that any data and information about the visits of Internet pages may not be transmitted to Google Analytics. The installation of the browser add-ons is considered an objection by Google. If the information technology system of the data subject is later deleted, formatted, or newly installed, then the data subject must reinstall the browser add-ons to disable Google Analytics. If the browser add-on was uninstalled by the data subject or any other person who is attributable to their sphere of competence, or is disabled, it is possible to execute the reinstallation or reactivation of the browser add-ons. Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Google may be retrieved under and under Google Analytics is further explained under the following Link 13. Data protection provisions about the application and use of Google+ On this website, the controller has integrated the Google+ button as a component. Google+ is a so-called social network. A social network is a social meeting place on the Internet, an online community, which usually allows users to communicate with each other and interact in a virtual space. A social network may serve as a platform for the exchange of opinions and experiences, or enable the Internet community to provide personal or business-related information. Google+ allows users of the social network to include the creation of private profiles, upload photos and network through friend requests. The operating company of Google+ is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, UNITED STATES. With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this website, which is operated by the controller and on which a Google+ button has been integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject automatically downloads a display of the corresponding Google+ button of Google through the respective Google+ button component. During the course of this technical procedure, Google is made aware of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject. More detailed information about Google+ is available under If the data subject is logged in at the same time to Google+, Google recognizes with each call-up to our website by the data subject and for the entire duration of his or her stay on our Internet site, which specific sub-pages of our Internet page were visited by the data subject. This information is collected through the Google+ button and Google matches this with the respective Google+ account associated with the data subject. If the data subject clicks on the Google+ button integrated on our website and thus gives a Google+ 1 recommendation, then Google assigns this information to the personal Google+ user account of the data subject and stores the personal data. Google stores the Google+ 1 recommendation of the data subject, making it publicly available in accordance with the terms and conditions accepted by the data subject in this regard. Subsequently, a Google+ 1 recommendation given by the data subject on this website together with other personal data, such as the Google+ account name used by the data subject and the stored photo, is stored and processed on other Google services, such as search-engine results of the Google search engine, the Google account of the data subject or in other places, e.g. on Internet pages, or in relation to advertisements. Google is also able to link the visit to this website with other personal data stored on Google. Google further records this personal information with the purpose of improving or optimizing the various Google services. Through the Google+ button, Google receives information that the data subject visited our website, if the data subject at the time of the call-up to our website is logged in to Google+. This occurs regardless of whether the data subject clicks or doesn’t click on the Google+ button. If the data subject does not wish to transmit personal data to Google, he or she may prevent such transmission by logging out of his Google+ account before calling up our website. Further information and the data protection provisions of Google may be retrieved under More references from Google about the Google+ 1 button may be obtained under 14. Data protection provisions about the application and use of Instagram On this website, the controller has integrated components of the service Instagram. Instagram is a service that may be qualified as an audiovisual platform, which allows users to share photos and videos, as well as disseminate such data in other social networks. The operating company of the services offered by Instagram is Instagram LLC, 1 Hacker Way, Building 14 First Floor, Menlo Park, CA, UNITED STATES. With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which an Instagram component (Insta button) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to the download of a display of the corresponding Instagram component of Instagram. During the course of this technical procedure, Instagram becomes aware of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject. If the data subject is logged in at the same time on Instagram, Instagram detects with every call-up to our website by the data subject—and for the entire duration of their stay on our Internet site—which specific sub-page of our Internet page was visited by the data subject. This information is collected through the Instagram component and is associated with the respective Instagram account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Instagram buttons integrated on our website, then Instagram matches this information with the personal Instagram user account of the data subject and stores the personal data. Instagram receives information via the Instagram component that the data subject has visited our website provided that the data subject is logged in at Instagram at the time of the call to our website. This occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on the Instagram button or not. If such a transmission of information to Instagram is not desirable for the data subject, then he or she can prevent this by logging off from their Instagram account before a call-up to our website is made. Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Instagram may be retrieved under 15. Data protection provisions about the application and use of Pinterest On this website, the controller has integrated components of Pinterest Inc. Pinterest is a so-called social network. A social network is an Internet social meeting place, an online community that allows users to communicate and interact with each other in a virtual space. A social network may serve as a platform for the exchange of opinions and experiences, or allow the Internet community to provide personal or company-related information. Pinterest enables the users of the social network to publish, inter alia, picture collections and individual pictures as well as descriptions on virtual pinboards (so-called pins), which can then be shared by other user's (so-called re-pins) or commented on. The operating company of Pinterest is Pinterest Inc., 808 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, UNITED STATES. With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which a Pinterest component (Pinterest plug-in) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject automatically prompted to download through the respective Pinterest component a display of the corresponding Pinterest component. Further information on Pinterest is available under During the course of this technical procedure, Pinterest gains knowledge of what specific sub-page of our website is visited by the data subject. If the data subject is logged in at the same time on Pinterest, Pinterest detects with every call-up to our website by the data subject—and for the entire duration of their stay on our Internet site—which specific sub-page of our Internet page was visited by the data subject. This information is collected through the Pinterest component and associated with the respective Pinterest account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Pinterest buttons, integrated on our website, then Pinterest assigns this information to the personal Pinterest user account of the data subject and stores the personal data. Pinterest receives information via the Pinterest component that the data subject has visited our website, provided that the data subject is logged in at Pinterest at the time of the call-up to our website. This occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on the Pinterest component or not. If such a transmission of information to Pinterest is not desirable for the data subject, then he or she may prevent this by logging off from their Pinterest account before a call-up to our website is made. The data protection guideline published by Pinterest, which is available under, provides information on the collection, processing and use of personal data by Pinterest. 16. Data protection provisions about the application and use of Twitter On this website, the controller has integrated components of Twitter. Twitter is a multilingual, publicly-accessible microblogging service on which users may publish and spread so-called ‘tweets,’ e.g. short messages, which are limited to 140 characters. These short messages are available for everyone, including those who are not logged on to Twitter. The tweets are also displayed to so-called followers of the respective user. Followers are other Twitter users who follow a user's tweets. Furthermore, Twitter allows you to address a wide audience via hashtags, links or retweets. The operating company of Twitter is Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, UNITED STATES. With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and on which a Twitter component (Twitter button) was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically prompted to download a display of the corresponding Twitter component of Twitter. Further information about the Twitter buttons is available under During the course of this technical procedure, Twitter gains knowledge of what specific sub-page of our website was visited by the data subject. The purpose of the integration of the Twitter component is a retransmission of the contents of this website to allow our users to introduce this web page to the digital world and increase our visitor numbers. If the data subject is logged in at the same time on Twitter, Twitter detects with every call-up to our website by the data subject and for the entire duration of their stay on our Internet site which specific sub-page of our Internet page was visited by the data subject. This information is collected through the Twitter component and associated with the respective Twitter account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Twitter buttons integrated on our website, then Twitter assigns this information to the personal Twitter user account of the data subject and stores the personal data. Twitter receives information via the Twitter component that the data subject has visited our website, provided that the data subject is logged in on Twitter at the time of the call-up to our website. This occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on the Twitter component or not. If such a transmission of information to Twitter is not desirable for the data subject, then he or she may prevent this by logging off from their Twitter account before a call-up to our website is made. The applicable data protection provisions of Twitter may be accessed under The applicable data protection provisions of PayPal may be retrieved under This Privacy Policy has been generated by the Privacy Policy Generator of the German Association for Data Protection that was developed in cooperation with RC GmbH, which sells used IT and the filesharing Lawyers from WBS-LAW.
Home Student Life Title IX Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Dating and Domestic Violence Resources Sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking and dating and domestic violence, is an affront to human dignity and fundamentally at odds with the values of Averett University. The Averett University community has a responsibility to maintain an environment free from harassment. The University is committed to taking all appropriate steps to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence and address its effects. The University is committed to fostering a climate free from sexual misconduct through a clear and effective policy, a coordinated education and prevention program, and prompt and equitable procedures for resolution of complaints that are accessible to all. Dear Averett Family, Our primary goal is for the safety of every member of our Averett Family. Therefore, we have recently strengthened our Student Sexual Misconduct Policy to ensure that safety and security will be felt by everyone. This policy, which is implemented effective immediately, lists sexual misconduct as “sexual violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic and dating violence, stalking, and retaliation for reporting or cooperating with the investigation into any of these actions.” This newly strengthened policy is a result of Title IX, a law that prohibits gender-based discrimination in ten different areas of educational programs. While most often thought of as a law for gender equality in athletics, it also covers subjects such as sexual misconduct. Originally established in 1972, Title IX has always been focused on gender equality, even throughout its many amendments over the years. Because of the many amendments that have been made to Title IX, we at Averett have made our own changes to ensure that the safety and security of our students, faculty, and staff is of utmost importance. We desire to create a community of support for survivors, as well as for anyone who reports an act of sexual misconduct. Additionally, we seek to treat those who are accused of committing the act in a fair manner. The changes that we have made include the following: The designation of Title IX Coordinator: Jill Adams, Assistant Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator. Trained Title IX advocates Continually working with the entire Averett community for programming and prevention Revision of the aforementioned policy We urge anyone who has any information regarding sexual misconduct of any kind to report it. For those who wish their complaint to remain confidential, Chaplain Skyler Daniel and Director of Counseling Joan Kahwajy-Anderson should be contacted. For those who do not wish for their report to remain confidential, they can report it to either of the Title IX Co-Coordinators or any Averett faculty or staff members. Whenever a report is made to anyone other than a confidential resource, the Title IX coordinator, along with a review team will assess the complaint and decide the measures they will take moving forward, which could include an investigation into the reported situation. Such an investigation and any subsequent disciplinary action for those accused of sexual misconduct would be completed fairly, promptly, and without bias. One possible outcome from an investigation could be a confidential hearing before the Conduct Hearing Board, which could include questioning to gain more information about the situation, and a determination of whether or not the accused person is in violation of the policy. To support survivors of sexual misconduct, the University may employ certain measures to make them feel safe and secure, including: making academic accommodations, such as a leave of absence, and assignment rescheduling, making changes with work schedules and campus housing and dining, providing an escort while on campus, and establishing a “no contact” order in any form of communication with the accused. Other accommodations may be made on a case-by-case basis, as well. If certain members of the University community believe that the accused student poses a safety risk to any person or any University property, the accused may be placed in interim suspension, during which time, the accused would be prohibited from all University property. For more information about Averett’s sexual misconduct policy, Title IX, or to read the official Student Sexual Misconduct Policy, please visit the Campus Security page of the Averett website. While our policy has been strengthened, we will continue to work and improve upon all policies that we have in place to ensure that our campus and our entire Averett Family is safe, secure, and feels supported at all times. Dr. Tiffany M. Franks Messages to the Community How to Report Anonymous Sexual Assault Report Form MOU, Danville Police
AYSO AND E-Z UP PARTNER UP FOR SOCCER FAMILIES AYSO TORRANCE, Calif. – Aug. 9, 2017 – Just in time for summer, American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) and International E-Z UP, Inc. (E-Z UP) have partnered up to enhance the fun family experience during outdoor soccer activities. This partnership gives AYSO families an opportunity to acquire affordable portable shelters, which can be used for shade during tournaments, weekly games and other events on and off the soccer field. ““We are delighted to have E-Z UP as a sponsor,” said Andy Price, AYSO’s player programs coordinator. “We used its products at our latest tournament, the AYSO National Open Cup in Lancaster, California. As well as providing us with portable shelters for our referees, medics and spectators, they also supplied the flags and banners that gave our event tremendous visibility.” In addition to giving AYSO members a special discount on E-Z UP products, this partnership gives AYSO families the chance to step up their team spirit by having the ability to create cool, customized shelter canopies for their specific teams. With a customized shelter on the field, players can have a sense of motivation and pride. “A partnership between E-Z UP, the original and still No. 1 Instant Shelter® brand in the world, and AYSO, the oldest national youth soccer program in the United States, is the perfect fit,” said Stuart Bremner, general manager for the B2B Division for E-Z UP. “E-Z UP shelters are a favorite for soccer teams and fans alike, so partnering with AYSO to offer special discounts and customized products makes sense. E-Z UP is known for its top-quality products and award-winning printing, and we are proud to bring those top-quality products to a quality organization such as AYSO.” For more information on E-Z UP customizable products and accessories, visit Established in 1964, AYSO is a national non-profit organization that develops and delivers quality youth soccer programs, which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO's Six Philosophies: Everyone Plays®, Balanced Teams, Open Registration, Positive Coaching, Good Sportsmanship, and Player Development. Today, AYSO has 1.6 million players, parents, siblings and volunteers. For more information, visit About International E-Z UP, Inc. Since 1983, E-Z UP provides portable shade solutions for consumers and helps companies grow their business and create brand awareness with an innovative line of customizable portable Instant Shelter® products, sidewalls, railskirts, tables, table covers, flags, banners, and more. With hundreds of thousands of customers in more than 100 countries worldwide, E-Z UP is proud to be the No. 1 Instant Shelter brand in the world™. The company has an unparalleled reputation for quality, innovation and support. E-Z UP takes pride in the fact that it is the shelter brand of choice for consumers, small businesses, all branches of the United States military, and billion-dollar corporations.
Food & Drink / Gastronomy Westvleteren XII, one of the world’s most expensive and exclusive beers By J.M. Towers Westvleteren XII, one of the… Westvleteren XII, the Belgian beer prepared by the expert hands of 26 monks living in a monastery, is recognized as one of the most exclusive in the world, with prizes in various competitions both in Europe and in the United States. Entirely handmade by the community of Trappist monks in the grounds of the Abbey of St. Sixtus of Westvleteren, in the region of Vleteren, West Flanders, this drink has become an object of desire and worship for beer lovers, since leading experts have labeled it as one of the best in the world. The Westvleteren brewery was founded in 1838, when the abbey was only seven years old. The brewing continued through two world wars, which also caused extensive damage to the region of Flanders. The abbey was fortunate to be the only Trappist brewery in Belgium which managed to keep its copper dishes, which the Nazis used to steal to make weapons. Currently, Westvleteren produces three types of beer, Westvleteren Blonde, Westvleteren VIII and Westvleteren XII, the most famous and prestigious of all. Westvleteren XII is so coveted, that in order to buy some it is necessary to book in advance and can cost up to $ 75 per unit. Those who have been fortunate enough to try it say it is worth it because it is absolutely wonderful. The Westvleteren XII is a dark brown color. It has a delicate and persistent foam and aromas of caramelized malt, plum and vanilla. On the palate it is complex, sweet, but also slightly bitter. Today the factory has three hired workers, but most brewing tasks are performed by the twenty six monks. The Trappist monks belong to the Cistercian Order and are governed by the maxim: “ora et labora” (pray and work). There are Trappist monasteries in the UK, Africa, India and Japan. The ‘Trappist’ name comes from the name of La Trappe Abbey in Normandy, France, which is the place of the first monks that founded new monasteries throughout Europe. Almost all Trappist monasteries produce items such as cheese, bread, sweets, clothes and, of course, spirits and beer, as means to support their communities. The Belgian Trappist beers that are still produced in some monasteries are internationally recognized for their rarity and high quality. You can buy the Westvleteren XII online at the website of the abbey, but you they have to be patient, because with an annual output of only 60,000 bottles, it doesn’t come easy to buy this beer, whose formula remains unchanged since the 1940s.■ PreviousPrevious post:Bareiss: Three Well Deserved Michelin Stars in the Black ForestNextNext post:Colonia del Sacramento: The Gem of Uruguay Gazpacho, A Gift From Andalucia Gazpacho, a nutritious and delicious plate that is simple and refreshing. Take note of the differ... Art Basel Miami Beach: 18 Restaurants To Make Reservations Now! Our gastronomy editor's expert guide to the best dining spots for Art Basel Miami Beach. Is Ultraviolet By Paul Pairet The Most Avant Garde Dining Experience In The World? Tucked away in an undisclosed location in Shanghai lies one of the most innovative, Michelin 3-st...
Australia - English (Australia) Slayer Merchandise : Shot Glasses Select View All Items View All Categories Sale Items T-Shirts Hoodies Womens T-Shirts Sweatshirts Pint Glasses Back Patches Backpacks Beanies Bags Jigsaws Figurines Snapbacks Wall Art (Gloss Finish) Slipmats Mugs Keyrings Candles Record Bags Bandanas Baseball Caps Baseball Shirts Bobble Hats Bottle Opener Boxed Tankards Buckles Earrings Jackets Leather Wallets Necklaces Patches Shorts Shot Glasses Swimming Shorts Temporary Tattoos Textile Posters Sports Jerseys Handcrafted Shot Glass Slayer is an American thrash metal band founded by guitarists Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King. Slayer rose to fame as a leader of the American thrash metal movement with their 1986 release, Reign in Blood, which has been called "the heaviest album of all time" by Kerrang!. The band is credited as one of the "Big Four" thrash metal bands, along with Metallica, Anthrax, and Megadeth. Slayer is known for its musical traits, involving fast tremolo picking, guitar solos, double bass drumming, and shouting vocals. The band's lyrics and album art, which cover topics such as gore, serial killers, Satanism, religion, genocide and warfare have generated album bans, delays, lawsuits and strong criticism from religious groups and the general public. Since its debut record in 1983, the band has released two live albums, one box set, two DVDs, one VHS, two EPs, and ten albums, four of which have received gold certification in the United States. The band has received three Grammy nominations, winning one in 2007 for the song "Eyes of the Insane", and one in 2008 for the song "Final Six." They have headlined music festivals worldwide, including Ozzfest and The Unholy Alliance.
KRS-One Readies “I Am Hip Hop” Series Book, “The Gospel of Hip Hop” KRS-One is set to release a new book, titled The Gospel of Hip Hop: The First Instrument, the first from his I Am Hop Hop series via PowerHouse Books. The upcoming book is set in the format of a self-help book, and is 800-plus pages in length. According to the publisher, it’s “a spiritual manual for citizens of hip-hop culture that combines classic philosophy with faith and practical knowledge for a fascinating, in-depth exploration of hip-hop as a life path.” Known as “the teacha,” KRS-One developed his unique outlook as a homeless teen in Bronx, NY engaging his philosophy of self-creation to become one of the most respected MCs in the genre’s history. In the book, KRS painstakingly details the development of the culture and the ways in which we, as “hiphoppas,” can and should preserve its future. He also discusses the origination of hip-hop culture and relays specific instances in history wherein one can discover the same spirit and ideas that are at the core of its current manifestation. He explains hip-hop down to the actual meaning and liguistic history of the words “hip” and “hop,” and describes the ways in which hiphoppas can change their current circumstance to create a future that incorporates health, love, awareness and wealth (H-LAW). The Gospel of Hip Hop: The First Instrument is set to drop in November. You can pre-order it on now. KRS is also the author of other books such as The Science of Rap (self-published, 1995) and Ruminations (Welcome Rain, 2003). Additionally, KRS is producing an album celebrating 20th anniversary of his Stop the Violence Movement, which he founded in 1988. The forthcoming project includes contributions from Nelly, Method Man, Busta Rhymes, The Game, and many others. BooksKRS-One
The Gender Equality Battle . “Who Is A Man, And Who Is 1230 WordsMar 6, 20175 Pages The Gender Equality Battle “Who is a man, and who is a woman? Are we not one?” (unknown). This quote is significant in today’s society. Gender equality is not an issue that affects women. It is an issue that affects each and every single gender. The sources used for this essay give various outlooks on how gender inequality affects society and how as a society this issue can be resolved. The following sources give an insight into gender stereotypes, technology closing the gender gap, women becoming leaders, how to close the gender gap in classrooms, and women at work. Gender inequality is still a tremendously controversial subject matter in today’s society. Accordingly, the Daily Mail published an article, written by Abigail Beall,…show more content… Furthermore, the study explains how higher digital fluency results in increased workplace gender equality. Even though men outscore women in digital fluency, the gap is narrowing as more women are educated about digital fluency. The reason being, “digital fluency is helping today’s workers better manage their time and become more productive” explains Accenture. Digital fluency simply means using digital technologies to become more aware, knowledgeable, and efficient. The article goes on to say that “If governments and businesses can double the pace at which women become digitally fluent, we could reach gender equality in the workplace by 2040 in developed countries…” (Accenture) thus, signifying that women will reach gender equality in less than twenty-five years. Digital Fluency is not the cure for the gender gap, but evidence proves that it is a key factor that acts as an accelerant in every stage of a person’s career. Sheryl Sandberg gave a lecture on why today’s society does not have as many women leaders. The Ted talk commences with Sandberg letting the audience acknowledge how lucky they are of not having to go through what their mothers or grandmothers did many years ago, when women were so limited to everything. Women face more problematical choices than men. For example, “Women face harder choices between professional success and The Battle Of The Sexes with their male counterparts. Many have questioned where this ideology has come from. The Battle of the Sexes is not only a board game that can be purchased, but a psychological battle that we face that in cases surpasses race and ethnicity issues. The book of Genesis written before 4000 B.C. states “Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man” (Genesis 2:22) this quote and this context has been interpreted wrongly by many in the comings Comparison Of Emma Watson And Tim Watsons Speech 941 Words | 4 Pages Emma Watsons ‘Gender Equality is your issue too’ speech, executed on the 20th of September, 2014. Watson had pre-prepared this speech, as it was performed for the HeForShe campaign at the UN Headquarters, in New York. Alongside Tim Collins’ speech to the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment, in Iraq, 2003 – of which was an eve-of-battle rousting and of which had not been prepared, prior to British troops entering Iraq. In Emma Watsons’ text, she explores issues relating to Gender, and how both Description of All Four Feministic Theories encounter on an everyday basis. The issue on feminism is one that has been fought for by both men and woman for many years and yet still seems to be an ongoing battle to achieve full gender equality. I personally feel that gender equality is important in this world because I for myself have met women in my life who I not only look up to but who have also inspired me to keep moving forward in my journey of life. In this paper I will describe all four feministic theories as well as to why I support feminism What Is Gender Equality? What is gender equality? To my understanding, gender equality is both genders evenly alike as a whole. Now, wait. What does that mean? Evenly alike as a whole? Who even speaks like that in the real world? Apparently, I do. Let me put it this way, take everybody in the world and put them together as one person. Not man, nor woman. Which I know is hard to imagine, but just go with me here. Now think of all that they are capable of doing. Split it back up into everybody in the world. We are all capable Feminism : Third Wave Feminism depending on who you are and what time of history you are speaking of. Most people think of the second-wave of feminism in the 20th century when women fought for their rights for equality not just in the workplace but also their right to vote. The movement for gender equality was originally viewed as a great effort by women for women. Today feminism is a subtitle of equality. Giving us the new definition of feminism called third-wave feminism or gender equality. Modern feminism means equality for men Women 's Right For Equality society there is a need for equality for men and women, we must allow our well-being to achieve success. Researchers have been doing research on society to find the dissimilarities between women and men. We as women are by far the largest "minority" in the United States. I could relate the most important social, political and economic trends of the century, upon the achievements, as well as their missteps. Though we are making an effort to improve women 's right for equality, the American dream is Feminism And What It Means definition of feminism had been the belief that both genders deserve equal treatment and equality, and that no gender should be favored over the other. It had been just as wrong for a man to tell a woman that she deserves to be in the kitchen as much as it is wrong for a woman to expect special treatment from a man and pander to her. That is not to say that acts of politeness are wrong, but that everyone ought to be polite to one another. A man should not feel emasculated for a woman doing a kind Analysis Of The Poem ' The Rights Of Woman ' The battle for equality snowballed since the birth of feminism. At the frontline of the battle, have been women enraged at the thought of the superiority of men. However, some women believe in taking a violent approach to demolish the ideas of oppression. In the poem “The Rights of Woman,” Barbauld reveals that the oppression of women emanates from impulsive anger by showing the power of emotion in decision making, the ineffectuality of paroxysm, and the irrefutable rule of nature. Barbauld attempts commonly misinterpreted. Feminism is the support for equality of genders throughout society, including the elimination of gender stereotypes and gender roles. While Ralph Ellison incorporates ‘the Brotherhood’ in Invisible Man, which is supposed to advocate for equality, the members of the group still do not put focus on the feminist movement. Women are sexualized, objectified, and not seen as equal to men on countless occasions. In Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison creates a plot in which the male characters Push For Feminism Take Home Exam 2 strong advocates for the promotion of gender equality. Seeing the rampant inequities present in 17th century Spain, the fiction of de Zayas sought to bring about greater justice for women. Similarly, Emma Watson has emerged in contemporary society as a champion of women’s rights and a proud self-proclaimed feminist. From de Zaya’ short story “Ravages of Vice” and Watson’s speech at the 2014 HeForShe Campaign, messages related to feminism, gender equality, and gender justice are presented in a manner More about The Gender Equality Battle . “Who Is A Man, And Who Is Symptoms And Treatment Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Fads Vs. Healthy Dieting. People Around The Globe Struggle In This Essay, I Will Examine Social Contract Theory And Bad Dates And Street Sex Trade Article On Gay Marriage Rights Introduction:. Homeostasis Is The Process Of Maintaining Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus (MindTap Course List) Financial & Managerial Accounting Elements Of Modern Algebra Elementary Technical Mathematics Intermediate Accounting: Reporting And Analysis Calculus: An Applied Approach (MindTap Course List) Biology: The Dynamic Science (MindTap Course List) Calculus (MindTap Course List) Accounting (Text Only) Cornerstones of Financial Accounting Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions Principles of Information Systems (MindTap Course List)
2017-08-25_MonikaRittershaus (photo: Monika Rittershaus) Season opening: Simon Rattle conducts Haydn’s “Creation” Simon Rattle is one of the outstanding Haydn conductors of our time. To open his last season as chief conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker, he presents Haydn’s oratorio The Creation, which combines groundbreaking harmonies, humorous tone painting and powerful choruses to form a spectacular cosmic panorama. The excellent ensemble of soloists includes tenor Mark Padmore – the orchestra’s Artist in Residence this season. Elsa Dreisig soprano Mark Padmore tenor Florian Boesch baritone Rundfunkchor Berlin Gijs Leenaars chorus master Georg Friedrich Haas ein kleines symphonisches Gedicht – für Wolfgang, commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation Première The Creation Hob. XXI:2 Mark Padmore tenor, Florian Boesch baritone, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Gijs Leenaars chorus master Choir Seats are on Sale. Fri, 25 Aug 2017, 19:00 Philharmonie | Introduction: 18:00 Sonderkonzert Live in the Digital Concert Hallgo to broadcast Radio/TV All air times The premiere of The Creation, conducted by Haydn before an invited audience at the Schwarzenberg Palace in Vienna on 30 April 1798, set off a chain of events such as the city had never experienced. The triumphant success of the premiere was followed by two more performances on 7 and 10 May. Almost a year later, on 19 March 1799, the first public performance of the work took place in the presence of the emperor at the Burgtheater. Haydn had playbills printed for the occasion on which he announced that none of the pieces would be repeated following applause, “otherwise the exact connection between the several parts, from whose uninterrupted sequence the effect of the whole is intended to spring, must necessarily be destroyed, and, moreover, the pleasure considerable lessened”. The impact was tremendous. The audience gave their full attention to the music and expressed its enthusiasm with thunderous applause only at the interval and at the end of the concert. Following publication of the score, the work spread like wildfire throughout Europe and was performed in Budapest, Prague, London, Oxford, Salzburg, Paris, Amsterdam, St. Petersburg and Moscow. In November 1801, the Journal des Luxus und der Moden stated: “Never has a musical artwork caused such a sensation or found such a wide audience as Haydn’s Creation”. To open the new season, Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker now perform this epic work, which takes chaos as its starting point, represented “by the ordinary, methodical, conventional resources of Art” (Carl Friedrich Zelter). The creation of the world follows in a series of picturesque descriptions of nature, including the famous sunrise in the accompanied recitative “In splendour bright”, in which within ten bars, a single note swells to a radiant D major chord of the full orchestra – a grandiose effect that has lost none of its impact. The excellent Rundfunkchor Berlin will also doubtlessly present itself “in splendour bright” as well as the trio of soloists: The tenor role is sung by Mark Padmore, who also makes his debut as artist in residence for the 2017/18 season this evening, and who is known for his virtuoso vocal line and perfect diction. He is joined by Elsa Dreisig, a member of the ensemble of the Berlin Staatsoper as of this season, plus the baritone Florian Boesch. This first concert of the season begins with a symphonic “appetiser” by the Austrian composer Georg Friedrich Haas, as part of the orchestra’s series of commissioned works of no more than six minutes duration. Rituals for Healing and Light Haasʼs kleines symphonisches Gedicht and Haydn’s Creation Dedication: ein kleines symphonisches Gedicht by Georg Friedrich Haas “When my words fail I have to speak in music. I have tried to compose a ritual. A ritual for healing and light.” Georg Friedrich Haas made these remarks about the orchestral piece whose premiere opens the new season of the Berliner Philharmoniker. That this work should be performed for the first time directly before Joseph Haydn’s Creation inevitably lends it a certain context: “healing and light” are also central themes of Haydn’s oratorio – the universe’s primal chaos is healed in the order brought by light. The wandering sounds of the famous orchestral prelude to the Creation can conceivably be heard as a continuation of the Haas’s sonic textures (Klangflächen). Haas, born in Graz, Austria, calls the orchestral movement ein kleines symphonisches Gedicht (a small symphonic poem) and has attached to it a dedication “to Wolfgang.” From its very beginning the score reveals a kind of ritualistic configuration of instruments. The first chord in the strings is layered from the bottom up: divided basses support triple-divided cellos and quadruple-divided violas beneath the two violin sections, each divided five times. All play minor seconds in lengthy, sustained sounds that add to the cluster whilst winds and brass ring out in triplets and quintuplets. The sound grows continually higher, louder and more intense until it transforms into ragged fortissimo chords. Underneath high violin and flute trills there develops a new, stratified sonic texture of fortissimo strings. This remains the dominant moment of the movement, at times being rhythmically structured, at times taking the form of long, sustained sounds from the strings. A small number of repeated notes punctuate it with rhythmic contrasts, in particular a “wild” triple-forte shortly before the conclusion. After six and a half minutes the musicians are instructed to “end as if the piece could go on and on indefinitely” – in a wild, defiant forte-fortissimo. Between Enlightenment and Church Teaching: Joseph Haydn’s Creation When Haydn’s Creation was heard for the first time on 30 April 1798 it was, quite literally, a hair-raising event: at the moment of “Und es ward Licht” (“And there was light”), the audience were so electrified by the sudden C-major fortissimo that they jumped from their seats and cheered. Twenty minutes went by before the performance could be continued. The score was published soon after in 1800 and the work was performed more or less simultaneously in twenty European cities. With his grand narrative of divine light bringing illumination to humanity Haydn unified Europeans on the eve of the Napoleonic wars. English Roots The roots of the Creation lie in England. When Haydn set foot on English soil on 1 January 1791 he was soon drawn into the maelstrom of George Frideric Handel’s oratorios. In Westminster Abbey he heard the Messiah and Israel in Egypt with hundreds of choristers and monumental orchestral forces. Amidst the atmosphere of the English Handel cult Haydn also soon came into contact with the material of the Creation. Between 1744 and 1746 Handel had been offered three different oratorio texts based on John Milton’s epic Paradise Lost. The first came from Handel’s friend Mary Delany and dealt exclusively with the Fall of Man, which clearly did not excite Handel. The second libretto was much more attractive, since it combined extracts from the scriptures with passages from Milton’s epic, just as the text of Haydn’s Creation was to. The librettist was Charles Jennens, who had also written the texts of the Messiah and Saul. Unfortunately, however, Handel and Jennens quarrelled in 1744 to such an extent that a setting of his text became out of the question. When Handel’s friend John Upton sent him a further libretto based on Paradise Lost two years later, the composer had lost all interest – a fortunate turn of events, since instead of our having a Handel oratorio named TheCreation, it fell to Haydn to compose Die Schöpfung using a German text. The most recent scholarship supposes that Haydn returned to Vienna with the libretto by Jennens. Gottfried van Swieten, for many years prefect of the Viennese Court Library, translated it into German. According to his own testimony, he “followed the original faithfully on the whole, but often departed from it in the details.” Haydn at the Telescope After Haydn had spent his second season in London he visited near Windsor the greatest scientific attraction in England at the time: the gigantic reflecting telescope belonging to the German musician and astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm (later William) Herschel. As Haydn wrote in his notebook, Herschel, owing to his financially advantageous marriage, possessed the means to construct sensational telescopes. With their help he had discovered the planet Uranus in 1781, in addition to nebulae and many other celestial phenomena. When Haydn visited him on 15 June 1792 Herschel had just developed the theory that stars formed from a kind of gas cloud via the action of gravity. This idea, transposed into music, corresponds to the sound picture that Haydn invented for chaos: dissonant chords and nebulous rhythms that gradually come together into concrete forms. The depiction of chaos at the beginning of the Creation was not Haydn’s own idea, but an express wish of Baron van Swieten, who in this way envisaged the whole oratorio under a single theme: the opposition between chaos and order, darkness and light. Only one year before the premiere of the Creation, in 1797, the fourth volume of the Encyclopaedia Britannica appeared in Edinburgh in its famous third edition. There, chaos was defined in the following fashion: “CHAOS, that confusion in which matter lay when newly produced out of nothing before the beginning of the world, before God, by his almighty word, had put it into order and condition wherein it was after the first days of creation.” In his oratorio Haydn represented the dispersal of all darkness by the first light: “Let there be light, and there was light.” The aria that follows develops the conceptual pairing of order and confusion further: the “holy beams” (“heilige Strahl”) of the first day cause the spirits of Hell to escape into the abyss. As sunrise will later, light stands here as a symbol for a just and orderly world in which every creature has its place: “During the last five days of the Creation God did nothing other than assign each creature the place allotted to it within the tableau of the universe. Until this time everything in nature had remained silent, stupid and numb. The scenery of the world only developed once the voice of the all-powerful Creator arranged creatures into the marvellous order that today accounts for its beauty.” This was the definition of Chaos by the anonymous author of the 1753 article on the subject in Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie, which moreover avoided calling into question the precedence of the biblical account of the Creation: “We add these corollaries: 1. That we ought not in any system of Physics contradict the fundamental truths of religion as Genesis teaches them.” Haydn’s oratorio corresponds perfectly to this compromise between the Enlightenment and Church teaching. The natural growth and flourishing of creatures stands for the development of life in its full, autonomous beauty. The choir of angels, on the other hand, affirms at the end of each day the creator of all of this, singing the praises of God. Musically we could refer to these two aspects as “symphonic” and “sacred.” Where Haydn lovingly depicts God’s dramatic act of creation or the beauty of creatures he acts as a symphonist. Where he praises God alone he becomes a Church musician – the master of the late masses. Haydn’s own devout brother, Michael, who lived in Salzburg, admitted just as much: “What my brother brings off in his choruses on ‘Ewigkeit’ is quite extraordinary indeed!” Karl Böhmer Translation: Christopher Fenwick Florian Boesch comes from a Viennese family of singers and received his first singing lessons from his grandmother Ruthilde Boesch. In 1997, he went to the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where he graduated from the lieder and oratorio class of Robert Holl. The baritone began his international career in 2003 as Papageno at Zurich Opera. Particularly as a singer of lieder, Florian Boesch has been a coveted guest on the concert stages of international music capitals (Wiener Concert-Verein, Carnegie Hall New York, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Wigmore Hall London, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Kölner Philharmonie among others) and at major festivals such as the SWR Schwetzinger Festspiele, the Edinburgh International Festival and the Styriarte Festival Graz. Florian Boesch also enjoys success as a soloist with leading orchestras with a historical and stylistically multifaceted concert repertoire; he also performs roles in stage works by George Frideric Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Alban Berg. Florian Boesch worked together with Nikolaus Harnoncourt on a regular basis. He has also worked with Iván Fischer, Sir Roger Norrington, Philippe Herreweghe, Sir Simon Rattle, Ivor Bolton, Franz Welser-Möst, Robin Ticciati, Gustavo Dudamel, Valery Gergiev, Adam Fischer and Paul McCreesh. Florian Boesch first appeared in Berliner Philharmoniker concerts as a soloist in Beethoven’s C major Mass at the end of October 2011 under the direction of Nikolaus Harnoncourt; most recently, he appeared in three performances of Arnold Schoenberg’s musical drama Die glückliche Hand under the direction of Sir Simon Rattle in mid-September 2015. Elsa Dreisig studied at the Conservatoire de Paris and at the University of Music & Theatre “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig. Since then, the young soprano has made a name for herself with numerous awards and distinctions at singing competitions. In 2016, she won first prize as the best female singer at the “Operalia” World Opera Competition. In the same year, she was nominated young artist of the year by the magazine Opernwelt. In 2015, her awards included second prize at the Queen Sonja International Music Competition in Oslo, and first prize plus the audience prize at the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s “Neue Stimmen” competition. From 2015 to 2017, Elsa Dreisig was a member of the International Opera Studio of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden. Even while there, she was cast in major roles such as Pamina (Die Zauberflöte) and Euridice (Orfeo ed Euridice). Last season, the singer also made her debut at the Opéra de Paris (Pamina), at Zurich Opera (Musetta) and in July 2017 at the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence (Micaela in Carmen). From the start of the 2017/2018 season, Elsa Dreisig becomes a member of the ensemble of the Staatsoper in Berlin; today, she is making her debut with the Berliner Philharmoniker. Mark Padmore first trained as a clarinetist before starting his vocal studies at King’s College in Cambridge in 1979. His close association with William Christie and Les Arts Florissants began in 1991, and with Philippe Herreweghe and the Collegium Vocale Gent in 1992. Mark Padmore soon gained global fame particularly for his roles as the Evangelist and as tenor soloist in Bach’s choral works. But from the 1990s, he also increasingly made a name for himself on the opera stage: he sang in Peter Brook’s production of Don Giovanni in Aix-en-Provence, made a guest appearance in Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress at the Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie in Brussels, and was involved in performances of Handel’s Jephtha at English National Opera. He also took on the main roles in Harrison Birtwistle’s The Corridor and The Cure at the Aldeburgh Festival. Mark Padmore has performed with the Vienna and New York Philharmonic, the London and the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam; he also regularly performs with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and the Britten Sinfonia. As a lieder singer, he works together with pianists such as Paul Lewis, Till Fellner, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Julius Drake and Roger Vignoles. In the 2016/2017 season, Mark Padmore played a significant role in the programme of the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks in Munich as its artist in residence. In concerts of the Berliner Philharmoniker, with whom the singer now holds the same position this season, he most recently appeared in Peter Sellars’s staged version of the St John Passion at the end of February/early March 2014, conducted by Sir Simon Rattle. Mark Padmore is artistic director of the St Endellion Summer Music Festival in Cornwall. The Rundfunkchor Berlin (Berlin Radio Choir) is a regular guest at major festivals and the chosen partner of international orchestras and conductors such as Sir Simon Rattle, Christian Thielemann and Daniel Barenboim. In Berlin the choir has long-standing partnerships with the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester, the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester and the Berliner Philharmoniker. The exceptional breadth of its repertoire, its stylistic versatility, delight in experimentation, stunning responsiveness and richly nuanced sound all contribute to making it one of the world’s outstanding choral ensembles. Its work is documented by many recordings and awards, including three Grammy Awards. With its experimental project series, in collaboration with artists from diverse disciplines, the Rundfunkchor Berlin is breaking down the classical concert format and adopting new modes of choral music for a new audience: e.g. the interactive scenic version of Brahms’s German Requiem staged by Jochen Sandig / Sasha Waltz & Guests attracted great attention. With annual activities such as the Sing-along Concert and the “Liederbörse” (Song Exchange) for children and young people or the education programme SING! the choir invites people of various walks of life to the world of singing. Academy and Schola support the next generation of professionals. Founded in 1925 the ensemble was shaped by conductors including Helmut Koch, Dietrich Knothe, Robin Gritton and Simon Halsey (2001-2015). As of the 2015/16 season Gijs Leenars took over as new principal conductor and artistic director. The Rundfunkchor last appeared with the Berliner Philharmoniker in April 2017 in a concert performance of Puccini’s Tosca conducted by Sir Simon Rattle.
Mike Clem, Andy Kruspe, and Garrett Smith have been playing Celtic music together in one form or another since 2010. During this time, they kept a running tab of cool band names and even better album names. When it came time to form a trio, "Black Market Haggis" became the clear choice for a band name. So they did what every new band should do when starting out- they searched their band name on the internet to see if it had already been taken. Predictably, no band has ever used that moniker. However, they did find that there is a demand for such a product since the USDA will not allow real haggis in the United States. Then in the fall of 2015, the band lucked out. The band had been looking for vocalist, and Chenoa Clark's schedule was finally able to accomodate our musical shenanigans. She joined the band, and the boys have had to watch their language ever since. And as bands sometimes do, lineups change. Garrett ran away with the circus and the band was left without a fiddle player. Until Jim Holland showed up... smiling, subtly sarcastic, and killer with a fiddle, banjo, and mandolin. It was love a first insult. We should also note that we got a cool shout out from "The Celtfather," Marc Gunn... we made his list of the Best Celtic Folk Music of 2014! Please feel free to peruse the site- see what we look like, what we sound like, where we'll be playing next, and how to get one of our awesome t-shirts. Artwork Credit: Triptych- Jeremy Jones
Bicycle racing Global Era CNPeReading DeGruyter Ebook Program University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO) Selling the Yellow Jersey: The Tour de France in the Global Era by Eric Reed Library of Congress Classification GV1049.2.T68R44 2015 Dewey Decimal Classification 796.620944 Yellow Livestrong wristbands were taken off across America in early 2013 when Lance Armstrong confessed to Oprah Winfrey that he had doped during the seven Tour de France races he won. But the foreign cycling world, which always viewed Armstrong with suspicion, had already moved on. The bellwether events of the year were Chris Froome’s victory in the Tour and the ousting of Pat McQuaid as director of the Union Cycliste Internationale. Even without Armstrong, the Tour will roll on— its gigantic entourage includes more than 200 racers, 450 journalists, 260 cameramen, 2,400 support vehicles carrying 4,500 people, and a seven-mile-long publicity caravan. It remains one of the most-watched annual sporting events on television and a global commercial juggernaut. In Selling the Yellow Jersey, Eric Reed examines the Tour’s development in France as well as the event’s global athletic, cultural, and commercial influences. The race is the crown jewel of French cycling, and at first the newspapers that owned the Tour were loath to open up their monopoly on coverage to state-owned television. However, the opportunity for huge payoffs prevailed, and France tapped into global networks of spectatorship, media, business, athletes, and exchanges of expertise and personnel. In the process, the Tour helped endow world cycling with a particularly French character, culture, and structure, while providing proof that globalization was not merely a form of Americanization, imposed on a victimized world. Selling the Yellow Jersey explores the behind-the-scenes growth of the Tour, while simultaneously chronicling France’s role as a dynamic force in the global arena. Eric Reed is associate professor of history at Western Kentucky University. “In this original and compelling examination of the Tour de France’s commercial, economic, and cultural history, Reed inserts the world’s greatest bicycle race into the broader narrative of globalization even as he illustrates the important role local and national context plays in shaping the Tour’s many meanings. Selling the Yellow Jersey demonstrates that sport does not simply reflect and exploit major trends in business strategies, leisure, and consumption patterns, celebrity and mass culture, and media innovation; it also shapes those trends in significant ways. In the process, Reed deepens our understanding of how the Tour’s internationalization has both challenged and reinforced longstanding notions of a distinctive ‘Frenchness.’” — Christopher Thompson, author of The Tour de France: A Cultural History “Selling the Yellow Jersey is a provocative case study describing how twentieth-century globalization trends inherent in modern media, marketing, and consumerism interact with and transform the peculiarities of national and regional identities. Reed explains how by developing into a quintessential and yet contrived cornerstone of la France profonde, the Tour became a significant aspect of a developing national identity for the French as they struggled to adapt to post-war modernity and global commercial competition. At the same time, the Tour de France gave the world of international cycling, including its celebrity culture and its rules and ethics, the peculiarly French twist that it maintains through today. By focusing intently on the development of the Tour as a commercial venture, Selling the Yellow Jersey illuminates the perhaps unromantic yet undeniable ways that businessmen built modern sports and other mass entertainment spectacles in search of new ways to boost their profits, whether that meant selling more newspapers or directing more consumers' eyes to paid advertisements.” — Phillip Dehne, St. Joseph’s College “In Selling the Yellow Jersey Reed deftly intertwines the stories and spectacles of the Tour de France alongside a fascinating reading of the shifting culture and politics that have shaped France over the past century. It is essential reading for sports fans, history buffs, and Francophiles alike." — Judith Grant Long, Harvard University “Reed’s commercial focus makes Selling the Yellow Jersey a particularly pertinent Tour history given the on-going revenue sharing debate. Understanding of what is happening today can only be enhanced by understanding those parts of the past that relate to the present. Even without that motive, though, Selling the Yellow Jersey is a worthwhile read, Reed’s history being full of choice titbits of Tour history and—despite its average of three or four footnotes per page—a brisk read.” — Podium Cafe “Excellent. . . . Selling the Yellow Jersey is recommended reading for anyone interested in the fascinating history of this sport and its social, cultural and economic aspects.” — Bowling Green Daily News “Selling the Yellow Jersey offers a compelling and long-overdue analysis of the Tour de France as a global commercial sporting spectacle. It showcases the importance of the history of this particular sporting event, both within French frontiers and beyond them. Moreover, it breaks new ground by convincingly demonstrating that the race was not only immensely potent as a source of cultural and social meaning for French men and women, but was central to a kind of commercial modernity—from the race’s structure to its celebrity athletes—that shaped globalization on French terms.” — H-France “Comprised of equal parts cultural history of sport, media history, and business history, Selling the Yellow Jersey mines a rich vein of archival sources ranging from the municipal records of host cities to the archives of Tour sponsors and augments them with the self-reflexive, enthusiastic coverage of the event in print and on television, both in France and abroad. . . . Selling the Yellow Jersey is a smart, innovative, and well-researched work that demonstrates how the Tour de France’s fusion of sport, media, and commerce helped shape the global twentieth century.” — American Historical Review “This is a very impressive piece of analysis, based on expert and detailed knowledge, original research and insight, and it deserves a place in the library of any university where the history of sport is researched and taught, and on the shelves of any fan of the Tour de France who, while watching the riders sweat through the French countryside and its heritage, also wants to understand a little more about what is going on behind the heroic physicality of the competition and the dramatic images of rural and urban France.” — Hugh Dauncey, Modern and Contemporary France “Selling the Yellow Jersey greatly expands the vision of the tour as a commercial and globally important spectacle. Further, Reed shows the tour can be a wonderful focal point for comparative history. The work is essential reading for scholars of cycling and French or global history.” — Journal of Sport History “Selling the Yellow Jersey serves as a great introductory work for anyone who wishes to see past the athletes who have formed the tapestry of the event. The book traces how the French influenced the world of cycling, how globalization impacted the Tour, and how the French adapted to these developments. . . . Selling the Yellow Jersey is a highly engaging story that will enrich the academic discourse and add to the understanding of the Tour for years to come.” — Sport in American History “A fascinating study, Selling the Yellow Jersey should find an eager audience both inside and outside the academy. Clearly written, with superb anecdotes, the book could even work well in undergraduate classes, especially since it models for students how they might use English-language media sources in research projects quite firmly anchored in European history.” — Stephen L. Harp, Journal of Modern History “Anyone interested in learning more about the history of the Tour will find Reed’s work an engaging book. I certainly suggest reading it in conjunction with watching the Tour. More importantly, readers will see how sports histories clarify the spread of commercial culture to France, from Paris to the provinces, and the reflection of French culture back to the rest of the world in the era of globalization.” — Contemporary French Civilization “Reed’s text has much to recommend it to a wide and varied audience. Not only is the content very well researched (the bibliography is richly detailed and well organized showing the variety of archives, periodicals, autobiographies, interviews, and other academic and gray literature that construct this text) but it is also informative and sprinkled with trinkets of interesting information that will appeal to tour fans and those involved in sport cycling, alongside academics.” — Enterprise & Society 1 Sport, Bicycling, and Globalization in the Print Era: Convergences and Divergences 2 The Tour, Greatest of the Turn-of-the-Century Bicycle Races 3 The Tour and Television: A Love-Hate Story 4 The French School of Cycling 5 The Tour in the Provinces: Sport and Small Cities in the Global Age 6 The Tour’s Globalizing Agenda in the Television Age 7 The Global Tour and Its Stars Afterword: Doping and the Tour on the World Stage See other books on: Bicycle racing | Cycling | Global Era | Selling | Sports & Recreation Nearby on shelf for Recreation. Leisure / Sports / Cycling. Bicycling. Motorcycling:
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He is Chairman and CEO of Magic Johnson Enterprises, which provides products and services to ethnically diverse urban communities. Similarly, the Magic Johnson Development Corporation develops businesses and commercial property in neglected minority neighborhoods. He is also co-owner of the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Dodgers and Los Angeles Sparks. With an incredible history as an athlete, entrepreneur and HIV survivor, Magic is a top celebrity guest speaker whose humorous and heartfelt stories inspire at corporate and business conferences around the world. If you’ve watched the Tonight Show in the last 20 years, then you’ll recognize Jay Leno. As the famed host of the Tonight Show until 2014 and a legendary comedian, Jay has kept the world laughing with his smart, witty humor. He was named “Best Political Humorist” by Washington Magazine and was honored with the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. Behind the scenes, Jay is known as one of the hardest working people in show business, committed to bringing his very best work to every show. With his every-man comedic style, Jay is one of the top-rated celebrity guest speakers who brings thoughtful, relevant humor to corporate conferences. Fredrik Eklund If you like big personalities and, you’ll love Fredrik. Not only does he have an attention-grabbing personality, but he also has a fearless attitude when it comes to business. Fredrik is a top real estate agent in New York and Founder of the renowned Scandinavian real estate agency, Eklund Stockholm New York. He has set record sales in Manhattan and is frequently featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and New York Magazine as a real estate expert. Fredrik is the star of Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing New York and is a respected celebrity speaker for his leadership and sales expertise. His humor, confidence and impressive business success makes Fredrik one of the most sought after keynote speakers during business conferences today. Naomi Judd A story like Naomi’s is all it takes to believe in the American Dream. Starting out as a single mother, she soon shot to fame as a part of the mother/daughter country duo The Judds. After earning more than 60 industry awards, including six Grammy’s, Naomi retired from her music career after a sudden diagnosis of Hepatitis C. However she went on become the first national spokesperson for the American Liver Foundation and helps to spread awareness about the mind/body connection for healing. Naomi wrote the bestsellers Naomi’s Breakthrough Guide, 20 Choices to Transform Your Life, and Naomi’s Guide to Aging Gratefully. Today, she is one of the top celebrity keynote speakers at business conferences and events where she shares her inspirational story of perseverance and courage. Whoever said British humor is stuffy obviously never met John Oliver. As one of Britain’s most beloved stand-up comedians, John rose to fame as a correspondent for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. With his sharp, politically centered humor, he went on to host his own comedy series on HBO and starred in a one-hour stand-up special called Terrifying Times. He has won an Emmy for “Best Comedy Writing in a Comedy or Variety Series” and continues to shock and delight audiences around the world with this hard-hitting humor. As one of the smartest comics today, John is a top celebrity guest speaker during business conferences whose comedy not only makes you laugh, but also gets you thinking. In so many ways business is like sports. It requires courage, determination and strong leadership to win. Steve happens to be an expert in all of those areas. As a NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback with the San Francisco 49ers, he is credited with being the only quarterback to have won four passing titles, post four consecutive seasons with a rating above 100 and to post six consecutive 300-yard passing games. He is also the Managing Director and Co-Founder of HG Equity. As a celebrity speaker, Steve brings shares his experiences as a seasoned leader to offer businesses insights on what it takes to win. Celebrity Guest Speaker
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Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence The Salone dei Cinquecento was built in 1495, during the period of restauration of the Florentine Repubblic (after the expulsion of Piero de’ Medici in 1494), by Simone del Pollaiuolo called “il Cronaca” (1457-1508) he was assisted by Francesco di Domenico and by Antonio da Sangallo. The enormous Hall was built for wanting of the friar Girolamo Savonarola, to its ... Uffizi Gallery: the most important museum of Florence, and one of the most famous museums in the world Cities, Florence, Museums, Villas and Palaces, Province of Florence 843 Views The Uffizi Gallery is the most important museum of Florence and one of the most famous museums in the world. The building houses a superb collection of works of art, divided into several rooms arranged for schools and styles in chronological order. This is an immense artistic heritage, which includes thousands of pictures ranging from the medieval to modern, a ... Tuscany countryside, the area surrounding Montaione Red-wine corzetti pasta with fennel seeds Gaiole in Chianti: ancient market place of Chianti Badia a Coltibuono: a monastery transformed into a villa-farm Tomb of Michelangelo Buonarroti, Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence Statue of Perseus by Benvenuto Cellini: one of the most famous statues of Piazza della Signoria in Florence Basilica of San Miniato al Monte: a masterpiece of Tuscan Romanesque in Florence Church of San Biagio: the masterpiece of Antonio da Sangallo the Elder Piazza Grande: the most beautiful square in Arezzo Basilica of San Francesco: the Bacci Chapel and the frescoes of the Legend of the True Cross by Piero della Francesca San Gimignano: the city of beautiful towers, the Medieval New York Cala Violina: the most beautiful beach of Maremma Basilica of Santa Croce: the most beautiful Italian Gothic church Val d’Orcia: natural landscape masterfully shaped by man Piazzale Michelangelo: the most famous viewpoint of Florence Etruscan tombs in Castellina in Chianti: Montecalvario and Poggino Poppi: an impressive castle and a beautiful medieval village The Medici Fortress of Siena: the symbol of Florentine conquest of Siena Pienza: a small ideal city of the Renaissance in the Val d’Orcia Abbadia a Isola: a medieval abbey along the Via Francigena Church of Santa Maria del Carmine: the Brancacci Chapel the masterpiece of Masaccio Barberino Val d’Elsa: a medieval village in panoramic position in the Chianti Loro Ciuffenna: a medieval village with the oldest water mill of Tuscany Abbeys, basilicas and churches (19) Castles, towers and fortresses (4) Farmhouses, Bed and Breakfasts and Hotels (3) Frescoes (2) Walks, trails, hiking (2) Museums, Villas and Palaces (20) Natural Parks (5) Products and Crafts (1) Province of Arezzo (20) Upper Valdarno (3) Province of Florence (45) Florentine belt (1) Lower Valdarno (1) Mugello and Val di Sieve (1) Province of Grosseto (7) Maremma Grossetana (4) Maremma coast (4) Province of Livorno (5) Province of Lucca (6) Province of Massa and Carrara (5) Province of Pisa (5) Province of Pistoia (3) Province of Prato (4) Province of Siena (44) Val d'Orcia and Monte Amiata (8) Tuscan Recipes (2) Video: Towns and villages (3)
The Lilly Singh Empire: #GirlLove, 14 Million Subs, & Toothbrushes It can be pretty tough to live up to the nickname Superwoman, but Lilly Singh wears the cape well. Born in the Toronto suburb Scarborough, the 30-year-old Singh is not just one of Canada’s most prominent entertainers, but one of the world’s most recognizable stars in a digital era that is quickly changing the definition as to what “popular” means. With over 14 million subscribers, Singh—who acts, sings, writes, and dances under the Superwoman moniker—is one of YouTube’s fastest-rising stars and a standout breath of fresh air in a competitive digital entertainment world full of tired video game compilations, talk show clips, and music videos. Singh grew up in Toronto and attended York University, graduating in 2010, but then ended up unsure of what she wanted to do. After shooting some videos and posting them to YouTube, she realized this was something she could get the hang of, and it worked. Singh was the tenth highest-earning YouTuber in 2017, raking in over a reported $10 million USD for the year. She also picked up a number of awards and even penned her own book, How to be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life. Boss-status is exactly what Singh has achieved over the past few years, extending her entrepreneurial spirit to worthy causes like her #GirlLove campaign, a project designed to empower young girls to spread love, instead of hate, by complimenting other girls rather than insulting them. After posting the above video about the initiative in 2015, Singh partnered with WE charity, part of the ME to WE organization, and has gone on to raise millions of dollars and empower women all over the world. Techvibes caught up with Singh at Adobe MAX in Los Angeles last month to chat about the relationship between YouTube and high-level content creators, the evolution of digital entertainment, and how tech has shaped her life on and off the small screen. Most YouTubers handle both the creative and business sides of their content. What is the right balance between those two worlds? I have two completely opposite thoughts on this. I’m really grateful for how well-rounded my career has made me. I can write, and if I really had to edit or shoot something, I could. I can play all the roles—if I had to. I don’t have to because I have a phenomenal team. But having said that, I feel like for the YouTube machine the audience really wants someone who does it all. And sometimes I’m guilted into it, like “Oh you have a team now? That’s not authentic.” No, that’s not how entrepreneurs grow. They surround themselves with people who can help them grow bigger. I love that I can do everything, but I also love that I don’t have to. I think everyone should aspire to surround themselves with people who allow them to do more, and I don’t think they should feel guilty about that. That doesn’t mean you’re a sellout. Being able to sleep doesn’t make you a sellout. For the people who don’t yet have a team to surround them and help, is it important to learn a bit about everything? I think right now, currently, in my career, I might not completely know what my team is doing on an everyday basis, but I can kind of gauge it because I have been in similar roles to them, and to be honest, that makes me a better leader. When you’re starting out it’s important because you should have control of your vision, and that should be the case later on too, but when you’re in the building stages, it’s incredibly important. And that’s hard—it’s a very hard thing to do. How has your understanding of technology in the digital entertainment space changed since you started eight years ago? Back then, and even today, I am not a pro editor by any means. Especially when I started out—I have a degree in psychology, so I never edited a video in my life until I started making YouTube videos. Freud could not help me with the video editing. I remember just wanting to use programs that made it seem like I knew what I was doing. Give me those powerful features where I can tell the story I want to tell. You just want to tell a story when you’re starting out. You don’t want to get super technical. I started making videos on my webcam, and then I slowly graduated into an SLR. It’s not so much what camera you shoot with, or what the sound equipment is, but it’s the story. But the tech that has impacted me the most is that platform, so YouTube itself—you know, the introduction of annotations, and cards, and new ways to drive people to a playlist. Do you learn about YouTube updates before they are released? Yes, I sleep in a tent outside YouTube headquarters, and then I beg them to tell me. No, but I do sometimes get a bit of a heads up about features. They’re really good at explaining these things to us and how we can use them. Other times, I find out when everyone else does. If they do tell us in advance, it’s so we can play with it and figure out how to best use it. An example would be liking and pinning comments—we got a heads up about that. Do you get to share your feedback with YouTube and feel like you’re being heard? Yes. I feel like YouTube is such a massive platform, so it’s really hard when you personally try to implement a change. But one thing they’re good at is listening to creators. For a recent example, I went straight to the CEO and said I feel like creators should have an option to choose which brands advertise on their videos. Brands have a lot of that functionality themselves—they can request a creator that’s family friendly or things like that. I want to make sure if a brand advertises on my videos, you know, I want to make sure 50 per cent of their staff is women, or that they don’t invest in horrible things around the world. YouTube really took that into account. I saw Susan [Wojcicki, YouTube CEO] a few days ago, and she told me exactly what I told my partner manager, so they all do really interact with each other. Diversity has been a key issue in the tech world recently. How do you advance your stance on the issue further and spread it to other partners or creators? With our social good campaign #GirlLove, every time I travel or I’m on a tour, I try to do some sort of activation where I meet with a bunch of younger female creators, and I basically empower them on a bunch of best practices, like how to convey a message on the internet. Because the best way I’ve learned to do that is not to be preachy, and not to make a video like “This is why women need respect.” It’s through different vehicles like comedy and music and poetry. I try to teach young aspiring creators the best practices in what I’ve done. I also try to be an advocate to creators in different ways. Recently I did a partnership with YouTube Music. I said, “I’ll do it because I want to, but also I want you to hold a little seminar for creators in Toronto so they can learn from each other.” I want to pay it forward to creators and teach them things because I know what that feels like. I vividly remember what it felt like reaching 1,000 subscribers and how hard that was. #GirlLove has become very successful. Are you looking to start more initiatives like this in the future? I am down to partner with any brand that is about creativity, or about inspiring people to be creative and tell their story. Life right now is about storytelling and creative expression, and being able to do that through technology and various platforms. Of course, diversity also, because everyone’s going to be a level of beige anyways eventually, so we should just embrace it. Brown people—we’ll get you, and we’ll have babies with you, and everyone will be beige. So you can’t escape us. End quote. Is there a piece of technology you cannot live without? My car. It’s a Tesla (Model S), and I don’t say that as like “ooh I drive a Tesla.” It’s just so smart. I can’t parallel park, so it’s a godsend. I have my new iPhone XS Max, which I’m really into as well. One of the biggest problems I had—this is so basic—is if I’m wearing a cute outfit like I am today, [Editor’s note: Singh ensured I wrote that her outfit was cute] I can’t take good pictures because we’re always backlit. This camera has solved that, which I love. Oh, and my dad just gave me an electric toothbrush, and honestly, it’s just the way he sold it to me. He sat down and it was a 30-minute conversation about this toothbrush. He was like, “It comes with a travel case and it charges.” He gave me the stats about how much plaque it destroys, it was a whole thing. So I’m going to say the toothbrush, just because he was so excited. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
51: Citizen Kane Today, Citizen Kane is considered by many to be one of the greatest films of all time. However, when the movie Citizen Kane was released, the man who’s life inspired the film was outraged. He tried his best to keep the movie from seeing the light of day. What would spark such outrage? Let’s compare history with Citizen Kane: In 1938, the entire world had a heightened sense of awareness. Adolf Hitler had seized power in Germany just four years before and the world was beginning to see the Nazi Party’s vision for it. Capitalizing on this fear, on October 30th, 1938, a young actor, writer and producer named Orson Welles released a radio broadcast that was so realistic it caused a panic. War of the Worlds told the story of how aliens were invading in an innovative way. Instead of telling it like a story, it told the story through a number of breaking news segments that were interjected into regular broadcasts. Without any other means of news, people had no idea it was fake news. Despite the chaos it caused, War of the Worlds cemented Orson Welles as a household name. No doubt eager to play off this success, many tried to lure Orson to Hollywood with no success. That is, until Orson’s next two projects, both theatrical plays, were massive flops and left him nearly bankrupt. So, on August 21st, 1939, Orson signed a deal with RKO Pictures to write, direct, produce and act in two films. Despite having been contractually given full creative control over the films, his first two ideas never materialized. One of them because it would’ve been over budget and the other simply stalled after Orson started on a third idea. This idea came from another screenwriter named Herman J. Mankiewicz. It was Herman who suggested to Orson the idea of creating a film based on the life of one of the most powerful men in Hollywood at the time—William Randolph Hearst. Together, the men started working on the screenplay. Except there was one issue: Herman hated William Randolph Hearst because he’d been outcast by the media mogul. Perhaps it’s not surprising, then, that when Citizen Kane was about to be released, William Randolph Hearst himself tried to keep the film from seeing the light of day. And he almost succeeded. Threatening to sue RKO if they didn’t release the film, Orson won out when Citizen Kane was released exactly 76 years ago today, on May 1st, 1941. The lead role of Charles Foster Kane may have been a fictional name, but that didn’t stop Hearst from trying to keep the movie from being released. So that begs the question—was anything we saw in the movie Citizen Kane true? The true story behind Citizen Kane The movie begins with a close up shot of a No Trespassing sign. As the camera pans around to a rather foreboding home. Well, it’s more than just a home. It’s a mansion. There’s a couple monkeys in a cage that says Bengal Tiger—no tiger in sight—but there is an overgrown golf course. There’s an overall sense of neglect and abandon as the camera takes us to the lone light in an otherwise dark and dreary mansion. Inside, we see a man holding a snow globe. Uttering a single word, Rosebud, the snow globe falls to the floor. That man is Charles Foster Kane, and in the film Kane is played by the film’s director, producer and co-writer, Orson Welles. As viewers of the film, we don’t really know who Charles Kane is until the next scene. That’s when there’s a news reel that explains it’s 1941 and Kane was a newspaper tycoon. The character of Charles Kane is a fictitious character, but he’s based on a very real person—William Randolph Hearst. Like Charles Kane in the film, William Randolph Hearst was a newspaper tycoon who not only was insanely wealthy, but he owned the news. Historians today credit Hearst with being the father of sensationalist journalism along with one of his competitors, Joseph Pulitzer. Or, by another name, yellow journalism. Simply put, Hearst wasn’t above doing what it took to tell a story in his papers that would help sell his papers. That included shallow reporting techniques, fudging facts or, in some cases, completely making up stories. So the character of Charles Kane we see throughout Citizen Kane is very obviously based on Hearst. Except in truth, Hearst didn’t pass away until 1951, ten years after the year depicted in the film. Of course, Citizen Kane was released in 1941 while Hearst was still alive, so it was pretty bold of Orson Welles to base the film on a real person who was still alive, and open the film with a statement that he was dying that very same year. Back in the movie, during the news reel that explains who Charles Kane was, there’s a passing mention of Hitler. The voice over doesn’t say anything about Hitler, but we see a shot with Orson Welles’ version of Kane next to a character who is obviously trying to be the Nazi leader. This, too, is based on reality. As a quick refresher, Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany in the year 1933. The following year, in 1934, Hearst traveled to Germany to meet with Hitler. The outcome of this meeting was Hitler being contracted by Hearst to write articles for Hearst’s papers. As shocking as this may sound, it’s also worth pointing out that Hearst contracted other world leaders, like Mussolini and Churchill as well. But Hearst liked the nationalism of Hitler’s Germany, and even went so far as to start using a phrase that might sound eerily familiar even today: “America First”. It was a slogan that President Woodrow Wilson started using after World War I, and Hearst took it to campaign his own nationalist ideas. While many Jews in the U.S. understandably started to think Hearst was an anti-Semite because of his associations with Hitler, on November 9th, 1938, an event would happen that would change all of that. Today we know of it as Kristallnacht, or night of broken glass, and it took place during the night sometime between November 9th and 10th. That’s when Nazis and German civilians alike smashed Jewish-owned stores throughout the city of Danzig. Sadly, over 90 Jews were murdered and somewhere around 30,000 more were hauled off to concentration camps—their fates sealed. Many considered this to be the first of what would ultimately be many attacks by the Nazis on the Jewish people. As for Hearst, once he found out about this he made sure to immediately stop any Nazi ideas from publishing in his papers. Instead, he made sure to publish German atrocities on the front page whenever possible while many other papers in the U.S. kept those stories for back pages. But that’s not all he did as he transitioned into an unlikely ally for Jews around the world. Hearst advocated for a homeland for persecuted Jews and, according to one source, published an article stating, “Remember, Americans, this is not a Jewish problem. It is a human problem.” So it would seem that despite his nationalist views that might have been on par with some of the same views from Nazi leadership, that’s about as far as it went. Back in the movie, it’s during the opening news reel when the reporters putting together the reel find out about Charles Kane’s last word: Rosebud. That’s when one of the reporters, a character named Jerry Thompson, is tasked with finding out what the word “Rosebud” means. The character of Jerry Thompson is played by William Alland in the movie. It’s as Thompson is digging into Kane’s life when we see a flashback of a young Charles Kane with a man named Thatcher. The gist we get from the film here is that Kane was born into a poor family, but he went to live with Thatcher at a young age. Thatcher, who’s played by George Coulouris in the film, is a well-off man who offers a better education for Kane. Oh, and we also hear a line from Kane’s mother, who’s played by Agnes Moorehead, where she implies that Kane’s father physically abused their young son by saying something to the effect of Thatcher will help young Charles be brought up in a place where his father can’t get at him. Although some film critics throughout history have suggested the line from Mrs. Kane in the film simply means she’s overprotective of young Charles and that is has nothing to do with physical abuse. That might be more in line with the real William Randolph Hearst, who’s own mother was very protective of him. While most of the details we’ve seen so far have been pretty loose to history, the idea that Hearst was shipped off by his parents is pretty much all made up. The real William Randolph Hearst was never sent off to live with a wealthy man like Thatcher. Hearst’s father failed at striking it rich during the California Gold Rush, but would later make a fortune mining silver in Utah. He then used that money to invest in gold and silver mines, so by the time young William was born, the Hearst family were millionaires. So you could say both Kane and Hearst grew up in wealthy homes, although for Hearst it was his biological family. Probably the most accurate depiction in the film is that both the fictional Charles Kane and the real William Randolph Hearst were extremely close to their mothers. For Kane, as viewers we’re left to assume the reasons, but for Hearst it was because his mother sheltered him from the world as a child. That included hardly ever seeing his father, who traveled frequently between his businesses and his role in the California State Senate. In the movie, as a grown Charles Kane builds his media empire, he indulges himself in the finer things in life. One of those is the massive mansion we saw in the beginning of the film on top of a man-made mountain. The mansion, which is called Xanadu in the movie, is complete with a golf course, gardens, a zoo and plenty of priceless works of art. All of this was based on Hearst’s real home. William started building what’s referred to as Hearst Castle in 1919 on a 250,000 acre plot of land that includes the slopes of a 3,500 foot tall peak called Pine Mountain. Like the fictional Xanadu, Hearst Castle was massive. It is massive—it’s still around today. To give you an idea of scale, Hearst Castle has 56 bedrooms, 61 bathrooms, tennis courts, an air strip, a movie theater, almost 130 acres of gardens, multiple swimming pools booth indoor and out, and, just like the zoo we saw in the movie, during William Hearst’s time, Hearst Castle had the world’s largest private zoo. In fact, as of this recording, if you go visit Hearst Castle, which is now maintained by the state of California, you’ll still be able to see zebras roaming the grounds today. Those zebras are descended from those Hearst himself had brought in for his zoo. In the movie, there’s a scene where Charles Kane makes a big deal out of publishing his declaration of principles. These principles include delivering the news honestly to the people of New York City. As best as I can tell, this was never something Hearst ever promised to do. In fact, as we learned earlier, Hearst was never one to shy away from sensationalizing the story. That’s something Kane did as well, but the difference here seems to be that Hearst never tried to hide his intentions. Those intentions being to control the news. While this isn’t mentioned in Citizen Kane at all, one of the biggest challenges to Hearst was another newspaperman who had exactly those same intentions. I’m speaking, of course, about William Randolph Hearst’s bitter rival, Joseph Pulitzer. We learned a bit more about him in the Newsies episode. Both being in New York City, it was a bitter rivalry that saw both Hearst and Pulitzer creating more and more sensational, and often fictional, headlines and stories to try to take subscribers from the other. Another character we meet in Citizen Kane is Charles Kane’s girlfriend and then wife, Emily Norton. In the movie the character of Emily is played by Ruth Warrick. This relationship is short-lived, though. At least as far as the movie timeline is concerned. We get the sense of sometime passing as Charles and Emily Kane have a son. But before long, Charles ends up having an affair with a pretty young singer named Susan Alexander. She’s portrayed by Dorothy Comingore in the film. All of these characters are fictional, but as we’ve seen many times before there is some basis in truth. It was in 1903 when William Randolph Hearst married a young singer by the name of Millicent Wilson. As the movie shows, the young couple was happy at first. But they didn’t have just one son like we saw in the film. Instead, William and Millicent had a total of five sons. That was until Marion Davies. We don’t really know exactly when William met Marion, but many historians have assumed Marion was the basis for Susan Alexander in Citizen Kane. The facts seem to line up. Marion was an actress not a singer, but in the film Charles Kane builds an opera house for Susan. In reality, William Randolph Hearst started a movie studio to help Marion’s budding acting career in 1918. In 1919, William and Marion moved in together while he was still married to Millicent. We don’t know what the final straw was, but maybe it was like what we saw dramatized in the film. It was at some point in the mid-1920s, Millicent was fed up with the open affair and left Hearst. Despite these similarities, Orson Welles denied that the character of Susan Alexander was based on Marion Davies. Instead, Welles said in one interview that he had a great deal of respect for Marion Davies as an actress. According to Welles, he felt Hearst’s attempts at helping Marion ended up doing more harm than good—she was always overshadowed by Hearst’s fortune. Was she really a good actress? Or was she just getting roles because Hearst was paying for it? Those are questions that have always circled her career, even to this day. Back in the movie, there’s a moment where we see Orson Welles’ version of Charles Kane making a passionate speech. Behind him on the stage is a massive poster with his face and simply the word “Kane”. This is how we find out Charles Kane is running for a political office, as governor of New York. According to the movie, he’s doing well until his political career, along with Kane’s hopes of landing the office of governor, is dashed to pieces when his affair with Susan Alexander is publicized. The true story for William Randolph Hearst was actually quite similar to what we saw in the film for Charles Kane. Except there’s more to the real story than what we saw in Citizen Kane. It was 1900, or about five years after Hearst’s mom loaned him the money to buy his first newspaper on the east coast, the New York Journal, when Hearst entered politics. If you recall, his father was a politician, too, so many historians assume that’s where he got the inspiration. After years of campaigning, Hearst would end up winning two elections for successive terms as a Democrat in the House of Representatives in 1902 and 1904. Although, interestingly, Hearst’s progressive political leanings at this point in his life would shift a few decades later when he started petitioning for an ultra-conservative viewpoint in the 1930s. Those were the only political victories he’d garner. This is where the movie likely drew its inspiration, as after leaving congress, Hearst then proceeded to lose elections for the office of mayor of New York City twice and, like the movie shows, one bid to try to become the governor of New York in 1906. In the movie, time passes as Charles Kane and Susan, now Charles’ wife, are living in Xanadu, their massive home. Susan keeps complaining with nothing to do but sit there and do puzzles. According to Hearst’s own family and descendants, this whole vibe given off by Xanadu in the film is far from truth. This comparison of the fictional Xanadu with the real Hearst Castle came out in 2012 when Citizen Kane was shown at the theater at Hearst Castle for the first time—70 years after it was released. It would seem after all that time, the Hearst family buried the hatchet with the movie. During the media buzz that surrounded the screening, William Randolph Hearst’s great-grandson, Steve Hearst, explained in an interview that Hearst Castle was always lively. That’s a far cry from the dark, depressing and sad feeling Xanadu has toward the end of the film. Oh, and the Hearst family also confirmed that despite his rigorous campaigns to keep Citizen Kane from being released, William Randolph Hearst himself refused to see the film. At the end of the movie, Thompson, the reporter who began the investigation into Kane’s final word at the beginning of the film, is at Xanadu. We’re no longer in the flashbacks of Kane’s life. Kane has passed and there’s an unfathomable amount of art and statues being boxed up and sold. There’s some truth to this comparison here, too, because like the fictional Charles Kane, the real William Randolph Hearst was an avid art collector. Hearst Castle was littered with priceless art treasures from around the world. Well, not littered, they were very meticulously placed no doubt, but they were spread around the entire property. In fact, Hearst’s love of art was something he was publicly criticized for when many people thought perhaps his art was originally owned by Jews. In the 1930s and 40s, countless Jews had their belongings stolen by the Nazis. Much of that was art that was either destroyed, simply disappeared, or were sold to new owners somehow. We don’t know for sure where all of the proceeds for these sales went, but wars aren’t cheap, so it wouldn’t be surprising if some of that money made its way to help fund the Nazi war effort. As we learned earlier, Hearst was vehemently opposed to the Nazi party after Kristallnacht. So while Hearst bought, and no doubt had others buy for him, a massive amount of art, he seemed to have gone out of his way to try to ensure any of the art he bought wasn’t stolen from Jewish families by the Nazis. In the movie, there’s some other reporters at Xanadu with Thompson who inquire about Kane’s final word, Rosebud. What did it mean? Thompson says he could never find out for sure. Thompson surmises that Kane was a man who got everything he wanted in life, but lost it all in the end. Perhaps “Rosebud” was the one thing he wanted but couldn’t get. This analysis is one that has led to the term “Rosebud” being used by countless people to refer to something they want but can’t have. In the very last shot of the film, though, we see one of the artifacts being cast into a furnace is a sled. It’s the same sled we saw Kane holding as a child in the last scene with his parents, before he went to live with Thatcher. On the sled is a single word: Rosebud. So what of the real Rosebud? For as many theories about what Rosebud meant in Citizen Kane, there’ve been even more theories about what the real Rosebud might’ve been. Some simple theories, like there is no real Rosebud. It’s just a metaphor. Some more risqué, like when Orson Welles himself would laugh and say Rosebud was Charles Kane’s nickname for his wife’s genitalia. The truth, it would seem, is much less racy, and perhaps more in line with what we saw in the film. Alongside Orson Welles, the other co-writer of Citizen Kane was Herman Mankiewicz. The most historically plausible theory comes from Richard Meryman, who wrote a biography about Herman named MANK: The Wit, World and Life of Herman Mankiewicz. In the book, Richard explains a story where Herman was given a bicycle for Christmas in 1907. At the time, Herman was ten years old and he loved the bike he affectionally named Rosebud. One day, Herman rode Rosebud to the library so he could study for school. When he came back outside, the bike was gone. Devastated, he asked his parents if he could get another one. They refused, blaming him for being too careless when he left it unattended out front of the public library. Sadly, Herman passed away way too early at only 55 years old on March 5th, 1953, just a couple years after William Randolph Hearst. This has left decades for professional and amateur film critics alike to contemplate and theorize on exactly what Rosebud meant. In 2011, a man named Dallas Adams, who happens to own his own bicycle shop appropriately named Citizen Chain, conducted an interview with Herman’s son, Frank Mankiewicz. In the interview, Frank confirmed that Rosebud indeed was his father’s bicycle. LINKS AND MORE RESOURCES BOATS Links Chat about the show on the Based on a True Story Facebook group Support the show at Patreon Let me know what you think of the show on Twitter Mank: The wit, world, and life of Herman Mankiewicz: Richard Meryman: 9780688033569: Books The Times We Had : Life with William Randolph Hearst: Marion Davies, Orson Welles: 9780345327390: Books Hey Oscar, What was Rosebud? (Hint: Not a Sled) | The Blog of Bike Shop Hub Citizen Kane (1941) – IMDb Citizen Kane – Wikipedia Citizen Kane (1941) – Synopsis Citizen Kane released – May 01, 1941 – Is Citizen Kane based on true story? | Yahoo Answers Was “Citizen Kane” really about Hearst? William Randolph Hearst “The True Story of Orson Welles and `Citizen Kane'” by Richard Brooks London Observer Service – St Louis Post-Dispatch (MO), March 8, 1997 | Online Research Library: Questia The Story Behind Citizen Kane | GamesRadar+ William Randolph Hearst – Wikipedia William Randolph Hearst – Facts & Summary – William Randolph Hearst Biography and Profile William Randolph Hearst | American newspaper publisher | William Randolph Hearst – Publisher, Business Leader – Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds panic myth: The infamous radio broadcast did not cause a nationwide hysteria. Orson Welles – Wikipedia The War of the Worlds (radio drama) – Wikipedia American Experience . The Battle Over Citizen Kane | PBS In a first, ‘Citizen Kane’ to screen at Hearst Castle theater – LA Times Gather Ye Rosebuds: ‘Citizen Kane’ To Screen At Hearst Castle : NPR Citizen Kane and the meaning of Rosebud | Film | The Guardian What does Rosebud mean in Citizen Kane? – Quora What was Rosebud? A theory ‘Citizen Kane’ 76 years later: Still searching for the meaning of ‘rosebud’ The mystery of Rosebud – explanation | Advertisement feature | Hearst family forgive Orson Welles for Citizen Kane after 71 years | Film | The Guardian Citizen Kane: A Portrayal Of William Randolph Hearst | Novelguide Citizen Kane ‘feud’ between Orson Welles and William Randolph Hearst thaws after 70 years – Telegraph Welles vs. Hearst: The Story Behind Citizen Kane – YouTube William Randolph Hearst – Friend of Hitler -HiddenMysteries Conspiracy Archive Hearst and the Holocaust – Opinion – Jerusalem Post William Randolph Hearst Gave ‘America First’ Its Nationalistic Edge With His Admiration for Hitler’s Germany – The Atlantic EN_NU_NS_hearst.pdf Made with ♥ in #OKC by danlefeb.
Advancing peer review Standards and affiliations Partnerships and societies Publication costs and funding OA funding and policy support Scientific press releases Impacts of parental separation on school children Children whose parents have separated may be more likely to have low social wellbeing at school, particularly if they experienced separation between ages two to five years, research published in the open access journal BMC Pediatrics suggests. A team of researchers from Aarhus University, Denmark, found that compared with children from intact families, children whose parents had separated had significantly higher odds of being bullied, feeling lonely and unhappy at school (low social wellbeing). To examine family structure and social wellbeing at school the authors compared data from the first annual Danish National Well-being Questionnaire in 2015 with data on family structure from a national register. Out of the 219,226 children and adolescents in Denmark included in the study, 68,793 (31%) came from “dissolved” families, meaning that they did not live continuously with both parents. Among children whose parents had separated, those aged nine to 12 were more likely to have low social wellbeing at school than those aged 13 to 16, regardless of their age at the time of separation. Children aged two to five at the time of separation had consistently higher odds of low social wellbeing at school than those aged six to ten. Lena Hohwü, the corresponding author said: “We expected that children would have a higher level of social wellbeing at school if parental separation occurs when they are older rather than younger because a considerable part of the socialization process has already taken place. Our findings seem to confirm that expectation. By contrast, children who are younger at the time of family dissolution may be expected to have lower social wellbeing at school as they may have experienced more changes in family structure, for example having stepparents”. 51% of children aged two to five at the time of separation had experienced two changes in family structure during their lives, in comparison to 38% of children age six to ten and 15% of children aged 11 to 16. Children aged 11 to 16 at the time of separation who had experienced more than two changes in family structure (such as gaining a step parent) had the greatest odds of low social wellbeing at school. Lena Hohwü said: “Our findings suggest that the school may be an important setting where children at risk of poor well-being, as a result of parental separation, can be identified and receive help and support”. The authors caution that as data was taken from the first Danish National Wellbeing Questionnaire, data on children’s social wellbeing at school prior to parental separation was not available. Previous research has found that children can be affected by parental separation at least two to four years before the separation is finalised, possibly due to parental conflict. Deborah Kendall Assistant Press Officer E: 1. Research article: Family dissolution and children’s social well-being at school: A historic cohort study Hohmann et al. BMC Pediatrics 2019 The article is available at the journal website. Please name the journal in any story you write. If you are writing for the web, please link to the article. All articles are available free of charge, according to BMC's open access policy. 2. BMC Pediatrics is an open access journal publishing peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of health care in neonates, children and adolescents, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. 3. A pioneer of open access publishing, BMC has an evolving portfolio of high quality peer-reviewed journals including broad interest titles such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine, specialist journals such as Malaria Journal and Microbiome, and the BMC series. At BMC, research is always in progress. We are committed to continual innovation to better support the needs of our communities, ensuring the integrity of the research we publish, and championing the benefits of open research. BMC is part of Springer Nature, giving us greater opportunities to help authors connect and advance discoveries across the world.
Mum sent picture of her ex-boyfriend's penis to friend in revenge porn case Lisa Greaves admitted she acted out of malice in sending revealing picture A mum sent a picture of her ex-boyfriend’s penis to one of his friends in an act of revenge porn. Lisa Greaves text the graphic image to the victim’s friend after they had split up which had caused him a “lot of stress and embarrassment.” When quizzed she accepted sending the photo saying she did it because she was “annoyed” with her ex-partner and it was “out of malice.” The 25-year-old of Barcheston Road, Weoley Castle , admitted a charge of disclosing private sexual photos. Lisa Greaves sent a picture of her ex-boyfriend’s penis to one of his friends in an act of revenge porn She was fined £135 after Birmingham magistrates said they were prepared to accept that her action had been a “one off.” Greaves was also ordered to pay £100 compensation, £100 costs and a £35 victim surcharge. Angela Hallan, prosecuting, said the victim and the defendant had been in a relationship for about two years and both had children from previous relationships. They separated after he had been convicted of assaulting her but they got back together in January last year. “He described her as being possessive and he again decided to end the relationship. “As a result of that he was bombarded with phone calls and text messages. “He tried his best to ignore it but it carried on.” Drug runner took BABY along with £48,000 worth of heroin and MDMA Miss Hallan said the couple started a relationship for a third time in September but again things did not turn out as planned and there was a further back and forth of messages. “There was a text message which included a picture of the victim’s penis that was sent to his friend,” she said. Miss Hallan said the friend then forwarded it to the victim who was caused a “lot of stress and embarrassment.” He said he was “sick” of Greaves and wanted no more contact with her. Pole dance instructor attacked THREE bouncers in drunken wedding rampage Simon Bailey, defending, said it was the kind of case that could have been dealt with by Greaves being given a warning or caution. He said rather than her pursuing him he had repeatedly contacted her. Mr Bailey said he had seen the photo, which he described as of poor quality. But the prosecutor said that, on her laptop, the image was very clear. Bartley Green and Weoley
Ed Sheeran now has the highest grossing tour of all time LOS ANGELES — Ed Sheeran’s Divide Tour is one for the record books. Pollstar confirms the 28-year-old British singer‘s tour will set the all-time highest-grossing tour record with Friday’s show in Hannover, Germany. Pollstar forecasts the total gross to this point of $736.7 million will top the previous record of $735.4 million set by U2 in 2011. In a statement, Sheeran calls it “amazing.” The Divide Tour launched on Mar. 16, 2017, and is due to end on Aug. 26. That’s 893 days compared to the 760 days U2 spent on the road. Sheeran’s tour topped U2’s attendance record of 7.3 million on May 24 in France with a total attendance of 7,315,970. Sheeran released his “No.6 Collaborations Project” album in July, featuring collaborations with Justin Bieber, Stormzy, Eminem, 50 Cent and Bruno Mars. Click Here: cheap true religion jeans
Kicking off the 2014 Google Science Fair: It’s your turn to change the world Clare Conway Google Science Fair team What if you could turn one of your passions into something that could change the world? That's just what thousands of teens have done since the first Google Science Fair in 2011. These students have tackled some of today’s greatest challenges, like an anti-flu medicine, more effective ways to beat cancer, an exoskeletal glove, a battery-free flashlight, banana bioplastics and more efficient ways of farming. Now it’s time to do it again: we're calling for students ages 13-18 to submit their brilliant ideas for the fourth annual Google Science Fair, in partnership with Virgin Galactic, Scientific American, LEGO Education and National Geographic. All you need to participate is curiosity and an Internet connection. Project submissions are due May 12, and the winners will be announced at the finalist event at Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., on September 22. Google Science Fair 2014: It's more than science In addition to satisfying your curious mind, your project can also win you some pretty cool prizes. This year’s grand prize winner will have the chance to join the Virgin Galactic team at Spaceport America in New Mexico as they prepare for space flight and will be among the first to welcome the astronauts back to Earth, a 10-day trip to the Galapagos Islands aboard the National Geographic Endeavour and a full year’s digital access to Scientific American magazine for their school. Age category winners will have a choice between going behind the scenes at the LEGO factory in Billund, Denmark or an amazing experience at either a Google office or National Geographic. For the 2014 competition, we’ll also give two new awards to celebrate even more talented young scientists: The Computer Science Award will be given to a project that champions innovation and excellence in the field of computer science. Local Award Winners—students whose projects have attempted to address an issue relevant to their community—will be honored in select locations globally. And the Scientific American Science In Action award will once again honor a project that addresses a health, resource or environmental challenge. The winner will receive a year’s mentoring from Scientific American and a $50,000 grant toward their project. Stay updated throughout the competition on our Google+ page, get inspired by participating in virtual field trips and ask esteemed scientists questions in our Hangout on Air series. If you need help jump-starting your project, try out the Idea Springboard for inspiration. What do you love? What are you good at? What problem have you always dreamed of solving? Get started with your project today—it’s your turn to change the world. Young coders are shaping Singapore’s future Doodle for Google 2020: How do you show kindness? Happy CSEdWeek! I’m feeling inspired. Europe and Africa code weeks: 136,000 students learn to code
Closing bell: Stocks inch to new records; S&P 500 up 4 straight weeks Feb 17, 2017 at 5:12 PM Feb 21, 2017 at 2:40 PM Stock indexes inched ahead to record highs Friday, barely, after a late-afternoon push erased losses from earlier in the day. NEW YORK — Stock indexes inched ahead to record highs Friday, barely, after a late-afternoon push erased losses from earlier in the day. It caps the fourth straight week of gains for the Standard & Poor's 500 index, its longest such streak since July. Reports through the week showed that the economy is improving and corporate profits are growing more quickly than analysts expected. The encouraging data, along with hopes for lower taxes and other business-friendly policies from Washington, pushed the S&P 500 to a 1.5 percent rise last week, its best weekly performance since the first week of January. The S&P 500 rose 3.94 points Friday, or 0.2 percent, to 2,351.16. The Dow Jones industrial average edged up by 4.28 points, less than 0.1 percent, to 20,624.05 and also set a record. The Nasdaq rose 23.68, or 0.4 percent, to 5,838.58, its own all-time high. Slightly more stocks fell than rose on the New York Stock Exchange. The last two days have been lackluster for stocks, with the S&P 500 dipping on Thursday, in comparison to the strong run they had been on. That slowdown was more a result of investors looking to cash in some profits than on any fear or need to get out of the market, said JJ Kinahan, chief market strategist at TD Ameritrade. "People don't want unnecessary risk heading into a three-day weekend," he said. "This is more about taking off risk than about aggressive selling." U.S. markets will be closed Monday for Presidents Day. Kinahan pointed to relative calmness in the markets for the VIX index, which measures expectations for upcoming volatility in the S&P 500, and for gold, a traditional landing spot when investors are nervous. Kraft Heinz surged to the biggest gain in the S&P 500 after it made an offer to buy European consumer goods giant Unilever. Unilever rejected the bid, which offered 18 percent more than where Unilever's shares closed on Thursday, and called it too low. Kraft Heinz, which is behind the Lunchables and Oscar Mayer brands, jumped $9.37, or 10.7 percent, to $96.65. U.S.-listed shares of Unilever, which sells Breyers ice cream and Dove soap, surged $5.96, or 14 percent, to $48.53. Campbell Soup had the biggest drop in the S&P 500 after the company surprised analysts by reporting weaker revenue in its latest quarter than a year earlier. Its earnings were better than Wall Street had forecast, however. Shares fell $4.07, or 6.5 percent, to $58.48. General Mills fell $2.31, or 3.8 percent, to $59.23 after it warned of tougher times ahead. It said weaker-than-expected U.S. sales of yogurt and soup pushed it to cut its sales and profit forecast for its fiscal year, which ends in May. Treasury yields gave back some of the gains they made earlier in the week. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 2.42 percent from 2.45 percent late Thursday. The two-year yield dipped to 1.19 percent from 1.21 percent, and the 30-year Treasury yield sank to 3.02 percent from 3.05 percent. In European stock markets, the French CAC 40 index fell 0.7 percent, Germany's DAX was virtually flat and the U.K. FTSE 100 rose 0.3 percent. In Asia, Japan's Nikkei 225 index fell 0.6 percent, the Hang Seng in Hong Kong fell 0.3 percent and South Korea's Kospi index slipped 0.1 percent. The dollar fell to 112.93 Japanese yen from 113.11 yen late Thursday. The euro fell to $1.0607 from $1.0677, and the British pound fell to $1.2416 from $1.2497. Benchmark U.S. crude oil rose 4 cents to settle at $53.40 a barrel. Brent crude, the international standard, fell 16 cents to close at $55.81 a barrel. Natural gas fell 2 cents to $2.83 per 1,000 cubic feet, wholesale gasoline fell nearly 1 cent to $1.52 per gallon and heating oil rose a fraction of a penny to $1.64 per gallon. Gold fell $2.50 to settle at $1,239.10 per ounce, silver fell 4 cents to $18.03 per ounce and copper fell 1 cent to $2.71 per pound.
Tillerson: Trump Undecided About U.S. Embassy Move To Jerusalem Carlos Barria/Reuters Deborah Danan TEL AVIV – President Donald Trump is still undecided as to whether to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday, contradicting earlier assurances from the White House that the move will certainly happen at some point. “He has not made that decision yet, to my knowledge,” Tillerson told the House Foreign Affairs Committee. On June 1, Trump signed a six-month waiver of a congressional mandate on moving the embassy. Tillerson said that until the next waiver comes due, the administration plans to review the policy. At the time, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer attempted to water down the signing with assurances that an embassy relocation was definitely on the horizon. “The question is not if that move happens, but only when,” Spicer said on June 1. During the committee hearing, Tillerson also tried to water down comments made a day earlier affirming the cessation of payments made by the Palestinian Authority to terrorists and their families. “We will continue this dialogue with them,” Tillerson said, referring to the Palestinian leadership. “We’ve taken the position to the Palestinian Authority in a very unequivocal way: You either take care of this yourself or someone else will take care of it for you,” he went on. “Those are the words that I have used with them.” Both Israel and Ramallah rejected Tillerson’s claim that the PA promised to end the payments. Israel / Middle EastNational SecurityPoliticsDonald Trumpembassy moveIsraelJerusalemTel AvivTillersonU.S. embassy
News in February Bristol provides first long-term look at predictors of suicide attempts 14 March 2019 Academics at the University of Bristol have taken the first long-term look at potential factors that could lead to suicide attempts in high-risk young people. Bristol launches collaboration with Institute of Statistical Mathematics in Japan 28 February 2019 The University of Bristol’s Jean Golding Institute (JGI) for data science and data-intensive research has announced a new academic and research collaboration with the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) in Japan. Antibiotic prescribing in primary care 27 February 2019 New research on when and how GPs should prescribe antibiotics for common infections is published in The BMJ today [Wednesday 27 February] and is accompanied by an editorial response from the University of Bristol's Centre for Academic Primary Care (CAPC). Pioneering trial offers hope for restoring brain cells damaged in Parkinson's 27 February 2019 Results from a pioneering clinical trials programme that delivered an experimental treatment directly to the brain offer hope that it may be possible to restore the cells damaged in Parkinson's. History postgraduates enjoy the flexibility of studying part-time 26 February 2019 The flexibility of studying part-time was very much in evidence last week when three post-graduates, including one who studied from home in Hong Kong and took part in seminars and supervisions via Skype, received their degrees Molecular heaters to boost crop growth thanks to €4.9 million project 26 February 2019 A €4.9 million EU H2020 grant will enable a consortium of researchers from across Europe, to embark on a project called 'Boostcrop'. They will use state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical methodologies to design molecular heaters which will enhance crop growth under cold and freezing stress. Experts move one step closer to demystifying the quantum world 26 February 2019 The quantum world is notoriously complex, its multiple layers and miniscule components eluding standard analytical approaches. Bristol undergraduate reconstructs the skulls of two species of ancient reptile 25 February 2019 Using two partially fragmented fossil skulls, a student at the University of Bristol has digitally reconstructed, in three-dimensions, the skulls of two species of ancient reptile that lived in the Late Triassic, one of which had been previously known only from its jaws. Diving into Earth’s interior helps scientists unravel secrets of diamond formation 22 February 2019 Understanding the global carbon cycle provides scientists with vital clues about the planet’s habitability. Half-a-billion-year-old weird wonder worm finally gets its place in the tree of life 21 February 2019 Palaeobiologists from the University of Bristol have shed new light on a jaw-snapping species of prehistoric worm using half-a-billion-year-old fossils kept at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. Honorary degrees awarded at the University of Bristol – Thursday 21 February 2019 21 February 2019 The University of Bristol is awarding honorary degrees to Andy Sheppard, Simon Pugh-Jones MBE and Stephen J. Toope OC, LLD at degree ceremonies taking place today [21 February] in the Wills Memorial Building. New degree will train next generation of plant biologists 21 February 2019 A new Plant Sciences degree that will train the next generation of plant researchers to tackle major issues such as global food security for a growing population has been launched by the University of Bristol. University awarded an additional Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence 21 February 2019 The University has been awarded a 10th CDT in Interactive Artificial Intelligence, in today’s Government announcement. Research reveals why the zebra got its stripes 20 February 2019 Why do zebras have stripes? A study published in PLOS ONE today [Wednesday 20 February] takes us another step closer to answering this puzzling question and to understanding how stripes actually work. Emerging cell therapy company raises $3.7m to accelerate its mission 20 February 2019 A new company that promises to develop novel lifesaving cell therapies has attracted additional seed funding from some of the UK’s major investors, bringing it one step closer to commercialising ground-breaking cellular research. Honorary degrees awarded at the University of Bristol – Wednesday 20 February 2019 20 February 2019 The University of Bristol is awarding honorary degrees to Fiona Fox OBE and Professor Maggie Snowling CBE at degree ceremonies taking place today [20 February] in the Wills Memorial Building. 5G Smart Tourism Project to host 'Connected Futures' Showcase across Bristol 19 February 2019 The University's Smart Internet Lab invites audiences to share in 5G experiences across Bristol. Interactive events include; virtual and augmented reality, 360° video and locative media. Honorary degrees awarded at the University of Bristol –Tuesday 19 February 2019 19 February 2019 The University of Bristol is awarding honorary degrees to Colin Skellett OBE, Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE and Paul Lindley OBE at degree ceremonies taking place today [19 February] in the Wills Memorial Building. NHS managers ‘improve efficiency’ according to new research 19 February 2019 Contrary to popular belief, having more NHS managers improves efficiency and the quality of healthcare provided in hospitals. ‘I went to a marvellous party’ – bringing to life the extraordinary archive of Oliver Messel 18 February 2019 Bristol-based Performance artist Tom Marshman invites you to a marvellous party, bringing to life the fascinating personal archive of Oliver Messel, one of the twentieth century’s leading theatrical stars. Bristol scientist awarded prestigious honour for women in chemistry 15 February 2019 Professor Chris Willis, from the University’s School of Chemistry has been honoured by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) with a 2019 IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Award. Dr David Birdsall, 1940-2019 15 February 2019 David Birdsall, long-serving member of the Department of Aerospace Engineering (1968-2002) and Head of Department 1999-2002, died on 29 January after a long illness. His colleagues and former students offer this remembrance. Global study finds high success rate for hip and knee replacements 14 February 2019 After reviewing thousands of case studies going back 25 years across six countries, generalisable survival data is now available for the first time to estimate how long hip and knee replacements are likely to last. University of Bristol reaffirms commitment to the city 14 February 2019 The University of Bristol has pledged to align its priorities with those of regional and city partners as part of a national initiative aimed at strengthening the civic impact made by universities across the UK. Satellite images reveal interconnected plumbing system that caused Bali volcano to erupt 14 February 2019 A team of scientists, led by the University of Bristol, has used satellite technology provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) to uncover why the Agung volcano in Bali erupted in November 2017 after 50 years of dormancy. More older people with depression could benefit from non-drug treatments 13 February 2019 Depression is common in older age and with an ageing population how late-life depression is managed will become increasingly important. Researchers from the University of Bristol and University College London (UCL) suggest mental health in later life should be given greater priority by healthcare professionals. Artificial Intelligence could help to foil online dating scams 12 February 2019 Dating apps and websites could soon use computing algorithms that ‘think’ like humans to pinpoint fake profiles designed to con victims out of thousands of pounds. Academy Award-winning actor Jeff Bridges partners with Bristol on environmental education programme 12 February 2019 Academy Award-winning actor and producer Jeff Bridges has partnered with the University of Bristol’s Cabot Institute for the Environment to produce a short film as part of his new educational programme around climate change. Mass in Troubled Times – world premiere 12 February 2019 The world premiere of a new piece of choral music composed by two academics from the University of Bristol has been broadcast on BBC Radio 3. GPs and pharmacists don't have time to involve patients in medication reviews 12 February 2019 GPs and pharmacists struggle to find the time to involve patients in medication reviews, despite National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance advising them to do so, according to a study by researchers at the University of Bristol's Centre for Academic Primary Care. Judith Tyler, 1943-2019 11 February 2019 Judith Tyler, one of the first staff members to join the School for Advanced Urban Studies and the former Head of Student Finance, died on 25 January. Randall Smith offers a remembrance. Thinking positively during pregnancy? You could be helping your child's ability in maths and science 8 February 2019 Your attitude during pregnancy could have an effect on your child's ability in maths and science, according to a new study published by Frontiers in Psychology today. Getting to the heart of the matter this Valentine’s Day 8 February 2019 What are the heart strings? Where is the hole in your heart? How does the blood circulate? See it all before your eyes when a team of anatomists from the University of Bristol’s Centre for Applied Anatomy discuss one of the most important organs in the body - the heart - next week on Valentine’s Day [Thursday 14 February]. Bristol universities get active at city’s biggest 10k run 7 February 2019 University challenge will take on a whole new meaning this year after the Universities of Bristol and the West of England signed up to encourage staff, students and alumni to get active at the Simplyhealth Great Bristol 10K. New climate models suggest that future sea level rise could be much lower than previously feared 7 February 2019 Two papers published in Nature this week call into doubt recent predictions of imminent Antarctic ice sheet collapse. They are led by King’s College London and Victoria University of Wellington, and involve colleagues from across the US, Canada, UK and Europe, including the University of Bristol. Professor Rosamund Sutherland, 1947-2019 7 February 2019 Rosamund Sutherland, Emeritus Professor and former Head of the School of Education, died on 26 January. Andrew Pollard leads this remembrance of an international mathematics educator who promoted social justice in the digital age. Deaf moth evolves sound-production as a warning to outwit its predator 5 February 2019 A genus of deaf moth has evolved to develop an extraordinary sound-producing structure in its wings to evade its primary predator the bat. The finding, made by researchers from the University of Bristol and Natural History Museum, is described in Scientific Reports today [Tuesday 5 February]. Bristol break University Challenge record with longest-ever consecutive series run 5 February 2019 Last night’s [4 February] quarter-final match saw the University of Bristol team score a breathtaking win against Darwin College Cambridge, the first time since University Challenge began in 1962 that Bristol have won three consecutive matches. Giant impacts caused by interplanetary collisions 4 February 2019 Astronomers have found fresh evidence for significant planetary diversity within a single exoplanet system, suggesting that giant high-speed collisions are partly responsible for planetary evolution. Scientists from around the world come together for Diamond D-Day 4 February 2019 Scientists from around the world visited the University of Bristol last week to hear progress on the important Gallium Nitride (GaN)-on-Diamond microwave technology. Pages: 1 | 2 > >>
Minnesinger German poet-musician Alternative Titles: Minnesänger, Minnesinger Minnesinger, German Minnesänger or Minnesinger, any of certain German poet-musicians of the 12th and 13th centuries. In the usage of these poets themselves, the term Minnesang denoted only songs dealing with courtly love (Minne); it has come to be applied to the entire poetic-musical body, Sprüche (political, moral, and religious song) as well as Minnesang. The songs of courtly love, like the concept, came to Germany either directly from Provence or through northern France. The minnesingers, like their Romance counterparts, the troubadours and trouvères, usually composed both words and music and performed their songs in open court, so that their art stood in an immediate relationship to their public. Some were of humble birth; at the other end of the social scale were men such as the emperor Henry VI, son of Frederick I Barbarossa. Most, however, were ministeriales, or members of the lower nobility, who depended on court patronage for their livelihood; from the vicissitudes of such an existence come many of the motifs in their poetry. In form the music follows, in the main, the tripartite structure taken over from the Provençal canso: two identical sections, called individually Stollen and collectively Aufgesang, and a third section, or Abgesang (the terms derive from the later meistersingers); the formal ratio between Aufgesang and Abgesang is variable. The basic aab pattern was subject to much variation (see Bar form). On a larger scale was the Leich, analogous to the French lai (q.v.). It was an aggregation of short stanzas (versicles), typically couplets, each line of which was sung to the same music and each versicle having its own music. The Leiche were often several hundred lines long, and many incorporated religious motifs (such as the veneration of the Virgin Mary), which are also found in the shorter lyrics. Musical unity in both the Leich and the shorter forms was often achieved by the recurrence and variation of brief motifs or even entire phrases. Some of the early songs were probably sung to troubadour melodies, because their texts closely resemble Provençal models. Yet the German songs, in the main, differ in general musical character from the Romance songs. For example, the melodies are more often basically pentatonic (based on a five-tone scale). Popular song and Gregorian chant are other musical roots of the style. The poems of the earliest minnesinger known by name, Kürenberger (fl. 1160), show only a tint of the troubadour, for his realistic verses show a proud, imperious knight with a woman pining for his love. But by the end of the century the courtly love themes of the troubadours and trouvères had taken control. In the 12th century the poetry of the Thuringian Heinrich von Morungen is marked by intensity of feeling and moral involvement, and the Alsatian Reinmar the Elder gives the courtly love lyric such an expression of social ideals that he was taken by his contemporaries as the most representative poet of “pure” Minnesang. Walther von der Vogelweide, one of the greatest lyric poets of the European Middle Ages, absorbed much of his teacher Reinmar’s craftsmanship, but he went far beyond the artificial conventions with which the Minnesang had been governed by introducing an element of practical realism, both in his love poetry and in his Sprüche. By the time of Neidhart von Reuenthal, a Bavarian squire (d. c. 1250), the knight had turned his attention from the ladies of the castle to the wenches of the villages; Neidhart’s melodies likewise have a certain affinity with folk song. Whereas poets like Ulrich von Lichtenstein strove to keep the conceits of chivalry alive, others—among them Reinmar von Zweter, the Marner, and Konrad von Würzburg (mid-13th century)—cultivated didactic poetry, which Walther von der Vogelweide, building on the work of earlier poets, had already raised to a high level. At the end of the 13th century stands Frauenlob (Heinrich von Meissen), who, by his versatility, his power of rhetoric, and his technical refinement, points to the stylized art of the later meistersingers. Bar form Bar form, in music, the structural pattern aab as used by the medieval German minnesingers and meistersingers, who were poet-composers of secular monophonic songs (i.e., those having a single line of melody). The modern term Bar form derives from a medieval verse form, the Bar, consisting of three stanzas, each… Germany: Music and dance …poets and musicians known as minnesingers, influenced by the troubadours and trouvères of France, composed and performed songs of courtly love for the Hohenstaufen dukes of Franconia and Swabia. Their most prominent representative, Walther von der Vogelweide, is recognized for his didactic moral and religious poetry as well as for… Western music: Monophonic secular song …a similar group known as minnesingers, represented by Walther von der Vogelweide, began their activities about 1150 and continued for almost a century after their French counterparts had ceased composing. Late in the 13th century the burgher class in Germany began imitating the aristocratic minnesingers. Calling themselves Meistersingers, they flourished… Walther von der Vogelweide Konrad von Würzburg Frauenlob Neidhart von Reuenthal Der Kürenberger Reinmar von Hagenau Heinrich Von Morungen Trouvère
BBC to serve up Murray's matches By Chris Curtis2009-01-16T14:11:42 The BBC has signed a deal to air all of Andy Murray's tennis matches on terrestrial TV during the forthcoming Australian Open.
Art Center of Burlington Art exhibits and classes for youth and adults. 3007 Flint Hills Drive Monday - Friday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. Cub Scouts is a family centered program for boys from 1st - 5th grades that fosters self esteem and teaches cooperation through various activities. Boy Scouts is a troop centered program for boys 11 to 18 years of age that builds self esteem, resourcefulness, and leadership skills. Venturing and Exploring are programs for young men and women ages 14- 20 which aim to assist young people in becoming mature, responsible, caring, and goal oriented individuals. Available 24/7. Please be ready to provide identifying information and the whereabouts of the child. You may remain anonymous. Child Health Specialty Clinics (CHSC) 100 Hawkins Drive Monday - Thursday 8 am to 4:30 pm Closed on Fridays Child Health Specialty Clinics (CHSC) is a community-based public health agency that services Iowa children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). CHSC partners with families, communities, service providers, and other state agencies including the Iowa Departments of Human Services, Public Health, and Education. CHSC administers Iowa Maternal and Child Title V program for CYSHCN, ensuring that all Iowa CYSHCN receive services in a comprehensive System of Care. Child Support Recovery Unit 409 N. 4th Street Suite 2 Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm Child Support Recovery Unit (CSRU) is responsible for assisting families to achieve and maintain economic self-sufficiency by establishing and enforcing child and medical support orders and processing support payments. Children in the Middle Classes Parenting Solutions Held at the Burlington Public Library on the 1st Thursday of the month at 12:30 and again at 5. Participants must register through Parenting Solutions. Grinstead, Pierce and Associates Held at River Park Place (610 N Fourth, Burlington) Community Action of Southeast Iowa 2850 Mt. Pleasant Street Suite 108 Monday - Friday Central Office: 8:30 am - 5 pm. Community Action Neighborhood Center Food pantry, emergency utility bill assistance, housing help, budgeting help, etc. Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Monday - Friday Central Office: 8:30 am - 5 pm Available to registered child care providers. Early childhood education and support for child care professionals and parents. 560 Division Street Suite 200 Monday - Friday 8 am- 4:30 pm Economic Programs: Family Investment Program ( FIP), food assistance, medical assistance (Medicaid), Referrals/funding for service programs including: foster care, shelter care, institutional care, adoption, independent living, day care, family home studies, and child abuse assessments. FaDSS(Family Development Self-Sufficiency Program) Program to assist families who are participating in the Family Investment Program (FIP) achieve economic and social sufficiency. Families First Counseling Services Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm. Provides family safety, risk and permanency services. Also provide Behavioral Health Intervention Services and assessments with an LPHA. These services are available for both children and adults. West Burlington, IA 52655 Monday - Friday 8am to 5 pm Girls build character and skills for success in the real world. This is for school age girls. (Girlscouts of Eastern IA & Western Ill) Head Start & Child Development/Early Head Start Head Start and Early Head Start programs provide educational and social activities, nutritious meals and snacks, and medical and dental benefits for low-income children age three to five. Early Head start provides similar services for children birth to three. Iowa Aftercare Services Network Addresses the needs of young adults who have aged-out of foster care. Iowa State University Extension & Outreach Des Moines County Office 1700 West Mount Pleasant Street, West Burlington, IA 52655 Monday - Thursday 8 am- 4:30 pm; Friday 8 am - Noon Iowa State University Human Sciences Extension specialists reach out to families across the lifespan with research-based information and education to help Iowans make decisions that improve their lives. Specialists in finance, home and family, and food, nutrition and health work in partnership with other organizations and agencies to meet the needs of Iowa families. Medication Assistance Program (MAP) Community Action of Southeast Iowa Neighborhood Center Monday - Friday 8 am-4:30 pm Program helps individuals who cannot afford nor have medical insurance to pay for their medications for chronic illness. Mid-Iowa Family Therapy Clinic Provide marriage and family therapy, play therapy, individual therapy, behavioral health intervention services with an LPHA and we have web-based psychiatry/medication management. All of these services are for adults, children, and families. We accept Title XIX. Development and support for parents of children pre-natal thru 6. Rec Plex 501 S. Broadway Street Rec Plex features tournament-class facilities for soccer, softball, sand volleyball and a guest building including full service concessions and spectator plazas, batting cages, soccer, and a Tot Lot for the young fans. The Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Food Program (WIC) WIC provides medical and nutritional assessments, education and supplemental foods for pregnant women, breast feeding and non-nursing mothers, infants and children up to 5 years old. The Nest of Des Moines County 214 N. 4th Street Suite 3-C Monday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Burlington Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Danville and Mediapolis (alternating quarterly) The Nest of Des Moines County is a Parent Education Program for prenatal and parents (male or female). Nest participants must be pregnant or have a child 5 years old or younger. They are are encouraged to bring a support person with them to the Nest classes. Those enrolled in the Nest Family Support Program receive points for attending Nest classes; which are then redeemed for "New Incentive Items" at the Nest in Burlington. Participants can also earn points based on using healthcare services and earning educational degrees (High school diploma, GED, college degrees). All must call, the Burlington Nest, to make an appointment to register. Monday - Friday 5:00 am - 10:00 pm Saturday 7:30 am-5:00 pm Open Sundays October - April 1-5 pm Adults, children & youth programs, aquatics, sports activities, family activities, dances, health & fitness, 55+ program, child care center, babysitting, before & after school program, parent's day out, kids' gym, and many more. Young House Family Services Private social service agency that provides a comprehensive array of services to children and families in Southeast Iowa, including adoption services, foster care licensing, and the Resource Program for expecting parents or families who have children under the age of 5. Remedial services funded through Title XIX; brief intensive services (ages 6-17) no income eligibility requirements. Bilingual services are available.
500.COM ALERT: Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. is Investigating Limited on Behalf of Stockholders and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm January 03, 2020 05:34 PM Eastern Standard Time NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized shareholder law firm, is investigating potential claims against Limited (NYSE: WBAI) on behalf of stockholders. Our investigation concerns whether has violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. Click here to participate in the action. On December 31, 2019, the Company disclosed an internal investigation regarding alleged illegal money transfers after one of its former directors was arrested. also announced that its Chairman of the Board of Directors resigned and that its Chief Executive Officer would “step aside” from his position until the investigation was completed. On this news, the Company’s stock price fell as much as $0.94 per share, or nearly 11%, on January 2, 2020. If you purchased or otherwise acquired shares and suffered a loss, have information, would like to learn more about these claims, or have any questions concerning this announcement or your rights or interests with respect to these matters, please contact Brandon Walker or Melissa Fortunato by email at, or telephone at (212) 355-4648, or by filling out this contact form. There is no cost or obligation to you. About Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C.: Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. is a nationally recognized law firm with offices in New York and California. The firm represents individual and institutional investors in commercial, securities, derivative, and other complex litigation in state and federal courts across the country. For more information about the firm, please visit Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. Brandon Walker, Esq. Melissa Fortunato, Esq. #shareholderalert #investoralert #WBAI #legal #stocks #investors #500com #investigation Bragar Eagel & Squire P.C. on LinkedIn
Anne-Katrin Weber Public history Media history Anne-Katrin joined the C²DH as visiting researcher Dr. Anne-Katrin Weber is a historian of television with a special interest in in non-institutional televisual uses and technologies. She is a lecturer at the Section d’histoire et esthétique du cinéma at the University of Lausanne, and was a Visiting Researcher at the C²DH until November 2019, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Her dissertation, which received the Dissertation Award from the Society of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), analyses interwar television from a transnational perspective. Her new research project developed at the C²DH aims at writing the history of closed-circuit television (CCTV), from the 1940s to the 1970. She co-directs the research project Au-delà du service public: pour une histoire élargie de la télévision en Suisse and is co-responsible for the public history project Le Syndic, la vache et le verre de blanc. Un siècle de Comptoir suisse à Lausanne, which will be launched in September 2019. Her publications include La télévision du téléphonoscope à YouTube. Pour une archéologie de l’audiovision (with Mireille Berton, Antipodes, 2009) and an issue of View. Journal of European Television History and Culture titled « Archaeologies of Tele-Visions and -Realities » (with Andreas Fickers, 2015). She is on the editorial board of Transbordeur. Photographie, histoire, société.
Murphy, Bentley going to NCAA’s Cape Cod Freshman and Cotuit native Ingrid Murphy (Barnstable, 2019) and the Bentley Falcons earned the No. 2 seed in the Div. II Women’s Volleyball Championship East Regional bracket, announced by the NCAA on Monday. Bentley (26-5), ranked No. 2 in the East in Nov. 17th’s Regional rankings behind East Coast Conference champion Molloy College (25-4), won the Northeast 10 Championship this past Sunday, beating American International 3-2. The Falcons are seeded behind Molloy in the East Regional bracket and will face No. 7 Holy Family (24-9), ranked No. 6 as of Nov. 17, in the opening round. That match is scheduled for Thursday at Molloy, in Rockville Centre in New York at 2:30. The winner of that match will face the winner of Bridgeport (24-7) vs. Georgian Court (30-6) in the regional semifinal Friday, with the regional final to be held that Saturday. Holy Family, seeded No. 5 in the 2018 East Regional, advanced to the regional final with a 3-0 win over Molloy and a 3-1 victory over regional top seed New Haven 3-1, before falling in the final to American International. Bentley, who earned Northeast 10 Rookie of the Year honors, had a team-leading 11 kills as well as 10 digs in the Falcons championship win over American International. Demers named Commonwealth Coast Conference Player of the Week: Senior and Acushnet native Eric Demers (Falmouth, 2016) was named the Commonwealth Coast Conference Player of the Week for his play with the Gordon men’s basketball team for the week ending Nov. 23. Demers, a 6-1 guard and team captain, had a season-high 30 points to go along with eight rebounds and four steals in the Fighting Scots’ 112-74 win over Lesley University on Tuesday, Nov. 19. Demers followed that up with 28 points in a 95-77 loss to Colby that Friday and finished the week by upping his season-high to 32 in a 90-84 victory over the University of Maine-Farmington last Saturday. Demems went 7-for-14 from behind the 3-point arc in that 32-point effort. Demers’ season-high continued to soar, as the senior scored 41, on 8-for-15 shooting from 3-point range, in Gordon’s 95-78 win over Salem State on Tuesday. Demers leads the Commonwealth Coast Conference in points per game, at 31.0, and is tied for second in the conference in total points with Western New England’s Alex Sikorski, as the two are one point behind Western New England Mike McGuire’s conference-leading 156 points. The Fighting Scots (3-2) are back in action Thursday at Fitchburg State before opening conference play next Saturday, traveling to Milton to take on Curry. Currence third in scoring on Northeastern women’s team: Sophomore and Bourne native Kendall Currence (Falmouth Academy, 2018) is currently third in average points per game on the Northeastern women’s basketball squad. Currence has an 8.3 points per game average through six games, with two starts, increasing her points per game average from her 5.3 average her freshman year. She had a college career-high 19 points in the Huskies’ season opener, a 80-76 loss to South Dakota, and also had 12 in a 78-63 loss to Yale last Saturday. Currence is also third on the team in overall points, with 50, after finishing 2018-19 with 116 in 22 games. She ranked ninth in Massachusetts high school history in scoring with her 2,310 career points for Falmouth Academy. Currence and Northeastern host North Dakota State today at noon. Miller second in Northeast 10 in rebounding: Falmouth native and senior captain Taylor Miller (Falmouth, 2016) leads the Saint Michael’s women’s basketball team in rebounds for the season, with 68 through six games. Miller is ranked second in the Northeast 10 in rebounds, behind Saint Anselm’s Shannon Ryan (75). Miller had nine points and a game-high six rebounds in Saint Michael’s 74-66 loss to Stonehill (4-1, 1-0 NE10) last Saturday. Miller is third in scoring on the season on the Purple Knights’ squad, with 65 points, and third in points per game, at 10.8. Saint Michael’s returns to play Wednesday when it hosts Southern New Hampshire. Ford, Framingham State ousted from Div. III Championships: Freshman and Mashpee native Devaun Ford (Mashpee, 2019) ran for 51 yards and a touchdown, but the Framingham State Rams fell to Wesley College 58-21 in the opening round of the Div. III Football Championships last Saturday. Ford ran for a 4-yard touchdown in the first quarter, closing the Rams (8-3) within 21-7, and also had one catch for nine yards and returned five kickoffs for 78 total yards. Ford led Framingham State with 1,054 rushing yards on the season, on 186 carries, for an average of 5.7 yards per carry. Ford also finished fourth on the team in yards receiving, with 338 yards on 41 catches and returned 17 kickoffs for a team-leading 386 yards. Ford’s 1,054 rushing yards led the Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference while the Rams running back finished second in rushing yards per game, behind Massachusetts Maritime’s Matt Long (98.6), at 95.8, and second in touchdowns on the season, again behind Long (22), with 10. Compiled by Douglas P. Bradstreet
All Rosaries 15% OFF Shop Now > Located in Worcestershire, England, a district covered by a lofty range between the Severn and Wye, known as the Malvern Hills. On its eastern side were formerly two houses of Benedictine monks, the priories of Great and Little Malvern. (1) GREAT MALVERN Great Malvern began soon after the death of St. Werstan, a monk of Deerhurst, who, flying from the Danes and taking refuge in the woods of Malvern, was there slain, and afterwards honoured as a saint. A hermitage was established there before the Norman Conquest; one Aldwyn, who had been made a monk at the cathedral priory of Worcester by St. Wulstan, bishop of that see, and a companion called Guy, were apparently the first to settle here. Aldwyn, by St. Wulstan's advice, gave up his contemplated pilgrimage to Jerusalem and began a monastery at Malvern, the saint promising him that the place would be wonderfully favoured by God. A convent of thirty monks gathered there under Aldwyn's direction (1135); the usual number was twenty-six (and thirty poor men), and four at the dependent cell, Avecot Priory, Warwickshire, established by William Burdet in 1159. Aldwyn was succeeded by Walcher, a Lorrainer, a man celebrated as an astronomer, divine, and philosopher. He was probably one of those sent by Abbot Gilbert of Westminster to establish a regular community at Malvern on land previously given for the purpose by Urso D'Abitot and Edward the Confessor. William the Conqueror confirmed these grants and was himself a benefactor, as also was Henry I. This connexion with Westminster led later on to a famous and protracted conflict between the bishops of Worcester and the Abbot of Westminster. For a long time the bishop's right of visitation over Great Malvern had been unquestioned; on the election however of a prior John in 1242, the abbot opposed the bishop's action in confirming and installing the new superior. Under his successor, William de Ledbury, matters came to a head. Ledbury was accused of serious crimes by some of his monks and was promptly deposed by Bishop Godfrey Giffard. On this the monks chose instead the bishop's nephew, William de Wykewan, prior of Avecot. Wykewan proceeded to Shrewsbury, where the Abbot of Westminster was then on a visit, for confirmation in his new office. The abbot arrested him and his followers and sent them in chains to Westminster. The bishop retaliated by suspending and excommunicating Ledbury and his adherents, and the whole countryside was made to feel the inconveniences of a disputed jurisdiction. Westminster claimed exemption by papal grant for itself and all its dependencies, and in this was supported by the king; the bishop was supported by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and to some extent by other bishops. An appeal to the Holy See led to fuller enquiry, and for some time things went as the bishop wished; but his harsh dealing with the monks went so far that they, the unfortunate victims of all this litigation, were taken under the king's protection. Finally an end was put to a long and intricate process, wherein all powers and parties in Church and State were involved, by a truce agreed to at Acton Burnell. Ledbury was reinstated and then deposed by his abbot ; the monks gave the bishop the manor of Knightwick, and he on his part released them absolutely from his own jurisdiction, "in accordance with privileges heretofore granted by divers Roman pontiffs ". The episcopal jurisdiction was retained only over their parish churches. Peace was arrived at, and all was amicably settled in 1314, when Bishop Walter Maydeston gave the monks the church of Powyke to reimburse them for all their losses, and confirmed the grant to them of that of Langley, for the maintenance of the great charity shown by them to the poor and pilgrims. A long period of prosperity followed. The church was magnificently rebuilt (c. 1460); it is cruciform with a central tower — Sir Reginald Bray, designer of Henry VII's chapel, Westminster, is believed to have been the architect. It is 171 feet long, 63 wide and high. Its stained glass is famous, as are its ancient tiles, made at the priory. Both are memorials of many royal and noble benefactors. The church, St. Mary's, was purchased by Richard Berdes and others at the dissolution, and the old parish church (St. Thomas the Apostle ) has now disappeared. The priory rental was £308 (Dugdale) or £375 (Speed). Latimer pleaded in vain for the preservation of the monastery as a refuge for learned and studious men. (2) LITTLE MALVERN PRIORY Little Malvern (Our Lady and St. Giles), three miles south of the former, was a small monastery founded from Worcester cathedral about 1171. The choir and tower of its church alone remain; portions of the monastery are incorporated in The Court, an old Catholic mansion, the seat of the Beringtons. 14 Karat Gold Filled 6mm Fire Opal Swarovski Rosary Bracelet 14 Karat Gold Filled 5mm Aqua Swarovski Rosary Patron Saints A-Z Adam and Eve (1st Grade) Classes Your Guardian Angel (1st Grade) Classes We ask you, humbly: do not scroll away
Iraq protesters breach Baghdad's Green Zone, storm parliament Anti-government protesters tore down walls and poured into the Iraqi capital's heavily fortified Green Zone on Saturday, where they stormed parliament in a major escalation of a political crisis that has simmered for months. Supporters of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr scale blast walls of compound The Associated Press · Posted: Apr 30, 2016 12:30 PM ET | Last Updated: April 30, 2016 Protesters tore down part of a concrete wall in the Green Zone after legislators again failed to approve new ministers. Supporters of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr then invaded the main session hall of parliament. (Haidar Mohammed/AFP/Getty Images) Supporters of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have been holding demonstrations and sit-ins for months to demand an overhaul of Iraq's political system, but Saturday was the first time they broke into Baghdad's Green Zone, home to most government ministries and foreign embassies. Iraqi security forces fired tear gas at one entrance of the zone but appeared to be largely standing down as protesters marched through the area, chanting and waving Iraqi flags. Hundreds were still pouring into the Green Zone as night fell. Followers of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr stormed Baghdad's Green Zone after legislators failed to convene for a vote on overhauling the government. (Khalid al Mousily/Reuters ) Anti-government protesters gather inside the Iraqi parliament building after breaching the walls of Baghdad's Green Zone, a 10-square-kilometre fortified area of the capital. (Ahmed Saad/Reuters) Iraq has been mired in a political crisis for months, hindering the government's ability to combat ISIS — which still controls much of the country's north and west — or address a financial crisis largely caused by the plunge in global oil prices. Al-Sadr and his supporters want to reform the political system put in place following the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, in which entrenched political blocs representing the country's Shias, Sunnis and Kurds rely on patronage, resulting in widespread corruption and poor public services. The major blocs have until now stymied the reform efforts of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who has sought to address the protesters' demands. Earlier Saturday, al-Sadr repeated accusations that Iraqi politicians are responsible for blocking political reforms. He did not call for an escalation in the protests, but shortly after his remarks, his supporters began scaling the compound's walls. A group of young men then pulled down a section of concrete blast wall to cheers from the crowd of thousands gathered in the streets outside. Many protesters opted for a quick selfie at the parliament building. (Khalid al Mousily/Reuters) The Green Zone has long been the focus of al-Sadr's allegations that the government is detached from the people. The compound is off-limits to the vast majority of Iraqis, as security procedures require multiple checks and specific documentation to enter. Shortly after the breach, cellphone videos uploaded to social media showed dozens of young men running through the halls of parliament, chanting slogans in support of al-Sadr and calling for the government to disband. "We are all with you (al-Sadr)," one group of men yelled as they entered the building's main chamber. Other videos showed a group of young men slapping an Iraqi lawmaker as he attempted to flee the crowd, and protesters mobbing another lawmaker's motorcade inside the Green Zone. The footage appeared authentic and corresponded with Associated Press reporting. Followers of cleric Moqtada al-Sadr demonstrated inside the parliament building, chanting anti-government slogans. (Ahmed Saad/Reuters) Iraqi security forces initially responded by tightening security across the capital, sealing off checkpoints leading to the Green Zone and halting traffic on main roads heading into the city, according to the Baghdad Operations Command. But Iraq's elite counterterrorism forces, who have in the past been called on to reinforce security in the capital, said they are standing down for now. "We still view this as a demonstration," said Sabah al-Numan, spokesman for the counterterrorism forces. "We aren't taking any part in this as it's not something regarding terrorism." He added, however, that if the unrest escalates, his forces may be forced to intervene to "protect the legitimacy of the government." Some of the protesters occupied seats where MPs would normally sit inside the parliament building. (Ahmed Saad/Reuters) (Ahmed Saad/Reuters) Al-Abadi issued a statement saying, "The situation in Baghdad is under the control of the security forces," but also called on protesters to demonstrate peacefully without endangering the "property of state institutions." Al-Abadi had been set to appear before parliament Saturday morning to seek the body's approval for the remainder of his cabinet reshuffle, but the session was postponed until next week. The last time al-Abadi appeared before parliament, earlier this month, lawmakers hurled insults and called his leadership illegitimate. The UN mission to Iraq said it was "gravely concerned." It issued a statement condemning violence against elected officials and urging "calm, restraint and respect for Iraq's constitutional institutions at this crucial juncture." A broad-based protest movement last summer mobilized millions and pressured al-Abadi to submit a series of austerity proposals that he said would also fight corruption. As political progress stalled, al-Sadr's movement gradually came to monopolize the protests. Al-Abadi presented a second proposal earlier this month to reduce the size of the cabinet and replace political appointees with independent technocrats. But opposition from the very political blocs the proposal aimed to weaken stalled his efforts. Others waited outside. (Ahemd Saad/Reuters) Al-Sadr, an influential Shia cleric whose supporters once battled U.S. forces across Baghdad and southern Iraq, is not a member of parliament. But his supporters make up the second largest parliamentary bloc, with 34 seats in the 328-member assembly, and controlled three ministries before the latest upheaval. Iraq is meanwhile struggling to maintain security in and around Baghdad, even as it has pushed ISIS militants back on a number of fronts elsewhere in the country. Earlier on Saturday, a bombing in a market filled with Shia civilians in Baghdad killed at least 21 people and wounded at least 42 others, according to police and hospital officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters. ISIS claimed the attack, saying it used a three-ton truck bomb. The extremist group regularly carries out attacks targeting the security forces and the country's Shia majority. ISIS truck bombing kills 21 in Baghdad
House Committee on Armed Services (12) (-) House Committee on House Administration (22) (-) Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (21) (-) Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (28) (-) Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs (11) S. 3426, Foreign Service Overseas Pay Equity Act of 2008 Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on September 23, 2008 S. 1193, A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to take into trust two parcels of federal land for the benefit of certain Indian Pueblos in the state of New Mexico Cost estimate for the bill as passed by the House of Representatives on September 29, 2008, with a proposed Senate amendment dated October 1, 2008 S. 1007, Western Hemisphere Energy Compact Cost estimate for the bill as reported by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on September 23, 2008 H.R. 5680, An act to amend certain laws relating to Native Americans, and for other purposes Cost estimate for the bill as reported by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on September 25, 2008 S. 1080, Crow Tribe Land Restoration Act Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on June 19, 2008 S. 2609, Global Service Fellowship Program Act of 2008 S. 3103, International Space Station Payments Act of 2008 Cost Estimate October 3, 2008 CBO's Analysis of Dodd Substitute Amendment for H.R. 1424 Cost estimate for an amendment proposed by Chairman Dodd, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, on October 1, 2008 S. 3263, Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2008 Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on July 29, 2008 H.R. 6625, Veteran Voting Support Act Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the Committee on House Administration on July 30, 2008
Call us on: +44 (0)20 7170 8200 CFD spreads and commissions CFD margins CFD other costs Platform user guide CFD margin trades Morning update Analysing company fundamentals Recognising trading patterns Economic announcements Introduction to financial markets Forex technical indicators Potential risks of CFD trading CFD holding costs Cryptocurrency trading examples How can I switch accounts? Stocks rise on US-China trade discussions, Oil jumps on Saudi cuts 15:50, 12 February 2019 · By David Madden The FTSE 100 had a strong start to the day, but due to declines in consumer and industrial stocks, the British equity index is just about in positive territory. Eurozone equity markets have managed to hang onto most of the gains that were made on the back of optimism over US-China trade talks. Delegates from the US and China are in talks in Beijing, and sentiment is buoyant. TUI shares are in the red after the company registered a first-quarter net loss of €111.9 million, and that compares with a loss of €68.3 million in the same period last year. Turnover for the first three months of the year ticked up by 4.4%. Like its competitors, TUI blamed the unusually warm summer in Europe and the relatively weak pound for the loss. The company said its growth strategy is still intact, and the company anticipates earnings to be largely stable in 2019. The stock has fallen to its lowest level in over two years, and if the bearish move continues it might target the 800p area. Debenhams confirmed they have secured a £40 million loan facility for 12 months. The retailer issued a string of profit warnings last year, and this new lending facility will act as a lifeline in the medium-term. The stock has rallied as the access to funds will give the group some much needed breathing space. Credit lines are all well and good, but Debenhams needs to undergo major restructuring to ensure its long-term survival. Spire Healthcare were downgraded by Credit Suisse to underperform from neutral, and the bank slashed their price target to 85p from 170p. CYBG declared it will enter into a joint venture with salary finance .The move will cost CYBG £500,000 and the fintech platform will complement the group’s lending business. The London-listed bank is keen to keep up with industry trends as 40% of British clients are availing of fintech services. The Dow Jones and S&P 500 are higher this afternoon as US politicians reach an agreement in order to prevent another shutdown of the US government. President Trump is still undecided on the deal, but at least it is a step in the right direction. The US-China trade saga continues, and US trade representative, Robert Lighthizer and, US treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin have arrived in China, and investors are optimistic. Equity traders are viewing the arrival of the two influential negotiators as a boost for the talks. Amazon shares are a little higher today after the company announced it is acquiring Eero, for an undisclosed amount. The decision by the internet giant is seen as a sign they are determined to expand into smart home technology. Amazon have disrupted the retail industry, they are moving into the healthcare sector ,and now this, and it is clear they want to imbed themselves into every part of your life. The group is moving closer and closer to be becoming lifestyle company. The December JOLTS report was 7.33 million, which easily topped the 6.9 million that economists were expecting, and which shows the strength of the US jobs market. In early trading the US dollar index reached its highest level since mid-December, but it has since retreated a little. The greenback has enjoyed a positive run recently, partially because of the slightly dovish language from other central banks. GBP/USD and EUR/USD saw small volatility today as there were no major economic announcements from Europe. The uncertainty and lack of clarity around Brexit still persists and given that the clocking is running out in relation to coming to an agreement to avoid a no-deal Brexit scenario, the pound might find it difficult to attract buyers. Gold had edged up on the back of the dip in the US dollar. The metal has been pushing higher since mid-November and seeing as the Federal Reserve seem to be taking a more neutral stance these days, the bullish move might continue. If gold breaks above $1,326 it might bring the $1,335 area into play. Oil is higher after Saudi Arabia announced they plan to reduce oil production to close to 9.8 million barrels per day in March, and that is considerably deeper than the cut they promised. At the back end of last year, the country said production would be reduced to 10.3 million barrels per day, and they now they intend to greatly undercut that. CMC Markets is an execution-only service provider. The material (whether or not it states any opinions) is for general information purposes only, and does not take into account your personal circumstances or objectives. Nothing in this material is (or should be considered to be) financial, investment or other advice on which reliance should be placed. No opinion given in the material constitutes a recommendation by CMC Markets or the author that any particular investment, security, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. The material has not been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research. Although we are not specifically prevented from dealing before providing this material, we do not seek to take advantage of the material prior to its dissemination.’ CMC Markets UK plc (173730) and CMC Spreadbet plc (170627) are is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom.
History, wildlife, farming, community Fox Bay is a tiny settlement resting on a promontory jutting into a bay on the east coast of West Falkland. The entrance to the bay is flanked dramatically on each side by the East Head and the West Head mountains. Fox Bay is a farming community with a population of 11. There is a range of public amenities which Government provides including power generation, water provision, the operation of the Fox Bay airstrip and the Post Office. The Post Office has its own postmark and is the only post office in the Falklands outside Stanley. Fox Bay has a local village shop and a village hall called the Southern Cross Social Club, which also acts as our local pub. The Southern Cross Social Club is the only club on West Falkland open every weekend. The club prices are probably the lowest in the Falklands (£1 for a beer and £1 for a gin and tonic). Children are welcome in the Club at all times. Fox Bay is situated in the centre of West Falkland which makes it an deal base for exploring West Falkland. West Falkland is similar in size to half of Northern Ireland but has a population of only 120. We westers think that there's a of truth in the local expression "West in best" but don't take our word for it....come and judge for yourself :) The next few pages outline some of the things we think visitors might like to see and do.
Home →IT Management →Expert Voices →Expert Voice: Paul Schoemaker on Uncertainty Expert Voice: Paul Schoemaker on Uncertainty By Paul Schoemaker | Posted 09-02-2002 Print Plan for chaos when plotting strategy, says the Wharton strategy expert. In May, we asked 80 executives and managers attending a seminar at Wharton if they thought there would be at least one more significant domestic terrorist act in the year to come. Two thirds felt there would be. When asked if there would be at least two, half of them raised their hands. They couldn't be specific about what it was, but I think people now accept this notion that there is greater uncertainty from all kinds of sources, and not only terrorist acts. Truth is, though, most executives still don't have the management systems, capabilities and attitudes to do a good job managing uncertainty. We are all still in the grip of single-point forecasting when we put together business strategy. Planning and budgeting is about making predictions and putting out numbers and trying to aim for them, and that's increasingly difficult because there's more uncertainty in the world. But I think uncertainty becomes an enemy only if you start to view it as an obstacle that gets in the way of getting revenues up or milestones met. Business enterprise is really about exploiting uncertainty or profiting from it. We should, therefore, have a much kinder view toward uncertainty. It creates a lot of opportunities. Many companies are paralyzed by uncertainty. But smart strategy is, at its root, a trade-off between flexibility and commitment to certain plans. If you never commit, then you're not in the game. But if you commit too strongly, then chances are very good that your head will be handed to you on a platter. One view is to say that Sept. 11 was an exceptional event, and it's not going to happen again. Companies that say this won't really change how they do stuff. They'll just hope it won't happen again. But if you take the view that Sept. 11 was an implication of globalization, and that as we become more interdependent in our economies we'll become more vulnerable to international events, then the question is: How do you build the capacity in an organization to deal with uncertainty? Maybe this whole notion that you can command and control your way through uncertainty needs to be abandoned. Maybe the best we can do now is learn how to navigate in uncertainty. The metaphor is the captain of a ship. In calm waters, you can talk about precise navigation around buoys and into harbors. But when a storm is coming, you must embrace the notion that you cannot control things precisely anymore. For a lot of executives, that's an awkward realization. There are good tools out there to deal with uncertainty. One is to manage uncertainty by making comparisons against the past. Others are scenario planning, options thinking and benchmarking how other companies deal with uncertainty. The problem, though, is that these tools must be used in a strategic context. To do that, you need a shift in mindset. That's number one. And then you need to select an intellectual framework for how you want to deal with uncertainty. What's your strategic or operational approach? Then you have to experiment with tools that fit. That's what I call the ABCs of managing uncertainty. A is accepting it, B is building the capacity to deal with it—training people to use these frameworks—and C is choosing the right tools for the right projects. My prediction is that next year, there will be more emphasis on building the capability to manage uncertainty. We will learn to live with this possibility just as we now accept 40,000 deaths on the highway nationally. The price of globalization is going to be living with these hiccups.
Home →IT Management →Inside the C-Suite →Managing a Multigenerational Workforce: Age Matters Managing a Multigenerational Workforce: Age Matters By Samuel Greengard | Posted 06-30-2011 Print New tools and technologies have always created displacement and disconnect. However, these days, the landscape is changing faster than the view from a TGV train speeding through the French countryside. The consumerization of IT has reached full throttle, and with it comes a tangle of complex issues, including who has access to data, how to best manage the data and how to get groups with very different mind-sets to work together most effectively. It's no news bulletin that attitudes across generations differ greatly. Consulting firm Accenture describes Millennials--those ranging from their mid-teens to late twenties--as "rocking the foundation of information technology." In many cases, says Gary Curtis, chief technology strategist for Accenture, younger workers are thumbing their noses at IT policies, using nonstandard applications and "improving" things whenever and wherever they deem it necessary. There's a prevailing attitude that rules and policies are meant only for guidance, he notes. An Accenture report, titled "Jumping the Boundaries of Corporate IT," found that 87 percent of U.S Millennials decide where they will work based on their ability to use state-of-the-art technology. Also, these individuals expect to use their own technology at work and tap into their preferred technology apps regardless of any compliance policy. A staggering 61 percent use social networking services that aren't supported by their IT department. In addition, 43 percent tap into nonsupported instant messaging, 31 percent rely on rogue open-source technologies and 26 percent use their own online collaboration tools. At the other end of the cubicle row are Boomers and some Gen-Xers. A 2010 Pew survey found that only 20 percent of adults between ages 50 and 64 use social networking sites on a daily basis, up about 10 percent from the previous year. However, a 2008 AARP survey shows that older workers aren't quite the Luddites that some would make them out to be. It found that only 26 percent of older workers report that they have difficulty keeping up with the new technology required to do their jobs, and a similar proportion (29 percent) express resistance to learning new skills at this stage of their careers. (For pointers on how to make the most of your multigenerational workforce, see "5 Ways to Narrow the Age Gap.") MIT Sloan's McAfee says the challenges extend beyond attitudes and the way different age groups think about technology. Radically different taxonomies and data structures have created a need to work in new ways--and use different technologies and tools as the navigation system. "People have to connect to data pools that simply didn't exist in the past," he says. < prev123 next >
Mississippi rattlesnake encounter too close for comfort Joseph Hosey works in the woods nearly every day, evaluating timber. He's had his brushes with venomous snakes, but this one left him shaken. Mississippi rattlesnake encounter too close for comfort Joseph Hosey works in the woods nearly every day, evaluating timber. He's had his brushes with venomous snakes, but this one left him shaken. Check out this story on Billy Watkins, Mississippi Clarion Ledger Published 5:33 a.m. CT July 27, 2018 | Updated 5:51 a.m. CT July 27, 2018 Joseph Hosey, a forester, had a close encounter with this rattlesnake July 20 in the woods of Greene County. Hosey estimated the snake weighed about 8 pounds.(Photo: Special to Clarion Ledger) Joseph Hosey doesn’t stop to take a photo of every snake he sees as a forester in south Mississippi. “If I did, I’d never get any work done,” he says. But Hosey, 37, shot photos and a video of one he spotted July 20 while cruising timber in Greene County — a huge eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Hosey estimates the snake was “between 4 and 5” feet long and weighed about eight pounds. As of Friday morning, the video had more than 38,000 Facebook views. The numbers shocked him. So, too, did a lot of the comments. “I was surprised that so many people were glad I didn’t kill it,” he says. “And that’s one of the reasons I posted the video — to help educate people that in most cases there is no reason to kill a snake. They’re important to our delicate ecosystem. “I was in his home — the woods. He wanted nothing to do with me.” Hosey laughs. “And I assure you, I wanted nothing to do with him.” Hosey spotted the rattlesnake curled up next to a tree and waiting to ambush his supper. Maybe a rabbit or a squirrel. “I was 20, maybe 30 yards from him,” he says. “What I saw around me was consistent in color and shapes. Because I’m in the woods so much — I also forage for wild plants and herbs on weekends — my eyes are trained to notice anything that is out of the ordinary. So the snake stood out to me.” Hosey, who lives in Laurel, was not wearing his snake leggings, which are similar to a baseball catcher’s shin guards. “I only wear them if I can’t see where I’m stepping. They’re hot and aggravating. On weekends, I’ll usually forage in sandals or barefooted.” Hosey was on alert after noticing burrows made by gopher tortoises — another item on the rattlesnake’s menu. “The snake didn’t hear me — they don’t have ears — but they can pick up vibrations. He probably felt me before I saw him,” Hosey says. “And they don’t have great eyesight, but he could see the images of heat waves coming off me.” Hosey knelt about 10 yards away. He took a few photos, drank some water. “When I stood up and got taller and bigger to the snake, he rattled at me a couple of times. When I took one step toward him, the rattle became constant. He was saying, ‘Don’t mess with me.’ “I never got closer than about 8 feet, but that was probably pushing it safety-wise.” Why did he get so close? “To take good pictures,” Hosey laughs. “And because I’m fascinated by snakes.” The longer Hosey watched him and heard him rattling, the more adrenaline Hosey could feel pumping throughout his body. “I had gotten to the woods about 6:30 a.m., and at that point it was about 3:30, maybe 4. The heat index was 110. I hadn’t eaten lunch. I was tired. It was Friday.” That’s when you can hear Hosey exhale near the end of the video and finally say to the rattlesnake: “You can have it.” Hosey headed to his truck. Jones County resident Joseph Hosey stands in the shade of a magnolia tree outside the Ellisville courthouse. (Photo: File/Clarion Ledger) The question is obvious: What if the snake had bit him that deep in the woods? Hosey pauses before answering: “I was 15 minutes from the truck. Another 30 minutes to a paved road. The nearest hospital was in Richton, and my fate probably would've come down to whether they have anti-venom for that particular snake.” Hosey’s girlfriend, mother and three children — ages 18, 13 and 11 — encourage him to wear his snake leggings every day. But Hosey is not your average guy. I’ve known him for about two years, and I believe you could drop him off in the woods, hand him a pocketknife and he could survive for as long as needed. Hosey used to grow a big garden, but now he finds a lot of his food in the woods — berries, plants, roots. “If I could find tomatoes out there, I probably wouldn’t even plant a garden anymore,” he jokes. Which made some of the Facebook comments ridiculous. A few people called him a “wuss” — only in more vulgar terms — for not killing the rattlesnake. Hosey deleted those comments because of the language. He responded with a post: “I work around these snakes every day and have never killed one but used to catch them until I had kids. When I was a teen I kept them in aquariums in my bedroom but, eventually, I understood their role in the ecosystem enough to realize that keeping them captive was just as ignorant as killing them. “Fear and ignorance is what kills these animals. I'm not one of those 'outdoorsmen' that only ventures into the woods on a four-wheeler and into a shooting house for one season a year. I'm walking through their habitat daily and year round … “So, with that said, I'm going to lace my boots up and head to the woods to work. If I could just find my purse I'll be on my way.” Yes, Hosey used to catch snakes — including rattlesnakes and moccasins — and keep them in his bedroom. “The aquarium had a good lid on it with clamps,” he assures me. He has never been bitten but had a close call. “It was back in 2000 and I was trying to catch the largest cottonmouth I’d ever seen — and that’s why I wanted to catch it,” he says. “I was using one of those poles that has a hook on the end of it. “I used that stick to hold his head so I could grab him right behind it with my right hand. Then I had the middle part of his body with my left hand. This guy was really strong, and my left hand came loose. He went to shaking — and they’re nothing but one big muscle — and I couldn’t hold him. My right fingers got real close to his mouth. “I realized I had become too comfortable around them.” Hosey’s message: Don’t try to kill or catch a snake. Call law enforcement or your city if you need someone to remove it from your property. “Snakes want nothing to do with humans,” he says. “If you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone. It’s a pretty simple deal.” More with Hosey: Filming 'Free State of Jones' and grooming Newt Knight's grave More Billy Watkins: Here's how Russia tried to mess up our Apollo 11 moon landing More Billy Watkins: Youth coach apologizes to player - 26 years later Joseph Hosey of Laurel holds a rat snake he found during the summer of 2018. Hosey has always been intrigued with snakes and doesn't believe in killing them. (Photo: Special to Clarion Ledger) Contact Billy Watkins at 769-257-3079 or Follow him on Twitter. Read or Share this story: Sugar rush: Shipley Do-Nuts draws Ridgeland fans '50 year-old Mystery of Hazlehurst' comes to life 7 great spots to get soup in Jackson Krilakis specializes in gyros, salads and burgers After 72 years, Elite Restaurant closes for good This restaurant is one of the 'state's culinary crown jewels'
Nick Monacelli, Reporter Dave Bartkowiak Jr. Tags: National, Michigan, Local 4 News at 5, News Former USA Gymnastics Dr. Larry Nassar pleads guilty to sexually abusing girls Former Team USA, Michigan State University physician takes plea deal LANSING, Mich. – Dr. Larry Nassar was set to go to trial next month on accusations that he sexually assaulted more than 100 girls. But now Nassar, 54, is admitting to the sexual assaults. He pleaded guilty Wednesday to sexually assaulting young athletes, including some girls under the age of 13. The former Team USA Gymnastics doctor, and also former Michigan State University gymnastics doctor, no longer holds a medical license. After Wednesday, he'll spend at least 25 years in prison. Nassar originally was charged with more than 20 counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and was scheduled to go to trial Dec. 4. Instead, he agreed to a plea deal that could get him a minimum prison sentence of 25 years. The maximum sentence he could face is life in prison. The prosecution said Nassar used his position of authority to coerce young women and girls, some under the age of 13, to allow him to sexually penetrate them with his fingers. Nassar admitted to this during the plea hearing. He said he was not earing a glove at the time and admitted he did not do this for any medical reason. Nassar offered a statement of remorse and told the court he hopes his guilty plea will help the community move forward and heal. "I think this is important, that what I've done today, to help move a community forward and away from the hurting, and let the healing start. That's a couple things that I can do to stop the hurting is this. And I think that's important," he said. "For all those involved ... I'm so horribly sorry that this was like a match that turned into a forest fire out of control. I pray the rosary every day for forgiveness ... I want them to heal. I want this community to heal. I have no animosity towards anyone. I just want healing, it's time. I guess that's the biggest thing. We need to move forward in a sense of growth and healing, and I pray that." Overall, Nassar agreed to plead guilty to seven counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. In exchange, the prosecution will dismiss all other charges and the Attorney General's office would not prosecute Nassar for any other criminal sexual conduct cases reported to police. Nassar also must be tested for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. His sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 12, 2018. The judge said victims -- all 125 of them -- will be allowed to speak. It is expected to last all day and will continue until all victims have a chance to speak, said Judge Rosemarie Aquilina. Olympic gymnasts come forward Nassar's court appearance Wednesday was just a day after another gymnast came forward with accusations. Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglas said she's also a victim of sexual abuse from Nassar. She posted to Instagram: "I didn't publicly share my experiences as well as many other things because for years we were conditioned to stay silent and honestly some things were extremely painful." Douglas is the third member of the USA's gold-winning 2012 Olympic team to come forward. Ally Raisman called Nassar a monster. "I think he's a monster and I think it's so disturbing what he did to me and to so many other people. This is so much bigger than just me. It's a such a horrifying thing to happen," said Raisman. Nassar is accused of sexually assaulting hundreds of girls while he served as team doctor for Team USA, Michigan State University and for a gymnastics center in Dimondale, Mich. However, despite the hundreds of victims who have come forward, Wednesday's plea deal only focused on a few victims such as Rachel Denhollander, who described the abuse when she was in court. "It felt very uncomfortable, very degrading. Why? Because it was so intimate, because he was where he wasn't supposed to be but my presumption was this was what I needed to get better," she said. Nassar pleads guilty to child pornography charges In July, Nassar pleaded guilty to child pornography charges. The physician was arrested last year on the child pornography charges including receipt and attempted receipt of child pornography, possession of child pornography, and destruction and concealment of records and tangible objects. Nassar agreed to plead guilty to all of those charges. As part of the plea agreement he will not be prosecuted for sexual exploitation and attempted sexual exploitation of children, as well as interstate or international travel with intent and engaging in illicit sexual conduct. Those charges were related to an incident which is alleged to have occurred in Nassar's swimming pool with two children in the summer of 2015. A court document alleged that on Sept. 18, 2004 and Dec. 1, 2004, Nassar received child pornography that was sent to him over the Internet. The document says that between Feb. 6, 2003 and Sept, 20, 2016, Nassar was in possession of computer disks and electronic files that had thousands of images of child pornography. Some of the images allegedly included a minor who was younger than 12 years old, officials said. By pleading guilty, Nassar admits he knowingly received child pornography, knew that the material was child pornography and that it had been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including a computer. He could face no less than 5 years and not more than 20 years in prison. He also could have to pay a $250,000 fine for each count. Nick Monacelli Nick joined the Local 4 team in February of 2015. Prior to that he spent 6 years in Sacramento covering a long list of big stories including wildfires and earthquakes. Nick has a Bachelor's degree in Broadcast News from Grand Valley State University. Raised in Sterling Heights, he is no stranger to the deep history and pride Detroit has to offer. Dave Bartkowiak Jr. is the digital managing editor for ClickOnDetroit.
City purchasing two new CNG buses Updated: March 5, 2014, 6:21 a.m. The city of Ceres buying two buses for the Ceres Transit System which operate on congressed natural gas (CNG). Last week the Ceres City Council authorized the $276,935 purchase, paid for by $165,000 of Proposition 1B bond funds administered through the California Air Resources Board and $150,000 in Local Transportation Funds. The two 27-foot-long buses will join the three CNG buses that are used in the Ceres transit operation. Toby Wells, who is city engineer and deputy city manager, said the buses are more energy efficient and cost effective to operate. The city contracts with Storer Transportation of Modesto to operate the Ceres Area Transit (CAT) bus system which includes the fixed route bus system and Dial-A-Ride. Storer agrees to maintain the buses but the city owns them. The city is in the final year of a five-year contract with Storer and the city is poised to extend that contract another five years. Should something go wrong with the contractor, the city would retain the equipment and switch to another contractor. Ten appointed to Beautification Committee Council members assigned committee duties Smith remains on commission Whitmore Ranch may be annexed
Difference between revisions of "Betrayal at House on the Hill" Irenefenswick (Talk | contribs) (added links to other wiki pages) DavidB4-bot (Talk | contribs) (→‎top: Spelling, grammar, and general cleanup) Betrayal at House on the Hill is a 2004 American horror-themed [[board game]] with exploration and cooperative elements, allowing up to six players. <ref></ref> It was designed by Bruce Glassco with assistance from Rob Daviu, Bill McQuillan, Mike Selinker, and Teeuwynn Woodruff. <ref></ref> The haunted house is constructed as the players explore it, with several scenarios, traps, and omens revealed as the play progresses. After enough omen points are accumulated, the haunt begins, and a new objective pits players against each other in some form. '''Betrayal at House on the Hill''' is a 2004 American horror-themed [[board game]] with exploration and cooperative elements, allowing up to six players.<ref></ref> It was designed by Bruce Glassco with assistance from Rob Daviu, Bill McQuillan, Mike Selinker, and Teeuwynn Woodruff.<ref></ref> The haunted house is constructed as the players explore it, with several scenarios, traps, and omens revealed as the play progresses. After enough omen points are accumulated, the haunt begins, and a new objective pits players against each other in some form. Betrayal at House on the Hill is a 2004 American horror-themed board game with exploration and cooperative elements, allowing up to six players.[1] It was designed by Bruce Glassco with assistance from Rob Daviu, Bill McQuillan, Mike Selinker, and Teeuwynn Woodruff.[2] The haunted house is constructed as the players explore it, with several scenarios, traps, and omens revealed as the play progresses. After enough omen points are accumulated, the haunt begins, and a new objective pits players against each other in some form. ↑ ↑ Retrieved from ""
Expert compliance advice: Five ACA pitfalls to avoid Amid the hustle of running your business, don't lose sight of the fact that the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are no longer on the distant horizon. Amid the hustle of running your business, don't lose sight of the fact that the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are no longer on the distant horizon. They're here, or will be shortly. Employers are feeling the heat of complying with the new law, and given its complexity, there are bound to be plenty of potential pitfalls. Local experts share five, and how to avoid them: 1. You assume your small business is exempt from the mandate to offer workers health insurance. Owners of small businesses might think the so-called "employer mandate" doesn't apply to them. But look out if you're a common owner of more than one business. Chris Ferruso, legislative director of the National Federation of Independent Business-Ohio, offers the following hypothetical example: You own a manufacturing company that doesn't employ the equivalent of 50 full-time workers, the threshold that triggers the mandate. But you also own some real estate, and you have workers managing that portfolio. Together, those two businesses might push you over the employer-mandate threshold. 2. Our company has finished planning for the ACA and has moved on. With so many ACA deadlines pushed back in recent months, such an approach might not be prudent. For example, small businesses learned in November that they might be able to keep coverage, set to become noncompliant in 2014, well into 2015. The trick is renewing their plan at the right time, said Doug Anderson, a member of Bailey Cavalieri LLC. He recommends that small businesses wanting to go that route renew their noncompliant coverage before Oct. 1, 2014. 3. With the delay of the employer mandate, I have plenty of time to figure out how to deal with benefits. Not so, said Richard Mason, director of government affairs for the Ohio Restaurant Association. Employers should now be adjusting workers' schedules, since that distribution likely will dictate how much liability the company will face when the mandate begins in 2015. For example, Mason said, dividing 60 hours of work among two people (30 hours each) could bring greater penalties than dividing those hours among three workers (20 hours each). "If it was just a matter of doing the math and figuring out the least expensive way to do it, that'd be one thing," Mason said. "But it's not. These are human beings." 4. Relying entirely on your HR department to plan long-range benefits strategies and ACA compliance. In some cases, this can be a mistake, particularly if you're considering significant benefits changes. Often it's important for a high-level executive to take an active role in charting a course, said Jolie Havens, a partner with Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP. "There are so many ways to misstep if you're not methodically going through this and thinking through each piece at each juncture," she said. 5. Forgetting that communication with employees cuts both ways. Employers typically need data and analysis to balance their responsibility with an employee's responsibility in paying for health-care benefits. Employers might have to penalize workers who aren't doing enough to avoid costly chronic health conditions. And they might have to collect some data they traditionally haven't sought from employees, such as household income. Otherwise, "how is an employer going to know that they're going to have a $3,000 penalty" for certain employees under the ACA, said Ken Weixel, a Columbus-based partner with the health-care practice at Deloitte and Touche. Employers need to emphasize to workers the value that they're receiving through their health benefits so they don't take them for granted, he said. Ben Sutherly is a reporter for The Columbus Dispatch.
Self-confessed serial killer drew image of woman he picked up in Memphis, killed in Arkansas The FBI released drawings of women made by Samuel Little in prison that are suspected to be pictures of his victims, including one from Memphis. Self-confessed serial killer drew image of woman he picked up in Memphis, killed in Arkansas The FBI released drawings of women made by Samuel Little in prison that are suspected to be pictures of his victims, including one from Memphis. Check out this story on Phillip Jackson, Memphis Commercial Appeal Published 6:09 p.m. CT Feb. 13, 2019 FBI releases portraits drawn by serial killer Samuel Little of his alleg... Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1981 in Atlanta, Georgia. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew a portrait of this woman who he says he murdered in 1983 or 1984 in Atlanta, Georgia. Little told authorities she was a 26-year-old white female who was possibly from Griffith, Georgia. FBI Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1984 in Atlanta, Georgia. Little told authorities she was possibly a college student between the ages of 23 and 25 FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1984. Little told authorities he met her in Columbus, Ohio and disposed of her body somewhere in northern Kentucky. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1972 in Maryland. Little told authorities she was a white female who was between 20 to 25 years old and possibly from Massachusetts. This portrait was linked to a cold case of an unidentified woman found killed in Prince George's County. She has not yet been identified. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1988 or 1996. Little told authorities she was a hispanic female who was in her 40s and possibly from in Phoenix, Arizona. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered at some point between 1976 and 1979 in Houston, Texas. Little told authorities she was a black female between 25 and 28 years old. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1996 in Los Angeles, California. Little told authorities she was a white female between 23 and 25 years old. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1993. Little told authorities she was a 40-year-old black female. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this man who he says he murdered in 1971 or 1972. Little told authorities he was 18 years old and possibly known as "Mary Ann" or "Marianne." FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered at some point between 1987 and the early 1990s. Little told authorities she was a 24-year-old black female FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1977. Little told authorities she was between 35 and 45 years old. He says they met in Gulfport, Miss. and she was possibly from Pascagoula and worked at the Ingalls Shipyard. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered at some point between 1976 and 1979. Little told authorities she was a 26-year-old who he'd met in St. Louis, Missouri. He said she was possibly known as "Jo." FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1984 in Arkansas. Little told authorities she was either 28 or 29 years old and he'd picked her up in Memphis Tennessee. This portrait helped link Little to a body found in West Memphis but the woman's body has yet to be identified. FBI Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he killed either in 1976 or 1977 in Wichita Falls, Texas. Little told authorities he disposed of her remains somewhere outside the city. FBI Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1997 in Phoenix, Arizona. Little told authorities she was a white female who was possibly known as "Ann." FBI A self-confessed serial killer drew a portrait of a Memphis woman he says he killed after picking her up and taking her to Arkansas in 1984. Samuel Little, 78, told authorities that he met the woman when she was between the ages of 28 and 29, and strangled her to death in West Memphis. Samuel Little leaves the Ector County Courthouse after a pre-trial hearing Nov. 26, 2018 in Odessa, Texas. Little claims he was involved in dozens of killings nationwide. (Photo: Mark Rogers, AP) In May, Little began telling authorities he killed more than 90 people between 1970 and 2005. On Tuesday, the FBI released 16 drawings of women made by Little in prison, suspected to be of his victims. Each drawing identifies the possible city and year the women were killed, according to a report from USA TODAY. One sketch linked Little to a woman's body found in West Memphis, Arkansas, but the body has not yet been identified. Serial killer Samuel Little drew this woman who he says he murdered in 1984 in Arkansas. Little told authorities she was either 28 or 29 years old and he'd picked her up in Memphis. (Photo: FBI) Little confessed to the killings in order to get a prison transfer, prompting local authorities across the country to re-examine cold cases. Little wasn't arrested until 2012 while in a shelter in Kentucky. He was later extradited to California for narcotics charges, according to USA TODAY. Los Angeles police used DNA to link Little for three unsolved murder cases in the area between 1987 and 1989. Authorities are still meeting with Little and say they have since been able to confirm more than 30 of the killings. Read or Share this story: The 901: Could Amtrak connect Memphis and Nashville? Vice President Mike Pence coming to Memphis MPD, SCSO to receive $10 million to hire more officers The 901: Shelby County's wheel tax hike is back What's next for Silo Square in Southaven? What's the political upside of Pence's visit?
Social Worker of the Year Awards: submission deadline approaches Practitioners and teams have until Friday 19 July to submit nominations for 2019 awards By Alice Blackwell on July 4, 2019 in Workforce BBC News Reporter Ashley John-Baptiste, who presented the 2018 awards Practitioners have just two weeks in which to submit their entries for the 2019 Social Worker of the Year Awards. Entries for the 2019 awards close at midnight on Friday 19 July. They are open to Health and Care Professions Council-registered social workers in England and people or teams can enter on their own behalf or nominate others. The judging panel includes chief social workers Lyn Romeo and Isabelle Trowler, children and adults who have been supported by social workers and 2018 award winners. 2019 awards categories: Adult social worker of the year, newly qualified adult social worker of the year, team of the year – adult services and team leader of the year – adult services. Children’s social worker of the year, newly qualified children’s social worker of the year, team of the year – children’s services and team leader of the year – children’s services,. Practice educator of the year, student social worker of the year, mental health social worker of the year, creative and innovative social work practice, best social work employer, lifetime achievement, making a difference, championing social work values, overall social worker of the year and outstanding contribution to social work. The deadline for entries is midnight on Friday 19 July and the winners will be announced in November at the awards ceremony in London. All information on how to nominate can be found at Social Worker of the Year Awards 2019 open for entries The Ofsted Interview: ‘I didn’t want to put staff through a restructure without an evidence base’ ‘As a service user, what does social work mean to me? It’s a relationship’ Hotdesking not compatible with social work, 86% of social workers say Big drop in autism-specific training for staff carrying out Care Act assessments Student wins appeal against removal from social work course over anti-homosexuality Facebook posts
Queen Elizabeth II’s Christmas message: Light can triumph The queen used her Christmas broadcast Friday afternoon to emphasize that light can triumph over darkness Queen Elizabeth II’s Christmas message: Light can triumph The queen used her Christmas broadcast Friday afternoon to emphasize that light can triumph over darkness Check out this story on Associated Press Published 9:35 a.m. ET Dec. 25, 2015 | Updated 10:33 a.m. ET Dec. 25, 2015 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II shelters under an umbrella as she leaves, after attending the British royal family's traditional Christmas Day church service at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, England, Friday, Dec. 25, 2015.(Photo: Matt Dunham / AP) Sandringham, England — Queen Elizabeth II used her Christmas message Friday to proclaim that light can triumph over darkness in these perilous times — and to comment on the joys of having a new great-granddaughter, Princess Charlotte. The 89-year-old queen conceded there have been “moments of darkness” in the last year, which has been marked by extremist attacks and a migrant crisis that has overwhelmed Europe, but cited the Bible as offering solace and hope. “The Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,’” she said in her annual Christmas message, broadcast throughout Britain and much of the Commonwealth. On a lighter note, she remarked on the birth of Charlotte to Prince William and his wife, Kate, seven months ago. “One of the joys of living a long life is watching one’s children, then grandchildren, then great-grandchildren, help decorate the Christmas tree. And this year my family has a new member to join in the fun,” she said. She spoke in a prerecorded message from the 18th Century Room at Buckingham Palace, sitting next to a decorated fireplace and Christmas tree. Princess Charlotte and “big” brother Prince George — he is two — did not attend a traditional Christmas Day service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate. The queen, in a festive red coat, arrived in a Bentley to lead the family to the service amid some sprinkles of rain. Elizabeth, her husband Prince Philip and senior members of the royal family spent most of the day at Sandringham, a sprawling estate in Norfolk, 110 miles north of London. Members of the British royal family attend the traditional Christmas Day church service, at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, England, Friday, Dec. 25, 2015. In the foreground, Prince Charles, the Duke of Cornwall, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, followed by from left, Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry. (Photo: Matt Dunham / AP) Prince Charles and his wife Camilla were among the royals attending the church service as some 1,000 well-wishers gathered outside hoping for a glimpse. Prince William and Kate came as well. Kate wore a green coat and hat and chatted with brother-in-law Prince Harry. The Christmas message — a time-honored British tradition — will be posted on the royal YouTube channel for maximum exposure. The queen writes the brief speech herself. Read or Share this story:
Pakistan, World XI to come out all guns blazing in series-decider World XI tour of Pakistan By Waqas Zafar The road till here Sri Lankan all-rounder Thisara Perera smashed a massive six off the penultimate ball in the last over during the second T20I to pull his side into the series. With the series hanging in balance, both teams face-off in the decisive game on Friday at Lahore. After winning the toss and electing to bat first, Pakistan posted 174 for six. Ahmed Shehzad put up a 34-ball 43 after a painstaking 39 from 34 balls on Tuesday. Babar Azam stretched his batting form in the second match as he registered a well-crafted 45 from 38 balls. However, it was Pakistan’s bowling in the death overs that saw them lose the grip of the game and eventually end up on the losing side. An electrifying contest! For the first time in the series, the organisers are anticipating a full-house. With the series leveled and the World XI exposed to the Pakistani conditions, the match is expected to go down the wire. Pakistan’s bowling is considered as its strength but they conceded 63 runs in the last five overs – courtesy poor bowling and sloppy fielding. Perera played a massive role in the World XI’s win but Sohail Khan and Rumman Raees kept on missing their yorkers – playing into all-rounder’s strength. He targeted his favorite region from long-on to square leg and wasn’t forced to hit in the areas he doesn’t like. This was later admitted by Mickey Arthur in his post-match talk. World XI showed that as a batting unit, they have players who can play the role of an anchor as well as put their foot on the pedal at the death. Hashim Amla and Thisara Perera showed exactly how it’s done. Players that can make a difference Hashim Amla showed he can play the role of an anchor in a chase. Some of the shots he played especially against Usman Shinwari are reminiscent of the fact that he is in a league of his own. The impact he creates at the top of the order puts him in the category of the players who can make a difference – any day and any time. Shoaib Malik is another player from Pakistan who has given serious blows at the death. He now holds the record as the leading run-getter in T20Is for Pakistan, surpassing Umer Akmal. His experience has surely come in handy for Pakistan. #Independence Cup#ICC World XI#Pakistan
Practices › Antitrust › Press Releases & Announcements › Crowell & Moring Partner Juan Ar… CONTACTS +– Jason C. Murray Shawn R. Johnson Crowell & Moring Partner Juan Arteaga Named A New York Law Journal 'Distinguished Leader' and Minority Corporate Counsel Association 'Rising Star' New York – August 13, 2018: Crowell & Moring LLP is pleased to announce that Juan A. Arteaga, a partner in the firm’s Antitrust Group, has been recognized with two recent honors: the New York Law Journal’s “Distinguished Leader” award and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association’s “Rising Star” award. The NYLJ “Distinguished Leader” award recognizes New York lawyers in leadership positions “who achieved impressive results in the past year.” Arteaga was recognized for demonstrating exceptional legal and leadership skills that helped secure positive outcomes for his clients and further important initiatives within the firm and legal profession. The MCCA “Rising Star” award honors lawyers whose professional accomplishments and public service make them “attorneys to watch.” Arteaga was selected for demonstrating a strong commitment to the “pursuit of excellence while possessing a compassion for those in need and a strong desire to give back to others.” Arteaga is an experienced antitrust and white collar attorney with significant litigation and trial experience. He regularly represents Fortune 500 companies and senior executives in a broad range of civil and criminal antitrust matters, including litigation, merger reviews, and government and internal investigations. He also represents clients in a wide range of high-profile and complex regulatory investigations and commercial litigation, including securities litigation, shareholder derivative actions, class actions, and international arbitrations. Arteaga serves on the firm’s Diversity, Recruiting, and Professional Development committees. Before joining Crowell & Moring, Arteaga was a Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, where he led and oversaw various high-profile civil and criminal investigations and litigation. During his four years at the Antitrust Division (2013-2017), Arteaga played a key role in nearly 15 enforcement actions, including several merger trials, and received multiple awards for his distinguished public service. Click here to read Arteaga’s profile in the New York Law Journal. To view the complete list of this year’s Distinguished Leaders, click here. (Subscription is required.) No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Bars of, or any courts in, the jurisdictions in which the lawyers are admitted to practice. About Crowell & Moring’s Antitrust Group Crowell & Moring's Antitrust Group is recognized as one of the leading practices in the United States and around the world. Clients engage the firm to help navigate their most complex competition law issues, including: international merger control; private damages actions; cartel investigations and litigation; government investigations; and counseling and compliance. The group’s approximately 80 lawyers routinely represent industry-leading companies in some of the largest and most complex mergers and acquisitions in recent history – including successful DOJ clearance of AT&T’s $67 billion acquisition of DIRECTV, one of the 20 largest transactions of all time – as well as in both affirmative recovery and defense-side antitrust litigation. The firm’s antitrust litigators have achieved major results, including ongoing defense of United Airlines, DuPont, CSX, leading health care distributor Owens & Minor, and Blue Cross Blue Shield companies, as well as the recovery of more than a billion dollars for antitrust clients including General Motors and Motorola. About Crowell & Moring LLP Crowell & Moring LLP is an international law firm with more than 500 lawyers representing clients in litigation and arbitration, regulatory, and transactional matters. The firm is internationally recognized for its representation of Fortune 500 companies in high-stakes litigation, as well as its ongoing commitment to pro bono service and diversity. The firm has offices in Washington, D.C., New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orange County, London, and Brussels. An Pham Manager, Media PR & Communications Email:
Literary wunderkinds: the five best books written by a writer under 35 By Lucy Brooks on 6/11/2015 Who says wisdom comes with age? Best-selling author and Young Writer of the Year judge Sarah Waters shares her favourite famous young writers The best young writers: Mary Shelley finished Frankenstein age 20 It doesn't take an English Literature degree to know that the canon is peppered with bright young talents — from Arthur Rimbaud's astonishing adolescent poetry to the precocious talent of student turned superstar novelist Zadie Smith. For the last quarter century, The PFD / Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year award has put fresh talent in the spotlight and helped the best young writers get one step closer to the requisite Room of their Own with £5,000 prize money. Ahead of the 2015 shortlist we caught up one of this year's judges, Sarah Waters, who won the Young Writer of the Year Award in 2000 and has stormed best-sellers charts with books including Tipping the Velvet, The Fingersmith and most recently The Paying Guests. She describes the impact the award had upon her career: "I had published two novels and was beginning to think about my third. My sales were very modest, my income was uncertain… To be named the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year – to know that the judges had read and liked my work, and wanted to reward me for it and encourage me to write more - was a terrific honour, and a huge boost. And the money had a real, significant impact on my writing life.’ In anticipation of a shortlist brimming with new young talents, we invited Waters to pick her favourite books, classic and contemporary, by writers under the age of 35: Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (age 20) Mary Shelley was just twenty when she published this gothic masterpiece in 1818. It would prove to have an extraordinary impact on high and popular culture, tapping into enduring anxieties about life, death and science. Rebecca West, The Return of the Soldier (age 25) West began causing a splash with her journalism whilst still a teenager in the 1910s; by the 1940s she would be hailed as ‘the world’s number one woman writer’. This novel - her first, published in 1918 – is a slim but powerful meditation on the corrosive effects of militarism and snobbery. Patricia Highsmith, The Talented Mr Ripley (age 34) Highsmith published four novels by the age of thirty-five, including the sublime lesbian classic The Price of Salt (later reissued as Carol). But my favourite of her books is this one, the first of the series of thrillers starring the worryingly likeable psychopath Tom Ripley. Kazuo Ishiguro, A Pale View of Hills (age 27) Loss, grief, frustration, unreliable narration: all the trademarks of Ishiguro’s fiction are in place in this brilliantly unsettling first novel, published while its author was still in his twenties. Donna Tartt, The Secret History (age 28) Tartt’s debut is still my favourite of her novels: an engrossing, fantastically entertaining study of murder and guilt set among a group of Classics students at an elite American college. The Sunday Times/ Peters Fraser & Dunlop Young Writer of the Year shortlist will be announced in The Sunday Times on Sunday, November 8. literary interview Interview: Sarah Waters, The Paying Guests author Cosy Reads: the Best Books 2015 for Autumn and Winter Interview: Ali Smith, Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction Winner Your update on what’s on in London from theatre to visual arts, from fashion to pop-ups and more… Password minimum six characters Have a gift membership code? You have successfully subscribed to our newsletter. Stay tuned! (And check your email).
About CWLC Intern with CWLC Careers with CWLC Education and Legal Support Gender Discrimination – Education/Title IX Gender Discrimination – Military Fighting for Equity for Girls in Sports CWLC Releases Comprehensive Sexual Assault Guide CWLC Outreach and Trainings Spotlight: CWLC Interns Title IX Victory: Fighting for Equity for Girls in Sports For the past year, CWLC has represented female athletes at Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park, California, who were subjected to inferior treatment and given fewer opportunities than male athletes at the school. Specifically, girls’ volleyball players were forced to practice in a cramped and unsafe space and the girls’ softball field was poorly maintained, making practice difficult and dangerous. We are pleased to report that in August, CWLC and our partners at Legal Aid at Work and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, reached an agreement in this Title IX athletics imbalance. Baldwin Park Unified School District agreed to make numerous changes at Sierra Vista including adding more athletic opportunities for girls and providing equitable use of facilities and fields. We applaud the school for working to ensure girls have the same athletic opportunities and benefits boys do, and helping create a level playing field. Click here to read CWLC’s press release. CWLC: Helping Women Navigate the Legal Landscape of Sexual Discrimination, Harassment, and Assault In September, CWLC released “A Guide to Federal and California State Sexual Discrimination, Harassment, and Assault Laws.” This comprehensive Guide identifies, outlines and explains the different legal claims that can be brought for sexual discrimination, harassment, and assault under federal and state law. This Guide was developed for use by both attorneys and non-attorneys which allows readers to review and compare the elements required to establish each type of claim and also lists a variety of case law examples. To download the Guide, click here. We hope it will be helpful to survivors and their advocates in determining the legal course that works best for them. January 30 – “Sexual Discrimination, Assault and Harassment: A Primer on Federal and State Law Claims” Please join us on January 30, 2019, for a webinar training titled “Sexual Discrimination, Assault and Harassment: A Primer on Federal and State Law Claims,” from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. We will address federal and state law causes of action for gender discrimination and sexual violence. This webinar qualifies for one hour of Elimination of Bias MCLE credit. Please check our website in the coming weeks for more information and an RSVP link. Recent CWLC Community Outreach and Trainings Building the Blue Wave In September, CWLC’s Executive Director Betsy Butler along with the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s CEO and the Dean of the Luskin School of Public Affairs at UCLA, participated in the panel “Building the Blue Wave.” The discussion was about the state of California and the ways in which both the state and the City of Los Angeles are leading the way fighting for a healthier and more equitable future. The panel was hosted by The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM Progress. Breastfeeding Advocacy Day: “Taking Action to Reduce Infant Feeding Inequities in L.A. County” In October, CWLC Senior Staff Attorney Amy Poyer presented during the Breastfeeding Advocacy Day where discussions focused on reducing infant feeding inequities that exist in Los Angeles. CWLC is a strong advocate in the fight to end discrimination against pregnant and parenting students and employees. We were happy to provide materials and expertise at this important summit. Title IX Training Webinar In October, CWLC and Legal Aid at Work hosted an informational training webinar entitled “Creating A Level Playing Field for Girls: Title IX Athletics in Schools and Beyond.” The attendees learned about Title IX as it applies to athletics in K-12 schools and youth parks and recreation facilities. This webinar also qualified for one hour of MCLE credit. To view the recorded training, click here. CWLC Attends Veteran Stand Down CWLC remains committed to those who have served our country. In October, CWLC participated in the 4th Annual VA Greater Los Angeles Veteran Stand Down where we proudly partnered with the Los Angeles County Bar Association’s Veterans Legal Service Project by assisting veterans with their criminal records and outstanding tickets and warrants. In November, CWLC participated in Supervisor Janice Hahn’s Veteran’s Resource Day in Los Angeles, California. These events provide veterans with legal assistance, referrals and other services as well as information on benefits, services specifically for female veterans, medical services, housing and more at no cost. Sexual Discrimination, Assault and Harassment Training In November, CWLC Senior Staff Attorney Amy Poyer represented CWLC at the Legal Aid Association of California’s annual Traveling Training series in Sacramento, which brings in-person legal trainings to attorneys in rural areas of California. Amy presented a training entitled “Sexual Discrimination, Assault and Harassment: A Primer on Federal and State Law Claims,” which outlined the main federal and state law causes of action for sexual discrimination, harassment, and assault and the differences between them. CWLC was delighted to have the chance to train California’s legal aid attorneys on this important topic. Handbags of Hope In partnership with Holy Helping Hands, this year CWLC collected and donated over 200 new and gently used handbags filled with personal care items to support Handbags of Hope, a nationwide effort which collects and distributes handbags to survivors of domestic violence. We thank our Board members and supporters for their amazing generosity. The 2018 Handbags of Hope event collected over 1,100 bags in Los Angeles and thousands more in twenty states across the country. CWLC is proud to report that in September Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 820, the Stand Together Against Non-Disclosures (STAND) Act. Authored by Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino) and co-sponsored by CWLC and the Consumer Attorneys of California, this bill bans confidentiality provisions in settlement agreements in cases of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault, unless such a provision is specifically requested by the plaintiff. This bill goes into effect in January 2019, giving the victim the power to decide what level of confidentiality they would like, and ensures perpetrators are held accountable. Governor Brown signed eleven other bills CWLC supported during the 2018 legislative session including SB 224 (Jackson) which expands the types of relationships covered in the Unruh Civil Rights Act to include investors, producers and elected officials in cases of sexual harassment; SB 1300 (Jackson) which makes it illegal for an employer to require an employee to sign a release of their rights under the Fair Employment and Housing Act in exchange for a bonus or as a condition of continued employment; AB 2289 (Weber and Gonzalez Fletcher) which will promote gender equity in education by ensuring that pregnant and parenting students in California receive consistent and adequate parental leave; and AB 2413 (Chiu) which allows every Californian to ask for assistance without fear of eviction by expanding the list of protected tenants to include victims of crime and individuals experiencing an emergency, and also allows survivors of violence the option to provide documentation from a trusted and qualified third party rather than only a police report or order of protection. CWLC was an advocate for bills addressing gender discrimination in the workplace and on campus, as well as sexual assault and harassment, health care, mental health, foster youth, reproductive rights, equal pay, housing, and more. We are disappointed that several bills furthering the rights of women and girls were vetoed by the Governor, however we remain committed to the fight for full equality for women and girls in California. To view the legislation CWLC supported and opposed in the 2018 session, click here. CWLC Executive Director is the new Chair of CCOA CWLC Executive Director Betsy Butler was elected Chair of the California Commission on Aging in November 2018. The California Commission on Aging serves as the state’s principal advocate for older adults and whose primary purpose is to advance issues that are fundamental to ensuring healthy, purposeful and dignified longevity for all Californians. Established in 1973 by a California government mandate and confirmed in the Older Californians Act, the Commission advises the state’s Governor and Legislature, as well as federal, state and local agencies, on programs and services affecting older adults. Additionally, the Commission works closely with public, nonprofit and private-sector institutions to address emerging challenges and opportunities. CWLC Alumni Spotlight Over the years, CWLC is proud to have attracted many inspiring and dedicated interns to assist our work benefiting women and girls. We maintain relationships with most of these legal scholars and are delighted to highlight three of them. Antonia Hyman (Columbia Law School, Spring 2016 CWLC Intern) Antonia interned with CWLC in the Spring of 2016 with a cohort of volunteers from Columbia Law School. Antonia graduated with a JD/MBA this year and has worked with the Corrections Accountability Project, an organization dedicated to eliminating the influence of commercial interests on our criminal legal system, and at an investment firm dedicated to investing in the businesses of women of color. Antonia is currently a corporate associate in New York at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. Kylie Reynolds (UCLA School of Law, 2015 CWLC Development Associate) Kylie was CWLC’s Development Associate before attending UCLA School of Law in 2015. During law school, Kylie was involved in the Supreme Court Clinic where she helped draft a writ of certiorari that is currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court (Turner v. United States) and was a senior editor on the UCLA Law Review. Kylie graduated with a JD in May and is working as a law clerk at the Post Conviction Assistance Center in Los Angeles where she is focusing on a range of issues including petitions for resentencing under Proposition 36 and 27, collecting mitigation evidence for juveniles sentenced to life without parole (prior to Miller v. Alabama), and petitions for DNA testing. Callie Wilson (Yale Law School, Summer 2016 CWLC Intern) Callie was an intern with CWLC during the summer of 2016. A tremendous CWLC team member, she assisted our work on a number of issues including abortion rights, Title IX, and a military sexual trauma matter. Callie graduated from Yale Law School this year and was selected for a prestigious Public Rights Project & Justice Catalyst Fellowship with the Oakland City Attorney’s Office where she is focusing on gender equity work. CWLC interns work directly with our staff attorneys in conducting research and doing case work. If you know law school students who might be interested in an internship at CWLC, please visit our website by clicking here or send your cover letter and resume to and use “LEGAL INTERN APPLICATION” in the subject line. Thank you Antonia, Kylie and Callie for your commitment to justice and your interest in assisting the most vulnerable among us! Aging women face unique challenges. Listen to CWLC Executive Director, Betsy Butler, discuss this and other aging i…… Today is Human Rights Day, which commemorates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This Declaration w…… #GivingTuesday is almost over, can we count on your support? CONNECT WITH CWLC
L-Etape Du Tour All in Europe Find Events Quickly: Distance: All Very Short - Less than 60km Short - Between 60km & 100km Medium - Between 100km & 160km Long - Between 160km & 200km Very Long - More than 200km Month / Year: All 2020 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2018 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2017 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2016 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2015 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2013 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2012 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2011 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2010 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2009 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1987 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1982 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1979 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1016 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1013 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1012 January February March April May June July August September October November December Location: All Other Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Israel Italy Japan Luxemburg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA Event Name: Sportive: Charity Ride: Reliability Ride: Training Camp: Multi-Day: Holiday: Audax: MTB: Professional Race: Olympic Event: Cyclocross: Events Near Me: Postcode: Radius: 25 Miles 50 Miles 100 Miles 150 Miles 200 Miles 250 Miles 250+ Miles Search Upcoming Events Only Display events for: Events in March 2019 There are currently no upcoming events in March 2019 in Europe How About These Great Events? The Flat 100 Weeks to go until event: less than 20 weeks Great Weston Ride 2020 Weeks to go until event: less than 26 weeks Tour of Essex Weeks to go until event: less than 18 weeks King Edward 100 Weeks to go until event: less than 11 weeks New forest Spring Sportive Saturday 2020 Weeks to go until event: less than 13 weeks
Trump Enemy Hauled Into Court – She’s Furious The Department of Justice has filed a civil lawsuit against former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman because it says she failed to file a financial disclosure report that was required after President Donald Trump fired her. The DOJ alleges Newman was in violation of the Ethics in Government Act for failing to file the document and that she willfully failed to do so. A fine of $50,000 will apply if she is found guilty of the violation. Newman’s attorney John M. Phillips said the allegations were “untrue” and that Trump was using the DOJ to retaliate against Newman. Phillips also said that the White House had possession of many of the documents needed to file the document and that Newman didn’t get access to them until May. Newman recorded her firing from the White House and some interactions with Trump while she worked there. She also wrote a tell-all book about working there and spoke about the experience on “Celebrity Big Brother.” Her portrayal of Trump was largely critical and unflattering after being fired, which led him to make unflattering comments about her as well. BREAKING: Pelosi Impeachment REVERSAL – It’s Official BREAKING: Greta Thunberg Gets Devastating News – It’s Over BREAKING: Senate Makes The Call – Trump’s Trial Is…
Difference between revisions of "How Did Spy Services Develop in the United States?" (→‎Rise of Modern Spying) (→‎Recent Developments) ==Recent Developments== The 1947 National Security Act created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and led to the National Security Council (NSC) that had authority over it. The 1950s and 1960s saw the CIA leading many anti-communist and Soviet activities, where the US began to get far more involved in foreign politics, such as elections of left-wing leaders in different states. The most noted success was the uncovering of nuclear missiles sent to Cuba in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. In the 1960s, the Directorate of Science and Technology (DST) was created to coordinate technology efforts to aid in spying, including the production of spy satellites and other technologies. Meanwhile, the FBI became more active in domestic surveillance, where communism as well as organized crime were of keen interest. The next major change was the Patriot Act of 2001, which gave the government increased authority to collect and analyze private data. There was also a mandate to better coordinate foreign and domestic intelligence. This was in reaction to the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington. Since then, controversies have often revolved how much private information should the government posses and the balance of security and counter-terrorism efforts. The 1947 National Security Act created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and led to the National Security Council (NSC) that had authority over it. The 1950s and 1960s saw the CIA leading many anti-communist and Soviet activities, where the US began to get far more involved in foreign politics, such as elections of left-wing leaders in different states. The most noted success was the uncovering of nuclear missiles sent to Cuba in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. In the 1960s, the Directorate of Science and Technology (DST) was created to coordinate technology efforts to aid in spying, including the production of spy satellites and other technologies. Meanwhile, the FBI became more active in domestic surveillance, where communism as well as organized crime were of keen interest. The next major change was the Patriot Act of 2001, which gave the government increased authority to collect and analyze private data. There was also a mandate to better coordinate foreign and domestic intelligence. This was in reaction to the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington. Since then, controversies have often revolved how much private information should the government posses and the balance of security and counter-terrorism efforts.<ref>For more on post-World War II spy developments in the United States, see: Carnes, Mark C., ed. 2007. <i>The Columbia History of Post-World War II America</i>. Columbia Guides to American History and Cultures. New York: Columbia University Press. Many Americans today would see that espionage work and spying by the United States is critical for their national security. The history of the services that have provided this, however, is more complex, and often mirrored the development and transformations that affected the US. Through its development as an independent state to one that expanded across the West, and its experiences in the Civil War and World Wars, history has shaped what spying means to the US. 1 Early Development 2 Rise of Modern Spying 3 Recent Developments What is different from many other powers that developed spying services is the relatively short history of the US. The experiences, therefore, are different in how they have influenced government's approach to spying. One of the first spy groups derived prior to the American Revolutionary War in 1765. The Sons of Liberty formed as a group that fought against the Stamp Act and would observe British troop movements in Boston and other places. This included well known revolutionaries such as Samuel Adams and John Hancock. During the Revolutionary War, George Washington was one of the first to write and recognize the need for espionage. Threats to the colonists/revolutionaries, and eventual early US military, were from Britain. War espionage depended on a network of spies throughout different areas, where Washington wanted to stay one step ahead of the pursuing British Army. This included using Native Americans who were adept at secretive observation that Washington had first hand experience with during the French and Indian War. Washington also used a cryptanalyst Samuel West to read secretive letters. Double agents were also used by the British to counter Washington, such as Dr. Benjamin Church who fed important information about the revolutionaries.[1] Benjamin Franklin was placed in charge of the Committee of Secret Correspondence, which worked to change sentiment about the Revolution in European states so that the revolutionaries would gain increasing support. His most successful efforts were with the French, who ultimately helped aid the revolutionaries in fighting the British. This proved crucial in helping turning the tide, where French troops and aid greatly helped the revolutionaries to successfully fight.[2] After the war, American spying took a downturn as the country was preoccupied with building the young country. In fact, the US was ill prepared for the war of 1812, where US soldiers were often unaware even where the frontier with Canada was even located. It was the Civil War where things changed once again. The North, in the Civil War, developed a network of spies who were able to cross between the borders with the South, such as William Alvin Lloyd. The North also developed two spying agencies, including one run by Allan Pinkerton and another run by Lafayette Baker. There was two due to infighting between generals who depended on the different spy heads. This often lead to information not being shared and sometimes counterproductive efforts that sometimes even led to the arrest of spies working for the other agency. There were some notable successes in troop movement observations, but often the information did not have a clear chain where the intelligence could be used for actionable purposes. The South had some notable successes, often creating an elaborate network in major northern cities. The most successful group was the so-called Canadian Cabinet, which ran a Southern spy network from Montreal. It is likely John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's assassin, derived from this group. They also succeeded in several sabotage operations and creating fires in major cities.[3] Rise of Modern Spying Modern American espionage begins in the late 19th century when Grover Cleveland called for assigning military attachés in foreign countries to gather more information about different countries. John Wilkie became head of the US Secret Service in the 1890s and became noted for breaking up a Spanish spy ring in Montreal during the Spanish-American War. Teh Secret Service was created as a result of the Civil War and for its first few decades mostly focused on combating counterfeiting of the US currency and other acts that could sabotage the US economy, such as smuggling. In 1908, the Bureau of Investigation, what eventually became as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), was formed. Initially, they focused on policing activities and against organized criminal activities such as prostitution. However, they also engaged in domestic surveillance. This was tested in World War I, where they were able to discover German agents and saboteurs. Nevertheless, in World War I, the US was still not effective in foreign espionage. Most intelligence from World War I depended on British spy services that were established.[4] After World War I, most activity focused on domestic surveillance, particularly against communists and others deemed as threats. In the 1920s, modern cryptography developed in the US. William Friedman, a Russian immigrant, was appointed as cryptanalyst for the Army Signal Intelligence Service, which was successful in breaking the Japanese code used in their diplomatic cables. This enabled the US to be aware that an attack like Pearl Harbor was going to occur, although they were not able to determine where it would occur. World War II, particularly with the attack on Pearl Harbor, led to major new developments in intelligence gathering in the US. The US Navy's Combat Intelligence Unit was appointed with creating a a code breaking unit called "Magic." This work help lead to early developments of computers, such as it had in Britain by work conducted by Allan Turning during World War II. World War II also began the long relationship between private industry and government for espionage work, with IBM developing their punch card machines to help in cracking Japanese code used in the war. This culminated in the Battle of Midway, where the US had advance knowledge of the battle and were able to defeat the Japanese because they had known when and where the attack would take place. During World War II, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) began to coordinate special operations and spying activity.[5] The 1947 National Security Act created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and led to the National Security Council (NSC) that had authority over it. The 1950s and 1960s saw the CIA leading many anti-communist and Soviet activities, where the US began to get far more involved in foreign politics, such as elections of left-wing leaders in different states. The most noted success was the uncovering of nuclear missiles sent to Cuba in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. In the 1960s, the Directorate of Science and Technology (DST) was created to coordinate technology efforts to aid in spying, including the production of spy satellites and other technologies. Meanwhile, the FBI became more active in domestic surveillance, where communism as well as organized crime were of keen interest. The next major change was the Patriot Act of 2001, which gave the government increased authority to collect and analyze private data. There was also a mandate to better coordinate foreign and domestic intelligence. This was in reaction to the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington. Since then, controversies have often revolved how much private information should the government posses and the balance of security and counter-terrorism efforts.[6] Spying has had many phases in the United States. It started before the Revolutionary War as an ad hoc network of spies that then evolved into more elaborate agencies in the Civil War. However, that period showed deficiencies by not coordinating activities. By the late 19th century, the Secret Service became the central spy service and later the FBI emerged as the agency that conducted forms of domestic surveillance. During World War II, there was an increased need to develop better foreign espionage. This led to the emergence of the CIA. Modern spying has also increasingly led to closer coordination between foreign and domestic surveillance. ↑ For more on spying during the American Revolutionary War, see: Sulick, Michael J. 2014. Spying in America: Espionage from the Revolutionary War to the Dawn of the Cold War. Georgetown University Press. ↑ For more on Benjamin Franklin's work during the war, see: Isaacson, Walter. 2004. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. ↑ For more on US spying between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, see: Mickolus, Edward F. 2015. The Counterintelligence Chronology: Spying by and against the United States from the 1700s through 2014. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. ↑ For more on the rise of American spying after 1865 and until World War I, see: Hastedt, Glenn P., ed. 2011. Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operations: An Encyclopedia of American Espionage. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO. ↑ For more on post-World War I spying development and up to World War II, see: 2002. Studies in Intelligence. V. 46, No. 3. CIA. ↑ For more on post-World War II spy developments in the United States, see: Carnes, Mark C., ed. 2007. The Columbia History of Post-World War II America. Columbia Guides to American History and Cultures. New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved from ""
India willing to return El-Zakzaky to Nigeria — FG By Latifat Opoola | Published Date Aug 14, 2019 21:21 PM Aug 15, 2019 14:57 PM FILE: Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky being received by doctors at Medenta Hospital, India upon his arrival for medical treatment. The Federal Government has said that the Indian authorities have expressed willingness to return the Leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) back to Nigeria with immediate effect for fear of his internationalising his group’s activities in the country. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Culture Dcns. Grace Isu Gekpe disclosed this in a statement issued to newsmen on Wednesday. She said El-Zakzaky’s cry that he is being held in circumstances worse than he was in Nigeria should be disregarded because since arriving in India as he refused to subject himself to preliminary medical checks. “The Court on 5th August, 2019 granted Sheikh Ibraheem EL-Zakzaky leave to travel to India for medical treatment. Consequently, the Government and its relevant agencies took steps to comply with the Order”. “In line with the Court Order, El-Zakzaky was approved to embark on the trip with State officials and his choice to be accompanied by his aides and personal Doctors was not opposed by the government”. “On 12th August, 2019, he and other members of the entourage went to India via Dubai. It is to be noted that El-Zakzaky particularly chose Medanta Hospital, India. However, on reaching Dubai, El-Zakzaky began to display ulterior motives against laid down procedures”. “He requested that his passport be handed over to him but the State officials would not budge to his pressure. The situation became worse in India as he refused to subject himself to preliminary medical checks”. ” In addition, he demanded free movement and access to visitors of all kinds as well as requested to be allowed to check into a 5-Star Hotel instead of being admitted in the hospital. The request was refused on the ground that he came into the country for medicals and not as a tourist (more so that his Visa was issued on medical grounds and not for tourism). He also demanded that Police protection be withdrawn from him by the Indian authorities”. “Against medical ethics and standard practice, he requested to nominate Doctors of his choice to join the ones tasked by Medanta Hospital to perform medical treatment on him and his wife. This created a stalemate, which the Hospital insisted that he would not dictate to it on the choice of medical personnel to carry the required medical treatment”. “Frustrated by his antics, the Indian authorities have expressed willingness to return him to Nigeria with immediate effect. This is on the account that they will not allow him use their country to internationalize his group’s activities”. “Against this background, the Nigerian government wishes to commend the stand of the Indian Government as well as apologize to her for the unruly behaviour of El-Zakzaky. Similarly, the attention of the public and indeed the international community is hereby drawn to these unfortunate developments”. She further noted that government was ready to undertake the prosecution of El-Zakzaky through due process if and when he is returned to the country adding that “his foul cry that he is being held in circumstances worse than he was in Nigeria should be disregarded”.
Love color? Choose your finish! Dunbar × Ludwig Mies van der Rohe × Architect, Educator, and Furniture Designer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is widely recognized for his revolutionary approach to creating spectacular designs and developing a modern aesthetic known as the International Style. Mies is recognized worldwide as a pioneer in modernistic architecture and design. Born in Aachen, Germany, he was named Maria Ludwig Michael Mies; however, he adopted his mother’s surname van der Rohe when he established himself as an architect. Mies was the son and apprentice of a master stonemason. After working with his father, Mies sketched designs for several Aachen architecture firms. In 1905 Mies moved to Berlin where he joined interior designer, Bruno Paul and worked for him a few years, building his first house in Germany. His talent captured the interest of Peter Behrens; joining his studio in 1908 and where iconic architects such as Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius had once too worked. Mies’ talent was notable and led to commissions to design and build homes in Germany. He joined the Friedrichstrasse office building competition and created an innovative design which consisted of glass and steel, violating the rules of the contest and failing to achieve the first place or any mention at all. Towards the end of the 1920s, Mies met with Le Corbusier and contracted several European architects in Stuttgart Germany, where they worked together with Mies as the artistic director of the construction and design of twenty-one houses and apartment buildings denominated the Weissenhof Estate. Mies designed the Afrikanischestrasse Apartments in Berlin and the Barcelona Pavillion for which he created one of his most iconic furniture pieces, the Barcelona Chair. Mies continued designing modern and minimalist furniture, and in the 1930’s he was appointed as the director of the Bauhaus experimental art and design German school, which he led until 1933 when it was forced to close under Nazi Regime pressure. At the end of the 1930s, Mies emigrated to the United States, where the Armour Institute in Chicago had lost its director Earl Reed, and they were in search of a new architect to lead the institute. Mies was named the director of the Department of Architecture, a position he held for twenty years. During those years, his first American construction was the Minerals and Metals building followed by the Alumni Hall, the Wishnick Hall, the Perlstein Hall, the Robert F. Carr Memorial Chapel of St. Savior and the S.R Crown Hall, all of them part of the Illinois Institute of Technology as Mies’ commission to redesign the IIT Campus. After retiring from the IIT, Mies went from building modern houses, apartment towers, and academic buildings to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial library and museums. One of the museums being the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin which allowed him to return to the city where he started his career. It was completed one year before Mies’ death. Mies van der Rohe believed in a minimalist, balanced and revolutionary aesthetic, defining modern architecture and giving a new meaning to the term Mid-Century Modern. Many of his buildings still stand today and his furniture designs still collected amongst enthusiasts. His posthumous fame is a testament to his success and raw talent as an architect and designer.
Benjamin Amos Benjamin Amos is a corporate associate and a member of the firm’s Investment Management Group, based in the London office. His practice focuses on ... Read Full Biography Debevoise Advises Canson in Close of $100 Million Co-Investment Fund Debevoise Advises J.F. Lehman & Company on the Formation of Latest Private Equity Fund Debevoise Advises Park Square Capital as it Raises €1.2 billion for Third Subordinated Debt Fund ​Debevoise Advises HarbourVest in the Acquisition of Investments in a Portfolio of Companies from Bridgepoint Europe III Debevoise Advises Park Square Capital as it Raises $2.4 billion Benjamin Amos is a corporate associate and a member of the firm’s Investment Management Group, based in the London office. His practice focuses on advising sponsors of private equity funds, including buyout and distressed funds, in connection with a broad range of matters, including fund formation and ongoing operational matters, co-investments and secondary transactions. He also advises on fund restructurings, carry planning, acquisitions of interests in private equity firms, as well as management team spinouts. Mr Amos’s recent experience includes acting for clients such as AlbaCore Capital, Glendower Capital, HarbourVest Partners, Intermediate Capital Group, J.F. Lehman, Liberty Mutual, Odyssey Investment Partners, Park Square Capital, Providence Equity Partners and Prudential Financial. Mr. Amos joined Debevoise in 2010. From 2010 until March 2015, Mr. Amos was based in the New York office. Mr. Amos received a J.D. from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law cum laude in 2010 and a Graduate Diploma in Law from the City Law School, London, UK in 2004. He received the Dean Merit’s Scholarship and Distinguished Performance Award from Cardozo in 2007-2008, and the Diplock Scholarship from Middle Temple, London, UK in 2004. He received a B.A. Hons from Oxford University in 2003.
Flash: WNY market 'not right fit' The organization issued a statement about moving its team to Cary, North Carolina. Flash: WNY market 'not right fit' The organization issued a statement about moving its team to Cary, North Carolina. Check out this story on Jeff DiVeronica, @RocDevo Published 12:49 p.m. ET Jan. 9, 2017 | Updated 9:30 a.m. ET Jan. 10, 2017 Flash forward Lynn Williams celebrates scoring the first overtime of Sunday's NWSL semifinal in Portland, Oregon. No. 4 seed WNY upset the top-seeded Thorns 4-3 in double overtime to reach Sunday's championship match in Houston against No. 2 Washington.(Photo: Craig Mitchelldyer/ The Western New York Flash say the Buffalo-Rochester area is no longer the "the right fit," for them to operate their franchise in the NWSL. Details about the team's exit first emerged Friday and the club finally released a statement Monday shortly after it was made official that it's selling the rights to its team, which will relocate and be called the North Carolina Courage. "Unfortunately, it has become apparent that the Western New York market is not the right fit for the NWSL and the future direction of the league," the Flash statement said. "We know that the North Carolina market will provide what the players deserve and we are excited to see the team continue to compete at the highest level." Stephen Malik, who owns North Carolina FC, a men's pro team in the 6-year-old North American Soccer League (NASL), is buying the Flash. He said Monday he has "entered into an agreement," to purchase the club that played for eight seasons, the last six in Rochester. The Flash won championships in four different leagues from 2009-2016, including the National Women's Soccer League title in October. DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE Devo: Reputation restored, Flash head to title match North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, was on hand for the announcement in Cary, North Carolina, where Malik's teams are based. The Flash are owned by Joe Sahlen of Buffalo-based Sahlen's Packing Co., and his daughter, former player Alexandra Sahlen, the team president. The club, which runs the WNY Flash Soccer Academy for youth players, is based in Elma, Erie County. Pro players practiced and lived in the Buffalo area and only played matches in Rochester from 2011-16. "We’re excited to go to North Carolina. The history of soccer is amazing there, too, but it’s really sad to leave western New York," said forward Lynn Williams, the reigning MVP of the NWSL set to begin her third pro season. "It's kind of bittersweet. We built a community there." The 23-year-old mentioned "The Flashers” and "Flash Mob" fan clubs by name, and that "many amazing fans supported us through the highs and the lows." After a massive roster turnover from its NWSL runner-up team in 2013, the Flash missed the playoffs in 2014 and 2015. Last year's title with such a young group almost arrived a year ahead of schedule, a notion coach Paul Riley said repeatedly last fall. He replaced Aaran Lines, the head coach and general manager from 2009-15. Lines is married to Alex Sahlen. They have two young children. Their growing family was one reason Lines cited while resigning in December of 2015. Local fans won't be able to celebrate the 2016 Flash title. They'll have to watch from afar as some former WNY players, the young nucleus that helped the club return to prominence on the field last fall, try to become stars elsewhere. "Kind of a bummer," Williams said softly. Flash forward Lynn Williams celebrates scoring the first overtime of Sunday's NWSL semifinal in Portland, Oregon. No. 4 seed WNY upset the top-seeded Thorns 4-3 in double overtime to reach Sunday's championship match in Houston against No. 2 Washington. (Photo: Craig Mitchelldyer/ Williams, midfielders Samantha Mewis and Taylor Smith, forward Jess McDonald and defenders Abby Dahlkemper and Jaelene Hinkle, are all getting serious looks from U.S. national team coach Jill Ellis. Dahlkemper, Mewis, Williams and Hinkle were largely anonymous rookies as first-round draft picks in 2015. The Buffalo Flash won the semi-pro W-League in 2010, then jumped to the pro ranks in 2011, helping save Women's Professional Soccer for one season before it folded. A star-studded WNY team led by then five-time reigning FIFA World Player of the Year Marta won the last WPS crown. WPS average attendance was just 3,518, but an 85 percent spike after the World Cup — the one when Abby Wambach's header in the quarterfinals helped spark a women's soccer renaissance in America — gave hope that a third women's league could work. Flash forward Lynn Williams voted MVP of NWSL The Women's United Soccer Association (2001-03), which included the Carolina Courage, and WPS (2009-11) each failed. The NWSL, which is partly subsidized and run by the U.S. Soccer Federation, is headed into its fifth season. “The NWSL has been an incredible platform for the top women’s soccer players to perform in and we are proud to have been a founding member. We wish the NWSL and our other fellow ownership groups — as well as U.S. Soccer — the best of luck," the Flash statement said. The organization hoped to identify another owner in the area but could not. Look for the Sahlen's brand of meats, as part of the deal, to show up in Cary in some form. As recently as 2013, WNY was the envy of many other organizations. It was praised in 2011-13 for making the dual-city operation work, a setup that also led to its demise. The Flash pushed through instability in the women's game to capture titles in the W-League (2010), WPS (2011), WPSL Elite (2012) and hosted the inaugural NWSL championship match in 2013, which Portland won, 2-0. WNY was near the top of WPS and the NWSL in attendance in 2011 and 2013, big crowds showed up for championship matches in Rochester those seasons, too, and no one forgot the WPS-record crowd of 15,404 for a match three days after the 2011 World Cup final between the Flash and magicJack, which included Pittsford native Wambach, Hope Solo, Christie Rampone and Megan Rapinoe. But after being hailed as a top GM/coach, Lines fell out of favor with many players. Veterans and youngsters wanted out. A huge roster turnover, including losing Wambach and trading Carli Lloyd, led to missing the playoffs in 2014 and 2015. The Flash rebuilt through the 2015 NWSL Draft, but the dual-city setup always hindered the club's ability to gain more of a following. 'Soccer Mom' Jess McDonald flourishing for Flash Flash players weren't in Rochester much, if at all, other than to play in matches, and the club operated with a belief that as long as the team won fans would show up. The Sahlens did pump millions into running the Flash, but advertising and marketing budgets were always limited. "I don’t think that helped us in the long run. I think it was hard to do marketing for games," Williams said about the dual-city setup. "I think it’s hard to ask families that have little kids to drive an hour and a half to go to Rochester. I think that was a downfall in the whole marketing aspect." The club looked more recently into a venue in the Buffalo area that the NWSL would approve, but couldn't find one. The statement Monday did say all Flash employees were offered "opportunities within our entities and we hope they continue to work with us for many years to come." Player contracts will be transferred to the Courage, said Malik, who bought the Carolina RailHawks in the fall of 2015 and just recently renamed them North Carolina FC. "This is a stacked and loaded team with talent," the North Carolina owner said. Malik said in December he would take an aggressive approach to attracting an NWSL franchise. The Sahlens were listening. Marta was one of the stars on a 2011 squad for the Flash that Sports Illustrated said could possibly have been the best in women's club soccer history. (Photo: 2011 FILE PHOTO) Despite having a star-laden roster in 2011 and in 2013 with Wambach and Lloyd, the Flash never averaged more than 4,900 fans. Meanwhile, Houston (5,696) and Orlando (8,785), expansion teams in 2014 and 2016, respectively, ranked third and second in attendance last season. The Portland (Oregon) Thorns, who averaged 16,945, remain the standard. Did the NWSL out grow small-market WNY? "The Flash will always play an important role in the history of NWSL, and for that we are grateful to everyone in Western New York who were part of it,” said NWSL commissioner Jeff Plush, whose league averaged 5,558 fans in 2016. WNY averaged 2,860 fans in 2014, second worst in the NWSL, but increased that to 3,868 last year, which ranked fifth. With a championship squad and potential stars emerging, could the Flash have boosted that? That'll remain a mystery. "It has been an incredible journey and we will cherish these memories for a lifetime," the organization said.
John Degnan Sell Assets, Limit CRE Investment Not ‘Integral’ to Transportation The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey manages a real estate portfolio with more than 12,000 acres of land as well as 45 million square feet of office, industrial and retail space. But unless those assets move people or cargo, they are soon likely to have a for sale sign slapped on them. Northeast 31 December 2014 15:53 PANYNJ Considers Selling RE, One WTC Port Authority of New York and New Jersey officials are talking about possibly selling some of its real estate, including One World Trade Center. National 29 December 2014 20:55 Sealy & Co. Boosts Houston Presence With Off-Market Deal Sealy plans enhancements to the two-year-old facility, which is located in the metro’s largest industrial submarket. Historic Boston Stock Exchange Building Commands $69M A partnership including Clarion Partners has sold the historic downtown office property with retail space. Allied Properties Closes 2 Acquisitions in Montreal The deal brings the Toronto-based company's Montreal footprint to 5.6 million rentable square feet after nearly 15 years in the metro. Hanley Arranges Sale of LA-Area Retail Asset The property, which was marketed for the first time in 20 years, sold for $5 million to a local buyer. Recently Built Central Valley MOB Changes Hands Cushman & Wakefield Executive Director Chris Sheldon worked on behalf of the seller in the disposition of the 11,250-square-foot asset.
VOL XIII. ISSUE III Science Health Diplomacy REad Full Publication Read & buy Cybathlon: A Science Diplomacy Success Story. This edition launched before the World Health Assembly annual meetings at the UN in Geneva. Six months ago, on a perfectly calm autumn day, I took one wrong step in front of my house in the dark, slipped, and fell. I broke my ankle in a spectacular fashion and my tibia and fibula tore apart. It was the first such physical injury I had ever sustained. I needed immediate surgery and I returned home in a wheelchair. At the time, it felt devastating—slowing down from public engagements, travel, inability to care for my little ones, and to navigate my own home—a colonial stacked house in Northern Virginia where all the bedrooms were on the second floor. Of course, there is nothing devastating about an injury that eventually can be overcome. But if nothing else, the experience brought to light how easy it is for everything to change in an instance and how unprepared we are to navigate mobility challenges. That is why the cover story for this edition (launching right before the Global Health Assembly annual meetings at the UN in Geneva) resonated so much with me. Robert Riener, a biomedical engineer and professor for sensory-motor systems in the department of health sciences and technology at ETH Zurich, was moved by survivors of accidents—big and small—whose mobility has been compromised or impaired. As he explains, there are over a billion people in the world that the World Health Organization estimates are dealing with some form of disability—this issue knows no borders. An expert on how to address these issues with the help of the most cutting-edge technologies, he saw a bigger opportunity: societal change that comes from a platform where scientists and citizens can have a dialogue. This is not a story about gadgetry and scientific breakthroughs—although there is plenty of that to make professor Riener and his colleagues proud. This is a story about coming together as a society and placing people at the heart of the research and technology. That’s what makes Cybathlon a story worth telling. As I have written before, we live in an age of paradoxes: we produce enough food to feed the world over but people still go to bed hungry every night. We have an abundance of information and learning tools available but we are still grappling with illiteracy in certain parts of the world. And in healthcare, a massively broken industry (especially in the United States) we are on the cusp of witnessing some of the biggest breakthroughs humanity has ever seen. Beyond the innovation and the tech, the future of health centers on our elevated sense of purpose in life. This is why there is ample room for innovation and science to utilize diplomacy’s toolbox to achieve the nexus of technology for social good. Ana C. Rold Ana C. Rold is the Founder and Publisher of Diplomatic Courier. Rold teaches political science courses at Northeastern University and is the Host of The World in 2050–A Forum About Our Future. To engage with her on this article follow her on Twitter @ACRold.
Two National Companies Expand in Duke Realty’s Lebanon Business Park Posted on August 19, 2013 by Duke Realty Communications | Indianapolis, Media Releases (Lebanon, Ind. – Aug. 19, 2013) Two national companies with operations in Duke Realty’s Lebanon Business Park (LBP), a 1,250-acre industrial park located just off I-65 between SR 32 and SR 39 in Lebanon, have recently announced plans to expand their operations in the Park and hire additional workers in the near future. Purity Wholesale Grocers and CNH Global NV have both reaffirmed the value of LBP to their operations by increasing their footprint and investing in new equipment. In early April, Purity Wholesale Grocers, a distributor of products ranging from frozen food to health and beauty care, dairy, dry goods and candy, announced plans to invest in a new 480,000-square foot regional distribution center on 29 acres it purchased in the Park. Purity has chosen Duke Realty to build its new facility, making this the third building transaction between the two companies. Duke Realty built Purity’s first facility in LBP in 1996 and expanded it in 2012. Just a few weeks after Purity’s announcement, the product support division of CNH Global NV, an international manufacturing company, announced that it will lease and equip a 153,000-square foot building in LBP, raising its total presence in LBP to 1.2 million square feet in three buildings. When the new facility is fully operational, it will serve as the command center for CNH’s extensive parts delivery system. CNH, which already has 500 full-time and 200 contract employees in Lebanon Business Park, plans to add 100 new jobs by 2014 and has already started adding to its staff. “Having two companies expand their operations in Lebanon Business Park and bring additional jobs is excellent news for our city,” said Harold ‘Huck’ Lewis, Mayor of Lebanon. “Duke Realty has done an outstanding job of developing LBP, making it a top choice for companies seeking convenient highway access, rail service and a location that’s only a couple hours from Chicago and within a day’s drive of more than half of the country’s population. These businesses’ operations have provided strong tax revenues and job opportunities for our local populace.” “Our ability to provide expansion space to our major clients has reaffirmed that the Lebanon Business Park is one of the premier developments for growing companies,” said Charlie Podell, Senior Vice President of Duke Realty’s Indiana operations. “The City of Lebanon and the Boone County Economic Development Corporation have been excellent partners, working with Duke Realty to upgrade roads and bring a rail spur to the park, as well as making it economically attractive for companies to expand and remain in Lebanon Business Park. About Lebanon Business Park Developed in 1994 in close collaboration with the city of Lebanon, Boone County and state economic developers, the Lebanon Business Park has more than 1,250 acres of land and employs more than 2,600 people annually in 6.4 million square feet of office, industrial and manufacturing space. The Lebanon Business Park was ranked the 5th largest industrial park in Central Indiana by the Indianapolis Business Journal in 2013, and boasts a number of the county’s top employers. Duke Realty owns and operates approximately 148 million rentable square feet of industrial and office, including medical office, space in 18 major U.S. cities. Duke Realty is publicly traded on the NYSE under the symbol DRE and is listed on the S&P MidCap 400 Index. More information about Duke Realty is available at Mark Hosfeld Named Market Leader for Duke Realty’s Seattle Operations Duke Realty General Counsel Ann Colussi Dee Reflects on Her Career with IBJ
Home » Best List » Top 10 Best Search Engines In The World 2020 Top 10 Best Search Engines In The World 2020 Jan 20, 2020 By Rahul Biswal So you want to know about the top best search engines in the world. You will also know about which is the most popular search engine. Web Search Engines have now become a part of our daily life. People are now becoming more dependent on search engines to get the answer to their related queries. At eCloudBuzz, I will give you my personal example. We bloggers do various searches in search engines. Most of our queries are related to our niche. Some of the queries include improving Alexa rank, speed up WordPress blog and many more. In fact, we depend on the search engines for bread & butter as they send us targeted web traffic. Now I will now give an example that will show the usage of the search engine has drastically increased. Every person knows within a click of the button we can get immense information about a single query. Before buying a laptop, what you do? Probable you would research about the laptop in your budget. For this, we take the help of search engines. For every issue or problem, there is a blog post or website made on that topic and we use the search engine to find that related information. Do you know which are the best search engines in the world? Probably you will now that Google is the no. 1 search engine in the world. But there are many other search engines available for public use and also people are using them. There are different types of search engines. Some of these are the crawler-based search engine, metasearch engine, Hybrid search engine, etc. So let’s take a look at the top 10 search engines in the world. List Of Top 10 Best Search Engines In The World 1. Google: Best Search Engine In The World (Most Popular) Google Search Engine is the best search engine in the world. It is also the most popular search engine in the world. and it is also one of the most popular product from Google. According to the latest report from Netmarketshare, more than 74 percent of the Search Engine market has been acquired by Google. The tech giant is always trying to improve the search engine algorithm to provide best results & user experience to the end-user. The aim of Google is to provide useful and most relevant search results to the users. For this, they are always in the process of improving their search engine algorithm. Both the desktop & mobile search engine market is dominated by Google. According to Alexa, is the most visited site on the whole web. 2. Bing: Best Google Alternative Do you want to know what is the best search engine other than Google? Bing is Microsoft’s answer to Google and it was launched in 2009. It is one of the best Google alternative search engines. Bing is also a good and best search engine. Bing is the default search engine in Microsoft’s web browser. The team behind Bing is always thriving to make it a better search engine but still does not able to give Google a slight competition. The background image of this search engine changes daily. Microsoft’s search engine provides different services including image, web and video search along with maps. It also provides instant answers for sports, finance, mathematical calculations, flight tracking and more. Local info including business listing, current traffic information, restaurant review, and other information are also provided by Bing. Both Yahoo & Bing are not giving competition to Google but giving competition to each other. According to the latest report on netmarketshare, Yahoo has a market share of 5 percent. Yahoo is still a leader among the most popular free email providers but does not able to convince users in the search engine area. It is the third most popular search engine in the US. Yahoo Search provides a search interface in about 38 international markets and different languages. It supports the search for images, videos, local, shopping, audio, directory, news and more. Baidu is a Chinese web search engine founded on January 1, 2000. This web search is made to deliver results for the website, audio files, and images. Also, Baidu has an Alexa Rank of 4. It also provides some other services including maps, news, cloud storage and much more. It is also one of the most used search engines in China. was previously known to ask Ask Jeeves. Its search results are based on question answering web format. It was founded in 1995. In fact, it is a question & answer community. Here you can get the answers to your question and it integrates a large amount of archive data to answer your question. With, you will not get as better results as you get in Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If their resources don’t have the answer than it takes help from a particular third-party search engine. is also among the top search engines in the world. It has a market share of 0.05 percent. Verizon Communication has bought AOL for $4.4 billion. It was started back in 1983 as Control Video Corporation. It was named America Online in 1991 and in 2009 as AOL Inc. In fact, AOL is a global mass media company which is based in New York. The company also provides advertising services as AOL Advertising and AOL Platform. Most of us don’t know about a search engine named “Excite”. Even I was unaware of it before got to know while researching this topic. Excite is an online service portal. It provides internet services like email, search engine, news, instant messaging and weather updates. It was launched in 1995. 8. DuckDuckGo: Best Private Search Engine Which is the best private search engine? DuckDuckGo is a popular search engine known for protecting the privacy of the users. It offers a simple and clean user interface. They don’t collect or share any of your personal information. If you are really conscious of your privacy, you can give DuckDuckGo a try. There will be no advertisements while searching in this search engine. In order to generate search results, they have partnered with Yahoo, Bing, and Yummly. It was founded back in 2008 by Gabriel Weinberg. Its revenue comes from the Yahoo-Bing search alliance network and Affiliates. 9. WolframAlpha WolframAlpha is the computational search engine that does not give the list of documents or web pages as search results. But its results are based on facts & data about that query. It’s also called a computational knowledge engine. It was launched in 2009 and based on Mathematica. The search engine is written in 15 million lines of Wolfram Language. Users need to submit queries and computation requests via a text field. WolframAlpha will provide you the answer after a knowledge base of curated structured data. It is written in 15 million lines of Wolfram Language code. The code runs on more than 10,000 CPUs. For answering factual queries, it uses externally sourced “curated data”. It can answer about different topics. These topics include mathematics, dates & time, people & history, chemistry, music, education, weather, and many other useful topics. 10. Yandex Yandex is the most used search engine in Russia. In fact, it is a Russian internet company. It was launched in 1997. Yandex also has a great presence in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Turkey. It also provides services like Yandex Maps, Yandex Music, online translator, Yandex Money, and many other services. You can also search for videos and images in this search engine. A free email service is also provided by the company. Lycos is an old search engine that has a good reputation in the search engine industry. Still, It is also a popular search engine founded back in 1995. Its key areas served are email, web hosting, social networking, and entertainment websites. 12. Dogpile According to Wikipedia, is a metasearch engine. It fetches and shows results from Google, Yahoo, Yandex and other search engines including from audio and video content providers. It was founded in 1995. Some of its best features include yellow pages, white pages, category links, spelling correction and more. It also shows recent popular searches from other users. Conclusion: Which Is The Best Search Engine 2020 So these are the best and most popular web search engines in the world. Among them, Google, Bing, and Yahoo are dominating the search engine market and been used by most people in the world. These three are the most popular and best search engines to use. For creating this list, we have taken data from Wikipedia, Netmarketshare, and This list is no means that all the spots are fixed for the future. It will surely be updated in the future on the basis of market share, popularity, quality and uniqueness of features. You can take benefit by using these popular search engines to grow your business and get knowledge on any particular topic which you are looking for. Now your question of “What is the best search engine in the world” is answered.
Home News CSR Strong economic case for adopting SDGs, say Oz experts Australia’s future prosperity depends on whether it manages to achieve a sustainable, inclusive, and low-carbon economy, experts at a recent discussion in Sydney said. The good news is, there is already a strong economic case for doing so. Unilever Australia and New Zealand chief executive officer Clive Stiff presents progress on the company's Sustainable Living Plan at The Ethics Centre in Sydney. Image: Unilever By Vaidehi Shah There is a strong economic case for companies to ensure that their businesses are socially and environmentally responsible, said business and civil society leaders in Sydney last Thursday, and Australia’s future prosperity depends on how sustainable and inclusive its economy is, they observed. Pulling off this massive but essential transition will require closer collaboration between companies, non-governmental organisations, policymakers and academics, said industry experts speaking at a panel discussion organised by Anglo-Dutch consumer goods giant Unilever on achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a set of 17 goals which aim to end poverty, protect the environment, and achieve inclusive economic growth for all. The universal objectives, which will guide global development efforts till 2030, were adopted last September and took effect at the beginning this year. Clive Stiff, chief executive officer of Unilever Australia and New Zealand, said that in the company’s experience, “there is no trade-off between profitable business growth and sustainability”. In fact, it is a strategy that appeals to increasingly conscious consumers and creates real value for businesses, he told the audience of 47 attendees at The Ethics Centre, a non-profit organisation focused on ethical issues. He added: “Many Australian businesses are also taking a lead and recognising the economic case for action on key social and environmental issues”. At the event, which also marked the mid-term mark of Unilever’s 10-year Sustainable Living Plan, Stiff noted that the company is committed to achieving the SDGs, and this is evident in its targets. Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan was first launched in 2010 and sets out to improve the well-being of more than a billion people, halve the environmental impact of its products and enhance millions of livelihoods by 2020. The company said it was on track to deliver the “vast majority” of its targets. It has successfully reached about 482 million people through its initiatives to improve health and well-being. The company also reports good progress on its contribution to economic and social well-being worldwide. For example, it published its first human rights report last year and trained almost 20,000 people on tackling issues such as human rights violations and sexual harassment. In Australia and New Zealand, it also reported good progress towards creating a gender-balanced and inclusive organisation by 2020. About 55 per cent of Unilever Australia and New Zealand’s staff as of the end of 2015 was female and 46 per cent of all senior managers were women. When it comes to the goal of halving its environmental impact, however, the company reports mixed progress. The positive news is that it has managed to ensure that 60 per cent of its agricultural raw materials are sustainable and can trace back all the palm oil used in its European and Australian food businesses to certified sustainable plantations. It has also managed to reduce the emissions used to power its manufacturing operations by 39 per cent per tonne of production since 2008, and reports that its factories last year drew 19 million fewer cubic metres of water than they did in 2008. That is a 37 per cent reduction in water use per tonne of production. Many Australian businesses are also taking a lead and recognising the economic case for action on key social and environmental issues Clive Stiff, chief executive officer, Unilever Australia and New Zealand Unilever Australia’s offices, warehouses and factories also now send zero non-hazardous waste to the landfill, and the company has helped divert some 1,200 tonnes of soft plastic packaging — which cannot be recycled in traditional plants — from landfills through a partnership with Australian recycling innovation project RedCycle. However, Unilever struggles to reduce the overall life cycle of its products, including consumer use. The emissions from product cycles have increased by 6 per cent since 2010, and the company says it will continue looking for innovative ways to help people reduce their environmental impact. Ultimately, “the changes needed to deliver the SDGs stretch way beyond Unilever or any single company, government, or NGO,” said Stiff. This is why Unilever has been instrumental in forming the Global Commission on Business and Sustainable Development, an international initiative which was launched this January and aims to accelerate the shift towards a more sustainable economy. The Commission will deliver an initial report which will present an economic case for mainstreaming sustainable development in January next year, and the points shared at last week’s panel discussion would feed into this global report. Other Australian sustainability experts at the event also shared ways that business can benefit by delivering on five key SDGs, namely gender equality, life on land, climate change, responsible consumption, and partnerships. For example, John Conner, chief executive officer of climate think tank The Climate Institute, said that “businesses should use their individual and collective voice to explain the benefits and common ground in tackling climate change”. “They should support good policy development and highlight the costs of inaction as well as demonstrate transparency and work collectively with their supply chains to help make it happen,” he added. And when it comes to fostering the collaborations that are essential to achieving the SDGs, Trent Moy, senior consultant at The Ethics Centre, said that businesses can take a range of actions including creating more visibility around existing partnerships, and taking the competitiveness out of partnerships. The latter would involve “allowing business to politely steal from each other where it is beneficial to society,” said Moy. Ultimately, he noted, “we need to re-think how we partner”. Thanks for reading to the end of this story! We would be grateful if you would consider joining as a member of The EB Circle. This helps to keep our stories and resources free for all, and it also supports independent journalism dedicated to sustainable development. For a small donation of S$60 a year, your help would make such a big difference. Find out more and join The EB Circle Explainer: What is carbon neutrality, and can it really be achieved? Why is this reusable container scheme in Singapore not working? How a coffee grower and NGO are fighting deforestation in Sumatra The Eco-Business A-List: Asia's most influential sustainability executives Food for healthier people and planet How 'future-fit' crops can protect the environment and provide for the future Changing lives through the palm oil industry Keep on trucking: Building a solid supply chain for palm oil Tipping Point—Greenland Energy from Waste 2020 Future of Food Conference Add an Event View all Support our journalism. Join The EB Circle.
History of the Dover Chamber Key Benefits of Membership Dover District Chamber of Commerce Insider 22nd June 2015 Dover Business News Your Business Bulletin from Dover District Chamber of Commerce 22nd June 2015 Issue No.: 212 1. Craig Mackinlay MP Speaks: Chamber Breakfast 26th June 2015 The vast majority of our Chamber members will have already received news of our Chamber Business Networking Breakfast scheduled for 0730 – 0900 hrs on Friday, 26th June 2015. The main speaker will be Craig Mackinlay MP whose constituency includes areas with maritime, rural and urban businesses in the districts of Dover and Thanet. A chartered accountant, chartered tax advisor, Justice of the Peace and charity trustee, Craig is also a keen sailor with his own ideas for stimulating the economy of East Kent. As a Chamber President working alongside Charlie Elphicke MP and Sir Roger Gale MP, Craig will be happy to answer questions at the end of his presentation and warmly welcomes close links with the business community. The price of £15 includes coffee on arrival and a full English breakfast with a vegetarian option. Booking is essential. To reserve your place, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line: “Chamber Breakfast 26th June 2015”. Full details of the venue near Sandwich will follow with confirmation. 2. Did You Get a Share of £40 Million? Last month’s Chamber Business Networking Breakfast entitled “Get a Share of £40 Million” showcased the latest plans for Betteshanger Sustainable Parks. Chamber members from a wide variety of sectors heard how they could become a supplier to this landmark development in the Dover district which promises to combine the latest advances in sustainable technology with a respectful celebration of its previous heritage at the heart of the East Kent mining community; a UK first. In a brilliantly succinct presentation, Director Richard Morsley outlined how local companies could benefit from the £40 million project at every stage of its construction. On completion, there will be attractive opportunities for green technology companies and firms in the food and drink industry. Betteshanger Business and Commercial Park will provide 6,700 square metres of internal space in separate units with a mix of serviced accommodation and units for start-ups. A focus on B1 (a) and B1 (b) accommodation will accompany tenancy agreements based on an “easy-in, easy-out” formula. The Food Hub Centre is expected to attract owners of food businesses with pioneering objectives who are keen to develop and bring new products to market with the support of display areas for B2C and B2B promotions. All buildings will conform to BREEAM standards, the world's foremost environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings. Private sector investors expecting a median 5% return from year six rising to 8% have received some assurance from the wholehearted backing from local and national government. With Hadlow College managing the education campus,the only college in Kent to be both Ofsted ‘outstanding’ and an LSIS Beacon provider, tenants there will have fully committed professional expertise on site. 3. Contract Law Seminar As promised in our previous business bulletin, Chamber Members attending last week’s seminar, ‘Introduction to Contract Law’ were treated to a rich diet of legal insights that will inevitably give them a significant advantage in future negotiations and correspondence with customers and suppliers. Commercial advice and insights of the highest quality flowed from Irfan Baluch, contract law specialist at Cripps LLP which has offices in London, Tunbridge Wells, Kings Hill and Sandwich. Breach of contract, agency agreements, non-disclosure agreements, memoranda of understanding, heads of terms, ‘the battle of the forms’, what you should and, of equal importance, what you should not put on your invoice were all featured in a veritable tour de force of professional advice that proved conclusively the contention that “If you do not understand the basics of contract law, you do not understand modern business and you are vulnerable to those that do.” Inspired by how to protect their company and increase its profitable trading, chamber members were full of praise for the seminar and its presenter. There is little doubt of the demand for it to be repeated before too long. Irfan can be reached by telephone to Cripps, tel: 01892 515 121, or via the website at 4. Lord Digby Jones The Chamber was the guest of Wilkins Kennedy for an evening at Leeds Castle with Lord Digby Jones. For six and a half years, he was the outspoken Director General of the Confederation of British Industry. One of his predecessors was Sir Howard Davies, the current Chairman of the UK Airports Commission and John Banham who later served as Chairman of Tarmac, Kingfisher plc and Johnson Matthey. Determined to be his own man and refusing to join any political party, he used his experience as a senior partner at Edge & Ellison, a Birmingham-based firm of lawyers, to flummox Jeremy Paxman soon after his appointment by telling him that he had never been interviewed on television before. Indeed, he was brought up as the son of the owner of a corner shop in Alvechurch, near Birmingham and claims that this is where he learned the fundamentals of his business creed. It obviously served him well as he progressed through the ranks to be successively a student, a Probation Officer and Assistant Physiotherapist followed by three years in the Royal Navy. After graduating from University College London, somewhat unkindly dubbed by the local rival King’s College as “that Godless institution in Gower Street", he spent 20 years advancing from being an articled clerk to a senior partner. A fierce critic of protectionism, his many appearances in the media saw him berate the public sector for its inefficiencies. A knighthood in the 2005 New Year’s Honours list was followed a few years later by his appointment as Minister of State for UK Trade & Investment and elevation to the peerage as Digby, Lord Jones of Birmingham Kb. Now with a string of executive and non-executive posts to his name, he makes regular appearances on the BBC as a business trouble-shooter or commentator on the day’s newspapers. Many Chamber members will agree with his much quoted lines that: “if fundamental reform does not take place, from working practices right through to pension provision, we will end up with an ever-diminishing private sector trying to pay for, and provide pensions for, an ever increasing and inefficient, unproductive, self-interested public sector” and yet most will surely take issue with his unreasoned support for Aston Villa FC, now to be found languishing in the lower reaches of the Premier League; surely a misjudgement and one that he shares with our current Prime Minister, another Villa fan who has yet to appreciate the qualities of our East Kent teams. 5. Who Pays The Ferryman? We are grateful to Dr Bill Moses MBE for his comments submitted to the Chamber on an issue at the heart of East Kent ferry industry. Of appeal to anyone with the best interests of our maritime economy at heart, here is what he wrote. “For those connected with cross-Channel business there has been a rather long, some would say arduous debate to observe in slow motion. I refer of course to the authorities’ analysis of the MyFerryLink, a company born from the ashes of SeaFrance with ships funded by Eurotunnel and yet leased, manned and operated by a workers’ société coopérative et participative, or SCOP. It was arguably anyone’s guess whether it was reasonable for Eurotunnel to be associated with a surface operation as well as a fixed link but it was a brave move at least and one with logic; part insurance policy for those occasions where traffic diversion is required, an opportunity to cater for freight operators who have always preferred to spread their favours and in addition a way to accommodate hazardous cargo, a no-no for the fixed link. Alas, it was not to last despite a last-minute reprieve. The ships were instead consigned to DFDS, a move that results in a rare two-operator service from Dover, a port that has been more used to three players almost since the advent of the roll-on, roll-off ferry services in the early 50s. Earlier cries from those who monitor and legislated on competition put the customer first in an earnest effort to ensure that he or she was not disadvantaged. In truth MyFerryLink has provided a valuable, service-oriented and competitive operation with no evidence that passenger and/or freight clients have been deprived. The story is of course not over yet. DFDS will become the prominent if not largest surface operator and with two more likely to rationalise capacity than three, it is difficult to imagine that frequency will increase. And on those occasions when Operation Stack becomes a necessity the challenge posed by increased post-recession freight volumes and capacity more accurately tuned to demand may lead to a greatly increased test for Kent County Council.” 6. Broadstairs Folk Week Famous far beyond its town boundaries, Broadstairs Folk Week has become the jewel in the crown of Kent Festivals. Celebrating its 50th year this summer, the festival makes a huge impact on businesses in a wide variety of sectors. A 2012 independent survey by Kent County Council calculated that the business impact of Broadstairs Folk Week was £2.3 million and the sum will surely have risen since then. Festival Director Jo Tuffs reminds the Chamber that it all began through the efforts of the Folk pioneer Jack Hamilton who: “… arrived in Broadstairs and knew at once this was the perfect place. Funding came from the Council who provided a £100 deficit guarantee. The English Folk Dance and Song Society provided a £50 grant.” It has grown somewhat since then. The 50th Anniversary Festival from 7th to 14th August 2015 will offer over 500 events including concerts, dances, parades, a craft fair, a children's festival, morris dancers in venues ranging from the 600-seater concert marquee in the town’s park to the more intimate Sailing Club on the seafront. Almost every aspect of folk culture will be represented, both a massed Ukelele Band and English clog-dancing with the Demon Barbers. Jo has unstinting praise for “an amazing army of volunteers without whom Folk Week would not happen” and adds: “There are now over 230 of them and there are still a few vacancies for anyone who would like to join for 2015.” If you already know the difference between your Broonzies and your Belshazzar’s Feast or would just like to get more involved as a volunteer, spectator or supporter, give Jo a call, tel: 01843 604080, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. More details are available on the website 7. Dredging Up The Truth In Ramsgate Observant Chamber members with an interest in all things maritime may well have seen a grab dredger working in Ramsgate harbour recently in preparation for the installation of pontoons for small boat owners in the Western gulley of the outer harbour and latterly a near never-ending attempt to influence the mountain of sand alongside the end of the East pier. But there is a misconception about this energetic little dredger. For the uninitiated onlooker, the Mannin bears such an uncanny resemblance to the dredger Ramsgate that served the port for many years, that many believe it is actually her. Alas, it is not the Ramsgate, pensioned off by the Council in 2008 for the princely sum of £66,000, a mere bagatelle and a tiny fraction of what the Council is now obliged to spend on third-party dredgers. The absence of ‘natural scouring’ by regular arrivals and departures of a ferry means that the silt is increasing; yet despite this the major part of the ports dredging needs have been struck from the budget. The result is that if a ferry service is attracted to the port, ‘catch-up’ dredging could result in a very costly inauguration. And what news you may ask of the often maligned, life-expired, Ramsgate? She’s as active as ever, renamed Helle SAJ and doing sterling work in the Baltic. Shame she’s not the Mannin after all you may ask, we do. 8. Best Warehousing The Chamber will be a hosting a workshop focussing on best practice in warehousing. In an expanding economy and a burgeoning logistics sector in the Dover district and elsewhere in East Kent, commercial storage space is under increasing pressure. It is particularly important for warehouse owners and managers to ensure that they are making the best possible use of their assets. An informal session will take place on Tuesday, 21st July 2015 from 1000 hrs and will focus on sharing ideas for increasing efficacy in shipping, receiving, putaway and picking as well as recent developments in WMS (warehouse management system) software. For more details email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 01843 609289. 9. Term Time Holiday One senior Chamber member at a long established but fast growing company in the IT sector has contacted the Chamber with some heartfelt concerns “for small and medium businesses in complying with the restrictions on term time holidays.” He adds: “For many small businesses the employer is faced with a stark choice of either allowing a significant number of personnel to be absent at the same time or denying their employee’s children a family holiday. The problem is compounded as employees try to coordinate their leave not only with their own colleagues, but with that of their partners and their colleagues who are often working for similar sized organisations with the same problems. The value of education and the work of teachers should not be underestimated, it is essential for the success of business to have a supply of intelligent, educated school leavers, however the implication that allowing an eight year old a few days holiday in June 2015 is going to have a detrimental impact on that person’s skills in 2025 is unsubstantiated; however denying that child a holiday does put heavy strains on relationships between employers and staff, families and finances.” We welcome further comments from businesses across East Kent and will pass these to our Chamber Presidents who represent your interests in the House of Commons. 10. How Do We Measure Unemployment? The Chamber traditionally quotes the Claimant Count as a reliable guide to the evolution of our local economy. It is based on the exact number of people registered for benefits at our UK Job Centres each month and therefore provides accurate data from which meaningful comparisons can be made. The other main measure of unemployment is the Labour Force Survey (LFS); a statutory requirement of membership of the European Union that also allows for cross-border analysis on an equal basis. Although traditionally quoted in the media as our official unemployment rate, the LFS is at best a good guess based on a quarterly sample survey without a lot of detail. If we accept that the three main UK economic indicators are the exchange rate, the interest rate and the unemployment rate, the only measure available every month for every geographical area, from the village in which you live to Great Britain as a whole, is the unemployment rate expressed in the Claimant Count. The Chamber has been monitoring these figures in East Kent closely for more than 8 years. A comparison of the latest data compared to the same period for the last two years is a reliable guide to our progress in the East Kent coastal business community. District Number of Unemployed Difference May 2015 May 2014 May 2013 2015/2014 2015/2013 Dover 1,253 1,952 2,498 -35.8% -49.8% Shepway 1,275 1,767 2,595 -27.8% -50.9% Swale 1,587 2,355 3,149 -32.6% -49.6% Thanet 2,528 3,775 4,700 -33.0% -46.2% The figures clearly show that unemployment for 16 – 64 year olds has more or less halved in the last two years, an encouraging picture for us all. 11. What About Youth Unemployment? Although youth unemployment in Thanet is still the highest in the South East and remains an especial concern for 18 – 24 year olds at its current level of 5.6%, there has been a dramatic fall since May 2013 when 12.5% was the figure quoted by the Office for National Statistics and it had been 14.0% in September 2012. Similarly, there has been a sharp fall since May 2013 in Dover from 8.2% to 3.7%, Shepway from 7.0% to 3.4% and Swale from 8.6% to 3.8%. 12. Have We Never Had It So Good? Harold Macmillan is still remembered today for his 1957 speech when he claimed: “Let us be frank about it: most of our people have never had it so good". That is not yet true of East Kent, but there is no doubt that we have made a good start with a sustained improvement in the business climate. National economic recovery policies have been a significant element; more money for investment, increased confidence in our institutions, positive fiscal reforms and confidence from consistent results that have outperformed other G7 nations. Nevertheless, most commentators are agreed that this country has a systemic weakness in skills. Perhaps we have been fortunate in East Kent to benefit from the revival of East Kent College in Thanet, Dover and Shepway and many good and outstanding schools throughout the area. But skilled school-leavers, improving Further Education and more money available from the banks do not in themselves explain why unemployment has fallen across our region by nearly 50% in the last two years. For this we must thank the key decision-makers who generate the wealth. These are the owners and managers of our established companies, the brave entrepreneurs who start new companies here and the inward investors who chose East Kent rather than any other part of the world. Lord Digby Jones, see above, is one of many who remind us all on a regular basis that the government has no money of its own except for what it confiscates in taxes from those who generate the wealth. If our strong upward growth is to continue and if we wish to maintain and improve our schools, hospitals and the fundamental infrastructure of East Kent, we should be nice to these wealth-creators or they might go somewhere else where a warmer welcome is on offer. Our message to key decision-makers at all levels of government in every political party is surely something along the lines of “You may wish to hug a hoodie from time to time, but do not forget to back our businesses in East Kent.” In our popular television soap operas like East Enders and Coronation Street, company owners are often portrayed as unattractive characters with unsavoury habits, but without the money private companies generate, there would be no ITV and probably no BBC either. Mike Baldwin did have his good points. 13. Manston Update Last Wednesday in a marquee located next to the runway, the Chamber joined BBC South East, ITV Meridian and Heart Radio to hear the latest news about the development of the Manston Airport site. On the platform were Ray Mallon, Chris Musgrave and Trevor Cartner. Their plans have a number of key features. Firstly, the site has been renamed Stone Hill Park with the name Manston dropped from future descriptions. With 200 acres designed to be attractive to advanced manufacturing companies, the owners envisage creating 4,000 jobs over a 20 year period in “a cluster of industries that work well together”. The plans include the provision of an East Kent Sports Village with an Olympic-sized 50 metre swimming pool, supplemented by a training pool of 25 metres in length. Continuing the sporting theme, an outdoor surfing facility is promised which is reported to be sadly lacking in the South East of England. Safeguarding the future of the Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Museum has been achieved through gifting the freehold to the trustees and the Stone Hill Park owners expect to undertake a similar donation to the RAF Museum next door. Respect for the heritage of the airfield has provoked the allocation of 200 acres as a greenfield site where vintage aircraft may land on a grass strip, as was the case in the early days of the airport. Chris Musgrave and Trevor Cartner have noted the interest shown by film producers acutely short of space at Pinewood Studios. The prospect of the interior shots of a James Bond film taking place in a purpose-built film studio was not viewed as fanciful, although Ray Mallon’s suggestion that Trevor Cartner might play the lead role did not receive much response from the audience or indeed the would-be actor. The final piece in the jigsaw is the residential part of the site which is expected to accommodate 2,500 homes. Trevor Cartner predicted that these would bring an annual income to Thanet District Council of £4 million. Added to a new homes bonus of £24 million, Trevor is confident that the plans will be accepted and that a Compulsory Purchase Order will be successfully rejected. As for the prospects of a revived airport, he said: “What would it do for the social and economic fabric of the area- not a lot.” He added later: “The CPO is in pieces now. I know that people aren’t stupid” and “A CPO will fail. It will not see the light of day.” Ray Mallon and Trevor Cartner reserved some harsh words for those people supporting the return of mainline aviation activity to the site stating that any CPO or similar would require a huge sum in financial backing: “£76 million or no game on”. Local politicians objecting to the Stone Hill Park scheme were labelled as “Irresponsible in the extreme”, operating from misguided principles and “all because we had elections in May”. There were several references to what was perceived as a succession of past failures at Manston: “Previous passenger airlines, more comebacks than Frank Sinatra”. When questioned on how achievable the project is, Trevor Cartner expressed himself as being certain of delivering the scheme, echoing Ray Mallon’s words earlier that: “We can prove beyond reasonable doubt that the scheme is deliverable”. 14. Sporting Life With so much construction taking place in East Kent, one Chamber member, whom we shall call John, felt compelled to join in and build an extension to his house. We have our doubts about this story, but we leave it to Chamber members to judge for themselves. “It was a few weeks ago and I thought it is about time I had a clear out of the garage before converting it into part of a two-bedroom annex. As always with a new supplier, I turned to the classified section of my Chamber diary. There was a long list of telephone numbers under the heading ‘Building Services & Construction’. I picked the nearest and dialled the number. ‘Hello’, said a female voice, ‘Can I help you?’. ‘Yes please’, I said, ‘I want a skip outside my garage door’. She paused for a moment and then answered sharply, ‘Well, we won’t stop you’ and promptly put the phone down. Can you believe it?” No John, but thank you anyway. © David Foley 22nd June 2015 Published in The Insider - Business Bulletins More in this category: « Dover District Chamber of Commerce Insider 14th April 2015 Dover Business News 13th September 2015 » Copyright © 2020 The Dover District Chamber of Commerce. All Rights Reserved. Website Design Kent by CARISS
Funeral Announcement For Soldier Killed During World War II (Ball, B.) Release No: 18-048 April 30, 2018 Billy Ball WASHINGTON — The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced today that a U.S. serviceman, recently accounted-for from World War II, is being returned to his family for burial with full military honors. Army Pfc. Billy R. Ball, 20, of Matthews, Missouri, accounted for on Aug. 28, 2017, will be buried May 4 in St. Louis, Missouri. On Dec. 8, 1941, Ball was a member of Headquarters Detachment Philippines Department, when Japanese forces invaded the Philippine Islands. Intense fighting continued until the surrender of the Bataan peninsula on April 9, 1942, and of Corregidor Island on May 6, 1942. Thousands of U.S. and Filipino service members were taken prisoner; including many who were forced to endure the Bataan Death March, en route to Japanese prisoner of war (POW) camps, including the POW camp at Cabanatuan on the island of Luzon, Philippines. Ball was among those reported captured after the surrender of Corregidor and who were eventually moved to the Cabanatuan POW camp. More than 2,500 POWs perished in this camp during the remaining years of the war. According to prisoner records, Ball died on Sept. 28, 1942, and was buried along with fellow prisoners in the local Cabanatuan camp cemetery. Following the war, American Graves Registration Service (AGRS) personnel exhumed those buried at the Cabanatuan cemetery and relocated the remains to a temporary U.S. military cemetery near Manila. In late 1947, the AGRS again exhumed the remains at the Manila cemetery in an attempt to identify them. Due to the circumstances of the POW deaths and burials, the extensive commingling, and the limited identification technologies of the time, all of the remains could not be individually identified. The unidentified remains were reburied as unknowns in the present-day Manila American Cemetery and Memorial. In May 2016, the Secretary of the Army granted permission to exhume six graves associated with Cabanatuan Common Graves 437 and 439. On May 11, 2017, the remains were sent to DPAA for identification. To identify Ball’s remains, scientists from DPAA and the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System used mitochondrial (mtDNA) DNA analysis, as well as circumstantial evidence and laboratory analysis, to include dental comparisons and anthropological analysis. DPAA is grateful to the American Battle Monuments Commission for their partnership in this mission. Of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II, more than 400,000 died during the war. Currently there are 72,934 service members (approximately 26,000 are assessed as possibly-recoverable) still unaccounted for from World War II. Although interred as an "unknown" in Manila, Ball’s grave was meticulously cared for over the past 70 years by the American Battle Monuments Commission. His name is recorded on the Walls of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery site along with the other MIAs from WWII. A rosette will be placed next to his name to indicate he has been accounted for. For additional information on the Defense Department’s mission to account for Americans who went missing while serving our country, visit the DPAA website at, find us on social media at or call (703) 699-1420/1169.
Home Holidays Holiday Columns How a Chinese fruit became a Sukkot symbol TOPICS:EtrogHigh HolidaysSukkot Etrogim can come with a hefty price tag, such as this one that retailed for $345 in Brooklyn. (David Moster) NEW YORK (JTA) — The holiday of Sukkot isn’t is complete without a lulav and an etrog, the four species that Jews are commanded to wave on the harvest holiday. But according to a new book, it wasn’t until the Second Temple period that Jews started using the lemon-like etrog as part of their Sukkot celebrations. In ancient times, people would simply use whichever fruits they had harvested in that season, such as pomegranates, grapes, dates and figs, says Rabbi David Moster, who has been researching the etrog for a decade and published a book on its history in April. That’s because the Bible isn’t quite clear about which fruit G-d wants the Jews to use to celebrate Sukkot. In Leviticus 23:40, G-d commands that Jews on the first day of the holiday “take the product of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, boughs of leafy trees, and willows of the brook.” The branches, boughs and willows refer to palm, myrtle and willow. But the meaning of “the product of goodly trees” is less clear — the term itself has also been translated in a variety of ways. Therefore, Jews would use whichever fruits they had available to celebrate Sukkot, according to Moster, the founder and director of the Institute of Biblical Culture, which offers online courses on the Bible. Things changed during the Second Temple period, however, when a new fruit was introduced to the Land of Israel: the etrog, or citron. Why did it become widely accepted that Leviticus was referring to an etrog? Moster says the answer lies in the fruit’s journey to Israel. The fruit originated in China, where it does not appear to have been very popular, he told JTA. Eventually, the fruit made its way from East Asia to India, where it was used as a remedy for gastrointestinal issues (hence its Latin name, Citrus medica) and appeared in iconography as a fertility symbol. From there it traveled to the Iran, when the Persian Empire conquered northwestern India around 518 BCE. As the Land of Israel came under Persian control in 539 BCE, the etrog spread to there as well. It was one of the first foreign fruits to enter the land, Moster says, and it quickly became popular. Moster says it is impossible to pinpoint an exact date, but at some point during the Second Temple period, “the product of the goodly trees” became widely seen to refer to the etrog. From there, the etrog gained an even larger significance as a Jewish symbol, and it was used to decorate everything from burial tombs and synagogue mosaics to pendants and lamps. The idea was an exclusively rabbinic one. For example, the Samaritans, who claim to be descendants of the Israelites, did not share the interpretation. To this day, Samaritans use an array of colorful fruits in crafting their sukkahs, which look quite different than the leafy ones that Jews tend to build, and the etrog does not play a central role. As for Moster, he is a big fan of the etrog, and makes an annual trek from his Yonkers, New York, home to Brooklyn’s Borough Park neighborhood, where dozens of vendors sell the fruit ahead of Sukkot. “My sukkah actually has instead of regular decorations of different types of fruit, we just have etrogim hanging the whole way around,” he said. Asked how he affords it — etrogim typically aren’t cheap, ranging from $30 to $500 — Moster explains that he buys the real thing for ritual purposes and decorates his sukkah with plastic fruit. Be the first to comment on "How a Chinese fruit became a Sukkot symbol"
Study finds changes in intestines leads to reversal of diabetes after weight-loss surgery Chicago, IL March 18, 2018 A new study helps explain changes in the intestines that may be responsible for the reversal of diabetes in people who undergo a type of bariatric surgery known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB). The research will be presented Sunday, March 18, at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society’s 100th annual meeting in Chicago, Ill. “Bariatric surgery is the most effective option for obesity and its complications, such as type 2 diabetes,” said Margaret A. Stefater, M.D, Ph.D., the lead author of the study and a fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass. In many people who have had RYGB, their diabetes abates even before they start to lose weight. However, “bariatric surgery is not for everyone with obesity, as it is associated with side effects. Our aim is to ‘reverse engineer’ the surgery, to find how it works and apply the mechanisms to new, less invasive treatments,” Stefater said. Stefater is spearheading a study investigating whether changes in the intestine of human patients who undergo the surgery could lead to weight loss and diabetes improvement. This is an NIH-funded registered clinical trial, which is a collaboration between Dr. Nicholas Stylopoulos of Boston Children’s Hospital and Dr. Anita Courcoulas of the University of Pittsburgh. A total of 32 patients will be recruited for this study; the data presented at the meeting is based on the first 19 patients. The researchers obtained intestinal biopsies of the patients in the study at the time of the surgery, and 1, 6 and 12 months afterwards. They performed analysis of the samples to look for changes in the expression of genes over time. The study found the surgery led to dramatic changes in gene expression in intestinal tissue, which explains and predicts blood glucose improvement and body weight loss after RYGB surgery in humans. The changes appear early after the surgery and persist over time. “This study is the first to link changes in intestinal biology to clinical improvement after bariatric surgery,” Stefater said. “As the lab has previously shown, in rodents undergoing the surgery, the intestine increases use of glucose from the bloodstream, leading to a reversal of diabetes. The intestine after surgery becomes a different organ, growing thicker and longer,” Stefater said. The investigators hypothesize that the intestine uses more glucose in order to support its increased energetic needs. “The findings point strongly to a mechanism behind RYGB-elicited metabolic improvement and highlight potential for engineering better, perhaps nonsurgical obesity and type 2 diabetes therapies,” Stefater said. Endocrinologists are at the core of solving the most pressing health problems of our time, from diabetes and obesity to infertility, bone health, and hormone-related cancers. The Endocrine Society is the world’s oldest and largest organization of scientists devoted to hormone research and physicians who care for people with hormone-related conditions. The Society has more than 18,000 members, including scientists, physicians, educators, nurses and students in 122 countries. To learn more about the Society and the field of endocrinology, visit our site at Follow us on Twitter at @TheEndoSociety and @EndoMedia. Colleen Williams Manager, Public Relations Phone: (202)-971-3611 Jenni Glenn Gingery Associate Director, Communications and Media Relations Phone: (202)-971-3655
737 MAX Certification Could Open Big Rifts in Global Aviation Market Matthew Greenwood posted on September 20, 2019 | The European air safety regulator could break with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on certifying the Boeing 737 MAX for flight again—which could cause significant turmoil in the global aviation sector. The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is insisting on conducting its own flight tests of the aircraft before allowing it to fly again in Europe—rather than just relying on FAA certification. “EASA intends to conduct its own test flights separate from, but in full coordination with, the FAA,” said agency spokesperson Janet Northcote. “The test flights are not scheduled yet. The date will depend on the development schedule of Boeing.” It’s not unusual for regulators to send their own staff to conduct tests on aircraft being manufactured outside of their jurisdiction—the FAA used its own pilots to test several Airbus planes before certifying them for service in the U.S. Most of the time, regulators ultimately take their lead from the agency in the country where the plane is manufactured. But there has never been a certification process as high-profile as this one. At the heart of EASA’s concerns are the aircraft’s angle-of-attack vanes—sensors that detect the angle of the plane’s nose relative to oncoming air. Malfunctioning vanes triggered the two fatal crashes that resulted in the grounding of the 737 MAX worldwide. Boeing planes use two vanes, while other plane makers—including Boeing’s European rival Airbus—use three or more to strengthen redundancy. How the 737 MAX’s new sensors will work. While EASA recognizes that two vanes are “the bare minimum requirement to meet the safety objectives,” the regulator states that “an architecture with three vanes can more easily be found compliant with the regulation.” EASA isn’t demanding that additional vanes be installed—yet. But the agency has expressed serious concerns over whether pilots could handle angle-of-attack sensor failures during crucial stages of the aircraft’s flight such as takeoff. It remains to be seen if the regulator will be satisfied with Boeing’s proposed fix—which currently still relies on just the two vanes. If the European agency tells Boeing that the aircraft needs more vanes, it could spell trouble for the 737 MAX—and indeed all Boeing’s planes, since they each use the two-vane system. The FAA has made no such demands on Boeing, and appears likely to conduct its certification flight in October—opening the way for the jet to reenter service in early 2020. But if Boeing needs to install additional hardware to satisfy the EASA, then the company can say goodbye to a neat and tidy global return to service. Even with FAA certification, the plane will be banned from flying to European destinations: this will cause complications for Boeing’s manufacturing and delivery schedules. And the airlines that fly the 737 MAX will also have to juggle fleets and schedules alike—something they’ve already had to do, and do well, since the MAX was grounded. Boeing will also need to spend significant amounts of money and time to get the planes up to EASA’s standards—a project much more complicated and expensive than just the software patch the Seattle-based aerospace giant is currently working on. PBS NewsHour asks if the FAA did a proper job when it originally certified the 737 MAX. This points to troubling uncertainty about the FAA’s perceived trustworthiness. Regulators have previously been content to follow the FAA’s lead on issues like new plane certification. But the 737 MAX debacle has given the FAA a black eye due to concerns over its lax testing and enforcement. It appears that regulators are losing faith in the FAA. The FAA was one of the last agencies to ground the plane after the second fatal crash. The first to ground the fleet was the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)—which seems to have taken over the FAA’s role as the world leader in aviation regulation. To add to the FAA’s new-found legitimacy problems, India is joining Europe in its intent to independently certify the passenger jet. The Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation stated that it plans to conduct its own tests on the 737 MAX as well. It would appear that India doesn’t trust the FAA any more than Europe does. The European Union and the United States currently have an air safety agreement that aims to create a consistent safety and certification regime in both jurisdictions. And the FAA has already approved parts of the 737 MAX that EASA didn’t directly oversee. But EASA has said it will conduct a “broader review of the design of the critical safety systems on the MAX,” according to new EASA director Patrick Ky. EASA had delegated that task to the FAA in 2017 when the plane was greenlit for service—but won’t be doing so again. The last time a fleet was grounded was in 2013 when the Boeing 787 Dreamliners were pulled from runways around the world to fix electronics and battery issues—and global regulators worked closely and collaboratively to fix the problem, with EASA content to let the FAA take the lead as the primary certification authority. That certainly isn’t the case anymore. Going back to the vanes, EASA’s Ky stated that Boeing had not implemented changes that would rectify the regulator’s concerns over the angle-of-attack sensors—which might mean that EASA will insist on additional vanes after all. This could add another worrying chapter to the 737 MAX’s tragic tale. Read more about the 737 MAX’s difficult road back to certification at New 737 MAX Flaw Discovered as Boeing Aims for Recertification.
Should The Public Pay For A Royal Wedding? Starter Debate Lessons If you have been following the news, Prince Harry (one of the Princes of the British Crown) and Meghan Markle (an American actor) have wedded. The event is estimated to have been seen by over 500 million people from around the world. Celebrations have been going on all around the world. While many have focussed on the happy nuptials some have focussed on the cost. It was revealed in many newspapers in the UK that the total cost of the event was more than £40 million. Like with any traditional wedding the father of the bride (in this case Meghan Markle’s father) should pay for the wedding. In this case, it was reported that Prince Charles paid for most of the wedding arrangements. Here is a breakdown of the wedding cost according to a popular wedding planning company. £110,000 on flowers at the church and reception. £300,000 to hire a marquee (a big tent for hosting the reception). £26,000 on sausage rolls and hot tea for the 2,640 members of the public who have been invited. £90,000 for 20 silver-plated trumpets that were used to announce the start of the wedding. £50,000 on the lemon elderflower cake. £300,000 to £400,000 on Meghan’s dress (but this was bought by Meghan herself) While the above was paid for by individuals the total cost is no more than £1 million, so where did the rest of the £40 million go? Apparently, due to the high risk of a terror-related event or other criminal activity, a further £30 million was spent on security measures. This money came from the local police force and extra hours for more specialist security. This was provided by the taxpayer and so, the people of the UK and all other UK paying taxpayers. Questions which arise from this: The Royal family’s net worth is estimated to be around £1 billion, should they need the public to pay for a wedding? There are around 70,000 families in the UK who are registered homeless. Should one of the Princes of the UK be spending £110,000 flowers? What kind of image does this create? If you were Prince Harry or Meghan Markle, how would choose to organise your wedding? It was reported that the wedding has contributed £500 million to the economy of the UK, through tourism and shopping. Does this justify the cost of the wedding to the public? Toe the line – to follow what others have said to do Refine his work – to become better at something To work well with people – to be friendly and warm to others Strives for one on one time – when someone wants to get to speak to people and give each person time. A huge hit – a great success. Autographs – when you sign your name on paper, famous people do this. The Corgis took to her – A Corgi is a type of dog, and took to her is when they immediately liked her. Video for discussion Watch the video and then answer the questions below. What was the last TV show Meghan worked on? Does she have to give up her career? Can she use her own social media accounts? What is her citizenship? Can she give autographs? Show Answers Answers to the video questions Suits. No, she must use social media accounts from the Royal Family. She was American, but had to give that up and became British. Reasons for having a monarchy The Monarch (the king or Queen) is integrally part of a country’s national identity. They commit to many charities and often donate money to international programmes. They are popular with tourists and help the local economy. The most stable countries in the world have a Royal Family. They are important for diplomatic work where the government or ministers may not be able to openly do or say something. Reasons to remove the monarchy The King or Queen has not been elected by the population. Therefore they do not rule by right, but only through birth. The monarch can remove the democratically elected Prime Minister. The monarch can secretly change the politics of the country in secret meetings that do not need to be made public. Having a royal family indicates the country does not believe in merit or equality. France does not have a Royal family and they have three times more tourists than the UK, so it is really good for the economy? A country with a Royal family means the population are “subject” and not “citizens”, this means they are less free. Potential debating topics for the monarchy A country ruled as a Republic is more democratic than a Monarchy. The Royal family should not take public money for their expenses. The institution of the Royal family is an out of date concept and should be replaced. Is having a monarchy still relevant in the 21st century. A country should be based on merit and they all you have is from what you have earned. Having a Royal family means that this idea is not truly implemented in a nation. While the celebrations were joyful, the larger context of the event means there are many burred lines to the topic. Countries Should Invest More in Nuclear Power Animals Should Not Be Used for Entertainment
Etihad Airways to operate scheduled flights from Al Ain to Jeddah during busy Ramadan period UAE national airline demonstrates commitment to Abu Dhabi’s second largest city with 10 scheduled services Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates – Etihad Airways will operate a daily scheduled flight between the oasis city of Al Ain in the UAE and Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the last ten days of Ramadan. The airline will operate the flights from 26 May to 4 June to meet increased demand during the busy travel period. The flights will be operated by an Airbus A330, and have been conveniently timed to offer customers in Al Ain with afternoon departures in both directions. Ahmed Al Qubaisi, Senior Vice President Government and International Affairs, Etihad Aviation Group, said: “We are very pleased to offer these special flights from Al Ain to Jeddah during Ramadan. The flights are conveniently scheduled for the people residing in Al Ain wanting to attend Umrah during the last 10 days of the holy month.” Etihad Airways is offering guests special Ramadan snack and drinks throughout the holy month, in addition to the complimentary dining service. For reservations, please visit Timetable: Al Ain – Jeddah (effective 26 May 2019 – 4 June 2019) EY 335 Note: All departures and arrivals are listed in local time
Public Release: 5-Feb-2019 Cannabinoid compounds may inhibit growth of colon cancer cells Medical marijuana has gained attention in recent years for its potential to relieve pain and short-term anxiety and depression. Now, Penn State College of Medicine researchers say some cannabinoid compounds may actually inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells in the lab. The researchers tested the effects of synthetic cannabinoid compounds on colon cancer cells in an experiment in test tubes. While the compounds most commonly associated with cannabis -- THC and CBD -- showed little to no effect, 10 other compounds were effective at inhibiting cancer cell growth. Kent Vrana, chair of the Department of Pharmacology at Penn State College of Medicine, said the study -- recently published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research -- helped identify compounds that could be tested further to understand their anti-cancer properties. "Now that we've identified the compounds that we think have this activity, we can take these compounds and start trying to alter them to make them more potent against cancer cells," Vrana said. "And then eventually, we can explore the potential for using these compounds to develop drugs for treating cancer." Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute, with an estimated 140,250 newly diagnosed cases and 50,630 deaths in 2018. While medical cannabis has largely been used in recent years for palliative care, the researchers said some previous studies suggested that certain cannabinoid compounds may have the potential to inhibit or prevent the growth of tumors. To explore how effective cannabinoids were at reducing the viability of colon cancer cells specifically, the researchers tested how 370 different synthetic cannabinoid compounds affected seven types of human colon cancer cells. "There are many different ways cells can become cancerous," Vrana said. "Each of the seven cells we tested had a different cause or mutation that led to the cancer, even though they were all colon cells. We didn't want to test these compounds on just one mutation or pathway to cancer." The researchers incubated the cancer cells in a lab for eight hours before treating them with the cannabinoid compounds for 48 hours. Any compounds that showed signs of reducing the viability of one kind of cancer cell was then used to treat all seven kinds of cells. After further screening and analysis, the researchers identified 10 compounds that inhibited the growth of almost all seven types of colon cancer types tested. But while the researchers were able to identify these compounds, Vrana said they are still unsure about how exactly the compounds worked to reduce the viability of the cancer cells. "The 10 compounds we found to be effective fall into three classes, so they're similar to each other but with small changes," Vrana said. "We know how one of them works, which is by inhibiting the division of cells in general. We also found that the most potent and effective compounds don't seem to work through traditional marijuana receptors, although we're not sure of the exact mechanism yet." Vrana said certain types of cells, like skin and colon cells, are more susceptible to cancers because they divide very frequently "Every time a cell divides, there's the chance that it will mutate and keep dividing when it shouldn't, which is how cancers can start. So if we block that signal that's telling cancer cells to continue to divide, that could be a way to stop that cancer." Vrana said that because the other compounds did not seem to be working through traditional cannabinoid signaling pathways, future research will focus on better understanding how the compounds interact with cancer cells and whether researchers can make the compounds more potent and effective. Wesley M. Raup-Konsavage, research project manager; Megan Johnson, medical student at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; Christopher A. Legare, medical student at Penn State College of Medicine; Gregory S. Yochum, associate professor of biochemistry molecular biology; and Daniel J. Morgan, assistant professor of anesthesiology and perioperative medicine, also participated in this work. The National Institutes of Health and the Elliot S. Vesell Endowment helped support this research. Katie Bohn @penn_state Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research National Institutes of Health, Elliot S. Vesell Endowment
FARMAR, JORDAN Maccabi FOX Tel Aviv 1 Guard Height: 1.88 Born: 30 November, 1986 Nationality: United States of America Totals 8 6 163:43 71 13/26 14/36 3/6 1 18 19 22 6 15 1 1 11 10 64 Averages 8 6 20:27 8.9 50% 38.9% 50% 0.1 2.3 2.4 2.8 0.8 1.9 0.1 0.1 1.4 1.3 8 1 * at CSKA Moscow 28:32 17 3/6 3/5 2/2 3 3 3 2 1 2 4 17 2 * vs Unicaja Malaga 28:46 13 2/3 3/8 5 2 2 1 9 3 * vs Dinamo Banco di Sardegna Sassari 9:19 0/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 * at Brose Baskets Bamberg 20:58 5 1/4 1/5 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 vs Darussafaka Dogus Istanbul 25:18 10 2/5 2/5 5 2 2 2 7 6 * vs CSKA Moscow 10:00 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 7 * at Unicaja Malaga 19:15 13 2/4 3/7 1 1 2 2 1 3 9 10 at Darussafaka Dogus Istanbul 21:35 13 3/4 2/4 1/4 7 7 2 2 1 3 16 8 Totals 163:43 71 13/26 14/36 3/6 1 18 19 22 6 15 1 1 11 10 64 Average 20:27 8.9 50% 38.9% 50% 0.1 2.29 2.4 2.8 0.8 1.9 0.1 0.1 1.4 1.3 8 Index rating 36 Anadolu Efes Istanbul vs. Olympiacos Piraeus 10/19/2012 Points 29 Anadolu Efes Istanbul vs. Brose Bamberg 3/14/2013 Offensive rebounds 3 Anadolu Efes Istanbul vs. Cedevita Zagreb 10/26/2012 Defensive rebounds 8 Anadolu Efes Istanbul vs. Olympiacos Piraeus 10/19/2012 Total rebounds 8 Anadolu Efes Istanbul vs. Olympiacos Piraeus 10/19/2012 Assists 9 Anadolu Efes Istanbul vs. Cedevita Zagreb 10/26/2012 Steals 4 Zalgiris Kaunas vs. Anadolu Efes Istanbul 3/21/2013 Blocks 1 Maccabi FOX Tel Aviv vs. Dinamo Banco di Sardegna Sassari 10/29/2015 Minutes 37 Anadolu Efes Istanbul vs. Brose Bamberg 3/14/2013 Played college basketball at UCLA (2004-06). Signed for the 2006-07 season by Los Angeles Lakers, during the season also played with Los Angeles D-Fenders, NBDL. Played with Los Angeles Lakers till the 2009-10 championship. Signed for the 2010-11 season by New Jersey Nets. Moved to Israel for the 2011-12 season, signed by Maccabi Tel Aviv. On December'11 back to New Jersey Nets. Moved to Turkey for the 2012-13 season, signed by Anadolu Efes Istanbul. Signed for the 2013-14 season by Los Angeles Lakers. Signed for the 2014-15 season by Los Angeles Clippers. In February'15 moved to Turkey, signed by Darussafaka Istanbul. Named the 2011-12 Euroleague Week-3 MVP. Won the 2009 and 2010 NBA with Los Angeles Lakers. Played the 2004 Nike Hoop Summit. Played the 2013 Turkish All Star Game. 2011-12 Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv 7 99 14.1 30/57 52.6 7/17 41.2 18/23 78.3 33 10 29 0 2012-13 Anadolu Efes Istanbul 29 399 13.8 93/197 47.2 48/121 39.7 69/80 86.3 105 22 113 2 2015-16 Maccabi FOX Tel Aviv 8 71 8.9 13/26 50 14/36 38.9 3/6 50 19 6 22 1 Totals 44 569 12.9 136/280 48.6 69/174 39.7 90/109 82.6 157 38 164 3 Averages 44 569 12.9 136/280 48.6 69/174 39.7 90/109 82.6 3.6 0.9 3.7 0.1 2015-16 Maccabi FOX Tel Aviv 1 5 5 0/1 0 1/2 50 2/2 100 1 0 5 0 Totals 1 5 5 0/1 0 1/2 50 2/2 100 1 0 5 0 Averages 1 5 5 0/1 0 1/2 50 2/2 100 1 0 5 0 2004/05 UCLA 29 383 13.2 86/190 45.3 34/102 33.3 109/136 80.1 101 41 153 3 2005/06 UCLA 37 498 13.5 109/231 47.2 63/189 33.3 91/127 71.7 95 41 189 9 2006/07 LA Lakers 72 320 4.4 79/157 50.3 45/137 32.8 27/38 71.1 119 44 137 7 D-Fenders 3 44 14.7 12/24 50 2/12 16.7 14/14 100 8 5 17 1 2007/08 LA Lakers 82 749 9.1 177/324 54.6 114/307 37.1 53/78 67.9 183 77 225 5 2008/09 LA Lakers 65 416 6.4 112/266 42.1 49/146 33.6 45/77 58.4 117 57 155 10 2010/11 New Jersey 73 701 9.6 146/347 42.1 109/304 35.9 82/100 82 173 61 368 6 2011/12 Maccabi 3 16 5.3 4/9 44.4 1/6 16.7 5/11 45.5 5 1 9 0 New Jesrey 39 406 10.4 92/190 48.4 55/125 44.0 57/63 90.5 61 24 129 2 2012/13 Anadolu Efes 22 302 13.7 72/135 54.1 33/94 35.1 57/71 80.3 68 21 90 2 2013/14 LA Lakers 41 416 10.1 81/204 39.7 70/160 43.8 44/59 74.6 104 38 199 8 2014/15 LA Clippers 36 167 4.6 26/61 42.6 35/97 36.1 10/11 90.9 43 20 67 5 Darussafaka 14 208 14.9 32/70 45.7 37/92 40.2 33/42 78.6 62 15 67 2
News / Scotland Woman reported over dog attack 10/06/2015, 1:44 pm Updated: 10/06/2015, 3:55 pm Police are trying to trace the Staffie and its owner A woman has been reported to the procurator fiscal over a dog attack on an elderly woman and her Jack Russell. The 78-year-old was walking her dog in Johnstone Avenue, Kilsyth, North Lanarkshire, at about 2pm yesterday when they were allegedly set upon by what was thought to be a Staffordshire terrier being walked by another woman. The woman was taken to Monklands Hospital in Airdrie for treatment while the Jack Russell was checked by a local vet. Police appealed earlier to try and trace the Staffie and its owner. A spokeswoman later said a 31-year-old woman has now been reported to the procurator fiscal in connection with the incident. staffordshire terrier
Evergreen Legacy Planning > Blog > Estate Planning > Why California is better than Colorado Why California is better than Colorado Okay maybe not. But couples in states like Texas and California have at least one important tax benefit most other couples don’t have. “Tax benefit” and “California” hardly belong in the same sentence but it’s true. The tax benefit is found in the federal tax treatment of what’s referred to as “community property.” It isn’t generally available to couples in non-community property states but like most things, we can plan for that. Nine states in the U.S. have community property laws for married couples: California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Idaho, Washington, and Wisconsin. The other states, including Colorado, are “separate property” states that create different legal rights and provide different tax treatment for married couples. This difference costs couples millions of dollars every year. Couples in community property states have a massive tax advantage when the couple owns highly-appreciated property and one of the spouses dies. Whether the property is stock in a closely held business, a successful equities portfolio, cryptocurrency, art, or other property that has increased significantly in value during the marriage, couples in community property states get a massive capital gains tax benefit when a spouse dies. When one spouse dies the surviving spouse gets a “step-up” in basis for capital gains tax treatment on the full value of the community property. This means that for capital gains tax purposes, all of the previously untaxed gain on the community property is wiped out and the tax basis is reset. If the surviving spouse sells the property soon after the first spouse’s death, he or she will completely avoid all state and federal capital gains tax on the sale! But couples in non-community property states don’t get the same deal. In a non-community property state, only half of the property gets a step up in basis: that part that is considered to be owned by the deceased spouse. The other part (treated as owned by the survivor) keeps its original tax basis. If the survivor then sells the property, there is no capital gains tax on the deceased spouse’s share, but there will be tax on the gain of the surviving spouse’s share. Here’s a quick example with numbers: Brian and Jen are married and live in Colorado. They started a solar company in 2008 and have done very well. They made $2 million in revenue in 2016 and they’re on track for $5 million this year. They expect the company’s value to be roughly 3 times revenue, or about $15 million if they were to sell by the end of the year. Tragically, Jen is killed in a car accident. She was the chief engineer and “brains” of the company and Brian can’t run it without her, so he decides to sell the company. What’s the tax result? Colorado is a non-community property state so half of the value of the company ($7.5 million) gets a new tax basis at Jen’s death. The other half (Brian’s “half”) has a tax basis of zero. As a result, Brian will pay roughly $300,000 in capital gains tax to the State of Colorado, and another $1,100,000 to the IRS. If Brian and Jen had done proactive planning, Brian would have $1,400,000 back in his pocket. Why? Alaska, South Dakota, and Tennessee all have special laws that allow couples who do not live in those states to strategically use the “elective” community property laws to avoid state and federal capital gains tax. This means that couples in Colorado (or any other non-community property state) can legally structure their assets to take advantage of the community property laws of another state. When we work with couples to structure a comprehensive legal strategy, we must address the potential capital gains tax implications of the future sale of their business or other appreciated property. For many clients in Colorado, a community property strategy under Alaska, South Dakota, or Tennessee law makes sense as part of their overall strategy. capital gains estate planning married couples state law tax
By David Vandervliet June 3, 2019 June 3, 2019 Features, Humor, Movies Coming to a theater near you: the all-new Mystery Science Theater 3000 Live: The Great Cheesy Movie Circus Tour! Join show creator and original host, Joel Hodgson, and the world’s greatest – and only – movie-riffing robots, Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, and Gypsy, as they take you on an exhilarating… Continue reading Tagged Crow T Robot, Joel Hodgson, Joel Robinson, Live, Mst3k, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Great Cheesy Movie Circus, Tom Servo, tour Kermit’s Got A New Voice By David Vandervliet August 29, 2017 August 29, 2017 Features, Humor, Television It ain’t easy being green. And Matt Vogel is about to find out how true that is. He has just become official voice of Kermit the Frog, the most famous muppet of all time. Here he is, making his debut, on the Muppets YouTube channel. Check it out below. Vogel… Continue reading Tagged Jim Henson, Kermit the Frog, Matt Vogel, Muppet Thought of the Week, The Muppets, Voice Return of The Last Jedi By David Vandervliet April 14, 2017 August 29, 2017 Features, Humor, Movies, Trailers Geeksville has been away for a while (more on that later) But with the return of our favorite Jedi, I couldn’t stay away, and had to share the teaser trailer, which was first screened at the Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, FL this weekend. Star Wars fans were treated to the… Continue reading Tagged BB-8, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley, General Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamil, Rey, Star Wars, The Last Jedi, Trailer
← Alumni class notes, Summer 2012 School introduces new parent, spouse newsletter → by Coastal Law | August 8, 2012 · 2:49 pm Appellate courtroom renamed in honor of landmark gift Illustration by Karen Kurycki Florida Coastal School of Law’s appellate courtroom has been named The Martha and Irving Sonnenschein Appellate Courtroom following a generous donation from one of the law school’s earliest advocates. Irving Sonnenschein, a 92-year-old attorney living in Manhattan, put seed money toward the school when it was first established and has stayed in touch with its leadership over the years. In memory of his wife, Martha, Sonnenschein made a $250,000 endowed scholarship gift to the school that will generate scholarships for students for years to come. In honor of his gift and his appreciation for the accomplishments of Coastal Law’s nationally ranked Moot Court team, the appellate courtroom will be renamed in his honor and in memory of his wife, Martha. “My wife was interested in Florida Coastal because she thought it was interesting to see how this law school had grown from a thought in the minds of unrelated people to this building with people and professors and students — the school came to mean a lot to her,” Sonnenschein said. “When she died, I thought it would be something she would appreciate — to name the moot courtroom after her and me, that’s why I did it.” Sonnenschein has been practicing law, primarily real estate law, for more than 70 years. He received his degree from Columbia Law School in New York City. Sonnenschein is a member of the New York State Bar and was a longtime partner in Sonnenschein Sherman & Deutsch LLP. His wife, Martha, passed away three years ago. The Florida Coastal School of Law Foundation’s scholarship committee is in the process of advertising for applicants, and the school hopes to make its first-ever fund distribution to students before summer’s end. The scholarship will be given annually to students who exhibit leadership in legal education through their academics and extracurricular activities — including law review, pro bono service, mock trial and moot court participation. The school’s moot court team, which has consistently maintained a top ranking, this year ahead of schools like Columbia and Duke universities, is an example of what Florida Coastal is doing right to prepare students for success in the legal field, according to Sonnenschein. Many prestigious law schools around the country have historically lacked a focus on gaining practical courtroom experience prior to graduation, Sonnenschein said. Foundation launches annual scholarship fund A Conversation with Linsay Warren, Coastal Law Class of 2007 “One of the problems with many law school educations — at least when I went to law school 70 years ago — is that you didn’t get much practical experience; you did not get the equivalent of what a doctor gets in an internship,” Sonnenschein said. “The moot court does give you at least some of that — the moot court experience is an important part of learning to become a lawyer.” Margaret Dees, director of institutional advancement for Florida Coastal, said the courtroom name and scholarship are a gratifying “statement of approval for what we do and how we do it.” “It is an amazing gift for such a young school to get such a generous donation,” Dees said. The fact that Sonnenschein has no Jacksonville connection with the exception of his initial gift speaks well for the school and its accomplishments. “It feels good that somebody thought well enough of what we’re doing here and how we’re doing it that they’re willing to support the school’s future at this level.” Florida Coastal officials hope to host Sonnenschein on campus in the coming year to meet students and faculty. Sonnenschein also is expected to play a lead role in selecting scholarship recipients. “You don’t get gifts like this unless you’re doing something right,” Dees said. “It is even more special that it comes from someone who didn’t go to school here and has decades of experience practicing law, but could see the quality of the work and lawyers we are producing.” To directly support Florida Coastal student scholarships, make your gift online now. Comments Off on Appellate courtroom renamed in honor of landmark gift
19:30Sheffield United Manchester City Goran Causic statistics Statistics of current season Goran Causic Change league: All leagues Premier League Cup Europa League EURO U-21 Goran Causic plays the position Midfield, is 27 years old and 180cm tall, weights 75kg. How many goals has Goran Causic scored this season? In the current season Goran Causic scored 2 goals. In the club he scored 2 goals ( Premier League, Cup, Europa League ). Goran Causic this seasons has also noted 1 assists, played 1591 minutes, with 14 times he played game in first line. Goran Causic shots an average of 0.11 goals per game in club competitions. Last season his average was 0.1 goals per game, he scored 1 goals in 10 club matches. In the current season for Arsenal Tula Goran Causic gave a total of 14 shots, of which 4 were shots on goal. Passes completed Goran Causic is 84 percent. Images Goran Causic Statistics Goran Causic 2019/2020 18 2 0 1 1591' 14 3 1 2 0 14 4 19 9 480 84% 0 Premier League Arsenal Tula 15 2 0 1 1297' 12 3 0 1 0 14 4 19 9 480 84% 0 Europa League Arsenal Tula 2 0 0 0 180' 2 0 0 1 0 - - - - - - - 2018/2019 10 1 0 0 815' 7 0 3 1 0 6 0 6 3 218 72% 0 Champions League FK Crvena zvezda 5 409' 3 0 2 1 0 5 1 78 72% 0 Super Liga FK Crvena zvezda 1 0 0 ' 0 0 - - - - - - - Premier League Arsenal Tula 5 0 0 0 406' 4 0 1 1 0 5 0 1 2 140 73% 0 2017/2018 27 3 0 1 2763' 25 6 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 Premier League Arsenal Tula 27 3 0 1 2763' 25 6 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 2016/2017 29 1 0 2 2499' 22 3 5 4 0 11 4 37 19 799 82% 0 Copa del Rey Osasuna 2 46' 0 0 1 - - - - - - - La Liga Osasuna 27 1 0 2 2453' 22 3 4 4 0 11 4 37 19 799 82% 0 2015/2016 28 0 0 0 1135' 6 7 4 6 1 - - - - - - - Super Lig Eskisehirspor 25 0 0 0 1009' 6 6 3 6 1 - - - - - - - Cup Eskisehirspor 3 0 0 0 126' 0 1 1 0 0 - - - - - - - 2013/2014 2 4 0 0 90' 1 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - 1. Lig Manisaspor 3 0 0 ' 0 0 - - - - - - - Cup Eskisehirspor 2 1 0 0 90' 1 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - 2012/2013 24 3 0 0 1370' 5 10 4 0 1 - - - - - - - Super Lig Eskisehirspor 17 0 0 0 866' 3 7 3 0 0 - - - - - - - Super Liga Rad Beograd 2 0 0 ' 0 1 - - - - - - - Arsenal Tula 0-1 Zenit St. Petersburg
86 Fast Car Facts Published September 3, 2017Updated August 15, 2019 The year 1886 is considered to be the birth of the modern car. In that year, German inventor Carl Benz built a modern automobile called the Benz Patent-Motorwagen.[4] Sir Alec Guinness warned James Dean one week before he died not to get into his new Porsche 550 Spyder or “You’ll be dead in it by this time next week.”[15] There are currently over 1 billion cars on the earth.[16] The United States has more cars than any other country in the world, at 300 million. China comes in a distant second, at 78 million.[22] Holding a remote car key to your head doubles its range because the human skull acts as an amplifier[15] One out of 4 cars in the world come from China.[24] Good vibrations (contrastaddict / iStock) The exhaust frequency of the Maserati Quattroporte is 333 HZ, which is a frequency level that supposedly stimulates the sexual arousal in women.[26] Inventor Mary Anderson (1866-1953) invented the first effective windshield wiper. They were initially considered a distraction.[15] In Christopher Nolan’s film Batman, Bruce Wayne drives a Lamborghini Murcielago. In Spanish, Murcielago means, “bat.”[15] For many cars, the “new car smell” is actually toxic. It is composed of over 50 volatile organic compounds.[11] The BMW logo derives from the company’s origin as an airplane manufacturer. The now iconic blue and white “target sign” represents a spinning white propeller against a blue sky.[12] A single car has about 30,000 parts. About 80% of a car is recyclable.[9] The Hennessey Venom GT is the fastest car in the world at 265.7 mph.[15] Approximately 75% of the cars that Rolls Royce has produced in its history are still on the road.[15] Washington D.C. has the worst traffic in the United States, with commuters waiting 82 hours a year in traffic.[6] If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day Weekend. - Doug Larson The last car with a cassette player was the Ford Crown Vic in 2011.[15] The names of all Lamborghini’s cars are derived from the world of bullfighting. The Diablo and Murcielago are both the names of famous bulls, while the Estoque is the style of sword that Matadors use.[12] The heaviest limousine weighs over 50,000 pounds. It has 3 lounges, a bar, and can carry up to 40 people.[15] The word “car” is from the Latin carrum, which originally meant a “two-wheeled Celtic war chariot.” The Latin is further derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *kers- “to run.”[3] A car is stolen in the United States every 45 seconds.[28] A steering wheel gives a driver more control over the vehicle and requires less energy than a lever The first cars didn’t have a steering wheel. People had to steer them with a lever.[15] A dashboard was initially a piece of wood attached to a horse drawn carriage to prevent mud from splattering up from the horses and onto the driver.[16] The “Flatmobile” holds the record for the world’s lowest street-legal car at just 19 inches high.[15] The most often stolen car in the United States is the Honda Accord. Rounding out the top five are the Honda Civic, the Ford Pickup (full size), the Chevrolet Pickup (Full Size), and the Toyota Camry.[28] Approximately 5 months of a person’s life is spent waiting in a car at red lights.[10] About 165,000 cars are produced each day, which is equivalent 60 million cars per year.[24] Daniel Craig, as a reward for playing James Bond, can take any Aston Martin from the factory for the rest of his life.[15] Lamborghini gave the Italian state the world’s fastest police car in 2008. It had a video surveillance system, gun racks, a defibrillator, and an organ transplant cooler. They crashed it a year later.[15] In 1668, Ferdinand Verbiest, a Flemish member of a Jesuit mission in China, constructed the first known automobile. It was just 2-feet long and steam powered.[4] U.S. highway congestion costs over $160 billion a year, including wear and tear on vehicles, gas burned while idling, and lost productivity.[6] More men than women die each year in car accidents, most likely because men typically drive more miles than women and are more likely to engage in riskier driving practices.[7] Men drive about 40 percent more miles per year than women In 2014, over 87 million cars were produced around the world. In China alone, over 14 million cars were manufactured. Japan and Germany rounded out the top three car-producing countries, at over 7 million and 5 million, respectively.[24] Chevrolet introduced the first car radio in 1922, with a huge price tag of $200. Many safety agencies believed the radio was distracting and sought to ban them from cars.[4] If the odds of dying from all possible causes are 1:1, the odds of dying from a motor vehicle crash in the United States is 1:112.[27] The first speeding ticket was issued in 1902. At this time, most cars could only drive up to 45 mph.[3][16] The best selling car of all time is the Toyota Corolla, with over 30 million sales since 2009. One Corolla is sold every 40 seconds around the world.[23] The most expensive street-legal car in the world is the Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita, at $4.8 million. It is literally coated in diamonds. There are just 3 in existence.[8] Hyundai Tucson offers a special “The Walking Dead” edition. It contains a zombie survival kit, in case of an apocalypse.[15] The BMW M5 engine is so quiet that fake engine noises are played through the speakers in order to remind buyers of their cars’ performance levels.[15] Bertha Benz was the first person to drive an automobile over a long distance The first long distance car driver in the world is Bertha Benz (1849-1944), the wife and business partner of automobile inventor Carl Benz.[4] Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Ducati, and Porsche are all owned by Volkswagen.[15] It is a criminal offense to drive around Russia in a dirty car.[15] There are more cars than people in Los Angeles.[15] Many of Volkswagen’s cars are named after various types of wind. For example, The Passat, is German for “trade wind,” Polo is German for “polar Winds,” and the Jetta means “jet stream.”[15] A man in Springfield, Massachusetts drove his 1928 Rolls-Royce Roadster for an impressive 82 years.[16] The first person killed by a car in America was Henry Hale Bliss (1830-1899) in 1899. He was leaving a streetcar in New York City when an electric powered taxicab hit him and crushed his head and chest.[16] The first electric traffic lights were launched in 1927.[16] The first Ford cars made actually had Dodge engines.[2] Airbags move at up to 4500 miles per hour and deploy within 40 milliseconds of a crash. They are designed to deploy at an impact speed of 19 miles per hour.[15] The largest speeding fine ever was $1,000,000. It was given to a Swedish man who was going 180 mph in Switzerland, where fines are proportional to income.[16] In the United States, the average commuter spends over 42 hours a year stuck in traffic. In 1982, the average was 16 hours.[6] A regular rush-hour driver wastes an average of 99 gallons of gasoline a year due to traffic Although Henry Ford (1863-1947) did not invent the modern car or the assembly line, he was the first to manufacture a car that many middle-class Americans could afford. His introduction of the Model T automobile in 1908 revolutionized transportation and American industry.[2] South African BMWs have flamethrowers as an option to prevent car-jackings.[16] Toyota is the world’s largest car manufacturer. Each day it produces about 13,000 cars. Ferrari, in contrast, produces a maximum of 14.[24] Engineers in Germany have created a “Brain Driver,” which is a car that can be driven with thoughts alone. A Brain Driver’s headset consists of 16 sensors that monitor electric signals from the brain.[5] Americans weigh on average 24 pounds more than they did in 1960, which has added up to an additional 39 million gallons of gas consumed annually.[13] Passenger cars alone consume 359 million gallons of gas each day just in the United States.[13] Mechanophilia is treated as a crime in some nations Mechanophilia is a sexual attraction to cars and other mechanical objects. One man, Edward Smith, has admitted to having sex with over 1,000 cars. His current “girlfriend” is a Volkswagen Beetle named “Vanilla.”[14] As symbols of autonomy, the American car symbolically liberated women before they could vote. Early women drivers, however, were widely scorned by their male counterparts.[13] Over 250 million car tires are discarded each year.[15] Ralph Teetor (1890-1982) invented an effective cruise control for cars in the 1940s after becoming frustrated with the way his lawyer would speed up and slow down frequently. In addition to being a prolific inventor, he was also blind.[17] Electric cars are not new. In fact, in 1900 38% of cars were electric, 40% were steam, and 22% were powered by gasoline.[13] The top 5 cars that get tickets in the U.S. are 1) Subaru WRX, 2) Pontiac GTO, 3) Scion FR-S, 4) Toyota Supra, and 5) Subaru Tribeca.[21] People who take the public transit systems rather than their cars are, on average, 5 pounds lighter.[13] The car company Chevrolet is named after the company’s co-founder Louis Chevrolet, a Swiss-born car racer.[12] Using a cell phone while driving a car increases the chances of an accident by 20 times. Looking at a cell phone for just 5 seconds is like driving down a football field at 55 mph--without looking.[19] Cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year The name “BMW” stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke, or Bavarian Motor Works.[12] The name “Hyundai" means “the present age” or “modernity” in Korean.[12] The car company Mazda’s name derives from “Ahura Mazda,” the Zoroastrian God of reason and intelligence. The stylized “M” in their logo symbolizes flight toward the future.[12] Before the advent of the car industry, over 15,000 horses were left to rot on the streets of New York every year. Consequently, automobiles were seen as an environmentally friendly alternative.[4] The six stars in the Subaru logo are a reference to Pleiades, a cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus. Subaru is also Taurus’s name in Japanese.[12] Volvo is Latin for “I roll.” Its logo is a circle with an arrow pointing out, which is an ancient chemical symbol for iron. It is also one of the oldest ideograms in Western culture.[12] Nearly half of all injuries and deaths in motor vehicle accidents could be prevented by simply wearing a seat belt When Volvo invented the modern three-point seatbelt 50 years ago, they made the patent open and free to all car manufacturers. Seat belts now save over 13,000 lives in the U.S each year.[20] Mercedes’ three-point star in its logo represents its mission to make transportation easier on land, on water, and in the air.[12] The intersecting ovals in the Toyota logo symbolize the trust between Toyota and its customers. The ovals also form the letter “T” for Toyota.[12] Nearly 1.3 million people die in car crashes each year around the world, which equals about 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million people are injured or disabled each year.[1] Car crashes rank as the 9th leading cause of death and account for 2.2% of all deaths globally.[1] Over 90% of all road fatalities occur in low and middle-income countries. Ironically, these countries have less than half of the world’s vehicles.[1] Statistics show that there is a 1 in 4 chance that a car accident in the United States involved a cell phone.[19] The Porsche logo features the colors of the German flag, the name of the city where the company is based (Stuttgart), and also depicts an image of a horse to denote power and speed. The word “Stuttgart” literally translates into “stud farm.”[15] Car crashes cost $518 billion globally and cost individual countries 1-2% of their annual GDP.[1] In the United States, over 37,000 people are killed in road crashes each year, with an additional 2.35 million injured or disabled.[1] BMW had to recall their GPS system model cars. The reason: male German drivers refused to take directions from a female voice.[15] Roughly one million animals are killed are American roadways per day Millions of vertebrate animals are killed--each week--on U.S. roadways.[18] Car insurance companies state that the average driver will get into about 3-4 accidents during their lifetime. In other words, a driver will file a claim for a collision about once every 17.9 years.[25] Famous people who have died in car accidents include Princess Diana (1997), James Dean (1955), Jayne Mansfield (1967), Paul Walker (2013), Jackson Pollock (1956), Grace Kelly (1982), Linda Lovelace (2002), General George Patton (1945), Harry Chapin (1981), and Lisa (Left Eye) Lopes (2002).[15] #Amazing #Chilling #Educational #FactOfTheDay #Fun #Historical #Important #Interesting #LittleKnown #MindBlowing #Random #Sad #Serious #Shocking #AdultFacts #KidFriendly #SchoolProject #Dazzling #Funny #Surprising #Unique #Electronics #Innovations #Technology #NationalNameYourCarDay #Cars #Automobile #AmazingStatistics #Cellphones #Accidents #Index 1“Annual Global Road Crash Statistics.” Association for Safe International Travel. 2016. Accessed: February 12, 2016. 2Brinkley, Douglas. Wheels for the World: Henry Ford, His Company, and a Century of Progress. New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2003. 3“Car.” Online Etymology Dictionary. 2016. Accessed: February 12, 2016. 4Coffey, Frank and Joseph Layden. America on Wheels: The First 100 Years: 1896-1996. Santa Monica, CA: General Publishing Group, 1996. 5Eveleth, Rose. “Mind-Control: ‘I Drove a Car With My Thoughts.” BBC. June 20, 2014. 6Forsythe, Jim. “U.S. Commuters Spend about 42 Hours a Year Stuck in Traffic Jams.” August 25, 2015. Accessed: February 6, 2016. 7“General Statistics.” Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data institute. 2016. Accessed: February 12, 2016. 8Hard, Andrew. “Dream Wheels: The Top 10 Most Expensive Cars in the World.” Digital Trends. August 11, 2015. Accessed: February 12, 2016. 9“How Many Parts is Each Car Made of?” Toyota. 2016. Accessed: February 6, 2016. 10Huntingford, Steve. "New Research Suggests British Motorists Spend a Fifth of Their Average Daily Drive Waiting at Red Lights." Telegraph. April 15, 2016. Accessed: September 4, 2017. 11Jaslow, Ryan. “New Car Smell is Toxic, Study Says: Which Cars are Worst?” CBS News. February 15, 2012. Accessed: February 6, 2016. 12Love, Dylan. “The REAL Meaning Behind 11 Car Company Logos.” Business Insider. May 31, 2011. Accessed: February 12, 2016. 13Lutz, Catherine and Anne Lutz Fernandez. Carjacked: The Culture of the Automobile and its Effects on Our Lives. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 14“Man Admits to Having Sex with 1,000 Cars.” Telegraph. May 21, 2008. Accessed: February 9, 2016. 15Paxinos, Sam and Hannah Jones. 101 Amazing Facts about Cars. Car Fact Lover: Amazon Digital Services LLC, 2014. 16Perez, Jeff. “50 Quirky Car Facts that Will Blow Your Mind” Yahoo Autos. July 1 2103. Accessed: February 9, 2016. 17“Ralph Teeter and the History of Cruise Control.” American Safety Council. 2016. Accessed: February 9, 2016. 18Schaul, Jordan Carlton. "Road Deaths May Be the No. 1 Threat to Wildlife." National Geographic. April 25, 2011. Accessed: Septe 3, 2017. 19Schumaker, Erin. “10 Statistics that Capture the Dangers of Texting and Driving.” Huffington Post. June 8, 2010. Updated July 7, 2015. Accessed: February 12, 2016. 20“Seat Belts Save Over 13,000 Lives Every Year.” Traffic Safety Marketing. March 2010. Accessed: February 9, 2016. 21Sederholm, Jillian. “These Cars Get the Most Traffic Tickets.” NBC News. September 30, 2014. Accessed: February 9, 2016. 22Tencer, Daniel. “Number of Cars Worldwide Surpasses 1 Billion; Can the World Handle This Many Wheels?” Huffington Post. August 23, 2011. Updated February 19, 2013. 23"Top 10 Most Popular Cars of All Time.” AutoInsurance. 2016. Accessed: February 12, 2016. 24“Total Cars Produced in the World.” Statistic Brain. 2016. Accessed: February 6, 2016. 25Toups, Des. “How Many Times Will You Crash Your Car.” Forbes. July 27, 2011. Accessed: February 12, 2016. 26"‘Vroom’ Revs up Women’s Interest, Maserati Says." Washington Times. December 19, 2008. Accessed: September 3, 2017. 27“What are the Odds of Dying From . . . ?” National Safety Council. 2016. Accessed: February 12, 2015. 28Whitten, Sarah. “The Ten Most Stolen Vehicles of 2014—Is Yours on the List.” CNBC. September 28, 2015. Accessed: February 9, 2016. 50 High-tech Facts about Apple Inc. and Mac Discover what you need to know about the creators and technology behind iPhone, Macs, iPads, iTunes, and more from our interesting Apple and Mac facts. 47 Radioactive X-Ray Facts The discovery of X-rays revolutionized the fields of physics and medicine. Learn more interesting X-ray facts, including history, statistics, and trivia. 28 Informative Cyberbulling Facts Bullying looks a little different in the technological age, but our cyberbulling facts prove just how harmful it can be. Read on to learn more about it. 61 Fascinating Facts about Earthquakes Earthquakes kill approximately 8,000 people each year. Explore more interesting facts about the biggest, baddest, and most (in)famous earthquakes here.
2 FTSE 100 stocks I’d buy for my ISA right now Kevin Godbold | Monday, 29th July, 2019 | More on: NMC SKG I’m always looking for decent shares to add to my retirement portfolio and find these two from the Footsie to be attractive with a long-term holding period in mind. In the oil-rich nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council, the FTSE 100’s NMC Health (LSE: NMC) operates as a private healthcare provider. The company has been growing fast both organically and via acquisitions while throwing out some decent-looking annual advances in the numbers for revenue and earnings. Over the past five years, revenue has shot up almost 300% and earnings have moved around 285% higher. Over that period, shareholders have enjoyed a more than 400% advance in the share price at today’s 2,491p. The shares did go higher than 4,000 in the summer of 2018 but have since dropped back. I think the correction is a good thing because it takes some froth out of the valuation. Big growth stories like this tend to attract wide attention from investors, and part of the rise in the stock happened because of a valuation up-rating. Indeed, NMC was priced for growth. And growth remains firmly on the agenda. City analysts following the firm expect earnings to advance by percentages measured in the high twenties to early thirties this year and next year. Back in March in the full-year results report, chief executive Prasanth Manghat said the company “remains ideally positioned to capitalize on growth opportunities in its key markets.” Meanwhile, we can pick up a few of the shares on a forward-looking earnings multiple for 2020 of just over 15. Given the growth on offer, that valuation works for me, and I’m tempted to slip a few shares into my retirement portfolio to hold for the long term. Paper-based packaging In today’s world, it’s hard for me to imagine the demand for paper-based packaging drying up, which is one reason I’m keen on the FTSE 100’s Smurfit Kappa Group (LSE: SKG). The company’s website explains that the firm is a big producer of corrugated packaging, containerboard and ‘bag in box’ in Europe, and is the only “Pan-American” producer of containerboard and corrugated packaging. Over the past five years, revenue has grown around 15%, but the company has managed to squeeze out a more than 100% rise in earnings. Shareholders have been rewarded for the firm’s success with a lift in the dividend of about 85% in the period. On top of that, the share price trades just over 100% higher than it did five years ago. In May, chief executive Tony Smurfit said in a trading update: “While there is invariably political and economic risk, we confidently expect to deliver another year of progress.” We’ll get a further update regarding the outlook with the half-year results due on 31 July. Meanwhile, the shares trade with a forward-looking earnings multiple just over 10 for 2020 and the anticipated dividend yield is around 3.7%. I’m tempted by the stock. You Really Could Make A Million Of course, picking the right shares and the strategy to be successful in the stock market isn't easy. But you can get ahead of the herd by reading the Motley Fool's FREE guide, "10 Steps To Making A Million In The Market". The Motley Fool's experts show how a seven-figure-sum stock portfolio is within the reach of many ordinary investors in this straightforward step-by-step guide. Simply click here for your free copy. Kevin Godbold has no position in any share mentioned. The Motley Fool UK has recommended NMC Health. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. See all posts by Kevin Godbold
Fantasy Football Diehards | Diehards Post Season Rankings Resrces Snap Count DFS Lineup Tool Points Allowed Add / Drop Free Agency Target Stats NFL Schedule Team Rushing Redzone Target Redzone Diehard's Staff Fantasy Best Ball Archive Articles DraftKings Lineup Optimizer FanDuel Lineup Optimizer DraftKings Salaries & Value Factors FanDuel Salaries & Value Factors Free Agency Tool Player Capsules Ranking Charts Second Half Trends DDT Draft Tool Position: QB Team: WAS DOB: 05/07/1984 Alex Smith Being Traded To Redskins; Cousins To Test Free Agency Roster-Move Roundup: Rams Boot Bruce; 49ers Secure Smith Fantasy Notebook: Smith Ready To Move Past Turner 2005 Rookie QBs: Smith Best Bet Among Fantasy Prospects... Alex Smith Hopes To Play Again... At Some Point Redskins Still Won't Rule Alex Smith Out, But He's Not Playing In 2019 Thompson: Teammates Know Alex Smith Won't Play This Season Allen Dismisses Notion Redskins Are Counting Alex Smith Out This Season Gruden Will Still Be Washington's Play Caller Redskins Promote Kevin O'Connell To OC Report: Redskins Expect Alex Smith To Miss Entire 2019 Season Redskins Optimistic Alex Smith Will Play Again Alex Smith's NFL Future In Doubt Alex Smith Suffers Compound Fracture Cmp/Att TDs/I rsh/yds 2018 11 32 205/328 2180 10/5 41/168 1 172 2017 15 6 341/505 4042 26/5 60/355 1 348 2013 15 308/508 3313 23/7 75/431 1 306 2010 11 27 204/342 2510 14/10 18/60 0 188 (Month:Week) 2018 Stats | WAS Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TOT TM Snap % 100% 100% 100% - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 68% - - - - - - 96% rshYds 14 14 20 - 7 13 16 13 22 16 33 - - - - - - 168 rushes 8 4 7 - 2 6 4 3 1 2 4 - - - - - - 41 rshTDs 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - 1 pasYds 255 292 220 - 275 163 178 178 306 178 135 - - - - - - 2180 pasTDs 2 0 2 - 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 - - - - - - 10 INTs 0 0 1 - 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 - - - - - - 5 FScore 22 16 20 0 19 17 14 14 20 14 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 Opp @ ari ind gb bye @ no car dal @ nyg atl @ tb hou @ dal @ phi nyg @ jac @ ten phi 2017 Stats | KAN Week TM Snap % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - 100% rshYds 3 21 9 56 19 13 0 33 19 - 27 35 70 24 13 13 - 355 rushes 5 4 2 7 5 4 1 4 5 - 5 5 1 5 3 4 - 60 rshTDs 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 pasYds 368 251 155 293 324 246 342 202 263 - 230 199 366 268 231 304 - 4042 pasTDs 4 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 - 0 1 4 0 2 1 - 26 INTs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 2 1 0 1 0 0 - 5 FScore 34 18 16 30 30 17 29 17 22 0 12 16 41 14 20 20 0 342 Opp @ ne phi @ lac was @ hou pit @ oak den @ dal bye @ nyg buf @ nyj oak lac mia @ den TM Snap % 100% 100% 100% 100% - - 100% 39% - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 95% 95% rshYds 15 2 -3 2 - -1 7 9 - 13 10 2 -3 3 11 46 21 134 rushes 4 2 3 1 - 3 4 2 - 4 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 48 rshTDs 1 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 5 recYds 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 Tar/Rec 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 TM Tar% 0% 0% 0% 0% - - 0% 0% - 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% recTDs 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 pasYds 363 186 237 287 - 224 214 127 - 178 261 220 270 264 163 244 264 3502 pasTDs 2 0 1 2 - 0 2 1 - 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 15 INTs 1 0 0 1 - 0 0 0 - 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 FScore 32 9 15 21 0 11 19 11 0 9 23 15 17 16 14 25 28 270 Opp sd @ hou nyj @ pit bye @ oak no @ ind jac @ car tb @ den @ atl oak ten den @ sd Alex Smith 2018 Outlook Considering the decision to let Kirk Cousins walk, there's only one thing HC Jay Gruden could really say about the change at QB: The Redskins are better. And that's what he said to reporters at the owners meetings in March. "Yeah, without a doubt," Gruden said when asked if Washington is better off after trading for Smith. ... Of course, the Redskins need to say they're better off with Smith, otherwise they would be admitting a mistake. But they do like Smith and feel he's a better fit for their situation. For starters, he signed a long-term contract, something that wasn't going to happen with Cousins. They've also pointed to Smith's record with Kansas City -- the Chiefs were 50-26 with him as the starter. However, Smith would be the first to say he didn’t do it alone. Of the defenses he played with, four ranked among the top 10 in points allowed. The Redskins haven't had a defense finish top 10 in points allowed since 2008. But Gruden does like what Smith brings to Washington. He said the team can expand its offensive play-calling because of those skills. Rookie RB Derrius Guice upgrades the rushing attack and the team's tight ends should benefit from Smith's reliance on that position. Still, at the end of the day Smith will be hard-pressed to repeat last season’s fantasy success. When Smith posted his fourth-lowest passer rating of the season in the Chiefs' 18-16 home playoff loss to Pittsburgh -- and his coach, Andy Reid didn't offer a strong, immediate vote of confidence the day after the game -- the soon-to-be 33-year old wasn't surprised when chatter started increasing about finding his replacement. But here's what most didn't know: Shortly after the season came to an end, Reid conducted his customary exit interview and gave Smith the impression that he would be Reid's quarterback again in 2017. Indeed, Smith and Reid had multiple discussions about 2017, and where they both need to improve. Even though the team traded up to select Patrick Mahomes in the first round , Reid reinforced his message. "Alex is our quarterback -- there's no question about that or anything else," Reid said. Which means Smith appears to be locked in for another year as fantasy back-up fodder; a sure-starter for his NFL team and a player who is capable enough to get you through a bye week or injury emergency. Football Diehards Fantasy Nation © 2004-2020 FANTASY SPORTS PUBLICATIONS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
COMING SOON - "FIVE SMOOTH STONES...MARCHING TOWARD ARMAGEDDON, ONE BATTLE AT A TIME." IT'S OKAY TO FIGHT! Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that you are a young shepherd boy named David. Imagine you are standing in the Elah valley looking up on a hillside, a hillside which is barely visible from the mist which hovers over the valley floor. Imagine for a moment, that as you stand on the valley floor you can hear the early morning chirping of birds as the valley comes alive and the sun slowly rises above the hilltop. Now, keep your eyes closed and imagine that as you look up on the hillside a shadowy figure of a giant of a man begins to emerge from the mist. Imagine for a moment that the quiet of the early morning is broken with the billowing sound of the giant of a man named Goliath, a giant of a man who foolishly mocks the young shepherd boy sent by God to fight Goliath who has been sent to destroy the Israelites. Now imagine for a moment that the time has finally arrived to end Goliath’s mocking of God and you quietly reach down into your pouch of five smooth stones, and without hesitation you choose one large stone, load it in your slingshot, and almost instantly you release that first smooth stone which strikes Goliath who falls to the ground, forever silenced. Now, close your eyes and imagine for a moment that you are David only this time you are standing just below the steps of the capitol building in Washington, D.C., looking up on the capitol building which is barely visible from the mist which hovers over the mall. Imagine for a moment, that you can hear the early morning chirping of birds as the mall comes alive and the sun rises above the capitol building, exposing the statue known as Freedom which adorns the dome of the capitol building. Now imagine for a moment that the quiet of the morning is broken with the billowing sounds of a giant named Congress. Imagine for a moment that the time has finally arrived to end Congress’s mocking of otherwise god-fearing Americans, a Congress’s intent on destroying the freedoms given to us by God, freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment of our Constitution. Unfortunately, this time it is not just one giant that people of faith have to fight, it is five giants sent by Satan, each giant assigned to destroy the five freedoms which define America as a Christian nation, that is, freedom of speech; freedom of religion; freedom of press; freedom of assembly; and, freedom to petition our government. So, as you reach down into your pouch of five smooth stones, the question you need to ask yourself is whether you have the courage to step forward, the courage to stand in the gap, and the courage to face the giants Satan has sent to destroy America, a nation conceived and founded on a belief in God, a Christian nation which is marching toward Armageddon, one battle at a time. In the end, and at the beginning of this book, remember being a Christian does not mean you have to be a doormat. Remember, that like David the young shepherd boy sent to fight the giant of a man named Goliath, it is okay to fight. So, before turning the pages of the chapters that lie ahead, pick up your slingshot and your pouch of five smooth stones, and prepare yourself to face the giants that Satan foolishly believes will be able to defeat the army of David’s which God has raised up, an army of David’s who not only realize it is okay to fight, but an army of David’s who are not afraid to fight. TIME TO END THE FAUX DRUG WAR THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND FIVE SMOOTH STONES A TIME TO REMEMBER OUR TRUE AMERICAN HEROES
Search results for The Grudge A house is cursed by a vengeful ghost that dooms those who enter it with a violent death. American nurse, Karen Davis moves to Tokyo and encounters a vengeful supernatural spirit known as The Grudge that often possesses its victims. When a series of horrifying and mysterious deaths occur – with the spirit passing its curse onto each victim - Karen must find away to break the spell before she becomes the spirit's next victim. The film deals with three different episodes. The first one deals with a story of an artist and a daughter of a noble scholar; the second about the life of a talented flutist and his love; the third about the story of love between a ceramicist who was commissioned to make a ceramic for the royal family and his wife. A pair of aging boxing rivals are coaxed out of retirement to fight one final bout -- 30 years after their last match. Tales from the Grudge Tales from the Grudge is a series of three short segments that were released for The Grudge 2 promotion, with an introduction from one of the producers of The Grudge, Sam Raimi. The three shorts expand the curse of the Saeki house as it finds other ways to spread itself, affecting other victims. Jake, the sole survivor of The Grudge 2 massacre, is tortured by chilling visions of Kayako and Toshio that have led to his hospitalization. Jake's caretaker, Dr. Sullivan is determined to investigate his horrifying tales. She explores his Chicago home, finding another family on the brink of succumbing to the curse. It becomes clear that Jake's terrifying stories are true, and a mysterious Japanese woman may be the only hope of banishing the spirits forever...unless her plan destroys them all. In Tokyo, a young woman is exposed to the same mysterious curse that afflicted her sister. The supernatural force, which fills a person with rage before spreading to its next victim, brings together a group of previously unrelated people who attempt to unlock its secret to save their lives. Ju-on: The Grudge A mysterious and vengeful spirit marks and pursues anybody who dares enter the house in which it resides. Ju-on: The Grudge 2 While driving, the pregnant horror-movie actress Kyôko Harase and her fiancé are in a car crash caused by the Toshio's friend. Kyôko loses her baby and her fiancé winds up in a coma. Kyôko was cursed together with a television crew when they shot a show in the haunted house where Kayako was brutally murdered by her husband years ago. Grudge of the Moon Lady A woman is tricked into betraying her lover and her father is slain. She throws herself into a lake, but the legendary spirit inhabiting the lake takes possession of her body. 1 2 3 4 5 Next → Last >> Ip Man 4: The Finale 2019 One Piece: Stampede One Piece: Stampede 2019 Maleficent: Mistress of Evil 2019 Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood 2019 Gemini Man 2019
Customers boycotting Starbucks, Uber over travel ban By: Justin Boggs Copyright Getty Images Daniel Acker <p>A Starbucks Corp. coffee shop stands in Peoria, Illinois, U.S., on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017. Starbucks Corp. is expected to release earnings figures on January 26. Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg</p> Customers of Uber and Starbucks are planning boycotts because of the companies' responses to Donald Trump's executive order effectively banning citizens of seven countries from entering the United States. Uber customers have been deleting the mobile phone application en masse after Uber continued servicing rides to JFK Airport during a large protest there over the executive order. New York City's taxi drivers refused to service the airport Saturday evening in an act of solidarity with the protesters. Also, some Uber customers were upset that the company's CEO Travis Kalanick participated in an economic forum with Trump. Kalanick defended meeting with Trump in an email to employees on Sunday. "We’ve taken the view that in order to serve cities you need to give their citizens a voice, a seat at the table," Kalanick said. "We partner around the world optimistically in the belief that by speaking up and engaging we can make a difference. Our experience is that not doing so shortchanges cities and the people who live in them. This is why I agreed in early December to join President Trump’s economic advisory group." Kalanick added that the company estimates that 12 drivers are unable to return to the United States due to the travel ban. He said that Uber would pay for drivers' lost salaries and legal assistance. But some believe the gestures do not go far enough, and are opting to use Uber's top competitor, Lyft. Lyft was the fourth most downloaded app on Apple's App Store on Monday. So because @Uber provided rides to people at an airport and the CEO supports Trump, we need to #DeleteUber and hurt their employees. Okay. — Rob Dyke (@TheRobDyke) January 29, 2017 Meanwhile, Starbucks customers are boycotting the coffee chain for promising to hire 10,000 refugees across the world over the next five years. The program is similar to one Starbucks launched in 2014 to hire 10,000 US veterans by 2018. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said on Sunday that the company stands for refugees and children brought to the nation by parents who are undocumented immigrants. Schultz decried the administration's decision to stop refugees and immigrants from the seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. "In the face of recent events around the world, let me assure you that we will stay true to our values and do everything we can possibly do to support and invest in every partner’s well-being while taking the actions that are squarely within our ability to control," Schultz said in a statement. "This is our focus: providing a Third Place of respite for those around the world who seek it, daily." While Starbucks has received a lot of praise for taking its stand, some are encouraging a boycott of the company. Boycott Starbucks. Now is the time for American entrepreneurship! I will buy American and hire American! America first folks. — Vote Trump 2020 (@GoTrumpFL) January 30, 2017
Gunman in murder-suicide at UCLA identified as Mainak Sarkar By Jeffrey Thomas DeSocio WESTWOOD, Calif. (FOX 11 / CNS) - The UCLA campus will reopen Thursday and counseling will be offered to students and faculty following a day-long closure prompted by the slaying of a professor at the School of Engineering, apparently by a graduate student, who then shot himself to death. The gunman was Mainak Sarkar, news media sources reported. Sarkar was a Ph.D student and a current member of the Klug Research Group; Computational Biomechanics, at UCLA, according to a Klug Research Group publication. The murder victim was identified by students and colleagues as 39-year-old William Scott Klug of El Segundo, a father of two and associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering. Colleagues told the Los Angeles Times that Klug was both brilliant and kind. The shooting, which, for a time, triggered fears that at least one gunman was on a rampage, was reported shortly before 10 a.m. Wednesday in Boelter Hall, part of the Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the entire campus was placed on lockdown, along with three Los Angeles Unified School District schools nearby. The incident prompted a massive response involving three local police departments, two federal law enforcement agencies and the Los Angeles Fire Department. One of the responders -- the Los Angeles Police Department -- deployed some of its specialized units, including the SWAT team and the bomb squad, and the murder-suicide probe is now in the hands of Robbery Homicide. The LAPD went on tactical alert, meaning officers were kept on past the end of their shifts, as an intensive law enforcement sweep was carried out amid fears of an active shooter on the Westside campus. The initial reports of a shooting prompted the university to send a "Bruin Alert" to all students and staff notifying them to avoid the School of Engineering area or shelter in place. Some students reported via social media hunkering down in restrooms or classrooms, using anything they could -- belts, furniture -- to prevent entry from the outside. Even after the campus was deemed secure, all classes were canceled for the day, along with evening activities, but Scott Waugh, UCLA vice chancellor and provost, said campus operations would return to normal today -- except for engineering classes, which will be canceled for the rest of the week. Waugh said this weekend's and next week's final exams would not be disrupted. "We want to resume normal operations as quickly as possible so we will resume scheduled classes tomorrow morning," Waugh said Wednesday. "Faculty, staff and students should show up tomorrow and go through their regular routines and complete the quarter as planned. We will go ahead with commencement and final examinations over the next few weeks and hope to return our campus to normal and return the Bruin community to its normal operations. "This is a tragic event but it does show that with adequate preparation and good cooperation with all our law enforcement agencies, we can bring it to a successful close." The initial reports of a shooting prompted the university to send a "Bruin Alert'' to all students and staff notifying them to avoid the area or shelter in place. Via social media, some students reported hunkering down in restrooms or classrooms, unsure of there was an active shooter wandering the building. Photos posted on social media sites showed students using metal furniture, tables, belts -- anything they could find -- to secure doors because they did not lock from the inside. As police began clearing classrooms, students were seen walking from buildings, often with their hands raised and some being subjected to pat-downs as they left. Along with the LAPD and UCLA campus police, the FBI and federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives both dispatched agents to the campus. LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, in summing up what had happened, said late Wednesday morning that two men were found dead inside a small office in the building, and a gun was found nearby. "A homicide and a suicide occurred in the engineering part of the UCLA campus on the south side," Beck said. "It appears it is entirely contained." We believe there are no suspects outstanding, and no continuing threat to UCLA's campus." Beck said at least three shots were fired. He confirmed evidence was found at the scene "that could be a suicide note, but we do not know that at this point." Once the killings were determined to be a murder-suicide, police continued to thoroughly sweep through the building and several adjacent buildings "out of an abundance of caution," as Beck put it. Also responding to the scene were police from Santa Monica College, where a shooting spree occurred June 7, 2013, ending when officers killed the gunman in the campus library. Five other people died in that shooting. President Barack Obama was briefed aboard Air Force One about the UCLA shooting, according to the White House. Fairburn and Warner elementary schools and Emerson Middle School, all of which are located near UCLA, were placed on lockdown during the investigation, according to the Los Angeles Unified School District. Those schools returned to normal operations shortly after noon. According to Klug's online biography, he earned a bachelor's degree from Westmont College in 1998, a master's at UCLA in 1999 and a doctorate from Caltech in 2003. An account benefiting the Klug family has been established on the website, with more than $5,000 raised in the first two hours. Donations to the Klug family memorial fund can be made at: UCLA is making counseling services available to students, faculty and staff. Personnel are available now to offer assistance to students in the office of Counseling and Psychological Services or at the Staff and Faculty Counseling Center. Students can come together this afternoon and evening at the following designated healing spaces: Hedrick Lounge at 3:30 p.m., De Neve Plaza Room at 3:30 p.m., CAPS Large Conference Room at 5:00 p.m., Sproul Lecture Room at 7:00 p.m. The Staff and Faculty Counseling Center in suite 380 of the Wilshire Building, 10920 Wilshire Boulevard, will remain open tonight until 10 p.m. It will be open on Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. For information or appointments call 310-794-0245. Faculty and staff can also attend debriefings with counselors at the following times and locations: Luskin School of Public Affairs 2343 11 a.m-3 p.m. Moore Hall 100 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Luskin School of Public Affairs 2343 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Math Sciences 3915A 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. UCLA's Undergraduate Students Association Council also posted an announcement of a candlelight vigil on Thursday to their Facebook page. Copyright 2016 FOX 11 Los Angeles: Download our mobile app for breaking news alerts or to watch FOX 11 News | Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Be a citizen journalist for FOX 11 and get paid - download the Fresco News App today.
Toronto's old streetcars, a symbol of city, leave the rails Toronto (Canada) (AFP) Toronto, Canada's biggest city, is known for a few things: the iconic CN Tower, the ice Hockey Hall of Fame, great food from around the world and its historic streetcars. But by year's end, the trolleys will be retired and replaced with sleek new trams -- a decision that has been met with a mix of sentimental sadness and scorn. "I like these streetcars because they have a history in Toronto," says 37-year-old Kenneth, riding at the back of one of the old trams on line 511, running along Bathurst Street. "They're an icon." Toronto's original 19th century trolley cars were pulled by horses, before the cars were powered by electricity in the 1920s. The historic tall, narrow, red and white streetcars, formally known as Canadian Light Rail Vehicles (CLRV), were commissioned in the late 1970s. To board, riders must climb three big steps. To request a stop, one pulls down on a yellow cord pinned to windows running the length of the trolley car. Toronto is one of the rare major cities in North America, along with San Francisco, to have maintained major tramway networks. Lines still exist in a handful of cities including Cleveland and New Orleans. The Toronto system serves an average of 65 million riders a year. - 'Weird and unique' - Streetcars were once the main form of public transit in the continent's cities, but after World War II, cars and buses took over, and hundreds of kilometers (miles) of tracks were ripped out. After years of debate at city hall and under pressure from activists, Toronto decided in 1972 to maintain its network, which is now composed of 11 lines running through the heart of downtown. The old-time streetcars are now celebrated and an emblem of the city, appearing on t-shirts and posters in souvenir shops and on toy shelves. "Toronto can be a little bit plain sometimes, and streetcars are one thing that has made us kind of different," Mark Fiorillo, who has lived in the city his entire life, says with a hint of nostalgia. "No other streetcar looked like that: like beasts or tanks," he said. "They were quite cool." Fiorillo heads up a charity called CityFund, that focuses on getting Toronto residents to be more engaged in their city. With the support of the city's transit commission, Fiorillo launched an art project called "A Streetcar Named Toronto" -- a nod to the Tennessee Williams play. One of the old hulking trolley cars was splashed in brightly colored paint and is one of a handful still in circulation. The final day of service will be December 29. Most of the rest of the streetcars have already been replaced by new trams built by Bombardier. In 2009, the Montreal-based company won a contract from the city for more than Can$1 billion (US$750 million) to provide 204 new streetcars. After several delays, the company accelerated assembly work and promised to complete the order by the end of December. Nearly all of them have been delivered. - More passengers - For Scott Haskill, manager of project development at the transit commission, the old trams -- which were aging and not adapted to those with disabilities -- had "come to the end of their natural life." The new Flexy Outlook streetcars, with softer curved features that echo new Bombardier models already in use in Berlin and Brussels, have low floors and no steps. They are also longer and wider and can hold more passengers, Haskill told AFP. "We needed bigger streetcars because the routes are so busy and we needed more capacity," he explained. Not everyone is sad to see the old streetcars go. "I don't care," says Bernadette Beaupres, a 61-year-old commuter who rides public transit an hour each day and describes the experience as "absolutely horrible." Because the streetcars share space with cars and bicycles in a greater metropolitan area that is home to six million residents, they contribute to, as well as suffer from, gridlock. The new trams are "fancy looking," Beaupres admits as she steps off a new streetcar on Queen Street, which runs almost the entire length of the city. "But we're such a congested city that the streetcars are actually very slow," she said, adding that if one breaks down, 10 more will get stuck behind it on the track. According to the city's transit commission, most of the old streetcars are headed to the scrap heap. A few will be added to its collection, which includes models dating back to 1923 and 1951. Others will be displayed at specialized museums such as the Illinois Railway Museum near Chicago. And a handful are still available to hire for parties or weddings.
'Little Women' director 'sad' at awards snub of female filmmakers Top Hollywood woman director Greta Gerwig said she was "disappointed" that she had been snubbed by the Golden Globes, with the producer of her hit film "Little Women" blaming the "unconscious bias" of male movie critics. With the awards from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association about to kick off the Oscar season on Sunday, Gerwig told AFP she had been saddened to have been "bumped out" of the best director race. However, her adaptation of the much-loved novel by Louisa May Alcott won nods for best actress for its lead Saoirse Ronan and best music for French composer Alexandre Desplat. "Of course, I'm disappointed. I love the film that we made and of course it's lovely to be honoured," said Gerwig, one of only five women ever to be nominated for a best director Oscar for her last film, "Lady Bird". But the fact "Little Women" was completely ignored by the Screen Actors Guild awards has caused consternation among some in Hollywood. - 'Active hostility' - With the voters who chose the best films of the year overwhelming men, New York Times critic Janet Maslin tweeted her shock at the "active hostility about 'Little Women' from men I know, love and respect." Producer Amy Pascal echoed her uneasiness in an interview with Vanity Fair. She said women outnumbered men two to one at the screenings laid on for Academy members in the run up to the Oscar nominations. "It's a completely unconscious bias. I don't think it's anything like a malicious rejection," she said. However, "I don't think that [men] came to the screenings in droves, let me put it that way," Pascal added. Gerwig, 36, said that "there are so many beautiful films made by women this year, and so many worthy films... I want to give them a bunch of statues." She said there had been progress for women directors, but "it's still dreadful". "I think in the past couple of years it's got better. I think people have been more willing to take this risk of taking a chance on different voices, and different authors, writers and directors." - Hollywood's golden couple - The fallout from the Harvey Weinstein scandal had been positive, but the system was still skewed in favour of men, she said. "I think obviously movies are expensive, they take a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of people saying yes -- and most of those people are men," she told AFP. But she said there had been progress towards "the kind of world that I think Louisa May Alcott would have wanted, this more egalitarian world." "Feminism is not about exclusion, but about lifting everyone and finding a better form of masculinity, as well as more freedom and opportunity for women," the writer-director added. This week the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative said 10.6 percent of the top 100 Hollywood movies of 2019 were directed by women, a 13-year high and more than twice the previous year's figure. Gerwig, who first made her name as an actor and screenwriter, is one half of Hollywood's hottest couple at the moment. She had a son with her partner, fellow director and major awards season rival Noah Baumbach earlier this year. The pair, hailed as the "first couple of film" by the Hollywood Reporter, have worked on several movies together, including "Frances Ha". Baumbach's critically-acclaimed "Marriage Story" heads the Golden Globes race with six nominations, including for best film and one for him for best screenplay. The couple are also writing the script for live-action Barbie film together. It will have Australian Margot Robbie star playing the children's toy. Gerwig won the Golden Globe for best comedy in 2018 with "Lady Bird", set in her California hometown of Sacramento, which also starred Irish actress Ronan. "Little Women" is even more star-studded, with Meryl Streep, Timothee Chalamet and Laura Dern, who also has a memorable turn as a killer divorce lawyer in Baumbach's "Marriage Story".
Entertainment, Events, Reviews, Things To Do 0 TORUK Recreates World of Avatar in Atlanta By Cheryl Rodewig @cherylrodewig · On June 17, 2016 Watching TORUK – The First Flight on stage at the Infinite Energy Arena in Duluth doesn’t feel like watching a show. It’s more like a simulation experiment. The lights go down and rise again and when they do, you’re not in Georgia. You’re on Pandora. It makes sense. One of Cirque du Soleil’s newest shows, TORUK re-imagines the world of Avatar, the 2009 award-winning sci-fi film where humans could only step into the alien world through their avatar. If the experience is surreal, it’s no less mesmerizing. Cirque du Soleil pulls out all the stops to recreate the flora, fauna and people of Pandora. Photo: Jesse Faatz Costumes: Kym Barrett © 2015 Cirque du Soleil The scene is set thousands of years before the opening of Avatar, so you don’t need to have seen the movie to enjoy the show. The story involves three friends on a quest to find five mystic objects and then face the dragon-like creature known as Toruk to save the planet’s sacred Tree of Souls. Elaborate makeup and costuming recreate the blue-skinned warrior tribes with incredible realism. Photo: Youssef Shoufan Costumes: Kym Barrett © 2015 Cirque du Soleil This show is a little different from most other Cirque du Soleil performances. A narrator opens the story and fills the audience in at key points along the way. There are no clowns or comic vignettes sprinkled throughout as is common with Cirque. Instead, it’s a steady narrative with a definite and climactic ending. The story progresses against an elaborate backdrop. Light, shadow, projections, puppetry and more populate the world with animals and vivid color. Synchronized technology creates the illusion of natural phenomena like earthquakes, stars, fire, tides and waterfalls. The world famous Cirque du Soleil acrobats seem to defy gravity, moving seamlessly through the simulated world. There are nearly always several Na’vi performers on stage at a given time, so whether it’s tumbling or contortion, keep an eye out across the stage so you don’t miss any parts of the act. The show offers a companion app for free download to enhance the experience. Find it by searching for TORUK – The First Flight in your app store. Before the show, you can swipe through the world of Pandora searching for artifacts or go behind the scenes of the production. Once you arrive, you can check in by entering your show date and seat number. The app has a list of times throughout the show when you can open it for an interactive component that lets you create light or shows you an extended aspect to a scene from the show. TORUK – The First Flight is playing at the Infinite Energy Arena in Duluth through Sunday. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. each night through Saturday with an extra matinee at 4 p.m. Saturday and at 1:30 and 5 p.m. Sunday. Regular adult tickets start at around $43, but there are discounts for students, military and groups of 12 or more. Cirque does a good job of making sure every seat in the house is a good one, sending performers into the stands and spreading their show across the arena, so even if you’re farther from the stage, you’ll have a great view of this other-worldly spectacle. artcircuscirque du soleilduluthentertainmenteventsshows in Georgia Cheryl Rodewig Cheryl Rodewig is a storyteller, marketer and content creator. In her career, she shares stories on behalf of brands. She's also a published travel writer, sharing experiences from around the world. 29Rooms Expands Atlanta’s ‘Reality’ Through Sept. 8 Brawl for a Cause Journey Awards GALA Lantern Series Brings Top Musicians to Woodstock